#she deserved so much more screentime :c
palaceoftears · 5 months
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Minor Ladies Month - Beyhan Sultan × Quote
My mourning is over, sure, time has swept it away. But the heart can't forget some things, the heart can't forget even if you want to. I still do not have a husband, my children still don't have a father. Sometimes, they ask me "Why did our father die? Who killed him?". I become speechless, your majesty, I can not say a word. I can not say that my brother killed him.
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liv45no · 9 months
Heartstopper s2 spoilers ahead 🍂🍂
Hi. I am officially back from my dark kingdom in where I’ve been watching Heartstopper for the past four hours.
Let’s say I’ve made it through the entire season successfully without crying until Nick & Charlie’s talk in the last episode… that one really crushed me if anything else before hadn’t already.
This time they backed a bit off the comics like more than in season 1 but I still didn’t hate it. I loved that Isaac got his own chapter in where he learns more about himself (he deserved that screentime) and the prom 👌👌👌
The darker scenes were really it for me. Darcy’s fight with her mom, B*n H*pe, as mentioned the N&C talk.
I loved the teachers together!!! I’ve already liked their little story in the comics and know I love them even more. Grumpy x sunshine <333
The Paris trip - I begged those characters not to go to the Louvre but they did anyway (:(((). The thing is this was only the first step - I think season 3 isn’t going to hurt any less.
Tara is a swiftie?!!!! She has a folklore poster in her room and only one episode later they play “seven”?!?!?!! ihihihihihihi🩶🤍 looking back her being a folklore girl makes total sense (Darcy probably listens to reputation a lot)
And Imogen? I’m glad she stood her ground when Ben treated her like crap. She’s still so incredibly beautiful (her prom dress? hello?!), she’s got a new dog & also, it seems to be that our little “ally” might become much more than just an “ally”… ;DD
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he is all of us. We are all him.
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maryonaccross · 9 months
Hello, love your blog. I was wondering what are the things you would like to see in the next season(s) of HotD? Honestly, I'm not really hopeful and was quite disappointed how they handled some important characters and storylines in season 1, but I'll give a chance to season 2. If it disappoints me, well, at least I tried. The thing that worries me the most is the fact that it will only have 8 episodes because I think that could only harm the pacing. Anyway, here are some of the things I would like to see:
1. First of all, I want Alicent to stop being so apologetic and finally show some teeth. Team blank already hates her with passion and I want to see her acting for real like they were pretending she was acting in season 1. Let her be decisive, resentful of Rhaenyra, unconditionally supporting and protective of her children. I don't want to see any of "my old childhood friend" bullshit anymore. It was a good idea to start the story, but that is also something that should have been dead and buried long ago, especially after Driftmark. How could she actually approach Rhaenyra after the dinner and act all apologetic and humble again, even after that same "friend" asked for her maimed son to be "sharply questioned". No mother should get over it and I don't want to see "Rhaenyra is actually the most important to Alicent" narrative again. It would also be interesting to see the development of her relationship with Criston, not necessarily in a romantic way.
2. More Helaena screentime and her dreams/visions. I would like them to give her more importance and agency than she had in the book, especially after B&C. Explore her relationship with her family, make her an actual character, not just a "weird bug girl," "an innocent victim",...Same goes for Aemond and Aegon. I want to see Aegon as a complex character struggling with his new position, but also learning how to be more responsible and perceptive. Give me some intense scene between him and Aemond where they actually confront each other and finally express the way they see their place in the Targaryen family, how they cope(d) with their father's neglect, maybe discussion about Helaena and her abilities. I would really like to see some scenes between the green kids like the ones the Lannisters had in GoT, especially in the early seasons. This show needs something like that because it lacks depth when it comes to certain relationships. And yes, they better finally give Dreamfyre and Sunfyre the attention they deserve.
3. As for Aemond, I must say I'm not looking forward to his Harrenhal storyline, I prefer him in KL and interacting with his family. Furthermore, I'm not an Alys fan, when it comes to Aemond ships I'm more Rhaemond (will never become canon, I know) and Helaemond (might become canon, but not very likely) so I believe this Alysmond relationship will probably be something like Daemyra, deeply problematic and toxic, but quite popular among the fans. I just hope they won't make it some great love story because it won't make much sense imho. And of course, more scenes between him and Vhagar to show their bond and similarities. I'll never forgive them not including her roar when he lost an eye.
4. Give Baela and Rhaena more agency. Maybe some confrontation with their father and/or stepmother wouldn't hurt. If they really intend to depict Baela as Daemon no2 I'll probably hate her lol, but three is still hope for Rhaena. I've always imagined that she would be disgusted with B&C.
5. Include Sara Snow storyline. Regardless of what some people say, there are no romantic feelings between Jace and Baela imo and she will probably have another romantic interest, so why not give something to Jace to make his story more interesting? I don't believe in Cregan xJace and the way some TB fans defend that relationship as more acceptable and less harmful to his betrothal to Baela is ridiculous. Cheating is cheating, so why Sara isn't acceptable, but Cregan is? And anyway, that betrothal was forced upon them to cover for Rhaenyra's mistakes, so let Jace be rebellious for once, not just meek and dutiful. We've seen his darker side so they could explore that a bit more.
6. Please, don't make Nettles Daemon's daughter. Honestly, this is a tough one since their relationship was strange in the book too, but whatever they do, I hope they won't make her his daughter.
7. Don't make B&C a botched kidnapping or something. That would be too much and could actually make me stop watching
8. Show more cases of the dragons acting on their own, like Vhagar and Arax at Shipbreaker's Bay. Explore more "the idea that we control the dragons is an illusion". I want to see that on both sides, it would especially be interesting with the more experienced riders.
9. A good Rhaenyra vs Alicent confrontation scene. At least one.
10. No more Larys/Alicent scenes like the one in episode 9. Please.
Hey, thanks so much for the ask!
To be honest, you perfectly summarized everything I’d like to see in season two although my hopes are extremely low. The first season was a complete disaster with characters changing personalities every five seconds I don’t even want to know what they’ll turn season two into.
I think the only things I have to add are that I don’t want them giving all of Aegon’s storylines to Aemond. The writers have really gone out of their way to make Aegon as unlikable as possible and if it wasn’t for TGC’s efforts the character would be entirely unlikable. Aegon’s main redeeming quality in the books was his love for his family and his siblings so I’ll probably stop watching if they show him being in a brothel while blood and cheese happens, or if they’ll have Aemond executing them instead of Aegon.
Also, concerning blood and cheese, I have heard rumors/theories about how Dyana is supposedly going to be involved in it which I find absolutely atrocious. What are you trying to achieve at this point?? First you have to make him a rapist for some reason, and now you want to make his rape victim look like a terrible person by making her an accomplice to child murder.
I hate what they did to Beala in Rhaela, their inheritance was stolen and apparently they’re completely thrilled being the cupbearers of the woman their father married days after their mothers death and who is rumored to have killed their uncle. I hate how they took away all their agency and made them happy being married to Rhaenyra sons.
Most of all, I want the show to stop picking sides and nitpicking what they want to present as abuse and what they’re going to ignore (you can’t say anyone who supports Aegon is a rape apologist, while giving pedo wifekiller Daemon a free pass)
The only way to make the next season interesting is by depicting both sides as nuanced and morally Grey instead of making it into a good vs evil shit show 
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1, 2, 8, 15, 18, 20 and 23 for Nozel, if it's okay (since he was already asked).
MORE BRAIDBOY okay let's goooo
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
The general theme of this post will be: I like him, because he makes one think, and is a complex, well thought out character. And I like exploring his softer side too, especially since we don't see it a lot in canon.
He's one of The Poor Little Meow Meows of this fandom, but I mean that in the positive sense.
You kinda wanna slap him and hug him at the same time /lh (or maybe nip that hairclip off of his braid, comb his hair back with one's fingers and kiss him, as he's looking surprised, a bit appalled, and confused)
Anyways... he's just neat. I'm writing this post from the last point to thee first, so I know what I've written into the following points ^^'
He's someone who deserves retribution, and is trying to own up to his mistakes. And I want to see how the Silva redemption arc plays out
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
The complexity of his character. He's someone who... has had the very best intentions, but had no tools to handle the situation in which he was placed. He has done bad things, but he is a good person.
He just doesn't want to loose anyone else again
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
"Nozel deserves to die for how he treated Noelle!" "He's a shitty human being and he should [get treated in a horrendous way]" (sometimes including get treated horribly by Noelle) "He should think that Noelle died, so that he'd REALLY FEEL AWFUL"
Basically... just completely ignore the nuances of the story and write Nozel off as someone who is unworthy of redemption. There is a reason why I have a "Nozel protection squad" tag on my blog. As in, no one is saying that Nozel has done the right thing, because... he hasn't!? And his intention doesn't justify the means, but there is so much more to the story than just a shitty older brother.
He did bad things, but he isn't a bad person. And this is actually a rather complicated theme for a show that's aimed at teens/young adults (which is also why I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see this phenomenon). But I'd wish that it'd make people think. To see different aspects of the story.
Tabs has written the Silvas very well, and to brush off so much of the narrative is just... I don't like it.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
Hm, hm... I mean, prefer my mutuals' OC ships with him over any other (including my own oc ship, which I created 'cause I thought Nozel needs cuddles). Because they hit that right spot for me, but if we talk about canon characters (the ship being non-canon ones still because... they just are, there's no proved canon ship for him), I guess I like... Nozessa the best.
Dorothy is more of a good friend to Nozel (or a therapist, of a kind) than a companion/spouse, and I think that the relationship (in the word's extended meaning) is important just as it is. So, out of the options, I'd say Nozel x Vanessa to be my favourite between canon characters. (As said, I, personally, like oc pairings for him the most)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I really love the mother-son relationship he had with Acier (but also the angst that comes/came with it, and I applaud Tabs for the decisions he made). Acier really was the best mom, and she was raising a little gentleman, who since then wanted to protect his siblings, since he couldn't protect his mom.
Poor boy...
But I really, really like the mother-son relationship between Nozel and Acier from the little things we've seen
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
I really do think that he's best friends with Fuegoleon. So their friendship parallels (in a way) that of Asta and Yuno. And I think that they really could connect in such a wonderful manner if Nozel just let down his guard a little bit. By which I mean: talk! Really talk. Discuss. About things that aren't work related.
They're of similar age. Come from similar places in the society, so they have a lot of understanding for each other's struggles. They have similar job descriptions. There's so many similarities in their lives that they could really lend an ear to one and another.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Smiling Nozel, as a treat
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elina-sakura · 9 months
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Finally got around to make a tier list for the Master Detective Archives: Rain Code characters. Please note that these are just my opinion, and you are free to agree or disagree with me. Just please do not try to persuade my opinions to be in your favor (I hate that).
You’ve seen my posts, I love the entire Nocturnal Detective Family Agency characters and group. I’ve been writing fics about them, and I just want to see more of their group dynamic whether in fics or the DLC or any adaptations (anime or manga) that the team will hopefully do in the future.
And just to clarify, no I do not condone Desuhiko’s perverted nature nor do I even relate. He is high on the list because of my bias with the group and because I love other positive traits he has (his bromance with Yuma and his loyalty nature). If anything, if I write Desuhiko, that perverted nature wouldn’t be focused at all, or the others would be trying to overcome his bad habit
Makoto is my favorite antagonist in the game. Honestly, he is more an anti-villain to me (someone who has good/noble intentions, but commits terrible actions in order to accomplish it), and kind of a protagonist of his own story. Someone I wish for better, and to become better. And I love Yuma’s and Makoto’s relationship in both game and the fics.
Shinigami in the Labyrinth is more memorable to me than when she is in the real world, especially in chapters 3, 4, and 5 when we saw more depth and character growth of her
Kurumi is a great supporting character, and I genuinely like her and Yuma’s relationship. I just wish we got to see more of her, or get a Gumshoe Gab like with the detectives (though it made sense why since Gumshoe Gab are technically flashbacks that happened between chapters)
Pucci is someone I relate and love and even wish she had survived. I love her motif for cute things (the teddy bear, her headphones) and her Forte feels so relatable to me
Yoshiko is like my favorite of the three girls, in terms of designs and personality
Kurane is just relatable is all
Shinigami in the real world is slightly less memorable to me except for her design and some of her commentaries and dynamic with Yuma
Rant time, but I believe some of the Peacekeepers deserved better writing and more screentime. It felt like they were only meant to meet requirements and be obstacles for Yuma and the detectives in both the real world and the Mystery Labyrinth. We don’t see them have more personal relationships with some of the detectives, or see them beyond the chapters they were in or even make a presence like Yomi and Martina even. Seth is the only one I’m fine with his writing because he at least gets some form of ending to his story in the game (I think), but it’s something. Swanks and Guillaume (and Dominic actually), I wish we had gotten more from them beyond their chapters, like what are their special roles in the Peacekeepers? Are they like commanders that follows directly Yomi’s orders? Do they have special jobs they have to do? I just wish we’ve gotten more of that.
Yomi is a great unlikeable villain we have gotten, he is like so twisted and evil and irredeemable and quite a threat towards the detectives. However, I feel like he was also overrated, mainly because I feel like he took up too much of the screentime and be the only main threat towards the detectives. The rest of the Peacekeepers (except Seth and Martina) feel like they were overshadowed completely, or barely threats since they never show up or have a presence like Yomi.
These range of characters are those that I like and served their roles well as support/minor characters in the story and don’t hold no ill will towards (except Fake!Zilch and Dr. Huesca, but that was the writers’ intents)
These characters are those I just don’t care, even the order it went doesn’t matter, I just have no emotions towards them whatsoever. Please don’t take what characters I chose the wrong way, it’s just how I personally feel
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sharpth1ng · 8 months
Your official Ghostface rankings??
I’m so bad at ranking things honestly, but I’ll give you a tier list.
S tier: Billy and Stu, seems obvious
A tier: Mickey, Mrs Loomis and Amber
B tier: Jill (I just like the stupid scene where she beats the shit out of herself even though the actress apparently sucks), Quinn and Jason (I know he was a fakeout but he deserved more screentime)
C tier: Charlie (just don’t know much about him, needed more screentime) and Ritchie (love the actor but the character doesn't feel very exciting to me as a ghostface specifically)
D tier: Roman (entertaining and well acted but I hate the movie 3 retcon) and Detective Bailey (Not his fault, actor did a good job but I didnt like the writing of scream 6)
Billy and Stu always stay S tier but the others move around sometimes.
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
Bakers Dozen: Canon Ships I want to see in Star Trek Online
I love Star Trek Online, and one of my favorite features is the sheer number of ships you can fly from in the shows. From the 22nd century to the 32nd century, there are literally hundreds of choices. But there are still many canon starships I’ve have not had the chance to make poor finacial decisions for. So what better choice for the first round of Baker’s Dozen.
Here’s 12 canon Starships (and one honorable mention) I want in Star Trek Online.
Lets start with the Honorable mention:
The Consitution III Class
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Picard Season III’s hero ship, the affectionatly dubbed NeoConnie bears the distiction of being both the Titan A and Enteprise G. Those who read my Enteprise F headcanon also encountered the USS Riptide, an early command of my Captain. Why then is she only an honorable mention? Because the developers have already announced they are working on her. *sighs* shes gonna be a promo ships isn’t she?
1. The Federation Class 
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First appearing in Franz Joseph's Technical Manual, this design first appeared on screen as background display’s in The Wrath of Khan and The Search for Spock. More recently, Star Trek Picard saw model’s of this legendary starship in Ten Forward, alonside ships such as voyager and Enterprise D. Considering my flagship is a Gal-X, this would be a wonderful predecessor. Plus TOS ships are always welsome
2. The Romulan Bomber
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In Picard Season 1 we were introduced to the Romulan ships with this beauty. An elegant design with blade like wings, it instantly caught my heart. Instantly recogniable as a Romulan vessel while being a new and distinctive shape, it was a perfect evolution of what came before.More Romulan rep is always appreciated. C-Store? Please?
3.The Niagra Class
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One of my favorite ships in all of Star Trek, the Niagra class is a three nacelled cruiser blending elements of the ambassador and galaxy lines. Perhaps uniquely, the third nacelle is underslung. She has only appeared as wreckage, most notably the USS Princeton, lost at the Battle of Wolf 359, nut several other STO ships have the same origin. The Cheyenne and New Orleans both come from the same boneyard fleet. Also a updated Princeton Class to match the Lafeyette and Andromeda would be gorgeous.
4. Lower Decks BackGround Ship
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This unamed Ship class from Lower Decks is beggin for someone to realize her full potential, maybe a desendant of the Crossfeild Class? I loved her from the moment I saw her, and desperatly want to know more.
5.The Yeager Class
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No this is not a meme, its one of my favorite background ships. She has an isane amount of screentime, as shes in stock footage used alot in DS9. She served throughout the Dominion War. Why the weird hull? In my headcanon, she was built as a proof of concept for a tactical sister class to the Intrepid. (This will eventually be a full headcanon post). Once she proved succesful (for what she was), the go ahead was given to desgin a production version with a properly designed secondary hull. The outbreak of hostilities saw the Yeagar pushed into service, as she was a fully combat capable vessel. Also, the amazing Pundus already designed the 2412 variant. 
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6.The Mayflower class
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A ship from the Kelvin timeline, the namesake of this ADORABLE starship was lost at the Battle of Vulcan in 2258. We need more Kelvin ships, and it is a crime this sweet gal isn’t in game already.
7.The Duderstadt class
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You knew. I knew. The Pakleds knew. A modified Bill Krause design, much like the Titan/Enterprise herself, the USS Intrepid made a daring, intimidating, and awe inpiring debut in Star Trek Picard Season 3. Its rare to see a new ship so univserally loved today. But she deserves it. The only bad thing is she’s prolly gonna be the lockbox ships.
8.Jupp Class
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This Gal appears waaayyy in the back of a DS9 episode according to the art deparment. Good enough for me. Shes a clear member of the refit family, and is an obvious choice to add to the Miranda/Clarke/Light Cruiser Frame. Always could use TMP rep
9. The Intrepid Type
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Really? This isn’t in game already? How?!? Please? Enterpise Era Rep? I haven’t even watched Enterprise yet (oops) and I know this ship!
10.Springfeild Class
Another ship lost at Wolf 359, common, pretty small science ship? Complete the fleet? It could literally be the Chekov class.
11.Curry Class
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This class appears in Deep Space 9, and features tow variants with different Nacelles arrangements. TMP Carrier anyone?
12. Block 2 Constitution Class (Kelvin Timeline)
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I just want to talk. Its been 7 years since this beautiful ships arrived, and theres no offical models, and no STO Release...WWWHWHHHHYYYYY????
I love this ship. Its my favorite lettered Enteprise. I need her. Shes the only canon Enterprise besides the G not in game, and they’re working on the G. Best design in the Kelvin Timeline, and we don’t have her. I would totally spend stupid money on her, but I can’t.
Please STO, show mercy.
Hope yall enjoyed this first Baker’s Dozen, see you next week!
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dowagersqueen · 1 year
I'm definitely more than a little worried on how they've handled Helaena thus far and how they'll continue to handle her going forward. Regarding Dreamfyre, the official HotD HBO website says that Helaena rarely rides her. I guess that they wanted to differentiate her from her siblings more since they're more devoted dragonriders than her, such as Aemond (or at least I'm assuming they all are), and having her being more concerned with dragon dreams than by actual dragons. But when it comes to her children we have little to nothing shown on-screen, the twins are barely even acknowledged, and Maelor might even not exist if it weren't for the opening titles.
And then there's Helaena herself, who I think is genuinely the least developed member of the greens besides Daeron, who hasn't even appeared yet. Like, there's so much around her that we barely spend time on. Does she understand her visions at all, or do they just come to her and she's unable to make sense of it? Is she frustrated at her family for brushing off her prophecies, or is she unable to communicate to them what's going to happen? Does she even seek to change the outcome, or does she think she has no control over it happening? How did she feel, when she was first betrothed to Aegon? Did she care about being betrothed to her brother, presumably not by her will? How does she feel about her children with him? Did she want them in the first place? Does she love them unconditionally or take comfort in them, or is there baggage associated with them because they're the product of a distant marriage? How does she feel about being crowned Queen? Did she want the crown at all, or really didn't want it, or is she simply willing to wear it because at her family's behest? Does she have ambitions, or is she simply going with the flow of what happens? (and could this be related to her prophetic visions of the future?) How does she feel about her father and Rhaenyra, and the various politics that everyone partook in? (Aemond's eye, Vaemond's petition, etc.) How much does she believe in her family's goal of crowning Aegon? Is it because she's worried about her family being targeted if Rhaenyra comes to power, or is it simply her being dutiful and loyal to her family, or is she a very reluctant participant? The thing that's keeping me from being totally pessimistic is that they were able to make Alicent, Aemond, and even Aegon to a degree complex and even sympathetic. Especially Aemond, since he was only there for half of the episodes but he feels like a very well-rounded character compared to his book version, with the relatively little screentime spent we spent with him. So like, I can hope they can pull off the same with Helaena.
Like, they need to do A LOT of heavy lifting in the first half of S2 if they want B&C to have an actual emotional impact. I'm hoping, since the year-long time skips are over, that they'll slow the pace down and spend the time developing Helaena that she deserves.
i am also worried about helaena but at the same time, i’m expecting disappointment.
i love the questions you posed about helaena and would be so interested to see the show answer at the very least half of them, but i don’t think they will. 
not only do i think they don’t care about helaena as a character as much as we do, but they’re also moving the plot entirely too fast. 
personally i’m afraid that s2 itself will start with b&c early on so we won’t get much time with her prior to tragedy striking and her falling into depression 
and since i don’t think the writers will deviate her story from her book story this just makes me all sad because they made her a dreamer but she can’t do anything about it. she sees what will happen, she tries to communicate it but it doesn’t get through and she can’t stop it from happening 
at least helaena in the books was described as a happy girl and that she would make a good mother until b&c happened and everything changed 
i love that helaena is a dreamer but if helaena being a dreamer is just their way of adding one more layer to her character that just makes her sadder and more stressed and unable to connect with her mother at all (which people percieve as helaena and alicent having a bad relationship) until the inevitable death of her children, her depression and her jumping out the window then....that’s messed up for this poor girl. 
not only did they not give her more agency, they added another layer of trauma of living with prophetic dreams that she can’t properly communicate but will also not change 
i am not as optimistic as you though simply because the idea that they made alicent, aemond and aegon more sympathetic seems untrue to me to a certain degree. yes, alicent is more sympathetic, but she’s still one of the most hated characters in the show, at times on par with otto. with aegon they did the opposite. they made him a drunk rapist who watches people fight. aemond is albeit the only one who gets more sympathy because they didn’t make him intentionally kill lucerys, but that’s not completely positive from an audience POV. 
in the end, most people still don’t like the greens under any circumstances and personally i think there were moments when the writers tried to make them sympathetic but those were very few and they generally didn’t know what to do with them. and i still think the show is 100% working hard on making team black look like the only choice the audience should have
but yeah, agree so much with you about helaena. they could have tried so much harder to develop her. 
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Turnsgiving Day 4: What If?
I'm a tad late for this one, but hear me out: What if Turn had, in at least one story arc, decided to use a little more historicity?
The series, to phrase it just as pretentiously as John Graves Simcoe quoting Catullus, I hate, and I love. Why I do so, you ask? Because while the topic itself is compelling and I was happy to see a piece of media set in the 1770s, nothing in TURN, which as a piece of fiction only drawing loose inspiration from historical events sadly was marketed as decidedly more faithful to history than it actually was.
I see the necessity of simplifying, abbreviating, and leaving out simplifying events in order to built a drama series around history, but i wish we had gotten to see some more actual interpretations of historic events rather than being forced to follow the less than stellar, and in my eyes rather unsympathetic, main character manoeuvre himself into another sticky situation.
Another aspect that really irked me were the unsatisfying ends the female characters were given: from Abigail to Anna to Mary, they all deserved better.
Now, I am not a script writer, but
What if Mary Woodhull had decided to leave Abe for Henry Clinton?
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Mary Woodhull, about to leave a life of misery and cabbage-farming for good, print, colourised, c. 1780.
This sounds absolutely weird, I know, but please hear me out:
I really liked Clinton on Turn, despire his portrayal not having much in common with the man whose name he bears as a very openly homosexual, sociable person. The historical Clinton was the exact opposite of both these things, but it was refreshing to see a sympathetic portrayal of one of the British generals in an American TV show, and I have to say that I find his character deserved better than what paltry screentime he got, and I would have enjoyed to see more him! But alas...
Now historically, Clinton fell in love with a woman called Mary (Baddeley) while in America, a lady with a less than stellar husband who started out as his housekeeper, and ended up as his partner for life. By the time they embarked upon a relationship, Mary Baddeley, the daughter of a genteel family, had a son by a largely absent, cheating husband (whom Clinton took to regarding as his own) solely responsible for the family's social decline and strained finances. If that doesn't sound familiar...
In a marriage of my desire for more Clinton-screentime and a satisfying ending for Mary Woodhull, I could picture Mary being pressured by Abe to interview for the vacant position of housekeeper in General Clinton's household, and getting the job. What begins as a means for Abe to gain information on British military secrets slowly melts into a bashful romance between Sir Henry and Mary. In time, she decides to cease any spying for her husband as she does not wish to deceive the man who treats her with respect and warmth, which naturally causes friction between the couple.
Over time, things get a little more serious; Mary discovers that Clinton is secretly delighted by the presence of her son Thomas in his house, whom he treats affectionately, and rather sooner than later, there is a first kiss.
Mary, religious and aware what rumours of an alleged dalliance with her employer might do to her reputation, decides that, whatever her wishes, cannot allow herself to indulge the idea of a serious relationship, or even just a short dalliance with Clinton-- that is until she, visiting home, catches Abe cheating on her with Anna Strong.
Feeling that there is no way to salvage the marriage neither party had ever truly wanted, Abe having been in love with Anna Strong and she having been originally promised to Abe's late older brother, and tired of being the only one to ever put work into the relationship, bids farewell to her husband for good and returns to New York announcing that she is done with Abe, and her marriage.
In time, Mary follows Clinton back to England where she lives happily ever after in a London townhouse with Clinton, Thomas and the latter's new half-siblings.
If you want to read about the real Mary Baddeley and Henry Clinton, I have previously written a long post about them!
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
last post
DAY 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ashe pov lets watch him have the worst time of his life NOT THE MUSIC PLAYING RIGHT AFTER. GN. cleepy claire again ashe the worst thing you can do right now is be alone i think.,,,,,,,, these hallucinations are gonna fuck you bad
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pain and agony in the world
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so true charlotte honestly lime?? get a life and a grip she’d definitely see you venting and go “well at least-” that sums it up. she wont understand anybody and she wont ever be understood if shes like this all the time the world is cruel because and unfair and it was to you but its your mindset thats keeping it that way. i guess same could be said for all the haters in some sort of way as well becaquse their entire existence is to keep up their hate of humanity thats why they relieve their deaths every single day
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i understand her and i feel bvad for her story she deserves so much more she really does but . gaghhhg i relaly hope one day she snaps out of it UGH SHYE IS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER i dont wanna be too harsh on her since yea. she doesnt even know love or anything she couldve been she had no choice it was all so stupid but the cage symbolism of her still being in it.. i love “ah nothing” *proceeds to think about it* i wonder if ashe’s having a nightmare right now. probably not though since they said to give it a rest
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im shocked he didnt reread all of the books more
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EVERYBODY STFU SHE SINGS THATS LITERALLY SO CUTE ashe is the embodiment of the meme “the thoughts are getting louder” with the crying laughing emoji HRELP THE TYABLES HAVE TURNED SIRIUS IS THE ONE SHOCKED AT CLAIRE NOT KNOWING
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oh my god..................................................................... that is not him at all im wheezing
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IM TAKING SO MANY SCRENESHOTS BUT HE REALLY JUST DID THAT THATS SO MEAN THEY ARE ALL EMPTY SOIL AROUND EACH OTHER WHETHER SIRIUS LIKES IT OR NOT!1!!!! and then they were siblings.......... (one suffering) wilardo screentime gogogogogogogoogog
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pandawarrior · 6 months
Avatar Character Ranking: part three
C and B tier
C tier
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26. Jet’s bestie #3
He was friends with Jet and all of them are just there. I rate them more than Jet though.
25. Air mechanic man
He was working with the fire nation which is not super cool but he switched sides and was doing the madness afterwards so good job him. 
24. Air mechanic son
He is so cool it must be said. One of my favourite irrelevant characters. There’s not much to say about him unfortunately but wow what a cool guy. The flying wheelchair?? Amazing, Spectacular even. 
23. Jet bestie #2
Same as the other one except this one is cooler because she was like “Jet chill they’re not firebenders and even if they are I do not care we just trynna chill”. Love #2 for that. Also points for being called smellerbee.
22. Jin
So real. Lovely character. She knew Zuko was a firebender and didn’t say anything. Love her for that. Wish we saw more of her like give my guy Zuko an earth kingdom girlie for a bit he deserves happiness.
21. Jet bestie #1
He is the no1 Jet friend. He didn't even talk and he ate all the other flops up. Also he had a cool hat. Great guy.
20.  Zuko’s mom
She ate up the tem minutes of screentime she had. Scolded Zuko, shaded Azula, killed Azulon and dipped. Absolute queen. But also she tanked when she neglected my good sis Azula. Also, her facecard never declined. 
B tier
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19. Lizard lady
I only remember her when they used her lizards to hunt for Aang at the end of the series. But she is a fat slay. She gets money, her body tea. She super thick, she super pretty. 
18. Moon Girl
She is really pretty and also she is the moon and I love the moon. She was Sokka’s first girl, which is nice or whatever. But she is THE ACTUAL MOON!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!!!!!! But also imagine she has to watch Sokka with other girls every night. Poor girl :(
17.  King Bumi
He was so funny and he was a great character. MAN WAS SO RIPPED DID YOU SEE HIS MUSCLES???? AND HE COULD EARTHBEND WITH HIS FACE!! And he helped lead Aang to Toph! +100000 points for that (can you tell I love Toph??) HOWEVER, he just let the fire nation take over Omashu. I know he had a reason but bro come on at  least pretend to fight. Second favourite white lotus member. 
16. Katara and Sokka’s Dad
He was a warrior and even though he left his kids he still cared about them and was out battering the fire nation. We can’t get mad at him for that. Also I feel bad for him. He probably has lots of guilt about Katara's mom being killed and he couldn’t save her. Sad times. 
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Naughty (Agnes x Reader)
Request: reader straight up fawning over Agnes in the "naughty" tracksuit from the Episode 6 intro.... and Agnes knows the effect she's having... keep it safe please i just really wish that outfit had more screentime because it is honestly such an iconic look like i want an exact replica of that outfit so i can wear it and feel cool (@blossomgutz)
A/N: naughty tracksuit definitely deserved more. Good thing @notsosecretlyalesbian made the perfect gif for the occasion 😌
Tag List: @nyx-aira @thelanawinterrs @crystalline-possession @sarahp-stan @clxwnnyy @lilibeth-tate @highgaytohell @philippaharkness @amethyst-bitch @paulawand @shinkomiii @alexajbitar @agnessharknes-1 @nctxrejects @midnight-lestrange
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“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” the brunette smirked as she made her way through your front door.
You all but picked your jaw off the ground after seeing Agnes’s outfit. She was wearing a dark purple track suit that hugged her figure in all the right places.
You turned to see Agnes searching through your fridge, her ass proudly displaying the bedazzled ‘Naughty’ embroidery across it. Oh dear god.
“What’s a girl got to do to get some wine in here,” she called, but you were too far into your day dreams to hear. Agnes turned to see you still standing by the door.
“Earth to Y/N,” she laughed. Fuck.
“Y-yeah, sorry,” you stammered out. “Wine’s in the cupboard to your right.”
“My left?” Agnes asked before bending over in an exaggerated fashion. “Ohh you said right,” she said, and proceeded to turn and bend the same way, making sure to wiggle her ass a bit.
“You’re hilarious,” you rolled your eyes, though you were sure your face gave away how you really felt. You grabbed the bowl of popcorn and settled onto the couch.
“Got it,” Agnes waved the bottle of wine in the air as she sauntered over to the family room.
“Agnes you’re blocking the TV,”
“Wow it’s really hot in here isn’t it hon,” Agnes ignored you, fanning her hand. Before you could say that it really wasn’t, she unzipped and took off her sweater, leaving her in a white tank and the track pants. “Much better.”
Your cheeks warmed as you admired the sight of the brunette’s toned arms. Agnes settled in next to you and put one arm on the couch behind you. “Looking a little flushed there, Y/N,” she smirked at you. “Admiring the view?”
“How do you manage to look hot in a velvet tracksuit of all things,” you scoffed.
“Oh do I,” Agnes raised a brow. “I hadn’t noticed,”
The shit-eating grin on her face made you roll your eyes. “You know, I could get you a matching one,” she said, playing with your hair.
When you didn’t respond, she went on. “It would be [f/c] of course. But maybe instead of ‘Naughty’, it’ll say ‘Nice’ across your ass,” she gave your thigh a playful slap, making you flush further.
“Hmm, I wonder if they can fit ‘Cute when flustered’ on there,” she said, leaning in.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Do you think that the Peneloise break up could finally give us Francesca and Eloise in action? I can't believe how she's not shown to be close to at least one sibling. And I heard that in the books it was Eloise who she was the closest with. This could finally be the perfect opportunity to let her shine. What is your theory about this?
Ohmygod anon you read my mind - this is exactly what I want in S3!! Thank you for this ask - it's a much needed break from all the Pelican and racial thinkpieces. Let's get into some S3 headcanons with these two!
Before I do the HCs, you're absolutely right that Frannie and Eloise are the closest in the books because they are Irish twins! They have the same birthday a year apart. They also look scarily alike in the books that in TDAI Simon actually keeps mixing up the two at the Bridgerton family dinner. It was hilarious. It makes sense with their age and also being witty in their own ways that they are close. I've always found it funny that the most outspoken Bridgerton and the quietly witty one were the closest in the books.
The lack of Frannie in the show is really sad because along with Kate, she's my favourite character and fave Bridgerton sibling - like yes I adore Anthony but mainly because I relate to him shshhs whereas Frannie truly is the BEST Bridgerton imo.
She deserves to shine along with her siblings, I just hope Bridgerton and Lockwood & Co. Are a bit more accomdating of Ruby for S3's filming. She was supposed to have a bigger arc and storyline in S2 but she got cast and started filming for Lockwood & Co. Tbh I was a little sad we missed out on a Frannie story (God knows it would have been better than Cousin Jack's storyline 🙄) but I'm just happy Ruby is busy and getting booked! Especially now as the lead in L&C.
Anyways onto the S3 headcanons/predictions under the cut because Frannie deserves more screentime and Eloise needs better friends next season!
- Eloise storms in Frannie's room once she's back from her crime ring in Bath (I still cannot believe they didn't even bother to give Frannie an in-show excuse this season 😭 so we'll maintain she was running her crime ring in Bath.) and immediately tells her about LW because if anyone can keep shit to themselves it's Frannie.
- Frannie is just like "I know."
Eloise goes 👁👄👁 "Why didn't you tell me?!"
"You're smart El I thought you'd figure it out."
[Btw we were robbed of Fran and El looking for LW in S1 and then halfway through Frannie figures it out and keeps looking at Pen pointedly while El is being a total dumbass about the signs right in front of her.]
- They basically bicker for a bit about Fran not telling her and El being smarter than that but having Pen as a blindspot. Also I feel like while they essentially have no connection, Fran did write to Marina a couple times to check in on her because she's just so lovely like that.
- Fran totally would have exposed Pen as LW once the Marina thing happened if she wasn't so busy with her crime ring sigh. She's also just really glad that El finally saw sense and got away from Pen.
- It was hard watching the sister you're closest to be best friends with an insipid wallflower who relished in ruining people's lives and reputations.
- The Pen of it all aside, Fran will be debuting this season and while Fran has seen both her sisters go through their debuts and knows how she'll handle herself, with grace and class as always, she welcomes the advice from Daph and El. Kate also gives her tips on how to avoid men who make her uncomfortable and to dress down rude ones. 
- El is the first person she goes to when she meets the Stirlings. She gushes about John and then at the next ball El accidentally points out Michael, "Oh dear, he is gorgeous. You picked well, Fran." Ehehhe the foreshadowing of it all
- Fran can't do anything else but blush and be flustered because "El, that's John's cousin."
"Oh, my mistake." Then they go to formally introduce El to the cousins.
Stellar Additions from Trivia @hptriviachamp :
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- All of that is a B/C plot of course and Bridgerton really needs to start using the sideplots to prop and support the main plot because CAN YOU IMAGINE EL AND FRAN TRYING TO GET BENOPHIE TGT??
- Like of course Francesca Bridgerton, the smartest sibling, figures out immediately that Sophie is the Lady in Silver and keeps dropping hints for Ben to realise it
- Eventually one by one everyone in the family figures it out and they all stand by watching in amusement at Ben's face blindness.
- El and Fran with their hints and shenanigans to leave Benophie in rooms alone together. Them recruiting Kate too who ends up becoming Sophie's bestie and helping her out.
- S3 I'm begging you to give me the El, Fran, Sophie and Kate fiercesome four sisters/sisters-in-law. El needs better women and friends in her life as do the other women and also more screentime for all! And especially our main couple next season Beneophie!!
This was such a fun ask to answer anon, thank you so much!! Now back to answering ships I'm not super into; Philoise/Marina/Theo Edition.
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altorringtons · 3 years
*sits down* *puts on thinking cap* so what really makes Alabaster dear to me even though he’s not even in the main canon and only has a measly total of 20-something pages’ worth of screentime is just how resilient he is in a way no boy of his age should be?
when we meet him in Son of Magic, he’s been on the run alone for 6 or 7 months after the Battle of Manhattan. he lost all his siblings at Manhattan, took the risk of pleading for one last charge against Olympus, and is eventually banished for it when Hecate bargains for his life and pledges her loyalty to the gods. the humiliation he must’ve felt when he not only failed the Titans, but even got used as a bargaining chip of all things to secure Olympus’ victory—and this is after he watches the half-siblings he’s supposed to lead and care for all die, by the way. that’s 6-7 months of Alabaster just constantly grieving, then feeling like he doesn’t have the right to grieve, then hating himself for having gotten himself in a spot where he has to grieve in the first place. he’s sixteen years old, lost all his past familial ties, and severed from any future ones.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT?? SPEAKING OF MONSTERS??? this boy is not only fresh with emotional exhaustion, HE’S ALSO REALLY PHYSICALLY FUCKING TIRED!!! there’s no telling how many monsters came after a demigod as powerful as Al before Lamia even came into the picture, since he’s now without the protection of CHB’s borders or his allegiance to Kronos. then Lamia chases him for weeks on end after several months of him living and fending for himself alone, and all the while she’s mocking him about his failure to their half-siblings. Lamia is a monster who’s several millennia old and reforms everytime she dies; she doesn’t need rest. in Son of Magic, it’s said that Alabaster hasn’t slept for weeks because he has to constantly shield himself from Lamia’s tracking spells and keep finding ways to permanently kill her—which means he’d already killed her multiple times at that point.
he should be dead on his feet, honestly. but somehow (i love this kid so much i want to cry), when Claymore’s life is threatened, Al somehow ??? still has the stamina to simultaneously cast spells while swordfighting??? WITH A BROADSWORD THAT CLAYMORE DESCRIBES TO LOOK LIKE IT WEIGHED A HUNDRED POUNDS????? AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT, IN THE HEAT OF THE BATTLE, AL MANAGES TO INVENT A SPELL TO PREVENT MONSTERS FROM REFORMING?!!! HELLO?!!!!! WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT HIM?!!!
and yeah i’m not even going to get into the interesting tidbits into Alabaster’s anti-villain, hero complex kind of morality because that deserves a whole other post. i just felt like writing this because he’s so underappreciated, and i love him so much. it’s honestly such a waste that r*ck didn’t make use of this story because he would’ve... just added so much flavor to the main canon??? worldbuilding??? magical lore??? COMPLEX AND GREY MORALITY???
my boy deserves so many more fics and arts. 😭 Newton discovered gravity at 22, but Alabaster C. Torrington did *gestures to entire post* by the time he was sixteen. read Son of Magic and stan Alabaster Torrington.
Edit: if anyone knows how to add the ‘Read More’ function on mobile, please send help i’m so annoyed
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commander-yinello · 2 years
A Keeper - Part 3
Fandom: Guild Wars 2 Pairing: Zhou Yao x F!Commander (no specific name or race) Chapter 3 [AO3 Link] Word count: 1007 Genre: Toothrotting, cliché fluff, awkward silliness and a love of cats A/N: This is already longer than it should have been xD I’m not sure how IC Yao is because let’s be honest, they didn’t get as much screentime as they deserve in EOD. Let’s hope we’ll get to know them much better in the upcoming LS! Expect about 2 more parts depending if Rama will cooperate >:3 Not sure if I’ll update tomorrow as it’s a busy day, but definitely Monday!
"Tea, chips, we are ready!" Yao pushed on a button on the front of the silver disc and beams of light covered the wall in front of them, emulating a massive screen.
Names and pictures started to flash by, introducing the cast to the viewers, all in various shades of jade green. The commander was clearly fascinated, already helping herself to the bowl of chips. Yao was all smiles and went into a full-blown explanation complete with grand hand movements.
"So I don't know how familiar you are with c-dramas - that's Cantha dramas in short - but a lot of them follow the same type of plotline where there's the inevitable betrayal and sadness, usually because someone's lover was actually their aunt or estranged neighbor or long lost cousin twice removed. But what's great in this one is there's a twist no one saw coming and-"
They sat down on the love seat and when their leg inevitably touched the commander's, they promptly felt quiet. The commander’s head burst into flames, more torch than living being, and tried so very very hard not to show it. She attempted to scoot away to the side, except they were both in a freaking love seat and there was no space to scoot.
Yao attempted to put their hair in a bun multiple times, failing constantly. "H-hah, a-as I was saying…"
The commander had trouble listening to either Yao or the drama. There was a battle in her head, one as fierce as the fight with both Jormag and Primordus, two extremes that both voiced arguments forming in her mind. One that told her she could just… sit on the floor. Be gracious, make it comfortable for everyone. Yao would most likely tell her to take the seat instead, she should accept.
The other voice told her she loved it, she loved Yao being so close and warm and connected, they smelled like metal, freshly cut grass and a warm, woody scent she couldn't quite place. What she wouldn't give to get even closer, maybe place her head on their shoulder or chest, wrap her arm around for a cuddle, place their hand on her thigh- how naughty it is that she has these thoughts about her good friend. What would Snargle think of her now?
Actually, Snargle would give her the thumbs up. She could literally see him in front of her doing so.
The commander felt insecure and inexperienced. Normally she was tired of never-ending threats, weary of people trying to ruin the world for their own selfish gains, exhausted when even those on her side wouldn't listen to reason. She's danced that dance so many times. But this one. This was new. It was scary.
If Yao didn't like her that way at all, everything would be over. That is what every cell in her body told her. Rational? Probably not. 
"Also the best character has a cat he protects with his life," Yao continued and pointed to someone wielding a sword. The commander shook away her thoughts. The movie had long started.
The commander decided to do what she did best, swallow her emotions and deal with them later. She was going to be a model guest.
"Why does he have to protect the cat?" she asked and grabbed her tea.
"You'll see. The cat is very important."
Right on cue, the main character talked about how the cat was part of a wealthy lord's inheritance. The monologue was delivered with such flourish, much anger and sadness, you’d think people have murdered for this cat. They probably have.
"Will he die?" She asked, then gasped. “More importantly, does the cat die?"
Yao rested his elbow on the seat’s back, grinning all-knowingly. “I won't spoil, but I think you can guess the answer.”
She definitely could. She took a sip of her green tea and nodded, enjoying the warmth in her stomach. “Good. I hate stories where animals die.”
“Me too! It is so upsetting,” Yao added enthusiastically, launching into a proper rant.
For the first time, the commander didn’t feel anxious. She listened to Yao’s speech, and laughed, genuinely laughed seeing how passionate they spoke about it. The closeness was cozy and it didn’t even bother her when her knee brushed theirs.
She realized Yao's arm was behind her on the back of the seat. She could feel the soft pulse of the jade on her neck, tickling her hair. Suddenly, she was bothered.
Yao noticed her silence, glanced back, then forward, brows furrowing. The cogs in their head zoomed a thousand spins per minute. The commander waited as Yao seemed in conflict with themselves. Then, an arm lighter than she had expected gently touched her shoulder. The commander stared at them, eyes wider than jade cores, feeling her heart stop.
“I…” Yao started, neck and ears turning flame red. Then they shook their head and pulled their arm away. "Never mind. Sorry,” they muttered.
The commander blinked and let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She was confused in heart and mind. What had just happened?
A very soft voice, one they almost didn't hear over the droning of the holodrama actors and the music said: "Tell herrr you idiotttt." Followed by extremely frantic shushing.
"What was that?" Yao exclaimed. The two of them alert, they jumped up from the chair. The noise seemed to come from the window. The commander signaled for the door and Yao pushed a button on the wall to open it.
She stormed out, skidded around the corner and planted two feet on the ground. She didn’t have her weapons, but she didn’t need them, her fists up and ready to unleash unfiltered hell on whatever was about to hurt them-
“Whoa whoa, stop stop wait! It's me, commander!" Gorrik waved his hands in an attempt to steady the commander’s battle lust. Rama was there too, straightening his hat and getting up from his crouched position.
“Rama? Gorrik? The commander asked in complete disbelief.
“Eh… Surprise!” Rama announced.
[To be continued~]
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What I would've done for S2 & S3 of hsmtmts if I was the writer/director:
I would've probably changed Nini to not getting into YAC in the first season. She would've stayed the second semester at East High. She would spend the season working on her acting to get ready for an audition for YAC for senior year (so the audience could feel like she actually deserved it- instead of just bc she's the MC). -
She would have to reckon with the fact that her going off-script was probably why she wasn't accepted. -
I would've also given Nini more personality, maybe explore her interests outside of school, or her relationship with her moms. Make her have more flaws and have her learn to work through them. -
Nini lands the understudy for a main/secondary role and gets casted as the rose. She ends up helping backstage and works with Ashlyn as a songwriter/composer for the show. -
I'm thinking throughout the season she'll deal with a lot of school pressure, along with relationship problems, and her own stress of trying to make it into YAC and she'll eventually break down from the stress (Gina, Kourtney, and her parents would be there for her) -
her audition could've been in the last episode (making the "second chance" song more meaningful) -
I think Nini being low-key iced out by her friend group for going to YAC was messed up. That was her ambition. -
ALTERNATE IDEA: She could've also transferred to North High instead, making their menkies competition more relavent. Then tranferred back after a while and have to deal with going against her friends. [Idk just most of her personality in the two seasons, even after Ricky and Nini broke up, revolved around Ricky and she didn't get to have a life or personality beyond 1) the musical and 2) the boys in her life]
Ricky's arc would be similar to the original. Him having Nini as his lifeline was pretty toxic for the both of them anyway. This time with him having some character development. Maybe having a scene where Nini says something like "I care about you Ricky, I really do. But I can't handle my own problems along with yours. I'm always here if you need to talk, but...maybe you should get some help first. You should talk to your parents." then after a bunch of stuff, Ricky learns to ask for help, and his parents send him to therapy. He apologizes to Nini. [Btw this arc wouldn't be to bash Ricky, but more of have him learn healthy ways of venting and finding help]
He finally talks and works things through with his mom and she and his dad finally realize the emotional toll their problems have caused Ricky
I was thinking about a flashback to Ricky seeing his parents fight all the time but that might be too dark for a Disney show
Ricky wasn't interested in musicals before, so therefore he should, realistically, have to learn to play the piano or guitar (Nini could've taught him)
if the writers wanted him to have acting/singing as his actual passion and not just as something he joined to get Nini back- then we should've had him practicing singing or acting (not for Nini this time) while also doing his old hobbies.
Nini and Ricky
I feel like they missed a really good opportunity to teach the audience how to open up and work through problems when they just decided to make Rini break up over miscommunication.
For a relationship that mentions them as childhood best friends, i wasn't feeling the best friends thing when they were together
If the writers were intending for us to root for Rini, then they should've made Ricky have more redeeming qualities, him doing stuff on Nini's phone was EJ-like which they established in S1 was bad
Consider this as some dialogue Nini and Ricky could've had about their relationship in the treehouse scene: Nini: "I don't even know how I got from loving you so much to not even wanting to fight for this" instead of just stating the obvious of "we've been miss-communicating all year" Ricky could've said something like: Ricky: "I wasn't honest with you. I tried to hide things from you. It feels like we're not even friends anymore." Nini: "We were friends...what happened?" Ricky: "I don't know, what's been going on with my parents has-" Nini: "No, this isn't their fault. It's ours." *a long pause* Nini: "Since we're admitting things we've done wrong. I've got one. I wasn't intending on sharing the rose song with you. I don't know i think i was just- scared it would cause more problems and i...hid a lot of the things i was feeling...about us." Ricky: "Can I ask...what are you feeling... about us? Like... was the song really all about us?"
you get the point- Rini would actually work through their problems instead of constantly having miscommunication problems that were unrealistic given that they were friends since kindergarten
Kourtney should've been given an arc and I would probably cut Howie (i like him but not every girl needs a love interest- if not then Howie shouldn’t have been the only depth she has).
Kourtney could have a fashion internship and we could explore her personality.
Make her more than the bff of Nini- have Nini be the one to reassure and be there for her
healthy feminism that's not just there for tokenism (and not whatever S1 Kourtney was)
Make people be there for her and don't just leave her alone because she's "strong" and "independent" People need help sometimes. Being independent is different to having no one there for you.
Jack appeared and disappeared- would've probably made him show up once more. And Gina and him wouldn't meet like that- maybe they knew each other from another school (bc normal ppl don't randomly talk to strangers at airports lol) -
I liked Gina's arc overall and would've kept it.
Introduced or at least hinted at Gina's brother more (him calling her but her refusing to answer because it's been so long)
Even if her main plot will revolve around love, Gina would have...well... a life.
Explore her relationship with her mom
explore how traveling all the time has affected her
things like not wanting to get attached bc even tho she has a place to stay, things can change at any moment and she knows that
showing her adapting to new situations really quickly
Her relationship with her brother could've been explored more
More on-screen character development
Building off the arrogant, confident character he was in the first season and still having some of those qualities as the second season progressed
Follow up for him and his dads conversation
Cousin duo with Ashlyn
EJ should've had a storyline outside of Gina being a symbol of his "development,"
He could have talked to Nini about how he was feeling about his future since they both were worried about the same
Gina and EJ
EJ's is a lot more tactful than Ricky and if the writers had wanted for us to root for them more- Ej could've represented what Ricky didn't do. Instead they had him misscomunicate about the big brother thing for shock and drama value and have Gina be the one to clear it up.
Have EJ try to be a good person, not for Gina, but for himself.
Consistent friendship with Gina before it was implied he had a crush
ALTERNATE PLOT IDEA: Instead of having them end up together, have them be more brother/sister and support system. Have EJ learn to be a good person without doing it for someone and rather do it for himself
All in all I would've kept the basic framework of their relationship and just change up a few things
Carlos and Seb
I loved Carlos' arc too (and Seb's).
Have Seb sing more
more screentime alltogether
I liked them touching on body image issues with Ashlyn but i probably wouldn't have mentioned it once and then never mention it again. I think it should've lasted at least 2/3 episodes.
Ashlyn could've seen a plus size actress in a musical she goes to with Kourtney and Gina (bc that trio is amazing) and feeling a lot more confident but still a little insecure (cuz insecurities don't just disappear with a short monologue)
I'm very anti one-dimensional mean girl so, as part of Lily's redemption, lily would build up Ashlyn a little.
Maybe cut out Big Red/Ashlyn because i see them more as friends (they could still have similar scenes together tho)
have ashlyn and big red break up by spring break- ashlyn won't tell anyone and keep her personal life out of her acting and end up spiraling
completely cut out any french guy jealousy from Big Red (completely unneeded)
I would've had Lily be more of the 3 dimensional character- i think we should be over the mean girl trope. I'm thinking parental issues/pressures (building off episode 11) and some insecurity or anxiety would be pretty realistic. Maybe she’s sick of constantly being the center of attention and wants some downtime.
If they intend to make Ricky and Lily end up together (or at least have a friendship), I would do it a little differently. In the Ricky section of this post i mentioned Ricky, if acting/singing had become his passion, should've taken up some lessons. What if Lily had ended up being his tutor or something? Maybe he signed up before all the drama and got to know her before.
just think of all the possibilities tho- it would also make the “let you go” song that Ricky does on the piano have some double meaning
Lily stealing the harness makes absolutely no sense plot-wise, so I would also cut that out
Side characters
French dude should've gotten more screentime
Mazzara/Jenn should've been equal pining like in S1- not just mainly one sided
more episodes, most of the problems and conflicts presented weren't resolved or addressed by the end of the series. Characters, especially the ones in relationships, don't even talk about their problems. And yes, realistically, sometimes people don't talk it out, but most get closure within themselves and problems don't appear and disappear magically. -
maybe change the menkies competition for another competition, something where you can have more creative liberty with the plot and songs -
cut out the dance/sing off, it was completely unneeded
cut out the "come back video" to North High's diss video
cut out the sleepover episode
All these episodes did was provide unneeded drama that could've been used to instead to take a break from the conflict and be more character driven -
Maybe a different musical- BATB was a weird choice for an official competition. If not then different casting
Ej for beast, Ricky for Gaston, seb for candleholder, carlos for clock,
The scenes from the musical should've been included, I felt like there was an episode missing between ep.11 and 12
Every relationship was the exact same- the guy pining to the loosely interested girl and then when they get together the girl having to constantly reassure him about the relationship
Ok, guess they wasted that entire semester just to never open the envelope (they should've opened it because they realized that the Menkies tore them apart and they lost sight of their passion)
a lot of the events, character development, and reactions were off-screen, which made it so annoying to watch bc a lot of those scenes were important to the plot
Disclaimer: Not hating on the writers, directors, or actors of this show. I'm just inputting my own ideas of what I think would've made the show better for me. I kept and cut out some ships i did/didn't like so my personal opinion on the relationships do have an influence
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