#she’s a staffy mix
ohwowimlonley · 1 year
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Can someone explain to me why my 5 month old puppy is so hench
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ratsandfashion · 5 months
My mom pointed out that chinchillas only live 10 years on average just....out of the blue. I said yeah, but they can live up to 20 and change. She was like, yes, but the average is 10, and by then I think you'll be ready for a dog. 1) I am always ready for a dog. 2) WHY WOULD YOU MAKE IT A POINT TO REMIND ME MY CHINCHILLAS MAY LIVE SHORTER THAN I HOPE
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mangostar · 11 months
my favourite dogs r probably chihuahua n borzoi… small n big
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femfury · 2 years
love these two 🥰
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cuteness--overload · 23 days
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Hello! This is my baby girl, Calypso. She’s a wacky whirlwind of love! We got her from a shelter - they said she is about 5yrs old and a staffy/boxer mix. I’d love to share her goofy face-pulling.
Hello, she is so sweet <3
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simmerandwrite · 2 years
Sink Into Me - 01 - mob!Steve Rogers x plus size! reader
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Pairing: mob boss!Steve Rogers x plus size female reader
Summary: You were simply doing a good deed, pulling the handsome stranger out of the way when a car jumped the curb. Little did you know that the life you saved belonged to Steve Rogers, the Army veteran turned art dealer with connections to the Brooklyn crime syndicate.
Steve Rogers, who won’t stop calling you his guardian angel.
Steve Rogers, whose new goal in life just might be repaying his debt to you.
Steve Rogers, who isn’t shy until it comes to his feelings and will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Chapters: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Wordcount: 4.2k
Warnings: canon level violence (series), body image issues (series)
Notes: So, this just happened, okay? On the one hand, it helped me unslump when it came to writing. On the other, it's been a very serious distraction from other important writing, currently. I promise you a fun ride with this one, though. if you see me in the wild, i’m @simmerandcry
You were goddamn grateful it was Friday. The entire week had felt like walking through wet, heavy sand - each day had been harder and harder to survive and you were so happy to be finally on the other side of the busy season at work. And you had rewarded yourself with your favourite overpriced smoothie from Juice Press - the Pineapple Mango Tornado.
It was the easiest way to reward yourself not only after the long work week, but for agreeing to go to a ‘Happy Hour’ spin class with your old roommate Maria. Despite your insistence that the average spin bike would not support your hips and ass, she had peer pressured you into the entire thing. Mostly based on the premise that she required your opinion on the spin instructor and whether or not she was out of Maria’s league.
By the time the class was over, you decided that A. yes, the instructor was super hot, and yes, Maria should pursue, and that B. spin was not being added into your new fitness routine. You weren’t sure you’d even be able to walk soon enough because your quads were still on fire.
You hoped that your dog Hercules, a rescued pitbull staffy mix, would be happy with a very short walk that evening.
The next street you cut down was relatively quiet and you were grateful for that, too. You weren’t afraid to admit how much of a creature of habit you were, regularly choosing the same path to and from the subway in the most efficient manner. Of course, you tended to notice when things changed though - like how the scaffolding was finally removed outside of the building that was being renovated just up from the corner.
When you realized a new restaurant was opening up, you were both excited and disappointed. You loved having new places to check out but trendy restaurants always brought extra foot traffic and real traffic to the neighbourhood.
(Maria, on the other hand, insisted there was no chance the restaurant was going to be real and open to the public anyway. Apparently she’d heard a rumour the owner was connected to the mob. The mob. You couldn’t get over how dramatic she could be.)
This new place (that was definitely not run by the mob) had a patio going in too and well, that made up for the potential disappointment of overcrowding at least. Just as you were approaching and gawking at the patio furniture, you caught the eye of a man exiting the brown paper covered door pulling a phone up to his ear. And holy shit, what a man.
Dressed in a blue linen suit, whomever this person was exuded a kind of confidence you couldn’t even bear thinking about for too long. When your moment of eye contact continued for one too many seconds, you panicked and reached for your phone because apparently anything was enough of a distraction to keep from hyperventilating over this man’s stare.
By the grace of God, he flipped his sunglasses down from his head and ran a hand through his perfectly messy coiffed hairstyle as he made his phone call. 
Keep it together. All you needed to do was keep staring straight ahead and get on your way home. Your phone buzzed in your back pocket, with a message from Maria who was stuck on her subway line as she headed home. She had sent a sweaty faced selfie along with the text.
You took a selfie to reply with, too, featuring your own post-workout face and your smoothie. 
Then you heard it.
You turned at a sudden noise behind you, the screeching of tires and a roaring engine pulled you away from your phone. You pivoted on your heel quickly, only to see the sleek black SUV speeding up even more. And not only was it coming closer at a dramatic pace, it seemed to be veering off towards the sidewalk too.
The sidewalk you were standing on. Just a few feet ahead of you, Blue Suit remained oblivious with his back turned and phone to his ear. 
For some reason, you sprang into action.
“Hey!” You sprinted ahead of the vehicle as quickly as your heavy legs could carry you, reaching your hand out to the suited man and grasping onto his bicep. With all the force you could muster, you pulled him towards you and you both tumbled to the ground, with your head ricocheting against the stacked tables as you fell towards the concrete sidewalk. 
The man landed directly on top of you, unscathed from the car that had crashed into the glass storefront of the future restaurant. His body acted as a shield from the spray of glass and before you could even understand what had happened, the engine revved again. Despite the damage to its front, the SUV backed up and adjusted its path, coming towards where you and this man were laid out.
He grabbed onto your shoulders with a tight grip, rolling you both through the shards of glass and closer towards the tables and the building. Just quickly enough too, as the SUV narrowly missed you both before it sped away from the scene.
What the fuck just happened?
You heard shouting as your ears rang, the raspy sound of Blue Suit’s voice from above you as he removed himself from practically covering your entire body as you remained laid out on the ground. You tried to pull yourself up too but you were thwarted by the spinning feeling in your head.
“Steve - what the fuck happened?” 
Hah, you and whoever had just run out from the restaurant were clearly sharing the same sentiments. 
“I don’t fucking know - but I can only guess it was..” Blue Suit trailed off, shaking his head of whatever that thought was as he kneeled before you. You blinked a few times, realizing he was speaking to you. “Hey, hey. Look at me. You okay? What’s your name? Did you hit your head? Are you in any pain? Can you sit up?”
Slowly, you blinked and tried to focus on him. Narrowed blue eyes laced with concerns stared down at you. You took in a slow breath. “That’s a lot of questions..” You clenched your hand then released it, running your fingers over the ground for your phone.
“Why the fuck did you do that?”
His question caught you off guard. “What? Are you seriously mad that I..” You tried to sit up and immediately recognized the bad idea. How hard did you hit your head? “Oh my god, I’m going to..”
“Woah, woah. Okay, just stay here on the ground, angel.” Above you, he adjusted and shed his jacket, folding it quickly in his hands and cradling the back of your head to place it under as a neck support. “No passing out. Oh, shit. Are you bleeding?”
“Angel?” You closed your eyes and tried to resist arguing. Stay on the ground. The ground was safe. The ground was stable and not spinning. Spinning equals bad. “Wait. What?” Using your hand, you searched your head and - fuck, yep. That was blood, just near your hairline. You could hear a crunch of glass underneath your back too.
The man twisted his head, looking back towards the shattered window and door of the restaurant behind him. The familiar sound of police sirens called out in the distance. “Sam, we’ve gotta get her checked out-”
You hissed out in pain when you tried to sit up again. Stay on the ground. “No, please. I’m fine. Just give me a minute..” 
The other man shouted back. “Listen, I’ll deal with the blue. Hopefully Ward isn’t on duty today. Call Katy, she should be nearby.”
“Hey! Hey. Wait. Please.” You grasped Blue Suit’s hand as he turned back to you. “The co-pay on my insurance is terrible, I- I can’t afford a hospital bill and-”
“You don’t have to worry about a hospital bill, I promise.” 
You turned your head when you caught the crack in his voice, the sincerity in his tone. A multitude of questions and arguments raced through your mind but when you met his eyes and absorbed his soft gaze, you faltered. 
“It’s the least I can do, angel. You saved my life.”
You had to chalk it up to the rush of adrenaline - how it just made sense to go with this man and get into a car and trust he was really going to get you medical attention. It wasn’t until you were actually arriving at a little clinic further into Brooklyn that you were hit with the gravity of the whole situation. 
That and the pain that was radiating through your skull hit you in full force.
Speaking of full force, why did you throw yourself into this situation? RIght, because that car was going to barrel into the man. And if you could help prevent that… Though it was just occurring to you that you could have been hit by that car too. You both could be dead and -
“Hey, come on. Let’s get you inside.” 
Blue Suit had managed to vacate the front seat and open your door in the back in seconds. You quietly said your goodbyes to the sassy dark haired woman who had driven you both and reluctantly grabbed his hand as you stepped out of the car. Slowly he helped guide you into the quiet little building, home to the Roosevelt Clinic.
Under normal circumstances, you might be annoyed by how Blue Suit was resting his hand against your back, carefully walking you past the front desk, giving a quick nod to the woman who sat there. She had motioned him down the hall towards a certain room and when you got to the door, he paused.
“Listen, Sarah is the best nurse here and she’ll take a look at that cut and make sure you’re okay.” He peered down at you with the most sincere look, finally moving his hand from where it was splayed against your spine and dragging his fingers across his beard. He seemed more shaken now, a bit less secure in his words. “I don’t know how to say thank you for..” 
You offered him a tight smile as he trailed off. “Don’t worry about it, that’s not..” You were lost for words too, nodding and stepping into the small medical room. Not before watching him speak quietly to himself as he walked away, tugging his phone from his pocket. 
Inside the room you sat on one of the chairs, reaching up again to analyze the cut on your forehead. The bleeding had stopped, at least. You barely had any extra time to think about it before someone else came into the room.
You could only assume this was the nurse, Sarah. You weren’t sure what to expect, but the woman standing in front of you put you at ease. Her graying sandy blonde hair was pulled back into a low bun and she offered you a small smile, grabbing a pen from the pocket of her scrub pants as she took a few steps in towards you.
“I’m Sarah, I’m a nurse practitioner at this clinic,” she said as she dropped into the rolling stool beside you, showing you her identifying badge before tilting her head as she studied your face. Her eyes landed on the cut. “Can you tell me your name, honey?”
You nodded and gave her all your information as required and moved your hand as she inspected your cut.
“Oh,” Sarah let out a small whistle. “How did this happen?”
“I, uh,” you took a deep breath and released it. “That guy who brought me in here. I don’t even know his name.” You laughed, though it was short lived as Sarah started to brush a small wipe across your forehead to clean it up. You hissed in pain.
“Steve?” She asked. “In the suit?”
“Blue Suit, yeah. Steve.” You bit your lip as she moved along. “I kind of tackled him to the ground because a car was veering off the street in his direction. Hit my head on the way down.”
Sarah paused her hands and pulled back, moving her stool slightly to the side to get a better look at you. “You tackled him?”
“I mean,” you laughed again. “I’m not strong but clearly if I have enough momentum and, you know, mass - it can cause some movement. It was sort of like a full force hug, I guess. But it meant he didn’t get squashed in front of that car…”
Sarah laughed stiffly too, shaking her head. She stood and crossed the room, opening up a cabinet. “Are you okay if I use some temporary sutures on that?”
You nodded again. “Sure.”
“Steve,” Sarah pursed her lips as she said his name. “He brings a lot of his friends here. I’m happy to patch anyone up for him, really. But this is a first. Usually he doesn’t bring me any strangers.”
You frowned. “Oh. I’m sorry if we got in the way of any real patients or..”
Sarah stopped you with a hand, grabbing her supplies and returning to the stool. “No, no. You didn’t get in the way, honey. This is good. I’m glad he brought you in.” Her smile was unusually joyous, grateful even, and you couldn’t figure out why. “And thank you for doing that, saving him.”
“No one needs to thank me,” you replied, “Seriously. I just… well, what else was I supposed to do but try to help?”
Once Sarah had taken care of the cut and gone through any possible concussion symptoms with you, she offered you some mild pain medication then stood again. 
“Did you go to Briar College?” You asked when she stepped away. “I just noticed that lanyard you’re using..”
Sarah reached into her pocket and pulled out the badge again, running her fingers over the bright blue lanyard. “I did. I’m a proud alumni of that little place.”
“I didn’t mean to be invasive,” you apologized. “My mom went there too. She did her nursing degree part time when I was in high school.”
Sarah quirked an eyebrow. “What year did she graduate? I did the same thing when my son was a bit older, actually.” 
You shared a few more details and, well, wasn’t the world small. It turned out Sarah was in the same class as your mom, although they hadn’t really stayed in touch beyond their classes. They had shared some experiences in a few group projects though, bonding over being the older women in the classroom.
 You and Sarah were really chatting like old friends when there was a knock on the door frame.
“How’s it going in here?” Steve reappeared in the doorway, dragging a hand across the bottom of his jaw as he watched you and Sarah. He looked much more collected than he had before, perhaps having taken the time to sit with whatever he couldn’t say earlier. And god, even under the fluorescent lights above him, he looked good. 
There hadn’t been time before to really take the man in, but as he took up most of the doorway, you couldn’t help but scan him. From his well kept beard, down his wide chest hidden behind the vest of his suit - what kind of man wore a three piece linen suit? And was that a gold chain and tattoos hiding on his chest, too?
You sucked in a breath but let Sarah answer for you.
“I think we’re all done.” Sarah stood up, turning away from you a playful smile on her face before moving towards Steve. When she pulled him into a hug, your mouth twisted into a confused frown. Then you thought about their matching blue eyes and…
“I’m okay, ma,” Steve muttered out, placing a kiss on the top of his mother’s head before he pulled away. “She saved my life.” His eyes flicked to you and suddenly you felt guilty about watching the personal moment that had been playing out. 
You weren’t sure how to react to that. “Seriously, it’s not…” Maybe you were better off not arguing about it now, as you realized what a worst case scenario might have been. If this Steve guy needed to have a soft moment with his mother, that was fine.
I’m okay, ma..
It was a bit odd, in a way, that Steve’s busy, working mother dropped whatever she was doing to help whomever he brought in. And for you to be the first stranger he had guided through the doors, you couldn’t help but wonder just what kind of friends this guy kept if they ended up needing medical care so frequently that there was a room always ready for them at the clinic.
Clearly you had been consumed by your string of thoughts enough to not even realize Sarah left the room because when you blinked again, Steve had taken a few steps in. 
“Are you feeling okay?” Steve started, thankfully. You had no clue what to say or do now, given that you were somewhere in the heart of Brooklyn with a minor head injury. Life saved, head stitched, exchanging awkward platitudes might have been next…
You nodded. “Yeah, pretty good, considering.” You pointed to your forehead and laughed. “Sarah was very helpful.”
Steve let out a quiet laugh. “You know, I’ve almost died before. A couple times. I was sick all the time when I was a kid, bad lungs..” He tapped against his chest with his hand. “I got a really bad infection and it was touch and go for a few weeks when I was in fifth grade. I also survived a lot of bad fist fights, a bullet to my hip and-”
Your eyes grew wide. “A bullet?” 
“I served overseas after college,” he brushed it off. “I’m here on the other side of it. But for the last hour, all I can think about is that my time might have come to a quick end today if it hadn’t been for you, angel.”
“Please don’t call me that,” you shook your head. You insisted he call you by your first name instead. And after you gave it to him, he repeated it to himself, as if he was committing it to memory.
“Steve, I was just right where I needed to be, I guess. It doesn’t have to be that…complicated.” You were really trying to relieve this man of his guilt. “Anyone else in the same position would have done the same thing, I’m sure.” You could tell he wanted to say more but after letting out a long breath, he must have changed his mind. “Plus, you saved us both, really. When that car zoomed past us again and-”
“And I rolled you through the debris and glass. Sure. But I just feel like I owe you,” Steve sighed, raising his hand to drag across his neck. “I’m in debt to you forever.”
“Could you just cover my taxi fare for a ride home?” You reached for your phone to check the time. Shit. “Hercules is gonna be so pissed.”
Steve’s eyes narrowed for a brief moment. “Your boyfriend’s name is Hercules?”
“What?” You blinked a few times, shaking your head as you finally stood up. “No, Hercules is my dog. What kind of person would be named Hercules in this day and age?”
“Listen, my best friend goes by Bucky. Anything is possible.”
“I usually take Hercules for a walk right after I’m done with work, he’s been cooped up all day.” You couldn’t hide your frown as you thought about the journey home. “Maybe the subway would be quicker-”
“Let me give you a ride, please.” Your name left his lips as he pleaded. “It’s the least I can do.”
You supposed it would be the quickest way back to your neighbourhood. And given you had already gotten a ride with the man and had just met his mother and you knew where she worked so… 
As you headed back out to the front of the clinic, you were surprised to see a police officer standing there. Steve took a few extra strides to get ahead of you, greeting the officer first.
“Hammond, it’s been a while,” he started, extending his hand out to shake that of the policeman. 
“Has it?” The officer shot back, a small grin appearing on his hard lined face. “What have I told you about leaving the scene of a crime, Rogers?”
Steve scoffed, pulling his hand back and crossing his arms over his chest. “We have different answers for what makes a crime scene.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“She was bleeding, I couldn’t wait around.” Steve gestured to you now.
You gave a small wave to the officer, feeling a bit unsettled about what the heck was unfolding ahead of you. “Uh, hello.”
After he introduced himself to you as Officer Hammond, he took out a small notepad and gave you that same small smile. You assumed it was supposed to be comforting but it came off a bit stiff. “I just need a statement. You saw what happened? Did you see the driver’s face?” 
In the middle of giving your recount to the officer, alongside all your contact information, you froze. “Oh my god. Would it help.. Would it help if I had a picture of the SUV?” You shook your head and reached for your phone, quickly scrolling through your recent pictures. Then you hesitated, given how unflattering your face looked when you had taken that earlier selfie to send to Maria. But, you could see the car as it approached behind you in the photo and maybe they could do something with that. Police departments must have fancy technology that could decipher a bit of information from it.
You turned your phone to show the officer. “It is a selfie, unfortunately, but..”
Hammond just nodded. “Yeah, that could help. Can you email it to me?”
Steve had a really nice car. A car nicer than anything you had ever sat in before. And despite the overwhelming day-to-day insecurity you held about your body, it didn’t feel like you were squeezing yourself into the vehicle. Inside, the leather seats looked immaculate. Steve weaved through traffic with ease, exchanging very boring normal small talk as neither of you seemed to be able to connect your true thoughts after everything that had happened. But dammit, if he didn’t look attractive with one hand on the wheel, as his other worked the gear shift. Had that sort of thing always been sexy or was it a Steve thing?
Because until an hour ago, you didn’t think anyone could pull off a blue linen suit and now…
Maybe you had hit your head harder than you thought.
By some miracle, the parking spot in front of the townhouse, home to your basement apartment, was free so Steve effortlessly parallel parked his car into place. Was that sexy too?  You made a mental note to check with Maria if you were insane. Maybe you had brain damage after all.
“Well, there we go. One ride home. We’re even, Steven.” You laughed at your own joke, feeling a tiny bit proud when you saw a smirk rise on his face. 
He said your name as he shifted in his seat. “Listen, I’m not going to say thank you again. Or call you Angel.”
You smiled. “Appreciate it.”
“But I believe in the universe putting people in the right place at the right time and..” He closed his eyes and took in a breath. “I’m truly in your debt forever.” He reached into one of the front consoles of the vehicle and grabbed a small card. After retrieving a pen from the inside pocket of his jacket, he scrawled onto the back of it.
“I owe you a thousand favours, alright?” He handed you the card. You stared at his handwritten phone number. “Call me to cash them in, anytime.”
You reluctantly took the card, knowing there was no point in arguing. Besides, this was a gesture. If he needed to hand you off with this promise, you’d play along and accept it. “Sure.” 
“That photo you shared with Hammond - do you think you could send it to me, too?”
You frowned, struck between confusion and, well, embarrassment. You hadn’t taken that selfie with the intention of anyone other than Maria seeing it. Sharing it with the police officer made sense but sending it to this Very Handsome Man felt really awkward. Wasn’t it police evidence now?
“Uh, yeah. I could do that.” You sighed, glancing at his email address on the card then twisting in the seat slightly to look at him. “Just don’t laugh, okay? It was not meant to be shared with the world.”
“I’m sure it’s not that bad, An-” He stopped himself, letting out a short breath before saying your name. “Thanks. Stay safe, okay? And like I said, a thousand favours. If you need anything, anytime - you reach out.”
Chapter 02
What's next? well, you can look forward to flirting, romance, danger, protective Steve Rogers, some smut, some drama and moreeeeeee.
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Name: Suzydara
Breed: Labrador x Staffy mix
Gender: Female
Estimated adult size: Medium
🎂 DOB: 09/06/2024
🐱 Cats: Young enough to learn
🐶 Dogs: Great!
🧒 Children: Sure, if puppy savvy!
🏃🏻‍♀️ Energy level: Moderate-high
SuzyDara is special both physically and individually, as a magical pup.
She is the runt of the CloverDara Clan.
She had difficulty feeding and was compliment fed from day two, supplement fed from day three.
She has a jaw deformity, a cleft lip, if you look closely a funky nose and has had a tooth removed. None of this affects her ability to eat in any way. The vet predicts a long, happy, healthy life.
I slept with Suzydara, Cloverdara and her siblings for three weeks after the delivery. Just to make sure she got enough and to help 9 month old Cloverdara, it was all too much for her and she appreciated the help.
Suzydara is absolutely overflowing with character. Running here, there and everywhere. Always at full speed, always happy.
When she runs out of speed, she asks to climb up on your lap and cuddle up close to have a nice long snooze.
For more information
Send me a Dm
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not-poignant · 9 months
hiya pia! I just saw your new puppy on Instagram!! congrats, he's so cute! I was just wondering, is he a rescue?
cuddles to him and Maybe 🤗
Hi anon,
He's not a rescue! We've always had rescue cats, which is actually part of the reason we can't get a rescue dog, lol. I'm about to talk a lot about it, so get ready! Lol
So firstly, in Western Australia, poodle x rescue puppies don't really exist at all in rescue organisations , and Glen and I are both allergic to highly shedding dogs as well as dogs with very short hair, and we needed a trainable / biddable puppy because we have a cat with a lot of behavioural issues. We've had to litter test each litter of puppies we've met with to see which ones were suitable / not suitable with our allergy issues.
Unlike other places in the world, poodles are actually very hard to find here, and as someone who's had my eyes on rescue organisations on and off for 10 years I can say with a lot of confidence we were never going to find a non-shedding puppy or dog without significant behavioural issues in a rescue. It was nearly impossible before the pandemic, and it's been impossible since.
Western Australia has a dog breed bottleneck, because before frozen sperm existed, most people had to pay around $10,000 to get a new dog of any kind because of the flight fees. On top of that, we have the strictest quarantine in the world. Any dogs to introduce new genetic lineages into a breed from overseas had to spend three months in a concrete cell, with no comforts and only allowed short visits per day. As a result, many of these dogs developed behavioural issues.
But this has meant that some purebreeds don't exist at all in Western Australia, or are just extremely uncommon. There's no medium poodles in Western Australia. There's only two active miniature poodle breeders. Borzoi aren't here. The list of like... fairly common dogs that don't exist here, or only exist in small numbers, is huge. And this means what filters into the rescues tends to be the most popular breeds - staffies, kelpies, malamutes, huskies, german shepherds, labradors and their mixes - all dogs we can't have as pets :(
So, we looked into purebreeds for a long time, and fell in love with some standard poodle puppies we met several months ago, but they were just too big for our cottage, and for our 12 year old 'I have so many behavioural issues Pia learned clicker training just to manage me' rescue cat.
We actually consulted with a trainer who specialises in PTSD dogs quite a few months ago before making this decision and deciding on Tobermory, and she was the one who suggested we go this path.
Rescues are great, I'm a huge rescue animal proponent, I've worked in both wild animal rehabilitation, animal fostering, and in animal rescue at various times in my life. For most people who aren't dealing with allergies (and keeping in mind that a low-shedding dog isn't hypoallergenic! Glen and I are still having allergic reactions, they're just not hives or asthma attacks, and we can manage congestion/breathing issues etc. with antihistamines + rescue inhalers), or who don't already have problem pets to worry about, it's absolutely one of the first avenues people should try!
But puppies from reputable and trustworthy breeders (whether mixes or purebreed) are often bred for qualities that can be more reliable in people who are trying to meet certain needs. And I advocate people go in that direction too if that's the only way they can have or live with a dog. Especially if they can meet with the breeder, meet the parents, meet the puppies multiple times, see (and check) health testing results, and those dogs are being registered, if not through a Purebreed Register (which honestly guarantees nothing except conformation, and often puts health and sometimes even temperament by the wayside), then through a reputable Register that has a code of ethics where you can report a breeder for poor practices and trust that they will be held accountable.
A small fluffy cutesy dog is actually not my favoured kind of dog in terms of how he looks. If I were picking a dog for cosmetic reasons, it'd be such a different dog!! :D I prefer borzoi, or leonbergers (two dogs that don't exist here), or landseer newfoundlands (doesn't exist here), or large munsterlanders (doesn't exist here) etc.
But in terms of temperament and what we need him for? He's perfect. Plus I can still breathe through my nose today and I'm not covered in hives, which is a win!
Anyway, I realise I could've answered this with a short 'no he's not a rescue' lol, but I feel like a lot of folks don't understand what it's like in Western Australia, one of the most isolated major cities in the whole world geographically, and what that means for genetic bottlenecks, issues with finding certain kinds of dogs in rescue, and how the chances of finding a rescue that works can drastically plummet if you're already dealing with pets that have stress, anxiety, and behavioural issues at home.
Maybe was this kind of rescue. She would have been euthanased before we got her. In fact she was literally 20 minutes away from being put to sleep, before we got her. She went on to develop multiple behavioural issues being a multigen feral with Bengal background, which is a pretty bad combo in Western Australian bushland (multigen feral cats are something else here, and have been mistaken for mountain lines in the bush). She's needed intensive and time-consuming management since we got her, and it means every other animal around her needs to be as easy to manage as humanly possible.
But yeah it's put me in an interesting quandary for about 7 years? Longer? At any rate, TL;DR not a rescue! :D
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antiquitea · 6 months
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✨ cassiopeia ✨
we brought her home three weeks ago, but i kinda forgot to post about it until now (oops?) we call her cassie for short. we just went to the shelter to meet the staff, maybe meet some dogs, and we met her. we fell in love in love with her instantly, and it was so clear that she needed us and our home.
she's two years old, so she's still a puppy. we have some training to do but she's so good and settling in so well already. like charlie, she's a staffy, but we think she might be mixed with shar pei.
it happened sooner than anticipated, but i know deep down that charlie sent her to us. she's so like him in so many ways, but also so uniquely cassie.
we love her so so much. 💛
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Always love an opportunity to share the vacuums. Featuring Remy the Bull arab, Deisel the Staffy mix and Annie the Cattle dog mix (who only takes good photos if she has some sort of headwear on). With bonus Guinea Pigs Bobby, Boris and Buttons.
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GUINEAS!! I love them so. My first pet that was *my* pet was a guinea pig called Eureka and I loved her very much.
These dogs are also excellent and Annie has an excellent hat
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fruitbatfanclub · 3 months
little life/critter update -
i added 2 new chickens to my flock. a male and female golden bantam. 🥰 they’re sweet as can be, so adorably little, and my Jersey Giant Brahma hen is obsessed with the new little rooster, she follows him everywhere.🫠
my male cat (the grey one) officially has 6 remaining teeth.👌🏻🫢 both my cats turned 16 this year so i’m considering that a win. they were from the same litter, and i hand raised them the summer before 8th grade when i was 12 years old. i love that i still get to have them around well into my twenties.🖤
my pity/staffy mix (Spooky) turned 3 in may. time is a thief but i love watching him get to play and be wild with my other pup. if you’ve interacted with me at all privately you likely know he was my first dog after losing my childhood dog Jake a few years back. Spooky is basically like my first born child lmfao
Goonie, my shepherd pit mut, celebrated living with me for 1 year in may! he’s a pain in my ass 90% of the time and an absolute manic, he’s always into something. but he has such a sweet personality and temperament, i’ll grin and bare the last (hopefully????) stretch of the puppy phase.
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planefood · 1 year
How do pets work with robots? Do robots even prefer having them at all? Are there cool robotic pets like sentient IDogs they can get? How do they deal with stuff like massive amounts of shedding and stuff like that if they like pets?
- 🔌
- (P.S I'll just file the ceiling damage as an accident to my insurance company)
Okay again it depends on the robot but robots having pets is surprisingly common! Max and Tandy both have quite a few pets between them
Tandys pets: Georgie (outdoor barn cat, not super keen on interaction)
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a blue and white staffy called Maggie, she has a white patch on her nose but i couldnt find any clear images,
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ive doodled her before tho:
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and he also had a huntaway at some point, tho he doesn't have a name and was just a working dog so he wasn't super involved in the dogs life compared to Maggie who Tandy adores,
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you won't see these pets a lot in the story or writing because none of them came up to Auckland with Tandy Max has two pets A ginger cat called Mutt
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and a (very old) Mastiff mix called Badjelly the Witch (Or just Bad Jelly or Jelly for short)
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these two DO appear in the story because they live with Max and Phillip for a time. I've grown up around big dogs and cats and love to include them in my stories when I can. Robots and animals tend to get along just fine for the most part, cats and dogs at least don't view them as any different than a human owner. Though I imagine robots must smell and sound weird to them and pets that robots aren't already familiar with would be scared by them. Things like fur and mess that animals create could be slightly damaging to a robot but there's nothing a quick vacuum can't fix As I've stated before Sierra hates dogs and I imagine that strains Max and Sierras relationship even more
I was thinking of giving Lithium and Sonnet a robot dog! They have robot animals in their universe that I believe would be sentient too? So they'd behave just like a dog/cat/whatever would
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can we bring these back btw there's a market for them (me)
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arofundy · 5 months
sorry fr being a dog guy it will happen again. anyways. dbd main 4 as dogs
edwin is .. silken windhound or saluki. probably windhound but in general he needs 2 be a sighthound. obviously
charles is .. bully mix. probably staffie/pittie? maybe something else thrown in there too but undecided. just gotta get the imagery of bulky bully mix contrasted with soulmate being a sighthound. obviously
crystal is a smooth collie i think. i think that works well im just going by vibes here but its the best i came up w so far
niko is uhm. i had the hardest time with her. i think either papillon or shikoku? maybe a mix? i think she needs 2 be spitz type but papillon also fits well 2 me. we'll see!!
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moonlightperseus · 1 year
911 Characters + dogs you think they should own
okay im sooo sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this but i wanted to really mull it over and i've been thinking about it a lot and i've come up with a basic list for the main chars (+ a few that are Main In My Heart) i've paired off the canon couples since they would be getting the dog together.
bobby (and athena, but i'm putting bobby specifically because athena is allergic to dogs and thus this is His dog) - Chinese crested dog (i originally was debating between bichon and toy poodle but then i saw the error of my ways) bobby rescues this older, a little bit in need of some tlc chinese crested and it's perfect because they're a pretty hypoallergenic breed (the hairless ones at least, which is what bobby rescues), athena is hesitant about the dog at first,
henren - golden retriever / mix, i know they had a smaller dog in the past but personally i think they should have a medium/large dog next, a rescue who is a little older (past puppyhood/young adult bc hooo boy you don’t need a puppy and a baby at the same time), idk if it’s a full golden or a mixed breed with some golden in it but it’s a very even tempered fluffy dog who’s a total sweetheart (if sometimes a little stubborn about moving… i’m not speaking from any person experience what are you talking about)
madney - staffy mix, okay i’m giving credit to maddie (@thebuckley-hans) for getting me on the madney getting a staffy agenda and also the wonderful staffy mix at my work who is an ANGEL. again they rescue a little older of a dog (bc i am NOT subjecting my blorbos to puppy & young child i’m not doing that!!!! getting a puppy when you have a baby is a trend that needs to die out imo <3 why would you subject yourself to that On Purpose)
bonus for madney - i also think they should get a boston terrier, maybe a little later when jee is a little more grown up, bc hooo boy bostons can be fucking wild but i have a soft spot for bostons and also THE madney ep... boston... yeah
eddie - english bulldog. this is based on approx nothing except for the fact that we had our bulldog regular, George, at work recently and i thought it would be funny if eddie somehow ended up with a bulldog and i’ve been stuck on this concept ever since
buck - irish wolfhound. this is absolutely me projecting my captivation on the breed that ive had for so long (my original want for him was a newfoundland, for uh, similar reasons, but i feel soooooo bad putting on in california) i just think he should have a Real Big Dog (as @scattered-winter has put it, a dog that could just lie on him and be like a weighted blanket)
ravi - okay i have two VERY different vibes for ravi that i cannot decide between. one is a border collie, theyre... very intense but i think he would go all in on the training, it might be a little challenging with his long shifts though, they dont do well with being left alone/boredom but he could have a pettsitter situation. now on the COMPLETE OPPOSITE END OF THE SPECTRUM, i could also see ravi with a little spoiled purse dog, i'm thinking lhasa apso? (am i biased bc one of my dogs is supposedly 20% lhasa, maybe) i think he would would dote on that dog sooo hard and spoil her and she have little spa days and maybe her and bobby's dogs are friends......
lucy - shetland sheepdog. i cannot explain it but i got it in my head of her having sheltie(s) and its stuck like glue. she just has the Sheltie Person Vibe I CANT EXPLAIN IT
may - mixed breed as a bonus i think may should have a scruffy lil mixed breed, not small small but like medium small. just a scrungley guy (maybe a cairn terrier mix?)
okay yeah!! i think this is it!! apologies again for the long ass ramble and the delayed response but i thought about this a lot and im just!!! thank you for this ask!!!
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xzturtles · 2 years
TMNT 2012 if the had dogs
I love dogs, so I give now some character a dog, if they would have one.
Leo - Border Collie
Border Collies are the smartes dog breed, they lead the herd, are stubborn, can do parkour with ease and love to almost kill themselves.
Leo 2.0
Raph - Small rescue mutt
Raph is the most animal loving from the cast and he would 100% adopt a small (or mid sized) rescue mutt.
I don't think that he'll take any dangerous marked breed as status symbol, I'm sure he cares more about the dog than a status and he has a heart for especially small animals.
So a small breed dog fits in my opinion more to Raph than any big dog.
Maybe a rescue Doodle or Chihuahua mix.
Mikey - Golden Retriever
Goofballs, that's all I need to say.
Goldies also get along with cats very well with introduced right, so Ice Cream Kitty can have a friend.
Donnie - Standard Poodle
Hear me out, Poodle count to the most intelligent dog breed, able to learn a lot of tricks and useful commands.
April - Pomeranian
Poms are stubborn af.
My parents own one and...the stubbornness.
Fitting to April.
Casey - American Staffordshire Terrier 
Casey wants canonically a dog in the show.
And he would get a Staffy as symbol, he doesn't care if the dog is good bred or trained, Casey just wants a symbol.
Karai & Shini - none
I've the headcanon that Shini is a bit afraid of dogs.
So they'll just own cats.
However, Karai would have an Akita again, since Shredder had one and she (I guess) grew up with it.
Mona - Uhm
Don't really know what dogs are or the different breeds..so she just goes along her husband.
Renet - German Shepherd (working line) or Saluki 
C'mon, the irony.
Cute bubbly girl with a big scary dog.
Also GSD can be extrem goofballs if properly trained and the breed has a big history.
Tho, I'm split between GSD and Saluki.
Saluki are the oldest known dog breed with a huge history and assumed to be owned by many royals figures.
History, Renet, get it?
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Get to know me
Tagged by: Haelleno (thanks!)
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The last song you listened to: God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash. Been trying to write a blurb for Kiyo's AU where she goes down the path of Reaper and this song gives me the vibe for it
Currently Reading: I don't even remember the last time I legit sat down and actually read something. These days it's just fanfics jkdllshg
Last Movie: Once again, I don't remember the last time I actually sat and watched a movie, so hell if I remember what the last one was
What are you wearing right now: Tanktop and lounge pants. This is typically what I wear for sleeping in and when I'm just lazing around the house
How tall are you: ...5'4". And that's 162.56 cm for you metric folks
Piercings: Just the typical ear ones
Tattoos: None, but I hope to get over my fear and get a few someday...
Glasses? Contacts? I wear glasses. The thought of putting ANYTHING in my eyes makes me want to shrivel up and die
Last drink: The new "Transformation" flavored Coke because it's not bad. It's coconut and strawberry I think???
Last show: I just finished Trigun Stampede and I highly recommend it! And this is coming from a big fan of the '98 series
Last thing you ate: Spicy tuna fish sandwich... last night. It's like noon here now, I need food mvdjls
Favourite colour: I like a lot of colors, but I always find myself gravitating towards varying shades of purple. And black of course. But I can also appreciate pastels too
Current obsession: Well if this blog is anything to go by... you know what it is lmao That and the new Trigun series reawakened the dormant fan in me once again
Unrelated Obsession: I'm a huge, HUGE Transformers fan, so don't ask me anything about the franchise unless you want me to turn into an unskippable cutscene. Also my OC's, but that's always gonna be a thing with me. Oh and Elder Scrolls as well
Any pets: Yep, got two very loveable and sweet rescue dogs. My big boy Rhett is a Staffy (American Staffordshire Terrier) and my little girl Izzy is a Pit and Lab mix. Fun fact - they both came from the same rescue, but Izzy was a special case. The lady that ran the place asked mom and I if we wanted to help her get these puppies these people were trying to get rid of, and that's how we ended up fostering (and failing since we adopted) Izzy. Her and her siblings were only 5 weeks old, so we've had her since she was literally a baby
Do you have a crush on anyone: Yeah my girlfriend and the many, many fictional characters I love
Favourite fictional character: God there's so many to just pick a favorite, and that's not even getting into the franchises I love. If we're talking specifically FFXIV? Aymeric and Haurchefant for sure, plus all the Scions. Sadu, Cirina, Lucia, Maxima, even Magnai... I could go on
Though looking through my folder of art and pictures I like to save... it seems to be Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun lmao
Tagging: I'm bad at this. If you see this, do it!
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