#she was cute. she was also older. i think i accidentally put the fear of god in her when she asked how i knew the groom
justicecaballer · 11 months
i got hit on. at the wedding i just came back from. but
1. i didnt hear her
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demusewriter · 1 year
Baked with Love
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Summary: You once dreamed of having your bakery where everyone could use it as a safe refuge from reality, similar to the shop from your childhood. It seems to work as one of the famous boy groups uses it to hang out to temporarily escape the spotlight, especially by one member who seems to be fond of the place. Genre: Fluff Pairing: Idol! Jungwon x Baker Fem! Reader Word Count: 6.3k Warnings: Slow-burn (?); the reader is slightly oblivious; mutual-pinning (?); the introduction is too long, it took 1k words before Jungwon is introduced lol; the reader and Jungwon is both in their mid-20s Author's Note: This is my first time writing fanfic, so I apologize if the story does not fit to your liking. 😅 English is also not my first language, so forgive me for the wrong grammar and lack of vocabulary. 😔 I will try my best next time. ☺ Regardless, I'm hoping that you all will like this. Enjoy reading! ☺
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Ever since you were a child, you've been wanting to own a bakeshop. You remember how you accidentally stumbled into this shop when you tried to hide from the kid who constantly bullies you. Your trembling body and the constant sob that came from your mouth magically disappeared when you saw a bunch of colorful pastries displayed on those shiny glass cabinets.
You recall how the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies engulfs your small body with a sense of comfort, and the soft jazz music that plays in the background whispers in your ear, easing your fear.
"Why is such a pretty young lady having a sad look on her face?" `You look up to the source of the soft voice, and your eyes settle on the old lady on the counter with a warm, gentle smile on her face.  You intertwine your little hands and shyly look down.
"I am hiding," you mumbled.
"Hiding?" You nodded. You heard a footstep coming near you, then a gentle hand rubbing your small back.
"Why don't you eat something while you hide?" You look up once again at the lady. You see how those wrinkles stretch with the soft smile she has on her face; that softness somehow brings security to you.
"Cookies?" you said in wonder. The lady let out a giggle when you spoke with sweetness, your eyes twinkling in the process. How can she turn down such a cute lady like you?
"Yes, cookies! And you can also have some of those sweets that we have!" You wipe your teary eyes, then hold the hand of the old lady and let her guide you to the rest of the shop with the widest smile on your face.
At that moment, the little Y/N always finds herself munching on sweet pastries in the old lady's bakeshop. The shop becomes your escape, which eases your worries about the bullies. In return, you try to assist the old lady with baking by simply putting flour on measuring cups, cracking eggs, and sometimes kneading the dough.
However, the shop that had grown to be your safe refuge was lost when the old lady died from sickness. Due to this, the bakery has to be taken down, as no one claims to continue the business. You remember crying for days because of the sudden loss of the person you adored and the shop that became your home.
That event brings blossoms to your dreams of having a similar cozy shop where people entering the place instantly light up their eyes when they are greeted by rows of pastries that you freshly bake with passion.
You looked up to the small shop where there were tables outside, each with a brown vintage-style umbrella with brilliant lighting inside. You smiled when you saw the big signage that left you sleepless for nights from thinking of a perfect name for the shop.
'Sweet Greets Bakery'
As you make your way through the transparent door, a blanket of the sweet smell of baked pastries engulfs your now-grown body bringing back your childhood memories of the old lady's bakeshop. You also smell the roasted coffee beans that saturate the air.
As you grow older, coffee becomes your best buddy every time you pull all-nighters, which becomes endless when you enter college. Drinking coffee also helps you relax your mind while reading your favorite book on weekends, which fuels your growing addiction.
Because of this, you consider offering various coffee and tea drinks that will perfectly match the pastries that you bake.
"Noona?" You looked at the counter and saw one of your employees with wide eyes. You chuckle at his reaction like he has seen a ghost.
"Hi!" You greeted as you joined him at the counter.
"You're back!" He joyfully exclaims and even claps in excitement. A door from the storage room burst open, slightly startling you. You saw two ladies emerge from the room with the same disbelief on their faces.
"Unnie!" You let out a giggle when they engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug. You wrap your arms around the two teenagers and return the gestures while swaying their bodies from side to side.
 "We miss you!" Narae one of your employees pouted. You playfully flick the girl's head.
"I'm only gone for a week, 'Rae"
"Still" she mumbles while massaging her forehead. You only shook your head at her silliness and reached for the brown cap under the counter that was similarly worn by the three teens.
"How's Switzerland?" Chuwon asked while drying the mug using the table napkin designated for it.
"As usual, loaded with work." You sigh. Owning a bakery is your ultimate dream, and you did achieve it. However, the process of getting you where you are right now is a rough path. You apply for different jobs and dribble tons of tasks to save money for your dream shop, and up until now, you’re still doing it to keep your business running.
And it happens that one of the jobs for which you apply requires you to travel to different places. It gives you a lot of money, so you have no problem with it. Although it somehow makes you feel sad as it lessens your time to spend working on your bakery.
"Did you find yourself a potential Swiss boyfriend?" Seoyun asked while wiggling her eyes, helping you to divert your attention from stressful work. You pulled your tied hair on the hole at the back of the cap and slightly tugged the visor to adjust it in your head before sending the girl a playful glare.
"I have no time for that." A disappointed groan erupted from the three teenagers at your reply. You only chuckle and shake your head while continuing to put on your brown apron. Being the only full-grown adult working in the bakeshop with the civil status of single, your young employees can't help but wonder about your romantic life.
But your reply stands true; you have no time to get into a romantic relationship.
Nevertheless, it does not mean that you will turn it down once you meet someone who captures your heart. You, yourself are a hopeless romantic. The books in the romance genre displayed on the bookshelves at the right corner of your shop say it all.
And if it happens that your 'the one' walks someday in your mundane then, who are you to deny. Right?
The sound of a bell chimes in, indicating that someone has entered the shop. You immediately smile and greet the customers with enthusiasm.
"Hello, welcome to Sweet Greets Bakery!" You bowed along with your three employees. You saw the seven young men return the gestures and proceed to the counter while looking at the menu drink display at your back and the pastries on the glass displays. You keep your genuine smile on while waiting for their orders.
You can't help but observe that every single one of them has different fashion styles, which you can easily identify by whether they are into casual style, semi-formal, aesthetic, or just want to wear comfy clothes. They have different tastes, but it seems like they all get along as they are in tune with each other while discussing their orders.
The only similarity they have at this point is that all of them wore facemasks that covered half of their faces.
"Good morning! We would like to order a three-chocolate chip Frappuccino, two iced Americanos, one vanilla latte, and a mint chocolate drink." You nodded at the guy who wore a snapback and quickly punched their order on the monitor in front of you.
"Would you like to add some pastries to match your drinks?" You ask politely. All of them look once again at the glass cabinets where the pastries are displayed.
"Ah, we'll take slices of chocolate and strawberry cake. That's all." You smile and completely place their orders.
"That will be 71,432.91 won." The men look in unison at the guy whose fashion style gives you rich uncle vibes.
The man flinches and then lets out a disappointed sigh while reaching for his pocket. He gives you his black card, and you quickly slide it at the card reader. You heard them all chuckle at the poor man and slap his butt for comfort.
"You can find comfortable seats while we arrange your orders. Thank you!" You gleefully thank them as you give back the card accompanied by a receipt and a small round pager with your two hands.
"I bet they're idols" Narae whispers beside you as you grind some coffee beans. You saw her staring at those men on her tippy toes to get a better look.
"How'd you know?" You wonder. Although you grow up in a country where being an idol is everyone else's dream and exposes people to that kind of industry at an early young age, you seem clueless about it. Guess your mind is so focused on building a bakery that you missed that part as you grew up.
And it seems that you're right when Narae looks at you like you just grew two heads.
"Unnie, look!" She simply gestures at the men who found themselves sitting in a secluded corner, quietly observing the interior of your humble shop.
"They are obviously wearing masks to avoid the crazy media" she pointed out.
"They're seated at the back of the shop, so fans won't notice them." Seoyun chimed in beside you.
"And they chose this small, unfamiliar bakeshop so no one would find their location" Chuwon added. The three squeeze themselves beside you, looking at the men while hiding behind a huge espresso machine.
"They're indeed idols" all of them whisper at you in unison. You shook your head at their silliness and poked their sides, which earned you squeals and giggles.
"Okay, okay. If they are idols, then we need to stop staring and leave them alone." You scold, to which you only receive a playful stick of their tongue before they proceed to help you with the orders.
While filling the cups with ice cubes, you can't help but glance at those men. Chuwon is right; your bakery is still unfamiliar since it is new and has only been running for five months. Although there aren't a lot of customers, you remain optimistic as your business has only just started.
If ever those young men are indeed idols, then you're glad they found your bakery a safe place to hang out, even just for a minute. That's been the main purpose of your shop: to become a safe refuge for everyone, even an idol. With those thoughts in mind, it made you smile throughout the day.
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Weeks passed, those young men kept coming back to your bakeshop, to the point that you already memorized their regular orders. Due to this, your three employees become busy browsing the internet to find out which group these mysterious men belong to.
You put both of your hands on your hips when you saw the three once again inside the storage room, gathering in front of your laptop to find the identity of these men during their lunch breaks.
"I told you to quit doing that, you're invading their privacy." Your words fell on deaf ears when they didn't even give you a single glance. You sighed and decided to leave them alone. You proceed instead to stack the single pack of colorful macarons that you made last night.
"Oh my god!" Your head snaps back at the storage room where you hear the scream.
"Unnie, your bakeshop will finally become famous!" Narae squeals once you enter the room.
"What?" Your brows furrow.
"Noona! Those men are hella popular!' "Chuwon exclaims.
"They’re Enhypen!" The three shouted. You were startled by their loud voices, which made you put your hand on your chest to calm your beating heart.
"Okay," You calmly respond. "What's the connection of them making my bakeshop famous?" you dumbfoundedly ask.
"Unnie, if people saw them here in your shop, there would be plenty of customers who would come here to see them. And if they came here, they would also buy your delicious pastries because their idols seemed to like them for constantly coming here." Seoyun explains with matching exaggerated hand gestures.
"So you're saying we would expose them that they've been constantly hanging out here to make the bakery well-known?"
"Exactly!" The three of them exclaim in unison like you just announced that you won the lottery. Their faces lit up when you pulled out the sweetest smile you could muster.
"No." You flatly said. Their jaws dropped as they didn't expect you to disagree despite knowing that it would help your shop. Just like a light switch, your face suddenly turned serious.
"We're not going to use their vulnerability so we can gain something. Leave them alone and let them enjoy the privacy they have in this shop." You put back your sweet smile.
"If I ever find out that you all still did it behind my back, your vacation leave will be denied." You warned on sing-song and returned to the counter when you heard the chime of the bell.
And it seems that your threatening worked when more weeks passed and those men still went to your bakery without getting recognized or mobbed. You're thankful; however, the three are starting to become their fans that the only topic you can hear from their mouths is about the group's music, variety shows, and concerts.
The slow jazz that was used to play in the background in your shop? It was now replaced by the group's songs.
Although sometimes you find yourself humming and bobbing your head to their music.
But the soft jazz music makes a comeback to your bakery, as today is the start of the exam week. Meaning, the three crackheads are off duty as you did not allow them to work during the exam.
The shop is not that busy, so you have no problem handling the tasks alone for a week. As a good employer, you want them to focus on their studies without worrying about their work shift.
The day went by quickly, and the night sky was quickly blanketed with stars that stretched to infinity. The pale crescent moon started to shine like a silver claw, outshining the bright city lights.
The night just started; however, for your shop, it's closing time.
You often close your shop by 10 p.m., but since you don't have any staff around, you decided to close it earlier as it becomes dangerous for a lone worker to work at a very late hour, which you also strictly apply to your three employees, especially since they are minors.
As you neared the door to flip the 'open' signage to 'closed,' the bell chimed in for the last time. Then a man in his iconic orange hoodie steps into the shop.
"Hi, thank you for visiting, but we're closing early," you sadly informed. The guy's tired eyes flickered with sadness before he nodded and turned around without a word to reach for the door.
You felt your heart squeeze with sadness as you saw how tired his eyes were. Even though his face is hidden with a mask and a thick black beanie, you can practically imagine the dejection on his face. You felt like you had failed to fulfill the main purpose of your shop.
"But if you want, you can stay while I'm tidying the shop" you tried to offer. The man halted his step and looked at you with hopeful eyes.
"Is that alright?" He asked. His voice immediately sends a tingling sensation to your body that you cannot explain. This is your first time hearing his voice, despite him constantly coming into your shop since his friend often order for the rest of them.
His voice is so soft and soothing, yet it sounds very manly.
"Yup, it's not a problem," you quickly reassure him. You heard him heave a sigh and bow at you.
"Thank you." You smiled and returned the gesture.
"You want your usual?" You continued to flip the signage and went to the counter to prepare the food he usually orders.
"Yes, please." You give him a thumbs up and quickly arrange his meal.
Instead of sitting in the back corner, where he and his friends are usually seated, he opted for the table near the counter you were working on. For the first time, he removed his mask and proceeded to busy himself on the phone.
Although the group often visits your shop, they are still cautious about removing their masks; they only do it if the food is ready to dig in. So, seeing him remove it comfortably surprised you a little.
If you remember correctly from the various videos and images that are forcefully shoved in your face by your annoying staff, his name is Jungwon. He is Seoyun's bias, as she claimed that she was captured by his cute but manly features, his adorable yet savage personality, and mostly by being an amazing singer and performer on stage.
A complete package, according to Seoyun.
Even though you cannot confirm any of those claims against the man as you don't know him and don't pay much attention to the group's performances that your three employees are constantly watching, you can totally agree with one thing that Seoyun said.
He is indeed handsome.
"Here's your chocolate chip frappuccino and strawberry cake. Enjoy!" You smile as you serve the food on his table. For once, you saw him smile, and although you could tell it was a tired smile, that still didn't stop his dimple from showing and his eyes from forming into a crescent moon.
You quickly turned around like a soldier in training and tightly hugged the tray in front of your chest when you felt your heart suddenly beating like a horse on a race track. You don't know why your heart reacted to a simple expression, so you tried to shrug it off and didn't make it a big deal.
As you put the cake and pastries back in their respective containers before placing it in the refrigerators to preserve them, you take a quick glance at your only customer for the night.
You immediately stopped in your tracks when you saw him leaning on his knees with eyes closed while pinching the bridge of his nose.
From the look of it, he must have been stressed out about something that made him this exhausted. You felt a wave of sadness as you could practically imagine how tired he must have felt.
You can't help but wonder. 'Is being an idol can be this draining?'
Now, you were pondering whether it would be a good or bad idea to give him a slice of Oreo cheesecake that you baked yesterday to try to cheer him up. Plus, this cake is still not officially on the menu yet, so you can't help but overthink if he will like it or will find you weird as you try to offer him something.
As you paced back and forth inside the storage room while eyeing the poor cake, the bell rang from the counter which is used for the customer to call a staff member. You were startled by the sound and hastily put the sliced cake in the box.
"Done?" You politely ask when you see him waiting in front of the counter. He lightly smile and nodded in reply. You smile and punches his order to the monitor to compute the total of his purchase.
While waiting for the receipt to be printed out, your mind is still trying to contemplate if you're going to give him the piece of cake. You bit the side of your cheek when you gave him the receipt, and he started to make his way to the door. You sigh and give yourself a try.
"W-wait" you called out. He immediately turned around and gently raised his brows at you. You secretly pinch your side to give yourself courage. You left the counter and finally gave him the box.
"I can't help but notice that you seem quite a bit exhausted." You averted your eyes to the floor as you felt yourself getting embarrassed. "H-here's a piece of Oreo cheesecake to cheer you up a little" you nervously said, while slightly nudging the box at him.
"Oh, no. I've been intruding on you too much." He gently tried to refuse your offer. You shook your head and let out a genuine smile.
"Trust me, you did not. You're always welcome here, anytime." His face washes with gentleness, and it feels like some weight on his shoulder has taken off from the sincerity of your words. The softness of your voice made him smile, then he reached for the box and accepted it wholeheartedly.
"The stress has been draining my energy lately, so this will really help. Thank you." His appreciation made you smile and eased your worry earlier. Suddenly, your mind made a suggestion, just like a light bulb.
"Just a second." You quickly made your way back to the counter and tried to reach something on a cupboard with your tippy toes, which made Jungwon chuckle as he found you cute while doing it.
You mentally cheered when you saw the box of tea that you were finding. You went back where he stood and gave it to him.
"Here's a chamomile tea. This might help you relieve your stress." Your thoughtfulness brightens Jungwon's mood and quickly sends a warm feeling to his heart.
"Is there anything I can do to repay your kindness?" he asked. He cannot think of ways to express his gratitude, but if you request something, he will grant it devotedly.
You, on the other hand, were ready to decline and reassure him that he didn't need to do it when something popped an idea into your head once again.
"How about you give me your honest taste review of the cake?"
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Ever since your interaction with Jungwon, you've started to get a little bit curious about him and his group.
At first, you just wanted to see current news or articles about them to find some answers about the reason he was exhausted that day. But now, you find yourself rewatching their performance videos on various music shows that Narae and Chuwon showed you before. This time you paid attention, and you got to admit, they are pretty good.
Especially, the guy with similar eyes of an adorable cat.
You can't help but get a little bit excited for their comeback, which is said in one of the newest articles you find about them. You came to the conclusion that this might be the reason behind the stress that Jungwon felt that night.
"Welcome to Sweet Greets Bakery!" You automatically greet without looking up when you hear the chime of the bell. You were so focused on putting the icing on top of the cupcake that you failed to notice a young man that you were just thinking about looking at you with full admiration.
"Would that be on the menu?" You looked up when you heard a familiar voice speak. Your smile immediately made its way to your face when your eyes made contact with his boba-shaped ones.
"Yup!" You put down the bag of icing you were holding and went to the counter where Jungwon was leaning over, ready to take his order. You looked at the back corner and saw his friends already seated comfortably there.
"The usual?" He nodded and let out a chuckle, as he found it amusing how you grew used to their presence. While you're busy punching their usual orders, he can't help but stare at you with softness in his eyes.
That night was the first time he actually paid attention to you. He might be hanging with his members here often, but he kept his interaction with anyone minimal as he didn't want to gain anyone's attention. But now that he got to talk to you, he can't help but regret those times that he could have used to get to know you.
Nonetheless, he was thankful that he made the right decision to go to your shop that night to unwind.
"Can I still have the slice of cake you gave me?" He shyly asked while rubbing the back of his neck. Your fingers stop pressing the items on the monitor, and you look at him with a hint of hope in your eyes.
"Did you like it?" Your question came in whispers, afraid to hear his answer about disliking your cake.
"The Oreo cheesecake was fantastic!" He looked up like he was trying to remember about its taste. "It felt smooth, and the sweetness definitely tasted like home," he praised, then he looked at it with full sincerity swimming in his eyes.
"I enjoyed every bite of it."
As the words hung in the air, the bulletproof shield around your heart trembled. Of course, you had heard compliments before, but none had touched you the way Jungwon's heartfelt words did. His simple compliment tore open a new doorway to your emotions, making your heart flutter like a trapped bird, banging against the confines of your narrow chest.
"So, I was wondering if it can be my usual order now?" He mumbled and lowered his head trying to hide his apple cheeks, which were blazing with redness.
Just like Jungwon, your cheeks are now a deeper shade of red, and your heart is still dancing in the confetti of admiration.
"B-but it is still not yet on the m-menu." You stutter as you put your attention on the monitor once again and slowly complete the orders. You bite your lower lip and look at the young men through your lashes. You tried to suppress your giggles when you saw a sad pout adorning his face.
"Though I can make an exception for you." 
From the moment you handed him the slice of cake he specially requested. A friendship unexpectedly blossomed, stretching far beyond the typical baker-and-customer set-up. Jungwon, being the leader of a well-known boy group, felt comfortable letting go of his duties when he was with you inside your comfy bakery.
Soon, Jungwon's late-night visits to the bakeshop became a tradition.
"How many eggs should I put in again?" Jungwon asked you, clad in a brown apron similar to the one you were wearing.
One such evening, while you were discussing with him the recipe for your Oreo cheesecake, he suddenly got the idea to let you teach him the process of making it so he could use it as content in his short vlog and impress his Jay-hyung.
And so, you and Jungwon's baking adventure began. Your simple and quiet evening in your shop was now filled with laughter, occasional flour fights, and piles of failed cookies he tried to make. Slowly, you began to look forward to his late-night visit.
"You ready?" you asked him while you carefully took the Oreo cheesecake out of the oven, which he had solely made without your help.
With eyes closed, he nodded in anticipation.
"You can now open your eyes." Once his eyes did, his mouth slowly hang open.
"I made that?" You softly laugh when he eyed his cake with disbelief.
"Yes, you did!" You cheered. The cake really turned out great for his first attempt, you couldn't be even more proud of him. Jungwon jumps with happiness making you giggle.
He raised his hands at you, asking for a high-five, which you quickly reciprocated and clapped hands with him. You thought it was just a brief contact, but Jungwon decided to intertwined his fingers with yours and clasped them tightly.
A wave of unexpected electricity rushes through your veins and sends your heart to flutter.
Every time you spend your night with Jungwon, you always experience this peculiar feeling. Making the fluttering of your heart more frequent and pronounced. These little flutters seemed to build into a crescendo, filling your heart with a strange yet sweet emotion.
"Y-you want to t-taste it?" You quickly removed your hands from his hold and quickly turned around to find some utensils and to hide your flushed face from his heart-melting stares. As you did it, you failed to see how his face filled with disappointment from the lost contact.
Unbeknownst to you, Jungwon was also experiencing the same surge of electrifying waves within him. His insides also fluttered in a way he only felt when he first walked into the cozy, aromatic haven of your bakeshop.
However, this time, the butterflies were not from the sweet baked goods but from a newfound emotion he felt for you.
"Can you send me the cake instead" You halted your action when you heard his request. It was odd, however, you just thought that he wanted to show his members the cake he made. Although you're quite disappointed that you couldn't taste it.
"Sure, when would you like me to send it to you?"
"On February 9." That's three days from now; the usual span of the cake is 4 to 5 days before it expires. The cake will still make it.
"I'll take note of that." You smiled.
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The slow jazz music that helped set the mood for your relaxing shop was short-lived when your three staff members returned after the long week of exams and a well-deserved vacation leave that you granted. You were judgingly watching them as they danced to one of Enhypen's songs while they arranged the chairs and mopped the floor.
"Omo! Jungwon is on live!" Your ears suddenly perked when you heard Seoyun exclaim. The two immediately surrounded the girl, who was watching something on her phone. You tried to stop yourself from joining them, as you didn't want to be seen as suspicious for having a sudden interest in him.
Although you somehow did.
You were saddened that he failed to visit the shop three days in a row, and you got to admit that you missed his presence, which slowly became part of your small shop. However, you understand that his job can be a little demanding.
Still, you're slightly thankful that he didn't suddenly show up, as your three staff members will literally scream with enthusiasm and confusion when they see him having a comfortable conversation with you since you never told them about your growing friendship with him while they were gone.
You got a little bit curious behind their giggles, so you tried to sneak a peek from behind them.
Indeed, you saw Jungwon, with a wide smile, having fun talking to his fans. On his back were blue foil curtains with silver balloons around them, while in front of him was the cake he made that you just delivered this afternoon with a cake topper and candles.
Then it hits you.
Today is his birthday.
"Where did I get the recipe for the cake? From 'Sweet Greets Bakery!' They sell the best pastries, yoii~"
You know your heart is in trouble when it automatically flutters like a kite in the wind at the sound of his voice, even if he is away from you.
The unusual skipping beat of your heart when you heard Jungwon's laughter at your dry jokes, the always-fluttering when he listened to you attentively, and the feeling like something was missing when he was away were so unfamiliar, yet they made your heart full of so much happiness and affection.
This realization shattered the protective wall around your heart that you had meticulously crafted. The only one thing that you had never felt before was happening.
You are in love.
You are falling in love with Yang Jungwon.
Eventually, words about Jungwon liking your bakeshop spread like wildfire, sending fans into a frenzy. Your shop, which was almost empty of customers, was now filled with people trying to taste your baked goods, especially the Oreo cheesecake.
It was overwhelming not only to you but also to your three employees, as this is your first time taking so many orders in a day. It is tiring, but it feels like it magically vanished every time you saw the genuine reaction of your customers at every bite they took from the pastries you passionately baked.
It was a long, eventful three weeks, but your heart is grateful.
You were just basking in the quiet surroundings, as you had already closed your bakery and let three teenagers go home earlier, when someone knocked on the door.
A bright smile immediately made its way onto your face when you saw Jungwon in his thick gray hoodie and dark bucket hat waving his hand cutely at you through the glass door.
"What are you doing here?" are the first words that come out of your mouth once you unlock the door.
"I was supposed to visit you earlier, but the bakery is quite busy." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I really wanted to see you, so I came back."
You tried so hard not to put a meaning behind his words, but your heart seemed not to want to listen as it beat like crazy, and it feels like a cage of butterflies has been set free in your stomach.
"W-well, thanks to you, my bakeshop got a lot of recognition." You sincerely thanking him, even though you use it to try to ignore the last thing he said.
Jungwon felt his heart torn into pieces when you brushed off the words that reflected his overflowing affection for you. Yet, his heart is still filled with hope.
"You watched my live?" You were frozen from his question.
In fact, you did. Not the only part where you sneak a peak on Seoyun's phone but the whole birthday live. You personally made an account just to watch the replay of his live that day.
"I d-did" You averted your eyes. "Although it was a replay," you pursed your lips as you felt ashamed of yourself for doing it and letting him find it out.
Jungwon felt his heart jump with giddiness when you showed signs of interest in him.
"Yoi~" He adorably cooed and gently brushed his shoulder with yours. The sound of your giggles from what he did sends butterflies to his stomach.
"Oh, I have a surprise for you!" You exclaim after you remember the gift that you prepared for his birthday, even though his birthday was three weeks ago. You went to the storage room, leaving Jungwon full of anticipation.
Soon, you emerge from the room, holding your present for him. Despite the excitement of seeing his reaction, you were still nervous as it took you so many attempts to make your gift presentable. Plus, it was your first time making this design in your entire baking life.
However, your worries dissipated when you saw his mouth hang open in amazement at the cat-shaped cake that you were holding. You started singing him the birthday song while slowly making your way to him.
As you softly sang, his vision magically became blurry, and the only thing he could see clearly was your pretty face, which was always clad with gentle and genuine expressions. Your soothing voice is like a whisper in his heart that slowly dances and sways to its rhythm.
Those days that he couldn't see you, he felt something was missing. Your smiles, the melody of your laughter, and your comforting presence keep lingering in his mind. The only thing running through his head is to see you and spend his time with you once again.
The three long, agonizing weeks of not seeing you make his heart yearn for your presence, like a parched desert yearning for rain.
From the moment you hand him the slice of cake as an offer to relieve his stress, he knows he is down. Being away from you only confirms his feelings for you.
He is in love,
with you.
"Make a wish," you said after finishing the song. You expect Jungwon to close his eyes as he makes his wish, but your heart begins to race when he looks you in the eye, gazing at you with only a soft and gentle stare.
"I wish—" He removes your hold on the cake and carries it instead with one hand. Then, his other hand found its way to yours and slowly intertwined them without breaking eye contact.
"—I can spend the rest of my birthdays with you."
A torrent of emotions—warmth, joy, and love—fused together, igniting an electrifying light show within your chest. It feels like a burst of the sparkling fireworks display, not in the sky but in your heart.
You felt his thumb softly draw small circles in your hand, quickly sending tingles through your body.
"My bakery will go bankrupt from sending you birthday cake each year," you joked. Jungwon chuckled and gently squeezed your hand, still looking at you with sparkles in his eyes.
You pressed your palm on his cheek and rubbed your thumb against it with full affection, making him lean to your touch.
"Your wish is granted, Jungwon."
It was like both of your hearts exploded into an incandescent shower of feelings that mingled with the colors of the frosted night sky—a vivid, heart-pumping confetti of joy and love.
You both giggle at the strange way of confessing to each other. Although it was an odd confession, it was enough to convey the euphoric feelings you have for each other.
You and Jungwon's bond, baked and constructed in the 'Sweet Greets Bakery' hearth, had matured into love. From friends, you both seamlessly become lovers, with the love story orchestrated by fate and shared fondness for the bakeshop that brought you two together tying in the sweet, aromatic embrace of love forever.
Jungwon thought that the bakery was the only safe refuge he could have away from the limelight. He thought it was a place.
But it was a person.
You are his safe place.
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©2023 Demuse Writer. All Right Reserved.
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aztarion · 25 days
hiii jez, your sol tag is incredible and i love everything about her!! best aesthetic & best most fucked up vampire bbgirl of all time <3 do you have any interesting facts or random tidbits of lore about her that you are willing to share or link me to? wish to know everything & more about her asap tysm 🥰
whaaaat hi bree!! 😭 that oc tag is so thrown together and unorganised girl youre insane putting yourself through that but omfg its til death do us part now 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
i dont really post writing with my ocs much on tumblr but i blabbered for like an hour here im so sorry in advance i hope its a little entertaining…. tw for ed mention and self harm but its just your regular vtm stuff if youre familiar with the background ttrpg
soledad is her courier alias, she usually goes by that or the inevitable nickname sol, which doubles as a small remnant of her old life — her real name is solona ^^
she is first gen mexican-filipina, grew up in california before moving to arizona
didn’t care for academics much; preferred working with her hands — she dropped out of studies as soon as it was acceptable and went into business training under her dad and older brother as a mechanic
very laidback, easygoing, quietly contented; never had sprawling ambitions or aspirations and she was cool with that (was and is a little bit of a perfectionist with her work tho). this created a wedge with her mom who did nawt like the notion of her only daughter wasting prime years and a pretty face in a dingy garage. (i never get it *exactly* how i want in art & have never found a faceclaim i love, but i kinda picture her overall look as like. a timeless, slightly restless sort of dark beauty; like her eyes are always trying to tell you something in spite of herself, even when she looks totally serene lol)
anyway! one of moms fears are realized — sol ends up with a very noticeable facial scar (semi glasgow smile? mouth to under ear and a little further than that even, cheek just super spliced) due to an accident in the garage. sad! oh well she’s the joker now (or she will be after julian)
wait actually while im yapping about backstory i deviate a little from the game options just to make things more juicy and personal but! to me she first meets julian having to work on his suzuki and they hit it off. pre-night road as mentioned she is very easygoing — easily charmed and is herself charming — they def get along like a house on fire. julian would no doubt mentally take note of her whole roll-with-the-punches, laissez-faire attitude — naturally that just seems like a quality that might come in handy when you bite someone and turn them into a creature of the night. also the attentive, methodical approach she takes to her work, and when needed, her on the spot workarounds — he doesn’t want some dumb unreliable chump childe. and alright bear with him here: so it’s not relevant strictly in terms of her being thee potential great american embrace candidate he may be planning for right now, but man shes kiiiiinda cute and the scar is kiiiiiiiinda badass and its kiiiiinda hot that she knows exactly what she’s doing under the hood.…….Julian’s of course no slouch but he prefers it when others are doing the dirty work for him and she knows her stuff. so he’s thinking yeah this might work out. wait did she just say she plays nintendo too — oh this is definitely working out.
well it didn’t work out — sol ends up caitiff. julian accidentally botched her embrace 👍 whoops. but he teaches her blood sorcery as soon as possible — she can fly under the radar as a regular banu haqim. so it does work out! the sire/childe bond likely did some heavy lifting in terms of their relationship but sol was still pretty dopey heart eyes for julian in the beginning, like truly thought he was brilliant and funny and followed whatever he said no questions — really trusted him, figured with him being more experienced and so whipsmart and knowledgeable that he was utterly infallible. julian knew best and like didn’t he keep her safe trying to cover for the whole clanless thing……how could he have anything but Good Intentions dot dot dot……
in the decade after julian goes MIA, sol’s entire demeanor takes a nosedive. in the ingame text, julian and d’espine are described as being ‘fledgling-like’ in that they still have that liveliness to them, like a constant subtle Blush of Life effect. sol had that too in the years w julian, but after so long alone and having to maintain that isolation in order to ghost by in both the human world and undead while drugrunning & couriering, she gets cold — corpse and mind. outwardly she’s very composed; there’s little to no animation (no once-effortless smile, not even a ghost of the dimple in her unscarred cheek ! ) but her inner monologue is distrustful, has aged — is honestly a little paranoid and bitter sometimes — and overly nervous where she once would never have been. when julian returns it’s noted how young he still seems in comparison. that doesnt help the grudge she holds
i think her nerves skyrocket even more so when she feels aila stir. while u cant choose merits/flaws in night road like the table top, i feel like she would have the bulimic derangement that causes a kindred to gorge or throw up blood at random after feeding due to stress — she’s literally just THAT internally anxious. the game makes a point ensuring youre well fed on your next visit to tucson’s elysium since you showed up starving at the beginning, but after the office confrontation with lettow asking what happened to aila — which despite going successfully & having an excellent relationship with him — sol still probably LEGS it out of the viper once dove interrupts and ends up vomiting in an alley before jumping in her car🤦‍♀️ so much for paying alexander to acquire blood and making a good impression this time…..what a waste. and u know what Riga probably saw the whole mortifying ordeal too smh
ok im sorry i could talk abt the entire game like this i have so many headcanons
ooh straight up just facts & a little tldr:
so she’s 5’8; long pretty neck, slim hourglass figure with soft heavy curves, distinctly confident arms and legs, various tattoos: depictions of scorpions and snakes, the sun, spanish and tagalog script in black and red ink. she’s around whatever Julian’s human age wouldve been, i guess mid twenties range
is Julian’s Childe but due to a botched embrace ends up caitiff. masquerades as a banu haqim that, when in the presence of more prejudiced vampire society, in turn masquerades as something traditionally camarilla-fronting: malk/toreador/ventrue, whatever. it’s complicated! por los clavos de cristo does she wish she was back in that shitty little garage 20 yrs ago
throws up when nervous; is constantly a little hungry and risking an oops moment but for the most part maintains iron composure — its become a whittled and useful hard shell
learns blood sorcery right off the bat from julian, learns protean from lettow after staking reremouse w him. she usually keeps things clean and impersonal with a gun and deft precision (and elena with more guns!) but she still likes working with her hands: in close combat, especially when it involves other supernaturals, she keeps elena out of the fight and doubles up that weird combo of blood sorcery + protean — is frankly just a messy blur of slit wrists bloody sigils and slashing claws. (ough wanna draw this ugly visual so bad but omg i just know it wouldn’t work out w my skillset rn)
omg i feel like ive gone on forever in a bunch of directions while saying nothing helpp. ill stop here and spare you! thank you so much for asking bree!! :D <3 you have to tell me about your courier now!!
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^ us night roading
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dirtbagcore · 3 months
HELLO im thinking about your saiki k / spyxfamily au...... im so fascinated by this family dynamic. does kuriko still have all her powers, or just telepathy? in your comic it looks like she still does the telepathic communication which i LOVE. pairs well with anyas constant yapping...... also, if kuriko does have all her powers, how powerful is she? id imagine she'd be about at the level of 16-year-old saiki with limiters, since in the time travel episode he was a bit older and a bit stronger (but he also didnt have glasses so i guess he didnt have the power to turn people to stone yet? i wonder if there are other powers he unlocks later. its probably in the manga but im only halfway through 😭). man, just imagine the shenanigans those kids would get up to..... even just putting kuriko in anyas place would be hilarious, but then also throwing anya AND kuusuke into the mix???? these kids are gonna accidentally destroy the world lmfao
but im also fascinated by the dynamic of. anya and kuriko being siblings and knowing about each others powers, but no one else knows about them (except probably kuusuke?). cause like. kusuo originally can use his powers at home, so now he can use them less freely, but anya originally had NO ONE who knew about them and now she has 2 siblings who do, so she can use them more freely. which would probably result in an even more reserved kuriko and an even more outgoing anya. plus kuusukes inferiority complex would be doubled..... loid has no idea what he just got himself into lmao. just absolutely insane family dynamics all around im obsessed
ANYWAY sorry for yapping in your inbox but i would love to hear any other thoughts you have about this au..... if you wanna share.....
^((TLDR; [in my S×F / Saiki K crossover AU where kuriko & anya are twins] what are kurikos powers? what's the new family dynamic?))
HIII! ( ≧∀≦)ノ THANKS 4 THE ASK!!! v happy to answer, i was thinking kuriko would:
1. still have all her powers, and
2. they would be weaker than in canon since she got her limiters early⬇️
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this obv includes the fact that she can remember all her time as an infant, so thinking of that (considering the vague experiments anya went thru in canon) i deffo think ur right about her being even more reserved ( ´,_ゝ`) </3 tho tbf anya being kuriko's voice and seeming (from an outside perspective) to always just KNOW what she wants, no matter how specific, sounds really freaking cute ( T∀T)
i imagine her other powers coming up in little scenes (+ prob main plot stuff but im not writing allat for a thought experiment lol)⬇️⬇️
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overall, i think the family dynamic would be like this⬇️⬇️⬇️
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kusuke wouldnt be threatened by anya cause all she can do is read minds, shes no genius on top of that. his relationship with kuriko tho, i feel like would be similar to how it was in canon, except that since kuriko is more fragile here, id imagine that she'd be less willing to indulge kusuke's games- leading him to harbour more genuine resentment, in turn leading her to kinda fear him. it'd make their dynamic more angsty than the og, but tbh i feel that that lends well to the new setting/kusukes new role.
i dont think kuriko would mind loid or yor, but since she can remember their bio parents (kuniharu & kurumi) better than anya, i dont think she'd be able to accept them as her parents right away, especially yor.
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the only other thing i wanted to mention was:
how did kusuke get into eden without parents, you ask? (you didnt but--) YOU ASK?? well obvi its cause he's a super genius and probably achieved something so crazy that the schoolboard REALLY wanted him as an alum, so he completely skipped over the regular admission process. he would live in the dorms and probably avoided talking abt his parents entirely (cause who would share their personal trauma with ants??), leaving a very convenient spot for loid to slip into lol
anyway! thats basically it!! thanks again for the ask, hope at least some ppl appreciate our wall of text!! (me n you are like this 🤞 btw. YAPPING 🔛🔝🔥) ☆(゜∇^d)!!
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sea-owl · 1 year
Thought this be a cute little prompt featuring dragon!Bridgertons aka how Penelope accidentally courted a dragon. 
Penelope Featherington never got why people feared dragons so much. She lived near a nest of dragons all her life and they never bothered her or her village. 
Also all these knights that keep trying to take and take from the dragons. They all claim the dragons stole, but have they ever thought that maybe trading with the dragons to solve that issue? Or giving them some sort of gift? Penelope got lots of neat stuff when she traded with the dragons like her golden embossed journal. Granted she never seen the dragons when she did her drop off for trades but still! It doesn’t have to be much either. All she left was some food and eight coins from her allowance. Sometimes she would tell stories from the village, some of them seemed to like those too. 
It honestly started out as an accident. A stray wind had caught a then 10 year old Penelope’s bonnet and blown it right into the entrance of the dragons nest. It was made out of a very nice silk and lace, but it was a little older. When young Penelope had found out where her bonnet had flown into she had squeaked that they could keep it and ran off. Later that night Penelope found money for a new bonnet outside her window. 
Now years later Penelope sat down at the entrance when she was dropping off some eclairs. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been away for a while,” Penelope said as she counted her sixteen coins. She thought to bring extra since she has been away for a few months. “Mama sent me to meet with some penpals I’ve been writing to for a while. I believe I’ve told you about them before. Kate and Sophie are so much fun. It’s also funny watching them rein in Simon and Michael too. Oh and Phillip! He’s knows so much about plants! I think he might be my favorite. I’ll have to bring them sometime for the you all to meet. I’ll make sure they bring a gift.” 
Unknown to Penelope another group of knights had climbed up to the entrance of the nest.
“Ms back away from the cave! There lies a dragons nest!”
Penelope rolled her eyes. “I know. The whole village knows and they don’t bother us.” 
The group of knights continued to try to argue with Penelope as she continued to ignore them and make sure she put out the right amount of coins. One knight had caught sight of the gift Penelope was leaving for the dragons and he did not like that.
“Let go of me!” Penelope demanded as the knight roughly grabbed her. 
Hearing a roar from inside the cave Penelope looked down in time to see a blue tail wrap around her waist before it yanked her backwards. The sudden grab had knocked the girl to the ground. Laying on her back she could feel herself being pulled further into the cave. What she saw though was beautiful different colors of fire being blown around and above her. 
All too soon the fire disappeared but now in her line of sight were emerald green draconic eyes. They were rather beautiful in her opinion. Penelope soon realized the tail wrapped around her belonged to this dragon. 
Penelope looked up to see where the sound had come from but all she saw was seven more draconic eyes staring down at her. “Well, this is the first time I’ve seen the inside.”
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
Request 🌈
Agatha and R have been friends for centuries, they have a game where one usually steals something from the other in the month of their friendship anniversary. But this year Agatha is determined to end that tradition, she realized that she doesn't just want to be R's friend anymore. Agatha wants to be R's lover. So when R goes to steal her in the middle of the night, Agatha is awake and waiting for her.
I think it works for both a fluff and a smut so it's up to you what you think is best.
Thank you very much for your attention 💜
Getting what she wants
a/n: @mariahillslittlepuppy you are so big brain, everyone go follow them <3
Word count: 3k words
Warnings: Cute pet names, Smut below the cut (18+), oral (Agatha r), nipple sucking, naked woman, stealing, weird traditions. Basically Fluff with some smut. Wanda is here too for a bit
18+ Below the cut! Happy reading besties, feedback is greatly appreciated too <3
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“ Are you excited for Saturday Agatha?” 
The older woman turns around to see you come into the kitchen, some groceries in your hand as she tries to think of what’s Saturday. 
“ Do we need to pay any bills?” 
“ Already done Aggie, use that pretty mind of yours now,” you joke with the woman whose brain yet again stops whenever you’d call her pretty. 
“ Wait?” 
“  it the…” she says to herself wondering how that’s already here. 
“ It’s the start of the time I met you all those years ago in Salem,” you tell her. 
Both of you were some of the last witches on earth, living together in somewhat peace in a cottage in the woods surrounded by beauty. Though Agatha was older of the two by a couple of years, all the times you teased her about “ listening to elders made her mad but she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
In all the years of being friends, a silly little tradition had developed between the two of you when the anniversary of your friends came around. Each of you would steal something from the other and thought Agatha had hated it at first cause you always went for one of her journals, favorite shirts, or as of recently phones she would never change the tradition. 
If she were asked though, Agatha would change your relationship from friends to lovers. All these years of being in hiding from people wanting to kill any remaining witches, exploring every part of the world, some romantic feelings began to arise but the older witch was never brave enough to tell you. Fearful that you’d be disgusted by her and leave her alone which was then proven wrong years ago when she accidentally walked in on you going at it with the new woman in town, deciding not to answer questions. 
“ How could you forget dear Agatha? Must be all that time you spend with the Maximoff lady,” you joke to your friend who blushes. Wanda was only a friend and unlike you, she had easily caught on to the crush the brunette had on you when she was visiting. 
“ She loves Vision way too much and plus,” she pauses,” I have a crush on someone else you dummy, not on some woman who is clearly happily taken by a man”. The mention of your friend having a crush gets your attention but being as she’s not the one to talk to you about romantic stuff unless she’s comfortable about it, you decide to keep your dumb comment to yourself. 
“ Well just be prepared for Saturday,” you say putting the groceries away,” I’m gonna go all out with my plans, not like last year when I decided to go all easy.” 
“You’re a witch but decided to just steal a phone, oh wow I wonder how you might top it this year,” Agatha says sarcastically to you. 
“ Just wait and see dear Aggie,” you tell her before heading back to your room to plan out what you’ll steal from the older witch this time and it also inspires her to do the same. 
This year is gonna be the year where she’ll admit her feelings for you, she knows it. 
The Next Day
“ You wanna what?” 
“ Finally ask her to be my girlfriend,” Agatha tells her friend as the both of them are sitting in her living room, enjoying some of Wanda’s favorite sitcoms as usual.
While you were working in the office with the rest of the men in Westview, even after a bunch of men told you that women shouldn’t be in finances, Agatha would stay in the cottage to take care of the home or provide some company to her friend while her husband works in the same firm as you. 
“ oh,” Wanda says as she doesn’t know how to react being that she didn’t think her friend would finally have the courage to admit her romantic feelings for you. 
“ What’s your plan Aggie? ” Wanda asks her, getting a puzzled expression from the woman to her left. Maybe that’s the reason she was here to visit.
“ Oh my god did you-” 
“ I’ll even bake a whole batch of pot brownies for you and Viz, i pinky promise with all of my heart,” and to top it off, she does puppy eyes at the redhead. In the last couple of years that she’s been friends with the brunette, saying no to her after she gives her puppy eyes always helps. 
“ Agatha,” Wanda says, fighting her inner demon to tell her no as she’s bad at stuff like this but the mention of getting some of her famous weed brownies is convincing her to assist. 
“ Think of the brownies dear,” she starts off,” I’ll even get the chocolate chip from the town next door to add to it. I know that should seal the -” 
“ FINE I’LL HELP YOU,” Wanda yells as her friend does a little happy dance and then immediately gives the redhead a great bug hug in return. 
“ Fuck your puppy eyes” Wanda grumbles while Agatha on the otherhand is just happy to have someone to talk about her ideas. If she’s gonna tell people about how the two of you got together, she wants it to be as perfect as she can.
“ Yeah yeah Wanda, now let’s get to planning.
Saturday Night 
After having the Maximoff couple ( who came back right on time as each of them was forming plans )  help her out with the plan, tonight was the night.
Agatha had pretended to fall asleep early, knowing you well enough to know the stealing of her items would start when she was asleep. Before getting to bed tho, she made sure to put on the purple lace underwear set, then threw on one of your shirts over it, and within 5 minutes, Agatha pretended to sleep. 
Now for the plan to truly begin. 
The moment that you heard snoring from Agatha’s room, you quietly went to her room to steal her phone again for funsies, too busy with work to steal anything different. What felt weird about this plan was her door wasn’t locked, when she usually had it locked to fear of robbers coming into the house. Nonetheless, you slowly open the door to a sleeping Agatha in one of your shirts. 
Wait why is she in your shirt? 
“Woah,” you whisper to yourself, trying to not look at your friend that way. Yet it’s too hard not to admire her creamy thighs. The shirt not doing too much of a job to hide anything from your view. 
“ Fuck you look pretty Aggie,” you mumble to yourself as you move closer to the bed, forgetting the reason you even are here, and place a hand on her right thigh, moving it higher to get a better look at the older witch. You move your shirt up to see that she’s wearing lacy underwear in her signature color. 
“ oh my god,” you say out loud and you look at her face to see her awake and smiling. Did she plan things all along?
So many questions go through your mind that you’re taken out of them by Agatha who pulls your body on top of hers, already getting wet at being fucked by you. The first moment that you get to kiss her, all your plans of stealing her phone are thrown away when her lips land on yours, enjoying all of the moans and whines coming from her mouth. 
“ didn’t think you were such a needy whore Aggie,” you say between kisses, only encouraging the brunette more. She’s in heaven, being that you’re technically her first in centuries. 
“ Fuck,” you hear her say the moment that you move lower to her body, being thankful in the said moment for having the powers to be able to get rid of the shirt on her body. It took all of your willpower not to go crazy over the lingerie on her body as the dark purple color on the underwear and bra compliment her body perfectly. All Agatha could do was whine and hold in any moans threatening to come out as you run both your hands all over her body, making a point to get the woman below you comfortable. 
“I'm jealous of anyone else who’s seen your beautiful body,” you tell Agatha who only covers her face in embarrassment as that comment was a lie. 
“ About that,” Agatha starts off as she gets up from under you to sit up,” this is actually my first-time y/n, so you’ve been the only person who’s seen me like this”. 
“ Aggie,” you mumble, now embarrassed that you called her a whore earlier totally unaware that she didn’t have any sort of experience compared to you. She continues to keep her face covered, not realizing that she didn’t think this part through, and wants to hide under a rock forever after this situation. 
“ Agatha,” you start off,” look at me”. 
She uncovers her face to look at you, trying her best to be cool in the situation but fails badly. She feels your arms go around her waist and the next thing she knows, she’s sitting on top of you, while you give her a soft smile. 
“ We don't have to continue this if you don’t want to my sweet Aggie,” you tell her,” but if you do want to have sex with me I promise to be as soft as I can and check up on you”. 
“ i’d like that y/n,” she says. 
” how about first we go over some boundaries for us to -,” and before you try to talk to her, Agatha gets back to kissing you, too impatient to wait for you as she’s had to wait all of these years to be with you. It’s not too hard to distract the brunette and you quickly get her body under yours, eliciting a pretty moan from her right after. Which makes you determined to see how loud the woman can get for you. 
“ Can I take this off pretty girl?” you ask and Agatha frantically nods, deciding to use her magic to take off her bra, only for you to immediately suck on her right nipple. The woman under you loudly moans at the feeling of her nipples being sucked, only having seen it a couple of times from the porn videos she found online out of curiosity. 
You’re in heaven sucking her right nipple, hearing how pretty Agatha is moaning over the stimulation and so you move onto her other nipple. She lets out an annoying whine which is quickly gone when she falls your mouth all over her other nipple and keeps your head in place. 
“ Love sucking my pretty girl's nipples,” she hears you say, a little disappointed but relieved as you go down to her core, feeling herself get wet. Being a patient woman for you, Agatha can’t keep still as you focus your time a bit to give the older woman under you kisses all over her tummy. 
“ Can you hurry up honey,” Agatha says in frustration, starting to get a bit mad. 
“ Let me admire your body pretty girl,” she hears you say the closer you get to her pussy,” I’m not over how fucking amazing your body looks.” 
“ but im so wet for you honey,” she tells you, embarrassed to be acting like this in front of you but it only helped you get more soaked. Agatha is grateful when your kisses get close to her clothed cunt but the moment that your lips meet your thighs, the woman lets out another groan. 
“ y/n, I’m so wet, can you please stop teasing me already?” she begs you and you look up to see the older witch's pleading face. Feeling bad for her, you give her mercy and take off the last of her clothing on her body and are met with the view of her wet cunt. It doesn’t surprise you at all to see her well-trimmed, never the one to have a messy appearance. You bring two fingers through her folds, getting Agatha very excited too as she tries her best not to just shover your head between her legs to help with the relief. 
“ Before I start you should listen, my pretty girl,” you say as you wrap your arms around her thighs in place and she eagerly nods. 
“ At whatever point you get uncomfortable, just tap my arm three times or yell out Magenta Aggie and I’ll stop right away my dear” and she gives you a thumbs up as she prepares for the moment that she’s been waiting for. 
The moment that she feels your tongue on her fold, all the older witch can do is moan loudly. Too horny to even care as your mouth on her cunt felt amazing. With not a moment to spare, you feel Agatha’s hands keep your head in place, happy to comply with her needs as one of your hands moves away from her thigh to rub her clit. 
“ holy fuck,” Agatha moans embarrassed that you haven’t done much to her and she already is on the edge of cumming from your talented mouth. The more that she moans, whines, and babbles about how fucking amazing you are with your mouth, the more you lick at her cunt, teasing her clit to get her to cum.
“ is my pretty girl about to cum?” 
All Agatha can do is babble nonsense again, only taking a couple more seconds of praise before she cums, letting out a loud moan while you look at her pussy. In all of her centuries of living, she never thought that she’d be able to get an orgasm out of anyone. Yet she was happy to have her first orgasm, from you. 
Agatha is too blissed out in said moment to see that you got up from between her legs, using your magic this moment to clean her up while she rests. Blushing a bit the older woman is completely naked under you, blissed out while you are still clothed. Before you even decide your next plan, Agatha uses her magic again to take off your shorts and shirt to leave you in your underwear before trying to clean her up. Happy to not have to take time away from her but worried that she might see the wet stain from being turned one from her moans. While you would have preferred to continue on with the sex, it was best to just not go any further in the case that Agatha wasn’t ready.
After cleaning up Agatha, you bring the blanket up to her body to cover her up and jump in the sheets with her, not wanting to leave her alone to bring her comfort. Right as you make it next to her side, Agatha takes no shame in cuddling into you, enjoying the feeling next to you in her bed and hoping to stay like this forever. 
“ Why haven’t we ever done this after all these years?” Agatha asks herself. 
“ Cause I was too afraid about hurting you my pretty girl,” you whisper, “ didn’t think that big mean Agatha Harkness would want to see me for who I was”. 
“ y/n,” She says to you and at that moment she starts laughing, feeling dumb that there was feeling between the both of you but it took you this fucking long to even do anything. Wanda was going to have a field the next time she sees her. 
“ Are we both dumb Aggie?” you ask the woman. Agatha only laying all of her body on top of you like a koala, never wanting to let you go. 
“ Yep “ She giggles, bringingher body closer to you. 
“ Maybe i can repay you for making me feel good,” you hear agatha mumble to you right before falling asleep in her arms before you do as well. 
The Next Morning
Agatha is the first one to wake up, forgetting about the events of last night when you were trying to steal something from her room. Feeling refreshed to after the night before but feeling herself get soaked all over again, not realizing that she’s fully nude while your’re still in your underwear. She pushes those dirty thought from her mind knowing you were able to easily read minds.
“ Oh my god,” she accidentally says out loud forgetting that your’re sleeping. The loudness in her reaction wakes you up from your slumber, happy to see that Agatha is very much in bed with you still and not in the living room or something. 
“ How do you feel my pretty girl?” You as as you get up to be sitting on the bed, Agatha trying her best to hide under the blanket out of embarrassment.
“ Aggie we’ve known each other for centuries, get out from under your sheets my pretty girl so we can talk,” you say to the older woman, who slowly gets out from under the blanket. Agatha says a couple of endearing words in her mind to calm her nerves down, happy to see you smiling at her while she feels a little silly being all nervous around you. 
“ You ready to talk about this?” you as and she nods.
“ After last night,” Agatha starts off,” I want us to be more than friends but i’d like to take things slow y/n, if you don’t mind that at all”. 
There’s silence between the two of you for a bit, Agatha hoping for the best but a little part of her in her mind telling her otherwise. Though she’s over the moon when you pull the older woman in your lap for a hug, giving her kisses all over her face, making her laugh with joy that after all of theses centuries since your friendship that she was finally able to steal something that she’s always wanted from you. 
Wanting to be your lover and for that, it’s something she never wants to be taken away from her.
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
Hi! I wondered if I might ask, what makes you ship shadamy? I've seen your posts about why you don't ship sonamy, but none about why you do ship shadamy. I'm sure that you already have a post or two on the subject. I just haven't found it/them yet. I would love it if you could leave a link to them for me. I would honestly appreciate it! PS: I loved your Halloween shadamy head cannons.
To be honest, no one’s ever straight-up asked, which was always fine with me; I have trouble narrowing things like this down. It’s tempting to just give up and vaguely gesture at the whole blog, but I think I can do better than just that. For those who want a quick answer, the most concise explanation is probably this post about how they’d resolve arguments. More details can be found under the cut. It’s a long post, though.
I was about Amy’s age when I first played Sonic Adventure 2. I saw a sweet, cute girl accidentally latch onto a supposedly “evil” guy...who surprisingly made no effort to push her away, instead responding with a smirk in his first moment of true gentleness. And I was immediately smitten. As the game continued, Shadow fascinated me, and I felt real pain at seeing Amy cast aside and ignored by her friends. And then someone finally listened to her, finally valued her input, and it was the same conflicted, complex guy as before. She had such an effect on him that she moved him to tears and inspired him to save the world in a moving sacrifice. It was the most powerful moment I’d ever seen in a Sonic game.
Over the years, my love for these two never waned. I found myself wondering time and time again why they never interacted. It may have been what sparked my strong preference for the Serious Character X Sunshine Character trope, with a hint of Bad Boy X Good Girl to boot.
As I grew older, my thoughts on romance matured along with me, and it really struck me just how perfect these two are for each other. I can finally put it into words.
They’re compelling partly because of their similarities. To me, Shadow and Amy are the most passionate characters in this franchise. They are dedicated enough not just to be heroic, but they’ll reach the point of anger in their desire to protect their loved ones. They’re the first to stand up when others are mistreated, and they’d do so for each other in a heartbeat. Shadow does this for Amy in Headcanon #284, and Amy does the same for him in Headcanon #223. They’re also steadfast and stubborn enough to stand up to each other when one of them goes too far, even in situations where other characters would back down. Both of them *need* someone that stubborn in their lives.
It’s because they’re on the same level that they’d connect so well. I’m passionate myself, so I know from experience that it’s validating and wonderful when your partner matches and appreciates your efforts and feels just as strongly as you about injustice. Amy in particular has been told many times to calm down, but he’d never say that to her. Headcanon #64 demonstrates this well. She could recognize and appreciate his own personal brand of dedication. Headcanon #76 proves how. Most people wouldn’t think of Shadow as a particularly romantic person, but she’s open-minded and sees romance everywhere. She’d be touched by his efforts.
Their differences would compliment each other extremely well, too. Shadow’s lost a lot and can be overly protective of his loved ones, while Amy can be unusually clingy. Is that not a perfect combination? Headcanon #90 goes into this.
Shadow and Amy’s connection stands out because they don’t interact in the same way with anyone else. Amy can always get through to Shadow on a level no one else can match. He’s already weak to her, even with their limited screentime together. She steers him in the right direction. Following her always puts him on the right path, one that leads to his own fulfillment. Her effect on him is deep and impactful. He’s feared by humans and mostly left alone, but here’s this girl who always unfailingly believes in him and seeks him out. In Sonic Battle, she gets legitimately angry at Rouge for not telling her where Shadow is.
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How many characters make such a point of reaching out to him? The fact that they know so little about each other only makes this stand out more.
He tends to be nicer to her than he is with other characters, too. After he helps Amy rescue Cream in Cryptic Castle in Shadow the Hedgehog, he warns her to be careful, a surprisingly soft statement coming from him in a game where he’s at his “edgiest.” Headcanon #273 and Headcanon #249 explore how I think this could extend to their relationship.
For Amy’s part, there’s only one person she treats like she treats Shadow.
And it’s Sonic. Of course it’s Sonic. Her “beloved.”
See that interaction up there where she interrogates someone because she’s so desperate to find Shadow? Who else does she do that with?
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See how she looks at Shadow at the end of ShTH?
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Does that look familiar? It should.
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Everything Amy loves about Sonic is something Shadow has, too. Courage. Heroism. Selflessness. Shadow’s got it.
The only difference? Shadow isn’t afraid of commitment. Sonic’s evasiveness has consistently been a source of frustration, even pain, for Amy. Meanwhile, Shadow is a steady, fiercely loyal, committed man who’d appreciate a solid relationship. He already has a steady job, and with all the hell and turmoil he’s been through, I can’t help but feel he’d be happiest with something real and stable with someone who’s always, always had faith in him. The guy could use some consistency in his life, and helping and protecting ordinary people is what he’s built for and makes him happy. He’d love to come home to her at the end of the day. Headcanon #174 details this well.
It’s clear from Sonic Battle that Amy wants kids someday, and Shadow’s good with kids. Not only did he help to rescue Cream in ShTH, but Charmy thinks he’s great and sees him as a role model. It’s a rare gift to effortlessly get a kid to think you’re cool and worth looking up to. Sonic can do this, too, but it’s more in an older brother/mentor kind of way. That’s very different from being a dad. You have to be very present to be a parent, something I personally feel Shadow would be better at. Sonic may be an exciting person, but I think as Amy gets older, she’ll find she’s much happier in the arms of someone who wants to be there and values consistency the way she does, and when she figures that out, her dark hero will be waiting for her. Headcanon #188 and Headcanon #224 force her to really think about this.
So...yeah. There are so many things only they can do for each other that I really can’t put them with anyone else, so many levels they’d connect on.
Past that...my earlier headcanons were far simpler than the giant stories I churn out now. I think they got across my reasoning more effectively. I’ve recently given all my headcanons a proper tag, so anyone who wants to read them in chronological order can do so with this link.
Unfortunately, that link will only work on desktop because tumblr’s just like that. If you’re on mobile, you’ll have to either open that link in your browser or go in the usual backwards order with this link.
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ouranbutworse · 6 months
Anime-Manga Comparisons, episode 14.
So! Right off the bat, Ukyou and Sakyou don’t buy the newspaper themselves in the manga like they do in the anime, they’re simply talking about the sales, and Ukyou is the one telling Akira to ask the Host Club for help, while Sakyou is arguing against it, saying that if they fail they fail, not only will their club shut down, but they might be expelled too. I guess this is part of Akira’s hatred of Tamaki, that the other two also fear him and the power he has from being the principal’s son. We also don’t see them looking over the Host Club doujins in the manga and comparing their sales, so no reference to Renge still working with them either.
The club performance (I really don’t know what to call anything they do) goes the same in both, except Haruhi gets a little thought spot roasting Honey and questioning if he’s really that cute, and then Tamaki does his STARLIGHT KICK and the window breaks off screen. When they go to the newspaper club the scenes are the same again as Tamaki and Kyo are at the desk, the twins are behind them reading the paper, and Haru, Honey and Mori are kindly sweeping up the broken glass. So sweet, so perfect!
The twins don’t drag Haruhi off in the manga either, in fact she kind of disappears for a second as Mother and the twins put their foot down and say they’re leaving, and Mori and Honey stay behind to comfort Tamaki as he cries, but Haruhi doesn’t say anything until the next scene when they’re back in the club room. He also eats bugle chips instead of playing with a ball sadly like a puppy. The puppydog eyes scene plays out the same except the others don’t disappear between looks, but it’s still Kyoya who gives in first.
Speaking of Kyoya, his scene where he goes to the club solo doesn’t happen in the manga, so he doesn’t drop off the first aid kit or have that talk with Akira about younger and older brothers, which was a good addition to the anime; it foreshadows what we find out later with his relationships between his siblings and father, and shows that, even if he’d never side with Akira anyway, that Akira chose the absolute worst thing to tell the completely wrong person. Also maybe it shows how little Akira actually knows about the hosts, too. His speech is different, but covers the same grounds in both, though he adds that the club was popular before the host club, and the other two say that’s not true and it wasn’t.
In the dub they kept the game as the daruma doll fell over, but in my version of the manga they translated it to red light green light. Very unnoteworthy but I’ve noted it anyway. Tamaki also banters with Kyoya a little more and equates their married couple bickering to them about to divorce. Such a silly man. I can’t believe Akira thinks he’s evil.
In the anime Tamaki kicks a can at Akira’s head (accidentally, he’s definitely not evil, just wholesomely clueless) and the hosts all run off to hide, but in the manga they switch games to colour tag and when Tamaki picks gold the others all crowd round him and grab his hair. (which is blondish brown) While Haruhi thinks about how she doesn’t really know Tamaki’s family at all, and grabs her own belt buckle because there’s some gold on it. Honey is the one who’s It for hide and seek, not Kyoya, and Tamaki grabs Haru’s hand and pulls her off to hide, saying the hide and seek loser will be subjected to Honey’s new trick, which follows his bunny kick and bunny punch, what a scary threat! Tamaki and Haruhi run off in fear to hide, and instead of hiding in the hedge maze under whatever the hell that thing is (a stone pavillion?) instead they find a tiny little hutch, or coop. Tamaki says it used to house animals, and it has wire fencing for windows. Haruhi gets a little too close for comfort and Tamaki panics and they struggle and cuddle for a second until Honey passes them, they both flap their arms at each other and Tamaki calls her an unruly daughter, and then they sit side by side with their knees up to their chests.
In the anime we see TamaHaru run off into the maze and Haruhi wonders about his family, but before their talk we see the newspaper club storm off with Kyoya well aware and about to pull a Kyoya, and then we see TamaHaru get completely lost in the maze. Their talk goes the same in both, except Haruhi questions if Anne-Sophie was bothered by Tamaki playing piano all the time, and we get what I assume is her imagine spot of Tamaki playing a Yanaha keyboard while his poor, sick mother looks so tired. You think I made a typo of the brand name there, but no, I did not. Tamaki also gets flustered at how cute Haruhi is when she smiles. Same.
Back with the newspaper club, Manga Akira admits that his injury was actually fake the whole time, which is interesting! He really is so evil.
Kyoya doesn’t get a really cool pose in the manga like he does in the anime, he just stands at the door with Mori and Honey, and because he didn’t give them the first aid kit, it’s left unclear how he has a floppy disk (sometimes I forget how old this manga really is) full of proof of their plot on it. He never explains it, so I’m going to guess dark magic. A wizard did it.
There’s no continuous theme of the roses in the manga outside of them just being used as props, since yknow, no colour, so we don’t see the characters and their roses symbolising themselves and their closeness to the others, ergo no Kyoya being completely alone, but the talk between him and Haruhi about Tamaki is the same, though the twins are also listening in instead of walking ahead, and when Haruhi asks which school the Suohs run, all three of them tell her that it’s Ouran. Kaoru looks a little disappointed in her and scolds her, telling her she should probably know the name of the Chairman. Boo her, Kaoru. She’s dumb.
Episode 14… get me out of this fucking maze!
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sparklesphobia · 1 year
Scrooge x Cornelius (oc) rant
I love thinking about Cornelius's romance with Scrooge and how cute it is. Man fell in love with Scrooge when they were teen/young adults, but put off his feelings out of fear and, for Isabel's sake. But after shit hit the fan and Scrooge was a single man again, he rejected him bc of how much he had changed. So he quite literally went, "fuck you and fuck this I'm outta here!" And left to become a writer.
And he was successful! He became one of the most well-known romance writers London had ever seen! He traveled, learning new languages so he could expand his art. He was a player, dated women and men alike in droves. But as he got older, he wanted to settle down (not bc he was worried about what people would think of him/sar) But out of panic and stupidity he cheated on his fiancé, told her and she quickly called off their engagement. He became a heavy alcoholic but bounced back from that as time passed.
And then! After years, Neil, in his early 60's decides "I'm tired of having no real roots, I'm going to move back to London." So he hops on over after Scrooge's redemption bc he has to do a book signing but also to look at his housing options. Scrooge magically spots him in the shop, pops in to say hi, and Neil is like, "bro tf why are you being so nice?" So he meets up with him later and roasts this man for his past shitty behavior only to not get the reaction he hoped/expected so he decides "fine, I'll give you a chance but if you fuck up I'm out." AND HE DOES!! They meet up for coffee, lunch, dinner, and drinks. He even shows up to his home for the Christmas party, to which he's really warmed up to Scrooge, happy to see him acting like his old self. Scrooge offers him a place to stay bc the housing market is atrocious, and it'd be nice to have a familiar and comforting face to see when he returned home. Cornelius finally gives in and picks one of the guest rooms to officially live in.
Over time Scrooge has been reading some of his books on his down time and starts to notice a pattern and confronts him about it to which Cornelius calmly admits that yes, most of his romance novels are based on his real relationships and he has changed the sexes of some characters so the book would sell. He happily admits his sexuality, claiming he has no shame in who he is, and if Scrooge has a problem, he can suck it. Scrooge is impressed, moved by his bravery and assurance of himself. Time passes as they get closer and closer, that old love sparking is Neil's heart despite his hesitancy. He doesn't feel he is worthy of love, especially by Scrooge, who, in his mind, was a better man than he. But he can't hide from his feelings forever. He watches Scrooge, assessing him and his standing with Neil. He feels like perhaps he shares his affections, and after a night of accidental kisses, he expected Scrooge to confess. But he didn’t so he gave him an ultimatum. Either he admits his feelings or Neil leaves. He won't stand to hide his feedings for the someone he loves while living in their home. Not again. Scrooge is cornered and admits his feelings, leaving Cornelius overjoyed! And so they start dating, the only person who knows being the maid they had hired. They pay her well so she says nothing, especially since it's not her buisness.
Cornelius still travels, just not as often because he misses Scrooge's company and vice-versa. He admits he wishes he were a woman so that they could have a family and that they could be openly affectionate without fear of being arrested or assaulted. But he puts those thoughts out of his mind as best as possible, enjoying every moment he can with Scrooge, locking away memories and affections for safe keeping.
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your-ghoul-pal · 2 years
Shining Brightly (Chapter 1/?)
Tags: transfem!terzo, fluff, coming out, accidental coming out(?), Copia is a shithead little brother, (Terzo and Copia are siblings) Wordcount: 3k
A/N: idk if I will write more for it, mostly since writers block is bugging me Read on AO3
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Her heart beat high in her chest while she slipped on her only dress. A cute pinkish red dress with flowers on the skirt. She loved this dress so dearly and wished she could show everyone but she was mortified, mortified for the reactions. She was to be the next papa, she had to be a man even when she wasn't one. A knock on the door brought her back, "Don't come in" she says, panic setting out through her whole body. "Why not?" She recognized the voice of her little brother, Copia. "Ehm, because I'm changing?" she answers.
She took off the dress as quickly as she could but Copia had already entered the room holding one of his rats, "What a cool dress." "I told you to not come in" her voice was shaky.
"I'm sorry" Copia says, facing the floor.
She can hear his voice break a little. "Hey, don't worry. Just don't tell anyone about the dress" She says while quickly throwing on trousers and a t-shirt, the dress laying in a small pile on the bed.
"What dress?" Secondo says entering the room. Her cheeks flustered up in embarrassment "nothing, just don't tell any more people. Please" she said with pleading eyes.
"My mouth is sealed" she recognized Primo's voice. "Can't you leave your sister alone for one moment" once she realised what she said her eyes widened in fear. "Sister?" Secondo asked, confused.
Carefully Terzo looked up to face her brothers, none of them looked angry, their faces rather read as empathetic.
"Yes" she mumbled, her body flooding with shame.
"I've always wanted a sister" Copia broke the silence after a moment "and now I've got one of the coolest ones as well!"
Terzo felt tears burn in her eyes and a soft sob leaves her lips. Copia carefully puts the rat on his shoulder and wraps his arms around his sister.
Primo and Secondo look at each other, unsure of what to do. All they knew was that they had to protect their sister from their parents, since they were rather old fashioned. But that was a problem they would tackle later.
“Hey, Terzo?” Primo started, Terzo softly nodded “Terzo” she answered whispering. “Terzo, you know we love you, even if we don’t show it as much. But we will make shit go down if anyone dares to be mean about this. Understood?” he continued on a demanding tone that always scared Terzo a bit but she answered him with a soft nod.
“Do you want to keep this between us, just us as broth- ehm. siblings having a little secret?” Secondo chimed in. “Yes, please,” Terzo said, feeling like a weight was taken off her shoulders. However, another weight was added. Her older brothers would pose no real threat, but her little brother could be horrible at secrets. She just hoped he could keep one, for once.
Primo and Secondo left the room to go back to their tasks. Primo went back to the gardens and Secondo went to pass by the library. Copia looked at Terzo, unsure if he also had to leave. “Can I stay?” he asked with a small voice. Terzo wasn't sure, she likes hanging out with her little brother sometimes, but also often he could be a first class asshole. “Sure, just promise you won’t tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE about this.” She said after thinking about it for a moment.
Copia smiled and tried to get his rat out of his sleeve before sitting down on the bed. Terzo’s room was on the small side, plus it wasn’t very personal to her. Her mattress that laid atop of some pallets was dressed in the boring sheets from the church, plain black with some white and gold details here and there. The dresser that held her clothes was painted a dark purple, her signature colour. The colour that already dressed the cloths in front of the window. In a way she was glad her signature colour was more on the feminine side, but she wished it had been brighter.
She is pulled from her thoughts from a squeak from a rat, “Sorry” Copia murmured directly afterwards. “She had something in her fur, I tried getting it out, she is not a fan.” “Don’t worry,” Terzo says, turning to her brother. Who is holding his rat and softly pets it, his eyes are filled with questions.
“What do you want to know little one?” she says sitting down next to him. She knows he is often not the one to dare to ask anything, not wanting to be an inconvenience. “Ehm, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” he stumbles out.
“I know you want to know something, just ask it. Just let it out. I won’t be upset. I promise” Terzo said, placing her hand on Copia’s shoulder. He turns his head to her and she stares right into his little puppy eyes, on the verge of tears, “really?”
“Really” she smiles at him.
“I-I-I was wondering if, if, if. I wanted to know if.” Copia stumbles. “Take your time,” Terzo reassures him. Copia takes a deep breath and continues “I wanted to know if it is okay if I could take you to the yule celebrations as my big sister, or if we have to still go as brothers?” his voice breaking of nervousness.
“I don’t know, Yule is still many months away. Let’s first deal with the other stuff this year brings. My pappacy coming up worries me more.” Terzo responds with sorrow in her voice.
“I don’t think it should be a problem” Copia responds, hopping off the bed. “Maybe you can try and grow your hair out and make yourself more like you subtly” he adds half twirling through the small open space in the room, “Like I can help you paint your nails!” Copia adds, excited. “Maybe we can paint my nails, maybe also yours, if you want to? We can make it a kind of girls night.” Terzo said with a smile “I think there are some siblings who are okay with lending some?”
“Shall I go and ask?” Copia was practically jumping around from joy. Terzo just watched him with a smile, “Sure, just don’t tell anyone about your cool and awesome big sister.” She says. Copia turns to face her and just flips her off before running off. Terzo just scuffs at her brother's reaction, she stepped off the bed and looked at the little bundle of her dress. She picked it up and held it in front of her, turning to the mirror on the door. This dress is so fucking nice, I wish I could wear one on stage once I am pappa, or would my title be mama? She shrugs, that will discussed later she hoped.
She folds the dress up and stuffs it back into the back of the dresser, behind her “normal” clothes. Maybe someday
She sits back onto her bed and fiddles with her hands, anxious about everything that her little brother could be causing. She just hopes he tells whoever he is talking with that the nail polish he is trying to get is for him and not his big sister. She tries to keep herself from biting her nails again, knowing it will only make her upset. Short bitten off nails gave her an odd feeling of hatred, she loved her nails on the short side but well kept.
After what felt like hours, when it was maybe twenty minutes at maximum, Copia stormed into her room again. He held out his fist and opened it to show Terzo a bottle of deep blue purple ish nail polish. “Unholy Satanas, that is fucking beautiful” Terzo exclaimed picking over the bottle.
She scooted a bit to the side and petted the now empty spot next to her, inviting Copia to sit next to her. Carefully she unscrews the bottle and streaks the excess nail polish of the brush and puts the bottle on her nightstand. She takes the brush and hands it to Copia. “Can you paint them for me?” Terzo asked in a small voice. “Sure, but be warned, I am probably pretty bad at it” he answered with a cheeky smile.
“Probably better than if I did it myself.”
Copia took the little brush in his hand and Terzo’s hand in his other, carefully he began to paint her nails. One by one they got a thin coat of nail polish.
Terzo noticed tears rolling down her cheeks, she had tried to stop them but it was a hopeless attempt. However they didn’t feel like tears of sadness or anything bad. It were tears that held hands with her while skipping through the high grass and flowers, forgetting all worries and problems. She wished this feeling to stay forever.
After the first coat of nail polish was on Copia screwed the bottle close again, waiting for the coat to dry before applying the second one. They both looked at the work Copia had done so far, surely it didn’t look amazing but Terzo didn’t care, it made her feel alive.
“Have you done this before?” Terzo asked, breaking the silence and Copia’s concentration. Copia turned to her, shaking his head. “Nope, never really done it myself, but I have seen siblings paint each other's nails a lot so I just copied what they did” he shrugs.
The silence returns, Copia let himself fall back onto the bed with a deep sigh. Terzo turns slightly to look at him, raising her eyebrow. “What the fuck was that needed for?” she says.
“What was what needed for” Copia says, slightly annoyed, propping himself up on his elbows. “There was no need to throw yourself back that hard, you know you could have very possibly hit the wall with your head. You know what happened last time, you don't want that again, do you?” Terzo says with a serious tone.
“Ugh”, Copia grunted as he threw himself on the bed again.
After a few minutes of tense silence Copia sits up again and reaches for the nail polish. “I think the first coat is dry, let’s add the second one” he says, twisting the cap off. Terzo gave him her hand and Copia carefully adds a second coat of polish. Terzo looks at him working carefully, his tongue pushed out a little bit as a sign of his concentration.
“And… done.” he says sitting up and loosening his grip on her hand, Terzo looks at her hands. The nail polish was not as neat, little blobs of it sitting around her finger nails, but she didn’t care. “I am sorry it is so messy, I truly tried” Copia says in a small voice, letting his head hang. “Don’t worry little one, I love it.” Terzo reassured him, “really” Copia softly said, turning his head a bit to face her. “Yes,” Terzo answered.
“Now we wait for it to dry, but I think I will first bring this back to the sibling I lend it from.” Copia says, standing up and grabbing the bottle. “Don’t you want to paint your nails too?” Terzo asked him, confused. ��I’d want to but I think it gets in the way of handling my rats so I will skip out on this one” he said hopping off the bed. “Oh, okay”, she responded with slight disappointment.
Terzo felt glad no one really mentioned the nail polish, and the one sibling who had asked about it was nice about it. Only Imperator and Nihil had been mean about it, but her brothers had stood up for her. However when she noticed that the nail polish began to chip away she felt a dread in her chest, her painted nails brought her so much joy. She didn’t understand why but who cares, sometimes things don’t need to make sense.
The one response she will never forget is from a sister who had pulled her to the side. Which already didn’t happen often, and when it did there was a lot of flirting going on beforehand. But this time, there hadn’t been any flirting, hell there had never been a conversation between the two of them, or at least for as far as Terzo remembered.
“I am sorry, but I just need to talk to you, under four eyes” the sister said, in a voice familiar to Terzo but she couldn’t place it. “No reason to be sorry, Sister…. What is your name?” She carefully asked. “I am sister Agnes, well you don’t know me as that, but it is who I truly am.” Sister Agnes responded. Terzo raised her eyebrow,
“What do you mean?”
Agnes took a deep breath, “What I am trying to say is that I joined the church as a brother, and well now I am here, as me, a sister of sin. Living a happy and sinful life.” “Well I am happy you found yourself sister, but may I ask what this has to do with me?” Terzo asked, trying to avoid the topic shifting to her.
“I know something is bothering you, you are scared to admit it, or at least show it. I can see it in your eyes. It may be invisible to others but I see it in you, everything you do tells me something about you. Would you be okay with talking about it with me?” Agnes says, her hand holding Terzo’s chin and forcing her to keep eye contact. Terzo flashes her eyes between Agnes’ eyes, terrified. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK HOW DID I NOT KEEP MY GUARD UP ENOUGH, SOMEONE SAW RIGHT TROUGH IT. I AM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT.
“Hey, back to earth.” Agnes snapped her fingers in front of Terzo’s face. “Would you be okay with talking about it with me, cause I feel it is an issue I have a bit more knowledge on than the average person.” she said with a small laugh, gesturing at herself. “I-I-I don’t know what you are talking about, why would you make such assumptions about your future leader,” Terzo responded, trying to sound big and strong but instead she sounded weak, frail and scared. She knew that Agnes was aware, she knew she could help, but she was too scared to admit it. “Are you serious?” Agnes said, almost teasingly.
Terzo tried to let her head hang but Agnes quickly grabbed her chin and made her look up to her again, “Let me try again. Would. You. Be. Okay. To. Talk. About. It. With. Me.” she said, putting emphasis on every word. Terzo looked down and let her shoulders hang, she could let her head hang since Agnes moved her hands to lay on Terzo’s shoulders. “Anyways, if you want to talk you know how to find me” she smiled at her before leaving. Terzo stayed behind, in utter shock. She wasn’t sure what happened, but she knew she should talk to her. She knew she would need to set herself over her fears and pride and just get help answering her questions.
After a few minutes of staring at the floor, lost in thoughts she also left and returned to her room. Once she closed the door the tears started to flood her eyes, spilling over her cheeks and onto the floor. She let herself slide down the door to the floor, her head leaning against her knees that she had pulled up to her chest. She didn’t hear the soft squeaking from a rat, Copia’s rat, so when she felt soft fur against her leg she was startled.
She carefully picked up the rat, “What are you doing here little fella? Do you like me more than my annoying little brother?” she asks the rat in a playful tone. The rat squeaks back at her, causing her to smile a bit. “Come let’s bring you back to where you belong.” She stands up and puts the rat on her shoulder and wipes her face clean off the tears.
She walks down the hallways to her brother's room, the rat happily squeaking on her shoulder. She doesn’t knock before entering his room, she is met by Copia, sitting on the floor. His shoulders softly shaking, indicating that he is crying. “Hey, little bro, I found your rat,” she says, carefully approaching him. “Thank you” he softly sobs, taking over the rat Terzo hands him. “What’s the matter little guy?” Terzo asks, sitting down next to him on the floor. “Nothing,” Copia shrugged, his head turned to the floor.
“Don’t try and act all tough,” Terzo says softly, nudging him. Copia smiles a bit and scoffs at her, “I am not trying to act tough, I am though.” “Yeah and the moon is square” Terzo jokes at him. Copia scuffs and gives Terzo a shove, “You are still such an ass, you know that right?” She laughs “Well, I am still your big sibling, it is my big sibling duty. Doesn’t matter if I’m your big sister or your big brother.” Copia rolls his eyes and stands up to put the rat back into its cage.
Terzo stands up and joins him by the cage, 2 rats are now seem curled up against each other in the little hangmat. Terzo leans her head against Copia’s shoulder, since he is a bit taller. “Is this part of having a sister? Having some emotional wreckage leaning against me?” Copia says playfully, softly shoving Terzo away from him. Terzo lifts her head up and turns to face him just to roll her eyes at him and scuff.
“Anyway, I have to get going, I have work to do. Keep your rats to yourself little one” Terzo says turning to the door, she can hear Copia murmur “I am literally fucking taller than you, stop calling me little.” Before she slips out the door she adds “You are younger, you will always be my teeny tiny little brother”. All Terzo hears while she walks away from her brother's room is an annoyed grunt and she softly laughs to herself.
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thirdrootwriting · 2 years
Fics I want to Write - FFVII edition
Babysitting AU
Cloud and Aerith time-travel back into their 6/7 year old selves, WITH the caveat that though they have their adult memories, they have the planning skills, abilities, and emotional regulation of a 6/7 year old. (i.e. not great)
Note: still willing and able to cause SO many problems, but unable to actually fix anything with their short arms and baby brains.
Should feature: Vincent (no memories) actually solving all plot points in the bg by going off what the these weird babies and Chaos are saying
Tseng freaking out, bc he think aerith has been kidnapped. Possibly teaming up with Vince, recognizing him, and freaking out more.
Genesis freaking out bc a DEMON dropped off BABIES in Wutai, told him and his friends to babysit, and now Angeal is getting bossed around by the tiny brunnette while Sephiroth refuses to put down the tiny blonde that keeps threatening to stab him.
Here’s how Healthy Polyamory Representation Could Have Saved the Timeline
Fudging Crisis Core timeline a bit, but Zack starts dating Cloud and Aerith back b4 shit hits the fan re: Crisis Core. Obviously bc, he loves and looks up to Angeal, he introduces his new bf and gf to his mentor. Zack also mentions how nice it was to have, like, a good role model also in a poly relationship.
Angeal (aware on some level that his personal relationships are trash fire disaster): haha, thanks.
Later, that day angeal bursts into his apartment ready to drag his husband and boyfriend to couple’s therapy by the roots of their over-producted hair if he must.
Genesis: we don’t need that. We have a perfectly healthy relationship with great communication
Sephiroth (genuinely surprised): We’re dating?
Genesis: .... fine, we might need it a little.
IDK, these three idiots get kicked out of a LOT of therapists’ offices. but they do eventually communicate and problem solve. meanwhile zakurith(?) are cute in the bg.
Time Travel for the Temporally Orientated
Sephiroth, time travels back to pre-Crisis Core; he is too busy dealing with severe mental whiplash (can’t decide if Jenova’d him was right or if now-him was right; really disorientating to be un-hiveminded and not kinda-dead) to solve or cause any problems. Fortunately(?) he is acting so goddamn weird anyway that he accidentally makes the timeline better whilst navel-gazing. A comedy of errors featuring:
Picks up cloud as an apprentice, but makes zack train him because 1 of the few things Seph can make up his mind about is that he respects/misses older cloud and thier fights. To literally everyone else though, it looks like Seph picked an apprentice he dislikes? why? thoughts vary
Genesis is DETERMINED to get to the bottom of this. he does not. But he does (1) make friends with cloud, (2) become Intense Magic Rivals with Aerith, (3) become frenemies with Zack, much to Angeal’s displeasure
Tifa and Zack become frenemies too, via being pseudo pen-pals to best friends in law. This version has Tension though, bc they kinda want to smooch each other’s SO
Side note, Aerith is having a great (and very bi) time; she is constantly texting Cloud pics of Zack and Tifa’s latest arm-wrestling/lifting/pull-up battles with heart emojis and thirst captions
Zack is putting off having a bisexual crisis, bc he dislikes Genesis too much to admit he’s hot and Cloud is busy being taken. He’s. putting. it. off.
The great saga of what seph’s phone background should be
Who is more Tired (TM) at any given time?: angeal vs. cloud
My take on Remake Fic
Sephiroth and Aerith argue from the lifestream / great-beyond via changes to the timeline.
Zack chapters: Saving a soul via compassion / Dying alone bc you couldn’t save anyone
Genesis chapters: Almost a good person, after a knock on the head (ft. cloud does in fact bite) / So much rage, I’m burning the world down around me
Tifa Chapters: Courage to Believe in Promises / Fear to Lies to Hatred
Cloud Chapters: Let me fully elaborate on my 2 am thoughts that Aerith and Seph mean parallel things to Cloud on an X axis and Tifa and Zack mean parallel things to Cloud on a Y axis
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
i have an idea wednesday addams meeting reader who has a melanie martinez, maybe fran bow aesthetic, or this tiktok account's aesthetic https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSedsmvSe/ (because pastels), and reader's family also has that type of aesthetic, addams and reader's family meet? i don't know if you take asks or requests but i just had an idea and i wanted to share it with the class
this is what I call a magnificent contribution !! Thanks for sharing it with the class, you have an A +
Also, thank you so much for letting me write for another fandom!! I hope you like this little fic <3
Devil likes pastel color (Platonic Wednesday x Fem!Reader)
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“Hallo!” you smiled as you approached the black haired girl next to you. 
In the month you have been there, a lot of classmates have approached you, wanting to be your friends and making you feel welcomed, because a new girl in the school was always a rare but awesome thing, and you were so nice and lovely, the kind of person everyone would want around. 
Everyone, except Wednesday Addams. The girl wasn’t rude to you, she just didn’t talk or even see in your direction, which you respected. You find her fascinating, but after the first attempt to befriend her, where she commented on your “utterly horrible and eye burning clothes”, you stopped trying. You laughed it off, of course, but never bothered her again.
Too bad the teacher didn’t care about Wednesday’s wishes at all and paired you with her for the next project. Well, you could always try to make this a pleasant experience for both of you. Which would be easier if the girl would even look at you.
“How are you?” you tried again
She remained quiet. You started to feel a little awkward, but your parents taught you to be patient with people.
“So...what do you think we should do for our project?” you asked and smiled again. 
“We can see how long it takes a wolf to eat a small human” she finally answered. 
You were making progress!! Good! And this was something you actually knew about, so it was amazing! Too bad you didn’t hear the sarcasm in her voice, nor caught the hint about you being the small human. You totally missed her threat.
“Well, it depends. Wolves usually eat 3.3 pounds of meat per day, 22 if they’re starving. So, I’m guessing between 6 and 43 days, depending how angry is it” you smiled. 
Wednesday frowned and finally looked at you. You had listened about how she could make anyone fear her with only looking at them, but to you, it was a victory. If you were honest, she was the most interesting person you’ve ever met. 
“How much do you weigh?” she asked and raised an eyebrow.
This time, you understood the meaning and couldn’t help but giggle. She was so cute. 
“Enough to feed a growth wolf, that’s for sure” you said “But I doubt Akela would allow any other wolf near me” 
The other girl blinked and her whole posture changed. She even turned so she was fully facing you this time. Second point to you!
“You have a wolf?” she asked
“Oh yes, he’s such a good boy, always protecting us from people who get too close. I think he still has a hand on the basement. Not sure whom it belonged to. But don’t worry, he’s sweet with the people we like” you finished with a huge smile. 
By the way Wednesday’s face changed from annoyed to interested, you knew you had her full attention now.
“Can I help you?”
You smiled when a lovely tall lady in a black dress greeted you. It had been a month since that project you and Wednesday did and you two became good friends since then. Everyone at school thought it was odd, because you two were total opposites, but for you it only made your friendship even better! Besides, your pastel dresses always looked better with Wednesday’s black ones, you made each other stand out.
Yet, this was the first time you came to her house. At first, she said she’d prefer to work at your place because that way her younger brother wouldn’t bother you (even if the idea of Akela attacking Pugsley was tempting for her), but then it was just that she enjoyed the way you and your family treated her, 
Don’t get it wrong, deep inside she loved her strange family, but being the older (and better) child meant her parents would usually expect too much from her, and you were a single child, which meant you and your parents would give her all your attention. Besides, she discovered your parents were amazing. 
They shared your same pastel aesthetic, but also your creepiness. You weren’t cruel, far from that, in fact, she’d often find your manners and sweet talk too cloying for her taste, but there were times when a darker side of you would come out, usually if you were in trouble or danger, and those, those were her favorite moments. When you’d get all psycho and murder. She found it kind of cute.
There was only so much her parents could teach her, but your parents were still a box of surprises and she loved learning new ways of using knives, chains, poison or raising spiders. But after a month of getting to know you all, she decided it was time for you to meet her family too. 
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Addams” your mother said, with a big smile “We apologize for any inconvenience, we’re just here to leave our little princess”
The woman frowned but before she could say anything, a man with a funny mustache and a cigarette approached her from behind.
“And who are these people with a horrendous sense of fashion, cara mia?” he asked.
Your parents laughed and this time your father presented you all in a better way.
“We’re the Y/L/Ns. Our little princess here was invited to your lovely house” your father said.
“Mother, father” a voice came behind the Addams “I invited her”
You smiled when Wednesday approached you all with a small smirk. She never smiled the way you or your parents did, but her smirk was still a nice touch. It fit her. 
“This is Y/N, and her parents, Y/F/N and Y/M/N” the girl said.
This time, the Addams seemed to understand and opened their eyes in realisation. 
“Oh, so this is the girl you kept telling us about, dear Wednesday” the woman said “Our apologies, we weren’t expecting you to have such...tastes in clothes” she said.
You and Wednesday looked at each other and smirked. You two knew what her parents would think about your family’s aesthetic, it was the same the black-haired girl thought at first, but you had the hope that, just like their daughter, the Addams could see past the pastel color and build a good relationship with them. 
You knew your parents would at least try.
“I think nuts could cover the amoniac” you casually said “Mom could help us bake some cookies”
Wednesday didn’t look up from her book, but you could see her rolling her eyes and smirking. 
You were right, your parents and the Addams quickly got along despite the initial suspicion from the goth family. And now it was common for you to spend days and nights at the Addams mansion or them visiting your place (although this was less common, since they didn’t like to go out too much). It was like having a second family! But despite getting to know them all now, Wednesday was still yours and your parents’ favorite.
That’s why you were a little mad about the current topic. 
It wasn’t rare for people to call Wednesday a freak or other names, but it never bothered her. She knew who she was and didn’t let anyone unimportant affect her. But you were another story. You hated people who judged others only because of their looks, it didn’t matter if they called you pretty or wanted to be your friends only because you seemed nice, if they dared to disrespect Wednesday, they were automatically on your black list. 
But even then, it was a thing to call other people nasty names (which was still wrong, but you could ignore it), and another too different was to try to punch her (thank god she was strong and stopped their hand before it could hit her face). 
You tried to fight them, but Wednesday just picked you up (again, she was really strong) and pulled you out of there. Needless to say, it surprised everyone at school. Nobody thought that sweet Y/N could be so scary or that creepy Wednesday would be the calmed one. 
If only they knew it was like that 60% of the time. 
“Ok, ok, what about a tea party at my house and I accidentally let Akela out?” you asked and smiled when the wolf under Wednesday’s feet looked at you, ready to follow orders.
“We would have to clean the blood from the carpets” she said “besides, that kind of junk food could give him indigestion” she finished, caresing Akela’s head. 
“Fiiiiiiine” you pouted “but I still think the cookie are a good idea”
The black-haired girl didn’t say anything but the smirk was all you needed. Both of you sat down in silence, enjoying the books on your hands, when something hit your window. It wasn’t a mystery who it could be, especially when other water balloons followed the first one. 
“Hey freak! Come show your face!” someone outside yelled.
You looked at Wednesday, but she only rolled her eyes and shrugged. Akela was alert and you could sense the change in the mood. He knew something was wrong, he could feel your anger. 
“Seems like they fell for the beauty and the beast explanation, uh?” she said and you frowned.
You had heard the rumors about her being some kind of witch who put a spell on you to control you, given that there was no other explanation as to why you would like to be friends with her. It was stupid and made you mad that they think you couldn’t make a choice for yourself or that they seemed to think about you as a fragil doll. Were they really stupid enough to believe it?
“Well, let’s show them who the beast really is” you smirked as you walked out, with Akela following you.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐷𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content including marking, lactation kink, pregnancy sex. Older Ateez but age differences is still within legal boundaries. Allusions to infidelity (which I do not condone nor encourage)
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Y/N. Come on. You gotta focus."
In a futile attempt to try to get his favorite student to get divert her attention back to the screen in front of her, instead he was met by her arms which suddenly wrapped around him.
"Baby, this assignment is due in two days and you haven't even gotten one paragraph down."
Frowning and in need of affection, Y/N didn't budge and instead attempted to pull Hongjoong on top of her.
"I want you to cuddle me!" She demanded.
Hongjoong quickly caught himself before he toppled over her and accidentally put all his weight on the bump that was growing in her.
"And I'll cuddle you all you want.... but can you at least finish part of this?"
Realizing she wasn't going to give up anytime soon, Hongjoong reluctantly gave in and finally settled her on his lap, one arm wrapped around her shoulders while the other caressed the top of her swollen belly.
Not thinking too much about the tiny kisses she was placing along the side of his neck, Hongjoong tilted his head back to rest on the couch and closed his eyes, his body succumbing to the exhaustion of having to teach back at the school in the morning and coming back to help out his pregnant girlfriend. Taking advantage of his unguarded state, Y/N smirked before she latched her mouth onto a certain spot on his neck, sinking her teeth down and sucking on it harshly. Once Hongjoong realized what was happening, his eyes shot up and he carefully tried to pry Y/N off him, proving it to be more difficult since he couldn't use force in fear of hurting her.
"What the fuck Y/N?!" Hongjoong exclaimed when he came back from the bathroom, hand touching the very obvious mark left on his neck.
"I'm sorry. Couldn't help myself." She feigned an innocent smile.
"How am I supposed to go back to the school tomorrow with this on display for everyone to see? How will I even explain it?" He could already imagine the other teachers and students staring at it, the first group no doubt would be nosey and ask about it.
With a cocky grin, Y/N opened her laptop up again.
"Maybe now some of those hags will back off after they realize you're taken."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Coming back after a long day at the courthouse dealing with all the divorce shit, Seonghwa felt like he needed to release some stress or he'd go insane. Coming into the kitchen, he found you quietly standing over the stove, no doubt making food for both of you to eat. You giggled when you felt his hands embrace your large belly, you weren't that far along, but holy hell, carrying twins was something else.
"Have I ever told you you're so beautiful?" He whispered in your ear, teeth grazing against the shell of it. Of course your body was more reactive and sensitive to any touch because your hormones were all over the place. Seonghwa knew that as well and he loved playing with that fact.
Pulling you away from the kitchen, he guided you over to the couch and sat you down. You didn't even question him as he pushed your dress up and slid your panties down, you knew what he was aiming for. You simply inhaled deeply when his mouth began kissing along your inner thighs.
"I hope you don't mind babygirl, but I just really wanted to eat you out."
You nodded at him, resting your elbows on top of some of the cushions so it'd be more comfortable for you. Prying your legs apart as much as they could, Seonghwa carefully placed his mouth on your clit. Starting off with gentle suckles, they soon progressed to more sloppy and intense tongue movements, his lewd slurping sounds mixed in with your soft panting and moaning, setting the mood across the room. Another thing you loved about Seonghwa, he was an expert at oral sex, none of your younger past lovers compared to him in the slightest bit.
Seonghwa let out an accomplished groan when your juices stained all over his face and chin. Pulling away, he himself was panting by how breathless he was left, and he felt proud to see you in an equally similar state as him. Chuckling, he came up and kissed you hungrily, wanting you to taste yourself on his lips. He only pulled away momentarily to tease you.
"I didn't mean to eat my dessert before the meal, but I'm not sorry in the slightest bit."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Yunho didn't even know how to react. Coming home and finding it quiet as usual, he guessed you probably took a nap as you normally did around this time, the pregnancy causing you to become more tired than usual. That's why when he came into the room he was shocked to see you moving underneath the blankets. Your frustrated moans give a big hint as to what was happening.
Your eyes shot wide open and your head peeped out from under the covers. You suddenly felt so embarrased, your face turning bright red. You tossed over to the other side, hiding your face away from Yunho. Being the sweetheart he was, he went over to your side and caressed your figure.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you." He apologized although he wasn't in the wrong.
Whining loudly, you punched the mattress underneath you.
"Stupid hormones driving me crazy. And my stupid fingers can't get around this huge belly." You complained as you looked down at the mound that stuck out through the blanket.
Not able to keep himself from smiling, Yunho's hand rested itself on your covered belly.
"It's cute though." He assured you.
Looking up at him, you bit your lip before asking him.
"Yunho.....could you please just......you know..?" You don't know why but you felt shy asking him about it especially given that you were pregnant by him nonetheless.
Yunho looked hesitant. He had fears about being intimate with you in your state, but he also felt bad that you had to go through this. Sighing softly, he scratched the back of your head.
"On our next visit, let's ask the doctor about if it's safe or not? Ok?"
Expecting your pouty face, Yunho pulled the covers off you, swallowing hard when he saw your beautiful, round pregnant body on display for him.
"But for now, are you ok with me using my fingers?"
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
Looking down at the pot filled with who knows what that Yeosang stirred which was bubbling rather oddly, your best bet was that he definitely didn't. The reddened cheeks that formed on his face was another telltale sign.
"Trust me honey. I got this."
Right as he said that, some of the contents spilled out, nearly burning the both of you. Luckily Yeosang draped an arm protectively around your barely noticeable bump and moved you back so neither of you were harmed. Instead, the floor became the victim. Having enough shenanigans from your caring lover, you reached over and quickly shut off the stove before anymore accidents happened.
"There goes my chances of wooing you over with my cooking skills." He snorted softly, but he felt bad that he couldn't even make a simple meal for you.
Wanting to cheer him up, you hugged his waist, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
"You've already won my heart over Mr. Kang, there's nothing left for you to claim."
Although he felt comforted by your words, there was something else he needed to hear.
"You know how I feel. Now go on... say my name." He commanded you.
Pecking his lips, you gave in. "Yeosang."
You let out a squeak when he pressed you against the counter, pulling you into a deeper kiss that was getting more and more heated. Your moment was interrupted when someone suddenly came into the scene, startling you both.
"Oh God Damian! You scared me man." Yeosang let out a relieved sigh when he saw it was only his trusted butler.
"Rest assured sir, I saw nothing and heard nothing." He smirked at them.
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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You grunted as you stripped yourself out of your shirt, the material feeling too confining and making your breasts feel more sore than they already felt. Standing in front of the mirror, you noticed how your breasts were practically popping out of the top of your bra.
"Sannie! Could you come help me out?" You called out to him.
"Yes my lovely baby mama?" He poked his head into the room, always ready to help you out if you needed it.
"Could you please unhook my bra, I can't reach."
Happy to help you, he came up behind you, eyes focused as he began undoing all of the hooks.
"Are they hurting you baby?" Looking up at the mirror, he saw your pouty face nodding at him.
"Would you like me to massage them for you?" He offered.
"Please." You begged, loving how gentle his hands were whenever he touched them.
Releasing your breasts out of their tight confinement, both you and San were in shock when tiny droplets of liquid gushed out of your nipples.
"Holy shit Y/N, are you already lactating?"
San stared at your breasts in amazement. Keeping his eyes focused on the mirror in front of you guys, his hands came up to gently squeeze your breasts, that tiny action making more milky substance to come out of you. You saw how San licked his lips and it gave you an idea. Tilting your head, you gave him a kiss on his jaw before telling him:
"Wanna suck on them?"
San looked shocked at your suggestion, but then he returned you around and pressed his face against your chest.
"Fuck yeah."
Not even thinking twice, San took one of your tits into his mouth, humming in pleasure as he sucked some of your milk into his mouth.
"We should make this a regular occurrence."
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi released soft and blissful sighs as he felt your body move on top of him. His hands held onto your hips, helping you set a slow and sensual pace as you grinded against his dick.
"You feeling good baby?" He asked, making sure you weren't uncomfortable or in pain.
Your only response was your head being thrown back as you spewed out moans from your throat. It seemed the pregnancy heightened your sensitivity, so every move against Mingi's pelvis felt absolutely amazing, especially when he reached a hand over to rub at your clit. He always made sure you felt as much pleasure as possible.
"That's it, there you go babygirl." Mingi himself was enjoying the change in your sex life. Ever since you both found out you were pregnant, you had to halt your rather kinky and intense fucking sessions and replaced them with more soft and romantic love making. Which neither of you minded, it felt much more intimate and helped you both bond even closer to each other.
"Are you close my little lady? I can feel you squeeze tighter around my cock."
Although you were indeed close, you didn't want to cum just yet, not without asking you something first.
"Mingi......please....spank my ass." You turned your head so you could partially see his face from behind you.
Mingi blinked slowly at your request, unsure of what to do. Wanting to please you, he took one hand off your hip and used it to lightly spank the top of your ass. Although it was a rather tame slap, it was enough for you to start cumming on top of him. Mingi of course held you up, continuing to bury his cock inside you, sliding in and out so he could help make your high last longer til eventually he himself was cumming up into you. Making sure both of you were satisfied, he pulled you off him so he could clean you up.
"So I see you still become a mess when someone spanks you." He teased you, moving some hair out of your face so he could properly kiss you.
"Hey, I'm still your little brat even if I'm carrying our soon to be brat."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Wooyoung slid the tip of his cock against your folds. Although he was anxious to be inside you once again, he had to make sure you were all right and not uncomfortable in any shape or form.
"You sure about this baby? We could try something else if you'd like." He assured you, one hand coming down to gently press against your pregnant belly.
"I'm fine Wooyoung. I just wanna feel your cock inside me again. It's been too long and I need it." You whined out, desperate to get some sort of release through something that wasn't from Wooyoung's tongue or fingers, although they always left you satisfied.
Wooyoung was extremely careful and slow as he plunged himself into you from behind, both of you moaning out loud when were connected once again after a long time. Pulling out once more, Wooyoung made sure to go easy on you, his fingers kneading the soft flesh of your hips and ass as he moved to and fro with leisurely yet deep strokes into you.
"Fuck! You feel so good!" You couldn't help but exclaim as you felt every vein and ridge of his dick hitting deep inside your tight walls.
"You missed this didn't you babygirl? Missed being my little toy?" He couldn't hide the smirk on his face as he went slightly harder against her but not so much. Reaching one hand over, his fingers rubbed at her clit, knowing it would drive her crazy.
"Y-yes! I missed this." You gasped out, unable to think about anything except Wooyoung's dick inside you.
"You dirty girl, even after I get you all knocked up, you still want to get fucked by me."
Rubbing his fingers faster against your clit, his other hand held onto your hip so he could angle himself to hit against your g-spot, brushing his tip over and over again on it so he could send you cumming all over him.
"But that's ok, I'll make sure to fuck another baby into you if that's what you want."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Opening your eyes, you smiled shyly as you woke up to your husband's face sleeping soundly next to you, one of his buff and strong arms was thrown over your body, laying protectively on your bump. Gently prying his hand off you without disturbing him, you quietly got out of the bed and walked out into the balcony of your hotel room, not bothering to cover up your naked body with a robe or anything.
You felt free, truly free as you gazed out at the beautiful scenery of the beach in front of you, a quick getaway place you and Jongho chose as your honeymoon destination after you both literally eloped not even 2 days ago. You wondered what were your parents and former fiancee thinking now, no doubt they were probably looking all over for you or were barely finding out the secret you two had kept for so long.
But you couldn't bring yourself to care. You didn't regret anything, if anything you would have regretted everything if you hadn't escaped with Jongho, whom you hadn't noticed had woken up until you felt his hands on your hips.
"Look at you little vixen coming out here wearing absolutely nothing. What? Did you want anyone passing by to see you standing here all nude?" His tone let you know he wasn't mad, he was simply poking fun at you.
"Hmmm maybe? Would it make you jealous to know someone who isn't you saw me like this?" You joked back at him, pushing your ass back onto him, a grin on your face when you felt his dick poke at your hip, letting you know that he too came out with no clothes on.
"On the contrary my little vixen, you wanted to give them a show?" You bit your lip when he began kissing your shoulder and neck, aligning himself at your entrance.
"I'll make sure we both give them a show."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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afan1 · 2 years
The Wilds: Season 1 Rewatch
SPOILER WARNINGS – While it is an episode recap, there may be spoilers for the entirety of season 1 of The Wilds. Continue reading at your own risk if you haven’t seen all of it yet.
1x01 Recap
1x02 Recap
1x03 Recap
The Wilds | 1x04: Day Six
Favorite Quote
A bat took an actual shit in my actual mouth. — Dot Campbell
Personal Highlights of the Episode
Nora explaining what a whore bath is came from left field, i was not expecting it at all. I also am with Shelby on this, I would have never known what that meant. Learn something new every day, kids.
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The girls gearing up for the competition by putting face paint on and assigning names to their teams. They were ready for this and into it despite the initial complaining.
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Leah and Fatin's fight. Fatin is straight up brutal and completely holds her own. I would not want to get into a verbal altercation with her, she seems likes the type that will tear your soul to pieces in ten seconds flat. But also, the throwing sand back and forth? Leah had no problem grabbing Fatin literally seconds beforehand, but let's resort to the G-rated elementary school fighting after drawing blood. Then Leah just stripping in front of the girls and walking into the ocean. This whole sequence is just insane, and i. live. for. it.
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Things I Didn't Catch the First Time
Fatin has a tiny tattoo just under her bra line on her ribcage, BUT, the tattoo seen on her right calf in episode one while she's in the wrestling getup is gone.
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Yooooo, that was Regan's car??? I did. not. grasp that Toni threw her bag and broke the window to Regan's car. Yeah, Toni, there's no getting back with your ex after that outburst.
Observations / Theories / Questions
not gonna lie, I don't understand the Takis hype.
Martha, honey, you're really going to ask the girl who just got her heart broken by her perverted older lover what love is like?
Look... I'm looking respectfully, but Fatin's body chain with her bikini is not helping matters any. How am I supposed to focus on things?
Dot's excitement over the shelter building contest is so cute. My little survivalist nerd.
Toni does a spot-on impression of Shelby during the interview. I love it.
Martha with the BFF move by giving up her seat so Toni could flirt with the hot new girl. Speaking of — Toni is a shy little baby. All bark, no bite. Just turns into a little puppy when girls give her attention.
I just want to scream at Shoni "kiss! it'll solve all your problem!!" every time they fight in the early episodes.
The fighting and tension between Shelby... paralleled by Leah and Fatin. Also fighting. Also tension. I also scream at them to kiss but that could just be favorite ship bias.
Why did Leah act so weird when Rachel patted her on the back after Dot explained the way they should build their shelter? She just stops and stares at Rachel before questioning Fatin's lack of participation.
"When you're by yourself, you can only hurt yourself. I'd call that safer." I think Toni is very much aware of how much her angry outbursts hurt the people around her. She's immediately consoling afterwards — After accidentally hitting Regan, running after Martha after tearing down their shelter, even after hitting Shelby with the branch early on. The immediate regret probably also comes from an internal fear of being left behind after years of dealing with her mother's drug addiction and abandonment. I think Toni is literally the embodiment of 'blind rage,' and I'm really interested in seeing how that gets resolved or heightened in season 2.
Fatin works for 25 minutes, which equates to a 30-minute break in her mind. I think our employers should follow Fatin's example with work breaks.
Shelby's little shove to Toni is just lol. Like girl, what were you even trying to do? That kick wouldn't have knocked over a toddler. Also the eye movement here is intense. Shelby couldn't decide which part of Toni's face she wanted to look at.
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"Some people provide goods, some provide services. I'm a goods provider, therefore I get a pass on services." Well... Fatin's got a point.
Gretchen's files on Leah include folders of: academic transcripts, biometrics, conversations with friends, diagnosis, education, enrollment docs, family health history, Jeffrey Galanis, history, Ian Murnen, photo bank, and Kurt Rilke... I'm surprised that Gretchen has a file on Jeff. This makes me almost certain that she's the one who sent Jeff the birth certificate. Leah and Jeff kept their relationship pretty hush-hush. Leah's best friend knew the bare minimum and her parents knew nothing of it except that she was in a relationship, and I can't imagine Jeff was going around as a best-selling author telling everyone that he was in a relationship with a 17/18-year-old. Yet, you're telling me that Gretchen knew they were close enough to make Jeff a file? Gretchen and her team were straight up stalking these girls for months.
Field Notes
Field Note #037 — Figure skating is Martha's favorite sport to watch on TV. She used to mimic the skaters, performing fake double axels on the living room carpet—a habit she clearly hasn't lost. Oddly enough, Martha has never dared to skate on actual ice. Pretty weird for a kid from Minnesota.
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Field Note #038 – All of the girls except Dot are on social media, though Leah only posts Stories. Officially speaking, Fatin has the most followers (roughly 11k). However, Nora has a finsta where she posts drawings of birds wearing wigs. This account has caught on in the art community, and actually tops Fatin’s by 57 followers.
Field Note #039 – Dot watched “Field of Dreams” in middle-school gym class. Her PE teacher was one of those lazy dudes who’d put on a vaguely “sports-themed” movie whenever he didn’t want to teach.
Field Note #040 – Toni leads the team in triple-doubles. She also leads the team in technical fouls.
Field Note #041 – The quarter is Leah’s. Jeff used it to scratch off an instant lotto ticket that they bought together. She’s been carrying the quarter with her ever since.
Field Note #042 — Fatin likes to do a style reset every once in a while by going monochromatic for a day. Her green palette here includes shades of jade and pine.
Field Note #043 – Martha became a vegetarian at age 12 when she visited a commercial chicken farm. Sometimes she still has nightmares about the sound of it—the tortured, incessant clucking of all those poor hens.
Field Note #045 – Leah has never seen any group challenges on any reality TV shows ever. She’s only marathoned vintage reality TV series with Ian after he found a box set of them in his aunt’s storage unit.
Field Note #046 – Toni’s jacket was her mom’s. It’s taken her a few years to grow into it.
Field Note #047 – Shelby’s acting class meets monthly in the basement of her family’s church. Her classmates are mostly adults, including her dentist and a prominent local judge. Shelby’s favorite exercise is to “say each line like it’s the most important thing you’ve ever said in your life.”
Shelby Curse Count: 0 (1 total)
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queen-rainy-love · 2 years
Creampuff is having trouble doing a spell and Clotted Cream helps her, but she accidentally turned him back into a cjild. Red Velvet and Knight ask her to undo it but shes aays that that spell will wore off in a few days. RV approaches CC but CC backs away and whispers something but they cant hear. He says it again but louder; “don’t hit me.” RV then kneels down and says that they wont hurt him because he is family. (part 2 soon)
Oooooo! Very cute!
*The scene is set in the Parfait District where Cream Puff was practicing her magic on an old jelly.*
Cream Puff: (Okay! I got this! I can do it!) *points her wand at the jelly* Jellius Reversi!!! *Nothing happened.* Huh? Why didn't that work? Jellius Reversi!!! Jellius Reversi!!!
???: You're saying it wrong.
*Cream Puff yelped and whirled around to see Clotted Cream standing right behind her. He gave her an apologetic smile before speaking again.*
Clotted Cream: It's Reverso, not Reversi.
Cream Puff: Huh? But my books say Reversi. Is it a typo?
Clotted Cream: Most likely. But it is an old spell and you are using a slightly different type of light magic. So you would need to use Reverso.
Cream Puff: *eyes glittering* I see!! Anything else?
Clotted Cream: You will also have to stay calm and focused. Anything distracting you can cause the spell to backfire.
Cream Puff: Okay! Let me try it again! *turns back to the old jelly* Jellius Reverso!
*Just as she said the second word, Carter and Chiffon came rushing over to her and tackled her with kisses. Cream Puff started falling back, her wand now pointing at Clotted Cream. A big puff of smoke engulfed Clotted Cream before Cream Puff landed on her butt.*
Cream Puff: Ow!! Chiffon! Carter! Stop! I was working on my magic! I could have hit you or-Clotted Cream!!
*Cream Puff looked behind her to see a very young version of Clotted Cream, no older than Custard III.*
Clotted Cream: Where-Where am I? Where's mama?
Cream Puff: Oh no...
???: Carter!! Chiffon!!
*Cream Puff looked up to see Red Velvet and Knight running up to them. Knight pulled both Cake hounds away while Red Velvet helps Cream Puff up and checks on her.*
Red Velvet: Are you okay? Did you bump your head? Did you get scratched?
Cream Puff: *on the verge of tears* N-no...
Knight: Then what's wrong?
Cream Puff: I...I...*points at Clotted Cream, who was staring at the three siblings with fear.* I may have...put a spell on Clotted Cream...And he...may have forgotten a lot of things.
Knight: That's Clotted Cream?! *Clotted Cream flinches* Oh! I'm so sorry. I'm just...*turns to Cream Puff* Can't you turn him back?
Cream Puff: I...I think the spell wears off naturally in a few days.
Knight: But we don't have a few days! He has things to do as Consul! We need to reverse it now! Otherwise, his dad will kill us! *Clotted Cream starts silently crying and Cream Puff frowns.*
Red Velvet: Knight, yelling won't fix this. We can just tell Custard that an accident happened and we'll try fixing it.
Knight: But-
Red Velvet: It'll be fine. We, the two adults, need to stay calm. Okay?
Knight: *takes a deep breath* Okay.
Red Velvet: Okay, *looks at Clotted Cream and speaks in a softer tone* Hey there buddy. Are you okay?
*Red Velvet reaches out to him but Clotted Cream flinches and whispered something. Unsure of what to do, Red Velvet slows his movement and tries again.*
Red Velvet: *much softer tone* Hey...what's wrong? Are you hurt?
Clotted Cream: *shaking and struggling to raise his voice* P-please d-don't hurt me...
Red Velvet: *kneels and extends his cookie hand* We would never lay a finger on family. We want to make sure you're okay.
*Clotted Cream looked at Red Velvet's cookie hand before looking at Knight and Cream Puff. Both of the youngest siblings looked concerned and worried. Much like his mother and Oyster. He looked back at Red Velvet and felt the same safety he would with Captain Caviar. He nodded and took Red Velvet's hand.*
I'm excited for part 2. For now...I sleep.
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cursestothemoon · 4 years
Please include if the reader is gender neutral, fem!, male!, or otherwise
also please be nice :)
Bill Weasley
I Need You To Kiss Me
gender neutral!hufflepuff!reader
Bill Weasley thinks Charlie’s hufflepuff friend is really cute, only thing left to do is let them know.
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Cedric Diggory
Love, Flowers, and Cedric Diggory
Cedric Diggory is pining over Y/n L/n, she's playing hard to get. When Professor Sprout introduces the exotic greek flower of lovers, neither of them are expecting to be the reason for its rare blooming.
A Bench and Piece of Parchment’s Length Away
When the universe doesn’t want Cedric to talk to the pretty Ravenclaw girl, he’ll just have to find a loophole
Yellow Face Paint Smudged With Tears
Y/n and Cedric are in love, always have been always will be, so when he comes out of the maze it doesn’t happen as she pictured it would, forcing her to sit in the hospital wing with tears running through her yellow face paint
Out of Time
Cedric’s crush is chosen to be Hogwarts champion and he can’t help but put off telling her about his feelings. But when he finally does, is it too late?
Charlie Weasley
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Draco Malfoy
A Swish of Your Wand Away
Malfoy!Fem!Little Sister! Slytherin! Reader
Draco would do anything for his little sister and in the midst of battle starts to think the worst has happened. Draco wants her to know that if she is ever to need him he's only one swish away
If It Were Me
Best Friend!Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Draco never regretted getting the mark, at least not until he lost his best friend
They Forgot Everything The Minute They Were Together
Draco Malfoy and Y/n L/n were arranged to be married, this is their story of growing into love while a war looms over everyone’s heads
Blurb- Draco uses engorgio and it goes wrong
Fred Weasley
All My Love, Dad
Sirius Black’s Daughter! Reader
Fred Weasley is dating Azkaban escapee’s daughter Y/n Black. They are hiding their relationship from her ever fear inducing father, Snuffles. Though the unexpected happens leading Fred and Y/n to almost drown in guilt.
In Love With a Downright Git
Fred and Y/n wake up in each other’s bodies and now have to figure out why it happened and how to change back. In their time as the other Fred starts to chafe, and Y/n learns what Fred and his friends have been saying about her behind her back.
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Blurb- Fred messes with the cute new girl
I Won’t Say I’m In Love  (in progress)
George Weasley
Raspberry Beret
George falls in love with the girl in the raspberry beret, inspired by the song Raspberry Beret by Prince
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Paging Dr. Weasley
Fem! Reader
George is excited to go see the new products at Zonko’s and the harsh weather isn’t going to stop him. The reader has asthma and she’s a bit apprehensive about going out in the cold, dry weather but George insists it’ll be fine. George, unfortunately, is wrong.
Ginny Weasley
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Harry Potter
Dimly-Lit Corners and Dark Corridors
The famous Harry Potter has a crush on the one girl that doesn’t seem to care that he’s the chosen one
Hermione Granger
My Dove
Hermione thinks about her girlfriend and all of their shared milestones, all centered around the simple name her love has given her, my dove
Parents, Presents, and Girlfriends
fem!gryffindor! reader
Hermione is nervous to meet her girlfriends parents and spend the Christmas holiday with them, but quickly she realizes how silly she was. That and her girlfriend was cross-eyed as a baby.
Lee Jordan
Luna Lovegood
Blurb- She brings you back sweets from Honeydukes and tells you about Hogsmeade because you cant go
Neville Longbottom
Percy Weasley
Valentine’s Day Blurb
Ron Weasley
You’re My Best Mate
Platonic! gender neutral! gryffindor!Reader
You and Ron are just really great friends, a look into the friendship of Ron Weasley and Y/n L/n
Valentine’s Day Blurb
The Stuffed Niffler
Gender Neutral! Reader
The stuffed animal Ron got you goes missing and you panic...just a little
James Potter
Blurb- James accidentally gives Marlene a love potion instead of Lily
Lily Evans (Potter)
Peter Pettigrew
Regulus Black
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Bill Weasley
How Bill would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Bill dating a Hufflepuff
Cedric Diggory
Charlie Weasley
How Charlie would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
Fred on a love potion
Fred with a muggleborn s/o
Fred dating a ravenclaw    same but muggleborn!ravenclaw
Fred dating an artist
Fred going home with his nails painted by his s/o
Fred dating a hufflepuff     they play quidditch games against each other
Fred dating a musician
Fred is introduced to gravity falls
Fred dating an actress
Horror movies with Fred
Fred dating a famous singer
Fred dating an adrenaline junkie
Fred’s gf is in a dual and she gets hit by the cruciatus curse
Wearing Fred’s sweaters and him reacting to it
Fred with an auror s/o
Fred finding out you're ticklish
You and Fred dealing with the war
Fred’s favorite songs and artists
Fred dating a Korean girl/ Kpop solo artist
Fred dating a triwizard champion
Fred and his s/o in a prank battle
Fred with kids/babies
Fred dating a slytherin during the war and after
Fred dating an Asian girl (south asian)
Fred dating a Spanish girl who is friends with Fleur
Play fighting with Fred
Fred dating a shy Hufflepuff who gets super crazy and wild when comfortable around people
Fred comforting you during your transition into college/ after highschool plans
How Fred would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Fred plays minecraft
Fred finds out you have a weird/ unique laugh
Fred dating Luna Lovegood’s older sister
Fred and George realize they have a date with the same Hufflepuff boy
Going to the Yule Ball with Fred
Fred dating a Mexican reader
Fluffy Fred HC + NSFW ones
George Weasley
George dating a Spanish girl who is friends with Fleur
George on a love potion
George dating a Ravenclaw  same thing but they were best friends first
How George would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
George dating a Hufflepuff
George and Fred realize they have a date with the same Hufflepuff boy
George dating a Filipino reader
Christmas with George at Grimmauld place with your guardians Sirius and Remus
Ginny Weasley
Ginny on a love potion
How Ginny would react to her s/o being called a mudblood
Harry Potter
Coming out as trans to the trio
Hermione Granger
Sub!Hermione with a dom!gf
Hermione going on a date with her Hufflepuff girlfriend
Coming out as trans to the trio
Neville Longbottom
Neville with a ravenclaw gf
You and Neville practice your Yule Ball dance
Dates with Neville
Christmas with Neville at Grimmauld place with your guardians Sirius and Remus
Percy Weasley
How Percy would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Ron Weasley
How Ron would react to his s/o being called a mudblood
Ron on a love potion
Ron finds out you have a crush on him
Coming out as trans to the trio
James Potter
Lily Evans (Potter)
Peter Pettigrew
Regulus Black
Remus Lupin
Remus and Sirius first starting to date
Sirius Black
Remus and Sirius first starting to date
Blurb- You meet Sirius in the hospital wing and the elixir Madam Pomfrey gives you makes you ramble
Not Specified
Gryffindor x Hufflepuff friendship
Male!Slytherin x Fem!Hufflepuff relationship
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