#tim drake is adorkable
actionfigureinsider · 2 years
QMx Announces Batman Q-Master Variant and New Adorkables Product Line
QMx Announces Batman Q-Master Variant and New Adorkables Product Line
Two major announcements from the team at Quantum Mechanix generated big buzz among fans far and wide. Los Angeles, CA— October 6, 2022 — Quantum Mechanix (QMx), creator of pop culture collectibles, unveiled a special variant of their fan-favorite Batman: Family Q-Master which features the Dark Knight surrounded by chibi-styled characters Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon and…
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littlebabytimmybird · 4 years
Tim Drake
Physical: I say this with love but he is one of those awkward teens who's faces look like they're ten but their limbs are like limp spaghetti noodles. Has an ongoing zit on his chin that ligit no-one notices but he's convinced it's the size of Kentucky. His eyes are big and puppy-dog looking, and when he's focused they get really wide and his button nose scrunches up. His eyes are really light blue, to the point where if the light hits them they look purple. His skin is pale and burns easily, but instead of looking supernatural it just looks weird since he has dry skin half the time. He is 5'1 for most of his teens, only getting a growth spurt when he hits 17 that leaves him at 5'5. His hair is pin straight but thick enough to tangle. He barely uses gel for his civilian identity, but drowns himself in it for Robin, making it into spikes. He's trying to make himself more intimidating, but he's instead he looks like Sharkboy from Sharkboy and Lavagirl. When he was 15 someone asked if he was in middle school yet and he just nodded blankly.
Mental: Tim Drake was the first character I have ever headcannoned as autistic. He was a weird little kid, but people just thought he was being stuck up and a know it all. When he was in third grade he had a sensory overload in the middle of class, and the counselor suggested he get tested for Aspergers (bc at that time that was what they would have called it) Janet was all for it, but Jack refused, saying that Tim was "Too smart to be a r*tard"
Janet gave in, but also researched how to help an autistic child. She was away a lot though, and since Tim didn't have an IEP he continued to struggle. He was often told that his stimming was disruptive, so he had to learn to stop doing it. When he was first starting out as Robin he was really happy about catching a criminal on his own for the first time, and he forgot himself and started bouncing on the balls of his feet and flapping his hands a little. He was mortified when Bruce noticed, but the next day there was a fidget toy sitting on the case files he was supposed to review with a note from Bruce saying he thought he might like it. Tim nearly hyperventilated with excitement and had to breathe into a paper bag. Bruce was concerned. Eventually, when Bruce gained legal guardianship over Tim he got him tested, and eventually diagnosed. There was an IEP, but it only really included letting him stim in class since Tim didn't want learning accommodations or counseling. Mostly the diagnosis was just a confirmation of what they already knew. Other than Autism, he is an anxious baby. Not just in a "Cute uwu shy baby" way though, he once threw up from nervousness after he thought he had disappointed Bruce. I think he's always had depression, but it only really flared up after Kon died. And of course, all the bats have PTSD of some sort.
Other: This is included in one of my fics, but I think the stuffed koala bear we see hidden under his bed in that one comic panel with his father is called BamBam. He got it shortly after the flying Grayson's deaths, when he first saw Batman swooping down to save Dick. He tried to say Batman but he had a lisp and the nanny heard BamBam so that was that. He is a serial clothing stealer. He was too shy to take any of Bruce's clothing at first, but he was given a tee-shirt as pajamas when he was staying over for one of the first times (before he moved there) and Bruce never got it back. If he had been questioned about it he would have said he forgot, and that would have been a lie. Bruce didn't mind, the shirt came down to his knees and looked adorable. Soon after that he gave Tim an old sweater of his that had "Shrunk in the wash, strangely enough. I guess the water temperature must have malfunctioned." It was still too large on him. It fell halfway down his thighs and the sleeves completely covered his hands.
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Tim Drake, teaching the world about "adorkable" since 1989'
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How can anyone not love this adorkable idiot?
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Robin (1993) #157
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bestestbat · 5 years
So...you hear about Tim Drake?
Listen, guys, I'm so flipping proud of this bird for flying out the nest. Getting away from Red Robin, growing more. Good for him! As long as he doesn't become a complete new person like *gag* Ric, that's cool, ya know? However...brown? I don't normally have a thing against suits. Honestly it'll probably grow on me in a year. I also understand the whole getting away from red because it's been a thing for a while. Everyone's had a red thing in the Batfam. But brown? He's always had a bad fashion sense, it's one of the many things the fandom loves about Timbers, but I think they could come up with another color scheme. Maybe cuz black is on his suit too that gets me. Who knows? I don't. I just had to write my thoughts out. Thanks Tumblr
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years
Oh my gosh, I genuinely can’t freaking believe this, but I think this is the first time Tim’s ever been in animation in a way that’s in-character and where he looks like himself.
Like this is just plain Tim, like, this is TIM DRAKE.
I’m so freaking shocked. When I heard he was in it, I was assuming it was going to be New 52 Tim or something or like that, or something in name only where he uses guns and kills people.
I don’t even mind the name Batkid, because it’s so freaking dorky plus cute, and Tim is a massive dork, like he’s adorkable. That’s in-character for him.
I’m so freaking happy this exists. I was so unexcited for the movie once I figured it wouldn’t be a full adaptation of the story, but this alone makes me glad that it exists. It’s just a minute, but I’m so happy Tim gets to be in animation, in a movie, and be himself down to the freaking tee.
This is the most in-character Tim in any outside media, and I did not guess for a second that it’d be in this movie, I can’t believe it. This is some of the most in-character Tim content just in-general for the longest time.
Sure it sucks he isn’t Robin in it, but I’m just happy to get what I can. I’m just ecstatic we got as much as we have here.
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sweettsubaki · 7 years
*se frotte les mains* Tim, Cass, Kon, Riddler, Bart :)
About thisask 
I'massuming you're talking about Preboot!Tim!Cass!Kon!Bart (also you’ll notice best and worst quality are often the same, that’s because a trait can be both a quality or flaw, it usually mostly depends on your PoV).
Tim generalopinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them | actuallove of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoreticallyhot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
bestquality: Selfless, Hard Working
worstquality: Selfless, Focused
ship themwith: Kon
brotp themwith: Kon, Bart, Cass Cain and Dick (I used to really like his friendships withHelena and Connor Hawke, too bad DC forgot about them)
needs tostay away from: Steph (the other way around too, I mean I love Steph but untilthey've dealt with their problems they're just gonna end up hurting each otheragain and they don't need the drama ok, they both need happiness, so yeah untilthat happens and they can have a healthy friendship, please keep them away fromeach other), Ra's is an obvious choice too, also Dan Didio and James Tynion IV
misc.thoughts: I think it's pretty obvious he's my favorite DC Character, I misshim. I haven't seen him in 6-7 years now. Also I know that the current plot issupposed to allow DC to bring Preboot!Tim back but they seem to want to goabout it with giving N52!Tim's memories back, which, considering they don'tseem to follow the same thought and emotional patterns I don't see working outin our favor (especially because of the Genius and Nerd trope that seems to befollowing him since N52, I mean they already existed for no valid reason in thefandom but it went from fanon to canon so…).Also I'm pretty sure he has BPD in addition of PTSD, Depression and most of thesymptoms of a victim of a negligent family (like lack of empathy, 0 selfesteem, ect…)...
 Cassgeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them | actuallove of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoreticallyhot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw| hufflepuff
bestquality: Kind
worstquality: none she's perfect :p
ship themwith: no one really but I guess Steph would be the closest one I'd ship herwith (he thing for Kon was precious though)
brotp themwith: Steph & Tim ofc, I guess I can add Babs to that though
needs tostay away from: deathstroke and whoever wrote that arc…
misc.thoughts: While I do like the idea of her loving Ballet, I'm gonna go ahead andsay her portrayal's not much better than Tim's…. though I'd love to blame N52,it started before that after her Batgirl series ended and while I love her Blackbatcostume, I think her appearances in Red Robin are almost the only time in thatperiod where she was actually well done. I kinda wished we had seen her minglea little more with other heroes and that she had appeared in Steph's Batgirlseries…I need to re-read her batgirl series….
 Kongeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them | actuallove of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoreticallyhot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin |ravenclaw | hufflepuff
bestquality: his emotional intelligence
worstquality: arrogance (though technically it's more of a mix between slightshallowness, lack of self esteem/Depression)
ship themwith: Tim ofc
brotp themwith: Bart, Tim, Roxy, Krypto.
needs tostay away from: (Adult) Women, seriously it's creepy. Also the Agenda too, Imean I know they don't exist anymore but still. And ofc Lex Luthor, Joe Kelly and Dan Didio
misc.thoughts: I'd like to add Guardian, Dubbilex, Sam Makoa, Ma Kent and Tana Moonas important relationships of his, because they were extremely important andshould not be forgotten (yes just because I don't like KonxTana as a romanticrelationship doesn't mean she wasn't a very important figure in his early life-actually that's the reason why I can't ship them because it was more like ababy chick imprinting on the first person they meet than anything- she's prettymuch filled a mother like role for him early on), Cassie was obviouslyimportant too (again, don't ship it because it seemed more like settling forsomeone who had feelings for him and was virtually unkillable as opposed toTana rather than him actually loving her romantically, but they were fairlygood friends and did date each other).I think it's really important to remember he's a child, at first he was prettymuch a functioning baby and by the end of the pretty much his emotional andmental age has mostly caught up to his physical age but with the addition ofdepression and ptsd it doesn't help (I mean while I ship him with Tim, there'sa reason why I think the romantic feelings only really started after Kon wasgiven a stable home life with Ma and Pa).Same as for the others, I miss him but at least DC admitted N52!Kon was adifferent character so I'm okay with that as long as they bring him back withhis friendship with Tim and Bart (and if they don't really bring Tim back theybetter show him mourning preboot!Tim dammit)
 Riddlergeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them |actual love of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh |neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw| hufflepuff
bestquality: Curiosity
worstquality: Arrogance
ship themwith: no one (though I read an EddiexBruce fic once that made me interested inthe ship…But only in the context of Eddie being a detective)
brotp themwith: again, no one really, though Scarecrow is probably the one I'd go with
needs tostay away from: everyone, he's a dangerous troll          
misc.thoughts: WHY DID THEY RETCON HIS BECOMING A DETECTIVE IT WAS GREAT ! it wasliterally one of the best thing they came up with for him (let's face it rareare the authors who know how to actually use his potential). I like my kinda reformed villaintroll
 Bartgeneral opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine Iguess | like them! | love them | actuallove of my life
hotnesslevel: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoreticallyhot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwartshouse: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw| hufflepuff
bestquality: Curiosity    
worstquality: Curiosity :p
ship themwith: no one really, but his thing for Carole was really cute, There'spotential with Rose or Kiran but we never really saw anything so none.
brotp themwith: Tim, Kon, the Ray, Greta, Cissie, MAX MERCURY (okay technically it's hisdad but dammit it's Max okay)
needs tostay away from: Inertia, Deathstroke, pretty much anyone who's mean to him
misc. thoughts: He's my precious child okay, Imiss him, but as for Kon, they actually admitted N52!Bart was a differentcharacter when they revealed his origin story (they did it with Tim too butdecided to retcon that, they're idiots) and I think they do actually intend tobring him back so yay (and as for Kon they better make him miss Tim).his Impulse series is precious, honestly if you haven't read it go for it.While it's for different reasons he's in a way similar to Kon and Tim in thathe didn't not have a childhood that allowed him a 'normal' emotional and mentalgrowth (probably one of the reason why I think of Tim/Kon/Bart more easily thanTim/Kon/Bart/Cassie), though those are actually mostly talked about in hisimpulse series in a fairly direct fashion (especially for the time), wheresuperboy and robin mostly danced around the subjects.
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
The Portrait of Tim Drake
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39PR6ym
by RedxRobin
Kyle was expecting a lazy day for the first day of summer vacation, turns out he has to babysit Tim Drake for Hal and Barry (who were babysitting for Bruce), and decides to practice drawing on him.
Words: 5300, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Kyle Rayner, Tim Drake, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen
Relationships: Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (minor), Dick Grayson/Wally West (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Babysitting, Drawing, Kyle is a good big brother, Tim is adorkable
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39PR6ym
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ao3feed-birdflash · 5 years
by RedxRobin
Kyle was expecting a lazy day for the first day of summer vacation, turns out he has to babysit Tim Drake for Hal and Barry (who were babysitting for Bruce), and decides to practice drawing on him.
Words: 5300, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Kyle Rayner, Tim Drake, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen
Relationships: Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (minor), Dick Grayson/Wally West (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Babysitting, Drawing, Kyle is a good big brother, Tim is adorkable
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ao3feed-timkon · 5 years
The Portrait of Tim Drake
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39PR6ym
by RedxRobin
Kyle was expecting a lazy day for the first day of summer vacation, turns out he has to babysit Tim Drake for Hal and Barry (who were babysitting for Bruce), and decides to practice drawing on him.
Words: 5316, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Kyle Rayner, Tim Drake, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen
Relationships: Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (minor), Dick Grayson/Wally West (mentioned), Kyle Rayner/Jason Todd (mentioned), Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Babysitting, Drawing, Kyle is a good big brother, Tim is adorkable
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39PR6ym
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halbarryfeed · 5 years
The Portrait of Tim Drake
read it on AO3: https://ift.tt/39PR6ym
by RedxRobin
Kyle was expecting a lazy day for the first day of summer vacation, turns out he has to babysit Tim Drake for Hal and Barry (who were babysitting for Bruce), and decides to practice drawing on him.
Words: 5300, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Kyle Rayner, Tim Drake, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen
Relationships: Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (minor), Dick Grayson/Wally West (mentioned), Kyle Rayner/Jason Todd (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Babysitting, Drawing, Kyle is a good big brother, Tim is adorkable
read it on AO3: https://ift.tt/39PR6ym
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rason-rodd · 7 years
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The list of all my writings classified by genre and characters. Enjoy :-)
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Red Hood and The Outlaws : Loyalty  (NSFW) 
Status: Complete Pairing: Jason Todd x Original Female Character Genre : Angst, Violence, Fluff, Smut Read on AO3 / Chapter 1 / Last Chapter  
Daughter of the Red Hood  (NSFW)  
Status : Complete Pairings:  older!Damian Wayne x Reader Genre: Angst, Violence, Major Characters Deaths, Fluff, Smut Read on AO3
Begging (NSFW)         
Status: 5/6 Pairing: Arkham Knight! Jason x Reader Genre: Angst, SMUT, Ptsd, Violence Part 1 / Last Part
Nightwing: The Rise of Flamebird
Status: 8/? Pairing: Dick Grayson x Original Female Character (Nightwing x Flamebird) Genre: Angst, Fluff, Detective Story Read on AO3 / Chapter 1 / Last Chapter
Better than him (NSFW)      
Status: Complete Pairings: Jason Todd x Reader x Dick Grayson  + Jason Todd Reader + Dick Grayson x Reader Genre: SMUT, Threesome, Fluff Part 1 / Final Part/ Alternate Ending 
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Stress Bake, Babe
Pairing:  Jason Todd x Reader  Genre: Fluff, Funny
Pairing:   Jason Todd x Reader Genre: Fluff, Anxiety, Insecurity
The Girl With the Red Guitar
Pairing:   Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Genre: Fluff, Angst
You Look Happier, Baby        
Pairing:   Jason Todd x Reader Genre: Based on songs/ Angst
How would you feel
Pairing:   Jason Todd x Reader Genre: Based on songs / Fluff
An Adorkable Moron            
Pairing:   Jason Todd x Reader Genre: Fluff, Funny, Date Night
From Doorstep to Couch  (NSFW)       
Pairing:   Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Genre: SMUT, Fluff, Insecurities
We’ve Got You
Pairing:  None  Genre: Angst ( Mentions of Suicide and Scarification)
Service  (NSFW)    
Pairing:   Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Genre: Fluff, Smut, Friends with benefits, Loss of Virginity
All The Time We Need  (NSFW) 
Pairing:   Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Leaving The Nest
Pairing:  None  Genre: Angst 
The Great
Pairing:   older!Damian Wayne x Reader Genre: Fluff
I’m Yours, You’re Mine    (NSFW)
Pairing:   older!Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader Genre:  Fluff, Smut, Wedding Night
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1/ How would Alfred describe each of the rooms of Bruce and the bat family.
2/ When Bruce realised each of his kids were grown up.
3/ Sex with the Robins would imply (NSFW)
4/ Damian Wayne as a trans girl
5/ Older!Damian Wayne meeting his S/O
6/ The Batboy’s favourite books
7/ Robins and Music
8/ Do you know your alphabet? NSFW Edition feat Jason Todd
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1/ My Opinion on Red Hood & The Outlaws Rebirth 
2/ The Bat-Review 
Red Hood #51
Red Hood #52
Nightwing #77
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Batboy’s Summer of Smut  (NSFW)
The Gardener’s Daughter Status: Complete Pairing: older! Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader Genre: Smut, Fluff, Loss of Virginity Part 1/ Part 2
My Neighbour Status:  2/3 Pairing: Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader Genre: Smut, Fluff, Funny Part 1 / Last part
Summer Love and Swimming Pool Status: Complete  Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Genre:  Smut, Funny Part1 /  Part 2 
Bat-Christmas One Shots
Snowmen and Assassins       Pairing: Older! Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader    Genre: Fluff, Christmas
The Boy Who Didn’t Like Christmas       Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader       Genre: Fluff, Humor, Slight Angst, Christmas
The Night(wing) Before Christmas      NEW Pairing: None     Genre: Christmas, Family, Humor
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I have to thank you for your love for Tim, because others have also stated their love for him and I'm happy he's getting more recognition ❤❤❤ Tim Drake (our sweet adorkable angel) is getting more love that he totally deserves Side note: I'm joining your Tim Drake cult
ONE MORE MEMBER TO MY CULT!!  We are gonna rule over these mere mortals with our love!
Also, I’m glad he’s getting some love from others too and I’m so extremely happy that my love for Tim just infected others to the point where they started loving him too?? I had multiple people so far tell me this now and I can’t say how happy this truly makes me??
My beloved dork needs this. He’s just trying his best with his stupidly messy hair and stupid iconic cowl… I mean yes, he named himself after a burger joint but this happens, you know? He was under a lot of pressure… And he makes mistakes sometimes but that's okay.
I just have a lot to say and a lot of feelings about Tim.
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He's so adorkable.
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wqintraining · 7 years
Batman loves his kids...
...but he loves some more than others. So, for no other reason than I feel like it, I’m gonna list off how I personally think Bruce feels about his kids from his least favorite to his favorite. This is based purely on my interpretation of the canon and is by no means a ranking of MY favorites.
5. Tim Drake: Like I said, Bruce loves them all, but all the others just have something over him. Also, he’s no longer adopted in current canon, and unlike Cass, there doesn’t seem to be a chance of that changing.
4. Jason Todd: The first kid Bruce ever adopted. They were very close in Jay’s Robin days and the pain he felt when he was murdered was immense. Jay’s been treated pretty awfully at times by Bruce in his Red Hood days (Looking at you Tomasi’s Batman&Robin) but they’re on good terms currently.
3. Damian Wayne: The demon spawn with bio kid bias (From both Bruce AND DC) Were he not Bruce’s bio kid, he’d probably be at the bottom, but sadly Bruce is a jerk like that. Still, I don’t think even this is enough to put him over the kids that are angels in Bruce’s eyes.
2. Dick Grayson: Bruce literally determined the world was worth saving because of Dick’s existence. That is all.
1. Cassandra Cain: Bruce’s little girl and his chosen successor. Bruce may be even more emotionally constipated with Cass than the boys, but there’s no other kid he’s as adorkable with and he has shown his blatant favoritism on more than one occasion.  Cass is the only one who truly understands Bruce and the bond they shared was something truly special. And now that I’ve finished writing this, I return to the endless wait for Spring’s ‘Tec arc where these two will hopefully start to REGAIN that bond.
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timaltman · 7 years
What's kinda weird about Tim's fanbase is some I notice are really lenient on head canons and other are strict as hell. Like most of them will just be like OH HAHA COFFEE AND TIRED BIRB HAHA, or what ever, then other will say something purposely kinda goofy and stupid like Tim totally wore Batman underoos and called them Bataroos or some shit like that, but some fan will be like HOW DARE YOU MOCK THE GREAT TIM DRAKE THAT TOOK DOWN 5 ASSASSINS AND IS THE MOST SKILLED MAN EVER, and take it serious
i’m the second fan lmao. but i lowkey dislike the like.... what should i call them? cringe headcanons? where people like to make tim.... “adorkable”? it’s not that tim can’t be dorky or funny, but there’s certain feeling of revolt in my chest that i get for some of those like, secondhand embarrassment headcanons that often get tossed on tim. your example is a good example tbh
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