#shes like a little petrified hamster
stabberghost · 2 years
peri is never gonna be able to get along with any of my other ocs She is such a sad little creature
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hikariale · 9 months
kreepy krawlies!
Returning to a still room which hasn't changed since the morning you left it, everything was as it should be. Until you saw it... Hurriedly returning to the hallway and slamming the door behind you, you pulled up a familiar contact for backup.
characters: cassie cage, jacqui briggs, kung jin, takeda takahashi
content warning: bugs (cockroaches, wasps, spiders) and rats, ask to tag
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You thought that Cassie may have more courage than you, but she looked just as petrified when she laid eyes on the cockroach that had besieged you. She wasn't scared, but she was definitely grossed out. It would be a close tie for which person wanted to get closer to it the least, but she didn't have her guns and you didn't have the courage to try to throw anything at it.
"So, sleepover in my room?" Cassie proposed half-jokingly.
"It's still going to be here in the morning if I do that," you protested. You both knew that you had to do something, but without any tools, the only choice was to get closer.
"Maybe it will be dead in the morning! It looks pretty old. I mean- Ohmygod ew!" Cassie's reasoning was interrupted when she saw the cockroach move again. It turned away from you both, slovenly crawling towards the furthest wall. The two of you silently looked at each other and nodded with stony expressions.
An outsider might think you guys were simulating a combat situation the way that you both took tactical stances.
Cassie tried to throw your alarm clock at it, but your last minute objection over the object she was using caused her to miss.
Both of you jump back when the cockroach briefly takes flight, eventually settling in a safe spot underneath your desk.
Your daring in starting to crouch with a handful of tissues in your hand is dashed when the cockroach crawls along the floor again.
"Just hand it over here!" Cassie demands. Even though she gets a little further, her hand recoils as soon as she she actually has it.
The moment she could feel it through the tissues, she dropped everything and backed away, face twisted with nausea.
It's not like you were going to do much, but you are a little agape at the fact that she decided to whip out her phone and take a picture instead of doing... Anything else.
By the point that you are both camped out on your bed, stuck at an impasse with the uninvited guest, Cassie is mostly there for moral support. And comedic relief as you look over her shoulder and watch her frantically text everybody else about the situation.
When you hear a knock on your door, Cassie lights up and answers without hesitation.
Standing on the other side is man of the hour, the real MVP, her father, Johnny Cage with a can of Raid.
You make sure to thank him for coming to the rescue, and he accepts the gratitude with the same humility he always has. Which is to say that he gave you both a cocky grin and said something that made Cassie roll her eyes.
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"What's the big deal? It's just a- Oh." Upon seeing the tail of a large rat poking out from behind your bedpost, Kung Jin's flippant attitude righted itself. If the tail was that big, he didn't want to see the full creature. Even with that attitude correction, he still had the gall to give you a little sass when you asked why he thought you were exaggerating.
To his credit, even though he was basically wearing pajamas and clearly ready to go to bed, he pulled his hair into a loose ponytail and straightened his posture.
"Cover the bottom of your door with a blanket and let's get this over with," he ordered.
He's kind of bossy... It would irk you a lot more if you knew what to do about the current situation.
When you ask him why he seems so confident, he just gives you a funny look and says "I wanted a hamster as a kid, but my parents said no."
You're skeptical when he tells you to get food, but when you set down a plastic spoon full of peanut butter and wait, you start to see the animal move.
It was a tense waiting game, but what scared you more was Kung Jin, crouched with his hands poised.
He looks more like an assassin waiting to go for the kill rather than a person trying to catch a rat. Not wanting to break his focus, you stand by the door and try not to make any noise or sudden movements.
The way that Kung Jin scoops the rat up into his hands and traps it against his chest without any hesitation is... Kind of scary. You admire his bravery, but you don't get to say that before he starts yelling at you to open the door for him.
You follow his sprint down the corridor and to the nearest exit in case there are any other doors that he needs opened. He jogs a little further from the building before dropping the rat off.
"Did you get bit?" you ask. After huffing, Kung Jin gives you a sarcastic 'Haha.'
He takes a minute to wash his hands once you guys get back inside. When he leaves the bathroom, he looks at you blankly before saying goodnight.
"Thank you so so so much! I owe you," you say. It's reckless to say to someone like him, but you truly mean it.
Kung Jin snickers a little. "Yeah, you do. If you need anything else, I'm going to bed."
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"Wait, Jacqui! What if it explodes into a swarm of baby spiders like in those videos!" before your saviour could deal a swift killing blow to the spider on the wall behind your headboard, you grabbed her arm and yanked her away in momentary panic. For a second, she didn't look like she cared, but after a moment's consideration, she grimaced and shuddered.
"That's just nasty, you know! Now you've got me psyched out. Do you want me to take care of it or not?" Jacqui turned to face you, arms crossed as she complained. Her eyes darted to the wall to keep track of her target. Though you felt a little bad for stopping her, the image wouldn't leave your mind.
"Can't we just.. Remove it? Without crushing it?" your pleas made her sigh with resignation.
"Fine. You got any ideas for how to do that?"
Jacqui's brow cocks as she watches you chug your glass of water while rummaging around your desk for something. When you produce a piece of paper, she gets the idea.
The only problem is that, in the few moments that she watched you drain your cup, the spider graduated from the wall to your ceiling.
"I think you should just let me throw something at it," Jacqui says, but you refuse again. Though she doesn't think that anything spectacular will happen, you seem pretty freaked out.
For your peace of mind, she relents again and decides to adapt the plan to the new complication.
"I'll give you a boost and you can grab it," her offer is sound, but you don't want to get anywhere near that creature. When she asks if you want her to climb up onto your shoulders, you find yourself indecisive.
Because you don't want to freak out and drop her, you ultimately decide to do the capturing. With a cup and a piece of paper to shield you, it shouldn't be too bad, right?
It's bad. It's really bad. The spider keeps moving, and Jacqui has to tell you to hurry it up in between encouragements and affirmations.
You finally capture it! Jacqui helps your awkward descent to the ground, knowing you don't have any free hands to get down normally.
Noticing your jittery state, she takes the cup and paper from you and leaves the room. When she comes back, she's carrying a noticeably different cup filled with ice water.
"You know what? I hope that spider has a big, happy, spider family," she quips.
After seeing how ready she was to turn it into a smear on your bedroom wall, you get the feeling that house spiders don't tend to survive any run-ins with her.
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"I don't think I'm the guy you want," Takeda said, handle already on the doorknob seconds after he first entered, "Did I ever tell you about the wasp nest incident?"
"No?!" just the name alone gave you a good idea. Knowing that Takeda used to train with Hanzo, you thought that handling a single bug would be a cinch for him. God knows his reflexes were fast enough. Whenever mosquitoes flew too close to him, he would kill them without fail.
"Well, I was trying to hide and I hid in the wrong place at the wrong time. And it turns out that I'm allergic!" Takeda explained briefly. He ended the statement with a wry smile.
Takeda is smart enough to stay with his hand on the door, but he wouldn't just leave you to your own devices when you needed help.
"I'll be the brains and you be the brawn?" is his suggestion. Though you loathe it, your fear was a less pressing reason to not confront the wasp than his allergy.
"You're not going to like this much," was the first thing he said after you agreed. You kind of hated him for a moment.
He tells you to slowly and calmly walk to the window and open it before doing anything else. The couple of steps it takes to cross your room feels like you're trying to cross a minefield.
Once the window is open, he makes you cross back over. When the wasp's wings flutter for a few moments, you freeze like a statue and Takeda has to walk over and gently pull on your sleeve to get you to move again.
So you have to nudge the wasp into leaving through the window without pissing it off enough to attack you. Takeda makes it sound easy, but wasps always seem pissed off from your point of view.
At least Takeda is able to be a little bit more than moral support when he pulls out some folded brochure and gives it to you to use as a prodding device. It's a lot better than your foot.
He's quick to calm you down when the wasp crawls onto the brochure, putting his hands on your shoulders and halfway pushing you to the window.
He tells you to swat it off, but you drop the entire brochure and close up your window before you can even see it hit the ground.
"Sorry, I hope that wasn't important," you apologise, and you really do regret it now.
"Not really. It was just something I was going to give to Hanzo, no big deal," he teases. Your jaw drops at his nonchalant tone and you can't tell if he's joking or not.
Though you threw the brochure out to get as far away from the wasp as possible, you find yourself following Takeda outside to retrieve it soon after.
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toky502 · 7 months
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"Prototype chimeras"
Artificial experiments with soul attributes, hybrid beings mixed with animals, they are varied in size and abilities! created as pets, familiars, or guardians specifically for the monsters of the containment unit from alternate universe 502. The little creatures are loyal, loving and powerful! The only sound they can make is "Khy!" every time they express themselves. Their gender is undefined when they are born, only until they reach a certain physical maturity is it known what gender they are. They all have the reproductive ability to lay eggs.
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Prototype number 1: Golden chimera
Mixed with lizards, a dog and a vision and the attribute of determination in its purest form. The little being is cheerful and curious about his surroundings, he demonstrated wall-climbing abilities and immutable supernatural resistance at its best, being the first of his kind, he has more similarities with a human domestic dog. failed to calculate its gluttony with respect to food since the creature is capable of eating more food than it normal, sometimes what he eats does not even have to be food since on one occasion he ate a steel desk in 30 minutes. His condition is not very stable, his body is physically strong but I fear that his mind will collapse at any moment. I have decided to keep him under observation and subject him to more tests to find a cure for this strange disease he suffers from and repair his unstable mind, since he has to be healthy for mass production, if I don't have a cure soon. I may have to put him in a suspension chamber until further notice to prevent him from dying prematurely.
Dr. Wayne Ding Gaster
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Prototype number 2: Purple chimera
Mixed with otters, and a cat and a chameleon and the attribute of perseverance. The little being is relaxed and carefree, he has more similarities to a human domestic cat, he demonstrated abilities to deform his physical structure and become invisible, he is sociable and friendly, his physical structure is stable, he passed his tests successfully in a week. Mass production will be carried out as soon as possible, my oldest son likes this creature. Maybe I'll give it to him as a gift.
Dr. Wayne Ding Gaster
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Prototype number 3: Blue chimera
Mixed with rabbits, an oyster and a hamster and the attribute of integrity. The little being is quite happy despite not having two eyes, he has more similarities with a human rabbit since he likes to jump everywhere too much, he demonstrated abilities to petrify and turn objects and living beings into stone, as well as the ability to make pearls. He is sociable and friendly, sometimes he has a certain suspicion that his pearls will be stolen, his petrification ability is long-lasting, but nothing that cannot be reversed in a day, his physical structure is stable, he passed his tests successfully in 2 weeks. Mass production will take place as soon as possible, my assistant Alphys adore the prototype too very much, she constantly tells me that it is like a lamp as she shines her pearl in her tail when she is happy. She gave this creature a name, she called it "Light", I for one will consider her request for adoption, as I do not want the prototype to further petrify my laboratory!
Dr. Wayne Ding Gaster
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Prototype number 4: Cyan chimera
Mixed with iguanas, a fruit bat and an orangutan and the attribute of patience. The little being is quite restless and flies a lot, it has more similarities with the human bat, but it is very patient like a thoughtful human orangutan. He demonstrated abilities to lift extremely heavy things and cut objects quite easily, as well as hunger from eating a lot of fruits, nothing serious honestly, just a little annoying since he steals food. He is sociable and friendly, sometimes he tends to follow and observe any being that catches his attention, his physical structure is stable, he passed his tests successfully in 4 days, due to his kindness and consideration. Mass production will be carried out as soon as possible. The ex queen Toriel constantly brings the prototype back to the lab, as it escapes too often. Prototype 4 really likes the ex queen since he constantly follows her everywhere indiscriminately and as I always asked to her if she wanted to adopt him, the queen accepted, it is a relief on my part since I will be able to eat my peaches in peace!
Dr. Wayne Ding Gaster
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xhanisai · 2 years
See Me
Pairing - Marichat (One sided reveal where he knows)
Prompt - ‘See Me’
Summary -
"I fell for you...both sides of you, so hard. And now knowing not only are you way out of my league, but you're also in love with Buttercup too? It hurts...it hurts so much..." Tears were now cascading down her partner's sad little face, his body seeming so small and vulnerable tucked in her bed. "Why don't you see me? What will it take for you to see me?"
"I do, mon Chaton. I do see you. I've always been looking at you," She held his hand against her warm chest, baby blues compassionate with unadulterated love. "But...But...until the day we defeat Monarque, we cannot be any more than what we are for the sake of our safety and our loved ones too."
~(x)~ . . . "What do I do, Marinette? I'm so hopelessly and madly in love with you," A thoroughly dishevelled Chat Noir clutched the duvet that the girl wrapped over his shivering form, his voice painfully broken (whether it was because he was very sick or because he was really emotional, his beloved partner wasn't able to tell) and his feline emeralds watery with lethargy. "Finding out...finding out your real name and identity is both the bestest day and worstest day of my life," He continued with a few more sniffles, burying himself further within the cotton pink comforts until all that was visible was his huge green eyes, his fluffy blond hair and his kitten ears. Marinette wordlessly paused in her ministrations, her petite hand frozen on his forehead when she was checking his temperature (which was still much too high for her liking). Her eyebrows were furrowed and pretty pink lips pursed, beckoning her Chaton to continue with where he was going. "I fell for you...both sides of you, so hard. And now knowing not only are you way out of my league, but you're also in love with Buttercup too? It hurts...it hurts so much..." Tears were now cascading down her partner's sad little face, his body seeming so small and vulnerable tucked in her bed. "Why don't you see me? What will it take for you to see me?" The smile she wore was so adoring yet so bittersweet at the same time. She tilted her head ever so slightly to the side, wisps of dark midnight strands curling around her soft face and eyes practically glittering. "I do, mon Chaton. I do see you. I've always been looking at you," She held his hand against her warm chest, baby blues compassionate with unadulterated love. "But...But...until the day we defeat Monarque, we cannot be any more than what we are for the sake of our safety and our loved ones too." . "I hate him. I hate him so much. I just want to hold you in my arms. I want to kiss your pretty lips. I want to finally be yours." His tears continued to stream down his mask, his voice slightly nasal and gravelly and the edge of the duvet still covering the lower half of his flustered face. Marinette remained silent, lying down right next to him over the covers with her hand placed over his and offered what she hoped was a comforting smile. She knew that the last thing she should be doing was staying so close to her sick partner but dammit, she couldn't bear to stay another second apart from him. Especially when he's so upset and crying those tears. "Hate who?" She asked with a quaint mischievous tone, smile widening when the hero puffed out his cheeks in a manner that reminded her of hamsters stuffing their faces. "Monarque. Buttercup. Hate them so much." He wiggled closer, honest emerald greens peering under his unruly, golden fringe. "I hate that they both caused you so much pain- even if it was unintentional on Buttercup's part." He squeezed her hand tighter, his brows pinched under his dark mask. "You deserve the world! The moon...the stars...everything!" A vision of the destroyed moon and the annihilated city from the other timeline was quick to flash within Marinette's mind for a split second, causing her to be momentarily petrified on the spot and her eyes to turn to steel. However, she quickly brushed it away to the back of her mind, hoping that her partner didn't catch her bewildered expression and the way her muscles stiffened. Hoping that he didn't detect the despondency that flickered within her blues because of the way he reminded her of his own battered yet lonely self decked in blinding white. Perhaps if he wasn't so sick, he would've noted the tension that flared up within her frame. "Again, that sadness in your eyes..." Maybe she spoke too soon. After all, her Chaton was so perceptive and patient and just so loving; he'd be able to pinpoint if her hair was bent out of shape a million miles away. "I wish you were able to tell me what caused you so much pain and anguish. I wish I could protect you from it all so that you can smile freely like you once used to," This time, the other hand that was under the duvet peeked out to stroke Marinette's cheek, thumb rubbing the cheekbone tenderly and catching the lone tear that escaped her eye. "One day, when things are different...when we're finally safe...I'll tell you," Marinette wore a wobbly but true smile, full of unspoken promises and vows. "First, get better, Chat Noir. Sleep. You need your rest." . "Do I get a goodnight kiss?" His soft yet cheeky request had Marinette's heart skip far too many beats for it to be healthy, her complexion taking on a brilliant red hue and all traces of her pain from earlier on were wiped off clean (much to his silent pleasure). "Eh? B-B-But you're sick! I can't kiss you! O-Otherwise, I'd get sick!" Chat Noir smiled goofily under the covers as he watched his partner fall into a series of babbles and word soup, something he's more than familiar with as a civilian whenever they were at school or hanging out. Something that he always found so endearing and absolutely adorable to the point where it fuelled his wants and needs to stay by her side as much as possible. Slowly, he sat up despite his aching muscles' protests, watching Marinette intensely as she followed suit to steady him with a cute flustered scowl. Cute, cute, cute, his Lady is so cute~ "If you were really concerned about not getting sick, you wouldn't be so close to me right now~" He waggled his eyebrows with exaggeration, earning a soft but firm slap on the shoulders which only caused him to cackle quietly (or, dubbed by his Lady, his 'Gremlin Laugh'). "You shouldn't make j-j-jokes about kissing, silly Minou. Go to sleep!" His face only softened even further, his green eyes vivid and the reflection of his lover on them so crystal clear. He was picturesque and undeniably belonged with her soft pink pillows and duvets and blankets, bathed under the golden hue of her twinkling fairy lights. He was beautiful and wonderful and easily became a part of her home from day one. "It wasn't a joke," Charmingly, he tilted his head to the side, kitten eyes pleading and golden skin lit up in a sweet, red feverish hue. "One kiss?" "F-Fine. Give me your cheek-" "On the lips, please?" He knew he was pushing it. He knew he was being selfish right now but at the same time, it just felt so right. He didn't know if it was because he's already shed all of his vulnerabilities and some of his true feelings before her or if it was because of an inner gut feeling he has never failed to trust. Always following his heart. . He expected another "no", a flick on the forehead or even a pillow being thrown to the face. . He didn't expect the fleeting moment of her lips (soft, sweet, sinful lips) grazing his like the flutter of a butterfly's delicate wing. . "That's all you're getting...silly Chaton..." Marinette murmured almost timidly, eyes averted away from his and the apples of her cheeks so red, they would have given her alter ego's suit a run for its money. "Silly boys who catch colds from dancing in the rain without an umbrella should suffer a little." Chat Noir remained rooted on the spot, gawking at her with raw astonishment and pupils blown out to the point where his irises were only a thin ring of spring. The blatant awe was immediately snapped out of him as a sudden pillow was slammed into his face without mercy, making him fall back on the bed and into the abundance of cushions. When he regained his bearings, he was face to face with his wonderful and extremely blushy Princesse. "Quit staring at me and go to sleep! You're embarrassing me! Stupid!" Chat Noir was evidently still in the middle of rebooting for all he replied back with was: "I love you so much." . He didn't get to sleep until he was whacked by the giant cat teddy a dozen more times.
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acepalindrome · 2 years
Plans for my OFMD/pirate island in Animal Crossing:
- the entry from the airport leads into a dock area with most of the villager houses floating on the docks, plus resident services surrounded by castle walls to turn it into a pirate-y fort. Mostly completed, just needs more decorations (I constantly need more barrels.)
- north of the docks is the shopping district with Nooks and Able’s, plus Spanish Jackie’s bar and some stalls with various pirate stuff for sale (ranging from cannonballs and cannons to art supplies and fine fabrics.) Very much a wip right now.
- Past the shopping district is a land bridge leading to the Revenge! Very heavily based on this build because it’s huge and perfect and great for customizing with your own designs to make the ship unique. Highly recommend it if you’ve got the room for a big ship on your island, it takes a while to put together but it looks great. I’ve got the basic build but still working on decorations.
- Left of the docks is Blackbeard’s Bar and Grill (aka Ed’s house,) featuring outdoor dining on the beach. The main room of his house is the bar to order from, then a room for the main kitchen, a separate kitchen for the bakery and desserts because Edward ‘Sweet-tooth’ Teach needs a whole room just for sugary goodness, a gift shop, a bar in the basement (don’t tell Spanish Jackie she’s got a rival) and Ed’s living space upstairs which is a mix of Ed’s goth aesthetics and his new found appreciation of fine things. And jars of marmalade for a midnight snack.
- North of Ed’s house is Izzy’s, cluttered with a lot of barrels and boxes to store the extra supplies from the restaurant, and lots of books and stacks of papers for the guy who’s managing the bookkeeping (he’s got to have a job around here to keep him busy or he gets unsettled and cranky.) His house is mostly devoted to keeping Ed’s business running smoothly, but he does have a nice little room for his pet snake that’s all decorated like a jungle so his little noodle buddy has lots of enrichment (and a few hamster cages for food, because he’s a brutal realist.) He’s also got a surprisingly cozy bedroom, if you can find your way there past all the clutter.
- Next to Izzy’s house is a small farm to supply Blackbeard’s Bar and Grill with fresh produce. Does Izzy manage the farm? Do Ed and Izzy care for the farm together and are working through their decades of issues through the very therapeutic act of growing things together? Maybe! Also don’t ask why there are milk cans. You don’t need to know where the milk came from.
- Right from the docks is an orange grove and little collection of stands to buy oranges, orange juice, and all manner of foods made with oranges. Also a little informational sign about the dangers of scurvy and why you should eat more oranges. And a little medical area in case you already have scurvy.
- North of the orange grove is Stede’s house, featuring a very ornate and very gay rainbow garden out front. His house is also on a little island with a dock outback overlooking a lighthouse. Surely nothing dramatic will happen on that dock. Inside of his house is Stede’s library, auxiliary wardrobe, a nice comfy bathroom in case anyone needs to cry in the tub, and a very comfy bedroom with the framed lighthouse picture. The whole house is loaded with all his weird little nicknacks.
- And at the top of the island, west of the Revenge, is a whole lot of insane foliage! Just a big tropical jungle to explore with lots of natural beauty and hidden treasure (and a petrified orange, if you search hard enough. It’s just a rock I buried at the base of an orange tree, but yknow.)
- There’s also a small beach that’s Frenchie and Wee John’s hangout spot with lots of fire and musical instruments, plus Wee John’s doll, a nice picnic blanket for them to chill on, and plenty of gyroids to sing along with Frenchie.
- There’s a hidden beach north of the natural area where Lucius comes to hang out and sketch people. There are lots of art supplies, books and an art easel featuring an eggplant. There are also eggplant and cucumber items around. For no particular reason. Nothing to do with Lucius’ subject matter at all.
- I haven’t started it at all but I want to use another beach to make a fish market and some other stalls to represent other characters. A food stall with lots of meat for Roach, a bunch of knives for sale for Jim…a stall selling crocs for Olu? Still figuring that one out.
- Also near Blackbeard’s Bar and Grill is a turtle and a crab facing each other as if in combat. Calico Jack has been here.
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calibri-crossies · 3 years
What if when the Mer-Pillarmen get dehydrated they turn to stone? They can be out of water for an hour or so until they start to petrify and they change back once they're exposed to water again? Picture if that's how Y/N first meets mer!Santana: they think he's a statue and try to clean him only for him to come to life when he gets wet! 😂
Yeah!!🤣 I saw this idea once on the @fortune-fool02 blog, I loved this idea but I also have one about what pillars look like when they start to dehydrate.
It's more or less like this, after a long time in the sun they kind of start to shrink and create a gelatinous bubble with water inside around them to keep them safe, and they could roll their bubble down to the sea like those transparent balls that we put the hamsters inside. And like they would be so small that they could fit in a hand like this image from the Ponyo movie.
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So imagine also one more scenario where Y/N on the beach finds this little ball with the merman Santana who had taken a nap in his bubble, so Y/N takes this thing thinking it was a little ball with a little doll inside, and they decide take it home and clean it because it was dirty with sand, then she throws the ball in the sink and it starts to grow. Not knowing what to do, Y/N throws it in the bathtub and when she realizes she sees a huge merman occupying her bathtub that compared to Santana it looked almost like a bucket.
And now they both panic and Y/N tries to figure out what to do while Santana just keeps thrashing like a fish out of water.
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fantasy-pens · 4 years
United By Love, Rain And Forgotten Umbrellas
Her eyes as blue as the merciful drops from the heaven. His eyes as green as the happy grass enjoying the heavenly showers. A tale of how forgotten umbrellas in the rain bring together the four lovable sides of the Love Square.
Chapter 4: When Our Paper Boat Floats in the Water of Love
Summary: Love is like a river, a never ending stream. Love is shared by each other, To answer someone's dream. (~~Mon Kolom)
And in the water of this stream my love, our little paper boat floats, capable of braving any heavy rains that may come our way, because it was rain itself that tied together our red strings of fate.
Read on Ao3 here
Read on FFn here
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(Kudos to @nyanms​ for the beautiful art that extremely suits the chapter!)
(Mild swearing has been used here)
“Will you go to the ice sculpture gallery with me?”
 Silence reigned in Miss Bustier’s classroom. A silence so heavy, so dense, you could cut it with a saw. 
Such was the silence, that the fifteen children in the room could hear the cars outside on the road honking, the hum of the desktop computer and the soft squeal of someone shifting on the cushion they sat on. 
 Fourteen pairs of eyes turned to the petite blonde girl in the back. “Sorry,” Rose whispered, shrinking a bit in her seat as Juleka patted her back comfortingly.
 The attention shifted back to the front. Specifically, to the two dorks over whose just a friend relationship most of the class had bet nearly three whole months of pocket money.
 “Mat do you wean?” Marinette blubbered, her eyes bulging out at how stupid her words really sounded that moment. 
The boy smiled. “What do I mean?” he replied, chuckling as the girl felt her cheeks heat up. “Will you go out with me? Like a….uhm, a date? If you want?” His hand reached up behind his neck, a sheepish smile crawling on his face.
 Silence again. Well, near silence, considering a brown-haired Italian girl in the back was gritting her teeth too noisily.
 Marinette blinked, then blinked again. This must be a dream. It had to be a dream!
Was Adrien Freaking Agreste really asking her out?
 Her brain started its quick mathematics (with a speed that she wished she possessed in Ms. Mendeleiev’s pop quizzes). Adrien asking her out = Adrien having feelings for her = 99.54% chance of Adrien eventually falling for her (given her clumsiness might account for the 0.46% uncertainty) = Adrien and her getting married in future = Emma, Hugo, Louis along with her dream house, a cat, NOPE, a hamster being a reality and the cute little hamster would finally get the name she had decided 3 years ago, that was-
 “Marinette? Will you?” Coming back to reality, the girl saw the question swimming in Adrien’s eyes.
 Oh goodness, it really was happening! Why was it happening? She couldn’t be so lucky. Yeah, there was-
 Shocked silence. A resounding facepalm. Green eyes clouded with the pain of rejection.
Bluebell eyes bugged out with the realisation that she had just spoken her thoughts out loud at the worst time possible!
 Mon Dieu! It is too early to put that 0.46% uncertainty in action!!
 Clasping her hands over her mouth, Marinette did her best to undo the blunder, “MEEP! I-I-I did-didn’t me-mean th-that! It wa-”
Her messed up words were drowned out by the class’ sudden uproar.
 “Of course you didn’t mean that!”
“No way she just rejected him after all these years!”
“Girl, girl, girl…”
“Marinette, you couldn’t have meant that! Fairy tales aren’t supposed to go like that!”
“Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! Accept that proposal, Dupain-Cheng, I’m not losing like that!”
 “Alya, I won! Now give me my….”
The triumphant voice trailed off as Lila noticed the scathing glares her peers gave her.
 Silence reigned in the room again, this time tensed, as the attention shifted back to the front.
Marinette was still freaking out at the stupidest mistake of her entire life when a sigh nudged her back to reality.
 Adrien was speaking.
 “It is okay, Marinette.” He shrugged.
  Okay? Nothing is okay! I messed up big time!
 “I get that you do not like me…”
  Of course I like you! I have not been romancing all your photos, ads and cutouts for practising Romeo and Juliet!
 “...You have told me the same on many occasions…”
  Just to prevent you from knowing that I have a universe-sized crush on you! Seriously, I thought about things and I feel. Freaking. James Bond style. Stalkerish. Is that even a thing? And no Alya, you DO NOT GET TO FACEPALM knowing how idiotic things happened between me and Adrien in the wax mueseum!
 “It is-isn’t like tha-”
 The boy smiled ruefully, “I know you are saying this just to make me feel better. But I am all good! I know you have feelings for Luka…”
  Luka? Luka Couffaine? How the hell did he strum his way into this mess?
 “...and that he feels the same for you..”
 Her eyes bugged out. “WHAT?” 
 “My brother has a boyfriend,” a quiet voice spoke from behind.
  EXACTLY! Thanks Jules!
 “Oh!” Adrien seemed...surprised. But catching himself, he continued, “Still, I know you see me as just a friend and…”
  Just a friend.
Just A friend.
  JUST A  F...R...I...E...N...D…
 Something raged inside Marinette, hearing those Three. Damned. Words. “Oh goodness, I SWEAR on the name of EVERYTHING holy and lovable!” she screamed, shocking everyone in the room. “Fuck this Just a Friend drama and..,” Grabbing a petrified Adrien Agreste by his collar, Marinette kissed him on the lips, pouring out the frustration of all the years into that one sweet gesture.
 As she pulled back from the dazed-but-certainly-ecstatic blond, the class erupted into wolf-whistles, cheers of “HELL YEAH! IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG!” and thunderous applause, perfectly masking out the angered string of Italian words being spewed out from an unknown corner. 
 “So...so I take that, as a yes?” the smirking Agreste asked the now-flustered girl.
 “OMG! You guys just made me a fortune! I am going to celebrate! The Adrinette ship is finally sailing!!!” Alya squealed, counting the thick wad of Euros Lila tossed at her, grumbling.
 Adrien couldn’t help but laugh as the love of his life hid her flushed face in his jacket. 
 Three years back, Marinette had caught his attention right from their first interaction. On later thought, he had found the feeling refreshing. The feeling of not being treated as the Adrien Agreste, but just like some random new kid.
 Somehow, the clumsy girl who got herself caught in the umbrella had found a special place in his heart. Her opinions, her advice, her happiness, everything, big or small, had mattered to him. He simply had been in denial of his feelings for way too long.
And it was his sheer luck that Marinette waited for him. That even though she had multitudes of people who cared for her and showed their affection for her, she ultimately chose him.
 Alya was partially right. Adrinette was finally sailing. But it was not a ship.
 Adrinette was a paper boat. Tiny and meagre, yet a true beauty in its own. A paper boat that sailed in the rains. The rains that had brought them together.
 Yes. Adrinette was a paper boat that now sailed in the waters of love.
 Everything was just purr-fect.
This is followed by the development of the Ladynoir side of the square in the next chapter, so do make sure to read that if you are following the fic! 
With that, Mini Scat!
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fuck-lov3-do-drugs · 4 years
There's some stuff I wanted to get off my chest but idk I didn't want anyone I know to know
My mum cheated on my dad, it triggered his bipolar disorder. He went psycho, threatened to smash my mums car up, put nails in her car tyres, wanted us out the house, threatened her, threatened my step dad the guy she cheated with, chased him down with his friends with crowbars threatening to smash his head in.
My dad left eventually no goodbye no nothing for q year. Then he wanted to see us again because he was stable. His new gf had kids, he put them above us always. He was loving tho.
He didn't come get us one Christmas, we waited hours on hours and he still didn't show.
We cut ties off with him at 9ish yrs old. He lives in Ireland now, I speak to him sometimes.
Then growing up my step dad was abusive
I didn't wash a knife up properly and he threw it at me. I splashed him in the middle of summer with cold water, he chucked a jug of boiling hot water over me.
It was little things like that that scared me at first.
Then one day I came out the shower and he called me downstairs still in a towel. With a man I trusted, looked up at as my own father and he raped me. Kept asking if it felt good I was a child I didn't know know to fucking say. I didn't know what to fucking do. He Told me don't tell your mum she wouldn't understand it.
I kept that secret for years. It never happened again.
Idk if he did it to my sister aswell or not. I made a habit to not leave her alone in the house with him for years after.
Then comes secondary school. I got bullied by a girl I thought was my closest friend, she humiliated me from the way I looked to the way I dressed to the way I acted. She made me hate everything about me. She started dating the guy I liked so I stole him from her when they broke up. And did the same with another lad months later. She hated me.
Then came a guy I was close mates with he teamed up with her and together they made me scared to go to school. They petrified me.
Another guy she managed to make hate me was a guy who hated me because I told him to turn round in class once. He messaged me a nasty message that fucks me up still to this day. He made me think I was fucked up. That I was all wrong in the world. He told me to kms and I wanted to for months after that.
There was multiple occasions where I was shoved to the floor where I had my head whacked off a locker hinge. Where I had chewing gum shoved on me, where they blocked my path to lessons to make me feel scared. I had them bully me for hairy arms, for dandruff, for my accent. They had me wanting to die at 14 years old.
Then in college I realised I was bi and a Muslim girl hated how open I was she tried to accuse me of being a rapist an abuser because I said my ex mad eme wanna burn her shit on her front door step and because I said a girl was pretty once. She made me feel so low. I was diagnosed with bpd by an ex gp turned college counsellor, I refuse to go get it officially on record.
At this point I was dating a girl who used to abuse me, beat me to crap, left me high and half dead in a ditch, slept with someone and sent me a pic of them in bed.
Then another girl, who cheated with her ex bf but used me getting off on the phone to get herself wet for him, said she didn't want it but agreed to meet him, agreed to go to his bedroom, agreed to kiss him. She broke up with me a lot, I went to London to see her behind my mums back, I lost my virginity to her. Then she ended things with me while I was with my grandma on Feb 14th because she had been speaking to someone else.
At the same time one of my oldest friends I'd known since 5yrs old had a gf who hated me, hid my lanyard in the hamster cage, poured juice over my head, but a wet umbrella in my pocket with my phone and loads of wires for my phone, hit me on the head with a metal tube for the umbrella. My first never stopped it.
Then I met the girl I thought I was going to be with forever, and I cheated on her with another girl because I was scared of commitment. I fucked her head about. I was scared of everyone around her, so I hooked up with a girl I knew. We ended things very negatively.
Then I lost my best friend, my ex bf. He had a psychotic breakdown and was arrested for vandalism. His dad never wanted to press charges just to get him help but they kept him in a cell and refused to let him see his son. They took his jacket off him because he tried to strangle himself. They left him alone and he killed himself with his trousers. I was the last person to find out.
Then I started seeing my friend I'd known for 10 years, she was a head fuck, one minute she loved me the next she didn't like girls, she hooked up with people behind my back. Refused to ever see me, left me outside her house for 3 hours in -4° weather. We were on and off for months. She told me I was fucked up, that I had no right to grieve my best friend, that I'd never heal seeing his family, that I needed therapy because she didn't know who I was anymore.
Then I met a girl I liked, she was cool, started dating hooking up whatever. We ended things and my head couldn't cope with that, my release was gone. So I turned to drugs, mdma, coke, ket, anything I could get my hands on and I made a friend I thought I'd have forever but she started dating my best friend at the time. Both of them together was so fucking toxic. He cheated, manipulated and fucked her over and still to this day even after they've broke up she thinks he's the best thing in the world.
I got clean for 7 months, got a good job, got a good car after two car crashes. And then my step dad was diagnosed with cancer and had weeks to live. I sat by his bed and watched him die for 4 days, 4 days where I had to watch sympathy be given to him where I had to have someone I cared about kick off at me because I was with my step dad as he died and not with her.
Then I swiped right on a girl I thought was beautiful. And we started talking and within a month I was falling for her massively, we gave it a shot lasted bout 3 months lmao. We fucked, which was my first sober time ever. I proposed, I love her. She is the love of my life, she showed me everything before was infatuation not love. I never felt that way about someone before. And then I started using again on the one day she needed me the most. But that makes sense right? Because addicts hate the attention not being on them. Because why wouldn't I use when someone needs me most. Anyway we broke up 😬 then I tried to od, became a heavy drug user again and now we're friends or something idk. I just can't lose her again. I really can't. She is my reason to be sober and without her idk if I'm strong enough.
Anyway lmao sorry for that idek if anyone will read this but yeah
My fucked up life aha
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wildtige429 · 5 years
Have this romantic idea flowing through my mind. This one is about the close bond and connection to animals considered as family. 
Taken in the past.
Mint is super curious. More likely, suspicious.
Every day and night, she would spot Toffee going into the forest alone with a bucket full of raw juicy meat. And hours later, he’ll return with the bucket empty and she once asked what he was doing in the forest and he just answered.
“Just looking after my pets.”
Pets? If he is feeding and visiting his pets the whole time, how come he doesn’t introduce her to them rather than being secretive? Sure, she saw a couple of people have pet dogs, goldfishes, cats, hamsters and parrots. She surely wants to meet Toffee’s pets.
With that bucket of raw bloody meat he’s carrying, he could have pet wolves, that is a good point, or pet dragon cycles seeing they make great pets and mounts in their daily lives. But still, she can’t actually picture him being a dog person or a guy who is into bike riding.
And so, here she is, heading into the forest he goes into before he came back with a bucket of meat. The full moon is out so it provided her enough light into her surroundings, seeing that this forest is dense and untouched by Mewmans or monsters alike. 
She picked up an unknown scent in this big clearing where a big boulder sat. It smelled....odd. And full of warning. She can tell this scent belongs to a pack animal or animals that made this forest their domain and territory. And it’s not the smell of wolves.
“What are you hiding, Toffee?” she pondered.
She got her answer when she hears a shrill screech from behind. It didn’t sound like any animal she’s familiar with but her scales prickled with fear. And she was petrified like a statue. 
In her state of fear and terror, she hears the crunching of grass approaching her from behind her and the sound of growling. A growling that sounded guttural and filled with suspicion. Sooner or later, a face peered at her at the corner of her eye and six shapes make their way towards her.
That’s when she knew what they are. Creatures thought to be extinct on Earth.
The alpha, a white male with black stripes, hissed into her face as she tries to keep calm and not make eye contact. Making eye contact with a living dinosaur will be a death sentence if dealing with an alpha raptor. It stalked up to her front so it can screech, that tells her that she could be prey or a challenger. 
But she can’t do anything. She is too scared.
A purple female, believing to be the beta of the pack, nudged the alpha assigned after a little chuffing and approached her. Now Mint is making eye contact with the apex predator.
Shivering and sweating uncontrollably, she tries to keep calm and firm when the beta raptor leaned its head towards her face and let out a fierce hiss, deciding her fate, and let out a high-pitched scream that made her ears ring. Mint can see rows of dagger-like teeth flashing in its open maw and felt spittle hitting her face when it screamed.
Later, the rest of the raptors coughed, a sound unlike a Mewman’s or beast, with the alpha grunting and giving out a huff. 
Mint thought she was going to be dino food any second now if it weren’t for a familiar arm reaching out from behind her and gently pushing the female raptor’s face away from her.
“Shhhh-shh-shh-shhhhh,” a familiar voice hushed the raptor, to which the dinosaur responded with a chuff and stepped back towards its pack. Mint could finally breath now that she is not in danger anymore and had nearly collapsed onto her knees if it weren’t for a pair of arms catching her.
“Now you know how curiosity killed the cat if you’re not careful,” Toffee advised her, making her stand upright. She gazed up into his golden gaze and was surprised that he was not angry. But rather, amused at her situation.
“You’re not mad?” she asked, holding his hand for comfort.
He shook his head, “I should have brought you along to introduce you to them. But, you already did. I’m actually glad I came here at the right time.”
“You think? I was about to be eaten by velociraptors,” she shivered.
“Now, now, they aren’t that bad if you let them know you well,” he demonstrates by walking up to the seven velociraptors, making the dinos snarl and growl with recognition. Seeing the blood and meat-filled bucket in his grip, they almost raced in when he suddenly shouted.
“HEY! NO!!” The raptors hissed out challengingly, circling around him in an intense stand down between a Septarian and seven hungry dinosaurs. Two raptors, one golden and the other a dirty brown, snapped their jaws and nearly lunged at him when he brought out his hands, halting them and glaring intensely into their eyes.
“Mammon! Beelzebub! Wait your turn!! This is for everyone not you two alone, got it!” he scolded them. They respond with low-pitched screeches that say they are protesting but he scolded them more with more ‘Heys’. 
“You have to wait your turns, you two! Your alpha and beta won’t like it if you take everything in one go!”
Mint was in awe by what he’s doing. Who would have thought he was such a professional when dealing with velociraptors that could eat him in any moment if he did not lower his guard. But still, she fears for his safety but he gestured, his focus still locked on the raptors, that everything is going to be okay.
The two raptors he named Mammon and Beelzebub relaxed and submitted, moving back to allow the others to step up. Toffee relaxed his stance and grinned by their obedience and understanding.
“Good,” he praised. Picking up the bucket, the raptors created a chorus of purrs and hisses but he shush them down with a raised hand, that is holding a bloody liver.
“Lucifer, up!” he threw the organ at the alpha, who leapt and gulped it down in one go. He picked out a big T-bone and shouted, “Lilith!” and threw it at the purple female, who did the same thing, savouring the meat.
“Leviathan!” he threw a heart at a green male.
“Akuma!” he threw a pair of lungs at a blazing red male that gave out snarls as it gulped down.
“Belphegor!” he threw some tendons at a black raptor, who just sniffed at it doubtfully before eating it slowly.
“Okay,” he chucked the contents onto the ground away from him, spilling offals, tongues, innards and big legs. Seeing them big prizes, Mammon and Beelzebub dashed forward and furiously chomp down on the meat, fighting a little to get the good parts.
“That is for being patient, you two, now enjoy.” 
She watches him in amazement and awe, and she sees him raise his head up before he let out a cough, matching the raptor’s unexpectedly. The alpha, Lucifer replied back with the same cough and Toffee let out a squawk to which the raptor replied again.
Mint was taken back that he can talk raptor so well.
She yipped when Toffee, his hand on the white raptor’s flank, approach her and took her hand, “Let him know you’re with me. That way, you wouldn’t end up in the same situation just now.”
She gulped when he leaves her at the mercy of the raptors. She has to trust him with these predators but how can she when she’s face-to-face with Earth’s vicious apex predators that are smaller and faster than the king of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex.
She lowered her head so her chin is touching her chest and stiffen when she felt Lucifer’s snout prodding into her neck and her hair. She can hear loud huffing and puffing every time the raptor sniffs her. First off, she has heard that raptors are the most intelligent race of dinosaurs that are capable of cunning, communication and planning. 
The other six watched their leader in patience for its response to the newcomer. She knew Toffee would swoop in if anything happens but she just can’t take it because of her fear. What felt like hours have finally ended when Lucifer stops sniffing her and let out a babble and a purr to the pack. 
It has recognised her as a companion to their owner, not a threat or prey.
“He now knows you’re a friend, Mint,” Toffee called out, smiling, “Try patting him.”
“Y-y-you want me to pat him!?” she yelped. She gulped.
She took a big inhale, close her eyes and reach her hand out, palm splayed and waiting for anything to happen. She is just too scared to imagine it suddenly biting down on her hand. The purple one called Lilith didn’t bite Toffee’s hand when he touched its face minutes before. She just have to trust him.
She hears a soft growl, stiffening her more, just waiting for something to happen....and her hand is met with a cool smooth surface.
She couldn’t help but laughed when she had just touched a raptor for the first time and didn’t get her hand ripped off. Confident, she stroked its smooth scales head. The alpha raptor was purring with delight, almost like a fully content kitten, and had even nuzzled into her palm.
The six raptors screeched out in an act of cheering for her welcome and stalked closer. Toffee just couldn’t help but walk out to them and laid both hands on Belphegor and Lilith’s necks, making them chuff and lay their heads on his shoulders in content.
“I never expected you to have pet raptors,” she began, “I mean, on Earth, the dinosaurs are all gone after the meteor hit the Earth 65 million years ago. How is it possible for the raptors to survive?”
He chuckled a bit, “You see, on Septarsis, dinosaurs and the prehistoric animals didn’t die out. So, we coexisted with them for generations and they’ve became part of Septarian life.”
“And these guys here are the ones I can call family.”
She was taken back by how sad he sounded but he continued, “I was just a kid when I found their eggs. I presume their parents were killed by poachers and so I raised them all by myself and kind of....learned their ways a bit.”
She can tell how close he is with his raptors and she reached out to hold Lucifer’s head, patting it, “I would feel the same way when I find an animal in need and raised them as my own.”
“But you have to teach me how to talk raptor,” she demanded, smirking, “Who knows what’ll happen if I need their help to save me from situations.”
The raptor pack screeched out in agreement and Toffee has to cough a couple times for them to quiet down so he can talk to her, “Alright. But I must warn you. Dinosaur communication will be a big pain if you’re not a quick learner.”
She folded her arms confidently, “I can deal whatever is thrown at me.”
He laughed a bit, “Alright. Your dino speech class will start tomorrow. ASAP!”
“Got it.” After a few strokes on the raptors’ heads, they bid them farewell as they scatter into the foliage of the night.
“i have a question though,” she wondered as they head home, “Does any of us have a pet dinosaur in secret?”
The grey lizard snickered and smiled to himself, “Yes. I’ve met a carnosaurus, a spinosaurus and a allosaurus. Would you like to hear who their owners are and how I first met a quetzalcoatlus back home?”
“I would love that. And you better ask them if its okay to meet them for real.”
Toffee just laughed.
So, how do you like Toffee pulling a Chris Pratt on his raptors? If you wanna know who has these three mentioned dinosaurs, here they are:-
Carnosaurus (Deathlok): Rasticore
Spinosaurus (Not Kurogane, Sharko): Ripjaw
Allosaurus (Kylo): Anya
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hey hey mod nagito, it's me again. Can you do some Gundham being really sad due to a depressive episode, but he gets shocked when he's led to the restaurant by Sonia and all the people from your previous asks in the series? Pretty please?
Hello you little sweetie, of course I can. I’d do anything for you you know!! Cheers my little Buppo~
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Our Favorite Edgy Bby is Appreciated
-Gundham sat on the roof of his cottage watching the sun set
-He’d been there fixated on the horizon for hours
-Some of the people who saw him just wrote it off as Gundham just being Gundham
-Others knew something was up
-Gundham had gone there for a simple, solitary reason
-To hide
-Not himself
-But his tears
-He’d been falling into another depressive spiral
-He couldn’t stand himself anymore
-All of this suffering hidden away, even from the people who’ve proven themselves to really care
-The people who helped him that very first time
-Kazuichi, Peko, and even Mikan
-His arm still wasn’t right
-There was a dullness to anything he touched with it
-It made him feel isolated and alone
-It would strike perhaps the hardest when he tried to hold one of his Dark Devas
-He felt a creeping feeling up his back, as if he wasn’t really able to touch them
-It drove him to tears sometimes
-Other times he’d just take it and bottle it
-He couldn’t begin to describe this to anyone
-Not even Sonia
-The girl who seemed to understand him perfectly
-Even when he didn’t totally understand himself
-His mind lingered on her
-That woman, she held so much sunlight and warmth in her
-”….She may have the fire, like that of the ever-shining sun, that could rival that of which brought this world into being….. Her light is as if the wings of a seraphim had opened to me, bathing me in light and purity…”
-”If only it’d last….if only she stayed……”
-To Gundham, Sonia was always gone too long
-Whenever they parted ways, he would watch her walk away
-As far as he could see her, at times even after she was gone from his vision
-He worried for what would happen if they touched hands
-The soft and sensitive hand of a princess, to a deadened arm of a rotting man
-It chilled him to his core
-The fact that he wouldn’t truly be able to touch her
-He felt like he’d be no use to anything except for the wretched things that dig and skuttle under foot and under earth
-Gundham shut his eyes and continued to cry
-He buried his face in his arms as the last of the sun was opening the twilight
-Gundham sighed quietly and whispered her name
-For a single moment, the whole scene was painted with a calm green
-His eyes shot open
-Did he just hear her voice?
-He couldn’t have
-Sonia was normally in her cottage before sunset
-It had to be his mind tormenting him
-”Gundham? Do you happen to have some free time?”
-He spun around to see Sonia looking up at him from the walkway
-She wore her usual dress, and her hair clip glinted in the fading light
-Gundham could hardly answer
-Instead of saying anything, he nodded to her
-Sonia gave him a smile and stepped back
-Gundham carefully lowered himself to the path
-Sonia smiled a little wider
-”Would you like to walk with me this evening? I would like to go and have a small dessert at the restaurant, and I wanted your company.”
-Gundham felt a nervous shiver rattle through his body
-He couldn’t let Sonia catch on to how he felt
-He adjusted his scarf to hide his nose and mouth
-He couldn’t even speak, so he just nodded again
-Sonia chuckled and slipped her left arm into the crook of Gundham’s right arm
-”It is a chilly night, is it not? Here, we should keep each other warm!”
-Gundham could feel her
-At least, he could feel her easier the further she had gotten up his arm
-She felt so warm to him
-Like a single fire burning in the middle of a frozen wasteland
-He couldn’t help but feel sorrow for when it would die down
-Sonia and Gundham began walking for the Restaurant
-As they passed the pool, Sonia turned and looked to the moon
-It sat full and bright in the sky
-Gundham set his gaze there too and couldn’t help but sigh and raise the thought
-Mother nature gives some of the most beautiful sights, especially those celestial bodies
-Sonia spoke softly to Gundham
-”Mother nature has given us mortal humans the most wondrous things to see. The heavens above are most certainly one of them.”
-She tilted her head into Gundham’s shoulder and leaned into him
-Gundham’s eyes bugged out of his head for a moment
-Sonia was leaning on him
-He could feel her weight pressing into his side
-He panicked silently at her saying words so similar to his, and her closeness to him
-Gundham spoke in effort to break the self imposed silence
-”That they are my lady Nevermind…”
-That only made him worry more for the end of the evening
-Sonia tugged at him to continue
-Gundham had no choice but to follow her lead, he’d follow her to the end the earth if she asked
-The two entered the restaurant
-However, instead of a dessert trolley by the tables, there stood three people
-Three very familiar people
-Each…. holding a gift?
L-A chorus of very mismatched voices shouted to Gundham
-Before them stood Kazuichi, Peko, and Mikan
-Kazuichi spoke first
-”We figured you weren’t doing to hot, so we decided to show you some appreciation!!”
-Then Peko
-”I hope you don’t mind. We brought you some gifts.”
-And of course, Mikan
-”They aren’t m-much b-but… We hope you like the-m!!!!”
-Gundham’s jaw dropped open a little, and his scarf fell with it
-Sonia laughed pushed Gundham closer
-Kazuichi made Gundham a small remote controlled card for his hamsters
-”You’ve head of hamster balls, now here’s a hamster car!”
-Peko had crafted small swords out of bamboo  and painted them to look real for Gundham’s hamsters too
-”I’d hate for any harm to befall one of your Dark Devas. They’re just bamboo.”
-Mikan had given Gundham a small metal box filled with various bandages and topical medicines, for both him and his hamsters
-”I-I-I hope you…like it…”
-Gundham accepted them all graciously
-He couldn’t help but cry at the care and thoughtfulness that went into their gifts
-Sonia took an end of Gundham’s scarf and dabbed away his tears
-”There is one more gift for you, and I hope you treasure it…”
-Gundham turned to Sonia, unsure of what else could be gifted to him
-”Gundham Tanaka,
Supreme Overlord of Ice,
Sonia Nevermind,
Princess of Novoselic,
Proclaim my undying love for you!”
-Gundham was practically petrified by this
-Sonia just confessed
-Kazuichi, somewhat surprisingly spoke
-This, ruined the mood for everyone
-Everyone but Gundham
-He just smiled a genuine smile and hugged Sonia
-Their lips sealing away Gundham’s worries of her leaving him again
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Animal crossing: Survival Days part 2
Day 8
She says she's afraid but she’s a liar, and left a piece of herself in the fire. Puffy cheeks and devoid of life, she is far too close to getting the knife. A rhyme sets off in my head, a character clocked in black appears. A blue crystal ball glows illuminating the seers face. You have been warned.
I wake up in a cold sweat.
“We’re not leaving you alone in the gates, Suzette. You haven’t washed up in weeks, I’m not surprised if it smells like you died in there.” Agnes argues with a closed door. “We’re all going to be there, while it's morning, so the chances of you getting attacked are super slim.”
“Meaning that there is still a chance? No thank you.”
Agnes groans.
“Alright. I didn’t want to do this.” Agnes says, taking a step back before breaking down the door. She reaches in, dragging out a hamster with tan and white fur and brown hair. She looked absolutely disheveled and tired as if she would stay up and flinch at every bump in the night. She didn't even put up too much of a fight while being dragged, simply too tired to really be alive.“You are coming with us, whether you like it or not.”
she is far too close to getting the knife
I shiver remembering the warning.
Several days of having a frowny face can result in a villager stopping all primary functions. If certain needs aren’t met, they could stop living all together.
Suzette locks herself in her house because she doesn’t feel safe. And because of that she is dying.
“Agnes… it’s okay. We can bring back a bucket of water.”
“No, Shepherd. She needs this.” Agnes says. “Being cooped up in her hut all the time isn’t doing her any favors.”
And that was that.
Everyone seemed ready to head out to the river for a quick bath, Daisy Mae’s hat having assorted soap and bath toys in it while Joan carried a kettle and some towels. Digby and Isabelle, however, had everything ready to harvest some trees while we were out, along with some equipment just in case of an ambush or sudden raid. Even Petra and Merlin looked ready with a picnic basket at hand.
The river wasn’t a long walk from here, I remember crossing the bridge over it with Rover during my trip here. Within the hour, everyone was able to settle in and begin today’s activities.
“Aw! You’re not taking a bath?” Daisy Mae wines, puffing out her cheeks.
“No. Not right now.” I say, ruffling up her hair. “But maybe in a bit. After I work up a good sweat.”
“Hm… fine.” she groans.
Speaking of…
I’m just now realizing how strong Isabelle is as I watched her chop down trees like it’s nothing, showing off the hidden muscles that you wouldn’t even guess was there. It reminded me of how dangerous she really was, especially during combat.
Suddenly a cold sensation envelops me, a bucket of fresh river water being poured over my head, causing me to call out with a “Hey!”
“Saving graces, young Shepherd.” the culprit, Merlin, says. “You were emitting pheromones of arousal will ogling the fair Isabelle while her kin is not too far disjointed from either of you.”
The alchemist motions towards Digby, who hadn’t seemed to notice that you were staring at Isabelle, busy with the task at hand.
Saving graces was right, if Digby would have caught me, he would’ve kicked me into next Tuesday and buried me alive for sure.
“Aren’t you going to wash up?” I sigh, turning to him.
“Oh no, of course not!” he says, as if it was an obvious thing. “My fur is far too dense for that. I actually go through a dusting process that not only cleans my coat but it protects it by eliminating extra oils and moisture.”
“Oh…” i thought that Merlin was a squirrel… apparently not. “That’s fascinating.”
“And what of Petra.”
“Oh, my lovely assistant?” he says, motioning towards Petra who had decided to use this day to go fishing… without a fishing rod. She emerges from the river with a fish in her mouth, shaking the water off of her in a slow motion cinematic style. “She is truly something else, isn’t she?”
To be honest, you have so many questions about their relationship but you're not sure if you want to open that can of worms just yet.
“See? Was it worth all the fuss?” Agnes says, rinsing Suzette down as the hamster sits limply and idly. The hamster looked so frightened that it was painful to the eyes.
Watching everyone made you think back to the blueprints for the bathhouse that you were holding onto. You wouldn't have to wait or go outside of the fence if you built it.
“Um… hey.” i say, approaching the two. Agnes quirks an eyebrow before nudging Suzette into responding with a “Hi.”
“My name is Shepherd. I’m the one rebuilding the village to make it safer.”
“I’m Suzette.” she greets, refusing to make eye contact with me. 
“Do… do you feel… Do you feel safe in Bellstone?”
“... i noticed that zombies aren’t scratching at my windows anymore.”
Not a direct answer but a sign of progress.
“Yeah… Isabelle, Digby, and I fixed the gates… and built a farm… and we’re working out some plans for a tavern, some new huts, and maybe a bathhouse, if we’re lucky.”
“...!” This seemed to get everyone's attention.
“Wait… really?” Agnes asks. 
“Well, yeah… I don't see why not.”
“Don’t you think the materials could be used elsewhere?” Joan asks. “We really don’t mind coming to the river every now and again.”
“Of course, our health and mindset is the most important thing right now. So it’s not a waste of resources or anything.” I say, rub the back of my neck. “Not to mention that we are fortunate enough to be surrounded by resources, should we ever need to get more.”
“As nice as that sounds… perhaps we can discuss this later. We can speak of the multiple projects that need to transpire…” Digby says, grabbing my ear. “We shouldn’t go around making promises we can’t keep.”
“Yeah… i guess you’re right.”
“Thank you…” Suzette speaks up. “I’ve heard about how you've been working hard for the village’s sake.”
“And I will continue to.”
“Then if you don’t mind. Could you do me one favor?”
“The noises. At night, the noises… they make me so petrified that I can't sleep…”
I nod my head in understanding.
Digby later sent me off to gather clay and sand from further down the river while him and Isabelle washed up, apparently very aware of my earlier gawking at her. He didn’t seem to appreciate it, threatening to gouge my eyes out if he catches me.
As we walked back, I noticed a sense of content throughout everyone. Tails wagging and ears perked, a general happy crowd. Daisy Mae skipped around everyone, asking what was going to be for dinner while Merlin discussed experiments with Joan and Petra.
“So... did you mean what you said back there?” Digby asks.
“Of course. I think we should start with the tavern first, like you had planned. Then maybe a local blacksmith for tools and smelting. Then, we can start with the houses while the bathhouse can be an ongoing effort along with some other side projects that i have been thinking about doing in the meantime.”
“That sounds great.” Isabelle beams. “I can’t wait to get started. Everyone seemed excited when you brought it up, so I’m sure that everyone is on board.”
“Speaking of which, earlier you told Suzette that you would do something about the noises at night… what exactly did you have planned?”
“Oh, i have an old jukebox that she can have." I say. “Though i don’t have a record disk…”
“Oh, that’s fine. Digby has a couple.”
“You like listening to music?” I ask, looking over at Digby.
“From time to time. As well as tea and a good book.” Digby says, a pink hue dotting his cheeks.
“...I’ll have to remember that.”
Day 12
The last couple of days had gone swimmingly, each one of us making more and more progress on our projects. The tavern was basically complete, Digby making the last couple interior decorating decisions while Isabelle worked diligently on the blacksmith, reconstructing it with the old hut that Joan and Daisy Mae once lived in. I stood at a crafting bench near the well, crafting the miscellaneous blocks that would be needed in the next set of projects.
And as luck and fate would have it, once a new residential place opened up, a new villager had arrived to fill it’s walls.
“Digby!!!” A pink otter tackles the gray Shi Tzu to the ground, smothering him with kisses as he struggles to breath. 
“Wha!?! Lottie!?!” Digby scrambles to compose himself. 
“Did you miss me? Cause I missed you! You didn’t even write! Do you know how many lonely nights I thought about you? I bet you didn’t… which makes me so sad.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Oh, well…” she says, curling her brown hair around her finger. “i heard that you were in a financial pickle so i basically begged Uncle Lyle to let me come see what i could do for you. Are you not happy to see me?”
“What?!? No… who said that?!?”
“Aw…. you do care!” she says, snuggling into him and giving him eskimo kisses.
“Is that the sound of merrymaking, i hear?” Merlin chuckles, walking towards the couple, Petra by his side. Digby’s face turns bright red.
“Was that Lottie that i just heard?” Isabelle asks, jogging up to the couple.
“Oh hi, Isabelle. I didn’t see you. I was a little excited to see Digby.”
“I can see.” Isabelle says with a wink. The two giggle at Digby’s expense. Digby whimpers, his face simmering with embarrassment. “Lottie… please get off.”
“No way. It’s been forever since i got to hold you like this.” she nuzzles him affectionately. Digby officially gives up, covering his face with his paws.
“I’m aware but I am in the middle of an important project… and we’re in public. Perhaps we can continue this later… in privacy?” he says, trying to maintain his composer.
“Speaking of which…” Lottie says with a mischievous smirk. “Until i have an official place to stay, can i stay in your hut?”
“It’s alright, Digby. Shepherd and I can take over here.” Isabelle says, ushering the couple away, much to her little brother’s dismay.
“So… that happened.”
“Yep. Isn’t love beautiful?” Isabelle sighs. I blush.
“I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been in it before… have you?”
“Hm…” Isabelle hums, tapping the bottom of her chin. “I’m not really sure. I love this village and everyone in it, but i don’t think that's the same. Perhaps one day.”
“...Yeah.” I chuckle, nervously. “One day.”
“Oh, I’m almost done with the smithery. Did you craft the necessary blocks?”
“Yep. Stone cutter, blast furnace, grindstone, and the smithing table. I also added a couple more furnaces and a crafting table. Couldn’t hurt to have one more around.”
“Don’t I know it.” Isabelle cuckles. “What did you have planned for the rest of the day?”
“Well, I have the bath house that I promised that i’d start or i can start on the town square or the merchant stands… did you have something in mind?”
“No, I was just wondering what I could help you with.”
“Oh, well… actually, there is one thing that I want to do before I begin anything else.” I say, heading off to Suzette’s hut, Isabelle following behind with a “What?”
“Oh… good morning.” Suzette says, barely opening the door.
“Hey… I wanted to show you something. I think you will like it.”
“Um… right now?”
“If it’s okay with you. I thought that you would appreciate coming with me while there is still light out.”
“I do…” Suzette says, peeking her head out before stepping out. I take her paw and lead her toward the tavern, opening the doors and showing her around.
“Digby seemed to have the idea that you could run this place. If you want that is.” I say, turning to her, only to find her sniffling and wiping tears from her face. “I-I’m sorry, please don’t cry.”
“You have no clue how much this means to me, Shepherd.” she says. “Not a clue. I’m so grateful.”
“Uh… mind clueing me in?”
“Just… just a bit. Before I moved to Bellstone, I lived in a village with a bunch of family and other critters. Worked with my ma and pa in the diner and fought with my brother, Graham, the nerd.” she chuckles fondly before shifting into a saddened look. “One day, a zombie raid happened midday out of nowhere. Not many of us made it out. The village was burned to the ground and graves were dug. I was a wreck, had a friend look over me and eventually dump me here when she got tired of taking care of me.”
“Oh…” What does anyone say to that?
“Just know that this is greatly appreciated.” she sas turning toward the kitchen. “Now… What should I make first? Perhaps something light?”
It warmed my heart to see Suzette unwind. I hope overtime perhaps everyone will come around to me like she has.
“Ah, just the right timing, I see.” Merlin smiles, holding up a cup. “Drink this.”
Everyone in the room looks warily at the cup before Petra volunteers to take the first sip. Her tongue slithers, licking her lips after the cup retreats from them.
“It’s milk.” she says simply. “Soy milk to be exact. The professor has been working really hard all night to perfect such a recipe. We also have samples of almond, rice, and peanut milk. Other tests will be run to make other substitutes.”
“Indeed. Using the new pressure machine that i have taken time to perfect, i can also now make tofu and specified oils and juices. This opens our options greatly.”
Suzette’s eyes sparkle.
“This is great news. Perhaps I should make a feast tonight. I feel as if there are a lot of things we could celebrate this evening.”
“Oh… that would be lovely.”
“Yeah… that reminds me…” I say, nudging at Isabelle. “There are some things that I need to speak to Isabelle about.”
Excusing ourselves, I led Isabelle to the well before turning to her.
“Not to dampen a happy moment… but we need to discuss our situation when it comes to bells. If we want to meet this month’s quota… we need to figure out how we are going to gather up enough bells.”
“Oh, Shepherd, don’t you worry.” she says, patting my head. “I already have this covered.”
“You keep saying that, but…”
“You don’t believe me.”
“No… that’s not it… I don't know… I want to help, if i can… I’ve been thinking about going to other cities to establish trade with them. Maybe take in some requests and offer some of the settlers some time to stay and see if they want to stay here. It’ll spread publicity…”
“While all that is great, it’ll take too much time.” Lottie says, walking toward us. I blush, noticing that she is wearing Digby’s shirt and tie. “What we need right now is to get a hold on reliable resources.”
“The Ressetti mines.” Isabelle says. “That’s the plan.”
“The what?”
“A good friend of mine, Mr. Resetti had an incident within his community. The mineshaft is known for having quite the prosperous arrangements. However, it’s been overrun as of late and needs clearing out.”
“And you planned on going alone?” I ask.
“...I did. But only when I knew that the town could function without me for a couple days… he’s not the only place I had in mind. There are multiple places within this forest that could use our help. The old lumber mill. The water tower. One of Cranny’s old ranger huts.”
“... I take it that these forests have been barren for a long while.” Lottie ponders.
“Unfortunately.” Isabelle nods. “That’s why Shepherd's idea is a good one. If we make a name for ourselves and make it safer for people to travel here, surely we can get our name out and expand.”
“Let’s not get too hasty. Finishing quests are dangerous and might not yield in profitable results like you expect them to… let’s see how this expedition in the mines go first. In the meantime, Digby and I will watch over the town.”
“Are you sure?” I ask, feeling all of this rush through my mind. If Isabelle and I are able to gather enough bells for this month’s rent, we’ll be extremely lucky. Something tells me that we’ve had it way too easy as of right now, though.
“We can head out in the morning towards Mythport. The mines aren’t too far from there.” Isabelle nods.
“We can notify all the villagers in the morning.” Lottie agrees.
0 notes
binsofchaos · 5 years
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‘I Believe in Love’: Elizabeth Wurtzel’s Final Year, In Her Own Words
Introduction by Garance Franke-Ruta. Jump to the start of Elizabeth Wurtzel’s essay here.
The late Elizabeth Wurtzel was best known for her memoirs and essays, especially Prozac Nation and Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women, but after attending Yale Law School in her late 30s she also enjoyed having a voice in the political arena. She was as much an original there as everywhere else, and between 2010 and 2012 she wrote a series of pieces for me at The Atlantic.
A feminist and a New Yorker who had really lived, she looked at the world in a different way from all the boys on the bus in Washington. And she was funny. She would send long text messages written on her smartphone while she was walking through Washington Square Park, an emissary from a more vivid and creative world than the boxy K Street buildings I would pass en route to my office in the Watergate. Sometimes her stories would come in like that too, texted in graf by graf, and I’d knit the passages together in what seemed like the right order and ask for some connective language. The thoughts were always razor-sharp; the understanding of human nature acute.
Over time our editing relationship moved into a long-distance friendship. We met for dinner at a restaurant in Chelsea, outside of course so her dog could be nestled at her feet. She had somehow managed to find a lipstick with my name on it — Guerlain’s Garance — and purchased us two tubes encased in elegant silver that sat heavy in the hand. She wore hers to dinner, and when I went to the restroom, I changed my color too, making us lipstick twins. It was how she was and in many ways the secret to her success: In addition to being wildly talented, she overcompensated for being so difficult and never totally in control by being astonishingly thoughtful, and kind, and, well, seductive. She was a seductive personality; hard not to love even as she could be hard to be close to.
When I started working at GEN this fall and living in New York full time, I reached out to her. “I’m in remission!” she’d said brightly when we first reconnected, three years after last seeing each other and nearly five years after she first learned she had the BRCA gene and breast cancer. We drank red wine on her balcony overlooking a giant earthen pit in the ground: The future NY offices of Netflix. We went to dinner at Il Buco on Bond Street (her suggestion); I could feel she was lonely. She and her husband Jim Freed had separated and were in the process of divorcing, a not so happy ending to the happily ever after story she had been astonished to stumble into in 2015, and something she was still figuring out how to write about. She started sending me things she had written as we talked about her writing a piece about Gen X politics and the 2020 race.
“I am intimate with the dirt,” she wrote of the Netflix pit. “It has infiltrated everything. It is all over me and under me. It is Love Canal, sewage from the Mississippi, cigarette butts, marijuana ash, slave remains, rats, mice, Three Mile Island, Mount Etna, Mount Saint Helen, Dust Bowl, Adam, Eve, serpent, Satan, Chernobyl, Berlin Wall, acid rain, asbestos, uranium, geraniums, 9/11, 7/11, Donner Party, bird beaks, pigeon claws, squirrel tails, gerbil puke, hamster wheels, insulation, Saran Wrap, Mason Pearson bristles, dental floss, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Mafia hits washed up from the East River, syringes, works, the residue at the bottom of the empty bag of dope, coal waste, cookie crumbs, broken bottles, rusty nails, Bataan Death March, Manila massacre, Boston Tea Party, frog legs, goldfish, mutant ninja turtles, alligators from Florida, red algae, yellow fever, Agent Orange, bubonic plague, gold teeth, silver spoons, copper wires, iron ore, Crest with fluoride, whitening strips, stripper tips, dollar bills, twenties laced with cocaine, subway tokens, expired MetroCards with unused fare, tickets to see Star Wars in 1976, bicentennial souvenirs, gutta-percha, cat guts, doll parts, golf balls, tennis racket strings, cashmere socks, polyester, rayon, pylon, nylon, Mylar, warped vinyl, scratched CDs, crispy leaves, shredded lettuce, tarnished keys, queen bees, xerox paper, pepper spray, Prozac pills, poppers, pooper scoopers, hula hoops, leis, fecal matter, aborted fetuses, snot, rot, cots, bots, shot glass shards, broken windows, chimney smoke, dice, playing cards, poker chips, lollipop sticks, toothpicks, used tissues, dirty handkerchiefs, bandanna threads, kite pine needles, kite strings, toilet water, wolf fangs, sunburn peel, hangnails, cavities, skin, scabs, split ends, fur balls, chicken bones, dissected cadavers, wisdom teeth, crash test dummies, Big Bang, Little Miss Muffet, Humpty Dumpty, Rip Van Winkle, bog wood, petrified forest, oyster shells, freshwater pearls, blood diamonds, Star rubies, asteroids, primordial ooze, love letters, promises kept and broken.”
Very soon the piece she’d wanted to write about Gen X politics started to slip. The cancer was back. There were so many tests and scans to undergo. I told her not to worry about writing it and was surprised when she filed. She said it was a good distraction from having cancer. She badly wanted to interview Beto O’Rourke, but by the time he arrived in New York City where they might have had a face-to-face — the Gen X skate-punk candidate and the Gen X icon — he was already getting ready to drop out of the race.
She sent me a long piece about her past year, about her impending divorce and her marriage and her mother and Donald Trump. It was from something longer she was working on, she said.
We talked about her writing an additional passage when she recovered from brain surgery and running the piece on Medium. “I suppose I have to add something about this, since so much of the piece is about cancer,” she texted. “You know, of all my failures of imagination, I never wondered what a brain tumor is like. So I could not have guessed it was this atrocious, the dizziness and the pain.”
Her recoveries from the relentless march of the disease during her final, dreadful month would prove to be brief.
After her first brain surgery — she had two to cope with her metastatic breast cancer and subsequent complications — which she described as a “brain resection,” she was astonishingly herself. She was funny and poetic and articulate and in good spirits. Still dizzy and unstable — the tumor had impacted her balance center and left her clutching the furniture as she walked during her last night in her own home — but also still herself. She laughed with her mother, who took video and pictures of her in the hospital and helped coordinate, along with Jim and some of her oldest friends from college, a parade of sun-up to way past winter sundown visitors so that she would never feel alone.
And the night before the surgery, Jim was the one she stayed with. He was the one who took care of Alistair, her dog, and her black cat, Arabella. When I saw him in the hospital, he was entirely attuned to her and what she might need so that she could recover and have, in the unspoken best-case scenario, another year.
“I can’t get over how great my husband has been with this. He has made it possible for me to get better and not worry about anything,” she wrote in mid-December, after the surgery. “He loves you so much it’s clear,” I texted back, thinking of how attentive he had been, how he was arranging visits with so many people, that look on his face that you cannot fake. “I think so,” she texted back. “It’s good you see. I love him so much.”
But the past year had been a hard one. This is what she had written about it. She had shown it to Jim too, and he agreed, as did a number of her oldest friends, that she’d want it published. She loved to be published.
I Believe in Love
By Elizabeth Wurtzel
Greetings from the chaotic land of marriage come undone.
The caravansary is dismantling, toothpicks flying everywhere, the bubblegum that held it together is unstuck.
Everything is falling.
My husband moved out at the end of December [2018], as the calendar flipped from last year to this [2019], while I was in Miami Beach, strolling the walkways in the shocking morning sun and under the nighttime Van Gogh sky, away from it all.
I knew he was moving out, but still: I was surprised.
I did not see that the game was over. I did not know the clock was running. I never lose, but I do run out of time. It turns out this was basketball and not baseball.
While I looked away, my marriage fell apart.
I fell off my keel. I lost my kilter. I was a kite without a string.
Maybe it’s better.
It is a peaceful purple without him here. But psychedelic with disarray.
Marriage is an organizing principle. It is flow. It is coffee in the morning. It is who walks the dog. It is HBO at night.
And love. Don’t forget that.
Now I am an ombré mess of a person. I am missed appointments and canceled meetings. I am the thing I forgot to do. I am hanging on by a strand of Drybar dry-shampooed hair.
All day long I have to ask people to forgive me, I am flailing and failing at it all. Forgive me, I beg, as I hope my untweezed eyebrows will. Maybe soon, I will even tug at a few strays.
Or maybe wild is the way.
I still think of Jim as this sweet person I married. He is my trust fall. He is my emergency contact. He is my next of kin. He is my valentine. He is my birthday dinner. He is my secret sharer. He is my husband.
I do not know him anymore so I do not know myself. Who are my friends? Where is my family? I have fallen into a crevasse of nobody nowhere.
I am estranged and strange, strangled up in blue.
I do not want to feel this way. I am going through the five stages of grief all at once, which Reddit strings have no doubt turned into 523. They are a collision course, a Robert Moses plan, a metropolitan traffic system of figuring it out.
I feel bad and mad and sad.
Is this a festival of insight or a clusterfuck of stupid? I change my mind all the time about this and about everything else.
I got married because I was done with crazy. But here it is, back again, the revenant I cannot shake. I feel like it’s 1993, when my heart had a black eye all the time.
26 is a boxing match of the soul.
I did not expect bruises at 52.
I have blamed myself. I have blamed my husband. I have blamed cancer. I have blamed marijuana. I have blamed sexism. I have blamed Charlottesville. I have blamed my in-laws. I have blamed several men named David. I have blamed my mother who lied to me my whole life about who my father is.
Who would I be if I did not blame Donald Trump?
I am angry all the time since the election of 2016, like it happened to me, like I was gang-raped by Michigan. I don’t want to be angry, but so there, I am.
Who don’t I hate?
Who won’t I blame?
If you are standing there, I blame you.
It is not conservative against liberal.
It is everybody against everyone. Here we are, in it together, alone.
The problem is not arguments I have with people who voted for Trump, who I don’t know anyway. The trouble is the way all of us who agree about everything are bickering. Oh, the narcissism of small differences.
I remember not that long ago when the world was not political. I was part of landmark litigation that was all about a team of Republicans and Democrats working together. I loved everybody. We were all on the same side.
What Alamo did I not forgive? What Masada did I not get over?
Now there is no microaggression too small for me to scream about so the next four neighborhoods can hear.
My husband does something and I am affronted like it matters.
I am sure he does not know how I feel.
And maybe he doesn’t.
But what does any of this have to do with why we got married? We got married to be in it together. Polarization has even invaded love.
I have anger fatigue. I am sick of sick. Like everyone.
The emotional toll of the world we live in is going to do all of us in.
But politics is not about conflict.
Politics is about making the world a better place.
How could my mother keep a secret for 50 years? What makes someone do that?
She buried herself in it. She grew a wild Victorian garden with thorny bushes of rose and purple larkspur and red snapdragon. There was a lush meadow of lavender that gave a whiff of Aix-en-Provence en été. The dandelions ran rampant and the daffodils glowed yellow like Big Bird.
But underneath it all, beneath the lilies of the valley and the rows of geranium, there is dirt.
There is a secret.
I am a bastard. I am her bastard daughter.
There are things that come along that are a shock.
I believed something for nearly half a century. It was a lie.
I was conned.
I was wrong about myself.
I did not know who I am.
My mother told no one.
It was a lie she told for so long it became true and the secret faded to no-memory. She misremembered who my father was. She did not think it mattered.
When it all came out in 2016, not long after I got married, just after my real father died, my mother could not see what my hysteria was about. She did not understand why I was stunned.
All the while I was trying not to feel the worst way ever, trying not to be overwhelmed by the explosion, my mother could not figure out what was bothering me.
After all, she is the nuclear physicist.
My mother is like everyone else. She thinks she is normal. She is sure her behavior makes sense. She believes she does the right thing. Since she cannot imagine that this is not the case, she is surprised to find out that, yes, she makes bombs.
I scream at my mother, “What’s wrong with you?!”
I do that and she does not know what I mean.
She says, “Oh get over it.”
Her eyes widen until they look like goggles on an herbivore. She is put upon. She cannot believe we have to discuss this yet again.
“Omigod yet again!”
When will I quit badgering her?
I say, “You lied to me.”
She says, “It wasn’t a lie.”
“Then what?”
“It was a decision!”
Any relationship founded on a lie is doomed. Or not a lie, according to her, which is another lie, a lie about a lie.
That is how it is between us. We are living in the doom.
And yet, we are still at it. My mother and I refuse to give up. She is my only parent. She is all I have.
She made sure of that.
This is the most painful thing ever.
She has made so many inexplicable decisions over the years that I know about, and now I see the ones I did not know.
And yet I love her more than anyone else in the world.
She is it for me. She is in the way of everything. I should be interested in my husband, but how can he compete with how much I want to figure out the Once that started all that is upon a time?
I was a welter of emotions.
I was so emotional.
When I found out that my father is not my father, that my mother lied to me my whole life, that there was so much I did not know, a bomb dropped in my life. Bombs, really, aerial bombardment. It was the Battle of Manila: bazookas, flamethrowers, grenades, tanks, cannons, howitzers, banzai charges, kamikaze tactics, I was shocked and stunned with feeling.
I did not know what to do.
I became a raging lunatic.
I was a mettle of rage.
My rage is my retinue. My rage is a filthy velveteen train I drag around with me, carelessly. It is my ruby tiara. It is my rainbow and my pot of gold.
My rage is cream. It makes Chock Full O’ Nuts coffee that my grandmother brewed in a percolator on the breakfront in the dining room taste not half bad.
It is the coloratura harmony to my singsong days.
My rage is my conscience. I insist on my right to feel.
But I got caught in a Möbius strip of emotion. I was gone round the bend of scream.
It was stuplimity.
My marriage is crushed beneath the weight of so much. It is delicate, like all relationships. It is not one of those fine elms that blows with the gusts and does not snap.
We are a scattering of branches on the lawn. We are deadwood.
Oh, there is a lot that holds us together, the love and the hours. We got married during chemotherapy. We are bound.
But my husband is not who he was.
Yes, I know: It is always like that. The sorrow of unraveling is the stranger you are facing. What happened? I want to scream. Where did you go?
My husband had a softness. I will not compare it to the feel of cotton balls or the touch of silk charmeuse, because it is better. He was new to love. I could tell. I could see. He was surprised. He did not see me coming. He did not know I was interested. He was alone in a room. His life was small. He had the same six friends he always had. He was shy. He was not brave. He had no expectations.
He was lovely.
The beginning is always like honey, liquid and sweet.
But he was open.
He was not wounded by a million heartaches.
He had not been through it all.
He did not have a wretched past.
He was 34, which is not young. Younger than I was, but a lot could have happened by then.
It had not.
He was fresh.
There was nothing I would not do for him.
There was nothing I did not want for him.
We met in October and got engaged in May.
We knew.
And now he knows he has had enough.
It has been too much.
Most of all, it is not easy to be married to someone with cancer.
I feel for my husband.
Cancer is so big. Everyone is prostrate before its deadly enormity. It is the answer to every question. It is the reason why. Is it an excuse or is it real? Who is anyone to argue? Cancer is a bully. It is an elephantine disease of body, mind, soul. My husband moved a half a mile away from it. I would love to do the same.
I am stuck until the end.
I do not know what he expected when he married me when I was ill. I am sorry that it has not been what he wanted. I am sorry that I hurt him.
After I got cancer, I was not the same.
I wanted to be.
I wanted my life to go back to what it was.
I was so lively. I was so lovely.
I was so busy. I was so social.
But I could not do it.
No surprise, I changed.
I was withdrawn during chemotherapy and my world became small. It contracted like starvation. It is hard to get back what is lost. It is more difficult still to begin anew.
I tried. So hard. I called. I emailed. I texted. I showed up.
But there was a diminishment.
Cancer is an ecosystem. It is a crime spree.
Things broke. My radius. My fibula. My tibia. My spirit.
My cancer came back a year after it went away.
You think people are nice about it? No.
Cancer is misunderstood.
Everyone says the wrong thing. Which is what they do so much anyway.
Then I say the wrong thing back.
There we are, bumper cars of mismatched words.
I can’t believe the stupid things people tell me in an effort to be kind, about something hard they had to deal with that is not the same as having cancer.
The worst thing anyone can do is tell me they are sorry about my cancer.
I don’t want anyone feeling sorry for me. About anything. Don’t apologize unless you have done something wrong. It is nasty to feel sorry for anyone for any reason because it pushes her away.
Mostly sorry is just a thing to say. Anything else would be better, including I don’t know what to say.
It is always people who are the problem. What else? Our suffering is small compared to our misunderstandings with others, how they fail to give us a break, know what it’s like, judge us fairly, see the world the way we do. It is not even cancer or especially cancer. It is especially this and even that. If you are looking for absolution, you are going to have to forgive yourself.
I have chainmail from years of frustrating conversations, of people who think something bad has happened to me.
I don’t see it that way.
You could tell me everything that’s bad about cancer, like that it’s cancer, but you could not convince me that cancer has been bad for me.
Cancer has made me optimistic.
These are the days of miracles and wonders, of biopharma fireworks, of immunotherapy wow.
I have been saved.
I am miraculous me.
I will skate figure eights into infinity.
I am all claws I am all fangs.
I am not afraid of cancer. I think cancer should be afraid of me.
This past October [2018], I had a tumor in my shoulder bone that was 5 inches: big! It was threatening to break it.
And worse.
My cancer antigens were at 205, when 25 is as high as the level can go.
I had meetings in the World Trade Center while all this was going on. I hate it down there. Skyscrapers as grave markers. It is an ominous place.
When I went for help in Philadelphia at the Basser Center for BRCA at the University of Pennsylvania, only Alistair, my service dog, was with me.
My husband said he had to work.
My marriage had already come undone.
I had stereotactic radiation at Memorial Sloan Kettering. It took only three sessions to zap the tumor away. The treatment saved me, but I have a five-inch hole in my bone that looks like a cave in the Thai jungle.
When my husband moved out, I was still healing. I have a rotator cuff tear and pain from the long way home.
This is a love story.
Every marriage is a love story.
People who run off to Vegas after knowing each other for 10 days and find a drunk outside the Sands casino to be their witness — they really mean it. Marriage is a big gesture. There is no reason to do it except: love.
It is effusive.
I am sorry I failed.
I am sorry for this confederacy of catastrophe.
I am sorry for it all.
I think that my husband can’t believe I hurt. I know what I’m like: I have a powerful personality, it’s true. But he got me.
He made a vow to love me in sickness and in health.
There was great love between us.
And love is hard to stop.
We made a commitment for when we could not remember why we did.
He decided enough.
I am a monotheist. I am in it for life. I am in everything for life. If you don’t stop me, I will not stop myself. I have the kind of faith that you can only have if you have talked your way out of trouble all along.
I feel so much and too much. Deep in my radiated bones.
I cannot believe it is like this with my husband and not like it was that long ago on Halloween, our first date, which he did not know was a date, maybe it was maybe it wasn’t, he showed up at my door not knowing anything at all.
We were resting on our future arms, we were like people who have never read The Unbearable Lightness of Being, have never seen City of God, have never heard Exile In Guyville, oh what lay ahead.
I remember my husband in the beginning, I know the man I married, I insist he is still there somewhere.
I keep peeling for the pentimento.
Or has this all been a fraud?
Love gone wrong feels like a confidence crime.
That is the worst of it.
Do I have an electron microscope or am I blinded? Do I see more clearly now or is this a distortion? I could ask that about the whole wide world.
Sex and race look different since Trump was elected. We know all the things that we never knew. We were living in a world of trust, we believed we were on a righteous path, that things were incrementally improving, so we did not look so hard into sunlight.
All anything ever is is another way of seeing.
I thought my husband was on my side.
I thought I knew him.
I did.
I don’t.
He changed.
I do not know how to help him.
I do not know how to reach him.
Anything is possible.
I believe in so much.
I am just that way.
I believe in love.
What matters more in this crazy world?
Shame on Casablanca’s ending! I will take the hill of beans.
(This is Garance again.)
Love. Sometimes in our lives when we feel most bereft it turns out that we are not alone at all. It is the kind of cloying Disney sentiment Lizzie might have scoffed at, but it was also the truth with her. She affected a toughness that was both real and a coping mechanism, but which also led her to downplay how sick she was. Even as she was telling me she was in remission in September, spots of cancer had already returned, I have since learned.
“The people who know us when we are not our best selves — what would we do without them? I am so grateful right now for even my mother coming through for me,” she wrote after her first surgery in December. Her mother Lynne Winters and she had a famously complicated relationship, but it was Lynne who took her home to recover both times she was released from the hospital, and who had the difficult burden of having to bring her back, and who sobbed in the sparkling clean MSKCC neuro ward hallway where other parents of too-young-to-die adult children paced forlornly.
“Jim has been the best,” Lizzie texted after the surgery. “I wish you a great first husband. That might be all you need.”
They had, in fact, not divorced. The papers were signed, but not filed. He was her husband until the end, during the final days after it was clear no further interventions would work, when she lay still in bed in what was by then her at least fifth different hospital room, for all the world the image of a big-eyed Renaissance pieta looking heavenward.
“Neurology takes a positive view toward god and prayer,” she had texted after the first surgery. “And relinquishing, which is what god and prayer is about. It is always turning your will over to a higher power and letting the will of the world and not your extraordinary manipulations lead you to your desired result. I always say that, it is my constant prayer: god, if you are out there, watch over me and your will, not mine, be done. That is what will happen anyway, but I pray for release from the dreadful fight.”
She spent her whole life fighting — fighting her parents, society, the patriarchy, social conventions, addiction, depression. But man, did she live big. She had a gift for building love into her life and at the end, her friends built a cocoon of love around her.
And on the morning of January 7, 2020, she was, as she had prayed, released.
0 notes
radioactivedelorean · 7 years
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Words: 1173
“I can’t believe it!” Stan exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. “After all these years, you’re finally here! Brother!” He took a step forward, arms out wide to embrace his long lost twin. He didn’t expect the reaction he got.
Ford backed away, his hand flying to the blaster in a holster at his hip. He chided himself silently. This was his brother. It was his twin. He couldn’t shoot him, no matter how terrified he was right now. There were two young kids here too, anyway, along with some sort of large hairless hamster-like man. His heart pounded in his throat. Every instinct he’d developed over the last thirty years was telling him to run get away no run away danger danger danger death you could die.
Stan frowned, taking another cautious step forwards. “Ford? You okay bud?”
Ford shook his head quickly, already beginning to hyperventilate. His back pressed up against the cold metal of the now-closed portal and he held his hands out in front of him, a silent gesture for Stanley to stay away no don’t come closer I’m scared no please no-
Stan registered the fear in his brother’s eyes and stepped away, giving Ford his space. His heart sunk. Ford was acting like a terrified, helpless animal, cowering in the corner from a vicious predator or a cruel owner. He swallowed. What had happened to his brother while he was lost? What had been so terrifying that it had rendered him unable to speak?
Stan took a deep breath, his own hands out in front of him. He took a slow, careful step forwards, keeping his voice low. “Ford, listen to me… I am not going to hurt you…”
Ford pressed his back against the portal even harder, his terrified eyes locked onto his brother. He kept his mouth shut, shaking his head frantically. No no no no get away get away from me get away danger danger
Stan stepped forward again. “Please… I want to help you… I am not going to harm you…” He kept his gaze down. He knew damn well not to ever make eye contact with a terrified animal and right now his brother was no different. He kept his head down low. “Just breathe, okay? Breathe for me, you can do that, okay?”
Ford inhaled through his nose slowly before exhaling through slightly parted lips. He repeated the process until he got his breathing under control, yet he still didn’t say a word.
“Grunkle Stan? Is he okay?” A quiet, soft voice from across the room made Ford’s pulse speed up again and he started breathing quickly. Stan took another step forward until he was within arm’s reach of his twin.
“Easy there, Ford… it’s okay… that’s my - our niece. She’s just a child, she means no harm.” Ford slowed his breathing down again. Stan took this as a sign to move forward once more. He put a hand on Ford’s shoulder, recoiling instantly as his brother slapped the hand away.
Ford took a step sideways and tripped, landing on his backside on the ground. He kicked his legs and scrambled away - danger no no no too close too close - until he was pressed up against the stone wall. He brought his legs in close, his hands up to shield him from everything.
Stan slowly walked over, kneeling down to Ford’s level. “Hey, Poindexter,” he murmured quietly, “look at me. Just look at me, okay?”
Ford slowly lifted his head from behind his hands, lowering his arms to his sides. He laid his right hand over the blaster. He raised his head to meet his brother’s gaze.
“I’m not going to hurt you, I want to help you, okay?” Stan asked softly. “Please, just trust me. I know what I did was terrible and I’ve worked for thirty years to bring you home. I want to help you, Stanford.”
A second quiet voice - much like the first, only male - piped up from across the room. “Stanford? But you’re Stanford, Grunkle Stan.”
A sudden flood of anger rushed through Ford and he fixed Stan with a cold glare, getting to his feet and shoving his brother away from him. Stanley stumbled back and was about to retaliate with a punch of his own, but stopped. He couldn’t lash out at Ford, not while his brother was so petrified. He took a deep breath and got up. “I’m sorry, kids, but I’ve been lying to you all summer. This is Stanford Pines,” he gestured to the furious, terrified man in front of him. “My name is Stanley. I had to lie to keep myself safe long enough to bring my brother home.”
“It’s okay, Grunkle Stan… we understand.” The young girl said softly. She took a few steps forward towards the newcomer. “So you’re our great uncle too, huh?”
Ford swallowed, the anger leaving his face. He exchanged a look with Stanley, who nodded. Ford looked back at the little girl and nodded. The girl grinned widely and took a step forward, her arms out to hug Ford. Ford took a step back. His hand drew the gun from the holster, causing the girl’s eyes to widen and step back.
Stanley saw what was happening and moved in front of her, his arms thrown out wide to shield her. Ford had the gun halfway up to aim at the girl until Stanley knocked it out of his hands. It clattered to the floor and slid out of reach. “She’s a child, Ford. She was just going to hug you.”
Ford chewed his lip, guilt seeping into his mind. He’d been about to shoot her. A young girl. She’d done nothing wrong, but because of his own paranoia he’d seen her as a threat. He took a deep breath and knelt down, holding his arms out. He let a small smile creep onto his face. The young girl ran around Stan and embraced Ford in a hug. Ford sat down on the ground, holding the small girl in his arms. It had been decades since he’d had a proper hug from anyone. He’d missed it.
The young boy, presumably the brother of the girl, walked over slowly. Ford looked up as he came over and smiled a little bit. He held one arm out to him, the other still wrapped around the girl. The boy grinned and ran over, wrapping his arms around Ford.
“Mr Pines?” Ford blinked as the new voice filled the room, coming from the person he’d thought was one of the residents from Rodentus 7. “What are we gonna do about those agent guys upstairs?”
Stan noticed Ford cast him a questioning glance and he scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, well… uh… the entire US Government may or may not have found out about this place.”
Ford’s expression turned cold and hard. Stan sighed. He sat down on the floor beside his brother and gestured for the other man to join him. “I’ve got some explaining to do…”
Gah! I wanna write so much more for this but I’ve already got a plate full of writing to do, alongside college work and drawings and UCH!
This prompt was great!
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airoasis · 5 years
"Are You Right There Father Ted?" | Father Ted | Series 3 Episode 1 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/are-you-right-there-father-ted-father-ted-series-3-episode-1-dead-parrot-4/
"Are You Right There Father Ted?" | Father Ted | Series 3 Episode 1 | Dead Parrot
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What about opt for it could actually you do the eleven o’clock mass kids I do the eleven and the 12 you should have a relaxation after that weekend away well Paris does are inclined to take it out with her i’m off her sport Ted Kerr become a member of me no thanks Darren what time we long gone to the colour for the races I consider after lunch Oh mrs. Achieved hopes you adore puzzles i really like pheasant however that is what it can be all about high-quality port gorgeous surroundings and wise corporation did you no longer have all that at your final parish no whatever appears to fit you though you have got acquired a newfound gleam to your eyes yes I must be staying here for a excellent file there is somewhat steel of myself for doing anything stupid but some of these debts look in order for this letter I want to cry ask father credit score about one or two of these matters that he’s put down underneath costs goodness what’s making that particularly annoying noise oh that’s Ronaldo it was a bit lonely without it head so I received a hamster rather yes can i ask though does he ever discontinue jogging in that second wheel he is have got to use the wheel ever considering he rolled this into a seed tray but don’t worry hey I suppose there’s simply some thing mistaken with the brake how lengthy has father Jack been residing in there I began just a few days after you left maybe he’s agoraphobic Jack petrified of fighting i do not feel oh hell mrs.Doran simply fell off the roof I believe i will go out google discuss with father Fitzpatrick I feel he has a ebook belonging to me let’s have a look at that – my lady here you know in many instances I leap via this to peer just how a ways we have now come Syl usual Christian mysteries dis Canada web beneath ah Stephen King’s The Shining well thanks for the tea father see the next time we we’re sorry for the daddy i am hoping you intellect your having you booked them why will have to we bought a padlock on that door mobile is there some thing prime-secret in there my assortment oh yes oh so you how does this you gather this struggle memorabilia apart you like to have a seem really mostly taken from the German improve on Russia you’ll find the place the hammer hits the shell casing cut that is very exciting these are helmets regularly infantry yes these would be German as well wouldn’t it that is proper you wouldn’t have whatever from the Allied side no no that sort of factor wouldn’t interest at all an affair that is my curiosity convinced and this is the final photo taken of hair Hitler he’s signing a number of loss of life warrants they’re humorous the way you get more correct-wing as you get older twice well grace this this is all unusual stuff now some men and women once they see it they’re now not too certain that you simply look really although i’m actual you sisters watching you going yeah I instructed you little sleepy 12 months historic pals of mine okay look at the table it’s so soiled i will write in a minute there’s a gene Dubin the place our second alternatively of dwelling in spin we’re simply going to have to get this place clean do –gel and look at you appear at that gap for your tank top what if the character noticed that we’re excellent all correct dogs would you seem at that this yr seem a flawlessly rectangular little bit of black filth on the window I imply how would you get a perfectly rectangular however a black dart on a window i might have thought that used to be practically inconceivable it is simply mrs.Darling are not able to do any cleansing her back may be very dangerous due to the fact that she fell off the roof style of maintain her stability in any respect that is it then i’m simply going to ought to come out and say it we will have got to smooth this position ourselves what you heard me doogal are you with me what yeah correct then let’s go let’s smooth this mom child whatever it’s up into the lamp that came off I would opt for that up excellent thought i am bored no look i am chinese legal come on Google lighten up do not with or chinese language men and women’s there very well Jack there I imply what mom’s a mement that is the N household residing over there now not historic Chinatown area the city there there may be a Chinatown and craggy Island Sokol i would not seem tall the Chinaman impression if I don’t know her to be a Chinaman there to look which other form of mine affect why no longer lifeless huh now not it’s racist they believe i’m a racist i am gonna must catch up with them and explain i am now not a racist and truly if i do not specialize like oftentimes i assume things just rationale spaz i have a reservation X is one time see you bye twice the speedy oh that’s done all right what’s that I ordered some new stuff at the condominium do away with this old hash Google you do not consider I upset those chinese language folks er dude I do not know Ted it used to be just like the time we placed on that kind exhibit and you did that affect of Stephen Hawking he was the last individual you would expect to show off that used to be one million-to-one shot God he can barely transfer in that wheelchair when he’s irritated i do not worry about its head anyway who did your foam habitat no Hobbit hash like habitat itself delicate furnishing but also priests clothes does it not get stressed with habitat though no that is on no account occurred earlier than except just there when you did anyway what else did you order priest sucks really black ones I learn someplace I believe within a piece of writing about pre sucks the pre socks are blacker than another kind of stuff that’s right Google regularly you see lay humans carrying what looked like black socks however in case you seem closely you can see the very very very very very very very dark blue that is actual I concept my uncle Tommy was once carrying black socks however once I checked out them closely they have been just very very very very very very very very very very dark blue in no way buy black socks in a usual keep it shaft you every time no they may be fired appear dwelling out no bows and equal as yourself excellent excellent I hear you are stressed no father what how did you get fascinated by that type of thing son of a racist every person’s pronouncing this father must all of us be racist recognize what the authentic line the torch is taken is oh no handiest the farm takes up many of the day and at night oh just like a cup of tea I wish to be competent to commit myself full time to the historical racism insider what Oh mrs.Gorrie excellent for you father however any individual either received to face up to the mid lap coming over here taking our jobs and our ladies like father like are you you didn’t agree sister chinese lawyer correct there only get London I are not able to hinder the Greek they invented gayness appear anybody i’m not a racist all right god sagging Rick how’s Mary she’s high-quality she’s got that job bathroom hey hiya is that the indignity Fowley yes that is Sean Yin her father Ted Cunha right here I suppose I owe you an apology like then have you learnt why’s a hydrogen that everything cleared up they may be coming straight around I just be very satisfactory to them and persons will discontinue pronouncing i am a racist it’s quality nothing would go improper exceptional so the story is you are no longer a racist as soon as no it’s no longer a story i am no longer a racist hiya each person really right here you are a racist no mrs.Dog just isn’t a racist i’m not i’m not a racist mrs. Doyle we’re gonna have got to do anything to your back you cannot go on like this i am just going to take a look at some no don’t worry mrs. Doyle oh no no just run Mac oh oh yes much better oh yes sure sure it’s first-class let me to find no father no critically father my fetus two decades more youthful whats up the chinese are coming all proper where are they Beckett this big mark is still within the window under no circumstances intellect good day good day I don’t know why we have got to speak to this fascist come on now it’ll have simply been where are they going I invite them round and they don’t even let me inform them my facet of the story this is horrible folks think i’m some sort of Nazi racist and i am now not fuckin Isis hello this is an notion right off the highest of my head now occurs more difficult to so it can be commonly not extremely good however what the hell i don’t talk and spot what comes out anyway super some sorta precise occasion celebrating all the exceptional cultures and craggy Island and then people would believe you are a tremendous man as a substitute of a tremendous racist on account that however that is a just right idea no it’s it is real it’s famous just more often than not anything improper with it I simply haven’t suggestion it via no i will do it you have got had a tremendous proposal but damage it down for me just a little more what would an event celebrating all exclusive cultures in craggy Island sincerely be like what what would it not involve I imply social gathering sure however what kind would it take Ted i want residence look at me I went too some distance to tune I did not be aware of what I used to be coming into Ted I failed to recognize you need to follow up a just right inspiration with hundreds extra little excellent suggestions i am sorry k i’ll sleep in the spare room oh girl i’m sorry you’re full a sheltered you for 50 years you will have by no means even made me a cup of tea you are making city i know a lot about our usual washing up I consider it is for the whole of 1947 and today in 1973 you rewrite you broke all of the place of and also you went k i’m so worn out and i by no means had to rush up plates fill I used to be in the Verma – in no way you’re using me insane i’ll take a valium – so – oh why does your ate everything I do wait he is on valium these are the cyanide we stored for emergencies you place cyanide next to the valium young fool that’s asking for difficulty you close up up Ramona acquired 50 so you sir leave me that is just famous books that is great via me to position angelicus collide and ok good just right just right I stepped on the hamsters bike and fell down the steps father Dugan I concept I advised you to position away that’s like safely did to it that’s what breaking the cage oh no no do not fear father it’s temporary I believe tremendous I wholly forgotten that i will be able to turn my head round like this all right good hear that stuff from habitat is arriving today so when it comes provide father jacket where is father Jack I feel devour up the chimney will I burn the monk father smoked with backoffice would be in all places the residence anyway when that stuff comes pull it all up all of the new dogs and the things for the chairs and that is your thing relatively i’d comprehend however that kind of stuff considering i am a person anyway we’re in most cases party of Craig island ethnic diversity good this common beer Widow it is a quality honor and privilege for me to gift this social gathering of the huge diversity of cultures that exist in these days on craggy Island namely chinese people and humans from prag Island I secured a short slide presentation which reflects this multicultural mix so without further ado that is a stack to show it’s not visited the island just a few years ago I omit his name now however them I obtained on very good with them Sajal instead good the beam is lovely drunk at this sure there will likely be a constrained give of free drink afterwards the high-quality Wall of China a miracle of chinese language engineering so tremendous you can see it from at any place on this planet Chairman Mao Secretary of the Communist party of China one of the vital biggest communist parties in the world for my part the excellent mr.Miyagi from the karate my favorite film no longer seeing that of the Karate kid himself however in view that of mr. Miyagi not sufficient day goes by means of once I don’t do not forget one in all his many words of knowledge kiddo we already spring from them the Maori sorry I don’t know learn how to cuss in there and look for our no Mary’s on calculator ring the message the fine of the entire chinese language humans themselves look at them there and so they create that vivid a quality bunch of that so I believe it is just all elements of chinese language culture thank you considering coming right here good slide exhibit free drink very so much preferred thank you father clearly yes well I just wanted to clear matters off i am no longer a trend and the priest I must gown in black and go around telling men and women what to do whereas priests more drink anyplace in the air would you like a cup of tea oh no no thanks no i’ve a kind of allergic reaction to as you know it’s very infrequent we’re beautiful critical if I drink tea there is a 70% threat of dying you’re making cope any approach that you may to alter your intellect no thanks anyway to China hooray – cookie Islands howdy more drink i am sorry Tabasco how about everyone comes back to my location for a drink wait I need to go to the bathroom first this joy now we have but try this stuff like yes and i mentioned so amazing I’ve blown up in not up to an hour and there used to be this sediment yeah pricey father critic on the recommendations of a recently deceased customer father Seamus Fitzpatrick listed below are some objects which he specified you will have to have within the occasion of this death i will be able to provide an explanation for everything truly no I are not able to whats up sorry once more after which most significantly have you opened that present yet no watching ahead to it although a 12 months’s provide of whiskey how very beneficiant sure the concern there’s sincerely you see there may be been a bit of of a change of plan Oh you Oh you you
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
"Are You Right There Father Ted?" | Father Ted | Series 3 Episode 1 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/are-you-right-there-father-ted-father-ted-series-3-episode-1-dead-parrot-4/
"Are You Right There Father Ted?" | Father Ted | Series 3 Episode 1 | Dead Parrot
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What about opt for it could actually you do the eleven o’clock mass kids I do the eleven and the 12 you should have a relaxation after that weekend away well Paris does are inclined to take it out with her i’m off her sport Ted Kerr become a member of me no thanks Darren what time we long gone to the colour for the races I consider after lunch Oh mrs. Achieved hopes you adore puzzles i really like pheasant however that is what it can be all about high-quality port gorgeous surroundings and wise corporation did you no longer have all that at your final parish no whatever appears to fit you though you have got acquired a newfound gleam to your eyes yes I must be staying here for a excellent file there is somewhat steel of myself for doing anything stupid but some of these debts look in order for this letter I want to cry ask father credit score about one or two of these matters that he’s put down underneath costs goodness what’s making that particularly annoying noise oh that’s Ronaldo it was a bit lonely without it head so I received a hamster rather yes can i ask though does he ever discontinue jogging in that second wheel he is have got to use the wheel ever considering he rolled this into a seed tray but don’t worry hey I suppose there’s simply some thing mistaken with the brake how lengthy has father Jack been residing in there I began just a few days after you left maybe he’s agoraphobic Jack petrified of fighting i do not feel oh hell mrs.Doran simply fell off the roof I believe i will go out google discuss with father Fitzpatrick I feel he has a ebook belonging to me let’s have a look at that – my lady here you know in many instances I leap via this to peer just how a ways we have now come Syl usual Christian mysteries dis Canada web beneath ah Stephen King’s The Shining well thanks for the tea father see the next time we we’re sorry for the daddy i am hoping you intellect your having you booked them why will have to we bought a padlock on that door mobile is there some thing prime-secret in there my assortment oh yes oh so you how does this you gather this struggle memorabilia apart you like to have a seem really mostly taken from the German improve on Russia you’ll find the place the hammer hits the shell casing cut that is very exciting these are helmets regularly infantry yes these would be German as well wouldn’t it that is proper you wouldn’t have whatever from the Allied side no no that sort of factor wouldn’t interest at all an affair that is my curiosity convinced and this is the final photo taken of hair Hitler he’s signing a number of loss of life warrants they’re humorous the way you get more correct-wing as you get older twice well grace this this is all unusual stuff now some men and women once they see it they’re now not too certain that you simply look really although i’m actual you sisters watching you going yeah I instructed you little sleepy 12 months historic pals of mine okay look at the table it’s so soiled i will write in a minute there’s a gene Dubin the place our second alternatively of dwelling in spin we’re simply going to have to get this place clean do –gel and look at you appear at that gap for your tank top what if the character noticed that we’re excellent all correct dogs would you seem at that this yr seem a flawlessly rectangular little bit of black filth on the window I imply how would you get a perfectly rectangular however a black dart on a window i might have thought that used to be practically inconceivable it is simply mrs.Darling are not able to do any cleansing her back may be very dangerous due to the fact that she fell off the roof style of maintain her stability in any respect that is it then i’m simply going to ought to come out and say it we will have got to smooth this position ourselves what you heard me doogal are you with me what yeah correct then let’s go let’s smooth this mom child whatever it’s up into the lamp that came off I would opt for that up excellent thought i am bored no look i am chinese legal come on Google lighten up do not with or chinese language men and women’s there very well Jack there I imply what mom’s a mement that is the N household residing over there now not historic Chinatown area the city there there may be a Chinatown and craggy Island Sokol i would not seem tall the Chinaman impression if I don’t know her to be a Chinaman there to look which other form of mine affect why no longer lifeless huh now not it’s racist they believe i’m a racist i am gonna must catch up with them and explain i am now not a racist and truly if i do not specialize like oftentimes i assume things just rationale spaz i have a reservation X is one time see you bye twice the speedy oh that’s done all right what’s that I ordered some new stuff at the condominium do away with this old hash Google you do not consider I upset those chinese language folks er dude I do not know Ted it used to be just like the time we placed on that kind exhibit and you did that affect of Stephen Hawking he was the last individual you would expect to show off that used to be one million-to-one shot God he can barely transfer in that wheelchair when he’s irritated i do not worry about its head anyway who did your foam habitat no Hobbit hash like habitat itself delicate furnishing but also priests clothes does it not get stressed with habitat though no that is on no account occurred earlier than except just there when you did anyway what else did you order priest sucks really black ones I learn someplace I believe within a piece of writing about pre sucks the pre socks are blacker than another kind of stuff that’s right Google regularly you see lay humans carrying what looked like black socks however in case you seem closely you can see the very very very very very very very dark blue that is actual I concept my uncle Tommy was once carrying black socks however once I checked out them closely they have been just very very very very very very very very very very dark blue in no way buy black socks in a usual keep it shaft you every time no they may be fired appear dwelling out no bows and equal as yourself excellent excellent I hear you are stressed no father what how did you get fascinated by that type of thing son of a racist every person’s pronouncing this father must all of us be racist recognize what the authentic line the torch is taken is oh no handiest the farm takes up many of the day and at night oh just like a cup of tea I wish to be competent to commit myself full time to the historical racism insider what Oh mrs.Gorrie excellent for you father however any individual either received to face up to the mid lap coming over here taking our jobs and our ladies like father like are you you didn’t agree sister chinese lawyer correct there only get London I are not able to hinder the Greek they invented gayness appear anybody i’m not a racist all right god sagging Rick how’s Mary she’s high-quality she’s got that job bathroom hey hiya is that the indignity Fowley yes that is Sean Yin her father Ted Cunha right here I suppose I owe you an apology like then have you learnt why’s a hydrogen that everything cleared up they may be coming straight around I just be very satisfactory to them and persons will discontinue pronouncing i am a racist it’s quality nothing would go improper exceptional so the story is you are no longer a racist as soon as no it’s no longer a story i am no longer a racist hiya each person really right here you are a racist no mrs.Dog just isn’t a racist i’m not i’m not a racist mrs. Doyle we’re gonna have got to do anything to your back you cannot go on like this i am just going to take a look at some no don’t worry mrs. Doyle oh no no just run Mac oh oh yes much better oh yes sure sure it’s first-class let me to find no father no critically father my fetus two decades more youthful whats up the chinese are coming all proper where are they Beckett this big mark is still within the window under no circumstances intellect good day good day I don’t know why we have got to speak to this fascist come on now it’ll have simply been where are they going I invite them round and they don’t even let me inform them my facet of the story this is horrible folks think i’m some sort of Nazi racist and i am now not fuckin Isis hello this is an notion right off the highest of my head now occurs more difficult to so it can be commonly not extremely good however what the hell i don’t talk and spot what comes out anyway super some sorta precise occasion celebrating all the exceptional cultures and craggy Island and then people would believe you are a tremendous man as a substitute of a tremendous racist on account that however that is a just right idea no it’s it is real it’s famous just more often than not anything improper with it I simply haven’t suggestion it via no i will do it you have got had a tremendous proposal but damage it down for me just a little more what would an event celebrating all exclusive cultures in craggy Island sincerely be like what what would it not involve I imply social gathering sure however what kind would it take Ted i want residence look at me I went too some distance to tune I did not be aware of what I used to be coming into Ted I failed to recognize you need to follow up a just right inspiration with hundreds extra little excellent suggestions i am sorry k i’ll sleep in the spare room oh girl i’m sorry you’re full a sheltered you for 50 years you will have by no means even made me a cup of tea you are making city i know a lot about our usual washing up I consider it is for the whole of 1947 and today in 1973 you rewrite you broke all of the place of and also you went k i’m so worn out and i by no means had to rush up plates fill I used to be in the Verma – in no way you’re using me insane i’ll take a valium – so – oh why does your ate everything I do wait he is on valium these are the cyanide we stored for emergencies you place cyanide next to the valium young fool that’s asking for difficulty you close up up Ramona acquired 50 so you sir leave me that is just famous books that is great via me to position angelicus collide and ok good just right just right I stepped on the hamsters bike and fell down the steps father Dugan I concept I advised you to position away that’s like safely did to it that’s what breaking the cage oh no no do not fear father it’s temporary I believe tremendous I wholly forgotten that i will be able to turn my head round like this all right good hear that stuff from habitat is arriving today so when it comes provide father jacket where is father Jack I feel devour up the chimney will I burn the monk father smoked with backoffice would be in all places the residence anyway when that stuff comes pull it all up all of the new dogs and the things for the chairs and that is your thing relatively i’d comprehend however that kind of stuff considering i am a person anyway we’re in most cases party of Craig island ethnic diversity good this common beer Widow it is a quality honor and privilege for me to gift this social gathering of the huge diversity of cultures that exist in these days on craggy Island namely chinese people and humans from prag Island I secured a short slide presentation which reflects this multicultural mix so without further ado that is a stack to show it’s not visited the island just a few years ago I omit his name now however them I obtained on very good with them Sajal instead good the beam is lovely drunk at this sure there will likely be a constrained give of free drink afterwards the high-quality Wall of China a miracle of chinese language engineering so tremendous you can see it from at any place on this planet Chairman Mao Secretary of the Communist party of China one of the vital biggest communist parties in the world for my part the excellent mr.Miyagi from the karate my favorite film no longer seeing that of the Karate kid himself however in view that of mr. Miyagi not sufficient day goes by means of once I don’t do not forget one in all his many words of knowledge kiddo we already spring from them the Maori sorry I don’t know learn how to cuss in there and look for our no Mary’s on calculator ring the message the fine of the entire chinese language humans themselves look at them there and so they create that vivid a quality bunch of that so I believe it is just all elements of chinese language culture thank you considering coming right here good slide exhibit free drink very so much preferred thank you father clearly yes well I just wanted to clear matters off i am no longer a trend and the priest I must gown in black and go around telling men and women what to do whereas priests more drink anyplace in the air would you like a cup of tea oh no no thanks no i’ve a kind of allergic reaction to as you know it’s very infrequent we’re beautiful critical if I drink tea there is a 70% threat of dying you’re making cope any approach that you may to alter your intellect no thanks anyway to China hooray – cookie Islands howdy more drink i am sorry Tabasco how about everyone comes back to my location for a drink wait I need to go to the bathroom first this joy now we have but try this stuff like yes and i mentioned so amazing I’ve blown up in not up to an hour and there used to be this sediment yeah pricey father critic on the recommendations of a recently deceased customer father Seamus Fitzpatrick listed below are some objects which he specified you will have to have within the occasion of this death i will be able to provide an explanation for everything truly no I are not able to whats up sorry once more after which most significantly have you opened that present yet no watching ahead to it although a 12 months’s provide of whiskey how very beneficiant sure the concern there’s sincerely you see there may be been a bit of of a change of plan Oh you Oh you you
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Catfished : Episode 5 
GreenNinja03 : You look beautiful tonight.
With your mouth wide open, you stare at your phone for a total of 10 seconds before smiling wide, your heart feels like it’s going to burst with happiness,
”You came” You practically hold your phone to your chest quickly your eyes dart to the tall figure outside but he’s no longer in your line of sight, instead you see a crowd gathering outside, people trying to get in,
“He must be outside somewhere in that crowd” you tell yourself, going tip toe, of course you forgot you were still holding your drink and leaning into the window to get a better look outside, you spill the liquid to the floor or maybe you missed the floor,
You look down and Steve was crouched on the ground, looking at the the pool of liquid on his blue dress,
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry! Steve what are you doing there?!”
“Beth wanted me to refill the paper cups with the ones that are under the table” He stands up with a pout,
“I am so sorry!” you put down the cup and your phone and take a look at the dress,
“Don’t be.”
You look up at him puzzled at the smile he seems to be trying to suppress, he suddenly grabs you and pulls you into a hug,
“Uhhhh… Steve?”
“I can finally get out of this dreadful costume!” he squeals with glee and runs off,
You stay in that position, still trying to understand what just happened when suddenly you are grabbed once more by the shoulder,
“And don’t tell Beth”
You didn’t get to reply an ‘OK’ instead you just giggled as he runs off with the bottom of his dress in his hands,
Beth approaches you,
“What has gotten into St—” she takes a deep breath “You know what don’t tell me”
Beth looks like a hamster with her cheeks full of punch,
“I have something to tell you” you fidget with yourself nervously,
She’s here, so it seems like the perfect moment to tell her, might as well.
The music kicks up, you realize you have to yell but she lifted her finger gesturing ‘1 minute’ as she is dragged to the dance floor,
Just like that the moment is gone but maybe you could tell her later, you could see her hand calling you over to dance, but you rather not waste any more time.
So you nod no with a smile and when she turns away, you grab your phone and slip out into the crowd,
Some guys whistle at you and hoot but you pay no attention as your eyes are searching,
“What am I doing?” thinking out loud in stressful situations is all you could do, although when the thoughts start rolling, you can’t stop them.
“I don’t even know what you look like” you say looking down at your phone, re-reading his message,
You : Where are you?
Your eyes desperately scan the street, the crowd; for anyone who is holding their phone in their hand, anyone?
Donnie controls his breathing as he lurks in the shadows carefully,
Using one of his favorite tech gadgets,
An ingenious invention of goggles made to have the ability of a telescope and binoculars combined, it could spot things miles away.
Donnie knew his gadgets, by simply turning the knob on the right eye, the image zoomed in giving his eyes a clear view on something far more interesting.
He watches as your white silk dress dances gracefully in the cool night breeze, framing your figure perfectly,
You push some of your sweet curls behind your ear as you look down at your phone,
His heart grew weary, all he wanted to do at the moment was hold you and introduce himself.
Ninjas have sensitive senses, he could feel a presence behind him to which he didn’t waste anytime grabbing his Bo and turning to face....
“I see you atleast remember your lessons?”
The turtle in blue has his arms crossed at Donnie’s Bo in his face,
“Have you lost it?”
Raphael walks up from behind Leo,
Donnie straightens up, pushing up his glasses,
“How did you know where to find me?”
“You had her picture up on your computer” Leo tilts his head to a side as if to understand Donnie “Plus your behavior these past few days and..”
“Hey Don” Mikey smiles from behind Leo’s shell “I didn’t say anything I swear”
Donnie rolls his eyes,
“What are you doing Donnie!?” Leo almost yells but pulls himself together and maintains a low voice.
“I don’t know” Donnie looks down,
“I think you do” Leo places a hand on Donnie’s shoulder “This won’t work”
“He’s here!” you yell over the music more than ever trying to contain your excitement or rather trying to calm your rapid heart beat.
Beth spews the little punch she just sipped,
“He’s here!” you lean into her ear,
Beth wipes her mouth “How do you know?"
You show her his message, her eyes going back and forth reading the message, it’s a short message but you could only think she’s re-reading it over and over again to reassure herself that this is for real.
You expected her to be happy for you or at least as excited as you were, but instead she didn’t seem happy at all, her brows came together and in fact the expression she wore looks a tad bit petrified.
“How the hell does he know what you look like!?”
You have never seen Beth look so scared or worried, not this much at least.
You glance back at the your phone reading the message over and over, how could you have missed that?
“I--I don’t know what or how”
A familiar sound is heard,
Beth comes closer and you both look into your phone,
GreenNinja03 : I’m outside, near the alley. Come meet me.
Your pulse races as you look at Beth’s fear filled eyes, questioning everything.
Note : Hey Guys! I know I am super late with this, I had a lot to do and have more work so I would be releasing these parts every week as best as I can let me know if you enjoyed it, the feedback is always great :)
Much love, Jo
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