#she's not overreacting and she's certainly not being a bitch!
iamdeltas · 1 year
I have to say it is wild as shit going from the Supergirl fandom where huge swathes of it insisted that Lena was super totally completely in the right for going full supervillain and trying to kill Kara and also mind-control the entire world because she kept being Supergirl a secret from her, to the MAWS fandom where people are insisting Lois is a total bitch for daring to be a little upset that Clark lied to her about being Superman even though she'd mentioned that she has issues with people, including her dad, lying to her in the past, and Clark keeps disappearing during dangerous situations, making her incredibly worried about him when this whole time, he was Superman.
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emblazonet · 1 year
I read that beat up old copy of Dragonflight, a book published 55 years ago, and I truly enjoyed it. Spoilers for an old book follow, so be warned.
Like yeah there's a real 'not like other girls' vibe going on, somewhat mitigated at the beginning by Lessa feeling shame over how she misjudged Gemma, and then made worse by whatever the fuck is going on with that Kylara character. She's never on screen but everyone hates her because she's promiscuous or something? Dunno what's up with that. So like, yeah, gender stuff's weird, but also Pern's entire politics and economy rotate around telepathic dragons and evil spores, so, you know, it's a wacky fantasy. Whatever.
So many people, on telling them I found some battered Pern books in a Little Free Library, warned me that there's Bad Sex in these books, watch out! Well, I've read exactly one (1) Pern book, and I loved whatever the hell was happening. The dragons get horny so now their telepathic humans are horny? So now the two main characters who can't stand each other are fucking because telepathy? UH YES SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. I am so fucking here for this batshit scenario. It's not hatesex but it borders it. It's sex pollen by way of adorable dragons who fuck. I'm eating it up with a spoon. Now, sure, F'lar is like 'wtf I think I raped her' but in Lessa's pov she pretty much never dwells on it, so I think McCaffrey's actual intent was to give you the impression that F'lar is overreacting a bit because he has Feelings he won't admit, and while he's a smug jerk but he's not that bad, he's worried. You could if you want read this as textual rape? But I don't. I view this as Lessa being a practical and unlikeable bitch(affectionate) of a character, for whom sex is just not high on her priority list. She certainly wants to bang him later on. And because it wasn't a standard romance and the focus wasn't really on their courtship but rather the silly time travel plot, I actually enjoyed Lessa and F'lar as a couple. If I knew them IRL, I'd probably want to smack them, they're horribly emotionally stunted. But I got really invested in their slow reluctant growing respect for each other. Honestly so far Pern has the energy of a child making up a giant war for their toys, and incidentally smacking whatever figures they're using for their protagonists together and going, 'haha, they're kissing!'. Also, dragons. 9/10 can't wait to read more.
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glitched-dawn · 3 months
guys I am so fucking tired of how childish my dad is being. I’m fucking convinced he needs anger management
I’m not even sorry for the rant this shit is so unbelievably childish it’s not even funny
I was working on my new project today, Guts and Glory (a compilation of every gory scene in my novel series) and I was posting the chapter titles in my discord group chat because they were so fucking funny (example: Actual Guts This Time! Yaaay! | Boohoo, He Broke Free From The Barbed Wire | He Broke Free From The Barbed Wire again :( | Sweet Sweet GORY Dreams).
and so my dad walks in, he wants me to come along on a mushroom hunting walk. I say no, I’m working on a new project, but then all of a sudden he asks to see my discord.
I’m assuming it’s because I closed discord as soon as he came in, but that’s because I’m constantly switching between discord, yt, tumblr and google docs.
okay, at first, he just asked who I was talking with. I said my group chat, then I went to discord and closed the group chat because I’d posted all those chapter titles that were certainly not very friendly (every single one of them contained the word fuck, and we’ll, it’s Guts and Glory, what can you expect).
and then he asked me why I closed the group chat, and he asks me to show my discord.
I say FUCK NO because I don’t want to violate my friends’ privacy, they often put vulnerable and personal things I their statuses and I don’t want my dad to judge them because of that.
but my dad takes it as I can’t show my discord because I’m hiding things in there, and demands to see it.
I say no, I continue reading my works and opening more friendly docs instead of the guts and glory one, and the ones with the gory fight scenes currently open.
But he just keeps on asking to see my discord, and eventually he just tells me I’m going with him to the woods to hunt mushrooms, I say no I’d rather go on a walk, so he just sighs and leaves (don’t get me wrong he sighed like a furious fucking hog) and I go back to doing my work on Guts and Glory.
I can hear my dad whining to my mom downstairs, but she sounds calm and she doesn’t come up or anything so I’m guessing she actually had common sense about this.
but then, just a few minutes later, I notice that I can’t edit my docs - because there’s no wifi.
so I shrug it off as my dad overreacting and shutting off the wifi, and instead go play some offline hollow knight randomizer.
but then, I notice that my computer’s screen goes a bit darker and I hear the unplug sound effect from my mouse, but it’s still plugged in.
turns out, all electricity in the entire house except the ceiling lamps doesn’t work. I don’t think my dad would overreact that bad, and the wifi disappearing might be because of the “storm” outside, same with the electricity, but the last thing I know was him.
you see, I have a screen time limit on my phone. It’s supposed to limit my screen time after midnight to eight in the morning, but it’s buggy as fuck and activates both midnight and noon, and I can ignore it completely.
but my dad changed that.
so now I can’t use Spotify and google docs on my phone, not any app that I forgot to ignore the screenlimit on before he fixed it. Thankfully I did fix Spotify today, but it’s gonna be unusable after midnight, and chat. I don’t fall asleep that early. It is going to be fucking torture to try and fall asleep without music.
I don’t know the code to ignore the screenlimit, but fuck me if I’m gonna ignore getting it removed. I’m gonna ask my mom AND dad to come help me solve this shit, so that it doesn’t active at noon too, so it only activates after midnight (or I can get it removed completely, I fucking pray)
on a different note, I’m also going on a meeting with a psychologist tomorrow. And I have no idea who’s coming with me.
I ain’t gonna tell that bitch nun if my parents are still there I’ll tell ya what
but thats it I had to get that out and I am STILL so fucking angry over how childish my dad is being and how he refuses to grow the fuck up and act like a damn adult
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angel-0f-verdun · 6 months
14 Apprehensive Devotion
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Previous Chapter
“Ahmanet is attached to her like a demon possessing a body for the first time. It will not be an easy task to remove her permanently, you may want to keep Eris bound.” Ardeth said, a stressed look on his face. I noticed this as I peered around the corner staying in the shadows so that I wouldn’t inform everyone of my presence. I wanted to see everyone’s candid reactions to what the Medjai had to say.
“No,” Rick said forcefully, Evy gave him a heartbroken look. I knew if the roles were reversed she would have the same reaction as Rick did. Evy started pacing as she thought of potential solutions.
“I don’t see another way… The switch can happen in an instant and before you even realize it she will be your enem-” Ardeth started to say before Rick cut him off again. I couldn’t decipher the Medjai’s expression, he was utterly unreadable.
“I am not going to leave my baby sister tied up somewhere with this bitch in her head. We need to keep an eye on her. I haven’t ever abandoned her before and I’m not going to start now.” He said, Evy put her hand on Rick’s chest to calm him down, pushing Rick backward as he was starting to overreact, his emotions getting in the way. Evy suddenly spun to face Ardeth with a coy smile.
“Is there any way you could be the one to watch her… There is certainly something that you are doing to keep this monster at bay.” She asked him politely. He blinked, his eyes flitting towards the corner where I was standing. I knew he could sense me, unlike everyone else that was in the room. Our parents couldn’t even keep track of us when they were alive, neither could the orphanage clowns, but a total stranger could. I couldn’t help but admit there was some sort of connection between us, I knew that since the moment I tried to kill him. I watched as he dropped his head thinking as he stared at the floor. I found myself waiting for his answer with bated breath, and then he slowly started to nod. When he lifted his head his eyes met mine briefly and my heart leaped.
“How is it that you two are just these magic protectors?” Henderson arrogantly asked breaking the silence that had fallen over the group, pointing to Ardeth and Dr. Bey. I decided now was the time to reveal my position, I removed myself from the wall I was leaning against walking to a chair furthest from everyone. Ardeth walked towards his mentor.
“We are part of an ancient secret society, for over 3,000 years we have guarded the city of the dead. We’re sworn at manhood to do any and all in our power to stop the high priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world.” Dr. Bey started to explain as he sat down in one of the exhibit's ornate chairs, Ardeth pacing the floor next to him.
“Now because of you, we have failed.” Ardeth glared daggers at Henderson and Rick. He finally stopped pacing and planted himself next to the elder man. He watched me carefully, eyebrows furrowed in a perpetual frown.
“And you think this justifies the killing of innocent people?” Evy asked, a scowl on her face questioning the only people who were helping us. I had half a mind to throw something at her from across the room but I stopped my impulse.
“To stop this creature, let me think… YES.” Dr. Bey and Ardeth answered strongly, knowing she wouldn’t understand anyway.
“Question… Why doesn’t he like cats?” Rick slid into the conversation listening intently for the answer. I smirked, he really was curious but it made me wonder if he had learned nothing from our time in Egypt.
“Cats are the guardians of the underworld, he will fear them until he is fully regenerated.” Dr. Bey answered his seemingly simple question. Rick nodded looking down, his hair falling into his face.
“And then he will fear nothing…” Ardeth said to the group, annoyed. He made it seem as if we were school children acting up in class.
“Yeah, and you know how he gets himself fully regenerated?” Daniels rhetorically asked.
“By killing everyone who opened that chest” Henderson answered, looking at his Colt and contemplating putting a bullet in his brain, no doubt. Rather bite that then be reborn as a mummy’s flesh and bones.
“And sucking them dry, that’s how” Daniels enthusiastically vented.
“Jonathan, will you stop playing with that?” Evy scolded him for playing with the bow that the chariot display was equipped with. He stopped immediately, almost causing the mannequin to fall over.
“When I saw him alive at Hamunaptra, he called me Anck-Su-Namun, and then just now in Mr. Burns’ quarters he tried to kiss me,” Evy told the two men who were now in charge of our army.
“It is because of his love for Anck-su-namun that he was cursed. Apparently after 3,000 years–” Dr. Bey mused looking at Ardeth carefully.
“He is still in love with her.” Ardeth finished his thought glancing in my direction, looking away quickly. I wasn’t sure what to make of that comment, I cleared my throat causing his eyes to find mine again. It was interesting, he wanted to be around me and watch me closely but at the same time, it felt as if he wanted nothing to do with me.
“Yes, well that’s very romantic, but what does it got to do with me?” Evy asked them, fiddling with her necklace.
“Perhaps he will once again try to raise her from the dead,” Ardeth said to Dr. Bey, not sparing a look towards Evy.
“Yes, and it appears he has already found his human sacrifice.” Dr. Bey told the whole group, both him and Ardeth finally turning to stare at Evy.
“Bad luck old mum” Jon uttered out, unsure of what else to say. 
“On the contrary, it may just give us the time we need to kill the creature.” Dr. Bey contemplated.
“We will need all the time we can get, his powers are growing,” Ardeth said as he looked up through the skylight at the beautiful display of nature that caught everyone’s attention, an eclipse of the sun.
“And he stretched forth his hand towards the heavens and there was darkness throughout the land of Egypt” Jon quoted the bible sighing towards the end.
“Alright well, I suppose that’s our cue to leave,” Henderson said, as he looked down from the sun. I stayed planted in my chair as Evy had permitted Ardeth to be my keeper now. I glanced over to Rick who was busy paying Evy attention. They were speaking in hushed tones as they planned what the next step in the agenda would be. I looked away from them and back at Ardeth, he stood stoically watching me from afar like a panther stalking his prey. But what he didn’t realize was that I was the predator that he would need to escape from. My thoughts turned darker the more annoyed I got with our situation. I sighed, happy my head was finally empty from Ahmanet. But I knew she would be back with a vengeance sooner or later. 
“Alright.” Rick clapped, the loud noise filling the atmosphere making my ears ring as he walked over to me.
“Hey, you doing alright?” He asked me with sympathy in his eyes that bothered me. Rick wanted to get back into the brother-sister relationship as if he hadn’t missed a beat. But for the last three years, he had no idea the trauma I had been through. I wasn’t sure if I could just ignore that and continue. He was becoming a less grizzled version of his younger self, thanks to Evy, but I was tired of his non-apologies.
“Don’t give me that, ‘poor Eris’ bullshit” I spit out, he was treating me like a delicate little flower. His brows knit together, I could tell he was tired and trying to help. I saw the frustration grow on his face as he rolled his eyes and pushed past my shoulder. This pissed me off but I decided not to make a show of it and just let him go brood. I was tired of the constant side-eye looks and constant worrying, I needed to get away from it.
I started walking to the entrance of the museum letting my feet take me where they wanted. I heard the soft footsteps of Ardeth behind me, he would rather blend in with the background. I could tell he felt more comfortable this way but I wanted nothing more than to yell at him asking what was wrong with me. I continued walking upstairs to the darker hallways that held our stone displays, when I got to a corner furthest away from the group I decided now was my chance, as they would never hear us here. I spun around on my heel facing him, holding back the true anger I was feeling at the moment.
“What’s so wrong with me that you can’t even look at me?” I asked him genuinely curious, but I could feel my tone shifting to one of anger. 
“All I see when I look at you now is her,” He said, not even daring to utter her name. I understood the sentiment but I longed for him to look me in the eyes and hold my gaze like he had when we were fighting not 48 hours prior. He continued avoiding my eyes.
“Look at me!!” I started to raise my voice at him, desperate for the connection. He slowly started moving his eyes in my direction moving slowly up my figure. When his eyes finally met with mine he strode up to me closing the space between us. His arms reached for me, grabbing my hands and grazing his fingertips up to my shoulders. His touch was light, it almost felt as if he couldn’t control the movements. He continued up my neck and to my face pulling me closer to him, resting our foreheads together. He closed his eyes as he started to play with the ends of my hair. 
“Eris.” He breathed out slowly, his accent made my eyes close as I melted into his grip. I didn’t want to push him away from me, but he still wasn’t doing what I had asked him. 
“What is it?!” I yelled as I attempted to push him away but his reaction was too quick for me to walk away like I wanted. His strength was impressive and he let up almost immediately as we stood there. 
“I know you can feel this between us too,” He said as his hands went to my hair moving a strand that had loosened back behind my ear. His scent consumed me rendering me speechless. 
“I can,” I replied, softening my tone, unsure of what else to say to him concerning the matter. We both knew there was a chemical reaction between us but neither of us knew what to do about it with the current circumstance. There were too many unknown attributes. “She’s not here right now,” I whispered before I could filter my thoughts.
“But we have no indication of when she will return either.” He silently considered.
“So let’s take advantage of the time we have now,” I grumbled, getting annoyed yet again. 
“Eris.” He said my name again. “We can’t, I can’t.” He didn’t even attempt to explain why as he continued to hold me to him. 
“Why not?!” I yelled at him attempting to get free of his grasp. “If you wanted nothing to do with me then why are we constantly so close with one another? None of this was my doing, it’s almost always you that’s bringing us closer together.” I spit out thoroughly pissed off now. He gripped me tighter, not letting me move. I closed my eyes, the frustration getting to me quicker than I knew it, feeling the tears starting to form. 
“Open your eyes,” He commanded me, but I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. So I kept them closed, shaking my head as my lip started to quiver. No one wanted me around, he was the only one who wanted to be close to me and even then he didn’t. 
He moved me backward and in an instant my back hit the wall behind me, with a force I wasn’t expecting. A gasp escaped my lips, feeling the cold stone against my skin, effectively causing me to open my eyes. Our gaze met and I could finally discern the emotion that was in his eyes. Love.
“I want you more than anything in this life. I cannot explain it, we are so strongly connected. But you are not what I was expecting, you have to understand. My tribe has a certain expectation from their leader. You and I shouldn’t be compatible in any way but we are. A medjai and a demon.” He scoffed letting a small smile break through. “You are the hardest thing I have had to keep myself away from and I’m afraid I can’t do it anymore.” He spoke quickly as if he couldn’t get through the words fast enough. I could tell that he was fighting an internal battle. All of a sudden he didn’t hold back any longer, he dipped his head down and captured my lips in a passionate kiss, he moved his hands from my figure to the wall behind me attempting to hold himself back from doing anything more. But that wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted more. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down as close as I could to my body forcing him to move himself as I brought his tall figure down to my frame. His lips left mine and quickly attached to my neck, sucking and pulling the skin beneath it as he moved his hands to my bum, lifting me up and pushing me up against the wall, my legs wrapping around his waist. I moved his head away from my neck and back to my lips, I grazed his bottom lip with my tongue and he easily opened for me to explore his mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance as the kiss deepened. My fingers entangling in his hair, he groaned, enjoying the feeling. Just before we could take it any further I heard my brother clear his throat behind Ardeth. Ardeth stopped the interaction abruptly, setting me back down on the floor, my legs felt weak, as I attempted to get around him to look at my brother my face flushed from our encounter.
“You know when Evy said to watch her, I didn’t think this is what we would walk into.” He stood there with his arms crossed, a stern look on his face. 
“I apo-” Ardeth started. I could feel him lurking behind me, his fingers lightly touching the small of my back, not willing to keep his hands off me completely. I elbowed him in the ribs to get him to stop talking, there was nothing to apologize for. Jon was smirking behind Rick’s shoulder and Evy just looked shocked.
“Fuck off Rick, I’m not a child anymore,” I interjected still pissed from our previous interaction. 
“Sure, but you are a time bomb” I heard him whisper under his breath. I ignored the comment not wanting to fight with him right now.
“We’re going to head back to the fort to keep the others safe. You guys do whatever you need to do to prepare, come find us later.” Rick said to us. I nodded as my brother and the others retreated back down the stairs leaving the museum. I turned around looking at Ardeth, he pulled me into a side hug.
“I want to show you something.” He said to me as he ended our hug, picking up my hand and gazing into my eyes. I nodded, not entirely sure what he meant by that but happy that we were alone again. He led me back down the stairs and towards the curator's office. 
“Wait here for a moment.” He told me as he knocked on the door before going in. I gazed around at the hallway I had walked for years around giving tours trying not to eavesdrop on their conversation. When he came back out he had Dr. Bey with him. I could tell he was trying to stifle his excitement. 
“Eris. I know this may seem fast-paced and rash. You do not know me very well, and our traditions are different than yours. Dr. Bey has been my mentor for years, he is all I have currently with me but I assure you there is a whole tribe that would be behind me if they could right now.” I wasn’t entirely understanding where he was going with his speech but I stood there hanging onto his every word as he came up to me and took both my hands in his. “When I was 16 I took an oath to become a Medjai, following in my father's footsteps, four years later I became a chieftain after my father's death. I have taken many lives. I want you to know me fully. I want to teach you about my culture, as your husband if you’ll take me.” He retrieved an item from his pocket, a small box. He opened the lid to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. I gasped, it wasn’t what I was expecting at all. Dr. Bey smiled at me as tears started to escape my eyes. 
“Yes!!” I found myself saying, an immense amount of excitement flowing through my body. I looked up at Ardeth, he gave me a wide grin showing off his extraordinarily white teeth. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug giving me a quick peck on the lips as he broke off and slipped the ring onto my left ring finger. 
“Seeing as the circumstances are a bit complicated with Imhotep on the rise I would like, with your permission, to commence our ceremony now,” I smiled at him, enticed by the offer. 
“Yes, I never thought it would happen so quickly but, like you mentioned earlier, there is an undeniable chemistry between us since the moment I saw you. So yes!” I told him immediately, bringing his face to mine, ignoring the presence of Dr. Bey. He pulled me to him, closing the space between our bodies, dipping me down toward the floor and back up. He broke the kiss more aware of our surroundings than me at the moment. He took me by the hand and led me to the courtyard outside my office window where I had first seen Ahmanet. Dr. Bey followed us, standing to the side carrying a book that I hadn’t noticed before. 
“Ardeth, Eris, I have known you both for many years, I am happy to initiate the wedding for you. If I’m being completely candid I knew that you two were bound for each other the second I met you Eris. Although I held my tongue until recently it is my honor to wed you on this night. Here I have the Nikah, the agreement you two will honor as a married couple. It is a standard such as a marriage license in America.” He explained to me as Ardeth and I held hands excited to continue on our adventure together. Ardeth signed the contract binding himself to me for eternity or however long we had left, after he signed, I signed right after happily doing the same. 
“Ardeth, are there any words you would like to add before your vows?” Dr. Bey asked him.
“Yes, Eris you make me feel as if I am a young soul, I have never had that feeling before in this lifetime. I matured at a young age and have always been described as an old soul by my peers. It is part of the reason that I became Chieftain at a younger age than the rest. My decision to marry you may have come out of a place of rashness, but I knew the second you were in my arms at Hamunaptra that this was the right decision for me. I promise to cherish you, honor you, and love you for as long as I shall live. I will never command you to do anything you do not want to do. You will never be an object for me. I love you and this chemical attraction between us is unmatched by any power and love in this lifetime. I will protect you at all costs whether or not it takes my life from me. You are now my top priority.” He said to me, I smiled more tears coming down my face at the lovely words he was saying to me. 
“Eris.” Dr. Bey prompted me.
“Ardeth, I promise to love you no matter what happens in the future, through arguments and any adversity we might face. I promise to protect you fiercely and honor your decisions, we will make decisions together and help each other through our worst and best times. I will support you in anything and everything you do. I love you.” I told him as we exchanged wedding bands. Dr. Bey smiled throughout the whole conversation.
“May Allah smile upon you always, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Dr. Bey concluded our elopement ceremony. I smiled as Ardeth pulled me to him kissing me, almost immediately his tongue was in my mouth. I couldn’t help but laugh a little seeing him out of his shell. If someone were to ask me if this is what I thought would be happening tonight I would’ve told them they were crazy. But here we were, I was now a wife.
Next Chapter
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chaos-and-recover · 1 month
I dunno if I am venting, asking aita, or asking advice or am I overreacting but you're probably the only person I follow who is old (I am 17 and most people I follow are around that age) so here goes. so I have this cousin who my whole family hates and has spent my whole life saying horrible things about. This cousin literally moved across the country (we are in the USA) and everyone says that she moved away because she was tired of our family calling her out on her abusive behavior. (Cont)
Okay, wow. This is a doozy. I'm gonna answer all the messages in this series probably in chunks (but in this one post) 'cause there's a lot to say here and I think it makes sense so I can interject thoughts as I go and address all the various things going on here. First off, based on this first message, I'm kind of on your cousin's side. I'd probably also move across the country if my entire family talked shit about me all the time.
I grew up hearing how she's awful, a bitch, unhygienic, house is a hoarding disaster of filth, etc, like she's not a good person. Anyway despite living so far away she's managed to come to important events like weddings and funerals. Now I notice that any time someone calls her out, like asks how smelly her house is, if she's keeping it clean, or if her friend(s?) still put up with her, she has a really nasty insult ready and it's been like that my whole life so I believe it. (Cont)
Okay so, obviously I don't know her so she might be all of those things, but does your family have examples of her shitty behaviour beyond being unhygienic and possibly a hoarder? Because those things, to me, don't match up with "she's a bitch" and "she's awful," but being a bitch might be an understandable reaction to people giving you crap about the way you live. And hoarding in particular is very often a symptom of a larger mental health issue. Asking if her friends "still put up with her" is rude as fuck too, like so far your family kind of sound like bullies.
Anyway so last year a relative got married and my cousin showed up. My cousin is in her late 30s idk exactly. So my aunt (also her aunt) points out that maybe if she hadn't been a bitch and took better care of herself she would be married. She said she was happy in her relationship life but we all immediately pointed out she wasn't in a relationship so she should stop lying. (Cont)
As someone at the tail end of their 30s who is unmarried this is a WILDLY inappropriate thing to say. There are a million reasons why someone might not be married in their 30s, not least of which is "they don't want to be." I also think it's either a generational or a cultural thing that people just don't get married in their 20s as much anymore -- generational because my parents were 20 and 24 got married but both of my siblings were in their early 30s, two of my best friends didn't get married until they were 34 and 35, respectively, and for a variety of reasons I have a ton of other friends in their 30s who are not married at all. Some people just don't get married! Some people don't get married until it makes financial sense (either actually paying for the wedding or something more practical like joint tax filing. It actually doesn't always make sense to file as a couple). But I also wonder if that's just a cultural thing because it certainly seems that getting married in your 20s is still something a lot of people do in some regions of the US and in some other cultures, so I don't know. But I do think it's no one else's fucking business why someone else isn't married (for me it's because I straight up cannot be bothered dating and do not want to alter my life and my routine to make room for another person lmao so that makes getting married a bit of a challenge). Also even if she was not in a relationship (later messages make it clear that's apparently not the case) you CAN be perfectly happy being single. Like, I am absolutely happy with my non-existent dating life and relationship status. So accusing her of lying about being happy because you think she's single is bonkers, frankly. Being in a relationship doesn't automatically make you happy, and you don't need a romantic relationship in order to be happy.
She said we clearly knew nothing about her, that she isn't messy, is happy with how she looks, and we need to stop lying about her hygiene and other things. Now I personally have never thought she smelled bad but I only see her at big events so ofc she wouldn't. Anyway the wedding had alcohol so we all got really drunk (including me, but including her also so she can't judge) and things got heated between her and my mom (Cont)
So okay. I want you to think about this. Your family says she's smelly and unhygienic but you've never observed that yourself, so why do you believe them? Maybe she does only clean up for family events, but if that's the only time you see her, do you know that's true? Do you have any reason, beyond what your family has said, to actually think she does have hygiene issues? This might also be a mental health issue, fyi. There are a ton of reasons someone might not be "clean." There are also a lot of physical conditions that might cause someone to smell "bad." And it is, frankly, not anybody's business.
As for the drinking, yeah getting sloppy drunk isn't a good look but it also happens at weddings. I'm neutral on that point, tbh.
(my mom cheated on my dad and my cousin told everybody and that's how my dad found out I'm not kid but that's a long story) anyway so she got kicked out of the wedding and took an uber to the hotel. The next day I went to the hotel and we were both hungover so maybe not in the best mood. when I talked to her she told me that our family was abusive and toxic and I pointed out it's unrealistic that everyone in the whole family except her is abusive (cont) so maybe she needs to logically look at herself and realize it's more believable that only she is lying instead of everyone except her. And she just said I should research family scapegoats. I told her that it was her fault my parents divorced and my dad doesn't pay child support and she told me to leave. Well I felt kinda bad and so a few days later when she was back home I messaged her about what she'd like for a wedding because that's what ppl talk about after a wedding. (Cont)
She's right about the family scapegoat. It's not uncommon for abusive people to target one person and not another. Like, a parent may be abusive toward one kid, but not another, and they may turn others against that one kid, cause resentment, and ruin one kid's life while their sibling(s) may think they have a great childhood. It sucks! But it's absolutely a real abuse tactic. In your family's case I think it's pretty likely everyone didn't get together and decide to be shitheads to your cousin, but it started SOMEWHERE, it sounds like SOMEONE turned everyone against her.
I will say she shouldn't have told everyone your mom had an affair, but it's straight up not her fault your parents divorced. Your parents divorced because your mom cheated. It sucks! I'm sorry you had to go through that. She should keep her mouth shut about things that aren't her business (if she knew and no one else did, telling your dad might have been acceptable depending on the circumstances/relationship, but not spreading gossip to everyone else. That's not cool).
She said a bunch of stuff and then mentioned that her wedding would be a dry wedding. I pointed out that she was being hypocritical and a bridezilla because nobody wants to go to a dry wedding AND I know she drinks PLUS she got wasted like everybody else at our most recent wedding. And she said that since it was allowed then it's not hypocritical but that as I wasn't old enough to drink then it wouldn't matter anyway. (Cont)
Getting sloppy drunk at one wedding and then having a dry wedding yourself isn't really hypocritical. There are a lot of reasons someone might have a dry wedding, from money (open bars are expensive and cash bars are kinda tacky imo) to someone involved with/at the wedding in recovery for alcohol addiction to just not wanting people to get sloppy. I do think a dry wedding is probably gonna reduce the number of people who want to go but that might also be the goal.
Now granted I did lose my temper and tell her that it wasn't like she ever had to worry about getting married anyway because nobody loved her and since it hadn't happened for her yet then she should accept it wouldn't ever. I will admit that I reacted badly to that. She then told me to go and then blocked me. Well I have two accounts (one I made before I was 13 but I said i was 21 so I could have a fb and she followed me on both)well lo and behold six months ago she announces shes engaged (cont)
Yeah that wasn't cool, honestly. But also if I had a younger cousin who said something like that I'd probably be like "yeah ok kid sure" so like she could've probably reacted better.
I message her asking for an invite and she reminds me that it's a dry wedding and I said that's ok. She says she's not sure she wants me to come based on my behavior but she'll think about it. Well I notice that nowhere on any of her social media does she talk about her fiance or boyfriend at all, except to say who she is marrying and it's her best friend, who lives where she moved. I message him (we don't follow each other) cont I'm like how long have you been dating and why haven't you said anything on social media. He says they've been together for years but they're both private people. I don't know anything about him beyond that they've been friends (dating?) for like almost 15 or more years or smth. She only ever talked about him like a friend. Which I thought was weird. But I keep that to myself. Well because she always made it to all weddings and funerals I say yes I'd like to go. (Cont)
This might also be a bit of a generational disconnect. She's roughly my age and while our generation definitely had some early forms of social media by high school, we didn't grow up on it the same way younger generations did and the concept of sharing EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME is still a little foreign to us. Either that or we did the oversharing every aspect of our lives in our teens/early 20s and are now pulling back from that. It seems like every day more and more people I know are leaving FB and other social media platforms. Years ago when I was seeing someone he went to change his relationship status to 'in a relationship' with me after like 2 dates and I had to be like "whoa hold on there bro." I hadn't even mentioned to my family that I was seeing someone (because TWO DATES). Some people just don't put all their business on social media.
So I get an invite and so i invite the whole family. We show up but she has no room for us and said she only sent out a few invites but since I got invited I told everyone where the wedding was. Her fiance was there and kinda stepped in but it never got heated or anything but he showed us cheap hotels because they just didn't have room for everyone and they weren't expecting that many people. But when I was in the house I noticed it looked clean and smelled normal. (Cont)
Okay you're young so I'll chalk this up to not knowing what goes in to planning a wedding but DON'T DO THIS. Weddings are expensive and they are also planned down to the very last detail, INCLUDING having EXACT numbers for catering. You're basically buying dinner for all your guests, and it can be expensive. If you're having a buffet-style or more casual wedding you might have extra food but in a lot of cases the caterers are preparing the meals for the people who have RSVP'd and there won't be a ton of extra food just in case. You can't just add a bunch of extra people at the last minute because there won't be enough food, and in this case, not enough space. Most wedding invites have you choose your meal when you RSVP so they make sure they have enough of each option for everyone. If your invite says +1 you can bring a guest, otherwise you don't. You DO NOT invite a bunch of random people, especially family who don't even like this person and weren't invited for a reason (why would they even want to go if they all hate her so much?)
Also, you were in her house and it was clean and didn't smell, consider why you still believe your family who say she's unhygienic.
My family is clearly angry but they're not psycho so they keep it to themselves when he drives us there. So her and fiance ask to talk with me alone at a diner and give me a talk about how I wasn't supposed to invite everyone which offended me because they're family but I have never met him so I don't want to be rude. They both say they've managed to work it out and had extra food so it was okay this time but that in case other people get married or future events I should be aware that this behavior isn't acceptable. Which yes got my hackles raised but i'm trying to be nice. Well anyway at some point she had to leave for a hair appointment and needs to go but I am not done eating so she takes an Uber and he eats until I'm done eating before taking me back to the hotel. I take the alone time to bring up like hey do you know the woman you're about to marry is abusive and toxic and that he deserves better than someone he has to remind to shower and clean up after and someone who is kind and I just blurt out that she's a hypocrite who got sloppy drunk and I'm like I don't know how often she's lied to you about what kind of person she is and that he should know how toxic she is and to his credit he listened but then he asks why do you think her family wasn't invited, because they're abusive, and then asks what my goal was in talking shit about his future wife to him as soon as she's out of earshot and asks if I talk this way about everybody who isn't in the room with me. And I point out it's more logical that she is the abusive liar, not literally everyone else except her. And then he says she's always been loving and kind, cleans a normal amount, and as far as he's been around her taken care of her hygiene and that even when he visited the home she grew up in it was clean and that he will not listen to me talk about her like that anymore. When I get back to the hotel I tell my family everything and they came uncorked and kept calling her and texting her and so they rescinded all our invitations. We all pointed out that we spent a lot of money to get there and she said that wasn't her problem and then blocked all of us. I tried to show up to the wedding but was told to either leave on my own or be escorted by the police so I left. I didn't know this but my family showed up after me and stuff went down but i dont know what because nobody will tell me. Anyway so after the wedding I tried to contact her through multiple means but i was blocked on all of them as we all were. She did post a few videos publicly for everyone to see, so I had a mutual friend who wasn't blocked but didn't attend the wedding show me the videos and the wedding was very cheap and small. But that is what she told me she wanted last year. I tried talking to her siblings but her siblings also blocked me. I tried talking to some relatives of her now husband but they didn't respond to me, and i may have lost my temper and said cruel things so they all blocked me without responding. I made a few accounts and emails contacting them again asking for evidence of her claims but nobody ever responded but I was able to send emails. (Cont)
Yeah I'm on the cousin and her fiance's side still. He sounds like a decent guy standing up for his future wife. And if he has in fact known her for 15 years, he DOES know what kind of person she is. I think it's clear you meant well in warning him about what you've heard about her your whole life, but I think you should consider that your family aren't always the good guys in every situation. Even people you love can be wrong and cruel. I think if you can go through the trouble of making additional accounts to ask her siblings for evidence of her claims (you should stop, btw. They blocked you because they don't want to discuss it, leave them be) you should also maybe ask the family you do speak to for actual evidence of her being an awful person and being filthy and smelly (which, again... nobody's business, and not a reason to be nasty to someone???).
I think, based on what I've read here, it comes down to this: your family does not like this cousin and they make no secret of it. Why on earth would she tell them anything, invite them to major events like her wedding, or be anything other than nasty to them in return???
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twocubes · 1 year
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look i realize vagueblogging about an author's note on a fanfic is weird but it's been bothering me and i dont want to bother them and i need to get this out of my mind because it's time to go to sleep
isn't this literally everyone's characterization of piggot and the prt?
like, i don't ...think i've ever seen the "casual dismissal of her field experience" part happen, ever. basically every fic i've ever read where piggot has figured has her as somewhere between straightforwardly and in-the-end competent, even when she's ruthless, biased, or counterproductive. i guess sometimes she's characterized as somewhat to very paranoid, or as traumatically overreacting to stuff that is evocative of Ellisburg, but... i mean neither of those are casual dismissal or incompetence, really
fatphobia against her is commonly a thing among the wards in fic, when they're bitching about her, i'll grant you that, but it doesn't really seem to extend to her actual characterization?
the prt making administrative sense on some level is also pretty common? (certainly "responding to incentives" and "trying not to be hurt" are fairly common behaviors). and, well, as far as systemic problems, people mostly just go for "being stretched too thin"
i mean, canonically (iirc), it is unusual that piggot is in charge of the BB wards, the BB wards get in unusually a lot of fights and get unusually little therapy, Sophia's handler is unusual for not reporting on her against-probation activities. if you posited that that the brockton bay prt has an unusually high rate of gang infiltration, i don't know that people would really push back on that tbh
it shouldn't be too hard for anyone to make up some somewhat more systemic organizational dysfunction with these observed characteristics (a culture of silence, say), and the result might be exacerbated by piggot's personal characteristics (thinking of the wards as soldiers because thinking of them as dangerous makes it hard to think of them as children, say), but instead, people who want the heroes to be antagonists mostly posit a sequence of coincidental encounters with the various bad apples in the system
but yeah, am i missing something? i'm just. the chapter the note was on was some while ago and i've been baffled ever since. like, genuinely, i'm worried i've missed something obvious
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What behaviors count as emotional abuse?
Like if she would compliment me a lot and give me attention, but would also imply that she doesn’t want to spend time with me, then what is that?
What if she asks me to spend time with her, and makes sure I’m free that day, then when I tell her I am she acts almost completely uninterested?
What if she immediately ignored me after I stopped going out of my way to see her?
She never overtly insulted me or anything, and she did favors to me too.
Am I being dramatic and overreacting because I see everything as a sign of rejection, or was she purposefully leading me on?
And if so, is that emotional abuse of just Not Nice Behavior?
Oh hello past me
In all seriousness you have full permission to DM me for further questions but here is my two-cents:
I am not sure if that is emotional abuse, but it is certainly not good. I had a girlfriend for a while that would on and off date me. All she ever complimented me for was my looks. I’m fully aware that I’m a sexy bitch, but that was all she told me. She would touch me and talk about how pretty I was but never anything about my personality or anything. She once asked me if I could come to her place for a night when we weren’t even together and talk about our complicated relationship and I told her I was free and she never responded or let me know a time or date. That’s a long winded way to say that being with her was exhausting, because she was so beautiful and she’d touch me in such a way I had never been touched before and said sweet words in my ear but never actually cared about me in the way my current partner does.
She never responded to my texts but lovebombed me when I was around her. She never talked about my feelings or how she loved my writing but she loved my body and how it fit in her hands.
Moral of the story: It is absolutely not okay for a partner to act that way to their partner. I highly suggest that you cut loose from your girlfriend. She seems like she’s playing with you.
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charnelhouse · 2 years
Ummm since you answered an ask abot HoTD can I please ask something too? Lol please dont make fun of me okay😢
So I just binge watched till episode 8 yesterday and then I came over here, and I am seeing extreme amount of hate for team green on the fandom, but rn I specifically wanted to ask about Ser Criston Cole. Don't get me wrong I do not like him but I was wondering, if the genders were reversed, if a female guard broke her oath to be with a prince, and then later on the prince refused to marry her because he wanted the throne more, he offered that he could marry someone else while still continuing the relationship, this the guard didn't take well and swore revenge. I feel like in this case ppl will be cheering her, like go girl, show him. I personally do not like Criston mostly because of how he was bullying luke and jace.
Am I wrong? Lol am I thinking too much into it and being naive again?
This is an interesting thought! First and foremost, never feel like you’re being naive when you’re asking a question. Everyone reacts differently to certain things and it’s all subjective.
Do I think people would be like YAS QUEEN if a female knight acted like Ser Cristan Cole? I actually don’t.
It would certainly be a different sort of power dynamic, but that’s another story. I think we’d only get behind a female Cole if she maybe ignored a male Rhaenyra post-sex and kind of stood by her convictions and was like okay we slept together and you don’t want this to be serious so bye! Maybe, she gets some other dick/vag. But if she acted the way Cole does - aka murder/abuse others bc they’re so deeply insecure about this mistake then I don’t think anyone would support them.
Rhaenyra never promised Cole shit. She wanted to get laid and, for him, it meant more. It was a miscommunication and once the deed was done, Criston suddenly felt all this crazy guilt for ruining his vows over a one-night stand (maybe they did it more idk). She was even apologetic when she realized how upset he was. She was just taking Daemon’s advice and not really thinking of the consequences and that's on her, but she was a hormonal teenage girl. Maybe, she didn’t realize that Cole genuinely had feelings for her. Who knows? 
IDK how utterly out of touch Cole had to be to think that Rhaenyra would give up the crown to go plant trees and milk cows in some distant country. Cole knew Rhaenyra. He’d been her personal knight for years and you’d think he would have understood that Rhaenyra’s main goal was to keep her throne.
Then, he just goes off. 
He 100% overreacts. He sides with the team who wants to take Rhaenyra down. He KILLS Laenor’s lover just bc the lover is aware of Criston’s discretion. It’s been ten damn years and he’s still bitching about her and calling her names. He’s terrible to her children and instigates the fight that dooms Harwin. He’s so jealous and it’s pathetic. I had sympathy for him up until he kills Laenor's lover and then it was like dude - seek help. 
At the end of the day, all Rhaenyra did was sleep with him.
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bdbdhdjdhdh · 2 years
My Hero PSLE: S2E6 "Back to doing maths"
"A bear is falling from a height of 10m at the speed of square root 2 m/s. Find the colour of the bear,"
-Math in sg
So anyway Xiao Ming and gang still cannot figure it out so they just decide to use ChatGPT.
Yeah. So anyway they got their answer. And they typed it in and got in.
So it's time for the second puzzle to unlock the trapdoor that will unlock the door to the third entrance.
Puzzle being: Without using any powers, find the smallest integer that is both a perfect square and a perfect cube, and can be cube rooted or square rooted by any another number perfectly"
Aiya this one easy lah hor. It's just 1 lah. (You can try square rooting or cube rooting it by any other number and it'll still give you 1 in the calculator)
So they typed it in and kaboom! They got in!
What's with all these puzzles being maths sia.
But luckily the next one is not maths anymore liao. Wah seh.
"The gods are angry and are rampaging their power across the land. Sacrifice an additional supply of godly food and wine to the gods and appease their anger. Then the treasure will be yours for the taking,"
"Wow. I'm a god and that's certainly not how we work," Shuddap Juqla if we could just our powers to- wait. The puzzle didn't say anything anymore that we can't use our powers, so...
*clicks tongue* Noice.
So they used their powers and got the treasure! Yay! That's like actually the only treasure they need apparently- a full body metal armor with metal insect wings and a shadow katana (sound familiar?)
So they decided to go celebrate and drink wine that is not wine because there are kids so it's basically just fruit juice or something idk. Oh and eat cake. And lots of ice cream. Yeah.
"Rainslasher, I am afraid that is has come to this,"
"Wait who said I was gonna fire you? Also you don't have a wife and kids, you got no bitches, anyway I need you to bring out our secret weapon,"
"What's that?" *aggresive facepalming*
"Orhhhhh I know him! Just say lidat next time lah, sir!"
*Rainslasher walks out of the chamber, escorts Ma Xiao Tiao in*
"Ah, Ma Xiao Tiao, godly god of all chads and gigachads, I humbly seek your help,"
"What happen lah, just say it liao, Ou Yang Tian Tian is still waiting for me, ok!"
"Ok ok ok, so anyway Ma Xiao Tiao, as you know, my brother has been acting... not very chad-like these days, what with hanging out with the Shadow Alicorn to... *dramatic gasp as he checks CCTV* FUCKING STEALING YOUR PRECIOUS ARMOR! Oh Freya is there too, I guess she didn't kill Xiao Ming after all,"
"Oh yay, I got you to agree! Ok so anyway we all agree to kill him right?"
"Ok, Jesus, Nate, what an overreaction,"
"Ok, I'll see you tmrw and we'll go kill him together, now I need to go back, if not Lin Xiao Fei will steal my Xiao Shuang from me,"
0 notes
Special Delivery
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Steven Grant X Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: DONNA, swearing (can I write a fic without swearing? Seems unlikely.), horrible customers.
A/N: This is for @littleferal 's Writers' Iron Chef! (No. 3 Prompt: "Stop that, right now." & Additional Prompt: An argument breaks out. It doesn't look like it's going to end well.) Wow, okay, in this one the words just happened in like a rush. (But does it make any sense... debatable.)
Summary: Being a delivery driver in London isn’t all bad, you get to see your favourite gift shopist pretty regularly.
Word Count: 1037
Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
You leaned on the pile of cardboard boxes on your trolley, the brake carefully clicked on. They were almost too high for you to rest your elbow comfortably, but you didn’t care. 
The air inside the museum was cool, air conditioned and a thankful relief from the outside. You pulled on your t-shirt collar a little absentmindedly, the rough material was part of the uniform, practical for the most part. 
Steven talked the whole time while he signed the delivery sheet pages – there were fifteen of them, a bit of an overreaction from the suppliers but whatever. 
You stared at him, happy to listen to him speak, certain that you were a beat away from cartoon love hearts flashing around your face. He was your favourite part of your day, one of the reasons you always made sure you were the one that got the museum’s delivery route. 
“So, yeah, that was a mess really.” He finished his last squiggle and looked back up to you. 
Those large eyes and that kind smile took your thoughts away for a moment.
You stumbled over your words, trying not to make a fool of yourself. “That’s erm, that’s really bad… Sounds like a right headache.”
Steven nodded. “It was,” he shrugged. “But hey, that’s what an expert stock taker like me has to do, sort out all the messes.” His smile broke into a grin, there was a playfulness in his voice making it clear that he was trying to poke fun of himself. 
“You’ll be running this place in no time.” You said, a little too seriously, the earnestness to your words felt like a betrayal of your heart. You covered them up quickly “Ddo you want me to take these down to the stock room for you?” and missed the softness in Steven’s expression, the small intake of breath.
It wasn’t something you were meant to do; it certainly wasn’t something you offered anyone else. 
“You don’t hav-”
“Nah,” you waved a dismissive hand at him. “My pleasure, traffic out there is fantastic as usual, give me a chance to stretch my legs?”
He beamed and nodded, fiddling with his shirt sleeve. “Well, only if it won’t make you late.”
You opened your mouth to speak but your words were abruptly cut off. 
“Stop that, right now.” Donna’s normally harsh voice had an extra edge, a hint of panic. 
You looked over Steven’s shoulder as he turned around to see his manager talking to a dark-haired woman at the till. 
There was a pause, a second before an emotional fire caught light. 
“How dare you!” The woman screamed, slamming her hands down on the desk. “First you accuse me of trying hustle you! Now you assume I’m stealing!”
“Miss, I told you, museum policy doesn’t let us give change without a purchase and we don’t accept fifty pound n-“
“I don’t give a shit!” She leaned in closer to Donna, shrieking right in her face. “I am not stealing!”
“The books, in your bag-”
The woman continued to yell, cutting off any other hopes of Donna getting a word in edgeways. The customer to lean closer again, practically horizontal like she was about to climb the counter, her hands clenched into fists, her face red. Oh this didn’t look good.
Steven took a few steps forward, a slow but sure movement, his hands up. “Hey, you alright?” He spoke to the woman, his voice soft and calming. He gave Donna a quick glance, the usually stern woman looked shaken. 
The customer turned, spittle on her chin from screeching. She seemed to pause when she saw Steven.
“Are you this bitch’s manager?” She wasn’t exactly screaming, but she certainly wasn’t talking softly either.
“She accused me of stealing!” She pointed at Donna without looking. “Her! This is just fucking awful, ‘m a paying customer, do you know how much money I’ve donated to the museum?”
You took a step closer to Steven, not wanting to provoke the customer from hell (there was a reason you didn’t work public facing roles) but wanting to have his back if he needed it. 
“I completely understand,” Steven continued to talk gently, soothing the woman into a slightly less extreme state, while Donna carefully moved from around the counter to grab J.B.. 
It was only a few minutes later that she was being guided away from the gift shop by two guards to a back room, to ‘have a chat’. 
“Are you alright Donna?” 
“Yeah, fine Stevie, thanks.” She didn’t look at him, and Steven didn’t press further. She looked like all the air had been sucked from her lungs. “I’m just gonna take the delivery down to the stock room and sort it, you man the till.” 
“Of course.” 
She took the trolley with a small nod to you and headed to the elevator. 
“Wow.” You said and Steven turned back to you.
“Does that happen a lot?”
“You know,” Steven rubbed back of his head. “Not as much as it could.” He let out a mixture of a sigh and a laugh to break the tension. 
“Well… good… You did amazing there, gift shop hero.”
He laughed a little more genuinely this time.
“Aww I don’t know about that, just… helping out, all that.” 
You smiled. He could have let Donna crash and burn; god knows she wasn’t the kindest manager by any stretch of the imagination. 
“Well, my hero then.” 
The hint of red rising to his cheeks was impossible not to notice. Oh, what the hell. You only live once.
“What time do you finish today?”
“What ti-”
“Five, five thirty.” He spluttered out. 
You nodded, biting your lip in a smile at his flustered state. 
“Well, if you can put up with being driven in a delivery van, I could pick you up?” You leaned a little closer to him. “We could do something?” 
Steven nodded, a little dumbfounded for a moment before he found his voice. “Yes… yeah! Great, swell,” he swallowed. “Definitely.” 
“Okay.” You nodded. “See you later Steven!” You gave him a wink and a wave before you turned around.
Steven raised his hand to you, his heart buzzing with excitement.
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clairecrive · 3 years
heyo! woman was so good- could you write a part 2 to it please? thank you so much!
"woman" - wolfstar x reader (part 2)
A/n: thank you so much to those who commented on part 1! I'm overwhelmed by the response it got and I'm so happy!
Warnings: mild angst, mostly fluff, Sirius is adorable, this is mostly about Sirius x y/n, but poly relationship none the less
Word count: 1.2k ish
Tags: @erinblack003, @girl22334, @blackpinkdolan, @seldomabsent, @andy-blur (let me know if you wanna be added or removed)
Part 1
Sometimes, y/n damned the day she said yes to those boys. Granted, it didn't happen often and it coincided unsurprisingly with every fight she had with them. Mostly Sirius to be fair. Remus hated arguing just as much as she did, only he did a better job in dealing with conflict. 
If y/n had to be honest, it was hard for her and Sirius not to clash. No matter how much she loved the boy, more often than not they'd argue. Usually, it started like harmless banter, Sirius loved to get a rise out of her since Remus was always so collected, and y/n couldn't hold her tongue if her life depended on it. Hence, their dynamic.
Those kinds of interactions though were never taken seriously by either of them. Not that they would admit it out loud, but they enjoyed them.
However, despite how Remus always tried to mediate between them on serious matters, sometimes it wasn't enough and they would apply that same dynamic to fights stem from more serious motives. Like it happened yesterday.
Laying in her bed, with the deafening silence of her dorm as a soundtrack, y/n could admit that she took Sirius bait. She was aware of her boyfriend's past and how difficult it was for him to express his feelings. Hell, her past wasn't as traumatic and she had a hard time doing that too. 
"Stupid," groaning at herself, she rolled around, unable to keep still for long. 
Truth is, she gave in to that part of herself that was always second-guessing everything good in her life and let her speak. Yes, after months of dating she still couldn't believe that two of the most amazing human beings on this planet chose her and loved her, but she wasn't so insecure about their relationship and their commitment to her. 
It was true that Sirius had a way of going about things that made him seem like a huge flirt but she knew in her heart that it was harmless. She could see it in his eyes every time he'd look at her or Remus. Least of all that Valerie. 
She overreacted.
"Fuck me," huffing in annoyance she couldn't believe that Sirius had been right all along, she had been a massive brat. 
"I think you're in the wrong place for that," Marlene's voice cut through the room startling her.
"Sorry Marls," she grimaced knowing that it was her shuffling and restlessness that woke her friend.
"I'm sure your loverboy would be more than happy to solve your problem. Just go to him." And giving y/n her back, she went back to sleep.  Y/n had confided in her friend, she usually liked to keep her relationship's problems between her and her boyfriends but Marlene had seen right through her. 
She let out a sigh, looking at the ceiling, she knew that she couldn't go on like this much longer. She never could sleep when she had a serious fight with her boyfriends. Trying to be as silent as possible and climbed the stairs to the common room. 
Trying to figure out the best way to approach Sirius after the fight, the best words to use, she almost missed the silhouette of a boy sitting in front of a fire. As soon as she had spotted it though, y/n knew immediately who it was.
Sirius always had trouble sleeping.
"Hey," not wanting to scare him, she quietly spoke to announce her presence before making her way to him.
"Hi," good thing she had spoken, 'cause Sirius appeared to be deep in thoughts and hadn't heard her coming down. "What are you doing here?" 
"Couldn't sleep. You?"
Both of them were aware of the reason why both of them were too restless to sleep but it felt like the words needed to be said. Even if to just ease them into the conversation they knew they needed to have.
Speaking at the same time like they were in some sort of romcom felt comical but also very in intune with them. Always clashing. 
Smiling softly at each other, they waited for the other to speak. Almost as if they had made a silent agreement, again, they spoke at the same time.
"I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for?" Sirius added confused. She did nothing wrong as far as he's concerned.
"I overreacted, I was a bitch," she started listing with the help of her fingers, "I threw a fit, do I need to add more?"
"Oh baby," shaking his head he took her hands in his before continuing, "can't blame you for that when I would have reacted the same way, can I?"
"It seemed like I don't trust you though," now it was her turn to shake her head and give his hands a squeeze, "which is absolutely not true. I know you're loyal."
"Surely, you must know how deeply I care for you."
"I do, I do," she insisted when she saw doubt still clouding his eyes, "sometimes I let my insecurities get the best of me. I'm sorry if I hurt you though, it isn't an excuse."
"We all got insecurities, bunny. And I'm the one who's sorry, I shouldn't have messed with you that much. I was being an arsehole and I ruined your surprise." He reassured her before his head hung low in shame. There's the thing about Sirius: he could be very forgiving when it came to his loved ones but never when it came to himself. 
"You were a bit of a moron, but it's okay. I didn't want to come off as needy, you weren't that  late anyway." Taking his chin between her fingers, she tilted his head up so that she could look into his eyes. There was nothing y/n hated more than Sirius being so intransigent with himself when he deserved nothing but love and happiness. Good thing that he had two doting and loving partners then, right? 
"Bunny," tightening his hold on the hand he was still holding, his eyes glowed in the firelight, turning solemn as the words he was about to share, " you're the most important person in my life along with the marauders. If you want my attention, you got it. Hell, you already have all my attention. You're always on my mind, and certainly in my heart. I love you, there's no one but you and Remus. I promise." 
Letting his forehead touching hers gently, he gave her a soft Eskimo kiss. This soft intimacy always melted his heart. Sure, steamy makeup sex was always a wonderful post-fight but this- this was way better. Sirius had had plenty of sex with other people, it wasn't a secret, but he had never had this kind of quiet, almost domestic affection. And it was what he craved more than anything. It was one of those things that you can't live without once you had it. 
"I love you too, Sirius. You and Remus are it for me." She promised while her fingers gently caressed his jaw. They settled in comfortable silence, enjoying each other presence, basking in the promise that this would be forever. 
"Did you and Remus open it?" Leaning back so that she could see him better, she asked after a while.
"Nope wanted to make things right with you first."
"Then it's not ruined. Just postponed." As if the last couple of hours didn't happen, y/n felt the excitement come back to her. However, the clock neared midnight and having things finally been set straight between them, the strain of the day was slowly dawning on them. And as a matter of fact, Sirius yawned in the cutest way. Nose scrunched, eyes watering, he looked so much like a puppy, one wouldn't believe it.
"C'mon love, let's go to bed, alright?" Leaving a kiss to his lips, she quietly coaxed him up from the sofa. 
"Can't we stay here and cuddle a bit more?" Groaning, he complained settling his head in the crook of her neck, refusing to let her go.
"Who said we had to part? I'm not letting you go tonight, but I'm sure Moony is feeling lonely up there." She said quickly pecking his temple, the closest part of his face she could reach and walked towards their dorm with him attached to her like a koala. 
"Mh yes, let's go then. Moony gives the best cuddles."
"That he does my love." She agreed giggling. Remus was the best at quite a few things but maybe they could explore them in the morning.
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inhonoredglory · 3 years
Run Away from Me: A Levi Meta
The core of this meta is to show that, IMHO, Levi’s violence against Historia in Chapter 56 is his emotional fallout from the torture of Sannes, as well as his own guilt at the person he had become. Coming from having only watched the anime, I personally found this placement in the manga of the Historia scene right after both the torture sequence and the Reeves Company alliance as incredibly meaningful, especially for Levi’s character and his emotional journey.
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Levi is an immensely compassionate person, someone who wants to aspire to the “unimaginably altruistic” life of Erwin Smith (Isayama, SNK Encyclopedia). So how would this torture he had to inflict affect him? Because imagine for a second: This is the man who was the only one to truly react with horror and sadness at the knowledge that they’d been killing human beings all this time when they fought Titans. This is the man who went out of his way to ally with the Reeves Company in order to answer the Trost townspeople’s woes:
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In Chapter 53, Levi is confronted with blatantly disrespectful Trost merchants who think the Survey Corps haven’t done enough to save their town. It’s the everyday things that burden these people—taxes, thieves, putting food on the table. Levi doesn’t once shoot back at them for their criticism. Instead, he listens. And then he spots a woman at the side of a merchant’s stall. She’s holding a baby and her eyes burn into Levi’s. She holds his attention while above him, the merchants continue their tirade. I think Levi’s thinking of his mother here: like this woman, she was a single parent raising a child in a city that is not unlike Trost now, a town abandoned and forgotten by society, poor and struggling. That child reminds Levi of himself, and this time, Levi can do something about it.
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This is why Levi goes out of his way to ally with the Reeves Company. Levi and Dimo share a long, deep conversation, demonstrating that Levi’s alliance with them is more personal than merely the company’s strategic value. Dimo Reeves called Levi an “awkward yet kind man.” He goes on the say that Levi will “protect us and the barely-alive District of Trost, even though he doesn’t really have to.” This is Levi answering that townsperson’s accusation that “you in the Survey Corps aren’t working hard enough.” Levi entrusts to the Reeves Company the responsibility to bring the town out of poverty in the new world the SC will create. That’s his compassion, that’s his care, that’s his humility. That’s how he values the lives of people, not just by defeating Titans, but valuing their livelihoods. “A man like that must have come from absolutely nothing,” concludes Dimo.
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This is the same Levi we find torturing Sannes.
In Chapter 55, the torture of Sannes happens because of the horrors Hange saw inflicted on Minister Nick. It is Hange’s passion for avenging Nick that drives the torture sequence, their anger at the tortures that had happened under the MP’s First Squad that motivates the payback inflicted by Hange and Levi. Levi’s violence is done, not out of his own desire, but primarily Hange’s. This is not to say that Levi was guiltless or without responsibility for Sannes’s torture; on the contrary, his actions weigh heavily on him, as will be discussed. But it’s interesting to note that out of all the tortures they did, breaking Sannes’ nose was the only retribution all Levi’s own (in reaction to Sannes’ justification of a series of horrific things the MPs had committed).
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I also find it relevant that after everything they had done to Sannes, Levi was still visibly shocked at Hange’s overreaction to Sannes’ hesitation to answer their first real question. Because in Levi’s mind, everything they had done up to that point wasn’t torture—in one sense. It was instead a like-for-like payback for the horrors Sannes had inflicted on Nick. Note that it was Levi who had to pull Hange out of the emotional distraction of Nick’s death in Chapter 52, the same emotional distraction that drives Hange to overzealous violence here.
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There’s an interesting parallel in what happens next with what Levi had gone through with Annie earlier. Levi threatened Annie with torture of her real body and said he enjoyed intimidating her as she was bound and trapped. Sannes confessed that for him, he enjoyed violence and tormenting the helpless—so why should he complain if these torturers, Hange and Levi, are the same as him? It’s a subtle parallel, but it’s a relevant theme in SNK that everyone, on all sides, are devils and monsters. Or as Sannes says later, “The world will always have people like us.” People who are violent, people who are lunatics, people who condemn themselves and get their hands dirty for the sake of some higher “good.” Sannes’ accusation isn’t lost on Levi, because this is the same Levi who looked at a struggling mother in a forsaken city and did something about it.
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Justified violence is still violence. So what if Annie deserved to have her limbs cut off, time and time again, without relief of death? So what if Sannes deserves to have his fingernails torn off, one by one, without even a question put to him? They had, after all, inflicted death and untold horrors on innocent people. But does justice look like this? Does the name of justice absolve your hands from actions this ugly?
Morality is complicated. And Levi is the first to tell you that he doesn’t know how to slice it. “I’m not telling you what’s right or wrong. I certainly don’t know what is” (Chapter 59).
So now in Chapter 56, we come to the scene with Historia, right on the heels of that torture. The first red flag for me went up when Levi realizes he has “forgotten” to tell his squad about Historia’s true bloodline. It’s not that he didn’t intend to tell them, it’s not that he was not supposed to tell them. (Unlike, say, the entire Female Titan arc.) He forgot, and he’s clearly embarrassed when they confront him. Why? Because he’s not supposed to lose focus like that. But he did, because that information came from Sannes, and after that horrendous experience, Levi, like Hange before him, was emotionally distracted. That’s the only reason I can figure for Isayama focusing on Levi’s oversight like this, and showing Levi in such an obviously emotionally awkward place.
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Hange isn’t here to translate for Levi, like she did when Levi berated Eren for being unable to harden during the experiments in Chapter 53. Levi takes the scenic, colorful route when explaining his feelings. To Eren, he admitted that his criticism wasn’t about blaming Eren for being unable to harden, stating that “going over our shortcomings and bitching about our situation is an important ritual.”
In this light, we can read Levi’s words and actions with Historia as a complicated picture of his psychological landscape. Notice how just prior to this scene, we saw Hange act out the aftermath of the torture by kicking the table. Levi too reacts, taking it out on Historia.
Imagine where Levi is right now. He’s taken on the role of Sannes in this new world—the executioner, the ultimate killer, Humanity’s Strongest. “Your hands are already dirty. You can’t go back to the way you were,” Levi tells Armin later, but it’s also what he believes about himself. All that idealism that brought him into the Survey Corps—a life bigger than being a thug in the underworld. Did all that idealism bring him here, to do this? He has to make it worth it, he has to make it count for something. It’s what he does every day when his soldiers die under him—he’s been there to make their deaths worthwhile. But who’s there to make the deaths and terrors he’s dealt out worthwhile for him?
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Levi’s expression in the last panel is angry, yes, but also wracked with pain.
So when Historia says she’s unfit for the role of Queen, when she says she can’t be Queen because she’s not good enough, Levi snaps. “Then run,” he said, grabbing her. “Run away from us as fast as you can. Because we’re going to do anything and everything to make you do what we want.” Levi’s eyes are downcast, not looking at her, because what he’s saying is more about him than it is about her.
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Because he knows he’s dark enough to follow those orders to do the worst things to a human being to make the entire world a better place. He knows it’s in his bones to commit these atrocities. He is afraid of what he found he’s capable of. He’s already come to terms with killing humans as Titans. He’s come to terms with torturing humans as humans. He knows he can and will do horrible, unforgivable things. That’s his strength, that’s what makes him valuable, useful, important. He’s not like other people—“I’m abnormal… probably because I’ve seen far too many abnormal things.” But he’s ready to condemn himself, to make his hands dirty for the sake of others. He’s decided he has to go full through with the darkness he’s committed, because how else can he justify what he’s done? “I’m fine playing the role of the lunatic who kills people like that. I have to be ready to rearrange some faces. Because I choose the hell of humans killing each other over the hell of being eaten. At least that way… all of humanity doesn’t have to be damned.” His are the hands that will be stained with blood, his is the conscience that will be stained, his is the soul that will sink to hell—all so that others’ innocence can be spared.
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The 104th look at him like he’s gone mad, abusing a young, helpless girl like that. But they haven’t seen what he had to do. They haven’t seen how bloody his hands have gotten. His violence here is a desperate reaction to get someone to save him. He’s always been able to avenge the deaths of his soldiers. But this time, he is the one in need of redemption. He could not justify his violence completely, he could only plea for her to make them unnecessary in the future. By becoming Queen, it means he won’t have to keep torturing, keep killing, keep shedding human blood. Her becoming Queen means a peaceful transition of power. Her becoming Queen means he won’t have to pave the path to a new government with more blood and more guilt, at least, not more than he has to. He’s enslaved to doing what his strength allows him to do. He’s begging her to not let people ask that of him.
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Bar Fries (and Other Drunk Blessings)
(A/N) aha im alive. i’ve made several bad choices this week. the least of which is my sudden obsession w darcy lewis. idk where it came from idk where it’s going but here’s a darcy fic OF WHICH THERE ARE NOT NEARLY ENOUGH. im stealing this tag and making it my bitch. part 2 of wanda is coming up shortly. welcome to me time, and this very very self-indulgent fic. 
Rating: M for Mature Language bc i am a POTTY MOUTH
Warnings: Hella Gay Tropes! Darcy is my wife goodbye. Literally nothing is bad abt this it’s basically fluff with very light pining. this is the comfort fic i fuckin need lmao
Pairing: Darcy Lewis x Fem!Asgardian!Reader
Word Count: 4,878
Synopsis: You get a drunk phone call at 4am from a very pissed off astrophysicist who loves to rant about lost bar fries and stolen iPods. Your brother tries to set you up with a girl who tased him.
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You’ve never slept well, ever since you were a kid. Being an Asgardian fallen to Earth when you were just a small child, you always assumed it had something to do with that. When you became an Avenger though, and later reunited with your brothers, your restless nights came more and more frequently.
Tonight, though, your spiralling mind is honed into focus when your phone starts to vibrate aggressively on your nightstand. You reach for it blindly, answering without looking at the Caller ID. Being a literal superhero kind of means you’re on call, like, all of the time.
“Hell-” you start but you’re immediately interrupted by a very loud and very drunk woman.
“I am so sorry for how I reacted at Cheeky Joe’s,” she slurs. “That was so not cool of me dude. It’s just that your fries looked so good and I thought you loved me because we’re best friends, right? All I wanted was one little fry! But I orc- over- o-” 
“Overreacted?” You finish, a smile pulling at your lips for some reason. Whoever this chick was, she sounded absolutely adorable. Or maybe it’s the early morning hours getting to your head.
There’s a sharp inhale. “Aw, shit, did SHIELD get my number again? Don’t you government cronies have something better to do than harass a-”
“Nope, no government cronies here,” you certainly aren’t telling her you’re an Avenger. That’s how you get doxxed, dammit. “And you called me about your french fry problems.”
“That’s such a relief,” she sighs. “Those bastards stole my iPod!” 
You snort. “Did they? Why would they do that?” 
“S’long story,” you distinctly hear her stumble, then she’s cackling at herself. 
“Are you okay?” You ask worriedly.
“Peachy keen, jelly bean,” she responds not so smoothly. “Talkin’ to a stranger on my walk home. My parents would be so disappointed.” She laughs again, a bit dramatically, and you can’t help joining in. 
“Better talking to a stranger on the phone than on the street.” You offer, to which she hums. You sit up, fighting the urge to yawn.
“Am I keepin’ ‘ya up?” 
“Nope, I was already awake.” 
“What are you, a vampire?” 
You wheeze out a laugh. “If I was, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“Heartless. I like you.” 
“So, what’s your name, stranger?”
“Darcy. Doctor Darcy. I’m a doctor.” 
You roll your eyes, biting your lip to fight the grin that’s already breaking out across your face. “Well, doctor, I’m (Y/N). Not a doctor, but kind of close, I suppose.”
“School nurse? Girlscout leader?”
“I’m afraid that’s a third date topic,” you divert easily, earning a delighted laugh from the other woman.
Darcy goes on a few long-winded rants about how shady government agencies are, and rapidly changes topics to things like shows she likes or movies she watches over and over. It’s weirdly easy to talk to her, as if you’d known each other all your lives. Which is odd in and of itself - you really are practically strangers. She has no idea who she’s talking to, and for all you know, she very well may be a serial killer or something.
But you still talk to her, and you can’t deny how much you enjoy doing so. You’re honestly disappointed when there’s the distinct jingling of keys, the gentle twick of a lock turning. “Well, made it home alive, stranger!”
“Congratulations, Doctor!” You hope you don’t sound so pathetically sad about it. 
“Thanks for toler-tating me, tolerating-” Darcy yelps, but doesn’t fall. She’s definitely taking off the heels she’s been complaining about. “For walking me home.”
“Glad to be of service,” you chuckle. “All in a day’s work.”
“You should sleep, too, for whatever secret job you’re hiding.” 
“We should- I mean, if y’wanted to, I dunno, talk again…” Are those the sounds of clothes being removed? She sounds distant, so it’s hard to tell. “Y’know, I’m down.”
“Noted.” You bite your lip. “Goodnight, stranger.” 
“Night,” she sighs. You’re pretty sure she’s just flopped down onto her bed. You wait just a moment before hanging up, your stomach turning pleasantly. 
You’ll blame it on the five-in-the-morning spur-of-the-moment vibes, but you send Darcy a text:
Outgoing: Good morning, stranger! I hope you aren’t feeling too sick when you wake up. Even though it was a drunk phone call, I did enjoy talking to you :) -(Y/N)
When you lay your head back down, sleep comes surprisingly easy.
- - - -
Darcy Lewis wakes up half-dressed and face down in her bed. It’s a familiar position, but it’s especially pathetic when she’d gone to sleep like this alone and, of course, woke up like this alone. She groans at the spinning sensation that immediately hits her brain, turning it to fuzzy cotton.
Her mouth tastes like actual garbage. Her makeup is still on. Her glasses are on her pillow, which means they’re going to be fucking dirty, and she can smell the stale beer on herself. 
Yup. Darcy Lewis is, in fact, hungover.
Hungover and alone, she reminds herself. Fuck yeah, astrophysics. 
She checks her phone, winces at the brightness. Five missed calls and eight missed texts from the number she’s pretty sure are Jane’s - but what’s that other message from a number that looks almost exactly like her best friend’s?
Then, the memories - and the nausea - hit her like a goddamn train going down a fucking mountain. She almost trips on her way to the bathroom, just making it to the toilet in time to throw up. 
After a much needed vom-session, an aggressive brush of her teeth, a hot shower, another aggressive brush of her teeth, Darcy is ready to face the consequences of her actions. That, and she was going to order a disgusting greasy breakfast from that diner around the corner. 
Jane, of course, is pissed but incredibly merciful. Darcy had texted her multiple times to apologize for being upset about the bar fries, and Jane is used to Black Out Darcy’s shit. After another apology and a promise to buy her lunch tomorrow, Darcy is off the hook and onto the next text.
She reads it once, then twice, then a third time before she realizes she’s rereading it and actually smiling. She mulls over her response for longer than she will ever admit to anybody even under extreme methods of torture.
Outgoing: I am so so sorry for keeping you up so late. I promise I’m not like an alcoholic or anything. I liked talking to you too, but I think I’ll like it more when I can actually remember all of the stupid things I say
Darcy keeps that stupid dorky dumb smile on her face when her food arrives, which she’s pretty sure scares the delivery boy who has only seen her hungover and monstrous. She keeps looking at her phone, despite herself, and sometimes swears she hears it vibrate only to find an empty lockscreen.
By four, she’s getting a little depressed. Maybe she’d hallucinated this mysterious stranger who liked talking to her? Or maybe it was just a customary text, like maybe this happens to you all the time and-
Okay, she certainly heard it vibrate this time.
She grabs it immediately. Like a basic bitch.
Incoming:  I was already up, don’t worry about it :) but you can always make it up to me by introducing me to Sober Darcy.  Sorry for the late reply. Work is a bit hectic rn
God, she knows she’s smiling again. She’s never reacted like THIS to strangers who get her number. Darcy has never, ever in her life felt like this. It’s so fucking dorky and weird she has to second-guess herself. I am not a basic bitch. I am not about to simp for some rando I don’t even know. 
Still, even as she thinks this, she types out:
Outgoing: Sober Darcy. Nice to meet you. Allow me to be your distraction from work? I have cat videos.
And thus, a beautiful friendship is formed.
- - - -
“Are you finally texting that cute temp in statistics?” Natasha asks, noticing not for the first time in the past two weeks that you’re glued to your phone with a dazed sort of expression. A dumbstruck kind of look.
You scoff. “No.”
The redhead frowns to herself when you don’t even spare her a glance. “Well, who’re you texting?”
“Nobody,” you respond, putting your phone down suspiciously. “Why?”
Natasha rolls her eyes. “Do I really have to remind you that I’m an expert on body language?”
“Human body language.”
“Oh, shut up, you’re not some weird humanoid freak. Who are you texting and why are they making you look all sappy?”
You blush. “Uh- well, it’s… a long story.”
Ever since you started texting, you and Darcy rarely go longer than a few hours without talking to each other. Occasionally, you’ll talk on the phone, and you easily drown yourself in the way she speaks about her work. She sounds so passionate, so alive - it’s endearing, even if you don’t understand a lot of the technical terms. You know stars well enough, at least.
And, okay, as dumb as it sounds… you might have developed a crush on her. Is it even possible to be attracted to a voice?
“C’mon,” Natasha snaps her fingers expectantly. “I’m waiting. Who is it?”
“We, uh, met by accident. She called me instead of her friend when she was drunk a few weeks ago. We’ve kinda been texting ever since?” You explain in a rush.
Natasha fucking lights up like it’s Christmas morning. She might not seem like the type to enjoy gossip, but she and Tony Stark are the biggest goddamn drama queens you’ve ever met. They live and thrive on gossip.
But she’s your best friend, so you have to tolerate it.
“That’s actually so cute. What’s she like? Have you seen her? Is she hot?” She asks in succession. 
You blush even harder. “Well- no, we haven’t like, done a video call or anything. Just- just regular ones. And texting.”
“So that’s why you’re always up so late.”
“She’s doing some work in Arizona right now. She’s, uh, an astrophysicist.”
“And does she know what you are?”
“Of course not.”
Natasha groans, throwing her head back against the cushions of the couch. “You’re kidding me.”
“What? How do I even- how would I bring that up? ‘Hey, you like space, right? Well, guess what? You’re talking to a genuine alien!’”
The redhead scoffs incredulously. “Well, the longer you keep it from her, the weirder it’s going to be when you finally fess up. If you really like her, she should know what she’s getting into. She doesn’t even know that you’re an Avenger, does she?”
“Well, she’s apparently had her iPod stolen by SHIELD.” 
Natasha sits up, then, a look of blatant confusion on her face. “What?”
You shrug. “Apparently they’re on her shitlist for that.”
“How does she know about SHIELD?”
You shrug. “She won’t tell me, but either way, telling her I literally work as a government-sanctioned super-freak isn’t gonna do me any favors.”
“Oh, shut up. If she’s as nerdy as she sounds I think she’d be into it.”
“You’re insufferable, you know that?”
“Aw, but you love me.” Natasha winks. “So, you don’t even have an instagram? Twitter? Somewhere to find her picture?”
You shake your head shyly. “N-no.”
“You’re hopeless.”
- - - -
Outgoing: can i ask u something kinda weird?
Incoming: if it’s feet pics, i charge extra
Outgoing: ha ha. ur hilarious. if i asked u to facetime…. Would u?
Incoming: you’ve listened to me drunk rant about bar fries of course I’d ft with u
It takes you longer than you’d like to admit to get ready to facetime Darcy. You want to look nice, but not too nice. Casual, but not like, lazy slop casual. You’re nervous as fuck, and you really can’t even explain WHY. It’s so fucking dorky, you want to throw up.
But eventually, you muster up the courage and totally aren’t considering jumping out of a window by the time the screen lights up.
Of course she’s hot.
Darcy’s wearing a huge grin on her face the moment she sees you, her plump lips painted red and her blue eyes shining with excitement. “So you really aren’t a creepy old man!”
You snort. “When did I ever seem like a creepy old man?”
She shrugs. “Most things in my life take a weird turn that involve creepy older men. Besides, you just seemed too cool to be real.” 
“You only say that because you’re a nerd,” you roll your eyes, earning a scoff from the brunette. Weirdly, you’d sort of known she was a brunette. “You’re prettier than I imagined.”
“Last guy who said that to me got tased.” 
“You’re awfully attached to that taser.”
She grins maliciously. “Dude, if you knew who and what this taser has tased, you’d be attached to it, too.”
“My brother was tased once,” you mention off-handedly, grinning at the story Thor had told you. “When he first came to M-uh,” you stop yourself cold. “My place, I mean. Here.” Not a complete lie, right? 
“You’ve got a brother?” Darcy asks, surprised. You find that her expressions give away her true emotions; she’s so expressive, so alive with whatever she’s feeling in the moment. It’s unbelievably adorable. “You never mentioned that!” 
“He’s…” You hesitate nervously. “Well, he’s hard to describe.”
“Just like your job? I’m starting to think you’re either a serial killer or a famous pornstar because I swear I’ve seen your face before.” 
Dread pools in your gut. “I’ve just got that kind of face, I guess.” 
Her eyes narrow thoughtfully. “You’re definitely in porn, aren’t you?” 
“You’re saying that like you want me to be,” you retort, earning a blush and a laugh.
“I wouldn’t judge! Money’s money. Shake what your mama gave ‘ya!” 
You stay up way, way later than you’d intended. So late that the next morning, you wake up next to your phone and are met with a sleeping lump with a mass of dark hair. It brings a dumb smile to your lips, inevitable and impossible to fight. You end the call, wincing at how hot it’s made your phone, and sit up groggily. 
You’re still smiling when you make it to the kitchen, your slippered feet seemingly skimming the ground with how much your whole body is buzzing.
“Why is she smiling like that?” Bucky whispers to Steve, who just shakes his head.
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
“Maybe she got laid?” Tony suggests, butting into the conversation. 
“Nobody came into the Tower last night. You’d be the first to know.” Steve points out.
Tony nods, humming as he strokes his facial hair. You’re putting together a bowl of cereal, looking absolutely mindless with glee. It isn’t that you’re always depressed or something. It’s just strange seeing you like… this. They haven’t seen you this happy since you reunited with Thor.
Natasha, though, is unusually quiet. Actually, she’s grinning too. Like the cat who caught the canary. She sips her coffee with a content sigh, looking disproportionately pleased with herself.
“Do you think they-” Bucky begins, but shuts up the second Natasha’s green eyes land on him. “Maybe she’s just having a good day.”
“Yeah, a good day,” Natasha smiles, sending a cold chill down the men’s spines. 
Whatever the fuck is going on, it might be in their better interest to just leave it alone.
- - - -
It was a very rare and especially good occasion when you and Thor got to work together. His missions always involved space or Asgard, and when he wasn’t off on his missions, he was with his girlfriend out of state. You kept in close contact, but it was always thrilling to fight alongside him.
Thor inherited much of your father’s abilities, but you were bestowed with your mother’s own abilities and a few… unique to yourself. You could see glimpses of the future, though not far enough ahead to win any lottery tickets; just enough that you can dodge certain death. You’re also an extremely gifted healer, with a knack for controlling the plant life on Earth. (Not on Asgard, though. It seems like a power that only works here, but you don’t mind it so much. You like gardening, and yours is the most beautiful in New York, you’re certain of it.)
Unfortunately, both of you share a lot of that hardheadedness that drove Loki nuts when you were children. While your brother distracts the blood-thirsty alien that’s been trying to assassinate you, you had to duck down to take care of a wretched gash in your side. Your hands are glowing with the energy of your abilities, the wound slowly closing when your phone rings unexpectedly.
You answer it in a rush, taking a wincing breath now that you’re down to one healing hand. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me.” Darcy. Shit. “Am I interrupting something?” 
“N-no,” you lie. “But I can’t talk long. I’m, uh, at work.”
“Shit, sorry- are you okay? You sound like you’re hurt?”
“I’m-” there’s a very distinctly not human roar just outside of the warehouse you’ve hidden in. “Motherfucking- I’ll call you in a bit, okay? Promise.”
“Wait, what was-” 
You end the call and stand up, the wound half-healed and still oozing blood all over your armor. You raise your hands and roots burst from the ground, grabbing the creature by the ankles and yanking it downwards. Two more legs push out from its sides, scrabbling hard against the force of your powers.
It’s a damn miracle that you make it out alive. But, the alien threat is terminated, and being sent to SHIELD for an intense examination. Thor supports you as you enter the tower, looking proud but worried as you limp alongside him.
“I want you to meet Jane,” he says, making you nearly stumble on your next step. He catches you, though, a frown on his face. “And I want you to finish healing that.”
“Since when do I listen to you?” You tease, letting him ease you into a chair in the dining area. You move aside your chainmail and return to healing yourself.
“She has a friend you might enjoy?” He grins, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Ever since you’d come out to him, Thor has tried his very damn best to figure out the best girlfriend for you. His standards are higher than yours - which is saying something - and it isn’t often that he presents a candidate directly to you. Normally, he uses Natasha or Tony for that. 
You snort, giving him a disbelieving smile. “You’re trying to set me up with your girlfriend’s friend?”
“The one who tased me.” 
“Oh, now you have my attention. Should have led with that.”
“I apologize. I want you to meet my girlfriend and her best friend that tased me that I believe you will have a wonderful relationship with.”
“Now you’re just kissing my ass,” you roll your eyes, sighing with relief as the pain finally eases on your side. It’ll be tender for a while, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. “What did you have in mind?”
“Dinner. I’ve asked Tony to make arrangements-”
“Oh, man,” you groan, “I don’t have blacktie attire!”
“I’m sure Natasha will be happy to help you.”
You want to protest, but he just looks so damn hopeful and you’ve never been able to say no to your favorite big brother. You sigh and nod. “Okay, alright. I’ll go.”
When you get back to your room, you call Darcy back and begin the slow process of removing the armor you’d been given by your brother when you reunited. She picks up surprisingly quick.
“Dude, what the hell?” 
“Sorry,” you apologize. “My job’s… intense.”
“What was that?” 
“Machinery,” you lie. You’re a filthy, filthy liar. Such a coward. 
“Liar,” Darcy accuses. “Seriously? I’ve been sitting here thinking you were dying for like, two hours!” 
“Sorry,” you apologize again. “I didn’t-” you pause, then sigh. “I didn’t want to scare you off, is all.”
“I’m a little difficult to scare off.”
“Okay, it was an alien.”
She actually laughs. When you don’t join in, she stops herself. “Wait, seriously?” 
“I sort of work for SHIELD.”
“SHIELD as in stole-my-iPod-SHIELD?”
“Uh, yeah…?”
Darcy exhales sharply. “And you didn’t tell me because I talk shit on them all the time.” 
“No! I didn’t want to tell you because it’s a weird job, Darcy. I’m weird.”
“Okay, edgelord, don’t get ahead of yourself.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” 
“I was starting to think you were an Avenger or something,” she scoffs off-handedly. Your chestplate slips from your hands clumsily, landing on the carpeted floor with a heavy thud. “What the hell was that?” 
“I dropped something.”
“So, what was the alien?” 
You stare at the piece of armor on the floor for a moment. “I’m not sure. It was spider-like, though. Lots of arms.”
Maybe you should tell her the truth.
(But what if that changes everything?)
Eventually, once you’re finished showering and getting ready for bed, you text the brunette.
Outgoing:  I’ve got dinner w my brother and his gf tomorrow he’s trying to set me up w the chick that tasered him
Incoming: gross. im going out w my best friend and her bf to meet his sister or something? idk her bf is hot so im hoping his sister is too
Outgoing: and here I thought I was the only woman in your life
Incoming: i will always have a place for u in my heart 
You roll your eyes and smile to yourself. You don’t want to ruin things by telling her who you are - what you are. You like this friendly flirting, the banter - you like talking with her, and sleeping on FaceTime together. There’s so much about this that you like, you can’t imagine altering it as much as you would if you were to reveal your true identity.
Incoming: But that DOES mean ill be in nyc so… I mean, if u want to meet up or something Maybe grab dinner the day after tomorrow? If things don’t go well with your brother-tasering date, i mean
Your smile widens painfully, a blush spreading across your cheeks just as quickly.
Outgoing: are u asking me on a date Dr Lewis?
Incoming: If i said yes, would u still wanna do it?
Outgoing: Absolutely
Incoming: Then it’s a date ;)
Your smile remains on your lips long after your eyes shut.
- - - -
“Holy shit, you look great,” Darcy’s jaw actually drops when she sees you. You’re leaving with Thor in ten minutes, and Darcy is just about to leave. Still, you’d decided to talk before your respective ‘dates’ to plan the date you were going to go on together. 
“So do you,” you note shyly. You’d both chosen to wear black dresses, though hers has a low-cut neckline that makes your eyes drift where they absolutely should not. Her lips are still red, but a darker shade than usual. 
Your own dress was strapless, and had a long slit up the side. Natasha says you’ve got great legs, and to show ‘em off. You told her about your date with Darcy, and she was beyond excited to provide two dresses. This one was the less-revealing one, because she apparently thinks you and Darcy aren’t going to be able to keep your hands off of each other.
After some quick small-talk, someone calls Darcy’s name and the brunette is off to go and you’re finishing up working your hair into something presentable. Finally, Thor comes to your room and you’re off to meet Jane.
You’re the first ones to arrive, the restaurant as bullshit fancy as you’d expect from someone like Tony Stark. You feel terribly out of place, stumbling alongside your brother as people eye you both with wide-eyed wonder.
That was also an issue to tackle when you go out with Darcy. The staring. It was complete blind luck that she hadn’t recognized you before, but once she starts seeing how everyone stares at you, it won’t be long before she questions your real job.
“There she is,” Thor exhales softly, that dumb lovey look on his face as he drags you obliviously through the staring public.
At least you get a section somewhat separated from the rest. Being an upscale New York restaurant frequented by the rich and snotty, you shouldn’t be surprised that they’ve got a whole section for ‘VIPs’. 
“Thor,” Jane stands, giving your brother a loving kiss before turning to you with a wide grin. “And you must be (Y/N).”
“Yeah, that’s me,” you return her smile. “I’ve heard a lot about you!”
“And this,” she steps aside, revealing her companion for the first time, and your entire body goes still with shock. “Is Darcy, my best friend.”
Darcy, who had been looking at the menu, looks up and then drops it the second your eyes lock. Her lips part in surprise, a heavy silence filling the space between you. You feel incredibly warm all of a sudden, and weirdly exposed. 
“Igottapee!” You blurt, practically running to the restroom.
Oh, nice going. Real smooth. You find out the possible love of your life is your brother’s girlfriend’s best friend that he’s trying to set you up with so you RUN AWAY AND HIDE IN A BATHROOM. 
You’re double-checking your reflection, wiping away any possible flaws in your makeup like a fucking maniac, when the door swings open and Darcy herself steps in. 
“When you said you worked for SHIELD I didn’t think you meant as a freaking superhero!” She exclaims in a very terrible whisper-shout. “I thought you were gonna be more honest with me?”
You take a deep breath. “I was gonna tell you tomorrow, on our date. This isn’t something I can just spring on somebody.”
Darcy looks ready to argue, but seems to think better of it. Her shoulders sink, and she takes a long moment to look over you. “You’re right. But still, holy shit… this is so weird.”
“You tased my brother,” you realize with a giggle. Darcy’s eyes widen, and then she laughs hard. 
“I tased your brother!”
You’re both laughing like absolute idiots, now. Absolutely hysterical, clutching your sides and bending over with the force of it. When her hand reaches out to balance herself against your shoulder, a sharp static shock runs through your system.
“Holy shit, they set us up on a date with each other,” you gasp, finally able to take in her appearance in full. She’s fucking gorgeous. Not that she isn’t on the phone, but there’s something else about seeing it in person.
Darcy seems to realize this, too, her eyes raking over you and drinking in the sight of you. “Yeah, they did.”
You bite your lip. “Damn, I had a really nice dress for tomorrow.”
“This isn’t a ‘really nice’ dress?” She asks, eyeing the slit up your leg. “I’m pretty sure that costs more than my apartment.”
“It’s Natasha’s,” you explain.
“Holy shit this entire time you’ve been talking about the Black Widow-”
“Are you going to start freaking out about me being an Avenger?”
She pouts. “Aw, hey, I took this in stride! Can’t I freak out just a little bit?”
You sigh dramatically, pulling yourself up onto the marbled counter and crossing your legs primly. “Fine. Go ahead.”
“I can’t believe I’m on a date with an Asgardian,” it’s definitely not what you’d expected, but it makes you smile stupidly anyway. “Like, wow, I thought Thor was hot but you-” she stops herself, then blushes. “Wow, I must seem pretty underwhelming.”
“Not at all,” you admit, still smiling. “I think you’re overwhelmingly you, but in a good way.”
Darcy takes a nervous step towards you, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “That was corny.”
“But it was true.” You hold a hand out, slipping off the counter. “C’mon, before they think we’re doing anything but talking in here.”
“Pfft, I wish.” She sighs, a bit dreamily, and you pause in your next step, quirking an eyebrow at her questioningly. “What?” She asks sheepishly. “I’ve been thinking of kissing you for like, a month now.”
You laugh a little at that, your free hand moving to her waist. “You should’ve said something sooner.”
“What, are we gonna makeout in the bath-” you cut her off by pressing your lips gently against hers. It’s short, leaving her enough time to react before she’s kissing you hard. She’s stronger than she looks, somehow pulling you in close by your waist and pushing you against the counter again. You hum, drinking in the warmth and ease of her mouth against your own.
When she pulls away, you’re both wearing the same wide smile. 
“No more secrets,” you promise softly. “As long as I get to keep kissing you like that.”
Darcy’s eyes meet yours. “I’m so glad Jane didn’t let me eat those bar fries.”
- - - -
Tags! @nobody13​ @fireflyglass @swords-are-cool​ @artapdarkstr @pasta-bandit​ @multi-images​ @women-am-i-right​
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mrwinterr · 4 years
Slippery, Smooth
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader 
Summary: Bucky gets a different kind of massage.
Warnings: Smut 18+ (consensual but still unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, oral [male receiving], thigh riding, titty fuck, cum play).
Disclaimer: I want to put it out there that while nuru massages aren’t legal in the vast majority of the U.S. or the world, I’m not condoning the underlying motive of selling sex and/or prostitution. I apologize if this may offend anyone or the culture. I did my best to read about the origins and some modern experiences. A girl just watched porn and wrote this – that’s it.
** Author’s Note (8/13/20): Read a snippet of Part 2! **
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“We’ll just need you both to fill out the paperwork for some information. Please check any of the services we offer then sign the waiver on the back and when you’re both done, we’ll show you to your rooms,” the young female receptionist answered with a friendly smile on her face.
Sam returns the gesture with a smile of his own and grabs the two white clipboards with the paperwork attached to them, carefully balancing the pens placed on top so they don’t roll off. On his left, was Bucky sporting a resting bitch face, clearly showing he was dragged into this before heading to a pair of unoccupied seats. The woman unbothered by his sour demeanor pays no offense believing he’s come to the right place to relieve the stress he isn’t aware he’s been harboring.
Except Bucky really doesn’t want to be here at the spa. He just happened to be caught while walking by some of his colleagues and apparently, Sam had been asking around for someone to check out the raving massage parlor on the market with him, but mostly because it was much more of a discount to book for two than one.
With some convincing from his more levelheaded companions, suggesting Bucky continue to go out and experience more modern things while also participating in the act of self-care, he begrudgingly agreed.
“Man, hurry up. Did you forget how to spell your name?” Sam nudged at him seeing as Bucky hadn’t even filled out the first line before putting the cap back on his pen, signaling he had completed his paperwork.
“Shut up. I don’t even want to be here.” Bucky mumbled enough just for Sam to hear. It wasn’t the establishment’s fault that he felt bothered.
He let out a big sigh, filled out the basic information and skimmed at the options of the services provided. His face scrunched. There were all kinds of massages that he hadn’t heard of and some were even in different languages. Luckily, this place offered a brief description of each type.
“Barnes!” Sam, who was standing in front of the receptionist desk again, said with a now firmer tone and sending Bucky a hard look. He was getting impatient. Bucky shook his head and looked back down at the paper. Try something new. He reminded himself.
Feeling slight pressure and the practical idea of the sooner he got through with this part of the process the sooner he’d be out of this place, Bucky hastily checks off something near the middle, a different type of massage he thought sounded nice. They all sounded nice, but there were so many, he didn’t bother to finish reading through or retain any significant aspects on each of them as they all became a jumbled mess of terms in his brain. Afterall, a massage is designed to make one feel good anyways. How far south could the option he selected go?
A few more minutes went by until another woman from behind the desk emerges and calls for the two men. The receptionist bids them a good time and carries on with the next guest. To both of their relief, Bucky and Sam are placed in separate rooms.
Guess he picked a different massage. Bucky thought to himself and looked around the dim lit room. Its walls adorned with tasteful foreign artwork, different sized candles and infused with a refreshed yet soothing scent that began overtaking his senses. The place was pristine.
The employee who escorted him to this room sets the clipboard on the nearby table and instructs Bucky to prep himself with a shower that was located in the corner. Before he could ask why that was a significant part of the massage, she told him once he was done washing himself, to lie on the massage table with only his towel on and to wait for his actual masseuse, who would arrive shortly, then she left closing the door behind her.
Not wanting to think too much into it, believing perhaps it was part of the experience or this place was just super hygienic, Bucky doesn’t waste time. The masseuse could walk in any moment, so he proceeds to undress, open the clear shower door and step in.
A few months ago, aside from the people he worked with or the ones he fought against, no one would be caught alone with Bucky – especially in a vulnerable state such as being half naked and with his metal arm on display. It took a lot of self-therapy and confidence and just plain not giving a fuck anymore mindset, but now here he was letting a complete stranger touch him and take more than a peek and gander at his body. If the doctors could see him now. On top of that, there had to be a level of professionalism here anyways, he was in good hands.
Once he’s thoroughly clean, he wraps the white, fluffy towel around his waist before hopping onto the massage bed. It was big, almost like it was built for two. That was a strange thought, but nonetheless he chose to also not dwell on that and was grateful it was big enough for his burly body. He scoots around a bit to find the center and lies down, trying to relax.
He turned his head to the side, eyes wandering at the counter full of supplies – massage oils, rocks, towels, soap, a box of condoms, gloves, more towels…wait. A box of condoms? What the hell? Bucky thought now a little puzzled before turning his head back to stare at the ceiling in front of him. He closes his eyes and tries to calm his nerves once more.
Just before Bucky dozed off, as if on cue, he hears the door open and quietly close with an extra click. You finally arrived. He peeks an eye open to see the back of your figure, hair tied loosely and in a short white robe. It clung on your body different, it had to be of silk. He opens both eyes just as you turn around.
You quickly glance at his clipboard before finally fixing your eyes on your next client. His metal arm certainly didn’t go unnoticed, but that wouldn’t be a problem at all. It might sound mean, but it was one less limb to work on. All that shoved aside, he was athletically built and geez, was he a sight. Keep it together. You began telling yourself over and over. You’re a professional.
It wasn’t likely you did these kinds of massages, nor did you partake in paid sexual services just strictly intent on the art of touch and healing, but this type paid handsomely, and the lights didn’t have to be on all the way to let you see that handsome was indeed right in front of you too. You introduced yourself to the man on the massage bed but got no response.
A quiet one. You thought, but quickly shrugged it off and decided to get right to it by pulling at the end of a tassel in the knot tied around your waist to begin disrobing.
Bucky, not anticipating interacting or to be touched intimately by someone so pretty was gravely distracted, it wasn’t until he saw the skin of your cleavage that he snapped out of it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Bucky exclaims sitting up, “what are you doing?”
With a confused expression, you simply replied, “disrobing?” Then wearily proceeded to part the material to the side, but before you could reveal anything else, you heard another plea to stop.
“Wh-why?” Bucky was having a hard time trying to formulate words with the swell of your breasts peeking from behind your robe now in his view.
You turned and cocked your head a bit, still perplexed by his questions, “because it’s part of the massage.”
“Wha…what? Isn’t the person getting the massage supposed to be the one that’s…naked?” His mind was in a frenzy and that was kind of annoying you.  
“For a simple massage, yes.”
“What are we doing then?” He asked incredulously.
“A nuru massage.”
“Nuru massage?”
“Yes. A nuru massage is when one massages the other person’s body with their own.” You explained as calmly as you could. He was getting increasingly agitated and your job was to help others relax not add onto the stress.
Bucky shook his head frantically and looked away from you to stop his eyes from wandering too long on your body. He could tell you didn’t have anything else underneath. “This has to be a mistake. You must have the wrong room.”
You scoffed, covering yourself up again and snatching the clipboard on the nearby counter. “Aren’t you…James B. Barnes?” You skim over it before asking and turning the clipboard to prove to him that you were in the right room assigned to him.
He craned his neck forward to inspect the piece of paper he held not too long ago, his messy handwriting complete with his illegible signature staring right back at him.
“Well, yeah…”
“Then I have the right room and you checked off for a nuru massage.” You say crossing your arms as he took the clipboard from your hands to read more about what the massage actually entails.
“This-this can’t be legal though.” He said shaking his head and thinking about how it could even be acceptable for this kind of service without eliciting some sort of sexual stimulation from the other party. Bodies gliding against each other? It just couldn’t possibly go smooth or well…work.
“It’s not…” you replied like it’s a known fact but then were quick to respond seeing his eyes widening in overreaction, “in most areas of the world but it’s absolutely legal here!”
“But it’s basically pros-“ he didn’t even finish that last sentence catching himself when he saw your now offended expression.
Does this asshole really think he is going to just sit there and get away with downright calling you a prostitute?
“You don’t know shit about me,” you spat. Handsome or not, deciding he wasn’t as openminded as most people and harshly tied a new knot to the robe you were still wearing signaling you were about to walk out. He wasn’t worth the few extra digits to your paycheck.
“No! Wait!” He pleaded; guilt ridden. As he let out a deep sigh, you stayed put to hear him out, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. You’re right! I don’t know shit about you, but I also don’t know what a nuru massage is. I came here with a friend to help him get a good deal and I clearly wasn’t paying attention to what I signed up for.”
You nodded and decided to be civil since he was owning up to his mistake. “Okay. Apology accepted. I see why you freaked out, but you’re clearly not comfortable with the idea of this,” you responded while your hands helped convey your words, “so I can see what I can do to get you a refund,” and walked over to him to retrieve the clipboard.  
It would’ve taken a significant blow to your pay – losing a client for the day – but you weren’t going to put anyone in a situation they weren’t familiar or comfortable with.
“Well…” He spoke up, placing his right hand on top of yours causing you to look up at him.  
Wow, his eyes. They held the same color that reminded you of the kind water in a pool could reflect. The soothing kind of blue. You felt like you were glued to the spot, almost hypnotized.
“I mean I’m already here. I don’t want to take any business away from you. Again, I’m sorry I overreacted. What’s life without experience, right?”
And that deep voice... Shit, snap out of it! Remember, you’re a professional.
You gave him a small smile for his change of heart and willingness to try something new.
“Right,” you said forcing yourself to look away. Fuck, I hope I wasn’t staring for too long, “but I’m letting you know now, this isn’t a normal massage,” daring to look back at him for reassurance, “if at any moment you’re uncomfortable, we can change things up. Afterall, I’m very good with my hands.” You hoped to regain your composure with that last line. It wasn’t a lie though.
Bucky sends you a smile of his own before letting you go to lie back down properly, waiting for the next move. You cautiously disrobed without any protest from him. You noticed Bucky visibly swallowed the thick lump in his throat now that you were completely nude in front of him.
“Are you okay?” You were going to have to be patient with this one. He wasn’t going to be like any other you treated. It was easy for you to just stand there naked and you weren’t bothered by nudity at all, but that doesn’t mean everyone else is.
With a nod of his head, you reached for the towel to untuck the bunched-up portion at the side of his waist, mindful to not expose him of the slightest to spare him some modesty, while asking him to move just enough to let it rest on his body and cover his lower half like a blanket would.
You decided to let him keep his towel on for the time being and focus on his upper body. Next, you instructed him to turn and lie on his stomach, you’d start with his back first. You lifted the towel in a modest manner like you would for anyone so he could maneuver with ease. Once he settled in a comfortable position, you began the treatment.
“The word nuru stems from the Japanese term for slippery or smooth.” Talking to your clients was a technique most in your line of profession use to help distract or relax them to get the job done – that and it’s just good customer service showing that you care and know just what the fuck you’re doing.
You expertly jumped up onto the small space left on the bed to get into a straddling position on your knees hovering just over the small of his back and covered ass. Judging by the hump, it kind of looked nice to sit on.
“I’m going to start by applying nuru gel all over your body and mine, but we’ll start small, alright.” You carefully poured a generous amount of the warm massage gel in the palm of your hand lathering up your arms, chest, torso, thighs and fortunately you were flexible enough to reach parts of your back, but for parts you couldn’t, would transfer off his body to yours later on.
Scooping up a bit more, you watched as the gel dropped in a fine line and pool onto his back before beginning to spread it all over the expanse of his toned body in soothing motions. You started to gently press with your knuckles on the surface his muscles.
“The gel is actually made out of natural Nori seaweed,” you started explaining the colorless and odorless substance while progressing lower on his back with both hands, digging your thumbs near the lumbar region and compressing some of your weight down. You paid attention to specific areas of the body that draws the most tension. His body became visibly lax and less strained the more you worked your magic; soon enough Bucky was sure he would be putty in your hands.
Still perched up on your knees and not wanting to slip, you took initiative and just plopped down onto his plush yet firm backside. Even if a towel remained as a barrier between you both, you felt his glutes tense up underneath you, most likely having startled him. Trying to find a way to help him relax again, you tried to comfort him with more facts.
“It has other healthful benefits such as providing great moisturization to the skin,” you leaned down on your forearms and started an up and down repetition.
Your hands then travelled to his sides and you hoped he wasn’t ticklish before they met at the back of his neck to perform the simplest of massages ever. However basic as it might’ve seemed, felt like Heaven’s touch on Bucky’s end as he couldn’t help but let out a moan of satisfaction.
You were so good at it, working out all the kinks in his neck using your skilled fingers, he had to let out an approving moan after moan with each touch that hit the spot. The elicited sound racked through his body that you felt it reverberate all the way down to your core. You were crossing over a forbidden line, but that wasn’t letting you up. You had wanted to hear and feel that again.
“You’re really tense aren’t, you?” You comment continuing your handy work into the knots around his lower neck, slowly adding more pressure and testing his limits. His response was an even louder and deeper moan. Unknowingly, it caused you to shift, more like ground, your hips against his lower body. You mentally patted yourself on the back for keeping the towel there to absorb your juices. He didn’t need to try and figure out if it was the nuru gel or the sudden wetness pooling in you that his skin was swimming in.  
Then you lowered your entire body, your chest now pressed against his back. Your head was close to his, you could smell the scent of the soap the facility provided for the massage prep mixed with his own and you swore he smelled more relaxing than any stress-free candle or burning incense ever could.
Due to the close proximity, you spoke even softer right next to his ear, “the combination of the nuru gel and full body contact or the touch of another human help to release toxins from the body and boost the feelgood chemicals in the brain.”
You paired that piece of knowledge with sliding up and down his back, your hands trailing up his arms that were bent but sprawled above his hand, grasping at the front of his hands to briefly interlock them before letting them go to repeat the actions.
Deciding enough time was spent on the upper area, you carefully swung around, gathered a bit more gel and snuck your hands underneath the towel to glide up the hill of his ass. Without protest, you seized the moment and experimentally grabbed a handful of each cheek before releasing the flesh and sail further down to his muscular thighs. Oh, you wish you could see them, but reminded yourself to approach each step with caution with him.  
The towel still restricted you from attending to his calves, so you pulled your hands back out and scooted up to pull the towel up from the other end and treat them with the same amount of attention. After that treatment was done, you had him revert to his original position on his back.
As he settled, you reached over to pour some more gel and help slicken his front half.
“Interesting fact, nuru massages originated in Japan as a disguise to pay for sexual services,” you say as your hands spanned across the planes of his pecs, “but nuru massages are much more than an erotic massage.”
“How so?” Bucky asked genuinely curious because he was having a hard time trying to strain his cock from hardening. Thankfully for him, you were seated on his lower abdomen and barely inches away from his member.
“Think of them as more so sensual than sexual.”
Accepting that outlook, Bucky had to ask, “how did you get into…this?”
You knew he meant performing nuru massages and not your career in general, “I took a trip to Japan during a break from studying,” you replied and now tracing the lines of his abs. That sort of action, so close to his dick, created a ghostly tingle to run down Bucky’s lower region.
Counting each one of his abs to help distract you from the twitch of his cock that he thought you probably didn’t feel hit you, you continued your story, “like you, I also didn’t know what I signed up for either.”
With your breasts out in front of him squished between your upper arms as you continued to rub him and all slick from the gel, your skin seemed ever so inviting for him to touch, but he refrained from doing so. There was really no way to avoid getting aroused with this kind of massage. He was about to give up the fight. He needed to relax, right?
“Um, how-how was…he?” He asked trying to not ask awkwardly. You smiled noting he was having a hard time trying to look at your face and not your boobs. A guy like this at your fingertips? What woman’s ego wouldn’t be boosted? You had control.
Keeping in mind he is new to this, but also that the vitality of full body contact in this massage, you treated his front half to the same tactic you used on his back by laying your body flat on his.
“She was amazing,” you answered, your face now close to his you could feel the warmth of his breath puff out as he tried to regulate his breathing. The close proximity allowing you to feel the beat of his heart. You noticed the bob of his throat to that reveal, two women all oiled up.  
“She taught me a lot of moves actually.” An innocent anecdote produced a whine from Bucky that he felt ashamed of slip out. Okay, maybe you got to bring it back down. “The first time I ever performed a nuru massage, I almost slipped off the massage table!”
What you hoped for was to lighten the mood, you didn’t expect was for him to bust out laughing at you. The sudden outburst took you by surprise that you almost reenacted the shared memory, but Bucky was quick to catch you with his left arm before you fell. His arms encased around you as he turned on his back with you now lying parallel, legs between his now parted ones underneath the towel that still managed to stay on.
“Oh my God,” you said burying your face into the crook of his neck, not giving a damn that the massage gel would get on your face. That first fall from your past was one of the most embarrassing moments of your career and here you were about to relive it or perhaps create one that would top it.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Bucky said tucking you in his arms as his flesh hand ran up and down the curves of your slick back, the metal one resting just above the curve of your ass. “I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just that you’re so poised and professional, having to imagine you being that clumsy took me off guard.”
Your eyes drifted down and noticed the scarred tissue of his skin that divided the metal from him. He probably ached there sometimes. You made a mental note to fit his arm somewhere in your routine.
“I’ve never told anyone that story before,” you admitted looking at him. Your eyes lingering at his pink lips that were parted. He brushed a strand of your hair away and cupped your face. You leaned into his hand and if he didn’t know it, you were the one that was putty in his hands.
Earning yourself another beautiful smile from him you got back into position. “Do you mind?” You ask referring to the towel. Having spent some time with you and seeing a more vulnerable side, he shook his head and let you rip the towel from beneath you and drop it to the floor.
“It’s okay to get hard,” you said trying to address the elephant in the room. You watched him stammer with his words, “it’s perfectly natural. Remember, this massage is designed to tease your senses and bring your body to full ecstasy.” Your now pressed against him again, rubbing your body up and down, hands trailing upwards to let your fingers intertwine with his again.
Feeling your breasts glide up just enough to stop under his chin, he kept tilting his head back as if he was neck deep in water, but if he was being honest, he would rather just drown in them at this point. Bucky tries to remain calm even if you assured him that getting aroused during a massage was a common occurrence.
“Relax, James,” you said releasing one of his hands to cradle his head and set it in a regular position. You just made it a point to not practically motorboat the poor guy.
“It’s Bucky,” he said, “please just call me Bucky. James is too formal.”
“Okay, Bucky,” you confirm by pressing your forehead against his.  
Not taking your eyes off each other, you glided down a few inches so you’re face-to-face with the junction of the skin and metal and began leaving light feather kisses to the sensitive area. Adding a little squeeze to the flesh hand that was still in your grasp, Bucky felt his heart soar a bit. You, so unperturbed by the once traitorous appendage, were so gentle and the level of intimacy you carried, he wondered if you were like this to your other clients. He felt like a damn fool for falling for your every move.
“Are most of your clients men?” Bucky wondered.
“No. I don’t limit my services to just men. Most times, my favorite are the women. Nuru is open for anyone of any gender or sexual orientation.”
You slithered down again until you trapped one of his thighs between your legs. Lord, give me the strength to not cum. You prayed and begun rocking your hips almost sinfully.
Fuck, was this part of her normal routine? Bucky asked himself but wouldn’t deny the combination of her wet pussy and its soft lips gliding along his thighs felt good. Not to mention the way your hands grip at the grooves of his Adonis belt, nails slightly digging into his skin, watching your hips move. He didn’t miss the look on your face, eyebrows knitted in concentration and your plump bottom lip trapped between your teeth.  
“Do you enjoy this too?”
You knew what he was going for. Did you get a rise out of this? You regained control of your body and shrugged, “I mean, touch is therapeutic in some cases, but if you’re wondering, most places or depending on the masseuse have modified nuru massages.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Not everyone gets a happy ending.” You were a masseuse specialist and not in a line of sex. It was the most misconstrued thing about it. Noticing the look on his face, you concluded that he must’ve not known the term “happy ending.”
“Sex. A happy ending is what usually culminates from a nuru massage,” you cleared the air. It was adorable to see the surprised look on his face. Yet, underneath the sheen line of sweat that had built up on his forehead, Bucky was internally relieved to hear that you didn’t actually partake in any sexual penetration or acts from this type of massage.
Okay, maybe that number on his thigh wasn’t part of your routine. You’d never been that needy. Before you could fly off the edge, you didn’t even peg yourself to be a sadist and actually edge yourself. You wondered if you could fully set ethical standards aside and go through it.
You set that same leg between your breasts and strategically slid from up his thigh before stopping just below the waist to keep his rather endowed member confined.
“You know, it’s a shame the reputation that nuru massages have,” you started, pushing your boobs together with your hands. You felt his cock jolt at the contact, “the first thing that comes to people’s minds in terms of nuru is fucking porn, but nuru has its benefits.”  
“Like what?” Bucky asks breathily as you started practically titty fucking him. Is she serious? Are we in a porno? He thought seeing as there’s no way he was going to not cum any second.
“Yeah. Believe it or not, it’s proven to help couples spice up their love lives and even repair them.”
“H-how?” He tried to keep up with conversation, but it was so hard, he was so hard, as he watched his cock disappear and reappear from between the depths of your breasts. He hoped you hadn’t noticed that his pre-cum had been aiding in the slickness as it mixed in with the nuru gel. You were warm and soft and slick…and he wasn’t even buried deep in your pussy.
“I think you can guess one of the factors, but it’s more than just a physical connection, really,” you explain and release him. You move back up, body once more parallel to his, your hands smearing more of the gel around his chest, “it allows for one to feel more comfortable in their own skin and even create new sensations.”  
“Almost sounds like a spiritual journey,” he said with seriousness his eyes meeting yours.
“It can be,” you responded with. You were so close to his face again. Not sure how long you sat there staring at him, but as ironic as it was, the setting in a massage parlor, one with a purpose to help the other, you both seemed to create a new kind of tension. A tension that was almost too thick you feared it wasn’t something your hands could resolve.
You stared down at his enchanting features, soft, pink lips that were parted, cute nose, the half-lidded eyes but that still shone from the blue that managed to peek out. Your hands trailed up to touch his face. He was so tempting.
Fuck it. All caution thrown out the window, your lips crashed against his. It wasn’t bruising nor soft, but enough to cut the tension that had built up in the room. To your astonishment, he didn’t object to your advances and pressed his lips back to yours and opening up wider to let you slip your tongue in. He caught your tongue in his mouth with his lips and enclosed around the muscle, sucking on it, causing you to gasp and pull away breathlessly.
You push yourself up just enough to get a full look at him with your hands on his chest. A slight nod of his head was all you needed to dive back in. Your lips massaged against his as you both kissed with such fervor, your hands threading into the short locks of his hair slightly pulling at what you could grasp in your fingers. The echoes of his moans and the light tap of his cock that had twitched in response against your lower abdomen was a dead giveaway sign that he liked that.  
However, the continue rocking of your body against his, wasn’t going to help alleviate his raging hard on. It was pressed so hard in between you, it almost felt embedded into your skin. You slithered back down, leaving a trail of kisses from the column of his neck, chest – even managing to teeth at one of his nipples tauntingly – the line between his abs until you were met with the tip of his cock, which was unashamedly leaking.
You jeered around his head, placing lightweight kisses down the side of his cock, purposely avoiding the large vein on the underside, to his balls. Your eyes never leaving Bucky’s, who had his head propped under his flesh arm to watch you. Your hands still slick with the gel, you started to fondle him before taking them, one at a time, in your warm, wet mouth to gently suck on.
You weren’t sure who lost the staring contest this time between you two, but his head lulled back at the sensation and yours closed shut, full of him and savoring the taste of his skin. Pulling away with a pop, you wrapped a hand around his shaft to let his cock stand at full attention.
Bucky finally opened his eyes and picked his head back up to look at you just in time to watch you smear his pre-cum all over your lips and swallow him. You downed as much of his cock as you could before hollowing your cheeks and coming back up with your tongue dragging across the underside of him, bobbing up and down.
Without a warning, you pull away for a brief moment, a string of mixed fluids leave a web trail from him to you, “It’s okay to touch me, Bucky,” you say stroking his cock but also noticing his hands had been gripping onto the edge of the bed and hoping to encourage him to fully give in to his desires.
Bucky didn’t need to be told twice as his hands found purchase in your hair pushing you back down his cock. He let out a loud groan when he felt the tip of your nose bury in the soft hairs of his happy trail. You weren’t expecting that kind of aggression from him, it caused you to involuntarily gag around him. Your throat constricting around his cock only caused him more indisputable pleasure he jut his hips up, lodging himself even further.
When you pulled away again, this time with your own saliva and his cum dribbling down your chin, your eyes were slightly red and tearstained. Your ragged breathing, lips glistening and swollen, hair matted against your face. You looked so fucked, so raw.
He pulled you up to him once more, your legs instinctively setting on either side of him, your dripping cunt hovering just over his cock that lied resting on his stomach. He wiped at your chin before kissing you, his tongue darting all around the wet cavern of your mouth and tasting himself. Something about that was so filthy yet so erotic.
Your legs spread further apart, and you pressed yourself against his cock. The contact causing you both to draw out loud moans. You did your best to drag your sopping folds along his stiff member, but the bed had become so slippery, you were finding it hard to pull yourself back up on your knees. Bucky must’ve picked up on the small struggle as he grabbed handfuls of your ass to help aid you in sliding your pussy up and down his cock.
You could feel just how hard he was and the underside and ridges of the head of his cock scraping against your clit, pulled all sorts of tremors from your body. You were a whimpering mess, clinging onto Bucky’s body trying to find your footing, but your senses were on overdrive.
“I know, it’s your job to make me feel good,” he said continuing to rut up against you, “but go ahead…just let go.” Oh, how he would love to watch you unravel and you weren’t one to deny him. You wildly came undone, from the buildup of riding his thigh and now this, you gushed all over his cock.
Wrecked, you knew this was far from over. Once you reclaimed control of your senses, Bucky at your full attention, you snaked a hand between your bodies and lifted yourself up to position his eager cock at your entrance.
“Tell me, Bucky,” you said trying your best to dominate the situation and started teasing yourself, “…do you want a happy ending,” you asked seductively, licking his lips and your eyes never leaving his.
His heartbeat accelerated with each running pass of the tip of his cock made through your folds. If his ending was right here on this massage bed, he’d take it because you were a fucking tease. The string of curses that flowed out his mouth caused a smirk to form on your lips.
You felt his metal hand grab yours shoving it away, enough of your teasing, he repositioned himself at your hole, gripped your hips and slid right in you with ease. You internally applauded the designers of the building for making each room soundproof because let’s face it, no one wants to hear how good the person next door is feeling – especially not like this, not the sounds you and Bucky were producing.
Each slide up and down his thick length, Bucky found himself almost fully engulfed by your breasts again. He stopped you for a moment so he could finally get his mouth on them, but you weren’t about to catch a break. No. Bucky instead planted his feet on the bed and began thrusting up into you almost too vigorously, but you sucked it up. Letting him use you to work out his frustrations.
Then you sat up, hands sprawled on his chest and started grounding your hips. The way his cock swiveled with each rotation you made, had you reeling as the tip just barely kept hitting that spot.
Bucky straightened out his legs from behind you and managed to sit up, cradling the small of your back and gently laying you down.
“Slow down, baby,” he says trying to contain the relentlessness drive you had on fucking him by keeping your hips at bay, so he pulled out resulting in a displeased noise to come out of you.
He just needed to get into a new position, on his knees, your right leg hoisted up on his shoulder while he pushed down on the other to spread your legs further apart, just for him to easily plunge back into your wet heat and drawing out long and satisfied moans from you both.  
“Fuck, it feels so good. You’re so good, Bucky,” you whined.
“I’m supposed to be saying that to you,” he chuckled almost breathlessly, coming down and placing his lips on yours with a kiss that had your head swimming. He pulled back to take a look down, loving the sight of him snug inside your warm walls. With his flesh hand, he pressed his fingers onto your clit, rubbing harsh circles, you grabbed and clawed at his forearm at the immense pleasure, eyes widening because it was proving to be too much.
The twisting coil that was settling in you suddenly snapped. With a loud rough moan, you were uncontrollably quaking beneath him, you knew Bucky couldn’t be far away from you. His bruising grip on your thighs and the faltering thrusts of his hips from your walls squeezing at him repetitively, he finally let go, emptying himself until he was sure he was completely spent. Fuck, and you loved feeling his cum shoot deep in you.
Watching his abdominal muscles contract with every breath, he pulled out and tried to regain his breathing, but before he could collapse, he used his last remaining ounce of strength to pull you up and back down with him on the other end of the massage bed.  
“Are you okay?” Bucky asks you this time short of breath. You managed to let out a tiresome laugh and pathetically slapped his chest, but knew it was to no avail with what little energy you had left.  
Several moments later, you both had calmed down and were prolonging the inevitable end. Bucky watched as you absentmindedly traced the outline of his metal arm. He longed for someone that was raw in nature, confident and there you were – walking into his life by mistake. He wasn’t sure where you stood aside from a physical standpoint, but he strangely craved for more.
You managed to stand back up on your own feet and drag Bucky back into the shower to clean off. You helped each other wash off the gel and mixed juices, with a few kisses shared here and there riddled along with soft sweet praises.
After helping you wipe down the bed and tidy up the room, Bucky couldn’t help but realize he felt good. Gone was the grumpy man that came against his own will. He definitely felt refreshed and his body felt great. This place really was all that it cracked up to be and he was just lucky enough to be assigned to you.  
“What?” You asked catching him starting just as you slipped your robe back on.  
“I want to see you again,” he says getting up from the bed.
You smiled at that. No one has ever made you feel that good. Your bodies seemed to be in sync with one another. Plus, during that last shower, you deduced that he could be a big softie when he wanted to be.
You wanted to see him again too and you would let him.
Once Bucky stepped back into the lobby, his peace of mind was shattered when he heard Sam yell. “Finally!” He watched as his friend threw the magazine he wasn’t really reading aside and stand up with a loose smile on his face. “How do you feel, man?”
“Amazing.” Bucky’s tone was audibly smoother and calm as opposed to earlier.  
“Good! You were in there for a long time. I don’t know what massage you chose, but whatever they did on you...I’m glad it knocked out that attitude of yours,” he says as if he didn’t have one before his massage.  
“Whatever. You’re exaggerating.”
“I even left to get something to eat and you were still in there!”
Shit. Were you both really that long? Was that normal? To Bucky it didn’t seem so. In fact, he wanted more time with you.
They both approach the same receptionist from earlier, who now donned a subtle smug disposition seeing the change in complexion on Bucky.  
“Would you like to leave a tip?” She asked Bucky politely and just before he could say yes, he was interrupted.
“Oh, he’s good! He’s all taken care of,” you quickly interjected, popping out of nowhere and effectively grabbing Bucky’s attention one more time with a sweet smile. You wanted to be the last thing he saw when he walked out that door. Bucky didn’t even hear Sam ask how in the world he got you as his masseuse.
Your co-worker nodded understandingly before turning to Sam to ask if he’d like to book another visit.
“Yeah…when is she next available?” Sam asks the receptionist while looking at you. You hadn’t managed to only grab Bucky’s attention, but also his friend.
How Bucky hadn’t noticed it before everything was beyond him. You had a certain glow that was very alluring. He wondered if it was possible for anyone to look away from you or not smile in your presence.
Something Bucky failed to conceal was the rising discomfort he was feeling hearing the suggestive tone in Sam’s voice when speaking about you mixed with a small bubble of anxiety on if there was a possibility that he’d get to be alone in a room with you.  
Before Sam could get a definite answer, you looked to your co-worker at the front desk, grinned at each other and then back over at the two men.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m booked,” sending a wink towards Bucky and disappearing to the back.  
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A/N: I work in digital marketing and what with all the searching I did I’m now paranoid that I’ll be targeted for a massage…even though I could use one. I did my best to proofread. Let me know if you liked it! 
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
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So I woke up at 4 am last night and my brain went “What if Jackunzel...but sapphic???”
Also look, yes, I know Jackie/Jacquelyn Frost is the go-to when it comes to fem!Jack Frost names, but I just...didn’t think it suited her??? I wanted something a bit more unique, and I liked the sound of Jaina! And then I got very inspired and wrote a ficlet, so ENJOY SOME LESBIAN JACKUNZEL
The first time Rapunzel met Jaina Frost, she asked her if she was a fairy.
She certainly looked like one of the winged creatures from Rapunzel’s storybooks. She floated just off the ground and could flit around the room quicker than a hummingbird. Her hair whipped around her in long white tendrils, thick waves like hills of freshly-fallen snow. It shone like it, too--nearly blindingly when the sun hit it, Rapunzel noticed.
She could ice up the entire floor with one sweep of her staff and would whoop and cheer and laugh so hard she snorted when she slid around on it on her bare feet. All behavior Mother would find very undignified, Rapunzel was sure.
Not that Jaina had ever cared in the least about dignity.
She’d nearly fallen out of the tower window when she first saw Rapunzel poised to hit her with a frying pan. Her next reactions had been even stranger--hooting and doing flips and jumping around because apparently, people didn’t normally see her.
It was nice to have a friend. Mother hadn’t warned Rapunzel off of other girls, although Rapunzel was certain that in practice she wouldn’t approve of them. Not that it mattered. They quickly found that Jaina was as invisible to Gothel as she apparently was to everyone else.
Perhaps it was selfish, but Rapunzel liked that. She had Jaina Frost all to herself.
Jaina gasped in horror when she heard Rapunzel had never touched snow. Her hammy overreaction only got more and more ridiculous as Rapunzel explained she had only ever seen winter from the confines of her tower--and Mother usually shut the window to keep the cold out, anyhow. Jaina clutched her heart at this, pretending to faint in her despair.
“Well, if you won’t just leave and go outside, like I keep telling you you should...” Jaina crossed spindly arms and glared at Rapunzel. “I guess I’ll have to bring the winter to you.”
And bring it she does. When Mother won’t be back until evening, Jaina swirls together soft, cotton clouds and makes it snow in Rapunzel’s room. They make snow angels on the floorboards and toss snowballs at one another from behind dressers and wardrobes and chairs, giggling all the while. Rapunzel’s decided she’s going to blame any water stains left behind on some kind of flooding.
Mother won’t be mad over that sort of thing. She’ll just fuss over her and breathe a sigh of relief when Rapunzel can still sing as beautifully as ever.
When Rapunzel’s birthday rolls around, she confides to Jaina about the floating lights. She’s pushing 18, and she still hasn’t left the tower. Jaina fixes her with a catlike smirk, and turns away.
When she sweeps her hands back, she’s holding some kind of ice-blue cylinder, made of swirling crystals and snow with a crescent moon etched on the side.
“They’re lanterns,” Jaina explains. “The kingdom does a festival with them every summer. I’ve flown over it plenty of times. I could...”
Jaina looks away, and Rapunzel could swear she sees her friend’s cheeks go a little pink.
“I could take you. You know. If you wanted.”
Rapunzel shakes her head. “I can’t. You know Mother would...”
Jaina groans and rolls her eyes. “You’re really way too beholden to that woman, Rae. But if you insist on staying...I might be able to do something almost as good.”
And so they sit on Rapunzel’s windowsill, legs dangling over the side (Jaina can catch Rapunzel if she falls), and Jaina Frost puts on a show. She makes dozens of frozen lanterns and whisks them into the sky, and they float and bobble and catch first the dying rays of the sunset and then the soft silver of moonlight.
Rapunzel’s never seen something so beautiful in all her life.
She glances over at Jaina once, and she’s looking at the blonde girl like she sprinkled all the stars across the night sky the same way she dappled them onto her tower walls. Jaina looks away almost immediately, face reddening.
After a while, Jaina takes to spending the night. It was by accident the first time--the girls were up late having stupid pillowfights and telling each other stories in Rapunzel’s bed, and at some point they both started to yawn.
Before she knew it, Rapunzel was waking up with a faceful of white waves smelling vaguely of wintergreen, cedarwood, and cashmere sweaters. Her arms were curled around a thin, sleek waist, and she felt her heart speed up tenfold.
She had no idea why being so very close to her best friend was making her incredibly nervous, but here she was.
It’s the first of many nights they’ll wake up wrapped up in each other. Always, they claim, by accident--but neither ever seem to mind.
It becomes a routine of sorts. Rapunzel wakes up early and untangles herself before she has to give too much thought to the nervous sweat that nearly breaks out at every point of contact. She tries to get Jaina up too to help with morning chores, and Jaina rolls onto her stomach with her face in the pillow and whines and bitches and moans until Rapunzel relents and lets her sleep for 10 more minutes.
As she sweeps the floor, Rapunzel tries not to think too hard about the placid expression on Jaina’s face as she sleeps. As she mops, she tries not to think too hard about the way Jaina’s face scrunches up when she’s having a nightmare, and the way it makes Rapunzel want to wrap herself around the other girl like a protective shell. As she polishes the staircase banister, she tries not to think too hard about the way Jaina’s eyes shine like sunlight on icicles when her entire face erupts into a grin.
It’s probably peculiar, thinking about your best friend in such excessive detail.
Two years pass, and Rapunzel is pushing 20. When she looks in the mirror, she notices nothing seems to be changing. She doesn’t look any older than when she first met Jaina. Maybe the changes are just too imperceptible for her to notice, but 17-year-old Rapunzel seems to be stuck in a kind of limbo.
She wonders if it has anything to do with her magic glowing hair--the hair that makes her mother’s wrinkles disappear whenever she sings a special song.
She knows it should alarm her, not aging. Instead, she feels a strange kind of relief. There are worse things than being stuck as the same age as Jaina Frost.
There are worse things than not having to grow old and leave Jaina behind.
They’re lying in Rapunzel’s bed one afternoon, the blonde girl sprawled on top of Jaina to carefully brush on eyeshadow. It’s an elaborate picture--a beautiful deep twilight blue sprinkled with intricate snowflakes and rimmed with glittery white snow.
Rapunzel is the only one who will ever see it, but they’re both all right with that.
The eyeshadow is long done by now, Rapunzel getting carried away painting snowflakes and icicles and tiny pine trees on snowbanks dancing across Jaina’s cheeks and forehead. She smiles proudly and holds up a hand mirror. Jaina just snorts.
“You’re going to make me look like a clown, Rae.”
“Hmmmm.” Rapunzel puts the mirror down and continues adding a gleam to a white icicle on Jaina’s temple. “A very pretty clown.”
“You...think I’m pretty?”
Jaina’s gaze turns oddly serious. The timid way she asks it is unlike her.
Rapunzel stops, frowning. “I mean...yes. I always have.”
“Why?” Jaina wrinkles her nose. “I’m a mess. My hair’s always all over the place, and I can’t keep a room clean to save my life. All I can do is make ice, blow cold wind around, and leave a fucking wreck wherever I go. Why would you think I was...?” 
“Jaina! Language!” Jaina just rolls her eyes.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit.” Rapunzel smiles again. “These have been the most fun years of my life, thanks to you. You stuck around here with me, even when you have the whole world to explore, and I can’t even imagine how boring it must seem in this tower. That’s worth more than you know. And for the record, I think you’re gorgeous.”
Jaina’s cheeks turn redder than chrysanthemums, standing out starkly against her pale skin. “Oh, stop it,” she mumbles. “I look like a gremlin next to you. World’s nicest hair, flawless skin, the face of some kind of Greek goddess or something. You’re a knockout. I couldn’t even hope to measure up.”
“You...think I’m a knockout?” Rapunzel feels a blush of her own coming on.
“Well, yeah.” Jaina smirks. “I thought it went without saying.”
“Nothing really ‘goes without saying’ when you’ve only ever met two people,” Rapunzel points out.
“I guess.” Jaina shrugs. “I forget you don’t have a huge frame of reference. But trust me, ask anyone from that kingdom on the other side of the forest and they’d say you’re really attractive. I doubt any passing knight on a steed would be able to resist you, if they saw your hair hanging out the window like some...cascading sunshine waterfall.”
Rapunzel bit her lip, feeling unsettled by the thought of men on horseback finding her tower. She’d never met a member of the male gender before, and she hadn’t exactly heard good things.
“I don’t know if I want that,” she admits.
“I don’t blame you,” Jaina says. “Half of them are stuffy, arrogant pricks, anyways. Or they’re so sappy and poetic it kind of makes you want to throw up.”
Rapunzel bites her lip, feeling nothing but mild discomfort at the thought of a strange man trying to serenade her. Maybe it wasn’t fair to rule out what she didn’t know, but...
“No, I mean. I don’t know if I want men. Like...at all.”
“Oh. Oh.” A hopeful gleam swims into Jaina’s ice-colored eyes. Tiny, almost imperceptible, but there.
“Wise choice, honestly,” she says nonchalantly. “Even being invisible, I haven’t met many I actually cared to know. I think I’d much rather be here with you.”
Rapunzel wonders if Jaina would feel the same if any men could see her. She wonders if Jaina would still choose her company if some free-spirited, energetic boy was able to see the frost sprite, and wrote her beautiful sonnets about her moon-white hair. Some boy not stuck in a tower with an overbearing mother, some boy who couldn’t hold her back.
The thought fills Rapunzel with an unexpectedly bitter wave of jealousy.
She shakes it off, reaching into the makeup kit beside her and feeling around until her fingers curl around a tube of lipstick. She smiles, pulling it out.
Jaina groans in mock annoyance. “Are we still doing this? Aren’t I going to look ridiculous?”
“Not at all.” Rapunzel uncaps the lipstick and gently slides it across Jaina’s mouth.
The blonde girl leans back and admires her handiwork. She holds the mirror up to Jaina again.
Her lips are a bright, icy blue, like the glaciers Rapunzel can only ever hope to know through the pictures in her books. Slowly, Jaina smiles.
“You look like you could deliver the kiss of death,” Rapunzel teases. “Freeze your true love on the spot instead of awakening them from eternal slumber.”
“Want to test that out?”
Jaina smirks, voice surprisingly bold. Rapunzel can’t help but notice the pink rushing to her friend’s cheeks, though, despite her best attempts to sound casual.
“Huh?” Rapunzel frowns down at her, confused.
Jaina’s smirk shrinks a little, the first traces of fear darting into her eyes.
“Only one way to figure out whether I actually carry the kiss of death.” Jaina shrugs, still trying to seen nonchalant but voice not nearly as confident as before.
“Ah.” Rapunzel smiles playfully. “But if it works, you’ll have to find a new best friend, won’t you? Sounds like a lot of trouble for you.”
“That’s okay, Pascal will just be my new best friend if I kiss you to an early grave!” The chameleon squeaks disapprovingly from the dresser nearby.
“Come on, Rae,” Jaina says. “I really have to know. The curiosity’s killing me here.”
Rapunzel can feel Jaina’s breaths against her own chest, quick and shallow. Scared, almost.
Jaina is a lot more nervous than she’s letting on.
Still, looking down at the curve of Jaina’s lips and the unfailingly cheeky gleam in her eyes, everything suddenly feels just right.
Rapunzel slides her arms onto either side of Jaina’s head. She leans down, and captures Jaina’s lips with her own.
She tastes cold and sweet--like frosty vanilla and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Her lips aren’t perfect--chapped in places, pricked with tiny ice crystals, moving with a sort of nervous frenzy that comes with disuse.
Nonetheless, they feel like home.
Rapunzel slides her fingers into white hair, and it’s silky like clouds. So soft. So perfect.
The only real thought Rapunzel can process is that she never wants to let go. Perhaps part of her is terrified if she does, Jaina will dissolve into the ghost she is to everyone else.
She feels Jaina wrap her hands around the collar of Rapunzel’s dress, pulling her closer. It’s more comforting than Jaina knows.
Jaina pulls away first, hands loosening and head tilting back. She meets Rapunzel’s eyes for a few moments, processing what just happened before breaking out in an enormous grin and a series of delighted giggles.
“You just--you look so dumb,” Jaina chortles. “Like you tried to eat the sky or something.”
Rapunzel glances into the hand mirror, now long since pushed aside. Her mouth is smeared with bright blue, trailing onto her skin in pale smudges.
She smiles. “I can live with that.”
Rapunzel leans down and kisses Jaina again.
Yes I used that one picture of the girl straddling the other girl while putting her makeup on for inspiration for this, what of it???
Also for whatever reason, I love the idea of Fem!Jack calling Rapunzel Rae? I feel like Fem!Jack’s teasing and pet names would be a tiny bit different than boy Jack’s, idk.
Pic credits available upon request!
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Uraraka x Y/N
Chapter 1
First / Previous / Next
(Y/N POV):
The first time it happened, you were sitting down after a particularly difficult sparring session that almost sent you knocking on heaven’s door. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but it didn’t take away the fact that your body hurt like hell. It was not new for you to wonder what you signed up for, essentially joining a school full of kid soldiers. They certainly treated everyone as such. Today, Mr. Aizawa had not been forgiving with the pairings during class, and after being paired up against Todoroki--yes, the hard-hitter himself--you felt as if you had finally reached your end. Was this some sort of twisted karma of a past sin? What had you ever done to gain this treatment? Well, sure, you and Sero had snuck salt into Mr. Aizawa’s coffee the other day due to one of Mina’s infamous dares...but that couldn’t have been it. You were sure that you both didn’t get caught, and plus what kind of inhumane punishment is this if that was the case?
Even the people here should be able to rub their collective two brain cells together and maybe realize that pairing up someone (a.k.a. you) who could manipulate emotions, wasn’t the best against resting bitch-face himself. Sure, with absolute rays of sunshine like Midoriya his mental barriers were lower, but with everyone else he had the emotional permanence of a sock. That just added to the aggravation of fighting him, due to how you weren’t even able to get a response out of him even with the full force of your mental quirk. Also, with how advanced he was in comparison to everyone else, it was just adding salt to the already irritated wound, honestly. You never really stood a chance against him in the first place. Truly, the last thing you needed at the ripe hour of 9 in the morning was to be placed against your class’ resident elemental God, but here you are. (You didn’t even bother chiding yourself for overreacting at this point. It was you who accidentally let your guard down in the final moment, but for the sake of your sanity and overall well-being you chose to ignore that.)
Absent-mindedly you wondered if falling unconscious would help gain back the sleep you’ve haven’t been getting for the past few days. The stress of upcoming school midterms--and the fact that Kaminari had been recently getting the most annoying songs stuck on repeat in your head, thanks a lot--really added to your exhaustion, and soon you feel yourself drifting off. Probably not the best idea, with you having a possible concussion, but you honestly didn’t give a shit at the moment. Medical professionals could kiss your ass and deal with it themselves over all of the health concerns you were avoiding. Recovery Girl would probably have at you for saying that, but you couldn’t really bring yourself to care. She already had her hands full with bone-breaker over there, and didn’t need to be bothered over such trivial things as your insomnia and injuries. You’ve dealt with worse in the past. You’re sure that you can suck it up, right? You hissed through your teeth, irritated.
Stumbling across the training grounds, you leaned heavily against the gnarled oak behind you, sighing and closing your eyes. A little sleep never hurt anyone. However, as you started to succumb to blessed unconsciousness, you felt a sudden weight land on your shoulder. Slightly stiffening, but not yet opening your eyes, you tried to get an idea of who or what was taking occupance there. Physical contact was something you generally avoided, especially sudden contact. As you felt their breathing even out, you decided that you could at least check who it was. Slowly opening your eyes, you glanced at the figure leaning next to you. Your heartbeat quickened, as you focused on the sleeping face beneath you.
It was Uraraka. Her brown hair tickled your collarbone, and you resisted the urge to itch it as you continued to stare at her. The training outfit that she always wore for these sorts of spars hung loose and disheveled on her, and you could see her lean muscles in the areas it flashed her pale skin. Forming bruises from the match were already starting to stain her skin, and you looked upon them with slight concern. And annoyance. She pushes herself too much, you thought to yourself. Sure, her hard work was definitely paying off, but the toll it took on her was almost too difficult to witness. You jerked your eyes off her body, not wanting to be caught up in the slew of mixed feelings you were having. Instead, you focused on her face. She sported unfairly long lashes that fluttered in her (hopefully) peaceful slumber. Her cheeks were tinted that pinkish-rouge they always were, and you felt a sudden heat rise up your neck—so much so that you were praying that your cheeks weren’t as colored as hers. Overall, she painted a perfect depiction of relaxation, and you found yourself staring for longer than probably necessary. You really couldn’t help it, for some godforsaken reason. Of course my touch starved soul is coming back in full force to act like an absolute creep, you admonished yourself. You quickly looked away, realizing how odd you must be acting.
Sadly, the force of your embarrassment woke up Uraraka. She sat up, her hair a tangled mess on top of her head, the sweat from her previous match-up sticking strands of her caramel hair to her forehead (speaking of matches, you weren’t paying attention when she was sparring. You’d have to ask her about her match later). Uraraka yawned while rubbing her eyes, riding up her shirt a little. Ignoring the sudden, almost suffocating feeling in your chest (did icy-hot break a rib?), you were hit by a pang of guilt for having woken her up. She wouldn’t have been sleeping on your shoulder of all places if she wasn’t completely dead tired, and probably wouldn’t’ve fallen asleep that quickly. Your face contorted slightly with self-disgust, but as Uraraka glanced over she must’ve thought it was directed towards her, and proceeded to take it in the exact opposite way that it was intended.
Taking a quick step back she awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Sorry! I just saw you sleeping so peacefully, and I thought you might’ve wanted company...sorry if I pushed a boundary. I, uh, should probably ask next time...you never like people touching you anyways...or even get too close to you...shoot, I’m so sorry Y/N. Next time I’ll remember to ask--I hope I didn’t make you too uncomfort--”
“It’s honestly no problem,” you muttered, interrupting her rambling. Her gaze snapped back to your face again, a small smile gracing her features. It looks nice on her, you thought distractedly before yanking yourself back into reality with an almost imperceptible shake of your head. Uraraka’s smile grew more fond at this spectacle (why?) and she jumped up, dusting off the excess dirt clinging to her pants. She offered a hand to you which you took without hesitation. She lifted you up with ease--Jesus, her training must really be improving--and took a step back from you to give you space to recollect yourself. After you finished brushing yourself off, you locked eyes with her. She smiled, and her whole face lit up with the force of her joy. Her eyes curved into joyful crescents, and you could almost see the cartoon sparkles surrounding her.
“Even so, I’ll make sure to ask next time. I never want to make you feel uncomfortable around me.” She giggled, the brightness of her expression almost blinding.
Ignoring the urge to cover your eyes, you looked back at her and responded in the most sincere voice you could muster. “Never.” Uraraka glanced back at you with slight confusion in her gaze, and you elaborated. “I...never have felt uncomfortable around you.”
Her eyes wided, and her cheeks got impossibly pinker. Covering her eyes with one hand and waving the other in front of her, she seemed to be at a loss of words. “You can’t...you can’t just--” she choked, and then restarted, slowly taking her hand off of her eyes and looking at you dead in the eyes. “Thank you,” she enunciated (why was she thanking you?), endearment and genuity echoing through every syllable. Or at least you thought it might’ve been endearment. It was probably just another hallucination of your sleep deprived brain. After a few seconds you coughed awkwardly, breaking up what might’ve been considered a moment. Uraraka seemed to snap out of something, and her expression filled with elation once more. Spinning on her heel, she ushered at you to come back to the training grounds with her. The sparring sessions were starting to conclude, and you wondered how long you'd been lying down for. As you followed Uraraka to the rest of the group you tried to conceal your light limping, not wanting to cause her any more worry than you probably already did.
Midoriya waved her over from where he was standing with his designated group, and with a leap she jogged over to him. Ignoring that weird feeling in your chest arising again (what the hell did you do to me Todoroki?), you started to walk back to your friend group—friends who were currently creating a ruckus in the corner. As usual. However, before you completely turned a 180, Uraraka glanced back from where she was chatting animatedly with Midoriya and gave you an enthusiastic wave. Tentatively, you raised your hand giving a slight wave back, standing in shock still for a yet a second more.
A snort behind you shook you out of your stupor. Whipping around, you glared at Kaminari and Kirishima, who were desperately trying to conceal their laughter. “What?” you barked, not really understanding why you felt so defensive all of a sudden. This only made them laugh harder as they leaned on one another, trying not to fall down under the weight of their mirth. You eventually shrugged it off with an offhanded thought of idiots. You honestly couldn’t understand them sometimes.
Mina sauntered up to you, hands jammed in her pockets, a suspiciously smug smile fixated on her face. She stopped in front of you and dropped her hands heavily on your shoulders.
“Oh you sweet summer child,” she gasped, shoulders shaking slightly. “Have you finally reached self-awareness yet?”
“What?” You repeated, still in confusion and rapidly growing frustration. Mina just looked back at you, glee sparkling in her eyes, whispering something along the lines of holy fuck these oblivious idiots underneath her breath. You didn’t catch much, but you did hear enough to quickly pry her hands off your shoulders and storm away (with as much dignity as you could with your limp), the distant sounds of their laughter reverberating in your ears. You could not stand them sometimes. What was that all about anyways?
After Mr. Aizawa’s class was Study Hall, or whatever Study Hall could be called for a bunch of superpowered teenagers. Normally everyone would meet up with their friends before making their way across the campus, but since you sped-walked back to the dorms you were the first person back into the large building. You decided to take the elevator, since the stairs hurt too much (thanks again, Todoroki), and after a while as everyone else was piling back into the living areas, you found yourself already lying on top of the sheets on your bed. Gazing at the ceiling, you felt millions of thoughts run through your head, yet none at all at the same time. If you had known emotions could be this complicated, maybe you would’ve been more conscious of your quirk usage on others in the past. With a sigh, you pushed your face into your pillow, not bothering to sort past your twisted emotions. You had around an hour to try and repress these emotions before the next class, so it was better to start relaxing now than later.
For the first time in a while, you found your eyes start drifting shut. It must be a miracle--you, getting sleep during a socially acceptable time, and in a socially acceptable place? The world must be ending. Next thing you know, people were going to start falling for you romantically--you, the self-proclaimed flaming garbage fire. As in, it never did happen and it never was going to happen. Yet here we were.
As you started to fall asleep, your sleep-addled brain managed to sneak a cohesive thought past your emotional turmoil and mental barriers.
I want her to lay on me again.
The realization of how Uraraka on your shoulder felt more than enjoyable got lost within the wrinkles of your unconsciousness, and by the time you woke up you had forgotten that you had thought about it in the first place.
Little did you know how commonplace these incidents would soon become.
Notes: Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I know that in this chapter Y/N seemed a bit…um…bitchy, but that was only because they were still pissed off from losing the fight so badly, and we’re absolutely exhausted from lack of sleep. They will mellow out to the tired and exasperated mom friend for the BakuSquad very soon!! Thank you so much for reading, and please tell me your thoughts, ideas, or suggestions in the comments!! (Btw, this will sort of be a collection of one-shots…about three chapters with domestic fluff I think!. I’ll try to get all three done in about 2 weeks, and hopefully with longer chapters than this. Thanks again for reading!)
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