#she has all the dvds bc shes the one that got me into it
spacebugarts · 1 year
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coffeeastronaut · 1 year
trying to pack my dvds and running up against the problem of . i have too much and mostly bc i have doubles of . um . all of trek original series. all the trek movies (og and aos!). all of star wars. and lord of the rings. and each duplicate has different special features then it’s match. and i havent finished ripping everything yet. and im a freak data hoarder. so it just has to come with. Like. augh.
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leclerced · 9 months
Heyyy hope you have a good day, i come bearing new thots
Credit where credit’s due, the idea is an old and deleted roger Taylor fic and not from me.
HOWEVER. Im now obsessed with this scenario with either lando or oscar (ill let you choose <3)
Roommate!AU !!!
Imagine you’re friends and roommates with lando or oscar and he has to study for his upcoming biology exam at uni. The topic? Female reproductive organs🤭
He just genuinely struggles with understanding the anatomy of a vagina and that picture in his damn book is absolutely not recognisable.
And since him and reader are friends and she doesn’t think thoughts all the way through she offers him to look at hers. I mean hes seen her shirtless a million times its nbd.
And staring at her beautiful pussy really does help him - to an extend. Hes so into his studies he doesn’t really process that he asked her „can i touch it??“ and she just goes along with it bc it’s already lowkey awkward and theres no turning back now.
She tries to not make it more awkward by suppressing her moans when his finger brush over her clit all while hes just identifying parts with his thoughts oblivious to what he does to her.
And she cant keep in the moan when he pushes his fingern in and suddenly he realises what hes doing. But he sneakily keeps going until she cums and hes trying his best to keep up the ignorant act bc shes js too hot like that😩
Got damn it i need a full length version of this fic again 😭
i want to write a full length version omfg this is incredible!!! pictured oscar immediately. kinda set in like the early 2000s in my head bc i wanted to mention dvd rentals One Time and that's not a thing anymore but that's the world i grew up in LMAO
sorry i like got too into this at first and forgot i made plans to game with my friend and rushed the ending im sorry. added read more bc it's just over 1k <3 i think i like this a lot other than the ending idk . lmk what u think i hope it meets the expectations set by the original
reader thinks oscar's an innocent idiot but he just probably shouldn't be in medical school because while he can find the clit, he certainly doesn't know the name of it.
Her roommate has been staring at the same page for half an hour, they're seated on opposite ends of the couch, leaning against the arms and facing each other. She has a Stephen King novel leaned on her propped up knees and Oscar has an open textbook balanced on one thigh and a notebook open to a blank page on the other. After another frustrated sigh leaves him, she drops her book on the coffee table and leans over to see what he's looking at. She almost laughs when she sees the miniature sketch of a vagina, "You know, the DVD rental place down the street has rated X movies."
Oscar snorts, "I'm trying to work, leave me alone. I'm supposed to learn all the anatomical names of a vagina, but the only drawing I have is in this stupid book."
She leans in further to the diagram and hums, "That's a horrible diagram, no wonder you're getting nothing done. How old is that that textbook?" He shrugs and stretches back over the arm of the couch, "Probably like thirty, the professor wrote it himself and he's ancient."
Her eyes get pulled to his hips as he reaches behind his head and groans, his shirt lifting the slightest to reveal soft skin before he drops his arms back down. She licks her lips as she directs her gaze up to his face, "I could show you mine, if you want." The swift inhale Oscar makes is audible, he keeps his gaze locked on the books in his lap as he says, "Really?" Instead of verbally agreeing, she just scoots back to where she was leaning moments before on the arm of the couch and shimmies her shorts down before she can think twice. She giggles at the look on Oscar's face as she kicks the shorts off her ankles and he takes in the sight of her panties, lacy and red. "Are you sure?"
She shrugs and teases, "Well it's not like they have 3D models. I'm sure, I wouldn't have offered otherwise. Are you sure?" He nods slowly and she tugs her panties down her thighs and smirks at the blush that creeps up his cheeks as she drops them on his lap. She doesn't know where the sudden confidence has come from, but she feels no shame as she opens her legs to him. She drops one foot to the floor and the other lifts to rest on the back of the couch. Oscar holds her eye for a moment before she watches his gaze drift down her body and he starts to lean in before pausing, "Can I get closer?" She nods at his question and answers, "As close as you want." Oscar lurches forwards, knocking the forgotten textbook to the floor as he fumbles to grab his pen and notebook to take notes.
She can't read his chicken scratch handwriting, so whatever he's scrawling about her pussy is undecipherable to her as she watches him analyze her. She's trying not to think about how this could be weird, how it is weird to offer to let your roommate use you as an anatomy dummy. It's not really the first time. He's done other things, like when he needed to practice IVs so she let him give her a banana bag the next time she was hungover. She liked teasing him about it, calling him Doctor Piastri when she let him listen to her heart with his stethoscope. Or when she comes down with a cold and she calls him into her room to diagnose and treat her, and he brings her cold medicine and soup from the deli down the street.
She's pulled out of her thoughts when he clears his throat and she meets his eyes before she hums quizzically. The pink tint that had spattered his cheeks turns into a bright red as he asks, "Can I touch you?"
She almost thinks she didn't hear him correctly, but there's no way he could have said anything else, so she tries to joke, "So you're a hands on learner, then?"
Oscar quickly counters, "Yeah, do you mind?"
It's her turn to lose her breath as she stupidly nods and blushes as she takes in the realization that he's about to touch her pussy. In the name of science, she agrees, "No, go ahead." Then, his hand is on her pussy and his focus is entirely on the space between her legs as he spreads her lips apart and she has to close her eyes and force her mind to other places as he tilts his had interestedly. She wishes she could stop her body from reacting to his touch, but she can't. Not when he pulls back the hood of her clit, she hears him writing something, then there's a soft pressure on her clit and she has to bite the inside of her cheek to not react. She tells herself not to make any sounds so it won't be weird, he's just trying to study, he's not doing anything to her really.
She can feel the wetness build under his fingers as he slips them down to her entrance and back up. She hears Oscar mutter something but she can't make it out over the blood rushing through her head as he presses his fingers back against her clit. "Is this... The labia?" The laugh she lets out is half a moan, "That's the- clit. Labia are the lips." He dips his fingers down and pinches one lightly, "This?"
She's somehow endeared by the curiosity, and sighs, "Yeah. That. Minora. The outer one is majora."
Oscar lets out a little huff, "How do you know the names? You're not even taking anatomy." His fingers find her clit again, this time lightly pinching it, and her thighs tense as he mumbles, "Clit." She hears his pen scratching across his paper and then dips his finger down to her entrance and presses inside. She wonders what he's thinking as he slowly thrusts his finger in and out of her, his other hand still writing on the paper. It's not until he slips a second finger inside of her and curls them as he suddenly presses his thumb to her clit that she breaks her silence, a whimper falling from her lips as the unexpected pleasure hits her. She somehow doesn't realize then that this isn't his first time like she thought when she saw the surprised look on her face. Then she flutters her eyes open and immediately realizes it because he's already looking up at her, a cocky smirk playing on his lips. She gasps, "You- you didn't really need help, did you?"
He shrugs innocently, "I still don't know the names, could you remind me?" She can't tell if he's being serious or not as he quickens his thumb on her clit and she's saved from responding as he pushes up her body and presses his lips to hers hungrily.
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double--blind · 11 months
(SPOILERS) Ashley, self-esteem, and starvation
So, I adore Ashley. She's this intensely toxic, vicious, cruel, manipulative girl, and her psychology gives me hella brainworms. Andrew's not the only one whose head I wanna crack open and root around lol. She's thrown away the world just to keep her brother by her side, and she'll continue to do worse and worse for the same reason. She's pretty awful! I've been thinking about why, though. How did things get so bad? How did her soul get so dark?
We don't know everything (I'm waiting for those new eps patiently aND CLAWING AT THE WALLS AND FROTHING AT THE MOUTH but whatevs y'know whatevs I'm normal. I'm fine), yet what information we have been given is bumping around my brain like a DVD screensaver on hyperdrive
It's clear from the start that the roots of Ashley's issues lie in her horrible, neglectful upbringing, but it's hinted that even those outside of her family felt the same abt her. I'm lowkey even betting we'll learn later on that she was ostracized by her peers somehow. However, what's most disconcerting, I believe, is how little she was when the results of this alienation are first made apparent to us (bc kids aren't dumb; they notice this stuff oftentimes instinctively, impossibly young, before they even know what it means to be hated), and how devastating the consequences were.
(There's something decidedly childish abt her dream sequence in the "questionable" route—filled with crayon scribbles and rabbit plushies, the metaphors simplistic yet profound—which really hammers in how these sentiments are things that have made a home in her since childhood. Formative subconscious truths.)
Growing up unloved and noticeably unwanted by virtually everyone around her likely left her with a gaping hole in her heart that she'd spend the rest of her life trying to fill. She'd make friends, but she'd always worry that they'd leave her, that they'd betray her, nothing tangible or weighted enough in their connection to trust in its persistence. Why should she expect otherwise? Not even being bound by familial ties ensures affection if her parents are any indication.
Every lesson she'd ever learned had always taught her this: you are easy to abandon. You cannot love and be loved by virtue of your own worth.
You have to rip their affection from their clenched hands if you want it so bad.
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This understanding carries with it an undercurrent of degradation, instilling within Ashley a constant, biting inferiority complex which will never fail to be a source of insecurity. She will always be put last. She was difficult to raise, so her parents gave up on raising her. She was difficult to get along with, so her friends gave up on getting along with her.
It's an odd cycle. She's difficult bc she needs to be to get attention, but bc she's difficult, she can't keep it. Not without having whatever fondness she's managed to cultivate within someone fray at the seams, volatile and prone to collapse, bleeding toxicity.
Hence, her relationship w/Andrew.
By being the only reliable constant in her life, caring for her and keeping her company, Andrew essentially became her only source of happiness, and she's since learned not to bother with anyone else. Still, it's dangerous to keep all your eggs in one basket; since he is all she has, she must protect her place in his life with even greater ferocity, which becomes a torturous ordeal when coupled with her damaged self-esteem.
It's apparent in her quarrels with Andrew that she needs constant reassurance that she is wanted in some capacity or perceived in some positive light (getting pouty when Andrew says he's "stuck with her", needing to hear that she's pretty, needing him to "choose her", wanting him to say he loves her back, etc. etc.), yet her insecurity remains, bc unlike her, he's got options. She doesn't think he needs her like she needs him. He's got a gf, their parents love him, her friends love him. Why would he settle for her? What if someone better comes along? Someone she can't scare away?
Wouldn't he just leave her like everyone else?
Even before getting locked in the coffin of their apartment, starvation's been a constant theme in Ashley's life. She's constantly aching for love, and Andrew's the only one who can feed her. When you're forced to fight for a bite to eat or suffer every moment you hunger, you become ravenous—covetous—when faced with food; you don't want the hunger to return, so you lock down the source of your sustenance, wary of its retreat. Ashley's in a permanent state of intense insecurity, always anxious that the love that gives her life will leave her.
Andrew knows Ashley better than anyone else in the world, and it's obvs to everyone and him how desperate Ashley is for him, but I don’t think Andrew has truly, consciously processed the depth of that desperation. It's there buried in his head somewhere no doubt, but rn, he doesn't operate w/the direct awareness that he is everything. He is brother, mother, friend, and soulmate. He is life and love, air and water, everything that is good in the world—everything that there is to justify existence.
It's heartbreaking, in a way, that it's so difficult for Andrew to convince her of his loyalty. This goes further than his tendency to hide his true feelings, bc when push comes to shove, he's at her beck and call. Objectively, he's hers. She doesn't see that bc all she sees is all the ways she can lose him.
So, she gets bratty. She gets pushy, possessive, territorial. Manipulative. Gets under his skin, guilts him to exhaustion, bc she can't see him staying any other way, bc he doesn't get it, bc it works. He bends to her will, for her sake. For now. It's always "for now", bc he'll start slipping away again, and then it'll get worse. She does worse.
Becomes worse.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
I just read your mcyts x musical theater reader and it was so sweet. I was wondering if you could do something similar but instead of the reader doing musical theater, they do movie/tv acting??? maybe with slimecicle, niki, foolish, and quackity?
I can try I can try 🙏🙏 ; I wanna formally apologize to anyone who's sent requests that I've never posted, sometimes the lack of ideas just hits me like a brick and I physically have no more ideas and can't post them lol ; also sorry if any of this is a little inaccurate, this is just what I know from bts videos and dead meat / kill counts lmao
MCYT ; actor reader
includes ; nihachu, quackity, foolish gamers & slimecicle
warnings ; language
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your biggest fan fr
she binges every single movie/show you've been in just for you
then afterward her tiktok fyp is filled with edits of your characters
her pinterest is filled with pics of your characters too lmao
she's got boards for all the diff characters and aesthetics and bts pics
you send her a picture of you hung by a harness and she's like "what kind of contraption are you in and why"
probably watches the movies/shows you're in on stream for first time reactions and commentary
if you have to wear a wig for a project you'll show her like a time-lapse of how the makeup dept puts it on and she's just like "how long does that take???" "an hour" "omg"
liking, reposting and commenting on any edits of you/your characters
actually so down bad /hj
yk damn well he's always asking "hey any new movies or shows ur gonna be in soon??" "not soon enough for u to watch rn lmao"
always makes jokes in reference to media you've been in
asks what other actors are like bts and if they're actually nice or if they have a JLO type ego
always wants to match Halloween costumes w your characters and their love interest/best duo type friend iykwim
hides the fact he reads fanfiction about you and your characters
owns every single piece of merchandise related to your characters
owns every piece of media you've been in on DVD, and has most of the original scores on cd/vinyl
constantly making references and jokes to movie/show deaths you've acted out / traumas your characters have endured
his tiktok fyp is FILLED with edits of you
every like three scrolls it's another edit that he likes, reposts and favorites
he rewatches edits 24/7
also dives into fandom culture a bit bc he wants to talk to people who like your career as much as he does
also the type to ask "is ___ a good person or are they secretly a bitch?" lmao
you spill all the juice
has an actual checklist of which movies/shows he's watched and how many times he has
the gossip about other actors bts goes crazy
he's probably the one to show up to set the most to give you food or motivation lol
"whatre you guys doing with all the blood?" *cue him looking to giant gallons of fake blood*
"I, ___ & ___ are dying today"
"Oh, fuck, cool. can I watch?"
matching Halloween costumes with your characters 💯💯💯
he's obsessed with seeing edits of you and reposting the ones he finds on Twitter
"Holy shit you guys are insane (make more right now)
w boyfriend
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carmsgarms · 2 months
just wanna hug you for the jkr post bc my former friends made me feel insane for not validating their continued engagement 💜
Bestie listen youve unzipped me and im about to go off. Harry Potter was my entire life until she literally couldn't shut the fuck up about trans women being perverts and infiltrators. I was a lonely neurodivergent weirdo and Harry Potter brought me solace as a kid. I read each of the books at least 7 or 8 times, that shit is INGRAINED in my brain. One of my best friends of 10+ years is my friend today because the first thing we bonded over was seeing the last HP movie. I used to be deadset on my 2nd tattoo being my pottermore wand with my hogwarts house. I wanted a fucking HP-themed wedding. The first funko pops I bought were Harry Potter ones. My first serious boyfriend told me he wanted to propose to me in front of Hogwarts castle (this was something he said to guilt trip me when i dumped his ass) ((also thank the gods that never happened he was a shithead and so is jkr)). My mom for some godforsaken reason let me help her name my youngest brother when he was born because she couldn't think of a name and my 10yo ass fuckikg picked DANIEL because of Daniel Radcliffe. I was in DEEP.
And you know what? Aside from the books I camped out to buy on release day and the DVDs that are crammed in a box somewhere in a storage unit, I have gotten rid of every single Harry potter thing I owned because I grew the fuck up and found better things to like. Sure I'll watch the DVDs again every few years to feel the nostalgia again because a good chunk of the cast are great people (we fucking stan Dan Radcliffe and David Tennant in this house ) but I'm not giving jkr another cent of my money or an inkling of my time beyond that.
You are so valid and you are allowed to be upset if your friends continue to engage with Harry potter content.
Anyone who days "uwu my nostalgia" ask them if they still sleep with their fucking baby blanket too.
My former boss wouldn't shut the fuck up about the new video game when it came out. At least once a week he'd ask me if I'd played it yet and every single time I would tell him "I'm not engaging with that franchise anymore. JKR uses money to fund anti-trans legislation." And he'd always spout some bullshit about nostalgia or "but it's SO good" or "yeah I just try to separate the art from the artist / oh but the devs who worked hard on the game! / but playing the game doesn't actually support her! (yes the fuck it does if the game does well it boosts her platform)"
And especially now that my wife has come out, I'm extra ready to fight the next grown person who tells me they ~separate the art from the artist~ like fuck off. There are better things to spend your time and energy on. I hope everything JKR makes flops hard. Everything shes done since the last movie has been a disgusting cash-grab and none of it is even good. I'm beyond thrilled that BG3 has had a wild runaway success and a longer-lasting player base than the fucking game she put out. Nothing has ever disappointed me more than JKR being the way that she is.
Oh but the lore and world building? The ability to make your own character in such a fun and magical immersion world?bDnd has better lore than Harry potter ever did and the lore adds up and makes sense. If you look at her shit beyond the surface level she is actually fucking TERRIBLE at world building especially when she tries to do it without being a fucking racist ((does anyone remember when early drafts for the American magic schools that were using Native American imagery and it was all REALLY FUCKING OFFENSIVe and let's also not forget "no-maj" being the least fucking creative thing she ever came up with)
"But my hogwarts house" PLEASE choose a better Personality.
I have more nostalgia for Avatar the Last Airbender these days since i got into that when it first started airing when i was 12 (and look if you're really into the fuckin houses as your Personality you can get that with ATLA! Water tribe forever bitches)
"But the characters!!!" Please. There are better characters ALL AROUND YOU. pick up a fucking comic book. Yknow Superman actually has a similar structure, he's got the nerdy Normal friend and the love interest and it's a goddamn shame none of the movies include his bestie Jimmy because he's just as important as Lois Lane is.
"But all the strong female characters!" It is 2024 please I beg you to find other female role models (I will again point to Avatar the Last Airbender and Literally Any Comic Book Featuring A Woman. Captain Marvel is actually really good. Battlestar Galactica is also chock full of strong female characters and that came out in the early 2000s!)
Bestie i genuinely feel bad for all the fucking white people who can ignore all the bullshit JKR has done and said and all those sad saltine cracker flavor type people whose entire personalities are Watching The Office and Enjoying Harry Potter And Star Wars. Grow up. Move On.
If it's that important to you (and i mean the general you here not you specifically), please do what I did and Marie Kondo that part of your life. You don't need to hold onto the safety blankie you had as a child. You don't have to hold onto the pair of shoes that got you through high school and are out of fashion and falling apart. You give it a sendoff. Say "thanks for getting me through that part of my life but I'm moving on" and you move the fuck on.
I did something really sappy for my 30th birthday - I said goodbye to the franchise. I mourned what could have been. I went to Universal studios ((also bc Simpsons land and fast and furious ride and ET and a bunch of other stuff are there)) but I stopped into Harry potter world to do everything once and say goodbye to that part of my life since it was something I had wanted to do for most of my youth, and my friend who i became friends with because of harry potter was there with me. We drank the fucking pumpkin juice, had breakfast at the three broomsticks, appreciated all the little easter eggs around hp world, rode the hagrid ride, and ate a chocolate frog I wore my trans rights shirt and dressed gay as hell, my friend is trans so he just ~existed blissfully~ . I think every Harry potter fan needs to acknowledge that the franchise was good for them in the 90s, mourn that part of their life, and move on.
Bonus: me being Gay as Fuck in front of the castle. I hope JKR fucking rots and fades into obscurity and people come to realize she's worse than HP Lovecraft.
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lambergeier · 4 months
extremely basic but also vital dvd commentary request but last scene of the pacrim au prequel?
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back on that grind. that ruining phoenix wright's life grind.
“Klavier, please, you’ve got to—” Klavier sits bolt upright when he wakes. Kaiju attack. No. What? No alarm, no intercom, no Kristoph. Ema Skye is by his bed, face red and swollen with tears, one shaking hand on his arm. He hasn’t spoken to her since she told him her feelings. He’s been trying to give her space.
i like to drop in little hints like the world is full of small, personal tragedies that you/phoenix will never know about bc every person's life is unfathomably large and rich beyond the scope of outside understanding. tragedy one: klavier really would have liked to go on that date with ema!
“Klav, please, I need you to come with me,” she gasps, scrubbing a hand over her sodden cheeks. “Ema?” he asks. It’s so late. One AM? “What’s happening?” “I fucked up. Klavier, I fucked up so bad, and you—you speak German, I wouldn’t have asked, except—”
tragedy two ema will blame herself for the failed drift test for a really long time lol
“German?” He’s not getting this quickly enough. Ema’s breathing is overfast, she’s close to hyperventilating. “I, Kristoph speaks it better than me.”
because klavier is barely conversational god bless. man who sincerely hopes duolingo will fix him
She shakes her head like she wouldn’t mind breaking her own neck. “No, it can’t be him, Klavier, please just come, I—”
when everyone but youuuuuuuu knows your brother has the worst vibes in the wooooooooorld. and you kinda know toooooooooo
skipping forward a bit here, sparse descriptions of tense transitions blah blah
“Ema,” he says, though she’s already pulling him forward, “Ema, I can’t be here. If you don’t—if Kris isn’t supposed to know about this—” He isn’t. It’s immediately, stupidly obvious. Blood pours from Wright’s ears and nose, his arms spasm around Edgeworth’s chest. Edgeworth is out, gone, eyes rolled back in his head and the noise of his breathing like a child’s whistle. Kris can never, ever know about this.
haha klavier definitely knows his brother can't be trusted 👍
one thing i intended, between this scene and the kristoph scene and the discussion of the gavins not their hitting their baselines, was to be like, okay this is the beginning of the end for the gavins. fic in which it's the beginning of the end for everyone, the gavins not excluded, and the end is going to be two really grinding, horrible years before apollo shows up. so, i'm working this out in real time as i type lol, that would mean this is the first time the thought ever crystallizes for klavier that he can't trust his brother. he's gotten by on denial for five years, but faced with All This, the truth will out! can't trust your brother!!
the starting premise of this fic, back when me and emma were just shooting the shit in the kitchen during lockdown 2020, in between writing in better light chapters was: klavier gets roped into miles and phoenix's drift test and it's the first thing he ever has to lie about in the drift. so, first thing alongside the fact that he can't trust his brother!! the two go hand in hand!
man this fic has bleak implications for the state of everyone's mental health in in better light lol
“Please,” Ema says. “Please.” She pushes, like a tide, and then he’s kneeling in front of the bloodied shape of his commanding officers. “Commander,” Klavier says in German, then tries again when it comes out as no sound at all. “Commander, she needs you to—” Ema tells him. “—She needs you to let go of the Marshal. He needs help. She says his heart—” Wright laughs, blood moving slickly over his teeth. One of his hands is jammed under the Marshal’s chestplate, his own glove and armor ripped off, his scarred forearm pulsing with movement. The other cradles the Marshal's gray face.
i published the fic then went back in like twenty minutes later to add "The other cradles the Marshal's gray face" bc it was suddenly intensely important that everyone remember miles and phoenix are in love. i think this was a wise decision. ignore how many times i use the word "pulsing" in this scene thanks
Klavier turns to Ema. “He says you have to bring the defibrillator here.” She’s pale, almost as sweaty as Wright. “What?” “He says the Marshal’s heart is already in—” he hadn’t recognized the German word Wright used. “It already stopped. He’s keeping it going.” Ema looks at Wright’s hand, pulsing against the Marshal’s chest. Wright speaks. “He says to run fast,” Klavier translates. Ema stumbles toward the door.
phoenix keeping miles' heart going was another thing that was in the outline from pretty early on. one must imagine that klavier is translating all this with very little understanding of what it means. this isn't how the drift is supposed to work right (<- please god)
“Commander,” Klavier says again, low, pressing his hands hard against his sides as the Marshal wheezes and dies and Wright, moment by moment, pulls him back. “Commander, I can’t—I can’t be here. I can’t know that this has happened to you. Kristoph is a friend to you but he’s not—” Wright cuts him off, another fat-tongued laugh. His speech is a mash of German and English, his scarred face palsied, blood thick in the slack corner of his mouth. “You’ll be fine,” he slurs, in a language unimaginable. “You'll be fine. I’m going to teach you how to lie in the drift.”
haha i'm no longer interested in writing fic unless i can end it with a direct nuclear strike. sorry what 12 years of ao3 will do to a mfer
so the fic is about lying the drift. in mine and emma's conception, that's accomplished primarily by lying to yourself, secondarily by ommission-lying to your loved ones so rigorously that you just Never Think about the lie unless absolutely necessary lol. phoenix does it in IBL, keeping from miles the knowledge of apollo's existence, and this fic is about like: oh he was lying about way more than that!
here, phoenix is lying about how bad things are and can get. he's actually super aware of how futile everything is, up to and including trucy going to college, but he lies about it! part of that is like, a natural personality-based distaste for pessimism, and another part of that is the knowledge that you can't just act like the world is ending all the time, even when the world is ending all the time. you gotta just keep trying to do your job, or else the world will just end faster.
which is a normal compartmentalization that people do, ofc, but phoenix has miles in his head every second of his life. and miles is fucking depressed lmao. even when he's not actively pondering offing himself, he's soooo fucking certain that he will somehow Be Dead within the next few years. so phoenix has to be the No It'll Be Fine Actually guy all the time! every second of every minute! which he thinks is fine and he can totally handle it! he's handled it this long already! no problems so far! but......perhaps there are problems so far.
i didn't want to do anything so strong as Drop Hints on the subject, and i don't think i did, but i am open to the interpretation of this fic that is phoenix lies to himself and miles so thoroughly that he destroys the drift test and disables them worse. again, not committed: i stand by me and emma's decision in IBL, which is that miles has to want to live for their drift to succeed (as much as a drift between two basically drift-incompatible people can succeed lol), so the test in this fic was never going to resolve anything fully. but i leave open the possibility that phoenix made it worse!
and then he gives the cancer to klavier lol. because sometimes when the world is shit all you have are stopgaps i guess!!
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maybeimamuppet · 2 months
44 for Regina;
12 and 20 for Cady;
24 for Janis;
2,3, 19, 20 and 43 for Veronica for the character thingy
hello friend holy cow this is gonna take me a while tysm!!! <3
44 - their happiest memory
she is six years old. it is her birthday. her mom took her shopping the day before and she got the most perfect pink birthday dress. she’s allowed to wear a little makeup since it’s her special day. her parents smile at her at the breakfast table and she gets to eat as many eggo waffles as she wants. her friends all come over in the afternoon and they have a special tea party in the backyard with pink lemonade and finger sandwiches and cookies that are a little gross but make them feel grown up and real china plates and teacups and flowers and everyone’s in their pretty dresses and regina gets a crown.
she opens her presents after they’ve had their meal and gets a pretty dollhouse from her parents. janis gets her the new barbie doll, her first one that isn’t a hand-me-down from her mother. gretchen gives her a paint your own teacup kit. karen gets her a dvd of their favorite barbie princess movie. she’s piled with other gifts from her other friends.
they play on the swings and slides and climb trees. she and janis hold hands on the swings and almost break their elbows. her cake is vanilla and has astronaut barbie printed on it with a pink trim. it is the most delicious thing she’s ever tasted.
janis and gretchen and karen sleep over and they stay up late playing with all regina’s new toys and watching her new movie. they fall asleep on the living room floor and get cake for breakfast the next day.
12 - crack headcanon
as a child she tried to bring a lion cub as her dinner guest by hiding it in her shirt. it took her parents 20 minutes to notice.
as an adult she uses the same strategy to trick her partner into getting a cat. it works.
20 - scars (related lmao)
one near her right eyebrow because she had a growth spurt, didn’t notice, and ran headfirst into a tree branch
her left ear is slightly deformed at the top bc of a particularly vicious lion cub play session
one right against her lip in the mid-left because she had a stubborn pimple and wouldn’t leave it alone
one on the bottom of her chin because her first time somewhere with them, she fell up the stairs. not down. up.
one on her upper stomach/lower chest where a mama lion got mad and scratched her. her first time needing stitches! but nothing life threatening
some on her back from when she had chicken pox
one on her right arm where she scraped it on some of her parents research equipment
scraped elbows and knees from playing and tripping so much
old shaving nicks on her legs
permanent bite mark just above her right knee because she fell out of a tree, landed biting herself, and the wound got infected
bottom of her left foot, stepped on a thumb tack in her parents’ study room
24 - most annoying habit
it’s so hard to pick just one this girl is annoyance personified lmao. and a lot of them are more traits/ symptoms (of adhd mostly) than habits
she steals EVERY writing implement she can get her hands on. her household has no pens or pencils bc she HAS TO SKETCH SMTH IMMEDIATELY and doesn’t put it back. they are actually everywhere. mostly in her pillowcase because she puts them behind her ear and they fall off while she sleeps, in the shower because again, behind the ear and she finds them while she washes her hair, and in her art studio/area place. her partners/damian are fed tf up.
VERONICA hoo boy
2 - a canon or headcanon hill i will die on
she’s tall. that’s genuinely the first one that came into my head. i love a short gremlin type as much as the next person but she’s a minimum of 5’6.
(i haven’t consumed canon or fic in so long i can’t think of anything personality related i’m v sorry)
3 - obscure headcanon
she’s allergic to a lot of really uncommon/“weird” things and everyone is like ??? how can you even be- okay. she has the fun ones like dairy and bee stings and dogs but she’s also allergic to the cold. her own sweat. gelatin. water. coins. babygirl is literally allergic to the sun.
19 - vices/bad habits tw for sh, alcohol, drugs, etc
obvs drinking and smoking. she becomes an alcoholic after canon and dabbles with harder drugs. she goes to rehab when she’s 20 and gets clean. she stays that way the rest of her life, but some days are easier than others. she still smokes though.
also post canon she burns herself with her cigarettes/does other sh. she attempts a few times but is found and given help. the fourth time sticks and she gradually stops.
she calls heathers ghost to bully her whenever she feels bad about herself to make it hurt worse. heather won’t so she moves onto the others. kurt and ram usually go for it. heather yells at them.
she bites her nails. she chews on her hair. she chews pens and pencils. she has cripplingly low self esteem. she’s constantly changing something about her hair.
the list goes on but these are the biggest i can think of
20 - scars tw for sh again
she’s constantly covered in bruises bc she’s clumsy as fuck
it’s not visible but she has one right on top of her head where her hair won’t grow because she concussed herself on a tire swing and split her head open. she had to get staples and it healed oddly
her septum is a little weird if you look close from a botched piercing
she’s missing most of her fingerprint on her left thumb bc of a particularly involved incident involving superglue
one near her left elbow because she was attacked by a dog as a child. also left marks near her eye (on her cheekbone) and bit one of her fingers so it bends just a little
sh scars :(
appendectomy surgery scar on her tummy
one on her hip because she walked directly into a countertop
scraped elbows and knees
and many many stubbed and probably broken toes from walking into things
43 - 3 comfort foods and 3 they despise
loves: (not counting spaghetti with lots of oregano)
slushees. duh.
homegirl loves a soup. her fav is a simple chicken noodle (bonus points if it’s got good veggies in there) but she’ll try anything. cheese and broccoli. tomato. french onion. matzo ball. her cabinet is like a soup museum.
and she loves animal crackers because they remind her of her childhood and simpler times. and she always sings the shirley temple song because she watched all the movies with her parents and secretly loves them.
grape soda because it doesnt taste like grape. she gives it a pass because it does taste like purple but she still refuses to drink it.
eggs because she can’t get over what they actually are
corn nuts bc they remind her of the bad times and are also just really gross to begin with
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riverbay11 · 6 months
I wanted to add more to this and I might update it from time to time but here are some of my random MLAATR Headcannons
Dinner time in the Wakmen house since Jenny can’t eat is her and her moms time to catch up and talk about there days
Jenny regularly goes back the the mechanic shop for Paint jobs and it makes the mechanics days
Tuck has ADHD but this is low-key cannon And no one can convince me otherwise
Nora definitely looked into what teens are into and got Jenny a bunch of CDs, posters bc she sees no harm in it
Brad is a Diet Coke drinker and will defend this decision till the day he dies
Also Sheldon is a Red-code Mtd guy
Jenny loves Pinterest boards
The Feline furr convention is at war with the furry wolf convention (they will try to book the same venue every year at the same time in an attempt to fuck each other over)
Tuck is a huge Neopets player but he will deny this bc “neopets are for baby’s” he says has he’s lovingly taking care of his Neopets (Tuck also runs a neopets black market)
He’d also be super into Tomodatchi
Jenny’s first concert is a Snync concert and she DRAGGGGGS Brad to it (he ends up becoming a fan)
I think there is enough evidence to support that Tuck and Brad have a single parent
Brad is actually pretty good at cooking (probably had to help his dad out a lot) but SUCKKSSSS at baking can’t take a bite out of anything he bakes bc it’s either hard as a rock or will give you salmonella poisoning
To contrast that Tuck actually gets pretty decent at baking bc “I was sick of him trying to poison me”
Brad is actually a huge fan of chick flicks and when Jenny finds out she has him show her them all (well what’s in his dvd collection)
Brad definitely paints his nails black
Sheldon listens to heavy metal and Weezer exsuivly
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20s-turtle-posting · 4 days
6.) Do you own any TMNT merchandise?
13.) Which version of Michelangelo is your favorite?
17.) Which version of the Shredder is your favorite?
6) yes!! So. Much. But also not nearly enough lmao. I have a couple funko pops, an orb shaped Raph plush I affectionately call Fat Raph, t shirts, a poster, comics, dvds, some tupperware (listen it was 2014 and I was big into hyperfixation mode, my mom knew that, and she bought me some 2k12 tupperware containers lol, most are gone I think i only have one or two left), plus a ton of fan merch =^-^= oh and my favorite, Burger King Leonardo (2007 movie tie in toy)
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(the LPS rabbit is his wife Petunia. I had elaborate plots and marriages and family trees going on with my toys as a kid (no I did not ship leosagi, this is just the funniest possible coincidence))
13) augh this is a tough one!!! I really like what each version of Michelangelo brings to the table in terms of changing up the Mikey status quo and as individuals. I openly admit I'm biased always in favor of 2k3 bc that series is so dear to me, but if Rise had been able to see its full potential rise Mikey would definitely be a contender for #1. He's so charming and multifaceted! (All mikeys are but he's got a scrunkly quality to him)
17) again, tough choice with a heavy 2k3 bias. Especially in the first season of 2k3 he was a terrifying force, unknown, powerful, and with a killer aura. Like 2k12 has a great voice and evil machinations, to be sure, and 87 shredder is iconic ofc, but honestly not much can top the shadowed cowl and glowing red eyeslits from 2k3. The whole design reeks of power and intimidation, and as a child I remember getting goosebumps when he came onscreen those first few times
Rise Shredder again is a top choice for me bc again, the sheer aura. Fuck yes. Terrifying villain and I desperately wish we'd gotten more development. Rise is so excellent and I love it dearly but it was so badly shafted that it feels like it's left with gaping holes, bc it was. This wasn't supposed to be a rise rant but ig it is now lmao
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utilitycaster · 10 months
you getting push back on that post is crazy to me isn't it enough to watch and get invested in something for what it is currently rather than what it will be? I have so many unfinished projects in my own life it'd be crazy to demand polished completion from everything I watch/read. my unfinished sketches and embroidery and abandoned dnd campaigns still brought joy and growth without having a polished thing to present at the end
So what's funny to me is like. I have referenced this before here and elsewhere but like, as a child, I was SO bad at ambiguous and sad endings and my mother was like, not unkind about this, but neither did she coddle it, and I think that laid a groundwork that was really necessary.
My tags, which got lost bc I did NOT expect that post to break containment, do actually touch on how Netflix and other streaming services canceling things to avoid paying people a fair wage fucking suck but yeah here's a list of creative endeavors I participated in or watched/listened to/read that do not as of this posting have endings and I still liked, and many of them aren't even directly attributable to capitalism because this is just a fact of life and art.
As mentioned, both A Song of Ice and Fire and the Kingkiller Chronicles.
Multiple D&D campaigns for sure (I actually don't make D&D characters without a game in mind and find it weird that people do and so I'm like why am I the one arguing for the beauty of the incomplete).
Multiple fics, both mine and others.
King Falls AM, a podcast I binged in like 2018-2019 and despite being a mystery never actually completed bc the creators couldn't agree.
I think Battlestar Galactica 2003 is one of the most brilliant shows of its era and also the finale, which happened when the creators intended it to, is really dumb, and that doesn't undo the fact that I loved everything else.
How I Met Your Mother ends really poorly in a way that arguably undercuts the whole series, but like, I still liked that too.
Ditto for Chuck, which also struggles in that it was on the chopping block most seasons so they kept ending in ways that probably weren't true to whatever the original vision may have been.
I saw Firefly on DVD after it had already been canceled, I think Serenity is good but I don't love all the choices, and Joss Whedon has since been revealed to be a dick but like, I enjoyed myself greatly while watching it.
As mentioned, Heroes. I didn't watch much TV until my teens anyway because we didn't have cable and our reception sucked and we were very much a book household, and this was one of the first series I recall watching from season 1 and it's also the first TV series where I was like yeah I don't care anymore, and it went on for 4 seasons and I think I gave up either late S2 or early S3.
I didn't watch Supernatural, Game of Thrones, nor Grey's Anatomy but all of those are famous for outstaying their welcome, sometimes it's better to burn out than fade away, etc.
I had already long outgrown Harry Potter and started to see its limitations by the time Rowling's transphobia became public but like, now it's not something I would ever recommend to my friends' kids or anything, and that doesn't undo the fact that I did greatly enjoy it as a child and teenager; it was indirectly the reason why I was introduced to the superior fantasy of Diana Wynne Jones, which I do still reread from time to time. (I think the "well I never liked it" mentality about works from artists who end up being terrible people is tied into the "I can't get invested in anything that might end in an unsatisfying manner." Tumblr University's media studies grads are not the brightest stars in the firmament, that's for sure.)
Like, cancellation (let alone cancellation specifically because of the unique shittiness of streaming services) is just one of the many reason things might end in a way you dislike or become difficult for you to enjoy at a later date, and that's just talking about television. Are you really going to deny yourself the joy of anticipation and watching a story unfold in real-time because the thought of something not satisfying you at every single turn is so unfathomable?
(oh, and because this is, as we know, a CR blog much of the time, I should add that this mentality is really pervasive which is wild because your average 3-season canceled Netflix show is probably the equivalent of maybe 9-10 CR episodes; thinking about how many people who now claim C2 is terrible watched 141 episodes and also the person who is iconic to me who unironically asked me what the point was in getting invested in characters who will die re: Chetney)
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spooky-dice · 10 months
random specific dndads hcs that are canon To Me (content warning: brief discussion of mental illness)
carol and darryl’s house is very white + millennial griege with dark flooring, open concept minimalism. carol likes interior design pinterest, and darryl can’t stand clutter. they’ve got one of those portrait gallery walls. (stainless steel fridge house)
mercedes and henry’s house is super maximalist with busy, warm coloured patterns and plants and decor on every surface. it gets dusty sometimes but most of their trinkets are gifts from other people or handmade from a craft market so they refuse to get rid of anything. (coloured vintage fridge house)
glenn lives in an apartment, it’s very undecorated bc renting is Like That, and he’s a big believer in buying impulsive treats and luxuries over any investments. big dvd bookcase. intense stereo system setup is the centerpiece of the place. has a bunch of neon signs taken from bars. (white fridge house)
samantha and ron’s place is generally anti-big light. always natural light or little lamps. dark hardwood. periwinkle walls. has a big sliding door to the backyard that’s always open with the screen closed so bugs don’t get in. lots of bookcases and rugs. (black fridge house)
henry and mercedes will keep EVERY drawing or test and put it on the fridge “to celebrate both victories and opportunities for growth!” and teen sparrow gets really private abt his art and shoves it all behind his bed frame so they can’t hang it.
he also doesn’t draw for a year after getting sent to the realms.
lark sneaks out of the house and wanders the neighbourhood/park/gas station at pretty much any chance. takes a lot of buses to random places. henry used to fight with him abt it but eventually just agrees as long as he sends a check-in text after 5 hours. they still fight abt this.
grant has harm ocd. darryl never gets diagnosed with anything but it’s likely he had religious + contamination ocd. they don’t really talk about this.
glenn has the radio or tv on all the time because the silence freaks him out.
mercedes is really passionate abt all types of craftsmanship. she takes up woodworking and upholstery after she retires.
carol had subtly hinted that she wanted one of those fancy hair heat tools for christmas for 3 years straight before caving and buying them herself.
the first time nick smoked he did it alone on their balcony so glenn wouldn’t see if he coughed.
grant and carol go to comic con together. they both pretend they’re doing it to indulge the other person but they both really enjoy it.
terry is a several-hour-long-video essay fan, any topic. sparrow and grant are into those video game lore deep dives so they send each other links.
nicky’s texts are generally incomprehensible. he thinks emojis are unironically funny.
lark has bad taste in music, like folk punk and midwest emo shit. (folk punk fans know it’s bad. don’t complain. im one of you.)
ron does not know geography. like he just doesn’t know any places.
samantha leaves a place for terry sr. at their holiday dinner table. it helps all three of the stamplers feel better.
morgan got tattoos when she was in her early twenties. in the first timeline she got a few more, and in the second she didn’t. she had her tattoos touched up before moving to hell.
the marlowe’s fence has a really busted section where scary used to practice scoring.
link does all those summer library events. he doesn’t like reading he just likes the vibes.
taylor is highly susceptible to tiktok (or whatever the time period equivalent is?) ads. bought one of those electric pots where the guy cooks in his dorm room and never uses it.
normal will rewatch the same movie a million times. he’s also really into those mediocre shows where they run for like 10 seasons even though all the episodes are the same.
rebecca and sparrow are one of those “don’t go to bed angry” couples. it’s not really working but the unspoken agreement is there.
veronica and terry love going out for brunch. scary sleeps til noon. they leave her waffles in the fridge.
scary wants more piercings but veronica says she has to wait til her other ones heal. scary is not very good at taking care of them. her helix is perpetually infected and she keeps toying with her eyebrow bar.
veronica also keeps warning her that black box dye is a bitch to lift. veronica knows this from personal experience.
link has bad posture but worries about it a lot so he’s always correcting himself.
hermie keeps a ranking of his favourite B:TAS/timmverse shows/episodes. he’s also the guy who has to bring up the fact that it’s animated on black paper backgrounds in every conversation about it.
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 10 months
tuesday again 11/14/2023
twenty-nine, please be kinder than twenty-eight and the tail end of twenty-seven. phil update: unauthorized access
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Maisie Peters’ Guy on a Horse (previously featured with song Not Another Rockstar). headbanging indie rock off the spotify recced playlist. i would have liked this song much more in my worst misandrist period from high school-early college but the lines “Got this far and I’m Joan of Arc/And you’re just a guy on a horse” made me laugh. spotify
also off the spotify recced playlist (many bangers on last week’s) The Last Dinner Party’s My Lady of Mercy. all-girl baroque british indie rock, a dizzy quality i like very much in this small dose but would never be in the mood for a full album’s worth. spotify.
OH this feels like it’s probably on every griddlehawk playlist. one day i will read those things
fallow week
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Sirocco (1951, dir. Bernhardt). it was on tubi and i wanted to watch a Bogart noir without hooking up my laptop and finagling The Big Sleep with the good subtitles off the dvd. Sirocco has…hm. aged poorly is an understatement. it is not internally consistent with character motivations (a truly fucking baffling ending) and the leads have zero chemistry. the leading lady didn’t have anything to fucking do to create chemistry. the hottest moment was when she absentmindedly gave him back a cigarette with a lipstick print, and he finishes smoking it with a thousand-yard stare. comparing this in marketing to Casablanca was criminal. stop fucking comparing everything to Casablanca it’s never going to be as good!!!
third most unforgivably, below the brownface and script that was once in the same room as fun dialogue, it could have been a singular half-hour episode of television instead of a feature length film.
genuinely cried at the conclusion of the mainline Fontaine quest in g/enshin. this was a beefy fuckin update my god. i think the last act in the five-act quest was like two hours of cutscenes. i know how the fuck are they funding this (gacha) but still. any other company this would be hysterically cost prohibitive.
in other games: Luna Story Picross I, i am having fun but i think my brain has not yet picked up on the internal logic of picross yet. if there was a Good Picross paid app like the Good Sudoku paid app that teaches you sudoku strategy i would get that in a shot. this is a very millennial app, lovely gradients and extra chunky pixel art. very crossstitchable . ik pixel art is already crossstitchable but this lands somewhere between whimsigoth and every astronomy-themed gift on the marketplace and i find that compelling
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horseshoe knife from the Dragon Forging Experience!!! at the ren faire. unrelated half pound block of beeswax for scale. i did not have enough upper body strength and got a blister :( but any excuse to swing a medium-sized hammer with malice aforethought. my initials are somewhat indifferently stamped on the other side bc again, upper body strength, but those don’t need to be on the internet
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hung up all the cat wand toys. this is extremely not very hashtag aesthetic but hopefully seeing them every day will remind me to actually play with my fucking cats, bc they were in a horrible pile behind the futon and were a right bitch to detangle every time. we’ll see how this goes. mack has not ripped them all down yet bc she doesn’t want to stretch over the little samsonite train case i yoinked off the side of the road in mass. strongly recommend a big makeup case or train case like this one to hold all the cat bits and bobs like flea treatment and brushes and extra toys and the filters for the water fountain et al.
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spacenintendogs · 1 year
Sorry for the ask. My brain craves HTTYD-based interaction and the shadowban on my sideblog won’t be lifted for at least a month.
I think the first movie is so special in comparison to everything else. Not only because of Hiccup and Toothless, but because of the dragon riders. They all act so different — like Snotlout is sort of like the leader, Astrid gets along with the twins over the idea of getting a scar in training.
They all just seem to be pretending to be something to all fit in with one another (except, maybe, the twins? Maybe?) and I think one of the main reasons they reject Hiccup is not only because he’s a complete clutz (two left feet, that’s why he lost one) but also because he, too, is pretending… just not well enough. (This mostly goes for Astrid and Snotlout and a bit for the twins, arguably the only one nice to Hiccup is Fishlegs but he’s also pretending to hate dragons, so… I guess this also applies to him.) (I suppose the only one who ever never really dropped the act was Snotlout, which would be why he’s suddenly put in the underdog’s position in the group, even if it’s mostly just seen in the TV shows.)
(Plus, it’s the only one I haven’t got on DVD and I only rewatched it today when it was on TV exclusively for that minute long scene of Snotlout taming Hookfang because I couldn’t find a clip of it on YouTube. Really says a lot about me.)
Yeah. I just think the group dynamics in the first movie are very special. It (from dynamics and atmosphere) just feels so different to the rest of the franchise, including the other two films.
hi! sorry for taking so long! i'm not used to being asked for questions abt this kind of stuff!! i'm usually the one doing the asking or i lurk a bit akdjsjdks
but no u have points abt the dynamics between the gang in the first movie. smth i noticed while rewatching it with some friends is in the beginning when snotlout is making fun of hiccup for messing up the raid through his wrecklessness (tee hee), snotlout after he gets shoved down by gobber, gets back up, and laughs, and looks to astrid. she was also smiling at him, as was fishlegs, as he & the twins made fun of & laughed at hiccup. and then they all just. move on & snotlout deflates
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this tiny little smile says SOOOOOO much <3
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smth tho i noticed u said is that snotlout is kind of the leader, however the film has astrid be at the center & front of the gang or them all looking to her or making sure she is the one they listen to bc she is the leader of the gang. she's THE ideal model viking bc she has to be. snotlout is the most vocal & the second best by far in training, & similar to how he is in the shows & other films he's pushing himself towards the front when he can to get the attention of others & be taken seriously or to be seen as another model viking (like impressing astrid)
there's an intimacy abt astrid & the gang in the first movie that just hasn't fully shown in the other two films or even the shows with tiny details of them fiddling in the background or even the foreground of a scene when someone else is talking & u see them interact. the great hall when tuffnut is playing with his knife before saying "wait? you mean READ?" astrid is amused by him playing with the knife.
but what you said abt them all pretending: they are. fishlegs is still seen as weird but he's friends & in with the gang. he loves dragon knowledge & knowing abt them, but it's for the art of the kill instead of simply knowing them as creatures. the twins love destruction but with all the talk of being on a team & working together with other vikings they bicker more with each other & end up not getting as far bc they get focused on their own shenanigans. snotlout is trying to show astrid he's the model viking & be a flirty teenage boy at the same time lmao. astrid is the one who changes first when everyone saw her as the most steadfast in her ways. The Viking Way™️.
snotlout in the shows becoming the "underdog" is bc he's not astrid, who learned & changed herself but now is such a tryhard she applies herself to the fullest extent in the opposite direction (i love her). fishlegs can actually enjoy dragons & learn abt them without having to fight them (he's the most skittish of the gang), the twins now have direct ways to blow things up & do their shenanigans (after also having learned to work in a team!!!) without worry of there being a war against the dragons (now just other ppl but ppl can't breathe fire... right? lmao). hiccup is the newest edition of the group, the circle, & now he's just?? the leader. they look to him now after snotlout did everything to get astrid & others attention. astrid is by hiccup's side 100% now & bites back at snotlout when she didn't before. snotlout has changed & loves hookfang, he loves dragons, but he doesn't want to change the Viking Way™️ he's known & tries to force the Old Ways™️ and New Ways™️ together in a way that moreso clashes. he wants to still be at the top but forces instead of working to his advantage. his jealousy of hiccup grows to a point where he's basically self destructing in acting out & causes (unintentional) harm to others but then brushes off the consequences of his actions. & then he learns. he's slower to the take, similar to the adults, but he's also got it more quickly than they ever could. he just hasn't stopped pretending like the other kids.
smth i love abt the first film is the explanation as to why the gang all have american/canadian accents (bc of jay baruchel lmao) vs the scottish accents of the adults. to show the generational difference. they are different from the adults & a very clear distinction is made by the accents of their voices. you can almost say hiccup having the most jarring of everyone's voice (so nasally & distinct) ties in with hiccup being the leader. he commands attention but not in the way that's expected. even "the more viking-like teens" (as gobber refers to them) have distinct voices & even if they're acting how the village expects.
it's not rlly them, is it? not fully at least.
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guess sometimes you need a little guidance, & it can come from the most unexpected places. maybe someone who's been in a leader position can give you a little extra push
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& even if you're afraid & don't adjust to the change 100%, you can start coming out of your shell & stop pretending. some stop pretending easier than others, & some ppl are stuck in a lot of their ways. but they still feel they can relax abt smth & stop pretending abt that.
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it makes everyone happier, right? :)
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My YouTube account just reached 1k subscribers so now I'm gonna make a list of the coolest Angela Bassett video finds I've found and shared on there and how I found them (even if the target audience here is only like one person)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith deleted scenes
Gonna start with the most recent find bc I never thought this footage would see the light of day. They shot all these scenes and only 30 seconds of Angela's voice made it to the movie bc the villains were dropped completely. Turns out the footage had been hiding on the second disc of an unrated special edition DVD release all along.
Old TV Commercials (KFC, Equal, Allstate)
These commercials you're really only able to find if you know what you're looking for. And the way I found out was through interviews in which they were mentioned (one was a newspaper clipping from 1991 that mentioned Equal and Allstate). Then it's watching tons of old commercials from those brands on YouTube until finally Angela's pretty face shows up. So grateful to the people who uploaded them first (even if they didn't mention Angela in the description).
Doubletake & Liberty
There are quite a few movies and shows in Angela's filmography that seem impossible to find. And some of them are really not available to watch anywhere unless you pay private sellers to send you the files. That's what I had to do to unearth these two rare gems. [insert Thanos gif iykyk] but no regrets because I really wanted to see them. Still hoping to find Equal Justice, STAT and the full Ryan's Hope episode
Ryan's Hope clip
Which brings me to the next tiny (very tiny) gem. For some time I had my doubts she was actually ever even in this soap opera. That was until I watched the Oscar's red carpet 2023 and they aired this super short clip of her character. Next to Angela's dress and Gaga's performance that was my highlight of the night.
My Man Bovanne
Talk about credits that aren't even on her IMDb. I found out about her role in this in the Playbill of Joe Turner's Come and Gone (which Angela starred in on Broadway in 1988). Made an account for the one website that hosted this little-known-about short film to be able to screenrecord it. That was a happy day. Fun fact I learned in a newspaper clipping since: Angela only got to be in it because the person who was first cast for her role got sick.
Another one that took me very, very long to find. This is probably the one I had to use the most detective skills for. Found a dead video on a site that used to host it, tried to look up the account owner on other social media channels and finally found their tumblr that was still active (hooray) and they sent me the file. Best day ever (even though the plot of the episode is really heartbreaking).
Angela talking about kissing Gaga to Access Hollywood
Listen... Listen. If you know me, you know that these two are my QUEENS. They are everything to me and the fact that they played lovers? That they kissed and enjoyed it? Means the world (read my fanfiction on AO3 😉). This interview in particular has only been available as an article to read on their website for many years now but I could never find the video. I wanted to hear Angela say how she kissed Gaga and pulled her in and told her I love you when the director called cut and made Gaga jump. I found an old link to a long deleted YouTube video in an old tweet on one of my many Twitter searches for any trace of this video. Bless the person who uploaded it back then and bless the people who shared it on Twitter and bless the person who backed it up in the Wayback Machine. I owe you all eternal gratitude.
A 17-minute interview about Ruby's Bucket of Blood
DVD extras hold many gems and this is one of the biggest Angela-focused special features on a DVD I've seen. According to a friend who bought the DVD much longer ago, it wasn't even always part of it so I feel very blessed that this came with my DVD that I only bought bc it's one of my favorite movies and I like to collect those on physical copies.
Her Boyz n the Hood audition tape
In a newspaper clipping I read that this has actually been a part of physical releases of this movie since they still put out Laser Discs. But somehow I've never seen it surface online. I found it in a torrent that had all the Bluray special features (the best kind of torrents) and decided to share it of course. It has since gone viral on TikTok (where someone reposted it) which made me very happy. Who thought we'd ever get to see Ms. Angela Bassett audition??
Celebrity Poker Showdown
You have to admit, Angela in a reality game show is just gold. Was looking for this for a long time too and eventually found a Russian torrent (thank you Russians). Was luckily able to share the full episode on YouTube so everyone can get the full experience of "Angela folds" ten times in a row 😁
Angela's full performances of 3 songs on Close to the Enemy
[I only linked one here] Angela's character on Close to the Enemy was unfortunately very small but the British DVD release had extended scenes of 3 of her performances on it. [The American Bluray for some reason didn't.] Glad I found out about these.
1993 Fresh Air radio interview
I don't know if this counts as a rare find as it is freely available on the NPR website and in my university library BUT I have never seen it acknowledged until I shared it on YouTube and let me tell you I put blood, sweat and tears into captioning this 16-minute interview 😭 the payoff was grand. One interviewer from Variety used it in her research and mentioned it to Angela (who couldn't even remember it lmao) and part of the audio was also used in a tribute post the Academy (yes the Oscar Academy) did for her birthday. It's not my interview but I know they wouldn't have done so if it wasn't for my video (that I posted in tribute to the great Tina Turner. RIP.)
(Assumably) all her episodes of Search for Tomorrow
If I'm not mistaken this was her first on-camera acting job and a cool guy posted all her episodes (and hundreds of episodes she wasn't in) on YouTube last year. Luckily I downloaded them all right away as his channel no longer exists. Her episodes are safe on my hard drive tho and her scenes are safe on my YouTube channel :)
I was going to share a link to the unaired pilot of Identity (2011) that someone posted but it's already been privated again. Might post her scenes at some point, in the meantime if you're interested in this episode you can always dm me, I saved it to my hard drive. Very exciting find indeed as I also never expected it to see the light of day.
Honestly I get excited over every interview, DVD extra, speech or segment from a TV special that I come across (especially old ones). Sharing these on my YouTube channel is my pride and joy and I also have a scenepack account on Instagram (@/angelabassettscenes) where I share all her scenes from her bigger projects that I can't share to YouTube for everyone who wants to watch, edit or GIF them. Seeing people get as excited as I do when I share my finds makes me so happy and I'm definitely not done. Many DVD featurettes still to come. Angela's work will be preserved on this channel by any means necessary 😌
If you've read this far, thank you for reading and have a good day/night
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wetcatspellcaster · 10 months
for the dvd meme, chapter 7 of pieces still stuck in your teeth, from where astarion says "i knew it" to "you returned to me. i knew you would." i've read that chapter like five times it's SO delightful, SUCH a fun narrative payoff too HAHA
Thank you for the ask, anon! I will copy and paste the text you're referring to under the keep reading tab, just so this doesn't end up being too long/I don't expose my IRL mutuals to the horniest part of my fic lol :')
So, here we are, at the horniest part of my fic :-)
In more serious commentary, this was one of the scenes I had from the very inception of this story - I knew that Astarion was going to have killed people to get Tav back to the Gate, and I knew he was going to reveal it at literally The Worst Possible moment. I really wanted to write a chapter that turned from horny to horror without warning, and this is the speech that I envisaged doing that work for me. As such, it went through many, many drafts!
I know I said this in comments at the time, but... when examining this chapter from Astarion's perspective? Why *wouldn't* he be this fucking cocky? He has no idea what's going on in Rose's mind or why she's agreed to go to his house so easily, and why she's gotten so close to him with complete disregard of the wider situation. So as far as he's concerned, he murdered a bunch of people (which was the only risk in his plan, he thinks) and she's still down to fuck only days later. Honestly, he doesn't even *need* the ego he has, to think this is a done deal.
I also said this a lot in comments, but as such, any respect he held out for her is just gone in this moment, and that's why he immediately plays his whole hand, because he doesn't see her as a worthy opponent in the slightest. I was leaning on what developers/writers said about how he loses respect for people who fall for the superficial sex appeal and endanger themselves because of it- if this is the means by which he can do them harm, then he feels they've sealed their own fate. In his eyes, this is exactly what Rose looks like in this moment (not knowing anything about her own hidden agenda).
I also think that, if you've romanticised the one thing you've lost and can never get back, and then suddenly it's there, and it's almost... too easy, then that also makes you disappointed and angry. Maybe part of the reason he says all this heinous stuff here to try and test the waters further, maybe even anger her so there's some spark of a challenge or a fight. Maybe he wanted to make everything a little more difficult for the both of them, just so it stays fun and interesting.
As I said in previous asks, I am not really a Dead Dove writer - I appreciate the girlies who are, but it's just not something I can do (I mean, I can't even write smut lmfao). So I wanted the violation and emotional impact of non-con without any of the graphic depictions of it... lots of people have said in comments that the moment he refuses to let her go is the moment he proves he's evil, and I certainly approve of this interpretation. But here, I was mostly just in thrall to the Yandere tag lmao. He can't imagine her protests being true bc he can't imagine a world where they aren't destined for each other. And also, in this case, a world where his seduction techniques (now so well honed, now nearly unstoppable, now the only thing people seem to want from him) do not work - especially on her.
As to some specifics about the section itself:
the phrase 'little love' is, I feel, single handedly responsible for any and all Ascended ending brainrot I have. Like COME ON. What a term of endearment! What a term of endearment to MAKE EVIL!!!!
'I was bored' got workshopped a lot as the 'foreshadowing' phrase, bc I really struggled to find something that was both vague but also had ambiguous meaning from the beginning. If the delivery is a little clunky here, that's why... I agonised over this for weeks lmao
'Every meal without savour' - cue Chapter Ten, when he gets really excited that Rosalie wants to drink hot chocolate with him, and briefly loses any composure bc the future he envisages is finally getting tested out.
"how you much used to hate slavers.” This is me still making digs at Grymforge, 4 months later. Fucking Grymforge.
"You yourself would've carved through that room like a righteous blade, my love." Look. I wrote this line. And I decided. It would work on me.
DVD commentary ask
"I knew it,” he repeated.
“I knew it was only a matter of distance," he muttered into her shoulder, almost to himself. He kissed the spot: she jumped at the touch, and he hummed approvingly. "I knew that the moment I got you here, darling heart, that this would be inevitable. A matter of days, Rosalie. That is all the time you could hold out on me, the longest you could bear to resist. You don’t want me to charm you? Fine. I don’t need glamour, to make you like this. Let us both know that this was all you, and only ever for me.”
She tensed up, and he soothed again, making a chiding sound. “Hush, now, don’t be prideful. Why fight this, little love? Why deny yourself? You're not very good at it. Isn’t it so much better, this way? Doesn’t it feel good?"
"I - what?" Rosalie said, fighting to clear her head as fear and desire warred within her thoughts.
Had he not caught her? Because if so, she had done what was needed. But now she was trapped - and each word that came out of Astarion's mouth was more sinuous and sinister than the last, coiling decadently around her.
"So bored,” Astarion murmured in a low voice, nosing along her collarbone, breathing her in. “Every day the same, every day interminable. Every meal without savour, every conversation dull, and I knew you were what's missing. I knew it. I knew all I had to do was lure you back to me. And you do so love to play hard to get, but it wasn’t exactly difficult, was it, my love-?”
Rosalie struggled to make sense of what he was saying. It wasn’t precisely a threat, but it wasn’t bedroom talk either. What did he mean by ‘bored’?
No, actually, Shadowheart had said, when Rosalie had asked how the Vampire Ascendent had responded to the murders. He gave a three word reply: ‘I was bored.’
“No, in fact, it was easy,” Astarion smirked into her skin. “You put up a good front, my darling. But here you are: with me. Where you’re supposed to be. Where you will stay. You will make everything better. All I needed to do was to make you come back to me, and finally, here you are.”
Rosalie froze up. Her mind began to whir, almost as if she couldn’t dare let herself think, to follow the logic too far to its horrible, inevitable conclusion…
"The party," she said, heart pounding. “Those people who died-”
She tried to pull against his hold on her hands, moving her body back as far back from his as it would go. But it was like pulling on iron shackles, and Astarion didn't budge, simply leaning in further into her space, her legs trapped on either side of his body, and the evidence of his reaction to her utterly impossible to avoid.
"All terrible, heinous people, I assure you," Astarion told her conversationally, kissing his way along her shoulder without any concern for her sudden resistance. "No one who deserves to be mourned: all wretches and ingrates, murderers and thieves and flesh peddlers and slavers - I remember, pet, how you much used to hate slavers.”
Rose tugged at her hands, again - he ran his thumbs over her knuckles, and pinned them down harder.
“You yourself would've carved through that room like a righteous blade, my love. But I did it, all for you. I invited them all there, and they all came, like the cattle they are. And then I slaughtered them for their crimes, and now they’ve served their purpose, for here you are again, with me, once more."
Astarion's mouth was still moving all over her skin, which had begun to crawl. He reached behind her back and undid the clasp of her bra as he narrated. He whispered the words against her, like her body was made for his secrets, and then kissed the flesh, open mouthed.
"Astarion," Rose said, "you need to stop - I need to think - you said you didn't do it for any reason-"
His hands came up to her arms, and tightened to bruising, holding her in place even as his thumbs stroked circles designed to soothe.
"Of course there was a reason. You said that if I killed people, you'd come back and stop me," he said, moving back and pressing his forehead against hers, silvery lashes blurring with the closeness of her vision. His breath ghosted across her still-damp mouth as he smiled with utter tranquillity. “But you didn't try to stop me, did you? Cornered in Ramazith, and you simply let me walk away. And now, here you are. You just… came back. You returned to me. I knew you would."
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