#jack drake can rot in hell
March Monthly Roundup
A belated St. Patrick’s Day, and Happy Easter if you celebrate! Sadly, I had a busy March, so this month’s rec list is short and sweet!
BATFAM Too Close to Rotting to be Alive by alicecrow6 (gen), <1k, Damian Wayne-centric, Angst The thoughts of a rotting corpse not yet placed in his grave.
pull up the ladder when the flood comes by mintchocochips (gen), 4k, Cass Cain-centric Black Bat is operating in Hong Kong. Bruce is dead. A hell of a lot of people are dead. Cass is trying her damnedest not to drown. She doesn't want anyone else to drown either. She just wants to be good. She is maybe, just maybe, not okay.
charity by Valkrin (gen), 7k, Different First Meeting, Bad Parent!Drakes The biggest downside of being adopted by Bruce Wayne is putting up with rich people events, including one where Jason will be in a room with a bunch of rich kids for a couple very long hours while Bruce goes to the adults' meeting. Jason is ready for a very bad time but the Drake kid listens to him from the start and keeps backing up Jason's ideas even though they've never met. Jason warms up to Tim Drake long before Mad Hatter tries to take over the meeting and Tim backs him up again.
the picture frames have changed and so has your name by Zahri (gen), 24k, Case Fic, Hurt/Comfort There’s something wrong with Dick. Tim thought everything was getting back to normal. Bruce was alive and back in their timeline, the Birds of Prey were once again operating out of Gotham, Dick had the city well under control as Batman and even Damian had been less obnoxious than usual. And then during a firefight at a warehouse by the docks, Tim was almost hit by a flying boomerang. And Dick never noticed. When something is wrong with your big brother, who else do you turn to but your big sisters?
Fatherhood for Dummies by Havendance WIP, (gen), 6k, Batman Comics, POV Jack Drake When Tim runs away to No Man's Land, it takes Jack far too long to realize that he's gone. Once he does though, he'll do anything he can to get him back.
THE WITCHER Flung to Catch a Star by inexplicifics WIP, (Eskel/Geralt/Jaskier), 63k, Accidental Warlord AU      Morvran Voorhis, first-ranked prince of Nilfgaard, has been sent to Kaer Morhen on a diplomatic mission. His tasks are twofold: first, negotiate a nonaggression treaty between the wild barbarian Warlord of the North and the Nilfgaardian Empire. And second, ingratiate himself with the mysterious Warlord’s daughter and heir apparent, Princess Cirilla.      Sir Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, a Vicovaran knight, has been assigned to protect young Prince Voorhis on this mission. Prince Voorhis may be the best of a bad lot, but Cahir’s still not looking forward to the threats or the temperature of a winter in the distant North.      They both know their mission is a dangerous one. But they don’t know where the true danger lies…and while they know how to navigate Nilfgaard’s treacherous court, they are not prepared for Kaer Morhen. This is a mission they might not survive…and if they do, they might be changed beyond all recognition.
HARRY POTTER Three Body Problem by cabezas_de_vaca (gen), 43k, Alternate Hogwarts House Sorting To the girl with the bushy hair and the hungry mind, the Hat says RAVENCLAW; To the boy with the scar and the ask of otherwise, the Hat says SLYTHERIN; To the sixth son who has already chosen the two others, from a chance encounter on a train, the Hat says HUFFLEPUFF; and Flitwick is delighted and Sprout is intrigued and Snape is resigned, to say the least. Or: Perhaps the trio is inevitable everywhere, but in this variation, none of them are in Gryffindor, and they do their best to build things anyway.
CROSSOVER While You Were Missing by basil_coffee_and White Collar x Batman (Jason Todd/Roy Harper), 23k, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Jason!Neal A familiar redheaded child darts across the bullpen with a shout of “PAPA!” and barrels into Jason’s arms. “Lian–” He breathes. Jason's undercover work as Neal Caffrey is difficult for several reasons. He didn't anticipate that single parenting would be one of them, though.
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starlooove · 24 days
Ppl will proudly say Jack and Janet are abusive enough to use your best American girl for TIM DRAKE (enough.) but turn around and go ‘canon my detested for bad dad bruce’ and it’s funny bc the idea that Jack and Janet suck do nothing for tims actual character unless it’s fandom characterization. The most I can see is him being more secretive and lying to protect ppl he cares about but that’s a given anyways - pretending that tim is like heavily neglected and hurt to justify shit u make up is so weird when u can’t even stomach that the way everyone else acts is a result of Bruce being a bad parent? Even if like casual physical abuse is ooc why they hell is everyone else so paranoid and competitive for what they perceive as limited affection? NOOOW it’s just Bruce can’t communicate and it’s not his fault a conversation therapy from his coworker and sillay moments will fix it - but Jack and Janet should rot what the fuck 😭
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Denver Sean
Hell Has Frozen Over: 50 Cent Apologizes to Megan Thee Stallion for Trolling Her Online [Video]
January 11, 2023 12:51 PM PST
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Is 50 Cent turning over a new leaf in 2023?
We doubt it, but in a surprising move the rapper/actor is apologizing for bullying Megan Thee Stallion on the internet.
When news of Megan’s shooting first broke, 50 hopped on Instagram with a meme referencing a scene from ‘Boyz In the Hood’ making fun of the situation.
Later, he posted a meme featuring a teary-eyed Megan The Stallion from her interview with Gayle King. The image then moprhed into Jussie Smollett.
“Damn, i’m confused [about] all this sh*t going around,” the rapper wrote on his Instagram at the time. ” [I] don’t know what to think. LOL”
Now that the trial is over and Tory has been convicted of shooting Megan, 50 is apologizing.
In interview with Big Boy, 50 said that he initially made fun of Megan because he thought she was lying — but then he heard the phone call Tory made to Kelsey Nicole from jail and it changed his mind.
Check out the clip below:
We imagine there’s a long list of people 50 should probably apologize to.
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It’s too late to apologize like OneRepublic said. He’s only sorry because people dragged his crusty behind and because cyber bullying works
he can still rot in the hottest pits of hell though. And he gets it twice because he done it before
who’s the next bastard that we’re gonna cyber bully an apology out of since everyone who has been peen sucking that little man and dehumanizing her is apologizing all of a sudden? Drake? Lebron? Dababy? Jack Harlow ? The “black” bloggers? Anyone?
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littlebabytimmybird · 4 years
Tim Drake
Physical: I say this with love but he is one of those awkward teens who's faces look like they're ten but their limbs are like limp spaghetti noodles. Has an ongoing zit on his chin that ligit no-one notices but he's convinced it's the size of Kentucky. His eyes are big and puppy-dog looking, and when he's focused they get really wide and his button nose scrunches up. His eyes are really light blue, to the point where if the light hits them they look purple. His skin is pale and burns easily, but instead of looking supernatural it just looks weird since he has dry skin half the time. He is 5'1 for most of his teens, only getting a growth spurt when he hits 17 that leaves him at 5'5. His hair is pin straight but thick enough to tangle. He barely uses gel for his civilian identity, but drowns himself in it for Robin, making it into spikes. He's trying to make himself more intimidating, but he's instead he looks like Sharkboy from Sharkboy and Lavagirl. When he was 15 someone asked if he was in middle school yet and he just nodded blankly.
Mental: Tim Drake was the first character I have ever headcannoned as autistic. He was a weird little kid, but people just thought he was being stuck up and a know it all. When he was in third grade he had a sensory overload in the middle of class, and the counselor suggested he get tested for Aspergers (bc at that time that was what they would have called it) Janet was all for it, but Jack refused, saying that Tim was "Too smart to be a r*tard"
Janet gave in, but also researched how to help an autistic child. She was away a lot though, and since Tim didn't have an IEP he continued to struggle. He was often told that his stimming was disruptive, so he had to learn to stop doing it. When he was first starting out as Robin he was really happy about catching a criminal on his own for the first time, and he forgot himself and started bouncing on the balls of his feet and flapping his hands a little. He was mortified when Bruce noticed, but the next day there was a fidget toy sitting on the case files he was supposed to review with a note from Bruce saying he thought he might like it. Tim nearly hyperventilated with excitement and had to breathe into a paper bag. Bruce was concerned. Eventually, when Bruce gained legal guardianship over Tim he got him tested, and eventually diagnosed. There was an IEP, but it only really included letting him stim in class since Tim didn't want learning accommodations or counseling. Mostly the diagnosis was just a confirmation of what they already knew. Other than Autism, he is an anxious baby. Not just in a "Cute uwu shy baby" way though, he once threw up from nervousness after he thought he had disappointed Bruce. I think he's always had depression, but it only really flared up after Kon died. And of course, all the bats have PTSD of some sort.
Other: This is included in one of my fics, but I think the stuffed koala bear we see hidden under his bed in that one comic panel with his father is called BamBam. He got it shortly after the flying Grayson's deaths, when he first saw Batman swooping down to save Dick. He tried to say Batman but he had a lisp and the nanny heard BamBam so that was that. He is a serial clothing stealer. He was too shy to take any of Bruce's clothing at first, but he was given a tee-shirt as pajamas when he was staying over for one of the first times (before he moved there) and Bruce never got it back. If he had been questioned about it he would have said he forgot, and that would have been a lie. Bruce didn't mind, the shirt came down to his knees and looked adorable. Soon after that he gave Tim an old sweater of his that had "Shrunk in the wash, strangely enough. I guess the water temperature must have malfunctioned." It was still too large on him. It fell halfway down his thighs and the sleeves completely covered his hands.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Lines From My Upcoming Fic "How Did You Love?"
“No cameras, no crowds, no fame. Just me and you, Joker. You’ll die a nobody, and no one will ever remember you.”/ “No, see, you deserve to be tortured and mutilated every day until your body finally gives out. But I’m sick of you. I’m sick of everything. I’m sick of seeing your face in the news and I don’t have it in me to torture you for years on end. So what I’m going to do to you is going to be a fraction of what you’ve done to hundreds of people, what you did to my brother and my family. But it’s going to be painful, and I hope you suffer every second until you bleed out.”
“I think you decapitated him but given a Bowie knife, it’s not surprising. What do you want us to do with his head?”/“I don’t care. Leave his body to rot or sink it into the deep waters. He’s dead. It’s over.”
“I was the one who let Dick crawl into my bed every night for an entire year because he woke up screaming from the same nightmare night after night! I was the one who worked him through Blüdhaven and what happened with Tarantula! I’m the one who gave Dick outlets for his emotions besides punching criminals!
“I was the one who dropped a mission in the middle and came back as soon as Jack Drake was murdered! I drove Tim to therapy every day! I was the one who stayed up night after night on a suicide watch for Tim!”
“I was the one who raised my siblings! Not you! Me! I’m the one who texts them in the mornings and calls them at night! I’m the one who tells them every chance I get that I love them! I’m the one they know they can depend on because they know I’ll drop everything for them! Not you! Me! I’m the one who attends every ceremony, every performance, every convention, every science fair! I’m the one who yells the loudest in the crowds in pride! Not you! Me!”
“Concussive rounds. Bruce won’t die, but he’ll have a hell of a headache when he wakes up. I’ve got you. Up we go.”
“His rib’s punctured his lung. We have to get him to a hospital, or he’ll choke to death on his own blood.”/“Where are we supposed to go? We can’t keep him in Gotham. Bruce will have him arrested.”/“Right now, I don’t care what the bastard is going to do. Our brother is dying because of him. Fuck Bruce. Call Wally now. He’s the only person fast enough to get him to a hospital.”
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the-pyrate-lords · 4 years
Pyrate Waters Call to us...
The Sea calls to us. Damned inland souls, of a modern era.  Children listening to the tales of Hook, and Sparrow, and Silver, as the men of Teach’s day listened to tales of Avery, the men of Avery’s day, listened to tales of Morgan, and the men of Morgan’s day listened to the tales of Drake. For three hundred glorious years, ships put to sea under a great spread of sail, dreaming of a thousand uncharted lands, and the fame and fortune to be had there.
The last of their days, was the clipper ships, the first, the days of Columbus and Drake.  All we have left, are the stories.
The Sea Calls to us... damned souls doomed to never fly the black. doomed to never put to sea.
And yet here, where we can breath in their legends, their legacies, when we don a plumed cap, and a scarlet coat, or a long black frock and a corset, when we celebrate their lives, and their freedom, can they see us? living in their shadows? pretending we walked with them, as pirates of yore?
Marooned on an inland sea, we wear the old cloths, and speak in the old tongues... when we drown our cursed modern lives with another name. a pirate, not an accountant. A Free Child of the Sea, not a slave to the modern age It is as close to being Pirates as we shall ever be, when we attend festivals dressed as captains, and gunners, when we entertain the wee ones, and ourselves, swilling rum amongst our brethren and sistren it is when we are truly alive... truly free, as they were.
Can they see us? Down with Davy Jones? I swear... Some nights when the camp is quiet, when our Captains lie at ease, and the ship’s cook, tends the fire, and the ‘guests’ are talking in the distance... I swear... I hear them laughing... Damned souls... Kidd hung up to rot as a warning, and there’s not a man jack among us who does not cry of his innocence.  The Brethren of Nassau dead, so long ago... And there is not a one among us, who does not curse Woodes Rogers and his King.  Not a one among us, to whom Blackbeard or Bellamy or Roberts were not heros... and The King and his royal navy cronies are the one we curse.
Are they laughing at this? Knowing that dead by the noose, or a cutlass or cannon, a pike or a pistol... They are the ones we call heros? the ones we worship, and not the powers that be, that laid them low?
I swear, there is a tavern in Hell, where all the old pirates, buccaneers and corsairs gather, where they roar, and laugh, and call out to us... to those who called them heros... who wish that story of Nassau, and The Brethren of the Coast, and all the other pirates ended differently...
They Call to us... And we answer. Hoist the Black Flag lads
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So random though I can’t get out of my head? You know how Andrew has like a nono word list well does Erin and also does she have any words she loves? Like the sound of/the meaning behind/wherever she first heard it? Holy guacamole I’m putting way to many question marks. But this is Seriously a Need To Know thing
Guacamole anon?????? Is that you????????
Okay look, I was trying to write my twinyard piece and u came and stuck this idea in my head and im anger. I’m far too easily distracted to be a real writer :’))))
Alright, so there’s the obvious ones: please, beg for me, faggot, but there are a few others including ‘retarded’ <<<<<< She’s fully prepared to fight Wymack on that one. Once she does voice her complaint on it, he stops using it immediately. 
Now, this part is a bit painful. Any form of the word ‘prostitute’ is hard for her to hear. Have you ever heard of the tape analogy? In the tape analogy, a woman is like a piece of tape. A piece of tape that hasn’t stuck to any surface before, has amazing bonding abilities. However, every time the piece of tape is ripped up, it loses some of its bonding ability (note: I am saying bonding ability, not stickiness. That’s how this analogy is taught). Soon, the tape has been stuck to too many surfaces. It’s lost all its bonding ability. The piece of tape is now useless. Women are pieces of tape. If she has had more than one partner, she won’t be able to properly bond with them. If she’s had too many partners, she’s useless. That is the extent of the sex ed. that Erin receives. 
Take a second to think about that. Women are told that if she has more than one partner, she’d useless. So… what does that make Erin? Her virginity was stolen when she was seven but people have been touching her inappropriately for as long as she can remember. Men have made her watch them jack off. Women have made her grab their breasts. The people that raised Erin were disgusting and because of the sorry excuse for an education system, Erin believes that she’s just a useless piece of tape, incapable of loving and not worthy of being loved. 
To make matters worse? There’s Drake. He would pin her down and tell her to be a good little slut/whore. Truly disgusting. I hope he’s burning in the deepest circle of Hell. Also, his pet name for Erin was “Eri”. You know who else calls her that? Aaron. You can not comprehend the complete and utter fear that she felt when he called her Eri for the first time. Drake wasn’t her brother by blood but he was still her brother. She didn’t know what to expect from Aaron when he said it for the first time. Context though, he was being sarcastic. “Aw, poor little Eri,” he had said. She literally jumped when he’d said it. They were at the store and she ended up knocking over a really big display. After that, he only ever calls her that when he’s drunk and Erin slowly begins to accept it as Aaron’s name for her. Her brother’s name for her. 
Back to the other one tho. You thought I was done. Nah, b. I’m just getting started. When Kevin leaves Evermore for Palmetto, people blame Erin for it. Everyone is convinced she’s seduced him and dragged him down to Palmetto. On her first day there, she arrives at the court to find slut and many variations of it spray painted over the court. All four girls share a dorm room Erin’s first year. Someone manages to pick the lock and trash the place. This is the only time the monsters and the upperclassmen come together before Ania. They track down the ppl that vandalized the dorms and they make them pay. I’ll leave the details to your imagination but I’ll tell you this, Seth’s really good with computers and Allison has millions of followers on every social media platform. Do what you will with that information. While it stops the vandalizing and quiets most of the kids in the hall, the media is still referring to Erin as Kevin’s mistress. At a press conference, someone asks Kevin if Erin has let him go down her foxhole. This is the only time Wymack’s professionalism fails him. He decks the man then and there. In front of everyone. 
Erin, though? She hasn’t said a word the entire time. She’s been raised to believe that this is what she is. Erin is just now discovering the depth of her sexuality. The media frenzy, the vandalization, the gossip: it’s her punishment for craving the sins of the flesh. She comes out to Kevin one night at Eden’s. She needs to make sure that he doesn’t get any ideas about her after all the media’s hoopla. Kevin is stressed. How is she going to make court now? A part of him wonders what would have happened if she’d taken Riko’s offer and gone to Evermore. Would Riko have left him for Erin? He doesn’t let himself dwell on it. So long as she keeps it under wraps, it won’t interfere with her making court. She doesn’t seem keen on telling people so he doesn’t fight her on it. 
Doe. Doe is a problem. Erin grows up knowing that her mother didn’t want her to have any chance at finding her. Without a last name to trace, it would be hard. The only reason she even finds Aaron is he gets hurt while Tilda is on her date. He gets taken to the hospital but it's just a scratch that needs two or three stitches. Erin and Higgens happen to be there in a coincidence of massive proportions. He’s talking to Aaron about how there’s a girl who looks just like him when Erin comes out. She suffered a minor burn while helping Cassidy in the kitchen. Tilda comes to grab Aaron and she sees Erin. Erin and Aaron have identical facial features and similar builds. Women’s bodies naturally store more fat + her sweet tooth = her having a lot more squish but she’s beautiful and you can fight me. “Jude!” Tilda cries. Her cover is blown and now she can’t even hide that Erin is hers. 
With her empty facade and drugged mania, Erin is usually able to play off her hate for the name. Taking Aaron’s name helped a lot but it still hurts sometimes. Like the nickname ‘Eri’ she does take back the name. Look, Erin has a hard enough time dealing with a drunk Aaron on his own but Ania? She’s sappy as hell on a good day but drunk? Erin insists she can feel her teeth rotting with every word out of Ania’s mouth, quite a feat considering her diet. God forbid, the two of them get drunk together. It doesn’t happen often but when it does Erin always feels like she’s going to cry. After growing up believing that she isn’t capable of loving or being loved, being faced with the overwhelming love of the two of them, is really just too much for her. They’ll be leaning against one another drunkenly and catch sight of Erin. “Eri!” they cry. They always reach out and Erin always catches them. They do group hugs. It’s horrifying. They just sandwich Erin and it always leaves her shook. The two of them will sit side by side praising her. They talk about how strong she is, both physically and mentally/emotionally. They talk about how pretty and smart she is. They’re slurring their words and singing their praises for her and sometimes Erin does cry. Aaron will wipe her tears away and kiss her forehead. Ania will ask for permission to hold her bc Erin’s comfort is always top priority. They tell her they love her and Erin just doesn’t even know what to say. Anyway one day Ania is drunk and staring at Erin. 
“You’re eyes are so big n pretty. So big n brown n pretty like… like…”
“Like a doe!” Aaron cries. He gasps. “That’s why! That’s why they called you Erin Doe!” He looks so proud of himself like he’s just cracked case of the century. Little Doe becomes a pet name for her as well. Ania isn’t a blackout drunk so she knows what she’s doing. She’ll call Erin ‘little doe’ when Erin cuddles her or when Erin is mad. Erin thinks Aaron doesn’t remember any of this until she borrows his phone to call her own bc she lost it. She types in her number and it auto-populates with the contact name “Little Doe”. It makes her really soft.
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iphoenixrising · 7 years
Heavy in Your Arms con’t
@satire-please wanted the finish. I just can’t say no.
I’m so heavy
Whirl of colors. The spasm of his gut and throat, bile and cold sea water. Fist in his diaphragm, forcing the rancid waterfall out.
Pain racing up his spine and his fingers form claws even in the sodden gloves, ready to start tearing at the flimsy silk covering wood and plastic trapping him, ready to start from the inside:
—Screaming until he’s spitting blood, torn something there (that’s why his voice is fucked even now)
—Crying for Bruce: save me, don’t leave me in the ground to rot (but you fucked up, didn’t you? Why would he come save the Robin who failed? Who would?)
—It’s dark and I’m scared (and now he’s forgotten how to fear the night, never fucking again)
—Where...Why? (because you should have never went after her. If you’d have stayed, the clown wouldn’t have taken your stupid ass the fuck apart. Shoulda put a gun in your mouth instead, not like you don’t always chicken the fuck out)
—Broken, bleeding fingernails (but getting through all that earth, and the first breath of tainted Gotham air was like salvation)
—Air...have to have air (no, asshole. You should have just fucking stayed dead)
Heavy in your arms
In and out. Things are flashes and snatches when he gets snippets. Movement kills it because his leg is muted but still a mess with inevitable pain waiting on the outskirts with a whole lotta lemme talk at ‘chu for a minute.
The blood loss might have made him slightly more insane than the Pit. Slightly because he’s seeing things in starks and spectrums. He’s the guy what always saw shit in shades of grays.
I’m so heavy,
Seeing things in color, just like him, his boy. Always had to be on the opposite ends of the scale because in some way they both got it— that bitch, Justice? Blind as fucking bat, yeah?
He snorts at it while the wind dries his hair and fuck he’s getting hit in the face with the battering of a cape, telling how far gone he’s got to be at this juncture.
B wouldn’t come for him, that shit is just plain stupid.
But as stupid as it is, the kid in him buried in some dark corner, some un-fucked inch of his soul, the kid that coulda, woulda, shoulda been the right Robin...the part he can’t carve out, no matter how sharp the knife is, how strong the steel, how covered in gore it’s gets in his hand, that part still fucking hopes.
—Save me, Bruce.
Stupid little punk. Didn’t cha learn any better? You already done proved you ain’t worth the effort.
Heavy in your arms,
Back with it to the low, dulcet tone of a wrought-iron fire escape. One of the sturdy ones built back in the twenties when they intended shit to last. He can place himself by that noise alone— it’s the block of apartments on 152nd, his side of Gotham. He knows every building and bolt hole, all the old trolley stations (from back when it was the talk of Gotham, before it became the Narrows and dilapidated into drugs and low-income housing) and closed entrances to the subways, he knows the niches.
He knows where sin lives. Just another mark in the book, baby. Ya know I got it in spades.
And is it worth the wait?
The safe house is one of his. He knows it by the way the creaking mattress shoves a spring into his ass cheek.
Death seems further off since his leg is set in a complicated splint and elevated. Bodysuit is gone and his ribs wrapped just this side of too much. Someone was pissy about picking him up off the pier.
When he gets an eyeful of the slumped bird beside his shoulder on the bed, he gives a rough huff because some assholes have to show up like the motherfucking cavalry or some shit.
(Lemme go. When it’s time, Timmy, it’s time.)
He has enough in him to lift the hand just enough to fit at the back of Tim Drake’s neck, being smooth and easy with it. His fingers work up to scratch lightly at Tim’s scalp just like he’s seen his boy do a hundred times, knows it’s Red’s weakness.
All this killing time?
“You. Fucking. Asshole.”
Sounds about right.
“What do you think he would do if he heard half the made fucking ramblings I heard last night?”
Pacing, moving, doing because Timmy gets that kind of pissed off. You know, royally. He’s still in the Red Robin body suit, thrumming with energy now that some of them are going to live like the rest of the shithead population. At present, he’s cutting up a banana with feeling. One he apparently ain’t shy about sharing.
“Fucking up your second chance? Just giving up and I’m sorry.”
He winces for the banana.
Are you strong enough to stand?
“Timmy, c’mon, calm it down. Coming close...ain’t easy fer me. Gets my head all jacked-up with the…” and is he really going to do this? He and Baby Bird are good now, can work together, can snark, can siddown and have a burger on the ledge of the Wallstone. He has his own code into the Perch, got a coffee mug and set of pajamas.
But he’s never—
Only with Kory and Roy. Only with his boy.
And only when it tries to cut itself out. When it’s poison in the back of his throat.
Protecting both your heart and mine?
But it’s got Timmy turned away from the counter, facing him in the dim dawn starting to eek through the blinds. And Baby Bird is calm, rant tuning down, giving him the weight of his stare and full attention.
“It’s like,” and he has to look away, to stare up at the ceiling, to blink and keep himself away from the final moments, to gather a whole different kind of strength, “alla the bad comes first ‘cause....’cause I don’t remember enough of the other side to know if it matters, you feel me? The first time I was a shithead, but I died as Robin, trying ta save my mother, and...it was fucking noble. But when it comes again...Timmy, when it comes for me again, what if the good don’t outweigh the bad?”
Who is the betrayer?
“What if the scales ain’t never gonna be square now? ‘Cause I got ta come back.”
Who’s the killer in the crowd?
“What if I don’t get anywhere but gone. Maybe you don’t get the choice again. Who fucking knows?”
The one who creeps in corridors
“And the only good things I got to offer up...the only thing I done right this time...is that I made it square with you...and...and with him.”
And doesn’t make a sound
He must be hitting shock or something because he doesn’t even hear Timmy move. There’s just warmth when he’s already so fucking cold inside and out. Just like first waking up when all he could see was darkness and the inside of that casket wasn’t as comfortable as it looked to the meatbags on legs lookin’ down.
But his hands can move just enough to grip Tim’s shoulders from behind, he can lay his face in the side of that neck and be fucking grateful.
My love has concrete feet
The window gives under real strength, banging fast and hard.
He comes up enough to snag the .45, not screaming when the pain train hits full speed ahead. Tim’s already got pellets, even though he’s holding the younger of them to his hurting chest with his free hand because he ain’t gonna let Timmy go down that path before it’s his time—
When Nightwing leaps through, fast and furious, a whirl of feral destruction. Every muscle in his body is tense, a beautiful picture in that suit, and he must be feeling the glad-ta-still-be-breathings because he can appreciate his boy animalistic grace when he’s utterly pissed the hell off.
It’s always a sight to behold.
Tonight? It’s even better.
My love’s an iron ball
And the slow roll of those hips is the start of something utterly terrifying, the first Robin, former Titan, former Batman, and a whole lot of sexually charged vigilante powerhouse could be gearing up for a massive roundhouse to start the fight or could be a breath away from ripping your fucking clothes off to give you the ride of your life.
Could be hitting the wall with such stark relief that’s an inescapable hold and lips on his forehead, always a soft Romani prayer a litany against evil, a plea of protection and strength.
But his boy knows. Knows him down to the bone. Is achingly soft and easy, the whiteouts up on the mask so those blue eyes are overwhelming.
Wrapped around you ankles
“M’ sorry, sweets,” is rough because almost drowning had that effect, but his boy is a sucker for the real pet names, always has been.
“You asshole,” Nightwing pulls off the domino to becomes his baby, his sweet, his sugar (his redemption, his avenger, his guardian angel), and the arms get tighter, making the pain arch in his abdomen, but it ain’t all that. Naw, there’s always worse.
Over the waterfall
“You should have waited. I said I was on the way.”
Wouldn’ta mattered. We both know that.
“I was almost too you when the warehouse exploded. Jesus, Jay, I thought— I thought…”
“Aw, naw, sweets,” and he’s pressing his mouth under his boy’s watery eyes, “I’ma hard motherfucker ta kill. Ain’tcha figured that out yet?”
“Fuck that, we both know better.” And those eyes spill over, making tracks through the dirt of Gotham still on his face.
This will be my last confession
If only...if only he could be the man his boy deserves.
Instead, he’s the man he knows how to be, and draws the older vigilante down to fit their mouths together in a sloppy rendition of what might be a kiss, but is more breathing each other’s air, gripping each other to make sure it ain’t just a dream.
And he don’t have ta see it ta know his boy is gripping Timmy’s hand like a lifeline, like he’s a part of them.
He also knows Timmy’s gripping back just as tight.
I was a heavy heart to carry
My beloved was weighed down
My arms around his neck
My fingers laced to crown
None of them bitch when the two mobile vigilante strip down to boxers and crawl in bed with him. Tim’s cheeks and upper chest are a disturbing shade of red, but they don’t comment on it, not when they can’t let go of him any more than they can let go of one another.
They bracket him easy-like so the knee under his restrained leg takes some of the pressure off, and two fingers push hard enough to make the nerve clusters blissfully silent instead of radiating to his pain receptors.
His face is nestled in the crook of his boy’s neck, those long fingers rubbing soothing circles on the back of his neck while they all ignore the shamefully wet hitches in his breathing.
His grip is tight in Tim’s hair again, his shaky hand scratching against Baby Bird’s scalp to punctuated the point.
I was a heavy heart to carry
But he never let me down
When he held me in his arms
My feet never touched the ground
And it’s a crazy thing, one that strikes him at dark places where he stores the old pain and remorse, how he never thought he’d be worth this kind of grief. How no one would be stupid enough to mourn a piece of shit like him. A stupid punk-ass what got himself offed.
But while his phone lights up with worried texts from Roy and Kory, while B is on his boy’s comm demanding to know the Red Hood didn’t bite the big one again, while Alfred is stress baking and B is pleading for them to put him on so Alf will just chill the fuck out, while Timmy grips him, nuzzles a warm nose into his cold jugular, and his boy holds him in the present, those dark corners get...just a little bit of light.
Not too much to taint the darkness in his soul, just a slice enough so he can see how bright and white it is, so he can remember how warm it was to move into the first time, so he doesn’t have to be as afraid when the next time inevitably rolls around again.
I’m so heavy…
So heavy in your arms...
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mavwrekmarketing · 8 years
It was musics biggest night as the Recording Academy honored the best the industry has to offer at the 59th annual Grammy Awards.
The competition this year was fierce to say the least, but Adele was the clear winner of the night. The British singer took home five awards, including Album of the Year, Record of the Year and Song of the Year. David Bowie posthumously won five awards, including Best Rock Album andBeyoncwon two awards as well.
While all the big names were nominated, Justin Bieber,Drake and Kanye West are decided toskip the awards.
Sunday nights show also featured animpressive lineup of performers including Adele, Beyonc, John Legend, Bruno Mars, Metallica and Lady Gaga. Additionally, Maren Morris performed with Alicia Keys,Anderson Paak joined A Tribe Called Quest and Dave Grohl onstage, and The Weeknd teamed up with Daft Punk.
Check out the full list of 2017 Grammy winners:
Album Of The Year: 25 Adele Lemonade Beyonc Purpose Justin Bieber Views Drake A Sailors Guide To Earth Sturgill Simpson
Song Of The Year: Formation Khalif Brown, Asheton Hogan, Beyonc Knowles, Michael L. Williams II, songwriters (Beyonc) Hello Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Adele) I Took A Pill In Ibiza Mike Posner, songwriter (Mike Posner) Love Yourself Justin Bieber, Benjamin Levin, Ed Sheeran, songwriters (Justin Bieber) 7 Years Lukas Forchhammer, Stefan Forrest, Morten &Morten Ristorp, songwriters (Lukas Graham)
Record of the Year: HelloAdele Formation Beyonc 7 Years Lukas Graham Work Rihanna Featuring Drake Stressed Out Twenty One Pilots
Best New Artist: Kelsea Ballerini The Chainsmokers Chance The Rapper Maren Morris Anderson .Paak
Best Pop Solo Performance: Hello Adele Hold Up Beyonc Love Yourself Justin Bieber Piece By Piece (Idol Version) Kelly Clarkson Dangerous Woman Ariana Grande
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: Closer The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey 7 Years Lukas Graham WorkRihanna Featuring Drake Cheap ThrillsSia Featuring Sean Paul Stressed Out Twenty One Pilots
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: Cinema Andrea Bocelli Fallen Angels Bob Dylan Stages Live Josh Groban Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin Willie Nelson Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway
Best Pop Vocal Album: 25 Adele Purpose Justin Bieber Dangerous Woman Ariana Grande Confident Demi Lovato This Is Acting Sia
Best Dance Recording: Tearing Me Up Bob Moses Dont Let Me Down The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya Never Be Like You Flume Featuring Kai Rinse & Repeat Riton Featuring Kah-Lo Drinkee Sofi Tukker
Best Dance/Electronic Album: Skin Flume Electronica 1: The Time Machine Jean-Michel Jarre Epoch Tycho Barbara Barbara, We Face A Shining Future Underworld Louie Vega StarringXXVIII Louie Vega
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album: Human Nature Herb Alpert When You Wish Upon A Star Bill Frisell Way Back Home Live From Rochester, NYSteve Gadd Band Unspoken Chuck Loeb Culcha Vulcha Snarky Puppy
Best Rock Performance: Joe (Live From Austin City Limits) Alabama Shakes Dont Hurt Yourself Beyonc Featuring Jack White Blackstar David Bowie The Sound Of Silence (Live On Conan) Disturbed Heathens Twenty One Pilots
Best Metal Performance: Shock Me Baroness Silvera Gojira Rotting In Vain Korn Dystopia Megadeth The Price Is Wrong Periphery
Best Rock Song: Blackstar David Bowie, songwriter (David Bowie) Burn The Witch Radiohead, songwriters (Radiohead) HardwiredJames Hetfield &Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica) HeathensTyler Joseph, songwriter (Twenty One Pilots) My Name Is Human Rich Meyer, Ryan Meyer & Johnny Stevens, songwriters (Highly Suspect)
Best Rock Album: California Blink-182 Tell Me Im Pretty Cage The Elephant Magma Gojira Death Of A Bachelor Panic! At The Disco Weezer Weezer
Best Alternative Music Album: 22, A Million Bon Iver BlackstarDavid Bowie The Hope Six Demolition Project PJ Harvey Post Pop Depression Iggy Pop A Moon Shaped PoolRadiohead
Best R&B Performance: Turnin Me Up BJ The Chicago Kid PermissionRo James I DoMusiq Soulchild Needed Me Rihanna Cranes In The SkySolange
Best Traditional R&B Performance: The Three Of Me William Bell Womans World BJ The Chicago Kid Sleeping With The One I Love Fantasia Angel Lalah Hathaway Cant Wait Jill Scott
Best R&B Song: Come See Me J. Brathwaite, Aubrey Graham &Noah Shebib, songwriters (PartyNextDoor Featuring Drake) Exchange Michael Hernandez & Bryson Tiller, songwriters (Bryson Tiller) Kiss It BetterJeff Bhasker, Robyn Fenty, John-Nathan Glass & Natalia Noemi, songwriters (Rihanna) Lake By The Ocean Hod David & Musze, songwriters (Maxwell) LuvMagnus August Hiberg, Benjamin Levin & Daystar Peterson, songwriters (Tory Lanez)
Best Urban Contemporary Album: Lemonade Beyonc Ology Gallant We Are King KING Malibu Anderson .Paak Anti Rihanna
Best R&B Album: In My Mind BJ The Chicago Kid Lalah Hathaway Live Lalah Hathaway Velvet Portraits Terrace Martin Healing Season Mint Condition Smoove Jones Mya
Best Rap/Sung Performance: Freedom Beyonc Featuring Kendrick Lamar Hotline Bling Drake BroccoliD.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty Ultralight BeamKanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin&The-Dream FamousKanye West Featuring Rihanna
Best Rap Song: All The Way Up Joseph Cartagena, Edward Davadi, Shandel Green, Karim Kharbouch, Andre Christopher Lyon, Reminisce Mackie & Marcello Valenzano, songwriters (Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared) Famous Chancelor Bennett, Ross Birchard, Ernest Brown, Andrew Dawson, Kasseem Dean, Mike Dean, Noah Goldstein, Kejuan Muchita, Patrick Reynolds, Kanye West & Cydel Young, songwriters (Kanye West Featuring Rihanna) Hotline Bling Aubrey Graham & Paul Jefferies, songwriters (Drake) No Problem Chancelor Bennett, Dwayne Carter &Tauheed Epps, songwriters (Chance The Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz) Ultralight Beam Chancelor Bennett, Kasseem Dean, Mike Dean, Kirk Franklin, Noah Goldstein, Samuel Griesemer, Terius Nash, Jerome Potter, Kelly Price, Nico Donnie Trumpet Segal, Derek Watkins, Kanye West & Cydel Young, songwriters (Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream)
Best Rap Album: Coloring Book Chance The Rapper And The Anonymous Nobody De La Soul Major Key DJ Khaled Views Drake Blank Face LP ScHoolboy Q The Life Of Pablo Kanye West
Best Country Solo Performance: Love Can Go To Hell Brandy Clark Vice Miranda Lambert My Church Maren Morris Church Bells Carrie Underwood Blue Aint Your Color Keith Urban
Best Country Duo/Group Performance: Different For Girls Dierks Bentley Featuring Elle King 21 SummerBrothers Osborne Setting The World On FireKenny Chesney & P!nk Jolene Pentatonix Featuring Dolly Parton Think Of You Chris Young With Cassadee Pope
Best Country Song: Blue Aint Your Color Clint Lagerberg, Hillary Lindsey & Steven Lee Olsen, songwriters (Keith Urban) Die A Happy ManSean Douglas, Thomas Rhett & Joe Spargur, songwriters (Thomas Rhett) Humble And KindLori McKenna, songwriter (Tim McGraw) My Church busbee & Maren Morris, songwriters (Maren Morris) ViceMiranda Lambert, Shane McAnally & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album: Big Day In A Small Town Brandy Clark Full Circle Loretta Lynn Hero Maren Morris A Sailors Guide To Earth Sturgill Simpson Ripcord Keith Urban
Best New Age Album: Orogen John Burke Dark Sky Island Enya Inner Passion Peter Kater & Tina Guo Rosetta Vangelis White Sun II White Sun
Best Improvised Jazz Solo: Countdown Joey Alexander, soloist In Movement Ravi Coltrane, soloist We SeeFred Hersch, soloist I Concentrate On You Brad Mehldau, soloist Im So Lonesome I Could Cry John Scofield, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album: Sound Of Red Ren Marie Upward Spiral Branford Marsalis Quartet With Special Guest Kurt Elling Take Me To The Alley Gregory Porter Harlem On My Mind Catherine Russell The Sting Variations The Tierney Sutton Band
Best Jazz Instrumental Album: Book Of Intuition Kenny Barron Trio Dr. Um Peter Erskine Sunday Night At The Vanguard The Fred Hersch Trio Nearness Joshua Redman & Brad Mehldau Country For Old Men John Scofield
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: Real Enemies Darcy James Argues Secret Society Presents Monkestra, Vol. 1 John Beasley Kaleidoscope Eyes: Music Of The Beatles John Daversa All L.A. Band Bob Mintzer Presidential Suite: Eight Variations On Freedom Ted Nash Big Band
Best Latin Jazz Album Entre Colegas Andy Gonzlez Madera Latino: A Latin Jazz Perspective On The Music Of Woody Shaw Brian Lynch & Various Artists Canto Amrica Michael Spiro/Wayne Wallace La Orquesta Sinfonietta 30 Trio Da Paz Tribute To Irakere: Live In Marciac Chucho Valds
Best Gospel Performance/Song: Its Alright, Its Ok Shirley Caesar Featuring Anthony Hamilton Youre Bigger [Live] Jekalyn Carr Made A Way [Live] Travis Greene God ProvidesTamela Mann BetterHezekiah Walker
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song Trust In YouLauren Daigle PricelessFor King & Country King Of The World Natalie Grant Thy WillHillary Scott & The Scott Family Chain Breaker Zach Williams
Best Gospel Album: Listen Tim Bowman Jr. Fill This House Shirley Caesar A Worshippers Heart [Live] Todd Dulaney Losing My Religion Kirk Franklin Demonstrate [Live]William Murphy
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album: Poets & SaintsAll Sons & Daughters American ProdigalCrowder Be OneNatalie Grant Youth Revival [Live] Hillsong Young & Free Love Remains Hillary Scott &The Scott Family
Best Roots Gospel Album: Better Together Gaither Vocal Band Natures Symphony In 432 The Isaacs Hymns Joey+Rory Hymns And Songs Of Inspiration Gordon Mote God Dont Never Change: The Songs Of Blind Willie Johnson (Various Artists)
Best Latin Pop Album: Un Besito Mas Jesse & Joy Ilusin Gaby Moreno SimilaresLaura Pausini Seguir Latiendo Sanalejo Buena Vida Diego Torres
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album: ilevitableile L.H.O.N. (La Humanidad O Nosotros) Illya Kuryaki & The Valderamas Buenaventura La Santa Cecilia Los RakasLos Rakas Amor Supremo Carla Morrison
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): Races Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizrraga Hecho A Mano Joss Favela Un Azteca En El Azteca, Vol. 1 (En Vivo) Vicente Fernndez Generacin Maquinaria Est. 2006. La Maquinaria Nortea Tributo A Joan Sebastian Y Rigoberto Alfaro Mariachi Divas De Cindy Shea
Best Tropical Latin Album: Conexin Fonseca La Fantasia Homenaje A Juan Formell Formell Y Los Van Van 35 Aniversario Grupo Niche La Sonora Santanera En Su 60 Aniversario La Sonora Santanera Donde Estn? Jose Lugo & Guasbara Combo
Best American Roots Performance: Aint No Man The Avett Brothers Mothers Children Have A Hard Time Blind Boys Of Alabama Factory Girl Rhiannon Giddens House Of Mercy Sarah Jarosz Wreck YouLori McKenna
Best American Roots Song: Alabama At Night Robbie Fulks City Lights Jack White Gulfstream Roddie Romero And The Hub City All-Stars Kid Sister The Time Jumpers Wreck You Lori McKenna
Best Americana Album: True Sadness The Avett Brothers This Is Where I Live William Bell The Cedar Creek Sessions Kris Kristofferson The Bird & The Rifle Lori McKenna Kid Sister The Time Jumpers
Best Bluegrass Album: Original Traditional Blue Highway Burden Bearer Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver The Hazel And Alice Sessions Laurie Lewis & The Right Hands North By South Claire Lynch Coming Home OConnor Band With Mark OConnor
Best Traditional Blues Album: Cant Shake This Feeling Lurrie Bell Live At The Greek Theatre Joe Bonamassa Blues & Ballads Luther Dickinson The Soul Of Jimmie Rodgers Vasti Jackson Porcupine Meat Bobby Rush
Best Contemporary Blues Album: The Last Days Of Oakland Fantastic Negrito Love Wins Again Janiva Magness Bloodline Kenny Neal Give It Back To You The Record Company Everybody Wants A Piece Joe Louis Walker
Best Folk Album: Silver Skies Blue Judy Collins & Ari Hest Upland Stories Robbie Fulks Factory Girl Rhiannon Giddens Weighted Mind Sierra Hull Undercurrent Sarah Jarosz
Best Regional Roots Music Album: Broken Promised Land Barry Jean Ancelet & Sam Broussard Its A Cree Thing Northern Cree E Walea Kalani Pea Gulfstream Roddie Romero And The Hub City All-Stars I Wanna Sing Right: Rediscovering Lomax In The Evangeline Country (Various Artists)
Best Reggae Album: Sly & Robbie Presents Reggae For Her Devin Di Dakta & J.L Rose Petals J Boog Ziggy Marley Ziggy Marley Everlasting Raging Fyah Falling Into Place Rebelution SOJA: Live In Virginia SOJA
Best World Music Album: Destiny Celtic Woman Walking In The Footsteps Of Our Fathers Ladysmith Black Mambazo Sing Me Home Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble Land Of Gold Anoushka Shankar Dois Amigos, Um Sculo De Msica: Multishow Live Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil
Best Childrens Album: Explorer Of The World Frances England Infinity Plus One Secret Agent 23 Skidoo Novelties Recess Monkey Press Play Brady Rymer And The Little Band That Could Saddle Up The Okee Dokee Brothers
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling): The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo Amy Schumer In Such Good Company: Eleven Years Of Laughter, Mayhem, And Fun In The Sandbox Carol Burnett M Train Patti Smith Under The Big Black Sun: A Personal History Of L.A. Punk (John Doe With Tom Desavia) (Various Artists) Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink Elvis Costello
Best Comedy Album: AmericaGreat David Cross American Myth Margaret Cho Boyish Girl Interrupted Tig Notaro Live At The Apollo Amy Schumer Talking For Clapping Patton Oswalt
Best Musical Theater Album: Bright Star Carmen Cusack, principal soloist; Jay Alix, Peter Asher & Una mJackman, producers; Steve Martin, composer; Edie Brickell, composer &lyricist (Original Broadway Cast) The Color Purple Danielle Brooks, Cynthia Erivo & Jennifer Hudson, principal soloists; Stephen Bray, Van Dean, Frank Filipetti, Roy Furman, Scott Sanders & Jhett Tolentino, producers (Stephen Bray, Brenda Russell &Allee Willis, composers/lyricists) (New Broadway Cast) Fiddler On The Roof Danny Burstein, principal soloist; Louise Gund, David Lai & Ted Sperling, producers (Jerry Bock, composer; Sheldon Harnick, lyricist) (2016 Broadway Cast) Kinky Boots Killian Donnelly & Matt Henry, principal soloists; Sammy James, Jr., Cyndi Lauper, Stephen Oremus & William Wittman, producers (Cyndi Lauper, composer & lyricist) (Original West End Cast) Waitress Jessie Mueller, principal soloist; Neal Avron, Sara Bareilles & Nadia DiGiallonardo, producers; Sara Bareilles, composer & lyricist
Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media: Amy (Various Artists) Miles Ahead (Miles Davis & Various Artists) Straight Outta Compton (Various Artists) Suicide Squad (Collectors Edition) (Various Artists) Vinyl: The Essentials Season 1 (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media: Bridge Of Spies Thomas Newman, composer Quentin Tarantinos The Hateful Eight Ennio Morricone, composer The Revenant Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto, composers Star Wars: The Force Awakens John Williams, composer Stranger Things Volume 1 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, composers Stranger Things Volume 2 Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, composers
Best Song Written For Visual Media: Cant Stop The Feeling! Max Martin, Shellback & Justin Timberlake, songwriters (Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, Zooey Deschanel) Heathens Tyler Joseph, songwriter (Twenty One Pilots) Just Like FireOscar Holter, Max Martin, P!nk & Shellback, songwriters (P!nk) Purple Lamborghini Shamann Cooke, Sonny Moore & William Roberts, songwriters (Skrillex &Rick Ross) Try Everything Mikkel S. Eriksen, Sia Furler & Tor Erik Hermansen, songwriters (Shakira) The Veil Peter Gabriel, songwriter (Peter Gabriel)
Best Instrumental Composition: Bridge Of Spies (End Title) Thomas Newman, composer (Thomas Newman) The Expensive Train Set (An Epic Sarahnade For Double Big Band) Tim Davies, composer (Tim Davies Big Band) FlowAlan Ferber, composer (Alan Ferber Nonet) LUltima Diligenza Di Red Rock Versione Integrale Ennio Morricone, composer (Ennio Morricone) Spoken At Midnight Ted Nash, composer (Ted Nash Big Band)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: Ask Me Now John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) Good Swing WenceslasSammy Nestico, arranger (The Count Basie Orchestra) Linus & Lucy Christian Jacob, arranger (The Phil Norman Tentet) Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa) We Three KingsTed Nash, arranger (Jazz At Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis) You And IJacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals: Do You Hear What I Hear? Gordon Goodwin, arranger (Gordon Goodwins Big Phat Band Featuring Take 6) Do You Want To Know A Secret John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa Featuring Renee Olstead) Flintstones Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier) Im A Fool To Want You Alan Broadbent, arranger (Kristin Chenoweth) Somewhere (Dirty Blvd) (Extended Version) Billy Childs & Larry Klein, arrangers (Lang Lang Featuring Lisa Fischer & Jeffrey Wright)
Best Recording Package: AntiCiarra Pardo & Robyn Fenty, art directors (Rihanna) Blackstar Jonathan Barnbrook, art director (David Bowie) Human Performance Andrew Savage, art director (Parquet Courts) Sunset Motel Sarah Dodds & Shauna Dodds, art directors (Reckless Kelly) 22, A Million Eric Timothy Carlson, art director (Bon Iver)
Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package: Edith Piaf 1915-2015 Grard Lo Monaco, art director (Edith Piaf) 401 Days Jonathan Dagan & Mathias Hst Normark, art directors (J.Views) I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It (Box Set) Samuel Burgess-Johnson & Matthew Healy, art directors (The 1975) Paper Wheels (Deluxe Limited Edition) Matt Taylor, art director (Trey Anastasio) Tug Of War (Deluxe Edition) Simon Earith & James Musgrave, art directors (Paul McCartney)
Best Album Notes: The Complete Monument & Columbia Albums Collection Mikal Gilmore, album notes writer (Kris Kristofferson) The Knoxville Sessions, 1929-1930: Knox County Stomp Ted Olson & Tony Russell, album notes writers (Various Artists) Ork Records: New York, New York Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, album notes writers (Various Artists) Sissle And Blake Sing Shuffle Along Ken Bloom & Richard Carlin, album notes writers (Eubie Blake &Noble Sissle) Waxing The Gospel: Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph, 1890-1900 Richard Martin, album notes writer (Various Artists)
Best Historical Album: The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series, Vol.12 (Collectors Edition) Steve Berkowitz & Jeff Rosen, compilation producers; Mark Wilder, mastering engineer (Bob Dylan) Music Of Morocco From The Library Of Congress: Recorded By Paul Bowles, 1959 April G. Ledbetter, Steven Lance Ledbetter, Bill Nowlin & Philip D. Schuyler, compilation producers; Rick Fisher & Michael Graves, mastering engineers (Various Artists) Ork Records: New York, New York Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) Vladimir Horowitz: The Unreleased Live Recordings 1966-1983 Bernard Horowitz, Andreas K. Meyer &Robert Russ, compilation producers; Andreas K. Meyer & Jeanne Montalvo, mastering engineers (Vladimir Horowitz) Waxing The Gospel: Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph, 1890-1900 Michael Devecka, Meagan Hennessey & Richard Martin, compilation producers; Michael Devecka, David Giovannoni, Michael Khanchalian & Richard Martin, mastering engineers (Various Artists)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: Are You Serious Tchad Blake & David Boucher, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Andrew Bird) Blackstar David Bowie, Tom Elmhirst, Kevin Killen & Tony Visconti, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (David Bowie) Dig In Deep Ryan Freeland, engineer; Kim Rosen, mastering engineer (Bonnie Raitt) Hit N Run Phase Two Booker T., Dylan Dresdow, Chris James, Prince & Justin Stanley, engineers; Dylan Dresdow, mastering engineer (Prince) Undercurrent Shani Gandhi & Gary Paczosa, engineers; Paul Blakemore, mastering engineer (Sarah Jarosz)
Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical: Benny Blanco Greg Kurstin Max Martin Nineteen85 Ricky Reed
Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical: Cali Coast (Psionics Remix) Josh Williams, remixer (Soul Pacific) Heavy Star Movin (staRo Remix) staRo, remixer (The Silver Lake Chorus) Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Five (Timo Maas & James Teej Remix) Timo Maas & James Teej, remixers (Paul McCartney & Wings) Only (Kaskade x Lipless Remix) Ryan Raddon, remixer (Ry X) Tearing Me Up (RAC Remix) Andr Allen Anjos, remixer (Bob Moses) Wide Open (Joe Goddard Remix) Joe Goddard, remixer (The Chemical Brothers)
Best Surround Sound Album: Dutilleux: Sur Le Mme Accord; Les Citations; Mystre De Linstant & Timbres, Espace, Mouvement Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, surround mix engineers; Dmitriy Lipay, surround mastering engineer; Dmitriy Lipay, surround producer (Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony) Johnson: Considering Matthew Shepard Brad Michel, surround mix engineer; Brad Michel, surround mastering engineer; Robina G. Young, surround producer (Craig Hella Johnson & Conspirare) Maja S.K. Ratkje: And Sing Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Maja S.K. Ratkje, Cikada & Oslo Sinfonietta) Primus & The Chocolate Factory (5.1 Surround Sound Edition) Les Claypool, surround mix engineer; Stephen Marcussen, surround mastering engineer; Les Claypool, surround producer (Primus) Reflections Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (yvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene)
Best Engineered Album, Classical: Corigliano: The Ghosts Of Versailles Mark Donahue & Fred Vogler, engineers (James Conlon, Guanqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero, Patricia Racette, Christopher Maltman, Lucy Schaufer, Lucas Meachem, LA Opera Chorus & Orchestra) Dutilleux: Sur Le Mme Accord; Les Citations; Mystre De LInstant & Timbres, Espace, Mouvement Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, engineers (Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony) Reflections Morten Lindberg, engineer (yvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene) Shadow Of Sirius Silas Brown & David Frost, engineers; Silas Brown, mastering engineer (Jerry F. Junkin & The University Of Texas Wind Ensemble) Shostakovich: Under Stalins Shadow Symphonies Nos. 5, 8 & 9 Shawn Murphy & Nick Squire, engineers; Tim Martyn, mastering engineer (Andris Nelsons & Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Producer Of The Year, Classical: Blanton Alspaugh David Frost Marina A. Ledin, Victor Ledin Judith Sherman Robina G. Young
Best Orchestral Performance: Bates: Works For Orchestra Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) Ibert: Orchestral Works Neeme Jrvi, conductor (Orchestre De La Suisse Romande) Prokofiev: Symphony No. 5 In B-Flat Major, Op. 100 Mariss Jansons, conductor (Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) Rouse: Odna Zhizn; Symphonies 3 & 4; Prosperos Rooms Alan Gilbert, conductor (New York Philharmonic) Shostakovich: Under Stalins Shadow Symphonies Nos. 5, 8 & 9 Andris Nelsons, conductor (Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Best Opera Recording: Corigliano: The Ghosts Of Versailles James Conlon, conductor; Joshua Guerrero, Christopher Maltman, Lucas Meachem, Patricia Racette, Lucy Schaufer & Guanqun Yu; Blanton Alspaugh, producer (LA Opera Orchestra; LA Opera Chorus) Handel: Giulio Cesare Giovanni Antonini, conductor; Cecilia Bartoli, Philippe Jaroussky, Andreas Scholl & Anne-Sofie von Otter; Samuel Theis, producer (Il Giardino Armonico) Higdon: Cold Mountain Miguel Harth-Bedoya, conductor; Emily Fons, Nathan Gunn, Isabel Leonard & Jay Hunter Morris; Elizabeth Ostrow, producer (The Santa Fe Opera Orchestra; Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Program For Singers) Mozart: Le Nozze Di Figaro Yannick Nzet-Sguin, conductor; Thomas Hampson, Christiane Karg, Luca Pisaroni & Sonya Yoncheva; Daniel Zalay, producer (Chamber Orchestra Of Europe; Vocalensemble Rastatt) Szymanowski: Krl Roger Antonio Pappano, conductor; Georgia Jarman, Mariusz Kwiecie & Saimir Pirgu; Jonathan Allen, producer (Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House; Royal Opera Chorus)
Best Choral Performance: Himmelrand Elisabeth Holte, conductor (Marianne Reidarsdatter Eriksen, Ragnfrid Lie & Matilda Sterby; Inger-Lise Ulsrud; Uranienborg Vokalensemble) Janek: Glagolitic Mass Edward Gardner, conductor; Hkon Matti Skrede, chorus master (Susan Bickley, Gbor Bretz, Sara Jakubiak & Stuart Skelton; Thomas Trotter; Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra; Bergen Cathedral Choir, Bergen Philharmonic Choir, Choir Of Collegium Musicum & Edvard Grieg Kor) Lloyd: Bonhoeffer Donald Nally, conductor (Malavika Godbole, John Grecia, Rebecca Harris & Thomas Mesa; The Crossing) Penderecki Conducts Penderecki, Volume 1 Krzysztof Penderecki, conductor; Henryk Wojnarowski, choir director (Nikolay Didenko, Agnieszka Rehlis & Johanna Rusanen; Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra; Warsaw Philharmonic Choir) Steinberg: Passion Week Steven Fox, conductor (The Clarion Choir)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: Fitelberg: Chamber Works ARC Ensemble Reflections yvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene Serious Business Spektral Quartet Steve Reich Third Coast Percussion Trios From Our Homelands Lincoln Trio
Best Classical Instrumental Solo: Adams, J.: Scheherazade.2 Leila Josefowicz; David Robertson, conductor (Chester Englander; St. Louis Symphony) Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway Zuill Bailey; Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor (Nashville Symphony) Track from: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway; American Gothic; Once Upon A Castle Dvok: Violin Concerto & Romance; Suk: Fantasy Christian Tetzlaff; John Storgrds, conductor (Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra) Mozart: Keyboard Music, Vols. 8 & 9 Kristian Bezuidenhout 1930s Violin Concertos, Vol. 2 Gil Shaham; Stphane Denve, conductor (The Knights & Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra)
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album: Monteverdi Magdalena Koen; Andrea Marcon, conductor (David Feldman, Michael Feyfar, Jakob Pilgram & Luca Tittoto; La Cetra Barockorchester Basel) Mozart: The Weber Sisters Sabine Devieilhe; Raphal Pichon, conductor (Pygmalion) Schumann & Berg Dorothea Rschmann; Mitsuko Uchida, accompanist (TIE) Shakespeare Songs Ian Bostridge; Antonio Pappano, accompanist (Michael Collins, Elizabeth Kenny, Lawrence Power & Adam Walker) (TIE) Verismo Anna Netrebko; Antonio Pappano, conductor (Yusif Eyvazov; Coro DellAccademia Nazionale Di Santa Cecilia; Orchestra Dell Accademia Nazionale Di Santa Cecilia)
Best Classical Compendium: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway; American Gothic; Once Upon A Castle Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer Gesualdo Tnu Kaljuste, conductor; Manfred Eicher, producer Vaughan Williams: Discoveries Martyn Brabbins, conductor; Andrew Walton, producer Wolfgang: Passing Through Judith Farmer & Gernot Wolfgang, producers; (Various Artists) Zappa: 200 Motels The Suites Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor; Frank Filipetti & Gail Zappa, producers
Best Contemporary Classical Composition: Bates: Anthology Of Fantastic Zoology Mason Bates, composer (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway Michael Daugherty, composer (Zuill Bailey, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Higdon: Cold Mountain Jennifer Higdon, composer; Gene Scheer, librettist (Miguel Harth- Bedoya, Jay Hunter Morris, Emily Fons, Isabel Leonard, Nathan Gunn & The Santa Fe Opera) Theofanidis: Bassoon Concerto Christopher Theofanidis, composer (Martin Kuuskmann, Barry Jekowsky &Northwest Sinfonia) Winger: Conversations With Nijinsky C. F. Kip Winger, composer (Martin West & San Francisco Ballet Orchestra)
Best Music Video: Formation Beyonc River Leon Bridges Up & Up Coldplay Gosh Jamie XX Upside Down& Inside Out OK Go
Best Music Film: Ill Sleep When Im Dead Steve Aoki The Beatles: Eight Days A Week The Touring Years (The Beatles) Lemonade Beyonc The Music Of Strangers Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble American Saturday Night: Live From The Grand Ole Opry (Various Artists)
Best Rap Performance
No Problem Chance The Rapper Panda Desiigner Pop Style Drake Featuring The Throne (Jay Z, Kanye West) All The Way Up Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared That Part ScHoolboy Q Featuring Kanye West
Read more: http://ift.tt/2kmCgta
    The post Here Are All The 2017 Grammy Winners appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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mulherama · 8 years
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Veja os principais vencedores do Grammy 2017
Maior premiação da música acontece neste domingo (12); veja os vencedores
Acontece neste domingo (12) o Grammy 2017, a maior premiação da música, em Los Angeles, nos Estados Unidos. A noite terá shows de Adele, Beyoncé, Metallica e Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Daft Punk e The Weeknd, Demi Lovato e outros artistas.
O Grammy é a maior premiação da música: veja todos os vencedores deste ano
Foto: Divulgação/Ted Jensen
O principal embate do Grammy 2017 acontece entre Beyoncé e Adele, que estão concorrendo aos principais prêmios. Além delas, artistas como Drake, Rihanna, David Bowie e Justin Bieber estão no páreo.
Veja abaixo a lista de vencedores das principais categorias:
Gravação do ano Hello – Adele Formation – Beyoncé 7 Years – Lukas Graham Work – Rihanna feat. Drake Stressed Out – Twenty One Pilots
Álbum do ano 25 – Adele Lemonade – Beyoncé Purpose – Justin Bieber Views – Drake A Sailor’s Guide To Earth – Sturgill Simpson
Beyoncé durante show no Grammy 2017
Foto: Reprodução/Twitter
Música do ano Formation – Beyoncé Hello – Adele I Took A Pill In Ibiza – Mike Posner Love Yourself – Justin Bieber 7 Years – Lukas Graham
Artista revelação Kelsea Ballerini The Chainsmokers Chance The Rapper Maren Morris Anderson .Paak
Melhor performance solo de pop Hello – Adele Hold Up – Beyoncé Love Yourself – Justin Bieber Piece By Piece (Idol Version) – Kelly Clarkson Dangerous Woman – Ariana Grande
Melhor performance em dupla ou grupo de pop Closer – The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey 7 Years – Lukas Graham Work – Rihanna feat. Drake Cheap Thrills – Sia feat. Sean Paul Stressed Out – Twenty One Pilots
Os integrantes do Twenty One Pilots aceitaram o prêmio sem calças
Foto: Reprodução/Twitter
Melhor álbum de pop vocal 25 — Adele Purpose — Justin Bieber Dangerous Woman — Ariana Grande Confident — Demi Lovato This Is Acting — Sia
Melhor música de rock Blackstar – David Bowie Burn The Witch – Radiohead Hardwired – Metallica Heathens – Twenty One Pilots My Name Is Human – Highly Suspect
Melhor performance de rock “Joe (Live From Austin City Limits)” — Alabama Shakes “Don’t Hurt Yourself” — Beyoncé Featuring Jack White “Blackstar” — David Bowie “The Sound Of Silence” — Disturbed “Heathens” — Twenty One Pilots
Melhor performance de metal Shock Me – Baroness Silvera – Gojira Rotting In Vain – Korn Dystopia – Megadeth The Price Is Wrong – Periphery
Melhor álbum de rock California – Blink-182 Tell Me I’m Pretty – Cage The Elephant Magma – Gojira Death Of A Bachelor – Panic! At The Disco Weezer – Weezer
Melhor álbum de música alternativa 22, A Million – Bon Iver Blackstar – David Bowie The Hope Six Demolition Project – PJ Harvey Post Pop Depression – Iggy Pop A Moon Shaped Pool – Radiohead
Melhor performance de R&B Turnin’ Me Up – BJ the Chicago Kid “Permission” – Ro James “I Do” – Musiq Soulchild “Needed Me” – Rihanna “Cranes in the Sky” – Solange
Melhor música de R&B “Come and See Me” — PartyNextDoor Featuring Drake “Exchange” — Bryson Tiller “Kiss It Better” — Rihanna “Lake By the Ocean” — Maxwell “Luv” — Tory Lanez
Melhor álbum de R&B In My Mind — BJ The Chicago Kid Lalah Hathaway Live — Lalah Hathaway Velvet Portraits — Terrace Martin Healing Season — Mint Condition Smoove Jones — Mya
Melhor álbum urban contemporary Lemonade — Beyoncé Ology — Gallant We Are King — KING Malibu — Anderson .Paak Anti — Rihanna
Melhor performance de rap No Problem – Chance The Rapper Panda – Desiigner Pop Style – Drake feat. The Throne All The Way Up – Fat Joe & Remy Ma feat. French Montana & Infared That Part – ScHoolboy Q feat. Kanye West
Melhor performance vocal de rap “Freedom” — Beyoncé Featuring Kendrick Lamar “Hotline Bling” — Drake “Broccoli” — D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty “Ultralight Beam” — Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream “Famous” — Kanye West Featuring Rihanna
Melhor música de rap “All The Way Up” — Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared “Famous” — Kanye West Featuring Rihanna “Hotline Bling” — Drake “No Problem” — Chance The Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz “Ultralight Beam” — Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream
Melhor performance solo de country “Love Can Go To Hell” — Brandy Clark “Vice” — Miranda Lambert “My Church” — Maren Morris “Church Bells” — Carrie Underwood “Blue Ain’t Your Color” — Keith Urban
Melhor álbum de country Big Day In A Small Town — Brandy Clark Full Circle — Loretta Lynn Hero — Maren Morris A Sailor’s Guide To Earth — Sturgill Simpson Ripcord — Keith Urban
Melhor álbum de world music Destiny — Celtic Woman Walking In The Footsteps Of Our Fathers — Ladysmith Black Mambazo Sing Me Home — Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble Land Of Gold — Anoushka Shankar Dois Amigos, Um Século De Música: Multishow Live — Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil
Melhor clipe “Formation” — Beyoncé “River” — Leon Bridges “Up & Up” — Coldplay “Gosh” — Jamie XX “Upside Down & Inside Out” — OK Go
Melhor filme musical “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead” — Steve Aoki “The Beatles: Eight Days A Week The Touring Years” — (The Beatles) “Lemonade” — Beyoncé “The Music Of Strangers” — Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble “American Saturday Night: Live From The Grand Ole Opry” — (Various Artists)
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tamta24 · 8 years
Οι μεγάλοι νικητές των Grammys 2017 | Adele και David Bowie κέρδισαν τα περισσότερα!
Πραγματοποιήθηκε η 59η απονομή των βραβείων Grammy που έλαβε χώρα στο Staples Center στο Λος Άντζελες. Την παρουσίαση της λαμπερής βραδιάς παρουσίασε για πρώτη φορά ο James Corden.
Μεγάλοι νικητές αναδείχθηκαν η Adele και ο David Bowie ενώ αξίζει να επισημάνουμε πως τις περισσότερες υποψηφιότητες είχε η Beyonce.
Πάμε να δούμε αναλυτικά τους νικητές:
Album Of The Year:
WINNER: 25 — Adele Lemonade — Beyoncé Purpose — Justin Bieber Views — Drake A Sailor’s Guide To Earth — Sturgill Simpson
Record Of The Year:
WINNER: “Hello” — Adele “Formation” — Beyoncé “7 Years” — Lukas Graham “Work” — Rihanna Featuring Drake “Stressed Out” — Twenty One Pilots
Song Of The Year:
“Formation” — Khalif Brown, Asheton Hogan, Beyoncé Knowles & Michael L. Williams II, songwriters (Beyoncé) WINNER: “Hello” — Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Adele) “I Took A Pill In Ibiza” — Mike Posner, songwriter (Mike Posner) “Love Yourself” — Justin Bieber, Benjamin Levin & Ed Sheeran, songwriters (Justin Bieber) “7 Years” — Lukas Forchhammer, Stefan Forrest, Morten Pilegaard & Morten Ristorp, songwriters (Lukas Graham)
Best New Artist:
Kelsea Ballerini The Chainsmokers WINNER: Chance The Rapper Maren Morris Anderson .Paak
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance:
“Closer” — The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey “7 Years” — Lukas Graham “Work” — Rihanna Featuring Drake “Cheap Thrills” — Sia Featuring Sean Paul WINNER: “Stressed Out” — Twenty One Pilots
Best Pop Vocal Album:
WINNER: 25 — Adele Purpose — Justin Bieber Dangerous Woman — Ariana Grande Confident — Demi Lovato This Is Acting — Sia
Best Pop Solo Performance:
WINNER: “Hello” — Adele “Hold Up” — Beyonce “Love Yourself” — Justin Bieber “Piece By Piece (Idol Version)” — Kelly Clarkson “Dangerous Woman” — Ariana Grande
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album:
Cinema — Andrea Bocelli Fallen Angels — Bob Dylan Stages Live — Josh Groban WINNER: Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin — Willie Nelson Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway — Barbra Streisand
Best Dance Recording:
“Tearing Me Up” — Bob Moses WINNER: “Don’t Let Me Down” — The Chainsmokers featuring Daya “Never Be Like You” — Flume featuring Kai “Rinse & Repeat” — Riton featuring Kah-Lo “Drinkee” — Sofi Tukker
Best Dance/Electronic Album:
WINNER: Skin — Flume Electronica 1: The Time Machine — Jean-Michel Jarre Epoch — Tycho Barbara Barbara, We Face A Shining Future — Underworld Louie Vega Starring…XXVIII — Louie Vega
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album:
Human Nature — Herb Alpert When You Wish Upon a Star — Bill Frisell Way Back Home: Live From Rochester, NY — Steve Gadd Band Unpsoken — Chuck Loeb WINNER: Culcha Vulcha — Snarky Puppy
Best Rock Song:
WINNER: “Blackstar” — David Bowie, songwriter (David Bowie) “Burn the Witch” —Radiohead, songwriters (Radiohead) “Hardwired” — James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica) “Heathens” — Tyler Joseph, songwriter (Twenty One Pilots) “My Name Is Human” — Rich Meyer, Ryan Meyer & Johnny Stevens, songwriters (Highly Suspect)
Best Rock Performance:
“Joe (Live From Austin City Limits)” — Alabama Shakes “Don’t Hurt Yourself” — Beyoncé Featuring Jack White WINNER: “Blackstar” — David Bowie “The Sound Of Silence” — Disturbed “Heathens” — Twenty One Pilots
Best Metal Performance:
“Shock Me” — Baroness “Slivera” — Gojira “Rotting in Vain” — Korn WINNER: “Dystopia” — Megadeth “The Price Is Wrong” — Periphery
Best Rock Album:
California — Blink-182 WINNER: Tell Me I’m Pretty — Cage The Elephant Magma — Gojira Death Of A Bachelor — Panic! At The Disco Weezer — Weezer
Best Alternative Music Album:
22, A Million — Bon Iver WINNER: Blackstar — David Bowie The Hope Six Demolition Project — PJ Harvey Post Pop Depression — Iggy Pop A Moon Shaped Pool — Radiohead
Best Urban Contemporary Album:
WINNER: Lemonade — Beyoncé Ology — Gallant We Are King — KING Malibu — Anderson .Paak Anti — Rihanna
Best R&B Performance:
“Turnin’ Me Up” — BJ The Chicago Kid “Permission” — Ro James “I Do” — Musiq Soulchild “Needed Me” — Rihanna WINNER: “Cranes in the Sky” — Solange
Best Traditional R&B Performance:
“The Three Of Me” — William Bell “Woman’s World” — BJ The Chicago Kid “Sleeping With The One I Love” — Fantasia WINNER: “Angel” — Lalah Hathaway “Can’t Wait” — Jill Scott
Best R&B Song:
“Come and See Me” — J. Brathwaite, Aubrey Graham & Noah Shebib, songwriters (PartyNextDoor Featuring Drake) “Exchange” — Michael Hernandez & Bryson Tiller, songwriters (Bryson Tiller) “Kiss It Better” — Jeff Bhasker, Robyn Fenty, John-Nathan Glass & Natalia Noemi, songwriters (Rihanna) WINNER: “Lake By the Ocean” — Hod David & Musze, songwriters (Maxwell) “Luv” — Magnus August Høiberg, Benjamin Levin & Daystar Peterson, songwriters (Tory Lanez)
Best R&B Album:
In My Mind — BJ The Chicago Kid WINNER: Lalah Hathaway Live — Lalah Hathaway Velvet Portraits — Terrace Martin Healing Season — Mint Condition Smoove Jones — Mya
Best Rap Album:
WINNER: Coloring Book — Chance The Rapper And the Anonymous Nobody — De La Soul Major Key — DJ Khaled Views — Drake Blank Face LP — ScHoolboy Q The Life of Pablo — Kanye West
Best Rap Performance:
WINNER: “No Problem” — Chance the Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz “Panda” —Desiigner “Pop Style” — Drake Featuring The Throne “All The Way Up” — Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared “That Part” — ScHoolboy Q Featuring Kanye West
Best Rap/Sung Performance:
“Freedom” — Beyoncé Featuring Kendrick Lamar WINNER: “Hotline Bling” — Drake “Broccoli” — D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty “Ultralight Beam” — Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream “Famous” — Kanye West Featuring Rihanna
Best Rap Song:
“All The Way Up” — Joseph Cartagena, Edward Davadi, Shandel Green, Karim Kharbouch, Andre Christopher Lyon, Reminisce Mackie & Marcello Valenzano, songwriters (Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared) “Famous” — Chancelor Bennett, Ross Birchard, Ernest Brown, Andrew Dawson, Kasseem Dean, Mike Dean, Noah Goldstein, Kejuan Muchita, Patrick Reynolds, Kanye West & Cydel Young, songwriters (Kanye West Featuring Rihanna) “Hotline Bling” — Aubrey Graham & Paul Jefferies, songwriters (Drake) “No Problem” — Chancelor Bennett, Dwayne Carter & Tauheed Epps, songwriters (Chance The Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz) “Ultralight Beam” — Chancelor Bennett, Kasseem Dean, Mike Dean, Kirk Franklin, Noah Goldstein, Samuel Griesemer, Terius Nash, Jerome Potter, Kelly Price, Nico “Donnie Trumpet” Segal, Derek Watkins, Kanye West & Cydel Young, songwriters (Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream)
Best Country Solo Performance:
“Love Can Go To Hell” — Brandy Clark “Vice” — Miranda Lambert WINNER: “My Church” — Maren Morris “Church Bells” — Carrie Underwood “Blue Ain’t Your Color” — Keith Urban
Best Country Duo/Group Performance:
“Different for Girls” — Dierks Bentley Featuring Elle King “21 Summer” — Brothers Osborne “Setting The World On Fire” — Kenny Chesney & P!nk WINNER: “Jolene” — Pentatonix Featuring Dolly Parton “Think Of You” — Chris Young With Cassadee Pope
Best Country Song:
“Blue Ain’t Your Color” — Clint Lagerberg, Hillary Lindsey & Steven Lee Olsen, songwriters (Keith Urban) “Die A Happy Man” — Sean Douglas, Thomas Rhett & Joe Spargur, songwriters (Thomas Rhett) WINNER: “Humble and Kind” — Lori McKenna, songwriter (Tim McGraw) “My Church” — busbee & Maren Morris, songwriters (Maren Morris) “Vice” — Miranda Lambert, Shane McAnally & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album:
Big Day in a Small Town — Brandy Clark Full Circle — Loretta Lynn Hero — Maren Morris WINNER: A Sailor’s Guide to Earth — Sturgill Simpson Ripcord — Keith Urban
Best New Age Album:
Orogen — John Burke Dark Sky Island — Enya Inner Passion — Peter Kater & Tina Guo Rosetta — Vangelis WINNER: White Sun II — White Sun
Best Improvised Jazz Solo:
“Countdown” — Joey Alexander, soloist “In Movement” — Ravi Coltrane, soloist “We See” — Fred Hersch, soloist “I Concentrate On You” — Brad Mehldau, soloist WINNER: “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” — John Scofield, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album:
Sound Of Red — René Marie Upward Spiral — Branford Marsalis Quartet With Special Guest Kurt Elling WINNER: Take Me To The Alley — Gregory Porter Harlem On My Mind — Catherine Russell The Sting Variations — The Tierney Sutton Band
Best Jazz Instrumental Album:
Book of Intuition — Kenny Barron Trio Dr. Um — Peter Erskine Sunday Night At The Vanguard — The Fred Hersch Trio Nearness — Joshua Redman & Brad Mehldau WINNER: Country for Old Men — John Scofield
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album:
Real Enemies — Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society Presents Monk’estra, Vol. 1 — John Beasley Kaleidoscope Eyes: Music of the Beatles — John Daversa All L.A. Band — Bob Mintzer WINNER: Presidential Suite: Eight Variations on Freedom — Ted Nash Big Band
Best Latin Jazz Album:
Entre Colegas — Andy González Madera Latino: A Latin Jazz Perspective On The Music Of Woody Shaw — Brian Lynch & Various Artists Canto América — Michael Spiro/Wayne Wallace La Orquesta Sinfonietta 30 – Trio Da Paz WINNER: Tribute To Irakere: Live In Marciac — Chucho Valdés
Best Gospel Performance/Song:
“It’s Alright, It’s OK” — Shirley Caesar Featuring Anthony Hamilton; Stanley Brown & Courtney Rumble, songwriters “You’re Bigger [Live]” — Jekalyn Carr; Allundria Carr, songwriter “Made A Way [Live]” — Travis Greene; Travis Greene, songwriter WINNER: “God Provides” — Tamela Mann; Kirk Franklin, songwriter “Better” — Hezekiah Walker; Jason Clayborn, Gabriel Hatcher & Hezekiah Walker, songwriters
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song:
“Trust In You” — Lauren Daigle; Lauren Daigle, Michael Farren & Paul Mabury, songwriters “Priceless” — For King & Country; Benjamin Backus, Seth Mosley, Joel Smallbone, Luke Smallbone & Tedd Tjornhom, songwriters “King of the World” — Natalie Grant; Natalie Grant, Becca Mizell & Samuel Mizell, songwriters WINNER: “Thy Will” — Hillary Scott & The Scott Family; Bernie Herms, Hillary Scott & Emily Weisband, songwriters Track from: Love Remains “Chain Breaker” — Zach Williams; Mia Fieldes, Jonathan Smith & Zach Williams, songwriters
Best Gospel Album:
Listen —Tim Bowman Jr. Fill This House — Shirley Caesar A Worshipper’s Heart [Live] —Todd Dulaney WINNER: Losing My Religion — Kirk Franklin Demonstrate [Live] —William Murphy
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album:
Poets & Saints — All Sons & Daughters American Prodigal — Crowder Be One — Natalie Grant Youth Revival [Live] — Hillsong Young & Free WINNER: Love Remains — Hillary Scott & The Scott Family
Best Roots Gospel Album:
Better Together — Gaither Vocal Band Nature’s Symphony In 432 — The Isaacs WINNER: Hymns — Joey+Rory Hymns And Songs Of Inspiration — Gordon Mote God Don’t Ever Change: The Songs Of Blind Willie Johnson — (Various Artists)
Best Latin Pop Album:
WINNER: Un Besito Mas — Jesse & Joy Ilusión — Gaby Moreno Similares — Laura Pausini Seguir Latiendo — Sanalejo Buena Vida — Diego Torres
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album:
WINNER: iLevitable — ile L.H.O.N. (La Humanidad O Nosotros) — Illya Kuryaki & The Valderamas Buenaventura — La Santa Cecilia Los Rakas — Los Rakas Amor Supremo — Carla Morrison
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano):
Raíces — Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizárraga Hecho A Mano — Joss Favela WINNER: Un Azteca En El Azteca, Vol. 1 (En Vivo) — Vicente Fernández Generación Maquinaria Est. 2006 — La Maquinaria Norteña Tributo A Joan Sebastian Y Rigoberto Alfaro — Mariachi Divas De Cindy Shea
Best Tropical Latin Album:
Conexión — Fonseca La Fantasia Homenaje A Juan Formell — Formell Y Los Van Van 35 Aniversario — Grupo Niche La Sonora Santanera En Su 60 Aniversario — La Sonora Santanera WINNER: Donde Están? — Jose Lugo & Guasábara Combo
Best American Roots Performance:
“Ain’t No Man” — The Avett Brothers “Mother’s Children Have A Hard Time” — Blind Boys Of Alabama “Factory Girl” — Rhiannon Giddens WINNER: “House of Mercy” — Sarah Jarosz “Wreck You” — Lori McKenna
Best American Roots Song:
“Alabama at Night” — Robbie Fulks, songwriter (Robbie Fulks) “City Lights” — Jack White, songwriter (Jack White) “Gulfstream” — Eric Adcock & Roddie Romero, songwriters (Roddie Romero and The Hub City All-Stars) WINNER: “Kid Sister” — Vince Gill, songwriter (The Time Jumpers) “Wreck You” — Lori McKenna & Felix McTeigue, songwriters (Lori McKenna)
Best Americana Album:
True Sadness — The Avett Brothers WINNER: This Is Where I Live — William Bell The Cedar Creek Sessions — Kris Kristofferson The Bird & The Rifle — Lori McKenna Kid Sister — The Time Jumpers
Best Bluegrass Album:
Original Traditional — Blue Highway Burden Bearer — Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver The Hazel Sessions — Laurie Lewis & The Right Hands North And South — Claire Lynch WINNER: Coming Home — O’Connor Band With Mark O’Connor
Best Traditional Blues Album:
Can’t Shake The Feeling — Lurrie Bell Live At The Greek Theatre — Joe Bonamassa Blues & Ballads (A Folksinger’s Songbook: Volumes I & II) — Luther Dickinson The Soul of Jimmie Rodgers — Vasti Jackson WINNER: Porcupine Meat — Bobby Rush
Best Contemporary Blues Album:
WINNER: The Last Days of Oakland — Fantastic Negrito Love Wins Again — Janiva Magness Bloodline — Kenny Neal Give It Back To You — The Record Company Everybody Wants A Piece — Joe Louis Walker
Best Folk Album:
Silver Skies Blue — Judy Collins & Ari Hest Upland Stories — Robbie Fulks Factory Girl — Rhiannon Giddens Weighted Mind — Sierra Hull WINNER: Undercurrent — Sarah Jarosz
Best Regional Roots Music Album:
Broken Promised Land — Barry Jean Ancelet & Sam Broussard It’s A Cree Thing — Northern Cree WINNER: E Walea — Kalani Pe’a Gulfstream — Roddie Romero And The Hub City All-Stars I Wanna Sing Right: Rediscovering Lomax In The Evangeline Country — (Various Artists)
Best Reggae Album:
Sly & Robbie Presents… Reggae For Her – Devin Di Dakta & J.L Rose Petals — J Boog WINNER: Ziggy Marley — Ziggy Marley Everlasting — Raging Fyah Falling Into Place — Rebelution Soja: Live In Virginia — Soja
Best World Music Album:
Destiny — Celtic Woman Walking In The Footsteps Of Our Fathers — Ladysmith Black Mambazo WINNER: Sing Me Home — Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble Land Of Gold — Anoushka Shankar Dois Amigos, Um Século De Música: Multishow Live — Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil
Best Children’s Album:
Explorer Of The World — Frances England WINNER: Infinity Plus One — Secret Agent 23 Skidoo Novelties — Recess Monkey Press Play — Brady Rymer And The Little Band That Could Saddle Up — The Okee Dokee Brothers
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling):
The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo — Amy Schumer WINNER: In Such Good Company: Eleven Years Of Laughter, Mayhem, And Fun In The Sandbox — Carol Burnett M Train — Patti Smith Under The Big Black Sun: A Personal History Of L.A.Punk (John Doe With Tom DeSavia) — (Various Artists) Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink — Elvis Costello
Best Comedy Album:
…America…Great… — David Cross American Myth — Margaret Cho Boysih Girl Interrupted — Tig Notaro Live At The Apollo — Amy Schumer WINNER: Talking for Clapping — Patton Oswalt
Best Musical Theater Album:
Bright Star — Carmen Cusack, principal soloist; Jay Alix, Peter Asher & Una Jackman, producers; Steve Martin, composer; Edie Brickell, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast) WINNER: The Color Purple — Cynthia Erivo & Jennifer Hudson, principal soloists; Stephen Bray, Van Dean, Frank Filipetti, Roy Furman, Scott Sanders & Jhett Tolentino, producers (Stephen Bray, Brenda Russell & Allee Willis, composers/lyricists) (New Broadway Cast) Fiddler On The Roof — Danny Burstein, principal soloist; Louise Gund, David Lai & Ted Sperling, producers (Jerry Bock, composer; Sheldon Harnick, lyricist) (2016 Broadway Cast) Kinky Boots — Killian Donnelly & Matt Henry, principal soloists; Sammy James, Jr., Cyndi Lauper, Stephen Oremus & William Wittman, producers (Cyndi Lauper, composer & lyricist) (Original West End Cast) Waitress — Jessie Mueller, principal soloist; Neal Avron, Sara Bareilles & Nadia DiGiallonardo, producers; Sara Bareilles, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast)
Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media:
Amy — (Various Artists) WINNER: Miles Ahead — Miles Davis & Various Artists) Straight Outta Compton — (Various Artists) Suicide Squad (Collector’s Edition) — (Various Artists) Vinyl: The Essentials Season 1 — (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media:
Bridge of Spies — Thomas Newman, composer Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight — Ennio Morricone, composer The Revenant — Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto, composers WINNER: Star Wars: The Force Awakens — John Williams, composer Stranger Things Volume 1 — Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, composers Stranger Things Volume 2 — Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, composers
Best Song Written For Visual Media:
WINNER: “Can’t Stop The Feeling!” — Max Martin, Shellback & Justin Timberlake, songwriters (Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, Zooey Deschanel, Walt Dohrn, Ron Funches, Caroline Hjelt, Aino Jawo, Christopher Mintz-Plasse & Kunal Nayyar), Track from: Trolls “Heathens” — Tyler Joseph, songwriter (Twenty One Pilots), Track from: Suicide Squad “Just Like Fire” — Oscar Holter, Max Martin, P!nk & Shellback, songwriters (P!nk), Track from: Alice Through The Looking Glass “Purple Lamborghini” — Shamann Cooke, Sonny Moore & William Roberts, songwriters (Skrillex & Rick Ross), Track from: Suicide Squad “Try Everything” — Mikkel S. Eriksen, Sia Furler & Tor Erik Hermansen, songwriters (Shakira), Track from: Zootopia “The Veil” — Peter Gabriel, songwriter (Peter Gabriel), Track from: Snowden
Best Instrumental Composition:
“Bridge of Spies (End Title)” — Thomas Newman, composer (Thomas Newman) “The Expensive Train Set (An Epic Sarahnade For Big Band)” — Tim Davies, composer (Tim Davies Big Band) “Flow” — Alan Ferber, composer (Alan Ferber Nonet) “L’Ultima Diligenza Di Red Rock – Verisione Integrale” — Ennio Morricone, composer (Ennio Morricone) WINNER: “Spoken At Midnight” — Ted Nash, composer (Ted Nash Big Band)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella:
“Ask Me Now” — John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) “Good ‘Swing’ Wenceslas” — Sammy Nestico, arranger (The Count Basie Orchestra) “Linus & Lucy” — Christian Jacob, arranger (The Phil Norman Tentet) “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” — John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa) “We Three Kings” — Ted Nash, arranger (Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis) WINNER: “You and I” — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals:
“Do You Hear What I Hear?” — Gordon Goodwin, arranger (Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band Featuring Take 6) “Do You Want To Know A Secret” — John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa Featuring Renee Olstead) WINNER: “Flintstones” — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier) “I’m A Fool To Want You” — Alan Broadbent, arranger (Kristin Chenoweth) “Somewhere (Dirty Blvd) (Extended Version)” — Billy Childs & Larry Klein, arrangers (Lang Lang Featuring Lisa Fischer & Jeffrey Wright)
Best Recording Package:
Anti (Deluxe Edition) — Ciarra Pardo & Robyn Fenty, art directors (Rihanna) WINNER: Blackstar — Jonathan Barnbrook, art director (David Bowie) Human Performance — Andrew Savage, art director (Parquet Courts) Sunset Motel — Sarah Dodds & Shauna Dodds, art directors (Reckless Kelly) 22, A Million — Eric Timothy Carlson, art director (Bon Iver)
Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package:
WINNER: Edith Piaf 1915-2015 — Gérard Lo Monaco, art director (Edith Piaf) 401 Days — Jonathan Dagan & Mathias Høst Normark, art directors (J.Views) I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It — Samuel Burgess-Johnson & Matthew Healy, art directors (The 1975) Paper Wheels (Deluxe Limited Edition) — Matt Taylor, art director (Trey Anastasio) Tug of War (Deluxe Edition) — Simon Earith & James Musgrave, art directors (Paul McCartney)
Best Album Notes:
The Complete Monument & Columbia Albums Collection — Mikal Gilmore, album notes writer (Kris Kristofferson) The Knoxville Sessions, 1929-1930: Knox County Stomp — Ted Olson & Tony Russell, album notes writers (Various Artists) Ork Records: New York, New York — Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, album notes writers (Various Artists) WINNER: Sissle And Blake Sing Shuffle Along — Ken Bloom & Richard Carlin, album notes writers (Eubie Blake & Noble Sissle) Waxing The Gospel: Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph, 1890-1990 — Richard Martin, album notes writer (Various Artists)
Best Historical Album:
WINNER: The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 12 (Collector’s Edition) — Steve Berkowitz & Jeff Rosen, compilation producers; Mark Wilder, mastering engineer (Bob Dylan) Music Of Morocco From The Library Of Congress: Recorded By Paul Bowles, 1959 — April G. Ledbetter, Steven Lance Ledbetter, Bill Nowlin & Philip D. Schuyler, compilation producers; Rick Fisher & Michael Graves, mastering engineers (Various Artists) Ork Records: New York, New York — Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) Vladimir Horowitz: The Unreleased Live Recordings 1966-1983 — Bernard Horowitz, Andreas K. Meyer & Robert Russ, compilation producers; Andreas K. Meyer & Jeanne Montalvo, mastering engineers (Vladimir Horowitz) Waxing The Gospel: Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph, 1890 – 1900 — Michael Devecka, Meagan Hennessey & Richard Martin, compilation producers; Michael Devecka, David Giovannoni, Michael Khanchalian & Richard Martin, mastering engineers (Various Artists)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical:
Are You Serious — Tchad Blake & David Boucher, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Andrew Bird) WINNER: Blackstar — David Bowie, Tom Elmhirst, Kevin Killen, Tony Visconti & Joe LaPorta (David Bowie) Dig In Deep — Ryan Freeland, engineer; Kim Rosen, mastering engineer (Bonnie Raitt) Hit N Run Phase Two — Booker T., Dylan Dresdow, Chris James, Prince & Justin Stanley, engineers; Dylan Dresdow, mastering engineer (Prince) Undercurrent — Shani Gandhi & Gary Paczosa, engineers; Paul Blakemore, mastering engineer (Sarah Jarosz)
Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical:
Benny Blanco WINNER: Greg Kurstin Max Martin Nineteen85 Ricky Reed
Best Remixed Recording:
“Cali Coast (Psionics Remix)” — Josh Williams, remixer (Soul Pacific) “Heavy Star Movin’ (staRo Remix)” — staRo, remixer (The Silver Lake Chorus) “Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Five (Timo Maas & James Teej Remix)” — Timo Maas & James Teej, remixers (Paul McCartney & Wings) “Only” (Kaskade X Lipless Remix)— Ryan Raddon, remixer (Ry X) WINNER: “Tearing Me Up (RAC Remix)” — André Allen Anjos, remixer (Bob Moses) “Wide Open (Joe Goddard Remix)” — Joe Goddard, remixer (The Chemical Brothers)
Best Surround Sound Album:
WINNER: Dutilleux: Sur La Mêe Accord; Les Citations; Mystère De L’Instant & Timbres, Espace, Mouvement — Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, surround mix engineers; Dmitriy Lipay, surround mastering engineer; Dmitriy Lipay, surround producer (Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony) Johnson: Considering Matthew Shephard — Brad Michel, surround mix engineer; Brad Michel, surround mastering engineer; Robina G. Young, surround producer (Craig Hella Johnson & Conspirare) Maja S.K. Ratkje: And Sing … — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Maja S.K. Ratkje, Cikada & Oslo Sinfonietta) Primus & The Chocolate Factory — Les Claypool, surround mix engineer; Stephen Marcussen, surround mastering engineer; Les Claypool, surround producer (Primus) Reflections — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene)
Best Engineered Album, Classical:
WINNER: Corigliano: The Ghosts Of Versailles — Mark Donahue & Fred Vogler, engineers (James Conlon, Guanqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero, Patricia Racette, Christopher Maltman, Lucy Schaufer, Lucas Meachem, LA Opera Chorus & Orchestra) Dutilleux: Sur La Mêe Accord; Les Citations; Mystère De L’Instant & Timbres, Espace, Mouvement — Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, engineers (Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony) Reflections — Morten Lindberg, engineer (Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene) Shadow of Sirius — Silas Brown & David Frost, engineers; Silas Brown, Shostakovich: Under Stalin’s Shadow – Symphonies Nos. 5, 8 & 9 — Shawn Murphy & Nick Squire, engineers; Tim Martyn, mastering engineer (Andris Nelsons & Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Producer of the Year, Classical:
Blanton Alspaugh WINNER: David Frost Marina A. Ledin, Victor Ledin Judith Sherman Robina G. Young
Best Orchestral Field:
Bates: Works For Orchestra — Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) Ibert: Orchestral Works — Neeme Järvi, conductor (Orchestre De La Suisse Romande) Prokofiev: Symphony No. 5 In B-Flat Major, Op. 100 — Mariss Jansons, conductor (Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) Rouse: Odna Zhizn; Symphonies 3 & 4; Prospero’s Rooms — Alan Gilbert, conductor (New York Philharmonic) WINNER: Shostakovich: Under Stalin’s Shadow – Symphonies Nos. 5, 8 & 9 — Andris Nelsons, conductor (Boston Symphony Orchestra)
Best Opera Recording:
WINNER: Corigliano: The Ghosts Of Versailles — James Conlon, conductor; Joshua Guerrero, Christopher Maltman, Lucas Meachem, Patricia Racette, Lucy Schaufer & Guanqun Yu; Blanton Alspaugh, producer (LA Opera Orchestra; LA Opera Chorus) Handel: Giulio Cesare — Giovanni Antonini, conductor; Cecilia Bartoli, Philippe Jaroussky, Andreas Scholl & Anne-Sofie von Otter; Samuel Theis, producer (Il Giardino Armonico) Higdon: Cold Mountain — Miguel Harth-Bedoya, conductor; Emily Fons, Nathan Gunn, Isabel Leonard & Jay Hunter Morris; Elizabeth Ostrow, producer (The Santa Fe Opera Orchestra; Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Program For Singers) Mozart: Le Nozze De Figaro — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Thomas Hampson, Christiane Karg, Luca Pisaroni & Sonya Yoncheva; Daniel Zalay, producer (Chamber Orchestra Of Europe; Vocalensemble Rastatt) Szymanowski: Król Roger — Antonio Pappano, conductor; Georgia Jarman, Mariusz Kwiecień & Saimir Pirgu; Jonathan Allen, producer (Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House; Royal Opera Chorus)
Best Choral Performance:
Himmerland — Elisabeth Holte, conductor (Marianne Reidarsdatter Eriksen, Ragnfrid Lie & Matilda Sterby; Inger-Lise Ulsrud; Uranienborg Vokalensemble) Janáček: Glagolitic Mass — Edward Gardner, conductor; Håkon Matti Skrede, chorus master (Susan Bickley, Gábor Bretz, Sara Jakubiak & Stuart Skelton; Thomas Trotter; Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra; Bergen Cathedral Choir, Bergen Philharmonic Choir, Choir Of Collegium Musicum & Edvard Grieg Kor) Lloyd: Bonhoeffer — Donald Nally, conductor (Malavika Godbole, John Grecia, Rebecca Harris & Thomas Mesa; The Crossing) WINNER: Penderecki Conducts Penderecki, Volume 1 — Krzystof Penderecki, conductor; Henryk Wojnarowski, choir director (Nikolay Didenko, Agnieszka Rehlis & Johanna Rusanen; Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra; Warsaw Philharmonic Choir) Steinberg: Passion Week — Steven Fox, conductor (The Clarion Choir)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance:
Fitelberg: Chamber Works — ARC Ensemble Reflections — Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene Serious Business — Spektral Quartet WINNER: Steve Reich — Third Coast Percussion Trios From Our Homelands — Lincoln Trio
Best Classical Instrumental Solo:
Adams, J.: Scheherazade.2 — Leila Josefowicz; David Robertson, conductor (Chester Englander; St. Louis Symphony) WINNER: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway — Zuill Bailey; Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor (Nashville Symphony) Dvorák: Violin Concerto & Romance; Suk: Fantasy —Christian Tetzlaff; John Storgårds, conductor (Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra) Mozart: Keyboard Music, Vols. 8 & 9 — Kristian Bezuidenhout 1930’s Violin Concertos, Vol. 2 — Gil Shaham; Stéphane Denève, conductor (The Knights & Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra)
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album:
Monteverdi — Magdalena Kožená; Andrea Marcon, conductor (David Feldman, Michael Feyfar, Jakob Pilgram & Luca Tittoto; La Cetra Barockorchester Basel) Mozart: The Weber Sisters — Sabine Devieilhe; Raphaël Pichon, conductor (Pygmalion) Schumann & Berg — Dorothea Röschmann; Mitsuko Uchida, accompanist WINNER: Shakespeare Songs — Ian Bostridge; Antonio Pappano, accompanist (Michael Collins, Elizabeth Kenny, Lawrence Power & Adam Walker) Verismo — Anna Netrebko; Antonio Pappano, conductor (Yusif Eyvazov; Coro Dell’Accademia Nazionale Di Santa Cecilia; Orchestra Dell’Accademia Nazionale Di Santa Cecilia)
Best Classical Compendium:
WINNER: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway; American Gothic; Once Upon A Castle — Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer Gesualdo — Tõnu Kaljuste, conductor; Manfred Eicher, producer Vaughan Williams: Discoveries — Martyn Brabbins, conductor; Andrew Walton, producer Wolfgang: Passing Through — Judith Farmer & Gernot Wolfgang, producers Zappa: 200 Motels — The Suites — Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor; Frank Filipetti & Gail Zappa, producers
Best Contemporary Classical Composition:
Bates: Anthology Of Fantastic Zoology — Mason Bates, composer (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) WINNER: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway — Michael Daugherty, composer (Zuill Bailey, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Higdon: Cold Mountain — Jennifer Higdon, composer; Gene Scheer, librettist Theofanidis: Bassoon Concerto — Christopher Theofanidis, composer (Martin Kuuskmann, Barry Jekowsky & Northwest Sinfonia) Winger: Conversations With Nijinsky — C. F. Kip Winger, composer (Martin West & San Francisco Ballet Orchestra)
Best Music Video:
WINNER: “Formation” — Beyoncé “River” — Leon Bridges “Up & Up” — Coldplay “Gosh” — Jamie XX “Upside Down & Inside Out” — OK Go
Best Music Film:
I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead — Steve Aoki WINNER: The Beatles: Eight Days A Week The Touring Years — (The Beatles) Lemonade — Beyoncé The Music Of Strangers — Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble American Saturday Night: Live From The Grand Ole Opry — (Various Artists)
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Adele, Beyonce give 2017 Grammy's some life
Adele swept the 2017 Grammy Awards, but she made more news from her technical difficulties resulting in an 'f-bomb' drop during her emotional tribute to George Michael. She had the audience with her as she remained the true pro and stated that she wanted to start again because Michael deserved better than what she began with. The result was a stirring song delivered flawlessly with an audience in tears feeling the emotion. Later in the evening, even her acceptance speech for song of the year was interrupted by that annoying play-off music for her collaborator Greg Kurstin. This resulted in the crowd booing, but Adele got her say when they won again for record of the year. Adele scolded, “You cut him off last time!” James Corden delivered a satisfactory performance as host, but the evening belonged to Adele and Beyonce with neither disappointing. Adele's opening "Hello" was stark and bare of any distractions with only her powerful voice filling the room. Beyonce, on the other hand, had it all. Queen Bey was introduced by her mother, and then those familiar opening chords from "Love Drought" came on from Lemonade. It was a production number that had it all and felt like a video come to life. She was eager to show her tummy clad in a golden headdress, and she delivered an epic production. Beautiful, stunning and fabulous were the words that quickly came to mind during her show.
2017 Grammy Awards Winners:
GENERAL FIELD Album Of The Year: 25 — Adele (WINNER) Lemonade — Beyoncé Purpose — Justin Bieber Views — Drake A Sailor’s Guide To Earth — Sturgill Simpson Record Of The Year: “Hello” — Adele (WINNER) “Formation” — Beyoncé “7 Years” — Lukas Graham “Work” — Rihanna Featuring Drake “Stressed Out” — Twenty One Pilots Song Of The Year: “Hello” — Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Adele) (WINNER) “Formation” — Khalif Brown, Asheton Hogan, Beyoncé Knowles & Michael L. Williams II, songwriters (Beyoncé) “I Took A Pill In Ibiza” — Mike Posner, songwriter (Mike Posner) “Love Yourself” — Justin Bieber, Benjamin Levin & Ed Sheeran, songwriters (Justin Bieber) “7 Years” — Lukas Forchhammer, Stefan Forrest, Morten Pilegaard & Morten Ristorp, songwriters (Lukas Graham) Best New Artist: Chance The Rapper (WINNER) Kelsea Ballerini The Chainsmokers Maren Morris Anderson .Paak POP FIELD Best Pop Vocal Album: 25 — Adele (WINNER) Purpose — Justin Bieber Dangerous Woman — Ariana Grande Confident — Demi Lovato This Is Acting — Sia Best Pop Solo Performance: “Hello” — Adele (WINNER) “Hold Up” — Beyonce “Love Yourself” — Justin Bieber “Piece By Piece (Idol Version)” — Kelly Clarkson “Dangerous Woman” — Ariana Grande Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: “Stressed Out” — Twenty One Pilots (WINNER) “Closer” — The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey “7 Years” — Lukas Graham “Work” — Rihanna Featuring Drake “Cheap Thrills” — Sia Featuring Sean Paul Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin — Willie Nelson (WINNER) Cinema — Andrea Bocelli Fallen Angels — Bob Dylan Stages Live — Josh Groban Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway — Barbra Streisand DANCE/ELECTRONIC MUSIC FIELD Best Dance Recording: “Don’t Let Me Down” — The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya (WINNER) “Tearing Me Up” — Bob Moses “Never Be Like You” — Flume Featuring Kai “Rinse & Repeat” — Riton Featuring Kah-Lo “Drinkee” — Sofi Tukker Best Dance/Electronic Album: Skin — Flume (WINNER) Electronica 1: The Time Machine — Jean-Michel Jarre Epoch — Tycho Barbara Barbara, We Face A Shining Future — Underworld Louie Vega Starring…XXVIII — Louie Vega CONTEMPORARY INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC FIELD Best Contemporary Instrumental Album: Culcha Vulcha — Snarky Puppy (WINNER) Human Nature — Herb Alpert When You Wish Upon a Star — Bill Frisell Way Back Home: Live From Rochester, NY — Steve Gadd Band Unpsoken — Chuck Loeb ROCK FIELD Best Rock Performance: “Blackstar” — David Bowie (WINNER) “Joe (Live From Austin City Limits)” — Alabama Shakes “Don’t Hurt Yourself” — Beyoncé Featuring Jack White “The Sound Of Silence” — Disturbed “Heathens” — Twenty One Pilots Best Metal Performance: “Dystopia” — Megadeth (WINNER) “Shock Me” — Baroness “Slivera” — Gojira “Rotting in Vain” — Korn “The Price Is Wrong” — Periphery Best Rock Song: “Blackstar” — David Bowie, songwriter (David Bowie) (WINNER) “Burn the Witch” —Radiohead, songwriters (Radiohead) “Hardwired” — James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica “Heathens” — Tyler Joseph, songwriter (Twenty One Pilots) “My Name Is Human” — Rich Meyer, Ryan Meyer & Johnny Stevens, songwriters (Highly Suspect) Best Rock Album: Tell Me I’m Pretty — Cage The Elephant (WINNER) California — Blink-182 Magma — Gojira Death Of A Bachelor — Panic! At The Disco Weezer — Weezer ALTERNATIVE FIELD Best Alternative Music Album: Blackstar — David Bowie (WINNER) 22, A Million — Bon Iver The Hope Six Demolition Project — PJ Harvey Post Pop Depression — Iggy Pop A Moon Shaped Pool — Radiohead R&B FIELD Best R&B Performance: “Cranes in the Sky” — Solange (WINNER) “Turnin’ Me Up” — BJ The Chicago Kid “Permission” — Ro James “I Do” — Musiq Soulchild “Needed Me” — Rihanna Best Traditional R&B Performance: “Angel” — Lalah Hathaway (WINNER) “The Three Of Me” — William Bell “Woman’s World” — BJ The Chicago Kid “Sleeping With The One I Love” — Fantasia “Can’t Wait” — Jill Scott Best R&B Song: “Lake By the Ocean” — Hod David & Musze, songwriters (Maxwell) (WINNER) “Come and See Me” — J. Brathwaite, Aubrey Graham & Noah Shebib, songwriters (PartyNextDoor Featuring Drake) “Exchange” — Michael Hernandez & Bryson Tiller, songwriters (Bryson Tiller) “Kiss It Better” — Jeff Bhasker, Robyn Fenty, John-Nathan Glass & Natalia Noemi, songwriters (Rihanna) “Luv” — Magnus August Høiberg, Benjamin Levin & Daystar Peterson, songwriters (Tory Lanez) Best Urban Contemporary Album: Lemonade — Beyoncé (WINNER) Ology — Gallant We Are King — KING Malibu — Anderson .Paak Anti — Rihanna Best R&B Album: Lalah Hathaway Live — Lalah Hathaway (WINNER) In My Mind — BJ The Chicago Kid Velvet Portraits — Terrace Martin Healing Season — Mint Condition Smoove Jones — Mya RAP FIELD Best Rap Performance: “No Problem” — Chance The Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz (WINNER) “Panda” —Desiigner “Pop Style” — Drake Featuring The Throne “All The Way Up” — Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared “That Part” — ScHoolboy Q Featuring Kanye West Best Rap/Sung Performance: “Hotline Bling” — Drake (WINNER) “Freedom” — Beyoncé Featuring Kendrick Lamar “Broccoli” — D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty “Ultralight Beam” — Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream “Famous” — Kanye West Featuring Rihanna Best Rap Song: “Hotline Bling” — Aubrey Graham & Paul Jefferies, songwriters (Drake) (WINNER) “All The Way Up” — Joseph Cartagena, Edward Davadi, Shandel Green, Karim Kharbouch, Andre Christopher Lyon, Reminisce Mackie & Marcello Valenzano, songwriters (Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared) “Famous” — Chancelor Bennett, Ross Birchard, Ernest Brown, Andrew Dawson, Kasseem Dean, Mike Dean, Noah Goldstein, Kejuan Muchita, Patrick Reynolds, Kanye West & Cydel Young, songwriters (Kanye West Featuring Rihanna) “No Problem” — Chancelor Bennett, Dwayne Carter & Tauheed Epps, songwriters (Chance The Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz) “Ultralight Beam” — Chancelor Bennett, Kasseem Dean, Mike Dean, Kirk Franklin, Noah Goldstein, Samuel Griesemer, Terius Nash, Jerome Potter, Kelly Price, Nico “Donnie Trumpet” Segal, Derek Watkins, Kanye West & Cydel Young, songwriters (Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream) Best Rap Album: Coloring Book — Chance The Rapper (WINNER) And the Anonymous Nobody — De La Soul Major Key — DJ Khaled Views — Drake Blank Face LP — ScHoolboy Q The Life of Pablo — Kanye West COUNTRY FIELD Best Country Solo Performance: “My Church” — Maren Morris (WINNER) “Love Can Go To Hell” — Brandy Clark “Vice” — Miranda Lambert “Church Bells” — Carrie Underwood “Blue Ain’t Your Color” — Keith Urban Best Country Duo/Group Performance: “Jolene” — Pentatonix Featuring Dolly Parton (WINNER) “Different for Girls” — Dierks Bentley Featuring Elle King “21 Summer” — Brothers Osborne “Setting The World On Fire” — Kenny Chesney & P!nk “Think Of You” — Chris Young With Cassadee Pope Best Country Song: “Humble and Kind” — Lori McKenna, songwriter (Tim McGraw) (WINNER) “Blue Ain’t Your Color” — Clint Lagerberg, Hillary Lindsey & Steven Lee Olsen, songwriters (Keith Urban) “Die A Happy Man” — Sean Douglas, Thomas Rhett & Joe Spargur, songwriters (Thomas Rhett) “My Church” — busbee & Maren Morris, songwriters (Maren Morris) “Vice” — Miranda Lambert, Shane McAnally & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Miranda Lambert) Best Country Album: A Sailor’s Guide To Earth — Sturgill Simpson (WINNER) Big Day In A Small Town — Brandy Clark Full Circle — Loretta Lynn Hero — Maren Morris Ripcord — Keith Urban NEW AGE FIELD Best New Age Album: White Sun II — White Sun (WINNER) Orogen — John Burke Dark Sky Island — Enya Inner Passion — Peter Kater & Tina Guo Rosetta — Vangelis JAZZ FIELD Best Improvised Jazz Solo: “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” — John Scofield, soloist (WINNER) “Countdown” — Joey Alexander, soloist “In Movement” — Ravi Coltrane, soloist “We See” — Fred Hersch, soloist “I Concentrate On You” — Brad Mehldau, soloist Best Jazz Vocal Album: Take Me To The Alley — Gregory Porter (WINNER) Sound Of Red — René Marie Upward Spiral — Branford Marsalis Quartet With Special Guest Kurt Elling Harlem On My Mind — Catherine Russell The Sting Variations — The Tierney Sutton Band Best Jazz Instrumental Album: Country For Old Men — John Scofield (WINNER) Book of Intuition — Kenny Barron Trio Dr. Um — Peter Erskine Sunday Night At The Vanguard — The Fred Hersch Trio Nearness — Joshua Redman & Brad Mehldau Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: Presidential Suite: Eight Variations On Freedom — Ted Nash Big Band (WINNER) Real Enemies — Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society Presents Monk’estra, Vol. 1 — John Beasley Kaleidoscope Eyes: Music of the Beatles — John Daversa All L.A. Band — Bob Mintzer Best Latin Jazz Album: Tribute To Irakere: Live In Marciac — Chucho Valdés (WINNER) Entre Colegas — Andy González Madera Latino: A Latin Jazz Perspective On The Music Of Woody Shaw — Brian Lynch & Various Artists Canto América — Michael Spiro/Wayne Wallace La Orquesta Sinfonietta 30 – Trio Da Paz GOSPEL/CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC FIELD Best Gospel Performance/Song: “God Provides” — Tamela Mann; Kirk Franklin, songwriter (WINNER) “It’s Alright, It’s OK” — Shirley Caesar Featuring Anthony Hamilton; Stanley Brown & Courtney Rumble, songwriters “You’re Bigger [Live]” — Jekalyn Carr; Allundria Carr, songwriter “Made A Way [Live]” — Travis Greene; Travis Greene, songwriter “Better” — Hezekiah Walker; Jason Clayborn, Gabriel Hatcher & Hezekiah Walker, songwriters Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song: “Thy Will” — Hillary Scott & The Scott Family; Bernie Herms, Hillary Scott & Emily Weisband, songwriters Track from: Love Remains (WINNER) “Trust In You” — Lauren Daigle; Lauren Daigle, Michael Farren & Paul Mabury, songwriters (WINNER) “Priceless” — For King & Country; Benjamin Backus, Seth Mosley, Joel Smallbone, Luke Smallbone & Tedd Tjornhom, songwriters “King of the World” — Natalie Grant; Natalie Grant, Becca Mizell & Samuel Mizell, songwriters “Chain Breaker” — Zach Williams; Mia Fieldes, Jonathan Smith & Zach Williams, songwriters Best Gospel Album: Losing My Religion — Kirk Franklin (WINNER) Listen —Tim Bowman Jr. Fill This House — Shirley Caesar A Worshipper’s Heart [Live] —Todd Dulaney Demonstrate [Live] —William Murphy Best Contemporary Christian Music Album: Love Remains — Hillary Scott & The Scott Family (WINNER) Poets & Saints — All Sons & Daughters American Prodigal — Crowder Be One — Natalie Grant Youth Revival [Live] — Hillsong Young & Free Best Roots Gospel Album: Hymns — Joey+Rory (WINNER) Better Together — Gaither Vocal Band Nature’s Symphony In 432 — The Isaacs Hymns And Songs Of Inspiration — Gordon Mote God Don’t Ever Change: The Songs Of Blind Willie Johnson — (Various Artists) LATIN FIELD Best Latin Pop Album: Un Besito Mas — Jesse & Joy (WINNER) Ilusión — Gaby Moreno Similares — Laura Pausini Seguir Latiendo — Sanalejo Buena Vida — Diego Torres Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album: iLevitable — ile (WINNER) L.H.O.N. (La Humanidad O Nosotros) — Illya Kuryaki & The Valderamas Buenaventura — La Santa Cecilia Los Rakas — Los Rakas Amor Supremo — Carla Morrison Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): Un Azteca En El Azteca, Vol. 1 (En Vivo) — Vicente Fernández (WINNER) Raíces — Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizárraga Hecho A Mano — Joss Favela Generación Maquinaria Est. 2006 — La Maquinaria Norteña Tributo A Joan Sebastian Y Rigoberto Alfaro — Mariachi Divas De Cindy Shea Best Tropical Latin Album: Donde Están? — Jose Lugo & Guasábara Combo (WINNER) Conexión — Fonseca La Fantasia Homenaje A Juan Formell — Formell Y Los Van Van 35 Aniversario — Grupo Niche La Sonora Santanera En Su 60 Aniversario — La Sonora Santanera AMERICAN ROOTS MUSIC FIELD Best American Roots Performance: “House Of Mercy” — Sarah Jarosz (WINNER) “Ain’t No Man” — The Avett Brothers “Mother’s Children Have A Hard Time” — Blind Boys Of Alabama “Factory Girl” — Rhiannon Giddens “Wreck You” — Lori McKenna Best American Roots Song: “Kid Sister” — Vince Gill, songwriter (The Time Jumpers) (WINNER) “Alabama At Night” — Robbie Fulks, songwriter (Robbie Fulks) “City Lights” — Jack White, songwriter (Jack White) “Gulfstream” — Eric Adcock & Roddie Romero, songwriters (Roddie Romero And The Hub City All-Stars) “Wreck You” — Lori McKenna & Felix McTeigue, songwriters (Lori McKenna) Best Americana Album: This Is Where I Live — William Bell (WINNER) True Sadness — The Avett Brothers The Cedar Creek Sessions — Kris Kristofferson The Bird & The Rifle — Lori McKenna Kid Sister — The Time Jumpers Best Bluegrass Album: Coming Home — O’Connor Band With Mark O’Connor (WINNER) Original Traditional — Blue Highway Burden Bearer — Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver The Hazel Sessions — Laurie Lewis & The Right Hands North And South — Claire Lynch Best Traditional Blues Album: Porcupine Meat — Bobby Rush (WINNER) Can’t Shake The Feeling — Lurrie Bell Live At The Greek Theatre — Joe Bonamassa Blues & Ballads (A Folksinger’s Songbook: Volumes I & II) — Luther Dickinson The Soul of Jimmie Rodgers — Vasti Jackson Best Contemporary Blues Album: The Last Days Of Oakland — Fantastic Negrito (WINNER) Love Wins Again — Janiva Magness Bloodline — Kenny Neal Give It Back To You — The Record Company Everybody Wants A Piece — Joe Louis Walker Best Folk Album: Undercurrent — Sarah Jarosz (WINNER) Silver Skies Blue — Judy Collins & Ari Hest Upland Stories — Robbie Fulks Factory Girl — Rhiannon Giddens Weighted Mind — Sierra Hull Best Regional Roots Music Album: E Walea — Kalani Pe’a (WINNER) Broken Promised Land — Barry Jean Ancelet & Sam Broussard It’s A Cree Thing — Northern Cree Gulfstream — Roddie Romero And The Hub City All-Stars I Wanna Sing Right: Rediscovering Lomax In The Evangeline Country — (Various Artists) REGGAE FIELD Best Reggae Album: Ziggy Marley — Ziggy Marley (WINNER) Sly & Robbie Presents… Reggae For Her – Devin Di Dakta & J.L Rose Petals — J Boog Everlasting — Raging Fyah Falling Into Place — Rebelution Soja: Live In Virginia — Soja WORLD MUSIC FIELD Best World Music Album: Sing Me Home — Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble (WINNER) Destiny — Celtic Woman Walking In The Footsteps Of Our Fathers — Ladysmith Black Mambazo Land Of Gold — Anoushka Shankar Dois Amigos, Um Século De Música: Multishow Live — Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil CHILDREN’S FIELD Best Children’s Album: Infinity Plus One — Secret Agent 23 Skidoo (WINNER) Explorer Of The World — Frances England Novelties — Recess Monkey Press Play — Brady Rymer And The Little Band That Could Saddle Up — The Okee Dokee Brothers SPOKEN WORD FIELD Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling): In Such Good Company: Eleven Years Of Laughter, Mayhem, And Fun In The Sandbox — Carol Burnett (WINNER) The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo — Amy Schumer M Train — Patti Smith Under The Big Black Sun: A Personal History Of L.A.Punk (John Doe With Tom DeSavia) — (Various Artists) Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink — Elvis Costello COMEDY FIELD Best Comedy Album: Talking For Clapping — Patton Oswalt (WINNER) …America…Great… — David Cross American Myth — Margaret Cho Boysih Girl Interrupted — Tig Notaro Live At The Apollo — Amy Schumer MUSICAL THEATER Best Musical Theater Album: The Color Purple — Cynthia Erivo & Jennifer Hudson, principal soloists; Stephen Bray, Van Dean, Frank Filipetti, Roy Furman, Scott Sanders & Jhett Tolentino, producers (Stephen Bray, Brenda Russell & Allee Willis, composers/lyricists) (New Broadway Cast) (WINNER) Bright Star — Carmen Cusack, principal soloist; Jay Alix, Peter Asher & Una Jackman, producers; Steve Martin, composer; Edie Brickell, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast) Fiddler On The Roof — Danny Burstein, principal soloist; Louise Gund, David Lai & Ted Sperling, producers (Jerry Bock, composer; Sheldon Harnick, lyricist) (2016 Broadway Cast) Kinky Boots — Killian Donnelly & Matt Henry, principal soloists; Sammy James, Jr., Cyndi Lauper, Stephen Oremus & William Wittman, producers (Cyndi Lauper, composer & lyricist) (Original West End Cast) Waitress — Jessie Mueller, principal soloist; Neal Avron, Sara Bareilles & Nadia DiGiallonardo, producers; Sara Bareilles, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast) MUSIC FOR VISUAL MEDIA FIELD Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media: Miles Ahead — Miles Davis & Various Artists) (WINNER) Amy — (Various Artists) Straight Outta Compton — (Various Artists) Suicide Squad (Collector’s Edition) — (Various Artists) Vinyl: The Essentials Season 1 — (Various Artists) Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media: Star Wars: The Force Awakens — John Williams, composer (WINNER) Bridge of Spies — Thomas Newman, composer Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight — Ennio Morricone, composer The Revenant — Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto, composers Stranger Things Volume 1 — Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, composers Stranger Things Volume 2 — Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, composers Best Song Written For Visual Media: “Can’t Stop The Feeling!” — Max Martin, Shellback & Justin Timberlake, songwriters (Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, Zooey Deschanel, Walt Dohrn, Ron Funches, Caroline Hjelt, Aino Jawo, Christopher Mintz-Plasse & Kunal Nayyar), Track from: Trolls (WINNER) “Heathens” — Tyler Joseph, songwriter (Twenty One Pilots), Track from: Suicide Squad “Just Like Fire” — Oscar Holter, Max Martin, P!nk & Shellback, songwriters (P!nk), Track from: Alice Through The Looking Glass “Purple Lamborghini” — Shamann Cooke, Sonny Moore & William Roberts, songwriters (Skrillex & Rick Ross), Track from: Suicide Squad “Try Everything” — Mikkel S. Eriksen, Sia Furler & Tor Erik Hermansen, songwriters (Shakira), Track from: Zootopia “The Veil” — Peter Gabriel, songwriter (Peter Gabriel), Track from: Snowden COMPOSING/ARRANGING FIELD Best Instrumental Composition: “Spoken At Midnight” — Ted Nash, composer (Ted Nash Big Band) (WINNER) “Bridge of Spies (End Title)” — Thomas Newman, composer (Thomas Newman) “The Expensive Train Set (An Epic Sarahnade For Big Band)” — Tim Davies, composer (Tim Davies Big Band) “Flow” — Alan Ferber, composer (Alan Ferber Nonet) “L’Ultima Diligenza Di Red Rock – Verisione Integrale” — Ennio Morricone, composer (Ennio Morricone) Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: “You And I” — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier) (WINNER) “Ask Me Now” — John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) “Good ‘Swing’ Wenceslas” — Sammy Nestico, arranger (The Count Basie Orchestra) “Linus & Lucy” — Christian Jacob, arranger (The Phil Norman Tentet) “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” — John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa) “We Three Kings” — Ted Nash, arranger (Jazz At Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis) Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals: “Flintstones” — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier) (WINNER) “Do You Hear What I Hear?” — Gordon Goodwin, arranger (Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band Featuring Take 6) “Do You Want To Know A Secret” — John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa Featuring Renee Olstead) “I’m A Fool To Want You” — Alan Broadbent, arranger (Kristin Chenoweth) “Somewhere (Dirty Blvd) (Extended Version)” — Billy Childs & Larry Klein, arrangers (Lang Lang Featuring Lisa Fischer & Jeffrey Wright) PACKAGE FIELD Best Recording Package: Blackstar — Jonathan Barnbrook, art director (David Bowie) (WINNER) Anti (Deluxe Edition) — Ciarra Pardo & Robyn Fenty, art directors (Rihanna) Human Performance — Andrew Savage, art director (Parquet Courts) Sunset Motel — Sarah Dodds & Shauna Dodds, art directors (Reckless Kelly) 22, A Million — Eric Timothy Carlson, art director (Bon Iver) Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package: Edith Piaf 1915-2015 — Gérard Lo Monaco, art director (Edith Piaf) (WINNER) 401 Days — Jonathan Dagan & Mathias Høst Normark, art directors (J.Views) I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It — Samuel Burgess-Johnson & Matthew Healy, art directors (The 1975) Paper Wheels (Deluxe Limited Edition) — Matt Taylor, art director (Trey Anastasio) Tug of War (Deluxe Edition) — Simon Earith & James Musgrave, art directors (Paul McCartney) NOTES FIELD Best Album Notes: Sissle And Blake Sing Shuffle Along — Ken Bloom & Richard Carlin, album notes writers (Eubie Blake & Noble Sissle) (WINNER) The Complete Monument & Columbia Albums Collection — Mikal Gilmore, album notes writer (Kris Kristofferson) The Knoxville Sessions, 1929-1930: Knox County Stomp — Ted Olson & Tony Russell, album notes writers (Various Artists) Ork Records: New York, New York — Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, album notes writers (Various Artists) Waxing The Gospel: Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph, 1890-1990 — Richard Martin, album notes writer (Various Artists) HISTORICAL FIELD Best Historical Album: The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 12 (Collector’s Edition) — Steve Berkowitz & Jeff Rosen, compilation producers; Mark Wilder, mastering engineer (Bob Dylan) (WINNER) Music Of Morocco From The Library Of Congress: Recorded By Paul Bowles, 1959 — April G. Ledbetter, Steven Lance Ledbetter, Bill Nowlin & Philip D. Schuyler, compilation producers; Rick Fisher & Michael Graves, mastering engineers (Various Artists) Ork Records: New York, New York — Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) Vladimir Horowitz: The Unreleased Live Recordings 1966-1983 — Bernard Horowitz, Andreas K. Meyer & Robert Russ, compilation producers; Andreas K. Meyer & Jeanne Montalvo, mastering engineers (Vladimir Horowitz) Waxing The Gospel: Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph, 1890 – 1900 — Michael Devecka, Meagan Hennessey & Richard Martin, compilation producers; Michael Devecka, David Giovannoni, Michael Khanchalian & Richard Martin, mastering engineers (Various Artists) PRODUCTION, NON-CLASSICAL FIELD Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: Blackstar — David Bowie, Tom Elmhirst, Kevin Killen & Tony (WINNER) Are You Serious — Tchad Blake & David Boucher, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Andrew Bird) Dig In Deep — Ryan Freeland, engineer; Kim Rosen, mastering engineer (Bonnie Raitt) Hit N Run Phase Two — Booker T., Dylan Dresdow, Chris James, Prince & Justin Stanley, engineers; Dylan Dresdow, mastering engineer (Prince) Undercurrent — Shani Gandhi & Gary Paczosa, engineers; Paul Blakemore, mastering engineer (Sarah Jarosz) Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical: Greg Kurstin (WINNER) Benny Blanco Max Martin Nineteen85 Ricky Reed Best Remixed Recording: “Tearing Me Up (RAC Remix)” — André Allen Anjos, remixer (Bob Moses) (WINNER) “Cali Coast (Psionics Remix)” — Josh Williams, remixer (Soul Pacific) “Heavy Star Movin’ (staRo Remix)” — staRo, remixer (The Silver Lake Chorus) “Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Five (Timo Maas & James Teej Remix)” — Timo Maas & James Teej, remixers (Paul McCartney & Wings) “Only” (Kaskade X Lipless Remix)— Ryan Raddon, remixer (Ry X) “Wide Open (Joe Goddard Remix)” — Joe Goddard, remixer (The Chemical Brothers) SURROUND SOUND FIELD Best Surround Sound Album: Dutilleux: Sur La Mêe Accord; Les Citations; Mystère De L’Instant & Timbres, Espace, Mouvement — Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, surround mix engineers; Dmitriy Lipay, surround mastering engineer; Dmitriy Lipay, surround producer (Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony) (WINNER) Johnson: Considering Matthew Shephard — Brad Michel, surround mix engineer; Brad Michel, surround mastering engineer; Robina G. Young, surround producer (Craig Hella Johnson & Conspirare) Maja S.K. Ratkje: And Sing … — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Maja S.K. Ratkje, Cikada & Oslo Sinfonietta) Primus & The Chocolate Factory — Les Claypool, surround mix engineer; Stephen Marcussen, surround mastering engineer; Les Claypool, surround producer (Primus) Reflections — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene) PRODUCTION, CLASSICAL FIELD Best Engineered Album, Classical: Corigliano: The Ghosts Of Versailles — Mark Donahue & Fred Vogler, engineers (James Conlon, Guanqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero, Patricia Racette, Christopher Maltman, Lucy Schaufer, Lucas Meachem, LA Opera Chorus & Orchestra) (WINNER) Dutilleux: Sur La Mêe Accord; Les Citations; Mystère De L’Instant & Timbres, Espace, Mouvement — Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, engineers (Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony) Reflections — Morten Lindberg, engineer (Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene) Shadow of Sirius — Silas Brown & David Frost, engineers; Silas Brown, Shostakovich: Under Stalin’s Shadow – Symphonies Nos. 5, 8 & 9 — Shawn Murphy & Nick Squire, engineers; Tim Martyn, mastering engineer (Andris Nelsons & Boston Symphony Orchestra) Producer of the Year, Classical: David Frost (WINNER) Blanton Alspaugh Marina A. Ledin, Victor Ledin Judith Sherman Robina G. Young CLASSICAL FIELD Best Orchestral Field: Shostakovich: Under Stalin’s Shadow – Symphonies Nos. 5, 8 & 9 — Andris Nelsons, conductor (Boston Symphony Orchestra) (WINNER) Bates: Works For Orchestra — Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) Ibert: Orchestral Works — Neeme Järvi, conductor (Orchestre De La Suisse Romande) Prokofiev: Symphony No. 5 In B-Flat Major, Op. 100 — Mariss Jansons, conductor (Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) Rouse: Odna Zhizn; Symphonies 3 & 4; Prospero’s Rooms — Alan Gilbert, conductor (New York Philharmonic) Best Opera Recording: Corigliano: The Ghosts Of Versailles — James Conlon, conductor; Joshua Guerrero, Christopher Maltman, Lucas Meachem, Patricia Racette, Lucy Schaufer & Guanqun Yu; Blanton Alspaugh, producer (LA Opera Orchestra; LA Opera Chorus) (WINNER) Handel: Giulio Cesare — Giovanni Antonini, conductor; Cecilia Bartoli, Philippe Jaroussky, Andreas Scholl & Anne-Sofie von Otter; Samuel Theis, producer (Il Giardino Armonico) Higdon: Cold Mountain — Miguel Harth-Bedoya, conductor; Emily Fons, Nathan Gunn, Isabel Leonard & Jay Hunter Morris; Elizabeth Ostrow, producer (The Santa Fe Opera Orchestra; Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Program For Singers) Mozart: Le Nozze De Figaro — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Thomas Hampson, Christiane Karg, Luca Pisaroni & Sonya Yoncheva; Daniel Zalay, producer (Chamber Orchestra Of Europe; Vocalensemble Rastatt) Szymanowski: Król Roger — Antonio Pappano, conductor; Georgia Jarman, Mariusz Kwiecień & Saimir Pirgu; Jonathan Allen, producer (Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House; Royal Opera Chorus) Best Choral Performance: Penderecki Conducts Penderecki, Volume 1 — Krzystof Penderecki, conductor; Henryk Wojnarowski, choir director (Nikolay Didenko, Agnieszka Rehlis & Johanna Rusanen; Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra; Warsaw Philharmonic Choir) (WINNER) Himmerland — Elisabeth Holte, conductor (Marianne Reidarsdatter Eriksen, Ragnfrid Lie & Matilda Sterby; Inger-Lise Ulsrud; Uranienborg Vokalensemble) Janáček: Glagolitic Mass — Edward Gardner, conductor; Håkon Matti Skrede, chorus master (Susan Bickley, Gábor Bretz, Sara Jakubiak & Stuart Skelton; Thomas Trotter; Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra; Bergen Cathedral Choir, Bergen Philharmonic Choir, Choir Of Collegium Musicum & Edvard Grieg Kor) Lloyd: Bonhoeffer — Donald Nally, conductor (Malavika Godbole, John Grecia, Rebecca Harris & Thomas Mesa; The Crossing) Steinberg: Passion Week — Steven Fox, conductor (The Clarion Choir) Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: Steve Reich — Third Coast Percussion (WINNER) Fitelberg: Chamber Works — ARC Ensemble Reflections — Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene Serious Business — Spektral Quartet Trios From Our Homelands — Lincoln Trio Best Classical Instrumental Solo: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway — Zuill Bailey; Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor (Nashville Symphony) (WINNER) Adams, J.: Scheherazade.2 — Leila Josefowicz; David Robertson, conductor (Chester Englander; St. Louis Symphony) Dvorák: Violin Concerto & Romance; Suk: Fantasy —Christian Tetzlaff; John Storgårds, conductor (Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra) Mozart: Keyboard Music, Vols. 8 & 9 — Kristian Bezuidenhout 1930’s Violin Concertos, Vol. 2 — Gil Shaham; Stéphane Denève, conductor (The Knights & Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra) Best Classical Solo Vocal Album: Shakespeare Songs — Ian Bostridge; Antonio Pappano, accompanist (Michael Collins, Elizabeth Kenny, Lawrence Power & Adam Walker) (WINNER) Monteverdi — Magdalena Kožená; Andrea Marcon, conductor (David Feldman, Michael Feyfar, Jakob Pilgram & Luca Tittoto; La Cetra Barockorchester Basel) Mozart: The Weber Sisters — Sabine Devieilhe; Raphaël Pichon, conductor (Pygmalion) Schumann & Berg — Dorothea Röschmann; Mitsuko Uchida, accompanist Verismo — Anna Netrebko; Antonio Pappano, conductor (Yusif Eyvazov; Coro Dell’Accademia Nazionale Di Santa Cecilia; Orchestra Dell’Accademia Nazionale Di Santa Cecilia) Best Classical Compendium: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway; American Gothic; Once Upon A Castle — Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer (WINNER) Gesualdo — Tõnu Kaljuste, conductor; Manfred Eicher, producer Vaughan Williams: Discoveries — Martyn Brabbins, conductor; Andrew Walton, producer Wolfgang: Passing Through — Judith Farmer & Gernot Wolfgang, producers Zappa: 200 Motels — The Suites — Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor; Frank Filipetti & Gail Zappa, producers Best Contemporary Classical Composition: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway — Michael Daugherty, composer (Zuill Bailey, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) (WINNER) Bates: Anthology Of Fantastic Zoology — Mason Bates, composer (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) Higdon: Cold Mountain — Jennifer Higdon, composer; Gene Scheer, librettist Theofanidis: Bassoon Concerto — Christopher Theofanidis, composer (Martin Kuuskmann, Barry Jekowsky & Northwest Sinfonia) Winger: Conversations With Nijinsky — C. F. Kip Winger, composer (Martin West & San Francisco Ballet Orchestra) MUSIC VIDEO/FILM FIELD Best Music Video: “Formation” — Beyoncé (WINNER) “River” — Leon Bridges “Up & Up” — Coldplay “Gosh” — Jamie XX “Upside Down & Inside Out” — OK Go Best Music Film: The Beatles: Eight Days A Week The Touring Years — (The Beatles) (WINNER) I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead — Steve Aoki Lemonade — Beyoncé The Music Of Strangers — Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble American Saturday Night: Live From The Grand Ole Opry — (Various Artists)
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showsargentinos · 8 years
GRAMMY 2017 - LISTA DE NOMINACIONES - #GRAMMY, #Grammy´s, #POP, #ROCK, #Showsargentinos
Publicado en http://bit.ly/2lF28NB
DESDE LAS 22, POR TNT Una ceremonia con todos los ingredientes Como todos los años, la transmisión de los Premios Grammy tendrá ingredientes que le suman interés a la entrega de los gramófonos, que será transmitida desde las 22 por TNT (41 de Cablevisión, 502 de DirecTV y 42 de Telecentro). [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="670"] Quien se llevará mas grammys esta noche ?[/caption]
Lista de nominados completa y oficial
Album Of The Year: 25 — Adele Lemonade — Beyoncé Purpose — Justin Bieber Views — Drake A Sailor's Guide To Earth — Sturgill Simpson Record Of The Year: "Hello" — Adele "Formation" — Beyoncé "7 Years" — Lukas Graham "Work" — Rihanna Featuring Drake "Stressed Out" — Twenty One Pilots 2017 Grammys Song Of The Year: "Formation" — Khalif Brown, Asheton Hogan, Beyoncé Knowles & Michael L. Williams II, songwriters (Beyoncé) "Hello" — Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Adele) "I Took A Pill In Ibiza" — Mike Posner, songwriter (Mike Posner) "Love Yourself" — Justin Bieber, Benjamin Levin & Ed Sheeran, songwriters (Justin Bieber) "7 Years" — Lukas Forchhammer, Stefan Forrest, Morten Pilegaard & Morten Ristorp, songwriters (Lukas Graham) Best New Artist: Kelsea Ballerini The Chainsmokers Chance The Rapper Maren Morris Anderson .Paak POP FIELD Best Pop Vocal Album: 25 — Adele Purpose — Justin Bieber Dangerous Woman — Ariana Grande Confident — Demi Lovato This Is Acting — Sia Best Pop Solo Performance: "Hello" — Adele "Hold Up" — Beyonce "Love Yourself" — Justin Bieber "Piece By Piece (Idol Version)" — Kelly Clarkson "Dangerous Woman" — Ariana Grande Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: "Closer" — The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "7 Years" — Lukas Graham "Work" — Rihanna Featuring Drake "Cheap Thrills" — Sia Featuring Sean Paul "Stressed Out" — Twenty One Pilots Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: Cinema — Andrea Bocelli Fallen Angels — Bob Dylan Stages Live — Josh Groban Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin — Willie Nelson Encore: Movie Partners Sing Broadway — Barbra Streisand DANCE/ELECTRONIC MUSIC FIELD Best Dance Recording: "Tearing Me Up" — Bob Moses "Don't Let Me Down" — The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya "Never Be Like You" — Flume Featuring Kai "Rinse & Repeat" — Riton Featuring Kah-Lo "Drinkee" — Sofi Tukker Best Dance/Electronic Album: Skin — Flume Electronica 1: The Time Machine — Jean-Michel Jarre Epoch — Tycho Barbara Barbara, We Face A Shining Future — Underworld Louie Vega Starring…XXVIII — Louie Vega CONTEMPORARY INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC FIELD Best Contemporary Instrumental Album: Human Nature — Herb Alpert When You Wish Upon a Star — Bill Frisell Way Back Home: Live From Rochester, NY — Steve Gadd Band Unpsoken — Chuck Loeb Culcha Vulcha — Snarky Puppy ROCK FIELD Best Rock Performance: "Joe (Live From Austin City Limits)" — Alabama Shakes "Don't Hurt Yourself" — Beyoncé Featuring Jack White "Blackstar" — David Bowie "The Sound Of Silence" — Disturbed "Heathens" — Twenty One Pilots Best Metal Performance: "Shock Me" — Baroness "Slivera" — Gojira "Rotting in Vain" — Korn "Dystopia" — Megadeth "The Price Is Wrong" — Periphery Best Rock Song: "Blackstar" — David Bowie, songwriter (David Bowie) "Burn the Witch" —Radiohead, songwriters (Radiohead) "Hardwired" — James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica "Heathens" — Tyler Joseph, songwriter (Twenty One Pilots) "My Name Is Human" — Rich Meyer, Ryan Meyer & Johnny Stevens, songwriters (Highly Suspect) Best Rock Album: California — Blink-182 Tell Me I'm Pretty — Cage The Elephant Magma — Gojira Death Of A Bachelor — Panic! At The Disco Weezer — Weezer ALTERNATIVE FIELD Best Alternative Music Album: 22, A Million — Bon Iver Blackstar — David Bowie The Hope Six Demolition Project — PJ Harvey Post Pop Depression — Iggy Pop A Moon Shaped Pool — Radiohead R&B FIELD Best R&B Performance: "Turnin' Me Up" — BJ The Chicago Kid "Permission" — Ro James "I Do" — Musiq Soulchild "Needed Me" — Rihanna "Cranes in the Sky" — Solange Best Traditional R&B Performance: "The Three Of Me" — William Bell "Woman's World" — BJ The Chicago Kid "Sleeping With The One I Love" — Fantasia "Angel" — Lalah Hathaway "Can't Wait" — Jill Scott Best R&B Song: "Come and See Me" — J. Brathwaite, Aubrey Graham & Noah Shebib, songwriters (PartyNextDoor Featuring Drake) "Exchange" — Michael Hernandez & Bryson Tiller, songwriters (Bryson Tiller) "Kiss It Better" — Jeff Bhasker, Robyn Fenty, John-Nathan Glass & Natalia Noemi, songwriters (Rihanna) "Lake By the Ocean" — Hod David & Musze, songwriters (Maxwell) "Luv" — Magnus August Høiberg, Benjamin Levin & Daystar Peterson, songwriters (Tory Lanez) Best Urban Contemporary Album: Lemonade — Beyoncé Ology — Gallant We Are King — KING Malibu — Anderson .Paak Anti — Rihanna Best R&B Album: In My Mind — BJ The Chicago Kid Lalah Hathaway Live — Lalah Hathaway Velvet Portraits — Terrace Martin Healing Season — Mint Condition Smoove Jones — Mya RAP FIELD Best Rap Performance: "No Problem" — Chance The Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz "Panda" —Desiigner "Pop Style" — Drake Featuring The Throne "All The Way Up" — Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared "That Part" — ScHoolboy Q Featuring Kanye West Best Rap/Sung Performance: "Freedom" — Beyoncé Featuring Kendrick Lamar "Hotline Bling" — Drake "Broccoli" — D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty "Ultralight Beam" — Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream "Famous" — Kanye West Featuring Rihanna Best Rap Song: "All The Way Up" — Joseph Cartagena, Edward Davadi, Shandel Green, Karim Kharbouch, Andre Christopher Lyon, Reminisce Mackie & Marcello Valenzano, songwriters (Fat Joe & Remy Ma Featuring French Montana & Infared) "Famous" — Chancelor Bennett, Ross Birchard, Ernest Brown, Andrew Dawson, Kasseem Dean, Mike Dean, Noah Goldstein, Kejuan Muchita, Patrick Reynolds, Kanye West & Cydel Young, songwriters (Kanye West Featuring Rihanna) "Hotline Bling" — Aubrey Graham & Paul Jefferies, songwriters (Drake) "No Problem" — Chancelor Bennett, Dwayne Carter & Tauheed Epps, songwriters (Chance The Rapper Featuring Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz) "Ultralight Beam" — Chancelor Bennett, Kasseem Dean, Mike Dean, Kirk Franklin, Noah Goldstein, Samuel Griesemer, Terius Nash, Jerome Potter, Kelly Price, Nico "Donnie Trumpet" Segal, Derek Watkins, Kanye West & Cydel Young, songwriters (Kanye West Featuring Chance The Rapper, Kelly Price, Kirk Franklin & The-Dream) Best Rap Album: Coloring Book — Chance The Rapper And the Anonymous Nobody — De La Soul Major Key — DJ Khaled Views — Drake Blank Face LP — ScHoolboy Q The Life of Pablo — Kanye West COUNTRY FIELD Best Country Solo Performance: "Love Can Go To Hell" — Brandy Clark "Vice" — Miranda Lambert "My Church" — Maren Morris "Church Bells" — Carrie Underwood "Blue Ain't Your Color" — Keith Urban Best Country Duo/Group Performance: "Different for Girls" — Dierks Bentley Featuring Elle King "21 Summer" — Brothers Osborne "Setting The World On Fire" — Kenny Chesney & P!nk "Jolene" — Pentatonix Featuring Dolly Parton "Think Of You" — Chris Young With Cassadee Pope Best Country Song: "Blue Ain't Your Color" — Clint Lagerberg, Hillary Lindsey & Steven Lee Olsen, songwriters (Keith Urban) "Die A Happy Man" — Sean Douglas, Thomas Rhett & Joe Spargur, songwriters (Thomas Rhett) "Humble and Kind" — Lori McKenna, songwriter (Tim McGraw) "My Church" — busbee & Maren Morris, songwriters (Maren Morris) "Vice" — Miranda Lambert, Shane McAnally & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Miranda Lambert) Best Country Album: Big Day In A Small Town — Brandy Clark Full Circle — Loretta Lynn Hero — Maren Morris A Sailor's Guide To Earth — Sturgill Simpson Ripcord — Keith Urban NEW AGE FIELD Best New Age Album: Orogen — John Burke Dark Sky Island — Enya Inner Passion — Peter Kater & Tina Guo Rosetta — Vangelis White Sun II — White Sun JAZZ FIELD Best Improvised Jazz Solo: "Countdown" — Joey Alexander, soloist "In Movement" — Ravi Coltrane, soloist "We See" — Fred Hersch, soloist "I Concentrate On You" — Brad Mehldau, soloist "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" — John Scofield, soloist Best Jazz Vocal Album: Sound Of Red — René Marie Upward Spiral — Branford Marsalis Quartet With Special Guest Kurt Elling Take Me To The Alley — Gregory Porter Harlem On My Mind — Catherine Russell The Sting Variations — The Tierney Sutton Band Best Jazz Instrumental Album: Book of Intuition — Kenny Barron Trio Dr. Um — Peter Erskine Sunday Night At The Vanguard — The Fred Hersch Trio Nearness — Joshua Redman & Brad Mehldau Country For Old Men — John Scofield Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: Real Enemies — Darcy James Argue's Secret Society Presents Monk'estra, Vol. 1 — John Beasley Kaleidoscope Eyes: Music of the Beatles — John Daversa All L.A. Band — Bob Mintzer Presidential Suite: Eight Variations On Freedom — Ted Nash Big Band Best Latin Jazz Album: Entre Colegas — Andy González Madera Latino: A Latin Jazz Perspective On The Music Of Woody Shaw — Brian Lynch & Various Artists Canto América — Michael Spiro/Wayne Wallace La Orquesta Sinfonietta 30 - Trio Da Paz Tribute To Irakere: Live In Marciac — Chucho Valdés GOSPEL/CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC FIELD Best Gospel Performance/Song: "It's Alright, It's OK" — Shirley Caesar Featuring Anthony Hamilton; Stanley Brown & Courtney Rumble, songwriters "You're Bigger [Live]" — Jekalyn Carr; Allundria Carr, songwriter "Made A Way [Live]" — Travis Greene; Travis Greene, songwriter "God Provides" — Tamela Mann; Kirk Franklin, songwriter "Better" — Hezekiah Walker; Jason Clayborn, Gabriel Hatcher & Hezekiah Walker, songwriters Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song: "Trust In You" — Lauren Daigle; Lauren Daigle, Michael Farren & Paul Mabury, songwriters "Priceless" — For King & Country; Benjamin Backus, Seth Mosley, Joel Smallbone, Luke Smallbone & Tedd Tjornhom, songwriters "King of the World" — Natalie Grant; Natalie Grant, Becca Mizell & Samuel Mizell, songwriters "Thy Will" — Hillary Scott & The Scott Family; Bernie Herms, Hillary Scott & Emily Weisband, songwriters Track from: Love Remains "Chain Breaker" — Zach Williams; Mia Fieldes, Jonathan Smith & Zach Williams, songwriters Best Gospel Album: Listen —Tim Bowman Jr. Fill This House — Shirley Caesar A Worshipper's Heart [Live] —Todd Dulaney Losing My Religion — Kirk Franklin Demonstrate [Live] —William Murphy Best Contemporary Christian Music Album: Poets & Saints — All Sons & Daughters American Prodigal — Crowder Be One — Natalie Grant Youth Revival [Live] — Hillsong Young & Free Love Remains — Hillary Scott & The Scott Family Best Roots Gospel Album: Better Together — Gaither Vocal Band Nature's Symphony In 432 — The Isaacs Hymns — Joey+Rory Hymns And Songs Of Inspiration — Gordon Mote God Don't Ever Change: The Songs Of Blind Willie Johnson — (Various Artists) LATIN FIELD Best Latin Pop Album: Un Besito Mas — Jesse & Joy Ilusión — Gaby Moreno Similares — Laura Pausini Seguir Latiendo — Sanalejo Buena Vida — Diego Torres Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album: iLevitable — ile L.H.O.N. (La Humanidad O Nosotros) — Illya Kuryaki & The Valderamas Buenaventura — La Santa Cecilia Los Rakas — Los Rakas Amor Supremo — Carla Morrison Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): Raíces — Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizárraga Hecho A Mano — Joss Favela Un Azteca En El Azteca, Vol. 1 (En Vivo) — Vicente Fernández Generación Maquinaria Est. 2006 — La Maquinaria Norteña Tributo A Joan Sebastian Y Rigoberto Alfaro — Mariachi Divas De Cindy Shea Best Tropical Latin Album: Conexión — Fonseca La Fantasia Homenaje A Juan Formell — Formell Y Los Van Van 35 Aniversario — Grupo Niche La Sonora Santanera En Su 60 Aniversario — La Sonora Santanera Donde Están? — Jose Lugo & Guasábara Combo AMERICAN ROOTS MUSIC FIELD Best American Roots Performance: "Ain't No Man" — The Avett Brothers "Mother's Children Have A Hard Time" — Blind Boys Of Alabama "Factory Girl" — Rhiannon Giddens "House Of Mercy" — Sarah Jarosz "Wreck You" — Lori McKenna Best American Roots Song: "Alabama At Night" — Robbie Fulks, songwriter (Robbie Fulks) "City Lights" — Jack White, songwriter (Jack White) "Gulfstream" — Eric Adcock & Roddie Romero, songwriters (Roddie Romero And The Hub City All-Stars) "Kid Sister" — Vince Gill, songwriter (The Time Jumpers) "Wreck You" — Lori McKenna & Felix McTeigue, songwriters (Lori McKenna) Best Americana Album: True Sadness — The Avett Brothers This Is Where I Live — William Bell The Cedar Creek Sessions — Kris Kristofferson The Bird & The Rifle — Lori McKenna Kid Sister — The Time Jumpers Best Bluegrass Album: Original Traditional — Blue Highway Burden Bearer — Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver The Hazel Sessions — Laurie Lewis & The Right Hands North And South — Claire Lynch Coming Home — O'Connor Band With Mark O'Connor Best Traditional Blues Album: Can't Shake The Feeling — Lurrie Bell Live At The Greek Theatre — Joe Bonamassa Blues & Ballads (A Folksinger's Songbook: Volumes I & II) — Luther Dickinson The Soul of Jimmie Rodgers — Vasti Jackson Porcupine Meat — Bobby Rush Best Contemporary Blues Album: The Last Days Of Oakland — Fantastic Negrito Love Wins Again — Janiva Magness Bloodline — Kenny Neal Give It Back To You — The Record Company Everybody Wants A Piece — Joe Louis Walker Best Folk Album: Silver Skies Blue — Judy Collins & Ari Hest Upland Stories — Robbie Fulks Factory Girl — Rhiannon Giddens Weighted Mind — Sierra Hull Undercurrent — Sarah Jarosz Best Regional Roots Music Album: Broken Promised Land — Barry Jean Ancelet & Sam Broussard It's A Cree Thing — Northern Cree E Walea — Kalani Pe'a Gulfstream — Roddie Romero And The Hub City All-Stars I Wanna Sing Right: Rediscovering Lomax In The Evangeline Country — (Various Artists) REGGAE FIELD Best Reggae Album: Sly & Robbie Presents... Reggae For Her – Devin Di Dakta & J.L Rose Petals — J Boog Ziggy Marley — Ziggy Marley Everlasting — Raging Fyah Falling Into Place — Rebelution Soja: Live In Virginia — Soja WORLD MUSIC FIELD Best World Music Album: Destiny — Celtic Woman Walking In The Footsteps Of Our Fathers — Ladysmith Black Mambazo Sing Me Home — Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble Land Of Gold — Anoushka Shankar Dois Amigos, Um Século De Música: Multishow Live — Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil CHILDREN'S FIELD Best Children's Album: Explorer Of The World — Frances England Infinity Plus One — Secret Agent 23 Skidoo Novelties — Recess Monkey Press Play — Brady Rymer And The Little Band That Could Saddle Up — The Okee Dokee Brothers SPOKEN WORD FIELD Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling): The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo — Amy Schumer In Such Good Company: Eleven Years Of Laughter, Mayhem, And Fun In The Sandbox — Carol Burnett M Train — Patti Smith Under The Big Black Sun: A Personal History Of L.A.Punk (John Doe With Tom DeSavia) — (Various Artists) Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink — Elvis Costello COMEDY FIELD Best Comedy Album: ...America...Great... — David Cross American Myth — Margaret Cho Boysih Girl Interrupted — Tig Notaro Live At The Apollo — Amy Schumer Talking For Clapping — Patton Oswalt MUSICAL THEATER Best Musical Theater Album: Bright Star — Carmen Cusack, principal soloist; Jay Alix, Peter Asher & Una Jackman, producers; Steve Martin, composer; Edie Brickell, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast) The Color Purple — Cynthia Erivo & Jennifer Hudson, principal soloists; Stephen Bray, Van Dean, Frank Filipetti, Roy Furman, Scott Sanders & Jhett Tolentino, producers (Stephen Bray, Brenda Russell & Allee Willis, composers/lyricists) (New Broadway Cast) Fiddler On The Roof — Danny Burstein, principal soloist; Louise Gund, David Lai & Ted Sperling, producers (Jerry Bock, composer; Sheldon Harnick, lyricist) (2016 Broadway Cast) Kinky Boots — Killian Donnelly & Matt Henry, principal soloists; Sammy James, Jr., Cyndi Lauper, Stephen Oremus & William Wittman, producers (Cyndi Lauper, composer & lyricist) (Original West End Cast) Waitress — Jessie Mueller, principal soloist; Neal Avron, Sara Bareilles & Nadia DiGiallonardo, producers; Sara Bareilles, composer & lyricist (Original Broadway Cast) MUSIC FOR VISUAL MEDIA FIELD Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media: Amy — (Various Artists) Miles Ahead — Miles Davis & Various Artists) Straight Outta Compton — (Various Artists) Suicide Squad (Collector's Edition) — (Various Artists) Vinyl: The Essentials Season 1 — (Various Artists) Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media: Bridge of Spies — Thomas Newman, composer Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight — Ennio Morricone, composer The Revenant — Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto, composers Star Wars: The Force Awakens — John Williams, composer Stranger Things Volume 1 — Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, composers Stranger Things Volume 2 — Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, composers Best Song Written For Visual Media: "Can't Stop The Feeling!" — Max Martin, Shellback & Justin Timberlake, songwriters (Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, Zooey Deschanel, Walt Dohrn, Ron Funches, Caroline Hjelt, Aino Jawo, Christopher Mintz-Plasse & Kunal Nayyar), Track from: Trolls "Heathens" — Tyler Joseph, songwriter (Twenty One Pilots), Track from: Suicide Squad "Just Like Fire" — Oscar Holter, Max Martin, P!nk & Shellback, songwriters (P!nk), Track from: Alice Through The Looking Glass "Purple Lamborghini" — Shamann Cooke, Sonny Moore & William Roberts, songwriters (Skrillex & Rick Ross), Track from: Suicide Squad "Try Everything" — Mikkel S. Eriksen, Sia Furler & Tor Erik Hermansen, songwriters (Shakira), Track from: Zootopia "The Veil" — Peter Gabriel, songwriter (Peter Gabriel), Track from: Snowden COMPOSING/ARRANGING FIELD Best Instrumental Composition: "Bridge of Spies (End Title)" — Thomas Newman, composer (Thomas Newman) "The Expensive Train Set (An Epic Sarahnade For Big Band)" — Tim Davies, composer (Tim Davies Big Band) "Flow" — Alan Ferber, composer (Alan Ferber Nonet) "L'Ultima Diligenza Di Red Rock - Verisione Integrale" — Ennio Morricone, composer (Ennio Morricone) "Spoken At Midnight" — Ted Nash, composer (Ted Nash Big Band) Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: "Ask Me Now" — John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) "Good 'Swing' Wenceslas" — Sammy Nestico, arranger (The Count Basie Orchestra) "Linus & Lucy" — Christian Jacob, arranger (The Phil Norman Tentet) "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" — John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa) "We Three Kings" — Ted Nash, arranger (Jazz At Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis) "You And I" — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier) Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals: "Do You Hear What I Hear?" — Gordon Goodwin, arranger (Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band Featuring Take 6) "Do You Want To Know A Secret" — John Daversa, arranger (John Daversa Featuring Renee Olstead) "Flintstones" — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier) "I'm A Fool To Want You" — Alan Broadbent, arranger (Kristin Chenoweth) "Somewhere (Dirty Blvd) (Extended Version)" — Billy Childs & Larry Klein, arrangers (Lang Lang Featuring Lisa Fischer & Jeffrey Wright) PACKAGE FIELD Best Recording Package: Anti (Deluxe Edition) — Ciarra Pardo & Robyn Fenty, art directors (Rihanna) Blackstar — Jonathan Barnbrook, art director (David Bowie) Human Performance — Andrew Savage, art director (Parquet Courts) Sunset Motel — Sarah Dodds & Shauna Dodds, art directors (Reckless Kelly) 22, A Million — Eric Timothy Carlson, art director (Bon Iver) Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package: Edith Piaf 1915-2015 — Gérard Lo Monaco, art director (Edith Piaf) 401 Days — Jonathan Dagan & Mathias Høst Normark, art directors (J.Views) I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It — Samuel Burgess-Johnson & Matthew Healy, art directors (The 1975) Paper Wheels (Deluxe Limited Edition) — Matt Taylor, art director (Trey Anastasio) Tug of War (Deluxe Edition) — Simon Earith & James Musgrave, art directors (Paul McCartney) NOTES FIELD Best Album Notes: The Complete Monument & Columbia Albums Collection — Mikal Gilmore, album notes writer (Kris Kristofferson) The Knoxville Sessions, 1929-1930: Knox County Stomp — Ted Olson & Tony Russell, album notes writers (Various Artists) Ork Records: New York, New York — Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, album notes writers (Various Artists) Sissle And Blake Sing Shuffle Along — Ken Bloom & Richard Carlin, album notes writers (Eubie Blake & Noble Sissle) Waxing The Gospel: Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph, 1890-1990 — Richard Martin, album notes writer (Various Artists) HISTORICAL FIELD Best Historical Album: The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 12 (Collector's Edition) — Steve Berkowitz & Jeff Rosen, compilation producers; Mark Wilder, mastering engineer (Bob Dylan) Music Of Morocco From The Library Of Congress: Recorded By Paul Bowles, 1959 — April G. Ledbetter, Steven Lance Ledbetter, Bill Nowlin & Philip D. Schuyler, compilation producers; Rick Fisher & Michael Graves, mastering engineers (Various Artists) Ork Records: New York, New York — Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) Vladimir Horowitz: The Unreleased Live Recordings 1966-1983 — Bernard Horowitz, Andreas K. Meyer & Robert Russ, compilation producers; Andreas K. Meyer & Jeanne Montalvo, mastering engineers (Vladimir Horowitz) Waxing The Gospel: Mass Evangelism & The Phonograph, 1890 - 1900 — Michael Devecka, Meagan Hennessey & Richard Martin, compilation producers; Michael Devecka, David Giovannoni, Michael Khanchalian & Richard Martin, mastering engineers (Various Artists) PRODUCTION, NON-CLASSICAL FIELD Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: Are You Serious — Tchad Blake & David Boucher, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Andrew Bird) Blackstar — David Bowie, Tom Elmhirst, Kevin Killen & Tony Dig In Deep — Ryan Freeland, engineer; Kim Rosen, mastering engineer (Bonnie Raitt) Hit N Run Phase Two — Booker T., Dylan Dresdow, Chris James, Prince & Justin Stanley, engineers; Dylan Dresdow, mastering engineer (Prince) Undercurrent — Shani Gandhi & Gary Paczosa, engineers; Paul Blakemore, mastering engineer (Sarah Jarosz) Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical: Benny Blanco Greg Kurstin Max Martin Nineteen85 Ricky Reed Best Remixed Recording: "Cali Coast (Psionics Remix)" — Josh Williams, remixer (Soul Pacific) "Heavy Star Movin' (staRo Remix)" — staRo, remixer (The Silver Lake Chorus) "Nineteen Hundred Eighty-Five (Timo Maas & James Teej Remix)" — Timo Maas & James Teej, remixers (Paul McCartney & Wings) "Only" (Kaskade X Lipless Remix)— Ryan Raddon, remixer (Ry X) "Tearing Me Up (RAC Remix)" — André Allen Anjos, remixer (Bob Moses) "Wide Open (Joe Goddard Remix)" — Joe Goddard, remixer (The Chemical Brothers) SURROUND SOUND FIELD Best Surround Sound Album: Dutilleux: Sur La Mêe Accord; Les Citations; Mystère De L'Instant & Timbres, Espace, Mouvement — Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, surround mix engineers; Dmitriy Lipay, surround mastering engineer; Dmitriy Lipay, surround producer (Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony) Johnson: Considering Matthew Shephard — Brad Michel, surround mix engineer; Brad Michel, surround mastering engineer; Robina G. Young, surround producer (Craig Hella Johnson & Conspirare) Maja S.K. Ratkje: And Sing ... — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Maja S.K. Ratkje, Cikada & Oslo Sinfonietta) Primus & The Chocolate Factory — Les Claypool, surround mix engineer; Stephen Marcussen, surround mastering engineer; Les Claypool, surround producer (Primus) Reflections — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene) PRODUCTION, CLASSICAL FIELD Best Engineered Album, Classical: Corigliano: The Ghosts Of Versailles — Mark Donahue & Fred Vogler, engineers (James Conlon, Guanqun Yu, Joshua Guerrero, Patricia Racette, Christopher Maltman, Lucy Schaufer, Lucas Meachem, LA Opera Chorus & Orchestra) Dutilleux: Sur La Mêe Accord; Les Citations; Mystère De L'Instant & Timbres, Espace, Mouvement — Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, engineers (Ludovic Morlot & Seattle Symphony) Reflections — Morten Lindberg, engineer (Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene) Shadow of Sirius — Silas Brown & David Frost, engineers; Silas Brown, Shostakovich: Under Stalin's Shadow - Symphonies Nos. 5, 8 & 9 — Shawn Murphy & Nick Squire, engineers; Tim Martyn, mastering engineer (Andris Nelsons & Boston Symphony Orchestra) Producer of the Year, Classical: Blanton Alspaugh David Frost Marina A. Ledin, Victor Ledin Judith Sherman Robina G. Young CLASSICAL FIELD Best Orchestral Field: Bates: Works For Orchestra — Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) Ibert: Orchestral Works — Neeme Järvi, conductor (Orchestre De La Suisse Romande) Prokofiev: Symphony No. 5 In B-Flat Major, Op. 100 — Mariss Jansons, conductor (Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) Rouse: Odna Zhizn; Symphonies 3 & 4; Prospero's Rooms — Alan Gilbert, conductor (New York Philharmonic) Shostakovich: Under Stalin's Shadow - Symphonies Nos. 5, 8 & 9 — Andris Nelsons, conductor (Boston Symphony Orchestra) Best Opera Recording: Corigliano: The Ghosts Of Versailles — James Conlon, conductor; Joshua Guerrero, Christopher Maltman, Lucas Meachem, Patricia Racette, Lucy Schaufer & Guanqun Yu; Blanton Alspaugh, producer (LA Opera Orchestra; LA Opera Chorus) Handel: Giulio Cesare — Giovanni Antonini, conductor; Cecilia Bartoli, Philippe Jaroussky, Andreas Scholl & Anne-Sofie von Otter; Samuel Theis, producer (Il Giardino Armonico) Higdon: Cold Mountain — Miguel Harth-Bedoya, conductor; Emily Fons, Nathan Gunn, Isabel Leonard & Jay Hunter Morris; Elizabeth Ostrow, producer (The Santa Fe Opera Orchestra; Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Program For Singers) Mozart: Le Nozze De Figaro — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Thomas Hampson, Christiane Karg, Luca Pisaroni & Sonya Yoncheva; Daniel Zalay, producer (Chamber Orchestra Of Europe; Vocalensemble Rastatt) Szymanowski: Król Roger — Antonio Pappano, conductor; Georgia Jarman, Mariusz Kwiecień & Saimir Pirgu; Jonathan Allen, producer (Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House; Royal Opera Chorus) Best Choral Performance: Himmerland — Elisabeth Holte, conductor (Marianne Reidarsdatter Eriksen, Ragnfrid Lie & Matilda Sterby; Inger-Lise Ulsrud; Uranienborg Vokalensemble) Janáček: Glagolitic Mass — Edward Gardner, conductor; Håkon Matti Skrede, chorus master (Susan Bickley, Gábor Bretz, Sara Jakubiak & Stuart Skelton; Thomas Trotter; Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra; Bergen Cathedral Choir, Bergen Philharmonic Choir, Choir Of Collegium Musicum & Edvard Grieg Kor) Lloyd: Bonhoeffer — Donald Nally, conductor (Malavika Godbole, John Grecia, Rebecca Harris & Thomas Mesa; The Crossing) Penderecki Conducts Penderecki, Volume 1 — Krzystof Penderecki, conductor; Henryk Wojnarowski, choir director (Nikolay Didenko, Agnieszka Rehlis & Johanna Rusanen; Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra; Warsaw Philharmonic Choir) Steinberg: Passion Week — Steven Fox, conductor (The Clarion Choir) Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: Fitelberg: Chamber Works — ARC Ensemble Reflections — Øyvind Gimse, Geir Inge Lotsberg & Trondheimsolistene Serious Business — Spektral Quartet Steve Reich — Third Coast Percussion Trios From Our Homelands — Lincoln Trio Best Classical Instrumental Solo: Adams, J.: Scheherazade.2 — Leila Josefowicz; David Robertson, conductor (Chester Englander; St. Louis Symphony) Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway — Zuill Bailey; Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor (Nashville Symphony) Dvorák: Violin Concerto & Romance; Suk: Fantasy —Christian Tetzlaff; John Storgårds, conductor (Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra) Mozart: Keyboard Music, Vols. 8 & 9 — Kristian Bezuidenhout 1930's Violin Concertos, Vol. 2 — Gil Shaham; Stéphane Denève, conductor (The Knights & Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra) Best Classical Solo Vocal Album: Monteverdi — Magdalena Kožená; Andrea Marcon, conductor (David Feldman, Michael Feyfar, Jakob Pilgram & Luca Tittoto; La Cetra Barockorchester Basel) Mozart: The Weber Sisters — Sabine Devieilhe; Raphaël Pichon, conductor (Pygmalion) Schumann & Berg — Dorothea Röschmann; Mitsuko Uchida, accompanist Shakespeare Songs — Ian Bostridge; Antonio Pappano, accompanist (Michael Collins, Elizabeth Kenny, Lawrence Power & Adam Walker) Verismo — Anna Netrebko; Antonio Pappano, conductor (Yusif Eyvazov; Coro Dell'Accademia Nazionale Di Santa Cecilia; Orchestra Dell'Accademia Nazionale Di Santa Cecilia) Best Classical Compendium: Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway; American Gothic; Once Upon A Castle — Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer Gesualdo — Tõnu Kaljuste, conductor; Manfred Eicher, producer Vaughan Williams: Discoveries — Martyn Brabbins, conductor; Andrew Walton, producer Wolfgang: Passing Through — Judith Farmer & Gernot Wolfgang, producers Zappa: 200 Motels — The Suites — Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor; Frank Filipetti & Gail Zappa, producers Best Contemporary Classical Composition: Bates: Anthology Of Fantastic Zoology — Mason Bates, composer (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) Daugherty: Tales Of Hemingway — Michael Daugherty, composer (Zuill Bailey, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Higdon: Cold Mountain — Jennifer Higdon, composer; Gene Scheer, librettist Theofanidis: Bassoon Concerto — Christopher Theofanidis, composer (Martin Kuuskmann, Barry Jekowsky & Northwest Sinfonia) Winger: Conversations With Nijinsky — C. F. Kip Winger, composer (Martin West & San Francisco Ballet Orchestra) MUSIC VIDEO/FILM FIELD Best Music Video: "Formation" — Beyoncé "River" — Leon Bridges "Up & Up" — Coldplay "Gosh" — Jamie XX "Upside Down & Inside Out" — OK Go Best Music Film: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead — Steve Aoki The Beatles: Eight Days A Week The Touring Years — (The Beatles) Lemonade — Beyoncé The Music Of Strangers — Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble American Saturday Night: Live From The Grand Ole Opry — (Various Artists)
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