#she is one of like.. 10 people on my anime simp list :)
alexissara · 8 months
Probably The Top 10 Characters of 2023
It's time for the hardest top 10 list of the year, deciding who my top 10 characters of the year are. I am a very character focused writer and GM and that translates to my enjoyment of art too. I love characters and it's so hard to pick between the amazing swath of fantastic characters I read this year. Lowering the list down after eliminating stuff I had the list at like over 20 characters so getting this down to 10 was an exercise in self doubt. Of all of these lists this really is the list that I want to thin about next year and see what characters I am still thinking about in one years time. Unlike my other lists this is not even roughly in any order it simply is the 10 characters that at the moment I was writing this I managed to cut a list down to. My 45th character at this moment might be number 2 tomorrow and you can't see my 45th character, you can only see 10.
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Mary Satome [Kaguri Twins]
I watched this early in the year but Mary stuck with me. She's funny, she's clever, she is messy, she's an asshole, she's sweet, she's passionate and determined and I just want the best for her and her girlfriends. It's rare to see a woman be as messy as her and remain the main character but she gets to both be kinda noble and heroic while also clearly being self motivated.
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Prospera Mercury [gwitch]
Easily mother of the year, Prospera Mercury is a litness test for me on someone's taste and makes for an easy read on if someone will have utterly trash politics or not. If Prospera was a man she would probably be one of the most beloved characters in anime as a passionate loving mom who tries to teach her child hard lessons and is willing to do anything to give her child freedom and get her revenge. However, she is not a guy so from the start everyone suspected she was awful and abusive and terrible when the text never not even at the end supports it, she is mean to Sulleta exactly once and that is so she is not an accomplice to her crimes in case she ends up getting stopped.
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Tilty Claret  [MagiRevo]
My favorite "side" character of the year has to be Tilty, this little freak. Tilty is sweet, she's kind, she deserves a girlfriend, two girlfriends, she should be dating Anise and Euphy. She is funny, she's well used, she does great emotional support and understands Anise so well, I love her so much and I love how loyal and great she is to the people she loves. I love her sciencey freaky attitude too she's just great.
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Honey Trap [Super Women In Love]
Villain to Hero Honey Trap is utterly endearing. She starts as simply simping for Rapid Rabbit but it's fun to watch her evolve as a character and as a person over the course of the manga. She's sweet, endearing and brutal at all the right times. She's so gay and really funny, and she is really a perfect protagonist for this romantic comedy action yuri series. She's such a perfectly crafted character who can really command a range from serious threat to tragic damsel to Hero to gay little goof ball all while feeling like the same consistent character.
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Satya [Pink Sugar]
Satya comes in with an air of mystery but this trans lesbian swiftly shows how quickly someone can go from sexy mystery to beloved dork. Satya gets a lot of the most soft and sweet moments with her future girlfriends getting to be someone to listen to them, to ask questions as an outsider to the trio and to be the inciting incident to get them to go on their wild road trip to begin with. I am really curious where her story will go but it would be lying to say she hasn't already endeared herself to the top of my list despite being probably the least focused on girl of the quad so far.
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Shadowheart [BG3]
BG3 has a lot of good characters, great characters even and that is in spite of it being attached to one of the worst IPs around D&D. Shadowheart stood out to me among the many characters of a character who had queerness as part of her character done well despite being a player sexual character and I think she has the most dramatic character arc of the batch on her good path. Shadowheart starts as a catty Mormon girl and evolves into this kind heroic adventurer who you could see saving the world many more times.
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Adalia [En Garde!] 
While En Garde! might be a short 3 hour romp all three hours with Adalia are perfectly used. She's funny, charming, cute, and heroic. She's fitting a very classic archtype but is a spin on it by having it both be a woman but also be queer. These two factors do add to Adalia's charm, the gay side lets us see her enter dork mode where she is very gay for a sexy pirate woman and her animations change and she makes worse decisions then snap out of it when it's what needs to happen to help people. She's utterly lovely and a true delight.
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Nova [Spellastra]
While almost every character here has a bit of a silly side, I can appreciate a more dramatic character. Nova is a character covered in tragedies, of angst, of wanting to love but feeling unable, she's rough and prickly and messy and makes bad choices but they all make a lot of sense for where she is at in any given moment. Nova is at once the older mentor who knows what to do but also the love interest who's fucked up plenty of times and blames herself even more than she ever should. Nova's a testament to the depth and layers you can really give a character while having her be lovable and desirable and still fit in for more fun moments while having these hard edges.
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Jala [Thirsty Suitors]
Speaking of messy queers we have the disaster bisexual herself Jala. She's a character I really wanna dive deeper into because I think there is so much to Jala and the game does a pretty good job at leaving a lot of space for my brain to get cooking about why Jala is like this while also explaining a lot of why Jala is like this. Jala has hurt a lot of people, like most of the people in her life and her path to make it right with everyone is great. We get to see where other people fucked up, what complicated situations, where she grows and where she stands firm. Jala is a really perfectly envisioned character with a cast weaved so perfectly around her that every interaction is splendor to behold.
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Astra [Grand Slam Romance]
Astra's on a quest to fuck every woman on the planet and more power to her. Astra is kinda the villain of the first book but she's also the romantic lead which places her in an interesting position in the story where we see her at her worst, we get to understand how she got there and we are cheering for her to tone it down like 10%. I am fully biased in my love for her and I make no excuses for it. Astra is designed exactly like many of my OCs with a personality similar to a lot of my OCs, I love everything about her, I want her great success and I look forward to people telling me I ripped her off even if I made characters like her like 10 years ago and have a record of it. I love her and I just wanna see more of her.
If you want to help me enjoy more art then consider checking out my Patreon or Ko-fi .and giving me a little bit of cash so I can do more of this kind of writing but also like make lots of my own art, art is hard to make and costs money and like maintain my chronically ill and trans body also takes money so anything helps, thank you.
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ittlebitz · 9 months
10 QL People That I Want Carnally
I was tagged by @sunshinesanctuary
Thank you, bebe, this was fun! I know the original call is for 10, but I never saw a limit I didn't want to challenge. Whatever, whatever, I do what I want. So, in no particular order:
1. Inspector M - Manner of Death (Great Sapol)
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Look at him. LOOK. AT. HIM. Absolutely adorable and also hot as hell. He can slap those cuffs on me any time he pleases. If he stands still long enough I will most definitely climb him like a tree (and that goes double for Great himself tbh).
2. Jang Jaeyoung - Semantic Error (Park Seoham)
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Yeah, yeah, he's cocky and a bit of a slacker, but he is also smart, talented, and let's be real, a grade A simp. Don't get me started on that lip piercing...
3. Choi Jun - Jun & Jun (Ki Hyun Woo)
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Like, they gave me this man's bare back within the first 30 seconds of the first episode, was I not supposed to get thirsty?
4. Yi Phayak Chatdecha Chen - Naughty Babe (Max Kornthas)
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Ah, Hia Yi. Wealthy, handsome, super overprotective of his beloved. Bit of a control freak but not ashamed of giving up control in the bedroom. Love that for him (me).
5. Phaya - The Sign (Billy Patchanon)
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Look, I am a simple woman. I just want him to put his hand around my throat, pin me, and call me a good girl. I don't think that's asking for too much.
6. Patts - La Pluie (Pee Peerawich)
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My beloved. He was just so good, you know? He has a good job and loves animals. He dresses nicely and charms the parents. And then a total lover in between the sheets. Let the rain come down.
7. Payu - Love In The Air (Boss Chaikamon)
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I'm pretty sure this man was singularly responsible for the meltdown of several of my brain cells. His looks, his demeanor, his dominance, his *gestures vaguely* everything, you know?
8. Jeng Kittiphong - Step By Step (Man Trisanu)
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I know for a fact that I was not the only one who had their brain short circuit during this scene. I am willing to hold a towel for him and even help him wipe down after working out. I am also willing to work him out (wink wonk).
9. Fighter - Why R U (Zee Pruk)
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Oh my god but he was so cute. The hot guy everybody wanted who had no idea how to act when he had a crush on a pretty boy. You just KNOW he kisses like an absolute dream. Also, when he was crying during the breakup scene I was ready to fly to Thailand and start throwing hands, I don't even care.
10. Bai Zongyi - Kiseki: Dear To Me (Taro Lin)
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My guilty pleasure entry. Yes, I know he's a young'un and I should be ashamed but he has those giant yaoi paws (that scene where he is holding both of Zherui's hands with just one of his absolutely makes my teeth sweat) and obviously likes manhandling his crush/lover at any given opportunity. Plus he is a professional baker? Sign me UP.
11. Pisaeng- Be My Favorite (Gawin Caskey)
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This is a guy who will cherish you with everything he has and will be a romantic sap about it. (I knew Gawin would be on this list, I just had to determine which role I chose...honestly he could have been on here multiple times)
12. Maya - Laws of Attraction (Silvy Pavida)
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She can sing, she can dance, she can be a double agent performing espionage, and she is sooooooo hot it almost hurts to look at her. All I am saying is she can step on me and I will thank her profusely.
13. Neur - Cutie Pie (Tutor Koraphat)
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This man showed up fully intending to Cause Problems On Purpose and ended up simping for the quiet, shy, devout member of the friend group he inserted himself into, and we were all of us better for it. Satu. 🙏
14. Babe - Pit Babe (Pavel Phoom)
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He's the top (ha!) racer, an alpha, and also 100% babygirl. One smirk from him and I am on my knees. Don't worry about me, though, I'm doing just fine. (I will say that I never thought I would see omegaverse on my screen and yet here we are in this year of our lord)
15. Vegas Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche (Bible Wichapas)
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My problematic meow meow. He's a gangster. He's a killer. He's a sadist into whips, chains, and torture, not necessarily in that order. He's got a bit of a case of little brother syndrome. And I adore him, faults and all.
Aaaaannnddd okay! So, I could likely absolutely keep going, but I think I am going to tap out while I still have at least some dignity left after exposing myself as the thirsty bitch that I am. I've lost track of who all has already done this, so I am not tagging anyone in particular. If you decide to do this, tag me and let me know so we can thirst together!
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gray-soul · 2 years
What you should know about me
Hi I'm gray-soul, but you can call me: GrayS0, GrayS, Gray or if you know me from ao3, Szara Dusza, Szara.
Some people, like to call me Gummies, Gumiś, you can call me that too.
I'm Polish, go by she/her, and I'm a mess, genuine mess.
I write stuff on ao3, play the piano, sometimes post on my youtube, draw and check out, a ton of fandoms. (A skele-ton)
My ao3:
My youtube:
(New since I can't seem to recover the old one)
Don't be shy! I love to chat with strangers online.
My favorite artists are: Mateusz Dąbrowski (ExCharny), Comyet, Nyoomian and my friends of course.
Here's probably an incomplete list of the fandoms I've been/am in about which you can chat with me/ might make posts about eventually:
THE TRANSFORMERS!!!! (I hate the Bay movies though)
1984!!! (If it's a fandom)
THE SANDMAN!!!! (I hate the Netflix ver. I love the comics though)
Ace Attorney!!
ULTRAKILL!!!!!!! (Kinda shit at it but it's GOOD)
The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy
Sherlock Holmes (the book series)
Valorant for some reason (I play it, I basically bother everyone about it)
Same with Overwatch apperantly, (I know the lore, and a couple of characters edit: I just started playing it)
Borderlands (mostly Borderlands 2, a childhood game of mine, 10/10 would play again edit: got borderlands 3 and I am loving it)
TITANFALL |2!!!!!!! (a certain person got me addicted in fps games with lore)
Apex Legends!!!!
Mystic Messenger
Bendy and the inkmachine
MOB PSYCHO 100!!!!
Welcome To Night Vale!!
SPIDER-MAN (Spider-verse)
60 seconds
Big hero six
.... Countryhumans? (I like Countryballs more. I hate the fandom, but I like the illogical concept. Don't come after me.)
Sam and Max!!!!
Dsmp (I left it a long time ago)
Wander over Younder
One Piece!
Black Hat!!
Cult of the lamb
Ninjago (not really caught up with it though)
Buckshot Roulette
Dangaronpa (ehh not really in it now)
Fullmetal alchemist (I don't like brotherhood.)
Darkest Dungeon
Ms Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
The Stanley Parable!!!!
The Mandalorian? (Not the Starwars though, even though I know some stuff about it)
Camp camp
Creepypasta? (Long, long time ago)
Mystery Skull
SVTFOE basically my childhood
Soul Eater (anime)
SNK or AOT (anime)
Adventure time (currently rewatching)
Bee and Puppycat
Team fortress 2
Spyro (watched a gameplay once)
Swords and Sandals. (Idk If this game even had a fandom, but I am the fandom)
Dragon Ball? (I only watched one movie with my friend, simped for Gamma 1, and Piccolo for some reason, and kept saying that it's a jojo's refrence)
Mha. (Yeah, no. Do not talk to me about that one, I hate even remembering it.)
Had an animation meme phase
A lot of old rpg horror games made in game maker like IB
Also by: I'm in the fandom, I mean I have a ton of Pinterest boards for these, on which I add stuff regularly, and a ton of unposted fanfics/fanarts in my sketchbooks.
Note: I block everything that seems like a spam bot. Please, if you're a new user just reblog something or add some stuff on your blog.
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koneko-pi · 1 year
@thoughtfullyrainynightmare tagged meee for posting ten songs on shuffle from a playlist! I dont have spotify, tho, so I've shuffled my Likes list on Youtube Music! And it is a LONG LIST. With a LOT of different songs. I feel like I'm about to embarrass myself.
1. Blue Rose, by Somo
I did think this would be a good song for Yami and Charlotte. Of course, because of the title and a line "wishing on a four leaf clover". I like the soft beat it has and use this for some of my softer moments i want to write or draw.
2. What lovers do, by Maroon 5
This is from waaaay down on the playlist i dont remember any significance it may have held for me or my ships XD i think it was one of those songs I tend to brainrot to or just play, as with my ADHD I'm always thinking all the time about things and music tends to help me focus.
3. Mgno, by Russell Dickerson
This is one of my feel-good songs. One you play to just get the good vibes and energetic feel to your day! Brings to mind dancing people, bouncing, running, and just having a good time!
4. Mikazuki, by Sayuri
I don't exactly remember why I've had this song? The beat sounds nice, and I can imagine some nice scenes to it. But it must have been way down on the list because I really cant remember much. I must have likes it just for the beat.
5. Choice Scarf, by Signal
This is another song that's a bouncy feel-good tune. These are probably some of my favorites. I have quite a few with this similar theme with the vibrating beats and not many lyrics.
6. September-San, by Radwimps
This link isn't the original song but a cover version I liked more. It's softer and more "cute" sounding with the two girls singing. It is Japanese because I'm a huge nerd. I really like a lot of Radwimps music too, they have made things for a lot of Anime Movies you've maybe seen, one of their more well-known ones being "weathering with you."
7. Used To, by Damper (damperghost)
I really like future bass (‘-‘*) its a music genre I find a lot of music i enjoy. I use it for a lot of things like writing, drawing or just playing casually in the BG
8. Nonsense speaker, by Nekobolo
This is a song I have held onto for a long time, and the lyrics may be triggering for people, so PLEASE LISTEN WITH CAUTION. Heavy themes of depression and more. This is a cover by Lollia and is an english translation. It has similar themes to a song called "rolling girl" which some people may know, i know it was kind of famous in some circles. I use this song as a kind of "theme" (one of many) for my Bleach Oc Sakurana, who did not have a happy and loving upbringing, and it affected through her whole life.
9. Karano Kokoro, by Anly
This song is one of the two I've picked to be an ending theme for Silver Season if it was animated. And would specifically display images of Briar and what her life was like before everything had gone bad; so playing with her sisters when they were little, visiting The Lorelai when she had the chance, and seeing the other fairies and who they were before things took a turn for the worst. There is a short English cover by Liz Robinett if you really wanna appreciate the lyrics and how they play in who Briar is and her development with Nozel.
10. Beautiful, by Treasure
And of COURSE OF ONE MY FAVORITE BLACK CLOVER SONG'S HAD TO MAKE AN APPERANCE. This is one of the ending themes for Black Clovers anime, the 13th one, to be specific. Listening to it play while watching the ending or an AMV someone made to it easily makes me emotional. I am a huge simp and can be brought to tears with this song and Everlasting Shine by Tomorrow X Together. If you haven't seen either, please click the links. The animation is so nice.
Anyone else is free to share their own music shuffle adventures! I wont be tagging anyone since i see everyone else already has been, have fun and thanks for listening!
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yuamusuzuran · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh, I actually never got to answer this, thank you for the question!
Honestly I'm not that good at ranking characters so I'll just write 10 characters I adore but in no particular order.
1. Zagreus (HADES game)
The reason I love him is quite simple: he's so openly helpful and some of his dialogue with other characters is pure gold. He's so caring but stubborn and dorky, its really hard not to love him. But he is also hella strong and takes no bullshit from anyone, always so fun.
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2. Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds)
Yusei has been my baby for a decade now and its mostly because of his personality: he maybe seems rough around the edges and only thinks about dueling and saving the world, but you know he has the softest little heart under there. I would literally give my leg for him.
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3. Aerith Gainsbourogh (Final Fantasy 7)
I'm not an OG player but let me tell you I fell in love with her character in the Remake. She's so fun to be around, but you can still feel her positivity radiating, a literal angel of that dying world. So there's no doubt I'll lose my mind when Rebirth comes out.
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4. Zack Fair (Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core)
Second part of this duo, I dunno, he just seems so wholesome and puppy-like, an absolute joy whenever he's on screen. Plus, his heroism just comes to him naturally, absolutely beautiful. He just radiates positive energy and I'd give so much for him
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5. Akiza Izinski/Aki Izayoi (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds)
She is and will forever be my favorite YGO girl. Ofc they had to butcher her character as they always do with YGO, but her potential in the first season had me so invested. And being someone who's been severely bullied on many fronts I resonated with her so much to the point I wanted to be her. I still adore her so much.
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6. Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
You can see how much influence this series had on me and I'm putting Yami on this list simply because he was my first ever anime crush. Plus, he's just so important for my life and I love his character and bond with Yugi in particular. It's been 15 years since I've discovered him and my love for him still goes strong
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7. Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
He's the reason I have white-hair anime men preference and he was always just a joy to watch. He's so cold and cruel on the outside, but the way he behaves towards those closest to him and the way his relationship with Inuyasha gets gradually better is what really sold him for me. One of my loves
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8. Seiya Kou (Sailor Moon)
I know this is controversial because people feel very strong about them, but I love Seiya, in both manga and the anime. Their playfulness and the way they treat Usagi is the most precious thing and their passion for protecting the ones they love always makes me simp. I always especially enjoy season 5 of Sailor Moon specifically for them
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9. Catarina Claes (HameFura)
Now she's just a joy to watch, she's so dense and I love it. But also, its really hard NOT to love her. A particular aspect I enjoy about her is the fact you can see why other members of her harem love her so much and that's something I can stand behind in a reverse harem. She's so funny and so lovable.
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10. Sailor Saturn/Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon)
My oldest anime child, I still love her so much. At first it was because of how mysterious she was, but then you go under the surface a little and see how cute and lovable she is. The fact she can blow the entire world up is only a bonus for me
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I have so many characters I enjoy but these are the ones that kinda marked my life now and before. Hope it was interesting read 😄
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ryosmne · 2 years
Calling out AOT simps.
Hey again, I did this last time with jjk, here's the aot version cause I felt like it, been pretty sick recently and bored out of my mind. This isn't ment to disrespect anyone, everything I say is meant as a joke and not to be taken to heart. I included the characters I already have an opinion on, idk maybe I'll expand the list. Anyways enjoy reading :>
Hange simps: Ok I see y'all, you're valid af, Henge is Hella hot but on a serious note how's your mental health doing? Carrying your friends issues isn't fun, pls take a break, have a cookie and sleep in fuzzy blankets you deserve it. They'd treat you like royalty, I can't roast you, congratulations on your choices. Either just as insanely upbeat as them or very relaxed and you need a person with a very upbeat personality to keep you leveled. 10/10 you're sweethearts and I've never seen an army of simps as hot and with different styles. Casual indie music enjoyer<3
Levi simps: You have attachment issues. There I said it. It's been like what? 9 years since the anime came out and you're still so down bad for this man ever since he baybladed his way into your heart. Most of y'all would drop every anime crush for him, he's top dog for you. Let's face it no one could get him to open up but I don't think you're ready for this conversation. Your family knows about Levi, your friends know about Levi, you're probably never letting him go. For that I'll say you're extremely loyal also you have unrealistic standards in dating. Pretty sure you're great cooks. You have low-key adapted his personality and you're badasses. Also valid 10/10 I think you like chill rnb, idk I can't read y'all.
Mikasa simps: You fell for her cause she's hella strong and gorgeous, she deserves the world and so do you, but for the love of God if I see another word about the unspeakable things you'd do with her menstrural products im coming for your internet connections. I'll skip the obvious need you have for her to beat you up, I love her too I'm down bad for her but I get my daily dose of grass touching, y'all should try it too. I hope you know she hasn't washed her scarf ever since eren gave it to her. 9/10 you need to chill, fucking mappa made us all feral. Dark clothes, You listen to mitski.
Eren simps: Welcome to group therapy, do you want to share something with the circle or shall I go first? :> You have extremely unhealthy habits. No you don't need more caffeine for today, I beg you have a sip of water and some fruit. You don't care if he destroyed everything on earth as long as you got destroyed by him too. You probably read a lot of modern au fics to escape the pain (don't be shy drop your recs in my comments pls, it's a need at this point). If you started the simping campaign in season four you probably simped for Levi before that. You now have a thing for long hair and man buns now. Dog person, alternative look idk I picture y'all with piercings and tattoos. You believe in traumatising people back, who am I to judge? How does it feel to have your entire simp list be villains? If mikasa simps need to touch grass y'all should probably go to a field and start chewing it up, you know what I'm talking about, I won't elaborate. 15/10 if you also simp for his Titan form, bmth enjoyer, if you don't know what music to play you go an Eren Jaeger playlist.
Reiner simps: Who hurt you? I'll just say it, daddy issues. You think you can be a therapist to him, probably give him comfort, you can't I'm sorry. I feel like he'd treat you ok, but please stop going after people who have issues it's not good for you. But I feel you he's so hot and troubled also honkers. You have a thing for big chested anime men, probably also a toji or Nanami simp, dare I say Yami? Can I be honest tho I really like y'all, you're chill and gorgeous with taste, I can ignore the mental health issues too cause this man is something else. 20/10 you give me grunge music vibes.
Armin: Smarty pants, you like control. I low-key think you're a bit crazy in a good way, you seem very calculated but lmao every decision you make is last minute :') you are very well spoken and seemingly calm. He'd treat you great I can't roast you at all, I'm sorry. 10/10 very good choice, let the rest of us burn, dark/light academia aesthetic, I think you get down to some K-pop.
Jean simps: People of culture, you're also cocky like him but not as hot headed. Another man that would give you the world, I also can't roast you, you make better decisions than I ever did in my life. MCU fan. You have a thing for side characters, I think you always like someone other than the MC. You have a thing for hands. 10/10 great street style looks, classic rock enjoyer.
Erwin: Unhealthy, he'd lead you to death just so he could see that basement. He's a crazy bastard, make better choices, you don't deserve to be eaten by titans. You have a thing for authority figures. -100/10 I picture y'all in sundresses and you'd look amazing, you deserve better.
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earthtooz · 2 years
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༉‧₊˚. 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑮 𝑹𝑬𝑪𝑺:
these are some of my fav writers!!!! if you ever need recs, these people are my no 1 - as well as checking out #earfrecs!
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first and foremost, my BOYYSSSSS need their place on the list so:
彡 @basilly : an 'after you've read angst' writer. short yet super sweet haikyuu works :,) so many toothrotting-fluffy-headcannons - singlehandedly responsible for me starting to see the hype with kageyama
彡 @limitlesshq : incredible writer. my destined rival (jk), but seriously, go check out art for jjk works that hit exactly where you need it to!!! i love the way they write more headstrong, sarcastic readers &lt;3 it's so real and personal
彡 @mitzimania : bane of my existence but UNDERRATED AF!!!! i need you to check mitzi out!!! so so talented, the descriptions, the imagery, the techniques embedded throughout their writing? incredible>>
彡 @sixosix : LAWD where do i start. multi-fandom writer who is also singlehandedly responsible for me starting to understand the hype behind izuku - characterisation, on point, six is amazing >>
moving on - certain writers below have nsfw content and do not allow minors to interact with said posts so be careful!!!! respect writer's boundaries !!
彡 @ufo-ikawa : literally like the FIRST anime writer i ever followed bc i LOVEEEEE ari's works so much - i don't think i can ever fathom just how amazingly she writes like UGH SERIOUSLY I'M IN LOVE pls ari's so lovely too. i love when she pops up on my dash &lt;3
彡 @coconutdays : eren simps come get yo juice! LMAO but seriously, violet appreciation <3 one of the first writers that i have ever read for eren and i still love her works sm. girlboss reader realness!!!!
彡 @lytters : a lot of creative works with ideas that i would have never thought out. not only that, but they're executed super well!! everybody loves a good timestamp fic and L has tons of those so i really really recommend checking them out!
彡 @sipsteainanxiety : i think i ascended when shay followed me - no joke, i think i'd read over her masterlist fifteen times so if it's any blog i recommend IT IS HERS DFOADHOFFDF if you follow me bc of my bnha works and you don't follow shay then that's a crime wtf go now!?!?!?!?
彡 @shotorozu : I'M UR BIGGEST FAN!!!! so many creative ideas and they're all super fluffy - the tiktok series is unmatched. anaïs is one of my fav bnha writers on this app >>>>
anaïs if u ever read this just know that i'm very intimidated by you slash pos.
彡 @/chimielie : beautiful beautiful beautiful writer!!!! so talented and i can only hope to ever think thoughts as creative as lia's :c writes for a range of haikyuu characters !!
彡 @vrmxlho funniest mf on god 🤣🤣🤣 will always be a fan of zaina's smau's, but i love his fics regardless !! very creative ideas for everything they write, seriously, i'm :OOOOOO every time she posts. FIREEEEEEE POSTS 100/10 GO SLUT GO !!
彡 @sacchariins stan hanni bc the fact that she can actually remain multi-fandom and not zero in on one fandom is actually so impressive to me. PLUS every fic is saur high quality?? i'm. yeah. yeah. always a good day when hanni posts their drabbles.
彡 @escapenightmare zuki pookie (slash not affectionate i hate u) posts such amazing things i'm- thank goodness for you tbh bc every time i see that you've posted a drabble i'm 💳💥💳💥💳💥 IMMEDIATELY. bnha + bllk content !! go check them out !!
彡 @fallenssun another very creative and very gorgeous writer !! (i think abt ur one isagi drabble daily LOLS) if u ever want a talented writer for bnha + bllk + genshin to follow then rosie is ur gal! GO FOLLOW I TRIPLE DOG DARE U.
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
random scarlett question of the day /j
what is her relationship w the different om characters anyways im curious jgdfhjkjgdghj :3
ARI HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT I LOVE YOU RECENTLY???? Because I do. So! Scarlett took a while to adjust to the absolute chaos that is the House of Lamentation but now that’s she’s been there a while she’s just as chaotic. I’m doing this in a very random order there’s not really a reason to it lol. I have tons of thoughts on this so I just picked a few for each brother
Placing this under the cut since it’s long/some people aren’t that invested lol
• His nickname from her: Mams/Lover boy (the list is endless really but these are most common)
• Scarlett swears she has no favorites but that’s a lie. It’s Mammon. Her original impression was “what a dork” and now her impression is “oh he’s my dork” basically he tried to act all tough in front of her and then he tripped and knock a bunch of stuff over and her immediate thought was “you’re stupid…I like that in a man”
• She was very quiet at first when she arrived and that concerned/annoyed Mammon. “Why won’t the human talk to me” “Why do they not say much??” Never met an introvert in his life (besides Levi)
• One day he made a stupid joke that made everyone else groan but she laughed hysterically. Mammon’s instant thought process is “haha she has a cute laugh….oh… OH!!” He’s a simp now your honor.
• She is VERY defensive of Mams, does not put up with the brothers constant belittlement or degrading. She gives him so much praise and he malfunctions every time. Mammon knows he can go to her about literally anything and it’s safe with her, unless she’s concerned about his safety in which they’ll talk about it and then she’ll get help for him.
• Mammon suffers from “Lost Puppy Syndrome” when she’s not around.
• His nickname: Player 1 (only through text, he will die if she says it out loud)
• After making their pact Levi tried to pull the “uwu I’m a gross otaku, don’t look at me” card and was immediately shot down. Scarlett proceeded to list her top 10 favorite animes and top 5 characters from each. Levi was so in love, help him.
• Mammon gets jealous when the two of them start talking about some show or manga because he doesn’t understand and they’re talking so fast. “It’s like they’re trying to communicate with me but I don’t understAND!!”
• You think she’s protective of Mammon?? Oh, she goes full guard dog with Levi. She knows he has horrible social anxiety so if anyone makes him uncomfortable when they go out she goes on high alert. She has and will threaten a demon for talking shit about him.
• Levi goes out in public with her and it’s basically “Sir that’s my emotional support human” he finds a lot of comfort in her, knowing she won’t judge him for being a little nerd.
• His nickname: Romeo (but only in private)
• You know the meme of two Spider-Man’s pointing at each other? That’s these two. Scarlett has a very bad relationship with her mom and her dad ditched her at a young age, because of this she grew up with a lot of trauma and anger issues that’s she been fixing over the years.
• Satan loves how bold she is with him, others always fear correcting him or challenging his ideas but Scarlett will call him out with no hesitation. “Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?” His brothers all freeze, this is it, the human dies tonight. Dramatic?? Of course he’s being dramatic but no one has ever actually told him that.
• Lucifer kept Scarlett’s file hidden and locked away from the brothers specifically because he didn’t want Satan to read it and find out she owns two cats. Satan finds out anyway and has a million questions, Scarlett will show him photos of them constantly and Satan is almost in tears each time.
• They bond over their daddy issues and Scarlett tries to help him talk about his frustrations, even though Mammon is her favorite, Scarlett actually gets along the best with Satan and Levi.
• His nickname: Bear or Bubby, he actually gets worried if she just calls him “Beel” now because he thinks she’s upset with him :(
• He’s just a giant puppy with her around, Scarlett is the first thing to ever rival Beel’s stomach so it’s pretty common to find them eating together at 2 am. (Lucifer has to get on to Beel for trying to wake Scarlett up in the middle of the night sometimes)
• Beel has a chokehold on Scarlett’s heart and he has no idea. She CAN NOT and will not say no to him.
• Belphie points this out one day to the others and they make a game of it. All trying to get Beel to say or do things that would get Scarlett to say no or make her upset with him little shitheads Spoiler alert: it doesn’t work! In fact Scar starts to get suspicious, why is my big bear suddenly acting like this?? Once she finds out? The brothers suddenly learn Satan isn’t the only scary creature when provoked, they quickly learn messing with Beel is off limits unless they want the pact used on them 👀
• Scarlett has fallen asleep on Beel’s lap on multiple occasions, he loves it. Look how small she is!! The first time it happened Lucifer came by and asked Beel to start making dinner since it was his turn and when Beel said no Lucifer demanded and explanation
“Scarlett fell asleep in my lap….Satan says legally I can’t move now until she wakes up”
• They’re security blankets for each other pretty much. Scarlett will latch on to him in public if she starts getting too anxious and Beel will seek her out on nights that he has nasty nightmares or bad insomnia.
• His nickname: Princess
• After the pact is form Scarlett still doesn’t spend much time with Asmo and that hurts his feelings, when he asks why she explains that she thought Solomon was his full time boyfriend and didn’t want to get in the way.
• Once that’s cleared up these two become a very powerful duo. Asmo helps Scarlett with her self confidence and becomes the ultimate wingman for her.
• They frequently go to The Fall together and every time they do Lucifer gets a headache worrying about them. It does not help when he finds out Solomon goes with them.
• Is the first to realize the crush she has on Mammon and immediately gets to work playing Cupid. Completely at his brothers expense though, taking every chance he gets to embarrass him and call him out for blushing.
• His nickname: Cowboy
• *stares at massive box of baggage* look I could do a 3 page essay on this one…..instead I’ll summarize and say Scarlett follows the plot of Vicious very closely regarding Belphie.
• She wants to like him, she wants to get a long with him but it’s going to take a while. The first year they don’t have a lot of interaction but year two they become a lot closer.
• Scarlett had a dark sense of humor and will joke about her death a lot later on. She’s made the joke “What are you gonna do? Kill me again” to him several times.
• Once she’s forgiven Belphie he clings to her as often as possible, firstly to piss off Mammon but secondly because he loves how warm she is all the time. When he’s really sleepy he’ll hold onto the back of her shirt and rest his head on her shoulder. Scarlett suggested he do that instead of carry his pillow to classes or when they went out as a group because he’s “less likely to get left behind if the thing you hold onto moves”
• Absolutely melts when Scarlett plays with his hair, won’t admit it but it’s his favorite thing. LOVES when she does it while reading because she’s too focused on the book to see him smiling and blushing. She also does it during movie nights if he sits on the floor between her legs so he’ll make sure he gets that spot every time.
• His nickname: Just Luci (that’s a lie but all his other names are rated 18+ aksananan) she knows better than to say it around other though, unless he’s being a dick
• He expects great things since she had good academic standings in the human world
• Someone who actually listens??? OH??? A+ human 9/10 (still doesn’t fully trust this whole thing) but grateful she isn’t a heathen like his brothers yet
• After a few months he starts to realize she’s just Satan but less deadly and now he’s conflicted because he also has ✨feels✨
• Scarlett does her best to behave and not stir the pot….her first year. Second time around she knows how to bend her demons and push their buttons, she will annoy Lucifer on purpose.
• Is 100% not afraid to put Luci in his place in front of his brothers. They cower in fear each time but are also very impressed, they know better than to piss her off.
• LOVES to tease Luci about his crush on Diavolo, this typically just gets her in trouble though. Even though she’s a menace to him most of the time, Scar will help him out when he has a full plate and needs rest.
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rxttingsblog · 2 years
🖤 Introduction post! 🖤
((i figured i’d do this because why not?? fuck, i’m really bad at this help me. but whatever LMAO))
okay.. so hi! my name is Willard/Blake (i go by either!) my pronouns are: they/he/she (i prefer they/them) and i’m 18 years old. i still intend school+trying to find a job so it may be hard for me to have a normal posting schedule and i’m not entirely sure if i’ll be active 24/7 but i wanted to make this post so y’all can get to know me better!
-some of my main hyperfixations are stranger things & horror movies plus anime! so if any of y’all are interested in that please don’t hesitate to follow me. i need more mutuals who like the things i like<3
-on this blog i’ll either be reposting a bunch of shit i find relatable+writing stories about characters i’m currently obsessed with or simping over.
-i have lotssss of comfort characters but my main one as of right now is henry creel from stranger things<3
-please do not hesitate to send me questions! or just message me in general. i personally like meeting new people because i’m lonely as hell. sometimes i’m awkward at first but i’ll warm up lol
-another hobby i have is drawing and editing! but i’m not sure if i’ll share that here yet. but art is one of my coping mechanisms and my main hobby as well editing. but i find art to be more therapeutic than editing (cus it’s more relaxing)
-my favorite singer is melanie martinez. i’ve been obsessed with her for literally half my life and her music is fucking phenomenal. besides, she isn’t problematic (i don’t think)
-if you have any reqs/ideas for fanfictions then don’t hesitate to send it in! i would love to hear them:) as of right now i’m only writing for stranger things. i’m not rly the type of person to write for more than one fandom. it would be stressful if i wrote for multiple (yk?)
Basic DNI list
—racists/homophobes/ableist people/transphobes/fatphobic/proshippers/zoophiles/p3dos/etc
—under 15+ (i don’t want mfs who are 10-14 following me💀)
—DSMP fandom (all of y’all are toxic lol)
—judgmental behavior (i will not tolerate hate)
-if you think chrissy wake up is funny /hj
-prolifers+trump supporters
-body shamers+people who are sexist
-this blog will involve somewhat dark content so if you get triggered easily then don’t interact
-if you think that sexual assault is a kink + think it’s funny (it’s not, you’re gross)
that’s basically it! i can’t think of anything else. but if you have nothing to do with that list please feel free to interact.
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arirna · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? Thanks....
Oh now that's a great ask! Thank you for giving me an opportunity to gush about my faves!
Disclaimer: the order in this list is irrelevant since i love these characters equally (although for different reasons). Also possible spoilers too, since sometimes i need to explain why i like these characters due to their true role in the narrative.
1. Tsukuyo (GIntama)
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Gintama in general has a great cast of female characters (which was severely underutilised in later arcs to my great dismay) but Tsukuyo still remains my favorite among them. The story arcs which involved her are considered by me the best Gintama arcs by far.
What really resonated with me about Tsukuyo is the way she's allowed to be both strong and vulnerable by the narrative. She's a person who is greatly defined by her duty and loyalty to the people she protects and cares for but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have her own personal struggles and insecurities to work through and the story doesn't shy away from that. I'm always a sucker for quiet understated characters with inner turmoil.
And also she has a great character design as well which is always a plus for me.
2. Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
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Three Houses as a game was quite ambitious in regards to the way it tried to structure its main plot and character arcs for its main cast. Having three (+ a not so secret 4th) routes which explore each main lord and their closest allies was an interesting idea but unfortunately the way it was implemented wasn't the best one. It was mostly due to the inconsistencies between character writing in different routes (Edelgard for me was the biggest victim of that) and the way some importaint reveals about the main plot and lore were hidden behind only one or two routes so you may completely miss the point of certain scenes or character motivations in other routes (although that was most likely made on purpose but i'm not sure it worked in the narrative's favor).
However, Dimitri and his route Azure Moon avoided most of these problems by making its main narrative focus mainly on DImitri's character arc and his relationships with Byleth, Dedue, Edelgard and his allies without focusing too much on the game's very vague and convoluted lore and the frankly underwhelming "true" main antagonists.
Thanks to that Dimitri managed to get one of the best character arcs in the game which fully explored his struggles with his mental illness and the pain and tragedy he had to endure. His redemption arc may have been slightly fumbled due to the limitations of this game's gameplay and structure but I still consider it a very good example of how redemptions arcs can be done.
The way he managed to pick himself up again after ending up in such a dark place mentally in his life and to persevere despite everything so he can become the person he always aspired to be was very uplifting to see. Also he’s a huge simp and a great malewife material - we love to see it!
3. Sessyoin Kiara (Fate franchise)
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Kiara is the case of a person who was actually qualified to be a Messiah figure in her life going very very horribly right(???).
This lady was the head of the sex cult which promised salvation for humanity and she was very good at her job. Unfortunately for everyone involved Kiara only considered herself to be the one true human being (she’s just like me fr) while everyone else she viewed to be mindless apes who are only useful to her as her personal playthings and it’s their true salvation in her eyes. After certain shenanigans involving digital space battle royale on the Moon she managed to become an actual Demonic Bodhisattva who almost drowned the whole world in pleasure for her own ascension into godhood.
So she was the Girlboss(tm) basically and while she was defeated in the end since people hate to see a girlboss winning, thanks to a certain gacha spinoff game she made a glorious comeback and now she’s busy scheming and helping the protagonists along the way for her own amusement.
Unlike the previous characters i just like Kiara because she’s nuts and evil and she owns it 100%. While it’s obvious that she toys with the idea that she might change her stance on the whole “i’m the only Human Being in this world”, she still remains true to herself and it’s fun to see a villainous character like her.
4. Queen Marika the Eternal (Elden Ring)
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Another Girlboss(tm) character who is for the most part relegated to be a background figure for the lore and yet her actions and her agenda shape the world and the narrative of the whole game.
Marika was chosen as the reigning sovereign Goddess of the world called the Lands Between and she proceeded to rule it by getting rid of Death as the concept in her world, war mongering her rule across all lands, starting multiple relationship dramas involving her exes, her new husband (but not really) and her multiple demigod kids, maybe or maybe not helping one of her kids with their planned heist of the rune which brings back Death, shattering the World Order, getting imprisoned and secretly guiding you, the player, while pretending to serve the true Big Boss of this world.
Did she utilize her Girlpower correctly while doing all of these things? I’m not sure but hell, she sure was committed to it all. I hope future DLCs will allow us to learn more about her as a person but even now i can safely say that she’s a fascinating character and i can see GRRM’s handprints all over her since he’s a huge fun of morally dubious but ambitious characters like Marika.
5. Taichi Mashima (Chihayafuru)
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In the cast full of idealistic people fully dedicated to their favorite card game Taichi instantly took over the narrative for the most part of the story by being an extremely flawed and human character full of jealousy, self-loathing and insecurity, but also compassion, understanding and loyalty.
He is the second lead in the romantic drama who is (tragically) destined to lose to the perfect (debatable on my end tho) main male lead and yet you root for this guy anyway since he’s so compelling as a character (he’s also hot AND rich and he is voiced by Mamoru Miyano so he has that going for him, i guess).
6. Makima (Chainsaw Man)
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No way! Another very morally dubious Girlboss(tm) character on this list! Groundbreaking!
Makima is the benevolent (???) head of the government group responsible for hunting and killing demons haunting Japan and she is the one who recruits the main character to do this job with the promise to personally fulfill any of his wishes (so you know it’s a good deal without any hidden agenda on her part).
You can instantly tell that this lady is to be reckoned with and that she will use anything and anyone to achieve her goals. Considering what a rarity it is to see such a female character in a shounen manga, she really was a breath of fresh air for me personally and I uncritically support everything she did in that series since I (unlike some of you) love to see a girlboss winning.
7. Claire Stanfield (Baccano!)
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He’s a cute guy who instantly got a crush on a lady who tried to kill him (he’s just like me fr). He also happens to be an assassin who is infamous for slaughtering his victims in a brutal fashion. So you know, gap moe! Love capable guys who are also loyal malewives!
8. Zagreus (Hades)
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The Son of Hades, this character won’t ever shut up, cracks jokes at every opportunity, acts like an asshole when provoked and he also may end up in a polyamorous relationship with the personification of Death and one of the Greek Furies.
Zag could’ve been quite an insufferable character but thanks to the strong writing he comes off as a charming, kind, honest and chill dude who just wants his family and his friends to be happy and at peace with themselves. Also he’s an important genuine sassy bottom representation! We need more of those!
9 and 10. Hori Masayuki and Kashima Yuu (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki kun) (do not separate them!!!)
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They were the Blueprint for me. The two absolutely dense and idiotic characters who are unknowingly in love with each other. Hori is a short king with anger issues who is perpetually tired and simps non stop for Kashima, while she is an extremely charismatic and energetic himbo who wants to be noticed by him at all times.
I love all of the GSNK cast A LOT but these two will always have a special place in my heart since their relationship is so silly and yet so compelling. They really should kiss ASAP.
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beanswrites · 3 years
Ranking all Disney men based on how good of a guy they actually are Pt.1
Welcome, fellow Disney lovers! Today I'm gonna be ranking all (okay, fine, most popular) Disney/Pixar/Marvel men based on how good of a guy they actually are and whether I like them or not.
This chart will probably have 3-4 parts, just and only because Tumblr won't let me post more than 10 pics. All of the guy will be rated by their looks and their personality. I will also do the Disney girls later, so stay tuned for that and enjoy!
Part 2
40. Gaston, from "Beauty and The Beast"
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On the absolute rock bottom of this 40-spots long list, we have this.. I don't even want to call him a man. You know it's bad when there's literal animated talking animals on this list and a human is still on the bottom. I hate everything about him, and I can't even name one good thing about him.
Looks: -4/10. One word: N O. I get that he's supposed to be attractive, but.. It's everything other than attractive
Personality: 1/10 He's LITERATELY a villain, but hey, at least he has a personality. Yeah, he's a sexist jerk, but for a character it's better to have a horrible personality than no personality, and that's why I gave him a 1/10 and not -1000.
Overall score: -1.5/10
39. Mufasa, from "The Lion King"
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I recently heard that some people simp for him and I'm trying to understand that-
But like I can't
I mean.. I guess he's hot, for a lion??
Just.. Lions are probably not my thing.
Looks: 1/10 I can't really see it. I'm not really into dad lions who had a tragic death. No shame on people who like him tho!
Personality: 1/10 He wasn't around for much of the movie, and even when he was his personality was still pretty bland. I think he was too strict on Simba, and overall, not the man for me.
Overall score: 1/10
38. Prince Hans of The Southern Isles, from "Frozen"
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Let me introduce you to the winner of Disney's "I'm a villain but I have an innocent look" award. This man doesn't deserve to be named after the absolute legend that Hans Christian Andersen was. Even before the big plot twist (which made me want to punch him in the face) he was still kinda creepy and just.. off.
Looks: 3/10 If you overlook his godawful personality and greed for power, he's kinda ok looking. If he wasn't, you know, evil, and he shaved whatever it is that's growing out of the sides of his face, he would be kinda cute. But, alas, he's not.
Personality: -1/10 You know how Disney villains are always evil, but you still end up loving them for their sass? Well, Hans isn't like that. He's the villain you hate with your entire being, because he deceived you and made you like him at first.
Overall score: 1/10
37. Simba, from "The Lion King"
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Again, lions are not for me.
Simba's cute (definitely way cuter than Mufasa, at least) and he has that playful personality, but he's very tragically still a lion. If he was an actual human, than we could talk.
Looks: 2/10 He's a very cute lion. The kind of lion I would pet like a cat, but not the kind of a lion I would date. DON'T date lions, kids.
Personality: 2/10 Still kinda bland, but that's probably because I don't really like "The Lion King" at all. It's okay, not that bad, but also not that good.
Overall score: 2/10
36. John Smith, from "Pocahontas"
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I get that this dude over here was supposed to be like a "dreamboat" and get basically everyone swooning over him, but at this point I'm wondering did the animators hate him so much that they decided to go in a completely different direction
John Smith was SO annoying and it's kinda hard to like him when in real life he was a pedo because he was like 27 and Pocahontas was THIRTEEN :/
Looks: 2/10 This man looks like a hybrid of handsome squidward and Ken from Barbie. The only thing that's saving him from a solid 1 is his blue eyes.
Personality: 2/10 I really don't remember anything from this movie because I haven't watched it in forever, but the only thing I do remember is that he was an absolute douche and my girl Pocahontas should have chosen the other guy. I'm glad she left him in the second part.
Overall score: 2/10
35. King Triton, from "The Little Mermaid"
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Look- It's not like I hate him, it's just that he's a Disney dad. And not even the "i'm gonna steal your dad" kind of Disney dad, just like.. A dad. Not really much to rate here, but here I go anyway.
Looks: 1/10 For an older sea god, I think he's pretty okay, but still. Not really the most attractive. A real good guy tho!
Personality: 3/10 He acts.. like a dad. Strict, wants to protect his daughters, determined, classic dad. Thumbs up for being a good single dad to his 7 daughters!
Overall score: 2/10
34. Prince Florian, from "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs"
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Tbh, I lived most of my life thinking that he doesn't have a name, or that it's just "Prince". Apparently, Florian is an actual name.
imagine carrying a kid in you for 9 months just to name it Florian-
I recently read an article that described that apparently he was super hard to animate and that's why he only appears twice in the movie, doesn't have any text except the song in the beginning, and is the blandest character Disney ever made.
Looks: 3/10 He looks like Liza Minelli. I gave him a 3/10 just because in the re-draw he does look fine. He's not ugly, people, just not my type. But I have seen some fanarts where he looks really good!
Personality: 2/10 Yeahhh, I maybe kinda forgot to mention that in some theories Florian is 31, and Snow White is 14... That theory wasn't confirmed, so believe what you want. All in all, still pretty bad.
Overall score: 2.5/10
33. Prince Charming, from "Cinderella"
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it's the hair and the eyes combo
His name is Henry Charming. In the first movie, he was kind of really boring and bland. If he was an ice cream flavour, he would be vanilla. But luckily, we've seen some real character developments in the next two movies, so that's great.
Looks: 4/10 IDK OKAY?? I am so confused, bc I simp for Daichi HARD but I don't simp for my guy Henry over here. Still, a lot better than some other princes, in my opinion at least.
Personality: 3/10 Even tho there was a lot of character development in the second and the third movie, he was really just blank in the first movie. Altogether, I have to give him a 3.
Overall score: 3.5/10
32. Buzz Lightyear, from "Toy Story"
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Even tho I LOVED "Toy Story" all my life, I just never really found anyone attractive. Buzz is a great guy, and I shipped him with Jesy all my childhood, but simply not for me.
Looks: 1/10 Nope. I'm really sorry, but I just really don't think that he's cute.
Personality: 6/10 Can be annoying sometimes, but nevertheless a great guy toy, and a good friend.
Overall score: 3.5/10
31. Robin Hood, from "Robin Hood"
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In the most respectful way possible, this is one FINE fox. Yeah, I mean sure, he is a fox, but COME ON. Look at him!
Looks: 3/10 He's about as fine as foxes go. I mean.. There's another fox a bit finer, but we'll talk about that later.
Personality: 6/10 It's not really his looks, it's his personality that makes him hot. He's kind, selfless, funny, clever.. All in all, a great guy!
Overall score: 4.5/10
That would be all for this one, everyone! Now that I'm proofreading this, I'm realizing that I might have been a litleee too harsh on these guys. But, this is the first part out of four, which means it only gets better than this. Part two coming soon! Follow me to find out who's on top, and for other rankings!
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puck1919 · 3 years
Ten Female Characters Meme
Tagged by @jonquilclegane
(I'm bad at picking favorites and ranking things, but I've sure got a list of ten characters!) ^_^;
Disney Animated Canon - Belle
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One of my first favorite characters, really.
MCU - Agent Peggy Carter
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Did I agree, artistically, with Steve's ending in Endgame? No. But does my enjoyment of the ship override my writing sensibilities? ...Also, no. Peggy deserved better.
Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood - Izumi Curtis
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I mean, what can I say about the character writing in FMA/FMAB that hasn't already been said? Izumi is a fantastically complex mentor character, and a banner example of how you can write someone who is badass and soft at the same time.
Star Wars - General Leia Organa-Solo, Princess of Alderaan
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Leia is the Mal'ary'ush. I could read Tumblr meta about her and her journey as a Jedi and a politician all day.
Babylon 5 - Ambassador Delenn
(Relevant dialogue:)
Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw or be destroyed! Earth Force Officer: Negative! We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship. Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari Fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else!
Ambassador Delenn was a huge influence on how I write Sigyn, if you couldn't tell. Graceful, intelligent, more likely to use manipulation and soft power than threat of force but 100% will wreck your shit if you press her, and eventually turns every man around her into a simp. XD
Pirates of the Caribbean - King Elizabeth Swann-Turner
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Another one where, really, what can I say that hasn't already been said? I will say, though, that I am more likely to watch At World's End than Pirates 1 if I want to watch one of the Pirates movies.
Kim Possible - Kim Possible
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One of my first OCs was based on her character. I still work with the OC, but there's been some significant drift between Kim and the OC.
American Girl - Samantha Parkington
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In the Ambassador Delenn/Princess Leia category of "Ladies do not start fights, but they can finish them". Slight handicap in that she's 10, but eventually, one gets over that.
The Legends of Tortall - Lady Kelandry of Mindelan
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(Book only character, so using popular fancast of Gwendoline Christie as a face claim)
Tamora Pierce is an excellent writer of women characters, but Kel was the protagonist that I found myself most attached to, surprisingly. Physically, I'm much more like Alanna, and I tend to gravitate towards characters with cool powers, but I love the story of the Protector of the Small quartet the most, and Lady Knight is one of my frequent rereads.
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Violet Baudelaire
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Checks very many boxes for me - Smart? Yes. Adventurous? Yes. Takes matters into her own hands when she must? Absolutely.
Tagging: @goodliest, anyone else who wants it! ^_^;
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt9
hello!! welcome back :) thank you guys so much for reading this story, it really truly means the world to me! this is one of the chapters that i’ve been most excited to get to! this chapter is supposed to take place within the tales of ba sing se! 
pt 1
pt 8
pt 10
Still, she couldn’t just waltz into the tea shop without a plan. The last time she had seen Zuko, he had pushed her away. She tried to remind herself that he was probably just distraught over his uncle, but there was still a part of her heart that hurt every time she replayed the scene in her mind.
A lot had happened over the course of a few weeks. They had visited an ancient library, lost Appa, crossed the Serpent’s Pass, battled a literal war machine, and had finally arrived in Ba Sing Se just a few days ago. The officials that had once been so welcoming of their arrival now made the group feel wary. Ba Sing Se was a city full of secrets, but the group wasn’t sure if they wanted to discover all of them. 
While she enjoyed the company of her friends, (Y/N) was starting to feel trapped. The house they stayed in was absolutely lovely, but recently, when she lay down to fall asleep, her mind raced with thoughts of Zuko. The amount of time she wondered about what he was doing, how Iroh was, where they were now, and what she would say to him if they ever got the chance to be alone together seriously dug into her sleep schedule. She woke up each morning feeling sluggish and a little bit grumpy, but she tried her best not to make her friends aware of what was troubling her. She felt bad, constantly coming to them and talking about Zuko. She knew that it was different for them. They had always known Zuko as the enemy. And while he had started to become that for (Y/N) too, there was still a part of her that held on their past and hoped that he could change. She tried to be realistic about most things in life, but when it came to Zuko, she always hoped. 
She decided one day that enough was enough. She would take a day to herself to be alone and relax. She had heard people talking about a wonderful new tea shop that had come to the city, so she decided to go there and have a nice cup to take her mind off of things. 
When she arrived, she was shocked to find the very person she was trying to avoid working in the tea shop. She peered through the window of the tea shop and watched as Zuko and his uncle prepared orders for their customers. She had never imagined Zuko as a working boy and the very sight of it made her giggle. Still, she couldn’t just waltz into the tea shop without a plan. The last time she had seen Zuko, he had pushed her away. She tried to remind herself that he was probably just distraught over his uncle, but there was still a part of her heart that hurt every time she replayed the scene in her mind.
She decided to go home and lay awake again, but this time she would lie awake at night and devise a plan. She was going to have an actual conversation with Zuko, she just had to make sure it was perfect. 
She returned to the shop the next day, but still couldn’t find the courage to walk inside. The same thing happened the day after that. And the day after that. What was wrong with her? She could fight skilled benders twice her size, but she couldn’t walk into a tea shop? Pathetic! 
On the fifth day, she stood in front of the tea shop and wondered whether or not she should enter. But there was a reason she kept coming back, wasn’t there?
People trickled in and out of the shop happily, completely unaware that the men who were serving them were deemed traitors of the Fire Nation. She took a deep breath. She could do this. They were in public. They couldn’t turn her in to the Fire Nation without giving themselves away. She would be safe. 
She entered the tea shop and quickly sat down at an empty table. She reviewed the menu. She couldn’t quite remember the last time she had had a cup of Iroh’s tea, but she remembered how good it tasted. No wonder their shop was always busy. 
Her palms were sweaty as she waited to see who would come take her order: Iroh or Zuko? She wasn’t sure which one she would rather it be. She wiped her clammy hands on the new Earth Kingdom dress she had purchased the other day. Did she look nice? Why did she care about looking nice? 
When Iroh finally noticed her, she also noticed the big smile on his face. Quickly, but without drawing too much attention to himself, he came over to her table. 
“It’s very lovely to see you here,” he said. “What can I get you?” 
“I’ll have a Jasmine tea, please,” she said, her voice small. 
“Ah, Jasmine. A lovely tea. My nephew’s favorite.” She felt her face get hot. 
“So I’ve heard.” Iroh smiled again. 
“Lee!” He called to Zuko. “One Jasmine tea, please. And once you’ve finished, why don’t you take your break?” 
(Y/N) felt herself almost burst into laughter at the fake name Zuko had claimed for himself. The Fire Nation had a billion Lees. 
Zuko nodded at his uncle’s orders, not looking up from his kettle. Once her tea had been properly steeped, he move through the tables before finally reaching hers. Once their eyes met, his hands shook, knocking one of the teacups from his tray. (Y/N) quickly caught it in her hand and placed it on the table. 
“Hi,” She said. 
“Hi.” He set the kettle on her table and then untied his apron. He moved to leave, and she reached out to grab him before thinking better of it. She cleared her throat. 
“Why don’t you sit with me?” 
Zuko narrowed his eyes at her and then glanced at his uncle, who gave him a big thumbs-up. Unhappily, he pulled a chair out and sat. She poured two cups of tea in silence. 
“I’m not going to tell my friends that you’re here, if that’s what you’re thinking.” 
“Why should I believe you?” She shrugged. 
“If you’re trying to make a new life, I don’t want to ruin it for you.”
“If you’re not here to rat me out, then why are you here?” 
She took a sip of her tea. She had ran through her big speech to Zuko so many times before she arrived, but once she was actually facing him, the words slipped from her mind. 
“I...I haven’t gotten to actually speak to you for a while. And I’ve wanted to. Then I found your shop one day and I kept coming back.” 
“I haven’t seen you here.” 
“Well, I never really came in. I had to figure out what I wanted to say to you.” 
“And what would that be?” 
She gave him a small smile. “I don’t really know where I’m going with this, to be honest. Whenever I see you, my chest hurts. I get sad and happy and I want to hug you but also fight you at the same time. So, I don’t really know what I’m doing here. I just felt that maybe if we talked--” 
“What?” Zuko demanded. Her eyes met his. She looked at his scar and was brought back to the day of his Agni Kai against his father. 
“I don’t know. I wanted to let you know that I cared about you still. Despite everything.” 
This drew Zuko into a long silence. He stared at her, for a while. She was dressed in a green Earth Kingdom dress. It wasn’t the one she normally wore for her disguise. While he preferred her in red, he had to admit that she looked beautiful in any color she wore. Her (color) eyes shined with hope. Her (color) hair was loose against her back, while half of it was up in a top knot that hinted at her Fire Nation heritage. 
Before he had started hunting the Avatar, the last time he had really looked at (Y/N) was when she entered his chambers before he fought his father. She had looked so scared then. She didn’t look scared now. She looked ready to face anything.
He hadn’t meant to leave the Fire Nation without saying goodbye to her. After his duel with his father and his banishment, he hadn’t wanted to see her. He didn’t want to look in her eyes and see the disappointment he so desperately feared. So he had boarded his ship and sailed away. He thought it would be easier that way. He wanted to tell her that, but he couldn’t find the words. 
“I have thought about you every day for the past two years,” Zuko said quietly. She felt her eyes brimming with tears. 
“I have to go,” she said. She placed a few gold coins on the table. It was far too much for a cup of tea, but she didn’t care. She leaned in close to him, like they used to when they were children. “I miss you, Zuko.” 
Zuko closed his eyes. When he opened them, she was gone. 
thanks for reading!
Tag List! 
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie , 
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
Based on a True Story
Summary: there's this boy who makes you super uncomfy and doesnt take a hit, but you're to sweet to tell him to back off. Katsuki Bakugou, the more blunt end of the friendship, is happy to tell him off and free you from that sorry bastard.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: possible tw, a lot of swearing and some pretty colorful insults, there are guys that are really fucking creepy, based on the actual events of February 7th, 2021 at around 10:30 pm
A/N: this was very very rushed, I just wanted to write myself some comfort real quick and go to bed last night and I didn't have time to properly edit! I'm really proud of some of the banter lmao, please enjoy and never be afraid to punt a ballsack! I'll add tags later🙄🙄🙄
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A message popped up on your screen and your once neutral expression went sour. Slamming the face of your phone onto your pillow, you groaned angrily into your bedspread, catching the attention of a certain ash blonde sitting in your comfy desk chair a few feet away. Katsuki Bakugou, one of your best friends, gave a questioning glance but refused to meet his ember gaze
“What’s your deal?” He asked, not letting his genuine curiosity as to why there was such a pained look on your face, show.
You opened your mouth but paused.
Katsuki already knew about this boy and scolded you every time he saw his name pop up in your notifications, telling you to ‘fucking block him already’ for the umpteenth time. It wasn’t like you had feelings for the guy anymore, you were just too nice and polite to cut him off completely and tell him to go fuck himself.
The ash-blonde had already volunteered to do it for you, but you always said no because you knew he’d just find another way to contact you.
“It’s that piss baby again isn’t it?” 
“Wow, did you just agree with one of my insults?”
“Suki, I’m about to take you up on your offer to tell him to go fuck himself.”
He snickered, “Now you’re talking sense. What the hell is that pansy bitching about now?”
You sigh and roll over on your back and Katsuki moves to sit on the edge of your bed.
“I cut him off for a while, I really did! It felt so good to be free of him, but then he got my number again and started bothering me a few days ago. I saw him at school yesterday and told him I wasn’t interested in dating at all and he was like whatever so I honestly thought he could keep it in his pants and we could just be friends but nooo! He calls me a simp for anime guys, I tell him to stop being a hypocrite because he used to simp for me and he was like “I still do. You’re the only one” yeah like I’m stupid enough to actually believe that!”
You paused to catch your breath, but before you could start speaking again Katsuki interjected, “Well, you are stupid…”
You socked him in the bicep and he hunched over laughing. You looked so fucking adorable when you got royally pissed at him.
“Oh go to hell.” You snapped, crossing your arms and continuing, “Anyway, this guy used to simp for my goddamn sister! Not only do I reject being a replacement for her, but if she rejected his sorry ass, that means he’s a huge piece of shit because she’s super picky.”
“I might’ve mentioned that once or twice-”
You punched him again to shut him up. “Plus he’s super creepy and gross and it always feels like he’s undressing me with his eyes and whenever he’s around I want to dive into a pool full of only chlorine and drink it. I’m just trying to coexist and just be nice to him but apparently, a female looking in his general direction means that they want dicked down by his micropenis. He’s so fucking dense too. Why can’t he see that I’m not interested, especially after I EXPLICITLY told him that?!”
By that point, you were on the verge of frustrated tears, bottom lip trembling just slightly with bottled up emotion.
Katsuki could see it.
You felt trapped in something you never signed up for and you’d do anything to get out. All of this frustration had been stored inside of you for so long and it just kept mounting and multiplying until you burst into tears.
“Goddammit, come here dumbass,” He growled, gathering you into a warm embrace, “You can’t keep all this bs inside okay?”
He let you sob into his shoulder, one calloused hand supporting the base of your neck and the other crossed firmly over your back so you’d feel safe and secure; away from the world full of horrible people and into a small one of just your best friend’s warmth and the sweet sweet scent of caramel.
“Why don’t you listen to me? You’re just too fucking nice to every shitty dickhead that sees you as an easy, fuckable target. Something really fucking bad is gonna happen to you if you don’t shape up and learn how to punt a dude’s excuse for a ballsack and tell him what you really think.”
You raised your head from the solace of his shoulder to look at him with big, reproachful doe eyes and whimpered, “I tried that!”
“Have you tried punting their fucking balls first?”
“No… that would hurt.”
“That’s the point.”
“But if I did it without reason I could get suspended or charged with aggravated assault!”
It was Katsuki’s turn to sigh.
“That’s not the point dumbass, the point is that you need to tell these bastards off when they start getting creepy. You know what? Why don’t you just fucking ignore their sorry asses in the first place!”
You sniffle and drag a hand over your cheek to dry your tears, then resume your position with your face in the crook of your best friend’s neck.
“I feel bad for them.”
“Well stop. I’m gonna call him now alright? After that, we’ll block his stupid ass on every fucking app, you hear me?”
You nod and hug him tighter as he leans forward to grab your phone and opens it with your passcode, swiftly finding his name in your contact list and pressing the call icon, then he tapped the speaker button and waited.
The call was picked up almost immediately and a voice on the other line said, “Hey cutie! I was just about to call and ask to see if you wanted to come over on-”
“She’s not here.” Katsuki cut him off with a dry snarl, “And last time I checked she wasn’t interested enough in your sorry ass for you to be calling her ‘cutie.’” 
You could almost hear his lip curl in utter disgust.
“Who the fuck are you?” The voice asked, dropping its sickeningly sweet tone to something more appropriate in light of the previous insult.
“I’m her fucking boyfriend you dickwad-” You popped up from your haven in surprise, mouth open to sputter in protest but he put a finger to your lips and smirked, “who the fuck are you?”
“No fucking way that whore has a boyfriend-”
“Ex-fucking-scuse me? Shut your mouth, you mother fucking pussy, insult her one more time and I’ll fuck you up so bad you won’t be recognizable by the time you get to the hospital.” He snapped back, “She’s crying right now because you’re too dense to realize she doesn’t want any business with some horse-faced piss baby like you. Take the hint right fucking now you useless bastard so you don’t make the mistake of coming near her again because I. Will. Kill. You. Delete this number because she’s too sweet to block you herself, but I will.”
“Fuck man, I was just tryna get laid. She’s the one who started rubbing herself all over me-”
“I said delete this number. Damn, you are a dense piece of shit aren’t you?”
“Hey, I-”
Katsuki pressed ‘end call’ and blocked his contact, moving from Instagram to Snapchat, to any social app you had, and blocked him left and right until he was satisfied.
“Feel better?” He asked softly, tossing your phone aside and peeling you off.
You carded a shaky hand through your hair and wiped your eyes, giving him a watery smile and a nod.
“Why did you tell him that we were in a relationship?” You asked, voice on the edge of a taunt.
“To make him mad.”
“I mean, it worked, but is that the only reason?” You giggled.
“The hell are you insinuating?”
“Do you… possibly by chance… have feelings for me?”
You batted your eyes at him and he retched, but the smirk was still present on his handsome features.
“What’s it to you?”
You squirm a bit, but something pops into your head so you can stall a bit longer.
“I mean, you’re not THAT ugly-”
He responded with a simple, harsh flick to the forehead to make you whine and try to whack him, but he easily intercepted your fist and pushed you on your back, caging you in nothing short of a horizontal kabedon.
It was your turn to smirk, “Yenno ‘Suki, I could very easily… oh what was your phrasing? ‘Punt your fucking balls’ in this position…”
“Just shut up and tell me what the hell you want.” Katsuki snapped.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.” You prod.
“You look like a pissed hamster when you’re mad.” He shot back.
“You smell like a fucking candy store after training.”
“You’re the dictionary definition of a dumbass.”
“You have a better hourglass figure than Yaomomo.”
“You're quickly becoming an extra.”
“Date me.”
“Wait really?”
“It’s the only way I can kiss you, protect you, and keep you all to myself.” He shrugged, leaning in dangerously close, “You don’t fucking understand how hard it is to watch you prancing around with one failed abortion after another and watching you cry because they leave since you don’t want the one thing they’re after.”
“You’ve always been there for me ‘Suki… I guess I just took you for granted, and I’m really sorry.” You met his soft vermillion gaze with a meaningful and apologetic one and reached out to squeeze his hand.
“‘S okay. You’re mine now, right?”
You nod, smiling. 
“So it doesn’t matter how dense you are anymore.” He smirked, laying down on your bed and dragging you down with him so you were tucked comfortably under his chin.
You grabbed the remote and flicked on the tv, preparing to turn on an anime you had in mind.
“What romance garbage are you inflicting on me this time?” Your new boyfriend groaned, burying his face in your hair.
“One that’s super sappy and romantic and sad just to piss you off.” You pouted, clicking on each letter to form the desired word in the search bar.
“Have fun with that.” Katsuki snarked, beginning to move away, but you stopped him by deftly pressing your lips to his.
You slowly pulled away, blushing furiously, but happy to feel strong forearms snaking around your front and crossing over your stomach.
“I certainly will.” You respond.
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noirbriar · 2 years
I got tagged by @awlwren and I have to say this was hard and my briancells are already fried from work this week.  I have been in so many fandoms since I was in elementary that I just can’t choose??  :’)
Rules: List your favourite character from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
There are way too many fandoms I have been in and this was hard. In no particular order but those that immediately come to mind off hand. Not necessarily in fandom but in general in that series? Yup. 
1) Kurosawa Sae / Fatal Frame 2
I am torn as Fatal Frame/Project Zero series had such memorable characters. Especially 1-3, which paved the way in that era of horror gaming greats.
Sae is an absolute icon. Sad and just chilling. Her image, her backstory, her aura is just, absolutely unforgettable. Sae is just tragic especially once you link it to FF1 and FF3 and in relation to the other characters and the beliefs. Abandoned, yet her longing and grief, the resentment. Simple and perfect. 
2) Edea Kramer / FFVIII
I simp for this sorceress. I don’t care what y’all say, I love Ultimecia, her fight and all but Edea was just, a queen. I will keel over and let her step on me. Gorgeous, powerful and absolutely amazing considering her role in the story. Her appearances all left me a weak, weak individual. And mid game? She gave me a heart attack ngl.
3) Okumura Eiji / Banana Fish
Everyone loves Ash Lynx. I do too. I love Sing, Shorter and the series. But Eiji? That boy is pure but he’s not innocent. He knew Ash’s pain, he loved him as a person and was there just for Ash throughout. He would risk his life for Ash. I will admit at the end in Garden of Light I wept like a lil baby reading it. Eiji’s guilt is my one sole heartache. Find me one who did not and we’ll talk. Eiji deserved all the good things, hurghhh.
4) Prompto Argentum / FFXV
My best boy, my dear boy. Episode Prompto was just the icing on top and sealed the deal for me. He was the reason I got into the FFXV fandom even before Cor, before Nyx. This baby chocobo right here. All the insecurities, the need to push himself be better, being by Noct’s side. I cannot not love him. Those that called him weak? This boy trained very shortly before, just to go out and be with his bud on his big day and ends up in a war and divine nonsense. His loyalty and friendship with Noct is just *insert incomprehensible noise here* I just wished SE had allowed FFXV develop properly.
5) Hanamura Yosuke / Persona 4
This awkward boy is a ball of contradictions but I absolutely love him. In a japanese setting, he is so real and relatable. All the cringe and jealousness and loyalty, possibly trying to be comfortable with himself as a person with his insecurities, this boy is just such a character that reminded me of my own awkward days, not that I am not a cringe mess still now. His character develop throughout is solid and believable for me.
6) Yugi Mutou / YGO
Everyone is there for Atem or Kaiba but I just love the original Yugi. Adorable and fearless and capable, his character development from the start, to understanding Atem and becoming his own person and dualist was wonderful. Think it was the manga and the final arc that sealed it for me. He was epic in Darkside and I had zero regrets watching it on the big screen.
7) Shang Qinghua / Scum Villian Self Saving System
The ultimate mess. A writer who fucked himself over with his own plot, lore and characters after transmigrating into his work. Not to mention his love for his side character that was his own indulgent character. Peak clownery. He is the writer and artist in all of us I can love and relate.
8) Yokozawa Takafumi / Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi
Like many people, Sekai-ichi and Junjou is one of those first series you read when entering a BL genre.I was avoiding anime and fandoms when I suddenly out of boredom fond myself to heck with it, watched and fell into the genre.Next thing I knew I was binging online novels of this guy who was heartbroken and rejected by his one sided love and found himself getting closer with a colleague in another department and his daughter. Him cooking, caring for the daughter and sharing a cat and meeting their family, while keeping professionalism at work at the publishing company. Quality content.
I am just weak to men being domestic okay?!
9) Qiao Yifan / The King’s Avatar
I only read this novel for him.Sweet baby boy who tried so hard to prove himself in a champion E-sports team.Yet he gets left behind and ultimately finds his place with an upcoming team with a restart of his young career. Precious, lovable and always portrayed as ‘white mochi but black sesame filling inside’, 白切黑. Very Sweet but full of life and adorable. He probably is the only reason I have not yeeted out my chinese tumblr app called lofter yet.
10) Heather Mason / Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill is another series from my childhood especially its soundtrack. SH1-4 especially. So I need include someone from the series. Although my personal favourite was Silent Hill 2 hands down.However, here is another badass and no nonsense female character with good development if you followed SH1. Her behaviours and mannerisms in a horror game are refreshing and you hardly find it again these days. Love her. Don’t have 10 friends to tag and be a annoying panda, so here! :D Thank you for letting me play!
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