#shelter dog tag
leverage-ot3 · 2 years
jobs I know in my heart the leverage team has done:
shut down a puppy mill
conned big oil companies polluting the ocean
smugglers of exotic animals
more corrupt cop cases
gotten poachers arrested (and subsequently set up a sanctuary)
taken down a ring of unethical circuses and relocating the animals
stopped logging companies threatening the amazon rainforest
fucking over jeff bezos
exposing corrupt/incompetent foster parents in the foster system
helping international teams with getting foreign artifacts back to their native countries
helping underpaid teachers in a school system
fucking over the westborough baptist church 
something to do with animal testing
stopping government officials people in positions of power funding neonazi groups
conning elon musk
the comicon job
exposing more government secrets and serving retribution (as a treat)
helping queer kids in a discriminatory school system 
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sillyshelterdogs · 3 years
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Chow Chow X German Shepard dog |M| Austin, TX
"This poor guy is covered in scabs and his skin is in poor shape. So far, no tests have shown anything contagious so he just needs someone to let him rest up in their home while taking oral meds to help him feel better! Can you take him in?
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billiewena · 3 years
since I never made a post for these, here are all of MY ideal endings for sam (and how I would do them) that I spite-wrote after a coworker told me about how perfect his finale was <3
HUNTER NETWORK ENDING: Sam establishes an official network for the American hunters, leading a new generation of hunters as the antithesis of John Winchester. One of the final shots is a montage of all the hunters working and saving people all across the country, proving the Winchesters are no longer alone in the world.
SAMWITCH ENDING: Sam becomes a full-fledged witch thanks to all the magic supplies he inherited from Rowena and blends hunting/witch shenanigans. He can still be powerful but now he gets to choose where that power comes from. Okay this is basically Goldenrod Revisions, leave me alone.
SEPARATE WAYS ENDING: Sam and Dean both alive but living / hunting apart, going their separate ways like a parent and child who is finally leaving the nest. Sam gets the independence he always wanted while also getting to keep his brother in his life, because this is the ultimate proof that Dean trusts him. For the first time, they can move on without the reason being the other is dead. They no longer doubt they will always be there for each other even if they’re not living under the same roof anymore. The episode ends with Sam breaking into Dean’s [insert post-finale residence of choice here] in a callback to the pilot, saying he was in the area for a hunt. The last lines are Sam asking if he wanted to reunite for the hunt for old’s time sake and Dean saying “looks we got work to do.”
PODCASTER ENDING: Sam starts a podcast about the supernatural discussing urban American legends, myths, and mysteries that also helps viewers know what to look for and maybe even teaches them to defend themselves. Some take it as fiction, some use what he tells them to save their lives. It hits the top of the paranormal/mystery charts. The Ghostfacers, whose attempt to get into podcasting failed, ARE livid.
THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END: Sam and Dean both die in a blaze of glory, sacrificing themselves to defeat Chuck and bring back the rest of the world. They both get a moment to say an emotional goodbye to Jack and to each other. The two get a massive hunter’s funeral where all the past hunters come to mourn them and talk about their impact. Jody’s speech probably makes us cry. They get to Heaven at the same time, where they are greeted by all their past friends and family at the Roadhouse. On Earth, they live on forever as urban legends and heroes.
SAM & ROWENA ENDING: Sam says #FuckHeaven and spends his afterlife in hell as the consort to Queen Rowena, drinking margaritas all day, living his best life and stopping any demon uprisings in their tracks. Anytime they give him a hard time, he reminds them that he was Azazel’s boyking and they’re just Random Demon #489. What are THEY doing with their life.
SAM & EILEEN ENDING #1 - MARRIED HUNTER LIFE EDITION: Sam and Dean both survive and continue to hunt / live together, except now Eileen and Castiel are around and live in the bunker with them too after Cas was saved in [insert Empty rescue scenario of your choice.] Sam has some deja vu to the vision he had of all four of them living together in 15x09. He realizes that this is actually real and not a vision; that they are actually together, at peace and beat Chuck. The episode ends with them going to have the movie night that they never got to have in the vision. As Eileen takes his hand to go to the movie room, you see two engagement rings on their hands. Sam realizes that his journey may have started with losing Jessica but he found love again, and that while once upon a time all he and Eileen wanted was revenge, they’ve finally both found peace.
SAFE HOUSE ENDING: Sam starts a trauma center/safe house situation for hunters and ex-monsters to recover and heal, dedicating his life to proving that no one is beyond saving and everyone can redeem themselves and defy fate like he had. Mia Vallens, the shapeshifting grief counselor, is on payroll.
SAM IS THE AUTHOR NOW ENDING: Sam narrates the finale the same way Chuck did for the original series finale "Swan Song", further proving that they are now in control in their story. We get Sam's POV as he tells us what happened to all the other hunters and side characters, as well as him and his brother, with flashbacks from all fifteen seasons and young Sam & Dean growing up together. The episode ends with the reveal that Sam actually finishing the journal entries for the Winchester family's edition of the Men of Letters Bestiary, putting the finishing touches on some monster entries and his own personal anecodotes. He treats the Bestiary like a journal, in a callback to After-School Special where Sam almost became a writer and wrote about his and his family's hunting stories.
BABY JACK ENDING: Sam raises Baby!Jack after he is de-aged and “falls” to Earth in the same fashion the angel Anna once did. Baby!Jack wears overalls that don’t say his name in giant letters because Sam is a good parent who would never do that to his child. The two have a happy life as an adopted father/son duo who defied everything Lucifer and Heaven wanted them to be.
SAM & EILEEN ENDING #2 - EUROTRIP EDITION: Sam going on a year-long vacation around the world now that he has a cool Irish girlfriend who is not afraid of planes, leading to a fun exploration of the supernatural in foreign countries. Who is Dean.
DOG SHELTER OWNER: Sam owns a dog shelter and gets to walk at least ten dogs a day. Jack helps out and Miracle is the HBIC. Life is good.
CHUCK WINS ENDING: Sam lives and Dean dies, Sam throws a funeral for him that no one attends but him and a dog, and moves to the suburbs to live a generic white picket fence life with an unidentifiable wife. As a montage of Sam’s life plays, the camera pans away what looks like a computer and Chuck’s old office. A string of quotes can be heard in the background (“we’re just hamsters running around in a cage” “what would you rather have: peace or freedom?” “I can do anything...I’m a writer” “We will never give you the ending that you want / We’ll see”). The final shot is Jack, dressed in Chuck’s clothes and glasses and using his mannerisms, typing away at a typewriter. He writes “The End” but punctuates it with a question mark instead of a period. His computer screen and our TV screen both go black.
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mongoosecroft-alt · 3 years
Ethan kneeling on the floor: “hm, I didn’t know you were Jewish”
Karl sitting in the chair: *confused* “why the fuck is that suddenly relevant?”
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yoditorian · 3 years
'Closet' with frankie (or poe) for your warmup? 💕
You’re upstairs in a flash at the shout, taking them two at a time, visions of every injury imaginable taking turns in your mind. He never shouts to you unless there’s a problem. You shove the bedroom door open so hard it bounces off the wall, handle leaving a dent in the paint, and scan the room. Frankie-
Frankie’s standing by the closet, a button up in each hand. Definitely not injured.
“Which one?”
You blink, brain playing catch up, and he has to ask again.
“First impressions are important, which is nicer?”
“Baby, we’re looking at shelter dogs.”
send me a word and a character?
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crtter · 2 years
how many animals do you live with? how many are permanent vs fostering? it must be lovely to live with so many little friends and I always enjoy seeing your posts about them!
Ahh thank you!!! I find rescuing animals a super rewarding activity alright, my family has been doing it since I was 7 years old! It’s definitely not an occupation I’d recommend to someone who doesn’t 100%, absolutely loves animals and spending time with them, heh.
As of now, there are 26 cats and 19 dogs! Most of these are unlikely to be rehomed as it is because they’re either already adults or elderly or are not animals people usually seek out to adopt, which is to mean… none of them are purebred, there are lots of fully black cats (which some people over here still believe to bring bad luck) there are animals that have some disability that requires expensive or complicated care, a skittish temperament or are mixed with a breed that has a bit of a bad reputation. We have a Rottweiler mix, a Doberman mix, three Pitbull mixes…
We’ve rehomed three kittens very recently, though, and we’re going to fly in some some formerly stray puppies all the way from Saudi Arabia (which is where my dad lives and works) and find them homes over here!
I’m mostly around the cats because I sleep in the same room as 17 of them (it’s attached to a catio) so I’m used to have them climbing on me all day long, heh.
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lesbiten · 2 years
attack peysmart
petsmart explosion
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casualmaraudering · 4 years
a meet-cute drabble for @wolfywordweaver who needed cheering up ignore that im like 90 hours late and also who for some reason likes my awful prompt ideas enough to turn them into fantastic fics, ily!!
“Sirius! Honey, come here, will you? I need someone to show Remus around!”
Sirius - 21 years old, soon to start his last year of his BDe in illustration, dreams of one day opening his own tattoo parlour, and helps out his adoptive parents in their animal shelter whenever he’s not in classes - is currently battling a very stubborn Husky going by the name of Kettle. Just so happens it’s the week of bathing all the dogs, and Kettle would quicker chew through the lock on her kennel rather than surrender herself to Sirius and his (evil, apparently) bath sponges.
“Your lucky day, girl,” Sirius says, exiting the kennel, making sure he’s taken all the bathing supplies with him - they wouldn’t last very long if he’d leave them alone with a pup Husky. “But I’m not done with you!” he eyes the dog, who barks at him. Cute, that one, despite being hellishly stubborn. “Just you wait, we’re getting you into the bath today if it’s the last damn thing I do.”
“Coming, mum!” he yells back, finds a cloth to quickly wipe his hands (there’s fur just about everywhere, and the fact his preferred colour of choice is black doesn’t help - he looks like a cheap rug), and runs to the front of the shelter.
With James and his broken leg (Sirius had almost nothing to do with that particular accident), their parents need someone to help Sirius out with running the shelter: a full-time employee rather than a typical volunteer, til James can come back and resume his usual role. Sirius vaguely remembers mum telling them over dinner that a friend of hers has a son (or was it a nephew? Or cousin?) who’s willing to help out.
Somehow, she forgot to mention he’s hot. And exactly Sirius’s type, too. And that’s something Sirius would’ve loved to know beforehand, so their first meeting wasn’t with him covered in dog hair, wearing one of his oldest, most worn out t-shirts, and with his hair up in the most unattractive up-do known to mankind.
“Oh, there you are!” his mum, currently talking to Curly Hair And Freckles, waves him over. “That’s my other son, Sirius. If you’ve any problems or issues, if you’re not sure what to do - he’s the one to talk to. Sirius, be a darling and show Remus here around.”
“No problem at all,” Sirius smiles charmingly (it would’ve been more charming if he didn’t have dirt on his cheek). “I’d shake your hand but it’s bath day and I’d rather not get you dirty.”
“Oh, that’s fine,” Remus says - his voice is warm, with an accent Sirius can’t quite place. Northern Irish? “I don’t mind getting a bit dirty.”
Sirius blinks, losing his composure. This hot guy didn’t just flirt with him, right?
The tour of the building is very pleasant - and indeed, Remus seems to be catching onto Sirius’s flirting and flirts right back. Not that Sirius finds that particularly surprising (he’s aware of his appearance, plus he’s got a rainbow tattoo on his forearm, so him being gay isn’t much of a secret), but it’s flattering nevertheless, especially that Remus is very much what he’d look for in a boyfriend.
When they’re done with the tour, Sirius deposits Remus in the office to sign some paper; Sirius plans to go back to battling Kettle, but his mum stops him at the reception.
“He’ll fit right in, don’t you think?” she asks.
“Yeah, definitely. Seems to like animals, so that’s the most important.”
“His mum says he likes boys too,” mum flashes him a grin. Sirius blinks. “You two seem to be getting along. And Hope says he’s single.”
“You like him, at least.”
“I do not!” She cocks her head and raises her brows. “Okay, maybe I do, but that doesn’t mean anything. You don’t have to go out of your way to get me a boyfriend, Ma. I’m fine.”
“You should ask him out,” his mum elbows him - he groans in annoyance, which just makes her grin harder. “There’s no harm in that!”
“Yes there is! I’m gonna work with him for two months! It’ll make things awkward and we’re here every day for seven to twelve hours.”
“I just want you to be happy, love,” she puts her hand on his. Sirius smiles - he can’t be mad at her, ever. “Give it some thought, okay? Remus is a very nice boy, I think you two would make a good couple.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Sirius is mid-way through scrubbing Kettle - who’s trying her best to get away any opportunity she gets - when the backdoor opens behind him.
“Need any help?”
He turns to see Remus leaning against the wall, an amused smile on his face (and a cute one, too).
“Would be lovely, yeah,” Sirius replies. He’d love to stare at Remus more, but Kettle almost slips past him, so he goes to stop her - he gets his whole shirt wet and soapy, but he can’t care by this point.
“Doesn’t like baths?”
“Hates them. Her name’s Kettle and I love her to death, even if she’s a bit of a goblin. Get the conditioner for me while you’re there, it’s on the shelf to your left. The sooner we’re done, the sooner she can roll around in the mud again.”
Sirius is extremely determined to ignore their hands brushing against each other through the whole process of soaping and then drying the dog. He’s also determined to ignore just how his stomach squeezes whenever that happens.
“You don’t happen to have a spare t-shirt, maybe?” Remus laughs awkwardly, pointing towards his chest. Just like Sirius, he’s covered in dog hair, soap, and water (Sirius refuses to let Remus’s shirt clinging to his body affect him. He’s not 17 anymore, he’s not about to get hot and bothered by something so stupid).
“Oh yeah, sure, in the staff room,” Sirius replies absentmindedly, grabbing the key to the staff room. His mum has probably gone home by now, so it’s best to have a key in case it’s closed.
He leaves the bath area (it has a more sophisticated name, but it’s not like he ever remembers it) with Remus behind him, going through the narrow corridors of the shelter.
“You’ll have to get used to the dog hair, I’m afraid,” he throws. “It’s always good to have at least one spare outfit in the locker. There’s very unfortunate accidents sometimes.”
“Oh, I know. I foster a lot,” Remus replies, once they’re inside the staff room. For the umpteenth time in his life, Sirius curses just how small the space is. “I’m quite used to having dog fur on me 24/7.”
“You’re a great addition, then,” Sirius smiles at him briefly, before going to dig through his locker. He picks one of the shirts he has he thinks will fit Remus. Although similar in height, Sirius thinks his shoulders are a bit broader, so it might end up a bit big on Remus still. “Hope you like Queen.”
“One of my favourite bands, actually.”
Sirius nods in approval, and tries to focus on changing on his own instead of staring at Remus. He mostly succeeds. But also confirms his theory that Remus’s entire body is covered in small freckles.
Once he’s back in clean clothes (or, well… relatively clean. His entire wardrobe has a permanent layer of dog hair on it), Sirius sighs and goes on to mentally slap himself for what he’s about to do. He’s either going to prove his mother very wrong, or have to deal with her ‘I told you so’ til his dying day.
“Are you free right now?” he says quickly, before he can change his mind. “D’you maybe wanna grab a coffee with me? There’s a good Italian place down the road. They do desserts, too, if you like sweets.”
Remus blinks at him, and Sirius is ready to regret all of his life choices and migrate to France, but then his mouth breaks out in a very gentle smile.
“Are you asking me out on a date, by any chance?”
“Would you be terribly upset if I were?”
“Well… you like dogs. You like Queen. You have long hair, which I’ve been told I have a thing for-” Sirius smiles at that, his hand brushing through his hair in response. “-and I’m very curious about that one Celtic tattoo. So… I’d rather be happy if you did decide to make it a date.”
“One question, though,” Sirius flashes his signature grin - and hopes Remus finds it at least half as attractive as everyone tells him it is. “Do you let people take you home on the first date?”
Remus raises his brows in amusement, but his smile doesn’t falter. Sirius feels his heart skip.
“If you pay for dessert.”
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phone-guy · 4 years
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thank you @buraiihastraydog for the stupid fucking ‘im a luxury few can afford’ sweater idea 
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curly-snoot · 3 years
the shelter environment is extremely challenging, if not impossible, to perform true behavior modification due to the stress inherent in the shelter environment, the inability to appropriately manage triggers, lack of time and resources, and the general poor ability of dogs to generalize this training into a new environment with a new handler.
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cornbyte · 3 years
so many posts in my drafts about this recent dogblr drama and yet that is where they will remain
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lonely-dog-song · 4 years
I suddenly got nervous that hlvrai fans will listen to will wood because of my post abt hlvrai fans listening to will wood ":·|
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saybees · 3 years
I posted on the local classifieds website that I'd found that little dog because the lady that messaged me that used to have him but rehomed him said when she rehomed him she had posted him there and that's where his last known owners had contacted her so maybe his owners will see if I post there so I did and I already had a phone call from an older lady saying he isn't her dog, but she would like to have him.
What the fuck is wrong with people?! I JUST found him. Give his owners time to fucking claim him maybe??? Like what the hell!
And I know he's real pretty, but he needs a TON of training and work. He is incredibly fearful. He would be a lot of work for someone and would absolutely not be suitable for just any rando.
I added to the listing to not call me if they just want to say they would like to have him. If I get another person call me about it I will not be polite. I was nice to this lady, but it pissed me off to get that call.
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kpopsocks · 4 years
get to know me tag ❤ thank you tawa :3 ( @soocculents ) 
• favorite color: greeeeen especially delicious dark greens owo
• last song I listened to: NUNU NANA by Jessi
• favorite musician(s): got7, nct, marianas trench, mcr, red velvet, wayv, glass animals, orla gartland.......... i Love music
• last film I watched: Sunset Boulevard (a classic but tbh it would be better if the trope hadn’t been so overdone/inspired so many other works after all these years :/ ) 
• last show I watched: Criminal Minds~ i’m watching right now hehe
• favorite characters: ohhhh idk :0 dana scully and fox mulder hahahaha oof... i feel like i have tons but my mind is blank hmm maybe like... pikachu orz 
• sweet, spicy or savory: sweeeeeet but also spicy :0
• sparkling water, tea or coffee: coffee i think? but i drink tea more often~
• pets: 1 (one) tabby cat called isadora :3 and a big dog as SOON as I have a yard omg TT
tagging: @vicapuleti, @cyndaquizzical, @yunception, @leejenos, @bijemcarstairs
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lupihero · 4 years
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( thinks about how much link loves cats ) ( thinks about how much link loves cats ) ( thinks about how much link loves c
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cuyahogafalls-ohio · 4 years
[a medium-small dog with wiry black and tan fur and a naked chest named Fizzgig is sitting in a kitchen.]
Me: I taught my dog a new trick and he loves treats so much that he does it like right away now.
[my hand, holding a treat, comes into frame.]
Me: bailar!
[I twist my hand awkwardly. Fizzgig jumps up.]
Me: no-- yes!
[right before I say yes! he does a little spin. I give him the treat in my hand.]
Me: that was me being bad on camera. Bailar. Yes!
[I twist my hand again and my dog spins perfectly. I give him another treat. the video ends with Fizzgig looking towards me hopefully, almost definitely expecting more treats.]
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