#shes fun to draw bro i dunno what to tell you
pyromaniacldrt · 3 months
So, my mind has been reclaimed by the Wild Kratts fandom, and I cannot escape.
So I´ll make random headcannons! (Disclaimer: These are not about the actual Kratt bros, I´m writting about the show)
Martin is an organized disaster; Alow me to elaborate. Martin has BIG trouble keeping himself of getting distractions or organizing at all, and yet somehow finds what he´s looking for.
He loves moving around and NEEDS to say hi to every animal and give them THE BEST NAMES, wich I personally belive is the reason he has more scars due to animal attacks than the rest of the crew (I can imagine him getting a bit too close to a grizzly cub and naming him Presley and his mom Mrs.Sharpclaw. I cannot unsee it. ).
Sometimes he´ll talk about animals for hours and compete with Chris to know who knows more about creatures. It´s a wonder how Tortuga hasnt been wrecked yet.
This guy here is a bit bilingual, unlike Chris who dosent quite understand new languages. Martin likes to learn new words in spanish with Aviva.
Also (based on that one interview where Martin said he at first wanted to be a veterinarian that mentioned someone in tumblr but I cant remember their name), Martin has some interest in the med area, and got even bigger after the Orangoutang episode.
He HATES to be still, specially after the tree episode. I think he probably hates small spaces and will not tolerate to be locked out.
I do personally belive he´s kind of the unnamed leader of Tortuga. While he´s not a strategist and is a total clumsy geek, this guy will act quickly and is very good under stressfull situations and making decesive decisions, even if he sometimes does not think it through (like in the Flying fish episode). He's a professional in his job and everyone forgets that sometimes.
Martin is the type of person to believe in second chances, and tries to see good in everything and (mostly) everyone.
BUT. Hurt his friends or/and (god forbid) his brother, and RUN. He'll catch you anyway, but is worth to try.
Yet, he has the most consistent sleep schedule.
I like to think that he and Aviva were the first members of the whole Wild Kratts project, but it was far different, like some kind of lab in an island. Then Koki and Jimmy came and BOOM. Tortuga. Chris was the last member to officially join the crew, but he was there since the begining.
Martin can play MANY instruments, but only knows the cheesiest, most anoying and weird songs to ever exist.
He has used the "I´m the older brother and I´ll tell mom" Card on Chris way to many times.
Martin is the oldest member of the crew, wich makes him feel responsible for everyone and tries to protect them. Still, he´s just to silly to do so, and always gets distracted.
He can´t draw. Like, at all. Chris makes fun of that all of the time.
He´s a heartbreaker and he dosen´t even know. Like, he´s so oblivious to the fact that many people have a crush on him and he´s just like "You´re such a great friend haha!" after literally telling said person how pretty and awsome they are.
He´s got that blonde on him.
If it wasn´t for the fact that she´s a villain, Donita and Martin would be great friends.
Maybe I´ll make more parts, I dunno...
Pyro Out!
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corviisquire · 7 months
get creatured!!!!!
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Left to right: @moonchild-in-blue @leonsleftbicep @ghxstly-death
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@pear-island (dunno what blog to tag lmao)
Me when I creature the mutuals. Just some simple creature eldritch horror designs as gifts ig! idk you guys are very cool. I had a lot of fun doing these! I plan on coloring them digitally eventually. If any of you guys are uncomfortable with this please tell me. And if any other people want a custom little horror beyond human comprehension I’d be more than happy to design one. I’m gonna stop rambling now (lie)
Design break down under cut :b
(not using first names I can if that’s better. Pardon misspellings. also color coding haha)
Moonchild-in-blue: Moons, stars. The whole shebang. Tied in some espera elements cause I know you love the ladies dearly. Just taking the vibes I get from you and translating into M O O N W O M A N. She has a fun half mask and I plan on doing some up close sketches. When I do color these, I’m thinking blues and purples. Ong I listened to hypnosis so many times drawing this… hope you enjoy it!!
Leonsleftbicep: Yeah uh this happened. Took inspiration from Grim and how you draw yourself (cool shirt and little tail thingy). Ram horns were fun so bam I added them. Also serated sword cause why not. Heavily bloodborne inspired. Either blues and golds and red and gold for color palette along with black. Yeah dog!!! (only a lad by oingo boingo carried this design)
Ghxstly-death: tall lurking being. Whenever I think of you I think of plants and mushrooms (so some of those are on the shoulders) I also thought a stall staff that doubles as a trident would be fun. I took some inspiration from Teacher from The Girl From The Other Side. When I color this it’ll probably be greens or any other colors you have preferences towards. Antlers are fun and I might add fungi to those too!!
Stinky poo master (pearisland): bro I don’t even know. I noticed some of yours OCs have scarves so yeah. Also fun pattern on cloak. Little guy also has a mercy dagger (used to stab and jab anyone who gets close). I know you play sky:cotl (I’m guilty as well) so cloak. uhhh she gurbert on my bunger til I geek off the yipper
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
How do u draw so good. Like ur drawings feel so solid and juicy,,,,very curious how u draw bodies so well and not make the poses look awkward. I also like it when i see ur art i can tell u had fun in making it. Any tips?
be horny as shit, hope this helps 👍
lmao jk (i think) but one thing i did notice is that i hate drawing ppl just standing. Like doing absolutely nothing, not even walking or some shit. My knowledge in anatomy just goes out the window the moment a character is just standing there ominously. so idk make them do something interesting?? Also I avoid straight lines like the plague bc my hands are kinda shaky, but it helps in more dynamic stuff so.
As for posing, study Gian Lorenzo Bernini's work ! His shit is OUGH it's so AUHGH it's fucking UAOHGHHHH
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LOOK AT THAT. LOOOOK. WHAT THE FUCK ITS MAJESTIC?????????????? Everything looks like it's floaty and shit it's so magical to me. And look at the C L O T H. bro how???? HOW???? HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE CTRL+Z. That mf just carved that shit on marble what in the actual fuck.
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'Il Ratto di Proserpina' is probably his most known work AND FOR GOOD REASON??????? THAT SHIT IS THE JUICIEST OF JUICES ITS SCRUMPTIOUS DELICIOUS. A WHOLE ASS (hah get it) BUFFET. BRO ATE THAT SHIT UP LICKED THE PLATE CLEAN AND ATE THE FUCKING PLATE IDK BUT YEA IT'S GOOD, ITS GREAT, IT'S COOL. Like you can feel how the skin and muscles react when a body part is being gripped, it's such a subtle thing but it adds SOOO much to it like it was already a 100 but that shit brings it to fucking 10000000000 idk dude its rlly rlly good.
Also don't tell me that this man was innocent. Bro was filthy. He was out there depicting gods and saints like this:
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AND THE CHURCH JUST LET IT PASS. I mean I'm not complaining its great stuff but damn that nun is just nutting bro. and the best part is...
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I present to you 'Estasi di Santa Teresa D'Avila'.
I remember in class the teacher told us that she was receiving gods blessing or something idk I dont remember it much but the gist of it was that saint Teresa felt ecstasy during that moment. And yeah, she was recieving god's blessing alright, look at her, she passed out and everything. Goddamn, I want a piece of god's blessing too.
In conclusion, he knew what he was doing.
Also, this might be a hot take but Michelangelo's David? I dunno, kiiinda overhyped but Bernini's David??????????
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And this man is the defenition of extra, look at this fucking chair that he made.
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He did not need to go that hard on a chair but guess what? he fucking did. Gian Lorenzo Bernini NEVER missed.
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trinidaddy888 · 2 years
You Wanna Smoke? (Chapter 3)
Chase runs out of weed and must go to the human world to get more. How will they manage? And who will they be smoking weed with? Find out in this self-indulgent fic about my Obey Me blunt rotation.
Characters: MC, Mammon, Lucifer, Thirteen, Diavolo, Asmodeus, Simeon, Beelzebub, Solomon
Genre: Slice of Life
Tags: Marijuana, Recreational Drug use, No romance just bros being bros, No Spoilers
A/n: I had a blunt rotation list for Obey Me characters that I’d like to smoke weed with and I decided to make it into a story. The full story is already posted to AO3 but I wanted to keep a writing tumblr for all my stories. The previous chapter had art but I got lazy from this point on and stopped drawing lol.
Story Index
The following day at RAD, I wandered the hallway between second and third period trying to figure out who out of thousands of students here smoked weed. There were no other humans besides Solomon and I and I did not want to just randomly ask around in case word got back to Lucifer and Diavolo.
I could assume that Belphie gets high but I think he simply just likes to nap. Beel eats a lot which can be seen as a stoner move but with all the eating he does when will he get time to smoke or vape weed? If he did edibles, he would over do it and his body would feel too heavy to do anything else. Satan and Levi were out of the question. I even heard Levi claim that “Marijuana Kills” once.
“Yo!” Mammon called out behind me, interrupting my thoughts.
He put an arm around my shoulders and leaned in to whisper, “Have ya found anyone yet?”
I shook my head.
“I dunno why you’re so hell bent on trying to get marijuana, anyway,” he said, “Do you really need to be high?”
“Well,” I said, “It helps me get through the anxiety of being here. Like all of you guys are cool but I’m still in Hell.”
“Devildom,” he corrected.
“Yeah,” I said, “It helps me sleep and organize my racing thoughts better. Also, being high is fun!”
“So,” said a melodic voice behind us, “You smoke marijuana?”
Mammon and I turned around to see Simeon standing right behind us.
“Shit,” I swore.
“Simeon!” exclaimed Mammon, “Do not tell Lucifer or Diavolo, please.”
“Oh, no. Don’t worry. I won’t,” Simeon whispered with a smile, “However, I think I can help you find someone who knows how to get weed.”
“Really?” I whispered with excitement, “Who?”
“So,” said Thirteen, “You want weed, huh?”
Mammon and I were in her room sitting across from her. Her room had an odor of what smelled like marijuana but a little different. Maybe a special strain? She was crimping a piece of rolling paper and packing a bit of weed from her grinder into it. I caught myself staring at the joint she was crafting. I glanced up at her and she smirked.
“Yes,” I said with desperation, “I would love some. Actually, I’d prefer vape carts.”
“Ew. Gross. Carts?” she said with disgust.
“I don’t know how to roll a J,” I said with shame, “And my bong broke at the last weed party I attended in the human world. Besides, it’s easy to conceal.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she said as she started to roll the joint, “I can’t get you carts here and besides, this is Hell Weed. You can’t smoke this. It will kill you. You’d have to get it from the human world.”
“How in the hell would they do that?” asked Mammon, “They’re human. The whole reason they’re here is ‘cause they need it from here!”
Thirteen licked the end part of the rolling paper and started to adhere it to itself.
“Sorry,” she said, “I really can’t help you, then.”
“Do you know who would be able to help me?” I asked.
She twisted the end and added a filter to the other.
“Yeah,” she said while holding it between her lips and lighting the twisted end with a lighter, “I know a guy.”
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gothoctopus · 4 years
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Could you please dissect me?
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I am loving your OC stuff, its so great! I was the anon who asked about Carmen finding Thunderbird and Mime Bomb being gay, The drawing was PERFECT. I loved it so much.
Would you happen to want to tell of any Of Black Sheep, Thunderbird and Mime Bomb’s shenanigans?
First off, thank you so much! I had a lot of fun drawing it!
I just woke up so my brain may not be as good but it's definitely helpful for the three of them that Mime Bomb has dirt on literally EVERYONE. No one is safe
Their pranks would be very elaborate and planned out, I can imagine them working together to like. I dunno. Convince someone that someone else isn't real or some bullshit like that
"Hey Black Sheep have you seen Tigress?"
"Tigress, our classmate???"
"Never heard of her"
"oh my god, have you seen her Thunderbird"
"We don't have anyone here named Tigress bro"
"What??? Mime Bomb they're joking right???"
"(shakes his head)"
Also locking people into rooms would definitely be something they would do (mainly because I like how it ties with Black Sheep locking Mime Bomb in the closet when she escapes)
They definitely locked Le Chevre and El Topo in the same room at least once
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| caffeine |     [chapter 9]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; i’ve indulged, possessive!wonwoo, intoxication, blowjob, creampies, degradation, slight name calling, fingering, exhibitionism, very minor brat!reader, v v minor daddy!kink, OOPSIES A THREESOME🥴🥴🥴, the drink mentioned in this is apparently a real thing(albeit a shot and not a whole drink) and i didn’t know but now i’m kinda curious to try it jfhkjshdkjfh 🤣💕 I also can’t believe Caffeine is almost done! 🥺 thank you so much for all the continued interest in our dom daddy fratboy wonwoo!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - x
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SVT House decides to throw a series of ‘Going Away’ parties for Wonwoo. He objects initially, saying he doesn’t really need a series of parties but the others convince him; telling him that it’s the least they could do before he leaves for a few months.
“Think of it this way bro, it’s gonna be so quiet without us when you’re abroad. All you’re gonna see for days is dirt and maybe a fossil or two if you’re lucky. You’ll get bored and miss us eventually!”
Jun clinks his solo cup against Wonwoo’s, drink sloshing around messily before he takes a sip. Wonwoo laughs, taking a sip of his own before he shoots you a look from across the kitchen island. “Yeah, that’s true I guess. But I still don’t understand why it needs to be more than one party. I’m fine with just this.”
Wonwoo gestures to the other SVT House members, eyes darting across to the other males in their states of intoxication. This smaller ‘party’ was just the frat members and yourself; Wonwoo making the decision to keep it extremely small. Seungcheol walks over, tossing an arm around Wonwoo’s shoulder before pulling him into a headlock.
“It’s ‘cause this is the pregame to the real one. We invited the whole campus for your ‘Going Away’ party.” Wonwoo rolls his eyes, taking another swig. “Just admit you guys wanna get drunk and probably laid and this was an excuse to invite the entire fuckin’ campus.”
“Ehh, could be that too, but you know we’ll miss you, bro.”
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After your fourth cup of whatever concoction Soonyoung called ‘Tiger Balm’, your head and body feel pleasantly fuzzy when you take a seat on the plush sofa in the living room, resting your head against the throw pillows before Wonwoo takes a seat next to you. The others are in the yard and kitchen; quietness taking over the empty living room.
                                         “How ‘ya feelin’, princess?”
“Mmm… good…” You slur, cozying up to him. He plucks the cup from between your fingertips, placing it on the table in front of you before he tilts your head up to meet his lust filled eyes. “Oh? What kind of good?” His lips curve into a knowing smirk, hand placed on your exposed thigh. A whimper creeps past your lips just as you rub your thighs together. “Wonwoo…”
His fingertips ghost across your skin, lifting your skirt higher and higher until it bunches up near the apex of your thighs.
“Ooh, is this a free show?”
A cheshire grin paints itself onto Jihoon’s features as he takes a seat across the two of you on the opposite sofa. He crosses his legs, taking a sip of his cup as he quirks a brow. You meet his intoxicated stare, licking your own lips as you spread your legs a little wider.
“Depends… If you’re interested?” You question, Wonwoo’s fingertips drawing circles on your exposed thigh. He leans in close, wrapping his free hand around your shoulder as he nips at your neck. Jihoon places his cup next to him on the sofa, grinning at you. “Why wouldn’t I be? I’m always down for free content.” You giggle at his words, letting Wonwoo slide his hand up your skirt until he presses the pads of his fingers onto the growing wet patch on your panties.
“S-shit, Wonwoo!”
Your body feels even more sensitive than usual with the alcohol coursing through it and you can’t help the way your legs immediately snap shut around his hand. “Princess.” He warns; voice strict as you will your legs apart again. You hook your leg over Wonwoo’s instead, trying to give Jihoon a better view. “That better?” You retort, giggle cut short when Wonwoo manages to nudge at your clit from over your panties. Jihoon laughs at the shift in your demeanour; bratty attitude quickly diminishing as soon as Wonwoo knew where to touch you.
“Don’t you wanna touch her too? She’s already getting so wet with you just watching her.”
“Hmm… I’m starting to think the two of you planned somethin’ like this…” Jihoon bites his lip, eyes hyper-focused on Wonwoo’s fingertips rubbing you through your panties. He strains his eyes to get a better view, licking his lips when Wonwoo starts to push your panties to the side.
“Oh? What makes you think that?” You can help but moan loudly as he starts to run his fingers through your folds, tuning Wonwoo’s voice out almost completely as he continues to talk to Jihoon.
“Gee, I dunno, maybe it’s the fact the two of you seem very invested in this. Not that I’m complainin’.”
Wonwoo collects your wetness on his middle finger before he slowly sinks the digit into your pussy, a choked sob cutting through the air as you clench around his finger. Your walls throb around the digit, already on the verge of an orgasm when he slowly thrusts it in and out.
“Why are you getting so tight around my finger, princess? Don’t tell me you already want to cum.” You hiccup, lip quivering when your hazy eyes meet Wonwoo’s.
“I--’m sorry… s’just… ‘m really sensitive…” You mumble. Wonwoo curves his finger up into your g-spot, pressing into it as your back bows off of the cushions.
“Well, we can’t have you cumming just yet, princess. Let’s go somewhere a little more private, shall we?”
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It should surprise you that Jihoon has a small private studio office in the frat house, but it doesn’t; not after you’d seen their game room.
He flicks the LEDs on, a pretty purple colour filling in the space as the three of you file into the small room.
“As long as you don’t get anything in here dirty, you’re always welcome here.” Jihoon teases, sitting on the leather sofa against the wall. You waste no time, sliding your panties down your legs and tossing them behind you before you settle onto his lap, already working to get his pants down.
“You’re more eager than I anticipated. Wanna share with the class?” Wonwoo quips, undoing his own pants before he kneels on the sofa to your side. You pout as you look up at him from where you sit on Jihoon’s lap, hand already wrapped around his cock as he moans.
“You’re the one who said you wanted to play… I just went with it ‘cause it sounded fun...”
“Really? Wonwoo was the one to suggest this?” Jihoon can’t hold back his laugh, raising a brow at the other male who deadpans at your comment.
“I mean I’m going away for three months, why not go out with a bang? I’m not that boring. Think of it as a bucket list for me.”
You fight the urge to drool when Wonwoo’s cock comes into view, his own hand wrapping around the shaft as he matches your pace on Jihoon’s. “Before you fuck, put on a condom.”
“Do I have to?” Wonwoo shoots the slightly younger male a icy stare, digging his free hand into his pants pocket before tossing him a small foil packet. “Yes.”
“I bet you cum inside her tight ‘lil pussy all the fuckin’ time.” Wonwoo smirks, inching closer to you as Jihoon opens the small packet.
“Oh, I do. She loves it when I make a mess of her. But you, however, are a new addition. And only I get to cum inside that pretty ‘lil cunt.” Your entire body thrums with arousal at Wonwoo’s slightly possessive nature, squeezing Jihoon hard as he brings a delicate hand down to roll the condom onto himself. “Guess that’s fair…”
You lick your hand clean of the precum, giggling when Jihoon exhales in shock. “I knew the two of you were nasty.” Wrapping a hand around his cock, you shimmy up his lap until the head is positioned at your entrance. You sink down on him slowly, garbled moans spilling from your mouth when he bottoms out inside of you. “A-ah, fuh--!!” You whimper, body shaking as you’re overcome with pleasure; orgasm washing over you quickly as the two males watch you squirm on Jihoon’s lap.
“All you did was sit on his cock and you’re already cumming? You’re so easy.” Jihoon chuckles, hands massaging and caressing your body as you come down from your sudden high.
“Mmh… m’sorry… feels suh--soo good…” You mewl, already drunk on his cock as you start to bounce in his lap.
“Ngh, you have a really pretty cock…” Jihoon snorts, hands on your hips as you swivel atop his lap. “Yeah?”
“Mmhmm.. Was thinkin’ about it ‘cause you have pretty hands too…” Wonwoo smirks, tilting your head to the side before he taps the head of his cock against your lips.
“Open up, princess.”
You gladly do, welcoming his cock into your mouth as you start to hollow out your cheeks around him.
“Can I ask you something?” Wonwoo holds your gaze as Jihoon questions, a small hum coming from him to let Jihoon know to continue. “Why’d you pick me?” You clench around Jihoon, his nails digging into your skin before he plants his feet on the ground, harshly thrusting up into you and making your body bounce.
“Well, we thought about Mingyu first but he seemed greedy and less likely to be compliant. Then we thought about Minghao and thought he’s more of a monogamous type of guy. Seokmin was the last option but he seemed like he would be just as bad as Mingyu. You, however, seemed like you’d be… obedient.”
You moan around Wonwoo’s cock, letting your tongue slide against the underside of his shaft as he slowly works more and more of his cock into your mouth until it hits the back of your throat.
“What makes you think I’d be obedient and not like Mingyu?” Jihoon challenges, watching Wonwoo’s cock disappear into your mouth. He can feel his cock throbbing; your pussy tight around him as you alternate from circling your hips and bouncing in his lap.
Wonwoo smirks, sultry eyes meeting Jihoon’s hazy ones. “Just an assumption.” Jihoon hums, running his hands from your hips to the underneath of your top, squeezing and playing with your breasts. A shiver runs up your spine just as he pinches your nipples between his fingertips. “I can be selfish too.” Jihoon chides.
The two of them alternate their paces, Wonwoo’s hand tangled in your hair guiding your mouth down onto him as Jihoon helps guide your hips. You feel so full of both of them, but the alcohol flowing through your body makes you feel extra sluggish; grinding down slowly onto Jihoon.
“Aww, is the ‘lil princess tired? Do we have to do all the work for you?” You whimper around Wonwoo’s cock at Jihoon’s words. Wonwoo smirks, tugging your hair slightly as he pulls you off of him. 
“Let’s get our princess into a better position.” Their eyes meet, silently agreeing as Jihoon helps you off of his lap and onto the sofa on your hands and knees. Your body sags against the leather material as you rest your upper body against it. 
But it doesn’t last long before Wonwoo is urging you back up, hand threaded through your hair as he positions his cock back at your lips. 
“Make Jihoon cum, princess. Let him feel how fuckin’ tight and wet that filthy cunt is.” 
Jihoon sinks his cock back into you at the exact same time Wonwoo does, and in this position Jihoon can control the pace much easier. He fucks into you hard and fast, chasing his orgasm. “F-fuck, she’s so fucking tight! She feels so fuckin’ good around my cock.” Jihoon slaps your ass, jerking your body forward as you start to deepthroat Wonwoo. “Such a shame I can’t cum inside her pussy. Then you could’ve had my sloppy seconds ‘n fucked our cum inside of her.” 
The two share a devilish chuckle as your body thrums with pleasure; the thought never crossed your mind but the idea of it had you clenching pathetically hard. “Oh? Shit, it seems like she wants that.” 
Wonwoo bites the inside of his cheek, suddenly turned on by the idea as well. “When’s the last time you go checked?” A smirk crosses Jihoon’s features as he runs a free hand through his messy hair. 
“Dunno, like last year? When we all got drunk and promised each other we’d get STD tests. I haven’t fucked anyone since then. No time.” Wonwoo pulls you off of his cock as you sputter, spit and precum dribbling down your chin. 
“Do you want that? It only happens if you want it, princess. If you say no, that’s final.” The last bit is directed at Jihoon who meets Wonwoo’s stern gaze.
You nod, letting Wonwoo wipe the spit off of your lips. “I... I want.... w-want it...”
The two nod at each other, Jihoon pulling out of you as you whimper. He pulls the condom off, breath shaky when he positions his cock at your entrance. A guttural moan slides off his lips when he starts to sink back into you; your tight walls feeling even better without the barrier. 
“Fu--fuck, you feel even better like this. I’m not gonna last long...” Wonwoo lets go of your hair just as Jihoon starts fucking into you hard and fast, letting your upper body rest against the sofa as he watches. “Make Jihoon cum. Let him fill you up, princess.” He wraps a hand around his cock, slowly running it up and down. 
You clench around Jihoon, urging him to cum as you try to meet his thrusts. “P-please cum inside of m-me, Jihoon... wanna feel good...” There’s a slight growl, Jihoon’s nails digging into the skin of your ass. “Filthy ‘lil slut, all you want is a fat cock in your pussy filling you up with cum, don’t you?” Wonwoo grins at Jihoon’s words. 
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” Jihoon warns, eyes clenched shut as he feels the pleasure wash over his body, cock snug between your walls as you milk him for all he’s worth. You feel warm, hips wiggling while he fills you up with his cum. 
“That’s my good girl.” Wonwoo praises, Jihoon’s rigid body going slack behind you when his high starts to ebb away. 
He pulls out of you a moment later, cum already dripping down onto the sofa. 
“Fuck, I said don’t make a mess.” Jihoon sleepily remarks, tiredness already overtaking him. But he wraps an arm around your midsection, helping you readjust so that you’re on your back this time; your back against his chest. 
Wonwoo scoots over, prying your legs apart as he watches Jihoon’s cum drip from your swollen pussy. “Still think you can take me?” You nod tiredly. “Mmhmm... I--I wanna cum too...” He guides his cock towards your entrance, using the head of it to collect Jihoon’s dripping cum before he slowly eases himself into you. 
The two of you share a moan, the familiarity of each other’s body reigniting the pleasure as Wonwoo starts a harsh pace from the beginning; his cock covered in your wetness and Jihoon’s cum when he pulls out. 
“You’re still so damn tight even though Jihoon’s already fucked you open, princess.” 
You mewl just as Jihoon reaches down, the pads of his fingers on your clit as your back arches off of his chest. “A-ah, mmh, ‘m close! Daddy, I’m so close!” You cry, tears blurring your vision at how quickly your orgasm was building up. Wonwoo’s thrusts are erratic, the urge to cum already quickly building for himself as well. 
“Cum then, let me feel you wet this cock before I let you have my cum.” 
Jihoon’s fingertips rub harsh circles, teasing and pinching your swollen nub until  your body tenses up, cries of Wonwoo’s name spilling from your lips as your walls flutter around him. Tears slip from your eyes as Wonwoo fucks you through your orgasm; the tightness of your pussy spurring his own orgasm as he unloads his cum into you. 
Wonwoo continues to fuck you through his own orgasm, his cock covered in a mixture of his and Jihoon’s cum when he eventually pulls out. You moan tiredly, slumping against Jihoon’s chest as you try to catch your breath. 
“Ngh... ‘m tired but hungry...” You slur, body warm from your orgasms. The alcohol’s already worn off; your mind already less hazy as you meet Wonwoo’s eyes. Jihoon nods, yawning as he massages your tired body with his hands. 
“We need to get you cleaned up and then we can go eat.” Wonwoo licks his lips, eyes darting down to the cum pooling underneath you. Jihoon follows his gaze, smirking when he understands Wonwoo’s train of thought. 
“We’ll both get you cleaned up. How’s that sound?” 
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cescalr · 3 years
u kno how everyone has their own version of Reverse Falls?? well i have one of those lol but rn what im saying is: my version of the au where the pines twins swap places (grunkles for mystery,,,, u kno,,, i think its called Gravity Rises? Anti-Gravity??? I can’t remember damn) yeah i have little bits of dialogue written,,,, if only i could draw... anyway all under the read more:
[[the scene where Mabel cheats off of Dipper in class; prev the scene where Stan cheats off Ford. Flashback to convo;]]
Dipper: Look. All you need is decent grades in math, right? Just copy off me. 'S not like the teachers pay attention during exams, anyway.
Mabel: I dunno, Dipper...
Dipper: Come on. We need scolarships. Our parents can't afford two full rides to college.
Mabel: It feels kinda... fraud-y, though.
Dipper: Think about it this way, hey - those rich kids pay their way past exams to a full ride, this is no more unfair than that. Just levelling the playing field. They're cheating at life - you're just opening up opportunities.
Mabel: True...
Dipper: Anyway. Nobody gets left behind, right?
Mabel: Haha. Yeah. Who's to say I won't leave /you/ behind? [punches his arm, with a smile.]
Dipper: Hah. Very funny.
Mabel: Thanks, bro-bro. Awkward sibling hug?
Dipper: Awkward sibling hug.
Both: Pat-pat.  
[[Big argument! Replaces the ford accuses Stan of breaking his machine. The conversation with the headmaster [uhhh, principal? in america?? i dunno im sorry] of the school is done w/ Dipper replacing Stan and Mabel replacing Ford bc I Like To Make Things Interesting!]]
Mabel: Come on, Dipper! I mean. Just - what kind of money is in /paranormal investigation/, anyway?
Dipper: What kind of money is in sculpting?
Mabel: That's not fair.
Dipper: Neither is you repeating our parents' talking points, but here we are. It's not about the money, Mabel.
Mabel: Well if it's not, then what's the point of you being on the opposite kind of the country to me?
Dipper: What's the point of you being on the opposite side of the country to /me/? Oh, that's right. You got a full ride anywhere you'd like, and there I am, trouble-maker, crazy-guy extraordinaire with the weird interests and stuipd belief in the supernatural. There was only one film school that'd take me, Mabel. You're the one who locked yourself into California.
Mabel: Why didn't you /tell/ me?
Dipper: I didn't think you'd want me around that much. What have I ever done, except pull down your stupid reputation?
Mabel: You can't still be on that. You know I don't-
Dipper: Still didn't say anything, though did you?
Mabel: That's not fair at all, Dipper.
Dipper: You never say anything. And here I am, always defending you. Maybe I felt we needed some space, huh? Maybe you give off the aura of wanting space. I'm not fun to be around.
Mabel: I didn't mean that. I just meant - you can get... kind of into a headspace I can't follow. I'm not - I don't believe in all your -
Dipper: Dumb conspiracies?
Mabel: Yes! Dipper, just - there's nothing down that road. You know that. You'll be -
Dipper: A laughingstock? Been there. Used to it.
Mabel: It doesn't have to be like that. You're really, really smart-
Dipper: So the only thing I can want to do is science?
Mabel: No, that's not it at all -
Dipper: He's a punk, he's headed nowhere, 'Mabel's a good girl, a real talent, smart and artistic... Dipper has the brain for a good life, but not the mindset. There's Fantartstic Academy, it's in California, so it's not too far from home, but it's on the other side of the state, a good distance away - I think it'd be good for your daughter to get independence, to find friends and a life outside of the trouble her brother brings. Mabel could have a real good go of it -'
Mabel: Stop it! Dipper, you know I don't believe-
Dipper: But you do! You always have!
Mabel: Just because you're /anxious/ doesn't mean you're right! We're okay! You're just paranoid!
Dipper: That's not fair.
Mabel: Oh, so now /I'm/ the unfair one? I get it. Things are only unfair when it affects /you/.
Mabel: Why d'you have to do this?
Dipper: I - I have to prove that I'm right, Mabel. I have to. This stuff exists, I know it does, I've just got to find it.
Mabel: And, what? You're going to prove something people have been trying to figure out for centuries? Dipper. How can you tell me to get out of dreamworld when that's where you're staying?
Dipper: Screw you.
Mabel: Screw /you/.
As for other stuff;
Mabel makes the portal! It takes Dipper 30 years to activate it after she’s pushed in bc her instructions are Terrible. Partly because she didn’t understand much of it. Bill painted the whole thing as like, a monument of the arts or w/ever im still figuring that one out 
Dipper takes Grunkle Stan’s place as the person they’re sent to visit. He’s been pretending Mabel’s been in various foreign countries for years @ this point. Uses either magic/tech to create voicemails for the family, has her be bubbly but distant, w/ promises to visit that she never keeps, which. you know he feels bad about but he needs to make people think she’s alive
Dipper had a ghost hunting TV show! For like three years, then went off the air bc of low ratings. Apparently real ghosts scare people! And kill them. Who knew. Also everyone thought the special effects were bad. Whoops. Anyway he runs a tourist attraction out of Mabel’s old ‘nature living art lodge’. It makes a good haunted house during high traffic at halloween/Summerween. The entrance to the basement is in his office, which used to be one of Mabel’s art studios. Dipper took all the bill art down because he pays attention to warnings written in blood. 
Im swapping all ages here, so Dipper is good friends with Pacifica and Wendy. Gideon is ... a threat. Lee, Nate and Thompson are still in town. Tambry and Robbie are not. 
Soos is 8, Fiddleford is 13, Stan and Ford are 12. Etc. 
Because of how we’re swapping this, some people’s parents might have to become their children. I’m not a fan of that, but we’ll see. Filbrick Pines was the youngest sibling of Mabel and (Mason) Dipper. He’s not well liked by the family. And he doesn’t like his own family all that much, hence the distance between them. He likes his kids even less, though, so Gravity Falls they go! I hate that guy. 
Ma Pines may or may not come with them? Hmm.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #800: Starting the New Vacation Day (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
10:12 a.m. at Isle Defino's Patio.......
Dark Pit: (Slams hie Hands On the Table) ('SLAM') Alright, dumbasses. Any of you got any ideas on what we're gonna do here today?
Pit: There's so many places to choose from.....I'm not even sure where go to first.
Yoshi: I spotted this cool looking ramen shop a few blocks from here. Maybe we can go there for lunch later.
Ryuji: (Smiles Softly) I'm down. Their ramen might be good. Maybe even better than Min-Min's.
Elsewhere in Isle Defino.....
Min-Min: (Let's Out a Sudden Sneeze) ('Chu')
Capt. Falcon: You alright there, Min?
Min-Min: (Quick Turns to Falcon) Oh. Uh yeah. I'm fine, Captain. I could've sworn felt a distrubence just now.....
Capt. Falcon: (Shrugs) Eh. Probably just the heat weather.
Min-Min: Maybe..........
Back to the Patio.....
Dark Pit: That's one place down. Anything else?
Yusuke: I, for one, plan on going to the beach side of this island to begin my new creation thoroughly.
Ryuji: (Gives Yusuke a Bit of a Playful Smirk on his Face) Gonna find more crabs to draw, my man?
Yusuke: Not quite I'm afraid. I am more interested in finding unique and rare forms of seashells if anything. (Turns to Tails) And it seems I might need your mechanic assistance on this, Tails.
Tails: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly at the Inspired Young Artist) I....didn't really bring my tools here with me. So I can't really help you on a mechanical level. But I can buy you a metal detector if you want.
Yusuke: (Smiles Softly) That sounds like a good enough comparison. Many thanks, my two tailed friend.
Tails: (Giggles Softly While Blushing a Little) No problem, Yusuke.
???: Morning, peeps.
Ryuji: Hey, morning bro- (Eyes Suddenly Widened For a Brief Second Before Snickering at the Sight of Making his Way to the Table With Red Kiss Marks on his Face) Dude, is that really you?
Ren: (Seats Himself Down) In the flesh.
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Pinching his Nose) Alright. I'll bite. (Turns to Ren) Why are you covered in kiss marks?
Ren: Oh. Well, Makoto and I found out that today's Kiss Day earlier thos morning. So Makoto decided to pull on the red lipstick Ann brought her for her birthday a few months ago, and started kissing my face. (Smirks Softly at the Memory) Loved every minute of it too~
Pit: And you still have kiss marks on you.....why exactly?
Ren: (Shrugs) Eh. No real reason really. Just felt it showing it to the world a bit longer, you know? (Noticed the Gang is Staring at Him) What?
Yoshi: You know what we're gonna ask you now, right?
Ren: Hey! Come on! We will! Just in the near future, alright? We JUST graduated high school together.
Pit: I still wanna be a Ring Bearer!!
?????: Who's wedding are we talking about again?
Tails: (Turns and Sighs Once He Sees Sonic Sitting Next to Him With Having Pink Kiss Marks All Around his Face) Let me guess: Amy found out today's Kiss Day and kissed you like crazy?
Sonic: Yup. Mom and pa blurted it out on our double date yesterday and the rest was history.
Tails: (Smirks at Sonic Playfully) You enjoyed minute of it, didn't you?~
Sonic: (Sighs While Blushing) Yeah......(Smiles a Little While Slouching his Head Down a Little) That girl sure knows how to kiss a guy, you know?~
Tails: (Chuckles Lightly) I believe so, Mr. Lover Boy~
Sonic: Keep making fun of me and it'll be your turn soon enough, Tails (Starts Smirking Playfully Himself) And with a certain bandicoot girl nonetheless~
Tails: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) How many times do I have to keep telling you people that we're JUST FRIENDS? There's no way Coco and I would ever participate in something like that.
Sonic: Okay....(Smirk Starts Growing a Bit Wider) But why did you let her kiss you under the mistletoe though?~
Tails: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) H-How did you.....
Sonic: Wave told Amy and I all about it when it all happened. (Gives Tails a Thumbs Up) And we already approved~
Tails: (Immediately Turns Away From Sonic While Blushing) S-Shut Up......
Morgana: (Sighs While Sitting Down on The Group's Table With Multi Color Kiss Marks (Pink, Blue, and Green) All Over His Face) Morning......
Ren: (Starts Snickering at Morgana Along With Ryuji and Pit) Damn, Mona. You too?
Morgana: Yeah. Me too. Once Futuba found out that today was Kiss Day, she SOMEHOW convinced Haru and Lavenza to kiss me. With different Lipstick colors!!
Ryuji: (Still Snickering) C'mon, cat. Look on the bright side. At least one of your kissers was a certain Velvet girl you've been crushing on~
Ren: (Teasingly Nodded in Agreement)
Morgana: (Glares at Ryuji) .......Ryuji. One of these days when I become human again and grow older, I will do everything in my power to suplex you into the ground.
Ryuji: (Chuckles Lightly) Cute threat, Mona, but uh...(Hold Both of his Arms Up While Showing Off his Muscles) ('Heh') I got bit stronger as of late. So might it take you a lot years before you even lift a finger on me, you know?
Morgana: ('Sighs in Defeat') Crap. You're right. It'll be too long if I waited.....Oh well. When all else fails, I can always kick you in shins.
Ryuji: (Glares at Morgana) Do it and I'll chase you to end the Earth, cat.
Morgana: (Glares at Ryuji) Wanna bet?
Ryuji: If you're up for it!
Dark Pit: Calm your asses down already. We still haven't decided what the first thing we should do here-
With the sound of two girls giggling with one another, the gang turns to see Ann and Shiho making their way to the table together while having kiss marks on each of their faces.
Ryuji: Geez....Even Ann and Shiho got into the holiday.....
Ren: Right?
Ann: Hey, guys. (Sit Herself Down Next to Shiho While Giggling Softly)) You're probably wondering why we're-
Ren: You two found out about Kiss Day is today. So it led to the both of you making out. Am I right?
Shiho: Wait. How did you- (Starts Snickering Once She Noticed the Kiss Marks on his Face) Did Makoto seriously kiss all over your face?~
Ren: (Smirks Proudly) Yep! It might be the most cutest thing she done so far~ Don't tell her I said that by the way.
Ann: ('Sigh') You know, Ren, it astounds me that you two have been acting like a married couple since since day one and yet neither of you STILL have proposal to one another yet!
Ren: Um. Does "We just graduated" doesn't ring you any bells, Takamaki? And besides, if anything, I'm surprised YOU TWO having proposal to one another yet. You already have apartment together and give each other pet names. Might as start now while you're ahead.
Ann: Oh trust me. Shiho and I WILL marry each other very soon and you are gonna be our best man.
Ren: (Eyes Widened a Little in Genuine Surprise) Oh shit. Really?
Ann: (Giggles Softly) Yes. Really. You're one of my best friends, Ren. I can't think of anyone else to fit that role better than you. Well, I mean, there's Ryuji, but.... I'm not sure if could take up the role that well. (Turns to Ryuji) No offense.
Ryuji: Eh. It's no problem. (Smiles Brightly at Ren) I totally see Ren being Best Man material lot more than I could.
Ren: Huh. Well, if that's really what you girls want....(Smiles Softly) I'd be happy to be your future Best Man.
Ann: (Squeals Happily While Pulling Ren into a Loving Hug) Thank you so much, Ren-Ren!~
Shiho: (Happily Joins into the Hug) You have no idea how happy you made us-
Pit: (Suddenly Slams the Table With Excitement) ('SLAM') I GOT IT!
Dark Pit: (Turns to Pit Along With Everyone Else) What is it, Pit-Stain?
Pit: I just thought of something we could do first! Souvenir shopping!
'Wave Sounds'
Yoshi: You.....got any ideas, Pit?
Pit: (Happily Nodded) Yep! We can go souvenir shopping together. All this talk about Kiss Day has really made me miss Viridi a lot more than before. (Smiles Brightly) So I wanna buy her souvenir gift we could enjoy, you know?
Ann: Awwwww~ Pit~ Of course we can go souvenir shopping together.
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) We can even help you pick something nice for her and everything.
Sonic: You ladies mind helping my little bro with that too. (Smirks Teasingly Again) He has a Bandicoot Girl back home to impress~
Tails: (Glares at Sonic While Blushing Again) D-Don't you ever shut up anymore, Sonic!? And besides, I already promised Yusuke that I would buy him that metal detector!
Yusuke: (Gives Tails a Reassuring Smile) Oh there's really no need for you to go to the trouble to buy it for me. I believe you should use it give your lady friend something nice.
Sonic: See? Yusuke's gets it.
Tails: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fine..... I'll buy her a souvenir. But NOT because I have a crush! She's my best friend and nothing more.
Sonic: Whatever you say, lil' bro.
Ryuji: (Turns to Morgana) Hey, Mona, maybe you should try souvenir shopping too. (Starts Smirking Again) Maybe something nice your Velvet girl~
Morgana: (Eye Starts Twitching Before Turning to Ren) Seriously. Can I PLEASE kick his shins already!?
Ren: No.
Ann: Be nice to Ryuji, Mona.
Mona: ('Ugh') Fine......
Yoshi: (Turns to Dark Pit) We should give it a shot, DP. You could buy something nice for your girlfriends back home.
Dark Pit: I don't know....There might be a possibility that they won't it.
Yoshi: Ah don't be like that. I'm sure they'll love anything you get for them. Even if isn't fancy like or whatever.
Dark Pit: Wait. How much souvenirs usually cost exactly?
Yoshi: (Shrugs) I dunno. Five to ten bucks maybe?
Dark Pit: (Shrugs as Well) Eh. Fuck it. I'm down.
Pit: Alright! All in favor of Souvenir Shopping say 'AYE'!
Everyone: 'AYE'
Happy Kiss! (Again!)
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schnoogles · 4 years
For the fluffy holiday fic prompts: Jonsa and #3, secret Santa! 🎁🎅
omg YAY!! thanks so much for the prompt love💕💕
so this kind of got away from me here LMAO but i hope you like it!!
send me a prompt!
“Come on, Jon! Just pull a name out!”
Jon Snow sighed at his friend. The Starks always played Secret Santa every Christmas. And unlike Theon, Jon normally doesn’t stay with them during the holidays, he goes back home to his mother’s. So he’s never played with them before. 
Unfortunately, with his starting grad school this year, Jon couldn’t afford the flight home to his mother’s, and Lyanna couldn’t afford the flight to Winterfell. And since he already spends most other holidays and breaks with them, this year, he finally accepted the Starks’ invitation to spend Christmas there. 
“Yeah, Jon. You have to, I’ve already put your name in,” Robb’s younger sister, Arya, said smugly, “If you don’t pull a name, it sucks for whoever’s left in the hat.”
Sansa, Robb’s other sister, wiggled the Santa hat with the last slip of paper in front of Jon’s face. She smiled at him. “Give in, Jon. You know you want to.”
“Whoever has my name could always draw again?” he suggested hopefully. 
“Nonsense,” Catelyn said, “Jon, you’ve practically been family since Robb brought you home for freshman spring break. Don’t feel awkward about this, it’s all in good fun.”
Other than his own mother, Catelyn Stark was probably the best and kindest mother in the world. Jon couldn’t say no to her. 
Jon wished he said no to Catelyn. Of all the names he could have picked. Of all the names! He had to pull Sansa’s. And it wasn’t like there was anything wrong with Sansa. Quite the opposite in fact. She was great. Perfect, actually. And that was the problem. Sansa Stark was perfect and had everything. What could Jon “poor undergrad” Snow possibly get her that she’ll like? 
Sansa feels stupid. She couldn’t for the life of her figure out what to get Jon for Christmas. Of course with her shit luck, she’d pull the name of the one person who she’s most nervous about pleasing. But it’s fine. It’s fine. She can just ask Theon to switch with her. He’ll do it, no problem. Besides, he owes her.
“Bro, just get her some jewelry or something. Sansa likes pretty things.” 
Jon rubbed his temples. Robb is absolutely no help. But Jon should’ve expected that. “I can’t just get her jewelry, Robb. I don’t think she even wears any. This has to be a good gift!”
“Why?” asked Robb, with a mouthful of butter toffee pretzels. 
Before Jon could even think of an answer, a snort came from the hallway. When Jon and Robb looked, they saw a smirking Arya leaning on the doorframe. 
“You’re really asking why?” Arya rolled her eyes and then laughed at her brother. “Wow you’re stupid.” She walked away and left an offended Robb and a stressed Jon.
He groaned. “What do you even get someone who already has everything she could possibly want?”
Sansa crossed her arms as she glared at Theon. He hadn’t stopped laughing. “Are you done yet?”
“Sorry, babe. Dunno how to help you here,” he chuckled. 
“You could switch with me!”
“Nah, I like who I have.”
“You owe me!”
Theon stopped laughing. “Wh- for what?”
“For saving your ass when-”
“Nuh-uh. Nope!” Theon wagged his finger at her. “You don’t get to keep using that one. I’m sorry we dated the same asshole, but talking the cop out of arresting me for keying that car was forever ago!”
Sansa huffed. “Fine. But can you at least help me? I have no idea what Jon likes! He’s such a… minimalist. What do you get someone who doesn’t want anything?”
“Wow you’re really desperate aren’t you?” Theon looked at her sadly before giving her the biggest shit eating grin. “I mean. Knowing Jon, there’s only one thing he’d like to unwrap for Christmas. You know, tall, red hair, blue eyes, goes by the name Sansa-”
He laughed. “What? You like him, Sans! Just make your move!”
She sighed. “Please be serious about this?”
“Alright, alright.” Theon thought for a bit. “I heard Tiles are all the rage now. You can get him that?”
“What’s are Tiles?”
“It’s like… like Find My iPhone, but like ‘Find My Whatever it’s Attached To’ instead.”
“Oh. Okay, yeah.” Sansa nodded. “Jon’s pretty forgetful, that should be good, right?”
“Yeah! Like they’re very handy. He can attach it to like -uh- his backpack? Uh… clothes- no. Uh.. a baby…”
Sansa looked at him like he was stupid. Which, fair.
“Oh! Oh, keys! Keys are what people usually attach them to.”
Maybe asking Theon for help was a bad move. Sansa doesn’t understand how she became such close friends with this idiot. 
Jon jumped and turned around. “Sansa? What are you doing up?”
She smiled wryly at him. “I could say the same thing about you.” When he did nothing but smile abashedly at her, she continued into the kitchen and got a mug out of the cupboard. “So,” Sansa said, after realizing Jon wasn’t going to say anything, “What’s someone like you doing up way past his bedtime?” As she continued on making her tea, she looked up to Jon, waiting for an answer. 
Jon blinked at her. “Uh…”
Sansa chuckled. “That bad?” She finished making her drink and leaned on the counter, lightly blowing on the cup. “Well, I’m up because I’m a light sleeper. Especially when I’m stressed. Loud noises tend to wake me up.”
Jon suddenly felt incredibly guilty. “Oh gods, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I was being loud-”
“No no,” Sansa cut him off. “Sorry, that was poorly worded. Lady got up and had a late night snack.”
“Ah.” Jon  nodded in understanding and took a sip from his own mug. Hmm, she’s a light sleeper. Maybe I can get her a-
“Yeah, and my white noise machine doesn’t help much either.”
Nope. Jon sighed. What could he get for her? He cleared his throat. “So, what’s got you so stressed.?”
Sansa looked down at her mug. “A mix of a lot of things actually. This time of year always makes me feel a little melancholy.” 
Jon scrunched his eyebrows.
“The ghosts of boyfriends past,” she explained. 
Right. Jon’s known her for four years and she’s had a total of three boyfriends. Each one worse than the last in his humble opinion. And that had nothing to do with his crush on her, no sir. 
“Yeah, Theon mentioned one earlier and it just got me thinking, you know?” Jon nodded at her to continue. “I’ve always loved the idea of some pretty prince charming sweeping me off my feet and showering me with gifts. Guess I realized, I don’t want any of that. Gifts are meaningless if there’s no thought or love behind them, you know?” She looked down embarrassedly, suddenly mortified that she just shared so much with him.
Jon gave her an out. “I still can’t believe you and Theon dated the same person.”
Sansa snorted. “Theon will date anything with pretty hair and a heartbeat.”
Jon cracked a smile. “Not ugly hair and a heartbeat?”
“Oh, gods no. He’s shallow like that.”
They both giggled. 
“So…?” Sansa raised an eyebrow at him.
Oh, right. My turn. Jon cleared his throat. “Oh, um, yeah. Stress keeping me up too.” And then Jon suddenly had a thought. Is it considered cheating though? Oh well. “I have absolutely no idea what to get my Secret Santa if I’m honest. You -uh- got any ideas on what you’re getting yours?” He took a discreet sip from his mug. 
Nope. “Yeah, I have an idea, I think,” she replied vaguely. “Something meaningful, you know? Can’t tell you though, sorry! It’s Secret Santa. But anyways, Jon, don’t sweat about the gift! This is supposed to be fun! Besides, you know us, we don’t need any fancy schmancy gifts.” How about you take your own advice, Sansa. “Now, that can’t be all you’re stressed about.”
Jon laughed in his drink. “Always so perceptive. No, you’re right. I mean- I am stressed about the gift, but I’m also just… I can’t help but think about my Mom, you know? Sure she has friends back home that she could spend Christmas with, but I can’t help but feel guilty for being here, while she’s at home alone right now. And I just really miss her.” He shrugged and took another sip of his drink. “So, whatcha got there? What kind of tea is it?”
“Oh, er, it’s chamomile. It helps me sleep.”
“That sounds nice. Maybe I should try that and see if it’ll help me sleep too.”
Yes! Maybe I can get him a pack of-
“Too bad I’m more of a hot water type of guy.” He smiled at her and took a sip from his mug. “Never really found the need to drink much of anything else at home.”
A fucking minimalist. 
“So,” Arya said, “You got anything yet?”
“Nope,” came a muffled reply from Jon. 
“Sucks.” He groaned in his hands and Arya felt pity. “Tell you what, I’ll let you in on a big Sansa secret.”
Jon perked up at that. “What?”
“She doesn’t give two fucks about gifts.”
“That… that doesn’t help, Arya.”
“No, I’m serious. Look,” she said forcefully, “Sansa’s had friends and boyfriends who’d always give her the most lovely and expensive gifts, right?”
“... Still not helping.”
Arya sighed. “What I’m trying to say is those boyfriends? Look around Jon, are they in her life anymore?”
It hit her like a shit ton of bricks. Well, actually. It was more of a passing thought as she was watching her third Christmas movie of the day. 
So, with her parents’ permission and Theon’s help, she got to work.
Arya groaned. “You know, it’s called ‘1 hour photo.’ Meaning that the photos won’t be ready for one hour.”
“I’m sorry! I’m just anxious and I wanna get started as soon as possible.”
She rolled her eyes at Jon. He enlisted her help to buy all the things he needed for Sansa’s gift. And to provide some photos. 
It was Christmas Day. It was Christmas Day and Jon found he was really missing his mother. He tried calling earlier, but she didn’t answer. She was either still sleeping in, as that was their usual routine, or she was at a friend’s. He sighed. He’ll try calling her again later on in the day.
Jon got up and joined the rest of the house downstairs. 
It was Christmas Day. It was Christmas Day and Sansa was nowhere to be found. She told everyone they could get started on gifts without her if they wanted to, but of course no one was going to do that. So they planned on opening gifts after breakfast instead. 
They were all in the kitchen eating when they heard the front door open and close.
“Sorry I’m late! I’ll join you guys in just a bit!” She shouted from the other room.
Jon eagerly stood up, intent on helping her with whatever last minute thing that she must’ve gone out to buy. But before he could even move, Theon promptly pushed him back down in his seat. 
“Where ya going, buddy?”
“Just gonna see if Sansa needs any help.”
“No worries, I got it.” He proceeded to pour Jon a cup of orange juice. Jon confusedly thanked him and raised the glass to drink it. When he gave Theon a questioning look, Theon explained. “To help quench that thirst of yours.” Arya and Bran snorted into their food while Jon choked on his drink. Robb did neither of those things.
“Wow, you’re such a good friend, Theon!” 
“Just getting into that Christmas spirit, Robb.”
He walked smugly out of the room to see whatever it was that Sansa had just gone out for. When Jon finally calmed down, he looked up to see Ned and Catelyn Stark staring right back at him. Both had their eyebrows up in amusement. Oh gods. I can never come back here again. 
A few minutes later, Sansa and Theon returned. Jon noted there was nothing in either of their hands. He wasn’t the only one who  noticed.
“Didn’t get what you were looking for?” Bran asked.
“Nope,” Sansa replied nonchalantly, “Must be what I get for trying to go to the store on Christmas Day.”
“So you’re telling me we could’ve opened presents by now?” Rickon was shaking his head at his big sister. Hey may be well into his teens, but Rickon was still excited for Christmas gifts.
“Sorry! Tell you what, is everyone done eating? Let’s get to presents right now!”
Catelyn made a move to start clearing the table, but Sansa waved her off. “I’ll do it after we open presents Mom. Don’t worry about it!”
Everyone grabbed whichever gift had their name on it. To keep things anonymous, every gift was wrapped in the same paper and the names were stuck on with pre-printed stickers. Ned passed out the gifts to be opened one by one. When Sansa opened her gift she let out a soft gasp.
“Oh,” she whispered softly, “This is perfect.” She began flipping over each page of the homemade scrapbook. They were filled with photos from the last few years. A lot of the pictures were ones she didn’t even know were taken of her and her family. Family dinners, camping trips, random moments on campus with her friends and family. It was filled with small moments that she forgot had happened. There was even a wristband from a concert Robb and Jon and Theon had taken her to.
“What is it darling?” Her mother asked.
Sansa closed the book and held it close to her chest. “It’s a scrapbook. Filled with a lot of really good memories.” She smiled. She wondered who got her such a thoughtful gift. Before she could try to figure out who it was, Rickon interrupted her.
“Wait, where’s Jon’s gift?” He and Ned looked around the tree to see if they had missed one.
“Oh, no it’s okay!” Jon started waving his hands. “I don’t need a gift!” He was actually a bit relieved. He was awkward when it came to accepting gifts.
“Oh no!” Theon declared very loudly in a strange, overly dramatic voice. “Jon doesn’t have a gift? That’s awful!” At some point during that announcement, he had slowly tilted his head towards the stairs.
Sansa slapped her forehead in disdain. Theon doesn’t have a subtle bone in his body.
“Wait yeah, that’s not right,” Robb agreed. “Jon’s Secret Santa: what the heck?”
“No, I’m good!” Jon argued. “I don’t need a gift.”
“That’s a shame. Should I just hop on a flight and head home then?” 
Jon froze when he heard the voice behind him. His jaw slowly dropped and he turned around.
The woman before him tilted her head and smiled. “Hi baby.”
“Merry Christmas!” Lyanna laughed as her son rushed to hug her. 
“What are you doing here?! How’d you get here? Is this why you didn’t answer your phone earlier? Oh my gods!” 
Sansa smiled softly at Jon. She figured it out. The one thing he probably wanted most this year was to be with his mother. 
“You’ve got some wonderful friends here, Jon.” Lyanna turned around and gestured to Sansa. “This lovely young woman here booked me a flight and picked me up from the airport this morning. If she’s not your girlfriend, then you better get to it!” 
Lyanna ignored her son then looked at the rest of the Starks and laughed. “You people really go all out for Secret Santa gifts don’t you?”
After the initial embarrassment, Jon looked at Sansa with a mixture of disbelief and awe. And she smiled sheepishly back at him.
Jon shook his head and chuckled. “I don’t know what’s more unbelievable. You booking a last minute flight for my mother, or the fact that we both pulled each other’s name for Secret Santa.”
Sansa’s eyebrows rose. “You made this for me?” She asked softly.
It was Jon’s turn to look sheepish. He scratched the back of his head, suddenly feeling bashful. “Uh… yeah. I couldn’t think of what to get you. And then you said how you think gifts are meaningless if there’s no thought for the person receiving it and uh, I know how you love your friends and family and-”
Sansa interrupted him by engulfing him in a hug. “Thank you. I love it.”
“Oh noooo, wouldja look at that?”
Theon had somehow attached a suspicious looking holiday plant to the fishing rod he got from his Secret Santa. And he was now dangling it above Jon and Sansa as he lounged on the couch.
Sansa, too busy glaring at Theon, didn’t notice Jon’s blush. When she turned back to Jon, she opened her mouth to give him an out, but he beat her to it.
“I’m game if you are.”
I am SO game.
Sansa leaned in and Jon met her halfway.
“Wait that’s holly, not mistletoe!”
“Robb, shut up. You’re ruining their moment.”
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traumatizedkids · 3 years
Some fun facts, info and More about the S3 and the comic in general.
 I made this long ago with the S2 hiatus, so i decided to do the same again with new funfacts, and some new info about S3 (without going into spoilers of course, i hope you guys like it)
As you can notice, the new profile cards has a section called Logo, those logos are a new thing i added to the comic, What’s the purpose? They are made for pannels were the character’s talk but they are not in scene, this is an example from the new season:
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When i announced King in Black i didn’t have almost any plans for the next issues, but i liked the Agony plot so i decided to make the story about that.
The Scene were Alec uses Jake as a Bat is a reference to the Blackbird Epilogue were it’s said Jake turns into a Bat of Intention releasing Andrew’s soul.
I wanted to elaborate more the scene were Jake is awakened from the illusion, but it was too many pages and i had to use the Bro thing, i am sorry if it was Lame, for me, at least it is.
When Alec met Hazel, i had plans to explain Alec dad’s were already dead, but i decided to not add that scene.
Alex (Hazel’s daughter) is 10, and She’s a Demi-Girl, 
The reason why i started to read Disney Chills was because i wanted to find new traumatized kids from a different media than the ones i already use.
In the moment i read Planet of Symbiotes: Toxin i knew Bren has to be in the team.
Millie was intended to appear revived for a Symbiote after KIB, but i discarded that because we don’t really know her fate and there’s chances she could came back in FF epilogues.
Hazel works as a Lawyer
I want to make season 3 more separate from FNAF, because this comic was turning into a FNAF comic more than a crossover.
The Bonnles came from a Joke i made long ago on Twitter
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I suffered a lot in season 2 because i really wanted to use Dylan, but the idea of a Time skip was soo good to not use it, Return of the Kids was totally my fav moment.
Oswald’s Scar plot from Familiar Rabits is gonna come back on the Summer Special.
Traumatized Kids Island is gonna be 10 episodes long i dunno if it’s gonna be Weekly or every 2 days, i have to think that.
Sora Ogami was a character i loved to add and i hope to use it more in future episodes.
I already told that, i changed the Henry’s hairstyles to make them inspired in the actor Jared Gilmoire, the one who interprets Henry in Once upon a Time.
The real name of this comic is: Niños Traumados.
Not gonna lie, i want to add Sleeper in this comic, but i don’t know what happened with him in comics, i am worried :(
The reason i am redesinging some characters is to gave them a personal touch (and because their shows are over)
Dipper and Mabel were requested a lots of times, i hope to use them more on season 3 now i rewatched the show since years.
I dunno if someone get it, but this is a reference to Kingdom Hearts:
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I have plans to do a reference to the original trilogy of FNAF Books.
I started this blog because an user called Puffy started to reblog the first 3 episodes saying she was enjoying them, i am very grateful for all her suppor and i love her reblogs, thank you so much.
This also goes for Hide, i dunno if you’re reading this, but thanks for all your support, i love to have you here.
Bren Waters and Dylan Brock are gonna be gooooood friends.
I think it’s pretty obvious, this is an AU, so i take some creative liberties for some designs and relationships, i still use the actual stories from the characters, but some things like Normie and Dylan friendship (who in comics stopped being friends in a comic that we don’t even know if it’s canon) are changed.
In King In Black 3 in the Adults plan i had plans to introduce the crystal gems, but i thought Connie would be a better idea so i could introduce her.
Yeah, Connie is gonna come back, also she accepted Steven proposal after Steven got corrupted again, 
There’s gonna be more adults on the Season 3
Not gonna told who, but one of the Founders members of the Meeting has appeared on one episode, not gonna tell wich.
Oswald loves more Springmatt than the Bonnles.
At first i didn’t wanted to confirm Chuck and Sam relationship, but then i was like: Why not?
Season 3 is ubicated AFTER The cliffs epilogue, but BEFORE Gumdrop Angel epilogue.
I confirmed 4 new kids, but i don’t deny maybe new kids would join in the future, someone wants to talk about dinosaurs?
What Oswald says about the name is already taken in KIB 1 is a reference about the fact there’s already a Symbiote called Agony.
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At first i had plans to make art-trades with people to have variants of King in Black with another artist but i wasn’t brave enough.
I want to apologize about my shitty english lmao, sometimes i mess up the translation.
If you’re still reading this reblog with a #Yes
ok thanks, i aprecciate that.
sorry for this being so long lmao
For the people who read Disney Chills (and the people i hope i introduced to them like that ask someone sent me) i am aware about the Second Star to the Fright ending, but i wanted to use Barrie anyway, i love that boy.
Not gonna lie, i would love if someone makes a fanart or a dub of this series, if someone wanted to but was afraid to ask, you can, don’t be shy.
For the people who doesn’t knows, i am making an Into the Pit Graphic novel and a Dylan and Normie Graphic Novel, this comic is helping me to practice with Panel composition.
This is the first Splashpage i ever made, and i am very proud of it, i hope to make more on the future:
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Goblin symbiote design was inspired in the Goblin Childe and the colors of the green goblin.
Some kids like Oswald are not going to have a Profile Card yet, that’s because Season 3 spoilers.
Im doing an Animatic about Dylan in the other Earth talking to Codex, at first it was a personal project, but i decided to add it to the traumatized Kids Canon.
When Robin is with the Cape on is because i am lazy to draw the body, sorry, i am human too lol.
I am sad no one got it, but that answer about the meeting room and a cat of the founder members was a Doraemon reference, yes, i confirm it, Nobita Nobi is in the 80s meeting.
At first i had plans to introduce Billy and Tommy into S3 but then for obvious reasons i didn’t (But i still can, maybe someday)
Steven’s weeding is gonna be a S3 arc, and it’s gonna be the last time we are gonna see Steven, it’s hard for me, but some kids have to leave in order to other to enter.
Welp i think i gave so many facts, this is a long list, i dunno if people is gonna fully read them, but if you did, thanks a lot for your interest.
Soon i will share more things in this acc, have a good summer.
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toothpastecanyon · 4 years
A Name From the Mailbox, Chapter 2
Dipper finds out the author's name before Not What He Seems. It's not the person he expected.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
The Gravity Falls Public Library. Dipper didn’t find himself going here as often as he’d thought he would. Sure, there were books, but whoever the librarian was they certainly weren’t stacking them in any kind of system; it was impossible to find anything you were looking for besides dusty magazines heaped up on coffee tables.
But for all the library’s shortcomings, it did have one thing the Shack didn’t. It had computers.
“Is that a dial up sound, Dipper?”
He shrugged at his sister. “Maybe? I dunno what that sounds like.” He sat back. “Wish it’d load faster. Ugh, I swear these things are cursed to be slow or something like that.”
“Oooo, curses!”
“Just need to wait for it to load…” Dipper took out a notebook. “If I can’t have the journal, fine. I don’t need that. I don’t need him. I’ll find it out myself.”
“You’re muttering, bro bro.” Mabel poked his face. “So what’re we looking up, anyway? I thought you said all the websites for magic stuff are ‘unnacurate’ and ‘disturbing’.”
“It’s innacurate actually, Mabel.” He pushed her hand away as the computer finally loaded. “And I’m not looking for Gravity Falls stuff. I’m looking for Stan.”
“What’s he doing on the internet? I don’t think he knows what it is.”
Dipper started typing. “No, but maybe we can find out something about him on there.”
“Ooo, like secrets!”
“Yeah, like secrets.” Dipper made a face as he put in ‘Mystery Shack Gravity Falls’ and got a few sites with mixed reviews. “Oh you gotta look at this, Mabel. Someone wrote, ‘A friend recommended I bring my family here. We spent five minutes inside, and in that time the owner charged an exorbitant entrance fee, scared my children with some horrific taxidermied duck-rat thing, and then made up some fake ‘early exit charge’ when we tried to leave! We are pretty sure he picked our pockets too, but the police in this town are useless. I’m out a wallet and a friend.”
Mabel giggled. “I’m pretty sure Stan has no idea about these! Oh, this one’s from when I was boss! Ahem, ‘The last time I was here an old man was giving the tour, but when we came by the manager appeared to be a young girl. Everything appeared to be slightly destroyed too? When I asked for a refund because part of the roof fell on me, she told me to shut my yap. Other than that, great as always. Love the money bag.” She gave a fist pump. “Aww yes, I got us a five out of five! Let’s read more, this is fun!”
“Actually, Mabel, we’ve gotta keep looking.”
Dipper tapped on the keyboard. “Okay, I guess the Mystery Shack doesn’t turn up much. How about… just his name?”
He typed that in, and sat back as it loaded.
“Alright, Stan. Let’s see what you’re hiding…”
It was late at night when Stan snuck his way back into the Shack. He opened the front door as quietly as he could, and shut it behind himself, making a face at every creek. He took off his black mask, his leather gloves, and stashed them under the register before moving to the blinds. He kept a close eye on the parking lot as he drew them closed; it didn’t look like he’d been followed.
Ugh. Stan didn’t like messing with the feds, but it wasn’t like anyone else had any radioactive waste handy. He’d scope out the place a few more times, just to be safe… but that was for another night.
With a big sigh, Stan headed over to the vending machine. He raised his arm to input the code, but something told him to look around first. His eye caught on a small darkness on the base of the staircase, and he paused a second before pressing the code for a candy bar. He picked it up, unwrapped it, and munched on it as he headed for the living room.
“Grunkle Stan.”
There it is. He turned on the light.
“Oh, hey Dipper. Having fun standing in the dark like that?”
Dipper had his arms crossed. “You’re out late.”
“Yeah, ’cause I’m old and I do what I want.” He sank into the chair. “What’s up, kid? If you’re gonna ask for your journal back you’re gonna be disappointed.”
“No, that’s not why I’m here.” He pointed to a large stack of papers on the side table. “I found this.”
“Huh? Oh, you didn’t use the copier, did you? Paper’s expensive, kid.”
“No, I printed it out at the library.” He made a face. “It was like twenty dollars. Now look!”
“Ugh, I already sat down, kid. Can’t we- Oof!” He grunted as the pile was dumped in his lap. “Watch it, that’s a lot of paper! You’re gonna have to summarise whatever this is, because I am not-”
“It’s your thesis, Grunkle Stan!”
Grunkle Stan paused, and looked up at Dipper. He looked very, very serious, and he came a step closer.
“Well… well what? Thesis?” Stan tried to stand up, but the papers kept him down. “I don’t know what you mean, Dipper. Seriously, I’ve never seen this before in my life-”
“You wrote it!”
“Look!” He grabbed the top page and stabbed a finger at the author line. “Stanford Pines! All summer long you said you didn’t even go to college, but you’ve got a PhD! You wrote a thesis about anomalous sightings in the western United States! Admit it - you are the author!”
Stan found himself shrinking back; he had a bad feeling he wasn’t going to be able to brush this off. “Wh-where’d you even get that from?”
“I found your college online. Apparently they’re still writing about your thesis since it’s the only nationally ranked one in their history.” Dipper clicked his pen. “You’re, you’re a genius, Grunkle Stan! I-I have so many questions, like why didn’t you tell us? Why’d you stop writing the journals? Where are the other two?”
“I… I…” He took a deep breath. He had to get control of this. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, ki-”
“Oh come on-”
“I don’t! Look, there’s obviously been some kind of mix up, it’s not like Stan Pines is a rare name-”
“Already thought of that.” Dipper held up an article. “I found this piece about how you used your grant money to build the Mystery Shack. It’s even got a photo - it’s you.”
It was a gutpunch to see Stanford’s college photo shoved in his face, but he tried to swallow it. “Kid-”
“I don’t understand why you won’t just admit it. I know you don’t want us messing with the supernatural, but all summer long I’ve been reading your journal, trying to solve the mysteries of this town. The author was a huge one - I-I was kind of worried I’d never find out, or I’d find out he was dead or something, but it’s you!” He grinned. “And now I know, we can work together! You don’t have to keep pretending! You can trust me with this!”
Stan looked down at his nephew’s face, and gave a deep sigh. There was no easy way out of this. With a bit of struggle, he hefted the thesis off his lap and onto the floor, then put a hand on Dipper’s shoulder.
“Dipper, listen. I’m not the author.” Stan saw him open his mouth and quickly continued. “I’m not, okay? I know you like your mysteries, but just this once, could you please just take my word on this one?” He made a face. “I don’t want you or your sister getting hurt. So just forget about it, okay?”
Dipper frowned at him, and for a moment Stan didn’t think that was gonna work - it was a long shot, anyway. But then something seemed to click in his mind, and he stepped back.
“Forget…” he said. “Grunkle Stan, do you know about the Society of the Blind Eye?”
“The what?”
“It’s-“ He reached under his arm and rolled his eyes when he realized there was no journal. “Ugh, I’ll draw it.”
He grabbed a paper from the pile and started sketching something out. Stan stood there, a little confused.
“Sounds like a cult. Did you join a cult? Ugh, your folks are gonna kill me.”
“It’s this!” Dipper shoved a paper in his face - a crossed out eye, a symbol Stan remembered seeing somewhere in the journals. “Have you seen this before?”
“Ugh, that doesn’t prove anything, though. You might’ve forgotten that too.” He clicked his pen, and then took off for the stairs. “I’ll be back!”
“Where do you think you’re going?” Stan called out, but he was already gone. He threw his hands up in the air. “Great. Perfect. Hey, can you come back down and explain what all that was? Dipper?”
No reply. Stan frowned; he made to follow, but his foot caught on the stack of papers. He caught himself on the wall, and turned back to look at the scattered pile. Each page was lit by TV static, stark white in the light, and pitch black in the shadows. He narrowed his eyes at that picture of Stanford, that stupid thesis.
“Fine.” He gave the mess a kick and stalked into the gift shop. “Fine.”
Dipper wasn’t going to stumble into this so close to the finish line. He’d worked too hard for too long. If the kid was so intent on figuring him out, he’d just have to work faster.
He gave a long look around before entering the code. The venting machine swung open with a puff of air, and he shut it quickly behind him before marching down the steps.
No more scoping out. It was time to finish the job.
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think of all the fun i´ve missed (think of all the fellas that i haven’t kissed)
merry (early) christmas @leifdonnellies! i was your secret santa and i had a lot of fun writing this fic for you :D i hope you enjoy it and have a great holiday season! (the title is from santa baby and really doesn’t fit with the fic all that well but i thought it was funny...)
Tobin Batra knew every word in the English dictionary, and yet he still didn’t know the right words to describe the chaos that was SPRQ Point holiday parties. 
After going to one for this first time, Tobin immediately knew why STEM kids and queer kids were never the people throwing parties in high school. When you combined those groups into the group that was the fourth floor of SPRQ Point, the result was a drunken mess of a gathering. 
The floor was cleared off as it would be for any business-related gala, but instead of tasteful lighting and tech speeches, there were tacky Christmas lights strung up and shitty music blasting from every speaker. 
And yet, Tobin loved them. He loved his oddball group of friends and colleagues, and it was fun to hang out with them without any pressure of deadlines and CEO visits, and instead just a week-long break to look forward to. At recent parties, Zoey’s DJ friend Mo provided the music, and he did have objectively better music taste than anyone else there. Tobin liked Mo, and liked getting to chat with him at parties, mostly about music and queer stuff. Another plus of parties was seeing who gave the most outrageous white elephant gifts- Tobin was currently winning that competition ever since he gifted Max a live chinchilla a year ago. (Max still had the chinchilla. He named it Joan after their former boss, and it was beloved by everyone.) Yet another great thing about it was that it was the one night that they finally could replace the bread bar or oatmeal bar or whatever bar with an open bar, because apparently it was legal if it was for a party. But Tobin’s favorite thing about the holiday parties was the fact that it was the one night a year that his boyfriend let Tobin kiss him in front of their colleagues. 
Leif was surprisingly shy about PDA, and had been as long as Tobin had known him. His parents weren’t exactly the most touchy-feely people, with each other or with their children, and it had clearly rubbed off on Leif. Tobin was fine with this, of course, he’d never want to make his boyfriend uncomfortable. Plus the two lived together, and Leif was incredibly touch starved at home, so it wasn’t really a big deal that they never did more than very occasionally hold hands at work. That being said, Tobin discovered recently that Leif found it “morally wrong”- Leif’s words, not Tobin’s- to disobey the laws of mistletoe, and he planned to fully exploit that fact at the party.
Mistletoe was a big thing at these parties- because obviously it was, what chaotic Christmas party was complete without a tiny, slightly-poisonous plant that required you to kiss whoever’s nearest to you if you found yourself under it? When they arrived at the party, Tobin snatched a cluster of mistletoe that was hanging right outside the elevators. He figured that was a fair place to steal it from, because as much as he loved the tradition, it was a bit of a cruel place to hang it, catching people off guard like that. Leif glanced over and saw him grab it, but just rolled his eyes as Tobin winked at him and smirked. 
“Hey guys!” Zoey greeted as they joined the group. “You can put your gifts over there…” She pointed to a small pile before glancing at the package in Tobin’s arms with concern. “I do not want to know what’s in there this year.” 
Tobin smiled wide. “Well, I tried hard to top Joan the chinchilla, but I think it was my peak.” 
Leif and Zoey rolled their eyes in unison as Leif gave Tobin a shove towards the stack of gifts. 
Tobin soon joined the rest of the party, dragging Leif with him and forcing him to dance to the loud music with him. As per usual, Mo had created a killer playlist, albeit a bit of a weird conglomeration of songs. Any playlist that went from a stunning, slow cover of Someday At Christmas (that seemed to have been sung by the DJ himself) immediately into the original version of Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer had to be made by someone at least a little bit high. 
About an hour into the party, Tobin could tell that Leif was getting overwhelmed by all the people and the sounds, so he silently took his hand and pulled him into the nest. 
“Thanks,” Leif said once they were out of earshot of others. He rubbed his neck awkwardly as he sat down on the conference table. “Sorry, I don’t know what was happening back there, I’ve been better with social stuff for a while, I guess it just… I dunno… it’s still hard sometimes.”
“Bro, it’s okay, I get it. You never need to apologize about anxiety stuff. And it’s not going to be all better, all the time, and that’s okay. You’ve been doing so good lately, Leif, and you deserve to celebrate that.” Tobin sat next to Leif and put his hand over Leif’s. 
Leif turned to him and smiled softly. “Thank you, babe.” 
Tobin lay his head on Leif’s shoulder and began rubbing gentle circles on Leif’s hand with his thumb. “You’re welcome.” 
Neither man spoke for a few minutes, and Tobin could hear Leif doing some deep breathing, something he often did as a way to calm his anxiety. 
Eventually, when Leif seemed to have fully relaxed, he turned towards Tobin and smiled at him again. “Have I mentioned that you look really nice tonight?” 
Tobin laughed. “A few times. But you can tell me again.”
“Well you do. Really nice.” 
Leif leaned forward and kissed Tobin, and Tobin counted it a win that his boyfriend kissed him at work with no mistletoe involved. 
Tobin pulled away much sooner than he wanted to, because they were still at a party after all. “Hey, you ready to go back?”
Leif squeezed his hand before standing up. “Yeah. I think so.”
  The two of them left the conference room, and only got a few strange looks from the other party-goers as they made their way back to the group. 
“There you are!” Zoey said as she and Simon made their way over. “We were waiting for you to start gifts.” 
The next half-hour was spent in a flurry of white elephant chaos, filled with plenty of cursing and sighing and coming close to tears begging someone to please steal their gift because they don’t even play an instrument, why do they need sheet music for the wii theme?! Although none of the gifts came close to the glory of Tobin’s chinchilla, it was unanimously decided that Leif won this year’s most outrageous gift with the collection of small cowboy hats that Simon ended up with (something Simon was weirdly pleased with receiving.) Tobin had pouted about this decision, seeing as the hats had originally been his idea, but his boyfriend looked so pleased about winning such a stupid contest that Tobin let him take the win without too much complaining. 
It was getting late, and the party would likely be wearing to a close soon. People were still dancing, however- Leif being one of them. He and Zoey and Simon were in the middle of the floor, moving in a way that they must have considered “dancing” (but was really just a weird movement of limbs all over the place). 
The red and green lights were reflecting in Leif’s hair, making the blond curls glow in a way that could only be described as magical. His suit jacket had been abandoned at some point in the evening, so he was wearing only a deep red short sleeve dress shirt with a green vest over it. Despite the cliche color scheme, the outfit looked great on Leif. Tobin watched as Leif threw his head back in laughter at something Simon said, and felt a weird flutter in his heart at the sight. Even after nearly two years of dating Leif, and nearly twelve years of being in love with him, the other man never failed to make Tobin feel like he was fifteen again, looking over at the boy playing video games on the couch next to him, and being hit with a rush of feelings so sudden and so strong that Tobin thought he was dying. 
Tobin moved suddenly from where he’d been standing next to George, asking his friend to hold his drink for a moment. He joined Leif on the dance floor right as Santa Baby faded out (the dance moves done for that song did not bear repeating, to say the least), and faintly processed Mo announcing that their final song of the night was White Christmas because it had just started snowing in San Francisco, so of course it was. 
“Hey.” Tobin announced his presence as he sidled up next to Leif, swaying slightly to the melody. 
“Hi!” Leif turned around so quickly that he needed to steady himself by grabbing on to Tobin’s waist (nothing Tobin was complaining about), his face flushed from dancing. 
“Care to dance?” Tobin put his arms up and around Leif’s shoulders, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Zoey and Simon had begun to slow dance away from them, seemingly lost in each other. 
Leif just smiled in response and began leading Tobin slowly around the floor. Neither one of them were particularly great at dancing, but it didn’t matter. As Tobin heard the song drawing to a close, he fumbled in his jacket pocket for the mistletoe he had grabbed earlier. Upon finding it, he raised his arm above both him and Leif’s heads so that the mistletoe hung above them.
“Hey L.” Tobin said to get his boyfriend’s attention, because he’d somehow not noticed the commotion.
“Look up.” Tobin smirked.
Leif did so and immediately rolled his eyes and blushed.
“Well?” Tobin knew he was being obnoxious but didn’t care. “I seem to recall someone here saying that it was wrong to not follow the rules of mistletoe. Are you really gonna go back on your word now-”
Leif shut Tobin up by kissing him. 
Tobin smiled into the kiss, moving his non-mistletoe hand to cradle Leif’s face. People were probably staring at them, but he didn’t care. It’s not like no one knew they were together. 
Leif pulled back after a minute, slapping the mistletoe with indignance until Tobin lowered his arm. Their faces were still close, foreheads resting together.
“Merry Christmas Tobes.” 
Tobin gave Leif another quick kiss and smiled at him. “Merry Christmas Leif.” 
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seanfalco · 4 years
Dear best friend, could I please request some sean x reader fluff to help me get through the rest of this shitty day/week? I'd be eternally grateful. Maybe with some Derek shenanigans thrown in if you're cool with that. Just whenever you can get to it. You're the best. Thank you for everything. 💖💖💖
word count: 1.5k a/n: Pushing this prompt to the top of the list bc you need all the fluff and comfort.  I hope you enjoy!
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“Yo, dog, what’re you doin’ later tonight?” Derek asked as he leaned back on the couch, folding his hands behind his head as he glanced over at his friend.
“I’m pickin’ up [y/n] and we’re goin’ out star-gazin’.  There’s supposed t’be this big meteor shower tonight and I wanna get some long exposure shots,” Sean explained.
“Ooo, look at you mister romantic,” Derek teased, reaching over to nudge Sean’s arm.
“You know it,” he replied with a smirk, waggling his eyebrows.
“You gunna get lucky under the stars, bro?” Derek asked with a cheeky grin, dodging the swat aimed at his arm.
“Hey c’mon man, no,” Sean exclaimed, biting back a grin until he caught his friend’s eyes and they both snorted, dissolving into laughter.  
“Yeah, uh huh,” Derek commented skeptically, amusement thick in his voice.
“It’s gunna be too cold out for that Derek,” Sean countered, rolling his eyes.  “I need t’make some hot chocolate to bring,” he mused, making a mental list of everything he’d need to get around for the night.
“Yeah well, bring lots of blankets, I dunno,” Derek replied with a shrug.  “You can get frisky under a blanket.”
Sean gave him a long suffering look, but he couldn’t stop grinning for long, the idea rather tempting.
“Well, either way, I hope you two lovebirds have fun.”
“Thanks man,” Sean replied, his voice sobering, infinitely thankful for his friend’s presence, especially every time he remembered how close he’d been to losing him.
“I mean, I kinda have to live vicariously through you, since I’m still single, so…” Derek shrugged.
“We’ll find yeh a girl yet, mate.  Then y’can come on double dates with us,” Sean teased as Derek grinned wider.
“Hey now, don’t joke with a brother, now.  I’m holdin’ you to that!”
“Oh my God, will you look at that view?” you gasped as you stepped out of the car and turned your face to the heavens.  The lights of the city were far enough away that you could see the stars twinkling back at you crisper than you’d seen them in a long time, the sight leaving you in awe.
Across the car Sean smiled to himself as he watched you.  “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” he murmured.
“It really is,” you breathed, not realizing he was talking about you.  “This was such a good idea, Sean, I can’t remember the last time I went stargazing, let alone saw a meteor shower.”
“Well, I’m just glad it’s such a clear night.  The forecast originally called for clouds,” he replied, tearing his eyes from you to start unpacking the car and soon he had his camera set up on the tripod and several blankets laid out nearby.
“What kinds of shots are you hoping to get tonight?” you asked as you settled atop the blankets, crossing your legs under you, the chill in the air already making you shiver and you threw one of the blankets around your shoulders, drawing it in tight.
“Oh, some long exposure shots of th’stars, hopefully catch some of the meteor shower.  Might set the shutter speed for longer and do some time lapse shots,” Sean mused as he checked the camera, turning it on you for a moment and snapping a picture while you were unprepared.
“Plus there’s always room for more candids of you,” he teased, taking another as you tilted your head and stuck your tongue out at him, ready this time.
“Absolutely stunnin’,” he murmured with a grin as he checked the LCD screen before his gaze flicked back up to you.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re lucky you’re so cute,” you countered, which only made Sean’s grin widen.
“I am rather cute, aren’t I?” he joked, his eyes meeting yours as he repositioned his camera, amusement dancing in his irises.
“And so humble too,” you teased.
“Well, I’ve been spending a lot of time with this girl, and she keeps tellin’ me that, so I’m startin’ t’believe it.”
Feeling your cheeks heat, you hid your fond smile behind your scarf, burying your face in the warm chunky wool as you watched Sean snap several photos of the night sky, the click of the shutter delayed to catch the stars in sharp detail.
That was when you saw the first falling star streak across the sky.  “Sean, did you see that?” you gasped, pointing, your eyes searching the heavens for more.
“I did!” he cried excitedly, snapping another photo as more meteors trailed across the star speckled expanse before winking out of sight.
After taking several more shots Sean set up the camera for a longer time lapse photo before settling down on the blanket next to you.
“There,” he exclaimed, and you opened the blanket around you to share as he scooted closer, wrapping the other end around his shoulders.  “Oh God, [y/n], your hands are freezin’,” he said, quickly enveloping your hands in his, bringing them to his lips to blow on.
“Yours aren’t much warmer,” you pointed out with a laugh, though Sean’s breath helped. 
“Hmm, you’re right,” he agreed with a chuckle.  “How about some hot chocolate?  That should warm us up.”
“Sounds divine,” you exclaimed, though silently lamenting when his hands left yours to reach for the thermos nearby.
Sean poured two steaming mugs and you sighed as you wrapped your hands around the one he handed to you — your favourite mug to use whenever you were at his place.  After he’d noticed you using it every time you came to visit he officially designated it as yours, always having it at the ready for you to use.
“Much better,” you exclaimed, breathing in the steam from the cocoa and leaning against his shoulder as you sipped, your gaze continually slipping from the starry expanse overhead to the man next to you.
Once you’d finished your mugs Sean got back up to check the camera, setting up another shot before joining you again, this time pulling you against his side as he laid back, one arm around you while the other rested behind his head.  His warmth seeped into you and you snuggled closer, gasping in awe as the meteor shower began in earnest, the inky sky filled with streaks of light, hurtling across the heavens before blinking out again.
“How many wishes have y’made?” Sean asked, his breath misting in the cool air as he broke the silence of the night around you and you turned your face to him.
“What d’you mean?”
“Well, aren’tcha supposed t’make a wish on a fallin’ star?” he asked, a twinkle in his eye as he grinned back at you.
“I guess so,” you chuckled, his grip around your shoulder tightening as he squeezed you.
“Then what’re y’waitin’ for sweetheart?  You’ve missed so many opportunities already,” he commented in faux seriousness, gesturing toward the sky before his grin returned, unable to hold it back any longer.
“Okay, okay!” you laughed.  “Well, what about you?  What’ve you wished for?” you asked as you caught sight of another meteor, silently making a wish.
“I can’t tell you that,” he said with a gasp.
“Why not?”
“Don’t you know it won’t come true then?” he teased and you poked him lightly in the ribs.
“You know, I think someone just made that up because they were too embarrassed to say what their wish was,” you countered thoughtfully.  
“Well, do y’blame ‘em?” Sean countered, raising an eyebrow at you.  “Most wishes are really personal.  Would you wanna tell me what you wished for?” he asked, holding your gaze and you felt your breath catch.
“I wish you’d kiss me right now,” you murmured and for a moment Sean watched you, his eyes searching yours before a soft grin split his face and he rolled toward you, catching your lips with his as his hand slipped behind your head, cradling you, pulling you closer.  Instinctively you clutched at his jacket, kissing him back, your heart in your throat.
“Oh, [y/n],” he exclaimed, pulling back slightly, “your lips are so cold.  D’you want me t’warm them up for you?”
Cheeky bastard, you thought fondly, unable to stop smiling.
“If you’d be so kind, Sean, but first--”
Before you could finish your sentence his mouth had once more descended on yours and your words melted to a soft moan.
“Sorry, got a little over eager there, but can y’blame me?” he murmured against your lips with a soft laugh, smiling down at you, “what were y’sayin’ darlin’?”
“What did you wish for?” you asked, your hand at his lapel coming up to stroke the side of his face and he leaned into your touch, green eyes sparkling.
“Oh, that?  I wished for more nights like this one.”
Your grin widened as you stared up at him, not even upset that you were missing the meteor shower continuing above you, already dazzled by the man in your arms.
“What a coincidence, I just wished for that too.”
Pulling Sean back to you, you let your eyes flutter shut as he picked up where he’d left off, his kisses warming you better even than the hot chocolate had.
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franeridart · 5 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: “I’ll have to draw something soft tomorrow” she says, then promptly disappears into the void.
Surprisingly enough, I don’t actually post everything I draw
Anon said: i NEED some todobakukiri art from you bc it’s just so damn beautiful;-;
You mean that you’d like to see more art for them from me? Cause I dunno when that’ll happen, sorry! But I’m glad you liked what I did already post <3
Anon said: I have a fever right now and I feel really sick but I’m taking the opportunity to tell you your art heals my soul. Thanks for making me feel better
Ah gods I’m glad to hear that!! Thank you so much!!! <3<3
Anon said: can I use your art in a video edit?
I’d prefer it if you didn’t, sorry!
Anon said: I love your art so much. When I recognise your artsyle on my dash, I know the next few seconds are gonna be good. You draw things so good.
Holy smokes thank you!!! Somehow hearing people recognize my style still feels wonderfully surprising, ngl!
Anon said: you are such an inspiration to me!! all your headcanons and your pretty art and the way you make relationships so humanly happy makes your page my happy place. i just want to say thank you for your posts and for being such a wholesome person because even though i rarely use tumblr, every time i come onto your page i get something that makes me smile!
Thank you!! Thank you so so much!!!!! This means the whole world to me!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3
Anon said: do you mind me using your art as my wallpaper?
On your phone? Not at all, go for it! Thank you for wanting to!!
Anon said: Your Kiribaku children are SO PRECIOUS!!
THANK YOU!!!! I haven’t drawn them in so long I kinda miss them ;;;;;;;;;;;; they were fun
Anon said: I like how everytime you have Bakugo cry, Kirishima cries also or looks like he's upset as well. It's just a nice detail I've noticed! Very nice art you have❤
Glad to hear you noticed it and like it!! Bakugou is an angry crier and Kirishima a sympathetic one, so I feel like with them tearing up in emotional moments is a pretty common occurence haha
Anon said: Bro, I don't ship Kiribaku but your art is kinda making me wanna. stop being such a good artist okay
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my completely biased opinion krbk is a wonderful ship to ship, so maybe you might want to reconsider not shipping it!! >:]c
Anon said: I’M JUST SAYING , I’m a disaster bi and your art work of Mina and Sero is not helping!! They look freaking amazing!
BOY thank you!!!!!! They’re kinda challenging to draw so I’m glad you think so!!!
Anon said: I’m so tired but I’m feeling sappy so THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING YOUR ART HELPS THIS EARTH
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh thank you! I’m not sure about the earth but I’m glad to know it can help you!!!
Anon said: Me : *goes absolute mad shit feral bonkers over the tiny chibi kamisero in the corner of one (1) pic where they aren't even the central point* THANK U FOR MY LIFE
Haha glad my little silly self-indulgence can make you happy!!
Anon said:  I didn’t get into art school (ToT)
Aw man, I’m so so sorry to hear that )))): I hope whatever back-up plan you had works for you, anon!!
Anon said: I had volleyball conditioning and afterwards I looked at your art and it took away the muscle pain
That nearly sounds like a superpower I definitely wouldn’t mind owning! Imagine actually being able to rid people of physical pain through art............... sounds like a dream!
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frostbite-the-bat · 3 years
okay back to rambling about spectre except im not adding to that one ramble reblog chain
Okay so obviously they work for Queen since they work and probably live at the mansion
Their position isn't as high as Swatch but they are above most Swatchlings in terms of position
They do a very specific job and I'd say they're decently known for it to those who come visit Color Cafe
This idea comes from my friend, but we know that the Swatchlings do dumb stuff for Queen while remaining all fancy and stuff
Well, even if Queen genuinely cares about Spectre actually enjoying working there, just for the fun of it she goes "ight bestie well so you can keep your special role and all that make a show for me"
and they do
occasionally, Spectre will perform for Queen or any others who might want to watch with either skating or ice skatin
Or better yet...
An entire fucking musical
On skates
with all the other Swatchlings
And they fucking LOVE doing this shit!! I mean they already do soe occasional performance or trick or two at Color Cafe but they can go all out here
Even if they don't do proper ice skating as often (I think they might've even done it competetively for a while) they still love putting on any kind of a show and
They rlly enjoy making others happy so they go
Wether or not the other Swatchlings enjoy this goes from Swatchling to Swatchling but I can tell that some of them feel absolute dread when Spectre is like AYO WE DOING ANOTHER PERFORMANCE SOMETIME THE QUEEN WANTS YOU IN AND YES WE'LL HAVE CANONS PSPSPSPSPSP
They're already more energetic, jolly and silly than the usual Swatchling and while they're also pretty fancy and composed most of the time they can let their energy out on this
Also like, they do enjoy like, standing out and having attention on them so this is a bonus
Queen does genuinely enjoy this stuff and I am sure at first she was like lmao do this hell yeah sounds fun I dunno but I think she quickly realized yo y'all got talent
random other rambles i dunno
Spectre definitely overapologizes and if they screw a thing up they feel BAD BAD about it
They actually wear those protective covers on their knees because I think with how the Swatchlings can bounce with their entire body in that one attack they have
I think they're like... Pretty beefy you know? Like they also deinitely have a hard head like you cannot hurt them that way
HOWEVER skidding down like nasty ass concrete and getting a nasty fuckin scratch on your knees isnt fun anyone who went thru that can say sdfgsrgeth since fallin down on your head on something hard and skidding down a hard floor at high speeds are different kinds of damage
So they wear those since they wanna avoid that lol, they're a skilled skater, but you'd never know
They're also pretty scared of the Maice like the other Swatchlings, they're just so fast and tiny y'know
They probably don't like Tasque Manager even if they're covorkers
They like having fun sometimes and like... Bro... Not EVERYTHING HAS TO BE PERFECTLY ORDERED SHUT UP
They definitely draw little smiley faces and doodles on the customer's checks :)
If you're an asshole their niceness could possibly be exploited
They're not stupid and not so completely pacifistic as Ralsei, but they don't wanna hurt people either especially emotionally since it's very complex stuff
They still have beef with people though, like I said with Tasque Manager like they're definitely not perfect
While as a whole they're like
"Oh dear, my apologies for the mistake, why don't we get you patche dup and brew you some tea? On the house."
but they're also LMAO YEAH FUCK THAT BI-
(Sometimes, you must take inspiration from yourself but twist it in a few ways)
they like
genuinely care about other peole and all that but sometimes they do it just so the other person doesnt feel bad and say anything because therwise they will feel very bad to and during those moments they tend to just
ngvhgghGhNbghb nbghbc and just not talk they need a bit
during those moments they like to wait till the place closes and they brew themselves and sometimes watch as well some tea
sometimes theyll both talk about stuff but sometimes they just sit there in silence and enjoy the moment
I'm stating to think f them both more and more as close friends and I am liking this dynamic
I think Swatch is secretly also somewhat energetic, but not as much as Spectre
They are very talkative and love to talk, and tend to overshare as seen in their dialogue where they cut themselves off from telling a secret to a complete stranger
I think that's how Spectre knows all about the basement since they not only work with Swatch, are good friends but Swatch is also like
Dude yo so there's this creepy ass machine in the basement uh yeah don't let anyone in lol but yeah i helped build it
I like to think when they're not working bc I don't think they all work 24/7 there I think Queen would care about shifts somewhat and the well being of her workers in the long run even if she does stupid stuff with them (together) or tells them to do stupid shit sometimes
aaand while they MIGHT live at the mansion I am not sure i haven't decided yet, but I think they would
They still love coming back to the city often as they grew up there and they think it's a charming place
I wonder if they ever skated into the darker calmer streets of the city and met up with spamton post his prime and theyre like
hshgreth considering i established that Spectre liked Spamton as a frequent customer and recognized him a lot and how caring they are they'd loose their shit knowing he lives in a fucking dumpster DGRHERTH
probably also kinda scared of how he talks now
i also considered that i might make it canon that they were the one to see him tryna sneak to the basement with the machine while he was dressed more like Swatch like
bro bestie the fuck you doin like that outfit is fly but what the fuck im gonna have to yeet you the fuck out </3
mmm i also wonder what their relations t sweet cap'n cakes would be since y'know, they're my fav characters but like considering they DIRECTLY work for queen and that SCC are rebelling against Queen during the duration of the game and such and how far away they are it might not be the best
But maybe they'd know each other a BIT since Spactre lived in the city which is closer to where they are located AND it has some of their shop locations? I mean they wouldn't have always been set up there but who knows
Maybe they djed some music and stuff for their old skating performances
But yeah as much as I want it I am not sure how much these would be able to interact in a more canon sense, even if i go YEA LETS HAVE FUN I think SCC would be a bit :/// since they're working for QUEEN but who knows Spectre is a very sweet person and SCC are pretty chill people like you just "defeat" them by dancing with them aand they think they got you on the good side so
who knows
maybe theres funky trucies
but legit i dont know how this would work but maybe ill figure something out, but for now spectre is mostly in the queen/swatch/spamton character area and stuf
this tok a bit to ramble abt lol bc im also talking in dms but i did wanna write all of this down a bit and brainstorm some stuff maybe,,,, i dunno honestly i dont care if nobody cares but i am just! vibin here
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