#she only has 6 years to live. she’s an alcoholic. she almost died in a catastrophic explosion but she’s still looking cool as hell
fated-normal-767 · 11 months
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definitely posted this before but. well I don’t care. #girl
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scoops-aboy86 · 4 months
We see a lot of chubby Steve/weight gain post-high school but I think it would be interesting to see some fics where he’s still in school. Maybe he has to give up sports due to the concussions or something?
You're right and you should say it!! I have a bit of that in my love spell no go AU, before Starcourt happens and Steve goes full trauma-fueled must be able to protect everyone I know mode. 
So... might not be what you were hoping for but I wrote an almost 3k addition to that fic, during the part where Steve is still at Hawkins High. Swim is over for the year (and Steve avoids his pool now), and while he's still on the basketball team he's also smoking weed (helps with the nightmares, getting enough sleep, better mood, etc.) and snacking more. He's in the starter belly stage but has no complaints.
Part 1, (YOU ARE HERE), part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11 of the love spell no go au
The weed he bought from Munson is a godsend, and Steve wonders why he hadn’t thought of it before… only to remember that Nancy wouldn’t have approved. (Although she’s not a priss, exactly, she had barely even touched alcohol since the night Barb died. Until Halloween.) But he can sleep through the lonely nights now, which is worth even that hurtful pang of realization—that maybe, Nancy hadn’t been very good for him. 
(Sure, she had helped him study. And his grades had improved. But sometimes, too, she would smile and say, “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.” It had been cute at first, before Barb, when the smile had still been real.)
Whenever he thinks about that, or feels particularly lonely, he digs into his stash for a quick smoke out his bedroom window—never by the pool, not anymore. He gets into the habit of snacking after, even if it’s while doing his homework, because even when he’s a little bit stoned it’s somehow easier to focus on shit when he’s doing something else at the same time, and chewing works. 
(Nancy hadn’t liked it when he’d fiddled with his pencil or a rubber band or a Rubix cube or anything while she’d quizzed him with flashcards, even though he’d tried to tell her it helped. She’d fussed at him about it until he’d just… stopped.)
Other times, he zones out in front of the tv while working his way through a sandwich or a bag of chips or a sleeve of Oreos. Or takeout, a lot of the time, because his culinary skills pretty much stop at sandwiches, up to and including scrambling an egg for a breakfast sandwich. But a man cannot live on scrambled eggs alone, he’s learned that the hard way, so pizza or burgers or pasta in cardboard containers it is. 
It’s not just the munchies. After a while Steve gets into the habit of just… eating. It's not like his parents are around to notice, and Dustin and the other kids he babysits sometimes (for all that Mike protests that they aren’t babies and don’t need a sitter; what they do consistently need, however, is rides) don't care as long as he springs for enough that they can have some too. No one at school would dare say it to his face, and somehow it still doesn't manage to fully tank his slightly flagging reputation, but Steve is definitely starting to put on weight. He doesn’t care. 
He starts going to parties again half for a change of scenery, half for a change of food options. Pizza still makes a frequent appearance, but there’s popcorn and flavors of chips that he doesn’t usually buy and various kinds of snack mixes. (His favorites are anything that include M&Ms.) Sometimes, there are even cupcakes or cookies. He doesn’t dance, doesn’t even drink all that much and sticks to just beer when he does, never the punch. Most of the kids who come to these parties are there for the booze and the makeout opportunities, but he turns up to people-watch, bopping his head in time with the music if it's a song he likes, and park himself by whatever food the party has to offer. Sometimes Steve buys from Eddie if he's there, offers to share joints with him that Eddie, still wary, turns down. When the food runs out, Steve leaves.
Tonight, though, Tammy Thompson just will not leave him alone and he’s at a loss for what to do about it. She’s been talking his ear off about wanting to move to Nashville and become a country singer the entire time he’s been working on this extra large pepperoni and sausage with black olives—not his first choice, but it’s still hot enough for the cheese to stretch whenever he picks up the next slice, warm tomato sauce and grease dripping down the front of his polo more often than he can always catch with a napkin. 
“Did you want some?” he asks at some point, to be polite and hopefully indicate that he doesn’t care that she’s trying to tell him something. 
He can tell immediately that it doesn’t work, because Tammy lights up from simply being addressed, even though her answer is, “Oh, no thank you, I’m a vegetarian.”
“Right,” Steve mumbles, and crams nearly half of his next slice of meat-laden pizza in his mouth. Maybe if he talks with his mouth full. “More for me, then.”
The words come out muffled, but she still beams and offers to grab him something to drink, jumping up and scampering off before Steve even has a chance to respond. He sighs, downs the rest of the beer he’s been nursing, and takes the new one she brings him without saying thank you. Between the next pieces of pizza he pops it open, chugs it, and belches; she puts a hand on his arm. 
For a moment, at that, Steve feels a faint stirring of interest. He likes his food, did even before dropping swimming and picking up weed, and well before it started to show. Now that it has, he feels comfortable in his softer body. Good. And maybe… maybe he could handle dating someone who doesn’t mind how much he likes it. He imagines Tammy running her immaculately painted nails over his skin, places he’s noticed have been getting more sensitive lately, and suppresses a shiver. 
“Could you pass me that bowl of M&Ms over there?” he asks, testing the waters. Yeah, he could probably reach it if he stretched, but he’s starting to fill up and doesn’t feel like putting the extra pressure on his stomach. He sits back a little in his chair instead, shifting to get comfortable and laying a hand on his belly where it bows out over the waistband of his jeans. “Sorry, just, you know. Big appetite lately.”
“Oh, that’s okay, I don’t mind,” Tammy says with a giggle as she fetches the bowl for him. “Besides, you’re an athlete! I’m sure you’ll work it off in no time on the court.”
And yeah, no, that vague interest curdles immediately. As far as Steve is concerned, the only parts of himself he wants to get rid of are all in his head—the heartbroken parts, the nightmare and trauma parts, the desperately lonely and needy parts. But he’s not so lonely that he’ll hook up with a girl who’s willing in spite of how he looks, because what else could she possibly be interested in? His personality?
He barely even has one. King Steve has always been bullshit, Nancy was right about that much. 
Through the crowd, he spots curly hair and a flash of dark leather—Eddie. Good, he’d been hoping to buy more tonight, and this is as good an excuse to exit this conversation as any. 
Steve grabs a handful of M&Ms to shove in his mouth and flips the lid of the pizza box closed, handing the bowl back to Tammy and taking the box with him when he stands. “Well, enjoy the rest of the party,” he blurts. “I’ve gotta go see a guy about some drugs. Bye!”
As he makes his escape, some girl that he thinks he might have class with or something just about shoulder-checks him, but he’s solid enough that she ends up stumbling from the impact instead. The glare she gives him could peel paint… which is actually kind of refreshing, after enduring Tammy’s simpering for the better part of an hour. 
To Eddie’s perpetual frustration, now that Steve Harrington has started buying weed from him he can never seem to be free of the guy. Case in point: the “Hey, Munson, wait up!” that follows him to the backyard of tonight’s house party slash business venture. 
He waits until he’s down the patio steps before whipping around, prepared to glare and snap an impatient what do you want, Harrington, but ends up staring at a pizza box that’s being shoved in his face. 
“Pizza?” Steve says. 
Eddie blinks at the box, then at the boy holding it. “This isn’t your party. Doesn’t that mean it’s not your pizza to offer?”
“It might as well be, I’ve eaten most of it,” Steve replies. “No one seemed to notice, that makes it fair game.” 
Once, Eddie had been selling at a party and been bitched out for touching a single cookie, because those were for guests. He wants to scowl, but then his gaze flicks down to the partly open box and sees that there aren’t many slices left, eyes fixing on the evidence dripped down the front of Steve’s shirt and the way it’s… tight, across his middle. “You ate all but three slices of an entire extra large?”
He’s not sure what answer he expects to get. Maybe something like Of course not, dickhead, or maybe just, What, like it’s hard? But all Steve says is, “Yep.” And keeps looking at him with those sweet hazel eyes that seem bight and not too clouded by alcohol. 
Still, Eddie is wary. “Okay… You first.” 
Steve just shrugs and pulls out a slice, taking a bite before Eddie snatches it out of his hand. “Hey!”
“Just making sure it wasn’t poisoned first, sweetheart,” Eddie retorts, sneering for the excuse to call a pretty boy sweetheart in semi-public, butterflies stirring in his stomach at getting away with it. “Don’t worry, the rest is all yours.”
“Who’s tried to poison you?” Steve asks in a perplexed tone, folding the last two slices together to make a pizza sandwich and tossing the empty box onto the deck. Still following Eddie, because of course this is Eddie’s life. Love spell was a spectacular failure, but he’s still got the boy of his dreams following him around like a lost duckling because he’s got drugs. Fucking fantastic. 
And Eddie doesn’t want to get into the whole thing—those rumors from when Eddie had been in seventh grade and Steve had been in sixth, for all that they’re both in the same grade now, about some kid who’d been sent to the ER from a bad reaction to itching powder. There were variations where it had gotten in his eyes and nearly blinded him, or on his food and made his throat swell shut, or in his underwear and turned his dick so red his balls fell off. In reality, he had only gone to the nurse with a bad rash and hadn’t even been allowed to go home, but it left a goddamn impression. 
He doesn’t want to get into it, not if Steve either doesn’t remember the rumors or hasn’t connected them to his present day self, so he just rolls his eyes and says, “Are you looking to buy or what?”
Steve immediately brightens a bit, like a golden retriever spotting someone holding a tennis ball. “Yeah, I smoked the last I had before coming here but it’s already worn off I think.” And takes a big bite of his two pizza slices. 
So Eddie leads him to a darker nook around the side of the house for the deal, trying not to stare at the way Steve’s cheeks bow out while he chews, like a damn chipmunk. It’s cute. He’s kind of angry that it’s cute, that there’s still a part of him that lights up when Steve looks happy, satisfied, content—and right now all of those boxes are checked. 
“Want to smoke a little now?” Steve offers, once he’s paid and taken the baggie one handed, popped the rest of the food in his mouth, licked his fingers clean, and pulled out a pack of rolling papers. And Eddie pauses too long before answering, long enough that Steve takes the lack of refusal as a yes. 
Which Eddie should correct, because he usually says no to that sort of thing, especially when he’s at parties specifically to sell. He’s turned Steve down before, even; it’s like the guy has a whole thing about offering whenever he plans on lighting up asap. Eddie knows better to fall into that trap. 
But it’s a nice night. The weather is mild for spring, business has been good, and Steve licks his lips to get the last traces of pizza sauce before his tongue darts out to wet the paper and finish rolling the joint. Nice and tight, like the denim hugging Steve’s ass and thighs tighter recently. So Eddie sticks around, breaks his rule and tries to keep his face clear of any evidence that he is fixated on the few degrees of separation between smoking and kissing, heart hammering the entire time. He tells himself it’s a one time only thing, but knows he might be lying. Recognizes how addictive this could be. 
“Thanks for being here,” Steve says after passing the joint back and forth a few times, his eyes glazed and drooping. “Really needed this tonight.”
“That’s what I’m here for, man,” Eddie replies. He’s leaning against the side of the house practically shoulder to shoulder with his crush, and the high washing over him is really taking the edge off the jagged yearning in his chest. Like, he still wants, but he’s happy just floating in the present moment, content with the indirect sharing of spit. And this is… This is okay. 
Surprisingly okay. 
It throws Eddie for a loop because it’s at odds with the whole King Steve image. The whole puppet master persona that isn’t a bully, but can with a few words cut someone down socially to where the bullies could reach them, if they so wish. Popular kids at Hawkins High walk around with their noses in the air like they’ve never smelled a fart and refuse to start now, but this is the guy they turn around and start brown-nosing. King Steve isn’t nice, he’s used to being waited on. Kings do not say thank you to the court jester for simply carrying out his profession. 
Just Steve, though, is different. Just Steve is chill and finished most of an entire huge pizza while mostly sober, is filling out his clothes even better these days in Eddie’s opinion, and currently looks the most at peace he’s ever seen a person. No walls, no guard… Just Steve. 
Okay, that one split joint had gone straight to his head, god damn. 
“Well, I’m gonna take off,” Eddie announces, and can’t tell if he’s said it too loud or not. He pushes off the wall with a shake of his head. “You snagged pretty much the last of my inventory, so I’ll just get out of here before someone starts handing out the torches and pitchforks.”
Steve chuckles. “Like any of those guys in there know how to make a torch,” he scoffs. He manages to say it in a way that almost makes Eddie lean in. Makes him feel like he’s been let in on some sort of inside joke, like they could but those losers couldn’t. 
Which is—Okay, so Eddie does in theory know how to make a torch, he’d looked into it for one of his earliest homebrew campaigns, but Steve Harringnton? The very idea of Steve whipping off his shirt, tying it to a branch, soaking the end in something flammable, and lighting it up is something out of fantasy. Out of specific fantasies that he has had. It snaps Eddie out of the hazy bubble of they that Steve had somehow created with just a few words, and holy shit. Was that one of the side effects of his wonky spell, or was that Just Steve?
“Yeah, sure,” Eddie scoffs back, putting more distance between them even though he does want to lean in, dammit, but he wants Steve to want it too. Even though it’s on the tip of his tongue to ask the guy if he has a ride home, or if he wants to swing by the mom and pop ice cream place on Main for desert or something; Eddie has been practicing swallowing down urges like that since he’d hit adolescence. “Find me next time you need to top up your stash, Harrington.”
He walks away fast enough that if Steve responds he doesn’t hear it, heading for the back gate that he’d left the house for in the first place. His van is parked strategically nearby for a quick getaway, just in case the party got out of hand and a neighbor called the cops. 
And if his dreams that night feature a completely relaxed Steve Harrington chewing on never ending slices of pizza and that blissful look of peace on his face, his lips shiny with spit and grease, it’s not like Eddie is ever going to tell anyone.
Tag list (comment to be added): @hotluncheddie @8em-em-em8 @anaibis @connected-dots @lawrencebshoggoth
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Buck and Bobby heading for breakdowns: The calm before the storm
During season 5 and early into season 6, Chimney, Athena, Maddie, Eddie and Hen all experienced their own emotional and/or mental breakdowns that had been building for several weeks or even months for some of them.  Bobby was there for Athena, Buck was there for Eddie, Chimney left and went to search for Maddie and Karen was there for Hen but while Buck and Bobby were there for others during their breakdowns, they have yet to experience breakdowns of their own.
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It’s been speculated by some within the 9-1-1 fandom since season 5B that Buck and Bobby could experience simultaneous breakdowns during season 6 and if they keep bottling everything up, it’s certainly possible they could both have them before the end of the season.
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There have been times when Bobby’s and Buck’s storylines either paralleled, coincided and/or collided with each other.  Not only do they look alike but their behaviors are very similar.  They both tend to carry guilt around with them like it’s another uniform even though it’s not theirs to carry because others are to blame for the things that happened, i.e., Bobby carried guilt after Jonah took Hen and Chimney in 5x17 “Hero Complex” and in 4x4 “9-1-1 What’s Your Grievance?” after Buck learned the reason for his birth, he started carrying the guilt from not being able to save Daniel.  Recently they’ve both been exhibiting signs that show they could be headed for emotional and/or mental breakdowns of their own and if they happen at the same time or one happens as the result of the other, it’s going to be difficult for everyone in their found family.  Bobby’s and Buck’s relationship is more than that of a fire captain and a firefighter because they act more like father and son.  Bobby lost his wife and his biological son and daughter during an apartment fire that he accidentally started in Minnesota before he moved to L.A.  Buck’s biological parents never cared enough about him to show him any love or affection since he was born as a savior baby for his brother Daniel who died anyway.
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Bobby has relapsed before and it happened during a time when he was struggling with the guilt associated from the loss of his family, the loss of the other residents who were also inside of the apartment building fire he accidentally caused in Minnesota along with the lives of those that were lost during the plane crash in season 1.  Buck and Hen were there for him after he relapsed and they didn’t tell anyone about it until Buck told his lawyer Chase Mackey in 3x4 “Triggers”.  Bobby started showing subtle signs that could be associated with emotional trauma in 3x17 “Powerless” after Athena was attacked which happened almost two years before he hired Jonah in 5x11 “Outside Looking In” and his emotions have continued to escalate into season 6.  He almost relapsed and started drinking again in 5x18 “Starting Over” but he poured the whole bottle of alcohol he purchased down the drain after Eddie left following their conversation about Jonah but since Athena was at work, Bobby was in the house alone.  Afterwards, he clasped his hands together, put them underneath his chin and stared into oblivion.  Athena mentioned his sobriety to Hen in 6x1 “Let the Games Begin” since they were preparing to go on a cruise for their long-awaited honeymoon and there would have been several bars that would be serving alcohol on the ship.  Athena’s dad had an accident which caused them to cancel their trip and go to Florida instead.  While they were there, a 45-year-old mystery had to be solved since the remains of a child were found on Athena’s parents’ property in 6x3 “The Devil You Know”.  Bobby got into a fight while they were there and he returned to L.A. before Athena did because she was still helping her parents get settled after her father’s stroke.
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In 6x4 “Animal Instincts” Bobby was at home and lonely because Athena was still in Florida and if he hadn’t commandeered Hoover the dog from that frat house the 118 had been dispatched to, he could have relapsed while he continued to wait for Athena’s return.
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Buck started showing signs of an emotional or mental breakdown not long after he started working at the 118 but his emotions escalated during season 3 too after Eddie was trapped in The Well in 3x15 “Eddie Begins”.  The emotional signs associated with him having a breakdown have also been increasing for more than two years and with each additional trauma he experiences, more layers are being added to his emotional and mental stress.
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Once he learned about the reason for his birth in 4x4 “9-1-1 What’s Your Grievance?” and 4x5 “Buck Begins” it caused him to almost give up while he was inside of the warehouse fire. That was followed by Eddie being shot in front of him in 4x13 “Suspicion”, Maddie leaving in 5x3 “Desperate Measures”, Chimney punching him in 5x4 “Home and Away”, him wanting to transfer to another firehouse in 5x5 “Peer Pressure”, Eddie’s breakdown in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia”, Jee-Yun spending the night in the hospital in 5x14 “Dumb Luck”, Bobby and May almost dying in 5x16 “May Day”, his girlfriend lying to him in 5x17 “Hero Complex” which caused Hen and Chimney to be taken and tortured by Jonah, Bobby’s guilt about hiring Jonah and Buck finally breaking up with his girlfriend after an exhausting year of him being entombed in his loft with her in 5x18 “Starting Over”. Those were just the incidents that happened during seasons 4 and 5 but his emotional and mental traumas continued into season 6.  Buck was overlooked for the interim captain spot in 6x1 “Let the Games Begin”, he lost a victim in 6x2 “Crash and Learn”, one of his former roommates asked him to be a sperm donor and Chimney was trapped inside of a car with a drunk driver in 6x4 “Animal Instincts”, in 6x5 “Home Invasion” Buck was trying to mentally prepare himself for Hen leaving the 118 after she passed her medical school exam and in 6x6 “Tomorrow” Buck thought Karen could experience complications since her spleen had to be removed after the explosion.
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It appears they’re both smiling through their pain but the longer they continue to hide their feelings, it’s becoming easier to notice the changes in their behaviors.  Christopher mentioned Hoover could have been suffering from “separation anxiety” in 6x5 “Home Invasion” but his statement could also be attributed to both Buck and Bobby because they appear to struggle whenever they are left alone.  Both of their mental storms have been brewing for a while and just like when a person loses the ability to breathe while they are in the vortex of a tornado, if Bobby and Buck don’t seek help soon, it’s going to become more difficult for them to breathe too.  Currently it’s like they’re in the eye of a hurricane where everything seems calm but in actuality the storm continues to spin and destroy everything that’s surrounding them.  Will Buck and Bobby both experience breakdowns during season 6?  Only the writers, showrunners and producers know the answer to that question.
GIF 5x4 “Home and Away”
GIF 5x4 “Home and Away”
GIF 6x2 “Crash and Learn”
GIF 5x12 “Boston”
GIF 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia”
GIF 5x17 “Hero Complex”
GIF 5x17 “Hero Complex”
GIF 5x18 “Starting Over”
GIF 5x18 “Starting Over”
GIF 4x2 “Alone Together”
GIF 4x13 “Suspicion”
GIF 4x5 “Buck Begins”
GIF 5x6 & 5x9 Combination
GIF 6x1 “Let the Games Begin”
GIF 6x2 “Crash and Learn”
GIF 6x2 “Crash and Learn”
GIF 6x4 “Animal Instincts”
GIF Season 1
GIF Season 1
GIF Seasons 1 & 2 Combination
GIF 6x4 “Animal Instincts”
GIF Seasons 1-5 Combination
GIF 4x5 “Buck Begins”
GIF 5x3 “Desperate Measures”
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killawayfanboys · 1 year
Things I've decided for the "epilogue" of my HOTD fic: *Aka, 5-6 years after the main storyline*
The civil war between the Greens and the Blacks still happen, just this time Aemond is on the Blacks side. He's come to resent his mother, and her attempts to usurp the throne from Rheanrya piss him off. Both Rheanrya and Daemon took him and Lucian in as their own "children" or at least part of their immediate family. Plus they have no judgement about the relationship going on between the four boys, they just live with it. Aemond still hates his mother after what she had done to Lucian (slitting his throat, forcing him to forever lose his voice). So, when the civil war began he's quick to join in... And so is Luke.
By now the four have gotten married to one another and have had three children. The oldest his Aemond's biological son, Alexandrys, or his nickname Alex. The middle is Jace's biological daughter, Amara. And the last and youngest son, Theo was collectively adopted. The two biological children come from a decision made by the four, as Lucian can't physically bare children any longer due to his surgical procedures. The four of them decided that in order to have children they'll use surrogate maiden wives... Alex looks practically identical to Aemond. And Amara looks like a female version of Jace, just with green eyes instead of purple. Theo is an outlier with black hair and golden eyes. Regardless they all love their children.
During the early months of the civil war, Luke gets majorly injured in battle, which sends him home. Ironically Luke loses his right eye just like Aemond, although his wound is a little more gruesome, as the scar trails all the way down his cheek and across his lips as well. In the beginning stages of recovery, Luke's health declines rapidly and he become incredibly susceptible to sickness and infections. He constantly flips from being healthy to bed ridden with another major illness. Lucian always helps him recover whenever he's sick, but the whole thing puts a strain on the family.
Aemond is still gone, being gone for a little over a year, still fighting in the war. This also doesn't help the family. The constant worry about whether or not Aemond was alive causes an extreme amount of stress on the family. So much so that Jace slips into alcoholism and is distant from his family. He doesn't stick around the castle for very long, only really coming home to sleep drunk out of his mind, or for the occasional sober meal. But otherwise? Jace is negligent. Which causes Lucian and Jace to fight, constantly. As Lucian is overburdened with the responsibility of taking care of the three kids and a bed ridden Luke more often than not. Lucian ends up relying on Rheanrya and Daemon's support a lot to get by.
During the years the four have learned a type of sign language to communicate, a language called the Silent Voice. Lucian also learns to write, which facilitates a constant back and forth messaging between him and Aemond as the war goes on. Sending ravens as often as possible to one another...
One day Luke gets very sick and almost dies, which causes another huge fight between Lucian and Jace and Lucian ends up saying something he regrets. Jace storms off a stubborn man and disappears... For over a week. When he's finally found it turns out he had only meant to leave for the night and cool off, before returning the next day. However this particular night Vermax was acting specifically feral and ended up tossing Jace from his saddle before trying to catch him. Vermax's talons sink into Jace's arm, leaving it wounded beyond fixing. Daemon sets out to find him and when he does Jace is on the brink of death, kept only alive by Vermax's constant care. Jace survives, but his arm is amputated because of it. This event humbles Jace, and he stops drinking and starts being a proper father to his children and a husband to his lovers. Eventually he designs his own prosthetic and has it made for himself, replacing his entire arm. (I've added in a small character trait about Jace that he's actually really into designing clothing and fashion)
The beginning sections of the epilogue will be written as the back and forth messages between Aemond and Lucian as they send letters. As a way to ease the reader into the future before having Aemond come home.
When Aemond returns home, a lot has changed. Lucian's hair is extremely shorter and he's starts wearing glasses because his eyes are beginning to decline. Luke of course lost his eye, a wound Aemond actually hasn't seen yet, he's also taller, the tallest out of them all. His hair is longer and because of being under so much stress that year he also looks the oldest of them all, with a full beard and strands of his hair turning silver. And Jace of course, has lost an arm, something extremely surprising for Aemond because Lucian never wrote about it in his letters. Jace is also thinner, as recovering from such an injury took a lot out of him. His hair is also longer, now pulled back in a loose ponytail, and he also has deep burn scars across his neck from the situation with Vermax as well.
Aemond also looks a bit different as well, he trimmed his hair, now it only reaches his shoulders instead of his lower back. His skin is tanned from being out on the battlefields. On his hands, the tips of his fingers are tinted permanently bluish black because of the harsh North environment, constantly getting frostbite and healing from it. He also has a bunch of new scars along his body from fighting. And a lingering stiff leg because it had been repeatedly attacked during the war.
All in all though, the four of them are as healthy as they can be, each one recovering from their individual injuries. And they're just happy that Aemond is home, especially the kids who missed their father.
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pixel-chills · 1 year
Sorry if I'm remembering wrong but you said the two met once when they were kids right? Will there by chance be a one-shot fic of that? I'm just curious to know how it went since (if I'm remembering right) you said it had a big impact on both of their lives
Yeah! There is no fic or anything (yet) but I've explained their first meeting briefly couple of times;
Solros sneaked outside to play in the park when his mother had passed out from alcohol.
He happened to trip over his shoelaces in the park, and a boy with a pilot hat and facemask helped him up and teached him how to easily tie his shoes so he doesn't trip over again.
They figure they're the same age, and that they went to see the same circus show about a week prior.
The mysterious boy was kind of shy and quiet, while Solros was a bit more bubbly and talkative. Solros misheard the boy to introduce himself as "Ann" (Luan's name is pronounced Lu-Ann, and Solros didn't hear the beginning of his name. Luan was too shy to correct Solros back then.)
They play together for hours. Luan was the first kid Solros played with. All the other kids at school only bullied and laughed at him, but "Ann" was actually happy to play with him.
They played a lot of imaginative games, like pirate ships and circus, made castles in the sand pit, played in the swings and ran around. Solros had never had so much fun before.
Luan had a pair of clown plushies/dolls that his parents had bought him from the circus. Kind of like the mascots for the circus, sold together. He let Solros play with the other doll.
Luan had been alone in the park with his plushies, since his sister was sick that day. Normally he would've veen playing with his sister and her friends, but that day, he was alone.
Luan thought Solros was a girl because of his long hair. It wasn't uncommon for Luan to play with girls; he had an older sister and all of his "friends" were his sister's friends. Solros was the first friend Luan had "himself", and the same age (Valerie is 3 years older than Luan, so all of her friends were older too) making Solros leave a core memory to Luan's mind of the "first real friend".
After playing for almost the whole day together, Solros' mum came looking for him.
When she found him, she slapped him, something she has never done to her son before. She was mad that Solros had disappeared and she had been looking for him everywhere, worried to sick.
Solros tried to explain that he's just been playing with his new friend, but Luan was nowhere to be seen. The only thing left from Luan wass the clown doll Solros had in his hands that his mother didn't even take a notice of when pulling him back home.
Meanwhile, Luan had seen Solros' mother approach angrily, and had hid inside one of the slides in the park. Even at young age, Luan knew not everyone liked him because he was an animutant, so he was used to hide when feeling scared.
The other clown plush remained in Solros' possession. He went back to the park many times after that to look for Luan, but his family had moved away due to the new ban which forced mutants and families with mutants to move out of the city or receive penalty.
Eventually Solros stopped going to the park, but he tried to keep good care of the clown doll, at first in case he could one day return it to "Ann", and later just because it reminded him of the fact that he had a friend and that he was capable of making friends, he just had to find the right people. It was sort of like a totem of hope for him especially after his mother died.
Luan didn't stop thinking about Solros either. He used to think Solros was a girl he'd like to marry one day, because of how much fun he had with "her". He had a very typical 6-year-old crush on Solros, despite meeting him just once 🤭
He used to ask his parents if they could take him back to the city to play with Solros, or if he could invite "her" to his birthday party and such, but since his parents a) could not take Luan to the city because he was a mutant and b) did not know anything else about Solros but his name, age, and assumed gender, it wasn't poasible to invite him over either. 😅
Poor Luan eventually just gave up hope.
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avemstella · 1 year
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I might edit the bios later, I went over them way too many times debating what to include etc and I just needed to post it or I never would lol. This was supposed to be simple, as u can tell I am not actually capable of such a task pfft
Oh yeah don't read this before chap 29
text typed out below (sorry meant to do this earlier)
Pierro the Jester #1 Cursed during the cataclysm for being Khaenri'ahian. Had ambitions to be a Sage (aka an elected politician) but was unable to achieve it for unknown reasons. Tutored Skirk at some point. In charge of the Harbs and recruited most personally. Colombina is his favorite and he is not afraid to show it. Pyro Delusion. Real name is Loge who is a Loki reference in the Wagner plays.
Capitano the Storm #2 Harbs resident Uber Driver. In charge of the Fatui Navy. Pyro Delusion that stings when he uses it, he likes the reminder. Before joining the Fatui he was from Fontaine and was part of their navy. So he's a bit of a stick in the mud for rules. However when his wife and young daughter died he became a total alcoholic drunk/suicidal. Weapon: Pistol. In his 50s
Pantalone the ??? #3 Money guy and unwilling Palace remodeler. Originally from Perežitok aka fake Siberia. Recruited covered in blood, Married to Signora to avoid gold diggers. They hate each other. Comes off emotionless and has a hard time feeling. But Scara claims under the surface he's filled with wrath. Hates Rich people
Colombina the ??? # 4 Makes the Delusions. Has uncontrollable fire powers, so has a Cryo Delusion. Gardens to calm down. Incredibly moody especially in the winter and has no filter. Burnt down the Palace and Dottore because she hates him. Not born in Snezhnaya. Names birds for dead people. B-day 4/4 because she doesn't know her real one, she doesn't understand time at all. Age Unknown, Loves pigeons.
Pulcinella the Rooster #5 Plans dude, in bureaucracy hell. Hydro Delusion though not a healer despite his desires. For some reason has a messy love life, Nika Volkov wants to marry him and is dating Sandy. Sort of adopts Childe at age 24, he joined the Fatui at age 14 himself by lying he was 16. Gets along well with Scara when Scara isn't self destructing. Grew up on a farm. Likes knives.
Scara the Balladeer #6 Only one whose backstory I mostly got right, so canon. Ignore the Dottore in said backstory lol, also he was created 400 years ago, woke up only 250 years ago. Electro Delusion that backfires on him constantly. Otherwise Catalyst healer. Likes kids so isn't the worst to Ajax, also views Bina as one too, is she one who knows? Dottore has promised to make him a god.
Dottore the Professor #7 Is not a clone, probably. Found in the Sumeru dessert under recommendation. Went to school with young Lisa. Currently 25ish. Causes problems for fun, especially for Scara. Was almost murdered by Bina for wanting to dissect her and other personal reasons. Hydro Delusion. Hand Constellation not Jesus[sidebar, what a line, without context is gibberish lol, I laughed writing this]. Travels about to avoid Bina. Involved in Crepus's death.
Signora the Fair Lady #8 Haven't really gotten into her job yet but its diplomacy/gnosis and some other spoilerly stuff. Cryo Delusion Catalyst canon. Not the Crimson Witch, maybe that will mean she'll live. Though is from Mondstadt and rich. Avoids family and married Pant. Currently has eyes, shame if something were to happen. Tbh she plays a much bigger role later in the fic so not too much to say here that's not a spoiler.
Sandrone the Strings #9 Human Resources, Adventurer's Guild, helps with graduation, takes on too much work because he's a zealot for the Tsaritsa. Also simps for Nella his bf. Born to Snezhnayan wealth and has known several harbs since he was young, not Nella though. Joined the Fatui at 18. Has messy feelings about Ajax and hates the Moth. Dendro Delusion Bow.
??? the Moth #10 The assassin and other under the table duties. Currently large betting pool for when Childe figures out her actual title, she is very dedicated to that bet. Mute and uses signs. Has a lot of snake imagery. Geo Delusion Bow. Has scars she hides. Also plays a larger role later so not much to say lol.
Skirk of the Abyss Did u think this was going to be Childe? he needs no introduction. Double Cursed Khaenri'ahian which allows her to not turn monstery, fights to protect the last city and her people. Was disowned from a high ranking family, used said family to steal the Imunlaukr King's sword before cataclysm. Terrible friends with Kaeya's parents.
Dantalion aka Tsaritsa and Hiyoko Volkov The Tsar is still grieving her dead spouse the last dendro god. She chooses the Harbs titles. Is a recluse after getting almost assassinated too many times. Hiyoko is one of the few to get her out of the Palace. Hiyoko is Kokomi's older cousin and probably killed her husband with her shiny new Cryo Vision. Wants her son Nika to marry Nella
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dr-jem-nutcase · 1 year
MvA h/c's (ctd)
This should be it, once and for all
His father fought in WWI and then became an alcoholic and left his family a few years after the war was over, when Monger was 3-4
Raised by his mother along with 5+ other siblings
NOBODY disrespects Mama Monger. She's right up there with God in his book
Fought in WW2. No question about that. He may have had activity in the Vietnam War, but no one knows
Has quite the potty mouth when really angry. In public, he Yosemite Sam swears to remain professional
He actually DID get his promotions from foiling escape attempts
Married for 60+ years. His wife's name is Carol. They got hitched right before he enrolled to fight. He still visits her and the farm from time to time, and she has no idea what all her husband does except that he's a general in the U.S. Army
Nobody knows if he had any kids. Though he's definitely an uncle
Age brought on more usage of jet packs, parachutes, and jeeps than walking
Bacon and eggs for breakfast. Almost every single day. And hot black coffee. Very hot. Scalding hot. The double vente drink mentioned in the movie credits is reserved for occasions and good times
Enjoys a good strong drink. It takes a LOT to get him drunk. Only his wife and a couple buddies from the army have seen him legit hammered
Has a cat allergy. Not severe though but enough to give him the sniffles and itchy red eyes
This guy's gonna make it well into his 100s
His middle name is Rex
The Invisible Man
Former name is Harry Graham Francis. He was from the Midwest USA
Captured in 1962 before Dr. C
NO WAY this guy wasn't a prankster. Was already one before he became invisible. Took full advantage of his invisibility in that regard
Probably ambiverted. Somewhere in the middle between a shy awkward dork and a social butterfly
Was married and had 3 kids (boy-girl-boy, they're all gingers too!). He wanted a large family, but his wife thought three kids were enough
Deadpool's sense of humor but had to tone it down when he had kids. Woke it up at his capture but had to tone it down again when BOB came along
LOVED kids (not a pedophile). Kinda explains why he and BOB got along so well
For whatever reason, didn't like dogs
Was a pretty smart guy, almost up there with Dr. C. But he knew better than to brag about his smarts
6-7 years older than Dr. C
Picked on him not only due to the age difference but also due to his failed escape attempts, his hoity-toity temperament, and pride in his genius. The two always had mixed feelings towards each other. Not a bromance but not worst enemies either.
Was a physicist and researcher and enjoyed his work. But lost his passion for it about a year after he turned invisible and never bothered to get any sort of enthusiasm back
Lived in the outside world for two months after turning invisible. His wife and their firstborn (about 11-12 years old at the time) knew what happened and interacted with him and kept the truth hidden from the 2 younger kids. Then he was captured when people in his neighborhood started noticing some strange things going on
Didn't participate in any escape attempts, knowing there would be multiple consequences, like the monsters would be eventually found and captured all over again and potentially be in that cycle again and again, despite the fact he was invisible and thus the hardest monster to find
Had bouts of depression as a result of his experimentation and its outcome but wouldn't admit it
The heart attack that killed him was a result of long-term physical side effects of his experimentation. He developed a few minor physical problems, some episodic and some chronic, shortly after his experimentation but nothing big. Over the years, those problems got worse and a few new ones came. A bit like the Curie family's physical decline due to a lot of radiation exposure. If he was still visible at the time of his death, he probably would've looked pretty awful
Wasn't that old when he died, no older than his early 60s
If he was still alive when Susan came, he would've been on good terms with her but would've been too aged and weak to engage in combat
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cheerfullycatholic · 2 years
They did an Ultrasound that they would Not Allow me to See
Texas, United States
I was 22 years old, had recently separated from my ex-husband and had 3 small children ages 4 and under. I met a man who made me feel beautiful and loved and I was pregnant almost immediately. He was thrilled as he had no children of his own and was older than I was. We entered into a relationship that I dreamed would be everything my marriage was not...and then I realized that he was a hopeless alcoholic.
The relationship was short-lived and I found myself living with my mother. She told me that I would have a hard enough time raising my 3 children on my own and that it would be even harder with another baby...that I should have an abortion. I was afraid that she was right. I felt alone. I went to Planned Parenthood to find out what my options were. I was afraid that I was getting too far along to have an abortion at this point...I was already starting to show.
They did an ultrasound that they would not allow me to see. I remember the technician asking me how far along I was and being surprised...and saying, yes, I guess you are. I used that moment to convince myself that there was something wrong with the baby and justify getting an abortion for years. I was never given any other options, never had the process explained to me. I knew that I was getting a D&E but had no idea how that was different from a D&C or what either of those terms really meant.
The day my baby died was overcast and rainy. A friend of my older brother drove me to the clinic and drove me home. He was a father of 6 children and I could tell he was sad but he didn't say anything to me. He brought me flowers afterwards. A couple of months later I read an article that explained in detail what a D&C and a D&E process is. It broke me. If only I had read that article a few months earlier...I NEVER would have killed my baby.
Learning that her poor, tiny body was ripped apart limb by limb has been the hardest thing I have had to live with. She paid the price for my mistakes. After learning that, I carried such guilt that I had my tubes tied. I had to go through more counseling to get my tubes tied at such a young age than I had to go through to get an abortion...but I just didn't feel like I deserved to ever have another child. I carried that burden for almost 20 years before I experienced the forgiveness and healing of God.
When He saved me, He began the process of healing all of my brokenness, like salve on an open wound. I know that one day I will get to hold my little girl in heaven, where her father has already joined her. I didn't tell him about the abortion until I had already done it and it broke him, too. He never did have any children in this earth and it was very healing for me to know that he made it heaven and got to hold her there. I don't ever want someone else to suffer the pain and regret of abortion that I have suffered and that's why I am silent no more.
From the Silent No More website
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tmabutlesbian · 2 years
i have SO MANY hc's abt martin's family?? like. they're canon to me now. let me try n tell y'all, but btw some ages are not. still very set but yh. also i'll focuse on his mother's side cause i hc martin as half-polish half-korean, n while he does keep in contact, it is far away. but i guess i'll start this hc list by saying:
the first time martin does go to korea is when his mother goes to the care home (or whatever you'd call it) n he feels safe enough to do so. he's around 22/23 years old. the entire family is delighted to see him and all speak english with him, some more broken than others, but martin did learn korean (i hc that he is pretty good at learning languages) n pleades them to let him use it.
also they were shocked at how old he is now, since this part of the family is the one with the most children, so ofc they dont have time for everyone, but omg!! adult!! has a job!! also they dont judge him for not finishing college, and a lot of them are also fat or chubby. just fyi. when he leaves, they decide to send him soju on any given holiday, his birthdays, his mum's birthdays, etc. to the point where martin Does Not Know what to do with all the alcohol in his home.
martin's polish grandparents have kept their lives very secret due to the fact that they had to run away from the country due to committing crimes. they flew to england, and changed their names. they chose blackwood as the last name because it was an author that they both liked n also the reason why they met. the only reason his family ever found out abt this is because after they had died, the children were cleaning their room and stuff n found some journals with their original names ripped, scribbled, painted over, etc. it's the biggest mystery in his family, right next to what happened to his father
the polish side of the family has 6 children, 8 originally, but one died at birth and another tragically went missing when he was five. it consists of 4 women and 2 men (the two dead children were 2 boys, n according to their ages, these siblings had a pattern of boy-girl-boy-girl, which is kinda funny).
the oldest is Uncle Ron, then it's martin's mum, then the boy who died at childbirth, then twins 1 girl 1 boy, then another aunt, then the missing child, and finally the youngest sister, Aunt Z short for Zelda. She is 12 years older than martin
(btw i did math for this just so yknow) forget what i said abt the ages i got it all figured out SO: (martin is 28 for reference) Uncle ron- 54; Martin's mum- 53; dead son- 21 years older; twins- 47; Aunt- 44; missing son- 14 years older; Aunt Z- 40. i do not have months n shit figured out cuz frankly i dont give a fuck but yh. also his grandma was 23 when she had Ron, his grandpa was also 23 but he is 2 months younger than her
Uncle Ron is a sweetheart and Martin's fav uncle. He has a cottage and a farm up in scotland, with a forest surrounding it, and he has an affinity for befriending the wild animals in it, most importantly, bears, which i just found out do not exist there but tbh theres fear god thingies in this universe so u can fuck off if u pull my none existent PENIS because of this, anyways. he introduced 5 year old martin to them and the mama bear at the time thought he was one of her cubs n almost took him away. Uncle Ron has photos of all of this. martin has those photos on his phone. Also Uncle Ron is pretty lean, more than 2 meters tall, n also ace and pan. He found this out much later in life but he's proud he did and is very happy rn. His voice is akin to Con O'Neill but a lil deeper and with some accent from the years living in Scotland (besides the english accent i mean)
imma skip martins mum, except for the fact that recently i thought of the hilarity of her being bisexual and knowing martin was gay since he was 5, but got meaner when he came out because of bad luck, she also got sicker n therefore her mind deteriorated more then. Martin only finds this out through his Aunt Z when he first started his archival assistant job. boy was going through it.
THE TWINS! i dont have names yet BUT the aunt is known for being a bit bland but nice, with a horrid first marriage but now doing much better with her second husband. she did, however, with the second one, create a HELLISH pair of twins, also boy n girl, who martin babysat Once. never again. she's also bisexual but isnt very sure so she doesnt think much abt it. the uncle, however, went to prison, for aggravated assault and attempted murder (the guy was a nazi and also just a horrible person besides that fact, so he does not regret it); because of good behaviour he got out earlier, around the time martin was 17. he had only been in martin's life since he was 2 so he kinda missed a lot, like him coming out, which he does, which his uncle responds with him telling him that "it's not rly homosexuality if youre on top, i know it, i did that while i was locked up." martin didnt have much to comment but im happy to report that a decade just relaxing and coming back to normal life again has made him realize a lot of things, like the fact that he is gay. he's out of the country, in Portugal, just chilling n living life, still single btw hehe.
the next aunt is the one everyone hates since she is homophobic n racist n just a cunt rly. also shes the only one who is naturally blonde which was just a red flag from the start /hj; everyone else is a raging red head, darker the older you are, the only exceptions being the twins, the aunt is strawberry blonde and the uncle has dark brown hair, almost black. no one cares for the homophobic aunt, since shes also out of the country, somewhere in the USA
AND AT LAST!!! Aunt Z... listen im gonna be honest with y'all, i based her entire personality on Katya, the drag queen, lil bits n bobs, the only difference is that she pursued an art career but was in and out of rehab for most of Martin's childhood, only truly coming out when he was around 23/24 years old, getting back to work and having more sober fun. she is a delight, and isnt afraid of helping martin out with money problems since her time in rehab got her into some great contacts n her art is booming, which also means shes travelling a lot. she is the only one martin truly accepts help from just because she will annoy the fuck out of u otherwise so. u might as well. also, i have some au's where she meets the archival crew and falls in LOVE with Tim n Sasha, she loves them; she is pan, leans more towards girls, and may be non binary but she isnt sure yet, she'll figure it out.
regarding children n cousins, martin is the oldest bby in both families. besides the demon twins, the homophobic aunt has some kids but she had them all the way over on the USA so they dont know them well. the boring aunt, besides the twins from the second marriage, has an older child with the first one, and they are non binary, as well as having a pet frog and snake, whom Martin loves. they're also goth, and remind Martin of gerry once they read his statements. there's no other children.
on the korean side of the family, theres 4 children, one of them being martin's father, status unknown, and their mother is alive. she also cooks very well, tho ofc her children help her as well, but she likes doing things herself. when martin goes there the first time he cried when he ate her food and had to quickly reassure her that its because he loved it too much.
martin's father is the oldest, then a sister, and then 2 younger brothers. i dont have names yet nor ages more because martin also doesnt rly interact with them much, tho he wishes he did.
this is the family with a lot of children. ignoring martin's father, the sister had 4 children, the next brother had 5, and the last brother had 4, making that 13 children. and yes, the two brothers workship their wives, cuz ofmg. the only thing i have rn is that the oldest cousin of martin's from this side is only some months younger than him, and one of his cousins is actually studying art in the UK, so they're pretty close. she's on her last year when martin is 28. his youngest cousin on this side of the family is 13, and martin is his fav cousin btw. mostly because whenever they would all play games, during that first visit, whenever martin would sit out of a game, he'd help his bby cousin cheat and win. all his other cousins are incredibly offended by this.
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brekkersnerd · 6 months
January 23, 1917
She just sat there. Looking. Looking at the reflection in the mirror. She couldn’t believe it was her. How could she? All dolled up, which was nothing new, in white. Truth be told, she thought she looked even more beautiful than when she tried.
Her thoughts were interrupted by knocking and the door opening. Turning her head, she noticed it was her mother.
“Honey, how are you feeling? You look a bit pale.”
“I’m alright. Just wedding jitters, I suppose.”
“You’ll be fine. Everyone has those.”
“But you didn’t.”
“I did. I just ignored them. Marriage with your father was relatively easy. May he rest in peace.”
Doris wouldn’t admit it to her mother, but she was scared. Sure, she loved Stanhope, but marriage was an entirely different matter than courting. Her mother wouldn’t understand that though, seeing as her parents had loved each other very much. It pained her to see her mother so shattered for months after he died 6 years ago.
“Look, everything will be fine. You do love him?”
Doris nodded, “Yes.”
“Then everything will be fine. He loves you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. Besides that unfortunate incident of his, he’s the perfect match for you. My sweet daughter, you’ll be okay.”
She wished she could believe her mother’s words, but they almost seemed impossible. How was she to be okay? The only person she had left was her mother, and she expected her to leave her?
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me,” Blanche’s eyes gathered tears, “I can’t believe how grown up you are now. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, mom.”
He was sitting down drinking again. Not enough to be drunk, just enough to calm down his nervous system. He needed to calm down, or he’d be spinning around out of control again.
“Stan, give me the flask.”
“Mom, no. I can’t.”
“You can. Honey, everyone has wedding jitters. How do you think your father and I were? We were a mess. But once you get up there, it all disappears. I promise.” He sighed but begrudgingly gave her the flask he’d been drinking out of.
“Now, go get something to cover your breath. Your bride doesn’t want to taste alcohol on her wedding day until afterwards.” He rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get some gum to chew on before he needed to be at the altar. When he came out, his father was now in the room.
“Here, let me fix that tie. It’s not quite right.”
Stanhope quietly sighed but let his father fix his tie. He had a feeling that today would be the longest day he’d ever live through.
“You will be fine. Doris is a fine young woman, she loves you. And you love her, don’t you?”
“I do.”
“Then you have nothing to worry about. Besides, you don’t have time to worry, you have to be at the altar in two minutes.” That didn’t help him. “Lewis!” his mother smacked his father, “That’s not helpful. Let’s get you out there, alright?” He nodded and followed the two.
“It’s time, Dor. Just breathe, I promise you that these nerves will go away.”
She tried to follow her mother’s advice and breathe but it wasn’t helpful. Her mother was the one who would lead her down the aisle, her father was dead so her mother was the only one who could. Granted, Lewis, Stanhope’s father, had offered but Blanche wanted to be the one to give her daughter away, seeing as Fletcher couldn’t.
They were standing on the outside of the doors that would lead them to her future husband. She could do this; she would do this.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
And the doors opened, and the organ played.
She could not bring herself to look at the people around her, she only focused on him, finding that he was doing the same thing. They locked eyes. A small smile could be found on each of their faces. Her mother gave her a kiss on her cheek before she took off to her seat. Doris timidly smiled at Stanhope, who returned it.
It was a nice ceremony. The reception, however, was huge. By the time they got their families together, and then friends, on top of fellow businessmen that the Nixon family knew, there was a big crowd of people. It was a little overwhelming for the newly wedded couple.
Stanhope and Doris greeted guests and thanked them for coming, had small talk, and then the toast came. Doris’ best friend, Marjorie Green, was her bridesmaid. She gave the first speech. Then, Stanhope’s best man was his college buddy, Joseph Reed gave his speech. Dinner was then served.
Chicken, potatoes, carrots, bread, peas, and then finally, the cake. It was a huge white cake, with a beautiful light blue icing.
Pictures were already done earlier, after the ceremony but before they arrived at the reception.
After dinner, they shared their first dance. Both were nervous, understandably. “So, how does it feel to be married Mrs. Nixon?”
She looked at him with a look of amusement, “It hasn’t set in yet. What about you Mr. Nixon?”
“Quite the same. I’m not sure it will set in for a while.” They shared a laugh, “Well, just know, I am by your side. Even when it sets in.” He smiled at her, “I promise the same thing to you.”
The rest of the wedding was uneventful, besides when Joseph almost set himself on fire. They had candles on one of the tables, and he was drunk, he backed into it. He was fine but it was a scary situation.
The couple was tired when they reached their room. It was weird to her to call it their shared bedroom. It was his, she felt like she was intruding. He gave her some space as he went to the bathroom to loosen his clothing a little. She took off her dress and changed into her nightdress. It was left in the closet. As were the rest of her clothes. It’d take time to get used to that.
He came back, dressed in just his shirt and pants. They stared at each other, not sure how to approach. He cleared his throat, “Do you like the bed?”
“Do you like the bed?”
She ran her fingers across the top blanket, “It’s a nice bed.” He laughed, “That didn’t answer the question, but it is a nice bed.”
“Well, I haven’t slept in it yet. So, I couldn’t say.”
He walked closer to her, “We could christen the bed.”
“Isn’t it already christened? You sleep in it.” He laughed again, “You are not wrong. But that’s not what I meant.” She blushed bright red. “Uh sure. Sure, we could.”
“Only if you’re sure.” He got even closer to her, his breath mixing with hers. Slowly, his hand met her cheek, she leaned into his touch. “It’s our wedding night, we have to.”
“But do you want to?”
She paused. Did she want to? She never thought that he’d ask that question, then again, she wasn’t entirely sure what they’d do when they slept together. Would they talk? Would it be business? Would it feel formal? She felt a little more confident since he asked.
She smiled at him, “I do, I want to. I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone but you.”
“Good to know that’s reciprocated. First, why don’t you lay down? Then, we’ll see where the night takes us.”
Slowly, they were getting used to each other. They felt like they finally had a friend. Sure, they had friends, but this felt different. They would know each other, inside and out. They would know everything that had to be known about the other.
This was the start of a new generation of family.
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suesheroll · 2 years
That’s Too Much, Man!
The Lynn-Horseman Tragedy
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These are just my thoughts on Sarah Lynn’s life of fame and addiction, as well as a look into how Sarah Lynn’s character highlighted the shittiness of Bojack’s own.
(Yes even from season 6 stfu. I’ll reference what I want)
Tw death
Tw drugs and alcohol
Tw mental illness
A break down of season 3 episode 11, “That’s Too Much, Man!” and the events preceding Sarah Lynn’s tragic death.
(God I sound like a stuffy white man writing an essay on the obsoletion of letter writing, I swear its actually interesting. Well actually…)
Some of my insights are also inspired by Jonny 2 Cello’s video essay on the episode. Give it a watch.
Sarah Horseman: Bojack as a failed father figure
Bojack and Sarah Lynn first meet on the set of Horsin’ Around where he plays her adoptive father. So from the outset they’ve been established in a father daughter relationship. All subsequent moments between them in the series show them try to emulate this relationship in real life but in an inevitablly more perverse manner. Yep, they fuck. (Kind of mirroring Sarah Lynn’s relationship with her actual step father but no one’s ready for that discussion.)
When Bojack’s life takes a turn for the worse, he takes it out on her and delivers his infamous lines to s young sarah lynn that “don’t stop dancing” which she then lives by-trying to do anything to stay relevant.
He does this in the most stunning parallel to his own childhood. He relays the same sentiments his mother did to him while he too, like Sarah Lynn, his scared under a table, effectively passing along his trauma to his own “daughter”. Sarah Lynn’s scene taking place on a TV set adds a layer of devastating irony that Bojack hides behind the veneer of hating his mother to avoid seeing that he’s actually turned into Beatrice Sugarman.
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This episode finds Bojack seeking out Penny (the 17 year old girl he almost molested in season 2) to make amends and ends up exposing her to more trauma. The fact that he does this with Sarah Lynn at his side is a visual representation of his blindness (haha see what I did there?). He goes and retraumatises a girl with the girl he already messed up at his side The frustrating irony of that just doesn’t click for him.
Both of them end up back at the bench they’d sat on in season one after a montage of “daddy daughter” activities except now they end up there in the middle of a months long drug bender. Another visual representation of how Bojack has failed Sarah Lynn as a father.
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During their spiel of making amends, Bojack approaches all the people he’s done wrong and doesn’t once ask Sarah Lynn if there’s someone she needs to see. The episode also sees Bojack suffer blackouts after which Sarah Lynn informs him of their activities undertaken at bojacks insistence. Sarah Lynn tries to talk about how she never wanted to be in the industry and bojack calls her depressing and shuts her down. At another point she expresses her desire to study architecture and he ignores her once again.
Perhaps the most heart breaking culmination of selfishness is the scene where Sarah Lynn dies. Her last words are “I wanna be an architect” and instead of even some inane words of agreement, Bojack launches into a speech about how it is only the moment they’re sharing is what matters; how they don’t need to worry about being forgotten. Although beautiful and well delivered, this speech falls on deaf ears and not just because Sarah Lynn is dead. Sarah Lynn never feared being forgotten, in fact it was ensured that she wouldn’t be as she’d won an Oscar earlier in the episode. It was Bojack who always had that fear so in her last moments he’s reassuring no one except himself.
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It is through Bojack’s repeated failures as a father figure to Sarah Lynn that the inherent selfishness of his personality is highlighted.
The Life and Death of Ophelia Lynn
The beginning of the episode shows a painting of Ophelias death hanging above Sarah Lynn’s bed with her body replaced with Ophelia’s.
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Following is what Shakespeare wrote of Ophelia’s death
Fell in the weeping brook. Her clothes spread wide,
And mermaid-like awhile, they bore her up.
Which time she chanted snatches of old tunes,
As one incapable of her own distress,
Or like a creature native and endued unto
that element. But long it could not be
Till that her garments, heavy with their drink,
Pulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay
To muddy death.
These lines fit Sarah Lynn almost perfectly. It was superficial things like her fame and material things that bore Sarah Lynn up at first. It was her music career that was her “melodious lay” but she just did not know how to process her emotions so became “incapable of her own distress” and turned to drugs. Finally, its a tragically beautiful pun to see the drink (the river) that drenched Ophelia’s clothes was actually the drink (alcohol) that took down Sarah Lynn ; the first harmful substance she was introduced to was Bojack’s vodka.
The Inevitability of Sarah Lynn
Her first foray into the world of drugs and alcohol is actually what brings me to the point of the inevitability of her death. And no this isn’t really going where you think it is.
From the beginning we’ve been getting hints at Sarah Lynn’s early death. She predicts it herself in season 1 that she’ll die “tragically young”. She makes it clear that she’s not in a place where she wants to grow as a person in that very same episode and in this one displays more evidence of her stunted growth. When she asks bojack if she should go back to school, she formulates a fantasy for herself where she’s a spy in the morning and a high end call girl at night while also being an architect. She doesn’t care about the logistics of how this would come about when bojack questions her on them so its a classic kiddy fantasy. This just showed how she wasn’t allowed to grow and mature and wouldn’t be doing so further either.
There is also the question of her consciousness during the drug bender. The serene montage in the beginning of the episode shows sarah Lynn happy and sober and even showcases her architectural skills through the ingenious design of her home. But the Disney princess esque quality of the montage shows how unrealistic it is and that very fantasy is shattered as the paparazzi follow her into her home and invade her privacy. It just shows that sobriety hasn’t solved all her problems. The lack of hesitantcy she shows before jumping back into drugs when bojack calls shows that she always expected to land back in the thick of it. That those nine months were a respite, she never believed her sobriety to be a road to a better life. She simply didn’t believe in one. A far cry from 2007 Sarah Lynn who had all her positive self talk mantras stuck to her wall.
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But bojack raises a pertinent concern that was sarah Lynn actually doomed as everyone thought? Or did he doom her? Bojack’s forgotten vodka bottle was her first introduction to recreational substances at a very young age (10 or 12 I think) and in the end she overdosed on heroin with Bojack’s face on it. This is not to say that he is to be held sole accountable for her death. He enabled her at every turn because she did the same for him. Be it drugs, sex or even living his daddy daughter fantasy. They were locked in this cycle of toxic enabling that was started and then broken by bojack. Through her death. It may not have been necessary for Sarah Lynn to die in all alternate universes but it was necessary for bojack to witness it. He’d been there through her fall, had participated in it. It was only fitting that he participate in the climax. It’s why she leads the dance performance in The View from Halfway Down (season 6) so she can witness his climax.
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RIP Sarah Lynn
RIP Bojack’s humanity
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snifflesthemouse · 3 years
A Letter To Harry
Dear Harry,
My name is Nunya Business. I just want to take the time out of my life to clue you in on something I had to learn the hardest of ways. If my life lessons can save you the pain and suffering I went through, while indirectly saving the rest of us the pain and suffering from hearing about your pain and suffering, so be it. Let me begin.
You see, Harry, my mom died when I was 25. She was 47. She was bedridden the last ten years of her life. So that means she was permanently confined to a hospital bed for ten solid years, beginning when I was 15. That also means I watched her die slowly for ten years. By the time I was 16, I was trained in wound care management. I was also working 40+ hours a week at a fast-food place and attending school whenever I could. Even though I missed a lot of school, I still carried straight As. I always had great grades in school; I was getting scholarship recruitment letters by the time I was 15. I was brilliant. Still yet, I dropped out of high school by the second day of twelfth grade.
Unlike the traumatic lifestyle of servants and wealth, I was brought up extremely poor. The state paid for our school clothes through clothing vouchers. My dad worked a full-time job from the time he was sixteen until he retired AFTER my mom died. But my mom never held a job, drove a car, got a GED or photo ID, and missed out on a lot of living. So, he was the only source of income until I was old enough to help with the medical bills. He was 18 years older than she was. He only kept working after he reached retirement age because she needed insurance, but I digress. Back to the poor me part of my letter.
Here I was. Sixteen, early into my budding painkiller addiction, working full time, essentially homeschooling myself, taking care of my mother, AND still hoping I could make it out of there. SPOILERS: I DIDN’T MAKE IT OUT OF THERE. You know why? I played the same hand you play now. The poor me, poor me, pour me cards. I started taking my mom’s pain pills for my migraines. One didn’t really go full blown migraine on me one day, and I got high. By the middle of my tenth-grade year, I was having four Percocet tens and a chocolate milk for breakfast. For lunch I had a nap after fighting in and out of nodding off high for the first four periods. Eventually, that drug addiction got insane out of hand. I went from prescription pain killers to shooting heroin within 5 years. I went from never having a detention to having a felony credit card fraud charge and ten years over my head. I didn’t have old money to buy my excuses. I went to prison.
Unlike you, Harry, I wasn’t able to go to immaculate rehabs or have my family bail me out of trouble. I wasn’t able to do hard drugs and become a binger alcoholic behind the scenes, then just “quit” without issue. Something tells me neither were you. I’ve met a ton of addicts and alcoholics. Both say the same. After a month of the same nonsense, the addiction was rooted. So please explain to me how you managed to escape the severities associated with heavy drug use and drinking without withdrawing or getting hooked. Seriously, because you’d be the first person impervious to addiction. Most all of us have to fight the fight of our lives to get and stay clean. I know, I’ve managed almost 6 years now. What about you?
No, like us regular folk, I had to go about sobriety the long, hard route. But of course, it cost waaayy more than you’d ever understand.
Your partying days in Nazi uniforms didn’t cost a thing compared to how much they can cost regular people. By 17, I was already shacked up with a psychopath ten years my senior who literally ended up killing my childhood best friend’s fiancé. Not even exaggerating. My ex killed my ex-best friend’s fiancé in the living room of the house I grew up in, in front of my mom and dad. A month before my mom died, actually. My ex-boyfriend did some major fuck shit to me, and I have a history of dating abusers, but I won’t get into that. Just know 50 Shades isn’t sexy to me and hearing old country music instantly makes my face hurt from getting full beer cans chucked at me… Oh and ya know what, Harry? Turns out if I kept dating psychopaths who hit me… the real problem wasn’t who I was dating. It was ME. But again I digress. Sorry Harry.
I lost my friend who was murdered by my ex at my parents’ home a month before my mother died and two months before I was sent to prison. I struggled with addiction from the time I was 16 until my last relapse 3 July 2015. I dropped out of high school because of my drug addiction, then dropped out of college after getting my GED and a scholarship. 
My mother first introduced me to pain pills. She didn’t realize what she was doing and all, but she just thought she was helping her daughter get through a migraine. I got hooked. I robbed everyone I ever loved and didn’t give two shits about the people I hurt. To this day, I still struggle with caring about people. But again, I digress.
My point is this, Harry. I’ve personally been through fifty times more shit than you have. I watched my mother die slowly over ten years. I watched her gasp for air and cry in the night for God to just take her out of this world so she’d not be in pain anymore. I have lost most everyone I hold near and dear to me simply because I failed to show any self respect, accountability, or acceptance. I didn’t have parents cleaning up my messes with money. I didn’t have castles and privileges to boot when the newspapers ran the stories where I was sentenced to prison. No. I had to face the music and learn the world could fucking care less about how I feel.
Now is time you learn this lesson, too. The world is not fair. What you feel is not important. All that matters is what you do with how you feel. Nobody, and I mean absofuckinglutely NOBODY gives two shits about how you feel; the only reason people watch is because they are nosey. The only reason Oprah makes shows with you is to exploit your story for financial gain, like some type of trauma porn. Your wife isn’t looking out for you if she’s letting you incriminate yourself like that on TV and all, either. I know what you are going through, as I have dated one of those. It didn’t end well for me, and it will not end well for you.
Final note, Harry. Your family in the UK have loved and protected you for your entire life. Everyone accommodated you in your naked billiards in Los Angeles and Calgary. They did more than you could understand. Before it’s too late, and they finally get tired of your repeated bullshit, and trust me Harry, they will… make up with them. If that means ditching the wife, ditch her. Because she’s going to ditch you soon enough.
Trauma isn’t a renewable resource, my love. People are tired of your greatest hits on repeat. Better start the plans to turn that wife into the second act soon or the checks will start bouncing faster than those moon bumps. Oh and another thing, man the fuck up! Everyone has problems. You are not special. You’re not even a spare anymore. You’ve been replaced on all that. So why the hell do you still hold onto your childhood the way you do? Or those titles like you do? Oh you must be a masochist. You must like it.
Nunya Business
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Dangerous | Helmut Zemo
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AU! Race car driver Zemo 😎
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 9
When Zemo got to the bar, there was no one there. He had gone inside looking for you, had asked all the staff when he couldn't see you there. He began to panic when they told him you had left a while ago.
Rushing back outside, he looked left and right rapidly. He saw no one. He got back into his car and drove. He would drive all night if he had to. He just had to find you.
He kept trying to call you, but you wouldn't pick up. At some point you turned your phone off, which just made him worry all the more.
Pietro Maximoff.
He hadn't heard that name in years. What happened back then had always hung over him like a dark cloud, but it had been so long since anyone had ever said that name to him.
He had to explain. You needed to know what happened. If Zemo lost you, what would be the point? How could he race without his lucky charm? He couldn't let this get between you both.
He felt horrible lying to you. There was so much he hadn't told you, but he had never wanted you to find out like this. He should have been honest from the start.
Zemo could only imagine what you were thinking. What must you think of him now?
How long had been driving? He had no idea. He hadn't found you yet. It was becoming harder and harder to keep up his facade. He wanted to yell, scream, punch something.
Everything was falling apart.
The only place he hadn't checked was home. He had no idea how you would have got there, the walk being too far, but it's all he had left.
He makes the drive back.
His grip on the steering wheel was tight. He was full of worry, anger, regret.
He pulls up to the house, but all the lights are off and there is no sign of life. He has the key for the door, there's no way you have got in. He looks down the path to the garage, it looks undisturbed. The garage is locked up tight.
You're not here.
His phone rings.
Zemo scrambles for the device, nearly dropping it from how bad his hands had begun to shake. He looks at the screen, but is left disappointed. It's not you.
James Barnes
He answers it.
"Whatever it is better be important. I have urgent business to attend to." Zemo is surprised by how level he can keep his voice right now.
"I'd say this is important."
"Well, what is it?"
"I bumped into Y/N on my way home. It's only because of Sam I was able to recognize them."
"Where are they?" He asks, almost urgently.
"On the last train home for the night. Zemo, what the Hell happened? They were hysterically upset. I swear I'll kick your ass if you did something stupid."
"It wasn't something I did. Were they alone?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Y/N had gone to meet someone. A wicked young woman who I may run over if I see her," he hisses down the phone.
"I didn't see anyone else."
"I have to go."
Zemo hangs up. He has to go to you, but first, he has to meet with Stark. The only way that nasty little woman could have known about that incident is if Stark had told her.
Tony Stark had been there that day.
Zemo gets into his car and he drives. He drives like a man on a mission. He doesn't care how late it is, Tony Stark will see him tonight.
If Zemo loses you, he will never forgive himself. He will never forgive Tony Stark.
He will never race again.
The lights are on at Stark's homebase. Zemo spends a few minutes parked outside looking at the window. The curtains were drawn, but movement could be seen vaguely behind them.
He gets out and marches up to the door. He knocks harshly.
In the seconds before the opening of the door, many thoughts flashed through Zemo's mind. He had no idea what would happen here tonight, all he did know was that Tony Stark was a cruel man who wanted to ruin everything good in his life.
Zemo had been beyond lucky they even let him race again after what happened.
The door opens. Stark stands there.
The way he looks at Zemo, it pisses him off. He stands with his chin up, head held high, looking down at Zemo. He knows why the Baron is here. He had anticipated his visit.
"What a surprise," Tony says, no emotion to his voice.
"What have you done?'
"What I had to." Tony walks away, leaving the door open. He walks over to his alcohol cabinet and pours himself a drink. Zemo steps inside, glaring daggers at the man. His hands clenched into fists as he grinds his jaw.
"That was six years ago."
"It still happened."
"You know it wasn't my fault."
Tony stands, drink in hand, looking at his rival. Here was a man who had been broken once before, and stands broken again. Stark did you a favour. Zemo wouldn't be here now if you had gone back to him after that, so he can only assume you left.
"You are the reason that kid is dead. Everyone knows it."
Zemo shakes his head.
"You are the reason people see me as a murderer. I did nothing to you. That, out there, is competition. We play the game by the rules and we play fair. At least, we're suppose to. I do not like your dirty tricks, Stark."
Tony doesn't move. He stands there, still.
"I was lucky they even let me race again, but even luckier when Y/N came into my life. You are taking away everything I hold dear, piece by piece. You are ruining me."
"You ruined yourself when you took up racing," Tony says, coldly.
"You just can't let it go, can you? You don't like that I am better than you."
Tony doesn't reply.
Zemo takes slow, careful steps toward Tony. His eyes, glazed with tears, do not look away from his gaze. He only stops when he is directly in front of him.
"If I lose Y/N, you will never hear the end of this. You're cruelty knows no bounds, Stark. I fell so very sorry for Miss Potts. How can she be so fond of a man like you who turns careers and flaunts around with other women. Does your little bird know you are a heartless bastard?"
"You don't scare me, Zemo."
"Not yet, I don't."
Zemo grabs the glass from Stark's hand, throws it at the wall behind him, and then marches away.
He has to see you.
By the time he reaches your town, it's about one on the morning. Though there is the chance you're sleeping, he is here and he will takes his chances.
He knocks on your door.
There are no sounds, no sign of movement, but there is a light which he can see under your door.
You're home.
"Y/N." His accent is heavier than usual, wavered by emotion. He leans up against the door, ear pressed against it.
You're there.
He knows you're there, listening.
"I'm sorry," he says, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me. Pietro Maximoff died in a terrible accident. His car malfunctioned. It was an accident that turned into a case because someone decided to ruin my career."
He waited, wanted to see if you would say anything.
You didn't.
"I have raced before. I won on my first race. I won again, the second. A racing star, they called me. That was the first time Tony Stark had lost. Suddenly, he had competition. Real competition. Before, he would leave everyone in the dust, winning over and over again. Then I showed up. After my second win, he had my car checked. He was furious because it was legal. He assumed I had altered it against the rules because there was no way his cars would lose. Then that happened."
He hears you move. You're right behind the door.
"Pietro Maximoff was a crazy good driver. Apparently he was awed by me. I told him if he crossed the line that day, I would tutor him. We made a deal. However, his car malfunctioned after the third turn. He drove head first into the barrier, full speed. His car caught fire. He was alone. It took too long for the team to reach him. He died on impact, they say. He was dead whether they got to him or not."
He sighs, hand resting up against the door.
"I did not tamper with his car. I did not kill that boy. Tony Stark made them believe I did with no evidence to prove it. I was found not guilty of attempted murder, but I was disqualified from racing up until I finally made an appeal. This season is my first racing season in 6 years."
He waits.
He hears shuffling, but nothing else.
"You have to believe me. If I lose you too... i have nothing left."
You don't say anything. The door does not open. He steps back in defeat. He doesn't know what else he can do, what else he can say.
Except, "If you still hold feelings for me, then please be at the next race. If you come, I'll know you'll forgive me. I know you'll still love me. If you don't, then I will never bother you again. I'll know that I have ruined everything and I will live with that regret until the day I die."
He takes a deep breath and steps away further.
"I love you. I want you to know that. I love you."
You cry silently as you listen to him walk away. It's not until you're sure he has gone when you let your cries out.
On your coffee table sat your laptop. As soon as you got home, you had been researching what had happened that day.
There was no evidence.
Just articles and speculation.
The fact that you even believed for a moment he had killed a young man like that made you sick. How horrible of a person could you be?
Helmut deserved someone better than that.
He has spent so many years living with a tragic accident over him, and you hadn't even talked to him about it.
You felt awful.
You spent most of the night heartbroken. Sleep eventually paid you a visit, but it was hardly restful. You just woke up in pain.
Race day was coming fast.
What were you going to do?
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97 @lunamooney2406 @wilder-fangirl @nectav @whovianayesha @thesuitkovian @cathrin2405 @deathtothepatriarchy @belle82devart @dxrksxul06 @killeromanoff @alex-the-nb @latenightartist-author @hb8301 @goddessofmischief03 @xxidontwikeitxx @themeanestlittlewitch @scuttle-buttle @fillechatoyante @lucky-luck-lucky @zemosimp420 @avengersofmischief @breadsquash
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sunaswife · 3 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: hi I’m sorry for not updating and it’s been a little over a month but shit happened and I had no motivation! I am doing my best (•̀ᴗ•́)و
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter fifteen
“No Rin.��� “Please.” “No Rin.” “But babeeeee.” Suna whined, he held out his EJP jersey in his hands. “Fine just this once, I don’t want anyone coming in.” You said and he nodded, you turned around and began to take off your sleeping shirt and Rin pouted, “Babe gimme a show.” He whined once more. You turned with your chest covered and threw your sleeping shirt which landed perfectly on his head.
You put on the cold jersey and saw how it still looked like a dress even though you have gained so much weight. Probably because Rin has gained so much muscle. You turned to face him and his mouth stayed hung open, you giggled and neared him. You rested your hands on his thighs and gave his cheek a small peck. “You okay there?” You asked. His arms wrapped around you and he lifted you on the bed like a rag doll. “Why” kiss “are you” kiss “so” kiss “beautiful?” Kiss.
“Stop being so cute then my heart can’t contain it.” You scolded as you brushed your fingers through his short hair. “Mommy...daddy?” You both heard behind the door, the doorknob slowly twists and you push Rin away, he falls off the bed and lands on the floor, right on his ass. The door opens and you see Rini there, “What’s wrong?” You asked him, “My tooth.” He said. “What about your—oh he’s bleeding—“ Rin said. “Take him to the bathroom and rinse his mouth, I’ll check out his mouth after I change.” You told Rin and he nodded. He carried Rini to your bathroom and helped him rinse his mouth. You quickly changed out of his jersey and put on the shirt from before. “Alright lemme see.” You said as you walked in. Rini was sitting on the counter with his mouth opened, sure enough he had a loose tooth and was too afraid to pull it out. There was nothing you can do but wait for it to fall off by itself, you wouldn’t dare to traumatize him by pulling it out yourself.
You carried the boy back to his room and saw Chewy sleeping on Akira’s bed. He woke up due to the noise and sensed Rini’s slight discomfort over his loose tooth. He carefully jumped off and yawned. With ease he climbed on Rini’s bed and cuddled with him. You tucked them both in and kissing Rini’s head goodnight you made your way out to an annoyed looking Rin watching TV. His arms are crossed over his chest and you can clearly see his flexed muscles. You both were about to go to sleep so it didn’t make sense for him to start watching TV. “Aren’t you going to bed?” You tilted your head.
“Not anymore.” He replied a little coldly. “What’s wrong?” You asked with a small pout, “Nothing..” he replied, you sighed and sat next to him on the couch, “doesn’t seem like nothing, did I do something?” You asked but he stayed quiet. “Rin we gotta have communication, if you don’t tell me what I did wrong then I can’t fix it.” You said. “Why are you so hesitant to let people know we’re together? Are you ashamed of me? Is that it? Why do we have to hide our relationship from our own children.” He asked and it finally clicked, “I told you I’m just a little hesitant but I realized now that I shouldn’t have to hide our relationship. I’m sorry now I seem like such a big jerk.” You sighed and you laced your fingers with his. “I get that you’re hesitant but maybe we should at least tell our kids and then slowly tell our friends? You’ll be surprised by the number of messages I get from the twins asking if I made a move yet.” He said and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Okay, we’ll tell the kids.”
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“Bye I’m off!” Rin said at the front of the door, the kids automatically stopped what they were doing and ran to see their dad off. You followed behind them and Jamie yelled out her farewell since she was on bed rest. The kids hugged their dad and said their goodbyes and you waited to give him a kiss on the cheek and then expect to get bombarded with questions by the twins. You weren’t expecting him to hold your face and kiss your lips in a deep and loving way. You heard gasps and began smacking Rin’s arm because you couldn’t breath and he wouldn’t let you go. He finally pulled away and you punched him and called him a jerk, immediately the kids began asking questions and running around you as Rin laughed and waltzed to his car.
They couldn’t help but notice your dumb smile.
So this is love?
They wondered and smiled in amazement. You realized it was quiet and you looked down to see the kids staring, your cheeks flushed up. “Mama you’re in deep huh?” Akira asked, “Akira how do you know what that even means?” You asked, “Aunt Jamie.” She smiled. “Jamie I swear to god.” You growled as you made your way to the living room. She was sleeping with her hand over her baby bump. You sighed and put a light blanket over her. “Aunt Jamie is resting so don’t make too much noise, it’s hard for her to sleep with the baby inside since they won’t stop kicking.” You told the kids and they nodded.
“Humpty dumpty had a great fa—“ you were interrupted when your phone rang. Akira was asleep already in her crib but Rini couldn’t sleep so you tried reading so some books to him that your aunt donated. “Hello?” You answered without checking the caller ID, “Y/N..” you heard Jamie’s wobbly voice and you immediately sat up on your futon. “What’s wrong?” You asked, “H-he hit me a-again...” she stuttered. “Where are you?” You asked, voice filled with concern “I’m at home but he left with his buddies to go drink again..” she sniffled. “I’m on my way.” You said and she hung up, you made her promise to call the cops in case he came back. You grabbed the baby carriers and carefully placed Akira in, you were glad she was still asleep. “Come on Rini, let’s go see aunt Jamie okay?” You asked and he giggled. You exited your apartment with a carrier in each hand, their diaper bag, your wallet inside their bag, and a metal baseball bat that Tobio gave as a safety gift.
You drove past your crappy neighborhood and eventually entered Jamie’s nice and fancy neighborhood. You passed a fancy car after another fancy car but your heart almost fell out of your butt when you saw his car. You went into the drive way and quietly pulled the garbage can behind his car in case he made a getaway. You were tired of this sorry excuse of a man hurting Jamie and you were going to do whatever it takes to make sure he’s locked behind bars. You left your babies inside the car, you wouldn’t do this at all but it was nighttime and nobody was around. You locked the car and walked with your bat to the front door. You unlocked the door with the key Jamie gave you and slowly walked in.
“Are you an idiot?! You fucking good for nothing I swear!” You heard his yelling, immediately you called the police in case Jamie couldn’t, you didn’t respond in case they’d talk you out from trying to save your friend. “Don’t you fucking touch me!” You heard Jamie yell. “You’re my fiancé I can touch you however I want.” He growled. “I said no!” She yelled once more. You closed your eyes and prayed to whatever God out there to help you out. Your prayer was interrupted by glass breaking and another scream. You immediately turned to the kitchen where the noise was coming from and saw the 6”2 man hovering over Jamie who was on the floor sitting against the wall, you almost fainted at the blood and dark liquid you assumed was wine, and your anger rose when you saw her hand over her eye. She was obviously in pain. In his hand was the broken wine bottle. He lifted his arm once more but you blacked out and swung the bat. You hit his side and he growled in pain. He turned to see you and his eyes darkened. “You fucking bitch, this is all your fault. If you haven’t became friends with her worthless ass then maybe she wouldn’t have tried to leave me.” He seethed. He made his way to you and before you can defend yourself with another swing the police had barged in and listened to everything.
Jamie was taken to the hospital and was released in the early morning. Tobio helped you moved her stuff out because she suffered a broken wrist and a fractured leg. Your tiny studio apartment couldn’t hold all her things so she had to pay for a storage unit. You couldn’t help but laugh at the look on her face when she saw how empty your home truly was. You slept on the floor in a futon while your kids slept in cribs. You couldn’t afford dressers so you kept their clothes folded neatly on bookshelves. There were baby toys everywhere but no TV. No couch, no alcohol, no nothing.
“Welcome to my home.” You did your little jazz hands, she chuckled and smiled. “Thank you for everything.” “No problem, I know it isn’t much but just for a bit until the trial is over okay?” You said and she nodded. You placed the kids in their cribs and fixed the futon you were sleeping on. “You can sleep here.” You patted, she nodded and made her way over with her crutches. “Do you have another futon?” She asked. “Yeah I’ll pull it out right now.” You said and she nodded. You helped her down and tucked her in. “You’re the only friend who decided to help me.” She spoke suddenly, catching you off guard. “All of my other friends could care less whether I died or not, they’d probably fight over who can keep my clothes.” She said with a dry chuckle. “I appreciate you yn, thank you.” She said and closed her eyes.
You looked at your best friend completely passed out and reminisced I’ve show much you’ve both grown. From enemies to besties.
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“Don’t forget they have a limit of 5000 yen.” You warned Tobio and he rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, whatever lemme spoil my niece and nephew in peace.” He argued and you sighed. “Just don’t buy them slime, please.” You practically begged. “That was the first thing they asked when I arrived.” He said as he buckled them in their seats.
Once in a while Tobio loved taking them out to give you a break and you appreciated that so much. When Tobio entered your home to grab a quick water, Rin’s car was pulling up and you were slightly nervous as to what could happen. You haven’t exactly told Tobio you were dating Rin again, and Tobio totally flipped when he found out Rin was moving in.
You had told Rin that Tobio wanted to take the kids out for the day and he was a little hesitant, not because he didn’t trust Rin but he wondered if they liked Tobio more than him. He understands he was like a father figure to them and he knows that he’s not on Tobio’s good side. He’s also jealous because he hasn’t taken them out for a father and child day as well. He would love to go to the mall with them and spend money on useless shit. You’d be angry but he’s sure he can handle it.
Rin parked his car and took out his gym bag, he also took out a bag of some thick ass pads, aloe Vera gel and a bottle of something called witch hazel and he made sure it was the alcohol free kind per your request over text. At least you were kind enough to send him pictures so he’s not wandering around the store like a fool.
He was confused about the pads because you use a thinner pad when you’re not using tampons and wondered if your vagina got bigger because you gave birth. But he thought that you feel the same as always so he’d rather ask then overthink things.
“Welcome back Rin.” You smiled as from across Tobio’s car, “Thanks.” He said simply and leaned in to give Akira a kiss on the head, he went around to do the same to Rini and then he pulled you close for a small kiss. “Well what do we have here? I know y’all are together but this was the first time I’ve seen y’all kiss.” Jamie said as she stepped out. You both flinched thinking it was Tobio and Jamie laughed, “Don’t worry he’s in the bathroom. But when are you planning on telling him? You can’t hide your relationship forever.” She rested her hand on her hip.
“I don’t know to be honest.” You sighed and leaned against Tobio’s car. “Maybe he should warm up to me first before we tell him?” Rin asked, “If it isn’t Suna Rintarou.” Tobio walked out of the house. Rin stood straight and gave a slight bow, “Thank you for being there for yn and the twins when I was gone. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He tried to be as respectful as possible.
Tobio crossed his arms over his chest with raised brows, “I can’t say the same for you.” He spat and you felt a pang in your chest. Tobio looked so angry. “Tobio, he’s doing his best. He’s been nothing but respectful and helpful around the house and with the kids.” You explained, “Look, I get that you’re hopeful and forgiving but he ruined your life—“
“He gave me the twins—how is that ruining my life?” You defended. Tobio rolled his eyes, “Whatever, I don’t wanna fight.” He mumbled and you nodded. You stepped away from the car so he can finally take the kids and as he passed by Rin, he purposely bumped his shoulder. You were about to say something but Rin just shook his head and brushed him off. “Bye Tobio, I’ll see you after.” You said but he just mumbled a bye and glared at Rin.
He soon left and Jamie broke the silence, “Yeah so he definitely hates Rin.”
“No shit Sherlock.” Rin sighed and rubbed his temples. “He’ll probably strangle me and give me an earful if I tell him now. We just gotta keep it a secret a little while longer.” You said and they nodded in understanding.
Rin went to shower as you began cooking and Jamie went on a livestream for a bit. She was playing music from your TV which wasn’t pg so you let I slide since the kids weren’t here. “Hey yn do you remember any cheer drills from highschool?” Jamie asked as you turned off the stove to let the food cool for a bit, “Um...not really but didn’t you guys used to do spins and stuff? I saw it a lot during the volleyball games.” You answered, “Yeah you’re not helping but thank you.” She smiled as she put her phone in front of a water bottle. You shook your head and tried not to laugh at he sarcasm.
She took a few steps back to try to recreate an old cheer, obviously she couldn’t jump or do high kicks but it was funny to see her try and you made sure to keep an eye on her in case she overworked herself. You turned back to your task for a split second when the rice cooker beeped. Jamie squatted—well she tried and suddenly she felt a splash down her legs. She gasped as she saw her mustard yellow skirt now wet. “YN—“ she slightly raised her voice in a small panic. “Yes?” You immediately asked and walked to check on her, “My water broke.”
“This doesn’t smell like pee.”
You were immediately at her side in order to help get her ready for a trip to the hospital. “Are you feeling any contractions?” You asked and she shook her head, “I feel fine.” She replied. “Turn off the livestream.” She said and you quickly turned off her phone. “Okay we’ll call the midwives and see what we need to do for you.” You said and she nodded. You immediately called the midwives and they asked what happened until Jamie winced and groaned. “Jamie, what’s wrong? Do you feel it now?” You asked and she nodded. “Yeah if we don’t leave now I’m having the baby in your house.” She sighed.
The midwives agreed to meet at the hospital with you and you tried your best to guide Jamie to the car. “Rin!” You yelled, he immediately stumbled out of the bathroom wearing some basketball shorts and a t shirt, his usual stay at home wear. “Take her to the car and I’ll go get her bag, her water broke.” You instructed quickly. He was quick to carry her, causing Jamie to smack him when he made a face that he can feel her ‘pee’ after he just showered.
He carefully placed her in the passenger seat of his car since it was smaller and he saw you rush out of the door. “Hnnnnnnn. Fuck my pelvis—“ she groaned and began taking deep breathes.
“Please don’t give birth in my car.”
“Shut the fuck up, Rintarou.”
You kicked Rin to the backseat with Jamie’s bag much to his dismay and you reversed and made your way to the hospital which was about a good twenty minutes away. He called Hana who happened to be on her way back already because she finished business early.
Halfway through the drive Jamie asked to hold your hand for comfort. You’ve done it before, when she faced her ex in trial, when she started a new makeup line or product, before she had an event, before her wedding with Hana. You were always there. “I’m scared.” She mumbled as she looked out the window, “It’s okay to be scared, I was scared when I was in labor.” You replied. “Who was with you?” She asked, “Tobio, and my aunt. Miwa and Hana came when I returned home.” You answered as you stopped at the red light. “Not even your mom?” Her voice cracked, “Nope, not even her. I did call to let her know I was due soon but she just called me names so I hung up.”
Rin looked down at his hands and he rubbed the sweat from his palms on his shorts. It hurt listening to this, if only he didn’t change his number, if only he didn’t lie to you, if only he never laid eyes on you.
If only he never met you.
Tobio was right.
How can you say he didn’t ruin your life when these past five years have been nothing but hell. When you were out of the house and Rin was home with Jamie and the kids he would ask Jamie what happened the last five years because he knew she wouldn’t sugarcoat anything.
He felt a jab in his chest when he heard about all the negative things, and no matter how many positive things Jamie said happened. It was never good enough for him to forget all the shit he put you through.
And that’s why he’s so clingy now, that’s why he’s happier and eager to help and please you in whatever way he can to make up for all this lost time where he should have been by your side. He’ll prove to Tobio and anyone else that he’s good enough for you, that he can be trusted and that he truly loves you.
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I’m sorry I forgot to do this in the last chapter please forgive me 🧎
The kids are happy that their parents are together and they started drawing their family portraits with you two holding hands
Rini accidentally swallowed his tooth in his sleep and cried that the tooth fairy would give him money but Rin made sure to sneak money under his pillow the next night
Jamie’s ex is still in prison and is pissed she left him for a woman (but we stan Hana)
I know same sex marriage isn’t legal in Japan but once again this is a fanfic so I make the rules 🧍
Rin is actually scared of Tobio
But Rin is more scared of Hana
Rin wants to procreate with yn wearing his EJP jersey 🧎 daddy please
Tobio likes to spoil his niece and nephew a little too much. Yn always has to warn him or scold him. Tobio almost bought Rini a real sword because he liked it so much.
Rin is pretty jelly of Tobio’s relationship with his kids and wants to know his secrets
This is Jamie’s 3rd pregnancy, the first was with her ex but his little swimmers were too weak, and the second..y’all already know 😔 if not then reread chapter 1 when yn scolds Jamie for chasing after the kids
After the baby is a year old then Hana will try to get pregnant with the same donor that Jamie had
Idk if I told y’all already but Tobio is the donor 🧐
The thick pads and stuff that Suna got was for YN to make padcicles for Jamie.
Also I am very hungry
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @atsumusdomain @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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mattiejacobz · 2 years
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            𝙰𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚠 ‘𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚎’ 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚘𝚋𝚜
FULL NAME: Matthew Nicholas Jacobs
NICKNAME(S):  Mattie, Matt, MJ
BIRTHDAY: March 12th
AGE: 23
HOMETOWN: Hazzard 
RELIGION: Agnostic
MOTHER: Penelope ‘Penny’ Jacobs (deceased)
FATHER: Nicholas ‘Nick’ Jacobs (deceased)
AUNT(S): Jennifer Jacobs (New York)
UNCLE(S): None
COUSIN(S): Crimson Baker (foster cousin)
PET(S): A tabby cat named Tom, a goldfish named Jerry, and a turtle named Steve
APPEARANCE: Mattie stands at a respectable 6 foot. He’s always been more on the skinny side of an athletic build, but he has a fair bit of muscle on him, not that he ever really wears anything that would show that off. His hair is a dark brunette, practically black, and it’s always messy. The boy has never seen a comb. But, oddly, he pulls it off. Mattie doesn’t have any tattoos, but he has several scars on his chest, around both knees, and one that goes horizontally across the right side of his neck. 
STYLE: Mattie has about three or four outfits on a constant rotation. He’s not really bothered about fashion, and prefers to be comfortable and have practical clothing. That said, his fashion sense isn’t awful. It’s just-- carefree. Mattie is often seen wearing some kind of baseball hat, pretty much always backwards. He has quite the collection of hats. 
FAMILY: Mattie had an amazing relationship with his parents before they died. They weren’t the weathiest family in the world, but what they lacked in money they made up for in compassion and kindness. They were really well known and generally liked across Prosper. Everyone in the town will know about the crash that killed his parents and gave him all his scars.
FRIENDS: Mattie is one of those people who doesn’t have a specific ‘group’ of friends. He’s always been the type to get along with everyone, as long as they aren’t an absolute dickhead. They used to be really sociable before the crash, they were pretty much a guarentee at any party. These days, he’s a lot more isolated and stays away from parties because he hates being around alcohol. Now, he prefers just hanging out with a small group of closer friends, or with people who have similar interests like movies and gaming. 
LIVING SITUATION: After the crash, the authorities tried to get Mattie’s only close relative, his aunt, to take him in. But, she was chasing acting dreams in NYC and didn’t want to be ‘tied down’ by looking after a teenager. So, Mattie was facing the foster system which could have taken him anywhere. Luckily, the Baker family took him in and spent the last on his teenager years with Crimson Baker’s aunt. Now, he’s moved out and lives in a small apartment across the road from the hot dog place which tends to make up at least one meal a day.
WORK: Mattie’s Dad was good friends with the manager of the video store in Prosper, so when Mattie was looking for a job post-crash, the owner probably felt obligated to take him on in Nick’s memory or something. He’s an average employee, but he makes up for it with his film knowledge. He’s absolutely a go-to guy for a movie recc. 
SCHOOL: Mattie finished high school, but only just. Obviously his latter years were massively distrupted, and he was a bit of a rebel to start with. Mattie struggled with learning, having dyslexia and ADD, so whilst he did graduate, he didn’t do well enough to really go and do anything. Mattie was neither a popular kid, or an unpopular kid. He only really got a bunch of attention after the crash. For most of his school years, he felt almost invisible despite always being around people and attending parties. There was always a smarter, funnier, more attractive person. 
ASPIRATIONS: God knows. Mattie has not idea what he wants to do with his life. The bar is pretty low, his main aspiration being just to be happy. He doesn’t feel like he can achieve that in Lockhorn though, because this is where is trauma started and every buisness, every person, reminds him of the worst time of his life. No-one would know that though. He’s also just terrified of moving on, because truth be told, he could have done so a few years back when he got access to his inheritance. He just.... Couldn’t. 
RIVALRY: Honestly, Mattie doesn’t have many. He was born in Prosper and now lives in Hazzard so he has friends and connections on both sides, he’s not bothered about where someone is from. The only thing he gives a shit about is if they are a decent person. Rivalry will come when someone is being an asshole and constantly getting away with it. 
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hohoz · 3 years
The ones that suffer the most
I wanted to talk about this for a long time.
I’m a Resident evil addicted, I finished almost every RE game released and I must say that Capcom made some poor choices regarding Jill and Chris, they are EASILY the most mistreated characters in RE Franchise. 
But let’s explain why is that: 
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Jill and Chris are survivors, they had to survive in a mansion with a lot of puzzles and zombies, while looking for items that could help them to progress and find a way to reach Brad. 
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When they arrive at STARS Office, they are revolted that Umbrella did all that under their noses and innocents were dying because of that and they explained EVERYTHING in a report - but Irons made that go away. 
In the ORIGINAL RE3 we had this special file (Jill’s Diary) 
August 7th Two weeks have passed since that day. My wounds have been healed, but I just can't forget it. For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly. Zombies eating people's flesh and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the wounds in my heart are not healed yet...
August 13th Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently. What's with him? He seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly irritated. The other day, he punched Elran of the Boy's Crime department just for accidentally splashing Chris's face with coffee. I immediately stopped Chris, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walked away. I wonder what happened to him...
August 15th Midnight. Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation," called me so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked into his room, he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part of a virus research report entitled as simply as "G". Then Chris told me that, "The nightmare still continues." He went on to say that, "It's not over yet." Ever since that day, he has been fighting all by himself without rest, without even telling me.
August 24th Chris left the town today to go to Europe. Barry told me that he would send his family to Canada and then he would follow Chris. I decided to remain in Raccoon City for a while because I know that the research facility in this city will be very important to this entire case. In a month or so, I'll be joining with them somewhere in Europe. That's when my real battle begins...
For some weird reason this file isn’t available in RE3 Remake. 
But ok, here we see that Chris was doing some investigation - in the RE2RMK  you could see this letter that Chris left in a way that normal people wouldn't understand - the only thing that Claire says is that “doesnt look like him” but how normies would understand what Chris is like is he is not well represented in media ??????????????????
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And Jill had all the detective work in her wall. 
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So far so good - we understand the basics about them - they are Special police force, the elite, they had a traumatic experience and they survived to tell the story. 
Some problems until now:
Jill had a MAJOR personality change in RE3 RMK- I honestly like most of that, she is a badass in the originals and she is a badass in the rmk but I still dislike the fact that she swears all the time (specially because in RE1, RE Rev, RE5 she doesn't do that) 
We can tell a lot about her personality just looking at her room, but I still miss some stuff (I had expectations - so this is not a real problem. but still) like a Vinyl player (since she is probably into classical music), some letters from her father so new players can understand her origin and why is she so good in lockpicking and more about her dog (she had a pic in the original that could’ve been her boyfriend but it was replaced by a dog in RE2 rmk but in RE3 Rmk there in no dog) 
Okay - after you finish the game the only thing we see is this: 
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In my opinion this is Chris since he is always associated with Green colors while Jill is associated with blue. 
So my speculation here is that she found him while in the original we had this: 
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This is not a major chance but still is important (lore of course - duh) but the problem here is that while Jill is looking for him - Code Veronica is happening. 
So I can only assume two things, they did not show him because they DON’T HAVE A FACE FOR HIM or I am wrong and that is Jill, but if that is Jill so why there is no decent epilogue like the original ? 
Okay, now we are arriving in the real trouble area
I will do RE5 first and the Wii and Rev1 (even tho those two comes first in the lore) 
So before the game was release we had some propaganda, including this: 
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So have in mind that Jill was dead, I thought that she died and RE5 would explain that shit. 
But in the beginning we see that Chris is looking for her and have in mind that Chris HAD A MAJOR CHANCE IN HIS APPEARANCE, and I’m not talking about his muscles. 
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I will not address Chris in CV since he was good in that game but I the team that made CV also made the original, it had CONSISTENCE. 
Here we have Chris, he’s THE classical american soldier protagonist from Hollywood in the 80′s/90′s and he had some omage to TOPGUN
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He also shares some traits with his sister
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A major trait here is that HE HAS BLUE EYES, typical good looking soldier from US. 
and now let’s have a look at Chris in RE5...
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Yeah... I still hate this face even tho I love his Character in this game, this ugly a** monkey looking mf and he had a lot of steroids
So we have some lore to him in RE5, Jill and Chris went to a mansion looking for Spencer (one of the fathers of Umbrella and the one that was behind project Wesker, he wanted to do this Virus so he could live forever, so RE has a good lore, it’s not just about zombies) but when they found him, he was dead and Wesker was by his side, in a fight Jill sacrificed herself to save Chris’s life. 
Chris started doing mission after mission because her body was never found, and he made a name for himself, he became a ‘legend’ inside BSAA and you can see that in the beginning of RE5.
The reason behind the muscles was probably to fight Wesker mano to mano but still is not well made, it really felt weird playing for the first time. 
So now we have a problem here, there is thing that you use in a narrative that is to make someone strong af powerless, and they did that to Jill. (a good example of this is in TWD- Ricky is a fucking legend and Negan made him powerless in the face of a event) 
Jill was used in a Boss fight and that is it... She is not in the game as a character, she is being manipulated and her whole design was changed, she looks like Nina from Tekken. WTF. - BTW, the fact that Wesker had mind control over her created 1000 fics of sex 
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 So that is it, my main problem here isnt Jill itself, but it’s the fact that they used her character as a boss even tho she is the heroine, she never appears in RE lore again until some guy inside Capcom said “Well people are asking about Jill so let’s place a file in Rev2 saying that she is in rehab” 
The only time that she appears again is in a 3DS NINTENDO ONLY game, it felt that Capcom simply don’t care about her character. 
By the way Revelations 1 is a great game and was adaptable some years later for PC and consoles
But you think that this is bad, wait until we arrive at RESIDENT EVIL 6 
When I learned that Jill was not in RE6 I was mad... But after I played that game I said “thank you God” that game was bad, transformers kind of bad, it had bad writing, the lore was all over the place and Chris was the one that suffered the most in this game. 
He was responsible for the death of an entire squad, suffered amnesia and people still wanted him in the command 
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The golden boy of BSAA reduced to THIS. 
By the way, the director said that HE WANTED TO KILL CHRIS IN THIS GAME to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS - so if you liked Piers now that he died only because of that. 
So now let’s analyse what we know: 
The first 2 main characters are not well represented in media until RE6, they don’t know how to re introduce Jill in the games and Chris was reduced to a normal guy at a Russian bar;
But it gets worse... 
Capcom LOVE Leon, we know that. he is always the hero, he is the protagonist in almost every movie and he is always the cool guy so when he get’s a new model, he looks like this:
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But When Chris get’s a new face he look like this: 
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WHO DAFUQ ARE U, no offense to the model but he has NEGATIVE JAW LINE.
And still he doesn't look like Claire’s brother, there is no blue/green eyes and he looks younger that he was in 6 (and 6 still uses that ugly character model) 
But let’s go in the lore- we HAVE 0 info on Jill in RE6 / RE7 and no sight of her in RE8 
And speaking of which, they tried to make Chris the bad guy in the trailer so when we play we see “Ohhhh he was not the bad guy, that happened and that is why he did that” 
But still... 
If they are going to do that to his character don’t use this character, shit ! Do something with that Wesker’s son that made 0 sense in RE6 but leave Chris out of this - it really feels that they simply don’t know how to treat him right
And you may think that I may be complaining a lot because of his appearance
But this is him in RE8  
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(to me this is some random dude from Russia) 
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And this is him in RE:Verse (that is going to be release TOGETHER) 
So this tells me that they have 0 clue of how to handle his looks
Jill got RE3Rmk but it felt like a cheap game compared to RE2Rmk where the original RE3 was SO MUCH BETTER
And this is bad because there are so many new fans joining the fandom only to see 2 great characters suffering from poor director’s choices. 
I’m sorry about this rant, if you like Chris face and looks its okay, really, but dont tell me that Chris from 5/6/8 is the same from 1/CV and if you think im wrong about Jill its fine, but she is an amazing character that could have so much more impact in RE universe (I mean, she never even appeared in a RE movie - animations) 
But it’s sad to see so many characters that receive good representation in media and good games/lore while Jill get’s almost none and Chris is handled like random face guy. 
I was going to talk a little bit more about Rev 1 and RE Umbrella Chronicles but there is no need since Im mad right now and it seems that Capcom has 0 interest in making Code Veronica and Umbrella’s fall after that since their fav boy Leon need a rmk in RE4 even tho RE4 is not that old. 
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Fun fact: Chris served in the Air force, so yeah, to me even Tom Cruise looks more like Chris than Chris from the games
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