#she sees the stuffed animal he bought me and is like i HAVE to lay next to him
cowardlycowboys · 5 months
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sleepy head
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gh0stsp1d3r · 8 months
IM PROBABLY SO ANNOYING BUT William Afton with like a childish reader? like she loves collecting plushies and still watches shows and is just overall super clingy and bubbly😭😭
No no you’re not annoying I LOVE YR REQUESTS!! Ahhh I love this!! (Because she’s me)
𝒪𝓃ℯ 𝒹𝒶𝓎
a bit ooc! For William, but it’s okay.
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“Hey, bunny. I’m home!” He said, opening the door and kicking off his shoes. He looked around, not seeing you.
He looked down at the pink stuffed rabbit he held for a second and made his way to the room.
“You in here?” He asked, slowly pushing the door open. You were fast asleep on the bed, a show playing in the back. He smiled at the sight. You hugged your stuffed animal tight, something he knew you did when he wasn’t home. And he often came home late.
You were sleeping in his shirt, on his bed, the thought of that made him survive the day. With a quiet laugh, he shook his head to himself and made his way to the closet. He took off his shirt and pants, along with his socks.
He put on a pair of sweatpants and a plain white shirt and carefully got in the bed. Pulling the covers over him, and he put an arm around you.
The next day was his day off, finally. From his “job counseling” and he decided to take a break from the pizzeria. He wanted to spend the whole day with you.
He was up a bit before you, staring at you and smiling as you slept until you woke up.
“Mmm. William?” You mumbled when you woke up, stirring.
“You’re not at work?”
“My day off.” He said quietly, and then he remembered he had bought you another stuffed animal yesterday.
“I bought you something last night, but you were asleep when I came back. Here.” He tried to move his hands around the bed and when he found it, grabbed it and handed it to you. You were now laying on your back.
He smiled when the corners of your mouth turned up. He liked seeing you happy.
“Thank you. I love it.” You messed with the floppy ears on the bunny and turning to him.
He nodded. “Only the best for the best.” He said, standing up from the bed.
“C’mon, I wanna take you out.”
You smiled at that, happy that he was taking the opportunity to do so. You got ready, and you both drove downtown.
First, it was to your favorite breakfast place.
“It’s so good over here, think we should go out more.” He said, chewing on his food.
You giggled at him, nodding in agreement.
Then it was to a few stores. He went to one to grab some things for work, and the rest, he brought you to for you to roam around and pick out whatever you wanted. (It hurt his pockets, but he didn’t mind.)
Then, later in the evening you both were walking along a beach, the beautiful skies made you beam as you both stared at the sunset on a bench, your head resting on his shoulder.
“I wish we could have more days like this.”
“Maybe one day.” He imagined it in his head, the future for the both of you. “One day.” He whispered.
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f10werfae · 1 year
Pregnancy On The Brain
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry x Short!Shy!Wife!Reader
summary: Now that Henry’s successfully knocked up his precious darling wife, he has to keep an extra eye on her and their little miracle (Dom!Henry) (Emotional loving 🥹)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated🫶
Disclaimer: 18+ / Lumberjack!Henry Masterlist / Henry Masterlist / Full Masterlist
“Whas wrong sugar? What’s got my woman all teary” Henry frowned seeing his wife all upset in front of the mirror, her lips pouted and her face flustered. “I-I don’t f-fit into my d-dress anymore” Y/n whined seeing how the lemon printed dress barely made its way up her hips, stitches being ripped the harder she pulled on it. “Oi stop it, there’s nothin’ wrong, especially when there’s more of my bunbun to love on” Henry smirked groping the bits of skin Y/n was complaining about.
“B-but- well maybe I-I should e-exercise with you more?” She pondered looking up at him still visibly upset, in fact her chin was starting to wrinkle up from shaking so much, the new changes in her body clearly causing her distress. Henry could tell by the way her stutter started to make itself more visible. “No way. Precious things like you don’t belong on the heavy equipment sweetpea, you want exercise? Let me fuck your pretty pussy till ya sweat” He smirked bending down to nuzzle his nose with hers, his cock hardening once he saw her giggle n latch onto his bicep with both hands.
“T-That’s so naughty” She whispered cuddling the side of her face into his bicep, his other hand pulling back down the dress till it hit the floor, allowing him to play with her ass easily. “Listen while i’m out collecting log wood today, wan’ you to put on another pretty little dress that I bought ya last week, preferably the lilac one, n’ I want you to make somethin’ nice for us to eat when I get home. Can ya do that for me sugar bun?” He whispered running a finger up and down her cheek, his eyes having a dark glaze over them as he looked down at her.
“Mhm mhm! I can!” Y/n smiled happily, the ingredients for her cherry pie already listed out in her head, her cravings for it suddenly growing ten times in a mere few seconds. “Good n’ when I come home, i’ll have a surprise for ya” He grinned kissing her lips softly, before pulling away and grabbing his baseball cap, blowing kisses at her every two seconds as he walked towards his truck. Leaving his wife to her own special mission, the cherry pie.
“Oh I gotta get the cherries!” Y/n giggled slipping on her shoes, grabbing the wooden basket Henry had gotten her especially for her daily walks. Her face vibrant as she skipped down the secluded lane of their back yard, full of luscious fields, heading towards their cherry trees at the edge of the field. Her lilac dress flowing in the slightly cool breeze, her arms swinging the basket back and forth as she hummed a silly little tune she made up. Her eyes widening as she saw the amount of cherries on the tree, there were so many!
“Wow, y-you guys have all grown! Thank y-you so much” She said adorably picking a handful of sweet cherries from one branch, carefully grabbing her glass jar from the basket and plopping them in until it was full. “Well, I suppose it won’t hurt to taste one of ya” She whispered pulling out her blue blanket she always kept in her basket for emergency picnics, her several glass jars of cherries sitting snug inside the basket, while she lay down munching on her home grown fruits.
She still remembers the day she had complained to Henry about his poor eating habits and demanded he bought her seeds for her own plants; now here she was basically nurturing her own garden of babies, ranging from apples all the way to carrots.
‘That one looks like bonnie the rabbit’ Y/n thought looking up at the scarce white clouds flying overhead, her stuffed animal back home looking like one of them, then another looked like Henry’s axe and then one looked like a cherry. “Oh my phone, m-musta left it at home” She giggled realising, her hand reaching for the missing phone to try and take a picture to send to Henry. The warm sun gracing her face, distant sounds of birds providing a sweet lullaby, one which she slowly fell asleep to.
Meanwhile… Henry on the other hand was just about ready to head home, like clockwork he checked his babygirl’s location on life 360, smirking to himself to see that she had stayed at home like she said she would. Heading off back through the country in his pickup truck, he stopped off at a pharmacy by the gas station, picking up his surprise gift for his bunbun; one he knew would solidify their relationship forever. His body sweaty and hot, even though he was wearing baggy jeans a vest, his body painted with a light golden tan.
“Home sweet home” He whispered to himself, dusting off before going inside, remembering how much his precious wife despises their home being messy; Henry still smiles at the memory of her showing her domestic side, how she wouldn’t let him leave without breakfast and would always pack him lunches. Henry on the other hand wouldn’t let her go anywhere unless it was him driving her, after all what else was his purpose other than to look after his naive lover.
“Sugar pie, where are ya?” He shouted throwing his vest off to the side, his boots thundering against the creaky wooden floorboards, his steps leading him into the kitchen; the ingredients for her famous cherry pie laid out on the counter. But no Y/n. His nostrils flared seeing her iphone left beside the ingredients, who knows how long she’s been gone?
‘Did she really fuckin’ leave?’ Was Henry’s first thought, the veins on his neck popping out purely just from the thought, no wonder her tracker hadn’t moved once. Although the thought of her leaving dissipated once he saw Marly the cat coming inside from the fields, their backdoor was left wide open, the sunshine peeking in gratefully. “Ah the fields, the fuckin’ fields” Henry chuckled shaking his head, course she was out there, he knew how much his wife loved exploring the great outdoors; bringing him different coloured rocks and pebbles, watching giddily as he’d place them on the mantle as if they were to be treasured. And they were, because she got them for Him.
Walking out the backdoor he started off walking down the lane, the meadows further away shining green and healthily, but nothing deterred Henry from finding his little love.
Stopping at the start of the line of trees, he saw her, clearly snoring away on her soft picnic blanket; her basket full of jars of cherries beside her. Henry scoffed and smirked seeing just how silly she was, but he couldn’t blame her, not with her current condition. Looming over her figure, she whined and whimpered before opening her eyes fully, a sleepy smile gracing her lips when she realised it was none other than her husband.
“You fuckin’ scared me baby, didn’t know what ta do without ya, ya left your phone n’ everythin’” Henry whispered hunkering down onto his knees, watching as she slowly sat up, her face all puffy and sun-kissed from her nap. “m-m’ sorry I-I forgot it n’ I was too b-busy lookin’ at the clouds a-and”
“s’okay baby, your man knows, can’t blame ya for a little forgetfulness” He chuckled darkly, seeing how sleepy she still was, guiding her to hop onto his back while he gathered up her blanket and basket. “Missed you s-so much” She whispered kissing his back softly as he whistled a tune, “Ah was only gone for around three hours sugar” He chuckled walking down the smooth path, their large luxurious cabin coming into sight. “I-I know that, but I missed you a-anyway” She sighed rubbing her head against his warm back, her eyes threatening to close over once again.
“n’ I missed your pretty pussy-“
“My What!” Y/n’s eyes shot open at her husband’s vulgar words, his back vibrating from his chuckles travelling through, “n’ your tits and your-“
“Stop i-it that’s embarrassing and t-they ain’t pretty mister” She whined kicking her legs which were in his hands, his footsteps stopping abruptly with a deep sigh, “What do I gotta do to prove to you, that I think you’re fuckin’ sexy as hell, n’ I have to stop myself from whipping my cock out everytime I see ya smile” He grunted lifting her up a bit higher before continuing on down the trail, “W-whippin’ your wha out?!” She giggled loudly, her chin resting on his shoulder as she looked at his face from the side.
Henry smirked turning his head to the side, capturing her lips with his, his tongue reaching out for hers but quickly retracting once she wanted more. The tease. “You’re such a m-meanie, no more kissies for you” She grunted moving back to rest against his back, his hand leaving her leg to reach back and spank her ass with a pop; her body jerking up with an excited squeal.
“Try that again sweetheart n’ we’ll see what happens” He growled finally stepping into the cooler cabin, setting her down on top of their counters, beside his plastic bag from the pharmacy which had her small present. “I-is my present in here?!” She said excitedly picking up the bag, only to pout when Henry pulled it away from her grumpily.
“I dunno if you deserve it honey, ya worried me today, had me thinkin’ ya left your man up ‘ere in the mountains” He ‘tsk’ed and caged her in with an arm on each side of her, his nose rubbing up and down her cheek sensually, her hands fisting his shirt desperately as she pouted. “I-I dunno what happened H-hen, I swear! M-m jus’ forgetful nowadays” She whimpered nuzzling into his chest like a kitten, her legs caged around his waist, her face dipping down to place kisses onto his neck and up his chin.
“Alright alright fine, since you wan’ it so badly” He smirked cupping her face and kissing her nose, his hands reached into the bag and pulled out the small box, a clearblue box. “Ya know what this is bunny don’t ya?” Taking out the small stick and twirling it in his hands, he passed it to his wife, who was visibly shocked and shaken at what he’d just given her. “A-a pregnancy test?” She whispered looking at the foreign object, was this the condition Henry was talking about?
“I wan’ you to take it for me babybun, see if we have our present in there already” He smirked nipping her lip playfully, his hand rubbing over the bottom of her stomach affectionately, her small gasps filling his ears. “I-is this why my dresses d-don’t fit?”
“Find out n’ see baby” He smiled taking her hand in his, and pulling her into their large bathroom, with a bathtub big enough to fit four people at the most. “W-will you stay with me? M-m scared” She whimpered pulling up the skirt of her dress, her face flustered at the thought of him watching her pee, but then again this wouldn’t be the first time. There’d been multiple times where he’d simply barge into the toilet while she was in there, just for his routine goodbye kiss before work.
“Don’t worry sugar pie, m’not leavin’, not now and not ever” He smiled, almost sickly, his hands holding onto hers, quite comical because his wife was simply peeing yet needed all the support possible. “Alright pass it over ‘ere” He said watching her finish up, the test still in her shaky hands. “N-no way it’s full of my pee” She gasped horrified putting it down onto the counter herself, turning to distract herself by washing her hands.
Those three minutes felt like utter hell for them both, with Y/n ultimately sitting on Henry’s lap whilst he was on the toilet cover, his voice softly shushing her small whimpers and nervous hiccups as she looked at the test left on the table. “S’okay pretty girl, daddy will look after ya both” Kissing her neck wetly he could already feel her pussy throbbing at his words, even during a nerve wracking situation like this, a life altering moment.
“Ya promise?” Holding his deep blue eyes, her own looked glossy and scared, her hands fiddling with his fingers erratically. “I pinky promise” Linking their fingers together he kissed her lips softly, her head pushing forward wanting to deepen it, she missed three hours worth of his kisses today; she was not having it!
Although their little kiss session was interrupted by the beep of the timer on Henry’s phone, Y/n jumping up to her feet and leaning her head over to look at the plastic stick, her breath hitching in her throat. “what does a cross mean?” Her voice came out dry and hoarse, and for once not a stutter was in sight, she knew what it meant. “My gorgeous little wife is pregnant, with my baby” He smiled to himself still sitting on the toilet cover, he already knew the result, months of vitamins and unprotected sex would eventually have lead to this; all it took was some time.
“I-i’m gonna be a mommy?” Her hand softly slid down to cup the slight pouch on her stomach, her fingers grazing over her fabric slowly, a small smile finding its way onto her cace. “I-i’m gonna be a mommy!”
“mhm, so prouda ya babygirl” Henry smirked feeling up her thigh, his hand going up to grope her bare ass, his new baby momma still coming to terms with the fact she was carrying their little life; yet all he wanted to do was to fuck her good, and if he could he would knock her up again. The idea of his wife all round and big, full of him, got him so hot and bothered, her tits all swollen along with her belly, safely housing their own miracle.
“H-how do we know when i-it’s comin?”
“I’ll sort all that out baby, ya don’t need to worry your pretty self, after-all ya got pregnancy on the brain. Don’t want ya forgettin’ anythin” He cooed standing up to kiss her forehead, his arms enveloping her against him, feeling her nod and relax in his arms. All according to his plan.
After he was finally able to get her to come to bed with him, he found her hands naturally gravitating towards her stomach, her protective maternal instincts already kicking in so early. “I-if we have a g-girl can we name it a-after a flower?” She asked innocently looking up at him, her hands on top of his, on her stomach. “N’ what if it’s a boy babybun?” He chuckled kissing the tip of her nose, “I dunno haven’t t-thought of it yet! Stop stressin’ me out!” She whined almost inaudibly as Henry murmured sweet soft apologies, his lips coating the side of her face in gentle kissies, her favourite.
“T-thought you said you was sleepy” She whispered wrapping her arms around his neck, caressing his nape as he continued to plant little love bites on his lover, his kisses leaving her all hot and bothered. “I am, wasn’t lyin’” Henry pulled back quirking his eyebrow, “T-then tell it to calm down, o-or else ya won’t be able to sleep” Y/n said shyly pointing at the tent starting to grow in Henry’s trousers, ignoring the fact that Henry had basically bunched her dress up to her breasts, his fingers rubbing over her slick wet folds.
“Why don’t you tell my pussy to calm down” He grumbled rubbing her own slickness all over her, acting as if it was lube, his fingers greedily pinching her swollen jutted out clit. “Y-you started it! baby, tell your d-daddy to stop bein silly” She whined looking down and rubbing her still stomach, even though there was still no dramatic visible growth, the potential of it made her emotional and excited.
Licking into her mouth Henry held the back of her neck gently, both of her hands still on her stomach, while his other hand was busy messing with her second set of lips. Tugging, rubbing and spanking at her sensitive button, causing her body to jolt and shiver into the kiss, her tongue actively sucking on his passionately. Her chin slowly growing wet and slick, both of them not caring at how much filth there was. Kissing her sensually one more time he pushed her fully onto her back, his knees straddling her.
“Oh baby I hope they got your eyes, gon’ have me wrapped round their lil finger jus’ like their momma” He groaned seeing her just batting her eyelashes at him, a mischievous smile on her face as she felt up his torso, “I-I wan’ them to look l-like their daddy, s-so handsome” She whispered looking away from his eyes shyly. His hands now pulling the dress up fully over her head, giving her tits a bounce and grope; his voice chuckling deeply in her ear as he licked up her neck, “You’re so g’damn sexy, can’t wait to see ya all full of me, walkin’ around so everyone knows I pumped ya full of my cum”
“mhm s-so dirty” Whimpering and writhing, she felt his fingers go back down to her slick centre, the tip of his cock slapping against her clit roughly, almost imitating the spank of a hand. “Aw baby, we both know you’re the dirty one here, weren’t ya the one beggin’ me to kiss your pretty little pussy the other day?”
“Y-you said if I needed help w-with the tingles ya would help” She whined feeling the head of his shaft slip through her sensitive folds, his nestle of curls at the base of his dick softly scratching against her button, his heavy balls sitting against her swollen lips. His length slowly slipping in through her puffy pussy, both of them sighing out in relief and pleasure as he bottomed out inside of her; Y/n’s hands cupping his face to keep his forehead on hers, nuzzling their noses together for comfort like they always did.
“Gah hav’ knocked ya up and you’re still so tight, almost like when ya were a virgin honey” Henry growled pecking her pouty lips, her voice whining at his choice of words, her legs securely wrapped around his waist. “You take me so well honey, could fuck your pregnant pussy all day n’ night if a could”
“W-well you can, y-you jus’ don’t” She snarked back, clearly regretting her decision straight after when Henry quirked his brow at her, making her shut up in a mere few seconds. “Say that again n’ i’ll tie ya to the bed, won’t be leavin’ since ya want me to play with my pussy so much” He teased thrusting in and out at a slow pace, his one hand cupping her face, while the other toyed with her nipples. “Can’t wait to see these pretty tits fill up with milk, I already know it’ll taste as sweet as you do sugar pie, you’ll let me have a taste won’t ya?”
Small mewls left her slightly opened lips, her eyes widen open and already glimmering with tears as Henry slowly moved their position, where he was now spooning her, their hips smacking together to create a lewd sound. “Mhmhm” She moaned pushing her tits together just for him, knowing how much he adored just simply looking at them, sometimes he’d even hide her bras just so she’d walk about their home, her pebbles nipples poking through the fabric.
“So gorgeous, my pretty wife” He smirked leaning over and spitting right onto the valley between her breasts, hearing her squeak as he watched her massage his spit onto her globes, she was so dirty for him; only him. Before she had met Henry, Y/n L/n would never have even stepped a foot out of line, and now she was the one making the line. Hugging onto her, he kissed her shoulders and back so affectionately, he wanted to make her cum. “I-I love you so much pretty girl, ya make me so happy, you n’ our lil’ miracle” He moaned feeling her clench around him, his hand reaching over to momentarily slap her breasts together, before reaching down and drawing figure eights on her button.
Hearing no reply he looked over to see tears filing down her face continuously, her lip hidden between her teeth as she bit down harshly, her hands fisting the sheets tightly to keep her from squealing at how deep he was going. “What’s wrong bunny? Am I hurtin’ ya?” He said slowing down, concern lacing his voice as his rough calloused hands felt up her sides. “N-no, a-am jus’ really happy, love you too hubby” She smiled blinking away a few stray tears as she turned her head to face him, her tongue outstretched already waiting to tangle around his, muffled squeals leaving her lips as she felt him return back to his rhythm.
“I’m close babybun, ya wanna cum with me?” He asked breaking away from their kiss with a peck, their lips still touching as he spoke, her eyes staring up at his softly but intensely, her head nodding; her lips wanting nothing more than to his his soft ones. Thank God she had forced him to start wearing lip balm.
Y/n found herself clawing onto his arm that was wrapped around her waist, her teeth clenched, sobs wrecking through her body purely just because she felt so loved and so intimate. Henry’s warm cum flooding her almost instantly as she herself felt his fingers rub her button at the same time, her hole clenching around him for the last time, giving out once she let out a raspy breath.
“Did so good for me sugar plum, don’t worry I gotcha, ya can rely on me” He whispered kissing the shell of his ear, feeling her clench around him a few more times before pulling out slowly to not make her uncomfortable. After a few silent seconds of Henry combing her hair back with his fingers, his soft voice shushing her quiet sobs as he rocked her back and forth against his body.
Henry couldn’t help but worry, he’d never seen his precious give such an emotional reaction, had he pushed her too far? She hadn’t used her safe-word ‘cherry’ so he had assumed she was still okay during their intense love-making session. The tiny tattoo of a ‘H’ on the back of her neck receiving wet kisses while he waited for her to calm down.
“Hold on pretty, m’jus’ gonna run us a bath alright?” Receiving nothing but a shake of a head and a ‘don’t leave me a-alone’ He smiled picking her up against his still nude body, sitting her on top of the counter as he filled up the tub with warm water, making sure to put in some of lavender bubbles she adored so much to relax in.
“c’mere sugar, don’t worry i’m here too” He whispered helping her step into the purple coloured water, letting her sit sideways on his lap, her head laying on his shoulder; that’s how big their bath tub is.
“M-m sorry for bein’ a crybaby, I didn’t mean it” She whispered lifting her head up to kiss his beard covered cheek, her energy clearly spent and gone.
“Don’t you ever apologise for bein’ you, what’d I tell ya? If you’re cryin’, i’m here, if you’re angry then i’m here, you’re happy then i’m here. This is for life sweets, nothin’ is gonna put me off ya I promise. Well except sometimes ya stink but-“
“Stop it!” She said smiling a little, Henry’s heart lightening a little seeing her vibe jolt up a bit in comparison to earlier. “Now that i’ve seen that beautiful smile a’ yours, care to share what’s buggin’ my wife so much?”
“I-it really was nothin’ bad. Was jus’ thinkin’ about how- how happy I am w-with you. W-When I think back to when I was 17, I-I was always so worried i’d end up un-unloved because of my problems; but y-you’ve never made me feel like a burden, n’ now w-we’re havin’ a baby together” She smiled finishing her explanation, looking up at Henry with a blissful smile on her face, her hands bringing his to her stomach, “O-our baby” She giggled wiggling excitedly on his lap,
“There’s no other woman on this Earth i’d rather have a baby with-“
“So i-if an alien”
“Shut it you. Let me continue my speech to you now that you’ve done yours” He chuckled sprinkling water in her face playfully, “You’re the one for me, n’ you’d never be a burden because I want to bother with you, I want everything with ya. Gah, you’re just fuckin’ irresistible n’ I don’t think I can live without ya. I don’t know what piece a shit has said things to ya but, you’re my precious sugar plum princess. In our little world, right up ‘ere where no one can get us, I promise to keep ya n’ our little miracle safe. Cause you’re both mine n’ i’m not afraid to show it” He finished, twirling the wedding band round her finger, his eyes staring at her; simply smiling she leant forward connecting their lips together, “N’ y-you’re mine”
PSA: I really am proud of this piece, and hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it 🫶
Library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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Hope you all have a lovely week🫶
Can’t wait to write more dad!lumberjack!Henry xoxo Fae
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eggcompany · 4 months
Baby Cas and his Owl
Uncle Sammy gives Little!Castiel a big stuffed owl and oh boy, it sparks something in Castiel. Dean is really in it now because these Shemllow things? Cas loves em
“Okay baby, time for uncle Sammy’s gift. Say thank you.” Dean smiled at his baby.
His birthday boy. It was Cas’s birthday and everyone had come around earlier when he was still being a big boy. Only a few people waited until after everyone else left so they could give the babe presents. Sam, Gabriel, Charlie, Uncle Noodle (Garth) and of course Papa Bobby.
Charlie got him a new white button up for Big Cas and a new bumble bee bath headband for little Cas. Papa got Cas a box of socks and a new blanket. Uncle Noodle got him some knick knacks and a few new movies. Gabriel got Cas a bath set and some pajamas because little Cas loves pajamas and wears his out frequently. Sam got him some baking pans and now this gift. This was the last gift before daddy’s. But daddy said he had to get his in private.
“Tank coo” Cas said as his daddy handed him a big box wrapped in yellow wrapping paper. Uncle Sammy was sitting next to Dean on Cas’s left. Cas clumsily tore away the paper to reveal a plain brown box. He popped the top off of it and reached inside.
He touched something very very soft and excitedly grabbed and pulled the kinda hefty object up and out.
Cas let out a big loud squeal at the sight! He pulled out a big blue squishy soft owl plush! Cas automatically pulled it close to him and hugged it.
“Woah Sam, where’d you find that?” Dean asked as he leaned over to his brother. Sam was smiling happily as he watched Cas look and pet and rub his face on the new plushy.
“Seen it online. They’re like really popular. Squishmallow or something like that. Good for sensory sensitive kids. Everyone loves em” Sam said to his brother who nodded. Dean would have to check it out.
Cas was currently cooing lightly and rubbing his face on the new toy. He just started really liking stuffed animals.
“Daddy! Daddy! Look at what Uncle got me! Owl! Owl!” Cas said lifting up the almost two foot tall toy to Dean.
“I see baby! You like it?” Dean said in his daddy voice which was just lighter and not as harsh.
“Love it! Thank you Uncle Sam! Thank you! Thank you!” Cas said and got up from his seat in the floor to run over and engulfed his uncle in a big hug. Sam hugged back and patted Cas’s back.
“You’re welcome, Little Man.” Sam said and Cas went back to his pile of gifts and gift wrapping trash smiling holding his new favorite thing.
Soon enough Dean learned that Cas really likes his owl. Cas called it Owl and Owl went everywhere with him. Everywhere.
Getting changed after an accident? Owl would sit on the changing table. Getting a bath? Owl sat on the floor next to the door as to not get wet. Eating a snack after coloring? Owl had its own plate and would usually get one of whatever Cas was eating (Cas would eat owls food too but he didn’t tell daddy that). When Cas was watching Tv or coloring or doing anything at all, Owl would sit next to him.
Big Cas even still liked the thing. “I like the color” Cas would claim as he carefully sat the toy on their bed at night or after he finished making the bed in the mornings.
Three months after Owl joined the family Cas got another gift. This one from Charlie. She walked into the basement of the Novak-Winchester residence holding a big brown box.
“Little Bumble, I got something for you!” She called out. Dean followed her down the stairs to where Cas and Owl was laying on his back in just a pull up and big yellow hoodie watching Total Drama Island. Cas perked up and sat up.
“Hi ‘arlie” Cas said behind his fingers which where almost permanently place in his mouth no matter how many pacifiers and teethers Dean bought.
“Hey come here I got you something.” Charlie sat down on the couch a little ways away from the TV.
Cas wobbly crawled over to her and sat on his butt in front of her on the floor. Dean stood in the door way watching.
“Here we go. Daddy over there already cut the tape so you can go ahead!” Charlie said looking over at Dean smiling. Cas got all wiggly excited and pulled at the box flaps. He gasped at what was inside.
“It like Owl! Cow! Cow!” Cas squealed and pulled the squishy cow plush to his chest he rolled over onto his back and stretched to grab Owl.
“Lookie Daddy! Owl hab friend!” Cas was squealing and rolling with joy holding the two plushies. Charlie was glowing.
“You like it, Bumble?” Charlie asked even though she knew the answer.
“Love it! Love it! Love it! Thank you thank you thank you!” Charlie was then smushed a bit by a quite large baby and his two favorite plushies.
“Hey baby you know Charlie can’t hold you like that.” Dean rushed over. Charlie wouldn’t say a word but Cas was too heavy.
Cas slipped off her lap and onto the couch beside her.
“Sorry” Cas said but didn’t quit smiling and holding his toys.
“I’m so happy you like it!” Charlie said to Cas while looking at Dean.
Now MooMoo sat with Owl. Everywhere. Cas would show everyone the two plushies whenever anyone came over.
Everyone knew Cas LOVED them. And Dean sensed soon the babe would have many more of these shmellow things.
Papa brought him a lion with a fuzzy mane.
Gabriel brought him a big fat pink cat.
Garth got him a green dinosaur with orange spikes down it’s back.
But Dean? Dean was the worst of all. He got Cas every single squashmallow he saw.
Soon Cas had his nursery filled up with the things. Small ones to play with and bigger ones he cuddles and big huge round ones that he uses as pillows all perfectly soft. When Cas was grumpy and fighting littlespace Dean would go to their bedroom and get Cas’s Owl. It never failed to put Cas into a floaty and happy headspace.
Cas ended up with well over thirty little animals. And when they brought home another baby named Jack... well Cas shared.
All except Owl and MooMoo.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
imagine girly yanderes,,,
girly yanderes who get away with much more than a regular yandere could because theyre just so friendly and cute. No one questions the sugary sweet, loveable popular person when people go missing. No one questions it when they see them dragging something big and heavy to the dump, in fact, they offer to help because a sweet young thing like them shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting!
girly yanderes who tremble a bit when they do your makeup because they can feel your breath on their face, tickling their peach fuzz, able to finally appreciate your beauty up close without looking weird, feeling barely able to breathe because your just so close, so trusting, so vulnerable, it makes them want to do horrible things. you're just so close, just one slip and they'd finally be able to feel your soft lips against theirs... (you have no idea what you do to me..)
girly yanderes who borrow your chapstick and instead of giving it back to you, they just hand you a replacement they bought weeks ago for this exact moment. (i got an exact replica of the one you gave me, just with a bit more of my DNA on it.) hyperventilating later at the indirect kisses being exchanged without your knowledge, replaying the image of your lips coming into contact with the chapstick they covered in kisses just. for. you.
girly yanderes who use their social status to ruin the lives of the people who even glance at you for a second too long. “I heard she has herpes.” “Doesn’t their dad always stare at girls?” “Well, I heard he fucked his cousin!” “I saw them following some kid home, next day they were covered in scratches. I wonder what happened...”  "I passed her during gym and she smelled like rotting, sweaty cheese.. I threw up after words!" "Just don't tell anyone I told you about this, okay? I'd hate for their reputation to get ruined.."
girly yanderes who listen to pop music, humming along while they scrub the blood off their jeans, makeup a little runny and smudged from the humidity and sweat of a fresh fight, muscles aching, fresh bruises and scratches all over their body. They silently relished in the idea of you frowning when you eventually saw the wounds and eventually taking care of them, those gentle hands of yours applying a bandaid on the scratches, gently kissing the bruises, hugging them to comfort them. They wouldn't even have to tell you the truth! You would fill in the blanks with some sob story and they wouldn't even have to say a word. (i don't enjoy making you worry, really, but it's hard to correct you when you keep looking at me like that...)
girly yanderes who lay in bed, legs swinging, giggling as they scribble your name over and over into a notebook with the pen you gave them when you first met. Pictures of you surround them, covering their walls, clothes you’ve lent them covering their pillows and stuffed animals, your favorite deodorant sitting on their dresser along with every small thing you’ve ‘gifted’ them. the toothbrush you used when you slept over, locks of your hair they took when you asked them to trim your hair, every single chapstick they’ve taken from you, socks, underwear, hair ties, notes, anything you wouldn’t miss too much. the underwear and socks were a low move but they were old and worn out and seeing your flushed face when you stepped out of the locker room, awkwardly adjusting yourself in your clothes, it was just so worth it. (you were so cute, so worried someone would notice you didn't have underwear on but don't worry. only you and i knew, i made sure of it.)
girly yanderes who can’t ever sleep when you sleep over, eyes wide and unblinking as they watch your stomach slowly rise and fall with each breath. they had put just a bit of melatonin in your last drink, had an entire crisis about it before you came over. ‘I won’t be able to have late night talks with them but I rarely get the opportunity to watch them sleep, see them so unguarded.. And I wouldn’t be a good future lover if I ruined their sleep schedule!’ In the end, they decided to ‘drug’ you later in the night, after a few rounds of truth or dare, never have I ever, a few movies and obviously a couple of emotional late night talks where you admitted to some of your deeper secrets and they admitted to having a massive crush on someone but refused to reveal on who. "You know who.."
girly yanderes who do cheerleading, developing durable, strong muscles and enough endurance to run down and cut the throat of the football player who winked at you, suffocate the nerd that flushed when you smiled at them, bash the head of another cheerleader who stupidly admitted to having a crush on you after a game. they only felt a little guilty because those poor people didn't understand what they were getting into when they fell for you but a warning had to be sent.
You belonged to someone else xoxo <3
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blurryvxntage · 1 year
okay vintage, please hear me out. dad!sapnap sharing his excitement and interest for pokémon with his kid/kids. maybe opening a pack of cards with them, or showing them his card collection from when he was younger. i think it would be the most precious moment ever :(
i fully believe dad!sapnap would try to get his kids to like everything he liked as a kid so he could relive his childhood.. also i don’t know anything about pokémon or the rarity of cards so i tried my best lmao
Sapnap always tried to include his kids in his interests. There were many times when he let his son sit in his lap while playing valorant or he and his daughter played minecraft on the playstation together. He most recently got his daughter into Pokémon cards. It was no longer a surprise when he randomly showed up at home with a few packs for her to open.
“Love bugs? I brought home gifts!” He called from the doorway.
His daughter, Lila, came running down the stairs. She was just a hair short of four years-old. She was at the age where she started to understand the games that her dad played, which made her all the more interested. She still didn’t fully grasp card games but she was just happy to get presents.
His son slowly made his way down the stairs behind his sister. Peter was a bit over one year-old. Still learning how to catch his balance and putting together small sentences.
Sapnap kept the bag in one arm, scooping Peter up in the other. The little boy tried to peer into the bag to see his gift. “Let’s go in the living room and then you can see what I got you!” Sapnap told them.
The three of them sat on the carpet, Lila impatiently waiting to see what Sapnap pulled out. He set Peter in his lap, opening the bag.
“Okay first thing is…” He drew out the suspense. He quickly pulled his arms out of the bag to reveal two stuffed animals. “Snorlax and Jigglypuff!”
The two kids eyes lit up at the sight of plushes. Peter reached out for Jigglypuff, pulling the character into his arms to hug. Sapnap handed the other one to Lila.
“But I wanted that one!” Lila pointed at the toy in her brothers hands. She was struggling with sharing and not always getting her way, something she was learning how to cope with.
“You got Snorlax, he’s good too! And I got you something else.” Sapnap smiled, pulling out a few pokémon packs.
Lila didn’t understand how pokémon actually worked. She watched the cartoons with her dad so she knew they battled each other. She was only really interested in the cool art and animals on the cards.
She reached forward to tear one open, laying the cards out infront of her. She made sure to give time to every card, fully taking in how the characters looked. She picked up a Mew to show it to Sapnap. In the process the card bended in her hands, causing her dad to cringe at the sight.
They went through the rest of the packs. In one of the packs they found a full art Blastoise. Sapnap gasped, taking the card to inspect it. “You have to be careful with this one, sweetie” He warned her.
When they were done ogling at the cards, Lila put them into a nice stake infront of her. “Can we put these in my binder?”
“Of course, honey.” He picked up Peter and the stuffed animals, following Lila to her room.
When Sapnap first started giving his daughter pokémon cards he made sure to give the girl her own binder with card holders. She had quite a collection, her dad put all of her cards safely in storage.
She started adding the new ones in, Sapnap helping her. When Sapnap saw the rare Blastoise, he quietly slipped it into his hoodie pocket. She couldn’t tell the difference and Sapnap didn’t have this card yet, so what he was taking from his kid.. He bought the cards anyway.
Lila took her time putting every one in the holders. “All done!” She smiled, jumping up to hug Sapnap.
He pulled her into a hug, falling back on the floor for both his kids to pile on top of him. “I love pokémon’s, dad.” She smiled, picking up her plushe to play with on her dads chest.
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awmancreeper · 1 year
ミ★Just Say You Love me </3 . 22 - His Sky
--★ Kai’s friends roast him for not being in a relationship since he was 12. While Y/n tries to avoid getting into a relationship every week. One day Kai spots a familiar girl hiding in a tree finding out she was hiding from her 2nd confession that week. After hearing the university’s IT girl struggles Hyuka comes up with a plan.
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!!Written Parts!!
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He sat on the floor across the large rabbit plush that lay on his couch. Kai admired the cuteness of the soft plush. ‘How can something be so adorable?’ he thought smiling at it, it was gifted to him from y/n when he went to the amusement park with her a couple of days ago.
Y/n, the girl that had captured the boy's mind since the first time he’s ever seen her. Kai’s smile grew at the thought of you, realizing you were a lot like the plush. Soft, cuddly, and cute. He laughed at that and reached out for the stuffy but just like the stuffy he had forced you to buy it.
Kai’s hand froze his smile fell soon after. He had forced you to buy the plush.
“Oh come on it’s cute” kai gushed holding the molang stuffy close to him “it is but it’s too expensive,” you told him but he shoved the soft bunny in your face causing you to laugh. “I would’ve bought it for myself but I kinda spent all my money” he grumbled looking at the delicate necklace that sat on your neck. You huffed “fine I’ll buy it, but-“
He stood frozen thinking, you are a lot like this plush; forced on him by himself. Soon the butterflies Kai felt turned into an aching pain that traveled to his heart. He hugged his knees and stared at the bunny.
Kai felt dumb for being happy about a fake relationship, felt selfish for acting like he didn’t have alternative motives. He felt ignorant for thinking it could be more. He was your friend after all, he knew your perspective on love. You found it embarrassing and even felt emphatic towards those who fell for it.
The last month you’ve spent together started to feel stupid to him, you ranted to him because you knew no matter how hard of a wall you put up he’d always seem to crack it or at least looked over it. Kai knew you only saw him as a good friend even though he craved more.
Although you were just friends, that didn’t stop his heart from skipping a beat when he heard you laugh, or his cheeks heat up when you tease him, or the sworn of butterflies he gets from you just calling his name. You really were like the sky to him, out of his reach.
The room around him felt dark and lonely as he continued to stare at the plush when his phone rang from across the room. His body twitched to retrieve it but he didn’t move. It’s like he was waiting for this stuffed animal to move; afraid if he looked away he’d miss it. Was he really that stupid to think you’d fall for him, I mean Kai’s known you since the beginning of high school but to you, you met in your second year of university. Why would you ever pay attention to him, and why start now? Thoughts began to override Kai’s mind as his phone kept buzzing.
Would you ever fall for someone like him? His heart ached while he stood up walking over to the couch. Kai picked up the stuffy gripping it in his hand. He felt guilty for how angry he felt towards the plush. It wasn’t the bunny’s fault Kai had false hope for you.
He walked over to a built-in cupboard where he stored extra blankets and shoved the stuffy into it not wanting to see it any longer. It was symbolic to him, resembling his feelings, it was better to hide them so that way they won’t bother him. Out of sight, out of mind. He closed the cupboard door when another phone buzz brought Kai back.
The tall boy walked over to his phone and his heart jumped.
Snookums 💫🌷(I DID IT)
5 iMessages
Why does his heart get so excited for you? He looked back over at the closet, was it wrong that he wanted to be more? Was a simple cupboard strong enough to hold back his feeling? For some reason, Kai wanted to find out.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
33 - What's Enough Proof?
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Part 34
Country Rancher
Tags @whateverthecostner @rosie-posie08 @kaycejdutton @kayceduttonn @kcloveswrestling @the-morning-star-falls @kaymudd @hcwthewestwaswcn @hcllfireandhclywater
Walking up from the barn the lights were on inside the main house which I found strange since it was past dinner time. I decided to go on a sunset ride just needing to be outside so I didn’t have to remember that I was raising a five year old on my own. “Little Be you’re supposed to be in bed.” I noticed her sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace.
“Grandpa gives me milk.” She replied in her childish voice with a tired smile.
She was cuddling with her little brown pony stuffed animal that I had bought before she was born. She was laying underneath a cameo blanket where I could see she was almost about to go to sleep. “Well I am happy to see that you like your grandpa. He’s pretty cool.”
“Sorry Y/n. She came into my bedroom saying she wasn’t tired. So I thought about making her some warm milk. It usually would put me to sleep when I wasn’t tired.” John came around the corner from the kitchen holding a light green coffee cup sitting beside her.
Sitting on the other side of my daughter intertwining my hands together my eyes locked onto his. “It’s fine John. It usually takes me almost an hour to put her down for bed. So any trick you have I’ll gladly take.”
He holds the cup so Bree could just slowly take sips and not burn her hands. Her eyes began to fall closed so I rose to my feet gently picking her up over my shoulder and her pony too. “She’s precious Y/n. Every time I look at her I can only imagine that my wife would have loved her and you.”
He followed me into Bree’s bedroom watching me lay her down under the covers. Kissing her forehead I softly closed her door behind me careful not to wake her up. “I bet I would have enjoyed her like I do you, Mr. Dutton. There’s only one thing I am certain of..I want her to have a better life than I did. Even though her daddy has left us.”
“No matter what my son has done, this is a promise Y/n. You and Bree will always have a place here. I won’t abandon you and my granddaughter.” He opened his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him. He squeezed me back gently mumbling into my ear. “This family doesn’t abandon anyone willing to fight with and for us.”
I had no choice but to put all the kids in the truck following my husband back to the main house. I couldn’t let him beat the crap out of one of his father’s ranch hands. Now Carter was the father of my grandchild. Hitting the brakes when we pulled in the driveway I turned to my eldest instructing her. “Bree, I want you to listen to me right now. Take your brother and sister inside the house and no matter what you hear you don’t come out.”
“What are you going to do, mom? I should be the one handling it. He is mad at me for what I said.” Bree responded in disappointment.
Grasping her hands in mine I tucked some hair behind her ear for her. “No sweetheart, it's not your job. I am your mother so I will take care of this. Just watch out for your siblings alright.”
“Mommy!” Dallas called out from the backseat before Bree helped the two twins out of the truck dragging them by the arm inside the main house.
Gripping the steering wheel in my hands I bend my head down laying it there for a few minutes. I honestly thought Kayce and I would’ve been past these little fights. The ones that the kids had to see which always makes me feel guilty. Getting out of the truck I could hear a commotion coming from one of the fenced areas where we broke in new horses. “Come here you little idiot. You’ve got some explaining to do on why you had to get my daughter pregnant!”
Shooting my gaze off into the distance Lloyd and the others that had stayed at the ranch were coming back from the long nights work. “Ms. Y/n, what is Kayce arguing with the kid about. I don’t think I have ever seen him this mad.” Lioyd dismounts his horse walking over to me.
“The short version is that Bree is pregnant and Carter is the father. Now Kayce just found out and he is furious with him. He wouldn’t listen to us when we said that Carter said he wouldn’t leave Bree and the baby like Kayce did me.” Shrugging my shoulders I wiped my head around hearing my husband grunt taking a swing at Carter.
Carter ducked underneath his attack trying to get in a fighting stance but Kayce managed to knock him on his ass and into the dirt. “Urgh Mr. Dutton I’m sorry - just give me a chance to explain.”
“Kayce!” I bolted towards the wooden fence quickly climbing over the wood and dropping down on my boots, getting them dirty but I didn’t care. Runners at him I jumped in front of Carter before my husband could take another swing at the teen. “Kayce enough. He doesn’t deserve to be kicked around for caring about our daughter!”
He turned his hands into fists at his sides shouting down at me like we were children fighting over the last cookie in the cookie jar. “If he cared about her then she wouldn’t be knocked up pregnant. He clearly doesn’t care about her at all.”
“God dang it Kayc! He’s doing a lot better than you when I was pregnant.” I shoved my hands against his chest making him stumble backwards. “Bree told me that he was going to stay because he cares about her and he doesn’t have anywhere better to go.”
Carter slowly rose to his feet standing behind me dusting off some dirt from his clothes. “Mr. Dutton, I…I promise I do really care about Bree. I…we have matching bracelets…” He rolled up the sleeve of his shirt on his right arm where I smiled seeing that it was still the same brown bracelet with a gold horseshoe that Bree had made for him the day she told him that she liked him.
“Kayce see he’s not lying.” I pointed my index finger at Carter praying that it was enough to convince him that I was telling the truth. “You know your father told me something when Bree was five. He said that this family looks out for the ones who choose to stand and fight by your side.”
“He doesn’t wear the brand like the cowboys on the bunkhouse and Teeter do.” He scoffed, throwing his arms away from his sides.
Glaring at my husband I knew he had a point. It was a few years before I finally got the brand. But it was for life so I didn’t want to force the kids to do something like that. “You can’t be serious, Kayce?”
“What’s the brand?” Carter asked, shifting his gaze between the two of us.
Kayce took one step forward where our chest was pressed against each other. Lifting my head up a little I locked onto those soft brown eyes that were trained on mine. “I am serious Y/n. If he wants me to believe that he truly cares about our little girl then he becomes a part of the Yellowstone.”
He walked away after turning on his heels, closing the front door in some anger. Slumping my shoulders in defeat I run my fingers through my long hair. “Mrs. Dutton, what exactly did he mean by the brand. What is it?”
“It’s a vow of life, Carter.” Spinning on my feet I pulled down part of my shirt revealing the now healed Y on my chest. Brushing my hands over my shirt I saw his face turn from confused to utter shock. “When you wear the brand like a cattle, you are committing yourself to this place forever. Until the day you die. I will never force any of my children to bear the mark unless they want to and I would never dream of making you do something like until you were ready-“
Carter stepped closer to me finally keeping his gaze locked onto mine when he delivered his next words. “Would that prove to him that I am serious about Bree…” Nodding my head slowly, yes he paused for a moment. “Then I’ll do it.”
“Carter, there’s always a choice here. I - I can talk to my husband and make him see that there can be another way.” He cut me off making me gasp at the thought that he would vow his life to this place to prove he was good enough for my first child.
He picked his tan hat up from the dust sitting on his head giving me the best brave look he could. “I’ll do it Mrs. Dutton….I’ll take the brand for Bree.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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regulusxblack · 2 years
Sighing as Cressida began to cry once more, Regulus pushed himself up from the living room and made his way to her bedroom. “Love, you need to go to sleep,” he murmured as he stepped into her bedroom and was immediately met with her rushing to hug his legs and went to pick her up, “Your mum is going to be home soon and she’s going to be sad if she thinks you’ve been awake this whole time.”
“Noo,” she cried, dragging the word out as she cried into his shoulder, “Don’t go...” Regulus couldn’t help but wince as the small child cried and he moved to sit down with her and rock her. 
“It’s okay, love. I’m not going anywhere right now... You’ll see me tomorrow like you always do,” he comforted her, rubbing her back. “What happened, Cressie? Did you have a bad dream?” he asked, the girl nodding haphazardly as she tried to stop crying. 
“I see,” he sighed, “ I have bad dreams too sometimes, you know. And they’re very scary when they happen. So, I’ll stay here with you until you fall asleep, yeah? We can both lay down in your new bed that you like so much. Remember that? You got to pick out all of the colors for your blanket and new stuffies. Can you show them to me?”
Cressida leaned back so that she could look at her father, before nodding and slipping down from his lap before pulling him back towards the small toddler bed that they’d recently bought for her. Regulus helped her under the blankets, nodding as she introduced a myriad of stuffed animals to him before making a space available for him on the bed. Sighing, Regulus tried to lay down on the small bed, barely even managing to pretend to fit on the bed. 
“Still scary,” Cressida murmured, her lip trembling as she fought back more tears. 
“Hey... It’s okay, love. Nothing’s going to happen here. I’m going to stay, remember?” Regulus started, pulling her closer to him, “Hey, hey, Cress, what if I showed you something secret? A secret way to make things not scary, yeah? Will that make things better?”
When Cressida nodded, Regulus pulled out his wand and pointed it at the ceiling, murmuring a series of spells to transfigure the ceiling to mimic the night sky. “See? Look at that, Cress. Aren’t the stars pretty? Sometimes, when I’m scared, this is what I do. I like to look at the stars. They always make me less scared.” 
Cressida looked up at where her father was pointing, her crying subsiding slightly as she watched the stars twinkle. It wasn’t long until she was pointing to random points to the sky to show her father, to which he’d quietly whisper the name of the associated constellation. Eventually he could tell that Cressida was starting to grow tired once more, and he continued to quietly tell her things about the sky until she was fully asleep once more. Regulus stayed with her for a few more minutes before he carefully got up from the bed and headed towards the door, nearly running into Lucinda as he shut the door. 
“Oh...I didn’t realize you were back.”
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creepyschoolgirl · 2 years
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Hello, here more stuff for my self insert x Johan I was inspired by talking to @jordanlikesjohanliebert about Johan together! This also has some winter themes!
Johan loves pulling me into warm hugs when I am distressed and depressed. He always gives me head scratches too awhile hugging me when I start falling asleep in his arms he picks me up and lays me in bed.
I usually steal Johan’s sweaters during the winter because I get super cold. I think I mentioned that before but I can see him cuddling me in his black sweater that’s my favorite one I love stealing. He sends a picture to Anna showing her our winter cuddles!
I think during the winter months we cuddle a lot and drink hot chocolate and watch tv. Johan has his arm around me awhile I snuggle up to him for warmth and he just kisses my head. Awhile drinking hot cocoa together he makes give me marshmallows in mine he just chuckles at me because I love those tiny marshmallows! He loves it when I do adorable things like that because just wants spoil me even more!
Johan buys a lot of soups for dinner in the winter . He makes homemade ones too he makes the best potato soup ever! I definitely see me sitting on the kitchen counter watching him cook it but he tells me get off or I will get burnt.
My birthday is in January so I can see him taking me out for dinner then and take me go shopping definitely he be making me dress warm when we go out. “ my little camellia you can’t just wear my sweater go put on a sweater dress and stockings on!” “ but Johan it’s so soft!” He be looking at me with a serious face then I go change lol!
Johan and I usually go to our bedroom during the night when we want go bed but sometimes I just want stay in bed all day long. Johan usually has me in the living room with him or I am helping him around out apartment. I think Johan will get worried a lot if I am over sleeping again he always finds something for us to do.
I have an idea of Johan and I buying stuff from the thrift store. I can us buying little knickknacks and I be buying some interesting jewelry and clothes. Johan always disappears in the knickknack section of the store “ Julia look at it it’s a dried out rose in a glass heart!” “ oh my lord Johan that’s so beautiful!” Us loving the strange things in the thrift store! But he secretly buys it for me as a gift!
When we are out or when Johan is out he always buys me a stuffed animal because I love my stuffies! I have whole section in our bedroom with my stuffies from him or his sister as gifts! I can see me and Anna buying each other stuff definitely around the holidays and birthdays! One time Johan bought me a big cinnamonroll plush from Sanrio! Also I had just the adorable little thought of him buying me a stuffie awhile pregnant where I can hear our daughters heartbeat it’s a stuffed rabbit because get it our daughter named Alice and Alice in wonderland! I love Alice in wonderland!
I think our daughter Alice is born he probably cry happy tears with me! Because she our little angel who came into our lives but boy let me tell you overprotective dad Liebert is now in town! I got that idea from @malware-180 you writing him as a dad because I can see him being overprotective and what’s best for his kids but mostly dreams I had me being pregnant lol.
I think I when I do get pregnant with Alice it’s 3 years later or a year later. But Johan just gets teary eyed because this a happy moment for us! But I think it definitely happen 3 years later because right now Johan and I are finding ourselves.
Mr. Yandere Liebert comes out more during the pregnancy because he wants me safe and stress free! Definitely keeps an eye on me at all times! Even awhile not pregnant he dose same thing but it gets bigger his urges to keep me safe and not stressed!
I don’t know if this just me or something but, I think about Johan being like a caregiver for me sometimes of my health issues and my mental health problems also my disability and so forth. I think he would definitely be the best person for it especially when my anxiety gets bad. I think we take care of each other in a way even though he mostly taking care of me.
This is the last one for now, I just been thinking about how would it be going on trips with him too and I can see us getting away for a bit somewhere. Johan definitely gets us a 5 star hotel because he wants me feel special and nice. Oh man I can us now chilling in a hot tub lol and then getting some food!
I hope you guys like it feel free tell me what you think!
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i don't feel good. i feel little. words are hard to find and i want to talk to someone but its late and no one is awake and i dont really have anything to say.
i feel bad for myself. like, not really the myself of the now, she doesn't need my pity, but like my small self. and maybe that is the myself of the now. at least, that's what it feels like.
this year its gotten progressively harder to remind myself that my parents love me. i know they do. they do, right? but like my dad never visits and my mom doesn't text anymore and no one knows my interests or my hobbies or what im doing in school and it just feels so lonely sometimes.
most of the time i feel normal. grown. i have my own apartment and my own money and my own life. but sometimes my car breaks down or an assignment makes me cry or i look at my bank account and i just want an adult that i can call and say "i feel sad, please help" and actually get help.
i don't feel good. i feel sick-sad, where my stomach is all twisty and my hands feel like they're buzzing and i keep rubbing my cheek on my stuffed animal just to feel its softness. i feel scared. i feel alone.
it makes me feel insane sometimes, this distance between my parents and i. it makes me feel desperate, crazy for seeking out this parental relationship with any adult that comes into my life.
my friend's mom sent me a starbucks giftcard. i cried. a different friend's mom bought me a crockpot because my friend told her ive been struggling cooking meals for myself. a different friends mom offered to buy me groceries because i was worried i wouldn't be able to afford them. each of them have had more one-on-one, genuine conversations with me than i've had with my parents in the last few years. i feel sick. i went to my professor's house and he watched me accidentally burn 2 marshmallows in a row and said "do you want me to make you one?" and i literally could've cried then and there. i went on a date with a girl who talked about how she loves her mom so much and knows she's her number one supporter. she asked me about my relationship with my parents and i didn't even wanna say it. i feel insane.
i feel pitiful, but i just wanna be taken care of for a bit. just wanna lay down on the couch with my head in someones lap and not have to worry about taking care of myself for a minute. it doesn't seem so much to ask but im wondering if it really is. if im too much.
when i get like this, sometimes i get a thought like "i miss my dad" or "i miss my mom" but then i see them and it doesn't make the ache go away. i don't miss them, i miss something i don't think ive had in a long time (maybe ever) and its devastating because i don't know if i'll ever get it. i passed the age where i can sit in my mom's lap and cry because i got a hole in my favorite socks, or where i can call my dad and ask him what i should have for dinner because i can't make a decision right now. i feel so old and so young and so sad.
thanksgiving is coming up and im looking forward to it for the food and the company but like. i can't even be myself around my family half the time, not because they would disapprove (some of them would) but because they don't care. it's always "how are your grades? still in your major? where do you live now?" and not like "so what've you been up to? done anything fun? how are you? what do you like to do?" because in their mind, they don't need to ask those questions, they think they already know. they think im still the quiet, book-nerd, shy girl in the back of the class. which, part of me still is, but i like other things now. im another person now.
every year i get asked what i want for christmas and every year im happy with what i get. im not hard to shop for, i don't think, but especially these past years ive realized that like... no one knows what i want because they don't know what i like. part of that is because im intensely insecure about my interests and part of it because i have a reason to be - id get made fun of and there's certain things i just really don't wanna hear shit about.
so this year i sucked it up and made a christmas list. an actual one, with stuff i like on there, even if my family doesn't understand it or know the tv show references or why i want so many stickers. i made a big list of everything ive secretly been wanting, ranging from like $1 stickers to like $40 sweaters. it was oddly scary for me. it still is. i don't know if anyone will get me anything off that list, but if they do, im scared for the reaction, just a bit. i don't wanna open something on christmas and get "yeah, so what is that? i don't get it" or "that sounds gay" when i explain it, or "okay..." when they're disinterested.
i know its a little silly but i don't really care. im sad. my head hurts. its late but im not tired and i just want a hug. i wanna rock back and forth and hold my weighted dinosaur and chew on his horns. im so done with this
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
BTS Reaction || Octopus Toy [Request]
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A/N: Aren’t the toys just the cutest!!! I’m going to get one eventually and just start creating an army of them in my bedroom >.< 
Jin knew what the stuffed toys were supposed to be, he'd bought you one specifically so that he would be able to tell when you were mad or upset about something but you hadn't used them until tonight. The two of you were bickering like an old married couple would but he took it too far, jokingly insulting you until you held direct eye contact with him and picked up the stuffed animal. 
"Babe, it was a joke," He stuttered out when he watched you getting ready to turn the octopus inside out while you shook your head, 
"It's already in motion," You whispered as you held it up, keeping your eyes locked with his, 
"No. Babe," He begged but you continued.
"It's too late, you pissed me off." You mumbled turning the octopus to show the red side of her with the angry face as you pouted at him folding your arms over your chest as he began to kiss you all over your face. Apologising for what he said, tickling your sides until you began laughing begging him to stop promising to change the octopus back to normal if he just stopped.
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Yoongi knew he fucked up before he even walked in the door, tonight was your anniversary and he'd missed coming home for dinner because he fell asleep on the sofa in his studio from working so hard all day. 
"Please be awake, please be awake," He begged as he walked through the front door, walking into the living room to find your red octopus toy sitting on the coffee table with its angry face with a note underneath it and he sighed. 
Food in the oven. Heat it up before going to bed. Love you xx Although you were angry with him you were never going to make him go hungry but Yoongi wasn't bothered about eating, he picked up the stuffed toy and headed up to the bedroom. Sliding into the bed behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, you snuggled back against him and smiled weakly seeing the stuffed toy sitting in front of you. 
"I fell asleep at work again," He whispered in your ear, he knew it wasn't a real excuse but he knew you understood what that meant, that he had been working so hard he was losing track of time. 
"Just make sure you get some sleep now, I want you well-rested." You whispered, rolling over to face him so you could lay your head on his chest.
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You had never been good at showing your emotions and Hoseok knew that which was why he had invested in different Octopus toys, all different colours so that they would show different emotions, Red meaning angry, Blue meaning sad and so on. It was all so he could tell what you were feeling with one look at the stuffed toy, 
"I don't understand what the big deal is, I thought you would love to go out," You stared at him as he had his back to you, you shook your head trying to explain to him why spending the day with his ex-girlfriend wasn't a day you wanted to do, 
"We're good friends now, there's no reason for you not to like it." He laughed, rooting through the wardrobe for something to wear, he couldn't see how angry you were in the face so you picked up the blue and red octopi before throwing them in his direction, hitting him on the head before landing in front of him. 
"Oh." He laughed looking at them, 
"She makes me...I don't know," You sighed as he walked over to you, there was something about her that made you uneasy and you didn't want to spend the day with her. 
"Then we won't go," He promised you, kissing the top of your head as he got up to make an excuse for not going.
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All day long Namjoon had his head in the new book he'd recently gotten, normally it wouldn't bother you but this was the first time in months he'd gotten a day off and instead of spending it with you he was engrossed in a book hardly looking up from the pages. 
"Babe!" He yelled out as he finally looked up for the first time in hours but he barely held eye contact with you as he began to give details in what was happening in his book so you picked up the nearby octopus toy, turning it to its green side to show you were annoyed and all you did was place it on your head for the next time he would look at you.
"It turns out that he's been the-" He stopped when he saw the unimpressed look on your face that almost matched the pouting Octopus toy, 
"You've been ignoring me all day," You whined as he finally closed the book, pulling you over to him as he began to cuddle you, kissing you all of your face as he gave you all his attention.
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The collection of small reversible octopus toys were beginning to grow over time, whenever Jimin would see one that he knew you didn't have back home he would purchase it, having no idea what they did and that they were reversible. 
"Do you even know what these are?" You finally asked as he poured out four of them onto the bed getting just as excited as you were whenever he bought them home with him. 
"Stuffed toys, you love them." He smiled sitting on the edge of the bed and watching as you took one of them and began turning it inside out to show the other side of the toy was an angry-looking octopus with a red face.
"They're supposed to help express emotions." You laughed as he began turning all of the ones he had gotten you inside out and smiling happily as they all were different colours from one another, 
"You could start your own army of octopi," He gasped as he looked from the stuffed toys to your face as you laughed at him.
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Taehyung had no idea what the stuffed Octopi toys meant when he bought them for you, he just thought they were so cute and he had been seeing them everywhere and thought you might enjoy them. It wasn't until he was late home for the sixth time that week that he walked into the house he shared with you to find around 20 Octopi looking up at him from the floor, all with mad faces showing so that they were on their angry side. 
"Babe?" He called out, walking through the house to try and find you but when he found you, you were pretending to pay attention to the TV that was playing a random movie instead of listening to him. 
"I got caught in the studio," He tried to explain but all you did was reach forward for another Octopus toy, turning it inside out and sitting onto the table in front of you to show you were still upset about it. You weren't mad at him for being late you were mad that he never told you when he was going to be late home and it had been the sixth time that week, all you wanted to do was spend time with the person you loved. 
"I will make it up to you and the octopi that all seem super mad at me," He promised, sliding into the seat beside you as he pulled you into a tight embrace, kissing the side of your head as you slowly lent forward and changed the octopus back to the happy side it was normally at. 
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Jungkook had been seeing them all over the internet so of course, he had to get some of them for you and him to have, he had different ones lined up on the end of the bed when you came home. 
"What's this?" You laughed looking at him as he smiled at you, 
"Have you seen those videos? They change when you turn them inside out to show what we're feeling," You laughed as he showed you what he meant, turning a grey coloured octopus into a red sad-faced one, 
"I could always tell you how I'm feeling," You poked fun at him as you reached for the pink toy, smiling when you felt how soft and squishy it was. 
"But this is so much more fun," He pouted at you, turning another one around so it was pouting at you, you rolled your eyes at him,
"Babe-" You stopped talking when an octopus was placed in front of your face,
"Look at his face and tell me you don't love him," He whined at you, wiggling it around until you finally agreed that they were cute even if they were useless in your relationship.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @innersooya​ @agustdjoon​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​
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sleepysnk · 3 years
we all needed this, especially right now with the current events in the manga. i love Jean and he has always been a favorite character of mine, he deserves a happy ending 😔💗. enjoy these!
Dad Headcanons
Characters: Jean Kirstein
Warnings: Mentions of NSFW (not a lot), pregnancy, birth
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Jean Kirstein:
- Jean is definitely a guy to pull out, but this time things got a little crazy and he actually ended up doing it inside of you. of course you didn't really think anything of it, your mind was in pure bliss.
- that's when about 3 or 4 weeks later, you began to feel sick. you weren't yourself at all, you were tired, sleeping in late, having headaches, and you started throwing up a lot. it concerned Jean a lot considering he cared about you.
- Jean was so worried 😔 he definitely stayed up during the night making sure you didn't throw up, he also got you anything you needed. Whether it be snacks, water, cuddles, he was there to give you whatever you needed.
- when you found out you were pregnant, it was at an usual doctor's visit. your blood work showed it all and Jean couldn't be more excited to start a new chapter with you, it was so exciting. he almost cried too 🥺.
- Jean instantly became protective and careful with you, he didn't want anything happening to his child and he would do anything to keep you both safe.
- he understood all the symptoms, he called up his mom and told her about it all. she gave him tons of advice on how to deal with the morning sickness, constant peeing, mood swings, etc. she was very supportive and occasionally she would come over and help you out.
- he fell in love with the bump 🥺 you guys took pictures together and they were so adorable. he kisses the bump often and he'd put his hand over it to feel the baby 🥰.
- Jean wanted a girl so bad, he deadass would talk about raising a little girl with you. it was literally all he talked about, when you found out you were having a girl, he couldn't contain his excitement. he legit lost it 😭.
- he definitely gets a kick out of you waking up to pee so many times 😭, sometimes he'll count and make fun of you. all jokes though.
- watching you get big was definitely something he loved to watch, he felt like it went by so fast and he couldn't wait to meet your little girl 🥺. Jean would kiss your bump every night and lay his head on your belly.
- when your water broke Jean wasn't even there, he was with Connie when Sasha called him yelling about it. he deadass dropped what he was doing and rushed to the hospital with Connie by his side 😭.
- this baby was a mess 🥺 he kept apologizing for not being there, but you assured him he was okay and that you were glad he was there.
- it was a long process, he definitely had a hard time hearing you cry and scream in pain. he held your hand, kissing it softly so it could provide some ease with the pain. Connie and Sasha were there for support 😔.
- eventually when you gave birth he was so so happy. he cried 🥺 he held his daughter for the first time and broke down sobbing, she was so beautiful to him. he loved her.
- Jean literally would never let go of her, he was so astonished by her. like... he had this 'i made this' mindset 😭.
- he stayed by your side making sure you were okay, he told you how much he loved you and how amazing you did.
- the first few weeks home were a bit hectic, you never wanted to sleep more than you did now and it was a very tiring process. luckily, you had Jean around to help you.
- Jean would wake up most of the time, he knew how tired you were, so he took the upper hand and fed your daughter, changed her diaper, etc. he was surprisingly so good at it 🥺, he learned a lot when his mom would come over.
- HE WOULD SPOIL HER ROTTEN. she was his little princess and he felt like she deserved the best.
- Jean would buy those cute little footie pajamas for her to wear 😭💗, this baby would be dressed in the cutest little outfits ever. Jean knew how to dress her.
- you would sometimes wake up to him sleeping on the couch with her in his arms, it was definitely something you loved to see 🥺 it was so adorable.
- Jean would teach her how to crawl and he'd even try to teach her random things 😭.
- "Jean.. she's five months old.. she can't understand a word you're saying"
- "babe you never know till you try.. now, say dad!"
- her first words were 'mama' and Jean was salty asf.
- Jean is a stuffed animal guy, he bought her so many stuffed animals and plushies that you even couldn't believe the huge amount. her favorite was a pink teddy bear with a heart on it's cheek, she would never let it go.
- he taught her how to walk, this man was so determined to teach her how to walk. when she took her first steps, he was so excited and he jumped around. IT WAS SO ADORABLE 🥺.
- he's so so thankful for you and your daughter. he tells you late at night how much he loves you and he feels so blessed to have you both in his life 🥺..
- "i'm so blessed to have you and our daughter in my life (y/n).. i couldn't ask for better from you."
- he wants many more, trust me on that.
- Jean is an amazing dad to this little girl. you can't change my mind.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
I miss little Lucy 😔 her and Ran were probably the death of Kitten
Little Lucifer you mean! She definitely gave Ran a run for his money, and yes, between the two of them, they drove Kitten crazy! She thought she was going to get more alone time with her husband, but no. Lucy is a deviant, and a cockblocker for sure.
A Few Years Now
Summary:  Lucy gets in trouble at school
Pairings:  Ransom/Reader X Lucy
Rating:  mild
Warnings: language, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.4K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Lucy Drysdale Masterlist
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"What is this shit?” Ransom asks staring at the paper you just handed him.  You have your arms crossed, and seriously want to pull your child from school.  “Another infraction for what this time?”
“I’m not worried about her dress code violation.  If they seriously want to make a comment about the socks she wore, then they can buy her own damn socks.  Keep reading.”
He continues to scan the paper, and looks up at you laughing, “This isn’t funny, Ran.”
“Did you even hear what you just said?  You can sit here and blame me for our daughter’s attitude, but this, Kitten, she repeated you exact words,” he laughs even harder, throwing his head back.  “She told her teacher that she wasn’t taking off her socks because her feet would stink and if she had a problem with it, then she should buy her socks instead of you.”
“Keep reading.”
“What all did your daughter get in trouble for?” his eyes continue to scan down, “Because she was drawing on her arm?  What a bunch of horse shit, she’s seven,” further reading down, and he starts to sink down in his seat.
“Uh huh, that is all you sweetheart.  Now, I’m going to bring your daughter into this office, and you my sweet husband will talk to her.”
Spinning on your heels you go upstairs to fetch your daughter.  Holding on to a teddy bear that’s not even hers as she stares at you with those big honey eyes, “Mommy, I’m sorry.”
“Lucy, don’t play with me.  Who did you steal that stuffed animal from?” she mocks a gasp staring at you.  “You can’t play me.  Your father maybe.  Let’s go.  We’re going to talk to him.”
“Was I wrong about the socks?”
“No.  I don’t understand what the deal is with lace socks anyways.”
“What about the drawing on my arm?”
“You know I’m not a fan of that.  But for you to suffer punishment for that is absurd,” you hold out your arm for her to walk out in front of you.
“Thank you mother.  I’m glad we’re in accordance with one another, so I see no reason to continue this conversa...” you pull her back towards the stairs pointing at them.  “Who’s deciding my punishment you or dad?”
“Why does it matter?”
“I get away with more from dad,” she shrugs.  “I’m his angel,” you clear your throat and she mumbles out a fallen angel.  She walks into his office, giving him her biggest pout before crawling into his lap.  Her hand pets around his beard, and you want to roll your eyes.  “Daddy I’m sorry.”
“I know you sweet girl.”
“Oh, good grief.  Talk to your daughter.”
“Luciana, it has come to my attention that you were using profanity with your teacher.”
“No, I didn’t use profanity.”
Ransom raises an eyebrow at her, “Then what exactly did you say?”
“I told her that she could eat shit,” he bites at his lip trying not to laugh.  “She first insulted my hair, made the comment about how my sisters would never have their hair hanging in their face.  Then the stupid woman noticed my lace socks, told me they weren’t regulation, and that I should immediately change them.  Like I have socks just laying around at school.  I told her that if she had a problem with what my mother bought me, then she can buy me socks.  That’s when she grabbed my arm, and I smacked at her.”
“You smacked at your teacher?” that was not on the note.
“She was touching my arm that had the pen marks on it.  School is so boring, because all the kids are learning at a slower pace, I told her I needed to move up a grade, so what do I do?  I draw on my arm.  She didn’t even notice it until she said something.  Then that witchy woman told me to wash my masterpiece off, and I told her to eat shit.”
“Luciana!” “Lu-cy.”
“That’s not profanity.  That’s the word shit.”
“Lucy,” Ransom says quietly, placing a hand on her stomach.  “That’s what profanity is.  Cuss words, curse words, explicit language.”
“So I can’t say shit?”
“I feel like you keep repeating that to see how many times you can get away with it without getting in trouble,” you got to give it to him.  He’s handling it.  He’s calm, even though you’re going to now go talk to her teacher.  A bored Lucy is always a Lucy getting in trouble.  “No, you can’t say that word.”
“But you say it.  You told Icky Ricky to eat shit the other day.”
“Luciana Violet Drysdale, I have already told you, you are not to say that word.  Quit pushing it.  And I am an adult.  I was speaking to my father who was being an asshole,” her face turns up in a grin and you know where this is going.  “You can’t say that word either.  We will go talk to your teacher about more advanced work or moving you up.  We’ll also talk to her about putting her hands on you, and then speak with the headmaster about your socks.  What the hell do these socks look like?  You can’t say that word either.”
“They’re navy lace socks.  Story wears them too.  Iris and Aster wore them when they were in school.  I think she was pissed off at Lucy’s behavior.  Can’t say that word either,” you point over at her.  “Lucy, give your father and I time to discuss your punishment.  Because you can’t talk like that to your elders, and you know that.”
Lucy gives Ransom a kiss before jumping off his lamp, rushing over to give you a hug, “Lock the door on your way out,” he informs her.  She just turns the lock, and closes the door all the way, “C’mere, Kitten,” his thick hands tap on his desk and you go over sitting on it.  
Scooting his chair up, you spread your thighs so he can get closer.  You rest them on his chair when he gets closer, and he lays his head on your stomach, and you brush back his silky brunette hair, “This was much easier when she didn’t talk.”
“You had to have your fifth.  Bet you didn’t know you were getting a mini you.”
“Shh, woman.  Just pet your baby,” he starts counting his breaths as you run your fingers through his hair.  “I mean, she’s seven.  James is missing, Iris is pregnant, her grandfather is dying.  She’s dealing with enough.”
“I know baby.”
“I just want her to be able to keep her spunk, but still be respectful.  I don’t want her to think that we can go to the school and talk her out of her trouble.  So we’re not going to.  The sock deal is stupid.  The drawing on her arm is ridiculous, but she should have to deal with the consequences of the cussing,” you hum in agreeance, and he slides your body to his lap.  “She’s the same age that Story was when you were pregnant with her,” you’re already shaking your head no looking at him.  “Oh come on.  Story’s got Mr. Fowler again.”
“Shut up.”
“Please, baby?  Pretty please, we need an even number.”
“Our daughter is pregnant with our first grandchild no.”
“How about this,” his fingers go to pushing your overly large shirt off your shoulder, ghosting his lips along your exposed skin.  “One week of unprotected sex, you get that thing taken out of you.  It has to be a week you’re fertile, and if you don’t get pregnant, I’ll go get fixed.”
“That’s a lot to take in, baby.”
“You love our kids.”
“Our oldest two are grown.  It won’t be long for Blade and Story.  We’ve got Lucy,” you lift up his chin to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.  “It would be nice to have another baby when Lucy is fifteen.”
“It would.”
“But, then Posie will be here, and she’ll have an aunt or uncle younger than her.”
“One week, and I’ll leave you alone forever.”
He knows he’s got you when your eyes look around his face, contemplating that.  “One week, and then you get snipped.”
“I always knew I had you cock whipped.”
“And I got you so pussy whipped.”
“Yes you do!  Now back on that desk, so I can get some practice.”
Not even asking if you want to, his arms lift you up to sit on the desk.  His hands already undoing your jeans, “You’re ridiculous.”
“Yeah, I know.  I know.  I’ve been told that for a few years now.”
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anemodaycare · 2 years
25-ji Age Regression Headcanons:
(more under the cut!!)
Yoisaki Kanade:
Her age range slides between 5-8
She primarily regresses to the time before she ever picked up composing
She actually tends to stay away from any instruments or anything revolving around music when regressed
It's become a phobia, in a sense
She doesn't have a caregiver in particular
Very easily entertained when regressed
A low maintenance little
Most of the time she's making up for sleep she missed
Her house is constantly empty, so she's fine to regress there
Though, if she's feeling lonely she'll go to the Empty Sekai to sit with Miku
"Oh, hello Kanade..?"
"Ah.. I see."
They just continue to sit there for a while until Kanade falls asleep
Asahina Mafuyu:
She's usually in babyspace when she regresses
At her biggest age? It's a solid 2
Her primary caregiver is Miku
All of her big emotions come out
She goes to the Sekai when she gets overwhelmed or wants to drop the mask
Miku is used to it by now
Mafuyu can go from holding it all together to wailing in a drop of a dime
For her, it's like free therapy
Even if she tried hiding it for a while
She usually doesn't bring anything with her
If she needs stimulation, she'll play with Miku
She's surprisingly fussy
There are. a lot of emotions that she bottles up, after all
It's better (and safer) for her to get them out this way
It took her a while to warm up to her band members also regressing/ joining her in the Sekai
Once she's fully comfortable, their presence is always appreciated
More comfort for Mafuyu!
Shinonome Ena:
She flips between caregiver and regressor
When she's regressed, it's usually 6
Loves the arts still
If she's regressed? She's making a mess out of washable paint (Akito bought them as a gag gift, he doesn't know yet)
If she's caring for someone, she breaks out finger paints and lets them go wild
Ena has so many pictures from her littles
They're delicately stored in one of her desk drawers
And vice versa, whoever cares for her when she's regressed gets so many pictures
She doesn't like coloring books, she finds them way too limiting
Kicks her feet and lays on her stomach to draw when regressed
She doesn't visit the Sekai often while regressed, she finds it so dull
She brought paint to the Sekai once and they ended up staining Miku's dress
Ena cried
Which then led to Miku tearing up
She was ecstatic to see that Miku had managed to get the stain out
(really she just changed, but Ena doesn't have to know)
Akiyama Mizuki:
Toddler regressor! Ages 3-5
They're still obsessed with cute things
Stuffed animals. So, so many
They have one of those flipping octopus plushies
It's usually on the happy side
They refuse to wear any of their big clothing when they're little
"Nooooo...! It's too scratchy, yucky.."
When little, they live in pajamas
They're just easier to move around in! And comfier
They also don't visit the Sekai often when regressed
It's just easier to contact one of their band mates
And that way they don't have to worry about being absent from other things!
Sometimes, they'll reach out to Rui to hang out while regressed
"No, you don't gotta take care of me!"
"Uh huh. Do you want me to get your gear out for you when I get there?"
"... p'ease.."
Playdates!! They love them so much
They've gone out into public regressed before. Oh, those rumors were brutal
Either way, still a very happy tot
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A day at the farmers market with  cottagecare!Harry
Summary: The styles family spends a day at the farmers market :) 
warnings: possible swearing
“Morning” Harry yawns, coming downstairs, walking down the creaky steps of their cottage. “Good morning, honey” Y/n softly calls, whipping something up in the kitchen, making what looks to be a mixed berry smoothie. Harry yawns, wrapping his arms around his little girl and kissing her cheek multiple times, saying a good morning. She clings to his Henley, saying good morning to him while she smacks on her fruit. 
Harry pulls his little boy out of the bassinet he was laying in, smiling down at him and kissing his forehead. “What are you making, dovie?” Harry asks, patting Forests bum. Y/n scoops out the dark purple colored smoothie like substance out of the blender, putting it in a mason jar- like almost every other thing in their kitchen. “It’s baby food,” Y/n says, holding a small multi-colored baby spoon up to Forrest's lips with the thick baby food on it. The little boy opens his mouth the smallest bit, taking the spoon in. 
“My love, we can just buy that.” Harry says, making Y/n shake her head. 
“And we can just buy a lot of things we make but I’m not feeding my baby’s that crap.” Y/n says, pulling Forest into her arms. 
“The farmers market opens today,  I want to go up there and look around then sell some of our stuff. I love doing that” Harry explains, going back over to violet and giving her a hug. The almost two year old clings to her daddy, Harry pulling her out of the chair and up into his arms, giving her a proper morning cuddle. “That would be nice. The weather is a bit rainy today though,” Y/n hums, reaching up to find a lid for the mason jar before stashing the baby food away in their vintage fridge. 
Y/n sets a bowl of oats and berries down next to Harry, giving him a peck before telling Violet that she needs to finish her breakfast. Violet's face scrunches up, covering her daddy’s mouth. “Icky!” She says, making the couple laugh. “Go eat your breakfast, sweet pea” Harry says, letting her down from his arms and letting her toddle her way back over to her own seat. 
“M’ I love this weather” Y/n sighs, opening a window, welcoming the fresh breeze in their stuffy cottage, the fresh scent and sound of rain now hammering through their home. “Know y’ do” Harry smiles, Y/n joining them at the wooden table, setting her own bowl down, Forest latched to her. 
“It’s the perfect day to go to the farmers market, just have to dress the little ones for the colder days.” Y/n says, Harry giving her a warm sleepy smile, reaching over to give her hand a squeeze. “I bet the ducks are enjoying this” Harry adds, Y/n nodding at his words and Violet clapping her hands together while she munches on some honey covered fruit. The honey from their own bees they take care of, outside in their brood box. 
“Definitely,” Y/n breaths, letting her eyes fall closed for a second to let the sound of the rain relax her before opening them back up, diving into her breakfast. 
“Honey, have you seen my glasses?” Harry asks, trudging down the stairs, ready for a day at the farmers market. He’s dressed in a ribbed cotton shirt- a warm brown color, along with a pair of brown plaid pants to go with it, some daisies stitched in the pockets that he asked Y/n to add just for him, and a forest green beanie to keep his curls from getting wet- but all he needs are his glasses to finish the look. “I’ll give you two guesses, baby” Y/n says, packing some small snacks for Violet while they are gone for a good chunk of the day. 
“Do you have them?” Harry asks, rounding his way to the kitchen, seeing his circle lenses on the top of her head. “How did you know?” She teases, Harry shrugging and pulling them from her and onto his eyes, pushing them up his nose. 
“Let’s go,” Y/n sings, pulling Forest into her arms and pulling the diaper bag onto her shoulder. Harry reached out for his daughter, holding a hand out for her. “Come here, little one” Harry calls out for violet, she stampers over to her daddy after placing her crayons down. She reaches for his hand, Harry pulling her up instead, resting her on his hip. 
They walk out of the cottage, locking the door and walking out of the gate. They walk over to their Volkswagen bus, a white and orange one. They originally got it because they both love the sixties aesthetic of it and it was a good way to haul everything from their little farm, but now they have grown to love it for more than just farm usage. “Let’s buckle you up,” Harry coos, placing Violet in her car seat while Y/n buckles Forest in his much larger car seat, making sure he is comfortable and secure. Harry makes sure Violet is comfortable before sliding the door shut and getting in the driver's seat. 
“Did you bring a lot of honey?” Y/n asks, cradling Forest to her chest, patting his bum softly while Violet sets behind them, snacking on some grapes. She’s a hungry girl. 
Harry nods, setting mason jars over the while fold out table that was already set up at the farmers market, under a small canopy “Yeah, and I brought some pumpkin jam too” Harry notes, setting everything up in rows, organizing them and grouping them all together neatly into their separate categories. Y/n nods, kissing Forest's hand, warming up her small baby. Harry turns, wrapping his arms around violet in a warm hug, resting his chin on top of her head. She wraps her small arms around him, giving him a squeeze. “I love you” Harry says, kissing her head. 
“Love you!” Violet says, making Harry smile, kissing her cheek. Y/n holds Forest up, looking at him suspiciously. “Babe, I need to go change Forest” Y/n says, stepping out of the beige topped canopy and grabbing the diaper bag she had packed just before they left. Harry nods, pulling violet close to him. They hate that they are such ‘helicopter parents’ but they can’t help it, they both mainly work from home and they love their children more than anything in this world. “Okay, I’ll just keep Violet close to me.” Harry hums, playing with the small pig tails that spring on the top of violet's hair. “So you don’t get stolen because you are so cute!” Harry coos, making Y/n give him a strange look, walking back to their bus. 
Harry sells a couple jars of honey and some strawberry jelly while they are gone, coming back with a blue knit hat on Forest’s head, a big embroidered bumble bee on the front of it. “Where did you find that, honey?” Harry asks, violet standing in front of him, playing with his wedding ring. “A lady sold it at her stand so I bought it from her” she says, tucking Forest in his car seat and giving him a small stuffed animal that has a rattle in the belly- it’s one of his favorite toys. 
“Do you think he’s gonna stay blonde?” Harry asks, the boy only having a thin layer of hair coating his head, it’s a blonde color- almost just like Harry’s when he was a toddler. Even though Harry had the beautiful luscious locks that he has now he didn’t really start getting hair until he was around one year old. “Probably not,” Y/n says, holding a hand out for violet. 
“Hello,” an older woman sings, making the couple turn their head, putting on a warm smile to welcome the customer. “Hi!” Violet chirps, making everyone laugh, Harry softly rubbing her back. “You two look so young! Are these your kids?” She asks, the couple nodding, Y/n trying to calm the slightly fussy baby. It’s noisy at the farmers market and Forest needs to sleep, he is only three months after all. 
“How old are you two?” She makes light conversation while picking out a couple of jars of jam and a jar of honey looking over all the different items they are selling today. “I’m twenty four and she is twenty three” Harry says, the woman nodding. She looks around some more, picking out some of their fruit before letting Harry ring her up. 
“So you make this all yourself?” The woman asks, looking at the mason jar with twine wrapped around the neck of it, a tag on it that reads ‘strawberry jam’ in Y/n's chicken scratch handwriting. “Yeah, we have a big garden and some bees, we make it all ourselves” he says, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and humming while the woman hands him the money. Violet clings to his leg while he talks to the woman, her arms wrapped around his thigh and her face shoved into his leg, Harry softly rubbing her back and giving it light scratches every now and then. 
“Thank you,” the woman sings before walking off, her goodies all wrapped up in a paper bag Harry had given her. “Thank you!” Harry cheers back, bending down and wrapping Violet in a hug, “‘m tired, daddy” Violet says, Harry nodding and rubbing her back, her shirt rising up and exposing her soft back. “I know, pumpkin, I know” Harry says, pulling her up on his hip and holding her close to him, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. 
“Foggy,” Violet says, patting Harry’s chest. Harry nods, walking over to his wife and opening the diaper bag, finding Violets (rather large for her size) frog plushie that Harry had actually made for her. “Here, love-bug,” Harry says, Violet taking her frog in her arms and cuddling it, laying her head back on her daddy’s shoulder, trying to sleep. 
“He’s asleep,” Y/n says, Harry turning and seeing his boy asleep in his car seat, mouth open. Harry chuckles, softly scratching Violets back. 
A large man comes up, suspenders attached to his hefty jeans, he must be a farmer. He looks through some of their stuff, his big husky hands grabbing at one of their jars of pepper jelly. He grabs a jar of honey, some peaches, and jalapenos, setting it all down in front of Harry. “Is this all for you?” He hums, trying to be polite to the intimidating man, stuffing it all into a paper bag with the arm that wasn’t cradling Violet to his chest. 
The man nods, breathing harshly through his nose. Harry nods, sliding the bag towards him, “Fourteen dollars,” he says, the man nodding and digging some money out of his dark leather wallet, plucking a few bills out and handing them to Harry. 
“Thank you!” Harry chirps, shoving the money in the little tin box. The man nods, taking his bag and walking off, leaving the family alone again. 
“I’d say we did pretty good today” Harry says, the day now dwindling down, finally putting the remnants of what they hadn't sold up. Their jars on a shelf and their fruit and veggies stored either on the fridge or on their big fruit and veggie baskets. “Yeah, we sold a lot. I’m just happy we still got a good chunk of our blueberry jam, Violet loves that stuff” Y/n says, making her husband nod, organizing everything to his liking. 
“Yeah, I didn’t expect our lavender syrup to sell that well but the sweet old lady’s seemed to be very interested.” Harry notes, chuckling at the memories of today. Y/n nods, the warm lighting of the cottage comforting her- only candles and a few warm colored lamps to light their dark house. “Yeah, I didn’t expect anyone to buy the dandelion lemonade because of the flower but they were very interested.” Y/n says, coming up behind Harry and rubbing his knotted shoulders, rubbing out all the aches and pains from today. 
“Next time let’s bring some of our baked goods, I’m sure everyone would adore your angel food cake.” Harry says, making Y/n giggle, wrapping her arms around her husband. “I only make that for you and Violet” she says, resting her head on his back and cuddling into him. 
Harry’s chest rumbles with a soft chuckle, nodding as he places the last jar of pepper jelly in front of the other, “I’m sure they would love your lavender and poppy-seed muffins then” Harry adds, Y/n nodding. She does enjoy baking, especially trying out new recipes with the huge garden she has access to, fresh ingredients, eggs and fresh milk constantly coming through. Harry is the better one in the kitchen though, but she won’t admit it. 
“I wanna make some sun tea tomorrow, what should I make?” Y/n asks, placing a kiss on the back of her husband's shoulder. Harry pulls her arms around himself even tighter, giving her wrists a squeeze after. “Whatever you would like, and you could add some lavender and lemon to it” he says lowly, his voice getting more deep and scratchy as the clock ticks later. He leans back into her, resting his head on the short space of her shoulder. Placing a kiss on his cheek she noses over his hairline, “yeah,” 
“Let’s go to bed,” Harry says, picking up the kitten that had jumped on the kitchen counter and placing it back on the ground with a scratch to their head. “Let’s,” Y/n agrees, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs, tracking up to their bedroom to start their nightly routines and head to bed.
A/n: HI! this posted early :( I think I accidentally set it to the wrong time. Thank you to everyone who read and reblogged the first part of my cottage core series, you're all so sweet, it really does mean a lot. My requests are open!! so please request some ideas for cottage core harry!!! This isn't like a consistent story, its more like blurbs that sorta go together. I have part three done already and it will be posted possible later next week since its Sunday for me now :)!!! thank you to everyone again! sorry for the early post and please request some blurb ideas for cottage core Harry :))))))
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