#she just doesn’t seem to understand that not all doggies or people are nice. i tried to explain to my stepdad like.. i don’t believe
reefer-reelz-n-reviews · 10 months
Scream 3 (2000)
Smoking: Splatter
This is the 3rd movie in the franchise and they are making the 3rd movie “Stab” during it.
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Something that I guess I wouldn’t have thought of. The Voice is the same (at least in the first 3 movies) played by Roger Jackson.
I will say unlike the first 2 movies this movie doesn’t have as famous of a person dying. I’ve never seen Kelly Rutherford in anything else. At least that I know of. Maybe to others she is, I just looked at her list and she was on a show called Melrose Place. I’ve heard of it, but never seen it. She was also in the original Gossip Girl. Which I’ve seen but I don’t recognize her 🤣
I wanna know what Neve Campbell does to afford a house that nice in the middle of no where with all the security that she has. I don’t see how a Women’s Crisis Center would pay for that. I guess in the 2000’s it was a bit cheaper because it totally isn’t now. Especially in California.
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Courtney Cox’s bangs… she let a 4-year-old do her hair? Looks awful, just like that meme about it 😂
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We’ve got Kenny from the Cosby Show! Welcome Deon Richmond to your death 🤣 well I’m pretty sure he does lol. We will find out for sure in a little bit.
Tell me how I forgot that Jay and Silent Bob are in this!?! My favorite stoners! “Who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts!” 🎶🎶
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Why is the ghost face make that is huge and hanging a lime green color? It’s supposed to be white…
Jenny McCarthy-Wahlberg drops an award on the floor and breaks the head off. I laughed so hard 😂 foreshadowing? You’re literally on a movie lot and she’s trying to use knives to attack the killer, then she is surprised they’re fake. Like come on JMW.
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Hmmm David Arquette’s bad arm switched… In the second movie it was his right arm… now it’s his left.
Love that Patrick Warburton is in this! Kronk is THE BEST! He’s a bit of a jerk, but I mean he’s a security guard for famous people, so I’m sure he’s a bit jaded. Hehehehe he steals the larger change from DA. Takes a frying pan to the head and a knife to the back. Still walks around and then dies in front of everyone.
Tells you how old this movie is, Parker Posey has a fax machine in her house 🤣
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The eternally beautiful Carrier Fisher, even in the movie she talks about Princess Leia. Though she is stating that she didn’t get the part, but you know she did 😂 made a joke about sleeping with George Lucas, wonder how much basis there is for that? I know that he convinced her that in space there wouldn’t be a need for bras. So, who knows, maybe it is true 🤔
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If this is about Stab 3, then why is the set up almost like exactly as the deaths in the first one? You had blood on the doggy door in the garage door for Rose McGowan’s death…
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NC is carrying around pepper spray… if the killer is wearing a mask then how would it penetrate? Though I guess if it is some kind of soft cloth with holes it would make sense it would go through. But IDK seems suspicious to me.
Patrick Dempsey is really good at playing creepy and suspicious. I’ve heard that really, he’s a dickhead. Which I could totally see that. He kind of gives off dickhead vibes.
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Snack time! Apple Pie, with whip cream and chocolate sauce 🤤
DR gets stabbed in the stomach and tires to run away. Nice little flip on the rug. Then over the balcony to die when he hits the ground. At least his wasn’t like a super easy death, right? He had a semi fighting chance.
So out of all the times through out the series that the killer gets knocked out this movie is my favorite. He is laying at the bottom of the stairs and as he’s, I guess dreaming, he goes, stab stab around him 🤣
Don’t understand why when PD opens the door, he has the gun come out first. Like what are you going to do? Shoot blindly? Risk hitting RC instead?
Just realized I haven’t even mentioned who the killer is in this. Maybe I will just leave it a “secret” even though I said what I did about the first one 😝 oh well.
🤣 She mentions Stab 3 and then stabs the killer a 3rd time.
Alright, that’s all for this review!
Toke on! 😶‍🌫️
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caribbean-ace · 2 years
Hello folks! I did watch the episode of Station 19 6x03 that thursday but the streaming gave me hell so i thought i could rewatch it (because i was watching it in the middle of a lecture, talk about dedication am i right?) and expand a little bit on what’s happening and what we could possibly have for 6x04. You know the drill, spoilers ahead:
I have to admit that Maya working out is so hot even tho she’s on her path of self destruction and Jack is right there joining her with other unhealthy methods + Andy giving him some tough love i think + “are you always this rude? -only when i’m this angry!” That made me laugh not gonna lie😂 + the overall theme is that both Jack and Maya are not willing to accept help, not yet and forcing them to do so it’s not gonna end well + unless the show is paralleling both Maya and Jack then ignoring her pain just because it doesn’t look like Jack’s is pretty stupid i’d say
Carina and Ben duo, gotta love them! + oh yikes this going to keep going + popping pills like candy, not sure that’s a good idea, but then again Maya is in her own headspace, not even her wife can make her change her mind right now + lmao Ben that’s not a nice morning + “neurotic, self righteous half korean gay man” gotta love Travis😂 + Travic teaming up! + i’d find Beckett’s humor amussing if he wasn’t an asshole + i mean he’s kinda right, how can you depend on someone who’s just gone + lmao Maya and the doggy door + now she can come to them? Really? Ugh i hate they’re still going down the “i’m the villain” path + oh Robert i truly hope your lying catches up to you + i can’t even understand how he’s just okay with himself + lmao they don’t look impressed at all😂
Maya being confused is my favorite genre + kitty cracks me + i was very focused on Maya’s facial expressions, i think they all instantly picked up on the fact something is wrong and she’s obviously dodging it + Ben and Maya are like ugh this is going to be long + lmao chaotic Travic is my entire soul + I just want to hold Carina forever + i don’t even understand how that happened + “your husband” well, Carina Deluca can be considered daddy so i get it + where’s mama Bishop btw? + oh so we’re learning about Dixon now + Vic is me, i would actually work to avoid boredom + at least Vic is trying to talk Carina through the motions + Gibson’s hair has seen better days for sure + lmao Kitty + Maya was close to punch the living hell out of him + this is escalating way too quickly + oh my baby Maya :( + they do need therapy + Maya and Ben regretting so hard that call
Andy “i told you so” + oh yikes + Carina and Vic bonding forever + oh Carina my love :( + this was way too cute + i need more of this friendship + oh Maya babe :( + welp there’s that + oh no Carina’s smile broke me in half :( + lmao Ben was like uh we shouldn’t talk about it and Maya went like: lol i do not care one bit + lmao Travis😂😂😂 + damn Eva + so this is the moment Andy gets the approval + god and Maya is just going down this dark path and Carina can’t do a single thing, her so called friends are not paying attention
So things are moving forward, Andy seems to be more than ready to fill captain’s role which was a long time coming i guess, that means Maya won’t be captain again (i’m still bitter about the trial). I’m honestly glad that Jack is getting the help he needs from 19 but what bothers me is that everyone is just ignoring Maya, again unless they are making some sort of parallel about mental health issues and how they affect people differently then i don’t see how ignoring someone who’s clearly struggling but coping in a different way is acceptable.
I’m also wondering what’s gonna happen with Dixon, any sort of scandal that would take him out of the race maybe? Travis winning? Lots of questions i have. Also i’m wondering how things are going to progress between Ross, Beckett and Sullivan, is Andy gonna expose them or what, hopefully i get my questions answered.
If you read all of this you’re incredible🫶🏼 thanks for reading my rambling about the wee woo show that has my soul, catch ya in the next one✌🏽
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lilacmeadows · 4 years
Made For You pt.1
Okay so this is gonna be a series. My FIRST series. So go easy on me pretty please. I’ve never written smut, and I know nobody wants badly written smut. So we’ll see about that. But this one is definitely gonna be more of a slow burn. Maybe 4 chapters? Yeah. I like that. 4 chapters. I’ve just been thinking about this idea for a while and I wanna get into writing. I hope someone likes this.
Summary: Hydra had just finished training you to be the Winter Soldier’s perfect mate when the Avengers saved him. But what’s going to happen to you now that Hydra has deleted your old life and left you with nothing but a soldier that needs to learn to love himself before he can love someone else.
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3 (coming soon)
WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, explicit language, eventual dom/sub dynamics, mentions of captivity and kidnapping. violence- guns, mutual pining, eventual smut, fluff, angst if you squint (must be 18+)
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She’s so used to quiet in her quaint bedroom. The faint whirring of the air conditioner, sounds of footsteps and machinery being rolled outside her door, the music they would play for her when she was extra good that week.
So when she was awoken to gunshots and yelling, y/n was anxious and didn’t know what to do. She backed into the corner of the room furthest from the door and shut her eyes. Hopefully, if she stayed quiet and unseen, things would resolve itself, and she wouldn’t see any violence come her way.
Luckily for her, after what felt like hours later, the sounds quieted down. The gunshots were less frequent and finally came to a stop. She waited for a few moments before sitting on her bed with intentions of continuing her knitting. She wasn’t allowed many activities, but this was one luxury the Men didn’t mind since she hadn’t had any violent outbursts in a long time. She hated being shocked, and she liked knitting.
But the quiet didn’t last long. Minutes later, she could hear footsteps approaching her room. Too late to go back into her corner without being heard through the ‘doggie door’ the Men used to pass her food twice a day, she sat still and slowed her breathing.
‘Anything on that floor?’ She heard one male voice say from further away.
‘Not yet. Mostly supply closets on this floor, but I’ll check them all.’ Said a voice from much closer. He couldn’t have been more than 10 feet away from her door. She could tell they were American like her because they didn’t have the funny accents the Men all had. Gripping her plastic knitting needles tightly in one hand she braced herself for the intrusion.
Her door cracked open a little, then quickly opened all the way.
“Cap, you need to see this.” The man called over his shoulder. “Are you alright ma’am?”
“Yes. I’m fine, sir.” Her small voice replied, a little rough from lack of use, but still remarkably sweet.
“Who are you? Do you know where you are?” He approached her slowly, taking in her meager appearance, but also watching out for the pointy sticks she has a death grip on.
“My name is y/n. I’m in my room.” She replied. Starting to feel very uneasy by this stranger, but also not thinking that he would hurt him. She had been here for so long, it was strange seeing a tall, black man enter her bedroom. Only trainers and watchers were allowed to enter her bedroom.
“What is it?” Another, taller man asked, but his question was soon answered when his eyes landed on the girl sitting on her bed with her tucked gently under her. He immediately noticed her lack of decent clothing, and it caused a blush to creep up his neck.
“We have a girl here, possibly a hostage, maybe an experiment. She doesn’t look like she particularly wants to be rescued.” The first man said to the other, who’s slowly entering the room while trying not to stare at her thin, flimsy, cotton dress.
“Hi, I’m Steve, this is Sam. Do you know where you’re from?” The blonde man said to her while crouching down to be at her eye level. She nodded her head yes. “Well we’re the good guys. We’re here to save you. Do you want to come with us so we can take you home?”
She had to contemplate for a minute. It had been so long since she got here that she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to leave. These men looked sincere, but she knew if she left and was caught, she’d be punished terribly. But if the gunshots meant anything, there would be nobody to punish her. Which means she can’t stay regardless because there would be nobody to take care of her either.
“Did you kill my watchers?” She looked at the blond man after a few quiet seconds. Steve and Sam made eye contact and had a whole argument in silence before Sam spoke up.
‘Yes, we did. But they were bad men. They were keeping you here. But you’re free now. You just gotta follow us, and we’ll get you out of here.’ Sam said, gently. Not wanting her to think they’re cold blooded murderers, but also trying to rush this meeting along so they can board the quinjet, where the rest of the team was waiting.
Steve held one of his hands out to her, which she hesitantly took- knitting needles and purple ball of yarn in her other hand. She thought about grabbing her sweaters, but they weren’t kept in her room. Quite frankly, she had no idea where they were. The Men didn’t allow her to keep the things she learned to knit in her room. But they would give her back a sweater during the cold months. So she just followed the two men awkwardly. Them taking large, hard steps towards parts of the building she had never seen, and her dainty footsteps lagging behind. The trainers taught her to walk with a ladylike gait, on the balls of her feet with barely any pressure to her heels.
After many hallways and stairwells, they found themselves outside the building. The quinjet was parked close by, and y/n’s eyes almost jumped out of her head. Of course she had never seen anything like that before. The men led her onto the loading area which closed behind them.
“Take a break for sightseeing?” Said one man from the front of the jet. They couldn’t see her because of her small stature behind the two men.
“Actually, we found someone. Her name is y/n. She was in one of the rooms, top floor.” Steve said to the man, while fishing you out from behind his back.
She was met with eyes. Many pairs of eyes. All looking directly at her. Not used to all the attention, she looked down at her feet, which were bare as usual and slightly irritated from walking on various terrains. Her toes painted baby pink. Another luxury the Men allowed her. Some watchers were nicer than others. The shorter, fat one that came every other night would bring her a light, barely noticeable, polish that she was only allowed to put on her toes.
Being there wasn’t so terrible. She was 10 when they took her in 2006. She had a mom and older brother, and they lived in a town in Georgia. She often wonders what happened to them that morning when the Men put a rag over her face, and she woke up on a bed in the room that would become her new bedroom.
She didn’t leave the room often. There was a small bathroom across the hall from her room. The watcher would be standing guard outside her door, and she would let him know she would like to use the bathroom or bathe. He would have to stand in the room with her while she bathed, but after a while, they were kind enough to face the wall. She fought for a long time. Refusing to eat the food (which wasn’t terrible), screaming and crying, she even plotted the occasional failed attack. But then they started the shock therapy, and she learned. Being in that chair was brutal. Rewiring her brain into submission. Submission to the Men so they could train her. She had to be ready for the Soldat when he needed her. Why her? She didn’t ask and they didn’t tell her. She learned very quickly that she was only allowed to speak when spoken to.
Make the Soldat happy. That was her mission. She had been told that phrase so many times that she heard it in her sleep. She had never seen or met him, but she was being trained to be his. A possession he could have control over during the brief times he was unfrozen. She was to listen to him, obey, sleep with him, and just make him happy because the mind controlling words were having less and less of an effect, and the Men were afraid he would lash out and massacre them all.
But it doesn’t seem like she’ll be fulfilling her life goal after all because now she’s in the air with a group of people looking at her like she has two heads. A woman with pretty red hair, a man with a large bow, and a man with nice glasses towards the front of the jet, were on one side. On the other was a blond man with very long hair, standing up to talk to a man in a purple shirt, and a man sitting by himself with long brown hair. All of their stares were pointed at her, but his seemed to go through her. Like he had x-ray vision and could read her mind.
“Y/n, you can have a seat right there.” Sam said, pointing to an empty seat next to the redhead who only squinted at her. “That’s Natasha. She’s nicer than she looks.”
“No, I’m not.” She said, making eye contact with y/n. “But we’re glad to have you aboard.” Natasha finished, the slightest smile forming at the girl.
“Um... Cap, where are her clothes?” The man from before asked Steve.
“I don’t know. This is what she was wearing, and I didn’t see a wardrobe anywhere, Tony.” Steve sighed, obviously exasperated by even the thought of a conversation with Tony.
Tony looked at the girl expectantly. Was he waiting for her to chime in? Because he’d be waiting a long time. She was trained very well. Talking out of turn was one of the first rules she learned.
“Sweetheart, are you alright? Do you want something to cover up? We have blankets. What about water? You thirsty? Does she even understand a word I’m saying?” Tony’s last question was aimed at the men she entered with.
“I understand. I’m sorry. I’m alright, sir.” And if the team was trying to keep their staring inconspicuous at first, they completely abandoned that when she spoke. Her voice was so small and smooth. Just a little weak from not talking much.
“How about we get you a blanket anyway so I can be a little more comfortable” He nodded towards Sam who left the room and returned with a large blanket. She hadn’t realized how cold she was or that her nipples were pointing through her thin dress. Or that the cotton dress was really just a white slip that was damn near see through.
Maybe the grumpy looking man on the other side of the jet does have x-ray vision.
“Thank you, sir.” Everyone had to be called Sir. She hadn’t been around any women, but she was pretty sure if they looked as serious as the one next to her, she’d call them Ma’am.
“Tony is fine.” He smiled at her.
“Hey. I’m Clint, by the way.” The man on Natasha’s other side said, turning his body to address her. “So, umm... What were you doing up there? Are you working for Hydra?” Other members of the team groaned and scolded him for being so blunt, even though they were secretly happy he asked because they also wanted to know.
“I was knitting.” She said simply. She was going to leave it at that, but she could see the way Clint’s eyebrows almost touched his hairline at her short reply. So she continued with the mantra she was raised with. “My purpose is to make the Soldat happy. He is my mission.”
She had never seen a room of people’s heads turn so fast. Eyes darting from her to the brooding man on the other side of the jet. He squinted his eyes, looking equally as confused.
She hadn’t realized that her mission was right in front of her.
part 2
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albelen · 4 years
book talk: oathbringer
Granted, it took me two months to read this because I had finals and sometimes I was not in the right headspace to read.
Where do I even begin? My thoughts, as always, are so scattered and since I have the smaller copy of the book I didn't use any sticky notes to write my comments, but instead just doggy-eared some of the pages I deemed important / I liked:
● this is from a conversation between Jasnah and Dalinar about the claims of the latter's heresy:
"I don't mind people believing what works for them, Uncle. That's something nobody ever seems to understand- I have no stake in their beliefs. I don't need company to be confident."
Among all the characters in the book, I feel like I respect Jasnah more than anyone. Her intelligence and confidence in herself and in her work are the things I admire about her a lot.
In particular, I resonate with her when it comes to religious views, which I'm not gonna talk about because that's a conversation for another day.
● there is a page of Moash marching with the parshman and Voidbringers, he's contemplating about the how humans can't govern themselves.
I honestly don't remember why I thought this was an important page, but upon re-reading it there's this line:
Moash had failed Kaladin and the others- but that was merely how men were in this debased age. He couldn't be blamed. He was a product of his own culture.
Now, I don't want dismiss Moash's hatred for Elhokar and the lighteyes, he's more than entitled to feel that way after his grandparents were killed unfairly, but the fact that he thought he couldn't be blamed for his actions and that he is what he is because of his culture... that's just way too easy, Moash. Just because the society you grew up in is as is, doesn't mean you just take it, storming man. I feel so strongly about this because I love everyone from bridge four, but after what Moash did in this book... I don't know if there's a way for him to redeem himself.
● Adolin hanging out with Bridge Four!! ISTG, Adolin is the real GOAT in this series.
I feel for him when he felt small, being surrounded by Radiants.
I mean, who wouldn't? Your father, your brother, your fiancé, your cousin and your friend. Personally I would have had very low esteem in myself, but Adolin fought through it and just did what he can. He is a character I admire a lot too. Because despite his upbringing, his background and his privileges, he still choses to be humble, be nice to anyone and work hard.
All in all, he's really the most likeable character imo. He and Shallan haven't known each other for the longest time, but it really feels like he's sincere with his feelings despite his prior reputation with girls haha
● Kaladin's friendship with Adolin and Shallan: I know our favorite bridgeboy has his Bridge Four and thinks that's they are all he needs, but I can't help but feel relieved that Kal has Adolin and Shallan.
Like I've said previously, I don't think Kal had any romantic feelings for Shallan, but he thought he did because she reminded him of Tien. His friendship with the two newly-weds are important and it's gonna help him along the way. I love that for Kal ;w;
● I need a Wit in my life, I need him to make me see things I don't see, to make my reflect and realise all the important things in life.
There is this line I particularly liked when he found Shallan:
"[...] You mostly failed. This is life. The longer you live, the more you fail. Failure is the mark of a life well lived. [...]"
This is something a lot of us should probably hear, because I know I do especially when I have doubts in myself and I'm scared of doing things for the fear of failing.
● I don't like Taravangian, and I know he's just trying to save the world but also just actually trying to save his people but when he told Dalinar this:
"This is the sacrifice, isn't it?" Taravangian said softly. "Someone must bear the responsbility. Someone must be dragged down by it, ruined by it. Someone must stain their soul so others may live."
This reminded me of someone, but for the sake of not going into a more serious tone I shall leave it like that.
● As this post is getting longer, these two lines are the last ones that I'm gonna mention:
"I will take responsibility for what I have done," Dalinar whispered. "If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man."
I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory. Dalinar frustrated me all throughout this book. I wanted to slap young Dalinar, especially because of how he treated Evi. I have to admit he was so cool in the last part of the book lol I loved his interactions with Lift.
I kinda wish we had interactions between Lift and Kaladin - I hope we got one in the next book.
And the last line and the one that gave my goosebumps:
She pulled him tight, “Maybe you don’t have to save anyone, Kaladin. Maybe it’s time for someone to save you.”
Kaladin always thinks of saving others, but never thinks that maybe he’s the one who needs to be saved. He helped the parshman, he bonded with the Wall Guards... he cares so deeply for anyone he barely thinks of himself. 
Oh, Kaladin, I just wanna wrap him in a blanket and give him a warm soup. :(
I’m itching to read Rhythm of War, but I think my brain needs a break from fantasy books.
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
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warnings; none
genre; fluff
pairing; kim jungeun x gender neutral reader
word count; 1.5k
summary; you meet a squad of surfers while eating your lunch and one of them, the woman, the myth, the legend, kim jungeun, ends up teaching you her craft.
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“jo serim, eat my fries one more time and i will squirt ketchup all over your precious hair.”
“i’m hungry, sihyeon~”
“you ate about fifteen slices of bacon this morning. there is no way you’re hungry.”
your two best friends have already commenced their arguing and it’s only 12 o’clock in the afternoon. you sigh loudly, stealing one of sihyeon’s fries while she’s busy berating serim for her love of savory food. 
serim, of course, sees you and alerts sihyeon, but siheyon, of course, thinks serim is lying and gets her tomato paste weapon ready.
you heckle at them and grab sihyeon’s arm, making her set the ketchup back on the table. she reluctantly lets you, warning that you could be next. 
your take a bite out of your burger. your eyes wander around the restaurant’s patio. it’s small, with the average sets of tables and chairs seated on it. the ordering area is right in your line of vision and you see a pack of girls walk up to it.
it’s a bunch of surfers. looks like they’ve come straight of the beach. one of them appears about ready to snarl at her hair- the sand just does not want to be dusted off.
one of the girls in the front catches your eye. she looks to be the quietest one in the group, standing off the side, the epitome of a tsundere girl crush. you catch her eye as she zones back in to her friends’ conversation and then orders her food.
you smile at her. she looks a little surprised and awkwardly grimaces back.
“the people here are so nice,” serim gushes next to you, “everyone i’ve seen so far has either waved, smiled, or made eye contact with me! i feel so appreciated!”
“yeah,” sihyeon agrees, “must be the food. anyone who gets to eat this good of a burger every day should be excruciatingly happy.”
the irony of the situation almost makes you laugh. you smile despite your slight embarrassment at the girl’s reaction to your normal, humane greeting. your friends take it as a sign that you agree with their observations.
the flock of surfers sit down at the table next to you. the girl you smiled at seems to tense up as she sits down. probably because of the close proximity of strangers. that always seems to be the case of nerves in detached types.
you continue eating your burger, finishing up the last few bites. sihyeon’s ready to go back up for more ice cream. serim’s complaining that she didn’t even have enough time to drink all of her lemonade and it won’t taste good with dairy!
sihyeon’s about to grab serim’s arm and manhandle her up to the counter, but before she can, one of the surfers next to you interrupts, saying, “hey, do you guys want to come down to the beach with us?”
“sure!” onda says happily without hesitation, looking ready to jump up and down.
“yeah,” you and sihyeon chorus at the same time, a little after serim.
“good, it’s getting boring. no one our age ever hangs out here, they’re all at muri beach.”
“why don’t you go down there then?” sihyeon asks curiously.
“it’s a bay, so there’s no waves. too calm for surfing.” the girl responds, tying her hair up in a ponytail and stretching. “anyways, the name’s heejin. i’m the swaggy one in this group.”
“never say the word ‘swaggy’ again,” another one responds, “i’m yves, by the way,” she adds as an afterthought before stuffing a fry into her mouth.
“i’m hyunjin.”
“my name’s jinsoul.”
you and your flock of friends introduce yourselves as well, and everyone slowly gets up, grabs their stuff and shuffles down to the water.
everyone talks comfortably, the easy vibes from the surfers seem to have osmosis-ed over to you. 
“wait, i need to grab my dog. my mom dropped him off,” yves says before turning around and running back up the restaurant.
“her mom just left the dog unattended?” you ask.
“yeah,” jungeun responds, “it’s a nice dog.”
“understandable. that makes complete sense.”
jungeun senses your sarcasm at her dry response and rolls her eyes. she opens her mouth to retort, but the sound of crashing waves drowns out the noise. you hadn’t realized how loud the ocean was until you were standing right in front of it.
“that’s loud!” serim shouts.
“yeah,” jinsoul yells back, “let’s move further back so we don’t have to yell!”
the group turns around and moves away from the water to set up camp. 
everyone rolls out their towels. serim is very happy with her hello kitty one and shows jinsoul excitedly. jinsoul is endeared by this.
yves comes flailing down the beach, fluffy puppy struggling to keep up with its speedy bird of an owner. 
“doggy!” serim screams. sihyeon is close behind, audibly keyboard smashing. you jump up too, trying not to hide your smile but failing miserably. there goes your cold, sarcastic first impression.
the three of you collapse onto the dog, who is thoroughly enjoying the attention and is about to wag its tail off.
“what’s its name?” sihyeon says, looking at yves who is doting on the puppy as well.
“IT”S SO CUTE!” serim screams, frightening the dog.
“you scared it!” you scold playfully, picking up stealing haru and running back to the group.
“give him back!” serim sounds appalled as she chases after you.
“nope!” you say, and continue running, falling down onto a towel, canine in hand. serim falls on top of you, almost squishing the doggo but he manages to wriggle out of your grips before anything detrimental happens.
you giggle at serim’s attempts to fight you and tickle her sides. she shrieks in your ear and you shove her off, revealing a figure standing in your line of vision. 
“uh, hi?” you say, a little embarrassed because why in the world is she staring at you with such a weird look on her face?
“hello. that’s my towel.”
“oh, i’m so sorry, i was just uhm, trying to outrun serim here, and ended up collapsing on it.” you stand up quickly, brushing some sand off.
“no, i mean you can still use it, i’m about to head over and start surfing, so i won’t need it just yet, i was just a little surprised.”
there’s an awkward silence. you open your mouth to say something, but jungeun asks, “do you want to come with me?”
“surfing?” you say.
“yeah. i could teach you.”
“sure,” you agree, shrugging your shoulders. surfing can’t be that hard.
“good luck,” jinsoul tells you, “surfing’s tough. especially with jungeun teaching you.”
“i thought you were an expert?!” you exclaim at your newfound surfing mentor.
“i am, jinsoul just doesn’t know true talent when she sees it.”
“it’s okay jinsoul, i’ll be there to make sure she doesn’t kill y/n or something,” heejin sighs.
“have fun!” serim encourages before going back to intensely focusing on digging her toes into the sand.
*      *      *
“are you 100% sure about this? my life’s feeling a little threatened.”
“you’ll be fine, y/n. i’m here to protect you,” jungeun comforts you with a wink. 
heejin rolls her eyes at the two of you, “i’m going to surf over there and leave you two by yourselves. holler if y/n dies. i don’t care what happens to jungeun, as long as i’m not going to be blamed for it.”
you and jungeun snort as heejin swims away.
“so, first you’re going to jump on the board and sit on it. you need to learn how to balance before you do anything.”
you groan as you haul yourself up on the board. everybody say yay for public embarrassment!
luckily, you’re still in shallow water and jungeun is holding your board so you don’t get obliterated by the waves just yet.
you sit on the board. “what now?” you ask, conflicted between looking digruntled and attentive.
“now, you’re going to stand up,” jungeun is trying not to grin maniacally. you’re resentful but still listening so well and it’s the most endearing thing she’s ever seen.
“quit smiling like that. i know you’re trying not to laugh at me,” you whine.
jungeun just shakes her head. you have no idea.
with wobbly legs, you squat on your board and slowly stand up. however, your limbs decide to mutiny against you and you lose your balance, falling into the water.
“let’s try that again,” jungeun says, helping you up.
this time, she grabs hold of your hand as you try to stand up again. you’re still for a few seconds before your legs get wild once again. however, jungeun rests her hand on your waist in order to center you. 
this gesture causes you to lose focus even more. normally you’re chill about people being touchy with you or even flirting, but for some reason jungeun is making you internally combust. must be the way her eyebrows quirk up whenever she speaks to you, or the subtle touches, or her natural commanding persona, or how she tries really hard to look cold but you just know she’s a big softie, or-
“hey, you good? you look murderous.”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you pause for a second, recalling where you are.
“wait, i’m standing up!” you exclaim.
jungeun chuckles at your realization, “good observation.”
“can we try actually surfing now?”
“sure, you might fall again, but you seem to learn fast.”
“it’s okay, the water will catch me.”
“i guess it will,” jungeun shrugs, and the two of you swim into the open ocean together.
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@catgirlkimlip​ put many thots in my head
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Excerpt/Sketch Scene: Ardisci
I shared lines from this recently but in looking it over I remembered how much I love it so I decided to share. From Ardisci’s POV, Ardisci is the god of knowledge and is living sort of in-hiding on Earth.
Alright. So we’re here: Kaitlyn is lying on the couch, reading chapter 3 of her textbook on cultural anthropology. Netalia is lying on the floor, her book— a thick book with thin pages that’s a survey English literature— open above her. It’s open to Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth, but I’m not sure if she’s reading it— Buttercup, her golden retriever, is licking her face, and she’s laughing and pushing her away. I’m taking notes in my notebook. My reading, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, is open as a pdf on my laptop, though that’s mostly for show, since Netalia is here. My notebook, which Kaitlyn insists is technically a journal (but it’s not my place to say it is or isn’t— language and labels aren’t my responsibility to determine), lies in front of me, and I’m scribbling in it with a recycled water bottle pen that I got at freshman orientation that Netalia always marvels that I haven’t lost and Kait and I then share a knowing look about. If Kait (and the collective’s) definition of “journal” is a place for writing out one’s own thoughts, rather than simply noting facts for studying purposes, then yes, it is a journal. I don’t have much need for notetaking— even without the constant stream of direct-and-all-encompassing knowledge, simple information—what’s part of the collective knowledge—is provided to me automatically. But that’s why I love philosophy classes. In the science class I took I did find it interesting what aspects they taught or what they knew, but still, so much of it was known information, simply a method by which to integrate that knowledge. It didn’t excite me the same way. But philosophy? No answer came to me automatically. I know how others have answered the question before, yes, but there’s no collective answer, and I can listen to classmate’s opinions and thoughts and I actually feel like I’m learning.
Focusing. I’m journaling on the allegory of the cave. I won’t be able to bring what I write up in class, but thoughts—my thoughts, my own!—are coming tumbling out. Because I know the outside world, the sun, all of it, I am the regular people in this metaphor when everyone around me are the prisoners who know only shadows and can but squint at the sun. Because not knowing and a limited perspective isn't something I was ever able to to really have. Because not that long ago I didn’t even have an “I” through which to narrate. Google doesn't have an “I” and never has a choice in knowing that these are shadows, not the extent of human existence, but maybe I could know only that. And who would feel jealousy of prisoners chained up in a cave with only a fire casting shadows to quantify as real— and since when has jealousy been a thing I feel?
Kaitlyn had been the one to suggest I write, to journal. She’d given me a look that she told me later was frustration (which I don’t feel bad about not recognizing— psychologically speaking, most people don’t recognize the facial expression “frustrated” as they do “happy” or “sad”—it’s not a basic emotion) and said in a very calm voice that as much as she loved listening to my rants, not everyone had the collective knowledge at their disposal—she actually had to study. And she later suggested writing out my thoughts, telling me that writing could be helpful in self-discovery, which got a green-light from the collective knowledge, so I agreed to try it. 
Netalia pushes Buttercup’s nose away. “Buttercup, go-lie-down. I gotta read this.” Buttercup harumphs and trots over to me, pushing her nose into the space between my arm and my waist. That’s something I never got to appreciate—the simple joy of an animal burrowing into you. Of loving you. I suspect that’s something few gods get to experience—at least, outside of the Nature domain. And to have that physical form in which an animal can burrow into.
I can’t write with Buttercup there, so I finish the sentence, put my pen down, and turn to Buttercup, taking her face in my hands and scratching behind her ears. Buttercup starts panting, her tail wagging loud enough to slam against the carpet.
“Did the good doggie get snubbed?” I coo to Buttercup. It’s lucky humans developed a way to communicate thoughts, or I may never have had access to even the concept of thoughts and emotions, just behavior and knowledge of consciousness. At least a person can tell me what they’re thinking and feeling, even if it’s not always true— or all I’d have is what I can tell about animals, what their behaviors indicate. 
“It was not a snub,” Netalia said. “I have to read this.”
I quiet, just smiling at Buttercup and scratching behind her ears. Kaitlyn’s looking at me. I know what face she’s making without looking up, but I look up anyway because sometimes using the human eyes helps me interpret it better. There’s a slight smile. I think it’s in reference to “Some of us need to actually read the assignment.” Just because that’s usually what Kaitlyn likes to tease me about. 
Kaitlyn closes her textbook and sets it down on the table. “Talia, can we take Buttercup outside and play with her a bit? I think Addie’s getting antsy.”
Addie’s not really my name—my god name is Ardisci, and before going into hiding, Kaitlyn called me Ardi, which I love—never had I been close enough with someone for them to need a shortened way to refer to me. It felt affectionate. But going into hiding I needed a name-name, something not quite my god name. Kaitlyn had actually said that Adelaide felt too close to Ardisci to her, but once I’d picked it it had felt comfortable and I couldn’t pick another one, so we went with it. Plus, “Addie” and “Ardi” sounded similar, which made the transition easier. 
“Sure,” Netalia sits up, folding the book over her finger for a moment. “Her toys are in the basket next to the porch.” She stood and sat down on the couch Kait had been lying on.
I stood, giving Buttercup a tug towards the door. Buttercup lept, realizing what we were doing, and ran to the door, barking when it didn’t open for her.
“Hold on, girl.” Kaitlyn followed us over to the front entrance and grabbed her jacket off the hook, then handed me mine. Now out of earshot from Netalia, she said to me, “The rest of us need to actually read the assignment.”
“I know,” I said. My jacket was thick, zippered, and knit, with cables curling up the sleeves. I wanted to try knitting sometime, to see if it was as easy as the information of “how to purl” came into my mind. Kaitlyn had said she’d knit when she was younger, had described how she’d learned to spot the difference between a knit stitch and a purl stitch and how to make a cable or bauble. When I look at it I know, but I have a feeling that that knowledge is different from recognizing it.
Kaitlyn takes a moment to adjust the collar of my jacket, which wasn’t folded properly. “I know you know,” she smiles—me saying “I know” is ironic, she’s said, just as anyone saying “do you know?” is to me. But “know” doesn’t, in my case, always mean knowing, it means understanding, and that (I know) is a different thing. 
Buttercup bolts out the door as soon as I turn the handle to leave—it’s into Netalia’s family’s backyard, where Buttercup has previously been allowed to roam freely, so I’m not concerned—and Kaitlyn shouts to Netalia’s mom that we’re taking Buttercup out. Her mom, Lynette, tells us alright, and that she’s heating up some hot apple cider for us. Lynette was horrified my first year living as a human that I’d never had hot apple cider, and had filled me up on it ever since. I’d told Kaitlyn how I knew what apple was used, the origins of the drink, different versions, what was considered the best mixture. 
“Alright,” Kaitlyn had said. “But the drink you’re drinking right now. Do you like it?”
I’d been confused at first. I’d taken another sip— not really familiar with the concept of myself liking things. I knew it was generally accepted as good, but then I really absorbed the flavor, the heat, the spice, the sweetness. “Yes,” I’d said finally. “I like it.”
I bound outside, running to the basket under the porch and grabbing a frisbee. “Wanna catch?” I ask Buttercup. Buttercup jumps side to side, ready. I swing my arm, try to snap my wrist, and let go. Buttercup runs after it, but the frisbee curves, making about a 60° angle away from where I thought I’d aimed. I laugh, and Buttercup, who started running straight, looks around in confusion.
“I gotta get better at that!” I shout to Kait, and run over to where the frisbee landed. Running is nice, a feeling I’ve gotten used to. The exertion, adrenaline, my lungs pulling in air, my heart beating, lactic acid starting to flow through my muscles (which’ll make them sore later). One of the things I can’t know, I have to feel. I get to feel. I scoop up the frisbee and toss it again. This time Buttercup knows to watch it, and runs after the very curved path it follows. I run back over to Kait, meeting Buttercup halfway as she trots back with it. Kait takes the frisbee.
“Here,” she holds it out, but instead of letting me take it, guides my hand to hold it. She takes me through the motion of throwing it, of the flick of the wrist. “And here you let go. Eyes on your target.” she says. 
I know how to on an instructional level, but when Kait releases my hand for me to try, this time I pay attention not to the collective knowledge, but her instruction. I follow through, and this time it goes straighter, only curving a bit at the end. Buttercup races after it, then picks it up from the ground.
“Better,” Kait observes. She’s staring at Buttercup at first, but her eyes don’t follow the return, so she seems to have spaced on the trees. “Russell never quite figured out how to throw one,” she said.
I take the frisbee from Buttercup, spinning it in my hand for a moment. I don't look at her, knowing she won’t notice me averting my eyes.
I still haven't told her. I should tell her. It’s my obligation really, to our friendship and to my role as god. But really, just because I am the god of knowledge, did that mean I have to tell her? I’m trying to escape that role.
She’ll find out eventually. And maybe I can say I just hadn’t thought of it— I’d been shutting down the constant stream of information, and one person's death isn’t collective knowledge. If I hadn’t wondered, I still wouldn’t know, not actively.
But I do know actively. I’d checked in and realized. And decided not to tell her.
Her brother had died two years ago. That’s why he’d never found her, never shown up. I hadn’t known him, not really, but I knew him somewhat through Kait, though her memories and relationship. 
Maybe it’s a bit selfish, too. I don’t know how she’d react, but I have a feeling (that was new too, having a feeling) that knowing might change things. It might lead her back to her family, and yes perhaps I can stay in hiding without her, but I don’t want to.
A part of me has always longed to do this. Live as a person, learn, experience. Not be the source of all knowledge for once. And part of why I finally had was the pressure had gotten worse—but really, a large part of it was meeting Kaitlyn. Kait, who never used me, who never asked questions I wouldn’t know if I wasn’t god of knowledge. Who actually got to know who I was, with enough patience to handle me. Who’d believed I even got the chance to be an I.
I throw the frisbee again. It arcs a bit, but Buttercup jumps up and catches it midair. “Whoo!” Kait cheers. 
I bend down, clapping and then petting Buttercup. “Good job!” I tell her.
“Good job to you,” Kait says, tousling my hair the same way I’m tousling Buttercup’s ears. I grin.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Running to a Standstill - 1
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Running to a Standstill: A Captain America Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  2188
Rating:  E
Square filled: @star-spangled-bingo​ - Widow’s Bite
Warnings: none for this chapter, there will be smut and canon typical violence, etc for the series
Synopsis: While on the run from an unknown organization trying to take your son, you meet two super-soldiers.  While they try to help you get to the bottom of who is hunting you and your son, feelings come out and admissions are made that make your personal life even more tricky.
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Chapter 1
Bucky sat cross-legged on the floor of Clint’s apartment fiddling with Natasha’s widow bites.  They'd malfunctioned while they were out chasing down some creeps trying to hold up a bank using stolen alien tech and now parts of them were spread out on the stained Ikea coffee table along with his machine gun, Clint’s bow, a handful of arrows, and some throwing knives.  Bucky had already been zapped three times, and at this point, he was determined to fix these things just to spite them.
“Fuck,” he cursed as he was zapped once again.  He shook his hand and sucked on his finger.
“Just leave them, James,” Natasha said, as she passed through the room on her way to the fridge. “Stark can fix them.”
“This is way below Stark’s pay grade.  I can do it,” Bucky argued, and like the miniature tasers were trying to spite him right back he got zapped again.  “Fuck!  You little…”
There was a rapping on Clint’s door followed by a snuffling sound and scratching.
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’,” Clint complained, tripping over Steve’s shield and then his own quiver as he made his way to the door.
He pulled the door open to reveal Clint’s one-eyed Labrador mix, a little boy who looked to be about three or four years old, and you.
“Hey, Clint,” you said, cheerily as the little boy chased the dog inside.  “Returning Lucky.  Thanks for letting me take him out.”
“You kidding?”  Clint replied as Steve quickly got to his feet and started picking up weapons and putting them up out of the reach of little hands.  “Did me a favor.  Thanks for taking him with you.”
“Of course, Geo loves him,” you replied.  “Geo, you say thank you to Mister Barton?”
“Dank,” the little boy who seemed to be named Geo said.  “Nad, Nad, Nad…”
Natasha smiled softly.  It was a rare thing to see and it made Bucky feel a little warm on the inside.  A feeling he was still getting used to experiencing.
“What is it, malysh?”  She asked.
Geo then babbled a series of words that seemed to include ‘balloon’, ‘doggy’, ‘fly’, and ‘cake’ but Bucky couldn’t quite follow what he was actually saying.
“Well that all sounds fantastic,” Natasha said, brushing the little boy's hair off his face.  “What a wonderful day you’ve had.”
He bounced on his toes and kissed her cheek before running off toward Bucky.
“Geo, honey,” you said in that patient voice that some parents couldn’t seem to be able to perfect.  “We need to go,” you said taking a step into the room.  “Sorry, Clint.”
“Mama, but dis,” Geo complained, coming over to Bucky and patting his arm.
“No, honey, they’re doing work,” you said, as Geo caressed the metal plates on Bucky’s prosthetic arm.
“Whad dis?”  Geo said, looking up at Bucky.
“Oh my god,” you said, sounding mortified as Clint stifled a laugh.  “I’m so sorry, Sergeant… Barnes?”  You said his name like a question, confirming his identity.
Bucky shook his head.  “It’s fine,” he said to you and turned his attention back to Geo.  “That’s my arm.”
“Is a robod arm?”  Geo asked.
“Yeah, it’s a robot arm,” Bucky answered.
Clint laughed and closed the door behind you.  “You might as well get comfortable.  This is gonna be a while.”
“You’re sure?”  You asked, “You look busy.”
“Nah, Bucky’s just trying to fix something he can’t fix,” Clint said.  “You want a drink?”
“A beer would be amazing,” you said and took a seat on the couch.
“You fix fing?”  Geo asked.
“Yeah, that’s right.  I’m fixing these?”  Bucky said, showing the little boy the Widow Bites.  Steve gave Bucky a look that was slightly disapproving but he didn’t actually say anything.  Bucky wasn’t sure he was good with kids.  He always felt a little awkward, like he was going to say or do the wrong thing.  He did like kids though.  They didn’t know what he was and they were true to their emotions.  If they didn’t like you, you knew right away.  Maybe showing the Widow Bites to a toddler was a terrible thing to do, but he seemed interested and you didn’t say anything, so Bucky figured he can’t have done anything too bad.
Clint handed you a beer and introduced you to everyone as Geo looked at all the pieces of the Widow Bites carefully like he really understood what was going on with them.  “They rent the place two floors below this one,” Clint explained.
“Geo loves Lucky, so Clint lets us take him to the park when we go and he doubles as my guard dog,” you added.
“So what is it you do?”  Steve asked.
“Oh, this and that,” you said, cryptically.  “I sometimes do shifts at a coffee place down the street.  I babysit.  I do some temp work here and there.”
“That must be difficult,” Steve said.
“I make do,” you said.  “Geo’s dad died and I do what I have to to get by.”
Steve frowned.  “I’m sorry to hear that.”
You shrugged.  “Thank you, I’m sure you understand loss.  Given… everything.”
“Dis go dare,” Geo said, pointing at one of the wires and moving his finger to a circuit board.
“Yeah?  I dunno, buddy,” Bucky said, not sure how to tell a toddler that he could just randomly solder pieces of a weapon together.
“Goes dare,” he insisted, climbing into Bucky’s lap.
“You might as well just do it,” Natasha teased as she lounged back on the recliner.  “It’s not like he’ll make it worse.”
“Alright,” Bucky said.  “You keep your hands back okay?”
“Otay,” Geo said, putting one hand on each of Bucky’s arms.  Bucky carefully soldered the wire into place and powered the tasers on.  They started up fine and when he gave the to Natasha and she tested them out they seemed to work fine.  Bucky looked from you to Geo and back at Natasha with the tasers.
“Did … did you just fix them, pal?”  He asked.
“Uhh… he… kinda has a knack for things like that,” you said, putting your drink down.  “Hey, Geo, maybe we should go.”
The way you reacted reminded Bucky of a prey animal who’d realized they’d just gotten themselves cornered. Your eyes flicked to the exits and back to your son.  “Hey,” Steve said, gently.  That commanding but soothing tone coming to him instinctively.  “You’re alright.  You’re safe here with us.”
“Yeah, hon,” Clint agreed.  “If you can’t trust Captain America, who can you trust?”
You seemed to relax back in the chair and Geo climbed off Bucky’s lap and toddled over to where Lucky was lying and lay down against him.  Steve looked at the little boy and then at you.  “If you need to talk to anyone… or you need any help.”
You shook your head.  “It’s… fine.  I’ve been dealing with it.”
“Dealing with what exactly?”  Steve asked.
“You ever read the book ‘Firestarter’?  Or see the movie?  The movie had Drew Barrymore in it?”  When Steve’s blank look never changed.  “No, of course not.  Why would you?  Anyway, it’s like that.  And … well, less attention the better.  So thank you, but I’m fine.”
Steve looked you over and gave a nod.  “If you ever change your mind…”
“I know where you are.  And I appreciate the offer,” you stood up and threw your beer bottle into Clint and Natasha’s recycling bin.  “I better take him back home.  He’s gonna pass out.”
Bucky looked back over at Geo who now had his eyes closed and was curled into Lucky’s side.  You picked up the little boy and he snuggled into your neck and opened and closed his hands on your back.  “Thanks again, Clint.”
“Yeah, no worries,” Clint said getting up and opening the door for you.  “He likes going out with you.”
“I’ll see you,” you said and hurried out of the room.
“Way to go,” Natasha teased.  “You scared away our only normal friend.”
“What did she mean by the Firestarter thing?”  Bucky asked.
“See, that’s new,” Clint said, flopping down on the couch. “I just knew she was a widow.  Firestarter is a story about this couple that goes through a bunch of medical testing at college and then they have a kid who can light fires with her mind.  And the people who did the testing on them start chasing them around the country to get the kid.”
Steve stiffened up and pulled out his phone. “You didn’t know she was on the run?”
Clint shook his head.  “Just a widow with a kid.  I have heaps of single mom tenants.”
“Clint likes to offer them cheap rent and then they’re so grateful they sleep with him,” Natasha explained.
“Hey now!”  Clint spluttered.  “Don’t make me sound like an asshole.  I offer them cheap rent ‘cause they are usually getting back on their feet.  Plus they’re often divorcees and they feel safer in the building two Avengers live in.  Can’t help it if some of them start hanging around and making me food and then one thing leads to another.”
“Maybe I should do some checking up on that,” Steve said.  “If she’s in trouble, we can’t just ignore it.”
“She obviously doesn’t want to be noticed, maybe you should just leave it alone,” Natasha said.
“We’re authority figures.  I can understand why she might not trust that we can help,” Steve said.  “But you and I both know we can.”
“Fine!” Natasha said, holding up her hands in defeat.  “Do what you like.”
“Did you really sleep with her?”  Bucky asked, getting up off the floor and moving to the recliner as Steve tapped around on his phone.
“Her?  No.  Just something that’s happened a few times with other tenants.  Nothing planned,” Clint explained.  “She’s cute though, right.”
Clint wasn’t wrong.  Bucky did think you were attractive.  You seemed nice too, the fact you trusted Geo with him meant a lot to him and the way you didn’t make a huge deal about Steve.  A lot of women always made a huge deal of Steve.  Not that Bucky could blame them for that too.  He’d been harboring a crush on Steve that stretched way back before most women even looked twice at Steve.
“You’re really okay with that, Tasha?”  Bucky asked.  Natasha and Clint didn’t exactly have a conventional relationship.  It wasn’t really one he was used to seeing but they seemed happy.  He kept expecting jealousy to rear up but they just spoke about how they each slept with other people like it was no big deal at all.
“Yeah, of course,” Natasha said.  “Gotta let go of the idea monogamy is the only possible happily ever after, James.  Some people find happiness alone and in themselves, some find it in the beds of strangers, some with one loving partner.  And some with multiple.”
“And some people like to shack up with their best friend and get up to all kinds of shenanigans,” Clint added, moving from the couch to the recliner with Natasha and curling up with her.
“Find what it is that makes you happy,” Natasha concluded.  “Besides sleeping with one person for the rest of my life-” She mimed yawning and Clint laughed and snuggled into her more.
“If only…” Bucky muttered as he looked at Steve.
Steve looked up from his phone puzzled and raised an eyebrow at him.  “What's that, Bucky?”
“Nothing, go back to being a snoop,” Bucky grumbled, once again ignoring the clear opportunity to come clean about his feelings.
“You want us to set you up with her, Buck?”  Clint asked.  “She's really fun. She and Geo come up a bunch.  We eat pizza and play videogames or take the dog out.  She's artistic too and snarky.  And Nat even likes her.”
“It's true, I do,” Natasha said.  “She brings us coffee and croissants from the place she works.”
“Then what would she want with me then?” Bucky asked, almost folding in on himself.  Clint gave him a look that both said he understood and that he pitied him and Natasha scowled at him.
“James,” she said.
Bucky knew he had to deflect quickly or he'd get a lecture about being worthy of love, and he was really not in the mood for that.  He quickly waved a hand in Steve’s direction.  “Set her up with Steve.  He's the one worried about her past and she treated him like a normal person.”
“Oh that's a good point,” Clint said, nudging Natasha.
Natasha picked up a cushion and threw it at Steve.  He caught it on reflex and looked up at him. “How about we organize dinner for you and her?” Natasha suggested.  “Then you can try and get her backstory in person in a less aggressive fashion.”
“That's a good idea,” Steve said, completely oblivious that he was being set up on a date.  “Set it up.”
Natasha smirked at Bucky and winked.  Bucky smiled back and hoped that it hid the little flare of jealousy he just felt raise it’s head.
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Alec and his Cinderella
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Word Count: 3,184 Alec x reader Part Two Warnings: Alec is aged up. Fluff Angst
“Alec? Is everything ok?” Ness’ soft voice broke the silence “No, Ness. Everything is not ok” He replied low, a slight sadness coming through. Ness stepped closer and wrapped an arm around his shoulder “Is-is that her shoe?” Ness asked “Yes, she…she lost it as she ran…as she ran away from me” He replied sadly “Don’t think of it that way Alec, maybe she had a curfew and was worried she’d be late” Ness tried to comfort him “She could have told me…I would have taken her home. She-she could have at least said goodbye” Ness noticed the sadness in his eyes and moved in front of him and gave him a gentle hug “How about we go home” She said softly and she felt him nod.
As soon as they were back at the Cullens Alec calls Demetri “Hi Alec, how are you?” “Demetri I…there’s this girl and she’s amazing; we talked and laughed and danced together all night…but then she left, just run away…losing a shoe in the process. I have the shoe with me and…I need you to help me find her” “You know how my gift works Alec, and her shoe will be of no help to me” Demetri’s voice held a slight amusement to it “Don’t be a dick! I know how your gift works. I need you to come here and pick through my head and find her tenor, her essence” Alec almost growls “Are you going to ask nicely Alec?” Demetri asks, Alec can hear the smile in his voice ‘oh he’s loving this’ Alec thought to himself “Can you come and help me find her…please?” Alec asks “I’ll be there as soon as I can” Demetri replies. Ness wraps an arm around Alec “It’ll be ok. If anyone can find her Alec, Demetri can”
Demetri arrives following day to find Alec pacing back and forth in the family room “You know you’re going to wear out the rug if you keep pacing” Jasper says smiling “I-I can’t help it. I…He’s here” Alec responds and flashes down the stairs to greet Demetri “That excited to see me huh?” He asks grinning “Yes! I am actually. You’re the only one who can help” Alec replies “Ok. Tell me what do you know of her? It’ll help me to pick her tenor out of the other humans you’ve met these past months” “That’s the thing Demetri…I don’t know much about her. I only met her once” Alec’s voice had an edge to it “Ok Alec. Take a breath and we’ll start with the obvious…what does she look like?” “I don’t know” He mumbled “Sorry!” Demetri shook his head “How do you not know what she looks like? You told me you spent the night talking and dancing with her” Demetri sounded shocked “I did but…I can only tell you she has Y/C/H and Y/C/E as it was a Masquerade Ball” Alec replied “Ok” Demetri pinched the bridge of his nose “Can you tell me anything else about her?” “Yes! I can tell you what she was wearing” Alec sounded excited “Wonderful. Because that’s going to help” Demetri replied “I’m sorry I can’t tell you anything else…it’s not like I expected her to run off at the end of the night” Alec yelled arms waving in the air “I know, I know Alec. I’m sorry…it’s just you’ve met a lot of humans recently and I just want to make sure I track down the right one for you” Demetri said softly.
A few minutes later Demetri sighed “This is going to be harder than thought…I-I’m struggling to find her…Oh…Uh…” “They call you the world’s best tracker. Ha –what use are you if you can’t even find one little human?” Alec snapped at Demetri “I never said I couldn’t find her. I know where she is…” “So you have found her?” Alec asked hope shining in his eyes “Yes…but…I just…I can’t just go and get her…not without starting a fight…a fight I can’t win…not on my own…I’m Sorry” Demetri tells Alec sympathetically “Then what am I supposed to do Demetri?” Alec asked, his eyes becoming glossy with venom “Speak to Ness…she can help…she’s the only one that can” Demetri answered honestly placing a hand on Alec’s shoulder “Come on Alec. I’ll come with you.”  
They found Renesmee doing her homework in Alec’s room “Hope you don’t mind but it’s quieter here than home” She said as Alec entered the room “Not a problem, you know that. Look who I found outside” Alec replied nodding at Demetri over his shoulder “Demetri!” She called out and ran towards him; he caught her in his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist “Oh yeah. I forgot to mention Ness loves hugs” Alec said grinning at Demetri who looked surprised but hugged her back anyways “You don’t say” He adjusted his hold on her as she seemed in no rush to end the hug “Nice to see you too Ness” Demetri said smiling “Alec said you love hugs too” She said into his ear “Did he now?” Demetri eyed Alec who just smirked and shrugged “Are you staying long Demetri?” She asked “Well that depends…” “On what?” She asked as Demetri sat down on the desk chair Ness still his arms “On you” He answered; she pulled back a little to look at him “Me?” “Yes Ness, you” He laughed “Ok then. Spill” She replied smiling her arms still around Demetri’s neck, albeit a little looser now “Ok. So where to begin…remember the Masquerade Ball…” He began “Yes, Alec met a girl but…then she run off” She whispered the last part in Demetri’s ear “That is why I’m here. Alec asked me to help him find her” He added “Ooh so I get to see your gift in action?” She asked excitement lighting up her brown eyes, Demetri laughed and Alec rolled his eyes “Yes and I need your help too” “I’m in, anything I can do to help Alec” She replied giving smiling at Alec over her shoulder “Thank you Ness” Alec said smiling.
“So where do we start?” Ness asked “I have managed to pick up her tenor from Alec’s mind…” Demetri began “I feel a but coming” Ness said raising an eyebrow at Demetri “But I can’t go and get her or even take him to her…not without starting a fight…a fight that I can’t win on my own” Demetri saw the realisation flash through her eyes “You mean…she’s on the Reservation?” Ness asked cautiously and Demetri nodded at her “Ahh…that’s where you need me?” “Yes, but please don’t take it the wrong way Ness” Demetri said “It’s just I know that you’re allowed over there without any problems” He continued “Oh. No that’s ok. I get it and this is for Alec” She replied “Wait…What? The girl is on the reservation? Does that mean…?” Alec asked “I don’t know Alec. I can only tell you where she is not who or what she is” Demetri answered him.
Renesmee climbed off Demetri’s lap and smiled at him before turning to Alec “Well come on then. Lets’s go get you your girl” She says and turns to walk out of the room; Alec gets up without hesitation “What?” Alec asks as Demetri smirks at him “Nothing, just Ness says get up and well…” “Says the guy who caught her in his arms, holding close and letting her straddle him when he sat down in the chair” Alec replied with a smirk of his own “I couldn’t not catch her could I? And anyways like you said she likes a hug” Demetri replies winking at him “Come on you two” Ness calls poking her head back into the room “Coming cara mia” Demetri says smiling “Really?” Alec asks rolling his eyes as he follows them out to the car. “Shotgun” Ness calls and opens the front passenger door “Looks like you’re in the back Alec” Demetri says opening the driver’s door of his hire car “Whatever” He mumbles and climbs in the car.
“So how does this work Demetri?” Ness asks “You give me directions to where I have tracked her as I’ve never driven around Forks before and then you accompany us when we go and talk to her under the guise of returning her shoe” He answers her “Sounds like a good plan? Ready Alec to finally meet her?” “Yes, but I am a little nervous…what if she doesn’t like me” Alec replied low “Then she’s an idiot and doesn’t deserve you” Ness replied rather matter of factly “Ness, I know you know the people on the reservation, but do me a little favour and stay by my side please. I don’t fancy taking on your family if anything happens to you” Demetri says softly “Of course. I don’t like the odds of eight versus two either” Ness replied “Not to mention Jake” Alec added “Arrgh. Don’t even go there” Ness sounded frustrated “Problems in doggy paradise?” Demetri asked in a teasing tone “Yes actually” Ness replied “Wow! Going to let the ‘doggy’ comment go huh?” He asked “Yes Demetri I am and I’ll you why. He is overbearing, over protective and he thinks he has a right to tell me what to do, where to go and who I can be friends with. Alec will back me up right?” “He is a bit of a prick Dem. He seems to think he owns her just because he imprinted on her. Really doesn’t like us two hanging out together either” Alec replied “Ahh so that’s why you do your homework with Alec in his room and not at home, because you know he won’t come over” Demetri mused “Exactly. He’s waiting for me to fall in love with him but… I don’t feel that way about him. I mean would you want to be someone who was in love with your mom for nearly two years despite her loving someone else; the same person who goes from wanting to kill you because you ‘killed’ your mom whilst being born, to suddenly forgetting all about your mom and declaring his love for you…just because he imprinted on you?” Ness asked; Demetri turned to look at her shock clearly written on his face “Just making sure I understand you...the dog was in love with your mom despite her being with Edward” Ness nods “He then wanted to kill you because she ‘died’ giving birth to you but instead he imprinted on you once he saw you” She nods again “And he wonders why you’re not in love with him?” “Yep you got it” Ness replies “Jake hasn’t taken the fact that he’s been friend-zoned for eternity well” Alec laughed “That’s his problem not Ness’. Oh and by the way we’re here” Demetri says looking at Alec over his shoulder “Ok. Give me a minute” Alec responds.
They get out of the car and make their way towards the beach; Ness staying by Demetri’s side as he asked. Ness noticed Jake and some of the pack on the beach and instinctively tensed, something Demetri noticed “You’re ok. I meant what I said nothing will happen to you whilst I’m here” “Thank you Demetri” She replied, slipping her small hand in his. “You tracked her here?” Alec asked looking around “Yes…she’s close. You’ll have to follow her scent from here” Demetri replied “That’s going to be a problem…I don’t think she had a scent” “Are you sure Alec? Think. Did she have a scent…even a faint one?” Demetri asked “No Demetri, she had no scent…oh I’m never going to find her” Alec’s voice held a sadness that Ness didn’t like “Yes you will. Demetri and I will help you anyway we can” Ness said giving him a small smile “Ness is right. We’ll help; it’s why I’m here remember. Also you said you remember her hair and eye colour so that should help. Hopefully you’ll recognise her” Demetri added.
The pack noticed the familiar scent of Renesmee and the scent of two vampires, one of which they knew belonged to Alec. “What are they doing here?” Jake growled as he neared Renesmee “That’s none of your business” Ness answered “Wrong! You bought them onto our land so it is my business” He stepped closer to Ness; Demetri squeezed her hand gently reminding her that he was there and she was safe. Jake noticed this and his whole demeanour changed “You’re with HIM?!” Jake growled and pointed at Demetri “What if she is? It’s nothing to do with you. You’re just friends” Demetri replied calmly keeping hold of Ness’ hand. Jake started snarling and shaking “Jake…Don’t!” Leah called out running over; Demetri let go of Ness’ hand and gently pushed her behind him and took a protective stance in front of her, Alec doing the same. Jake phased and bared his fangs at both vampires “Jake! Stop!” Leah tried again “Sam!” Leah called and Sam came running “JAKE! BACK OFF…NOW” Sam used his alpha voice commanding Jake to stand down. Jake snarled and snapped his jaw at Demetri; he didn’t flinch, he didn’t move, he stood his ground in front of Ness.
“We didn’t come for a fight. We came because Demetri tracked a girl here…a girl I met a few days ago at the Masquerade Ball. We talked and danced together…before she ran off after noticing the time. She left in such a hurry she lost a shoe. See” Alec said looking at Sam and holding up the shoe. “Alec’s right we didn’t come for a fight Sam. We know we are in your territory, which is why we bought Ness with us hoping you would allow us to find the girl. I mean I came all the way from Italy to track her so Alec could return a shoe” Demetri added. “I have no quarrel with either of you, you can carry out the task you came to do with no interference from us. If we can be of any help just let us know” Sam said before turning and making his way back to his friends “Jake” He called and Jake followed, not before growling once more at Demetri.
After nearly two hours of trying to find the girl they decided to call it day and to try again tomorrow; Demetri drove them back to the Cullen house and they made their way inside, Edward meeting them at the top of the stairs “Demetri, a word. Please?” Demetri followed Edward into Carlisle’s study “Can you explain what you are doing with my daughter?” “I asked for Ness’ help in tracking down Alec’s potential mate as she is the only one of us who is allowed on the reservation and whilst there I stopped her from getting mauled by that stupid dog. I was under the impression if I returned her to you in any condition other than the one she left here in, there would be trouble. Was I wrong to think that? Should I have let her be mauled Edward?” He replied; Edward didn’t answer him “Let me assure you Edward that Ness is as safe with me as she is with Alec” Edward nodded “It’s just Jake isn’t…” “Liking the fact that he’s been friend-zoned?” Demetri interjected “Exactly. I understand her decision completely and to be honest I’m happy about it” Edward replied “I bet...seeing as the guy used to be in love with Bella…thus making Ness his second choice and…she deserves better than that” Demetri said and Edward nodded “Sorry Demetri it’s just…” “Don’t worry about it. You were just checking your daughter was safe…I get it” Demetri cut him off “If you don’t mind though I need to find Ness and Alec, apparently Ness has a movie night planned that I simply am not allowed to miss” “Ha – Yea, good luck with that one” Edward said laughing “You may regret it later”
That night Ness introduced Demetri to the world of Disney “Wow! So many princesses. You’ve seen these how many times Alec?” Demetri asked “More than I can remember” Alec replied laughing “Oi. Be nice you two. They’re good films” Ness said looking between the two male vampires; the three of them lying on Alec’s bed with Ness in the middle “I must admit I think Beauty and the Beast is my favourite so far” Demetri smiled at her “Really?” She asked and he hummed in response “That’s my favourite one too” “My favourite is Alice in Wonderland” Alec added. They continued to watch Disney movies until Ness fell asleep, Demetri and Alec then chose to watch The Hunger Games movies.
“You seem to get along well with her Alec” Demetri said low “Yea, she’s fun to be around and it’s interesting because she is really is like us except she has a heartbeat and needs to sleep. Oh and not to mention she’s warmer than her human counterparts” Alec replied low “I noticed that earlier when she held my hand that she felt rather warm but her skin wasn’t as soft as a humans” Demetri said looking down at Ness sleeping between them “She loves to hunt… in fact she prefers our diet to theirs” Alec whispered “Really? Who would have thought” Demetri chuckled low “Speaking of how’s the change of diet going?” “I’ve gotten used to it…it was easier to swap to their diet than leave the city to hunt…especially after Ness made her revelation and asked to come with me…” Demetri choked back a laugh “She showed me how to hunt animals instead. We make it a competition to see who can take down the biggest animal” Alec added. “You’ve hunted animals in the past…we both have” Demetri said low “I know, but she was so excited to show me how to hunt animals…I couldn’t tell her and anyways it helped us bond as ‘siblings’” “I can understand that…it’s a little weird to see you with amber eyes though” Demetri replied “Wait till she offers to show you how to hunt animals” Alec said laughing low “Hey, I may be over 1000 years old but I’m not about to rain on her parade so…if she wants to ‘teach’ me how to hunt animals, I’ll let her” Demetri replied low.
The following afternoon Demetri tracked the girl to Port Angeles “Yay! A shopping trip” Ness said excitedly “Sorry to disappoint you but we may not get much shopping done as we are going to find ‘Cinderella’” Demetri replied “Aww, you just made a Disney reference” Ness smiled at him “It’s a similar situation isn’t it, only difference is we can’t go asking random girls to try the shoe on” Demetri chuckled “You’ve called the girl Cinderella?” Alec asked “It’s better than ‘the girl’” Ness replied smiling “Ready to go?” Demetri asked “Yes. Shotgun” Ness said as she run out to the car “I think she’s more excited to go shopping than help me today” Alec chuckled “She’s a girl and I said the magic words. What’d you expect?” Demetri replied smiling “Come on Alec your Cinderella awaits”
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arctickat2400 · 3 years
Safe Is Overrated <> Peter Parker
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Anonymous Request: Can you please write a Peter Parker x reader tangled au story or the little mermaid au story???
Note: This was an interesting one. I'm not sure how much of an AU it is. I had a bit of a hard time writing it, all these different thoughts and ideas that may or may not have made it in. But, I think it came out fine. Two parts. Please request more; I need ideas; and I hope y'all enjoy!
* * *
“Mom, I’ll be fine. I always am.” I told her when she wouldn’t listen to my pleads. Instead, she ignored my desires and continued making dinner.
“No, Y/N. I told you, it’s not safe out there. I’m not sure why we’re still having this conversation. It’s going nowhere.” Mom said. She seemed so nonchalant about all of this, even as my voice rose.
“But, you never let me see him. And who cares if it isn’t safe out there? You can’t keep me locked up in here,” I gestured to our decent-sized, two-bedroom New York apartment. “I’m gonna have to leave at some point. What’re you gonna do when I go off to college? Are you just not gonna let me go? You keep me here every second of every day. It’s a mystery how I even met Peter,” It’s actually not. He lives in the building across the street and he helped me with my boxes and things when we first moved in several years ago and we have been friends ever since. I have had a crush on him for a while, wondering what could happen between us if my mom would just let me go someplace other than the damn living room and bathroom.
“I need to be able to go out and hang out with people, make friends, get a job, try New York food, smell the New York air, and feel the ocean breeze on my skin,” I argued.
“You can feel and smell all those things from the terrace right outside your bedroom window. You do it every day…”
“That’s beside the point. I need to go out. Walk around, do the things you should be telling me to do but don’t because you won’t let me leave. I need to leave!” I raised my voice and mom finally turned around.
“Y/N, I told you no! You will not be leaving this house and you will no longer bring it up, do you understand?” She took me by surprise. She’s never yelled at me before. I for sure quieted down at this.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” I apologized under my breath as I made my way back to my room. Whiskey lifted his head at the sound of me entering my room. The Australian Shepherd is my best friend, besides Peter of course. My mom bought him for me one day, back before we moved here because she “felt bad” that I couldn’t go out and make any friends, even though it’s her that was keeping me from doing so. Whiskey has always been there for me. He always cheers me up. He would sleep with me at night, watch movies with me, comfort me when I’m sad or stressed, would help me with my homework and online classes. He’s honestly the best friend and dog anyone could ask for.
I opened my window to let some fresh air in, looking across the street and seeing Peter’s lights on in his room. I stepped out onto my terrace, Whiskey jumping off my bed and following, and, where most terraces had stairs going up to the following floors, mine had locked up gates preventing me from going anywhere. But, mom bought me all these nice pillows and blankets that I piled up to make a nice place to chill out and be comfortable. Not that it makes up for locking me up, but it was something.
I lived on the top floor of a 20 story building. You’d think I’d be scared of heights when it came to this and would avoid coming to the terrace. But it gave me peace and sincerity. It keeps me calm being out here. I could see a lot of the city up here. It was best at night. I could see every light in the city. Sometimes I’d stay out in the very later hours of the night just to stare at the lights, imagining what it would be like to see them up close. Whiskey made everything better. Just by being around, he grounds me, keeps me on my feet. He’s always at my side.
It seemed like Peter was quite concentrated. Possibly building something for his job or creating something that he brainstorms in his unusually smart mind. Every few seconds, he would pace past his window, each time with a different part or piece of equipment. I’ve never been to his room. I’ve always wanted to. It seems so homey and comfy. I’ve heard a lot about his Aunt May as well. She seems so sweet, very fun to be around, but I’ve never met her either, unfortunately.
Just then, my phone vibrates against the bricks of the windowsill. Peter was calling.
Peter: Hey, Lone Wolf.
That was Peter’s nickname for me whenever he caught me on the terrace since I seem so lonely and have no one to hang out with.
Y/N: Hey, Peter. Whatcha up to?
Peter: Oh, nothing. You would think it’s boring, anyway.
Y/N: It doesn’t look like nothing with all that pacing back and forth you’re doing, and you know I wouldn’t think it’s boring, but okay, if you don’t want to tell me.
I watched Peter open his own window and climb out onto his terrace. He smiled when we sat down and saw me watching him. Whiskey lifted his head off my leg once he sensed that Peter had come out. Whiskey loves Peter.
He has a doggy door so he’s able to go out when he wants or needs. The doorman downstairs opens the door for him, such a sweet man, the few times I met him. Every time Whiskey went outside, he would run to Peter every time he walked by, either leaving or going home. Peter would welcome him with open arms and Whiskey would be so happy, running around and jumping with joy, a feeling I wish I could experience with Peter.
Peter: Haha, very funny. Anyways, wanna come over? Aunt May is making (your favorite meal), your favorite.
Y/N: Peter, you know I can’t. I haven’t been able to in the past, what makes you think I can now?
Peter: I don’t know. A guy can hope, ya know? He seemed very disappointed. Seems like an ongoing emotion.
Y/N: I get it. You know I do. I’m gonna go shower before dinner. I’ll talk to you later, Peter. Hanging up, the sadness and disappointment worse than before, I climb back through my window, Whiskey following behind, but not without missing the same expression on Peter’s face as was on mine.
Hearing knocking on the bathroom door, “Y/N, dinner’s ready. I’m leaving for my night shift. I’ll see you in the morning.” Mom mentioned as I stood in the shower, the warm water cascading over my face and body, calming music playing in the background as I contemplate my life, or lack thereof.
I don’t answer her. She knows I won’t. She works at a hospital a few blocks away. Every night she works the night shift, sometimes taking some day shifts every now and then. She likes to stay home with me, just in case I need anything, and then she works while I’m asleep.
Staying in the shower a few minutes longer, I step out, wrap myself in a warm towel, wringing my hair out and walk into my room to dress in some comfy clothes. I pick up my phone to see I have a text from mom.
You know I’m just trying to keep you safe right? I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you.
I understand where she’s coming from. I always have. But, it’s just so irrational, her wanting to keep me inside all the time.
I know, mom. I love you, too. Have a nice shift. See you later. I text back. I guide myself to the dining room to grab some dinner, which, coincidentally, was meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Grabbing some grape soda from the fridge, I make my way back to my room to see Whiskey eating his food. Mom probably fed him before she left. Sitting at my desk, I put on a movie to watch, putting my feet up, and enjoying dinner.
That was until something hit my window. I ignored it, thinking it was some kids from the lower floors somehow throwing rocks at the weird girls’ window, and taking another bite of dinner. But, when it happened again, I set my food down, paused my movie, and went to my window, only to see Peter hanging from the rooftop in front of my window.
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wondereads · 4 years
Personal Recommendation (2/14/20)
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The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley
I’m doing something new this week! I’ll be reviewing every book in The Sisters Grimm series. Each will get a small paragraph and get a rating out of ten, and then I’ll rate the series overall. Hope you guys enjoy it! Please keep in mind this will contain spoilers for the later books, so don’t read ahead if you don’t want some major spoilers!
#1: The Fairy-Tale Detectives     9/10
The very beginning! Sabrina and Daphne Grimm, after a year in foster care with some dubious caretakers, are being sent to live with their grandmother, who, until a few days ago, they didn’t know existed. Granny Relda lives in Ferryport Landing, a typical small town in almost all aspects except for the significant population of fairytale characters or Everafters. The first book serves as a good introduction to Buckley’s world. The sisters have been shielded from fairytales their entire lives, so it’s easy to insert explanations for the inexperienced reader. It also very quickly sets up Sabrina and Daphne’s characters by using their reaction to Granny Relda and her fairytale reveal. Daphne, being a younger, more sheltered child, accepts it wholeheartedly and is excited to get involved in solving magical mysteries. Sabrina, after protecting her sister from nutcases for a year, has a much more cynical outlook, and it takes an actual giant scooping Relda up for her to believe. There’s also some memorable introductions for other important characters such as Mr. Canis, Puck, Mirror, and Mayor Charming. In terms of the plot, Buckley consistently creates mysteries that have twists but aren’t too difficult to follow for late elementary students.
#2: The Unusual Suspects     7/10
Things are starting to get a little more intense. Sabrina and Daphne are required to go to school after being preoccupied with chasing giants around the countryside. Unfortunately, especially for Sabrina, who wants to regain some semblance of normalcy, something is killing the teachers at school. I forgot how gruesome the murders were. I also forgot that Sabrina is in sixth grade. This particular book always got on my nerves. Sabrina is clearly having some issues; her parents are missing, she’s trapped in a town with fairytale characters, she can’t see to escape humiliation either at the hands of Puck or her classmates, and now people are being killed left and right. And yet, her family refuses to see that she needs help and decides to reprimand her constantly instead. The villain for this book is particularly disturbing. I must warn readers-child manipulation and abuse is a common theme in these books. If you couldn’t already catch on in the first book, it becomes obvious here that Sabrina has some grudges against the magical community.
#3: The Problem Child     7/10
This book has a sort of in-between feeling to me. Sabrina comes upon a maniacal little girl dressed in red who is holding her currently enchanted parents captive. The little girl, obsessed with recreating her family, is convinced they are her own parents and controls a jabberwocky, her ‘kitty’. All she needs is a granny and a doggy-Granny Relda and Mr. Canis. Everything in this book pours into the next ones, while, unlike the other books, there isn’t much of a self-contained plot. Red comes more into play in Tales from the Hood and The Everafter War, the election sets up Magic and Other Misdemeanors, and the vorpal blade and Puck’s injury lead into Once Upon a Crime. This book, however, introduces Uncle Jake, one of the most interesting characters in terms of development, and it also begins the problem of Sabrina’s magic addiction. The events of this book contribute to Sabrina’s distrust of magic after she has some run-ins with her addiction. It is also when you maybe start to develop some affection for Charming, despite his over-inflated ego.
#4: Once Upon a Crime     10/10
This one is my personal favorite. After Puck’s run-in with the jabberwocky, the Grimms take an emergency trip to New York, Sabrina and Daphne’s old home. There they plead the king of Faerie, Oberon, to heal Puck. Unfortunately, Oberon is poisoned within hours of their arrival, and Relda, of course, takes the case. This book is so much fun because in Ferryport Landing they just sprinkle the whole town in forgetful dust. In New York, Everafters need real jobs and a way to cover their tracks as beings who don’t age. The Wizard of Oz works at Macy’s, Ebenezer Scrooge makes a living as a medium, and pirates such as Long John Silver feed off of Wall Street. It also addresses the downsides of that. Everafters don’t age; some of them don’t even look human. It comes as a shock to Sabrina, but her mother, Veronica Grimm, was secretly working with the New York Everafters to fix their problems. I feel that Sabrina finding a connection to her mother through the Everafter community is the first step she takes toward accepting her role as a Grimm.
#5: Magic and Other Misdemeanors     8/10
The conflict between humans and Everafters starts to take center stage. Someone in Ferryport Landing is stealing powerful magical artifacts, causing rips in time, but the Grimms have to split their attention with Mayor Heart’s new tyrannical rule. This is where the series begins to take a darker turn. The new mayor, the Queen of Hearts, and Sheriff Nottingham are set on running every human in Ferryport Landing out of town, and the divides between human and Everafter are becoming more pronounced by the day. The rips in time are particularly interesting, especially Sabrina and Daphne’s trip to the future, which really raises the stakes going forward. Also, the idea of a past Grimm arriving in town, giving Heart and Nottingham a chance to end the entire family, is very nervewracking. Also, the concept of Everafter-human relationships and how that would work presents some interesting conflicts.
#6: Tales from the Hood     10/10
There’s nothing I love more than a fractured fairytale. Intent on getting rid of the Grimms’ staunch protector, Heart and Nottingham put Mr. Canis, or the Big Bad Wolf, on trial. Some investigation in order to clear his name reveals that the story of Little Red Riding Hood might not be all true. Technically, the entire series is based on fairytales, but this is the first book where those stories are actually challenged. The actual story of Little Red Riding Hood is amazing, and it also ties into all the other stories the Wolf is present in. Also, I love Red, the sane Red, and I always get so happy when she’s cured. Once again, Sabrina clashes strongly with her family in this one, for understandable reasons. I’m less inclined to side with her on this one, but she definitely learns her lesson.
#7: The Everafter War     8/10
The Grimms are finally united! Henry and Veronica Grimm are woken up from their magical sleep, but Henry, having too many bad memories, wants to leave town immediately. Unfortunately, the Scarlet Hand has taken over all of Ferryport Landing and only a small resistance stands in their way. There’s a lot of family drama in this one. The dynamics of Sabrina, Daphne, and their parents are all out of whack after spending over a year apart. On one hand, they now have parental support again. On the other, Henry can’t seem to conceptualize that Daphne is, in fact, not five anymore. If that isn’t enough drama for you, Puck finds out he and Sabrina are married in the future, and Snow and Charming are caught up in a soap opera of their own. Also, not to mention the plethora of betrayals in this book. The plot is really picking up here.
#8: The Inside Story     8/10
This one took quite some imagination. After the reveal of the Master’s identity as their own beloved Mirror, Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck pursue him and Pinocchio through the Book of Everafter, a living book filled with fairytales that could actually change history. I find it absolutely hilarious that the kids absolutely refuse to follow the story no matter what. Also, this is where Sabrina starts coming into her own. She’s going through a rough patch in this book. As would anyone whose best friend turned out to be the leader of a magical terrorist organization. By the way, if you are connected to these characters in any way, Mirror’s betrayal will hit you like a punch to the gut. She’s having trouble trusting her judgement, which will have her come back stronger than ever. Also, it’s nice to see her and Puck get through a couple sentences without a barrage of insults. Finally, Relda was such a badass in this book. If you didn’t love her before, you definitely love her now.
#9: The Council of Mirrors     9/10
It’s time for a happily ever after. With Mirror running loose in Ferryport Landing and the rebellion in tatters, things are looking bleak. Especially when the twenty-four remaining magic mirrors issue a prophecy putting everyone’s fate in the hands of Sabrina and Daphne Grimm. Sabrina starts out pretty broken in this book. She’s been betrayed, her grandmother is possessed by an evil mirror, and now everyone is expecting her to lead an army. I absolutely love that when she gets the push she needs from the mirrors it plays to her strengths. She’s a master of planning and subterfuge, and it’s so nice to see it come out. On a less chipper note, I hate Atticus with everything in me, and I was so happy he ended the way he did. In terms of Mirror, I found it poetic, but also so typical of a kid’s book, that he was defeated by the one thing he never had: love. Finally, the reason this book doesn’t get a 10/10 is because I felt the epilogues were kind of rushed and unrealistic. However, they don’t have much impact on the book overall, and I still loved most of it!
Overall 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
The Sisters Grimm is one of my favorite series from childhood. The characters are realistic, relatable, and get great development. Kids books are great because there’s no worries about the idea being too juvenile. This book could never be an adult book, the ideas in it are too silly. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t amazing, and I find the crazy ideas and cheesy lessons absolutely charming. It gives some unexpected sides to some well-known characters, and the amount of thought that went into incorporating classic and even more obscure characters into the modern world was crazy and very amusing at times. I also suspect that this series is the root of my fondness for fractured fairytales. I would recommend this book to people who like modern fantasy, sibling relationships, and fairytale characters in a decidedly un-mystical setting.
The Author
Michael Buckley: American, 51 years old, also wrote N.E.R.D.S. and Undertow
The Reviewer
My name is Wonderose; I try to post a review every two weeks, and I take recommendations. Check out my about me post for more!
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dawnie1988 · 4 years
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Summary: When setting up a dating profile, a picture really is worth a thousand words. And it turns out that, sometimes, getting that perfect photo requires the assistance of a helping hand
Words: 1,853
Pairings: Dean, Unnamed OFC - Who may or may not be loosely based on the same woman who inspired this whole thing in the first place
Warnings: Language, Bad Lighting, Impatient Doggies......That should just about cover it
A/N: Umm, so surprise! I did a thing! Inspired by this *gif set* and the subsequent conversation after with the amazing @thoughtslikeaminefield​​ regarding just how it was Dean got that profile picture for the dating app. It was only meant to be a fun little joke type thing of sorts, but after getting love and encouragement from some very fine ladies that I admire greatly, it is now seeing the light of tumblr. Miss MJ was also kind enough to give it a look through for a little clean up and any major mistakes and created the fantastic header! It really does pay to have friends in high places 😊
This was stupid.
 He was, he had no problem saying, one of the best hunters in the world. He had saved the world multiple times. Yeah, ok, maybe Sam helped a little, but still. He had fought both heaven and hell more times than he could count anymore.
 And yet, here he stood, unable to get one decent picture of himself.
 It was the only thing left to do to complete his profile, to add his profile picture. He had been very tempted to just leave it blank, or just put a logo of something he liked. But that wouldn't do. You go on a dating site and refuse to put up an actual photo of yourself? Pshhh, yeah, because that doesn't just scream: STRANGER DANGER! I HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE!
 The whole point was to attract potential dates, not scare them away before he even had a chance to lay on the charm. And, plus, how would he attract anyone without actually showing off the goods?
 Advertising. It's all in the advertising.
The problem was, try as he might, he couldn't get a fitting picture of himself. Not one that truly showed off his full appeal.
 What? He wasn't allowed to think himself a handsome son of a bitch without being considered arrogant? Screw that! Body positivity, man. We're all beautiful in our own way, we should all believe it.
 Maybe he should put that in his profile too? Didn't chicks dig shit like that? Whatever…
 The photo. That was the issue. He couldn't ask Sam to do it, fuck no. He'd never let Dean hear the end of it if he knew he even had a dating profile. Besides, this was none of Sam's business. What Dean did in his private time was his and his alone.
 But, as it turned out, Dean wasn't very proficient in the art of selfie-taking. For one, the lighting in the bunker was horrendous. He'd gone all throughout their underground home and the results were either him bathed in shadows or being completely washed out underneath the harsh, fluorescent lights.
 And trying to find a flattering angle was damn near impossible! How the hell all those social media people did it was beyond him. Clearly, they were using every filter imaginable to improve their outcome. Not him though. Artificial was not his style. No enhancements needed.
Self. Love. People.
 It was as he was pacing around in the garage, trying to formulate his next plan of attack when inspiration struck. He caught Baby's eye — er, headlight, and Yahtzee!
 Baby was a total chick magnet. And, where did they both shine the most? That's right, out in the clear wide open. On the road, sun shining, not a care in the world. Natural lighting.
 He drove for a while, scouting possible locations along the way while also simply enjoying the quiet time with Baby. Even if he was on a mission.
 Eventually, he pulled off the road near a lakefront that also served as a nice walking path for nature lovers. It was a beautiful, clear day, the whole scene very idyllic.
 This was it. This was the spot.
 However, there was still the hiccup of actually getting the picture taken. After the slightly traumatizing experience of trying to take his selfie, he couldn't bring himself to attempt that avenue again. He thought he could still do it himself regardless. There was a fence nearby, all he had to do was set the timer on the phone and presto! Done!
 You would think, that is.
 In reality, every time he tried to prop his phone up it would fall back down before he could even make it back to Baby.
 Just as he was about to throw the godforsaken device, like an angel from heaven — the fairytale kind, not the dicks with wings — she appeared.
 "Need some help there?"
 As if he had been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to, Dean quickly whipped around and was greeted by the lovely sight of a woman, perhaps a little older than himself, walking her two dogs.
 He took just a moment, because he simply had too, to admire her beauty. Sun-kissed skin, freckles that put his own to shame, friendly hazel eyes that held a multitude of warmth…
 Yes. An angel seemed a very apt description.
 Dean cleared his throat before an uncomfortable amount of silence was allowed to pass between them, feeling a slight blush tinged his cheeks when his mind came back around to acknowledge her question.
 "Uh, actually I umm… yes," he fumbled out.
 Why was he suddenly nervous? He felt so out of place now, he didn't like it. Still, he continued.
 "You see, I…"
 The woman cut him off — a mercy killing, it felt like to Dean — with a raised hand.
 "Let me guess, dating profile?" she asked, not at all trying to hide the knowing smirk.
 Something in Dean loosened at the understanding he found in his new acquaintance’s gaze. Shoulders relaxing, he let out a slightly bashful chuckle while giving a one-shoulder shrug.
 "Guilty. That obvious, huh?"
 She gave a small shake of her head. "Game recognizes game. I have my own experience and horror stories involving the dreaded profile picture. If you want, I can give you a hand?"
 Dean's eyes lit up at the offer. He knew it. He was not ashamed of it.
 She laughed at his eagerness, a sweet-sounding melody, Dean noted to himself.
 "Sure. After all, I couldn't just leave you here without putting you out of your misery first. I'm no monster."
 She was teasing, of course. It didn't stop Dean from having to bite his tongue and swallow the comment about monsters that begged to be spoken. If only he had a nickel for every time he had heard that line.
 "Okay, awesome. Thank you."
 "No problem," she replied easily, accepting the phone he was handing over. "And I'm assuming you want that beauty in the photo with you?" she asked him, indicating Baby, earning a proud smile from Dean in return.
 As he said, Baby was a total chick magnet.
 She laughed again, much louder and freer this time and the sound again had Dean grinning as he made the walk over to his trusty wing woman.
 "Nice choice. Okay, then, handsome, what are we going for here?"
 Dean faltered in his step slightly. "Uhh, how do you mean?"
 "I mean," she paused for a moment, readjusting the grip she had on the two leashes when the pooches started getting antsy. "What vibe are you trying to portray here? Brooding? Mysterious? Friendly?"
 "Oh, right!" Dean nodded his understanding.
 He thought it over, tilting his head slightly as he contemplated the pros and cons of the different choices in his head.
 "May I offer a suggestion?"
 "Sure, by all means."
 "Well, online dating can be intimidating enough as it is," she began matter-of-factly. "All you've got is a picture and a few words to go on. So, speaking solely on my own experiences, I tend to gravitate towards the more friendly option. You try to be sexy and it feels too put on and forced. You try to be mysterious and all I'm left thinking is what are you trying to hide. But friendly, easy-going and approachable is always a winner. That, makes me want to get to know you a little more. At least enough to read your profile anyways."
 Dean, eyebrows raised and mouth pulled down some, nodded in appreciation. This lady really knew what she was talking about.
 "Right, so friendly it is, then." He clapped his hands together and went to lean against Baby's side before stopping, thinking it over a second and deciding to hop on the hood instead, talking out his thoughts as he tried to determine the perfect pose.
 "So, not too posey, don't try too hard but at least put a little effort in to show I care…." he fidgeted around for a few moments more before falling into a comfortable, casual feeling position. "How's this?" he looked up, waiting for some affirmation.
 Dean would be lying if he said her genuine smile didn't make his stomach flutter a bit.
 "Looks good. Okay, on the count of three, give me your most inviting smile. No teeth though, just easy breezy. Ready?"
 "One, two, three."
 She tapped the screen to capture the shot and immediately started walking over after checking the results. "I think we have a winner here."
 She handed the phone over to him and he couldn't help the satisfied smile from gracing his lips.
 Damn, he looked good.
 "Nice," he complimented her photography skills. "Well, Hell, I think you're right, I think this is it."
 He made quick work of uploading the photo to the app and confirming his information before finally hitting the 'submit' button to post his profile. He then turned the phone around for her to see again. "Whaddya think?"
 She leaned in closer, shoulder bumping his and dogs yapping around their legs as she looked over his full profile before nodding in approval. "Yup, you'll be beating them away with a stick in no time!"
 His chest may have puffed up with pride a little. Only a little.
 "Yeah? Awesome." He exited out of the app, ignored the text message from Sam wanting to know where the Hell he was and slid his phone into his back pocket.
 "Thanks again. It's, ah…" he brought a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. "All pretty awkward, but you were a big help."
 She gifted him with a megawatt smile as she untangled her dogs from around his legs, getting them ready to continue their walk. "No problem. Good luck with all that. Stay safe out there!"
 She began walking away and Dean found that he couldn't not do it. He had to, right?
 "Hey!" he called out, switching gears and putting on his 'wooing' smile, lowering his voice an octave. "Ya know, maybe if you're not busy, I can take you for a cup of coffee or something sometime? My way of..." Dean let the tip of his tongue sneak out to wet his bottom lip while giving her a once over. "Thanking you, properly?"
 She was silent for a moment, brows raising slightly in surprise before a slow smile started to brighten her face up once more. She looked down for a tick, letting out a sound of amusement before meeting his eyes once again.
 "That's sweet, and I'm flattered, really, but I'm afraid I can't."
 Dean's smile fell some in disappointment. "Oh."
 "It's just — your profile says that you’re seeking woman,” she explained, much to Dean's confusion.
 "Oh...?" he trailed off, brows pinched as she started walking backward and away from him.
 "So am I."
 She gave him a wink before turning fully and continuing on. Out of his life.
 Dean could only roll his eyes.
 "Figures," he muttered grumpily to himself as he made his way back to Baby. "All the good ones are either taken or gay."
Tagging the cheerleading squad I had behind this: @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @itmighthavebeenintentional​ @there-must-be-a-lock​ @cracksinthewalls​ @rockhoochie​ @mskathywriteswords​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ @cherry3point14​ @lastactiontricia​ @icemankazansky​ @stusbunker​ @justcallmeasmodeus​
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
We’re not getting off this Poly Train until y’all realize we can have Erina x Reader x Jonathan: Modern AU
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The muffled whisper of the pilot wakes you from a deep sleep where you’re ninety nine percent sure you had your mouth open. Fifteen minutes to landing, weather is rainy, he spouts off the temperature but you don’t really pay attention because there’s a very intense pair of blue eyes trained on you, chubby hands patting your chest in a demand.
“I’m sorry honey... you been awake long?”
Tiny fingers pluck at your top, far too chubby and uncoordinated to work the small buttons but his intellect is startling. Your baby is too smart for his own good, at two months he responds to certain words in unique ways, he knows that you unbutton your shirt to give him milk, and he responds to your smile with an even bigger toothless grin. Call you a brainless mother, but you can’t help but be one of those mothers that just thinks everything her child does is genius.
“We’re almost there.” You coo down at the little head of blue black hair as he eats. You heard that nursing helps calm babies down when the plane lands or takes off, and so far your son has been a good little traveler.
One tiny hand presses against your heart as you talk earnestly to the baby, telling him about the new country he’s going to make his home for the rest of his life and the new house he’s going to live in.
“Daddy is there,” you tell him, “And so is Mama and big brother. They’ve made a nice little room just for you in their big house, and your new doggie and kitty are waiting very patiently to cuddle you and give you so many kissies.”
Giorno watches you, his face impassive, lips turned outward like a fish as you tell him so many wonderful things. You wonder sometimes if he understands you when you talk to him, or does it all sound the same whether in English or Italian? You’re not really sure, but you speak both to him just as often and each time you speak his eyes focus directly on you no matter what.
“We’ll have all our things, your new crib, and even some toys your big brother got for you two to play with.” You whisper. “We’ll even have a bigger bathtub! So once we get home I’ll give us both a nice, warm bath. Won’t you like that mimmo?”
For some reason Giorno seems to have a little relief on his face, finally relaxing into the feed as his eyes droop. That was a big mood. You both are exhausted. It’s been a little rough living in a bare room this last week, but you made it work with the bare essentials and found it so easy to live with things you only had to pack up in two suitcases and a diaper bag. Your son was such a trooper. He did very well when your girlfriend came and helped you pack up everything so you both could ship it to London in boxes or sell the furniture you didn’t need anymore, but he did fuss sometimes about his toys, or the kitty your lover took with her.
In the long run, living with next to no possessions was a blessing. Erina was smart to take the cat and pack up the house immediately, months in advance she requested all the proper forms to have it transported, and after the last visit she said kitty was adjusting very well to her new house (George, she discovered, was a five year old cat whisperer who constantly made sure your pet was well fed and well loved). The last time you all had a group chat, kitty had even gone up to the screen at the sound of your voice, and meowed sweetly as though you were standing right in front of her.
You were excited and relieved. It felt as though you were going to the UK for the first time instead of possibly the hundredth. Who counted anymore? All you knew is this would be the last time you’d ever feel that familiar overwhelming loneliness being so far away from your loving family.
“Few more minutes Gigi...” you coo to your son. “You take your time and have as much as you want.”
You’re worried he’ll be overwhelmed with all the bustle around the airport this time of night. Customs takes forever, even if you’re arriving a few hours after your baby’s bedtime. There’s always a crowd, normally they never made you nervous before but with a new baby there’s nothing but anxiety and paranoia at the most minuscule of dangers. People stare at him like they want to interact with him and you’ll shift him out of view into your coat. Some other brat kept screaming in its seat and jarred your baby out of a deep sleep when it started coughing, and you’d had to do a lot of breathing techniques to prevent yourself from having an anxiety attack. Being stationary at the airport wasn’t much comfort either... Old women will pick their teeth, stick their hand in their pants, scratch nasty places, or poke their nose, then approach you with outstretched fingers wanting to touch your son’s clean cheek and it’s enough to make you gather your shit and run the opposite direction.
The world is a frightening, disgusting place now that you have a newborn, and you won’t feel safe until you’re surrounded by your impenetrable fortress that is currently parking the car at London Luton.
It takes forever for the plane to land and situate, but finally you’re able to stand and hoist your diaper bag over your shoulder after helping Giorno relax as the plane makes a jarring landing. He’s still latched onto your breast, and you notice with some relief that no one really stares at you when you adjust Giorno’s sling. Everyone is exhausted. Waiting to go home just like you are, and it’s already raining once you exit the craft and onto the tarmac.
Your phone is buzzing, the plan your boyfriend bought you has already activated and it will stay that way for a few days until you’re able to get a new phone here in London. It would be nice to answer the phone and hear a familiar voice, but your hands are full trying to burp the baby and it doesn’t make it any easier that you’re doing it on a shuttle. You grab for the nearest handrail, scrunch tightly in a corner and brace yourself as the bus totters along the tarmac while Giorno makes his tiny burps, his little face smoothing out from the scrunched up anger he had being around so many strangers.
Finally when you disembark the shuttle and hurry into the building out of the rain (it was a mission and a half trying to keep Giorno dry) you’re able to return the frantic calls you’ve been receiving.
“Hello?” Your voice is getting low from exhaustion. The prospect of customs is dauntingly close.
“Mum! Where are you? Are you bringing me my brother?!”
That tiny voice with the most decidedly cutest accent you’ve ever heard makes your heart flutter in your chest and your smile wake up.
“Hiya Georgie!” You coo back into the phone as Giorno watches you with big eyes. “Your brother is here with me. I just have to get us through customs and then we’ll be with you before you know it.”
“Would you please hurry mum? I miss you!” his voice is that typical demanding monotone, but you know he’s probably just tired and cranky from being up past his bedtime.
“I promise I’ll hurry as best I can my love. You don’t worry your pretty little head. I miss you too, but I’m here now topolino. Can I talk to mommy please?”
In the background you hear his father reprimand him gently, but you also hear his very serious “mummy, phone!” and the softest chuckle that makes your heart do backflips.
“I’m sorry darling. He’s been antsy all day and had to get the corner because he got grumpy with daddy.”
That soothing voice makes your heart leap, that familiar pull also turns your face a bright red as you follow the other passengers into a line up in customs.
“Well...” your voice is low, sultry. “I’m a bit antsy too, are you going to have to punish me as well, sweet Eri?”
The way Erina scolds you with a sharp squeak of your name makes you grin even larger. You lean down to kiss your baby’s head as he continues to stare up at you, transfixed on your voice and possibly wondering in his baby way who you’re talking to. Even Erina begins to scold, and you can tell she is over the long wait and ready for you to come home too. All you can do is smile at your baby like a fool as Erina pesters you about propriety. She may look on the outside the very picture of a timid little blonde, but you know better. She’s a spitfire who can take command of a rioting crowd with voice alone, and you can’t wait for her to cover you head to toe in her affection.
“-not be saying that in front of all those people! I swear, you’re both just the same! The nerve, the audacity-...”
“I’m almost there my love. I’m sorry. I just can’t wait any longer to be with my family. Can I talk to Jojo please?”
Erina stops her ranting when you ask so politely. You’ve still got a bit longer to wait to scan both passports, and you’re already fishing them out of the sling pocket where they’ve been resting with Giorno this entire time. She relents with a final “be safe” and an exchange of love before she relinquishes the phone.
“Darling!” A deep voice, so warm and sincere with boyish charm, almost sounds like a squeak at the prospect of hearing your voice.
“I’m home Jojo.” You say. “I just wanted to hear your voice before I go through.”
There’s a few more families ahead of you, and even though you feel a bit bad cutting his time talking to you short, you know you’ll make it up to him later on.
“Quickly, I just wanted to tell you we all love you both! And we’re all here waiting, do you have any bags?” He is breathless, excited, forgetting the plan and just as raring to see his new son as everyone else.
“Yes Jojo, we’ll have to get them once I’m free. It’s my turn now.”
“I love you!”
You have to respond, tell him you love him too before placing the phone in your sling pocket (did you even hang up? Oh well…), and you head up holding both passports at an awkward angle. Luckily you’re not doing this one handed. Jonathan had been the one to suggest the feeding sling for your baby, and it’s so easy to do things when Giorno is just nestled in his little pouch. You could probably juggle chainsaws with him, but right now it’s just needed to get you through this damn line.
As soon as you’re through, and there’s only one direction left to go passed the money exchange, you feel your heart begin to pound rapidly in your chest. Giorno pulls on your shirt, almost like he can read your mind, and you have to kiss his tiny hands with shaky lips. You have to be careful. Prevent yourself from losing your cool and tripping over your own two feet because you were too excited. So many extra things to worry about now that you’re a mother, but that’s ok. As long as you keep grounding yourself with the baby and slowing the hell down.
You hear them calling your name before you see them. Immediately your head snaps towards the sound, and you have to keep it together before you break out into a run. The first one you focus on is George, over excitable as always whenever he sees you. Then you see Erina, her cheeks are pink and eyes shining with those happy tears when she sees you with one hand on Giorno’s sling. And finally, you see Jonathan, trembling and holding tightly to the handle on Danny’s harness while even the gigantic Great Dane senses the excitement. It feels like walking underwater towards them, but George is the first to break free from his mother’s grip and lunges at you. You brace for impact and let him do what he wishes, grabbing your leg tightly and practically screaming for you at the top of his lungs.
“Mummy! Mummy!”
“Shhhh…” you try to calm him from screaming and scaring the baby.
Giorno doesn’t seem to be too frightened however, he turns in the sling to stare at the little boy with wide eyes, unaware that the screaming six year old is his big brother. George only stops when you shower him with kisses, his chubby cheeks peppered as you take his hand and lead him with you to your lovers. It’s all over after that. You’re pulled every which way to be kissed and loved it makes you dizzy, and Jonathan nearly loses balance when Danny tries to prevent him from having an attack because of all the excitement.
“Oh, oh!” Jonathan coos when he sees his newborn son looking soulfully up at him from the sling. “Hello my love. Don’t cry, did I scare you?”
“I think he’s overwhelmed with all this love.” Erina laughs, picking up her son as easily as one would a feather pillow so that George could look at his new baby brother.
“My brother!” It’s all George can seem to say.
You beam at the attention, cradling the baby and pulling back the sling so your lovers can gush about their new son. To Erina, who hadn’t been able to attend your birth, this is the first time Giorno has been seen outside of an ultrasound or touched outside of her beautifully slender hands caressing the taut skin of your tummy. Jonathan attended the birth and stayed a few weeks after, and there’s a wordless struggle for possession of the baby between him and Erina as they lean towards your chest to place kisses on his plump cheeks.
Even more sweet is the tiny hand that reaches out from the sling, groping for something, the three of you are unsure what he wants, until you see Giorno’s tiny hand lightly caress George’s cheek.
“Let’s go, we need to get your bags, and then make our way home.” Erina smiles, kissing your lips ever so gently.
“Home…” Jonathan coos fondly.
The way they say it, it makes you ache. You won’t stop aching until you get home, but the pain begins to dull when Erina takes one hand, and Jonathan the other, leading you to the luggage carousel where you will collect the last few things you own. Your old life is behind you now, the prospect of a new life, a happier one now that you’re home, looms in the distance. At this time of night the airport is slowly being deserted, but there’s still a crowd that looks on, almost perplexed at the family consisting of three adults, a service dog, and two little boys who look at each other as if they have found a treasure.
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wendibird · 4 years
SPN 15X19 Observations
So, here we are. Second-to-last episode of this show and what has been said will be the Season Finale. (While next week’s is the Series Finale.) 
Without further ado...
I don’t even know what to think going into this second-to-last episode. I don’t expect a “happy” ending to this show. But I can’t help hoping for a fitting one. One that makes some kind of sense. That does the characters justice. We’ll see how it goes. (Also, I want some GOOD content for Sam. *LOL*)
(Also, my notes might be sparse because I want to concentrate on the show.)
- Everyone’s gone.
- Except these three.
- Does Sam and Jack know about Cas?
- THEY DON’T KNOW YET!!! *crying* (To be clear, not upset that Dean didn’t tell them sooner. Since obviously there had to be a phone conversation at some point, or at least texting so they’d know where to meet up. THAT kind of news isn’t something to tell over the phone if you can help it.) 
- The music is really playing this up well.
- Oh Jack….. 
- And he’s still killing plants.
Commercial Thoughts:
I’ve said this again and again but I still don’t like how Chuck is being written. He might as well be rubbing his hands and cackling evilly. 
That being said, this really is sadistic. One of the few things that’s kept Sam and Dean going through all of this has been the people they’ve been able to save. (Crowely caught on to that in S8 and used it to good effect. But he was like a sniper, precise with it. Chuck is like a fricking nuke.) 
And Sam losing hope always makes me sad. (Have noticed the looks Dean keeps giving him. Still checking on him and how he’s doing and worrying about him.)
- This camera work is weird. Dream-like?
- DOGGY!!!!!
- omg Dean’s happy about a dog!
- WOW. That’s a new low.
- So, no animals? (Guess they’re gonna have to go vegetarian eventually if this doesn’t get fixed.)
- Michadam!!! 
- WHAT?! (No Adam?! HOW DARE CHUCK!!!)
Commercial Thoughts:
Okay, Chuck taking Adam is a really REALLY low-blow! (But then, that might be what pushed Michael to decide to help them after all.) 
Not surprised that Michael can’t open the book. Wondering if Jack can? Or they could call some reapers and see who wants the job of the next Death. *LOL* Hold interviews. “What will you do for us if we give you this promotion?” (crack thoughts, don’t mind me.)
I’m not sure if Chuck has realized that they have nothing left to lose. And that’s generally when people are at their most dangerous. (I mean yes, they have each other, but in the wake of what’s been lost? Literally the whole world? They can’t let that go. They can’t just sit back and treat it as a vacation. It’s not how they are.)
- CAS?! 
- WTF?!?!?!?! (Did NOT want to see Lucifer again tbh. And apparently neither did Dean. *LOL*)
- Okay, so Lucifer promoted the next Death.
- Is he actually dead this time?
- One can only hope.
Commercial thoughts:
So…. what was the point of all that again? 
Okay, I get that in the end, the book is open and now they can hopefully read it. Seems kind of convoluted. (Also, do NOT get me started on the whole “God and the Darkness have no pull in the Empty”. Unless God just replicated Lucifer, like I theorize he did with Lilith.) 
Wondering if they just did all that to have Luci and Mark P. back one more time.
- Sam being his super-smart self! <3
- What is Sam not saying?
- Hey! Isn’t that the lake where Jack was born?
- FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Fricking Michael.
- Bloody winchesters
- That’s what Sam wasn’t saying. I don’t think they trusted Michael.
- Sam figured something out.
- Wow. That is some poetic justice!
- I’m actually impressed with that.
- So now what?
Commercial Thoughts:
Wow. Okay, that was a weird twist of a way to get there. But I’ve honestly got to say that I like it. It works. (I’d always hoped Jack would still be the key to Chuck’s downfall.)
I still feel sorry for Amara though. Like, is she just nothingness? Is she an alternate personality deep inside Chuck now? 
And what about Jack? Can he put things back to how they’re supposed to be? Bring everyone back? Did he get Chuck’s knowledge as well as his power? At least of who all he took away? 
Guess we’ll have to see.
Also, usually I’m not a fan of the trope of the “Good guys” sparing the villain who’s killed tons of people because “they’re above killing”. But in this case? It really was fitting. And a worse punishment than killing Chuck would have been.
- Sammy’s cafe!
- (Okay I’m getting a little misty)
- His smile!!! 
- OKay, I might cry now.
- They raised God.
- Awwww….. (The names)
- Okay, so, I’m not okay! (But I’m okay with it, so… good thing?)
- So it ends with them doing whatever it is they want? 
- I wonder if the Apocalypse World people were brought back? And their other friends. (And Eileen? I’m sorry, I know not everyone ships it, but I do, and now Sam doesn’t have the great Plot of the Universe conspiring against him.)
After-Show Thoughts: (After I’ve had a few hours to ponder things)
Let me just say, the music in this episode? Like, just even the background music? It was amazing! It did such a good job of invoking the emotions that were being felt by the guys. And their choices of songs used were also good. :) 
Michael: So, in some ways his character shift in this episode seems odd after the last time we saw him. But then I thought more about it, and I think Adam’s death had a lot to do with it. In the previous episode in which we saw them, of the two of them Adam actually seemed to be more stable, and often had good, grounding advice for Michael. Now with him gone, all Michael had was himself. And at heart, he still wanted his father’s love, despite everything that had happened. And I still think he’s an interesting Parallel/Contrast to Dean, who also had the same father-worship for a long time, but over time he’s come to understand that John was wrong about a lot of things, and he needs to make his own way. I don’t think that’s something that Michael ever REALLY learned. Not deep down. 
Lucifer: I found his presence here to be annoying. I get that he moved the plot along. And I get how much at least half of Buckleming love him. I am glad that his part was brief and that he didn’t get a redemption arc. I do wish Sam had been able to kill him. (I know, he couldn’t have because only another archangel with an archangel blade yadda-yadda. STILL though…) Or that there had maybe been SOME meaningful interaction between him and Sam for old time’s sake, since that always gets nice and spicy. (Because Jared and Mark P. always keep in mind everything that’s happened between them and put that into their performances.) But time limits and all that. Also, why were there no wing-shadows on the floor when Lucifer died? There were wing shadows on the floor of the friggen church at the end of S13 and he died like 15 feet up in the air. *LOL* I mean, then whenever Sam looked at the floor in the Library he could remember that Lucifer is Dead for Good. 
And I just rewatched the scene again and when he died, he just went poof. Like, in the past, unless a finger-snap thing is involved that’s not what happens when angels die. If they get stabbed, there’s usually been a body left behind. Heck, at the end of S13 there was a full-on light-show. Now it almost looked like a regular angel death just with redder light instead of silvery-blue. Was that because it was just a thrown-together mock-up of Lucifer that Chuck made? (Like with Lilith? Because he’s NOT supposed to have any sway in the Empty! Dammit, how hard is it for the writers to remember the stuff that was already established?!)  
(Sorry. Continuity issues bug me. And they’ve bugged me from Season 1 on, so I know that’s not a new thing. But it does feel like they’ve gotten especially worse this season.) 
(Also, I’m starting to get tired so I’m going to try to wrap this up here. *LOL*)
I did like how they brought Chuck down. When it comes down to it, they weren’t following a pre-set plan. (Well, what happened probably WAS written in that book, but they didn’t know what it was.) Instead they found their own way with what they had. They figured out what was going on with Jack, and Sam figured out some bullshit spell to make some cool light-effects in order to fool Michael and Chuck into thinking they were setting it up for him. The only aspect of it that fell a little flat for me was the extended exposition on how they’d done it. It’s a trope that crops up a lot. The whole “Haha see what I did there!” But, on the other hand, I also realize that unless they’d shown us each step of the process as it was happening, there was no real way around presenting it that way. And it WAS more dramatic to have the audience in the dark until that moment. Also, I can’t deny the effectiveness of the scene where Chuck keeps beating them down but they keep standing up again. I mean, isn’t that an allegory for their whole lives? And at the end he’s incredulous as to why or even HOW they can still stand. What makes them keep going? True, part of it was that they knew the plan, and they knew this was part of it. (Which I think is why Sam opened it up with punching Chuck. To turn the confrontation more physical and draw it out, or he might have decided after all to just finger-snap them.) But part if it is also them just being them. They’ve both been down this road before. Like their whole lives have been this road. And they’ve both been to hell. Both suffered unimaginable tortures. And they just keep going. When one stumbles the other gets up. Or they get each other up. And they laugh in God’s face. Just… THAT was well-done. And Chuck's ending with them NOT killing him? That was absolutely poetic. Because now he's busted down to "normal" and has to figure out actual life (or just end his, but he'd have to do it himself) and he didn't even get an "ending" of his creations killing him. Because even if he did make them, he clearly still doesn't understand them. And I liked them saying "no" to the revenge game. (After making sure that he couldn't come back again as a problem. Cause they ain't dumb either. Despite what everyone keeps saying about them.) 
I also loved the scene where Jack brings everyone back. I would have liked to have seen some shots of some of the individual ones that we’d come to know being back, like Donna, some of those AU people (Eileen!) but I also get this ep was shot during Covid so they probably couldn’t get as many people back. (I hope some of them at least get name-dropped in the next episode so we know for sure that they’re back and alive.) But anyway, I thought the scene was well done, that song was a GOOD choice for it! (But then, I am a bit biased. It’s among some of the music I grew up listening to because my parents had it.) It may not be classic rock, but classic folk is fitting for the new God. :) 
Overall, I thought there were some pacing issues with this episode, but in general I was happier with it than the previous one. I’ve just been re-watching it (because I never catch everything the first time through, especially when I’m trying to take notes) and I just noticed something. Near the end when Sam and Dean are in the Library and Dean says “To everyone that we lost along the way.” I first was a bit puzzled about that, because my mind went to the more immediate people that they’d lost recently, and whom I’m assuming Jack brought back too. But on re-watching I thought about it in a grander scale. How many people have they lost in their lives due to Chuck’s story? Because Chuck thought it would make things more dramatic? I think he was reflecting on their whole lives, not just the last 48 or so hours. And that makes sense too with what Sam said following, about them finally being able to write their own story. (And yes, I know that Cas was not one of those brought back. At least, he doesn’t seem to have been. And though I don’t ship him and Dean, I don’t doubt for a minute that Dean cares/cared about him very much. It’s okay to love your friends. But I didn’t get the feeling that he was JUST talking about one person. That held the weight of years of losses.) 
I thought the ending montage was brilliant! Honestly, if the show ended here, I would have been okay. Not saying I DON’T want another episode! I’ll take whatever I can get. And I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing where they take their story. So yeah, looking forward to the next (and final *cries*) episode.
Anyway, that’s about all I can really dredge up this late at night. *LOL* This will be the LAST time I do one of these knowing there’s more to come. It’s the last week we’ll all wait in suspense for what’s going to happen next. After next week's episode we'll be into new territory of "That's all there is and ever will be." This has been quite a journey, and I haven’t liked all of it, but overall I still love this weird little show, and even more so the characters that we've met through it. So, to quote Bobby, “Here’s to runnin’ into you guys on the other side.”
30 notes · View notes
calypsoff2 · 3 years
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Answering the call from Jen “hey, I am going to the hospital now. I said I could pop into the office if you need me too? I am in New York anyways” Jen started laughing, looking over at Imani singing her heart out like really singing her heart out, even Rich had to look at her and then laugh “what happened to you not letting them girls listen to you” rolling my eyes “how could I ever keep the music away from them, Imani has a new favourite and all she keeps singing is Only Girl, as you can hear. Auntie Jen loves it baby” Imani waved at me, all she keeps doing is saying only girl for everything “she waved but yeah, I am going to get Chris. I just have Imani with me, I can pop in and see but you need to go home after that. Fenty has closed for the holidays” she is crazy “I know but when I heard what happened to Chris I had to come and just close a few things, just pop in and sign off these so we can be ready for the New Year, how is Chris anyways? Is he well” Jen asked “again!” Imani spat, Rich looked at Imani “one more, please” she is going to drive him crazy “your cuteness gets me, fine” my daughter is crazy “he is well thank you, just happy he is out. His lung inflated; they kept him in last night. Just to see if he can be well without oxygen and all that but he was ok so yeah, he is discharged now. I am glad, now we can go home and celebrate Christmas, the mothers have gone to California, you know what I mean by the mothers?” I am sure she does “Joyce and Monica?” I knew she knew “yeah, they want to do the home up for the grandkids so yeah. But come on the jet with us, we can take you home. No more work, Fenty will be fine” I chuckled “sorry, I am so invested in this. I should go back to being your assistant really” she is right, she had an easier job with being just that.
Disconnecting the call looking over at Imani, she really loves Only Girl, I blame her sisters. There was a point where I kind of stopped them listening to my music because I don’t regret some songs but there aren’t the ones I want them to listen too. I will never forget Rylee’ face when she saw Pour it Up, I couldn’t turn that off fast enough, but she saw, and she looked at me different. I am mommy to them, and all that shit is not what they see, she just turned to me and said that you. But it’s hard, I want my daughters to see me as their mother not just the slut shamed image the public see and like to call me, a slut. I didn’t stay with Chris last night, even though he called me and remained on the phone for most of the night. I just didn’t want to sit with him because he will just see me being sad, what was said between me and TJ will probably just stay like that, I do not want to tell Chris about it. I rather he didn’t know just because it will ruin that friendship, Chris will dislike that. He kept pushing for me to tell him, kept saying what happened. What is wrong, why were you upset. He knows I was upset; he knew something was off, but I got to sleep in a bed with my daughters. I left the older two with Rajad, I didn’t want him to be stuck with three. They will both listen to him; with Imani it just takes one second to not pay attention to her. I didn’t want him to have that stress, it’s unfair so I bought her with me.
Stepping off of the elevator with Rich “daddy!” Imani yelped out, she didn’t waste a second at all. Chris has been waiting for us to come and me to come with clothes, he hates those hospital gowns “awww little mama, be careful now” they cute now, Chris picked her up. I like to see him out and walking around but I wonder why he is just out of bed “miss me baby, oh wow. Lots of hugs eh” Imani has a grip around his neck “I love you so much” Chris wrapped his arms around her close “I been waiting for you, just walking around” Chris opened his arm, placing my arm around his back. His gave me a little squeeze “I love my girls so much” Imani moved back from Chris and looked at me “you going to show daddy your singing?” Chris groaned out “I don’t need to be hearing two out of key people now” I scoffed moving away from him “you are so annoying, come on then. Get changed, Rajad picked these. I couldn’t be bothered to leave and get you some stuff” realising the nurses are staring with heart eyes, some with phones but I just didn’t say anything. Chris turned around to walk off, Rich is telling them anyways.
Smiling lightly at Imani as she watched YouTube on her dad’ phone, this is the only reason she is quiet, or she will be running riot but Chris is getting changed so we are just waiting “what is happening there Imani? Doggy looks sad” I wonder if she understands it at all “look mommy, it sad” she held the phone up to me, I chuckled “but why is it sad? What happened” Imani looked up at me “that doggy gone so it’s sad” letting out an oh “I see, are you sad about it?” I questioned “a little bit mommy but it’s ok” my poor baby, she is being sensitive “tell my brother in law he got style, thank you” looking up from the phone, seeing Chris coming out of the bathroom “awww my handsome husband, you look so well. How is it? Is there a little scaring there?” I haven’t even seen it, Chris came over to me “just a little one, they said it will disappear anyways” he lifted the top up, looking at his chest “yeah I can see it now I am staring at it, you will be fine” he let the top fall “so you want to talk about it then?” furrowing my eyebrows “huh?” I am confused on what he is speaking about “why were you upset? It’s been on my mind, you came back from being out there with TJ and then came back in sad, why? Please tell me” letting out an oh, shaking my head “I am fine, just was missing you. Everything gotten on top of me, that is it” I don’t want to tell Chris about what happened, or even about his friend because my husband doesn’t have many friends, Chris stared at me. He is not happy at all; he knows I am lying “hello?” Chris looked away from me “nigga” hearing Herb say “Herbert! My man” Chris went over to him.
Herb is nice, he is such a good man and I like that he is always calling Chris constantly and always making sure he is well. This is Chris’ first artist under this little label he did which is linked to my record label, Chris wanted to do this, and I let it happen. But Chris is good, he does a lot for him “when I heard cuz, I was in the studio and then I heard Chris Brown hurt, I was like what bro? I called you and then no answer, then I found where you were at. I came here but damn, have they found the dude?” Herb asked “yeah, the police did. The driver died on impact, so he is getting time. The driver was drunk, he was driving so fast straight at us too. I was so scared, the thing is. All I could think about is my wife and my girls, they need me. The police were getting me out, they thought the cars were going to explode so they are getting me out, I was like I need to get out. I can’t leave my kids alone. Scared me so much” Chris explained, he is remembering more and more, and I like that “broke my heart seeing your wife like that, it was heart breaking. She just looked so lost, and honestly I would be there for them girls. I would protect them like they my own on god, I got you” that is sweet of him “and I believe you on that, thank you for coming. You messaged me, you said you was, but I didn’t think you would have come but you did. I appreciate it, it’s love” Chris got up from the bed and went over to him “same Herb, it was nice that you came out. I am excited for the future with you” Imani ran over to Chris and grabbed on his leg “you a rascal” Herb pointed laughing; she doesn’t want to share Chris.
Getting out of the SUV just laughing my ass off, Chris has had enough of Imani singing Only Girl, she adores that song too much “man, I can’t deal anymore. I am done with you” I cackled, Chris side eyed on me “hey, get her out of the car please. Don’t’ forget my baby” laughing at his displeasure at Imani, she put the song on two more times “Rihanna, how are you?” seeing paparazzi, I didn’t even realise he was here “good, I am happy” I can hear Imani signing still “get out of this car” Chris placed Imani down on the ground, she started walking over to me “Chris, my man. Welcome back, you good?” walking off as Chris held Imani’ hand “good, I am blessed to be here thank you” the security held the door open for us, I miss being here. I truly enjoy being in this work building but of course I haven’t been here, also the building is empty because everyone is home for the holidays “so good to see my family!” Jen spat, I cooed out “oh my wife, I missed you” hugging Jen close “missed you so much too” Jen is always there for me, I don’t even need to ask. I didn’t ask her to come here but she did, she knows that business needed to be done.
Seeing my girls ever so happy to see their dad back, they are all over him and I love that “awww man, you girls are showing me so much love. Let’s go and sit down come” Chris said, they are all wanting a hug from him, so he walked off to sit down with them. Jen has come back with us because we are going back to Cali and she might as well come back with us, Mel has gone back to Barbados to spend Christmas over there, I wished her well and she said we will talk when she is back so whatever, I guess we will talk then “the girls are so happy, look at them” Jen said behind me, turning to her “I am so glad he is ok, I was so worried that he was worse then what it was but all is well. My girls relay on him, as you can see” Jen nodded her head “I do, it’s sad because it’s always Chris” I groaned out “don’t, you know what. I am sick of people taking him for a ride, like he is a good guy. He is being so kind, but people take it too far, it just pisses me off you know?” Jen’ eyes widened “you seem pissed?” she said, I sniggered “I am pissed off at some things and people, I feel like a certain person knew you know. But I am going to move on, I am going to enjoy Christmas with my loved ones and look to the future. Chris will have a bodyguard too” Jen raised an eyebrow “what happened?” she questioned “just that he didn’t have the right help and people, if Chris had a bodyguard he would have been home with me” I am trying to not name the people because that is my argument, that is on me to deal with “Robyn” I jumped, I didn’t expect Chris here behind me “I really want to know what upset you?” he ain’t forgetting “there were tears of joy” he isn’t letting it go clearly “but-” he got cut off “I think Rylee wants you” he is busy, he needs to spend time with these girls now.
I breathed out in annoyance, not something I wanted to see right now, and he is here right in my face for what “why?” I said to Chris, looking at him “oh he is going home to Cali too so why not” this is my jet, he is travelling home on my fucking jet after he fucking spoke on my eggs and what I produce, you have got to be kidding me “calm down Robyn” I said to myself, I have to calm down and just get on with it. He is in my private hanger and going on my jet, like who is this fucking man. Let me not do this, I can do it. Rich opened the door for me, getting out of the SUV in a huff. TJ looked at me and I just glared at him, he can go and fuck himself “girls, be careful now. Rich can you just walk with them, Chris please take care of Imani” these kids like to just run off when they need to be careful, there is planes around. Walking to the second SUV that came, Jen was in this one and our bags “Robyn” I walked faster, I want him to not bother me “Robyn” TJ said again, I stopped walking “what?” I said, he shouldn’t even speak to me, but I am not going to make a scene “I am sorry” turning to him and I had to laugh “for what?” I questioned “I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that, but you were doing the most with me. Like the shit you were saying was upsetting to me” I sniggered “truth hurts TJ, you know I haven’t said anything to him about this or you wouldn’t be here” TJ gets so uptight very quick “that’s on you, I said what needed to be said to you. Likewise to you, you cried because you know what you need to do, I am taking up for Chris like you are too right? You are here for Chris, so am I. My brother wants, if you can’t then so be it. Camron will be there” looking over at Chris holding Imani in his arm and walking with Camron “he’s there because I let it happen” which is true “you mean Chris does, I tried with you Robyn. You’re just as stubborn as you were then, I guess shit don’t change” he walked off, he seems so smug and that alone is annoying when I am trying to be civil for Chris.
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shypandawrites · 3 years
Fated one (Seth x Witch)
WARNING! : In this one Seth is older, and I like witches so I chose that. This is a short story.
Hope you enjoy!
Lily followed her sister on the way to where their uncle asked them to go. They had teleported to a place called forks to visit their uncle’s friend, Carlisle, and his family. Lily walked behind her sister and her sisters’ mate, Henry. She smiled seeing them holding hands and occasionally Henry would lean down and kiss her sister on her head.
“It is nice out here huh Lily?” Sarah asked as she stopped to see Lily walking behind them. “Mm-hm.” She replied, pulling her hood more down her face. “Aw, why would you want to hide your face. It's pretty.” Lily just rolled her eyes at her and nearly walked into Henry.
Sarah continued to look concerned for her sister. “Still not sleeping well?” Choosing to ignore that she walked past them with a mumble. “I'm ok.” Pulling her hoodie closer when a strong breeze went past them. “I haven't been sleeping well per se but you can say that I haven't been having many nightmares as of late.” She walked a few steps ahead before noticing that they weren't following.
Taking a peek back she saw that they weren't there. She jerked around to see them ahead of her. “Hey!” She yelled, running over to them as they jumped over a big stream with Henry carrying Sarah.
Not wanting to be left behind she jumped over the gap easily and landed behind them once again only they were met with growls from behind. They turned to see a pack of large wolves, upon second glance Lily saw that they are a wolf pack, and seeing how they weren't immediately attacking meant they weren't feral.
“Nice doggie,” Sarah whispered as Henry pulled her behind him, staring down the wolves. The tallest black wolf stepped forward with the others following. Lily dropped her hood and faced them, seeing them starting to growl louder as Henry stood in front of her sister.
Lily got in front of them both, glancing at each of the wolves, not noticing that one froze when their eyes met. They watched as they stopped and backed up a little. “Anyone else confused?” Lily heard Sarah whisper; she didn't want to look away from them but still nodded to her sister.
Taking their distance as a good sign Lily took a breath as she stepped a little closer to them, ignoring her sister calling her name. “Um, You are the Wolf pack that is in a truce with the Cullen’s maybe?” She asked as Sarah grabbed her shoulder stopping her from stepping closer. “Is it a good idea to talk to them like they understand?” She questions, jumping when one growled only to be cut off by a bark from the tall black one.
Hiding a smirk, she turned to her sister to see Henry shaking his head at her as well. “Hon, they can understand you very well. They seemed to back because they must have seen we or better yet me wasn't a threat to them.” He walked over and wrapped his colder arms around her and pulling her back a bit.
“Just 'cause you're a vampire?”
“Because I am one. And they don't seem bothered by that.”
She ignored their chat and turned back to them. “Our uncle told us to meet with them because we weren't able to come when they were asking for witnesses. We had something to do so he asked us to come to explain that to them. We don’t mean you or them any harm I promise.” Lily declared when they started to look at each other all but one who hadn't stopped looking at her.
The sandy-colored wolf was only a little taller than the smaller wolves but still bigger than them. Seeing it still staring at her Lily gave a small wave and turned to her sister. “Should we go then? I don't think you want to be late.” She said, walking the way to the Cullen’s home. She tried not to laugh when Sarah's eyes went wide. “You're right!” Grabbing hold of Henry's hand, she dragged him away and then snapped her fingers.
“Hey!” Lily shouted as the hoodie she had on disappeared, only to see it in Sarah's hands. When she would have asked for it back, Henry was already running away carrying her. “Jerks.” Hiking through the now colder forest, Lily wrapped her arms around her, not paying attention to the sound of leaves crunching behind her, only when she was by the front door and greeted by the Cullen’s did, she even think to turn around to see the wolf pack had followed them. Shivering a little as a breeze blew around them, she saw them start to look concerned for her.
“Did you follow me?” She wondered, finding it sweet. “They did, they didn't want to see you freeze.” The red-haired Edward said, coming to stand by her with his wife Bella. “But why? I thought I would be bothering them.” “Who knows.” He shrugged, eyeing one wolf in particular with a smile.
Seeing her sister there she wanted to give her a piece of her mind but was stopped when Henry wrapped his arm around her shoulders, halting her. She went to confront him but he said something that made her freeze and pale. “You have the mark on your neck.” He whispered to her, making sure Sarah didn't hear him.
She slowly touched her neck and when she felt the mark her fingertips started to tingle, sending an electric current through her. I have my mark? That means... She looked around confused but a little excited, scoping out who it might be. Giving up after a minute to take her hair out of her ponytail and drape it over her shoulder.
“Sure, but you better hope SHE doesn't try to do anything.” He warned, but she already knew about her sister. How she is if she knows something interesting, she won't stop no matter what until she knows all the details.
“Shall we go in?” Carlisle called to them, looking worried for the newest girl that arrived. Lily nodded and wrapped her arms around herself as they headed inside.
They were escorted to the living room and sat down when other people came in. all of them were shirtless, tall, and had a tribal tattoo on their right shoulders. Lily who was sitting by the fireplace to get warm, simply waved her hand when she heard her sister greet people. Feeling warm enough she leaned back and relaxed against the chair as Sarah continued to talk to the people. One of their voices triggering a memory of meeting someone that sounded like that. Jerking her head up she saw him, he was as tall as he was in the realm, she met him in. With his infectious smile and warm brown eyes, remembering the times they talk about anything to get her mind off of her not being able to sleep.
Her heart started to pick up speed when she saw a mark on his hand that she believed was the same as on her neck. Curious she turned to face away from them but could still see him from the corner of her eye and gently brushed her fingers against her mark underneath her hair and was excited to see him look down at his hand in confusion.
She tried to calm down her heart at the fact that he was her soulmate but couldn't. Too excited to finally meet him. Someone clearing their throat brought her out of her head to see them all staring at her. “Everything ok?” She nodded, refusing to lift her head in embarrassment.
“Just a little warm, so I'm going to walk around a bit.” She kept her voice monotone even though she felt like jumping in joy. She made it to the forest when she heard someone come up behind her. Sending a quick wave through the ground, she saw that it was Seth. The instant she knew it was him she stopped and slowly turned around to see him grinning at her.
“Sorry, I didn't want to startle you.” Looking away she tried to calm down her heart, knowing he could hear it pick up speed. They were silent as she tried to calm it but when he took a step towards her it picked up speed again. “Please end me.” She groaned, kneeling while covering her face.
Seth laughed as he kneeled in front of her with a grin, happy to finally meet and was over the moon in finding out that she is his imprint. Taking the risk, Lily looked up at him with a red face and gave a small smile. “Hi, Seth.” She watched as he in turn blushed and reached an arm out to pat at her head. “Hey, Lily. I think we have some things to talk about.” She nodded. “Yes, but first.” Taking a breath, she jumped up and then hugged him as she tackled him to the ground while hiding her face in his neck.
He easily caught her and laid them on the ground as she buried her face in his chest. “I'm glad to finally meet you.” She said, her voice muffled a little. That got him to grin and tighten his hold on her. “Likewise.” He sat up and hugged her tighter then let her go and stood up.
She followed him up and grinned. “And you are warm.” Hugging him again she leaned more into him. He laughed at that and they both walked away from the Cullen’s home, holding hands.
They talked for a bit about anything and everything and came back to other people arriving. Lily was confused until she saw that they were there cause the Volturi were coming and they needed witnesses. That’s why we were asked to come here. Without thinking she grabbed Seth by the hand and hid behind him as they walked into the house to see others greeting Renesme.
Glimpsing into her mind she was seeing what they were and was amazed to find out how Bella gave birth to her while she was still human. Unconsciously she let go of Seth’s hand and went to stand with her family making sure to smile at Seth.
“So that is why you have asked me to come here with them.” Her uncle’s hard voice had her looking concerned. He always tried to be calm in every situation and to hear that he might be mad made her worried.
“I’m sorry my friend but we had no other choice.” Carlisle started only to be cut off by her uncle.
“Not even to tell me the truth? Did you think I would abandon you and your family if I knew the reason for you asking me to be here? Do you think I am that shallow Carlisle?” He asked, crossing his arms and waited. Lily walked over to her uncle and lightly touched his shoulder, making the anger he was feeling started to slowly fade.
Hear him out.
Giving his shoulder another pat he stared at her before taking a deep breath and turning to face Carlisle again who tried to smile. “Explain this time then. But please know this Carlisle if you had just told us we would have come to help in any way we can.” The others nodded their agreement.
As he was explaining what was going Lily sat on the arm of the couch while her uncle and sister sat down at the said couch. Keeping her gaze to the floor she never noticed the stares from the other people who have come as witnesses.
Taking a moment to look around she noticed that there were other people in the home so she nodded to them and also saw that Seth wasn’t there anymore. She turned back to see her uncle talking with Carlisle more calmly now. Not wanting to get in anyone’s way she hopped off the arm part and walked outside. taking a breath of the cool air.
“You are new here.” A voice said to her side. It was a younger guy with light brown hair staring at her intensely with his red eyes. “Hello. Me and my family are here to help the Cullen’s, I presume you are too?” She questioned, taking a step back when he took a step towards her.
He grinned at that.
“Oh, come on I don’t bite . . . Well, unless you want me to.” He winked and Lily, mentally rolled her eyes. “No thank you I am with someone so I would appreciate it if you didn’t try to flirt with me.” Saying her piece she turned and walked away, hearing the guy get laughed at.
She kept her gaze on the ground as she walked towards the trees, only to bump into someone. Jerking her head up she went to apologize but then grinned when she saw it was Seth. “Hey, sorry for bumping into you.” He smiled back, looking like he took a run. She went to ask him if he went anywhere but he cut her off by holding out a piece of clothing to her.
“For me?”
“Yeah, I saw your sister take your sweater and I don’t need to wear them so I thought you wouldn’t mind wearing it.” His voice going quieter at the end, starting to look worried but that went away quickly when she put the sweater on and flipped back the hood to see that it ended at her mid-thigh.
“Thanks.” She blushed, stepping forward and softly pulling him down to her height by his arm and giving him a peck on the cheek. “I like it.” Leaning back, she giggled, seeing him blush before someone wrapped their arm around his shoulders and put him in a headlock.
Lily watched as he kind of wrestled with the guy who was soon joined by others. “Well, introduce us Casanova!” one called, stopping by them. Seth finally got free and came to stand next to Lily, holding her hand.
Waving with her other hand, looking at them even a girl was with them, she stared at them for a moment and gave a small smile to Lily who returned it. “This is Lily.” Seth introduced them, each shaking her hand and when it got to the girl Lily smiled again and held out her hand. “I hope you can take care of my brother.”
“I can,” Lily said, confidently with a nod. “How?” “Cause I’m a witch. We do hocus pocus.” She whispered, playfully wiggling her fingers.
They all talked more when Lily then got tackled to the ground. The force making her let go of Seth’s hand. “Oof!” “Why didn’t you tell me!” Her sister’s voice rang out in her ear. Oh no. She patted her sister and slowly got up. “Cause I knew you would be all too excited to meet him.” She mumbled, trying to get out of her sister's tight grip.
Giving up she teleported herself to be beside Seth who was looking in confusion. “My sister likes to know every detail of something that catches her interest and me finding you, has got her full attention.” She explained, eyeing her sister who was glaring back before smiling and booking it to them again.
“So who are you? Name? How old are you? When did you find out you are soulmates? Was it love at first sight?” Sarah began with her questions getting a little closer to them until she was nearly in their faces. Her eyes were full of wonder and glee.
“Sarah calm down.”
In her questioning, Lily covered her sister’s mouth and sighed. “Calm down please, I don’t want to have to explain this to uncle yet so be quiet-“ As she finished speaking she froze as did Sarah. “Explain what to me?” They heard a chuckle before turning to see him standing there with his partner.
Sarah slowly crept away with a sheepish expression. While Lily just looked at her sister before taking a deep breath and letting go of Seth’s hand. “Shall we?” Already walking away with her uncle right behind her.
They got a few feet away when Lily put a barrier around them so no one would be able to hear their conversation. While Sarah stood by a now concerned Seth with his pack. “Is she in trouble?” He asked, not looking away from the pair not that far from them.
“She is not in that much trouble our uncle just wants to talk to her about stuff.”
“Stuff like what?”
She went to answer when Henry propped his arm on her head. “Nothing too bad just talking about him.” Nodding to Seth. “I’m sure it will be fine.” His voice was monotone.
They all watched as Lily and her uncle talked before they started heading back to them. Once they reached them, Lily walked over to Seth and quietly held his hand as her uncle eyed them before speaking to him. “You plan to take care of her?” “Yes, sir.” He stared at him for a moment but then grinned and held out his hand to him. “You better stick to that. My niece is dear to me.” Lily giggled at seeing Seth’s expression only for him to grin as well and shake his hand. “Yes, sir.”
Their uncle then walked away with their partner, leaving them alone. “Sorry,” Sarah whispered to her. “It’s fine it turned out ok.” Leaning more into Seth’s arm she smiled. “Ok. Bye then! Talk to you later!” She cheered, pulling Henry away.
“Well, that’s one way to meet you,” Lily commented, turning to face Seth. Who in turn smiled at her. “But, I don’t mind it since I still get you.” He winked, Lily got on her tiptoe to kiss his cheek again. “I look forward to being with you.” She smiled, happy to finally meet her fated one.
Hoped you enjoyed it, any feedback is appreciated but be nice I am still trying to be entertaining enough.
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your-highnessmarvel · 5 years
OMG Ellen You Didn’t!
Requested by Anonymous: Absolutely, so Chris x reader met at an industry party, she’s a newbie, he’s smitten when he first lays eyes on her dark chocolate skin.She a fan but she’s hesitant, she doesn’t know if he’s as cool as he seems. He approaches her, they hang out, she opens up about her past struggle with anxiety &he’s there for her &helps her navigate the craziness of the industry. Their friendship develops into a relationship, Chris falls hard for the one person he thought he’d never find...her, his future wife.
AN: THIS IS THE TYPE OF SPECIFIC I ABSOLUTELY LOVE UGH YAS. I made this comedic because i’ve been writing fluff and angst all day and my pretty poor heart hurts lol. i’ve struggled with anxiety my whole life without knowing, and when i finally put a word on it, it’s like i finally came to terms with who i was. to whoever suffers anxiety, past or present, my blog is a safe zone and so are my messages.
Warnings: angst, mentions of anxiety
*gif not mine
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Ellen gives a hug to Chris and they share a knowing laugh. She shakes your hand because she sees how nervous you are; what with the applauding audience and the screaming women. 
Wow, you think, this is what it’s like being famous. Or more, being married to a famous guy.
Ellen encourages you both to sit. “Chris, so good to have you back,” she says. 
Chris smiles, devilishly handsome as always. “Always good to be here, Ellen.”
“And Y/N, welcome to the show.”
You smile nervously, thankful for your sleeveless top for airing out your armpits. “Thank you for having me.”
Ellen smiles, crosses her leg over her knee, settles in. You take it as a cue to lean back into the couch, and Chris puts his arm comfortably behind you. From afar, it looks like regular couple stuff. But you know Chris is doing it for you; to make you feel safe with him, to let you know he is there. It is your first TV interview after all. 
“So, it’s my understanding that Chris was the one running after you, Y/N?” Ellen asks. The audience laughs, and Chris gives you that puppy dog stare that makes your tummy fill with hot butterflies.
“Yeah he was like... head over heels for me.” You laugh when Ellen gives Chris a look. 
“I mean,” Chris says, “look at her. How could I not?”
“What did he even do?” Ellen asks with a devilish smirk.
You wade your way through the crowd of faces, nervously biting the inside of your cheek. This party - this party with Hollywood figures - was filled with faces you’d seen on the Oscars stage as well as on the big screen. Your mind was going half a mile an hour and every time someone addressed a word to you, you’d stammer. 
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So you opted for staying on your own to avoid any more social suicide. You took a half full bottle of tequila and all but ran into a corner where there was a love seat and a perfect view of downtown New York. You sat with a relieved sigh, readjusting your top. 
One more thing about Hollywood; everyone dressing fucking fancy for hella casual evenings. Like, this was a lowkey chilling that you were at, which you’d been invited by your staff team leader on the movie you were working on. Chilling means casual, right? Boy oh boy. Leonardo DiCaprio was wearing a full tux over there, hanging with his girl in a hot red dress. 
You scratched the inside of your elbow nervously. You had opted for an over-sized sweater and leggings with fuzzy socks. Even the butler was dressed better than you were. 
Ugh, you thought, I should have stayed home, but no, I wanted to get to know some celebs. Idiot. 
You could feel the judgment from some people, but most of them treated you as if you were a fly on the wall. 
You took a swing of the bottle, wincing because who the fuck can drink straight up tequila and remain stoic? Psychopaths. 
A shadow glided over the floor in front of you, catching your attention, and you looked up midway through your grimace.
And almost spat the tequila right back up. 
It was motherfucking Chris Evans. Of all the dorks that could have stood before you, holding his Stella Artoise and staring out the window like a Dad, it was good old Chris E.
You hadn’t meant for that to come out. It was more an interior dialogue. Had you drank that much already?
Chris turned to you with a smirk, showing off broad shoulders under a nice crimson suit. “Tequila don’t go down easy, huh?”
“It’s more like my pride.”
He snorted. “Don’t mind the people judging you for your sweater,” he said, giving you a wink. “I find it rather cute. And rather refreshing. I get invited to these things, and I always think someone’s gonna wake up and realize we could be in our pijamas. But pictures for instagram and whatnot get taken here. We have to look our best.”
You looked up, mystified by the man. He was staring back unabashedly, and maybe because he was a little tipsy and that’s why his inhibitions flew right out the fucking window. But his cheeks were pink. His eyes were so blue, and he dragged them along any inch of exposed skin he could find. All while remaining the most respectable man. 
“You look - uh - good,” you said. Then you frowned, shook your head. What the hell kinda thing is that to say?
He chuckled. “Thank you.” Then he plopped right down next to you. “I find you look absolutely ravishing.”
Your cheeks became so hot you thought they’d peel right off. “Okay.”
His eyes went wide just as you all but slapped your forehead. “Man, I’m so dumb,” you groaned, feeling the heat crawl down your neck and chest. “I meant thank you, obviously. It’s just... like wow, you’re Chris Evans and you’re wearing a blood red suit and your hair looks so soft!”
He threw his head back and laughed, exposing pale flesh at the neck. “Can I say something too?”
“Your skin is breathtaking.” Then his eyes went serious, looking at you as if he was trying to open the doors to your mind. “May I?” he asked, pointer finger hovering over the chocolate flesh of your wrist. 
Oh my God! Chris was going to touch you!
He pressed two fingers along your wrist, caressing the skin. “I saw you walk in,” he admitted. “And I just - when I saw you with your sweater and skin the color of coffee and hair in braids and eyes so bright. I thought... I’m sorry, am I being too much?” His serious tone quickly turned concerned. 
You hadn’t noticed you were staring, mouth agape, heart beating like dad’s when they hammer a stubborn nail. “No, it’s fine,” you stammered. 
He licked his lips before continuing. “I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.”
Wow, okay, he was drunk. Surely he’d seen Margot Robbie and Ana de Armas and every single other Hollywood actress. 
“If you say okay, I’m going to cry.”
You laughed, his fingers still skimming the skin of your wrist. “Thank you, Chris.”
He smiled, eyes crinkling. “I want to be your friend,” he stated, fishing out his phone. “Is it alright if I ask for your number, and we can go grab coffee or walk my dog together sometime?”
His dog. It was an automatic, “Yes.”
“So, if I understand correctly, Chris was totally smitten by you?”
“Oh, Ellen,” you answer with an exaggerated tone, “he was already planning the wedding.”
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“Oh!” Chris left-boob-grabs and throws his head back in laughter. “She was the one staring at me with googly eyes!”
“Yeah, right!”
“And, what?” Ellen continues to pry. “Right away, you both fell in love?”
“Well,” Chris says, smoothing his beard in thought. “We started by trying to be friends, as these things go, you know. Make sure we’re compatible. But it was clear, like, oh, right away that she was meant for me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Wow, Chris, so poetic.”
You stuffed your mouth with the doughnut, giving Dodger smiles and pats on the head as you walked beside him. You looked up at Chris, giving him also a cute smile.
“Never met anyone who actively eats strawberry-stuffed white-powdered doughnuts,” he said. It was cold outside and grey, what with is raining all weekend, so Chris wore a big blue hoodie and trousers, looking warm and cozy.
“That’s because you’ve never met anyone like me,” you answered. You tightened the scarf around your neck. 
“That’s damn right.”
This was your third date with Chris, and you still had trouble making thoughts into proper phrases. First date had gone swimmingly because Chris was a sweetheart who knew exactly how to make someone comfortable. He’d brought you to the aquarium, and he’d displayed subtle but intricate knowledge on puffer fish. Second date, he’d brought you to watch a local baseball game and then he bought you ice cream, which sealed the deal because a man who buys you ice cream is a man you want to keep. 
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And now, walking with Dodger after you’d made the drive all the way to Chris’s house. You’d waited outside, feeling like an impostor standing before Chris Evans’s front fucking door with your wool sweater and scarf and mittens. 
“What say you to a tour of my grand home afterwards?” he asked now, giving you a side glance. 
You were holding Dodger’s leash, and you were watching him waddle beside you like a good boy. When Chris proposed that, your cheeks went white hot. “Um, yeah, that sounds good,” you said, swallowing thickly. 
“You don’t have to come in,” he said. “I just got a new deck of cards I want to try out.”
Chris’s house was huge. Inside, there was a lot of sunlight from the immense windows. A lot of airy spaces for lounging, eating, exercising. He was careful in avoiding his bedroom, giving you a tour with his hands inside his trouser pockets. He showed you where Dodger likes to sleep; the head of the couch, by the backdoor window where the sun cooks him, and on his doggy bed that is settled in Chris’s office. 
“He snores,” Chris said as he directed you to the kitchen. “And he dreams all the time.”
“Like father like son, huh.” 
“I don’t think I snore.”
You winked, the first time you’d ever been cocky and confident in front of him. “We’ll see.”
He brushed a hand through his hair, laughing. He reached into a cupboard and took out a card game. “Ever played Brisc?” he asked. 
“Then sit.” He sat at the table, encouraging you to sit directly in front of him. He explained the game to you very simply, and you tried your best to memorize all the rules. “How are you taking it in the industry,” he asked, seemingly absentminded. 
You looked up in surprise. Had he been asking about you? How did he know you were very new in the show business? “I’m doing... okay?”
“I used to have nightmares about it when I was younger?”
He won the first round. 
“Yeah, and panic attacks before going to auditions or premiers,” he continued, giving you shy half smiles. “I’ve been in this business quite a while to know that the demands are incredibly high. And especially for women.”
You bit your lip, holding your cards against your chest. Hesitantly, you put one down. Was it okay for you to unpack everything onto him? Was it okay to tell him how bad your anxiety had gotten to you in the past and how it still got to you? This was a big A-list celebrity with paparazzi waiting for him on every corner so much so that he had to wear sunglasses and caps wherever he went. 
“It’s just so demanding,” you sighed. “It’s just status, and higher ups, and big names, and they all feel like they have the right to tell me what to do and how to do my job correctly. The bar is set so high. There is no room for mistakes, and if you make just one false move, they look at you like you killed a puppy.”
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Chris nodded understandingly. “It’s so hard to navigate this industry,” he answered. “And it’s because they call it business and not personal, but some things, they just... ah, they just feel real personal, don’t they?”
You huffed. “My anxiety used to be through the roof,” you went on. “It still is. Sometimes, I have no idea how to calm the wave that comes through my chest.”
Chris reaches across the vast expanse of wood, palm up, eyes blue and open. “I can help you,” he said. “I know what it’s like to feel like you’re drowning. I can help you find resources and people to put on your personal team, to build a support. There’s no shame in reaching out.”
He was being so sincere that your chest tightened with a new emotion once unbeknownst to you. “Thank you,” you whispered sincerely. 
After the card game, Chris walked you to your car, hands in his pockets. Shy. Timid. 
“I really like our friendship,” he said. Your heart contracted, as if lead had been poured down into your arteries, and you smiled tightly. 
He hesitated, eyes searching your face, but you were looking down. He scuffed the toe of his boot on the gravel. “I don’t wanna be friends, though,” he mumbled.
As soon as the hurt had entered your system, it flew right the fuck out and you looked up expectantly. Eyes wide. Cheeks on fire. Heart hammering. “Me n-neither.”
He took a step forward, and your chin went up, keeping up with his impressive height. He put each palm on the side of your burning face. When he kissed you, his lips were hesitant and soft, careful and warm. The tip of his tongue on your bottom lip. You leaned into him, grasping his waist, heart hammering, thoughts reeling. 
He smelled so good.
His lips were so perfect, chapped yet warm and delicate. 
He pulled back slowly, resting his forehead on yours, laughing a little. “I feel like this is the start of something good,” he whispered. 
You smiled shyly, and he picked you up into his arms, pinning you to his chest, feet dangling off the ground
“That’s so sweet,” Ellen said. “You two are so sweet on twitter. The first picture you ever posted of Y/N was this.”
“Oh no,” you mumbled, quite to the audience’s laughter. 
A photo of you, one that Chris had taken from a film-type camera, appeared on the monitor. It was in the dead of night, at a park you and Chris had sneaked off to during a party. You were brightly illuminated by the flash of the camera. You wore a bright red hoodie, low jeans, and white shoes. Your left leg was brought up, showing the curve of your ass. Your tongue was sticking out, grimacing, and your hands were up in two peace signs. 
“He could have easily picked pictures of us on red carpet events when I actually look good, but no, he posted this absolute gem,” you laughed, feeling Chris squeezing your shoulder tenderly. 
“But she’s so gorgeous in this!” Chris defended. “She looks like herself, the girl I’m with every day.”
“Okay yes, but Y/N posted something much better,” Ellen said, pointing to the monitor.
Another picture of you, sitting behind Dodger, smiling all your pearly whites. Your skin was glowing, and you remembered feeling good about yourself that day. Dodger was being crazy, licking under your chin, and in the far, far corner of the picture, one could see half of Chris’s body. 
“And you posted that,” Ellen continued, “with the caption reading, “Love my Valentine so much. Chris, you are a wonder.”.” 
You burst out laughing with the audience, watching as Chris made a sarcastic face and shook his head. 
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When the audience died down, Chris said, “No no, we joke a lot, but I love this woman so much. I mean, I married her for a reason. She’s my best friend, my lover, my confidant. I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anybody else.” 
You patted his knee, aware that if you full on kissed him, it would be all over social media. 
Ellen said something about what would happen after the break, but you were looking Chris in the eyes. Leaning into his shoulder, the world around you fell away, stripped, and it was just you and him. You and him against the world.
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