#she did it two times already because i havent been paying much attention to my plushie these days and it hurts hurts HURTS
takasgf · 1 year
oh he is so dreamy.... (* ̄▽ ̄)ノ~~ ♪
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
i gotta say, i havent liked JE since he followed marilyn manson when the evan rachel wood allegations went public. that to me is extremely nasty behavior and i just have to laugh at him making his following list private these days.
ppl want to pretend like hes not messy, but the man has showed himself plenty in interviews and how he treated joey and cari (for which there are plenty of receipts). it's just funny to see the narratives rewritten to make him out like some kind of unproblematic king on twitter just because he is getting jobs with interesting directors after a series of stuff that did not do well for him. what really drives me up the wall is people comparing his and z's careers, JE is a whole white man and z is a biracial woman, their playing field is not the same.
its totally fine if people like JE because if he does it for them then cool, but the part that bothers me is bringing z or any other comparisons to actors like tom or austin into it. especially z - it's just very funny to me that certain fans of hers that scream and cry whenever she's mentioned alongside tom suddenly have no issue at all whenever JE's name is put alongside hers. my block button gets a lot of use on twitter these days, lmao
Oh JE definitely has a problematic past. 😐 I can't speak to what his life is like now, but I know of too much dirt/tea on him to think that he's all of a sudden "unproblematic" now. No way lol.... 😒
I don't like the comparisons either Anon, but unfortunately, that's just a part of life in this industry. Ppl are (unfortunately) going to compare actors to each other smh. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I really don't like the comparing men to women just in general, because, like you said, different playing fields! But I ESPECIALLY don't like comparing white men to black or biracial women in the industry, because they're not on the same (or equal) playing field at all! 🥴 So the comparisons to Z are just nonsense!
Dude hasn't even been nominated for anything yet (let alone WON anything 😒), and they're ALREADY comparing JE ("I was homeless sleeping in my car") to Zendaya who's a TWO-TIME Emmy winner???
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Talk about white privilege at its FINEST!
Would they be comparing a black woman who hasn't even won anything to a white man who's already won several awards, AND been in blockbuster films? I think not. 😒
Anyway.... my guess is, these weirdos on twitter know that Z's name will trend, so they are just using her name (and maybe even Tom's name) to get their tweets to trend. 🙄
I can understand the Austin comparisons, coz Austin's movie just came out last year, and both he and JE play the same Elvis character. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But you're right, it's all silly at the end of the day.... and most of these actors don't even pay attention to the silly nonsense that goes on the bird app. 🐦 They just mind their business and let their work speak for itself. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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axesilly · 6 months
i cant afford therapy so im going to talk about my troubles on here because i dont know what else to do 👍 i dont know if this will reach anyone but it might make me feel better. sorry if its a bit lengthy, ive had these feelings for a while
for the sake of anonymity and my own safety i will not be mentioning any names of people, towns, or schools :]
so im in college, im an art major. im from a small town with nothing to do except go to a mall the next town over and im going to college in another small town 5 hours away from home. this small town also has jack shit to do unless you drive 45 minute to an hour away. im currently in my spring semester of my freshman year and i have gotten so absolutely mentally and physically drained since i got a fast food job. i got a job making pizzas at yknow one of those big chain corporations pizza places, and the store i work at has only been open a few months. its absolutely chaotic and no one knows how to do anything except a few select people. my boss, the general manager, also doesnt know how to do anything because its his first time doing something like this. one of the other managers also only works there because hes friends with the general manager and he is not the greatest person, as he tends to sexually harrass the staff including a friend i made there. now ive already put in my two weeks last saturday, but that doesnt take away from how drained this job has made me.
Since the spring semester started ive been constantly piled with work (one week i was scheduled 6 days in a row when i had a big project to work on, i had a breakdown at work to my general manager), writing assignments, and project after project. (not even kidding my drawing professor gives us a new project the same day we turn one in) in my senior year of high school i loved fine arts and i believed that i wanted to follow in my art teachers footsteps and pursue my love of art and make art for my career. and while i do still love fine arts and making art, i just cannot do this constantly. since just before my spring break i started not going to my classes as consistently and i swore to myself i would start going again after the break. well that break just made it worse it seems because everything has just gone more and more downhill. i have still been missing classes because some days its difficult to get out of bed and i do not have the motivation to go to class just to sit there and not be able to pay attention for an hour/hour and a half. im behind on a project for one of my classes because i havent gone since ive been back from spring break (two weeks). i have an exam for one of my classes soon and im not even close to prepared. i had a 3 page essay due last night i started but havent finished (luckily i can turn it in a little late). it may sound lazy but these are my real struggles with my mental health. i feel trapped here. i do have a license and a car, i do have transportation so i can go places, but its such an old car it has so many problems (one which has arisen recently being if i stop somewhere and turn my car off, it wont crank back up immediately and i have to wait 10-15 minutes, and once it is on i have to revv it to make sure it stays on). so because of car problems and currently living in a small town im frustrated because it feels like i cant go anywhere to do anything fun. i feel trapped in my dorm and in my mind.
now comes the college problem. the college i go to currently is a nice school, i get 8 meals a week on my meal plan included in my tuition. theres several places to choose from the eat at, theres a gym, free health exams i think. but its driving me insane seeing the same old brick buildings every damn day. i currently dont have a roommate so im in a dorm by myself which probably contributes to this feeling of lonliness. i dont really have many friends, i had more last semester but they did not keep in touch. i do have one friend that i appreciate very much and she always worries and wants to help when she sees im upset. shes a real one. but seeing the same things, learning about the same repetitive lessons every single day, has driven me insane. my art history class has been the same topics since the start of the semester, its all been about works of art pertaining to jesus, and mary, and god and the angel telling mary shes pregnant and marys purity and this symbolizing that and i understand why its important to learn about these works of art and how they have shaped art today, but i cannot stand hearing the same things over and over. im not a christian, and i dont believe theres anything wrong with christianity as long as youre not hurting anyone with your beliefs, but these topics are so repetitive ever class i have. the semesters almost over and we havent even gotten to modern art yet, and in my opinion thats what truly matters to learn about because thats what we as artists would need to look at to have a reference for how we should make our art right? art is about expressing yourself and we need to see how others making art in the modern era are expressing themselves as well. and on the topic of expressing ourselves, my drawing class, every single project, my professor has us stick to such strict criteria. one of my projects my professor actually really liked, i liked, but she took points off because i had my girlfriends name written very small where you could barely even see, because we were not supposed to have any text. i feel like i cannot even be creative and truly express myself with these projects. i dont feel like i have any real freedom with them. i love fine arts and i love making art, but not when its like this. i want to be able to make my own art that actually expresses my feelings, not someone elses criteria. because of all of this my grades have been rapidly dropping.
now i have already made the decision weeks ago that i will not be returning to this school in the next fall semester. i discussed this with my mom already as she does the majority of my paperwork and things for this stuff. she wants me to transfer to a college closer to home so i can atleast get a general studies degree. but thats not what i want to do either. she told me not to flunk my classes this semester because that will make it difficult to transfer me to another school, but how do you expect me to get good grades when i constantly feel like im in hell in my mind. i mentioned wanting to maybe take a gap year, she doesnt want me to do that. school is horrible for my mental health like this, i dont understand why society thinks we should just have everything we want to do with the rest of our life figured out immediately out of high school. well i dont. and i dont want to stay in college immediately out of high school. i want to go live my life! me and my girlfriend are long distance (we have met in person several times and shes actually coming to visit me this month, but just seeing each other for a week at a time is not enough) and i really want to go live with her! i want to enjoy living and living with the person i love more than life itself! i currently dont feel like i can do that here or back home. i want to move somewhere else with my girlfriend so we can both be happy and love life. i want to move out of state to a slightly bigger city, nothing crazy like new york or atlanta, but just somewhere bigger than a small town with nothing to do whatsoever. i do have a place in mind but im not going to say where. and when i move, after a year i can qualify for in state tuition and pursue something that makes me happier. ive always loved animals and marine animals so i was thinking i could major in zoology and marine biology and work at an aquarium or something while im working on my degree. and i dont fully know how the paperwork and things work for transferring and such, especially after a break, so i could be in the wrong, but is it really wrong for wanting the best for myself?
and to be honest with myself i know exactly why im in college and its not to get a degree. i was raised constantly being compared to my siblings. my brother is trans (which my parents are very obviously not too fond of) dropped out of college and joined the military. my sister dropped out of college after a semester, got married to a horrible man who she just recently divorced after having two children with him. and being compared to them all my life, especially to my brother, made me want to be better than them. i wanted to be the one, as the youngest, to be the first one to get through college immediately, all four years, no problem. but its just too much for me. and dropping out, moving away, im terrified. im terrified that my parents will be disappointed in me. im terrified of that face my mother makes, that tone of voice, when shes disappointed in me for something. im terrified of getting lectured and told why everything i want is wrong. its irrational. and im terified if i move away i wont have her support anymore. i wont have her to lean on when i need help with something. i was never taught where to go or how to do stuff for applying to colleges and transferring. i barely know how to do my taxes.
now i really dont know what this article-like rant of a tumblr post is gonna do. i know i dont really have a following and i dont really post on here. but i just thought itd make me feel better to collect my thoughts and put them all together like this. so far the only people concerned about me have been my girlfriend and a couple of my friends ive told about these problems. not even my professors are concerned about me, i havent even gotten a single email or question about how im doing. they say theyre all for mental health but when a student stops coming to class as often suddenly and starts failing or not turning in assignments its none of their business and i must just be getting lazy and im a horrible student yknow? anyways i think thats about it for this. again i dont really know what this will do but i hope someone has advice or support or something. im going insane here.
love to anyone else suffering similar struggles <3
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iwadori · 3 years
Atsumu dating Kita's younger sister (their manager). That's it. That's the request. Hope you like this prompt 🤞😅
Dating your brothers teammate (Atsumu)
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Part One Part Two Part Three
Word count: 1.6K
Genre: angst, fluff
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You and Atsumu started dating a month after Kita introduced you in your first year
You’re now in your second year and still going strong
However, no ones knows about your relationship since Atsumu said you being the manager and him being the setter it will affect the team dynamic?
You start the day off, seeing a message from your boyfriend,
‘Tsumu: Mornning babe, can’t wait to see you today!
You don’t respond, you are Atsumu have been at odds for the past few weeks as you feel like you guys should make your relationship public. Not even public per se, but you definitely feel it shouldn’t be hidden away especially with it being nearly two years of you being together.
Of course, Atsumu disagreed. He felt like at this moment you and him revealing your relationship to the team will just mess up the ‘dynamics’ or whatever that’s supposed to mean.
You get ready for school eating the breakfast your grandma made you and conversing with her and Kita before you both headed off to school together meeting Aran on the way.
You had an early morning practice and you didn’t mind it. To be honest, you love being around the team you were all a little family, you having a good relationship with all the guys.
This morning, the guys were all practicing different sorts of skills Kita was helping some of the gives with dives and receives and the rest doing other things. You were helping Osamu, Suna and Atsumu with there serves. 
Regardless of your public or private relationship status with Atsumu, you the twins and Suna were all good friends. You did have a slight inclination that Osamu and Suna knew of the relationship with you and Suna but just didn’t bring it up.
At the end of practice, the usual fan club was there waiting for the twins and the other guys to flirt and talk with them. As you are their manager, you did get some slight hate and jealousy from the other girls in your year but you didn’t pay no mind to it. 
When leaving practice, Atsumu (who usually walks with you to your class) gets stopped by a girl who seems to have something important to say so you politely step to the side (still in ear shot though.) 
“Miya-san” she said a bit nervous as her finger were shaking “I have this letter I would like for you to read.” 
He took the letter and said “Thank you, and you can just call me Atsumu” he smile at her.
“Thank you Atsumu, I hope to hear a response to you soon” she says about to walk away “Also, just to clarify you are single right?”
“Yes yes of course” he assures quickly making you annoyed “Why did you ask?”
“I assumed you were dating your manager, you seem pretty close”
“Oh her” he laughs and you already start to walk to your lesson leaving him behind “we’re just friends”
This makes the girl smile as she leaves, Atsumu turns to where you were standing shocked that you were completely vanished. He did think back to the conversation you had a week ago about your relationship status which did make him kind of sad for you since he did understand your reasoning he just wanted to you atleast wait it out till nationals is done.
He finds you at lunch, and to him it seems you don’t have a problem with him at all as you were being your usual smiley self interacting with him and all of your friends. So he assumed everything was fine (which it wasn’t of course.)
The next day at practice, when it ended the same girl came back again this time with friends and instead of approaching Atsumu they decided to approach you.
“Hi you’re the manager right?” one of them asks.
“Yup I have been for the past couple years.” you say 
“Oh and you’re definitely not dating any of the guys on the team right?”
“I don’t see why it’s any of your business, but no i’m not.” it pained you to say this but you did agree with Atsumu to say you weren’t dating to people and as much as it pained you to say this you couldn’t break your ‘agreement.’
Once the girls leave, you start to softly cry because you don’t want to have to hide your relationship anymore. Atsumu enters the corridor and sees you upset and rushes towards you, “Hey babe what’s wrong with you?” he asks 
“Nothing ‘tsumu just go back to practice” you murmur 
“No i’m not going until you tell me whats wrong?”
“it’s just that girl that confessed to you yesterday and her friends approached me about if I was dating anyone and i-”
“what did you say, he told them no right?” he interrupts
“Is that all you care about? Wether I keep our relationship secret or not ..” you say slightly raising your voice 
“Well I would appreciate if you don’t go round telling the world that you’re dating me gosh Y/N” he shouts a bit 
“I’m not even fucking doing that, I havent told a soul and that’s all because of YOU” 
You’re screaming match has alerted the team (who you didn’t notice) and they all stood around you watching before Kita steps in “Y/N are you okay??”
“yeah i’m fine bro” you say preparing to leave with tears still in your eyes “I just got into an argument with a friend” 
Before you leave the corridor you look back at Atsumu and catch all the guys attention when you say “Also Atsumu, happy anniversay ‘babe’”
“I KNEW IT!” shouts Osamu but Suna nudges him telling him to ‘read the room.’ Kita slowly approaches Atsumu and punches him in the face “I don’t care what you did but you made my sister cry so you better go fix it you dick”
Atsumu nodded and clutched his face, “Also I think it was pretty evident that you guys were dating.”
“Wait they were dating?” said Aran
You were in your room, scrolling through old pictures of you and Atsumu and looking at the presents he was going to give him for your anniversary still crying. You hear a knock on your door “Granny, I’m not hungry right now” you shout. But the door opens anyways “Granny I said I wasn-” you pause when you see a bruised Atsumu ‘Kita’ you think making yourself smile at the thought of your brother coming to your defence.
“Y/N, i’m sorry baby for trying to hide our relationship and not seeing how wrong it was until it was knocked into me... literally” he says cautiously sitting on your bed “ I’ve always wanted to be able to show off to the world but I just couldn’t cause I thought Kita would be mad and I genuinely thought it would mess up the team dynamic, however I’d rather have Kita be mad at me and the team loosing nationals if it meant getting to date you”
His words make you swoon and to add on to your fawning he whips out a wrapped up box giving it to you. When you open it, you see it’s a necklace with both your initials on it “ Happy anniversay babe, this has been one of the best years of my life.”
You silently hand him your presents, murmuring a quiet “Happy anniversary.” After seeing your presents, he gives you a big deep hug whispering mutiple thank yous and compliments into your neck making you smile.
“So does this mean we’re in a public relationship? right?” you ask making sure you were on the same page.
“Of course!” he exclaims “Also check your phone”
You look down at your phone seeing a bunch of notifications all tagging you in one post that was from Atsumu on instagram. It was 8 pictures of him and you and a caption that read *insert long romantic sappy paragraph that I’m too lazy too write since its 3 am :3* 
Your heart was overwhelmed with love for Atsumu, you spent the rest of your night cuddling and watching movies and before you went to sleep you told him you loved him.
Waking up the next morning, you thought it was all a dream to be honest. Because there was no way that Atsumu did all that right? You go downstairs and are shocked at the sight you see, Atsumu and Kita both sitting down eating breakfast together “What are you doing with my boyfr-” you stop yourself from finishing that sentence,
“Its okay Y/N you can say boyfriend, I have given your boyfriend the talk I just had to make sure that he knows that if he was ever to lay a finger on you that he would definitely get a bi-”
“Ughh nii-chan you’re being so embarrasing” you say pulling Atsumu back upstairs hearing Kita’s laughter in the backround.
You and Atsumu, stay together and it wasn’t much of a suprise when your relationship was public to the rest of the school and that girl that wanted Atsumu she ended up with Osamu anyways (it does makes sense since they do have the same face afterall.) Kita enjoys his days embarassing the both of you whenever you’re at your house. But you don’t care since you can finally show off to the world how great your boyfriend is.
Authors Notes: I don’t know if you wanted it to have angst in it but I hope you enjoy? Might make this a series so if you want anymore characters Request them and I’ll write for them too 
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How do I put up with you?
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Why is there barely and Bambam angst ?like anywhere?😖
summary: You and bambam have an argument as he says you are buying to many clothes. You both end up having an argument which leads to Bambam fucking you until you fall asleep.
CONTAINS: ANGST  , SMUT , FLUFF. ALSO  (hair pulling and oral sex )
F/N= friends name
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN I BUY TO MANY CLOTHES” you say sitting on the couch with your arms crossed and an expression on your face that was starting to scare Bambam. This whole thing started when Bambam saw you walk into the house with like 6 bags of clothes and an extra bag full to the brim with makeup. Its not that Bambam doesn’t like it when you shop and neither is he stingy , but he had noticed lately how often you went shopping and by now his whole wardrobe along with your own was full of your clothes. 
It started with Bambam speaking to you calmly but it all just rubbed you the wrong way and you got defensive and by now you both were yelling in each others faces .”DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT I HAVE TO HANG MY CLOTHES IN THE TOILET BECAUSE I HAVE NO SPACE IN MY WARDROBE BECAUSE OF YOU”.  In the beginning of this argument when Bambam began yelling at you it shocked you as it was very uncommon for him to yell at you, but now you wanted to fight back. 
“THEN WHY DONT YOU BUY YOURSELF ANOTHER WARDROBE!” at this point Bambam felt so angry he felt like he was gonna explode. You were really taking this too far. “You buy all this stuff out our shared account and were gonna go bank corrupt soon and we all know who contributes the majority of the money in the account and its clearly not you.” Bambam replies in an annoyed tone clearly stopping himself from yelling.
This crossed the line for you. Bambam knew how insecure you were about you job as a fashion designer as you were still a beginner so you weren’t really making a lot of money. Instead you were stuck being an assistant for another fashion designer who payed you very less. Despite how less your pay was you still always put it in your and Bambams shared account so it was fair for the both of you. This truly hurt you because there was no way you were expecting that from Bambam. 
You remained silent now just looking at the floor trying not to cry, It was getting too difficult as now your eyes were stinging and your throat was closing up because of how badly you wanted to cry. From the corner of your eye you could see Bambam watching you. You kept your gaze on the floor as you walked out the living room straight to your and Bambams bedroom and locked the door. You heard him say something but you were so blanked out that you didn’t even hear. As soon as you entered the room you let it all out. You laid there on the bed and cried. You had been told many times by fans and others that you were just a failure and fashion designers earnt  nothing and thats why you were with Bambam;because you were a gold digger and just wanted him for his money. 
This was always a part of your relationship that made you feel insecure. You didn’t like the fact that bambam had to pay for if not all, most the things you bought. Even your mum had told you to get a real job. So now was the time you got a real job. Your friends family owned a cafe and she always offered you a job there so you both could work together. You declined the offer kindly and decided to follow your dreams. But you were clearly not living in the real world if you thought you could just follow your dreams and become whatever you wanted. At this point you needed money. You didnt want to spend any of Bambams money from now on. Especially not after how he reacted. 
So you called your friend and it took less then two rings for her to pick up and answer in a cheerful tone “HELLO OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU HAVENT SPOKEN TO ME SINCE AGESSS” you chuckle at her excitement and answer back “F/N i just spoke to you yesterdayy” she let out an over exaggerated sigh and answered “Anyways why did u call its not like you to call me when your with your fancy boyfriend .”You roll your eyes at her even though she couldn’t see and laugh. 
“Umm, can I work at your cafe from tomorrow I know this is very short noticed but-” she cut you off with an excited squeal and she answered “OFCOURSE YOU CAN IM LITERALLY THERE RIGHT NOW AND ITS SO BORING” you smile at her answer. You were truly lucky to have her. ”Okay ill be there  tomorrow morning” you respond. You could hear a customer behind her and she answers back in a rush “Okay ill see you i gtg” and before you could even answer she cut the phone. 
You fell back on to the bed and let out a breath you hadn’t realised you had been holding. You would no longer spend Bambams money. You lay there in a bed for a while before you heard a timid knock on the door. So now was when he had decided to apologise. You ignored him before the knock turned a little louder. After ignoring it for a while you heard him twist the door handle and let out a sigh .”Can you open the door I just wanna have a shower.” You were dumbfounded. He really just wanted a shower? You went and opened the door not even looking at him for a second before laying back down on the bed and going on your phone. Bambam was just as stubborn as you and also didn’t spare you a glance as he headed to the wardrobe in front of you. You watched him from behind as he opened the wardrobe .A bag of your clothes that you had just bought recently fell out of the wardrobe and all your clothes in the bag fell on the floor. 
Bambam looked back at you as if to prove his point but you quickly closed your eyes not wanting him to think your paying any attention to him. He let out a groan and began picking up your clothes that had fell on the floor and put them back in the bag that you lazily hadn’t gotten rid of. He began looking through his clothes and took out a pair of grey shorts and a loose black shirt. You watched him as he took out his towel and shut the drawer. Even though you were really angry at him you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. This time when he looked back at you , you didn’t look away. You looked at him as he looked back at you with a blank expression. He looked away quickly heading to the bathroom.
By the time Bambam got out it was beginning to get dark. You headed to the bathroom as soon as he got out and had a long warm shower. Usually you would wear one of his shirts or hoodies but today you didn’t want to. Instead you wore one of your own loose shirts and headed to the bed after turning off the lights. Even in the dark you could see that Bambam was already half asleep .You thought to yourself ‘am i petty enough to sleep on the sofa or make him sleep on the sofa?’ You decided to against it as you were not in the mood to get back pains especially when you had work tomorrow. You also decided that there was no point telling Bambam that you have work tomorrow. He would probably be glad that you would no longer have to spend his money anyways. (you were wrong)
You laid down on your side of the bed instantly wrapping yourself around the blankets and it felt so good after a long day of arguing with bambam. You were laying there in your own thoughts until you felt an arm wrap around your waist pulling you closer. Bambam always done this in his sleep and usually you found it adorable but not today. You took his arm and not so gently removed it from your waist moving further away from him. But all your effort went down the drain as he pulled you close again and mumbled something in his sleep. You decided there was no point moving him away any longer as it would result in you staying up all night. You got yourself comfortable in Bambams arms (even though you didn’t want to) and fell asleep in seconds. 
You woke up to the sound of your alarm going off extremely loudly and a grumpy looking bambam sitting crossed leg on the bed with his arms crossed staring at you. He had a pout on his face and he seriously looked like he was about to cry. For a second you nearly forgot about yesterday and were about to jump onto and cuddle him but then you stopped yourself. The alarm went of so you could get ready for work. You turned off the alarm and you could feel Bambams eyes on you. When you finally looked at the time you realised you didn’t have long left and that you should begin getting ready.
Bambam finally spoke as he saw you get up from the bed in a rush. “Where are you going.” You honestly didn’t want to reply but you didn’t want to have disturbed his sleep to not even tell him the reason why. ”I have to go to work.” he looked deep in thought for a second before he spoke again “But you have no work on Saturday”.You groaned and answered him “Well now I do and you should be glad because ill no longer spend your money and ill pay you back all of the money you’ve spent on me dont worry.” 
He had nothing to say. Bambam did not expect you to take everything so seriously. He didn’t want you to overwork yourself and there was no way you could pay him back for all the money he spent on you. It was simply too much. Bambam didn’t meet your eyes as you left for the bathroom. He waited for you to get out the bathroom and the second you walked out he cornered you against the wall with both his arms on either side of your head. 
“Your not going work. ”He says firmly looking at you in such an intense way that you had to look away. You adjusted your towel under his stare and spoke “I do. Now move out of the way i’m gonna get late.” He looked at you for long enough for you to finally look back at him. He looked angry and it was clear to you it was getting hard for him to remain calm. You moved around so you could get away from him but he wouldn’t budge. 
This whole thing was starting to annoy you. First he told you that you waste all his money and now that you wanted to make more money for yourself he wasn’t letting you do it. You couldn’t understand what was wrong with him. “OMG WHATS WRONG WITH YOU IM GONNA GET LATE TO WORK BECAUSE OF YOU , SO FUCKING ANNOYING UGH.” You screamed in his face whilst hitting his chest with your fists and he didn’t even flinch for a second. You hadn’t even realised that you were hitting his chest until he held both your wrists with his hands. 
Now he looked really pissed of. He tightened his jaw as he spoke “How dare you speak to me like that.” The confidence you had a second ago had now all disappeared. You looked away from his as he spoke , your wrists still in his hold. When he saw that you weren’t gonna answer him, his hold on your wrists tightened and you let out a whimper. It was clear that you had pissed Bambam off too much. There was no way he was going to let you get away with this. 
“Take off your towel and get here” he says while he lets go of your wrists and moves to sit on the edge of the bed. You didn’t want to annoy him even more by not doing as he said so you began to strip yourself of your towel as he watched your every move. You tried to hurry as you quickly took of your panties after your towel and walked towards him feeling very exposed. 
He motioned for you to lay across his lap so your ass would be right in front of him on his lap. Now you knew exactly what was about to happen. ”Good” You hear Bambam say as he rubbed his hands all over your ass occasionally squeezing your skin. You were laying there your eyes getting droopy until you felt a harsh slap on your ass that made you jolt awake. You let out a whine as Bambam messages the spot he just hit .You could still feel the sting of the previous slap until he slapped the same spot again .He began messaging the spot again and by now you had tears in your eyes. He gave your ass a last strong slap before he told you to get off his lap. The last hit was so bad that tears began to fall from your eyes and you let out a groan. 
When you stood up the pain on your ass magnified and you winced at the feeling. Bambam also stood up after you and you felt so small in front of him. He towered over you as he spoke “Get on all fours on the bed.” You done what he said immediately getting on your hands and knees on the bed. You waited for him to do something as you couldn’t see him. You heard some shuffling and by the time you saw Bambam he was only wearing his boxers and getting onto the bed. 
You could see his bulge through his black boxers and you wondered to yourself how long hes been hard for. You faced forward as he was on his knees right behind you. You felt his hand wonder around your ass and you winced at how sensitive your ass had become. His hand wondered up all the way up your spine to your neck. He pushed your neck down and you took that as a sign to move your head to the bed and then his hand reached to the centre of your back. You understood what he meant and you arched your back. 
After you were in position Bambam moved his finger down to your pussy moving your wetness around. He had no idea that this whole situation would arouse you so much. He moved his head in between your legs from behind you instantly licking the lips of your pussy. You tried your best not to make a sound as his tongue didn’t go in but licked the outside of your pussy. He used two of his fingers to open your lips and he began drinking up all your wetness. He was moving his tongue so fast and his fingers were also circling around your clit. You felt like you were gonna pass out. 
For what felt like an eternity ,Bambam continued to eat you out and by now your legs were giving out and you felt like you were about to cum. You let out a particularly loud moan as his tongue circled around your entrance and you moved your hips back onto his face out of desperation to reach your orgasm. He held your hips firmly now stopping all movements of your hips and continued .As your orgasm approached your body began slightly shaking and Bambam knew you were about to cum. He moved his face away suddenly and you let out a whine now feeling extremely needy. 
“Did you really think it was that easy?” He says with a small chuckle and you let out a groan in response. It was clear that he had pulled down his boxers as now you could feel the tip of his cock circling around your pussy. You could come just from the feeling of that. You could feel how hard bambam was and you had no idea how he could remain so composed even though he was rock hard. You wanted him to fuck you so bad , you moved your hips back and let out a needy wine. You heard Bambam mutter “What a slut” as he moved the tip of his dick to your entrance. He pushed it in all the way in one go and you let out the loudest moan you had let out that night. 
You felt intoxicated as bambam held onto your hips tightly as he thrusted into you hard and fast. You could feel his anger and hurt through the way he was moving. Bambam pulled your hair making your back arch even more as he fucked into you. You could hear his grunts and it was all getting too much for you. Your legs couldn’t keep you up any longer as you were about to cum. 
Bambam could see that your legs were about to give out so he held you up his grip tightening around your hips as he moved his hips even faster.” Aagh im gonna cum” you say in between breaths and it was getting too hard for you to speak. You heard him hum as he sped up pushing your head into the bed as he continued to fuck you. 
With another harsh thrust you could feel Bambam reaching deep inside of you and you let out a whine as he hit your special spot. He noticed this and continue to thrust into the same spot until you screamed out his name as you came. Bambam was really close to and he slowed down a little in case you felt very sensitive.When he couldnt control himself any more he took hold of your hands putting them behind your back as he held your wrists. He fucked you even harder letting out all his built up anger and with a grunt you could feel Bambam filling you up. 
He pulled out as you collapsed onto the bed completely breathless and you both were covered in sweat .He laid down beside you not looking at you. You remained silent until he spoke “You don’t need to over work yourself. Theres no shortage of money.” You didn’t say anything as sleep was begining to take over you.You didnt know what bambam said after that as you fell into deep sleep not even caring about the argument anymore. 
Bambam looked to see if you were still awake as he wanted to apologise but he smiled when he saw you now completely asleep. He felt guilty for saying the stuff that he did but he seriously no longer had any space of his own. He moved a piece of hair that had fallen on your face and noticed how exhausted you looked. He placed a gentle kiss on you lips and got up to get a towel. 
He returned to your sleeping figure on the bed and tried to clean you as gently as possible. You were so deep in your slumber that you didn’t even move an inch as Bambam pulled your legs apart in order to clean you properly and to remove his cum from your body. After he had cleaned you up he heard the sound of your phone ringing and decided to check who it is. It was F/N. Bambam picked up the phone to hear immediately “ OMG Y/N WHERE ARE YOUU I TOLD MY MUM YOU WERE COMING TO HELP TODAYYY , SHE WAS SO EXCITED SHE EVEN-” Bambam cut her off by answering. He had realised that you were about to start working at your friends cafe.”Uh hi its bambam , Y/N’s asleep right now and she wont be coming today ill let her know you called.” Bambam was hoping your friend wouldn’t get upset that you weren’t coming. After a second F/N replied “Ah um okay let her know I called” and after that she immediately cut the phone. 
Bambam laid down next to you and let out a sigh whilst wrapping his arms around you. He smiled as he pulled you closer and mumbled “stupid” with a chuckle .”I love you” he said before he also fell asleep.
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[SUMMARY: PRE APOCALYPSE. Negan is your Sex Ed professor.]
Negan and Brielle.
 Health class was your absolute favorite and only you and your bestfriend Jane knew why. You had the biggest crush on your professor. He was tall, handsome,charming and although he was a teacher he had a rebel look to him that you liked. Being over 18 and attracted to your professor you liked to have innocent fun with it. Everyday you would come in with flirty outfits, either show some legs or cleavage. Jane told you one day while you were up in front of the class giving a speech that she caught him leaning back on his chair looking at your ass. Never had you actually caught him yourself but it did excite you.
Today you came into class in a lavender v neck and tight jeans. He waited by the door as each of you entered, giving you a quick wink as you passed him with Jane.
"Morning Brielle."
"Good Morning, Professor Negan." You smiled as your friend nudged you before you got to your seats. With your pen between your lips you couldnt take your eyes off Negan as he spoke. He wore dark jeans and a black button shirt unbuttoned at the top showing a light patch of his chest hair. Distracted with your day dreams of your professor you werent paying attention to anything he said and got caught off guard when he called on you.
"Brielle, what is the scientific explanation of what causes men to wake up with an erection?" You blanked out, not having any answer to what he asked as well as being stunned by the question.
"Um...I-" you froze, the whole class staring at you as if you were stupid.
"I'll see you after class, Brielle." You sunk in your seat in embarrassment as you heard a few laughs come from students around you. Waiting for him to dismiss the class you sighed knowing you made yourself look like a fool today. Jane gave you a pity look as everyone left the class and you walked up to your professor's desk.
"You asked me to stay Professor Negan?"
"Brielle," he grinned as he leaned back on his chair.
"You look like you were having some trouble with today's lesson, theres an exam next week on all we've talked about this week. I want to be sure you're ok."
"Oh um-yes...I don't know what happened today. I was caught off guard I guess." He chuckled as he scratched his beard.
"I figured that, I would think you know what makes a man wake up with morning wood." His words caught you off guard making you raise a brow to him. Having a conversation with a man so attractive of this topic was intimidating.
"I'm sure your boyfriend has told you about it."
"Um..I don't have a boyfriend." You laughed nervously as he leaned forward in his chair putting his hands together with an intrigued look.
"Well that's hard to believe."
"Why would that be hard to believe?" You asked confused not exactly catching his point. He laughed thinking your naive response was cute.
"Well excuse my french Brielle but shit, you're a damn attractive fucking woman. I dont know how one of these men in my class havent made you theirs yet." You let out a shocking nervous giggle quickly covering your lips. The sound made him chuckle, he knew he made you nervous. You couldnt believe what he was actually saying, you couldnt wait to tell Jane.
"Well-" he cleared his throat as he stood up, the man so much taller than you, you looked up at him.
"Sit down, let's go over today's lesson." He motioned to his chair as you quietly moved past him and sat down. He leaned over you turning the pages in his book, you couldnt stop staring at his beard, his lips, his neck...the smell of his cologne so close to you. He began to speak and once again you blanked out just staring at him, how could a man be this good looking?
"Do you understand what I'm saying, Brielle?" He asked looking over at you making you quickly nod.
"See, when a man gets excited-" he leaned in closer to you, the sound of his voice very close to your ear.
"It sends messages that causes a blood flow which causes an erection to occur."
"So when a man is sleeping and gets aroused it's cause hes dreaming of something that made him excited?" You asked innocently.
"Sometimes." Negan responded.
"It can be a natural thing that occurs because the man is so relaxed or sometimes it can be a dream. It happens very often to every man. Especially when a man has an attractive woman on his mind.” The tone in his voice made your skin hot. Obviously you knew everything he was explaining and he was sure you did too, you could tell. Without looking at him you could feel his face close to yours. Leaning over your shoulder Negan could see a perfect view of your cleavage. He could tell you were nervous, your chest rising up with each deep breath. Suddenly you turned to him and caught him looking down your shirt. Negan quickly looked up, a smirk as if he knew he had been caught appeared on his face. “That necklace...is nice.” Negan used it as an excuse to look back down at your breasts. Your heart began to beat faster, you knew what he was doing. Without expecting it he gently picked up your silver necklace, his fingers gently brushing over your cleavage. “Oh yeah....that’s very nice.” He whispered seductively as he slid his thumb over the charm. He looked up and locked eyes with yours, you could see the attraction in his eyes. Your nerves making you lick you lips before being interrupted by a knock on the door. Negan quickly let go of your necklace, the two of you jumped to see another professor standing by the door.
“Sorry to bother, I had some paper work to give you. Until what time will you be here?” The man asked Negan as he quickly stood up straight. Nervously you picked up your books and grabbed your bag.
“I gotta get going-I’ll see you tomorrow, Professor Negan. Thanks for the....extra tutoring.” You sounded confused not being sure what to call it. Before he could respond you quickly left walking past the other professor at the door. Your nerves getting the best of you, you ran...you felt like an idiot. You knew you weren’t just imagining things, your professor was actually checking you out and throwing indirect comments. Quickly you called Jane and told her everything that happened.
“Why the hell did you leave? Maybe he was going to make a move.” She laughed making you sigh.
“I don’t know...I just got nervous. He’s so attractive and he was so close. I don’t know, maybe it was just me anyways.”
“Yeah, I doubt that. I guess we’ll see tomorrow.”
The next day you decided to where a more appealing outfit. Perfect for the weather with the sun coming out you put a soft blue spring dress. As soon as you walked in you noticed Negans eyes quickly look you up and down before greeting you with a smile. Jane once again nudged you as he was making it more obvious that he checked you out. The two of you sat down as Negan announced he would be returning everyone’s exams from the week before. As you received your paper you gasped at the big red F circled on the paper with a side note that read to meet him after class.
“There you go, another excuse to see him....alone.” Jane teased you as you shook your head.
“Seriously I need this credit. I’m screwed if I fail this class.” You responded as you were genuinely concerned with your grades, you couldn’t afford to fail this class.
As the class went on Negan had you all take a quick quiz. He stood in front of class watching everyone quietly working on their paper when he realized you quickly finished. Not taking his eyes off you, he watched as you stood up and walked over to him.
“I finished, I think it’s all good?” You whispered standing beside him as you handed him the paper. He looked down at the paper as you innocently leaned over beside him looking on at your work. Negan felt you press your chest against his arm, not being able to help himself he took a peek with the corner of his eye before clearing his throat.
“Well is it good?” You looked up at him making him turn to you, but all he could see was the curve of your breast’s spilling out of your dress.
“Very good.” He whispered making you smile before you walked back to your seat. You had no idea how aroused you had just made him, he sat behind the desk to hide any evidence of it.
Waiting for the class to be over and for everyone to leave you quickly marched up to the desk with your graded exam in hand.
“Professor, I need to find a way to fix this. I really can’t fail this class. Is there a way I can make this up?” Negan sat writing something on a paper before he slowly stood up and walked towards the door and closed it shut.
He walked back to you looking down at you mysteriously before he finally spoke.
“You’re a smart girl, Brielle. Were you paying attention in class today?”
“Yes. Of course.”
“Alright then tell me, what was today’s topic?”
You felt your cheeks turn red at the thought of mentioning it alone with him.
“The female orgasm.” You responded making him smile.
“Well...I know about all of that already.”
“Do you?” He raised a brow as he moved closer to you.
“Brielle, you ever had a boyfriend?”
“Yes. One.” You responded with a puzzled expression.
“Did he know how to....get you going?” As attractive as you found Negan you got nervous at the direction of the conversation.
“Maybe this shouldn’t be spoken about, Professor.” You responded hesitantly, you were honestly afraid of someone over hearing the conversation.
“Who’s gonna tell?” He winked at you making your heart jump, you couldn’t deny it the rush of speaking about certain things with him did make you excited.
“Now, did this boyfriend of yours get the job done?”
Your slow response made him smirk, he could tell you weren’t too experienced. Truth was you only had sex with that one boyfriend you had but, you didn’t remember much of the experience. You hadn’t reached orgasm with him.
“This is why a woman should test the waters out on herself first so she knows what makes her body reach climax.” You looked away making Negan tilt his head as if he had just realized something with your response.
“Oh. Say it ain’t so.” He responded with raised brows making you look up at him confused.
“What?” Negan chuckled before he took another step closer to you.
“You’ve never felt an orgasm at all before, have you?” Your lips parted at his upfront shocking question.
“I mean-“
“Well that’s interesting.” Negan stared down at you for a moment, his tongue slowly gliding over his bottom lip.
“Do you wanna know what it feels like?”
“Um, Professor I..um I don’t know how to answer that.” You laughed nervously. You could feel the tingly sensation between your legs at the excitement of what he asked you. The look in his eyes as he looked down at your soft pink plump lips.
“You’re gorgeous, Brielle....you know that?”Your eyes lit up, his voice deep and rough. Negan had always thought you were beautiful from the first moment you walked into his class. Never had he been so attracted to a student of his, he knew it wasn’t right but he couldn’t help himself. Negan could see through your innocence, he could tell you were attracted to him too, your innocence only aroused him more.
“A gorgeous woman like you should know what it feels like to cry out in pleasure.” His words left you speechless, how you could you respond to this?
“You should know what that feeling is, Brielle.”
“How..?” You whispered as you suddenly felt his fingers lightly brush over your thigh as he looked into your eyes. He could see the shock look in your eyes from his soft touch.
“I can show you better than I can tell you.” His finger very slowly brushed over the side of your thigh before reaching the sensitive inner side.
You could see it in his face, how badly he wanted to take you in that moment. Negan looked behind him to the door before he turned to you with a smirk, you already knew what was on his mind.
“You...you want to show me?” You whispered in a shaky breath.
“I’m just giving you a private lesson, sweetheart. No one has to know.” He suddenly picked you up and sat you on his desk making you gasp.
“Shh..” You felt his fingers press against your panties softy before he began to move them slowly teasing your clit. He pushed your dress up higher as you leaned back on your hands on the desk. Your pink lace panties in full view as he pushed them to the side. You remained still watching as he touched you.
“Oh that’s a pretty pussy.” He slid down your slit with his thumb, before spreading you open and teasing you some more.
“See I’m gonna start off slow with you, doll.” He whispered as you looked at him still in shock with what he started doing. He noticed you softly biting down on your bottom lip, he knew he was staring to make you feel good. You closed your eyes and began to grind your hips slowly as the feeling got better and better.
“That’s it...” Negan unexpectedly stuck his finger inside you making your hips jump before he moved slowly in and out. You moaned softly as he fingered you, pulling his finger out wetter each time.
“Well look at that, looks like you’re ready for me, but I’m not done yet.” Negan this time went back in with two fingers while playing with your clit with his other hand. Your eyes rolled back at the sensation he was making you feel. Never had a man taken his time with you like this making sure you were feeling pleasure. Both of his hands began to move faster as you moaned, doing your best not to do so loudly. He knew you were on the verge of having your first orgasm.
“Oh my god...” you began to pant as he watched you intensely before changing the positioning of his fingers inside you making him hit your g spot. You screamed feeling something you had never felt before wanting to explode within you.
“Professor...professor-“ you gasped helplessly as the pleasure was so intense it almost frightened you.
“Cum for me, Brielle. Relax and let it go.” He whispered hoarsely when your legs tensed up and suddenly began to shake. Negan smiled as you threw your head back and moaned loudly completely forgetting you were in a classroom.
“Atta girl..keep cumming..” he whispered as you panted, whimpering as he slowed down.
Negan pulled his fingers out and sucked the juices off as you sat there with trembling legs.
“Oh look at you.” He chuckled with a smirk, he could tell you had never felt the feeling before. It turned him on knowing he was the first man to make you feel that. Your legs open facing him, you looked down at his crotch area and noticed the very obvious bulge.
“Now look what you did.” Negan chuckled as he quickly unbuckled his pants and revealed his thick cock. You couldn’t believe what was happening but you didn’t want to stop it. He sat back on the chair and looked at you with an excited smile.
“Come get on your professors lap, let’s get you that A.” You bit down on your bottom lip and smiled before doing as he asked. Your back facing him Negan pushed your dress up as you adjusted yourself leaning back on him, you slowly lowered yourself letting his cock enter you. You gasped leaning your hand on his arm not expecting him to have felt so big inside you. You jumped back up before he took hold of your hips and easily guided you down.
“Easy...like that, sweetheart.” Negan grunted at the first feel of him fully inside you. You began to slowly move up and down on him as he held your dress up, he was bigger than your ex and you hesitated with moving fast. Negan squeezed your hips trying to bring you down harder, he wanted more but he could tell you were afraid. He wanted to take over.
“Don’t be afraid, doll.” You began to move harder on him making him moan. He sounded sexier than you ever imagined he would.
“Turn around.” Negan spoke roughly. You did as he asked and straddled him and felt him slide in easily, face to face with him you couldn’t believe you were having sex in a classroom with your professor.
“Someone can come in..” you whispered as he adjusted himself beneath you.
“Don’t worry about that.” Negan slouched in the chair and began to pump upward into you making you gasp. He moved how he wanted to knowing it would make you feel good. You moaned holding onto him as he quickly pulled the top part of your dress down, revealing your breasts.
“Holy shit-“ he whispered looking straight at them, they were much bigger than he expected them to be and he loved it. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him, your breasts close to his face as he began to thrust upward vigorously. He panted roughly as you moaned.
“Oh my god- wait!” You screamed as you held onto him.
“No, take it” he bit down on his lip as he began to feel you pulsate around him. Negan stood up carrying you with him and sat you down on his desk. Moving full force he knocked down his cup of pens on the table as he watched your expression while you orgasmed with him in you.
“Yeah...good girl.” He whispered as you moaned. He looked down and noticed his cock drenched in your cum. The look in your eyes he hadn’t seen in a woman in long time, then again he hadn’t been with a woman so inexperienced since he was younger. The thought of him showing you how good this felt pleased him. Negan pulled out and came right on top of your pussy. You watched as intensity filled his eyes as cum shot out of him onto you. He jerked himself off letting out every drop. The sight of you innocently laying back on his desk, legs spread and his cum all over you was one he never thought he would actually see.
“Jesus fucking Christ..” he whispered looking down at you before quickly turning away. He couldn’t believe temptation took over him, never had he slept with one of his students. Still out of breath, you both cleaned yourselves up as Negan turned back to you.
“This...” he pointed towards you and him slightly getting distracted as you fixed your breasts in your dress.
“This stays between us, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Professor.” You agreed before he got closer to you, still out of breath.
“Think of me tonight when you touch yourself.” Your eyes widened at his assumption, but he knew with how good he made you feel today that you would want to discover how to make yourself feel that way.
“Oh I know exactly what you’re going to do.” He chuckled at your shocked expression looking down at you.
“Now think of me. There’s so many more things I could do to you. I know I’m suppose to keep my hands to myself, darling but I don’t think I can.” His voice deepened more than it already was as he spoke.
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” You responded softly when suddenly your phone rang. Negan looked over at your phone and saw Janes name on it before raising a brow to you.
“No one.” He warned and truth be told you didn’t want to tell Jane, you didn’t want to tell anyone of your dirty little secret.
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Ashes To Ashes
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: ‘Please could you write a Fred Weasley imagine where you’re inside the burrow when Bellatrix sets it on fire and Fred runs in to get you out?? Thank you, I’m really loving you writing!’ For anonymous
Ps- i havent read the books or seen the movies in a while so I kinda went w the time it was fleur & bills wedding & intergrated it w that, sorry if its not what u wanted but I did write Bellatrix’s attack in x
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Today was the big day. For today was the the day where Fleur & Bill were finally to be wed. For their celebration to erase war from anyones thoughts, today they were just two kids in love, not undercover Order Workers. Today they were simply girl & boy.
“Oi Y/N hurry up, Fleur’s asking for you” Ginny shouts practically breathless as she runs past your room, trying to find Hermione for the bride.
You pick up the gorgeous bouqet that earlier today you picked up from the florist for the woman and made your way downstairs into the living room. As you take a closer look, you notice something is off. Fleur was standing rigidly still, looking in the mirror unblinking.
“Fleur, darling, are you alright?”
The woman remained silent, Y/N had no idea what to do, she’d never seen her friend so paniced, so immobile. Ever since Y/N’s sixth year (after the Triwizard Tournament) the two kept in contact, maintaining a solid friendship with the other, who wouldve known that years later Fleur would join the family that you had already been apart of.
“Its okay to be nervous.” You sit beside the Frenchwoman “Just talk through it” grabbing her hand you pull her down to sit beside you.
“It’z all so scary Y/N. I love Bill, I really do, but what if he realises he doesnt feel the same about me and leaves me there?” She faces you, eyes glossed over
That caused you to frowm slightly “Bill loves you more than he loves life itself Fleaur, everybody knows that he’d do anything for you just to see you happy- not many can say that they have a person like that.” You smile lightly, thinking about your person. “You constantly say how much you love him, so if you stil feel that for him, theres no need to be scared of getting married-These are the normal pre wedding doubts, none of them are true. Besides, I’m sure if Bill tried to run away from such a gorgeous and talented person as you, Molly would raise havoc and go to the ends of the earth to get him back.”
Fleur looks up at you, smiling, but with stray tears going down her face “Thank you Y/N” she throws herself forward and hugs you “It’s just a big step & I’ve been so emotional lately because of-“ she hesitates
A look of realisation dawns on you and you beam, hugging her once more but tighter “You’re joking? Congratulations!” You give her a peck on the cheek “Does Bill know?” You queried as she shook her head
“Non, I only confirmed it a week ago. Please dont tell anyone Y/N.” She looks at you with pleading eyes and you vigorously nod
“Of course. I wont say a thing, this is your secret. But how about we start getting ready for your wedding hmm.”
As Y/N started to do Fleurs makeup, Hermione rushed in with the wedding dress that her and Molly had been making final adjustments to, Ginny was running around frantically trying to get all the guests in the right places and seats. Once commisioning your help to shout at a group of loiterers to leave the premises because they wouldnt listen to the red head girl. All in all, after many hours, Fleaur was ready.
“You look gorgeous.” Gabrielle beamed at her sister
“I might just steal you from Bill” you wink and cause her to laugh and blow you a kiss “I’ll go get everyone ready, you still have plenty of time to relax.” Handing Gabrielle the bouqet, you rush out of the room, which proved to be quite difficult in heels. But bearing through the pain, you get outside and see rows and rows of the fragile golden chairs set on either side of the long purple carpet. The supporting poles to the gazeebo top were entwined with gorgeous white and gold flowers. As you look to where there was supposed to be an enormous bunch of balloons, you frown to see it bare.
“George!” You shout getting his attention “Wheres Fred? You were supposed to the balloons up ages-“ you feel strong arms pick you up and spin you around, making you let out a shriek of surprise, thankfully not loud enough to get the attention of the others
“I’m here my love, disposable at your command.” He purrs into your ear, sending chills down your spine
“Put me down asshole” you laugh and turn to face him, before you could manage to say anything you were taken aback at how he looked. “You got a haircut.” You stated plainly and ran a hand through his hair as he put his arms around your waist.
“Correction, George cut my hair when I wasnt paying attention so ‘people would be able to tell the difference between us’” he wrinkled his nose
You stare at him, dumbstruck “As if the hole on the side of his head wasnt enough.” Fred laughs and says thats what he said “I like it, it suits you.”
Fred grins and kisses you, “Lets face it Y/N you like anything when its to do with me.”
You roll your eyes and hum in agreement “Thats because I love you Fred. But I will seriously consider breaking up with you if you dont get the balloons up as you promised.”
Fred gives you a small peck & jumps back from you “I’m on it!” and runs over towards his brother to finally do what he had to. You smile at him, reminiscing at how you managed to fall in love with such an idiotic man, yet you could never wish for more. Fred Weasley was truly perfect.
Shaking your head you turn back to the guests that were not where they were supposed to be before shouting “Get to your seats and away from the food please! Thats for after the ceremony!” You swat their hands before adding “If you dont know where youre supposed to be, go to Hermione and Molly, they will tell you.” You motion to the pair before walking around to make last minute adjustments.
The wedding ceremony went beautifully, Fleur was walked down with her bridesmaids: Gabrielle & Ginny. When in sight, she rendered everyone breathless, she was ethereal, the most gorgeous a person could possibly look. Molly teared up from the get go at the sight of her eldest marrying, many more joined in when they said their vows. You could not believe that the day of your friends wedding had finally arrived. Throughout the entire sitting down portion of the ceremony, Fred was holding your hand and rubbing circles on it, an assurance that through everything you went through- you were still together- still alive.
The loud music was ringing through the field, dancing bodies surrounded you, but you paid them no mind, your main focus on Fred.
“Did I tell you how gorgeous you look Y/N?”
You laugh lightly as you sway to the beat “No, I must’ve missed it the other ten times you said it”
“Well you do, absolutely bewitching, are you sure you didnt use a love poition on me? I never knew feeling this was possible.” He jokes as he spins you
“Must be my natural charm and charisma that got you so captured Fred.”
“Must be.” He mutters softly looking into your eyes. Fred was completely besotted by you, more than anyone had ever seen him be, he just knew that Y/N was perfect. The way that she’d light up any room she walked in, the way that she’d never back down from a challenge, and just simply how she made him feel. Dear Merlin he loved the girl. “After this do you fancy going away for a bit?”
You look at him sceptically “Planning out your murderous fantasies are we?”
He laughs and shakes his head “You’re impossible. No, since the shops closed I thought we could go away somewhere before everything with the war kicks off, I want as much time with you as I can get.”
“Oh” you forgot that the wizarding world was on the brink of war “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. But if you sneak George along i swear to Merlin I will live through my murderous fantasy & kill the pair of you.”
Fred chuckles again, before nodding “Promise, no George. I think he got an eyefull when he barged into our room without knocking.”
“Serves him right.” You mumble “I told him on multiple occasions to knock.”
The rest of the song died down and you stayed in Freds arms for a moment, before he was being wisked away to dance with Aunt Muriel, he held an awfully sour look as you giggled when she hounded on him to straighten his back, then saying that he was too tall.
“I’m a bit cold, I’ll go get a jacket then I’ll be right back” Y/N kissed his cheek & left to get back inside the burrow. Thinking nothing of it, she poured herself another drink, smiling to herself at how Fred would have to have another dance with Muriel. What an awful woman.
Unbeknown to the girl, a silver patronus intruded on the celebration to announce grave news. “The Ministary has fallen. The Minister of magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming.” Everyone scrabled to find their loved ones, to make sure that they were safe, but before Fred even had the chance to look for Y/N, everything burst into havoc. The gazeebo was now engulfed in flames, Death Eaters showing up everywhere to curse them.
“Y/N!” Fred shouted, frantically looking around for the girl “Y/N!”
He turned around and was greeted by a paniced Mr Weasley “Theres not much time Fred, I dont know where she is, you need to get to safety and leave. Now!”
Fred ignored his fathers protests and ran, dodging various spells being shot from either side. He had to find you, he had to know you were safe.
An abrupt crash jolts you back into reality, you get up to run and go outside but with a sudden ‘whoosh’ and black smoke- two Death Eaters appear infront of you.
“Shit.” You mumble & grab your wand, quickly dodging their spells you manage to knock one out & try to deal with the other. “You’re quite persistant-“ blue sparks shoot from your wand, the figure ran upstairs & you follow.
“And you’re associated with mud-blood scum!” A flash of green emerged from their wand that narrowly missed you, you grin
“You missed.” You kick a chair at the figure, momentarily distracting them to cast a spell “Stupefy! Petrificus totalus!” As the figure was knocked out & bound together, you walk over and spit out “Get a life, prick” snapping their wand in two.
In the middle of your fight, you had not noticed that the commotion outside had turned to an arsonists playground. looking through the window you call for Fred, hearing no response your heart stops, you leave the room & try to get down the stairs but now they were already engulfed by flames.
“Oh shit” you panic and shoot spells at it to stop the fire from spreading, but to no avail, it only got worse. Smoke was now clouding your vision, realising that if you were not to jump down you’d perish in this fire. Letting out a short breath, you hype yourself up for the leap of your life “You can do it Y/N. Come on” violetly coughing, you jump. Unfortunately landing a fair few stairs too high. Unbearable pain shoots up through your leg & you cry out in pain.
Sinking to the floor you couldnt even move, the pain in your arm and leg restricting you. This was it, this would be how you die. All alone, with no one to help you, no one to save you. In a burning house. Yet the only thought racing through your mind was ‘Is Fred safe’. Thankfully most of the fire was behind you, the staircase had completely gone up in flames however, the roof was begining to crumble down. A plank toppled down, narrowly missing you, but making the room next to you catch on fire.
As you were losing conciousness you hear a strained yell “Y/N!” You try to respond, but all that came out was a series of violent coughs “Y/N im coming, hang on!” You couldn’t see what was happening, i dont know if it was the thick cloud of smoke or the fact that you were breathing most of it in, but your vision blurred.
A faint figure emerged, breathless, trying to get through the flames & to you fast enough “Hey Y/N ive got you, im here.” You felt yourself being picked up & your body fell like a ragdoll. “Oh merlin dont die on me Y/N.” Was the last thing you heard before passing out.
The abrupt light and noise woke you up, yet you were unable to open your eyes, they were far too heavy for the little energy you had. Were you dead? Is this what death felt like?
“Stop pacing Fred, she’ll be fine.” You heard a voice say, however, unable to distinguish who it belonged to “shes a strong girl, the nurses said so.”
“Yeah they also said she’d wake up yesterday, so my apologies if I dont believe what they have to say.” He snapped
Fred. Oh yes, Fred. He came into the building to save you didnt he? So that answered your question of being dead. You were very much alive, but dear Merlin you were in unbearable pain.
“She’ll be up and about soon though? Her body was exhausted thats why shes sleeping so long right?” He continued, sounding unsure. Well if this is how they reacted to you passing out you wouldn’t want to know how theyd react if you died.
“And id appreciate it if I could sleep some more.” You croak out as you let your eyes open. Coming to face the whole clan of distressed red heads, Harry, Hermione & Fleur.
Fred snaps to face you and a look of relief washes over his features “Y/N” he whispers and rushes to your side hugging you “You’re okay. You’re alive. Thank Merlin.”
You try to chuckle, which abruptly turns into a wheze “I’m okay yeah, in a lot of pain but I’m fine.” Fred retreats from you, an apologetic look on his face.
“Come on kids lets give them some space.” Molly ushers everyone out of the room “I’m glad you’re okay Y/N” she sends you a smile and leaves the room for you and Fred to be alone.
Moments pass with Fred just looking at you with glassy eyes before he abruptly let out “You bloody scared me half to death!”
You motion for him to help you sit up “Oh I do apologise that me nearly burning in a fire scared you. I wasnt very happy about it either.”
Fred looks at you speachless, confused at how you can joke about it so soon. He remains quiet before letting out a big sigh and hanging his head into his lap “I thought I lost you.” He mumbles, barely loud enough for you to hear
“Hey, look at me.” You say and put his face into your left hand with the little energy you have “I’m okay, I’m alive. And so are you” he smiles faintly before you continue “Obviously as gorgeous as ever, so nothing irreversible happened.”
He laughs “Obviously.”
While in the room Fred filled you in on what happened, that after the Death Eaters showed up & they fought them off- Bellatrix Lestrange set fire to the burrow & he ran in to get you out. He told you that you passed out & that you had to be taken to St Mungos to treat your broken leg and the burn on your arm.
“The nurses said you were lucky to get out alive Y/N” he said lowly, not being able to bear the thought of your death.
“Im alive because of you Fred. Thank you.” You offer a weak smile “There were two Death Eaters in the house when it burned up-“
“Thats not on your concious to bear, Its on Bellatrix Lestrange.”
You nod, in all honesty you didnt feel bad that they perished in the fire- their downfall was their own undoing. But what was on your mind was the fire burn “When I’m better do you recon I’ll l have a cool badass scar?”
Fred shakes his head as he holds your hand, of course thats what Y/N is thinking about “‘course you will, It’ll become part of badass backstory.”
“Good” you mumble and close your eyes. After a long silence you relax back into your pillow, the sleeping draft & skelly-grow hitting you like a brick. You begin to mumble incoherent sentences
“Hey Freddie?”
He looks at your peaceful face, all calm against the pillow and responds “Yes my love?”
After a little pause of small mumbles, you ask “When I’m better, can we leave for our trip?”
“Whatever you want Y/N.” He smiles lightly & watches you drift off to sleep, hoping that ‘better’ would come along faster.
Ahh okay hi! Omg this took so long to write, again sorry its not the actual bellatrix fire story, i jus forgot how it happened & when I remembered I wrote too much of it. <33
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rrover · 3 years
honestly i'd LOVE to hear more abt your ocs. they are so interesting and neat. if you have anything lying around oc-wise.... (grabby hands)
OH NO DONT ENABLE ME... i dont have much content drawing-wise that i havent already posted of my ocs and i have a few different worlds (technically two of them are the same world just at very different points in time) with scattered lore that stays in my head but. im going to talk abt soap and its pals and the world she lives in bc ive been thinking abt them today hohohee
> basically in soap's world it's split between the mortal world and the spirit world, but they're both connected. the people in the mortal world are fish people (in all other ways they are like humans theyre just also cute anthropomorphic fish) and the people in the spirit world are various weird creatures, and the spirit world is much more wild and colorful. most of the spirits are less silly than soap but they all have dumb names just like soap.
> soap is a moon spirit and is supposed to take care of the moon. it didn't sign up for that job though since whoever becomes the sun and moon spirits is decided by vibes, and they have to spend most of their early life training and studying before taking their mentor's place
>their coworker is the sun spirit who is currently unnamed but i plan for her name to be very silly and dumb as well, whatever it ends up being. it's very serious and works very hard and soap is his foil basically bc it does everything way better and seems to enjoy its job. she kind of acts like a disappointed older sibling to soap and has pet hounds that are like solar flares that he often uses to hunt down soap and bring them back to their responsibilities
>soap is VERY irresponsible, never read the law book (sun spirit coworker has the law book memorized by heart), got her smart owl friend to help her cheat on all its studies while in training, they hate their work uniform (long flowy dress thing) and prefer to wear their silly little outfits and run around town being a source of trouble for everyone
>spiriting away unsuspecting children with the excuse of needing help with grand prophecies was made illegal in the spirit world more than 100 years ago because isekai protagonists always end up traumatized one way or another and it's kind of shitty to make mortal children fix your problems for you. soap does not know this because she does not pay attention also she does not care
>soap's aforementioned owl friend was her pal when it was still in training, was super shy when they were young and had a huge unrequited crush on them (that's why they helped them cheat on everything) but after soap became the official moon spirit they kind of drifted apart. owl friend has been trying to get over their crush for years now LOL, they have their own nice little library, they're a bit closed off and grumpy now though and don't like to think about the past because they're trying to get over it. also they have four arms
>soap has little star assistants. i havent thought abt them very much but in my mind they are very cute. soap does not like them bc they are tied to its role as moon spirit
>the kid that soap spirited away that i mentioned earlier is literally just some random child, the first one soap saw in the mortal realm and she was like yep you are the Chosen One. please help me find the moon oh no its lost aaaaah youre the prophesied one who will save us etc etc (lying). theyre having a fun time exploring the spirit world with their new irresponsible parent figure but also they just want to go back home and finish their homework and not worry abt the imminent doom of the world
>the moon and sun in the spirit world are connected to the ones in the mortal world, and if the moon or sun in the spirit world goes missing for too long some kind of horrible cataclysm will occur in both worlds. soap did not know this before she threw the moon away because she Does Not Pay Attention but in this case they do care bc it cant cause mischief if it’s dead
>as you can see soap is the only one with a name so far because i have given her the most thought  fhffghfhf
>honestly soap in their current version is kind of unlikeable so i will probably have to make them more likeable but i very much enjoy its insufferable bastard vibes right now
>fish child will not be traumatized by this adventure, after all of this they will wake up and think they had a very vivid dream (i want to be nice to them)
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jpegjade · 4 years
Mr. Loverman (Pt. 3)
Alright frens and ferns. we’re gonna go through this shorter chapter. Still like 3 google docs pages but my fics are normally like 4-6 pages. (if you can’t tell, i’m a one-shot writer AND HAVENT WRITTEN A STORY FIC SINCE I WAS LIKE 14. shoutout to the wattpad days.) so this one is shorter bc i need to work but i wanted to put this out. part 4 will be much longer. idk how long im gonna end up making this fic in the end. ((yall gotta keep me encouraged to focus on this thing bc my adhd will in fact leave you all hanging on a cliff hanger and we wont look back lmao)))
i apologize for the shortness. i also apologize for adding the person i hate with a BURNING passion. yall just dont know. anyway, i’m so sorry. and for those who haven’t gotten to 11/12, there are no spoilers. this is like independent of that storyline and kinda after but i’ll explain a little in the next chapter. but i wanted to keep this true to the cm universe. also i didn’t want to create a wholeass character with a tragic backstory to explain why they’re a psychopath when in reality they just suck. that takes too damn long
warnings: none that i can think of. ((i dont even think i swore once. im so fucking proud. oops)) and no, i didnt proof read. so roll with any mistakes.
mr. loverman 1: Bloop
mr. loverman 2: bloop bloop 
“Y/n, have you seen anything or anyone suspicious lately? Anyone you recognized from one place appearing in other spaces?” Prentiss said. 
Everyone was staring at you. You felt the pressure on you to say the right thing but you didn’t know. You didn’t know what to say so you tried honesty. 
“No, not that I’ve noticed. Sorry if that makes things harder.” You sighed. 
You felt like you were letting everyone down because you didn’t notice anyone. Everything in your life was mundane and nothing stood out. You were super aware of your surroundings but you still felt like it wasn’t enough. You spent more time than ever in your apartment, which was hell but necessary with everything going on.
“Here’s the problem.” Emily started. “We have received intel that you’re on a bounty hunter’s hit list. Not only that but they have been watching you for some time now.” 
You were speechless. Who would pay to have you killed? Who did you piss off enough to pay money to have you killed? And what did this bounty hunter look like? This made you incredibly nervous and despite being away for two years, your body just reacted. 
Spencer told himself not to freak out. This didn’t mean anything. You were holding his hand tightly. It was what you used to do every time you got scared. Spencer squeezed your hand a little bit to let you know he was there and then he felt you squeeze back. You didn’t let go of his hand through the rest of the conversation but Spencer was barely paying attention. Garcia eventually ushered the two of you out of the room and back to your temporary bedroom. 
The silence between you and Spencer was incredibly loud. You let go of his hand as soon as you got to the breakroom, apologizing. 
“I shouldn’t have done that.” You said. You figured that he would know what you were talking about. You sat in your corner of the mattress where you previously sat and Spencer sat in the space he occupied before the meeting. 
“No, you were scared. It’s okay.” He said. 
Silence that seemed to last forever happened. You were thinking about him and he was thinking about you. You were both so nervous about what came next but you didn’t know what to say. It took forever to come up with something but Spencer came up with something. 
“I wasn’t lying.” Spencer looked down at his shoes. 
“About?” You said, confused. You leaned your head against the wall. You were getting so tired. 
“Missing you. You have been all that I’ve thought about through these past two years.” He said, finally looking up at you. 
“Spence…” You said, yawning. You closed your eyes for a moment. 
“I haven’t connected to anyone else as naturally as I connected with you.” He said. 
“Well, I guess I can’t say anything different since I haven’t been able to move on.” You said, sleepily. It had been a long day and you were beyond exhausted. When you’re that tired, anything you say is bound to be unfiltered. 
“You were the only one who cared for me, all of me, and didn’t mind everything that came with me. No one gets that. No one cares about me like you do, even now. I couldn’t bear to take the ring off because it would mean losing a piece of you. And I couldn’t do that. I may have broken off the relationship but that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you. To this day, I…” You barely said before you fell asleep. 
Spencer thought about waking you but you looked so peaceful. He hated when he was left on a cliffhanger, especially like this, but you needed rest. So Spencer gently helped you lay down and covered you with your blanket. He was about to walk outside the door to guard and take a breather but you grabbed his arm and mumbled a very small, “Stay.” 
And that’s what he did. He stayed, holding you while you slept peacefully. He was so comfortable that he eventually nodded off. That was the first time in two years that he didn’t have a nightmare that scared him awake. 
When he woke up, you were nowhere to be found. Frantically searching, he ran all over the floor before noticing it was sunrise. You loved watching the sun rise in the mornings with a cup of coffee and a nice playlist going. 
“Hey, Spence.” You said, looking out the window. You looked rested, not tired like yesterday. 
“Y/n, you scared me. I thought something happened.” He said, looking at you. How did you make a sundress look so pretty? 
“Sorry. I thought about waking you but you were smiling in your sleep, the small, happy smile you do, and I wanted you to sleep. Besides, I had Cat to keep me company.” 
Spencer’s blood ran cold. That wasn’t possible. He was jumping to conclusions and you were sure it was just an intern or someone who…
“Hey Spencie. I’m having a grand time with y/n here. She’s a ball of sunshine.” Cat said, a fake smile fading into a straight face. 
Spencer immediately grabbed for his gun but didn’t find it anywhere on his hip. 
“Looking for this?” Cat took the gun out of her bag and pointed it directly at Spencer. 
Your head could barely comprehend what was happening. You were instructed to put your hands up and walk into the conference room, sitting across from each other. 
“And no touching. That’s no fun.” Cat pointed the gun at Spencer. You noticed that she was fixated on Spencer. You guessed that they somehow knew each other.
You were already in tears. What was happening? Could you make it out of this one alive? 
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ladybell9095 · 4 years
Summary: After War had taken down the Destroyer, he would now start his search for his siblings. He tried his best to keep you secret by leaving you with Ulthane, but eventually the secret would get out. No matter what would happen the two of you would always be together like you promised.
He looked to the warrior you had become. Holding the blade, made by the Maker known as Ulthane, so strikingly well.  To think that the timid soul who was too scared to hold a blade would turn out to be someone with great prowess. Once War finished of the Destroyer he went in search for his fellow riders. You were more than ready to go with him, but he had told you that you were to stay with the Maker.
“Why?! I’m not staying here, I’m going with you.”, you shouted, wondering why War would even suggest such a thing in the first place.
“It is better that you remain here, where it is safe.” War had his reasons, but you were never meant to know them.
“I’m safer with you. I’m not staying, no matter what you say.”
The only thing that could match your skill was your stubbornness. How you two even managed to decide on anything together was still a mystery to him. “Listen to me. I am not asking you to stay, I’m telling you.”
“But why?” Your determination to go with War slowly faded from the thought of him leaving you with Ulthane. What if this stay was permanent? What if something happened if you weren’t there?
“I shall return and when I do, I shall not leave your side.” War knelt down and looked you in the eyes. “I promise.”
War always did this whenever you were in doubt or distress. His sky-blue eyes always gave the reassurance and security you needed. You obeyed War and made your way to Ulthane. On a last-minute thought, you dashed to War. Your lips pressed together while he was midway from getting up. With all the might you had you held on to him and deepened the kiss. When you went for air you laid you head onto his shoulder. “Be safe.”
“I will.” War wrapped his arms around you before releasing you to the Maker. “Keep her safe Ulthane. If anything were to happen to her, you will pay the ultimate price.”
Ulthane frowned at the threat. “No need for hostility. I’ll make sure the lass never leaves my sight. Makers word.”
You stood behind the Maker and watched War go in search for the other Horsemen. When War looked back you gave waved goodbye and waited until he returned like he promised. A day had passed since you last saw him. You weren’t sure of how long he would be gone. It scared you when you weren’t by his side. You did fear for him, but not as much as you feared for yourself and how lonely you’d be again if he were to disappear.
As the days passed, they got longer. During War’s absence Ulthane decided to teach you fighting techniques used by the Makers. You weren’t all enthused about the idea, but it did kill time. After two more days War had returned. While out in the yard, training with Ulthane, you dropped your sword and ran to War. The feeling of his arms around you was very much missed.
“Your back. Did you find the others?”
“I have.”
You peeked behind the horseman and looked around to see that there was no one with them. “Where are they?”
“There are else where dealing with the demons that plague this planet.”
“Shouldn’t you be with them?” The face that War gave you said it all. “Your going to be gone again, aren’t you?”
“And I’m not coming with you, am I?”
“How much longer this time?”
“I cannot say, but I shall come back to check in on you when I can.” War watched as you ran back into Ulthane’s home.
“She’s real upset now.”
“It is best that she stays here.”
“Is it now? Don’t seem that way if you ask me.”
War scowled to the Maker. “I didn’t.”
Knowing that talking with you would only do worse and also how he was pressed for time, War set off again.
“Horseman!” The thunderous voice halted Wars steps. “If you keep doing this to her she may just go off on her own to find you.”
“That is why I left her in your care. I know with the protection you give her you wouldn’t let that happen.”
“No, I wouldn’t.” Ulthane began to remember his time during the Destroyers rein and how he tried to help humanity before leaving it in the care of Fury. When it came to you, he would show you the same kindness and protection he offered to your kind before you.
“Maker. I thank you for looking after her.”
War visited like he said he would, but only to check in on you. The times he came were at random too. When he would arrive while you still slept, he’d check on you long enough just to see that you were sleeping soundly. When you were awake, he would assess your training you learned from Ulthane. It was enough to get by and not worry about him. Still you wanted to be with him like the two you were supposed to, liked he promised to you long before starting this whole Destroyer business.
Today would be the day that War would retrieve you. While helping Ulthane with forging new weapons, the Maker sensed an overwhelming presence. Ulthane laid his working hammer down, and grabbed his preferred weapon, The Black Hammer. “Stand behind me lass. We got company.”
Judging by the number of footsteps, there was a small group of uninvited guests. When there was silence the door began to creak open. When Ulthane saw that it was War he lowered his weapon and stood aside to show you that there was no threat.
“You’re back!” Behind War were more people you havent seen before, frightening looking people. Their staring eyes kept you frozen in place.
“Sure, why not bring more company into my house. The more the merry.”, Ulthane said sarcastically.
“Is that how you treat a friend Ulthane. Here I thought we had something special.”, the gunslinger spoke making his way to the Maker. When he passed you, he shouted to his sister, “You missed one Fury.”
“I did not miss any. Besides at the time it was not my job to find all of them. Of course I wouldn’t find all of them.” Fury didn’t even make eye contact when she passed you. She was filled with guilt at the thought of missing one human who was left to fend for themselves in this chaotic world.
You stared at the two who chatted with Ulthane like they were friends who had not seen each other in a while. A heavy hand turned your gaze away from the two. “War. You came back.”
“I would never break my promise to you.”
“I know. I’m just glad you’re back.” Your presence brought a joyous feeling to War, as well as War bring the same feeling. “I learned some more moves while you were gone. I’d really like to show you.”
“Let’s see them.”
“Okay, but not here. Let’s go outside.”
When the two of you left Death kept his stare on the two of you. He went to follow you and to confront War on the issue he had with him being with a human. When he left Strife, Fury, and Ulthane watched as the three went outside.
“What do you think he will say to War?”, Fury asked.
“Without a doubt it will be about that girl. I really hope Death knows what he is doing because one wrong word and Wars going to flatten him.”
“I wouldn’t be worry about him. I’d be worried about the lass. If Death plans to do anything, you’ll be sure she’ll put him in his place. No matter how scared she is of him.”
Outside you were showing off your new moves to War. He sat himself at a rock nearby, but not to close. He wouldn’t want to interrupt you showing off to him. It was one of the things he found cute about you after all. During a certain set of moves you would make mistakes because it has been a while since you were practicing in front of War. Though with each mistake you would just start over until you got it right.
Watching you brought a smile to War, one that Death was fortunate enough to see. “War.”
His smile went away and went back to his harden state. “Brother.”
“How long has she been with you?”
“When the Council framed me for starting the apocalypse.”
“It’s a miracle that she stayed alive as long as she has.”
“What have you come to tell me?”
“The way the girl approaches you I assume that you are more than just acquaintances.”
“My relationship with her shouldn’t matter to you.”
“Not to me, but to what we do. She cannot come with us.”, Death said dryly.
Wars iron gauntlet balled into a fist. “I made a promise to her and I intended to keep it.”
“Surely she will perish if she were to travel with us.” War chuckled. “Hmm?”
“I thought the same exact thing when I met her. I never meant to get as close to her as I already have. She refuses to stay away from me for to long and will do anything to stay by my side.”
“She sounds stubborn.”
War gave a boisterous laugh that caught your attention as well as Deaths. “She is very stubborn.”
Death never seen his brother laugh in such a way, not even in their days during the Nephilim conquest. “Are you willing to risk her life, just so you can hold on to this interfering relationship.”
“The only one interfering is you brother. I will do anything to protect her whether it be demon, angel, maker, or even my brothers and sister.”
“I hope you will be able to live with your choice.”
“It is not only my choice, but hers as well.”
You slowly made your way to War, staying as far away from the tall pale one as possible. “What were you laughing about? Did I mess up that badly?”
“No, you did great. I’m very proud.”
Blushing like crazy from War’s praise and the smile his little brother gave you was proof enough that no matter what Death had to say, he wouldn’t come between the two of you. In secret he would make sure to that the others would not get in the way or question what you two had found in each other.
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imaginedeux · 4 years
Sixth Sense
Tumblr media
Run, we need to get a way!
Guys run!
This isnt good, we need to get out of here and now!
Exploring places was something you had done since you were young, being the youngest and the only girl in your group of cousins, you wanted to show them you werent scared to explore abandoned places, or even haunted places. Your old home town was founded as an army base during the civil war and saw blood shed for the first give or take 100 years of its existence, which caused the places you and your cousins to explore to be haunted. Fast forward to present day, you no longer live in your hometown, but live in Santa Monica, California with a mundane job to pay for the overly expensive loft you were renting. You also had a small youtube channel, nothing too big, it was more of a way to record your adventures in California and a way for your parents to make sure you were okay. That is until you bumped into a very popular social media duo while they were trying to sneak into a ‘haunted’ location near where you lived. The warning you gave them, followed by a video by the duo a week later, caused them to contact you and to see if you wanted to join them for haunted location.
That was over a year ago, and now you regularly join them and TFIL for ‘haunted’ overnights. A majority of which were legit, you could feel the presence of spirits before you stepped foot on the property, while others were just people being a-holes and scaring you guys off. Thats one of the reasons why you joined the duo and TFIL for those adventures, you were able to sense a spirit near by, and were able to warn them when they went too far. This has been something you’ve been able to do since you were a kid, and wasnt an unfamiliar feeling either. That is, until Colby told you that he and Sam wanted you to join them for a haunted overnight in London, with Cory and Jake in tow as well.
With your luggage in tow and your new passport in hand, you and the guys were off to London for Sam and Colby’s new series. What they didnt tell you was, there were two locations you would be visiting, possible a third, but two for sure. The first location did a number on you and the group, the experts told you the stories associated with the room Sam and Colby and with the floor the five of you were staying on. Everything that went on during the night, and after the group went to their rooms for the night, shook the group, you especially. You weren’t one to have nightmares much less ones you could remember after waking up, but the dream you had stayed with you as you traveled to the second location.
“Hey, you okay (Y/N)? You look like you’ve been in a trance since we left the hotel.” Corey, who was sitting next to you in the backseat asked you as you looked down at your hands.
“Just thinking about what happened last night.” You murmured, your nightmare coming back to mind. “I didn’t want to freak you guys out while we were checking out, but I had a really intense nightmare that included all of us.”
“Nightmare? I thought you said you didnt have them?” Colby asked, looking at you through the rear view mirror, his eyes shifting from you to the road.
“Thats the thing I dont. I havent had one since I was a kid. It was after you came knocking at my door asking if I had called you guys, or even asking if I had left a voice mail. I fell asleep for an hour and I woke up from what felt like a never ending nightmare, I wasnt going to let myself go back to sleep so I sketched out what was happening in my dream. The only thing I could draw was the church, and its surroundings.” You explained grabbing your bag taking out a notebook you carried around with you, flipping it to the page where you drew the church. “The thing that stuck out the most was the graveyard that surrounded it, and the forest.”
“Hey (Y/N), didnt you say you had a nightmare about a church?” Jake asked from your right, shaking you awake from your short slumber.
“Y-Yeah, what about it?” You yawned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, looking straight out the windshield. Both Sam and Colby were looking out to the left of the car, their camera recording on the dash straight at you.
“And that the church was surrounded by a graveyard?” Sam said this time, from his seat in the passenger side. 
“Yeah, what of...” You started before you looked out the window to your left. “No, there’s no fucking way.”
“(Y/N) did you know what church we were going to today?” Colby asked, turning to look at you face to face. “Because that’s exactly the church you drew.”
“NO! You guys wouldn’t even tell us the name of the church! How was is supposed to know THIS was the church we were going to!?” You questioned the blue eyed brunette in the driver seat.
“I dont like this you guys.” Corey said from your left. “(Y/N) had a nightmare, a NIGHTMARE, about this place. And she apparently doesn’t even have nightmares, and she has one about this place, A PLACE SHE’S NEVER EVEN SEEN BEFORE!”
“Guys, off camera (Y/N) told us she had a nightmare, note she hasn’t had a nightmare since she was a kid, about us at a church surrounded by a graveyard last night after the phone call. She also said she drew out the church, a way to keep her awake until we had to check out this morning.” Sam explained to the viewers what was going on. “And this is what she drew, without knowing what church we were going to.” Sam grabbed the notebook from you and showed it to the camera.
“Which is the exact church we’re staying in tonight.”
“Okay, this is getting freaky. (Y/N), has called everything thats happened so far, from the crows, to the teeth on the graves. I dont think staying here is a good idea guys.” Jake said as the sun started to set over the woods at the back end of the church, giving the group less light to see over the graveyard. “She even called the fucking tombs in the church!”
“Come on Jake, shes also said by this time in her dream shit hit the fan, and we’re okay, we already have our blankets for the night, the camera is ready to record us for the rest of the night to make sure we capture everything we can. We’ll be okay.” Colby said trying to calm down the other skeptic in the group. You said nothing as Jake argued with Sam and Colby, all you wanted to do was get out of the place as fast as you could, and the only way to do that is go to sleep. Being unconscious was better than feeling on edge the entire time.
“What else did you dream (Y/N), was this in the dream too?” Corey asked taking a seat next to you, your back to the three other guys as you faced the front of the church.
“No, thats why I want to leave. With the dream I was able to pin point what not to do but now that its nothing like it, i’m scared that something might happen.” You confessed, still looking towards the front of the church, the tombs covered by darkness. “I’m not able to stop something bad from happening if something does go wrong.”
“I understand the feeling. Especially after what my little brother texted me yesterday, I feel like I cant help him if I dont know what im going up against. And its scary.” Corey whispered as the yelling behind the two of you started to quiet down.
“We’ve both had things happen since our childhood. You’ve been seeing things since your family used the Ouija board, and I’ve had the feelings since before I could remember. Believe it or not my mom once told me she could feel spirits when she was my age, and so did my grandma. They’ve both told me that they were able to feel spirits most of their lives, but they cant anymore.”
“What stopped them? Maybe you can do that and you wont be able to feel the spirits anymore!”
“I dont think it’s that simple.” You laughed. The dry laugh caught the attention of the three other guys in the church as well. “They stopped being able to feel spirits the day I was born.”
“Hey guys, I think this is a good time to head to bed.” Sam said this time, the harsh LED light illuminating dark half of the church. “The faster we get to sleep, the faster we’ll be out of here.”
Sam! Colby! Guys! Get back to the Church now! Jake, Corey, i’m going to go and get them, stay here.
You’re too late
No! No i’m not! Sam! Colby!
You cant protect them
The air was finally able to reach your lungs as you shot up from your make shift bunk. The cold air surrounding you caused steam to radiate of your person, and your deep exhales to create puffs of smoke in front of you. You looked around to see if your sudden movements woke anyone else up, thats when your heart dropped. Before you went to bed, Sam took the bunk closest to the door and Colby took the one to your left while Corey and Jake took the ones to your right. Both Sam and Colby’s bunks were empty.
“No, no, no, no!” You mentally yelled pulling on your shoes as fast and as quietly as you could, not wanting to wake the two other boys. As you got up, you heard one of the bunks shift and a loud gasp come from behind you.
“Did, did you shake me awake!?” Jake asked, his eyes wide. “(Y/N), did you shake me awake?!”
“No. Now quiet down.” You tried shooshing Jake. “You’ll wake Corey if you’re too loud.”
“Too late for that, what’s going on? Where’s Sam and Colby?” Corey asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Jake are you okay man? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I woke up because it felt someone was shaking me awake! Then when I got up (Y/N) was getting up from her bunk.” Jake explained getting up from his bunk and flipping it over. “Where are Sam and Colby? Did they do this?”
“I dont know! When I woke up they were gone, thats when I got up and you woke up. Stay here, I’m going to look for them.” You said grabbing one of the extra flashlights. 
“No! We’re not going to let you go out there on your own.” Corey said slipping on his shoes. “Whoa, wait what happened to you? You’ve soaked through your shirt.” Thats when you realized your sweater was completely soaked with sweat from the nightmare you were having before you woke up.
“My nightmare. No.” You whispered before you bolted towards the door of the church. “You guys stay here, I think somethings gonna happen, something bad. I have a big bag of salt in my backpack, use it to make a circle around the bunk area, and DONT leave it. Not for me, not for anyone okay? Unless you see us in person, dont believe your ears, okay?”
You stood at the door, the gates open behind you, leading out into the grave yard, Corey and Jake confused. “Things are going to get bad.”
“Bad? What do you mean bad? (Y/N), you can’t leave us in the dark, especially after everything thats been happening!” Jake yelled walking towards you.
“FINE!” You screamed back. This was probably the first time they heard you raise your voice in anger. “Fine! When I was younger, right when I was realizing that could feel spirits, a demon attacked one of my cousins while we were exploring one of the old hospitals in the area. My other cousins all ran away, too scared to think of a way to get the demon away from them. I stepped in and the next thing I knew it was three weeks later and I was in the hospital. I was in a coma after detaching the demon from my cousin who was in a coma as well. The thing is while I was in the coma I had a never ending nightmare.”
“What does that have to do with us!?”
“Because! I was having nightmares of this place! Thats why when I woke up today I was repeating the nightmare from all those years ago! Before tonight I had no recollection of what happened to me and my cousin, its almost as if it never happened. And because of the nightmare from yesterday and the eerie feeling from today, I was able to remember it. I texted one of my older cousins while we were out buying blankets and they said that it was true, but that the family promised not to bring it up to either of us. In my nightmare, from YEARS before I moved out to California, I had a nightmare of you four. I was trying to protect you guys, Sam and Colby. Now it’s actually happening, so I have to go and protect Sam and Colby.”
“Wait! Why do we have to stay here? If we go and look for them all together we might be able to find them faster!” Corey said this time, grabbing the camera from where Colby left it to record you all through the night.
“Because the safest place you can be is in this church. The salt circle will keep you extra protected, you coming with me will just put you in danger. Please, stay here. There’s still a couple of hours until sunrise, if we’re not back by then call the police.”
“SAM! What the hell are you doing man!” Colby yelled, finally catching up with his blonde best friend. “You cant just get up and walk out of the church and into the creepy ass woods by yourself.”
“Sorry, I have the camera as a light so its not that bad, but I kept hearing things. I wasnt sure if it was from inside the church at first, then I heard it outside.”
“What were you hearing? You could have woken one of us up. You cant be going out here by yourself.”
“Is that (Y/N)? What’s she doing up?” Colby thought pointing the flashlight he had towards the direction of your voice. As Colby was about to call out to you, the atmosphere around them grew heavy. “Whoa, did you feel that Sam?”
“Yeah-yeah, it felt like the air got heavy. I think its time for us to get back to the church Colby.” Sam said this time, the camera facing Colby, the look of fear obvious on their faces. “Wait, where’s (Y/N)? I swore I heard her voice!”
“SAM! COLBY! Jesus, there you guys are!” You yelled, running up to them from the woodwork. “We need to get back to the church now!”
“We were about to head back, but why are you soaked? What happened?” Before you could respond to Colby’s frantic questions, an unearthly screech cut you off. The three of you fell to the ground, hands covering your ears, the camera in Sam’s hand fell, the light on it flickering from the fall. “What the hell was that?!”
“We need to get back to the church now!” The crack in your voice scared the duo. For as long as they’ve known you, you’ve never been one to be scared by the spirits, but this was a different story. “Please, we need to get back to the church!”
Grabbing the camera, you pointed it at the duo in front of you, the light still flickering, but it was the only way to keep you in your line of sight. “I can’t lose sight of you guys, so please lets get back to Corey and Jake.”
“What’s going on (Y/N)? Why didnt you bring Corey and Jake with you?” Sam asked coming to a stop near the edge of the woods.
“Yeah, and did you feel that shift earlier? What was that?” Colby asking this time.
“There’s no time for questions, we need to get to safety, please!” You were pleading with them at this point. The sinking feeling in your stomach was getting worse. “Please we need to leave!”
“No! Not until you tell us whats going on!” Colby yelled at you. It didn’t phase you, it was a high stress situation and yelling in normal. Taking in a deep breath you told the duo what you told Jake and Corey back at the church. You could tell as you were reciting the story that they knew this was serious.
“So, we need to get the hell out of here and back to the church where its sa-” You started before the light on the camera Sam still had in his hand, went out.
There’s no place to run, you were smart to leave the other two in the church, but these two are mine.
“Don’t you dare get near them! I’m the one you want! I’ve beat you once before, I can beat you again!” You yelled at nothing. “Whatever you guys do, do not talk to him. You guys acknowledging him will only make it worse.”
“Right.” The pair whispered. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you grabbed onto Sam and Colby, “We need to get back to the church, follow me.”
Not so fast (Y/N), you dont think it’ll be that easy?
“Sam!” A familiar voice yelled from the darkness. “Sam please help me I’m hurt!”
“Ka-” Sam started before you let go of Colby to slam your hand on Sam’s mouth.
“It’s a trick! Don’t trust your ears, they’ll trick you.” You explained. “Same goes for you Colby, no matter who you hear, it doesn’t matter who, if you cant see them, do not trust the voices you hear.” You grabbed Colby’s jacket, pulling him and Sam back towards the church. “I’m sorry you guys.”
“Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault this is happening, you didn’t know that this thing was going to come back.” 
“Yeah, if anything its our fault that we didnt listen to you, after you were predicting everything that happened.”
They’re right, they should have listened to you, just like your cousins should have listened to you when this happened all those years ago.
“We were children! You had the balls to attack children! That just shows you how weak of a demon you are! It makes you even weaker when a child was able to exercise you from a the body of another child!” You yelled into the darkness. “You thought you were powerful because of the place we were in! Your worshipers used the hospital as your portal! You were using my cousin as a scapegoat!”
You werent strong enough to get rid of me the first time. What makes you think you’ll be strong enough now? 
As the demon started to laugh, the ground shaking with every cackle, the moon showed itself from behind the clouds, the graveyard lit up with the light. In the middle of all the graves was a massive being, a mix of human and a crow.
“You were always here weren’t you? You were hiding among the crows.” You said letting go of the duo. You faced this demon once before and lived, you can face him again. 
“(Y/N)! Don’t!” Colby whispered as you walked towards the demon. “We need to get to the church!”
“Come on, (Y/N)!”
“No. Not anymore, if I dont get rid of him now, I’ll have to live with this asshole following me!”
Oh, I’m not planning on letting you live, (Y/N). You arent going to live to see tomorrow.
“And im not letting you go, Raum.” With that the creature, screeched at you, stepping back away from you. “I’m no priest, or exorcist but I’ve researched how to get rid of demons!”
“(Y/N) what are you doing!?” Colby ran up to you, blocking your path to the demon. “We need to get back to the church! We’ll be safe their.”
“Sam, grab Colby and haul ass towards the Church, Jake and Corey will be waiting where the bunks are in a circle of salt, that’s where you’ll be the safest. If I don’t make it back by sunrise, I’ve already told Corey and Jake to call the police. Hell maybe call a priest too.” You explained looking between the two again. “Please, im begging you.”
“Come on Colby.” Sam whispered, grabbing onto Colby’s arm pulling him towards the church. “(Y/N) can do this, we’ll only hold her back if we’re here.”
“Jake it’s been hours and they still aren’t back, and what the hell was that sound!?” Corey asked the only other person in the circle. The yelling and screeching that came from outside the church were something out of a horror movie, it didnt seem real.
“I dont know, and all the cameras cut out when the first screech happened and they havent been able to record since then. Even the cell service has been shit.” Jake groaned sitting on one of the bunks in the middle of the salt circle they drew after (Y/N) ran out the church.
“What if it doesnt come back by sun up? How are we going to get help?”
“We’ll just go to someone’s ho-” Jake started before the doors to church doors slammed open. “Sam? Colby? Is that really you?” Before they could answer Jake grabbed the nearest bottle of holy water and sprayed the duo as they walked towards the bunks.
“Really Jake? Was that necessary?” Colby asked shaking off the cold holy water.
“Sorry, had to make sure. Hey, where’s (Y/N)? And what was that sound from earlier?” Jake asked realizing the person who forced them to stay in the church wasn’t with the duo.
“(Y/N) stayed outside. Remember when she told us when she was younger how her cousin was attacked by a demon back in her hometown?” Colby asked looking between Corey and Jake as the screeching continued in the graveyard, scaring the group.
“Well apparently the thing out there is the same one from her childhood. She told us to come to the church and wait for either her or for the sun to come up. And for us not to trust our ears, that the thing out there might try to get us outside, he almost got me by sounding like Kat.” Sam explained as more screeching and roars sounded from the darkness outside. “And to add salt to the wound, I dropped the camera when the first roar happened so I wasn’t able to get any footage of the demon outside.”
“Right when the first roar happened all the cameras in here went out too. There’s still battery in all of them but they wont record. And, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LEFT HER OUT THERE?” Corey yelled at the best friends. “You’re letting her go against that thing ALONE!?”
“We had to! If we stayed there the demon would have used us against (Y/N), and she’s gone against it before and lived, shes got this in the ba-” Sam started before another roar cut him off, the lights in the church flickering as a scream joined the roar.
“Its not (Y/N)! Dont listen to it!” Sam grabbed Colby before he sprinted out the door. “You know for a fact she wouldn’t call out for us! In any of our investigations, has she ever called for us? No. Don’t listen to him!”
“See that’s (Y/N)!” Sam said tugging Colby back into the salt circle, “We have to trust in her.”
“It’s been two weeks since the church and we haven’t told the fans what happened, what are we going to do?” Sam asked looking up at Colby, from his seat next to (Y/N). It had been two weeks since the church incident, and they were still in the UK. The night took a turn for the worst when the sun had finally come up and (Y/N) hadn’t made it back to the church. It took almost two days to find her somewhere in the middle of the wood miles away from the church the group stayed at. 
“I know they deserve answers, but our main concern is to make sure (Y/N) is alright. We already contacted her family and they’re aware, which is the most important part. Maybe us staying and Corey and Jake leaving was a bad idea.” Colby muttered, pacing around the hospital room. (Y/N) hadn’t woken up from the coma she was found in almost two weeks prior, and it was concerning the boys. (Y/N)’s parents told the boys that the last time she was in a coma like this it lasted almost a month, and that the boys shouldn’t worry about (Y/N), shes stronger than she seems. “I wish (Y/N) would give us some sort of sign that shes okay.”
“Why does it feel like its out fault? Like if we hadn’t come to London none of this would have happened? Or what if we had stayed in the church? Maybe then we would have been back in LA planning our next adventure.” Sam whispered, rubbing his face with his palms.
“Damn it!” Colby finally yelled after a few minutes of silence. “Why the fuck did this happen to (Y/N)? What if we had stayed there? Maybe it would have been one of us instead of her! Fuck!”
“Quiet down please. We’re in a hospital for fuck sake.” The whisper caught the duo off guard. It was the small smile on the patience’s face that brought them to tears as they hugged the person on the hospital bed. “Okay, I can’t breath guys.”
“Wh-what? When did you wake up? How are you feeling? Do-do you need anything?” Colby asked as Sam ran out the room going to find a doctor or nurse.
“When you guys started to blame yourselves for what happened. Raum was going to come after me one day, it just chose the church because of all the spiritual energy that we were carrying from the hotel the night before.” You, explained before a doctor, nurse, and Sam ran into the room. It was a week later that the trio was on their way back to the States, when you  noticed something.
“Hey Sam, Colby.” You started as you made your way across the London airport to your gate. You stopped and looked around, something was different.
“What’s up (Y/N)? Do you feel something?” Colby asked coming up to (Y/N)
“That’s the thing, I dont feel anything.” You said looking around the airport, every place you’ve ever visited had some sort of spirit lingering around. Good or evil you were able to feel them almost 80% of the time.
“What do you mean you don’t feel anything?” Sam asked the camera in his hand pointing at you and Colby. The three of you had agreed to release what footage you had onto their Youtube channel since you felt like their fans needed some sort of explanation. They just needed to film the last bits of them leaving London before they would do a sit down segment back in LA explaining what had happened at the church.
“I dont feel any spiritual presence, like any. It wouldn’t have bothered me but I had felt a presence when we first landed here. Now there’s nothing.” You said looking back at Sam and Colby. “Maybe me winning cost me my ability to feel spirits.” That statement became even more true when you landed back in LA and did a quick visit to places you knew were haunted, you couldn’t feel anything in any of the locations.
“Hey, maybe its a good thing? I mean people who have some sort of power are usually targeted by demons or evil spirits.” Sam said as the three of you walked up to the first place the three of you met.
“If it keeps you safe, maybe its a good thing that you lost your ability.” Colby said this time.
“But now I feel like I wont be able to protect you guys.” You said looking back at the best friends, tears welling up in her eyes.
“But, we’ll be able to protect you. When you would tell us to back off during an overnight we started to notice how certain things would happen around the time you would speak up. We’re able to tell if somethings going to happen because of all the times you brought it to our attention that something was wrong.” Colby said walking up to you, giving you a small smile. “Anything to protect you even if you dont have your sixth sense.”
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violetnotez · 5 years
My Hero
Pro Hero! Red Riot x Reader
I havent seen much for Pro Hero Red Riot so I thought Id mine as well give it a shot! This is a rewrite of one of my older fics so I hope its a little better than the last :)
Genre: Angst (ish) to Fluff
Word Count: 2500+
Warnings: Catcalling, cussing
Summary: When you decide to leave your neglectful date and walk home, your met with a drunken idiot who cant seem to understand the meaning of “No”-until the hero Red Riot comes to save the day.
One Shot
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Why did I ever think this was going to be fun,” you thought miserably, the chilly night air biting your exposed skin.
Parties were never your “thing”, since nobody really invited you. It wasn’t because you were hated at your school or were an outcast; it was  just you didn’t care to belong to a ‘clique’. You were a roamer, being a friend to anyone who was nice and social enough to talk to you, but you never became to the level of close friends with any of them. So, when you had been invited to go to a house party by one of your guy friends who was a little bit popular, you were more than just a “little” shocked. You were completely confused on why, but you shrugged it off and just decided to go. How bad could it be?
Very bad, more than you had expected, and now you were cursing at yourself for even agreeing to be his date. He decided to take you with a group of his old high school friends, who were the definition of a typical “Popular” group of high school: a bunch of lip glossed cheerleaders and crazy sports fanatics. It would’ve been tolerable to be around such a group if your “date” was polite enough to pay attention to you, but he had ran off to be idiots with all his football buddies, leaving you defenseless with the slightly air headed cheerleaders.
You were seriously itching to rip out your hair from frustration all night.
When two hours of having to deal with high pitch squeals from girls who would laugh at anything the guys would say finally hit, you were thoroughly annoyed and grossed out and wanted to go home. You tracked down your date, told him you were leaving, and walked yourself home, politely declining his offer of driving you home.
You had just passed what looked like another house party, the music pumping through the windows as people came in and out of the house, stumbling and dancing around with no care in the world.
To say you were mad was an understatement. You were exhausted from having to act like you were enjoying yourself so you didnt look like a whiny prick, mad that you had actually used up your money (and was now broke) on a dress and a pair of shoes you’d never wear again, and a little hurt your “date” just left you to fend for yourself with his buddies’ dates all night.
You were so frustrated at yourself and the whole situation, you almost didn’t hear the person behind you.
“Hey hottie, where ya going lookin like that?”
You whipped around, the slurred voice making your blood run cold.
The guy in front of you was definitely intoxicated, his overly gelled hair slicked back, his polo untucked and a red cup in his hand. His face was plastered with such a smug smile, it made you want to cringe from disgust. This guy was a total creep.
“Buzz off,” you gave him a dirty look, mustering your face to look menacing when on the inside you were terrified.
“Playing hard to get, huh, babe? I like that,” the drunken idiot walked closer, his drink sloshing out of the cup and the stink of alcohol and sweat hitting you, making you feel dizzy.
“No,” you walked backwards quickly in fear, “Im trying to get away from you! Now go to back to your party and leave me alone.” You pleaded the last part, wishing you could break out in a run but knew you’d hurt yourself on your shoes. 
He was getting too close for comfort. You could now see clearly the stitching of the emblem on his polo, a bright cherry red. HIs breath was suffocating you, making it harder to breath. You looked around desperately for any way out.
“Why dont you come inside, baby- you’ll definitely want to stay here once your alone with me,” the drunken idiot licked his lips, making you shiver in disgust.
“What the hell!” you gasped in shock, pushing him away from you. “Get the hell away from me you creep!” you yelled, hoping somebody would hear you as you frantically walked backwards, trying a last ditch attempt to shake this creepo off as he drunkenly groped for your arm.
“Whats your deal?!” the man yelled accusingly, as if you were in the wrong and stumbling closer to you. “Why are you being such a bitc-”
“I wouldnt finish that sentence if I were you.”
You looked up quickly, your eyes still wide with terror as you searched for the source of the voice. Your gaze fell upon a boy wearing a plain gray hoodie, with spiky hair as red as a cherry. His eyes were dark, slanted in a mad glare. He looked as if he was going on a night run, and you felt relief flood your body- somebody heard you and was willing to help.
“What the hell dude, mind your own damn business-!” the drunk yelled out in anger, but then he paused, and something strange happened- the man actually looked scared. ‘Wait...I know that hair...your the hero Red Riot, right?” he said with a mix of awe and terror, turning sober for the span of .2 seconds.
“Huh, so you do have a brain? Wouldn’t have guessed that!” he laughed, a feeling of safety warming your body- a Hero was saving you-and a great one at that! You remembered that name instantly- you had seen Red Riot all the time on TV, sporting that signature red, spiky hair everywhere he went. He was always fighting some villain with that amazing Hardening quirk of his, and you had always taken time to admire his costume (and his amazing body). He was pretty young for a hero, around his early 20′s, but was already being described as one of the “Best Debuting Heroes” of that year. 
The drunk man stood there, his groggy mind trying to understand the insult. You took that time to make a run for it- you shoved him again, his drink spilling all over his shirt as you ran towards your savior.
“Dude, what the hell!” he sputtered as he looked down at his now beer soaked shirt.
Red Riot instantly protected you once you got close enough to him, shielding you with his body from the idiot in front of you two. “You gotta admit,” Red Riot said, a laugh spilling out of his lips, “you kinda deserved that. Its not cool to keep pushing on a girl if she says “no”, man.” 
The drunken man’s face turned red from anger and embarrassment. 
“Ya know what, he yelled, “I dont give a damn if your a hero, I’m gonna beat your ass into the ground!”
The drunken idiot threw his cup on the floor, sprinting up to the hero and throwing him a punch aimed for his head.
You gasped, not expecting something so reckless and violent to happen so quickly. Red Riot instantly blocked, though, as if it was a reflex, his hardening quirk making his arm jagged like a mountain cliff.
“Hitting a hero! That wasnt very smart,” Red Riot replied calmly, as if amused. You watched the drunk’s face contort in shock, and then into panic as Red Riot swung a matching punch to his face, knocking him out cold. 
Kirishima looked down at the man in distaste- he hated scumbags like this, who treat others like property and expect rewards for being aggressive. To be honest, he’d loved to do more than just one lousy punch on this idiot but- he was a hero, and heroes didn’t abuse their powers. If he did, he’d be just as bad as this creep.
He sighed, giving one last look to make sure the drunk was breathing and okay-which he was- and turned to the startled girl behind him.
“You alright miss?” Red Riot asked softly, concern in his voice.
You turned sharply, your hair flipping away from your face as you looked up at the hero, your chest hurting from the fear you were feeling moments before.
You looked at him in shock and awe- “You just saved my life,” you stated, the sound of your steady voice surprising you.
He scratched his head, almost looking embarrassed. “Its nothing, really,’ he said quickly, his concern pushing you for an answer. “DId he do anything to you? Are you hurt?”
“A little shaken up,” you said with a weak smile, “but nothing I cant handle.”
“Im sorry you had to deal with that,” he stated, the slight anger in his voice surprising you. “But- is it okay if I can walk you home? I really don’t feel comfortable letting you walk by yourself. The streets are super dangerous at night.”
You laughed sarcastically, trying to ease your nerves and keep the growing pit of emotions at bay. “Yeah, kinda figured that out the hard way.” You paused, thinking the new situation over- you didnt want to walk home by yourself, that was not happening. You felt unsafe, and violated, and the anger and slight embarrassment bubbled in your stomach, threatening to come out in streams across your face. You wanted to forget this, and you felt embarrassed that someone witnessed what just happened, even if it was a person who helped you and you surprisingly felt comfortable around. He seemed like a genuinely good person- someone who would listen to and truly care about someone.“I shouldn’t be embarrassed,” you thought violently to yourself, “it isn’t your fault.” But the feeling of being rejected and then sought after in a disgusting way made you feel crushed, and you couldn’t keep everything in any more. The tears came quietly, then slowly came on harder, the sound of sobbing escaping your mouth.
You willed your tears to go back, to evaporate and leave you, but that, inevitablely, didn’t work. But, surprisingly, the hero didn’t question this. He gently wrapped his arms around you, the soft thin fabric shielding your exposed skin from the cold.
It did feel awkward to hug a stranger at first, but it quickly soothed you.. He didn’t feel so much as a stranger, but an anonymous confidant, a past friend, someone who was easy to be with and be your real self, and not have to pretend that life was great all the time. Sometimes life throws you some curveballs-You just needed someone who a least cared a little bit about how you felt when you got two curveballs in one night.
“You’re safe, I got you. Its not your fault- Youll be okay.”
Your shoulders shook slightly as the tears left your face, the feeling of relievement making you feel much better. As your breathing began to go back to normal pace, you pushed away gently, your now shiny face smiling in embarrassment with a sniffle.
“Are you sure he didnt hurt you? Or do anything to you?” he asked again, his voice filled with care and urgency as he looked into your eyes, searching for an answer. His hands on your shoulders shielded you from the cold, the fabric tickling your skin.
“Yeah, Im okay, what you saw is all he did,” you said, your voice thick from crying. “Im sorry I broke down a little, just-, you sighed, feeling there was no point in keeping your walls up- “ it hasnt been the best night.”
He hugged you again, this time being quicker and harder.
“Dont be sorry for crying, you deserve to. Im just sorry I wasnt here sooner.”
Your heart melted a little for this boy and his big heart. You pushed a piece of hair away from your face, your cheeks a little warmer than the rest of your body.
“No your fine, you didnt know that was happening, Im just so grateful for you helping when you did. I really do mean it when I said you saved my life.”
The hero shuffled, embarrassment yet again evident in his mannerism.
“Just doing my job I guess!” his eyes filled with happiness, the evident blush looking almost comical.
“So- is it alright if I can walk you home?”
You giggled, your stress now alleviated and the look on his face looking so silly it made you feel almost peaceful.
“Of course,” you replied, and you began to walk  alongside him.
You two walked quietly, the soft breeze nipping your skin, but filling your lungs with brisk air, clearing your head. The silence between you two was comfortable as both of you thought deeply. You were going over the events of the night- the feel of betrayal and annoyance, then extreme fear, and relief, and sadness, guilt, happiness- it was so much to process you couldn’t wrap your head around it. But one thing you could think clearly on was the person next to you. You gave him a side eyed glance, staring at his sweatshirt, the toned muscles contouring the sweatshirt. You wish you could know who he was- he seemed sweet and genuine, and not to mention even more handsome in person. But being around him felt peaceful, even for just talking to him for a few moments-the feeling was a little intoxicating.
As Red Riot caught your side eyed glance, the feeling of butterflies filled his stomach. He had just met this girl, but he already knew he liked her. She had a fighter’s spirit, she wasnt hung over the fact that he was a hero and gawking at him like some object- she treated him like a person, not just some hero. She was sweet to him, even though she looked like she just had the crappiest night of her life. And the fact he found her unbelievably pretty made the butterflies fill his stomach with a ticklish feeling.
You two began to start talking a little, slowly becoming more comfortable. You talked about everything, from school to friends to hero work to anything you could think of. By the end, both of you were hurting from laughing and the smiles that were plastered on your faces.
You both reached the front steps of your apartment building, the look of happiness on your face making Kirishima feel great inside. He knew a comfortable walk would make you feel better- it always did for him. But he knew he just met you and he shouldn’t go out of his way so much to help a stranger, but you looked like you needed it. And he had this itching feeling like you deserved something good to happen to you. Everyone does, right?
You looked at him, feeling a rush of butterflies fill your stomach. You had never wanted to get to know someone more so hard in your life. To just know who he was and thank him properly would alleviate the sudden need to know him, not just “Red Riot”. You grabbed your hands tightly, wishing the walk wouldnt ever end.
“Thanks again for  everything,” you smiled warmly, making Red Riot’s stomach bubble with butterflies. 
“Yeah, no problem!” he replied, sadness ebbing into him at the thought of leaving you. His eyes suddenly light up, an idea striking him. 
“Do you by any chance have your phone on you?” he asked sweetly. You gave him a slightly confused look, but nodded, handing him your phone. 
He quietly punched in a few characters in the key pad, and then handed back your phone. You looked down and there was his phone number in your contacts, and his name- “Kirishima.”
“That’s my last name-and- uh- my number,” he chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck, “If you never need anything, or want to talk and maybe...go on a date, just-”
“How about tomorrow at 2?” you asked quickly, wanting so badly to meet him again. 
Kirishima was caught completely off guard- in a good way. Electricity flooded his body, as if all his nerves were on everload..
“2 so great! I'll be off tomorrow, so wherever you want to meet, I'll be there!” His smile was so happy and large, you couldn't help but smile back. 
“Thanks again,” you said softly, feeling as if you were in a dream.
Then you did something you wouldn't even expect from yourself- you kissed him on the cheek, before looking one last time at your hero before you closed your front door softly.
“Wait!” Kirishima yelled as he realized something.
“Hm?” you opened the door a crack, your freezing legs hidden behind the warm inside of the door.
“I never got your name!”
You laughed as you realized you never actually did introduce yourself. “Its y/n!”
Kirishima thought your name was beautiful- a pretty name to match a pretty girl. “Well- good night y/n!” You waved goodbye, a smile playing on your lips as you closed your door.
Kirishima looked at your front porch, the spot you kissed still tingling and his heart pounding. He looked at your door in a blissful daze- he couldn’t believe that just happened. A grin spread on his face as he finally turned away from your house, and walked off with a warmth creeping in his chest. A pretty girl he saved kissed him. Well- on his cheek- but still. It was a win for the books.
Requests open!!!!!
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projecthalemaw · 4 years
The three teens were now successfully off on their adventure, and conversing amongst one another. "Alexis. Was everything okay, back at the pokemon center?" Hera asked as the three walked.
"Hm? Oh uh, yeah. My brain got overwhelmed with all of the lights, sounds, and my eyes had been hurting." Alexis admitted, adjusting her sunglasses.
"Ah. Gotcha. I experience it occasionally, although rarely." Hera nodded in understanding. "So. I'm thinking that, when we get to Nightvale city, My gran will want to have dinner with me one last time. And because shes a total sweetheart, You two can stay for dinner too." Hera spoke, slipping her hands into her jacket pockets. "So, I know Miranda's kind of a tough gym leader. Her gym is certainly eccentric, if I remember some of her battles that are televised. Three floors, each one works with a different weather effect. Remind me what they are, Lucius?"
"Sandstorm for the first floor, Hail for the second, and Sunny day for the third. The top floor, where shes located, is actually the rooftop of the weather facility in Jupiter city. It almost always rains in that city, as well. So when we head that direction, we'll wanna have our umbrella's to be easy to access." Lucius explained.
Alexis nodded, looking up from her pokedex. "I'm reading over Gible's pokedex entry, which also seems to list the ability for the pokemon, and what it does. Sand veil ups evasion in a sandstorm." She spoke. "Meaning that gible will likely be highly useful for the first floor, in my case." She spoke.
"Correct. The ability listing feature was of Professor Morgan's own design, if you're curious. Also. We should use this route, and the cave, to train our partners." Lucius spoke.
"Cave?" Hera asked.
"No. We're not going near the cave on the other path." Alexis spoke, her tone seeming to shift.
"There's a hidden cave nearby, that has pokemon that are rare elsewhere on this island." Lucius elaborated.
"Oh, okay. Sorry for my tone shift." Alexis spoke.
"All good. Yeah. That other cave, on the other path. It creeps everyone out, so mom made it illegal to go near there, at least for our towns residents." He explained, taking a pokeball out and releasing beldum. "Beldum will be harder to train, as it only learns one move until it evolves, into metang. Meaning I should get the jump on training it first, while still training Chomp, my main partner." Lucius spoke. He was going to say something, but got cut off by a girl getting his attention.
"Hey! Wanna battle? I just got a new pokemon, and wanna test it out." The girl spoke.
"You can take her on Lucius." Hera spoke, gesturing for him to go on. "Alexis and I can watch, or go train on wild pokemon."
"Y-yeah. Let's go train on wild Pokemon. Catch up with us after, lucius." Alexis spoke.
3 hard hours of training later, and one sudden thunderstorm that lasted 20 minutes
Alexis, Lucius, and Hera met back up in a Clearing in the Route. Their pokemon, had all gotten stronger.
"Anyone else hungry, or just me?" Alexis asked, as her stomach growled rather loudly. "Just realized I hadn't eaten yet."
"Well. We're close to my Gran's house, and closer to Nightvale City. It's about Lunch time at this point. We can go get lunch at a cafe, then take a few hours to relax before going to my Grandma's for the night." Hera offered.
"I got plenty of Money from the trainers I beat, meaning I can pay for lunch." Lucius nodded.
"Yeah. Let's get healed up at the pokemon center, then go get lunch. It's about another six hours or so till dinnertime, so we have plenty of time to kill at like an arcade or something. The one in Nightvale is moderately large. We can do some arcade games, if we havent blown all of our money by lunch." Hera nodded.
"What's an arcade?" Alexis questioned, not realizing she said it out loud.
"Basically, a place where you can pay money to earn tokens and play games. My dad used to own the one in nightvale city, before he sold it to the Mayor of Nightvale after meeting my mom when she joined him for a game of DDR, or rather. Dance, Dance, Revolution." Hera explained without missing a beat, as they headed toward the entrance of Nightvale city.
Once the three arrived in Nightvale city, Alexis's mouth dropped. This was one of the largest places she'd ever seen. (Not that she remembers anywhere larger.) "Woah. It's... massive." Alexis spoke, blinking slightly.
"There are bigger cities. Heck. The Island where we get our fifth gym badge, the entire place is all the city." Hera spoke.
"Ew. Sounds gross." Alexis reflexively spoke.
"Yeah. I personally enjoy places that have variety to them. I've heard Twilight Island is like a maze." Lucius spoke, as they walked into the pokemon center.
"Hi! Welcome to the pokemon center. Let me know if I can do anything for you, please." The Nurse spoke as she walked out from one of the back Rooms.
"Hi! I was wondering if our pokemon could get a quick heal." Lucius spoke.
"Can do! Just put the pokeballs on the tray here, and Blissey can take care of them for you." The nurse spoke as she put the tray on the counter in front of her.
Alexis put her pokeballs in top slots, although she was somewhat hesitant to.
Lucius put his in the middle, seeming a bit relaxed.
Hera put hers in the bottom slots.
"Blissey will bring you your pokeballs personally, after healing your pokemon. She can heal them through their pokeballs, so dont worry about her getting them mixed up. Feel free to have a seat." The nurse spoke, before turning to follow blissey to the back to work on something.
The three teens sat down, and began to converse among each other. "So. Since we're going to be traveling with each other for the foreseeable future. I guess we should get to know one another." Hera spoke, taking her hat off. "Lucius, pass me a drink?" She asked. "Gotta take my meds."
"Ah, yeah, of course." Lucius spoke as he opened his bag, and passed her a water bottle.
"Well... guess the meowth's gotta come out of the bag. I don't remember much of anything. I only know my name." Alexis spoke, rather quietly. She wasn't sure if the two would still be friends with her.
"That's quite okay." Hera spoke, as she took a couple of bottles out of her jacket, and opened the bottles. "We're not gonna look at you any differently, Alexis. Right, Lucius?" She asked, before taking her medication. Her tone had an essence of "Answer correctly, or I'm gonna smack you." to it.
"Yeah, of course." Lucius nodded.
Alexis let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks. I was feeling freaked out, and was trying to figure out how I should explain it." She spoke. "I dont even know where I'm from."
"Gotcha." Hera nodded. "Well, maybe we can make getting your memories back a side endeavor in our journey." She offered, as Blissey came up to their table, with their tray of pokeballs in hand.
"Thank's blissey." Lucius spoke, as the three sorted their pokeballs back among themselves.
"So yeah. We'll try our best to get your memories back." Hera nodded, her sunshine personality sort of showing in the instance.
Lucius nodded in agreement. "Yeah." He nodded. "So. Now that our teams are all healed up, where are we going first?" He asked as he stood up, hooking his pokeballs back onto his belt loop.
"Hm. Food and drink sound good?" Hera asked as she stood up, gesturing for Alexis to follow.
Alexis nodded. "Yeah, sounds fine to me." She spoke as she stood, and followed the others out.
Once the three were outside, Hera opened her map. "Now. If I recall correctly, theres a really good little cafe that doubles as a burger place, just up the street from here." Hera spoke. "I don't know about burgers myself, but I could definitely go for a Chocolate moomoo milkshake and fries." She spoke, as she put her map away, and began to walk right from the pokemon center entry.
Lucius and Alexis exchanged glances, and followed after Hera, who was already a good two feet away.
After a good Twenty minutes of walking, the trio arrived at a rather large building. "Used to come here all the time after school. Don't remember why I stopped." Hera spoke, grabbing the door and opening it.
Alexis and lucius followed her in, exchanging a look as they got greeted. "Hey there, welcome to Cathy's. Today we've got a deal on burger's and shakes. Buy ten dollars worth and get a third set free." The cashier spoke.
"You two get whatever you want, I'll just get a large thing of fries and a chocolate shake." Hera spoke, as she pulled out her wallet to start counting how much money she'd need to set aside for their meal.
After time passed, and the three sat down after ordering their food, a pair of women walked into the Café, looking no older then Hera. The most eye-catching feature the women had among the two of them was the orange haired girl having a mechanical arm. It wasn't audible what the two had ordered, but it didn't seem overly complicated, as it was done before the trio's meal.
The black haired girl who had it tied back and to the side walked up. "Hey, there's not a whole lot of places left to sit. Do you three care if we join you?" She asked. She adjusted her glasses, as she waited for an answer from one of them.
"Of course! We were just stopping in to get lunch ourselves. We just started our own adventure and all." Hera spoke, seeming a little sheepish.
"Ah, yeah. I remember those times." The orange haired girl spoke. "I think you and I started at the same time, right, rey?" She asked her companion.
"Yes, we did. Now, apologies, but we've seemed to have forgotten our manners. I'm Reyna, and this one here is Cassidy." Reyna spoke, nodding slightly.
Hera nodded. "The guy getting our food is Lucius, I'm hera, and I'll let her introduce herself."
"I'm Alexis." Alexis spoke, nodding gently to the two taller girls.
The two girls who had joined them nodded. "Nice to meet you too. You seem a little young to just be starting your adventure." Reyna noted.
"As much as I wish I were younger, I'm glad to be Seventeen." Hera laughed a little. "Means I dont have to see my parents again." She spoke lightly.
Lucius set their tray down on the table. "Hera, who are these two?" Lucius asked as he sorted their stuff among themselves.
"Cassidy and Reyna. They asked to sit with us as there isn't anywhere else that they can really sit." Hera explained.
"Ah. Nice to meet you." Lucius spoke, as he sat down.
Cassidy nodded. "Mind if I ask who you guys chose as starters? I've heard interesting things about this Region's starter selection." She spoke.
"Well. This year was a bit different, and the professor gave us each two starter pokemon." Hera explained.
"Interesting." Reyna noted, writing it down in her notebook after taking a sip from her drink.
"I chose this Region's variant of Piplup, and Larvitar. I'll let these two answer the question themselves." Hera spoke before digging into her food.
"Region's totodile variant, and gible." Alexis quietly spoke after swallowing the bite she had been chewing on. It was clear that she had something on her mind, but nobody could be entirely sure what it was she was thinking about.
"Cyndaquil Variant and Beldum." Lucius nodded.
"Interesting. And what are the types of your regional variants?" Reyna asked, glancing up from her writing.
"Totodile is dark and fairy, according to my pokedex." Alexis nodded.
"Cyndaquil is an Ice and Dragon type here." Lucius spoke.
"And Piplup is just a ghost type." Hera spoke, after swallowing the food she had in her mouth.
"Fascinating. We came to the region on business, mostly because someone called us here for said business." Reyna spoke.
"She still won't tell me, for whatever reason." Cassidy spoke, shrugging lightly as she stretched her legs out.
"Because if I do, you won't shut up about it. You'll find out in about a month's time. We mostly came a month early to get a lay of the region." Reyna spoke.
"Oh. Okay." Cassidy spoke. "Think we may try the gym challenge. Might be worth it after all, now that we're here. Y'know babe?"
"Yeah. Gives us an idea on how tough some of the trainers in this region are." Reyna nodded, as she looked up from her notepad.
"Ah. About that. Nobody's been able to complete the gym challenge in two years at this point." Lucius explained.
"That's a surprise." Cassidy spoke. "Why?"
"The eighth gym leader, Minerva, disappeared two years ago. Nobody knows where she went." Lucius explained, after taking a sip of his drink.
"Fascinating." Cassidy spoke.
Reyna simply nodded, marking something down in her notepad. "Seems interesting. I guess that's why Victory road looked untraversed?" She questioned.
"Yeah. And the league officials have been unable to hire a new leader to replace her, as her gym is sealed shut." Lucius nodded again.
"Oh, interesting." Reyna nodded. "I need to step outside for a moment, make a couple of Phone calls." Reyna spoke, standing up and stepping away from the table.
"Everything okay, babe?" Cassidy asked.
"Yeah. Just gotta make a couple calls correlating to our work here." Reyna nodded, reassuring her girlfriend before she headed outside.
"So. What's with the arm?" Alexis asked, finally deciding to speak up a little. She gestured vaguely to Cassidy's metal arm, before going back to poke at her food.
"Lost my arm in a fight back home. Reyna built this one for me, when she found me bleeding." Cassidy chuckled lightly, adjusting her hoodie. "What sparked the question?"
"It just looks out of place, with the rest of your attire." Hera elaborated, since Alexis had her mouth full.
"Ah, yeah. Had to unscrew it to get through the metal detector to board the boat to get here. That was not a fun experience." Cassidy admitted.
"Yeah, I imagine so." Lucius nodded. "Anyone wanna battle? Just all friendly like?" The teen asked, cleaning up the wrappers from all of their food. "We've still got time to kill."
"Yeah, sure. I'm down." Cassidy spoke, standing up, and collecting her and Reyna's drinks. "I'll meet y'all outside." She spoke as she slipped out.
"So. Those two are eccentric, to say the least." Hera noted as she laughed a little. "You can go battle Cassidy. Think I'm gonna hit the mall with Alexis, if she wants to come along." Hera spoke, as she stood up, finishing her shake.
Alexis nodded, re-wrapping the rest of her burger she still had and stuffing it in her pocket. "I figure we'll meet back up in an hour or two?" Alexis asked, remaining soft-spoken.
Hera nodded. "Here's my number Lucius, in case you need to contact us before we meet at gran's." She spoke, writing her phone number down on the wrapped and passing it to him.
The trio separated on their own paths, to do their own thing for a little while.
Following Alexis and Hera for the next little while. Lucius will pop back in later.
"So, uh. You've been pretty quiet, Alexis." Hera spoke, slipping her hands into her pockets. "Something on your mind?" She asked.
"No, everything's fine. I'm just... I don't know. It feels weird, not being able to remember things. The food was fine, If that's what you're wondering." Alexis spoke, kicking a couple rocks.
"Alright. If you need to talk to someone, you can. Y'know that, right?" Hera spoke, nodding slightly to Alexis. "Also. Is there anything you want, while we're shopping?"
"A cellphone would be nice. I didn't have one, when I woke up in that room." Alexis spoke quietly.
"Alright. Yeah, we can look at those. You can't get most places without one." Hera smiled a bit.
Alexis nodded. "I figured. I've been observing everyone, and it seems like theyve become an intricate part of everyone's lives." She spoke, looking up at her friend.
"Yeah, it's interesting." She spoke, as they walked into the Mall. "Here we are. The Nightvale Mall. I used to come here a lot. Stopped when my friends moved away." Hera shrugged. "I'm thinking we should get you a couple more outfits, because as nice as your current outfit is, it's kind of out of place seeming." Hera explained.
"Yeah. That'll be fine. I'm keeping this jacket though, to go with any outfits we get." Alexis spoke.
"Yeah. The Jacket's fine." Hera spoke, as she and Alexis walked. "Anywhere you wanna go first?" She asked.
Alexis nodded. "Uh... hm. We could go look at the books first. I think having some reading material would be nice." She spoke.
Hera nodded. "Then off to the bookshop it is." She spoke, as she helped Alexis Navigate to the bookstore on the second floor.
The two girls walked into the Bookstore, which was Relatively empty, outside of a cashier and a couple of elderly people sitting down somewhere near the back, in a couple or chairs. "Get whatever strikes your fancy. We've got a budget about Nineteen thousand, to spend here at the mall." Hera spoke.
Alexis nodded. She really didn't have any idea where to start. After all, she didn't even know if she had a favorite genre. After about fifteen minutes of wandering the store, Alexis had picked up a few mystery novels that caught her eye. "Hey Hera. Found a few books that looked interesting."
"Oh?" Hera asked, walking over to Alexis, to see what Alexis had found.
"Yeah. Just a few mystery novels that caught my attention." Alexis spoke. "Think we should probably get the phone next, then save the outfit shopping for last." Alexis nodded as she and Hera went up to the register to pay for the books she picked out.
"Sounds good to me." Hera spoke, keeping her hands in her pockets as the cashier scanned the books, taking out her wallet when it was time.
After Hera paid for the books, Alexis took the bag that the books were put in, and held it in her left hand as the two girls walked out, and headed for the next shop.
After a while of the two shopping, Hera's phone buzzed, with a text from Lucius, asking where the two were.
Hera shot him a text back, stating that they were leaving the mall right as he texted, and were on their way.
The two girls walked through Nightvale city, eventually arriving at a house, with lucius standing outside, and Cassidy having a smoke nearby. "Hey kiddos. Lucius wanted me to come with him after the battles, as he had questions. Now that you two are here, ima dip out. Maybe we'll run into each other some other time." Cassidy spoke, not giving the two time to answer, as she left.
"...that was weird." Hera spoke. "Oh well. She's probably right, that we'll run into her and her girlfriend again." She shrugged, as she walked up the steps to the front door, and unlocked it. "Gran! I'm home!" She called.
"Hey Hera, welcome home!" Hera's grandma called back from the kitchen. "Are your friends with you?" She asked.
"Yeah! Lucius, Alexis. You two, come on in." Hera gestured.
Alexis was the last to enter, and closed the door behind her. "Thank you for having us, I think." She spoke, nodding gently.
"Mhm! I figured I should feed you three before you go off on an adventure around the Islands." Gran spoke, as she was chopping onions.
"Thanks, really." Lucius spoke, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm making sausage and mac and cheese, with sauteed onions." Her grandmother nodded. "Do any of you wanna help?" She asked.
"Yeah." Alexis spoke. "I may not be of much help, though." She spoke, putting her bags down, and heading to the kitchen.
TBC in another post, because tumblr decided it was too long.
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~Perfect Birthday~
Au: Kaishi
Part: twelve
Theme: Fluff? Comedy? Who knows lol
Tumblr media
(These 2 are going on an adventure)
"Buttercream? No that wont do. Vanilla with a touch of banana or Strawberry? Shoot! What about...hmmm...." You focused on the ingredients so hard that you were developing a light headache. Meanwhile, your husband sat across from you at the kitchen table, scrolling through his laptop for themes and present ideas. "Y/N, just settle on chocolate and call it a day." Kai announced while his eyes hovered on a Circus theme. He shuddered lightly at the thought of animals being involved. 'Absolutely not' he thought to himself. You sighed and put the ingredients list down. "I cant settle on Chocolate. I'm worried that someone might have an allergy to it. I'm also so worried about the vegan adults that might be here. What about the picky eaters too? Kai, I feel like I'm going insane right now." You gripped the sides of the chair you sat on. He peeked up at you and notices your incoming distress. He sighed and stood up to move behind you. He softly gripped each of your shoulders and began to give you an impromptu massage. "Stop worrying so much about it so much, Angel. Just do chocolate cake since its the brat's favorite flavor. We can go with a vegan cupcake option that should be safe for the people with chocolate allergies as well. As for the others, there will be other food and even beverage options. You're working so hard for people I dont even care about. This is all for my son and no one else but him. His happiness is my only concern."
You sighed and reached up to place a hand on your husband before turning to smile sweetly at him. "Kai, you're being sweet today." You teased him and he scoffed. "Anyway, I know you only want to focus on Kaishi but having other kids here for the first time, other than Ishida, is like his dream come true. It took me a lot of time to get on the parents good sides. It took a lot of time for them to want to bring other kids around Kaishi because if the yakuza affiliations. Had it not been for the fact that you've began working into charity for the city, I dont think anyone would've given us a chance. Bow we have parent friends, and now Kaishi has a chance for an amazing birthday this year. Let's not mess this up, okay? That means NO EXCESSIVE GERMAPHOBIA, and NO ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR okay?" You drilled it home at the end. He sighed in annoyance. "Ugh fine. I'll try to conversate with the other scum as if they never insulted the yakuza before. You had better be lucky I appreciate you and Kaishi at this point or this wouldn't be happening." Kai complained before pulling his medical mask down and kissing you lightly on your lips. "You two are being icky again. I'm going to tell Grandpa on you guys." Kaishi's voice brought you two back to reality. "Oh hush, and mind your business." Kai said as he ruffled his son's short hair playfully. Kaishi giggled and swatted the gloved hand away. He took a seat at the kitchen table next to Kai's laptop and peeked over to see what was on the screen. While you went to fix him some oatmeal, his father bolted to the seat and slapped the laptop closed. "No peeking. Havent you any manners?" Kai fussed lightly while Kaishi smiled. "Its okay daddy, I already know you two are planning my birthday for tomorrow." The boy said proudly. "That may be so, but it doesnt mean we cant at least surprise you with the decorations and food." Kai explained. You placed breakfast in front of Kaishi and sat down with your boys. Pops had just entered the kitchen at this point. "Family breakfast? Dont mind if I do." He smiled and took a seat next to you. "Grandpa, what will you give me for my birthday?" Kaishi asked excitedly. Kai flicked his cheek. "Dont be rude brat, respect your elders." He scolded him as Pops laughed. "Oh calm down, Chisaki my boy. My grandson is very calm at this age compared to how you used to act." Pops said with a smirk as you laughed and Kai blushed lightly with embarrassment. "Anyway, my Grandchild your gift will have to remain a surprise until tomorrow." Pops winked and Kaishi groaned. "Aw man. Well, mom/dad? What will you get me?" He turned to look at you in anticipation. You put a finger to your chin to think for a second. Then you snapped and made an 'Ah-Ha' expression. "I'm going to get you a fancy suit! Maybe I'll get some toys too. Just maybe, you'll have to wait and see." You teased him and he smiled. "Daddy, what about you?" He looked at Kai for an answer. "Just like Pops said, it will be a surprise. However, I'll take the time now to ask you what you want as a gift from all of us. It'll serve separately from the gifts we'll get you so dont worry." Kai watched his son expectantly as Kaishi searched his little mind. Seconds later he piped up excitedly:
"SMOOGLY!!!" He shouted happily and raised his arms dramatically in the air. You and Pops laughed while Kai tilted his head in confusion. "Smoo-what? Are you well? Are you speaking in tongues???" Kaishi giggled at his father's confusion. You turned towards Kai to explain. "Kai, Smoogly is a character from Kaishi's favorite show. He's this giant lollipop that dances and sings. Yknow, kids love that stuff." Kai stared at you for a second before nodding. Then he turned his attention back to Kaishi eating breakfast finally. "Alright then, you want Smoogly then that's what you'll get." After breakfast, Kaishi went to call Ishida on the phone. You monitored in awe, gushing as your baby talked to his little crush over the phone. The two were fast friends, and she was the first/only child in the class to accept and support Kaishi to the fullest degree. Meanwhile, Pops went to the backyard to water the flowers and feed the Koi in the pond. Kai headed out to the car to call Kurono/pick him up. "Chrono, I know I've given you the off day but I need a favor." Kai spoke on the car wireless phone while he drove. "Yeah man, what's up?" Hari answered from the other side. He was currently face deep in a 3rd bag of chips as he reclined on his sofa. "The brat's birthday is tomorrow and it's his first big one with other parents and children expected to be there. He wants some actor there to perform or something. Some thing called Smogie or Smothly or something like that."
"OHHHHH!!!! You're talking about Smoogly!" Hari shouted excitedly, his voice boomed over the car speakers. "Yeah whatever that mess is. Anyway, help me track him down and I'll give you tomorrow off to repay you from today. You can also have some leftover cake." Kai offered him. "Bet!" Kurono answered shortly before hanging up and getting ready. In moments Kai was at his door to retrieve him. The two men drove around for a bit while Kurono did some searching online. Lucky for him, it wasn't that hard to find Smoogly's booking information. "Found it, Kai. It says here that we can email and make a down payment, or call the home offices for a response in about...14 days." Kai almost slammed on the breaks. "14 days??? No that's not possible for a booking that could be denied. My Kaishi's birthday is tomorrow. We need to get this Smoogly there as soon as possible." He felt a bit of panic set in. Kai would never forgive himself if he couldn't get his son's biggest wish for his birthday. "Hey man chill. We'll just go to his office and speak to him directly. I mean, we've got a little pull when it comes to money. Also, we're yakuza so..."
"I know what you're thinking Chrono, and the answer is no. We cant push too many buttons or we'll end up leaving the gray area in which we operate in. I cant afford to get arrested on Kaishi's birthday." Hari rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Whatever man. Just take a left onto the main freeway and we should reach the exit in like 30 minutes. After that, we just follow the main road for 4 more minutes, take a right at the stop light, and turn off the Broadway drive. Smoogly's office should be right between a steak restaurant and a car dealership." Hari explained the directions. Kai nodded and the two were on their way. Once they made it to the offices, they took a number and sat in the waiting room. The wait wasnt uncomfortable to Kai...it was the old man across from them that kept coughing that made him uncomfortable. He felt hives pop up on his arms. Luckily the two were called before he went insane! Only minutes later they were standing before a chubby man smoking a cigarette behind a desk. He had dark hair, and was balding right in the middle of his head. His skin was just a step away from being super pale (no doubt because he had the costume on a lot) His noticable feature was the large mole on his cheek. He was clearly a foreigner from some city somewhere, thanks to his accent.
(!!!Reader, think about Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!!)
"Alright, what can I do for you two men? Wait a minute, you two are the tax guys right?"
"Uhhh, no. No we're here to inquire about an opening to hire you? The pay will of course be-"
"Yeah yeah yeah. Pay doubled blah blah. I've heard this a million times before. I get bastards like you that come in here every single day asking to pay extra just so I can come to your event. The moms are even worse since they also think they're entitled to my services." The chubby man interrupted Kai. "Please. It's my son's birthday. You see, this birthday is special because he's never had-"
"Pshhh...yeah buster, you're kid is special. Just like everyone else that's come in here before you to say the same thing. Bottom line is that I ain't doing it. If you want my services than file through email or take it up with the front desk. Deposits non-refundable if you get denied. Have a nice day." He put out the cigarette and picked up a rather inappropriate nude magazine. Kai looked at Chrono and sighed as if to say Hari can take over. Hari smiled darkly and went to approach the desk. The chubby man hadn't looked up from the magazine as he spoke. "Look man, I said piss off. What, you didnt get the picture the first time or-" he immediately froze and turned his attention to Hari when he heard the click of the gun. When he turned, he was staring down the glock.
Hari spoke up darkly. "Hey buddy, I'm a changed man but that doesn't mean shit is sweet. I've killed a dozen people before and I'm not afraid to go to prison. Either you do my nephews birthday party tomorrow, or we wear your face on a memorial T-Shirt. Fuck is it gonna be? Eh???" The man gulped and shakily reached his finger out to the voice machine on his desk. "Deborah cancel all my appointments tomorrow, I've got a birthday to go do." Hari and Kai smiled when they heard the voice reply 'Right away, sir.' They bid the man goodbye and left the office. The next day, Kaishi rushed to the backyard after taking a quick shower and getting ready. It was decorated beautifully with bounce houses, a splash area, party games, an extensive food/present table, swings, slides, etc. Most importantly, the parents actually showed up with their kids. Kaishi almost cried tears of happiness when he finally had friends to play with. Meanwhile, you and Pops chatted with the other parents until Smoogly arrived to perform. The kids absolutely loved every bit! Every once in a while, the Lollipop turned to look at Kurono standing in the corner, smirking menacingly and daring him to slip up just once. Smoogly quickly turned around and kept performing. At the end of his shift, he was paid extra just as Kai promised, and Kaishi got to take a picture with him. Finally it came time for presents. Kaishi was happy to receive so many gifts, but he was more eager to get his gifts from you, Kai, and Pops (even Hari got him a secret gift at the last minute). Kaishi smiled at the wooden box Pops had given him. When he opened it, it revealed a small pin on a soft cushion. It was shiny and brand new. It was the symbol of the Hassaikai, the infamous flower design. "My grandson, when your father was younger I had given him this very same gift. Please be sure to take good care of it." He gently placed a hand on Kaishi's head. The boy nodded excitedly and passed the box for you to hold while he opened up the remaining gifts. It was a surprise jacket from you to him. It was just a smaller version of Kai's jacket! Plus that suit you promised, and a few other Smoogly themed toys as well. From Hari, he recieved a new helmet for his new bike. Finally from Kai he received a matching mask. With the suit and the jacket, he was the matching embodiment of his very on father (aside from inheriting some of your skin tone depending on your color, my dear reader).
This was truly the perfect birthday.
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper preference
••listen to „come back home“ by lauv while reading to get the feels••
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-„no dont worry, ill visit you!" arón told you while wiping away your tears
-you were currently standing in your driveway with your parents waiting in the car behind you
-the moving van had left already before aron came over to say goodbye to his best friend
-you were moving to another country
-leaving Luarca was one of the worst things for you but your dad missed his hometown in (wherever you're from) and made all of you move
-„promise?" you asked him
-„of course! We can see each other in the summer alright?"
-you hugged him tightly and tried to enjoy this hug as if it was your last
-little did you know, it really was
-it was now 7 years later and you were back in spain to start studying there by next week
-so you decided to visit your cousin after you arrived
-and on a friday night you decided to go to one of the best clubs in Madrid
-she wanted you to meet some of her friends to know some people in the city when you start college
-you two looked great
-your cousin Emma was wearing a loose summery dress with her long brown curls reaching down her back
-you on the other hand were wearing a dark red top paired up with some black skinny jeans
-your hair was half up half down making your cheekbones show off
-when you entered the club it was around 9 and Emma pulled you towards a group of people
-„hey guys!" she greeted each one of them and kissed their cheeks
-„thats my wonderful cousin y/n, who is finally back, i told you about her." she said and sat down
-„hey!" you spoke to the small group and hugged them as well
-„well, welcome back y/n." a black haired guy with a mustache spoke and smiled at you
-his name was Juan
-„thank you! I mean i just got here yesterday but im really excited to live and study here."
-you guys kept talking for a while and had a lot of fun until one girl got up to talk to someone on the phone
-when she came back she looked excited
-„who was it?" another friend of Emmas asked
-„this guy i met the other day, he wants to see me and is gonna come here in 15."
-all her friends seemed happy for her but you didnt really know what to think because you just met her
-so you kept minding your own business for a while but suddenly the alcohol kicked in and you got a headache out of nowhere
-you excused yourself and headed outside to catch some fresh air
-feeling the warm spanish air hit your face made you feel a little better after some time and you decided to go back inside
-on the way to the bar you thought you heard your name and turned around while walking
-and of course you bumped into someone
-your first look fell to the floor where the person had dropped their phone
-„oh shit, im sorry.“ you spoke quickly and picked up the phone, checking if it had any scratches or cracks
-„no hay problema.“ you heard a deep voice say and gave this person their phone back
-you just looked up for a quick second, didnt really look at his face and moved past him to get back to your friends
-they were talking about something and someone then asked you if you were feeling any better
-you claimed yes and then checked your phone for a second
-with like paying half attention you heard a girl say:“oh he‘s here!“
-you figured she was talking about the date she had mentioned before
-some guy walked up to you guys, greeted you and then sat down right next to you because it was the only free seat
-you didnt look up really
-but then he said:“oh eres tú otra vez“ laughing a little
-then you looked at him for the first time
-like really
-and you stopped breathing
-it was aron
-the guy who had promised he‘d visit you after your move, then at some point got a new number and never called or texted you again
-„arón?!?“ you exclaimed loudly
-he looked at you in confusion
-„you two know each other?“
-„yes“ „no“ you two said at the same time
-did he really not recognize you?
-he looked at you like you were a stranger and it broke your heart
-„can we talk alone for a minute?“ you asked him and stood up without getting a response at first
-he agreed and you two went to the back of the club to talk a little
-„how do you know my name?“ he then asked you still looking confused as hell
-„dont you know me anymore? I‘m y/n, we used to be best friends.“
-he suddenly looked like he saw a ghost
-he stared at you, then looked you up and down and then stopped at your eyes
-„y/n?“ he asked quietly and took a step closer to you
-„you never called.“ you spoke, noticing how sad that had sounded
-he took a deep breath and then replied:“we shouldnt discuss this here.“
-after a little break he continued:“its incredible to see you, why are you here?“
-„imma start my studies in about a week.“ you said dry
-„oh thats amazing! But first, come here.“
-the boy who used to have crazy curly hair but now had a buzzcut pulled you in a hug
-he had gotten taller
-and more muscular
-and he smelled amazing
-it felt so strange yet kind of familiar to finally hug your (ex) best friends again
-„you got taller y/n/n (nickname)“ he laughed and looked at your shoes
-„well you too mr piper. Its been 7 years after all.“
-he nodded and then spoke:“thats true. Im really sorry for not texting you after you left but a lot happened, it was hard to not have you around all the time and then i got this part in a movie that kept me busy over summer and...“
-„i get it.“ you interrupted him and just looked at his face
-he didnt change much
-except that his face got more clear-cut and you could see a tattoo showing on his chest
-in his pocket you could see a pack of cigarettes
-you never thought he‘d be the type for tattoos or smoking
-but apparently its true, a lot had happened
-after talking to him for about 10 minutes
-just catching up on the past years
-you noticed that his personality hadnt changed as much as you had expected at first
-then this blonde girl came up to you and grabbed his arm
-„arón i thought this was going to be our date.“
-he nodded but then looked at me and told her:“I know and im sorry, we have to push that to another day. You know y/n and I havent seen each other in a long time and we need to catch up.“
-he pulled his arm away from her and turned around to you again
-„are you serious?“ she asked pissed off
-„yeah sorry.“ he said while staring into your eyes
-„you know what, we‘re done here.“ she basically yelled at him and left
-„that was a little rude.“ you then told him looking at her walk away
-„i mean yeah, but you‘re more important right now. You look really pretty i didnt say that before.“
-you laughed and looked away, blushing slightly
-„you look great too. The buzzcut suits you. Makes your jaw pop.“
-and after all these years never finding a best friend like he was, this beautiful human being was finally back in your life
-you were finally happy again because you knew he felt the same
-and there you were now
-two people finding back to each other after so many years, standing in a full club, just focusing on the other while „come back home“ by lauv was playing in the background
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cardboardboxcomplex · 4 years
ok since i’m awake and useless, might as well
it’s 4AM on a monday at this point and i do *not* want to go to work. but i have to hhrghshfd HAAAAAA ok breathe . i skipped last week’s shift that i was supposed to go to the lab. i completely disappeared for the *third* time during my two-week wfh shift before that. when we were supposed to do the third quarter report, and the proposal. which are the hardest reports to do, bc they’ll be the basis for renewal next year. but i just ... disappeared again and did not open my emails or messages. again. after i did that twice before. and i had to go through the process of like apologizing to everyone for my absence, and i even decided to tell everyone that i have depression cos i dont know how to explain it ! why am i like this ! and i know it’s not an excuse, and i told them that too. but i just hate everything . okay i think im getting to word dump now. how many times am i going to be so incapable and incompetent? i hate myself so much cos my brain is so fried and i dont want to deal with anything . when was the last time i actually thought deeply or whatever or like read a journal article. and i dont even know what im supposed to be doing anymore.  i feel so sad. oh im crying ok. like im thinking of myself and how do i go on with life, what am i supposed to be doing, what kind of path should i be making. i hate this because i lost years of my life and i keep losing more time. and omfg right the paper. man i didnt even reply to sir’s emails either, and i know ate yana and josh had talked and i was supposed to be there too because im supposed to be the main one to finish her thesis for publication, and it’s already been a year? since she left the lab. had i done anything? i did not
and tomorrow is nov 10, and im supposed to do thesis updates ......... how the fuck am i gonna do that. and i had already missed the first time i was scheduled, bc well the same thing happening now. i was wfh (supposedly) and ate isay had to say my internet connection isnt stable. which wasnt a lie, but it was bc i didn’t do anything. i dont know what im supposed to come up with tomorrow. or if i can postpone it again. SEE THIS IS EXACTLY IT HOW MANY TIMES AM I GONG TO BE INCAPABLE AND INCOMPETENT
i dont know like im scared of being in the lab too and all i wanna do is stay in my room 
but you know what i dont even like my room. i miss my old room, i miss all my books, i miss all the memories i left there as in the physical things i’ve kept because i keep everything. full on bawling now. i miss having everything i’ve kept near me, with me. i miss my desk, i miss having one. and i hate my room because i haven’t cleaned my room in MONTHS. idk since march, since quarantine started? i can barely see the floor and i have to walk around all the bags with all stuff thrown in them. and honestly im just desensitizing (?) myself bc if i think too much if i look too closely im gonna throw up and i hate it i hate it . on that note i’ve been thinking i might in a constant state of dissociation, or at least a shallow one? i never thought i really dissociated bc i didnt really get the feeling of being apart from your body. but because it’s been going on for so long it didn’t even register to me that i’m dissociating because it feels normal or the baseline. and my memory recall is so bad, i don’t remember what happened the previous day. why? because i’m not even doing anything. or idk. also my attention span is non-existent. but the memory thing bothers me because i dont even know if i remember things from before before, in the past, not recently
before i forgot about the room, i was supposed to have pest control last oct 20? and it was scheduled like first week of october so i knew it was coming. but did i clean my room? in those weeks between? i didnt. i’d been putting it off exactly because my room is a mess and id ont want anyone to come in like this. so i had to postpone that too, and the next one is tomorrow. did i clean my room since then? no. what have i been doing? i dont know either. literally rotting away. and i feel so bad cos i m not even doing anything. i dont even know what. i cant get myself to do anything
what if someone helps me clean? i don’t want anyone to help me clean because i dont want anyone to see my room. ate isay was supposed to help me on that sunday or monday before oct 20 but the plan was i was going to start cleaning saturday so at least if she comes up to help, it wouldnt be so disgusting. but yeah i did not clean. and now it’s november. you know the last time i ironed my clothes? september. last year. september 1, 2019. i remember because that was jungkook’s birthday, but also i was ironing when i got the messages from someone when they were leaving me and didnt want (?) to be friends with me anymore. and that broke me really bad. but not the point rn. 
i dont know what else im thinking. oh i miss my friends. kosestream, if you’re reading this, yes i’m thinking of you too, and i’m really sorry. im so sorry ive kept disappearing on you guys for months. i’ve missed you and so many parts of your life, and im really really i wasnt there. and bc i don’t talk with you often, and with my awful memory, i also forget what’s been going on and it makes me feel awful because like i miss all these things about you? i always thought that i had kept tabs on everyone well, paying attention to what you’re doing, ask how things are with you, and now i dont. and im sorry. i always miss you so much, and i love you, and i dont know if that still means anything to you, but it’s still there. so thank you for inviting me to play among us, i liked hearing your voices. and i know you were worried about me (if im wrong this is embarrassing please ignore this) and were trying to cheer me up / offering your support/presence/love/shoulder/hug idk. so thank you. it meant a lot to me (but im sorry my internet was awful. honestly that stressed me out so much and i was gonna give up because i felt annoying and like a huge bother) but okay thank you 
and it’s the same with irl friends, missing things. i thought of it once as everything passing (by) me. like when neos had left for germany, i wasnt there. why? because i was rotting away at home doing nothing. i didnt even get to say goodbye. and just the same with everyone, i havent been talking with anyone. there are so many messages i’ve gotten i haven’t (didn’t) replied to, and it’s like god how are they. 
what else. ah there’s another thing i’ve thought of. but idk i’ll write that next time 
it’s monday, and it’s almost 5am now, i’m supposed to go to work. i have to text ate isay if she’s gonna pass by and pick me up. but i havent slept because i completely fucked up my sleeping schedule. and my room is still a mess. no i did not even try cleaning it even though i had been thinking about it literally every single day. should i just not sleep or should i try getting like an hour of sleep , and hope i wake up (actually, would love to not wake up, ever)
09 Nov 2020, M, 05:02 BTS – Butterfly (Alternative Mix) 
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