#she has a ton of stuff she doesnt want
niishi · 9 months
I gotta start packing soon but..... genshin first.
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goose, mav, and carole for the blorbo bingus ask game 👀
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you were right to send them together anon, they are a family and mustn’t be separated (looking at you, canon)
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cannot believe that slime rancher 2 came out and i still havent been able to play the first one despite literally owning it <//3
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08luvmailz · 6 months
⌨︎ ⁩◞ HERO FANBOY — ! ❪shoto todoroki❫
SYNOPSIS ୨୧ ! which a certain hero from ua crushes (hard) on a idol ! headcanon, ooc shoto
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FANBOY SHOTO! He wasn't interested in kpop activities, heck he hardly known anything about kpop in general.
He started knowing about them because of his brother natsuo who bought a heck ton of albums and blasting music in his room.
He side-eye his brother when he's screaming because he got your WINK-PHOTOCARD, as he keep screaming " omg! ITS SO SPARKS "
he saw the photocard and he was like " oh she's pretty " but disregard it afterwards BUTT
he saw one of your recent comebacks on tv because his brother is streaming it and gahdam ur fucking SPARKLING ON STAGE.
At first he started knowing your group, YOU FIRST then streaming your group songs, your debut solo, collabs. streaming your group shows and music bank AND ALL THOSE
Natsuo asked who is his bias without hesitation he said your name, bro was smirking so bad at his lil bro BECAUSE YOU ARE THE MAKNAE OF YOUR GROUP, also half japanese and same age as him.
Bro was blushing whenever the camera pans at your face and smirking and doing that HE WAS GETTING HOTTER THAN HIS QUIRK
have a well known kpop stan twitter account who always make short comment about you but ICONIC because of how pure and sweet it is
doesnt know it but actually fell inlove with you NOT BECAUSE OF UR FACE (its a plus on him) but because of your determination and hard work, humour and personality is just CHEFS KISS
no one knows about his obsession welp it almost slip up when he accidently unplug his wired earphones to his phone AND SUDDENLY BLASTING Nobody knows by your group.
he lied he is just a casual listener
defends you on twitter, he looks like a soft boy but damn he is a beast on roasting BUT FAILS CAUSE HE CAN ONLY CUSS AT THEM
dedicated to buy front row tickets when your group finally have a concert there at your hometown
bro brought the vip tickets for him and his big bro (with his dads money ofc, not like his father would know)
bro brought the 2 tickets for each day
won a fancall with you once but DAMN IT HIS HERO STUFF IS GETTING ON THE WAY
poor bby sulked the whole day that he missed the call, he was practicing his lines and tone for you
brought many batteries for his lightstick
make sure he is lookin good (not like he isn't good looking)
bro wake up early asf he want to be there as fast
bro became popular fan after one pictured him as the guy from the (group name) concert at jpn
he didnt know he bacame popular, he just saw his face 3 days after the concert on stan twt
you are one stubborn fuck saw this cute guy with a scar and went through the barricades even though security was trying to get you back in stage cause its just a sound check and your safety too
Bro you came closer to him and saw his instax reaching for you. MADE A HEART CHEEK AT HIS FACE AND CAME CLOSER TO HIS FACE
bro almost want to faint right then and there.
you went after that he was kinda sad but happy he got a selfie WITH HIM
making this his lockscreen and making a frame of this treasured photo
You kept stealing glances at him and interacting with hand language, asking if he already eat lunch or just blantly flirting with him
natsuo kept pushing his shoulders for every interaction at their section BUT MAINLY YOU ARE FOCUSED ON HIS BROTHER
bro when he came back from school BRO WAS BOMBARDED WITH QUESTIONS LIKE
" I DIDNT KNOW UR A FAN TODOROKI! " " WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME UR A FAN, I WANT TO BUY TICKETS TOO " " i didn't know todoroki listens to kpop " "BRO DID U HAVE PICS AND VID OF (your leader name) "
was now known as poker face but listens to puppy love by (groupname)
have an article of him now being the hero fan boy
boy he didnt give a shit about them, he just wanting to chill
but that didnt start there
your member posted on weverse a video of you taken, watching the sports festival and chanting HIS NAME AND BETTING THAT HE WOULD 1st PLACE
bro became the luckiest fan alive
saying he is the luckiest fan and hero and all of those then actually GONNA MEET YOU
you have a campaign like a collab with a hero AND THAT IS HIS DAD
participating on a event JUST TO SEE YOU
he did and boy was he nervous
he kept stuttering at the end of his sentence
then because actually friend with you, a little bit touchy side BUT HE IS A GENTELEMAN just subtle glances and touches
got your number and him posting a selfie of you two on twt (he made another acc just to post boast that picture)
after that he was well known as the hero fanboy who will soon in the future marry his idol
that woud be a story in another time <3
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k0sk1 · 5 months
i love the part of class of 09 where jecka gets mad a nicole for leaving her with her brother and then decides to not talk to her anymore and she ends up having to smoke alone and the creep counselour tries to hit on her and nicole picks a fight with jefferey for no reason and to get the counselours attention and she ends up getting in trouble bc she didnt want the counselour to harass jecka and she didnt want to leave jecka alone and jecka tells nicole it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her and nicole doesnt even get mad for having to spend the rest of the year talking to the pedo counselour bc she just missed jecka and didnt want to leave her alone and thats the nicest thing NICOLE has ever done to anyone, she would never care for anyone else, she would let anyone else get fucked but she only did that bc it was jecka, she basically sacrificed herself for her, despite having convinced a boy to jump off of a roof in an ending, abused ari in another, let emily kill herself and done a shit ton of other bad stuff like, SHE COOKED CRACK FOR A SCHOOL ASSIGNEMENT, despite all that she cares abouy jecka enough to to that for her, even if it means shell be stuck with a creepy old guy for one hour every day for the next year. I love them.
And ykw since where already rambling i rlly like how in the "ari gets her house burned down" route jecka says she has never had a good boyfriend and that she made out with three different girls at a pride rally all in the same scene and in the next scene when ari says she wants a kiss jecka thinks shes talking to her and IMMEDIATELLY goes to kiss her. And she has a rainbow dress go queen be a lesbian!!!
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crushedsweets · 9 months
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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gendrie · 3 months
not only do i think gendry will be unbothered by arya being a warg i think theres of tons of stuff to compare and contrast between arya’s bond to nymeria and her dynamic with gendry. 
"There are some things I do not need to be told. Even a blind man could see that wolf would never have left you willingly." "We had to throw rocks," she said miserably. "I told her to run, to go be free, that I didn't want her anymore. There were other wolves for her to play with, we heard them howling, and Jory said the woods were full of game, so she'd have deer to hunt. Only she kept following, and finally we had to throw rocks. I hit her twice. She whined and looked at me and I felt so 'shamed, but it was right, wasn't it? The queen would have killed her." (Arya, AGOT)
nymeria and arya share a soul. the bond between a warg and their wolf is compared to that of a marriage. this is the closest arya will ever be to another being because they literally share a consciousness. arya feels what nymeria feels, sees what she sees, tastes what she tastes, ect. arya is forced to leave nymeria in the riverlands after the incident on the trident. arya goes from believing nymeria is the only one who loves her to fearing her own wolf will hate her. she is filled with doubt in herself and her identity without her wolf. but no matter how strained nymeria is still a tether to arya’s true name. 
when she meets gendry he becomes that too. 
"Lommy and Hot Pie can't know," she said. "They won't," he swore. "Not from me." "Arya." She raised her eyes to his. "My name is Arya. Of House Stark." (Arya, ACOK)
among the night’s watch recruits arya ends up seeing gendry as someone she can confide in. he is wanted by the crown - same as arya. because of this arya tells gendry her true name. to everyone else she is arry, weasel, and nan but gendry knows the truth. gendry sees the real arya and she can be herself with him. gendry never betrays arya to anyone and even actively protects her identity from others. 
She was no little girl in the dream; she was a wolf, huge and powerful, and when she emerged from beneath the trees in front of them and bared her teeth in a low rumbling growl, she could smell the rank stench of fear from horse and man alike. (Arya, ASOS)
"She's my sister." Gendry put a heavy hand on the old man's shoulder, and squeezed. "Leave her be." The man turned, spoiling for a quarrel, but when he saw Gendry's size he thought better of it. (Arya, ASOS)
he doesn’t just protect her identity either. nymeria and gendry both protect arya from harm. gendry actually has more opportunity to look out for arya as he is a closer companion, but nymeria comes thru too. she cuts the bloody mummers off after they are sent to recapture arya and the boys. 
Arya bit her lip. He means to leave me too.
As Arya was cinching her saddle girth, Gendry came up to say that he was sorry. She put a foot in the stirrup and swung up into her saddle, so she could look down on him instead of up. You could have made swords at Riverrun for my brother, she thought, but what she said was, "If you want to be some stupid outlaw knight and get hanged, why should I care? I'll be at Riverrun, ransomed, with my brother." (Arya, ASOS)
but like nymeria, gendry is left behind. first, he chose to join the bwb and arya is hurt by his choice. she lashes out with her words. she pushes him even further away not unlike throwing the rocks at nymeria. its really reminiscent of arya telling nymeria she didnt want her anymore. she doesnt mean it. she wanted him to stay with her just like she wanted nymeria. then, arya is kidnapped by the hound. then, she flees westeros altogether. 
gendry and nymeria remain in the riverlands. nymeria hunts around the trident where she was left by arya. gendry is posted at arya’s last known location: the inn at the crossroads. this is no accidental posting. he is there for arya. boy and wolf both remain steadfast despite her disappearance. 
the groups that both belong to have increasingly dark reputations. nymeria’s pack has long been feared by those in the riverlands. a reputation which has actually been blown out of proportion, but they can do damage. the brotherhood start off with good intentions until lady stoneheart’s reign at which point their mission takes a darker turn. 
gendry follows the undead remnants of catelyn stark and he follows the god that brought her back. he has seen magic. he is no stranger to that part of the world. arya being a warg is no weirder than the dead walking. at some point she will be reunited with her wolf and her blacksmith boy. the direwolves have often been used to signify the starklings feeling towards other so i think a meeting between the two would be meaningful. 
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nutzworth · 4 months
was on twitter (oops) and theres a ton of people going apeshit over kanaya in the upd8 (hs:bc upd8) right obviously and i saw one (1) post about "still hating hs2. jade would not fucking do this" and like. huff.
fosmf if youre there and youve read the hsbc update tell me your thoughts on this. im so curious
in MY opinion, i really like jade in postcanon in general. OBVIOUSLY, the stuff with davekat SUCKS + IS WEIRD + outb of character (i doubt jade would cross boundaries in such a weird way? like a girl can take a hint esp for the people she loves.) but in the update it goes over jade and why she did what she did and like a cute little summary of the yiffy situation. i never really hated yiffy? and i hate yiffy even less with the update. narration + backstory with reasoning did its job.
SUMMARY, AS I SEE IT: jade was dating around mortals but came to the conclusion that they dont want HER, they want to say they dated the GOD OF SPACE. they wanted clout and she hated it. and i dont know. i think she went a little crazy cus of it. she was like I am truly alone in this world. Im cursed to be alone. Im doomed because of my aspect. How can i fix this. solution: HAVE A BABY. and it needs to be one of her god friends. she cant have a baby with a random mortal. john and dave are boys; they cant bear children. she cant have a baby with roxy or jane because she doesnt know them well. that leaves: rose lalonde so jade has a baby with rose lalonde and keeps it a secret. she talks to jane, and this is fine because its largely professional, and she makes sure yiffany (the baby) doesnt become a celebrity. yiffy is normal. yiffy is a normal kid and she has a normal life. jade needs her to have a normal life. jade needs to feel that connection with normality that she never had, jade needs to make sure yiffy doesnt go through the same damn thing she did. and she keeps it a secret. she bonded with rose. if kanaya finds out, thatll tear all three of them apart. jade craves the company. jade craves friendship and closeness. but of course, shes a space player and shes doomed. so they find out. and yiffy gets on the news. and everything is torn
ANYWAY: i think thats so cool. i think thats a great explanation. i think jade WOULD do that is the thing. its a logical train of thought and she makes some stupid mistakes and bad decisions but overall its rational. if i was in her situation i would probably do the same thing. yiffany longstocking is like jade harleys' my love mine all mine by mitski you get me. jade harley yearns for the closeness and having a baby can fill that. what other option did she have? she was crazy
interested to hear other peoples thoughts on this. i may just be biased because i love jade harley
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splxtduxlies · 5 months
yes i kno i do a lot of agent 24 headcanons but what if. pearlina headcanons
(aka the other splatoon ship that makes up most of my brain's space)
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so at this point i think we all pretty much get their lore - marina was an octoling solider that heard the inkantation at the end of splat1 and fled from underground, pearl was a richy rich inkling who wanted to start a band, they make out they get married they adopt agent 8 yk the Canon
marina's first impression of pearl was "wow this short inkling girl can scream"
pearl's first impression of marina was that she looked cool and would make her band stand out from the rest bc of her "weird" look (pearl canonically did not know marina was an octoling lol) it wasnt long until "cool" became "shes pretty cute actually" and then "wow shes beautiful" and it just went downhill from there
for pearl she definitely fell in love with marina's looks first,, shes not even gonna lie,, she can be a lil shallow lesbian smh
marina for. obvious reasons cant say she ever found inklings physically attractive, given the. yk. propaganda in the underground
so for her she really admired pearl's inner beauty first and most
i like to think marina was not on the ground *at all* when she was in the military. definitely the one controlling the tech from the sidelines so she never really had to hold a weapon
hence, marina cannot fight. she's too pretty & she will cry
okay well she did grow up underground so she can hold her own when she needs to but she gets frazzled easily and a little overwhelmed. definitely tries to talk or manipulate her way out of tough situations
pearl, surprisingly on the otherhand, can and will beat the shit out of a grown man
well she's scrappy so she'll bite them and claw at them and kick in their shins and they'll run away but not without literal chunks bitten out of them
anything for her queen ✨️🌸
when marina agreed to make a band with pearl, pearl was so excited she immediately suggested marina move into her home (her bodyguards were horrified)
marina,,, immediately politely declined and pearl helped her get an apartment instead
basically, despite appearances and titles, pearl is not the princess who needs protecting by marina , she thinks of it Very differently
pearl's love language is, obviously, words of affirmation and gift giving
her way of "courting" marina was buying her tons of stuff and offering to have people do everything for her so she doesnt have to lift a finger
it worked for all pearl's exs sooooo should work for this octo baddie right (she is not right)
marina's love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation...actually its mostly physical touch lol
yk marina hugging pearl so hard they fall on the ground at the end of octo expansion. and then she keeps Going
marina is "baby i want the most high tech weaponry on the black market" and pearl is definitely "my baby gets whatever she wants laws be damned"
growing up a only child in a family with a LOT of money means pearl definitely got the spoiling but. she never got the feeling of spoiling Someone Else and she prefers that waay more
marina does not have expensive tastes,,, but she doesnt mind being spoiled sometimes as a treat i meann it would be rude to decline n she was raised to be polite soooOO
if marina's friends from the octoling barracks saw the stuff pearl buys her now they would be in Shock
but dont forget,,, marina was team love so shes not overly impressed by *all* the gifts
of all the fancy music gear and clothes and things pearl has bought her marina's favorite gift has just been plain ole flowers
they dont grow underground obviously but theyve always captured marina, the smell the look the different varieties she loves them
when marina thinks of the beauty and joy of being above ground first she thinks of pearl, and then she thinks of flowers
pearl catches on that marina likes flowers and starts ordering her tons of bouquets and starts lining the hallways leading to her apartment with floral gifts and flowers in the shape of her head and all kinds of junk
marina accepted the gifts. politely ofc
but her fondest memory is of her and pearl doing a photoshoot for an album in a wildflower meadow. marina looked so beautiful and Pearl's crushing was driving her crazy so she gathered a bunch of random flowers in her fist and shoved them in marina's face because she had to give her Something or she was gonna loose it
marina felt so fond, she keeps the dry and crumpled flowers in a locket with her all the time
at some point pearl realized marina likes it better when She opens the door for her first instead of pearl's bodyguards so now pearl rushes to every door to open it for marina before anyone else can
*bodyguard opens car door for pearl on side* *pearl runs to the other side of the car to open the door for marina*
pearl snores and drools like a dad of 4 who works a blue collar job 5 days a week and luckily marina is a heavy sleeper.
marina is the small spoon exclusively,,, when they fall asleep. when they wake up pearl is wrapped in marinas arms AND tentacles and she can't Move
whenever they get into fights pearl Always is the one to apologize. not just because shes usually the one whose wrong but marina is scary good at being cold (surprisingly given how affectionate and sweet she is with pearl) and pearl absolutely Hates it, its like the world feels wrong
everyone notices because marina is usually all over her, so pearl gets pressured by her bodyguards to apologize too (they always know shes in the wrong)
marina makes it look easy,,, but shes usually moments away from apologizing herself bc she misses her pearl so much
pearl is one of those people who makes sounds and hand motions to express feelings and marina is usually the only one who understands
marina has literally made a powerpoint presentation on all the things she loves about pearl in great detail. and she will present it do not test her
she's perpetually in the "crushing phase" and gets so excited to spend time with her and pearls like "babe we've been married for 2 years i see u every night and day"
if i was allowed to keep going i would never stop-
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deadaldipshit-jpg · 6 months
shut the fck up with your Taylor agenda if you have a problem with her that's okay but you don't gotta spread hate
If you have a problem keep it to yourself reblogging isn't going to make any difference
Everyone has a problem with her selective feminism but nobody has a problem with her underserved misogyny and sexism?
Okay I don't see you spreading stuff about any of the other silent celebrities
What about your selective hatred?
To start of, if reblogging doesnt make a difference, then how should it affect you. You shiuld have no problem with it. And everyjne is allowed to hate people.
I know taylor swift has faced a lot of unwanted and undeserved misogyny and sexism. But so have other women. She isnt alone. And she often seems to call any sort of criticisms as sexism. Also, she forgers about intersectionality and belives that she had it the worst, even though she is a rich white women who had conections even before she was 15.
And if you want to see my hate towards other silent celebrities here you go
- selena gomez is a bitch who thinks her own emotions is more serious than the millions of people who are dying in gaza everyday. The same selena who actively spoke up for ukraine. She, her ceo and her beauty brand support the idf and are donating ti isreal while feigning support to palestine.
- lana del ray is a fucking zionist who people are still supporting. Another sexist bitch who gets away with shut cause shes white and has above average music.
- all those fucking celebs who signed the letter in support of bidens desicion, and say that they are neutral, cause neutrality is in support of isreal.
Dear anon if you want me to continue i will.
And i have valid reason to not like taylor swift. Within the last 3 months, she had produced 138 tons of co2 emmisons. She can ruin peoples reputation with one post. She uses 'feminism' to target people who are just saying what they were told. She is infamous for copyright striking people for tiny things. She is a fucking billionaire, and if she cared for people, had empathy and morals, she would never have reached it.
So anon, im not spreading hate, im telling you the actual facts. Just cause im appalled by these people doesnt mean what im saying isnt true.
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notanerdyprude · 7 months
richie headcanons because by GOD do i love this
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• richie is TALL. lanky mf. he was shorter that pete in middle school and then shot up to 6’3 in highschool.
• richie constantly dyes his hair. paul hates it, mainly because of the mess he makes of it. its partially a stress thing partially him wanting to make it gleamingly obvious that hes queer.
• has like an Okay sense of fashion, mainly thanks to ruth. he took the idea of layering stuff and RAN with it.
• always has a shit ton of pins and badges, some anime themed, some themed with other stuff.
• paints his nails sometimes. he tried nail art and it turned out shit but he liked it anyways.
• this. man. is. a. BITCH. if max wasn’t the coolest guy in school richie would be such a cunt to him. well, more than he already is “i didnt mean to walk through YOUR hallway 😒”
• very blunt, he will tell his friends what he believes without sugar-coating it.
• richie is his friends number one hype man if he actually believes in them. in the audience of every school show screaming at the top of his lungs when the tech crew get thanked.
• gay, trans man. he/him pronouns user
• plays the drums! yes this is because i play the drums get out of my house.
• LOVES photography, will take photos of pretty scenery whenever he gets the chance. paul got him a proper camera for his 18th and he nearly cried.
• listens to 80’s rock/indie rock
• blur fan. not elaborating.
• will order boba tea or coffee that is 90% milk + sugar whenever the nerdy prudes get drinks.
• HUGE sweet tooth.
• theatre kid, the only reason he doesnt do the school musicals is that he thinks theyre all shit.
• works after school in a bookstore, spends most of his time studying or drawing.
• had a massive among us phase. he refuses to speak of it.
• paul is his uncle, emma is basically his cool wine aunt. she helps him dye his hair most of the time, and they gossip together.
• him and ruth are basically brother and sister, attatched at the hip, basically have twin telepathy. richie is the ultimate wingman.
• had a crush on pete in middle school that he got over. he still hasnt told pete about it.
• stephanie: kys
richie: you first whore
stephanie: do u want chilis
richie: yes
• (no one dies/everyone lives au) max and him have a frenemy type thing going on. after max DIDNT fall at waylon place, richie saw that max was less god more human, and felt more comfortable arguing back with max. they both prefer this, it makes class more fun.
• once made grace cry with the shit he said about his anime crushes in a groupchat
richie: i wanna #### him and ### his ####
grace: I hope I get to watch God offer you His divine judgement when you reach the gates of hell so I can laugh as you are banished from the Kingdom of Heaven.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
so i sort of half accidentally did the end of totk on monday, i had over 130 hours and slightly over 50% of the game done and did the second to last fight with 3 hearts left and no way to heal but fairies after i gave up multiple times thinking the game might be trying to force me to fight a certain way xD
so im still playing it and am aiming for the 100% but i dont think theres gonna be much more to discover story wise the game is really fun and has a lot of detail and love put into it that you can really see, the music is fantastic as well, some of the characters get more love which is great but the story is … well disappointing but not surprising, especially in its treatment of ganondorf, who still feels incredibly flat as a character, which was to be expected but also … you cant fault people (including me) for faintly hoping theyd do something more interesting tho i will say the end fight is really well done and i cant think of a way to top that in terms of epicness xD
anyway, some unfiltered thoughts and opinions in no particular order (keep in mind i know its viddy game logic uwu but still some things can really destroy the immersion; and also i like to think too hard about the stuff i care about so take this with a grain of salt, i never expected the story to be world changing but i want to remind you that i am criticizing it bc i love this franchise)
--what the hell happened to all the sheikah tech?? botws story gets mentioned a few times but never is it mentioned what happened to all the tons of tech lying around everywhere? if they dismantled the towers for purah to build her new ones around i guess thats fine, but all the srhines? the titans ??? THE SHRINE OF LIFE??? its all gone, esepcially the shrine of life irks me bc the cave is still there and its still called by its bame but its nothing but a cave in a vague shape of how the buidling was it absolutely drives me crazy bc its so dumb?? even if it all stopped working for some reason why would you dismantled it all and even then where did the material go?? why would you dismanlted an neitre building like that anyway?? if you want to have a cave there just have it be half collapsed, if all sheikah tech has gotten useless just leave it there but overgrown?? and why is all of purahs tech still working then? zelda doesnt seem to care about it anymore either even tho shes been so obsessed with it for so long? the titans how would you even MOVE them?? you CANNOT tell me that all this tech that survived tens of thousands of years just went poof within a few years; and sometimes it even feels .. insulting? like you know how much robelo cared for cherry and now shes tiny and just serves as a way to buy fotos for your collection? the fact that the shrine of life is fully gone but the cave is vaguely shaped like its interior and where the bed used to be is a healing pool of water too? like idk if im just insane but it feels like 'haha lol remember what used to be here? get it? the water heals you like the bed in the shrine of life and lol there was the stairs HAHA remember? its gone now for no reason.lmao.' to be clear i like having some mysteries and all but that is just …. so weird? when i discovered the shrine of life i was so taken aback i didnt know what to do, it really broke my immersion, by alot even, it just makes it feel even more like all sheikah tech was replaced by much cooler (tm) sonau tech
--what happend to the sonau people? we only know that rauru and mineru are the last two remaining ones back then but … what made them die out like that? this is by far not as important to me as the issue with the sheikah tech but still feels like a point that could have been mentioned
--as much as i like the open world and how free you are to do things your own way but, regardign the dragon tears i think they should have been locked more behind story progression, i got all of them rather early on and it made it a lil frustrating to play through the other story parts bc you know the truth but you cant tell anyone and everyone around you is acting like a dumbass running after fake zelda while the real one is floating around above you, and i know thats partly my fault for getting them all so early but it still felt like some could have been more well hidden or locked or something since theres no hint to when it would fit to do which one; i expecpted impa to travel to each one but it seemed like she appeared on only a few here and there- additionally i fully expected her to be more important, that she would have an actual involment trying to help zelda undragonfy but that turned out to be very wrong lmao
--why are the enemies in the underground mining sonanium? ganondorf didnt seem itnerested at all in any of their tech, only in the mystery stones (only one too, he didnt seem to want any more of them either) they dont use it for anything? at least the ones on the surface collected stuff they could eat or use for fighting?
--did mineru really build herself a robot body just to fight ganondorf for a bit and then leave? as the last of the sonau, even tho long dead too, why wouldnt she tell their history and knowledge or something and instead if just helping a lil in the fight and then go poof (i half expected purah to be a surprise sage since the spirit one would have fit her i think)
--the zelda being the white dragon plot point lost alot of weight to me when it was just .. resolved like that in the end, i know she spent thousands of years like that and all but it seemed like a much heavier decision that later on felt a little less flat after fidning mineru even tho i felt like i didnt care at all at first bc of the way i found out ,and i half expected there to be an extra mission to try and find her soul again since that apparently gets lost when you do the whole dragon thing, but in the end that wasnt a problem at all, two ghosts and link (somehow naked again) blasting her with some magic(tm) and boom shes back and well and fine woohoo it was a non problem after all i didnt expect her to stay dragon since that would mean the end of the legend of zelda basically, but still it took away alot of the weight of her decision to me? like i get undragonfying her before the end would be difficult since you can get material off of her but still i hoped for something other than boom it resolved itself and i thoguht and worried about it for nothing honestly a post game or even another title where the main focus wouldnt be desstroying yet anyother one note evilest guy of them all and isntead the goal is to bring zeldas soul back and undragon her or something would have been a cool idea tbh tho i know its unrealistic
--did ganondorf think turning himself into a dragon would end the world somehow? did he mean the lil evil goo clouds he spit at you in the last fight to end the world? and how come that he was vunerable to fight? none of the other dragons could be hurt and for an 'immortal' dragon he sure went down fast also how did the stone get back on his forehead? you need to eat it to dragonfy yourself and zelda doesnt have her stone out either (i know viddy games logic but still) (on another note, gan shoving half his arm in his own mouth felt really cursed to watch)
--into WHAT exactly wanted gan to reshape the world into?? only destroying it is such a non reason if you want to rule it? theres nothing left to rule if you kill everything in it?? he just gonna play cards with some bokblins or what -i really wanted to fight ganondorf on the surface, not in his lil miasma incubation cave again :(
--so …. why he evil? are we really doing the and WHOOP suddendnly theres the eviliest guy of the world and he hates your guts for some reason thing again? no tension with the gerudo that seemed to follow him in the lil cutscene we see and the ones that went on raurus side? no actual origin? does he have ANYONE to talk to normally or did he just surround himself by monsters all the time or abadon everyone that once followed him once he got his power up?? you can make any design or fight as good as it can possibly be but in the end its still gonna feel hollow if the character has no character besides evil even the fake zelda wasnt actually him and just a lil puppet made of miasma so even him fucking with people is a little less interesting when he was actually just marinading in his lil goop cave, and the lil hand wink he gives you at phase two can only do so much lmao
--ganondorf is cool and all, but tbh he feels more like the evil miasma goop guy than anything else --why are the old sonau ruins in hyrule so different from the rest? like we know now that they arent actually a civilization from the sky alone but were even in the underground too, and all of their ruins have that blocky white style to it, the supposedly sonau ruins in phirone for example, albeit they share the dragon theme the style on the outside is very much different? and the ancient ruins from the other races dont match it either --are the sheikah descendants of the mixing of sonau and hylians? the white hair and third eye theme would fit to the only alive sonaus we see having white hair (fur?), the literal third eye and their affinity to techonology similar to the sheikah, and zelda having both light and time powers would make sense if its yet another descendant thing, but that would mean zelda was at least part sheikah .. (ngl white haired zelda might look pretty neat actually) but also … it didnt seem like sonia and rauru have been together all that long and no mention or even hint to them having children … which given that both of them die would be an important thing to mention no?
--why cant you do anything with the dongos but feed them????????? i wanna ride them :(
--where is kashiwa????????????????? they talk about him like hes a lost legend
--putting in all the amiibo stuff is cool and annoying at the same time, i spent 5 hours fighting my way throguh the underground to follow treasure maps and found 3 nigh identcal link hats from past games in a row, then two other parts of similar, then two aiimbo weapons and then jsut yesterday another one from a bigger quest that i expected more of; getting the armor sets of past games is cool if you want them but if i did i would have just gotten the amiibos back in botw, my inevntory already feels super bloated with all the new and old armor sets and now the amiibo stuff as well even tho i have like .. half of it all atm (and dont go and argue 'oh so complaining about more content for free???' yes. yes i am.)
--whats with this game and making link almost naked? rauru saving you from death? naked. (annoying) survival shrines? naked. weird teleport to alternate ghost dimension to blast zelda with magic power tm to solve all problems? naked.
--(added in edit) im glad dorephan didnt die!! i fully expected him to have died offscreen or something to make way for everyones favorite fish
--(added in edit) so are definitely other lands besides hyrule if yona came from there, also lol
--the story feels, espeically once you see the last cutscene, very …. uncomfortable to me if dare to think about it more than just taking everythign as its said to you, like … the oh so perfect descednants of the gods(what) marry a normal hylian lady and sourround themselves with perfetly obedient faceless servants of the other races so the perfect and good kingdom tm is born and oh suddendly theres an evil brown man (makign him grey doesnt change the implications, if anything, it makes it worse bc they wont even stand for it and instead are trying to hide it behind uuuuh no no its fine hes blue actally kinda way) from the desert that attacks the perfect good kingdom and king, then he swears alliance to them only to betray and murder da queen right away to get his hands on a super power the perfect and good king held and would have never never used it in a bad way nono and now they need to defend it by all means and at the end woohoo zelda has now again the perfect kingdom with no opposition except the yiga who are (as much as i love them) mostly played for laughs or .. well, evil(tm) as epic and cool the dragon fight was, zelda being the slim tiny white/gold/blue dragon and ganondorf being the evil spiky big black and red dragon and them literally being called white/black dragon feels like wow they arent even trying to hide the black and white storytelling huh (i know its a design trope to the bad be black(color) and the good anything else and spiky vs round and soft blah blah but that doesnt make it any better .. maybe even worse? idk)
the way nintendy was keeping stuff a secret and hinting around so much made me feel like it would finally be a little more nuanced and then it turned out to be even flatter than before and all that secrecy(?) was only to keep dragon zelda plotpoint a secret, something that was resolved no problem in the end anyway (i didnt need zelda to stay dragon but .. it all just lost so much weight the way it was done at the end)
-- (added in edit) master koga is the best character and no one can beat him, the most joy i felt was seeing him again and i am not joking, i wish i could talk to him normally tho without him being able to see through my yiga disguise :( im so glad he didnt die tho bc if he actually went to gan he would 100% be dead within seconds
--(added in edit2) i forgot to mention but was just reminded that link getting his arm back felt super weird too, so really everything that meant major changes got reversed basically ... coool ...back to status quo i guess, couldnt he if he wasnt missing it at least have it be discolored somehow? or scarred? any reminder? zelda too even, could she also have some sort of scar or similar due to her transformation ??
--(added in edit2) so where did the mystery stones even come from? gans and zeldas are gone after dragonfying i guess so ...what?
so in summary, im not eloquent enough to properly analyse all the problematic/questionable stuff and put it into the right words, but these are my random thoughts just spilled out, theres gonna be things i missed, forgot, or gonna think about later, maybe ill add it maybe not
again take it with a grain of salt, the game is still one of the most fun games i have ever played, my problems with it lie majorly in the story, its still very much worth playing!
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qibilette · 18 days
HI apologies for just rbing a bunch of your posts, but I saw your tags about rewriting of the Seawing Royal Family & specifically Tsunami & Corals relationship, I’d love to hear your rewrite thoughts on that if you’d open to share. ! ! !!
howdy! please don't apologize, it always makes my day when people reblog my stuff & leave such kind notes!!! tysm :]
and yesss i love the seawing royals!!! in my rewrite, tsunami has the most family focus out of any prophecy dragonet. i removed clay's sibs from the first book, so the lost heir is the first time any of them meet family members! i have a lot of thoughts about them so this is going under a readmore LOL
when tsunami first meets her mom, it really does feel like coming home. they're both incredibly happy to be reunited and coral showers her with tons of special treatment. at this point, tsunami sees coral as sweet and powerful and fun to be around - she's the mother that the guardians never were, and that tsunami has been wanting her entire childhood.
the first crack in this view is when tsunami gets to know her many brothers. coral insists they aren't "as important" as tsu, because they can't take the throne - tsu doesn't really like this, but she grew up with unhealthy parental figures, so she can't quite put it into words. parents always have favorites, that's just how it is, right? she also feels some sort of way about anemone being kept on a literal leash (and how anemone is often told she needs to be "like tsunami"), but again, she believes coral's defense that she does everything for her chicks' safety. tsunami wants to trust her mom; she wants to believe that coral is good and kind, and that she's everything tsunami didn't have growing up.
there's also a moment in here where tsunami visits the royal hatchery and coral tells her about orca. coral remembers orca as a perfect daughter who just snapped one day. coral compares tsunami to her, in a bittersweet way... also, all throughout the lost heir coral tends to treat tsunami like a child, insisting she be More Formal but also laughing when she messes up social norms & insisting she's Just Fine How She Is. tsunami is clearly her favorite kid, but tsunami also doesn't feel totally enough, like her youth under the mountain left coral disappointed in her.
what really cements tsunami's doubts is when coral pulls out a hatchery guard's teeth for failing to protect the eggs (the egg of auklet's clutchmate is smashed). tsunami is horrified - this is the kind of baseless violence she saw (and hoped to leave) in the sky kingdom. coral says it's only fair, though, and says that tsunami will have to make "tough decisions" too when she's queen.
tsunami meets with her brothers afterwards but it doesnt really help, because they just share more of coral's flaws. after this she goes back to the surface and finds the rest of the prophecy dragonets & fills them in on everything that's been going on. they understand immediately and she finds more comfort in them than she ever has in the sea kingdom.
this is a major realization for tsunami! coral is not a perfect mother, and there was never a dream family waiting for her in the sea kingdom... but that's okay, because she already has her family: the other dragonets.
so overall, tsunami does love her mom, but she's also very aware of coral's flaws and how she hurt her other children. coral treats tsunami better than anybody else but also tends to baby her, as if she's catching up on lost time or doesn't see tsu as her own person. its hard to summarize their relationship but i hope you like the block of text anyway!
o superman by laurie anderson is THE coral + tsunami song, by the way
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crushedsweets · 6 months
It’s that time of year so I gotta ask;
What Christmas gifts do you see the Creeps getting for each other if they did or were capable of celebrating Christmas?
btw: the proxies, natalie, nina, and jack are often in contact
liu, jeff, ben, jane, sally, lulu, and ann do their own thing with their own families (or theyre undead and cant comprehend time passing.. or have nobody...etc)
brian would try to get something small for a lot of the creeps (the proxies, natalie, jack, nina). candy, candles, lighters, watches, pocket knives, etc
tim might give cards but like... he'd only get brian and maybe toby a real gift, again something like cologne or whatever 'manly' shit LOL. gloves etc
toby would try to get something bigger for his friends. he's petty so he'd get tim something like socks. but he'd steal makeup for nina, a bike he would fix up and paint for natalie, CDs and tapes and stuff for jack, hoodies and hats for Kate. he'd buy brian a gag shirt every goddamn year. something with a stupid quote or ugly photo. every. year. brian eats it up everytime. also gets ben gag gifts, but really cheap ones cuz he..doesnt really use anything... but he likes to laugh
kate doesn't get anyone anything, but she like. cries really easily when she receives something. not like bawling 'OMG THANK U' but like she sniffles and has to walk away (if they don't hug her first) and then come back to say thanks. toby thinks its hilarious so he'd never leave her out even if she doesn't get him something
jack would have to ask nina and natalie if he could use their address to order gifts from amazon with his dark web money..... natalie is a safer bet, but he doesnt trust her not to open her and toby's gift, so he sends that to nina, then ninas gift to natalie, and its kind of a pain in the ass. but he's hella awkward and just outright is like 'can you guys just tell me what you want' so he'll get them exactly what they ask for. even if its kind of expensive. he makes plenty of money ...
natalie only buys stuff for toby, nina, and jack. but she'll get cards for jeff, ben, and kate. she spends a lot of time in thrift stores to get toby and nina stuff specifically for their style and size, and would even learn to do basic tailoring (like hemming) for it. she'd also paint something for/with nina, but she'd feel awkward doing it for toby. she'd get jack candles and pillows and like.. stuff to make his cabin feel/smell nice. since he can't really see it. ALSO AUDIO BOOKS FOR HIM.
nina goes all out. she's broke as fuck during november/december cuz of it. she's buying expensive jewelry, perfume/cologne, hoodies, shoes, consoles. she was fucking SPOILED growing up by her dad, and loves giving it back. one year she'd be dramatic as fuck and buy a whole ass console for kate and toby at the cabin. then realize toby and kate now wont text her back cuz theyre fucking gaming. LMFAOOOO . she'd make a ton of kandi and paint shirts and write letters and stuff.
liu would buy nina something nice, flowers and earrings and hair products and stuff. he'd mail jane+mary a card and chocolates, visit his parents graves and go see some cousins/aunts/grandparents for the holidays. he'd be out of state for the holidays, every time. he can't stand to spend the holidays alone
jane goes all out with her family too. she spends christmas eve with her family(and brings mary), aka her grandparents and aunts/uncles. she spends christmas day with mary's family. she would send liu a card back out of respect. she'd also spoil sally. sally is completely content spending christmas alone while jane goes to mary's family, but jane sets up netflix and toys and dresses and stuff for her.
sally lives with jane/mary fulltime, but she refuses to go anywhere other than the forest and jane's house. she'll draw cards for jane and mary every year and help them decorate. jane is grateful for sally, since she doesn't know if she'd have it in her to decorate without a child's joy motivating her
jeff doesnt do shit. he gets kinda depressed and hangs out with ben. might snag a card and some chocolates for natalie, MAYBE. if he's still "with" nina, he'll steal random stuff for her but not take into account her actual tastes. but him and ben just sit around and game while jeff smokes and eats hella . LOL
ann, lulu, sadie, and dina don't celebrate at all. again, they're stuck in timeloops or constant hazes, or have legitimately no interest in the holiday
extra random stuff:
nina forces kate, toby, and natalie into ice skating every year. photo booths, driving to see christmas lights.
toby tries forcing everyone to go over to jack's cabin ..cuz he doesn't wanna invite them to his LMFAOOOO. he says it's nina and brian's idea, but he's the one who sets the date and texts invites. him, jack, and natalie put together some dinner and everyone just kinda hangs out and eats.
nina decorates the fuck out of her apartment and goes to toby's cabin to put up some stuff. she hangs mistle toe and literally nobody listens to the 'rule' but she's always like "omg...kateeee...you and i just so happen to be under the mistle toe... >.<... what now..?" LMFAOOO
anyway merry christmas and happy holidays guys :) have a good day luv u
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jelmet · 9 months
what pets i think fit with the batfam
these are kinda out of order but what evs
tell me what other characters u want (doesnt have to be bat-adjacent)
Dick Grayson
German shepherd maybe a huskey mix too
I know he has Hailey in canon but canon is of my choosing
I feel like his prestict was training dogs and one of them failed the training but hes already bonded with it so he takes it home with him and now he has a dog
he names it after somthing in the cirus
also named nightbite and the dog is considered a vigilante but only comes out to calm down children
Jason Todd
orange tabby
whenever someone meets the cat for the 1st time he spends 15 mins trying to convince them the cat is actually red
named elizabeth, and he forces you to call the cat elizabeth, no lizzie or any other nickname only elizabeth
he found her wandering around crime alley with out a collar and scooped her up and took her home
they become inseparable except when jason is doing vigilante stuff them the cat sleeps in his bed
shes tiny from malnourishment ect. from being on the street
he nourishes her back to health but she never gets to full size
Tim Drake
he wanted a bullfrog before realizing how annoying they are and ended up getting an american toad
he named it either tim jr. or frog
he puts it in a mason jar (no top ofc) with some water and brings it everywhere (non vigilante)
the toad works comms and he tries to get everyone to call it red toad (failure)
he wears gloves when handling it and is very careful not to get salmonella (all reptiles and amphibians are loaded with it)
Duke Thomas
im giving him 2 types of pets
first he has a fish tank with those floresent neon fish
he has the full set up with the black lights and everything
1 fish of each color named color fishie (blue fishie, yellow fishie, ect.)
he also gets a rabbit
specifically a Miniature Cashmere Lop
he names it judy (zootopia reference lol)
he took her on patrol with him one in one of those baby carries that straps to your chest but he bent down and judy hopped out and he spent half an hour chasing her around
she lives on his bedroom floor, he has everything she needs lined along a wall and she just kinda chills all day
Cass Cain
she gets a common brown snake
they are non venomous, typically very docile, and the longest they can get is 13 inches long
she did tons of research on snakes and makes sure it living its best live
names it after her favorite fruit
she keeps trying to feed duke’s fish to it
brown snakes are fairly small so she will curl it around her fingers on one hand and do her homework with the other
Carrie Kelley
Yes shes part of the family
a hedgehog
she keeps it in her pocket
his name is sonic
she made him a blue mask and paints some of the quills blue and takes him on patrol (he mostly stays in her pocket)
one notable occasion she shot him with her sligshot into a thug’s face
sonic was ok the thug however was not
sonic lives in carrie’s pocket
Alfred Pennyworth
mini horse
he named it named fredrick
it stays out in the barn with batcow
he goes out on walks around the manor grounds and the horse will follow him around
helps out around the batcave and works coms with frog
Damian Wayne
i know he already has a ton of pets go away
caribbean reef octopus
i saw a video of one of these guys escaping its tank and immediately thought of damian
either gives it an arab name or names it richard
has an amazing tank setup for it with lots of enrichment
sometimes he takes it out on walks around the manor and damian will carry a little spray bottle to ensure he doesnt dry out
a bearded dragon
he wanted a komodo dragon but they are massive (and venomous) so he compromised on a bearded dragon
he gives her either an arab name or names her timothy
just like the octopus he takes really good care of her
she has a bunch of differnt outfits and leashes and he takes her on walks all the time
Stephanie Brown
Indian star tortoise
she saw a tortoise mukbang video and decided she needed one (go to animal asmr on youtube)
she named her ravioli
tried to get her a job in the bat med bay but alfred refused to let “ground zero for a salmonella outbreak” into the med bay
she has a massive box with multiple sets of lights despite how tiny she is (hes a baby now and about 2.5 in but adults get to 7-12 in)
as a baby she rides around on steph’s shoulder
once she gets bigger steph puts her in a leash
Bruce Wayne
way too many bats to count
each person has a bat named after them and a bat they have named
the rest are named bat bat
the bats are not allowed outside of the batcave
he also has ace (bat hound) who, from my best guess, is a Doberman
he also gets a fox moth
he raises it from a caterpillar and he loves it (he picks it up off the sidewalk and decides to keep it)
he names it bug
only pet not allowed to go into the batcave
it mostly stays on his head or shoulder when not asleep (even as a full grown moth)
sleeps in a net like cage thing hanging in his room
he cried really hard when it pupated only for a moth to come out a few weeks later
why is the starfish here?
anyway in Flash 238-243 in the 70’s hal has a pet alien starfish thing named itty
jarro gets his own itty and yeah
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weirdmageddon · 10 months
ur davejade posting has me Remembering and goddddd. theyre so good. thank u
i want to make a davejade analysis masterpost but the funniest thing with these asks is that theyre the ones that really prompt me to put my thoughts together in some direction and i ALWAYS find a new implication or connection to talk about. like while i’m writing the connections will just make themselves known. if i made a masterpost i’d have to update it every time i think of something new which defeats the purpose of a masterpost because it’d never be finished. so i just like to spitball into separate posts and just shove them in my davejade tag. i was NOT expecting to get back into homestuck with davejade at the forefront but i can see things now i didnt then
im gonna go off again because it’s so obvious to me on this jumpy scrambled “reread” that dave has a fat fucking heart-on / affection erection for jade. hes tryin soo hard to be cool but hes like this with jade actually behind the screen and she knows it
words and deeds of a court jester dude who totally has a crush on his childhood internet friend and doesnt acknowledge it (btw this is woefully incomplete for the sake of brevity but i could elaborate in another post. i actually have a draft (edit: posted) with a shit ton of more analysis stuff in it on why he acts differently with her than other characters):
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the next day (chronologically) when jade messages him:
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hussie commentary: “Dave's one-pixel-smile there means that there are literally more than ten thousand drawings on the internet of Dave and Jade kissing. That pixel literally made that happen.”
i mean … it sure is easy to assume how he feels about jade based on the way he talks to her and when his sprite only ever smiles one other time in the entire fucking comic and the reality of that other one was arguable since it was during [S] Karkat: Mental breakdown and its likely karkat was hallucinating it based on the content and context of the flash
nah this one was real. and it was from the first conversation we saw between dave and jade in the comic and thus set the standard for their dynamic. and remember old school 2009 dave was kind of a menace so it says a lot
this girl was special enough to him to warrant that pixel
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jade calling dave a “huge baby” for him getting nervous about a piss while she’s his server player. he makes such a big deal about it while shes like oh my god just go:
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and the absurdity of the situation being one of his favorite memories
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i know pesterquest isn’t “canon” canon but it passes my character essence check and still contributes something of substance to my argument. like i can say this is not at all out of place if these characters were plopped into these scenarios. remember this takes place on the same day as the above, 4/13/2009. theyre the same age as above and have the same relationship as they did above, just in a different scenario that wasn’t possible in canon wherein they didn’t play sburb
Jade wanders away from that window and toward another one, whose view is exclusively centered on the rolling blue. She presses a hand against the misty pane and sighs. JADE: you know, dave talks a lot about coming to visit me here. i mean, all of my friends do but dave especially JADE: in his usual davey way of course, which means making lots of jokes and not sounding very serious about it JADE: "yeah im itching to put on my safari hat and come traipsing down to doomdeath archipelago to get my ass murdered by infinidog the eldritch retriever," stuff like that JADE: i know he really means it though! he wants to see me, just like i want to see him JADE: but its just wishful thinking
anyway daves reaction to seeing his isolated online friend for the first time irl cry because she has guests. its even better with the character sprites
JADE: we can play with all my toys and jam out to some music and stay up all night chatting with each other and oh my god oh my god youre here youre all here this is really happening!!!!! Jade's next laugh verges on hysterical and she's got tears streaked down her cheeks. Dave looks a little perturbed. DAVE: wow holy shit uh DAVE: its cool jade no need to get so DAVE: like this DAVE: kind of fucks me up seeing you cry DAVE: not that im trying to make this all about me DAVE: i mean uh
and so after mspa reader’s intervention, who do we see with jade the next time we see her?
dave. and hes goofing with her squiddles while grinning
DAVE: okay so lets see what we got here Jade's room is bright and cheery, fresh flowers in the hanging pots, curtains pulled open wide to let in the afternoon sunlight. Jade sits on her bed while Dave paces in front of a line of squiddle toys, carefully assembled in neat ranks. DAVE: this blue one is clearly in charge look at his dominant posture DAVE: also hes the only motherfucker not tentacle deep in his homie DAVE: hes an untangled buddy that is some shit really cuts to the core of like DAVE: DAVE: emotions JADE: its actually because the magnets in him are messed up, and always have been!! DAVE: harley you are ruining the magic come on
basically what im putting together is that dave was REALLY fixin to spend some time with jade. extending into her sphere of interests that he doesnt express much with anyone else; you can tell he really wanted to engage with her in a less irony poisoned way. he’s softer with her than his other friends and god forbid the trolls, he is much less skeptical about things when talking to her (he even questions why he just seems to go along with her eccentric precognitive statements but he doesnt change his attitude about it), he showers her with his music and raps to the point where jade is expectant of getting poetry from him. rap IS poetry. please realize that dave is sending her his poetry, regardless of how goofy it may be. this is the level on which im viewing this at and once you realize this theres no going back. there comes a time in every homestuck’s life where they have to see how dave interacted jade and conclude that he had a cute little puppy crush on her unbeknownst to either of them. and it was adorable. and now, in the year 2023, it’s your time to realize this too. no going back.
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and btw it all came back around…………………nimblest son of a bitch who had the gumption to glue a nasty pair of latex cat lips to his face
for a reason that wasnt a joke anymore
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don’t think ive seen anyone talk about this parallel at the end to one of their first conversations in the comic. maybe somebody did back in the day but i never saw it
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