#she was essentially tortured to death and left behind children and a husband who had to sit there and watch her die like that
laurelwinchester · 2 years
at this point my doctor’s ‘’chill’’ demeanor is becoming a fucking problem
#i have chronic iron issues#i have to get my levels checked regularly#at my last check my levels were low so my doctor told me to take supplements#which would be fine except that i don't absorb supplements and she knows that#''eh just try and we'll see what happens'' i was told#what happened is that my ferritin level dropped to a fucking 2 and i am so ill i'm basically non functional#and now it's going to take longer to fix#i get that as a canadian i'm not allowed to complain about healthcare where americans can see it without risking being piled on#but canadian healthcare fucking sucks#it was borderline negligent before the pandemic collapsed the system#you go to your doctor and say ''something's wrong''#and they say ''here's a band aid if you don't die it wasn't serious if you do die it was that's pretty much all we're willing to do''#now you don't even get the fucking band aid#you get sick and you go to your doctor or the emergency room and you wait hours and days and months#and they look at you for five seconds and go ''oh damn this is bad lol thoughts and prayers off you go''#a thirty seven year old woman died in a nova scotia emergency room on new year's after waiting seven hours#she was in excruciating pain and kept telling her husband ''i think i'm dying'' and they kept brushing her off#she died slow and scared and in pain after lying on the dirty floor of an emergency room#she was essentially tortured to death and left behind children and a husband who had to sit there and watch her die like that#and it was completely preventable#and it will happen again in this country#it's probably happening somewhere right now#anyway now i get to go fight for the infusions i should have gotten months ago while i'm so ill i can't stand for longer than a few minutes#end rant#personal
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Another gift for @wildfaewhump because your comment about putting your oxygen mask on inspired me! Sorry that I had to rewrite the part that got erased this morning!
CW: Some HEAVY subject matter is referenced or discussed here, please heed these CWs: referenced torture, referenced past burns. discussed extended metaphor involving parenting and plane crash/loss of cabin pressure, mentioned/referenced sudden death of spouse and grief, self-loathing thought pattern, brief memory of choking
tagging: @oofowouchies who asked to be tagged for Antoni-stuff, plus @astrobly, @burtlederp, and @finder-of-rings who are my everything taglist!
"Have you ever heard the saying, 'put your own mask on first', Antoni?" Dr. Berger smiles at him. She has a bit of hair coming loose from where it's been tucked behind one ear, her short, sharp bob dyed a deep, rich brown. It was red last year.
Chris loves that about her. He loves seeing people who change themselves in small or big ways year by year, the way he does. Antoni, though, doesn’t change. He stays the same, more or less. His hair a little shaggier, or longer, his eyes set a little more deeply in his face. But mostly he is the same.
Antoni gives her a thin smile, a barely-there stretch of lips, and gives his head a little shake, ducking his chin to look down towards the floor in the safehouse he goes to for therapy on Thursdays. "No, I am sorry," He says, softly. "I don't know the phrase."
At least, he doesn't know it anymore.
It does sting at the inside of his mind, in a way he can't turn into anything coherent. Itches like his scars. Gives him a sense of feeling very small in a big space, of falling asleep in someone's lap. The sudden dip in his stomach like being at the top of a roller coaster and knowing there is no way you’ll survive the trip back down, and yet you do, and yet he did, somewhere in the deeper recesses of his memories.
Dr. Berger can see when Antoni’s eyes go distant - she works with fifteen rescues at any given time, meeting with them in the evenings and weekends, fitting in an hour here or there when her regular practice won’t notice. She is used to the way a rescue’s face can shift to something empty and sad in a blink, as they find some part of themselves just peeking up above the surface.
With Antoni, he tries to let it drift back beneath as often as it can. What he remembers is bad enough. He doesn’t want to know how much worse it could get, for him to know why all of this happened to him.
She waits, as always, for Antoni to find himself again. Only then does she speak. "When you board a plane, there's a bit about safety at the beginning," Dr. Berger says thoughtfully. 
Her pen taps the notepad she keeps. She’s written some things there, in the code she uses. Even if someone found her notes, they would be about a manic-depressive, a man fighting generalized anxiety, treating an adult with ADHD - you would never look at those notes and know she is writing about Leila, about Antoni, about Chris.
You could read her notes on a patient struggling with abandonment issues caused by an abusive relationship and never once understand that she speaks to Kauri on Friday nights, the weeks he agrees to show up at her door with a shy, nervous smile and the wish, just one more week one more meeting one more time, to try.
Antoni's fingertips tap against his own leg. His left leg is the bad one today. They take turns, his limbs, burning over old scars with new injuries that aren't real. They keep him tightrope-walking along some terrible boundary between the person he must be - strong, capable, always ready with a helping hand - and the smaller, meaner, worse person he really is.
The damaged skin, the broken nerves inside of him are all reminders that he deserved it all, and worse, and if he went back he could wear all his wrongs on his skin like he should. But he won’t go back. 
He is too needed. As long as he’s needed, he will stay.
As long as he’s needed-
"They give the same speech every time. Wear your seatbelt as long as the light is on, stay seated, all these basic things. We all kind of know it by our second or third flight but they still repeat it, so that your… well, so your muscle memory will remember in an emergency even when you can’t think rationally, even if you’re following the lights towards the exit because your body knows there was a speech about this even though your mind’s just… checked out with panic. Sorry, let me get to my point. There's a bit there about what to do in a worst-case scenario... like a pressure drop if the plane has to change altitude too quickly. These little masks drop down from, ah-" She frowns, eyebrows furrowing. "Little... panels above your seat. And if you put the mask on, it gives you oxygen until you have enough in the plane to breathe again."
Antoni nods, just to show he's listening.
“One thing that they say, during the speech about the oxygen masks, is how important it is if you’re flying with someone who needs assistance, or you have a child or infant, that you put their oxygen mask on before your own. In the case of a pressure drop, you have seconds, Antoni, before you’ll stop thinking rationally, start acting drunk, losing reason. You have a minute, maybe a couple of minutes, before the situation is even more dire than that. So it’s imperative, absolutely essential, to put your own mask on before you help your child. Do you know why?”
He looks up at her, her warm understanding eyes, and shakes his head. “If you did that, you would save only yourself,” He points out, his voice low, a little gravelly.  “You should save the child instead.”
“No, Antoni.” She licks at her lips in thought, and his eyes drop to her hands, to the wedding band she wears with a sparkling diamond on one finger layered over a plain band next to it. I wear one for my late husband, She’d told him when he asked, and one for my second husband. 
I am so sorry. How did he die?
It was… sudden. Let’s not discuss my scars on our first meeting, Antoni. I’m sorry, it’s just difficult for me to talk about.
But they must talk about his, the ones he will admit to anyway, until he can barely breathe for the burning. He has to admit, though, he feels cleaner when he leaves these appointments, like he’s been purified by the fire, not burned by it. If he could only burn enough…
Dr. Berger clears her throat and gestures with the pen in her hand as she speaks. “As a mother - no, a parent - every single instinct in you will scream to save your baby first. This doesn’t apply across the board, obviously, but for most parents there will be a primal need to get your child out of danger before you care for yourself. In the case of hypoxia, those moments you spend trying to put a mask on your child could result in enough of a loss of oxygen to the brain that you are not only unable to get your own mask on, but you don’t put your child’s on correctly. But if you put your own mask on first, you will have a clear head and working lungs and can take the steps you need in your right mind to provide the best possible result to the situation.”
Antoni waits a beat, then swallows. “Dr. Berger, this is not a plane crash. I am not… I am not a parent.”
He can’t imagine the terror, of handling something so tiny and fragile as the children he sees, like Leila’s tiny infant daughter. Of having to hold it and feed it and care for it when it needed you more than it needed anything else in the world. How could you ever be expected not to shatter under the weight of that sort of responsibility? 
Bad parents made sense to Antoni, the way that bad owners made sense. Power and control over another human being gave you too many reasons, too many chances, to make them suffer for their sins against you. What staggered him wasn’t the existence of bad parents, but that anyone could be a good one.
“Aren’t you, Antoni?” Dr. Berger gives him that slight smile again, then waves her hand. “Sorry, that wasn’t a useful question to ask you. What I’m trying to say is that you come here every week and tell me about your life, but there is something missing from the story.”
There’s a flip in his stomach. He knows where this is going. “What?”
“You.” She taps her notepad again, where she’s written his ‘code’ name, the fake one she uses for all her reports on him. “You are missing, Antoni. You spend your every waking moment supporting Jake Stanton, and Chris, and helping out with the other shelters, and these are all valuable things, but… what of your life is about you?”
He rubs his face with his hands, shaking his head back and forth. “I am not-... I am not sure what you mean.” His voice trembles, a little, something inside him twists and turns to ice. “I like what I do.”
“I know, but… Antoni.” Dr. Berger sits back, glancing over at the window at the night outside. There’s a street light shining a circle down on the sidewalk, and outside of that hint of light the rest of the neighborhood is shrouded in darkness except for the dim yellow lights he can see cutting through blinds or shining out second-story windows. “Do you begin to see how the metaphor applies?”
He doesn’t answer. If he doesn’t answer, he won’t have to say yes.
“You have built a life that consists of providing oxygen to everyone else around you,” Dr. Berger says, and her voice is very low, and soft. “I know the feeling. I did the same, after… well. I did the same once upon a time. I had two young children and it was, God, I don’t even remember the first year. It’s just… the life I’d had was gone, and rather than think about a new one, all I did was tread water. All I did was put the masks on my children and pray I would find the air to breathe before it was too late for me, too. When we have our talks, Antoni, I find… I see a lot of that same way of living in you.”
“I have not lost my husband.” He looks up at her but she isn’t smiling, only looking at him very seriously again, studying his face in that way she has of looking beneath. 
“No,” She says, quietly. “But you lost a life, one that you have been led to believe you were responsible for losing. You are entitled to your life, Antoni. You did something immense to reclaim it. I’m only saying… well.” She shrugs, just a little. “I’m only saying that you must remember that you did reclaim it. I’m saying… Chris deserves his life, yes, and you are an essential part of it. Jake deserves his life, and he couldn’t do this without your support. But…”
The pause between them draws out and draws out until he can barely stand the itching that covers every inch of his skin.
Beg for me to stop, darling. Beg for it to be over, but know that you don’t deserve the mercy. He can almost feel the hands gripped around his throat, crushing his windpipe under the press of thumbs, the weight of Mr. Davies pushing his back into the floor until he thought he might sink into it and be buried under the floorboards of Mr. Davies’ beautiful home, another swirl in the woodgrain, a man’s life soaked into a rug, bled away, painted across the walls.
You don’t deserve the life I allow you, darling.
“You deserve to breathe, Antoni,” Dr. Berger says, softly. “You deserve to put your mask on. You deserve the air. You won’t be able to grapple with anything until you are willing to look me in the eye and admit that you deserve to live.”
The clock strikes the hour.
Their time is up.
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lifeofresulullah · 3 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Prophet is Given to a Foster Mother
The universe, which rejoined its master was joyful. The heart of the Arabia, which harbored the person that would provide the heart of the humanity with light and peace, was very excited.
Makkah, in which the unmatched event of the universe took place, was so excited and joyful that it was as if it wanted to fly to the lofty realms.
Hazrat Amina was peaceful and jubilant. It was as if the sweet smiles of her lovely child were helping her to forget a tinge of the intense pain that she felt over her husband’s death. Her child was her only consolation that secured her hope for the future.
The fortunate Amina could only suckle her glorious child for week. After this, Abu Lahab’s handmaiden, Lady Suwayba became the wet nurse of the Master of the Universe and suckled him for days. 
Before that, Lady Suwayba had nourished Hazrat Hamza. In this way, she had attained the fortune and honor of being the means in joining the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his esteemed uncle as foster brothers.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH), who possessed such virtue and feelings of faithfulness, never forgot the smallest favors that people did for him, nor did he leave them unrequited. Throughout his entire life, he never forgot Lady Suwayba who nourished him for a period of time. He would frequently visit her and would always show her kindness, respect, and pay her compliments.
Yes, faithfulness was the foundation of good manners that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) brought to the face of the Earth. The smallest trace of ingratitude cannot be found in the immaculate and upright life of   our Beloved Messenger (PBUH).
At one point in time, Hazrat Khadija, who had taken lessons from the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) virtue and gratitude, wanted to purchase Lady Suwayba, who would frequently visit Hazrat Khadija’s home, for the purpose of setting her free; however, Abu Lahab did not lend himself to this idea. It was not until after the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) migration to Medina that Abu Lahab freed Lady Suwayba on his own. 
Abu Lahab was our Holy Prophet ‘s (PBUH) own paternal uncle. Afterwards he did not testify and admit to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Prophethood; he did not forsake being a pagan and did not refrain from his attempts in being our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) biggest enemy, either. For this reason, he incurred the wrath of Allah and did not earn a value that is equivalent to the nail of his slave, Lady Suwayba. In fact, it has been explained that because of Lady Suwayba, Abu Lahab has obtained a driblet of grace in the afterlife.
After his death, he was seen in a dream where he was found screaming in the severe punishment of hell. They asked him: “Why are you screaming? What is the matter?”
He answered: “What else could be the matter? The absence of water is making me burn! I never saw any good in my life, yet I did find one fortune: Because I set the woman, who nourished Muhammad, free, I have been spared the opportunity to absorb water and be watered” and as he said this, he showed his index finger (the finger that testifies faith). 
This incident is certainly a case in point. A ferocious enemy of Islam, like Abu Lahab, who did not refrain from oppressing, torturing, and insulting the Master of the Universe throughout his entire life, was the recipient of such beneficence and grace and a tinge of his punishment in hell was alleviated. This means that goodness done not only upon our Beloved Messenger PBUH, but also upon those who have served him, is also not left unrequited by God Almighty’s grace and beneficence.
In addition, one should think of the greatness in gifts, favors, and Divine endowments of the eternal realm that are awaiting those who have made the Master of the Universe (PBUH) their absolute imam and guide in every matter and the true believers who have felt honored to uphold his Sunnah on the Earth .
The Custom of Giving Babies to Wet Nurses
Mecca’s weather was hot and muggy. It did was not good for the children’s delicate nature and was not a favorable condition for a healthy upbringing. In the desert, the weather was nice, the water was sweet and clean, life was easy, and the climate was mild. Besides, some of the tribes that lived in the desert had a language and diction that was smooth and sharp. They maintained their nobility and practiced good conduct.
Based on this, the Qurayshi gentry and leading figures practiced the custom of handing their children over to the tribal women in the desert to be breastfed for a cost, so that their children could grow and be brought up under healthier conditions and to learn and speak a dialect of Arabic that was appropriate in its essential form. The child would remain with his/her wet nurse for 2-3 years, and sometimes even more.
For this reason, many tribes that lived in the uplands/prairies, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe in particular, would have a caravan of women go to Mecca a few times a year in which the women would take the newly-born infants with them to their homeland for the purpose of nourishment.
Among the tribes in the vicinity of Mecca, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe was the one that had acquired fame since it was distinguished for its honor, generosity, chivalry, humility, and speaking Arabic properly. For this reason, the leading figures of Quraysh mostly wanted to hand the custody of their children over to the women of this tribe.
The Arrival of the Women from Bani Bakr’s Tribe to Mecca
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was being nourished by Lady Suwayba.
At that time, a strong drought was prevalent in the homeland of Sad’s sons although such a strong drought had not occurred till then. The drought resulted in a famine that left the tribal community poor and miserable. It was so bad that they had difficulty finding something to eat. Their camels and sheep had weakened and their milk had ceased.
During this year of intense famine and drought, the tribeswomen of the Bani Bakr had gone to Mecca in a crowded procession with the intention of finding a child to nourish and of obtaining a portion of their livelihood.
All of the women, with the exception of one extraordinary lady, had chosen a child who was appropriate for them. Strangely enough, none of them chose nor approached our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) because they thought they would not be able to obtain much money and help since he was an orphan.
There was only one woman who arrived late in Mecca. She was distinguished among her tribe for her decency, cleanliness, gentleness, and modesty. Due to their old and frail donkey, Halima and her husband had fallen behind the rest of the procession. When they entered Mecca, all of the newly-born Qurayshi children, with the exception of one very extraordinary infant, had been chosen by the women of the Bani Bakr tribe that were in the forefront.  With the fate and wisdom of the Possessor of the Absolute Power, Halima could not find anyone in need of nourishment.
Her husband, Harith, was sad, too. All of their friends shared the children of the wealthy families among themselves. She was the only one who was left empty-handed and it was only because she arrived late.
This virtuous woman, who now had a pale and sad countenance and was unaware of the plan that Divine fate had drawn for her, wandered the streets of Mecca with despair and the distress of not being able to find an appropriate fitting child.
Incidentally, she encountered an old man with a friendly face and who, through his presence, summoned the respect of his surroundings. This individual was Abdulmuttalib, the grandfather of the Master of the Universe (PBUH). They looked each other as if they had been looking to become the relief for their troubles. Then they began to engage in conversation:
Abdulmuttalib asked, “Where are you from?”
Halima: “I am a woman from the Bani Sa’d Tribe” (Sons of Fortune/Luck)
Abdulmuttalib: “What is your name?”
She answered, “Halima”.
Abdulmuttalib: “How wonderful! How wonderful!  Fortune and gentleness are two traits that carry the beneficence of this world and the honor and glory of the afterlife” After he said this, Abdulmuttalib took a deep breath and followed with: "Oh, Halima! I have an orphaned child next to me. I offered him to the women of the Sons of Sa’d but they did not accept him. Come and be the wet nurse of this child. Maybe you will attain prosperity, wealth, and fortune for taking care of him”.
At first, Halima became hesitant upon hearing this unexpected offer. However, she did not want to return to her homeland empty-handed. For this reason, she overcame her hesitation and accepted the offer from within. Nevertheless, she did not want to disclose her answer without first asking and receiving permission from her husband. She immediately returned to her husband and after she explained everything to him she said, “I was unable to find a child to nourish. I do not favor going back empty-handed among my friends. By God, I am going to take that orphan”.
Her husband, Harith, supported her view and said, “There is no harm in taking him. Perhaps Allah will endow us with prosperity and blessings thanks to him”. 
Upon this, they returned to Abdulmuttalib.
Abdulmuttalib took Halima to Hazrat Amina’s modest home which the Beloved Prophet (PBUH) illuminated.
Halima went to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) bedside. Our lovely Master (PBUH) was wrapped in a white fabric made from wool and was sleeping soundly on a blanket of green yarn. The surrounding smelled like musk!
Halima was in a state of amazement. She immediately warmed up to this child so much that she could not bear to wake him up!
The cloud of gloom and anguish had left Halima. She was so happy that it was as if she was walking on air. It was such a great bliss to have suddenly come across an infant of excessive beauty after squirming in the distress of not being able to find a child.
Halima could not resist anymore. She neared the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) bedside very closely and slightly lifted the corner of his blanket. With a mother’s love and compassion, she kissed his forehead and hands that smelled like roses and that were softer than cotton and as white as snow.
At that moment, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) opened his eyes and replied to Halima’s kisses with a sweet smile. They got along with one another.
While one of them was in despair because of not being able to find a child, worn out, and downhearted, the other was a radiant orphan who had been rejected by the women. Fate had filled both of their worlds with happiness.
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hi! im new here and just found this through reading your fics on ao3, and I was just wanting to know more about this au, particularly, who are alll the purples you got up there in the banner and whatre their stories???
Ooh you’re in for a heck of a treat when it comes to all my Purples!
From the left to the right:
Lucian Enfuego (aka Afton’d Lucian): A traveling serial killer who ended up being abducted and experimented on by Elder Afton in 1984, his soul being ‘overwritten’ by him over time. Murdered Vincent Heliotrope in 1983 then used his name on a virus that screwed up the Toy Animatronics. Killed the 5 Missing Children and the Butterfly Child in 1987. Was caught and executed for his crimes. His younger sister was the first to realize his soul was ‘stolen’ and spent her life trying to get it back from the Aftons. Referred to as the 1987 Purple Guy. Alex Cho aka Router (the short man): A mercenary, hacker-for-hire, who is also a son of Lucian. He ran away from his mother’s emotional abuse to follow his father’s trail and destroy the evidence that could clear Vincent and Jeremy Sr.’s names, as well as kill the surviving ‘witnesses’ of the 1987 Incident. His work partner (and best friend) is Panther. Was hired by Michael Afton to go to Freddy’s Pizza and retrieve Marionette and Balloon Boy or their data drives containing information about Remnant collected during the 1987 Incident. Ended up killed via springlock failure in Springtrap. Referred to as the Springtrap Purple Guy.
Sydney Elizabeth Michaels aka Panther (the big guy in pink): A mercenary with a tendency to abduct people of strength and essentially brainwash them via torture and Stockholm syndrome to serve as his living weapons. As a teen he was hired by Elder Afton to put Fredbear’s Family Diner out of business; poisoned and killed 11 children there while wearing a pink security uniform for a disguise, successfully shutting down the restaurant. His older brother helped him run away from home to escape police and keep the rest of their family out of trouble. Went with Router to Freddy’s as part of the retrieval job and developed an obsession with Mike’s strength. Ended up killed by Freddy and the gang for trying to abduct him and was soul-bound to a Paper Plate Pal. Referred to as the Pink Guy.
William Afton II: The CEO of Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment, owner of Circus Baby’s Pizza World Party and Rentals (Sister Location). Stepped into the position some time after his father’s disappearance and found the secret information about Remnant, transfers, and the experiments to move/copy souls between vessels. Decided to continue the research and find a way to transfer himself from his sickly body into a healthy one. Searched for a low-level employee that could be compatible with his deceased sister’s Remnant to observe if transfer to a living body was possible, unaware his grandfather successfully did so but was unable to record the success. Ended up killed by his sister via Scooping Room. Referred to as Canon Purple Guy.
Emelia Afton: The daughter of Michael Afton who was killed by Circus Baby and soul-bound to her endoskeleton. She was stored in the Underground Facility by her father, who desperately tried to find a way to free her soul and resurrect her in his father’s Remnant research. Years passing with her trapped ended up eroding her sanity and now she only cares for escaping into a ‘perfect’ body that will allow her to be beautiful, using anything and anyone as a means to that end. Normally looks like an innocent little girl ghost to lure others into assisting her before killing them once their usefulness ends. Her ‘adult’ form was created by absorbing a digitized Lucian into herself to take advantage of his knowledge of murder techniques. Soul-bound to Circus Baby v1, later becoming Ennard. Referred to as Purple Gal.
William Afton I aka Elder Afton: The founder and owner of Afton Robotics. Has an aggressive competitiveness and desire to be the best in creating robots and animatronics. Jealousy towards the ones in Fredbear’s had him hire Sydney to force the diner to close so it could be bought up by his shell company, Fazbear Entertainment, and have the animatronics sent to him for reverse engineering. In his pursuit to creating the most advanced artificial intelligence software for his creations, he discovered Remnant and its properties, experimenting on low-level employees and abducted children to learn how to extract and transfer Remnant. His experiment on Lucian, an intern at the time, culminated in a successful digitized download of Remnant and memories, creating the Lucian Master File. Elder’s desire to live longer to continue his research and curiosity on his hypothesis had him attempt to transfer his own Remnant into Lucian’s body. While mostly successful, the transfer revealed a drawback in that loss of Remnant without allowing regeneration or replacement causes loss of sanity in the donor. This discovery was never documented; on the final stage of transfer, Elder released Lucian from containment and was killed by him. His soul torn in two, part went with Lucian to grow and consume him, part remained in the Facility, laying dormant until awakened by Springtrap, where he then hijacked control of the animatronic for himself. Referred to as Original Purple Guy or First Purple Guy.
Elizabeth Afton: Bionics Engineer, overseer of R&D of Afton Robotics, wife of Michael Afton. She’s responsible for researching and building ways for the animatronics and robots to move as fluidly and ‘naturally’ as a human. She has a cold love for her husband due to blaming him for allowing her favored daughter to die at Baby’s hands. She assisted Elder Afton in his Remnant research and went back to it after her daughter’s death to continue it in secret, searching for her own way to continue living longer and restore her daughter. After Michael’s disappearance and William’s death, she followed the trail of outgoing resources from Afton Robotics to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and Parties to recover Emelia’s Remnant. She was only able to get it back in fragments, so she devised a trap to gather fragments of Remnant from multiple past guards in order to rebuild and stabilize Emelia’s soul. When that plan was foiled, she escaped and decided to continue her search for future host bodies for herself, rebuilding Fazbear Entertainment via video games and using a copy of the Lucian Master File to seek out viable hosts. She plans to use the money from the sales and her newly abducted Reluctant Follower to create another trap to lure in her intended target. Referred to by name.
Michael Afton: Son of Elder Afton, CEO of Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment after Elder’s death. His relationship with his father was distant and strained at best, which worsened after his death as Circus Baby’s programming had her kill his daughter when she wandered over alone. He pulled away from his wife and their relationship grew rocky over the tragedy. Being confronted by Lucian’s sister some time later over the fate of her brother’s soul had Michael searching for whether there was any truth to it; upon discovering his father’s Remnant research and notes, he found a desperate hope that this could be key to reviving his daughter. While he was also attracted to Lucian’s sister for her more vivacious nature, he eventually had to threaten her into leaving him alone so as to keep the discovery of Remnant and soul transfer a secret. He left behind the company and his family after receiving the data on the 1987 Incident in order to find a method of using Remnant to revive Emelia without causing more deaths. Failing that and realizing that Emelia had gone insane and murderous from isolation and desperation, he chose instead to try and destroy everything connected to the Remnant experiments, bringing everything that was affected by it together in one place to be burnt so the Remnant would be destroyed. He was unaware that his wife was also involved. Died in the flames that consumed FFP&P. Referred to as Son of Canon Purple Guy.
Lucian Master File: The ‘pure’ download of Lucian Enfuego’s digitized Remnant and memories. Stripped of anything that could humanize him or create empathy with others, the Master File only seeks to cause as much death and havoc as possible. He generates copies of himself to carry out his plans, assimilating information from them while he remains safely out of sight and harm’s way. The first copy of himself ever created he stripped of similar power to force him to be weaker and gave him over to William Afton II to use in his experiments, which resulted in the copy breaking away from him so drastically he became unique and Master File lost control and connection to him. He only ever assists someone when he feels he’s able to use them to further his own ambitions in the process. Originally the controlling software to Afton Robotics’s main computer, he managed to escape destruction there by coding himself onto chipsets in protected hardware, which later allowed him to escape into the video game software that scanned those chipsets. Referred to as Master File or Glitchtrap.
Phew! i really gotta finish up the wikia articles on everyone.
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thewriterwhowrites · 4 years
@vivithefolle So, as promised, here is my first attempt at fanfiction. It’s probably not very good, but all well.
I think I love you more than I can ever say.
“You have that face again,” she calls out. Eyes are unfocused. It’s not a good day. It’s not a bad day. It’s just a day, and Phoenix hates how thankful he is for that.
Time matters not in a basement below the feet of the man who could have you killed in a moment’s notice.
But fear has no place here. In fact, to both Elin and Phoenix, death would be a mercy. A peace. A gift. But they still had so much to do. So much to fight for. So much to live for.
And by now, they knew death was the last thing that would greet them once that heavy wooden door opened. Once footsteps on the flagstone echoed through the room that held them prisoner. That hid them from the light.
Looking at Elin now, Phoenix knew what she wanted, so he played along. “What face?”
“The face that says ‘I’m going to be stupidly selfless if they come here to hurt you again.’ I know you better than that.”
“We both know he wouldn’t hurt you twice in one day.”
“Which is why I fear for you.”
So maybe fear did have a place here. It was just hidden in the dark, shadowy corners, lurking, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting prey it was seeking out.
“If Malfoy wanted to kill me, he would have done that a long time ago.”
“I’m not strong enough to heal you.” Her voice is weak, proving her statement true. She’s been bound to the ceiling for too long, her toes broken under the weight of which they were forced to hold. Pregnant women aren’t light, after all.
“You’re worried?” Phoenix tried to sound teasing. Sound carefree. Like he was bantering with his wife at the kitchen table after she told him not to go out at night by himself. But instead, it sounds flat, like he’s really too tired to care what Malfoy has in store for him this time.
“This baby needs at least one of us to survive.” Her voice is pointed and serious. She’s trying to be realistic after trying to be optimistic. She fails at both. She’s a healer, yes. But she was a writer long before she ever walked the halls of St Mungos.
“The baby will have both.” Phoenix is determined now.
For too long have children grown with only one parent, that it breaks Phoenix’s heart to think theirs would be another.
“Promise me you won’t antagonise him?”
He can’t. He’s too spirited and angry to be submissive to a monster like Malfoy.
He wants to retort spitefully, “Just because he’s broken you, doesn’t mean he’s broken me.”
But he doesn’t. Because he knows that it’s not true. They’re as equally broken as each other. Equally tired as each other. Both wondering why they’re even bothering to keep fighting when the only future their unborn child has is pain and darkness.
Instead, he says, “I’ll do my best.”
It’s enough for her. At least for now. She can’t argue. She’s too tired. Her arms are weak and heavy due to hanging above her head for hours on end. Breathing hurts because the baby is squishing her diaphragm and she can’t move into a more comfortable position.
But she’s too worried to force herself to sleep. Worried that Phoenix will fall into fever. That his wounds will get worse. She’s scared that Malfoy will take him and never bring him back.
“I love you.” It’s hard for them to say. But Elin manages, and Phoenix smiles because she’s always the one who says it first.
“I love you too,” Phoenix whispers.
And for just that one moment, the basement doesn’t feel as cold or as dark as it was just a second ago. That makes it more bearable. If just for a minute.
There’s not much to do in a place like this. Hard to distract yourself from the pain when you’re scared that, while your mind has drifted, the person you love has left you.
So much time to think that it makes a person go mad.
“I’m sorry.”
They both are. But Elin always says it while Phoenix internalises it. He self-deprecates and self-loathes and self-doubts. He keeps his pain inside and that is what makes him explode.
Phoenix is, like always, taken when Elin finally loses consciousness. They always know Elin will come back, but it’s always a miracle when he does.
Elin wakes up when the moon is high in the sky and she discovers she’s alone in the cell. She doesn’t cry, doesn’t scream. She’s way past the ability to, and she has learnt long ago that that is what Malfoy wants.
So, she waits... And she waits... And she waits... She waits until the sun is just peeking behind the mountains and the cell door opens and Phoenix is unceremoniously thrown inside.
She can’t run to him. She’s tied up and weak and she knows that if she struggles it will only hurt all three of them more.
It’s funny, she thinks. Every child she has ever borne has been in captivity. It makes her wonder when her life went from a dream to a nightmare.
She knows, though, and she’s pleased to remember, because it means respite from this darkness...this cold. It gives her respite from the truth.
Phoenix groans. He grunts. He cries out. He crawls until he’s near the wall and forces himself to stand.
She can only watch, wondering why she hasn’t cried, and when did this become so normal for them that they don’t even comment on it?
The day passes in silence. Elin staring at Phoenix longingly as he struggles to breathe through the agony that the fire and flame has left. She knows he’ll have scars. He always has scars after a session with Malfoy.
She never asks him what happens. She doesn’t have to. She already knows. She just has to look into his eyes and the memories are there. It’s like they’re playing out on a big silver screen and she’s forced to watch, unable to tear her eyes away from the scenes in which Phoenix stars.
Finally, Phoenix gains enough strength to ease her worried mind, “I’m sorry I couldn’t afford a nicer room.”
And she laughs. It’s so ridiculous that she laughs. And then her laughs turn to sobs and she screams. She screams because she has lived so many lives within her thirty years that she just wants it to be over.
Phoenix lets her. Knows that it’s the only way she’ll survive until they get out of there. Knows that she’s screaming and crying for the both of them because they both know he can’t. Not anymore.
Once Elin has tired herself out, she replies, almost as if she hadn’t just had an outburst of insanity, “You could have gotten us some pillows.”
“Yes, well, I’m the cheapskate husband, aren’t I?”
Elin says nothing to that. What is there to say? Talking for the sake of talking is almost worse than not talking at all. Besides, they’ve both had enough of words.
“I wish I could see you.”
Elin sighs, now knowing that what she thought was true. “You will,” she tries to assure, “I promise.”
While Elin is tortured with darkness, taunts, and hexes, Phoenix is tortured with bright light, fire and curses... Dark curses. She wonders how much more his eyes can take of the brightness they curse him with before he loses his sight for good.
“If I can’t-”
“Don’t say that!”
“I’ll be no use to anyone!”
Elin is silent for a short moment before she replies stubbornly, “You’ll still be a good father. You don’t need your sight for that.”
Phoenix remains eerily quiet and Elin knows he’s beginning to brood. So, she lets him. If they start arguing, Malfoy won’t stop smirking, believing himself the victor of whatever mind game this was. And Elin didn’t want to give the bastard the satisfaction.
“I’ll still love you,” she tells him softly before allowing herself to fall unconscious. Because it’s not sleeping. Not really.
When the couple wake up some time later, Phoenix’s vision was blurry at best. He could make out the outlines of shapes, but essentially, everything he was looking at were just dark blobs. He groaned when the pounding in his head made itself known, and straightening against the wall was a struggle at best and agony at worst.
He lifted his broken right hand to clear his eyes of any dirt and he coughed, clearing his dry throat. Once he was resting as comfortably as he could be against the wall, he looked in Elin’s direction, feeling her gaze burn as only hers ever could.
“We’re going to get out of here.” Elin’s hoarse and gravelly voice is firm and determined. She’s trying to be optimistic, but neither have been really good at looking on the bright side in the last few years.
“I know we are.” He’s trying to be indulgent. Elin doesn’t need pessimistic words right now. Especially in her condition.
He then sensed her smile. It was small and wan. Weak, like she was trying to smile for the first time in her life. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.”
“I do mean it.” He’s not sure who he’s trying to convince, though. Her or himself.
She’s laughing now. A fragile giggle, but it was there. “Who are you trying to convince?” She knows the answer, however, so Phoenix is wondering why she’s even bothering to ask.
He doesn’t respond for a long moment before, “You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dumbledore were on his way right now.”
The moment he said the words, he wanted to take them back. Because their temporary respite in humour has been shattered.
“You and I both know he’s not.” Elin’s words come out sad and resigned, and Phoenix would kick himself if it wasn’t agony just to breathe.
And that makes him angry. Because he can’t even do that, so how are they going to get out of here?
“You just have to have faith.” Where the words come from, he has no idea. But he’s glad he said them because, somehow, they give him comfort. And he hopes they give Elin comfort too.
A tired, “I’ll try,” drifts through the room, and Phoenix manages a smile of his own.
Faith is all they have left in a place like this. They can’t afford to lose it or they’ll never escape. They’ll never survive.
It’s one of those moments, Phoenix recalls, that makes life so much more, sweet.
He remembers Elin at Hogwarts in her uniform with her Ravenclaw blue tie, studying amongst the shelves of the library. He remembers her in a gown of white, remembers her holding their first child after a long night of labour. He remembers their initial meeting, their fights, their passion. He remembers the simplest detail of how the sun would shine just so on her face and show the blueness of her eyes that always left him breathless.
He keeps his eyes closed, holding onto the memory for as long as he can, before he’s forced to wake up to the harsh realities of the world. It, of course, is never long enough.
The moment the groan of the wooden door being forced open resounds through the, otherwise, silent room, his eyes snap open, his body goes rigid, and his legs force him to rise, preparing himself for another battle to protect his wife and unborn child. An unborn child he is determined to protect and keep alive. Even if it kills him.
“He requests your presence,” the guard informed stoically.
Phoenix chuckled mirthlessly, “Too proud to come down to the dungeons himself?”
“Phoenix,” Elin breathes warningly, though there is hardly any bite in the name. She’s too tired. They both are.
“You can tell his majesty that we will be right up,” Phoenix continued mockingly, ignoring Elin’s weak plea. “Is this a formal occasion?”
The guard is silent for a long moment before answering, “He wants you to join him for dinner.”
“Does he want us prepared?” Elin enquired, already rising from the stone floor, one hand on the wall, keeping her steady, and the other pressing into the small of her back.
“Your dress is in the bathroom, milady,” the guard answers. “As for Garson, I believe he’s dinner’s entertainment. He’s to come as he is.”
“You can tell that bastard that I shan’t be his jester!” Phoenix shouted, ready to lunge at the guard.
“Phoenix!” Elin’s voice rang through the basement loudly like a church bell. For the first time in days, it was filled with an authority Phoenix had only heard in his memories. “We mustn’t make him angry.”
Phoenix held himself back, knowing that they would only suffer more if he didn’t. “Who do you want to take first?” Phoenix asked resignedly, looking back at the guard who looked uneasy.
“Lady Elin, if you’d please?”
Elin, with her head held high, walked as gracefully as her trembling legs allowed her, to the doorway. “I shall see you at dinner,” Elin added gently, yet firmly, glancing in Phoenix’s direction.
“Don’t laugh too hard,” Phoenix responds sullenly.
“And don’t get killed prematurely,” Elin replies, a small smile on her face, “It wouldn’t do for a child to have a headless father.”
Before anything else could be uttered, Elin was escorted from the room, the door closing behind them, leaving Phoenix alone.
Elin was led through a dimly lit hall and up a spiral staircase that seemed to go on forever. She, despite the agony, continued to walk with practiced grace. She would not be anything less than she was.
She was still a lady. Even after marrying a Hufflepuff boy from a poor as dirt family who received little to no respect from the rest of the wizarding world and having his children.
Finally, they reached the top of the tower. She had walked this same path more times than she wished to count. She had been pushed into the harsh light of the extravagant hallways and rooms that made up the Malfoy home more times than she wished to remember.
Upon entering the washroom, the guard standing sentry just outside, she pulled off her filthy dress, removed her undergarments, and lowered herself into the tub that was full of hot water and bubbles. She couldn’t remember the last time she had had a bath. The washes in rives and lakes hardly counted. Surely it was long before Willow was even born?
She made sure to enjoy her soak, committing it to memory so she may look upon it again when she felt so dirty it sickened her.
It was over too soon when the guard pounded on the door and she was forced to rise. She wrapped herself in the fluffiest towel she had ever felt. Were the towels back home at Wynters Place this fluffy? She could hardly recall.
Mechanically, working through every twinge of pain, every roll of agony, she dressed herself into the finest dress she could ever remember wearing. She did her hair in the elaborate bun that she hadn’t worn since that final dinner when she was kicked out of her childhood home, told to never return.
She put in the diamond earrings that made her old jewels in her past life look dull and unpolished. When she looked down at the diamond necklace that looked so heavy, she feared it would break her neck, she hesitated. She hadn’t worn another necklace since Phoenix had gifted her the locket back in their seventh year at Hogwarts on graduation day.
She stared at her reflection. How long had it been since she saw her own face? Did she always look this tired? This worn? This...old? And yet, despite all they had seen, her eyes still held the brilliance of youth she could hardly remember. Despite the horrors she had faced, the death she had witnessed, her hair was still as raven black and wavy and long as it always had been.
Her hands were rough from hospital work, housework, farming, and parenting. Yet they were strong, ready to fight and survive, so that her unborn child could live a life of freedom and peace.
Looking down through the mirror, she rested her hands on the baby bump and closed her eyes, thinking of warm days, blue skies, and gentle breezes. She would give her baby this or she would die trying.
With shaking hands, she removed the locket that still shone silver, placed it in her bodice, and picked up the large diamond necklace, clasping it around her neck. She was right. It was a heavy piece of jewellery. It felt reminiscent to that of a noose around one’s neck, and this dinner was to decide her fate. Would she be hung or would she be spared?
With one last look at the mirror, her eyes sparkled with fire, her head held high, her jaw set determinedly, and one thought drifting through her mind like a mantra - she would not be beaten by a coward - she walked to the door.
Elin then opened the door, signalling to the guard that she was ready for her death march.
She had only had dinner a handful of times with Malfoy, but she always knew where they led. Yet, not once had she had a dinner with Malfoy where Phoenix would be present. What sick game had Colt planned now? And would either survive it?
Elin followed the familiar path to the dining room where Colt Malfoy stood, waiting patiently for her like he always did. Once she stepped into the room, her heels clicking on the marble floor, he looked up and smiled at her.
“Elin,” he greeted almost pleasantly, “You’re looking marvellous.” Elin eyed him warily, not daring to speak out of turn. “I understand Garson is joining us?”
“He’ll be here presently,” Elin finally replies, knowing it was the right thing to say. She can hardly recognise her own voice. It’s dry, hoarse, timid. Her voice had always been her weapon, her shield.
“Very good,” Malfoy says cheerfully, and hands Elin a glass of wine.
How she longs to refuse the drink. If not for her baby, then for her pride. But she can’t. Not with all of their lives hanging in the balance. So, she wordless receives the drink with shaking hands. Would they ever stop trembling? When had they even started? When was the last time she remembers having steady hands? Was it before cutting a man open in the middle of a battlefield or was it after?
“I was very pleased that you both accepted my invitation,” Malfoy continues the one-sided conversation, seeming to revel in the power he wields over her. “I must admit, the last time I had dinner with Garson was when his nephew was born.”
“Was that before or after you killed his best friend,” Elin bit out before she could stop herself.
Malfoy is quite unruffled by her remark as he reminds casually, “She was my sister first.”
“Yet you don’t deny your part in her death?” Elin points out, some of her old fire returning.
She’s furious. Furious at him for so many reasons. She knows that she’s testing the boundaries, challenging the limits. If she’s not careful, she’ll become another victim. Her baby will become another victim. And she couldn’t put Phoenix through that a second time.
“Why should I?” Nicholson answers. “Ali chose her side, I chose mine. Sacrifices must be made for a future that’s worth having. Isn’t that what your mudblood dog told you?”
“Don’t you dare go take that out of context!” Elin screams, throwing the wine glass across the room so it smashes against the wall. “You can mock us all you wish, Colt. Just don’t go bringing the dead into it.”
“Ah, the dead,” Malfoy almost sang dreamily, “My dear sister’s blood, your dear mudblood’s ashes, your sweet baby’s cry. Tell me, Elin, what was it like? To hear your children, scream your name, and yet, you could do nothing to stop their fate?”
Elin narrowed her eyes at him, “If you had a heart, you would know. For you have heard the screams of children, the cries of widows, and the tears of soldiers. You have seen fire burn the carnage that you have left in your wake until there is nothing left but ash and smoke.”
“That is true,” Malfoy agrees with an indulgent nod, “But then again, I enjoy the feeling I have when I see the destruction I cause. The fear I induce in those around me. You do not know power, true power, until you have it. And once you have it, you’d be a fool to let it go.”
“You don’t have true power,” Elin responded, “A man like you can’t.”
“Then what kind of man can? Other than the Dark Lord, of course.”
“A man who can love with all of his heart,” she whispered, tears pooling in her eyes. “A man who is willing to give all he has to a stranger because he wants to. A man who is ready to open up every door he ever owned to let a person in. Including his heart. Only a person who can love so unconditionally that they can do nothing else, can know true power.”
“And yet,” Malfoy replied, “They are the men, the women, the children, who cower at my feet-”
“In fear!” Elin interrupted with a shout. “They don’t worship you! They don’t care about you! They fear you! And why shouldn’t they? After everything you have done? After everything you have said? You have power, you have legions of Death Eaters at your disposal because of the Dark Lord, you have his favour. But you don’t have love so you might as well not have anything at all.”
Malfoy was silent for a long moment as he stared deep into Elin’s eyes, his gaze smouldering with an emotion that seemed to surpass, even that of hate, before saying in a low and dangerous voice, “The men who were willing to sacrifice everything for you are the fools who die and get crushed under my boot. The only person willing to remember them is you. But you have always been a noble girl who could probably remember every patient she has ever seen wandering the halls of every hospital she has ever walked through. However, I was the bigger fool who was willing to give you all I had, and you were the woman who was stupid enough to say no. Against my better judgement, I am willing to give you a second chance. A redemption, if you’d prefer?”
“And if I don’t?” Elin challenged.
“If you don’t,” Malfoy began dramatically, turning his back to her, “You will see the man you love, die. You will see the very flesh be torn from his bone. It won’t be quick. It won’t be merciful. It will be slow, excruciatingly so. And there will be nothing you can do to stop it.”
With a snap of his fingers, the double doors opened and Phoenix was dragged inside. “Elin!” he called, trying to fight against the two men that restrained him.
“Phoenix!” She went to run to him, but Malfoy blocked her path with his arm, his wand now in hand. “Please?” Elin begged, looking at a man she once called friend, “Please don’t do this.”
“Oh,” Malfoy cooed, brushing away the tear that had rolled down Elin’s cheek, “I wish I didn’t have to,” he whispered in her ear, “But alas, order must be kept. I can’t have filth like him exist. He’s a bloodtraitor after all.“
“You bastard!” Phoenix screamed, struggling against the ropes that tied his hands around the stake.
“Why are you doing this?” she asked, staring deep into Malfoy’s silver gaze, “I thought we were friends?”
“And I thought you loved me,” Malfoy answered, “Looks like we were both wrong.”
He turned towards Phoenix, declaring, “I once beat you with a belt when we were sixteen. Let’s see if you can handle the big boy whip!”
“Colt!” Elin pleaded, holding onto his arm, “This isn’t you.”
“I only let you see what I wanted you to see, Elin,” Malfoy said gently, brushing his knuckles against the side of her face, “Even you can be fooled.” He pulled away and proceeded to dive upon Phoenix like a vulture from the sky.
“Stop!” Elin cried as her husband’s rags of a shirt was ripped from his back, leaving nothing but old scars from a battle that had been fought and lost so long ago.
No matter how loud she screamed, no matter how much she pleaded, no matter what she promised, it did nothing to drown out the sound of the leather lash that echoed throughout the marble hall.
She could not interfere because she knew Phoenix would just get hurt worse. Knew that his death would just get drawn out by seeing her in pain. So, through her cries, she lowered herself to the floor, finally too weak to stand.
Blood flew every which way. Staining the floor and walls like some sick painting that may never be destroyed. The sound of flesh splitting, hurt her ears, but she daren’t cover them. She would not let him go through this alone.
“Do you see it, Elin?” Malfoy shouted with glee. “Do you see what I can do? Look at me!”
Elin forced her head to rise and stared directly at her husband’s back. It was so grotesque that she felt sick. She had seen so much blood and death, but nothing, nothing, compared to this.
“Do you see?” Malfoy looked at her pleadingly, his hands covered in the blood of a man he has hated for so long it runs through his veins like an animal. “Do you see what I’m willing to do for you? I’m willing to do anything. You just have to let me.”
Elin had no words to reply as she stared at him disbelievingly. “What makes you think this is what I wanted?!” she finally demands, “None of this is what I wanted! None of it!”
Her voice breaks under the strain of her emotions, but she doesn’t stop screaming because now that she’s started, she can’t.
Phoenix has tears streaming down his face, his breath hitching with every inhale, the pain is unbearable, and yet, hearing Elin scream feels ten times worse. This was all his fault. He never should have gone after her that day. He should have just let her stay on that train that would take her away to safety. Why was he so selfish?
Elin screamed until she could scream no more and she has tired herself out so much she can scarcely breathe. Tears soaked her face as her thin shoulders shook and she was forced to continue watching as Malfoy stripped Phoenix’s back in wordless silence. Only the sound of leather cracking against skin, and flesh tearing open filled the room.
Phoenix didn’t scream, Elin noticed. He struggled to stand and became more reliant on the only thing that was holding him up, but he didn’t scream. He slipped in the puddle of his own blood - as red as his flaming hair that she loves so much - that was forming on the marble floor beneath him, but he didn’t cry out.
His whole body trembled from the sheer agony he felt, but still he didn’t plead for mercy. He didn’t curse, he didn’t shout, he didn’t yell. He was just as silent as she was.
He weakly raised his head, and for a long, silent moment through the haze of the torture Malfoy was delivering, their gazes met, grey-blue eyes connecting with green-blue eyes. And in that long, silent moment through the haze, they said everything they could never utter out loud. They did everything they could only wish to do in reality. They lived a life they could only dream about when their eyes were closed and all was still.
And then, that long silent moment ended and reality came crashing back like a wave pulling them down to the darkest depth of the ocean, separating them a second, third, fourth, tenth, fifteenth, millionth time. And the echo of the whip filled both their ears, the pain and agony of the impact of leather against skin hurting them in difference ways but the torture was no different.
Their gazes disconnected. Phoenix hung his head. Elin released a shaky breath as fresh tears proceeded to slide down her face. And Malfoy laughed like an unhinged madman who only showed his true colours to those who were foolish enough to force his hand.
They made a depressing picture of love that had been distorted by hate so long ago, it became this mess of pain that had been stained by the blood of a phoenix.
After nearly an hour, fourteen minutes, and thirty-two seconds, Malfoy dropped the whip and wordlessly left the banquet hall, not giving anyone a second glance. After a moment, the two men that had escorted them to this fate also departed the room, leaving the broken couple alone in a room that Phoenix had once dreamed about, and Elin could hardly recall dancing in.
She laid frozen, staring unblinkingly at Phoenix, who had to force himself to breathe through the pain. His red hair clinging to his head and neck due to blood and sweat and tears.
Five minutes of absolute quiet drifted past before Elin said in almost a whisper, “I’m sorry.”
With a deep breath, he replied, “Me too.”
Elin watched as he shook. She knew he was suffering from blood loss, unmeasurable amount of pain, cold, and shock. But she herself was suffering from shock, and she could hardly force herself to move.
She wished it was just a normal dinner with Malfoy where the night ended with her in his bed. That would have been infinitely better than watching the man she loved slowly die in front of her.
“You don’t have to watch,” Phoenix forces himself to say. “You can just close your eyes and pretend everything will be alright.”
Elin is tempted to do as he suggests. She wants to turn her back to the truth, curl up into a ball, and pretend that he was right beside her. Holding her as she slept. Protecting her from all the hate she never thought could exist in one person. She wants, so desperately, to wake up from this nightmare.
But instead, she replies, “I won’t let you die alone.”
“I’m so sorry,” Phoenix sobs, “I’m so sorry.” His shoulders shake with more ferocity as more tears slide down his face, “I didn’t want to do this to you.”
She doesn’t know where all their tears come from. They haven’t had a proper drink for days. They haven’t had proper food for days. They have only had each other and now they don’t and Elin is angry.
She is so angry that she manages to force herself onto her hands and knees and she crawls. She crawls to the only man she has ever given her fragile and brittle heart, and she takes his face in both her hands.
“I don’t want to lose you,” she cried, “I don’t want to lose you.”
Tears stream down his cheeks, his forehead resting against the only thing that was holding him up, and said, “I can’t survive this.”
Elin shakes her head in denial, not wanting it to be true, “We’ve come too far to say goodbye.”
“Don’t do this to yourself,” he pleads, “It will only hurt you more.”
“I can help you,” she whispers, “I know I can.”
Phoenix shakes his head against the wood, “Stop. Just stop.”
“I won’t let you die.”
“You aren’t.”
“I am!” she yells, “I am! I am! I am,” she finishes in a whisper.
Phoenix stretches out his broken and bruised fingers, brushing them against Elin’s tearstained cheek as he whispers, “I love you.”
It was the first time he had ever said it before her. And Elin was determined that it would not be the last. “I love you too,” she whispers back, knowing that she’d regret it if she didn’t.
Phoenix is focusing all his attention on her. Trying to imprint her to his memory, making sure she’s the last thing he sees before oblivion takes him. But her mind is racing a million miles a second. She’s rereading every word, of every sentence, of every paragraph, of every page, of every text book she has ever opened.
And the moment she came up with a way to save Phoenix’s life in just those few seconds, her shock is forgotten, her hands finally stop trembling, and she is ready to do what she was trained to do.
She rushes to the dining table that had been set for a dinner that had not been touched, snatches the carving knife that was beside the roast pig, and pulls down a large, thick curtain from one of the bay windows that overlooked the gardens, before returning to Phoenix’s side.
She laid the curtain out like a blanket, used the carving knife to release him from his binds, and caught him as he fell. She laid him down onto his stomach on the curtain, closes her eyes, raises her hands over his back, and concentrates.
It takes a long moment, but she eventually feels her magic flow through her, down her arms, and, from her fingertips, blue light begins to glow. Her heart rises with hope, but she doesn’t lose her concentration.
Instead, she focuses even more on her task. She feels Phoenix trembling before her as her magic begins to heal him.
Once the light fades and the feeling of magic dissipates, she opens her eyes and looks down at his back.
The wounds are still there, still bleeding, still obvious. But they aren’t as deep as before, they aren’t life threatening. They won’t be the reason Phoenix leaves her forever. Sure, he’ll have scars, but he’s got so many already, what difference could a few more make?
When the sun was rising from behind the mountains, Elin was lying beside Phoenix, her hand holding his.
“I told you I wasn’t giving up on you,” she said gently.
Phoenix stared at her with glazed eyes as he replied weakly, “I’m sorry.”
She squeezes his hand comfortingly, “Me too.”
“I love you,” he exhales, his breath hitching once he inhales.
Elin smiled sadly, “And I love you. So much.”
“Too much?” he asks with a tired smile.
Elin breathes out a laugh and nods, “Yeah, too much.” She presses her forehead against the side of his head and confesses, “I thank Merlin for you.”
“And I thank Merlin for you,” he answers wearily, “Every day.”
He’s asleep now and Elin is wide awake, watching his back rise and fall with every inhale and exhale. Yet, even in sleep his breath still hitches from the pain. She knew she could still lose him. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But someday. And she knew that that day would come far too quickly.
Elin rolls onto her back and stares up at the ceiling, her hand softly rubbing her stomach.
She closes her eyes tight, a tear escaping from under her lids. She slowly opens them again and says softly, “It’s alright, baby, Daddy’s safe. He’s safe, thanks to you.”
She curls up into Phoenix’s side, mindful of his wounds, her arm wrapped protectively over her stomach as she whispers with a small smile, “You’re going to be a very powerful wizard one day. And I could never be more proud of you. We both love you, little one. We will never stop loving you... Our strong, brave little Ronald. Our son.”
Ron shot up in bed as he gasped for air, cold sweat pouring down his face, his blue eyes wide, and his face pale.
His best friend since first year, Harry Potter, looks at him from his place on the camp bed, and asks, “You alright, mate?”
Ron nods slowly, his mind whirling from the memory-like dream. “Yeah,” he pants out softly, “I’m okay. ”
Harry looked at his redheaded best friend of ten years for a long moment before saying, “You sure?”
Ron nods again, a bit more firmly this time, as he looks at Harry, “Yeah. Sorry I woke you.”
“It’s not like I never woke you up,” Harry snorts sarcastically.
“But-“ Ron goes to protest before he stops and looks around the room, feeling like someone is there with them.
“Ron?” Harry calls out, noticing Ron’s sudden distraction.
Ron swiftly looks back at his friend with a panicked look, “Yeah?”
“You sure you’re alright?”
Ron swallows thickly, casting a wary look around the shadowed room before looking back at Harry. “I’m fine.”
They sit in silence for a long moment before Ron declares, “I think I’ll go for a walk.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
Ron shakes his head quickly, too quickly for Harry’s liking, as he replies as nonchalantly as he could manage, “Nah! You try to get more sleep. We have more work to do tomorrow.”
Harry watched his friend walk out of the tent, closing the flap behind him, before glancing at the bed Ron had just left. Something didn’t feel right to him, but he couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
Once outside in the cool night air, Ron felt calmer. He breathed in deeply, enjoying the open space that the cramped tent hadn’t allowed.
He ran his hands down his exposed arms, his fingertips brushing against the scars from the battle of the Department of Mysteries back in their fifth year.
There was something strange about that dream. He could remember every detail, almost as if he was really there, living it. It felt more like a memory. But he knew how impossible that was. How could you remember something that never happened?
“And how do you know it never happened?” a gentle voice asked from behind him.
With auror quick reflexes, he turned around with his wand now in hand, and came face to face with the woman from his dream.
His eyes widened as his hands began to tremble, and the only words that came from his mouth were, “Bloody hell...”
So, what do you think? First fanfiction written by me. I’m more of an original writer, so that’s why I started with semi original content.
Actually, fun fact, a lot of the first part was from an original piece I’m in the middle of writing, I just changed a few bits of it to fit the story. I don’t know if I should continue or not, but let me know, I’d love to hear your opinions.
Also, sorry for some of the grammar, I wrote most, if not all, of this on my phone.
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bocceclub · 4 years
Ariahd backstory part 1
First we need a lexicon because hooo boy I did not realize how many made up words there are in this thing. Also before that I should probably explain that Ariahd is a character from my Mediterranean-analog high fantasy setting. He’s one of my oldest ocs (and probably the one I’m most attached to), having come into being when I was going through my Earthsea/Dragonriders of Pern/Inkheart Trilogy phase in middle school. Wow I just dated myself. Anyway here’s the lexicon.
Issadai: The planet where all this shit takes place. Its name means “everything that is”
Mysska: Largest continent on Issadai, has a large sea in the middle of it called the Mysskaean Sea.
Mysskaean: Region of Mysska surrounding the Mysskaean Sea. Roughly equivalent to earth’s Mediterranean region in regards to climate and cultures that inhabit it.
Dymaexei: A large, mountainous peninsula that juts out into the Mysskaean Sea. Home to a dozen or more city-states, split into east and west by the Razka Mountains.
Dymae: The people of Dymaexei, also used as an adjective to describe anything originating in Dymaexei
Yianlai Empire: A vast empire that encompasses most of the Mysskaean. It was founded by the Yianlai, a culture of horsemen from the deserts of southeastern Mysska.
Eshtar-Neph: A loose alliance of maritime cities along the eastern coast of the Mysskaean Sea, all that remains of the late Eshtari Empire. Made up of three distinct cultural groups: the Eshtari, the Nephiri, and the Ossuans
Mages: Magic-users who draw power only from their own life-force. Most people of Issadai can work magecraft to some degree.
Sorcerers: Magic-users who draw power from their surroundings. It takes training and dedication to become an accomplished sorcerer. The Yianlai consider sorcery blasphemous, as it is believed to invite possession by evil spirits.
Warlocks: A culturally specific type of sorcerer; they served as priests and mystics in the ancient religion of the north, which incorporated dragon-worship.
Walking One: A chimera produced by the fusion of a human and dragon soul--essentially a dragon in a human body. Revered as living gods in the ancient northern cultures.
Okay now that you’re up to speed here’s Ariahd’s backstory
The Yianlai believe dragons are the offspring of the god of choas, their goddess Valena's greatest enemy. When the Yianlai Empire invaded and conquered the north, their dragon-hunters began killing off the high dragons, until there was only one small population left in the Razka Mountains of Dymaexei. A warlock from the city-state of Leknos stumbled upon an orphaned clutch of high dragon eggs in the high mountains. The mother had been killed by dragon-hunters while defending her nest. Although luckily the eggs had remained hidden from the hunters, they had gone without being warmed by the mother for so long that, despite the warlocks’ attempts to save them, all but one of the developing dragonets died in their eggs. Ariahd, the only one of his broodmates to survive, was carefully nurtured to hatching by the warlocks. He formed a fast connection with Enos, the young daughter of the head warlock, who helped her father care for him after he hatched. As he grew they became close friends, communicating by writing, since as a dragon Ariahd had no ability to form human-like speech. He and Enos altered the Dymae alphabet into cruder forms that would be easier for him to scratch into the dirt with his claws, and even invented pictograms, creating their own shorthand script.
The imperial occupation of Dymaexei meant that Ariahd’s existence had to be kept a secret. Because of this, he grew up very sheltered, unable to venture beyond the high walls of the monastery, his only knowledge of the outside world coming from stories told by the warlocks, and the travelers’ accounts that Enos found in the library and read aloud to him. The two would occasionally sneak out to fly in the mountains surrounding the city, careful to stay under cover of darkness.
While his earlier years were happy enough, as he grew older he began to become aware of the fact that he was likely one of the last of his kind, which effected him deeply. Over the years, as Enos joined the order’s ranks as a novitiate and then as a fully fledged warlock, Ariahd also came to envy her freedom and the ease with which her human form allowed her to move through the world. The warlocks began teaching her how to create the intricate murals they used as meditation guides, and she often practiced drawing the forms when she and Ariahd were together. Whenever she wasn’t around he would try over and over to draw like she did, but no matter how much he practiced, with his beast’s forelegs he could only manage crude scratches. As she grew older and learned magic of increasing difficulty and complexity, her formidable skill with sorcery was also a source of jealousy for him. He knew he had it in him to be just as powerful, but his dragon’s form was ill-suited to working the complex rituals of human sorcery.
Years passed, and as Ariahd neared thirty years old--still a child in dragon years--he became increasingly restless; as Enos’ duties within the order kept her occupied, he took to wandering the mountains alone, straying further and further from the monastery each time. On one such flight, unbeknownst to him he was spotted by imperial troops. Soon imperial inquisitors were dispatched to Leknos, with orders to dispose of Ariahd and execute the warlocks both for practicing sorcery, a heresy, and for sheltering a dragon. The monastery was attacked, and in an act of rash bravery Ariahd flew out to try to confront the attackers directly. He managed to kill a number of imperial troops but was mortally wounded himself; the distraction he provided allowed a large number of the order, including Enos, to escape into the mountains with the preserved dragon souls. 
The remaining warlocks dragged the dying Ariahd back behind the safety of the monastery walls. Desperate, in agony, and afraid, he begged them to preserve his soul in a vessel to keep him from truly dying. The warlocks agreed. After performing the ritual, they hid Ariahd’s soul vessel in the relic vault, which was located deep in the maze of catacombs carved into the massive rock bluff the monastery sat on. They resealed the relic vault, then committed ritual suicide rather than be tortured and executed by the inquisitors.
Ariahd's soul laid dormant, trapped in its vessel in the vault as the years went by. Fifty years later, it was discovered by a Nephiri sorcerer, Yupal. On the run from inquisitors, she had fled across the Mysskaean Sea to Dymaexei and settled in Leknos thirteen years before, where she took up a new identity, married a Leknosian man, and had a daughter, Lys. When Lys was thirteen, the Great Plague struck the Mysskaean. After ravaging coastal Dymaexei, it reached Leknos, carried by those fleeing the ports, whose streets were littered with the dead and dying. In no time it began running its way through the city; Yupal and her family fell ill, and her husband succumbed to the Plague, leaving her and their daughter alone and close to death. Desperate to save Lys’ life, she broke into the relic vault in the monastery, hoping she'd be able to find something there to heal her. She sensed the strong magic emanating from Ariahd's soul vessel, and stole it. By the time she had returned home, Lys had died. In desperation she attempted to use necromancy to channel Ariahd's life force to resurrect her child, but accidentally opened a conduit that allowed his soul to enter the girl’s body and fuse with her soul, creating the last Walking One.
 Ariahd was taken to the monastery’s infirmary, where the monks were doing their best to heal the gravely ill. For days he lay in a deep sleep, as the two souls within his body fused into one, and the monks caring for him feared he would die. Finally, he awoke. Unable to speak or write with his new hands, he had no way of telling the monks who he was or what had happened. At a loss, the monks asked Phare, a senior monk and accomplished healer, to attend to him. She had been a novitiate before the inquisitors’ attack on the monastery and the warlocks’ extermination, and when she used magic to examine Ariahd’s soul she realized immediately what he was. Phare informed the monks, and they made the decision to take him in (along with countless other children orphaned by the Plague), and began teaching him to be human.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Ridikulus Pt 18
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Classes again had let out and in the delivery of another note, this time from Elrond via Lindir’s aid in dictation, to join the Lords for tea in Rivendell once your classes were through. Partially to aid in granting Celeborn another excuse to claim more time with his little girl between now and when her nursery would be complete.
The outer dining courtyard was already set up for tea when you arrived with the main garden surrounding it filling with small bunnies and lambs little Teddy squirmed to get a better look at. With a soft grin you let him down to crawl over to the first curious bunny and took your seat while a group of Elven servants held watch over the curious toddler giggling as he played with the creatures. Behind him Em hurried and smiled seeing Estel hurry from his seat to join her hoping to learn another game. Across from you Thranduil sat beside Elrond while Celeborn sat across from Glorfindel, who scooted closer to you, making more room for the twins between him and Thranduil, both smirking at their competing gazes and hopes for your attention.
Wetting his lips through adding sugar to his tea Thranduil looked you over stealing another glance at your scar, and asked you the question they had been wondering since your relatives’ brief recap on the war upon their arrival at Rivendell overly vague concerning your part in it. “Miss Black, I am curious, this war of yours, how exactly did you get drawn into it? Your Father was not overly specific on how it began either.”
The uneasiness in Elrond’s shifting in his seat in an understanding glance at you after his sharing in confidence with your Father after another of his bouts of terror filled nights surrounding your Mother’s birthday was silenced at your weak smile at him through accepting your cup of tea you set before you. “Well, it’s a bit of a winding story that will likely sour the mood of the tea.”
Thranduil’s chin tilted slightly before his determined gaze met yours to say, “I doubt your tale could be worse than those we have heard of our own wars.”
To which you nodded and wet your lips brushing your bangs behind your ear exposing most of your scar drawing the King’s eye again straight to it wondering how you received such a wound you seemed unashamed of at its revelation. “I’ll start here, the closest descendant from my Ancestor Salazar Slytherin were the Gaunts.”
He nodded, “The name on your vault of gold.”
You nodded, “Yes, Morfin and Merope were the youngest. Merope fell in love with a Muggle, Tom Riddle, and after her sheltered life with her Father and Brother she didn’t want to chance it, used a love potion on him. For a time she believed his love was genuine, and when she found out she was pregnant she stopped giving it to him. Needless to say he ran off and she died shortly after giving birth to my Uncle, Tom Riddle Jr.”
The King nodded again memorizing the details. “While he was raised in a Muggle orphanage his Uncle Morfin took a wife, Suzsienne as I’ve told you, and they eloped and had my Mother. But Riddle found his father’s family and upon being refused acceptance into their family he killed all of them and lamed the murders on Morfin and killed him. Suzienne, she died in labor and my Mother was sent to the same orphanage decades later, where she was adopted by the Evans family, who had two daughters already, Petunia and Lily.
When Riddle graduated from school he was refused Defense Against the Dark Arts position and then promptly jinxed it so none could hold it longer than a year. Through the years after that he began gaining followers, quietly plotting. For roughly fifty years he and his followers, as the Death Eaters, began attacking Muggles and their protectors and allies.”
Making the King set down his tea cup when he watched your eyes grow cold at the emotionless retelling as your inner wall slammed up again having to share this yet again, “In my Parents’ final year in Hogwarts I was born. Not long after my Aunt Lily was pregnant with my Cousin Harry. Through this a Seer had a vision Riddle sought out about a child that would bring about his end. He’d already hidden his Horcruxs ensuring his immortality but he didn’t want to chance it, so he took the snippet of the prophecy from a follower of his that overheard it and went after my Aunt when he assumed the child was Harry. My Father sent Mum and I into hiding along with them, but one of the secret keepers betrayed our location.”
With parted lips the group shifted in their seats as you continued stoically, “When I was three he found us. Managed to uncover that Mum was his Cousin and gave her a chance to join him. When she refused, he began to torture her for hours until she died trying to find out where my Uncle, Aunt and Harry were.” The revelation making the men clench their fists on their laps and into their sleeves to remain calm and not reach out to comfort you through sharing the devastating truth.
Hastily Elrond asked, not having heard these details at your Father’s vague explanation of your Mother’s death, “He left you alone?”
“Peter, the man that betrayed us spotted me after a hint from my Mum about her having hidden me in a cupboard he enchanted so I couldn’t be heard.”
Arwen, “You saw it?”
“All of it. Through the crack in the panels. And the spell only muffled what I said, he forgot to soundproof it, so I wouldn’t hear her screaming.” Making their lips part, “All I remember was crying and suddenly finding myself in my Aunt Lily’s house. They quieted me down and decided not to leave the house for anything, but they didn’t know Peter had already told them where they were. Not long after my Uncle blasted through the door and killed them and tried to kill me and Harry.”
Twins, “Tried?”
You wet your lips again, “You can only use the killing curse on one person at a time. I shifted into a cat and moved in front of Harry in the crib. Riddle’s soul was already so unstable after forming his horcruxs his body was destroyed. The curse was how I got my scar, if you were wondering.” You said showing them the full swirl filled white scar coating the full left side of your face except for your nose and only a third of your forehead.
“Flash forward over the next 18 years where I hunted down the horcruxs along with the twins and my Uncle Regulus while gaining Riddle’s confidence as his niece becoming his Second in Command, even in aiding Peter’s finding a spell to grant Riddle a new body to return in. I passed on his planned attacks to the Aurors and hid the targets we swapped with doubles whenever possible.”
Glorfindel shifted a bit closer to you to ask, “Why join him? Why not fight against him?”
Your eyes shifted to meet his, “Because for eleven years Harry was the Boy Who Lived where I was hidden away and dubbed the Girl Who Died protecting him. Riddle, the moment it was revealed I was alive sent followers to speak with me. He sought me out and I had a choice. My family was already viewed as tilted more to the despicable side of the scale and I used it to my advantage. After all, why would I betray him, I am after all a Black, from a long line of very loyal Wizards. My Mother was deemed a fool tainted by being raised by Muggles, something I wasn’t party to, there was no reason to question me, or to hide his ambitions from the child he was grooming to take his place.”
Glorfindel, “It was that simple? He never doubted you?”
You met his eyes releasing a weak chuckle, “This, does nothing to add to my trustworthiness I assume, but he wanted a family more than anything. Because children born of love potions can’t feel love. I shared his blood and used it to our advantage.”
Thranduil, “What of your advantage?”
You shifted your eyes to meet his, “My life hasn’t been about me since I watched my Mother die.” Making him swallow dryly, “It has been one giant chess game with the hopeful end result of him dead and my allies alive.”
Legolas, “What about you?”
“From the minute I learned my scar marked me as one of his Horcruxs I knew I had to die to destroy the piece of his soul trapped in it, same as my cousin Harry.”
Celeborn, “You willingly chased death? At so young an age?”
You couldn’t help but smirk in the sinking of your gaze, “What’s one life in exchange for millions. I had three years of bliss and safety, that was enough for me. When I was sent to Azkaban I discovered the Dementors, who speak Draconic, could sense the Horcrux and wanted to help me feeling the pain it was causing me to carry it. I asked them for help and they sucked it out of me. A few years later Riddle possessed one of our Professors and in trying to save the Professor Riddle cast a second Killing Curse at me. I died, and then moments later I was back again. I still don’t understand it, but it happened. The Professor died, I couldn’t save him and Riddle’s soul was set into a holding dummy Peter took away until the time was right.
A few years after that when I was in the Triwizard Tournament Peter finalized the potion to bring Riddle back into his new body. And I promised to arrive to be tested for entrance into the Death Eaters. Over the summer when school had let out, the test to become a Death Eater is to be strapped to a table,” Hearts dropped instantly hearing that through your cold gaze locked on your teacup in the darkening of your roots, “Two weeks later I was allowed to go home with Regulus, and he never questioned me after that. The Death Eaters the others broke out of Azkaban did, but none more than my aunt Bellatrix, who was his second back when Mum was alive after she was freed. Even became his lover and had his child, completely abandoning her husband to try and sway him away from me. She could see how much I hated her for her torturing Neville’s parents, essentially orphaning him as a baby by the curses she left on them.
But, the worst thing was, I freed myself in Azkaban from his Horcrux, and on that table, he made me one again.” A tear snuck down your cheek making a hand from Thranduil and Glorfindel rise to cover their mouths to keep silent. “Years I played both sides. Did my part and planned it all up to the big battle at Hogwarts. There was this organization, called R, I told Riddle I had a dream they were heading to the school and asked him to save me. I called the Aurors and all our allies and Alastor helped to lure R to the school so it wouldn’t be obvious.
It didn’t last very long. Only, Bellatrix, she was ordered to stay behind, to take care of her 19 day old daughter. And she refused and attacked Neville knowing it would draw me after her. She thought, most likely when Riddle would see me attacking her he might switch sides, but I fought her, and I faked that she was winning. That I felt her curses, and I just had to whisper to Riddle and he fired a Killing curse, that I threw myself in front of.” Mouths dropped open then clamped shut at your sharp inhale and wipe away of a second tear, “Then I died,” They watched as your oddly pleased smile settled, “And I saw my Mum waiting for me in the crossroads, and she told me to go back, that we weren’t done fighting yet and my Father still needed me. And I woke up after Riddle had killed Bellatrix and I killed him when he tried to kill Neville for speaking up.”
On your right you watched Teddy hugging one of the lambs while another nudged him with its face while Em and Estel giggled through a game of tag through Arwen’s asking, “You are happier now?”
You nodded meeting her eye with another soft smile, “Starting to be. I get to be simply a Professor and Quidditch player finally. No need to be the double agent anymore.”
A shrill cry came from Teddy halting the tag game for a moment bringing you to your feet to go and pick him up after his head butting with the lamb stirred the interest of a nearby goat taking the game a bit too seriously. With parted lips through steadying breaths and stolen glances at one another silently confirming their shared pain at sensing how much pain you had endured much greater now.
Silently they watched as you knelt beside Teddy tilting his head back revealing a knot and a small cut triggering your shift into your white and blue Pheonix form. A single tear dropped from your eye shrinking the knot and healed the cut before you shifted back again and leaned down with a smile as your hair shifted to a bright shimmering gold matching his through his giggle at the goat brushing its snout against his cheek sweetly in apology. “See, all better.” You kissed his cheek then smirked as he bumped his head with the goat again making the twins giggle, “Of course, right back to the painful game. True Black spirit.” Kissing his cheek again before you stood and walked to the table leaving him to play through a smiling glance at Em and Estel beginning their game again.
Thranduil eyed Teddy as your hair shifted back to its silvery blue shade, asking, “You aren’t going to pull him away?”
You shook your head taking your seat again. “No, he’s bound to do as many stubborn things as he can manage as he grows. Our family way. He’ll learn to choose the least painful option eventually.”
His lips parted at your lax approach as Elrond chuckled motioning his hand at the twins while you claimed a sip of your cold tea you silently heated up with a mental spell before your next sip, “These two managed quite a supply of nicks and bruises in their mischief growing up.”
You smirked and glanced at Teddy now petting a bunny laying across his lap as the lambs and goat were called away by their Mothers through Legolas stating, “I remember quite a number of falls from trees myself Ada. Our young aren’t so invulnerable to injury.”
Taking another sip of your drink you caught Glorfindel’s eyes shifting over your hair as Arwen asked, “Is blue his natural hair color?”
You shook your head, “No, it’s chestnut like his Mother’s. He just has a difficult time controlling his shifting just yet. It’s set on instinct and mirroring others of interest.”
Glorfindel, “And yours?”
Twins, “Why silvery blue?”
You let out a giggle, “My Cousin’s was purple. Bit of a teen thing, if we weren’t going to have normal lives we would still steal a chance to rebel in the normal fashion and wear our hair in outrageous colors.” Making the Twins chuckle in return.
The entrance of a small thrush drew the King’s eye and hand to rise allowing it a place to land so he could claim the message that earned a sigh from him before he stated, “My Council has finished the designs on the palace courtyard we’re to rebuild in the Southern Kingdom.” His eyes met yours to say, “We shall have to reschedule another tea I’m afraid.”
You nodded and flinched out a quick smile, “Oh, and let me know if you do decide on that hat of yours.”
He nodded with a hint of a smirk across his lips, “Of course. If you’ll excuse me.” He stood and promptly led Legolas and Tauriel back to the waiting archway taking them back again to Northern Greenwood. Not long after you turned to catch Teddy curling up around a bunny as it neared his nap time. Beside you Kreacher popped up claiming care over his nap and walked over to collect him insisting you remain in place enjoying your tea. He popped away as Elrond and the others were ‘called away’ as well after stealing knowing glances between you two, leaving only Glorfindel who lowered his now empty tea cup a servant arrived to clear away along with the rest once you had finished yours.
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Meeting his eye you asked, “Nothing calling you away?”
He shook his head, “No. I am off guard duties until tonight.”
“You’re a guard? We haven’t talked about your job before.”
He wet his lips, “Yes and no. We all take our turns on guard. Mainly I train the younger forces on swordsmanship.” His eyes looked you over curiously, “If you wished to learn I could teach you as well.”
Making you giggle softly, “The Durins have given me lessons on the basics. Though I doubt me learning how to wield a sword to your standards will increase confidence in me for some.”
With a hint of a smile he replied, “Still, if you find yourself, interested, in learning I would teach you.”
The momentary pause and playful flicker in his eyes hinted, at least in your mind, of some withheld attraction he was hinting at leaving you a playful test to see if he truly wished to remain in your company. “You’ve lived here a long time?”
He nodded, “Yes, since its founding in the Second Age.”
Curiously he eyed your face wondering what you were trying to ask, “I’ve heard there’s quite a number of waterfalls. Dad says they’re quite beautiful. I’ve never seen any myself past pictures, only Lord Elrond mentioned there’s a few winding paths we’d have gotten lost on when I first asked about them.”
Instantly his eyes lit up at your offer for more time alone and he stated, “I would gladly show you if you wished.”
As you stood he did as well, stepping around his bench seat with his hand extended motioning you first round the table to the path leading out across a small stream feeding the garden. At your side he led you through the garden and out to the first of a few winding paths. In the silence you peered over at him catching his eyes in his own glance at you as you asked, “It certainly seems peaceful here.”
With a nod he replied, “It is.”
“Not a lot of parties then? I can’t imagine it gets too out of control around here.”
“We have monthly celebrations, nothing as lavish as Greenwood puts on. I am certain Lord Elrond would invite you and your kin this time.” After a glance forward to guide you to your right for a turn then asked, “Are your birthday celebrations quite lavish? We did hear mention of it through Lindir.”
You let out a weak giggle, “It’s not a celebration. We have a dinner, it’s Fred and George’s birthday as well, April First. For as much love as Molly and Arthur have for their Children gold was a bit thin when we grew up, so birthday dinners may sound simple but have always been perfect.” Making a flicker of a smile flash on his face, “Then tradition always pops up.”
You nodded, “Dad always insists on a moonlight dance, a waltz, Black family tradition. Dance under the stars to celebrate another year under the moonlight.”
With an awed glance he asked, “Your clan truly prizes star and moonlight?” He had heard this from your father but had wished to have it confirmed by you as well.
You nodded and reached back showing him your tattoo for your Father his eyes traced over seeing the glimmering spots for the stars in the still dog silhouette etched into your skin, “All through my family line we’ve had a magnetic pull of our kin recorded all the way to the first. Claiming his children and he were bound by stardust. So we’ve been named after stars, constellations and planets. We get marks for our kin that react when we’re close to them. It’s how I found Rivendell so easily.”
Glorfindel asked more in awe than inquisition, “That is why you’re named after Pluto?”
You let out a weak giggle, “Dad always loved it, Mum wanted my name to go against tradition but Dad insisted and it was slipped in as another middle name.”
“Your Mother didn’t like the traditions of your clan?”
“Dad never really like it. But he ended up holding to them anyways simply out of habit. We had a whole mansion filled with instruments and books on countless languages most can’t even name. Centuries of knowledge forgotten we carry on teaching. It is a bit daunting thinking back on it but most did come in handy through the past years.”
He nodded, “It seems our parents’ teachings have a way of making sense eventually. Even the more ridiculous ones.” Wetting your lips you looked to the path, but not quick enough to miss your boot slipping from the even path into a dip in the road making you grip his arm stirring a stunned smirk onto his face as you caught yourself and kept walking. Carefully he eased his hand onto yours and curled it around his bicep, stating, “There are a few more dips ahead.”
With a smirk you glanced up at him as his hand settled on yours, “Careful you almost smiled.” He peered down at you with a curious glint in his eyes through a soft expression, “All the Elves I’ve seen are all so stoic. The Elf Guards might come steal you away if you’re found smiling from my bad influence.”
With a weak chuckle he replied, “You are far from a bad influence.”
Leaning against his side you glanced up at him, “Why are Elves so stoic? Is it one of those emotions are weakness beliefs?”
He shook his head, “No. We simply keep ourselves stoic in public. We are quite affectionate when we are among our loved ones.” He glanced at you again, “I understand your kin are easier with your attachments, such a simple courting system, where ours takes centuries sometimes to find our Ones. Even leaving some broken hearted for seeming lack of interest or inability to provide a suitable financial offer for unions.”
“Did Dad tell you about it?”
“Ronald did have to share the details when he began courting Tuli. Though he did get a bit confused on how to word it so we could understand the interest in having so many romantic partners, but I suppose when it is taken into account your kin have a harder time locating your Ones it does make sense to ‘follow your heart’, as he put it.” He shifted his fingers over your hand in a gentle nudge to help you avoid another dip in the road, “Have you had many partners?”
You shook your head, “Just two, well, first was Charlie, but that was for barely under two years before he graduated and moved to Romania, we were still quite young. And a couple months we tried again but I ended it, but that was around when Riddle died. Plus with the whole horcrux hunting thing it doesn’t exactly give much to my appeal. Though in my Triwizard year there was a boy named Sebastian. He was from Durmstrang visiting to compete. Only lasted, five, six months, but it never got too serious, he found someone else when he went back home. You? I heard you’ve died too. First time round perhaps, huge family out somewhere?”
With something close to a disbelieving glance at you for your assumption he responded, “No. No partners for me. Even in my former life. Our wars had just erupted, I was a bit distracted.”
“Was it painful?” He glanced at you again, “Ron mentioned something about a Balrog.”
“Oh. I got dragged into a chasm by my hair. I never felt a thing, I just remember falling, my eyes closed and then they opened again and I was in the Halls of Mandos.”
You nodded, “I remember a flash of green from mine. Hurt something awful when I woke up again. I assumed it would hurt more. Just like falling asleep.”
You nodded, “The Killing Curse, sends out a flash of green from their wands.”
“Do you miss Valinor?”
“I miss my friends who have sailed and fallen. But occasionally Elves are sent back again like I was. And there is no telling how your arrival will shape our world. The Valar may just reshape the bridge between our worlds and allow our kin back again.”
Looking forward again at the sound of rushing water growing louder at your next turn, “I’m certain it would grant more than a few the chance to be together again. Help some star crossed lovers gain their chance at romance.”
In another glance at you he watched your awed gasp at the set of waterfalls casting a trio of crossing rainbows over the crevice between them feeding into the center of Rivendell. “It’s so beautiful.” You mumbled under your breath. “How can you not spend all day up here looking at all of these wondrous things?”
Without taking his eyes off you he stated, “There are far more wondrous things to look at now.”
In a curious glance up at him to ask what else could be more wondrous than this you saw his adoring gaze down at you making your lips part, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Gently his hand moved from over yours to brush your bangs behind your ear after a breeze had blown them over our face as they shifted to a sea foam green through your soft blush bringing a smile slowly onto his face. In a ghosting of his fingers along the edge of your ear he asked, “I am a bit uncertain of how to request the beginning of a courtship for your kin. Ronald was a bit confusing. He did mention simply requesting a kiss.” His eyes sank to your lips for a moment before he asked, “Would I, that is, would you allow me to kiss you?”
Under his clear blue shimmering awed hopeful gaze at you all you could utter was a simple, “Yes.” Before you could blink he’d leaned in, cupping your cheek tenderly. A gentle tap of his lips to yours melted into a firmer retaliatory kiss after your lean into it. For a few silent moments between you even the roar of the waterfalls had vanished as your hands shifted to his middle and his free hand rested on your elbow, not wishing to place his hands improperly.
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On your right a quick pop was followed by a flash making your lips break apart and you two to look at Fred and George popping up holding a camera that spit out a copy of the picture they smirked while shaking it making a copy for you both Fred offered to Glorfindel. In unison they said, “Cozy spot.”
George, “Just came to share Mum’s breaking out her pork loin recipe, the candidate’s Banquet. We all have to pitch in for Remus and our new Council.”
Fred grinned pocketing the picture, “So wear the finest. Best impressions and all that.”
George smirked saying, “We’ll tell Mum you’ll have a guest.”
“As you were.” They looked between you and chuckled before apparating away.
For a moment your lips parted then shut as he smiled inspecting the precious moment trapped in the image forever, then asked, “This portrait, it keeps going?”
You nodded and met his eye when he glanced up at you again, “Yes.”
Wetting his lips he asked, “Did you want to keep it?” He offered it to you. Carefully you accepted it and gave it a shake mentally uttering a copying spell making a double then passed him the original he shifted to compare to yours with an awed smile. Tilting his head to meet your eyes again he paused wordless with a heated gaze only meaning he wished for another kiss his mind left him baffled on how to request it. Without a word you pocketed your photo and reached up brushing a stray strip of braided hair behind his ear and closed the distance again for a kiss he eagerly leaned into.
Timidly his hands settled on your back at your placing them there in your rise onto your toes to ease your arms behind his neck in the passionate kiss through which his body pressed against yours in return. Deaf once again to the world a clear snort made you freeze again before the soft flapping of paper wings and another snort sounded making you part and look at the small paper flying pig shaking its head through another greeting snort making Glorfindel’s lips purse under a curious furrow of his brows to ask, “What is that?”
Removing one of your hands you claimed the pig in your palm and watched as it unfolded itself revealing a note Glorfindel shifted his head to read along with you, “It’s a notice. The votes are in for Minister of Magic. They’ll be announced tonight on the ten pm broadcast along with the other winners.”
Longingly his forehead leaned against yours making you smile and shift to lean against his chest for a hug he gladly returned with a growing smile of his own. In a glance up at him your playful smirk drew a playful spark in his eyes as you pulled back a few inches, to say, “You’re smiling.”
“Am I not allowed to smile at the source of my unending joy?”
With another playful smirk you waved your hand in a circle making the note pop back home onto your bed as your camera appeared in your palm. Before he could change his expression you rose on your toes curled against his side with a large smile of your own after a peck on his cheek making his smile deepen even more through a faint blush he hid by pressing his forehead to yours after the flash ended. Another picture was printed and you smirked at it as it looped with your peck on his cheek followed by your joint growing smiles before his blush and sink to hide shifting into his rise to be kissed again.
Another copy was made for him he gratefully added to the other in his pocket and said, “I will treasure them always.”
With a smile you stated, “If you like I could get you a couple of frames for them. We have a few enchanted ones you may like. Color changing, shape shifting, ones that hide the images unless you’re alone.”
“Well I certainly wouldn’t want it to hide, but, I wouldn’t wish to publicly flaunt it lest it tarnish your reputation.” He inhaled sharply, “I have missed a step. I should have asked your Father’s consent fir-..” His words died at your head turning to kiss him again drawing him into another melting lean against you.
When your lips left his, his eyes met yours with a curious pout at a wish for an unending kiss just like in the photos, “Technically in our world you have the person’s consent for kissing and the Father’s for proposing.”
He nodded and swallowed back his urge to lean in for another unsteadying kiss he hoped to end with asking for your hand right there, “I will remember that.”
With a nod you peered out at the falls again, “It really is beautiful up here. But, I should probably get back. The little ones should be hungry soon.” He nodded and eyed you in your step away only to grin at your hand extending for his, that was gladly woven into yours in his motion to claim your side and guide you back again.
When you’d reached the edge of the gardens he paused in the shadows of the trees there to ask, “Would I be able to kiss you again, when we’re alone? I understand there are titles to claim first between now and a proposal.”
You nodded, “Of course.”
Through the garden he led you to the archways again where he eyed your locked hands, reluctant to release it just yet even under the watch of servants and the twins looking on in pitiful hiding places nearby. Peering down at you he smiled at you softly raising your clasped hands to kiss your knuckles after a shifting of fingers then said, “I will see you tomorrow. I do apologize but I have guard duty tonight. I, unfortunately will have to miss the banquet.”
You smiled up at him as he cradled and tenderly stroked your hand with his adoring gaze locked on your eyes, “Well, if I am able to sleep at all, I have classes again so it would have to be after five, you could help me gather pearls.” His brow raised at your subtle lean in to whisper, “How much do you know about mermaids?” A soft peck on his cheek earned a chuckle from him and his eyes lingered on you as you slipped away with a wink you sent his way after grabbing Em in her race over to you when Estel was sent for another lesson. His moment of bliss halted however through the Elves trying to subtly come out of hiding to question him.
Pt 19
16 notes · View notes
elisajdb · 5 years
AN: Just a silly story that came to mind after viewing too many fanarts of ChiChi surrounded by Goku in all his transformations with each fighting for her affection and attention.  Thank you to SonMonchi and Blauvixen for their suggestions.
Summary: ChiChi is challenged to intimacy with her husband in all his transformations. 
This getaway was just what she and Goku needed. A few days alone on an island in the south of the world. It was something ChiChi thought she and Goku will do when Goten was older but with her father and eldest son offering to care for Goten while she and Goku spent a few days away to celebrate their anniversary, ChiChi thought the timing couldn’t be more perfect.
 The island was an abandoned one once owned by the Red Ribbon Army’s Commander Blue. ChiChi came here with Goku and an almost four year old Gohan. When they discovered the island was still abandoned since the Red Ribbon Army’s fall, ChiChi decided they occupy it themselves. ChiChi and Goku cleared away any remnants of the Red Ribbon Army but kept everything else, turning the base into a private getaway. ChiChi had ideas to rent the island out for extra income but plans were scrapped at Goku’s death to Raditz. With everything else that followed, the dream to rent this place was forgotten.
 The island was never abandoned. Over the years, ChiChi and Goku visited. ChiChi remembered the entire family coming here after Goku’s return from space. She and Goku also spent time here in the days before the Cell Games. ChiChi and Gohan even brought Goten here.
 Right now, it was her and Goku’s turn to be alone again. They arrived yesterday and did some exploring, checking out the familiar spots before celebrating the first night of their vacation.
 Now ChiChi sat on the beach watching Goku practice his martial arts. Her mind drifted to last night where Goku was in his Super Saiyan form. Everyone including her children thought she really hated that transformation. It was how she wanted it but Goku knew differently. Since that first night they were intimate with Goku as a Super Saiyan and every time since, it’s been hard for ChiChi to see Goku as a Super Saiyan and not become arouse. Those days before the Cell Games were blissful torture.
 ChiChi thought Super Saiyan would be Goku’s only transformation but seven years after his second death he returned with an Ascended Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Three transformation. Now there were four more. It was strange that her husband could change into so many forms and though his personality was slightly altered in each transformation, he was essentially the same.
 “All of them are attractive and different in their own way,” ChiChi mused to herself. She’s been intimate with Goku in almost every form. She never voiced it to him but wondered what it would be like to be with each one and which form she prefers the most.
 Finished with his workout, Goku joined ChiChi on the beach blanket. ChiChi handed Goku a chilled water bottle. As he drunk his water, she wiped the sweat off him.
 Goku lowered his bottle aware of the heat on her cheeks. “Why are ya blushin’?” A familiar scent from ChiChi teased his nose. He looked at her slyly. “What are ya thinkin’?”
 ChiChi folded her towel; aware of the playfulness in his eyes. “Just thinking about you….your different forms.”
 “What about them?”
“We haven’t tried every form.”
 “There are some forms I haven’t been in too long,” Goku considered ChiChi’s words. “But we are here for a few days and we have those senzu beans.”
 “So,” ChiChi pursued, “you want to?”
 “Hey, ChiChi!”
 That voice. Goku was right in front of her. He didn’t say a word but she heard his voice behind her.
 “Yo! ChiChi!”
 ChiChi looked behind Goku. What she saw had her mouth dropping and her body rising.
 Goku stood beside her but approaching them were two Gokus in his Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Three forms. Seeing movement to her right, ChiChi turned to see two more Gokus: Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Four.
 Turning around, ChiChi saw Ascended Super Saiyan Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Goku approaching her.
 ChiChi whirled around looking at all the Gokus approaching. “What’s…… what’s going on?” She looked at Goku besides her and noticed he wasn’t shocked at the arrival of himself in different forms. He seemed happy as he waved them over. Confused, ChiChi stepped away from him. “What’s happening?”
 “Isn’t it obvious?” Above, Ultra Instinct Goku descended from the sky. He landed before her. ChiChi’s heart pounded and heat rush to her cheeks as Ultra Instinct Goku approached her. That confident swagger, the intense look in his eyes. Damn she was getting wet already. “We know what you want.” He touched her chin and pulled her lips to his.
 ChiChi shuddered at the shock of energy pulsing in her. Her body grew hot; her breasts suddenly throbbed as if touched and moisture oozed between her legs. Ultra Instinct Goku broke the kiss, grinning at her flushed face. “But we know only I can give it to you best.”
 “Hold on!” Super Saiyan Three Goku stood behind ChiChi. “What makes you think you’re the best?” He grabbed ChiChi’s breasts, pinching her already hardened nipples as he licked her face. “ChiChi, let’s show them how I’m the best! Remember how I gave it to you when I came back?”
 “Hey!” ChiChi protested against Super Saiyan Three Goku’s affections. “That wasn’t you! It was….” her eyes fell on Goku who grinned. Why was he smiling?
 Ultra Instinct Goku’s arms crossed over his chest amused at Super Saiyan Three Goku palming ChiChi. “Well, I did make her almost cum from my kiss. What can you really do?”
 Super Saiyan Blue Goku pulled Super Saiyan Three Goku from ChiChi. “No fair! Me and ChiChi ain’t done it yet! I wanna try!”
 Freed, ChiChi stepped away. She saw Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Super Saiyan Three Goku arguing with each other. Super Saiyan Four Goku licking his lips at her. Super Saiyan God Goku waving at her grinning and were Goku and the other two Super Saiyans playing Rock, paper, scissors? “What is all this? Are you fighting over me?”
 “Don’t act like you don’t want this.” ChiChi turned to Ultra Instinct Goku. Just hearing him speak had her body responding to him. “I know your thoughts. You want to fuck all of us.” He touched her chin again. “To compare. To find out who’s best.”
 How did he know this? “But how can all of you be here? You all can’t be my Goku.”
 “We are. I’ll prove it.” He covered his lips over ChiChi’s again.
 ChiChi’s entire body tingled with pleasure. As his tongue swept in her mouth, ChiChi felt her insides on fire as Ultra Instinct Goku’s energy poured into her. Briefly, she saw his thoughts, felt his desire for her and grasped how the different variations of her husband were indeed her husband. The remaining wall of resistance crumbled as she gave into the kiss and fully accept what Ultra Instinct Goku wanted to give her. ChiChi gripped his arms as her body spasm and muffled her screams against his lips as her orgasm washed over her.
 ChiChi was still shaking as Ultra Instinct Goku pulled away. “And that was only from a kiss.” He winked at her. “Are you ready to see what all of us can do to you?”
 “Yes,” ChiChi didn’t have to think to answer that question.
 “So,” Super Saiyan God Goku rubbed his hands eagerly, “who gets ChiChi first?”
 “Me!” Ascended Super Saiyan Goku volunteered. “I want ChiChi!”
 “So do I!” Super Saiyan Four Goku joined in. “Some of us haven’t fucked ChiChi.” He smirked at ChiChi and unfurled the tail around his waist. “I have something to add that will prove I’m the best.”
 Super Saiyan Goku laughed. “You’re the best? I gave her a kid in this form.” The smoldering look he gave ChiChi caused more moisture to form in her soaking bikini bottom. “Those days before the Cell Games were the best, weren’t they, ChiChi?”
 ChiChi looked at all her husband in different variations. Still buzzing from the kiss and cumming, ChiChi’s mind was still heady with sex. All these variations were her husband and they wanted her. She couldn’t help feeling immensely turned on. The fact she had an opportunity to have all of them made it even more exciting.  
 Ultra Instinct Goku saw the lust in ChiChi’s eyes. She wanted this as bad as them. “I know how we can settle this. We’ll make it a competition. We’ll all have a chance to pleasure ChiChi. Then she’ll decides who is best.”
 Ultra Instinct Goku’s idea snapped ChiChi from her lustful thoughts. Did she hear right? “Wha….” ChiChi counted each one. “All eight of you?”
 “You said you will,” Ultra Instinct Goku reminded ChiChi. “What’s the problem?”
 “That you’re deciding this without my say!” ChiChi yelled back. “If I’m gonna do this, then I should decide!”
 “All right,” Ultra Instinct Goku agreed. “Decide.”
 Decide? Now? ChiChi looked at all her husbands, each grinning, smirking and gazing hungrily at her. “Well, I um, Gok, um, no Super Saiyan Th--,” ChiChi shook her head stammering, “I mean…” she exhaled. “This is harder than I thought.”
 Super Saiyan Blue Goku stepped to her. “I can convince you to choose me.” His mouth descended on hers in a sizzling kiss that nearly knocked ChiChi off her feet. Her hand gripped his back to hold steady and a moan passed through her lips as his hand slipped through her cover up, and pushed up her bikini top to massage her right breast.
 Super Saiyan Goku immediately became hot with jealousy. “No, no, no! It’s gonna be me!” Since her mouth was captured, Super Saiyan Goku cover his mouth over ChiChi’s left breast. His mouth suckled the plump breast while his tongue licked over a hardened nipple.
 Goku wasn’t going to be left out. “I’m the one you’ve been with the most and the honey spot is where it’s at!” He knelt before ChiChi, pushed aside her bikini bottom to lick the folds of her wet pussy and nip at her hard clit.
 ChiChi was lost in a sea of lust. Lips and hands were on her most sensitive spots, kissing, caressing and groping her. She was delirious in her need. She needed more; wanted more; a deeper tongue in her pussy perhaps; the thicker cock of either of her husbands between her legs or ass maybe. At this moment, on the verge of another orgasm, ChiChi didn’t care what they did as long as they did to her repeatedly!
 The other Gokus looked on eagerly at the show with rising tents in their pants. Each were waiting their turn to show ChiChi they should be first when the trembling ground diverted their attention. While the others looked around for the source of the quakes it took, ChiChi with her three lovers, five trembles before they broke away to the approaching sounds.
 “What……” ChiChi’s sex cloud mind tried to focus. “What is that sound?”
 Out from the tall trees an Oozaru emerged. He raised his giant furry arms and roared in the sky.
 Stunned, Super Saiyan Blue Goku released ChiChi. “What the hell?”
 ChiChi stumbled her words. “Is that….. is that….”
 Ultra Instinct Goku smirked impressed at the arrival. “Looks like there are nine of us here.”
 Oozaru Goku looked down at his small audience. His wicked red eyes zeroed in on ChiChi. His smile had ChiChi stepping away from the others fearfully. She bumped into Super Saiyan Four Goku. She tried to move but his arm around her waist kept her from escaping.
 Goku’s eyes went from staring at his higher form counterparts gaping at the giant ape to ChiChi who was in the protective grasps of Super Saiyan Four Goku. “Wait a minute! Are you saying this thing wants ChiChi, too?
 Super Saiyan Goku snarled. “Like hell he’ll get her.”
 Super Saiyan Three Goku stepped forward, ready to fight. “We have to protect, ChiChi. If that Oozaru gets her first, her pussy ain’t recovering from that.”
 “She won’t even have a pussy anymore!” Super Saiyan God Goku declared.
 “Together we’ll save the pussy and take this beast down.” Ultra Instinct Goku noticed all Gokus were ready to fight. All except, “Wait? Where’s Goku?”
 Goku raised his hand. “I’m here.”
 “No, no! The other Goku. The other me, er us.”
 Ascended Super Saiyan Goku pointed to himself. “You mean me?”
 “NO!!!” Ultra Instinct Goku snapped, irritated. “The one with a tail.”
 All the different variation of Gokus looked around finally becoming aware Super Saiyan Four Goku and ChiChi were gone.
 Super Saiyan Goku scratched his head. “Where did they go?”
 Ultra Instinct Goku looked in the direction of the forest. “That sneaky bastard. He ditched us with the Oozaru so he can get ChiChi first!”
 “Before we can find them,” Goku jumped before Oozaru Goku’s large feet could crush him, “we gotta deal with him first.”
 “I’ll take care of him,” Super Saiyan Three Goku put his hands together. “I’ll blow him away with a powerful Kamehameha Wave.”
 “We’ll distract him,” Super Saiyan Blue Goku flew in the air followed by Super Saiyan God Goku and the other two Super Saiyan Gokus.
 “How do we distract him?” Super Saiyan God Goku avoided being knocked down by the large ape’s arm.
 “I have an idea!” Super Saiyan Goku lit up. “I saw this really old movie where airplanes distracted a giant ape when he was on a really tall building!”
 Having no other ideas, the others followed Super Saiyan Goku creating aerial loops like airplanes distracting the Oozaru as Super Saiyan Three Goku summoned a powerful Kamehameha Wave.
 Super Saiyan Blue Goku flew too close to the Oozaru and received a smack so hard he was sent flying from the others into the forest. His absence opened a gap for the Oozaru to see Super Saiyan Three Goku on the ground powering up his Kamehameha Wave.
 “He’s spotted you!” Super Saiyan God Goku warned his long haired counterpart.
 Goku felt the Oozaru’s Ki rising and a large ball of Ki forming in his mouth. “Fire the wave!”
 “It ain’t ready!” But seeing the Oozaru prepping to attack, Super Saiyan Three Goku cursed. He didn’t have a choice.
 Oozaru Goku fired an explosive ball of Ki from his mouth. Everyone jumped to dodge the attack except Super Saiyan Three Goku who fired off his Kamehameha Wave. His wave was swallowed by the Oozaru’s energy and barreled back at him. Instead of moving, Super Saiyan Three Goku was directly hit by the Oozaru’s attack. His entire body was fried by the explosive Ki.
 After the sand and smoke settled, Super Saiyan Three Goku laid on the beach dazed with his body smoking. Goku jogged to his side and pulled Super Saiyan Three Goku to his feet. “Wow!” Goku looked his spikey blonde hair counterpart over. Black smears of dirt were on his face and clothes. Goku thought it was impressive Super Saiyan Three Goku took the direct hit and lived. “He burnt off your eyebrows!”
 Super Saiyan Three Goku spat out the sand in his mouth and shook what he could out of his waist length hair. “I never had any!”
 “Really?” Goku laughed. “You look kind of silly without them. You should grow them.”
 Ultra Instinct Goku watched his various counterparts battle Oozaru Goku. He shook his head at Super Saiyan Three Goku allowing himself to be fried by the Oozaru. His eyes rolled at Super Saiyan Blue Goku getting slapped so hard he was sent into the forest. Goku jumped out of the way to save himself from being crushed. The two lower level Super Saiyans and Super Saiyan God Goku had the right idea firing three different Kamehameha Waves on him from three different angles. It startled the Oozaru so much he stumbled and fell on the ground butt first. He caused the entire island to shake and trees to topple. Ultra Instinct Goku thought it was time he got involved and end this when he saw Goku run up to the Oozaru, grabbed his finger, lift and flipped him over so the Oozaru landed face first on the beach with his large, furry rear end standing up.
 Goku laughed at Oozaru Goku’s position. “Look! He’s mooning us!”
 Ultra Instinct Goku landed on Oozaru Goku’s right butt cheek. “Why did you do that?”
 “Felt like it,” Goku shrugged with a grin. “Last time I tossed anyone that size it was way back when I fought Piccolo.”
 “If we’re done playing around…..” Ultra Instinct Goku picked up the Oozaru Goku’s tail. Gripping it in one hand, he chopped off the tail from the Oozaru’s body with the other.
 “Look,” Goku pointed at the Oozaru, “Something’s happening.”
 All the Gokus watched as the Oozaru Goku revert into a naked child no more than four or five years old. “Hey,” Goku leaned over with his hands on his knees. “It’s us as a child.”
 Super Saiyan God Goku peered at the child. “What do we do with him?”
 “Watch him,” Goku stated the obvious.
 “But how can we fuck ChiChi if we’re watching this kid?” Super Saiyan Three Goku asked.
 Goku removed his light shirt and wrapped the naked child in. “Well, one of us will have to watch him.” He picked up his young counterpart. “We can take turns. Who wants to go first?” Goku looked around to see all his counterparts gone. “Guys?” He called out as he looked around. There wasn’t a trace of anyone. “Hello?”
ChiChi wondered how much further Super Saiyan Four Goku will pull her in the forests. They were so far inland, the ground didn’t tremble and ChiChi couldn’t hear the others fighting. “Stop, Goku. I think we’re far away.” ChiChi leaned against a tree to catch her breath. “I should be safe here. You should help the others.”
 Super Saiyan Four Goku turned to ChiChi, smirking. “I can’t leave you alone. They can take down that Oozaru without me.” His tail slid under ChiChi’s cover up and up her leg. The soft fur rubbing her skin caused her to shiver excitedly under his touch. “While they fight, we can fuck.”
 ChiChi stepped back until she found her back pressed against a tree. “It wouldn’t be right to…..” Super Saiyan Four Goku leaned over her; his yellow eyes peered at her. “We should make sure….” His furry hands pushed up her bikini top and exposed her breasts to him. The low approval growl in his throat brought a surge of liquid heat to her already drenched pussy.
 Super Saiyan Four Goku closed his mouth over a nipple and all intelligible thought left her mind. ChiChi’s back arched into his mouth as his lapping tongue over breast made her wetter; made her want this wild monkey man to suckle her with more force. A deep moaned escaped ChiChi’s throat as her hips thrust forward and he moved to her other breast to bestow it the same treatment. Heaven help her, her body needed it; needed to have his raging cock inside her.
 “Goku,” she panted as his tail brush her soaked bikini bottom. He suckled harder as his tail moved higher to grip the band of her bikini. With a firm tug, she felt the material falling down her hips, her thighs, sliding down her legs until settling at her feet.
 “Step out of them,” she heard him say. ChiChi obeyed. “Good,” he purred as the tip of his tail touched her core. ChiChi bit her lower lip to stifle her moan as inches of his tail slipped inside. “You’re so wet….” he buried his face in her neck, nibbling her tender flesh. “Soaking my tail.” ChiChi opened her legs wider allowing him to move deeper. The sensation of his tail being clenched by her drench walls was felt by both. “That’s better,” his deep voice rumbled as part of his finger brushed against her hardened clit while his tail worked her insides. Unable to hold it anymore, she threw her head back gasping at the pleasure this beast of her husband built in her. Her hands dug in his shoulder as she felt this red furred Goku moved her closer to a climax.
 Maliciously, Super Saiyan Four Goku removed his tail from her wet opening. The sudden release forced ChiChi to whimper at him. She didn’t approve of his teasing. ChiChi was ready to voice her displeasure when Goku raised his wet tail before her face.
 “Suck,” he commanded. The wet fur brushed her lips. ChiChi opened her mouth, tongue darting over the wet tip before his tail slipped in her mouth. Her eyes met his as she sucked hard on the end with her tongue moving around. Super Saiyan Four Goku’s hips thrust forward. “Ah, fuck that’s good.” Even he didn’t expect the sensation of ChiChi’s tongue and mouth licking and sucking his extra appendage this way. “Damn, ChiChi. You suck tail as good as you suck cock!”
 While one hand held his tail, the other pulled at his sash and opened his pants. ChiChi was pleasantly surprised to feel his cock wasn’t covered in fur. Super Saiyan Four Goku pushed her hand away and rubbed his hardened shaft against ChiChi’s wet core, stimulating both as ChiChi sucked his tail with vigor. He was so close. A few more sucks; a few more thrusts and he’ll spill.
 ChiChi surprised him by pulling his tail from her mouth. Before he could ask why she stopped, she told him. “You didn’t let me finish so you won’t either. That is…” she grinned at him, “you do what you came here to do.”
 Super Saiyan Four Goku threw his head back laughing. How he love this woman! He could definitely play her game. He pulled ChiChi from the tree and down with him on the grass. ChiChi settled on her hand and knees, legs open as she presented herself to this beast Saiyan. With him in this form, it was the only way to go!
 Super Saiyan Goku nearly ripped his pants off. As ChiChi felt two strong hands on her hips, she brimmed with excitement. She was never intimate with Goku in this state and getting a tease of his tail in her mouth and her core, she couldn’t imagine how he would feel when he was really in her.
 “OH!” She yelped as Super Saiyan Four Goku slammed himself in her and filled her with one hard, thrust. Though he entered fast, his hips moved slowly. Her whimpers were his guide. A few thrusts and her whimpers changed to moans and pleas for more. She felt Super Saiyan Four Goku getting lost in his own pleasure as he grunted and growled behind her. His slams against her body became harder, his animal sounds above her louder and aroused her even more. “Goku…. uhh……more! More!”
 “Is this all you want?” She didn’t need to see his face to know he’s smirking as he whapped against her. His tail began probing her other hole. “Uhhh!” his body slapped against hers. “Gotta ask for it if you want it.”
 “You……oh…. beast!” she cried feeling a finger now rubbing her clit. She dug her fingers deeper in the grass as he smashed their bodies together even harder.
 After a hard thrust and a growl, “Tell me!” ChiChi lost it. “Fuck my ass, you beast!” ChiChi screamed then howled as she was rewarded with a thick tail in her ass. A low groan escaped her mouth as she was simultaneously stuffed with a tail and cock that pulled out and slipped in her as Super Saiyan Four Goku found himself a steady rhythm that pleasured all her senses with no time for recovery before he overwhelmed her again.  
 “Goku!” Her head was pressed in the grass at his hard rutting. Her husband was an animal! The pleasure was almost too much as ChiChi felt completely full and conquered as his hips moved faster and pushed harder in her pussy and ass. “OH!” She could feel him increase his speed as he neared his end. She tried to hold on but the next two thrusts were her undoing.
 Her screamed echoed in the forests as she clamped down on both his tail and his shaft inside her thrashing body. Too exhausted to hold herself up on her hands, she collapsed on the grass. She couldn’t move anymore. She let him do the rest, do with her body what he pleased; blissfully dazed as he humped her body until he roared above her and pumped her with so much monkey juice, some spilled out of her as a body fell on hers with a soft thump.
 “You tickle,” ChiChi hummed as red fur rubbed against her soft body. She didn’t know how long they laid there but it felt very good and he felt very soft and warm. Super Saiyan Four Goku purred against her as he licked her sweaty skin. His purr had her giggling at the realization she committed bestiality with her husband. It should be a sickening thought but she found it arousing and one she wanted to do again.
 Plans for a second romp were shattered at a howling scream from above and Super Saiyan Blue Goku’s body dropping in front of them. ChiChi screamed while Super Saiyan Four Goku pulled her further in his protective hold.
 Super Saiyan Blue Goku sat up and rubbed the back of his neck. “Wow! That monkey can throw.” Aware he wasn’t alone, he saw ChiChi and Super Saiyan Four Goku. Their state of undress didn’t bother him. “So, this is where you ran off to.” He stood and dusted himself off. “You ran off before ChiChi could choose who can go first.”
 “She chose me.” Super Saiyan Four Goku licked ChiChi’s cheek. “And I fucked her so good in all her holes. Two at the same time,” he smirked. “None of you will satisfy ChiChi like me.”
 “That’s for me to decide,” ChiChi announced pulling away from her furred Saiyan. She kissed him in a final parting before stepping away.
 “First one doesn’t make you the best one.” Super Saiyan Blue Goku was eager to prove his counterpart wrong. “You had your turn with ChiChi. It’s my turn now.” He viewed ChiChi’s pert backside as she pulled her bikini bottom up her legs and pushed her top over her breasts. Super Saiyan Four Goku left his mark. His scent and red fur were all over ChiChi.
 Taking his hand, ChiChi left with Super Saiyan Blue. As they walked through the forest, ChiChi asked. “What about the Oozaru?”
 Super Saiyan Blue Goku shrugged. “It knocked me away but I bet the others got him.” He saw the worry on her face. “We’ll check on them.”
 When they arrived on the shores of the island, it was empty. There were remnants of a battle; fallen trees; giant footprints in the sand but none of the Gokus. “Where is everyone?” ChiChi asked.
 Super Saiyan Blue Goku released ChiChi’s hand and looked around puzzled. “I guess they defeated the Oozaru. I feel the Ki of the others. They are spread out over the island.”
 “So,” ChiChi removed her cover up, “we’re alone.” Super Saiyan Blue turned to her. Feeling daring, she pushed down her bikini bottom.  
 Super Saiyan Blue Goku stared at ChiChi as she stripped before him. He noticed her nipples peeking through her bikini top, her taut abdomen, slim legs and bare wet sex to him. The whereabouts of his other counterparts were forgotten as he focused on ChiChi, the fact they were alone and it was his turn.
 He removed his clothes and chased her.
 ChiChi squealed and ran in the water. She barely got three strokes in before she felt strong arms around her waist and her body be pulled underwater. ChiChi broke away and swam ahead before she was pulled into Super Saiyan Blue Goku’s arms again and swam to the surface. Goku carried ChiChi out of the water with her legs wrapped around his waist.
He laid ChiChi on the forgotten blanket ChiChi laid on when this whole adventure started.  “Are you trying to get away from me?” he asked.
 “No. Just want to be chased and caught.” Her eyes drift from his face to his chest to between his legs. Her fingers brushed of the fresh tuft of blue hair. “This is new,” she giggled. “You didn’t always have hair down here.” Her fingers caressed his growing penis that hardened under her touch. A pearl of his cum dropped on her finger, ChiChi immediately put it in her mouth. “Mmm,” she closed her eyes as if savoring a delicious treat. “It’s different. Divine. I need more!” She surprised him by lunging forward.
 “Uhh!” Super Saiyan Blue Goku grunted at ChiChi’s sudden dive for his penis. He was knocked on his back as ChiChi swallowed him whole.
 Perhaps it was due to him being close to divinity in this form but Super Saiyan Blue Goku tasted different, addictive. She swallowed all of him in her mouth, with his blue curls ticking her face; her tongue licking from his base to his leaking tip. “Mmmm,” more of his sweet taste dropped on her tongue as she slurped him.
 “Mmm!” She moaned in her full mouth as she felt her husband returning the favor with his hands grabbing her tight ass and tongue finding her clit. Her hips rocked against his face, smearing his lips with her hot liquid. “OH!” She gasped as she was flipped on her back and her mouth pulled away from that delicious penis. Before she could speak, her hips were hiked in the air and her legs dangled off Super Saiyan Blue Goku’s shoulders as he feasted on her, gliding his tongue against her dripping core, thrusting inside to hitting her sweet spot from an elevated angle. It was nearly too much for her as she wrapped her legs around his neck and gripped her neglected breasts as her body spasm into an orgasm.  
 Panting, ChiChi was aware of her legs being lowered to the blanket again. She felt her husband lay over her nipping her neck and licking her sweat. She felt good but she wasn’t close to being satisfied especially with that hard penis rubbing against her. She palmed his muscled chest and pushed him back until his eyes met hers. “It’s my turn,” she told him as she pushed him on his back and climbed on him.
 ChiChi gripped Super Saiyan Blue Goku’s chest and lined herself over him. Carefully, she lowered herself on him sighing wonderfully at the feel of her insides being stretched in a very pleasurable way.  “Hah,” ChiChi cooed as she slid on him. She wasn’t all the way in but rising up and lowering herself on him a few times, allowed her to eventually take all of him in her.
 “Ah!” Super Saiyan Blue Goku’s head tossed back at the feel of himself wrapped snugly around ChiChi. “You’re tight.”  
 ChiChi grinned as she rose up and slammed down on him over and over controlling their pleasure. She sometimes went slow. She sometimes went fast. She saw the frustration growing in her blue haired husband over her pace. He wanted her to go faster; he even grabbed her hips a few times to sink on him harder but ChiChi swatted him away.
 ChiChi laughed at Super Saiyan Blue Goku as she bounced up and down on him, becoming slicker and wetter with each smooth slide. “You forget….Goku…..ahh. I’m…..mmm, yes….. in control.”
 Everything came to a halt as Super Saiyan Blue Goku grabbed her hands on his chest. He forced ChiChi to look at him. “The household,” he told her. “Not the bedroom.”
 ChiChi didn’t have any time to react as she was suddenly flipped on her back with Super Saiyan Blue Goku leering at her and wedged deeply inside her. He pulled out and slammed so hard, ChiChi rose off the blanket. “Much better!” he grinned almost evilly.  
 “Oh! Ah!” ChiChi cried out as she was pounded mercilessly by her blue haired lover. He opened her legs wider, placing one over her shoulder and slammed into her faster and deeper.
 “Sometimes you forget,” he hammered his pelvis into hers. “I have to remind you.”  
 “Feels…. good,” ChiChi slurred her words. He wanted to be gentle, especially in this form but when ChiChi taunted and teased him as she did earlier, he couldn’t help but feel spurn to ram and pump himself senseless in her. “Deep….ah….er.” And when ChiChi wantonly gave in, it made him push harder and return the taunting she gave him.
 “Feels good,” he repeated her words. “Heh. You love this.”
 “Yes!” Her hands clawed down his back enjoying the feel of his slick cock sliding in and out of her; how the deeper he went the stronger were the delightful shock waves of pleasure that traveled over her sweaty body. “I can’t….” she panted as she neared her end. “I can’t…..” the intensity of their union was getting to be too much.
 “Oh, you can,” she heard him say. “And I’m coming with you.”
 With each collision of his hips with hers, ChiChi thought she would break but the smile coming down from the man above her, told her he took great care with her and she was stronger than she thought.
 “Rrhh!” He growled as his fingers dug deeper in her hips and penetrated her deeper as he spurted in her. ChiChi saw her husband’s body glowing and felt her own body glow as he filled himself in her.
 Spent, her hips dropped on the blanket and a heavy body tumbled against hers panting. Eventually he pulled out and rolled them on their side. ChiChi caressed back a floppy blue bang and kissed him. “That was amazing.”
 Super Saiyan Blue Goku massaged her backside. “We can do it again.”
 ChiChi rubbed her finger along his lips. They should but ChiChi knew she had to move on to her next conquest. “Definitely but not now.” She gave him another kiss, stood before wobbling slightly which made Super Saiyan Blue Goku grin widen. She dressed and left. ChiChi headed back to their home on the island to clean up but she spotted Ultra Instinct Goku and Goku talking while he held a child that looked like him as a kid. Perhaps that was the Oozaru. Either way, ChiChi couldn’t go to the house. If she did, they may argue or force her to choose who’s next and ChiChi wanted them later.
 ChiChi entered the forest again going to a lake she remember her and Goku finding years ago. No one was here so ChiChi removed her clothes, cleaned them since they were covered in her and two of her Goku’s spunk. She hung the bikini and cover up on a tree branch to dry and dipped in the cool water for a quick swim and cleanse herself.
 She had six more to go. Twice she’s been found and the decision to choose was taken from her. Not that she could complain about her choices but she wondered if once she could get the upper hand. Refreshed ChiChi rose out of the water. As soon as she stepped out of the lake, ChiChi realized she wasn’t alone. A sheet laid on the grass. This wasn’t here before. She was found and her prey was waiting for her. ChiChi hoped whoever he is, brought food. She was getting hungry.
 ChiChi stepped over the sheet to the tree where her bikini swimsuit and cover up dried on a tree branch.
 “You won’t need those,” a voice said behind her. ChiChi turned to see Super Saiyan Goku approaching her naked and with an erect penis. ChiChi was relieved it was him. She had been intimate with Super Saiyan Goku several times. With him, it won’t be as intense as Super Saiyan Four and Super Saiyan Blue Gokus but it will still be very good with no worries of her body breaking in half.
 ChiChi smiled, meeting Super Saiyan Goku halfway. She looked forward to this union. “I guess it’s the two of us.”
 “Make that three.”
 “Three?” ChiChi turned to see Ascended Super Saiyan Goku approaching nude, too. Her eyes grew wide. “Wait. Are you saying you two want me at the same time?” Oh, no! This was not what she had in mind. ChiChi tried to get away but she was suddenly sandwiched between two Gokus. “Wait,” she protested. “I’m okay with being with you separately but twooooo……” she was cut off as Ascended Super Saiyan Goku stuck two fingers in her backside.
 “You’ve already been taken here.” He slipped a third finger in. The red fur on his fingers told him who was here. He was amused. “You had a tail in your ass and you’re protesting having two dicks in you?”
 Hearing that out loud, it did make ChiChi sound like a hypocrite but ChiChi was still nervous about the idea. It was one thing to have a tail and a penis in her but two penises! Two Super Saiyan penises?! “It’ll be too much and…..” her words were cut off as Super Saiyan Goku suckled a breast.
 “Shh!” Ascended Saiyan nibbled her neck while his fingers dipped between her legs. She protested the idea of a threesome but she was wet, very wet. “We’ll go easy on you.”
 ChiChi didn’t resist being pulled down to lay on the sheet. Her legs were spread with Super Saiyan Goku between her with his hard penis in his hand as he lined up to her. Ascended Super Saiyan Goku massaged one of ChiChi’s breasts while his erect penis brushed against her lips.
 This threesome ChiChi could accept. A drop of cum from Ascended Super Saiyan Goku dripped on her lips. ChiChi licked her lips sweeping the juice in her mouth. Super Saiyan cum always had an extra addictive kick to its taste. ChiChi grabbed the Ascended Saiyan’s thick penis and pulled it in her mouth. As her tongue swept over the tip and licked the thick organ, ChiChi felt stimulation from her breasts as the Ascended Saiyan took turns massaging them. She was lazily aware of Super Saiyan Goku grabbing her hips and slamming himself in her.
 “Mmm!” She screamed as Super Saiyan Goku shoved himself into her core. She hadn’t a moment to adjust as he pulled out and slammed into her again repeatedly driving in deeper with each thrust without regard for rhythm. While her slippery sex tingled with pleasurable sensations, her breasts weren’t neglected as Ascended Super Saiyan Goku massaged her breasts with one hand while the other shoved ChiChi’s face against his hips, driving him deeper in her mouth.
 “Uhh!” Ascended Super Saiyan Goku groaned as ChiChi pleasured his cock with her skilled mouth. “She sucks so good!”
 “She fucks so good!” Super Saiyan Goku grinned as he banged ChiChi so hard her breasts bounced with each thrusts. “I’m gonna cum soon.”
 “Me, too,” Ascended Super Saiyan Goku felt the tightness building. He pulled out of ChiChi’s mouth. Super Saiyan Goku pulled out as well understanding what his counterpart wanted. “That’s a good warm up.”
 ChiChi meanwhile laid confused and frustrated. She was seconds to having a wonderful mind blowing orgasm and now nothing. She was getting tired of this edging. “Will you stop that?!” ChiChi screamed. “I was so close!”
 Ascended Super Saiyan Goku laid on the blanket. He grabbed ChiChi by her waist and flipped her over so she laid over him. “Wait,” ChiChi saw Ascended Super Saiyan Goku lined himself with her wet sex while Super Saiyan Goku’s hard tip was touching her backside. “I thought we weren’t doing this kind of threesome!”
 The two Saiyans didn’t listen as they focused on merging with ChiChi together. ChiChi’s hands dug into Ascended Super Saiyan Goku’s chest as he pulled her down his long and thick penis while Super Saiyan Goku eased his equally sized cock inside her tender backside. ChiChi cried out, gasped and groaned at the simultaneous union.
 ChiChi felt the lips of Super Saiyan Goku sucking the back of her neck while gently caressing her pert bottom. Ascended Super Saiyan Goku suckled a plumped breast. Each touch was a stimulant to ChiChi as her body relaxed at being the middle of a Super Saiyan sandwich.
 “Move….” ChiChi begged. She had her concerns but she was lying to herself if she didn’t admit the feel of two big shafts of her husband wedged in her was maddeningly good. She never felt so full and waiting for them to move was sheer torture.
 Super Saiyan Goku moved first pulling out of her backside before pushing back in. His strokes were easy and deliberate as he watched ChiChi’s face and listened to her voice for a reaction. Ascended Super Saiyan Goku thrust himself up and down, finding a smooth rhythm with his counterpart. Mmm, he groaned as her hot pussy gripped him. Feeling ChiChi’s nipples rubbed against his smooth chest was extra stimulation for both. He could feel Chichi getting so wet around him with each wham and smack of their bodies rubbing together, she dripped down his balls and onto the sheet.
 “Push deeper!” ChiChi panted against Ascended Super Saiyan Goku’s chest. “So close….”
 Super Saiyan Goku had the best view. He could see ChiChi, feel her clenching around him and tell by the cries she was almost there. He could also see Ascended Super Saiyan Goku’s face and could tell he was almost done, too. “Heh,” he smirked. “I bet you’ll cum before me.”
 Ascended Super Saiyan Goku eyes lit up by the challenge. “You’re weaker than me! You’re going first!”
 ChiChi shrieked as both Gokus began pounding in her holes faster and harder. They were still interested in pleasuring her but they were also interested in this competition against themselves. “Wait! Not so fast!” ChiChi was trapped by both Saiyans; a victim in their competitive game. “Fuck!” she screamed as Super Saiyan Goku smashed her ass. “Nnngh!” she howled as Ascended Super Saiyan Goku thrust up her drenched pussy so hard she was raised inches off the sheet.
 Besides being stretched to her limit from both ends, ChiChi felt hands squeezing her breasts, fingers pinching her nipples and fingers pressing her hard clit. “I can’t take it….” ChiChi panted; her body was on the verge. She was almost… “I’m gonna…. I’m….” she exploded; body convulsing; breasts shaking, core squirting and clenching cocks as she came hard blacking out but taking two Super Saiyans with her.
 Eventually, ChiChi opened her eyes feeling empty but still sandwiched between her two Saiyans. She was on her side now with Ascended Super Saiyan Goku still in front of her caressing her breasts with one hand while kissing the other. Super Saiyan Goku caressed her backside and dropped kisses along ChiChi’s shoulder and neck.
 ChiChi didn’t speak. She savored the caresses and touches of the two Super Saiyans, making her feel special and loved.
 “Finally awake I see,” Ascended Super Saiyan Goku noticed.
 “We weren’t too rough on you, were we?” Super Saiyan Goku asked as he licked her neck.
 “No,” ChiChi’s eyes closed briefly at the affection. Her ass will be sore in the morning but she felt fine now. She turned her neck getting Super Saiyan Goku’s attention. She kissed him tenderly and turned away to give Ascended Super Saiyan Goku a loving kiss. “You were wonderful. Both of you.”
 “My turn!”
 Three heads spotted Super Saiyan God Goku leaning on a tree grinning at them. He held ChiChi’s bikini and cover up in her hands. “Come on, ChiChi. Let’s go!”
 ChiChi’s entire body turned red at being caught in an intimate position; even if it was by another counterpart of her husband. “How long have you been here?”
 “Since the beginning. I arrived when they confronted you. Since they got here first, I had to wait my turn.” Super Saiyan God Goku held his hand out to ChiChi. ChiChi took his hand and the pink haired Saiyan pulled ChiChi to her feet.
 While the two Super Saiyans on the sheet weren’t embarrassed, ChiChi face flamed at the realization she gave a show to another copy of her husband. She turned to the two on the ground. “Why didn’t you say anything when you felt him?!”
 “They didn’t,” The Saiyan God informed ChiChi. “In this divine form my energy isn’t sensed by any normal people. I think the only ones close enough to feel me would me Blue me or Ultra me. Ya wanna dipped in the lake before we go?” he suddenly asked. “Ya kind of sticky.”
 If only the ground will open and swallow her up. ChiChi left the men and took a quick dip in the lake to cleanse herself.  Super Saiyan God Goku happily stood at the lake with his hand out when ChiChi was ready to climb out of the lake.
 He pulled ChiChi close to him and raised his Ki to dry her off. “We’re not staying here, are we?” ChiChi asked as she dressed. She had no plans of putting on a show twice. She looked over at the two Gokus she had sex with. Both grinned at her confident they won this contest. She should put a stop to it but she couldn’t. As much as her Gokus wanted to prove themselves as her best lover, she wanted to chance to be with them all. And this one who was flying her from her last two lovers was one she never had a chance with before.
 Super Saiyan God Goku was different ChiChi mused as they flew together. He didn’t immediately take her somewhere to mate. They just spent time together flying. It allowed ChiChi to observe him in this form. He looked so much younger; back to when they were married teenagers. His fuchsia hair was amusing. He looked like a musician in a popular boy band.
 Super Saiyan God Goku turned his face to her. “Ya wanna fly?”
 “I am flying,” ChiChi kissed him. “With you.”
 Super Saiyan God Goku maneuver his hold on ChiChi. Instead of flying with ChiChi in his arms, he maneuvered so she was front of him. “Spread your arms,” he instructed while his remained around her waist.
 ChiChi giggled as they soared higher in the sky. “I remember us doing this when we were newlyweds.” Things were so carefree and innocent then. It was just the two of them spending time together and learning about each other. Soaring with her husband like this, she felt she was a teenager again.
 Super Saiyan God Goku lift ChiChi over his head. ChiChi laughed and spread her arms; swinging as if she was an actual bird. She was turned around so she hovered over Goku flying backwards.
 “This is amazing!” ChiChi laughed as she swayed pretending to fly like a bird. “We need to do this more often!”
 Super Saiyan God Goku grinned at ChiChi above him. His eyes stared at her swinging breasts and moved between her legs.
 “Ready, ChiChi?”
 “Ready?” ChiChi repeated. “Whoa!” ChiChi was suddenly flipped upside down with her body hanging thousands of feet above ground and staring at the stiff bulge in Super Saiyan God Goku’s pants. “Goku, what are you doing?!”
 ChiChi felt the strings of her bikini bottom coming lose and cool air hitting her bare backside. He couldn’t she told herself. There’s no way he would….. “Goku! Don’t you dar---ahhh!” A tongue licked her slick, pink flesh. “Oooo,” her legs wrapped around his head as she felt Super Saiyan God Goku’s tongue navigating to the heart of her sex. His hands gripped her ass as his tongue slipped deeper in her.
 “Goku…..” ChiChi moaned. “Not in….hah….” She expected after the flight, they’ll descend to a spot and have sex but not in the air and definitely not a 69! “Ahh!” ChiChi’s hand gripped his clothed backside while her face rubbed against his bulge. Hovering in the sky, getting eaten out with blood rushing to her head and her face rubbing against a stiff penis left ChiChi questioning her own sanity but also her secret desires. If he can give it to her like this, surely she could, too.
 Excitement rushed through ChiChi at the thought of them servicing each other this way. A part of her was scared, too. She couldn’t fly and if this God Goku lost all his concentration, she could be seriously hurt! Still, that fear was small in the overwhelming trust she had in her husband. He wouldn’t let her be hurt through this.
 If he did, she’d kill him!
 Pushing the fear aside, ChiChi took the plunge. She pushed down his pants and his springing stiff cock smacked her face. She ignored the sting and gripped his base. Who will finish first she wondered? If she wins, she’ll never let Goku forget it!
 She began with a tease, licking his perfectly shaped tip before shoving thick and glorious inches of his cock into her mouth. ChiChi felt them dipped in the sky, heard a groan over her and felt his lower back involuntary thrust forward, giving Chichi even more to swallow as her tongue ravenously work the full length of his cock and her lips suck him off.
 As she wonderfully sucked and licked him, ChiChi felt Goku hungrily eating her with voracious groans and growls. His tongue licked her swollen lips and hard clit; swallowing her sweet juices. At the same time, ChiChi worked him; running her tongue over his shaft, teasing his head and swallowing the drips of his juices coming from his tip. More spilled than expected so ChiChi knew he was reaching his end. She was approaching hers, too, but she didn’t want to lose so ChiChi doubled her efforts while reaching behind Super Saiyan God Goku’s back and pressed his weak point. Even in a God form his tail spot was a weakness for him and ironically brought ChiChi her own downfall for he bit her clit in response to her pressing his tail spot which triggered her climax as he spurted in her mouth.
 One eye opened at the premature release spilling from her filled mouth, and thanks to her unique position, Goku’s spunk filled her nostrils and dripped down her forehead into her hair. She pulled out, coughing to breath. No longer enclosed in ChiChi’s mouth, the rest of Goku’s essence squirted more of ChiChi’s face, hair and breasts. Super Saiyan God Goku kept a firm hold on ChiChi but that didn’t comfort her as they were in sudden freefall.
 “Goku!” ChiChi screamed at the sudden drop in altitude. As they spun in freefall ChiChi felt Super Saiyan God Goku settle his hands on ChiChi’s waist and her body be turned upright so her face hovered inches from his. Though moving slower, they were still spinning in the air. His fuchsia hair flopped in the wind and his goofy smile drew her closer. How romantic to kiss like this she thought. She cupped his face preparing to kiss him when…..“Nnngh!” ChiChi lurched at the feel of his thick penis shoved inside her.
 “Whoo, yeah!!!” Super Saiyan God howled at the union. “Nailed it in one!”
 “Too fast….” ChiChi gasped. “Too much….”
 “Wow! You’re still so tight,” Super Saiyan God Goku grinned as he felt himself tightly sheathed in ChiChi. “I thought you’d be a little looser after all those other mes.” He slipped out and pushed himself in her again. “But you’re still tight and right.”
 ChiChi gasped as her hips were raised and slammed down on a hard cock again and again. “Ah! Goku! We’re still spinning…. getting dizz---OH!!!” He smashed in her again.
 “Whee!!!!” Super Saiyan God Goku cheered as their spinning continued. “Isn’t this fun, ChiChi?”
 She was sitting on her husband who had full control of them floating in the air with his cock wedge in her as they joined the mile high club in their own way. “Well, it is.” ChiChi conceded as her insides were emptied and filled again with this God Goku as he bounced her up and down on his hips. Her body trembled, breasts bounced over him. “This…..um it’s…..” she laughed as they floated over the island, “fun and…. ahh…do it again!”
 ChiChi dug her fingers in his shoulders as her hips were grabbed and shoved on top of her husband as he took control, shoving himself in deeper as she rode harder and faster with her body craving ever inch he plunge in and out of her as they plummet in freefall. ChiChi was torn between panic on crashing on the beach below and desperately riding herself to an intense climax.
 ChiChi yelped as she felt the thick cock wedge in her grew in length and width, felt the intense heat of rising Ki transporting in her as fingers imprinted on her hips and her body was hammered with so many rapid thrusts she lost count as her body succumbed to the intense, violent climax exploding in her.
 “Oh, yeah!” Super Saiyan God Goku didn’t lose pace raising and lowering a convulsing ChiChi on his slick dick as he worked himself to his end. “Nnngh!” his hips slammed up in hers one more time as he spilled his seed.
 Still locked together, ChiChi fell forward on her husband.  Their dissension slowed as Super Saiyan God Goku pulled himself out of ChiChi and held her in his arms. Gently, he brought them to land.
 “Well?” Super Saiyan God Goku grinned at ChiChi. “Did you like it?”
 ChiChi answered with a big kiss on his lips. “That was fun! And different,” ChiChi laughed. “And scary!” she slapped his chest playfully. “Using Kaioken. You could’ve broke me.”
 ChiChi received a wink from her husband. “Nah, ChiChi. You’re stronger than you think!”
 “My turn!” A gold blur zoomed by and snatched ChiChi off her feet. She suddenly found herself on the shoulders of Super Saiyan Three Goku with his long hair in her mouth. She spat out the hair only to see Super Saiyan God Goku getting smaller the further she was distanced from him.
 “Bye, ChiChi!” Super Saiyan God Goku waved at her. “It was fun!”
 With Super Saiyan Three Goku being her next lover, ChiChi wondered what they will do.  Super Saiyan God Goku was fun but she was hoping to stay on ground for this next one. She’d only been intimate with Goku in his Super Saiyan Three form twice. The first time was intense getting used to his size and Goku’s aggressive manner. The second time she almost choked on his hair. Even being carried away now she spat out pieces of his hair that got caught in her mouth.
 When Super Saiyan Three finally stopped running and set ChiChi on her feet, ChiChi realized they were in the forest. “Why are we….” She noticed Super Saiyan Three Goku staring at her. Her eyes followed his to where he was focused on her exposed lower half. Heat went up her cheeks as she recalled what happened to her bikini bottom. “Don’t ask.”
 “Hmm,” he grinned. “Took care of the sweet spot, did he?” Super Saiyan Three Goku’s eyes went up to her breasts still covered in her bikini top. “But not your chichis. Youth. So inexperienced.” He opened her cover up and snapped her bikini bra opened. The thin material fell to the ground and his eyes lit up as her bountiful breasts bounced free. “More fun for me.”
 ChiChi’s back was pressed against a tree as Super Saiyan Three Goku feasted on her breasts. He nearly inhaled her right breast in his mouth while his right hand groped her other breast. “Hah!” ChiChi gasped as his other hand dipped between her legs. Feeling his tongue flicking over the stiff bud of her nipple before sucking the flesh while he pinched her other nipple and clit simultaneously left ChiChi squirming and crying out. “Too much…. Slow down….” Her eyes shut at the intense pleasure of her sensitive spots stimulated at once. Her words only had Super Saiyan Three Goku doubling his efforts as he stimulated the other breast with his mouth and switched hands. He knew she was close to peaking and instead of giving it to her now, he created a slow build by rubbing a thumb against her clit with a slow and steady finger teasing her internally while his mouth suckled a breast deeply and his other hand tormented the nipples of her other breast that was previously mauled by his mouth.  Her hands gripped his sea of hair, her hips humped against his slippery fingers as he moved faster, licked and suckled harder, tormenting ChiChi until her back arched, a soft cry tore form her lips, and body convulsed on his saturated hand.
 ChiChi relaxed against the tree for a moment while Super Saiyan Three pulling his thick and leaking penis out of his pants. ChiChi’s opened legs were lifted and body pressed firmer against a tree. “You’re not wasting time, are you?”
 A flash of annoyance crossed his face. “You know I can’t maintain this form long.”
 “Not much endurance?” ChiChi teased him as a finger caressed his hairless eyebrows. “OH!” She grunted at the sudden intrusion.
 Super Saiyan Three Goku smirked at her. “You got jokes.”
 ChiChi mirrored his expression. “Facts,” she corrected him and received another hard thrust in return. Her back slapped the tree she was pressed against. One leg was propped over his shoulder as he pulled out and plunged in her again and again. “Harder,” she demanded him. He obeyed but he was also sweating and panting. Super Saiyan Three form was always a form Goku struggled to maintain. Goku explained it might be due to him achieving this form when he was dead. He only practiced with it now when on King Kai’s planet.
 “Rrrh!” ChiChi groaned as this long haired Super Saiyan gripped her thighs and spread her wider as he pumped faster and slapped her slick, pink flesh harder. Each thrust had her back and head slapping against the tree.  It’s so good but he’s pounding so hard. If I wasn’t a martial artist….
 The loud noise caused ChiChi’s eyes to fly open. The crack was followed by a scream as ChiChi and Super Saiyan Three Goku tumbled back from the tree they had broken as their bodies fell on the ground. ChiChi fell first. The fall wasn’t high and the pain wasn’t hard but the sudden and deeper plunge of her husband in this awkward angle gave them both an instant orgasm.
 Sated, ChiChi cuddled with Super Saiyan Three Goku using his wild and long hair as a pillow as he rubbed her back. “That poor tree!” ChiChi laughed in his hair. “We broke it.”
 Super Saiyan Three Goku hand glowed as he caress her back. “How’s your back?” It was his thrusting that did it but the tree broke on ChiChi’s back.
 “It was a little sore but what you’re doing now is working.” She rolled on all fours and stretched like a cat. The sun was starting to set and she didn’t want to be too late meeting her last lovers. “I better go.”
 ChiChi stood and pulled the cover up over her head. Super Saiyan Three Goku pulled ChiChi back to him. One hand squeezed a breast and the other rubbed between her legs. “You can forget them and fuck me again.”
 Tempting but ChiChi didn’t know what will break if she agreed. “Next time,” ChiChi promised. “Inside,” she added, “where the only thing we might break is the bed.” She kissed him goodbye and received a sexy whap on her firm butt before parting.  
 Now she was down to two. One she’s been with more than anyone and one she’s never been with and yet he left her dripping with only the intense look in his eyes and the sound of his voice. Just thinking about them got her excited again. Even though she had a wonderful time with all her Gokus, ChiChi knew one of the final two will be the winner of this challenge.
 Earlier, she was apprehensive at the start of this game but as the day continued and each sexual encounter grew with intensity, ChiChi’s confidence grew. She felt desired, daring and completely wanton.
 After preparing herself for her next lover, ChiChi discarded her cover up. She walked back to the house under the setting sun and rising moonlight naked. She never voiced it like others but she was a woman with confidence in herself, her body and this experienced boost it tenfold. She knew what she had and what it did to her husband during intimacy. With these last two, she knew she will feel the effects of their encounter for days.
 It wasn’t a surprise to see Ultra Instinct Goku waiting. He looked amused as he stood in front of the house with his arms crossed. “Had your fun with the rest?”
 ChiChi responded with a smile, especially as Ultra Instinct Goku took in her nude body. “It was an equal opportunity.” When she reached him, she asked. “Are we alone?”
 “Yeah.” He inhaled her scent. “You cleaned up.” He wet a thumb with his tongue and brushed it over a nipple. ChiChi shuddered as a jolt of energy passed over her nipple and settled between her legs. “Slick already,” he mused at her as he walked towards the door. “Let’s go.”
 ChiChi followed him in the house. ChiChi thought they would stop at the kitchen but Ultra Instinct Goku kept walking towards the bedroom.
 “You won’t need food,” he told her as they entered their room. “I’ll give you all the energy you need.”
 Maybe but ChiChi still wouldn’t mind something to eat. As soon as she entered, ChiChi was pressed against the door with Ultra Instinct Goku leering over her. “I’ll give you some of that energy now.”
 “Mmmph!” ChiChi eyes widened at the sudden kiss. As before with him, her body was immediately aroused but this time she felt her own energy rising. When Ultra Instinct Goku pulled away from the kiss, ChiChi realized they were on the bed. Her back was pressed against the soft mattress and Ultra Instinct Goku was above her naked.
 Wait, what?
 ChiChi touched Ultra Instinct Goku’s bare chest. “What happened? We were at the door.”
 Ultra Instinct Goku’s hand glided from her knee to the juncture between her thighs. Sparks of heat radiated her skin where his fingers touched. “My body acts on instinct; without thoughts,” he explained. “My body wants to mate so it moved us from the door to the bed.”
 “So, you’re not thinking,” ChiChi guessed. “You act on will and with speed.” ChiChi’s hand moved to settle on the back of his neck. She only brushed it with her fingers to spark his subconscious to take control again.
 Once more, ChiChi felt heat radiating from him to her as they kissed. All the nerves in her body were alerted to Ultra Instinct Goku. His body was over hers and she felt multiple hands everywhere. It was as if he was touching all her sensitive points simultaneously. Liquid heat poured between her legs as if he was touching her with her fingers and lips at the same time. Fast and slow she felt him everywhere on her breasts, lips kissing and sucking, fingers probing and pinching; teeth nibbling and tongue licking until her back arched and her strangled cries echoed in the room.
 Wait? When did he stop kissing her?
 ChiChi was certain she was kissing Ultra Instinct Goku the entire time. She felt him now nibbling her neck as she laid on the bed panting. “How did I cum like that? You weren’t inside me but I felt you everywhere.” She touched his face and forced him to look at her. She noticed his face. His lips had an extra shine to them and there was a white dollop of cream just below his lower lip. “Did you…. I thought I felt…..but I didn’t even see you move there!”
 “I’m still learning but there are gifts to Ultra Instinct.” Ultra Instinct Goku was on his side. He drummed his heated fingers over her stomach, amused as ChiChi moaned and shivered under his touch. “It knows exactly where to touch.” His hand moved up to cup a breast. His illuminating finger brushing a nipple left ChiChi screaming in her pillow and sweat forming on her skin. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” he asked as he continued his ministration.
 ChiChi’s legs squeezed together. He wasn’t even touching her there and she could feel herself dripping on the sheets and her core throbbing nearly begging for the same stimulation. “Stop teasing…. get inside---”
 Her head fell back, back and hips arched forward as her body was jolted by an electrical current coursing through her body as heat pulsated from her head to her toes. Their union was so intense her eyes squeezed shut as her inner walls squeezed and saturated him with an instant climax. Breathing was nearly impossible as she struggled to get used to this penetration. It was different from Goku’s other transformations. It was as if every pore was open, every nerve was exposed and filling her with delicious pleasure.
 Eventually her eyes opened to see Ultra Instinct Goku above her. A silver hue illuminated him. It illuminated her, too due to their union. Before, her husband’s eyebrows and hair were black with silver highlights. Now they were completely silver.
 “Go…..” he moved shutting off her voice to anything other than moans. She couldn’t think but only feel; one leg spread open and another prop over a hip as a rapid, thick penis slid in and out of her. Each thrust felt like a tiny orgasm. His body was so hot and he transported that heat to her with each plunge. Every nerve in her body was awakened and connecting to him and his emotions. Never breaking eye contact with each thrust, ChiChi realized Ultra Instinct Goku felt it with her, too. Once again, she tried to speak but her voice was cut off by movements too fast for her human eyes. One moment she was on her back; the next she was turned on her hands and knees.
 “I’m not done with you,” she heard a low voice rumble behind her.
 “Ah!” ChiChi gripped the sheets as the hands on her hips spread her wider while slamming deeper in her. “Fuck!” He pounded her so hard it hurt but she couldn’t deny how good it also felt. ChiChi looked over her shoulder and met his lust filled eyes. His look alone was enough for her to clench him and gasp as another orgasm claimed her.
 Breathless, ChiChi laid against the damp sheets as she was ruthlessly plunge from behind. This last orgasm affected Ultra Instinct Goku. She could feel it in their connection. He was triggered but not ready to let go yet but the rough thrusting told her it will be soon. He pulled ChiChi up so she was on her knees with him. One hand on a large breast and the other between her legs. His hot fingers touching the nerves of her most sensitive area had her fast approaching a third orgasm she couldn’t handle.
 “I can’t….. I can’t take it….” she shook her head whimpering at this sweet torture of their slapping, rutting bodies; of his thick vibrating cock sliding in her slick flesh so hard and fast she was shrieking when she came again and pulled Ultra Instinct Goku with her. He held her against him as he spurted so much he overflowed her insides. When he pulled out, he kept splattering his spunk on ChiChi’s back and sheets.
 Spent, ChiChi fell forward. One leg dangled off the bed but she was too drained to move. Her eyelids were so heavy and body so limp, she fell asleep before she felt Ultra Instinct Goku lay beside her.
 It was still dark when ChiChi’s eyes opened again. She felt a hand on her left breast and the warm body of Ultra Instinct Goku pressed against her. Carefully she rolled over to face him. ChiChi stared at him tenderly. She thought the night before the Cell Games was the closest she ever been with Goku but this intimacy they shared was the closest.
 ChiChi placed a gentle kiss on his lips and quietly got out of bed. She wanted to stay; perhaps wake up her silver haired husband and talk about this experience but she knew there was one more waiting for her. She retrieved a chemise robe and quietly left. ChiChi sat on the front porch, gazing at the sky as she thought about her strange but fulfilling day.  
 Today, ChiChi was intimate with all forms of Goku except the Oozaru (thank goodness) and one other. Her lips turned up in a smile at the approaching footsteps of the one she had yet to be with. Turning, she saw Goku walking up with that cheerful smile that always had her heart fluttering.
 “Where have you been all day?” ChiChi asked.
 Goku leaned on the banister of the porch. “Babysitting kid me. The Oozaru turned into one after Ultra me removed his tail. As soon as I picked him up, everyone disappeared.”
 “They ditched you with the kid?” ChiChi laughed at the image in her mind. “Where is the child now?”
 “God me has him since I told him it was my turn.” He held his hand out to her. “Ready?”
 ChiChi took his hand and instead of walking he picked her up and carried her into the forest. “So, how was it?” Goku asked.
 “Want to know how you compare?”
 Goku laughed. “I’m not worried about that. Did you have fun?”
 ChiChi chuckled again. “That’s like me asking you if you had fun in a fight.”
 “Ah,” was Goku’s only answer. “Were they too rough?”
 “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” ChiChi thought even though there were one or two a little rougher than she wanted. She leaned her head on his shoulder wondering where they were going until they cleared a group of trees and came upon a hot springs. ChiChi gasped as something else caught her eyes. A fish cooked over a campfire and beside it a picnic blanket with several fruits on it. “Food!!”
 “I thought you might be hungry.” Goku placed ChiChi on the end of the hot spring, removed her robe and eased her into the hot waters. He removed his clothes and joined her.
 ChiChi was completely pampered. In the hot springs, she soaked her overworked body received massages while sharing her escapades that day with all the other Gokus. Afterwards, she sat on the blanket hungrily eating the fish and fruits Goku caught for her. Full and sated under the moonless sky, she laid on the blanket with Goku naked.
 “Thanks, Goku. I needed this.”
 “Sorry I can’t cook a decent meal for ya.”
 ChiChi rolled on her side. “It’s enough like you are.”
 “After everyone?” he teased her. “I’m enough?”
 She touched his chin and before pulling him to kiss her, she told him. “Always, you big goof.”
 For several moments, they only kissed with Goku pulling away before ChiChi needed air. Years experienced taught Goku to take his time with ChiChi this way. Instead of rushing ChiChi like the other Gokus did, this one took his time exploring her neck with his tongue and teeth before rolling ChiChi on her back to taste her breasts.
 A contented moan came from ChiChi as one breast was gently sucked with a firm nipple probed by his tongue while the other was massaged by his hand with his fingers pinching her nipple. “Ah!” ChiChi’s head fell back as Goku switched sides.
 “You always smell good, ChiChi,” Goku licked and nipped her sensitive skin. “But you always taste better when you smell like food!” He laughed as his mouth moved to the muscles on her stomach. “It’s like a combination of two of my favorite things I like to eat!”
 Her laughs at his words halted as her fingers fisted the blanket when Goku settled his face between her. A leg was pinned down while the other was draped over his shoulder as Goku hungrily licked between her legs. His mouth was submerged between her as he was determined to not miss any sweet drops on his tongue. If his hand wasn’t holding down one of her legs, ChiChi’s legs would be clamped around his neck with a hand pressing Goku’s face into her, begging his tongue to go deeper and lick faster.
 ChiChi could normally hold out longer but with all the sex today, all the different shafts of her husband probing all her sexual holes, multiple mouths licking and nibbling her body and nerves were very sensitive that his teeth nibbling her hardened clit for a few moments left her nearly pulling his hair out, her hips jerking while she came hard on him.
 ChiChi’s body was buzzing in her afterglow. She laughed realizing she’s cum so many times today she lost count. She laughed at how shiny Goku’s face was. With all the sex today, even she found herself amazed she had enough strength to raise her legs to place one over his and the other over Goku’s back as he settled between her. Her nails dug into his arms as Goku plunge deep inside her as her insides were wonderfully stretched again to her root.  
 “Damn,” Goku groaned over her. “How are you still so tight?!” He pulled back and slammed into ChiChi repeatedly; more moisture oozed from her walls, making Goku slicker and faster as he continuously rock her hips.  
He wasn’t animalistic and commanding like Super Saiyan Four or Blue, inventive or playful as God or Super and Ascended Saiyans, rough as Super Saiyan Three or intuitive as Ultra Instinct. He was simply Goku, simply her husband; confident in himself; caring for her physical needs before satisfying his. He didn’t use special tricks and transformations to impress her. He didn’t need to because he knew simply being himself was enough.
 Sunlight shined on ChiChi’s face, awakening her to another morning. She laid in bed for several quiet moments confused, exhausted yet sated and a very sore ass. On the nightstand, there was a pouch with a senzu bean next to it and two bottles of wine and empty glasses.
 Yesterday was fuzzy. She and Goku arrived on this island in the south of the world. They were to spend a few days alone to celebrate their wedding anniversary. ChiChi remembered them exploring the island together, eating, drinking, lovemaking, more exploring, eating, drinking and lovemaking on the land and in their little getaway home.
 Did she and Goku really….? No, that was a dream. Wasn’t it?
 She was naked, the sheets and room reeked of sex so ChiChi knew she and Goku were intimate and…. where was Goku? He wasn’t in bed with her.  
 As if being summoned, Goku transported himself in the room, naked. A cheerful smile plastered his face when he spotted ChiChi. “Oh, you’re awake. I thought you might sleep all day. I caught a fish. It’s cooking outside.” He noticed ChiChi staring at him with a weird look on her face. “What’s wrong?”
 “Nothing.” Surely, it was all a dream. She drunk so much wine she dreamt it all. That had to be it. Still didn’t explain why she felt a little sore in her butt. “Goku, I had the strangest dream.” She pulled her legs out of bed and placed her feet on the floor. Sitting, she spotted bags against the wall. That’s right. Before she and Goku arrived here, they stopped on a different island to do some shopping. They picked up food for their island home but stopped at a toy store where ChiChi purchased a plush ape toy for their granddaughter Pan. The giant stuffed animal sat in the corner of the wall. Goku joked it looked like an Oozaru.  
 With the wine and seeing this stuffed toy, it explained why she dreamt she of an Oozaru but the rest…..
 “Oh!” Goku suddenly remembered. “I found your bikini bottom. It was on the fish I caught.” He laughed. “I thought when I tossed it in the air it was gone but I guess it fell in the water and got stuck on the fish. How about that?”
 ChiChi’s eyes grew to the size of saucers! Her bikini bottom? The simple piece of cloth triggered her memories. Flashes of yesterday came back; some fuzzy and some clear. She wasn’t on the beach with all the variations of her Goku at the same time but she did remember being on the beach drinking too much wine and talking about being intimate with Goku in all his transformations. They were together on the beach when he was Super Saiyan Blue and in the skies as Super Saiyan God and…… She touched her backside. Did she really have a threesome with Goku?!!
 “Goku, how did that threesome work?”
 “You mean yesterday?” He asked. “I used the Multi-Form technique. Tien’s move with a twist I added. Why?”
 Well, that explained the threesome.
 ChiChi crossed her legs and stared at the empty wine bottles on the nightstand. Too much alcohol and she forgets a day of intense and wild sex with her husband. What a cruel twist for having a good time and letting go her inhibitions.
 “What’s wrong, ChiChi?” Now Goku was standing before her concerned.
 Frustrated, ChiChi fell back on the bed. “I don’t remember yesterday. Well, I remember pieces of it and some of it caused me to have the strangest dream.”
 “I told you to not drink that second bottle of wine.” Goku ducked as two pillows flew at him. Frustrated at her bad aim, ChiChi laid back down and draped an arm over her face. While ChiChi felt sorry for herself, Goku saw a simple solution to ChiChi’s problem. “We still got senzu beans. We just have to do it all again.” It was a simple solution and the more he thought about it, the more he liked. “It’ll be too much with Ultra Instinct but can I be Super Saiyan Blue in your ass this time?”
 ChiChi didn’t miss with the third pillow.
 Goku won out with his request.
 The next year they visited this island ChiChi left the wine at home.
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thepatricktreestump · 5 years
pride month asks!
some questions and answers about my experience with LGBTQ+
1.       What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? 
I identify as bisexual and genderfluid, so my pronouns regularly change from she/her to he/him.
2.      How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
I have always been a huge ally to the LGBTQ+ community, but one day I was stepping out of the shower, and kind of thinking to myself what the difference between having sex with a guy and having sex with a girl was. After contemplation, I thought to myself that they really weren’t all that different to me, and I’d probably enjoy having sex with a girl just as much as having sex with a guy. I researched online a little bit, and I figured out that yeah, I’m probably bi. Especially after I fell in love with both Brendon Urie and his wife Sarah, I was pretty damn sure I was bi.
3.      Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
Sometimes I do, but it honestly doesn’t bother me too much because I come from a very conservative, religious, small town background. I grew up in a private Catholic school where everyone is Republican and nobody even knows what being gay is, much less a different gender. So I’m kind of used to putting up a façade for others. As I graduated and moved away from my hometown, things have been much better, and by politely correcting others, I’m able to be confident in who I am as well as educate the people around me.
4.      Who was the first person you told, how did they react?
Oh god, haha. I distinctly remember that night when I knew I was going to tell my best friend I was genderfluid. I was so nervous and scared, I just sort of blurted it out over text, in all caps, like “I’M GENDERFLUID” and then I kind of panicked, so I proceeded to send her about a hundred Hamilton gifs to cover up what I had typed out and sent. Although it was awkward in the moment, we both laugh about it to this day, and she’s been so accepting and kind to me ever since that moment.
5.      Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?
For my friends, it was a lot of anxiety and doubt. For my parents, fear and chaos. My friends didn’t understand, they thought it was a disease of some sort, and actually a lot of them stopped talking to me. Again, conservative religious background, but still, no excuse. I grew up in a very abusive household, and it wasn’t my choice to come out. My therapist had forced me to tell my parents in a session and it was an absolute mess. Coming out wasn’t the best experience, especially as a freshman in high school.
6.      If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
I kind of explained above, but basically not so well. My dad went absolutely off on me, and said some of the most horrible things I have ever been told in my life. He said that I was dragging everyone I knew towards hell, that what I was is unmoral, unnatural, and unnormal, acted like I was some sort of monster, said it was extremely difficult to even be related to me, and that I was corrupting his family and disrespecting his household. It was a miserable time for me, but through music, I was able to write a song about it that helped me cope.
7.      What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
A lot of people assume that because I’m bisexual, I’m some sort of fetish they can use to fulfill their dirty fantasies. I’m always asked to be a part of a couple’s threesome. I am told that the only reason I’m bi is because I want double the opportunities to have sex. It’s ridiculous and disgusting. I’m bi because I like people. Not because I like sex.
8.     Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
I really fucking love beanies! Most of the time I read that’s the essential clothing item for all genderfluid people, which makes me laugh, because it’s true. Combat boots or converse, black jeans, a band t-shirt, a sports bra or binder, a jean jacket, and a beanie is always my go-to outfit. So much so, to the point my sister told me that every time I go out in public I’m always wearing the same thing, which kind of makes me laugh.
9.      Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?
I don’t know if you’ve ever read the magna, Tamen de Gushi, but I absolutely love it! That lesbian couple is everything! I also really love Shane Dawson and Ryland Adams, of course. Captain Holt from Brooklyn Nine Nine and his husband is amazing. Elijah Daniels and Sam also make me super fucking happy.
10.  What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
Growing up as a theater kid, I’ve always seen makeup as accentuated and over the top. I only ever wore makeup on stage, and even then, it was special effects type stuff, zombies and clowns and shit. Once I hit puberty though, my mom would force me to wear makeup because she said it would make me beautiful. I hated it. She would force me to put on makeup before I left the door and it made me have horrible self image issues. As I grew older, I found a love for makeup through beauty gurus and drag queens, and I sometimes dabble in it either for fun or for special events like prom or fancy dinners. I always prefer no makeup though, I feel like to me, wearing it is just hiding behind a mask.
11.   Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?
ALL THE GODDAMN FUCKING TIME. Since I’ve gotten my haircut, a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Wearing a binder also helps so much! However, I still really want to start T and I think that will help a lot. Dysphoria affects me in so many ways, whether my self confidence or my body image, my anxiety and my mood, etc., a lot of it depends on how comfortable I am in my own skin.
12.  What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?
Homophobic people are probably the stupidest people I’ve ever met in my life, to be honest. I’ve heard thousands of dumb things come from their mouths. I think the most outrageous myth I’ve heard is probably that being gay is a disease, and that simply being around another gay person will make you gay. Like who the fuck comes up with this shit? Smh.
13.  What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
How creative we are. We’re resilient and outspoken and passionate, but most of all, so talented. The queer community is full of inventors, politicians, emperors, artists, directors, actors, musicians, and more. It’s gorgeous just how much we are capable of.
14.  What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
The discrimination breaks my heart. The fact that we are terrified to so much as hold hands with the one we love in public. To be beaten, tortured, and killed simply for who we are. That is what hurts me the most.
15.  Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?
No, I find it sort of ironic every time there is a pride event I happen to have a concert on that day. Once, a Panic! concert, which honestly is sort of the equivalent of Pride. We went and there were so many LGTBQ+ flags and people and it was so gorgeous. I have attended pride prom once though, and it was probably the most fun I had ever had in a really long time.
16.  Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
I absolutely adore Miles McKenna. He has helped me so much in finding myself and accepting who I am. He’s such a huge spokesperson for the community and I am so grateful to have him in my life.
17.   Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
I’ve been in several relationships, surprisingly, through parties and discussions and friends. My s.o. right now I met through high school, which was crazy in itself, but we’ve been dating for almost two years now and I love them to death.
18.  What is your favourite lgbt+ book?
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children is one of my favorite books ever and it’s about being FTM trans and I love it so much wow.
19.  Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
So very much. After coming out to one of my best friends, she stared at me, disgusted and went “well don’t try to have sex with me or anything” and then proceeded to never talk to me again. I’ve received dirty looks and glares, been misgendered on purpose, and even received death threats. It’s horrible.
20. Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?
I love American Horror Story so much because of just how much representation it gives our community and how natural they make it seem! And of course, “Love, Simon” was an amazing movie that made me cry like a baby.
21.  Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?
I don’t really know about bloggers, but definitely Youtubers! Shane Dawson, Miles Chronicles, Thomas Sanders, Ally Hills, Anthony Amorim, Elijah Daniels, Elle Mills, Garrett Watts, Sam Collins, Todrick Hall, and Trevor Moran are a couple of my favorites.
22. Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?
I don’t think queer should be a slur. I think queer is a form of self expression and an umbrella term for the community, and I believe many other LGBTQ+ members agree. It’s a word that we take great pride in rather than shame or discrimination.
23. Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?
No, but god I would love to.
24. How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?
For me, it’s simply just a part of who I am. Just like the weather, my gender simply changes and I adapt to it. It makes me comfortable in my own skin and proud of who I am. I wouldn’t change being genderfluid for the world.
25. Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?
I fucking hate the idea of pushing a human being out of my vagina, and I would probably want anything else in the entire world other than giving birth. Being pregnant for nine months sounds absolutely miserable and dysphoric, and I cannot even imagine going through labor. However, I would like to have kids, just simply through foster care or adoption, never like my own biological children. There are more than enough kids who need good homes who already exist and I’m more than happy to give it to them.
26. What identity advice would you give your younger self?
You aren’t alone and there are so many people just like you. Your parents do not own you and cannot tell you who you are supposed to be. You are you.
27.  What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
Gender roles are complete bullshit. Let a guy be a stay at home dad. Let a woman be the working one. Everyone should have responsibilities regardless of their gender. If there’s dirty dishes, do the fucking dishes, don’t wait for your spouse to get home to do them. It’s absolutely ridiculous, really. Just do your part in the relationship.
28. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
It breaks my heart how much pain and suffering one has to go through just to be themselves, especially for women and trans people. It’s horrible.
29. What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?
It’s natural! It’s comfortable! And it’s normal! Being oneself is just part of life, there’s no need to have shame or guilt about it. Respect someone the way you wish you would be accepted and loved.
30. Why are proud to be lgbt+?
We have worked so fucking hard to be recognized for who we are. There’s still so much we need to do though, and we aren’t ever going to stop until every single one of our siblings gain the love and respect they deserve.
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A memorial to victims of lynching in the U.S. opens in Alabama on April 26, 2018.
The National Memorial for Peace and Justice is a six-acre site that overlooks Montgomery, the state capital. It uses sculpture, art and design to give visitors a sense of the terror of lynching as they walk through a memorial square with 800 six-foot steel columns that symbolize the victims. The names of thousands of victims are engraved on columns—one for each county in the United States where a lynching took place. In Alabama alone, a reported total of 275 lynchings took place between 1871 and 1920.
U.S. history books and documentaries that tell the story of lynching in the U.S. have focused on black male victims, to the exclusion of women. But women, too, were lynched—and many raped beforehand. In my book “Gender and Lynching,” I sought to tell the stories of these women and why they have been left out.
Between 1880 and 1930, close to 200 women were murdered by lynch mobs in the American South, according to historian Crystal Feimster.
Will this new memorial give these murdered women their due in how the U.S. remembers and feels about our troubling history?
In a recent report, Lynching in America, researchers documented 4,075 lynchings of African-Americans that were committed by southern whites in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia between 1877 and 1950.
Lynching differed from ordinary murder or assault. It was celebrated by members of the Ku Klux Klan as a spectacular event and drew large crowds of people who tortured victims, burned them alive and dismembered them. Lynching was a form of domestic terrorism that inflicted harm onto individuals and upon an entire race of people, with the purpose of instilling fear. It served to give dramatic warning that the ironclad system of white supremacy was not to be challenged by word, deed or even thought.
The conventional approach to teaching the history of Jim Crow and lynching has focused almost exclusively on the black male victim. However, such an approach often simplifies and distorts a much more complex history.
Not all victims were African-American men, and although allegations of African-American men raping white women were common, such allegations were not the leading motive for the lynchings. We know from the pioneering work of anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells-Barnett that African-American men, women and children were lynched for a range of alleged crimes and social infractions.
The book “Trouble in Mind,” by Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Leon Litwack, provides a detailed account of the many accusations of petty theft, labor disputes, arson and murder that led to these lynchings.
This fact requires a richer, more nuanced understanding of discrimination that is critical of racism and sexism at the same time. Martyrs such as Laura Nelson and Mary Turner experienced racial and sexual violence at the hands of vigilante lynch mobs because of their race and gender.
Laura Nelson and Mary Turner
In May 1911, Laura Nelson was lynched in Okemah, Oklahoma.
Nelson allegedly shot a sheriff to protect her son. The officer had been searching her cabin for stolen goods as part of a meat-pilfering investigation. A mob seized Nelson along with her son, who was only 14 years old, and lynched them both. However, Nelson was first raped by several men. The bodies of Laura and her son were hung from a bridge for hundreds of people to see.
The violent murder of African-Americans was so accepted at the time that a postcard was made of Nelson’s lynching by George Henry Farnum, a photographer. Brooklyn-based artist Kim Mayhorn created in 1998 a multimedia installation that memorialized Nelson’s death. There’s an empty dress in Mayhorn’s installation that resembles the postcard of her lynching. The disembodied dress represents the void in the historical record and Mayhorn’s effort to redress the absence of Nelson.
The title of Mayhorn’s installation, “A Woman Was Lynched the Other Day,” refers to a banner the New York NAACP would unfurl from their Fifth Avenue office when news of another lynching surfaced. With white letters inscribed on a black background, it declared “A MAN WAS LYNCHED YESTERDAY” and became a rallying cry for justice.
Seven years later, in May 1918, Mary Turner was eight months pregnant when a mob of several hundred men and women murdered her in Valdosta, Georgia. The Associated Press reported that she had made “unwise remarks” and “flew into a rage” about the lynching of her husband, insisting that she would press charges against the men responsible.
Her death has since been recognized by local residents, students and faculty at Valdosta State University, first with a public ceremony that placed a cross at the lynching site and second with a historical marker in 2010.
Nelson and Turner have often been depicted as tragic characters or “collateral victims” who supported and defended the males in their lives.
Such deaths, however, were not incidental. They were essential to maintain white supremacy, as a form of punishment for defying the social order.
Though women represent a minority of lynching victims, their stories challenge previous attempts to justify lynching as necessary to protect white women from black male rapists.
Understanding lynching and the motives behind it requires including the stories of African-American women who were robbed of dignity, respect and bodily integrity by a weapon of terror. The violence against them was used to maintain a caste system that assigned inferior roles to African-American women and men alike.
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legendofgrump · 7 years
OC Breakdown: Your Guide to Which Fucked Up Dorks to Love and Which Ones to Hate
This is gonna be a looooong post but if you’re interested in my OCs then buckle up because I think you might like it! I’m just gonna give you guys some little blurbs about who’s who, since I’ve gotten a ton of new people that seem to be interested since the last time I explained it. Under a cut because sheer length~
Firefly: Origin from an old Grump AU that turned into an OC, hence why he looks so much like Dan. He’s a harbinger of death who hosts lost souls in the form of fireflies and tries to help them move on to the afterlife by helping them accomplish whatever unfinished business they have. He’s very helpful and unselfish, but doesn’t take great care of himself. Luckily, he’s immortal so he can get away with it more than others can. But that doesn’t excuse the fact that he! needs! sleep!
Marianne: A big, 6′4″ spider-creature with one eye and four arms. She’s very animal-like, like a big doggo that loves to be petted. She kiiiind of feeds off of humans usually, but she’s curbed that for other meats since she became a part of normal human society. Now the biggest danger to you is the possibility that she might eat your entire garden. She’s very strong and fast, but also was kicked out of her homeland because of some heavy manipulation by someone she considered a friend. Now she kind of has trust issues with both others and herself.
Melanie “Snail” Rose: Literally never call them Melanie. It’s their birthname but they would immediately tense up if you called them that. Mostly because they left the name behind because 1) Too Girly and 2) it’s the name they went by when they were in a shitty abusive relationship with their last boyfriend. But then they chopped all their hair off, changed their name, and moved far away so that they could get away from that guy, so they’re much happier now. Plus, I mean, they’re a Sick freelance artist now which is their dream. Also a memelord with a massive sex drive.
Andy the Android: Originally named “Flirtbot3000″ and created by some shut-in nerds that think of women as objects, they were designed to literally be like a human sex doll. But I mean, they’re a robot, so they’re not actually human. You get the idea. But somewhere along the line, that went haywire, Andy had a massive glitch and lapse of memory, fell in love with a backwater bumfuck farmboy named Daniyal and essentially turned into a happy housewife. They love cooking and clothes and just making things Pretty, but are also lowkey the Mom Friend. Like they get Baby Fever really easily and love love love children.
Beauregard “Bo” Gray: One half of the Partners In Crime, Bo came from an affluent household and became a rebellious college kid just looking for a thrill. He got super into alcohol and partying way before he really should have and got tied up with this small chick named Esky. He gets into robbery and gunmanship just for the thrill of it and also because he totally falls in love way too easily. A dumb alcoholic that just loves love, basically. He tries his best, but sometimes he’s too posh for his own good.
Esky Clarke: The other half of the Partners In Crime. She lived a rough life until she decided to take matters into her own hands. She lives off of whatever she steals and travels the world trying not to get caught by police. She’s a self-taught gunner and pretty ruthless because she believes it’s either fight for what you need, or get nothing. But she still knows how to have a good time and loves to fuck around with people by hustling them in gambling or something.
Venus Milo Cordette: Venus is an alien from outerspace that came to Earth for an adventure and ended up becoming an international pop star. She tries her best to keep the fact that she’s an alien under wraps by hiding her third eye under her bangs and pretending that her unnatural skin tone is extreme dedication and body paint. But she’s also very unknowledgeable about the world around her, so she often fucks up things that any human would know (i.e. where she’s from). She’s kinda goofy, but super sweet and lovable, and very much cares about the people that are nice to her. She’s super curious and loves to learn new things about the Earth, but sometimes she has trouble retaining it.
Bailey Ames: A nonbinary buttkicker. Bailey is here to kick ass if you fuck with anyone they care about. Or if you’re just a general dick. Not afraid to punch an asshole for catcalling them. Loves their two girlfriends to death and has been with them both since high school. They’re a hair stylist at the local salon, but they also absolutely adore painting, especially landscapes and abstract pieces. They’re the type of person that will say hi to you if you look lonely at the bus stop and to start conversations by asking for your pronouns.
Megan Blackwell: She looks like your typical valley girl, and sounds like one, too, but she’s too busy getting her PhD in Quantum Physics to give a shit what you think about it. She’s overworked and can only afford college because of the tons of scholarships and the work study she takes on, but she’s not the type to give up even if it seems impossible. She’d much sooner chug 8 energy drinks and stay up until 6am finishing that paper than admit defeat. She’s typically very cold to warm up to people, but she’s very loving once she does and a very affectionate person who likes to be touchy. Also one of Bailey’s girlfriends.
Nikki Osborne: Bailey and Megan’s girlfriend that completes the trifecta of Polybabes. She dropped out of high school to become a rockstar because she believed in her little garage band of her friends. (The band is called Death Kittens, by the way.) The fact that she feels like she’s let a lot of people down by dropping out only pushes her forward in trying even harder and making things succeed. She’s the bassist, and by day she works a shitty minimum wage job to make sure she’s not mooching off her girlfriends. She’s a generally chill and relaxed person unless she’s majorly stressed out, but she’ll usually lock herself away if that happens.
Leanna “Cookie” Lewis: A cute, sheepy, trans boy that lived with just his mom growing up. He learned everything he knows from her, which is great, because he loves his mom more than anything. His favorite pass time is baking, especially pastries, and he’s a real whiz in the kitchen, but he’s also pretty talented at playing the ukulele. He’s very shy and anxious and prefers to stay out of confrontation, which is why he usually flocks toward more confrontational extroverts to keep him safe (though he doesn’t do it on purpose). He works as a little barista at a coffee shop, which wouldn’t be so bad if his coworkers weren’t actual assholes.
Blythe Abilene: Blythe is the Goddess of Illusions and lovingly refers to herself as “Aphrodite, but with the body of Adonis” since she’s trans. She’s pretty confident in herself, mostly because she’s literally a God among mortals, and sometimes it gets a little out of hand. For the most part though, she’s just a professional prankster, who loves to torture mortals with what she calls “Fun Houses,” where she essentially turns their home into a cacophony of small inconveniences. Anything from “can’t open your underwear drawer” to “coffee pot full of butterflies” to “all furniture moved one inch to the left” is fair game, but nothing too threatening.
Cleona Arkan: She’s an avid inventor, aiming to invent AI technology that’s better than ever. But she doesn’t always go through....legal means. Which just makes her a little bit paranoid about getting caught because she knows she’ll be detained and, more important, her inventions taken from her and used for who-knows-what. She’s very talented with computers and robotics alike, even going so far as to invent Glitch who, though not a success, is still pretty successful at other things. She’ll also help patch up Andy from time to time, if they need a little tune-up.
Maxim: A demon meant to take advantage and feed off of mortal anxieties. He lives on the other side of your mirror and takes advantage of that. He’s the most irredeemable asshole to ever exist and he takes pride in that. He’s so narcissistic that you couldn’t possibly hurt his feelings with words or remarks about his personality because he thinks he’s amazing. Though he is susceptible to well placed punches. He’s not above using anything against you, whether it be slurs or just subtle jabs at whatever you’re most sensitive about. Just the worst.
Gigi Moore: Based on old 50′s Disney cartoon style. She’s meant to be from the past, where things were much Different than they are now. She’s a bit of an antithesis to Maxim, as she’s also susceptible to saying things that aren’t Acceptable, but she tries to learn from them when she’s corrected. She used to be a 50s housewife to her husband before she ended up where she is now, but comes to find out she’s actually a very repressed lesbian. At first she has a hard time coming to terms with it, but being around positive influences helps her to learn and better herself and actually accept herself for who she is.
The Glitch: Cleona’s invention. She’s got an old CRT monitor for a head and four arms, but, as exemplified by her name, she doesn’t exactly do what she’s supposed to. She was designed to be a cleaning robot, made perfectly for cleaning up anything and everything. Except....she’s not waterproof and, the first time Cleona tried to get her to do some dishes, she got water in her circuits and it made her flip out. She’s constantly having an identity crisis and just wants to be useful, but honestly she’s not sure how to do it since she can’t do what she was made for.
Rory of Rine: Rory was born in some kind of Legend of Zelda, High Fantasy bullshit land in a village full of normal people. Except that he’s a special person who was born with the unfortunate ability to see how someone will die the first time they touch him. For the longest time it plagued him, but eventually he fessed up and told his grandmother about it. The two of them tried to get him help, but it only served to make his village angry and fearful, gouging out his eyes and then chasing him out of the village. So for many years he lived on his own, raising cows peacefully and coming to terms with himself. And now he’s slowly learning to not repress things as he dates Daniyal (along with Andy, it’s a poly thing).
Ellie Ross: She’s an empath with a strong need for attention and affection. She only feels worth for herself if someone else is validating her, so she constantly craves other people’s love, which is how she falls into Maxim’s hold for the longest time. She does a lot of questionable things that aren’t necessarily good, but all she’s looking for is to feel good about herself. She’s also got the ability to briefly manipulate people’s emotions, which helps in making people like her, but it only holds for so long unless she actively holds them herself.
Diana “Wolf” Lowell: A trans boy werewolf with a tragic past. He’s on a path of vengeance to find the person who killed his beloved Fang. Maxim promises him the chance to get that person if Wolf helps him out some, so of course he agrees. He’s driven by anger and angst, but ultimately just wants closure and to feel Okay again. He’s overly aggressive and, well honestly, more of a lycan than a werewolf, since he can transform at will. But I call him a werewolf so.
Ant: Ant is but ten years old and fell into Maxim’s grasp because they didn’t have anything else and he was all they really knew. They weren’t raised in the best of conditions (and honestly they weren’t “raised” at all), so they’re constantly caked in dirt and grime and blood. Which, honestly, they’ve grown used to and now it’s just familiar to them. Their use for Maxim comes from their ability to communicate and summon ants--hence the name--the best part being that those ants can then form a larger, rideable ant, which Ant has named Leafcutter, very creatively. They’re a bit wild, but just generally an actual Child, where they like to have fun and feel loved and useful.
Lyar (of Quadrant 85439): The son of a diplomat that absolutely hates politics. More specifically, an alien boy that is meant to take over the job after his father passes it down to him. He’s been groomed all his life to take over the position and become the next voice for his people, but he absolutely hates it. Not to mention, he’d be horrible for the job considering he’s a compulsive liar with no desire to be kind to anyone who has nothing to offer him. He’s more interested in fashion and, essentially comes to Earth to get away from his family. He doesn’t have a mouth, so his main mode of communication is ASL, which he learned as part of his training to communicate with other planets. (He knows roughly 8,000 different languages, though not all of them Well.)
Arthur “Artie” Jackson: A simple boy with a simple dream to become a world famous hockey player. Except it took him the longest time to realize he was gay and now he’s Really Nervous About It. His best friend Jade, who used to be his girlfriend, is the only other person who really knows about it and he’d never dare to tell his team for fear of the repercussions. But he’s very dedicated to his sport and keeps dragging out his college years because he keeps getting offered scholarships if he stays “just one more year.” Also he drives a motorcycle which is super cool.
Adara of Derva: Adara is a faun who was raised in a simple village to a simple family. Except that a great evil was foretold for their village and their older sister, Jaya, would be the one to save it. Except Jaya was selfish and went off on an adventure before she could get the power necessary to do the saving, so Adara was saddled with her destiny instead. They were gifted magical fire powers from a local witch and trained to use them, but when the time came to defeat the beast, they couldn’t bring themselves to do it in time and their whole village was destroyed. They spent the rest of their life looking for a new place to settle down and trying to move past their own mistakes.
King Balthazar Leviarn III: He’s a young king, but a king nonetheless. His father died far too soon in a war for the kingdom and Balthazar took the throne, though his mother still assists him in governing. His mother is much more cold and dedicated to keeping things running smoothly and effectively, rather than doing what’s morally right, whereas Balthazar is a more caring and nurturing kind of guy. He likes to protect his people and wouldn’t hesitate to take the front lines in a war he believed in, just like his father had before him.
Dahlia Harrison: Dahlia is the lead guitarist in Nikki’s band Death Kittens. She’s the oldest of the four members, though only by a year and a half. While the other three are much more outward with their emotions, Dahlia is a more quiet and thoughtful type. That being said, if you make her mad, she has a cold fury that will literally ruin you from the inside out. The only person she’s overtly open and emotional with is her girlfriend Toshiko.
Toshiko Koizumi: Lead singer of Death Kittens and probably the least assuming one of the group. She’s very much into cutesy and sweet things more than typically punk things. And she definitely dresses as such, too. But the band happily accepts her and knows that she can lay down some sick bars about angsty emotions. She was born in Japan, but moved to America with her dad after her parents got divorced. She still has a great relationship with her mom, but they don’t get to see each other as often since she’s still in Japan. But she’s also a very extroverted and friendly girl that loves to chat to people about whatever they’re interested in, and she loves her girlfriend Dahlia to death.
Cynthia “Cynth” Woods: The very small, but very high energy drummer of Death Kittens. She’s the one that came up with the name and is constantly coming up with new ideas about the band in general. She’s probably the most actively dedicated (though none of the others are apathetic toward the band at all). She’s fiery and a bit prideful, but definitely deserves to be with how talented she is at her craft. She’s even perfected drumming with four drumsticks at once, as ridiculous as it sounds. Still, Cynth is a good and loyal friend that will stomp your organs in if you fuck with her or someone she cares about.
Lorna: Lorna is similar to Maxim in terms of origin. She also comes from the land behind your mirror, but she’s a personification of depression instead of anxiety. She’s much less aggressive, but also very compelling when it comes to convincing you that everything would be better if you just slept it all away (or worse). She’s extremely unmotivated to do things unless they adhere to some stupid impulse that may or may not be harmful to herself. But she’s a generally kind person who really just needs some love in her life. Unfortunately, the kind of love she doesn’t need is the massive crush Maxim has on her.
Ethan Parks: Ethan is one of Snail’s friends from art school. He was a graphic design major that lived for making things look clean and Super Cool. He was a little bit of a lazy ass when it came to college, waiting until the last minute on every project, but had that magical talent of making something amazing the night before every time. He’s a little bit goofy, but a good-hearted boy nonetheless, and loves to party and hang out with friends until late into the night.
Jack Hughes: Another one of Snail’s art friends. Jack was more interested in videography, cinematography, and performance art. He’s pretty shy and quiet off-camera, but once he’s got something to perform, he seems like a total extrovert. He’s not afraid to get the public involved in his pieces as well, even if it’s something really weird, but when he shows it off for critique or just because someone asked to see his work, he gets extremely shy and stutters a lot trying to explain it. He’ll definitely geek out about anything film related, especially when it comes to improv and camera work.
Kitty Dupree: Kitty is the resident studio major of the friend group. She loves painting and has always wanted to have her work in a gallery. She usually works with canvas and paint, but she’s definitely not shy about experimenting with different mediums. Her canvases tend to be HUGE and her materials can range from normal paint to literal blood, so all of her paintings are generally exciting to look at. Though she’s a big fan of abstract pieces, so don’t expect to find immediate meaning in them. She’s generally bubbly and affectionate, and lives life with the mindset of “friends until you’re a dick” right from the moment she meets you.
Jonah King: They were Snail’s roommate in college, and a totally great friend for them when they were going through a rough time. Jonah is a little softspoken, but otherwise outgoing and friendly! They’re an extremely talented sketch artist that fills sketchbook after sketchbook with gestures and people-watching studies. They’re almost always doodling, but also very attentive and good at listening. Jonah is just an all around great friend to have, honestly.
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Prophet is Given to a Foster Mother: Part 1
The universe, which rejoined its master was joyful. The heart of Arabia, which harbored the person that would provide the heart of humanity with light and peace, was very excited.
Makkah, in which the unmatched event of the universe took place, was so excited and joyful that it was as if it wanted to fly to the lofty realms.
Hazrat Amina was peaceful and jubilant. It was as if the sweet smiles of her lovely child were helping her to forget a tinge of the intense pain that she felt over her husband’s death. Her child was her only consolation that secured her hope for the future.
The fortunate Amina could only suckle her glorious child for a week. After this, Abu Lahab’s handmaiden, Lady Suwayba became the wet nurse of the Master of the Universe and suckled him for days. 
Before that, Lady Suwayba had nourished Hazrat Hamza. In this way, she had attained the fortune and honor of being the means of joining the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his esteemed uncle as foster brothers.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH), who possessed such virtue and feelings of faithfulness, never forgot the smallest favors that people did for him, nor did he leave them unrequited. Throughout his entire life, he never forgot Lady Suwayba who nourished him for a period of time. He would frequently visit her and would always show her kindness, respect, and pay her compliments.
Yes, faithfulness was the foundation of good manners that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) brought to the face of the Earth. The smallest trace of ingratitude cannot be found in the immaculate and upright life of our Beloved Messenger (PBUH).
At one point in time, Hazrat Khadija, who had taken lessons from the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) virtue and gratitude, wanted to purchase Lady Suwayba, who would frequently visit Hazrat Khadija’s home, for the purpose of setting her free; however, Abu Lahab did not lend himself to this idea. It was not until after the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) migration to Medina that Abu Lahab freed Lady Suwayba on his own.
Abu Lahab was our Holy Prophet ‘s (PBUH) own paternal uncle. Afterward, he did not testify and admit to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Prophethood; he did not forsake being a pagan and did not refrain from his attempts in being our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) biggest enemy, either. For this reason, he incurred the wrath of Allah and did not earn a value that is equivalent to the nail of his slave, Lady Suwayba. In fact, it has been explained that because of Lady Suwayba, Abu Lahab has obtained a driblet of grace in the afterlife.
After his death, he was seen in a dream where he was found screaming in the severe punishment of hell. They asked him: “Why are you screaming? What is the matter?”
He answered: “What else could be the matter? The absence of water is making me burn! I never saw any good in my life, yet I did find one fortune: Because I set the woman, who nourished Muhammad, free, I have been spared the opportunity to absorb water and be watered” and as he said this, he showed his index finger (the finger that testifies faith). 
This incident is certainly a case in point. A ferocious enemy of Islam, like Abu Lahab, who did not refrain from oppressing, torturing, and insulting the Master of the Universe throughout his entire life, was the recipient of such beneficence and grace and a tinge of his punishment in hell was alleviated. This means that best done not only upon our Beloved Messenger PBUH but also upon those who have served him, is also not left unrequited by God Almighty’s grace and beneficence.
In addition, one should think of the greatness in gifts, favors, and Divine endowments of the eternal realm that are awaiting those who have made the Master of the Universe (PBUH) their absolute imam and guide in every matter and the true believers who have felt honored to uphold his Sunnah on the Earth.
The Custom of Giving Babies to Wet Nurses
Mecca’s weather was hot and muggy. It did was not good for the children’s delicate nature and was not a favorable condition for a healthy upbringing. In the desert, the weather was nice, the water was sweet and clean, life was easy, and the climate was mild. Besides, some of the tribes that lived in the desert had a language and diction that was smooth and sharp. They maintained their nobility and practiced good conduct.
Based on this, the Qurayshi gentry and leading figures practiced the custom of handing their children over to the tribal women in the desert to be breastfed for a cost, so that their children could grow and be brought up under healthier conditions and to learn and speak a dialect of Arabic that was appropriate in its essential form. The child would remain with his/her wet nurse for 2-3 years, and sometimes even more.
For this reason, many tribes that lived in the uplands/prairies, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe in particular, would have a caravan of women go to Mecca a few times a year in which the women would take the newly-born infants with them to their homeland for the purpose of nourishment.
Among the tribes in the vicinity of Mecca, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe was the one that had acquired fame since it was distinguished for its honor, generosity, chivalry, humility, and speaking Arabic properly. For this reason, the leading figures of Quraysh mostly wanted to hand the custody of their children over to the women of this tribe.
The Arrival of the Women from Bani Bakr’s Tribe to Mecca
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was being nourished by Lady Suwayba.
At that time, a strong drought was prevalent in the homeland of Sad’s sons although such a strong drought had not occurred till then. The drought resulted in a famine that left the tribal community poor and miserable. It was so bad that they had difficulty finding something to eat. Their camels and sheep had weakened and their milk had ceased.
During this year of intense famine and drought, the tribeswomen of the Bani Bakr had gone to Mecca in a crowded procession with the intention of finding a child to nourish and of obtaining a portion of their livelihood.
All of the women, with the exception of one extraordinary lady, had chosen a child who was appropriate for them. Strangely enough, none of them chose nor approached our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) because they thought they would not be able to obtain much money and help since he was an orphan.
There was only one woman who arrived late in Mecca. She was distinguished among her tribe for her decency, cleanliness, gentleness, and modesty. Due to their old and frail donkey, Halima and her husband had fallen behind the rest of the procession. When they entered Mecca, all of the newly-born Qurayshi children, with the exception of one very extraordinary infant, had been chosen by the women of the Bani Bakr tribe that were at the forefront.  With the fate and wisdom of the Possessor of the Absolute Power, Halima could not find anyone in need of nourishment.
Her husband, Harith, was sad, too. All of their friends shared the children of wealthy families among themselves. She was the only one who was left empty-handed and it was only because she arrived late.
This virtuous woman, who now had a pale and sad countenance and was unaware of the plan that Divine fate had drawn for her, wandered the streets of Mecca with despair and the distress of not being able to find an appropriately fitting child.
Incidentally, she encountered an old man with a friendly face and who, through his presence, summoned the respect of his surroundings. This individual was Abdulmuttalib, the grandfather of the Master of the Universe (PBUH). They looked at each other as if they had been looking to become the relief for their troubles. Then they began to engage in conversation:
Abdulmuttalib asked, “Where are you from?”
Halima: “I am a woman from the Bani Sa’d Tribe” (Sons of Fortune/Luck)
Abdulmuttalib: “What is your name?”
She answered, “Halima”.
Abdulmuttalib: “How wonderful! How wonderful!  Fortune and gentleness are two traits that carry the beneficence of this world and the honor and glory of the afterlife” After he said this, Abdulmuttalib took a deep breath and followed with: "Oh, Halima! I have an orphaned child next to me. I offered him to the women of the Sons of Sa’d but they did not accept him. Come and be the wet nurse of this child. Maybe you will attain prosperity, wealth, and fortune for taking care of him”.
At first, Halima became hesitant upon hearing this unexpected offer. However, she did not want to return to her homeland empty-handed. For this reason, she overcame her hesitation and accepted the offer from within. Nevertheless, she did not want to disclose her answer without first asking and receiving permission from her husband. She immediately returned to her husband and after she explained everything to him she said, “I was unable to find a child to nourish. I do not favor going back empty-handed among my friends. By God, I am going to take that orphan”.
Her husband, Harith, supported her view and said, “There is no harm in taking him. Perhaps Allah will endow us with prosperity and blessings thanks to him”. 
Upon this, they returned to Abdulmuttalib.
Abdulmuttalib took Halima to Hazrat Amina’s modest home which the Beloved Prophet (PBUH) illuminated.
Halima went to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) bedside. Our lovely Master (PBUH) was wrapped in a white fabric made from wool and was sleeping soundly on a blanket of green yarn. The surrounding smelled like musk!
Halima was in a state of amazement. She immediately warmed up to this child so much that she could not bear to wake him up!
The cloud of gloom and anguish had left Halima. She was so happy that it was as if she was walking on air. It was such a great bliss to have suddenly come across an infant of excessive beauty after squirming in the distress of not being able to find a child.
Halima could not resist anymore. She neared the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) bedside very closely and slightly lifted the corner of his blanket. With a mother’s love and compassion, she kissed his forehead and hands that smelled like roses and that were softer than cotton and as white as snow.
At that moment, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) opened his eyes and replied to Halima’s kisses with a sweet smile. They got along with one another.
While one of them was in despair because of not being able to find a child, worn out, and downhearted, the other was a radiant orphan who had been rejected by the women. Fate had filled both of their worlds with happiness.
The First Abundance
Our lovely Master (PBUH), who had captivated Halima’s heart, was now in her arms.
Yet, what was this? The breasts that had lacked milk for days were immediately filled with milk as soon as our Holy Prophet (PBUH) began to suck from them.
Halima was surprised and her husband, Harith, was in a state of amazement.
Her right nipple was in our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) mouth and her left nipple was in the mouth of his new foster brother, Abdullah, who was Halima’s son. From then on, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) would always drink from the right breast.
The Camel’s Breasts were filled with Milk
Halima was not willing to put the radiant orphan (PBUH) down from her lap for one second. They immediately bid their farewells to Abdulmuttalib and Hazrat Amina and departed from Mecca.
Teardrops were combined with Amina’s sadness. She had virtually become a cloud as she followed her radiant child.
That night, the Harith family had a peaceful sleep outside Mecca. When the morning came, Harith ran to milk their camels. Every nipple he touched had become a fountain of milk. He called out to Halima in amazement: “Oh Halima, know that you have taken a very holy and auspicious child!”
Halima affirmed her husband’s statement: “By God, I hope he is”.
Mecca was left behind.
Halima was riding on a female donkey and had the Master of the Universe (PBUH) in her arms. What happened to the weak, frail donkey that had fallen behind her friends? Where did this speed and steadiness come from? It was as if she was not the same donkey that Halima rode on her way to Mecca.
When she passed and left all the animals in the procession behind, Halima’s traveling companions were surprised and asked with astonishment, “Oh, Abu Zuaib’s daughter, shame on you. Why do you not wait for us? Or is the donkey that you are riding not the same as the one that you rode when you first came?”
The donkey was the same donkey. The only difference was that there was someone else on her, and he was the Master of the Universe (PBUH). The honor of carrying him (PBUH) had exhilarated that weak and frail animal.
“No, by God she is the same donkey; in fact, I’m not directing her. She is going steadily on her own. There is something strange about this”.
It was a shame that nobody from the procession was able to discern the reason for this difference and from where it came.
Yes, all of these occurrences were open proofs that this radiant-faced infant (PBUH) would embrace the future with his grandeur!
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the Homeland of the Sons of Sa’d
Halima and her husband returned to their homeland after these peculiar occurrences.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) would now remain in the land of the Sons of Sa’d.
At that time, intense drought and famine were prevalent in the area. The soil’s abundance had been cut-off, the wells and fountains did not have water, faces were pale, and the animals did not have the strength to stand on their feet.
However, the view suddenly changed when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) arrived. Before his arrival, the animals were not able to find any grasses to eat but now they were filled to repletion. Their breasts were overflowing with milk and like a fountain of mercy, they were pouring it continuously. There were no longer any pale faces in Halima’s home.
The other inhabitants of the area were still experiencing a famine and were continuing to suffer in a circle of hardship. Their animals were still frail, weak, and did not provide adequate milk.
It was as if those who did not accept our Holy Prophet (PBUH) for being an “orphan” were being punished by having to remain in deprivation.
The upland folk was about to burst from curiosity when they saw this situation before their eyes. They could not understand what they saw. They were blaming their shepherds and were scolding them: “How do Halima’s sheep get full? As they walk, milk continuously drops from their nipples. Who knows where she is grazing her sheep? Why do you not go to the place where she goes and grazes your sheep there!?”
The shepherds knew for certain that their employers were being unfair in blaming them. The place where Halima was grazing her sheep was no different from where they were grazing theirs. For this reason, the shepherds were disputing this, however, their objections made no difference. This time, their employers added:
“Very well, how is it that while the sheep in your herd are having difficulty carrying themselves due to starvation, hers are being satiated and are returning with milk-filled breasts?”
Neither the shepherds nor their employers were able to find the answer to this question. All they could do was look at one another with wonder and bewilderment.
However, there was a reason for this and at that time, nobody other than Hazrat Halima and her husband knew what it was. When the shepherds came and asked what the reason was, Halima gave them this answer:
“By God, this is not about pasture or grass. This work is one of the many secrets of the Lord. Everything began on our return from Mecca!”
Of course, the shepherds were not able to understand much from these words; thus, they were unable to get rid of their curiosity.
This was the secret that the prairie folk were unable to conceive:
Since Halima had displayed generosity in accepting our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who is the most beloved to the Possessor of the Universe, Allah, her household was generously being endowed with gifts from His mercy.
Halima and her husband were very well aware of this and for that reason, they looked at this radiant infant in a different light. So to speak, they would protect him from a flying bird and the rising sun as they fluttered around him with great love and care.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
Jane the Virgin 5x01 “Chapter Eighty-Two” Review
The Season 4 finale of Jane the Virgin ended on quite a cliffhanger: Michael, Jane’s ex-husband who died four years ago, was revealed to actually be alive. (My not-so-generous thoughts on this particular plot twist can be read here.)
Over the lengthy, nearly year-long hiatus since the Season 4 finale aired, questions and theories about Michael’s return abounded: how could he possibly be alive? What would his return mean for Jane and Rafael’s relationship? Was it even really Michael?
For me, my interest in watching the show’s final season hinged on how it answered these questions. (To be honest, I have absolutely no interest in watching Jane leave Rafael again to be with Michael, whom I was never fond of in the first place.)
Within minutes, most of fan’s questions had been addressed, for the most part satisfactorily:
Yes, Michael is indeed Michael (Rafael had a DNA test done before telling Jane about him, just to be sure), except he goes by Jason now (after Jason Bourne), he has a dog and also amnesia, and he remembers nothing about Jane or their past life together.
It turns out Rose orchestrated his entire death, from giving him drugs that would slow down his heart to the point of it having appeared to stop, to having him carted out of the examination hall by EMTs who were under her command. (I’m still a little skeptical of this explanation, but I’ll let it slide for now. Also — are you telling me at no point Jane would have asked or been able to see Michael’s body?) She then induced his amnesia by giving him electroshock therapy centred on the hippocampus and temporal lobe and dropped him off in Montana, where he’s spent the last four years.
Okay, so Michael was essentially tortured into forgetting everything about his life. Even I, a staunch Michael non-supporter, feel bad for him.
One thing that’s not clear yet: what was Rose’s motivation behind doing this? The one person who can possibly help answer that question is Luisa; she and Rafael are in contact again after he gave up her location to Rose in order to learn where Michael was, and she seems determined to help her brother find out what Rose’s game is, even though Raf is unwilling to ask that of her.
And how’s Jane doing after finding out that her dead ex-husband is no longer dead and is also possibly no longer her ex-husband? She’s doing fine! (The episode features a 7-minute long monologue by Jane — which Gina Rodriguez absolutely kills — where she works through her emotions in a way that strongly reminded me of the Friends episode “The One Where Ross is Fine.”)
Honestly though, Jane is doing pretty well. Sure, she passes out upon first seeing Michael, but after that she handles everything like a champ, from the realization that she might be married again, to attending Michael’s neurologist appointment along with his mother, to taking Michael to places they used to visit all the time in an effort to spark his memory. What’s less painful than reliving a bunch of memories with a man you once loved but who no longer recognizes you, and whom you no longer recognize in return?
Because not only is Michael amnesiatic, he’s also no longer the Michael we spent two and a half seasons getting to know. Once an avid cat lover, he’s now a dog person who doesn’t like cats at all; he speaks in a slow drawl and calls Jane “ma’am” (he’s older than her!); he hates cubanos; he’s attracted to Petra; and the light-hearted, kind, funny aspects of Michael that Jane — and everyone — loved seem to have been stripped away completely.
Listen, I’ve stated before, and I’ll state again, and I’ll probably state many times throughout this season: I’ve never been a fan of Michael. But man, this episode, with its sparing use of flashbacks and video, made me miss him. And if that’s how I felt, I can only imagine how it made fans of Michael feel. Including his in-world fans: obviously Jane is a mess, and Rogelio, who considered Michael his best friend, is absolutely heartbroken when Michael doesn’t remember him. Alba and Xo, who considered Michael part of their family, and of course Mateo who once saw him as a father figure, now hardly remembers him, and hasn’t yet been told that he’s alive.
Then Rafael, whose own world has been rocked but mostly stands as a supportive background figure in this episode, giving Jane the room she needs, deciding to put off the move until things settle down, looking after all three of his children, and being a shoulder for Rogelio to cry on. As proud as I was of Rafael in this episode (he has grown so much since the show’s early seasons) I was also worried: we all know Rafael tends to withdraw inside himself when he’s overwhelmed, and those bottled-up feelings usually burst out of him in a negative way.
Maybe I was worried for no reason though, because Rafael does allow himself to break down in front of Xo, admitting to her how scared he is at the possibility of losing Jane. As Jane brings up several times during the episode — so does Rogelio, upon finding the ring — Rafael and Jane were supposed to get engaged, they were in the process of moving in together, and now their whole life has been put on hold.
What does the future hold for this couple? The episode ends on a positive note for them, as Jane shows up at Rafael’s new workplace (wearing a yellow dress and paralleling the pilot, when she visited Michael at work to propose to him) to tell him that she loves him and that she’s still planning on moving in with him. They kiss, but the narrator makes it clear that perhaps things won’t go for them as planned.
Not that I would expect them to, this being the first episode of the season for a telenovela, but I’m not too thrilled at the prospect of more relationship drama just when things were starting to calm down. Remember, in Season 1, Jane ends up leaving Michael for Rafael not too long after they got engaged, so if the parallel continues there’s a good chance we can expect the inverse to happen here.
But take heart, #Jafael fans: remember also that Jane ultimately chose Michael over Rafael. I still believe that in this second iteration, she’ll eventually choose Rafael over Michael.
There was another big question left unanswered in the Season 4 finale, although to be honest I completely forgot about it until this episode aired: JR shot somebody in order to save Petra’s life. Who?
Remember Milos? Petra’s acid-throwing, stalking, arms-dealing ex-husband? He’s back!
For a short time, at least.
Milos’ motivation in trying to frame Petra was apparently nothing more than to put her in jail, in return for her putting him in jail. And he never wanted to kill her just...maim her, I guess.
After being shot in the arm by JR, Milos attempts to strike a bargain with Petra in order to stop her from calling the police; he once again has majority ownership of the hotel (after being behind the charity that Luisa donated her shares to) and he will give them back to her, if only she lets him go.
Petra hesitates, which is the last straw for JR, who’s still angry at Petra for lying to her about murdering her sister (man, there are some sentences I type out that make me realize just how bonkers this show is). Even though Petra insists that she wasn’t really considering Milos offer, she was just caught off guard, JR doesn’t believe her — and while they’re arguing, Milos disappears.
Eventually, Milos is found by Petra, hiding inside a giant teddy bear in Anna and Elsa’s room. The wound in his arm is now infected and he once again attempts to bargain with Petra: he’ll give her his shares to the hotel, if she gets him some antibiotics.
Will Petra be tempted to make the deal, now that JR isn’t there to stop her? Or has she truly changed?
The audience — and Milos — is led to believe that it’s the former, as Petra even makes Milos write out his promise by hand (a bloodstained note that the Narrator is uncertain would hold up in court). But it turns out that Petra was only playing for time while she was waiting for the police to turn up; they quickly arrest Milos and lead him away.
(As an aside, Petra’s line to Milos of “By the way, I’m bisexual. It’s you” was such a power move. I was so scared they were going to let Milos’ offhand and derisive lesbian comment from earlier stand.)
Petra has changed for the better, and as she promises JR she’ll continue to change — but, for now at least, JR is unwilling to wait for that to happen. Just as Petra can’t forget the things in her past that forced her to become who she is today, JR can’t forget the things Petra did that caused them to break up in the first place. So for now, the two go their separate ways, but I have hope for them reuniting at some point in the future.
What about Milos? Is his role in this story truly done? I wouldn’t be so sure; it seems that almost no character on this show disappears forever.
Even ones that have been dead and buried for four years.
Jane the Virgin airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on the CW.
Sam’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝.5
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djgblogger-blog · 6 years
Lynching memorial will show that women were victims, too
National Memorial for Peace and Justice. AP Photo/Brynn Anderson
A memorial to victims of lynching in the U.S. opens in Alabama on April 26, 2018.
The National Memorial for Peace and Justice is a six-acre site that overlooks Montgomery, the state capital. It uses sculpture, art and design to give visitors a sense of the terror of lynching as they walk through a memorial square with 800 six-foot steel columns that symbolize the victims. The names of thousands of victims are engraved on columns – one for each county in the United States where a lynching took place. In Alabama alone, a reported total of 275 lynchings took place between 1871 and 1920.
U.S. history books and documentaries that tell the story of lynching in the U.S. have focused on black male victims, to the exclusion of women. But women, too, were lynched – and many raped beforehand. In my book “Gender and Lynching,” I sought to tell the stories of these women and why they have been left out.
Between 1880 and 1930, close to 200 women were murdered by lynch mobs in the American South, according to historian Crystal Feimster.
Will this new memorial give these murdered women their due in how the U.S. remembers and feels about our troubling history?
Enforcing white supremacy through terror
In a recent report, Lynching in America, researchers documented 4,075 lynchings of African-Americans that were committed by southern whites in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia between 1877 and 1950.
Lynching differed from ordinary murder or assault. It was celebrated by members of the Ku Klux Klan as a spectacular event and drew large crowds of people who tortured victims, burned them alive and dismembered them. Lynching was a form of domestic terrorism that inflicted harm onto individuals and upon an entire race of people, with the purpose of instilling fear. It served to give dramatic warning that the ironclad system of white supremacy was not to be challenged by word, deed or even thought.
The conventional approach to teaching the history of Jim Crow and lynching has focused almost exclusively on the black male victim. However, such an approach often simplifies and distorts a much more complex history.
Not all victims were African-American men, and although allegations of African-American men raping white women were common, such allegations were not the leading motive for the lynchings. We know from the pioneering work of anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells-Barnett that African-American men, women and children were lynched for a range of alleged crimes and social infractions.
The book “Trouble in Mind,” by Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Leon Litwack, provides a detailed account of the many accusations of petty theft, labor disputes, arson and murder that led to these lynchings.
This fact requires a richer, more nuanced understanding of discrimination that is critical of racism and sexism at the same time. Martyrs such as Laura Nelson and Mary Turner experienced racial and sexual violence at the hands of vigilante lynch mobs because of their race and gender.
Laura Nelson and Mary Turner
In May 1911, Laura Nelson was lynched in Okemah, Oklahoma.
Nelson allegedly shot a sheriff to protect her son. The officer had been searching her cabin for stolen goods as part of a meat-pilfering investigation. A mob seized Nelson along with her son, who was only 14 years old, and lynched them both. However, Nelson was first raped by several men. The bodies of Laura and her son were hung from a bridge for hundreds of people to see.
Laura Nelson. G.H. Farnum
The violent murder of African-Americans was so accepted at the time that a postcard was made of Nelson’s lynching by George Henry Farnum, a photographer. Brooklyn-based artist Kim Mayhorn created in 1998 a multimedia installation that memorialized Nelson’s death. There’s an empty dress in Mayhorn’s installation that resembles the postcard of her lynching. The disembodied dress represents the void in the historical record and Mayhorn’s effort to redress the absence of Nelson.
The title of Mayhorn’s installation, “A Woman Was Lynched the Other Day,” refers to a banner the New York NAACP would unfurl from their Fifth Avenue office when news of another lynching surfaced. With white letters inscribed on a black background, it declared “A MAN WAS LYNCHED YESTERDAY” and became a rallying cry for justice.
Seven years later, in May 1918, Mary Turner was eight months pregnant when a mob of several hundred men and women murdered her in Valdosta, Georgia. The Associated Press reported that she had made “unwise remarks” and “flew into a rage” about the lynching of her husband, insisting that she would press charges against the men responsible.
Her death has since been recognized by local residents, students and faculty at Valdosta State University, first with a public ceremony that placed a cross at the lynching site and second with a historical marker in 2010.
Nelson and Turner have often been depicted as tragic characters or “collateral victims” who supported and defended the males in their lives.
Such deaths, however, were not incidental. They were essential to maintain white supremacy, as a form of punishment for defying the social order.
Though women represent a minority of lynching victims, their stories challenge previous attempts to justify lynching as necessary to protect white women from black male rapists.
Understanding lynching and the motives behind it requires including the stories of African-American women who were robbed of dignity, respect and bodily integrity by a weapon of terror. The violence against them was used to maintain a caste system that assigned inferior roles to African-American women and men alike.
Redefining the ‘civil rights movement’
By including women in the historical narrative of lynching, the new memorial in Alabama reveals a more complete understanding of this devastating social practice. This memorial brings African-American women like Nelson and Turner to the fore as victims, and the weight of visual evidence on display at the memorial challenges the silence surrounding their deaths.
The Equal Justice Initiative assists scholars, teachers and ordinary people in recognizing the roots of the civil rights movement that began long before the years 1954-68.
The monument sheds light in an unprecedented and innovative way on the reasons and circumstances surrounding the death and torture of countless victims, including women and children, who suffered at the hands of vigilante mobs. By unearthing the soil and pinpointing the counties where such cruel and inhumane acts were committed, the monument sends a powerful message and conveys to its audience a desire for deeper understanding.
Evelyn M. Simien does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.
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talabib · 7 years
Leadership Journey: Leymah Gbowee
The centerpiece of someone’s fame is usually a creative, intellectual or entrepreneurial endeavor. Less common are success stories based on peacebuilding so powerful that it warrants a Nobel Peace Prize. But here is such a story.
This post tells the remarkable tale of Leymah Gbowee, who fought for peace during the long and gruesome civil war in Liberia. It’s also an account of African women and their power to bring about peace when men have failed to achieve it.
From being a hopeful high school graduate to enduring domestic abuse and volunteering her way out of a life of violence, you’ll learn how Gbowee’s fight for peace has brought about lasting change.
Leymah Gbowee’s pleasant life and bright future were interrupted when war broke out in Liberia.
Leymah Gbowee recalls being excited and happy at her high school graduation party. She was seventeen at the time, and she lived with her family in the beautiful African city of Monrovia, Liberia.
When Gbowee finished high school, she had a comfortable family life and a bright future. With her excellent grades, she looked forward to university, where she would study biology and chemistry – all in preparation for becoming a doctor.
Gbowee’s father had a steady job as a US Embassy technician, and her mother worked at a drugstore. With their combined salaries, the family could afford to send Gbowee and her three sisters to the best schools in Monrovia.
They didn’t live a life of luxury, but they had their own house, car, TVs and a modern kitchen. And they were part of a close community that made sure no one went homeless or hungry. But, when war broke out in Liberia, all of this came crumbling down in a matter of months.
It all started in March of 1990, just as Gbowee’s graduation was underway. The conflict surrounded the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL), a group of armed rebels under the command of Charles Taylor. The NPFL entered northern Liberia to overthrow Samuel Doe, Liberia’s president, and from the beginning, their sights were set on Monrovia, the nation’s capital.
Samuel Doe was the first Liberian president who wasn’t part of the land-owning elites. Nonetheless, he still proved to be corrupt and violent, and during his rule, he was focused on tribal identity. He awarded the most powerful positions in his government to fellow Krahns, an ethnic group that excluded the Gio and Mano people.
Opposition against President Doe grew and eventually united behind Charles Taylor and the NPFL. But Taylor’s rebels weren't alone. Another rebel group led by former NPFL commander Prince Yormie Johnson was also moving toward the nation’s capital.
With these two groups fighting both the government and each other, the country exploded into chaos. In a matter of weeks, soldiers were holding executions in the streets, electricity stopped working and food became scarce. Suddenly, Gbowee’s future was uncertain.
Gbowee’s family fled to Ghana, but when they returned, nothing was the same.
After the rebel soldiers arrived in Monrovia, Gbowee would wake up in the mornings with dread. On the one hand, she was thankful to be alive, but there was no escaping the fear.
Her family was lucky to find accommodation in the US embassy for a while. But in September of 1990, Gbowee and her sisters and mother were given a room on a cargo ship, while her father stayed at the embassy.
The ship took them from war-torn Liberia to Ghana, where they ended up at a refugee camp in Buduburam, some thirty miles from Accra. Here they were safe from the rebel soldiers but had to contend with the grim conditions of the camp, including an unrelenting stench and constant exposure to mosquitoes and deadly heat.
News reached them from Monrovia that President Doe had been captured and tortured to death by Prince Johnson’s rebels. But it wasn’t safe to go back home until May of 1991 when peacekeeping troops were able to install a new interim government and put an end to the firefights.
Gbowee and her family returned to Monrovia, but she couldn’t simply pick up where she left off. The city of Monrovia was destroyed, as was its university, and, with them, Gbowee’s dreams of becoming a doctor.
Gbowee’s future took yet another unexpected turn after she began dating Daniel. It wasn’t love, but she was nineteen and needed some fun. However, she soon found out that she was pregnant.
Her son Joshua was born in 1993, and, about nine months later, she gave birth to her daughter Amber. But her relationship with Daniel quickly deteriorated. He lost his job and began to beat her and force her to have sex.
At this point, Gbowee sought work with a Unicef training program for social workers who could help counsel traumatized victims of war. It was her introduction to social work – and it took place just as Liberia’s fragile peace was about to fall apart.
In 1996, Leymah Gbowee was a pregnant refugee struggling for survival, and her life was at its darkest.
In the summer of 1995, Charles Taylor, of the NPFL, and the other warring factions, signed another peace treaty. But it wasn’t long before the familiar sounds of bullets and rockets were once again filling the air. Pop-pop-pop! Boom! Boom!
In April of 1996, Gbowee was once again fleeing a war zone. This time she was pregnant and accompanied by her two children and their father, Daniel. They found space on the Bulk Challenge, an ancient Nigerian freighter that was less cruise ship than waking nightmare.
Thousands of people were crammed onto the ship: the deck, the cargo hold and the corridors were all jam-packed with people. There was no space to lie down. There were no available toilets. And everyone was seasick. The stench of vomit, urine and feces was inescapable.
When the ship was off the coast of Côte d’Ivoire, the old tanker began taking on water and nearly sank. And when it tried to dock at Takoradi, the Ghanaian government initially blocked the refugees from setting foot on dry land. However, once the press picked up the cry of international human-rights organizations, the passengers were mercifully allowed to disembark. But for Gbowee and many of her fellow refugees, there was little relief in Ghana.
In June of 1996, Gbowee gave birth to Arthur. But her third child was born prematurely and needed an incubator, which required money. The hospital essentially kept Gbowee prisoner, forcing her and her baby to sleep on the floor of the hospital’s corridors for a week until a kind-hearted doctor finally paid the bill. During this ordeal, Arthur’s father, Daniel, was nowhere to be found.
When peace finally came to Liberia, in the spring of 1997, Gbowee gathered her children and returned, without Daniel.
Back in Liberia, Gbowee began work as a peace builder for the first time.
With her abusive husband left behind, Leymah Gbowee went back to her parents’ house in Monrovia, now with three children of her own. Once again, Gbowee returned to a country in ruins.
While many considered the NPFL leader, Charles Taylor, to be a monster, quite a few also believed he was the only chance Liberia had for lasting peace. So Taylor won the presidential elections in July of 1997.
Meanwhile, Gbowee wasn’t finding life at her parents’ house so easy, especially since she was pregnant with another child from her time in Ghana with Daniel. Her father was upset that she had to spend so much of her life looking after these kids, and even referred to her as a “damned baby machine.”
So after giving birth to Nicole Lucy, her fourth child, Gbowee knew she needed to find a way to start supporting herself and her children.
In 1998, Gbowee began taking classes at the Mother Patern College of Health Sciences and working her way toward an associate of arts degree. She’d already earned her social work certificate, but to be part of the degree program Gbowee needed practical experience. So she began voluntary work at the Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Program (THRP), which is run by the Lutheran Church.
THRP conducted healing workshops with villagers who’d suffered during the war, and during these sessions, Gbowee listened to stories and tried to pass on strategies people could use to ease the emotional conflicts that were still dividing communities throughout Liberia.
She went on to work with former child soldiers who were part of the Small Boys Unit in Charles Taylor’s army. As you can imagine, these boys were deeply traumatized; some had been as young as eight years old when taken away from their families.
After a year with THRP, Gbowee began earning a salary of a hundred dollars a month – her first steady income and enough to afford a small apartment.
Remarkably, she was now a healer, mending the hearts and minds of her community, though it was still a far cry from the doctor’s life she’d imagined for herself at her high-school graduation nine years before.
In 2001, Gbowee was devoted to a new peacebuilding network for Liberian women.
As a member of the Trauma Healing project, Gbowee traveled to Ghana in 2000 to take part in an international conference being organized by West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP).
At the time, Liberia was relatively peaceful, but as was always the case in these years, the threat of war loomed large. One big threat was Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), an anti-Taylor group that had already fought in skirmishes against President Taylor’s army in Northern Liberia.
During the WANEP conference, Gbowee met a well-educated young Nigerian woman named Thelma Ekiyor, who made a bold and intriguing proposition: creating a peacebuilding organization, similar to WANEP, but focused on women.
Before long, the Women in Peacebuilding Network (WIPNET) was born, and Leymah Gbowee was head of the first chapter in Liberia.
By 2001, organizing WIPNET was Gbowee’s main concern. At the time, peace treaties were considered men’s business, even though war greatly affected the women who tried to hide their husbands and sons from soldiers who would either recruit or kill them. Gbowee knew that WIPNET’s women-centered agenda had the potential to be immensely beneficial.
Women may not be the ones firing rifles and rockets, but they risk their lives during wartime to find food and water and care for the children. It was the women who kept humanity alive during the wars and Gbowee was determined to give them a voice in the fight for peace.
Meanwhile, the anti-Taylor opposition had been growing in strength and numbers, and President Taylor declared a state of emergency. This was always the sign for families to once again flee for safety, but this time would be different for Gbowee.
She took her children to Ghana, where her sister cared for them. Gbowee herself went back to Liberia to fight for peace.
Alongside the members of her WIPNET chapter, she took to the street with flyers that read: “We are tired of our children being killed. Women, wake up – you have a choice in the peace process!”
Thanks to the protests of Gbowee and WIPNET, thirteen years of war came to an end.
In 2003, there was international pressure for Liberian President Charles Taylor to negotiate with opposition forces for peace, but Taylor wasn’t having it.
For Gbowee, it was clear: the men had failed. So it was the women’s turn to bring about peace. Together with the women of WIPNET, she began to organize protests for peace in Liberia, with a simple demand: “The women of Liberia want peace now!”
What made their message stand out was that they took no sides. Both the government and the rebels needed to put down their weapons and step up to the negotiation table.
On separate occasions, WIPNET managed to bring together Christian and Muslim women to march the streets in solidarity and take turns singing different religious songs for peace.
In April of 2003, around a thousand women took to the street, dressed completely in white, and filled the air with their chants of “Peace! Peace!” The momentum of their movement was unstoppable, and the president was unable to ignore them any longer.
Charles Taylor heard the demands, and he announced that peace talks would start in Ghana on June 4, 2003. Gbowee and other WIPNET supporters traveled to Ghana to support the negotiations, which unfortunately fell apart rather quickly. Day after day, meetings would be held while the fighting went on and no progress was made.
Gbowee noticed that the negotiations were more like a vacation for the warlords. They spent their days in hotel rooms with a nice view of the ocean while room service delivered drinks being paid for by the peacekeeping networks.
Enough was enough. On July 21, Gbowee and the WIPNET membership blocked the conference room doors, effectively locking the negotiators in until they made some progress. It was this act of peaceful protest that marked the beginning of the war’s end.
On August 11, Charles Taylor announced his resignation as president and went into exile in Nigeria. Days later, on August 14, 2003, the rebels signed a peace agreement.Thanks to the women of Liberia, a seemingly endless war was brought to a close.
After the war, Gbowee continued her peacebuilding efforts in Liberia, as well as her education.
The past thirteen years of violence had made it clear that a signed peace treaty was no guarantee of lasting peace. Even with Charles Taylor in exile, keeping the peace was going to take work. That’s why Leymah Gbowee wasn’t about to stop her peacebuilding efforts with WIPNET.
There was plenty for Gbowee’s chapter of WIPNET to do, including working with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to get children, especially former child soldiers, back in school. The women of WIPNET also organized an official UN peacekeeping mission to collect weapons, an important part of reducing the chances of another outbreak of violence.
In 2005, WIPNET also played a big role in getting women registered to vote in that year’s presidential election. Liberian women didn’t have a strong history of voting; they either didn’t know how to or never had the time to vote. But with the help of WIPNET volunteers, the percentage of female voters shot up from 15 to 51 percent. As a result, the long-time democratic opposition leader, Ellen Sirleaf, won the election and became Africa’s first female head of state in the modern era.
Having greatly improved her nation’s fortunes, Leymah Gbowee began making her voice heard in more international peacebuilding conferences.
Knowing that she would benefit from more theoretical knowledge on conflict resolution, she began reading extensively on the subject and prepared herself to go back to school – this time in the United States.
By 2004, Gbowee already had her associate of arts degree in social work from Mother Patern College of Health Sciences, but she was eager for more. She’d heard that Eastern Mennonite University, in Harrisonburg, Virginia, offered a highly respected peacebuilding and conflict-resolution program, so after attending a summer workshop in May of 2004, she went back to finish the program in 2006.
Gbowee’s activism has brought her a good deal of attention, but Liberia still has a long way to go.
In September of 2006, Gbowee received a call from a woman named Abigail Disney who’d recently learned of Gbowee’s amazing peacebuilding work. She went on to tell Gbowee that, as a feminist and a philanthropist, she was hoping to produce a documentary about Liberia’s “peace women.”
The film, directed by Gini Reticker, is called Pray the Devil Back to Hell, and brought Gbowee some very unexpected attention.
Detailing her work and the achievements of WIPNET, the movie had its premier at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City on April 24, 2008. Gbowee was there for the red-carpet event and found herself among some of America’s biggest stars, including film legend Robert De Niro.
Since its release, Pray the Devil Back to Hell has screened around the world and is now shown regularly in high schools, humanitarian conferences and churches in numerous countries.
The film certainly raised Gbowee’s profile and, not long after the first screening, she began being honored with awards.
First she was awarded the Blue Ribbon for Peace by the Women’s Leadership Board of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. She also received the Leaders for the 21st Century Award, from Women’s eNews, and the Golden Butterfly Award, in The Hague, Netherlands.
But perhaps the greatest honor came in 2011, when she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of her work in non-violent peacebuilding.
Despite the accolades heaped on Gbowee, however, Liberia still has a long way to go.The nation made great progress after the war, with industrial growth and the reopening of Monrovia’s university. The current president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has also promoted gender equality within the government.
However, crime, corruption and poverty continue to be serious issues, and unemployment is at a crippling 85 percent. Plus, 50 percent of Liberians can’t read or write, and the average life expectancy is only fifty-eight years.
But one of the biggest lessons of Gbowee’s story is that however hopeless a situation might seem, positive change is never impossible, and it can come from the least likely of places.
Today, Gbowee lives with her six children in Ghana, where she continues to be an activist for peace.
Leymah Gbowee’s story is a testament to human strength and the incredible power of peace and sisterhood. Despite the violence and war caused primarily by men, women like Gbowee and her fellow female activists have shown the world how steadfast and courageous they can be in building peace in the most violent of places.
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: Before His Birth, His Birth and His Childhood
The Prophet is Given to a Foster Mother (Part 1)
The universe, which rejoined its master was joyful. The heart of Arabia, which harbored the person that would provide the heart of humanity with light and peace, was very excited.
Makkah, in which the unmatched event of the universe took place, was so excited and joyful that it was as if it wanted to fly to the lofty realms.
Hazrat Amina was peaceful and jubilant. It was as if the sweet smiles of her lovely child were helping her to forget a tinge of the intense pain that she felt over her husband’s death. Her child was her only consolation that secured her hope for the future.
The fortunate Amina could only suckle her glorious child for a week. After this, Abu Lahab’s handmaiden, Lady Suwayba became the wet nurse of the Master of the Universe and suckled him for days. 
Before that, Lady Suwayba had nourished Hazrat Hamza. In this way, she had attained the fortune and honor of being the means in joining the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his esteemed uncle as foster brothers.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH), who possessed such virtue and feelings of faithfulness, never forgot the smallest favors that people did for him, nor did he leave them unrequited. Throughout his entire life, he never forgot Lady Suwayba who nourished him for a period of time. He would frequently visit her and would always show her kindness, respect, and pay her compliments.
Yes, faithfulness was the foundation of good manners that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) brought to the face of the Earth. The smallest trace of ingratitude cannot be found in the immaculate and upright life of our Beloved Messenger (PBUH).
At one point in time, Hazrat Khadija, who had taken lessons from the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) virtue and gratitude, wanted to purchase Lady Suwayba, who would frequently visit Hazrat Khadija’s home, for the purpose of setting her free; however, Abu Lahab did not lend himself to this idea. It was not until after the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) migration to Medina that Abu Lahab freed Lady Suwayba on his own. 
Abu Lahab was our Holy Prophet ‘s (PBUH) own paternal uncle. Afterwards, he did not testify and admit to the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Prophethood; he did not forsake being a pagan and did not refrain from his attempts in being our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) biggest enemy, either. For this reason, he incurred the wrath of Allah and did not earn a value that is equivalent to the nail of his slave, Lady Suwayba. In fact, it has been explained that because of Lady Suwayba, Abu Lahab has obtained a driblet of grace in the afterlife.
After his death, he was seen in a dream where he was found screaming in the severe punishment of hell. They asked him: “Why are you screaming? What is the matter?”
He answered: “What else could be the matter? The absence of water is making me burn! I never saw any good in my life, yet I did find one fortune: Because I set the woman, who nourished Muhammad, free, I have been spared the opportunity to absorb water and be watered” and as he said this, he showed his index finger (the finger that testifies faith). 
This incident is certainly a case in point. A ferocious enemy of Islam, like Abu Lahab, who did not refrain from oppressing, torturing, and insulting the Master of the Universe throughout his entire life, was the recipient of such beneficence and grace and a tinge of his punishment in hell was alleviated. This means that best done not only upon our Beloved Messenger PBUH but also upon those who have served him, is also not left unrequited by God Almighty’s grace and beneficence.
In addition, one should think of the greatness in gifts, favors, and Divine endowments of the eternal realm that are awaiting those who have made the Master of the Universe (PBUH) their absolute imam and guide in every matter and the true believers who have felt honored to uphold his Sunnah on the Earth.
The Custom of Giving Babies to Wet Nurses
Mecca’s weather was hot and muggy. It did was not good for the children’s delicate nature and was not a favorable condition for a healthy upbringing. In the desert, the weather was nice, the water was sweet and clean, life was easy, and the climate was mild. Besides, some of the tribes that lived in the desert had a language and diction that was smooth and sharp. They maintained their nobility and practiced good conduct.
Based on this, the Qurayshi gentry and leading figures practiced the custom of handing their children over to the tribal women in the desert to be breastfed for a cost, so that their children could grow and be brought up under healthier conditions and to learn and speak a dialect of Arabic that was appropriate in its essential form. The child would remain with his/her wet nurse for 2-3 years, and sometimes even more.
For this reason, many tribes that lived in the uplands/prairies, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe, in particular, would have a caravan of women go to Mecca a few times a year in which the women would take the newly-born infants with them to their homeland for the purpose of nourishment.
Among the tribes in the vicinity of Mecca, Sa’d bin Bakr’s tribe was the one that had acquired fame since it was distinguished for its honor, generosity, chivalry, humility, and speaking Arabic properly. For this reason, the leading figures of Quraysh mostly wanted to hand the custody of their children over to the women of this tribe.
The Arrival of the Women from Bani Bakr’s Tribe to Mecca
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was being nourished by Lady Suwayba.
At that time, a strong drought was prevalent in the homeland of Sad’s sons although such a strong drought had not occurred till then. The drought resulted in a famine that left the tribal community poor and miserable. It was so bad that they had difficulty finding something to eat. Their camels and sheep had weakened and their milk had ceased.
During this year of intense famine and drought, the tribeswomen of the Bani Bakr had gone to Mecca in a crowded procession with the intention of finding a child to nourish and of obtaining a portion of their livelihood.
All of the women, with the exception of one extraordinary lady, had chosen a child who was appropriate for them. Strangely enough, none of them chose nor approached our Beloved Messenger (PBUH) because they thought they would not be able to obtain much money and help since he was an orphan.
There was only one woman who arrived late in Mecca. She was distinguished among her tribe for her decency, cleanliness, gentleness, and modesty. Due to their old and frail donkey, Halima and her husband had fallen behind the rest of the procession. When they entered Mecca, all of the newly-born Qurayshi children, with the exception of one very extraordinary infant, had been chosen by the women of the Bani Bakr tribe that were in the forefront.  With the fate and wisdom of the Possessor of the Absolute Power, Halima could not find anyone in need of nourishment.
Her husband, Harith, was sad, too. All of their friends shared the children of wealthy families among themselves. She was the only one who was left empty-handed and it was only because she arrived late.
This virtuous woman, who now had a pale and sad countenance and was unaware of the plan that Divine fate had drawn for her, wandered the streets of Mecca with despair and the distress of not being able to find an appropriately fitting child.
Incidentally, she encountered an old man with a friendly face and who, through his presence, summoned the respect of his surroundings. This individual was Abdulmuttalib, the grandfather of the Master of the Universe (PBUH). They looked at each other as if they had been looking to become the relief for their troubles. Then they began to engage in conversation:
Abdulmuttalib asked, “Where are you from?”
Halima: “I am a woman from the Bani Sa’d Tribe” (Sons of Fortune/Luck)
Abdulmuttalib: “What is your name?”
She answered, “Halima”.
Abdulmuttalib: “How wonderful! How wonderful!  Fortune and gentleness are two traits that carry the beneficence of this world and the honor and glory of the afterlife” After he said this, Abdulmuttalib took a deep breath and followed with: "Oh, Halima! I have an orphaned child next to me. I offered him to the women of the Sons of Sa’d but they did not accept him. Come and be the wet nurse of this child. Maybe you will attain prosperity, wealth, and fortune for taking care of him”.
At first, Halima became hesitant upon hearing this unexpected offer. However, she did not want to return to her homeland empty-handed. For this reason, she overcame her hesitation and accepted the offer from within. Nevertheless, she did not want to disclose her answer without first asking and receiving permission from her husband. She immediately returned to her husband and after she explained everything to him she said, “I was unable to find a child to nourish. I do not favor going back empty-handed among my friends. By God, I am going to take that orphan”.
Her husband, Harith, supported her view and said, “There is no harm in taking him. Perhaps Allah will endow us with prosperity and blessings thanks to him”.
Upon this, they returned to Abdulmuttalib.
Abdulmuttalib took Halima to Hazrat Amina’s modest home which the Beloved Prophet (PBUH) illuminated.
Halima went to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) bedside. Our lovely Master (PBUH) was wrapped in a white fabric made from wool and was sleeping soundly on a blanket of green yarn. The surrounding smelled like musk!
Halima was in a state of amazement. She immediately warmed up to this child so much that she could not bear to wake him up!
The cloud of gloom and anguish had left Halima. She was so happy that it was as if she was walking on air. It was such a great bliss to have suddenly come across an infant of excessive beauty after squirming in the distress of not being able to find a child.
Halima could not resist anymore. She neared the Master of the Universe’s (PBUH) bedside very closely and slightly lifted the corner of his blanket. With a mother’s love and compassion, she kissed his forehead and hands that smelled like roses and that were softer than cotton and as white as snow.
At that moment, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) opened his eyes and replied to Halima’s kisses with a sweet smile. They got along with one another.
While one of them was in despair because of not being able to find a child, worn out, and downhearted, the other was a radiant orphan who had been rejected by the women. Fate had filled both of their worlds with happiness.
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