#she tries but jack is an asshole and wont let her help
somereaderinblue · 2 years
Walker Siblings Rewrite
I totally did not write this bcz I have a soft spot for siblings. Also, Melanie is frickin gorgeous, she deserved better. DC hire me.
ANYWAYS! Upon reentering the BB fandom, I’ve decided to try my hand at writing for it, which brings me to this. Ft. my Bludhaven Beyond AU! Enjoy!
Melanie Walker/Spoiler
Loved her the moment I saw her, hated how the show treated her. Especially the comics, god don’t get me started on it. Why why why did they reduce her to a Faux Action Girl & Stalker who literally went into action just to impress Terry? Hell no, we ain’t doing my girl dirty like that so here’s how it’s gonna go.
Melanie’s primary goal doesn’t just revolve around Terry; it’s about breaking away from her parent’s emotional abuse/manipulation. It’s about breaking away from a self-destructive lifestyle of crime she’s stuck in out of misguided loyalty to them.
Thus, she and her brother move to Bludhaven for a fresh start. It’s a lot easier since no one would rlly gives a damn there. Plus, it ensures their parents will never find them.
She’s content to continue as a restaurant helper & even teaches kids basic coding part-time. Her brother had a harder time adjusting which caused some tension, especially after he got fired. Fortunately, he soon found employment at Dick’s gymnastics studio, easing her worries.
Unfortunately, the peace wasn’t gonna last for long.
At first, she thought her brother was desperate for adventure when he came to her with his crazy theory about Mr. Grayson being an ex-assassin. She decided to humor him like siblings wont to do (she’s the sane sibling to Jack’s irresponsible, you can’t change my mind).
They discovered he was half-right.
Redemption time baby! Time to stick it to the asshole parents by becoming what they hated most!
Her brother blackmails convinces Dick to teach him so he could take on the Nightwing mantle. Dick didn’t think it was a healthier alternative to dealing with whatever parental issues the siblings had but between vigilantism and crime, the former was the lesser of two evils.
Melanie wasn’t interested and for a while, she was Jack’s ‘guy in the chair’. However, as her brother got into worse scuffles due to rising gang activity, she realized she had to step in. Not just to protect what family she had left but to prove that she’s better than her parents.
Thus, she modifies her old Ace costume and debuts as Spoiler. Lame moniker compared to Nightwing but hey, she’ll take it over Ten any day.
Jacqueline ‘Jack’ Walker/Nightwing
(The fandom page literally just calls him Jack so I made up his civilian name, don’t judge.) 
I surprisingly came to like Jack despite what little screentime he had. Which is why I’m disgruntled with how the tie-in comics treated him. Him going back to being a criminal & getting beaten up by Batman just felt like the writers were pointlessly kicking the dog (Melanie) more. After all the crap she’s been through, she could’ve at least gotten one decent family member. So, let’s give this guy more depth.
I hc that Jack found it harder to straighten out bcz he’s an adrenaline junkie & kleptomaniac; something his family’s criminal lifestyle unhealthily enabled.
He tried to accept his restaurant job but his urges made him pilfer silverware/ small valuables from his coworkers. That combined with his haughty attitude got him into trouble until his boss finally fired him.
Pissed, he went for a walk to clear his head until he stumbled upon a gymnastics studio. He had some gymnastic/acrobatic skill thanks to his time as a criminal. So, he walked in and after chatting with Mr. Grayson, landed himself a job there.
Surprisingly, he enjoyed it. The physicality gave him the adrenaline rush, Dick (having caught on to his kleptomania) helped keep his urges in check & the kids loved his knife tricks (he has a heart, okay?).
One day, a local gang tried to rough them up for ‘protection money’. He helped Dick scare them away but after seeing his mentor kick ass, Jack began to suspect he had a secret. An ex-criminal would naturally recognize another ex-criminal! Or assassin, either one was cool, really.
He managed to needle his sister into snooping around until they finally found the old Nightwing costume. Jack’s heard of Nightwing from online forums and he’s a closeted fan.
Seizing this golden opportunity, he begged Dick to teach him more. He won’t admit it but he’s not just interested in vigilantism for the thrill but bcz he’s realized he can care for others and that he does care.
Also, this would be the ultimate middle finger to dear old daddy.
Thus, Bludhaven had a Nightwing once more. And after one too many close calls, he had his sister joining his side, this time as Spoiler.
So maybe he can’t have riches. But hey, the wellbeing of his sister, mentor and the kids were good enough compensation for him.
Oh, and Dick totally doesn’t adopt these ex-criminal siblings with parental issues. He totally doesn’t become a cool supportive healthy father figure to Melanie & Jack who no longer have to be accomplices in crime to earn affection. Look at him, Bruce, he doesn’t enable your chronic adopting.
(A/N: note my sarcasm.)
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littlebabytimmybird · 4 years
Tim Drake
Physical: I say this with love but he is one of those awkward teens who's faces look like they're ten but their limbs are like limp spaghetti noodles. Has an ongoing zit on his chin that ligit no-one notices but he's convinced it's the size of Kentucky. His eyes are big and puppy-dog looking, and when he's focused they get really wide and his button nose scrunches up. His eyes are really light blue, to the point where if the light hits them they look purple. His skin is pale and burns easily, but instead of looking supernatural it just looks weird since he has dry skin half the time. He is 5'1 for most of his teens, only getting a growth spurt when he hits 17 that leaves him at 5'5. His hair is pin straight but thick enough to tangle. He barely uses gel for his civilian identity, but drowns himself in it for Robin, making it into spikes. He's trying to make himself more intimidating, but he's instead he looks like Sharkboy from Sharkboy and Lavagirl. When he was 15 someone asked if he was in middle school yet and he just nodded blankly.
Mental: Tim Drake was the first character I have ever headcannoned as autistic. He was a weird little kid, but people just thought he was being stuck up and a know it all. When he was in third grade he had a sensory overload in the middle of class, and the counselor suggested he get tested for Aspergers (bc at that time that was what they would have called it) Janet was all for it, but Jack refused, saying that Tim was "Too smart to be a r*tard"
Janet gave in, but also researched how to help an autistic child. She was away a lot though, and since Tim didn't have an IEP he continued to struggle. He was often told that his stimming was disruptive, so he had to learn to stop doing it. When he was first starting out as Robin he was really happy about catching a criminal on his own for the first time, and he forgot himself and started bouncing on the balls of his feet and flapping his hands a little. He was mortified when Bruce noticed, but the next day there was a fidget toy sitting on the case files he was supposed to review with a note from Bruce saying he thought he might like it. Tim nearly hyperventilated with excitement and had to breathe into a paper bag. Bruce was concerned. Eventually, when Bruce gained legal guardianship over Tim he got him tested, and eventually diagnosed. There was an IEP, but it only really included letting him stim in class since Tim didn't want learning accommodations or counseling. Mostly the diagnosis was just a confirmation of what they already knew. Other than Autism, he is an anxious baby. Not just in a "Cute uwu shy baby" way though, he once threw up from nervousness after he thought he had disappointed Bruce. I think he's always had depression, but it only really flared up after Kon died. And of course, all the bats have PTSD of some sort.
Other: This is included in one of my fics, but I think the stuffed koala bear we see hidden under his bed in that one comic panel with his father is called BamBam. He got it shortly after the flying Grayson's deaths, when he first saw Batman swooping down to save Dick. He tried to say Batman but he had a lisp and the nanny heard BamBam so that was that. He is a serial clothing stealer. He was too shy to take any of Bruce's clothing at first, but he was given a tee-shirt as pajamas when he was staying over for one of the first times (before he moved there) and Bruce never got it back. If he had been questioned about it he would have said he forgot, and that would have been a lie. Bruce didn't mind, the shirt came down to his knees and looked adorable. Soon after that he gave Tim an old sweater of his that had "Shrunk in the wash, strangely enough. I guess the water temperature must have malfunctioned." It was still too large on him. It fell halfway down his thighs and the sleeves completely covered his hands.
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Meeting and Dating Jack Vincennes
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(My gif)(Requested by @arianatheangelworld )
- Ahhh Jack Vincennes …what could you say about Jack Vincennes? 
- He was a sell out, a jack ass, a man who didn’t deserve half the recognition and fame that he got. Oh yeah, and he was also your coworker. 
- Alright fine, so he was charming, kind of handsome, and admittedly good at his job; as overrated as you thought he was. You didn’t care. You refused to be another one of those girls who schmoozed up to him and looked like a floozy fool for giving into Mr. Hollywood. 
-  But you didn’t actually hate him; you didn’t even dislike him, and that was the problem. You liked him, you genuinely liked him, but you didn’t think you were good enough. Any friendliness or flirtation he showed you was immediately written off as him just wanting something easy or casual and the idea hurt you enough to make you turn down anything he offered. 
- It didn’t help that Jack was the least genuine acting person in the building at any given time but I digress. 
- You worked as a secretary, you went about your day delivering and organizing files and taking phone calls for different officers; that was why you came into contact with Jack so much. 
- Things would have probably continued on with you turning down all of his invitations and flirting had you not been able to see a different side of him during a case of his. 
- It was a sensitive case, a little girl and her mother reporting something. You didn’t know the details but as you went to walk past his room, you could see him comfort that little girl as she cried.
- It wasn’t that phony police comfort either; the kind where they’re just doing it to calm someone down enough to talk more. No, it was genuine, sincere comfort; albeit a bit rusty and awkward.
- You could only stand there for a minute or so but that minute ran through your mind the entire rest of the day. It was only then that you thought to yourself that you might have gotten the wrong idea about Mr. Jack Vincennes.
- This thought continued to replay in your head for the rest of the week, it was all your mind ever drifted to. By the time Friday came around, you were just about at your wits end and you had to do something about it before you lost your job from daydreaming about the man.
- So, when everyone was leaving the office, you called out to Jack before he walked out the door and hesitantly asked if he wanted to join you for a drink. He teasingly asked if you were feeling okay and for a minute you were about to take back your invitation, but then he offered you his arm and told you that brandy usually helps with a fever.
- As you could have guessed, you had your first date at a classy little bar near the station. He paid for all your drinks no matter how much you tried to insist he didn’t have to, and by the end of the night, you were just drunk enough to not feel the cold of the winter evening.
- He drove you home, the two of you said a friendly goodnight and just as he was leaving, he mentioned that one of his Hollywood friends was going to have a party. With a smile, you told him that you’d check your schedule and happily disappeared inside of your home.
- The two of you share your first kiss a few nights later after said party. You were caught in a slow dance when he’d just leant down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. When you pulled away, you nestled your face against his chest with a smile and continued to dance.
- Well, turns out Mr. Hollywood was a lot different than what you’d expected, and boy were you happy to find that out.
- Jacks incredibly proud of you. He wants to show you off so of course he’s going to make it known that you’re together; he also just can’t help but be affectionate towards you since he likes having his hands on you. 
- His arm around you, usually with his hand gripping your arm; he likes it better than just throwing his arm around your shoulder. 
- His hand on the small of your back whenever he’s beside you.
- Slow, soft kisses. 
- Heated kisses pressed to your face and neck. 
- Laying your head in his lap, he’ll usually move his hand to play with your hair whenever you do. 
- He spoils you in a lot of ways; mainly materialistically but he’ll do so with affection and his words as well. You deserve the best for being the best.
- Expensive gifts. Hey, all that dirty money should go somewhere good, right?
- Romantic dinners at upscale restaurants.
- Dancing together.
- Being introduced to; relatively, famous people.
- Getting to go backstage with him during television shoots.
- Going to parties with him.
- “You want to get out of here” is a common phrased used when you’re out together; especially when you wear that little red number that he likes so much.
- Late nights walks around town while you’re cheerfully tipsy on champagne and wine.
- Always having someone there to light your cigarettes. He’ll already have a match out by the time you’ve got one between your lips.
- Flattery. It might sound like he’s just blowing smoke up your ass half the time but he does actually believe what he says.
- He definitely had you go into a studio for headshots so that he could have a professional, pretty photo of you to have in his home. He constantly tells you that you should be a movie star with a face like yours.
- Teasing each other. He loves being an asshole and that isn’t going to change just because the two of you are in a relationship.
- He may give you hell sometimes but he’ll always do what you ask of him after he sees how important what you’re asking for is to you.
- Pet names that started out as mocking but have slowly evolved into something more affectionate and loving.
- Chivalry. He always uses his manners when he’s with you; especially when you’re out on the town together. 
- Sharing looks with each other when something happens or someone says something. 
- He has trouble keeping a straight face whenever a situation isn’t really important so expect that you’ll be able to see how proud he is of you whenever you do something. 
- Early mornings spent together. 
- Tying his tie for him and adjusting his coats. You’re a big part of how he looks so put together all of the time.
- Working late nights at the office.
- Occasionally, he’ll be forced to go out during the night because of work so you’ll just have to put up with being carefully moved and oftentimes woken up at odd hours. 
- The two of you cuddle with your head laying on his chest and his arms wrapped around you. He stays up and thinks instead of falling asleep some nights and that’s one of the easier and more relaxing positions the two of you can be in; at least for him.
- Comforting him after he’s had a rough day; even though he usually tries to play it off and act like he’s fine. It still means a lot to him even if he doesn’t let you know. 
- Hiding a smile at his obvious annoyance when the hush-hush guy comes around. You just politely say hello as you stand by his side. 
- He thinks it’s cute whenever you get jealous and usually teases you for a bit but he’ll always end up reassuring you that he isn't interested in whoever it is you’re talking about. 
- He’s a smartass, he’s annoying as all hell, but you cant help but love him to death. 
- Your mother/parents probably love him since they read about him in the newspaper constantly. 
- Even though he thinks pretty highly of himself, he always seeks out your praise as though you’re the only one whose opinion matters. He just knows that you know him better than anyone else and wont just blow smoke up his ass unnecessarily.
- He may occasionally forget your anniversary and things like it but he’ll always do his best to make it up to you when he figures out why you’re disappointed. Roses, diamonds, wine; he pulls out all the stops to try and make it right.
- He thinks you’re just as pretty as a movie star yet even sweeter and more accessible so he certainly gets jealous when guys approach you. He’ll usually play it cool like he always does, only showing his true colors as he later says something like “I don’t know about that x guy” and makes borderline accusations about them.
- He’s a cop, he’s seen shit, so he’s obviously going to be protective of you. He’s not big on fighting but he’ll flash his badge and order people to get away from you if they won’t back off or offer to go look for them when you tell him about something.
- He plays that whole dismissive, smart ass, sarcastic act when you’re arguing but always genuinely feels bad when you just walk off. It’s only then that he calls after you and wants to talk but you’re usually annoyed enough to just ignore him at that point.
- He’s a bit rusty when it comes to apologizing but he gets by. He’ll buy you flowers and tell you “what can I say, I’m an ass” after he actually apologizes, making you smile even if you don’t really want to.
- He doesn’t say that he loves you a ton but he says it enough for it to leave you with a warm, familiar feeling every time that he does. 
- He knows that he wants to marry you so it’s only a matter of time before he proposes. He also can’t say that he’d mind having a little tyke running around. 
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365days365movies · 4 years
March 15, 2021: Clash of the Titans (1981) (Part One)
This one’s personal…sort of.
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Other than the fact that this is based on Greek mythology (previously well-established as one of my favorite subjects), this movie is, in a way, responsible for my existence. And that is because, according to legend, this is the film that my parents went to on their first date. And apparently, it went very well, because I came into being 10 years afterwards. So, yeah, this film is personal, like Dirty Dancing.
And also like Dirty Dancing, I HAVEN’T SEEN IT? I don’t know HOW I escaped seeing this movie. And that’s especially considering that I’ve seen the new one. And that movie was...not great.
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Maybe not the worst film I’ve ever seen, but it’s definitely not a good movie. But OK, what’s this one about, exactly? Y’all ready for “The 365 Greek Mythology Hour” again? OK, then, here we go. SING IT LADIES
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Clash of the Titans concerns the myth of Perseus, one of the greatest Greek heroes ever. Before Heracles, there was Perseus, son of Zeus. Yeah, Zeus, as he is wont to do, came down to Earth and had some good time with the princess of Argos, the beautiful Danaë. He came upon her while she was locked in a box by her dad, Acrisus, king of Argos.
Yeah, the Oracle at Delphi, ever the wisest, was visited by Acrisus one day, who wanted a son instead of a daughter. The Oracle spoke with Apollo (AKA huffed some of that SWEET SWEET ETHYLENE GAS), and told him that his daughter’s son would kill him. And so, he did the most logical thing: he locked her in a box. Yup. Dick. SPEAKING of dick, Zeus appeared to her in the open box as a golden shower. NOT THAT KIND OF GOLDEN SHOWER. I mean a literal shower of gold. Although...I wouldn’t put it past Zeus, of all gods. Dude was kinky.
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So, Perseus is conceived, and Acrisus responds to this with his usual tact; he stuffs Danaë into a SMALLER box, and shoves it out to sea. She gives birth to a boy in the box, and the two eventually wash up on the shore of an island, where a fisherman finds them and takes them in. The boy is named Perseus.
Years go by, and Perseus’ mom is sought by his adoptive dad’s brother, and the king of the island, Polydectes. Polydectes is kind of a dick, and Perseus, now an adult man, doesn’t like him. The feeling’s mutual, and Polydectes has a plan. He holds a banquet, and forces all invited to bring a gift of horses. Perseus, being pretty poor, cannot bring this gift, but promises on his honor to bring whatever Polydectes wants of him, no matter what. And Polydectes asks for the head of Medusa.
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Medusa’s one of your classic Greek monsters, a Gorgon. She’s one of Athena’s victims, formerly a vain temple priestess who was, well...raped by Poseidon, let’s be honest. However, since Athena’s priestesses were meant to be celibate, she was the one who ended up being punished. Fuckin’ YIKES. But OK, literal ancient gender politics aside, Athena cursed her with snakes for hair, and the ability to turn her victims into stone with a gaze into her eyes. Classic. And sure death for anyone who went after her.
So, Perseus is fucked. He’s gotta kill Medusa, and he doesn’t even have a way to get to her place. And that’s when he gets a favor from none other than Athena, goddess of wisdom and wartime strategy, as well as Perseus’ half-sister. I love Athena (other than the Medusa bullshit, obviously), and this is one of her most prominent roles in mythology. Well, that and the creation of spiders. That was also punishing a woman for her vanity, by the way. She has a type.
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First, Perseus was told to find the Hesperides, nymphs of the dusk and dawn who would give him weapons. He got their location from the Greae, more colloquially known as the Gray Sisters. Weirdly enough, you may know them from Hercules, where they were combined with the Fates. They don’t have the future gimmick, but they do have that whole “sharing an eye” thing. Also, they share a tooth. Neat.
Anyway, Perseus takes their eye hostage, which makes them tell him where the Hesperides are. He goes to them, and they give him a bag to hold Meduga’s head. Then, the gods step in. Zeus decides to be a good dad for a change, and gives him an indestructible sword, and Hades’ Helmet of Invisibility. Hermes, another of Perseus’ half-brothers, gives him a pair of winged sandals to fly with. And Athena, technically Perseus’ patron, gives him a mirrored shield.
Perseus heads to the cave of Medusa, uses the shield, then goes up to her and cuts off her head. From her neck, for some goddamn reason, and golden sword pops out, alongside this guy.
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Yeah, he’s not made out of clouds. He’s actually the, uh...he’s the result of Poseidon’s crime against Medusa. Fucked up, innit? Pegasus flies up to hang out with Bellerophon to kill the Chimera, and Perseus heads back to...actually, he goes to ANOTHER king who was a dick to him, and turns him into stone with Medusa’s head. Kings hate Perseus, seriously.
Perseus heads home after that, and goes through Ethiopia. There, he meets the King and Queen, Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Cassie’s gorgeous, but she tells Perseus that her daughter Andromeda is, like, WAY hotter, as beautiful as the sea goddesses. Which PISSES OFF POSEIDON (who is basically the villain of Perseus’ story, let’s be honest), and he send a sea monster named Cetus to destroy the kingdom, UNLESS they sacrifice Andromeda to it. And, because kings are assholes in this story, they do, chaining Andromeda to a rock. But, because Perseus believes that all women are queens, he goes to rescue her, and kills Cetus using all of his things. He weds Andromeda, and turns his romantic rival Phineus into stone using Medusa’s head.
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Usually, that’s where retellings end, because there’s a recurring trend to Perseus’ story after that. A king is an asshole, Perseus whips out the head, asshole becomes statue of an asshole. However, there is that prophecy to contend with, about Perseus killing his grandfather. See, Acrisus basically retired by this point, and lived in the kingdom of Thessaly. But one day, he went to see some games, in which Perseus was competing in the discus. Well, wouldn’t you know it, Perseus isn’t great at it, and loses control of the discus, which hits Acrisus, killing him instantly.
Utimate frisbee, man. It’s dangerous.
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There’s another version where Perseus uses Medusa’s head to turn his dad into stone, surprise surfuckingprise there. But yeah, after that the story varies. Sometimes he becomes a king, sometimes he doesn’t. He basically always marries Andromeda and has kids with her. Sometimes he founds a city of his own, sometime he doesn’t. And in one ending, where he’s lived to be an old king, he fulfills his ultimate destiny and turns Medusa’s head on himself. Geez.
So, yeah, there you go. That’s the story of Perseus. Let’s, uh...let’s see what the movie does, huh? This is another Ray Harryhausen joint, so I’m...tentatively excited for it. We’ll see how badly they mess up the myth, and whether or not it works despite that. So, ENOUGH of me lecturing you guys, huh?
Recap (1/2)
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We begin approximately where most iterations do: King Acrisius (Donald Houston) has just cast his daughter Danae (Vida Taylor) and grandson Perseus into the ocean, containing them within a wooden chest in order to “forgive his daughter’s crimes”. Yeah, sure, OK, buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
This also pisses off Zeus (Laurence Mother Fucking Olivier), who consorts with the rest of the Olympians on what to do to Acrisus. Said Olympians include Hera (Claire Bloom), goddess of marriage and women; Thetis (Maggie Mother Fucking Smith), goddess of the sea and leader of the Nereids; Athena (Susan Fleetwood), goddess of wisdom and strategic victory; Aphrodite (Ursula Andress), goddess of love; and Poseidon (Jack Gwillim), god of the sea.
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Hera tries to defend Acrisus, noting his prior years of devotion to Zeus and the other gods. But Zeus ain’t HAVING that shit, and tells Poseidon to destroy the city of Argos in revenge. This is to be done by...releasing the last of the Titans? Which is apparently the Kraken. I mean...no, a thousand times no, but whatever.
This little tantrum is Zeus’ way of showing his love towards Danae, whose child Perseus is his. This is helpfully pointed out by Thetis, who seems...a little spiteful, as much as Hera is about Perseus. Seems like she’s stoking some fires. Hmm. She is Queen of the Nerieds, so she may play a larger role later on.
Beneath the sea, Poseidon readies himself to set loose the Kraken and destroy Argos, at Zeus’ command. Zeus, meanwhile, kills Acrisus by using a clay voodoo doll of sorts to strike him down. And that’s when Poseidon lets loose the Kraken for the first time. And the Kraken...
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Guys, the Kraken looks...actually, I’ll spoil his appearance later on. The Kraken destroys the city, and Zeus kills Acrisius. So much for the goddamn prophecy that explains why Acrisius did what he did, but fuck me, I guess. Danae and Perseus, meanwhile, have safely arrived on the shores of the island of Seriphus, at Zeus’ insistence. There, Perseus grows from child into a fine young man, with Zeus always watching over him...and with Thetis and company always watching over Zeus. Interesting.
The adult Perseus (Harry Hamlin) lives happily on the island, much to Perseus’ delight. Thetis, on the other hand, asks about her mortal son, a young man named Calibos (Neil McCarthy). Apparently, Calibos is a bit of a monster, and while he’d been set to wed the princess Andromeda, he’s also managed to kil all living things on the island that he’s been given, save for a single winged horse named Pegasus. Hence...he is to be punished.
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Calibos, by the way? Entirely original creation of the film, and there’s nobody like him in Greek mythology. Anyway, Thetis is crushed by this, and decides to exact revenge of both Perseus and her son’s would-be fiancee, Andromeda. She pledges to open up Perseus’ eyes to grim reality, and does so by placing him in the kingdom of Joppa, where Calibos was originally set to rule alongside Andromeda.
Here, in an amphitheatre, he encounters a mysterious masked and robed figure, who quickly reveals themselves to be Ammon (Burgess Meredith), a poet and playwright. Apparently, Ammon wears his disguise to scare off trespassers. He tells Perseus that all of Joppa is in a tizzy about a curse of some kind, and that the story of the fallen kingdom of Argos is a famous legend.
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Ammon tells Perseus to go back home to Seriphus, but Perseus tells Ammon that he’s promised to restore his mother’s old kingdom, and decides that Joppa would be a good start. Despite his drive, though, Zeus is pissed off at Thetis for plopping Perseus down unprepared. He tells the other goddesses to give him gifts to help him claim the kingdom of Joppa as his own. This includes a helmet from Athena, a sword from Aphrodite, and a shield from Hera. I mean...OK, that’s super goddamn weird, but OK.
After Zeus leaves, the goddesses rightfully complain about Zeus’ constant womanizing, but note that he probably doesn’t remember Danae at this point, is is most likely acting out of stubborn pride for his “handsome son”. Their words, not mine.
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In Joppa, Perseus finds the gifts by the statues of their grantors. The sword from Aphrodite is adamantine, like the original myth, and slices through marble without a blemish. The shield from Hera...talks. Yeah. The shield bears the visage of Zeus, who tells him that the weapons are gifts from the gods, and that the helmet from Athena turns the wearer invisible. I mean, fuck Hades, I guess, but OK. Technically Athena did give the helmet to Perseus, so OK.
Armed with his new gear, an invisible Perseus immediately takes off to see Joppa, sans his sword. We only see his footsteps in the sand as he leaves, which is legitimately a VERY neat effect, and I’m not sure how they did it, but it’s neat as hell. Off to Joppa, a vaguely Phoenician/Persian kingdom, despite the fact that the original Joppa, or Jaffa, is a port city in Israel.
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There, he meets a soldier, Thallo (Tim Pigott-Smith), who tells him of the situation. Since Calibos fell to Zeus’ wrath, Andromeda rejected him, allowing any suitor to try for her hand, whether they be royal or not. To do so, they must answer a riddle. If they fail to answer, the would-be suitor is burned to death. This is lorded over by Queen Cassiopeia (Sian Phillips), while Andromeda (Judi Bowker) lives in the tower of the palace.
Which is why Perseus IMEDIATELY uses the helmet to go into her room that night! CLASSY, PERSEUS. There, he sees...a giant vulture bring a cage to Andromeda’s balcony. No idea where in the fuck this is going, but that’s a damn good looking vulture. God, I love Harryhausen.
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Anyway, the vulture is here for Andromeda’s soul, which leaves her body and goes to sit in the cage. The vulture takes off with it, al as the invisible Perseus watches on. He takes this opportunity to touch Andromeda’s face in her sleep (stop, Perseus, for the love of Zeus), then decides that winning Andromeda is his destiny. And so, his simpin’ journey begins.
The next day, Perseus asks Ammon how they can follow the vulture, who has apparently headed to the marshes to the “marsh lord”. To follow the vulture, Ammon suggests that they find and capture the last of the winged horses, known as Pegasus. And we’ve officially lost the track of Greek mythology at this point. Shit.
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Well, with Ammon’s help, Perseus captures Pegasus and rides him through the skies. Meanwhile, in Corinth, some dude named Bellerophon is just having a stroke, I guess, because he’s totally fucked now. Whatever. The next day, the vulture comes back to Andromeda’s place and takes her soul to the marsh. But this time, Perseus and Pegasus follow them.
In the marsh, the marsh-lord and riddle-maker is revealed as Calibos, who is still in love with the beautiful Andromeda. As she cannot love him, he provides to her another riddle to give her would-be suitors. In tears, she memorizes the riddle and its answer, Calibos touches her uncomfortably, even as Andromeda asks him to lift his curse and show pity. But he refuses, in pain from his love. Jesus, this movie should be called Clash of the Simps, goddamn.
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Perseus was watching the whole thing, though, which Calibos immediately figures out when he sees Perseus’ footsteps in the dirt. As Perseus goes through the swamp looking for Pegasus, he’s found and attacked by Calibos. Calibos, by the way, is a guy in pretty solid makeup in close-up shots, and a Harryhausen model in far-away shots.
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The two struggle, the helmet is lost in the swamp, and Perseus draws his sword. But we suddenly cut away to see the daily ritual of the presentation for Andromeda’s would-be suitors. Perseus steps in, having survived the attack from last night, and offers his hand to Andromeda, who recognizes Perseus from a dream. She gives the riddle, which is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Here, I’ll prove it.
In my mind’s eye, I see three circles joined in priceless harmony. Two, full as the moon; one, hollow as a crown. Two from the sea, five fathoms down. One from the Earth, deep under the ground. What is it?
Any guesses? Anybody?
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NO MATTER WHAT YOU FAIL. Because the answer is Calibos’ ring! HOW IN THE SHIT WOULD ANYBODY HAVE GUESSED THAT? It’s a golden ring with two pearls on it! WHO KNOWS THAT SHIT? I call complete bullshit, and the only reason that Perseus knows it is because he spied on this last night! Also, because he cut off Calibos’ hand, and made him renounce his curse, which is...never really specified, now that I think about it.
With that, Perseus has both Andromeda’s and Calibos’ hands! HA! Calibos is not as amused, as he preys to his other Thetis, at a temple of hers. He demands that Thetis take revenge on those whom Perseus loves, specifically Andromeda and the city of Joppa itself. He demands justice, but Thetis identifies this correctly as revenge. All the while, Perseus declares his love for Andromeda, and they seal their union with a kiss and ritual.
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During this ritual, in which Andromeda and Perseus are essentially married, Queen Cassiopeia, LIKE A DUMBASS, says that Andromeda is more beautiful than the goddess Thetis herself. Yeah. BAD FUCKING MOVE, especially because she said that IN FRONT OF THETIS’ FUCKING SANCTUARY. At least that dumbass move was kept from the original story.
Well, Thetis tells Cassie that she can only atone for her stupidity in one way: sacrifice your daughter to the Kraken in 30 days. Later on, Perseus speaks with Ammon to figure out how they can defeat the Kraken. Ammon suggests speaking with the “Stygian Witches”, who I’m assuming are our Grey Sisters for the night. However, according to Thallo, they have a taste for human flesh. Still, Perseus is going, as are Ammon, Thallo, and Andromeda. But not Pegasus.
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Well...shit, man. That changes a few things, huh? But that’ll be addressed...IN PART TWO! See you there!
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racetrackhigg · 3 years
so i did an rp with @somedayonbroadway about jack being race’s dad and he’s an addict. i played race n she played jack. basically a l o t of angsty stuff happens- n we did some moodboards for a few characters!
tw: swearing, drug addiction, kidnapping, mentions of a fire, mentions of getting sold, near-death experiences, overdosing and abuse
the rp starts with race and jack moving to philly. race is 14, and jack is 29. he had race at 15. they always move around and never stay in one place for longer than a year.
anyways, they only get to stay there for 2 months before something bad happens. jack’s ex, hp, finds them and takes them. jack stole a lot of money from him, and he said that if jack didn't get him the money by midnight, hed sell race.
jack doesn't get the money by midnight, but manages to help race escape.
after that, jack and race immediately move to rhode island. there, race meets albert, his best friend. jack actually gets a proper job, working for albert’s dad, and things are starting to look up.
until weasel, jack’s step-uncle, comes into the picture.
he forced jack to sign a slave contract when jack was still young. jack was desperate and cps was probably going to take race away from him, so he signed it.
weasel stays there for almost a year and abuses jack and does other really bad things i wont mention cause uh graphic content
eventually, albert comes up with a plan to get jack out of this by forcing weasel to also sign a slave contract. jack does this by making weasel overdose and then only call the cops once weasel signed the contract.
they were on the run for about a week before hp found them and took them again.
he was planning on selling race, even had a buyer, and did some horrible things to jack.
race’s buyer changed last minute. so snyder, jack’s step-father, took him and jack.
there, he did horrible things to jack, and then almost killed race, by tying and locking him in a trailer and then setting said trailer on fire.
jack had to kill snyder to get race out. they stayed with morris and oscar, since morris was a nurse and he helped jack.
at some point race’s mom, amelia, appeared. her and jack had a bit of an argument. but she gave them money to get back on their feet and left.
they moved over to new york, and race met drake and spot. he became close friends with spot, and started dating drake (who is rich and an asshole). jack met davey and fell hopelessly in love with him.
somewhere along the way, jack overdosed. im not going to go into a lot of detail cause triggers, but cps agreed to let race stay with frequent visits, and jack had to go clean. morris and davey helped with that, and race tried to fix his relationship with amelia.
somewhere in between all this, drake hit him for the first time.
eventually jack got better, and soon after that, drake hit race again- so race decided to try to leave. that didn't go too well, as drake did some fucked up things that i wont say cause triggers. race managed to get out after a few hours, and this is when drake started tormenting and harassing him and everyone he cared about, with the promise hed stop if race went with him.
he shot davey, cut spot’s breaks, and then exposed a lot of stuff jack did, as well as videos of him when he was with hp, and pictures hp took of race when he was about to be sold. jack was arrested for attempted murder, and race became desperate, so he agreed to go back with drake. drake had changed the conditions, though, and after talking with weasel, he decided race had to sign a contract to legally belong to him. race knew that the contract would be valid, since he was underage, so he signed it and went back with drake.
i wont get into detail of what happened, but he was with drake for over a month before jack and amelia got him out. drake had nearly killed him.
anyways the story ends a few months later when race is 16 and jack is 31, and it ends with spot telling race he really likes him and race being willing to give it a try, but with the condition that if he got overwhelmed or realized he wasn't really ready for that so soon after drake, they'd see what they'd do.
tw ends here
for most characters i did a general one, one of the type of clothes they wear, type of room they'd have and future job/current job. n somedayonboradway did a general moodboard for jack n race. we also did playlists for jack and race together.
imma just show the general mood boards, but i'll leave the link for the slide in case anyone wants to see the others!
slide link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-FmwguEEIF1SPt02JPrapus3NvRjmJHswGKXZC2_SnI/edit
also sorry for the quality of the picture, tumblr hates me
race’s moodboards:
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race’s playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/12oWODEeDqNZ0QjyKRqGYe?si=ef91054dd21e4fd0
jack’s moodboards:
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jack’s playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5aSwhq4lcvNN7GOpO2TJak?si=df0099df403e41ab
drake’s moodboard:
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albert’s moodboard:
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david’s moodboard:
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Who you are (Hamish Duke) Part 2
Summary: You were an Adepti for The Order but you were also a spy for Gnostic council. The council called you back to Belgrace to spy on Vera after the recent werewolf attacks which is when you find out something about one of your old best friends.
Words: 1611
Requested: Yes
Warning or A/N: Part 3 is when it picks up
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You walked into the Temple with a bunch of members running around doing multiple things. An acolyte bump straight into you spilling some kind of mixture all of you. "I'm so sorry Adepti. I didn't see you standing there,"
You were annoyed about it at first but you remembered how hard it was when you were an Acolyte. You half smiled and looked at them. "Look, take a deep breath and relax. I know it's hard your first year but just remember to take a deep breath,"
The acolyte smiled at you. "Thank you,"
You nodded and walked past the acolyte and dodged other members and into Vera's office. "Why is the temple so busy?"
You rolled your eyes. "What is he doing now?"
"Elemental Transference, what's all over your shirt?"
Your eyes grew big at the mention of that. "Some acolyte spelled something on me and for who?"
"Renee Marand. What did this acolyte look like? I'll make sure they'll clean up after the ritual,"
You quickly walk over to the chair and sat in it. "Nah, don't worry about it. Isn't she that necromancer that was kicked out?"
"She is,"
"Does the gnostic council know?"
Vera nodded. "Oh don't worry about spying on Coventry. He's trying to find all the pages to the Vade Maecum Infernal,"
"The Vade Maecum is-"
"Dangerous. I know. Edward wont listen to reason,"
You shook your head. "What does this have to do with Renee?"
"The same Necrophone that lets you talk to the dead? I thought that was just some story?"
Vera shakes her head. "No. It's very much real,"
You sat back and started thinking that maybe Vera was right to suspect the Grand Magus but you still were wary to spy on him. Anyone that gets in his way, gets killed and you liked being alive too much to die. "Why does he want it?"
"Something to do with the Vade Maecum and how he thinks that the necrophone will help him find the pages? I don't know and I don't know what he wants with the Vade Maecum either but I have a plan but I cant execute it until after the transference is over,"
"What's the plan?"
"All you need to know is heal Renee, get the Necrophone and find the remaining pages,"
Edward walked into Vera's office and you quickly stood up from the chair. "Yes, Grand Magus. Is there anything you need me to do?"
Edward puts his hand on your shoulder. "You looked more and more like your mother each and every day,"
You were a legacy, that's why you went through the levels so quickly was because you were practicing magic all your life. You've known Edward since you were little. Hell, he took you in after your parents have died when you were tenish. "Really think so?"
He nodded. "Yes. She..both of your parents would be so proud of you,"
"Thank you sir,"
He nodded. "And no, we got everything under control for the time being. We'll let you know when it starts."
You nodded and started to walk out of the office but Vera called you back. "Hold on,"
You turned around and looked at her. She walked up to you and handed you a book. You looked down at it and it was the werewolf manual. "I know we haven’t had a recent attack but you can never be too careful,"
You nodded and walked out of the office and noticed that one of the cauldron was bubbling and Jack was walking away from it. You shrugged because you didn’t know if it was suppose to do that or not since this was your first transference ritual.
It had been a few hours since Vera gave you this book and it had taken you just as long to read it. It was a very hard book to read because one it HAD way too much information, drug some points out, and some of it was written in a different language which you had used magic to read. You were just about to stop reading when you read that both human and werewolf forms had a different smell to them. Human form while smells like whatever that human smelled like and the smell of the wolf smelled like warm fur.
You rolled your eyes at the information because that was obvious. You felt your dog's nose rub against your leg. You looked at your dog and smiled as he laid down next to you. You quickly put the book down and went to sniff your dog's fur as he was a wolfdog and his fur was always warm. When you got the smell, you were with a familiar scent. It was the same scent as Hamish, Randall, Jack and Lilith had but your dog's scent was overpowering like theirs were.
Could they really be the werewolves that attacked everyone? Could Hamish?
You were on your way to find Hamish when you saw Jack and Kyle get into a van and drive off. You got back into your car and followed them to a warehouse and saw them start to load people into the back of the van, which you were guessing were the elements. You then see Kyle trying to drive off but something had a hold of the van and then it was let go and Kyle run into a wall. You couldn't see what had ahold of the van cause if you were to move, you would've been spotted. You then see Lilith walking up to Jack's side fully naked. You quickly cut your hand and said the words of a spell that allows you to hear what someone is talking a distance away.
"You wanna explain yourself, asshole?"
"This isn't what it looks like,"
"Really? 'Cause it looks like you're driving five people to their slaughter,"
"I didn't know that,"
"Now you do and we're going to stop it,"
"No, the Grand Magus is after something and I need to know what it. You can't stop it. I won't let you,"
"You think I can't take you?"
"You think you can take Silverback?"
There was a moment of silence before Lilith walked away.
Whose Silverback? Why was Lilith naked?
After Lilith had left, you did too. You were confused as to why Lilith wants to stop the ritual and not to mention how she knows about The Order. You got back to campus, you walked into Blade and Chalice, you started to walk the bar when you heard your name being called. You turned and saw that it was Randall waving you over. You were hit with the smell of warm fur again. The same smell you smelt on your dog but more intense. "Y/N! How are you?"
"I'm good. Where's Hamish?"
Randall shrugged. "Probably, doing teacher assistant things,"
You chuckled. You couldn't believe that Hamish had decided not to become a lawyer because that was the main thing he had always talked about. "Fun,"
"So you travelled around the world?"
"I did,"
Randall was about to say something but his phone went off. He looked down at his pocket, pulled it out and read whatever was on the screen. He grabbed his drink and chugged it before standing up. "Gotta go meet up with Hamish and Lilith. I'll catch you later?"
You smiled and said of course.
You waited a few minutes after him leaving before you got up and left to go after him. He had walked a good few minutes into the woods before you saw a house. A house that looked completely abandoned on the outside. You waited till he was inside the house before walked up to one of the windows. You tried to open one of the windows but it was locked. So you did the same hearing spell you did before. It wasn't much of anything but you saw Jack walking out of the woods. You didn't have to move to hide because you were already in a well shaded area.
Lilith started walking down the stairs. "You're such a fucking hypocrite."
Hamish tried to calm her down. "Okay, lets take a breath,"
"You have the nerve to give me shit about eating some monster's heart, but you turn around and drive a van full of people to their death!"
Randall looked at Jack in shock "You what?"
"It's the Elemental Transference. The spell needs willing sacrifices. Five of them,"
"You're supposed to be sabotaging it. Not helping,"
"I did and we were up and running around again in twelve hours."
"Dude...We're you're we,"
"So you failed. You admit it,"
Failed what?
"No. Look, I talked to Coventry. I saw it in his eyes. He's so desperate for this spell, he'll do anything. He'll risk the entire Order, and we need to know why.
Why is Jack telling them this?
The rest of the conversation was talking about what the spell does and how it's possible and how Jack needed to know what Coventry was after.
"Randall, you wanted an inside man. Let me do my job as a Knight,"
That's the second time you heard them calling themselves Knights. What the hell are they talking about?
"Then go,"
You saw Jack nodding his head and walking out the door.
What are the Knights? Why does Jack desperately need to know what Coventry was after? Why are Hamish, Lilith and Randall want to stop the ritual? Why did Jack tell them?
You were so into your thought and didn't hear the window opening until you heard your name. "Y/N?"
You looked up and saw Hamish looking at you.
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Home - Part 4
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"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I asked him shaking my head.
"What do you mean what am i doing here?.... I'm here to see my wife of course" he replied smugly with a shrug of his shoulder.
"Thats funny! Last time i checked you no longer have a wife!"
"You'll always be mine Y/N"
"Thats where your wrong Jack, i haven't been yours for a very long time" i said through gritted teeth "why can't you just leave me alone??! You didn't want me when we were married but now we're divorced you decide you want me back?...Is that it?"
"I always wanted you baby...."
"Really??.... that why you were sleeping with my best friend?"
"I made a mistake...."
"So did i....the day i married you!"
He stepped closer trying to intimidate me, i'd hit a nerve with that comment.
"You dont mean that....."
"Dont i?? why else would i divorce you and move far away from you.... i left everything to get away from you Jack"
"We can sort this out, it can be good again"
"Not interested, now please leave"
"Im not leaving until you agree to try again....."
"Your such a fucking child! How did you even find me anyway? You didn't know about this place and i didn't tell anyone where i was going"
"I'll aways find you Y/N your mine"
"For the love of god....." i rolled my eyes and went to take a step back from him. His hand reached out grabbing my arm and pulling me close before i got far, i started to struggle and try to push him away but he wasn't moving, i felt myself start to panic.... i had done so well not showing Jack how scared i was that he was here but seeing that look in his eyes and the way he grabbed me.... my facade was falling fast.
"Hey!" a voice yelled from behind and i looked around Jack to see Bucky and Steve climbing out of a black van and marching towards us, death glares on their faces.
"Get your damn hands off her!" Bucky growled grabbing the back of Jacks coat and pulling him away with such force Jack fell on the floor. Bucky and Steve stood protectively in front of me glaring down at the man.
"Who the fuck are you?" Steve asked Jack who was already getting to his feet and straightening out his jacket.
"Im her husband asshole!"
"Ex husband!" I corrected him "and I've told him to leave!"
"You heard the lady, your not welcome here" Steve said as Bucky turned to me and looked me over for any signs Jack had hurt me. He placed a hand against my cheek and smiled a tight lipped smile "you okay doll?"
"Im fine Buck" i nodded "little shaken.... thank you for coming" i added quietly so only he would hear and rested my forehead against his chest as i tried to calm down now Bucky and Steve were here.
"The girls...."
"Their fine, i made sure they stayed away and didn't hear anything"
"Oh i see how it is, this your new guy? Think his better than me?? Im not good enough for you now huh??" Jack started ranting looking at me and Bucky.
"My guess is you were never good enough for her, you were lucky she even gave you the time of day pal" Steve smirked.
"Oh you fucking him too?? Wow Y/N you really have changed....." he was cut off when Bucky's hand flew out and grabbed him around the throat.
"Why dont you shut your fucking mouth! Im gonna tell you this once so you better fucking listen or so help me god i will bury you!!..... stay the fuck away from my family!!" Bucky growled lowly so the girls wouldn't hear, he had angled his body so they wouldn't be able to see what he was doing "i find out you've been back here or anywhere near Y/N.... you'll regret it" Bucky shoved Jack away from him and came to stand beside me.
"I just want whats mine!! She's my wife!!" Jack said loudly still not giving up.
"Not anymore she's not" Bucky said with a smirk as he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer "Steve get this punk outta here would ya?"
"Would be my pleasure Buck" Steve grinned grabbing Jack and dragging him back to where his car was parked.
"You okay doll?.... I'm sorry bout that i just thought maybe he would leave you alone if he thought you'd moved on"
I nodded quickly holding a hand over my mouth trying to hold in the sob trying to escape.
"His gone" Steve said walking back over to us shaking his head "what a asshole"
"You guys go eat with the girls, i just need a minute" i told them before rushing inside, i didn't want to cry in front of everyone.
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Once inside and out of view of everyone my tears finally escaped, i made my way to the bathroom and sat on the closed lid of the toilet as i cried.
"Y/N?..." Bucky's voice was quiet from the other side of the door "are you okay doll?"
I quickly wiped my my tears away and took some deep breaths before opening the door "I'm okay...."
"Liar" he scoffed with a small smile making me laugh.
"What? Did my red puffy eyes give me away?"
"I dont know what you mean"
"Come here" he said pulling me into his arms, i didn't put up a fight i just let myself fall into Bucky's arms.
"You should be with the girls...."
"Their fine, their with Steve. You wanna talk about it?"
"Not much to say, i dont know how he found me Bucky! he had no idea about this house...." i said shaking my head "im gonna have to leave now...."
"What??" He pulled back to look at me in shock "what do you mean your going to leave?"
"He knows where i am!! he'll come back for me Bucky"
"You could get a restraining order..."
"I tried before and no one would help me. Thats why i left!"
"Well you didn't have an awesome lawyer on your side before"
"I cant ask you to help me with this..."
"You didn't, i offered"
It was quiet between us for what seemed like ages but was probably only seconds.
"Y/N, can i ask you something?"
"Your relationship with Jack, did it get violent?"
I tensed up instantly and i knew Bucky felt it, all i could do was nod, i heard Bucky take a deep breath as his arms tightened around me.
"I wont let him hurt you again i promise".
"Thank you Bucky" i smiled up at him before heading to the fridge to grab a bottle of water "I'm so glad you and Steve were there. What are you guys doing here anyway? i thought you'd still be working"
"I finished earlier than i thought and then called Steve to come help me with your sofa. A friend of ours had a van so we borrowed that so we can take your old one for you"
"You didn't have to do that..... but your amazing for doing it" i reached up and kissed him on the cheek "thank you".
"Of course" he nodded nervously scratching the back of his neck as a blush spread across his face.
"We should probably go make sure Steve's okay with the girls"
"Yeah your probably right, lets go enjoy that picnic.... from what i saw it looked good!"
"Steve's probably eaten everything by now" i laughed knowing how much the man ate.
"I'll kick that punks ass if he hasn't saved us something".
"Everything okay?" Steve asked looking up as we approached him and the girls.
"As long as you havent eaten everything its good" i laughed sitting down.
"We're good then" Steve smiled nudging my shoulder playfully.
"We'll get your sofa sorted once we've eaten" Bucky said picking up a sandwich as Rosie climbed into his lap.
"There's no rush, lets just enjoy the rest of the afternoon".
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The new sofa was finally in and the room already seemed more cosier.
"It looks good sweetheart" Steve smiled looking from the sofa to me "its very you"
"Thanks Steve"
"I think its safe to say the girls approve" Bucky chuckled looking at the three sleeping girls spread out over the sofa.
"Yep looks like it" i smiled at the sight.
"Right, let us take this sofa, i'll get the car and then come back for them"
"Okay" i nodded "thats fine"
"I'll be 20 minutes tops" Bucky promised before leaving with Steve.
20 minutes later as a promised Bucky was back with his car minus Steve who apparently had 'stuff' to take care of whatever that meant.
"Y/N why dont you come and stay with us tonight?" Bucky asked turning to me "it'd make me feel better if you would, at least until i know Jack's not hanging around"
"Are you sure you dont mind? I dont wanna impose...."
"I wouldn't ask if i minded doll" he grinned "go grab your stuff, pack for a couple of days at least".
"Okay" i nodded "thank you Bucky" i said with a smile before going upstairs to pack a bag.
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A/N - wow two updates in one day!! 😂 i was thinking maybe the next part i’ll do from Bucky’s POV? What do you think?
A/N 2 - Face claim for Jack is Jai Courtney in my head.
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A/N 3 - I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you that has liked, shared and commented on this fic, it really does mean a lot to me. ILY 💕
Home taglist: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123
@lumar014 @bbmommy0902
@past-perfect-future-tense @heathens-takeitsl0w
@captainchrisstan @ladymelissastark
@93generation @sebastianstansqueen
@oceansxpurple @Imjstaghoststory @rainbowkisses31 @superavengerpotterstar
@cap-just-said-language @booktease21
@ms-betsy-fangirl @wildest-dream-
@michelehansel @thummbelina
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I think I may have gotten some of the genders wrong, buuut, it was still fun. :D
Another long one, I also had a bit too much fun writing a couple of them.
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The Count (Dutch's Horse)
Finicky little shit.
Along with being spoiled rotten thanks to Dutch.
Hates people with a flying passion.
Has bitten literally everyone in camp, except Dutch, at least twice.
Seriously, don't take a nap by the horses, Count will bite you.
Only allows Dutch to put his tack on, anyone else may get kicked or will get bit.
May let you pet him if you bribe him with enough sugar cubes.
Has not trusted Arthur since he tried to ride him.
HATES Molly.
Silver Dollar (Hosea's Horse)
One of the sweetest horses in camp.
Will gently lay his head on your shoulder if he wants pets.
Highly attuned to sickness, and if usually the very first one to know something is wrong.
Gets very worried with Hosea's coughing.
Loves to be read to.
Helps to keep some of the more energetic horses in line.
Old Boy (John's Horse)
One of the oldest horses in camp.
Like to act tough, but is a big softy.
Loves apples, a bit too much, could eat his body weight in them and still want more.
Likes John and Arthur, but loves Abigail and Jack.
Doesn't like anyone else though.
Loves having his head scratched.
Neil II (Uncle's Horse)
About 110% done.
Loves Uncle, but gets so frustrated with him.
Doesn't like the smell of alcohol.
Loves lazy rides and neck scratchies.
Very relaxed and easy going.
Brown Jack (Bill's Horse)
Gentle Giant.
If he doesn't like you he'll simply walk away from you.
If he does though, he likes to chew on your hair.
Very calm and gentle with people, and doesn't bite.
Likes to rest his giant head on your shoulder though.
Was the only horse that enjoyed his time in Colter.
Loves music, and will try to get into camp when someones playing.
Doesn't like when Bill is mad, and will try to calm him down.
Doesn't like Javier at all.
Boaz (Javier's Horse)
Doesn't understand much in the way of English.
Loves fruit, especially peaches.
Give him some from your can and he'll be your friend.
Very gentle with people, but will nip and bite other horses.
Loves guitar music, and especially when Javier sings.
Doesn't like Grimshaw very well.
Maggie (Lenny's Horse)
Tiny little thing.
People aren't quite sure if she's stunted or hasn't finished growing yet.
The youngest horse in camp.
She's a bit of a goofball, and plays around rather often.
She'll sneak into camp when everyone's asleep to steal things and hide them.
Can't find your boots in the morning? Maggie probably took them and hid them in the nearby bushes.
Has actually nipped John's butt once and when he whipped around to glare she turned her head skyward.
'Oh look, what a pretty cloud.' 'I didn't just nip you.' 'No, that was the other horse.'
Taima (Charles' Horse)
THE sweetest and most gentle horse in camp.
Steps in to calm the other horses if Silver Dollar isn't there or can't get them relaxed.
Generally likes everyone in camp. Even Micah.
Adores Charles, Kieran, and Arthur.
Always seems to know if someones sad, and will try to make them not sad.
Will bite and kick in a fight, has her own body count of assholes trying to shoot at her.
Will let anyone mount her, but wont actually go anywhere unless Charles says its ok.
Branwen (Kieran's Horse)
A touch skittish around people, but compared to Kieran, she's braver than a war horse.
Extremely loyal to Kieran and adores him.
I like to think that one morning, when Kieran was still tied to the tree, the camp awoke to the sound of relieved laughter and baby talk. Everyone just looks over at Kieran and sees a new horse nuzzling his chest.
Just a little older than Maggie, making her one of the youngest horses in camp.
Everyone spoils her and compliments her beautiful coat.
Likes to play around, though not as much as Ennis and Maggie.
Another massive fruit lover.
Surprisingly her preference is Pineapple.
Ennis (Sean's Horse)
Hyperactive and LOVES to run.
Loves to play, and will steal your hat to try and get you to play too.
Thoroughly enjoys rolling around in the dirt/mud and splashing about in water.
Also loves rolling in grass and flowerbeds.
Keeping him clean in a nightmare.
Rather unaware of his size, and tends to knock people over.
Then looks down at you like; 'why are you on the ground, silly human?'
Bob (Sadie's Horse)
Cranky AF.
Loves to charge right into fights.
Enjoys running over his opponents.
Loves Sadie more than anything in the world.
Doesn't really bite people, prefers to just walk away.
Unless you are Micah or Kieran, he doesn't like them.
I like to think that he and Brown Jack like to talk shit about everyone in camp.
Old Belle (Karen's Horse)
Oldest horse in camp.
Prefers sleeping and quiet grazing.
Also enjoys the casual stroll.
Only really likes Kieran and the women.
If she is mildly inconvenienced in any way, and wants a human to fix it, she will nicker, whinny, and carry on until someone comes over.
If no one comes over fast enough, she'll go over to the nearest human, grab their sleeve/back of their shirt/skirt and drag them over to the problem.
Has bitten the shit out of Micah, Ennis, Sean, Uncle, Javier, and Trelawny.
Especially Sean and Ennis.
Baylock (Micah's Horse)
You'd expect an asshat like Micah to have an equally asshole horse.
But no, he has this clown.
He's very calm around other people, and will only bite or kick if given a reason.
If you spend time with him and get him to like you, he becomes the most cuddly little shit in camp.
Like if Micah's riding out and Baylock sees you, he'll make a detour for goodbye scratchies.
Micah acts like this irritates him, but he actually finds it adorable.
The only time you'll find a genuine smile on Micah's face is when he's tending to Baylock, and when he thinks no one's looking.
Baylock likes to steal Micah's hat to try and get the man to play with him.
Buell (Arthur's Horse?)
I like to think that it wasn't until Arthur was gifted Buell, that he finally found a decent replacement for Boadicea.
Buell is a bit of a trouble maker, likes to randomly buck his rider just to he can stand over you like you being on the ground is an offence to his ancestors.
You always get this feeling that Buell is silently judging you. Like he's part cat.
Sneeze and he looks like you just insulted his mother.
Joins Maggie in stealing peoples stuff, though he doesn't hide it.
Doesn't spook very easy, but doesn't particularly like people.
Will kick you. Wont bite though.
Stubborn as hell, if he doesn't wanna move, he ain't gonna move.
Loves people food and will try and steal it.
Strangely enough actually likes cooked meat. Especially rabbit.
This disturbs EVERYONE.
Gwydion (Trelawny's Horse)
A rather dramatic horse.
Will act hurt in a shootout to keep from getting actually shot.
Used to be a show horse, and still remembers her routine.
Enjoys Trelawny's magic tricks, and likes to be apart of them.
Only really likes Trelawny.
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chanteya · 5 years
Dark Nights NSFW Headcanons - Zeikun
NSFW Headcanons for Dark Nights - Zeikun
Welcome to my ted talk (xD) There i will let my imagination go out with this Zeikun headcanons which are clearly what i think would suit him but welp thats my opinion everyone else can think otherwise (shrug). Anyway hope you will enjoy it anyway xD
A- Z thing doesnt belong to me. I also allowed myself to not answer on some letters due of me lacking the ideas on few of them. Also for sake of this HC’s im using female form when talking about S/O
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) - Oh boy. - This guy and aftercare…. - Gentle touches - Definitely would swoop S/O in his arms and cuddle with her. Bear hugs and a lot of affection and protectiveness kicking in. - Soft kisses on S/O shoulder/neck/nape and not only - If that was messy, he would help S/O clean up. - Loving bath? - Overprotectiveness kicking in overall. Hes loving boyfriend/husband.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) - His favourite part of his body? Who knows? - His favourite part of S/O body? Guess. :P
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) I am not this disgusting to talk about cum. Sorry.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) - He secretly loves when S/O touches his horns, but he never told about it to anyone. - Secretly loves the moments when his S/O tries to show a tiny bit of dominance even if she fails he still likes the tries.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) - If he wouldnt be a demon i would say hes inexperienced, but he is demon… he lives for looong time even if in forest who the hell knows what he was doing sometimes. - I doubt highly he is inexperienced so i would say he has some kind of experiences on NSFW topic~ - You know. Demons may have knowledge on this stuff from birth ;)
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) Who knows. ;) (Im not that experienced to know the position names or how to describe them so everyone will get what i mean :p)
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) - Heh. Depends. - Jealous? or maybe something risky happened? Oh well… He will be serious. - Normally i doubt he would be serious except situations that i wrote up~ - He would be a tiny bit silly, straight-forward with some stuff- - T e a s e~
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Does he even know he need to groom his hair there? Better question Does he even has hair there? X to doubt :O
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) - Veeeeery intimating ;)
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) - Zeikun and Jacking off, piss off not his thinghe prefers to do it with S/O than try satisfy himself with mere hand x)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) - He likes when you pull him by his collar - Honestly i can imagine him developing master - maid kink. - Edging (Not allowing S/O to come until he will say she can cum ;P More might be added later ;0 - Sense deprivation (handcuffs, blindfolds)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) - Obviously Forest ;) Eventually in S/O house if they dont want to be seen
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) - Soft kisses on his neck (in places where S/O actually can place them and arent covered by collar) - Nibbles on his sensitive ears - Soft S/O gasps
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) - BDSM is a BIG NO. Zeikun couldnt hurt S/O because of his protective nature - Nothing that could hurt S/O even if she likes something that is dangerous he simply wont do it. Sorry if you are maso and searching for pain-
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) - He prefers to give the pleasure to S/O - He doesnt mind receiving though- - Demon… what else to say about his skill? ;) - S/O would have great night~
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) - Depends. - He actually would start with slow and sensual… to just get to know his freshly discovered “teritorry”. - If he discovers what S/O likes - he gets fast and rough, unless S/O doesnt like it this way he goes still slow and sensual. - However it also depends on his mood… and S/O mood so he might go however S/O will like it ;)
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) - Not a big fan of quickies, but rarely he will do them anyway.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) - He doesnt feel like to get risky with their moments… - However he could take risks if S/O would be okay with it. - He personally wouldnt take risks.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) - Demon. Thats all i have to say ;) - He could go few rounds as long as S/O will feel like it.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) - Pffff. Zeikun and toys. He is forest demon, and he would have to know there are sex toys? - He would only learn about these from S/O probably… - He could get some maybe, - And he could use them to tease S/O more.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) - Im sorry, for me he is big tease material. Even if he is loving boyfriend he has no mercy in teases, straightforward asshole likes to play a bit - also preparing S/O this way before they will consume their love ;)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) - I doubt he would be loud. - He would let out soft gasps
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) ;)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) ;) Big boy with also big friend in his pants wht you excepted ;)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) - His sex drive is high, but he doesnt throw himself on S/O whenever he wants something more
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) - Not really quickly. There is a lot of time to cuddle with S/O, whisper sweet words, have small talk. Loving soft kisses… maybe exchange of soft smiles on S/O goofing softly. ;)
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Who is best friends with who?
**Glad you asked!! I’ll do Best friends and also general friends- Jade has been ‘childhood’ friends with Jeffery for a long time; (since he made his debut in the UR, really- she was the.. second? person he actually got to know alittle after being dragged down there))She’s been friends with him since, and even went through schooling (the Institute) with him; in fact, Eyeless was also in their graduating class, and she considers him a friend as well.However, things have gotten a bit r o c k y in their friendship (which wont be discussed currently but theres a few negatives), and Jade has seemed to spend more time with the likes of Will than with him. Jade seems a bit happier lately since she’s befriended Will as well..She met Will under rather specific circumstances, but seems more than happy to lend him a hand and, much to his surprise, actually actively seems to like being his friend and hanging out with him or helping him. Yes, she’s known for her benevolence (and or malevolence if the need arises), but she just felt an odd click with him. She finds him kind and dorky, but also deteminded and just a tad idiotic- but hey, who isnt? Basically, she really likes this one- its a nice change after enduring alot of Jeffery’s... stuff, towards her....Even if Will is friends and roommates with... h i m.In conclusion; Jade is/was(?) Best Friends with Jeffery (while Jeffery also considers Ben a best friend of course), is good friends with Eyeless, is on good terms with a good handful of other individuals, and has been getting along quite nicely with Will. If she had to admit it, she’s taken quite a liking to Will, and he may be the soon runner up for that Best Friend position...- Jeffery, as stated above, has been ‘childhood’ friends with Jade since he met her all those years ago, having met and gotten to know her quite well. He also (somehow) made good friends with the likes of Ben and Penny, while at least being on okay terms with Eyeless and a few others from their Graduating class. Though, admittedly, looking back on it now it seems he did take advantage of Jade and the others quite a bit, but its not like him to dwell on the past too much so he himself doesnt think about it like Jade has. He isn’t someone who has alot of friends, or actively makes them; if anything, no one at this point forward wants to be his friend. He’s rude and full of himself, tends to take advantage of those close to him sometimes, and has made quite the showing as of late of being a selfish asshole, also probably needs a shower. In Jade’s words, she feels he’s only gotten worse over the passed few years, and she’s starting to get annoyed/hurt by it, as she cant really see why he’s stooped so low lately.In conclusion; Jeffery is/was(?) Best friends with Jade, Best friends with Ben (though he’s not around much, doin’ his own thing, and also not in this barrel of a party that is the blog), good friends with Penny, on okay-ish terms with Eyeless, and thats about it. Oh, and Smile- Smile has been his good boi best pal for awhile now, and Smile seems indifferent. Ongoing feuds with Jane, annoyance or aggression towards others, and his boasting and thinking he’s one of the best has made everyone either ignore or avoid him- as you do.- Eyeless gets along just fine with anyone he meets, as he isn’t much of a talker and has a more silent understanding. If he doesnt like someone, he either would make it known or just look the other way and ignore them. While he doesnt actively have a best friend that could be seen as another individual, he does see Seedie as a good companion and could easily consider her a Best Friend in a way. He see’s Jade as a good individual that he’s spent some time with and even ran into while ‘out on the field’ (in the OW). While he’s on okay-ish terms with Jeffery, he easily admits that the selfish-vibe Jeff gives him isn’t one he likes.In conclusion; Best friend is Seedie, good friends or positive acquaintances with a handful if not most others.- LJ .... well. No One likes LJ. He himself isn’t sure why everyone dislikes him so much, but he’s so used to it at this point that he hasnt questioned it in quite some time. Maybe its personal things to each individual, or maybe its an agreed upon disliking for him by a group or more of individuals, but either way- its pretty obvious that Jack is one of the least liked out of anyone. Maybe its something he did? Said? Still does? Who knows...But then again, one night out in the field (out in the OverWorld), he was interrupted by a small kid- roughly no older than six. In fact, the six year old had just caught him gutting and lowkey strangling a seven year old that the younger had been been having a ‘sleep over’ with. The six year old didnt run, or scream, or seem frightened- no, in fact, he seemed curious. After seeing the seven year old cut open and hanging on by a thread, the six year old just stood there, silent but curious. He looked to Jack, and Jack stared back; with a look of surprise no less- he wasn’t used to getting caught in the act by other kids, he was used to hearing the hurried footsteps of paranoid and frantic mothers or fathers and then getting caught in the act by them instead. Then that night finished in a blur- the six year old doesnt remember much after that but isn’t allowed to that house again. The distraught and paranoid family of the then gutted deceased seven year old moved away shortly after.Jack felt odd after that night- something about how the kid wasn’t scared by him at all, but intrigued instead. It didnt take long before he found the kid again, but alone. He was home alone, although with a babysitter (who wasn’t paying any attention to him). Jack observed the kid for a bit, finding him to be fairly lonely, but not at all a brat. He was curious, and albeit a tad stupid in actions (a crazy lil kid who always managed to do the most outlandish or dorky of things without being a brat), was a good kid. He felt no desire to harm this one, and in fact started to feel a tad odd on the inside. Fuzzy, somewhere in his chest or head, or something. A ‘bond’, maybe. He was in denial about any "bond” when it crossed his mind, but looking back on it now he realizes it most likely definitely is. After a bit, he decided to show himself to the kid- with less blood on his hands this time- to which the youngster seemed more than happy to see him again- and this time in his more well lit bedroom instead of a dark room on a stormy night. Well, that was a start to an surprisingly good friendship.Oh, who’s the six year old, you ask?Well, it was William of course!In conclusion; he considers Will his good lil best buddy and has for years. Jack has sort of been the best friend, sorta the weird uncle like sort of figure in Will’s life, and later lazyboned roommate,,And for a bit, he’s sort of tried to get on Jade’s good side since she started coming around to Will- but it doesnt seem to be working...- William is a fresh newcomer to the UR and... really doesnt have any friends. He never has, really. He’s had peers, kids his age, his parents, and thats about it. Well, until he had been picked up by a friend of his mothers to have a small sleep over with her own son a good 35 minutes away- to a sleep over that ‘didnt end well’ and one he cant really remember much from.His parents were always busy, so asking their friends who also had kids if they could do a sleep over wasn’t uncommon. He was often left to play and hang out with kids around his age who already knew eachother- which means he was usually left out of things and never made any friends. he was always late to the party when it came to making friends with his parent’s friend’s kids. He was usually quiet around others, and when it was apparent that none of them wanted to be his friend, he got even quieter the whole time he wasn’t home.He was a good kid, so his mother (who paid more attention to him than his father, and actually tried to be there for him) didnt understand why..But after a certain event took place during one of the sleep overs he had been too, his mother had been too scared to let him out, and instead started to have a babysitter instead. That’s when she noticed he seemed to get alittle happier- but unknown to her, it was because of a certain clown instead of any babysitter. Regardless, she was just relieved and joyed to see him just a tad happier.As he grew up, and throughout his school years, he never made any friends, as others always seemed to ignore or avoid him, or act as if he wasn’t there. So, no friends all throughout his child and teen years- well, aside from Jack, who has always sort of been there for him. However, when he got to age 13 and beyond, Jack seemed to come around less and less, but still made efforts to see his ‘best buddy’. So even though he know he had Jack as a friend and ‘support’, he still felt rather lonely, and sometimes (even though he didn’t show it) the whole ‘no one likes him’ would get into his head and his feelings.Fast forward to finishing high school and getting kicked out soon after, Will basically begged Jack to bring him to the UR- to start anew there and be the best killer he (had nearly never mentioned that he) wanted to be. It caught Jack off guard, as it’d been quite awhile since he’d let the UR slip in convo with this kid and wasn't entirely sure about bringing him there... but it happened.Fast forward again, the boi is finally somewhat sorta settled in the UR and just started more schooling- the Institute... and still has plenty of trouble making any friends or even acquaintances. Which isn't surprising, as its the UR, but he thought he’d at least have another chance... but then he met Jade.Which, ultimately, seemed to put him at ease- as she was more than happy to befriend him and get to know him on such a level... despite being one of his teachers...  In conclusion; Will considers Jack to be his best friend and has for years, and see’s Jade in a similar light so far. He still gets sorta awkward and flush around her bc having a new friend for once is sorta really weird to him, especially (another) one that could easily slaughter him in seconds but he appreciates her friendship.. alot. He appreciates both of them, even if one is a lazyboned clown with a habit of being hated by others, and the other being a fluffy beast but with soft intentions and actually doesnt mind him at all.**so theres that- geez I wrote alot for LJ and Will, forgive me,,,,**also forgive if anything seems muddled, its like 2:20 am
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uniewaznic · 6 years
        ❝ Phone’s for you, ❞ Scott says almost as soon as the door clicks closed.
        ❝ Hey, Stiles. How was work, Stiles? Did you catch any bad guys, Stiles? Did you confiscate another zip and get high after work again, Stiles? ❞
        ❝ Don’t joke. ❞ Scott’s expression shifts from a momentary look of frustration to one of devout concentration as he drops something fine and green on top of buttered slices of French bread. His phone is balanced between his ear and shoulder, and his teeth are bared as if the grit of them will help his precision. ❝ Okay. I sprinkled the parsley. Now what? ❞
        Oh, no. Ohhh, no, Scott is being given another cooking lesson. That can only mean one person is on the phone right now. Stiles begins his retreat backwards, one hand fumbling for the doorknob blindly. ❝ You know what? I forgot, buddy, I can’t do dinner tonight. I forgot that I have to take my dad to the doctor’s tonight; he’s having cholesterol problems again, you know how he is. Anyway, we’ll have to reschedule for, like, next week or maybe even-- ❞
        ❝ Yeah, he’s right here. ❞ In the time it has taken Stiles to finally make purchase with at least the frame of the door, Scott has come around the kitchen counter and crossed into the adjoining living space of his small apartment. Suddenly, without his consent ( Scott, come on, you of all people should be the type to ask first ), the phone is being pressed to Stiles’ cheek and he is left having to clutch at it when Scott pulls his hand away.
        ❝ Stiles. ❞
        ❝ Ally! Heeyyyyy. Uh. How’s it goin’? How’s Louisiana? You perfecting your beignet recipe? I always thought it could use some work. ❞
        ❝ My beignets are impeccable. You ate the entire batch when I made them for everyone at Christmas. Before the werewolves, Stiles. ❞ She doesn’t sound as amused as the recap implies and Scott has become decidedly unhelpful if the deliberate view of his back is anything to go by, but Stiles laughs anyway. It is a nervous sound, a little high and a lot unattractive, and no amount of throat clearing fixes the pitch. Through the static of the call, he hears Allison sigh. Oh, no. ❝ Have you at least texted her back? At all? ❞
        ❝ Who? ❞
        Another sigh, though a little less tired and a lot more exasperated. ❝ You both are the worst. Do I really come off that stupid? I know she’s a genius and you’re...you, ❞ his exclaimed disdain goes ignored, ❝ but I’m not an idiot. Stiles. Why won’t you text her back? ❞
        ❝ I’m hanging up now. Great talk, as always. Really love these conversations with you. Truly the highlight of my week. You know I’m a cop, right? Like, that happened, much to everyone’s surprise. I know the ins and outs of the third degree. I knew the ins and outs before I became a cop. Anyway, hanging up. Saying goodbye. Don’t call back. Scott is mine for the rest of the evening, so don’t-- ❞
        ❝ Are you done? ❞
        ❝ Yep. ❞
        ❝ Stiles. I’m going to tell you something very obvious. ❞
        ❝ Here we go. ❞
        ❝ You’re an idiot. ❞
        ❝ There it is. ❞ In the kitchen, Scott is pretending not to be listening in on the phone call with his wolfy spidey senses, but Stiles can see the slight shake of his shoulders from his chuckles and scowls deeply at the back of his best friend’s head. ❝ Is this, like, the whole you broke my best friend’s heart and now I have to kill you spiel? Because I have to tell you, Ally, it could use some work. ❞
        It pulls a laugh from her, which makes him smile because it is always gratifying to make Allison laugh. ❝ Oh, Stiles. If I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead. ❞
        Now, Scott does a terrible job of hiding his laughter with a coughing fit. The coaster Stiles picks up from the coffee table and flings across the room smacks the side of the alpha’s neck and, when he turns to glare, Stiles is offering a tasteless hand gesture. ❝ Noted. I’d be dead by now. Anyway. ❞
        ❝ Anyway, you should text her. ❞
        ❝ Why should I text her? ❞
        ❝ Because you want to. ❞
        There is a long moment of silence. Stiles meets Scott’s eyes across the room and reads the empathy there loud and clear. The tattoo on his arm peeks out from under the sleeve of his t-shirt ( I always wanted one. I just decided to get it now to make it kind of a reward. / For what? / For not calling or texting Allison all summer. Even when I really wanted to. Even when it was so hard not to sometimes. ). He wonders if Scott still feels a little torn open, a little broken-hearted. A little like bleeding, even though he can talk to the woman he loves when he wants to now. He wonders if he still feels that open wound. Stiles lifts a hand to his chest, rubs at the hard bone of his sternum, and swallows thickly. ❝ I do want to. ❞
        ❝ But you’re afraid. ❞
        ❝ Yeah, ❞ Stiles whispers, like he is too ashamed to admit it. The high rose hue of his cheeks would indicate that he is.
        Allison hums, something empathetic in the soft note. Stiles wants to ask her when she has ever been afraid of anything. He has never known her to be anything but brave, this girl who runs with wolves, who tames and loves them too. ❝ Do you want me to baby you, Stiles? Because I can do that. I can coddle you and it will do absolutely nothing for everyone involved. ❞
        ❝ You could go back to ignoring me. ❞ Allison inhales sharply, stung, and Stiles sees Scott wince. ❝ Fuck. I’m sorry, Ally. Allison? I’m sorry. I know why you-- ❞
        ❝ I could baby you, ❞ Allison continues, determined and strong and brave, so fucking brave, ❝ or I could be real with you. Choose wisely. ❞
        ❝ I don’t think I have a choice. ❞
        ❝ You do have a choice. You always do. It’s just that you’re really good at choosing the wrong one. ❞
        He never knows when he is pacing anymore until he stills, so ingrained in him is anxious energy that it is more than second nature. Stiles slows and finds himself facing the translucent reflection of his own face in the large window overlooking the street where his jeep is parked outside. There is something tired and ancient in the look of him, aged, and his eyes look supermassive and dark as they blend into the shadowed night sky. Stiles breathes out slow and tries not to think about how much he hates what he sees. ❝ Do your worst. ❞
        ❝ You’re being a coward. You have wanted her for so long and the minute you had her, you turned around and ran the other way. Because she wasn’t what you wanted or she wasn’t the way you thought she’d be. Because you made her into what you wanted in your head, but the reality didn’t fit the dream and it wasn’t enough. She wasn’t enough. You’re an asshole for that, too. She was more than pretty and she was more than smart and it scared you. Just like it scared Jacks-- ❞
        ❝ Fuck you, Allison. Jesus Christ. What the fuck? Are you seriously going to compare me to that dickhead? ❞
        ❝ Are you seriously going to tell me that you don’t? ❞ Stiles’ silence is loud and telling. There is movement on the other end of the line and he thinks maybe she has taken a seat somewhere. Scott is no longer in the kitchen when Stiles can’t stand to face his reflection anymore and he is grateful that he is not witness to the tears that cling his lashes together. He would take that blame needlessly, as he is wont to do, and Stiles is too hurt, too raw, too open wound to handle it. ❝ I know you’re nothing like him. Stiles. You’re nothing like him. ❞
        ❝ But I left her, too. ❞
        ❝ She knows you’re nothing like him either. ❞
        ❝ I tried not to be.❞ Stiles manages to knuckle one tear away, but the rest trip down his cheeks. ❝ God, he-- He made her small and I just wanted her to be bigger. I wanted her to be bigger and she needed space for it, Allison. She needed more space. She wanted more space so she could be bigger. I don’t want to make her smaller. ❞
        ❝ She can have space to be as big as she wants, Stiles, but she wants you in her orbit, too. She didn’t push you away. You ran from her. ❞
        ❝ But not because she wasn’t enough, Allison. Not because of her. ❞
        ❝ I know that. Does she? ❞
        The slow fold of his body into the couch is crumbling in nature. It feels like exhaustion in the way he slots himself into the cushions; it feels like hiding, it feels like open maw and crawling into the jaws of something. Counting teeth always risks a bite, but Stiles would welcome that pain if it would distract the drowning in his lungs or the ache in his chest. ❝ I can’t text her now, Ally, ❞ his voice is trembling. ❝ I can’t. Not now. She stopped. She won’t-- She doesn’t-- ❞
        ❝ She does. She will. She would. Stiles, she already forgives you. ❞
        It should amaze him that she has found the root of him and yanked it out to the sun’s gaze, but she is good at taking terrible things and dusting off the grime of them. ❝ She shouldn’t. ❞
        ❝ Maybe you’re right. But she has. ❞ A pause. ❝ And so have I. ❞
        Anguish is familiar, just as familiar as guilt, and both hit him so hard, he thinks for a moment that he has tumbled off the couch. It leaves him dizzy with the taste of grief, with the loss of so much, even after all this time, and Stiles presses his lips thin, closes his eyes tight. Her words, soaked in meaning, are medicinal, but he does not swallow them. Not yet. Instead, Stiles says, ❝ Okay. ❞
        Allison sighs for the third time. This one sounds only tired. ❝ You’re not going to text her, are you? ❞
        ❝ I’ll think about it. ❞
        ❝ You’re an idiot. ❞
        ❝ So you’ve said. ❞
        ❝ I guess I should let you get to your little date night. Don’t let Scott cook the pasta. He will burn it. ❞
        Her voice has gone deliberately lighter and he is glad for the subject change. His cheeks are starting to dry, but the tightness in his throat has not yet abated. ❝ When are you going to come back home and have your own little date night, hmm? I could be persuaded to give him up for a night. ❞
        ❝ Good night, Stiles. ❞
        ❝ What? Come on! You made me sit through all of that and now that we finally get to the good shit, you’re going to blow me off? Allison. Allison! I may be shit at my love life, but you and Scott-- ❞
        The line goes dead.
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Dark Lemonade
@ashphoenix06 @honestlyitsjustkennaswriting @emma-wrote @goldenoceanarps @weirdmixofweirdness
TW: Some violence, also gets a liiiiittle dirty(but the super nsfw parts have been cut out for tumblr sake 😂😂)
Mark.....are we ever going to stop driving?"
"Well. You said isolated. His place is as isolated as i could think of"
Alison studied Mark as he drove, glancing behind them where Amy was driving Alison's car every so often
"And youre sure Dark isnt going to be too...put out?"
Mark chuckled 'That asshole is always put out. Part of his charm you could say"
As he drove he thought of the conversation hed had with the ego the week before
"Why here Mark? Why does she need to stay here? I dont even know her"
Mark looked at Darkiplier as his aura slightly crackled around him
"I told you. Her ex has been stalking her, she needs somewhere to stay while her dad is off the ranch. She doesnt need to be alone on that huge place. Amy and i are going out of town. Now get over it. Shes staying"
"So get the police to babysit her. Why should *I* have to" the ego scowled, clearly not giving a shit what would happen to this girl
"Look Dark im not having anything happen to her because you want to be a pretentious ass. Its not like you use all of the five rooms here."
"You and Amy talk as if shes your child. Shes a grown woman"
"Yes. And her ex is an even bigger grown man that is unhinged and wants to do very bad things to her. Shes staying here."
Darkiier glared as his creator, his aura lashing tendrils out every so often as his temper rose. But he knew there was no arguing.
"Fine. But she better stay out of my way"
Mark pulled to a stop in front of the big house in the woods. Alison gaped at the sight of the beautifully crafted home and the big lake behind it
"Holy. Shit.'
Mark laughed out loud "yeah. Good taste huh?"
Alison climbed out of the car and stretched her arms out, her shirt falling off her shoulder a bit, revealing a faded scar. She grabbed what she had in Mark's car and joined him and Amy to walked up the front steps and inside
"Well come in, dont just stand there" Dark said.
He watched Mark and Amy come in as he walked down the stairs and stopped as Alison stepped through the door
He took her in. Reddish brown hair, green eyes, short, not skinny but not what hed call fat. She looked around nervously and then locked eyes with her host for the next couple of weeks.
"Um...hi. Im Alison Calaway" she reached out a hand to shake his as he reached the bottom of the steps. "Its nice to meet you Dark...thank you for letting me be here"
Dark took her hand and felt almost a buzz, aside from his own aura, go through him
"Yes. Mark has told me about you. Glad i could...assist"
Amy looked at her watch "oh. We gotta go if we are going to get to bed and get on the road in the morning.... Alison are you sure youre ok?" She wasnt too sure about leaving her here with HIM all that time
"Amy Ill be fine. Yall go"
She hugged and kissed both Mark and Amy on the cheeks and watched as they climbed in Marks car and drove away.
"So...are you hungry?" Alison jumped as Dark spoke closer to her ear than she thought hed be
"Oh. Um. No. Actually. Im good. I could go for some hot tea though.
"Ah. Perfect. Come with me to the kitchen"
The ego led the way as she tried to figure out this vibe she was getting. Like he reallllly didnt want her there, but was also curious about her.... He was pretty easy on the eyes though so she figured she'd survive
She sat down at the bar as he boiled the water
"So. When you said Mark talked about me....how much did he tell you?" Alison inquired, not sure what to say
"He told me of the ex-boyfriend and why you needed somewhere to stay..... May i ask how it got to that point? If thats not too forward?"
He turned to see her absentmindedly running her fingers over a scar along her collar bone
"Well.. I was with him two years. He didnt like me having friends other than him. Didnt like when i went on the road with my Dad's company and wrestled house shows.."
Darkiplier looked at her "wait...wrestling ?"
Alison ducked her head and laughed
"heh...yeah.... Long story. Dad is practically royalty in the business and i did it for a while. ..but Shane didnt like that. Mostly because i hung out with the guys and trained with them.... So for the sake of the relationship i stayed home. Then he got to where he hated me talking to Mark, Jack...Anyone really. Long story short he attacked me a few times....the last time he almost killed me..... Chase and Jackie saved my life. They had been on the way over to get me and heard me scream. Broke in..... I had to get a lot of stitches that night. And he didnt like being told no. He took off while they were helping me. Cops have been looking for him, hes been sending me letters, showing up at places where im at. But he always takes off when i see him..... Hes gotten bolder and my parents and Mark and everyone didnt want me left alone. So here i am"
Dark studied her for a moment. He could read that she had strength. But she was broken. He couldn't understand why but he felt a tug of protectiveness in his chest at the thought of that asshole trying to track her here... At least those idiotic Septic Egos had done something right. Though letting him get away was pathetic
"Well. Dont worry. If he tries to darken my doorstep, he will surely get more than he bargined for i can assure you"
He brought two mugs over and poured the water over the tea bags. They sat and talked for hours like theyd known each other forever
The next night Alison laid in her bed. It was about 12 am. Shed walked by the lake all morning, theyd gone into town and grabbed lunch and when they came home she had talked with Dark about different interests most of the night. She felt oddly at home here. Suddenly her phone rings
"Now who the hell would be calling me?.."
She hit the answer button, not recognizing the number
"Aliiisoon.... Now why would you go walking around with some goth reject looking...thing where everyone could see?"
She sat bolt upright in bed, all blood draining from her face... Shane
"What the hell....how did you...?"
"Now now alleycat dont worry about how. You know you're mine. Ill always find you. Now answer me"
"Theres nothing to fucking answer Shane. Leave me alone." She scrambled out of bed and down the stairs, checking the locks.
"Ohhh alison. You cant actually think im going to leave you alone. I marked you. Youre mine... Nice house youre in though. Lots of property
She stood in the glow of the moon through the front window, shaking "shane. What do you want. Why are you doing this?"
"Because. I want whats mine"
"Im not yours! I never will be, leave me al-"
The phone was snatched from her hand. Darks aura crackling and whipping around them both, scaring her and amazing her at the same time.
"Look. Either turn yourself in or go die. Your choice..... In fact i will gladly help with one of those options. But you will leave her be Shane"
And with that he threw the phone down and crushed it
She turned and stared at him, in awe of the power oozing from him, shaking from adrenaline.
The aura calmed some as he stepped toward her and ran a finger over her collarbone and shoulders. Tracing the scars that were exposed by the sleeveless sleep shirt she wore. He looked in her eyes brimming with tears and had the sudden urge to hug her and an even stronger NEED to protect her...so he pulled her in. She buried her face in his chest and cried. Feeling helpless and grateful at the same time. The tendrils ran over her back as he held the back of her head with one hand and wrapped the other arm around her.
Finally she stepped back. Wiping her face. "Dark....im sorry. You must think im a completely useless creature... Im just so tired of being his prey"
He studied her face for a moment, then spoke, his voice low, commanding attention as he did
"Youre not his prey anymore. And while i think many of those around me are useless....youre different. And damned if i know why.."
Alison looked at him, curious, but not pushing the matter.
"I dont think ill sleep much." She was mad and scared and exhausted. But she knew what her dreams would hold
Dark put his hand on her shoulder "Well. Im just doing some paper work in my office, i could....put a pillow and blankets on the couch in there for you. You could rest while i work...perhaps that way youd feel more at ease"
Alison smiled at him, grateful for his kindness. "Ok. Yeah, maybe....if i wont be bothering you of course"
He chuckled softly "not at all dear. Come"
Alison watched him work thru half shut eyes. This was the big bad guy everyone spoke of...to her he didnt seem so bad. Intense for sure but....there was just something about him. The quiet way he held himself, he could walk in any room and demand attention without even trying.
"You know. Its not polite to stare at people while they work ali"
She smiled sleepily "sorry. Just thinking"
The ego cocked an eyebrow. "About?"
"Well.." She sat up from her makeshift bed hed made, one strap falling off her shoulder, exposing more of her skin, Dark suddenly felt tense, but tried to ignore it
"I mean. You're supposed to be.. Horrible. A bad guy....and yet.... I feel as if we are old friends having only known you a few days ... I trust you. Though everyone has said not to.... Im supposed to be scared of you and thats just not the case" she said
He smiled gently "Well. When you're on my good side, thats what you get. But most never see that side, only a lucky few
'And why am i one of the lucky ones? " Alison asked
Dark motioned for her to come to him 'Come here....." She got up and stepped across the room, sitting on the corner of his desk as he stood up.
"If im being honest i have no idea why i feel the way i do around you. You seem to make everything....quiet. Calm. I can think clearly for some reason.... I cant quite figure you out Alison"
He was standing directly in front of her now.
She smiled up at him "heh. Good luck with that"
The blackness grew slightly and played around the edge of her face as he stared directly into her eyes "oh don't worry princess. Ill figure you out. I always get what i want"
Alison threw her head back and laughed "hmm. With me you wont.....but like i said. Have fun with that" she went to stand and he blocked her, moving very close to her. "I rather like the effect you have...stay a moment longer?"
He rested his hand on her knee and closed his eyes. Reveling in the slience that filled him. She didnt know what to say...but staring at him with his head leaned back, hair in his face she couldn't help but feel the calm as well. She reached up and brushed the har from his eyes, fingers trailing his cheek. His hand caught hers and held it to his face as he leaned into it.
Alisons heart sped up. Dark could hear it as her cheeks flushed an adorable red. He looked at her intently suddenly not in control of his actions he put his hand to her face and pulled her to him, softly bringing their lips together
She was suprised by his actions. But more suprised at the fact that she trusted him. She leaned into the kiss, grabbed the front of his jacket .
They both were startled by the crash in the front hall. Alison jumped off the desk and took off out the door before he could stop her. Dark shook his head
"That stupid girl...."
But then he heard her yelp.... His aura crackled to life as he rushed out to the front door which was wide open. The window next to it was smashed. Alison was nowhere to be seen
"Ali?? Where the hell are you?" He shouted angrily.
He heard scuffling outside. Curses came flying out of alisons mouth. The Egos eyes darkened as he ran outside and saw her on the ground under her attacker, fighting like a wildcat. He stomped down the steps and across the grass quickly, grabbing him by the back of the neck and neatly tossing him into the side of her car.
He helped Alison up and studied her quickly. Busted lip, scratches on her arms... His anger boiled over and the dark aura he carried around seemed to grow even blacker. In short. He was pissed.
"You stupid asshole. You think you can have her?" The voice came from behind him. Dark turned and stared down Shane.
"You cant. Shes mine and she will always be mine. I dont care what you or any of your other ego friends have to say. Spandex boy and Brody couldn't stop me...what makes you think...
He trailed off as he became accutely aware of the silence that enveloped him. The anger rolling off the Ego in the form of his aura suddenly making him regret coming here
Dark spun on him, grabbing his neck and shoving him against the car. His voice came out as more of a growl
"You listen to me you insignificant toad. I dont know who the HELL you think you are, or what you *think* youre going to accomplish. But taking "ownership" of Alison Calaway isnt it. People say im a bad person. Theyve never seen me be protective of someone, so trust me when i tell you the truth can be SO much worse than youve heard. I will give you a choice. You may turn around and walk out of here, never contacting or even THINKING of that woman again. Or...
He tightened his grip on Shanes throat cutting off his air as the mans bladder let go
"Or my dear boy. I can show you what demonic really means.... Its your choice"
Shane struggled to speak 'o-okay' he whispered
"What's that? I cant hear you" Dark said. Enjoying the terror in the mans eyes
"Okay! Ill go. Ill go. Just please...dont kill me"
Dark dropped him to the ground, the black aura rolling around him, trying to contain himself. Shane scrambled to get to his car
"Ah ah" Dark said. The choice was to WALK away"
He held the keys hes taken from Shanes pocket up, jingling them and smiled evily.
"Th-thats at least ten miles through the woods! Are you insane??"
Darks eyes narrowed "guess you better get started....and hope the wolves arent especially hungry tonight.. Leave"
His aura shot out, eyes flaring. Shane pissed himself again and took off running into the night
Dark's shoulders heaved up and down as he tried to control his breathing, his body shaking with the anger. Trying to keep himself from chasing the man down and ripping his head from his body
Alison approached from behind and touched his shoulder.
"Alison...im sorry you had to see me like that. I can normally control myself...."
She tugged him to turn around and he looked at her. Blood dried on the corner of her mouth, eyes shining with tears. She placed her hand on the side of his face and he noticed her knuckles were busted from fighting back. He leaned into her touch. Her closeness calming the storm raging in his mind...how had it come to this....when had she become his safe place?
Alison tried to control her emotions...she should be terrified right now, especially after that display. But all she wanted was to hold this man. And she didnt understand. She slid one hand behind his neck and pulled his face to hers. Kissing him was less of a want and more of a gnawing need right now. He was suprised but wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. Savoring the taste of her mouth
Alison pulled back slightly, out of breath and Dark leaned his forehead to hers, closed his eyes and smiled. Neither spoke. After a moment she pulled away completely and tugged on his hand
"Cmon. Let's go inside"
They walked into the house. Not knowing what to say to each other.
A week passed. Neither spoke about that night. Not avoiding each other but avoiding the subject. Which annoyed Darkiplier greatly. When had he become..this? Not confronting something? He longed to reach out and brush the hair from her face, touch her some way. But he got the feeling she didnt want to be touched right now.
'Well why would she you fool. After everything that jackass did, did you think shed just fall in your arms and stay there?' He said aloud to himself as he toiled in his office.
His phone buzzed with a text. He checked it to see a message from Alison. After breaking her phone hed taken her to get a new one with a new number that very few people now had.
A: "Hey... You wanna go get some drinks tonight? Im getting tired of being couped up but i dont exactly want to venture out on my own. I know itd be a bit of a drive but.."
He pondered for a moment. He could easily say no. That there was liquor here...but he knew it wasnt about the drinks for Alison. He could tell she was itching to get out. To move somewhere other than the house or the lake. She was becoming a bit like a caged tiger.
D: "Sure. Why not" ..... He had a feeling he might regret this.
Darkiplier stood at the bottom of the stairs, ready to leave. He sighed. What was taking her?
'Ali. Are you coming or-"
The words are lost in his throat as she starts down the steps. Auburn hair gleaming, wearing a black and red dress that fit in all the right places and short heels.
She caught his eyes as she stepoed onto the floor and laughed "yeah. Lets go" Alison suddenly felt as if she were a piece of steak in the lions den and she didnt know why.
Dark just opened the front door for her without a word and motioned for her to go first. Trying to regain composure.
At the bar, they drank, Alison danced alone. She moved like a woman possessed. Dark just watched her intently, a feeling in his chest he couldn't quite describe. It had been a couple of hours when a man came up behind her, trying to dance too close and touch too much. Dark tensed as he saw her spin around and shove him away, then he walked over, catching the end of the trashy things he was saying to her
"Alison... Lets go"
Darkiplier didnt need to shout. Or ask her twice. She gratefully nodded her head, realxing now that she didnt feel cornered.
The whole way home she was quiet. Dozing, feeling the effects of the whiskey shed been downing all night.
When they arrived at the house she got out and walked in. She was barely through the door when Dark called to her. He stepped through the door behind her as she turned
He stared for a moment, then reached his hand out to touch her face...she flinched. She didnt mean to...it was just the thought if anyone touching her....of making her feel anything was anxiety inducing...but at the same time she wanted Dark's touch
His hand stopped mid air and his eyes darkened... He was... Sad? But angry at the same time
"I see..." He murmered. Then walked past her to his office and shut the door.
Alison stood there. Tears began to run down her face. "What the hell is happening to me" she whispered. She looked toward the office door. Wanting so badly to chase him. But tired of chasing things at the same time.
Darkiplier tried to focus on the computer in front of him. Itd been half an hour and hed gotten nothig done. "What the hell is wrong with you? Youre bitching and moaning after this *girl* you barely know. And for what? The feeling she gives you...pathetic" he spoke to himself condescendingly.
"You know. Speaking to yourself is the first sign of madness"
Alisons voice from the doorway made him jump. Not expecting her to be there.
"Can i come in?"
He studied her for a moment. "Yes. Of course, sit"
She walked into the room. Still in her dress but barefoot now. His breath hitched in his throat as she leaned back into the sofa and curled her legs under her,she sat the drink in her hand on the side table. He laughed. Another whiskey?
"Listen. Dark. Thank you for coming over when you did....that guy was..handsy"
He scoffed "Well. Did you think i was going to let him manhandle you? Though im sure you couldve handled it fine if need be. But i have this godforsaken need to protect you. And i still havent figured it out.."
"Dont protect me.... People that protect me get hurt...." She trailed off, thinking of Henrik stitching the cut in Chase's side after he fought with Shane that night. "Im not worth good people getting hurt"
Dark stood up and walked over to stand in front of her, then crouched so he was eye level. "Look. I told you. I think a lot of people are useless, but you arent one of them. You have this passion in you when you speak about people and things you care for. You want so badly to fight everything and feel nothing....and thats not possible. Trust me. Before you waltzed into this house i wouldnt have believed it. I was an asshole to anyone that looked at me sideways. I didnt need anything or anyone.... And then here are. Making me feel things. No my dear. Worthless is not something that should be used to describe you"
He placed a hand on her leg as he spoke, electricity running between them. She jumped but didnt flinch away this time. She stared into his eyes, taking in what hed said.
He cleared his throat and stood up "i believe this is where i tell you, im sorry if i scared you that night he came here. Im sorry if kissing you was out of line.." He grabbed her hand and pulled her to stand up "but i just couldnt help it..."
She smiled and then stared at the floor as she spoke 'you werent out of line.....unexpected maybe. But i kissed you the second time. So should i apologize for that?'
Darkiplier chuckled and put a finger under her chin, lifting her gaze to his "No my dear. Never apologize for letting me taste you... Though you may need to apologize for depriving me "
With that he captured her mouth with his. Slowly as first, then more forcefully. Her hands tangled in his hair, him holding her against him. She pulled back to breathe and his lips went to her neck. 'Dark..." She said breathlessly
"Mmmm" the sound rumbled in his chest as he caressed her back and softly kissed her skin, savoring each taste. The he looked at her and smiled wickedly "you know. Coming down in that dress... Then dancing the way you did. That wasnt very nice of you. Looking like that....moving like that in public. I very nearly pinned you to the wall then and there" his eyes danced as he spoke. Running his hands down her hips and gripping her right at the lower back to pull her closer
She laughed and smiled back at him "well. Maybe i like to torture you. Make you beg for it"
He chuckled "hmm. Me? Beg? Not on your life princess, you couldnt make me actually beg"
She stepped away from him and put one hand on his chest and grinned "oh. Is that a *challenge* i hear? Go sit in your chair over there"
He cocked an eyebrow in her direction but complied, pulling the chair to the front of the desk and sitting. This should be interesting
She turned of the lights with the switch by the door. Then walked over to his computer which was behind him on the desk. She went to a music site and put a song on. One that Dark recognized from the club. One hed watched her move to, his heartbeat quicked as he remembered the sight.
She strolled around back to where shed sat her glass and downed it. Then walked to just out of his easy reach and began to move to the music. Body swaying to the beat. Eyes closed. A little drunk but in control and knowing what she was doing. The moonlight played along her body.
Darkiplier reached to touch her and she swatted his hand away.
"Oh no. Put your hands away....you cant touch unless you ask...beg for it." She said mischeviously. "Your hands cannot touch me. But i...oh i cant touch you"
She stepped closer, bending down, holding his knees as she did and bringing her body up in a way so that her face, then chest were right in front of his face. She turned and bent between his knees before coming back up slowly, grinding against him, his hands clenching. His aura crackling around them with his need. But he would not break. He couldnt. His pride wouldnt let him.
But then. Alison straddled him. Legs on either side and sat in his lap. Still moving her body to the beat of the music, leaning back as she moved her hips. This was dangerous territory. She wanted him to touch her. But she also wanted to hear him ask. Dark, to his benefit was trying to keep his composure, but the hardness beneath her was giving him away.
The music stopped and she sat. Still straddling him and put her arms over his shoulders. She grinned at him
"You gonna break?"
Dark laughed. This little minx. If she thought for one second that he was going to-
All thought flew from his brain as he felt her lips on his neck. Her hand tangled in the back of his hair. She ran her tongue along it and then along his lips. Kissing him lightly 'cmon baby. You know you want it. All you have to do is say it.... Let go of the control for once"
He reached to hold her and she caught each of his wrists and held them down "ah ah darky. Not until you ask nicely" she purred in his ear and she ground against him again. Torturing herself as much as she was him
'Alison.." It came out as a half moan, half warning.
She stood up and let go of his wrists and grinned. "Well. I guess ill just have to go to bed alone then."
As she turned she unzipped her dress and let it fall as she walked across the room. Darkipliers eyes almost came out of his head at the sight of her in her black bra and panties. Now this was just evil....
He crossed the room behind her and slammed the door before she could get to it. She turned to see him staring at her in a way that made her feel very much like a wounded animal in front of a panther. He rolled his head to either side with his eyes closed and then stared her down again, his arm over her shoulder against the door, trapping her there
"Now Alison. You have given me great needs. Id like it very much if youd stop torturing me like this'
A playful smile played over her face "but its fun to see you squirm darlin" she licked her lips.
He stared at her than went to his knees "Fine. Is this what you what? You want me to admit i need you? Well here. I absolutely need you. In many ways. Right now i need you to let me run my hands over you, to taste you, to caress every inch inside and out that i can reach Miss Calaway"
He again reach for her hips and this time she didnt stop him. His kissed her on either side, tongue lightly darting over her stomach. He stood and backed her into the wall. Now it was his turn. He grabbed her by the back of her head and roughly captured her mouth, one hand gripping her ass. He moved to her neck, nipping her as she moaned and held onto his shoulders, one hand gripping his head.
"You know im going to have to punish you for that little one" he growled in her ear before.lightly biting her shoulder. She gasped at the sensation
"And you do not need to try that all the time....not that i dont enjoy you being a little forceful.... Are we clear?" He moved to the other side of her neck, pushing his waist to hers as he kissed
"Yes what kitten?" He stared into her eyes as he said this. Conveying a need for her trust. Then he kissed her deeply before allowing her to answer
"Ye-yes sir?"
That did it. His groaned and grabbed the back of both of her legs and picked her up, her lega going around his waist and slammed her against the door as he kissed her. His tongue and lips exploring her neck and chest as she closed her eyes and let the passion wash over her
Dark stroked her hair as she lay in his arms. They were in his bed. Having made their way up here and finally she fell asleep after one more time. He smiled. She looked innocent but was decidely not.
Her skin was warm against his. Breast pressed against the side of his chest. He studied her sleeping face. Had he really said it... After the last time. Did those words come from his mouth?
He had said he loved her and she had thrown her head back and begged him to say it again. And when he had, louder this time she collapsed into his arms and whispered it back to him.
Where the words came from he didnt know. But they seemed so natural. He kissed her face and heard birds chirping....it was 5am..looks like theyd nap most of the day. But that was perfectly fine.
His phone buzzed on the night stand. He reached with one arm and grabbed it. Seeing a message from Mark
M:hey. Alisons parents are headed back to their place. If you want her go go, she can.
Darkiplier lauged and shot a text back
D:No. I dont think i want her going anywhere. Im going to keep her a little longer ;)
M:......what did you do
D:Now ask yourself. Do you really want the honest answer to that question from me?
M:... No. You know what. Probably not. Ill stop by when we get back to town next week
D:ok. Be sure to call first. Make sure we're decent and all
M: yeah ok.....and please dont allude to that again...ever
Dark laughed and sat his phone back down. Then wrapped around alison and fell into a heavy sleep...the most peaceful hed known in his existence.
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Cambion - Jack Kline
Request: Jack x reader where the reader is a Cambion and Crowley’s daughter and no one except Jack trusts the reader when she says she loves him because Cas and the Winchesters think she is trying to use Jack to get the throne back and she says that she’s not like them and lists off all of the things they used her father for without thanking him. (Jack and refer fluff with BAMF reader to everyone else)
Along with Lucifer's son, another monstrosity had come into creation just a month before. A baby girl named Y/N, with the genes from a waitress at a diner, and the King of Hell himself, Crowley. A Cambion. A cross between a Demon and a human.
The King of Hell had brought a daughter into existence, meant to be the heir to the throne when he was long gone. But he had developed a connection with his daughter, caring for her more than he thought he could ever care for anyone.
He protected her from the angels who wanted her dead, and he told her stories of the Winchesters. Telling her that if anything ever happened to him, to find the brothers, saying that they would protect her.
No matter how rapidly she grew, she was still his baby girl. And when the day did come that Crowley met his end, his last words to the Winchetser's were: "Keep my little girl safe."
She had felt it, felt her father's heart stop beating, and she knew it was time to find the brothers her father had told her so much about.
The Winchesters, of course, did not trust the Cambion, instantly assuming her as evil and manipulative. They had tried to keep her in a devils trap, but she easily walked right out of it.
The boys had even discussed killing her multiple times, only to be stopped by the fact that Y/N could easily take them and defend herself.
Upon finding the Winchesters, Y/N also found Jack, a Nephlim, and the son of Lucifer himself. The two bonded quickly, and even developed feelings for one another, and no matter how many times Sam and Dean warned Jack about Y/N, claiming her true intentions were to use him to get back to the Throne of Hell, he never once believed them.
When Cas had come back from the dead, he instantly rejected Y/N, and the idea of his son being involved with Crowley's daughter. He shared the same view as the Winchesters about the situation, yet still, this did not affect Jack or Y/N one bit.
Y/N and Jack. Both beings of extrodinary power, destined for evil. They were inseparable since they met.
That was until Jack ran away, leaving the brothers and Y/N chasing wild leads to track him down.
"Aren't you good for something? I mean you're seriously telling me you can't track him?" Dean said, frustration dripping from his words.
"You don't think I've tried that about a hundred times, he won't let me through, if I knew where he was, we'd be there right now?" I shot back.
"You know what, I bet you know exactly where he is, but you're keeping it from us so you can use him as a bargaining chip to get back to the Throne of Hell." Dean spat, standing up and walking over to me, getting a little too close in an attempt to intimidate me.
I pushed him back, strong enough to make him stumble, but I held back to keep from throwing him across the room. "I care about Jack, more than either of you will ever know, there is no way I'd ever do anything to hurt him."
"Oh please, you're just like your father, cold, incapable of love, evil-" before he could say anything else I had him pinned against the wall, Sam had his gin trained on me in an instant. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK OF MY FATHER THAT WAY!"
"You don't love Jack, he doesn't even love you, he's just a confused boy who is looking for a friend, your little "relationship" is just a phase."
I could feel my body quaking with rage as I held out my hand and made Sam's gun fly across the room and into my hand. I pressed the tip into the skin under Dean's jaw.
"Dean!" Sam yelled out, grabbing a Demon knife and readying himself, though both knew the knife wouldn't work on me.
"Should I remind you do the countless times you lied to my father and used him for your own personal gain, not once thinking of how it would affect him. He had lost his spot on the Throne and the respect of all who reside in Hell because he chose to help you. He is dead, because of you!" I yelled the last part.
I dropped the gun and backed away from Dean, giving Sam a look, telling him he can put away the knife.
"Do not, tell me what my intentions are when you don't even know the first thing about me. I love Jack, and nothing you say will ever change that."
That was the first time I had ever admitted that I loved Jack, stunning both me and the Winchesters. We all stood there staring at each other for a good minute or two, "Can we just focus on finding this dream walker so we can find Jack?" I said, breaking the silence.
Same cleared his throat, "I actually, um, found something, it's a rehab center, I think a Jack may be there looking for her."
"Then let's get off our asses," I said, grabbing my jacket and walking out the door, the boys following.
Dean, Sam, and I made out way through the rehab center, asking people if they had seen Jack, which lead us to the back door, and sure enough there he was, trying to talk to the dream walker.
"Jack!" I yelled, getting his attention, his face seemed to light up for a second, before he was knocked to the ground by the dream walker.
Sam helped Jack up from the ground, who looked at me immediately, smiling.
His smile held as I walked to him. "You idiot!" I yelled at him, "Do you have any idea how worries I was!" Jack was still smiling despite my yelling.
"Do you think this is funny? You could have been killed! Have you any idea how many angels and demons are after you!? I mean how could one be so stu-"
Jack cut my rant short by placing his lips on mine for a short and sweet kiss. "I missed you too," he said, that stupid smile still on his face.
"You're such a beautiful idiot," I said, before wrapping my arms around him and burrying my head in his chest. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist, and whispered into my hair, "I love you too."
I looked up at him, confused, "But I never-"
"You didn't have to," He responded.
"Well I'm going to anyways," I said, smiling, "I love you."
"Maybe they're more human than we thought," I said, looking at Dean.
"I still don't like it, and I know Cas sure as hell wont either." He replied. "I don't either, but they're two of the most power beings to exist, I doubt we have a choice."
I cast my gaze back at the young couple, still in a tight embrace, a thought crossing my mind. Maybe they really did love each other.
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revivedrumble · 7 years
My Brothers Girl
2p America x Reader/ 2p Canada x Reader Triggers : Mention of Assault. Some angst
‘God (Y/N)’s a looker.’ Allen thought to himself, watching his childhood best friend skip through the front door of his apartment. “Al! Guess what?!” “What’s up doll?” He asked, lounging back on the couch. “Your brother asked me out! Oh gosh I’m so excited! What should I wear? I should probably ask Ollie that right? Where do you…” Her voice trailed off as the horror of the situation sunk in. Al’s best friend, the girl he was in love with was going out with his brother. The grumpy lumber jack Knew that Al had the hots for (Y/N)! How could he stab him in the back like that?! I mean he knew they didn’t get along so well all the time but stealing his girl was a low blow! “Uh Al are you with me?” (Y/N) snapped her fingers in front of the red heads face. “Shit, what were you saying doll?” “I was saying I think I’ll wear my white sundress tonight.” “It’s supposed to rain tonight though” A mischievous grin flashed across her face “Oh I know. I get to be an ‘accidental’ tease. It’ll drive Matt wild.” Rage clawed in Al’s gut, “That’s not a good idea doll face. Matt can be an animal. I’ve seen the aftermath of it. I mean you do know he’s been around the block once or twice right?” The (h/c) woman giggled slightly before hugging the man, “Oh Al. Always so protective. And you’re not exactly the Virgin Mary yourself. But I can handle Matt. I pinky promise.” She young woman help her pinky out and Al reluctantly wrapped his around hers. “Just uh..call me if you need my help dollface.” “I will Al! I’ve gotta go see Ollie. I’ll see you tomorrow Al!” After the (e/c) eyed beauty left his place, Al grabbed his phone and called his brother. “Hello Allen” came the canadians smug greeting. “You Fucking Shitstain! I oughta shove that hockey stick up your ass!” “Why so hostile Allen?” “You know why! I love (Y/N). She means the world to me you bastard!” “She’s better off with me.” “Fuck you, you soggy pancake! She should be with me!” “She wants to get married someday. You don’t. She wants kids. You don’t. She wants a simple, quiet life. You don’t. And you wont change for anyone.” The honest words washed over Al like a bucket of ice water. It was true that he and (Y/N) did share different ideals. But he would change…couldnt he? “Your silence means I’m right. Bye Al.” He let the phone drop to the floor along with the shattered pieces of his heart. There was no way (Y/N) could really be into Matt. No this was just a nightmare that would be over once the sun rose again… he hoped.
It had been a week since Al had had any contact with his crush. And that scared him more than he liked to admit. Normally, he heard from (Y/N) every day. “She’s fine Allie dear” Oliver cooed, sliding the sulking man a non-spiked vegan cupcake. “How do you know?” He asked after shoving the whole treat in his mouth. “Mothers intuition.” As if on cue (Y/N) called. “(Y/N)! Are you ok?! Where have you been?! I’ve been calling all week!” “I’m sorry Al. But Mattie had this whole getaway thing planned and I was a little busy. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I didn’t wanna seem ungrateful by being on my phone 24/7.” “Yeah. Whatever” he grumbled. “Al…don’t make me feel guilty for having a good time…” (Y/N) pleaded. “Oh, Im making you feel guilty am I? You should! I worried for a week!” There was a sniffle and a shuffle on the other end of the line before Matt’s gruff voice could be heard, “Good job asshole. You made her cry. Just leave my girl alone” Rage clouded Al’s world. Nothing mattered anymore. His brother had stolen his soulmate. His brother had stolen his everything. Nothing mattered anymore. Oliver and Francis tried to reason with Al as he grabbed his leather jacket and baseball bat but he was too consumed by his hate and grief to hear their words. He needed an outlet. He needed to escape from his emotions. And escape meant the bar.
The Cougar Cavern was Al’s favorite place to de stress before he meet (Y/N). Cheap booze, even cheaper women, the chance for a good bar scrap. It had everything he needed in life. But now, it was just a boxing ring. Al had two beers in him before he started the fight. Grabbing a bikers old lady’s ass was a sure fire way to piss the mountain of a man off. But no one stands a chance with a enraged Al and his beloved bat. The sirens grew louder with every swing of the bat, but he didn’t care. He wouldn’t stay in jail long. (Y/N) would come get him. She always did. The cuffs were slapped on and his rights were read. ’(Y/N) will come get me. She’ll come get me. She will. She’ll come. She’ll bail me out. She’ll see Matt isn’t right for her. She’ll see Im the man for her. She’ll see.’ The thoughts cycled through his head until the morning. His heart leapt in his chest when he saw (Y/N) standing outside his cell. “Doll?! I knew you’d come get me out.” He exclaimed rushing to the bars. Then he noticed the changes. Normally when (Y/N) bailed him out her face showed disappointment with amusement swimming in her eyes. Today, her face showed sorrow with tears swimming in her eyes. He also noticed the hickies that littered her neck. “I’m not bailing you out Al. I can’t bail you out.” “What?! Why not?!” “Because you’re a danger! You sent five people to the hospital. Two are in ICU! Your court date is in 3 weeks. I just thought I’d come check on you… and that was a mistake..” Tears spilled down her cheeks. “You’ve changed Al…. you’re not the same man who was my best friend… I don’t know who you are… Bye Al…”
Three weeks passed by in a depressed blur. Al pacing his cell, hoping to be graced with a glimpse of (Y/N). He was allowed that at his trial. She sat in between Oliver and Matt. That bastard had his arm around her. A growl escaped him before the judge slammed the gable down. “Allen Jones, I sentence you to two years in the state penitentiary. Balif take him away.” Al fought against the guard to yell to (Y/N) “Wait for me! Wait for me (Y/N)!”
(Possibly more to come)
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rezby · 8 years
reminiscions, so to speak
I’ve been thinkin about this for a while, but havent really sat down to try to formulate this. But a lot of people whom I knew as teenagers or early 20s, when I was a teenager. There are sooo many people who are now (publically) trans, or at least not-cis, that I remember from back in jr high or high school, before anybody had really figured out The Genders. It makes me really glad, to see how many people are self-actualizing. I love to see the updates in their lives that they post on fb, at least the ones who haven’t defriended me. (This enjoyment is only a little vicarious, truth be told. It is mostly genuine happiness for them).
I know its very likely that I’ll never reconnect with any of the people with whom i’ve grown distant (not through any fault of their own. it really is 90% circumstances (everybody moving across the country, to either like boston or ... seattle? portland? Big Oregon City, or for those who are still local just issues of me not having a lot of free time with which to hang out with them) and 10% my hell brain self-sabotaging relationships/avoiding everything), but I often think about them and how they’re doing.
One of the people I’ve mentioned hasn’t defriended me on FB, and I still interact with their posts every now and then - I think a lot about the time when I was 16 and said some really horrific things to them without realizing just what I was saying. I’ve been feeling terrible about it, but I know I’ll never actually send them the apology I want to send - they deserve better than to be reminded of it out of the blue.
At one point last October, I was on this other person’s FB wall, i dont even remember why. sometime in like january or Dec, I saw a comment on somebody else’s status by somebody with the same last name as this person, with similar viewpoints. I click around, and figure out that this person has defriended me, and also publically came out on fb as trans. Last week I saw a photo posted of them with their sign at the chicago trans liberation march (which obvs I didnt go to, i’m not Out and I dont intend to be, until the time of my choosing, so i dont interact publically with Trans (tm) things. i’m fb friends with both my parents), and they looked really happy. Not about the occasion, but as a person, it looked like they had let an awful amount of weight off their shoulders. I remember them being as deeply unhappy as many of us  were, back in high school (a lot of us were deeply depressed. It just turns out for a few of us that the depression was tied to the Genders so getting stuff done for the one helped the other). So, I’m glad that theyve realized their gender and are happier for it. I also wonder (a lot) if thats why they defriended me - I’m not really out on fb, and since I haven’t spoken to this person in years they probs wouldn’t even know that I’m also non cis, so maybe they defriended me when they did their official fb transition stuff. I get it, it would make sense to, but... it still wounds me, a bit.
those two were a couple years older than me and I was never that close to ‘em in high school. this third person was in my grade and a couple classes with me, and.... I was a horrible person to them. Not intentionally, I’ve always had the best of intentions, but that doesn’t mean the actions i had done weren’t horribly misogynistic or racist. A few things I didn’t even realize until years later, what I actually had been doing. They defriended me a couple years back. They’re non-cis as well, but I dont know anything more specific than that.
That was the Complicated Feelings w/r/t the non-cis folk i knew in high school. I had some online friends whove also come to realize their own genders as well, who I’ve also grown apart form. This one was largely due to MSN messenger no longer being a thing, and then me getting busy with irl stuff and basically never being online anymore. I don’t really got any Complicated Feelings for most of this group, its mostly that I miss them but realize there’s p much no feasible way to get back into regular comms with them, and I’ve accepted that.
There was one person, who knew they were trans all the way back when I first met them. But they never talked about it with me. At least 85% of our conversations were political. At the time, I was in early high school, where I was a libertarian at the time. They were staunchly communist, I figure marxist is probs the best term for their beliefs but I’ll be honest, I know jack diddly squat about the academic details of the different schools of communist thought. Anyways, we chatted a lot on MSN back when that was around. At one point I started FB friending the other online friends I’ve got, but this person never actually accepted the friend request. its still in their inbox. I last talked to them about 3 or 4 years ago, I believe in my 2nd year of college. I asked why they hadnt accepted the friend request and they said somethin to the tune of ‘im an asshole lol’. this persons typing style is completely different from that but thats the effect my memory has of that message. Our conversation at the time also turned political. Now, after getting to college and having my eyes opened at, well, a lot of stuff, i’ve since become fairly leftist. probably communist? socialist? idk. Anyways, at the time, I was pretty caught up in the politics of one tumblr user Moneycat. If you weren’t around for that, the gist of it (as i recall) was that... actually, i honestly can’t recall the minutae or which parts werent very good. there are other posts going around from some years back that go over her politics and the flaws thereof. one of their ideas was that gender is a social class, inasmuch as bourgeoisie or proletariat are, and that trans women are a distinct social class from cis women and men. I had recently read one of her posts about how gender theorizing had led her to become a communist, and how the two were inextricably linked, and tbh she was this huge popular rly smart trans lady blogger so i p much hero worshiped her and adopted as many of her politics as i could understand. So I tried explaining this gender theory of communism to my old communist pal, and they were very displeased by it. I did a poor job, to be sure, but they disagreed staunchly. I dont remember the other details of what I was arguing but I do remember it was more out there than just what i’ve typed so far. Cuz I opened the conversation with “hey did you know that i’ve also become a communist now?” or somethin like that, and they were like ‘oh nice, how did you come to this conclusion?” and I went into moneycat’s gender communism and they did not agree. And that was our last conversation. and idk how to start conversations. Even tho we’re not fb friends, i can still IM them via fb, so the option is always open, but I never do it. I miss this person a lot, and its been hurting me for years that they never accepted the friend request. we actually had been decently close online (as far as I recall. i have poor memory at best in general, and there’s a good chance I actually have brain trauma that’s making my memory even worse but that appointment is in may). and they’re fb friends with all our mutual online friends. so its just me. i’m not good enoguh.
And I know if I actually ever made a snapchat I could probably easily get back in contact with literally everybody ever, I know for a fact that all but the last person have snapchats, and I’m p sure that they’d all be receptive to at least messages over it, but.... I tried making a snapchat once, and was immedietely conflicted. Do I go with my IRL name and snap with my family and classmates and colleagues? If I do that, I dont want to have my snapchat available online here cuz I want to maintain at least a veneer of separation between my online identity and my “family” “professional” identity.  Or do I go with my online name, but then refuse to snap w/ like my mom and sis? I ended up deleting the app and never doing anything with it. so I basically refuse to have a snapchat, and p much only have fb these days, which... is not the best method of communication.
Compounding this is my awkwardness with people i’ve known for a while - my memory really does get atrocious about some things, to the point where i’ve hung out with people for years before actually knowing 100% their name. this is deeply embarassing for me, and I dont wanna hurt em, so I dont let on that I dont remember their names. especially if i’ve known them for forever, but havent had a ton of meaningful interactions with them, theres a v good chance i’ll know them, i’ll recognize them, but i wont be able to drum up their name from the depths of my mind. this is awkward. so i sometimes avoid going to places where there are people who might fit this bill. some people from high school who I kinda knew and hung out in the same friend group as me, and a lot of my not immediate (step)relatives. so at the photos for the trans march, where I saw the photo of the one person from 2nd bullet point, I also saw a lot of other people from high school who I’d be awkward around. altho this reminds me, there was a 4th person actually, from high school as well. i think... they blocked me? i dot remember. i know they werent on fb a lot, but they were fb friends with me. i just went through my own friend list as well as that of 2 people who i thought would be mutuals with them but... i dont see them. I’m p sure i recall seeing like,,,, last year or 1.5 years ago that they had changed their fb name from their birth name to a feminine name, as well as changed their gender and all that other stuff that comes with coming Out? but I dont recall and I cant find em anymore. if they have blocked me.... oh well. nothin i can do about it. about any of it really. nothing that i’m going to do anyways.
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