#Cedric Diggory
noelan1 · 1 day
does anyone else stay up till midnight and just read info about their favorite fictional characters..😗
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cloudybarnes · 9 months
Secret Admirer
Pairing: slytherin boys x reader
Summary: you never get mail in the morning, not until one day you receive a letter from an anonymous sender, a secret admirer. From that day forward, you’ve been getting letters, poems, and cute little notes each morning at breakfast. His words were sweet, and as you began to fall for them, your quest of figuring out who sent them only grew.
Word Count: 4.1k+
note: trying something new! basically I dont wanna spoil who her secret admirer is, so I’m gonna call it slytherin boys x reader hehe guess you’ll have to read til the end to see who sent her the letters ;)
✰  ✰  ✰
“Theodore Nott, I’m gonna kick your sorry ass!” You shouted. 
You reached across the table in the great hall where Theo sat directly in front of you. He had stolen all of the bacon off of your breakfast plate and refused to give it up. Mornings were always quite hectic at the slytherin table, but this was downright unacceptable.
“Nope,” he smirked as he popped a piece into his mouth, “they were all out when I went up for breakfast. This bacon is mine now, sweetheart.”
You huffed, and sat back down in your seat. “You’re ridiculous. If you weren’t so damn late all the time, maybe you would have had some bacon of your own.”
“Here (Y/N),” Enzo smiled from his seat right next to you. “You can have some of my bacon.” He picked the best looking pieces and put them on your plate. 
“Aw, Enzo!” You grinned as you picked a piece up and ate it happily. “This is why you're my best friend.”
“Hey!” Pansy shouted from the other side of you. “Thought I was your best friend.”
“You didn’t give up a piece of bacon for her,” Draco smirked, “you’ve been demoted.”
Mattheo gruffed. “Enzo, you’re kind of mean, you know that? (Y/N) complains she’s all out of bacon and you jump to give her a piece, but when I say I need someone to do my charms homework for me, you don’t even try to lift a finger.”
“Mattheo, how many times do I have to tell you,” Enzo said, “I’m never gonna do your homework. And it’s not fair to compare that to giving up a piece of bacon! I don't even like bacon all that much!”
“Dude!” Blaise gasped from next to Draco, “if you don’t like bacon you should have passed that down this way a long time ago.”
Pansy scoffed and shook her head. “I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“Hey,” you whined as you ate another piece of bacon, “I’m the least idiot of the bunch, right Pans?”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, (Y/N/N).”
You grinned, about to rebuttal when the morning owl dropped an envelope in front of you.
“What’s this?” You questioned as you picked it up. 
“Uh, I think it’s quite obviously a letter, (Y/N/N).” Mattheo said as he stuffed his mouth full of bacon. “And, to think, you were trying to say you’re the least idiot of us.” He laughed.
“Oi,” Theo knocked his shoulder against Mattheo’s. “Leave her be. I’ve never seen her get a letter before, I’m curious.”
Draco shifted slightly in his seat. “Who’s it from, (Y/N/N)?”
“Nevermind who it’s from,” Blaise chuckled, “I wanna know what it says.”
“Why would you wanna know what it says and not know who it’s from?” Enzo asked, “That's like half the fun.”
You shrugged as you tore open the envelope. Opening the folds of the letter, your cheeks started to warm as you read what was inside. 
“What is it?” Pansy asked as she leaned closer, trying to catch a glimpse. 
“It says, uh,” you cleared your throat, a little bit flustered. “It says ‘people love to stare up at the stars, glimmering as they might in the night sky, yet everyone is too scared to enjoy the beauty that is the sun. you are my sun, and I would willingly go blind to catch even just a glimpse of you each day.’”
You friends all stared at you in shock. Draco, Blaise and Mattheo had their mouths hung open in shock. Enzo blushed a little bit, Theo had his eyebrows raised like he appreciated the words written on the page, and Pansy all but squealed as you read the letter. 
“Oh my god, I think I’m going to combust,” Pansy swooned. 
“Who’s it from?” Theo asked.
You shrugged, “I don’t know.” You flipped the letter to the back to see if it was signed at all. “It’s only signed with a heart.”
“That is so romantic!” Pansy squealed as she clasped her hands around your arm. “Our sweet (Y/N) has a secret admirer!”
“Wonder who it could be,” Draco said as he flicked his fingers in motion to hand him the letter. 
You complied, and passed the note to him. 
“I don’t know,” he said as he flipped it all around. “The handwriting sort of looks familiar.”
“Maybe it’s someone you know?” Theo suggested as he grabbed the letter from Draco’s hands. He took it upon himself to check it out a time or two before passing it to Mattheo’s eager grasp.
“I think it’s kind of funny,” Mattheo chuckled. “What if it’s some first year trying to make their move on you?”
You shuttered. “Merlin, I sure hope not. I honestly don’t think a first year would be able to write something so beautiful.”
“Yeah, no way,” Pansy shook her head. “Mattheo, you’re just jealous you weren’t the one who sent (Y/N) this letter. Maybe she’d give you a chance if you did something romantic, or just not annoying for once.”
“First,” Mattheo said, “ouch. Second, who says I’m not the one who wrote (Y/N) this love letter?”
“Mattheo, you wouldn’t know romance if it hit you with a ten foot pole.” Pansy said. 
“Hey!” Mattheo complained. “Someone tell her I’m romantic.”
“Hell no,” Draco scoffed. “You’re ‘bout as romantic as bloody boil, mate.” 
You laughed as Mattheo scrunched his face up. The bells chimed signaling the end of breakfast and the start of first class. 
“I’m not too worried about it,” you said as you stood and started packing your stuff up. “It’s just a little letter. No harm in it.”
“But you don’t want to know who sent it?” Pansy asked as she grabbed her belongings as well. 
You shrugged, “I don’t know yet. I’m not silly enough to expect something to come from this; it’s just a note. It could be a prank for all we know.” 
“No one who writes like that is doing it as a prank,” Theo remarked. 
“Well, still, whatever the reason may be, I’m not gonna go out looking for this person. No matter how sweet the words are.” You smiled, “I’m gonna head to class, bye guys.”
On your way to class, you couldn’t help but recite the words written in the letter. They had made your heart flutter, as stupid as that sounds. You slightly resented the way it made you feel as it was only a few measly words on paper, but the romantic part of you couldn’t help but want to know who was behind them. 
✰  ✰  ✰
In your last class of the day, you finally were able to see your good friend Luna Lovegood. You had been waiting all morning to have class with her so you can inform her of the letter you received that morning. 
“And it was just so poetic, Luna. No one has ever said anything like that about me before.”
She smiled at you as you mindlessly drew on your assignment. “I think it sounds quite lovely. Do you have any idea who it may be from?”
You shook your head. “No idea. I don’t even think I know anyone who writes, well, anything.” 
“What about that boy Enzo you always hang out with?” Luna suggested. “I’ve got him in my literature class, he’s very talented.”
You thought to yourself for a second. Could it be possible Enzo was your secret admirer? You’d been friends for so long, and he’d always be especially kind to you.
Well, he’s especially kind to everyone, now that you think about it. 
“I don’t know,” you honestly replied. “I guess I just never would have expected it to be one of my friends, let alone Enzo.”
“I wouldn’t rule out your group of friends,” Luna said with a smile, “it could really be any one of them.” 
“You think so?” 
“Well, maybe not all of them, but I think it could be a good place to start if you were wanting to figure out who it is.”
As you pondered over Luna’s words, Slughorn made it a point to reiterate there was no talking allowed during the assignment. 
You rolled your eyes and got back to work, waiting for this class to be over so you could finally figure out who wrote you the letter. 
✰  ✰  ✰
Back in the common room you saw Pansy, Draco, and Enzo sitting on the couches. 
“Hey, (Y/N/N)!” Pansy smiled as she scooted over and patted the spot next to her. “Find out anything new about your secret admirer?”
You smiled with a roll of your eyes as you sat with her. You kicked your shoes off and folded your legs under your body. “No, but I think I’ve got an idea brewing of how to find them.”
“Oh,” Draco smirked from the couch across from you. He folded his arms over his chest, “do tell, (Y/N), I’m very curious to see who it could be.” 
You shook your head, teasingly, “not a chance, Malfoy. I’m not giving up my secrets til I get to the bottom of this thing.” 
Draco raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, doll, if you wanna be secretive about your already secret admirer, I respect it.”
Enzo shifted in his seat a little uncomfortably. “It’s kind of strange though that they went out of their way to write something to you but kept it a secret. It just makes me a little apprehensive.”
“Oh, chill out, scaredy cat,” Pansy said. “(Y/N) will be fine, and if it’s someone weird at least she’s got us to look out for her.”
You grinned and wrapped your arms around Pansy’s neck. “Quit getting all sweet on me, Pans.”
She chuckled and playfully pushed you away. “Yeah, yeah. I’m not getting sweet, don’t get it twisted.”
You chuckled. “I think I’m gonna head up, got lots of scheming to get to,” you teased with a wiggle of your eyebrows. 
You stood up from the couch and Pansy stood with you. “Farewell, boys, it’s been awful as usual.” She said with a smirk. 
“Thank Salazar you’re leaving,” Draco said to her. “Your presence was such a nuisance.” 
Pansy snarled at him and dramatically turned away to head up the stairs. You and Enzo shared a short laugh before you followed her up the stairs to your shared bedroom. 
✰  ✰  ✰
The next morning, you were last to the dining hall for breakfast. 
“Finally, she makes it,” Mattheo called out before taking a swig of his orange juice. 
You huff and settle into your seat between Enzo and Pansy. “I know, I overslept something horrible this morning.”
Since you were so late, the kitchen staff had already stopped serving breakfast meaning you were going without this morning. 
Theo glanced at you from across the table and pushed his plate towards you. “Here,” he said, “take anything you want.”
You looked down at saw scrambled eggs, french toast, and sausage links on his plate. 
“Really?” You grinned as you grabbed a sausage link from his plate. 
Theo nodded, “yeah, can’t have you go without eating. Lord only knows what a monster you can be without food.” He teased with a small smirk. 
You crinkled your nose up at his and grabbed a piece of french toast as well. “I’m gonna let that slide since you were nice enough to give up your breakfast. Don’t make me regret my kindness.”
Theo chuckled and pulled his plate back to him, glancing up at you before delving back into his plate. 
Mattheo tried to reach his hand over to Theo’s plate but was met with a slap on the wrist. 
“Ow!” Mattheo said as he cradled his wrist in fake hurt. “Theo, how could you? I thought we had something special.”
Theo rolled his eyes. “You got more food on your plate then the rest of us combined. I think you’ll be alright.”
You chuckled, but a thought crept into your mind. “Hey, guys, uh, did the post come today?” You asked. 
Draco raised his eyebrow with a smirk. “Waiting for another letter, are we?”
Your face burned as you shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know. I kinda wanna get to the bottom of who it is.” 
“You’ll find ‘em, (Y/N/N),” Pansy said, “even if I have to interrogate everyone we know. We’ll get down to the bottom of it.” 
Just as she said that, the morning owl came swooping down towards you and dropped a small slip of paper in front of you. 
Draco smirked, “Looks like someone really wants your attention, (Y/N/N).”
You tried to hold back your smile as you unfolded the small post it note. 
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you read out to them, “'I love to see you smile, especially when you’re smiling at me.’ Aw, that’s kind of sweet, actually.”
“Don’t tell me you’re starting to get sweet for this mystery man,” Blaise interrupts. 
You shrug as you fold the note back up. “I don’t know, it is pretty sweet, no? And this must mean it’s someone I know personally because they said I smile at them.”
“Oh Godric,” Mattheo grinned, “you’ve fallen for a mystery man.”
“No I haven’t!” You protest. “I just think it’s sweet and now I know it’s someone I’m friends with and not some creepy first year.” 
“Wait,” Theo said, “how do you know it’s someone you’re friends with?”
“Because it says I smile at them,” you said obviously. “Who else do I smile at?”
“(Y/N), I hate to break it to you,” Pansy said as she placed a hand on your shoulder, “but you’re the most smiley slytherin I’ve ever met.”
You shrugged off her hand with a fake glare. “Hey! Give me some credit, I can be bad sometimes.”
Enzo chuckled, this is the first time he spoke all conversation. “You’re too sweet to be bad, (Y/N/N).”
You grinned and playfully bumped your shoulder against his. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I just know it’s someone I know. I can feel it. It’s not some random person, it can’t be.” 
The bell rang, signaling the end of breakfast. You and your friends stood up to leave. You couldn’t help but think about the notes you received, pondering on who it could possibly be. 
✰  ✰  ✰
“Post is running late this morning,” Draco noted as the clock struck 8:26 with no sight of the morning owl. 
You were a tad disappointed. You had pondered all day yesterday about who it could be. You’ve narrowed it down quite a bit, and you think Luna may be on to something. While you don’t exactly think for sure that it’s Enzo, you do think you’ve narrowed it down to your group of close friends. 
You really just can’t see anyone else knowing you well enough to be this fascinated with you. The only one out of your friend group that you completely had ruled out is Blaise. 
Blaise was definitely out because out of the whole friend group, he was the least close with you. Frankly, you guys just don’t talk nearly as much as you talk to the rest of them. 
“Great,” Mattheo gruffed, “how will I be entertained this morning without (Y/N)‘s secret stalker and his confession of love.”
Okay, maybe Mattheo was out too. 
“Oi,” Theo piped up. “Don’t knock it too hard, (Y/N) seems to be enjoying herself with the letters.” 
You blushed a little as you shrugged. “I don’t want to seem weird by how invested I am in it, but I just think it’s sweet. No one’s ever really expressed this kind of feeling for me, so… you know,” you shrugged awkwardly, your face definitely beet red by now. 
“Well I for one am extremely invested in this,” Pansy said. “I’m lowkey jealous that I’m not the one with a secret admirer. What I wouldn’t give for someone to think of me that way.” 
“Maybe someday someone will like you, Pansy,” Enzo said reassuringly. 
“We might all be dead by the time that happens, but who knows, it might happen,” Mattheo said. 
Pansy gasped with a glare. “Wow what crawled up your ass this morning?”
Mattheo shrugged and focused his attention back to his breakfast plate. 
“Anyway,” Draco said, “I’m intrigued as well. I think I’ve got an idea who it could be, but I'm not quite positive.” 
You parked up at that. “Really? Who’s your guess?”
Draco smirked, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” He teased. 
You glared at him, “Malfoy, if you know who it is you better spill.”
“I’m not saying I know who it is, I’m just saying I have a hunch at who it may be.”
“Oh!” Enzo exclaims as he points up in the air, “here comes the owl.”
You grin in anticipation as the owl drops a little note down in front of you. It was a larger note than yesterday, but this time it didn’t have something sweet written on it. 
It had a clue. 
“It just says ‘being your friend is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, though I’d be lying if I said i didn’t want to be more.’” You read. 
“So it is one of you!” Pansy shouted as she pointed her finger towards everyone at the table. 
Draco smirked, “that was my hunch. ‘Had a feeling it was one of these blokes.”
“And who says it’s not you, Malfoy?” Mattheo questioned with a raise of his brow. 
“Please,” Draco scoffed, “if I wanted to woo (Y/N) she’d be mine by now.” 
“Oh big talk from down that end,” Pansy rolled her eyes. 
“I could get anyone I want,” Draco puffed his chest. “I don’t need to be anonymous to do so.” 
“Hey, don’t hate on my letters, Draco.” You complained. “Least they got the balls to say something.” 
“Barely counts as having balls when they won’t even say who they are.” Mattheo countered. 
You huffed as your table fell into somewhat of a silence. Conversations picked up without you as your thoughts trailed off. 
Theo had been extremely quiet this entire time. While he was never the chatter bug, it was odd having gone almost the entire breakfast without hearing from him. 
As everyone else was engaged in conversation, you stared at the boy sitting across from you. His head was down as he played with his breakfast, pushing it around with his fork. 
You lightly kicked his leg under the table. 
Theo’s head perked up. His eyes stared into yours, and for a moment, you couldn’t remember what you wanted to say to the boy. 
His eyebrow raised in question as a small smirk glazed his lips. 
You blushed a little. “I-uh just wanted to see if you were alright. You didn’t really say too much the whole time we’ve been here.”
Theo shrugged as his smile dropped. “yeah, just don’t got too much input.” 
Your heart swelled. You really had turned each morning to revolve around you and your secret pen pal. 
“Sorry, Theo. I didn't mean to annoy you with all my talk of the letters.”
He shook his head. “You could never annoy me, doll.” 
Your heart beat like crazy. 
“Still, though, I feel bad about how much I’ve put into this. Let’s talk about something else.” You offered, “how’s class going?”
Theo chuckled and ran a hand through his tousled hair. “Shit. I’m drowning in assignments and got two quizzes coming up that I’m just not ready for.” 
The bell rang. 
Theo groaned. “Got one next class. I think I might skip, though. Give myself some more time to prepare for it.”
As everyone started walking out of the dining hall, you grabbed Theo’s arm and pulled him back. 
His eyes widened slightly, but quickly reverted back to normal. 
“Maybe I‘ll skip with you,” you said, “if you’ll have me, that is. I can help you study. What class is it?”
Theo hesitated. “It’s, uh, herbology. ‘m not very good with plants and all that.”
You grinned, “I can help! I’m not too bad with flowers and plants.”
Theo nodded, “yeah, I could really use the help.”
“Okay, you wanna go to the library then?”
Theo shook his head. “I’ve got a good spot. Come on.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you with him. 
You followed him all the way out to the courtyard towards the opposite end of the school. You walked until you reach a large bench with intricate designs on the backing and arm rests. 
Theo took a seat. “Figured this would be good as any. Least now we can look at some plants up close, eh?”
You chuckled and took a seat next to him. “Yeah, sounds great, Theo. You got your textbook?”
He nodded and dug through his bag to pull it out. Once he handed it to you, you started flipping through the pages to get to the important material. 
“I’ve got the herbology exam 4th period, so I can help you study and it’ll help me study too! Win, win.”
Theo grinned and ran a hand through his hair. “Sounds good, doll.”
Your cheeks blushed. You couldn’t help the smile that graced your face. “I like when you call me doll.”
Your smile dropped. “Oh, geez, I did not mean to say that out loud.”
Theo’s face remained blank. That just made you more nervous. 
“Great, now I’ve weirded you out.” You exasperated. “I’m really sorry, Theo, I didn’t mean to-“
“I’m not weirded out, doll.” He cut you off. “Was just a little stunned is all. Didn’t expect you to say something like that.”
You thought your face couldn’t get any hotter than it already was, but somehow it did. 
“Well, still,” you mumbled as you looked down at the textbook again, “sorry.”
Theo sat for a minute, watching as you flipped through the book. Your eyebrows furrowed a little in aggravation. You were annoyed at yourself for how stupid you were being. It was Theo for Salazar sake. 
Though, you couldn’t help but admire the boy. He was gorgeous, for one, but he was also charming and witty. He was sweet and generous. You couldn’t deny you were attracted to him, but you had never thought he would see you in the same light. 
“(Y/N)?” Theo called. 
You looked up into his eyes. 
Theo stared at you, taking in each one of your features. Your eyes, your lips, your nose. You shifted a little, way too aware of his gaze on you. 
“Theo?” You called back. His gaze shifted back to your eyes. 
Before you could say anything, he softly spoke, “I’m the one sending you those letters, (Y/N/N).” 
You stared at him in shock. 
No way. 
“Y-you’re the one who wrote me the letters?” 
He slowly nodded his head. Theo’s lip was drawn in between his teeth. “Is, uh, are you disappointed?”
“What?” you exclaimed. 
He shrugged, “I mean, you just really seemed to like the letters, and I know you wanted to know who it was, so I just hope I haven’t disappointed you in the revelation.”
You shook your head. “Actually, it’s quite the opposite.”
Theo’s head shot up to look at you. “Really?”
You smiled and nodded. “Mhm, I like you Theo. I have for a while now, actually, I just thought you’d never give a chance.”
He laughed. “You thought I’d never give you a chance? I thought you’d never give me a chance.”
You laughed loudly together. When it finally subsided to quiet chuckles, you said,  “I really like you, Theo.”
Theo’s smile grew. In a quick moment, he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. 
You gasped against his lips, and wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him back. His textbook fell off your lap as he pulled you closer by the waist. 
You kissed him until you couldn’t kiss anymore. Finally pulling back, Theo’s grin was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, even with his lips a little puffy from your kiss. 
“I really like you, Theodore.”
He grinned, “I really like you, more (Y/N).”
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imgonnagetyouback // mattheo riddle x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist: imgonnagetyouback - taylor swift / get him back! - olivia rodrigo
summary : mattheo riddle does not prank anyone , well asides from you and youve reached your breaking point.
y/n used , hufflepuff reader , swearing , jealousy, fighting , enemies to lovers
masterlist tppd series masterlist
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you screamed in horror as cold water splashed down on you , soaking your whole uniform , hair and bag.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" you screeched in pure horror , you looked around the hall in search of a certain smirking face you had come to know all too well.
every student in the hall stared silently , many laughing and some first years looking scared at your angry demeanor. however the one who laughed the most was mattheo riddle , of course.
the boy who has tormented you since first year , endless pranks , endless teasing and zero remorse - mattheo riddle. you dont know what you did to deserve it , but you could easily say it had made you hate the boy more than anyone on the planet. it started with mean nicknames , getting the whole year to call you snotty in first year just because you blew your nose into a tissue in class once. it makes no sense right? completely unprovoked!
"oh dont you just look lovely, baby" mattheo smirked as he walked towards you , holding the bucket he had used to dump water all over you with a simple levitation charm.
"im going you KILL YOU MATTHEO RIDDLE!" you screamed , standing right in front of him and grabbing his collar.
"wow calm down sunshine , its just a bit of water," his smug expression never left his face as he started down at you , his eyes flicking down to your chest where your bra was clearly visible due to your white - soaked - shirt.
you gasped in horror , removing your arms to button up your robe and hide it , " you fucking pervert!"
he held his hands up in defense, "they looked at me first"
"merlin i really really hate you mattheo riddle , rot in hell!" you screamed in his pretty face , running away and pushing past people to get to the hufflepuff common room. mattheos eyes followed you , grinning before walking away when you finally left his sight.
"ive got to get him back! hes gotten away with bullying me for too long!" you ranted to your best friend cedric who sat on your bed, listening to the rant he had to endure nearly every day.
"he isnt bullying you y/n , hes teasing you because he likes you," cedric said for the 1000th time since you came back to hogwarts from summer break.
"cedric, hes made my life hell! i hate him and his stuid face GOD!" you groaned.
cedric just stared up at you , bored , "he makes fun of you fir being a hufflepuff right? -you nodded- then charm all his robes to hufflepuff ones then. if hes such a egotistical slytherin that you say he is , he'll hate that"
you grinned excitedly , "yes! his ego is bigger than the whole castle , itd ruin him!"
cedric smiled at your happiness as you hugged him , "thanks ced , love you!"
he laughed as you grabbed your wand and ran out of your dorm , leaving cedric to sigh and get up , following you.
the next day your leg bounced in excitement , you had suceeded in making his robes hufflepuff and now it was time to see him angrily burst into the great hall.
"y/n? earth to y/nnn," cedric sang , waving a hand infront of your face , finally catching your attention , "youre gonna make it obvious it was you."
"oh i want him to know it was me , it is so on!" you said quickly , turning back to the enterance of the great hall as cedric sighed in defeat , continuing his talk with the hufflepuff captian.
then a grinning mattheo , wearing a hufflepuff robe and tie walked into the room , looking around until catching your eye and smirking.
you gasped in horror , why is he smiling?!!
you continued to stare at him as a ravenclaw boy walked over.
"like the robes mattheo," the boy said as mattheo smirked.
"thanks my girlfriend got me them , y/n," mattheo said back happily as your face twisted in horror , immediately rising from the hufflepuff table and rushing over.
you stood in front of the smirking slytherin and shook your head at the ravenclaw, "hes NOT my boyfriend dont worry!"
mattheo looked down at you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind , resting his head on top of yours , "oh i am"
you felt heat rush to your cheeks as the ravenclaw boy just nodded in confusion before walking away silently.
horrified you turned around to face mattheo as his arms remained around you , "what the fuck are you doing!!"
"what? you gave me some hufflepuff robes it was clearly a decleration of your little claim on me , love" he smirked at you , playing with your hair with one hand.
"i would rather die! take the robes off!" you shouted as you tried to wrestle the robe off of him , he had no reaction and just smiled at you.
"stripping me down infront of everyone? i didnt see you as the type but im all in, " he said with a wink.
you immediately stopped what you was doing as his hand grabbed yours , pausing your attempt to take off the hufflepuff tie , "stop telling everyone im your girlfriend riddle , its weird!"
"manifestation am i right?" he laughed , bringing your connected hands down as you scoffed.
"youre so annoying!" you shouted in anger , turning around to go sit back down at the hufflepuff table.
"merlin im gonna kill him!" you vented to your friends once you sat down , but they all looked besides you , "what?"
"meeting friends so early , wow we really are going fast!" mattheo grinned next to you.
"go away riddle!" you seethed.
"y/n you dragged him here.." susan said pointing down to your hand still holding mattheos , you gasped in terror and let go quickly.
"go! shoo!" you pushed him away like a wild animal.
"i cant , im a hufflepuff now so im sitting here," mattheo smiled before grabbing a plate and scooping food onto it , resting his arm around your waist.
you stared at him in disbelief , "UGH!".
he simply grinned at you pulling you in closer to him , how you remained for the rest of breakfast.
"so i assume you know a certain wild animal called , mattheo riddle , right?" you whispered to the twins who nodded in unision , "well you must know how hes tormented me these past years. i need to get him back."
the twins looked at eachother with smirks , signalling for you to step closer as to not be heard by anyone in the corridor you had rushed them into , "we think the best way for you to get him back is to make him jealous"
"jealous?" you asked in confusion, backing away , "cmon guys youre the kings of pranks please just give me something to make him smell really bad or something-"
"no y/n. first of all thank you but trust us , you want to know the first fight mattheo riddle got into?" george asked as you nodded in intruige.
"it was with a guy that was going to ask you out in third year," fred finished as george cringed recalling the brutal beating.
"what?!" you gasped , "a guy was going to ask me out and that litlle DEVIL ruined it?!".
they both looked at eachother and sighed , "that isnt the point dear y/n. just...just do as we say. you need to get a fake boyfriend - like cedric , and make sure everyone knows. believe us , you will see mattheo riddle just as angry as you are when he pranks you."
you sigh in defeat , "okay. i just need to convince cedric."
they both nodded and stepped back from the secret huddle the three of you had formed , "good giving revenge advice to you little miss hufflepuff, good luck."
you nodded slowly as the three of you walked in opposite directions.
"cedric please!! the twins said its the only thing that will work!" you whined as you grabbed cedrics arm , stopping his pacing around your dorm room.
"and i agree with them but why did it have to be me!-"
"ced , youre my best friend , if i had to fake date any guy itd be you." you reassured him as he finally met your eyes.
there was a long pause before cedric sighed in defeat , "fine , but dont you dare kiss me!-"
"cedric i know your first kiss is reserved for miss cho chang , dont worry!" you laughed as he cracked a small smile.
over the next few days you made the effort to hold cedrics hand more ,laugh at his jokes more and tell everyone possible how much of a lovely boyfriend he is. the word had travelled pretty fast and the second it reached mattheo riddle his whole damenor changed.
you were currently sitting at the hufflepuff table with your head on cedrics shoudler , facing the slytherin table and a very angry mattheo riddle who tightened his pale fist.
you laughed at susans joke , before hearing an abrupt slam on the slytherin table , no one else seemed to notice or care but you watched in fear as mattheo riddle jumped from the table and stared straight at cedric , beginning to come over.
in a panic you grabbed cedrics face whispering in desperation, "kiss me cedric!"
"what no!" he whisper yelled in horror , finally catching a glimpse at the fuming riddle heading his way as he gulped at the sight, "why!?"
"the weasley twins told me when he reaches a breaking point we have to , please! i have to get him back after all these years!"
cedric sighed in frustration , "you owe me!"
you nodded as you both moved closer to eachother , lips about to touch until -
cedric got roughly dragged from his seat on the bench , mattheo holding his robes and punching him.
you gasped in suprise not having truly thought of the consequence a raged mattheo would have on cedrics safety , jumping up from the table you watched cedric land a punch on mattheo face.
you cringed at the sight as you tugged on mattheos arm , finally pulling him away from cedric.
"get off of him mattheo!" you shouted.
"tell him to get off you first! ill fuck you up golden boy diggory-!" mattheo shouted at him as cedric attempted to jump back onto him , resulting in you stomping out of the hall , dragging mattheo along with you.
finally getting to your dorm you opened the door and shoved mattheo in , slamming the door behind you.
he staggered slightly before you pushed him down on the bed , pacing around the room as he sat and watched.
"what the fuck were you doing!" you exclaimed.
"i was teaching that dickhead a lesson!-" he argued back , being cut off by you pointing a finger in his face.
"DONT call ced a dickhead!" you screamed.
"ced?! CED?! fucking hell he even has a nickname, " he scoffed sourly.
"hes had a nickname for years , hes my bestfriend!".
"yeah cause bestfriends kiss eachother and tell everyone theyre dating right?!" he shouted back.
you paused at this suddenly realising why he had fought cedric in the first place , because of your stupid plan you only now realised was never going to end well.
turning to look mattheo in the face you silently walked towards him , stopping infront of him as he looked up at you. you stared down at him, noticing the bleeding cut on his cheek and running to grab your first aid things in your drawer.
you stood infront of him again, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look up at you allowing you a view of the cut as you grabbed a band-aid from the small box. he watched you with softened eyes as you wiped the cut softly and delicatly placed the band-aid.
"im sorry," you whispered letting go off his chin as his hands went up to your hips , pulling you in between his knees, "i had this stupid plan of getting back at you - the weasley twins told me youd get really angry if i pretended to date cedric. i guess i only just realised why you got so angry."
"why did i get so angry?" he asked softly , wanting to hear you say it.
"you love me." you whispered as he bit back his smile.
"since first year.... i guess im just not good at showing it." he sighed.
"dont mattheo , its my fault too , i was way too oblivious to your feeling and my own feelings . if i realised earlier then this wouldnt have happened-"
"wait. you....have feelings for me?" he asked with hope and desperation.
you paused before nodding , "if i hadnt liked you the whole time i wouldnt have continued to interact with you. i definetly wouldnt have let you hold my hand or my waist. i wouldnt have put in so much effort to get you back... i just didnt realise that througout this whole thing , you were the only person i tolerated teasing me for years."
he chuckled , "i wouldnt say tolerated , i ended up with a few bruisies."
you both laughed at this as he stood up , now towering over you, "im sorry for fighting cedric....and every guy who asked you out in the past."
"i always found it weird they ended up in the hospital wing and ghosting me the day after," you laughed.
he shrugged ,"i couldnt just watch you be with someone else, the thought of it literally tears me apart."
"yeah well youre not alone , remember when that ravenclaw girls hair turned neon yellow after you went on a date with her?" he nodded slowly , "yeah that was me."
he howled with laughter at your confession , remembering the scream of the girl when her hair transformed the day after his date with her.
"youre not alone either , i only went out with her to make you jealous," he confessed too.
"i knew ittt" you sang as he scoffed.
"no you didnt!"
"youre right i didnt," you shrugged.
once his laughter stopped he rested his hand on your cheek , "lets make a deal , no more pranks and no more fights."
you nodded.
"when youre angry with me just...kiss me" he said looking from your eyes to your lips as they pulled into a smile and crashed into his.
first year you is gagging in disgust.
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zombu7 · 5 months
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He’s so obvious HDJKFNF
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longdaytogo · 8 months
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nottsfawn · 17 days
hiii, i love the vibes of your acc and can’t wait for your writing! i was wondering if you could do like a enemies to lovers “who did this to you” with theo ahh i’m a sucker for this trope. if not that’s fine! hope you have a lovely day x
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"who did it"
- theodore nott x reader ♡
TW: bruises, insults
🐇 author note: ty for making this req!! sorry cuz it took so long to came out tot, i didn't liked how it was going, but i hope you will!! ♡♡
there was nobody to help, absolutely no one. it was only you and the February moon, the only one who knew about your nocturne tears.
Cedric, your boyfriend, could be awesome. a lot of girls would define him like the real charming prince, but in reality, the only charming thing was the way he could tell you how much he loved you after kicking your poor body just because you helped a 1st year boy to do his potions essay.
every part of you body hurted, not just for the big amount of bruises in it, but your desesperation was manifested through yourself in a weak shaking. the only thing you could think about was how much you hated him. hot tears started to fall down your cheeks, making you sob and whine again, quietly.
suddenly, you felt a small step vibration from the Astronomy tower stairs, getting up.
Theodore Nott's body reveled through the ancient door, examining the space. when he saw your body in the balcony's floor, he let out a airy laugh "what's happening to you right now?" he walked in your direction, putting his arms in his chest and lying in the wall, looking at you with a sarcastic smirk.
fastly, you covered a bruise on you naked arm with your hand, squeezing your eyes in slightly pain. when you did that, he started to tease you "what's up? you don't want me to see thoose stupid draws you make in class on your skin? what did you make now? an unicorn, a bowtruckle.." playing, he took your hand off your arm, specting a dumb doodle of yours. but, instead, his pupils dilated when the purple and blue bruise got his attention, making him freeze.
"go away" you said defensively, covering it again. the desesperation was running through your veins, it couldn't be worse. the feeling of him making fun of it and telling everyone that you were in a abusive environment made your stomach ache.
your eyes started to blurry, water was born from them, the only thing you could do was getting out from there. when you turned off to go out, you felt a big hand taking your wrist, strong enough to stop you from making another step.
he pulled it, making your body be near his "y/n" he said, his cold gaze meeting your blurry and sad eyes "who did it." he demanded to know, making your spine cold. "it's nothing, theodore. my own business" you avoided answering that question, under no term you would tell him what actually happened "let me go, please" you demanded too.
he wasn't an easy guy, "ascolta" he said in your ear, with a deep voice and a foreign accent "if that little boyfried of yours did it, im going to break his jaw till he begs me to kill him, bene?" that words came out from his mouth like a dark an evil poem. "so, y/n" he repeats, in a clear tone. his hands were stroking your shoulders harder "who did it?"
you sob, giving up to his light but deep eyes. they were your missery and your miracle, a perfect sin for a girl like you. "Cedric." the name of your boyfriend left your lips like a cold breeze. "coglione" he shouted looking to another direction, frustrated. his ears were getting red and his finger bones pale. "theodore, don't be stupid, please. don't do anything" you tried to stop him by grabbing his arm. "bella," he said looking at you, with a sudden smirk on his face "i would be too dumb if I don't give that fucker what he deserves" he lifts your chin with too fingers, looking at your lips "let me take the control at least once, mhm?" after saying thoose words, his lips collisioned with yours, in a short but hungry kiss. when it ended, he just gave you a flirty wink, before getting out the tower.
the other day, you spent all the afternoon in the nursery, hearing the story of how your boyfriend got 3 bones broken by a masked student; and in the other corner of the salon, you could feel that european satisfied eyes looking at you.
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volturissideslut · 7 months
dating mattheo riddle hc?? pretty please 🥺
𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖔 𝕽𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊
He doesn't have much good in his life, being the dark Lords son and all. He also doesn't trust easily
This means that when he finds you, someone good, who loves him, and he trusts. He's never letting go.l
Would genuinely die for you if push came to shove
Let's not even get into the fights he would get into defending you. He cherishes you, really, and has a dangerous lack of self preservation when it comes to making sure you're treated well
Though his grades are bad, he's actuattky really smart. It's just that he doesn't try
Seriously good at magic, especially DADA. If you're not good at it, he'll teach you. If your amazing, you'll duel.
If you win and beat, he gets really turned on. If you lose he'll teach you to be better
You're everything to him, he's going to make sure you can defend yourself
Gets all soft and mushy gushy when you're alone
He just becomes baby
Literally the embodiment of "🥺"
Wants you to pamper him, but he'll act tough and scowl. It's a cover up for his smile as he sits there with a panda face mask and you paining his nails metallic green.
You know that tiktok thing where draco gives you his ring? He does that. Puts it nice on a necklace to show the other guys you're his
But it's not a one sided thing. Nobody would dare say shit to him anyway, so he'll put on one of your jewelry pieces or scrunchies.
(please please please buy him a nice bracelet of give him one of yours. He LOVES them but would never tell or ask)
Give him flowers, please. He'll cry.
He'll call you princess and treat you like one.
But give him princess treatment back I beg
Is your personal hype man
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delacoursshp · 10 months
you wanted me to explain, right? i'll explain.
fred weasley x fem reader- no use of y/n, reader is in gryffindor, both are of age
warnings: smut, 18+, doggy, hot steamy n roughhh, unconsensual consent, spitting, sort of blowjob
this is a short, straight to the point story 😭 but i hope y'all enjoy! @delacourss.hp
"fred!" you yelled frustratingly, "fred, come here this instance!"
fred anxiously hurried from the boys dorm room to the common room where you had been standing.
"wussthematta?" he replied half-asleep, eyes heavily lidded with one hand rubbing his eyes, and the other scratching his firey red head.
the common room was entirely dark, except for your lit wand, which was pointing to a piece of parchment on the floor. your nostrils were flaring as your widened eyes and frowned brows signaled fred to look at the paper.
"uuhh," as he slowly realized what he was looking at, "uh, wow, wicked thing to do really, innit?" he yawned, pretending to be so oblivious.
"fred, gideon, weasley." you spoke in a dangerous tone. fred looked up at you, looking as if he was about to be cruciated. you pointed your still-very-lit wand up at him, making his face whiter than before and his vision blurred.
the piece of parchment showed a talently drawn woman, her clothes shed off and her tongue out. the woman seemed to look an awful lot like you.
"do i even have to speak? it's YOU who should do the explaining, fred!" you said angrily.
fred sighed and let his arms fall limp to his sides, still partly blinded by your wand. "how are you even assuming it's mine? you've got no proof whatsoever!" he told defensively.
you scoffed, drawing your wand away for him, muttering something that lit up the whole common room and then picked up the piece of paper, which now had clearly shown strands of red hair covering the thighs of the woman.
"oh come off it, it could've been george or- or ron!"
you gifted him a look of disbelief. "alright, so tell me you didn't do it then." you spoke firmly.
fred groaned. he had this issue ever since he met you, the one where he just fully can't lie to you. he closed his eyes in defeat.
"aaaalright, it was me. congratulations, now may i continue dreaming about perce eating rotten pies? it was a quit enjoyable dream" he asked, simply, as if this was nothing.
you yanked him by his ear, faces now cm's away from eachother. "i do, NOT, tolerate this piece of filthy work!" you grunted. fred 'ouched' in response.
you let go of his now red ear, picked up the piece of paper, held it next to your head, and handed fred your wand.
you waited impatiently, as fred just looked confused.
"well?? do it!"
"aughh", fred just groaned dissapointedly, "expelliarmus!"
a shot of yellowish red light flew towards the parchment, and it dissapeared out of your hands, leaving a few white dots on the floor.
you sighed in relief. "wasn't so hard was it? now, i'm expecting an explanation, so i hope you prepared one whilst i was waiting."
"oh, come on. you must have some idea why." fred said, tone low and soft, glaring at you like you were some sort of prey, "don't act so innocent, love."
your expression changed. can it be? no, that would be weird. you guys are friends after all. fred smirked and playfully winked at you.
"don't be silly, fred." you had decided to say. "c'mon, it's late, let's head to bed before anyone sees us."
you were glad you chose to change topics, it was getting a little awkward, which it never usually is between you and fred.
fred followed you but before you could land your feet on the stairs, fred grabbed you by your hips.
"you wanted me to explain, right? i'll explain."
"oh fuck! oh yes!" the boy relentlessly pounded into you from behind. the force of his thrusts were beyond powerful."fredd- freddie! rightt.. fucking... there. ah!" you moaned. fuck, it felt so good you never wished for it to end.
"mhmmm, yeah? you like that huh, love?" fred shakingly spoke in your ear, sending you goosebumps, which only added to your incoming orgasm.
your back was flush with his chest, and you struggled to keep your legs still. he snaked his arm around your waist as he fucked into you, his other arm too occupied rubbing your little clit.
this sudden but slight change made you grasp his hair with your right hand, the other hand trying to push his pelvis away as the pleasure became overwhelming.
"mmh, don't push me away. you know you want this." he groaned.
"shit, shit, shit!" you kept gasping. the man showed no mercy, as he lifted one of your legs by your thigh, so he could be even deeper, if that was possible.
"too deep, freddie! too f-fucking deep!" you screamed. fred only chuckled at your helpless noises, feeling so proud of himself that he could get those sounds out of your pretty lips.
he sped up his merciless pace, skin-slapping noises lewdly contrasting against your high-pitched moans and freds deep grunts."yes! yes!" you kept whining, as he hit your g-spot over and over again. your eyes rolled back, and, for a moment, all your senses blacked out, and if it wasn't for freds strong grip on you, you would've fell.
"aah, fuck yeah." fred groaned, as he looked down to where you were connected to see a splash of white, sticky, hot liquid all over his and your pelvis.
he quickly pulled out, spinning you and immediately shoving you down on your knees.
your mind was still hazey as you were still coming down from your high. looking up at him, you saw him look back while roughly stroking his cock. finally understanding his gaze, you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out.
well fuck, this was just like the drawing.
"mm, keep looking at me like that, sweetheart." he said, in a strained voice. "i'm.. almost.." he moaned, "...there."
the sight infront of you was so delicious, you just had to do something about it. you licked his tip, kissed it and then spit on it.
fred seemed surprised, and stroked faster then ever, before shooting his load onto your tongue."ahaa, oh yeah.." he sighed.
you made sure, once his eyes opened, that he saw your semen covered tongue, and then you swallowed.
not even caring what it tasted like, but caring about how fred reacted, you giggled as you saw him smirk and raise his eyebrows as if he was impressed by your actions.
"you get it now, beautiful? was that a good enough explanation?" fred said, lifting you up by your arms, and carrying you to the gryffindor bathroom.
"mhm, that was a perfect explanation, fred."
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
aaaa! was this good?😭 goshh i hope so. gimme tips n stuff, i'd rlly appreciate it!! :)
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aprilsprincess · 4 months
you are in love | cedric diggory x fem!reader (part 1)
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Cedric was content with what he had. He was prefect, quidditch captain and the unspoken partner of yours. He wouldn't want to risk a thing with you because everything is so good as it is. But when other students are thrown into the equation, at the end of the day, is he truly yours?
warnings: two dummies in love, reader is a Gryffindor
word count: 2.5k
a/n: This is my first fic published so I'm nervous!! But I'm going to try to make multiple parts for this one because it was just getting too long and I have so many ideas for Cedric (bc we were robbed!) Also not proofread! ₊˚⊹♡
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Fred pushed the list of self made “Prettiest Girls at Hogwarts” in the new first years’ faces. The tiny moving portraits of the Hogwarts girls looked a little silly in the first years’ minds but the twins insisted that pictures solidify their case.   
“These are who you lot should be aiming for,” he stated with confidence, utterly prideful of the list, “aside from y/n of course, she’s off limits.” 
“Off limits? She said she didn’t have a boyfriend while she toured us though?” a small first year girl chirped. The twins exchanged a knowing look before chuckling slowly. 
“The beautiful Gryffindor prefect, my little unknowing friends, is off limits because ah, right on time as usual” George dramatically cocked his head in your direction.  
You had been eating your breakfast alone quite peacefully when you felt someone in yellow dawned robes slip into the open seat beside you. 
“Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff prefect, quidditch seeker-“ 
“And captain” George sang. 
“And just all around dream boy. All the girls think he’s bloody fit.” Fred concluded. 
“He has kind of an unspoken dibs on y/n. Has had one since last year when they became prefects. No one has even tried to make any advances on her cause of it.” 
“Why’s that?” the first years were now all huddled close to the twins, listening with intense interest. 
Fred rolled his eyes, “because look at the bloke!” A couple of students from neighbouring tables looked curiously in the direction of the loud proclamation. Looking around he leaned in closer to whisper, “Rumour has it he’s planning to put his name in for the Triwizard Tournament this year too. He’s as fit they come!” 
“Not to mention he’s so bloody nice that you can’t even hate the bloke for being so perfect.” George finished as the rest of the table nodded along, absorbing the precious information. 
“He’s not perfect you know.” Everyone whipped their head to see Hermione chiming in, not even looking up from her books. 
“If he was the dream boy you all say he is, they would’ve been together by now. Personally, I think he’s too comfortable for his own good.” 
“What’d you mean by that Hermione?” Fred asked. 
She shut her book with a thud and sighed, “Yes he’s attractive in all ways, but how long do you reckon he’s going to keep stringing her along like that? He’s been flirting with her for as long as he’s known her but won’t do anything about it. It’s sad really.” 
The twins paused while exchanging confused looks, not understanding what was so sad about the two perfect prefects’ relationship. 
“Ugh, boys!” Hermione, exasperated, gave up and opened the thick novel to continue her literature. 
It’s not like Cedric didn’t like you. He liked everything about you, but Hermione was right, he was comfortable with how things were. He wasn’t cocky, not in the slightest, but he was always far from worried when it came to you and other guys at the school. Everyone knew about you two, so he’s never been challenged for your attention. He in all honesty, guiltily enjoyed the lack of complication that the two of you had when it came to your relationship status. There wouldn’t be anything to lose if he didn’t start anything, so he stayed in his comfort with you. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Morning y/n!” Cedric’s presence instantly made you feel relaxed and warm. 
“It’s such a pleasure seeing you here at my house’s table this morning Diggory.” you teased. It wasn’t completely unnatural for Cedric to join you at the Gryffindor table, but he usually felt that as a prefect, sitting at his own house table was almost a requirement. 
“I came bearing quite honourable and exciting news y/n,” he was beaming, so excited that it seemed like he was going to jump out of his seat, “I’ve decided to do it this year. I’ve officially made up my mind that I’m going to throw my name out for the Triwizard Tournament.” 
He was ecstatic, to say the least, and it was difficult for you to match his energy as you had just heard the worst news you could’ve expected from him. The Tournament has had students die while participating, so it wasn’t surprising that you didn’t want the boy you cared so much about to have a chance at it. 
He caught onto your uncertainty fairly quickly; you were obviously smiling but it didn’t reach your eyes. He let out a breath and carefully reached for your hand. 
“I know that you may feel hesitant about it but believe me, I know the risks but there is so much for me to gain from this experience. So please trust in me y/n.” his pleading eyes were too difficult to resist. 
“I do, I do trust you Cedric,” you mustered as much support as you could in that moment, “the Goblet would be stupid not to choose such a fine competitor.” Your words seemed to satisfy Cedric as he jumped out of his seat, gave you a quick kiss atop of your head and sped off to the Hufflepuff common rooms. 
He had made his mind up and the only thing you could possibly do was to try to hex that stupid over-gloried cup in your mind as you prayed to Dumbledore for Cedric’s name not to be pulled.  
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The news that students from other schools were coming to Hogwarts excited the masses. It wasn’t every day they got to see such new faces. Especially faces as attractive as the Beauxbaton and Durmstrang students. 
Everyone was bursting with excitement in the Great Hall, awaiting anxiously for the foreign students to arrive. You on the other hand were busy glancing at Cedric who was chatting happily with his housemates. 
“You’re staring you know.” Hermione’s deadpan voice made your head turn to face her, your eyes lingering just a second longer on the Hufflepuff table. 
“Honestly y/n, we have some of the greatest wizarding students coming in for a tournament that only happens every five years and your focus is on Diggory? Merlin y/n if anything, focus on the OWLs instead.” Hermione wasn’t annoyed, but instead truly baffled as to how you could easily ignore such a large celebration for one boy. 
You held up your hands in defense, but before you could retort, Dumbledore had already started introducing the new guests. 
The vision of blue overwhelmed your senses and you were stunned for a second, only being snapped back to reality by the hollering of the surrounding boys. You shifted in your seat in an attempt to see Cedric’s reaction to the Beauxbaton girls, but the rowdiness of the male students blocked your vision. Sinking back in your seat pouting, you wondered if Cedric was enjoying this as much as the other boys were. I mean, Ron was practically drooling. You didn’t have much time to sulk over the issue as you got simultaneously shoved on both sides by Hermione and Ginny. You craned your neck to see what was causing this female commotion. 
“Oh Merlin y/n, it’s Viktor Krum! And he’s even better up close!” Ginny whispered excitedly. You stared at the older boy not really impressed but you giggled with Ginny nonetheless, feeling left out of the Viktor-Krum-is-so-handsome festivities that were happening at the table. 
From across the grand path of new students, Cedric stared at you as you giggled and whispered with Ginny. Following your line of sight, his eyes were met with the stiff, soldier-like, famous Viktor Krum. Groaning, he hung his head in his hands as the noises of the Great Hall faded in his ears. He was beginning to think, maybe he was, in fact too cocky when it came to you. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Your friends were whispering excitedly in the courtyard when you had joined them. 
“What’s got you lot so excited?” you asked while squeezing to sit between Hermione and Ginny on the ledge. 
“Viktor Krum! What else?” Ginny chirped excitedly. Just at the mention of his name, the other girls squealed in pure bliss. You observed your young friends’ excitement happily. You hadn’t had much time to observe the new Hogwarts guests, as the reality of Cedric putting his name into the goblet this year became more and more clear to you. A warm hand delicately tapped your shoulder from behind you, breaking you from your worries temporarily, and you looked up and behind to see Cedric standing behind you while giving you his most infamous, heart-stopping smile. 
“Ladies” he nodded to the group of girls in acknowledgement before bringing his full attention to you. Content, you leaned your head back into his chest as you looked up at the boy who seemed to be radiating sunshine. 
“Cedric! What are you doing here?” you were beaming. He looked like honey. You couldn’t really describe it, but he was just so warm and so sweet. Beautiful really.  Especially in the courtyard sun. 
“I thought you could perhaps lend me your potions books for today?” he grinned lopsidedly at you as you sighed and pulled out the heavy book. How could you ever say no to this boy? 
“You’re the champion of my heart y/n, you know that?” you laughed when he clutched his heart with his free arm. Your heart bubbled with warmth. You let yourself bask in the feeling only for a moment when Ginny moved to head back to the common rooms first. Feeling rather amorous, you told her you would meet her back there soon. You wanted to share your bubbly feelings with someone and Ginny always loved listening to it. 
“Not just your heart Diggory.” Hermione teased quietly seeing that you were distracted with Ginny for a moment. She gestured Cedric towards a pair of Durmstrang students. One in particular seemed to be taking quite an interest in you. As the Durmstrang boy kept glancing at you, Cedric’s hand on your shoulder unconsciously became a little stiffer and he pulled you a little closer. 
Cedric then bent down to reach your ear and whispered lowly, “I really do appreciate it y/n. You’re not only the champion of my heart but also the one who holds my mind, body and soul in all completion.” The cheesiness of his words had you giggling. You knew he didn’t truly mean what he was saying, but the light tinge of pink on your cheeks was evident. 
Stretching back up to stand Cedric held his gaze on the Durmstrang boy, feeling rather confident and accomplished as he watched the boy’s friend pat him on the back consolingly as they walked away. 
“Oh, Merlin! I forgot that I told Ginny I’d meet her in the common room!” you frantically gathered your things and hollered rushed goodbyes. “Don’t forget to return my potions book Cedric!” you reminded and he chuckled lightly to himself in response. 
As your sporadic figure grew smaller in the distance, Hermione turned to face Cedric. “You know Diggory, every guy at Hogwarts may know of your guys’ relationship, but the ones at Durmstrang don’t.” Hermione stated matter-of-factly, making Cedric’s grin falter. 
“What’s that supposed to mean Granger?” Frustrated, Hermione groaned, “It means that although the boys at Hogwarts don’t fancy y/n, that doesn’t mean that the boys at Durmstrang won’t. You can’t pull that kind of stunt again with every Durmstrang boy she comes in contact with. Godric, boys are so dim sometimes!” she huffed as she turned on her heel to leave. 
Cedric rubbed the back of his neck, feeling quite sheepish for being caught in his rather childish act. Hermione was right though, he wouldn’t be able to keep every single guy away from you. So what was he supposed to do? 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
The night of the choosing of names came all too fast for you. You knew he put in his name. You knew he really wanted this. And for some reason, you felt like you knew he would be picked. This weighed heavily on your mind and you honestly could not for the life of you, pay attention to who the other two victors were. 
The paper flew out and Dumbledore caught it. The dread in your stomach increased to a nauseating level, the chatter of the students ringing in your ears and then the room went quiet. It wasn’t actually quiet but suddenly you weren’t able to hear the cheers of your peers as you watched the boy you yearned for so dearly, walk through the aisles in celebratory fashion. Your head started spinning, how many students had entered their names? What were the odds? How was it possible that the one student, the one student that you couldn’t risk being out in that tournament, had gotten picked? 
Cedric was on top of the world at that moment. He wasn’t too interested in becoming legendary or glorified through the Tournament but was simply elated to bring pride to the Hufflepuff House. He would be lying though, if he said that he would gladly take on the glory if it meant you would see him as such. Thinking of you, he searched quickly for your head in the crowd. When he finally spotted you, his grin widened but as he saw your fallen and disconnected expression he grew concerned and tried to move his way through the crowd to your spot. Unfortunately, it was a lost cause as the Goblet erupted once more and the wave of confused students swept Cedric further away from you. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Krum’s got a yes!” Cedric turned his attention away from his house tablemates to the rowdy group of Durmstrang boys that were chirping excitedly. 
“Who’s the lucky woman Viktor? I mean half of this school wants to be your date to the Yule Ball! You have to tell us who you ended up asking!” the boys leaned in eager to hear more about Viktor’s proposal. 
“Who else, I asked the pretty Gryffindor I said I would ask.” he replied shortly, seemingly unamused by his friends. 
“Bloody hell, he’s asked y/n!” Cedric whipped his head around to the first-year Hufflepuff who had also turned to listen in. Cedric’s facial expression dropped. 
Glancing at Cedric nervously one of the older Hufflepuffs questioned the girl, “How in Merlin’s Beard would know that? Krum didn’t even say that he had asked y/n.” 
“It’s obvious!” she smiled as she hurriedly reached into her pocket and fished out a piece of paper. 
“Prettiest…Girls…At…Hogwarts” one of the Hufflepuffs read aloud slowly. Unbeknownst to you, the twins have not only been solidifying their list with the Gryffindor first years, but ALL the first years. 
“Look!” she pointed to your tiny moving portrait on the paper. 
“It says right there: y/n, 6th year, Gryffindor. If Viktor Krum had been talking about a pretty Gryffindor, it had had to be her. She’s a prefect, he would absolutely go for her!” the tiny girl smiled proudly at her findings as if she had cracked a hard case. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Sitting alone in the Hufflepuff common room, Cedric was deep in thought. 
Had Viktor Krum really asked you to the ball? Had you really said yes? He knew he hadn’t asked you at all but he had assumed it was only natural that the two of you would’ve gone together. Right..?
The more he questioned you and himself the more miserable he became.
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fredsnumberonewife · 1 year
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How Harry Potter boys would react to you moving your hand closer to theres.
-Harry Potter
.He wouldn’t know how to react at first he’d be a little caught off guard.
. He hold your hand softly not really knowing what to do.
. Once he finally got used to it. He’d love the feeling of your hand in his he’d find it calming
-Ronald Weasley
. He’d get flustered by the feeling of your hand begin to slowly move closer to him.
. He would keep silent only speaking if you where to say something not wanting to ruin the moment
. Ron would find it really cute thsg you wanted to hold his hand and would sit there looking at you.
. And if you where rest your head on his shoulder he’d melt on the spot.
-Fred Weasley
. When he felt your hand slowly touching he couldn’t hide the smile.
. Of course he would end up teasing you saying things such as you can just grab my hand or your wouldn’t be a very good spy your not particularly secret.
. If you got flustered by his teasing he’d laugh at you even more.
. And if he ever felt your hand move away he’d bring your hand back and hold onto it tighter
-George Weasley
. When he’d feel your hand on his he couldn’t help but blush and become all nervous.
. He would love the feeling of your hand on his especially if you brushed your thumb softly against his hand his head would be spiralling.
. He didn’t want you to ever move away from him and if you even tried he take a tight hold of your hand not to tight to hurt you though.
- Cedric Diggory
. Before you even had chance to take hold of his hand he’d already have your hand in his
. If you where walking he would move your hand back and fourth showing you off letting everyone know your his girl
. If it was a cold day outside he would wrap his arm around your shoulder making sure to keep a tight grip on your hand.
-Draco malfoy
. At first he wouldn’t really know what to do.
. He’d not move his hand away but wouldn’t grab your hand first.
. Once he became a little more comfortable he’d grab your hand softly but with a secure grip.
. If anyone where to say anything about it he would became very flustered and embarrassed.
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metorea · 5 months
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Receiving Oral w/ HP Boys
smut below the cut!!! all characters aged up
♡ More than anything, Harry is nervous. Nervous to mess up, nervous to do poorly- just nervous. 
♡ But this doesn't stop him from trying. Quite contrary, actually, he tries very hard. 
♡ He has never gone down on anyone before, but he has …. done his research. 
♡ He's gentle and cautious at first, but the sounds you're making spur him on like nothing else 
♡ “So good, so so good. You can give me another right?” 
♡ He finds himself quickly drunk with lust, addicted to the reactions he's pulling from you 
♡ You will have to pull him off, because he's not stopping until his jaw locks up. 
♡ Weasley's man, I'm telling you. 
♡ This is probably one of the first sexual things you guys do together, period. Just going down on each other. No risk, high reward- what could be better?
♡ He's ever done it before you, but unlike Harry, he is not nervous in the slightest. In fact he is glaringly confident 
♡ For good reason, too. 
♡ Ron is, in a word, ravenous. 
♡ He may be oblivious most of the time, but in this arena, he is not. Quite contrary, he is incredibly in tune with you. Every move you make, every sound that leaves your pretty lips, he's listening and adjusting accordingly 
♡ “Fucking hell,” Is all you'd get from him, once or twice. His mouth is too full for him to say much else. Not that you're complaining. 
♡ Cedric is not a huge fan of oral. He prefers to get to the main event, where you're both feeling good. But seeing how interested you are in it, he's willing to try it. 
♡ And God, is he glad that he did. 
♡ He has you lay down on your back for him while he explores slowly, moving at an agonizing pace
♡ The first time you cum, he's shocked. He'd hardly done anything at all and here you were, a mess. 
♡ It opens up a whole new world of possibilities. 
♡ He watches and enjoys as feather light touches elicit the most extreme reactions from you, taking unbelievable pleasure in the way you're so desperate for him
♡ Yeah, oral becomes a staple of your foreplay from therein. 
♡ He wants this. He wants it an incredible amount. 
♡ You never have to ask. He is ready to go, constantly. 
♡ Under the desk. In a closet. On his bed. On your bed. On Fred's bed. Everywhere. 
♡ George Weasley is absolutely nothing in this world if not a munch. 
♡ And God, is he good at it. Entirely too good at it. It's almost too much, the way he devours you without inhibition. 
♡ You have to push him off when you've finally cum too much for you to handle, and simply can't keep going. Even then he'll try to persuade you to just let him help you clean up, resulting in an eventual round 10. 
♡ “Come on baby, you're okay. Hush pretty girl/boy, one more.” 
♡ Fred isn't a munch per se. He is, however, a freak. 
♡ He's always looking to try something new, something experimental. 
♡ One day, an idea occurs to him. What if he combined his two favorite things? You on top, and him making you feel good. 
♡ This lands you here, on his face 
♡ Fred LOVES it. He loves the way that he's drowning in you while you rut against him, his fingers digging into the fat of your hips hard enough to leave bruises as he pulls you down against him. 
♡ He's looking up at you with greedy eyes while you use his mouth to get off, and he could not be more thrilled.
♡ “Y/N, I told you to sit, not hover. So fucking sit.” 
♡ 69 sorry not sorry. 
♡ Draco is a very greedy man. He takes and gives nothing back, as has always been the case. 
♡ Luckily for you, this does not apply to sex … most of the time 
♡ He loves to have you sat on his face while you go down on him so he can feel you struggling to focus, choking on him while you shake against him. 
♡ He makes a game of it, trying to get you to finish before he does. More often than not, he wins 
♡ “Merlin, Y/N. Already? Tsk.” 
♡ He does it to think. I'm not kidding. 
♡ He's stressed out? You're crushing his head between your thighs. He's confused about something? You're sat on his face. 
♡ He uses you as a reassurance, taking pride in the way he can make you feel so, so good. 
♡ If he can control nothing in this world he can control how hard you're cumming on his tongue, amen.
♡ “Lay back.” He'd say, bursting into the room from what you can only assume was a long night, loosening his tie just enough for it to hang on his neck. “You know what I want prince(ss). Help me out, won't you?” 
Tom Riddle 
♡ Like most things with him, it is a ploy. A plot, to make you weak, make you pliable. 
♡ To Tom, there is no position more powerful for him than between your legs, staring up at you while you struggle to create any thoughts whatsoever. And that's exactly how he likes you; totally brainless. 
♡ Unlike the others, though, this is not about your pleasure. He is mean about it, always. More often than not, he goes down on you as a punishment, not a reward 
♡ He withholds orgasms for so long you're crying, shaking against him 
♡ And when he does let you cum, he refuses to let you stop- overstimulating you into a puddle
♡ He's a powerful wizard, he can go all night. And he does. 
♡ “What, it's too much?” Tom asks, raising an eyebrow with a sneer. “That's too bad. You aren't moving until I'm done with you.”
Requested by: @irissfoot
443 notes · View notes
cloudybarnes · 9 months
Busy Bee
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x slytherin!reader
Summary: you may have accidentally fallen asleep on draco, but in your defense, he was really comfortable to sleep on! now, though, you're forced to face your feelings for him and do something about them
Word Count: 2.6k+
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✰  ✰  ✰
“Blaise, move your big arse away from my comfy spot.”
You had a tiring day of classes, and wanted nothing more than to just relax for the rest of the night. You had gone back to the Slytherin common room to hopefully see some of your friends and just wind down for the night. 
Everyone in Slytherin knew there was one special spot on the lounge couch that was reserved for you. You had spent countless hours and dozens of nights in that exact spot either studying or just hanging out with friends. That was your spot, and when you came into the common room, everyone knew to make way for it. 
Blaise chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry, (Y/N), didn’t realize you’d be back so early.”
“Early?” You exclaimed as you jumped into your spot. “I’ve been busting my butt all morning for these stupid exams. I’m exhausted.”
Pansy groaned from her spot on the floor. “Why don’t you just cut yourself a break once in a while? It’s no fun when my best friend is too busy for, like, anything anymore.”
You frowned. “I’m not too busy for you! I’m here now, aren’t I?” You grabbed a blanket from the stockpile you kept in the common room, and wrapped yourself tight in it. 
Pansy rolled her eyes with a smile. “Yeah, yeah. You’re just in time to hear about the latest shit with Emma.” 
Pansy had a wild grudge against this poor Hufflepuff girl who didn’t even know that Pansy was beefing with her. It was quite funny, honestly, but you loved Pansy enough to let her moan on about what annoying thing Emma does everyday. 
“Oh goody.” Draco came out from the stairwell into the common room with a roll of his eyes. “Another go round of how insufferable you think that Hufflepuff is.” 
He glanced over to see you cocooned in your blanket and let out a soft laugh. Draco took his seat next to you and laid his arm over the back of the couch behind you. 
Draco intrigued you. Over the last year, the two of you had grown quite close. You considered Draco a good friend, but you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t wish it were more. Draco was kind. He was flirtatious and charming, but he was sweet and gentle with you as well. Sometimes you thought Draco may have feelings for you in return, but you were far too scared to confront him about it. 
“Well, for starters, we already know how much of a know it all she is, but for some reason she has to showboat just how smart she is. You’d think she was a Ravenclaw what with how obsessed she is with being correct.” Pansy said. 
Blaise started to respond to her squawking when Draco shifted closer to you. Blaise’s voice drifted away as you focused your attention to Draco. 
“You alright, Dray?” You asked. 
He smiled slightly. “Yeah, just trying to get comfortable. Salazar knows Pansy will be talking about this nonsense for hours.” 
Draco dropped his arm from the back of the couch to wrap around your shoulder and pull you into him. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, silently hoping Draco couldn’t feel the intensity of it. 
You tried to hide the grin threatening to break out on your lips as you snuggled closer to his chest. This was definitely a first for you guys. Though you and Draco had been quite flirty, he’d never been so open with his physical touch before. 
“Then she had the nerve to choose me as her partner. Like I would ever consider her!” Pansy glanced over at you and did a double take when she saw you wrapped up in Draco. Her eyes grew slightly, but she averted them with a clear of her throat as to not make it obvious. 
“And then, she had the audacity-“
“She really is quite obsessed with this hufflepuff, huh?” Draco whispered to you, quiet enough for Pansy not to hear. 
You looked up at him. His face was so close to yours, your noses were practically touching. You bit your lip as a smile threatened your face. 
“Yeah,” you whispered back as you stared into his eyes. “Leave her be though, it keeps her entertained.”
Draco chucked, his minty breath hitting your face due to your close proximity. Your own breath caught in your throat. You hadn’t realized just how close you were to him. You could feel your stomach doing cartwheels as you took in all of his glorious features up close. The glimmer in his eyes, the point of his nose, the curve of his lips. 
“I didn’t see you earlier,” Draco shifted the conversation, pulling your gaze from his lips back to his eyes. “What were you doing all day, busy bee?”
You blushed at the nickname. “I was just in the library writing up essays and study guides for our finals.” You let out a yawn, the reminder of your morning making you realize just how exhausted you were. 
“Sleepy?” Draco murmured in your ear.
You nodded your head with a mumbled ‘yes’, then rested your head on his shoulder. Draco wrapped his arm tight around your waist, pulling you as close to him as possible. With his other hand, he softly combed his fingers through your hair.
You hummed as you closed your eyes. “You’re comfy,” you sleepily mumbled. 
Draco chuckled. His fingers brushed against your cheeks every once in a while as he gently continued combing through your hair. 
As you felt yourself falling asleep, you could hear Draco shushing Pansy and Blaise to ensure they didn't wake you. 
✰  ✰  ✰
The next morning you wake in your bed, unsure of how you got there. You must have gone up sometime in the night and just not remembered. 
With a shrug, you stood up and stretched your arms over your head. Pansy was snoring in the bed next to you. You tiptoed over to her and gently shook her awake. 
“Pansy,” you called as you shook her some more. “Come on, babe, time to wake up.” 
She just grumbled and swatted your hand from her shoulder. You huffed. Pansy was terrible in the mornings, and for some reason unknown to you, she didn’t believe in alarm clocks so you got stuck waking her up every morning. 
A mischievous idea came to mind, and with a smirk you jumped on top of her sleeping body. 
“Ahh!” She shouted as you frantically shook her awake.
“It’s wake up time, Pans! We’ve got to get ready for our charms exam this fine, beautiful morning.” You said with a laugh. 
Pansy sat up and pushed you off of her so you laid on the bed instead. “Geez,” she grinned as she rubbed at her sleepy eyes. “Who knew a night with Draco would make you so chipper this morning.”
You sat upright in crisscross as your smile fell. “Wait, what?”
You had spent the night with Draco? But that didn’t make sense, you woke up by yourself in your own bed. Plus, you would have remembered if something had happened between the two of you. 
Pansy saw your confused expression and chuckled. She grabbed a pillow and gently swatted you in the face with it. “Not like that, you silly. Salazar knows if you slept with Draco you’d have probably died of happiness.”
“Hey!” You whined as a blush started creeping on your cheeks. “I’m not that crazy for him.” 
“Oh, please,” Pansy scoffed with a slight smile. “I saw the way you cuddled up with him last night. I almost had a heart attack for you when I saw how close you were! Go (Y/N), go (Y/N)!” She cheered. 
You laughed and pushed Pansy away from you. “Shut up!” Your giggles died down as you recalled how you laid with him last night. “Was it really that obvious?”
“Girl please! I thought Draco was gonna scoop you up and run away with you. You should have seen the look on his face when you fell asleep on him. He looked at you like you hung the damn stars in the sky.”
Your heart fluttered. You knew there was something going on with you and Draco, but by the way Pansy was talking, though she had a knack for exaggeration, it sounded like he really did have a thing for you. 
“So, what do I do now?” You asked as you slightly rocked back and forth on her bed. 
“Are you joking?” Pansy deadpanned at you. “(Y/N/N), you gotta go get your man! I’m tired of watching you two drool like little puppies over each other just for nothing to come out of it.” 
Your cheeks flushed. It had been a long time of this back and forth with Draco, and you decided you were ready to see where it got you. 
“Okay, I’m gonna tell him next time I see him.” You said. 
Pansy cheered. “Yes, finally! Now hurry up, I’ll help you pick a cute outfit that has ‘date me’ written all over it.” 
You chuckled as Pansy eagerly jumped up and ran to your closet. She grabbed your shortest skirt, a white button up top, and your Slytherin robes. 
“Pans, how is this any different than my usual outfit?” You asked as you stood from the bed and joined her near the closet. 
“Ah, my sweet (Y/N), it’s not about the clothes you wear, but how you wear them.” She grinned as she threw the clothes into your hands. “Put them on so I can work my magic.”
You chuckled and stripped out of your pajamas to put on your school outfit. Turning back to Pansy, you said, “Okay, now what?” 
She devilishly grinned. Pansy pulled your skirt even higher up your legs to expose just a bit more of the skin there. She unbuttoned the top two buttons of your shirt and fixed your boobs so they popped out a little bit more. She wrapped the robe around your shoulders, but let the front open so you could see everything underneath. 
“And no tie,” she added, “that way your shirt can stay that way.”
You chuckled. “You get me into all these crazy shenanigans, you know that right?” 
“You know you love me.”
“Yeah,” you added wearily, “but what if it’s too much? I mean, we still have to go to class. It’s not like I'm only going to see Draco.”
“Who cares?” Pansy asked as she started to dress herself in a similar manner. “Let the other boys stare and show Draco that you’re a hottie who other boys can get at if he decides he’s gonna be a wuss today.”
You laughed. Pansy always knew just how to make you feel better. “Alright, let’s get out there, then. Don’t wanna keep all the boys waiting.” You winked at her. 
Pansy smirked and wrapped her arm with yours. You walked out together and down to your first class that you shared. 
Luckily for you, Draco did not share the same period for charms as you. You thought if Draco was in the class you would have surely failed your final. 
You felt pretty confident in your answers, and soon enough class was dismissed. 
Your heart beat out of your chest as you said your goodbyes to Pansy and walked to your next class: one you shared with Draco. 
Nervously, you picked at your clothes as you walked to potions. On your way there, you couldn’t help but notice all of the random students staring at you. Boys, and girls, sneaked peaks at you as you walked past them. 
It felt nice to be noticed, you just hoped Draco would react in a similar way. 
Speak of the devil.
There Draco stood in all his glory. He leaned against the wall outside of the potions room looking you up and down. Draco’s lip was trapped between his teeth and he sized you up. 
“Bloody hell, (Y/N).” Draco mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear over your rapidly-beating heart. 
Draco pushed himself off the wall and started walking towards you, meeting you halfway. He didn’t say anything. All he could do was stare. Draco knew you were gorgeous; he’d be a bloody fool to not have noticed it before, but there was something about the way you looked that made his head spin. 
While he shouldn’t say it, Draco had always imagined how you would look after he’d had his way with you. He didn’t ever want to seem like a creep, you were too sweet for that, but that just made him more curious. 
In all honesty, he didn’t know you had this in you. 
“Uh, Draco?” You asked. Draco had zoned out as he stared at you. You could feel your cheeks getting warm and you took in how awestruck he looked. 
“Hm?” He glanced back up into your eyes. “Sorry, sweetheart, you just- you just look incredible. Well, you look gorgeous everyday, just you look gorgeous and sexy if that makes sense.” 
You raised an eyebrow almost teasingly. “Oh, so you think I look sexy now, huh?” You don’t know where this newfound confidence came from, but you liked the way Draco’s eyes widened as you crossed your arms over your chest, pushing your boobs out ever so slightly.
Once he recovered, a smirk adorned his handsome face. “I always think you look sexy, now I'm just seeing it in person rather than my dreams. And speaking of dreams,” Draco grinned devilishly, “how did you sleep last night, darling?” 
You had almost forgotten about the confusion of the night. “I slept well. I think.” You chuckled as you pushed a piece of hair behind your ear. “I don’t exactly remember getting to bed, though. Care to enlighten me?” 
Draco chuckled, “You fell asleep, quite adorably I might add, and I as the gentleman I am had the privilege of carrying you up the stairs and tucking you in for the night.” 
You smiled, “how come you didn’t just wake me?”
Draco’s cheeks tinged pink. “I, uh, I just knew how tired you were from your morning and I didn’t want to disturb you. Hope that was okay.” Draco rubbed the back of his neck a little awkwardly. 
You grinned and reached up to squeeze his arm. “It was really sweet of you, Draco.” 
The two of you stared at each other for a minute, the silence held some tension, it had some longing imbedded into it. 
“Do you want to go out sometime?” Draco cut you off. 
You gaped at him. “Like a date?”
Draco smiled, “yeah, exactly a date. I knew I’ve liked you for a little while, (Y/N), but when you cuddled up against me last night, I had this thought that I wanted to do it again. And then again after that too. You held onto like you needed me, and, uh, I really liked that.”
Draco blushed a little at his confession and shuffled his feet around nervously. 
You couldn’t help but grin and wrap your arms tight around his neck. Draco was a little taken aback by your quick movement, but surely sunk into your hug and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“I’d love to go out with you, Dray,” you whispered as you were pressed so close to him. “I’ve been hoping you would ask me out for a long time.”
Draco pulled away, but still held his hands on your waist. “Sorry for keeping you waiting so long, darling.”
You giggled and grabbed Draco’s hands to pull him towards the classroom. “Come on, Slughorn doesn’t wait for anyone and I need to do good on this exam.”
Draco chuckled and let you pull him along to class. He couldn’t wait to finally take you out on a date. 
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Hi I love ur “imgonnagethimback” and I was wondering if I could request a enemies to lovers kind of thing like in that story, the fem slytherin reader and Mattheo riddle secretly love each other, they don’t show it but are flirty to each other and they start fake dating to make one of their ex’s jealous and end up daiting for real in the end like a happy ending
obsessed with ur ex // mattheo riddle x fem slytherin reader
playlist : obsessed - olivia rodrigo
summary : you and mattheo constantly have forced proximity being in the same friendgroup , which you hated just as much as you hate him. so its kinda weird the boy that hates you was so eager to help make your ex boyfriend jealous?
y/n used , slytherin fem reader , swearing, not proof read
thank you for the request! i did my best to fit the whole plot into one part i hope you like it
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"blaise are you nearly done with the potions book , everyone else needs to read it too?!" pansy asked impatiently , sitting across from an unbothered blaise in the library.
your whole group had decided to study together in the library , including mattheo -sadly- , meaning the arguements over books and copying eachothers work had been going on for about an hour now.
"no , im not done. pansy." blaise said plainly , knowing it would only annoy the imaptient girl more.
"blaise!-" she started shouting before being cut off by you grabbing her arm and sliding a book towards her.
"panse...we had another copy the whole time." you said quietly , not wanting to recieve her wrath.
"well why didnt you tell me that 5 minutes ago!" pansy seethed as you avoided eye contact .
"yeah y/n , it such a shame you brain isnt as high quality as your looks." mattheo winked at you from across the table as you sneered at him , quickly replacing pansys anger with your own.
"shut up riddle , i am currently holding a very heavy book and i dont think your brain would like if it came hurtling at your head!" you rambled out quickly in anger , only amusing mattheo more as he grinned at you.
you let out a defeated sigh and slouched into your chair , looking away from the boy and at the table across the library that was emtpy a few minutes ago. but not anymore. now two people sat at it - your ex boyfriend cedric and-...CHO?!
you bolted up from your chair upon seeing them , sitting forward and staring with a shocked expression.
"whats wrong baby , you look like youve seen a ghost!" mattheo laughed at you until pansy shot him a glare and put a hand on your shoulder , having seen cedric and cho aswell.
"y/n just ignore him , he was always a shitty guy-was that not obvious?" pansy tried to comfort you , eventhough it had no effect on your shattered heart.
you and cedric broke up last week , and he was already cuddling with cho in the library?! you didnt think it was even possible to move on that fast.
by this point mattheo had turned to peer at what you stared at to , spotting cedric and scowling.
"dickhead." he muttered to himself , lorenzo having heard it smirked at him.
"i-..." you started , "i want to be sad about it but i....still like cedric."
the whole group gaped at you , shocked by your sudden confessions as theodore broke the silence, "how can you still like that thing?! he broke your heart y/n."
"we were together for ages theo , its not something i can get over in a week." you replied , arguing for your emotions.
"yeah well he clearly didnt show any signs of struggle," mattheo scoffed as you glared at him, firey-eyed.
"fuck you riddle! read the room!" you said quickly with anger before getting up out of your seat , scraping it harshly along the floor before running out of the library.
"way to go mattheo mate," lorenzo said , rolling his eyes.
"they were together for 6 months not a fucking century , shes just being dramatic." mattheo argued back with a shrug.
"its different for girls mate." blaise added , suprisingly deciding to defend you rather than joining in on the teasing.
"very different , remember in second year when you cried for weeks over you 2 day ravenclaw boyfriend panse-?" draco started before being cut off by a flushed pansy.
"shut up draco!" she exclaimed as the whole group laughed at her , asides from mattheo who had long since got up and left the library.
"sorry." mattheo said quietly to your curled up frame once he found you in an empty corridor , sat on the floor with you head hung low.
"piss off riddle im not in the mood." you muttered , your voice breaking slightly.
there was a short break of silence as mattheo searched his thoughts for what to do in order to help you.
"lets date." mattheo said confindantly , breaking the heavy silence.
you head snapped up at this , allowing him to see your tear stained face and shocked expression look up at him.
"lets date." mattheo said before panicking , "not-not real date! lets fake date make-.....cedric....jealous"
the bitter way he said cedrics name made you cringe as you replayed his words in your head , "youd...do that for me-?"
"yes!" he cut you off with zero hesititation.
you slowly got up from the ground , dusting off your uniform and walking towards an increasingly nervous mattheo riddle, "thank you mattheo. id love to fake date you"
mattheos whole body heated up as you said his name , he was so used to being called 'riddle' , you saying his name felt like a blessing from the great divine.
"y-youre...youre welcome" he stuttered out as you smiled at the boy , a genuine smile.
"wait outside my dorm tomorrow morning , we can walk to breakfast together!" you grinned happily , deciding not to question your own excitement.
"hi mattheo!" you said happily as you stepped out of your dorm , finding the boy nervously stood outside the door.
"hi," he said quietly , avoiding your eye until you grabbed his face and forced him to look at you.
"you need to look at me if you want people to believe us, babe." you said with a smirk as mattheo turned bright red clearing his throat and pulling your hand off his face.
"right - youre right. lets go." he said before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away from you.
"stop!" you called out to him as he sighed and turned back around , waiting as you walked towards him.
once you were finally infront of him, you placed your bag from your shoulder to his , "boyfriends carry their girlfriends bags".
he scoffed , ready to argue back before you grabbed his wrist and pulled a green bracelet out of your pocket , along with a hair tie.
"and they wear matching bracelets!" you grinned as you slipped the accessories onto his wrist and help up your own wrist , showing him the purple bracelet that you also wore , the same as his but just a different colour.
mattheo blushed deeply , staring down at the bracelet and hair tie , "did-..was this cedrics?"
you looked at him , confused and slightly offended , "no? of course not! i made these last night!"
you pointed at your bracelet that had a letter M charm on it , shining brightly and making mattheos icy persona melt to a poodle of chilling love.
"oh-..thanks." he said awkwardly , holding back a smile.
"dont mention it! lets go." you said before intertweining your hand with his and dragging a flustered mattheo down the corridor and towards the great hall.
you whole journey to the great hall had been accompanied by whisperes and points towards the two of you , people gasping at your hand in mattheos and your bag on his shoulder.
"i wonder if cedric will notice." you whispered to mattheo as you walked through the doors of the great hall.
you didnt realise that mattheos grip on your hand had tightened after hearing your words , his body stiffening at the sudden memory of what all this was for. you didnt actually like him. and he hated that.
or atleast he didnt think you liked him.
"i still can believe it." pansy said as you both laid on your beds , gossiping in your dorm.
its been two weeks of you 'fake dating' mattheo and it had been going well , cedric seems to be acknowledging you more and your whole group had noticed the increased amount of times mattheo smiled a day. and it had increased a lot.
"panse , whats so hard to believe , he offered a way to get cedric jealous and i took it!" you said , matter of factly.
"yeah but why mattheo! i thought you would reject him and do it with like - enzo instead!" pansy rambeled as you turned and looked at her , laughing.
"pansy it isnt that serious!"
"are you sure about that...seriously y/n i never seen you two so happy before..." pansy said softly , confronting you.
you couldnt deny that you were happy ,so happy that it made you realise it was never cedric you deeply cared about. you accepeted mattheos offer because it was mattheo. but you just werent ready to admit that to him yet.
"i-...i think i like mattheo. theres no use denying it to you - you can read me like a book."
"yay! im so glad youve admmited it , now go confess!" pansy squealed , getting up to try and drag you off your bed.
"pansy im in my pajamas and its 11:50pm , it can wait!" you laughed as pansy sighed and let go off your legs , stumbling back to her bed.
"okay fair enough. but you need to confess soon lover girlll!" pansy teased as you giggled and threw a pillow at her.
"i like you y/n."
okay a little bit of context.
you were just sat at your table in the great hall ,resting your head on mattheos shoulder when a deep voice from behind you interupted the group. and thats how we got here! with cedric diggory stood infront of you confessing he 'likes you' in front of all your gobsmacked friends. not to mention your furious boyfr- fake. boyfriend..
"what-" you started before being cut off by mattheos lips on yours.
all of your friends gasped loudly as you froze completely , he continued to kiss you softly , giving you time before you eventually kissed back.
it felt like forever had passed by before panys tense voice cut you and mattheo apart, "guys hes gone please - PLEASE STOP!"
you both quickly moved back , your eyes awkwardly scanning you friends, landing on pansy who covered her eyes and looked down with disgust.
"well thats put me off my food." draco stated , dropping his fork with frustration as you turned bright red.
you turned to mattheo , who only looked at you, searching your expression for a single glimpse of happiness about the kiss. just when he thought he wouldnt find it you abtruptly stood from the table and ran out of the hall , to the nearest abandoned corridor.
you paced back and forth replaying what had happened until the loud sound of running distracted you , mattheo running to stand infront of you and stop your pace.
"y/n-" he started before you cut ihm off , finally making eye contact.
"why would you do that mattheo?!" you asked in pure confusion.
"i know i know- the whole point was to get diggory to like you and i blew it - im so sorry-" he stuttered.
"i love you!" you shouted over him.
the long break of silence that followed nearly made you burst into tears of humiliation.
your realisation for the love you held for mattheo came on the night you talked with pansy , you asumed he liked you back but the tense atmosphere you currently stood in made you heart break with every passing minute.
"i love you too...i-i love you so much and i have for ages-" he started before being cut off by your lips harshly on his again, the kiss holding more passion and meaning than the last.
after a while you pulled away and wrapped your arm around his neck ,smiling up at the flushed boy.
"it was never really about diggory , i was upset sure; but i only accepted your offer because i- i wanted to date you" you whispered with hot cheeks as mattheo smiled down at you adoringly.
"good because im yours," you both laughed lightly as he brushed a hand through your hair, "be my real girlfriends y/n y/l/n?"
"i thought youd never ask!"
a/n : this is lowkey kinda ass sorry LMAO
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fangisms · 7 months
lady may
A/N: something ab writing for an angry hufflepuff really saved my soul. she is SO valid. maybe i’m her. (also this song eats away at my brain, so i had to write ab it… naturally) gif creds: @frodo-sam
Pairings: Cedric Diggory x Fem!Grumpy!Hufflepuff!Reader
Summary: Well, he’s not the toughest hickory that your axe has ever felled // But he’s a hickory just as well 1.5k words
Warnings: fluff, cursing, two idiots very much in love, pining, angry hufflepuff, dumb/embarassed reader (lovingly), golden retriever cedric, quidditch injury mention
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How could you look so beautiful drenched by the pouring rain, hovering ten meters in the air, goggles suctioned to your face, barking orders at the rest of the team like a drill sergeant? It’d always make him wonder. And midgame, that’s a silly thing to do. Which is exactly why he’s doing it.
You’re the angriest girl Cedric’s ever met. World class beater and a great captain, but you’ve got serious anger issues. The guys have started calling you boxer because you’re always on the verge of a scrap. Cedric has seen you chew out almost every position on the team. Except him. You’ve never yelled at him, you barely even look in his direction on a good day. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, he wants you to yell at him.
Well, not entirely inexplicable. Now would be the best time to mention he’s got a huge crush on you. In fact, he’s had a crush on you since you became team captain. You’ve always been pretty, but something about the title and the power really commanded his attention.
Which is precisely why he needs you to yell at him. He craves it. He’s been waiting all year for you to tell him he’s an idiot and that he’s doing everything wrong. But you won’t. And desperate times call for very desperate measures.
He’s barely dodging bludgers, not even trying for the snitch, doing party tricks in front of the stands, anything for you to glance his way. And then he goes and gets knocked off his broom. Luckily, he wasn’t too high in the air and he wasn’t flying too fast. The worst that happened was he got the wind knocked out of him. The best? You marching toward him like a sicced dog.
You kneel at his side, goggles loose around your neck as you coo, “are you okay?”
What? No, this is all wrong, you’re supposed to call him stupid, say that next time he’s off the team. Not ask if he’s okay.
Cedric nods and you help him sit up, signalling to the stadium that he’s alright. A cheer rips through the crowd.
“Can you play?” you huff, patting his back softly. He’s got butterflies.
“Yeah,” he says. When you get him on his feet, he almost wishes you won’t let go. And he suddenly remembers you’re much prettier up close, and his heart nearly gives out.
“Good sport, Diggory,” you tease, hopping back on your broom, “Back to work!”
It’d take a brain injury to get your attention.
The game goes off without a hitch: Cedric goes back to actually trying for the snitch and wins Hufflepuff the game. He’s a little disappointed he hsan’t given you anything else to be upset about. So once the celebration is over, he catches you outside of the locker rooms.
“Why didn’t you get mad at me?” Cedric asks, jogging to catch you as you head back towards the dorms. You don’t respond, but he’s sure you heard him. So he nudges your shoulder. “Come on, boxer, I’ve seen you angry, I’m prepared.”
You stop dead in your tracks, and he slows to a stop just behind you. Then you turn to face him, and he’s never seen your glare so intense.
“Listen, Diggory, you’re smart, you’ve got talent, and I trust you to perform well on this team. So I can’t for the life of me understand why you go out on that field just to dick around.”
You’re serious. Not angry, just serious. You’ve got this calm and collected tone that drives him absolutely up-the-wall insane. But he wants you to yell.
“You have plenty of adoring fans tracking your every move, you don’t have to pull dumb shit to get people to like you. You could’ve gotten yourself hurt or killed, understand? So I advise you put your team and your safety before your reputation,” you say, storming off with your bag slung over your shoulder.
And it gets him kind of worked up because obviously, he wouldn’t have done any of it if it weren’t for you. You and your stupidly selective anger issues. And your stupid smile.
“Hold on,” he hollers, still half drunk on the idea of being subject to your rage, “you think I don’t put this team at the top of all of my lists? Clearly, I love this stupid sport or I wouldn’t put so much damn time and effort into it!”
“If you love this sport, act like it.” Your jaw ticks before you march through the doorway, leaving him flustered in the mist of the courtyard.
He’s giving it one last go. If you won’t get angry with him, maybe he ought to just confess his feelings outright. This feels like the most rational he’s ever been. He even combed his hair extra carefully in hopes of you noticing.
Your friends quiet down when he approaches you in the mess hall, small flower pinched between his fingers, grin plastered across his face. You look a little annoyed but he’s pretty sure it’s just shock. And suddenly it feels like grade school when they all burst into giggles.
“This is for you—”
He cocks a brow. “Yeah?”
You grab the sleeve of his robes and drag him out into the hall, near slamming him into the stone wall. So much for his combed hair.
“What was that back there?” you hiss, “What’s wrong with you?”
“Well. I brought you a flower. It’s from the field—”
“I can see that!”—you’re frenzied searhcing for any possible explanation other than he has a head injury from falling—“Explain to me why.”
He looks confused and presents the flower again.“Isn’t it obvious?”
You look down at the flower. It’s small and white and looks so delicate in his hand. And you look at him. You suppose his pupils are a little extra dilated. “Are you poisoned? Or drunk?”
You finally let go of him to gesture wildly. “Then what, Cedric—Merlin’s beard—What???”
“I brought you a flower,” he coos, tilting his head. You press two fingers to the bridge of your nose.
“Yeah, I got that part—”
“Hold on—hasn’t anyone ever given you something nice because… they like you?” Cedric hums, shuffling closer to you. Your eyes are glued to the tiny flower, but you won’t take it. Then you glare up at him.
“Is this a joke? Did the twins put you up to it?”
“No, just take the flower! I like you!” He sounds dastardly jovial, taking your wrist in one hand and presisng the flower to your palm with the other.
“What?” you scoff. Still staring down at the flower, making him wish his face was made of them so you’d look at him like that.
“Yeah,” he sighs.
And then you look at him. In the eyes. Perplexed, brows knitted, but you’re looking right at him and he could faint. Maybe it is a head injury.
“But I’m not… I’m not like…”
“Like what?” he asks.
“Well, it’s just—I’m confused because… you like pretty girls, and I’m not… that’s not what I do—am. What I am.”
“You’ve got to be joking,” he huffs.
“Cho is pretty,” you state.
“You’re pretty.”
“No, Cedric, I play quidditch. If I was pretty, I’d have a boyfriend,” you reason, shrugging your shoulders and giving him a real run for his money.
“And those things are connected… how?”
You scoff and relax a little when he puts his hands on his hips. So what if he’s incredibly handsome. So what if your friends want to see you together. So what if he’s the one person you don’t want to rip to shreds. It’s not like any of that matters. Right?
“It makes sense!” you say.
“No, it doesn’t. Can I be your boyfriend?”
“Diggory, don’t—”
“Is that a no?”
“Well, no! But you’re being rash! You’ll change your mind, and you’ll want your flower back!”
He shakes his head. “No. I gave you a flower because I think you’re very wonderful and very beautiful and I want to be your boyfriend.”
“But…”—he’s very amused by the fact that he’s made you flustered—“I sweat a lot!”
“So do I,” he chuckles, “we do play quidditch together, I hope you know.”
“Okay, okay, fine. We… argue!” you chirp.
“And you’re almost always right! Problem solved,” he says, “Now, would you be my girlfriend or do I have to get down on my knees?”
“No! I mean, yes! No, no, no knees, just… yes. I will be your girlfriend.”
Cedric smirks, taking the flower from your still open palm and tucking it behind your ear. Yesterday, he could barely say hello to you, and now he’s pulling you closer and tilting your chin up. His heart flutters when you palm his waist, and you smile when he leans a little closer.
“Are you going to kiss me?” you hum. He chuckles.
“Only if you’d like.”
You roll your eyes and smile. “Naturally.”
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undrrcxxt · 1 year
Golden Era P Links!
warnings: p*rn, twitter, only the characters i know are included.. but if u want anyone added just let me know! just use ur imagination!! obviously they won’t look perfect but i tried..
i hate having things in my drafts!! so i’m going to post this and just add videos whenever i find them!!
Harry Potter
overstimming sub!harry
harry fingering you<3
tell me this doesn’t give virgin harry vibes<3
Ron Weasley
you slowly fucking ron
ron mouth fucking you
Hermione Granger
hermione eating u out
making out with hermione while she rides a dildo
Fred Weasley
riding fred’s face
this is screaming fred. the way he does his little hop off the bed
George Weasley
george fucking you
george getting you off<3
Ginny Weasley
ginny fucking u (pretend the top girl has red hair. she was just giving major ginny vibes yk?) <3
rough!ginny fucking you with her strap
Cedric Diggory
making out with ced
pegging cedric<3
cedric sucking ur titties
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sharararararara · 7 months
My Swan- Yandere Viktor Krum x reader
Warning: Obsessive behavior, kinda stalking? Krum is simp for the reader, the reader likes Krum but does not know about his yandere tendencies.
tell me if I missed something.
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He first noticed you when he was putting his name in the goblet, you were sitting beside your friends, laughing and smiling together. You looked gorgeous, your smile, your hair, and the sound of your laughter was like music to his ears. Was this love at first sight? He thought, no...he needs to focus on the tournament, he can't be crushing on some girl whom he never interacted with.
As days went by, he couldn't help but think of you, sometimes he thought you bewitched him. He always stares at you from the corner of the room, waiting for you to talk to him.
After he fought with the Chinese Fireball, he got a few burn marks, but he did not really care about them, It was not really that serious. But that was when you came, carrying a basket of medicine, with a worried look on your face. You decided to help the players whenever they got injured, you were good in medicine and can heal people quickly.
You asked him if he was okay if you healed him, he nodded, surprised by your act of kindness. You gently applied petroleum jelly to his burn marks. While you were healing him, he stared at you with admiration in his eyes, that was the time when he realised that he liked you.
After that day he bumped into you again, you were in a library reading a book, he slowly walked to you, wanting to talk to you.
You felt someone sitting beside you, you looked only to see Viktor Krum, the guy you healed yesterday. You smiled and scoot over to give him space, Oh hey Viktor, how are your burn marks? You asked wondering if you did a good job healing him, Viktor said it was healing quickly and was not painful anymore. You smiled at what he said, What are you reading? He asked as he looked at the book you had on the table, You said it was about plants, you had a great interest in plants, you loved taking care of them, and feeling very happy when they grow. Viktor just listened to your rambling about plants. He loved your voice, it was so calming to hear.
The yule ball was coming, but you still did not have anyone to go with. You were sitting in the library, as usual, reading about plants when Viktor came. Oh hello Viktor! Do you need anything? you softly said since you were in a library, I just wanted to ask you something... Said Viktor as he sat beside you. Oh, OK then! What did you want to ask about? You asked as you smiled at him, I just want to ask...If you want to go to the Yule ball with me, Said Viktor hoping that you would say yes, Wait what? W-with me? I mean Viktor there are other girls you can choose from other than me- But I want you, you got caught off by Viktor, Oh well...Sure why not? Viktor smiled as he kissed your cheek, see you then, said Viktor as he walked away. You blushed covering your face and smiling, you got a date with Viktor Krum.
You were getting ready for the ball, you were excited, and nervous at the same time. You were putting on your dress while rambling to Hermione, What happens if he does not like my dress?! Or he does not like my hair?! Oh, Merlin's Beard what happens if he regretted asking me- Relax (your name)! He will not regret asking you! So hurry up and put your dress on because the ball is about to start!
You were in front of the entrance to the Yule Ball when you suddenly hid yourself, OH MY GOSH I CAN'T DO THIS! what do you mean? said Hermione, trying to pull you inside. I'm so nervous Hermione! Why are you nervous?! Krum asked you because he obviously likes you so stop acting like that and get in! But Hermione- You got dragged inside by Hermione when you spotted Viktor, you froze, you could not move, Hermione smirked at you as your face started to become red, You look beautiful (Your name), said Viktor, u-um ah... Thanks, Viktor...You look handsome, I mean uh- Viktor smiled as he extended his hand, you looked at Hermione, and she gave you the biggest smirk ever. You held Viktor's hand as he guides you too the doors that were about to open.
The doors opened, and people were staring at you, Did Viktor Krum really choose you as his date? Of all the girls, it was you who he chose? The girl who was obsessed with studying plants and medicine?
You felt insecure, I should have not came here... You mumbled to yourself thinking no one heard, but Krum did, he heard everything, he heard about the whispers people gave to you. He swears he will kill them when he has a chance, how could they say that to someone as sweet as you? Krum gently gave you a squeeze on your hand, making you look at him, Krum gave you a smile telling you to ignore what they were saying. You nodded smiling back at him.
Here you are, dancing with him,, He looked at you lovingly as you both swayed together, You looked like a swan, so graceful...
The music changed into rock music, everyone cheered and started to dance together. You laughed with Krum, dancing and spinning around.
I will get us drinks, stay here ok? Said Krum leaving to get drinks for the both of you guys, you smiled, you were blushing so much. So how was it? Said a smiling Hermione who approached you. It was amazing, He was so nice and sweet, you said to Hermione. Looks like someone is in love, said Hermione as she smirked at you. Shut up! You shouted as you giggled with Hermione.
A random guy asked you to dance with him, you denied apologising and said that your date was getting drinks for the both of you guys. But the guy kept on forcing you, he grabbed your hand, which hurt you because of his nails. Hermione started shouting at him to let you go, only to be ignored. You were shouting at the guy to let you go until someone pushed him to the ground. It was Krum, you saw the drinks he brought for you in the ground, pieces of glass and juice everywhere. Krum jumped on him trying to punch him, you grabbed his arm trying to get him off the guy. Viktor get off him, please! you shouted which alerted the teachers. The teachers grabbed him, pulling him off the guy who was scared for his life, Krum was still angry at him for touching and hurting you. The teachers pulled him away, pushing him away from the guy.
The night ended with a grumpy Krum and a worried reader, Krum why did you do that-
He touched you! He shouted, turning to you with anger. He touched you and hurt you! I know he did but still, you did not need to hurt him! Viktor grumbled as he sat on the ground. You sighed and sat beside him. But I do thank you for protecting me, You said softly, smiling at him and holding his hand.
Viktor looked at you and smiled, his angry mood slowly vanishing.
It was the day when Viktor had to go back to Durmstrang, You hugged him and kissed his cheek, I will miss you Viktor, you said as your forehead touched his, I will miss you too... Said Viktor as he hugged for one last time.
(your name), promise to write to me.
I promise I will write to you Viktor.
You waved at Viktor when the ship was sailing off, Viktor waved back, blowing you a goodbye kiss.
Hey (Your name)?
Yes Hermione? You looked at Hermione who was beside you.
Have you seen that guy who tried to dance with you in the yule ball? I did not see him in days.
Now that you mentioned it...No I have not seen him.
Maybe he is hiding in his dorm, because of how scared he got of Krum, Said Hermione as you both laughed at the silly joke she made. Not knowing what really happened to him.
Krum killed him.
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