#i have chronic iron issues
laurelwinchester · 2 years
at this point my doctor’s ‘’chill’’ demeanor is becoming a fucking problem
#i have chronic iron issues#i have to get my levels checked regularly#at my last check my levels were low so my doctor told me to take supplements#which would be fine except that i don't absorb supplements and she knows that#''eh just try and we'll see what happens'' i was told#what happened is that my ferritin level dropped to a fucking 2 and i am so ill i'm basically non functional#and now it's going to take longer to fix#i get that as a canadian i'm not allowed to complain about healthcare where americans can see it without risking being piled on#but canadian healthcare fucking sucks#it was borderline negligent before the pandemic collapsed the system#you go to your doctor and say ''something's wrong''#and they say ''here's a band aid if you don't die it wasn't serious if you do die it was that's pretty much all we're willing to do''#now you don't even get the fucking band aid#you get sick and you go to your doctor or the emergency room and you wait hours and days and months#and they look at you for five seconds and go ''oh damn this is bad lol thoughts and prayers off you go''#a thirty seven year old woman died in a nova scotia emergency room on new year's after waiting seven hours#she was in excruciating pain and kept telling her husband ''i think i'm dying'' and they kept brushing her off#she died slow and scared and in pain after lying on the dirty floor of an emergency room#she was essentially tortured to death and left behind children and a husband who had to sit there and watch her die like that#and it was completely preventable#and it will happen again in this country#it's probably happening somewhere right now#anyway now i get to go fight for the infusions i should have gotten months ago while i'm so ill i can't stand for longer than a few minutes#end rant#personal
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palms-upturned · 2 years
Tbh as a cane user it’s a little funny to me that Harry gets shot in the leg (and potentially the shoulder) and then has to just. Continue w his Jamrock shuffle. Sounds like a wheelchair situation to me, but damn, nobody had even a spare cane for the guy? Crutches, perhaps? Couldn’t even like go out and get a particularly large stick? He reopens his wound just by taking a nap and having a nightmare, and then if u try and let him catch his breath you’ll just trigger the idle animation where Cuno makes Harry give him a piggy back ride 😩 and then you can’t even do drugs about it or Jean will bully you. How about I shoot YOU in the shoulder and the thigh and see how well YOU do even trying to MOVE without fourteen different substances in you, hm?? Anyway I think there should be a cane in the game with +2 Pain Threshold (pain management) +1 Volition (soldiering on) -2 Hand/Eye Coordination (hands full) and +1 Half Light (improvised weapon)
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domesticated-whores · 2 months
time to play a game of "should I go to the doctor's or is my body just being extra silly"
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bmpmp3 · 10 months
it always bugged me in movies when characters make like a blood pact with someone or a demon or something and they cut across their palm to get the blood 'cause it seemed like was a bit overkill and it also looked kinda painful but a few days ago i ended up doing that to myself in a very foolish woodworking accident (no demon pacts involved just me not being careful enough 😔 btw dont do woodworking at midnight) and lemme tell u i was RIGHT if u need blood for a demon pact DO NOT cut your hand it bleeds a lot and if u cut too deep or in the wrong spot your muscles get weird and nerves get all prickly and its hard to do so many things one handed I CANT imagine a demon pact would be worth it. just like i dunno. nosebleed on the summoning circle instead. respect yourself
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Okay so apparently the reason I’ve felt horrible for years isn’t just *gestures wildly around,* but actually the fact that my iron is incredibly low and probably has been for a very long time. So get those blood tests babe!
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quelsentiment · 8 months
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microcosmtoxin · 1 year
can anyone with arthritis recommend any mobility aids that would help low to moderate joint pain when exerted (mainly hips and knees that hurt at like a 5 when walking, possibly some quality knee sleeves for more strenuous exercise) alternatively some remedies for my less commonly pained joints (wrists and elbows at a 6 when they bear the weight of my body or head). tdy my doctor said a rheumatoid panel probably wouldn't bring back anything bcs i have little swelling/stiffness and said nothing about osteo (even tho i was born with hip displaysia....have done high impact on my joints sports since i was 8....and until recently had a full time job where i had to stand the whole time...) so my doctor was unhelpful
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halinski · 1 year
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stardustedknuckles · 2 years
I wish I could search questions online with caveats that a simple "do not include" doesn't cover. I want to know if it's possible, common, etc. for meat to cause long term inflammation if you eat it daily, but I don't want kooky "animal abuse" sites hollering about the virtues of sparing "souls" or sites by people who are doctors but are also writing this entire article in hopes you'll buy the supplement listed at the end.
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honey-skulls · 2 months
The irony of being so excited for Disability Pride Month
Only for the disability to be disabling, and not being able to do anything for the whole month and more
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 3 months
I think my body might low key kinda suck at the temperature regulation stuff mayhaps
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hidden-highlands · 5 months
out here rawdogging life rn (i keep forgetting to take my meds and am sososo sleepy all the time)
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idk-something-spicy · 9 months
Unsexy rant time
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childhoodlost · 1 year
Was someone gonna tell me MPA got renamed or was I just meant to find out on a random Monday morning by opening Tapatalk?
#MPA#ED#eating disorder#my college roommate tells me I’ve lost weight nearly every time I see her and it’s both nice and disconcerting. Like#she knows about my ED and still says this#and the thing is I know I haven’t??? Like huh?#NONE of my measurements are smaller: weight. BF%. in/cm measures#On one hand my brain is like ‘be flattered’ but on the other it’s like ‘damn. she consistently remembers me as bigger than I am.’#Anywho. the MPA name change is so wild to me. I feel aged in the ED community.#I remember being younger. in the age of pro-tips and public shamings for eating people taking about having EDs for decades.#now here I am seemingly recovered and going to MPA on a random Monday morning only to discover one of the hanging-on reminders of that time#MPA has changed its name#am I an ED ‘elder’/long-hauler/oldie now? does a decade of active participation in my ED make that true regardless?#Idk. recovery is weird. I still identify with my ED in so many ways#I spent more of my life that I remember in my ED than out of it – arguably all of it but that’s an acknowledgement I avoid – and yet now…#now I’m recovered (in recovery) and the mental obsessions feel more like content from a shitty seminar than consuming.#numbers. volume. variety. nutrients. they all feel rather boring. I don’t find myself thinking on them or caring about my intake.#I only puke when I’m sick. only worry about volume as it relates to fullness and my chronic nausea. variety’s only an issue when I’m broke.#nutrients and ingredients only matter so far as I have low iron and am vegetarian. and the only times I don’t eat enough are when I’m sick#or too broke to buy more groceries and have to stretch my food until I next get some cash. The number on the scale. the size of my body.#All the things that used to define my life are like cars passing on a road – I see them but they’re seemingly irrelevant now.#When did I become like this? Calm in what used to make my ED spiral? How is it that a summer two years ago I felt done with my ED then was?
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ugly-anarchist · 4 months
I once had someone point to my bisexuality as to why they thought I was "ace in denial"
A lot of aspecs identify as bisexual before they realize they're aspec because "they feel the same amount of attraction to everyone, which is none" and this person made the argument that since I identified as bi and aro I must have just been in denial. Then they proceeded to explain "allonormativity" to me which was extremely ironic.
Anyways, reminder that speculating on other people's identities and claiming you know their experiences better than them is Really Fucked Up. Don't do that!
Also reminder that alloaro erasure does, in fact, effect real life people in real life situations. This isn't just a tumblr issue or a chronically online take, aros deserve to be recognized as separate from asexuality.
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