#she gets super mad when she loses tho
aezyrraeshh · 5 months
finally started playing cyberpunk, and seeing a bunch of arcade machines in the streetkid prologue made me think that viv definitely spends a lot of time playing arcades. and if you have to find her, there's a high chance she's in the coyote waisting her time
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stanlunter · 4 days
Bi erasure in the fandoms
There are many types of biphobia among people, but I wanna talk about the least noticable type of it, which is super common and barely gets called out. "Headcanoning" canon/implied bisexual characters (mostly female, for some reason) as lesbians.
Usually they don't even portay it as a "headcanon", but just state that they are and make everyone believe this. And when they done, people even start call you lesbophobic for calling bi erasure our, bc It's suddenly you're the one who "erase" lesbians. And the funny thing is that a lot of those who state so, haven't even watched these shows and just have "heard" that these characters are "lesbians" and the continue misinformate everyone else. And that's awful and very harmful for bi community
Let's take some examples
1. Asami and Korra
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Both are bisexual women who were in love with the same man and then broke up with him and started dating each other. Prolly the most heavily implied bisexuals ever. But what do people have problems with? Oh, they think that if a bi girl has broken up with a man, it means only that she realized she's lesbian. Not that her ex was a cheater, not that their relationship was toxic. No, they can break up only bc she had a comphet. There are no other options. And if a girl dates another girl, she's also 100% lesbian, bc bi girls are just "straights who wanna invade lgbt", right? Oh, yeah, also Korra is strong and muscle "lesbian stereotype" and Asami is "cold and lady-like" "lesbian stereotype" so yeah, It's absolutely makes them lesbians! — another example of why the stereotypes are actually harmful.
2. Poison Ivy (both in the show and in the comics)
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Absolutely the same thing as with Korra and Asami, but is also a "mean lesbian stereotype" which is basically the strongest stereotype, so yeah. Ivy dated Kite man and was actually attracted to him. She liked kissing me and enjoyed his company. The only thing that made her break up with Kite man is that he wasn't someone she saw her future with. He didn't fit her and she knew who did - Harley, her girlfriend. Even when Ivy knew she was attracted to Harley (bc she litterally cheated with her), she still knew she is attracted to Kite man and even so planned their wedding, but being attracted ≠ being soulmates, unfortunately. People also for some reason think that just bc Ivy hates men, it means she has to be lesbian. Ig they don't know there are bi or even straight girls who hate men. Like febfems (bi girls who refuse to date men for political reasons and their safety) don't exist. Like you can't be attracted to someone you hate.
And after all, Ivy dating Kite Man (and Dan Back) isn't even the main reason she's bisexual. Besides it, she was confirmed to be bisexual multipe times by many different authors. She's canon bi in almost every universe. And the way some new authors are trying to change her sexuality is a clearest bi erasure. And It's also funny, cuz if someone ever dared to turn a canon lesbian character into bisexual, everyone would immidiatly lose it. But when they do the same with bisexuals, It's suddenly being ignored. Wow.
3. Sasha Waybright
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Thankfully the last time I don't see this so often (mb bc the fandom is dying tho), but just when everyone's favourite "mean lesbian" was confirmed to be bisexual, everyone went wild... Yeah, their favourite stereotype was broken. Does it mean they started to understand that stereotypes don't define sexuality and that even mean girls can like men? Ofc not! They obviously started to say that she was confirmed as bi bc: 1. Disney didn't want to let her be lesbian 2. Mate did it only to make the fandom mad
Lmao. They really gonna believe anything but that a character can just be...bisexual. And even so, they keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian. I've even heard people who were saying she had a "comphet" and will realize she's lesbian in the future. That's not even funny, but it does make me laugh
4. Princess Bubblegum
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Oh, I love the way the whole tik tok fandom suddenly started to call Bubblegum "canon lesbian" just bc someone has said so and others have spread it up. Ig I should be thankful, that they at least recognize Marcelin being bisexual, huh?
Anyways, the thing is that Bubblegum, just as much as Marcelin was heavily implied to be bisexual. She litterally had an ex bf and for those who love calling every bi character with ex bfs lesbians with comphet, besides that Bubblegum was also in love with Finn in the episode when she turned 13. She litterally kissed him there and has said she wishes she could stay this way with him. It was directly shown throught the whole show that's the only reason why Finn's feelings are one sided is that Bubblegum is way older than him. And in the episode "Too young" it was directly confirmed. But people are still gonna call her lesbian just...bc? I don't even know why, she doesn't even fit stereotypes that much. Mb they decided to "ruin stereotypes" by it? Or mb they just decided that since6she rejected Finn (a litteral child) it means she can't be attracted to men at all? This logic is even worse. But God only knows what is in their heads
5. Yang Xiao long
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Oh, yeah, this one is usually super objectionable bc she was showing interest in men basically only in v1 and then started dating Blake. And if Blake being bi was so clear that there are basically no people denying it or bc she fits bi stereotypes, who knows, however we should remember that bisexuals don't have to have equal attraction to everyone (like Blake, who had 2 male and 2 female love interests) and they don't have to date all genders to prove their attraction.
But there are many evidences of Yang being attracted to men too.
In the whole Yellow Trailer Yang actively flirts with a man
In ep3v1 she happily gazas on shirtless men and then, when Ruby says "father wouldn't approve it" she answers (I know, I fo) – which already would be enought to confirm her attraction to men
But in the same volume, when the team decorates their room, when Yang hangs a poster with a male band of the artists she's attracted too, it was shown that she liked men as well.
Yeah, I got that both the fandom and Roosters really love to forget everything that was in v1-2, but It's a fact that Yang is bisexual as well as Blake. But wait, she's a "strong lesbian stereotype", right!!! So let's ignore a bi representation, sure!
6. Sunset shimmer
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Here's a girl, who canonically has dated a man and was officially confirmed to be bisexual by the author in Twitter. So why do people keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian? Oh, bc she's SUNSET and has flags of lesbian colors. Like "Sunset" was invented by lesbian flag, yeah. And what's the funniest thing in this perfect argument is that Sunset Shimmer was created even before the sunset lesbian flag designed!
And, yeah, I could take the "she has said that she didn't like Flash so it was a comphet/pretending" thing, but the problem is that it still litterally was confirmed by the author himself that Sunset is bisexual. And in the further show and even movie we can see clear signs of them still having a thing for each other. Like Sunset winks to him and many of their other interactions, but they can be read in a friends way as well ofc, which doesn't make her any less of canon bi!
7. Clawdeen Wolf
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Her situation is exactly like Yang's. Since not so long time ago Clawdeen was confirmed to be lgbt and there was announced a comic about her and Toralei's romantic relationship, everyone started yelling that she's "canon lesbian" now. However it was only confirmed that she's wlw, not lesbian. And wlw includes these little unknown people called bisexuals.
But why do I say she's bi, but not lesbian? Well, bc it was clearly shown in the show and the movies that she's attracted to men. Yeah, she's a bit less obsessed with them than others and doesn't have a bf, however her feelings for many of them were obvious. And it was no where near a comphet. No, she was exactly attracted to them, that's a fact. So for now, she's a heavily implied bi character who had feelings for boys and who is dating a girl, just like Yang. And calling her lesbian is kinda biphobic
8. Kagami Tsurugi
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A canon bisexual character, who's love to both Marinette and Adrian was confirmed in official synopsis for s5 and official show bible. She was shown to have a clearest attraction to Adrian and Felix, 2 men. Even if after she has broken up with Adrian (and no, not bc she realized she was lesbian, but bc he has fucking lied to her face and has broken up her heart) some people got an idea of her being a "lesbian with a comphet", this idea was destroyed again by her new attraction to Felix, another man.
However people are still gonna ignore her canon sexuality and call her a lesbian, by using "comphet" as a justification, or even by turning Felix and Adrian into transwomen, which isn't a justification to erase bi representation either anyways!
It's especially hurting since she's my favourite character I strongly relate to tho
9. Sayaka
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Omg, Madoka Magica is an anime that includes girls who like girls. Almost all of the main characters are implied to be lesbians. But you know who's being headcanoned as a lesbian the most?? That's right! The only girl that likes boys too! What an irony, yeah? Sayaka has a huge romantic tension with Kyoka and has a canon crush on her male childhood friend – Kyosuke. So we can have the only bi rep out of 5 wlw girls. Ofc this rep was taken from us, bc some people wanna headcanon (or even impose it as canon) that the only bisexual girl is a lesbian with a comphet! Sure, yeah. Again, my favourite excuse for bi erasure, nothing's new, lol
10. Utena and Anthy
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Another bisexual couple, who's coded sexuality is always getting erased. Uthena and Anthy love each other and even shared a kiss in one of the endings. The status of their relationship wasn't directly stated in anime, however everyone who has eyes can see their clear romantic and not only tension. Utena's another love interest is Touga, who was her childhood love who she was shown to have super clearest attraction throught the anime, and this attraction has no platonic explanation, so yeah, Utena ia attracted to both men and women and It's canon. The same goes for Anthy: she had strong feelings for Dios. Both characters are bi-coded and comphet was never there. People are just trying to use it as an excuse to bi erasure bc they want all wlw characters to be lesbians, that's all.
So, if someone is gonna say that I'm "denying comphet" or any other shit like that, no, I know it exists and I know a lot of lesbians go throught it and it deserves a representation too, but in such cases the difference between comphet and an actual attraction to men is so clear and you know that.
There are also examples of the characters who had or could have comphet:
Like Apple White, who thought she supposed to like Daring just bc he's "her destiny", but she never liked him (and even in her bio she says that just bc they have to marry, it doesn't mean they're dating) and her actual "true love", who's kiss made Apple wake up was Darling, his sister. And It's an actually good example of comphet bc of the society pressure. Or Yuzu (even tho for some reason some people still think she's bi) who was said to never be in love with anyone untill her step-sister, she even lied to her friends about having boyfriends bc she thought there was smth wrong with her since she isn't attracted to men. Also Velma and etc. Unfortunately there aren't that many examples, but even with these ones the difference between a lesbian with a comphet and a bisexual girl is obvious, so yeah, you just want an excuse to erase bisexuals and turn them into lesbians and it will never be okay
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mochi-owos · 1 year
Calling the Genshin men your husband?!
Itto, Ayato, Diluc, Albedo, Kaveh
Warning: not properly proof read, and pretty shitty, sorry guys 😔 hope you enjoy tho!! <3 @alizaneth
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- Itto
Truly, it comes a surprise to no one that Itto had gotten arrested.. again. Being the man he is it wasnt long after his recent “imprisonment” (he was in a cell for half an hour before Shinobu bailed him) he was turned in again. You couldn’t help but question what he did this time, obstruction of property? Trespassing? Public nudity? Making children cry? You’ll never know, honestly.
So as Itto stood by your side, head hung low from your scolding, you spoke with Lady Kujou.
"Of course, Lady Kujou! I’m so sorry for my husbands mess." Lady Kujou wordlessly replied, nodding her head, all as she walked away.
Itto on the other hand, was ecstatic, his heart was swelling, but he had to make sure, “You’re husband, baby?! I’m your husband??” He jumped around excitedly, “You know what! Yeah, I am! Thee Arataki Numero Uno Itto! Of course you’d want me to be your husband!” He hugged from your waist.
“Itto,” You put a hand on his shoulder, “I’m still mad at you.”
He shivered, “Ah.”
- Ayato
You and Ayato hurried to your dinner party, you were exasperated, you're legs were going numb in these shoes. Your jogging slowed down as you reached the doors of the party, elegant music and chatter ran through the thick wood doors, the guards on both sides opened the doors, a few wandering eyes landed upon you two, and soon it was a known through the room that the Yashiro commissioner and his lover had arrived; the hosts walking toward you.
"Why hello! I’m so happy to see you two could make it.” They smiled, clasping their hands together.
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry for the tardiness of me and my husband!” Your eyes soften, you could feel the gaze of Ayato fall onto you: soft, gentle, and you could almost see hearts in there.
“Oh please! Worry not! We hadn’t had to wait long.”
“We would love to talk more, but allow me and my spouse to get some drinks first.” Ayato smiles, there was an underlying sense of slyness; he was a tease, a teasing scoundrel.
As the two of you walk away you could feel his hand in the small of your back gently rubbing circles with his thumb. Glass in hand his head turned to you, “Husband, hm?” His eyebrow raised, he was teasing you— again.
“Huh? Yeah. It’s not like it’s new or anything.” You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink. You were hellbent on not losing, you’re not gonna fold, no way!
He simply smiled, his non-vacant hand holding yours, smoothing over it with his thumb. “You indulge me too much, dearest.”
You folded.
- Diluc
You and Diluc often took strolls through the city of Mondstadt in his free time, which meant running to people every so often. Now, being one of those times. And though he didn’t have any hatred towards such interactions would it truly be so criminal of him to wish to have his lover - and only his lover- on his time off?
This time it was an elderly couple, so it felt all too rude to decline a conversation with them, so he simply let it be, allowing you to handle the conversing and chiming in a - “Hmm,” or an “Mm”, not that the elderly couple minded, he was known to not be super talkative.
It was all until the teasing of the couple came up, a small grin graced their faces, arms interlocked, as they look at one another then turned to you, “So, you don’t seem all that young. When are you to be wed?” Dilucs composure denounced, his eyes turned wide, he turned to you in a Huff, but all you could do was laugh. He cleared his throat, composed once more, ready to answer,
“Aw, I’m not sure, perhaps when both me and my husband is ready.” You smile, looking at him, you placed a hand on his shoulder gently rubbing it. The couple simply nodded, thinking if their next move to fluster Master Diluc.
- Albedo
To my dearest husband, Albedo,
It seems my arrival to Mondstadt will be held off for another few days as there is a storm brewing and I am unsure if it’s safe for me to come. But I assure you, the moment the storm is to stop I will run to your side. For now, we must simply be patient.
But how are you, my love? I hope you’re not putting too much on your plate— again. And I hope you’re getting proper rest. I swear, if I come to Mondstadt and I see your ridiculously massive eye bags once more I might lose it. And how is Klee? Any more incidents? I surely hope not, for her own sake and Mondstadts…
As for myself I am doing well, the inn I am staying in is awfully cozy. The keeper is very sweet, our conversations are a very nice pass time, informative too!
But that aside, I hope to be home soon, and in your embrace once more.
Love, your forever, ( ).
- Kaveh
As per usual you were at the café, eagerly waiting for your food. It felt like it had been ages since you had last eaten a good meal, and you were excited, and Kaveh was there too, so that’s nice too— you guess. As you drawed shapes into the table with your finger, anxiously waiting for the food you couldn’t help but notice Kaveh staring at you.
“What’s wrong, Vehveh?” You asked, your gaze never leaving the table.
He scrunched his brows, “What an odd nickname, Vehveh. I like it. But why not something else?”
You shrugged, “Whatever makes you feel better,” you struggle to stifle a laughter, “Kaka.”
His eyes widen, he slams his fist on the table (gently), “This is an outrage! How dare you call me something so atrocious, love! This is a full fledge betrayal! And look at me would you!” He huffs.
You only smile, slowly looking up at him, “Sorry, would you prefer..” You sit up and lean against the table, whispering in his ear, “Husband?” You then smiled and sat down.
He bits his lip gently, blushing, “That’s fine.. I guess, but to really see, I think you’ll have to call me that again..”
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mommypieck · 11 months
hii i hope you are doing good, I can ask for mikasa's alphabet nsfw, maybe??
only if you don’t have problem writing that ily😭💕 💕
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
she's the sweetest. she really insists on being the one who does aftercare and she's really good at it. she always has a towel nearby so if you're really tired, she can wipe you up, but she prefers to wash you with wash cloth or give you a bath. if you're the one giving you aftercare, she's gonna tell you that you're too good for her and pamper you with praises (but she low-key loves it)
b = body part (their favourite body part)
you can't tell me that mikasa isn't a boobs person. she loves boobs no matter how big they are. seriously. you can't even wear a low cut shirt in front of this woman. she doesn't show it but she spends most of her time staring at your chest. and if you have tiny boobs? she's gonna praise the living shit out of you. (same goes to large ones)
c = cum (anything to do with cum)
she's the type who takes some time to cum. doesn't matter if she's super turned on, her safe control prevents her from cumming too early. i feel like it also takes her few small orgasms because she gets wet. it doesn't mean she isn't turned on, it just takes her some time. but once she's wet, she soaks the mattress instantly.
d = dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
she 100% steals and sniffs panties.
e = experience (how experienced are they?)
she's not very experienced but she knows what she's doing. she's naturally good at everything. (might have some problems with fingering tho, she didn't know what do the first time she fingered you)
f = favourite position 
she is a missionary girl but when she fingers you, she loves laying by your side.
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment or humorous)
she's more serious. i feel like she would be more humorous during serious making love. if you just decide to fuck she's serious but if you go over mountains to put rose petals on the mad and light up candles and stuff, she feels so vulnerable and is more likely to make some jokes.
h = hair (how well groomed are they)
probably badly shaven or doesn't shave.
no in between.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
depends on the mood but she loves romantic situations more. it's not that she doesn't like quickies but she just wants to cherish the moment. as i said, she needs some time to get needy so she needs the whole night with you.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
she looks like she doesn't masturbate but she is losing her mind if she doesn't see you for more than 2 days. she just gets so desperate.
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
° loves dominating you
° mommy kink
° ropes & bondage
° marking (only you)
l = location (favourite places to do the do)
she prefers mostly bed. but she isn't scared to pick you up on the kitchen counter and eat you out until you're shaking. she also loves teasing you in a bath or in a pool.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
dirty talk. she loves when you describe in detail what you want her to do. i feel like she would also love seeing you stretch. just the sight of you stretching and groaning during it, makes her go feral.
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
everything taboo of course. feet. you taking complete control of her. she needs some space to lead where it's going.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving)
she prefers to give. she just loves when your sweet little pussy gets so wet for her and she gets to eat you all up. she kinda has oral fixation, she has to eat your pussy at least one time everyday. it gives her comfort when she is between your legs and knows that you're enjoying what she's going.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
rough and sensual. sometimes she loses it all and fucks you with all she has to give. she knows what would like and she knows when she can allow herself to be rough anf when not.
q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
i already said it!!
r = risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
umm... i don't feel like she would want to experiment. if you really want to try something, she will but she's not for risky sex.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
she can go for many rounds. as i said, she'd not satisfied with 5 minute sex. she prefers to cum and make you cum at least 3 times during every session.
t = toy (do they own toys?)
she has that one clit sucker that she loves to use on you and on herself. she also have paddles and ropes she loves using on you. she doesn't use toys on herself that much. nothing compares to her baby.
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
she loves you too much to tease you. but if she's feeling extra dominant, be prepared that you won't cum until she says so.
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
her moans are soft and high pitches but she breaths a lot. she's lets out deep breaths with the sweetest moans. and she's pretty loud. her moans aren't but her breaths are.
w = wild card (get a random headcanon)
she loves when you arch your back on the bed and beg her to fuck you. especially when you have a skirt on. just seeing your panties on display and your back arched is too much for her.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
well you have to check my pussy headcannons for this
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
she doesn't seem like that kind of person but she needs it every day. one time a day is enough for her but needs it every day.
z = zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
she loves talking after sex so it depends on how quick you fall asleep.
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
hi hi! since you blessed us with some nothing happens headcanons would you maybe be able to give us some possessive insane nothing happens james headcanons too? i’m so obsessed with him
hi darling!! and yes, ofc i can!! i feel a lil repetitive bc . u guys already are more than aware of how unhinged he is but . here we go
there have been a few instances of . boys trying to bully reg or be mean to him bc he's, objectively, a bit of a freak. kinda has some unsettling vibes, and he's . very shy very quiet . but this never really turned into anything bc james always found out (thanks to evan) and then cornered the little shits and threatened them. one time he even actually kicked their asses a lil. reg doesn't know about this
james checks reg's social media accs semi-regularly. and i mean, he uses reg's password to get into his accs and check . chats or comments and shit like that . not so much when they're young but after reg starts dating yk
he physically fights two of reg's bfs, and the other one he comes close to, but others hold him back before he can get far
when they go out clubbing, james never loses sight of reg, not even when he's in the mood to flirt or get laid, and the second he sees someone asking to buy reg a drink or getting a lil too close, he interrupts and gets super touchy, straight up says he's reg's bf if the guy is too insistent
offers to drive reg absolutely everywhere as soon as he gets his license
actually gets mad when pandora or evan or even sirius know something about reg that he doesn't, and makes reg feel guilty for not telling him/not telling him first
already mentioned this one but . one of the times he's fucking reg he forces him to call his current bf and keep a conversation with him while he's litelly . inside him . fucking him into the mattress
covers reg in hickeys when they make out or fool around and gets all pouty if reg decides to cover them up afterwards
calls reg or comes up with fake emergencies or excuses to text reg when he knows he's out on a date or hanging out with his current bf
coaxes reg into sleeping with him the first time while he's still with barty even tho reg is . a bit reluctant at the beginning bc he really doesn't want to cheat on barty since they're friends. with his other bfs, reg's the one who initiates the cheating quite often, but james had to . do some convincing the first time they had sex simply bc reg was with barty
barty finds out about the cheating bc james can't keep his fucking mouth shut and can't stand barty saying that reg is his etc etc
genuinely can't go more than a couple of days without seeing reg
when he knows reg is interested in someone, or finds someone pretty, he always finds something wrong with them and talks reg into not giving them a chance (this doesn't always work ofc, since reg ends up having 3 bfs before he and james get together)
even after shit hits the fan, james can't keep his distance from reg (although it's definitely what they both need after what happens)
he chooses reg over pretty much everyone else in his life
he's so fucking insane about him that even tho there was a brief time when he was interested in lily and lily was also interested in him . she decided to reject him bc she did NOT want to be involved in what was bound to be an absolute trainwreck of a relationship. james doesn't find out about this until a few years later, when lily confirms what she already suspected back then
and that's enough for now i think !!
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joequinnisgod · 1 year
The madness of law (Requested)
Pairing: Joseph Quinn x gn!law student!reader
Request: hello love, i saw you requests are open. could you do a fluff where joe is dating a normal girl. like reader is in late college years (like for a longer degree or something) and is feeling super overwhelmed by schooling and he comforts her and kinda brings her back to reality and let’s her know she’s doing great and he’s proud of her?
Warnings: reader being stressed / anxious / overwhelmed, it’s pure fluff tho :)
Word count: 1,6k
A/N: Thank you for the request once again <3 Even though it’s not Valentine’s Day in this little story, this is my little gift for y'all :) i wish you besties a very happy and lovely Valentine’s Day!! <33333 (Before posting I rewrote a few lines so it’s gender neutral, I hope I didn’t miss anything!)
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Ordinance. A law set forth by a governmental authority.
Legislation. A matter of business for or under consideration by a legislative body.
Constitution. The basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it.
Your eyes scanned the very same lines over and over again. The page you've been staring at for the last fifteen minutes slowly started to become your enemy. The letters began blurring together, the words suddenly lost their meanings and the harsh contrast of black and white columns started to hurt your eyes. You lifted your head and let it fall back against the soft seat cushions of the couch behind your back as you closed your eyes.
The endless hours of studying started to catch up with you and just like a snap of a finger, suddenly everything became irritating. The floor became too hard to sit on, the couch pushed into your back uncomfortably, Joseph's sweatshirt you were wearing became too hot and itchy, your socks needed adjustment as the seam tickled your feet, the tag in your sweatpants pierced into your lower back mockingly, your palms turned sweaty and your eyes and mouth felt dry.
Your exam was just a little over two weeks away and no matter how much you studied, it felt like you were losing knowledge with every learnt line and definition. It felt like your thoughts were having a constant fight with each other, making your head pound in pain.
You glanced at the clock on the wall and a frown set on your face as it was smiling at you. 22:13. The sun has sat a long time ago but the curtains still weren't drawn, even though the lights were on in the room. Placing the heavy – and evil – book on the floor, you stood and stretched, feeling your back relaxing and the blood slowly flowing back into your legs. The streets of London were almost empty, most people getting ready for bed on the Tuesday night.
Your ears didn't miss the soft, socks-covered footsteps approaching the living room.
"When are you coming to bed?"
You turned around to face him. His untamed curls along with his slightly puffy lips and eyes gave it away how he had already fallen asleep while he was watching TV, waiting for you to join him. His glasses were sitting on his nose lazily, his wrinkly T-shirt was hanging on his torso loosely and his sweatpants were sitting low on his hips. He looked so soft and warm as comfort radiated from him.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes as something in you snapped. When Joe saw the first tear roll down your cheek, sleep vanished from his eyes right away. He walked over to you with a concerned, worried look on his face as he opened his arms and wrapped them around you tightly. You laid your head on his warm chest and let it all out. Weeks of stress, pressure, worry and fear came tumbling down on you. His hands stroked your back lovingly as your tears left dark spots on his shirt.
"It's okay, it's okay. Let it out, love. Just cry it out, alright? I'm here." He pressed kisses on your head as he assured you he wasn't going anywhere. You didn't need to tell him what your were crying for. Joe could see just how stressed and frustrated you've been for the past few weeks, so he had tried his best to help you with whatever he could and to show you how proud he was of you.
Just a few nights ago, he decided he had had enough of seeing you barely get any sleep, so he made you go to bed early, though, you couldn't fall asleep and just kept tossing around next to him, so he made you talk it all out. Therefore, he knew exactly how you were feeling.
When your tears become less and less frequent, you slightly pulled away from him.
"There you are." He smiled as he wiped your cheeks with his thumbs and pressed a kiss onto your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a few seconds. "I love you. Very much. You hear that?"
You only nodded as a few more tears started blurring your vision. A somewhat panicked expression sat on Joseph's face as he didn't exactly understand whether you were still crying because of the stress or because he did something wrong.
"No, no, no, no! Don't cry! Did I say something bad?"
"No." A laugh left your lips as you tried blinking your tears away. "I'm just glad to have you in my life, Joe. I love you so much." You pressed your lips against his.
"Let's go to bed, eh? Wanna put your books away?"
"No, I don't even wanna look at them now." You pouted as your eyes wondered at the notebooks and that heavy book you had rested in your lap for hours. "Look at that. She's mocking me."
"Who's mocking you?" Joe's eyebrows knitted together.
"That bitch on the cover of the book. She definitely didn't read it or else she wouldn't be smiling like that."
"Okay, I think you've had enough for today." He laughed as he pushed you in front of him towards the bedroom, turning the lights off on the way. He closed the door behind himself as you walked to the en-suite bathroom to brush your teeth, ready to end the day. You couldn't help but repeat a few definitions in your head silently, just to make sure you still remembered them. The toothbrush stilled in your hand as you tried to recall the four types of crime. Felonies, misdemeanours, felony-misdemeanours and...
"Felonies, misdemeanours, felony-misdemeanours and.." You repeated out loud.
The feeling of a hand resting on your waist from behind snapped you out of your mumbling. You lifted your gaze to look at Joseph through the mirror. With his free hand he took his toothbrush from the cabinet as he looked back at you.
"Classification of crimes, the four types. What's the fourth?" You looked at Joe with a panicked expression, whose eyebrows furrowed at you. "I gotta check it, hold on." You took a step towards the bathroom door to go to the living room and check the answer but Joseph's fingers wrapped around your wrist before you could walk too far.
"No. You've studied enough for today. Let your mind rest a little, you'll check it tomorrow. The letters won't run away from your books overnight. Alright?"
"No buts. You need to rest. Your body needs to rest. Your brain, too. Tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay." You sighed, slightly frustrated as tiredness ran through your bones.
"Listen, baby." He put his brush on the side of the sink and turned to you, placing both his palms on your cheeks. "You'll ace that exam. I know you, I know just how smart you are. You've already learnt over half the book in just a week. And for the other half, you still have two and a half weeks. You can do it, just like you've done it before. Not once I've seen you study less for a test and what happened, still? You passed all of them. It's nothing for you. Stop stressing yourself out over it, it's doing more damage than good. 'Kay?"
"Mm-hmm," You nodded, with the toothbrush still hanging from your mouth, toothpaste slightly smeared around your lips.
"Good." He pressed a soft kiss onto your forehead.
You lifted the blanket and slid under it, sitting, taking some lotion from its bottle. The question was still floating around in your head, unanswered, as you spread the lotion on your hands. You took a look at the half-closed bathroom door, seeing Joe's silhouette through the gap as he was standing in front of the mirror, wiping off the leftover shaving cream from his face. Without a thought you rose from the bed and walked to the bedroom door.
"Where you goin'?" He walked out of the bathroom and turned its lights off.
"To the kitchen...just wanna get a glass of water."
"Mm-hmm." He squinted his eyes at you.
"Nothing." He shook his head with a soft sigh.
It was obvious he knew you were actually going to the living room, to take a look at your notes. You opened the door and walked down the hallway. As your hands found the light switch on the wall, you remembered before you could even turn the lights on.
An annoyed sigh left your lips as you simply turned around and walked back to the bedroom.
"That was fast."
"Infractions. It's fucking infractions."
"See? You know it. Now come to bed with me before I bring you over here myself."
You slid under the covers, snuggling up right next to Joseph, letting the warmth and scent radiating from his body relax you.
"Thank you for being here for me. And for caring about me." You pressed a kiss to the palm of his hand.
"That's what I'm here for, my darling. I'm very proud of you." He kissed the top of your head. "Lord, what a future lawyer do I have."
Thank you for reading, all feedbacks are appreciated!! Have a lovely Valentine’s Day :)
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popcorntasteamazing · 10 months
Ninjago: Eyes
I feel like ninjago has a big split on eyes, so I wanted to share what I think about them! Also some things do get repetitive on them so sorry, AND AND this is my ✨opinion✨ if u think differently u can let me know, just don’t be rude abt it :/ Kai: Before S4 he had Green Hazel eyes, and after S4 he had Amber eyes that would flare up red when using mass amounts of power (Ex: When fighting the ice dragon in S11). The reasoning for the color change being all the power that was in the staff, his eyes CHANGED COLOR and you're telling me that there was no effect? Yeah right. When his power was gone in S11, S12 and S5 (for like 2 minutes) they were brown (Also the other times but they are the only two that comes to mind). Also before the color change it was dominant brown Hazel. And his Avtar in Prime Empire has Blue Eyes. Cole: He always had Light Brown eyes that became brighter after reaching his true potential, BUT after the whole ghost thing they had a small green highlight to them and when he was a ghost they were a bright green (not as bright as Lloyd’s tho). Also when he goes sicko mode they become more of an orange with the green highlight becoming a dark brown. And when he lost his powers in S5, S12(?) and some other time they become Light Brown again.
Jay: He had Brown eyes but after reaching his true potential they became dark blue (like a sapphire) and again when using mass amounts of power they become an electric blue. Also he is fully blind in his Right eye, making it a discolored blue, he became blind in that eye after season 3 when he accidentally shocked himself in that eye when fighting a Nindiroid (something to so with them being robots so they like became a toaster in maker and a spark got him in the eye), making his right side his literal “Blind spot” but he and the others (Mostly Nya) helped him find a way to still sorta see his right when fighting. Also “Super Star Rockin Jay” has yellow eyes. Again when he lost his powers in S5, S12 and some other time they became Brown besides the right one.
Zane: Zane has light blue eyes, nothing more to it. THE ONLY TIME that they are different is when they are rebooting or charging, (being gray).When they were the Ice Emperor he had almost TO much of a blue, eyes. Oh and when losing their powers they don’t change because they are literally a part of their design.Idk I need ideas. 
Lloyd: So, Lloyds eyes were red in S1 and the majority of S2 until the final battle they became Golden, then after they got their golden powers got snatched they became red again. So instead of using mass amounts of power to make his eyes green, they just have to use their powers, this starts around season 6-ish do to training and all that jazz, but by the time S8 comes around they are fully green. When mad, their eyes will turn purple and also they have lil slits for pupils. When losing their powers in S8-9 they were a very dull red (not bright like they were before they turned green) and they were still green in prime empire and the other times because their eyes were't changed do to reaching their true potential and was just green do to the sheer amount of power they have, or something…. Also also, when possessed by Morro they were a Dark Green. Nya: Like Kai she has Hazel eyes, but they are Blue Hazel, they became light blue after she reached her true potential. And once she lost her powers in S12, seabound, and some other time they became brown. Ok long rant over :3 Should i do more???
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
I’ve got so much work recently that the brain ain’t filled up yet but I have a couple ideas for the magical girl au :):):):) back on my usual bullshit lmao ✨✨✨
K so these mfers (Knights + Mika + Shu(eventually, give him time, a season two breakdown and a redemption arc) ) should go song karaoke together. They deserve it after all the horrors tbh. The little doll man should get to experience the epic highs and lows of awful greasy pizza at an establishment that isn’t a restaurant. Tsukasa, Izumi, and Shu should also be subjected to it tbh. Tsukasa might like it <3 Izumi and Shu however… malding, screaming and dying even.
Anyways it would be funny as hell if Shu also went to school with the knights. Cuz he’s the same age as Izumi and Leo anyways. Bruh, Arashi could just think that Shu is Mika’s crush 💀💀💀. On god that could make for some top tier comedic interactions. Mostly Arashi teasing Mika about his crush, and Mika frantically trying to assure her that it isn’t a crush cuz he wouldn’t be caught dead catching feelings for his boss. Meanwhile the idea that he could have a crush on his boss has been planted in the back of his mind and it’s only gonna keep growing. I feel like this would be funny for two reasons, one: hijinks, two: bigger emotional payoff when Mika does decide to leave him <<<333 break both of their hearts in one foul swoop.
also Leo being a menace to Shu. They should be in the same class. It would be funny.
Back on my fighting bullshit. I feel like Shu would never fight with his hands or with blades tbh. I feel like he would use a bunch of smaller dolls after losing Mika. Ones that he considers imperfect or something, idk man, something symbolic. + the dolls could almost look like they’re already falling apart and they deteriorate more and more as his mental state deteriorates (not as an in universe thing, just as a visual symbol for the audience to emphasize that Shu is breaking down lmao)
Also Shu and Mika should kiss. Arashi is the #1 wing woman tbh. I love her so much. She deserves to wear a pretty dress like in those super magical girl forms. Like madoka’s at the end of madoka magica when she does the thing, or any of the really powerful forms in precure.
also arashi should punch Shu in the face at one point. I’m thinking about him getting her sword away from her with dolls and being like “Hah! It seems as if you weren’t prepared for this eventuality girl! Kakakakaka! Now that I’ve disarmed you it’s impossible for you to defeat me! Now then, if you’ll excuse me I have more important matters to-” “AGHH!? You, you ignorant girl! You, you imbecile! Why I can’t believe you would-“ she raised her fist again so he finally shut the fuck up. He’s learning 🥰🥰🥰. Mika is probably upset about Shu getting punch tbh. Like he knows why Shu deserved it but he’s still a bit upset. He ain’t mad tho. Shu needed to have some sense beaten into him for once ✨✨✨.
I’m done for now ✨🥰✨🥰✨😎😎😎😎
I kind of want to write out a whole anime plot tbh. If I actually get around to finishing my current fic I might write an outline for this sometime tbh. If I get it done I’ll probably come drop it in your ask box unannounced. Or I’ll make a post and @you in it cuz that might be easier if it’s a whole ass outline.
I love ur ideas even though i forgot answer this ngl JSBDKS Drawings to compensate! It's the only i can do haha!
Anyways, this scene is definitely in the ending of the second season or an OVA about the 7 having daily adolescence adventures like they should had since the start lol
I feel like Leo would be an usual costumer in the karaoke, actually, this would be the group's hideout jsbfjs
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Now, I love the idea of Mika staring too long to Shu in the corridors of the school and then Arashi notices and starts teasing him
Mika: no way i could possibly like my boss! He's just so cool and composed and smart and-
Shu, in his classroom:
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And yes i think Shu and Mika should kiss, but i also think that Arashi and Mika should kiss, so my offer is:
Arashi: this is my boyfriend, Mika. And this Mika's boyfriend, Shu.
Basically, shumika=second chance trope, aramika=friends to lovers trope. And i love it
You know that i was thinking exactly the same about Shu's powers? He could never fight someone by himself, he would break before a finger lands on him jabfjsj
So yeah, i belive that he would have a dolls/mannequin army. In the first episodes he only uses Mika because he's the strongest, but when he loses him he would starts using unfinished dolls to fight, and with the pasta of episodes there would be more and more dolls but with a worse quality! Like Mika>Metal dolls>Wood dolls>Ceramic/industrial mannequins?. They would start being extremely fragile, like his mental stability😊!
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You know Santa Clous from Chainsaw Man? Yeah i see Shu with a similar power but less OP ofc. Like he can control the movements/minds(?) of his artificial dolls but not people, Mika is the exception! Because Mika considered himself like Shu's doll! Once he starts making choices by himself he couldnt be controlled anymore!
Back to Arashi, im 100% sure that her powerup/god form has longer hair, following the more hair=more power formula. I also want to give the nerf or smth that have so much power she has to lose a lot of her humanity sense! She would become this "Justice God" or smth without emotions and the rest of her friends would have to fight/convince her back into normal!
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Now. Yes. Arashi should punch people. Arashi should beat the shit out of people. Arashi should beat the shit out of Shu. I didn't gave her armor gloves for nothing.
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Yes. Queen. Be scary. Be intimidating. Be your enemy's worst nightmare.
And you want to write the plot while i want to anímate the fucking fight scenes oUT OF MY HEAD I SWEAR IT WOULD LOOK SO COOL IF I KNEW HOW TO ANIMATE UGHH
I would love to read whatever you write about this au too! I'll read every ask you drop here even if i take forever to answer haha;;
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meepmemez · 4 months
Now that I got every design done for the main cast, time to get back to work on the SSSSSuper AU! This'll just be a list of their super powers because I don't feel like drawing today but still wanted to do something under the cut :3
His super powers consist of two main things: Super speed and super hops! Extremely helpful for him to get to his friends faster and confuse the bad guys! He's one of the weaker heroes, but Splendid sees major potential in him!
Her super powers are similar to a fantasy princess! She can hover temporarily with the flow of her dress! Her kisses can also be deadly and can temporarily hypnotize the baddies into doing whatever she wants!
He isn't much, but what he does have can shake up the battlefield! Literally! His tail is the strongest on the super island! When he slams his tail (and butt) on the ground, he can cause a small earthquake and cause the ground below to crack! His teeth are also just as strong, as they can munch right through material as strong as steel! His singing voice is also powerful enough to break minds if he puts his heart into it, but he hasn't realized it yet!
Much more of a pacifist than a fighter, she has a form of chlorokinesis made for healing and cleansing others! She is incapable of self defense, but always carries around pepper spray and can use her plants as a getaway ride should danger arise!
Her powers only active whenever they are anxious! Her spines become much more sharp, able to shoot out of his skin, regenerate, pierce hard surfaces, and are extremely hard to break! When he's not anxious though, he has night vision!
His powers can only activate if he's eaten a piece of candy, which is why he constantly carries them around (and because he's addicted to sugar too)! He has super speed and an extremely strong stomach and teeth that can digest anything! His claws are also ridiculously sharp, cutting through and climbing up any surface! His weakness is black coffee.
This one should be obvious! An extremely high IQ! An IQ of around 5,000 to be exact! He uses his smarts to improve island life and build weapons to enhance the arsenal of his own and others (for a price)!
No, he still doesn't have arms sadly. HOWEVER, he has telekinesis! That's how he was able to work for so long despite the lack of hands. Also his skull is made of metal so his headbutts are absolutely going to break anything. The perfect battering ram!
His powers are fairly simple. Super speed and super strength! He's the weaker of the two inhabiting his body, but he's fine with this reality!
Now this is where shit gets real in the body he resides in. Not only are his powers enhanced when he's fronting, but he also gains smarts as well! He also can drink blood to heal up too. He loses all of his charisma in exchange, but no one wants to be close to this mad man... right?
Honestly, what powers doesn't he have??? Super speed, laser vision, flight, frost breath, super hearing, and more! He's everything that the other heroes aren't and more! He's seen as THE hero of the island! Which explains why he's the head of it as well. Still weak to kryptonut tho.
His powers are extremely similar to Splendid's! Some people even entertain the thought of them being siblings, which entertains the blue squirrel more than the red one. He's way less known than Splendid however due to his very few appearances around the place, but when he is seen in public, it's either going to be hectic or hellish.
His mimes become real! Like an invisible box around someone, a set of stairs leading to who knows where, or imaginary instruments! He can also clone himself as many times as he wants, BUT his powers get weaker the more it spreads to his clones. He wants to become a town hero one day, but in order to do that, he must learn to master his craft!
Disco Bear
His powers are very situational. He has the power to mind control people! However only whenever they listen to his music, which makes his parties absolutely the best! You just need to sign the waiver first before you enter his night club on the evenings he's performing... Does not having a heart attack after eating fried butter count as a super power btw?
In exchange for smarts, he can create forcefields for the folk he cares about most. Unfortunately he can't create any for himself and they can break after enough damage. Other than that, he has a little bit of pyrokinesis in his blood, but it's not strong enough to cause heavy damage.
His powers haven't fully formed yet, so it's a chaotic mess of what he can do at the moment! So far he's been recorded to shapeshift, spit acid, attract bad luck occasionally, breathe underwater, and/or have a very, very accurate aim!
She can speak to inanimate objects/animals and they can talk back to her! She can also tell how you're feeling from just a glance, even if your face remains monotone! She's incapable of self defense, but she can lead her animal army against you, so just hope she only summons tiny creatures that don't have viruses and sharp teeth/talons!
He is a simple man trying to live a simple pirate life. Whenever he goes underwater, he turns into a merman and can breathe underwater! He's much better at combat whenever he's under the sea since he can actually move swiftly!
Ever since his acting gig that exposed him as a hero, he's leaned heavily into his agent role, finally using his powers extensively. Invisibility and disguises on the fly alongside super hearing and super reflexes to dodge enemy gunfire! However, even invisible/in disguise, he's our favorite blind and mute critter.
He is literally a walking talking metronome (as in the Pokemon move). Whenever he tries to activate his powers, it's always something random that will probably at least hurt everyone around him. Sometimes he gets the bad guys and sometimes he puts his friends in the hospital. However that doesn't set him back, he still believes he's a superhero!
He has the midas touch AND super strength! Anything he touches with his bare hands turns into gold, making him suspiciously rich! He wears gloves so that he doesn't accidentally make his black coffee turn into liquid gold (does not taste good). He also can lock pick anything if that's a super power.
He... He actually has none!!! Isn't that shocking in an AU made where EVERYONE is supposed to have powers? Well unfortunately not Lifty. He and his bro were both transported to the island because the agents there couldn't tell the difference between the two so they said fuck it and sent them both. What is powerful about this second hand man however is his jealousy.
Teleportation. Yeah that's pretty much it. He doesn't use it to fight, but uses it to get away from conflict and observe people from afar as if they're living in his world.
Everywhere this block of ice goes leaves behind an ice trail! He can also speak via telepathy to anyone he wishes to. Otherwise it's good ol Cro-Marmmot from back in the day.
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a lot of people (esp people who didn't vibe with ten's story) really hate the "i never would" moment. First for finding it hypocrital ("the doctor's done worse!") and second for it being melodramatic / sanctimonious. (And imo there's a third aspect not talked as much... which is that it just doesn't Hit As Hard to see our main character lose it over a Character Of The Day that, charming as she is, we've only spend 40 minutes with.) tbh I honestly do Get some of these complaints. I think also the moment could Hit Better if the episode it's in was a bit more coherent*. And I think the show is kind of not successful sometimes in juggling... well, the Contractual Obligation as a family show on a publicly funded-network, to not be something that celebrates violence ("only idiots use knives") with the actual Watsonian reality of doctor who, which is super violent, with a high-body, and where The Doctor (in all eras) is a very vindictive, punitive person. I think there's a tension there that sometimes like in this moment comes forth and creates a dissonance that people can be repelled by.
That said ... I do think, honestly, it works 80%. I think this scene is Good Mostly and I'm glad it exists.
'Cause lbr, this had to happen at some point. And it is always going to be an Important scene. And from a purely arc-specific POV, I think it does work when people can put themselves in the shoes of Ten (in being Absolutely Done With This Shit (tm) lol), and.... imo that's why his arc works.
(some) People get pretty mad that he could even be tempted to not save Wilf / save his own skin on ToE, but honestly,,, that and moments like this, where the mask falls and he loses it... but pulls back? that's the good shit. It's seeing the "good guy" character do the good thing he *doesn't want to do* but doing it anyway that makes it compelling an admirable. (*)tbh i don't think it is a bad episode, it's a Could Have Been Better Episode. regardless though it's imo an important episode for the show's lore.... but yes, it is kind of over-stuffed, and Martha should've had more focus since it's her last episode as companion, so this in theory was the last moment to center on her and close some of her arcs with ten. and there is some stuff, but not enough. overall tho is one of the best Donna episodes)
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
Pico Facts
⦁ He/him ⦁ Likes to garden ⦁ Doesn't know how to read ⦁ Not tech savvy ⦁ Knows they have Donnie's robots to help run the place and do a lot of the heavy lifting, but Pico would rather do the manual labor himself instead of relying on tech to do everything for him ⦁ They and Todd start a support dog service at the sanctuary to help yokai and mutants after the events of the movie ⦁ Just like Todd, he's stingy when it comes to sharing food, touch his food and you might lose a finger ⦁ Todd's too nice to harbor any ill will towards anybody so Pico's the one who does it for him instead ⦁ Dislikes Mikey the most becuz he ditched Todd to hang with meat sweats, Mikey is shocked and tries to get on their good side but it's not that easy ⦁ Mikey had also almost started a forest fire once with his kusari fundo when he was trying to show off his mad skills and that definitely didn't sit well with Pico ⦁ Tolerates Donnie cuz he's the one that regularly comes by to do maintenance checks on the park: emphasis on tolerate
• Doesn't know how he fully feels about Leo yet, but he knows he just has an annoying sense of air to him ⦁ Out of all of the turtles, he likes Raphael the most ⦁ He and Raph consider themselves both protectors of their family and being the bigger brother ⦁ You can only pet him if you have their permission ⦁ Can communicate with other animals (is it a curse or blessing tho) ⦁ Helps Casey Jr get an emotional support dog ⦁ Still has his regular opossum family of his mother and little siblings (8) ⦁ Donnie points out to him that because Pico's a mutant, will probably have a longer lifespan and will most likely outlive his opossum family since opossums have a life expectancy of 2-3 years. Pico is mortified ⦁ Misses the feeling of being able to hang on his mother's back before he was mutated ⦁ Immune to venom ⦁ Good climber ⦁ If you scare him he'll freeze up and fall over just like how a opossum plays dead, just imagine those goats that do that too
Him and Todd try to be peace keepers whenever his uncles Warren n Hypno and the turtles are around together because they did help jumpstart the invasion even if they didn't understand the full implications of their actions at the time
Gets kraangified early on in the invasion; its a sore topic for future Todd to bring up, f!leo is the one that had to put him down
When he gets infected, he keeps it to himself and leaves whatever base they're taking refuge in when everyone's sleeping, while also leaving behind his golden ring necklace by Todd's bedside
Becomes a laid back but responsible scout leader and takes over the sanctuary in the good future timeline
Loves the smell of cinnamon and raspberries
Likes peanut butter
Likes chin scratches
Only Todd is allowed to pet his head
Hates poachers
Got his right ear caught in a beartrap pre mutation, Todd took him in and tended to his wound (which is why it's nicked like that)
Falls out of a tree immediately after he eats a oozesquito and mutates (the branch couldn't support his weight) and gains a head injury, so he goes to the only other being in the woods that he knows can help him, which is Todd
Relied on making pictures with paint until he was able to speak
Is clingy by his opossum nature
His ring necklace has his named engraved on it (twas a gift from Todd since he is technically a blacksmith)
His voice would be Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls
Deals with body dysmorphia/dysphoria
Birthday is March 10th
Mutation Day is October 17th
Friends with Sunita since Todd brings him with him to Hueso's regularly(since he's his favourite customer), their friendship also works because there's a lot about the human world that they don't know enough about and can experience and explore together (plus it just sounds super cute)
Also finds her super cool cuz she and April got to kick meatsweats' behind
Has beef with a raccoon stealing food from him in the past premutation and after mutation, raccoons and opossums supposedly have a sibling kind of relationship/rivalry
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NINJAGO TAROT DRAFT IVE HAD FOR 8 MONTHS imagine them as either just designs or with deeper meanings, i'm too tired to do a lot of analysis but i Am Right. prefacing this with YES i have character biases, and YES they are present here<3 its my blog ill post what i want (no i will not be tagging the characters i rag on i do not want to be bothered about them)
The Fool - lloyd. not that lloyd is a fool, but he is the blank slate, the character written to be of infinite opportunity. he can be reckless and innocent, naive and idealistic, gullible but free. even this late into the series his sense of self continues to change and evolve, never settling in a single place; the upright is young lloyd, our youthful and ignorant protagonist. the reverse is current lloyd, weighed down by the actions of not only his father, mother and uncle, but himself. his card should have 2 panels, one with babey lloyd and the other with older lloyd. maybe juggling his friends' elemental symbols, just for spice. spicy clownery.
The Magician - this is jay, hands down. i'm picking things/characters based on upright and reversed meanings, and while jay debuts as an determined and powerful character, he slips pretty quickly into the card's reverse meaning, often utilizing "manipulation, cunning, and deception" to get his way. most of the time it is subtle, as his manipulative tendencies have been slowly elaborated on over the course of the series. he can be summoning lightning or something with his card.
The High Priestess - skylor. again, the reverse is past skylor, during her brief betrayal, and the upright is present skylor, a wise ally and friend. i want her in her father's snake hat and in his chair. thank u
The Empress - misako, purely for the reverse meaning. i dont care about her so her card can be whatever
The Emperor - garmadon, same reason and also gotta match with the (ex) wifey! give my guy garm his 4 arms too pls
The Hierophant - kai. source: just trust me bro
The Lovers - pixal & zane, duh. they literally share zane's fighting skill after she receives half his heart in season 3, she and he are inseparable (re: essentially headmates) for the following 4 seasons, and are often depicted as the healthiest "het" couple in the show. they are DEVASTATED when they lose each other, their sense of balance. they're in love your honor damnit. HAVE THEM EMBRACE.
The Chariot - the bounty. mostly because it represents a home for the ninja for a good while in the show and is the only real space they can enact control and their wills on for a while. also because the significance of the bounty crashing in season 8 really encompasses the reverse meaning. just replace the chariot w the boat in the card.
Strength - cole. not just because of his super strength, but because he is the MOST compassionate and brave character in this entire goddamn show. say what you will but cole has been through death and back, dropped from a hundred story drop, lost his friends, his sensei, his best friend, AND had to resurrect his mother's legacy with his bare hands. this man has never once been shown to back down from a cause, take the coward's way out, or plain give up because he's the most tied to this ninja morality. when cole is disheartened, he takes it out on himself, gets mad at HIMSELF, never on other people like jay, kai, lloyd and even nya are prone to. give my boy a goddamn break. please let him chill w rocky in his card :) maybe give him his lava arms tho
The Hermit - WU DUH. meaning fits but also his card should have him drinking tea with a three-way split panel behind him showing off the places he found his students. good day
The Wheel of Fortune - cloud kingdom. cloud kingdom. damn those nerdy little bastards.
Justice - AKITA AKITA. karmic justice ring a bell, anyone? we can weigh her mask on the scale or something, just let her have her moment :)
The Hanged Man - yallre gonna hate me but this is actually zane. sacrifice is the NAME of the card. he keeps sacrificing himself, even when it ISNT needed. would love it if his card had him tied to the forbidden spinjitzu scroll, that would be pog
Death - morro. HA u thought you could escape him lol no. have him be bitchass. maybe show his ghost hanging around his skeleton or something. make it green
Temperance - ... ronin. i had some trouble with this, but i think this card captures him pretty well.
The Devil - Harumi. mostly because i already drew her a card, but also because of the reversed meaning.
The Tower - the great devourer. i think thats explanation enough.
The Star - ... benthomaar. am i jsut adding the jade ninja characters at this point? yes, yes i am. do they still fit? aboslutely. give my guy bentho a FUCKIN crown
The Moon - ECHO ECHO PLEASE. deception? illusions??? thats their bread and goddamn butter!!!! PUT THE LIGHTHOUSE AT NIGHT IN THEIR CARD, YOU COWARDS!!!
The Sun - vania. vania. vania. vania. will i elaborate? no!
Judgement - pixal, hands down. calm evaluation? being highly aware of yourself???? thats just pix, babey!!! and the reverse, FUCK, self doubt,,,, she rarely has those moments but!! when she DOES!!! AHHHHHH/POS
The World - NYA NYA NYA. NYA IN HER ELEMENTAL FORM HEAR ME OUT GUYS. in the upright meaning its her early season self, doing well on her own, achieving and succeeding and being fulfilled, and the reversed is her skybound to present self, stagnating as a character, no longer succeeding on her own or through her own means. the card also has to do with cycles, and considering how many times nya has died or been forced to change, well. who else would this card be???
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alevolpe · 6 months
first of all hi I really love your art:)
ok so do you head canon the sailor senshi having scars ?if yes where would they have them?and do you think usagi would feel guilty every time she sees her friends scars because they have the mission/responsibility to protect her in fights ?idk if my questions made sense 😅
but yeah that’s all thank you for your time in reading this :)
Hi there! Thank you so much!
And yeah, I do hc the senshi having scars, but my hc is a bit convoluted. Basically if an injury is caused by a fight when in senshi form, that scar would only show in their civilian form and it would only show if it's form a major injury (senshi healing prevents them from being covered in scars from minor to even some major cuts/bruises). So say sailor Mars gets grievously injured. Rei would get a scar, but the next time she turns into Mars, that scar is no longer present for the time of her being Sailor Mars.
The only exception is if a scar was present from before their awakening, say kid Minako fell down a ditch and broke her leg and she had to get surgery, that surgery scar would be present both in her human and senshi form.
With all that said I do hc the majority of the senshi getting some type of scar/major injury in my 'super hc, definitely detached from canon' storyline.
I see Ami losing some fingers from over-exerting herself, due Mercury not being immune to her own powers (ice). I see Usagi losing her right arm trying to save the two idiot lesbians from Saturn and Mina getting a thin horizontal scar on her face she got while saving Usagi. Mako and Haruka both have scars too, though those are from their childhoods, Haruka lost use of the right eye in a domestic violence incident and Mako getting a pretty major abdominal scar from the plane crash (in my hc I have it where she was on the flight that killed her parents, it's depressing ik, but its there for a reason).
The others I'm wishy-washy on, I don't really like giving scars just cause, I like to have a narrative reason for them. I'm sure as I develop the story more, I'd get a better line on them.
I do see Usagi feeling guilty, but not about most of their scars, she mostly feels guilty for Mina's scar, since Mina got it from saving her. She more deals with a general feeling of guilt for causing her friends' lives to be tied to being a senshi. I'll get more headcanon-y for a moment and say that I hc that being a senshi is not something you can just walk away from, not only responsibility wise, but also physically. The girls have to transform on a regular basis, or their bodies start to get all this built up energy that can cause physical ans mental strain, like headaches, general pains, mood swings and even allucinations. It's basically you transform on a regular basis or you die, straight up. The star seeds have no use for a body that is unwilling to utilize the energy it provides, so it just seeks to kill the host and find a new vessel.
So Usagi would feel an immense amount of guilt while hearing her friends joking around and talking about how one of the girls had to lock herself in the bathroom during class for 10 minutes cause they had to transform and the teacher got soo mad!! It pains her even tho she knows, deep down, it's not her fault, but she's the only person alive she can blame. Her friends will never be able to live a normal life, and it's all her fault.
Sorry this one got a lil off topic, hopefully not too much. Thank you and sorry it took so long.
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questionablepastries · 9 months
Wahoo I beat armored core (just now now!) thoughts below (and spoilers of course)
I can’t believe they made me fight an upgraded balteus lmao but what balteus wasn’t ready for was an upgraded ME 😈
Good game! Visually very very pretty to look at, mentally I’m clapping a lot at the credits rn lol
And the choices the game made me do lol aaaaaghhh. I almost considered putting the game down for the day when it asked me to betray carla. Same thing with eliminating G1 Michigan, only because I thought VIII Pater was my friend (turns out he’s sick in da head!! Scary guy. Really lives up to his AC name “dual nature” whew) less messed up arquebus members the better. In the end I went with ayre all the way but not because I like ayre but because of 2 things
1) carla she did try to kill me once (she made up for it by saving my ass out of prison tho)
2) (the more important reason why I sided with Ayres idea) — who knows what the ecosystem of the planet would be like with the complete removal of coral, not to mention coral is semi sentient so it’d be like super massacre if I went with Carla (and Walters) idea of destroying it all. ALSO, the destruction of the giant space ship crashing into that coral harvesting place, like what would life be like for the rubiconians? Even worse? Nobody has their interests in minds bc as far as they’re concerned they’re always caught in the middle of some corporation war, so if I sided with Carla it’d be adding fuel to that corporation war fire :(
Like ayre says at the end though, I’m sure we can avoid a fires of ibis situation 2.0 if we work really hard together. 621 is a human that didn’t lose their mind completely after contact with coral voices and maybe it has to do with the fact that they’re a fourth generation human (since the later generations worked out the kinks of not having to hear coral anymore)
Also. During the very sad heartbreaking (for me) killing carla mission, do u know how excited I was to beat the shit out of snail lmao
After reading that his augmentations were only perfected thanks to who knows how many innocent deaths, and his mind re-education shenanigans I’ve hated his ass since DAY ONE. Even IF he’s a sassy funny guy
Ok the ps just told me the trophy for this ending is called liberator of rubricon. Whatever ending that is lol idk what ppl are calling it
God I already miss Walter why’d they make me kill him too lol
ON THAT NOTE I MISS RUSTY I THINK WALTER MAY HAVE KILLED HIM. I’m gonna stick to anime rules for this one and that’s “no body seen no death” yup rusty is still out there (<- copium)
Oh wow ok I guess NG+ just starts like that huh, that’s ok w me I’ll do a NG+ run just to see the other endings, they better not make me actually kill rusty tho that’d break my heart more than it did to take out carla and chatty : (
Also pvp is fun but I’m ok at it lol I keep losing a ton but I’ve had a couple of close matches and won like 4 matches so far
Oh right about snail tho, back in the Carla mission? I was talking mad shit while fighting him like “I ALREADY BEAT YOUR DATA IN THE ARENA YOU THINK YOURE HOT SHIT??” that sorta thing. And u know how dissapointed I was that I didn’t kill him right then and there? His ass escaped that ass beating. Don’t matter tho I terminated his ass for good when he was riding that toddler ass upgraded baby chair balteus 2.0
Idk how from soft does it but they keep making these super super climatic boss fights and super fucking awesome attack patterns that are both visually appealing and difficult to evade/survive but when you do it’s like you’re really in the fight in that moment it’s awesome :) this happened with balteus, balteus 2 purple laser moment, and the fuckinnggggg icewormmmm, malenia elden ring comes to mind (alongside demon souls king of storm)
And I can’t believe they got me with the sekiro monkey “it’s not dead! It’s getting up again!” Moment too god damn that flying boss whew, sad the game wouldn’t let me use that boss’ sweet ass wings as a part to equip :(
Rusty really warmed up to me, initially I was a hater because his ass was always setting me up with these missions that always had an extra lil spice in them meant to kill me or set me up in some way (probably arquebus’ fault) but he…. Waghhhggg………”the first to join” ok cool….ty for being so eager to reunite with me rusty…I honestly thought he was dead after the ice worm mission….and the fucking line he says “there’s only one person who can keep up with me” with 621 in on the comm to listen in on….what are we…….(we’re buddies…)
Great game. And amazing cast of characters, like maybe it’s the voice acting that really nailed it but for me to care about a bunch of people (g1 Michigan…..) that you never actually see in game and only hear is wild lol
I do not care for ayre tho. I’m sorry I’m a hater, she always said some common sense stuff like “remember to dodge” baby we been on how many missions together now please. If she was a deep voiced lady I would’ve been on my hands and knees tho, and if she had a male voice I’d be even worse lol
Cortana ass!!!! Anyways cutest ayre moment was 621 and her watching these giant nuke missles hit a massive structure and she’s like (cutely) “they’re really like fireworks” & I had to laugh and be like we gotta get u some real fireworks ayre they don’t look like this gsvdvdvd
Right and do u know how much I was pogging when the fake raven or Rather the Real Raven showed up??? Damn what was that guys situation about and their handler too? Hmmmmm (dlc potential?)
Fun ass game! Slow start but momentum wise it keeps speeding up and then the end is like WHAM did ya like it and I gotta be like YEAH. I DID. Now I have the urge to play the other endings in ng+ since my AC is geared the fuck up to handle anything I feel like. Kinda wish the pacing at the start stayed the whole way as in slow pacing the entire game with the game letting me kill more shounen protagonist types lol (although that would mean killing ppl like Rusty hmmm my sadism for wanting more murder of naive protagonist types and love for rusty is like oil and water when it comes to that idea lol)
One complaint tho just one, the ost can be somewhat lacking. It has its moments tho!! There’s like 3 tracks that really kill it, and they’re at important moments too. Iceworm, balteus 2.0/snail showdown, and Carla fight are good. The rest went over my head tho sowwy
Now that I’ve achieved credits in this game im a certified armored core fan (even tho this is my first one) and I’m glad this game is getting attention! I really hope they release more AC games bc this kicked ass, maybe they can take a break before taking that on though, because every single mission is pretty breath taking visually, and MASSIVE in terms of sheer size sometimes like damn. Lots of love!
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months
who would be the stoners of asoiaf?
thank you finally something in my area of expertise!!!!!
Aemon - he smokes for pain technically but he Will peer pressure younger stewards to get high with him bc he thinks it’s funny.
Doran - again, for pain, he doesn’t presssure anyone into smoking with him but he doesn’t like smoking alone so usually Areo Hotah will have a puff. Areo’s tolerance is so high now lmao no one but Doran can tell he’s high
Ellaria Sand - Oberyn doesn’t like feeling out of control but Ellaria gets frisky while she’s high so she will have a toke before they bang, it’s awesome for them.
Edmure Tully - he loves making edibles. The smallfolk love him bc he just gives them edibles for free whenever he comes around to collect rent/taxes. Blackfish thinks it’s really juvenile but Hoster kinda liked Edmure’s weird way of ruling (he’d never tell him tho). Definitely gives Cat a few after the funeral and they try very hard not to talk about their feelings while absolutely blasted.
Theon Greyjoy - Ned disapproved of Theon smoking bc Theon always Went Too Far, so once he gets to Winterfell he is just mainlining Sativas and losing his absolutely shit. Goes cold turkey bc of ADWD but after the war (he’s gonna live fuck you) he starts up again bc Bran suggests it might help with his anxiety BUT ONLY INDICAS.
Asha Greyjoy - tbh, iron islanders will just put anything in a pipe and smoke it, they don’t give a fuck. Asha is a little more choosey than her uncles at least lol
Bran - the reeds turn him onto it. he quits several times over the years but he thinks it’s less gross than tobacco so he usually goes back to it. It’s not always obvious when he’s high for tree wizard reasons, but his siblings can Always tell.
Jaime Lannister - no one can convince me this man didn’t turn to substance abuse to deal during the early years of Cersei & Robert’s marriage bc weed is a great way to dissociate (if that’s how you want it to work) and this man’s number one coping mechanism is dissociation. He quits because Brienne gives all his weed to Podrick and Podrick goes crazy on it one night.
Podrick - listen, he picked up a lot of vices from Tyrion. This one at least makes Brienne laugh.
Brienne - only recreationally, never around Jaime bc he has A Problem and she doesn’t want him to relapse (he relapses several times anyway)
Arya and Sansa Stark - they’re together because they do it recreationally together as adults. they get soooo silly with it too, Edmure makes them smoke with him whenever they’re in the Riverlands bc it’s so funny.
Bronn - you cannot tell me that man isn’t a lil high at least 60% of the time
Mad Maid Malora Hightower - i just know her and her dad are up in that tower high off their ass, i know it in my soul
lewyn martell - recreationally. arthur dayne was super uptight about it. oswell whent smoked even less than lewyn, but if he saw lewyn smoking, he’d get in immediately. gotta cope with aerys somehow!!
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alritestoodeos · 7 months
Summarizing the OG timeline characters (badly) Pt.3
So we got bbg Reptile, right? This was before he was hot Syzoth and when he was just some ninja then just some lizard mf. So Reptile served his daddy master Shang Tsung in the first tournament against Earthrealm. Bc he was a lizard bitch he was always invisible and watched his Alpha Wolf Shang Tsung to make sure he didnt get hurt. He could fight really well tho, which is dumb bc why wasnt he fighting for Outworld?? Anyways it comes up to the 10th and final tournament and Earthrealm wins. He's bummed out but at least he gets more time with daddy Shang! Except no he doesn't bc now Shao Kahn wants his Repussy. He also wanted his entire race's Repussy. Reptile was furious that Shao enslaved his entire race, but he tells Reptile "fight the Earthrealm scum and I'll release ur friends" and he's like "ok :3" then Reptile did that. Then Skao Kahn's like "ok but fr this time my "daughter" escaped so go get her and I'll let your people out" and Reptile's like "ok :3", so Shao Kahn sent him with Jade, Kitana's bestie. They found her in the world's largest M&M store in England, Earthrealm. Then Jade betrayed Shao Kahn bc she was Kitana's bestie :3 when Shao Kahn lost the fight against Earthrealm, he was like "AYE OI  U H  THIS BOZO COMMITTED GENOCIDE ON THE ZATERRAN PEOPLE EXHILE HIS ASS" and since he didn't look like a typical Zaterran, they believed Shao Kahn, exhaling Reptile into Netherrealm.
During this long time outside of Outworld, Reptile slowly began his transformation back into a typical looking Zaterran. Not fully tho bc it takes awhile. Rn he just looks like scaly play-doh. It was in Netherrealm Reptile found Shinnok, a real silly old man who is also a fallen Elder God. Shinnok was in the process of preparing an invasion on Edenia, and Reptile helped Shinnok bc he's like "can has my extinct race back plz??? 🥺 👉👈". Shinnok takes Reptile with him as a soldier in his army, and they lose like shit. eptiles like "FUCK!... omg daddy shang :3" and goes back to his old master. Also Reptile looks like a typical Zaterran now with a lizard face and tail. Also he's gone mad bc he was in Netherrealm for so long. So then Reptile hears word that Shao Kahn is looking for him, so he peaks into Shang's room and he's with a badass (and unfortunately white-washed) sorcerer, and they're plotting to kill Shao Kahn among other things. So Reptiles like "Oh noz :< he's gonna die. Maybe if I alert him in time, he'll be grateful and bring my race of people back! :3" so he goes back to tell Shao Kahn. However, he's stopped by this vampire geek named Nitara who's like "zgood g? I know where your race is. Come with me and I'll show you where they is" and Reptile's like "ok! :3" so he follows her. Then he's like "waits! How cans I believe you?" Then she gives him his mom's sword or some shit and he's like "ok! :3" and he continues following her. Then she's like "I'm not going in there bc that's kitana's forces but they're in there. See ya homie" and Reptile gets super excited bc not only will he get his race back, he can also get Shao Kahn to help by telling him something he wants! So he race's back to Shao Kahn's fortress all excited and shi- Shao Kahn's dead on arrival. 
So now Reptile's like "man :/ My first master is evil, my second one is dead, my third one is a loser. Who can I serve now? :(" then Nitara's like "hey man I found this fire zaza hit it. Also i can be your master bud" and Reptile's like "ok! :3" and she's like "so there's this robot who's a dick and guarding this baller egg. Can you go get him" and Reptile's like "ok! :3" so he fights Cyrax and severely damages him, but doesn't kill him bc he's a good boy. Then Nitara was "psyche fuckin furry. What actually happened on the real was, like, I distracted you so the alliance of Shang and Quan Chi could kill Shao Kahn. Then I made you beat up this bitch robot and damage his circuits so he'd lose his memory and I'd make him help me get my people back. So yea lol. But that cloaca hit hard frfr seeya" then she grabbed up Cyrax and flew away to go find her people. Reptile was pissed and was about to chase them down, but the egg started being weird and blasted Reptile with a beam of light and Reptile got mpreg'd and immediately birthed Onaga, the Dragon King, who was the ruler of Outworld before Shao Kahn, but Shao poisoned his Prime or smth and Onaga died, then when Onaga died he went in the egg, which is why Cyrax was guarding it, bc only Reptillian figures can birth Onaga. Then Reptile is found awhile later by the demigod Taven, beaten to neae death by dummy Shujinko. Then Reptile fights Kai and Kitana on the side of Darkness on the Pyramid and dies.
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