#she’s been keeping the police/insurance stuff straight and i really appreciate her coming through with that
james-p-sullivan · 11 months
Hope you’re feeling better ❤️
thank you that’s very kind! im actually forming memories and remembering bits and pieces of friday before the accident so i think that means im getting better? definitely still have a long road to recovery but I’m so thankful to those around me who have really been there for me
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Laredo Part 2 Week 2
First photo is yesterday’s grocery haul. Second and third photos show our stock of underwear and boys’ clothes. Fourth photo shows our COVID isolation building, the last photo is the church hall that has been converted into an emergency shelter to accommodate the 200-300 people staying each night at La Frontera. The main shelter building can only accommodate about 150.
I’ve been back in Laredo for about 2 weeks now, which is how long I stayed the last time I was here. I still have about 2 weeks left. Last time I was here I remember being completely and utterly burnt out by the end of 2 weeks and I can feel myself burning out again now.
I’ve been splitting my days between the two shelters, La Frontera and Holding, and they are so different. At La Frontera I feel very welcomed and involved and useful and the people seem a bit friendlier, but the flip side of that is that there is so much chaos and lack of organization it honestly stresses me out so much. There are just so many people in such desperate need all the time and there are maybe 3-4 volunteers each day trying to prioritize which crisis needs to be dealt with first. Usually that ends up being transportation and food. Things like clothing and cleaning and toiletries and organization have fallen by the wayside. We’ve been getting hundreds and hundreds of people in really terrible conditions clear until 2:30 in the morning every single day and we just simply do not have the people needed to make it run smoothly, so volunteers in the evening have just been opening the closet and letting folks grab what they need at random, which results in even more chaos and disorganization. The last few days when I’ve come in there have just been enormous piles of stuff all over the floor and garbage everywhere. It is really stressful.
Yesterday we realized that no one had gone grocery shopping, and there wasn’t much food left in the pantry. I don’t know how that system normally works, if there even is one, from what I can tell it is random volunteers buying food and occasionally community members donating food. We cooked all the food there was and served as many people as we could but here were about 250 people at breakfast who hadn’t eaten in several days.
Most of the groups that come in haven’t eaten in several days, but this group looked truly, truly desperate for food. The children were all screaming and the adults were trying to hold themselves back so as to not push or shove but I could tell it was hard. The heartbreaking part was that we didn’t have enough food for all of them, and about 50 folks went without food. We didn’t even have anything like granola bars or bread slices or cereal or anything to offer them.
Me and one of the nuns went to the grocery store and bought two fulls carts worth of food, we bought this yesterday morning and already today it is almost all gone. I feel frustrated with the leadership at this shelter, it feels like there is none. One of the directors is constantly out of the building driving people places and doesn’t answer her phone and the other is constantly putting out fires with border patrol and the police and the hospital and the city government, etc so she is never there either. The entire shelter depends on the 3-4 community members and out of town volunteers that show up at irregular hours and most of whom only stay for a few days.
The worst part is seeing how this lack of organization impacts the people coming through, who are already dealing with a lot of trauma and I know the chaos here isn’t helping.
But there’s only so much we can do. I started falling apart this morning after wading through so much garbage to try to get through the kitchen. I got very overwhelmed and started getting snappy at people, which doesn’t help anyone. One of the newer volunteers stepped up to help while I took a break. When I came back the both of us were able to get a number of the folks staying at the shelter to help us. We got folks to clean up all the garbage and clean the tables and sweep the floors and help us with the food. They were happy to help and were appreciative of what we were doing.
I’ve been at La Frontera shelter from 9-2 most days, which is usually when we finish serving lunch. Then I head over to Holding Community Center until about 7pm. The difference between the two shelters is night and day. While La Frontera has only 2 paid employees, Holding has 18 employees, most of whom are on site for the entire day 7 days a week. It makes an enormous difference. The flip side of that though is that I don’t feel super helpful there and the people have kind of set systems in place and a few staff members don’t seem very open to volunteers coming in to help as they are overwhelmed and don’t want anyone upsetting their system. It’s also different in that all of the folks staying here stay outside or in the vacant classrooms at the community center, the volunteers all work in a separate building and very rarely directly interact with the folks staying there. So while I’m there I essentially sit at a table and organize baby wipes and baby food for 3.5 hours straight. Then I help serve dinner and then I’m done for the day. We aren’t allowed to directly interact with the folks staying here because there are a lot of cases of COVID on the buses, the folks staying here tested negative but were still exposed so we’re trying to be very careful, but still it is kind of frustrating when folks knock on the door and ask for things like a bottle of water and to hear that I’m not allowed to give them water until a specific time or else everyone is going to be trying to get one. It’s definitely two ends of a spectrum.
I’ve been trying to interact with folks by doing a ‘diaper cart’ every afternoon. I load up a cart with diapers and formula and wipes and just walk around outside offering things to people.
Today I helped serve dinner to the main group of COVID negative people, but then I was also asked to bring dinner over to the group of people who tested positive for COVID. They are being quarantined in an empty warehouse across the street. They have nurses there and everyone wears masks. They have to quarantine for at least 10 days, and receive one change of clothes and a hygiene kit when they first arrive. They get a blanket and a cot and stay there until they recover. I hadn’t been over there before and was a bit nervous about it.
It was truly terrible to see. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a more miserable place. We stood in the doorway while folks lined up by the door. We handed food off to the nurses and they then handed the food to the people waiting in line. There were at least 100 people in there, packed wall to wall on cots and all of them coughing and looking so sick.
The medical team was treating them well and they had the basics that they needed, but it just broke my heart seeing so many sick people in one place. The hospitals will not accept them because they don’t have health insurance. Most were exposed to COVID in ICE detention, because ICE does not test the people they detain and keep people confined in close quarters for extended periods of time. If folks get extremely ill the hospital will accept them for 48 hours. The shelter is the only place in town that will accept them, if the shelter was not there ICE would have just left them on the street.
It’s been a really long week. I’m trying to not let all of this get to me. The most difficult part I think is seeing all of these problems and feeling so powerless to help. At La Frontera shelter it seems like a neverending crisis and lack of resources and organization that me as a part time volunteer cannot realistically fix, which is really hard to accept. There were some rooms I came across today that were in such a state of disarray I just had to close the door and walk away, because there was no way I could take that on. At Holding, there are enough resources and organization, but seeing the people quarantined and seeing the busloads that come in each day of more and more sick people breaks my heart. Right when I was walking out the door at 6:45pm today a busload of 130 more people arrived, and staff was trying to decide if they should feed them or test them for COVID first, because the medical staff and the food team were leaving for the night and they didn’t know what to do. It was hard to accept that there wasn’t really anything I could do in that situation.
I’m trying to do what I can. I’ve been fundraising and have raised around $750 so far. I’m planning on using most of it for underwear and food for La Frontera shelter. Both shelters depend entirely upon donations though and I know that even if I spend all of that money today that all of the donations bought from it would likely be gone by the end of the week.
What really needs to happen here is systemic change. There needs to be drastic changes to our immigration policies, ICE as an institution needs to be shut down or at the bare minimum be investigated for their treatment of folks being detained by them. The fact that people come out of there exposed to COVID and without having eaten for several days is unconscionable. There needs to be government funding and disaster relief teams for folks seeking asylum, it is absurd that a bunch of random volunteers and community organizations are having to take on a humanitarian crisis of this scale.
I’ll go into this in a later post, but the United States is almost entirely responsible for creating the conditions that have caused so many folks to flee their home countries. It is the absolute bare minimum that the US can do to accept folks that are fleeing the situations that we created. They do not want to leave their homes, they are being forced to.
Rant over.
Until next time,
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Suspect: Part 2
Pairing: Reader x Bucky (not yet) Word Count: 1.8K Warnings: Swearing
A/N: Still set during CA:TWS. I’m actually super proud of my writing here
Feedback is always appreciated. Let me know if you want to be added to the tags list.
Part 1
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A pulsating headache had been bugging you the last few hours, and you couldn’t be more happy that the clock had finally hit 5pm. Closing down your laptop, you start gathering your belongings and stuffing them into your bag. Grabbing your phone, you let out an annoyed sigh as it starts glitching.
“Great,” you sarcastically mumble to yourself as you grab your coat and bag,
“What is?” Dale’s voice sounds from beside you,
“My phone,” you sigh out, “It’s fucking up. Now I’m going to have to go by the Apple Store on my way home,”
Dale gives you a look of pity, “Well, not to be the barer of more bad news, but you can’t rush off yet, Chief wants us in the conference room. Emergency meeting,”
“What about?” you ask as your brows furrow.
Dale shrugs, but you notice a small smirk pulling at his lips. Brushing off your partner’s odd behaviour, you grab your stuff and follow him down the hall.
Taking a seat, you scan the room and realise that whatever this emergency is, it has to be big, every detective and beat cop was squeezed into the small room.
“Sorry to keep you from starting your weekends,” the police chief says as he promptly enters the room, looking worried, “But this couldn’t wait,”
You glance around the room, but everyone looks just as confused as you feel. Everyone except Dale, who is seated next to you, a smirk dancing on his face as he stares straight forward, looking as if he knows what no one around him does.
“Captain America is now a wanted fugitive,” your head snaps forward as you hear the chief’s words, “Captain Steven Rogers is wanted for questioning, and has already escaped custody,”
A hush falls over the room, everyone turning to mutter their disbelief. The police chief takes a deep breath, and switches on the large monitor behind him. As the screen comes to life, a profile of Captain Rogers is already displayed.
You stare at the screen, Captain Rogers’ eyes staring straight forward, with no expression on his features. If it was a photograph of anyone else, it would have seemed cold and unfeeling, but as you stared at the photo your heart swells. Captain America had always been a positive role model, constantly putting his life on the line to save others. To save you, 2 years ago during the Battle of New York. He saved your life, and everything in you was rejecting the idea that he could be a criminal.
“We have orders to not engage. He is dangerous and will attack if provoked. If you do happen see Rogers, we have been advised to immediately report it,”
“What the fuck?” you whisper, turning towards Dale,
“I knew that guy would snap sooner or later,” Dale says, a hint of amusement in his tone.
A frown quickly forms between your eyebrows as you slowly turn back to face the chief. Your heart sinks as you realise that every single person in the room really believed that Captain America was a criminal. You seem to be the only one that felt that wasn’t true, that there was something else going on that wasn’t being said.
The police chief finishes the meeting by reminding everyone that Captain Rogers was dangerous and a wanted man. You quickly stand and grab your stuff, your stomach churning as the police chief’s words cycle through your mind.
“Have a good weekend,” Dale says, not bothering to get up and leave just yet,
“Huh? Yeah, see ya,” you mumble, too lost in your own thoughts to bother paying attention to your partner.
As you wait at the Genius Bar, your mind was still swimming with thoughts about the APB on Captain Rogers. You knew that, as a cop, you should trust your chief and follow orders, that was exactly how you advanced to detective at such a young age. But something in you felt that was the wrong move. There was no way in the world that Captain America had snapped and become a bad guy.
“What can I do for you?” a soft, male voice asks, startling you from your thoughts,
“Uh,” your mind scrambles to remember why you’re even here in the first place, “My phone started screwing up... And I don’t know how to fix it,”
The long haired, bearded Apple employee tentatively takes your phone and looks it over, “Okay, no problem. If you could wait over there, someone will be right with you. I’ve been Aaron,”
You give Aaron a small nod of thanks as he hands your phone back and wander over to a bunch of people that were waiting for Apple support. You start scanning the room, wondering if anyone knew that Captain America, a national hero, was now reduced to a thug. Your eyes land of a couple, the red haired woman furiously typing on a display computer as the tall man next to her stared intensely at the screen. Something about her seemed too familiar that you couldn’t tear your eyes away.
“Right... We’re getting married,” you hear the tall man drawl out as the Apple employee, Aaron, chats to him.
Something in your brain clicks, that was Captain Steve Rogers. You hadn’t recognised him behind the glasses, but there was no doubt in your mind. The memory of Captain America calming you down as Chitauri terrorised that city around you flashes through your mind. There was no way that you’d ever forget his voice.
Captain Rogers promptly dismisses Aaron and moves back to stare at the computer screen, and you focus your attention on the woman. It had to be Black Widow. Her hair was longer, and straight, but that was definitely her.
You’d found him, your supposed criminal. You don’t even consider calling it in. Right then, you’d made up your mind, Captain Rogers wasn’t a fugitive. There had to be something else going on.
“What seems to be the problem?” a voice tears your attention away from the heroes,
“Huh?” it takes a moment for you to focus on the Apple employee in front of you, “Oh, my phone,”
You don’t even wait to allow the employee to say anything, just shoving your phone at her. She begins examining your glitching phone, and you return your gaze to Captain Rogers and Black Widow. You consider approaching them, offering your help to assist them however you could. But before you can even make a decision, Captain Rogers snatches a usb out of the computer and the two of them casually, but swiftly, exit.
“Alrighty, everything seems to be working fine,” the Apple employee chimes, giving you a sweet smile as she hands you back your phone, “I’ve already checked, it’s all covered by your insurance,”
“Thanks,” you say, returning a smile. She nods and moves on to someone beside you. Now that you had your phone back, in working condition, you decide that you were going to help Captain Rogers, or at least try. It was the least you could do.
You’ve only taken a few steps when you stop dead in your tracks. Standing directly in front of the large store front is a man. He’s dressed in all black, and he has grazes up and down his face that looked fresh. Your heart sinks when you spot the black earpiece lodged in his ear.
“Negative at the source,” you hear him grunt, scanning around the Apple store.
You pull your coat tighter around your torso and try to act casual as you slide past him, still gazing around the store. ‘Am I right?’ you ponder, your feet moving fast as you spot Black Widow’s striped hoodie in the distance, ‘Is something deeper going on here?’
Keeping your eyes trained on Black Widow’s hoodie, you quickly walk through the crowd of shoppers. Your stomach drops as you notice two conspicuous men, dressed in all black, marching towards you. Their heads twisting every which way, and craning over the crowds. They were clearly with the other man you’d seen in the Apple store, but they hadn’t spotted Captain Rogers or Black Widow, so you duck your head as they pass you and continue following Black Widow’s figure in the distance.
You watch as Black Widow’s striped hoodie turns left and out of sight. You pick up the pace, you body telling you to hurry so that you don’t lose them. Your mind is racing with urgency when you collide with another person.
“Oh god, I’m sorry,” you blurt out as you snap your head up. Your breathing stops as you’re met with another man dressed in all black. He’s lowering his finger from his ear, where you see a small, black earpiece lodged - just like the menacing man in the Apple store. He was definitely one of them.
He only glares at you, looking pissed off that you’d just ran into him. As he side steps you and walks off, you watch him for a moment. Knowing that he just passed Black Widow and Captain Rogers without realising, you think fast.
“Excuse me,” you call to him as you jog the small distance he had created. He spins around, his jaw clenched, and you quickly plunge your hand into your bag, “I’m with the DCPD,” you say in a hushed voice. His eyes slide to your hand as you discreetly flash him your badge. His jaw unclenches and you breathe a sigh of relief, “I just saw Captain Rogers, and I was told to report it,”
The man’s eyebrows shoot up and he straightens his shoulders, “Where?” he barks,
“That way,” you point in the opposite direction than Captain Rogers and Black Widow had gone, “They were headed up a level, possibly headed for the rooftop carpark,”
The rough man doesn’t say anything, only turns away and start marching towards where you had pointed, away from Captain Rogers, “All units, converge on level 4,” you hear him grunt into his jacket.
You can’t help but grin as you take the escalator down, headed towards the underground car park. Even though you’d lost Captain Rogers and Black Widow in the hundreds of people that were moseying around the mall, you had helped them escape whoever those mysterious men were.
Just to be safe, you glance over your shoulder every now and again, making sure that the men hadn’t come after you once they realised that their targets were nowhere to be seen. But by the time you reach your car, you’re sure that they hadn’t bothered to try and find you again.
While you were grinning with pride the whole drive home, your mind was still racing. Why had the police chief lied about Captain Rogers? Who had given the order to put a man hunt out for Captain America?
Next Part
Tags: @heismyhunter, @rosyfluffyprincess, @goldenlifevsgutter1996, @klutzly, @invisible2niall, @leahhavoc, @redstarstan, @addictwithafandomblog, @hantu369mc, @impala-moose, @spn-worm, @coffeeismylife28, @aboveaverage-fangirl, @plumsforbuck2016, @buckyandsebsinbin, @meep-meep22, @caitsymichelle13, @pleasefixthepain, @buckyobsessed, @specs15, @onceuponahiddleston, @noelle707, @multifandom-slytherin, @everlasting9
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New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
"New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
What kind of motorcycle insurance do I need?
I'm thinking about financing a motorcycle and I was trying to get the most accurate quote, just wondering what I would need in each category (i.e. $25,000 bodily injury/property damage or $25,000 uninsured motorist etc etc)""
Need help with auto insurance!!!?
Hello everyone. I'm from Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. I'm currently insured with Bristol West Auto Insurance for the past 3 years. I'm planning to switch auto insurance because it's really really hard to get a hold of customer service. And when you do, (after 1 hour of holding) they'll put you on hold some more, or even tell you they'll call you back. Which they never will. My point is BW customer service is very very crappy. I need help choosing an auto insurance company that's reputable but yet affordable. Considering the fact that I have an SR22 on file, low rates is my main focus. The lower, the better. I'm planning to insure 4 vehicles (1 is temporary until car get smogged) and 3 drivers. We all have good driving record, inspite of my dropped DUI case. Three of the cars are years '91 and under. Mines is a '98. If anyone have any information (site/link/etc.) or knows any good auto insurance company, please do let me know. Thanks in advance and any input in greatly appreciated.""
Why has the dental plan been eliminated from the new California Medi-Cal insurance plan?
A few months ago I received a letter & then a follow-up phone call from the state asking me to choose ONE of the 2 insurance choices they were offering. Neither had a dental plan & I was told to wait & they would enroll me in the one the had the dental plan for adults. I can't get a human on the line @ their toll free phone line. A few days ago, I received a letter telling me the name of my new insurance plan provider. It plainly states NO DENTAL. Now What? Am I stuck with a mouth full of rotten & broken teeth as a result of my injury that rendered me a disabled person to begin with? Is anyone else having trouble with the California govt services?""
Massachusetts Health insurance?
I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Is my car covered under my insurance?
I have a 2008 car that has full coverage even though it is paid off. My wife is not on the insurance. I am a former cop and from what she told me, the other vehicle is at fault because he came into her lane and hit our car, but there was no police report. I already called my insurance company and gave the normal information. My question is... will my car be covered because she is not on my insurance? I have been reading and people say the car is covered, not the driver so it should be, but I also read someone who said if someone lives with you and you did not tell the insurance company they could have possession of your car, that they may not cover it. I was a cop, but only did the reports. I didn't deal with insurance so I am naive when it comes to this stuff. I am okay with things going the way they should, but I don't want the insurance company tricking me into some minor technicality that will keep them from covering me. Is there anything I should do or not do? It was damage from the front to the back and we cannot afford to pay for it ourselves.""
Is this normal for home insurance?
I have AAA-California home insurance and we had an incident yesterday involving a squirrel and our fire suppression sprinkler lines. AAA says they only cover the damage caused (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, etc.) by the squirrel eating through the lines, but will not cover the cost of repairing the lines. Is this standard for all home insurance, or do I just have a crappy policy?""
Begginning drivers and insurance?
When a high school student gets a permit, do I have to call the insurance company and add them to the policy? I know it may increase the rate drastically, so what is best to do?""
Will my moms car insurance go up with my permit?
i want to get my permit, my mom says no because she said her insurance will go up. she has Geico. i am a Straight A student....how much more money would she have to pay each month? p.s. a number would be great =)""
What is the best car insurance that you don't have to pay much in any state?
I live in NJ and paying half as my car cost...
How much will an Acura Integra GSR 4 door insurance cost?
Hey I was wondering how much an 1998 Acura Integra GSR 4 door insurance cost? I'm in Long Beach, California. It is going to be under my dad's name and I have persmission to drive it to commute to school/work. My dad refuses to buy the 2 door version of the Acura Integra GSR because he says the insurance is too high. By the way once again it's under my dad name he has a driving experience of 28 years with clear records no accidents, no nothing. Please help me since my choice is the 4 door. Thanks in advance!""
Whats the best car to get that's cheap on insurance?
i just passed my test (yippeeee) however only got a bit saved up whats the best cheapest to insure trying to get quotes so i know :) (im 24 by the way)
Could anyone tell me if there are dui/dwi exclusions in states that have no-fault auto insurance?
Could anyone tell me if there are dui/dwi exclusions in states that have no-fault auto insurance?
Fronting? - UK Car Insurance?
Hi, Could anyone give a proper definition of fronting regarding car insurance in the UK? For example, who goes under the heading of a fronter? In which cases would it be illegal to go under a more experienced driver's insurance policy? I understand why a 17 year old who just got their driving licence wouldn't be allowed to hide behind their parents' 20 years of No Claims, but would a 25 year old be able to go on their parents' policy? I've tried looking at the insurers' websites but they'll happily give a quote for anything, even if it's illegal, without saying so, so I can never be sure if it's wrong or not Thanks :)""
SR-22 Insurance help?
Got pulled over in the state of Iowa for not having a license, but I did have insurance should I deserve to get SR-22 insurance?""
Im 19 need health insurance?
Im 19 and I really need affordable health insurance. Neither for my parents can afford to put me on their insurance. Also i have a few preexisting medical conditions that makes it harder for me to find insurance.
Insurance help!!!!???
hi i'm an 18 yo living by myself in seattle, wa, just wondering how much insurance do i have to pay, because i'm interested in a 1986 lincoln town car., i live in downtown, and i know prices are higher if you are in the city, i only want to have a car to drive it on weekends an whenever buses are not available. so if you can give me an idea gow much is it, i'll be greatful with your help. thanks bye xoxo""
First time having car insurance of my own...?
I am getting my first car next month and I was wondering how should I determine how much insurance I need to have. I'm buying a care that cost 3600 and is worth 4000 right now and I'm a college student even though I don't not travel to and from home much. How would I determine what I need and dont need as far as coverage goes? I will be paying cash so no car payments.
Do you really believe that America has the best healthcare in the world?
Please say why you believe this when all evidence points to the contrary. You talk about health, cost, care, ect, we do not have the best. People in other countries have better. I mean...I listened to sean hannity say that we have the best healthcare and the only evidence he could provide is some vauge story about a politician from another country coming here to get healthcare...that doesn't really qualify as evidence. Especially when the world health organization ranks healthcare, and we're nowhere near number 1. Now this is a fact that I've known for about two years before this debate even flared up. How is misinformation getting so out of hand? Please...tell me why we have the best with 50 million people uninsured. When we pay the most of any country in the world with some of the worst care. When we have some of the most unhealthy people. When insurance companies exempt for preconditions, when healthcare cost is the biggest contributor to our debt, when we pay premiums every month for something that doesn't happen, and when it does we have to co pay, then when it runs out we're screwed. Healthcare is the number one bankrupter in this country...over 70% of the people have health insurance when they first get sick and they still go bankrupt. Explain how this is the best please. And this has nothing to do with Obamas plan so keep it to yourself, this is about thinking we have the best healthcare and that other countries are somehow much worse then us (they aren't). Provide a source if you can.""
Im trying to find cheap insurance for new driver in jersey. i am financing a car for the first time.?
im going to need full coverage since i am financing a 2009 scion tc. also im 19 years old.
What would it cost to go to the dentist with no insurance?
The last molar on my bottom left row of teeth hurts pretty bad, its decayed to the point where half the tooth is gone. I was just wondering what it would cost to get this fixed if you have no insurance? Also whats the the cost difference between getting a crown put versus having the tooth extracted? What are the pros and cons of each?""
""Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim?""
I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect?""
Can someone explain how car insurance works?
Specifically, how do you pay for auto insurance? Do you make monthly payments or do you pay it at one time?""
Would a warrant for a no insurance ticket affect me in california from minnesota?
Would a warrant for a no insurance ticket affect me in california from minnesota?
Average family health insurance cost?
for a school project i need to calculate how much my healthcare insurance costs per month. i am about to be a college student and do not understand how the entire insurance process works. i come from a family of 5, and apparently i have blue cross health insurance. was wondering roughly how much it costs monthly for my insurance, or what is an average monthly rate for health insurance for a person who is under a family health insurance committment? any sort of clarification helps thanks. c:""
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
""Is insurance on a kitcar cheaper than a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari body kit,?""
Is insurance on a kitcar cheaper than a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari body kit,?""
What if I can't afford my car insurance payments?
I think I do my car insurance a little different than most people. My family goes through a company who pays the insurance people in full. We then pay that company back. I got a new car in January and my insurance went from $25/mo with the '77 Ford Granada I had to over $200/mo with the 2001 Chevy Cavalier. Sad thing is my insurance per month is more than my car payment. Now I can't even afford to pay my insurance. The really bad thing is that I've only paid my car insurance once since January and now my 6 months is coming up and I still owe $1230....I have no idea what to do. Think any of you could help me?
How much is a basic texas motorcycle insurance?? cost these days..?
I am curious to know this information.. for later to purchace a bike maybe a suzuki 250r 2011
Women pay more for healthcare insurance?
It appears women pay more for insurance than men even if they're the same age. Insurers say this is justifiable because women tend to have more health risks than men especially after they give birth (urinal incontinence). Here are some of their reasons: -women tend to go to the doctor more and get check-ups every year whereas men do not -even if the insurance doesn't cover maternity care, some states mandate that insurance covers complications of pregnancy Not all insurance covers maternity care but it still costs more either way: -In Ohio, a woman pays 49% more than men of same age -In Texas, women pay 39% more from the state insurance pool -Nebraska is 32% more on average What do you think of this? Do you think it's justifiable to charge one sex more than the other because of potential higher risks? Or do you think that both genders would have to given the same costs? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/30/us/30insure.html?scp=1&sq=healthcare%20policy%20women&st=cse""
How much would insurance cost for a 22 year old to be insured with his mother?
My mum has been driving for 24 years . The car I want to be a secondary driver is the Honda Jazz 2004 which is 1.3 Litre. How much is insurance looking to cost around?
Is motorcycle insurance less than car insurance?
Alright so I am 18 and I just purchased a 2001 GSXR 600 and some tell me that it will cost more to insure than a car..and some say less..I personally think it will cost less considering that a bike will cause much less damage than a car would. Please help me out and tell me about how much a month this bike will cost, thanks!""
What's do you pay for car insurance in your country?
My car insurance in N.Ireland is just over 200 or 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for an average 4 door saloon. I would like to compare that with other countries, if possible.""
Insurance for a driver without a license?
I'm getting my license in about a week, and the website said I need proof of insurance to do the driving test... I don't think they'll insure an unlicensed driver, so do I just need to show proof of insurance on the vehicle in general? It's my moms car btw, I can't find a job, so I don't have a car... Also, I'll be 18""
Does your insurance rate really go down when you turn 25?
Does your insurance rate really go down when you turn 25?
Insurance on my car while son practices (UK).?
My 17 year old son want to learn to drive, and wants to get his provisiional license as soon as possible. When he starts learning, do I have to take extra insurance on my car while me or my wife (both registered drivers on the car) are supervising him?""
Can u keep a car in a garage without it having insurance?
I'm getting a car this weekend. It is taxed but I won't be able to afford the insurance stright away, what can I do??? I'm 18 and haven't passed my driving test yet. Any help welcome, thanks""
150cc scooter. Insurance? and License?
I am planning on purchasing a 150cc trike scooter(2 in front, 1 in back) and i was wondering if this scooter would be covered under my parents insurance seeing as i am currently under theirs? and if not how much would i need to pay a year(on average) to become insured for this scooter? I am pretty sure that a 150cc is classified as a motorcycle in Wisconsin, which is where i am currently residing. So i believe that i am required to take motorcycle safety classes and receive a motorcycle license. Correct me if i am wrong. If i were to go with a 50cc trike would i have to deal with any of the above insurance issues and licensing issues?""
Will it raise my insurance?
this was my first speeding ticket. i was going 42 in a 25 mph zone. i live in oklahoma and i have state farm. will it goto my insurance?
Is the high cost of health care and insurance the result of...??
malpractice suits or profiteering on the part of HMO's and insurance companies?
Why did my car insurance go up instead of down after i turned 25?
In November I turned 25 years old. I've always been told the two good things about turning 25 is that I can rent a car for cheaper and I will have cheaper auto insurance. I was excited about this. But when I turned 25, my insurance went up. When I turned 18, my insurance was $80 a mo. I have had insurance since then, I have nothing on my record (never had a speeding ticket, nothing). I've always payed bills on time, and since I was 23 I had full coverage. I've had the same car since I was 23 which is a newer model and nothing has changed with my driving info since I was 23. At age 23 and 24 my insurance went up to $130 a month with full coverage, the same car, nothing on my record, etc... But on my 25th birthday, I went in to renew my insurance. Now since I turned 25, my insurance went up to $210 a month. The woman who gave me my quote said she was unsure why my insurance went up instead of down since I had nothing on my record and I am a valuable customer. She was really confused and has never seen auto insurance go up instead of down when someone turns 25 unless they have something on their record. i payed the price but they are investigating it but as of right now, they don't have any answers. Does anyone know why it went up?""
Car Insurance - No claims question?
If you have been banned for a year, and are now back and allowed legally to drive, can you continue to use/put down your no claims bonus. For example, if you had 9 years, then were banned for a year, can you put the 9 down this year? Or does the ban wipe that out? As the ban wasn't a claim on the insurance, can it still be used? Does anyone know, or any ideas where I could check this out? Looking for quotes online and Im not sure which number to put in.""
How much should I charge for tutoring?
I'm a senior in high school with over a 4.0 weighted average, and I'm thinking about doing some tutoring work for money, since no local businesses are hiring and I need to start paying car insurance soon, since I'll be driving. I'm wondering what to charge per session, and how long a session should last. I've figured out that I can tutor any subject for levels K-8, along with HS level Biology and Chemistry. Alternatively, for levels K-6, I'm willing to offer general homework help. I have some experience - I tutored someone who was failing two to four hours per week last year in HS Chemistry, and she ended up passing the course, including her NYS Regents Exam, which many people failed. From what I've seen, tutors around here make anywhere from $10 to $40, at my level of education. Is $10-15 unreasonable for a general homework help session? How does $20 sound for levels 7&8 math, or HS subjects? Is this too much? Too little? Could I make it work?""
Help on insurance?
does anybody know were i can find an affordable full coverage insurance in Los Angeles? its for an Escalade.
What kind of insurance do i need to get a license in California?
what do i need to get and how do i get it if my parents do not want to put me under there policy and i do not own a car myself. and i am also looking for the cheapest possible insurance
What are the requirements for car in surance in the usa states?
I would like to know what kind of car insurance do you need to have in every state.
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
My son who is 17 has to appear in the magistrates court for driving my car without a full licence or insurance?
He has never been in any sort of trouble before and is usually a good kid. What sort of punishment can we expect to receive? We are soo afraid! We are in the UK
Will my insurance go up?
I live in California. Here, the driver is responsible for the ticket and not the owner. My bf is 19 and im 18, and he drives very well but does have license because he uses his bike. He drove my car and got two tickets because he did not have his headlights on and a misdemeanor for an unlicensed driver. I read that my bf will have to pay $25 if he gets his license before court and $230 for no light. I was wondering will my insurance go up? and will my dad be notified?""
How much does a new tag/insurance cost for a new driver ?
i would like to know how much a new tag/insurance cost for a new driver? im wanting to limit my options before i jump right into it. and what is the best insurance company to use??
Changing Auto Insurance?
My 6 month insurance is up and its time for a renewal, recently i felt that my rates are to high and i would like to change to a different insurance company. But i have a couple of questions before i proceed and would like some suggestions. 1)How do i change my Auto insurance? Such as what are the normal processes one goes through. 2)Will cancelling my current account with them result in any extra charges? it is a renewal btw. 3)Should i get a quote from Geico first? (im trying to switch from Safeco to Geico) 4)Are there other Auto insurance companies i should consider? THANKS!""
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
Can mississipi call and verify if you had auto insurance?
Can mississipi call and verify if you had auto insurance?
What should I do with car insurance?
Okay there was a massive understanding. My mum and dad were getting my quotes for cars and they got me a quote for a Mitsubishi Colt 1.1 Black Hawk. Nice little car. The quote they got was 750 for my own insurance PROVISIONALLY. I tried telling that them reason it was that much was because it was provisional insurance. Not till they gave me the money for the car and told me to buy, did they realise that insurance is different now and you have to re-new it to full UK manual as soon as you pass your test. I've been looking at quotes and they're looking well to expensive for my own insurance. Is there a cheaper way? Like going on my mum and dads insurance? They've both been driving for well over 20 years and have no claims at all since they've started driving?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance if you have points on your record?
I got myself a DUI 6-7 years ago. I was told by many that prices of insurance would go down after 5 but apparently it's after 10 years. I am on a very low budget but drive for work and drive to where there is no bus or train to take care of my parents. please if any one knows any good but cheap insurance for an older 4wd car. thanks.
Auto insurance and baby seat replacement?
I was in an accident a few months ago and I heard recently that the insurance company of the person at fault has to pay for new baby seats since the seats have served their purpose by protecting the children. Anyone else have experience with this? Can I get the insurance compant to pay for new seats?
Life insurance question?
Does a person have to pay taxes on the proceeds of a life insurance policy?
Im looking for affordable/cheap health insurance for my children...?
I have two children.One is 2 the other is 4months.I do not want to go through the system because it will cause a lot of division between me and their father.We are still together.It already causes arguments like the fact that he will be on child support.So we decided to look for affordable insurance online that he can pay once a month.Im having trouble finding one.ANY HELP????
Good site for buy SR22 Insurance Texas?
I had my first Dwi... :(
Car insurance for a 16 YR old girl with an 08' Mustang?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old girl with an 08 Mustang with Famers insurance. I have all A&B's in school. Have taken drivers ed. Have no wrecks on my record. Please give me a real price range not too much or A lot.
Muscle Car Insurance Rates?
Well, I'm an 18 year old male and I've managed to stumble across a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda being sold for a reasonable price and in pretty good condition. It's been my dream car for a while and I was just curious if I can get some estimates on how much I'll be paying for car insurance? I live in British Columbia Canada if that makes a difference. I've taken driving school and I've heard good grades can lower rates as well, which I have. Oh yeah, its got a 440 4 bbl :). Thanks""
Can I get off of my parents auto insurance?
So when I got my license when I was 19 about two years ago I was automatically put on my moms nationwide insurance which was fine because I drove one of her cars but now she only has one vehicle and although I do still live at home I'm a full time student at a community college so she usually drives me around so she can keep the car so in order to save money would I be able to drop myself from her car insurance policy since I don't really drive anyway?
Cheapest car under 1000 to insure?
I'm 17, male and want the cheapest insurance possible.""
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I want to get a Yamaha V Star 250 when I turn 20. What would be the average loading percentage for 20 year old with a 250cc bike and a clean driving record? Also will I need third party and third party fire and theft or is it optional??? And what would the NCD% (no-claim discount) be????
""Car insurance, color, and does it really matter?""
Ok, made my decision, going with the new 2007 Mazda 3 S (with the 2.3 ltr engine and all that good stuff...not really sure on the sunroof though, it's kind of pricey) My question...s are: 1. I was told that if I got a loud color on a car that I would regret it for a couple of reasons. It attracts the cops to pull it over more and it could potientally higher my insurance. Is that just some kind of myth to scare people away from getting a nice color like red or yellow? 2. And secondly, what's a good color to get? Something that's easy to clean, but still shimmers and looks nice. I was thinking about the Aurora Blue. Everyone has black and silver cars? 3. I was building the car and I don't want to pay close to 21k for this car, it's worth a lot, but not that much. How much should I ask for? Now I've already gone to edmunds.com, it seems pretty helpful, but should I wait until they get the 2008 Models in and then try to buy the older model?""
Insurance on car?
My dad said insurance on the car I want will be $700 a month.(I'm 18 and its for full coverage) Is that the price I pay if the car is insured under my name? I know if my dad insured the car under his name the price for insurance would drastically drop. My question is would I still be able to drive the car if its insured under my dads name and still be part of the whole insurance thing. You guys, the reason I sold my old car is becouse I wanted this newer car I've wited 3 months so far and I'm planning to pay for the car myself. But insurance is going to kill me. If you can also tell me about some good insurance companies out there that are cheap(we have something century rite now). When I heared how much it would cost I almost cried.""
Can someone please explain health insurance to me?
I'm looking for individual health insurance and it is very confusing. Can someone explain what things like deductible, copay, and coinsurance mean? Also, what's the difference between a PPO, Network, Indemnity, and a HSA-qualified plan? Lastly, how do I know exactly what is covered before I apply? People have sent me things in the mail and I'm looking online and I was given a list of things covered, but then it says that this isn't everything and once I sent in my payment I will get a full list of my policy and coverages. That seems shady, and these are top companies like Aetna and Health America, so I don't think they would rip me off. Plus, how come these companies aren't offering a bundle plan, where I can get health insurance, vision, and dental all in one plan with one monthly payment?""
How long will i be considered a high risk driver from an insurance policy lapse?
I was laid off due to my factory closing so I sold my car and was forced to use public transportation for a while. Will I be considered a high risk driver when I buy another vehicle and insure it and how long will I be considered high risk?
Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?
Can a non-car-owner buy auto insurance to drive any car (rental or friend's)? How does one obtain it?
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for Irish drivers (irish driving licence) in London?
Hi, i moved recently from ireland to London and I need to know if anyone knows of a cheap car insurance company in london accept Irish driving licence (7 years no claim bonus from ireland)? I have tried all of the comparison sites, the cheapest is over 1000 pound please help Thank you""
Does changing the alloys to black affect insurance?
Just bought a lovely BMW 320D... It is a black colour with a tint of navy... I want to change the alloys to black... But i don't know if it will affect my insurance price as it is a modification... (I have heard that only performance modifications affect insurance not cosmetic....? But i need to know for sure...)
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm 16 and i live in the southern california area, around north hollywood. i would be driving a honda accord, thats leased so far but we're (family) is planning on buying it soon. i also have pretty good grades. how much do u think it would cost? and which auto insurance is best and the cheapest?""
Florida Home insurance help?
I was recently dropped from my insurance company.My credit is bad so no one will cover me what should I do? I will also need flood insurance.
Auto insurance question?
I'm going to be working for a delivering company and I need proof of insurance. I have it, but the car I'm driving is my mom's so the name on the card obviously isn't mine. The company I'm going to be working for needs proof that I have insurance and I don't know what kind of paperwork would work. Any ideas?""
California statute of limitations re: medical bills ?
My sister a Canadian visiting California became ill during her stay. She was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer spending several months in a Sacramento hospital due to complications. She had medical insurance however there was a dispute related to a pre-existing condition. The dispute remains unresolved and contact with the insurance company ceased more then two years ago shortly after her death.The bills in question total more than $600,000. What are the implications related to the California statute of limitations and the estate of my deceased sister? There is no communication with the hospitals, doctors or any medical service providers who hold the debt nor with the insurance company who provided the travel insurance.""
Car Insurance question?
So the other day as I was pulling out of the parking lot my car hit this non moving car next to me. The damage is not bad at all(a small dent with some scratches) and I am working with the other owner to get it fixed. I recently found out that they got an estimate from two places and both places are charging about 1000 dollars for their service. Do you think I would be better off paying for it from my pocket without informing my insurance place?(I am a broke college student). Should I get the car insurance involve? If I do get the insurance company involved will my rate go way up(cleaning driving record)? And how does car insurance company work(do they pay for all or partial)? What is my best option? Please Help!! Thank you so much for your time.
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
Is it a requirement to let home insurance company before installing Trampoline in the backyard?
my neighbor told me that it is very necessary to tell your home insurance company before installing trampoline in the backyard and after that they will raise your insurance rate. I wanna know if this is true or not??
Car inspection for insurance?
So I hit my friends car and he told me to tell the insurance company someone hit me in a parking lot. If I do that and the insurance company inspects it, will they be able to tell that I hit someone instead of someone hitting me?""
What makes car insurance cheap?
What makes car insurance cheap?
2004 RX8 insurance? Teens I need help!!!!?
Ok I am looking to get a 2004 RX8. I am 16 and may get it at 17 if I wanna wait.I can afford the car (with parents help) but I wanna know, With Full Insurance Coverage, around what price is the Insurance (I know about the quote thing but what yours) for the 2004 RX8. Do any Teens have on that can tell me?""
Whats the consequence for driving without car insurance?
I recently bought my son a car and hes been driving it without car insurance. What will happen if he gets pulled over by the police department?
Insurance agents - Life insurance commissions?
Hello everybody, I am hoping to find life insurance agents working with different companies. my question is what is the commission I can accept to receive from different publicly traded companies what offere not only auto, home and others but also life and disability?? I am currently working with Mutual Company and I am a captive agent and only receive 35-55% commission on any life insurance produce i sell and it seems like it was important for me before to work for a mutual company and never was conserned about low commission, but I am also getting invoved with Auto and home insurances and i am hearing that these public companies offer higher commission and let me tell you now days I want to get higher commission becuase the industry has slowed down for me and I am interested to make the most out of what I do right now... any information about commissions with different companies would be appreciated.... I am open to any advise, suggestion, information, and comments.... thank you all""
Car insurance - Can anyone help?
We have company cars and Ive just told my manager that I would rather go in my car than the company car in this weather. She has just told me that its okay if I use my car because if I did have an accident, the company would claim on their insurance. How true is this? As she has lied to me before so i dont trust her. She told me that i could claim expenses and then once i put the form in, she said i couldnt so anything she says i dont believe.""
What is a good affordable health insurance?
That is no more than $120 monthly. Thanks in advanced
How much would insurance cost for a 2005-06 mustang?
i am 16 and want a mustang how much will insurance be for a year compared to the average car... also i wont have a big engine....the car will be 14,000 or less""
Insurance on Drivers License?
How do you get insurance on just your drivers license?
Is car insurance much cheaper if you have more than one vehicle?
I heard that it is, so I call Esurance to ask them and make sure and the lady on the phone said that it will be much higher if I insured 2 vehicles. -civic 4door year2000 -ford winstar year2000 -New York""
Auto insurance rates in USA?
Auto insurance rates in USA?
Health Insurance for stay-at-home Mom & Baby?
I need to find affordable, but good, health insurance for my baby and myself. If my son and I go on my husbands insurance, I'd need a job just to pay for it because it's so expensive! I'm currently working but will be quitting a few months after our son is born. We've decided it would be best if I stayed home to raise our son. So, we need to find health insurance that wouldn't be sky high. Any suggestions? And thanks so much!!""
What happens to my insurance after i got a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket for the first time ever. The cop put me down as 80+ mph, which i needed to go 70mph. When my insurance bill comes in, would my insurance be higher? Also my insurance is AAA. I still haven't gotten my actual ticket in the mail yet, and i was wondering if my insurance bill would be any higher until I'm proven guilty, because i know that if i can take traffic school, it won't get any higher & the point taken off. But i was wondering until then, would it still get higher?""
How is being required to buy health insurance any different than being forced to buy car insurance?
I know people are saying it's unconstitutional for the government to make us buy health insurance, but states already force you to buy car insurance. Wouldn't that be unconstitutional, too? I'm not trying to be a Smart Alec or anything. I seriously want to know the logic behind how people feel.""
What is the best photographer's insurance in the USA ?
What is the most complete insurance for photographers? (experienced pros only please)? MUST INCLUDE: 1.Injury of photo assistant (eg hired help getting hurt on the job carrying something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment theft and damage I'm not sure if the stuff the PPA sells is really fully complete or just cheap insurance Category Arts & Humanities > Visual Arts > Photography
Car insurance payments?
i am 17 years old and i'm on a plan with my parents right now. i drive a 1993 cavalier, and am looking into buying a 2005 impala. how much (roughly) will my insurance payments be a year, or per month. (please no websites. i tried them and they are too long and don't give me enough info)""
Car insurance ?????????
Which is cheaper to go in a car insurance office or over the phone or the net.
What is the best insurance and the cheapest one you think?
What is the best insurance and the cheapest one you think?
Does affordable car insurance exist for a 19 year old?
I'm a 19 year college student. Currently I'm a closing manager at McDonald's and a certified Cisco Network Associate. I'm in the process of buying a vehicle and was optimistic about it until I started to look for insurance. The cheapest policy I've found is $338 a month. There isn't any way I can afford that and the car payment. It's not that I'm lazy and don't work, I work 40 hour weeks plus overtime from closing. I live in a rural area (North Georgia Mountains) so taking the bus isn't a option for a 20 mile commute. My closest neighbor is 7 miles away so car pooling isn't realistic. I feel somewhat hopeless. I would join my parent's policy or something similar but I live on my own and have little to no contact with them. I've been borrowing my Mother's car to get to work but she's given me 3 weeks to get a vehicle or walk. I have found it to be almost impossible to transition into the real world and become an adult and live on my own. What's a guy to do in my situation? I can't work without transportation, and without work I can't pay bills. That American Dream I grew up hearing about seems to only exist for people who have established wealth and good parents. What's left for the others? Are people in my situation just ******?""
""Is anyone with Endsleigh for their car insurance, and has done pass plus?""
How much did you save? I am 18 and am about to buy my first car after using my mums. I did pass plus but on confused.com quote it doesn't ask if i have it. Well anyway, endsleigh is the cheapest quote but i was wondering how much i will save when they know i have pass plus?""
Rear Ended - Can I demand insurance?
I was in an accident last month in my brand new Volvo (not even a month old!). I was rear-ended, while I was at a stop sign. Damage is to the rear bumper, pretty bad, looks horrible...especially for a new car! No one was hurt, just shaken! We did not immediately file a police report. We exchanged information, and the the person who hit me told me that they would pay for my repairs out of pocket, and that they didn't want to get the police or insurance involved. We conversed on the phone for a few days, and they seemed like everything was going great, and I was supposed to meet them at their friends auto body shop for the repairs...long story short...they never showed. Bad part now is, I never got their insurance information, just license plate, DL, addresses(basically everything BUT insurance). That same day, I went to the police station and filed a delayed police report. Later that week, I went and got 3 different estimates, and the damage averages out to about $900. I contacted a friend of mine, who is a police officer, and they stated that I can issue a summons to the person who hit me for careless driving, and I will have to go to court. This is basically to show them that I'm not messing around. All I want is my BRAND NEW car fixed!!! I'm NOT going through my insurance because my deductible is $1,000, and the damage is less...not only that...it wasn't my fault! My insurance company advised me to have person who hit me's insurance take care of everything, at no cost to me. Here's what I need to find out...Can I send the person a demand letter, basically stating that I want them to have their insurance take care of everything? I have tried to call them, and they send me to voice mail, so reasoning is not an option any more. I don't really know how to go about this?! I want to try this on my own, and not get an attorney involved. I just want to tell them that if they fix my car, I will drop summons and further proceedings (like small-claims court, which I WILL sue for additional $$ for dealing with all this). But, what if they don't have the money? I have no idea what to do. I live in NJ, hope someone can help!""
Am I required to have auto insurance if I dont drive the car?
The car is financed. I will still be making payments. If the car is in storage do i have to have it insured? I live in washington state.
Car insurance company may be lowballing me?
someone hit my car 2 weeks ago which was a 1993 lexus ls 400 ( i know its an old car) and yes he did admit fault on the report and to his insurance company .the problem is they called me stating that there offer is $1600 ,because of previous rust on my car.let me 1st say that is bull i have pictures of my car pre-accident and post accident .there was no damage until there insured hit me.also ,they sent me an appraisal listing of the same cars in my area from dealers to come up with local market value but when i looked up the same cars that was sent to me the prices the insurance company sent wasnt the same prices the dealer had marked for there cars also ,when i asked them why this was and that i also found cars with higher mileage with prices of $3500 plus they said they dont go by dealer pricing,so my next question is why did they send false dealer estimates to me then?and when i looked at the appraisers notes certain items like sunroof ,heated seats etc. wasnt included.i haven't had an accident in over 6yrsso someone who has been in this situtation please give me advice how to handle this . is the price they gave me fair or are they lowballing me ? and are the tactics they are using a usual thing? aaaaggghhh!!!they are making me nuts!!! thanks for all answers in advance!!!""
Where can i find free health insurance?
I'm trying to figure out how i can apply to obamacare or any affordable insurance?
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
New Milford Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6776
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
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"Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Full size truck insurance compared to small size truck?
Is the price for insurance on a full size truck more than it would for for a smaller sized truck?
Has anyone driven past a police car without car insurance?
I've read on the internet and asked questions here on Yahoo about people driving without car insurance. The majority have said that police cars have a scanning system that automatically checks cars that goes by for MOT, tax and car insurance. I am wondering if anyone has recent experience of driving without car insurance past police cars and have anything happen to them? Have the police cars picked up that you have no insurance? I have car insurance by the way, i am just curious.""
Car insurance excess?
I'm having trouble understanding how car insurance, repairs and excess works in VIC, Australia. I gather that the driver who is at fault pays an excess to his insurance company before his vehicle is repaired, and his insurance company covers the repairs for the other vehicle involved. Will this excess see both vehicles being repaired, or do two excesses need to be payed?""
How much is your monthly car insurance bill?
indicate your age and if you have full coverage. I want to know if what I'm paying is average. I'm under 25 and I was involved in an accident.
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
How much would car insurance cost for me?
How much does it cost to get my first car insurance under my parents insurance living in NV, USA? Also: I'm 18 yrs old, Just got my driver's license, White male Caucasian, Drive a black 1996 Honda Civic, been in no accidents, got good grades from High School, had no bad records in general, I live in a safe area, but will drive about 80 miles a week .""
How much does auto insurance cost for small dump truck in ga?
I am writing a business plan to start a residential preservation company for foreclosed and private properties and I need to know about how much it will cost me per year to have insurance on a small dump truck.
Which cars/models have the lowest insurance rates?
Which cars/models have the lowest insurance rates?
Cheating on motor insurance claim?
HI All, my relative incidentally hint the few new motors in in a motor shop which selling new motor. The standing motors fall down each and another. It only cause few scratches on the motors cover, but the boss asking big replacement cost. So, my relative decide to make report for insurance claim. By the time waiting for police to take picture, the shop owner and his worker bring out the hammer and hammering motor for further damage, I guess they want to make some money beside claim to insurance company. Luckily I had took some picture on the slightly damage motors before the police. The question is where should I send the slightly damage on motors photo? The police don't border about the picture that I had, they had the serious damage on motors picture. Can we do further damage on our vehicle if accident happen to have more claim? Like damage on car bumper during accident, and we damage the signal light on our own to have new one, since we can claim to insurance? Summit the photo to insurance adjuster is just a waste because they are close to motor shop. What can we do?? Any advise? Thanks""
Will my auto insurance be affected?
Couple month ago, I was in an accident while driving my friend's car. Police were called, and police report were filed. I didn't have a car nor auto insurance, so I paid for all the repairs on both car, so insurance company wasn't involved. If I decide to buy a car and get auto insurance now, will my rate be affected? better yet, should I even tell the insurance company about it? Thanks in advance!""
Supplemental health insurance provider?
Does anybody have supplemental health insurance? Do you know of a good provider? I have never heard of it, my Mom was telling me about it. I looked and I found some places that said quotes for supplemental health insurance. but when I filled out the info it seemed like it gave me a quote for regular health insurance plan not supplemental health insurance. My health insurance I have through work has a high deductible so i am always paying out of pocket for I have not met my deductible.""
18 year old car insurance? ?
Im looking at a Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. Where can i.get the cheapest car insurance.?
How Do I Get Medical Insurance...???
In my situation: I'm 16 and covered under my mother's insurance through the state because she has a disability- I'm moving in with my self-employed father who's covered by his wife's insurance (which is through her job). When custody get's switched over, I'm no longer covered by my mother, and my dad doesn't have his own plan. Since no one can afford 700 dollar bills every time I get a sore throat or tooth ache, what the hell should I do? Advice PLEASE.""
Estimate how much it cost to add an additional car to insurance plan?
For a teens car. I know it is about sixty extra dollars just to add a teen to my car insurance. Can you estimate price for putting a whole new car on our plan for my teen?
How much will insurance be now?
I'm 16, I got in a big car accident.. I flipped over my car twice. Fortunately, I was untouched and I was the only one involved. Naturally, I was taken off the insurance policy and lost my car. Before, I had the good student discount so we paid $350 for half a year as a full time driver. How much would I have to pay to be a full time driver now after the accident? My dad said $2000 but it can't be that much? Will they strip me of my good student discount? How much will it cost to be put on as a part time driver now? Will it go down after a year? Please help?! I've been very depressed as the whole experience was very traumatizing. My mom keeps giving me a tough time about it and I just cry randomly throughout the day and eat all the time to cope. I don't understand how it could happen to me, I'm a model student, I have straight A pluses in all advanced and AP classes and I was even following the law when I had my accident. Tips on coping would be appreciated as well. Thanks.""
Keep until expires or cancel car insurance?
My car has broken down for the last time. It is very old (1998) and very high mileage. I am deciding to sell it for parts and what I can get rather than sink any more money into it. Point of negative returns. I will be going carless for some time, taking the bus and using a car share program. That is just background though. Hoping to save the money, pay off other things and raise credit score to possibly qualify for a brand new one in the future. My question is about the auto insurance. I just renewed at the beginning of the year. So I have about 4 months left before the policy is done. I am making monthly payments. If I cancel now, will I still owe them for the entire policy amount - (can they come after me for it?) Or does it look better (when I go to get insurance in the future) that I keep paying on the policy until it expires in a few month (just not renew at that time). I don't want to spend money needlessly. However, I also want the best (least expensive) insurance rates when I need it in the future, and a good track record. Can anyone (especially if you are in the insurance industry) give me the straight scoop? Thanks and much appreciated.""
Named driver had crash. Should I tell my car insurance?
Last year my girlfriend has a car crash, she was not at fault. So she didn't tell her insurance company and claimed of the other party. So she is assuming her car insurance does not know. Now I am looking to get insured on my first car. If I add her to my insurance as a named driver the premium is about 200 less. The problem is she doesn't want me to tell the insurance company that she crashed, as they asked has the named driver crash. I am now worried I were to crash, they would see she had crashed and void the insurance. I am tempted just to get my insurance in my name and pay the extra 200 for peace of mind. She will not under any circumstance tell her insurer she crashed as she thinks her premiums will rise. But I have found out that the insurance companies have a database of all claims, so they can easily find out that she has crashed. She refused to allow me to put on my application for insurance that she has crashed. What to do?""
Ticket for driving without insurance in florida?
Hello, I recieved a ticket in January for Driving without Insurance in Florida. The officer cited me 110$ and let me go, I stayed off the road for a few weeks immediately purchased insurance within 30 days. However my ticket is still unpaid due to lack of employment, bills and stuff and license just go suspended. Can someone explain to me if I go to the courthouse and pay the ticket without any proof of insurance, what will happen. Do I just pay it and thats it and then get my license reinstated? I really am lost, I make minimum wage i don't know what to do but i have to pay this ticket and fix my license i just don't know if they will arrest me on the spot cause i cannot furnish proof or what? My insurance lapsed pretty much because i lost my job.""
Is health insurance under Obamacare affordable?
Hi Everyone, I want to be known something about Obamacare Health insurance, If you have any idea about this services kindly help me about my Question . Thanks in Advance.... Best Regards
Insurance cost for Corvette?
Hey I'm 16 and have quite a bit of money saved for a car so im gonna get a decent one nd i was thinking a corvette. I was wondering about (I know no one knows exactly) how much the insurance is going to be on like a 00 or 01 model. Also if you know insurance cost of a 350z too that would be great. Thanks for the help
Is it cheaper to buy your own insurance or go on your parents insurance?
I was looking at prices online for one person and it's between 2K and - 3k for 6 Months just for me and my friends are own there parents insurance and they only pay 100 - 200 a month is that true about that? Where close to the same age.
How do you get cheap car insurance for an 18yo?
I need to find cheap car insurance for an 18yo female who owns outright an $11000.00 car. Any suggestions?
Does anyone know a way to buy affordable health insurance?
Im a single healthy 38 year old woman.
Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit?
Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit?
Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?
Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
How much does car insurance typically cost for a teenager?
My grandpa bought me a car for my 16th birthday. Now, I'm finally going to get license to drive it after it sitting in the garage for nearly 2 years. I was wondering how much the insurance is going to cost me. The car is a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 Automatic 4.0 Liter. I don't know what insurance company my grandpa goes through, but I do know that my Jeep is one of 3 cars on the policy. One is an 80s model F-150, and the other is an SUV that is only a few years old. He said that all I'd have to pay is the extra money to add me to the insurance on the jeep. He's currently the only one listed on it. I have exemplary grades.""
Insurance premium after fender bender?
So I was involved in a fender bender in a case where I was at fault. Minor damage to the rear fender of the jeep in front of me, no damage to my car. Question is, if I file an insurance claim how much do you suggest my rates will increase? I am 21 year old male, not one ticket, or accident prior to this case, been driving for 5 yrs.""
""Turning 16, Car Insurance?""
I'm turning 16 in April, 2012. I'd like to get a car / drivers license around my 16th birthday. My dad mentioned I need drivers ed, a car, car insurance, and hopefully that's it! Lol. How much would insurance be for me, at 16? Any advice, or suggestions abou my situation? I'm a good student in school with a 3.14 GPA, and pretty responsible.""
What are some good life insurance companies in New York?
I am looking for a affordable monthly life insurance company for me and my wife, I have multiple scelerosis as a pre existing condition?""
Can we carry car insurance in ca from two different companies?
we live in california ,one of my friend he wants to start courier service as an indepentdent contractor the company he wants to join they need commerical insurance coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. Can he buy additional coverge of commercial insurance from another insurance company with his regular car insurance. Is this legal? can he buy insurance from two different companies two policies? One for commercial and second regular insurance from another company? Thanks""
Cheap and best insurance for me.?
I have a 99 dodge intrepid 4-D sedan and I am looking for an auto insurance for it. I have a clean driving history with no tickets since I got my drivers license (1.5 years ago). Please help me find an auto insurance in a way that I dont spend too much and yet covered. Thanks in advance.
Health insurance for your car?
I own an auto repair shop, and I had an idea that I would like you all to help me with. What if there was a program where you paid a monthly premium like health insurance. Then, When you needed an oil change, fluid flush, light bulb, new alternator, new tires new brakes, new engine, or needed to fix an oil leak, you wouldn't have to pay anything you would just go in to get it fixed. What do you think would be a good rate for that monthly premium in everyone opinion? The rate would depend on whether you owned a car or truck, and wether or not it was 4wd. What do you all think?""
Would a 2002 Mustang Coupe have high insurance?
I understand most sports cars cause a spike in insurance money for young drivers. Would a 6 cylinder 2002 Mustang for a young driver under your parents policy be much more expensive? If so, how much?""
How much would insurance be?
How much money would it be to add someone to my insurance, for farmers?""
What insurance company is everyone with?
Im looking to get home insurance but every companys reviews i look up are really bad! Does anyone know of a good one to go with?
Insurance price doesnt change from provisional once passed?
I have been looking at car insurance now for weeks on all of the pric comparison sites and phoneing companys and the cheapest quote i got was 3000! thats on a 1988 mk2 fiesta. i i have a mate who is insured on a provisonal at 17 for 1000, he asked the company how much it will be once he has passed and they said it will stay the same, does this really happen?""
Why is it cheaper to have an additional driver on insurance when a new driver?
why is it cheaper to add my dad onto my insurance once i have passed my test? and my mum is worried about who gets the no claims bonus? i think it would be me as i am the main driver of the car and he is just an additional driver, although he will never actually drive the car?""
No fault accident with no insurance?
I am in California, was in an accident with no insurance. The police report states it cannot find who was at fault and the lady's insurance company said the same thing when I spoke with them to see if they would pay for my damages. They never asked me to pay for her damages but now I am getting letters from a 3rd party Claims Office asking me to pay $6000. Can they do this if I am not at fault? And shouldn't they have notified me before getting a 3rd party involved?""
Health insurance. Self employed.?
Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!
Where is the best place for me to get car insurance?
My policy on Geico expired recently. Right now I'm trying to think of all the money I'll be saving without using Geico. Their rates were outrageous. Those cavemen are smart not to use Geico. Every lie has some truth in it. Anyway, I need to renew my insurance, and I'm fed up with Geico. Are there any other companies that are reasonable like Nationwide, State Farm, All State, Progressive, and whatnot?""
Do i need full coverage insurance on a car from a buy here pay here?
got horrible credit an i know alot of used car lots that will approve me. but do i need to have full coverage insurance. cant afford a car payment gas an ridiculous insurance price
Mini Coopers? Cheap? Insurance? Safe? First car!?
i'm 17 and was wondering if a mini cooper would be a good first car. i never really wanted one, my one of my friends is like obsessed with them and since then i've been looking into it. i know they have 5 star safety rating so they're very safe and easy to control and can fit into small parking spaces because, well, they're small =) But how about insurance? Is that cheap? I mean if i'm getting a used one? Not a sporty model or anything. And what about maintenance? And is it fuel-friendly? Or would it be like driving a hummer? Considering what I've seen and read about it, it can either be really expensive if you buy the wrong model and the new car, OR it can be very effecient and affordable if you buy a used one and the right model. Can you help me out here? Thanks =)""
What car insurance companies do you recommend?
My vehicle was vandalized two weeks ago. I was not satisfied with the way my insurance company handled my case. I'm thinking about switching to another insurance company, any recomendations?""
""I'm sure 5,000 for health insurance will help.. right?
John Mccain thinks we are idiots lol
What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?
What happens if I become a part time student while on my parent's insurance?
What is full coverage auto insurance?
What counts as full coverage auto insurance in California? Thanks!
""Geico Car Insurance, help? what do i do?""
Hey guys, my parents have three cars and all have geico insurance, but we're about to be out of country for a month or two and not even going to be using the cars for one or two months.. Is there a way that we can cancel/pause the insurance, so we won't have to pay insurance for a month. I mean we're not even gonna be using the cars, so were losing 1,200 dollars for absolutely nothing.. And if you can, can you explain it or just give me a link? thanks""
What is the lowest payment for a car loan?
I want to get a Camaro when im 16. Theyre about 35,000 new. Its a lot but yet not. My parents wont buy me a new car as my first. I understand why, but im not reckless or anything. Also what is the insurance for a 16 year old (great grades) driving a Camaro? I think my family has progressive. Anything cheaper? Loans are very risky I know but the job that I will be getting pays a decent amount every 2 weeks or so. I do good with money, every know and then a girl needs to shop :). My mom usually pays for all that stuff though. I dont know anything about loans and banks. How does it all work? Can you tell me like what I would be about paying each month or week for a Camaro? Dont call me stupid, Im just thinking about it. I want a sports bike instead because then I wouldnt need a loan but I need a car for the winter...""
What's a good health insurance?
Im looking for a good health insurance for my mom. She is 61, healthy, never smoked and never into alcohol. She just moved here in California. Thank you""
How much will my car insurance go up after my exhibition of speed (racing) ticket?
He didn't write down a speed or anything on the ticket. I'm 17 and have allstate if that helps.
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
I bought a car with no tax road and no mot and no insurance.?
hi there. iam one of the unlucky driver in london , i have bought car from acution few days a ago and i was driving it from biritsh car acution to garage where my mechanic can have look at it. i was in my way to garage and some one carshed in my car, police where there and i asked for my info and i give it to them, i have said everything as i am saying it to u guys. i just bought car didnt have time for insurance and mot and tax road im in my way to mot station where i can get one, and they toke my info and drive off. as i have been moved from my perviuos address i didnt got any letter from them which i meant to be in court, now i have other letter which shows i have to be in court by 27 march, i just wana know, what will happen and im i gona get any points and how much fine?? is there any prison for it ,, please help me is so important ,this matter is playing with my life at the moment ?""
""Nice looking cars, with cheap insurance rates,under 10000?""
I'm looking to get rid of my mr2 turbo cuz I need something with at least 4 seats. I want it to be good looking (I'm a 20 year old male) but cheap on insurance(full coverage). I live in Cali if that has to do with anything. I been considering mazda 3s, mazda 6, acura tl (doubt insurance is cheap on these) and honda civic si. I'm not looking for quotes just ideas on what cars are cheap to keep those in mind while I shop. Thanks""
""If i was an officer in the air force, does that military help pay car insurance?
how nice r the houses on base and how much meal do i get to eat per day while living on base?
Liability Car Insurance and Car Age?
I am wondering about how old a car should be to only have liability car insurance on it. Also, can you get liability on any/all cars, or just ones that are a certain age or older?""
How can I find what insurance i had with car I dont have anymore?
After almost 7 years the DMV says that I owe them for a lapse in insurance. Car was repossessed and I didn't take the tag off. (my mistake) I'm pretty sure I canceled the insurance but I can't remember what company I was with or what dealer I got the car from. The DMV had no other information on the car other than the obvious fine. My renewal is coming up and I don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP!
Is it illegal to not have insurance?
I was looking online and saw something in my state for someone getting arrested for not having insurance. My car is insured, but the insurance is not in my name and is under someone else's name and they pay for it. Is it illegal for there not to be an insurance in my name as well?""
Can I own a car without insurance in NY?
I recently moved to New York from Illinois due to family issue. I am overwhelmed by the heavy traffic and how difficult it is to drive in NY. Fortunately the public transportation is convenient enough so I don't bother driving my car at all and about to sell it. However, my insurance is about to expire in days and I won't be driving this car until someone buys it. The car is registered in Illinois. Can I still keep my car in NY without insurance? What do I have to do with my license plate? What procedures do I have to follow if I sells my car in NY? I've been working very hard try to earn enough money to put my family together, any pennies less to spend is very helpful to my current situtation. Please if anyone can answer it! Much appreciated.""
Can you rent a car without car insurance?
No longer own a car so no car insurance, but need to rent one for a few days- can I rent or do I have to have an insured driver do it or can I buy the rental companys car insurance?""
Car Insaurance for 17 year old?
Hi, I have been riding on the road for two years now (or will be when I get a car) I have had a 50cc moped when I was 16 and since turning 17 have a 125cc motorbike. I know that my no claims on bikes are separate but is there a chance I could get insurance cheaper? If so, roughly how much? (If you can could you recommend some cheap and cheap to insure cars, or some things I can do to get the price down? e.g. explanation of black box etc.? Cheers, Kieran.""
Young male looking for answers with car insurance?
I am just wondering if someone could help me out, because I hear other people my age talking about having ~$150 insurance rates, while mine are $350 a month. They say they are under their parents names, but when I tried to go under my moms they apparently told her it wasnt possible.. I am an 19 year old male, me and my mom are the only drivers in my house and we have 2 cars. We live in Ontario, I HAVE completed drivers ed and am currently a college student. Is there any reason why other people can put car insurance under their parents but i cant? Is there any way to fix this?""
How much would car insurance be on a 2004 mustang?
i just recently bought a red 2004 Mustang V-6 convertible and i was wondering how much insurance would cost ? im pretty sure its over 100 but how much ? im 16 and its my first car , no rude comments please.""
Life Insurance for a Thai citizen?
I'm trying to find insurance companies that provide whole or term life insurance to Thai citizens living in Thailand that provide quotes on the internet, or easily through email or online forms. At the very least, I'm looking for insurance company recommendations for Thai citizens living in Thailand. I'm not sure which ones are legitimate. I don't want to deal with one that will give the insured person problems or one that will close up shop in a few years.""
Who has the best life insurance policy ratings?
family life insurance policies
How much would insurance be on a used car that you bought for around 8,000 from a dealer, if you were a teenager?""
Automobile Insurance Coverage?
My auto insurance payment was due 10/7/09 I paid it on 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had a car accident that evening am I covered?
High School Sport Insurance?
If i want to join track for high school as a freshman and i don't think i have health insurance... do i need it to join?
Is it illegal to not have insurance?
I was looking online and saw something in my state for someone getting arrested for not having insurance. My car is insured, but the insurance is not in my name and is under someone else's name and they pay for it. Is it illegal for there not to be an insurance in my name as well?""
Will my insurance price change?
I've been on my parents insurance account for over a year with no accidents on my record and I pay 200 a month, so if I have my own account from my parents will there be any price changes of either raise or lower? I'm so confused""
Can Insurance company go bankrupt form a disaster?
the bush fire in Victoria. the insurance gotta pay around 100million dollars. um, what if they don't have that much....""
Can't we make a compromise between all out socialized healthcare and private health insurance?
Can't we do something like give insurance companies tax breaks for covering x amount of people who earn low wages at a sharply reduced price? Or have a smaller government program only for those who cannot afford insurance?
Where can I find results of auto crashes and speeding tickets by age and the average price one pays for auto..
insurance by age.
""If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
If you have your learner's permit, do you need car insurance?""
Affordable dental insurance?
I need two teeth fixed, one molar extracted and braces, prefer the invisible kind. I'm looking for some dental insurance, that's inexpensive, that will help cover paying for these things.""
Electrical job expense cost average?
For my hw, I am doing take off for a 1 story 28325 sq ft building. I have to account for the costs for the total job expense. The problem is I don't have experience in the industry. Can you give some average total cost for electrical distribution, branch, and lighting job. Per month - SITE OFFICE (per Month) SITE STORAGE (per Month) CONSUMABLES SMALL TOOLS COURIER TEMPORARY LIGHTING TEMPORARY POWER SAFETY SPECIALTY INSURANCE USL&H INSURANCE SCAFFOLD RENTAL SCISSOR LIFT RENTAL ELECT 25' BUCKET TRUCK RENTAL BOOM TRUCK RENTAL SITE VECHICLES FOREMAN/GF TRUCK PARKING (per vechicle) LABELING FIRESTOPPING SEISMIC ENG. CALC. FORKLIFT GAS 15' BOOM LIFT 40' BUCKET TRUCK FENCING HEATING EQUIPMENT RENT COPY PLAN & PRINTS OFFICE SUPPLIES DUMPSTER If I also account for permit cost of 1 %, would I be multipling to the total labor and material cost, subtotal all costs, or profit???""
Question about car insurance ?!?!?!?
Ok so i am 17 and male so car insurance is tricky. i have a 1.3 toyota corolla,provisional licence, no driving experience. Most quotes are 4,000 at the cheapest. I cant afford this. Does anyone know how to get this cheaper. Is it possible to get insurance for around 2,000 ? My only option is to go as a named driver under my parents policy and have the car registered to them. Preferrably i want my own policy though. Any suggestions appreciated thanks :)""
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
What kind of car would be cheapest to insure for a teenage driver?
Im 17 yrs old, and about to move out.. My mother is not to happy with this so she is keeping my car. Now I have to buy my own car and pay the insurance as well, what kind of cars should I start looking at? Used of course, but what types of cars would be cheapest to insure?""
""What is the cheapest automatic car, for a new driver?
also cheap for insurance
Auto insurance rates!?
im trying to find really low auto insurance rates...iv been in quite a few accidents tho, this seems to be the biggest prob..anyone with simalar experiences??""
Questions about sr22 insurance?
I have a sr22 insurance with arizona and I just got a california license if I cancell my sr22 with arizona and get regular insurance with california can arizona suspend my california license if so how? A little more information my car is registered in california and I live in califoria not arizona
Aetna student health insurance cover accutane?
Does anyone know whether Aetna STUDENT health insurance cover accutane? I don't know whether regular Aetna and Aetna Student are the same. also, for guys who have taken accutane, do we take the ipledge too? if so, how long do we have to wait before taking our first pill?""
How much will Mirena IUD cost without insurance?
I go to a local clinic and My copay is %75 of the bill . How lovely right lol , How much would the Mirena cost ?? any ball park figures would be great thanks!""
How much does insurance company pay for a totaled car with previously rebuilt title issued?
So I am looking to buy a car with rebuilt title( please dont tell me that I should not buy it, I know all the pros and cons). So lets say I have full coverage insurance and I get in accident and the car is totaled. What kind of money will I get from insurance? Clean trade in value? Clean retail value? Or half of clean trade in? I am just concerned if I should purchase full coverage insurance for it or no. If my monthly premium would cost as much as for clean title car, but I would get only 50% of it in case of an accident, than it does not have sense. Car is Honda Accord with $10000 KBB value and my insurance company is AAA Michigan.""
USAA auto insurance rates?
sorry to ask this in military but i figure yall will know best. i've noticed that since we've had usaa auto they have consistently gone up when our policy renews every 6 months. it's around 20-50 dollars every time. we have not had any tickets or accidents. when i call customer service they assure me it's nothing we've done and that everyone's rates are going up. i find this hard to believe. anyone else having this issue?
Car insurance.....???
What is the best Insurance Company for young adults? I'm 23 years old. Who can save me the most money??
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Where can i get the best deal on sr-22 insurance?
i live in pleasant hill iowa right off of des moines and i need to get the best quote on sr-22 does anyone a good insurance company?
What do you guys think would be cheaper in car insurance?
What would be cheaper in car insurance? Which one would last longer? 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 years old.""
Accident no insurance?
I was in a wreck today but it wasnt my fault my insurance is about a month late the other driver has insurance full coverage what is going to happen
Is Progressive Auto Insurance legit?
got a quote and it was so cheap!! is it legit?? anyone have progressive for there insure?? is it really that cheap??? its like 1/2 than wat i pay now!!
Why do car insurance rates go up?
After an accident, why do car insurance rates goup? What happened to all the money I've paid in over the years? Isn't that supposed to cover the cost of the accident? I'm talking about non-injury accidents.""
Car insurance - Apply in person?
Are there anywhere that I can apply for car insurance in person in London?
""I crashed my car and wrote it off, is it worth claiming on my car insurance?""
I was driving down the road and the rear tyre blew out which sent me accross the road into a tree then catapulted me into another tree into a ditch. The car is a write off! luckily i only have very bad whip lash and bruises. The car is only worth book price of 500 max, i have 4 years no claims. Is it worth claiming on the insurance or not I do have Fully comprehensive. Can i get anything for personal injury as i am unable to work at the moment. Not to mention i need to purchase a new car. Any help much appreciated.""
Why is my car insurance quotes so high?
Hello, I'm 17 years old and have just pasted my ful uk license and am looking for a car and insurance. The car i want is a vaxuhuall corsa 1.0 litre 3door. My friend has a 1.1 litre and his insurance is 1,200 with his dad on it. But when i look with exactly the same details (locked garage, mileage, etc) with my dad on it (i also entered my friends post code to see if there is a difference) but the cheapest quote has been 4400. Help?""
I hit my son's car! (Insurance question)?
I accidently hit my son's car in the driveway. We have seperate insurance policies, but use the same agent. At first the agent told me my son's policy would cover the accident and pay for my son's car but I would have to pay for my deductible. Fine, sounded fair...and I was told don't file a police report. Now I have been given several different excuses as to why my son's car cannot be fixed. First I was told I own his car. Not true!! and we have different insrurance policies, then I was told we have the same policy..WE DO NOT! Then I was told you can't collect if the person is a relative at your residence. What is going on! This is a WELL KNOWN insurance company and we are shelling out big bucks for these policies. Any insight or advice.""
Car insurance ( diabetes )?
after i get a quote online when i proceed to pay will the insurers phone me or will i after phone them as i have a 3 year medical licence and i need to let them know off my medical condition ( diabetes insulin dependant ) first time getting insurance so any info would be great
""I bought a car in NY, I have VA insurance and i wanna kno How can i register the car?
Need registration for car with VA insurance
Anybody know the cheapest way to get car insurance?
Im 18/ female and this will be my first car , first time driving...prices are soo high it's hard to get cheap insurance at my age being a new driver. Does anyone know a loophole or just a way to get it real cheap?""
Any one know any good insurance for new driver that is only 18?
My mom tried adding me to her AAA insurance and it would be 1150 every sic month that too much anyother cheap insurances thanks
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance? 19 year old African American in Georgia.?
Driving a 1999 jeep grand cherokee or a 99 honda civic. What do you think I should expect to pay?
Best Insurance company?
What is the best insurrance company for both auto and home please let me know as soon as possible - I live in WV
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
Lake Placid Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33862
0 notes
challenge insurance
"challenge insurance
challenge insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
First time car insurance?
i have been driving my parents car for about a year now and i am going to buy my own car. i am buying a 1.3 Ford KA 07 registration i am female and 19 do you have any tips for getting good insurance and reasonably priced insurance? i am aware it will be expensive. i am looking for fully comp insurance also does anyone have any experience with coop car insurance where they fit a smart box to your car and measure your driving?
Where to find good car insurance for 17 year old boy and a decent car to go with it?
hi im 17 year old boy, just passed my theory test, i have around 1500 for a car, but the insurance is so high, best quotes ive been getting are around 4000 on corsa's and clio's , do u know where i could get cheaper insurance, or an alternative car that will have cheaper insurace, i dont like KA's or micras or cars like that, HELP PLEASE""
Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I Plan on trying to get these three type of cars Toyota Corolla SR5 1983 Nissan 240sx 1989 Mazda Rx-7 1991 You might notice two of these cars are sports cars but they're 20 years old so I just thought the insurance might be cheaper but anyway, Would you guys like estiamte how much insurance would be if I had bought any three of these cars. Also if anybody has any of these cars how much do you pay for insurance for that car and how old are you?""
Help. I've missed two car insurance installments by accident and now they want me to pay the rest in full.?
I've stupidly missed two payments. Not on purpose. I'm pregnant and at college with exams and I'm due in March so my mind is trying to focus on revising, focus on saving money to buy baby things with (which we still need to buy most stuff). and focusing on bills etc. Anyway. How can I still be insured but avoid having to pay them the rest of the due fees for my contract term? An idea I had was to cancel it, and then start new insurance with another company? I would have to pay a new deposit and to cancel the old insurance I would have to pay some money as well. Any other ideas?""
""If the mandate to buy health insurance wont stand the supreme court review, why am I forced to buy...?
car insurance in the state of California?
Fake insurance??
Hello my friend want to register his car under fake insurance. He wonder wat will happen if he go register it with that fake insurance?
Help with car insurance quote please?
If I have my own insurance it's 2,400, But if I put my girlfriend on it, it comes down to 600 but she's only got a provisional and I have a full uk licence were both 17 Just wanted to know how it comes down so much if she can't legally drive a car...without someone with experence? Or should I stop complaing?""
Car crash and insurance?
i had a crash today, it was not my fault (was told by the police), i had my insurance, but the other party does not, i was told i have to pay for my car full coverage because the other party does not have insurance. Is that true? please help me, thank you!""
I hit someones car (My first accident)?
I was pulling out and hit another car I was going under 5km/h backing up and I cut the wheel to much and hit a parked car How much is that gonna cost me We are not going through insurance How much would it cost to paint it
High car insurance cost?
why does car insurance cost so much for first time insured? where can i find cheap car insurance that cost less than my car payment?
Is anybody looking for affordable health care insurance?
I work with ASSURANT HEALTH, I can get you a free quote just let me know.""
Me and my wife wants to add our 16 year old to our insurance.?
If we tell them he does not have a license yet how much would it cost in Texas
Car insurance in california?
is medical expense coverage optional or required in california. I called my car insurance company to delete this coverage and the genius over the phone was telling me its mandatory, and I said to her...mandatory to california or to your insurance co?I know comp/ coll and liability are mandatory but everything else is optional...isnt it?""
Help with comprehensive and collision car insurances?
For example, if someone got their tires slashed, does this fall into the comprehensive car insurance category? And do you have to pay a deductible just like when using collision insurance to pay for damages?""
Car insurance for a 16 year old girl?
I will be getting my license in march. I will be driving a 1998 4 door buick regal. I was wondering how much insurance may be. My parents have clean records and excellent credit. I maintain a 3.8 GPA but the insurance company doesn't give rebates for that.
How much is your car insurance?
I just realized my car insurance is $383 every 3 months. I thought that was quite a bit. I'm 24 and totaled my car in February and just got a new Nissan Altima. So I was just wondering how mine compared to everyone else's. How old are you? What kind of car do you have and how much is your insurance?
What would be a good starter/first car? Cheap to Run & Insure?
I try to avoid Vauxhall & Ford, So I'm looking to spend 800 on a used car, that is cheap to run, and most importantly cheap to insure. I'm 22.""
Is an Acura TSX or an Acura TL good for a teenager?
my dad is looking for cars to get me and i was looking online and i found a 2007 tsx and a tl.. i like how they look.. the brand new ones, to me, are really ugly and plus the brand new ones are more expensive... im pretty sure my parents are okay with the prices of these but i was just wondering what u thought.. and im 16 by the way""
What are the benefits of low cost insurance?
What can be the advantages of having low cost insurance for people.
What are my options for affordable health insurance in Massachusetts?
I graduated with my Masters in Library Sciences in May, and am only covered under my mom's health ins. until February. I am trying to avoid a lapse in coverage. Please help!""
I need advice on car insurance?
what would be a really really cheap car to insure? i just need liability insurance. i need a car or truck but im worried about how much it will cost to insure. any advice on really cheap insurance on any certain car would be greatly appreciated. if you also know any car insurance providers that offer low rates i would like to know that as well. thank you
Would I be able to afford this car and car insurance?
I make $1200 a month. I currently pay $400.00 rent and $70.00 for my phone. I'm looking at a car that would cost me 180.00 a month plus 100-120 in car insurance. Plus groceries. 130 a month. I'm just worried I wouldn't be able to afford this but I really need a car. What if I move out and rent goes up? I'm a stressful person and stress about everything before I commit.I also have a dog to take care of. What do you guys think? Would I be able to afford It or would I be way to close to barely living?
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
Insurance cost?
I have 2 cars, a 2002 honda civic & a 2007 camry. How much should i be paying as insurance cost for both cars every 6 months ? I'm 30 yrs & have been a responsible driver so far.""
Can I get earthquake inusrance for my fish tank?
Does such a thing exist? I live in Southern California and people keep saying we're due for a big one and Im pretty sure it would break my tank.
challenge insurance
challenge insurance
How much does insurance cost for?
Hi! I'm a 16 year old male that lives in Kentucky, and i'm getting a truck soon, it would be my first vehicle. Its going to be a mid 90s or late 80s truck. I'm wanting to know how much insurance would cost on average? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
""I heard that if you have good grades, your insurance rate will go down.?""
I'm about to get my permit this summer, but I have one F (I'm not a slacker, but I just couldn't handle the work) Anyway, my mom said that if I don't get this F up, I can't get insurance, cause nobody will insure me. Is this true? Also, another question... Do I only need insurance on a car, or do I need my own insurance or could I drive my mom's car legally (when I have my permit)?""
Where do I find florida health insurance ?
I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
How much should i be paying for car insurance.?
im not sure if im over paying or not.. if i pay in full for 6 months up front it will be 700 dollars Im 22, married, and have only 1 speeding ticket that i recieved a year and a half ago.i have nothing else on my record I drive a 2002 eclipse that has been insured for 3 years straight, and i live in a small town with hardly any crime.""
How much will my auto insurance rate go up after an acciedent?
i have lieability insurance and pay 55 a month
Insurance on Crossfire. 16 Year old.?
i am a 16 year old boy and i was wondering what the insurance would be on a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire Coupe. I am pretty sure that it is a sportscar. So, help me out. I got to convince my parents to get me one.""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 19 year old male in NY.?
If i am a 19 year old male and have insurance on my car and i have no tickets and one small accident that was my fault over a year ago how much would it be to add a motorcycle to this insurance, but im only getting as much insurance coverage that is required. I will not be getting collision or anything as bike as fairly old and if it gets recked i wont fix it. If you arent completely sure speculate as to how much you think it would be, any info helps.""
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Whats the best insurance for the self employed?
We need some insurance, but don't have a ton of cash.""
Cheapest car insurance for new drivers?
Co-op seem to be the cheapest i can find at the moment, i am going on my dads name because we are both going to drive it and he has like 11 year no claims, so far co-op seem the best (coop seem to go by the age of the car) the older the cheaper, im looking to insure either a fiesta a clio or a corsa, something like that, could you from experience or just knowledge tell me which insurance is the cheapest, by the way im 17""
Insurance for a teenager?
I just got my license but my parents dont want to put my name under insurance because they dont want their insurance price to go up. I recently heard from a friend that you can put your name under your parents insurance and say you're only using the car 10% of the time and they dont raise your insurance? Is this true? If not, what can i do to not increase the insurance price for my parents. I really want to drive their car.""
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
What are some good health insurance plans?
We're trying to find one with low Coinsurance, I can't afford to pay 50% on a surgery -_- Anything good and affordable you guys recommend for families?""
How likely is it that my car insurance will go up due to this?
Haven't had a claim in over ten years Haven't gotten a ticket in probably 5 years. But, the neighbor kid did $2K worth of damage to my car with his bike in three separate incidents. Basically, half of it will have to be repainted! I'd really, really rather not go to court. His insurance is NOT an option in this case. He doesn't have $2,000 laying around. IF I go the much easier route of getting him to pay at least my deductible, how likely is State Farm to raise my rates with a, after deductible, claim of about $1500 or so? Any relevant advice/comment is appreciated.""
Car insurance question! CRAP...?
i got my first speeding ticket today. i was going 41 in a 30 and a conniving cop was at the bottom of this hill i was driving on and pulled me over right as i was slowing down for a stop sign. will this first ticket effect my car insurance rate? i have had my license for 2 years and have had a perfect record so far.
Which insurance company is the cheapest?
i live in ontario canada and i wanna know which company has the cheapest insurance. my insurance expires this month? please help........................
Would a Jaguar be a first car?
I want to know for my cousin who is 12. He really like the XJR from 1997-2003 .What does the insurance cost?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in California?
I am leaving country for couple of months. I want to cancel my car insurance. Is it possible?
I am paying my insurance monthly and it's very high. I won't be using car for couple of months, so I want to cancel it for some months and take it again after I come back. Is it possible?""
Can a 16yr old register a car in his name in TEXAS and can he still be on parent's insurance?
Does anyone know for sure if it is legal in TEXAS for a minor to purchase a vehicle in his name? The car lot said it was okay but my insurance company says that it must be in my name for him to be on my policy. Is that true?
What is the best life insurance company that dont require medical exams?
im trying to buy life insurance for me and my 49 yr old mother. what is the best company that doesnt raise premiuims and dont require exams....but stil lprovide full life insurance?
Good individual insurance?
My job doesn't provide insurance because it's technically not full time. I absolutely cannot be without medical insurance because I deal with things like depression, asthma, allergies, and back and neck pain from an accident (I need an insurance with very good prescription drug coverage, chiropractic care coverage, and mental health coverage-like therapy/psychiatrists). Needless to say I can't afford to NOT have insurance. I'm also overweight, so it's very hard to find affordable insurance for myself. Since February, I have been on individual insurance with CHAND, a high risk insurance division of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. The insurance is pretty good, but I pay $260/month, which is way out of my budget. My question is this: are there any good and inexpensive insurances out there for me? I'm trying to save money for a second bachelor's degree (college) and a wedding. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance- I deeply appreciate it!""
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old female in California?
Insurance Group for Cars?
Hi, I am planning to buy a second hand car, I.e., when I search the car through net, it says Insurance Group is 4/5/6 etc. Can any one tell me how the Insurance Group are being defined which Grade enables me to pay less premium? Which Insurance Group car I should look for ideally? Thanks in advance. Regards, Reed.""
Dental Insurance question?
On my dental insurance card, I have a primary care dentist listed on it. Does this mean that I must go to this dentist in order to have the insurance pay for my appointments or can I go to any dentist that accepts my insurance without having to switch my primary care dentist and still receive the insurance benefits? Will the insurance cover less if I don't go to the primary care dentist? Thanks!""
challenge insurance
challenge insurance
""If you have bad grades when you buy car insurance, but you improve your grades?""
If you have bad grades when you buy car insurance, but you improve your grades later, will they still give you a discount?""
Legal question about car insurance?
I bought a car off of my coworker a few months back, and everything is in my name. I had paid for insurance but I was going through a rough patch and it lapsed. My mother, whom is living with me, decided to be nice and pay for a month of insurance, through a new company. This is a new policy, as my old one had lapsed. Recently though, my mother and myself have had a falling out. She's holding my car over my head. She says since she paid for a month of insurance she has free reign over using my car. The car is in my name, and as far as I'm aware based on documents the insurance is as well. The only difference is she paid for that one month of insurance for me. And that month she paid for is still active. So like I said, she is holding the car over my head. I left my house the other night with my car key so she couldn't use it - This is after everyone I asked that I knew told me to take the keys. She is also living with me, I am renting the home. She is making threats through text messages saying that if I don't return the car key she will cancel my policy. Is that possible for her to do? She just paid for a month of insurance, and I believe I'm completely in control of my policy. I don't believe it can be cancelled through her calling. Is that possible? Anyone know? So not only do I own the car, I also rent the house. Legally I don't believe she can hold my own car over my head. Also, to add... After taking my keys, I left my home and went to a my girlfriends to get away for a while. Since I have taken my car keys, she has taken and hid my car battery to insure that I am unable to remove my car from my property. She refuses to give it back because she paid for my one month of insurance to start my policy again... So my questions... 1. Is it possible for her to cancel my insurance is the car is in my name, and if the policy, I believe, is also in my name? 2. Legally, can I call the local police department and have her surrender both my car, as well as it's car battery to me? I don't have my registration information on me, she removed that from the car as well. But a quick look up on my license, as well as my car insurance card that I have should be enough to validate it is indeed my car, correct?""
How likely is it that my car insurance will go up due to this?
Haven't had a claim in over ten years Haven't gotten a ticket in probably 5 years. But, the neighbor kid did $2K worth of damage to my car with his bike in three separate incidents. Basically, half of it will have to be repainted! I'd really, really rather not go to court. His insurance is NOT an option in this case. He doesn't have $2,000 laying around. IF I go the much easier route of getting him to pay at least my deductible, how likely is State Farm to raise my rates with a, after deductible, claim of about $1500 or so? Any relevant advice/comment is appreciated.""
Need affordable dog insurance?
Hi I am a college student and getting a puppy soon, i need an affordable , and good dog insurance, please if you have one...give me the details and which insurance you have, i would really appreciate it. Thanks!""
We are looking for cheeeep insurance?
What is the cheapest insurance available out there?
Does Everybody Have Car INsurance?
Not having it is against the law #1 and #2 very dangerous. I had a friend who didn't have insurance and got in an accident and had to pay $20K in hospital bills.
Is insurance expensive on a 2005 Ford Mustang V6 for a 16 year old?
There's a 2005 Ford Mustang V6 for 8995 with 80,000 miles. I have State Farm and I can't really contact them. Is the insurance gonna be to expensive even though it's a V6. The car is bone stock. If it's $150/Monthly or less it's inexpensive to me but if it's over $150 it's out of my budget.""
How much does car insurance in florida usually cost for a 19yr old girl .... i've never had any?
How much does car insurance in florida usually cost for a 19yr old girl .... i've never had any?
Can I turn my health bills from a car wreck into my health insurance?
I'll try to make this as short as possible. I was hit by another car, who fled the scene but I was able to get her license plate, made and model of her car. Her insurance is covering the body damage for my car but I'm having problems with the medical part of all this. In all, I have had two visits with my doctor and he sent me to the hospital for xrays. I have whip lash and nothing else. I live in Kentucky, which is a no-fault injury state (I have no idea what that means). The other driver's insurance company is not going to pay for my injuries since they are less than $1000. Which means I have to turn it in to MY car insurance company and pay my $1000 deductable or pay out of pocket, which will be about $800. Someone I work with mentioned that I can turn the bills into my health insurance company for them to cover it. Is that an option? I'm not at all familiar with any of this b/c this is my first experience having to deal with car insurances. I know it doesn't matter how I feel, but I'm really ticked that someone can hit my car, flee the scene, cause injuries to me, and then I am the one responsible to pay for the medical care. Does anyone have any experience with this? Can I turn this into my health insurance to avoid paying the $800 that I don't have? Thank you.""
What are the states that offer the best insurance premiums ?
What are the states that have the best insurance premiums for auto and homeowner's premiums for someone who is a LOW risk and have a very good history? Honest answers plz.
How much is insurance on 2003 lexus IS300?
wondering how much i might be paying a month if im getting a more expensive car..?
What factors to look for/consider when getting a home insurance?
What factors to look for/consider when getting a home insurance?
What are the consequences of switching to cheaper car insurance company? As in what would you lose out on?
What are the consequences of switching to cheaper car insurance company? As in what would you lose out on?
How much is insurance for a motorbike?
I am 18 years old, own a 125cc 2011 brand new honda cbr, currently m1 license holder. Live in the suburbs, so not a lot of traffic. That's all the info I can think of that's relvent. So can anyone with information tell me how much insurance might cost a month?""
Is there a car insurance company in the UK that offers competitive quotes to drivers with penalty points?
My husband has 9 points on his license which are all from Dec 08. We are looking into getting a second car but most insurance quotes are shocking, just wondered if there was a particular insurance company who specialises in insuring such drivers? Thanks.""
Monthly car insurance?
Hi, im 17 and recently passed my test and bought a 2000 fiat punto. Now for insurance, can you get insured monthly and if so what are the best websites to use? Personal experiences would be good cheers""
Do you think IQ should be used in determining car insurance rates?
Do you think IQ should be used in determining car insurance rates?
Teen car insurance!! ?
im 15 and getting ready to buy my first car. i really want to know about how much my insurance will be. im getting a 2001 toyota celica and i live in north carolina and im a girl. can anyone please help?????
How to get off my parents insurance?
I have insurance through my dad but because of a $5000 deductible and my income it is useless to me. He refuses to let me off it. Also refuses to let me get off of it. I'm 20 years old and could go to the health department nearly free if only I didnt have medical insurance> HOW DO I GET OFF THIS?
I can't find car insurance for under 5000?
I'm 17, and I understand my age is of course affecting the price of my car insurance, but I am getting 5000 quotes for a 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I am expecting it to be high, but not that high for a crappy car. So could any one recommend any insurance company who will hopefully cut that down to 2000-3000?""
Cheapest insurance for a 17 year old lad?
the cheap quote ive got is 4800!! This is ridiculous, is there any cheaper way of insuring myself? does anyone know what the cheapest car to insure is? or something i really need to get on the road as i have just passed my test but 3000 for insurance is about my limit...""
Help with approximation on how much an 18yo would pay per month (or year) for motorcycle insurance?
Ok so I really want to get a motorcycle (I dont even have my drivers license yet just my permit and will get my license within a month or so). I may be getting a full time job and want to make sure I can afford the motorcycle. I have factored in everything except insurance. I plan to get a Standard (since sports would probably cost me more on insurance) bike with about 1000cc. Also I will be taking a safety course (AT LEAST beginners but ill probably take more than that). I live in California. The bike will be used. So about how much will insurance cost meA?
Muscle Car Insurance Rates?
Well, I'm an 18 year old male and I've managed to stumble across a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda being sold for a reasonable price and in pretty good condition. It's been my dream car for a while and I was just curious if I can get some estimates on how much I'll be paying for car insurance? I live in British Columbia Canada if that makes a difference. I've taken driving school and I've heard good grades can lower rates as well, which I have. Oh yeah, its got a 440 4 bbl :). Thanks""
Heath Insurance like Car insurance?
I am sick of paying High prices for health insurance because of over-weight out of shape people who have all types of health problems! With that said, I believe health insurance should be more like Car insurance. If you are healthy and havnt been in Accidents then your insurance should be lower than people who are healthy, workout, eat right and dont smoke or do drugs. I no longer have health insurance because I cannot afford it. When I did have health insurance I never used it because I am healthy. Should people like me be paying less than others who dont care about their health?""
Do car insurance rates go down in the time you have you license even if you don't have car insurance?
I am going to be a new driver and I am wondering if I just drive my girlfriends car without getting my own insurance if when I drive and get insurance for myself in a couple of years if my rates will be lower. Thank you all for any help.
challenge insurance
challenge insurance
""In the state of Georgia do you need a title for an automobile that is 24 years old, to purchase a tag.?""
I am buying a 1982 Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck, I personally know the individual I am purchasing the truck from. The title has been misplaced or lost. We are both under the impression that if a vehicle is X amount of years old you don't have to have a title to be able to purchase a tag,get insurance etc. The truck is 25 years old, if anyone has or knows the answer to my question I would be greatly appreciative.""
I need some help with insurance please?
Hey. I'm getting my 'Learners Licence' in the year of 2014. I own a 1984 Datsun/Nissan 300zx turbo. 2 seat, rwd. I live in abbotsford British Colombia and I just wanted to know how much insurance would cost per year with drivers ed. How much it will cost with my L, N and full licence. Thanks.""
Cheapest way to buy new glasses without insurance?
I recently broke my glasses that ive had for two years. I am currently in a predicament that does not permit me to spend alot of money on a new pair and to make matters more complicated, i do not have any insurance. I cannot apply for medicaid so that is not an option either. I need a fast alternative or some ideas as to how I could go about buying a new pair preferably under $100. I constructed a plan of buying my own frames and having the lenses filled but all the optical offices i called do not allow that method, they prefer you to buy their glasses. Thanks (:""
How are illegal immigrants getting free health care?
I heard in a lot of debate about illegal immigrants and how they care free services such as health care. I became a U.S citizen two years ago and I've been trying to find cheaper and quality health care, but I couldn't. I researched free health care online, but can't find it. I don't have health insurance, so whenever I visit the doctor, I either pay upfront if it's about $200 or they send me the bills if its way higher. So how are illegal immigrants getting free health care?""
Which medical insurance company is the cheapest?
I'm 21 college student and I need to get a medical insurance. I live in California. Which company is the cheapest? I was thinking of kaiser but I'm not sure Thanks in advance guys
How much does insurance go up in a wreck?
Im a 16 year old male, get good grades, and i drive a 91 firebird. i recently got in a crash, my car was fine but the other guy had a scrape along the side of his car etc. how much can i expect my insurance to go up?""
How much for a 17 year olds car insurance with a sports car?
Hi im 17 and im wondering about how much more would it cost if i went from a sedan to a sports car?
Can I my Dad's car without being on his insurance?
I am a 17yr old student living with my parents and i have just passed my driving test. Everyone keeps saying i can drive my Dad's car once he is in the passenger seat, but i am not sure. My dad has insurance on his car, but i am not a named driver. So can i drive my dad's car if he his in the passenger seat, without being named on his policy.""
Where can I buy good Health insurance?
Anyone know where I can buy health insurance. Im an independent contractor who needs good, cheap rates.""
Can I change my health insurance?
I want to change my health insurance? I have Minnesotacare and I want to change it to Medical Assistance? My daughter needs braces for her teeth and Minnesotacare won't cover for it! And apparently we owe Delta Dental and our dental provider 5000 bucks?! Is that possible? We are certainly not paying 5000 for an X-rays for braces and my daughter didn't even get braces on?!
What is the best place to buy whole life insurance from?
I want to buy life insurance for my 47 year old husband and my 9 year old son. There are so so so many companies out there. What are some of the better names that are not schemes ?
Which health insurance company in Florida is best at filling prescriptions using there mail order pharmacy?
I'm in the process of buying health insurance n making sure I'm able to mail my presriptions every month to there pharmacy and getting them filled and sent back to me within a reasonable time is something I will need so I am wondering which company is best at this when it comes to how soon u will get them and how hard it is to set up your scripts especially certain ones u take every day but can only get a 30day supply like for my adderall which ive been on since i was a kid but i have 5 kids of my own now n lately I'm having trouble filling locally n hope I won't have the same problem when mailing them
Can we get cheap car insurance in the UK as Australians?
My partner and I are moving to the UK in March and had intended to buy a car. Just an Astra or something for under 1000. However, when I put our details into insurance websites it tells us we will have to pay upwards of 2000 for 3rd party insurance. I realise this is because we have not been residents or have held UK licences but is there any way to get something cheaper? This seriously hinders our plans, we can't afford that amount of money but were really hoping to have a car. Can any one give us any advice? I have put in that we have a UK licence (as we would be prepared to get upon arrival and would have to any way after 12 months) but this does little to change the quotes.""
How much is the car insurance for a 18 year old boy with a dodge viper ACR 09 model?
ow much would i be paying a year with full coverage. Its a dodge viper ACR 09 model. Im an 18 year old male. Its a $112,000 car.""
What things can a teen do to help lower the cost of car insurance?
I'm sixteen and seventh months, and plan on getting my license in about two months. But money is a little tight now at my house, and when my brother got his license on his sixteenth birthday (two years ago) the car insurance my parents pay for jumped an extra 1200 dollars a year. So what can a teen do to lower the cost? IE; what type of car should I be driving, the best time to get my license, etc. I'm willing to hear any ideas. :) Oh and if it means anything, my parents are with State Farm. Thanks in advance for the help.""
Category 1 Cars To Insure? Also Insurance Tips?
Hi everyone. I am a 20 year old driver who is 21 in March. I have my test on the 17th Feb and I am hoping to pass, obviously! I would like to ask for a few tips to make driving as cheap as possible. I have been looking at category 1 cars for insurance prices. Like a Citroen C2 or a Corsa, and I would like to know, before I buy, if anyone knows any tips to keep my insurance down. I currently have my own small business, and I live in the Midlands, which may class as a high risk area.. But I would like to know, what is the cheapest cars to insure, and tips to keep the insurance as low as possible. Also, will it help that I will be a little bit older than the 17/18 year olds who start driving? I am a male also. Thanks for anyone who can help me out!""
Buying a new car..insurance help?
So need some help.ive bought a brand new car which is coming on the way from suppliers so will take a few weeks.so i have a car im trading which ive never done before so im unsure wot to do about insurance as the insurance on my current car expires 13th feb and the garage will nd a cover note of new insurance to tax car..and as i dont know the reg plate yet.same for tax of car what do i do when renewal letter comes through(renewal date 31st jan)as hopefully will hv car by then.
How much is insurance for a bmw 3 series?
Im 16 and I'm planing on getting a BMW 3 series, how much would insurance be with allstate, I would be in a plan with my parents. I was also interested in getting a passat, hynday Tiburon or 3000gt. Why would be the cheapest?""
Is Mitsubishi Lancer Coupe considered a Sports Car in Insurance?
Hi, im in australia planning to get a lancer coupe, not the sedan. they range in late 90 models. I cant tell if theyre a sports car or not by insurance companies. (sports car are more expensive). a small low budget economical 1.8L car wouldnt be classified as a sports. But then lancers were originally used in rally races. Can anyone tell me if this lancer would have higher insurance costs than a 4 door sedan version.""
350z or g35 coupe auto insurance?
I am 17 years old about to be 18 and I really want a nissan 350z or an infinity g35 coupe. I have been saving money for a few months to buy a used z or g35 but I never thought about what my insurance would be like. I am 17 with no real driving experience. I would be on my parents insurance, I had a 4.0 the last 2 years of high school so straight a's. I have a job(idk if that matters) I do not smoke. I live in California in a small town. I am a male. I dont know what else insurance companies look for so if you know of anything else please mention them in your reply. I'm just wanting to know if anyone has any kind of idea of what id be paying. Thanks""
Car insurance for you drivers?
i am a 18 year old male and looking for car insurance on something like a micra, punto, clio or something small like that but the cheapest i can find is 3000 with tesco and thats as a named driver on my dads insurnace. Is there anywere cheaper that anyone knows of ? how much do other people pay? also it is a full uk licence i have and i have had it less than a year""
Has the law changed with car insurance for additional drivers?
Today I was looking at car insurance quotes & it seems that it costs the same to be an additional driver on somebody Else's car as it is to be a main driver on your own car. I got a quote to be an additional driver on my mothers car she currently pays 850 per year on her car and to get me also insured on her car it will cost 4.700 a year. It will cost me 3,995 a year on my own 1.0l corsa (main driver). My mothers car is a VW polo 1.4. I think the reason for the law change is because of a lot of parents are fronting for their children to make it a lot cheaper which I believe is called fronting.""
Who is the best auto insurance agency?
Currently have USAA, but it seems that they just charge for the general population rather than going into more personal charges. Since they are not locally based in NV, they charge for all the other boneheads out here rather than my own driving record.""
Double health insurance legality?
I provide health insurance through my employer for my 2 girls, however, my ex-wife continues to use California Medicaid for their hospital and doctor visits without letting them know they are insured already. Is this allowed? I feel like she is somehow swindling California out of money?""
I thought health insurance cost was going down?
This article says they are all going up. What happened to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me my family would save $2500 on health insurance. What happened?""
challenge insurance
challenge insurance
0 notes
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
"Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Ok how much would car insurance cost?
I'm asking this question for my 16 year old friend Gabby her parents just bought her a BMW 328i xDrive Sedan for 37,000 so she is wondering how much insurance is going to cost because she is in the proccess of trying to convince her parents to let her pay insurance or payments shes comparing which will cost less so insurance?? how much $$""
Wats the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
Wats the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
Where can i check to see if my medical insurance is active?
I have Medicaid. Someone I know checked online before to see if my medical was still active, I didn't get to ask where she went to look that up.. does anybody know""
Hayabusa Mini Insurance. (Kit car?)?
I am a young driver and I was hoping to buy a Mini with a Hayabusa engine from someone like Z-Cars. I have heard that some people have got cheap insurance for them. I have heard of a 17 year old who had just passed his test got insured for a hayabusa mini for 1500 which is cheap for a 17 year old. I was just wondering if there is anyone has insured a Hayabusa or similar Mini for road use. If so how much was it and from which insurance company? Thanks
Car accident and they got old insurance.?
I got in a car accident last November and they tried to hit me with 6 duis with no evidence. We got the FDLC results 6 MONTHS LATER, and it came up with nothing. I have no idea what they had to charge me with 6 DUIs, however... It was reduced to reckless driving. Anyways, when I got in the accident, I left in an ambulance. The police gave out the wrong car insurance (I had just got statefarm the day before.) They gave like esurance to everyone, which was the WRONG insurance. So, I ended up having to tell the hospitals etc that they gave out the wrong insurance. Then I got a call from one of the people I hit's insurance, and they queried about what insurance I had (They said the policy they were given expired in like 08.)... Part of the deal of reckless driving is that I pay restitution. My lawyer is unaware that the police gave out the wrong insurance, but he told me that there should be like nothing (insurance should cover all of it.) I just got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that I owe 2500 to some person. Is it possible that he was given the wrong insurance as well, thus me getting charged for this?""
What is the name of the song on the JUST CAR insurance add on MTV ?
It the one with errbody beatboxing and this FLii as dude driving around with his blue car. There is an old as asian dude beatboxing and a couple of hot chicks as well. pls pls pls ...show more
Why is our group health insurance so much more expensive than getting an individual plan privately?
My husband gets insurance through his work, and they take out $170 a week (he gets paid weekly). So that totals about $730 a month for us and our kids plus maternity benefits. What confuses me is if we were to drop that insurance and get an individual plan with the same company, same deductible, same co-pay, including maternity benefits (exactly the same plan) it would run us about $440 a month. I thought that the whole point of getting on a group plan was that it would be cheaper. I would be okay with it being the same as private but it makes absolutely zero sense to me that it would be almost twice as much... Anybody want to explain? Or are they just screwing us over?""
""Motor Trader Insurance Regulations, what are the rules?""
I currently work for a company and drive a modified vehicle for them. It is not modified for speed but for a specific purpose. Anyway I would like to steal their idea and have tried to look for insurance for a similar vehicle (which I would construct). My insurance quote has come back as almost 4000, but I have discovered that they use motor trader insurance to cover themselves. So what are the rules with motor trader insurance, do I need to buy and sell some cars? do I need to be a registered LTD company? What would qualify me for motor trader insurance? UK Answers only please (as the rules are likely to be different in different countries). Thanks SPAMMY PEOPLE SHOULD BE KILLED IN A HUMILIATING AND PAINFUL WAY. IF YOU SPAM THIS QUESTION I WILL REPORT YOU.""
How much roughly would it cost to be on provisional insurance on my sisters corsa?
How much roughly would it cost to be on provisional insurance on my sisters corsa?
What UK car insurance companies will consider my Canadian driving experience?
I recently exchanged my Canadian driving license for a full UK license but insurance quotes are so high because most companies only consider that I haven't had my full license for more than a year (in fact I have had a full Canadian license for 8 years). The insurance companies also don't seem to consider that I have had no claims on my Canadian insurance for 8 years. Does anyone know of a UK car insurance provider that will consider foreign driving experience in their quotes?
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
How DUIs and accidents effect your car insurance rates?
I know several people that have multiple DUIs. The strange thing about this is that they all pay a fraction of what I do for car insurance. I have a car that is almost 20 years old and I pay just liability. My payments are higher than my friend who drives a 2007 Honda with full bumper to bumper coverage. I have two accidents on my record right now. But are accidents weighed heavier than DUIs in the eyes of insurance companies? Its quit frustrating
Need of car insurance web service?
I am doing project in car insurance.For that i want web services for car insurance. Please anyone list car insurance web service available
Why are big company's going to drop health insurance and just pay the government a fee to save money?
obama said we would be able to the same insurance. did obama lie to us?
How can I get my auto insurance lowered in michigan?
Hi, I was licensed to drive in Michigan but shortly moved to Virginia, where I received a car from my aunt (Mountaineer) I was insured under US AA with my aunt. In April of 2011, I hit a parked car in the school parking lot in which I wasn't ticketed or charged, but my aunt's insurance company was charged $2400 for the damage. I have since moved back to Michigan as of June 2011 and have not had coverage since. With school coming up and 2 current jobs, I'm looking for insurance that I can actually afford. I have been looking for plpd, and my dad mentioned looking for an underwriter because my lowest monthly payment quotes have been $250-$500 a month, is there any cheaper for of insurance available for me?""
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
Insurance on Ford Focus ST - Young Driver?
I'm just looking for guideline figures on what insurance is likely to cost for a 20yr old male on a new Ford Focus ST in the UK. This is with 2 years no claims bonus and no speeding convictions. Any help greatly appreciated!
""FL Insurance, out of state registration?""
Moving to FL from a different state. Getting Florida Auto Insurance, but wanting to keep registration for the next year or so in the out of state registration I have. Can this be done? I know that FL says you are required to register your vehicle with them, but I have a year and a few months left on my out of state registration still. My question is, can I get Florida auto insurance and keep my out of state car registration? I know that the opposite cannot be done, meaning if you want to register in FL you cannot keep your of state insurance, you must get FL insurance. But is it mandatory that if you get FL auto insurance, you must register in FL?""
At what age does car insurance drop to a normal rate?
im 16 and i wanna wait til a certain age so i dont have to pay alot for the insurance
Does anyone know where to get affordable auto (liability) insurance for teenagers?
I am 19, & I live in Charlotte, NC & I have not been able to find car insurance for less than $800 for 6 months. I can afford to pay $600 (100 a month) but I have not been able to find an insurance company to give me such a quote. Do you know any? P.S. I drive a 2002 kia optima & I've only had my licence for a year""
How much do you pay for car insurance per year?
I'm just curious. Thank you in advance.
Insurance on Lotus Elise for 18 or 19 year old?
I want to get a new Lotus Elise when I am 18 or 19, but it really depends how much the insurance will be. I reside on Long Island, NY but when I get the car will be going to school in either Albany, NY or Tallahasse, FL. Some help? Thanks.""
Teenage car insurance?
Well im 15, gonna be 16 in 2 weeks and Im about to get a car. How much will the insurance be? I live in Arizona, have straight A's and am a girl and the insurance im gonna have has benefits if you have good grades and its cheaper if you're a girl too. So I would like an idea of how much it would cost monthly? The car would be a 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder""
Is serenity insurance a ligitimate company?
Cheap auto insurance
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm 17 years old, with no convictions or points on my licence. I passed my test about a week ago, and I cannot get insurance for my VW polo 1.2, 02 plate lower than 10'000!!? What do I do?""
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
Cheapest tow truck insurance?
progressive quoted me around 600 a month, are there any other companies that would be cheaper? i tried travelers, allstate, state farm, geico, ETC. most don't cover tow trucks. it doesn't have to be a name brand company. any suggestions?""
""No insurance fine, help!!?""
It was stupid and careless, but I went out, with an expired sticker on my car, as well as no insurance on my car either. My luck, I was pulled over and givin a $110 expired tickect fine, as well as a summons to court on the 12th of November. I was researching the Compulsary Auotomobile Insurance Act section 2(1)(a) and It has came to my Knowlege that when I attend the court date I'm looking at a $5000 -$25000 fine, I have currantly been laid off and if i did have a job, Istill can't afford that. Is there any way that it can be reduced due to income, any information would help, Im very scared, I have never broken any type of rule before and im already in debt. Also, how many demarite points could i lose due to the expired ticket and lack of car insurance. Please only mature answers. I know I was wrong so that info is not needed. thanks so much in advance""
Is insurance more expensive for a 07 civic si sedan or an 07 civic ex coupe?
Full cover insurance,I live in california, im 18, no tickets, no accidents. I know insurance is higher for 2 door cars but the civic si Is faster and more expensive.""
Can I Still Be Covered Under My Parents Car Insurance?
Im currently under my parents car insurance policy, I got married not too long ago and was wondering since I got married can I still be under their car insurance? Thanks""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 or 17 yr old guy?
im 16 now, ready to get my first car and drive, but i need a steady job to pay for my insurance. so being young and a male, how much should i be looking to pay?""
I got a tickwet becase of my insurance?
I pay my insurance on time every month and every month i wait for my insurance card to come in and it never does but every month state farm send a bill telling me how much is due for the upcoming month -.- now i got a ticket for 180 what can i do?
Car insurance vs driver insurance?
In California, it is illegal to drive without proof of car insurance. Does that mean proof that the car I'm driving is insured or proof that I am insured as a driver? And what if you have one but not the other (like you're driving a friend's car)?""
If I have secondary driver Insurance on my Dads car. Am I still covered on our other car aswell?
My Dad put secondary insurance on his car (that I pay) so that I can use it. But he never lets me use it because he takes it to work everyday. But my Step Mom has her car here, and my dad tells me I can't use it because my insurance only covers his car. Is he just being a douche?""
Insurance companies messed up!?!?
Over three years ago, a pick-up truck crushed the entire back-side of my van. Of course, it wasn't my fault and I took care of the situation by calling the truck driver's insurance company. However, when I was going through my auto insurance profile, I saw something weird, a driving history stating that I was at-fault for that accident three years ago. It's very weird because I claimed an accident not on my insurance company, but the truck driver's. What can I do to fix this? Was I paying more premium because of this mistake? Thank you""
What do they test for when getting Life Insurance?
I wanted to get a life insurance policy for my family and myself. They want to take blood and a urine sample. What are they looking for? Drugs, nicotine, disease???? What's the deal?""
What are good things to have in health insurance for families.?
I'm looking to buy health insurance for my self and my kids,but I don't under stand what things mean like they talk about coinsurance, deductibles how do I know what's the best one? I'm looking for affordable n with good coverage can you help me? I need low monthly payments and low copayments""
What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?
What are the best private health insurance plans in Ca. & Florida?....And which state is more affordable?
Get insurance on car if title not in my name?
I am wanting to make payments to a freind for this car until it is paid off. The title is in his name, can I get insurance on it for myself even though the title is not in my name?""
Does it cost more money to ad your spouse with your car insurance?
My wife keeps asking for my car. But I dont feel comfortable giving it to her becuase her name's not under my car insurance. How does it work if i want to ad her on? Do the insurance company charge you more money or is it still the same? If they do charge more money, do you know any insurance that's reasonable price? thank you""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I am a 16 year old male in the state of Massachusetts and I'm wondering how much it would cost me to insure a 1986 Monte Carlo SS.
Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance for a 19 year old boy in the UK?
I will eventually have my car when I'm 19 but i want to drive a 1.6 instead of a smaller engine. Is there a way to get around expensive car insurance because i know of people who got it cheap In england
How do i transfer my brother's car to my name in california?
its a 1974 vw bus. i want it as my car. how much is it to change it to my name? and im 17 how much wud the cheapest insurance be? and the tags are a few months outdated.. wat am i getting into?
Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance for a 26 year old first time driver in the UK?
I have tried a few comparison sites but they come back with 2000 and up. I have tried adding my Dad and my sister but it does not make much difference, should I add more people? Or am I going to the wrong sites? Thank you in advance for any responses.""
Why did the Affordable Care Act make my insurance unaffordable?
I have a private health plan and a preexisting condition that requires taking daily medication, an annual checkup, and a test every 5 years. Other than that I'm young and in great health. My understanding of the law was that it would increase premiums on people without conditions to pay for people like me that have a preexisting condition. So why did the insurance company send me something saying if I keep my current plan I'll pay 25% more and that the 2 alternatives are more expensive with lower benefits, plus it said I could lose all kinds of other benefits. I'm going to call the insurance company tomorrow, but before I can call can someone explain the basics so I know something before the call?""
For car insurance is it better to get it through a broker?
I am 19 years old and I have never had insurance (I have had my license for a year). There is a broker right now charging me $508 to be insured for the whole year. Before finding this broker the cheapest I could find was at State Farm and they were charging $720/year. The thing is I was told I would be charged $33/Month by the broker which would total $396 for the year. Is the remaining $102 their (the brokers) commission? What do you think?
What and who has the Cheapest car insurance for a 2005 Mustang?
i am getting a 2005 Ford mustang, and i wan to know who has the cheapest insurance for a mustang. thx""
Where can I Find Reliable Cheap Life Insurance Quotes?
I recently started a home internet based business. When I was just starting out I went without insurance for a while. Now that things are going well I would like to buy a life insurance policy. There are a ton of life insurance sites, but most of them seem biased or focused on an individual provider. Where can I find a good life insurance quote site that is unbiased or gives me quotes from a wide array of services? Also, are there any good tips for saving money buying life insurance for small business owners?""
Who has the best insurance price that you know of and has decent people to deal with if you get in an accident
I'm to lazy to deal with hundreds of quoets and companies sending me spam.I had Allstate but they were terrible when I got rear ended and pretty much did nothing to help and I was paying them $230.00 a month!
Car Insurance for a new driver????
My wife was looking at getting her drivers licence and was wondering how much it would cost roughly for say a 1998 dodge caravan to be insured under a new driver. She is 28 and will be taking a driving school to learn how to drive. Does anyone know if it would be more or less then $400 a month. Thanks
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
Cheapest Car Insurance Company In NY?
Hey i am really need to help with car insurance. Is my first time buying a car and i am really looking for a good deal for a car insurance company here in NY. Either the cheapest or the one that you personally recommend for my age (21 years old) I really appreciate your time. I have been searching for a lot of them before i make a call.
Speeding ticket & avoiding insurance increase?
I received a speeding ticket the other day for going 14 over. This is my second citation in the past year. The previous one being for failure to yield. I CANNOT have this second citation on my record because I can't afford the insurance increase. A friend of mine said he took an online traffic school course and it negated his speeding ticket and kept his insurance rates from increasing. I've found several places to take the online courses for my state, but they don't say whether receiving the certificate of completion will do anything to help remedy my situation. I need to know 1) Reliable online traffic school 2) What to do with the certificate of completion once received (mail to whom? call where?) 3) Does completion of the course guarantee maintained insurance rates. 4) Should I pay the ticket as soon as possible, or wait until after I've completed the course to see if it will negate the fine. Don't tell me just stop being a crappy driver or LOL your fault. I understand my irresponsibility. I just need the answers to my questions, nothing more.""
Is it possible for me to get car insurance just for the summer?
I got my drivers insurance early last year, and since I'm now I'm away at college, my parents cancelled my insurance. Now that school's almost over, is it possible for me to re-activate it for approximately 3 months? Thanks! :)""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
""Where is the cheapest place to get auto insurance in st. petersburg, FL 33701?""
Haven't had insurance in awhile, just bought a new/used truck. Just need the basics. Live in st. pete area code 33701.""
Does anyone know about 'Gap Insurance' to cover the cost between ?
the amount owed on an almost new car and the amount the insurance company is willing to settle for (book value).
How much will car insurance cost for me?
i am 17 years old and i have my g2. i live in oshawa ontario canada. i will be a secondary driver on my dads car, which is a 1999 yukon gmc. i have also taken driving school. and im a girl. any clue how much insurance will cost me per month?""
Where can i get individual health insurance for me and my daughter that also covers pregnancy in connecticut?
I need to get health insurance for me and my 1 year old daughter. I am planning on becoming, or possibly already am pregnant but need insurance for us. Any help? This is in CT, so it is a state that does not require individual policies to cover pregnancy.""
How much is car insurance on average for a 17 year old driver?
I'm 17, and having to pay my own car insurance every month. How much is that going to cost me each month? I have Farmer's insurance.""
What is a good website for getting non-owners sr22 insurance?
The problem is, I work from 9 am to 9pm M-Sat and do not have the time to call someone about insurance quotes. I went online and searched for non-owner sr22 and the first thing any site wants to know other than your name is what kind of car you drive. My car doesn't work. To save money I parked it while I saved up and two kids smashed it up. They don't have any money to fix it so I'm out of luck there. I lost my license 3 years ago in a different incident and need to get it back so I can find something to rent or borrow or something to get a better paying job.""
Is it worth paying over $100+ car insurance?
I'm currently a college commuter and I drive a 1997 Toyota Corolla DX sedan with over 180k miles on it. My insurance company is GEICO and they put me on a 6 month payment plan where my premium is $839. Now the thing is that I pay about $140 a month for 6 months until that total is paid off, but is it worth paying $140 car insurance for a car that was manufactured in 1997 with over 180k miles and doesn't run or look to good at all. Should i try to finance a preowned or used car? If so how should i do it? I know there are many options in paying for a new car, but I'm 19, in college, working at Walmart part-time, and own a online business. Tips are appreciated.""
How much is insurance for a 2004 Nissan Maxima?
I'm 16 and this is my first car. I'm going to get liability and was wondering how much it's going to cost every month ? Thanks
If the law didn't require you to buy car insurance...?
how many people would buy car insurance?
Insurance for a 17 year old male for a Peugeot 205?
I'm turning 17 soon and was wondering if it would be any good to get insurance on a Peugeot 205 or would I be better off getting the classic mini rover.
""Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
How do I get health insurance?
My job doesnt provide health insurance and I do need to get some. Thanks for the help :)
Car insurance for 15 year old?
I'm 15 and I am getting my permit in 1 month. Since I am female the rate will go up to about 50%. My mom makes good money but I don't think it's fair for here to have to pay that for me. I live in California and I want to try to get a job to pay for the car insurance. I haven't really looked I only looked for stuff online. I don't really want to baby sit or mow lawns, I want to work at a place that provides a paycheck (even though I would probably make more money doing those things). Any suggestions?""
Car insurance for the young?
any body know where to find cheap car insurance for my son aged 17 tried the usual site ie compare and money market.com just got him a 1999 1,2 corsa i have ten years ncb on my own car the wife has been on my policy for 7 years with no claims the corsa is going to be registred in my wife name thanks very much""
Can other people drive my car with my insurance?
I am going on a road trip with a friend but I don't want to drive the whole way. I have AAA insurance, will it cover my friend if she drives my car part of the way? She has state farm insurance if that makes any difference.""
On average how much is horse insurance for a 5yr old 16hh Thoroughbred Show Jumper for example?
I'm trying to calculate expanses for when I get my own horse. I will most likely be getting a Thoroughbred around 5 to 8 years of age. I will have him/her for Show Jumping purposes including competing. On average how much will insurance cost for this horse?
Any good/affordable individual health plans for me and unborn baby in Connecticut?
My boyfriend and I are moving to Connecticut in Nov. from Seattle area. His plan can't be renewed until next summer. I got laid off in July and am currently on COBRA plan with my former employer ($350/month). The carrier is Kaiser Permanente. The HR told me there is no Kaiser in NY/Connecticut area and recommends me to buy individual health plan with other companies. Anybody knows good health plans for young and healthy woman (with a baby coming) in Conn. area? Thanks in advance!
Health Insurance Florida?
is there any health insurance available for a 23 year old in the state of Florida I make $600 a month but I don't have much leftover after I pay bills and the free clinic is always very crowded I can never see a doctor and I know my health is very bad so is there any health insurance that is similar to Medicaid I used to have that when I was a kid and you were able to see a doctor with that I am hoping to find insurance that's is affordable and doctor offices will accept thanks in advance
Motorbike insurance question (UK)?
ok i am planning on building my own motorbike from scratch. i did a little bit of research into insurance costs and i can't seem to find any company that offers insurance for home built bikes. they all ask what make and model it is but how could i tell them that if i built it myself? also any suggestions of companies that would insure a home build would be help full. thanks guys & gals
Why does another persons driving record affect my insurance?
sharing a residence with other people doesn't mean sharing vehicles or the responsibilities, so why should their driving record affect my insurance rates?""
I got a ticket for failure to show insurance in NJ . How will this effect my insurance rates.?
The day I got my car, I was got a ticket for not having insurance in NJ.I had insurance but paper had not come in the mail yet. I went to court and it was lowered to failure to show insurance and I paid like $185. How will this effect my points and and my insurance rates. Should I reopen my case and plea not guilty or see if I could get it dismissed and would I have to get a lawyer for that? Is it worth the money? This is my first ticket ever. I though he would dismiss my case after explaining my case but my public defender was really rude and impatient when I asked him If I could have the case dropped saying You're should be glad I am not getting your license taken for a year! which is true, but I had proper documentation so there was not way my license would have been suspended.""
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
Is there an individual health insurance plan that has bariatric coverage? ?
I need to find insurance that has the following: 1. Bariatric Coverage 2. Out of Network Coverage 3. 60-100% Out of Network Coverage per day Does anyone out there know of one that has all of these features?
Can't afford the insurance on a car I just bought.?
I can't afford the insurance on a car I just bought yesterday, I had made quotes before and one of them was in my price range for full coverage since I am making payments but I didnt realize until now it was for liability. Am I able to take the car back with no penalty or will it hurt my credit?""
Car insurance confusion?
Hi i'm 18 and my driving test is coming up soon and i always look for quotes on cars to see for the future. My mum said she will possibly give me her car and get a new one if i pass. But on insurance quotes for the car i will be getting i will be the main driver but not the policy holder or registered keeper as i still live at home with her and she will still use the car to go shopping and things like that but I will drive that car the majority of the time. So because i am the main driver on this quote and will drive it predominantly it is not fronting? However my mums no claims will be put on this quote as opposed to her other car so is that still ok? And who will get the no claims bonus at the end of the quote the main driver or the policy holder and if its the main driver will my mum still be able to use her no claims on another car if i gain my own? Sorry for all the questions i just want to make sure i'm not going to be breaking the law on any possible quotes i may take out Thanks in advance.
Health Insurance Question?
If I sign up with a health insurance for 1 year and I was undergoing heavy treatment towards the end of our contract and I need to renew. Can insurance company deny the renewal? In state of California. I want to get Blue Shield Of California
What's the cheapest auto insurance company?
I'm 24 at the moment, auto insurance is raised for teenagers who are under 25 so i would like to know what is the cheapest auto insurance company out there (i'm currently under my dad's policy and its off the roof, but not that bad $1300 for 6 months) P.S. I hear State farm is the cheapest is that so?""
How online auto insurance works?
Registering a new car,not a transfer of insurance. I am planning on purchasing GEICO insurance but am not sure how process works. After reviewing registration steps it states the local agent has to sign and stamp RMV-1 form. How will that work if my insurance provider is online? Do they send an agent or do I drive out to closest office? Is the process longer with an online insurance?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 16 y/o boy?
I'm getting my liscense soon and we have allstate and its expensive as hell! I live in texas and i dont plan on buying a sports car so how much would my insurance be you think and where should i go for cheap insurance?
What happens after i complete traffic school for a speeding ticket?
I'm 17. I got a speeding ticket in February, payed it in March, and finished traffic school this month. I went to take my traffic school certificate this week. Does this mean it is cleared? I live in California? I'm wondering because I'm trying to get an insurance rate and it asked if i ever got a ticket.?""
Best Health Insurance for Young Adults?
I am 21 and a soon-to-be college graduate. What is the best health insurance company/plan for someone in my position? Please include the monthly cost. I've heard alot about Blue Cross Blue Shield but this is a very important decision and I need a little help making it. I am not looking to get on my parents' health insurance. Thanks!
Expired car insurance ticket?
So I got pulled over in may and had expired car insurance of about 10 months. I had presented my expired car insurance document and the cop had my car towed to a nearby car shop, where i got it back a few days later. The cop called another cop to drive me back to my university since my car was towed. I was talking to the cop who drove me back and asked what I can do and he told me to just plead not guilty on my ticket and get new insurance and bring it to the court. I don't understand, how can I plead not guilty? It was his advice and he knew my insurance expired. How can getting new insurance do anything for my cause? Any help appreciated, thanks.""
Category 1 Cars To Insure? Also Insurance Tips?
Hi everyone. I am a 20 year old driver who is 21 in March. I have my test on the 17th Feb and I am hoping to pass, obviously! I would like to ask for a few tips to make driving as cheap as possible. I have been looking at category 1 cars for insurance prices. Like a Citroen C2 or a Corsa, and I would like to know, before I buy, if anyone knows any tips to keep my insurance down. I currently have my own small business, and I live in the Midlands, which may class as a high risk area.. But I would like to know, what is the cheapest cars to insure, and tips to keep the insurance as low as possible. Also, will it help that I will be a little bit older than the 17/18 year olds who start driving? I am a male also. Thanks for anyone who can help me out!""
""16, got a car brought for me.. can anyone help me with an insurance question?""
i'm 17 in 3 weeks.. and my parents brought me a car, it has no insurance but we need to get it back to my house. as i'm only 16, does it have to be on my parents insurance until my birthday?""
Can i get braces free from insurance?
I reallllly need braces and I've been looking for any dentists in chicago that accept insurance in chicago. I live around cook county and anywhere around irving park or places near there would be fine but i really want to get braces that my insurance will cover. I am 13 years old.......thx!
""Where can I get free health insurance in San Diego,California?""
I need health insurance, but can not afford any because of bills, and paying off college. I realy have alot of health problems, but have no money to fix them, I need free health insurance fast. Please help.""
Can I get off of my parents auto insurance?
So when I got my license when I was 19 about two years ago I was automatically put on my moms nationwide insurance which was fine because I drove one of her cars but now she only has one vehicle and although I do still live at home I'm a full time student at a community college so she usually drives me around so she can keep the car so in order to save money would I be able to drop myself from her car insurance policy since I don't really drive anyway?
Where i can get very cheapest motorcycle insurance?
i bay a motorcycle and my dad don't agree to give some money for my insurence
Car insurance refund!! PLEASE HELP?
i paid 300.00 deposit for the my car insurance on 12th december 2009, than on the 30 december 2009, i canceled my insurance. do you think they should refunded me? please tell me what should i do? thanks""
How is the health insurance bill in the Senate going to lower costs?
Can someone explain to me how the bill going through the Senate right now does anything to control costs for the average family or person in the US? So far this is what I see: 1) If you have a good plan they are going to tax it - Raises costs 2) The insurance companies will have to cover everyone, even preexisting conditions - Raises costs 3) Cuts payouts to health providers for Medicare - Raises costs on others (they have to make it up) 4) Shifts costs to States for Medicaid - Raises state costs which raise state taxes 5) Cuts how much the Government pays for drugs - Raises cost when pharma makes up costs on private plans 6) Forces businesses to provide insurance for employees - Raises costs on all products Can anyone explain how this bill can lower costs for those who have insurance and keep them from rising? I am all for health insurance reform, these reforms just look terrible to me.""
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
What is average car insurance for 19 year old boy and girl?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
Car insurance?
which car would be the cheapest to insure for a newly qualified driver aged 19 male uk thanks in advance
""Car insurance rates are through the roof and I don't know why, help!?""
I need help with car insurance, I'm having some problems. Okay, I'm a 21 year old single, never married, male and I got my driver's license when I was 18 in March 2008. Now, I know my car insurance rates are high because I'm young and a guy, but here's the problem. I see people who are about my same age who have been driving for the same amount of time as and have no accidents, violations, or tickets like me. My car insurance rates are ridiculously high, I mean insanely high, even compared to others my age. My younger brother even, he's had his license for a year, he's 19, and had 3 speeding tickets and still pays less than me. On average for my car insurance rates, getting quotes online range from about $1500 all the way up to $2500 for 6 months! I used old vehicles, new vehicles, safe vehicles, unsafe vehicles, every kind of car/truck you could imagine and my projected rates are still through the roof. For example, for full coverage with the minimum amounts and highest deductibles, my insurance on a 2010 Mazda 3 would be about $1800-$2300 for 6 months. However, I also got a quote for a 1997 Ford Escort and the same exact coverage is still $1200-$1300. I don't get why my rates are so much higher. A coworker of mine is 21 years old, not married, no tickets, and has had his license since 18 like me, and he has a 2007 Mazda 6 and he only pays about $170 a month, which translates to about ~$1050 for 6 months. I put in my information including SSN on the same company's web site that he uses (Geico) and my insurance rates are about $1700 for 6 months. So my question is why are my insurance rates so high? I have no tickets, no moving violations, no accidents, nothing, and yet insurance rates are so high. I figure SOMETHING has to be on my driving record, but I can't imagine what. How can get a copy of or look at my driving record? I just want to know why my rates are so much higher than other people, male or female, who are about my age and have been driving for about the same amount of time and yet I still pay 2x or 3x as much as me. Please help me out! =)""
Who much money does it cost to start an insurance company?
I want to start an insurance company in Florida and was wondering how much it would cost to start one. Do not hesitate, give me your best estimate. Also, do insurance companies keep funds gathered through insurance policies in a fund or do they invest it? Comments? Thanks!""
What used vehicle has the lowest insurance costs?
What used vehicle has the lowest insurance costs?
How much does your teen's (19 y.o.) car insurance cost?
My dad's been footing the bill for my car insurance the past few years. Now that I've been driving for a while and got an internship, he wants me to pay. I'm not complaining, but I'm just want to compare how much you pay for your insurance (if you're a teen) or how much you pay for your teen. Also, I've not been involved in any accidents at all.. and no tickets as well, including parking tickets. For three vehicles and a travel trailer, my portion of the insurance is about 55% of the entire bill with a brand new car on the list.""
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
Loveville Maryland Cheap car insurance quotes zip 20656
0 notes
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
"How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance for 17 year old?
So I'm 17 and looking for a car, I'm a football referee and could do with my own transport to get to games ect plus I'd love a car :P so can anybody suggest cars with cheap insurance for a 17 year old male, also is there any factors that would bring my insurance down ?? Thank you""
Insurance company and liability coverage on a leased car?
My sister is leasing a car and she changed insurance company last month. Don't know how this insurance Company gave her liability on a car that's not her's but they did it. She said they didn't even ask if she was leasing and when she asked how but full coverage was she said it would be to much. So lets just get this one. Now she just got into and accident on xmas day and her car is damage badly. The insurance people said they cant do anything with her car because of the coverage but I think that's not fair because she is still leasing on that car. What can be done can she sue the company on is it just her lost.
Insurance companies use credit reports?
Just got notice from my insurance company (auto only) that they are going to be ordering insurance loss history reports and motor vehicle reports. They will help determine our eligibility for insurance and the price we may be charged. All well and good. But here's the kicker, the part I don't get. They also say that they may order additional consumer reports that include our credit info. They may use a credit-based insurance score based on that info. And they may use a 3rd party to develop our credit-based insurance score. Is this normal? Do many companies do this? Is this something that anyone else is outraged about, and is anyone fighting this? I don't have much cause for concern really, but I don't get what one thing has to do with the other. You could explain that to me too! If it matters, this is American Family Insurance. Does State Farm do this?""
Car insurance question?
My daughter has just passed her driving test here in the UK and her insurance costs have gone through the roof on the smallest car around. Is it possible (and legal) to insure her in Europe somewhere for her to drive in the uk for less money? Thanks
Car Insurance questions (teenager)?
I am a teenager, and i live on my own. I pay my own bills and everything and i need to find the CHEAPEST car insurance possible. Can you help me out? Liability.... Yes, i know its cheaper with my parents, but my mom took me off of her insurance, and i need to find one fast.""
Can I get Car Insurance on my own?
I'm 17 and ive had my license and been insured since 5-3-2013. But my parents are cancelling me off of their insurance because they found a pistol grip in my truck and are convinced im some type of thug gangster when in reality i was at a friends house helping them clean his dads gun and i guess they had just left it in their. But they said if i can find a insurance company that will take me without my parents having to be responsible for any mistakes i make (like if i got a speeding ticket their insurance wouldn't go up) I can still drive as long as i pay for my own insurance etc. I'm still in high school but i work a full time job because i get out of school at 10:30 everyday so i can afford insurance plus i do alot of side work. It's a real messed up situation because the truck i have now i payed 2500 cash for it after saving up for 3 years and now my dads selling it and taking the money because it was in his name so nothing i can do there. im selling most my stuff so i can buy another car. i just need insurance. I really need a license so i can continue to get back and forth to school and work. Please any help would be much appreciated.
Are YOU required to have auto insurance or is the CAR required?
Simple question, is the person driving suppose to by law(i live in oklahoma) have insurance or can the car just be insured by someone else say, parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent? i know legally if the car is in a collision then the insurance policy my by null and void. but i want to know the technicalities if i just have one of my relatives insure my car without me being listed can i get in trouble if i dont get into any accidents or the person whos name its under? ive spoken with many insurance agents saying that technically you can do what i stated above but most insurance companies will drop coverage if they find out that someone is driving the vehicle other than the rated driver. im just tired of paying 150+ for liability due to unfortunate events in the past...thank you.""
Can anyone tell me Obama's discount rate for Health Insurance?
He states healthcare will be affordable for everyone? What %age discount will we get? How much will insurance be (per month) for those battling chronic diseases that cost in the tens of thousand of $ each month? Do you think those people denied, due to preexisting health conditions, will be able to afford insurance now?""
Motorcycle insurance?
I received my scooter insurance in the post but is there a cert like a car as i did not receive one and if there's not what do i bring with me to prove to the police i have insurance?
How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate?
I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking
How long will it take insurance company to pay off stolen car?
How long will it take for insurance company to pay for car? & what happens if they recover it?
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill!!!???? What can I do?""
Is car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner?
I think car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner, is it really true?""
What is life insurance?
Life insurance is suppose to be used as a protection of income. In case you die, your family is protected from devastation of substantial income loss. But, many insurance companies are selling it as an additional source of income or as an investment, which is really is not. Therefore, many families who have life insurance are underinsured because these cash value life insurance are very expensive. If you are using life insurance solely for the purpose of saving up for a goal or emergency, why aren't you investing it in mutual funds or put it into an IRA? If you are afraid of the stock market, then open a money market account. If you are saving up for your kids education, then open a 529 plan. All these alternative ways are better than keeping your money in a life insurance because you never have to pay it back if you use them. As to life insurance, if you use any of the cash value, you will have to pay it back with interest.""
Insurance when renting a car? Waste of $$?
I'm 22 yrs old, renting a car from enterprise in 5 wks. On a budget and trying to cut costs, was wondering if the insurance they offer is really necessary, or just a waste of money. I currently have progressive insurance on my vehicle. Can I add this rental to my insurance for a cheaper rate? Or is insurance even an absolute MUST. Realistically, how often is it actually used? Any answers would help! 10 pts""
Insurance BIN Number?
I need to bring my insurance information to the pharmacy in order to get my prescription costs down. They asked for me to bring several numbers, such as ID #, Group #, etc. I got that, but it also asks for a BIN # . I don't know what that is or where to get that info, is it on the insurance card (I have Blue Cross)? I hope someone can help because I'm in a bind. Thanks, Patrick""
How much would insurance cost for a Toyota Celica GT?
I am getting my license soon and I was looking at a Toyota Celica GT (most likely a 2001 or 2000) I am in high school and I am a girl. I heard that guys get higher costs is that true? thanks!
Please tell me the insurance companies that would take my car insurance payments through a bank standing order
Because of my credit low rating, I have been paying regularly my creditors such as phones providers, professional bodies and charities through standing orders. But the insurance companies insisted on Direct Debt or Credit cards which I cannot use as of now. Please assist in finding any car insurance company that would take a bank standing order. Thanks.""
I need to rent a car but I have no car insurance?
I am 25 and have a secured credit card and am looking to rent a car for my road trip in December but have no car insurance at this time since my car needs a lot of repairs and so basically it's just sitting in my parents driveway until I can get it fixed and is not registered therefore I don't have insurance on it. Long story short this is my first time renting a car ever and it's just going to be me driving but since I don't have car insurance then how does this work? Help is appreciated.
Has anyone had experience w/causing a car accident & how much your insurance goes up?
I just got into a car accident & I was at fault. It appeared to be minor, based on the small dent in the other person's car, but the couple both have soft tissue injuries. I have no accidents or tickets on my record. I'm wondering if anyone out there has been in a similar situation as me? How much did your insurance go up? I hope this couple doesn't lie about their injuries or embellish them and I hope their injuries don't turn out to be serious. It is too soon to tell. Thanks.""
What is select life insurance?
My insurance agent wants me to update my insurance plan with select life insurance. They explained select life insurance to me, but I want someone who is not trying to sell it to me to explain it to me. So could someone reexplain select life insurance so that I know the pros and cons?""
""Claiming to have gotten my license at 16 years of age, for cheaper car insurance?""
I found out when getting a car insurance quote, that if you claim to have gotten your license at 16, it will lower your quote, and you can pay it right there online...my question is, will the company look for the issue date on your license? if they do, will they adjust your payments?...""
Why the heck does car insurance make you pay more...?
when you call to file a claim? Like, why do they raise your rates when you call them to use their services that you're already paying for? Someone pryed the emblem off my friends car and he said if he claimed it on insurance his rates would raise just because he claims it. What's up with that?""
Can you get your license in California without buying insurance right away?
I have had my permit since last June and have taken two behind the wheel lessons. My mom just told me that she cant get me my license because of the cost of insurance. I was wondering ...show more
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Ohio?
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
What is the best life insurance to get for my parents?
I keep getting the gut feeling that I need to get life insurance for my parents. Is that possible? If so, which company is the best?""
How much will my insurance and maintenance costs be affected by what type of car I get?
I'm about to be 18 and am planning on getting my first car soon. I've been driving for almost 3 years in my parents' cars but need my own for heading off to college and such. I don't know what type of car I want to get, but it's gotta be cheap, old and used, preferably up to $6,000-7,500 at the absolute max. The problem is that I've been really into cars for most of my life and would rather have something a little nicer to start, I mean within the same price range but for example a Mustang, Mitsubishi 3000GT, BMW 3- or 5-Series, etc., rather than the usual Civic or Camry (not that I'd mind one of them either). The problem is that I'm worried the insurance will be way more expensive. The latest quote my dad got was a few weeks ago and it was quite a bit lower than I expected, only like $560/yr., but that was with their old '93 Taurus GL. Will having a sports car or more high-end car affect it really dramatically or will it not make that big a difference as long as my driving record stays good? Also, how much more does it cost to maintain and repair a car like a used BMW than it does just a normal car like an Accord? I've always heard that European cars in particular can be temperamental and finicky if not maintained properly, so I'm just worried that I won't have the money and know-how to have and keep a car like that as my first car.""
What insurance would i need and where should i go to get it?
I'm working between 3 employers doing carpentry and need to insure myself incase i hurt myself and can't work for a number of days. Also incase of something severe happening like losing a hand or breaking bones. I need to know what insurance i should get and what kind of cover. I don't know a lot about insurance so any information is really appreciated. Thanks Drew
Car insurance that covers young people driving other cars?
I'm looking to buy car insurance as my renewal is due on the 30th of Nov, Does anyone know of any insurance companies that will let you drive other people's cars with the owners permission? I'm 20 at the moment and I'm aware that most insurers will only cover 25+ for this benefit but I want to know if there are any companies that offer this to younger people under 21, also if anyone knows of any companies that cover over 21 year olds this will also be helpful as I'm turning 21 during the course of the policy can anyone help me with this?""
""WHY the hell is motorcycle insurance SOO expensive in Ontario, Canada?""
I took identical information and filled out a progressive quote for both DETROIT and LOSANGELES and both are 2356 FULL coverage (im 16 years old with zzr600), While when i got a quote from TD Bank they said 6000$ what the f u c k my damn bike doesnt even cost that much got damn it.""
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is more beneficial?
What is the difference between comprehensive and third party car insurance and which one is better. I have a 2005 wagon r lxi and wants to renew the insurance which one should i opt for.?
Impounded Car Insurance Payment Method.?
Hi Everybody, Just asking everyone if any one ever paid for the insurance for an impounded car by police? What happened is my car got stopped over by police and towed away by their recovery van. Now i am getting an insurance to get it back ( Long story short , the car i was driving was without insurance as i had not received letter of my insurance cancellation and i was under the impression that i had insurance ) I have searched and able to get a quote from two well know car insurance companies ( One of them is impoundedcarinsurance.com and other is seizedcarinsurance.co.uk ) and both companies are asking for DIRECT TRANSFER OF MONEY IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT as they dont accept Credit Cards and Debit cards for the payment. Has any one paid by this method ever ? Is it secure ? Am i being suspicious wrongly or there is some thing fishy in it ? Many thanks in Advance !""
Avoid ticket in California for no proof of insurance?
I had just bought the car and was coming home and I got pulled over and I didn't have proof of insurance but I did have it. My mom got insurance whilst I was driving so when I got pulled over my car had been registered with Allstate but I couldn't have the paper because I didn't have a printer on the spot. I had insurance but no proof of it.
Discount car insurance by putting another name on my insurance?
I know plenty of people the same age as me, 19 who have put another persons name on their car insurance eg. family or friends so its cheaper due to the other persons experiance, my mum passed her test when she was 21 but has never drove a car or owned a car herself since... so would putting her name on my insurance be pointless.???""
Car title and insurance
hi my sister is sending me her car on Monday with the title. If I go to the DMV that day with the title will I be able to drive the car that day? I will also be callign my insurance agency to add the car - does that take more than a day? thank
How much do insurance agents make per hour? California?
I went to an interview and was ask what yearly salary I was looking for. I wasn't sure what to answer. I live in California. The position is going to required me to travel to two different offices. The company is called Fiesta Insurance. Thank you
International student health insurance US?
My college requires insurance. I am already in the US so I won't be able to purchase a plan from insurance provider from my homecountry. Can anyone give some suggestions of affordable and reputable insurance provider that you have used? I did some googling but I would want to confirm that the insurance companies are indeed legit. Thanks!
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 23 yr old?
Impeccable driving record, no tickets, felonies etc... Have a car and I've been driving for 6 1/2 years. My premium with Geico is only $80/mo. I just need a general figure for something with over 600ccs. Thanks.""
Cheapest first cars to insure?
Now ive been searching for months and getting quotes on all forms of cars,I have read pages of articles on best first cars,and none of them actually have any truth to them. smaller engines are cheaper .No they're not,quotes for a 1.2 and a 1.4 fiesta/corsa the bigger engine is always cheaper (yes these are the same trim,same year and similar mileage) Insurance groups? pfft what are they,insurance group 1 vauxhall corsa 1.0 costs atleast 200 more than a 1.6 VW golf... I can insure a 25 Foot mercedes sprinter with a 2.2 engine for 975,yet a 1.0 corsa or 1.2 fiesta is waking up 1200+ Cheapest quote ive obtained is 650 for a ford fiesta car derived van. Can anybody explain these ridiculous criteria,do they even have one? I am 18 years old and passed my test today.""
How much would it honestly cost me for a Kawasaki Ninja 250 '08?
Im 16 getting a permit very soon, working at a summer job and when the summer is over, going to work at a local pet store or grocery store (part time because of school, so ill be getting minimum wage..) By the end of the summer, i will have about 1,300. As you can see, im looking at a ninja '08 but of course thats not set in stone because i am only 16. But I am really dedicated to have the time for it and I am trying to get the money now. My dad said he will probably put me on his insurance, but since it is a motorcycle and I am young, I'm not sure how much the insurance is... Also, I have read 10,000 people say the Ninja 250 is a really good beginner bike, so if anything i would buy a used one. How much would the used bike, insurance, equitment (helmet, etc), and locks for the bike cost in total? Thxx a lot""
How much of a difference will a Mercedes cost to insure and register than a BMW?
I have a 2001 BMMW 330i and I was planning to hand it down to my little sister (who just turned 17 and got her license) Although, she wants a 2000 or 2001 Mercedes C230 or C240. My parents can afford this for her... but I was wondering how much more her parts will cost and how much her insurance and registration will cost her. Please no one who tells us that we should get a cheaper car.. it's not going to happen. Thanks though.""
Car & Health Insurance?
How pathetic of a country are we, that car insurance is mandatory, even criminal if we don't have it, yet health insurance is not? What does this say about us as a society?""
How much does the car really influence the insurance premium?
I never had an accident, or points on my license. Would my insurance really go up if i were to trade a beetle in for a convertible eclipse (used, an 03)? I've always heard the sporty the car the higher the insurance, but is that true?""
Low cost healthcare insurance for kids?
Are there low cost healthcare insurance for kids other than Healthy Families? I had healthy families but due to sending my premium late, they disenrolled my kids. I am covered by my employer through Kaiser but there is a significant amount of money deducted if I cover them. Thanks in advance.""
Can I buy a car 4 months before my 17th birthday but not pay any insurance?
My 17th birthday is not until April and I've found a really good price second hand car but as I can't drive it until April is there any way I can buy the car but not start paying insurance until April? or not pay as much
Insurance on a stolen ATV?
I just recently had my ATV stolen which I still owe $5,300 on.It does have full coverage insurance through state farm.I still don't know if they are going to pay it off but my question is if they do pay it off and its recovered will I get the ATV back and get to keep it or will the insurance take it or will they do like a totaled car and give me the option to buy it back?""
""New driver, Do I have to buy my own car insurance?""
So I recently got my Novice Drivers licences. I drive my parents cars atm and they both have insurance to cover me. However, I've saved enough money to buy myself an old Toyota Corolla and I was wondering if there is a cheaper way of insurance than paying the $3,300 for novice drivers. Is there a possible way to combine my car with my parents for a cheaper insurance price? thanks!""
Would i be able to get a car insurance policy on the same car?
my boyfriend and i drive the same car and he is under his parent's insurance for now. i cant be on their insurance. Would i be able to get insurance for my self on the same car?
Need help choosing car insurance HELP!!! =)?
Im 20 yrs old. i've had my drivers liscence for 2 yrs, and i have a clean driving record..I need affordable car insurance for my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... any suggestions???""
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
Is Geico auto insurance liability only?
Is Geico auto insurance only liabilty coverage or do they have full coverage also?
How can these insurance companies like Geico claim to save you money on your car insurance when ?
when they are spending so much on stupid commercials
""No health insurance, now what?""
for the last 3months ive had numbness in both my arms and feet, i believe its a pinch nerve, as of now i have no health coverage until january cause i applied late for it through work. am i doing the right thing by waiting , i cant afford to pay for a doctor, medical bills are expensive, what would you do""
Liability Insurance for Kids?
What is the most important liability insurance for young people?
""What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
What is the average cost of business insurance in Portland, Oregon?""
Best car for low insurance? UK?
I'm 20 year old girl, just started having driving lessons so this would be my first car. I got an estimate online for where I live it would be about 1000; Greater (West) London but I know; obviously it depends. It would be cheaper on a classic car but don;t want the risk of repairs and high maintenance that would come with older cars. However I do love the classics and would consider them if it decreases the insurance. I'm a student living at home. What cars would be best for low insurance? I love Volkswagen Beetles but want to look at other cars as well. What are some 'low risk' cars that won;t drive my insurance through the roof??? Thanks for all the help!!!""
""Best car insurance, in your opinion?
I'm getting my car insured by myself for the first time and would appreciate any advice!!
How much will my insurance increase if i get a 1994 mustang ?
I'm 18 and right now i have a really crappy 1994 mercury topaz and my parents pay my insurance, which is $110 a month, but they said if i want a better car, i have to pay the insurance increase and was wondering if someone could give me an educated guess of what ill be paying. Thanks""
Obtaining health insurance policy number?
I need my health insurance policy number for a school trip I'm taking. I don't have my Insurance card and I am wondering how to get my policy number thanks.
Where i can i find affordable eye insurance? is it worth paying monthly in comparison to the $$ at checkout?
Where i can i find affordable eye insurance? is it worth paying monthly in comparison to the $$ at checkout?
What is the most economical route to buy affordable yet adequate health insurance?
I am not working and have limited income. I have no known health problems. I am 60 years old and I do not smoke or drink and I exercise regularly. Does anyone know the best way for me to find out who to contact? I live in KY...one of the worst states for insurance. We do have Blue Cross and Humana that I know of... I would like to have no more than a $2500 deductible. Thank you so much for your answers. God bless!
Is geico really the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old driving a sliver 2001 mustang?
Dont know which insurance is cheaper?
What are some of cheapest but decent cars to run ( I am 17 years of age)?
insurance? MOT? petrol litre? = cost?
Can my employer raise my insurance rates without notifying me?
I wanted a refund for insurance rates I paid with my employers group policy now that I no longer need the insurance. They are now telling me that my rates went up back in January and want to back charge me. Is this legal?
18 yr old Car Insurance Advice?
I recently moved out of my parents home due to family issues. Im 18 yrs old and need car insurance but can no longer get it through my parents which made it much cheaper. Im wondering what my best options are.
When will insurance total a car?
At what point will my insurance company total a car? My husband was in a car accident and the whole front end of the car is damaged - the estimate is $7800 to fix and the car is valued at $9100. The body shop has been waiting a 2 days, so far, for the insurance to decide what to do. I am hoping it can be fixed but I also need to know if I need to start car shopping.""
Health Insurance Advice?
I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either.""
""A starter motorbike for a 17 year old, needs to be cheap second hand and be able to ride on the motorway.?""
Hi, i need a bike which is cheap to run, cheap to insure and first and foremost cheap to buy. I don't mind old second hand bikes unless advised against them because I believe you could learn a great deal repairing an old bike than having a new bike that nothing goes wrong with. It needs to grow with my abilities, i.e in a couple of years when i go to university I may want to motorway travel, therefore a 50 cc moped is just not going to do. Don't know whether this is correct, but I once read bikes are safer than mopeds/scooters because they have the acceleratory power to pull away from danger if necessary. Needs to be cheap to insure, I looked at a 300cc MZ Saxon and fully comp insurance was around 317. This is manageable, 2000 for a car is not. Please suggest to me some bike which fit these criteria, thanks!""
""What would a $50,000 cadillac cost per month? + insurance?""
im looking into the cadillac sts (sp=47,000 - 78,000) and i want to know the monthly cost.. $275,000 yearly income (get paid yearly).. which is about $23,000 a month combined. take into account teenager insurance which i heard can be brutal and also... would buying this car stretch my finances? i dont want my family to be uncomfortable for just a car. like someone earlier told me 1k a month for my car payment but i want to know the other estimates""
Auto Insurance Experts: How much will I be penalized for lapsed insurance due to non-payment (I'm unemployed)?
I have been without insurance for nearly a month now. I have been unemployed for 5 months, but I will start a new job next week! Yay! Since I will start working soon, I will be able to afford to pay again. My car will also be paid off next month. I plan to go with a new company. (I do not have loyalty to the current company.) I used to have a well-known national company for years. When I first lapsed six months ago, my long-time company DOUBLED my monthly premium. I went for a low-budget, local company. Will the new company force me to pay for the time I did not have insurance? Or will I face a penalty? Will they charge me a higher rate? **Believe me, I know that I am taking a terrible risk driving around without insurance. I know that it is illegal...but I have been unemployed for 5 months, and have used the little money I had to pay rent, utilities, my car, groceries for me and 3 kids. I just had no other choice... I just want to be prepared for fees, higher rates, penalties, etc. Can you please give me some advice and suggestions on how to get myself back on track? Thanks.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old female with a convertible volkswagen?
How much insurance for a 16 years old boy?
in california
Car insurance for 18 yr old male RIDICULOUS?
I'm 18 and male, so turns out car insurance companies think its okay to rape my wallet. I've been looking at a few quotes on different sites and they come up in the $300-$400 range. I tweak a few things, telling the generator that I'm a 30 year old married woman and then it magically drops to $70 per month. This is crazy, I'm an extremely careful driver, I never drive over the speed limit and I constantly check my mirrors. How the hell do young males afford it?""
Can you insure a car that does not belong to you?
I am driving my friends car with his permission and have taken out a car insurance policy in my name. Is this legal?
Health insurance...what does this mean?
My school has an option that states that unless you have health insurance from a ' government sponsored health insurance plan' then you have to go with the school's health plan.......which is so expensive. So what are the 'government sponsored health insurance plans?
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
Do i have to have a motorcycle license to get motocycle insurance?
Do i have to have a motorcycle license to get motocycle insurance?
Blackjack: What is insurance?
How much does the player put down for insurance, and what do they win? Also, if their is anything else about it, I'd like to know that too.""
I recently had hail damage to my car and my insurance company did an estimate which is 100% lower than 3 reput
I recently had my car damaged by hail and I have comprehensivr coverage. My insurance company had an adjuster do the estimate and his estimate is 100% lower than 3 other estimated I had done (some of which weer by shops they work with...CRP). They are telling me I can take it in and they will pay the shops a supplemental check for the additional costs. I don't want to take it in because of my deductible and they are telling me pretty much the only way i can really re-coup the money owed to me is to have it fixed...I pay for my policy and as I understand it, i am entitled to the compensation of the damage and it is my choice to have it fixed or not...am I right or wrong in my understanding????""
""I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
""How much does car insurance cost for 21yr old, is it monthly or yearly?""
I am new to US. I stay in Los Angeles, CA. I have never driven before. And I am talking about a pre-owned car probably a 90s or 2000 model of toyota. Would appreciate if you'd answer with an estimate.""
""I bought my first car and need to get insurance on it, do I have to put my parents on my policy?""
I've talked to a few different insurance companies and half of them insist I need to put my parents on my policy since they're family and I live with them. The other half of the companies don't even ask. If I add my parents to my policy it makes the price per month go up a ton, and know one that I've asked has been able to tell me if I should have to add them or not, I'd rather not add them, since they don't drive my car anyways, we all have our own cars to drive.""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
i have insurance through my company we are switching from KAISER at 136.00,per check which is 272.00 per month and were as the company pays the other half,AETNA now will charge 178.00 per check which comes out to 356.00 per monththis is the only option that our company has given.so i'm asking ANSWERS help in finding affordable health insurance for me and my spouse i'm 8 yrs younger i'm turning 62,this july 29 and my spouse is turning 70,this nov she has arthritis and myself just sciatica off and on somebody please help with affordable health insurance thank you Gilley""
What is the age limitation for life insurance?
what is the age limitation for life insurance? I mean in Europe, Canada, or the place called.. , austitralia.""
""For my first car, what engine size and car do you recommend I get?""
What engine size do you recommend I get? Is a 1.4 liter a lot for a first car? Also, I understand the fact the bigger the engine, the higher the insurance will cost, but since I know nothing about cars I do not really know about all this engine size stuff. Also, apart from insurance, I understand about road tax and MOT, can you tell me how often I need to have an MOT and how much it costs? Thanks.""
Best car with cheapest car insurance?
I have passed my driving test in the uk. I am 17 year old male. I wanted to find out what is the best car to get that offers low car insurabce. Thank you
Car insurance?
I got my license 2 weeks ago and I am getting a car this week. What insurance company would you recommend that I go with? Progressive, Gieco or AIG. If you have any others, feel free to throw it out there.""
Auto Insurance company is refusing to cover my rental car. What can I do to fight this?
Exactly a week ago I was involved in an accident at the fault of another driver. The other driver's insurance company (USAA) has been sitting on the case not doing a damn thing. I had to call them yesterday just to get them to read my accident report, and accept liability. They hadn't even contacted the policy holder! They told me that they would set me up with a rental car, and cover the fees. Today I went to Enterprise to pick up the rental car and was asked if the insurance company (USAA) had mentioned anything about a underage bracket fee. When I told them that they hadn't, the woman at enterprise contacted USAA. It was then that they stated that they would not pay for the underage fee (I am 19), which is about $22 per day. Naturally, I was completely outraged. Both my insurance company and USAA's offices are closed at this time, so I have to wait until tomorrow to contact them. I was told by my agent that because the accident wasn't my fault, ANY cost that is a result of the accident MUST be covered by the other driver's insurance company. What can I do about this? I don't have the money to pay for the fee, but I need the transportation. I've already been without transportation for a week.""
How much would a 2005 Honda Civic Coupe be worth?
I probably totalled my car. What is the estimated value of the car? How much do you think my insurance company will give me for a new one? Is there a site I can go to?
Where can I find Affordable Health Insurance in Florida?
Where can I find Affordable Health Insurance in Florida?
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
How much is insurance for an Eagle Talon?
I need a new car, and I found a great deal on a 95 Eagle Talon, but my dad says that the insurance would be too high since I recently got into a car accident, and I'm only 19 years old, and because of course, it's kind of a sports car. Does anyone know about how high the insurance would be for someone living in Missouri? Any help appreciated.""
Got a ticket for 30 over and have American Fam. Ins. 1st speeding ticket. Any insight on rate increase?
Aim a 23 year old male & this is my first ticket for speeding technically (I got a ticket 6 years ago for speeding but it was dismissed in court). I also totaled a car 7 years ago but that seems to be irrelevant now (I would think). I was sighted for going 75 MPH in a 45 MPH on interstate 670 in Columbus, Ohio (45 due to construction not in progress so fine was not doubled). The office stated to me that the traffic flow was moving well above the posted speed limit however I was moving a bit faster than the flow. My first question is should I take this to court and fight it (also hope the officer does not show) If the traffic flow was moving considerably over the posted limit then why wasnt any of the people ahead of my pulled over? Does anyone think this will stand in court or do you think the fact that I was going 30 over pretty much kill my defense? Also (since I believe I will have to pay) how much do you think my insurance rates will increase? Like I said I am a 23 year old male with 1 prior speeding ticket that was dismissed in court 6 years ago, totaled a car 7 years ago and received a ticket almost 3 years ago for peeling and squealing (which was BS). Any insight is helpful and thank you all for taking time to read my post and respond it means a lot.""
Does insurance get cheaper with age or experience?
(UK) - I passed my test last summer. Just wondering does car insurance for young people get cheaper with how many miles they've driven/owned a car/been with an insurance company etc OR is just how long you have had your licence for? Cheers
Which is the best insurance which i need to take for my parents who visiting USA?
My parents are coming to US and need to take a medical and dental insurance for them. please advise
First car insurance?
what would the insurance be on a 03 mercedes e500 for a 15 year old boy? and what about an 07 hyundai tiburon? which one is going to be cheaper?
Does my husband need his own insurance on another car?
my husband was insured on his car but its now sold and the insurance run out yesterday, he also drives his business partners car on which he is a named driver on the insurance, now his insurance on his own car has expired is he still covered to drive his partners car even tho he dosent have his own policy? im unsure how it works so just want to double check..""
Insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 1986 iroc camaro?
I'm 16 have a 1986 iroc camaro 350ci and i live in an average neighborhood in western ny i'm a male. any insurance guestimates? I'm gonna need to be on my own plan.
Insurance on a 1979 Dodge Challenger?
I know I've asked this before but this time I'm just being a little more specific. I'm looking for how much insurance would be on a 1979 Dodge Challenger. I live in Ontario Canada near Toronto. I am a male and single. School and work are within 15 Kilometres of my house. I will be 18 when I get the car, I will be the principal driver on this car and there are 3 other drivers in my house. My driving record is clean, no accidents or tickets.""
Which auto insurance carrier is best?
I want to find a reliable company. I've looked into Geico and Allstate... just don't know how they handle claims and things. Any input?
What is the average insurance of a 16 year old driving a chevorelt camero sorry for the spelling?
What is the average insurance of a 16 year old driving a chevorelt camero sorry for the spelling?
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?
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