#she’s either a fujoshi or a lesbian to me
klazje · 5 months
i think karyn faro reads yaoi on the bridge
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spitinsideme · 6 months
you're so lesbian wow ! did you ever come out of the closet irl? or i mean did you even have to or are you noticeably a woman enjoyer
to my family ? im as lesbian as it gets, ive never "officially" come out bwcaude my parents and all of my family are EXTRMELY honophoboc (from siciliy, whoch is a VERY catholic and homophobic and honestly jist all things bad place) like i once asked gor an undercut and i once mentioned liking yuri to my fujoshi aunt (shes a bit of an odd one, but honestly our of everyone in my family shes the most likely to accept me even if it takes time, yay to yaoi i guess !) but i think that all my fmily knlws deeo in thwir heart that im a lesbian, my father believes its because of striped shirts but nonetheless ! i think they all know ... just lyong to th3mselves ...
to like, my friend ? ive mever come out to her either but i think she jusr knows ? we were talkong once about like hypotheritxal boyfriends an she just said "oh but youd prefer a girlfeiend so you get a girlfriend" and i have never in my life even mentioned gays, i nust literally LOOK gay. i have a varsity jafket thats half black half white, and the sleeves are like a different colour to the shirt .. so its black sleeve, white part of th3 jacket, black part of the jacket, white sleeve (its a very cool jacket !) and on the back it has embroidery that says "official bowling" woth cool ass bowling pins and stuff ... and the only shirts i wear are syriped shirts or sjirts with big ass like designs (i have a shirt thats just a huge design of a leopard, its my favoirote !!!) and i exclusovely wear ONLY baggy cargo pants and also huge ass platform boots .. hard to look at me and think yeah she likes men
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Han Sooyoung
han sooyoung is one of the main trio protagonists yet people constantly ignore her in order to ship the other two males despite the fact that they are all doomed by the narrative TOGETHER!!! fanon content is even worse because it either slaps a lesbian sticker onto her to shittily write her off in fanfic OR they make her so one dimensional its like a cardboard stand in. han sooyoung arguably has a more important/interesting dynamic with the main male protagonist yet everyone ignores her because they want their uwu gay babies IM SO SICK OF ORV FANS
Dokja and Joonghyuk are a very popular ship (rightfully so, i get it) but usually Sooyoung is seen as in the way of their relationship or not as valued as the other two even though her place in the story and relationship with the other characters is just as strong. Recently there was a post on twitter being rude about people who ship her and Joonghyuk (which is a super valid ship) and i saw a lot of hate that i believe just stems from her getting “in the way” of a yaoi ship. 
99% of that kind of symbolic fanart REFUSES. to acknowledge her existence man. even though she is part of the main TRIO man
Shinoa Hiiragi
The fandom hated her for getting in the way of Mika/Yuu (she had a crush on yuu). The rare times they didn’t hate her they made her into a fujoshi obsessed with shipping them which isn’t in character at all. In fact if you look at the owari no seraph specials she would ship yuu with kimizuki but no one even cares
One of my favorite characters ever forever and treated heinously by crazed fujoshis that hallucinated she was getting in the way of MikaYuu, which for the record she wasn’t! I mean even if she WAS getting between them it wouldn’t justify the crazy misogyny that got thrown at her but she had a ONE-SIDED CRUSH on Yuu. He didn’t even like her back. What was the issue, then? An unrequited crush is not going to prevent a relationship! Whatever I haven’t even told you about her. She’s Silly. She’s incredibly cunning and a great leader, in fact she is the leader of the anime’s main squad. She’s calculating. She’s a gossip and a prankster and a bit flirty and a bit mean-spirited and she presents herself in a Silly Goofy way, in part to cover up the amounts of angst in her backstory, like my girl has ISSUES. She even has an epic demon weapon that is better and cooler than most other demon weapons but if you ask any fangirl from way-back-when, she’s just a bitch and the personification of evil. and probably homophobic too, even though she has a girl rival-turned-friend which is the gayest trope out there. 
She seems to be the (male) protagonist's love interest and appears to be canonically in love with him, but he is not interested in her whatsoever, often brushing her off and dismissing her in favor of thinking about his found family instead. I don't necessarily ship him romantically with any other male character (i hc him as aroace) but by god the anime was extremely charged with homoromantic subtext in every corner. One of those "holding each other's faces in the opening, spends the entire first season pining and wishing to be reunited" types. The fandom ships her love interest with another male character to the extent that I started watching the show in the first place because i kept seeing ship posts of the main character with that other guy thought they were cute. And also i cannot fucking stand her personality and want to light her on fire. I think the rest of the fandom agrees with me but I'm honestly not sure. I'm also a gay man so i think you could argue that I, the submitter, could play the role of the "yaoi" terrorising her as well
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cartoonrival · 3 months
do you think sakura could be arospec?
this is something ive been thinking about especially because i hc the rest of team 7 as aro/aspec for their own independent reasons so it just like. seems like shes left out if shes not. to be fully honest i think her sexuality is pretty much free reign in terms of headcanons because even though her crush on sasuke is supposedly at the center of her story theres a million angles you can take on it regarding how genuine that crush actually is. the same argument people use to hc her as a lesbian could be used to say shes aro or that she's literally just not in love with him but still caved the general pressure to pick someone to be in love with.
her crush on sasuke being some form of comphet definitely does carry water, considering how she presents her crush on him to ino and her friends like it's an accomplishment that will make them like her more, and obviously her crush is exaggerated to the point that it wouldn't be a stretch to say she's just acting how she's seen people on tv act when they're in love.
on the other hand, i think observing that sakura has slightly mildly obsessive tendencies from the start is kind of important to understanding how her time with team 7 turns her into the person she is at the end of the story; someone who will go through hell and high water for the people she loves, for the idea of a perfect team that she only got to see flashes of to begin with. she is, after all, the only person who naruto (an insane person) feels understood by in his love for sasuke. that's the reason he feels drawn to her, and he's admitted this multiple times. with this in mind, i also don't think its inaccurate to say that her crush on sasuke could easily be genuine. she's 12, after all, a first crush at that age does make you act stupid.
the point of all this is to set the scene that i truly think people can take whatever angle they want with her sexuality. im honestly not married to any particular headcanon. i think she tends to have an attitude that she understands romance better than naruto does (who is almost definitely accidentally aroacecoded and im tired of acting like thats just my personal headcanon and not well supported by the actual text), which usually makes me lean towards the idea that she has a better idea of these supposedly intrinsic feelings and therefore is allo. her initial struggle to understand naruto's obsession with sasuke (describing it to sai as brotherly) plays into this but im not sure how. it could potentially be ascribed to the idea that she doesn't think it looks like romance because she has a rigid idea of what romance looks like. this is just weird. i feel like she would've suggested to naruto that she thought he was gay if she thought he was gay, but she doesn't do this (saying this in terms of her as a character separated from the person who wrote her. i know why kishi didn't have her suggest that). but maybe naruto being gay just didn't even cross her mind because homophobia runs so deep. but she's a fujoshi so that doesn't seem right either
ok so i guess my answer is no i dont think she is. but i think its well possible for someone to headcanon her arospec and for it to be awesome
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Code Geass LGBT+ characters
It's June 1! Start the month of pride! And, in commemoration of this, I have prepared a special post! Let's take a brief look at Code Geass characters who have a "different" sexual orientation. The last one may be a surprise for you (doesn't it seem extraordinary that an anime from 2006/2008 has LGBT+ characters in its catalog or is that feeling just mine?). That being said, come with me inside each of these sheets that I have made with great care.
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We start with our evil white prince, Schneizel the Britannia. The series has hinted to us that Schneizel is homo. Odysseus commented on how strange he was when he saw Schneizel with Nina in episode 9 of R2 since he had never seen him in the company of a woman. And, before that, Kanon introduced himself as Schneizel's assistant in personal and state affairs and, although Kanon tried to play it down by saying it was a joke, other dialogues and a specific Picture Drama imply otherwise. Hence, I has also put Kanon, which is the other variable in the equation, on this sheet. The light novels take Kanon's eccentricity a step further by casting him as a transvestite. However, the light novels aren’t canon, so they don’t have any kind of validity (and if you want to rescue this data as headcannon it is your business). Therefore, both are likely to be homo.
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We continue with a character whose sexual orientation is super obvious. Nina, Lelouch's companion and friend who falls madly in love with the lovely princess Euphemia li Britannia. Another little proof that she is lesbian is in R2's third Picture Drama. When Shirley is making adjustments to Kallen's dress on her while she's half-naked, a blushing Nina is staring at her (ahhhhhhhhh! Didn't you know Larry!).
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The other girl is Sophie Wood, she is Shirley's roommate, who, in her own words, said that she isn’t attracted to boys (so it is highly likely that she is homo like Nina).
And I couldn't put it here! But I'm going to give an honorable mention to the girl who wanted to kiss Milly in episode 6 of the first season of Code Geass.
By the way, the lesbian pride flag is purple, the one below is for a subculture within this community that defends the characteristics associated with femininity (it seems to me that these girls embrace their femininity, so I don't think it's wrong to leave them that flag).
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We continue with dear Lloyd. Cécile explained to Milly, who was her fiancée at the time, that Lloyd "didn't feel any attraction to the opposite sex" and I don't remember exactly if she added or it was Lloyd himself who said that in general terms he wasn’t interested in people. Words more, words less, Lloyd is asexual.
Now yes. Let's go with the elephant in the room!...
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While Code Geass was on the air, the fandom speculated that Lelouch might be asexual since he was surrounded by female beauties and he paid no attention to them. Still, it seems the fujoshis had hopes that he was gay (or, at least, that he was disinterested enough towards the female sex). However, Lelouch didn’t show interest in boys either and to this I must add the words that Lelouch gives to Rivalz when he offers to take him on his motorcycle in the Audio Drama "The Black King": "I don't like to hug boys from behind" (It's an inherent response from someone with fragile masculinity, but I think it sums up Lelouch's view of the male body.) Then, R2 episode 7 was released and the fandom was thrown into a crisis because it was discovered that Lelouch did indeed have an appetite. What's more, Kallen is the only girl for whom Lelouch genuinely experienced sexual attraction.
Fanboys love to flaunt their ignorance of him "arguing" that Lelouch was depressed and when he bumped into Kallen, he got sexual desire. Nevertheless, these fanboys are speaking out of envy because if they really understood how libido works, they would know that in periods of stress and depression libido (or sexual desire) decreases. Therefore, it doesn't make any sense that Lelouch suddenly manifested sexual desire for that reason. In such a case, for our hero to be hit by his libido at that moment, it's because it already existed.
And, I'm going to tell you something juicier for you to take notes and reflect on, Larry, the libido is a very powerful energy that if it isn’t drained in the conventional way, let's say, it will do so through other ways since it needs to leave the body (quoting an article I read, "sexual energy is not destroyed, it is transformed"). Do you see where I want to go? I mean that Lelouch was channeling all his repressed libido through his rebellion. So, once Lelouch left it (remember that episode 7 of R2 was titled "The Abandoned Mask"), he tried to put that energy to its "usual" use. But Lelouch doesn't go in search of sex, it wasn't his intention, Kallen arrived and he took advantage of the opportunity.
Here we come to the reason for the post. Why demisexual? Or graysexuality? For starters, what is that? Both demisexuality and graysexuality are halfway between asexuality and allelosexuality (that's why both flags have the same colors as the asexuality flag, which is the flag I put on Lloyd). Demis and grays don't usually feel sexual desire towards other people, but they do have libido. The difference between the two is that the demis feel this desire with those people with whom they have forged a strong sentimental bond. To put it another way, it is as if the demis first need to be attracted by the intrinsic qualities of the other person to be attracted by the external appearance later. And what is Kallen from Lelouch? She's his loyal subordinate, yes, but at the same time, she's his friend from the student council.
Demisexuality is such a new thing that I assure you that if you try to investigate on your own to find out more, you will see certain contradictions. Thus, there are those who consider it a sexual orientation in the sense that the person who identifies with it will feel attracted to someone, beyond their gender, as long as an emotional connection has been built (from this point of view, depending on the strength of the emotional bond that has been created, Lelouch could be attracted to Suzaku or Kallen and so on). On the other hand, there are those who evaluate it as an identity that is limited to a certain sexual orientation (from this perspective and sticking to the series, Lelouch would be a straight demi, so regardless of the affective connection he has with Suzaku or Rivalz, he will never be attracted to them because he has a preference for the girls who belong to his inner circle and even so, it doesn’t mean that he desires all his female friends because as I said before, there has to be a special bond). What does this throw at us? That will have to be further investigated. In any case, and this is my opinion, I believe that demisexuality does have an orientation.
And, since sexual orientation generally coincides with romantic orientation, I'm going to assume that this is the case with Lelouch. Besides Kallen, he could feel a romantic attraction to Shirley, who is just another friend of his. For that reason I lean towards Lelouch being demi (straight). Although, again, I don't rule out that he's gray (I haven't even completely ruled out that he's just a repressed heterosexual). That is why I have put the question marks between the flags.
None of this is confirmed or will ever happen because Okouchi, Taniguchi and the Sunrise team don't care about Lelouch's sexual orientation and I bet his sexual education isn't very vast either. But that's how the Lelouch is made. If you don't like it, blame Sunrise and their marketing strategy.
Can you imagine that Code Geass would have been released in this age of awareness of various sexual orientations and, on top of that, it was a western series? It would give a lot to talk about if there were a demi/grey protagonist, which are two little-known manifestations of sexuality. And don't twist my words, Larry, I didn't say that the show would focus solely on that. I'm suggesting that maybe the media would publicize it that way. You don't have to act melodramatic either, Larry! I’m posing a hypothetical scenario. No fictional character comes to mind that fits more demi/greysexuality than Lelouch. I find it interesting.
Anyway, this will remain as headcannon and I'm going to leave it here. I already feel like a teacher and I don't want to xD I hope you have found this publication to your liking or interest. We are reading each other.
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Stranger things teens ship analysis
disclaimer: I can’t write about all the stranger things ships in one post, so I have another post about stranger things kids ships (Byler, Lumax, etc.), and am also planning to make one about the adults.
Jancy: Jancy was really cute up until season 4. Then their relationship became kinda toxic. But in all the other seasons I definitely shipped them, and I’m pretty confident that they are an endgame ship. Rating: 6.5/10
Stancy: I’ve never shipped Stancy, and I don’t think that the duffers want us to either. They were clearly just used as a prop to get Jancy going, and they were quite a toxic relationship. Steve and Nancy are better off with other people, and I hope that Steve will realize that like Nancy did. Rating: 0/10
Ronance: The idea of Ronance is cute and I ship it about as much as I ship Jancy, but I don’t see it becoming canon because Robin and Vickie both canonically like eachother, but who knows, I wouldn’t mind much if I were wrong 🤷. Rating: 6/10
Jargyle: Jargyle is awesome, and I love it. I ship it about as much romantically as I do platonically, and you guys are really out here doing gods work with the fanwork. I don’t see it becoming canon because it’s pretty clear that they are just besties, but I’d love it if it was. Rating: 7/10
Stonathan: to be honest I don’t see the chemistry at all with this one, but the idea of the ship is cute. And I mean, Steve was pretty chill with the fact that Jonathan literally slept with his girlfriend in season 2. Rating:4/10
Steddie: I liked Steddie at first, but Steddie fans have kinda ruined it for me. A lot of them are either Eddie stans/simps, or fujoshis, both of which are a red flag. The ship it’s self is really cute, but some of the fans are problematic and we all know that if one of them wasn’t white there wouldn’t be nearly as many fans, I mean look at them compared to jargyle, both are healthy ships, but only one has a large amount of creepy fans, and yet that one has WAY more shippers. I think that that’s a little suspicious. (Also I’m aware that there are plenty of normal Steddie shippers out there, I just think that there are more problematic ones than there should be.) Rating: 4/10
Rockie: (is that the ship name for Robin and Vickie?) I don’t have that much of an opinion on this ship, but it’s pretty cute I guess. My only problem with it is that I wish that they had given Vickie more screen time or introduced her earlier in the series because it’s hard to me to care about a ship when I hardly know anything about one of the characters. I feel like that was kinda bad writing on the duffers part, but that’s my only problem with it, other than that it’s fine. Rating: 6/10
Buckingham: The fanwork for this ship is everything, but they literally have zero moments together. I get why people ship it though because the dynamic would be cute. Rating: 5/10
Chrissy x Jason: (what is the ship name for this????) Jason really cared about Chrissy, but they barely got any time together on the show, plus Chrissy was giving me lesbian vibes so- Rating: 3/10
Harringrove: Billy was definitely a simp for Steve, but Billy was rasist, abusive, and just a terrible person in general and Steve deserves a lot better. Rating: -100/10
Barb x Nancy: where is the hype for this ship?? It’s so cute! Barb wasn’t alive for very long so I don’t have that much to say on the ship, but i definitely shipped them while she was alive. Rating 7.5/10
Hellcheer : I didn’t see any chemistry for this tbh. They interacted once, when Chrissy tried to buy drugs from Eddie and then got vecnaed. I just dont see where people are getting a romantic relationship from, I guess. Rating 3/10
Part one ⬇️
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Love love LOVE your ship thoughts!! They're very good and if u have anymore prophetic visions, please share them! 💖 It's nice to see how the more underrepresented characters in the story get interpreted and analyzed, because GOD KNOWS the main tags don't do it lol! It's hard in these streets for the minor character lovers!!
thank you very much god has cursed me for my hubris and my work is never done <3
a couple more ship thoughts ive been rotating (less coherent, more vibes-based):
tenji. i think tenten is like. an EXTREMELY fem-leaning bi and neji is demi. i dont really think they're in a relationship so much as i think they just get really close as time goes on by nature of spending so much time together. and like. there's romantic interest in both parties. and they both think the other's like hot and stuff. but more than anything its the fact that they Know each other on an incredibly deep and intimate level, so much so that it kind of surpasses either of those things you know. quietly codependent. i think that if we keep neji dying tenten just kind of... quietly slips out of the shinobi lifestyle. takes on less and less missions until one day she leaves konoha and never comes back. lee and gai might notice, but i dont think they'd chase after her. i think it would kill her to stop fighting- i think tenten is fascinating because weaponry is an art, and she loves it, but the harm it causes is real too, and there's really no situation where she can comfortably explore this thing she loves. if neji survives, i think they still stick together. tenten spars with him still, and they have a little farm by a lake. they're actually one of my favorite little rarepairs lol i just think they're cute!!!!
gemisu: gemna and ebisu do weed together and they have DEFINITELY sucked each others dicks at some point. sorry this is canon kishimoto told me so.
deidara is aroace but i think that he keeps going on terrible blind dates because sasori (crushing on deidara and mad about it because he KNOWS hes aroace and also deidara??? really??? deidara??? he thought he had STANDARDS but this is untrue he likes deidara. probably the worst thing to ever happen to him) dares him to and deidara loves escalation. at one point he and iruka end up going like idk ninja bowling together and there is so much property damage but somehow he gets roped into the Kakashi Polycule for a couple weeks like that one. tweet about infiltrating the polycule and doing the dishes you know. he and obito have a weird cold war thing going on. the thing falls apart when itachi stops by to be weird and passive-aggressive at deidara because he left his laundry in the communal akatsuki drier when he 'joined' the kakashi polycule and makes eye-contact with gai (resident uchiha repellent) and sticks to the ceiling like a frightened cat for several hours and somehow THATS the thing that makes everyone realise that the new blond guy is actually just deidara. from the akatsuki. its probably the most successful infiltration of konoha ever and no one even catches onto the fact that obito was there too. a couple of other people try to get secret government information by sneaking into polycules and it works so shockingly well that it become a legitimate strategy employed by like every major hidden village. deidara loves to brag about inventing it and also learns nothing from any of this. he continues to go on blind dates and cause more problems and sasori keeps setting him up in the desperate hope that it helps him get over him (it doesnt)
mikoshina is realllyyyy cute and also i love lesbians. i think that like. they are best friends who kiss with tongue sometimes. like they have those vibes. minato is completely cool with it but fugaku is INTO is reverse fujoshi. you see my vision.
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piduai · 2 years
Something western BL fans do is insane white-knighting for JPN fujoshis. They’ll claim that BL (and fujobait shows to an extent) actually liberates JPN gay/bi women for some reason and that fujoshi is a reclaimed slur against them. Of course the people who say this rarely consume F/F media. Oh, and anybody who express anti-BL sentiments is obviously a nazi or a TERF apparently.
see funny thing is that for some reason *every* single japanese fujo i met irl felt the need to tell me how disgusting she thinks lesbians are. it's not that i told them anything either it just seems like they have a built-in radar for this. this one time in uni we were playing jinsei game in a group and an open and proud fujo puts her figures in a car. they're both blue. ok. "i think it's very cute when two men have sex with each other and start a family". alright. "however when two women do that it's disgusting and unnatural", she says while looking at me. girl what the hell. for some reason they always sniff me out like blood hounds, and they're not nice about it. had this exact convo with 4 or 5 other girlies. what gives. like i want to know how this 6th sense of theirs works. anyway my opinion of japanese fujos is maybe even lower than of the western ones for this reason, but hey no need to be prejudiced i guess. i'm sure not all of them say that lesbians should be [REDACTED due to sensitive topics]. anyway. as for western fujos caping for their sisters in arms, what can i say, coomer recognizes coomer. they always search for ways to justify their disgusting habits with girl power or whatever
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rainystudios · 5 years
Here’s a list of resources you can use to learn more about Japanese Queer history, literature, BL, Gei Komi, Fujoshi, Fudanshi etc.
Edit: It’s honestly depressing that anyone I’ve seen so far who disliked this post and commented on it either went off on completely unrelated tangents, or assumed that I'm either white (I’m not) and/or not gay/queer as an excuse to talk over me. It’s extremely ironic claiming to be open-minded/progressive while removing any association of queerness from people who discuss BL/Fujoshi history as an excuse to talk over them. “You’re gonna say your as oppressed as gay people???” hello, I am a gay POC.
People who perpetuated the Anti Fujoshi narrative were terfs and you’re actually being transphobic by spreading their narratives. They call trans MLM fujoshi because they hate trans men and see them as “fetishistic” women. They don’t see trans men as men, they see them as women.
Just like how people who hate trans women call them “fetishizers” since the 1970s in western anti-trans circles. That’s it. That’s where it comes from.
These same people even censor Queer which was also perpetuated by TERFs as a means of excluding trans/nonbinary/intersex identities.
Either read the masterposts in the links or leave, but stop getting into fights with your own strawmen on my posts.
Sidenote, I find it interesting (and by interesting I mean disgusting & disappointing) how the term ‘Fujoshi’ has come full circle in western culture to mean: ‘rotten women, degenerates, women who ruin everything, women who are ruined/deviant/corrupted, Abusers etc. etc.’ When it originated as an overall general term for women who didn’t conform to conventional gender & heterosexual roles & standards in Japan. That was it. That’s all it meant.
They were literally considered “ruined women” not fit for marriage or regular society. It was deeply misogynistic & homophobic in root. Female fans were referred to as Fujoshi whether they were “exploitative” of M/M relationships or not. Simply appreciating or engaging in queer relationships to any degree was seen as “rotten” and deemed someone a Fujoshi. The term is NOT exclusive to people who are seen as fetishizing said content/relationships. It’s a reclaimed term still actively used to this day in Japan.
Western fandom has taken this reclaimed word that comes from Japanese context & culture, and weaponized it all over again. To the point where people don’t even remotely know what it means in historical terms and throw it around with smug abandon. To the point where if they saw a Japanese person use it, would likely unleash a full-scale hate campaign against them. I don’t know if some newer western self identified Fujoshi are somehow using the term wrong as well but I’m talking about the actual REAL original meaning & context that has only become present day warped in western fandom, and is used to attack women & lgbt+ ppl who dare mention the term. (Or label them as such to deem certain ppl as fandom undesirables.) It’s embarrassing.
I’ve literally seen people say ‘time to reclaim X series from the Fujoshis! :^)’ When the original author of said work they’re celebrating... Would be considered a Fujoshi...
Fujoshi isn’t synonymous with ‘exploitative nasty straight women’. 
Many of these women were & are queer themselves and “BL”, Yaoi & Yuri works are all a means to explore gender identity, sexuality, empowerment, etc.  Lots of iconic shojo series overlap with themes present in a lot of these works too. It’s not a coincidence (Utena, Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, etc.) 
Many people I know personally who also grew up with BL works, including myself later discovered “Oh I’m bi, I’m genderfluid, I’m nonbinary, I’m trans, etc.” The past few decades BL has still been ‘taboo’ for having queer relationships, but at least in western culture it was a “safe” way to engage in these stories when LGBTQ+ media was actively shut out from main stream media. People didn’t pay attention to manga or comics, so buying them, borrowing them, reading them could be done almost in plain sight. While most of us didn’t identify/call ourselves Fujoshi we’d still be considered Fujoshi, make sense?
I implore you all to at least do some research and read academic articles BY Japanese women & other older fans about these topics before subscribing to the misinformed hate-wagon and bastardizing a non-western term beyond recognition.
I also find it worth mentioning that Fujoshi & Fudanshi both refer to women & men respectively who are “corrupt/rotten/disposable” for enjoying M/M relationships in any fashion. Sexualizing men is seen as inherently negative. 
(This is a side topic but there is even a whole paper (I dont think it’s been published yet? I know this because I attended a conference where she presented last month) done by Kazumi Nagaike who found that there are self identified Fudanshi men who identify as straight & read BL manga because its the only media in which they can experience a male character receiving romantic affection, attention and being comforted and cared for lovingly) They actively hide it though because it would be seen as shameful. Fujoshi & Fudanshi culture isn’t as shallow & degenerate as these westerners make them seem.)
But, there is no mainstream term (if any) for individuals who write about/enjoy or sexualize F/F relationships, and if there IS a term I’ve never seen anyone use it or make a big fuss over it to remotely the same degree. No “lets reclaim these yuri/lesbian characters from those nasty men >:)” large scale campaigns. It’s always women & queer fans that get thrown under the bus.
Here’s a great master post with numerous sources and further in depth explanations I would just end up copypasting so here’s the link instead
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sasukesun · 4 years
Me, a lesbian with a knife: keep that bitch away from me don’t let her come within 💯 meters
Seeing people label Sakura a lesbian is reeeeaaallyyy annoying to us lesbians like...... don’t put that on us we don’t claim her
Can you even imagine if Sakura knew lesbians were real? She’d lose it’d break her mentally go full mask off she’s def the most homphobic person in this manga
someone sent me an ask once saying a lesbian posted “keep that straight girl we don’t want her” and i said that as i bisexual, we don’t want her either k i wouldn’t say she’s the most homophobic person cause tobirama is right there!!! (and jiraiya and hiruzen and danzo yadda yadda) but i get it lol i don’t remember it exactly (so sorry if it’s not right) but i think she even said something homophobic? (and no, getting a nose bleed by seeing the reverse harem between sasuke and sai is not mlm solidarity, it’s fujoshi behaviour)
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gvr0-kawaii · 4 years
Queerbaiting vs Homoerotic Subtext vs Fanservice
A lot of fans throw around the terms “queerbaiting”, “subtext”, and “fanservice” quite a bit. But what do they actually mean when they say “queerbaiting”, “subtext”, and “fanservice”? I hope to fully explain what each of these “fandom” terms mean.
Queerbaiting: Queerbaiting would best be described as “a deceitful marketing tactic to draw in LGBT viewers by making obscure LGBT references and making these characters act expressly gay/lesbian/bisexual but then denying everyone saying your character is gay/lesbian/bisexual”. This is done so that people on the internet (most often Tumblr) hear that such-and-such character is gay/lesbian/bisexual, and it draws attraction to your show/movie/game whatever you are marketing. The best example of this is Dean Winchester and Castiel in the CW series Supernatural. They were the best example of queerbaiting in television history. For twelve years, they hopped and skipped around the subject of Destiel so that they could continue to make bank and line their pockets with the attraction of the show being “there’s this angel and this human, and they’re in love, but they won’t actually admit it even when they’re about to die”. However, they recently confirmed Destiel on Castiel’s end (making it an unrequited love situation) shortly before Castiel’s death.
Homoerotic Subtext: Homoerotic subtext would best be described as “writing your characters as gay but not dancing around the issue to the point where there it is stil up in the air about whether or not they are gay”. It is essentially heavily implying that two characters of the same gender are either in a relationship with each other or in love with each other. The best example of homoerotic subtext would be Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham from the 2014 show Hannibal on NBC. They were implied to be in love with each other (with Will straight-up asking “Is Hannibal… in love with me?” at some point during season 3). They also ran away together, and the lead-writer, Bryan Fuller, then confirmed after the show was cancelled that, yes, Hannibal and Will are in love with each other.
Fanservice: Fanservice would be best described as “throwing in a scene that the target audience would particularly enjoy purely for the audience’s entertainment”. In this context, fanservice would mean putting two characters of the same gender in a romantic/erotic context. It is the one that most people have issues with. This is because, in the anime community, there is a certain group of people called “fujoshi”. They are women who generally enjoy yaoi anime (MLM/Boy’s Love anime) the most out of all the genres. They have a reputation for fetishizing the MLM/Achillean community to a ridiculous amount. A great example of fanservice of this variety is the anime Kiss Him, Not Me!. It is an anime about this fujoshi who was previously very, very unconventionally attractive who wakes up one day and is drop-dead gorgeous. The whole concept is about her trying to avoid all these attractive men who want her, but she’s trying to get these boys together.
Overall, I hope this cleared some things up about what the difference between queerbaiting, subtext, and fanservice is! If not, then I’d be happy to oblige in giving y’all some more examples or clearing up what I mean!
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brittlebutch · 4 years
I really relate to your 'fujoshi' post. I'm a lesbian myself, and I find it harder to consume pieces of media with main lesbian relationships as opposed to media with main gay relationships. Could it be because male characters are often much better written than female characters? A big part of it may be that for many female characters, being a woman plays a part in their identity. The same cannot be said for many male characters, or myself. Idk, this whole ask is just me rambling.
yeah i totally get what you mean! i don’t remember who the artist was so I’m not going to be able to actually show you what i’m talking about, but there’s this like, two panel comic that i saw once that was commenting on lesbian relationships in the media. like, the top panel featuring two lesbians watching a het romance saying they wish there was people like them on tv, and then the bottom panel featuring the same two lesbians watching a lesbian romance saying the same thing, because both women on the couch are butch and both of the characters in the tv are super feminine. 
it’s an almost surface level way of looking at the issue, but that kind of boils it down to the reality of the situation. like you said, being a woman plays a part in their identity in one way or another - whether its’ because they present as typically feminine in appearance or their personalities just factor it in more - and i just like. don’t relate to it lol! there just aren’t a whole lot of GNC women on screen in the first place - even if they have like. short hair or something they’re still wearing makeup and shaving and shit, you know? i mean fuck, even bart from dirk gently is a woman who is covered in dirt and dried blood bc she hasn’t Bathed in god knows how long, but you Know i still noticed that the actress still had shaved underarms anyway. so even tho i relate in a TOTALLY different way, i relate more to GNC fictional men than i do to the GNC fictional women because like. it’s actually GNC and not just some flat representation of it 
frankly a lot of it almost boils down to the fact that a lot of female characters feel like either Super one dimensional because they hardly have any screen time and don’t get a chance to develop actual character traits, or they have character and it’s just. somehow less well-rounded than the male characters tend to be? (although fuck who knows, that might just be because i tend to fixate on media that tends towards the former, so even female characters that get a lot of screen time still don’t get As Much as the men do so the men still wind up more developed just because we see them more often). 
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We (or at least I) need more actual queer representation in anime and manga.
Anime and manga as a whole has the habit to ignore the existence of LGBTQ+ individuals when creating their stories. This might be the consequence of Japan being a very homophobic country, but I have to digress, as a part of the Japanese youth revels against heteronormativity and since a couple of years has become “genderless”
I have seen many times the argument that “the sexuality of the characters does not matter for the plot of the anime” as an excuse to not put LGBTQ+ characters in a series, but if sexuality doesn’t matter, all the more reasons to give plot relevance to queer characters.
Now I understand that some people might say that there is already enough representation, or even that with genres like yaoi and yuri the fee is filled, but what I mean we need more of is non-sexualized, non-fetichized, clear and valid representation.
The problem with thinking that genres like yaoi or yuri can count as actual representation is that is harmful for real queer people. I´m not going to shade anyone for enjoying those genres, but there need to be a realization for them that the only point in that kind of work is to sexualize gay and lesbian relationships, and that they are fictional works not meant to be a real representation of queer relationships, astheyoften romanticize abuse, non-consensual intimacy, toxic relationships or possessive partners.
There is also the amount of times that I have seen young girls stalking or almost harassing gay couples because they are “fujoshis” and want to “show their support for the couple” they have been way too many, and it disgust me more every time I see it. It´s just a little reminder that yaoi is often made by straight woman, for straight woman, same being for yuri, queer people are not their intended demographic.
There is also a huge problem with queerbaiting and queer-coding.
Queerbaiting is when a series pretends to introduce queer characters to the plot to attract queer viewers and appear more progressive, only to never actually address them, making them irrelevant to the plot or giving them timelines or relationships that don’t get anywhere. Although this is a problem way bigger in western media it still happens in anime and manga.
Queer-coding characters, even though not actually harmful, does not help either, because by leaving the identity of the character ambiguous is that it makes the LGBTQ+ people that point out those characteristics look crazy. Characters like Caesar Zeppeli from JJBA part 5, Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Magne from BNHA, Kaworu Nagisa from Evangelion, Momoko Sudō from Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo, Christa Lenz and Ymir from Shingeki no Kyojin, and many more.
I’m not going to go in detail about why these characters are queer coded because that will take a lot of time, so I guess you will just have to take my word for it or look for the information yourself, which I highly recommend, as it is not hard to find.
I assume that if you get angry at someone for suggesting that your fave characters are any other that straight I got you real mad.
Even in series where there are LGBT+ characters they are usually push as supporting cast or antagonist, or porly represented.
But we can see a how things can be done with Alluka Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter, her character is an actual good representation of a trans person, and the struggles she has to endure by being part of a family that doesn´t support her, being Killua one of the few people that actually respect her and refer to her by her preferred pronouns. She is an important character in the cast and is significant for the development of the plot.
(As a side note, the HxH Fandom Wiki in English acknowledge the difference between sex and gender and refers to her as female, however the Spanish Wiki does not and refers to Alluka as a male, so, English wiki is Killua and Spanish wiki is the rest of the family)
There is also Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon, two characters that were clearly in a lesbian relationship, where the English dub made the awful decision to change to cousins, making everything extremely uncomfortable, but that’s another story. 
And at no point I mean that there is no good queer anime, what I actually mean is that the ones that are actually good are usually unknown by most people, leaving them in the obscurity, and most of the time not getting international translations, let alone anime adaptations.
Some examples of good representation are mangas like Shimanami Tasogare, Sabishisugite Rezu Fūzoku ni Ikimashita Repo (My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness), or Boukyuusei.
They have become petty popular amongst queer anime fans, for the sole reason that they are some of the few mangas that wanted to represent sexuality and gender in a modern, non-fetishized way. These works in no point queer-bated their audience, nor they romanticize abuse or toxic relationships like many yaois or yuris do.
Asking for more LGBTQ+ representation in anime is not “wanting to make everything gay”, it´s asking for the bare minimum. Wester shows like the new She-ra adaptation or Steven Universe, despite if you like them or not, have dared to put queer protagonist in their stories, and not only that but have allowed those characters to succeed, surely Japan can do the same.
- Catalina Vásquez M
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azurowle · 5 years
Why I, a trans man, am not comfortable with Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (or TERFs, as they’re commonly known):
They act ridiculously entitled to the bodies and experiences of trans men. You’re a trans man? If they’re feeling generous they’ll call you butch, regardless of whether or not you actually like women or not. They bemoan the “butch flight” that’s resulted from what’s supposedly internalized misogyny and act as though the decisions we’ve made about our bodies and ourselves are some great tragedy. (The fact that we were suicidal, incurably depressed, or just all-around unhappy regardless of our upbringings and how gender-neutral they were apparently doesn’t matter.)
They think continuing to suffer as women is better than transitioning. I fought with myself for so long on whether or not I was actually trans, or if I should transition. I was told that the only real treatment was “therapy and medication.” Aka, something I’d been doing for nearly half my life, with NO success or progress without seeming to backslide. (“Well everyone struggles, sweaty, i’ve struggles TWICE as long as you have so stfu you dumb libfem b*nt”).
They’re creepy as fuck when it comes to transmen who date women, exclusively or not. “Oh I’m so sad when beautiful wombyn transition into trans men” “wombyn who are transitioning have such ugly hairlines and it’s SO SAD” “now that my trans man partner is detransitioning I can love her as the wombynly wombyn she was supposed to be”. All things I’ve seen. Stop it. I’m not sympathetic, I’m creeped out. I expect this behavior from red-pulled incels.
Bisexual trans men get treated just as badly as bisexual women if not worse. If we date women, we’re either fetishistic, gab on and on about dicks in “wombyn-only” spaces, or are just called lesbians with no acknowledgement that we’re bisexual. If we date men we’re preying on other men. Nothing new. Next.
Trans men who exclusively date other trans men are called “fujoshi” or are “preying on gay men”. Anti-fujoshi, if you’re reading, take note. This is why I refuse to interact with any of you jerks. I don’t care that you think you’re doing the right thing. This is the context I encountered the term in first. This makes me highly uncomfortable.
We’re infantalized or treated as stupid. “QUADRUPLE risk of heart attack” “putting no thought into this and just doing it ‘cuz it’s cool” “You’re MUTILATING your BEAUTIFUL HUMLUGABAHOOZAS now what am I going to motorboat when you finally decide to sleep with me”. Even informed consent makes you read and sign a waiver showing you damn well know what you’re getting into. As for mutilation - as someone who actually DID cut their breasts and drink while hoping I would bleed out in the tub, that’s insulting beyond words.
They’re ableist. Autistic trans men/transmasc folks, when acknowledged at all, get tokenized and given fake sympathy. Mentally ill people seeking non-transition ways to cope with dysphoria are left to fend for and navigate a field with precious few resources and even fewer people willing to help. The detransitioners tried (which, thanks for that! You failed miserably but you at least tried.), which is more than I can say for the rest of the TERFs. Which leads into my next point:
They prey on and tokenize detransitioners. This is something that I recognize is a problem, at least here on Tumblr; detransitioners need to be offered more compassion and understanding than they’re currently given. Trans-exclusionary radfems prey on that to give them a nice little arguing point against the evil tr*nnies - all while continuing to refer to trans bodies as mutilated, calling trans people “delusional”, etc.
(And if you are a follower of mine - please, for the love of God, TREAT DETRANSITIONERS WITH LOVE AND COMPASSION. Don’t assume they’re sockpuppets. Don’t tell them they “weren’t really trans.” Anyone dealing with gender issues needs to be treated with love and as much support as can be given. Full stop.)
They ignore our specific medical issues while claiming to care about us. They want us to be okay with being referred to as something and someone we aren’t comfortable with when we’re pregnant. They ignore that trans men who have had their gender marker changed have difficulty accessing certain forms of healthcare (and when they do it’s “lol oops shouldn’t have transitioned”). My trans men/transmasc siblings of color are practically invisible to them.
If you’re a fellow trans guy feel free to add onto this.
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irinanonyme · 5 years
The whole stupid "Carole and Tuesday VS Yuri On Ice" thing (I'm kind of angry and it's long but if you have like 10 minutes you're welcome to read)
Hey, so I've seen a bunch of people throwing shade lately because "Carole and Tuesday doesn't have as much popularity as Yuri On Ice did and it just shows what kinda people those fans are."
People saying that just because it's not on Netflix yet it's not an excuse and then they compare it to Violet Evergarden.
Frickin' Violet Evergarden people.
Which is like, the worst example you can give. You're talking about an anime who was hyped up since back in May 2016 and released 2 years later in January 2018 not to mention that it's made by goddamn KYOTO ANIMATION. It ain't Bones my friends, yes Bones is great but Kyoani is just up there somewhere. Did you see A Silent Voice? Did you see Hibike Euphonium?? The trailer for Violet Evergarden has almost 4 million views while the trailer for Carole and Tuesday was released 3 months ago and it has like 400k views. Until now some people didn't even know that the anime is direced by Shinichiro Watanabe, the guy who worked on COWBOY BEBOP and SAMURAI CHAMPLOO.
Also it's not about "not knowing how to use kissanime", some people just want to support the official release financially and legally. Also some other people who already have Netflix accounts got excited when they heard it was coming to the site but now they learn that they have to wait 6 more months until it's fully released. You might love the anime to death and pirating it doesn't mean that you want to disrespect the creators but you sure aren't helping them now are you? I'm not trying to shame people for pirating, hell, I think that everybody on the internet has already pirated something at least once in their life. But please don't look down on people who have the money and are willing to help studios/creators financially. If they want to wait 6 months and binge watch it let them wait 6 months and leave them alone.
Also please don't get started on that whole "fetishizing" thing. I know this is gonna piss of a lot of people but here's the "hot tea" like tumblr users would say: LGBTQ people want to get accepted into a society where about 90% of it are straight people (which is completely fair and they *should* in fact get accepted) but whenever those straight people approve of a same sex ship it's fetishizing? So wait, when a straight girl ships a wlw ship "it's fine and hey girl you might be bi 😉" but if she's shipping a mlm ship it's suddenly "eew you disgusting bitch, fricking fujoshi I bet you jack off to that stuff, huh?" That's just effed up guys.
YOI got popular only after episode 7 because of the kiss, it was so incredible to the point where most people couldn't believe it, some still thought that it was maybe only a hug because it's rare having mlm and wlw relationships in an anime without the "yuri" or "yaoi" tag. It was also because for once a mlm ship wasn't shown in a bad light like having the taller guy rape the shorter guy then ending it up with "haha, omg I actually liked it haha. Now that you forced yourself on me I like you."
Or it being borderline incest like "Wow, even though he's my not-blood-related brother I have feelings for him."
Or having a huge age gap making it a borderline p*do thing like "He's a divorced adult and I'm only a high school student!! Oh gee what shall I do!!"
YOI became popular not because it was fetishized but BECAUSE it was in fact shown to be a healthy relationship by the creators themselves in a different setting than just "school/slice of life" it was a sports anime and there was no indicator of them becoming a thing. Many thought it was like Free where the guys are gonna have "gay undertones" the whole story but never actually get together. From my experience most "YOI haters" are salty people who still remember the stupid 2016 Crunchyroll awards who didn't mean a thing.
Also keep in mind that tumblr is not the whole internet and it doesn't represent everyone and everything. Even if there are surely some who really do fetishize same sex ships I don't think that most of them are YOI and/or Carole and Tuesday fans. People who really ship wlw and mlm ships are most and for all people who accept the LGBTQ community whether they're part of it or not which is already a big step onward for many. There are still some countries out there where you can get killed or sent to prison for being homosexual so when I see people supporting this type of content I get really thrilled. Not to mention that you can't really "accurately" tell who is "fetishizing" those relationships. You might look at a few reblogs and tell yourself that "Yup, this guy/girl is definitely a creep" but the truth is that you don't know. You have no idea who the person behind this reblog is, who's that person behind the screen. Maybe they're like 15/16 and they're not sure of their sexual orientation yet? Do you need to add a lesbian/gay/bi/trans,etc flag on your profile pic for you to be part of the community? No.
I'm honestly kinda tired of this "tumblr culture" where whenever you have an opinion it has to match others' opinions so you don't get hate/death threats by either kids or adults who don't have a grasp on reality and don't tell themselves that maybe "Hey, that person might actually be depressed and she/he might really kill themselves if I send them this so even if I don't agree with them I probably shouldn't."
People starting their posts with "here's the hot take/TED talk, I've been thinking about it for a while but was scared of talking about it" then it turns out that this "hot take" is 80% of the fandom's opinion and the sheeple in the comments somehow seriously think that it's controversial and are like "OMGG SPILL THE TEA SIS YASSS💖"
Or "Thank. You.👏👏 I was actually scared of saying it so I'm glad you did."
We're talking about a site where when you *actually* have a *real* "hot take" people will try to personally murder you and browse through your entire blog during 3 days just to find a stupid thing you said like 4 years ago to write a "call out post" on you with the meme "I'm about to end this man's whole career lol" then they be like "lol you fuckin' (insert bad thing here) supporter! I bet you're (insert mental illness/something that means "sick in the head" with a clever twist on words.)"
Then when you like a certain character or ship you have to make a 5k word explanation post where you start off by saying that you do understand that your "fav" is "problematic" and then you proceed to explain why and then you have to be a victim who was either bullied or taken advantage of in order to make people feel bad for sending you death threats and guilt tripping you so that they can forgive your different tastes and just call it a "coping mechanism" or saying that it's fine if you support that character/ship because you're mentally ill. Oh, and don't forget the apology post where you explain to people that just because you said something stupid when you were 14 on your blog it doesn't mean that you still think that way and that your views changed and yada yada yada.
Like?? What the actual fuck people?
Can't we just have a good time on this site for fuck's sake? Carole and Tuesday has only 5 episode right now which is not even 25% of the story since the anime is supposed to have 24 episodes. It's not available on Netflix yet and some people like binge watching series. Give it time, surely it's gonna get recognition soon and we're here to spread it too. I decided that no matter what I'm gonna have a good time watching this amazing anime and I support both CarDay and Victuri and any other healthy wlw and mlm ship, all LGBTQ people and anyone in this world who isn't a serial killer/terrorist/anything bad (obviously)
Thank you for reading the whole thing (hopefully) and if you don't agree and are about to write something really mean about me don't even bother please, you'll be talking to a brick wall and I only accept civilized conversations👌
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gnostic-heretic · 6 years
And when I say a lot of t*rf posts end up on my dashboard I mean it and it’s always so hard to try to separate between the people who are ultimately well meaning and didn’t know and those who spread this stuff maliciously. That post is right tho if you know what r*dfem transmisogyny and transphobia looks and sounds like it’s harder to fall for these posts... the shitty thing about t*rf shit is that it trickles down, in a progressive scale from their blogs to seemingly “neutral” (but never actually neutral*) blogs that maybe sound a little iffy but never outright call themselves g/ender critical or name trans people, onto complicit popular discourse blogs and then on people’s dashboards. *Hell one time I saw a blog that seemed like an innocent supergirl femslash blog just to find she reblogged constantly from t*rfs posts that were just on the borderline and never outright mentioned trans people, only buzzwords and this is what I mean by “neutral” blogs that are actually complicit. This blog has a lot of followers. How many of them reblog these posts uncritically? And I wish there were more lists of said buzzwords and how to recognise them but
The reality is that we trans people especially trans women have to be constantly on the watch for shit like this. We know the arguments and we know why they’re bullshit. Meanwhile cis people don’t really know the specifics of their ideology and seem to fall for it over and over. And the worst thing about it is that t*rfs use this as confirmation bias that their ideas are actually good and everyone would agree with them if they just present it without the slurs and mocking. But the slurs demeaning and mocking are a fundamental part of it, and of trans exclusion in general. Fear mongering and dehumanising trans people are the mean to wiping us out of existence.
I won’t explain why those ideas are wrong because I’m starting from the assumption that my followers are not transphobic and don’t find statements like “trans women are women” controversial, but buzzwords include (warning for blunt discussions of transphobia):
- expressing “concern” about men invading women’s spaces or the “purity” of said spaces (they don’t use the word purity but as a concept in general). This concern is never explained, only stated, because once you look into it you find that it’s actually about trans women. As a side note, the whole “invasion” thing is a popular one and it is reminiscent of white s*premacist bullshit ... this idea that since gay trans people are “actually straight” we will eventually outnumber “the real” gay people by calling ourselves gay and invading their spaces. the more you know ... if this doesn’t ring a bell you need to look into actual n*zi theories like “the gre//at re\\placement” and then we can talk again. The jump from t*rf to alt-ri/ght trad mom is shorter and swifter than either of those groups would have you believe
- “males can’t be lesbians” a pretty non controversial statement if it wasn’t that male is code for trans women. “Men who fetishise lesbians” is also a tricky one because while this is indeed a real issue, they’re referring to “auto/g/ynephilia” aka the idea that the reason lesbian and bi trans women transition at all is just because they fetishise the idea of themselves as a woman/lesbian (contrapoints has a good in depth video about this that explains better than I ever could) — on the same note talk about how “male sexuality” is something inherently corrupt, oppressing, and violent, and cannot be healthy ever, without any other context given is also usually code for “trans women are perverts and sexual predators” . The word “p//ornsick” also comes up often so watch out for it.
- the pervasive idea that a group of “straight people fetishising being gay/a lesbian” is out there and threatening REAL gay/lesbian spaces starts from here. I’ve mentioned a/utogy/nephilia but “fujoshi” is usually code for gay trans men, with a similar idea behind it. We’re not really gay men, just straight women who fetishise the idea of ourselves as a gay man... at least that’s the idea behind it.
- which brings us to the point. “straight people invading gay spaces” is usually if not always code for gay trans people.
- kinda related to the above point, honestly you’re all fools if you think the whole ace discourse bullshit wasn’t just eventually a path to trans and bisexual exclusion. Trans and bi people have been saying this for years but no one wants to listen. That’s not to say that exclusionists are t*rfs but those ideas were popularised by them... that’s just to say learn where your ideology comes from before you endorse it and embrace it
- similarly “queer is a slur” started there so you might want to reconsider why you’ve been convinced to tag your posts “q slur” by people who use other homophobic slurs pretty liberally lol . “Queer means straight people invade our spaces!” + any talk about gnc straight men/women and how it doesn’t make them queer or lgbt, Yeah, this was about never about “gnc” it was trans people all along. The implication is that trans people don’t exist, so we can be nothing but gnc “males/females”. Congrats! You’re a fool! Now don’t make me read this bullshit ever again.
- stuff that makes fun of said “gnc people” “queers” , man buns, undercuts, brightly coloured hair, specific names (aiden comes to my mind) careful about posts that mock the concept of “queering heterosexuality” they’re usually about gay couples with one trans and one cis person, or where both people are trans but with different asab. (ie a gay trans man dating a pan cis man, a trans woman and an afab nb person dating will get mocked as “straight people” who are just pretending to be anything but) sometimes it’s also about bi people jsyk but...
- “forcing young lesbians to not identify as lesbians”/“stop telling young lesbians they should be/are men” is also a big thing. implies that trans people are out there recruiting teenagers who would otherwise be cis lesbians (or more rarely cis gay men) and forcing them into identifying as trans. “young lesbians” also doesn’t always mean young lesbians it’s usually meant to misgender trans men who already identify as men (but in this theoretical framework trans as a concept is nonexistent, a perversion, a delusion, so what could we be but porn/sick straight people or delusional, misguided cis gays who fall victim of a conspiracy)
- entire blogs dedicated to d/etransition (or “reidentifi/cation” as they call it now) experiences that don’t bother to acknowledge that their experience is not universal and au contraire seem to want to push detransition as the one way to happiness especially for afab people. Yes I do think that people who detransition should be able to talk about it, but if the conclusions you draw are “this didn’t work for me so it’s toxic and bad for everyone”, and openly advocate against trans people’s existence, you’re full of shit. Only a small percentage of trans people detransition: over 90% of us are satisfied with the results. It’s all just concern trolling.
- posts about how dysphoria is either a “delusion” or a “normal female experience”, posts that sound a lot like body positivity but they’re actually pushing for detransition (ie you should accept your body as is, surgery is mutilation of your already perfect body etc etc) this is also tricky but it’s all in the language. Phrases like “young women who undergo surgery to fix their already good bodies” could refer to a variety of things but it’s all in the context. Words like “reconnect” “reidentification” are usually presented as alternative. Dysphoria is usually not named and referred to as a delusion or social pressure and something that should never be considered real, ie if you see something like “young women undergo surgery to chase a delusion” it probably comes from a t*rf. be wary of any surgery talk in general is my point because it’s usually presenting gcs as on the same level of lip fillers and Botox (ignoring that trans people face infinite struggles to access surgery and social ostracism for pursuing medical transition so it’s not the same AT ALL)
- talk about stuff like “hrt is dangerous actually” and “binding is horrible actually”? Yeah. You can guess where it comes from. It’s important to acknowledge the risks of hrt/binding but sensationalism about how it’s dangerous and could kill you and so on... it’s just overblown concern trolling to convince people that medical transition is mutilation and a conspiracy to kill the above mentioned “young lesbians”
- sentiments akin to “t*rf is a slur used against lesbians” even if not presented this way are also a red flag, sorry. If you don’t want to be called a t*rf, maybe don’t speak and act like one.
- the sad news is in the end there’s no way to discern whether someone is a t*rf or not because a lot of the time these same talking points come from blogs that have little “t*rfs don’t interact tee hee!” Banners on their description. A lot of r/adfem blogs out there are side blogs of people you wouldn’t usually suspect. Maybe they are vocal against trans exclusion, and in support of trans people, and then switch accounts to hurl about how horrible it is that they feel forced to welcome us “sexual pervert straight people” into their spaces. That’s why imo it’s more important to recognise the ideology than it is to look for clues. Again, if it sounds like one, it’s probably one :’)
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