#she helps him in his Conquests and it's very sexy
cravencur · 1 year
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pride || an au of mine where sesshoumaru takes in kagome as a ward of his fortified castle during wartime
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TL asleep? cool.
(long post, strap in)
i wanna talk about colin's wet dream. that was the most demisexual shit i have EVER seen. there's not even any sex. its just a romanticized, elevated version of their first kiss. its colin's subconscious wanting to replay the moment he fell in love with his best friend in the Most way possible.
lets break it down:
we got the same location of their first kiss. Complete with mood lighting and a fog machine. It’s giving pride and prejudice 2005
Penelope comes out (looking gorgeous, of course) to their rendezvous spot, which has been previously agreed on.
colin thanks her for meeting him, she doesn't know why he's asked her to come
he confesses his feelings for her
she reciprocates (this is the important part of this to me. ) her wanting him, makes him want her more (do you see where the demisexual colin energy is coming from? do you understand?)
they make out
he kisses her neck as she pants his name over and over (see my point above re: her wanting him makes him want her more)
he wakes up, absolutely shook
this is an idealized reimagining for colin: during their first kiss he was basically in shock, his new personality chokes on the reality and vulnerability of the moment
in the book he talks about how he tries to think of something witty to say but finds that no words are necessary, and there's no combination of witty banter or suave bravado that could help in that moment. the rake persona that he has put on up to this point absolutely fails him. but here, in this dream, words are crucial, the declarations of love are why its sexy! (demi colin is canon idc idc)
and its so important that this wet dream, the idealized version of this scenario happens like this. because we've also seen colin having sex with sex workers (and luke newton has talked about this) but his energy in those scenes is very detached, very focused on him and his pleasure with zero connection to the women he's with. he has two different threesomes (if you can even call the second one that, he's barely even looking at them) with four different women and we know nothing about these girls. they don't even get names. they don't matter, and its simply not. as. good. as the feeling of kissing pen. there is no connection
which is, i think, why he taps out during the threesome in ep4. he tries to go back to the devil-may-care attitude toward sex and intimacy that he had before kissing pen, he tries to return to that mask he put on of "the rake" and it just doesn't work! he feels nothing! in fact he feels disdain for the position he's in and the choices he's made!
the threesome in ep4 mirrors the outburst he has later at the club really well. like he's so frustrated with this position he's put himself in, the men he's surrounded himself with. he literally says "none of you are gentlemen!" "you're actually gross and disrespectful!"
a line that i love is :
"... it is tiring, is it not? The necessity imposed on us to remain cavalier about the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning. Do you not find it lonely?"
and they laugh! in! his! face! because these are men that feel perfectly fine sleeping with strangers and bragging about their "conquests" to their buddies
but that is not who colin is! he's still very young. and his experience with marina (who tried to seduce him and it didn't work, imo bc he just didn't feel that passion, that love that makes his relationship with penelope so different) has left him jaded, but not nearly as jaded as he wants to believe. even if he wants to be casual about romance and sex, he just isn't. this man proposed to marina after knowing her for what? a couple weeks? He is an All or Nothing type of guy. He has that Bridgerton 'when i fall in love i will only ever talk about my spouse' Gene
Now: some costuming details that i love:
Her hair:
(i know this is a stretch but go with me here) her hair is in slightly tighter curls than we've seen this season, which to me seems like a nod to colin liking (or at least not minding) her hair the way it was in previous seasons and maybe not caring as much as we might think about her transformation. but its still down and flowy and in line with her new style
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let's talk about this! dress! (it has genuinely been keeping me up at night)
the sleeves seem much more similar to the silhouettes of her costumes in previous seasons, not necessarily in shape but in style
the sleeves are bulkier, compared to this season's costumes, which while they might have been the same size and shape, they are made of much lighter material, giving the silhouette a softer, more mature feeling.
compare it to this dress from s3 ep2: it looks very similar with the sleeve shape and the floral appliqués, but in the dress in the image above, the appliqués are much more obvious, closer to penelope's style under her mother's tastes
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the point i'm trying to make here will be made more clear in a sec. what I am NOT trying to say that colin prefers her in her little girl dresses with loud designs, bright colors, and silly hairdos. he just associates those bigger, brighter, louder style choices with penelope.
And he has always liked Penelope. Even when he didn’t take her seriously as a potential partner, he always saw her as an equal. He never made fun of her silly dresses and questionable hair choices.
This has nothing to do with Colin but i feel like i should point it out:
there is something to be said about how her muted pastel color palette along with the more demure style that she has adopted shows that she is trying to Show Up with this social season, but as a wallflower, she is shy. she's always hated those brightly colored dresses her mother put her in, because no matter how close to the wall she clung, she was always visible. she was always vulnerable to ridicule.
but i don't think colin knows or realizes this because why would he think critically about the specific style changes she's made. and he probably doesn't really make the connection of the influence her mother has on her clothing. and around him, pen has never seemed all that shy. she's been confident and witty. if you pair her personality that shines around colin with her louder outfits, it seems more congruous
(take the scene from season 2 where we get the line "My purpose shall set me free") this is a side of penelope that no one, not even eloise!, sees
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what his subconscious knows is that he associates pen with vibrant, textured, and often 3-dimensional outfits, and his subconscious creates a dress that fits her new style, with a little more of that featherington flair thrown in.
the fucking tie in front: i feel like this is a very clear reference/ foreshadowing to the mirror scene
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for those of you who haven't read the book, the mirror scene doesn't actually happen, but colin tells penelope about a fantasy he has about touching her in front of a mirror
this is a pretty small offhand comment made while they're having sex for the first time but amongst book fans the scene has become pretty fleshed out i think, with fanfics especially
because the idea that it touches on is colin fantasizing about penelope seeing herself the way he does, as sexy and desirable (he seriously cares about her pleasure so much its sickening, I'm actually sick)
and although Book Colin doesn't mention it, the idea of him undressing her in front of a mirror has become a popular story set-up
i think the tie in the front sort of plays on the time period sensibilities of propriety: this is a time where in "good" society an unmarried man and woman would never touch skin to skin, its why all the women wear gloves most of the time. its why the scenes in season 1 between daphne and simon play on the excitement of removing the gloves: its a taboo thing
this is unrelated to this post but i need an explanation as to why pen isn't wearing gloves in a lot of her scenes this season, like the scandal that that would cause??? I'm assuming its representative of her growing into her sexuality; and bridgerton is a fantasy, not a historical nonfiction, but like some consistency would be nice guys bc i was so confused abt all the skin-on-skin contact happening. even with Francesca and Lord Samadani WHEN HE KISSES HER BARE HAND I WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE FOR HER. especially because of all the glove-related tension in s1. but i digress.
so the tie in front is sort of a dare. even though its clearly an addition, and untying wouldn't actually remove her dress, its her (colin's subconscious version of her anyway) way of saying: "you could untie this, you could undress me if you wanted to" "i love you" "i want you"
and i think that's beautiful. this season is great and i will die on this hill.
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If you've made it this far, congrats! you're just as feral as me! come and gnaw on the drywall with me while i post fanfics inspired by this season: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55988977/chapters/142190584
chapters 1+2 of my new fic are up
photos are from : https://www.cap-that.com/bridgerton/302/index.php?image=bridgerton3x02_1502.jpg
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sky-kiss · 1 year
Pinned Post: Guess I Should Make One
I mean, it's a Trash House. But I probably shouldn't have just like...a bunch of loose fic just rolling around the blog. I'm going to try and keep this updated but. I mean. You and I both know I won't.
Long Fic:
Sex, Death & the Infinite Void - Chapter 1 - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
My ongoing fic, focused on Raphael's attempted conquest of the Hells. Things have not gone as smoothly as anticipated. He comes to the Dark Urge after death and makes a deal. Team Theater Kid does its best to navigate deals with Archdevils, start a cult, Joi's father manifesting in her life. Etc.
I Don't Think About You Anymore (But I Don't Think About You Any Less) - Chapter 1 - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
Ok, it's not long. A two-part fic in a sad times AU, where Raphael offered a Dark Urge a place as his consort. She refuses him. They have a terrible relationship (it gets better?)
Hell In Your Eyes - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
Raphael has a bad dream. He wants to feel in control again. So, he bangs his duchess. That's it. That's the fic. I lied. This is now a smut compilation fic.
Second Nature to Me Now - Chapter 1 - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
This is an unholy amalgamation of Baldur's Gate and My Fair Lady. No. I will not answer any questions.
A Helping Hand - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate [Archive of Our Own]
Haarlep/F!Tav/Ascended Fiend Raphael have a good time.
Raphael x Tav Tumblr Asks Fics: (Under the Cut. TOO MANY)
Oh, god. Why didn't I NAME any of these. The titles get unhinged:
Angry Raphael Doing Torture
Raphael Speaking Infernal to Tav is Sexy
Tav is a Moron Who Signed a Contract Without Reading It
Bathing Raphael
Tav Accepts Raphael's Offer to Go to Hell (But in a Hot Way?)
Raphael Dancing with Tav
Tav is in Danger, Raphael Saves Her
Tav Snoops Around the Devil's Den (Raph is Right There, Idiot)
Raphael Attempts A Love Confession (Local Devil Crashes/Burns)
Softer Raphael? I Think This One Involves Cuddles
Word Prompts: Love & Worth
Raphael x Haarlep: Haarlep Teaches Raph a Lesson
Raph X Tav: Sex in Front of Mirror
Raphael Get Mugged (But Not Killed!) in his OWN HOUSE
Local Devil Publicly Shamed, Emergency Contact Still His Ex
Local Devil Exploits Idiot BFF's Propensity for Dying
Devil's Boyfriend Asks Out Devil's Idiot Crush; Is Only Sane Person
Local Devil Too Lazy to Shave Himself, But Also Sexy/Shirtless
Local Devil Partners and Terrible Drow Bitch About Parents
Reader Makes Very Bad Choices with Local Ascended Fiend
Local Devil Gets a Treat (Smut)
Local Devil Reminds You He Is Not for Cuddles (He Is)
Local Devil Sandwich Local Idiot (But Cute)
Coffee Shop AU: Friends Attempt to Help Local Idiot Date Hot Man
Coffee Shop AU 2: Friends Takes Matters Into Own Hands Due to Growing Disgust and Repulsion with Local Idiot and Hot Man
Local Devil Masquerades as Priest; Local Idiot Fooled
Local Devil and Local Idiot Just Kinda Grind on Each Other?
Local Devil and Local Idiot Throwdown in Hell
Local Idiot Tries to Rob Local Devils, Is Shocked by Repercussions
Coffee Shop AU 3: Local Idiot and Hot Man Flirt After Date
Coffee Shop AU 4: Just Some Shower Cuddles
Local Idiots Saves Local Devil's Lives: Is a Threesome Currency?
Coffee Shop AU 5: Snowday
Ascended Fiend Raphael Smut
Local Devil Is Kind of Nice for Once, Offers Bath
Local Devil is Truly Over the Local Idiot's Stupidity
Raphael Solo Sexy-Time
Reader Get Wrecked By Local Devils
Local Devil is Feeling Soft for Local Idiot
Local Idiot is so Dumb She Causes Local Devil Psychic Damage
Local Devil naps on Local Idiot
Reader is Hunted by Haarlep and Ascended Fiend Raphael
Local Devil Horrified by Own Child
Local Devil Not Dead, Gets Some Horrible Revenge via Local Idiot
Huge Devil Creatures Gives Cuddles
Local Devil Really Badly Burned (But not Dead!)
Local Devil Mistaken for Tiefling (Exhausted)
Things go Very Badly for Local Idiot
Local Devil Catches a Cold
Local Devil Introduces Local Idiot To Devil Father. It's bad
Asmodeus x Baalphegor
Local Idiot Kills Devil Crush, Consults Major Devil Hottie for Help
Local Idiot has Pissed Off Local Devil, Relationship in Shambles
Local Devil Transforms Nude
Local Devil has Beautiful Hands
Coffeehouse AU: Office Hours
Local Devils go "Fishing"
Local Idiot Helps Bloody Naked Local Devil to Take a Bath
Dadphael: His Kids are Thieves
Local Idiots Gets Absolutely Destroyed by Local Devils
Local Devils are Genuinely Awful: Bad Ending
Local Demon Seduces Local Idiot
Raphael x F!Tav: Corruption Smutlet
Raphael x F!Tav: War
CoffeShop Au Part Whatever: It's Snowy or Rainy and they Cuddle
Raphael and an Angel Play Chess or Something
Raphael is really too old to be drinking milk but here we are
Doll!Tav Get Their World Rocked By Raph/Haarlep
Local Devil "Comforts" a Sad/Tired Tav
Raphael and Haarlep Wreck Local Idiot
Modern AU Snippet Channeling some House of Usher
Haarlep and Raphael have some Bath Fun
Raphael and Tav have a Kissy in Honor of Kissy Day
Raphael is not dead (but is pissed off)
Raphael is too good for sex but is still going bang you
Early Raphael/Haarlep
Raphael Lingers in Bed and has big cat energy
Post post post canon Raphael GETS THE BIG WIN
Raphael & Jaheira have a catty conversation
Random Crap (Headcanons & Stuff) & Other People's DOPE ART:
Raph x Joi: Dirty Headcanons
Joi Looks Like This
Timeskip Raphael (SHAHS, YOU QUEEN)
Raphael & Joi Shopping (Please Note the Brooch)
Simply Drew a Gorgeous Joi (Thank you!)
Simply Drew Raphael and Raphael
Commission of Duchess Joi!
Simply Drew The Cutest Raph/Joi I've Ever Seen, Go, Gaze Upon It
Simply Drew a Sexy Murder Joi (Fresh from hunting her not husband)
Commission of Archduke Raphael and Duchess Joi
Ok. I think that's all of them. You no longer have to roam the wilds of the blog if you do not wish. I have released you from that dark task. Love ya'll. You're great. /finger guns/ Send me asks if you want. If I don't get to them immediately, I apologize.
But yeah. Keep on keeping on. Keep like...being amazing for Raphael. He doesn't deserve it, and he won't appreciate it, but like...I dunno.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 11 months
Heyyy~ saw your requests were open and was lookin for some Damian Priest content! Definetly Judgement Day vibes, maybe he’s looking to recruit Y/N? I wanna read this and BLUSH, FLUSTER ME I DARE YA!
I DOUBLE DARE YA! 😂 ok thanks!!!
Thanks for helping me hammer out the title on this @auburnwrites!! Hope you enjoy what I came up with! 😀
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Title: Love & Conquests Pairing: Damian Priest X Reader Summary: You work as a trainer for WWE. You notice competition between Damian Priest of the Judgement Day, and wannabe member, JD McDonagh, but you don't realize why. Till they both start hitting on you. Then you feel like a conquest and decide to shun them both. But will you grow feelings for Damian as he spends more time around you? And will JD take the hint that he never stood a chance? Or will his actions go too far, causing the Archer Of Infamy to unleash his pent up rage on him? Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination. Content/Trigger Warnings: Some violence toward men and women.
Note: I saw someone on Tumblr call JD a Funko Pop and I thought it was funny so I used it in this story. Sorry, not trying to be a thief or anything!
Love & Conquests
"Have you seen the new trainer," Dominik Mysterio asked Finn Balor, Damian Priest and JD McDonagh in the locker room Saturday night. "She is a looker, hermanos."
The group was all getting ready for the Fastlane pay-per-view that was to start any minute.
"Really," JD asked. "I'll have t' go check 'er out later."
"Dream on, Pipsqueak." Damian said, his base voice going even lower in pitch. "Keep your mind on business."
"Yeah, okay," JD said reluctantly, buttoning up his black dress shirt. "I'll take care o' business first."
"Why'd you have to go and get his mind off work, bro," Damian said to Dominik. "It's hard enough getting him to pull off a win around here. Why does Finn even want him in our faction?"
Damian looked up to find Adam Pearce standing in the doorway to the Judgement Day's locker room.
"I need you to go to the trainer and see how that knee is doing."
"It's fine," Damian replied, giving said knee a pat.
"I still want it checked out. I know you wouldn't tell me if it was still hurt."
Damian rolled his eyes and stood from the couch he'd been sitting on. "It's fine. I'm barely limping."
"But limping nonetheless," Adam shot back. "Go get it checked out or you're not cashing in tonight."
"Wait, what?"
Rhea stood up from the seat she had on the floor. "What do you mean? I thought you were waiting!"
"Chill, Rhea," Damian said, glaring at Adam. "It's not a for sure thing. I was just thinking about it. And if I do cash in, I want to do it on my own." He held up his hands when Finn and Rhea and Dom all three gave him a look. "Look, I just want to win it on my own merit. If y'all go out there and help me, I'm gonna be called a transitional champion. No. I have to do this on my own."
With that, he left the room, a slight limp in his gait.
He headed straight for the trainer's office ready to get this over with. Just as he stepped through the door he was greeted by a beautiful doctor.
You watched as a very tall, handsome Puerto Rican man entered your office. You felt your face flush, and hoped he didn't notice.
"Hi, Are you Damian Priest," you asked shyly, checking your appointments list.
Seemingly quiet, Damian only nodded as he stared at you.
The fact that he stared at you only made your face heat up even more.
Dang it.
"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you, Y/N," he replied.
His voice was so deep and sexy!
He reached his hand out to you to shake and you gently took his hand, and shook. You couldn't help but notice how his hand swallowed yours whole.
"So, Adam Pearce said you'd be stopping by. Let's take a look at that knee." You said, motioning for him to sit down on the exam table.
You watched as Damian took his seat on the table. "Now, don't be nervous. We're just going to do a couple of exercises to make sure your knee is stable."
"That's fine. In fact, my knee is fine. I know it."
"I hope so," you said softly, taking a rubber mallet to test his reflexes with. Then you had him hold his leg out straight for thirty seconds to see the strength in his knee and leg. Then you had him stand to his feet and perform a few squats.
Then, you were feeling his knee to see if anything seemed out of place.
"Any pain at all when I do this?"
He shook his head and smiled at you. "The only time it hurts at all is when I walk on it. But the pain is negligible."
You nodded with a hum. "I see. Well, I can't find anything really wrong. I'd still advise you to not cash in your briefcase tonight, but if you do, just use caution."
"Thanks, Doc," Damian smiled at you and reached for your hand once more. You gave it to him and were surprised when he raised the back of your hand to his lips and kissed it.
"Oh," you couldn't stop the half-moaned word if you tried. Then you were flaming red again, you could feel it.
Flustered, you tugged your hand back gently and spoke "If… If you do cash in tonight. Stop by here afterward so I can recheck your knee."
Damian smiled again. "Sure thing, cariña. Thanks again, for checking me out," he said with a wink.
Your face would not stop burning this night.
Especially thanks to Mr. Priest.
"You weren't kidding, bro. That new trainer is a knockout. I think I'm in love," Damian said, chuckling. He punched Dominik lightly on the shoulder and grinned as if to say, "You know how to pick 'em!"
"I told you," Dominik responded, with a laugh.
"So are you going to ask her out?"
Rhea asked the question with her arms crossed across her chest. She was protective of her family and wanted to make sure the woman in question was good enough for her "terror twin".
"Of course! Maybe tonight after the show. She wanted me to stop by anyway if I was to cash in. So I figured I might stop by regardless."
"I may have t' stop by m'self," JD grinned. "I love a challenge."
"Excuse you!" Rhea scolded. "Did you not just hear Damian say he was going to ask her out? And women are not challenges, jackass."
"Hey, all's fair in love an' war, love."
"Don't call me love," Rhea spat back.
"You'd better back off," Damian growled, stepping toward JD. "The only reason you're here on the outskirts of the group is because you are Finn's friend. That's the only thing keeping you safe right now."
"Easy, lad," JD said, raising his hands defensively. "I just want t' see what all d'a fuss is about."
Damian took another step toward JD, threateningly. "Leave. Her. Alone."
"Alright. Alright, partner."
"I'm not your partner. And you're not part of the Judgement Day!"
A loud, piercing whistle whizzed through the air then.
Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at Finn.
"Ever'body, just calm down!" He nearly shouted the words. "I'm gettin' tired of d'a mayhem! Can we all just get on d'a same page?"
Sighing, Finn left the room before anyone could answer him.
"He's right guys," Rhea said. "Get it together!"
She stormed out next.
Which meant Dom was running after her.
Which left JD and Damian.
Not wishing to piss Finn or Rhea off any worse, he simply left the room as well, knowing full well that if he stayed, he'd probably kill JD.
Damian was setting Cody up for JD to hit him with the Money In the Bank briefcase on top of the announce table. But JD screwed up yet once more and slammed the briefcase into Damian's sore knee. Damian instantly went down as his knee buckled and he held onto it.
In the next instant, however, Cody had lifted Damian up and performed a Cross Rhodes onto the announce table. Rhea was beside herself as Jey Uso maneuvered Finn into a double-team Cody Cutter. Jey rolled out of the ring and Cody covered Finn for the 1…2…3!
There were new Undisputed Tag Team Champions!
Rhea sat on the floor looking toward the rafters as if to say, "I can't believe this!"
Finally, after Jey and Cody celebrated in the ring, it was time to head backstage.
Finn and Dom helped Damian backstage and to the trainer.
JD trailed behind them apologizing up and down–only to Finn, not Damian.
You watched Damian's match on the little tv in your office and immediately after JD hit Damian with the briefcase, pulled his file from your drawer and prepared to see him in the next few minutes. You watched as Finn Balor and Dominik Mysterio helped Damian backstage with a shorter man–JD McDonagh if you remembered right–following behind looking to be very apologetic.
Minutes later, Damian headed into your office, a more noticeable limp this time, and waited for you to direct him.
"Have a seat," you told him, motioning to the exam table.
"You don't sound surprised to see me," Damian said to you, as he sat down.
"Well, I was… watchingyourmatchontheTV."
You flushed as you said the words as fast as you could.
"Checkin' me out again, huh?"
"Stop it," you smiled, as your face burned even more. "Now, let's take a look at that knee."
"Miss? Can I have y'r assistance please?" came an Irish voice from the hallway. The man that had trailed behind Finn and Damian on the ramp, stepped into the room holding his head.
"Yes, I'll help you in just a few moments," you replied. "If you'll have a seat in one of the chairs, I'm with a patient at the moment."
You heard Damian grumble under his breath as JD took a seat and waited.
"What are you even here for," he demanded. "I was the one who took a hard hit to the knee. Because of you!"
"Hey now," JD sounded defensive. "I took a hard hit t' d'a head. I need t' be checked f'r a concussion.
"Your big head could take a few hits!"
"Guys," you said, squatting down and gently rolling up Damian's pant leg so you could better see his knee. "I'm not equipped to break up a fight. So, please calm down."
"Don't worry, cariña. We're not going to get into a fight. In your office." Damian specified. "The hallway, now that's a different matter."
You frowned as you checked over Damian's knee. There was a bit of swelling, but as you examined it, you couldn't find anything wrong with it–other than the swelling.
"Ice it down tonight and put some heat on it tomorrow, and it should be fine," you said, with a sigh. "You guys need to be more careful."
"Tell that to Funko Pop over there," Damian said.
"Hey, it's not my fault I was given a big head."
There was an odd tone to JD's voice and you looked over at him, saw him smiling an almost perverted grin at you. There was unmistakably an innuendo in his choice of words.
Your face burned drastically, and you frowned again.
Damian seemed to notice and instantly tensed. "Keep the language PG in front of the lady, pendejo."
"Yes, please do," you commented uncomfortably. You went back to looking over Damian's knee and still could find nothing wrong.
"I think you're good, Damian," you said, rising to your feet. "Just ice it and then heat it like I said and rest it till the next show and it should be fine."
"Thanks, cariña. I appreciate it."
"You're welcome."
He got up and surprised you by taking a seat in one of your chairs. You gave him a puzzled look.
"I'm just staying here to make sure Funko behaves himself."
You grew even more uncomfortable. You felt as though they were competing for your attention. And that made you feel like a conquest. Right then, you decided to shun them both. You weren't going to be treated in such a way.
"Okay, have it your way," you said finally. You took out a pen light and tested JD's pupils against the light. They dilated perfectly. You performed other tests to check him for a concussion and there were absolutely no signs of a concussion at all.
"I think you're fine," you said, putting your pen light back in your pocket.
"I think you're pretty fine, too," JD flirted, his blue eyes went dark and he reached out, traced the cross necklace at your neck.
You stepped back, growing more and more uncomfortable.
"Stop it," Damian instantly said from his chair.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Seriously, I think you are… okay, JD. There are no signs of a concussion."
"Okay, chill, darlin'. It's all good."
"JD. Leave. Ahora," Damian spoke up once again and stood to his feet. His eyes flashed fire.
"Alright, mate. I'm going."
Damian grabbed him by the collar of his dress shirt and escorted him out of the room himself. As he shoved JD out the door, he turned and looked at you. "Would you maybe like to get some drinks tonight? After the show?"
You looked over at him and gave a slight shake of your head. "I don't know what's going on with you two, but I'm not a conquest. And I won't be treated like one. So, no. I wouldn't like to go out for drinks."
With that, you slammed the door in Damian's face and went to work on filling out the medical reports on Damian and JD.
"Eres tan estúpido!"
Damian swatted JD on the back of his head and gave him a shove into the wall right next to Finn.
"I swear if you two don't stop it!" Rhea exclaimed. "What is going on now?"
"He screwed things up with me and Y/N," Damian spouted off. "He started hitting on her and made her think we were making her a conquest."
"Maybe you should stay out of Damian's business, JD," Finn said, "After all, he'd made it known his intentions to ask out Y/N."
"But, I wasn't asking her out, per say," JD protested. "I was only hitting on her a wee bit."
"You nearly touched her chest when you were checking out her necklace!" Damian growled, getting in JD's face. "I'd say you weren't hitting on her a "wee bit". You were nearly assaulting her!" He stepped closer, forcing JD to step back against the wall. "And now she thinks I'm a scumbag like you!"
With a roar of rage, Damian lifted JD off his feet by his throat and proceeded to choke the life out of him.
Finn, Rhea and Dom all three freaked out and began trying to get Damian to release JD. He only did when he was good and ready. Which was a full minute later. He finally set JD back on his feet.
"Now, go apologize to her. NOW!"
Nodding silently, JD left the hallway and went in search of Y/N, so he could apologize. And hopefully live after the fact.
You were filing the reports into the file cabinet when you heard a knock at the door. Striding to the door and opening it, you saw JD McDonagh standing on the other side.
"I just want to, uh, ap-apologize." JD started before you could close the door again. "I'm sorry for d'a way I acted."
He wouldn't even look you in the eye. Some apology.
"Thank you JD. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm quite busy."
"Would you want t' catch a late dinner lat'r? After d'a show?" He asked suddenly. Hope lighting up his bright blue eyes.
"I-I don't think so, JD. I've already eaten," you lied. Why you didn't just come out and say you weren't attracted to him, you didn't know. Probably to keep from hurting his feelings.
"Oh. Well, if Damian's a problem, we don't have to let him know, ya know?"
"It's not that. I just really don't feel up to another meal."
"Okay, I see," JD smiled softly. "We can go another night. Catch ya later!" He was off down the hall before you could object to going out with him another night.
Sighing in frustration you sat down at your desk and began working on the remaining reports for the night.
Weeks passed with JD continuously badgering you for a date. You always came up with a lame reason why you couldn't, but he wasn't taking no for an answer. He seemed adamant that the reason you weren't going out with him was because of Damian's temper.
Which couldn't be further from the truth.
Damian had been nothing but kind since the night that JD and Damian were at each other's throats.
He'd come by a while after JD had, and said he was sorry, himself–in detail–not just some flimsy apology. You'd noticed that he also looked you straight in the eye and took your hand–not in a sleazy way either–giving it a gentle squeeze.
He'd won you over in the past weeks, plain and simple. He'd been there in your office when a fight broke out between Jey Uso and Drew McIntyre. If Damian had not been there to put a stop to it, you didn't know what you would've done. You were slightly shaken up because you'd never been around a fight before. Especially so up close and personal. Damian had hugged you afterwards and made sure you were okay.
He'd been coming around your office more and more hanging out, and one night he asked you out again. This time for dinner after the show.
"Yeah, I'd like that," you said softly with a smile. You failed to mention that JD had asked you out earlier and you'd turned him down yet again. In fact, you'd not said anything about JD hitting on you at all. You didn't want to start a big row between the two.
So, later, the two of you went to a nice restaurant and had a sit-down meal so you could talk and get to know each other better. You were seated next to the restaurant's front window facing the street, and your menus were brought to you. Within minutes, you had both placed your orders and then were waiting on the food.
"So, how long have you been a trainer," Damian asked. "I heard you used to work for TNA."
"About twelve years. Yes, I worked at TNA from the time I graduated till about a month ago." You took a sip of water. "What about you? How long have you been doing this?"
"Almost nineteen years," Damian answered. "I debuted in Monster Factory Pro Wrestling and trained there for about ten years and then went on to ROH for a few years, and from there, I signed with WWE and started in NXT. I've been on the main roster for about two years and I am loving it."
"You're very good, I've seen your work here in WWE."
"Thank you. So, tell me about yourself. And how did you come to be a trainer for WWE?"
"There's not much to tell. I am single. I live alone in an apartment till I get ready to settle down and buy a house. I grew up an only child and got into athletics at a young age. Got a torn ACL playing baseball when I was fifteen and had to get out of sports due to the severity of the injury. But I had an amazing PT that helped me through the healing process, and I decided I wanted to get into the same line of work. I worked my butt off and did just that. And here I am."
Your food came then and you both decided to eat a few bites before continuing on with your conversation.
However, you didn't notice the car in the street drive by extremely slowly, a pair of blue eyes watching you both angrily…
"I had a great time with you tonight, Y/N," Damian said, walking you to your hotel door.
"I had a great time too," you replied, giving him a shy smile. "It was really nice getting to know you better."
Damian nodded, "Do you want to go out with me again?"
You nodded, a flush creeping up your face, "I do."
"Aaaand… would it be okay to kiss you goodnight?"
You giggled, you couldn't help it. He made you feel like a school girl all over again. "Yes."
He smiled and leaned downward, instantly catching your lips with his, giving you a firm but gentlemanly kiss. No tongue. That was interesting, you thought. Most guys just rammed their tongues down your throat, no questions asked. Damian was full of surprises.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Damian."
With that, he made sure you were safe in your room, before turning and going down the hall to his own room.
At the next show, the following night, you walked to your makeshift office and was surprised–though not deeply–to find JD standing at your door, waiting on you.
"Hi, JD… What can I do for you?"
His eyes seemed to go dark as he answered you, though he kept up a cheerful appearance. "You could let me take ya out t'night."
"I'm sorry, JD, but no." You said softly, reaching around him to unlock your office door. "I have plans tonight. I've just started seeing someone, and I don't want to discourage them by going out with someone else."
You unlocked the door and stepped into your office, but JD ddin't take the hint. He stepped into the office with you and slammed the door shut to your utter shock, and then locked the door.
"JD, get out." You said, trying to sound firm. "Unlock the door and leave."
"Let me guess, d'a mystery man is none other than Damien. Am I right? I saw ya together at d'a restaurant last night."
You tilted your chin up in defiance despite your growing trepidation. "That's none of your business. Now leave, before I scream for help."
Growing enraged, JD stepped forward and swept his hand along the surface of your desk, raking everything to the floor. Then he pounded his fist against the desk, hard. "I asked ya out too! You should be going out with me!"
"I didn't want to," your voice rose in your indignation. "You make my skin crawl!"
JD charged at you then and slapped you right across the cheek. Stunned, you fell across the desk and held your throbbing face in your hand.
"You're so in trouble now," he growled, unbuttoning his dress shirt from the collar, then undoing the wrist's buttons.
Not knowing exactly what he had planned, but not wanting to find out, you screamed, "Help me! Somebody HELLLLP!"
You knew that you were heard when the buzzing outside your door stopped. Suddenly there was a pounding at the door.
"Y/N? Cariña, open the door!"
You rose from the desk to make a mad dash for the door, when JD latched onto your hair. "LET ME GO!"
The door was being pummeled then. "Who's in d'ere wit' her?" You heard Finn Balor faintly from behind the door.
Then Damian, "JD. It has to be. The little…"
JD ignored the bustle outside the door and bent you backward over the desk. Immediately, his mouth was on your neck.
"STOP IT!" You cried loudly, and struggled against him. He yanked your head back by your bangs, severely arching your back, and bit into your neck. You screamed in pain and fought him even more.
The pounding at the door intensified as JD licked where he bit.
"NO!" You screamed and managed to claw JD's face. He let out a furious roar of pain as he punched you square in the jaw.
Your head bounced back from the blow just as the door busted open and Damian and the rest of the Judgeement day and some policemen came bustling into the room.
"I'LL KILL YOU!" Damian roared at JD, seeing the predicament you were in.
He lunged at JD and tackled him away from you, his face contorted in his rage.
The police stopped Damian before he could get more than a punch in, but a hard punch nonetheless.
You lay against the desk, scrambling to right yourself and fighting tears as the police handcuffed JD and prepared to drag him away from the scene.
Damian went to you, instantly pulling you into his strong embrace as JD was led away. Your legs weren't strong enough to hold you up and buckled. You fell in a dead faint as he caught you up in his arms, cradling you against his muscled chest. He immediately carried you over to the exam table and laid you on it, settling the pillow underneath your head.
"Despierta, cariña. Estás a salvo ahora." His long fingers traced the already formed bruising at your jaw, rose up to the welt forming on your cheek. He also took note of the bite mark on your neck. "I want to kill him."
"Rhea grabbed a bottle of water out of the mini fridge and handed it to Damian. Finn and Dom fumbled around the medical supplies looking for smelling salts. When they finally located them, they handed them over to Damian as well. He snapped them open and waved them frantically under your nose, willing you to awaken.
You jumped awake and before your eyes even opened, your first instinct was to fight. So you did. You swung your arms out and struck out at anything that was around you.
"Hey, easy now," came Damian's soft voice. His large, warm hands caught your wrists and gently held on. "Easy, baby. You're safe."
You sobbed and latched onto him, hooking your arms around his broad shoulders as he pulled you into a close, intimate hug.
"Shh-shh… You're okay. You're okay now."
"I-I was so scared!" You couldn't stop crying to save your life. You felt another hand rubbing your back comfortingly–probably Rhea.
"I know pequeña, I know. But you're safe now. I won't let him hurt you again. I swear it."
Hunter hurried through the door then. "I just heard about what happened…" His attention turned to you in Damian's arms. "Y/N, are you okay?"
You nodded slightly and snuggled closer into Damian's hold. His chin rested atop your head. "I'm okay now."
The police asked you so many questions your head spun but you managed to answer them all. Then you were finally free to leave and go back to your hotel room. Hunter had given you the rest of the night off–and the rest of the week if you needed it.
You went to move off the table, but Damian kept a hand on your arm to guide you. When you threatened to crumple again, he lifted you up and carried you out of the room, and all the way to his rental. Once he had you settled in the passenger's seat he turned back to the rest of the Judgement Day who'd followed him to his car. "Can one of you guys get my things out of the locker room and take them by my room? I'm staying with Y/N tonight."
Dom nodded in reply and said, "Sure, don't worry. I got this. You go take care of your girl."
With that, Damian got into the driver's seat and drove the two of you back to the hotel.
He carried you inside, and followed your directions as to where your room was. Minutes later, he was settling you on your large bed and was climbing in beside you.
"Is this okay, amor? Do you want me here, or do you want me to sleep on the sofa?"
"Here!" You cried, pulling him against you. "Don't leave me."
"I won't. I'll be right here. Just relax and get some sleep."
"I'm sorry."
"Whatever for, cariña?"
"He'd been hitting on me for weeks. I should have told someone–you. I kept putting him off but he kept asking me out. He wouldn't take no for an answer."
"It isn't your fault, sweetie. It was all him. He…has issues. But none of this was your fault."
"Thank you. For being here. For saving me. I don't know what would have happened if you'd not shown up when you did."
A tear spilled out of one of your eyes, and Damian wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. "I couldn't let him hurt you." He leaned forward, lightly kissing away your tears. "I could fall in love with you."
His lips trailed down with a feather lightness to your mouth. He captured your lips with his and applied a soft pressure. When you didn't protest, he pulled you even closer and kissed you more deeply, gently slipping his tongue past your lips and tasting your mouth fully. You moaned softly, and encouraged him to continue by curling your fingers into his muscled biceps. Finally, he pulled back, only to find that he couldn't get enough of your taste, and moved in for another kiss. And another. Another.
"I could fall in love with you too," you uttered softly between his kisses that travled down to your neck. He gently kissed the place that JD had bitten so roughly, a show of tenderness.
"He'll never touch you again. Ever."
You smiled softly and snuggled closer against him as sleep overcame you.
"Cariña" ~ "Sweetheart" "Eres tan estúpido!" ~ "You're so stupid!" "Despierta, cariña. Estás a salvo ahora." ~ "Wake up, sweetheart. You're safe now." "Pequeña" ~ "Little one"
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Madison was a normal girl, or at least she thought. Yeah she was as her friend said “stacked”, meaning she has some impressive tits but she was a normal everyday girl.
She loves, arts and crafts, Halmark channel and dont get her started on her pumpkin spice. Unlike most girls her best friend was a boy named Adam. They pretty much grew up with each other and have known each other since they were five. Adam was a good looking man and had a bit of a dominant streak to him. He also loved sex, alot but him and Maddi as he called her never really hooked up sexually or romantically, it just never really worked out that way. Madison knew of his adventures in the real of sex and would normally roll her eyes if he said anything about it. What she did not know what Adam more than anything wanted to screw Madison but he did not want to ruin their friendship so he stayed away in that aspect. That was until he was presented with an opportunity they he just could not say no too.
Adams latest conquest was very much a bimbo, hot as all get out and very sexual and submissive to boot. He loved everything about her. After a amazing night of sex Adam asked her, what made her want to be like this? Her response was Bambi Sleep. Confused Adam started poking snd prodding getting all the info he could on this to only find out it was a hypnosis program that turned the listener into a sexy, sex crazed bimbo. After finding the files he knew what he had to do.
Few days later Madison was home just chilling when Adam came by her apartment to hang out. All was good and they like normal just started talking. Adam had to go on a trip and would be gone for about two weeks but he wanted Madison to try something for him. He gave her an mo3 player and said there is a set if files on there to listen to them every day at least once a day and when he gets back they will talk about them. He said it will help her sleep and be more relaxed so she said sure. She was a woman of her word so yeah she would do it.
Adam left for his trip and as she promised she started on the files. First two nights she listened right before she went to bed only to fall asleep. She was happy because they were doing what she needed them to do, help her sleep. After the fourth and fifth day Madison demeanor changed. She worked from home as an artist so she could pretty much do what she wanted and that ment covering up in a blanket and some pumpkin spice was just perfect but now, she just wanted to be nide. She would walk around her house in the nude and it just felt right to her. She was also horny, very horny and found her self pleasing her self multiple times during the day.
The sixth thru ninth day saw her change even more. Maddison hardly wore make up, she never really saw a reason to but now, as soon as she woke up in the morning she had to be dolled up. She just did not feel right unless she was dolled up. Lipstick, eyeshadow the works she had to do it. She still liked walking around in the nude but now she had to have heels. Six inches, no less was her preferred size. She felt sexy, and yes still horny. She found her self pleasing her self multiple times a day and she was thinking about Adam each time. She wanted him so bad and she knew she would have him when he got home.
The last few days before Adam was to come home she would find that a good girl like her needed to be plugged all the time. She purchased a butt plug that had a furry tail on it and she wore it around the house while being nude. She would find her self pleasing her self with a dildo while thinking about Adam. She wanted him back so bad.
Well, the day came and Adam came back to vist Maddison. He walked in the door to hear her in the kitchen. His first words as he said them down the hall before he even saw her was “How is my Bimbo Doll?” To his shock he found Maddison standing nude in the kitchen with a pair of thigh high black pvc stiletto lace up heels, full dolled up with a tail butt plug in standing at attention. Her response was “Bambi Maddi ready to serve you master, Bambi Maddi will obey you commands master”
Adam knew his planed worked at that time and took full advantage of it. Maddison was gone, only Bambi remained and she wanted to be called Madie.
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From that moment on Maddi was Adams bimbo slut fucktoy and no one would take her away.
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vintage-bentley · 6 months
I’m sure that one of the reasons Muriel was they/themmed, is because female innocence and naivety is heavily sexualised. If she were allowed to be called she/her, I’m sure that in some viewers minds (and perhaps the author’s straight male mind), she would suddenly become a sex object. The blushing virgin. The holy grail of conquests. Making Muriel they/them takes away that aspect, and allows her to just be. Very similarly to how so many women identify as nonbinary to escape misogyny in some way or another.
And keep in mind that currently, the only canonically she/her non-human character we have, is War. Whose whole thing is that she represents a woman (war) that men can’t help but lust over.
It’s clear to me that when given the choice of what gender he wants his non-human characters to be, Neil sees his options as he/him, they/them, or sexy.
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crazycurly-77 · 3 days
Two Fools
Just a few spontaneous lines for a dear friend of mine, who is a huuuuge fan of romantic stories.
Thought I post it, that you all could have fun with it, too.
You're friends with everyone and everyone is friends with you.
You always smile and laugh wholeheartedly and everyone loves you.
When you're at the office, the sun shines and everything seems better and runs more smoothly.
When you're not there... it's dark, raining and everything gets harder.
That's what your colleagues feel about you.
When you enter the office, you greet everyone with a smiling "good morning".
Of course, that morning you greeted everyone happily too.
"Hey, Tony! How's your conquest of the week going? Do you have a photo of her? I'm curious," you laughed.
"Sure. I'll show you later!" he announced.
"Hey Ziva! Love your new hat. Where did you get it?" You smiled at her and hugged her.
"Thanks! I went shopping in town over the weekend and that's where I found it. I couldn't pass it by and had to buy it," she replied with a proud grin.
And then: "Timmy! Have you made any progress with your book?" You asked him, smiling warmly and hugging him tightly too.
Meanwhile, you went to your desk and sat down. As always, you had the feeling that something important was missing, but you just didn't dare.
Your boss, none other than Leroy Jethro Gibbs, was sitting at his desk, leafing through a file he was reading and didn't even look up. He seemed so aloof that you didn't dare to greet him, even though you wanted to.
You would love to go up to him, kiss him on the cheek and whisper: "Good morning, Jethro." And you would be happy if he smiled at you in response with those wonderful sky blue eyes that you could lose yourself in.
But no, if you did that, he would probably kick you out faster than you could blink. So you sat down at your desk and immersed yourself in your work.
You were so focused on what you were doing that you didn't notice that you were being watched longingly by none other than your boss.
He would also like to be greeted so warmly by you. And even more so, he would like to be greeted with a tight hug and a deep kiss from you.
Preferably when you wake up in his bed in the morning after a night together.
And then mornings like that for the rest of his life, please.
He sighed, because you didn't know about that. And since you always ignored him, he probably didn't have the slightest chance with you, no matter how much he wanted it.
You probably didn't even know that he was interested in you and only saw him as your boss.
From the moment you joined his team a few months ago, he knew that you were something very special and that it would be very difficult for him to keep his distance. And every day it became more difficult.
How much longer would he be able to hold back?
It would probably be better if he arranged for you to be transferred to another team. But the thought of not seeing you every day and how you would always beam at him with your deep blue eyes...that torment would undoubtedly be much greater.
Not knowing what you were doing, whether you were in danger and whether you were okay would slowly but surely drive him crazy.
And just the thought that you could meet someone else and you would touch and kiss him and he would touch you back was too much. The possibility alone made his blood boil.
Your own thoughts revolved around him and you took every opportunity to watch him. He was a silver fox, still fit and sexy as hell. Most of the time he was withdrawn and serious, which made him an absolute enigma for you.
But his smile...his smile was rare and therefore all the more precious. When he smiled, his eyes lit up and both your knees and your heart melted and you wanted nothing more than to throw yourself into his arms, kiss him and never stop. As hard as he seemed on the outside, his inside was as gentle and loving. He proved that every time someone was sad or needed help.
But he definitely had another short-term crush and only saw you as a colleague. No chance. He probably only knew about your existence because you worked on his team anyway. You sighed heavily inside and tried to come to terms with it and look forward. You felt your yearning heart crack and you suppressed a small tear that threatened to run down your cheek.
You would have to settle for someone else, but he would never be Jethro. It would probably be better if you left his team and, preferably, the city. Then you wouldn’t have to see him every day and hopelessly yearn for him.
But leaving for good and never seeing him again...that would break your heart into countless pieces that probably no one could ever put back together again.
(To be continued...in Chapter 2)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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No, but Julien Sorel (Stendhal's The Red and the Black, 1830) is so babygirl. Poor little meow meow. Scrungly. Blorbo. All of those. He's such a Tumblr sexy man, and no one gets it, because no one is sitting down to read the 500+ pages of boring nothing plot and vapid, unlikeable characters.
I know this.
And yet, I must shout into the void. My man, my idiot boy, he thinks he's so special because he can recite the Bible in Latin. And oh, look, those from his village agrees, so the mayor lets him teach Latin to the kids, so he can save up money and go to seminary school to become a priest. Everyone loves him (except his family, they always mistreated him) – some love him a bit too much.
So what does he do? He starts a love affair with the mayor's wife. And it's such a silly one too, every touch, every look, everything you can imagine is just so sentimentally romantic. She is pure and good. He is very bad™ at flirting, playing mind games and following a bunch of rules of his own making, instead of being genuine. But another girlie is in love with Julien and tells the world of their village about their love affair, so Julien is sent to seminary.
Here, you'd think this fucking nerd could keep his nose down in his books, but no. He had to go and get involved with a Jansenist, who then leaves, leaving Julien exposed to anyone who disagrees with Jansenism (hint, that's most people in France of that time). However, before he leaves, he helps getting Julien set up as a private secretary.
Wouldn't you know it? The man Julien is secretary for is not only involved in a plot to reinstate the former royalty to power in France, and has a daughter. Is she beautiful? Julien doesn't think so, but she has charm.
So he fucks her in the carriage. Or does he? Would you believe him if he said so? What if the narrator is for once telling the truth, and nothing happened? Who knows? Point is, he and Mathilde start a very stormy courtship and love affair, and although Julien, the dumbass, loves her, he also still loves his milf. Two timing motherfucker. Can't commit for shit.
And I mean that. He can't commit. Not to one girl, not to a profession, not to anything. That's what the title is about too – the red is the military, the black is the priest robes. He started the latter, but actually ends up in the former, but we're not that far yet.
Then he participates in the plot, but see, Julien Sorel is a special kind of idiot, so despite how he wants to be on the inside of such a thing, he'd love to have all the secret info, he doesn't fucking realise what he's doing. He gives the last heir to the French throne a message that was so secret he had to recite it from memory, AND DOESN'T REALISE HE'S HELPING A LEGITIMIST PLOT. "Lol, I'm just helping my employer and feeling blue because my gf doesn't love me," licherally, how stupid are you, boy?!
Anyway, the whole secret legitimist plot fails (duh, France doesn't have a king today) and is written about in a way that you, just like Julien, don't really know what the fuck is happening, and it just seems like boring politics.
Now Julien, he's not disinterested in politics (he's just a foolish boy who doesn't grasp the intricacies even when they are slapping him in the face), but, see, he has the Marius Pontmercy complex. He's in a world after Napoleon, but wants to live during Napoleon. Many such cases. But Julien, he doesn't just wish he could've supported Napoleon, no. He views himself as the modern day Napoleon, yet with all his ambition, he never manages to do anything at all. Lots of good things are offered to him, true love, humble but good work, but no! He only wants glory. Yet, he never snatches it for himself.
His second conquest (third, really, but who's counting the girl he only seduced to get Mathilde? Not me) has many results. They almost get married. She is pregnant. He is knighted. Maybe not in this order.
Now, The Red and the Black doesn't have much that happens, so I haven't cared about spoiling, but the next part is actually a spoiler.
So, anyway, Julien dies, because he's too stubborn to live. Both women who loves him plead for him to live, but he chooses to die, because he can't see a place in society for him, a lowborn man with wit, but remember, he's also very stupid. He's the clever kind of stupid, and just like with the whole rest of his life, he is hypocritical and can't make up his mind on anything. He could have tried to live, just as he could have tried to commit to anything, but he never did. But no, instead, he wants to be a martyr.
At the very end, he realises his own laziness, his own tendency to copy paste from others, and his true, first love cements (this is after he has shot her and she survived). He sees himself as better, and in death, he is perhaps better. But he's also dead. Even his death is a copy, since he dies by guillotine, like so many others before him.
In the end, I do love him. he's a ridiculous, silly fella, his head has so much air in it that he could fly, and whether you read the ending as a condemnation of his inaction or as a diagnosis of French Restoration society's distaste for young men of the people, Julien Sorel compels me in a way like few other characters.
He's blorbo from my book.
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Can you help point this wayward soul toward fics where the characters are involved with online accounts including, but not limited to, OnlyFans and stuff?? Thank you!!
Hello Hello Hello Nonnie!
OnlyFans/streaming is a very niche NSFW type, so to give you as many options as possible we also expanded this list to include online relationships and phone/video sex.
As always if any of our followers have suggestions please add them in the notes!
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[Digital Sex Work Specific]
Members Only by @anisaanisa (E)
Working during a pandemic was hard enough, harder when you’re on the front line. If Kagome was so essential, why couldn’t she pay her rent at the end of the month?
Kagome tries to make ends meet juggling two jobs, an OnlyFans account and a cute coworker that just won’t quit living in her head rent-free.
Cam You See Me? (Series) by @keizfanfiction (E)
Inuyasha has a secret part-time job and Kagome has a shameless addiction. One day the pretty office worker confronts the hot male nurse when he’s sitting by himself in the mailroom, and then a discovery is made that might change their tentative relationship for the better.
Pennies and Dimes by @witchygirl99 (M)
The story of Kagome Higurashi: talking off clients, surviving her bachelor's degree, and having a secret Not-Friends-with-Benefits arrangement with the most attractive jerk ever. Who she definitely isn't falling in love with. Not even a little.
Love In the Time of COVID-19 by TheMondayChild (E)
One of Inuyasha’s tenants finds a very interesting way of supporting herself after being furloughed. He goes from being only a fan to being more than a landlord when she calls upon him to perform some maintenance.
[Online Relationships]
Massive Multiplayer Shenanigans (Series) by @clearwillow (E)
Modern college AU. InuKag and MirSan pairings. There's something to be said for anonymity in MMORPGs. A story about a game that's less about the game and more its players.
The Sound of His Voice by @splendentgoddess (E)
All she knows about him is he’s single, and shyer than he publicly lets on. They flirt openly on the air, but it’s all just an act...or is it? Kagome would love to meet DJ Ash in real life, to date him, or hell, even to just jump into bed with him. Kami, the sound of his voice does things to her. But he’s afraid it would ruin what they have if they ever met in person. What secret is he hiding?
You've Got Mail by @witchygirl99 (T)
One email can change everything. Two people in a world of unloving careers and deathly essays come together. There's a reason these two were meant to talk. Some would call it fate. They would call it annoyance. Really? It's called love.
Miscommunication by Disenchanter (M)
Inuyasha's not a 'one-girl' type of guy, so he leaps at the chance to get any pretty woman's number. Too bad he couldn't read his latest conquest's so he ended up texting a secluded author facing her worst enemy—writers block.
Quarantine Series by @superpixie42 (E)
Starting a new relationship can be hard when you have to host all your dates via webchat because of Covid-19 quarantine regulations.
The Right Wrong Number by @neutronstarchild (E)
A drunk Kagome texts her ex-bf Bankotsu a bikini picture of herself and Sango from a poolside bar at 2am, because he’s a cheating asshole and doesn’t know what he’s goddamned missing. But Kagome made a critical mistake: she hit a 6 instead of an 8, and the grumpy half-demon who received the text has some opinions about the lateness and the content. His resultant picture starts a sexy chain reaction, leaving both their lives changed.
Sexy Baby by KrissMe (M)
[COMPLETE] School girl by day, pornstar by night. After Kagome gets involved in the adult entertainment business at a young age to make ends meet, can she open her heart to someone who might actually love her. Does he even see it when he is just as promiscuous as she? And what about her perverted teacher who would do anything to have her?
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ohsayit · 5 months
A little thought about AA and how he uses his own body
Not everyone the spawn brought back to Caz was a love/sex victim. Can't remember the name but one of the ladies took children in.
So here is how I think Astarion started his conquest.
Caz, an acquaintance from his business dealings, appeared at a very convenient timing (beaten to near death by the Gurs) to offer help. At the time, Astarion wanted revenge and probably thought he would stay as Caz's "acquaintance" of some sort.
How wrong was he.
Astarion is a very self centered character and values himself a lot. He wouldn't take orders just because Caz gave it. Hence the "education"/torture/break in from Caz.
When Astarion was finally out and about to start doing his job, whatever connection and influence he had in his mortal days were probably weakened or vanished. Also he would be freshly traumatised. All he had was himself.
To bring people back without raising questions, he would have to go with people who wouldn't be missed and seemingly had it coming. He was not there to have a real relationship. To snatch people, the promise of a night of passion or fun would be the most efficient and straight forward.
Consider all the stats a character can have in the game. The poor thing only has 8 STR. And with his beauty at his disposal, that's the quickest and easiest.
With legs open, his or others, his job got done. Not that he absolutely can't lure people in other ways, but when he was given the absolute advantage of his looks, why choose the difficult and non fail proof way?
And my guess would also be, at the start, he also wanted some comfort in the flesh, distraction, or a moment of escape. However, not every mark is to his liking. Caz's command stood and so as his job. At the end, he just didn't care. He didn't have the luxury to.
Finally, this takes me to why I write this post. Lollllll
Question I saw was: would AA be open to carnal pleasure with people/bodies other than player?
I think my answer is: this is again, ironically, up to the player. Just like if he gets to ascend or not.
It is down to how the player would deal with such history.
Personally, I don't think he would. He had had more than enough of flesh before. IIRC, he doesn't need to do any checks in the Haarlep sex scene, that says to me he is on that level of sexy things lolll. When he had no need for that, it's a leisure, even luxury thing to do. While he could perform perfectly, he said it in Act 2 that it felt tainted. To actually enjoy it takes time and effort. It's luxury.
He values himself so much. I can't imagine him throwing his precious ass at random people. Also, my posessive Tav wouldn't help with that either lol cuck is just not my thing.
On the other hand, becoming hypersexual (sorry I am not certain about the word but I presume you know what I mean) as a response is also common. In that case, he is free to do that on one condition: bodies he sampled on doesn't get to see the sun next day. He is so going to enjoy my Tav's jealousy and tolerance (albeit reluctant and dismay), as his bastard self. He may even occasionally do that just to feel Tav spoiling him in her own way: let him enjoy himself or do as he pleased because she wants to let him. Carnal pleasure comes second. We all know he loves it when Tav cares for him.
And both responses are rooted in a conversation I had before: the poor thing only had Caz for so long. Without Caz, he really doesn't know what to do with himself. Part of the obsession for Tav is built on that. Tav is a Caz replacement or place filler to an extent. The poor thing really needs a Tav that is his and for him alone. 💔 my heart aches so bad.
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t3kandson · 2 years
Tumblr media
Wordcount; 3,564
Fandom; A.C.E.
Pairing; Reader X Lee Donghun
Characters; Lee Donghun, Park Junhee, Kim Sehyoon, Kim Byeongkwan & Kang Yuchan.
Warning; Oral (giving), Slight Public Sex, Hearing other people have Sex, Slight biting, Slight Spanking, Angst, Jealousy & Slight affair (if you blink).
Notes; Chapter 7 of Mint Twirl.
Earlier Chapters found here.
A series originally made for @lidongsa but another chapter requested by Succubus_Ais on A03.
Happy Birthday Donghun 🥳 🎂 💙💙
You was sat on your boyfriends lap, him playing with your hair as you watched the movie that Lei had put on. Though you don’t know why as her and Sehyoon had run to the bathroom. It didn’t take a genius to know what they was up to, the silent sound they thought they was holding was very much failing. You looked up at Donghun, his focus heavily on the tv as you smiled. You both had been together 2 years now and the Dorm was split to hide you & Lei more. Byeongkwan & Sehyoon had a apartment the other side of Gangnam-Gu, Lei moving in to the apartment next door to hide there relationship. Donghun, Junhee & Chan remained in the same apartment. But you was employed to help in wardrobe, so it just looked like you was staff if seen entering. Though you had unofficially moved in and rarely went back to yours and Lei’s former apartment.
It was your job to make your man look as dapper and sexy hot as you could. Helping to pat down his sweats and also to help dress him between Set Changes. Though it was enjoyable it held challenges, especially when helping to connect his thigh belt, your brushes unintentionally helping him rise his hardening member. As much as it was amusing and extremely hot, going on stage with a hard on wasn’t the desired effect, especially with little time to help him out.
“Wish they would go home if they wanted to bang,” Donghun moaned annoyed with the visitors using his bathroom to have sex in. “Could be worse Byeongkwan could have brought a girl back here,” you chuckle. Lei was complaining about Byeongkwan often bringing his conquests home recently. Especially since his former girlfriend left him to return to her home country. The news that she had fallen in love and became set to become a mother had thrown him back into a fuck boy era. It was no surprise to see him hiding his pain from his heart break.
“That’s true maybe we won’t switch him for Channie?” Donghun chuckled. “You love Channie too much to get rid of,” you pouted playfully as he looked at you grinning. “I think your find it’s you he wants,” he added sniggering twirling your hair in his fingers. “Well it’s a good thing your all I need,” you smirk, rolling over that your hands was on his groin.
“Am I?” He whispers as he closes his eyes to your groping. “Yes, yes you are,” you say as your hands find the zipper to his jeans as you rummage through them. Leaning back so he can thrust his pelvis into your exploring hands, he moans when you’ve emerged his impressive length to play with. Letting your lips wrap around the tip briefly, his hands find your hair as he growls. “Shit Risa,” he chokes as he pushes your mouth away from him.
“They could walk in any time?” He moans as you smirk. “Donghun if they want to use our bathroom for a make out session, then we can use our living room as one,” you smile heavenly. With one look at the bathroom door hearing Lei’s cry’s more louder, he looks at you with lust fallen eyes. Lifting his ass he removes his jeans & pants to his thighs, letting his cock stand proud. Smiling proudly at him you return your mouth to his hardened member. Bobbing up and down on his shaft, he struggles to hold his moans away. Hands digging into your hair as you felt his member throbbing in your mouth told you he wasn’t far from cuming. “Shit I’m going to cum,” he cry’s as you pop your mouth off him smirking. “What, why,” he chokes displeased you’ve left him. You would love to leave him waiting but when you play that game you always lose.
Getting off the floor you let your panties drop, you smirk devilishly as he bites his lips. Hovering over his tip, with your skirt in your mouth temporarily, you slowly slide down him. “What’s up baby did you think I could leave you waiting,” you coo’d kissing his neck as you felt his cock twitch against your walls. “You wouldn’t dare,” Donghun growled as he thrusted himself up towards you. You started your tempo on his cock as his hands find themself under your T-shirt. Tips of his fingers finding there way to your shoulder blade, he presses in as he helps meet your thrusts.
You don’t hide back your whimper, not caring if anyone can hear. Sehyoon clearly takes that as a challenge as you hear Lei’s cry’s louder. “Your not going to let him win are you baby?” Donghun moans himself as your walls tighten. “Am I fuck,” you growl like your possessed as you fastened your speed. Fingers on his nipples you tweak as he grumbles. “Like that is it,” he hisses as his hands find your breasts, his fingers squeezing on yours, smirking as you whimper. You feel your body shake as you feel extra sensitive, his cock feeling like it’s hitting against your cervix is having your juices drip down his balls.
Hands flat against his abs your walls tighten, his stomach looks so hot with the glistering sweat forming as his hands find your waist. Manhandling you he takes control of your pace as he uses his hands around your hip to Bob you up and down his member, giving you no time to catch your breath. His Grunts and your moans mixed together hit the air alongside the squeaking of the sofa. Walls clenching hard around him as you hold your high back has him lean closer to you. Biting on your breasts that’s bouncing in his face is what finally pushes you over the edge. Crying as you convulse over his cock letting it milk into his own has you breathless. Fighting for oxygen as you both continue to fuck through your orgasm has your body dripping with sweat. Panting over him he pulls you into his hold as you rest your head over his shoulder.
“You should really get off before they walk in,” Donghun whispers in your ear that gives you a shiver. “No, it’s our home,” you giggle nipping his collar bone. “They can wait trapped in the bathroom,” you evily chuckle. “As amusing as that is, the guys will be home soon. Unless you want Channie and Junhee to see this ass,” he teases spanking your butt that has you yelp. “It’s more embarrassing for you then me,” you said biting his neck as you feel his softening cock twitch inside of you.
Like you somehow tempted it, the front door opened as you jumped off the sofa pulling down your skirt to cover you as Donghun pulled himself up. “Hi guys…. Ok do I even want to know what you two are up to?” Junhee scoffed as you felt Donghun’s cum leak down your legs. “You forgot your panties,” Chan smirked as you looked to the floor at your pink Lacey underwear exposing you.
“Finally we can come in,” Lei added for theatrical effect as you deadpanned her way. “I’m not even asking,” Junhee groaned as he barged past her and Sehyoon who’s cheeks was dusted pink. “Did I miss a orgy or something?” Chan asked throwing himself into Donghun’s lap. “Yeah we was all banging on the sofa,” Donghun said rolling his eyes as you chuckled shaking your head. “So not fair,” Chan pouted as he rolled himself off his hyungs lap.
The following weeks A.C.E. was really busy with recording a comeback, that you saw little of him. He didn’t need dressing up as they wasn’t In promotions, so most your days was holed up in the apartment. Donghun was coming home later and later as the days went, even Junhee and Chan arrived home before him most days. Though your sex life was fine, he seemed a little lost that made you worry slightly for your relationship.
“Don’t be stupid he loves you like crazy.” Lei said when you met up with her for coffee. “Something is up I don’t know what it is but there is something going on,” you said annoyed that she would shut your fears down. “Well he’s got a comeback coming it’s a stressful time, even Sehni is stressed too,” she said reassuring you. “Really?” You asked hopeful that she was correct. “Yes really, you wait till there promotions have finished, your see,” she says reassuringly as she dives into her Gimibap as you make a disgusted face.
You was sorting out the concept clothes in a meeting at the agency when you received a text from Donghun.
‘Sorry I’m going to be late tonight, long practice needed, don’t wait up for me.’
It was normal before a comeback for Donghun to be working late nights so you smiled to yourself of your hard working man.
After the meeting you made your way to the supermarket. Finding some of his favourite kind of Sushi as you smiled to yourself. Deciding you would pop into the agency and bring him some of his favourite foods. At least that way you could make sure he had a full belly. Smiling you searched for his favourite fruits, your hands rested over some beer but you knew it wasn’t wise right now.
You dashed home with your shopping haul and started making his supper in a lunch bag. Making a sweet note to stick on top you smiled proudly to yourself. You was never a lovey dovey girlfriend till you met Donghun. But then you never expected that the guy you crushed over on your wall would be the same guy that you would managed to fall deep for in a relationship. You smiled how much your life had changed in two years. All from that single embarrassing moment in the Ice cream parlour.
Walking towards the agency you passed the parlour when you smiled deep in thought. Going in excitedly you brought two Mint chocolate ice creams, it would be such a refreshing way to take a break.
Walking in feeling good about spoiling your man you found only three members. Junhee’s smile rising when he saw you in the reflection. “Oooh you brought me ice cream,” Chan said whirling towards you. “Hands off this is for Donghun,” you said moving the ice cream out his grasps to his belly deep chuckles. “Donghun’s not here he’s with you?” Sehyoon added turning to you with an expression you never witnessed before. “Well he’s clearly not,” you spat out confused. “He definitely said he was going home to see you, I think he had some urges that needed filling,” Chan said winking as he barged his Elbow in to you. “He’s probably gone home and you’ve missed him by coming here,” Junhee chuckles. “Yeah probably,” you replied feeling foolish for not messaging him first. “Well as he’s not here and as it will melt before your home I’ll have that,” Chan said swiping the ice cream as you let him. “Suppose I better take this home for him,” you smiled feeling a little saddened. You couldn’t help but noticed Sehyoon’s annoyed expression as you left the training room.
Walking through the door you was surprised not to find Donghun there as your mind became numb. Rushing out your phone you reread his text, your fingers pressing over the words of practice. Your heart in your mouth you rang Lei, but she refused to answer. Throwing yourself on the sofa closing your eyes frustrated, your mind went in to confusion why Donghun had lied to you and where on earth he could possibly be?
When you opened them you felt weary as Junhee carried you to bed. “Risa it’s not good for you to sleep on the sofa, I’m sure where ever Donghun is he has a good reason. You should have waited for him in bed,” He said sweetly as you closed your eyes once hitting the mattress.
Waking you was aware of the empty spot by your side, but you knew he had come home from the signs of yesterdays clothes in the washing basket. Where had he been? Why did he come back so late? More importantly why had he lied?
You had been moping on the sofa when the door knocked, scuffing on the floor you answered and was surprised to find Sehyoon alone. “You ok?” You said as he followed behind you, back to the comfort of the sofa. “Yes kinda, just checking in on you?” He said as he sat opposite you looking down. “Liar you came here for a reason, somethings up, spill,” You asked sitting up. “Was you with Lei today and yesterday?” He asked as you looked at him eye widened. “Well you know I wasn’t, you saw me at practice remember,” you scoffed as he bit his lip anxiously. “No I mean afterwards?” He whispered looking pained. “Sehni I’ve not seen her for a couple of days now, she didn’t even answer my phone calls last night,” you said worrying if you should have confessed that part. “I was afraid you would say that,” Sehyoon said looking broken. “She’s been so weird the last couple of days as well,” he added playing with his hand. “Did you find Donghun when you got home?” he smiled hopeful as you shook your head. “He came home when I was asleep and left before I woke, busy time I know so I’m sure we’re catch up later,” you smiled.
“Risa where do you think he is?” He asked as you looked at him confused. “At the agency practicing,” you smiled bewildered how he could ask you that.
“Risa he isn’t he called in sick, it’s why I’m here. I have a hunch and sadly I think it’s been proven right,” he said as you saw his watery eyes. “What do you mean? I’m confused,” You said as the door went again, this time banging much louder. “I’ll get it,” Sehyoon smiled as your phone bleeped.
Looking at your phone you found a notification from a news report.
A.C.E. Vocalist in new dating scandal.
Your heart leapt in your mouth when you clicked on the photo. Donghun’s arms was held around another woman’s shoulders, looking loved up. That woman was Lei.
As your world fell down once more, you could hear the squabbles from the side of the room as you looked up to see Byeongkwan and Sehyoon having a small disagreement. “I keep telling you they wouldn’t do that, why did you need to put that shit in her head too,” Byeongkwan scolded him. “You keep believing that because you hope he wouldn’t be like that,” Sehyoon hit back more angry then you had ever witnessed. “Check your phones,” you whispered as they ignored you continuing to argue. You repeated it more louder startling them as they checked there devices, Sehyoon paling as Byeongkwan nervously chuckled.
“Risa,” , “Don’t I know I was wrong before in the past about them too, but that’s facts,” you cut him off screaming as you showed him the photo once more. “Listen,” , “Save it I don’t want to know, I’m done,” you cut him off walking out the living-room with him following. “What your going to leave him without waiting for his explanation?” Byeongkwan added as he watched you start to pack. “Explanation for what are you blind, I should have known better, idol life and everything,” you growled throwing your clothes in to a bag. “Idol life, What does that mean? Donghun is not like that and you know it,” he said annoyed as you ignored him. “There’s a reason I know there is, but you won’t see it if you keep acting like this,” Byeongkwan said with annoyance on his face. “Sehyoon’s right your holding on to fake belief.” You bit out as you zipped your bag up. “I knew I couldn’t trust him, and her,” you paused as anger coursed through you even more as you left the bedroom. “They’re both welcome to each other then, they can pull there clingy self up each others ass for all I care,” you scream making your way to the livingroom.
Standing there was Donghun, Lei with Sehyoon behind as she looked like she was in a deep conversation with him. “I’m what?” Lei said twisting her head to look at you. “Nothing but a clingy Ho, but hey your welcome to him,” you spat out as you threw your keys on the side. “Really! once again you got the wrong end of the stick, once again your running because your too childish to hear it,” Lei screams as Sehyoon holds her back.
“Well come on spill, tell me why you both lied, tell me why there’s pictures of you both looking in love,” you choked as tears threatened. You looked at them both as they looked to the floor words lost. “Please just trust us,” Donghun finally musters with his pleading eyes that normally would break you, but annoyance of being played hits. “Sorry I can’t when I’ve been lied to already,” you said turning to walk out the door.
“Fine you choose to not trust me so I see your point, maybe it was a good thing I found that out before I proposed to you,” Donghun said as you turned to him to watch the pain In his eyes. “Liar,” you cried as tears started falling in yours. “Even with me telling you, you don’t believe me so what is the hope for us. It’s not like you’ve not accused us both before,” Donghun said sounding hurt. “Risa, he’s telling the truth, I was there, as per usual I always get cropped out the interesting headlines,” Byeongkwan chuckled nervously.
Your head swarming fuzzy and confused you look at Donghun biting his lips looking broken. “Thanks for letting me know that you don’t trust me, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” He bit out as he walked down to the bathroom.
You looked to Lei looking heartbroken herself. “Clingy is that how you really see me?” she cry’s herself. “To think you could think me like that, I really put so much energy in helping him pick out all the things you could love, for what? A relationship scandal with the wrong member to the one I’m dating,” She cried as she walked out passing you, deliberately making sure to bump her shoulder into yours. Sehyoon hurriedly ran after her, guiltily looking your way as he passed. “Byeongkwan,” you said looking to him needing him. “Oh Risa I did try to tell you, I wish you would listen to me,” he said as he pulled you into his hold.
“Are you still here!” Donghun said with venom re-emerging back in the room. “Donghun I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to think, I still don’t,” you said feeling your head fuzzy from everything. “Your telling me even now you still don’t believe me,” he scoffed with annoyance as you left the warmth of Byeongkwan’s arms to walk towards him. “No that’s not what I’m saying, well I don’t think I am,” you cried as you put your hand to his chest. “You don’t think you are? Do you or do you not think I’m seeing your best friend?” He asked with pure frustration. “Look I never even thought about it, till Sehni came and told me that something was up with Lei….. then I saw that picture,” you explained. “You still can’t say it can you?” Donghun shouted. “Yes I can, I can Donghun, I don’t think your sleeping with Lei,” you cried as you held on to his collar of his shirt. “Well It’s too late, you should have heard me straight out, your never trust me,” Donghun said sounding hurt. “That’s not true I will I promise,” you cry trying to hug his stiff body. He gently pushes you off him. “Your a liar, next time you see a picture or another member gets an inkling, your believe them because you don’t trust me,” he says with his disappointed eyes. “I do,” you whimpered.
“Risa you said you was leaving so please continue on your journey,” Donghun said turning his back on you. “No, no I’m staying I’m sorry,” you cried moving around him to face him. “No, your leaving, if there’s no trust there’s no relationship,” he said refusing to look you in the eyes. “No please,” you whispered as your heart broke. “Please leave we’re over.” He said bringing his eyes to yours with pure hatred in them. It felt like two years prior when he looked at you with pure disgust in the Ice Cream parlour. “Risa,” you heard Byeongkwan say softly as his hands fell to your shoulders. “Please don’t leave me,” you sobbed as tears began to fall. “Risa come on,” Byeongkwan said as you relented letting him hold you walking you to the door. He collected your rushed packed bag as he made the way out the apartment.
You took one look back as you saw Donghun fall into the window sill as you heard sobs of his own fall. Was this really it? Did you managed to ruin your dream relationship?
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ammcgee-author · 10 months
219. Sorry, I was Assassinated <3
As Mark Twain once said, “The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” I’m not dead, yet, but trying to regroup and make some kind of sense out of the world around me.
In the old days, you could count being assassinated as an “occupational hazard” of being a Peacenik, an AntiWar Activist, or even holding a non-mainstream opinion. (Sort of like how losing an arm or getting sucked into a machine is an occupational hazard of working in a factory, dying in a fire is an occupational hazard of being a firefighter, getting shot is an occupational hazard of being a police officer; and having your whole family slaughtered in front of you is an occupation hazard of being a Palestinian journalist.) Just look at what they did to John Lennon, and more recently, the lead-singer of Audioslave, Chris Cornell.
My favorite half-baked conspiracy-theory is that he was assassinated for the AntiWar stance he took at his last concert. Although I know, that in reality, it’s just as likely he planned his suicide in advance; and wanted his last message to the world to be one of peace, love, and brotherhood.
I was never really much of a Soundgarden or Audioslave fan but I really liked their instrumental song “Night Surf," and of course “You Know My Name,” Chris Cornell’s Bond theme and one of my favorite 007 theme songs of all time! It’s worth noting that, although James Bond movies are fun and exciting action flicks, full of international intrigue and traditionally sexy women, they’re also composed of the most blatant pro-war propaganda; rivaled only by Disney/ABC’s Marvel Movies or HBO’s Game of Thrones, which tend to be slightly more allegorical; which is fine, as long as you’re aware of that going into them and treat them only as the lightest of all light entertainment.
Though, in spite of whatever Mr. Cornell’s personal issues might have been, I can’t help but think “selling out” to the war-machine is one of the factors that led him to suicide. At the very least, it probably didn’t help.
Speaking of “international intrigue,” my grandmother who was a pilot and an electrical engineer in the United States Air Force, (who also helped design the American-Made cruise missile systems Russia is currently using against the Ukrainians) was once questioned by the CIA because she ran a small airport gift shop, and routinely flew from continent to continent looking for exotic wares to sell in her shop. She was accused of being a spy, and sharing government secrets with overseas enemies. As outlandish as it sounds, stories like this are not uncommon, and cause a lot of generational trauma and general mistrust of the government within families. Of course, the government likes it that way, they enjoy keeping people on their toes and out of their way, especially militarily. Because of this experience I’m always sympathetic to people with seemingly “paranoid” or “schizophrenic” views of the government because the government does enjoy terrorizing people for their opinions. This danger obviously increases, exponentially, the more exposure and influence you and your ideas have. Both my grandmother and grandfather were in the Air Force, and being in the Military after World War II, caused my grandparents both to take a decidedly AntiWar stance against our wars of conquest, imperialism, and liberal interventionism overseas. Even as they worked as civil engineers for the Defense Industry and Military Industrial Complex.
Another notable member of my family is my distant cousin, Pat Robertson, someone who up until his death, recently, was literally paid to promote Zionism and Zionist pro-war propaganda on television. (He’s the reason why I feel I’m able to view the Israel/Palestine situation in a more fair and nuanced way, than I might otherwise be inclined to… And also the reason why most of my immediate family generally vote independent and identify as Democrats.) I don’t mention this because I’m at all proud of the association, but because it does seem to loom over my Christian family, our AntiWar history, and my activism; even if we’re not all doomsday Christian Evangelists like my famous cousin Pat and his televangelist heir, Gordon Robertson.
Understanding my history and ties to both the military and Christian evangelism is important to understanding who I am as a person, and why I choose to take such a profound moral stance on issues of justice and international policy. Though that association somehow seems particularly important to mention, now, even if it alienates me from the other Pro-Palestine demonstrators protesting today, because it makes me feel like a kind of mediator who can sympathize with the views of both pro-war Zionists and Palestinian AntiWar demonstrators. Though I myself am committedly Pro-Palestine, and of course, AntiWar.
A pragmatic way of looking at Israel’s current campaign of ethnic-violence and genocide in The West Bank and Gaza, in particular, is that is not a “war” but the result of the Palestinians losing a war in 1948. This is hardly “politically correct,” and is probably the most politically insensitive thing you could say to people on both sides of the conflict. It also in no way delegitimizes Palestinian resistance to Israeli Apartheid, but does explain the situation better than simply damning and condemning vague things like “colonialism” and “whiteness,” altogether. (Which, let’s be honest, was only ever a trick or tactic used by Jewish protesters to manipulate Blacks and People of Color to take either side, which when used outside of the limited scope of Black Muslims, like Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X, who have always stood by Palestinians, where the language was first borrowed and misappropriated from, is often used to keep people of all races and nationalities from understanding the issue; while also distracting attention away from the larger issues at hand, ones that may or may not actually affect them; such as how America’s unfettered support for Israel could potentially lead to a U.S. war with Iran.) The world has taken on the overly vague and sometimes idealistic language of Jewish-Israeli Peaceniks and Refuseniks without knowing what, specifically, they were protesting. If those protesters just said, “We’re against Zionism and Jewish-Supremacy” rather than mincing words, then they surely would have gained a lot more followers and supporters on both the left and right, though they might not be the supporters they wanted.
Actually, in a recent video of Israeli IDF refuseniks (a slang term referring to conscientious objectors) they do just that, refer to Zionism as Jewish Supremacy. Which a refreshingly positive change of course from the usual vague allusions to “indigenousness,” (in regards to who is or is not indigenous where) “white-supremacy” (to describe several only vaguely related and oftentimes incompatible political ideologies) and other debatable variables, coming from the far-left.
Nowadays, it’s much easier to silence people.
You don’t even have to assassinate them, for their views and opinions, because you can just as easily discredit them by “cancelling” them, locking them out of social media, downvoting or shadow-banning their comments to keep them from having a prominent voice by limiting their influence on public discourse; and otherwise intimidating them into compliance. (Usually through a combination of online and IRL terror-tactics and good old-fashioned character assassination.) Or by simply confusing them with political double-speak until their ideas disappear into oblivion.
Celebrities, today, rarely take an AntiWar stance because the entertainment industry is run by, well, Zionists — And thus anyone “fated for fame” is heavily vetted by the Military Industrial Complex before you ever even hear their names or see them on a marquee. (Though that very likely may be a coincidence, because most people today aren’t really very political, especially on international and foreign policy matters, except for performatively, and because most celebrities only have a high-school or grade-school education.) Jewish guest, Timothee Chalamet’s, recent rather distasteful mention of Hamas on SNL, during Israel’s current genocide of Gaza, is just one example of how Hollywood acts as an eternally out of touch propaganda machine. Thankfully, Tim’s character offed himself at the end of the skit, which was funny and well-deserved, but which might also be read as a distasteful reference to Israel accusing Palestinians of causing their own destruction.
This kind of gross insensitivity and feigned ignorance might have been forgivable if Americans had forgotten that this is the exact same comedy and variety show that held prayers and candles for Ukraine, after the U.S. forced Russia’s hand by manipulating Putin into intervening in the region by first orchestrating the U.S.-backed illegal Maiden coup, and creating a civil-war, there, under the Obama Administration; and then threatening to make The Ukraine, which is historically part of Russia, part of the NATO alliance, (which was only created to oppose Moscow and the former Soviet Union, in the first place,) during the Biden administration. (Simplifying the issues of today is of course this current movements’ greatest weakness, because in order to understand what is happening in Syria and Ukraine, you have to have an in-depth understanding of American foreign policy over the last decade, at least. Gen Z may seemingly have a greater sense of morality when it comes to America’s wars of conquest and colonialism overseas, but not when it comes to holding members of their own generation accountable, like Mr. Chalamet.) SNL did that, of course, because “standing with with Ukraine,” a U.S. puppet ally like Israel, is obviously a pro-war not an AntiWar position.
It’s also more than merely noteworthy that Ukraine’s acting President, Zelensky, is a Zionist himself; and thus any attempt to equate Palestine with Ukraine, or Russia with America’s ally, Israel… (especially when the current Banderist government in Kyiv has been massacring ethnic-Russian civilians in the Donbas region, critical of the U.S.-led coup, since the Obama administration) Is a bit of a stretch.
Nor is the humor lost on me, that many of the people in the George Floyd/BLM/ANTIFA rallies who worked so hard to get President “Genocide Joe” into office, are the exact same ones who are currently protesting his foreign policy in regards to Israel/Palestine, now. It’s pretty damn hilarious, in fact! Are they all just fools who genuinely feel betrayed by the person they campaigned and possibly also voted for, or is something deeper going on? And who exactly is funding and organizing these protests, anyway?
If I sound cynical, it’s only because I remember the (20 year!) long period of Hipster political burnout and apathy to U.S. foreign policy following the invasion of Iraq in 2003. That was also a landmark year for AntiWar protests, but as the years went on people became more and more indifferent to the joint Republican/Democrat-backed wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. (It might even be too optimistic to refer to the protests that are going on now as “AntiWar Protests” since they’re really “anti-genocide” protests with a more narrow focus and simpler demands. Which is honestly great! Since in order for a protest to work, it needs to have clear demands that can be achieved; but at the same time I think many of these protesters are missing the bigger picture, that Zionism isn’t just a threat to Palestinians, but to the whole world. This is true mainly because of the relationship between war and industry, banking, lobbyists, and foreign investors. What we AntiWar protesters sometimes refer to as “The Military Industrial Complex” describes this relationship between war, industry, finance, and propaganda; and regardless of whether it’s labeled a “Jewish conspiracy theory” or not, for most of Israel’s 75 old history the MIC has been decidedly pro-Zionist.) Many of these protesters weren’t even alive back then, or were simply too young to protest, but many of us who have been carrying the AntiWar torch are turned-off by the phoney political correctness and “wokeness” demonstrated at these rallies. Mostly, since these are the exact same “politically correct” ideas that got us here in the first place. The same censorship, and the same policing of language and ideas, and the same silencing of sincere foreign and domestic policy discussion.
Don’t get me wrong, I think the numbers are great! And I wish we saw this same turnout when the U.S. and NATO bullied Russia into war on its borders in the Ukraine, or when America’s “Worst Black President” Barack Obama, and his Vice President “Genocide Joe,” created ISIS and invaded Syria in 2012… But I digress. It’s just that begging your oppressor for a ceasefire, rather than getting to the root of that oppression — U.S. foreign policy towards Israel — is asking for far too little far too late. The only way to reverse course, though it will never bring back the lives of the roughly 12,000 Palestinian civilians who have been killed in the last few weeks, is to sanction Israel rather than supplying it with the weapons it needs to continue to commit genocide against innocent people.
Protest and protesters have the power to block the shipment and dissemination of weapons, temporarily, but not permanently. Only policy can do that, that’s why more action is needed. By action I don’t mean more reactionary protests, when the fires of the obscene immorality of our sacrificing literally tens of thousands of innocent civilians for our foreign interests grow too hot to bear, but the kind of sustained action that puts pressure not only on Israel, but on American policy makers, as well.
I was locked out of my Facebook account, without explanation or violation, right before the U.S. publicly sent depleted uranium and cluster munitions to Ukraine, (which is surely a coincidence) and that’s why my usual online activism on my AntiWar Pages: Peace & Love and The AntiWar Independent Party, have been silent throughout this most recent escalation in Israel and Palestines’ 75 year old long conflict. While I obviously feel both inspired and encouraged watching the younger and older generations marching together for peace, and while I wish I could somehow position myself as Gen-Z’s foreign policy professor, since I know so much of the brainwashing “information” they’re getting is incorrect, just as it was when I was young. I believe moving forward we have to be more direct with the particular policies we oppose, if we ever stand a chance to make a real difference in the world, and limit the influence of foreign bad actors (like Benjamin Netanyahu, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Benny Gantz) on American politics.
Like Chris Cornell said in his final speech, at his final concert, “They don’t give a sh*t about me, and they don’t give a sh*t about you!” He was talking about American politicians, lobbyists, and war-profiteers who perhaps in their own minds are looking out for long-term American interests, (or their own short-term financial or political gains,) but at the sacrifice of American soldiers and our National Conscience.
I say this with all humility, since I was only ever really an outspoken AntiWar Activist during the Obama years when the AntiWar Movement was most dormant. I created my own political party, simply because I could not abide by the pro-war policies of either major political party, as a lifetime AntiWar Activist. As an American I believe I should have some say in who dies in my name, and why. As an Independent I wanted to create a political party that I would be proud to be a part of, one that I felt was looking out not only for my country’s best interests, but the best interests of my fellow countrymen. (Although I first became politically aware as a child during Kosovo, and opposed “The War On Terror” campaign in Afghanistan and Iraq, as a teenager; I only, truly, politically came of age during Obama’s invasion of Syria; something that even many American veterans and active duty servicemen protested.) Nor do I delusionally count myself as some kind of charismatic leader, quite the opposite in fact, as I often limit my own activism (such as paying for advertising for my political party) simply because I know that I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be. (And also, because I can’t afford it!) Rather, I am simply a concerned citizen who cares about peace and the future of American Foreign Policy; as just another American who, like millions of others; is right now witnessing the results of our policies of endless war, rampant political Zionism, capitalist imperialism, liberal interventionism, modern-day colonialism, war-profiteering, Genocide, and destruction overseas.
— A.M. McGee
0 notes
bullseye, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Are you the insufferable, cocky, absolutely-no-good-for-anyone female equivalent of a fuckboy? Maybe. Okay, yeah. But guess who decided to come along and interrupt your conquests? Jeon Jungkook. What now? Complain to your best friend Kim Taehyung all day or fucking do something about it?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; alcohol consumption; Taehyung getting shitfaced lol; you're a cocky asshole and so is Jungkook, welp; schemes; smut (fem reader, making out / dry humping in public, cowgirl, m-masturbation, edging / orgasm denial, penetrative sex, so much kissing); non-idol!BTS; (secretly pining) fuckboy!Jungkook x bisexual, fuckgirl!reader; ft artist, best friend!Taehyung; mostly reader's POV with a short JK's POV
yes, it's purple-haired Butter JK
now playing – 마.피.아. in the morning by itzy
“Are you kidding me? Fucking Jeon Jungkook, again?”
“You need to calm down,” Kim Taehyung said, patting your shoulder and handing you a mojito.
“What I need is a fucking bow and arrow to shoot down this fucking pest!”
“I know you were the archery champion in high school, but that’s still a weird thing to think,” replied that baritone voice, pushing you into a chair so he could sit down as well, observing you violently chugging down the entire mojito in your rage. He seemed highly amused, looking a bit like a young French socialite in a black beret, loose tan dress shirt, and black slacks with black loafers. Gold accents because Kim Taehyung was that bitch. “Never ceases to impress me that you can do that.”
You pulled the glass from your lips, ice and mint clinking. “This is the third girl I’ve been dating that he’s just–” You flapped a hand in the general direction of the crowd at the bar, completely ignoring Taehyung’s comment about your record-breaking skills of draining cocktails. “–unashamedly making out with when clearly I’m right here.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes, far too crass for how drop-dead handsome he was, but it seemed that he didn’t care. “I doubt he knows you’re here or that you’re dating them. And to make it fair on him, you were casually dating them all at once, so technically, no one is at fault here,” he added.
You narrowed your eyes. “I wasn’t–”
Taehyung gave you this look.
The look of ‘shut-up-you-know-I’m-right’.
Being your best friend, he had a right to do that.
“Shouldn’t you be mad at the girl anyway? Being faithful and all that, which, by the way, you are not.”
“Dating is not the same as being in a relationship,” you argued.
“Mmm, so fucking them is not indicative enough that you should be less of a fuckboy.”
“I’m not a fuckboy,” you muttered. “I’m a woman.”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “The general term still stands because you’re a class-A asshole.”
You closed your eyes and sucked in a deep breath, trying not to bolt home and buy a bow and arrow online to shoot, not Jeon Jungkook, but Kim Taehyung, because he was testing your last nerve with the truth.
“Again, why are you not mad at them?” Taehyung reoriented the conversation with a sweep of his arm when you opened your eyes, prompting your gaze to shift and witness Jeon Jungkook with his tongue down a pretty girl’s throat. This cheeky bastard was even wearing a leather jacket and white shirt, just like you. The only difference was that you wore a leather miniskirt and he wore black jeans with rips in the thighs, but both of you were wearing heeled black moto-style boots.
“Because he’s the denominator in this equation,” you snapped, smacking your glass on the table.
“Please do not make math references. My brain is not made for that.”
“Fractions? Tae, seriously, are you defective or–”
“Maybe he’s doing it to piss you off.”
“Well, I am pissed off!”
The bar was very loud with music and noise. Your shout was still clearly heard. Neither you or Taehyung seemed to care that people turned to look at you two and shake their heads.
Taehyung shrugged. “Then he succeeded.”
You clicked your tongue. “Why, though? I didn’t do anything to him. He just started popping up stealing my girls. What if I switch back to chasing dick and he takes them too?”
Taehyung snorted. “I doubt it. You’re just continuing on this train because you’re stubborn.”
As usual, he saw right through you.
He raised an elegant hand and tapped his lips. “Maybe he likes you.”
You gave Taehyung the most disbelieving, fiery, indignant look that you had ever produced in your life.
“Or, he doesn’t,” he hastily corrected. “Let’s face it, sometimes I don’t even like you and I would murder for your dumb ass.”
You tapped the melting glass of icy mint onto the tabletop.
“If you think about it,” Taehyung began tentatively, scooting his chair slightly away from you with your flaming eyes boring holes in the back of Jeon Jungkook’s head. His hair was dark violet now so you could spot him easily, pinning your (not yours, but you know, that was your prey at one point) girl against the back wall of the bar. “He always goes after your target. He wants you to notice something.”
You watched a YouTube video once about making your own bow and arrow. It didn’t seem that difficult, all things considered. Sharpening a long stick with a knife and–
“Stop thinking about murder.”
You jerked your head back to Taehyung and his honey-brown curls framing his amused expression. You glared in response.
“I’ve never interacted with him a day in my life,” you frowned, abandoning your homicidal tendencies for the moment. “What does he want me to notice?”
Taehyung gave you a pained look. You returned with a black stare. Then he sighed and shook his head.
“He’s a fuckboy. You’re the female equivalent of a fuckboy. What do you think he wants?”
“My body count?”
Taehyung slapped his own face, muttering under his breath. “… be part of your body count.”
“Sorry, what?” You raised your voice over the bass. “Can’t hear you over the music.”
He raised his head. “I don’t know. Fight him. See what happens.”
“I’m not gonna win a fistfight.”
Taehyung looked ready to fistfight you.
You stood up, dragging him by the arm. “Come on, wingman. I need another drink. I’ll buy, since you got me the last one.”
Taehyung laughed, loud and full, yanking his arm out of your grip and clapping a hand around your shoulders, pulling you to him so your body knocked into him. You grimaced, now forced to walk side by side with him, not seeing the looks shared between the patrons witnessing you two together.
“Now we’re talking. I wanna get trashed.”
“Cure for a broken heart, am I right?”
“Mine’s shattered,” Taehyung chuckled, rubbing the left side of his chest playfully, but you couldn’t help but notice the hurt in his eyes. It was his idea to go out tonight and assist you with getting laid but, one, you didn’t need assistance and, two, he had recently broken up. It was pretty obvious he just wanted you to buy him drinks and have an excuse to do something.
Which was fine with you, until Jeon Jungkook showed up holding your previous eye candy.
Whatever, you had a Taehyung to nurse back to health with an obscene amount of alcohol.
Two hours later, you were standing in the men’s bathroom, holding Taehyung’s beret with one hand and his hair in the other as he vomited loudly into the toilet.
The guy looked in the stall and then looked at you.
“You’re not supposed to be here…”
You raised an eyebrow. “You wanna hold his hair?”
The guy slunk away at your dismissive tone.
Taehyung tapped your thigh and you patted him on the head soothingly. He flushed and coughed.
"S... sorry," he croaked wetly.
You chuckled. "Wash your mouth, ya nasty."
He got up and you straightened his clothes in an almost maternal fashion.
"Need water, I think..." he winced, stumbling past you to the counter. You followed him to make sure he didn't hurl in the fucking sink.
"I'll be right back. Don't do anything crazy."
"Heh, that’s you," he slurred as he put his hands under the tap to wash up.
You plopped his beret on your head and sauntered out of the men's bathroom, unbothered by the stares and the people trying to catch your eye. It took you no time at all to waltz to the counter and obtain the water, striding back to the men's bathroom with the tall glass.
Only to run into you-know-who.
The girl sputtered your name in surprise as if she hadn't met you in this very bar a couple of weeks ago.
You completely ignored her existence, narrowing your eyes at the smirking face of Jeon Jungkook.
There was no denying his attractiveness. His purple hair was a little messy now, curling around his high cheekbones and large brown eyes. The dim light of the bar cast strange shadows over his chiseled jaw and shapely lips, curved into a devilish grin. He had a mole and red lipstick residue underneath his lower lip.
You had a strong urge to douse him and his leather jacket with your giant glass of water.
Taehyung was the one who found out Jungkook's name for you. You sent him on the mission after the first time this little shit started meddling in your business.
At this moment, you remembered that.
You pointedly looked away, walking past Jungkook, knocking into his arm forcefully and on purpose, annoyed that he seemed pretty strong under that jacket, muscular and lean. Whatever. You had a large bear cub named Kim Taehyung to take care of. You didn't have time to waste on Jeon Jungkook.
You stiffened at the deep, silvery voice. Of course. He had to have a sexy voice too. Bitch.
"You should apologize."
Your eyes flickered to the glass of water. It was pretty cold in your hand. You raised your chin back up, facing towards the bathrooms.
The choice was easy.
You continued waking and raised your free hand to flip Jeon Jungkook the bird, off to deliver the water to your best friend.
Some guy at the urinal screamed as you entered the men's bathroom but you completely ignored him, only focusing on Taehyung, who was gripping the corner of the sink, turning not to pass out, pallid face dripping and looking green.
"Drink this and I'll take you home."
"Ugh, thanks for the other day... sorry I wasn't the best wingman... I ended up making you exorcize my demons instead..."
You laughed, jabbing a toothpick in the steaming fried chicken. You and Kim Taehyung again, hanging out in the afternoon at the local chicken spot.
"It's cool. I know you needed it."
Taehyung frowned. "If you knew, why did you play along?"
You shrugged. "You would've done the same for me."
He smiled and popped a piece of crispy chicken in his mouth. "Yeah, if you ever had a serious relationship for once."
You glared. "This is a non-judgment zone. Shut up."
He chuckled. Then he leaned in and you grimaced, catching a whiff of his chicken breath. He was wearing a pinstriped shirt and neglected to button the first two because he was too hot to bother with some stupid buttons. You weren't going to say you could relate, but you were wearing a loose black sweater dress that was bordering on flashing your panties, so, maybe.
"I heard from a little birdie that you had a run-in with the bane of your existence."
You raised an eyebrow. "The tax man?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes. "No, the other one."
Now it was your turn to roll yours. "Oh, right. The Dark Lord."
Taehyung gave you a weird look. "Is that a movie reference or..."
"Harry Potter, ever heard of it?"
"You're such a nerd."
"That's not... anyway, so what?"
He wiggled his eyebrows. "He spoke to you."
You narrowed your eyes. "Where do you get your information?"
He fidgeted. "Uh... a reliable source that chooses to remain anonymous."
Your eyes became slits. "Who."
Taehyung stick his tongue out at you. "The whole point of anonymous is you not knowing!"
"Who are you, fucking Rita Skeeter–"
"Stop with the weird references!"
"For fuck's sake," you hissed, causing a mother sitting at a table near yours to chastise you, covering their kid’s ears. You frowned, lowering your voice. "Alright so what? He opened his mouth; nothing original came out." You jabbed another piece of chicken.
"Well? Feel any tension? Sweet romance? Unbridled fury?" Taehyung piped, greatly interested in your two-second interaction with Jeon Jungkook.
You chewed, huffing. "I had a big kid to take care of. I didn't give a shit."
"Hey, I'm not a kid!" he shot back.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, you’re more important to me than poking his pretty eyeballs out of his head, so I didn't even reply."
Taehyung paused, mid-chew. "Really?"
"Yes, I didn't say–"
"No, that I'm important to you."
Taehyung was doing that thing where his big brown eyes went all sparkly and sentimental. It was making you uncomfortable. Bad with feelings and all that. The only reason you tolerated it was because Taehyung had been like this ever since he was that dorky weird kid you defended from bullies in elementary school. A folding chair was involved and you might have watched too many WWE TLC (tables, ladders, chairs) matches as a kid, but hey, those bullies didn’t bother Taehyung ever again, did they?
You got sent to detention for the rest of the year and anger management counseling appointments, but Taehyung remained your friend throughout the whole ordeal and for years to come, tolerating your poor life choices so… worth?
You reached over and shut his open mouth. "Of course, you are, that's why I'm not calling you a disgusting pig for chewing with your mouth open."
"Oi, that's bullying!"
"You bully me all the time," you snorted and the same mom made a noise of distaste that you pretended not to hear. "Like now you keep bringing up the spawn of Satan."
"You're also the spawn of Satan, by the way."
"Yeah, and you're my guardian angel and he ain't got shit, so I’ve already won this war."
Taehyung laughed nervously.
"Er, yes... totally..."
Another day, another conquest.
Well, you had to find the prey first, but that wasn’t going to be hard.
“You’re a chronic asshole.”
“Thanks, Tae. You sure you don’t wanna come?”
He rolled his eyes at you as you shrugged on one of his black dress shirts. You checked the tag. Silk. Damn. Kim Taehyung was a fancy bitch. He leaned against the closet doorframe as you fitted your black leather corset-style belt at your waist to cinch it in. You often raided Taehyung’s closet and paired it with your accessories. Did he enjoy your fucking in his clothes? Probably not, but you always returned them cleaned in the proper way, so he couldn’t complain.
He did anyway.
“No, I don’t. Let me sulk.”
“Ah, yes, moody starving artist, I’ll let you be,” you snickered, slinging the waist bag over your shoulder, wearing it across your chest instead of your hips. You lightly punched him in the arm and he pretended to topple over exaggeratedly. “You going to paint today?”
He shrugged. “I think. Dunno what media I want to use.”
“Just use a bunch of different ones. Your mixed media stuff is amazing,” you replied, waltzing out of his bedroom, past his messy studio with a blank canvas balanced on a wooden easel in the center of absolute chaos of paints. You helped him organize them once, but Taehyung often was too in the zone to pay attention to neatness.
“When’s the exhibit? I want to drop by,” you commented, seeing the line of his works safely wrapped up, leaning against the wall.
“Um… next week, Thursday through Sunday,” Taehyung replied sheepishly, cheeks flaring red at the mention of his own art exhibit. He was humble even though he was talented. “I’ll text you the address. Don’t show up looking like a high-paid escort.”
You tucked your feet into your heels and raised an eyebrow.
Silk black men’s shirt worn as a dress, belted at the waist to show off your curves, bare legs out, toned calves standing out due to your sleek black high heels.
“Who, me? Never.”
Taehyung shook his head. “Text me if you need a ride.”
“You got it.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
You tapped your nails on the bar, having already finished your peach mojito.
“Fucking Jeon Jungkook, again?”
You needed to invest in a bow and arrow, like, yesterday.
Shoot right between his pretty eyeballs. Dude even pulled back his long, deep purple hair into a smooth ponytail with wispy strands framing his sculpted face. Was that damn eyeliner and mascara making his eyes look sharper, sexier? Fuck, he even knew how to make himself look even hotter.
Not as hot as you, of course.
“How does he always know where I’m at?” you muttered under your breath, turning away to look at the bartender and order another mojito. Watermelon. It seemed interesting. Fuck it, you were going to focus on drinking rather than the thorn in your side, Jeon Jungkook and his black dress shirt halfway buttoned and his tight-fitting black slacks with sleek oxfords. The bartender slid your glass in front of you, a gradient of pink to transparent with a little sprig of mint on top. It was a pretty drink.
You reached into your waist bag to pay, but the bartender stopped you.
“The gentleman over there paid for you. A gift.”
Oh? Maybe a potential for the night. You shifted your gaze to–
“Tell him to fu–”
But the bartender was already off servicing other customers on this busy night.
You know what? Fine. He put himself up as the target. He wanted to play this game.
And you never missed a bullseye.
You tilted your head to survey Jeon Jungkook out of the corner of your eye, making his way over to you, bringing your drink close to your lips. He stopped right next to you. The colorful lights of the club made rainbows dance across his lightly tanned skin and his dark lips, curled into a smug smirk.
You cocked an eyebrow.
Mmm, fuck, that was some deliciously smooth rum. The watermelon was a refreshing addition to the mint too. You probably weren’t meant to drink it all at once, but you were glaring at Jungkook who was pointedly watching your throat swallow and it was aggravating you more and more, the entire drink disappearing in record time, leaving nothing but ice and mint.
You smacked the glass down on this table with a hiss.
Jungkook purred your name with that deep, silvery voice of his. His eyes flickered down to your exposed collarbones and then back up to your face.
You clicked your tongue.
Then you turned away from him dismissively, walking past him, knocking into his arm forcefully and on purpose.
But instead of letting it happen, Jungkook shifted his weight and slid to block your path. You stopped, eyes darting up to narrow at that conceited little brat’s face. Now you could smell his cologne, fresh, sensual, a mix of pungent dragon fruit and black coffee.
Hold on.
You inhaled. Yup, no mistaking it.
That was your perfume.
Jungkook grinned as the realization hit you. How did he know what perfume you used?
“The fuck you want?” you growled.
He licked his lips slowly. He ticked his chin, taunting you.
“Finally got you to talk to me,” he purred, chuckling.
Alright, you were past causing actual bodily harm these days – jail being your primary reason – but that didn’t stop you from staring down Jeon Jungkook and his self-satisfied smirk with your signature tapering of your sharp stare.
You just stood there.
He bit his lower lip, exposing that tiny mole underneath, shivering under your gaze. “Are you mad at me?” he asked, almost innocently, but there was no chance in hell that he was.
You quirked your head, lifting your chin defiantly. “Absolutely fuming,” you replied acidly.
He took a step towards you, closing the distance, so close you could feel his warmth, your breasts brushing against his chest. Now people were whispering around you two, sensing the tension between you and Jungkook. The similar outfits, the same violent energy, the same predatory aura.
As if the fox had confronted the wolf.
“What’s there to be mad about when we play the same game?” Jungkook drawled.
Cocky. The fox was so damn cocky.
“You’re just nibbling on my leftovers,” you countered, stepping forward so you pressed against him, burning body heat to burning body heat. “Which makes you the scavenger.”
Jungkook leaned down, dark brown eyes glittering with amusement.
“Then why so angry?”
His lips ghosted over yours, breathing in your exhale.
“I’m just a pest, right? A mere annoyance in your eventual victory.”
His lashes lowered, arrogant smirk reaching his dark eyes.
“Play your ace. Let’s see if it works,” he purred in the deep, sexy octave of his.
Shut up.
A low snarl rumbled in your chest.
“Shut up, Jeon Jungkook.”
You gripped his belt and yanked him to your body, rolling your crotch into his, your lips colliding with that maddening smirk, alcohol, dragon fruit, black coffee, flint igniting the dry wood, devouring his lips hungrily, his hands sliding up your sides, and his smile.
You couldn’t give two fucks about Jeon Jungkook and he was into it.
Like the impossible enigma, he couldn’t figure you out but he was drawn to you anyway. The whole world was your plaything, and you treated it as such. There was something exciting about you, the thrill too irresistible to avoid when you made your presence known. Always you and that teasing smile, never getting serious, making everyone hesitate to take it farther with you. Who could blame them with your borderline brash attitude and ease of moving from one to the next?
That and your friendship with Kim Taehyung, who was a whole damn tiger next to your wolfish nature.
At first, Jungkook was intrigued.
As time went on, he became frustrated and annoyed.
What gave you the right to ignore him?
You picked up guys far less attractive than he was, not that he was that vain but, seriously, he was right here! Waiting to be caught. He didn’t try to interfere at first. In fact, Jungkook wasn’t even the sleep-around-and-mess-with-feelings kind of guy. But the more he watched you, the more impressed he was, seeing the way you charmed your way into everyone’s hearts, the way you focused on them for that moment, making them feel like they were the most perfect creature on Earth before slinking to the next, leaving them with a pining heart and lost in fantasies of what-ifs.
And, yeah, you were hot.
What was Jungkook going to do?
He could do nothing.
Or he could befriend Kim Taehyung, get under your skin, and make you notice him.
Not a scheme, per se.
Kind of a scheme.
Alright, definitely a scheme.
In Jungkook’s defense, your best friend Taehyung was all for it. Taehyung was the one who came up with all the ideas, informed him of your location, and the names of the girls you were after.
“Give her a taste of her own medicine. She needs a reality check.”
The problem was, Jungkook didn’t really want to let you go now that you were in his arms.
“Silly pretty boy.”
You had his chin in your palm, pressing your thumb against Jungkook’s lower lip, opening his hungry mouth to tease him with your tongue, tracing his soft lips and thrusting in, his low moan filling your lungs. His hands on your waist tightened, pulling you closer even through you were already in his lap, murmurs and eyes on you, but neither your nor Jungkook cared, used to this by now.
You were, after all, making out in the club.
The chair scraped against the ground as Jungkook firmly placed your thighs on either side of his, thrusting upwards into your core, letting your feel his rapidly growing hardness with every one of your kisses. Your hair feathered his cheeks and shoulders as your free hand toyed with his ponytail, twirling it in your fingers, smirking into his lips with his gasp from you grinding back down on his crotch, rolling your hips into him.
“Thought I was the bane of your existence?” Jungkook taunted under you, squeezing your ass through the silk and meeting your movements, staring into your eyes with his. So dark, so smokey, so fucking sexy, almost like looking into a mirror, because you too wore similar makeup, maybe a little darker and a little more of a flick to your eyeliner. “Just going to kiss me to shut me up?”
You wouldn’t be surprised if the other clubgoers were eagerly watching now, waiting to see what was going to happen between you and him.
“I don’t need to be on your mouth to shut you up,” you mused, tugging his ponytail back and kissing down his neck, tongue tracing the contours of his muscles, feeling him shudder under your lips and teeth, lightly nipping at his skin. Tracing circles, gentle kisses, relishing in his gasps and his tightened grip on you, letting your breath linger for that extra second, that extra what-if, kissing back up his neck and onto his jawline, murmuring his name sweetly, tip of your tongue curling around his earrings and bouncing them, sighing softly in his ear.
“Can’t claim my leftovers when my leftovers are you, now can you, naughty boy?” you chuckled darkly, pressing your breasts on his hot chest and your clothed pussy on the tip of his stiff length, rutting against it, making him hiss your name.
“I have no intention of being leftovers,” he growled into your ear.
Your eyes flew open as his lips transfixed to the space under your ear, sucking hard, forcing you to squeeze your thighs at the attack on your erogenous zone, sparks of arousal flinching through you, soaking your panties. You gasped, hips bucking into his needily, barely processing his words, his tongue flicking against your throbbing skin, lips and teeth, and then his mouth was moving, traveling up your earlobe, nipping at the curve, your eyelids fluttering, clutching his purple ponytail tightly.
How did he know? Did he ask your previous conquests to spill the information? There was no time to think, his hands traveling up your back, clenching fistfuls of your shirt and digging his nails into your back, your body responding and squirming against him, the quiet whine of his name escaping your lips and drifting right into his ear.
“J… Jungkook…”
He groaned, turning your head forcefully, him kissing you this time, just as ravenous, just as powerful, basically simulating sex in the middle of the fucking club with the way your hips were twisting into his and he was thrusting back against you, breathless, whispering in your mouth so only you could hear his words resonate in your chest.
“Fuck, you’re so hot, you turn me on so fucking easily, I just have to have you,” he murmured, his forehead pressed against yours, capturing your lips again and again. “There’s no way you’re any good for me, but I don’t care, fuck.”
You snickered, eye to eye, trapped in those expanding pupils and his heavy pants. “They say the same about you, Jeon Jungkook.”
You felt him smirk. “Nah, not me. No one calls me the spawn of Satan.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You sure? Because I do.”
Jungkook’s tongue licked your lips, making your shiver in delight. “That was special treatment. Just for you.”
Hold on a second.
Through your hazy buzzed brain, you began to piece the puzzle together. With each part falling into place, the amusement in Jungkook’s eyes grew and grew, seeing you fill in the missing blanks. Your eyes widened and you curled a finger around his ponytail, yanking roughly to pull his grinning face away from yours. You jerked back, but his strong hands held you in place.
Wispy strands of violet framing that devious expression.
“Taehyung,” you breathed, venomous.
Jungkook had the audacity to cock an eyebrow.
You were going to kill Taehyung. That little shit! Taehyung was no idiot, so he must have planned this somehow. He always telling you to get serious and stop messing around. That’s why Jungkook always knew who you were dating, where you were, and what you were wearing! Did Taehyung recruit Jeon Jungkook to trick you? Fuck! He was dead meat, scheming against you like this!
Jungkook brought you out of your homicidal tendencies with a soft drawl of your name.
“For the record, he was helping me out,” he murmured, pulling you to him, pressing your chest to his. You narrowed your eyes, his hard cock still throbbing against your panties. “I want you.”
He lowered his face, breathing hard.
“Not just like this.”
Your eyes widened.
“I said I’m not going to be leftovers.” Looking deep into your eyes, holding you tightly. “I’m not going to let you throw me away like the rest.” Every inhale making your body rise into his touch, his deep, silvery voice saturated with lust and determination. “I’m going to make you fall in love with me as much as I am in love with you.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but…
Jungkook gave you this look.
The look of ‘you-know-you’ve-already-lost’.
You could sit here and pretend, but you were also grinding back onto his dick right out here in the open, clutching his purple hair and his pretty face. His hard body was tucked snugly in your thighs. That smug little smirk. Shit, shit, shit.
Jeon Jungkook got you and he got you good.
He knew it too, his hands sliding down and grabbing your ass again, rolling his hips into yours.
“Come on. Let’s fuck.”
“Oh, fuck, yes, yes, yes!”
Jungkook threw his head back onto his pillows, exposing his straining throat, veins popping out, clutching your hips strongly to rut back against you as you smacked your crotch down onto him, riding him hard and fast, your hands next to his head, his long purple hair a mess even if it was still in the ponytail, sweat glistening on his forehead, moaning loudly with your walls closing in on his hardness. You were too busy fucking the daylights out of him to say anything, but Jungkook had plenty to say, hazy eyes opening and gasping as he viewed your body hovering over him, naked with his hickeys on your neck and breasts, strong thighs flexed on either side of him, his rock-hard cock repeatedly disappearing into your tight, wet hole.
“Fuck, I knew it, I knew you would be so fucking good and so fucking sexy,” he whined, nails digging into your hips and adding more force to your thrusts.
Your clothes and his clothes were all over his bedroom floor.
Your phone was on his nightstand.
Tonight, you sent one text to Kim Taehyung.
I’m gonna buy a bow and arrow and shoot you in the ass.
You screen flashed, indicating Taehyung had replied. One quick flick of your eyes and you smirked.
Oh shit.
Jungkook squeezed your ass, making your return your attention to him.
“Focus on me,” he begged, blown-out pupils. “Only me, please.”
“So needy,” you teased, licking your lips slowly. He groaned under you, mouth opening, his pretty pink tongue lolling out, desperate to be sucked. “If you think you can keep me, you’ll have to last longer than this, Jungkook.”
He swallowed hard at the way you said his name, a mixture of warning and desire.
“P-Please… it’s too good, I-I can’t…”
You redoubled your efforts, roughly slapping your hips into his, enjoying the loud sound and the way your core tightened, constricting him inside you, telling him he couldn’t cum until you did and deliberately holding yourself back, shifting your attention when you felt it rise, denying him over and over, until he was like this, whole body shaking, grasping your ass, sweat on his chest. His right arm, covered in tattoos, looking extra delicious in the moonlight, so fucking perfect with his forearms flexed with tension. You purposefully stared into his brown eyes overtaken with lust, his lips trembling from denying himself his own orgasm.
Jungkook whimpered your name.
On the verge of breaking, helpless at your command.
A sharp throb inside you, wildly turned on by his duality.
You smirked.
You inhaled deeply, sighing in satisfaction with the wave of pleasure, intense shivering pulses running up and down his length, sinking down so he could feel it all, the tight and rough massage of your orgasm taking over, low moan of his name emitting from your throat, and Jungkook followed suit, louder and lewder, eyes rolling back as he shot into the condom with jerking hips, burying the twitching head deep inside you, swelling the latex with thick cum, rocking you back and forth on his length, your juices dripping down and coating the inside of your joined thighs.
“Oh, fuuuuuuuck, so good, s-so fucking good…”
You know what, he was right.
It was so fucking good.
You savored it, the ecstasy that seemed endless and overwhelming, squeezing Jungkook between your thighs and moaning, just something about it, so satisfying and gratifying listening to his wheezing gasps and content whimpers, lowering yourself to his face, and he raised his, your hands sliding under his head, giving him what he wanted, light, maddening, carnal kisses, his cheeks, his chin, his quivering lips, whining your name, pleading with you to play with him more, more, tugging on his ponytail and his hands stroking your breasts, rolling your hard nipples between his index and thumb fingers, shaking at your hissing inhale.
“Hey,” you murmured, clenching him between your legs to get his attention.
Jungkook blinked at you, brown eyes unfocused, panting hard. “Y-Yeah?”
“You should apologize.”
The side of his swollen lips quirked upwards despite his fucked-out state. His deep voice was slightly hoarse. “What for? Tell me and I will.”
You raised an eyebrow. “For your scheming and using my own best friend against me.”
Jungkook smirked slyly.
“I’m sorry.”
He lifted you and made sure he had the condom before he pulled out, still semi-hard. You narrowed your eyes. He sure as hell didn’t sound sorry. Didn’t look sorry either, peeling the condom off and crawling over the bed to toss it in the trash before straightening.
“Sounding insincere there,” you remarked coolly, balancing your chin on the back of your knuckles, elbow on the bed, tapping the air impatiently.
“I mean it,” he purred, reaching for the towel beside the bed and knocking the condoms from his nightstand to the sheets. His right hand wrapped around his glistening length, still covered in lube and his cum, toned hips thrusting into his closed fist, grinning with his lower lip between his teeth as you watched him.
“I’m so, so sorry.”
Slowly jacking himself off as his eyes roamed over your curves, moaning lustfully, lingering on your legs, clutching the towel in his left hand so hard his knuckles were pale, forearms flexed, the slick head of his cock turning purple-red, emerging from between his closed fingers, throbbing as it was choked by his harsh grip.
“Let me make it up to you,” Jungkook shuddered, stroking faster, making wet squelching sounds, his muscular thighs bulging with effort.
Fuck, he was so damn attractive.
You kept an indifferent look on your face, raising your leg, your free hand sliding down, tracing the outside of your already wet opening. Those hungry dark brown orbs immediately fixated on it, moaning imploringly as you dipped your fingers in it, soft squishing noises as you spread open your soaked pussy, slipping a finger in your heat, gently thrusting.
He gasped your name, begging you.
It made you wetter, seeing his want. He knew it too, brutally fisting his cock, hips quivering.
Jungkook whined despairingly, pulling his hand away, his stiff cock bouncing from the swiftness of the movement, cutting off his own orgasm. He sucked in a shivering breath, tipping his hips up to you so his glossy, hard length twitched.
You shifted, laying back against his pillows, opening your legs.
Smirk on your lips.
“Mmm, fuck, yes, fuck me with that.”
Jungkook smirked back.
It took him no time at all to wipe his hand and crotch off, ripping open another condom and moaning as he rolled it down, the mere contact of the thin encasement stimulating his sensitive skin. He slid up to you, gripping your knees and spreading you even wider, pressing the tip against your drenched heat.
He whispered your name, like sweet smoke.
Jungkook leaned down, kissing you deeply as he sank into you, drinking in your gasp at the fullness.
“I’m going to make you feel so, so good,” he mumbled into your lips, pecking you softly.
He was about to retreat but your hands snapped up, tangling into his messy violet waves, clutching his ponytail. Jungkook blinked at you, questioning.
“Not too far away,” you said with a playful smile. “I wanna see that handsome face of yours.”
He bit his lower lip, tiny mole and wicked grin revealing themselves.
He lifted his hips and plunged fully into you, the connection of your hips making a loud, wet smack.
“Fuck, Jungkook…!”
And you could tell from his elated expression and his furious pace that he was ecstatic at your response, chasing it, chasing you, moaning as you caught him between your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist, gaining some leverage and meeting his thrusts, fingers tightening in his soft hair, fuck, so beautiful, the way the pleasure overtook his handsome features, his hazy dark brown orbs shrouded in lust, his pink lip trembling in his teeth, sharp jaw set, but still maintaining a little bit of that cunning exterior that ensnared you in the first place, unknowingly at the time, the side of his lips ticking up, this cheeky bastard.
Jungkook saw the way you looked at him.
He adjusted the position, hitting deeper, swelling inside you, and, fuck, you couldn’t help it, you smirked too because he was so, so full of himself and so were you, insufferable, troublesome, competitive even now, the obscene smack of his crotch hitting your hips, wet and noisy, the squish of your juices smearing against his inner thighs as you wildly matched his rapid, bruising rhythm, your moans blending together, sweet hot harmony, his bedframe ramming against the wall, and, as usual, neither of you caring, far to occupied with yourselves, pleasure snaking between you, up your spine and into your head, mixing with the light buzz of alcohol, a different kind of euphoria from every other one-night stand, because this was Jeon Jungkook and he wasn’t going to be a one-night stand.
His lower lip popped out of his teeth and he gasped your name.
Longingly, breathlessly.
Was he thinking the same thing?
You lifted yourself a little, your hands molded to his head, whispering intensely against his shaking lips.
“Don’t worry, Jungkook. We have all night and the morning.”
Fuck, he had a brilliant smile.
It was actually doomed for you, but you weren’t mad about it.
Eye contact, and he didn’t waver, thrusting deep into you, low moan pulled from his chest, jolting shudders sliding down his shoulders and then in between you and him, his cock twitching and spilling into the condom again, roughly clamped by your tightness, and you were already there, falling over the edge with a soft cry, straining your neck and pushing his head down to you to collide your lips with his, greedy for his kiss, his taste, his whimpers at your forcefulness.
“Jungkook, ah…”
He said your name in the same tone, delicate and possessive, a bullseye right to the heart.
“On one hand, I’m glad you’re finally serious about someone.”
You paid absolutely no attention to the annoyed baritone voice of your best friend.
“On the other hand,” Kim Taehyung gritted out, smacking you in the shoulder blades as you crawled into Jeon Jungkook’s lap, kisses intensifying, a needy whine in his chest, his hands wrapping around your waist. “Really feeling like a third wheel, you two! Stop making out for one goddamn second!”
He threw up his hands as both of you pretended to be deaf.
interlude respect drabble — "how much did you see?" popcorn drabble — "who are they?"
part ii threesome, ft kth — got it bad
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troubatrain · 4 years
bad behavior - m. tkachuk
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a/n: i don’t know when i started writing consistently but here we are. this another part of this series i was super excited about writing because this song is what put the idea in my head to begin with. quick shout out to @hookingminor​, @tkafuckit​, & @davidpastrsnack​ for reading my work and validating it because i swear i would never finish without you guys sometimes. hope you guys like it!
as per usual i recommend listing to the song while you read!
part of my lovely little lonely series
warnings: smut
“...you tell me, you're insecure, but don't be, stay soft, but don't be gentle, it's altogether mental...” - Bad Behavior - The Maine
I’m not a distraction am I?
Of fucking course you are, Matthew thought, buttoning up his dress shirt while he looked at the fresh marks he bit in your back not even fifteen minutes ago. You were the biggest distraction, Matthew forgoing his pre-game nap just for extra time with you between the sheets. You were a mistake he couldn’t stop making, ignoring the constant pull in his chest whenever you left because you didn’t do anything more than what you gave him.
Really, it was probably karmic punishment for all the shitty things Matthew’s done in his life. The universe would drop his dream girl in front of him but as it turns out, she played the game better than him. It wasn’t like he didn’t get a warning from your best friend Ella who’d been dating Sam from what seemed like the dawn of time. You were a heartbreaker, it was just how it was and that was how it’s going to be. Matthew ignored Ella, taking you home without a second thought because that’s what he wanted too. No Strings Attached. Turns out, he was in over his head when you left one night and the other side of Matthew’s bed felt cold for the first time in his life.
“You’re not a distraction pretty girl,” Matthew nods, curls bouncing against his forehead while he admires you from the otherside of his bedroom, “Are you coming tonight?”
“Are you going to be on your worst behavior?” You ask, rolling out of bed to collect your clothes Matthew never seemed to toss in one place. That’s why you were different, every person in his life telling him to ease up in his game - except you. You loved watching Matthew get into it on the ice because after those games the sex was just better.
Matthew chuckles, watching you unhook your panties from the lamp in the corner of the room and frowning when you saw the tear he ripped in them, “I’ll be on my worst behavior if you’re coming home with me later.”
“Twice in one day is pushing your luck Matthew,” You sigh dramatically, fixing his collar and flattening his tie, “And exhausting for me quite honestly.”
“I’ll be easy,” Matthew suggests, fingers gently pushing a piece of hair from in front of your face. Your eyes flutter shut, enjoying the moment. This made it so hard to keep your distance, the fact that Matthew was more of a gentle giant than he led on most of the time. Sure, he could pull your hair back when he hit it from behind and he made the dirtiest jokes in crowded rooms, but when all was said and done - he was kind. Someone would be lucky to have him one day, but that someone just couldn’t be you.
“You’ve never gone easy on me ever,” You giggle, pressing a kiss against Matthew’s jaw, “Good luck.”
Matthew didn’t know why he was so nervous about a silly All Star game, but he was. Maybe it was because it was at home, or maybe Brady’s last minute addition had him reconsidering. Either way, he’d been pacing for the last hour and trying to decide if he should tell you to stay home. He couldn’t do that, as if he was going to deny himself the small sliver of happiness he got every time you decided you wanted to see him. You were in charge, and it changed the playing field for Matthew entirely. It wasn’t like it usually was, Matthew being the one who often found themselves hanging by the phone in hopes you’d call. You didn’t, so Matthew got his hopes up and told you to stop by before he left for St. Louis.
“Hey All Star,” You muse, sneaking inside and taking off your coat. Matthew stops his pacing, smiling to himself that you actually showed up when he asked. No answer to his text, because why would you bother to let him know you were on your way. That would be too easy, and you weren’t by any means easy.
Matthew opened his mouth to ask you how your day was, but shut it once he realized he’d never get an answer. The only things he knew about you were learned from Ella and Sam, not a single detail of anything that happened outside of the walls of Matthew’s apartment was ever mentioned to him by you. You knew tons about him, because he opened up to you so easily it was breaking his heart that you wouldn’t do the same. He wondered why he did this to himself, why he didn’t just find someone who was obsessed with him. He liked the chase, Matthew’s athletic intuitions pushing him to strive for the best prize he could find, and you’d be the best of them all if he could have you.
Instead Matthew did what he always does, he pressed his lips to yours and pushed you up against the door. His hands were on your waist, an ironclad grip as if you’d slip right through his hands if he didn’t stop you. You probably would have.
“What’s wrong?” You question, Matthew confused as to how you knew something was up. His eyebrows furrowed, head cocking to the side like a puppy who was trying to figure out what a new sound was. You laugh, a melodic giggle carrying through Matthew’s almost barren apartment, “Your hands are right above my ass but you failed to touch it once, what’s up?”
“I’m, uh, nervous?” Matthew admits, his weaker parts of his brain succumbing to the pout on your lips. That pout could be what killed him. Matthew wasn’t dealing with it well, it being the newfound pressure he’d been feeling to be a top tier player. People expected him to turn it on for every game, and at first he loved it. Then he realized he no longer got the chance to slack off when all eyes were on him, Matthew had been internally crumbling ever since.
That wasn’t necessarily the only reason he’d been insecure lately. You weren’t helping, but you couldn’t be hurting him that much. Maybe you were. Matthew was trying really hard to be cool, but he was failing miserably. He got jealous more often than he liked to admit, and he was a liar if he didn’t deep dive your Instagram to see if you were very clearly seeing someone else. He was gone a lot, and you didn’t owe him any sort of explanation and he knew that. He knew he respected you enough not to ask but he liked you enough to care, and it was eating him alive.
“Pressure’s a lot, I just don’t feel like, you know,” Matthew explains, fumbling over his words and waving his hands because he didn’t want to say it. His voice got lower, words mumbled together when he spoke, “I’m insecure.”
“Don’t be,” You shrug, a wide confident smile on your face. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little surprised by Matthew, because as far as you knew he was a big bad guy, or at least he thought he was. You thought it was all bullshit, but you did often think that kind of pressure couldn’t be healthy. Every fiber of your being told you to run, that this was getting too emotional and if you didn’t stop you were going to ruin him forever. You did it all the time, your heart wasn’t built for more than a night and you were just accepting it. If you weren’t going to be able to stop self destructing anyone who tries to connect to you emotionally besides your loved ones you protected so fiercely - then you were going to have fun.
Which is what you thought you were getting into. You took Matthew home with nothing but his reputation spinning around in your head that he was the perfect conquest. Then you fucked, and it was too good to give up. So you kept him at arms length, never giving into those damn eyes and his frown whenever you left after you had sex. It was better that way, for both of you really.
“That’s all you got for me?” Matthew asks, stifling a laugh at your simple answer. He was admitting to you something he’s never let another soul know but you simply just shrugged.
“Okay, how about this,” You take a deep breath, snaking your hands under his shirt and grazing your nails against his skin.
You’re Matthew fucking Tkachuk. Your lips pressed against his jaw, a smirk gracing his face. You don’t give a fuck who’s in your way, you’ll hit them. Your lips moved to his ear, whispering softly. You’re what Doughty’s nightmares are made of. Your hands slipped down, playing with the waistband on his boxers. And you can score with the best of them, on and off the ice. Matthew laughed at that one, a smug smile back on his face where it rightfully should be. You have nothing to worry about.
Both of Matthew’s large hands landed on your cheeks, calloused fingers rubbing against your skin and his lips on yours. He didn’t need to say anything, he’d show you just how badly he needed that. Matthew pushed you towards his bedroom, your back hitting the plush mattress. You tossed your hoodie off, Matthew losing his at the same time. You admired him, the way his muscles were defined in the moonlight from his windows. Matthew’s hands slid down your back, unclasping your bra with one hand and smirking to himself when it slid off. You stroked his ego for a reason, one that ran a chill up your spine while he pressed kisses down your body.
“You’re fucking sexy,” Matthew mutters into your skin, sliding off your leggings and eyes practically rolling to the back of his head when a pair of lacy red panties caught his attention. His finger slid underneath them, fingers slick from your core, “And wet too huh?”
“Do you plan on doing something about it or should I call someone else,” You tease, Matthew’s free hand gripped your thigh when you spoke, jealousy coursing through his veins. He finger pulled against your panties, a loud rip catching your attention, “Matthew!”
“Don’t joke like that then, I’ll take care of you just fine on my fucking own,” Matthew growls, lips ghosting your clit. You whimper, running a hair through Matthew’s hair. His tongue lapped at your pussy, trying to remind you just why you couldn’t shake him. He was competitive, and if he had to fight for his spot in your line up he’d do it. You were a mess, a string of curses falling through your lips and your moans echoing in the room.
“Matty, fuck,” You let out a cry, gripping his curls tightly. Matthew flicked your clit with his tongue, a gasp leaving your mouth. Matthew went to overdrive, his well skilled tongue moving quickly to send you over the edge. You grinded against his mouth, his hands holding down your waist so he could keep going while you came on his face. You finally push his head back, unable to take anymore.
Matthew crawls back up your body, capturing your lips with his and kicking off his boxers. You push him onto his back gently, a smug smile on his face and his hands landing behind his head, “A show?”
“Shut up,” You shake your head, letting out a laugh while you straddle Matthew. You pumped him a few times, lining his cock up with your pussy and easing yourself onto him.
“You look so good on top of me,” Matthew muses, a cocky tone to his voice. You grab the overgrown curls on the nape of his neck, rolling your hips against him and smirking when a groan left his lips, “My perfect fucking girl.”
Matthew’s hand smacked your ass while you rode him at your own speed. His free hand gripped your hip, speeding up your pace. Matthew loved being on top, a translation of his control that he desperately craved, but he let you do whatever you wanted. His hand snuck up your body, hand gently gripping your neck, “If you leave a mark this time Matthew-”
Matthew chuckles, remembering the borderline vicious threats you sent him the last time his grip got a little too tight and you didn’t realize until the next day. Matthew pulls you down to meet his lips, flipping you over onto your and back wrapping on your legs around his waist. His forehead pressed against yours, something you noticed he'd been doing more often lately, “Cum for me, fuck, c’mon.”
“Harder,” You nod, eager to chase your high and give him what you knew he wanted. He liked to get you off, the satisfaction of pleasing you did it for him, Matthew often bragging about how much a giver he really was. Your pussy fluttered around him, Matthew pulling his cock out and spilling onto your stomach. He looked down at you, completely fucked out with his cum on you like you were his. Your eyes were glassy, lips swollen from his while you caught your breath, “Shit.”
Matthew laughs lightly, walking into the en suite bathroom to get you a towel. He was always gentle afterwards, taking care of you after he absolutely wrecked you as if it was going to remind you that maybe he deserved more than you were giving to anyone else. You tuck your head into Matthew’s pillow, sleep about to take over your body. You never stayed, your own little rule because you just knew if you let him hold you it would be over, “Just stay, you look tired pretty girl.”
Matthew’s voice was gentle, his finger running along your bareback lightly while he offered you a shirt in the other. He wanted you to stay so badly, “Matty-”
“My flight leaves in a few hours, it’s like a nap,” Matthew whispers, and you smile at his excuse for you to sleepover. You nod, sitting up and tossing on whatever gray t-shirt he’d given you. You didn’t know, but it was his favorite shirt in the world, the fabric soft like a tee that had been well loved.
Matthew was supposed to have woken you up before he left, dropping you off at your place before he headed to the airport to go home. He was going to, he swore he really was, but when he was leaving you looked so damn cute snoring away in his favorite shirt. So he left you a note, telling you to lock up before you left and that he’d see you the day he got back. You woke up peacefully, the light shining through the floor to ceiling windows in Matthew’s apartment and rolling your eyes at his note. You grab your phone, smiling when you notice he left it charging for you. 
You told me it was a nap.
Maybe you shouldn’t look so cute when you sleep then.
You roll over screaming in the pillow because you were going to ruin him.
Matthew had enough of the waiting game.
It's been nine days since that night and Matthew was losing his fucking mind. He was playing like absolute garbage, his name off the scoresheet since the All Star break. Matthew was lashing out left and right, both against the opposition and his own friends when they grew concerned. He thought about moving on, even calling up an old fling. That didn’t end well, Matthew moaning your name by accident in bed and then she left almost immediately after. He was frustrated with himself for getting this invested, but you were intoxicating. Matthew left the Saddledome after another shit game and drove to your place, with the intent that you were either going to hear him out or he was going to have to cut you out of his life.
“Hi?” You were confused when you saw him on the other side of the door, you leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. You were already pressed, wondering what Matthew thought he was doing banging on your apartment door. He looked pissed, bags under his eyes like he hasn’t slept in days and you were already rolling your eyes at the tweets about him being a bust.
“I can’t do this shit anymore,” Matthew steps inside, stomping into your space and gritting his words, “You have this hold on me, and I know I told you I could be cool about this but I can’t be. I’m fucking jealous of every other dude you could be with and I think about it all the time-”
“And I’m a heartless bitch,” You hiss, every wall you had just got taller. Your words could cut like a knife, and you were ready to let Matthew have it, “I’ve heard it from everyone, I ruin people Matthew, save me the argument.”
“You’re not going to ruin me, I know you, fuck,” Matthew steps forward, every bit of anger in his body disappearing when he saw the way you lip was starting to quiver. His voice got lower, his thumb running along your jaw, “I know you think you bring out the worst in me, but you bring out my best too.”
“I’m going to hurt you, I always do,” You whisper, averting your eyes down so you didn’t have to look at him.
“Then hurt me later,” Matthew took this as his turn to shrug, try and take a page in your book and be a little nonchalant, “For now, could we just try this out? No games, no one else, just us.”
“This is bad for you Matthew,” You give him one more warning, pulling him closer to you and tugging on the curls at the nape of his neck.
“Be bad for me then,” Matthew groans, grabbing a handful of your ass and pressing a kiss to your lips.
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sxdmoonchxld · 4 years
Proven Wrong | KTH
Tumblr media
Taehyung x reader
Words: 4k+
Genre: smut
Warnings: Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Fingerfucking, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Begging, Multiple Orgasms, Very Big Dick Tae, Like Scary Big, Like Gut Splitting Big, Unrealistic Sex, Belly Bulge, Bad Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex, Gets A Little Dubious Consent Towards The End
Summary: You call his dick small. He proves that it’s not, by wrecking your pussy ;)
a/n: again i use to be lizardsocial. this was my most popular story on here so im bringing it back as well. i think you can find the original one on here somewhere. i don’t expect it to get half as many notes it did the first time but thas okai. i’ve edited kinda heavily so it's a little different from the original. its filthier. anywhos. Enjoy!
Loud music blasted throughout your apartment, the rumbling bass from the speakers reverberated through your bedroom walls. Pictures and posters rippled with each vibration, struggling to retain their original position. You groaned in annoyance, you honestly thought your request was quite simple. Just a couple of hours. 120 minutes of quietness was all you asked for so that you could study for your upcoming calculus test. He knew how important this exam was to you. He evened 'pinky promise, cross your heart hope to die'. That he would give you the silence needed to stay focused. And everyone knew you don't break a pinky promise.
Even now in your annoyance, his voice still played on a constant loop in your head.
"Oh! Yea ___, not a problem. I can keep it quiet for you. So don't you worry a hair on your pretty little head!" Taehyung had said, waving his hand in the air feigning nonchalance.
That cute signature boxy smile of his planted face. You actually thought that for once he would keep his word, and you could get some precious studying time, but no. The tiny 2-bedroom shared apartment was full of heavy jazz music and high-pitched shrieking from what sounded like a cat being skinned alive. Who even listens to jazz music when trying to fuck?
The last thread of patience had now been pulled too thin and finally snapped. Your desire to study was gone with the wind, and in its place, irritability and wrath began to take root. You slammed your laptop closed and threw it to the end of the bed along with your papers and textbook. Jumping out of bed, you stomped your way out of the bedroom, eyes searching frantically for your target.
"Taehyung!" You yelled once you began to process the scene that was in front of you. The living room was in shambles, Taehyung's phone was hooked up to the speaker, the volume loud enough you swore angels in heaven could hear. An empty soda bottle, chip bags and clothes littered the floor. Don't even get you started on the couch pillows! Your one of a kind thrift finds were strewn all over the place. You felt your blood pressure rising, the vein at your temple fattening in rage and pulsing wildly. Your jaw threatening to ache from how hard you were grinding your teeth out of anger.
Your eyes investigated the vicinity for Taehyung and low and behold there he was on the now bare couch. Lying underneath him was the source of the vexatious screeches. He was dry humping on some random chick with his mouth fiercely attached to her neck, deep purple bruises vivid from where you stood across the room. You rolled your eyes at the pair. You knew damn well Taehyung's thin lips and weak thrusts didn't call for all that useless screaming. 
You stomped over to the speaker, your sock padded feet slapping against the hardwood floor, and yanked the cord from the wall. Already the apartment was halfway quiet except for the banshee that was still squawking her head off.
"Hey! Shut the fuck up with all that noise!" You roared, scaring the girl and finally bringing their attention to your heated figure. Taehyung separated his lips from the girl's neck with a wet smack dislodging himself from between her spread thighs.
"Y/n, so nice of you to join us. How is studying going?" Taehyung spoke with a grin plastered on his handsome face. You resisted the urge to reach out and slap it off. He knew that you couldn't or anybody for a fact, could study with all the noise that was just previously filling the confines of the apartment. Yet here he was playing with the smidge of patience you had left by trying to simulate naiveté.
"All I asked was for you to be silent so that I could study for my upcoming test, and you said that you would. But instead, I am interrupted by your noisy ass music. Jazz music at that and this bitch here screaming at the top of her lungs!" You growled out between clenched teeth. The female gasped at your words embarrassment transforming her features, while Taehyung sat there with a blank look on his face, apparently unamused with your little rant.
"Oh my! Please excuse my rude roommate Mino. Obviously, her parents forgot to teach her basic manners. Let me walk you to the door." Taehyung spoke his fluffy curls swaying with the shakes of his head. A look of disappointment aimed your way as he began helping her gather her things and walking her to the front door.
"Umm, actually my name is Mina." She corrected Taehyung, but you could see it on his face that he could care less about the girl's name. Taehyung looked at her for a few seconds, as if he was processing the correct information of the girl's name.
"Yeah. Mona, that's what I said, isn't it?" Taehyung deadpanned, pushing her through the front door. Mina huffed at the fact that Taehyung continued to get her name wrong. You observed the pitiful interaction as you began to clean up the mess they made. You could tell from the look in Mina's eyes that she wanted more with Taehyung, but you knew that would never happen. Taehyung was a manwhore, a fuckboy, man thot, whatever the preferred term was. He had a new girl every night, and if he did try the whole "relationship smorgasbord" as he called it. The relationship usually didn't last for more than a week, before he was on to his next conquest.
"Tae?" You questioned meekly.
"Hmm?" He hummed head-turning slightly in your direction.
"Why do you do these things to me." You were genuinely curious as to why he made it his mission to push your every button. This wasn't the first time his action has hindered you from completing an important task. You just didn't understand why he chose to make your life more complicated than it already was.
"Awe is little __ j-jealous?" Taehyung taunted in a high-pitched voice used to entertain babies or puppies.
"Huh?!" You gasped choking on your saliva.  Shit, you almost gave yourself whiplash with how fast you swung your neck to make full eye contact.
"Did you wish that was you, I was grinding on?" Taehyung continued to taunt as he walked into the kitchen to rinse his mouth out with water. That Mina girl had put way too much perfume on her neck. Now he was left with a sour aftertaste in his mouth. It tasted cheap, and Taehyung didn't do cheap.
If he was sincere with himself, he did wish it was you he was giving all his attention instead of these random girls. He considered you cute and innocent, with an air of sexiness. That he was pretty sure you weren't conscious of. In all actuality, Taehyung was smitten with you from the first time he saw when you came to ask about the roommate needed sign he had posted. The cute little freshman with a quirky personality and full of ambition. Those first 10 minutes of meeting you had him sprung like no other.  You were way different from the usual girls he was used to. Which shouldn't be much of a surprise since most just wanted to fuck, have money spent on them. Oh! Of course, the bragging rights, that they actually got to fuck THE Kim Taehyung.
Don't get him wrong, there had been a countless amount of times he had tried to gain your attention. But you were too busy holed up in your room with your pretty little head stuck in a book to give him the time of day. So instead Taehyung reverted back to his middle school ways and chose to torment and irritating you as a way to receive some type of reaction from you. He would take whatever he could get, he was becoming that desperate.
"What exactly did I have to be jealous of? You do know she was faking it right? I didn't think you to be so naive Tae, because you and I both know that them thin ass lips-" You stopped to point at the box that made up his mouth. "And that speck in your pants that you call a dick can't make anyone scream." You declared assuredly, moving your pointer finger down to his crotch. Pride and confidence swelled in your chest at the insult thrown at him. 'Good one __'
Taehyung spat out the water he was swishing around in his mouth and whipped his head in your direction. Did you just stand there and try to insult his manhood? Nah, clearly his hearing had to be a little off, right?
"Excuse me, what did you just say? My ears must be failing me." Taehyung said wiping the stray droplets of water from his mouth, sticking a finger in his ear to loosen the imaginary earwax there. Amused, he sauntered towards you, a ghost of a smirk rising on his face.
"You heard me, Mr.Kim. Your micropenis couldn't pleasure anything but your hand if even that." You said backing up, as he prowled closer to you, his shoulder in a tense bunch raised close to his ears. Any amusement his face could have held was gone, in its place was a dark, unreadable expression. His mouth fixed in a firm line, and the tip of his ears blossomed red. Flames of anger and lust flashing in his chocolate eyes.
"My sweet __, nothing about me is little. I can guarantee that." Taehyung growled out, his already deep voice deepened in tone. You scoffed trying to portray indifference but continued backing away from his advancing until your back made contact with the wall. Shit.
Taehyung placed his hands beside your head, caging you in. Your eyes fluttered softly as you breathe in his rich cologne encased your senses, dark, woodsy with just a hit of a floral note. His eyes roamed your face, taking in your features before settling on your lips. You self-consciously licked them before tucking them between your teeth. Taehyung leaned his face closer to yours.
"Such a pretty little mouth you have. Has anyone told you how troublesome it could be though?" Taehyung questioned, his thumb on his left coming up to your upper lip.
You could feel your heart beating against your ribcage, feel your cheeks heat up, and dare you say; a gush of wetness in the seat of your boy shorts.  The sexual tension was too powerful for your weak defences. Against your better judgment, you let your eyes flutter closed, and lips pucker expectantly anticipating the moment his lips would meet yours. Except Taehyung had other plans.
He shifted his head to the right, placing a gentle kiss on the lobe of your ear. Slowly moving his lips up to the outer shell of your ear.
You couldn't help the surprised moan that left your mouth as you unconsciously tilted your head back, offering your neck to his probing advances.
"Would you like me to prove you wrong?" Taehyung challenged in a whisper. His deep voice sending shocks of pleasure zinging down your spine. He trailed his lips down your neck, pressing gentle kisses against the surface. You had to choke back the moan that threatened to escape you at the feeling of his soft lips on your neck.
"N-no, Taehyung." You panted breathlessly.
"I don't feel like finding my glasses to look at something too small for the naked eye to see." You spoke, resolute on getting in one last insult. Taehyung pulled his face away from your neck, growling at your words.
"Haha, hilarious." He laughed humorously.
He pulled your body away from the wall, hoisted you up over his shoulder with a small grunt, and made his way to his bedroom. Kicking the door open before unceremoniously throwing you on his plush king-sized bed. 'Not good'.
Taehyung stood at the edge of the bed staring at you with unadulterated lust clouding his eyes. His chest heaved heavily with anger or arousal, you weren't sure. But based on the sizable tent in his pants, you could guess the latter.
"Taehyung! I already told you I don't want to see your baby-." You started but was cut off by Taehyung grabbing your ankles and pulling you roughly to the edge of the bed, pouncing on you. His lips met yours in a kiss that stole your breath away. The kiss was sensual and firm, but you could tell he was holding back.
Taehyung snaked his hand up your body, and into your hair, giving it a sharp tug. You gasped at the slight pain giving him a clear path to ease his tongue into your mouth, coiling itself around your own, deepening the kiss further. He thoroughly explored your mouth not leaving one surfaced untouched by his tongue, greedily swallowing your needy moans. Fuck he tasted good. Like oranges and burnt sugar.
Taehyung detached from your mouth to remove his shirt and to help you remove your tank top as-well. Your nipples pebbling from the chilly air and arousal. His eyes studied your body, you wanted so badly to shield yourself away from his unwavering stare.
"You're so beautiful. I've waited so long for this." Taehyung whispered before attacking your throat with kisses. You whined out in pleasure, your hips bucking up with every love bite he delivered, your body was aching in need for more.
"Tae. P-please more. G-give me m-more." You keened in between pants of air.
Your hips now undulated in tiny circles as Taehyung trailed his kisses down your neck, to your breast. He sucked and bit the soft skin around your nipple lightly. Soon his tongue gently wrapped around your nipple, sucking it into his warm mouth, while his hand teased the other breast, kneading and pinching your nipple. Your moans were increasing in volume, at his assault.
Your legs widened on their own accord, making more room for Taehyung. Your pussy was weeping profusely. The boy shorts you were wearing were thoroughly drenched, and with each movement of your hips, your arousal perfumed the air. Releasing your nipple, he continued his way down your chest, moving his lips across your stomach. Down, down he goes until he's kissing you down to where your torso joins your pelvis. He trained his eyes on you, eager to see your reaction as he pulled your boy shorts off from your body with a wet smack.
"Tell me what you want love. Use your big girl voice for me." Taehyung cooed in a provoking tone. You would have told him to fuck off if it wasn't for his mouth hovering right over your clenching core, his hot breath attacking your pussy lips.
"Cat got your tongue? You sure did have a lot of things to say earlier." Taehyung teased once more. You moaned with each word he said, your hips thrusting upwards, hoping to find his mouth.
"Please! Just touch my pussy, lick it, do something! Stop teasing me!" You urged, bringing your hands up to stimulate your breast, you didn't know how much more teasing you could take. You could feel your essence seeping between your ass cheeks and coating the bed. The dull ache in your stomach was intensifying, and he had barely touched you.
"Mmm, well since you begged nicely." Taehyung replied, wasting no time in attacking your pussy. His broad tongue licked wide strips up against your pussy. Splitting your lips with the appendage with each pass to dip his tongue into your pulsating hole. Your hands found his soft brown hair as your back arched off the bed, pushing your cunt deeper into his face.
"Y-yeahfuck! Like that it's so good!" You whined slurring your words.
Taehyung shifted his probing muscle's attention to your clit, attacking it with kitten licks. You shouted loudly, as your thighs were beginning to shake. The coil in your stomach tightening almost painfully. He wrapped his strong arms around your thighs, your knees were hitched higher up almost touching your chest in this position.
But this way, he had much more leverage to devour you. The comforter on his bed bunching uncomfortably beneath your ass but at this moment you gave zero fucks. Taehyung had total control now, showing no remorse as your upper body thrashed about on the bed. Your hands were no longer able to reach his hair, so you opted for your own instead, pulling harshly on your roots.
"Fuck, Taehyung!" You wailed shrilly. Taehyung chuckled at the sounds you were making, remembering your words from earlier he couldn't wait to hear what you sounded like taking his dick.
He then rubbed two thick fingers in the abundance of fluids that your pussy was producing and gently eased them into your tight core.
"Not only is baby girl surprisingly noisy, but she's also pretty tight too." You clenched even more around his fingers, your wall throbbing wildly around them.  
"I can't wait to feel you around my dick." Taehyung moaned sucking your clit into his mouth, delivering hard sucks as his fingers pumped into you at a moderate speed. Sadly, the introduction of his fingers was your undoing. You couldn't help as your legs stuck straight in the air. Body arching off the bed and bowed forward as your orgasm hit you like a freight train knocking the wind from your lungs.
Your eyes were shut tightly, and your mouth hung open in a silent scream as your body convulsed from the intensity of your orgasm. Taehyung had a hard time holding you down but continued his assault on your creaming pussy. He slurped as much of your cream as he could, absolutely addicted to the way you tasted.
"T-Tae, stop-p." You called out to him pathetically. Your intense orgasm had passed, but he was still thrusting shallowly inside your tight core, lapping at your clit. The oversensitivity was becoming too much, as you struggled to wiggle away from him. Taehyung withdrew his fingers and ceased his licking with one last kiss on your clit, making you flinch at the contact.
Taehyung beheld your fucked out appearance with pride. Your legs splayed open, displaying your spasming cunt. The way your chest was swiftly rising and falling as you struggled to catch your breath. Your hair stood up in every direction from your previous pulling, body trembling with aftershocks, and all he did was eat you out and finger you.
"Wow." You mumbled your eyes closing, sleep trying to claim you.
"Oh, nonono. I'm not done with you yet." Taehyung proclaimed, flipping you onto your stomach. He had to admit he was the hardest he had ever been in his life. His pants were now unbearably tight, and a wet spot at the crotch of his pants started to become visible. Taehyung tugged the offending material off hissing as his massive erection made contact with the air, free from being confined. You lifted yourself with jelly arms onto your knees, wanting to see what the commotion was behind you.
You choked on your spit for the second time today, as your eyes made contact with the angry red monster Taehyung called his cock. Not only was he unbelievably thick; a little bigger than your wrist, but he was also long. In his hands was the living definition of a third leg. He was crazy if he actually thought that would fit inside of you?
"Fuck that shit!" You cursed trying to scramble to the headboard of the bed, but Taehyung halted your escape, grabbing your ankles and yanking you back.
He would have laughed at your reaction, but he was too turned on, there was so much blood rushing to his cock he felt lightheaded. He wasted no time in putting you back in your previous position. Pulling your ass up so that it was sticking in the air and your torso was lying flat on the bed, his hands gripping your hips hard enough to bruise.
"Tae! Wait...you can't be serious!" You tried pleading with him terrified that thing he called his dick was going to tear you apart.
"Not so little am I baby?" He snickered
Don't worry, you can take it I'll go slow." Taehyung groaned his voice strained, his arousal was beginning to take a toll on him. Taehyung grabbed his shaft and brought the bulbous tip of his cock to rub against your clit. You mewled with pleasure, his tip was hot and the pre-come he was leaking added to the sensation of relaxing and reigniting your body.
Taehyung continued to stroke his tip along your clit thoroughly coating it with your thick fluids. He placed the thick head at your entrance, your juices helping him to slide in. He watched in amazement as your leftover cum gather around the head of his cock in a coating out creamy white. Your body tensed up at the massive intrusion, your cunt pulsated wildly around him, drawing a deep groan from his throat.
"Baby relax, you're squeezing so tight." Taehyung moaned out affected by your spasming core. He reached his hand underneath your body and strummed at your clit once again, coxing you to relax.
Taehyung took your distraction as his cue to shove the offending length inside your prone pussy. You squealed at the sudden fullness and intense burning. Bucking your hips, trying to dislodge him. It was too much to take, especially at this position. Your pussy was going to rip in half.
"B-bi-iig-g. To-o mu-ch." You whined out stuttering horribly.
Taehyung gripped your hips harder to stop your fitful twisting and bucking. He felt as though he was about to explode you were so damn tight and wet, your bucking didn't help his case any either. He didn't wait this long to finish early. He refused to be a one pump chump. Taehyung reached his hand back underneath your body to locate your clit, rubbing it in firm tight circles, to help relax you, and sure enough; like magic, after you adjusted to his massive size, your body was suddenly filled with mind-numbing pleasure. Your whimpers turned into loud groans as you threw your hips back onto Taehyung, giving him the okay to start moving.
"Hell yeah. That's it, baby girl work this tight little cunt on my cock." He grunts before he withdrew his length and slammed back in, his dick splitting your sensitive walls, hitting every spot inside your clenching cunt. His strokes were fast, broad, and powerful, never had you felt so full in your life. Your mouth was gaped open, as shrieks of pleasure fell from your jaws, drool dripped from your lips, and dots blurred your vision. You could feel him in your guts, branding himself inside you. The coil in your stomach was quickly tightening, ready to release what was no doubt, going to be the most intense orgasm your body was about to experience. Taehyung could feel your core tightening up further, your tight little pussy was far better than he could have expected, he wanted to punch himself for waiting this long to indulge in you.
"You're taking this big cock so well, baby. Such a good girl." Taehyung growled.
"But I have a secret to tell you." You shivered as he stopped mid-stroke. You felt the warmth and damp skin of his torso drape over your back. Like pudding in his hands. You didn't even flinch as he brought his large callused hands up through the part in your breast to wrap around your throat.
Ever so slightly he squeezed the sides of your neck, you felt him throb in your stomach as you clenched even tighter around him at the action. Slowly he lifted your head up with his hand still on your neck. Again he squeezed. Bringing his lips down to your ear, he said, "Would you believe me if I said you're only taking half of me in."
The way your jaw dropped and your eyes bugged out of your head would have been comical. If you weren't genuinely terrified, that is.
"O-nly half! That's impossible I swear your touch my small intestine already." You tried to look back to see if he was lying or not, but he tightened his hold on your neck, forcing your head back to look up at him. Your body was now bowed in an almost perfect 'C' shape. You felt his other hand snake around your abdomen and press on the bulge that was his cock poking through your stomach. Again he throbbed in excitement.
"You were talking such a big game earlier baby girl, what happened? Surely you could all of a dick that's as little as mine. Right?" Taehyung scolded in your ear.
Little by little, he began pulling you more on his cock by your neck. And fuck he really wasn't lying he really had more length to feed your cunt.
"Ta-ae, pleaseplease n-o more-e, I can't take it m-my stomach hurts." You whined
"Hmm? But you're so close to taking all of me in. Just a few more inches, and I'll be all in." He responded.
Not wasting any more time he released your neck, and before you could fall down to the bed. He locked his fingers in your hair and firmly yanked, lifting you off the mattress, and into his arms, allowing himself the rest of the way in.
You screamed out as his hips met your ass with a wet smack. The increase in pressure coupled with the new position broke the levee to your release. You trembled uncontrollably as your orgasm started from your toes. Quickly spreading to your arms and head before finally spreading throughout your whole body, you were rendered speechless as your orgasm claimed you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as a burst of white light flashed behind your eyes, incoherent sounds of what was supposed to be Taehyung's name filled the space around you.
Through it all Taehyung continued to fuck into you almost violently, allowing your cores convulsions to wash over him. His body dripped with sweat as he briefly picked up his speed, his hips beginning to stutter. He held your thrashing body close to his as delivered his last couple of thrusts before moaning loudly and exploding his hot seed inside of your wrecked cunt.
You both fell breathlessly on the mattress, sweat polishing your skin, exhaustion quickly making its way to claim you. Taehyung pulled slowly out of your battered and swollen pussy. On wobbly legs, walked to the restroom to get a washcloth to clean the mess that was between your thighs. You moaned at the textured touch of the cloth and the dampness of it soothing the hot burn from your pussy.
Your whole body was numb, and you were utterly worn out, so much so, that when Taehyung pulled you into his arms, you didn't even argue.
In the morning you will definitely be having a word with him. But for now, you let his racing heartbeat lull you to some much-needed sleep.
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sebbybooks · 3 years
Wreck My Daydream
Part Two
Sebastian Stan x Fanfiction
(n.) kissing with tongue
I’m already wet and Sebastian barely even touched me.
I hardly gave myself a moment to be ashamed or even stir in the crass words I was using even if I had only thought them. Like a diary I suppose there was no need to lie to myself considering it was one hundred percent true. I, Nellie Lennox, was unabashedly met with unending desires that washed away my trepidations that led up to this moment.
In its place I felt this newfound sense of possibilities that I wasn’t actually making an ass out of myself with my sudden confession of feelings for Sebastian. In my defense I didn’t just wake up one morning after having some epiphany as to why I wanted to be with him. The thought of us together made itself at home in the back of my mind.
Almost like a what if. . .
However, I couldn’t help but be terrified of all the ways it could go wrong. What if I had made things weird between us forcing us apart? Life would be a bitter existence if Sebastian wasn’t around in some capacity. For the longest time I tried to find him in different relationships. It is a messed up philosophy, but it almost worked. Whenever things would get too serious it nearly terrified me. I was their someday and they were my maybe. I owed this last relationship that is still so freshly cut more than that.
I owed myself that.
On the unique and rare chance I somehow got lost in a very realistic maladaptive daydream, I’m pretty certain Sebastian wants this too. Just thinking about what he had told me seconds ago made my heartbeat drum to a dizzy rhythm. Imagining myself getting fucked to the beat of it was a completely different type of sensation.
Retraining my focus on the now I could see it in Sebastian’s face all the wheels going around in his head. Confusion? Uncertainty? Regret?
“You don’t get to do that.” I tell him. I felt like I was going to climb out of my own skin if he left me suspended in the silence for a second longer. Sebastian tipped his face closer to mine, our lips gingerly brushing against each other. Perhaps he was feeling ambivalent in regards of his feelings for me? After all this was sprung on him in the middle of the night.
Sebastian shook his head as if he was at war with himself. “I want to.” His voice was strained and dangerously low, like something was causing him utter misery being this close, yet not knowing exactly when to pull away.
“Then why don’t you.” I dared him.
I was growing impatient with this slow burn we had somehow started. I wanted to play with this fire. If I got burned in the end by his touch then so be it. At least I would forever be marked with a reminder of knowing that I at least went after something I wanted with no apology. I wanted to see how far he was willingly to go.
Sebastian removed his hand from the security of being wrapped around me. I feigned a disappointed sigh at the lack of contact. My entire body must have been on autopilot , because I didn’t recognize the position I was in. I practically sat in his lap with one leg wrapped around him and the other one mindlessly dangling over the bed. Of course the mind reader that Sebastian was naturally grabbed ahold of the side of my thigh and wrapped it around his back.
It wasn’t like I was naive to sex or never had my fair share of romantic conquest. Regardless of my experiences I still felt like a gigantic ball of nerves. The way he stared down at me with a heated look in his eyes as if he wanted to posses every inch of me. Hell, I felt like I could come undone from that alone.
The hand that was planted on my back slowly drifted downward trailing the curve of my backside gripping my ass through my thinly silk hunter green shorts that matched the top. Earlier I had berated myself for wearing scantly clad pajamas to bed. Now I am thanking my lucky stars I opted out of the option of wearing a red Christmas onesie that had polar bears wearing scarfs around their necks. They were ones my mother insisted the whole family wear.
If I had I probably would not have been able to feel his erection that was restrained in his sweatpants. Trying to situate myself closer I rocked into him slightly, massaging myself on him. My ears didn’t miss the subtle groan Sebastian let out from the feel of my weight pressing further into him.
His silence wasn’t lost on me and he still hadn’t answered my question so I did it again. I wanted him to say something. My nervousness abated at this point. I twined my arms around his neck, grinding myself against him again and again. All the while Sebastian watched my every movement with a hint of a star struck look in his eyes. The feeling was certainly mutual I was even shocking myself at my behavior.
“Nellie,” Sebastian finally says, voice husky. He usually only ever calls me by my nickname so I was more than sure that he was not fully himself.
“I’m a big girl Sebastian I can handle whatever you need to say.” I tell him, holding in my breath.
“Alright,” he said with uncertainty. “You and me, this, it’s not a good idea.” His tone was barely audible and even more so he sounded hurt. Everything in me froze.
“And why is that?” I asked him more confused than ever. Suddenly feeling absolutely self conscious as I over analyzed every intimate word I just shared with him. I was even more horrified by the fact that I was dry humping my best friend.
He let out a darkly laugh. “It’s pretty damn obvious Nells.” Sebastian says rather ominously.
“...It’s not actually.” For someone that wants nothing out of this, Sebastian was holding on to me like an anchor and I on the other hand just wanted to get away and sink.
Admittedly, I was losing this game of tug a war. There was only so much I was willing to endure even I had my limits. “You’re giving me whiplash Sebastian .” I tell him honestly, “ I’m not like those other girls you go for that are satisfied with you just dangling yourself in front of them like a piece of cake that I can’t have. I meant what I said when I told you I didn’t say it just to hear you say the same.” My voice could only rise so high in pitch.
I definitely didn’t want to wake up the upstairs guest that would love nothing more than to recap this conversation over breakfast. Then like an unexpected bolt of lighting startling you from a distance, Sebastian kissed me.
I am a selfish bastard.
My mind fell quiet when I looked at her. I wanted to swim in the serenity and peacefulness that was this smart, vibrant, sexy, and uniqueness this woman possessed. I only wondered even in the darkness could Nellie see my eyes as plainly as I can see hers. If so could she see the shame reflecting in them? I could feel the nagging weight of my conscience siting on both of my shoulders, arguing back and forth over what I should and shouldn’t do. It was kind of ironic that the devil in my ear insisted that I give in to the angel in my lap.
God knows I waited for her and that I would keep waiting if I had to in this lifetime or the next. It was always going to be Nellie for me. I wanted to tell her all of this, but the longer I held on to this slice of heaven I was given during this random hour. I also knew that this moment was fleeting. I basked in the way she looked at me, the way she held on to me like I was an object of virtue. I also got a sample of what it would be like to lose her the second she began to slip away on her own accord. So, I did what any poor fool would do in my position. I kissed her.
It wasn’t exactly suave or how I imagined it would go. My mouth sort of crushed against her unmoving lips in a rushed and unskilled manner. Frankly, I wasn’t sure what I was doing, I certainly could do a hell of a lot better than this. An yet, it was still like I predicted it would be, filled with pure unadulterated pleasure. Nellie’s lips were sweet and warm, exactly how I imagined forbidden fruit to taste like.
A perfect mixture of firm and softness that drove me wild. She flattened her hands on my bare chest as if to brace herself. Nellie pushed herself away, but her face was still so close to me. She didn’t speak and neither could I. I forced myself to look up at her and hoped that she could see I would do everything in my power to earn her forgiveness. That it was a mistake I will make right somehow.
“Nell,” I let out an exasperated breath. “ I have a need for you that goes deeper than just lust and I know that it will never truly be sated. The killer thing is I’m already at risk of losing you before I even had you.”
Nellie stared hazily up at me.“You already have me.” She whispered, our lips still grazing. Those four simple words set off a firework in me. This time when I kissed her our mouths came together like we needed to feed off of each other’s oxygen in order to survive. I’d suffer if I didn’t have it.
My mouth was greedy for hers, and I could imagine she felt the same. The moment I felt her lips slightly part open to let me in, less than a second our tongues slid together in a torrid and sensually slow pace. We kissed like a couple of eager teenagers. My heart threatened to leap from my chest when the tip of Nell’s tongue moved across my bottom lip. She tastes like gingerbread , mixed with some other divine flavor that I can only assume is Nellie. She arched herself closer into my chest and I could feel the points of her hardened nipples through her top. I seized the opportunity to press her body close because I needed more.
I wanted to feel the heat of her soft skin on mine. She returned her arms back around my neck tightly holding me in place as she angled her head kissing me back with the same ferocity. Deeply, and oh so thoroughly by the way she sucked on my tongue. I had a rough grip on her ass keeping Nellie steady as she straddled me. I was so damn hard for her. If my dick could get even harder it was bound to. Nellie did that thing again where she grinds down on my erection and I cursed at myself to not combust. I grabbed ahold of her hips guiding her to move faster, harder.
I kept telling myself to savor her, fucking take my time with this moment. I couldn’t just rip those tiny little shorts off and sink myself into her over and over until we’ve both had enough. But even then I would always need more of her. I wasn't a sentimental man, with Nellie I at least wanted to try. I wanted my first night with Nell to be a little less spontaneous than this. It wasn’t like I came prepared for festivities filled with endless fucks. Plus the added fact I couldn’t let things get too carried away especially since she still didn’t know what I have done.
Yeah, I am a very selfish bastard.
I didn’t want this to end. I wanted my mouth to explore every single part of Nellie. I wanted the taste of her to live on my tongue. I wanted to go as far as she and my consciousness would allow me.
“I need to touch you.” I panted, between every nip and kiss I left on the delicate area of skin under her jaw.
“You’re already touching me.” She says with a soft laugh, which was a melody to my ears. I was but at the same time I wasn’t. I needed to rid Nellie of any barrier that prevented me from branding her skin with my touch.
“This…off.” I tug gently on the bottom of her tank top before returning my hands to rest on her thighs, caressing them as I sucked on her neck for dear life. Going back and forth between grazing her neck with my teeth then licking over the area to soothe any imprint I’ve left.
Nellie crisscrossed her arms reaching for the hem of her top gracefully pulling it over her head. She purposely fell backwards onto the mattress aiming her shirt at my face. For as long as I’ve known Nell she was never one to be shy in her own skin.
“Imagine how unsexy that would have been if I hit my head on the headboard.”
“As long as you didn’t hurt yourself I would have just pretended that I didn’t see a thing.” I teased.
“Ah, to think they wonder where all of the good men have gone.” Nell scrunched up her nose pretending to be lost in critical thought.
I cock my head to the side. “Mm-hmm. Are you mocking me?”
“What if I am?”Her plump wet lips spread into a smile.
It was miracle I caught a word of what she said to me. I swallowed a groan as my eyes drift over the area of her body that was naked from the waist up. Nellie was clearly a stolen painting from the Louvre that I had no intention of returning. All I could do was stare.
With her legs still draped around me, my hands slide up the curve of her torso passing her ribs. I sensed that she was watching me, but I didn’t dare take my eyes off of her just yet. The pads of my fingers traced over to her breast and my mouth practically watered at the sight of them. She was ethereal.
“Don’t suddenly go mute on me Sebastian.” She let out a shaky breath.
I’ve heard her say my name a thousand times. Hearing her say it in this state created a feeling of warmth that filled my chest. I could only begin to imagine the different ways I wanted to hear her call out my name. My gift, my best friend, my Nellie. Those last words had a sting to them even as I thought them. Deep down I knew that was never going to be true.
I eased all the way down my tongue traveling around the dip of her navel. Creating a path up the center of her abdomen. I knew that Nell was extremely ticklish. The slightest form of contact would automatically turn her into a ninja. From the way she was pressing herself back into the mattress I knew she was trying her hardest not to flee. Of course I found it rather enticing so I made sure to spend extra time over the areas of her exposed skin I knew to be the most sensitive. Brushing the tip of my nose between her breast my mouth finally latched on to what I’ve been waiting for.
“So fucking beautiful.” I say as I graze my mouth over the stiff peak of her nipple. I was in awe over the ability that they simultaneously could feel hard yet felt extremely soft. I dragged the tip of my tongue around the bud of it in a languid movement before sucking it in deep. I loved listening to the sounds she made while I sucked and devoured as much as I could fit into my mouth. I wanted to hear a symphony of the noises that escaped from Nellie.
Going for one after the other not wanting to miss out on either. Nellie kept a limp hand pressed into my hair keeping me close as if I dared to stop.
Writhing underneath me Nellie gasped,“Touch me.”
Now she understood what I meant. My own body felt betrayed by my decision. I literally ached from pain and pleasure. Truthfully I wouldn’t opt for a better scenario than this. I would be more than gratified with giving Nellie an orgasm or two.
Still leaving featherlight kisses across her chest. With one hand I reach down and brushed along the dip of Nellie’s hip, then began to tug away at her shorts. To my surprise she was bare underneath. This was a new and uncharted territory we were crossing.
Tell me to stop, say that this is just the wrong time, tell me we would never work. Those words never escaped me, the sound of the goddamn doorbell intervened for her. My movements hesitated then shortly I picked up on inaudible chattering out in the hall. Nellie turned her head in the direction towards the door which I hoped like hell was locked. “Maybe we should go see what’s going on.” Her eyes widened.
“Or we could stay here and not shame the fact that I was two seconds away from wrapping your legs around my face while I tasted the slickness between your thighs. ” Nellie released a ragged breath and I meant every word.
To my dissatisfaction we were composed in under three minutes. I felt a strange sense of comfort and pride seeing that ever so often I’d catch Nellie looking in my direction smiling like she had some big secret she was bursting to tell. Which only made me feel like an even bigger asshole. The walk downstairs was surprisingly noisy. Someone had plugged the Christmas tree back up and there was a chilly wind breaking in as the front door came to an immediate shut.
Nellie’s parents were both moving around in a fast pace trying to find new spots to put a couple of suitcases. I had to swallow down a chuckle at the sight of their bold choice of pajamas. Nellie had already beaten me to the bottom of the staircase just as I rounded the corner of the spiral stairs.
“Cousin!” Vanessa squealed rushing over towards Nellie, who excitedly embraced her the same. They exchanged a few excitable words to each other that I tuned out. I was busy focusing on the six foot son of a bitch with a puppy dog expression on his face standing awkwardly behind them.
“Now you know Nells Bells you can’t have Christmas without good ole St. Nicholas can you?” She winked at a stone faced Nellie who just looked straight ahead at her ex boyfriend Nick. “I hope it’s okay I brought him over with me. I saw him at the airport dozed off in a chair.” Vanessa whispered as she leaned into Nell, like she just earned a gold star. Soon as Vanessa’s wild dark brown eyes caught ahold me I knew my bubble was about to pop.
“Something told me I was off the naughty list this year.” Vanessa bit at her glossed up lips and made a beeline towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist. She smelled like an overtly sweet perfume that tortured my sinuses. “Did you forget how to work a phone or what? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for days. I miss you.” She cooed.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nellie watching the two of us. This was my punishment.
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