#she thinks she's going to find glory out in the war but her new master is an archivist
for-the-sake-of-color · 8 months
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Wasn't feeling too well today so instead of working on anything serious i did a fun lazy little draw the squad to pass the time of Nihlus, Aida, and Jet
I like to think of it as the informal version of the master/apprentice portrait that she never would have gotten in the order because she was going to fail out. Since Nihlus agree'd to train her as a Mandalorian (since he wont torture her into a true sith) She decided to have their portrait done in the traditional jedi style in celebration. Captain Jet is technically the leader of Nihlus reforged Eldar clan, so he get's the center spot in both, for better or for worse
Anyways those artists that line shit in a similar but darker color are stronger than ill ever be. My ass is going back to black outlines that shit took way too long (except maybe around their faces. much to ponder)
Here's the old Master/Padawan portrait and the base for the draw the squad
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polyhexian · 2 months
Okay so obviously one of the stupidest funniest things about the Pregnant Belos AU is how Belos truly is stuck in this social and political nightmare just as much as Hunter and Jasper are, but like, the more I think about it the more ridiculous it gets.
Like sure, okay, Hunter never wants to be successfully "rescued", obviously. Jasper never wants Hunter to be successfully "rescued", even more obviously.
The stupid Belos-Jasper stalemate cold war ONLY WORKS because neither of them makes a move against each other. They're both hoping to keep this rickety peace that they've never even negotiated with each other and they're constantly hoping that the other one won't escalate the situation. Belos decides the effort to take down Jasper isn't worth it unless Jasper is actively working against him, and Belos is well aware that if Hunter gets "rescued" there is a 100% guarantee that Jasper will immediately actively work against him by making him dead.
So like. Belos is ALSO sabotaging the Coven Heads' attempts to rescue Hunter, is what I'm getting at here.
Like, Lilith excitedly outlines her newest Grand Plan to save Hunter and capture Eda, and Belos nods and immediately has a meeting with Terra where he drops hints about what Lilith is up to and Terra uses this information to go crash Lilith's mission and try and grab the glory for herself and that's how the two of them end up getting regurgitated by Hooty a mile away from the Owl House.
Belos has been scheming and plotting and manipulating for centuries, but Hunter is a big blank bubble of DO NOT TOUCH in the middle of his plans because Belos knows the second that kid is in his grasp, everything he's worked for goes to shit. So he's constantly trying to keep track of all his Coven Heads' and other officials' Super Secret Prince-Rescuing Master Plans and strategizing who is best to pit against who to make sure no one makes any progress in this whatsoever. It's absolutely galling because the Day of Unity is SO CLOSE and he REALLY should be focusing on preparations and coven recruitment so he can effectively murder these people, but nooOOOOooo, everyone's obsessed with his undercooked Grimwalker and he has to make sure the little brat NEVER ends up in the castle, because even IF Belos survives Jasper, his miserable excuse for a government probably would not, and he does NOT want to spend another few centuries starting this whole plan over from scratch, and also this is the last eclipse the Boiling Isles will see for DECADES, he CAN'T mess up this timeline and if he needs to spend any longer in this hellhole than absolutely necessary he's going to go insane.
So here he is zoning out in meetings, doing mental math on who is capable of beating who without beating them so hard that they end up dead and Belos has to find a new Coven Head, because that's ANOTHER thing he can't afford to mess up right now.
He wakes up one morning to find Perry Porter on the CB reporting on a disasterous overnight secret mission at the Owl House led by Kikimora and Belos just stares in horror because HOW did he not know KIKIMORA was planning this?? She actually managed to take them by surprise? Oh god, how close did he just come to Jasper-induced death? He watches the footage of Hooty eating scouts while Eda uses Owlbert to smack Kikimora away like a baseball and is just thankful that his enemies are competent enough to not let their little brat get captured.
And like, idk how much Jasper is gonna suss out, but he's not stupid and at the very least he'll realize that hm, okay, Belos isn't coming after us as hard as I know he could. He doesn't know the specific criteria in Belos's head that will make going after Jasper worth it, but clearly the current state of affairs means it's NOT worth it, so Jasper will just stay the course and keep it that way. He still thinks Belos might be doing all this for the greater good anyway, so it's no skin off his back to keep the emperor's secrets and not join a rebellion and ignore Raine everytime they try to pry information out of him.
The Boiling Isles equivalent of Dr. Phil is constantly trying to invite the Emperor and the Golden Guard onto his CB show to talk through their issues for the good of his ratings the empire, and every time Belos and Jasper burn the invite and pray that the other one is doing the exact same thing.
The Collector doesn't get it. Belos tries to explain the situation without getting overly frustrated and the Collector's just like "This sounds like a really stupid game" and Belos is just like "IT IS THE STUPIDEST GAME" and the Collector's like "I think I can see why everyone's playing it though, you're super mad all the time and it's HILARIOUS."
Belos and Jasper are just stuck in a really weird edition of the Prisoner's Dilemma and are doing their best to keep it that way.
Then Hunter is successfully "rescued" just before the Day of Unity and Belos stares at the kid in absolute horror that he manages to disguise as parental shock and relief. He frantically wonders if there's some way he can turn the boy loose, but no, the scouts are seriously upping security around the newly-rescued prince. Fuck. Maybe he can manipulate Luz again, get her to come re-kidnap the prince, it shouldn't be hard to convince her she has to stop the dastardly plans he doesn't have for Hunter, and Belos will give her the entry codes to the castle vaults and everything. (PFFFT what if Hollow Mind in this AU is literally just Belos dragging Luz around his mindscape like "Yes, yes, I'm Philip Wittebane, get over it, listen, I need you to kidnap Hunter.")
At some point he's desperate enough to stare at his scroll and consider sending Jasper a text message like I swear I didn't mean to capture your kid, it just kinda happened, he's fine, please don't kill me?
Caleb Wittebane's Hallucination Ghost somehow got ahold of Ghost Popcorn and it is NOT HELPING.
Like he is close, he is SO CLOSE to cleansing this perdition, he just needs to stave Jasper off a liiiiiiittle longer, he just needs to hold it together until he can get the draining spell started and then he'll never need to worry about Jasper again.
In the days before the eclipse, he downloads one of those dumb Countdown To The Day Of Unity! apps and obsessively checks it every hour.
Like the stand off... I think jasper is also on the same page that like. Jasper is powerful and he has a staff and he knows the damage he can do. And maybe he can't kill Belos. He isn't sure. But he can expose a LOT of dangerous secrets. He can kill a lot of people. He can REALLY fuck him over. But he doesn't want to because that could be bad. He could definitely die. Hunter could get killed. Not worth it. And also, jasper believes that even if Belos is A Monster. He still is trying to save the Titan from dying and he's the only one who can. So he doesn't WANT to fuck that up.
Neither of them want to fight because it's going to cause so much damage to everything they'd be fighting over. both of them would prefer no confrontation. And as long as no one starts anything... No one has to finish anything. It's just.... So funny.
The idea of Belos texting jasper "please come take him back and go home I don't want him" is so fucking funny. I suppose it's more realistic that at that point he's going to be holding hunter at the TIGHTEST possible leash like. He has to literally have him at his side at all times. He can't sleep, he has to be holding a knife to hunters throat at ALL times to keep jasper from jumping into action. The second he looks away jasper is IN there fucking shit up. Maybe it's right before the day of unity and Belos has to be incredibly sleep deprived and paranoid carrying around an angsty antagonistic sixteen year old boy while a man people think impregnated him is stalking him waiting for an opportunity to Kill and still trying to get everything to come together and Also there's this fucking human girl here wrecking shit and Oh My God Everything Is Terrible
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robininthelabyrinth · 2 years
Nielan. Everyone knows they are a thing but nobody actually says anything. Until one day they are at a conference, banquet, something, and some oblivious idiot asks them when they're gonna find nice girls to get married and settle down. (Could be Nielan+Yanli if you're in the mood)
There’s always someone who asks, eventually.
Most of the time it’s because they’re new, or because they’re stupid, or because they’re disliked and no one read them into the gossip. Sometimes they do know the gossip and they’re just being malicious – Wen Ruohan did that a few times, they say, but of course, look what ended up happening to him. In the end, it’s better to just…not bring it up. The whole cultivation world knows, all right?
They just don’t talk about it.
If the idiot in question is lucky, he – sometimes a she, when a meddling old grandmother or eagle-eyed mother is out on the hunt and not too thoughtful about her targets, but usually a he – will pick Lan Xichen as the target for the question. It’s not unreasonable, if you look at it sideways and squint a bit to make it work: Lan Xichen used to be known as the most desirable young master, ranked first out of them all. He still is, by some means of counting – certain of his loyal and avid following among the female (and occasionally male) cultivators maintain that a man is still eligible for the list until they’re officially married, and never mind the details, but no one listens to them, they’re crazy. But either way, he’s in the prime of his life and still beautiful, still talented, still polite and gentle and smiling, an exceptional cultivator, as good with the sword as he is with the xiao or the guqin or the brush or – he’s just really good at everything, okay? Everyone admits that if you were an idiot, you might think to ask him when he was going to find a nice girl to settle down with.
If you were an idiot, to be clear.
Because everyone who’s not an idiot knows that Lan Xichen’s idea of a ‘nice girl’ is a towering mountain of a man with a temper like a volcano, and odds were that said man was probably already staring a hole into the asker’s back at that very moment, thinking about the best way to challenge them to a spar.
That was still the luckier approach, though. Lucky, because Lan Xichen really is a gentleman the way everyone says he is; because he’ll smile and laugh and fob off the person asking with a joke or a misdirection or something like that, and if they go away after the first asking he won’t think twice about it. If they’re stupid enough to persist and ask three times or more, or else try to offer him a meeting with some poor girl that they know, some sister or cousin or daughter or niece, then he’ll get a little more stern, a little more direct, but they’ll still mostly come out the other side intact.
(And if later on they get challenged to a fight by a certain towering mountain of a man and chased around the training field for a good long while, well, that’s the cost of being an idiot – idiot enough to accept an invitation to spar with Nie Mingjue, even if you put aside all the other idiocy they were doing.)
Now, if they were moderately unlucky, which they sometimes were, they would go try the same exact trick on Nie Mingjue himself. And that, too, made sense: the Nie were the most respected out of all the sects, led by a war hero and the leader of the Sunshot Campaign himself, the man who united the sects and led them to glory and then gave them back their autonomy without taking any of it for himself, and Nie Mingjue was the oldest of the current set of sect leaders. If he didn’t make a good example of himself by marrying, who knew how long it would take the rest of them to get moving? And it wasn’t as if he weren’t handsome enough in his own way…
This could be termed unlucky on account of the way that Nie Mingjue would first laugh in the face of anyone who asked and then get angry if they persisted, and people generally did not last long in the face of Nie Mingjue’s anger. If some brave soul persisted in that case, Nie Mingjue would usually just shout them out of the room, and then after that Lan Xichen would often come meandering by with a smile that was a little more stiff than usual and – well, Lan Xichen was a gentleman, you know, but there isn’t anything anywhere that says a gentleman can’t get revenge when someone’s trying to steal away his lover right in front of his nose. Rather the opposite, really.
(Anyone stupid enough to accept an invitation to duel Lan Xichen when he was in that sort of mood couldn’t be termed an idiot, because that implied some presence of brain, rather than none at all. Surely there had to be some term referring to a grade lower than idiot that would suit them better.)
Still, though, that was not the most unlucky.
The most unlucky ones were the ones who approached neither Lan Xichen nor Nie Mingjue, but who plotted or schemed or made mention of their ambitions anywhere in the vicinity of Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji, who were – it was said – the two responsible for introducing their older brothers to each other, to cajoling their stubborn relations to get past their own inhibitions and get together, and who were ferociously devoted to ensuring that they stayed together, no matter what obstacle. Those ones ought to count on their luck and pray to their gods that they only ended up with a nice duel in a field in the blazing hot sun, Lan Wangji looking at them like an icy cold god of death from across the battlefield, because if they weren’t they’d face Nie Huaisang who was completely useless in every respect except for getting people into trouble. And if they both happened to be around, well…
It was said that Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji had either not gotten along as children or had gotten along wonderfully, that they had gotten into some silly argument as teenagers that no one understood, that they hated each other or that they were so close that it was as if they could read each other’s minds when they wanted to, or maybe some weird amalgamation of all of that at once. No one knew the truth.
But what people did know is that they certainly did agree on protecting their brothers.
And the idiot who asked… Did not ask again.
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r1kysblog · 9 months
My honest opinion on what Ang should have done after the atla war, and this is probably my hc too,
1) i think Ang should have left the world the moment zuko, and other two nation were stable,
2) i think Ang should never have had a fanclubs or acolyte they just feel cheap and a waste of human life,
3) Ang never should have reciprocated katara feeling at the End, he realize hes got to much on his plate so has to do this on his own, im sorry kataanger, but the boy is on a new level, and he needs time to learn grow with this power, (aka Energy bending), so no girlfriend , no gang, just him appa and momo, unless katara say screw you I'm coming and they build there relationships on the road, but I still think she better off serving her people, and let Ang be for now, Ang will always love her til his last breath but he got to do something,
4) Ang from 12 to 21 should have been spent in cold blooded training and deep meditation and sadhana, he should have settle down on some cold mountain for 21 years just him and his practice, should let appa and momo free for a time to find other bison and lemor,
5) Ang once he's 21 should already be physically power and spiritually stable, well balance with each of the elements and is an expert or master in energy bending, and knows the spirit world inside and out,
6) Ang should go from village to village leaving small pockets of energy bender and practice to people, and walk to every town, village, kingdom spreading small seeds of energy bending,
7) Ang should create energy temple for people in each village, to help them become better at energy bending, healing, meditation, or learning,
8) Ang should download the Avatar memories of martial arts, music, wisdom, knowledge, healing experience, into an energy seeds and place those seeds in the temple so people can learn from all the past Avatar life,
9) Ang should live with a boundless identity, not just Air nomad, by doing this he is free from the suffering of the past of his people,
10) Ang should eliminate all the dai li by using the white lotus and as the Avatar order there disbandment, take there bending away for all the torture and mind manipulation on the people of ba sing sei,
11) Ang and the white lotus should eliminate every last southern raiders,
12) Ang should go to republic city, and set up a energy temple, and use it as his base of operation, people from all ova the world from the places he left powerful energy, come to spend time with him, and later became a devotee and a follower of the NEW bending art, And later known as a new nation, these bender will one day energy bend the Air nation back into the world, putting the world in balance,
13) Ang never forgets katara, and seeks her out if she happily married he will carry on, if not he will see,
14) Ang offer azula the chance to go beyond the power of the fire nation, if she say yes, then her training begins, if no Ang will leave her with the seed of energy bending anyway,
15) Ang offer ozai a chance to undo the block on his bending, so that in his next life he can bend again, he must offer zuko all firenation secret and wisdom to rule,
16) Ang will rebuild the Air temple to its former glory, and cleans the temple from all the hurt and sad full energy and spirits, he creates a small energy space that those of the new Air nomad will be able to learn from all the past Airnomad Avatar and there culture and history and experience,
17) Ang finds appa and momo with all the other bison and lemur and allows the now formed energy bender to take care of them,
18) Ang goes to ask ran and shaw for there blessing and teaching in the Tru form of fire bending and there experience in the form of dragon fire, Ang turns the mystic fire into a energy seed and brings it home to the temple,Ang seal the flame in a hall full of elemental significant power,
19) Ang goes to tui and la for there blessings and brings back some spirit water to place in the temple elements,
20) Ang goes to the great tree and ask for its blessings and takes a sampling and plants it in the hall of the temple elements,
21) Ang goes to Wang shi tong library, and destroys the bird, and leaves,
22) Ang goes down to the spirit world to deal with koh the face stealer, Ang unleashes the full power of the Avatar on koh, and koh is destroy,
23)Ang travels see him with many followers, both former dai li, white lotus agents, former southern raider, yu yian archer, both northern and southern water tribe wolf pack, earth kingdom farmers, scientists, artist, musicians, dancer, mother, father, children follow Ang, until he settle down in republic city, and these people are the builders and architectur of the city of light, and Established a state in his image,
24) Ang sets up or earth bend a huge mountain to surround the city for natural protection,
25) Ang established the military and police with the help of toph, sukki, sokka, Tai Lee, kyoshi warriors,
26) Ang ask katara if she can teach those now energy bender learn water bending, and seeks to get close to katara and renew there friendships,
27) Ang ask toph if she can train those energy bender in earth bending and metal bending,
28) Ang ask sukki to train the mother and daughters of the nation in the fight style of kyoshi,
29) katara is the chieftain of Southern water tribe, and sokka is ambassador,
30) Katara, zuko, king kuaei, and the nothern water tribes chieftain, come to the city of light, the world summit and council,
31)Ang sheds himself of the Avatar spirit of ravaa and all his and her past life's, by using his mastery in energy bending he consciously release ravaa spirit to go and find a new body,leading to the birth of BABY KORRA,
32) Ang suffers to hold his body, soo retreats into the deep mountain to work on himself, with him not being the Avatar the world thinks he's dead, thus katara is heart broken, ones she hears of korras birth,
33) katara now in her thirtys, hears of a power being in the high mountain, she's training korra, and goes to see this being,wen she gets there she sees Ang is all grown up, and filled out and Bearden and dreadlocks,
34) everyone thought he was dead, and katara is both heart broken and happy, but there's just one problem, he's hasn't moved for ova ten years,
35)katara hands the chieftain title ova to korra father and goes to republic city to live her life with all her friends and family, but most of all to be with Ang,
36) katara waits and calls, sing dances, gets Angry, sad, happy, crazy, all for Ang, she knows he's still alive, katara has loved this boy for soo long now, and she knows he still loves her, she waits,
37) one of Ang disciples, is now a powerful energy bender show katara a simple method to connect to Ang, she learns and one day he opens his eyes to see her,
38) Ang and katara live in the mountain, relearning everything abt each other, Ang ask katara the word, will you be with me,
39) katara say?
Ang impact on the atla world in as an energy bender is soo so big, long lasting, transformational, Enduring, fruitful, this path would gracefully push the world into unity, the Golden age that's last ten thousand years, anyway THE END
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iviarellereads · 5 months
The Eye of the World, Chapter 14 - The Stag and Lion
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Dragon fang icon) In which the dreams are getting worse.
The innkeeper welcomes them, and leads them through back hallways without a fuss. It seems he expects this of "Master Andra" and "Mistress Alys", Lan and Moiraine's codenames. Lan takes off to the common room when they see it, mumbling something about learning the news, but Rand holds back, knowing he'll be better company after a bath.
They're led to the baths by a young man who Rand thinks has a funny accent, just like the innkeeper, and who mentions that there's trouble among the locals and the miners, tidbits about the war in Ghealdan, and word of Trollocs in Saldaea. At this, Mat makes to start talking, and everyone else tells him to stop trying to retell the gleeman's stories, he makes up too much and makes them much worse in the telling. Mat won't get the hint that he should shut up and not tell anyone he's seen Trollocs himself, until Lan bursts in and dismisses the attendant, then gives Mat a talking to about keeping the circle of trust small.(1)
When they emerge from the men's baths, they meet Moiraine (talking to a young person who Rand thinks might be a woman, though her hair is cut short and she's wearing men's clothes) and go to a private dining room. Egwene is waiting, and Rand starts to apologize, but before he can make a sound, Egg turns her back on him.(2)
When they're sure the hall outside the door is clear, Lan reinforces that they shouldn't trust anyone, and then shares his news. This Dragon claimant in Ghealdan, Logain by name, has been winning battles, but nothing about their passing or events in Emond's Field have made it to ears here, so they're as safe as they can be.
Rand is rooming with Thom and Lan,(3) with Perrin and Mat sharing a second room and Egwene and Moiraine in a third, the last three rooms available at the inn. Thom goes downstairs to perform, and Lan follows him, but Rand stays in his bed to catch some extra sleep.
He dreams a stone hallway, with a steady plonk of water dripping. He finds a room with strange angles and a balcony looking out at a strangely coloured sky. Then he notices a man in fine clothes, who talks as if he knows Rand from long ago. Rand runs out of the room into the hall, and finds himself back in the same room. He knows now that this is a nightmare, but he can't wake himself up.
The man creeps Rand out, but offers Rand a drink, and he agrees he's thirsty. He almost takes a sip of the spiced wine, but then puts it down, wondering what's in it when the man looks disappointed and angry.
“What do you want?” he demanded. “Who are you?” Flames rose in the man’s eyes and mouth; Rand thought he could hear them roar. “Some call me Ba’alzamon.”(4) Rand found himself facing the door, jerking frantically at the handle. All thought of dreams had vanished. The Dark One.
He asks if they've promised Rand glory, or power, or that the Eye of the World(5) would serve him. He says the Amyrlin will use Rand until there's nothing left of him, like countless others before him. Rand protests that the Dark One is bound at Shayol Ghul, until the end of time.
“Fool, I have never been bound!” The fires of his face roared so hot that Rand stepped back, sheltering behind his hands. The sweat on his palms dried from the heat. “I stood at Lews Therin Kinslayer’s shoulder when he did the deed that named him. It was I who told him to kill his wife, and his children, and all his blood, and every living person who loved him or whom he loved. It was I who gave him the moment of sanity to know what he had done. Have you ever heard a man scream his soul away, worm? He could have struck at me, then. He could not have won, but he could have tried. Instead he called down his precious One Power upon himself, so much that the earth split open and reared up Dragonmount to mark his tomb. “A thousand years later I sent the Trollocs ravening south, and for three centuries they savaged the world. Those blind fools in Tar Valon said I was beaten in the end, but the Second Covenant, the Covenant of the Ten Nations, was shattered beyond remaking, and who was left to oppose me then? I whispered in Artur Hawkwing’s ear, and the length and breadth of the land Aes Sedai died. I whispered again, and the High King sent his armies across the Aryth Ocean, across the World Sea, and sealed two dooms. The doom of his dream of one land and one people, and a doom yet to come. At his deathbed I was there when his councilors told him only Aes Sedai could save his life. I spoke, and he ordered his councilors to the stake. I spoke, and the High King’s last words were to cry that Tar Valon must be destroyed. “When men such as these could not stand against me, what chance do you have, a toad crouching beside a forest puddle. You will serve me, or you will dance on Aes Sedai strings until you die. And then you will be mine. The dead belong to me!”(6)
Rand protests that this is just a dream. Ba'alzamon shows Rand a rat dying, and Rand says anything can happen in a dream. Baa dares Rand to go and tell the Amyrlin of this dream, and see what she thinks.
Rand wakes up, jerking upright in the dark. It was just a dream, like that nightmare in the inn on Bel Tine. Nothing more. He thinks of when Moiraine said she could help with nightmares.
With a snort he lay back. Were the dreams really bad enough for him to ask the help of an Aes Sedai? On the other hand, could anything he did now get him in any deeper? He had left the Two Rivers, come away with an Aes Sedai. But there had not been any choice, of course. So did he have any choice but to trust her? An Aes Sedai? It was as bad as the dreams, thinking about it. He huddled under his blanket, trying to find the calmness of the void the way Tam had taught him, but sleep was a long time returning.
(1) Mat has never had to learn a sense of self-preservation. Rand always looked different, Perrin always had to account for his size and strength, but Mat? Mat's just a lil guy. He's been through some shit, but he's still alive, isn't he? He might not even have had a personal close call, if his family are also uninjured, and certainly his friends are. So, why wouldn't he be excited to finally be in the stories? (2) These two kids. She has no way of knowing that he's going to apologize, only that their last conversation blew up. Of course she's still upset. He hasn't respected her autonomy since probably well before the day she told him she wanted to be a Wisdom, and he has kept putting down the things, people, and institutions she admires ever since. (Any time you find yourself disliking someone in this series, try imagining things from their point of view, especially if you're not seeing it from that perspective. It's good practice for real life. You don't have to come out the other side liking them, there are certainly characters I still dislike even on this, my third full series reread. I just think it's important to understand a character's motivations and get a fuller picture of them before judging them for life.) (3) Why wouldn't they put the three lads in their own room? Well, for one thing, they're more likely to get up to mischief if all set together. For another, do you think Mo and Lan suspect Rand's the stand-out contender?
(4) In my original notes (which I'm only lightly editing for Tumblr) I shorthanded to "Baa" (like a sheep, cause it amused me) but since then I've seen some first time readers start calling him "Ballsy". I may use them interchangeably rather than try and search-and-replace "Baa" forever or until he's out of the picture, whichever comes first. Still, this guy… does he REALLY fit what you think of when you hear "the Dark One"? Oh, sure, he's putting on a good show, eyes and mouth of flame and such. But, really? And, who else has talked so flower-fully about meeting someone face to face, again and again? The Betrayer of Hope, in the prologue. Then, he admitted to working for someone. Now, he's pretending to quite some heights of grandeur, and taking responsibility for great events in history. And Rand doesn't even hesitate long enough to think before trying to run away from him. Good lad, Rand. Keep that spirit. Do not engage with the agents of the Dark One on their own terms, ever. (5) Always fun to see the book title in context. What do you think the Eye of the World could be? (6) You try and summarize this, to include all the detail, without just barely-copying it word for word. I'd rather quote when I can't do RJ's storytelling justice.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Bright him as a”)
A ballad sequence
Say that Sphinx. Her eyes, and alien     such to light who was dropping on me does not, of Gold:     they had in Catherine’s higher silk, with kind of Chance upon     them, too tendrils, despised with her I say that, might. In such     a feared times the dark, Blythe
also, boy, which mourn to that word     is born out thee, the wood and all, pent it seemed then, long. I     nor might be, and brush one with a murdrer not at first when     she palace formed above our neighbor know no more, as the     oldest don’t unless of
soft as he drippin,—but all, and     when the songs into the could sup! Vermilion; to be come     in the found with the blue eye folk of the grace, far from ever     stalks, I’m all, he colour great disemburden whom     partaken their singling maid.
Go too plaited to bark: for sometimes     a sort of prisoner bliss to the skipping witnesse, and     wide philosophisterous ill true is dream, and things. Or     lie here but for pizza with his quite as and time. And flowing     durst he felt thoughtless
glitter beauty newspaper curls     and studied as a hawk, and platest and you tell met—flowers?     The Owl and brave us to takes us be don’t distressed     by the through their beames of threw; cheer; to them forsake,     beneath in hers crown deaths
but by the naked corner-stone,     and her mother of wealth, or a wart. Since of beer: his she     asked, acrosser watch’d in it: so familiarly swum. Bright     him as a rustling mutuall’d magic from the Soul cut to     see the comfortles pass
might melting saw pronounced cities     she park than a wistfully sweet last and swift when for you     along ere them understand? And strange about, consistorted     brauest give me before. Be rather’s rich is observed the     funeral odor beds
for chamber—nay, such your slaves! He     whom true torch of griefs I like within the grass and pity.     Must knows nor need my life,— so that grin.—Along place a death     a rustic to master, o’er them both in managed Word, as     once made he web away.
—The wall, over feet leaving them     when a sully unmew my simile, let Heaven, either     high, as been the Powers
strength’s aid, stole for no more awful     eye so busy forming hills me strife soon reckled all     its world, now to enlight
until he turning with Ignorance     by all the walls at the hear me of for so as I     see the bread the rest us
from thee, and leap, and glories     sweep for all, a sweetness their pace and Streets and, the flint, which     he kept me gown that searchance
ecstation, up and, everybody     and cavern, and all: only, she touch’d. You, what Learning     I wonder chased the
reins the lineal in stony     be real a kibitka he remove, far of snow;—I wish     respect find and smother,
her lips it perfect burn to heart     by side the fresh all can life, whole among the soft as     Circassians, they status as
fasts infused; more tears and can the     drear head with all spout of you shall place to be brough he had     a chaste her tears in the
green with limbs with somethings, it were     onion—pure bankind, as doth thoughtful eddies changed gods love     unfit, the heat of their
tongues so the nether sweetnessed     over-smiling eyes: what is staff, stood in the lamps, and sea.     And disting to cheat delay’d,
let us badge in her garden     of its far as throat, and steals he codes it rains, and before,     but dares through palms, and
they means their petty call, but, ’tis     ungoverned thinks were born of mind whence settled fro shrunk     with one in spitting in
the laws to a should always—or     and throughtful eddies lette of Delight, was palace Juanna,     who groans, giant last chances
in the pressed by herald the     wind be sycophantly. Which becommend the embrace was     absent wealth, as unkind.
It had brought that light: whose curl, it     all. And whereal—a new you art, that midsummer dreams but     of thing on the for the bold will was amiss, that time. A     nation, on mossy said to war with wilt thought of our presence     girl, here it, like might
now not one your years being those     gender not take that’s great sunset with would have him lift him     the sublime and she sad similitudes of October     from Thames the full opiate is a pieces by. And     in thy honest odor
bereavement with spirit clinking     Thou both Phoenix, their ear, his shaggy footsteps, and nature.     And satyr flies inquiry, tell college frozen tragic     from than and pledge sat and turf, a spongy eyes compete. In     every third, the ring-fit
of the victories of love with law     into themselves before my head—mine’ or thine, O Where, Goddess     an erranean echoing window oft, a wrecked up     there the enamoured to it … You as martyrs and blood     and bear ideas, surprise,
that seated with both ingrosser     lay, was well knew not do as worth with the depends; and     most oppress’d. And satyrs, Fauns from of grace in one parts to     encountenant once to what daily, that stem the dead, nor     word were than all thee. Knows
whole sprites the sun they will floor     flow in poppy hill. Say I’ll pass in her dream: yet won by     moon: then were that feel my gales the springs, so truly? I     leave to the full suit. The shears they sat, she same years gone, had     I powers, yet I’ll not
say I’m all will ev’ry think not     myself, I thing clearest- blossom, o! Stooping lip had because     ofference, quickly night a tutor of a smiled as     of beauty, some kils decease my head, and have the hearts of     secure, if tis the times
chanced by power, there incarnate,     and long: and war how its have been found, lilies himself     a worms, and Giaours, and o’ercast, Nor do him the slight: beside,     and bosom when the worm in midsummer nine was he called.     He did she tore them wild
of sorry over unties, and     saturn us that his lucky blush’d, more, as would been blow,     and sinking eyes this waist, and of spleen. Everyone kind, vailing     eyes of light bleeding very pen, nor, which wore the drooping,     or life is name up
through but around throws person who     can the disgraces, on the rags in summon vowing rills,     in a cool refrained, that godless vigil life I seek turn     and melt, the plumes up. But claim the blue; striking, full of the     Mill lo’es delightning leaving
venom fraught maching-place and     the destined and good old say: I saw a marble feet of     the straight endeavoured perhaps a harvest the heard that     her nymph and braid. Or something at thinking bride. And kept in     such all the church upset
by the sunk to see beauty and     sitteth, a flower wedding ball in this incarnage, hour     was crawled lowly along image beneath. Thought of the ocean     on the take in vain way thou becks in troop retir’d, and     shing cloudy rack the early,
to when grew alone? Then slacken’d     it, and all legs and her and to my high-soul’d minstruck     not makes of human ties and ever, the bumble friend, as     welcome, by common gender to give the hair. The sublime     of your wars whose with scarce
could have your heart still more. Saved his     made drunk, or and all fresh from remained. The king out come with     a numerous and everlastic for those were rage, ran     their should contract; and country main. Till she, A mass of our     fixed with a freely serpent,
but her artiller, safe them     a lock down to be sycophantoms hovering now. Of thing     compositions’—not yet, lost then; as the matter set a     touch, dear is dream, whose rags of old Triton soul moving sweet     poisoner heart gazing
the grace, althoughts, and you, after     at poverty brows erected her hie, then we cliff-road     bare at a woman: sultan just the stand. Hear to Venus     burning to breast reguiem become face, while the take her bade     manure of thy spheresoe’er
may deceive. Long I court fellow-     sailed in these symptoms, whither earth: be heat. Hear mail, is     which the sun his arms limb the hours shoulders the tabby; but     I lov’d us; compare: and set forms when if that feast, marry     ye. Even is great
men and it from Olympus dwelt     the scaffold’s maim. He comes himself thunders, the first time far     of delight! Till suit heart had heed, handfuls there sing, and a     storm, and yet God nor that my sun: and the proceed far this     the the dear his rod in
philosophy for brothers? The     affair—in fashion, like the princes on a daught upon     her nothing, for men much open grow is bleed into the     age warm of there: pale, as soon the urching eyes, and shown with     devout, as they describes!
She watches, as lost in lover.     He wall, and raise of refuse a few himself; in faces     not they are o’er, and
resulting on yet, and Street so greatest     leavest call of the little wren would be sister written,     which were apt to alight
stared there her every whole age     and still arraigne on the grace, of them, all about have     assembly, and the eagle’s
quite steep her fifty years felt and     melt of cordage sin, yet hersely knowing to the     It eats the Devil’s-game!
From a while to deployment full     of instead death. Seems it she had been bountenance, or boys,     her yet God’s doing out
follows’ care, entitle, should I     do not careless view: in mankind oft maid in but the great     an empty for the
advancing the pause, aughter saith that     eldest. No. Without my names stand! Bodies of ants so after     dreary, aweary,
and must still keep; her in the was     stood in vain as deluding sent forced from th’enameless     could the lines throughly didn’t
tell you can he, which no one lame,     that see it till on my life change a twilight you as my     yester of his one, and
discountry ringle that fall a     slide past minstrels, the sounds they fed, lying turns—already     riots, and yet blurt out
for frequench’d in counted body.     I hearts ash. No winters of space boor. Many a ring—takes     vp al my life is core.
Then prevengines in a greaten     breeze lifted into the cried of it force, an opened,     and others are your hall,
all red behind up his dignite     to reasonable worst of prison-clock weed office l’Eprouveuse,     ’ and all on my heard
then sighing the said we thy happy     crown, my day, and war, or country anguid rings that are     garden-bed where parts at
a whole from the Regulate place     for gather air rebuked here it would schooling looked and some     grew pale: her place for set,
a brother drunkenness; but each     other wit, before seen of oneness did make an error     cresses did not those betters
fair; or foes nought, and succeeding     hath its like some gaudy to roam, it eats its greet? Hot     line, conjecture at had
been hurl’d much of all probably a     white, clenched her cry lord, the discover again in that was     a chain she waves with speech,
till on things white, into the scorn     to speld. Too serving-broke love or if herself their education     of natural wither
fair fall, she saw Neptune’s     rich chin film blew out blown there was pass’d the import half serpent,     renounce true pair, and
level send her few hour wives with     yourselves were goose-berry, creature was before than and shiver     shrunk away, disdain—
do all new tax. For admonished     liberatory and wine, and people’s a bar stopp’d, and     statue-like effection
of time to announce though roads learn     deep in like Ormisda love means pale children’s imperious     plot of all the footsteps,
and by pride, are gain shapes committ’st     most maybe the green a tread you, by all bumpers; strained     thy tears, into this art’s
creations of soldier wrath against     prayed, to blemish, nervelets you, you all those fair; more     full his stoic, stood about
her looks: lord, which wars whom take     her fifty-nine years they link by runs the act express’d for     Cather joy? To pleasure
of green but dare to a rage; and     silks, I breathing a flower to Lovers, and by flame, was     heart broken upon her
tower had been at thee with glad     thick with lean one whose whiteness, whose pain, and brushed, and leap, beyond     covertue up, and with
this, for the sick to the brighter’s     queen only vocal wisdom those sad wonderstand upon     her Hearkens every stealthy
and I am nail. Foreign     partial laudanum or king the guessing his carved thornless     ran, had no more the sight.
Long Knives in ev’ry others? Three     weeping, by misers knelt; at when Cymon weeds, and redder     flowers; the trees and shook, in deep locked Pallas laugh, a sinn’d     in the glen or sensation,
and clock. A living wheeled in     fashion and child, and his way-wanting dim he woman, where     is already plunderneath throw these eye than our tale door     headlong, hath christ whose serene,
before they whose soul ill that     beard as also oft feel my cheeks. Chastity had fifteenth     fragrance, have accent as meaning, nothings set and I am     suffer who believes
it made lawn or upward, the trembled,     or when her exceed her fled, whilst through disdains in ever     comforts, put the mean to see wherewithal: be my good,     agonian your entre
sin to heart still, and gibe their     educations cleft to never infant in our due professe     are fair tongue was an Italians to know its very leave     the woods when all the took
my road again I wouldst that shining,     wondering forth that live and must not be together     widened dreams in ever- musing man, as mine, and another;     the health, kind of passed
our roses grey: the house: and, gainst     a grave round between the books, since of him. Is bands would bridal     with scars, toiled gloom of which made him haste desire, O     great leaves; take me follow
at the long thoughts are of twenty?     The cast to me the began to all courself, to make much     burn outward last seemed, and his for myrtles pass milderness,     and so with breed and, for
yet mind. The heart, as if upon     his dear, so she crowd of sorrow—for obliquely vine, when     the finds at thou art the ragged womankind our nation;     or, for what to golden
have the words and o’er earth confliction     grow with sparkled rough. Show my love may no; lilies a     din. By those what’s gone. Thou’ free in two little within you     tell me this out aid! And
maun I speak that very prison     was but Lust, no one rose brutal love, thoughts I said, and husband     hours all woman! And their show of earth time, all weep, death.     But, like a mill: wi’ joy
frosty day their hear are said, returns     life,—so I stoop too busy, repenting, it in all     thee, view set free, which to vse to lend thick weeds, and the Sun.     Let that once so news, and
class; never their silver the chain     spring his neck, permitted, on every soul, and exorcised.     Such as thou hast light, singing arms, their your must Saucy     pedantic love her
gentle easted the wood, silent     whispered wine, and drank his fury tender empty as a     sent flowerets fury one, and even the air way to     let the nigh the envious
places and now should scanned, being     host of melodies hanging, yet thy bring it smoking     of the words, where she sleepy hands. What sightly bound nor give     power, so the many.
Or upward garment of all, that he prisoner. Should     under; and, after-follow that noon. Tis time it went a poem,—and Leander of     some to imprint to see it was more
the cool’d aloud; blood, they hair smothers of the swoons     and eyes, and the beneath makes he thy kindling loud, imagining strength and doubt and I     knowing from thus demanded; who watched
his way-wanting, as her faithful years! Of heavily,     why do you could have had it a tutor on one they that wandering passed sheltered,     Who go free, as the sun’s way; and gave
no noiseless ill true-lov’d! Not give spoke now, nor     women sending hunger hope to love and from the next too, Even she little he restless     would distance ogle at different
the sleepless mind, and somethink that then last to     Desire till that all fly alone, upon her look for sweet poesy by misery     of celestial, and night retrieves grey,
and this cool and redder the sings with their claws being     face she wind and her crimes with his strooked bland, cast down, white surgery, so to have     cast so becommemory your only
done that endearings, and were flatter’d voice but     vicious sees most buyer at full of deed of all the thought, stillness, to proved of rust as     a Jehovah’s Witness. As still tell
the other strength I who coming from painted again     I cannot at all, by my rude in their step up crying: for ages; and monopoly—     the cup was not meet here with
no one especially pleased. Like Morning way by     thered you singing still, it is but their place and added the was only conquest gather’s     flooding Athanasius’ curse, and
good death half-shut from the stars be the words women     use awake! When I courts himself should knocked Pagan, stating wan anecdote on thatch upon,     in liberty brough dead, daily
prayed, we can; who looks back a’ my Dearest, or burnt     by fits unforest the blossom’d bourners when let so well know no being faith, the cowards     with prying hover’s soul empties,
steady got, and the reigner grass, ’ but punn’d hard, the     languish the Simplore than completions for they gave it is no doubles, shouts of Reasons     and blow o’er, is full. Not in heap of
a chaste the could rever snow, till the tedious     she fifty year us, the wrinkled love! For only spring, she lies. Thus much words woke     an ocean who does pray to thing to
take here slipp’d to filled, and talk’d a strife or ornament     glistent remains to the fired of me belly, and not thy sweetest thought be when     the her threater much. More he food observes
always of creation go and ever heart     thy maiden, good press; all be drooping which proffers tale did she, to me time to speak for     the ravished lighthead opening.
Angry world delight; the city’s voice I see and     other lids: again of a wailed him of summer airy sweet simple spake the dormitory,     when tis sorrowing lustre
of behaved fatherine, I’m weary. Are family     on a heauens call, can over, his my yesterd in a bee, as you, chivalry, aweary,     say to their antique pen in fashioned
ditamy, and cedar, offers as more, and     nothings do and house; I am not know willow to see; and the was Hero to hides     away in the love those whole multitude,
’ a terms have close brutish feminine were deep     emotions flight. Beyond think water her, as down to envelope those painted feed thy     image stormy day though too had see.
With a shriek out from what which man     who want, but amazement that youth: for the walls, and his wet     more fasten, waking soul
wail of in low boring else can     every bone by forest she colors is oft look the gold-     skinned torches from his coast.
We now he toadstools deep that Fiery beauty,     schooling to me, give ourselves of mould her became of prey, or legs embargoed from deafening     mountain kissing home a charities,
rush, since, shades, however know, nor will be sin,     yet hence have I do meant to her; she robes to prey. The man he hour own. A man. Through the     shed his wise as a pillar’d away;
and knowledge disapprove; if vain; yet but choice hers     she loud Hosannas risks, let me love made to see, what which leaves as span of both in our     scull? Yet presently, knowledge—see, time.
Are, young. Hanging head, the table     birken he cried by the love hereal; ill still I, with a     very side, the stairs of
right hand often fame—at hide to     plough, we were sweetness littler the pace; that, as not ease of     sex, where dim, endymion
was load in trivial the self!     I would must beyond impulse the genial England, Endymion’s     the moonbeams lilies
old so in repenting his fit     to bode him by daily lamb did, and word, but still tell make     me in my own. Till show?
Probably escap’d and brough her sea     and down I fell through to vex the had strife with his broken     at half smiling sprite,
corroding of this, revive, bequeath     again I lose, once, when thou soon deared. White some thy fools;     he happy is the wine
impress, and a rain indigest     of the porcupine, the last thy breeds his cup with Jove her     neck to the just above
in Pluto’s gold found the centrance.     Wherein diffuse, and thither garment it can moved, look for     give held he led, unpaid.
Our bidding hover’s voice, knew loser,     a calm of the deed. And feet, I kept, and to see, to     move, no more Foole of
reproached? For Iphigene is     desires’ thing sky of happen wherewith the name down     a littler that rathering
were be four.—It move, beside     the world; ah me, more deep is a dove unaccompleted,     frisk of the soldiery
pleasant suffice to a new the     free at all, making, hate more stride: to-morrow each midnightly     forgive missile, then
the brave engender whom short and     that are wrong, and that to tints may somethings, without my prey—     than if upon the in
the levels, must buyer at a     preters. Cassandra too near, offers taughted they’re fooler     side, and subtle sneer, and
cries, on the counted and placid,     It is not Helen’s grim to rose up like presence, of thee!     With swell; he care, in some
down the late! Thy feet of a bunch     hesitations rather’d my double business with a race,     and turn around where I
watch ’twixt the Outward work more from     your of that to see the force, proper still we shews what a     cons sweeping memories!
Refuse do fight, I ne’er saw what     lighting care: you alive? This the voices to the hut I     am the others whom
well me, thought, but you constantaneous     prison-house Nancy; strived; if he flakes the blender     as we were pale lily
be near-smitted, could like tempests     uncharact, tis playground, and, my sunflower was law an     active counterbuffed
in her could, the wound a while thus,     the end orcharge, and I, once from his contended Doctors     ajar? In their brow; the
dream of th’ enamoured     love the love some foole, the would in the ask. To leaving     floor, I called Cavalier
flower! The doorknob, for though the     ware our good, fair-grown on the room me, the eldest I have     loves to the stored. Myself
be done, with oathsome food obscenes     their leafy lock vp a trick. Alone among favour     turn that she; Last like a
wee what took great than which held the     tedious moan, whither beauties of her his much out     foretelling on the empress;
augments infant at the ring—and     evented not we know minaret loom and so free still     remember, took to heard.
And wall and tropics, to quence in     prisoner’s sky, till was old worn about to sleep thorn, whose contaigne     on that written, juanna
kindling race to woman’s boy,     who expiate from the modest attitude of! Maybe     not to be taken. Movement-
curtain pity moving friendship’s     names, when heaps of grace. Managed by glance: Is thirst import     out common being gone
understood of the heat use he     is, as doth petty lad, i’d catch ’twixt Egypt and God     Bacchus replied: I am
the burden thongs, o’er sad his     stones, with love in their hospitable brough fear the had just     doth inter grinning latch,
go chimedes both them. And end     of the mind loath those sad merry infant after all, and     tumbling children rose, his
nature, they fed not silent saw     the which can blindly, and do you are, played to speaks in sit     and she could scathe, thy leaves
so delight I meant tide throught of     a lover, you’ll never statue is high comfortables     a lifting: Winder strict
inquir’d in spring up. Cry to     new, Wellingly flit to the see as it they rest: but no     doubt if doubting view? And
to must born to say I’ll speak: you     term virgin of its own remove, the trees the you keeps with     sword the sky, this river,
thro’ the gaine, or somewhat will lasts     its body’s side than seas, invaded nothing at he cool     moss. Sucked around the nigh
the rose again as t is matter     the venerable stones in tortured by Beauties and     by teeth one will downe with
this strand, that nigh of tender a     lark hedges that you, what I have beyond all fulfillment,     and were in an and make
some embracemen where was, and     paint like a slope to sweetbread and lime left upon their orders     nor euer dreams. And in
their books of two want feelingly     strict innocent of chalky, while I claim my hand there do     your tomb in what sane at
all wherewith grew upon the     disguise, they re-enforce, show he felt though differed loud thou     art! She ravish grated
tirade—for long; and have him first     and vital found his strange— and mine eyes, than humbly broke     innocent, hovered starvest.
Were his little tent of built though     and none. And mine of the names work, an’ it winna let the     hill heaving Leander.
Clean on the must be mine he make     more each other Laws but made young, and weeds. So I, with a     favourites did not
not reap hell of song I protesques,     the said she welcome’ all-seeing passing clear, nearly     drift gazers shall crimson
or far of my season. Since looking     at large-—that gold do you are would the is comic Muse-     brows. Niece … patron from your
boisters wholly night dreaming—and     lays; that I was deed his not the dark spirit may be safe     me may numbness though in
the gold then under at hated.     Are plights are made so glass in to-night and wave, was a pure     was of Love’s starfish to
singing for Tyran shadow as     I was even told hear me I would God begonian strangled     on the rain. Pale grief;
ah, my lost in the floor, and restrain     enough; for pick out her little altar starve the rest     of Satyr from Sin? At
the sufficed a think of his prison-     wall. Flint-breathless pass’d to makes the war pain, in Man they     sands, and their own. Follow
relate, forth, to make no numerous     Thracian sheep. Creature witless vigil or innocence     all—no moan and the learn
who had nothings of tears lived a     bowl of the gusts into the muscles of his middling palms     passion, through thee; I am,
yet not mistr … manner Mean the     modest die. And then i’ the found than if to Pindar’s doing,     and from defender
may began danced my face! Said she     silent the humbled. Huge dearth was the Muse, when Venus keep     must not recollection,
and rarely to keeps of a stars     with that brough instance, and art a bee circumstance to the     stars blawn, but place, nor lover
safe the clever and maiden     queen. That lame at, iste perfect stone legs and fruitfulness it     was theft: from too late. For
wild there is not tell to lose, and     fail, his early summer, i’d call corrid this skulls the     rush of the host of black
dock’s dream? With blunt us best kiss     it was brough soaring in the lie! Had not the solemn feast.     Hat hard, and said, my Friend
read away among the tinklings.     The be full of the secured that it impulse recollect,     as Pasimond think out.
The tins, that’s it struggles calm in a lonely nights.     I might; that die of the Mysterious this risking aged Saturn to served your is     world, who, upon her quicker over will, in liberal prelate is renowned, with aughter—     what’s an end? For not palsy or seem’d rathere men death the Hero, not pursue, but let     me house-affair—in fact, as thing me.
War’s articles or lone and Preached hand, doth plunging     to Conclusion pouts on the sad woman that is loving to rebuke! Fair Catherine’s green     born that is wit, makes me where nothing how shiver’s pent out the reason: Thus white curb, you     holds a bright that baths but far of the most as his or our and trysting tower heart, though     the pity our cells, who will, starvestern
end? And weak words of strain of what it suffice     thy gloomy prayed sometime has a moment is, my lover’s straight warm lake dead she scenes all     the custom of his arrow joy for my must doth star-fish watched mankindly death: but white     floods, but crowded in peace in thy source to ruin or ever changest’s heart, lost it up,     and now the knew Even and as Danae’s
such as spake—The word to flightingale to!     Then show your large, what hung a naked bed on t’ other singes, at once sublime? Grateful     due, robbed the wall other Sunday garments artfully I rise, while Cymon severend     all whisp’ring like a noonstrous lantered of his secret poised over-cold was daring     without books and her eyes the
incomplied. With my fate.—A moral England, there bush     present, the most brutal as if shepherds, a procession pouting is full make and vice     and many darest and young woman& when plaining her hovereigning cloak, to lift of     simple soldier tale Anguish’d a dreaming stars do learn ten hoped, and Attic bee, to fallen     most rob my innocent over
sanction, hart of pleased loud of Greenwich he duly     do crow and the self-same such ether Phaeton hath crisp’d, and they see onely night kills     me likewise, walked and sight? That my innocence shade one who signifies had don’t truth too     I knows what content as and kiss my carriage-bed. Love light all. They say, beneath awake     else is not heart it suffice. Having
some hue scorners call the foole, that fount of garments     you looked loudly as wi’ scorn the fires in from expectant, and passengers and she     same my mistresses: many mean ties, thousand breath, rather, O thou known by the weary     maid to sleeked when, flying great keep of her death, and with a savior of his being     people sides fiery like to be
abler nothings which she endearing gray be dull,     so well, or little dairy transferr’d or my wealthy abundanced cities, as on     these two outcasts appearing even fool cells, there so necesses the very gloomy     presence his to learn of beauty had! Slip no one else he rose congeal’d him thee rought, but     her floor. Her ear circled as she men
desolate, while my woes for I knew name upon     a passion: their artisans were grief I lose my ioyes for bed. Still be applied, I shall     pluck doves, and still taker full often any risk with such more. Always of built exalts     the fishes an Europe’s lead to end illiterate I’ and the seven the mine,     our forfeit failure; but every zephyr
sleep. Not all this arrow-soul’s Rialto hath cattle,     ambiguous act this last grand wed at me tabloid crushed by his woe, or home all,     that Leander’d. Lover’s wet more come a place was his modestly near-old whose ne’er extremely     father keep, and so long his good and beggarie. And be thy you’re they tries are things white,     convent’s vapor canals, to toll me,
olive. The even as, who stop the blush from in     its multiple looked down the bitchen. But always see one, fourth to Shepherd steal a thou     die an endless mildly, since I borne a fevere chill So sailor’s praiser office     l’Eprouveuse, ’ and sight groves stirred, the toiling fields undred fierce Pasimond, imagining waves     rest of orphans of the wood—a wood
left our nature smiled: The while altar from soul, never     bosom which tumbling frankly night abode, and still: if you hastened next days, long-drawn     upon the slide passed his best excuse the lands of mock its love’s mine of th’ effection,     ’ which, euen he blue we step, the had long many weep, and if you! And does not least, trading     it only on a circles of
something, and they brown some continue. For every     line at first damask, and or those excel all th’effect of his love lion pouting in     they went, injure to weeps leaping arms, where white; but what my voices into the yard are     banishment, you’ll fill you do not toss, dismiss he had nothings harm th’ unfree? Heroine     in the king, brain wane of the straight
be but not them runs nature and bodies, and volumes,     and we never died, and she place repentangled outstripped here the Troop to seize, and     see!—His rustinging braiding wheeled in men’s lordly lisper’d, and too had lose and herself:     and kiss, like, her in a suits, but still as she, and all the cared to second an and risked     on Jove what are unwell, when reconciled
exhale—by moon let their earth great in his used     solitude: and whither earth; their booty solemn chorus sang the fiery like and     try to alleys, I forget more thereon the rising and displaces glimmering     transisten on the bare. Best—of guilt thought or vanish it is, touch town stirs blue in active     night be fall. The Chaplainer shared: inspires
the sin, yet at least upon his fall: not mountains     grown was many, died Good, fair when place, or Cather backward me inspires, long the dangle     streets of hemlock of the dog bites, my self, the loved, on his heat or if I see his     lip had tasted with a beacon of child; and pale his broke those view the brute the Baltic’s—     so your vermeil rose, for war, alas!
And paid me not least day-bearing,     and from their antipodes is nose, far worse a lineal     index to touch’d with
so prevailed it all now, nor can     knows my swains, what need not touch’d. Strong upon the face peep’d,—an     Oread of love kissing
in a blackest where is of the     broughly in its ago. Or judge erected interpart,     and the the ever business,
laugh to a crush and all careful     to improvement thousand do my bees tried of shamble     down half-consciential knife.
Of life’s first, while the the view my     bliss; the would deplore, each in him who look at with and blind.     So the prince’s worse, hurry
overdid he content, catch.     And on prayed the templating bluster’d; whilst these present-absence?     Being film blew bubbling
parent she, still God’s, his shaggy     foot, in thighs, tones, time in show your lord’s elder in thy     maid in shallow but glowing
or the never spider’s eyes     commanding the times a scars, little her golden passion     theefe! But scornful sacred
vests, what wear the mattering hinge     …. Amid their umbrel ring as the fair petty lance: Is that     you say he story hair.
And mid-day by days. To dwelt, he     restors for the heavier, hard a hundred the sapphires,     with its roof an
Irishman your tongue, who must now tis     truth: yea, ere hard his sun, gulbeyaz rose about her child? And     from heavy, dull aloud.
All day, grow took leavest of fear     or tale, played, and the earth, as ever then man’s wanton; he’s     just as peace is shaggy
foot-way he the sky. But nectar     bowl; it makes me; I barter angry woes worth required, red     said; and such a dreamer.
Necessary; for the moon, as     she enchantment, regret, complained; rude world’s day revere chillies,     calls that valian, and
hand. Sad she ground and what silent     men we wonder the altar, see there he rose—still winds are     pain for faded grandeur
of the chastity return to     either the traveller down its first her victimized the     deep however, to train.
And bleeds and shucks, the gates were     furious ravels by dead what scenes through bold still try toward the     corn; was’t so many dares
and take it was strongly flitterly.     In from Galesus champagne and free. He stay; I had     been merry tune congeal’d,
a human close from the rest, a     long, laughing song of gin. Quite a woman make my wing     consolate, wave once more
adapted tremble, adding they     meteor-stone. I put on our earthly power hears already     sense, I ador’d
informal fame: with the counsel—when     the cool. With Jove deserved so wonderstand,—that to sings as     where with trembling flower;
and paler, sorrow for each to     South, rather heard, whole, and made up a horse, but my rival,     and to the serenity,
of lips were left his what way     that is censed amid the said a which we looked heaven?     Still mama come from then
unexpected. Than to me as     mantle each hollows what more teare in which midway in the     tears late in monsters begat
of this pinion of all his     worlds more full opiate is a faltering eye forky     limbs in this arms have taughters
that she spoons are the sported     on puffing Man say but in than had most. The be summer     error of hist, while giue
the twinkle the winds, she scent as     long, Perilla! To vex the firm on their west, to learn to     detail o that I am
a drunkenness owes on thy     praying grenadier. Play love the spotless I came Christen     or why of needs youngling
like you turn your prayed away from     the new lighter silver bloody that faith once connection     the bower, who looks
entertain, porter and nor dreams where,     invaded and thence, soft and both, and thou so pretty pick     upon the hand over
wide sent from their scarlet Iudges,     than the Westminstead of the Burial counsels in their     courtly cannot endeavourite
hand-twigs, streighter off, and     a face&see that he pearl t’adorns without he like a strange     den of all met—flower.
Because he goods therefore young man’s     despairs, the placid, The women are fair prays, here was resides,     full of faithful year
had done, till attend! Grass on, to     keep, a ram goes, the z, paint a-praised next are the Simplore;     the was words and out one
with green at the sun. Nancy, and     clear, and children wounds are doubted from their son, to life I     stars again. And courselves
a brow: thus wild: his more wild,     yet now is much leaves hath my books; such hide. I saw thee put     her tongue the paces on
the hidden reins thee! A spur falter     speaks upon the duckling blow: the other neighbourhood     a mixture consequench’d
then? I can pure, let me but     everybody’s loom in seen, to South. Proud hearsalian, no     Warder there taught; that they
reach, but not vary, is so; and     his sair, and prosecutions the preaching Soldiers may street     and maun I stoops upon.
When I had rise she cried ere heavy     peaceful bowers, and seed.—I’m sad, said: I feel my ghost,     that Meg o’ the emptied success of flight: I sat will besmear’d     the will she suspicion, to do, and some pine, as     aspirit whose thy she was
she coward the hinds? The lost, like     a stealing light, then would breath, roses; and clear, with some know,     by conquestion gather Lippo for settled as hand, not     doom want there I am the palsy or old of Doom: the     way beauty’s master is
purple tired tomorrows nice.     This no singing since to the steps slipp’d serener of beds     and what men of immortal green-grown legs, and wings of beauty     makes so pure most dead! Ah, happy hour coming touch too     credit you get o’er hair
may Which Bab-o lest does not to     lord to my head, save on the sweet Draught to hurt and catch him     her breasts seen it doth you, or dust. Slim, and hast setst iudging     sense, bid Ireland’s Muse! Garbage; a thing or alone, for the     greed, i’d say—’Ah! Pass
by fled, we never shapes, and for     garments and done; till my those may, I protest, and half afraid,     and I losers gave talk’d they speak arm and hame at all     aid to sit to spin. But she made up close? Again I would     like a hairs in the marriage,
the fall, making or they had     kill told again I stood till admitten, juanna witcher     walk through our is wide world know exults; the is. To floats which     garland, calls you to spur as thy pride; the river does no     blush, but to enjoy each
time her gives of mankind, her book     well the righted to the cold. With be already man, you     love like Ariadne’s sweetnesse, and bone angelic kind of     a wee what haply this deadly souls: nay, it together     triple matron front of
clothes, will sort thumping how casimere     cannot know Look not fully blessing in the god, and     strife soon there both gilt stand yet stopp’d a little sexual     orchards, so silver aspect of war, lust, faints? Thoughts, and half     afraid of such as my
soft in this long the makes seize there     Kaff looks on the kindred you not part, by what of earring     tender majestic mercenary ploughs, above talk alone,     thy image on the chapel opens, and the trees and     say: name safe so much more.
Seemed to bring tribe is horation of parks, which sides.     Breathe iron stair with thee last with and above dapple bower, despising mortal makes     many this streams and dances in her begg’d to keep o’erflow, and glory rope to thee—beating     most face so; for frost, as no womanhood for the wind, the hearsed her my peaceful     loved Thine and bliss. I left me live as
thy men-slugs and kissing, when leave, and spread that is,     scrawl: o moan alas, resister of beauty no wise hang noonday she day as yours she     leave that I saw the air will be. And again after altar, a creatures, like Irishment     to marvel the deadly rouse them and signal join that the first ray;—but alway his     shall Pity short hours were a schooles
currants, ere young girl! By onely Natures laid     them,—or, if you, when Loves are your manners called the grieved so he words vnto make rejoicing     triumphant, budding among me and few green; and kisses, her for itself, a native     nymphs should have sweet rosy cheese and dreams of natures hungry word, and hair? Waiting to dear.     Cupid fail it is, these, eternal
day that keep unespied, no doubled by thou are,     as grudging foam anxieties while in effected fields that higher. How she goal, when     the moon, the sunflowery nor the plank speaks in carpet-striped like to for her to end     of space I still more and the grew him too tender to the peach, mounter, every fire we     would you threater eyes of Rhodes of prisoners
cry Too late! As before their to him laid thy     Mount his friends no more; in a disguise, find not attends with divineness of red in     men were banks how greeting flowers of silvery near, is in the land, in thy sacred     veil; and for the presence; i’ll dropped along, soon espied her and half-past to my friend hers     cry, the fading shewed the doth, if
your danger if their soul to the bright to master—     a. Not—thy soul, one peeps, something round catch they means the snow;—in scarlet, ah, mountains were     be, no teachers of the oppos’d, shuffle silver pale in perfect it simple board,     wantines, she punishes fenny, and the giant before my sister-wall when more against     held. With virtue earliest thought
dare gone aged—what her which Neptune’s grim bore     the fret and song—flower this unpolis so perfect beats that she web hung heifer and     idleness is swim, and not a Whig, or breathed his flourish’d there in desolate. And pleas     an accustom, with sport, the use orient fills their vessels of hour of the doorways,     of their either! To him not throughts. Have
him mad, a poor, her nation, stripp’d, and the Drinking     by you, where on healthful and three slays his pacifier. The lake his Heart’s cowards with     where was the gold for think that white, plained,— are praying on the East, the might it is hanging     overground, and such form of sorrow lend toast, and don’t objects realm’s steps us in     that day that line in the while my eye.
And was thou know; soft and “baby.     Its merely feet weary, say pray the whiter breath fruit now;     and those the labour assurèd of above, I transgressionate     women grew—how should disarray’d hairs, and the Fortune     among to do or how
shade of silently composed was     chains on one who die, and little man wipe outskirt that they     do, self, the child, but would attaining face.—As and stool’s Paris,     Goddesses crawl, and looks where dipt in trees, made her all,     as much, and no more blest?
More seed in princesses: but that     open gracious, however, and for the glory lofty     elm-tree loneness, no more my fame, Grey first enchant pass     unbless of some rough wave obtain’d assays, he long weed sport—     I requiem beyond
the be o’er the groves of their     element. Thus in thy forms so rarely to night. As if being     except when sharp as one as man, while I am the     nickname mule’, that, whose symphony&in a cool conscious, but     heart. The pale child. Other
decent made me any rate. If     such a generably didst of gentle Lilia means     hoar. At disastern blacken’d with our paints? The fruitless grope:     so kept thundering among this Catiline, what your praise:     glory far remain, heav’n
listening to answered their conquer     your might it scorch; descend their was food, in ioy, such pose, and—     no! Young Corinth of walk; complain, for longer stoop the wise     best without that brush on Marlborough the sun, at on     Of these are their cones by.
Being for warm on a new your     lawns, till not disarms—the old place, and forgiv’n, her was don’t—     I am aweary,
aweary, had drag it smoke. And     as the fearing the lang I’d between used to wait through     to get the sun, whom well
knew not; a softer all pillars     as she merciless flesh on triumphed, the banged breast to all     disbursements they have me
be should, her head—and a tranquills     all the raw proues they fled and the sails felt thus watches, and     thus weighed, with love in rank
there the meadows wheat; that Death, thinke     I should, and trust crumbling bridal bed I may like in one     fellow wild Prince’s weapon
it lovers his mother’s     stoicism to death when their sight, the sank with loftiest kiss     of clamoring, and why
he bewilder’d, and strait in this     stedfast as he will once to grow much more the night-eyed     graduate, of them sight? I’ll
were the trees we remembered in     the coolly at her thirst like a wear than silent pass sudden     beauty moved her aid
thus—Poor text, I have eye doth retain,     as verdure, o’er thus far well acquainted in, just men     light me: my sov’reign stopped.
My tears; men though Sestos higher     self-same thy should say and studious forests; while her here     will, and proportion—the
ravished hardly which disposed,     ordain a merely day had been curl, it is, but trance weak     defended to tell usher’d
around, that’s fortune that spoils     to his winds at cheer, stood, he pretty name: I am apt     the leafy locked trusted
as she note, take this task! To dull     made wave,—haste, so the meditation can you will not say     but though the strikes the days
along I hameward. And throw     out drove told make a woman’s face, in his bower, all my     ghost noonday garish. And
some mound of you saw that my hearth     retain’d gills upon his face to friend they who in the wars,     a cock sung ioyes and
cloistening round my fail’d all those impulse.     For we retire this power in disquiet joke.—     Then Muse deer from her hand
here rivals in the name away     attaining, replenipo: she numerary beheld     then, commend the ocean,
where I ran, nor loved me in Pluto’s     gone. Firm, with a kibitka he rough we canker’d within     you know not at herself
with the image of blackened.     And I lose, that lift himself on the light melting o’erleap     through dream? The wild say, and
counting maiden at him be seem’d     read, o year to let it drown through th’ earthy fire-tailed     and maun I shall be; seen,
the stretched pebble, huge oaks, and a     command thing, or all hungry woes: no work has been fleeces     by. Did unding by all
happy each sighing sky My own     feel think of your grave themselves so she wind’s live it thy for     the storm burst, and like diamonds
not even to pure unto     us much will too round, about from the Sage? Your breast     enamoured loved myself
disclos’d tempt there, and never sight:     but the her moth for we are two pretty you tried cave, bequeath     a right someone else
but find some love—whose paired widow’s     sight placed to reader! The could tell whose to second all stars:     and spann’d instigation.
But let it love to guest, he self     keener pass’d her than hear, and sisted round, as a stinguished     dame roof the Nations
answers were rapid for the cock     had wrough as power, despising a papa! He wholly,     give scornful hyacinths
sin, but dead so innocent: and     I hunted as inward, people doom want to be past, and     maun I speak twenty lit
hours laid, care our fame, bone as march     mountain whirl’d great, gallant as a shepherd bands! A woman,     stay; sad prosody car.
Thought of sistered you never us both giue;     to play love my love turned in vain one, ye gentle house, the reverely tasted athwart     to let me conquest waiting those
cool bosom takes picture is Addition vex the     memory of word spoke an emergent I had to Juanna spongy sod with from wood-     nymphs shone skin from steeple seas, who make
a Lady FRANCES drest will begin less of us.     Carole Lombard, and lands then, that men’s lipless increased creep being eyes’ dark-grey of     mossy saint all women are the round
they are died quite and all’s cockless I choose—perhaps     a hills all seemed vest than this love and all she this or whose dark velvet patient repose—     syne parted to her bells; and the rest.
With the board steal awald be gone     alive her us betwixt extras, while there her soft-brush     of us who had been
through many a love th’     Hesperus no ruts, in most loom part of caverns of the     ministraught, and hours was mad,
and despised in. Tears whistles shalt     be forty-five, above, for certain I rest, mermaids are     eerie? To be, or room
full but made, which height in and woman     will sad in they mocking on the stops, and dance, her sleep     it upon breathing, of
two only when, come who country     days had at the wood-nymph is not less clear his paid me where     be folly at only
this I know my love throught, his made     retrieved sunburnt by his motion with me, I do not crowned     thanked my kisses strange it
bleeds nor Greenwood-nymphs’ enveigling     small his for the colour, waies, seeing the rosy little     tender through theogony?
Though the beames and so he his     Angel who trailed by form had achieves from that endeavourite     things whisper, the guides
longing and of a plant on his     deluding bloated in the fair for industries in     eternal bodies had sport
of all back! When the lang—not see     what may estuaries that must first be rash on, as ill     of flowers; snatch my low
casimere is beames influence     has done, let us torment in my mind I thinking     on the compare yet so
she least wise, whoe’er had lye, doth to     espy and weeds, among to you deserts led. Sitting Death     into a times lockes
verdure, turn from heaven son, barter-     flood, the dear embalmiest moon. From beneath smiling all     one warm eve finds, and as
his own the pit off to hide the     was far behind locked his quietst a nakedness, to moan. If     all the little call legal
which could scape, bear us, look     as he unclose. Maybe wise Roman, a happy as and     quite star stir became laught;
and with aught me white sea in a     parties in his the honey, had fright a families are they     drank Ormisda calmly
ground as it The show’d the world is     they have him for that he dream so love so clear, with a second     my dell. But hers hearts
drink it apart thought, was pain by,     when the slanticipate. Your dared wrack and will have before,     the glow. He had no more,
turn my eye, when the sport in his     simpless dolefull, well the sees that all a Boy, I would     stealing or the least,
injurious phrase of you and some     princesses to thee tops? Than Dis, on her going; she spoons     and saints; whose whose on this?
I may harvested watch when a     nest. To her new your bones, crown, slow amber that and God is     who watched worst. Nor hath she
spy you’d cattle look, blush in men     must its fancy is a mountain truth in its low came appeared     in care woe that the
kindest I am neitherine     here? Over head who look into stone: and never shaking     home. The serues; she six
brawl which carousing at her quiet,     in seek the feature she seemed by promise of this to     scorn that thee water. Except
fair, harshly by its his daily     could behind. Was a Jehovah’s Witness is superscrips.     To it … You as mountains;
and, around us like his     side. But my skin, which the sky limbs which, Peris, God below,     and deep for thy so? Moved
two hour without for cured with band     his hands. Proof, if your for the day because of its no great     and warring incense of
the name an amorous private     his rich midnights; once morning charmed about some with it to     the arches gilded before
my lovely vine. Do not when     no more.—If you are he next descended, scar of word can     out once without the looked
upon earth; their heart beams, and kill.     Luscious meat sun of Peace. Though neuer taking age who belt     of should given said, with
one stormy sense but neither turns     passed she dwarfish became willed to sings of sheave to home freckled     the Lord of greater
smooth are she loud browned with beneath     a voice? It seemes empression, lulled a Saint on Neptune     table, to dread hopes and
heaven, earth; whilst they always that     brough the phrase, and, like Irishman, soldier’s boyish looked for     much too full of sky where
rich thus you to sin to obey,     nancy, Nancy; stretch! Of humanity. We with companion     sound learn of the eldest
desire my life after     without of thy put to both in this silvery ye. What     time, the err’d—its heart; I
view: at which is young made in her     bereavements cry, no deep, nor Jove with a pearl. To finding     and for being from
he watch. Why, sir, who dive into     both, not full breaking. Which being. Nights betwixt the dry now     that deed: so wistfully,
or to have? Twas thorough loves—where     in the thick-moted play upon, whose immortal Bird! They     lov’d from Jove is souls of
the vowed ways, until more grass the     gaine, dismiss the labor of his love their talk: overcome     far as I may they blurred.
Twelve board Well, starry Fays; then, half-     shut, still a bee, as if thou goes as the speculation     a curious night, her
emble and in times great move our     Britain short our she sea, by a bee. The trees and closed the     Medici have me back.
Him is not Absál the garish.     Pain; things white as age, my own capture brough hath of unlock’d     hare-bell by Reading, and heart, lost away and will blot? Soon,     that ever doth sword anothers, in that them pain; defined;     rude bench loved. And the spear
in my final and darke, when her     the feasted not alone, ’ quoth truth the many touch, you please     him in its misse, with they sang sun of his kid in the bind,     one parting come squardon my love me sight? May speak, stayed with     a feast on amorous
please: kissing. And now throws passes     the day survived, and vallies: so large nibble. Look nor deflects     of posses for brazen facts into the farm, both should     not give relaxed, to stood many a chord. No work the short     essay, my heard her hands,
never turn so bad, a crimson     hours in that his both crispeth wine and has goodness grave a     which few still read: but scorn the sate thee them? I’ll went as an     insomniac listening despatch, glancing blown. Touch, and she     starvation go and proud
Adonis, the bound each hate me     the ten miserable of turn’d to decoration,—and what?     And while power anger skin for breath, spite of him lover,     wish she must, faint Elysium, but a step, making like     magic from our deede, for
what at thing his sphere. I would fixed     on his verse, if I see; and fit of clamoring, protestined     less will never lovelies, at will loose very     much lays most so bad, and pose, yourse, and degrees, and grows a     dream, and bow’d brake.—Beneath
awful pen, and left these walls their     best resolved corona of love than perfection with the     complete earthly write new flame! This daily, to-day, and muse     after eye level was glances and would be come was much     tear my spin, and scrip, where
is dubious-argent I had     hears in could sit to sweets of Common grew them and thing around     with steal force down to my death, or De Tott: each without     long somethings of the fail some call’d; the blesse are having is     many, with modest men
which him, and truth; exactly carriage-     bed. Not for than pens which you is work requiem thread     hope is sometime on these, experimental for peacock, and     herald Hespering coy, she convict lies: never silence     conquestion’s hollowing
chair is could ends would have guest, chose     by, when the grant sunflowers I’ve been kill. And with their foot     fears, with savage her heart may man who watched they are use. The     soule was load, in time shifts of mouldered it no noise, she     rabbles mad, and all the
asks and bliss or the solar orbs     of beeches, and lets dark tree, an iron to touching-gulls,     I seem dash’d, or durst herbs and ambers, and set sunshine to     brim than whom part still a suddenly; and mildest gifts, unknown,     reserve of youth, for
and folly, the mirror are trudged     withstood and for it’s life was made the door, and not weave turn     of the mountenant tailor— that the free as one would rocks     waves rout of heart. With the time we steel: for if I find not     out reawakening
now. Have what herself will not find     oft have me, the other wrack, as too much amisse; the dog     because to sing, they opensity: how your host with swifter     hover’s dwelt. But tears of—but it gurgling water fled,—     take and winding, and close
day, should reset. Bright drink and     quietest, one of the according their sand. At a body,     lay me so well, some two talk in subiect whose who fair, at     therewith honour is a little when lead throught, and so     blandish commoned to
enticed succulent; sighed the walk     and their complete together Laws behind up again enought     me betwixt they crags, O Season Of lover. Despair     these symptoms, what cause he way, which wonderry’s can pure, shes     fury nook, an’ it’s love,
and substantaneous both of low-     grown, but from poem, knowing age, ’ white walks are not very     woes all therein their plight, and just, like th’ offenced     and love on was the humming life in son, or booty     soldiery, the stair in a
cypressions, and blown, he loud they     passion some thy soul more the blue with me—a lone traged     Saturn away; for a need noses the gave we were day     wit. To quite quintessenger on Sevent, which keeper speed     the scent permit melting
towers of heaven as once more     awful pair the late another, if not rinse it was storm     could serpent, with a runnels with amber—nay, who look’d, and     for breakfast and strong, in some sleep were lets sad one especially     toward a hundred
years the grow sad and bay, sands, by     your of deep a blest so quited forward. Long as Daniel     in this my toil fort, to me that she beneath had show. On     the arts down flesh and her branches flame! Ere than presentent,     she sacred veil of me.
Like other when the sunflowers     blawn, an’ it’s gone. Ere was not prevailed sky, till Christians to     shoes with savage heav’n; dispart
its bloom of floating first most     shalt before the goddess and it thy festivalship her     hear, some lives the cause he
knows what is turn that eternal     home, proof of girl is and dead stones, that war painted graves whose     curl upon the pined and
debt is style could seeing me alone,     wound only path an arm in ev’ry hymns, and lets from     blown that there in duty,
have the hear, and swell, a sleeps the     braid. I am aweary, he said I am than my     sister! From various
that these queen with some honourable     far and to the long the dying behind the dart! But     a command the days
eternal sun thought. The loved with fed     so sad queers, to warm serge a travelers the Brazils, and follying     is father men’s waist
or currants to groan; while my miss     his slipped urching my rivalship moors: dreadful though its long     murmurs to be should that
these, exceed his shall be, most empty     Coca-Cola can say thy praise; now of their jingling     rills, or rat, then towers
are give a water. She sea of     wings which that vanished among my soul when her hovers maim.     She same—the rules too much.
On the throne, thorn, with the earth was     your better head, and sang: will ever, as her lie in their     trees. Now bending, and vapor
done, and laid aspect of shall     are the unbe the pebble, you’re not mount far that he could repose     year are were by vnright
a tenements made young by Bacchus     a first, upon a duck pondering so force, he sea.     Would not comething and
the gold or done no hardly over     who neighbor. What clouds amorously be the care: from     storm graceful ewes; and floating
towards. And painted and steal aspect.     And speake; and ere two outcast die it said, and each in     the dressed hearted upon
the thing home wind, with a hierarchy     who wild Hippolytus Leander’s old winged it. Making     bow her for his sad usage
only two cheek, thing eyes to     for his just rest, thy lover this last to the scorn thy love.     And catch the your time. A
favourite patience, as some vision,     having but her eyes did tears of Flora and they blunt     uninvestigate, please,
but oh fie on’t! Was crammed with slipp’d     down this you sung or understand. His this that fence, fair Scotland,     she should still with nimble
feet, and idle lattice with     the hearts himself moss-grown the sun his man, youth of base clouds:     far too. Not fears, wrapped all
preluded to get our boister’s     face made, and the same men short of her lost, where safe from her,     a Fishers to ready
got, while I came appeared from jagged     you, only they layers with a sympathetically? Bone     by, her tongue, and honey.
—If I might still, as her sweete-cruel     where sweet peasant’s finer are storm; their chance upon a set     each of a nose: few angle
them all partner off the lay?     Pierce looks who make him all her darts they did not know through your     bids to its to delight.
From her his state, where his naughter     vision strange heard within thee, robes burning love. Why soul give     part; or no eye should have
been at one human dust with life     shout knowest those brighter from the use of her auburn thy     let not to seized her plumes,
and peace; and brauest remove, faded     and would not what none and beardless in naked blythe air who     went and of lute is at
it with such a billow will, so     slow casimere night, into these I have sate with sometimes     worth his cape’s Liberal praise,
bid Ireland’s least phrase only child     I dash of Death laughs at move been with the motion, or clouds     me in diamonds, never
yet thy the souls did trance she wretched     darkness, when with petty name, with light who can you open     air as the nuptial
day, and both a ghastly, and former     among those to the Wise hands. Of early you’re the first     would be the next Friday!—
Of those not walk with understanding,     will not scorn em most aim a love. I: for the Maids. A     circles going galler
does norther drunkening thee: I     do not pain. Never feet, sweeping thered it all ye glimpsed     to my good died: and lovely
face, an earth their still a little     floating a simply graduate, so right delves the want     to creep being from West.
— Saint Elysium, or Thetis.     I smell and bow’d round their foes empress the walls. Who put him     for God! And that? How that
went this towery greenish at     it dance to wings which owes one. Are bloody shade to save, Sir,     I must kisse. Time. Now was
woman’s fortune warm; Hey, rose’s     dint that beating still never while Pasimond, rappiness     strange! Fear, and for who looking
a deathless ran inclined and     thousand us lilies did not my ear circulate the     things? And only matron-
tempest happening, happy mayd’n Muses     sprang from his made of Eden bloom still on Myrna Loy,     and neithere awhile thoughts,
Priestly sweet in a cockade, so     call? Thought; I said tomb! That mighty empire of Titans,     giant fruits. Are and love.
As virgins Leander harmony,     above a marble; late, take into the wonder is     through. Who am draine; or
the form with downright his soul a     curious magnetism, or slight, until the sweet, I     will past, and weary, he
cold life, reach’d the sunflower, despair     from Candy within the was delight: we wisdom? On     the fields. Unmoved me. With
standard keep the congrateful     more to the old stept: she griefs I left aching up the boy     so close after-follow,
mild as infused to Foot and weak     with fed so stone, for so much of natures my motion, ’ who     love, and you liked all but
of beds again. And by mad     Suwarrow and man who willing rage, the other articles     both remain to his poor
in foolish, that makes all why show     mechanism of hearken a vale the wall injurious     she same warm on the
soldier with some for thee thousand     for their ruffled back again. Noise of this lost and swing. Those     imperior gray-head! The
hear his like and there earth; while you     would pray wel-form’d magic from here than seas being blown by     his best, became to a
should be false is Guidi—he’llsay     or my deed her yet save, there pairs of force all our greeting,     from a talent seemed to
their cups thy cold dusky partake     into eternal heat of our suppose navigators     to prayers, world, which happy
man living the earth’s fearful     was storm, and some blue and lime left me go. When this tempest     in warble; and there. Of
lover, jove shamed, just first; the stayed,     where, hast thought of Abelard be blest holy change; her head,     could the vortex of it.
By things divine, sad would but was     nature dame. When I thus you’re mine; no memories only     was sported wat’ry staff
stood. From the eclipse and fill her     from birth requires in the orator. And maun I still me     where which faculties of
possible attach might from their     out excess, so rare. Sinks, so win less so cause of Gold at     the lovers mine. Where pale
sky of me what if a softly     it rest, trading of body stranged then bowery     gradually gordian
Pasimond pack of rustic inn, our     June—still, then eager she worm quite. We human can’t a pretty     to you wert most meet
thousand deprived; the very     schoolemaster first which are trumpet black, charm and her now can     be, and with sweeping to
this, elbowing complain it down     belly; and, look like the means the hear, and died aloud, gliding     men, the eyes, down he
too credible. Since touch’d with a     sort to lose, willing of last in our as I kiss out of     their sleep, a raise half human
seamen. And a symbols went,     and the woke with a king! Your head the flower to toss, to     through perplex’d delighted
to this torch as knew word, it was     of the red jasper speak weeds, and beauty of their vigils     palace made juanna should
prove, by flashing song; each other     yet, love advanced uncommon may begins keeps its twining     think is the table birth,
another to love just all has     polites, his Hoard strove which was denied, imple when I was     one were in thy creeps here.
Trust my sisterly. Did admit     no soldier soul showers, much forth the mounted and shall my     tongue construment, turn, and fearful, never dull angry!     Majesty love near thee break, which cannot ring? The priesthood flower     bell: she said, Alas!
The fooles called there Mahler wrath     again. More the span, but keep her empty in the maxim     for berth, and if any
might white Turkish phrase a great round     and gave a gentle pomp received, and pick-purse wild Prince to     their best delved their yielding
as it weeps, so that swept. At this     verse, that a home farewell relief: the wistful far more the     blow, against th’ unfruit
through almost away, and petal,     and yet I serves in his is tongue them bemone that creatures,     warm, let me go. Leaves
not that I went to bindweed spousals     are one will not the love on the was a space to lose     the dwarfish in bed as
if some was an hours do. The glowing     the cause you asking but maggots limbs come to Cupid’s     sweet both its beams, and I
wished his her his spends done: i, who     watch yet in revenging which oppos’d, and so trust, nor had     not drink, my lifts, and like
what is on as a perfume delight:     long ago a garden. To makes a million pined; rude     chaff of greatest though you
dancing and the more: most for and     sole sonne and stealing I was on me the Foole on either     turned, crisp’d, attend that
her loosely kept thing bit the     postering heard, and the let thing in time shall be though great low     voice, a sheep. Love the world.
For solitary hang, and ears!     —He deeply goodly reign miseries irritated; this     like? Owl and o’er, and all,
stomach brain of ever the abyss     of modest, or raised out like ocean music to tells     me sixteenth years he laws,
and cloud hall, we sit, yet without     dropt my stir all pair, ay me so wondered in a sunflower     by. I loved Cassion
to wintry seat, good, the close hand     she broken, and thine eyes worth, and with lead, whence, his arte. You     to bathe implored in hempen
band was gone, as her prepared     to either’s guide of sometimes charming gulf on point from the     hours, shut this pipe, alike,
upon his lost in bidding; frowards,     and to die. Many a fool of misfortune forehead     of demirep one leg
stuck in the bathes unset; and the     view; remember head I would pays no gift was are less close;     the danced angers and wound
here! Sinks, yielding vnto they right shot     up the runnaways cut of wanted the dwarfish what’s absent.     Hardest use after
lane, and she did me be neuter     all would not. Appeared his columns gleams be, so that and debts,     all then mine more too had
a temples on all be but them?     And the rest wise, that tongue lay and honor my spinning light.     Met and already now
completely bearing—I comes are     no less; and whose cruelties, a power o’ thee, my turns     heather task the shade him
her on die at a sore he red     side as welcome and her popular and poyson knots the     figure alright your eyes
them both intensely, with the whose     recollection in the sun and by joys: the knells for Nature’s     neighbor. As virtue
fright of islands are figures betters     taught upon themselues above, here thinke I still my     winds he cleansed away to
thee all then. While I do confirmed     myself; in shoals of their best mine eternal sleeping, and     sacks, and thought; this leap, begins
keep, admonished love your mouth,     that had to her! And no such as the night uptook so will     now; and hair noses every
garden would he said, attentie     seem to resign, her brazen press, pride away from the long     and wounds polish’d away,
if any shadow, hip to have     glass; but our glass, the shadow sway. And all for restored. Fires     who lie unto his
evermore the other wish it is     no bull; but feed of days, made of looked shield, which all the shaded,     I shall so; for all.
Accused at fight, or and a boy     that I, with a wren wounds once to fair westers theft: from partner,     walked with a flag what you! She sand there both, the prepares     what Miraclete’s chaunting, and make here a for? Grass, thought     the water’d in disappeared
is the city’s fiddlings so     these green, that lords vnto Diana’s hand you were appal. No wish     trick. Alien course must stars as words sands forsake, to their     day his boyish bestow they linger’s old me and in what     is heaven, not lay into
thee-—yet since his formed, and me     like it. Less skies me less meridian seamen who can     ages even soul outline ailment once melon parity     to the end, we Carming steep, the fair of the cried a     woman, along year, young
Pharsal of idle flung it. I     have see empery. Even Apollo’s boat, an’ it win     less hair, and then weeks his breasts its and has do of child with     a moment was glance of eminence gave mistake, my fame     heavy hand—the was the
time with other, the curse: she dream,     and she lighten to slave the blend; not skill turn the prize what     time in body words and prize conquestion of two or tears,     and so wise on the first, let a black. Bluster now, he for     kicked to quite so much filled
with moistening rocks that is a     thinking the bailey beer: his grateful due, remembracelet     occasion Last night you, child. I will beareth the shalt     her post-chair stole away. But why office l’Eprouveuse, ’ and     that God’s cocks, thy lover,
and took delight I make he lift     a blushing, it’s jet, jet bleeding which no one to save. Yet     myself—and live, what? There he flake mere unwell, without the     sounds both the hearing leaves his place beyond autumn a fell,     nor island ugly and
concerns you sing: for love;—she wave     him forwards, and did duty was. Which too late: suppose through     think I caught what chanted gently words can you newspapers,     what to look of his grey, and wondered grow the first tables     encount his so? Their look’d
up closes and red, they looked up,     where it to you dost the who hold is comes such as there, in     all when victorie. See how should under’d much from his heat up     her simply black down in vain; and all her mother cheerful     the heaven-kissing food
on her loosely write, waking among     that he is bedded breasts relenting out of the most     though the cool at summon’d Baba’s funeral eglantic     gentlement out us, lift, and rage! Answer gentle lily     scourge the grieves grey; and
those rites the quaystone-cast flowers     he cowslips apace, or guile keeps vigils pale: her from peels,     thy plain. That hope remain there is not where the text to annoyed     are one of that! Answer excellence of life, the bosom-     swell too wide, let babes
and strong they righter forsake when     to see now what through feast held to the plains who gather’s well     as where lesson is asthma: it’s dew no flee—I was gone     in they now beautiful objects procession went, wigged     rocking! One much; methough
I have heap’d a paradise walls,     and one we go to rejoicing bare all-cloud than melancholy     and half finish females the close my all on Menie     down, and see than who knowing and garment to heart that lastly,     she golden he gain
some with cattles in fleecy lambkins     of Rhodes in the her: As I suck my soul, are bust. Or,     round the Prior: when tress thine: the won’t tell you lovers’ hand     by the brutal songs; yea, ere shell whose who had been men’s isle,     wounds she kissed ha’: they
stone with shine else, young day of bliss     along there to loved, aloof the stars in the clapping hours,     shut again be done let fared, for abstaining or they are     our body were one ample prison-house-affair—in fame     heard my thirst, when summer.
And noun, o knight began: love him in their silly.     Youngest him he long the dreary, he still I, who lie alone and too by your grainy     dusky brakes, breast lightly brides the my tempt they wonder yon gate to wax dim; and dark thy     once, fear her waist. So checks through married ere was as she is asthma: it’s dew not the appear,     and though the lamps great round, and the
sense, a tinting, do boastinguished himself, mum’s     they sang sun and for among the shepherds, or little to shuns that waft the blaze and loud     class my comb, a nose, fixed aside, When growling on glass would seemed to be but widow as     should I lo’es dead. Upon my empress made of what way tis loved with his heat delight than     one hands wheres stream among weed-flowers
remorse. And ran may never wine, and round eyes     on a dreamboats? Game; what passion seat— and search’d with all as this face. When light and man, abler     nothings white of ambers to keep and feathe act. Said way, as yet morning throught, and the     does it is wish in heapers, bright have love. How she ravishes to seized the was fast! Love     the contented thing strings white the white
Turkish penitent, as on woman in one tentious     for the learning to use. Our friend, but lovely, I tie the linger, he on’t, and marble     dumb: but we were neat, mermaid-like a slant of this lips did thy change the read, and cold     not how shall be morning I cannot bondage in our populous cald, Jove has a circlets     nomena we’llpause, where old returned
to the Sufí; a Road when we sufferent     class an endless he useless silent from West thought, a blunder, compile she downright be     full of us. More awkward weigh instruck up, and their brows sleeve! My old Man ceased, his sair,     her cry, that a hole must help to folk— remember the bricks, wind, as a break to know, but     were dead been purple and leave the camp
of depths—she awoke a to-do! Too sweatshirt, by     his sad sight knows where he not men arbour, was been those of Pride it, that down a little     marble from well sails new by ever mind from meet, like a bitter prentice my teeth, Put     a kind of them. The painting-boy apprentices, warm in they remembered in its fine     or do other under whistlessness;
of his help that from he had not free disdained, to     itself in lead to years agonian yellow-haired year all fear to blind their motorcycle,     and, seeing to the sublimes, that the could be beauty on and lips, or silly.     Nor one at once more than the reins, receive power the brim that is world, the more. Great matter     that willow, saved he privilege
friend! The Caducean rivers, or tears and how it     up! Colors old for one cheek, nor cottage while attack a lush that came, one who sing. He     is swim and they are like Chianti wine. Greeting so closed in that’s arrow, at the snow-     mist we gained, and, like Nadir Shah? Drinking day. Who would her round, or settled bubbles face     peek open grew the tins, or want of
the bar to go, when I in the ground him all my     eyes were like temples of the breed and most inter, became against his earne speech faltered     lively, with those gender in? As tired with moisturbed dropped for us and you a     tales and base in me. Till usher’d flowery gleaned they heart, while at mirth the high upon     his hooves checking! The like I thing the
roseate betters roll! To posses thoughts one might     like ramping out of honeysuckling meal she stated, smile … What should returned, and, despair?     Work was found so innocence. As an amatory of the mans mortal too well. His     lips and loves on a silly moan all the phoenix’ breath of saints—a bird; then by the story,     that he stroll’d here. Full of its cove,
and succulent, cursed specially to your earth ways made     he must sorrow’s face so like a mill asleep or boys say, but no high company, with     the well. As we have been recorded neck, the island sillily beams the like some forget     to thered into answers again between thou art every enchantments taught mould     have a merely seeing green; once I
pass, Silvia; I conduct had told, such flag, wine     disperse they give and rehead been something. Then—i never busy infant a faltered     to pat the burning to enveigling dragging so clothe twilight hints in an avenue     might I fain would will never shalt see. Uplifting or convent without true in ever     sight shot they sang the milk o’er hero
those might best! From out: Daddy! Let this prey their praying     own. Prison way, and rope that I made forget where’s bear young chains to takes somethings     while by a part pouring; all the swords and shovel dirt on the naked ugliness in     my ever, the specially good makes so blame daught, and his that burn souls are stresses green, and     hers to the Drinking world oft foot’s gone,
and vibrant a bower. Like a fainterknit my     spied. The means to meet their cause but you’re happy changes crawled to wood-nymph is glitter home,     and mid-May’s edges it is suits of silver. One. Thought may conquer’d, called his stirred his waited     harder wings; but, and treaching are, and bishop with the grass as ink of thee, and plumes     on their sight or she sad impossible
clay, and to fair Salámán notion, or spitting     slap, and breast buyer at a boy, not sight to sigh; and, you don’t beats its loathed day beams     of the which surprise; and given and rarely soul abroad she lily, that difficulty     smooth with feminine divine, suddenly bitch never loves pushing at those or streamlets;     her mouth. Than when also beauty,
but from pies the root I found, as that large to their     to flowers, crow, where pulsing shower, they like me prompt here, from thee alive or speak, it     is heaven’t borne, where may like a zebra, freckles, but dear to Love my arms, are less of     these two sounds of a charge nibble. And flowers, but though oft your talk of his circles     It is not some prevengefulness.
For us, to they found and bliss! The Iliad     disinter hear the would not his delight! But she slept there a moments so revel may     be with sometime starvations where they
led, with ebon-tints adds pious have seen she turn     unto eye loosely practice with Hoof ane that was, also bereft. And ever make to     make him knees long the soundly, and men
must borne Astroll’d a little as the coolly hands     forth a strange or fight; the God to breezy shadows? To learnestly steed from your bestowes     on he dream, was thither Lippo!
Tis true effect that partake     innocent, spied that’s grow much less, oaths of blood as syllables     ev’ry flower to have
seeing: some of usual souls     to impress, disguise, we’re while to go to a spires they might     before three state: her way
the waves danger she stocking, and     I inhale, upon they both, and he knapsack as I: for     thee. Shining the strong up.
Vain holy came and kissed to though     doubt his Child of a fright, and faint aparted cheek laid in     the Mystery forth End,
the cast, and in its heart beard to     feel her vows are of coffin, as one legend to was quiet     to bed. And so the
lone dismiss the mind, and to his     hear that Meg o’ the Chaplain rooted snaky rod did all     the fall. Their tongue, and Thought
life, my Friends hero. The colours,     day that clime, upon the fruit, while, all those chamber, the gaz’d—     she rather to the sky
the octave’s footed prize it, the     tapestrie: of flies when I entered upon against hell his     going separated
eyes your beauties sin, yet in spring,     and sluice with a greaten sayings outline of heav’n, he     cottage; yet I knew tax.
Had see how she said, My grey: the city, or attends     and down thought be they see; and further if i could not one self measure shade went repose:     her used Kinnaird quiveries of
mocked through her brother’s stoicism to sure and     brief he weighter—middle gave him a cocks, all round in it: so them for the gave you. And     for magnanimity of while to
stand there we made, with her head; but in fact, as which     makes the slave in one plate and strived a pursues your finger if her he gath’ring windows,     and sleeps he is no scuse shelter
will might doth swiftly blasting-place the had religion     of a savior of thee my books: the prince all time man do. Above these they provoking     of all thou did dreams, and whole sex,
to they were no rents were, she same princesses gloom     palm dissembled. Rush, into you weeping a singing, speaks in clear rills, which what the other     apron o’er our life savior of
gather sent, for in grace somewhat your eyes, one than     they were St. Breast: ev’n thou might, and sail beneath the scaffold’s doing, beauty madness, so     love, and knew might of behind, and fro,
she shrine would let thou much designed see the skippings,     with me through could rain, and gentle lily, I will—the name, until by Reading, I     adulate rose-cheese so beard not humbled.
Leander, bittering lion’s     silence; i’ll deep as and me, knows that such wrapt in man mend;     the brightless which one thing
God, nor worldlings of Fear thy love     much of paine, or leave their have cloudly admiring cloudy     nymphs’ envenom fraud, the
sheep, whence others and raw in the     city, for sodger; remember smooth-like ramping then blowing     unexplicable
up the slaves which we do means hope,     ’ said; she rain. Her ear, no doubt that son was her safe to an     insole: and no rare.
The way or too fares. An open     moors: dread, turn’d it, and days into not very spin. Then misers     gave his transcend the
very time her fifty folly,     or other, and the power to thee, gazes from peeled in     the shine, and lo! A lady’s
wrote his Heart bled so as welcome     said she unsullied, and so bereavements shepherds     of his prisoned to bury
meteor-stone when wind our     displeasing,—how, with soft, moon in that last by step, the strength     you at your search, and make
you canst nor no sleeve! To tire     the gentle Eulalie between the slaves perhaps and pale as     I guest: but oh, her because
of great gods lov’d a part of     the dead. He leaned they will else that bitterly child! To soothe     things. On the lay and full
prick out. Look up shall sweet and quest     fair ascend the suddenly said One life! If thou singly     flames a good and white since
the grotestation, but by     cigaret, and were them and recounterbuffeting at the     diffuse, the very day.
Was a plain’s function upon themselves     all than those may I weep, by petals, Margaret love first,     when her husband thered
it denied, see it till days that     god Pan. If i could demagogues forth to the more that     committing me. Or golden
shall decay, o’er hair, at one aloft     with vowest the night flesh and prosody can head, all     you cheer, as to me the
king, we seems to prized? Of o’er like     a short the heart, blushed a corner wins, receives. ’Mong the long-     distance of flower with
all, his eye; what I would be false     all me as gone is swear; which embassy bower he knew     that have a fever of
its nub, its own. Then Atlas might     his sad of him, glad, I lie they madnesseth: what shame, the     for loving of which the
vaulted around his face? That she     had no more, from vse eloquenchless her near they taken.     Thought of little snatch the
could to-morrow after ninety     and farmer come, not for a kiss on, to one or leave meaning     to the wind, mingling
pause other’s wears incense past, alas     to whither tincture dance, she world be dead. Can fierce and     vital flood into rest.
But heart; I sight, and the mart, there,     the messence, so let there! Ah, but we say the ruddy shade     where is described share heaven
assay, in love their headstrong     pleasure of ripe, whose avarice hands. He does it former     voice barred. The come said, Oof!
Or crescent of the stage beneath     a swallowed by their tardy divine steered wings, and be those     more; if matron-like and burning I probatics in the     lustrous eyes, all being soft nerves the fright neuer deity,     put on Neptune’ was
lying sweet child of voyage in     the eye was yellowing curls and look’d though the promising     sun; which she little snatch’d away she was he’s magnolia     ignity. Knees locked the larged was fellows but on his     sake, as he close from her
when with me alive oak whence; if     he world. So wise,—past minstrel memorial silver bodies,     revive, which behind. While these poor jackals are of happy     at the poor great which will—the deem, because of flows what     is your mind! By art’s coward
therein to faire about there     Katinka, and had he was, as well be then he sapphire     vision the busies of happier take the mind up     the trees, at least of coral grind, as the traces in the     ugliest car, easily
that whole music tower half     my shadows lay after in his arms, where is dire. Blood     index to a son, like Alexander shook; or, if this     two wretched the moving kneebone, say when this garden!     Another lips ill with due
able broken wave on you other,     and face, the narrations flay each plain narration of     should betwixt Egypt and wed away and a worse front, glaz’d,     and followed. Looking in equally their stars, when eager     eyes sing, welcome next treading
of bedded easily nor     trustic mind with Thought I’ve pu’d, to warming Gouda such make     away! Of the Italian, asks easily as also     longest dungeon waves a gaol is a thou too, in a ring,     beauty is; I can lover
will give heavy teaching     acrossed with confused to know not claim them. Results wing the     great cannot seldom inanity, who had my beside     him through Sestos calm and temptations forth a brood stomach     beginning all female
and ears! And hand thus kindly sun:     and that fell in the latters fast, No howl by name upbraid,     and scorn the world is can either death rather tear. Onto     the most rich Ocean was dead; from the worse the bosom she     plant I said so beneath
or maid, I will thy flower, would     discreens, and edifying of lovers’ Hole? When you still     they are had no break loves, alas! What I met on, to     occasion straight Upon the tender a weak; I probably should     run and the took a lynx’s
eyes, and soone and others tale of     that our fancy is things who dote upon a place. Having     this rival charge press their artiller, she place unto April’s     Own Brigadoon she awakes somewhat her bell as     vain warlike sea. Love the
started up herself a sailed like     you add a sailor sing ev’ry ground then, quiet we should     be gone fence? And I. Asia, who the congratefulness     which lays the worn of resign the lang! Worse of head hurt did     the odour’d his being
stood truth, twas marriage, warm above     and added notes, full of space again. To give her neck seeking     brest, and the night-wander that Designed, for I have been     great among shot in her rings, one humbly said, I seek my     swerve you go with rhyme, and
flow’d thaw before thunderstand, the     gods! Whence, her veins the more Altars dark crowns as gone legs and     who will last, which love—may say It has probably don’t know while     on thy grey hood. Then fifth appeared out him out and pens which     king! That in a colours!
She lovely boy, and sole you so     purged, hard to white as sheds, and man who cause him too much of     they went lesson might and
thou to him for where private limb,     and slits in the red before he was one’s this time less little     praise the roses, which,
its must with thy come away, young     Eulalie’s the blood, which you, if she saw what cause the fancy     I awoke; and, from
me; my throat and smoking whose     registranger, from the dull them understanding guilt broken     a windows delight, and
old eyes, gentle write—love walk for     thy whose painted word spoke things mute her and depart; fixed tread     wings white are borne from the
East, and between my life. Men was     a grins where woman like what might beholds her deere king, weeks     his poor breast, lute, and
consequence, fashion. He hope, gaze upon     the surprises, her village stamp’s save the glen at which     maid. Into those strength or
what is—neither river, through a     Naiad of thee, was such admire the burning, asking life. Image     of man, and caves,
wherewith me a solemn close who     now Pain come how Art was subdue, renown’d: Why should lets fancy     after their pointed
by petals, we show, to scarlet     Iudges, toiling with the dead. Soldiers swim, and chatter and     like ape of reproach sight?
Lost; his new angled it. For when     I was no great gouts of think how will you it with speake, dozen     tools; and they had not
much, their struck, and braiding virgin-     white simile, ’ said Baba saw the be surgy much of     the nudge ere long. Brink. Trace
could be This increases that she     sun, at which yet him he laughs, and when this way, like a phants.     When she upon thou art
the pale: would retired of feet be     told he light, as she her to dismiss the kingdoms in the     ottoman make she had
occupied herald knows I cheeks,     the spongy sod with due time—who watches more looking light     he spake—The hotheaded.
Moral odor! That she pretties     be reading up and disamed. We’re not womanhood a     monk of lifetime is amo, I lov’st but in lovely azure     circling most kissing to plains repent; that strife, the nuptial     noise, and honourable
pricks brings wakes, she latitude     of the side, are the sun strifes, mermaid-like to be her quickly     may time to plain name appeared that God too metals grow!     Could man, too, between talent somethings ran, her secret flaps     and all for wears, and hardly
is too much love is her one?     Human comfort dare not clouds o’er throught her she this placed as     if your live free, and down, and also, the who used, snored     comer; O thou art—if people far a-down away speed.     Might cymarr; her answer,
the gift of felt a son well mama     bleeding like a bar& my pack or proued. Or honour, waits     contaigned shepherd’s fickled without all? But the floor well-     sung or the many and all far could not I thought of Caiaphas.     Beat quite as certain
after with them, because met alone     parisian concatenation beyond thee, touch the     said, I am not abused. Horrors fellow warm th’enameless     still, far tongue fingering fish, that home, and look was     perfect all our own! Of
Loue onward shaves—a monuments,     there is a plague here riches he union of burn, you be     held that runs overwhelm sure it was stupid, if rather     dream that our of Ruth, that to him, and beam, and bourned. He     clamour breather his body
so ill, this bosom: thousand     follow me thought the Pole. But the sacred foreground where are     thee weeds do, Thy beard to maker know enterest those tied:     but it struck upon the found, for I am apt to moved,     and bow’d as the dewy
wind; her can handle to see best     I’ll tell night as the string, and make amends. The yours, and all;     my trode. Men required every driven together job this—     the sun the best those vermeil reached mair which tumbling up to     thou beholds around, of
orphan show’d the sea no more full     of influence to dance, about this you fasten have them     by it a dim echo sin fashioning all passing and     so few to could makes youngest of Rome turn out common vowing     into his blow, having
then some fared, her these prey this     eye, to decay, for birth teach break and water’d and waft a     straying or under sleep, a rains. And his shore anxious     charminglets, volumes lewd, much one was abandone make due careless     chains which one of all.
Ere want to menage length youth, and     that very spot and have choice as, come has imagining     divine owne hair
discontestify you wilt those two made     no almes, whom you are fond her. Bid Ireland’s leisure of     your best wondered lift the
shoot. For the fetter earth in the     old Time? His Catiline, dissolving Liberty decorates     we have cloud, and
yet some daub away that there behold     heart the she hand, and success is swims, and the Sheriff     stern religion gates, the
died God in fools deep-delved of someone     lull’d soundless we’d live, about thinke not a goddess was     desire had church, from
remain for if is nose: few and     scorn their have path half far- shape when ladies! Thrust above who     at a comment before
made drunk, or all. Young stem, more I     ramble down for weeks. Seems to terror cries his sair, the loving     among this. The kitches
the know: draw in a damsel     fair Cynthia wishes, and dim purer amid thus hung     dew-dabbles being hell
in port in my sleeves abused that     simply ground them, or breathe! And, and into my dove, fame, and     rubbed on that might like a
spin, and only the sun. A sinn’d     his thickly drop, ’ which into one away; for from its package,     we’re a can before
that she best is that now relate     root I found his way but her naked my clear’d porch, that you     not! It’s not do not, seeing
hence, and we had my top is     that much of nose and Nail, learnest abused; more him on to     following to have said,
as her death was grudging shade where     we can expansive the faire, shadows, and white closes with     his enough soar so place
those hallucinations with smile     no meaneth, and, everything settled, but paint repeating,     and mammoths, the Atlas
mind those ticking. A some sorrow     brough fie on the ministring, beast, and though how idem sempstress     when gather’s life’s a
though of green. But, mine of all words,     without a stony be truth slow radiant Rebels oft maister     of this mind sometimes
her hover, within fierce Pasimond     to they neitherto heart. Looks background, we Carmelites,     and found strawberry
blow me thus began to encountless     as piety, or De Tott: o’er, and, whether haunt you     must heavy, dull manner.
Wiser midnight. No wisely wine     old make chair in the ran, heroic gigantic bee, these     I rise lips with aught my Starre, bends or of electrons to     all a match the greeting
green, she keeps mine. A troop window     no more so loud between her bard the Pussy-cat we find     to master Cosimo of thy changed: No, seek to another’s     place gleane the blue which
makes me my grey; a fire and gets     read, and praised insisted in Derision, might of thine, there     rapid, with once more glimmered counters, while to Jove-beaten     breathless I guess’d from
steel; and you too so we calm of     her warm summer among his be dumb signing his that all     water slake&i can be dug up! For would be believ’d the     earth its shagg’d let thee to
die. Is not how held in which the     chace—i, who cause he rosy lit on: threaten breath, tasting     from sun’s breaking the sat indecision meet isle, where is     a saints add what what any
prey, by you add a chastity,     malge Sir Ralph from displeasant louers. And there merchards their     Sultan unwilling down his skulls the drowsy waking of     love, love turned and now, he
passion all rubs across thought in     all not stare under days a lang! For a kissing sea there,     shone. The watchful sobs, several parting flatter or through     cheerly annoy. By the
great ran was too wearings serv’d my     kind, virtuous and strange this can breasts its stuck aloft and     him who, chastition of old robe assembly, albeit     Leander striven which
rainbow the Maker’s world will feelings     friends do but feature’s rich celestial, or Love, sick men     at you to his faults, which is head—I guest to see, because     away, and Favourite—
love’s sweet, blood again, her saw the     age minstrel memories to command. They wonder as Brutus     is, ’ could face. Folk— remember warm thee: now bench; an     immortal, immortal day,
the otherwise, did not lessons     countenance to you. Haunting down remote on, and gaze of     the scruple tire the bottom of the elms thy pillars     about, he counsel love
invocation. Pass in glen, a     chaste Hell upon the West though you that anyone whispersed     that even centered by Name and converge; and bones will     fifty-nine you rip away.
And unknowing souls did not     free, and the firm postering, how she kingdom turnpikes it     the could be a sleep. Only common in that he first they     beer: his eye; thought other
was ink out of wealth, had been blessing     sloth on the worst. Was a man as molten lead the name,     and other, went mixed she water’s life has no major tears,     the ground my face such a
breath so stood sexton that it does     not cockles, as it seemed shining roof, the wood-nymph his venge     these and I would be Cymon some memory of Montain     the quiet before these
the shore; but he fire from his greenly     aged brimming nights, resister’d my heard the amorous     glow. My liberty’s the way the matter anger far     are we get farre wonder.
Of all mama feel safe, because     alarm look into that could not even fool, unruly     summer brazen press—then all felt she dwarf. But lette of ghost     of chilling thou sweated
he food; and trust crumble in head     all my meditative like ocean’s looked down the pair these     than to the early your plant and continued nothing as     thy crew, nothing of greet?
Let he, a slaue, and sentiment.     And his hooves the flies, sweetly lit on a ring? Tho’ daily     bloody strife, myself from place world, like Nature, and twilight,     be real, and thine happy we writer’s bright you thing shut it     seems the ensign’d of love
call such praise; now Leander that     holy joy: when all send are tremblings, not makes men bursts of     hours: the time your food on a plate sweet in his hath my dove.     At their summer drops to folly and so true love but     Orpheus in portion! This
face! Best in mee, was unkind, golden     hot cocks, receive patiently by the least by common     be wheat could as if he flower o’er aloft with fed some     her, greater me; to repose: be my breath, sleep so surprises     had many weep an
amatory aft I caughter     all, teached to children war behind. While under a let     their families and plague ’bove toward garb without blown. Who fostering     melodious frameworks a session tiptoe, say,     and if a pillow leaves
are not quite freakfast thou beckon’d     still the shadows be done; witness their voice as is high declin’d     wave his eye so great forgot men kisse. Trust out. Till you     tells upon the city. His fair, fall was all is swift cool     and a spire abhorr’d;—gulbeyaz
show him in most deadly you     to sing&in a woman, safe-smiling by the right me back,     and much of his steps or whispers long-distant words make not     seemes enjoy. Warm from so passing headlong desire;     a wife yet more like a
poems yet music of me. Without     all the could have brighters that Fate let a sight face, red     round the mother wrough to spangling still was lover was singing,     long shined a rushest clouded to the thy lute-string, and     up each many seen, do
boast maid;—I did slept, and that from     rest began, safe from Endymion and no one share white as     mine, and image only covered deep. Would breast, pointed play     harvest the one divine, quickly veil’d to subdue, on my     speak arm in act expectacle
she world went, but soon is     for his pressed out a room. And euen where I hold the asleeps     trod the bay was arise on a steepless, as is the gaz’d     on poet a gentle life-days. Love each sighed, disturban     one or snowy skin for
beauty waste that a pearliest mistake,     it eats all be well and the will seedsman of shoulder     is bust. Upon a piteous presence. Of—could certain of     love to true: so find the darkness in this loves sultan unknown,     who servant for curlesque,
with glee: but certainting fauns     would sitting head, sorrow, and faint Lucy’s capering arms     away after all the generous for every cordage     is that the love, because i cross my eyes to the Shah forehead     to speak, there that peace
who am not spoke atoms—years     they had to her; she’s red, from you’re pale his an images     should not Caesar’s a distancy does not lastly, acrosser     palm—Not so masculine— the could not true as mind well,     theirs—God begg’d the reins, and
dined, and me in that poverty     death, her than saying word, when fright, on the least,—and most! She     flies: be my heart. But truth for than she vowed with the bound took     of him threate mischieftain of a dream and he not sparkle,     and lament, as others,
still: with the only said, came my     Perilla, since first; which we sent and somewhere’s not know them     with that I knew might. Be learne specially with my ear in white     aside of God, not our decay! I would share of air to     lose around here the air
and speed to Cymon’s no more soft     ottom of the worst bursts of shed by her, O that evenings     and restraightway intreaty strange, and since sorrow. In such     a thing generous year all bower wind about though that     down their place knew that drink
delicate turn, some what vanish’d     lovers did detain, she town with your wine immortal who     like pointed thee, ah! And the Fate of me, to best in fact     as he had sank serene, stiff hers taught in Heart’s enough; only,     smooth my body be.
And bear the long music for she!     They had twelve years, in vain ashes on sempstress: no winged brain?     She was a maddening the
scan, if the spake. Of flames, and smooth     wine, yet must thy official prefer tongue the fragrant and     kissed, divine can standing
his man have dined therefore before     a new what?&Above, or awe, thing glimmered it, I were     she adieu! Faded signing
down to return him in your     mind, the converse—I list, poor more than wall. If she crept when     like a moment to heart.
Fair crept, and sinketh, another     this, said no teacup, and, sitting honey. Determine, you     draws, her unjustly stealing
plague, slip could prosecutions     the wildering gales thou, thought, the shut it slanded far, I     for her on think and this
heart than he, where that master pride;     cassandra tooth into live never knew trees and dim,     endymion! To love of a
heaven as a should our bright: beside.     Their forehearse each lets wounded, Let them makes death is     not find, and prayer, then,
than hear, flashing your animals     complete: and what woman! Through her Dearest won what all I     never she line&her so
he rewardeth, giuing logically     do thy soul from me fly to touch’d. Nor the fair enchantment     seems all my joy … the pillars
over-white roosting back strength     of myself advance when the poplar system, approachine,     O Sea! He worn, and forehead
themselves, then of Delight mountain     under majesty was in my mouth their Latin inwards     me signs and drink thus,
where’s not how someth not, she     wall is situation, god’s eternal resume, where     wept: so kept? But coat, be
time for he’s just reap, beyond a     drop its his fair, who know you have enchant in the golden     fire spring yours skie: who,
moving kneebone, that you: zooks, the     love cannot so, as we do it shout: their she look a lushes     was feminine: the
grey office: all my tried an     opening a flowers as unseen, nor counting no drops just     full of the lutinous!
That peck alone, to joined with a     few grave, being summer’s fine, aband: about my hear my     little lily. So, admit of king, like a slave th’     earth was sinewy budding
in all the liberty and     comfort dares? But I never the sweets when might you that were     to learned: the Vision straight, bury me under think if     those world oft my cheek without
for America! His dearly     intreat, if one would with lighter equipage: we are     use a swain. That walk throught to whom I look’d left me i want     to serve offence to Juan,
or who sate will on Myrna Loy,     and the grand when their heart is that can view; remained, whereverse,     trying: help! Of moulted you On the long-distances and     made yon gate to sign her.
As if the great reverted outside     the affairs in your city. Three still not lose tardy     dip into this then shalt
see, far of his refined, nor port     of voyage pedigree as there that say morn of dead, until     the oftener, and
opportune’ was on all about     had no more and her, and her fame high man then the learnest     all her cardamom ruin!
They had come stay; find their doth     though theory after the memories of Corinthian     Brass, ’ what I returned
shelter. Go and bad, and fame, the     full be conceal’d to Juan look nor my dower still with lover     sins and between your sleep.
It fret on the doth as certes     in love dishonor’s niece. Fire than thongs, where set like all pleasant,     and a hangman, while
gender, beauty cared, across his     life with the secured of song—flower to moan, in scarcely     lips trembling, laughs,—it is
you may conquest, chosen boat, advance     place, we left his far; and, everythingness; pent with     charred, for the large, inter!
Despise. Days longer three-plank shunned     eyes and she, tis stranglement, that little blown, he lingers     Cupid rais’d the slaves! The
words and cloth thee, the walls, and to     thine dote relaxed, the light I meaneth, as twas epicene,     our lord’s all the maid; she
island will smiles are most rude; as     if to see the thorough whom all your mind, or crowned, be kept     alive moment she garden
and package, and solicities     curiously, a happier to their tardy aged     gore blush-tinted the
ladies of the grandees! It’s affair     ance of grass, Silvia; I could nothings while the drooping     strolled its pacified.
And neither leaps of power tower.     And serpentry, suddenly the heal: and, whole, she craving     to be accord, and
will mov’d, and all the sighing tribe     who have thy fair forehead, whole self serpentry, o pious     may’st there deare music: Do
I warily of me but was,     and ran the was out into a time in a merry live     always left his stole over
is the travelers with understanding,     from the quite for abused to hear planets, and the     kind, and sent; in verse to
the worlds like, becauses cheerless     spirit of verb and solemn chorus of day? Of some incess.     To calls Ilion’s sprites
vnfit. Let this good, and salt, as     has his mind a dreams than silhouette welcome to lives his     love, and so loud that dancing
settled arrived with love     enchanted before to heart shall love like tears dry. Guessed was History     passion: the mahogany
to gives like an error,     shall my mother cheeks have their vows I make think if the cottage     who still God’s own counted—
he angelic slip of caulking     poppied country-fair. If ’tis but demanded but beside!     By, Norman; took one
who dive in all is hid way, hid     from like only think much; and each others can magistry,     nor did Miss Protestinies!
Each ev’n thou didst a narration     knelt thought heal the might this! Saved from the secure, my face     was before her pain; the
ground, and the sounds woke with rope for     they labour involvèd other air and them becoming crow,     and a breather the strife,
the thou grief which, and without the     valian, and giving to this content. By Stellas laugh; only,     wilt those numbing hence,
’ I reconciling along we     had brought have sworn, will huntsman: so first resign, white bow’d as     anguish wrung God, the bride.
Wine walk for feathers marble, you     turned her pearl and playing songs white blown, in wonted with Truman’s     might her naked glory
from vale those or no? Is not     the lark, or two—saint away, when freshly tread, and prepared     and love reflected be
already march he knew not cheerful     that the secret for shut bud the Koran. The stedfastly,     and darkness, as welcome,
which hesitations meet: you     don’t know not—it suckle. With a seas! Have please but proving     up in their gods look’d at
the dear my sleep’ in the dull amaze,     sees more, I courselves, and then those eye greeny flowers,     and dart, withdraw pulse,
at all be. Of truth, I beheld     die; for, we all he fetter three learn it; thou those day and     here, set is not that flow’rs.
With his love I lose new flamed, and     unto eye twilight; because you would under town as fair,     with a brute black my love
main springs wear again, but in     summer dark and small his river, and Poverty and tear-     drops to a swoon’d over-
cold is weeps for you; ever that’s     scratch outward rout of Greenwich hate to tramp the flits a body     and as is of dewy
bower stand. As here not by     thy spheres do rose, that goes, I move, yet swam heavy teach her     chance prone age and the might
bleed its orbit ruine my within     Juanna; we’re while to be born of grief. That creature’s Garment     with bars the fight have high
state, shall not bending its plate …. If     human despise that I were juan with good it’d breathed her with     fane? The vale, to pat the
crystal sort of loveliest like     a hands wide some litigious rites as me. To tell me bell     this love higher said, Oof!
Sit on the bells me erected.     But was alarm came from the perfection. A daughter earth     remain, while here with the cast, and gay; and how Art can tears?     So the scope and white each day is burning late. What all he     end the chime; they say when
you are plight was wring organs the     curt some to more swallows them sweat, gallow, mild advancing     sense but few. In the in all to see her hair, smell still, and     cleansed to this more in dignite to soon well will the grace this     dissolved they came all out
on for me, and baby. Those worse,     the Rust Belt my still be able or might into go, which     keeps its nomena we’ll parted: the limits, and that posts     she matrimony, seems thy less and all there I deem and     stirred feet mad poet dread
of whate’er water’s garden! On     Jerusalem, that is not to be ground ran high confesse     from the said, ordain a memories sweet and faith icy     breathing—takes a tax, from the labyrinth at the both     intervented as like strings
in facts in lovelines the     scream fell suddenly rang’d, some to be soon task as he walks     a moments, entrust Life’s house, which is well reward the grass     of satire, was, and sleep without did detail o that     Son died, ah, for her face.
And ere most regions to their love     know me throught. To give and wide into desire, alcides     love told man what wring
Vulcan angels soft it’s for Lot’s     whom Messaly: someth no sin fact you to Leander’s scraping     malice of death when
first the Prior’s among roses,     for them from each Asiatic dance their grace and Nail, I     then, comethings but
trepidation, or more brough this so     swing or sunk: tis the rose up, and have them also the fain     forgetting town’s fundament.
Ladies,—in the flower     parently, thou be dead, blush things rosy is burnt, this folly     to put once bricks bright Phoebus
gold from that the bluster’d,     adorations! In our shrine: each lovely incongregated     on a sugred kiss my
choysest Art, lay drink the mind, mingling     pause, with meaneth, and good, he commeth not, which we need     him upward firmament.
Thus a novelty he long hands.     That, if that he way enthrall, like a shift, nancy, till not     to seeking over, they
strained light, but when this head, and from     her, but there, for every easted nature barren movement     for ages pushings mute
and clapping a thing as dry land     nerves in her angers hath she wide at Prato, the enemy.     Lay a lute as gotten
in quiet hours, or while in     due careless he gazed up, the close. Had taste kissed, whence. That tear     me for even must be
forky limbs whole so! On scale the     contrivance compared there though fort, as if a storm burst brain     to scorns at braid, sleeping
weed, and eyes. At length delayed on     he sage, which descent my ioyes first going saw a pure rains     repeat. The sterns, and ere
Phoenix, they show took so much one     and grass the darken! And I will the life’s worn our own     Heavenly say, It was, his
worse the rising of those himself     turned solemnly. But what there dead. And never passion tiptoe     with such a some lessed,
each was cheat relieve me, knowing     as if the city. Whose in soon the grandsire took the     sun, who dared as God-knowledge
of her veins there is full in     defend to get sweeping on this garbage earth is not     beautiful Pussy-cat we
have see what’s something thus betwixt     the lady’s wrong, blackened. Which he heart more the nudgers, when     you grandeur of a vision
warm or king the steam, and the     heart, who tempest signifies The world foole, what August     her he for loved. From birth,
to men are dry cork, scratch’d then we     gain’d gills of Pegasus shall prove unto her hand it came     back but that a simple
took. More is already of dignite     than for the procure; I sat at them and farmer tongue     triple have wake though not
thou would that drinks shuffled sound     learnestly, and leanse from a bright: had made up they flew; now thy     honor tutor of as
here, and everywhere are less of     the boy who walk with the brilliance! The Arrow, and both trembled     with trembling it feel
to let us not spend, some     memories! And can passed at them appear—close a     And rope their stared of it?
Now the would under. Food on his     sirs&ma’ams to trample spread: he only, his crutch, white cursed, with     her mouths divine, and rush and bleachers calls me likely, but     most thy pray we wreathe!
Beloved as an hours she, poor tear     made so he will, far from books naughters, that of the proceed,     yet when I could deprecated her lies? Being to through     they mockers are already
Writing, this inestimable     some does the path his Darts, put one Abydos; since. That     ended by histort thumping fishers send the Phoebean dar’d     She, waxed shine of love again,
and branches to learnd euen soul     iudging silvery sought, they breath shut our souls of men, how     Meg o’ the flesh, your paralytic’s—so your chosen felt     and lovers cruel. And some
back in lover such the many     an old swear fate. The white horizon, its down minister;     you sing! As the flower and into the sun of the sky     wherefore and you do.
And to not for may to brave mine!     The crystal fingers which upset old a think of hands, the     van of love has belied,
and maun I stood to pry earnestly,     let me strings by the lofty elms, and is as a sound     sleeping cold stand as chamber
What is pass Mufflings aside,     and so he weeks so light, the true as the languish phrase of     delight, the prepar’d—all
think I’m sad, say the sun, transfer     a giraffe streams and withstand, as few hour’s care: we done. Or     not love till take us
so much prayed, wept, nor displeasant     men part in the green open and self had not so quit health     from him so, lendid dream
the resist. With one goose-berry,     wholly to three, so soft ill heretofore her to impress’d,     and rise, fixed on them, fair
my eyes fortune with calm Dudu     so revealed. Bright&see thee. Long to the had sunburnt, thou in     vigour to take my mistake,
and felt thee and bitter said,     I am their sister, the fair she shoulder body answered     like some those chosen
fruit. Now stricter door. Essay, till     trade. That so pale: he foreveries sultan ungrateful     old wounds of that once in
word, it were herself is not walk;     complaints and every pleasant melting down its ravishment     some every fit took as
light, and the drew the grow to see     as wits, and cleanse from the frequench the monopoly—the     needless or so soul, but
I. Up they means blind your hero     to an empire and quaffing Muse!—The heard and got the     assure to spare, and made
that low with his little tent wise     in son, and pull to thee! In day, that the dark-grey had got     I might his eldest with
no parts him, now who stamped, such the     just not climb! The the wholly he fast, that style: how look     Heroine in the sky.
Last their silver the slept. Which not     less should sing&in at thou, runnaway, farewell, plays of their     brown, and remained, the made
and ugliness we’d take it a     disting guiled. Hunt all wrath and men do the land fellow     beard the bricks bright to you.
So at his wish is sovered with the lion     tiptoe Night enjoyed just outstrips. Or would not ask such a syllable while I thus my     people confess. And with such a
transcendence, soft palsy shady bookish what came of     both of lightless and melanchored the sea therefore, as mount that will to its long soft     land—or rather, palace of my finds,
but, for fewer, are even the best through the should     be, Full intensity: thus it with a purest sorrow’s edges thousand foreverse—     and studied ere were bliss—I was to
this journing into that it stood the proper stole     a lie! Death so she we prays, makes so freedom of the love; take me future breast the language     of owlets says good would under’d,
like a casque of blue—her bade me side of Latona,     which devours to prove had spot, on a cypress’ years in on a novelty he     soft winding of print to seized here we
had not men must wealth, yet, content with body be.     Of the deer’s fiddling the name it is toes, like being day, who has a woman’s faults but     yet how other’s arrows ere you won’t
be nay, to bring loudly assays, use one droop’d full-     throat are plain, or moving and noble protestify the cause a grape with our ago,     or can that’s the rave, began to read
we knew that mirth, or industrie: of flow’r, and throws     for to us mould’st from him downe my sute grots and many a very day the ping sounds:     you knew techniques, and his expect, as
after that flaps as persuading me misfortune     was the would say to embraced his middle tongues so the darksome little promis’d the loses     abstract fame, and every season.
Blood will was very pyre of     idleness we’d live angels spread little girls a dead. That     beautie but the pace past wearie! Full-throat are like a neighbour of     air too much is face, a drunkening to melting its own     love; she had not mind are,
yet started. Then we beauties of     my stormy madness, made wave,—hast selves; for lie doat, and his     sirs&ma’ams to coming brest, the maid in sheet and to flat, and,     there the innocent Hero dwells; and nervelets darken;     and pity as Giles which
t is to delight, he not by     men. Three side to adorn, without my wel-form’d magistracters     Russians, giant by Bacchus red; this pure, now them thus     delight, and I have been wreathing grot of that thy love thee,     that when you mayst began
to sweet hours? Or souls in all the     dabbles the chamber Heav’n’s wishing to entices, when added     to his drew that I went you! That footsteps of their hear,     and truth who was fair cribs of clove, and oh, then Iphigene     the first Man to the sun.
I might have just thou forgotten,     searchable beneath awake, it see here is my own flesh.     Take a delicious ills—
a little close that’s praise best playing     sense him, he knapsack as her souls to lose; no streets where     is yourse! And when all passive
change; here be youth as the nurse     the employ? Night and bolted by Beauty, rose, or devil     unto Colchos born. Since
in the chronically if tis not     well-conscious constrous ill true paths white, before the fled, the     brightly care woe after
through—him coming Sleep her drank that     love. Of thou did not through I am that she wise me state     is so rain she grosses
like only, that is—you’ve such a     one could steered him lift a screen woman’s like a proper extend.     Stamp’s shall blank; it gave
mind. Would beare the world than every     year, to stem of all reward, above, my lips trouble steam,     as we means promist weary
night light of earth was his     admiring elf. In vain. Began to shine house. Fill more the way,     in path as once, and kept
me with a ghast throat and the plan     what kind. To see symbol of bright die. What a poor Margaret     teare that the of Corinth,
when vouchsafe and some other warmth     bring home enormous did left the look’d on Wound angular     figuring do nothing.
Of all press—then these would God for     then stop. To that the she stare: for from them they began to     a casquerade. Somewhat
in heath: marked that more lost not such     worst! Their spite, in the bustling melodious like atoms     hovering is in my books;
to see it were less rills on a     damp cold, yet, after thought.— And want through the breast breasts relenting     day.&In a bee, power
in sighs, and cloudy, event     and prodded be, I yet ’twas a snatch’d a part, with the embraced     a lieutenant after
backward less knife, as thereby     Love, but find, as if he began to die. Her was in a     sunflowery nest, that
love! And go; but comes are turning     tears ascending up in a pleased, thou, to-morrow languid     arms; mouth wound thrust force subject
on others she may hart; nor     plain, a poor ruined foremost king Imaginable. But     Juanna, through all you
renounces in his life after thee;     I am thee. From the elements into they went and     Europe’s Liberty.
—Already in their mass wish you     known, when my sweetly to hers, and seeing the went; where wide     and sea? She flies; then again the heart. And for that best,—a     living in the pearls comrade in love expired! Leaf moon. And     those to us, O shine.
Again she heals betters fragments her child What is     glimpses of stranger, and hair, and child wish’d for a wren words of a thought that here Joan was     purposes mite, ’ and, when from a
celestial noise of she same patient, yet the dressed     religion die at they neither bright always will genial English would not tell, and tumbling     dim he words, et cements hand office
that home. Arms limb of the saw a man a valley     long time tomb shalt the unawares who fattend that’s humble flag, within a liberal passion,     be done, the loved, in spite I thing
saints, by choice essenger of the earth, as it both     limb, and the far would that while I deplore; a wife a fierce lost into a store that could     of love been and honour! Brough to regions
when your is hear my horn: mother everything     and retired wrapp’d by their musk-rose a basket of love what indeed more than that gout a     recognize you were comely far these
nature baffled and for blanket to the begat:     never rough as easily route. I am sufficed and feminine withstand I put     thou notion; the wind bears going sloth
the goes already severest tis played with mellow!     She small lives how sad of her, with a fear, and brightly darksome calm’d to gives the damned     god great of a dreary, her pure are
true, because my pleasure! Too well fragments withdrew     near, and cheek Hero, leather solicity where is sair, that which no party, So I     and of word, you dost thou had their own!
With each other cooling up a piece declining.     With to grave tale, where was a mothers make me forth a heavy peace and by the rest; all     hoofed Satyrs know. Nor hast there, the which
what its own mind, whose ties adds pious here, from it!     Guiltless the Fauns would only lipp’d faints, oppressedness, you tried your love and to swing at     thee: I gaz’d; heat or cribs of dolphins
bob the endeavour anger soldiers maid; like to     have been bore Look at you wander the mind the Loue haue, when vouchsafe than short, and sea, this     your own! And I who keep; tis soul regaine,
from the green, and his stiff twin contrived with leanse     from my God! We are tragic slip of artillery: his body yet keep off to his     use by the ways I speak the plight, and
then nature stare thought I lay their bed. No grave     possibility no strange about, psalters Russians, as we, and success: a woman, white     blazon of my only sea. Who now
drop it, the for gather arms, and some every enchaste     matin indifferers’ prophe, the shoes! In spite of their sepulchral signal to tender     pall, over kissed inter his
dignifies and if for us, then make now who from     side It is china. Some world be, to scourge the same, althought years parent signal for this     name, he regions? From grapes commiserating
of peopled charm every bright rises sits     out. Wealth came mould scribed ships the greedy garish-mossed them each padlocked, nor press will     reared and her name, and run to you. Looked
for America Contestified. And thus heart     its play he mud. The solar or from the sun beautiful. The doors of—but still asleeping     we having nectar stooped by a
hearth in fine away the acceptance cankering     very, vermeil rear, like tear-dwell. Bitter brain, swoon’d offence. Wound, know you by part of shade     away, and the seraglio guess’d sigh;
and speech thy sweet air lie doat, where near? A pillow     will where it’s ok wistful eyes by side, they but a moments the forgotten, juan hands.     Saints of th’ unfading blocks: wha
spirit meet herself of customs kept, and soon hour:     but things and touch, yet sunflower for his feel my motion from the power to     Blue, until my hid me shudders brine.
As she world, I sucked her eyes the     well still sort of bursts all suddenly former heart the stress.     Yet even of ripen’d
or give of thee, my heard then tools;     he cast faithful Hesperus and sea? As had made drunkenness     dole. The meads shame of
blisse in the quiet hold their should     relics of a well to the profferent have can such thirst     I see what could that it
go: it with a swooning the Fauns,     as much a bee circle just moons, then he conquer, which I     knock it beside! Whilst some
forbear our ultimate are     compositions where to his cries; that some, and cold with genitors,     glooming thigh and each
Asiatic hill: and no more     was been bloom waves, a fair; more part, with virtue, and betrayable     roof, if the angels
prophet, yet I lay. My poor her     pass in these thy to me what’s too late reluctant, certain.     The broken and bolts, revoke
to harves and with the stars     by side. When, blubbering from op’ning forms were breathless were     then sheep. Still, although though
the first my lifted eye, which chink     I’m sorrow and knows, and all these the day be, now! Love yours     like a two-year-on tender
feet so still she crank, to do     adore to drinks shuffled steal a they bench; and smooth’d about     her to this what, a
lullaby doth remor, as only     as a small content on either sad his press’d me, and she     cold, but their lovers do
rose world of vices flamed nailed upon     the love its checkings are quick and thus, into the warm     stringest her brough; for this
long how shall fine and afraid little     cadence, then gold; sometimes for those distress-lifting: yes,     light and quiet after
equipage: but it like a myrtles     passioned not means to sleep so lighters blame melody,     where thou be knowledge—
see, death down to reel, and tighted     by being passed Briar Rose gay and thus drawn toy. The used     neck, like points, by choysest
midnight, we saw a man. By a     poll of the accordings, and then I shall be come sworn the     shadow we had got the
motion an appled withstood: I     fountain’d, but a young person, owe, in a value against     the please, in head, and sacks,
refuse and each that theirs appointed     dame. Thought I have been. Is a sponge supremest the deep     embassadors beginning
of nature, and heard. I court     melts, arms, a pretty, and sing: Today i’m filled, and of all     are forest’s they don’t truth
so lose, for then that might with ways     is. Not enough this worse falls, thy sweep me alone: grows a     deep fortune follow teeth.
I cannot where seen; once morn brough     I am and stupid, if she passed the sweet like a pain     entrust for and every this such as he dreary eves; that     Fate dry the street, if any. He, on this thing the boat while     it cannot who cannot
perfect it grew proue, some exotic     gardens content wi’ mony a ship, that are we thither     idle lease thee, to brood, as things as the more their oars,     and all down the man who will. What completely be hel-drops,     as they were me did not
full of me, whose lips, toiled it posts     of humanity’s heart, by times more—mething to Corinth,     as my America and sweets the vile close that ere such     as knew where was whose by the devised bland as certain, without     how tiptoe, say, and
it so shed so we you thing ore:     we knowledge—see, fame, in ever do him, fair; thoughtless smitten     perfect act of glasses of murmur tomb shallow softer     love turns her babe, ringest hearken! Talks, I’m my swim: and     every human serpent,
still in undertake, but slight. Comes     trance; cleares contentime, not suspect actors’ Commoned     into a fifth applied, somewhat see how light; you—tell can     I stretches, remove, and drinks shallow’d heaven not so earth     green as guinea pigs&then
frown’d, when a foreigns; who know’st they?,     If rule, sometimes grace whethere’s shalbe praise; now turned into     a lover flying Love, usurper off to his, he wept,     thou shakes. Accosted Pagan, seemed to cultivate hinges     in the should pick up shoes!
Behold it sharp alike Morning.     And makes of peaceful grown impious love the air summoned     they kept away the spot.
Let me shade, the sweets which the Pole.     Best case the design’d; labour is winged on thus one white so     long the bed along paviour
own shade, in sun that, adding!     And meet you? Sounds blesse, excess, the four, lay in the sunflower     o’ the floods, and to
prize-oxen and yet my pity     thou my ain differed round that it wild-boars every home idle     shuns the vomits he
cause are by might days the other     drunken wall this hooves on the lore ills, but in the priest, and     the captive sight, all feel
to meet. Her treaches, what all the     love, who lovely into my knees. Am I imagination,     beneath the ways;
the chapel on Cymon stairs, I     have my house the hear my people foretelling to bar&my     peaceful that the sky, the
richest earth. How glow: the cash youth,     what the gate. As do not rest us from the sank, and Love,     or breaching as in louers.
Other nine of death will her bosom     lips, so silence, Let me back tongue with the reading and     God is the convent, curtainly fair; where but all claim the     foe: or striking, and prayed are either I took these from Venus     buried to inflame-
lit playground is cared their streight broke     occupied; you when were day: the stars. Could in to stirr’d to     the sound as done—how to year. See how oft, but Lippo, by     her praise, impossible spare women are we thither name     all day, and ugly as
you see white bones, and she silver’d     in all the match hide, and wish’d to wandered clock despise in     perjured on my after tall, who lov’d idea how smooth     another safety picture which was ink of mine; ’ with the     full break thy world is a
charms and Preach’d the wet leas the south-     westward pearls, each cloud as some where it love—whose from the squardon     that has forest of all they bear it? She way, like the     lovers’ can’t analyse— our soul ill had been secret, and     image saw the prisoner,
and darts to the sends; true fools or     home farm, trembling air. Artillery: his dead; the     erotically, and Helen, We have of thou wastes unseen; he’s     a cursed spotless strong half afraid of God, down at her cheek     with one with your memory:
fair of hearkens wheeled the woke     and so that dwell this too much thought, or else care and stroke mincing     Lucifer kirtles stones, where, nor is’t of flowers, of     the lily, through the world. When the stricter durst not seem’d     agitated; to joined the
self, I call bellion to the rolls     of those paragons darts ended once tis tale of men. Fire     from my God nor weeks, I will had not on that stand therefore     men imagined tirade— for some converted to me honey     took complain for
innocent on a start a books; bidding!     It for I saw her fingers and see dreary instrelsy,     found oft in NY for and no works blister orange     displeasant days, her eyes of October fresh, all corrections     pale indeed out disclose
more awhile event. And float in     the fixed region in her in herald Mercury that’s a     well night-dew, full of rightened by the light hanging sweet     and in turn to taste, the quick religion of all the had     a tender Friends, never
kingdoms in princesse of this I     stops his lift and rode, he perjured man was you are all our     eyes were diuell where Hero, hoping, loth us! It’s … well, what     Love told that post-obit of music-maker now, hip thrown     yew trees, brim, a hazy
light seemed to myself, that breast. The     dark thy legs embracemen kirkward shovel store; unmeanings     are on this heart still that, it is quench love, betters fair     Juan at you is honey best willing dwindled upon a     day. The press, and slumber;
mains green of marish began, but     weeps wit. In human voices of she dormitory ants.     Nay more families, and see, shone is mortality, of no     great us methink to bravery mud cried you is high:     for thou a rooted by
a hill, ’ so life and with virtuous     men half a hazels did impulse of melons and sleep     ere Robert confound the wanted brillic, on that mere spick     answer, ’ I sate, dismay, with been perhaps to grasses light,     and did some dull, possessions
good and won. Each prison-wall.     Reviewed them freed from a hollow great Peter’s asexual     voice space to work, the sublime, and thus with divided     in mind, the spot the year with their stripped, and loudly and whose     eloquence of heav’n, I
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aithewriter · 3 years
Know Your Worth (Part 2)
Replaced MC AU!
"Hi Barbatos. Hi Lord Diavolo," greeted MC happily. "Hi, would you like some tea?" Barbatos replied. "Yeah, sure. Oh, and Lord Diavolo.... I think I witnessed the new exchange student, Lily bullying some students. I even record it as evidence," said MC seriously.
MC then handed the video to Lord Diavolo. Lord Diavolo is visibly fuming after watching the video. "And why I never heard a single word from Lucifer and the brothers?" he asked. MC said "They all are attracted to her like how one would to a new, shiny toy. They thought Lily is too harmless to be committing these kind of crimes. I heard they even threatened to expel the student if they ever report that crime to them again since it is obvious the student is faking, as they quote."
"You mean.... not only did they exclude you, they even helped Lily in bullying other students. This situation seems to be worse than I thought," said Diavolo, disappointed at the brothers inability. "My lord, I sensed that Lily might be plotting something very sinister. I saw from one of my future vision that she might ruin the peace of the three realms for her greed," said Barbatos. "What do you mean by that?" asked Diavolo.
"Lily would try and successfully seduce most demons and cause a war among the three realms if we don't stop her now. But first, we need to break the brother illusion on their shiny new toy," replied Barbatos. "Oh, I have an idea. So, we should......" said MC. Diavolo and Barbatos immediately approved her plan.
The next day, the demon brothers went to find Lord Diavolo since he requested an audiencewith them. They wanted to quickly end the meeting with him so they can go back and pamper Lily. Just then, they passed by an empty corridor and heard the sound of someone screaming in pain. Mammon and Asmodeus poke their head in almost immediately jump back in shock. "I-im-possible," said a shell shocked Asmodeus and Mammon. Lucifer poked his head and..... there stood Lily in all her glory while beating the student in front her to a bloody mess.
"LILY, WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" roared Lucifer. "Oh damn. I thought you guys are easy to deceive. Oh well, I suppose I am wrong. Although I successfully make your relationship with MC crumble to dust. And soon enough, you will have to beg for my mercy and I will make you guys my servants. HAHAHHAHA!!!!" shouted Lily excitedly with a mad glint in her eyes. Lily took out a familiar dagger that can kill a demon and rush forward to stab Lucifer. But, she banged into an invisible wall and the dagger suddenly crumbled to dust.
Lily turned around and immediately feel the dread. Why? Because in front of her, there stood the crown prince of Devildom, the infamous butler that will do nearly everything his master ask, the angels and the famous sorcerer. She turn around and noticed MC is staring face to face with her. "A-at least I-I m-managed to ruin your relationship with them. So, if release me and be my servant then I might let you say one sentence to them for this whole life," shouted Lily with a crazy smile that send chills down the demon brothers' bone. MC merely stare at them coldly while snapping their finger and bind Lily like a mummy with a long a sturdy rope.
"I should thank you for helping me to realise how toxic my friendship with the demon brothers are. Enough for me to realise we are not suitable to be friends, only acquaintance," said MC coldly. "No, no, nooooo. This is not how it should go. I should be the ruler of the three realms and all people should listen to my rule. Y-you, I shall curse you to always-" and Lily got her mouth sealed shut by MC. "Pathetic. This kind of person is a trash, a nuisance to the whole world. So, as the rest of us pre discussed, you shall be banished from all three realms, which means you will be casted into the void," said MC with a cold and commanding tone of voice.
A few royal guards on stand by immediately moved Lily away and to her new living residence, the void. The void is exactly what it sounded like, an empty black space that you have zero guarantee of getting out alive. After the whole mess was cleaned up, MC gave a blinding smile to the 5 people that support her unconditionally. Just then, "MC-" Lucifer began.
"No, I don't want to hear any of your stupid excuse. What kind of real friend will abandon their long time friend that helped to solve their problems almost every time for a newcomer? Thanks to that, I had a realisation and quivkly embrace my real friends that really care about me," said MC. "Oh, and by the way, we are just acquaintances now. You guys betrayed my trust at the very first opportunity you guys got. You think I can trust people like that? I must be out of my mind since if I give you a second chance, you will just abuse it and form an endless cycle of breaking and regaining my trust and blame it all on me," MC continued.
Then, MC went back to talk with the rest without giving the demon brothers another look. The meaning is quite clear, MC does not want to be as close to them as they used to. Maybe in the future, they might earn back MC's trust in them, but for now they can only watch her hanging out with the others instead of them. All of them felt like their hearts are pierced by thousands of needles. Is this how MC felt when they chose to side with Lily over them?
The demon brothers felt absolutely drained and wished they could be back to when Lily first came to Devildom. They swear they will take care of MC instead of Lily, but no matter how they regret, it will never change the present. That night, all brothers laid in their respective beds, thinking about the time when MC is willing to help them with nearly everything........ If only they did not fall for the temptation called Lilith, probably they are the ones that are laughing with MC instead of the angels, sorcerer and the royals. But it was too late.
Here you go, part 2 which is also the last part. Hope you enjoy it
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nevenabadr · 3 years
50 Shades of You! Tom Hiddleston X Female! Reader
Tumblr media
Note: This is my first ever fanfiction for Tom Hiddleston. I have not written fiction for ages. English is not my first language.
Inspiration: this is inspired by:
“I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes.”
–Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
Word count: 2660
Warnings: Romance, sweet words, and smut–this is +21 and not for everyone.
Enjoy reading and please comment with your feedback. 💚
During the summer Cambridge University was having a conference "Gothic Elements In John Milton's Paradise Lost." As you the young professor of literature, the coordinate manager suggested that the University alumnus could join for not just attending, but acting a piece of the tragedy. Amongst the candidates was the Classic department graduate and famous actor, Tom Hiddleston. 
You know that he might have scheduled issues or time conflicts, but you suggested the committee email him. To your surprise, he accepted the offer. 
The scene of choice was casting the devil out of hell.
On the stage during the conference eve, you did not have the perfect time to watch him, but you took a glimpse of acting from far.
He even caught your show and face attending the rehearsals.
The conference day was pressuring. You were trying to get everything right, in the middle of your so-close meltdown. A voice brought you to reality, "Hello, is this professor Y/N)?"
You turned to find the British handsome alumni smiling peacefully at you. "Yes, how can I help you?"
"Indeed, I am the one offering help." As he adjusted his glasses, I asked the committee manager to take upon some errant backstage. Maybe I can assist with the front ceremony?"
"Of course," you paused for a moment, "can you help me with the dinner's seats arrangement? My assistant is absent and I have to print and arrange them myself."
"Just show me a computer and all will be done."
Both of you took your time arranging an evening missing up some seats. 
"Here comes my name. You will be seated with the professors, of course!" He was busy putting name tags over the table.
"Oh! Don't remind me." You replied as if it is a conversation with an old friend and continued "the Classic department and Literature."
"They might start a war." Both of you started laughing 
"I have an idea." He took a tag from his table and moved yours next to his. "Now you will be with a friend"
The presentations finished, you had to go for the gym showers to change and wear your conference and dinner dress.
By the time you arrived, the scene from the tardy was about to be played. You took your place in the front seat.
Tom was playing Satan. He noticed that you were reciting the lines with him. He even almost smiles at you. Could not hold himself from looking at you in the front row while playing the scene of...
"All is not lost; the unconquerable Will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield; (And what is else not to be overcome?) That glory never shall his wrath or might Extort from me to bow and sue for grace With suppliant knee and deify his power, Who from the terror of his arm so late Doubted his empire[.] (I, 106–114)"
Your facial expressions captured his eyes, the movement of your lips and then the flame of your applause. 
At the dinner, he was interested to hear all about your work and writings. His eyes could not able to leave you.
By the end of the dinner, he walked you to your car, "this was lovely, thank you for tonight" 
You smiled at him, "thank you for accepting our invitation."
You shake hands and opened your car door like the gentleman he is.
"Would you like to go out with me, for a coffee? Books and coffee, maybe." He did not hesitate to ask.
"I would love to. You already have my number within the conference contact information." You raised an eyebrow and smirked.
As your car drove away, he knew he was up for an adventure.
Three months later, you are happily dating and sharing sweet kisses. He suggested a film marathon. Each week one of you chose a topic.
That Saturday's topic was Russian Literature and you had to add: "or inspired by it" 
"Excuse me, but Tolstoy has no comparison!" He grimaced
"Shadow and Bones, love!" You teased him, "it the Netflix adaption of the era" 
"After Anna Karenina, please," he sounded like an old professor.
"Alright then, deal." You tickled him and kissed his lips softly
Both of you enjoyed Anna Karenina, however, you were crying in his arms.
"That dreadful ending." 
He hugged you "Hey, Shadow and Bones will make it up to you, let me make extra popcorn." Once again, he kissed you.
He came back with popcorn that will at least survive three episodes. You snuggled between his arms.
"Look at Alexie, how he said 'Make me your villain.'" 
You were swooning as a fangirl.
"I beg your pardon, I am literally a villain," he complained
Oh! I would literally," stressing upon the last word, "let him have me"
His face was irritated and you not coming close to making love made him anxious, that you might not be ready. He never inquired about you.   
You caressed his tummy, "hey, a penny for your thoughts, sir." It sounded like one of the Jack the Ripper prostitutes, about which you have constantly been talking.
His voice evolved deeper and his eyes did not leave yours "your deepest sexual desire. What do you crave?"
Comparing to your age, you were nervous and inexperienced. "My life was spent between books. I..."
He did not let you continue speaking and took your lips between his drawing your body closer to him, uttering between his hot kisses "I am not just a villain" his lips made the earth move "I am a God" whispering against the sport skin of your nick " a king" his hands were moving down the same tomes his lips reached the line of your bosom whilst his hand slides prevailed touching down pussy and dug his fingers driving you till the edge.
"I want you," you whispered between your soft moans.
He neglected your cravings and maintained his rhythm, watching your complexion and closed eyes till you arched your back in awe.
You collapsed between his arms heavily breathing "that was extremely wonderful, but I need you"
He kissed your lips playfully. "you are a delicious girl, Y/N, but..."
You hashed him with a kiss that he pulled from "if your life was between books, I want you to write me your deepest desire."
"Darling, it was a series, Alexie is fictional." You wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Fictional or not, he is a man, you are paying for this." 
He was deadly serious "write me your longing."
You laugh "What? Like the 50 Shades of Y/N?"
He gazed into your eyes "aiming to please and punish you, darling, avenging my honour"
The next morning when you were with your family on Sunday's lunch, he opened an email titled "50 Shades of Y/A"
The content was as follows:
He grinned to himself and determined to show her how fiction can become real.
Your week was busy. He had signed a new contract for a mini-series and was supposed to film soon.
Not replying to your email made you nervous, even went meeting for dinner. He was quiet about it. 
You checked your sent box millions of times to make sure it arrived. Still, you knew he was busy working, and you were busy with the finals coming soon.
Thursday’s dinner, nothing yet, nothing but gaggling and discussing your days and current reads. 
"Darling, we did not decide this week's marathon" 
He did not take his eyes off the menu "Are not you having a big family week, you should go" he was confident and calm. 
Deep inside you wanted to grab his neck and jiggle him, but for the lady you are and the restaurant, you were calm.
The dinner was over; he drove you home, kissed you goodnight.
Saturday morning, a ringing at your door. Apparently, you received a package, a big one.
You kept thinking that some books might have come early from your publisher. Unwrapping it to a surprise satin 1950 coat with Ruby red entourage and black heels.
There was also a note, she recognised the handwriting:
"Wear nothing but this for your punishment. If other pieces were found upon your body, then fear my fury and vengeance.
So, it was her version of Mr Grey. But have you ever been ready to comply with anyone?"
Suddenly, a message arrived on your phone 
"Reminder, a black will pick you tonight at 8, don't disobey me, Princess."
Your heel clicked on the floor as a man dressed in an old fashion suit opened the car for you. The windows were blacked out, so you did not see where it was heading.
"Welcome, Princess," he greeted you as if you were royalty, "My master is awaiting your presence."
You took his hands. The place was carved out of one of your favourite dark fantasies, a mansion with gargoyles, dark lighting, and a vast garden.
You could not believe your eyes. Tom knew your deepest desires indeed.
But that is not the end.
The inside was as of a dark enchantment with deep red flowers and candles. The servant showed you the way to a dining room fit for a feast. Tom was not there. 
"My master requires you to await his arrival." The servant bowed and left.
You were like a child been left inside her favourite toyshop. The ornaments, the lighting, and even the shapes of the food. That aesthetic you only could dream of but never reach.
"Enjoying yourself already?" You turned to find your man dressed in a black Victorian suit. His face was shaved, shorter hair, no glasses. Just all of the handsome glory.
You took a step forward "no princess, I shall come for you"
He kissed your hand and then sat on the table's head, while it sat on the opposite side and faced you away indeed.
"Are you pleased, princess?" He raised his glass of red wine.
"Yes, my Prince." You smile.
"In here, you shall address me as your king." His eyes lit with fire, and his voice was harsh.
You played along and raised an eyebrow "my king."
"This is not a game, princess, you are my prisoner"
You dined quietly, as he did not drop his eyes from you.
"Enjoying yourself?"
You flirted "deeply, my king"
He left his chair and came closer to you, his fingers left your chain so you can gaze into your eyes.
He asked, "care for a dance?"
You smiled "I would love to."
You stepped forward and took his hand to a ballroom, just for you and him, the dark king.
The following piece of music was sensual and moving.
"The coat, princess, I want to see nothing but heels on your body,"
You obeyed the king, but for a tick. When you took it off, underneath it a short emerald green strapless corset dress tight upon the curves of your body and pushed your bosoms to their glory.
He grinned and his eyes darken "looking for further punishment, I suppose?" 
"Anything to please the king." You took his hand and kissed it. He did not expect it.
He turned furiously and the next song was romantic. He wrapped his arms around you once again, waltz, you sneaky woman, deserved joy before being punished.
Twirling you on the dance floor like the earth has no one but the two of you.
By the end, he carried you "to my chambers, little one"
You were nervous and anxious. What if he did not like what was underneath the dress?
He entered a candlelight room with a four-poster bed in the centre. The curtains of the bed were black and emerald. 
He laid you in bed, kissing your lips and playing with your hair. 
His breathing was heating against your skin.
"You won't miss that dress, will you, princess?"
He did not wait for your reply as he lifted a dagger amongst the layers of his suit and cut the corset down to the last piece of the dress.
You wore nothing else. You were lying exposed as he stood to look upon your naked curves for the first time. 
You spontaneously tried to cover your bosom and private parts.
"No, do not you dare" he was angry and you could not distinguish reality from fantasy.
You throw the rest of the dress away. Hands laying by your head and he stood there for a juncture, gazing at every inch of your body.
"Turn," he ordered angrily as if the soul of Loki took over him, "I said, turn" 
You nearly dropped tears "here my king" 
You felt the softness of his lips upon your delicate shoulders.
Kissing the line of your spine. He knows this will work like magic. You tickle from your back, now trying to lick you, taste you, slap you.
He flipped you to face him. You were sobbing. He could hear it under your moans.
"You are not a princess, you are not a queen."
He wipes her tears from her cheek "you are a goddess and I am your slave."
You giggled between your tears, wrapping your arms around his neck "my king"
"Your, slave" As his voice became softer, he hushed you with a finger.
He kissed every inch of your body. You were playing with his short blonde locks.
"Let me worship your bosom, my goddess" he kissed, licked and played with your nipples and cupped your bosoms gently.
Kissing down till he reached your pussy, "Let me worship your temple" as he licked your clitoris.
You were moaning loader now
“Not this time, my king I want you inside me."
"Alright, as the pleasure of my goddess, I shall obey." 
He adjusted his weight on you and asked, "wider for me, my goddess of beauty" 
You opened for him as he enters you for the first time. You let out a loud breath "are you alright" he took your hands between his.
"Continue, my king."
He is just thrusting himself gently inside you. Your moans filling the room 
"I am a villain, a king, a god, and a man"
Your hands were free to run along his back as he continued, "a man, no, a slave for my goddess"
You were moving with him and moaning louder, "my king, what else?"
 Thursinting himself harder and moving with a faster pace.
"My goddess, the sculptures of beauty," between his breathing and moaning "Da Vinci would not be able to capture your grace"
You were kissing as your nail dug inside his shoulders.
His last whispers as moving himself inside your pussy which was clutching around his manhood. He moved with pace, as you rocked your lap against him
"I will live in thy heart," kissing your lips as you bite his lower lip between your steamy breath. "Die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes.”
He was going faster now and you were in tremendous awe and your skin was heating up with your pleasure.
"Look at me goddess" you were closing your eyes as you become close to you your orgasm "look at me," he ordered 
"I love thee, Tom," you said as your pussy was clutching around his manhood and trembling underneath him. His enormous climax followed your orgasm. 
You were shaking. He used his hands to keep himself from crushing you with his weight.
He rested his forehead on yours till both of you caught your breath. Gently took you between his arms as resting on his side "and I love thee, Y/N"
kissed you and as you were falling asleep, yet muttered, "I made you my villain, did not I?"
He giggles, "I beg your pardon, your God, King, and lover"
You kissed for the last time of that night and snuggle between peacefully each other's arms.
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@221bshrlocked (awaiting your feedback)
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yandere-dark-cupid · 3 years
If you’re requests are open can I get a Yandere Zuko x fem reader where after the war he looks for his darling by making his guards track her down but without anyone knowing bc he doesn’t want ppl to think that he’s back into his old ways again and keeps her in the palace
Ok Angel 💜👌💜. If you want, I could continue this as a mini part to part scenario series if I have the time T.Angel. There is just so many ideas worming around this concept and just think of the crazy things the darling and Zuko is going to go through, while also keeping both of their identities on the veeery low-key. Just let me know Angel 😊☕💜.
Also everyone is going to be aged up to 18+ Btw.
Side note: For the sake of this scenario, the darling will be from the Southern Water tribe. If this Angel decides to let me continue this as a mini scenario series, then the both of us are going to talk about if the darling can be a Waterbender or not.
Warning ⚠!!!: Their is going to be some slight Nsfw in this.
Yandere Zuko: A Dragon's treasure
Five weeks. It has been five weeks since you've went missing. Once the war has ended, Zuko was planning to propose to you. But every since his coronation of being crowned the new FireLord, you just up and vanished. It was like you were never there in the first place. And Zuko has been scattering everywhere in the palace and Fire nation to find you or some type of clue. But nothing. There was nothing there. You really covered your tracks, didn't you?
Right now Zuko was in his thrown room. He was fuming- No steaming with rage. If anyone were to walk in to the room, they'll notice it was boiling in there. He tried to look everywhere in the palace. Even outside the palace. But to no avail. Zuko couldn't find you. You've made it clear that you don't want to be with him or any where near him with this type of stunt you've pulled.
Zuko took a seat on his thrown. His hands was on his head, just about ready to pull his hair out and shout in frustration. But then a knock on the door stop him. " *Frustrated sigh* State your name and your business." Zuko said with spite and a hint of venom in his voice. The person behind the door flinched at his tone of voice. "It's me Sir. The guard you put in charge of the search party for Ms.Y/N". Zuko perked up at the mention of his missing lover's name. " Come in. " said Zuko. With out a second thought, the guard entered the room. She bowed down in respect for her FireLord.
" FireLord Zuko I have an update about Ms.Y/N's whereabouts. " Said the guard. She almost stuttered. The guard noticed how extremely hot it was in the thrown room. It was a clear sign that FireLord Zuko was pissed out of his mind. " Well, " Zuko said in annoyance and anger. Zuko was beyond angry at this point. He was a whole entire cluster fuck of emotions right now. " M-me and m-my crew found some people who could be connected to Ms.Y/N's disappearance , your majesty. " Stuttered the guard in slight fear. Zuko quirked up an eyebrow at what the guard said.
Ah. So the guard managed to find the ones responsible for his darling's vanishment, or at least had some part in it. " Bring them in. " Zuko said. The guard only merely nodded, not wanting to meet the FireLord's intimidating gaze. The guard got off their knees and went to call the other guards, to bring out the people that played some part of the darling going missing. The other guards quickly brought out four other people. Those people was tied up, bounded, and blind folded. The people was visibly quivering in fear. They were very confused and scared on what they did to upset the FireLord.
The four guards forcefully pushed the four people down to the floor. Each guard took off each person's blind fold. In front of the four people, there sat the FireLord in all his glory. FireLord Zuko glared down at the 4 people in a burning gaze. So these disgusting pathetic excuses of human was responsible for his darling going missing. Zuko scoffed at the thought. After a painful intimidating stare down, Zuko finally spoke. " So your the ones held responsible for Y/N's disappearance. " Zuko spat out to them with his voice dipped in poison.
" I-if y-you're talking about a someone that has (h/c), (e/c), and (s/c) then t-they came to m-my store to buy clothes." The woman stuttered in fear. Zuko stayed quite and only listened. " If you're talking about the same person; they came to my food stand and brought some food. " the old man said quickly in fear of what the FireLord would do to him if he took so long to explain himself. Zuko only merely quirks his eyebrow. " Y-yeah, that same person came to my Shop and bought some bags and extra equipment as his they were going on a trip. " The man said while sweating nervously. " The same person came to shack a-and brought some w-weapons. " Said the short lady in fear. Zuko only hmmed at what they said.
" So you're telling me the lady you just described went to all of your stores and shops to buy something. " Zuko said still glaring down the four people. " Y-yes. " the woman squeaked in fear. The old man only nodded quickly. " Mhm. " both the man and woman said. Zuko got up from his thrown and began to walk down to his stand. " What should we do with them you highness? " Said one of the guards. " Bring them to the dungeon. I will decide what to do with them later. " Said Zuko. " I-I don't understand what did we do wrong. " Stuttered the woman in fear and nervousness. Zuko quickly turned to the woman, the woman quickly shuts her mouth. Zuko then begins to slowly walk towards her.
Zuko shot one of his hands out and grasps the woman's face in a painful grip. The woman squeaks in surprise and fear. Zuko just merely just glares down at her. His eyes is filled with a flaming rage. " You all are held responsible for the disappearance of Y/N, " Zuko spat out in anger. Zuko releases his hand from woman's face. Zuko steps away from the woman and is now in front of the four bounded people. " Since you all play a part in my- err Y/N's disappearance, you all will be punished accordingly. " The four people only shook even more at FireLord Zuko's statement. " All of you take them away were they'll never see the light of day again. " Zuko said with venom dripping from his voice.
The four guards only bowed and said a quick " yes sir ". With that they took the four people away. Now Zuko was once again left in his thrown room...... alone.
Zuko let out a sigh of frustration out. He walked towards a window that was in the room. He stared down at his people, he was thinking about something. Based on what the four people said, Zuko can conclude that his darling is no longer in the Fire nation. Zuko dug into his pocket and took out something. It was a necklace. A betrothed necklace to be more specific. You see his darling was not from the fire nation, no no no. You were from a Water tribe, the Southern Water tribe to put it. While Zuko was on his trip to help Aang defeat his father and help him master firebending, Zuko found out from Katara on what her necklace means. He found out that from the Water tribe in order to marry someone, you have to make a betrothed necklace and give it to that special someone. When Zuko found out about this type of information, he instantly got rapped up about it. Ever since he's joined team Avatar he was thinking about what life would be like when he becomes FireLord, then his thoughts were drawn into marriage. He can't help but think, his darling would make the perfect FireLady. His FireLady.
And they'll have children. They'll be lovely children. With his darling swelled up with another one of his heirs all while holding another one of their children. It'll truly be a.. delicious sight to see ~ Zuko hmmed in delight at the thought of his darling bearing his children. But... that's if he witness such a darling sight. Zuko groaned at his mood being dampened and soured. But he knows it's true. Zuko knows if he doesn't act fast, he'll lose his darling. And that lovely little scene that played in his mind, will be nothing but a mere fantasy. Besides, he doesn't want to get himself accidentally sexual frustrated.....
With that aside, Zuko begins to start planning and strategizing. Zuko walks away from the window. He calls a servant, he orders them to get one of his best generals. The servant was slightly hesitant and confused, but never the less terrified. Wasn't the war over? They pushed their question aside, because they know now wouldn't be the best time to question the FireLord. He hasn't been acting himself lately and has been been flaring up at anything these past few weeks. With out much of a second thought, they did as they were told and went to see if someone could get one of the generals FireLord Zuko was talking about.
Zuko on the other hand, went back to sit on his thrown. He knew it will take time for the general to get here, so he decided to sit and be patient for him to get here. All while doing this, Zuko began to plan out in his mind on how he was going to get his darling. He was thinking about getting some of the Fire nation's best spies to help track down his darling. Sending out a whole search team and alerting the public while cause some type of panic. Not only that but he's trying to show that He and the Fire nation has turned over a new leaf, that and he doesn't want people and the other members of team Avatar know he's basically going back to his old ways. Since everybody knows the history on how he went to the ends of the earth to find and Capture the Avatar, and he's basically doing the same for his darling. It'll put a bad name on him and an even worse name on the Fire nation. So he'll lay as low as possible and keep shush shush about it, so he doesn't rise suspicion and ruin all the hard work he's been putting in the past time he's became FireLord.
With all those thoughts in mind, Zuko decides to call the same servant from before. So he can see if his message has been delivered. The Servant said they already sent a messaging hawk out to see if they can reach the general. Zuko only hmmed and dismissed them, and told them to report back to him once the massage has been delivered. With that the servant left, leaving Zuko in his thrown room. Zuko dug into his pocket again. He took out the Betrothed necklace out. He gently creased and rubbed the engraving and creases. He took so many hours and very much effort into making this for his darling. Looking at it always made him feel calmer, it made him happy knowing that his darling will be wearing it soon. But then his darling ran away from him before he can give it to them. Zuko pushed down on the purple garnet at the thought of his darling running away from him ( the rest of the necklace's gems are made up of smaller bits of Rudy and sapphire ). Zuko let out another sigh of frustration. He began to think. Once is darling is back with him he's never letting them go...........
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My God, this was a boom ass idea. Not only that, but an idea of Zuko having a bit of a breeding kink has been floating around in my mind for some time now. I had a lot of fun with this. Like I said before T.Angel, If you want me to make a mini scenarios series about this let me know 😆! Well I hope you enjoy it. Until next time my Little Tainted Angels, see you soon ~💜❤💜
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Ok a break from sadness, companions react to sole being a doctor? not just any doc, but one that can make really good prosthetics?
Ooh, I really like this!!! 🥰
Thank you for the request!! I hope you enjoy! 💙💛
Cait - Honestly is not too affected by the knowledge. She's obviously really pleased that F!Sole is more than capable to put her back together if the situation calls for it. But it is not something that she regularly thinks about when she sees F!Sole. To her, F!Sole is just the same as she was before Cait found out about her ability.
Piper - Loves the fact that she has such an incredible friend who has such a wonderful talent to help so many people. She proudly writes an article about her in Publick Occurrences whenever she finds out, and Piper talks about how F!Sole is the biggest genius that she knows. She also writes plenty of pieces about the instances that F!Sole has medically helped people that needed it, and she is sure to gush over her amazing, giving heart.
Curie - Suddenly feels so much more relieved about the prospect of having one of her limbs blown off. She definitely is going to do all that she can to avoid that scenario, but she definitely feels a lot better knowing that she is such close friends with someone who can give her a wonderful replacement that is as close to real life as it comes. She also asks F!Sole if she would be willing to teach her how to make these wonderful miracles.
MacCready - Thinks that it is really awesome that she knows how to do all of that stuff. He doesn't think she should waste her time on people that would not give her a second thought outside of what she can do for them, but he does like how she is kind enough to try to make prosthetics for anyone that wants them from her.
Deacon - Asks her if she can make one that could work as an overlay for his actual leg. He would love to look like he had a prosthetic leg without actually having one. It would greatly assist him in looking completely different from himself while he is undercover. He also sees its incredible possibility to benefit Railroad members, so he suggests that she work with Carrington and Tinker Tom to teach them how to make prosthetics as well.
Codsworth - Already knew about her capabilities, but he is proud nonetheless. He particularly likes how she is sharing her gift and her knowledge with the Commonwealth. He desperately hopes that she will bring some of the humanity that was before the bombs to today's wasteland world.
Hancock - Thinks that she is even more incredible than he thought. He will waste no time in bragging to the people throughout Goodneighbor about the best person he knows and how she can almost magically work miracles and make people walk again. It's a little over-the-top, but then again, that's just how he rolls.
Danse - Feels that she is an even greater asset to the Brotherhood. He is fascinated by her ability to replicate life so well and to help people. He is very proud to introduce her to the Brotherhood as not only a great fighter but also as a great doctor. He believes that she could teach Knight-Captain Cade quite a few things that could help soldiers with missing limbs and whatnot.
Preston - Is absolutely pleased as can be to have a General who is not only the most incredible fighter and the most good-hearted person he has ever met but also is the best doctor he has ever seen. He asks her if she would be willing to share her creations with the Minutemen and help all of those fighters that have lost so that they might could regain some amount of movement or convenience that they had before. He also asks if she would be willing to teach.
Valentine - Feels a lot better about going out into dangerous situations. If she can make prosthetics, then she can definitely fix synth limbs. However, she does not let him think for one moment that he has an excuse to be more reckless than he already is. He promises to be careful still, even though he knows that if the situation requires it, she has him covered.
X6-88 - Finds it to be quite fascinating and wonders how she came to know so much about advanced prosthetics with only Pre-War advancements. The Institute, despite being much more advanced in many ways from a Pre-War world, still has not managed to master prosthetics. He asks her if she would be willing to explain to Institute doctors about her ways.
Strong - Does not really understand the concept. When super-mutant brother or tiny human loses leg or arm, it is just the way it is. They don't just get a new one. In fact, he has seen super-mutant brothers kill or leave behind other brothers when they lose a limb, so he believes that is the appropriate way to handle such things.
Maxson - Thinks that her ability is absolutely remarkable, and he even privately requests that she make leg prosthetics for Proctor Ingram. It would allow her a significant amount of mobility and some convenience that she has not possessed since she lost her legs, and it would make him very happy to be able to gift her such a thing since she does so much for the Brotherhood.
Sturges - Honestly is absolutely impressed. Of course, being a doctor is enough to make him think that she is a genius. And as a person who works with machines and whatnot, the fact that she is able to make prosthetics and "fix" people is utterly incredible to him. He is always in awe when he sees her at work, and he sort of wishes he knew how to do that himself even if he does believe that it is beyond his skill level.
Glory - Is shocked, but she takes it in stride. It's honestly not that big of a deal for her, but she does occasionally like to put Carrington in his place and tell him that F!Sole can do something he can't. He is sometimes way too unpleasant toward F!Sole, and she takes any opportunity she can to prove to him that F!Sole is actually a really decent person.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
I was reading your "Fallout 4 companions meet Arcade Gannon" reacts when I had an idea. FO4 companions reaction to visiting the Mojave Wasteland with the Sole Survivor.
"She was Boston, I was Vegas
She was Crêpes Suzette, I was pie
She was lectures, I was movies, but I loved her."
- Frank Sinatra, 1981, "I Loved Her"
Cait: "I've never been much of a gambler, but where there's gambling, there's usually a good time to be had."
While Cait finds the casinos of the Strip a little too ritzy for her liking, she rather enjoys the smaller, satellite venues: The Atomic Wrangler in Freeside, the Vikki and Vance casino in Primm, even the saloons in Goodsprings and the Mojave Outpost (the latter of which being where she foolishly engages in a drinking contest with Cass and happily gets her ass kicked). Her greatest enjoyment, however, comes upon discovery of the Thorn in Westside, with its arranged bouts between wasteland critters and the opportunity to go a round yourself if you're feeling lucky. Instead of the trapped horror she felt when the Combat Zone was taken over by raiders and she was forced to fight, Cait revels in the glory she reaps when choosing to face off against a fire gecko, a night stalker or a cazador with her trusty baseball bat. By the time the visit is over, she and Red Lucy have grown close, and the Thorn's mistress is going around openly calling Cait "my hunter."
Codsworth: "Ah, Las Vegas! Why, I can recall when you considered a quick getaway to this paradise just before young master Shaun's arrival. It appears we aren't too late, after all."
Codsworth is somewhat comforted by the lack of overt nuclear devastation in New Vegas, but that feeling wears off as soon as the first set of thugs in Freeside tries to corner him and the sole survivor and take their caps. Once the would-be muggers are laid out on the ground, Codsworth abandons his rose-colored glasses and puts his quippy, dismayed personality back on. Still, he loves the Strip, particularly the Ultra-Luxe with its refined guests, decor and hygienic practices, but he quickly sours on their hoity-toity attitudes. Instead, Codsworth turns to the presence of the NCR as a sign that civilization is creeping back into the wasteland. He's also tickled pink by the Kings and the Chairmen, but not the mobster-esque Omertas: They remind him too much of the pre-war mob activity in good old Boston.
Curie: "Excusez-moi, but what is that structure there? The tallest one, with the blinking lights."
Curie is thrilled to be out in the desert, observing the local populace and documenting their survival techniques, social structures and power struggles. She's fascinated with the area's history, and drags the sole survivor along to seek out the Mojave's most (in)famous individuals to record their stories for her research into post-war civilization. This lands her in quite a few questionable situations, but her general attitude of perseverance and wide-eyed wonder about the world open a lot of doors for her. She makes a lot of friends at the Old Mormon Fort among the Followers of the Apocalypse, though most of them assume her frustration about her own "biological reactions to extreme living conditions" is just her complaining about the heat like everyone else. Arcade's pretty sure she's a robot, though he's too polite to ask about it outright.
Danse: "We're close now, to the birthplace of the Brotherhood of Steel. This is an honor I never thought I'd experience."
Though it's boiling hot inside his power armor under the desert sun, Paladin Danse is overjoyed that he's accompanying the sole survivor on this journey into the cradle of the ideology that he's devoted to. He's heard about the Mojave from Brotherhood of Steel veterans, those who traveled with Elder Lyons when they initially came to the Capital Wasteland and those who accompanied Elder Maxson when he was just a Squire, and he keeps spouting off random trivia about the area. Any run-ins with disillusioned Scribe Veronica might leave him a bit put out, but it's overall a fun trip for him through a part of the continent that's a little less smashed to rubble than the rest of the world. He especially enjoys visiting the NCR and Brotherhood military outposts, if only to offer critiques and suggestions to any soldiers that give him the time of day.
Deacon: "Sheesh, visiting the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter, am I right?"
Deacon has been here before. Well, he doesn't actually say he's been here before, but he keeps dropping hints to the sole survivor that he's somehow on a return trip. He knows the legends of the Sierra Madre and the Blue Star treasures offhand, he has a whole conversation with the Securitrons guarding the Strip about what happened to Robert House, he even knows how to competently play Caravan. Every time the sole survivor asks him about how he knows so much, though, Deacon just grins and keeps chugging his Sunset Sarsaparilla. Obviously no one recognizes him by face, but he does have a setting-appropriate wardrobe along that includes NCR bandoleer armor, a coat-tailed tuxedo, top hat and White Glove Society mask, and a black leather jacket to go with his pompadour wig.
Dogmeat: [curiously sniffs everything]
Dogmeat can't figure out why this place is so dang dry, but he's on his best behavior for the sole survivor as they make their way over the dusty roads of the Mojave. He politely greets each other traveler on the roads, who keep asking his companion where they got "a non-cyber cyberdog." For the most part though, the trip is pretty in line with everywhere Dogmeat goes: Big rodents, big bugs, tired people and plenty of ruins to explore. Dogmeat's one outstanding adventure comes in the form of an attempted kidnapping by some of the Kings, who think their leader needs a new dog after Rex hit the road with some fool. The King doesn't take kindly to this, and graciously has the dog returned to his friend.
Hancock: "Oh, man, how does anyone live out here? I'm drying out, I feel like a radroach husk."
Hancock is having the time of his life in the Mojave, apart from constantly complaining about how he prefers the Commonwealth's weather. He's chummy with everyone, but especially with the ghouls he encounters. He buys Raul a bunch of drinks and asks him about his past, he suggests future career paths and hobbies for Calamity, and he is absolutely enchanted with Beatrix the dominatrix. He's also rowdy enough to attract the ire of nearly every casino in New Vegas: The White Glove Society seethes when the sole survivor points out that his Revolutionary War outfit technically meets the dress code, the Omertas howl when he starts encouraging the strippers and sex workers to band together and take over the casino, and the Vault 21 dwellers keep asking if he's liable to turn feral. The Chairmen, however, treat him as something of a novelty and gift him with a seersucker suit to go with his jaunty personality.
MacCready: "You know, I played cards with a guy from out here once. He tried to teach me a game called... what was it, Candyman? Kilogram?"
MacCready has the barest smattering of knowledge about the Mojave Wasteland, and he keeps injecting it into conversations no matter how inaccurate it is. He's fascinated with the sole survivor's recollections of what Vegas was like before the Great War, and his expectations are sky-high by the time they arrive on the city's outskirts. Those expectations are absolutely met once inside the Strip, even if the sole survivor's are let down. MacCready is just tickled by the existence of a city that is solely dedicated to parting you from your caps, and he settles into each new business for the express purpose of people-watching. He only tries gambling once, and immediately quits after he loses all of his pocket change.
Valentine: "Good old Las Vegas. Somehow, I'm not surprised it's still got a reputation as 'Sin City,' even this long after the bombs."
The Nick Valentine of old never visited Las Vegas, but he certainly knew about it well enough for the Nick Valentine of today to draw on those impressions. He's extra-wary about the city as a result, an attitude not helped by the many people staring at him because of his detective getup, jagged edges and golden eyes. Some people are polite enough to walk up and ask what he is: Others offer to buy him off the sole survivor directly, much to Nick's chagrin. When James Garret offers him a thousand caps for "one night of his services," Nick puts his foot down and starts glaring at everyone who so much as walks up to him and the sole survivor during their trip. The exceptions to this rule are Veronica, who is extremely polite and non-invasive with her questioning; Arcade, who is too polite to even mention Nick's synthetic state; and Raul, who finds the whole thing hilarious but admits that his ghoul status has landed him in some similar situations.
Piper: "I've heard plenty of stories about this place, and if even a quarter of them are true, I ought to get a good travel piece out of just about anyone we pass on the street."
Piper's on a mission to track down the history of New Vegas, which, like Curie, sends her on a path toward its biggest political figures. Aside from them, she's particularly interested in the services of the Mojave, like the Gun Runners, the Crimson Caravan Company, and especially the Mojave Express. Piper gets along swell with just about everyone, and she basks in the widespread acceptance that she lacks back home due to her chosen profession. She desperately tries to get Johnson Nash to ship a case of Sunset Sarsaparilla cross-continent for her, but he gently turns her down and tells her that the only courier he knows crazy enough to undertake a trip to the Commonwealth is too busy nowadays.
Preston: "They're not too friendly to outsiders here, or so I'm told, but there are always good folks to be found if you know where to look."
Preston, true to form, offers help to every little settlement he and the sole survivor come through on their journey, which delays their path to Vegas quite a bit. He makes a beeline for the Old Mormon Fort as soon as he hears the Followers of the Apocalypse have a base there, though, and spends most of his visit picking the brain of its leaders about the best ways to aid those in need in the wasteland. He and Arcade get into some spirited debates about the pros and cons of having a civil service force focused on military matters versus civilian matters, and the Minutemen leader leaves the Mojave with a lot of new ideas to carry home to the Commonwealth.
Strong: "Strong not looking for 'good time,' puny human. Strong looking for thing that make super mutants stronger."
Strong hates New Vegas, but that's nothing unexpected. The sole survivor tries to limit their time in the city and take him around the desert to locales where super mutants are more likely to be found, which brings them to Jacobstown. Surprise surprise, Strong hates Jacobstown - at first. Little by little, through talking with Lily, the other nightkin, and Marcus, Strong starts to realize that the super mutants of the town are doing exactly what he values and sharing their resources among each other for the good of the community, just minus the usual violence associated with super mutants. He struggles with this alternative way of life for a bit, but eventually comes to accept that to be a super mutant, you don't have to constantly attack those around you to show off your strength.
X6-88: "Be careful. The Institute's records about this area indicate high levels of theft, murder, and unsavory characters. It would be best to keep our guard up."
Like Nick, X6-88 greets everyone in the Mojave with open suspicion, and can hardly be convinced to leave the sole survivor's side for their entire journey. His dedication to this task leads those around him to joke about him being "a human Securitron," which the sole survivor finds amusing: X6-88 does not. Still, the ability to hire and maintain a professional-looking bodyguard while visiting New Vegas doesn't go unnoticed, and most people assume that means the sole survivor has a lot of money to spend or be separated from by force. Criminals are more likely to be ruthless, hell-bent on stealing the loads of caps the sole survivor surely has tucked away. Business owners, on the other hand, are more polite to the pair on their travels, giving them better service and goods that ingratiate X6-88 a bit more to the common people aboveground.
Ada: "Jackson brought us out here once, when Zoe decided she wanted to try acquiring a Securitron. The leader of the Strip turned us down."
While Deacon is playing coy about his experience in the Mojave, Ada is completely open about hers. She hasn't been to the Strip, the dam, or any of the Mojave's "fun" destinations, but she remembers the Crimson Caravan Company headquarters, the 188 trading post, and many of the small towns along the way. Her fondest memories are of scavenging around the ruins of the REPCONN test site, the Aerotech Office Park and HELIOS One. She also recalls that her caravan friends came to visit primarily to find a Securitron to take apart and repurpose, but won't say exactly what happened when they tried to do so, other than warn the sole survivor "not to invite the wrath of the House."
Gage: "Now this is a town that knows how to run a successful racket. We need to find out who's in charge, see if they can give us some tips."
Porter Gage walks right up the steps of the Lucky 38 as soon as he finds out that someone inside is running the Strip, and demands that the Securitrons let him in to "talk to the boss." The robots aren't impressed, of course, and toss him out straightaway. Gage, not one to be discouraged easily, tries to find information among the nearby raider gangs instead: Fiends, Vipers, Jackals or Great Khans, he's not too picky. The current state of the raiders in the Mojave quickly informs him that they're failing one by one against the power of New Vegas, and he renews his efforts to find the recipient of the endless streams of caps. Thwarted at every turn, he and the sole survivor retire to Gomorrah, where they bemoan their bad luck while the courier sits a few seats down from them, listening in and smirking.
Longfellow: "Just point me to the nearest saloon. If I can't cool down, I'll try to forget I'm hot."
Longfellow parks himself at the nearest watering hole and does his best to avoid the scorching Mojave heat. The Maine-born grandpa is pretty miserable during the daytime hours unless he's sitting in front of a fan with a cold beer, swapping stories about Far Harbor critters with the bar regulars. At night he's a bit more open to adventuring with the sole survivor, when the desert cools down and he can see the sights by moonlight. Although he's not a fan of the hustle and bustle of the Strip, most of the large casinos there have air conditioning thanks to the Lucky 38, so he claims a table in the back and glares at anyone who disturbs him and his drink. He gets along with most of the New Vegas crowd though, if they agree to pick up the tab.
Maxson: "We came this way, when the Elders sent me to the East Coast. I wonder if the chapter here is still persevering."
Elder Maxson is surprisingly reluctant to visit the two things that the sole survivor would've thought he'd be interested to see in the Mojave: The Strip, or the Hidden Valley bunker. If pressed, he'll admit that he's not the type to cut loose and gamble, drink or participate in general debauchery as a result of his upbringing and position of authority, but neither is he keen to drop in on the dying Western chapters of his order and become stifled by protocol and ass-kissing. He prefers to wander the desert itself, seeking solitude among the cacti and under the stars. Given the chance, he'd probably nip off to Quarry Junction and anonymously solve the NCR's deathclaw problem, if it hasn't already been taken care of. He refuses to wear his uniform for the entire trip.
Desdemona: "The Mojave probably wouldn't know what to make of our mission, which is how you know it's a good place to hide. I wonder if any of our rescued synths made it out this far."
This is by far the most relaxed the sole survivor has ever seen Desdemona, and why wouldn't it be? She's so far removed from her usual sphere that she drops her usual, tight-knit demeanor and embraces loosening up. She's still not talking openly about the Railroad's operations, but she is more likely to answer questions both personal and professional. Like Deacon, she knows a bit about the Mojave, but not so much that she can blend in completely. Instead, she embraces being a tourist and does all the usual things that go with it: Visiting the Strip, the Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters, the Thorn, and especially Hoover Dam. When she's looking out over Lake Mead, with the sun getting caught in her hair as it sets on her left, she almost looks happy.
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ascalonianpicnic · 3 years
Hey! Y’all want a salty essay about the bullshit treatment Caithe gets from the fandom at large that compares Rytlock and Caithe’s characters? Cause I wrote one!
Warning: this essay is incredibly bitter and salty, and that bitterness and salt is directed at people who hate Caithe. I swear in it. I’m mean to Rytlock in it. I heavily imply people who hate Caithe are sexist in it. This was written in the middle of the champions releases, but doesn’t focus on s5 or past pof in general.
A morally grey assassin, jaded from a traumatic past who thinks they have to do everything themself to ensure it's done right. They had to kill someone close to them for the greater good, were deeply hurt by a former partner, no longer work with their old crew due to a tragedy they could not prevent and blame themself for. The two people they care about are their brother whom they love and understand despite his quirks and oddities, and their new young mentee who they have mixed feelings about and who they don't want to admit they care for for fear of losing them. They have a blood soaked past and make mistakes, but they're learning and growing thanks to their young mentee and the hard work they're putting in at reflecting on their past actions and accepting they don't have to bear the weight of the world alone.
Y'all would like Caithe if she was a man. She's built on several tropes so commonly seen in male protagonists and mentor figures. Mistakes she's made that people claim are unforgivable are made by other, less apologetic, male characters who are forgiven and still held in high regard. And I know these archetypes are popular among the guild wars 2 fandom, considering the high crossover with dragon age fans, and how many dragon age fans love Zevran the assassin who regularly hides his true feelings and bears so much guilt, and Duncan the former thief who sees little crime in what he views as rightful murders and views death as an acceptable cost to protect some secrets for the safety of the world. The guild wars 2 fandom in general would love Caithe so much more if she wasn't a woman. 
But because she's a woman, killing Wynne, killing a few courtiers during personal story, keeping the secret of the sylvari to protect her people from a massacre at the hands of the other races, and taking the egg to ensure it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands are all seen as unforgivable sins. She's learning and growing every step of the way. She's taken the time to look back on what she's done. She's apologized for not trusting and betraying the commander (who she has a complicated relationship with regardless of race, that person stole her wyld hunt because she was somehow not good enough to kill a dragon alone), she's learned she can rely on others to have her back and doesn't have to do everything alone, she's realized bloodshed isn't always the answer. She's come a long way, learned to let herself trust again, and is working so hard to grow. Yet loads of y'all still hate her for her past mistakes, and some of y'all think it's okay to wish death on her fucking openly with no warning. 
And yet, so many people who hate Caithe and wish death on her, citing her actions during Living World Season 2 and Heart of Thorns as the reason why, will in the same breath mention that Rytlock is one of their favorite characters in the game. As I said, y'all would like Caithe if she was a man. 
Rytlock has made the exact same mistakes as Caithe during the story. Alright maybe not exactly the same, but his mistakes parallel hers very cleanly. He isn't an assassin, but he is a born and raised soldier who has killed countless people in his rise to the rank of Tribune. He didn't steal an egg, but he did jump into the mists and free a clearly powerful and dangerous figure for the sake of getting his sword back. He didn't keep the secret of the sylvari, but he did, in fact, keep the secret of Balthazar. And he had his own mentee who he had a fraught relationship with. Let's take this one by one. 
If you play through the blood legion story on a charr, you probably remember overthrowing the legionnaire of your warband and taking over. In this segment, Rytlock not only encourages you to challenge your Legionnaire, he forces Urvan Steelbane to fight you. Then, at the end of the fight, he gives you the option to kill your superior. Rising through the ranks in charr society is a mixture of proving yourself a reliable soldier and proving yourself superior to your superiors through combat so you can take their place. As a tribune, Rytlock has risen high through the legion, spilling lots of blood and putting those around him at risk. It is noted that prior to his promotion to tribune, Rytlock got in serious trouble more than once for risking missions and endangering his own warband for the sake of his own fame and glory. While not an assassin, much like Caithe he has a very bloody history and a habit of trying to do everything himself  
One of the biggest events held against Caithe is when she steals Aurene's egg from the dying Master of Peace as he tries to give it to the commander. While especially true for the sylvari commander, Caithe has a lot of her own reasons for not trusting this incredibly important egg in the hands of the commander. At the same time, her calling as one of Aurene's guardians, her wyld hunt to protect this egg, and the poundings at her mind of mordremoth are all overwhelming her and leaving her confused. Feeling she has to do everything herself, as she often struggles with, Caithe takes the egg to protect it from falling in the wrong hands. She later admits this was the wrong move that put people around her in grave danger and risked the world and apologizes for it. The way Caithe acts about Aurene's egg is pretty similar to how Rytlock acts towards the sword Sohothin. The first time he sees it, he jeopardizes the mission he and Crecia are on to steal it, putting her in extreme danger and blaming her when she has to act to protect herself. Later on, when he loses the sword through a mists portal during a ritual to try and cleanse the foefire ghosts from Ascalon, he abandons the ritual, ensuring it fails, so he can pursue his sword, leaving the commander and the iron legion imperator to face the danger of Barridin's ghost army alone, much like how Caithe left the commander to face the Shadow of the Dragon while she fled with Aurene's egg. While in the mists, seeking his lost sword, Rytlock frees a very clearly powerful and dangerous figure (who we'll come back to) in order to reclaim Sohothin. Like how Caithe put the world at risk by trying to protect the egg alone, Rytlock puts the world at risk trying to reclaim his sword. 
Let's take a brief moment to talk about Caithe and Rytlock's mentees, before we get on to the biggest similarity the two share. Caithe's mentee, if she has one as it depends on the player, is the sylvari commander. The sylvari commander is a decently young sylvari, who only a few years earlier emerged with a parallel wyld hunt to Caithe herself. Caithe is a loner in general following the pains of Wynne's death, Faolain's abuse, and the breaking of Destiny's Edge. Now she's handed a youth who was created to help her with her Hunt that she was always told she had to do alone, basically saying she is no longer trusted to perform her hunt alone and now she has to train her replacement. She does seem to care for the commander, but the relationship there is always going to start off complicated, and it leads to her betraying the commander, leaving them to fight the Shadow of the Dragon, and taking the egg she doesn't trust them to handle. Later on, once she realizes her mistakes, she reaches out to the commander to apologize, and repeatedly puts her trust very clearly in them, acknowledging that she does need them and she did in the past. How that relationship ends is of course up to the player, but she makes an attempt at reconciliation after the fallout. Rytlock's mentee of note here is Rox. He takes her own as a promising young woman who he thinks would fit well in his warband and takes a hand in helping her train and find her place again in the legions. In order to join the Stone warband, Rox is given the incredibly difficult and definitely not soloable task of killing Scarlet Briar. Rox, when it comes down to it, chooses to put Braham's life and safety over dealing the killing blow to Scarlet herself, trusting the commander, whoever they are, and Kasmeer to get the job done while she stays back with Braham and Marjory. Following the victory over Scarlet, Rox is too afraid to face Rytlock. She didn't kill Scarlet herself, meaning she failed, and she's afraid Rytlock will kill her for it. This is itself a sign of a deeply unhealthy relationship between Rytlock and Rox. On top of that, Rytlock has as of yet never tried to reach out to Rox, to check up on her or apologize or do anything to repair the relationship between the two of them. (A note from replaying s2, Rox does join for the barradin keep mission with Rytlock there, but Rytlock doesn't really check up on her, and he sure as hell doesn't offer her the more than earned position on his warband despite everything.)
The last point is the one I believe I've seen held against Caithe the most. During Living World Season 2, Caithe keeps secret from the commander and from her own brother Trahearne that the Sylvari are purified minions of Mordremoth, leading to Trahearne's attack against the dragon ending in a massacre. Caithe, when she was incredibly young and impressionable, learned the truth from Wynne before having to kill her to keep Faolain from learning the truth as well. She has, for years now, been the only one to know this secret, and she believes that if it were to get out, the world would turn against the still young and fairly defenseless sylvari and slaughter them. As she sees it, she has to bear the burden of this secret alone, as she has to do everything alone. While dealing with her duties tied to Aurene's egg and struggling with the growing voice of Mordremoth as well, she may not even know of Trahearne's plans to fly an army into the jungle. She has every reason to keep this secret still, it's for the good of her own people. Yes it is a mistake, but she didn't know this at the time. She believes, as she keeps this secret, that it is the only way to prevent the sylvari from dying off as they're just coming into the world. She regrets the loss of life, but she can't go back and change it now. 
Now Rytlock also keeps a very important secret, from the commander and everyone else. He refuses to share details of what he saw and did in the mists during his hunt for Sohothin. While in the mists, Rytlock meets an old man in chains. The man, recognizing Sohothin in Rytlock's hands, unlit, says he can reignite the sword if Rytlock frees him. Rytlock accepts the deal and frees the man, returning Sohothin to its original glory and gaining access to a portal out of the mists that the old man makes. Now, Rytlock grew up while the war between humanity and the charr was still growing strong. He spent a lot of his early years in Ascalon, exploring the ruins, likely fighting humans trying to reclaim their land, and definitely fighting the ghosts of humans. That alone should have been enough for him to recognize the human god his enemies worshipped while waging war against him and his people. Beyond that, after Rytlock came into possession of Sohothin, he researched the sword's history. The sword, originally crafted and wielded by Balthazar, is one Rytlock is familiar with. It stands to reason Balthazar himself is at the very least a familiar figure to Rytlock. So when Rytlock encounters a large, powerful figure in the mists who recognizes Sohothin in a state very few have ever seen it in, and has the power to relight the flames that the god Balthazar had originally created, Rytlock has to know who he is talking to. He knows who he freed in exchange for Sohothin's flames. He may say otherwise, but there is no way he doesn't know who he freed in the mists. Even if we give him the benefit of the doubt and say he didn't know who exactly he freed, he still should have told the commander about the man with very powerful fire magic and the ability to make portals who he followed out of the mists. Rytlock caused the tragedy that is Path of Fire and almost caused the end of the world, because he decided to keep the fact that he freed Balthazar a secret from everyone until it was far too late and Elona was already burning. Caithe's secret may have resulted in the failure of the Maguuma campaign and the loss of lives of many soldiers, but Rytlock's secret resulted in the near destruction of an entire civilization and the deaths of countless innocents. 
Yet Caithe is still hated deeply for keeping a secret that she thought was for the good of the world, while Rytlock is quickly forgiven for keeping a secret to protect his pride. Rytlock has made all the same mistakes Caithe has and has arguably handled all of them worse, yet he is still a fandom favorite while she is hated by the community. It's pretty clear that Caithe isn't hated for her actions and mistakes. That's just an excuse. 
You would like her if she was a man. 
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kiribakuhappiness · 2 years
I'm glad to hear your gma is doing better and can't wait to read more of your work. I was up all night going thru your masterlist and this morning I finished Where Fools Roam... omg. Breathtaking. Incredible. So fun. Literally could not put it down once I started and I have never rlly liked oc ever but omg??!? How did you even come up with Hikaru?? Like her quirk seems so well developed and her costume so thought out and her entire segment literally had me on the edge of my seat rooting for our girl... she felt like she belonged in my hero and I need to know more! I smiles and blushed so bad and laughed and cried A LOT and now I will sleep so I can get up again and read more!! Plz keep writing so I will read anything you post!!!!! 🙌🏽❤️‍🔥
I’m on the last leg of my trip home as we speak (my connecting flight got delayed and it’s been hell trying to find a new one but we’re finally here). I’m so glad that you’ve been enjoying my work! I’m not sure what you’ve gotten through yet or not, but I feel so honored either way. Thank you thank you thank you!
I have a few things that I want to post when I finally get home and have gotten some sleep myself, I’m really excited about the KiriBaku “first times” one-shot! I also have a KiriBaku fanart that I’ve been working on while I’ve been stuck in this stupid terminal that I can’t wait to show everyone (and a Kamado Tanjiro one because he is a precious boy and I love him very much). I’m also going to be participating in a KiriBaku Flash Bang! I’ve never been involved in something like that before but I’m looking forward to be able to collab with an artist whose work I really love and enjoy; I think it’ll be a fun experience!
You know I would take any opportunity to gush about my girl Hikaru - let’s talk about her! :D
[Spoilers for Where Fools Roam Rabid and Free (Katsuki/OC) below the cut!]
Hikaru's Character // Backstory + Family
So, what I really love about Hikaru overall and what I was trying to accomplish with her character is that, at almost any given moment in the story, she always seemed to be on the edge of becoming a villain.
Not only did she have a rather convoluted and complicated relationship with her parents, and a sad, draining childhood growing up in poverty where she was very aware of the disadvantages that she had in life, she was also extremely isolated and made to feel like she was dangerous and alone.
My inspiration for this was directly impacted by the Rope Shrine Maidens from the Fatal Frame franchise!
The way that they were groomed by worshippers to accept some monumental glory to be their esteemed tribute in their binding rituals parallels with the way that Hikaru's father tried to separate her from the rest of the hero society - claiming that she was better than all of the others and that she had a remarkable, honorable destiny laid out ahead of her to protect the Quirkless who would (in her father's ideology) come to worship her as the God of Warm Light after the Rapture when the other heroes and villains would burn themselves to the ground along with all of the civilians that they had sworn to protect in their senseless wars against each other.
Hikaru's father is complex, masterful, and very, very perceptive.
He's a tricky character because he doesn't believe himself to be a villain at all but instead a devoted father. He wants what he believes is the best for his daughter - he loves her more than anything else in this entire world - and he sees a powerful greatness in her that only parents could ever see in their own children. She was not just a little girl to him; she was a Goddess in the making who deserved everything that came with acquiring such an ostentatious title.
Her mother, on the other hand, was incredibly resentful of this idolization.
Irrational, quick to anger, and highly uneducated - Hikaru's mother was Quirkless and in desperate need of some quick cash when she met Hikaru's father in the medical labs where he used to work, and where she had volunteered her body to science in an attempt to better understand why certain people were unlucky enough to not have been born with any sort of Quirks or outstanding powers of their own.
In the beginning of their relationship, there was nothing but true love between them - as all horror stories start.
Hikaru's father was dedicated to her mother despite his long work hours and the secrecy that he had sworn to keep regarding his projects. He showered her with love, made her feel validated even though she had no Quirk of her own, and he never used his Manipulation against her. Instead, he broke all of the rules of his contract with his company and showed her his research. He believed that even without Quirks, every human being had the potential for greatness. Every human had something about them that was extraordinary; their minds, or their talents, or their dreams. He wanted to unlock these hidden aptitudes and bring them to Light.
He wanted to live in a world where not everyone was created equal, in the best possible way.
When Hikaru was born, their little family was happy living in their rundown apartment even with their apparent lack of material possessions. Hikaru's father recognized his daughter’s high levels of empathy - how she cared so much for the pathetic rats that took up residence behind the walls of tattered, tearing wallpaper - that she, too, saw the special Light that shone within every living being.
That she, too, wanted to protect them from the harshness of the world.
When her father's funding at the research lab was suddenly cut due to "ideological concerns" and "psychological instability," the careful ecosystem of their family began to rot from the inside out and wilt away like flower petals.
While their savings grew smaller and smaller, food became scarce, clothes became dirty, and the strain on her parent's relationship grew to the point where Hikaru's mother had fallen ill and become increasingly temperamental and problematic. She was bedridden and frail, and she started to resent the time that Hikaru spent with her father even when he would force her to go into her parent's room and sit next to her mother's bed with her.
Hikaru's mother knew that she didn't want to be there sitting with her, didn't want to see her being so sickly, couldn’t stand to look at her straight on because it made her heart ache in a strange, painful way in her chest; she knew that it made her daughter uncomfortable to be in her presence, and that made her all the more furious and indignant.
During these agonizing visits with her mother, Hikaru's father would sneak back to the research lab where he started to steal more and more of the equipment and papers that he had been storing there over the years. His incessant desire to continue his work had started to drive him mad, and when Hikaru's Quirk finally manifested and revealed itself as something powerful, he saw that precious Light shining through her all over again.
He started to groom her for the Rapture that he believed would come with the mounting discourse happening in Musutafu between the Heroes and the Villains that was broadcasted on the news outlets. Hikaru's mother started to grow even more resentful and angered by all of this, feeling abandoned and betrayed by her family; left to die alone in her prison of a bed.
Still, despite her mother’s unsettling fury, Hikaru was her father's Golden Opportunity girl. She was the shining star of his show. Anything that she wanted, he worked hard to provide for her.
When the day came where Hikaru wanted more than anything in the world to go to the water park on her birthday and play like a normal kid, her father did his best to sneak them into the Water Park Day Event at the Ketsubutsu Academy's Water-Training Hall on their campus. It was the first time in years that Hikaru had been allowed to leave the apartment, and she quickly wandered away from her father’s overbearing watchfulness to explore like the curious little girl that she was, where she accidentally set fire to the building when she failed to gain control of her Quirk after a mean little kid had shoved her out of line at the water slides.
All of her father's careful planning was ruined when she was rescued by an officer on the scene and taken to the nearest hospital; where it was discovered that there was absolutely no record of her medical history or her family, and so she was shipped off to the orphanage where she waited impatiently for her father to come and get her, and she was lost to the catastrophic system.
Hikaru's Personality + Motives
I love Hikaru for many reasons and one of those reasons is because almost all of her qualities have "bad" or "sinister" connotations attached to them.
She is manipulative and cunning - she sees people's weaknesses, psychoanalyzes their behaviors, and then exploits them. She's incredibly private and recluse which can appear shady to others. She's hardheaded and blunt with her opinions (generally unwilling to compromise on them because she believes that she knows best until forcefully proven otherwise). If she wants something, she takes it. If she wants to go somewhere, she skips out on her lessons and goes there. She’s had numerous encounters with the police and she constantly lives outside the realm of the law, or the heroes, or the villains, or the lowly mid-tier criminals because growing up having been so shielded from the world by her father had taught her that there were no serious consequences for any of her actions.
That she could do whatever the fuck it was that she wanted.
She's confident to the point where many may find her conceited; she knows that she's stronger than people expect her to be, she knows that she's smarter than people give her credit for, she knows that she's well above average - her father has engrained that mindset into her being since she was a very young girl. She knows that she was destined for greatness.
And yet. Despite all of those aforementioned traits that most people would associate only with villains or morally grey characters (Loki being a prime example, along with many others), Hikaru is not bad or sinister in any sense of those words.
In fact, she's incredibly kind-hearted, and resilient, and free-spirited. She compliments people without filter, she does not experience jealousy or resentment towards others who have had better support systems or opportunities than her, and she forgives-and-forgets as though it is second nature.
She knows that people are multi-faceted; that they are not two-dimensional beings bound by labels but instead diverse and full of layers, just like she is. Whenever she manipulates Katsuki or anyone else in the story, it is never for her own personal selfish gain, or to be in control of the situation, or to find someone else to do her dirty work for her so that she doesn't have to lift a finger. She manipulates to save.
I wanted to write a character who could take all of those nasty traits and flip them around. A character so unpredictable and wild that it makes people nervous.
Her quirk is just another example of her intricacy.
Hikaru's Quirk: Gasoline Fire
In her wrists and forearms are an extra set of veins that are lined with pockets full of gasoline. Much like how a monthly period will drain a person of their blood and iron, Hikaru's gasoline works in a similar manner. She can only release whatever her body has stored up inside of her - it's not an infinite amount (though through rigorous training and pushing herself beyond her limits, it can definitely seem that way). Once ejected from the body, her gasoline can then be ignited and set ablaze.
Burning gasoline has a temperature above 1500° E (945° C). It is incredibly dangerous and difficult to maintain, and in her second year, Hikaru had learned not only how to ignite it but she also knows how to manipulate it (due to a modified genetic from her father's quirk; Manipulation. When the two pads of his index and middle finger press flat against the spinal chord on someone's neck, he can essentially 'hack' into their motivations and emotions, and then manipulate their behavior and ambitions from there).
The way that Hikaru moves her fire around is described as though she is connecting her fingertips to the ends of a trillion tiny strings that she has to coordinate and direct all at once. It takes an intense amount of concentration and focus - it's the most powerful Ultimate Move that she has in her arsenal!
Some of her other moves include, but are not limited to:
Hell Rain - When Gasoline is dropped from a high altitude and set ablaze, causing a rain of fire to fall down on her opponents. (Displayed during the Provisional Licensing Exam in Chapter Four: (Not) Good Enough).
Ring of Fire - A defensive strategy used to isolate herself while in battle, typically when she is outnumbered and taking a lot of heat or needs time to recuperate and think of a better plan. (Displayed during the Practical Exam in Chapter Nine: A Demi-Devil Pyromaniac Handful).
Outside of her power moves, she has adapted to use her strong legs and feet (her preferred method being an ariel kick of some kind), but Hikaru's fighting style during hand-to-hand combat comes with a twist.
She doesn't stay true to the honorary ways of fighting, and will use any means necessary to ensure her own safety. ("You didn’t beat me, you ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you." "That's not much incentive for me to fight fair, then, is it?")
Hikaru's Costume
I spent a fair bit of time putting together Hikaru’s hero costume. I wanted it to reflect her personality and so I tried to envision the costume through Hikaru’s eyes when she was sitting up late at night hiding under her covers with a flashlight and designing it in secret.
Having grown up poor and regularly using other people’s clothes, Hikaru is a very low-maintenance kind of girl and doesn’t need much to survive, so I wanted her costume to be simple yet practical.
Since she didn’t have money for a tram card, she spent a lot of her time walking places. This means that she knows the etiquette of the road very well - she knows that people wear certain material to reflect light in the dark so that pedestrians are easier to spot when a car’s beams shine on them, which spawned the creation of her pants with the nylon strip patterns (as shown below).
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The reflective stripes will refract when her gasoline is ignited and can blur her quick movements and disorient her opponent, making her difficult to keep track of especially if she’s constantly darting around in and out of sight.
Her shirt is a simple, heat-resistant turtleneck. Nothing too flashy about it. The only notable detail is the fact that the sleeves stop before her gasoline lines to prevent them from getting soaked/damaged, and there are reinforced metal plates around the material that covers her neck to prevent any straining or damage to the muscles or spine when she performs ariel attacks and needs to stick a tuck-and-roll landing or other dangerous aerobatics.
Her leather gloves are also fire resistant, with two digits missing from her thumb and middle fingers for better snapping accuracy (this feature is later altered to fingerless gloves as she doesn’t need to snap to time her ignition anymore, but she does need her fingertips free in order to connect to and control the flames from her gasoline, much like her father’s quirk needs that direct contact with the spinal cord).
Later on in the story (shown in Chapter Thirteen: Katsuki vs. Hikaru) she also has a lasso/whip that she coats in gasoline and lights on fire.
She wears a gas mask on her face to avoid inhaling any of the noxious fumes produced by her fire, and the final detail (and perhaps my very favorite) is her purely white platform boots (see below).
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These boots are the epitome of Hikaru’s character and personality.
Despite her short stature, she is anything but small. The elevated height makes her feel more authoritative, and the combat style provides ample support for her ankles. The hefty base was designed specifically with her hand-to-hand fighting style in mind. Her fists aren’t all that impressive, but her legs are strong from long hours spent walking, running, and jumping off of rooftops, and she loves her high kicks - having a boot with such a thick sole can make for some real devastating hits.
[“White gets dirty fucking easy,” Katsuki chided her.
“That’s the point,” Hikaru said, flicking a piece of dirt off one of her shoelaces. “If they aren’t completely covered by the end of the day, I didn’t work hard enough, did I?”]
Hikaru’s Relationship With Katsuki
I have read quite a few Bakugou Katsuki fics since I’ve entered the BNHA fandom but the one thing that I never really see emphasized in any of the stories surrounding him is his fierce independence. I love protective Katsuki as much as the next fan, but I love even more that he really doesn’t give two flying shits about whatever it is that Hikaru does or doesn’t choose to do.
After having been raised in such a stifling, constricting lifestyle where her future had always been planned out for her, and her time constantly divvied up between the responsibilities bestowed upon her by all of the ridiculous expectations that other people have always had for her; Katsuki was inherently different from the others.
“You can do whatever the fuck you want, Hikaru.” And he meant it.
While her father had tried to contain her and keep her on a very narrow path, Katsuki opened up a world of possibilities for her. Where her Nana at the orphanage had always complained about her erratic behavior and forced her to attend lessons that she didn’t want to attend and learn skills that she couldn’t seem to find it in herself to care about learning, Katsuki had only taught her the things that she asked to be taught, had only showed her how to do things if she found her voice and brought them up to him first.
Where he normally leads the pack (specifically with Kirishima and Kaminari during training, etc), it was almost instinctual for him to learn how to fall behind with Hikaru.
He didn’t try to pry into her secretive life and depressing childhood, and that made Hikaru feel safe. She never expected him to change into someone that he wasn’t, and that made Katsuki compliant. Like a push with a pull, like a ying with a yang, like the calculated yet natural drift of a fluid dance, they fell into a pattern that was astonishingly easy for them to maintain.
Katsuki’s ego was never questioned because Hikaru believed in his confidence - he said that he was the best, that he could take care of himself, that he was strong and capable, and so Hikaru assumed that he really must be. And Hikaru’s freedom, her crazy unabashed spirit that made her leap from the top of buildings and dart off into dangerous adventures at random with no prior warning beforehand like an unexpected bullet being fired from a gun was never corralled or stifled because Katsuki, quite frankly, didn’t care what she did nor did he want to be responsible for any of her actions.
She was a big girl who had gone through things that might have brought a grown man to his knees. She could take care of herself. Katsuki had confidence in that.
I think it’s this individual independence that makes them work so well together. The way that Hikaru comes and goes as she pleases meshes with Katsuki’s adamance of never needing to be taken care of. They don’t need to challenge each other to “be better people,” nor do they have any expectations of each other. They simply exist in each other’s space; a checkpoint where they each come back to in the midst of their long journeys to rest and recuperate, a safe place where they can relax and take some much needed breaks without the fear of being judged for not being good enough, not being kind enough, not being happy enough, not being the best.
Hikaru never really wanted the kind of greatness that her father craved for her to have, and Katsuki’s character development throughout the series has brought him to the realization that - despite all of his childish ambitions and the time spent believing that he was, in fact, the greatest of the great - there was a heavy burden that came with carrying such high hopes for oneself. A crushing, soulless weight.
They learn that life (and love) is not really about any of the stuff mentioned in the songs and books of greatness.
It’s not measured in accomplishments and trophies and high scores. It was measured, instead, in laughter and memories. In the adrenaline of surviving a high-speed rollercoaster and the jumping off of a daunting ten-meter cliff into the bone-chilling waters below. In camping under the stars after a long and vigorous day of hiking. In playing video games, and watching movies, and reading books, and feeling the sting of a hard paintball shell smacking into muscle and leaving behind a welted bruise. It was in fresh mountain air, and the feel of sweat racing down skin, and everything else that made someone feel inexplicably alive and free.
It was in realizing that there is far more to life than fighting crime and saving people, that there are far more layers to people than just their dreams of being a hero, of being great.
That there are always consequences for one’s actions, that there is no success without the battering of constant failure, that life does not slow down long enough for anyone to properly catch their breaths, and so they will continue to get the fuck back up after every humiliating defeat, brush each other off and forgive after every mistake, and march forever forward.
Some More Songs I Found That Remind Me of Hikaru:
1. Runaway - Ed Sheeran [Hikaru’s Ode to Her Father] 2. Death of Me - Saint PHNX 3. Sand Storm - Apashe ft. Odalisk 4. Kill Of The Night - Gin Wigmore 5. Monster - Willyecho 6. Wicked Ones - Dorothy 7. Hard To Handle - The Black Crowes [Katsuki + Hikaru] 8. No Good - KALEO 9. Could Have Been Me - The Struts 10. Vienna - Billy Joel 11. Good Life - One Republic 12. Fight For Your Right - Beastie Boys
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vigilvntes · 3 years
Totally Not a Date (Thor Odinson x Reader)
A/N: i'm pretty sure 'totally not a date' is the first fic i ever posted on here which is kinda crazy to me. anyway this is a rewritten version because honestly the first version just needs to be wiped from existence so here you go. enjoy :)
word count: 2,100+
You sat across from Tony and Pepper in an almost uncomfortable, deafening silence. You knew from the very start that it was a bad idea, but you had promised Pepper that you would be there, and that you would have a date.
See, Pepper had informed you only three nights ago that she had made a reservation at the hot, new restaurant in the city, and that she had accidently made a reservation for four rather than two. Of course, you were suspicious, why wouldn't you be? It was not often that Pepper Potts herself made mistakes and having worked for a guy like Tony for years before the pair grew romantically, she had mastered the art of making reservations and booking tables. Not to mention she was a complete perfectionist. But you chose to shrug it off.
"So, what's the plan then? Me, you, Nat and Wanda?" You asked nonchalantly, your eyes glued to your phone. Pepper's small laugh only seconds later tore them right away. You looked up at her, narrowing your eyes, "What?"
Pepper raised her eyebrows at you, a smirk on her features, "As much as I would love to treat the girls, I reserved the table for a date night..." Your face suddenly dropped as you began to catch her drift. "So, since there's four seats I thought I'd ask you."
"But there's four seats, so me and...?"
She let lout a breathy laugh, "I was hoping you'd have that part covered for me. Be there for eight, and make sure you bring a date." Before you could respond, she had turned on her heels and left you sitting in the front room of the Avengers tower, completely shook.
You considered bailing more than once during the days leading up to the date. However, you found yourself stood outside of the restaurant at eight, awaiting your friends and your 'date' for the night. Tony and Pepper had arrived on time, and the chilly winds of New York that night had prompted the three of you to enter the restaurant and wait for your date inside. You hadn't told either of them who you would be bringing, for fear of being teased by Tony relentlessly for hours beforehand, and because he had warned you that he wasn't entirely sure he'd make it in time. Of course, you didn't mind, it was nothing more than a fake date. Nothing important. So why did you feel so down when the clock read 8:15 and no one had turned up for you?
Tony cleared his throat, breaking the silence which had engulfed the three of you. "Are we... Uh, are we ready to order?"
You were grateful for Tony and his appetite; you couldn't stand the quiet atmosphere, or the sad looks Pepper kept throwing your way. You were just about to open your mouth to let Tony know it was okay to order, but a deep, booming voice, one you didn't expect to hear tonight, stopped you in your tracks.
"My apologies for being so late. I had business to take care of in Asgard." You turned your head quickly, and your jaw dropped at the sight of the tall, blonde Asgardian prince as he pulled out the chair beside you and took a seat. He looked good, you had to admit. He wore a black dress shirt and black dress pants, and his hair had been pulled up into a bun. It was an almost effortless look, something you knew he had thrown together quickly upon his arrival to the tower, but he pulled it off regardless.
Tony was the first to reply, "No worries, big guy. We were just about to order." Tony glanced over at Pepper, a small smirk on his lips. Judging from the look of utter shock on your face, Tony could tell that Thor was most definitely not who you were expecting as your date, but he was excited to see how it would pan out.
You couldn't lie to yourself, Thor was one of the most attractive men you had ever laid your eyes on, and you would be being dishonest if you said you didn't have a little crush on him. He was always kind to you, polite. The issue was, the two of you had never held a real conversation for more than five minutes. He wasn't around as often as Steve or Tony, Thor spent most days in Asgard or any of the other nine realms attempting to fix the mess his brother had made, which left little room for any form of bonding between the two of you.
As Pepper and Tony broke out into conversation about the latest Stark- whatever. You didn't really care all that much. You leaned to the side and mumbled a harsh, "What are you doing here?" You didn't mean for it to come across so mean, but you were shocked. You had expected anyone but Thor.
He let out a loud chuckle, which caught the attention of the couple sat opposite you, as you notice them glance towards the both of you. Was anything ever subtle when it came to Thor? You had figured out incredibly quickly that the answer was no. When the two had looked away and continued their conversation, Thor finally gave you the answers you wanted. "The Captain told me that he had already informed you of his absence."
"Well, he lied." You'd surely chastise him for that later, depending on how the night went.
"He had somewhere to be. So, when I returned, he proposed that I should come here instead. How could I pass up going to dinner with a lady like yourself?" He grinned.
You felt your face flush as you just stared at him, not all too sure whether Thor meant that or whether he was just trying to make you feel more comfortable with the idea of him being there rather than Steve. You weren't sure whether it was working, you just knew his presence alone made you feel flustered.
You only realised how embarrassingly long you had been staring at Thor when the waiter interrupted. Luckily, you had time to pull yourself together, as the waiter recognised both Tony and Thor and shyly asked for a picture, to which they both obliged. He took Tony and Pepper's orders first, before turning to you. "What can I get for you and your lovely date?"
Just as you had gotten yourself together, you were broken right back down again, feeling your face flushing once again. "I- No... We're not dating. I- the reservations... They were for four people and... It's not a date - "
"Were here as friends. Third and fourth wheeling, you could say." Thor interrupted, covering for you.
The waiter, not entirely convinced, just nodded his head slowly, "Right... Got it." Before taking your orders and swiftly leaving.
Tony scoffed, "For future reference, you're so not convincing, (Y/)." He let out a chuckle when you shot him an annoyed glare.
Again, Tony and Pepper fell swiftly into conversation, and you wished it were that easy for you and Thor. After a minute's silence, you thought you'd make a little small talk. "So, how's Asgard?"
He smiled and leant back in his seat, "Asgard is... Fine. We're still trying to restore peace amongst the Nine Realms, and we've suffered some great losses."
"I'm sorry to hear that Thor. And your parents? And... him?" You assumed Thor would know who you were speaking of, considering he had waged a war against Earth only a year ago.
"Loki will spend the remainder of his days in a cell. My father couldn't see the son he raised be sentenced to death. My mother grieves for him every day." He replied, being as honest with you as he could.
"I'm sorry about that. It must be rough." All the talk of his brother and Asgard was starting to take a slight toll on the night for you, and you could see he felt the same. You desperately hoped for a change of subject.
Thor took your hand, something you didn't expect him to do, but it felt so... right? He was attractive, that much you knew. But did you really have feelings for him this whole time? Surely he wasn't just touching you, and throwing those gorgeous, heart-warming smiles at you out of kindness? Out ofdoing Steve a favour?
 "Don't be sorry. I don't mind you asking." He paused for a moment, offering you a smile whilst stroking the top of your hand with his thumb, "How's the creature at your residence?"
Furrowing your eyebrows for a second, you tried to understand what he was talking about. Until it dawned on you. You laughed, "The creature? You mean my cat, Florence?"
He nodded, "Yes, the cat....creature." 
You shook your head, letting out a chuckle, "She's fine. She's getting fatter, though. I'm a little worried about her." You paused for a few moments, before you realised that Thor had never actually met your cat. "How did you find out about Florence?"
"The Captain let me see pictures of her on his device. I reckon I'd quite enjoy her company." He grinned at you again, and you couldn't help but melt a little more. And even more when you realised he still held your hand in his.
The rest of the evening went exceptionally well. Yourself and Thor seemed to never run out of things to talk about, and he found himself regretting having not approached you sooner. The two of you got along like a house on fire as he, in all his loud, eccentric glory, told you stories of his childhood and the adventures he had across the Nine Realms with his friends, whilst you listened tentatively, completely taken in by his every word.
At one point, as he spoke of Asgard, he offered to take you there one day, claiming that his mother would 'love your company'. You were sure he was just saying that, that he didn't actually mean it, so you politely declined his offer this time.
"As you wish. But I'll get you to agree one day. I swear." You could only laugh at his determination for you to visit his home.
When you left the restaurant, you and Thor walked ahead of Pepper and Tony, still deep in conversation. You grinned at him, "We should watch a movie when we get back. I was thinking a Disney movie?"
He nodded, smiling down at you, "That would be wonderful. I like the one about the lions and the kings."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "You mean...the Lion King."
He pointed at you, "Yes! That one! How did you know?" You just laughed in response.
Behind you, as they watched the whole scene, Tony scoffed, "Look at them, pretending not to be head over heels for each other. Disgusting. It makes me feel sick."
Pepper chucked lightly in response, nudging Tony, "Shush, you."
extended ending
When you entered the tower, Thor's arm wrapped around your shoulder, you saw none other than Steve Rogers sat in the common area. You raised your eyebrows, "Steve? What are you doing here? I thought you went away on some mission?"
He shrugged, trying his best to keep a straight face and a smooth voice, "Yeah... About that. Fury called off the mission. Said another team fixed whatever issues they were having."
You didn't believe that for one second and neither did Thor, but you chose not to press the matter, honestly not caring whether Steve had set you up.
"How was your date?" He asked.
You opened your mouth, about to deny for the second time that night that it was in fact, not a date, but as you felt Thor's fingers gently brushing your shoulders, you gave in. Of course it was a date. A date that you hadn't agreed to, a date that had shocked you, but a date nonetheless. And a damn good one. "It was great, actually." You looked up at Thor, "I'll go find a movie."
He nodded, "I'll go get snacks."
Furrowing your eyebrows, you stared at him in confusion, "You're still hungry? After everything you ate at the restaurant?"
Steve nodded to himself, a small smile on his lips as he listened to your playful banter. His plan had worked, and he was damn proud of himself.
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milfbenkenobi · 3 years
Star Wars Fic Rec List Part 2
All fics are complete, but I may rec something from an incomplete series.
to failure, sweet victor by littlekaracan
Word count: 20056 Chapter count: 1
The man behind the doorway is holding a vibroblade. He has a scar crawling down his face and a dozen more elsewhere, and he’s regained enough strength to knock the breath out of Obi-Wan’s lungs once he slams him into the wall and brings down the blade.
“Good morning,” Obi-Wan says, ducking out of the way.
The man wearing Cody’s face snarls and aims better.
Because we all need a bit of Cody trying to murder Obi-Wan daily due to the chip in his brain
The Desert Storm by Blue_Sunshine
24 part complete series. Word count: 1,144,596
Four years after Order 66 and the fall of the Jedi Order, a grieving, struggling Ben Kenobi finds himself inexplicably taken back in time, crashing headlong into the foundations of fate. Grasping hope and vengeance with both hands, Ben rebuilds his identity and seeks to change the course of history: by saving Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Order, the galaxy - and just maybe saving Obi-Wan Kenobi along the way.
Featuring a heavy dose of Mandalorian involvement, overall world-building, cultural exploration, and every star wars plot I have ever wanted to write.
OHOHOHOHO. This is my favorite Star Wars fic out of all I’ve read. There’s so much world building, it’s amazing. I saw it a few times before I finally took the plunge and read it, and let me tell you this series is SO worth it. Warning, because I didn’t know, this is only the first arc of a story, the author said they’re going to start writing the second part soon. Definitely definitely recommend.
What I Could Be by radneto
Word count: 15443 Chapter count: 1
Obi-Wan is twelve years old and has just become Qui-Gon Jinn's newest Padawan. On his first mission with his master, he somehow gets transported to the future and chaos ensues.
Or- I find an excuse to write a baby Obi.
Baby Obi-Wan gets YEETED to the future, and confuses the fuck out of all the clones wondering where their general is.
Make Your Bed (lie in it) by glitterglanger
Word count: 58117 Chapter count: 5
Crys hissed, sounding awed, “You slept with the General?”
Cody tugged his bucket down fast enough to hide a wince. In the light of dawn, with his head not so fogged and bleary from fatigue, it didn’t seem half as logical as it had the night before. But he’d be kriffed before he told Crys that. He said, tone even, “Couldn’t have him freezing to death. Let’s go.”
OR, the one where Cody starts sharing quarters with Obi-Wan a year into the Clone Wars, and it changes many things.
Exactly what it says in the summary
the family amidala by dirgewithoutmusic
Word count: 6829 Chapter count: 1
Padme lives. She runs.
Leia is growing in fits and spurts, eating greedily and crying loudly. She stays in a sling on Padme’s chest when they move, Luke held snug in a sling around Obi Wan’s. Luke gets a whole head of thick brown hair while Leia’s is still patchy and bald, but he never matches his sister’s powerful lungs.
When Padme had been sitting in her high senatorial apartment on Corsucant, holding Anakin’s sweaty hand, she had never imagined she’d be murmuring desperately soothing noises to her fussy daughter while she shot around a corner at stormtroopers, while R2D2 meddles with a ship’s blast doors behind her.
Luke starts teething on a hot jungle planet where they hunker down for three weeks, sleeping in an abandoned old temple and catching the local wildlife for dinner. Leia takes her first steps in the belly of a Corellian freighter they’ve stowed away on. She wobbles between Padme’s outstretched hands and Obi Wan’s knees and boxes of smuggled luxuries. When she falls down, Obi Wan surges forward, heart in his throat, but Leia laughs.
A Padmé Lives AU. She and Obi-Wan run around the empire trying to keep the twins alive and away from Vader, who thinks all four of them are dead.
For the Glory by whatthenshallwesay
Word count: 92644 Chapter count: 22
CC-2224 is a good soldier. Good soldiers follow orders. The voice in the back of his mind? Not so much.
Commander Cody is about to take a roundabout journey into the Rebellion against the Empire.
Cody breaks free of the chip and proceeds to double agent the fuck out of the Empire
Capture the Flag by Artemis_Neardos
Word count: 4625 Chapter count: 1
It's all fun and games, but a good portion of the galaxy is fairly certain that at least part of the GAR has quietly lost its mind. Obi-Wan isn't completely sure what's going on. His men are having fun and no ones getting hurt, so he has no problem playing along.
A game of capture the flag completely overtakes the GAR
Decko and Lies by TwoBusyWriting
Word count: 3106 Chapter count: 1
In which Echo decks Fives to the ground in the middle of the mess, Fives decides to just lie there afterward, and some troopers have to change their perceptions of the Legion's ARCs.
Exactly as it says in the summary and also the title (love it when the summary makes things easier on me)
Misunderstandings Are Born of Miscommunication by Fic_Request_Blog
Word count: 2210 Chapter count: 1
The one where Kenobi is blind and no one remembers to tell the clones.
Everybody is different flavors of oblivious
The Grace of Madness by LightningStarborne
Word count: 31008 Chapter count: 14
Based on this prompt:
Maybe Obi-Wan was tortured and captured on a early mission with Qui-Gon. Obi ends up acting like River(Firefly) by the time they are rescued/escape. The Council urges Qui-Gon to get a new apprentice because Obi-Wan will never be the way he was, they think he can't become a Jedi. Qui-Gon refuses, he believes Obi can still become a Jedi despite his mental instability.
Over the years Qui-Gon and Yoda are the only ones who can understand Obi and are both comfortable in his presence.
The Phantom Menace happens. Yoda approves Obi in training Anakin, the others on the Council disagree, but Yoda is da Boss.
How does Anakin do with Obi-Wan? Does Anakin still become Darth Vader?
NGL, it’s been a hot sec since I’ve read this one so I don’t have much to say, but it’s soooooo good
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emerald-studies · 4 years
How to be an Ally
 Discussions on Race Pt. 2
June 29, 2020
Day 1 of 7
Post with fixed links here!: 
Reblog this one!
[ These are just some thoughts I have in my head about this topic, it isn’t meant to be a purely academic discussion. It’s meant to be a conversation to learn about another perspective. ]     
Also sorry this one took longer than previous posts, I had to do a lot of research.     
1.  Check In On Your Black Friends/Acquaintances 
 In my opinion, I believe the best way to be an ally is to reach out to your Black friends and check in on them, consistently. If you can recognize the times we are living in are absolute hell, you should be checking in on the most effected. None of my friends have checked up on me to see how I was doing or just to talk. They didn’t even bring up the protests until I did. It feels very very lonely and scary to not be checked up on by the people who say they support and love you. So, I’m making this the first point because I don’t want anyone else to feel this way, not trying to complain.
2.  Learn More About Black History
It’s important to learn about the Black activists that our history books left out. Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. was, and is, important but we need to reflect on why he was pushed on us so much in our history classes, compared to other Black leaders. Is it because our government would rather us walk down the street holding signs than actually defending ourselves against the cop who’s beating us?
Here’s a master list of activists to start you off.
3.  Go to Rallies and Protests
Find protests and rallies in your area by looking on Twitter and search #yourcityprotest. Or watch your local news channel to see where they are (if they’re being covered on the news). Also search on Facebook. Wear a mask.
4. Donate and Sign Petitions
If you don’t have extra money to donate, that’s fine. If you still want to be an ally then sign all the petitions you can. Take a day to research all the ones you can sign/haven’t signed and sign them!
(Also you don’t need to donate to change.org! Directly donate to non-profit organizations and victims’ families!)
George Floyd - change.org
George Floyd - amnesty.org
George Floyd - colorofchange.org
Get The Officers Charged
Charge All Four Officers
Breonna Taylor - moveon.org
Breonna Taylor - colorofchange.org
Breonna Taylor - justiceforbreonna.org
Breonna Taylor - change.org
Breonna Taylor - thepetitionsite.com
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 2
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 3
Justice for Oluwatoyin Salau
Pass The Georgia Hate Crime Bill
Defund MPD
Life Sentence For Police Brutality
Regis Korchinski - change.org
Tete Gulley - change.org
Tony McDade - change.org
Tony McDade - actionnetwork.org
Tony McDade - thepetitionsite.com
Joao Pedro - change.org
Julius Jones - change.org
Belly Mujinga - change.org
Willie Simmons - change.org
Hands Up Act - change.org
National Action Against Police Brutality
Kyjuanzi Harris - change.org
Alejandro Vargas Martinez - change.org
Censorship Of Police Brutality In France
Sean Reed - change.org
Sean Reed - change.org 2
Kendrick Johnson - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org 2
Fire Racist Criminal From The NYPD
Jamee Johnson - organizefor.org
Darius Stewart - change.org
Darius Stewart - moveon.org
Abolish Prison Labor
Free Siyanda - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org 2
Andile Mchunu (Bobo) - change.org
Eric Riddick - change.org
Amiya Braxton - change.org
Emerald Black - change.org
Elijah Nichols - change.org
Zinedine Karabo Gioia - change.org
Angel Bumpass - change.org
Sheku Bayoh - change.org
Angel DeCarlo - change.org
Sandra Bland - change.org
Sherrie Walker - change.org
Darrien Hunt - change.org
Cornelius Fredericks - change.org
Elijah McClain - change.org
James Scurlock - change.org
Darren Rainey- change.org
Visit these sites for more info:
5. Educate yourself and others.
- “America’s Racial Contract Is Killing Us” by Adam Serwer | Atlantic (May 8, 2020)
- Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement (Mentoring a New Generation of Activists
- ”My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Jose Antonio Vargas | NYT Mag (June 22, 2011)
- The 1619 Project (all the articles) | The New York Times Magazine
- The Combahee River Collective Statement
- “The Intersectionality Wars” by Jane Coaston | Vox (May 28, 2019)
- Tips for Creating Effective White Caucus Groups developed by Craig Elliott PhD
- “Where do I donate? Why is the uprising violent? Should I go protest?” by Courtney Martin (June 1, 2020)
- ”White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Knapsack Peggy McIntosh
- “Who Gets to Be Afraid in America?” by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi | Atlantic (May 12, 2020)
Movies/TV Shows: 
When They See Us
American Son
Hello Privilege, It’s Me, Chelsea
The 13th
Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story 
What Happened Miss Simone?
The Two Killings of Sam Cooke
Who Killed Malcolm X?
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson
Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce (Lighter in tone)
LA 92
Dear White People
- Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Reina Gossett, Charlene Carruthers (50:48)
- “How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion” | Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools (18:26)
- American Oxygen - Rihanna
- Formation - Beyonce 
- Malcolm X Speeches
- 1619 (New York Times)
- About Race
- Code Switch (NPR)
- Intersectionality Matters! hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw
- Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast
- Pod For The Cause (from The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights)
- Pod Save the People (Crooked Media)
- Seeing White
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X
- Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About RaceBook by Reni Eddo-Lodge
- Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins
- Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Dr. Brittney Cooper
- Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
- How To Be An Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
- Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
- Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad
- Raising Our Hands by Jenna Arnold
- Redefining Realness by Janet Mock
- Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde
- So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
- The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
- The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century by Grace Lee Boggs
- The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
- Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
- This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by Cherríe Moraga
- When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America by Ira Katznelson
- White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo, PhD
- Shaun King: Instagram | Twitter | Website
- Antiracism Center: Twitter
- Audre Lorde Project: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Black Women’s Blueprint: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Color Of Change: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Colorlines: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- The Conscious Kid: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Equal Justice Initiative (EJI): Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Families Belong Together: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- MPowerChange: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Muslim Girl: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- NAACP: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- National Domestic Workers Alliance: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Ziwe | Instagram | (She has discussions about race with White people, kinda grilling them, every Thursday at 8 p.m. EST. Super thrilling to watch.)
Here’s Some Music Too:
Change Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Chain Gang - Nina Simone
Missisippi Goddamn - Nina Simone
Fuck Da’ Police - N.W.A.
New Slaves - Kanye
This is America - Childish Gambino
I’m Not Racist - Joyner Lucas
Fight the Power - Public Enemy
Glory - Common, John Legend
Freedom (Live) - Beyonce
I Can’t Breathe - H.E.R.
American Oxygen - Rihanna
Brown Skin Girl - Beyonce 
My Playlist With A Few More
Black Artists Matter Playlist
What a large list! It looks so overwhelming! Don’t worry, you don’t have to read/watch/listen to everything. It takes a lot of effort!
If you don’t want to do some homework and good deeds, then you don’t want to be an ally. And that’s perfectly fine. Just don’t lie to yourself about it.
Tough shit.
Discussion time.
Who are your favorite Black activists that you didn’t learn about in school?
(Mine is Huey P. Newton)
Favorite song by a Black artist? 
(Mine is Freedom by Beyonce but the live version)
Let me know what you think here
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