#she's mostly a baby though. just don't cross her <3
lilianade-comics · 2 years
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He's taught her everything he knows! (And that's the problem)!
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creepswrites · 1 month
DIRT ROADS | Lester x Reader
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rereading some of my old writing renewed my love for writing this scruffy man <3 this is also slightly self indulgent oops
SUMMARY: The coat he wore was rough and the necklace he wore dug slightly into your skin. But he felt warm and alive and you felt his laugh more then you actually heard it. It felt strangely magical and the mere thought of that baffled you. What about this situation was remotely magical?
The sound of the sputtering of your car engine made you groan, your forehead bumping against the steering wheel in quite frustration. Overhead, raindrops pattered harshly against the top of your car like small marbles and you heard the way your wheels dug into the muddy roads. This was not the place you wanted to get stuck in.
"I told you we'd get stuck out here!" Your friend Sadie huffed in exasperation, throwing her hands up in defeat. "If we had just turned back and asked for directions," She trailed off, shooting a pointed glare at the two guys in the backseat, "We wouldn't be in this mess!"
Robbie - Sadie's long-term boyfriend, though you weren't exactly sure why, seeing as they argued more often then not - just scoffed at his girlfriend's frustrations. "Look, let's just get out of the car and fuckin' push, alright?"
"Can't," You sighed as you lifted your head up. "The front wheels are trapped in the mud. Pushin' will just get us more stuck."
"Well what the fuck else are we supposed to do?" Robbie shouted before swinging the door open and stomping out into the pouring rain, uncaring of how his hair and clothes quickly became soaked.
When he did, his friend who sat beside him - Leon, you think was his name - quickly shuffled out to join him. Leon was nicer than Robbie but was a bit of a pushover. This camping trip the four of you planned was mostly Sadie's attempts to pair you up with Leon despite both of your resistances on the matter.
"Honestly," Sadie sighed, "That guy just can't take no for an answer."
You hummed, disinterested in her latest "Robbie Rant" as you'd taken to calling them. "I still think this whole camping thing is a bad idea. Even if we'll be in a cabin." You weren't exactly enthusiastic at the idea of listening to Sadie argue with her boyfriend for a long weekend while you sat awkwardly next to Leon.
"Don't be such a downer," Sadie said as she poked your cheek with a pointy, baby blue nail. "The rain'll pass, babe. It always does."
When you heard the sound of your car door open, a blast of cold air hitting your body, you turned your head and were met with a worried look on Robbie's face. "Hey, uh, there's... some dude over here." He gestured with a thumb, arms crossed over his chest to try and protect himself from the chilled rain. "He's, uh, offerin' to tow us to the nearest town."
You perked your head up. "Oh! Sure, okay, yeah." Frankly you were just relieved the four of you weren't going to have to camp out in the car or, god forbid, walk through the rain and dark foresty area in hopes of finding civilization.
"Yeah, I wouldn't get too excited." Robbie mumbled as you poked your head out to look behind your car. "Dude's kinda weird."
A scrawny looking man stood slumped against a silver truck chatting to Leon, seemingly unbothered by the rain. When he caught your eye, he tilted his green cap in greeting and gave you a wide gap toothed smile as he made his way towards you. Outwardly, you didn't see anything wrong with him. Maybe a little scruffy but nothing outwardly strange. "Hey there," He said with such a heavy southern drawl it made your eyes feel droopy, "Saw y'all got stuck. I might be able 't tow ya back to town. It ain't far, but you folks'll probably wanna ride with me. 'Case stuff gets too bumpy."
You considered his offer for a moment. The idea of shelter was too tempting to ignore, however... "That's awfully kind of you," You said slowly, watching his smile soften into something more genuine, "What's the catch?"
"Ain't no catch, honest." He said as he slid his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. Robbie gave him a weird look but you ignored it, keeping your focus on the stranger. "Jus' happened to be in the neighborhood on my way back home. Saw y'all broke down 'n figured I'd lend a hand."
Your shoulders dropped slightly. As in most situations, you had to trust your gut. And your gut said that you could trust him. So you held out your hand to shake his, introducing yourself. "How close is this town?"
"Jus' a few miles back down this road here 'n a few left turns." The stranger offered a hand to help you out of your car and you flinched at the sight of thick mud below you. "'m Lester, by the way. Lester Sinclair." He said, noticing your apprehension at the dirt. "Ain't one for mud?" He gave a light laugh.
"Not if I can help it," You sighed. It wouldn't normally bother you but you hadn't worn shoes you could afford to get dirty. The storm had caught you all by surprise.
Before you could step out, Lester gave you a nudge. "Here, put'cher arms 'round me."
You flushed and stared at him with wide, confused eyes. He just gave you a grin as he hooked your knees in the crook of his elbow. "I- You don't have to- I can-" You stammered out nervously. Sure, you didn't really want to get your shoes dirty, but Lester didn't have to carry you!
"Up we go!" Lester said with a dramatic flair, causing you to shriek in terror as you were lifted out up of your seat. You clung to him tight to avoid falling into the mud and he gave you a little spin, making you bury your face into his shoulder as you begged him not to drop you.
The coat he wore was rough and the necklace he wore dug slightly into your skin. But he felt warm and alive and you felt his laugh more then you actually heard it. It felt strangely magical and the mere thought of that baffled you. What about this situation was remotely magical?
"Hey, put 'em the fuck down!" Robbie said. You'd honestly forgot he was there for a moment. But he stepped towards you two like he intended to yank you from the other man's arms like a toddler wanting its toy back.
Lester shot him a look before glancing down at you, as though silently asking if Robbie was bothering you. Like Lester himself wasn't the stranger in the situation. "Alrighty then. Why don't you grab the girl so we can get on outta here?" He said before carrying you back towards his truck without looking back.
When you saw the truck, you understood why Robbie and Leon looked so anxious about going inside. You could see what looked to be small animal bones dangling like strings of beads woven together with feathers and rough strings. They all looked very homemade but pretty in their own way. At least to you they were.
What really caught your attention was the deer skull sitting on the dashboard as the pride of place. "You hunt?" You asked Lester as he walked around to the passenger side door.
He noticed you eyeing the deer skull and shrugged. "That depends."
"Well I gotta impress you, don't I? Ain't every day I get to carry some pretty thing to my truck. Can't letcha think 'm a bad guy if I do hunt." He said casually before gesturing to the door handle. "Can you grab that?"
You opened the door and let him set you on the seat, his words not quite registering as you focused on the skull, fingers grazing it but not quite touching. "I think it's cool," You said with a quiet awe. "I like taxidermy, so bones don't put me off."
Lester seemed surprised by that. You could hear the sounds of Robbie and Sadie arguing again - likely because he wasn't offering to carry her like Lester had done for you - but you hardly cared with him looking at you like that. Like he was swooning.
"So y'ain't gonna be bothered by the roadkill I got in the back?" He asked, leaning against the car door as you admired the bones hung around the interior.
"Nope. Not even a little. Do you make these yourself?" You asked, fingers dancing lightly down a particularly pretty string of feathers and bones.
Lester swallowed and nodded, a little breathless when he spoke. "Yeah. Yeah. Make 'em myself, yeah." He sounded a little nervous, trying to hide his excitement at your genuine interest. "I'm, uh, I'm gonna get yer car set up for towin' 'n whatnot. You alright if I borrow your boyfriend?"
"I don't have a boyfriend." You shrugged before focusing back on him. "Much less Robbie. He's kind of a douchebag."
"You don't have a boyfriend?" Lester looked genuinely shocked.
You laughed a little. "You sound like my parents." Your tone was light, teasing, and a sharp contrast to the sudden hurricane that was Sadie climbing into the backseat of the truck, arguing loudly with Robbie. As suspected, he had not want to carry her and she had to walk.
You and Lester shared an exhausted look before he stepped away to get the cables to tow your car. Meanwhile, you tucked into the front seat, admiring every knickknack and oddity you could see. It felt almost cozy. Lester likely spent a lot of time in here to warrant such a comfortable, familiar space. He'd mentioned roadkill in the back of the truck so you figured he drove around for long hours picking it up.
He was utterly fascinating. You'd never met anyone like him.
"Dude, this guy is a freak," Sadie whisper-yelled to be heard over the rain as she slammed her door. You left the your own door open to enjoy the cool air a bit longer after being stuck in a stuffy car for the past four hours. "His car's full of dead things!" She hissed at you.
"Doesn't bother me." You said absently, far too focused on the skull again. It was in beautiful condition, clearly well taken care of. If Lester did really hunt, you hoped it was humane. But you reassured yourself that he didn't seem like someone who hated animals.
Sadie scoffed as she slumped in the backseat. The anger from her argument with Robbie was starting to leak into your conversation with her and it pissed you off. But you held your tongue, knowing better than to push her. "Yeah, I'm sure you don't mind your new weirdo boyfriend and his freaky shit." She laughed with a mocking tone. "Must be nice to meet some random fucking guy on the side of the road and he's soooo perfect and thoughtful and carries you to his car. Definitely matches your freak."
You ignored her.
It didn't take long for the guys to finish attaching your car to the truck and everyone piled in the truck, Lester closing his door with a dramatic flair and giving you a smile. "Alrighty, lets head on back. Town's just a couple minutes away." He said, making sure to take wide turns to avoid scratching up the car too much.
"Is there a hotel in town there?" Sadie asked, fidgeting with a strand of her wet hair.
"Yeah, should be. The inn ain't get much business this far out here so there oughta be rooms." Lester said, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "Where ya folks headed?"
When the three in the back said nothing, you spoke up after an awkward beat of silence. Just because your friends didn't like the dead things didn't mean Lester was a bad guy. "Headin' towards Arkansas. We've got a little cabin there that we want to stay at for a few days."
"Special occasion?" Lester asked curiously.
"Just a double date weekend." Sadie chimed in, smirking a bit in Leon and Robbie's direction. "We've been meaning to take a break together.
You flinched at the implication you were dating Leon. Lester seemed to notice that and gave you a reassuring smile. "Sounds fun." He said aloud, though you could see the way his hands gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter. "Robbie, was it?"
"How long've you been dating 'em?" He tilted his head towards you, smiling at Robbie in the rearview mirror. "Hope I didn't give ya the wrong impression when I carried 'em over. I know you got defensive 'bout it 'n all."
The backseat erupted into absolute chaos. You turned to level Lester with an unimpressed look and the man had the audacity to give you an innocent little smile.
Jerk. You snorted, rolled your eyes, and turned your head to look out the window, watching the raindrops fall on the slightly fogged glass and the brush of the forest passing by in blurs of murky greens and browns.
Ambrose wasn't far, true to Lester's word. The town was small, only a few dozen houses and no major chain stores, much to Sadie's disappointment. Just little mom and pop type places. Lester towed your car to the nearby gas station outside the auto shop and you became suddenly aware of how empty the town felt. No one was outside but you didn't think it was because of the rain.
Your friends got out of the truck, eager to get away from the bones and the smell of rot, but you stayed in with Lester for a minute. "Where is everyone?"
"Hm?" Lester asked, looking innocently curious. "Whaddya mean?"
When he didn't say anything else, you just sighed. "Nevermind," you mumbled as you reached for the door.
"Wait." He said, his voice low. You turned to look at him and he seemed... guilty? He chewed nervously on his bottom lip before making a gesture to the glove box. "Open it."
So you did. Laying atop some piles of paper was a simple, silver pocketknife. "What the-?"
"In case." Lester said, pulling it out and handing it to you expectantly.
"In case of what?" You frowned as alarm bells began to ring in your head. "What do you mean?
Lester's eyes darted quickly over your shoulder before he looked back at you. You didn't get the chance to look over your shoulder when he reached up, cupping your face with one hand to keep your eyes on him. "I ain't- I ain't s'pposed to do this. Y'can't tell anyone."
"Tell anyone what?" Your fear must have been obvious at this point, seeing as Lester flinched.
"Look," he sighed, taking your hand and squeezing it in his own. "I can't- I wanna tell ya, believe me. But I ain't s'pposed to 'n it kills me." He looked genuinely sorry for whatever it was he was doing, which only scared you more. "But if ya take it, you'll be-"
A loud knock on the window made you scream, scooting away from the door with a look of terror, not even care that you practically slammed into Lester's chest as you threw yourself across the center console. Staring at you from the window was a man dressed in a mechanic jumpsuit with a baseball cap on. He opened the door without prompting and gave you a smile that made you feel greasy just looking at him. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." The stranger said with a warm tone. "'m name's Bo. I work at the autoshop here."
You introduced yourself cautiously, glancing out the windshield and noticing the way Sadie practically swooned over Bo while Robbie and Leon looked ready to punch the daylights out of this guy.
You didn't trust him. Not one bit.
"Pretty sure that's my brother you're sittin' on." Bo said with another acidic smile.
"Oh." You said, still pressed against Lester's side with no real interest in moving. The pocketknife was still clenched tightly in your fist and you still didn't feel safe.
Lester just laughed. "Aw, it ain't no problem Bo. We were chattin' 'bout their car actually. Might need ya to check it out, just in case."
Bo hazarded a glance at your car. "Yeah, alright, I'll take a look. Wanna come with me?" He asked, offering you his hand.
Everything in your body screamed at you to stay away from this guy.
"Actually Bo," Lester spoke up, your saving grace, "I was plannin' on chattin' 'bout taxidermy with 'em. If ya don't mind."
Bo did, in fact, seem to mind. His perfect facade seemed to flicker, an annoyed look passing his over his face as quick as it came. "Lester, ain't it a better idea for them to be here with their car?"
"I trust you!" You nearly yelled, grabbing your car keys and stuffing them into Bo's extended hand. "You seem like you know what you're doing! Any questions and you can ask Robbie, he's better with cars than me anyways."
You felt Lester relax when Bo just sighed loudly. "Alright, if you insist," He clutched the keys in his fist and the look he gave you made chills run down your spine. "Enjoy your date, lil' bro."
"Thanks man!" Lester said as Bo slammed the door shut, rattling the whole car. "You alright?" He asked softly once his older brother had stormed off in the direction of your friends.
You scooted back slightly to give him some space, sliding back into your actual seat. "I know he's your brother but... he's so..."
He laughed. "Aggressive? Yeah, he can be. Ain't his fault but it does make bringin' people here tricky." Lester said before gesturing out the window towards your friends, watching Sadie hang off Bo's every word. "Seems to work on your friends jus' fine."
"Not me." You hummed, watching the four of them go inside the auto shop. "I usually have a good read on people. And he's, uh, not good."
"Is that so?" Lester said softly. "Well, y'sure as hell got a good radar then. Figured him out real quick."
You gave Lester a glance, noting the somber look on his face. "What do you mean by it being safer to bring the knife?"
The man chewed on his bottom lip, seeming to mull his options over in his head. "I can't tell ya," He said slowly, "Because then I'd have to kill ya." When you laughed nervously, he just gave you a serious look. "'m serious. I ain't s'pposed to tell strangers what's goin' on."
Cold dread seemed to drench you instantly. "What?" You whispered in horror.
"I can tell ya if you promise not to do anythin' though." He soothed, taking your hand in his. He kept glancing over your shoulder as though expecting Bo to reappear at any moment. "If ya wanna know, you can't get involved."
"Just tell me!" You pleaded, the pocketknife still tight in your fist.
Lester sighed, letting go of your hand and staring out the window, letting the muffled sounds of rain pass through you two as though trying to literally clean the air. When he looked up at you, his eyes once again darting over your shoulder. He let out a soft gasp of surprise and fumbled to turn his car back on, letting it spur to life as you turned to look.
Robbie stumbled out of the auto shop, covered in blood and screaming. He was beelining for you, his screams drowned out by the car engine and the storm. You went to unlock the door but you watched the locks engage. Robbie yanked on the door handle frantically, screaming something about Bo having killed Leon.
But you didn't even have time to react as Lester threw the car in reverse and took off, leaving you horrified and confused. You rounded on him immediately. "We need to help!"
"I can't get involved!" Lester said, looking as panicky as you. "I- I ain't a fan of what they do either but I-" He stammered, torn between focusing on the road and trying to placate you.
"Did Bo kill Leon?!" You gasped in horror.
Lester gave you a helpless look. "I- Maybe? I- I dunno, he's killed a lotta people at this point." He squinted, trying to navigate the rain that began to streak across the windshield with how fast he was driving, obscuring a lot of the vision outside. "He 'n Vinny've been doin' this for ages now!"
"Doing- Doing what?!" You felt frantic, yanking on the car door with no real luck. What would you even do if it opened? Where could you go?
"Killin' people!" Lester said, slamming his hands on the steering wheel in frustration. "They've been killin' people and I don't get involved. 'n if you value your life, you shouldn't either."
He slammed hard on the breaks just before the front of the car slammed into a tree. The two of you let out a shared sigh and slumped over.
"'m sorry sweetpea." Lester said quietly, leaning against his steering wheel as exhaustion seemed to set in. "Was followin' y'all. 's how I found ya. Was gonna ship ya off to Bo 'n Vince but you were so..." He lifted his head to look at you with soft, glassy eyes. "'m so sorry."
You trembled, still breathing heavy. "Are you going to hurt me?"
"No." Lester's answer was immediate. "I ain't a killer. Not like my brothers are." He looked like he wanted to reach for you again, remorse clear on his face. "'m really sorry. Honest. I-"
"Are my friends going to die?" You asked, your voice warbling slightly. "Did- Did you just drive away from my dying friends?" He turned his head to look at you and gave you a slow nod. You let out a quiet gasp, scooting away from him until your back was up against the door. "Let me out! I need to go help them!"
Lester shook his head helplessly. "I can't. Bo's already seen ya 'n if you go after him, he'll kill ya too."
"Then why give me a knife?!"
"I just-" Lester sighed. "I just didn't want you to go down easy. Ain't no one ever escape my brothers. They're brutal 'n dedicated. I... I didn't want you to get hurt."
A lapse of silence passed between you two, the only sound coming from the rain. Lester buried his face back into his arms while you tried to come to terms with what you'd learnt. Lester's brothers abducted and killed people. And Lester had just served your friends up to Bo on a silver platter, but not you.
You had a knife, still clenched in your fist, and you could probably get the jump on Lester if you had to. You could steal his car and go rescue them or, at the very least, escape.
But you didn't want to hurt Lester...
"Why didn't you let me go with them?" You finally asked with a resigned sigh.
Lester looked up with tired, sad eyes. "Didn't want em to have ya. 'Cus you're a good, kind person 'n you trusted me. Felt like I was betraying ya. So I saw an openin' and I took it."
You nodded slowly. "So what now?"
"Well, ya got a few choices actually." Lester said as he straightened up. "You could go back. Try your luck against my brothers, try 'n save your friends. Or," He said with a shy glance your way, "You could come with me."
"Where would we go?"
Lester motioned out the windshield. "I got a lil' house in the woods nearby. We could hold down till the storm passes." Big brown eyes focused on you as he nervously wrung his hands. "I'd, uh, have to introduce you to my brothers in the morning. But I'd protect ya. Let 'em know you're with me now."
You felt your face heat up and you hated yourself for it. Your friends were being killed and the guy who led them to their deaths was making you blush like a schoolchild with a crush. You couldn't help it though. Lester was sweet, in the short time you'd met him. He didn't want to see you hurt and did what he could to protect you.
"With you?" You teased him with a wet chuckle. And your smile grew when you saw the way the tips of Lester's ears burned with how hard he blushed.
He gave you a shy nod. "Y-yeah. If you're with me, then- then they won't bother ya. Not killable anymore." You reached over and took his hands gently, uncaring of the dirt and roughness there. "You couldn't leave though."
A sigh left your lips. "I either stay or die?"
Lester looked close to tears when he nodded. "'m really sorry, sweetpea, I really am. Should'a never gone after ya." He freed one of his hands to cup your face gently, his touch soft despite the roughness of his hands and the guilt in his eyes.
You two sat there for awhile before you nodded, swallowing back a sob of your own. "Okay," You sighed, "Okay, I'll go with you."
He gave you a look of utter relief, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'll keep ya safe, sweetpea. I promise."
When you pulled him in for a hug, your face buried in his shoulder, you let your shoulders relax. And you let yourself believe him.
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hehetmongi · 25 days
fever pitch - (kang yeosang/reader)
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summary: you're on your period; yeosang comes home early to help you out. also cross posted to ao3
pairing: kang yeosang x reader
tags: alternate universe - modern setting, established relationship, domestic fluff, fluff and smut, menstrual sex, vaginal fingering, shower sex, hurt/comfort, reader uses she/her pronouns, 18+ mdni
word count: 4.1k
note: cis woman reader. centers heavily on menstruation and there's a bit of unsanitary-ness (reader bleeds on the sheets accidentally) so please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable!
due to tumblr's formatting, yeosang's texts are in bold and reader's texts are italicized. if this is difficult for you to read, i highly encourage checking out the ao3 link instead!
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You wake to an ache between your legs, and not in a fun way. 
You groan as you sit up, the sensations coming in faster and sharper than you anticipate. Your head pounds, your feet feel numb, but the worst of it is your abdomen. The cramping, the exhaustion, the vague feeling like you’ve wet yourself, or something — yeah, you’ve been through this enough times to know this is your period hitting you like a truck. 
You can already tell it’ll be a painful one. You’re not exactly regular, and when your period does come in, you’re usually out of it for a few days due to the pain. It’s always been this way, and you can manage fine on your own, but you have to admit that you’d really like Yeosang’s company.  
With a glance at the alarm clock — reading 8:42am, from where you can see it over Yeosang’s empty side of the bed — you trudge out of Yeosang’s room. You brace an arm against the wall as you make your way to the bathroom, narrowly dodging Wooyoung’s hip-check as he passes you in the hallway. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” 
You glare daggers at him. When he catches your eyes, he staggers a few exaggerated steps back. 
“Geez, you look pissed. ” 
You ignore him, deciding he’s not even worth the energy. It takes considerable effort to clean yourself up and into a fresh new pad, but thankfully you didn’t get any blood on your shorts. You take a quick painkiller before heading straight back to bed. You have the day off, but it’s not as though you’re going to spend it relaxing. 
You clutch a plushie — a Doberman toy Yeosang gifted you on your third date — toward your abdomen. It’s nice to have something to grasp onto and that reminds you of him, you think, as you roll over to the nightstand by Yeosang’s side of the bed. You grab your phone, quickly glancing at the notifications you haven’t read. You gloss over the emails (mostly ads and a couple of work emails you won’t actually open until you’re on the clock) and smile at your iMessages. 
yeosang <3 
Miss you so much 🥺
yeosang <3
Let me know when you wake up! 
yeosang <3
Good morning 🥰
Your heart swells with warmth. Your relationship with Yeosang is still somewhat new, but every day he reminds you that this is real, and you are incredibly lucky to have someone as kind and loving as him as a partner. So far, your lives seem to slot together perfectly — cute dates, spending the night at each other's apartments, soft touches and meaningful conversations — he was everything you dreamed of, and more. It almost seems too good to be true. 
(Admittedly, part of you is waiting for the ball to drop. A relationship this happy has to change eventually. And since Yeosang is such a perfect partner, you suspect you’ll probably be the cause.) 
You roll onto your back, tapping a quick message in response. You don’t want him to get too worried, but you figure you should say something so he knows you won’t be responding to any future messages right away. 
good morning! 💛💖 sorry i’m late baby!
just got my period :( i feel gross and really tired
You blush a little at your use of a pet name. You know he likes it, but you’re still not sure if it sounds right. You want him to feel as endeared as you do when he uses pet names for you. 
His reply comes less than a minute later. 
There you are!! Good morning, my dear 🥰
No worries. Please take it easy today. I’ll be thinking of you~ 
Something in your stomach flips, but you’re not sure if it’s from your period or if that’s the effect Yeosang has on you. You settle on it being a little bit of both as you start to type your reply. 
i love you 🫶
wish you were here!
Ah, do you want me to come home early and take care of you? 
I’d be happy to do that ^_^ 
nono i’ll be fine!! promise!!
please don’t worry about me i swear i’m fine :’)
I’ll come home in a heartbeat. Just say the word 
You clutch your plushie close to your chest. Having Yeosang take care of you would be a really lovely way to spend the day. Much better than staying holed up in Yeosang’s room, clutching your stomach as you hear Wooyoung fumbling around in the kitchen, at least. But you know Yeosang is working hard, and you really don’t want to take him from that. 
I have to go :( send me updates? I want to hear how your day is going
You can let Wooyoung know if you need help too. He’s good with this type of thing. 
You scrunch your nose. While you like Wooyoung fine, and he’s pretty good at giving you and Yeosang privacy when you need it, you’re not exactly comfortable asking him for help with something like cramps. It feels… personal, and incredibly burdensome. And if you’re already hesitating to ask Yeosang for that kind of help, what business do you have asking his roommate? 
Just then, a knock sounds at the door. It opens a crack before you hear Wooyoung call your name aloud, and you grunt in response. Wooyoung must take it as an affirmative, because he opens it wide. 
“Yeosang said you’re not feeling well,” he announces, glancing down at his phone, “and that I should keep an eye on you until he’s home.”
You frown. “Um, thank you, but I don’t really need help.” 
Wooyoung raises an eyebrow. 
You try to step out of bed, but a knife twists in your gut and pins and needles twist all along your legs. The sensation makes you wince, sucking in a large gulp of air. 
Wooyoung rushes to your side, taking your arm to steady you. When he hears your stuttering breath, he shakes his head. “Don’t… do that. Just stay in bed. I’ll cook you something.” 
You blanch. “You really don’t have—”
“Shut up,” he says, eyes softening when he meets your gaze. You wonder what you must look like, to him. “Er… just, sit and relax for a sec. I insist.” 
You really do try to relax, once he leaves. You scroll through social media as Wooyoung whips up something simple. You shoot Yeosang a quick Wooyoung’s making me breakfast! ❣️ as you wait, to which you receive a bunch of silly looking stickers in return. 
“It’s not contagious, is it?” Wooyoung asks a few moments later, carrying a delicious-smelling tray toward your bed. 
You realize, then, that Yeosang must have been pretty discreet about what was ailing you in his conversation with Wooyoung. The thought of period cramps being contagious makes you suck in a giggle. 
“I really hope not,” you scoff, and when Wooyoung furrows his brow, you explain, “it’s just cramps. I get them really bad.” 
Wooyoung’s eyes widen a little. He sets the tray down next to you, and you take it in earnest. It’s a simple meal, just soup and rice and eggs, but somehow it smells amazing. “They’re bad enough that you can’t walk ?” 
“It’s like that for a lot of people,” you explain. 
Wooyoung only hums, taking a seat in Yeosang’s desk chair and swiveling it around and around. Apparently he's here to stay. 
You take a few bites of your meal, letting your mind wander a little. You’ve lost count of the amount of times you’ve spent the night at Yeosang’s place, but you still feel kind of awkward here when it’s just you and Wooyoung. You know they’ve known each other for years — much longer than you’ve known Yeosang — and the thought intimidates you. How many of Yeosang’s partners has Wooyoung known? How many crushes and hookups? Does Yeosang tell Wooyoung things about your relationship that you’re not privy to? 
“He’s blowing up my phone, you know,” Wooyoung says suddenly. He turns his phone screen around, and sure enough, you see at least half a dozen messages from Yeosang loaded on his lockscreen. You can’t read them from here, but you can guess that they're about you. 
“He doesn’t want me to show you,” Wooyoung continues, “but he’s really concerned. He cares about you a lot.”
You feel yourself flush. This shouldn’t surprise you, not when you’ve been seeing each other for three months already, but something about the earnestness of it all still makes you feel weak in the knees. 
You opt not to respond to Wooyoung, focusing on your plate instead. You finish it dutifully, and Wooyoung is by your side in an instant, taking the tray in his hands before moving to leave Yeosang’s room. 
“Thank you so much for cooking,” you tell him as he starts to walk away. "You really didn't have to."
“Mmhmm. You’re someone special to him, so,” Wooyoung mutters, just before he exits. You’re left wondering what he could possibly mean by that until sleep finds you again. 
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When you wake, it’s still morning. Abdominal pain slices you deeper, twisting into an amorphous form, vicious and unrelenting.
You shift, letting out an involuntary whine when you feel something damp pooling beneath you. Sure enough, there is a dark red puddle between your legs, staining Yeosang’s bed sheets. All at once, your body begins to shut down as the pain coils tighter and tighter, leaving you little room to breathe. 
You let out a sob. It’s been a long, long time since your cramps have given you this much trouble. Of course it had to happen while you were alone at Yeosang’s apartment. You can already feel the shame and disgust twisting alongside the horrible feeling in your gut. 
In a flash, Wooyoung is at the door, footsteps thundering down the hallway. His eyes are wide as saucers as he takes in your slumped form. He rushes to you, and you feel his hands on your shoulders, but your perception of things fades in and out. All you can think of is the sheets, the pool of blood still under your body, how fucking ashamed you are to make a mess of things, that you couldn’t take care of yourself better on your own—
Wooyoung shakes your arm hard, cutting through your panic like a blade. 
“Do you need to go to the hospital!?”  he shouts, crisp alertness palpable in his bright eyes. 
Your breath catches in your throat. “I, um, I don’t think—?”
“Like hell you don’t,” he scowls, grabbing his phone and starting to type out a text. You grab at his wrist, and he gives you a sharp, incredulous look. 
“I’m fine, really,” you promise, doing your best to suppress your wince. “But…”
“But what, you’re clearly in pain!” 
You let out a shaky breath. The words are tumbling out of your mouth before you can really think them over. 
“Could you, maybe, ask for Yeosang to come home?” You suck in a breath, knowing that it’ll be hard to be so vulnerable in front of him but you don’t care — you need his comfort. “I know he’s busy at practice but I… really need him right now. Please.” 
At that, Wooyoung seems to soften, pulling his hand softly from your grip. He nods, opening his phone and pulling up Yeosang’s contact. He dials Yeosang’s number, then puts his phone between his ear and his shoulder when Yeosang picks up on the first ring. 
“How soon can you be back at the apartment?” Wooyoung asks. His tone seems firm, you think, but you wonder if there’s something else in it Yeosang can hear from him that you can’t. “Yeah, she’s in a lot of pain. I think she had a panic attack, too. Keeps asking for you.” 
Wooyoung’s eyes flit over to yours. “He wants to talk to you,” he says, so you nod and take the phone. 
“Baby,” Yeosang gasps, tight with concern. 
Instantly, your eyes well with tears. You miss him. It’s only been a few hours since you were sleeping in his arms, even sooner since you’ve exchanged texts, but you can feel the ache deep in your chest all the same. 
“Shhhh,” he coos, gentle as ever. “I’ll be home in fifteen. Will you be okay?” 
You take in a small, hiccupping breath. “I… think so.” 
“Good girl,” he says, and your heart flutters. You can hear something clicking in the background. “Do you want me to stay on the line until I’m back?” 
“It’ll be okay ,” he promises, then breathes out your name in a way that makes your head tingle pleasantly. “Take some deep breaths with me. Can you do that, sweetheart?" 
You shake your head. “I ruined your sheets,” you tell him, your voice wobbling. “I’m so, so sorry, Yeo, but there’s so much blood, I don’t think it’ll come out—”
“Y/n,” he says, stern, halting your ramble in its tracks. "It’s fine, I promise. They can be replaced.” 
“I just…” you shift, wincing again at the puddle between your thighs. “It feels so gross. I’m disgusting.” 
“You’re not,” he assures you. “It’s a perfectly normal thing your body does. You just need to be taken care of.” You don’t agree with him — this is the most disgusting you’ve ever felt in ages — but your heart melts all the same.
You hadn’t noticed Wooyoung slipping out of the room, but he returns carrying a couple of towels that he puts down next to you. You scooch and roll over onto them, a little relieved to not be bleeding directly on the bed anymore. Wooyoung hovers by the door as Yeosang leads you through some deep breathing exercises over the phone. It takes a few minutes, but your heart rate is gradually slowing down.
"I’ll be right there, dear,” Yeosang tells you, your heart finally steady after what has to have been at least twenty rounds of box breathing. You hear his key twisting in the key hole a few moments later and then he’s bursting past Wooyoung and into his room, taking in the sight of you and enveloping you into his strong arms.
You think, though you’re too shy to admit it out loud, that he looks really handsome like this. Sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, dark hair swept back, his full attention on you. You feel your cheeks go pink as he tucks you into his sturdy chest. 
He presses a kiss to your temple and just like that, your heart is racing again. 
“My strong, beautiful girlfriend,” he murmurs. The sound of his deep voice so close to your ear makes you shudder. “So patient for me. Let’s get you cleaned up.” 
He sweeps one arm underneath your legs and you hesitantly circle your arms around his neck, trying your best to avoid your middle touching him too closely. 
“Don’t wanna get blood on you,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
“Don’t care,” he hums, kissing the tip of your nose, and you allow yourself to believe him.
In moments, Yeosang has you sitting on a stool in the shower. Your bloody shorts have been discarded into the sink, along with the tank top you slept in. Ordinarily, you might’ve felt uncomfortable being so exposed and vulnerable in front of him while you’re not feeling 100%,  but now, you just feel content. 
When Yeosang pulls off his shirt and pants, leaving him only in a pair of black boxer briefs, you feel something thrum beneath your fingertips. Even after a handful of intimate nights together, you’re still surprised by his boldness, the way that he holds himself so confidently behind closed doors, just for you to see. You feel shy when Yeosang steps into the shower behind you, closing the curtain. 
If the dried blood between your legs bothers Yeosang, he shows no indication. He just smiles at you warmly as he gets the water running, gently massaging your upper arms to keep you comfortable. Once the water gets warm enough, he sets you under the stream. The warm water feels delightful on your back, even more so when Yeosang runs a loofa under it and washes your body. 
“You really don't have to do all of this,” you tell him, but one of his hands finds your elbow and stops you in your tracks. 
“Let me help you,” Yeosang whispers, “please.”
You swallow. There’s something wanting in his eyes that you can’t quite put into words. 
The loofa hesitantly brushes against the top of your knee, and you let go. 
His touch, solid but gentle, finds you in your most tender spots. His fingers start at your thighs, scrubbing gently at the dried blood. Each time he touches you there is a question in his eyes, an is this okay? that you meet with unhesitant permission. 
When his fingers brush the top of your stomach, inching nearer and nearer to your tender breasts, you gasp.  
“Sorry,” he giggles, but you hold his hand against the swell of your breast, keeping him there. His slender fingers knead at them softly, leaning down to kiss you. It’s all lips and tongue, sensual and fluid, and when he sucks on your tongue it pulls a needy, involuntary noise from the back of your throat. 
Yeosang is good at kissing. It almost embarrasses you when your toes curl from just a few seconds of making out — from experience, you know he’s barely even getting started — but you know how much he likes it when you’re vocal about how much you appreciate him. 
“Yeosang,” you gasp, hoping even a fraction of what you feel gets expressed through your tone. 
“Sorry,” he smiles against your lips. “Looks like I got a little carried away…” 
You try not to feel disappointed when his focus returns back to washing your body. His hands are careful and practiced, putting firm pressure in all of the areas you need washed most. You sigh at the intimacy of it all, but your mind is still elsewhere. 
“Something on your mind?” he asks a few moments later, and you shrug. 
“I’m just so happy to have a boyfriend that’ll do this for me,” you gesture vaguely at yourself, “even when I’m all disgusting like this.” 
You mean it as a joke, sort of, but you can tell he notices something in your words. His hand stills from where it’s been stroking your hip. 
“You think you’re disgusting?” he frowns. He searches your eyes for a moment, and then he’s dropping to his knees in between your open legs. 
On impulse, you close them. 
“Yeosang,” you warn, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We can’t.” 
“Why not? Because it’s dirty?” He presses a kiss to the side of your knee, sending chills down your spine. “Baby, I won’t push you, but if you’re worried about me… it’s not like I care about a little blood on my fingers.” 
Your eyes widen. Your throat suddenly feels very, very dry. 
“I want you to feel cherished,” he whispers into a stretch mark on your thigh, gentle fingers inching closer to your core. “But only if you’ll let me.” 
Somewhere in you, the tide shifts. You feel so, so stupid for not remembering it sooner. The love he feels for you is real , even if it’s incomprehensible to you. The realization churns something deep in your gut, stoking the flames from a few moments ago. 
“So,” he whispers, soft lips into your wet skin, “what will it be?” 
You want him bad, period cramps be damned. 
“Please,” you whine, and then he’s surging forward in another kiss. 
The kiss is softer this time, almost chaste, making good on his promise to cherish you. His hands, though, are roaming your body in earnest, settling to draw comforting circles against your waist. 
He pulls away from the kiss. “Tell me how you want me, baby.” 
You shudder at the loss of contact. As much as you want all of him, having sex on your period is new territory for you. And he mentioned not minding blood on his fingers, so… 
“Just your fingers,” you tell him. Then, sheepishly, you add: “I love your hands…” 
Pleased with your directness, Yeosang kisses the tip of your nose, soft and innocent, before moving his lips down the expanse of your body. You grip lightly at the base of his head when his tongue twists around your nipple. He replaces it with his fingers as he dips deeper, pressing heated kisses down your tummy, to your pubic bone, until finally he’s at the apex of your thighs. 
“Love this pussy so much,” he murmurs into the plush of your thigh. When his fingers find your clit, rubbing against it gently, your eyes roll back. “So beautiful, so perfect. Made for me.” 
“Yeosang,” you gasp, but it quickly turns into a moan as his fingers find a quicker, pulsing rhythm. 
Your body contorts to meet his fingers, but he moves a steadying hand to your hip. His strength, his unabashed adoration of your body, the practiced ministrations against your core — it’s all so incredibly hot that your brain simply can’t keep up. 
“Mmm?” he intones, pressing a light kiss dangerously close to your slit that has you keening. “Did you need something, baby?” 
“Close,” you admit, too engulfed in the pleasure to be embarrassed at how quickly you’ve begun to feel that tight, coiling feeling in your gut. 
Your admission has Yeosang incredibly pleased, a grin stretching across his handsome face. 
“Already, baby?” he asks, and you feel yourself burn up at how unbelievably attracted to him you feel right now. “You poor thing, all pent up like that. Must’ve needed me so badly.” 
You let out a little whine at Yeosang’s words. You really did need him, didn’t you? All of today, it was him you craved. He knows you so well, so intimately… 
“It was a good thing I could come home early, hmm? Take care of you just the way you like.” 
You whine louder when he draws tight, concentrated circles against your clit, his other hand holding you still even as you try to meet his thrusts. 
“Can you come for me, sweetheart? Want to hear your pretty little voice moaning my name.” 
The tension snaps all at once, your orgasm crashing into you with reckless abandon as your body folds into itself. But Yeosang doesn’t stop, just pumps you gently through it as you dutifully let out a cry of his name. 
Moments pass, and you’re still twitching from the aftershocks when Yeosang gets up to turn the water off. He’s covering you with a towel before you can process how cold you are. Once you’re dry and warm, he presses a single kiss on your forehead softly before helping you back onto your feet. 
“That was really nice,” you tell him, a little shy despite yourself. 
He smiles warmly. “I’m glad, baby. I hope you feel a little better.”
“A lot better,” you agree. 
He helps you into a new set of clothes, and you smile as he squeezes lightly at your curves. 
Just as you’re both about to exit, he hums exaggeratedly. “Though you did cum kind of fast, didn’t you?” 
You swat at his shoulder, his laughter ringing in the open air. 
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That night finds you in Yeosang’s bed again, this time with fresh sheets. You sit snugly with your back against his chest, his arms enveloping you as you watch a movie on his laptop. 
Every few minutes, he’ll whisper something in your ear. Sometimes it’s affectionate, about how strong he knows you are for him, how proud he is of you. Sometimes it’s a little snide comment about the characters in the film. The intimacy leaves you with a warm, light feeling in your stomach, as if you’re getting butterflies for him all over again. 
At some point, though, the tide shifts back. Your insecurities won’t leave you forever, even with the most loving boyfriend in the world. Your period isn’t making it any easier, either; you’ve always been a hell of a lot more emotional on your heaviest days. 
At the first sign of tears, Yeosang spins you around and embraces you against his soft chest. 
“I stay the night,” you choke out between sobs, “and I ruin your bedsheets. I basically make a murder scene in your bathroom. Your roommate cooks for me and all I do is freak him out and beg him not to take me to the hospital. I made you leave your class early , Yeosang, all I do is—”
“Make my life better,” he finishes, halting your words. You meet his eyes, and they’re brimming with nothing but earnest adoration. “All you’ve done is make my life better, ever since we met.” 
You sniffle. “Even when I’m like this?” 
“Yes,” he replies without hesitation. “And I’ll do whatever it takes to remind you, as often as you need.”
And with a look into his deep, earnest eyes, you decide you can believe him. 
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capricornsims · 1 year
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Some headcanons featuring screenshots from my Sims 3 Strangetown game.
PT9 and Jenny met in 1985. Based on the Sims 2 memories, she found him drowning in the pool since he dived head-first into the shallow end. While everyone was running away in fear - she rescued him and fell in love at first sight. PT9 vowed loyalty to his savior and gifted her with knowledge about Sixam.
Jenny and Lyla were roommates until she married Buzz Grunt. She doesn't get Jenny's attraction to PT9 but she was supportive. Meanwhile, Jenny tried her hardest to break up Lyla and Buzz because she deserved so much better!
The Curious Brothers were forced to cut contact with Jenny since she 'betrayed' their father by marrying PT9 ( valid honestly - thinking about it makes my head hurt )
Pascal having Tycho brought the family back together.
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5. Glarn was an emotionally absent father who paid no attention to his kids. Pascal was Glarn's favorite which was why he went to private school. He was also responsible for looking after his younger brothers when they moved out.
6. Pascal is " Well achually" incarnate. He loves to talk about theories and science. Aliens and Astro physics are his hyper fixation
7. Vidcund and Lazlo spend their time joking about how Pascal takes himself way too seriously. They were best friends throughout school and Vidcund was the one who helped Lazlo get his degree.
8. Lazlo is a genius, he passed school with no effort because he was just that smart. Glarn didn't see his genius because he was too busy scolding him for being messy.
9. Lazlo takes Vidcund out to hang out with his friends and works overtime trying to set him up on dates so he can get over Circe.
10. The Curious Brothers weren't that close - and often butted heads but since Tycho was born they are closer than ever. ( UNTIL VIDUND SOLD TYCHO)
11. I know Vidcund was mind-controlled, but imagine if he wasn't. He's in serious debt and these blue aliens offered him like a billion dollars if he sold his nephew. The Dudes in Black wanted to run experiments on him idk.
12. Pascal never really recovered after his kid was stolen and was overly protective of Tycho. Tycho grew up anxious because of the overarching threat of being kidnapped again.
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13. Olive Specter is not a serial killer (allegedly) - she just has really bad luck, but she kept up the bit so people would leave her alone! She is really superstitious because she's connected to the supernatural. She makes good luck charms and ensures that Ophelia is really cautious and wears all her charms.
14. Ophelia has a serious anxiety disorder - partially because Olive raised her to be scared of everything for her own safety. She makes sure Johnny and Ripp don't go under ladders, cross poles, or step on cracks. She gets really stressed out when Ripp makes dark jokes.
15. Olive was a good mom until she was wrongly accused of being unstable which led to her baby being taken away. She tried to get him back but there were too many roadblocks and Nervous was already given away.
16. She loves the Grim Reaper and longs for the day she can see him again. Her partygoer job entails her going to funeral memorials.
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17. Nervous met Annie Howell in foster care and they are really good friends to this day. He missed her because she was adopted by her older brother and left alone in the orphanage. 18. Nervous was a constant runaway and ended up in the Beaker's house as a teenager with the promise that he wouldn't have to go back to a group home. Unfortunate :(
19. I like how most people agree on how rude and not nice Nervous actually is. He's standoffish for good reason and gives Vidcund a lot of snark for being into Circe. He's chill with Lazlo though.
20. Nervous is the fun dad, and lets Tycho do whatever they want. Meanwhile, Pascal is pretty strict about his schooling ( which doesn't matter because Tycho has alien intelligence) and being safe. 21. Tycho grows up to follow in Pascal's astrophysics footsteps, mostly to build a ship and hunt down his Pollinator dad.
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spacebarbarianweird · 11 months
Astarion Dhampir Daughter Headcanon P.4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
She always dresses like "this woman who has buried three husbands and is ready to bury the fourth one."
When she was a kid, Astarion would sew her dresses - they were supposed to be both practical and pretty, with a lot of hidden pockets.
Even though a few centuries old, Alethaine still carries her father's dagger in her boot (the one he gave her when she was 19).
She never allowed anyone to touch her silver waist-length hair.
Only Tav was allowed to brush and braid them.
When Tav died, Alethaine cut the hair short in grief.
Regretting it immediately since elven hair takes centuries to grow back.
They grew back faster than Alethaine expected, but to her own dislike, they weren't silver anymore. They were raven black, more suited for a dhampir.
For a decade, she lived in Dhampir Freehold, the city founded by the oldest of the Underdark spawns' children.
Unluckily, dhampirs are solitary creatures, and the history of the Freehold ended in worshipping abyssal demons and bloodshed.
Alethaine, having much better intuition and being a skilled necromancer, had managed to escape before things went south.
She has a living beating heart, but undead blood runs in her veins.
The blood which enables immunity to vampirism because no vampire would be able to feed on dhampirs.
Alethaine's blood smells like sagebrush.
Druidic protection circles and the divine light hurt her.
Along with the sun.
Of course, she can walk in the sunlight, but it makes her head hurt.
She is fluent in Abyssal but sort of didn't expect Abyss to answer back.
Blood is like a drug for dhampirs; it makes them strong but erases their humanity. Alethaine constantly fights the temptation to drink it.
Astarion eventually settled at the sea coast, managing his own piracy empire and being this "man in shadows" no one knows, but everyone fears.
He mostly did this to make sure Alethaine knew where to find him if she desperately needed him.
Because his "little princess" definitely would need her dad's help from time to time.
Despite being a High Elf, Alethaine believed she had no soul and would not be able to reincarnate.
To her own surprise, she met her thiramin, elven soulmate, her star-crossed love.
Erlen, the wood elf prince.
Who didn't expect to see the long-desired light in the eyes of gods damn dhampir.
It's a sin to separate thiramins, but his family decided better to do this than allow "foul vampiric blood" to poison their kin.
They put a spell on Erlen and locked him away and also casted a dozen protection spells, preventing Alethaine from rescuing him.
Well, too bad they weren't afraid to piss Alethaine Ancunin.
Because now they pissed her father.
Who is absolutely heartbroken seeing his daughter exhausted and desperate, begging him to save her love
Crying and cursing in his hands.
And Astarion has a pirate fleet who wouldn't mind whooping some elven asses.
Upon rescuing Elren, Astarion is suspicious of this wood elf he had never seen before.
What if he doesn't treat his daughter accordingly?
Only to realize that if Alethaine was his "princess," she would be the queen to her future husband.
"Just don't hesitate to ask me for help. I will gladly kill a couple self-confident elves for you two."
Alethaine called her firstborn daughter Tav.
Of course, it's a baby name and she will change it to a more appropriate one in a century, but for now, there is little Tav growing among the elves.
And Alethaine hopes she will be at least half as good a "monster" parent for her daughter as Astarion was for her.
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slexenskee · 1 year
can i ask for any details about the hotd/jjk fic?
you mean aside from this lil WIP snippet?
I think I'm gonna call it "Write myself out of the history books" a line from All Time Low to match the rest of my 'Dropping Gojo into fandoms he didn't ask to be in' works 😂
His name is Soren and let's just pretend its Valyrian when in actuality it's just one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters (I feel like Gojo would appreciate that though, prolly a Soren stan himself lol)
His dragon hatches in his crib and idk I headcanon that Rhaenyra would wait to let him name it himself because she probably did the same with Syrax? But then 2 yr-old Gojo is like 'her name is Blue Eyes White Dragon' and Rheanyra is like 'wtf no' and also, this is why you shouldn't let kids name their own damn dragons. Rhaenyra refuses to let him name his dragon after what she doesn't realize is a Yu-gi-oh card, and in they settle for Sylvion, which she thinks is just some obscure Valyrian word/reference his 'Uncle' Daemon taught him, but is in fact a Pokemon that bears striking resemblance to his dragon. It's one of Dreamfyre's eggs, mostly bright white, with blue accents and some slight pink in the membranes, hence, Sylvion. Which is also Gojo's favorite pokemon, so he's two for two with references in this life.
He knows damn well that Daemon is not his Uncle, and they (Rhaenyra, Daemon, Laenor) all know he knows even if they collectively don't acknowledge it. He's Daemon and Rhaenyra's 'accidental brothel baby' that she had to get shotgun wedding'd to Laenor for, which is why he's much older than canon-Jace.
The age gaps are: Satoru/Soren (0), Aegon (+2), Helaena (-1), Aemond (-2), Jace (-3), Luke (-4) idk if Joff or Daeron will be in this.
Aegon is in love with him literally at first sight. He's going to PINE FOREVER. Like so much angst when he realizes he doesn't just adore his nephew in a purely platonic sense - which his mother/grandfather already dislike - but is in fact homosexually and audaciously in love with him lol. He definitely tries to fuck himself out of his own gayness, which absolutely does not work, esp when he starts ending up gravitating to regular female whores to male whores who all bear a striking resemblance to his nephew.
Does Gojo know? Hmm yes but not really. It doesn't even cross his mind even though he is also very gay, and also knows incest is casually a normal thing in the Valyrian family. But to him, Aegon is his uncle, and also a man in a 'don't say gay' world, so he kind of intentionally doesn't look too deeply into it. He does notice Egg is very attached to him, but he's not sure how much of that is familial and platonic and just Egg's very handsy personality versus romantic. They played a lot together as kids, slept in the same bed etc back when they were young enough it didn't mean anything, and obviously Gojo never felt that way about what he thought was a 'cute sticky dumpling of a kid who thinks he hung the moon' so it'll be a longgg and difficult shift for him to see Egg in any other way.
Aemond worships him in a strictly platonic sense that totally feeds his god complex. Gojo is literally the warrior reborn to him. He's a one man army and everyone knows it and he's so out of any mortal's league instead of being jealous about it Aemond just straight up adores him like a god. Daemon and Laena don't get together in this fic (RIP Baela and Rhaena) so Laena is still alive and has Vhagar, so idk maybe Aemond has Vermithor.
On a related note, everyone worships him as a god (or a Valyrian devil, *ahem* Hightowers *ahem*) bc to them he may as well be one. He has all his OG powers, he's invincible and untouchable and literally unstoppable. He achieves infamy the world over during Stepstones Round 2 where he absolutely obliterates an entire army and a few islands besides. He straight up asks his 'grandfather' Corlys if he should just eradicate the whole island chain and permanently solve the problem. Of course, the story gets convoluted with the whole medieval 'he said she said' chain of communication so there are plenty of non-believers still. LOL jokes on them.
He adores Rhaenyra. Like he likes Laenor a lot, and is partial to his little brothers (yes Jace and Luke exist, idk if they're Laenor's or Daemon's yet tho. They would't be Harwins bc Rhaenyra took one look at Gojo and was like 'shit he's 100% Valyrian its gonna look weird as hell if his siblings dont look like him at all') and has a soft spot for his 'Uncle' Daemon, but the reason he even bothers to stick around and not just fuck off to Essos to raise his own empire is because of her. I headcanon Gojo to have zero relationship with his parents in JJK - which unfortunately is expected from 'the patriarch' aka his father, but deeply hurt him in regards to his mother, who also cared nothing for him. Yes total double standard, but that's patriarchy for you. Anyway Rhaenyra is the opposite - she cherishes him from day 1, and whether that's because she truly loved him at first sight or just loved the idea of a child of hers and Daemon's who knows. But she doted on him and took care of him in a way anomalous for mother's in Westeros, and Gojo always took note of that. He'd burn the world for her - or in this instance, cower it into submission so she can have her throne in peace.
He doesn't mind playing the 'radiant prince' for her, being the faultless and impossibly perfect heir to the throne, because he knows it strengthens her claim immeasurably when his achievements so obviously outshine her direct competitor (Egg, who in fact does not give a shite about the throne and just wants to run away on his dragon with Soren). He even quietly submits himself to the idea of taking a wife because he knows that's also expected of him, although he plans on copying Laenor and having some threesome magic going on. Will that have to come to pass though? Hmm idk yet
THERE WILL BE ZOMBIES. No Night King, but I absolutely believe that Gojo accidentally would become the Prince who was Promised. His birth once again upsets the balance of yet another world, and shifts events into motion that would have laid dormant otherwise. Does he bring magic back into world with his birth? That would be interesting. Idk yet tho.
I also believe in the Maester conspiracy, so that might be in this fic too
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artemis1214 · 16 days
La Petite Sirène : Chapter Three
( A/N: Let me explain, this is a mini story of Alastor and Esme's lives together in the modern world. This is basically an ongoing fic but lives in my AU as it's part of multiple different AUs that I have for them.) 
You can read more of my one-shots and AUs here!
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La Petite Sirène : Modern AU (Chapter 3)
The two make their way outside the building, mostly making small chit-chat as they ride the elevator and Alastor gathers his things from his office. Esme listens intently to his rambling about the neighborhood and all the things she has to experience before she goes back home, but her attention is quickly taken away when she sees a stunning car parked in the driveway.
It appears like something she would see roll out of a vintage movie, with larger wheels in the front, a sleek black exterior with golden accents, and arches spreading across the front wheels to the mid of the vehicle.
"A Zeppelin..." She whispers in awe as she quickly hurries to it, her eyes raking over it in amazement.
"So you're familiar." Alastor chuckles at her reaction, raising a brow at the fact that she knows her cars. He didn't take her for a car person, let alone someone who could spot the make and model of a vintage car with a simple glance. "She's mine, a 1938 Maybach DS8, imported from Germany."
"Mamma mia..." She whispers under her breath, "The black paint job is just like the original, cla-"
"Classic?" He finishes for her with a smirk, "Yes, I know. She wasn't cheap but I do have a thing for these things."
Just so we're clear, he wasn't loaded like she was. He worked hard for his earnings, working his way to the top slowly over time, but he was definitely comfortable.
Whereas she just had to snap her fingers and would easily own this herself.
She wouldn't though.
"How do you manage to keep this thing alive? It's nearly 90 years old!"
He leans against the side of the vehicle, softly tapping the top, "You'd be surprised. The car is old, yes, but it runs well. I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve when it comes to keeping old things like my baby alive after all~"
Esme smiles and reaches out her hand, but it freezes in mid-air, "May I?"
"Of course."
She slowly and carefully runs her fingertips along the paint of the car, marveling in its beauty, before taking the sleeve of her coat and wiping it for any marks. "Wow..."
He looks down at his reflection against the black metal, smiling proudly to himself, "I've worked hard to keep this thing in shape for years, it's taken a lot of maintenance, but I love the beauty and elegance of these old cars. They have a certain charm and finesse that you don't find in cars you can buy nowadays~"
Esme looks up and watches him as he speaks about his passion, noting how his eyes glaze over with pride. A small smile creeps on her face and she feels a strange sensation in her chest.
A warm heat travels up her neck and her mouth goes dry.
"Well, I'm assuming you're starved. We should go, yes?" Alastor walks over to her side, and her head follows him as he does so, watching as his hand slips over the handle and opens the door,
"Of course." She looks back at her car and presses the lock on her keys to ensure it's secure before climbing inside, quickly crossing her legs and taking in a whiff of the leather interior.
The car ride is rather silent and short, and they soon arrive at the restaurant. Alastor parks his beauty and turns the engine off, getting out quickly to open Esme's door before she does. The door opens just as she lays her hand on the handle, and she looks up dazed at his manners.
"Thank you." She pulls her dress down as she sweeps her legs over and steps out. Alastor's eyes catch a glance of her dress as she does so, trailing over her smooth milky skin. He clears his throat and quickly averts his eyes, feeling disgusted for even having the audacity to look at her. He offers his hand out to her and she takes it gently without a second thought before following him into the restaurant.
The way these two were acting, you would think they knew each other for more than 24 hours.
He pushes the door open for her, stepping aside for her to enter first, and as she does so he places his other hand on her back to guide her through. This was very unusual for Esme, but she assumed this was part of that 'southern charm' she always heard so much about.
The host smiles at the two and they're led to a small secluded table in the back. It's a beautiful restaurant with dim lighting and a small jazz band playing calmly in the back, something very strange for a colleague to bring a guest.
Esme smiles at the flowers on the table and brings her hand out to pull out her chair, but Alastor quickly slides before her and takes it for her, pulling it out for her to sit. "I got it, darling, let me."
Her cheeks flush softly as she sits down and he pushes her in, which doesn't take much force as she's significantly smaller than he is. As soon as he's seated, Esme picks up the menu to inspect the options. Alastor glances up at her face, taking a moment to skim over her features as she reads.
She is a vision.
Especially under this lighting.
He lets out a small exhale that he hadn't noticed he was holding since they walked in. He rests his forearms on the edge of the table and smiles as his eyes fixed on hers. "So, what do you like about here?" She asks, still looking at the menu.
"They have excellent steak here, as well as a wonderful selection of wines. I always find myself coming back to this place, simply because of their assortments."
"Hm...this is a nice spot, but seems like someplace you need company to enjoy."
"I make do, the jazz players are good company."
She parts from his eyes and looks back down at the menu, "I like steak, rare actually."
"Very nice, and how about I order us a nice bottle of wine to share? You like red?" She nods and he smiles, taking a moment to flag down a waiter. Esme gets a notification on her Apple Watch and looks down to read it as Alastor orders.
"Could I get a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon for me and my dear companion?"
"Of course, sir, and what will you be having for the main course?"
"We'll both have the filet mignon, cooked rare, please."
Esme's face picks up at the mention of her food, "Can I have a side salad with that, please?" She asks the waiter, "Balsamic vinegar and oil would be fine."
"Of course, anything else?"
Alastor shakes his head, returning his focus on the waiter once more, "No, that's all for now." Esme's face twists at his words and she shakes her head with a small huff as the waiter goes to prepare their meals.
The waiter pauses mid-step as he starts to walk off. He turns back to look at her, "Yes, miss?"
She looks back at Alastor, "You need a side with your steak." She says firmly with a raised eyebrow. Alastor's eyes widen as she speaks, taken back in surprise by her boldness. Her tone left little for discussion, and he never met a woman so direct. Let alone anyone so direct to him.
She turns her face back to the waiter, "A side of mashed potatoes would be fine, gravy on the side for taste." The waiter nods and finishes writing down the other order on his notepad.
"Very well miss, it'll be out shortly."
Alastor just stares at her and blinks in confusion as his thoughts race.
But, that's my job....she...I....
She smiles and casually looks back down at her Apple Watch and begins to flip through her notifications, taking out her phone and going through her numerous messages coming in, her face twisting in focus.
He uses the water at the table to soothe the frog in his throat before speaking, "I wasn't expecting you to be so...assertive. I don't think anyone has demanded I do anything."
"What else are you gonna eat? You'll be hungry later..." She says as if it's the most obvious thing, scrolling on her watch, biting her lip.
"Is something wrong, dear?"
"Our interview went live."
He raises an eyebrow, a small moment of silence passing through the table, "And...is that...a bad thing?"
She shakes her head, "People are...um...they heard me with my little smartass comment to you..." She says embarrassedly, "They're talking."
She sighs and begins to read the comments, "Quote, 'We didn't ask for a whore to be on the show'...ahem, another said, 'Did she not know she was on live, wow' and then there's a shocked emoji."
His jaw clicks as he listens, "Is that all?"
She blushes as she reads another, "Well....quote, 'He sounds hot, Es, snatch that.' end quote."
He covers his mouth and lets out a little chuckle, the thought of both of their audiences already imagining them together when they barely know one another is amusing to him, "What an audience~"
"Here, let's freak them out." She smirks, opening Instagram stories and picking up her wine glass, "Don't worry, I know you don't show your face, just hold yours behind mine." She raises her hand and he follows suit.
She snaps a picture of their hands and turns her phone for him to see, "Heh, your hand is huge compared to mine." She puts some emojis on it and adds background music, "See, a faceless pic of a mysterious man on my story, watch and learn." She uploads it.
He takes the phone from her, leaning back and holding it like a grandfather trying to send a text message without his spectacles, as he taps through her stories. Most of them are snapshots of her throughout her day.
Her with her morning coffee and her television set, her 'ootd' (whatever that means), and this mysterious man accompanying her for drinks.
He slides it back to her on the table, "Clever girl~"
"Mmhmm" She sips her wine. The moment the phone hits the table, it lights up and starts buzzing, vibrating across the wood. She clearly has a lot of fans, all currently going nuts over her little picture. She giggles and silences her phone.
He hums in amusement as he drinks from his own glass.
The waiter comes over to check on the two, bringing them their steaks and sides, "Here you go, rare just as requested, is there anything else I could get for you two?"
"No, that's okay. Thanks, though." Esme smiles at him, still holding the glass close to her lips. When he turns, she closes her eyes and brings her lips to it once more, taking a deeper sip.
The way they part around the glass and how she slowly removes it from her lips once she's finished makes Alastor's head go fuzzy. She was alluring in almost everything she did, from the smallest details, it was extraordinary.
If only he could replace that glass with his own li- WAIT HOLD ON NONONONONO
I've only met this woman this morning, what kind of gentleman am I?
This has never happened before.
She is completely unaware of his thoughts and looks around the restaurant taking in the scenery before her eyes catch him desperately pouring more wine in his glass and drinking rapidly, "Umm.....you good?"
His heart is racing and now he feels put on the spot, "Ah...yes..I'm fine, darling, just fine, never better ha..."
"Ooooookayyy~" She shrugs, looking down at her steak, "Oh, it really is bloody." She cuts into the meat with her steak knife and brings a small piece to her mouth, sucking the juice before popping it in entirely. It's potent and rich in taste, and cooked perfectly, edible but juicy enough where she can practically taste the iron.
Just how she likes it.
She chews contently.
A small shiver crawls up his spine as his mind imagines her lips and mouth on him, how beautiful she is, and how soft she must feel. He swallows his food thickly but keeps his eyes on her.
God, she looks beautiful under this lighting.
Now that he can see her, she has the faintest freckles dusting her cheeks, her eyelashes are long (and he can tell they're real) and her hair is in tip-top shape, not one strand out of place.
He wondered how it would feel to run his hands through those curls.
To reach her scalp and tighten his grip until he p-
He looks down at her phone, seeing it light up with an older man's photo and the name 'Papa' across the screen. Her eyes widen and she perks up, sliding the screen and bringing it to her ear.
"Ciao, pa, come stai?" She raises a hand to Alastor to excuse herself and she stands up, walking away. He can hear her voice carry through the restaurant as she exits, "Sto bene, mangiando cena." (("Hi, dad, how are you? I'm good, eating dinner."))
He's left at the table, staring at his food as she leaves.
What the hell is going on?
🖤Words: 2220🖤
~ Artemis🦌💗
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I Wanted to Be
A Ron 'Slider' Kerner Imagine
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Description: Kids, family, all of those things that people always talk about as being the be-all, end-all, goal? Those things have never been on Ron Kerner's list. All he wants to do is fly. What happens when an old friend's little sister calls him for help?
Everything changes.
Warnings: Dead-beat dad, Mentioned Pregnancy, Mentioned Childbirth, Tooth Rotting Fluff
Word Count: 2939
A/N: This is another Discord fueled thought. @mayhemmanaged and I were talking about how we thought that Jake was either Ice's son or Slider's. I had a sudden urge to explore that thought and here we are!
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
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Texans have a saying or cautionary tale for nearly everything. Everything, it seems, except what you can tell your best friend's little sister when her no-good husband runs away from her and the baby she's carrying. When she'd called him, sobbing, he hadn't known what to do. What can you tell a twenty-five year old nine month pregnant woman you haven't seen in close to a decade? In the case of one Ron Kerner, mostly known as Slider nowadays, you don't say a word. Instead, you get emergency leave and hop onto the nearest transport home. 
The tiny town of Cistern is exactly as he remembers it, hot, dry, and dusty. The sole bus trundles through town just as he pulls into the solitary gas station and steps out. It feels weird being back here. As much as Cistern hasn't changed, he knows he has. A quick stop at the pump station for fuel that sloshes sluggishly into the near empty tank of the truck he'd rented in Austin, and he's off again. Driving west a ways and then north until the only things he sees are scrub and the odd glimpse of cattle. 
The turn-off to the Petersen ranch looks just like he remembers it, though the sign says Seresin now. Was that the name of the idiot who ran away? In all honesty, Ron can't be pressed to remember. All that matters is the girl waiting on the porch when the truck rattles to a stop. She looks the same as he remembers. Little Rebecca Petersen, not so little and decidedly not a Petersen anymore, but god does she not remind him still of the little thing that used to run around behind him and Danny, all knees, toothy grin and covered in freckles.
That grin, at least, is exactly the same. So is the teasing tone as she greets him as he walks up the front stairs. "Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in! If it isn't Ron Kerner, the big-shot Naval Aviator. What brings you back to sleepy old Cistern?" 
"You know what." He can't help the sober turn to his voice as he hugs her gingerly, not sure of where to put his arms, not when the bulge of her belly is in the way. God, doesn't he wish he'd never said those words as soon as they left his mouth, though. Because that smile is gone, like the sun hidden by the clouds.
"You're here because of Brian." Her voice is tired, so tired that Ron can't help trying to make the girl he promised he'd protect smile again.
"Naw, Becks. I'm here for you and this little thing. Only in part for him." 
It's words that he didn't know were true until 3 days later when he's standing in the maternity ward of the hospital and being handed a tiny squalling infant with a shock of honey hair and the tightest grip he's ever felt. The newly named Jacob Daniel Seresin seems to be just as enamored of Ron as Ron is of him. Say what you will about the little guy's deadbeat dad, but he made an awfully cute baby.
That instant shock of attachment stays with Ron for a long time afterward. He looks forward to receiving the letters Rebecca sends monthly, filled with polaroids of small Jake as he grows bigger and bigger. He can track every milestone on that little body from how he grows to the first tooth that comes painfully into that little mouth.
But he does not actually see the boy or his mama again for nearly five years. Things have changed considerably over that time. Ron's raked in another promotion, making him a full lieutenant. Ice met a girl and made her his wife, and to top it all off, they're both in Texas again. So on the first long weekend he gets, Ron hops into the old Ford truck he'd put together when he turned sixteen and drives straight up to Cistern.
This time, he drives up to the Seresin house to hear giggling and gets out of his truck just in time to catch a little boy in just a pair of shorts as he goes running past. It's the light dusting of freckles and toothy grin that he'd recognize anywhere which clues him into exactly who he's holding.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm your Uncle Ron. Dunno if you remember me." His voice is gruff as he turns the giggling brat upside down like he's looking for a way to turn a little robot off. Through giggles, he's gratified to hear the boy introduce himself as Jake. This time, the Rebecca he sees in the kitchen of the ranch house she grew up in and where she's raising her son is more like the happy teenager he'd left behind when he enlisted with her big brother. It still irks him that he couldn't protect Daniel. But he's going to protect Rebecca and Daniel's namesake as fiercely as he can.
"Hey, Becks. Y'missing something? I caught this little gremlin running around out there. Is this what you're looking for?" He can't resist tickling the bare tummy of the boy in his arms just to hear the musical giggles.
"Mama, Uncle Sly's here!" The piping voice of the little boy standing there all of two feet tall wearing just shorts is enough to crack even the crustiest aviator's stone heart. Rebecca's boy is a dusty, golden skinned marvel with his sun-bleached blonde hair and huge slightly gap-toothed grin. It feels like home, this place. That weekend, Ron spends more time out on a ranch than he has in years. Rebecca may have managed to keep the ranch going, but who's going to teach Jake everything he needs to know when his daddy isn't around? Anyways, that's Ron's rationale.
Soon after that, though, he's given orders. He's shipped all over the world, flying for the Navy. It seems like his star is on the rise, and while he's Lieutenant Commander and Captain Kerner in short order, he still stays Uncle Sly for one little boy who turns into a teenager back in Cistern seemingly overnight. Ron does his best to show up for all of the kid’s biggest milestones, but even he can’t hop onto a helo every time Jake has a baseball game or wins an award at school. Those weeks, Ron does his best to call and talk to the kid as much as he can.
He talks to Rebecca on the phone enough to know that the kid's struggling with something, something he won't talk to his Mama about. So the next time Ron's home, he heads to Cistern, as always with gifts in hand for the boy he loves like he is his own. Unlike prior snatched moments, Seresin Ranch is crackling with a tension Ron's never felt before. Jake's on the front porch, and Ron's suddenly struck by how grown up the boy seems, especially with how tall he is and the new manly breadth of his shoulders. 
"Hey, Kiddo." As he tugs the kid into a hug, Ron can feel some tension leave those still small shoulders.
"Uncle Sly." Something's not right. Jake's not smiling today, not at all.
"What is it, kid?" A sudden jolt of fear rushes through Ron. "Where's your mom, kid?'
"She's in there, Uncle Sly, in the kitchen. With a man who's claiming to be my dad." The rage that burns in his chest is unlike any other that Ron's ever felt before. Sure enough, when he stalks into the kitchen, it's to see the one man he'd never wanted to see menacing Rebecca ever again.
"Brian." That one word is all it takes for Rebecca's shoulders to relax. Fifteen years have not treated Brian Seresin well. Not at all. His hair is graying and greasy, he's got a paunch and he's obviously drunk off his feet if the way he lists back and forth is any indication. "What are you doing back in Cistern?"
Ron's quick to gather Rebecca back behind him, knowing that Brian Seresin would never be bold enough to try to get to her, not through him, anyway. Jake’s followed him in, as always his shadow
"Wanted my woman back, Kerner. And my kid." He sniffs, wiping away yellow-tinged mucus on the leg of the dirtiest jeans that Ron's ever seen. "S'not fair, y'know? That you got to keep her and the brat while I was off. D'she treat y'well? She's great in bed, ain't she?"
It takes every fiber in his being to not deck the man for what he's saying about Rebecca. Thankfully Jake's holding his ma, otherwise he'd have launched himself at the fool to get his share of the beat down. It’s at that moment that Sly is glad they’d sent lawyers after Brian Seresin after Jake was born because it means he doesn’t have a claim on Rebecca or Jake anymore. They have the denial of parental rights and a divorce agreement to prove it. It doesn't take much more than a quirked eyebrow to get the man to spill the entire sordid tale. How he'd lost a lot of money and wanted to claim what he believed he was owed from Seresin Ranch. 
"Call Sheriff Weatherby, Becks." When Ron finally speaks, the calm in his voice surprises even him. He sounds Ice-cold, which he guesses is what you get for spending the better part of a decade flying with the same person. "We've got an intruder on Seresin Ranch." 
It doesn't surprise him in the slightest that it's Jake who picks up the landline and dials up Sheriff Weatherby, not at all. It's hours later, once one Brian Seresin has been carted away and Rebecca is asleep, that Ron finds Jake again. The kid's sitting in an old tire swing Ron had set up years ago, rocking idly while staring up into the endless expanse of stars in the sky above. 
"So, that's him, huh? My pops, the man who walked out before I was even born?" He sounds so torn up about it, this gangly teen boy who loves his Mama to distraction and who would do anything to protect her. That's something they have in common.
"Yeah, kid." Ron doesn't try to hide the anger in his face, not now.
"Why did he come back? Why didn't he just stay away?" Ron's hand is gentle on the kid's back as he tries to think for a response.
"I dunno, kid. I wish he had never come back. Your Mama isn't the type to cry. But every time I've heard her cry it has been because of that man." The rage building in his chest causes a near imperceptible shake in his hands.
"Why didn't you ever marry Mama, Uncle Sly? You love her, I know you do. Then you can come home to us more often, can't you?" That one innocent observation is enough to have his entire world reeling. What would it be like? Having Becks to come home to? To have this kid, her son, as his own? Is he so easy to read that a teenager can tell what his most closely guarded secret is?
"I dunno kid. But enough about me. What's eating at you?" Ron's a little scared of the answer he's going to get.
"I want to fly, Uncle Sly. Like you do, like Uncle Daniel did." Jake's green eyes are all Rebecca's, all Daniel's and Ron can see the boy he loved like a brother in Jake's face. "D-d'you think I can do it?"
"It's dangerous, kid. But yeah. If there was anyone who could do it, it'd be you. You’ve got your mom’s determination and all of her support, too. Just don’t forget that you’ve got people who love you waiting for you, and you’ll be all set."
Those are obviously words Jake holds close to his heart. Because, before Ron's hit Vice-Admiral, Jake's already at the academy. He's taking Annapolis by storm, making his Mama and his dad, because thanks to the kid's prodding it's Ron and Rebecca Kerner now, incredibly proud. Ron's happy to find he has to wipe away tears when he sees his son, his son, get his wings a few short years later. Then there's another Kerner's star on the rise. His son’s.
He keeps a finger on the pulse of every deployment, every test, and beams with pride to see Jake graduate from Top Gun. That pride sits warm in his chest even as he gets a call from the one California number he'd memorized that he could never forget.
"Mr. Iceman! How're you doing?" The relationship between pilot and RIO hasn't changed over the past years. Neither of them flies anymore, but the bonds they built over 30 years ago haven't changed.
"It's about your kid, Sly." Ron can hear the hoarseness creeping into Ice's tone even now.
"What's going on, Tom?" After a life's service to the US Navy, Rear Admiral Ron 'Slider' Kerner isn't surprised to hear that Jake's been selected for a special detachment. The dad in him, though? He's terrified shitless. Nearly 30 years of loving that boy doesn’t feel like enough all of a sudden, not when Jake's going to be sent on a mission so dangerous that talking about it feels like a jinx. Even the heads up from the COMPACFLT doesn't help.
It's a tense few weeks in Texas. Ron terrorizes the base in Corpus Christi, his mind in Miramar with his son while his body is in Texas. Rebecca is equally distraught. Then Ron gets another call that fills him with sadness all over again. It is Sarah calling, "Hey Ron. Just wanted to tell you that he's gone. Tom's gone. The cancer. It came back with a vengeance. The doctors couldn't do anything. He passed away this morning."
During the entirety of the service, Ron can't help but feel like he would've given anything to see his best friend again one more time before he died. It's sad reconnecting with the rest of their 1986 cohort at the bar later. It’s even worse seeing his son stand somberly kitted out in his own whites across the way from him. He doesn’t, can’t go near him, mainly because nobody knows that Jake is Rear Admiral Kerner’s kid. But he can't help but feel like Tom would've wanted him to hug his boy instead. So that's what Rear Admiral Ron Kerner does. He hugs his son, tight, as many times as he can before he leaves. He watches from the docks as the carrier departs and waits with bated breath.
Rebecca channels her nerves into baking. She fills the house they rent off base with pastries, cookies, cakes and pies, most of which are Jake's favorites. Then it’s a waiting game. Ron calls in every favor he has in order to get more information on the mission Jake’s on, really for anything he can get. As it turns out, there is very little information that even an admiral can get. So all he can do is hold Rebecca close and pray. It’s frankly the longest three days of his life. He’s more tense than he was even during the Leyte Gulf incident, which feels like a world, a lifetime ago. That first call from Jake they get has his knees weak. The relief coursing through his system is too good to be true. So’s the first look he gets of his son when the carrier docks two days later.
The milling crowd of families lets out a roar of excitement when the first of the ship’s crew sets foot on shore. Ron wraps an arm around Rebecca, and keeps an eagle eye on the waves of departing sailors looking for aviator green flight suits. The crowd clears piece by piece and they still haven’t seen their boy or any of the aviators. They’re some of the only people waiting, and Ron can feel Rebecca’s tremors as she clutches at her necklace and rears up onto her tiptoes every once in a while. She sags against his chest and that’s when Ron finally sees their golden boy. He looks exhausted, but he’s safe, he’s home. Rebecca runs right for him first, and Ron can’t help his grin when he sees how tall Jake is in comparison to his Mama. The kid’s not shy about his love for Rebecca either. He introduces her to the aviators and then Ron’s being beckoned forward.
“And this is my pop, Admiral Kerner.” He’s got a shit-eating grin on his face and god if that doesn’t remind Ron of Daniel again.
“Hey, kid.” Ron can’t help the fond grin on his face or the amusement when he sees Jake’s squadron rise into salutes the minute they hear his title. There’s a face in his squadron that Ron didn’t think he’d ever see again. There’s also somebody nearby who he hasn’t seen in decades. 
“Baby Goose. Mav.” Ron’s nod is slight.
“Hey Sly. A kid huh?” Ron can’t resist smiling as he hugs the shorter man. 
“Yeah, Mav. I had to catch up.” Watching Becks fawn over Jake again is everything he’s ever wanted. 
“He’s a good one, you know, Sly?” As Ron stands shoulder to shoulder with Pete Mitchell again, watching their boys realize that they’re closer than they ever could have known, Ron knows one thing. He may have never intended to be a dad, but standing at the docks thirty years later, he knows he wouldn't have wanted to do anything else. 
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@mayhemmanaged, @desert-fern, @cassiemitchell, @dakotakazansky, @sarahsmi13s, @roosters-girl
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🕷️ Miles Morales As a Caregiver (Into the spider verse)
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🎀 : A/N , He's my comfort fr 😭 he's my favorite spiderman, I'm not sorry (might make a pravitr agere hc post ? 👀 ✨)
🎀 : Edit , I saw the first movie for the first time in a few years, so I updated a few things to make it a little more accurate to Miles himself. So, enjoy!
⚠️ : TW/Mentions : spiders, petnames, physical touch, overprotection mention
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🕷️ : When you told him you were an age regressor he would reply rather calmly and chill. Something maybe along the lines of: "oh cool!:) I'm glad you told me”
🕷️ : he doesn't know what age regression meant.
🕷️ : "I know what age regression is.. buut can you explain it to me again?":}"
🕷️ : once you actually explained it to him he might have made a small "awh"
☕ : he won't admit it but he can be overprotective of you at times.
☕ : he doesn't let you cross the street on your own if you regress under 10. So he mostly holds your hand in public
🕷️ : “Cmon bubba, hold my hand for me, okay?”
🎒 : remember when I mention he can be overprotective? Yeah. Baby carrier 90% of the time. Though he tries to avoid it if you don't like it or don't use it alot
🎒 : though, he WILL use a baby carrier if he took you out on a 'mission'. He just cant really carry you while in the air, and he doesn't want you to fall.
☕ : if you don't like heights he'll literally just run on the ground. He doesn't like scaring you, so he'd just do his spiderman jobs on the ground if he can help it.
🍼 : he loves to play games with you. Wether that be virtual games like Minecraft, or physical games like hide and seek or tag. If it's a physical game, he would play "peek a boo" with you
🍼 : "where did Miles go..? There he is!” *He takes his hands off his eyes*
☀️ : Gwen literally adores you. She loves playing pretend with you, and will drag miles into her shenanigans. If you like dress up, she'd usually play knights and dragons.
🎧 : if you're noise sensitive, he'd make sure to keep his music down or personally buy noise canceling headphones (he designed it himself)
☁️ : If you stim, he stims too. He has a swaying stim, a dancing stim and a leg tap stim. change my mind
💤 : not a super strict caregiver, but you have a bedtime. He can usually be convinced for a longer bedtime schedule for that night with some puppy eyes
💤 : he lives for physical affection. He loves to have you sit in his lap or keep his arm around your shoulder. He was awkward at first when it came to physical affection, but came around rather quickly
🖍️ : if you like to draw he'll let you draw in his notebooks. He'd always end up putting them up on his walls. Ganke thinks it's a nice change of colour
🖍️ : the only person he trusts to babysit you is Ganke. Ganke is one of the most chilled babysitters out there. Semi-verbal caregiver but usually gives you things you might need and letting you do your thing
🖍️ : if grown close overtime, Ganke would Share his comic books with you
🎨 : Miles might've took you to spray paint a wall that one time—
🧃 : his usual petnames/nicknames are between "bubba/bud/little one/prince(ess)"
🕷️ : I headcanon he has a pet jumping spider named "Charlotte" (Charlotte's web reference heh)
🕷️ : if you don't like spiders, he usually doesn't let Charlotte out when you're at his apartment
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☁️ Small fic time:D! ☁️
Miles held your hand gently, with a hint of firmness and protection with it. You regressed during school about 2/3 through it and he found out about it. You felt embarrassed since this was the second time this week, but truthfully he didn't really mind. In fact it just made his 'big brother' side come out more. He smiled gently, nudging your shoulder slightly with his. trying to gain your attention as you spaced out. "You okay there, bubba? You seem to be more spaced out than usual.. are you okay?" He seemed to be concerned for you. But kept a gentle tone for you, so he wouldn't scare you accidentally. You shook your head, pouting your lip slightly. You raised your arms up, doing the small Grabby hands to catch his full attention. And unsurprisingly it worked pretty well. He stopped walking and turned to you. "Yeah? You want me to pick you up, little one?” he asked, tilting head slowly before his small neutral smile turned into a goofy grin. "Aw, well, alright then.. c'mon bud” he smiled, picking you up without a struggle. He rested you carefully on his shoulders before walking again.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Everything More Than Anything pt. 2
Sydney Adamu x Carmy Berzatto - R rated 🔥
Full Masterlist
Sydcarmy Masterlist
Chapter 1
Syd's brain is in overdrive, she needs some help with the mental load...
Chapter 2
With Carmy finally on board, Syd threw herself into work more than ever before. The crew rose to the challenge they'd set them, and were improving day by day. Some days though, chaos reigned no matter how hard she tried. The turnover time on a handful of tables was too short, they had diners arriving for tables which were still in use - a nightmare for an already too busy Saturday night. Richie had handed over expo to Carmy so he could deal with the front of house noise, leaving Syd and Tina both covering his station. 
"I need to fire the dessert right now for table 4 and 8 please, Marcus."
"Yes, Chef."
"Are those the two tables waiting to turnover?" Syd called over, 
"Richie's waxing, don't worry. They'll be sitting in 20. Yes Marcus?" Carmy confirmed, pushing Marcus for the desserts.
"Heard, Chef. Plating now."
"Excellent, thank you. Can I have hands ready to go please. 4 and 8, let's go." Syd watched Carmy direct the expo with ease, unperturbed by the additional stress of the first cover's late arrival and the second's early arrival.
"Hate it when people are late."
"Early is just as bad."
"Early gets a drink at the bar. Late pisses everyone off." She reasoned. 
"It's done. Let's move on, I've got 3 halibut and 5 salmon all day?'
"3 halibut, 5 salmon all day, Chef." She confirmed,
"Behind, Jeff," Tina called out at the same time, brushing just a hair too close to Syd and catching her wrist with the hot pan. 
"Shit," Syd gasped, the pain taking her breath away, 
"Baby, I'm so sorry! Fuck, let's get you under some water, honey -"
"It's OK, you carry on. Marcus, can you plate these please?" Syd stepped away from her fish as Marcus moved into her space. Carmy was already running the faucet so she plunged her hand straight under the water flow. Her eyes screwed up, she grimaced in pain as Carmy took her hand and turned it over to check the burn. 
"Looks nasty. Keep it under there," he instructed. "Let's get 2 of those halibut and 1 salmon ready to pick up, Marcus. Followed by 3 salmon."
"Yes, Chef. You good, Syd?"
"Fine Marcus, thanks. The first salmon is SOS, please."
"You got it, Chef."
"You good?" He asked quietly by her side, 
"Sure." She breathed out through pursed lips, pain still evident on her face. She went to move her hand from the water, but his firm grip still holding it kept her from doing so.
"Not yet. Still hurts?" She nodded, "so keep it there." He said firmly. 
"That's new 4 and 8 seated. Order coming on now." Richie moved through the kitchen, 
"Thanks, cousin, are they happy?"
"Nothing a couple of free margaritas won't cure."
"Fucking heard, Chef." Syd agreed, teeth still gritted against the pain. 
"Ouch, burn baby burn? I'll save you a marg, Syd. Tequila will take all your pain away, honey." Richie bounced her shoulder sympathetically as he passed. She stood with her hand under the water for 10 long minutes with Carmy checking in periodically, mostly to make sure she hadn't moved. 
"My fingers are numb, can I move now?" She asked, he nodded as his pen flew across the table information and crossed off the latest table completed.
"Yeah, c’mere," he turned to draw her in and pulled the first aid kit from under the table. He took out the burn ointment and smeared some across his index finger before lightly applying it to the angry red burn on the side of her hand. Her free hand pulled her jacket collar away from where it crowded her neck, his eyes flicked up to watch her. She could feel the goosebumps on her arm as he gripped it gently to apply the cream. She was fascinated by the diligence and tenderness he touched her with as the rest of the busy kitchen disappeared around her. "Plating tables 10 and 16, Marcus?" He called out, his focus split equally between the crew and the tickets lined up on the expo, and her. She felt her heart rate pick up as she watched him multitask. She'd tried for a long time to ignore the ache between her legs whenever he exuded total control like this. Seeing his confidence and skill in full flight was really something. "That ok?" He asked quietly, bringing her back down to earth.
"Yep. Yes, Chef. Thank you."
"Good. You've got 2 halibut and 4 salmon all day."
"2 halibut, 4 salmon all day." She repeated back, tearing herself from his side and back to her station. Tina was wrapping her in a hug instantly,
“I’m so sorry, baby. Are you ok? Lemme see,” She turned Syd’s hand over in her own, 
“It’s ok T, I’m fine. It’s not a bad one.” She reassured the older woman, “let’s get back on it,” she listened carefully so she could get caught up and the rest of the service went without issue. As promised, Richie delivered an ice cold margarita to her station just as they wound down and started the clean up. 
“Coulda been worse sweetheart, I once put my whole palm down on a stovetop. It was one of those electric hotplate ones an’ I forgot it was on. Burned my whole hand. Fuckin’ grim, and holy shit the pain was insane.” He held up his palm, examining it for signs of evidence.
“Thanks Richie, god that’s gorgeous." She took a long drink from the cold cocktail. "Front of house get cleaned up under your watch?”
“Sure it did, smooth as a baby’s ass. No one had a clue.” She grinned at his enthusiasm.
“Ok. Same again tomorrow?”
“You know it, Chef. Someone wants stars after all,” he rolled his eyes affectionately.
“Oh c’mon Richie, you know you want it too. Don’t pretend you weren’t impressed at Ever.” She teased.
“We’re gonna be better kiddo.” He slung an arm around her and dropped a kiss on the top of her head before dancing away from her, “ When you wish upon a star, Your dreams will take you very far, yeah, ” he sang, “ You're a shining star, no matter who you are, shining bright to see, what you could truly be… ”
“Beautiful, thanks for that. Really showing your age there with the 70s disco.” He laughed,
“Everyone loves a classic. What’s your dad listen to?”
“Yeah, it’s the classics for sure. Disco, Soul, Motown, a little 70s rock, he really likes to get down. Got some great pictures of orange corduroy flares and silk shirts.” She grinned, “I literally caught him this morning busting a move while he made coffee. He made me go to dance classes with him when I was a kid.”
“For real?”
“Yeah, cos y’know… my mom. He wanted to meet people, make some friends, but it’s not easy I guess with a kid hanging around, so he just took me with him.”
“Cute, So you’re gonna go on Dancing with the Stars once you’re a top fuckin’ famous chef, yeah?” Across the room, she caught Carmy laughing.
“No, hell no. It was 20 years ago, I have conveniently forgotten everything I ever learned.”
“Bullshit! Yo Tina, did you know Syd’s got moves?”
“Course she does honey,” Tina scoffed, “we’re always dancin’ around here when you ain’t watchin’! So, we done here, Chefs?” She looked around to assess how everyone else was getting on.
“Yes, Chef. Let’s go home. I could fall asleep on my feet.” Syd sighed, a yawn creeping up on her.
“Syd, fall menu tomorrow?” Carmy asked as they all milled around grabbing coats and changing shoes.
“Yeah sure, I was going to swing by the market at Logan Square in the morning first?” Syd could feel Tina watching them,
“Sounds good, mind if I get in on that?”
“No, that’s… that’s totally fine.” She frowned as she spotted Tina turning to hide a smile. “Night everyone,” she took Tina’s arm and the two women left together out into the warm evening.
“Something goin’ on there?” Tina asked as soon as they were away from the building.
“No! Tina, god no. That is a ridiculous suggestion. It would be a terrible idea, for one. And secondly, I don’t even like Carmy y’know, like that .”
“Sure honey, it’s not like you idiots are spending all day looking at each other or anything like that, right? You must think I’m blind, babe.” She laughed.
“Shut up, Tina.” Syd grumbled as her Sous pulled her along to the train station.
“Yo, what’s that?” Carmy asked, weeks later. Sundays in Logan Square followed by brainstorming/ cooking/ menu planning at Carmy's had become the new normal. 
“What’s what?” She said, a teaspoon held between her teeth. 
“That face?”
“It’s just my face?”
“No, there was a look - is it the consommé?” He took the spoon from her mouth, and dipped it into the amber liquid to try.
“Don’t double dip.”
“It’s only us eating it, doesn’t count.” 
“The consommé is fine.”
“Yeah, so what’s up?”
“I just have a thing… I’ve done something to my shoulder,” she winced as she rotated it.
“May I?” He asked, raising his hands. She nodded and he stepped behind her, “where?”
“Like, below my shoulder blade, kinda here -” she stretched her hand behind her back and roughly pointed to the area where her bra’s shoulder strap met the horizontal band with a sharp intake of breath, “hurts like a motherfuc -” His thumb pressed into the soft flesh of her back,
“Little lower,” she squeaked, “and to the lef -, ohh fuck,” she trailed off with a sigh as he found the problem area.
“Yeah,” she breathed. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck, and the warmth of his hands - one kneading the space somewhere between her shoulder blade and the top of her ribs, and the other on the opposite side of her waist to hold her still. She could feel how rigidly she stood.
“Relax, s’probably not helping.”
“Easy for you to say.” She muttered, desperately gritting her teeth to hide the moan on the tip of her tongue.
“Yeah, right.” His thumb found a particularly tender spot,
“Ohh god, fuck,” she let out a broken whine, her hand flying up to cover her mouth in embarrassment. She jerked away from him but his hand on her waist held tighter,
“Just -, I’ve nearly got it, Syd.” He said hoarsely. “Better?” He asked, clearing his throat. She let out the breath she’d been holding, it felt like she couldn’t hear her own thoughts - only white noise.
“Yep, great. Thanks.” She turned to face him, fiddling with the collar of her t-shirt. “I gotta… I gotta split, my dad’s been on me for not hanging out with him anymore.”
“You doing anything?” 
“There’s an exhibit he wanted to see at the Art Institute. Was gonna take him to get crepes after.”
“S’good, you should get outta here.” He shoved his hair back, pushing the curls off his face.
“See you tomorrow?"
"For sure. Say hi to your dad from me." He said shyly. 
"Yeah, maybe next time uhh, I dunno, you could come too. If you wanted, I mean. I keep meaning to take him for breakfast at Kasama." She wrung her hands, swaying lightly on the balls of her feet. 
"I'd like that, Syd." A smile pulled at the corner of his mouth, "But you should go, otherwise he'll uninvite me." 
"Fuck yes, yes he would." She rushed for the door, a loud "see ya!" As it slammed behind her. 
Another couple of weeks rolled on, and as much as Syd didn't care to admit it, Carmy had been right. Taking their time, building everyone's confidence at their own individual pace, caring about every detail, was working. By running a minor injuries triage on the sideline, Carmy had kept Syd on the straight and narrow. The good vibes were almost intoxicating. As they’d moved into early September, Nat had reduced her hours to as few as possible with her due date looming but she was impressed with how things had improved since opening night. Yet Syd couldn’t switch her brain off. It felt like a constant stream of thought, she could feel herself only giving half of herself to any conversations she was a part of, the other half consumed with what they needed to do next, do better, do more of.
“Yo, Syd, you listening?”
“Of course I am,” she looked up sharply at Marcus,
“What’d I say?”
“We were talking about…” she racked her brain, the guilt mounting. She hadn’t been listening, not even close. The last thing she’d heard was about Luca’s plans to visit, she’d then switched off to think about whether she and Carmy could drag him in for a day or two of training with a few of the crew. She was outlining a possible training plan in her mind, splitting the two days into chunks of time dedicated to the things she wanted him to show them.
“It’s a nice idea, Marcus, totally fine for you to take a day or two and show Luca around.” Carmy confirmed,
“It’s a great idea. There are so many good places you could show him.” Syd nodded along, shooting Carmy a grateful look for saving her. Marcus grinned, 
“Thanks guys, ‘preciate it.” He left the office and went back to his station, pulling his phone out to text Luca.
“Not listening?”
“Thank you for the save.” She slumped further into the spare office chair.
“You got lucky.”
“Ok, ok, I zoned out.”
“You’re always zoning out. Pretty sure you don’t really listen to anyone anymore.”
“I listen to you. Usually. I had an idea about doing a workshop with Luca - if he’s up for it?”
“Dude comes on vacation and you want to put him to work?”
“He’d love it.”
“We’ll think about it.” He assured her, “where’s your head at?” She looked away at the books over his shoulder, 
“I dunno,” she mumbled, “s’like I… like my brain is just so full of stuff, I can’t think fast enough, can’t write it all down quickly enough. I just can’t switch it off, it’s constant.” She tried to think of the last time her mind wasn’t a relentlessly moving machine. 
“You sleeping?”
“Sometimes. I get a few hours if I’m lucky. Don’t you feel like this too?” She asked, almost desperately.
“I used to, til someone started giving me shit about having my full focus.”
“Haha, so funny,” she rolled her eyes, “I’m serious.”
“So am I. That is how it felt before. Then you told me to focus, so I did. One thing at a time. Mostly.”
“What’d you do?”
“Listened to you. Prep helps - keeps my hands busy and gives me time to think.”
“I don’t get it. Did you know Dolly Parton wrote I Will Always Love you and Jolene on the same damn day? So why the hell can’t I do what I need to do in a day? I need to empty my brain completely first. A total reset. Just blank space, no thoughts at all. White noise.” She rubbed her tired eyes, “now that would be first fucking class.” She handed him her half empty iced coffee and swiped the half slice of toast left on his plate holding it between her teeth, “Oh fuck -” 
“S’up, channeling Dolly Parton?” He sniggered. 
“No!” She scoffed, “I just realized how to… ugh, but it means Tina was right. God fucking damn.” She chewed thoughtfully.
“You’ve lost me?”
“Yeah, nevermind. Don’t worry about it.”
“For real. Back to it, Chef.” She left the office, still cursing under her breath. 
White noise. Suddenly it was all Syd could think about, the last time her brain had got up and walked out on her had been when Carmy had his hands on her. She'd felt the warmth of his hands through her clothes burning into her skin, his firm but careful touch trying not to hurt her. The way he'd grazed a particularly sensitive spot that would have made her knees buckle if the table hadn't been holding her up. And of course Tina had been right about the best way to relax. Because of course that would be the answer. She fell practically mute during service, robotically repeating back to Richie on expo, but otherwise not really engaging. She missed the whole conversation about Tina’s birthday plans, didn’t even flinch when Connor dropped a baking sheet right at her feet and didn’t once argue with Richie. She could feel Carmy’s gaze burning right through her at every opportunity, but he didn’t pull her up on her silence.
“Earth to Sydney Adamu, come in Sydney Adamu? Are you reading me?” Richie called over, using his hands as an amplifier,
“Sorry Richie, miles away. What’s up?”
“... Dude, that’s what I’m askin’ you? Where’s my sparring partner, huh? I musta mispronounced at least three different dishes tonight and you didn’t rip me even once! An’ you know I can’t rely on Carmen for witty banter - that’s our bag!”
“Witty banter?” She laughed, “I’m very sorry Rich, it won’t happen again. I promise if you really want me to roast you next time you fuck up, I’ll be there in a hearbeat.”
“That’s my girl! That’s what I wanna hear! Ok lizards, that’s the kitchen closed - thank you and goodnight. Not literally of course, get cleaning. Cousin, coming to burn one?” Carmy shot her one last look before following Richie.
“Baby, you good? I like, signed you up to cater my whole fuckin’ birthday party and you just agreed no questions asked?” Syd sighed with relief, of course she would have agreed to that regardless.
“T, hell could freeze over and I’ll still do your birthday. You know that!”
“I know, just don’t want you burning out - you’re workin’ too hard.”
“I’m working the same as I always do. I promise I’m fine.” She popped a kiss on Tina’s cheek as Richie and Carmy came back in to join the clean up. By the time the kitchen was spotless, Syd was drained. She called out goodbyes from the office as the others left, scribbling notes before they got overtaken in her brain by something else and something else and something else. 
"Syd, home." Carmy peered around the door. Half the lights were off and there were only the two of them left. 
"Shit, sorry. Yeah, I'm going." She dragged herself from the desk. 
"Look, can I try something - and you can tell me to fuck off?"
"I doubt I'm gonna tell you to fuck off, Carm."
"You might. Close your eyes?" She hesitated, but did as he asked. "What are you thinking?"
"Honestly?" She felt him nod.
"Well, I started to think we needed a new fruit supplier cos I swear we're being screwed on strawberries. Then I got onto strawberries being ready earlier each year because, y'know, climate change. So I doomspiralled a little, wondering if we need to move premises due to flooding, food prices, food shortages… but then I got kinda back on track thinking we could grow our own fruit and vegetables but that's, like, a lot of work and now I'm just about back to getting a better fucking supplier - ohh, or joining up with other spots nearby to buy bigger quantities, cheaper? Also, climate change is gonna kill us all, so that was a fun little detour." She finally stopped, eyes still closed, it was so quiet she wondered if Carmy had just left the building during her rant. Then he laughed. A lot. 
"Syd sweetheart, fuck, you need to get some sleep." 
"Fuck you, I know I do. But that is the state of my mind at the moment, and it is not funny! Things are going so well, why can’t my mind just let me breathe?" She sighed. "Can I open my eyes now?"
"No." She felt a hand on her waist, his insistent kiss on her lips, and she squeaked in surprise. He pulled away as she leaned in, leaving her swaying on the spot. 
"Oh." She opened her eyes with just enough time to see him move towards her again. 
"Oh? Should I stop?" He asked. She shook her head, words failing. Somewhat more prepared this time, she met him halfway in an instant clash of tongues and teeth. With one gentle push backwards, he'd pressed her against the wall. She gripped his t-shirt in her fist, catching the chain around his neck at the same time.
"Ohh god," she moaned in exactly the same way as she had in his kitchen. He nipped along her jawline, one hand on the back of her neck and the other on her ass.
"Sounds familiar," she could feel him smile, "how's all the big brain shit goin'?"
"Fuck, Carm -" She gasped as his hand moved from her neck to palm her breast over her t-shirt, "no thoughts here." He pulled away from her abruptly, holding her steady against the wall, 
"Good girl." He watched as her breath stuttered at his compliment and smirked. He flicked his wrist at the button of her pants, and kept his eyes on her as he slid them over the curve of her ass. She nodded for him to continue, and he dropped to his knees in front of her, dragging the material down her leg and pulling off her sneakers. She waited for him to reappear, but he didn't. Instead, he hooked her knee over his shoulder,
"Wait, what?" 
"I'll stop when you forget your own name. How's that sound?" Her jaw dropped, "kidding. Mostly. Say now, and I stop, and we can forget this ever happened, 'K?" 
"I don't want you to stop," she whispered. 
"Good." He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her soaked underwear and pulled them down her legs, then he nudged her legs apart and lifted one to drape it over his shoulder. "So wet, Syd," he teased, peppering her inner thighs with kisses. He licked a broad stroke through her folds, his nose nestling up against her clit. She could feel her knees shaking so he put a firm hand on the hip of her raised leg to hold her steady. His other hand moved to join his determined mouth, he replaced his tongue fucking her with his fingers and turned his attention to suck her clit 
"Oh f-fucking fuck , Carm," She tangled a hand in his hair, partly to stop him from moving, and partly to keep herself upright. His fingers, knuckle deep inside her, pumped lazily in and out while he savored her taste, wanting to drag out her pleasure for as long as possible. Her dripping cunt ached for release but he didn't let up.
"You wanna come for me, baby?" He murmured as she whimpered at the loss of his tongue.
"Yes, god yes -" her hips twitched towards him, changing the angle so his fingers brushed against her g-spot, he flicked his tongue over her clit at the same time and felt her walls contract around his fingers as she came apart completely with a broken sob of his name. He rested his head against her thigh as she leaned limply into the wall. Her legs trembled, so he slipped her underwear back up, sat back and guided her down the wall to sit in his lap. "Holy shit." She whispered once she'd recovered her breath. 
"How's your head?" He asked, dropping a kiss to her temple. 
"Hmm, pretty empty." She smiled into the crook of his shoulder. She kissed a trail up to his ear and along his jaw, tasting herself on his tongue. With a desperate moan, she moved to straddle his hips, her knees on the cold, hard floor. She could feel him rock hard through his pants and rutted against him. 
"So fuckin' beautiful, Syd." His hands gripped her ass, holding her against him and making them both moan. His phone vibrated across the desk and onto the floor as he slid his hands underneath her t-shirt, "ignore it." He told her, tickling the sides of her ribs while he tried to pull it off. She batted his hands away and leaned away from him to reach it. 
"Fuck, it's Pete?" She handed it over and he swiped to answer the call just before it rang off. 
"Hey man, you good?" Syd couldn't hear Pete's response, but she could see Carmy's frown deepen. She moved to get up from his lap but his hand on her bare thigh stopped her. "On my way. No, no Richie till later - got it. Yeah, I'll bring Syd. Later dude." The phone dropped into his lap between their bodies. "We gotta go."
"Baby's coming, Nat wants you there."
"Oh no, no no. That's not… I don't like hospitals. And it's really late. And I'm pretty sure they only let family in, so -" 
"We'll figure it out later, come with me?" He cupped her jaw, bringing her face close to his again, and kissed her, "and we'll figure this out later. C'mon." She stood up with ease, her legs now more willing to cooperate, and held out a hand to help him up. He kissed her again, his cock still half hard pressed into her thigh, "fucking family. Figuring this out later for sure." She pulled away first, hands fluttering nervously as she found interest in her bare feet, the coral nail polish a pop of brightness in the dimly lit room. 
"I'm gonna get cleaned up. Have we got time?" She picked up her clothes from the floor,
"Pete said it's still a while off, we're OK for now." She nodded, considering his wild hair and disheveled clothes. 
"You should straighten up too. She's your sister, full blown labor or not she's gonna know straight away." 
"Yeah, yeah I will." He nodded in agreement. She took her time in the beautifully decorated bathroom. The dark wallpaper and paint with the brushed gold features were all her and Nat. They'd spent an afternoon in a DIY store together picking out the colors and accessories. She switched with Carmy, and while he was in the bathroom, she put her sneakers back on and switched off the remaining lights.
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mothbart · 5 months
Hey luv!! What are your fav marauders hcs? Feel free to go on for as much or as little as you’d like!!
oh my god YOOO ECHO you just opened up a can of worms. i'm gonna stick this under a read more because i have so many thoughts and feelings. and people may or may not agree with these and that's okay <3 these are just how i see everyone. this is so incredibly long and i do not expect anyone to read this lmfao
-james potter is not a sunshine character. he is not all rainbows and happiness. james potter is a human being with a big fucking ego who thrives on attention. james potter hurts people intentionally sometimes. james potter knows how to hurt and he knows exactly what will really drive the knife through. james potter does things for others because it will benefit him in the long run sometimes. does that mean he's awful? NAH. he can still be funny and loyal to his friends and sweet and nice and an overall happy guy, but james potter is so much more complex than that and it makes me so sad when people just water him down to someone with a golden retriever personality.
-i love the idea of lily evans being blunt and a straight shooter. not enough to be a dick but enough to get her point across. she doesn't hesitate to tell someone what she wants, how she wants it, and when she wants it. she knows what she deserves and she'll do what she can to get that.
-i love how people paint marlene to be...loud? if that makes sense. like loud in the sense that her presence is known, like it's almost impossible to not see marlene. like my baby is full of life and personality and she is a true life of the party kinda gal and she knows it. mary is the exact same way. mary is giggly and free and does not give two shits about what people think of her. they're both hard workers even though everything just comes naturally to them.
-i don't think that regulus is always cold to the people he cares about. like i think that he's not afraid to show his friends/his partner that he cares about them and doesn't hide it. do i think that he would use his words? not necessarily. he shows them instead. he takes care of them. he'll do things like help sirius clean his house because he doesn't have the energy to do it himself. regulus will make james his favorite meal when he's had a bad day and isn't ready to talk about it yet. he'll pick up small trinkets at vintage stores that remind him of his friends and just toss it to them to show that he thought of them, etc.
-dorcas is ruthless. dorcas cares deeply and loves too hard and she will never hesitate to rally for those she cherishes. dorcas will defend and fight and the people around her admire those traits. she's smart and dedicated and she loves to learn new things and she'll always try things once, even if it's something she knows is completely illogical but because barty talked her into doing it once, she'll argue but she won't straight up say no.
-remus can be mean, but he chooses to always stay calm. he will never hurt anyone intentionally, and if he does hurt someone, he feels guilty. BUT he doesn't allow people to walk all over him either? if that makes sense? like he knows how to draw boundaries and he's not afraid to remind someone that they crossed them. he's not afraid to call out his friends for shitty behavior, like this man is KNOWN for humbling both sirius and james because they both enable bad behaviors with each other, and remus will sit there and remind them the consequences of their actions. it's not guaranteed that sirius and james will listen to him, but he'll keep doing it until one of them has that smack in the face that what they're doing is probably not the best. remus is like their conscience.
-peter. okay. specifically with peter, i imagine him like that kind of friend that will follow whatever the leader of the group (i feel like who the leader is kind of alternates mostly between james and sirius) wants. like if sirius and james do something that will have a negative consequence, peter will egg them on and enable them too but will act like he nothing to do with it if it blows up in their faces. he won't hesitate to throw his friends under the bus if it means that he's safe from any consequences.
-sirius <3 okay listen. i am very much a strong believer that sirius is loud. he makes himself known. when he walks into a room, attention is on him and he knows it. he basks in it, but there will be times where he doesn't want any of it. sirius does things on a whim. he's impulsive, reckless, he lashes out, he self-sabotages and he's aware of it. he can be manipulative and he knows when to be. but he also has a big heart. he cares so much about his friends and regulus and he will bend over backwards for them and do anything he can to protect them. even if they've pissed him off in some way, he'll hold it against them but that doesn't mean that he won't help them if they needed it.
-BARTY. look. we all know kolowv and if that doesn't explain barty crouch jr then i don't know what does. because kolowv is my literal barty. he's sarcastic, he's funny, he's gone through it, he has a hard time accepting help and will only allow it if it's literally shoved in his face and he can't get out of it. he cares about the people closest to him and he'll fuckin go to bat for them. he's inappropriate in every possible way you can think of at the worst times possible but also when he's aware that it's needed. he knows the consequences of his actions and to be quite frank, he doesn't give a shit. i think that he can also be awkward and he's very quick with his wit.
-evan and pandora. evan is quieter than pandora, always has been and always will. they work as a team, they will never work against each other. pandora is evan's piece of mind, and evan is pandora's. evan reminds pandora to quit being such a fuckin pushover and that she's not a doormat while pandora reminds evan that it's okay to openly show that he cares about people. evan is more shut off than pandora, he's not really a "talk about their feelings" kind of person but pandora does her best to encourage him, and sometimes he listens. did i mention that pandora is actually a yapper because she is. and evan will listen to whatever his sister has to say, even if it's her talking about her favorite animal.
okay i think....that's all i have so far...anyway if anyone actually read all of that thanks and im sorry for the novel <3
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
Hewo <3
From the trust prompt list: remembering tiny things about the other.
May I ask for Vaxleth in MFL? You're the best 🥺👉👈
4. remembering tiny things about the other read what came before this.
turned my water into wine #33
Vax makes no secret of the fact that he is obsessed with his wife. His sister teases him about it, his encyclopedic cataloguing of every aspect of her personality, all of her whims and wants and fears and quirks. He fancies himself something of an expert in the subject of Keyleth, and it is both a point of pride and his way of making sure she is never unaware of exactly how much he adores her.
It is easy, then, for him to forget that she, too, has spent an inordinate amount of time with him, countless nights in hushed conversation behind a locked door, whiling away the midnight hours as they peeled apart each other's layers, both literal and metaphorical. At this point, over two years in, with a house and a baby and a ring on their hands, she knows him better than anyone does—even Vex, though she'd rend him limb from limb if he suggested such blasphemy in her presence—but he always forgets, always lets himself believe that he is the only one who notices, who remembers.
Which is why when he comes home on a night, head rattling with gods and prayers and the sobs of the grieving, he is surprised to find a bouquet of snowdrops, a cloud of white in a little glass vase, on their tiny dining table. He stops in the doorway, mind whirring in an attempt to remember if he's forgotten any important date—not her birthday, not his, not their anniversary—but before he can figure it out, there's a shriek of a giggle from the nursery, followed by his favorite laugh in the world and a quiet, "Don't think you can grin your way out of this one, baby bird."
Leaving the flowers, Vax crosses over to Vilya's bedroom door, leaning against the frame to watch his wife wrangle their wriggly-armed infant into her swaddle. Vilya seems largely uninterested in the effort, instead cooing loudly as one hand swings up, nearly knocking a fist right into Keyleth's face.
She just ducks out of the way and laughs again. "I'm blaming your Auntie Vex for that one." It's only then that Keyleth notices the presence in the doorway. "You're home!"
Oh, how her smile could melt the iciest of hearts. "What a thing to come home to."
She pouts. "You could help, you know."
"Please, I'm watching a master at work."
She rolls her eyes, but it takes her only a minute more get Vilya all wrapped up. She scoops her up and plops her right into Vax's arms. "Take your demon child. I've got to get dinner started."
Vax happily presses kisses all over his demon child's face, grinning from ear to ear as she cackles in delight. "And what is our culinary adventure tonight?"
Keyleth is pulling ingredients out from a large basket on the counter. "I'm trying my hand at that sausage stew Nel made two weekends ago. I figure it's mostly letting things boil together for a while, so I shouldn't make too big a mess of things."
Vax would eat poison if she gave it to him, but he figures that is not the most encouraging thing to say. "I'm sure it'll be wonderful."
"I hope so." She starts listing out the ingredients to make sure she has everything, and Vax is only half-listening, but as Keyleth starts to chop up the vegetables, he asks, "Hang on, did you say zucchini?"
Keyleth hums in assent. "What about it?"
"There was no zucchini in Nel's stew."
"Oh, well I'm replacing the asparagus."
"Why's that?"
"Because you didn't like it."
He blinks. He'd said no such thing. "How...?"
She shoots him a look over her shoulder. "You didn't eat any of it. And when you went back for seconds, I saw you carefully ladle your bowl so there weren't any spears in it. So I picked zucchini because I know you like it better."
For a moment, Vax forgets about the cooing baby in her arms, thoughts immediately consumed with taking his wife by the waist and pulling her away from her work and into the bedroom. But then he remembers himself, walks up behind her, and kisses her on the cheek instead. "You are something magical, you know that?"
She scoffs. "Magical? I need not wield my mysterious powers in order to see, Vax."
"And the flowers?"
The apples of her cheeks turn the color of sunset. "Well, yes. Those are your favorite."
"That they are."
"And I'd heard you were having a rough day."
"That I was."
"And I love you."
The way his heart swoops, low then high, circling around his chest like a bird in flight. "That you do." He shifts Vilya into one arm so that he can take the other hand, bring Keyleth's face around so that he may capture her lips in a kiss. "What can a man do to deserve a woman like you?" he murmurs against her mouth, parted and kiss-swollen.
"You can start by letting me chop the damn vegetables," she whispers back, and he throws his head back in a laugh. He acquiesces, getting out of her way with Vilya in his arms. He heads for the sofa, but stops on the way to dip down and bury his nose in the snowdrop bouquet. They smell of Byroden, of a little hut of wood and stone, of his mother's soap, of the sun, of Zephrah, of his wife's clothes, of home.
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jessnotfoundd · 2 years
Well I’m glad your liking my requests !! Sorry I’ve been so quiet today, I’ve been out but I’m hoping you’ve had a good day/night ! I do have a request though, as we know Dream has Patches. So do you think you could write Dreams reaction to the reader coming home with a cat that they got from the shelter, after they said they were going out just to grocery shop. -🎃
Omg your ideas are always super cool anon! <3
𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧
Pairing: cc!Dream x reader!
Masterlist here!
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I and the guys were back from San Diego and sapnap used the last things we had to make launch so it was time for grocery shopping.
I was writing what we needed so I wouldn't forget anything, and after asking George and Sapnap if they wanted me to bring them something special o anything in general I was ready to leave, not before telling Clay I was leaving.
-I'm leaving, wanna come?- I ask but as soon as I realize he's editing a video I already can tell he's not coming.
-I'm a little busy right now.- he makes me sit on his lap.-But, we can watch a movie or something, just the two of us.- I laugh and nod.
-Yeah, that sounds cool.- I lean my head to rest my head on his shoulder. I kiss his neck and stand up.
-Can you buy some food for Patches? she's almost running out.-
-Yeah, I got it.- I show him the list and he smiles.- Well, enough, I'm leaving- he brings me down for a kiss, and then I'm free.
The final thing on my list was patches of food, after I paid for everything I see across the street a shelter, it wasn't too bad just to say hello to a few buddies after all, right?. So after locking down the car, I made my way to the little shelter when I enter I see all of the dogs and cats and a few other animals, but mostly dogs and cats, and my heart broke. How people can be so mean to leave them.
-Hey- an old man and a lady come to me.-Looking to adopt some of these buddies?- she goes with a smile.
-I just came to say hello, it breaks my heart, I wish I could adopt all of them.- It's there when I realize she's holding a baby cat and I melt.
-Oh, this is molly, she's the last one, her little brothers were already adopted.-
-Oh, you're lonely?- I caress a finger through her head and she closes her head.
-Wanna take her? she's two months old.- she passes me the little kitten and I fell in love again.
Should I? would the guys be so mad if I take another cat? are patches gonna feel aside or left out? but look at this little baby.
-Well, I can give her all she might need.- I smile with the little kitten in my arms. She looked so little and warm.
-Perfect, ill bring some papers, adoption is very serious for us.- I nod and she disappears.
-You're coming home with me.- I smile at the little creature in my arms, who's already falling asleep.- You'll have a sister and amazing dads.- I smile at the thought of Sapnap and George obsessed with the kitten but patches and Clay for another side, I hope at least feel cool about it.
When I pull into the garage of the house, Sapnap it's already there to help me take the grocery inside the house. But when I leave the car and he sees the little baby in my arm he loses it.
-Omg, hello buddy- he takes the little car in his hands and I smile, I knew he was going to be okay with this. -You didn't tell me you were getting a baby home.- I smirk.
-It's not planned I was saying hi to the animal in the shelter and the lady told me she was left alone because his others brothers were already adopted. And I feel a little sad about it so I decided to bring her home, I hope Clay and patches don't kill me.- I cross my arms.
-Go tell Clay, I'll take the grocery inside.- he smiles and gives me back the little kitten. I nod and go inside the house, I walk straight to Clay's office room and when I enter he turns around. I hide the kitten in my arms, which looked like they were just crossed.
-Hey, you took forever to come back.- he pouts and I smile awkwardly.
-Yeah, I've done something.-
-What.- he already prepares for something terrible and I can tell, because when I take the kitten out to show him he relaxes.- Why?- he gets closer to me and I tell him the same story I told sapnap.- oh, poor baby- he takes the kitten in his hands and I smile capturing the image of both of them in my eyes.
-Yeah, that's what I said.- I smile and he looks at me again.
-Has a name?-
-Yeah, the lady told me she was named molly.-
-Hello Molly, want to know your sister?- he passes beside me and kisses me.- Come, let's give patches the idea you had.- he laughs and I do so.
-At least she's not alone anymore.-
-Yeah, guess you're right.-
Even tho I thought Clay wouldn't be so happy with the new kitten, I was wrong, after that he was a lovely dad with both of his girls, he would give the small kitten some milk at the respective times and would make sure patches don't feel left out.
-I guess I'm ready to have a baby - he blurts out while we were getting ready for bed.-
-But you already have two- I said not getting the point.
-No, I mean, a human baby.- he looks at me while I'm brushing my hair.
-Yes?- he nods.- well, maybe in a few years, you might be ready but I'm not, and guess who has to carry the baby for nine months?.- We both laugh and I lay down with him, patches and molly with us.
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bouquetshark · 1 year
may I please request little ice juggler cookie with caregiver banana cookie headcanons? :D
Regressor!Ice Juggler Cookie Headcanons
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As a general baseline, Ice Juggler is still brutally honest and aloof when regressed —albeit much nicer to be around. It's also important to mention that a lot of the time she sleeps or just lays around because of the high amounts of psychical activity the circus requires her to do. And although Ice Juggler may pretend to hate Banana Cookie, we all know they love each other. (And isn't little Ice Juggler so cute?!)
• Very shy when regressed, not only because of internal shame, but external insecurities and the fact she (probably) made fun of the coping mechanism at some point. (She wishes she could take that back, but oh well). Usually hide's behind Banana's ankle when going out or meeting other's.
• Regresses from 2-3, mostly non-speaking and prefers to write or use sign language as her form of communication. (And because she has a binky in half the time and doesn't want to take it out).
• Doesn't really have any toy's besides some rattle's and jingle's (because of insecurities and because there small and easy to hide) — Banana Cookie is actually planning to get her some toy's and regression stuff for her birthday since she feels bad watching Ice Juggler just sleep all day with nothing to play with because she wants to see her smile. (don't tell her though! It's a surprise!)
• Loves hug's and kisses from Banana Cookie, but will not admit it to save her life. (Banana knows. She gives her lot's of hug's and kisses).
• Enjoys being called "baby", "sweet pea", or "little one". (Call's Banana Cookie "mama", or "nana"—a shortened version of her name, Banana Cookie!)
• Wants to use a pacifier but isn't sure if it would be okay to do that. (Banana Cookie is secretly buying her some pacis!)
• Ice Juggler tends to hide behind Banana Cookie, as she's very shy when regressed —even more so around her boss, (whom she finds very annoying). Banana Cookie's best buddy, Choco the Monkey, also love's to comfort her or be a cuddle buddy.
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As a general baseline, Banana Cookie is an enthusiastic, and sometimes over energetic caregiver. Regardless of how much Ice Juggler Cookie sometimes hates all of the smothering affection —she can't help but go back for more. (And part of her doesn't want to stop).
• Enjoys being called "mama" and "mommy"!
• Loves to hold and rock Ice Juggler. Especially when she's upset or sleepy. (She secretly likes it too..)
• Takes Ice Juggler out to the park and restaurants, Ice Juggler really enjoys the quality time, but she won't admit it to herself. Banana Cookie also has a stroller and baby wrap for her!
• Her pet, Banana Lion, acts as a comfort for Ice Juggler. Banana never trained them to do that—and thinks it's SO cute!
• Sometimes she can accidentally overwhelm Ice Juggler with all of her energy since she's quite the sleepy baby, and tries to make up for it.
• Frequently gets Ice Juggler snack's or tiny stuffies—Ice Juggler has to secretly donate or sell some of the plushies or give them to other regressors because she gets so many..(PLEASE don't tell Banana her heart will break in half like a crumble cookie and we aren't sure if she'll recover /lh). Don't worry, though, all of the sold plushies are being put to good use! (And Ice Juggler is making some serious cash).
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Momma's Here - A Cookie Run Agere Fic
CW for the following: Mentioned character death/passing, angst, angst/comfort, hurt/comfort, breakdown's. Has a happy ending. Stay safe little one's!
Cross posted to Ao3: > Link!
“Ice Juggler?” Banana Cookie said, walking into the stage set-up as she pulled back the red curtain. Lately, Ice Juggler had been more distant from her—and she found it to be a cause for concern. She loved Ice Juggler very much, and wanted her to be as happy as she could. She wondered if she was doing enough for her, maybe too many presents?
Meanwhile, Ice Juggler sniffled in the dressing room, holding back her tears. Today had been such an overwhelming day—the pay for working overtime was something that she couldn't pass up, not when her rent was due this month. And Banana Cookie always worked as many hours as she could, sometimes even going so far as to take other's shift's. Not because she needed to, she already made twice as much as Ice Juggler Cookie, an was on the rise to make even more coin's - but because she loved her job.
She wished she had at least a little of that passion inside her. Ice Juggler had always been a pessimist, someone who saw the worst in everything and everyone. And she made sure people knew it, too. She didn't like people, she didn't like her job, and she certainly didn't like herself. Distancing herself from the world was how she coped with all of it, but today - it all came crashing down, literally.
She fell on stage.
It wasn't a serious fall, but it was enough to aider a few gasps of surprise from the audience. Luckily, Banana Cookie managed to play it off as a fake fall, (thank goodness for her sickeningly sweet cheerfulness in that moment). And all had gone smoothly, or so Banana Cookie thought. She was oblivious to what Ice Juggler was feeling in that moment, given she never really was in a good mood, always complaining about something or someone. It was hard to tell.
But today had been a very hard day for Ice Juggler, and not just because of her show failures. Today, she'd gotten a call of a relative passing away—her grandmother, one of the only cookie's she truly enjoyed being around. Her grandma was her light in the darkness, her candle flame, and now she'd been snuffed out by the clutches of death. That morning, she should've called off of work entirely, but was in to much shock to say no. And the people wanted her, and they we're giving her money, and she needed that money.
“Ice Juggler? Are you okay?” Banana Cookie called again, her voice more concerned this time. She was very worried about her friend. Banana Cookie's footsteps got closer to the dressing room, Ice Juggler tried to move or run away. But she couldn't get herself to do it. Part of her just wanted to run into Bananas arm's and forget about everything. She felt so small and fragile, as if she could break at a single touch—
Oh no. She was regressing.
Why now?! Out of all of the things that could've possibly happened, it just had to be this. God, she could never catch a break. Ice Juggler could feel her resolve fading as her mind muddled into that headspace, tears falling from her cheek's and staining her clown costume —and then Banana Cookie opened the door, seeing Ice Juggler crying to herself. Without hesitation, Banana Cookie rushed over. “Ice Juggler..are you okay? Something's wrong. Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked, a warm hand caressing her cheek. Wiping her tears away from her eye's. “I-i don't wanna talk about it right now,” Ice Juggler stammered, sniffling out. She could feel her cheek's flowing red with embarrassment. She just wanted her mama, but she wasn't sure how to ask. “Do you want a hug?” Banana Cookie asked sweetly. Despite Ice Juggler trying to hide her regression, it was quite obvious currently. Especially with her lack of communication. She always spoke her mind, albeit usually not warranted.
“Mhm,” Ice Juggler nodded, her head falling into Bananas arm's. She rubbed her back soothingly, comforting her precious baby. She wanted so badly to take this pain away. “It's okay, mamas here baby,” She candied. “I'm not upset honey—i'd never be.”
Ice Juggler had completely melted in Bananas arm's —her head in the crook of her neck as she was gently hoisted in a supportive carry. Rubbing her back lovingly. Banana Cookie cooed, trying to shush Ice Juggler and make her baby feel better. Ice Juggler eventually calmed down, some yawns coming out of her. “Mama,” Ice Juggler babbled softly, her cheek resting on Bananas shoulder. “Yes baby?” She asked, “Do you love me?” She said quietly.
“Of course, angel. Mama will always love you very much,” She answered, giving a kiss onto Ice Jugglers forehead. “I love you, too” Ice Juggler yawned, her eye's blinking slowly. “Clearly someone needs a nap,” Banana gushed. Ice Juggler shook her head, falling asleep. Banana Cookie Gabe a watm kiss on her babies forehead, getting ready to take her angel home.
Today wasn't such an overwhelming day after all.
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love-fireflysong · 3 months
Got tagged by @queenofbaws like 6 seconds ago to do this thing and because I'm currently trying SUPER hard to stay awake for at least another three hours to get me back on a 'normal' sleep schedule for the next week and a half, we're doing this shit now! ...and also because if I don't do it now then I'll just forget about it and never do it asjdhkjahsdkjs
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59! Not a bad total all things considered 😤
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
337,514. That's an average of 5,720 words per fic btw akjdshjkahsd
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Until Dawn mostly. Got a decent amount of Tales of Phantasia stuff as well as a lot of ideas for it but cause that fandom is even deader than ud's, I never actually write any of it lmao
4. Top five fics by kudos
Valentine's Day Prompts (crossed out because while it's *technically* my highest I do not count it for the sole reason that like literally not even ten minutes after I uploaded it I got like 50+ guest kudos all at once so those are clearly bots and the correct kudos count is probably somewhere between 20 and 30 lol) What I actually consider my top five fics by kudos are:
The Final Days of Our Youth
More Than Worth It (though considering it was posted only barely a week after the vday prompts the kudos may be a bit suspect here as well 🤔)
Nothing and Nobody But You
The Sound of Silence
Baby It's Cold Outside (so hold me tight in your arms and don't let go)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I did/do. And by that I mean I love to, but the last couple of years I've been letting the few I've gotten pile up due to not being in a good headspace to answer/I've just been really busy at that exact moment. Which is important, cause if I don't have the time to respond then and there, I will just keep forgetting to reply. Which is how I've reached the point where I have almost 2 year old comments that I want to respond to but I feel like shit answering them now 2 years later, and let me tell you the feeling does NOT get any less guilty the longer I wait to respond aksjdhkajsdhjk
(maybe I should use this time to answer them while I try to stay awake lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm. I mean, technically the one I'm writing now? It's probably between Winter is Death and Not Only Monsters Hide Under the Bed where one fic involves Hannah slowly losing her free will as she spends a year with the Makkapitew taking over her body and the other is about a little girl hiding from the people sent to kill her village but being found and killed just before her brother got home to save her.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...Somehow, this is the harder of the two to answer aksdjkjahsdkjashd uh.... pretty much any chrashley focus fic where the ending involves them actually confessing and getting together I guess? But if I have to chose one, I think The Final Days of Our Youth cause it's chrashley confessing and getting together, but also repairing their friendship that Chris very nearly torpedoed cause he's an avoidant moron.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Surprisingly no! Thankfully anyone who does not like the ships I write for does not read my fics and thus does not leave comments. And if there us people out there who just do not vibe with my writing style (understandable) they've just clicked back and not responded either.
9. Do you write smut?
Once! I did it once and only once because I just really, really wanted to read about an awkward and clumsy first time between Chris and Ashley and that, uh, did not exist. So I (unfortunately for everyone lol) took it upon myself to write it. That being said, because it is smut, it is unsurprisingly the one fic I can always count on getting a new kudos or bookmark on every now and then.
And I will probably never write another one again sorry not sorry lol.
10. Craziest crossover?
I mean the only crossovers I've ever done is my Outlast au stuff but I don't really consider that a 'crazy' crossover lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! Like I'm not even sure that they've been scrapped by AI sites. Not sure why anyone would want to steal my fics in the first place though honestly.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I mean, no one's ever asked so I assume not? If they did though than all the power to them.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Never been asked and never asked anyone lol.
14. All time favourite ship?
I mean, Chris/Ashley easily, though Chris/Josh/Ashley is a *very* close second lol. (Chester/Arche is also a very close third but no one other than me here knows who they even are so askldjaslkdjsa)
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh god, the actual main outlast au fic that really delves into how the initial prank on Hannah snowballed into climbing chrash being thrust into experiencing the events of the Outlast video game. Except that's not a wip I've even started despite all the notes and timelines in my head 😭
16. What are your writing strengths?
I do think dialogue is my strongest strength personally. I think it flows fairly naturally, to the point where I've sometimes gotten stuck on a scene and switching over to some dialogue either earlier on or just throwing a line in randomly will just unstick *something* in the brain and my creativity output stops being a blockage and returns to it's trickle aksjdhaskdhj
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Literally everything else? Descriptions. I just feel like I can't describe things very well and so I'm always worried that my writing tends to read flat because of it.
Also, due to being told that I'm a waste of space, stupid, ugly, blah blah blah by like 99% of my classmates from like grade 1 to grade 9 my self-esteem when it comes to shit like this is unsurprisingly pretty fucking abysmal! So every time I go to post something new I spend way too long hovering over that upload button convinced that this is the fic that will convince everyone that I'm actually a terrible writer and they won't like me anymore lol
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Never had to use it before myself but it's neat when done... not right or well but, like, done to achieve something you've planned out. I'm not sure what ways I would use it myself, I think it would depend on what use I need it to have in the story itself.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Oh Class of the Titans easy. Inuyasha is where I discovered fanfiction, but CotT is what inspired me to try it out for myself (my first attempt was uh, not great aksdjklasjdlkasj)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oh god, there's a tough question lol. Uh, probably between Baby It's Cold Outside (so hold me tight in your arms and don't let go) and Artificial though. Both are my babies, but Baby It's Cold Outside is the fic that finally started me writing again regularly since middle school after a like almost ten year drought. And Artificial is the one where I finally got to really sink my teeth into what makes my outlast au actually outlast and really get to experience a bunch of shit I had never really written before (torture (physical and psychological), whump, body trauma) and it turns out it was a lot of fun sdlkajsldkjaslkdj
Oh god I have to tag people to do this now don't I? Uhhhhh, @chris-hartley, @icequeen-07, @hannahwashington, @eurazba but if there's anyone else who follows me that wants to do this than please by all means go ahead! Share your work with the rest of us 💖
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
how about "Person A taking care of a sick Person B" for solus and valeria, but you pick who is who
[Prompt list here! Thanks for the ask, I love my little royal couple. <3 I'm so sorry it took so long, I knew exactly how I wanted it to go but I couldn't seem to find the words for it. It also ended up longer than I expected so I added a keep reading break.]
"Really, Solus, I don't need to be babied over a sour stomach."
"And I disagree, as your husband I should make sure you're taken care of."
"Ah yes, except outside of being my husband you're also responsible for an entire country."
"I'm also responsible for you. Now stop arguing with me."
Valeria pouted, folding her arms over her (admittedly quite comfortable) duvet as her husband placed a quick kiss on the top of her head. His smirk didn't quite hide the worry in his gaze, though.
They had been having a nice luncheon with some important families when it had happened. Valeria had mostly been quiet as the conversation had turned to military matters, only for her stomach to suddenly rebel against her, and she only barely managed to excuse herself without embarrassing herself.
After she'd cleaned her face and set herself as right as possible, she returned to the group, but knew when she met Solus' gaze that he could clearly see her pallor and how her hands trembled so slightly.
He promptly dismissed his guests and canceled any further meetings for the day, a cacophony of protests coming from his officers. He turned on them with a waspish glare, and the protests became a chorus of 'yes Your Radiance's as he escorted Valeria away, despite her protests.
"Valer-my lady!" her lady-in-waiting and longtime friend, Noelle, burst in, correcting her too-casual greeting upon seeing Solus was there, clinging to a small tin in one hand and pushing up her spectacles with the other. "I came as soon as I heard you were ill!" Valeria's dearest husband continued an intimidating vigil next to her, so she reached out and gently pushed him aside to wave Noelle closer.
"I brought you a blend of herbal tea to help settle your stomach," she cast a nervous glance at Solus before pressing the tin into Valeria's hand. "I'm sure the medicus will have something stronger but I thought it'd help in the meantime."
"Ugh, I do not need a medicus," she grumbled. "Thanks for the tea though. I'm sure it's all I need." Valeria started to get up, only for her resident mother hen of an emperor to pluck the tin out of her hands and tuck her back in.
"I'll take care of that for you," he insisted, and she flopped back with a long suffering sigh. She heard what sounded like a suppressed laugh. Noelle quickly excused herself before scuttling away, and Solus went to the sitting room to presumably make the tea. Valeria glared at the ceiling.
She'd cared for herself perfectly adequately before she became royalty, they didn't need to fuss so much over her. It rankled against her pride to be cared for. She knew it was coming from a good place, but she couldn't help feeling that not taking care of herself was a personal failing. She picked at a loose thread on her dressing gown, only for a few moments later for her to scramble out of bed to once more empty her stomach in their adjacent washroom. She returned to a warm cup of tea on her side table, a Solus with crossed arms and an expression that screamed 'I told you so', and a medicus she wasn't familiar with.
"Really, I don't need-"
"Even if you don't," Solus took her clammy hands in his, pressing his forehead to hers. "Please just humor me?" Her shoulders slumped.
"Oh, fine," Valeria relented, letting him lead her back to bed and settling her in, taking a seat next to her as the medicus pulled over a stool and opened his case of instruments. "But you'll be feeling very foolish when it turns out I just ate something that disagreed with me."
The medicus worked quickly and efficiently and Valeria did her best to pay attention to anything else. She'd not been taken to a proper medicus since before her father died, as her step mother didn't see it as worth the trouble or cost for someone else's child, and she was discovering that watching what he was doing just made her anxiety over it worse. When she felt something sharp on her arm, she flinched away, curling it protectively against her chest.
"What are you doing?" she demanded defensively, eyeing the long needle attached to a syringe in the medicus' hand. He gave what she was sure was meant to be a reassuring smile, but it made her want to flee the room.
"I just need to take a little blood, my lady," he calmly explained. "We want to make sure you haven't been poisoned and, if so, to know what it is so an antidote may be administered. It'll take but a moment." Valeria glanced uneasily to her husband, who took her free hand in his.
"You know I wouldn't let anyone hurt you," he promised, and after a long moment she relinquished her arm back to the medicus. True to his word, after a quick pinch and a few moments to draw the blood it was done, a small bandage fastened around the site. He assured them he'd be back soon with results and excused himself from the room. Valeria finished her tea and, stomach feeling a bit more at ease, settled back against her pillows to wait. Solus removed his boots and settled in next to her, pulling her into his chest and despite her frustration with all this fuss over her, it was nice to pull her husband away from his duties for cuddles. Maybe she should do it more.
Evening was falling when the medicus returned. Solus didn't leave her side, simply calling 'enter' when the man knocked, and he let himself in, devoid of his pack of instruments but looking in quite a good mood.
"Well, my lady, Your Radiance, I have good news and better news," he smiled at them, and the two waited for him to continue. "The good news is the Empress hasn't been poisoned, nor is she sick. The better news requires congratulations. The Empress is carrying the first heir of Garlemald!"
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