#she really humbles him in a way that i adore like obv she loves him they're besties but she is NOT about to tolerate any shit
partners in crime is SO fun and tbh always was
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madockisser · 2 months
I just read your reasoning, and I totally understand. Madoc used to be my fav character at the start of the book, since he was a good dad and wanted the best for his children.
And Dain was introduced to the story. Became my fav character and we all know what happened at the coronation :')
dain greenbriar analysis! not that u asked but i did one of madoc so i’ll do one of dain since he’s super complex
i really liked dain too! he was totally mysterious, which was later revealed that he was more so manipulative and cunning. balekin says that dain is “surprisingly unsentimental” which is shocking coming from balekin of all ppl. since balekin believes it to be true, then imagine like a 10x worse version of balekin. we know dain is very smart, he is charming and manipulative, which are all qualities that balekin do not quite posses. (as seen in the lament of lutie loo)
dain truly did not play around when it came to things in the way of his coming into power. which shouldn’t come as a surprise since we know that dain was slowly poisoning eldred to make him weak and make him resign from being king. then obv what he did to the woman he sent love poems to (liriope) whom he poisoned alongside the fetus in her womb. all that just to assure his succession to the throne.
not to mention how he played poor 5ish yr old cardan. dude was beefing w a toddler! which again, he uses his elder brother charm to do, and his manipulative hand to persuade eldred to kick cardan out and cast asha out. (which makes me wonder if he had a personal grudge or something against asha ((maybe something she knew that he didn’t want eldred to know)) or if he was simply just killing 2 birds w one stone)
it’s fascinating to me that he killed liri despite caring for her sm. why do i think he cared for liri at all? because he was at a great risk to dally and play around with one of his fathers lovers/consorts. for someone who is so notoriously careful, he must’ve really grown to care for her, the same way nicasia came to care for locke!! ( i ADORE the parallels in lockes and his mothers relationships!)
but maybe dain caught on to her gancanagh/ love/charm speaking powers and was displeased enough to not really gaf when he administered poison to her and oakey.
while dain is a giant asshole, he really fascinated me. his actions at first were charming and humble, and from jude’s perspective, almost kind, and even someone she could look up to. but after jude fell out of favor with him, he was cold, cruel and calculating.
he even managed to skillfully manipulate his own spies into liking him, seeing as the ghost still served dain after his death by betraying jude (which wasn’t his fault). the roach and the bomb didn’t know of dains poisoning of liri, and even jude wasn’t allowed in on some of the spy work she was doing for dain.
and ofc when jude delivers the paper that says, “i know the provenance of blusher mushroom” dain, who is put on the spot, skillfully manipulates his spies yet again by claiming that “he”(could be any faerie that goes by “he” btw) was blackmailing orlagh.
furthermore, he says about balekin.
“he and i never got along. and yet i had hoped ….” purposefully not finishing his sentence so as to not reveal to his spies how truly unfeeling he was about his elder brother,balekin.
i wonder a lot of his plans for jude, i saw a theory that he was going to arrange jude in a marriage, and i have a few small ones of my own, but it’s super intriguing that he chose jude, the daughter of the very influential grand general (the man to stole half of the high kings army in twk lol) to use as a spy. makes me wonder what his plans were for madoc and for jude if madoc ever found out. because surely, as careful as he is, he would’ve had one.
ANYWAY sorry i kinda went on a tangent there but he’s such a cool character and while i def do not agree w his actions, i almost wish he stayed alive longer to be a more significant villain, but i am SO glad we got cute oakey pokey as a cute less evil replacement! and also more insights of what oak thinks of him in tpt and tsh!
holly black, despite dain and several other characters have short amounts of page time, managed to make dain such a great subtle villain! which is why i love her work so much. she slides in and incorporates little damning facts and details that could mean nothing, but could also have great significance!
lastly, i rly like doing character analyses so feel free to add on or send me characters or questions thru the ask thingy!!
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stargirlfeyre · 1 year
“Azriel may be boring as shit but at least he never went after someone who was actively treating Feyre like shit. At least the Archeron he’s going after is actually working to fix her relationship with Feyre. Cassian went for someone who was still treating his friend like dog shit and I just can’t respect that.” ALL OF THIS
i’m always hesitant to say this bc some ppl are super sensitive when it comes to cassian for some funny reason (all the other boys are able to be criticized but not him bc he can be funny?) but part of why i don’t like him as much as azriel is because of how he went for nesta too early on, it was super premature for him to come onto her so blatantly in front of everyone even when she was mortal and he’d literally just met her, knowing how feyre was treated etc…i adore cassian when i don’t look at his character too closely. as much as i prefer feyssian over feyzriel because of her and cassian having more sweet bestie moments than her and az do, whenever there’s a discussion i’ll always choose az first because of cassian and nesta. like anon said i can’t help but put myself in feyre’s shoes when i’m reading but i don’t like that he came onto nesta the way he did and how soon he did, and he had no shame about it in front of feyre and the rest.
i know some people are super chill or they have sisters or family members that cross these lines all the time, like your friend flirting with your sister, but in my family or friend groups we don’t do that especially if a sister is really mean to me, why would i approve of my friend going for her so blatantly in front of me? it’s not so much a harsh or possessive petty thing but just basic morale? cassian imo doesn’t get enough flack for how he came onto nesta so soon. it’s true too that at least az didn’t show any signs of having a crush until acowar and acofas, i prefer someone humbly and respectfully handling a crush on my sister than how in your face cassian was about it with nesta in only book two. idk sometimes it feels like his dick thinks for him and even acosf proved that.
i prefer acowar cassian! but i also skip the pages whenever he’s acting out over nesta or they’re both being angst ridden for one another, i just can’t take it seriously bc he was obv thinking with his dick or mating bond and she was still treating everyone like they were less than her despite her being a pos who has never done anything.
idk 😮‍💨 like i said it’s so easy to love cass as a character when you don’t look at his dynamic with nesta from feyre’s shoes in book two. i imagine mainly feyre stan’s struggle with him due to his attachment to nesta so early on. that bonus chapter anon mentioned where cassian put his body up against nesta’s asking whether she was a virgin or not? he’d only recently met her and was doing that, it being too soon aside, it was very inappropriate to do. even mor made it clear that he acts that way with women when they don’t want him and see’s it as “a challenge” just 10 reasons why az and rhysand will always come off as the most mature to me.
the other reasons i don’t favor him have to do with sjm having him refer to nesta as a queen in acosf, him always showing doubt with the ic’s decisions in acosf as if he’s not apart of the ic (why did he seem so against them in acosf at times? most of the time they were right too so it was just weird for sjm to do) saying nesta didn’t need to apologize to anyone supposedly (really sjm? 💀) having sex with nesta on a hike where she was supposed to own up to her wrongs and mature after she just told feyre she could die (inappropriate timing much..?) acting funny when rhysand felt the need to tell her to be nice to gwyn and emerie when he knows damn well rhysand isn’t at the house of wind like them to know nesta’s behavior had gotten better. how the hell would rhysand know that nesta’s not being mean to him when rhysand’s only ever seen her be rude af to everyone..? and then made it even worse when he petulantly wrapped his arm around nesta to make rhysand feel uncomfortable.
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gensnix · 1 year
Welp I’ve completed totk and it’s been about a month so I’d like to give my silly little thoughts on it
I’ll put my thoughts in category's things I enjoyed, moments that made me lose my mind, and of course things I hate
spoilers below obvs
The game plays so good! You can do just about anything you can think of. They definitely set a new bar for quality. oh those poor future game designers 
the title “legend of zelda” actually works this time lol
There’s sooo many little details in this game it makes me happy
they added more speech bubbles for npcs depending on what is happening 
I love the new characters! Makes Hyrule more alive
Yona is so kind and pretty she even fixed Link’s zora armor! 
Penn my writing partner that whole side adventure was fun and hilarious. 
Gomo helped me make my first $1000 so I’m legally obliged to kiss him on his head.
Tauro another history nerd. I like his dynamic with Paya!
I love the constructs all of them. The fact that they were made so long ago and yet still fulfill the roles they were made for make me sad. Plus the fact they actively miss the people who made them and wish for company adds to the sadness 
I liked how they upped the difficulty of the shrines I’ll admit I had to look some of them up and then eminently get humbled by some of them 
same with fixing some of the towers I’m embarrassed by the one that had weapons jamming the door 
Anything that happens in Tarrey town. 
Helping the hudson family prepare a great departure gift for their daughter? Beautiful
The dream house? Amazing 
The fact you can take a pic of Mattison and show it to Rhondson and Hudson to cheer them up? Literal tears in my eyes
The lurelin village quest! Link saved an entire village and helped rebuild it and they give him the greatest rewards 
The fact that Link can join the yiga clan. Yea fuck that Link guy I can’t stand his short blond ass Glory to Master Kohga
As you can probably tell I really like the side quests 
I adored all the boss fights from slamming my face into ice to fighting against Shiver splatoon. 
Gohma it’s good to see you again. 
I really enjoyed the gibdo queen fight my only regret is not getting the sand boots before the fight 
speaking of gibdos I was kinda sad they weren’t redeads but then I remembered Oh yea the royal family made redeads not ganondorf
And of course the best fight(s) ever MASTER KOGHA! GLORY BE TO HIM! I knew that guy wasn’t dead and I don’t think he’s dead after that last fight either bros got cartoon logic on his side. The fights weren’t hard but I liked seeing Link get run over
The ganondorf fights were AMAZING when his health bar took over all the way to the side of the screen I burst out giggling.
The addition of caves and wells is nice 
The well in Kakariko even has blood on the walls down there <3 great call back. 
but no demon from hell trying to drag you under just a cutie patootie learning to cook for her family 
the fact that there's an underground gerudo cemetery right under the ruins of Arbiter's grounds a bit fucked up but it’s another great call back 
the fact we got something about zora ages and how gorons are born. 
Lose my mind
The fact that a good portion of the constructs names are fucking Steward I call some of them Stewies 
Purah pad... sounds like a hygiene product 
The lady that calls Link a freak then sees he’s attractive and gives him an egg
Actually I feel like there’s even more people that find Link attractive from botw 
the dick riding from the sign dude is crazy 
The fact when Zelda said “Link you must come find me” and I followed up with “Why don’t you try to find me”... shouldn’t have said that 
The fucking Cece side adventure 
The entirety of Goron City. I swear Regandorf has something against Gorons first he was feeding them to a dragon in oot NOW HE’S GIVING THEM CRACK ROCKS
zora’s domain more like Delfino Plaza 
And now I’m in Splatoon!
Riju still needs her high chair for her throne!! 
the memories are ok but because you can get any of them whenever spoiled some shit. Like Sonia dying and Zelda turning into a dragon I didn’t even know there was a forth dragon until the final memory I just picked up the flowers and said “Welp i don’t know how to fix this”
the end of the bluepee quest for Kolton THAT left me speechless 
Above every bargainer statue is a goddess statue and that is cool and has some lore implications 
Link suffering from the Tony hawk affect and how is zelda not How did they convince all of hyrule she’s the princess  
Jumping monsters with the avatars 
the sages mask making me think of majora’s mask 
I’ll be up front about it right now I have not a single care about this story’s main plot which is sad cause it had a great opening 
look as a gamer totk is great but as a lore enthusiast I’m going insane 
i like the timeline and I’m never expecting the games to perfectly line up I mean cmon most of the games take in-between hundreds to thousands of years there ain’t no way
but to me totk doesn’t like a retcon of the timeline. it feels like a retcon of botw 
 I’ve always held onto the theory that botw takes place in a world where the timelines finally become one. 
And I’m aware nintendo wanted to make it friendly to new players who didn’t play botw but... it’s a sequel 
Don’t give me the whole “Majora’s mask is a sequel to OOT and those two are def different games” Cause 1 those games are over 20 years old so it’s not a sin to want a zelda game with a sequel that actually feels like one ( I ain’t ever forgiving nintendo for cancelling the tp sequel) and 2 totk takes feeling like a different game to the extreme by literally getting rid of parts that happened in botw
it literally contradicts it's self all the damn time
if Link is always with Zelda why does know one recognize him he’s on the missing poster with her cause everyone knows the princess 
the disappearance of almost all sheika tech feels genially insulting 
the fact that they just sideline the sheika in general is fucking insulting 
the shrines?? the towers?? Cherry, Robbie’s most prized possession being reduced into something so small and now only has photos?!?! 
And I know the running theory is that they went back underground or repurposed but do you know how much tech that is? to just take down somehow and then not see it any more the most you see is the guardians legs in the towers 
Only like 2 maybe 3 people commented on Link’s fucked up arm and in the end he doesn’t even keep it! Rauru literally said it was unsalvageable
and at the end Zelda is just... fine Like no scaring or anything just saved by two ghosts who I didn’t think could do that 
I hate the zonai I didn’t really think of them in botw cause I thought it’s just another tribed that helped 10,000 years ago and died out but noped they went from being a warrior tribe to god like beings who lived in the sky
they are the biggest inconsistencies and are just the ancient sheika with new coat of paint and for some reason there’s only two of them now 
Honestly to me they kinda sound like colonizers and the fact there are minning facilities everywhere in the depths doesn’t help
Also Rauru your plan to seal Ganondorf failed! Twice!
And ganondorf what was your plan exactly why did you do all this I’ve seen better villain backstories in Splatoon and Kirby. This whole story is just black and white
Don’t think I didn’t notice how you changed the labyrinths Nintendo those bars on the floor weren’t there before 
the fact Yunobo isn’t using daruk’s protection 
The thunder helm is missing?? One of the gerudo’s most important piece of culture. a vital part of botw story too. Like yea you can get a copy from the yiga but where’s the real thing
Rito village... what did they do to you 
No mention of Revali 
The weirdest personality changes
the fact that they just sidelined Teba. you know the forth person to help you with the divine beasts an absolute powerhouse in aoc. the guy to be described as crazy and rude but knows his worth. Revali’s biggest fan??
Nope give the job to Tulin the character it seems alot of people didn’t know existed in botw. “Over shadowed by his dad” kid was like 5 and all he did was watch Link and Teba train and suddenly he’s hot shit with a never before seen magic ability that he just has 
I liked rito village cause it’s two main character from their had to train to get to where they were
Like Tulin’s ok but it’s bad story telling you telling me all the new champs are now leaders of their respected societies but Teba is the only one to get sidelined (don’t give me the whole but in “age of calamity...” a noncanon game shouldn’t be used for a main story and if that would be the case the new champions fighting styles should be just like that game then) 
Also I can’t tell how many years have passed cause why is Molli (Harth’s kid) Still small I thought Tulin and her where around the same age 
Kass not being in the story obviously takes the game down to a 7/10 :(
And yea I’m aware that some people think he’ll be in a dlc later but that’s not an excuse for him not being in the base game.
Zora’s domain is exactly as I expected it to be but man Sidon you really are just here to be eye candy his ability sucks
god Sidon Teba you two used to be so blood thirsty in age of calamity what happened 
why the fuck is it called gloom it’s always been malice and why did it only effect weapons and not the bows and shields 
Speaking off where did the elemental weapons go? the different arrows? No one talks about them did Nintendo really get rid of them for the fused ability. they could have just added more power to them if you matched the elements right 
The sages are just diet champions and I can’t tell, especially with the direction it seems to be going, if they have the same names as the sages in oot/ww cause in the zora murals you can read they talk about the sage Ruto in both games and we all thought they were talking about oot ruto falling in love with a hylian 
I question this cause of the goat/llama/ whatever the fuck they are shares a sages name if that’s the case they really are just diet champions 
I’d love to here what some of you guys think cause I may be deranged about the zelda series but my friends aren’t lmao 
But yea those are my thoughts it’s a shame that I game I’ve waited for years for isn’t to my fancy but I’ve been in the fandom game for a long time so I know exactly what to do!
Ignore it! 
I’ll make my own totk story and lore!
With blackjack and Koroks!
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bygeto · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Hii!!! You're my second ask ever so dw
Let me see... Can't lie I sort of blanked out 😭 but here's what I managed to scrape up from the pits of my mind
In no particular order:
Noelle, from Sidney Sheldon's Memories of Midnight
She's a badass, idk idk 15 year old me was obsessed with her and her dark feminine (is that what it is?) So she'll always have a special place in my heart. I mean she knew what she wanted and went for it. I admire that, I need that! I desperately wanted to be her. Were her ways of attaining what she wanted a bit off the book? Yes, were her motivations a bit problematic? Sure but hey nobodies perfect
Tallulah Casey, from Louise Rennison's Misadventures of Tallulah Casey
She's so funny, awkward and adorable I love her. The first time I read this book I was probably 14 (the same age as her) so I could relate to her in a way. Idk I guess she just grew on me and I can't let her go. Plus we're both tall and skinny (I'm not that tall but 14 yr old me thought otherwise). Why is she my favorite... I do not know really, maybe because we had like 2 similarities and I got attached to her? Because I saw myself in her? I honestly don't know.
Geto Suguru, Jujutsu Kaisen
It's a bit complicated trying to explain this one, obvs his looks reeled me in. But he sort of mirrored a tough phase I went through (It wasn't that tough I'm just dramatic). I'm still trying to understand his character a bit better but here's the gist of what secured him a place in my heart (pls don't eat me up if I'm perhaps misinterpreting some stuff pls 😭) : So we both thought we were the best/strongest at something. Then we got the biggest humbling of our lives. Then we went through an isolation/ depressive phase. And then we got angry/resentful and found someone to pin the blame on. This is where he and I differ bc he pinned the blame on a whole demographic and took the aggressive route (kill them all), and I pinned the blame on myself and took the passive route (self hate, low self esteem and worth etc). Basically a one sided trauma bond?
Tanethu Mdluli, The Amaryllis (it's a book, by an African author,I forgot the name)
She's everything I wanted to be (since I was 13/14). She's the perfect student, daughter, big sister, friend. Her parents are proud of her. She's strong, independent, responsible, smart, kind, aware of what she wants and how she wants it. Is she a bit too rigid ad judgemental yes but idk she's her for me yk. I've loved her since I was young and I desperately wanted to model myself after her (epic fail btw she'd be disappointed)
I'll stop here bc it's a bit long. If you want more I can always add more :)
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ghouls-dream · 5 years
HC: So i decided to do that. For your enterteinment. i presENT YOU: ghost astrology. Papa Nihil - CAPRICORN : Since he is described as a powerful, firm leader with stamina and sexual energy (when younger). He seems to me like the old king in fairytales that refuses to give out his throne, no matter the fact that he's no longer suitable for it. Im not saying he's a bad person or anything, im just pointing out stuff i notice. And thats fine! Control and strictness is what keeps a good order and drives business ahead!
Papa Emeritus I - VIRGO: Now as the oldest one of the Emeritus brothers I strongly do believe he has the most of his father's influence, which doesnt necesserily make him bad or evil at all. In fact he tries his best to transform all the learnt lessons in something productive and useful for the new Papas! Basically helping them grow, teaching and showing them their ways in order for the bloodline to prospere. I imagine his number one mission would have been to fulfill his duty towards the Clergy and hiis father, but as well try to be a good exmaple for II and III.
Papa Emeritus II - ARIES:  He is the middle child. Not too old, not too young but perfect to be between the hammer and the envil. I imagine him as a quick learner, deffintely has a lot from his father's leadership characte (big dick energy i mean), he's always trying to be better and stronger, trying to prove himself, to find his place in the family. Emeeritus II would deffinitely be the problematic child in my eyes, but also very passionate about his little brother - he'd protect him at all cost, which would probably cause HIM a lot of arguments with his father (punishments for instance), but also be extremely respectful towards the Emeritus bloodline.
Papa Emeritus III- SCORPIO: As being the youngest of his brothers, I suppose that III would be full of energy! I think he'll have a lot from his father's sexul energy and stamina, but he'd lack the leadership and strictness, when it comes to ruling. He'd be more of a friend with every single person rather than being their "Boss" (lol). Of course if needed be, III would probably make a good leader and a Papa - he'd do his best to keep everything under control, maybe he'd look for help or seek advice from his older brother so Papa Nihil doesnt think he is not fit for the place. But in general i think he has a soft heart, full of lust and desire. Papa III might be a little manipulative, sassy, flirty and secretive at times but oh well its part of his charm!
Cardinal Copia- LIBRA: Deffinitely a sass machine! He was the character that i was like 100% sure about! Cardi is a soft boi, he aint ashamed of it and he loves showing it to the people around him. His undying love for his rats and his geniuane good character are one of his best traits! Cardi tries his best to prove himself worthy in front of Papa and Imperator, no matter how sceptic the patriarch is. I imagine he'd be the sensitive type that would be in good humor all day, being all goofy and friendly with every single person, while doing his best to fullfil everyone's expectations.. And in the end of the day he'd just lay in his bed, stare at the ceiling and become way too self-critical about everything he had done during the day, which would lead to his hidden anxiety and maybe depression.
GHOULS. ERA 4. Aether- TAURUS: Beefy boi is definitely a Taurus. There is no other sign that fits him more than this one! He's humble, a good friend, really talkative, extremely friendly not only with the other band members, but the audiance as well! Aether gives out the 'big teddy bear' vibe and he's not afraid to show it. He loves a good company, I suppose he'd be one of the good chefs around the ghouls and he'd be more than glad to share this talent of his with the others! I imagine Aether as the jolly sweet friend who's always there to help and is really passionate and protective of the people he loves. Also - really sensitive, even tho he might not show it.
Dewdrop - ARIES: Hyperenergetic, attention loving slut. He's the human form of the word 'firecracker'. Dew is like a magnet for troubles, no wonder why he broke his horn! I suppose he'd have a lot of bruises on his body, maybe even tattooes! He is the sporty type - likes running, hopping, skipping around and most of all - terorizing evey single soul around him. What's more - he is 24/7 aroused and he aint afraid to show it. He's well aware of the fact he intimidates people with his sexually agressive aura and he enjoys every bit of it! Also stomping on stage and the little "guitar battles" he has with Aether sometimes is what keeps his competative spirit alive and in shape!
Rain- CANCER Softboi allert!!! Absolutely no doubt that Rain is a Cancer. He is one of the "quiet" ghouls on stage. He's not a fan of the attention like Dew for instance, he just loves to enjoy what he's doing! The vibe he sends out to the people is also really soft - Rain wants every single person to feel the melody of his bass in their hearts! For him, being a part of the band is like being a part of "God's work" to spread the gorgeous art of music! Rain loves to be surrounded by the people he loves and most deffinitely has anxiety around new people and sometimes on stage. He feels at peace while playing the bass and is also really caring and loving, always trying to make others comfortable around him!
Swiss - LEO: Swiss boi is definitely a Leo. He radiates such a strong sassy, flirty vibe i cant even. He loves dancing (obvs), being in the center of attention but not as much as Dew. While the little jumpy-boi is demanding the crowd's adoration, Swiss just gets it not the agressive way. He just naturally gets all eyes on him with his swift moves, sexy ass body, grea talent and backing voice. He deffinitely is the star "in disguise". I imagine him off stage to be as sassy as on it, but way more flirty when it comes to giving autographs or even talking with someone. He just flirts naturally, he doesnt even need to try!
Mountain - AQUARIUS: IDK why i get this vibe from his. He's a little(lol) dork. I feel like Mountain's the "dad's joke on regular basis" type of friend, who always knows how to cheer up a situation. He's not a fan of being in the sportlight, he enjoys his place. I think he doesnt like arguments or confronting anyone anyhow, much like Rain, but if he has to go out there and defend his opinion or someone else's he'd be more than glad to do so. The civilized way ofc. As much as he loves drumming and all the loud noise around him, i have a feeling that Mountain would love to be left alone in peace after a show, have a walk or just simply take a shower and read some conspiracy theories or his favorite series.
Cummulus PISCES: Girly girly girl VIBES!!! I have a feeling that the short, sweet little ghoulette would be A) a shopaholic and B) your best friend in crime! She's the one serving looks, willing to gosip all the time and most probably try to turn Rain into her own live verison of the Ken-doll. In fact i think they're both really close since they have share a fair amount of common interests like music, small animals, taking care of others etc. I suppose they'd often go for duets or something. Also I think she's the "mother-friend" who apart from being super crazy and ready to do a lot of stuff (brunch, nights out, girly nights with Cirrus and others), Cummulus would be very protective around the people she loves! Also she has a great connection with the fans - they love her and she adores them!
Cirrus - GEMINI: Cirrus is definitely the one that's more "fiery" from the ghoulettes. Her stage presence is showing really well and she loves to communicate with each and every ghoul. In fact if she had the chance, she would get someone from the audiance on stage and jam with them! WHo knows maybe they'd become friends after the ritual? She is one of the ghouls that have the strongest need to be around others. I imagine her being really close to all of the ghouls  (mostly Cummulus ofc) and Cardi, almost as if she's the best friend of the group. Cirrus is definitely the ghoul that spends most of her time on the internet, chatting with fans maybe or simply spending time in tumblr or twitter, sharing her day and creating memes. Also big fan of posting funny photos of the ghouls and Cardi (Dew being super mad about it, tho)!
So uuuh yeah, that really turned out to be longer than i expected, but uuh I hope you like it guys! i did my best and i'll be super glad to hear what you think or even share your opinion on the matter! ILYSM
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