#she heard me walk up and started honking immediately lol
jessicatredes · 1 year
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do you think she knows i have her lunch yes or no
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seven and saeran with reader who takes naps constantly around the house in weird places like in the closet, under the bed, in one of the cars parked in the garage or flat out just taking a nap under sevens desk? i have a weird habit of sleeping in weird places 🥺 i hope its not too much to ask! 💓💞💘💕
I feel you anonnie, I love sleeping too lol! But I hope you and everyone else is staying safe and healthy! I got inspired from this prompt since Saeran’s after ending was recently released I still haven’t read it yet so no spoilers pls I really miss writing and this blog so I’m going to try writing more! I have a good amount of requests but to everyone reading this, feel free to send in more requests. Thank you guys for sticking with me and supporting me╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Commission info can be found HERE
Seven understands the beauty of a good nap, with his job and also taking care of the RFA, he’s also tired a lot and would usually just take naps at his computer desk when he could
He didn’t think much of it when you told him you loved taking naps when you moved in with him, he even bought a brand new comfy mattress for you
So he jumped in surprise when he found your sleeping peacefully underneath his desk, with you grumbling that he was disturbing your peace
Seven couldn’t help but laugh, he sat down at his desk getting to work, although he kept swinging his legs to tap your arms while you slept
You groaned and shoved his feet away while he laughed asking how in the word you could sleep there
But you just shrugged, grabbing your pillow and lightly hitting it against the back of Seven’s head as you went to find a new nap spot
And after a long day of working, Seven stretched his arms, calling your name since he wanted to go out and treat you to dinner
Seven searched all around his home, asking his brother if he had seen you
Without looking up from his phone, Saeran pointed to the garage
Seven couldn’t help but laugh when he saw you curled up in the back of one of his favorite cars sleeping soundly
Seeing you sleeping so peacefully made Seven yawn, forgetting his hunger he simply got inside his car and joined you
The back of his car was small and extremely cramped but you sighed contently as Seven’s body heat kept you nice and warm
It wasn’t until hours later when Saeran looked for you or his brother since he was getting anxious
Saeran rolled his eyes and sighed when he saw you and Seven still fast asleep in his car, walking over and using the car’s horn to wake you two up
You and Seven woke with a start but Seven felt completely rested, exclaiming
“Taking these naps in the most random of places is genius, MC! Ahh I feel so refreshed! Tell me all your favorite nap spots. We can go there and take naps when we want to be alone so Saeran doesn’t hear us-“
Saeran honked the horn again as he scolded his brother with a blush and you simply napped
No one besides you really knew how hard Seven worked and how he really did need more breaks so you happily agreed
And now you were able to do your favorite thing, napping, with your favorite person, Seven
My goodness you’re going to give this poor boy a heart attack
Even though he won’t admit it out loud, Saeran becomes anxious when you aren’t around
He was unaware of your napping quirk and only learned about it when you came over to visit him at Seven’s house
Saeran was helping his brother with work, telling you to sit tight with what he thought would only be a quick fix
Both brothers were so engrossed with the computer and you didn’t want to bother them so you went to nap
When they were done, Saeran turned to find you missing
He immediately started panicking, grabbing his brother’s shoulder nervously
“What if she left? What if she hates me? What if she’s annoyed with me? What if she’s been kidnapped? What if she-“
Seven gently grabbed Saeran’s wrist and told him you probably were bored and went to go do something
The brothers searched the home for you but Saeran’s anxiety only rose when he couldn’t find you
He was about to lose it until he heard rustling in his closest
Curiously, he opened the door to find you snuggled against his clothes on the floor of his closet
“Are you serious, MC?!”
You woke up with a start, seeing that it was just Saeran, you rubbed your eyes and laid your head back down to sleep
That’s when Saeran found out about your unusual habit and after explaining things, he finally calmed down
You even invited Saeran to join you for naps, although he would lightly scold you for sleeping in such strange places
More than anything, he was worried that you’d catch a cold or hurt your muscles but you assured him you were fine
You knew he needed more sleep and that he’d typically sleep better with you around so you encouraged him to take naps with you but he refused to sleep in such weird places
Although at times, Seven would find the two of you sleeping peacefully in the closet or underneath the bed, he did find it a bit weird but seeing his brother sleeping peacefully in your arms was all that mattered to him
You more than enjoyed your naps with Saeran and although he wouldn’t admit it out loud, Saeran really enjoyed them too
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Breathe ~ the Doctor (part 7)
A/n: The word count got messed up because I did a passage that I added later and forgot to add it before I deleted it, so I didn’t do it this time. I have no idea how long it is, but I figure it’s long enough? Lol
Warnings: PTSD flashbacks, grief, overwhelming emotional pain, death, loss, depression, physical pain (mostly just a sort of headache), slight disassociation.
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Suddenly the Doctor's arm shot out and that little light from earlier shot forward like a super charged energy beam, beaming into the head of one Cyberman and surging into the head of every Cyberman around them. They all melted, the same way the Daleks did when Rose was imbued with the power of the TARDIS. They were erased from time itself.
A car pulled up, honking behind them, and they all surged in. Mickey grabbed Y/n to the surprise of most people, and he realized why when he sat down and didn't see the Doctor. He almost raced out again, but then Rose and the Doctor joined him just as he stood, so he sat down again and they sat on either side of him, Pete on Rose's other side.
When they were safe and going, Rickey turned toward the Doctor from the front seat. "What the hell was that?"
The Doctor held up the little light from the TARDIS. It was a crystal. Y/n hadn't looked closely enough before now. "Little bit of technology from my home," he explained.
"It stopped glowing," Mickey pointed out, worried. "Has it run out?"
"It's on a vitalizing loop," the Doctor assured. "It'll be up and running in a few hours."
"So we don't have a weapon anymore?" Rickey groaned.
Jack, which seemed to be the name of Rickey's gun happy friend - reminded Y/n of another Jack but this wasn't the time to think about that - huffed, "We've got weapons. May not work on those metal things but..." Y/n tuned them out.
He fell into his memories, escaping this conversation and this world for just a second. He returned to the TARDIS, trying to think of times he and the Doctor had spent laughing or cuddling or eating together and listening to himself and the Doctor tell stories Y/n shouldn't know. Thinking about those stories though, the one Y/n shouldn't know, set off other memories he shouldn't have.
There's a soft breeze. People talk quietly. The sun is warm, but not like on Earth where it's harsh unless it's the morning or evening, when they sun is not completely in the sky yet. It's just a nice warmth, that tickles your skin and fills your insides, like drinking a warm drink on a cold day. Comfortable. I feel a peace. This is my safe place. This is where I go when everything else gets too hard. Too much. This is where I got to be alone. The sun smiles at me, and kisses me on the cheek, and promises to keep me safe.
"You okay, dad?" I turn and there is a child. Young, and small, but not so much that she doesn't recognize the state I'm in. That she can't see that I'm upset.
I smile at her anyway. "Much better now that you're here." She smiles and approaches me. Her hands reach up, but hesitate. "May I?"
Shaking my hand, I reached up and hold her by the wrists to stop her. "You don't want to do that, Darling. It really is nothing. Just having a rough day is all."
Her smile is persistent though. "I don't want to see, silly. I want to show. I've been thinking about a story recently, and I was wondering... could I try and show you? Let you picture it as I do? It might cheer you up. You love stories."
Despite everything, I find myself smiling. "I would love that." She reaches up and takes hold of either side of my face and I relax into her touch as she fills my mind with details of the story she wants me to see.
"Y/n?" He looked over, blinking as he faded away from the best memory he could muster. The Doctor was looking at him, like what he knew what had just happened. Y/n gave him a sheepish wince, but the Doctor shot an understand, sympathetic smile in return. It's okay, he seemed to be saying. "It happened again, hm? You go into memories when you zone out like that don't you?" Y/n nodded. "Well, that's understandable. We're here though. Got to get out and walk. Come on!" Y/n did as he was told, and soon they were walking through the streets of an alternative London, racing against time to save the day.
So, the usual.
Rather suddenly there was a loud beeping sound and people began to stop one by one, only this time they didn't say frozen like before. They turned and began walking in the same direction.
"What's happening?" Rose asked.
"It's the earpods," the Doctor explained. "Lumic's take control."
"Why don't we just take them off?" She asked, starting toward the nearest person.
"Don't," the Doctor commanded, pulling her to a stop. "They're connected to the brain still." He sighed, shaking his head. "The human race. For such a smart lot, you are far too simple. Given the chance, you submit. Sometimes I think you like it. Easy life."
Y/n smirked. "I mean, you can control me anytime you want Doctor. I'd more than just like that."
Before the Doctor could respond - and from the smirk on his face, Y/n got the idea it would be quite the response indeed - Jack called them over. They went to see that it wasn't just the street they were going down. People were coming out of their homes even, all headed the same direction. "Where are they going?" Rose wondered.
"I don't know, Lumic must have a base of operations." The Doctor bit his lip, not pleased with all of the people he couldn't save just yet.
"He's got a factory," Pete told them. "That's where he's been holding a base for ages now. I can take you there, easy."
Rose looked at the crowd, her face sad. "Why is he doing this?"
"He's dying," Pete answered. "This all started out as a way of prolonging life. Keeping the brain alive. Conquering death. At any cost."
"The thing is, I've seen Cybermen before haven't I?" Rose spoke up. "The head? Those handle shapes, in Vanstaten's museum."
"Well yes, there were cybermen in our universe," the Doctor explained. "They started on an ordinary world just like this, then swarmed across the galaxy."
Y/n bit his lip for a second. "If we hadn't come here, do you think they would have won this time? No Timelords to stop them if the TARDIS hadn't pulled us here."
Before the Doctor could say anything, Pete had something to say. "What are you three going on about?"
There was no time to respond though. Rickey stood up, turning around. "Nevermind that. Come on we have to get out of the street. We need to split up. Mrs. Moore, you go that way. Jake, distract them and go right. I'll go left and we'll meet back at Woodlyn street. Move!"
"I'm going with him," Mickey told the Doctor and Rose before giving them a nod and taking off after Rickey, leaving the others to follow Mrs. M as they'd been told. They all ran, the Doctor in the lead, ducking and swerving to avoid those same lines of Cybermen trying to box them in. They turned a corner at one point and ducked behind a bunch of bins, realizing they couldn't win with the running thing. They'd get boxed in just like last time. The Cybermen got close. Too close. So close that Y/n's whole body tensed, as he readied himself to throw his body in the way of his friends. Then the Doctor raised his screwdriver, clicked a button, and the Cybermen turned away like magic.
Then they were gone
Everyone stood and Y/n grabbed the Doctor's face, smacking one on him. "You're a genius, you are."
Light up like a Christmas tree with a grin, the Doctor gave a wink. "Let's be on then." They all took off again, heading to the meet up point.
First came Jack, talking about how much of the city was on the moves. Then, came Mickey. Or, Rickey... Only or, even though it should have been and because they left together. Except now there was only one of them. "Which one are you?" Jack asked.
"I'm sorry." Immediately Y/n realized which one it was. This man was soft and tender. Not as brave or as strong. It was Mickey. For the first time, Y/n realized that he was glad Mickey was the way he was. Rickey was too trigger happy, and too aggressive. Things would have been hell traveling with him. Mickey might be a bit of a coward, but he was a good man and that counted for something. More than he was given credit for. "The cybermen came and I couldn't..."
Jack got suddenly very upset. "Are you Ricky? Are you Ricky?" There was something to his voice that made Y/n sick. It was the same panic he'd heard in his own voice every time he thought he'd lost the Doctor. Oh Jack...
Rose stepped forward. "Mickey that's you, isn't it?"
Reluctantly, Mickey answered, "Yeah." There was a pause and then Rose and Y/n both surged forward to wrap the man in a hug. Everyone seemed surprise to see Y/n do it, but no one said anything about it. If he secretly cared about Mickey and had up until this moment refused to admit it, that was up to him. It absolutely wasn't the case, but even if it was it wasn't anyone else's business alright? Mickey turned to Jack. "He tried, he was running, but there were too many of them."
"Shut it," Jack snapped, turning away.
"There was nothing I could do," he begged Jack to understand.
"I said shut it!" Jack snapped. "Don't even talk about him. You're nothing, you are. Nothing."
Y/n glared at Jack. "Don't talk about him like that."
Again, everyone was too shocked to do much about it, except the Doctor who spoke up in the quiet. "We'll have time to mourn him when London is safe. Until then, we move on."
So they did.
Pete lead the way to the factory he'd mentioned earlier and they stood on a hill, looking at it, trying not to think about how many people were walking to their deaths inside. Y/n stood tall, his hands clenching into fists. "This is horrible," he whispered.
No one responded, just stood in silence and looked at the factory with equally upset looks. After a while the Doctor said, "The whole of London's been sealed off and the entire population's inside that place to be converted." He said the last bit in a mocking tone. It would have made Y/n smile if he hadn't been so angry.
"We've got to get in there and shut it down." Rose's tone was hard. Steely. It fit Y/n's mood perfectly.
"How do we do that?" Mickey asked.'
"Oh I'll think of something," the Doctor drawled in a much lighter tone than everyone else. Y/n forced himself to calm. The Doctor had to have a clear head for stuff like this. He couldn't be boggled down by anger. He didn't express dark, heavy emotions. Once he did, once he released them, they controlled him and drove him too far every time. His strengths was his smarts, and he needed an awake mind for that - being boggled down by red anger wouldn't do any of them any good. Y/n would be the same, if it wasn't for the whole thing with his mum... It didn't stop him from being just a little irritated all the same.
Mickey ruined his anger a bit. "You're just making it up as you go along."
Y/n scoffed, but the sound was too soft. Almost a laugh. "Well yeah. Despite what you think, he's not an all knowing genius. That's what he's got us for. He needs help."
"I do it brilliantly even when I'm alone," the Doctor declared. Y/n shot him a look and the Timelord actually smiled. "I will say, better with friends though. Much better."
Mrs. M pulled their attention over to look something she said could help. She showed them the old schematics of the building. Most importantly: tunnels, underneath the building, that were big enough to move through and could give easy access inside.
The Doctor declared his plan: Under and then up, to the control center.
Pete had his own ideas. "There's another way in. Through the front door." They all looked at him and he continued to explain himself. "If they've taken Jackie for an upgrade, then that's how she'll get in."
"We can't just go strolling up." Jack was getting frustrated, and Y/n could honestly understand.
Mrs. M was a level headed one though, like the Doctor. Unlike him, she was an enabler. "Well we could've. With these," she admitted, reaching into her bag to pull something out. "Fake ear pods. Dead. No signal." Pete took two. "You put them on, the Cybermen would mistake you as one of the crowd."
"Then that's my job," Pete declared.
"You'd have to show no emotion," the Doctor warned. "None at all. Any sign of emotion would give you away."
To Y/n's horror, Rose spoke up. "How many of those are there?"
"Just two sets," Mrs. M responded.
"Okay. If it's the best way of finding Jackie..." She looked at Pete, smiling at him. "I'm coming with ya." She stood to her feet, taking a pair."
"Why does it matter to you?" Pete asked.
"No time," Rose dismissed. "Doctor, I'm going, and that's that."
The Doctor gave her a desperate expression. Y/n felt his insides shrivel. He couldn't lose her now. They'd only just begun. They had so much time. Not yet! He was frozen though, slowed by that damned anger, too focused on all of the emotions he'd felt in one day. He couldn't think of a way to stop her, so what was the point of saying anything at all? "There's really no way to stop you?" The Doctor asked softly, speaking what Y/n was thinking.
"Nope," Rose declared immediately.
"Tell you what," the Doctor sighed. "We can take the ear pods out at the same time. Give people their minds back, so they don't walk into that place like sheep. Jakey boy!" He surged forward and Jake followed.
Y/n turned to Rose. "I can't even go with you. I could... Would you let me take your place?" He asked, quiet and breathless.
Rose smiled, raising a hand up to touch the side of Y/n's face. "I know I'm stubborn and difficult. I know I'm a little muddle a lot of the time. I'm sorry Y/n, for things with your mum. I'm sorry I drove you to do that. But I-"
"Have to," Y/n finished, nodding. "Yeah, I know." He nodded and turned as the Doctor turned back to the group after giving Jack his part of the mission.
"Mrs. Moore! Would you mind accompanying me in the cooling tunnels? Above, below, we can stop the converter machines."
"I would love to," Mrs. Moore responded, shaking the Doctor's hand.
Y/n hesitated, giving Mickey long enough to jump in, "What about me?"
"Mickey," the Doctor realized. Y/n sighed as he realized the man had forgotten Mickey again. "You can, um..."
"What, stay safe? Tag along? Be the tin dog?" Y/n winced at the memory of K-9. Had he been holding onto that ever since then? "No, those days are over. I'm going with Jack.
"I don't need you, idiot," Jack seethed.
"I'M NOT AN IDIOT!" Mickey screamed back. "You got that?" He calmed a little. "I'm offering to help." Jack dismissed him, moving on and allowing it hesitantly. Mickey perked up when he saw Y/n smiling at him. They exchanged nods and then everyone went their separate ways after a few goodbyes, and a good farewell from the Doctor to Mickey. Y/n sort of drifted after the Doctor, realizing he hadn't actually been given a job either. The whole thing with Mickey had distracted from it. Did the Doctor want him to come?
"Aren't you coming?" the Doctor asked Y/n. He nodded, moving again more purposefully. He warmed a little realizing that the Doctor had just assumed immediately that Y/n was coming along with him. The three of them moved toward the head of the tunnel, opening it up and climbing down. The Doctor skipped the last few wrungs so Y/n braced himself and just dropped from the top, landing hard but well. He had learned long ago how to land. "Show off," the Doctor mumbled. Y/n winked.
They were distracted by Mrs. M who mumbled, "It's freezing."
The Doctor looked around. "Any sign of a light switch?"
Like an angel sent from heaven, Mrs. M reached into her bag and pulled out three headlamps. "I've got these. A device for every occasion."
"Ooh," the Doctor cooed as the trio placed the gear on their head, turning it on to light up the tunnel. "Haven't got a hot dog in there have you? I'm starving."
Mrs. M just chuckled but Y/n smirked. "You want want meant-"
"Hush now," the Doctor interrupted. Y/n and Mrs. M both let out a bursting laugh that cut off as they remembered where they were, and that the tunnel echoed.
"Better than what he wanted though," Mrs. M reasoned. "Of all the things to wish for - mechanically recovered meat? Isn't that a bit fitting?"
The Doctor smiled at the irony. "I know, it's the Cyberman of food, but it's tasty." Y/n smirked but didn't say anything - not that it wasn't obvious by the other two's face they knew what he was thinking.
Mrs. M reached in her bag again and pulled out another set of three, but this time they were better than the last if you asked Y/n. "Proper torches," Mrs. M announced proudly.
The Doctor looked down the tunnel, raising his torch. "Let's see where we are." They all nearly had a heart attack when his light hit a a Cyberman, back against the wall. There was another next to the first, and then another and another after the second, stretching to far down the tunnel that they turned a corner and went out of sight. "Already converted, just put on ice," the Doctor whispered. His voice pitched up when he pipped, "Come on." And they did, Mrs. M in between the Doctor who lead, and Y/n who followed behind her. He paused only a second to knock on one of the Cybermen to test if it would react. Nothing. "Let's go slowly," the Doctor decided. "Keep an eye out for trip systems."
Therefore, the journey down the tunnel of seemingly endless Cyberman began.
Eventually the silence got unbearable. Y/n began humming, trying to keep his mind distracted from the fear in his body. He liked fear, it came him ready and awake. It was good for running and dodging. Not, one would say, walking slowly down a dark tunnel with countless machines that could kill you with one touch. Y/n tried to keep them countless too. He forced himself not to count each and every one he walked by. Tried not to think about how many people had been killed so that metal murder machine could be there now. He tried to channel that fear that was so useful when he had to move fast and be smart, into forcing himself to stay slow and occupied.
Mrs. M wasn't a fan. "Could you not?"
Y/n did stop, because he was always about what other people needed more than anything, but he quickly got antsy. He found out pretty soon that he had been subconsciously counting the machines, and the tally picked up in his head the second he wasn't distracted with trying to think of what tune to hum next. So, he busied himself with a different sense, planting his free hand along the wall that wasn't lined with Cybermen, focusing on the feel of the stone to reorient his mind instead. Mrs. M grunted and Y/n offered a terse, "I can't sit in silence. Not like this."
Before Mrs. M could shoot something back, the Doctor piped up. "How did you get into this, then?" For a second Y/n thought the Doctor meant him, but then he clarified, "Rattling along with the Preachers I mean. I know your story Y/n."
Mrs. M sighed. "Oh, I used to be ordinary."
"As we all did," Y/n sympathized, nodding his head.
He instantly worried she might take offense as he had technically interrupted her, but she just nodded. "Indeed. I even worked at Cybus Industries, back then. 9-5." Her voice changed, and Y/n realized she was recalling that past with a sort of bittersweet wistfulness that dropped into relief. "Until one day, I find something I'm not supposed to. A file on the mainframe. All I did was read it." That made Y/n chuckle a bit. That is how it always started, wasn't it? One accident. One moment that you made a decision to answer a question you had, a curiosity that was bugging at you, and then everything changed. "Then suddenly I've got men with guns knocking in the middle of the night. A life on the run. Then I found the Preachers. They needed a techie, so I just sat down and taught myself everything."
"What about Mr. Moore?" the Doctor asked, taking Y/n by surprise. Though... he shouldn't have been surprised, thinking about it. The Doctor might pretend not to care or think of those things, but that's probably what mattered to him most. Having love and a home and a family. Something he'd never get, really. Not as the last Timelord. Not with Y/n, or anyone else anymore.
Mrs. M spoke, pulling Y/n from his thoughts. "Well he's not called Moore. I got that from a book, Mrs. Moore." The Doctor and Y/n both shot her a look and she returned a soft, amused smile. "It's safer not to use real names. But he thinks I'm dead. It was the only way to keep him safe. Him and the kids."
Y/n's heart broke at that. "I can't imagine that. I'm sorry."
"Oh it's fine," Mrs. M dismissed. "Anyway, what about you two? Any family, or...?"
"Oh who needs family?" the Doctor scoffed, putting on the same front he always did when people got too close to things that hurt too much to talk about. Y/n grew quiet, thinking about how his own response probably would have been something similar. "I've got the whole world on my side."
Mrs. M nodded. "And you, Y/n?"
Having had the realization of him similarness to the Doctor, Y/n didn't make the same move. They might have a similar backstory, but Y/n didn't have to act the same about it. "I had one, once. Not- not really much of a family, even then. Very small,  and quite broken." He was silent for a moment. "They're gone now. All of them." He shook his head. "Look at me getting all sad and sentimental." He sighed. "What's your real name, Mrs. Moore?"
She hesitated a moment. "Angela Price." There was a hesitation. "Don't you dare tell a soul."
"Not a word," the Doctor vowed.
After a few seconds, Y/n started humming again. This time, Mrs. Prince didn't give him lip for it.
Thought, it could have been because of her mild panic over something else. "Doctor," she breathed urgently, jumping forward, closer to the Timelord. "Did that one just move?" Y/n looked over her head to see the arm of one of the Cybermen bent, where they'd all been stood at attention, limbs straight and ready to be activated.
"It's just the torchlight," the Doctor whispered.
"No way," Y/n argued. "That arm is bent. None of them were bent." As if in response to him, the same Cybermen turned to look at Y/n, its body beginning to turn and take up more of the hallway, making it harder to pass.
That kicked the Doctor into action. "They're waking up. RUN!" They all took off, going as fast as their legs could carry them. They made it to the end of the tunnel that echoed with the sound of hundreds of marching men and the sonic screwdriver working at hyper speed to unlock the lid. Y/n knew it was too late when the lid was finally removed, Mrs. Price's voice mixing with all the others sounds as she began to panic and rush.
The Doctor made it out, and then Mrs. Price. Y/n was only halfway up the ladder when his ankle was grabbed and he was ripped off the ladder and onto the ground. His name was screamed. There was the sound of electricity and pain shot up Y/n's body, like earlier with his mum, except this time he wasn't held mute by shock.
He screamed.
"Close it, it's too late!" the Doctor instructed. The lid fell back into place and the sonic screwdriver sounded, muffled this time by the metal.
The tunnel went silent.
Only for a moment though. Realizing the path up the ladder was sealed, the Cybermen moved back down the tunnel and out of sight, their footsteps fading into the distance. When he was sure they were gone, Y/n pushed himself to his feet, shaking off the pain he'd felt moments ago. He climbed the ladder and knocked three times on the metal hatch. There was a second where Y/n thought they'd maybe left him behind. Perhaps the Doctor thought he'd be fine on his own. The risk was too great. They didn't know if the Cybermen would even leave. Perhaps they'd left him.
Then there was the wonderful sound of the sonic screwdriver, and the lid lifted. Y/n scrambled out of the hole and the Doctor replaced the lid. Once finished, the Doctor turned and pulled Y/n to his feet, hugging him tightly. "I have to stop worrying you like this," Y/n joked weakly.
"I wasn't worried," the Doctor reassured. "It's just nice to see you okay. Even though I knew I just... I like seeing you okay."
Y/n smiled softly. The moment wasn't to last though, because Mrs. Price was not satisfied with what had just happened. "I'm sorry what the bloody hell was that?"
Pulling away from the Doctor's embrace - as much as he didn't want to - Y/n turned to her with a sheepish smile. "Long story but in short terms, he's an alien and I can't die. Get the confusion out now."
Mrs. Price glared at Y/n. "Don't lie to me."
Y/n nodded. "Fair enough. You wouldn't believe the truth then." Mrs. P went to argue but Y/n held up a hand. "No time for explanation, especially with how much it's take to get you to believe us. Let's just go and we can tell you about it later." Mrs. Price hesitated but then nodded, letting it go for now.
They began walking further into the factory to get to their goal and stop the converter machines, but were stopped by yet another Cyberman. "You have not been upgraded."
Quite impressively, Mrs. Price stepped forward, reaching into her bag like Marry Poppins. "Upgrade this," she spat, and threw a small rectangular device at the thing. It stuck to the Cyberman's check and went off, spirals of electricity shooting out and across the metal body. The Cyberman collapsed, unresponding.
Amazed, the Doctor breathlessly asked, "What the hell was that thing?"
"Electromagnetic bomb," Mrs. Price answered. "Takes out computers; I figured it might stop a Cyber suit."
"Well, you figured right," the Doctor complimented.
"He doesn't say that often," Y/n pointed out. "Enjoy it while you can."
"Let's have a look. Know your enemy," the Doctor continued in a rush. He didn't like to admit that he wasn't goo enough about recognizing other people's smarts. To be fair, practically no one could measure up to his intelligence, so it only made sense to Y/n that with such an example as himself everyone else seemed rather plain. Y/n pushed that thought away, reminding himself the Doctor thought no one plain or small. He had always looked at humans and seen a wonder. It's why he was so confused by their occasional stupidity.
The Doctor took out his screwdriver, kneeling next to the Cyberman. He ran the tool along the circle in the middle of the Cyberman's chest. "The other ones didn't have that logo," Y/n noticed softly.
"Different than these ones," the Doctor reminded. "Not much different, but it can be said that Lumic doesn't seem the man to turn down the opportunity to slap his name on anything and everything he can. Even humanity... he's shoved them in metal suits, taken away their hearts and turned them into a brand."
Y/n glared. "What kind of person can be okay with that, just to keep himself alive?"
"Worst of humanity," the Doctor mumbled as he pulled off the front plate finally. "Just as bad as the best is good, which is saying quite good. Humanity is cool that way." He changed the subject, flipping the lid over and showing the wiring on the back. "Heart of steel," he told the other two, as if guiding them through the build. "But look." He reached into the inside of the Cyberman, pulling out stringy bits that were so thin and white they were almost see through."
Mrs. Price looked at the Doctor with a gloomy expression. "Is that flesh?"
The Doctor hummed. "Central nervous system." He put the bits back inside. "Artificially grown then threaded through the suit so it responds like a living thing. Well- it is a living thing." He looked deeper and leaned closer. "Ooh, but look." His finger rested against a sort of square hard drive looking thing that was stuck into the top of the chest. "Emotional inhibitor. Stops them feeling anything."
That made Mrs. Price jerk. "But, why?"
Returning to looking at the two humans, and not the metal thing that used to be, the Doctor began to explain, "Still got a human brain. Imagine its reaction if it could see itself. Realize itself inside this thing. It would go insane."
Y/n rose a hand to cover his mouth. Not because he was crying, but because he was so disgusted on how the understanding had come to him so easily. How he had forgotten what it was like to not understand, and not see. What it was like to look and for once not know what was going on. How it had gone through his mind for a second and he hadn't wept or screamed or ached, but simply acknowledged until the Doctor had said that last bit out loud. As if understanding, the Doctor reached over and placed his free hand on Y/n's shoulder.
"So they cut out the one thing that makes them human," Mrs. Price realized softly.
"Because they have to," the Doctor confirmed, leaning away from the machine with a dark expression.
To the group's horror, the Cyberman spoke. "Why. Am I cold?" The voice was still electronic and processed, but it was hesitant. Broken. Slow wit a pause between each word. Unsure, Y/n realized.
"Oh my god it's alive." Mrs. Price leaned away. After what the Doctor had just said-
"It can feel," Y/n whispered, his voice full of regret and pain as his hand dropped to rest on the metal chest of the poor creature.
"We broke the inhibitor." The Doctor leaned close, trying to be in the Cyberman's line of sight. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
The machine didn't respond to that. Instead it repeated, "Why so cold?"
Skipping past that question, the Doctor asked instead, "Can you remember your name."
"Sally." It seemed to have begun to struggle with each syllable, like speaking was hard. Y/n's head was filled with a woman's face, eyes blinking as her head swam and she stumbled, words fumbling as she tried to orient herself and understand what was happening in all the sudden confusion she felt out of nowhere. "Sally Phelan."
"You're a woman," Mrs. Price realized aloud.
"Where's Garret?"
Suddenly, a man's face. His features were so clear it was like Y/n was seeing him in person. Or, had at one point. He was smiling, his arms open for a hug, his head tilted endearingly. "Not far." Y/n winced as he answered, knowing he was right even though he didn't know why or how.
"He can't see me," Susan suddenly insisted. It was still slow, like she was half asleep, but Y/n could somehow see the expression that would have been on her face had she still been able to make it. Nearly hear the inflections in her voice, had she still been able to expression such things. "It's unlucky the night before."
Y/n closed his eyes, turning away. His rose his hand to his head, feeling a sudden painful pressure behind his skull. There was a thrumming and pulsing and then a  hand on his shoulder, but this hand was smaller than a Cyberman's. Softer and warmer. He looked over to see Mrs. Price, who had a concerned expression on her face. Y/n saw a glint of silver behind her as she went to stand, about to encourage Y/n to do the same. But it was all too late. Mrs. Price's shoulder planted immediately into the waiting hand of a Cyberman and her body was covered in those coils of electricity, and she fell, dead.
"No, you didn't have to kill her!" The Doctor wailed, face full of pain as he shot to his feet.
"Binary vascular system detected," the Cyberman answered without a hint of regret. It looked at Y/n, who stood next to the Doctor, taking his hand silently. "I have seen you die. You have died twice now, we have killed you. Yet you live. You are both unknown upgrades. You will be taken for analysis. There were three Cybermen in total, around them, and they began marching. The two men had no chance to grab Mrs. Price's body, and even if they had what was the point?
So, they left her and they marched to whatever was next.
The walk was silent and grim. They were directed to what seemed to be Central Control. They turned the corner to see familiar faces, and to vent his heavy heart the Doctor drawled, "I've been captured! But don't worry, Rose and Pete are still out there." His voice was laced in sarcasm as he and Y/n approached the two previously mentioned, who should be far from where they were now. "Oh well never mind." He shook his head, making it clear he was only teasing. "Are you okay?" He asked Rose.
"Yeah," she offered, but her face said differently. Her eyes drifted to Y/n then shot away very quickly, her face twisting with pain. He felt his own features contort with confusion. What had she seen to upset her so much, and why was there the sense it had something to do with Y/n? "But they got Jackie," she continued. "And..." she hesitated, before deciding to continue. "Y/n, I met your other half. In this world. Um, I know... why your mum said you were missing."
There was something horrible about that. "How did you know it was me?"
"Your mum was... in line. After we were identified, I tried to save her but... then this other Cyberman came up. Said he was her son. He said-" She cut off, but Y/n looked at her earnestly. Despite everything, he had to know. "She's been rejected for upgrading. They... they put her in the incinerator."
Y/n looked at the ground. "I'm sorry about Jackie."
Rose didn't seem sure how to respond to that. Didn't know if Y/n was mad at her for telling him about this universe's Y/n and his mum. Pete responded for her. "We were too late," he lamented. It was more fitting than saying nothing, or dismissing it as okay when it so very much wasn't At first Y/n worried Pete blamed himself but then he added, "Lumic killed her," and it was immediately clear his anger was not self directed.
The Doctor took charge there. "And where is the famous Mr. Lumic?" He demanded, turning around the room, looking for the man they'd all heard so much about but had not had the chance to see. "Don't we get the chance to meet our lord and master?"
One of the Cybermen stepped forward. "He has been upgraded."
"So he's just like you?" The Doctor's voice had dropped to a deadpan.
"He is superior," the Cyberman corrected. "The Lumic unit has been designated Cybercontroller."
This memory came sudden and without warning. Y/n's vision was wiped and he was seeing something else.
"Oh come on love, you can't expect me to be able to control everything."
"You can make it snow but you can't turn the heating down a little in your own ship?"
Immediately he knew something was wrong. Because that was his own voice, coming from where he was speaking now. He was himself... but he didn't know this memory. He was talking to a man as well that he didn't recognize. The man had longer hair than the Doctor's. A bit floppier. His chin was broad, his shoulders wider. His eyes were darker, not in color but in age, like he'd seen more. Lived longer. That thought occurred to Y/n because the Doctor was the one man who had the eyes of one who had lived so long that it was impossible anyone had reached further back. Had seen more. Had been through enough to even come close to that depth and age and darkness. Yet this man... surpassed that easily. And all with a smile, tottering around in a tweed jacket and a bow tie.
Y/n moved closer to the man, reaching out and running a hand along his jaw. "I miss when you wore a proper tie. I can't pull on this thing like I used to."
The man blushed. "Well, bow ties are cool. Had to switch it out no choice. I've got to look cool now, don't I?"
"Of course you do." And then they kissed, and Y/n thrown back into the present with confusion as to what the hell he'd just seen, and also tripping over himself internally to try and catch himself up to what he'd just missed, because they were mid conversation and Y/n had not a single clue what was going on in his head or out of it.
The Doctor was rambling, going on and on about how someone could do something to stop Lumic. Speaking in generals, and talking on and on and getting rather specific. Y/n saw him look several times in the same spot and followed the Doctor's eyes to see a camera. What... was going on? His brain was processing too slowly, understanding what was being said a second after it had been said. And with how much the Doctor was saying and how fast he was saying it, Y/n just couldn't keep up.
He closed his eyes, raising his hands to knees the base of his palms against his eyelids, trying to massage away the tension building mildly behind his skull. It began to fade and his mind began to right as Rose spoke up. "It's for you," she said.
"Like this," the Doctor responded, catching the phone as she threw it to him and plugging it into a port in the desk. And Y/n didn't have time to understand because suddenly he was full of agony. Not physical pain, but an internal poison that coursed through his blood and seeped into his muscle and shelled around his bone. Searing torture of a million minds screaming out all at once as they realized what they were. What had happened to them. A human, cold, surrounded by the dark, realizing they'd been ripped from their body and shoved into a machine. And it hurt. Oh, it hurt so much. IT HURT.
Y/n's knees gave out and he bent forward, pressing his forehead to the cold ground to seek some reprieve from the boiling heat just under his skin and the pain bouncing around in his head. He screamed and screamed and heard nothing else until finally the pressure faded and lessened and eased enough for his vision to clear. To his surprise, they'd moved. His hands had been pried off his head and he had been forced to his feet. It seemed he'd been dragged by Rose and the Doctor, who each had one of his arms around their shoulders. He was sure he'd been screaming, but it seemed that he had instead just woken up from knocking out cold entirely.
"I'm sorry Y/n I don't know what's happening but this building is collapsing and I don't know how far your immortality goes. Please come round, we have to climb this ladder and I can't carry you any further," the Doctor was begging. "PLEASE Y/N!"
Y/n forced his feet underneath him, standing shakily on his own. He nodded wordlessly, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. The Doctor and Rose shared terrified expressions but climbed the ladder anyway. Pete has already gone up and Rose was next. "Go," Y/n told the Doctor.
"No." The Doctor had the same look as when Rose had set her mind to going with Pete to save Jackie, and Y/n knew he didn't have energy to put to waste, so he just climbed. It was painful and draining and he almost stopped with no room for the Doctor, but Rose called his name and he forced himself to take a few more steps further up the swaying ladder. The Doctor got on and the balloon lifted off. Everything else faded as Y/n closed his eyes, resting his forehead against he stung by his face, focusing all his might on keeping on the ladder.
Finally, there was an electronic scream, and then everything else faded into silence. Y/n realized what he couldn't before. His mind had been full of faces. Hundreds and hundreds - maybe millions - of faces. All crying out. All horrified as they realized they were no longer human. No longer in their bodies. The same feeling that he had sensed in Sally in the hallway with Angela Price and the Doctor. That same sensation, but on such an astoundingly larger scale that it had mushed together in pure agony, blinding him and knocking him unconscious because Y/n was only human. He could handle memory, but the first hand shared pains of so many? He couldn't handle that.
When they landed, Y/n didn't y'all to anyone. He looked away from them until they backed off and then he shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way to the TARDIS, far ahead of the others. The wind whipped around him and the cold seeped into his skin like London air always did at night, and he aches for the lives lost. He mourned all of the faces that were in his head now. All the lives lost. All of those voices calling out for him, pleading for mercy. For reprieve. Begging for safety and release from the terrible thing eating them up slowly, starting at the edges and working it's way to their core, consuming every detail of them.
Finally, Y/n understood what the Doctor felt watching Gallifrey buen and fall. He didn't just see it, but he felt it. He internalized it and his heart throbbed with an understanding he wished he wasn't capable of. Far, far too many lives lost because one man was incapable of stopping it all from crumbling to the ground.
When he got to the TARDIS, he surged inside to his room, this time refusing to answer the door when several people knocked. The TARDIS light up again, alive and thrumming, and Y/n felt something course through him that was both new and so very familiar. Like the feeling of the weight of your hair, but only noticing after you cut it. Something that had been there for ages but only now he was seeing and recognizing. A warmth spread through his whole body and he heard a voice, clear as day in his head.
“I’m sorry.”
For some reason, Y/n wasn’t afraid. That wasn’t much of a mystery either though. Even though it made no sense and should be impossible and he should be shocked and confused and maybe even worried, he knew who was speaking to him, and he was okay with it. “It’s okay,” he mumbled, suddenly exhausted. “I forgive you.”
The walls of the TARDIS thrummed and Y/n knew she understood he was telling the truth.
“You need to let them in.”
Y/n looked at his lap. “I can’t, don’t you understand? I-” He squeezed his eyes tight, and he felt the feeling of sadness and regret, but not from him. What he felt was so, so much deeper than just sadness. It was... emptiness. Deep and eroding, like it was wrapping him in a darkness so deep he couldn’t tell the difference between his eyes being closed or open. So dark he couldn’t see his hand even if it touched his face. Like that, but a feeling. A feeling that seemed to change the world, sapping all of the color and muting all the sound, like it was far away. In the distance. Out of reach. He saw all those faces as they filtered through his mind. and he wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. But all he could do was limply stare at his lap and feel emotions that threatened to destroy him. “How can I explain?” It was hard to speak, to think enough past the numbness that seemed to be very quickly making it hard to do anything.
“They’ll understand.”
Instead of opening the door, Y/n just sat there. Suddenly there was a click and the door opened slowly, and Y/n turned slowly to see that the TARDIS had unlocked the door herself. “No,” Y/n moaned. “No!”
“Y/n?” Came from down the hall. “Rose, the door is opened!”
“NO!” Y/n screamed, curling away from the door and pulling a pillow off the bed to cover his face. He curled into himself, his body coiled impossibly rigid.
Despite his protest, he knew that the Doctor and Rose were in the room with him. Rose sat next to him on the bed, the Doctor kneeling in front of him. “Please,” Rose begged, sounding as if she was already crying. “I watched too many people I care about die today. I lost Mickey, and my dad... Please don’t shut me out Y/n. I can’t care it.”
“And it’s always about what you can handle, isn’t it Rose?” Y/n shoved the pillow away from him, turning to her with empty anger in his eyes. There was no life or fire behind it, and it was that which hurt far more than what he’d said.
The Doctor grabbed either side of Y/n’s face to force their eyes to meet. The Doctor searched Y/n’s face, then closed his eyes and began to search Y/n’s memories. He gasped, jerking back and letting his hands drop as he stepped back. “That’s impossible.”
“What?” Rose rushed. “What’s going on?”
Y/n sighed, rubbing his forehead. “The TARDIS... when you brought me back that day, the TARDIS was using you to do it. She was trying to create something specific. I don’t get it, but she... she put things into me that should destroy me, but because I’m immortal, it doesn’t. She put a piece of herself into my construct. It’s why I can see the Doctor’s past. She can see all of time and space, of course she could look into a person’s past and recognize it. She knows what happens, everywhere, always, at all times. She knows everything, and everyone, and she’s put the tiniest piece of that in me. But she wasn’t in complete control, because she was working through you. So she didn’t just give me pieces of the Doctor, she implanted chunks of him inside of me. Not like... I can’t understand half of what I see sometimes, but I can see everything. I can sometimes everyone. Or, sort of. On a smaller scale. A mass of people. If the Doctor is connected to someone, say, Cybermen... if his pain was similar enough to them, those pieces of him and the pieces of the TARDIS inside of me merge together, and I can see them. I can see them as they go insane, crumbling under a pressure so great that they combust and explode and crumble. Imagine that - an emotional so great for one person that it makes the wires they’re made of blow and they self destruct. Now imagine that in the thousands, in the millions. All compounded and shoved into one body. One mind. One soul. Imagine the loss that person would feel when it was suddenly silent. When they were suddenly alone, empty, and could feel the loss of all of those people on an individual level. Could see their faces, and knew their personalities. To have them erased in the most violent way... emotional and mental destruction. Going insane to death.
Rose covered her mouth. “Oh my god.”
The Doctor moved closer. “I... can take it away.” There was so much pain in his voice. An aching as he faced a goodbye he couldn’t handle.
Y/n caught his wrist, stopping him. “When I agreed to be your companion, I knew the risks. I knew that this life could kill me. Or worse. I could be suspended forever in every single disease in the entire universe and locked away, sick and in pain, forced to die slowly. I could get shoved into a metal suit with my soul stripped away, turning more people into things just like me. I could be one of the empty children, forever searching for my mummy, y skin replaced with leather and incapable of dying, but far, FAR from human. Lost. Floating. Nothing. I saw it time and time again, and even fell at the feet of a fate far worse than death several times. I was ripped apart by a werewolf after the throne and put back together again because my life has been cemented in time to withstand anything, always. A fixed point. And I choose that life, Doctor. I choose unfathomable pain and loss and heartbreak. I choose emptiness and darkness and a void of emotion that threatens to consume me. I accept being impossible, and the incredible weight it will put on me forever because it hurts - GOD, it hurts - but it will never kill me as it should, because I’m only some mortal human.”
The Doctor looked like he was about to cry. “Why?” He demanded softly.
Y/n didn’t answer with words. He stepped forward, grabbing the Doctor by the back of the neck and pulling him into a kiss. A kiss that was infused with so much deep, resounding love that it made the Doctor shiver. When they parted, their foreheads rested together and they breathed quickly to catch up on all the air their lungs were demanding. “I can’t die, and I refuse to be lost. Without me, you will always end up alone. There will always be a time when you look around, and there will be no one to look to. You will lose everything you care about. Everyone you hold dear. And the TARDIS saw that and rebelled, because it’s too much pain, too much loneliness, to expect just one person to carry. You won’t ever bare the weight of the universe on your shoulders alone, Doctor. Not ever again. Not as long as you let me be here to help you. I will stay by your side until you tell me to go, and no one but you will remove me from that spot. Not pain. Not hope or happiness or dreams come true. There is nothing that can take me away but you.”
The Doctor melted, his shoulders sagging and his facial expression fracturing into part pain, part relief. The look of a man who had been on his own for far too long and was finally accepting that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance to start over again. “You would do that for me?”
Rose stood, raising a hand to stroke the side of his face. “You do it for us. Its our honor to lessen that burden. To return the favor.”
He rested his forehead on Y/n’s chest. “Please don’t go. Don’t ever go.”
“Never,” Y/n promised. “I promise.”
Story Tag List: @shoochi @e-reads-fics
Male Reader Tag List: @sheepfather​
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tuffduff · 4 years
Shopping For A Girlfriend (Steven Adler x Reader)
Pairing: fluffy Steven x Reader
Words: 1,772 
Request: @the--blackdahlia​ “Hi! I was just wondering if you would possibly write a steven adler fic. Just fluff lol. Writers choice :)”
A/N: Decided to do a little meet-cute scenario here :) Stevie is just a ball of sunshine and I adore him. Thanks for requesting him, hope you all like it!
Taglist: @ubernoxa​ @the--blackdahlia​ @reigns420​  @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker ❤️
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Steven wandered into the little corner drugstore and immediately stopped in his tracks. Why had he volunteered for this job? He had no idea where to even start to look for what he needed.
He picked the first aisle, but that proved fruitless—just makeup products, razors, deodorant, shaving cream—not what he was sent in to retrieve. He stopped walking again and scratched his head, looking around helplessly, hoping one of the store employees would walk by. It wasn’t likely; it was almost midnight and he was pretty sure he was the only one in the 24-hour mart besides the one employee forced to man the register. All he had for company was the pop music playing faintly.
Steven suddenly heard steps behind him and turned, growing hopeful as his eyes landed on you, inspecting nail polish. Your hair, shiny and healthy, was hiding your face from his and you were dressed in an oversized shirt that nearly swallowed you whole with short shorts barely peeking out from underneath. He approached you quickly before he lost his chance.
“Hey, could you help me out?” His words had come out too loud; you jumped and appeared startled at the sight of him. Instinctively, he stuck his hands up. “I’m sorry!” He laughed, smiling as you placed a hand to your chest. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“…It’s okay.” You gave a hesitant smile back. Your voice was soft and melodic, and your face—now visible—was, to his surprise, very appealing. All of your features formed a very complimentary complexion, but your eyes, taking him in with a mixture of curiosity and hesitancy, were the most beautiful color he had ever seen. He hadn’t even realized you had spoken.
“Sorry, what did you say?” He apologized quickly, feeling himself smile before blurting out, “you’re just really beautiful.”
For a moment you were speechless, and he found himself getting a thrill out of the grin that graced your features; he had a feeling you were hiding a beautiful smile. He felt an extra touch of pride at the slight pink tone to your cheeks. “Oh! Um, well thanks. But uh, you were asking for my help…?” Suddenly, he remembered his task.
“Oh yeah! Thanks, yeah, I was wondering if you knew where I could find a pregnancy test?” Immediately, your smile shrank a bit.
“…Oh, um, yeah. I think I know where you could find that.” He didn’t like the sudden shift in mood.
“It’s not for me!” He explained quickly, laughing a bit to himself; maybe you thought he was an idiot.
“No, of course not.” You replied, and he was still unable to figure out the source of the disappointment dripping into your tone. “Here, should be down this aisle.” Steven followed behind you down the aisle full of feminine products and condoms, watching you stop and bend over to look at the items on the shelf. He tried to keep his eyes from wandering, but he would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t finding you more and more attractive by the second. “This should do the trick.” You told him, placing a box into his hands.
“You’re amazing! Thanks a bunch!” You only gave him a half-smile and nodded a little.
“Sure…well, good luck with everything.” Steven frowned a little, tilting his head.
“What do ya mean? I told you it’s not for me.” He said. You chuckled a little.
“Of course not, obviously. But I mean, your girlfriend…or wife.” You mumbled, looking down. Steven blinked for a moment before he started laughing.
“Oh, I see what you mean! No, it’s not like that; see, one of my best friends is in the car outside with his girlfriend—well, not really girlfriend; that’s why this would be sort of a problem if she were pregnant. It’s a funny store really—the condom broke. She’s actually probably not, but she kinda got upset right before she was gonna come in, so I just volunteered to get it and didn’t realize I had no clue where to find it. So, you really turned out to be an angel sent to help me out.” He found himself rambling, smiling more and more as your smile returned.
“Oh…” You murmured in embarrassment. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“Don’t be!” He reassured you, unable to stop himself from reaching out and placing a hand on your shoulder. He felt an odd flutter of something stirring in his stomach when your cheeks turned pink again. “Hey, I never even got your name.”
“It’s Y/N.” You smiled. “God, I wish I were wearing something different; I look like a mess right now.”
“I can’t imagine you getting any better.” At this point, he wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he found you to be very beautiful. Never had he seen a more natural beauty in someone before, apparent in your every action.
“You’re just saying that.” You replied, eyes narrowed playfully at him, though your pink cheeks still gave you away.
“Nope, honest! You distracted me from the moment we met.” He smiled at the sound of your laughter. “Hey, Y/N, if I could ask another favor…” he murmured, looking down at the pregnancy test in his hands. “I’m thinking I need a couple more things.”
You helped Steven find the rest of his impromptu list; prenatal vitamins and a bag of gummy bears. “Just in case, you know. I’m not going to assume what she’s going to do if she actually is pregnant, but…just in case. And who doesn’t like gummy bears?” You smiled at him and nodded.
“That’s…really sweet of you. You must be a great friend.” You replied, to which he shrugged despite the fact that your praise had him glowing.
“I try, I mean, I believe in doing good by the people you love, you know? What you give, you get back in the end.” Steven realized to himself the longer he stared at you, the more he voluntarily would have loved to spend the rest of his night doing so. “So, Y/N, you know why I’m here so late, what brings you in here?”
“Well, not really a reason at all.” You admitted. “I actually told myself I was gonna head to bed early tonight, I’ve just been exhausted lately from everything, and yet…here I am.”
“Did it hurt?” Steven asked with a grin, watching your face grow blank with confusion.
“Did what hurt?”
“When you fell from heaven?” You groaned at his words, the both of your laughter combining together. “C’mon—it’s a sign! Clearly we were supposed to meet and you were meant to help me out.”
“Is that all I was meant to do?” You asked hopefully, crossing your arms behind your back and biting your lip. He wasn’t expecting the heavy wave of butterflies that hit him, he didn’t know feelings could just grow like that. But that was that, he was sure he had fallen in love with you.
“I hope not.” He replied quickly. “Do you want to go out sometime?” The both of you were dragging your steps as you headed towards the register, reluctant to let your time together end.
“I’d love that.” You replied with a bright grin and Steven thought he was going to float away, just like in the cartoons.
“Sir, are you paying cash or credit card?” The clerk asked him, popping his dream bubble. He turned his attention back to the lady, digging in his pocket.
“Cash…” He trailed off when he realized the total was more than the cash Slash had given him for the pregnancy test before he came into the store. He didn’t have any more money on him, they weren’t yet making much at their small gigs. “Uh…” he chuckled awkwardly. “This is embarrassing, I’ve only got enough for the test. I’ll just, put the other things back.” He was surprised when your hand stopped his from taking away the other two items.
“I’ve got it.” You told him, already opening your wallet.
“Oh no, Y/N, I could never let you do that.” You shook your head at him and smiled.
“We should do good by other people, you’re right. Let me?” He smiled and finally nodded. If he wasn’t sure before he definitely was now; he was head over heels for you.
“I’ll pay you back, I promise! You’re amazing, Y/N!” He gushed as the both of you walked out of the store.
“Don’t mention it, I don’t mind. But if you want to do something to pay me back…here.” He grew confused when you stopped him from walking and turned him away from you. “Give me the receipt?” Suddenly, he could feel you using his back as a writing surface before handing him the receipt. There was a smiley face and a heart, your name, and your number. “Call me.”
“I definitely will, and don’t be surprised if it’s tonight.” You shook your head at him and giggled.
“Steven, geez, what took you so long? You only had to get one thing!” Slash hollered over at him from where he sat in the car. You peered towards the car curiously, smiling and giving him a lingering touch to his shoulder.
“You should probably go, I’ll be hearing from you soon, okay?” You said, giving him a little wave.
“Totally, I promise! Be careful, okay? Have a good night!” He called, waving back and watching your every step, ignoring Slash honking like he didn’t hear it.
“Did you get lost?” Slash asked when Steven rejoined him in the car.
“Yeah.” He laughed. “But I found it!” He passed the bag to Denise, Slash’s friend. Her face lit up when she looked in the bag.
“You got me gummy bears? Thank you, Steven! Oh…and prenatal vitamins. That’s so nice.” He couldn’t tell from her tone if the purchase was a good thing or not, but that wasn’t exactly his business.
“Just in case, it’s okay if you don’t use them! Or if you don’t have to. Y/N bought them!”
“Who’s Y/N?” Slash asked in confusion. “And where’s my gummy bears…” he muttered, flashing Steven a grin as he laughed.
“Oh, this girl I met in the store—she actually helped me find everything. She’s great, she’s got the prettiest smile—”
“Fuck, Stevie, you were supposed to get one thing and you came out with a girlfriend!” Slash shook his head, laughing a little.
“Hey! Not yet, she isn’t.” He defended himself, but couldn’t keep from smiling, already itching to get to the nearest phone. “But I think she will be.”
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leossmoonn · 3 years
hii congrats on 1.4k!! can i request 🔮 for male marauders and golden trio era? my pronouns are she/her, i’m gryffindor, i laugh in situations i shouldn’t be laughing at, i’m very friendly and i act the same around a person i know for 5 minutes and a person i know for years, i’m loud when talking, i’m too kind for my own sake, i get annoyed easily but everyone says i’m funny then, i get nervous easily especially around a person i like and i get especially loud then, i love nature and swimming and i love dancing but i’m really bad at it,, thank you!!
thank you so much! yes yes of course!
male marauders ship - james potter
when james first heard your laugh, he immediately fell in love. he was in detention and had heard your laugh from outside the classroom. you were walking through the halls w marlene and dorcas as you all had a free period. james turned his head and fell even more as he saw your face. he then realised it was you, gryffindor prefect and top of all your classes. sirius had always thought you were a know-it-all, but james thought you were funny and pretty and he was determined to get to know you better.
so after detention, he went to his house to find you. luckily, you were studying w remus and lily. he walked up to you all suave and gave you a little smirk, to which you reacted by just staring at him while sweating profusely. little did he know, you also liked him. but ofc he didnt know that, not yet, so his smile faltered and he gave you a warm, polite smile instead and said “hi, y/n. i’m james potter. we have potions and DADA together.” he held his hand out for you to shake and you stared at it for a good few seconds before laughing. youre like “y-you, you know my name? ohmygod, haha- WOW. s-sorry, i-i’m not usually this um, giggly. HAHA” and james just grins and says “no worries love. do you mind accompanying to hogsmeade this weekend” and youre like “… alright…” and james is sooo happy hehe. “it’s a date!” he exclaimed before running up to his dorm to find sirius to tell him the good news. the wait for the weekend was painful for both of you, but def worth it.
you met him at the gates, looking beautiful as usual. james complimented you like 100 timed in the first 5 minutes, you were grinning like a child who just got their christmas wish. you two strolled around the town, james ending up buying everything for you 💀. you open up to him pretty quickly and you two bounce from topic to topic seamlessly. at the end of the night, you two were at hog’s head and (ik this sounds like a muggle thing but shhh) they had karaoke night and lily and remus sung a duet, to which james pulled you up from your seat in surprise. at first you're confused and are like "wth???" and james is like "dance with me, darling!" and you're like "HAHA NO" and james frowns and asks why and you pull him close and say "i'm horrible at dancing, james. althought i will admit, i love it," you chuckle. and james is like "perfect! here, i'll teach you, m'kay?" and you're not so sure but yk james won't let up so you follow him to the dance floor.
he puts your arms around his neck and he puts his hands on the middle of your back, not too high, not too low, and you two start dancing. james at first is impressed and is like "you're not half bad, l/n." but he's spoken too soon bc you then begin to step on his feet as you two sway faster. and he's like "OW OW OW!" and you pull away from him and is like "ah im so sorry. i didn't mean to :((" and he just shrugs, "it's alright. no worries. here, lemme teach you". and he takes you in his arms again. "just follow my lead, okay. relax and just feel the music. if you panic, just stop, look at my feet, and regroup, m'kay?" and you nod tentatively and he smiles and you two start swaying. for the first 3 minutes, your eyes are at his feet, watching his and making sure you don't trip again and hurt his toes. and a few minutes later, you are dancing like a pro! (you step on his feet still... but only a few times so its not that bad hehe).
male golden trio ship - fred weasley
fred made smth blow up in hagrid's face (bless his soul) and the whole class went silent except for you. fred and george were laughing, but they were keeping it quiet while you were literally honking. your whole face gets hot with embarrassment as you realise you're the only one laughing and everyone is staring at you. you look down in shame at your desk as you feel everyone's judging eyes on you. well, not everyone is judging hehe. hargrid ends up taking 15 points from your house, 10 for the prank, 5 for you laughing (oops...). hagrid continues class and everyone goes back to paying attention to him except for fred. he's staring at you the whollleeee time.
you're two grades below him (u two are 5th and 7th year but ill age u up to 16 instead of 15 since he’s 17:)) so honestly he's never really noticed you outside of the common room before. you are friends w ron tho so ofc he knows of you and has seen you around the school, but he's never really paid attention to you before until now. and he glad he finally did because you are gorgeousss. after class, he ends up approaching you and ofc you're starstruck bc your best friend's cool, funny, hot older brother is talking to you.
he's like "i noticed you were laughing at my prank. you think that was funny?" and his tone kinda makes you scared bc he's really serious, but you end up nodding really slowly. his serious face breaks into a happy one as he says "great! at least someone was amused. say, you're friends with my baby brother, right?" he asks. and you're like "um... yeah..." and he says "great! well, why don't you take a break from hanging out w my loser brother and hang out w me tonight? george and i are planning a few more pranks." your jaw drops to the mf floor and youre like “uh. um yeah… s-sure” and fred’s like “😁😁😁 GREAT. see u then, l/n!” and your heart goes 🦋🦋🦋 and youre like “alright.. see you then”
so like you tell your friends, harry ron and hermione, abt your plans and harry is like “cool cool. tell us how it goes!” and hermione and you are giggling abt you hanging out w a boy two years up from you. and ron’s like “yeah whateva. have fun ig🙄” and hes just jealous bc his cool olders brothers are stealing his best friend but you reassure him you’re still his bff and youll hang out w him after/the next day. A
NYWAYS so it comes time and you step into the common room, confused as there was no one there. so you go and sit on the couch to wait but as you sit down, fred’s face immediately emerges from nowhere and you literally trip over and fall into him (which youre freaked out bc you cant see his body) but the invisibility cloak drops and he puts his arms around you quickly and holds you up just as your abt to fall. and your faces are literally like millimeters apart. and you think youre abt to kiss but fred pulls away and helps stabilize you before grabbing his cloak. youre like all shy again and he just smiles and says hello and sits down in the couch. you follow him in suit and he explains what the invisibility cloak is. then he gets out all his toys and prank stuff and you’re honestly really interested and you even give him ideas for new pranks and yk he likes you like 1000 times more hehe.
you two end up talking for a few hours and you emerge out of your shell and fred is very happy bc he now sees like the real you. a few hours later and your curled up on the couch, head on his shoulder and youre about to fall asleep (super romantic). fred then mentions george and youre like “oh wait. how come he isnt here?” and fred’s like “hes w angelina. his gf” and youre like “oooh” and then you boldly ask “do you have a gf” and you lift your head up from his shoulder and your face is so close to his, not as close as before, but you can feel his breath on your lips. and he looks you in the eyes and is like “no” and youre like “do you like anyone?” and as he speaks he looks down at your lips, “yeah. i think i do” and you think you know its you bc well like, how can you not in this moment. and youre like “who?” and hes like “you” AND THEN (im sorry this shit is so long but im living the dream) he leans in and your lips touch and you kiss and its all 😍🦋😏😁😋😩🥰🤩😽👻. lol anyways you pull away and are like 😳 and fred is like 😏 “ill see u tmrw right?” and youre like “y-yeah…” and you watch as he stood up and collects his stuff and leaves you. once you know hes gone, you stand up and start squealing and jumping around hehe and you run upstairs to tell hermione.
next morning, fred finds you at lunch and asks you point blank if you wanna be his gf and youre like “yes duh.” and you two then become official! so even tho fred is a prankster and is always carefree and stuff, he does have a compassionate side that comes out when he feels need be. hes so supportive too and he treats you like a mf queen. he’ll literally buy you anything and will do anything for you. he also plays jokes on u which you get him back and hes very impressed w your creativity and boldness.
so during breaks and summers, you visit the burrow and you two often hang out outside near the willow tree in their yard. you two also go swimming in the lake (let’s pretend its a big lake not a pond lol). its super nice and relaxing especially on like 90 degree days where you two are melting. you two always are splashing each other and laughing loudly. sometimes you two just cuddle and drink pumpkin juice and talk about what fred is gonna do now that he’s outta school. tbh youre afraid that once you go back to school and youre apart, youll grow apart, but fred always assure you two that you wont bc you two are soulmates <3
hope you enjoyed this!
join my celebration!
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sadclearance · 4 years
i don’t miss you at all
pairing: mahiru koizumi x female!reader
summary: mahiru misses y/n. (i don't miss you at all by finneas)
category: past fluff, angst, songfic
warning(s): minor suicidal thought for like a second, no actual suicide, non-graphic accidental death
word count: 1300
italicized - past
bold and italicized - lyrics
Tumblr media
i swear i don't
"i love you, mahiru," y/n said, giant grin growing even bigger.
miss you at all
"it's nothing, really," mahiru tried to subtly hide her face from her lover, embarrassed of how red those words made her.
"i'm serious! i'm not letting you act like it's nothing. you're the best girlfriend ever," y/n engulfed her.
and i barely still remember
"if anything, you are for letting me use you as my model," mahiru avoided taking the credit again. "thanks to you, i got recognized by real professional photographers out there. it's more like i'm hanging up my gold medals."
"oh, shut up. you did that by yourself with your talent. i'm glad i could be a part of your recognition," y/n kissed mahiru with a smile. "still can't believe you put up all these pictures of me."
"it's normal for people to hang up beautiful works of art."
who's in the pictures on my wall
'cause no i can't
"you smell like flowers," mahiru commented while being embraced by y/n.
"i'm glad you noticed," y/n smiled as she pulled back. "you said your favorite place that you've ever been to was mexico. did you know that tuberose are native there?"
"no, i didn't know that," mahiru smiled as she watched y/n talk animatedly about her newfound knowledge.
recall your scent
mahiru picks up the bottle of ridiculously overpriced perfume.
y/n had continuously bought it just because of that story mahiru had told her about her favorite travel spot.
mahiru had always found it ridiculous and unnecessary, but she couldn't deny that it made her all warm and fuzzy inside.
mahiru throws it in the trash can, ignoring the loud crashing of the glass.
jasmine, tuberose and lily
"stop doing that," mahiru made a face.
"but you just went to pari'. i must recreate the french girls you must 'ave missed," y/n continued on despite mahiru's protests.
"it's nowhere near close to how french people sound," mahiru smacked y/n's arm lightly. "and the only girl i've ever missed is you."
"okay, okay, i'll stop if you stop being such a cheeseball," y/n made a face of her own with a laugh.
or your silly french accent
all but forgotten
"you know, i read a book the other day."
"you, reading? i don't think so," mahiru joked.
"hey! anyway, it was an american book. the great gatsby."
"yeah, i've heard of that before," mahiru nodded as she continued to mess with the controls of her new camera.
about those eyes
"well, your beautiful green eyes are like the green light to me."
"oh, shut up, you flirt!"
the shade of green that if he'd seen would make f. scott fitzgerald cry
but i won't
the alarm clock on her bedside table flashes "2:00am" in an agitating red. it's been that color since forever, but it bothers mahiru a little more than usual tonight.
she blames that for her not being able to sleep.
she reluctantly grabs her phone from the bedside table and turns her alarm clock away so that it's no longer facing her.
she scrolls through some old photos, but they don't help ease the discomfort in her heart. she sighs exasperatedly at her own mistake and swipes out of the app.
she avoids the green icon with the telephone on it for as long as she can will until she eventually gives in, tapping the latest call.
"the number you have dialed is no longer in use."
break down at two a.m. and call
'cause i don't
mahiru throws her phone across the room, even if she knew that this would happen because she's been doing it every night.
miss you at all
neglecting the phone that she just threw, mahiru turns to her side.
and i'm sleeping fine
she closes her eyes, but her mind won't shut off for a while. she frowns as she gets more melatonin.
i don't mean to boast
mahiru wakes up feeling uneasy, her heart beating rapidly. she knows she must've been tensed up the entire time she was asleep because her shoulders are stiff and her limbs feel strained.
but i only dream about you
it's like it's a part of her routine, and she knows what the results will be, but she takes more melatonin anyway. she supposes that restless sleep is better than none.
once or twice a night at most
mahiru sits down at teruteru's restaurant on a saturday night--a tradition that she's been neglecting for a few months.
and it feels so good
"haven't seen you for a while, mahiru," teruteru forgoes the usual perverted comment.
"yeah," mahiru nods. "been busy."
"well, what can i get for you?"
eating alone
"why don't we share?" y/n asked with a cheeky grin.
"you just want to try everything, don't you?" mahiru shook her head but couldn't help the amused smile.
"you want to make me happy, don't you?"
"only because your smile's my favorite thing to capture on camera."
i don't get distracted by your smile
"drive safe," teruteru waves when she starts to leave. "wait, i didn't mean--"
she ignores him and continues to walk to her car.
she gets going as fast as she can because even though she knows teruteru's comment was just a thoughtless goodbye, it bothers her, and she wants to get away.
there's a red light, and mahiru can't do anything but stop.
she takes the time to look at the passenger seat. she sighs at her own mistake as she finds herself unable to rip her eyes away. there's a nostalgic reminiscent feeling inside, but it's chased by something cold and hopeless.
her hand goes to touch the seat when the person behind her honks.
and miss the green lights driving home
no sign of stopping
she had been there so often, she always sort of went on autopilot when driving around these familiar parts.
by the time she's conscious of her surroundings, she's sure she's just a turn or so from her home.
the house isn't far
a song that isn't necessarily to mahiru's taste comes on the radio that she had turned on to serve as a distraction from her thoughts, and the hands on the wheel turn white with how hard she's gripping it.
but i think our song is coming on
she's never liked it, but she's always let it play because y/n liked it, and mahiru had loved the way y/n sang it so passionately, putting her soul into it. she remembers making some offhand comment about how loud and rude it could be considered, but she hadn't really meant it.
looking back on it, mahiru regrets saying that.
thinking of all of the things she regrets saying and not saying, she considers the power she holds, with her foot strong on the gas pedal.
and now i wanna crash the car
she frowns and lessens the pressure on the pedal, her car slowing down as she continues on the road.
but i won't
"y/n!" mahiru screamed in horror as an unconscious y/n was put on a gurney. she was held back by the nurse who was treating the minor injuries and scratches she had received from the crash.
make that mistake again and fall
"oh, y/n," mahiru cries loudly, as if she was reliving that painful day.
so i say i don't
she lets her head fall onto her steering wheel when she's parked, accidentally causing a loud honk that had no doubt irritated her neighbors at this late hour.
miss you at all
"why?" mahiru sobs. "why did you have to... why did i have to..."
and someday i won't
she cries harder, and she feels like she'll be stuck with this feeling for the rest of her days.
miss you at all
5:33am - 6am i usually take like seven years to come up with an idea then actually finish writing it woah
i guess coming up with the idea thing is...
i wrote a songfic with this song almost a year ago for another fandom that i was only really in because i can't sit through and watch something longer than like a minute for--which gives you a hint on what it was--
and i liked the plot for it actually and wanted to reuse <3
and immediately mahiru came to mind because green eyes
most of the characters i choose for the oneshots are like on a whim or small reasons like that lol
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Could you please write a scene where Cal and MC say ‘I love you’ for the first time? Every Friday I’m checking to see if Cal is on the schedule 😂 I miss him so much, but I can’t wait for Season 3!
I do too, anon! It’s unfortunate that he hasn’t been on the schedule yet and I think that’s why I’ve been so eager to do these Cal requests lol (but he is now, I just got back to this request today lmao)! Anyway, your request is cute and I’d love to write it. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
I just realized that a bunch of my Cal fics are about them fighting demons 🙃
Summary: Caught in a trap, Cal turns to MC and asks a dire question. It’s brusque in the face of danger and a weirdly complicated question to answer on MC’s part. Will she say what she’s been thinking for a while or will the trap close in too fast for that?
Cal and MC slunk towards the location in question, their hands entwined. They had been wary of the credibility of the messenger, considering that they had been a random civilian that could’ve easily been one of Alejandro’s puppets. It had been the same with Brody, where he had been deployed to kill Cal and then once he failed, he was murdered and tossed aside like nothing more than a weapon gone dull. But that was all Alejandro saw in Brody--just another pawn to play with until he couldn’t anymore. What about Brody’s family? Did he have any? Are they still wondering where he is? The charging thoughts within MC’s head dissolve as her emotions take hold, twisting and rapping her heart. It was best not to think about it anymore--he was already dead and there was nothing she could do for him now. Ahead, the deserted convenience store loomed over them, casting a tall shadow onto the pavement. No wind whistled and no cars honked--no people whispered and no people even walked except for Cal and MC. It was so strange to see a facet of Vegas empty and devoid of humanity when that was all you saw in the City of Sin. MC didn’t like the implications it gave--the grave threat that bubbled the convenience store in. If something went wrong, if one of them was hurt... no one would know. Well, not right away, at least. She was more afraid of the consequences of entering alone with Cal then she was of Alejandro’s potential allegiance to their summoner--the most she felt for the guy was fierce anger for siccing Brody on Cal. If he had stayed dead that night...
Well, maybe Alejandro should’ve been afraid of the consequences of his success more than his failure.
Cal keeps MC a step behind him for her protection as he pushes the glass door open, the toll of a small bell overhead missing. MC notices that the bell itself is missing, ripped off somewhere in between time’s journey. Maybe that was a good thing--if the person they were meeting didn’t know they were here yet, then that gifted them some extra time and even an upper advantage. With his gun drawn, Cal motions to MC with his free hand to stay close to the entrance. “Stay put,” he demands grimly, “this might be one of Alejandro’s schemes.” Though MC would prefer to not be alone in such an eerie environment, she nods. There was no use putting up a fight--it would just waste time that could be more useful spent exploring the abandoned convenience store. But, luckily, the troupe was lurking not too far away; ready to leap to their defense if anything did happen. That also contributes to her willingness to stay behind. Cal pivots around and stalks carefully throughout the convenience store, his head peeking out over the decrepit shelves. Because of his height, MC could see him traverse through the aisles--and even if the darkness swallowed most of him in shadow, just knowing that he was still there made her feel secure. At her post, MC casts her eyes around the store, noting how all of the fluorescent lights were smashed and the shelves in some form of disarray.
It looked like a tornado had ripped through this place.
Suddenly, there’s a strange scratching noise that drifts down from the ceiling tiles and MC jumps. What the hell is that?! A rat maybe? The scratching is a little rhythmic--stopping then starting again once a second passed. MC shrinks towards the wall behind her as trepidation hollows her stomach. As it repeats again and again, MC recognizes that the sound eerily repeats the same as it had sounded before. Almost like it was a recording, played over and over again. Alarm bells ring in her head. If it keeps repeating, then that means it’s a distraction. Alejandro’s trying to distract us. Immediately her first reaction is to search for Cal but he’s already on his way to her, his features sharp. “Did you-?!” “Yeah, I heard it too,” Cal intercedes as his frame edges close to MC’s, acting almost like a shield, “stay sharp. He’s got something up his sleeve.” That sense of safety, of ongoing security, flares warm in her chest and MC can’t help but cling to his solidity, silently expecting the worst. 
Almost as if on cue, demons seem to spill out from the shadows, webbing out in the convenience store, snarling.
Cal takes that as a cue as well, lifting his pistol towards the hulking figures in the dark. A heavy tension falls over the store as the demons creep closer, their eyes shining in the pitch darkness. The cold metal of her own gun still felt a little alien as she cradled it in her hands--still, after weeks of practice, the weapon still felt strange to hold. Through her fear, MC slides on a determined expression--she wasn’t going to let them get the best of her. Besides, Cal’s here; he’d never let anything happen to me. I won’t let anything happen to him either. She had to be strong for him, if not only for herself. Cal reinforces the barrier he established between MC and the demons, blocking her from their reach. A stray breath could spring them into action--something that could end with Cal and MC’s defeat. Cal must’ve alerted the troupe, he had to of--MC could almost sense it. They’d be okay... right? MC couldn’t shake this continuous feeling of danger beyond just the demons’ apparitions. Please be wrong, intuition, please.
Then it was all happening at once; demons racing towards them, Cal’s pistol firing bullet after bullet.
Only then does MC realize she has one too. One after the other in quick succession, the demons fall, unable to dodge Cal’s practiced aim. For MC, however, it’s not so hard. She fires at two that were flanking the fray, their eyes danger as they inspected Cal and MC. One shot dives through the shoulder of one of them--who howls in pain--while the other barely scrapes his arm. Angered, the demons together pounce to attack but are stopped but Cal’s quick hand, quickly shutting their attempts down with just two measly bullets. 
MC’s head was spinning with the adrenaline of it all and she felt like every breath was a waste of time that could’ve been used to fight back harder. Even as Cal sprays down a whole group of demons, more come and replenish their numbers--there seemed to be no end. MC and Cal are herded into a corner as they fight against the waves upon waves of demons. Before they even knew it, they were entirely surrounded without the firepower to lessen those barriers. That swelling grasp of panic catches up to MC and she presses herself close against Cal, rallying in his firm and comforting presence. At least she was with him. She noticed that his pistol clicked when he pulled the trigger, indicating that he had run out of bullets. When was the last time that happened? The demons crowding them had picked a good time to start a fight; they were far off their guard. “Damn, where are they?!” Cal whispers fervently under his breath. He’s talking about the troupe. They said they’d jump to help them the moment Cal and MC were in peril, and yet... 
There was no sign of their promised rescue.
Maybe... maybe they were ambushed too. That’s probably what’s taking so long. But the suppressing atmosphere and the constant veil of doom cast around them made that belief give nothing but discomfort. Suddenly, Cal whirls around and his hands frantically grip MC’s shoulders. There’s an edge of panic circulating his eyes; a frothing sea under darkening clouds, troubling winds. She was threatened by the tide of unease he relents, her legs threatening to cave under the pressure; on her arms, MC could sense the subtle shake spreading down to his hands. Somehow, though, the same disorienting emotion-heavy blue that sensitizes her steely confidence is the same blue remedy to lure her in; create a bubble, separate the feasible danger from their gravity. MC was so close to him and the warmth he gave reminded her of a night-in spent curled around a fireplace--warm and comfortable. It almost made her feel silly for being afraid. “MC, listen to me,” Cal declares, the hands clasped on her arms shaking her lightly, “I need your trust in me right now. Do you trust me?”
Although the realms of what he was about to say were endless, MC hadn’t expected something like that.
A simple yet passionate request for trust--trust in Cal. Oddly enough, MC could feel her chest illuminate with the glow of his words, a new layer of warmth added for every syllable. Cal needs me. He needs my trust in him. That thought spins mindless circles in her head, swirling faster and faster until they were permanently ingrained in her brain. A smile climbs up her cheeks; she couldn’t help it. Even now, surrounded by literal demons who’d waste no time at all ripping them apart, MC saw all the ways she fell for him. It was so clear.
Absentmindedly, MC softly speaks. “Always. I love you, so I trust you.”
She hadn’t even meant to say ‘I love you’, but once she did, MC could feel this growing concoction of anxiety and anticipation and embarrassment in her belly. It rose as she watched his eyebrows rise, his lips part, his eyes widen. Cal seemed astounded by her admission but that awe wears off quickly. The trick shooter shakes himself out of it, almost like a dream, and the fingers digging into her arm lose some of their force. They still trembled slightly. “You... that’s good,” he stammers a little, “I trust you too... maybe more than I can say right now, unfortunately. Around all these demons.” Within the next moment, the arms latching onto MC lose their grip and instead, one curls around her waist tight while his other hand pillows the back of MC’s head. MC can barely even react before he’s skillfully ducking around the throng of demons, dashing for something MC can’t quite tell at first. Her chin was perched on his shoulder, allowing her to watch all of the anger that passes over the demons’ faces. “Hold on tight, will you? It’s going to be a bumpy ride.” Cal whispers into her ear. There’s a knowing edge to his tone that has MC bracing for the worst. She clings to him, hard, wondering what he was planning.
Her answer is given through thousands of glass shards falling around her, the deafening noise of shattering windows filling her ears as the gunslinger slams out of the display window. 
MC whimpers and clutches him a little tighter. Small bits of glass bounce innocently off her body, falling down on the pavement with a tiny tinkling noise. Her ears rang as Cal continued to move, dashing away from the convenience store with an entire mob of demons following him. Everything moved in a blur and she could feel the wind swimming through her hair. A weird calm settles over, suppressing the trepidation that had plagued her thoughts. That plague was washed away by the memory of her admission and the way Cal sort of... dismissed it. The sentence stuck to her like gum, tacky and unavoidably irking. Thousands of thoughts charge her. Why didn’t he reciprocate her admission? Why be cryptic? Why admit he trusts her, then leave her with nothing to hold onto? Hadn’t the idea that they shared a common ground of trust, a specialized bond of trust and companionship, been clearly shown before?
Lastly, how did he feel about it?
Cal’s reply had been quicker than MC had anticipated. But she was reluctant to admit that they had been ambushed by possibly hundreds of demons. Of course Cal had been hasty to respond; their lives were on the line! He had been so shocked at first, then his touch had become gentler, almost like he felt relief or something similar to that feeling... Am I wrong to think that way? MC didn’t think so but the impeding insecurity she felt made her stance sway slightly. Maybe that reaction meant nothing. Maybe he was just snapping out of his shaken state at her words. Maybe... maybe that declaration of trust was his way of shooting her down without putting a more direct meaning in his words. Maybe that was his way of saying that that’s all he felt; trust in her. Nothing more, nothing less. Just an ally to side with when problems awaken. The idea of that complies a certain composition of saddened disappointment and unconditional happiness. Still embraced in his all-encompassing person, MC’s grip lessens an inch. She could feel the fierce rush of his heart, the slight vibration it gave. For a moment, she wonders what made it race like that--besides danger. What exactly was the mechanism that caused him to feel things that made his heart react?
More specifically, what were the things he held dearest? Who did his heart beat for the most?
Around them, MC notices that his speed has slowed and the herd had been reduced to a few fast-runners; the rest were out of sight. Maybe they’d get away in tact and alive, after all. Her questions have turbid answers that all float in her head, wavering bubbles of interest that popped at the slightest hints of tension. Maybe... Cal just wants to say it back on his own terms. Maybe he’s not at that place yet... maybe his statement of trust was his way of reciprocation. Just like before, the suggestive meaning gave a new glimmer of hope to MC. If her intuition was right and Cal just wasn’t prepared to give his true answer yet, then MC could live with his dismissing. If he wasn’t ready, then MC would be willing to wait. She’d always wait--she’d waited weeks, why not wait a few more in his company?
All the while, as Cal helped dismantle her after they had escaped the demons, MC held onto the response to her ‘I love you’.
It bred a whole new sense of rapture in her chest that was a sun of hope and love and delight. Being patient wasn’t such a hard thing to do for the person you loved.
So what was the harm in being patient for the one you treasure above all else?
Thank you again for your request! I had so much fun writing with this and I hope you love this as much as I loved writing it! Oh and I’m sorry that it took three whole weeks to get to your request, but I hope the length and quality (eh) can make up for it!
If you want to request something, here’s the Prompt List, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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legolaslovely · 5 years
Mistakes Part 1
A/N: Have some more vampire boyfriend feels because I am so pissed at this show (so I’m rewriting it! WHOOO). Mitchell deserves so much better and I can’t deal with how much his character has changed since the first season. So this is first season baby Mitchell if anyone was wondering lol. Hope you guys enjoy.
Pairing: Mitchell x Reader
Word Count: 3,356
Warnings: Spoilers for show, language, talk of blood, violence, fluff, allusions to smut
Summary: Mitchell takes his girl out for drinks to forget about his troubles, but his troubles follow them.
Mistakes Masterlist
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God fucking damn it. This day had gone from bad to worse. The worst he could imagine, really. All he wanted was to spend some time with this completely normal, human girl who had his heart, despite everything he did to keep it for himself. He had a whole hour of her smile, her laugh, her hands on him, and now she was in someone else’s grip, barely breathing with tears stuck in her eyes. How did this happen? He went back to the start.
He never expected leading a group of unruly vampires would be this hard. But he never expected to actually be doing it either. Once Herrick was gone, of course it became his job to keep the vampires of Bristol in line. He could never let things lie or leave the job to someone else. These things always fell to him. Mistake number one.
Mistake number two and three came quickly. He thought he would be accepted as leader. He thought they would listen to him and learn to go without blood. He learned very quickly none of that would happen. He had spent the day planning, threatening and even killing one of his own. He needed an escape. He needed (Y/N).
He left the funeral parlor, took a cigarette from the box in his pocket and lit the end, hiding it from the wind in his gloved hands. He crossed the street and slammed his fist on the hood of a car that almost ran him over. The driver honked and cursed him but Mitchell gave no answer, he just continued down the street. He took a drag, holding the burn in his lungs and breathing out all his frustrations and troubles of the day. He refused to bring them to her.
He fumbled with his keys as he stood outside the door to the house. He smirked, listening to the voices inside.
“No one would be fooled by that, even I knew that was fake,” he heard George say.
“You did not, George. Don’t even lie.” Mitchell grinned when he heard (Y/N)’s voice. She never took any of George’s shit.
“Well, just look at it!” George yelled.
Mitchell stomped out his cigarette and pushed the door open. (Y/N), George and Annie were piled on the couch, hands out and pointing to the small television across from them. None of them noticed him enter. He shut the door and snuck around the couch and sat on its arm next to (Y/N). She turned and grinned.
“Look what George found in the bin at the old video store. The entire series of The Real Hustle on DVD. Can you believe it?” She grabbed his arm in her exhilaration. He knew she was more excited for him to watch it than anything else.
“The whole thing?” he asked.
“The whole thing!” She almost screamed. She shoved the DVD case in his hands. “No more checking the guide every Thursday. You guys can watch it whenever you want.”  
“George, you spoil me,” he said. He laughed when George waved his sarcasm away. Mitchell was actually quite happy with the find. He knew he hadn’t seen every episode in the first season and could never seem to catch up. But he knew it wasn’t (Y/N)’s favorite thing to watch and she was only humoring him.
She stood. “Want some coffee or a beer or something? Where’d you go today?”
He followed her into the kitchen, ignoring the urge to grab her and take her to his room right then. “Had to stop by work.”
She hummed, unimpressed and unconvinced but she didn’t press him. She held out a beer bottle in question. He took it, putting it back in the door of the fridge and set his hands on her hips, pulling her back into his chest. “I was thinking…” He kissed her neck.
“What were you thinking?” He could hear the smile in her words.
“That we could either stay here and watch The Real Hustle with George pretending he knows everything,” he paused and listened to her soft laugh. “Or we could go to that bar around the corner you like and have a couple drinks there.”
“Tough choice,” she said. She turned in his arms and threw hers over his shoulders, kissing him. “Lemme fix my hair. I’ll be down in a sec.”
He watched her hurry up the stairs. Once she disappeared, he changed into the jacket he knew she liked him in.
“Where are you two going?” Annie asked.
“For a couple drinks. That good band is playing at the Hangar and I need to get out for a bit.”
Annie started to question, but George spoke over her. “You’re missing The Real Hustle,” he said without taking his eyes off the screen.
“That’s the joy of having it on DVD now, George.”
“I guess,” he said. Mitchell chuckled.
He turned and watched (Y/N) hop down the stairs. He noticed she had changed her shirt. He threw his arm around her shoulders and brought her to him to kiss her hair.
“See you two later,” she said.
George and Annie sang goodbye to them as Mitchell pulled (Y/N) through the door. He closed it and left all his thoughts of vampires inside. That was his next mistake.
They sat on the corner of the bar away from most of the other people. He ordered her favorite drink and watched her bop her head along to the band. Her lips barely moved as she sung the words. After he paid for the drinks, he scooted his chair closer to her.
“So, are you gonna tell me what went on today?” she asked.
“Nothing out of the ordinary,” he said, sipping from his glass and glancing at the band.
She smirked and set a hand on his arm. “John Mitchell, I know when you’re stressed, babe. So you can either tell me now when I’m buzzed or tell me later when I’m hungover. I promise the latter will be worse.” She kissed where his jaw met his ear.
He breathed out a laugh. “There’s really no need to scare you. I just want you to have a good time tonight.”
“We will do that once you tell me what’s going on. I’m not scared, you know that.”
He knew she wouldn’t let this go. She played with his fingers as he told her. He had taken on the role of leader because he was the only one capable of it. The vampires had been playing with him, pushing back, so to send a message he killed one of his own. Now they respected him and he hated himself.
She nodded, ran her fingers through his curls and asked him if he wanted another drink. This is what he loved about her, she always knew exactly what he needed, even when he didn’t know himself. She knew when to listen, when to discuss, and when to just ignore things for a few hours. She turned to the bartender and ordered two shots of bourbon.
They clinked their glasses and downed the fiery liquor. She hopped off the stool and grabbed his hand. He gladly followed her to the middle of the packed floor, taking in the curve of her hips and the sway of her hair. When she was happy with their placement in front of the band, she turned and threw her arm over his shoulders. He couldn’t help but kiss her.
His hands found their place on her hips and they swayed to the music. He was surrounded by drunk, sweaty humans but no one emitted heat like her. He was addicted to it. Underneath the music in his ears, the sound of her heartbeat and the blood rushing through her veins pounded through his body. His lips attached to her neck and he felt her flush in embarrassment. She hated this kind of public display but she let it slide for him.
Song after song ended and new ones began. A new voice of the band rang out through the bar and Mitchell chuckled. (Y/N) looked up at him and he pushed her hair behind her ear. “I used to listen to this song on an 8-track.”
She listened and circled her hips to the new beat. “God, you’re old.”
He laughed and spun her so her bottom was pressed against him. He spoke into her ear. “Too old to please you?”
He didn’t hear her hum but felt the vibration. “Absolutely not.” Her hand swung around his head and grasped at his hair, pulling him down for a wet kiss. Then she giggled and leaned back on his shoulder. “I would have loved to have seen you in the seventies. I bet you were the hottest guy around. Walking sex.”
His laugh fanned over the skin on her neck. “If bell bottoms and messy hair do it for ya.”
“Oh, they do.”
When the song ended, she spun in his arms. He asked her if she wanted another drink.
“Yes please,” she said with a sweet kiss. “I’m gonna duck into the bathroom first though.”
He let her leave his embrace and immediately wanted her back in it. He watched her make her way through the crowd until she disappeared into the sea of people. That was his worst mistake.
It only took a moment for him to get the drinks. The floor waved a bit underneath him as he waited for her, leaning on the wall next to the restrooms. He bobbed his head to the music, tried to decide if he wanted another cigarette, and sipped on his drink. He hooted for the band when the next song ended. Then he almost dropped the drinks.
He heard (Y/N) scream him name through the door. He threw the glasses on the table next to him and ran into the women’s bathroom, almost taking the door off its hinges. Then he froze, immediately sober, watching (Y/N)’s own dark blood run down her neck.
“You may want to lock the door, sweetheart.” Daisy’s cool voice flitted from her red lips just behind (Y/N)’s shoulder.
His stomach flipped. He stared at (Y/N)’s apologetic eyes and wanted to scream. How did this happen? He let her out of his sight for one moment and now she was bleeding in Daisy’s grasp. He saw tears welling in her eyes and the red marks on her arms from Daisy’s nails. How long had she struggled before he heard her screams? His eyes narrowed. “Let her go.”
“But we’re having so much fun here,” Daisy said. She licked a stripe up (Y/N)’s neck, stopping the blood from dripping on her shirt. “Want a taste?”
Rage flooded his veins quicker than bourbon ever could. He stepped to them, ripping a sink from the wall and sending porcelain scattering all over the tile floor. “Daisy, I said let-”
“Careful,” she said. Her nails dug into (Y/N)’s skin and drew blood. “Don’t want to cause a scene.” She lifted her finger and sucked, watching Mitchell’s chest heave. She hummed. “God, I forgot how sexy you are when you’re angry with me.” Her eyes flashed black and she showed her fangs, ready to burrow back into (Y/N)’s neck.
He growled. “Let her go now or I will tear you to pieces.”
“As you did Kara?”
Mitchell’s brow furrowed. “Is that what this is about?”
“You’re the big chief now. Always have to send a message when one of us steps out of line. What are you gonna do once I kill your human?”
His comeback fizzled to nothing when he saw the tears falling down (Y/N)’s face. She sucked in a shaking breath and closed her eyes. He knew she was trying to gather herself instead of distracting him but he couldn’t drag his gaze from her.
“She says she’s not afraid of us,” Daisy said, staring at the blood dripping down (Y/N)’s neck. “But she seems terrified to me.” She bit down hard on the neck below her while she had the chance. (Y/N)’s screams bounced off the tiled walls of the room and shattered his heart.
He plowed into Daisy, peeling her claws off of (Y/N) and holding her against the wall by her neck. Though her lungs burned and her feet dangled above the ground, she stared into Mitchell’s dark eyes and smirked. “What are you gonna do to me, Mitchell?” she got out. Her red hair flowed over his hands and he felt her lungs twitch. He set her down, but his tight grip remained.
“Such a softy,” she said, twirling a lock of his hair on her finger. When he jerked away, she giggled. “Are you really gonna let me go after I bit your little human? Let me off with a warning? You know I’ll keep coming after her.”
She grunted when he slammed her head against the hard wall. “If you even look in her direction again I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
She licked her lips. He watched the blood gather on her tongue and then disappear. “Is this who you are now? The big boss? Killing anyone out of line in defense of your human friends?” She turned to (Y/N) and spat in her direction. “You don’t belong with them. You could rule the world if you just accepted who you are.”
“I know who I am.”
“You’re a vampire, Mitchell. A killer. You’ve never accepted that.”
He stared at her, refusing to argue. The smell of blood had filled the room and his mind with haze. He wouldn’t last much longer. The blood lust would make him do something he’d soon regret. He dropped her, watching her fall to the floor. “Go home, Daisy.” He turned and left her there.
(Y/N) was leaning against the door, holding pressure to her neck and fumbling with the lock on the door. He wished he could snap his fingers and get her out of here. He wished none of this had ever happened, that they had just stayed home and watched The Real Hustle, but he was sure Daisy would have found them another day. He was a few steps away from her when she screamed his name again.
Searing pain ripped through his neck. It was nothing he hadn’t felt before, but it still hurt like a bitch. Daisy had bit into him hard and her nails were digging into his face searching for bone. He knew he had to escape her or she’d tear him apart, take the regime of vampires for herself. All of Bristol would descend into hell. Worst of all, (Y/N) would watch him die and there’d be no one left to protect her.
He reached behind his back for Daisy, but couldn’t find a grip. He ran back and slammed her into the wall, but she wouldn’t budge. He was running out of ideas and time. Then Daisy screamed in his ear and her limbs went limp. She slid off his back and fell to the floor with a large dagger of porcelain in her neck. (Y/N) stood above her with shaking hands holding another slice of porcelain and ready to fire. He dragged her away, wrapped her in his jacket and led her out of the bar and into the street.
“Is she- I didn’t kill her? That wasn’t wooden,” (Y/N) said. Mitchell was astounded at her steady voice.
“No, she’s not dead.” They crossed the street, finding comfort in the bright lights above. “I’ll take you home, I’ll deal with her tomorrow. She won’t hurt you.” He zipped up his jacket around her as if she were a child.
“I—I want to stay with you. I want to go to the house.”
“No, I’m bringing you to yours.”
“I can’t go home, Mitchell. My neck is bleeding.”
He tripped over the curb and halted. Then he turned, leading her the other way. “You’ll stay with me.”
The walk back seemed miles long and when they finally reached the house, his shaking fingers couldn’t get his keys out of his pocket. He slammed his fist on the door, glancing over his shoulder.
(Y/N)’s hand covered his. “You’ll wake the neighborhood, Mitchell. She didn’t follow us.”
He nodded wildly and kissed her knuckles. When Annie opened the door, he just about threw (Y/N) inside.
“What’s happened? You’re both bleeding!” Annie shrieked.
“Daisy attacked (Y/N),” was all Mitchell could say. He wanted to continue. It’s all my fault. She’d be safer without me. I had to fall in love with her and bring her into this world. I had to go out instead of watching The Real Hustle, safe in this house. I had to bring her to that bar instead of staying home and having her safe in my bed. It’s all my fault.
Annie sat (Y/N) on the couch and pulled Mitchell’s jacket off her, but (Y/N) held it in her lap. Annie then vanished and reappeared with warm water and towels and held a mug of coffee that had been sitting on the table. “I made this not too long ago. Wait, no, this one.”
George ran down the stairs, falling off the last step. He took one look at all the blood and said he’d call Nina.
Mitchell didn’t leave (Y/N)’s side as Nina cared for both of them. Nina chatted on and on about nothing, unable to deal with the silence. Annie and George were left with their questions, but they knew not to push Mitchell when he was this wired. He was silent, busy wondering what was going on inside (Y/N)’s head. He watched the small smiles she sent to Nina and the winces that would sneak in every once in a while. As always, her fingers were fiddling with his.
When she was finished, he said goodbye to Nina and thanked her. Then he flew upstairs. He didn’t hear (Y/N) follow shortly after. He gathered an extra pillow and blanket from his closet and turned to see her standing in the doorway.
“I’ll sleep on the couch tonight, you’ll be in here,” he said. “George and Nina are right across the way and-”
“I know where everyone sleeps, Mitchell.”
He nodded. He stepped to her and kissed her forehead, then headed for the door.
“We don’t have to talk about it tonight, but you-you cannot leave me alone. I won’t let you use this as an excuse to push me away.”
She was crying. He felt as if someone was grinding his heart into dust. He threw the pillow on the floor and wrapped his arms tightly around her, listening to her cry. He deserved this kind of torture, he thought. He led her to the bed and pulled her on top of him, kissing her head. He left the lamp on and hoped to whatever was out there that she’d be able to sleep.
She moved on him, circling her fingers on his chest. She was still awake.
“Are you in pain?” he asked.
“Not anymore. Are you?”
He scoffed. He could handle what Daisy had done to him, but not what she had done to (Y/N). “All of this is painful. I should have stuck to my original plan for tonight.”
“And what was that?”
“To bring you to this bed and not allow you to leave.”
She looked up at him and smirked. “We can still do that.” She kissed him.
After that, it didn’t take her long to fall asleep in his arms. If he was smart, Mitchell thought, he would let her go in the morning. He’d move far away and let her live out a normal life without him. But he wasn’t strong enough to let the love of his life go. He was strong enough, however, to protect her from anything that came their way.
New taglist! Message to join! @emrfangirl @misslongcep @raindancer2004 @ladybugg1235 @xxbyimm @burningcoffeetimetravel
You Aidan/Mitchell lovers! If you don’t want to be tagged, let me know! @dashesofink @c-s-stars @marigoldvance @alwaysfarawayeyes @darlingvagary
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Nino’s Quest Chapter 1: Gathering the Party
When his uncle leaves for Morocco, it looks like Nino might be stuck without any Dungeons and Dragons for a few months. Since this is a terrible fate, Nino takes it upon himself to make a campaign of his very own.
Now if only he could find a party...
Thank you to @alienducky for inspiring me to expand on this one shot from last year’s fictober prompt! And thanks to @marinoodles for letting me steal her name!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 (Final)
Read on Ao3. My ko-fi.
“As you clutch Raygar close, he whispers a single name into your ear as if it were the most important thing in the world: ‘Doznak.’ The moment the word passes his lips, the light leaves his eyes.”
“No! Not my dude Raygar!” Nino wailed, his fist hitting the table, gently shaking the drinks that had been set on it.
“...And I think that’s where we’ll end this session. Thanks for coming out, you guys.” Uncle Hassan gave a hug to the other two party members as they left, leaving just him and Nino to pick up. “Thanks for the help, little man. How are you liking this campaign?”
“It’s totally awesome, uncle dude!” Nino raised his voice to be heard as he carried the glasses to the kitchen and left them in the sink. “Each story gets better than the last. And man! Tonight’s cliffhanger. I can’t wait to get the low down on who this Doznak dude is next week.”
When he returned, he saw his uncle smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah… about that.”
“I’m going to be visiting your grandpa in Tangier. So, uh, you might be waiting on that thrilling conclusion for a while.”
Giving his uncle a suspicious look, he asked, “How long is a ‘while’, exactly?”
“I won’t be back until New Year’s, kiddo.”
Nino gaped. “Dude!” He said, betrayed. “We’re only just at the end of summer! How am I supposed to wait that long?!”
Uncle Hassan chuckled. “Well, you’ll be starting school soon. That’ll help keep your mind off it, right?”
“Maybe a little.” Nino pouted and pulled his cap down, trying to hide his disappointment.
A large hand settled on his shoulder and Nino looked up into the hazel eyes of his uncle. “Kiddo, you’ve been doing great and it’s been fantastic having you around in the game. But sometimes groups have to take a break for a while. These things happen.”
Nino sagged. “But… I was just getting the hang of Dungeons and Dragons…”
“Well, you don’t have to stop.” Nino looked up, curiosity getting the better of him. “My books are just going to get dusty waiting for me here. Why don’t you take them and make a campaign of your own? Invite your friends. Trust me, it’ll be way more fun than playing with us geezers.” Uncle Hassan laughed, his eyes sparkling with mirth.
His friends? Nino thought of Adrien, with his impenetrably dense schedule. Alya and her lack of interest in games, whether they be board games or video games. Marinette and her tendency to always be juggling fifty projects at once. Although… they weren’t his only friends, right? It couldn’t be that hard to find two or three people willing to game with him like once a week.
“You know… you might be onto something.” A grin reached Nino’s face as he took the rulebooks that his uncle passed him. Outside, a car honked its horn - his dad was there to pick him up.
“Tell my brother-in-law I said hello. And good luck, kiddo!”
Nino waved and felt his mind light up with the possibilities of adventure.
The last month of summer went by in a blur as Nino put his mind to work getting his campaign drafted. When school started, he took a few weeks to get back into the swing of things before he started the hunt for a new party.
That’s where he hit a snag.
There weren’t that many Dungeons and Dragons players in his class. Or, at least, not many that he knew of. He managed to corner all three of them during lunch and pitched his campaign to them.
“...So what’d ya think, dudes? Sound like a party or what?”
Max cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses. “I really am very sorry, Nino, but I’ve been kept adequately busy with my work on game design. While I’d love to join up, it would cut into my other projects. Regrettably, I’ll have to decline.”
“Alright, dude, no sweat.” Nino patted Max on the shoulder and turned toward the other two. “What about you guys?”
Juleka shook her head. “Sorry. I just started one with Rose. Can’t back out now, you know?”
“And I just got hooked on a new MMO with Ivan,” Mylene said with a wince. “If I stop now, I’ll lose my placing that I worked so hard for!”
“Major bummer.” Nino tugged at his cap as all four of them got up to return to their usual seats.
“According to my projections, I’ll have a greater likelihood of joining on the next adventure.”
“Maybe next campaign,” Mylene patted his arm as she walked past him.
“Yeah, we can try again next time.” Juleka paused. “Have you tried asking Adrien?”
Nino shook his head. “Nah, dude is always super busy.”
‘Sure, but he was asking me and Rose about D&D. I dunno, maybe just try it?”
“Really?” Nino perked up. His best friend had gone home for lunch, but he was still just a text away. “It might be worth a shot. Thanks, Juleka.”
“No problem. Good luck.”
Taking a seat at the table next to Alya, Nino shot a quick text to Adrien.
Nino: Heard you were asking about DnD. You game?
“What’s that about, babe?” Alya asked, looking over his shoulder.
“I’m trying to get a party together for Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Dang, and the first half of that sentence was so promising.”
“So is that a pass then?” Nino said with a faint smile. While sometimes he could get her to play games with him, he understood that it wasn’t her favorite. Just like how he didn’t share her love of rom coms, but indulged her every now and again.
“Yeah, babe. Although…” She looked at Marinette as she rushed into the building clutching a brown bag with the Dupain-Cheng bakery logo. “...there might be potential there.”
“Hey, guys!” Marinette sat down opposite them and opened the bag, passing some chocolatines to the two of them. “What’re we talking about?”
“Hey, M.” Alya leaned forward. “Do you ever play roleplaying games?”
“Um, sometimes? You know my favorite is fighting games, but I’m up for some adventure sometimes.” Marinette tilted her head to the side. “Why?”
“Well, Nino here was thinking about running a Dungeons and Dragons campaign…”
“I’m… not sure.” Marinette’s eyes widened. “Not that I’m not interested! It sounds like it’d be fun to do with friends. But I don’t know if I’ll be able to find the time. Plus-”
She was interrupted by the sound of Nino’s phone going off. He’d left it on the table, so everyone could see that it was from Adrien. A small smile crept across Nino’s face when he heard the little intake of breath when Marinette noticed.
“S-so, um, how’s- how’s Adrien?”
Poor dude. The guy isn’t even here and she is stuttering. Nino pulled up the text.
Adrien: Yes!!! I got all the rulebooks months ago and I’ve done my best to learn but no one plays. [sad cat emojii] Are you going to be a DM??
Chuckling, Nino sent him another message.
Nino: You bet! Would you be able to meet once a week?
The response was immediate.
Adrien: Maybe if I say I’m working on a group project? I could pull it off, yeah.
With a huge grin, he looked back up at the girls. “My boy is in!”
Marinette bounced up and down in place. “Then so am I!”
“Oh?” Alya leaned forward with a smirk. “What happened to not having the time?”
“I will find the time, I promise. But gaming with friends? And Adrien? Too good an opportunity to pass up.” She met Nino’s eyes and had the good graces to look sheepish.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. If this means I get more players, than I don’t mind.” He turned towards his girlfriend. “Speaking of more players… Now everybody else is in. How ‘bout you?”
Alya rolled her eyes with a smile. “I guess someone has to keep an eye on you hooligans.”
“Nice. This is going to be great!”
Nino: And… we… are… LIVE!
We’ve been expecting you, Adrien Agreste
Marinette joined your party. Everyone look busy!
Alya is here, just as the prophecy foretold.
Nino: Say hello everybody
Adrien: Hello everybody
Nino: You’re hilarious
Marinette: hello! Hey guys!
Alya: Sup
Nino: We’ll be using this Discord server for all Dnd related things, k? Mostly for planning new sessions
Adrien: What about… spicy memes?
Nino: Know what, bro? I’ll make a channel that you can spam to your hearts content
Adrien: <3
Nino has changed his name to Lord DM
Alya: Seriously
Lord DM: Definitely
Adrien has changed his name to Adrien Regreste
Alya: Pffft
Adrien Regreste: Come on, Mari! Its what all the cool kids are doing!
Alya: Hey now
Marinette has changed her name to marinoodles
Marinoodles: ...How’s that?
Adrien Regreste: ;-; Its so cute. And also hilarious??
Marinoodles: I mena thank you! *mean
Alya has changed her name to Alya’ll Beware
Alya’ll Beware: Sweetie you know you can just edit your comments right
Marinoodles: ...Now I do.
Lord DM: Lol Anyway. How’s this weekend looking?
Alya’ll Beware: Just jumping right into it, arent you? But yeah I’m free
Marinoodles: I babysit Manon on sunday but saturday is clear!
Adrien Regreste: I can pull off saturday! Where are we meeting??
Lord DM: Whoever we meet at provides food. Since I am DM, I am exempt. (Plus my place is always supes crowded)
Adrien Regreste: Uh I can probably manage it off. Father will be out of town with Nathalie. The Gorilla is much more lenient hwen it’s just us.
Marinoodles: Gret sounding! *Thta sounds gerat! **That sounds great!
Adrien Regreste: Haha, yeah! I’m pumped to have you guys over. :)
Despite Nino’s fear of a repeat from last time, none of them were thrown out or belittled on their way to Adrien’s room. The worst that any of them received was an uncertain glare from the Gorilla as they filed upstairs.
As it turned out, the most difficult problem they had to face was Adrien’s purchasing habits. Nino had to explain to him that even though they were teenagers playing D&D, there was no way they’d be able to get through five pizzas and all the drinks he’d ordered. After he’d extracted a promise not to go overboard again, Nino went straight into explaining the basics and had them roll for stats.
“You sure about this, dude?” Nino leaned over Adrien’s shoulder and frowned at his character sheet. “I get you’re gonna be a bard, but max Charisma and low Wisdom just sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
Nino could just barely overhear Alya whisper to Marinette, “Attractive but kinda dense? Doesn’t that sound like someone we know…?”
“ALYA,” Marinette whispered back in a scandalized tone.
“Maybe, but that just means it might be more memorable, right?” Adrien looked up at Nino and couldn’t hold out against the excitement he saw in his eyes.
“Sure, bro.” Nino walked over to the girls. “And how’re you two hanging?” He craned his neck to see where Marinette was sticking her highest stats. “Dexterity… and intelligence? Good choices for a rogue.”
Marinette smiled. “Thanks! I’ve been thinking about her background. Get this - the rebel daughter of an elven baron.” She nudged Alya. “Pretty neat, right?”
“Wow, that sounds way cool, Marinette!” Adrien beamed at her and she melted.
“Than- than- Thanks, Adrien! You’re cool too!” She winced, but Adrien’s smile didn’t dim.
Nino raised an eyebrow as he noticed her hit points. “But, uh, why’d you stick your lowest stat in Constitution? Your dude isn’t gonna be able to take a hit.”
A sly smirk spread across her face. “I won’t need to take a hit if I play my character right.”
“Heh. Fair enough.” Nino turned his attention to Alya’s sheet, only to see it blank. “Um, something wrong, babe?”
“I dunno.” Alya shrugged. “I’m not big into games like you guys are, so its all going in one ear and out the other.”
“Well…” Nino took a seat next to her and thumbed through the core rulebook. “Maybe we should just keep it simple, right? So you can get your bearings.”
“A fighter?” Alya raised an eyebrow. “Seems kinda boring.”
“Yeah? How about a knight errant, looking for glory to make her name in the world? Rushing forward to defend the weak from the strong? Still sound boring?”
A grin split her face. “Now you’re speaking my language, cappy.”
“That’s Lord DM Cappy to you, babe.”
“Don’t push it.”
“Okay, so let me see if I get where we’re standing.” Adrien pushed the hair out of his face and looked at the three of them. He pointed to himself. “I’m a half-elf bard.” The finger shifted to Marinette who blushed and frantically waved at him. “Elven rogue.” Alya fell under his digit next. “Human fighter. Where does that leave you, Lord DM Cappy?”
Alya groaned and Nino chuckled. “Since someone needs to watch out for you guys, I’m going to be playing a human cleric. A priest of the sun.”
“Sounds like we’re pretty well balanced? Well,” Adrien ducked his head. “Except for me. Maybe it’d be better if I just played a wizard…?”
“N-no!” Marinette quickly interjected. “Adrien, you can be what-whatever you want to be!”
“Dude has a point. There is more to having fun than being the most efficient party possible, bro.”
“Alright.” Adrien relaxed. “Awesome.”
“Now, let’s get everything else sorted for character creation. And while we do that, I can tell you a little about the world you find yourselves in…”
As Nino began by telling them of the Good King Hamon, he felt a spark light up from within. He could already tell this was going to be the best campaign.
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imagineanyone-blog · 5 years
Chemistry - [Requested] Keanu Reeves One-Shot
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A/N: Thank you for requesting!!! Hopefully this is what you were looking for!
Warnings: Very brief NSFW (literally a paragraph)
Word Count: 1,677
Tags: @lovekeanureeves; @my-fuckin-problem
You knew what you were getting yourself into when you auditioned - this part required you to do a sex scene, the first in your career. It’s not that you were nervous about doing the scene, more so about who you were going to have to do it with; were you going to be working with a new actor just as fresh to the business as you? Or were you going to be working with someone more established?
Was the part even yours at all?
Your phone started ringing, and you knew it was your agent by the ringtone you’d assigned to her. Almost immediately, butterflies fluttered in your stomach and you almost dove for your phone.
“Hello?” you said, almost breathless. She told you that the casting director had shown the director your audition and he wanted you to come in and screen test with an actor you hadn’t tested with before. They were pretty set on both of you, but they needed to make sure the chemistry was there.
“Who’s the actor?” you asked, continuing to wonder if you were working with a rookie or a professional.
“Keanu Reeves.”
He was even more attractive in person, and you honestly didn’t think that was possible. But you had to keep this professional. The director chose a scene for the two of you to read together, and there was just a simple kiss towards the end. You’d both studied the script enough to not need it during the chemistry test, and when it came time for the kiss, the two of you naturally fell together. The chemistry was palpable, and the director agreed by officially offering the parts to Keanu and you. Graciously, you shook the director’s hand, told him you were looking forward to working with him, and headed home to study your new script.
The first few weeks of filming were just exposition scenes as both you and Keanu got used to the characters you were playing. Next, your characters began to fall in love, and you got to kiss him every day for about a week. You were having a harder time keeping yourself together, but you knew you needed to remain professional. He was your co-worker, and if you couldn’t maintain your composure kissing him, the sex scene was going to be awkward for you both.
After weeks of filming, at the end of the night, the director let you and Keanu know that he was planning to shoot the scene in two days, and that he was giving the two of you a day off tomorrow. Keanu motioned for you to stay put, that he wanted to talk to you when the director was finished.
“Hey,” he smiled as he approached you and sat next to you. “Let me take you to lunch tomorrow, I want to go through some things about this scene.”
Great, you thought, he needs to set ground rules for me. Have I really made it that obvious?
“Okay, what time?” you asked, “I’m free all day.”
“Let’s do 1, you pick the place,” he ran his fingers through his hair as he talked.
“Sure, I’ll text you...?” you said, almost asking permission.
He nodded, “sounds good. See you tomorrow.”
The next day was rainy, and as much as you wanted to just stay in bed on your day off, you wanted even more to go to lunch with Keanu, despite what he might say. When you walked into the quaint little cafe you’d chosen for lunch, you saw him sitting in a corner booth, buried in a book. Trying not to sneak up on him but also trying not to cause a scene, you quietly shuffled over to the booth and began removing your coat. He glanced up, flashed his adorable smile, and placed a bookmark before closing his book and setting it on the seat next to him.
“Hey, it’s good to see you,” he said, standing to give you a casual hug as if it’d been months.
“You too,” you smiled, returning the gesture.
“Have a seat,” he motioned for you to sit, then sat across from you and put his hands on the table in front of him. “So, about tomorrow…” he began.
Your eyes fell to the table and you took a deep breath before looking back up at him. You expected him to call you out for being so into him, that you were working and you needed to be a professional and not let your feelings get in the way of the craft.
“My ultimate goal for tomorrow is to make sure you’re comfortable,” he said, maintaining eye contact with you and gesturing with his hands like he did every time he spoke. “I have no problem putting a halt to anything I’m doing, or anything they’re trying to make us do if it makes you uncomfortable, okay?”
You were a bit taken aback - you knew he was sweet and caring, but you also, in some way, expected to be reprimanded. Before you could speak, the waitress was at your table asking for orders. You ordered your usual, and Keanu ordered a small coffee and a bagel. When the waitress left, Keanu looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to respond.
“I, uh, okay,” you said, nodding, not quite sure what else to say. “I really appreciate that, it means a lot.”
“It shouldn’t,” he said, smiling, then extending a hand to you and referencing a line he’d delivered yesterday, “I’m supposed to have your back, right?”
When you came out of the dressing room ready for the scene, Keanu was waiting. Almost undetectably, his eyes trailed over your entire body before returning to make eye contact with you.
“Shall we?” he asked, extending an elbow to lead you to set. Happily, you obliged. “Remember what we talked about,” he whispered as the two of you approached the six cameras, set lights, and the bedroom set for the scene. You nodded and smiled, unable to say much without fearing your heart was going to jump out of your throat.
The chemistry between the two of you made it so the scene was over in one take - the director said he got the passion and connection he wanted from the first take and didn’t see a need to do it again at the moment. “If I think we need to approach it from another angle, I’ll let you know, but that was honestly exactly what I had in mind,” he smiled from his chair after calling cut. You were surprised at how comfortable you’d been, especially since you’d been so nervous only minutes before.
Was it weird that you were almost disappointed to only do it once? You couldn’t help but melt at the feeling of Keanu’s hands on your waist, gently leading you to the bed, then pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it on the floor, all while kissing you. Obviously, neither of you got completely undressed for the scene, but you were both close enough to naked for the other’s imagination to fill in the blanks. You wanted to feel his lips on your neck again, sprouting goosebumps on every inch of your skin; you wanted to kiss him as his hips thrust into you. But when the director called cut, Keanu’s lips slowly left your body as he shifted off you and onto the bed, beside you.
The director’s assistant tossed both of you your shirts as the director announced that you didn’t need to do the scene again. You looked at Keanu, noticing his flushed cheeks before he smiled at you, soliciting a smile back. He rolled out of bed and got dressed, giving you time to do the same.
“That wasn’t too bad, was it?” he asked quietly, walking you back to your dressing room.
“I wasn’t expecting it to be,” you laughed, looking up at him.
“Me either,” he looked at you and smiled before stopping at your dressing room door.
You quickly got dressed, ready to go home. When you opened the door, Keanu was walking by the room with a backpack on one shoulder and his helmet in his hand. “Hey,” he said, eyes brightening, “I’ll walk you to your car, if you’d like.”
“That’d be great,” you nodded, and began walking with him. You chatted about seemingly inconsequential things, but it seemed like both of your minds were elsewhere. When you reached your car, he opened the driver’s side door for you.
“Today was fun,” he smirked, “don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s a shame we only had to do it once.” He laughed nervously, waiting for you to reassure him.
“I agree,” you chuckled, obviously giving him a sense of relief.
He smiled warmly at you before saying, “let me know when you get home safe, it’s late and LA drivers are crazy.”
“Are you kidding?” you looked at him incredulously, “you’re riding a motorcycle, how about you let me know when you get home?”
“Deal,” he said, putting his free hand on the edge of your door as you settled into your seat. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” you laughed. He closed your door, then waved at you as he took a few steps backwards and turned around.
As you were sitting in your car, picking your music and figuring out what route was going to be fastest, you heard a motorcycle rumble and honk its horn. Looking up, you saw Keanu throwing you a peace sign as he sped past your car. You smiled and rolled your eyes, following him out of the lot.
11:52pm You: Hey, just got home. Thought I asked you to let me know when you got home lol
11:54pm KR: Good, and you did, but I didn’t want to text you while you were driving.
11:55pm You: I wouldn’t have responded until I got home
11:56pm KR: Can’t take any chances.
11:59pm You: :p Goodnight, see you tomorrow
12:01am KR: Goodnight, can’t wait
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kpopnatalie · 4 years
The Last Of Us |BTSxREADER|
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🌟Disclaimer: *This story was heavily inspired by the video game called 'The Last of Us' and any similarities will be because of that. Most characters and storyline goes to NaughtyDog for making the game*🌟
Y/N went on a vacation with her family and expected it to be fun and adventurous, but it soon turned into a horror scene for her. 3 years later, she is now 17 and trying to survive the apocalypse that has now changed her whole life. The Government has taken total control of everything. She is given a task to protect a mysterious 14-year-old girl and take her out of the city. But what is so special about this little girl? While traveling throughout the city she meets people who she realizes are from an old popular group called BTS. How the heck did they survive this? That is truly one strange coincidence for sure. How will their story unfold and how will feelings interfere. Read to find out.  
I wrote this in 2017 on Wattpad, may be a bit cringe LOL ENJOY 
 Y/N’s POV
I am so happy to be here in Boston right now. I've never been out of my home state before, so this is like an adventure to me.
We walk throughout the city. My mom went with my little sister and looked for dresses, while I went with my dad to look for food. "What should we eat?" my dad asks me.
"Well, I don't know, you're the one with the money, not me," I say back to him.
"Wow.. then I am not getting you anything. Bye." He begins to walk away. How did he do that? Wait... I do want food.
"Dad wait for me. I want pretzels."
I am glad that I have a pretzel now. It's so warm and soft, I want more.
We soon caught up with my mom and sister. They were just barely leaving the store with bags in both hands. Man, they just love to shop.
"Hey did you bring us pretzels to?" My little sister asks. To be honest we didn't bring them any... hehe.
"No, we didn't because you decided to stay and shop." She got upset real quick and my mom leaves us to get her a pretzel. After we finish eating, we go to the hotel that we are staying at. I took a shower and quickly change into my black and pink shorts and a tank top. I then got into bed.
My mom is cooking food with my little sis or more like trying. My dad was reading the papers when suddenly my mom comes running out of the kitchen with a little box in her hands. "What is this?" I asked my mom.
"It's a bomb, now open it." She says with sarcasm in her voice. I just give her the 'really' look and then I grab it. "Be careful it might go off." I looked at my mom and just shush her. I open the box and there lies a beautiful watch.
"How did you get this, because this is expensive." I am extremely shocked that she could afford this because we could barely afford this room.
"Oh you know, I sell drugs as a part-time job so it's no big deal." She smiles and we start laughing. She goes back to the kitchen and my sister goes to my dad and plays on his phone.
I am just happy about this watch. I turned on the T.V. and all they have is the news so I watch it.
"Attention viewers, the Government has issued an immediate evacuation. Patients from hospitals and mental institutes are on the loose and are attacking people. Please, for your safety evacuate now. You can see the chaos right behind- " She gets cut off by a man that might be a construction worker.
"Ma'am, what are you doing? It is not safe here you need to-" He then gets cut off by huge explosion and everything goes to black. By this time my family is by the window to look outside. There we see another explosion and police sirens going to the incident. We all look at each other and start panicking. Well, I was at least.
"Are we going to die? What do we do?" I seriously began to panic, like who wouldn't? My heart is racing too fast that I thought I might pass out.
"Honey, don't worry we will be okay, we just need to leave. Everyone take your phones and at least a small bag. We can't take too many things." Well, at least I left all my pop merchandise at home. Not like I will see it again. I grabbed my small bag that says New York on it and put my tablet in it.
Okay look I don't have a phone don't judge me okay. After that, we grab a first aid kit and some water bottles for each of us and then we start to leave the room.
As we are running to the elevator, the sound of sirens coming from outside is heard. That must be the State siren to tell everyone to either get to safety or evacuate. As we got to the elevator we saw tons of people there. They were fighting each other to get in and it got bloody. My mom closes my sister's eyes and turns her around. I hold onto my dad very tightly. "MOVE YOU BITC... " This older lady gets cut off by this other woman punching her straight in the nose and making her tumble backward. I swear people are going to die right here.
"Hey, dad I think it would be safer if we go down the stairs since everyone is here. I am pretty sure the stairs won't have that many people going down them." I whispered in my dad's ear. He nodded and took us all around and wall down the hall.
I turn around and saw something I wish I didn't. As the two women were fighting, some people got into the elevator. A man was trying to pull someone out so he could get in. The greed some people have. The elevator door was closing and there he went, or well half of him. From his waist down got left behind and his upper part, well anyone can guess that it was in the elevator. I almost vomited, but I controlled myself.
We start running and once we turn the corner, we see the big white doors that lead to the stairs. We could still hear the commotion from the other people. As we opened the door all you could hear was a screeching sound than a huge crash. The building began to shake a bit, but that was all. We came to the conclusion that the elevator stings must have snapped and the elevator fell a crashed. Those poor people. But we must continue or we will be one of those poor people.
We ran down the staircases, and trust me those were a lot. We were on the 8th floor. I was looking out the windows as we ran down. Everything was either in flames or ruins. You could see people looting and the worst of them all, killing. I want to cry, this is unreal.
We finally got to the main floor and trust me I am panting like crazy. Those were a lot of stairs. I feel dead... too soon? Well anyway, we got through the main entrance and took our car. It's a Jeep and you can tell someone was trying to steal things but didn't find anything. We all got in and my dad began driving. We could see people who wanted rides, but we just drove past them. I am so scared and you could tell that my little sister is scared as well.
We soon come to a halt due to heavy traffic. Everyone began honking their horns until one super-smart dude decides to leave the safety of his car.
"What the hell is going on-" As soon as he says that, something comes up to him and starts eating him. All you could hear are the cries of the people. "Oh, crap." My dad said and he quickly makes a U-Turn and drives off, but we barely began to move when a semi-truck hit us from the side and caused us to flip.
I open my eyes and see my sister unconscious. I start to shake her to wake her up, but nothing. I wanted to cry. "Please don't... please I am not ready." I move myself to my mom and I instantly know, she is gone.
I unbuckle my seat-belt and try to get out. I see my dad waking up. He turns around and was about to cry until he sees me. He unbuckles his seat-belt and hurries to my side. We break the window and crawl out. We began running until I feel like I twisted my ankle. "OWWW!" My dad turns to me and quickly picks me up.
"What's wrong?" He says while still running.
"I think I twisted my ankle." I was crying from literally everything.
"Don't worry, we will get to safety." He runs until he reaches an alleyway. He opens the fence door and quickly closes it. He runs until he finds a door. As we get closer you could hear the 'things' and my dad quickly closes the door.
"The door won't hold them off for too long so let's hurry to the back." My dad says as he puts me on the floor so he can carry me on his back. As he walks outside from the back, we see one of those 'things,' but it is distracted by its food which is a human being. I think I am going to be sick. My dad runs up a hill but gets stopped by a man in all black. Is he from the Government? I bet he is, he looks like he is in the army or military.
"STOP!" The man says.
"Please help us, my daughter is injured. She might have-"
He is cut off. "Sir there is a little girl with him," He says, he must have a mic in his helmet or something. "Yes sir, okay." He then takes out his rifle and points it to us. I guess my dad knew because as soon as he pulled it out, my dad lets me go so we both roll down the hill. The man was shooting at us at that moment. I look up and got worried.
"No, DAD!" I sat up and look for my dad. I saw him lying face-first on the ground. Please, no, don't take him too. I begin to crawl because my ankle still hurts.
I hold him and there he says his last words, "I love you and please stay safe. I am sorry I didn't protect you." His face scrunches up and I can hear his faint whimpers coming from him. I grabbed his left hand and his right-hand holds onto his abdominal from the pain and the blood that is escaping from him. "Please live for me and your family. I-I can't bear the thought of you dying as well. I-I want you to take care of yourself. Re-remember that we love you. Take care." His face softens up and with that, he passes. I cry. Why me? Goodbye family. I turned and there I see the evil man. He is getting closer, I don't care if I die at this point. He was about to shoot until someone else shot him.
I looked up and see a boy, maybe around 17. Wait, I know him. That's Jungkook from BTS or someone that looks very similar to him. But still, how is he here and why? I thought he would be in Korea with his other members. Wait where are the others?
"Are you okay?" He asks. I look at him, did he just ask me that when my dad just died before my eyes and I almost got killed? I softly tell him, "No." And at that instant, I began to cry and hold my ankle. He stays by my side and hugs me. I will get through this, I will survive for my family. I will do it for myself.
Chapter 1
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writteriguess · 5 years
Escape You | Part One
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Chapter One:
Suzie, Do You Copy?
summary: it’s a normal day at StarCourt Mall until you discover one of Hawkins dark secrets.
warnings: cursing
notes: omfg I had to rewrite this :( anyway this chapter isn’t even that good, but welcome to this series! also if you want to be taken off the tag list just tell me cause I’m just gonna keep tagging all of you for each part lol.
Ah, the StarCourt Mall. The newest establishment of Hawkins Indiana. You had started working there earlier that summer. You only started working there to earn enough money to visit your best friend in New York. So far, the pay was decent. You worked in a woman’s clothing store across from the famous ice cream parlor, Scoops Ahoy.
That’s the only thing you hated about working at the mall. It was the fact that you had to see Steve Harrington’s face everyday. It wasn’t like you wanted to either. Every time, you looked up there he was, wearing that stupid sailors uniform with that stupid hat.
You honestly didn’t even hate Steve for any particular reason. Well, he was an asshole, and that’s why most people hated him. You just hated the idea of him. You hated the idea of running your hands through his perfect hair. Or kissing his flushed soft lips. Or walking around with him, your hands closed together, as he tried to smitten you with his pickup lines. God, you hated him.
“(y/n)!” The shouts of your name brought you out of your Steve loathed daydream. It was the all to familiar shouts of your coworker, Sarah. Sarah was younger than you by a year. She was a senior in high school. She only worked here because of her mother, who was the owner of the store. She hated her job, and you hated that you had to work with her. You hated Sarah too. But in her cause, there were a million things to hate her for. She was just simply a bitch.
Your eyes widened when they came familiar to the darkened room. “We’re closing already?” You asked. Sarah scoffed at you, “No, the power went out.” You can hear the annoyance lacing from her voice. “God (y/n), I was calling your name for the past five minutes. Are you deaf or something!” You rolled your eyes. “This daydreaming crap is getting out of hand. What if there was a costumer waiting and you blew the sale!” You could hear her favorite black boots pacing along the white tiled floor.
Suddenly, there was a slight bang, then a groan, Sarah’s angerd voice coming next, “God dammit! When is the power gonna come back on!?”
You leaned against the counter, your elbows laying against the surface. You rubbed your temples stressfully. God you hated working with her. “Can you relax? I’m sure the power will come back on soon”
As if right on cue, the once dark room gleamed with light. You looked over to Sarah to tell her ‘I told you so’ but you stifled a laugh at the image you saw infront of you. Sarah was on the tiled floor. Two of the white mannequins were sprawled along the floor, one of them actually on top of Sarah. Your mouth covered your amused smile. “Shut up” Sarah groaned to you, attempting to get off of the floor, which just made you laugh harder.
You watched as Steve Harrington flirted with some girls at the counter. You tried to hold back a scoff. You heard the back doors of the shop open and watched as Sarah strutted out, your store uniform on. It was a maroon T-shirt with the stores name with dark pants. This meant your shift was over.
You gave a breath of relief, beginning to quickly pack your things to go on your lunch break. You had to at least get your mind off of Steve for an hour. Sarah took your spot at the counter. “Geez, why are you in such a hurry? I thought you liked the counter job. You get a great view of Harrington.”
What she said made you almost drop your bag. You turned to her muttering out an, “W, What?” Were you that obvious? Was the staring becoming to much? Sarah scoffed, “Oh come on, I see you staring at Harrington all the time” a clever smirk coverd her featured. “I can go talk to him for you, if you want?”
You shook your head rapidly, “No, no no. I don’t like him.” Sarah stared at you with her head to the side, like she was debating weather or not she should believe you. She shrugs, “Whatever you say (y/n).” She looks forward, towards the ice cream parlor again. “But I will say, I don’t blame you for looking.”
You look to the ice cream shop. Steve Harrington stood at the counter, but this time with the white sailors hat off. His beautiful brown locks out for the world to see. The voluminous hair seemed to curl and bounce against his forehead. Your lips were caught between your teeth and you could feel your face heating up. God did you want to run your hands through that hair.
Sarah stared at you at the counter. She watched as your eyes lit up when you saw him and she watched as you bit your lip and your face reddened. She cleared your throat, which earned your attention. She smirked widely, “You were saying?”
You quickly bolted out of the shop, wanting to die from embarrassment.
On your car ride home, you sulked in the drivers seat, feeling tired from today. Thank god when you returned back to the store, Sarah’s shift was over. God, you felt so stupid. She caught you gawking over him. Literally, gawking! You wanted to bang your head onto the steering wheel for being so stupid.
You pulled up to a stoplight. You huffed, leaning back in your seat, waiting for the light to flash green. All you wanted to do was go home and sleep. A car pulls up next to you, blasting some loud rock music. You look over but immediately look away. It’s Steve fucking Harrington. His hands slam against the steering wheel, beating along with the music. His head bops along to the beat, a curl skimming his forehead every so often. A smile rested on his face as he sang along to the song. He looked good, really good.
You occasionally looked his way, but stopped when you realized what you were doing. Maybe Sarah was right. The staring was getting a little out of hand. You sighed, and decided to just try and stare out your side of the window until the damn light turned green.
Couldn’t he just go away! You weren’t even at work and here he was. You couldn’t escape him.
The light flashed green and you watched as Steve drove away down the street. You heard a honk from behind you and quickly stepped on the gas, muttering out multiple “sorry’s.”
Before you knew it you were home. You shut off your car and walked into your house, you threw your keys on the kitchen counter. You stopped when you saw a note written on the kitchen table. You leaned over, reading the letter.
Hey hon! Sorry I couldn’t be home to say goodbye to you in person, but my flight was at 2. Anyway, there is a bunch of leftover’s in the fridge, and I left you twenty dollars on the fridge to order pizza one night. Remember to take out the trash. I love you! See you in a week. - Mom.
You sighed. You forgot your mom was going on a business trip for a week. You had the whole house to yourself. To bad you didn’t have friends, otherwise you would’ve thrown a party or something. You did as you were told, walking over to the trash can.
You took the black bag out with a huff before walking to the back door. Your street was mostly dark, the only light coming from one of your neighbors porches. Ms. Driscoll’s house. You loved the woman. She made the best cookies and fresh squeezed lemonade.
With a huff, you managed to put the garbage into the pail without a problem. After wiping your hands together, you started to make your way back inside.
However, you stopped when you heard a screeching noise. It was faint but can still be heard. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before you followed the noise. You prayed that if wasn’t a broken tire or a broken pipe. You followed the noise which led you to the back of your house. The sight that you saw made you frown.
A rat laid on the green grass. It was a small gray one. It’s body flailed rapidly, the screeching became more painful with every thrash. You moved closer, before kneeling before it. “What’s wrong little guy?” You mumbled out softly.
Suddenly, it gave one final loud scream before exploding before you. It’s guts, red and pink, scattered out along the grass.
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell agape. You let out a scream before bolting to your house, opening the back door, and slamming it closed. You leaned against it, a hand to your chest, trying to catch your breath. What the hell was that?!
TAGS | Bold couldn’t tag
@tequilachick @stobinthings @queen1054 @soniasalvatore1 @autumn-blessings @username3549 @iluvmesomemarvelndc @curiousershipper @from-a-forgotten-kingdom @lxstdreams @k-n-teeg @nightmare-mermaid4793 @laneygthememequeen @dracaryswonder @thatlittlered
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lavieendonna · 6 years
Brushwork || ArtMajor!Calum AU (Chapter 26)
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Summary: An Art Major AU where Dallas - third year gawky art student at VCA -  makes a deal with Calum - her cute new neighbour and project partner - and they spend the semester learning that the perfect masterpiece takes a whole lot of brushwork.
Date: 27 October 2018 Requested: lol     Pairing: Calum + Dallas Words: 3.1K Warnings: anxiety-ridden family confrontations FTW!  A/N: so this is like, what, 4 months late? Or something? But it’s nearly over so please bare with me! Thanks to the one or two people who still read this piece of shit. If there’s no one, well, I feel good for posting this just for myself anyway. 
Big Love xo 
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Chapter 26: Usually When She Looked at Me I Felt Like I Wanted to Throw Up My Insides and Shrivel Up on The Pavement
I honked the horn of Ashton’s car outside of Belle’s flat, immediately regretting it when I realised that it was heading into the late evening and I would have disturbed family dinners all through the neighbourhood. And I knew I did, too, because Belle lived in that kind of area; the kind on the “classy” side of the bridge hat was one hundred percent better (and cleaner) that the student residence where I lived.
Nevertheless, Belle come out of the house swiftly with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder, pausing only to turn around and lock the front door. She was in leggings and her infamous oversized grey hoodie, UGG boots covering her feet, much like me. I breathed a tiny sigh of relief when I realised I hadn’t under-dressed.
“My housemate is a bitch.” She said to as soon as she slumped down into the car, without so much as a proper greeting, throwing her bag into the backseat behind her and borderline knocking me out in the process.
“What’s she done now?” I asked with a grimace, knowing that Belle never really called Nancy names without a reason.
“She ate my Ben and Jerry’s,” Belle huffed as I got ready to back out of the driveway. “and when I asked her about it, she completely denied it! Like, there’s only two of us in the house; who the fuck else was it going to be?”
I sniggered to myself as I tried to imagine how that conversation would have done down.
“Maybe you have an ice-cream-eating ghost haunting your house.” I teased and belle rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, his name’s Little Jimmy and his favourite is strawberry cheesecake.”
I cackled with laughter while Belle seemed to lighten up a little and chuckled.
“Actually, Nancy’s pretty superstitious. If I tell her that she might freak and move out.”
“That’s just evil.” I laughed. “But if it works, it wouldn’t be a total loss, would it?”
“Hell no!” Belle cheered. “How was the Showcase?” She changed the subject, still giggling. I grimaced at the memory, not really wanting to talk about it but knowing that I was way past hiding it from my sister.
“That bad, huh?” She asked gently, noticing my lack of response. I nodded, trying not to sigh but not really succeeding.
“It… sucked.” I summarised.
“Did you pass the mural, at least?” Belle’s voice sounded hesitantly hopeful, I guessed to try and find the light in the total fiasco that was yesterday’s Showcase. I shrugged, the familiar feeling of defeat settling back into my stomach.
“I think so.” I hummed, following it up with a scoff. “But it doesn’t matter, anyway. Calum painted Polly.”
Belle paused, brows furrowing in confusion at the sentence I’d just spouted at her.
“Wait, what?” She made a face. “What do you mean he painted Polly?”
“You know how our designed were based off of ballerinas?” I reminded her, glancing at her quickly to see her nod slowly.
“The ones who didn’t have faces?” She asked and I nodded this time, continuing to steal glances at her while I drove, silently begging her to put the pieces together on her own so I wouldn’t have to say the words out loud. My chest ached a little as I remembered how humiliated I’d felt when the curtain had dropped.
“Whoa.” Belle let out a disgruntled huff. “That’s… that’s fucked. Why would he do that?”
I huffed this time, more out of frustration than anything. Truth be told, I was still trying to decide if I was still angry about it. Part of me was furious and betrayed and was convinced that Calum had done it to spite me. I’d told him about the strife between Polly and I and by painting Polly on the piece we’d worked so hard over felt like a huge slap in the face.
But the other part of me, the part that still cared about Calum, understood where he was coming from. And he was right, Polly had inspired the whole idea to start with. And he was just trying to help me – even though I didn’t deserve his help after everything I’d done.
“He didn’t have much of a choice.” I settled for saying, though I couldn’t tell if the words were a lie or not. They didn’t feel like one. “After our fight the day after the date I ghosted. I didn’t want to face him so he had to finish the mural on his own. I think he was one of the only ones talking to Polly at the time, too, so…” I ended my shitty assumption with another shrug, and Isabelle just nodded slowly. I guessed what I said was fair if even she agreed with it.
We were quiet for almost the rest of the drive, except for the low hum of the radio, as I navigated my way through the inner-city suburbs and headed east towards our mother’s place. I could feel the air grow more and more tense as we both pondered what was to come when we arrived.
“Are you ready? To face her?” Belle was the first to break the silence. I grimace and gave a small, one-shouldered shrug.
“I guess.” I mumbled, but then I scoffed and retracted the statement. “Well, no, I’m not. But we’re kind of past being ready for it aren’t we?”
Belle just murmured her agreement, and when I stole a quick glance at her from the corner of my eye, she looked scared. Terrified, even. The car rolled to a stop at a red light and I took the chance to take her hand and squeeze it quickly.
“You’re going to be fine, you know that right?” I told her with a small encouraging smile. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
Belle snorted rather unattractively.
“Uh, she’ll probably bludgeon me to death with an antique vase and force you to help bury my body and keep it a secret until she eventually dies of a heart attack which would mean you’d have to come clean years and years later and you’ll get arrested for being an accessory to murder and get taken away from your family to spend the rest of your life in prison and you’ll never get to see your kids so you’ll die in your cell from a broken heart – and that’s just for dropping law school!”
Belle was wailing, but we were both laughing anyway.
“We’re going to be fine!” I told her again as Mum’s street came into view. “She’s our mum. Shehas to love us – no matter what.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Belle huffed, but she’d gotten some colour back in her cheeks so I knew she believed me – even if it was just a little bit.
I wished I could pinpoint the exact moment Belle and I had switched roles in our relationship. It was a weird feeling, being the “level-headed” one for once. I felt kind of useful as opposed to useless for the first time in what felt like an eternity – and while it did feel a quite nice, I was difficult to get used to.
It was dark by the time I shut off the car in Mum’s driveway. Belle and I made no move to get out, either, both of us too scared to even breath. I swallowed, a lump already forming in my throat.  
“We’re, uh. We’re gonna be fine.” I said, though based on the pitch of my voice and how many octaves it jumped I was more so trying to tell myself than my sister. Belle looked at me carefully, fear in her eyes but her face as composed as she could.
“We’re going to get skinned alive, aren’t we?” She asked monotonously and, frankly, it was almost as terrifying as what we were about to walk ourselves into.
“Uh-huh.” Was all I could muster.
I’d never heard my heart beating so loud as it was in my ears in that short walk from the car to the front door of the house. It was pounding in my chest so hard I thought it was about to rip through my ribs and leave a gaping hole for the rest of my organs to fall right out behind it. Belle’s arm brushed up against mine and even though it was just for a second, I could still feel her trembling from the inside out.
“Mum?” I called into the house as my sister and I opened the door and stepped carefully inside. Almost all of the lights were on inside, and despite the lukewarm weather outside, the heater was running, too, with music was trickling through the spaces from somewhere within. This was normal, which was always a good sign with my mother. But the red flag that made my stomach churn even more was that she didn’t respond the second we walked into the house like she usually did.
“Hello?” Belle tried this time. No answer. We shared an incredulous look before we dumped our bags in the front room and started to wander further into the house. The dining room was empty as well as the living room, and she wasn’t in her bedroom – though neither of us expected her to be.
Just when I was about to suggest we check the sun room (where Mum often went to read and pretend she wasn’t journaling while she journaled), Belle stopped in the doorway of the kitchen and shifted on her feet uncomfortably.
“Hey, mum…” She said sheepishly into the room and I sidled up behind her with a tiny, apologetic wave.
“Hi.” I did much the same and, much like vampires – albeit very awkward vampires –  we waited in the doorway until Mum decided to invite us further inside.
She was cooking, which was odd. Not that she never cooked for herself, she just seemed to be very into it tonight. Her long dark hair was swept back into a high ponytail that was somehow both messy and elegant at the same time, and she was actually wearing her black metal framed glasses for once. She was wearing a snug black t-shirt and a pair of red flannel pyjama pants, under a red apron that was splattered with flour and various liquids, but her face was still flawless with a killer red lip and hoop earrings. She was scowling, naturally, paused in the middle of the kitchen with a wooden spoon in one hand and the other resting on her hip.
“I didn’t realise you two remembered where I lived.” She deadpanned and usually this was the moment where her eyes would flash wickedly and her nostrils would flare, but tonight she just looked sad and my heart broke a little bit.
“Mum, don’t.” Belle pleaded in a voice no louder than a whisper. She had all but surrendered already and Mum had only spoken one sentence to us – collectively.
“Don’t, what?” Mum challenged, but her voice wasn’t much better. “Be hurt?”
“Please, Mum.” I stepped forward a little, trying as hard as I could to will the tremble in my bottom lip to go away. “Let us make this right.”
“Why?” Mum still fought. “How do I know you two won’t blow me off again?”
“We won’t.” Belle said, a slow and quiet tear trekking down her cheek already. “Mum… Mum, I need you.”
For a moment I really thought Mum was about to kick us out. She was deadly silent for what felt like an eternity, just staring at us – or maybe she was staring through us. Whichever it was, it was uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Mum scrutinising me with words and disappointment was one thing and I’d endured through that more times than I liked to admit. But her scrutinising me with silence and unreadable eyes was probably going to give me PTSD.
Mum gave a small gesture with her wooden spoon to the barstools on the other side of the island counter, and as if we were seven years old again we obeyed. We sat carefully, Mum taking a minute to turn down whatever was cooking and wipe the bit of flour off of her face before she turned back to us with crossed arms, leaning against the opposite counter.
“Is this the part where you tell me you dropped out of law school?” She asked very matter-of-factly. Belle and I stared at her wide-eyed and stunned. How did she even find out about that? She used to tell us all the time that mothers knew everything, but I thought it was just some ridiculous old wives’ tale mums told their kids to scare them into behaving.
“You knew?” I asked her in a squeaky voice, and her dark eyebrows rose at me.
“You knew?” She threw back. “You knew about your sister and didn’t tell me?”
“I –” I didn’t even know how to respond so I sat there gaping like a fish, desperately looking to Belle with hope that maybe she’d thought this through and knew what to say.
“Don’t be mad!” Isabelle begged, sniffing carefully and it was clear it was taking everything she had to keep herself together. Mum blinked at her a little patronisingly.
“Oh, I’m sorry, you don’t want me to be mad about you quitting school and not telling me about it?” She hissed and Belle shook her head, taking a deep breath. “Or is it that you don’t want me to be mad that you chose to conspire with your sister against me?”
Belle’s head fell and her shoulders shook and I was wondering if this was how she pictured this going or if it wasn’t going the way she planned at all.
“We weren’t conspiring, Mum.” I said, not loudly and not aggressively, but firmly enough that Mum’s new furious glare was directed at me instead of my mess of a sister. “We were just scared.”
For the first time since the day after our dad’s funeral, Belle and I watched as Mum’s bottom lip quivered like she might cry. She looked away from us, her brain clearly running a million miles an hour. But when she looked back, she just looked hurt and it made me feel like I’d just kicked a puppy.
“I don’t know where you two got the idea that I’m so terrifying,” She said so quietly that I almost missed it. “But it’s doing my head in, I hope you know that.”
She wiped a single tear, and even though it didn’t smudge her makeup even in the slightest, I knew for sure that Belle and I had fucked up. Mum had always made a point of not crying in front of us, especially when we were kids – even beforeour Dad had died. The fact that she was now, even just that one tear, that meant we’d reached the point of no return. She would always hold this with her – even if we did somehow manage to fix this.  
“We’re not scared ofyou, Ma!” Belle sobbed in a trembling voice while she dabbed at her eyes with a stray tissue she appeared to have found in her pocket. My eyes prickled with the oncoming tears, my chest tightening as I listened to Belle’s near-hyperventilating. “We were scared of disappointingyou. You invest everything you have into us, you worked your way here for us! Do you know how hard it is for us to try and prove that we’re worth that much?! How hard it is to make sure we don’t fuck this up for you? All we ever want is to make you proud and with Dad gone it’s like we have to work twice as hard.”
I didn’t think Belle intended to bring our father into this conversation, but the second it slipped out it was done and the three of us were all crying. Belle was the only one sobbing hysterically –  Mum and I just let the waterworks happen quietly on our cheeks, but we cried. And the more I thought about it, the more I realised that this was probably one of the first times all three of us had cried all at once.
Slowly Mum made her way over to where we sat, abandoning her wooden spoon in the sink and reaching over the counter to wipe at Belle’s cheeks with her thumbs. She didn’t say much for a while and just offered Belle a clean tissue – which, to be honest, I missed where exactly she pulled it from – and she did her best to clean her face. When Mum’s eyes turned to me I just looked down and did my best to wrangle with the stabbing guilt in my gut.
“You girls…” Mum sniffled, and Belle and I stole a quick glance at her. “You’re all I have left. I took what your father left us and tried to build something great... but you’re it. You’re all that matters. You’re all I need.And… and I never, ever wanted you to feel like you weren’t up to par.”
I wiped at my dripping nose on the back of my sleeve ungracefully as I felt myself fall into a shudder of sobs much like Belle had before. Mum sidled over to stand in front of me and reached over to wipe at my cheeks this time. She pulled my face up so she could look me right in the eyes and although my tears blurred my vision almost completely, I could tell that Mum’s eyes were urgent and purposeful.
“You are enough.” She told me carefully and I really thought I might burst at the words. “You’ve always been enough. Both of you.”
She came out from behind the counter and Belle and I practically jumped off of our chairs so that the three of us could envelope ourselves into the most awkward but warm group hug I’d ever experienced in my life.
Belle was still shaking between Mum and I but somehow, I knew that even though we hadn’t mentioned her biggest secret yet, this moment with Mum was enough for her for now. I could feel it, the same way I could feel it was enough for me, too.
Mum kissed us on our faces and temples a million times each before she pulled back to look at us both the way I imagined her looking at us when we were kids. Usually when she looked at me I felt like I wanted to throw up my insides and shrivel up on the pavement, but not this time. This time I just wanted her to squeeze me so hard that I might pop.
“Alright, enough tears.” She said decidedly, wiping her own eyes and walking powerfully back into the kitchen as if this heartfelt moment was just another moment to pass. “Set the table for dinner, will you?”  
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Runaway | 2
BTS Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader + other parings ? | Part 1 2 3 4? Characters: Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, (+ other BTS members in fufure) Summary: Jin was the mononym for the notorious mafia leader who owned one of the biggest corporations in the city. But what happens when the big, bad kingpin comes face to face with his missing first love after five years, in a manner that just screamed “star crossed lovers”? Will he ever find out why she turned her back on him and became a runaway? Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: Nothing really, besides a slightly big headed superior lol
A/N: I ADDED JIN!!!!! but there isnt interaction yet so 
"Thank you so much for doing this today... again. I promise I'll-" ”Stop. I told you I don't mind, and really, I don't." Namjoon cut me off from the other end of the line. With my phone by my ear, I raised my available hand and called an incoming taxi.
"It's just, I told you to wait until the-" "I swear, if you apologize one more time, I will storm to your new office and get you fired on your first day."
I chuckled and ran into the cab, feeling butterflies swirl in my stomach as the words Namjoon fluttered in my minde. "New office," I repeated.
"That's right," his smugness was audible, "Don’t worry everything’s--” there was a crashing sound. I heard a few muffled sounds, along with some shouts.
When the car started moving, it took a lot for me not to tell the driver to pull over so I could run back home. 
“Namjoon?!” I called in panic.
There was a painfully prolonged silence.
A growl answered not soon enough, “Sorry, Kkul is being a handful today.” And as if protest, my dog’s barking pierced through.
I groaned in relief. I gave myself a moment and pulled my phone away as an airy chuckle left my lips. I sighed, “Namjoon, are you sure you can-” “Ya! I can handle anything, okay? There was just a small hiccup. Kkul snuck her way through a bag of treats, s’all. It’s been dealt with. Now go and get paid unless you wanna hear another sermon."
I smiled though he couldn’t see, "Okay, mama Joonie."
"Fighting!" he spoke lastly and hung up. With one final chuckle, I turned to the driver and gave a soft smile, “Pearl tower please."
I forgot how hectic traffic was but also how much easier it is to just exit your ride in front of the place you're going to.
Thankfully, I was much earlier this morning and arrived well before 8:15, my call time. Why there was an extra fifteen minutes was a mystery, but I guessed it was for allowance or something. Regardless, I got here when my watch read 7:30.
I went up to the twenty-fifth floor and was greeted by front desk. 
I greeted back, "Good morning, I'm the new secretary. I was told to report here."
"Ah, secretary?" 
I nodded. 
"You're early. You’ve been assigned to someone who always arrives on the dot, so you can take it either way. Please make yourself comfortable while you wait. He'll be here in fourty."
I gave her a smile and did as she said.
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“Get your damn feet off the dashboard, Taehyung.” I growled at the man wearing a bright violet, satin shirt along with gold embroidered black pants. He silently pulled off his combat boots down, crossing his legs, adjusting his seat belt.
“You want one?” he then offered, as he pushed his golden tainted sunglasses up like a headband, before opening a pack of bubble gum.
“I don’t want my teeth to rot.” I quipped, over taking a moron in a Honda in front of me.
I honked just as I passed him, nodding my head in disapproval.
“Chillax, hyung.” he spoke, against the sound of chewing. “It’s not like you’ll be fired if you’re late.”
I gripped the steering wheel, “Do you want to walk there?” I then gave him a dirty look, “Because that’s how you walk there.”
At this point, the man raised his brows and looked away, not forgetting to blow a bubble as he did.
“I swear, you’re lucky you’re valuable, Taehyung, or else I would’ve thrown your body down a dump.”
He chuckled and gave a wide, boxy smile. “Ya! Jin hyung! Coming from you, that’s a real compliment.
The ding of the elevator alerted me. I putting the phone I was busy checking posts online on, I stood up and heard the receptionist get greeted. Just then, two men in stormed off in heavy discussion, completely ignoring me.
“Yaaa,” the woman across me whisper-yelled, “ka!”
And go I did.
I was quick to follow them, feeling slightly uneasy by the fact I was technically doing so unknown. Just then, one of the two men turned around. I assume he was mister Min, my superior, considering the fact he gave me a nod in regard.
I quickly nodded back, along with a polite smile. He turned back to the man next to him immediately after.
The two seemed wrapped up in quite the conversation and it was evident that they had high positions with all the confidence and single-mindedness that swirled around them. We quickly tread past office cubicles, and hallways, getting greeted by ever single person they passed, until eventually, we wound up in a large office, which I hesitantly entered in fear I shouldn't be too near them. I did enter though and found the room had huge floor to ceiling windows that showcased the busy streets down below.
"All I'm saying is that you should've sped up the process up." the other raised his hands and sat on the side of the desk whereas the one I assumed was Mr. Min, sat on the chair behind the desk.
"Listen, I was hired because of my wit in making tactical decisions, and yes, a delay will crucially push us into a do or die situation, but trust me, I did the right thing. No one will regret it."
The man chuckled, "You're that confident?"
Mr. Min propped his elbows on the surface before him. "I am."
He gave a deep chuckle, “Alright then. Make sure no one gets disappointed."
Suddenly, the entire focus in the room shifted, and all eyes were on me. 
"Yes?" the one sat on the desk quirked a brow. 
I gave a small smile, "Good morning, sir. I’m Mr. Min's new secretary."
Mr. Min cocked his head to the side, and the other gave a chuckle. He pat the back of the man on the chair, "Wow, Yoongi hyung, you're even lucky with secretaries."
"Have we met?" Mr. Min asked, disregarding the previous comment.
I turned to my feet and chuckled, "We have, actually. Yesterday, I... bumped into you and, well, your papers flew all over the place."
A small smirk rose on his lips. He proceeded to nod, seemingly recalling the incident, "Right, you were wearing a red dress and kept apologizing."
"Red dress, huh?" the other mumbled, side eyeing the other.
Mr. Min pat the man’s back, indicating he wanted him to move. The man did just so as Mr Min continued, "Didn’t you you fix some of my papers?" 
I nodded slowly. 
He gave a slightly bigger smile, "I was impressed how much you sorted out in such a small span of time. You saved me from a lot of unnecessary work. I was actually considering looking into you so I could get you as my secretary." Mr. Min turned to the man who had crossed his arms and smirked, "I guess you're right about my luck and secretaries."
"Ya, I'm always right."
"But not about the speeding up process."
He snickered but ignored that, then walked over to me. "Chairman Jung." he smiled softly, extending a hand. Now that he was up-close and center, I realize that he had a killer smile. I instinctively gave a firm handshake. His hand was large and calloused.
We pulled away.
"If he gets too unbearable, let me know and you can be my secretary instead." he winked and chuckled. Alright, now he’s biting up for than he can chew. 
I forced out a chuckle upon hearing his words. "I'm sure there won't be any need, Chairman Jung. Mr. Min seems to be a person of great character."
Mr. Min held back a laugh, but I could see the satisfaction in his face as cleared his throat. He then beckoned me to him. I gave Chairman Jung a nod in regard and walked away.
"Don't let the door hit you on your way out.” Mr. Min called before 
"I won't." he replied looking over his shoulder with a smirk, raising a hand before he left.
"Take a seat." Mr. Min motioned as he shuffled his papers. "I see that you're far more impressive than you already let on."
I gave a small smile, "I've learned a lot in the past twenty-four years."
"Speaking of which, I don't actually know if I should be impressed or scared by how many jobs you've done at your age." he said while taking in the pages of my resumé.
"I did a lot of travelling before, so I had to leave and get a lot of different jobs to sustain myself along the way."
He hummed, "You travel a lot it seems. I recognize this hotel," he pointed, "and this diner," he flipped the page, "are in different cities. And isn’t this one in Hong Kong? You only had those jobs for a month." he turned to me with serious eyes.
I breathed in. The sunlight from the window, was absorbed by his hair and made his skin glow. I couldn’t help but smile at him. I played it off though as I explained "I... went through a spontaneous faze. I'm ready to settle down and have a stable job now."
Mr. Min nodded. He then pushed the papers aside, and propped both elbows on the surface before him. "You don't have a haunting past, do you?"
I raised my brows and peeped out a 'what'.
"You don't have a criminal record or psychotic relatives?"
I opened my mouth and nodded harshly in disagreement, "No, sir. I don't."
He nodded and leaned back, "Good Let me give you your first task then."
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mischiefandi · 6 years
I’ll Be Watching You - Stiles Stilinski
A/N: I wrote this for @disbestiles song writing challenge. My song selection was Every Breath You Take by the Police and my character was ***. I placed the character’s name in the story, it’s up to you to find out who it is. Send me an ask when you figure it out :). Don’t forget the Easter eggs (only one in this fic if you don’t count the name) This is pretty dark and twisty but I had fun writing it and I know I said I was gonna post Mine part 2 but I was super inspired and I wanted to get to it as soon as possible! I hope you enjoy it! Thank you @avadakedabitch for proofreading! anddd thank you @itsbilescallmebiles for getting me hyped about writing this and for the HONEST feedback lol, ily. ALSO thank you @disbestiles for organising this challenge, I’m super glad to have participated, congrats again :) Feedback is always appreciated (good or bad)(but nice)(stay civil y'all)
Summary: A broken man wanders through Brooklyn with one destination in mind, where to?
Warnings: ANGST, stalking kind of, pretty dark and twisted, a teeny tiny bit of smut (vague and brief), I think cursing? and alcohol. Did I mention angst? Read at your own risk…
Word Count: 2,7 K (pretty short whoops)
Many people were already asleep, it was pretty late after all. The light sound of water leaking out of a pipe and landing on the wet and dirty street could barely be heard over the loud jazz music coming from the piano bar just a couple of houses down. The only people in the street were dancing strangers, happily swaying their hips to the sultry sax under a star-speckled dome and the lone man, walking slowly down the road, his hands in his pockets and his head covered with his dark hood. His foot made the water ripple as he stepped in a small puddle, but he didn’t seem fazed in the least by the sudden dampness in his shoe. His gait was calm but determined, he knew where he was going, the way to the destination in his mind clear as day. Every stop sign, every bump on the street, every sidewalk, every inch of the concrete platform across which he walked, he seemed to have memorized them all; it was obvious it wasn’t the first time he’d gone down this road.
As the hooded man walked past a black Audi, the loud sound of music seeped from inside the car and his cool and composed expression quickly turning to a shaken one. Shrugging it off, he kept going, looking back just once.
In through the bedroom window pour the pinkish rays of sun, drawing beautiful shadows on the wall opposite her. She’s sitting in front of him, her back lying against the endless amount of yellow and white pillows on her lumpy bed. Her pink lips curl into a smile as her favorite song starts to play and she laughs out loud when he starts singing along. The sunlight flashes against her rosy cheeks and her splendid blue eyes sparkle as they gaze at him, time seems to stop when she lowers her eyes and blushes. Her delicate fingers fiddle with the bed covers and he holds out his hand, wanting physical contact between them, she shakes her head and dissolves into giggles when he fakes a pout. As she starts to speak with the softest voice he’s ever heard, he thinks to himself; “This is happiness.”
Eventually, the man turned a corner but then slowed down when he saw someone up ahead, obviously, he wanted to be alone, to be left in his misery and anger. It was simmering in his head and in the darkest and deepest part of him, anticipating the moment when it could finally resurface and blow up. He heard a train passing above him on the elevated railway tracks but didn’t bother looking up, he just stopped walking. His fingers curled around a small object in his back pocket and he took out a bright green lighter. Out of his other pocket came a pack and he sniffed lightly as he drew out one thin cigarette, placing it carefully between his lips and bringing the lighter up to it. Click. Inhaling deeply, smoke filled his lungs and he coughed slightly, still not quite fully back into his previous habits. He exhaled and stared ahead, watching a few cars pass by, occasionally honking at him for standing in the middle of the street. He didn’t even glance at the drivers, instead opting for giving them an exasperated sigh as if they were the ones in the wrong. As he resumed his footsteps, a low rumble coming from above made him lift his head up and he immediately felt a single drop of water land on his forehead. Bringing up a finger to his head in order to wipe it off, the man felt another and again the sky grumbled loudly. He shrugged slightly and kept walking, watching thin lines of water start falling from the stars and land on the ground beneath him.
Clouds cover the sky. They’re sitting on the humid grass in Central Park, there aren’t many people there. Tiny spots of blue occasionally peak through the thick duvet above them and the birds aren’t singing, all hidden away in the trees, confused by the lack of sunlight. The autumn wind blows through her hair and she laughs heartedly when orange and brown leaves get tangled in her blonde mane. He desperately tries to get one particularly hard-to-get leaf out of her smooth streaks and she makes fun of his lack of skill, throwing her head back and exclaiming. He grins and pushes her back, quickly covering her body with his and he nuzzles his nose in her neck, breathing in the sweet scent he’s come to crave. Making his slightly chapped lips dance across her pearly white skin, he grips her waist with his right hand and caresses her gorgeous face with the other. She smiles at him and he deeps in to kiss her when suddenly he feels droplets of water on the back of his neck; it’s started to rain. She makes a joke which makes him smirk at her and ignoring the rain that slowly starts to accelerate its descent, he passionately kisses her, immediately making her moan as she feels the tiniest prickles from his stubble on her chin and cheeks. They melt together in the pouring rain, forgetting the world that surrounds them.
“Zach, careful!” exclaimed a woman in the passenger seat of the car that swivelled just at the right moment, avoiding a crash with the man ignoring yet another honk. He moved forward, digging his hands in his pockets and pursing his lips tighter so the cigarette between them didn’t budge. He inhaled and exhaled a few times, slowly falling back into his addiction all over again, letting the smoke surround and embrace him in a way he hadn’t been for a long time, too long. Entering a new street, a busier one, where cabs and loud cars and people talking about meaningless things ruled, he remembered how much he despised them, how much he despised them all. His hatred for this hypocritical society, his hatred for how this awful and cruel world they live in corrupts every beautiful thing in the palm of his hand, his hatred for injustice and people with no morals, he bathed in it, he fed off of this anger and pain. That was what he was reminded of as he watched the disgusting people of Brooklyn he used to love.
Yellow and blue fireworks erupted in the night sky and it startled him as he walked onto the sidewalk, almost making him trip over a homeless woman sitting up against the wall of a shop and he groaned as she weakly lifted a little paper cup in his direction. He shook his head angrily and she backed away a little, a nervous and retreated expression on her dirty and wrinkled face. Ignoring her quiet moans and whimpers, he pushed past the crowd of turtle-resembling pedestrians and kept going. He didn’t feel bad for her, it was her fault. In this world, the world he’d come to detest with every fiber of his being, good and patient people were never rewarded, they were abandoned, left to their own resources. If she really wanted to have a shot at a life, she was going to have to grow a pair, that was the only thing that ever worked; hurting others and breaking promises. Almost completely drenched, the young man slipped under someone else’s umbrella and smirked. Walking at the same pace as his companion, he dragged his feet against the cold and wet concrete beneath him, eventually pulling out his hand and holding the last of his cigarette between his long and calloused fingers. He stopped and abandoned his umbrella neighbor in order to press the butt of his guilty pleasure against the front wall of a 7-Eleven, putting out tiny embers. He glanced at the shop itself and gulped down the emotion that threatened to rise.
Small clocks of various shapes and colours hanging on the white wall above the cashier’s desk all strike 1 when the pair enters the shop hand-in-hand. She’s wearing a knee-length red dress and white slippers, he’s wearing a disheveled tuxedo with an untied bow hanging around his neck. They’re both snickering about something and she leads him to the back of the shop where she picks out a bottle of vodka and starts giggling furiously. He trips over his own foot and they erupt in a roar of laughter, disrupting the cashier’s once peaceful sleep. As he struggles to get up, she giggles, walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in close in order to drunkingly kiss him, letting the bottle of alcohol slip from between her fingers and land on the floor with a crash. The cashier jumps from his seat and starts yelling at them for making a mess in his shop but neither of them notice as she slips her tongue in her lover’s mouth and moans against his lips, making his heart swell and thump in the confines of his chest. When she pulls back to breathe and steady herself, she notices the angry owner of the 7-Eleven and she stares at him with wide eyes before grabbing her boyfriend’s hand and running towards the exit. The short and bald man runs after them but the young man in a tuxedo whirls around and notices an obscene pile of Kit-Kats on his right. Grabbing a fistful of the candy, he throws it in the owner’s direction and the blonde holding his hand shrieks and dissolves in a fit of giggles before pulling him out of the shop.
He snapped out of his daze and shook his head lightly before resuming his walk in the direction of an alley. Leaving the large and busy avenue through which he had just been, he took a left and immediately was greeted by tranquil silence and emptiness. He sighed loudly and straightened his back before burying his hands back into his pockets and looking up, his pace uninterrupted. The stars were gorgeous that night, he didn’t know whether it was his melancholic state that made the sky feel so attractive or if it really was as breath-taking as it seemed but he wanted to be up there, he wanted to drown in the dark blue ocean that was the night sky of New York, he wanted to forget all of the pain, anger and regret flowing through his veins. He wanted to forget her. It was his only desire really, to be able to erase her from his memories, from his past, but it was impossible. The sheer acknowledgement of that fact made his heart quake and legs tremble. But he ignored it, he had to. Facing his emotions, facing the brutal reality that had haunted him for the past six months was too much, and thinking about it only made it worse; it felt like dying. In the corner of the alley, standing in the shadows was a woman dressed in a leopard print dress that only went down to her mid-thigh and knee-high black leather boots. The woman wearing the most vulgar makeup he had ever seen approached him and catcalled which riled him up a little. He stared dead on and refused to meet the eyes of the prostitute calling out for him, focusing on the end of the dark pathway.
Lying on top of her, he feels her writhing beneath him, digging her nails in his lower back and whispering sweet nothings in his ear, occasionally groaning when he reaches a certain pace. He places wet kisses along her collarbone and nibbles on her earlobe as she reaches her high, holding her close against his sweaty body and feeling her heart beat a hundred miles an hour against his. He slows down and she breathes against his chest, clinging to him in order to keep from spiraling; he presses his head against hers and smiles at her.
Covering her sleeping body with the bed sheets, he slips on a pair of boxers and walks into the kitchen, the only source of light coming from the moon in the summer night sky. It’s gorgeous out, a slight cool breeze seeps in through the cracked open window and he breathes in and out deeply before sitting himself down and opening up the laptop on the kitchen table. Clicking on the email button and getting ready to type a message for his father, he realizes the user isn’t him and he quickly tries to change accounts. The words “Yes baby” make him pause and he looks down at the email, it’s hers. He glances back at the ajar bedroom door and furrows his brow before clicking on the email and reading it. His breath stops when he reads the words that make his entire world crash before him. No words can escape his mouth when he shuts the laptop and tries to make sense of what he’s just seen. She couldn’t have, right?
His fast pace went to a halt when he reached number 35, the red-bricked building standing tall and proud on the corner of the empty street. Above him, a wide window with its yellowish curtains drawn. He looked up at it and noticed that the lights were still on, she was awake. In front of his drenched and tired figure stood a beautiful red car and he laughed spitefully, taking in the hurtful information. He nodded and pursed his lips together then suddenly sent his fist flying onto the cold and wet metal, immediately letting out a choked sob and falling to the ground, ignoring the feeling of dirty rainwater coating his legs.
Angry tears streamed down his face as he stared down at the ground, nursing his injured hand with the other and forcing himself to breathe in and out. He leant his back against the car and stopped to think. She was in there, with the man she had used to break him. She was in there right now, probably eating Chinese food with her new lover, watching her favorite show with him, cracking jokes and looking like a modern-day Aphrodite. She was in there, living the life she was supposed to be living with him. She had taken a hammer and smashed his heart to pieces, she had destroyed him and his humanity, she had changed him forever and she was in there, pretending that he had never meant anything to her, pretending that it didn’t matter. She was a monster, she was the most beautiful, most manipulative, sweet and cruel angel he had ever had the misfortune of meeting, she was the worst thing that had ever happened to him, but still his heart ached for her. He had loved her, with every cell in his body, with every speck of himself, he had loved her. He still did.
Picking himself off the slippery street, he looked up at the window again and saw the silhouette of the girl who constantly haunted his dreams. As far as he could tell, she was getting ready for bed. He could barely make out the long mane cascading down her shoulders and it made his lips quiver.
Why was he out here and not in there with her? And what kind of cruel joke was this? Why was the universe only giving him a glimpse of her? It wasn’t enough, she was too far, he neede-Oh wait. Behind her, there was another figure, it was a man, that much was clear. The broken man standing on the curb saw him take off her shirt. He couldn’t.
He wouldn’t.
He had.
Desperation and sadness soon succumbed to sheer anger and he looked away, fury burning in his amber-colored eyes. As his gaze went from the window to the car, malice poked at his insides and he smirked cruelly. He wasn’t a part of her life anymore, she had made sure of that and he missed it, being present in her thoughts, in her heart, he wanted to know that she would be reminded of him every day. And so forgetting himself and everything he had once been, destroying the brilliant, kind and compassionate man his friends and family had known once and for all, he took out his keys and brought them up to the shiny red car. Scraping away every last inch of dignity he had left, he breathed out and looked at his masterpiece. She would remember him for sure now, and she would never forget him.
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ijustfeelokay · 3 years
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Entry August 4 2021
I don’t even know where to start with this one. I’m listening to a song that puts me back into a time two years ago during the winter exam season when my parents went on vacation and my lab PI was expecting the absolute most out of me. And yet I still had a multitude of other club responsibilities in addition to classes. At the time I knew I had to practically give up any sense and reason of social or rec activities and just work. I remember it was such a dark time because I had no weay of getting out except to keep working just to barely get by. I’m actually going through my “gratitude” notebook that I barely even used. I made a couple of pages but it really did help. The goal with it was to write something that I was grateful for at least once or twice a week. I had read in various places on the internet that one of the biggest correlations in prediction happiness was simply one’s gratitude, so I gave it a shot. I feel like it helped at the time but only because it forced me to step away from all the work and to give time to myself and to think about anything I wanted to. Thankfully it was only positive thoughts as well.
Five days ago I asked HK out through the most convoluted plan possible. I was at a barbecue with friends from highschool the week prior on June 24, which lasted the entire day and night. I was really happy to see MC doing well, since he had a very rough patch at the beginning of uni. And then I lost touch with him for most of uni after second year. I don’t remember how the topic came up but the boys found out that I couldn’t exactly talk to any new girls since I was already talking to someone, and they just had to know the details. I really tried to reveal as little as possible, but one of my closest high school best friends that I kept in touch with throughout all of uni, SH, punched me on the shoulder and told me that I needed to ask her out. I was trying to explain that I was GONNA DO IT EVENTUALLY ANYWAY but I was getting extremely pressured to do it literally the next time I see K. …So I sort of did, except the Monday afterwards was only a short visit in Brampton. I looked at which day had the best weather, which was conveniently the Friday, which I also had nothing to do the whole day except workout in the morning with T at his condo. After the barbecue on Saturday, I woke up on Sunday already trying to figure out plans. I was talking to K and I originally planned to ask her out at High Park, since I guess it would be cool if High Park is where we first met (in person) then it would be cute if that’s also where I asked her out. The day prior to the highschool friends barbecue, I was visiting friends of my VSA on June 23, and we were playing a card game “The And”. It consists of prompts on each card that are designed to help the players get to know each other better. Considering that VSA members are always required to be able to discuss heavy topics due to our focus on inclusion, mental health, and generational obstacles faced as second generation Vietnamese Canadians, it was really fun for all of us. I enjoyed it. Answering these questions also came so naturally to me. I still remember MY perspective of playing whatever that whiteboard game is called with K while I was on edibles and I feel like half the game was just me looking like a doofus and neither of us were saying anything. K would obviously describe her perspective of that night differently haha. But since The And was so fun I figured it would be such a great way for me to actually help K get to know me better since I realized these questions came to me really naturally to answer.
…So that was Friday night, when I decided to borrow the card game.
And then it was on Saturday, that I was pressured into and deciding to ask K out.
Then it was on Sunday when my doltish plan simply clicked into place. Since I know that I can cram up, my plan was to ask her out by surprise while playing The And. I realized that the game had (only a few) wild cards, where you could ask any question you want. I thought this was amazing. My picture was us sitting on a hill at highpark with K’s trusty picnic blanket from Indigo, and we’d be playing the game after Chako. And then when she least expects it, when the game is almost over and I have the last wild card, instead of asking something not-deep like the previous wild cards (that would have/should have been played) I would just be like “do you wanna go out as my girlfriend” and that would be that. HOWEVER. The plan quickly evolved into something even better, and the night turned out even more amazing that I could have even thought.
I was on Instagram and I scrolled past an ad for Terra Lumina which I direly wanted to go to three years ago, but since I didn’t have anyone to go with or didn’t know who I’d ask to go on something like that with me I never ended up seeing it. I mentioned it to K and she said that she’s interested in seeing it too. That made me really happy inside. I asked if she would want to go on Friday as well, in addition to our other plans and we agreed to it. To make the travel easier for us we moved our plans from High Park to Scarborough Bluffs, which is also amazing because we’ve been meaning to go the Bluffs for a while now as well. I kept going through the itinerary because I wanted to make sure everything would go to plan, and that we’d have enough time for everything before Terra Lumina. We agreed together to arrive to the Bluffs and bike/hike around the trails in the morning, and then eat a packed lunch and snacks. I brought condensed milk and hot water in a thermos because I was surprised to hear that she’s never mixed the two and drank it before. I’ve always done it as a kid so I thought it was normal. I asked some friends later about it and they said they’ve seen or heard about it too. She thought it was good, but not that good I guess because we were drinking it with cottage cheese, salsa, and chips. Since she was used to soy milk it was a bit underwhelming in terms of taste and it was mostly just sweet-tasting. Which, really that’s all it is haha and that’s why I like it. Anyway, the plan after the hiking and biking was for us to take a nap and in my head the nap would have been somewhere under a tree or in the car but we ended up trying to have my nap at the beach. It ended up not going so great because the sun was directly above us, and we didn’t have much to cover us from the sun. The umbrella wasn’t able to block the sun and sand for some reason kept blowing onto us. I guess it was a windy day. Either way, let’s just say the nap was a bit of a failure and I ended up just laying there while I got sand everywhere.
After the attempted nap we went back to the car to get our swimming gear and headed back to the beach, with pool noodles! She brought four of them because they were supplies for her mirror frame. Since I couldn’t float, she placed noodles under my leg, back, and neck, and floated me around in the water. It was pretty fun, although the water getting in my ears and occasionally my mouth would momentarily break up my zen moments. We dropped off the noodles with our beach stuff and walked around in the water. The water started feeling cold to us so we couldn’t really swim around as much. I must say though, the water at scarborough bluffs is really clean for a beach. I also gave her a piggyback for a little bit to zero-gravity K. When we went back to our stuff we noticed all our pool noodles flew away, and we could only find three of the four. We walked around to see if it was nearby but we eventually gave up looking for it. We brought all our stuff back to the car and I guess once we left the water another wave of sleepiness was hitting me and I was ready to nap on the ground, so we ended up going to the park area at one of the peninsulas. K brought her surface and my USB stick and watched some episodes of Demon Slayer while I napped. The most vivid memory of my napping is some weird honking noise, since it kept playing while I was dreaming as well. Though, I don’t even remember what I was dreaming about. They were short naps. I basically slept during the episodes that K watched. I think she only watched two episodes.
When I woke up after the second nap I realized we were a bit late from our plan to get to Chako by 5, since I think it was already 5:30, so we’d get to Chako by about 6. When we arrived, I was a little concerned and shocked to find out that there would be an hour wait until we could get a table inside. There would have been little time for us to play after Chako’s so K suggested we play while we wait. We also walked into the Home Depot Gardening section and I found out K likes “different looking plants”. Still not sure what her criteria are that would make her like a plant or not though lol. We played The And, and when I first opened the box I was frantically going through the cards to make sure we wouldn’t go through the wild cards because I reallyyy wasn’t trying to waste them in the parking lot. After about twenty minutes of playing we received a call from Chako’s, finding out that there was a table available. They asked if sitting outside was okay and immediately I know that was A SCAM and I suggested K to ask if there were inside seats, and they said that there would be one available if we waited an extra five minutes. Eventually when we were seated inside. I started to get desparate though because if I couldn’t ask her out before Chako’s, when am I going to do it? Right after we finish eating we’re going to have to head to Terra Lumina. I was thinking maybe we play in the car after we eat. I even suggested we bring the cards with us into Chako’s in case we’d somehow get the opportunity to play while we eat. ..And that definitely didn’t happen because cooking and eating took up all our time. I was very full. Also the bill was so expensive. Chako’s used to be much more affordable I’m pretty sure… we basically paid premium Gyubee prices so that was a bit regretful. I’m glad I was able to have Kelen experience the AYCE Korean Barbacue experience though, even though I wouldn’t recommend it again for those prices haha. I practically grew up in highschool with my close friends going to Chako’s so it was such a nice feeling to share this experience with K. I was really excited for that.
After we ate, we headed back to the car and headed straight to the Toronto Zoo. It was dark by then, and we were met with winding roads at night. There were parts of the drive where the bridge was only wide enough for one lane of cars, and there were stop lights on both sides. When we arrived, we accidentally took the wrong right turn at zoo Rd. which we later realized was the exit of Zoo Rd. When we eventually found the correct ramp to get onto Zoo Rd., which was also a right turn…. K suggested we bring The And with us, in case we found time to play. I quite literally have no clue how I was going to ask K out if she didn’t bring those cards with us. Throughout the exhibit, we would bring the cards to the light and ask each other questions as we enjoyed the exhibits. I noticed her hands were a little cold. She brought a hoodie but was still in shorts. I hope she wasn’t feeling cold.
The entire exhibit, I was a) trying to figure out how many wild cards could be in the deck and how much time we had, and b) rehearsing the same damn question over and over again. K took a small deck of cards earlier and when she finished them I asked if I could take the box so I could take a pile, since I knew where the discard cards were. That was a lie because we ended up playing a bunch of cards we already played earlier in the parking lot haha. But I got ahold of the box so I could strategically place four wild cards into a large stack of cards that we could go through, and leave the rest in the box, in her purse. The plan again was to prime K into recognizing the wild cards and getting used to me asking questions on the wild cards. But every time a wild card came up, I would watch her immediately skip it without even a second thought. And worst part is that it was always her turn with the wild cards!!!! At the back of my mind I was severely starting to feel the sweat and massive desperation. Meanwhile, there were parts of Terra Lumina that I felt were just absolutely beautiful. Many of the light exhibits were incorporated into the actual Zoo exhibits. The way they incorporated lights into the trees and paths was also just stunning, with the music as well. I felt walking doing many of the paths was a little romantic with K as well. Not that romantic though because I was mostly freaking out of my mind that my plan is literally about to fail. I figured the exhibit was almost over so I had to make some sort of move soon.
On the next wild card she pulled, it was actually my turn. AND YET SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO NEARLY SKIP IT AGAIN. I went straight for the card, grabbed it, and said that I’ll think of a question. I just held on to it though. The moment I had my hands on the card, I realized in that moment that the time that I was waiting all week for, had finally come. The moment that I was frantically trying to get to during all of Terra Lumina. I couldn’t say it. Do I say it while we’re walking? Are people going to hear us? Is this the right time? I really couldn’t. We ended up finishing the exhibit and we went to the washroom. At that point I was again feeling frantic, but for a completely different reason. I was still cramming up. I have this habit of pacing when I need to think, and we quite literally walked back and forth at least twice in the lobby of the Toronto zoo, until I decided that walking was the complete opposite of what I needed to do. So I suggested we sit down at a bench.
We sat a bench far from the main entrance and traffic of people exiting the zoo. Kelen went on top of my lap, and I held her close as I tried as hard as I could to just clear my head. At this point, she knew exactly what was coming. I asked her if she knew how I felt when we first matched on Tinder. I mentioned that I thought it was so odd how all of this started, after a 6AM morning conversation. I saved the sappy talk though and kept it to a minimum, and then eventually I just took a deep breath
I forget the exact words I used.
I asked her out, and she said yes. She gave a small forehead kiss, and I would have turned towards her but we both still had our masks on so I felt that would’ve been a little unproductive. I was holding her tight as we sat there a little longer until we saw a skunk run by and realized that sitting there was the exact opposite we needed to do, so we left and went back to the car. We drove home afterwards. All the tension was gone as well, after.
That god damn wild card.
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