#shes so happy that she possibly figured it out and like yes! you go doc your the best! ❤️
xviruserrorx · 1 year
Why the ever living fuck does having endometriosis in your throat, lungs, and your general breathing space area exist!!!???
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 229
So... Kind of gave myself an anxiety attack.  Opened my current master doc (for those who are curious, this story fills 3 documents to the point of locking up my computer. Insert eyeroll here), and only saw this week’s chapter in the outline.
Scrambling to write the next chapter within the next week is NOT how I want to this to end. Everyone has been so patient with the chapters where I had to do that, and I. Am. Not. Ending. It. Like. That!
And then I saw that I just hadn’t added next week’s chapter to the outline. So all that frustration was for nothing.
This week’s recognition! Obviously @baelpenrose for sticking in here so long... geez it’s been years. @gingersnap126126, welcome aboard! @dierotenixe, because I can’t not appreciate Nixe... A character so incredible I had to figure out how to put a mermaid on a space ship!  And this week’s recognized speed runner, @mike-ks-66502-blog. As of posting you are up to chapter 53 as far as I am aware, but quite possibly beyond that, because every time I turn around you are 10 chapters past where I thought you were.  I am SO happy that you are enjoying the story... please feel free to tell me who your favorite character is so far!
Edit: And @mustachebatschaos... omg how could I forget!  You literally changed the entire course of this story!
Parvati and I were finalizing the phrasing on the dispatch to the ship and about to send it over to Hannah for one last check, when the pilot team suddenly started swearing loudly.  Launching to my feet, I saw everyone else was doing the same. “Maverick, Tyche, what - “
Klaxons started sounding, forcing me to cover my ears. “What is going on?!” I shouted.
“Weapons fire!” Evan yelled as she strode into the center of the room. “Firing from the Eko-mari fleet, away from the Ark!”
Over her shoulder, I could see Maverick slamming himself into his seat and pulling down the restraint system. “Noah! Turn that damned sound off, dude! No one can hear directions over that racket!”
My ears rang for a moment at the quiet before I was brave enough to remove my hands. They weren’t completely off, but at least quiet enough to talk over. “Parvati, start pulling up maps for people on recreation,” I ordered before trotting over to Tyche, who was swapping places with Evania. “Can you keep sitrep running with Xio?”
“On it,” she nodded. “Maverick and Evania are prepping for manual piloting and getting a better view of the field.”
“The Eko-Mari are firing at what appears to be a cloaked ship,” Noah announced from above. “Nothing indicates anything has been hit.”
Charly was halfway to the exit before she realized she had to stay put. She started pacing frenetically and held her hands to her ears. “Coffey, Nixe, we need Teeth in suspension yesterday. The Eko-mari are firing at something, and we think it’s the S’crirs or one of the other pirate ships. They have a right to know, but be prepared to sedate them.  If they leave that medbay, there’s no telling what they’ll do.”
“Alice! Are the checks done!?” I shouted, turning back towards the pilots.
“All…. most…. YES!”
“Conor!” I shouted into my databand. “Escort Derek to the nearest med bay - wait, no. Signal Sam to see which one he is closest to, then Derek to that medbay.  Bonus points if it’s - ” I cut off and whipped back around to Charly. “Twelve?”
“Twelve!” she shouted back before continuing to issue orders.
“Bonus points if it’s twelve. That’s where Charly’s family is. I’ll signal Simon and let him know, see if he’s close enough.”
“Do I need to come in and get Derek?” he asked, his tense enough that I knew he was ready to force the door if he had to.
“Noah should let him through without issue,” I responded, walking as briskly as I could without jogging to where Derek had squatted against the bulkhead, hands over his ears. “Hey,” I said softly, line still open and unmuted. “Conor is going to take you to a medbay with Sam, so it’ll be quiet. All you gotta do is make it to the door. I’ll walk with you.”
He nodded, so overwhelmed by the sudden noise and all the shouting that signing was out of the question. Instead, he rose to his feet and walked around the hand I held out.
Okay, no touching, got it, I thought, instead just making sure to walk where he could see me and getting him to the exit as quickly as possible. “Connor, we’re here.”
The door started to iris open, and before it was even halfway there, a hand thrust through with a pair of noise canceling headphones. “Here, bud.” When the door opened completely and he could see my confusion, he gave a short laugh. “When you said I may need to escort Derek away, I went and grabbed them just in case.”
“Good call,” I approved softly before handing the headphones off to Derek and kissing Conor’s wrist. “Be safe,” I whispered. “Charly filled in Nixe and Coffey, so they can give you the details.”
He dragged my hand up and kissed my palm before sweeping his arms wide to create a buffer for Derek. “Let’s go. Same drill as always - if you need to grab my shirt to stay close, go for it. I’ll big-guy my way through the crowd.  Hell, if we run into Jokul, we can practically create a bubble.”
Derek weaved past me, hands trembling while he tried to sign. “Jokul big,” he said, nodding that it was a good thing.
“Yeah he is! And he’s almost as scary as Tyche when he tries.” Conor carefully escorted Derek around the curve in the corridor. 
A high-pitched, semi-hysterical giggle echoed eerily behind them, and I forced myself back to the situation at hand. “Status?” I asked as calmly as possible.
“Additional shots fired, still none have landed,” Tyche rattled off. Her hands flew in a bizarre combination of dancing and conducting. “But the area is getting more focused, and if they hit one of the pirates, we’re going to be in a tough spot.”
“Evan!” Xiomara barked. “Which side of the ship is the fleet firing from?”
“Port, thirty degrees from our x.”
“Charly! Is the S’crirs on that side?”
Charly scrambled to contact, but received no response. Her eyes widened. “I am taking that as a yes.”
“ ‘Sorry, we can’t talk right now, we’re being shot at by your stalkers’ is pretty universal,” Arthur agreed. “Evan, Tyche, anyone with an engineering degree - how hard would it be for us to veer to starboard, and are micro jumps a thing?”
“Incredibly, and not for the Ark,” Tyche droned, focused on her invisible screens. “We may be able to drift pretty hard that direction, though.”
Before anyone could think of any other options, I saw Maverick brace himself and nod once, barely visible over Tyche’s shoulder. “Hold on to your butts, we’re bowling for buzzards!”
I had just enough time to splay flat on the floor before the entire Ark pitched hard to one side and dropped out from under me.  Vibrations rattled through the deck and into my teeth for several minutes before the rocking and falling feeling stopped.
Rolling to my side, all I could do was gasp desperately for air while screeching came over the speakers. “Hujylsogox Vessel Yjq! You have declared an act of war against the Galactic - “
“Our sincerest apologies,” Noah’s voice cut them off. I realized, not too far behind nearly everyone else, that Noah was playing the audio solely for our benefit. “We were attempting to maneuver away from the threat you detected, in the event of stray return fire. There is still a partially healed breech in the hull on the port side, and we cannot risk our cargo being exposed to vacuum. We were unaware it could be taken as an offensive maneuver, as we only detected debris in the navigatory direction.”
A quick tap to my ears showed no blood, and the resultant ringing was significantly less annoying than Tea-Kettle’s shouting, so I just rested my cheek against the floor.
“We only detected debris,” Noah repeated distantly. “Threat assessment indicated that the asteroids would do less damage to the Ark than stray fire, with eight nines of certitude.”
A very muffled, repulsive noise filtered through my poor hearing. “Your unapproved change in course has damaged several of our vessels. You will return your ship to its correct bearing, immediately, and schedule the Yjq for maintenance once this folly is concluded.”
“We fear the Yjq may need to be decommissioned due to age, but will take your assessment under advisement,” Noah agreed before cutting audio.
“The Ark is returning to original heading,” Maverick announced. “On auto-pilot, so to speak.”
“Pilot Okima, there is nothing automatic about how I navigate the Ark, especially when you have created such stress on the drives,” Noah scolded.
“You’re more automatic than I am. And the drives shouldn’t be too bad off - I used the forward momentum to make the curve.  No braking, I swear.”
“Our ideas of breaking are very disparate.”
Everything settled into a kind of dull roar, and I started pushing myself up from the floor. I managed to get on my hands and knees before scuttling to a table for leverage. “Why is this in the same spot?” I wondered inanely.
“It’s part of the deck,” Tyche groaned as she forced herself to her feet.
Awesome. Good to know.
“I have the S’crirs!” Charly screamed. “Noah, can you patch them through so we can all hear them!?”
Rather than the buzzing answer I expected, a mellow alto voice started. “ - for the distraction your people provided.”
“This is Xiomara Kalloe. Do you know how they found you?”
“Warrior Kalloe, one of our tugs experienced a drive malfunction and the captain would not abandon their freight. It is shameful.”
“Far be it from me to reprimand someone trying to ensure they get paid,” Xio assured. “Are your people safe?”
Brol’s baritone filled the air next. “All who were willing to abandon the tug have been evacuated, yes. Any vessels able to do so have relocated to follow in the wake of the Ark.”
“Can you send Charly the current locations of your ships along with expected flight paths?” Maverick called out. “I don’t want to bump into anyone, and we’d all be grateful to know how badly the birds are aiming.”
“Who is speaking.” Ix’al wasn’t asking. She was demanding.
“This is Maverick Okima, human pilot, Your Grace. Consort to Sophia Reid, and one who loves Teeth as my own.”
Consort? I mouthed, scowling.
He grinned unrepentantly and wiggled his wrist at me.
His message was waiting for me on my datapad. “They’re matriarchal, and I’m not arguing with someone big enough to kill me by accident.”
“This will suffice.” Hell, from Ix’al it was a glowing approval. “Are any other humans piloting, or are we to give you sole credit for such…unexpected maneuvers?”
“Evania Josue, Xiomara’s second, is also piloting. Tyche Reid - “
“Charly and Sophia, you neglected to inform us that your other sister is a pilot.”
“In training,” Tyche offered, fighting a feral smile. “I am navigating, currently. When Miys is not.”
“Well met.” The filter over Brol’s voice sounded like it was laughing, which I took as a good sign. “And this Evania Josue?”
“Evan, sir and Grace,” she responded for herself. “I… am not directly affiliated with Teeth’s family.”
“She stabbed you, Ix’al,” Charly added to the utmost horror of several of us. “She’s the one who removed - “
Shouts attempted to drown her out. I stared down Xiomara and did my damnedest to develop telepathy so we could figure out where to hide Evan. Pranav actually tried to tackle Charly, but failed horribly when he underestimated her agility.  The antics drew everyone’s eyes to Charly, thankfully, so we noticed when she stopped dodging and just pointed up.
That’s when we heard it.
Ix’al was laughing.
“Oh, the one who gouged out her ears!” the alien Queen crowed. “Yes, you were quite fierce! Has your leg healed fully?”
Evan’s eyes widened and she instinctively bent her left leg a few times before rubbing her thigh. “It aches now and then, but I am far fitter than I would be without the Ark’s technology.”
“Scars are trophies that last the rest of our days,” Ix’al advised.  I could almost imagine her nodding.
Pranav brushed off the front of his shirt nervously, and rocked his head side to side. “Your Highness, my apologies for the interruption. I am Pranav Ranganathan, head of data security and programming.”
“The clever one who stole the squeaking vermin’s data, yes. We recall.”
He ran a hand over his scalp in relief. “We believe we have a possible weapon to assist you. How secure is this communication?”
“As secure as it can get with pirated technology and a theoretically mythical being hiding the data,” Charly answered.
“Quite secure then, superb.” Another inch of relaxation hit him. “We solicited the population for ways to block the fleet without killing them all, to ensure we were doing the right thing.”
Brol spoke up. “Yes, a rare act of conscience for a predatory mammalian species.” A thumping noise broke through before he spoke again. “Xale, do not pretend offense. You have often chided your sister for the same thinking.”
Pranav looked confused until Charly whispered something in his ear. She must have explained Xale’s job and relationship to Teeth, because he nodded in understanding. “One of our own provided an idea that we only feel confident in half of, but it is a half that you can leverage.”
Grey, in a rare moment, raised their voice. “Pranav, biological warfare, even under the GeeCee, is considered a war crime.”
“Of sorts,” Brol agreed. “There are exceptions, but your tone indicates that this is not one.”
“It is not,” Pranav confirmed. “But that isn’t the half I’m talking about, thankfully. Derek, our…. Our Teeth, if you will allow the comparison, has suggested a computer virus.  He has even supplied the code within the proposal.  Can we send it to your people, with the express advisement not to actually run the code outside of a sandbox?”
After a brief but heavy silence, Brol spoke again. “And this is the half you are not concerned about?”
“May we ask what the half you were rejecting involved?” Ix’al broached, tone more curious than cautionary.
“Oh, sending over a load of Terran bacterial infections and viruses,” Pranav assured. “I do not approve of bioweapons, however, so I would never relay such a suggestion.”
Splashing overruled any attempt at a response from the S’crirs end, before the line went suddenly quiet. Charly glared at Pranav in accusation, but he only held his hands up and shook his head. “I said it was off the table!”
“The line is not disconnected,” Noah advised. “Merely silenced temporarily.”
“Sorry,” Charly whisper-shouted at Pranav, who nodded in acceptance.
“Our apologies,” Ix’al’s voice broke through. “We needed to calm Xale. Xe once contracted a Terran sinus infection from Teeth and was comatose for several months.”
Tyche’s head whipped over to me, and I couldn’t blame her. My eyes crossed as I stared at my own nose in accusation. Months? Really? I had been prone to sinus infections my entire life… Poor Xale.
“At least they were comatose through it,” I thought out loud. “They’re hell to be awake for.”
“We will run the program in a sandbox,” Brol advised in a rush. “If Terran computer viruses are anything like their biological ones, a quarantine is simply a prudent measure.”
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angelosearch · 6 months
I'd like to know more about Paint night!
Paint night is just supposed to be a really simple fic where Squall and Rinoa go to one of those sip-and-paint classes. It was SUPPOSED to be short and fluffy but I went down a rabbit hole trying to figure out "why would Rinoa go if she is bad at art" and "why would Squall go if he is Squall and we are only a few months post-game". It was just going to be cute and funny, but instead, I spiraled out into self-discovery (for Squall) and insecurity (for Rinoa) and it stopped being about the cute date I wanted it to be!!
So for me to complete this WIP I probably have to start a new doc and reel it back in. I'd like it to be under 1000 words because I want to challenge myself to write shorter fics here and there.
Anyway, here is the first part before I went off the rails. Sorry if there is a typo or two, I haven't edited it at all yet.
“Selphie, I really appreciate this but…” Rinoa said as she pushed her finger under the seal of the envelope. “There’s no such thing as a 7-month dating anniversary. You really didn’t have to get me anything.”
Selphie beamed. 
“You and Squall are two of my favorite people!” she exclaimed. “I just wanted to celebrate you! And look at the card! Isn’t it cute?” 
Rinoa pulled out the white piece of cardstock. In elegant cursive, shiny black debossed letters spelled out, “There’s been buzz about your love!” The text sat beneath two cartoonish and happy bumble bees, along with loopy flight lines and tiny hearts. 
“Your bumble was meant to bee,” Rinoa read the inscription inside. “Okay, I have to admit, that is adorable.”
“Look at the gift certificate!” Selphie said as she poked the folded-up piece of paper in the card.  
It struck Rinoa that Selphie’s smile was just a little too big–possibly the last thing you see before a disaster. It was like the smile she had in FH when she told her role in getting the Commander to relax. Selphie was up to something, and it worried Rinoa. 
Rinoa unfolded the paper. Oh yes, Selphie was up to something. 
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residentdormouse · 1 year
Character Interview Tag Game
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Thank you for the tag @bardic-tales, @mrsmungus, and @chickensarentcheap! - I figured by the third tag, I better get this turned around instead of it sitting half finished in my Google docs, huh? Yeah. Wow, am I getting bad at doing these in a timely manner. I miss being on a writing schedule…
Rules: Answer the 15 questions below as yourself or in character of an OC of your choice. Also tag 15 people if possible.
I’m going to go with Hayden, since she is my main OC. Pulling her for questioning from the middle of ‘Just Keep Diving Down’ because some answers are reliant on story events, and could change depending on when she’s asked. This point in the timeline would be the only spot she could truly give you a decent answer to the full lot of them.
(Although, if you have the time and are curious, I would recommend starting with Something Like A Spiral. Chronologically, it comes first. Just Keep Diving Down picks up where Spiral stops. Spiral is a canon storyline to the Stand, and Diving is after canon events end.)
No Pressure Tagging: @asirensrage @tsunderewatermelon @verba-writing @karimac @late-to-the-fandom and Open Tag to anybody who would find joy in doing this.
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1. Are you named after anyone?
No, but also, kind of yes? I guess that doesn’t have as simplistic an answer as most. Sorry about that. My parents decided on my name after hearing it in a TV show. I don’t believe there was any particular attachment to the character, they both just liked the sound of it. But to be fair, you could also say I was named after a little girl in Arnette, Texas.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh. Jumping right in it then. I suppose a couple days ago? It has been a, well… a slightly trying time, to say the least. Sometimes it all just catches up with you, doesn’t it? Feels like death’s been surrounding us for so long. You think you get away, but you never really can, can you? It’s always a possibility, especially when you have a life like mine.
3. Do you have kids?
No! No. That’s nothing I would responsibly be able to do. Doesn’t seem very fair to them. No, I couldn’t do that. Won’t do that.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Sarcasm always seems to have this type of negative connotation to it. I prefer snark. Sass. Cheek, maybe? Playful banter? I give shit a lot. And armchair therapy depending on who you ask, I suppose. If it makes it any better, it is our group speak. Love language perhaps? Ah, it's understood between us, I guess is what I’m getting at.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Body language and posture. Most people will tell you who they are before they even say a word. It gives a decent gauge to see what note to start a conversation on. What to potentially expect from the exchange.
6. What's your eye color?
Brown, but there are some days they take on a slightly more hazel tone. Mostly brown though.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Oh, I have enough going on in my life to skip over the scary. Had my fill, thank you. I’ll take happy endings from here on out if you don’t mind.
8. Any special talents?
Some people say I have a knack for understanding how things work, but I don’t know. Seems like that’s just something that would come with being naturally curious, wouldn’t it? You have to understand how things work if you want to use them to work for you? Its a universal concept, whether its technology, magic, music… You have to know the principles before you can begin to successfully alter them.
But that said, I would personally say the piano. I’m not the best at it, more mechanical than natural about the movements, but I still enjoy it. Or more appropriately, I enjoy the music.
9. Where were you born?
A little absurd, but apparently, my mom liked telling the story, so here goes. I was born at our home in the bathtub. My mother had a very high pain threshold. Things that could break other people were nothing she would blink at. The stories surprise me sometimes, but digressing. She thought she was having braxton hicks, and went to soak for a few moments. Doctors told her that’s when her water broke, not that she would know. So without the normal alerts that would send most moms to be to their hospital, mine was quite content to soak until the water started to take on a red tint. Thankfully my dad had a level head.
10. What are your hobbies?
Oh, I guess the piano answer should have went here, huh? Not that I’ve had much time to do anything with it lately. I get a few breaks here and there when we’re down at Gru’s, but for the most, it's been research and practice. Wash, rinse, repeat. Although, Glen does make it a mission to make sure I take sporadic breaks. Mostly he pulls me along on his paint outings. Not that I give him much resistance, the area here really is beautiful, and the company is quite pleasant. I like watching him work.
I won’t turn down a good story though either. Books on a rainy days are always welcome.
11. Have you any pets?
Had? Yes. Have? No. I think that would be much like the kid question, slightly irresponsible on my part, I’d think. I would love it, though. I’ve had many pets before, and I love animals. Plus, I’m pretty sure Glen misses Kojak, although, good luck getting him to admit that. He still claims to not be an animal person, but how they got on, you couldn’t tell. Liar.
That does bring up a good point, though. We would not turn away one in need. If another situation like Kojak comes along, and we are better than any other alternative…. But we aren’t about to seek one out though. Not with life as it is now. Maybe someday…
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I never was much of a sports fan, not gonna lie. Small get togethers with a round up softball game or something, alright, fair. But all for funsies. Nothing organized, or for an extended period of time.
13. How tall are you?
About 5’7”, a little over. I’m pretty average, I think, but I’ve had a few people say I give off tall girl vibes, whatever that means. I think it was meant endearingly, but it's hard to tell when it comes from Max.
14. Favourite subject in school?
They all have their pluses and minuses. Overall anatomy, not my favorite, but once it came to neuroscience specifically, it was fantastic. You can’t have one without the other though. Programming. You can’t advance before you understand the basics. Same with teletporation and dimensional studies. I guess it really comes down to one of my prior answers: You have to know how it works before you can manipulate it, and that can be tedious. Learning the basics is dull sometimes. But the end game is so much more rewarding.
15. Dream job?
I honestly wish I could go back to the way it was before. Studying in my lab. Proposing and testing theories. Pushing the boundaries of what we know. What we’ve seen. Connecting to other worlds in ways we would have never imagined before. Seeing out beyond our reach. It was exhilarating. Maybe one day, it will come back to that. I can hope.
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blindshoot · 1 year
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character?
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game? Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
YES TO BOTH, these are both actually so incredibly detailed that i'm working on a doc (my mind is huge and i will create even the tiniest of content as if he belongs in this game) that will have all of this in one place BUT i will go into some of the details here since all of it is still a wip
There's a druid in the grove that has contacted Dareth to be here. You do not know who they are but there is a particular redhead that finds her way to the ox stables where Dareth sits. You can ask him who she is if you find them in conversation but he will not let you go far about it. HOWEVER if you manage to find her back near the druids, she will let it slip that her and Dareth are "friends".
If Tav does not find out Dareth is a werewolf on their own, a long rest cutscene will begin with the full moon. A perception check will determine whether the player is able to hear something in the woods and further investigation checks will lead you to Dareth beginning to shift. He will warn you to stay away. Run if you can. A tree of options include: Try to help. / The player stays with Dareth as he shifts and must make an animal handling check to soothe the beast. A failure isn't damning, the player will simply be frightened as Dareth roars in their face. Do as he says. Leave. / Tav gets to the safety of camp, you can discuss the night prior with Dareth who has returned (with a condition that I have to figure out and name until another long rest, his version of astarion's 'Happy') Attack. / As it says you attack Dareth and he either kills you or you kill him.
this is a HUGE WIP but Dareth's personal quest lies in Act II the first time you enter moonrise towers. It's hard to bring Dareth in, as he doesn't have a tadpole, but if you do, Dareth will be immediately recognized here by someone who he thinks he does not know.
Eventually he will realize that this is his childhood friend, Ship. Currently, they work under Kethric and are inherently a threat. Dareth will beg you to not do anything, even as Ship taunts the group. It will take a series of checks to make sure Ship does not attack the player, Dareth being around possibly gives situational advantage.
Ship can be brought to camp and Dareth will ask you to help him work with his friend and bring them back to their senses. He fears he will have to put them down like a rabid dog otherwise. You can learn more about both Ship and Dareth during this quest and it will unlock a lot of dialogue with Dareth as he will be more open to speak with you.
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gliyerabaa · 1 year
4, 23, 29 for the writer asks :)
hehehehehehe thank you Carson I love doing these <3
4. How many WIP's do you have right now?
Oh jeez, the actual number is not one I'm willing to count... But WIP's with the intention to finish and post... I think I'm sitting at around 4 right now?
Per Aspera ch. 24
angsty one-shot (the premise of this is actually really cool- an AU where Glinda goes with Elphaba after DG, becomes a healer on the front lines of the fight)
smutfic sequel, currently at nearly 6k words and still more to go 😔😔😔😔😔 (not actually *sad* about this necessarily, just like... all these words, going to smut...)
WIP that I may finish, it's more just a few sentences of ideas than anything, based off of this song
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter in multichapter works?
Ok so in my years writing, I've gotten a lot better at 1. writing outlines and 2. actually sticking to the outlines. Take Per Aspera for example, I have the overarching plot written down in a 13 page bare bones outline, and then I flesh each chapter out with its own outline more.
The only times I break in unplanned places is if the word count is getting to be Too Much. Chapters 13 and 14 of Per Aspera were supposed to be 1 chapter, but I decided to break it into two for readability's sake. Might wind up doing the same with the second part of the smutfic. We'll see.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
I've decided to share the unfinished doc that was the very root of the inspiration for Per Aspera Ad Astra. It's the beginnings of a short scene about the summer heat that I wrote in the dead of the coldest winter I've ever experienced. A lot of it is just scenario and context, but this unfinished doc is literally what started it all
It was a particularly hot summer afternoon, and Glinda was absolutely overcome with boredom.  Her parents were out of town yet again, and all her popular friends were on vacation- without her. They had all practically abandoned her the second she even mentioned the possibility that she might not be straight.  Small town life as a mostly-closeted lesbian wasn’t easy. Nearly everyone in the tiny Kansas town of Shiz had made their stance on ‘them strange city folk’ very clear.  And by ‘strange city folk’, they meant anyone who wasn’t straight, white, or Christian.  Her phone buzzed twice.  2 new messages from Elphaba Speaking of not straight, white, or Christian…. -hey.  -bored as hell, wanna hang out? Glinda sighed. Elphaba was her best friend and, to put it nicely, the town freak. She was the atheist daughter of the pastor of the only church in town, she was inexplicably green and unashamedly queer.  And Glinda was stupid enough to catch feelings for her.  She was bored out of her mind and needed something to do, but the very thought of spending time with Elphaba made her stomach flip in the best possible way.  She decided to type an ambiguous response. -idk. it’s sooo hot out and there’s nothing to do here anyway The response was almost instantaneous.  -we could drive to Wichita, do some shopping. I know how much you love shopping Wichita was almost two and a half hours away. There was no way she’d survive that long in such close quarters with the girl of her dreams. She needed an excuse. -ugh that’s so far away, besides, my parents just got me a bunch of new clothes for my birthday, I don’t really need anything -besides, you hate shopping -yes, I do. but it makes you happy and that makes me happy  Glinda blushed. Why did Elphaba have to be so infuriatingly nice? Before she could recollect her thoughts, her phone buzzed again. -we could go to Nanny’s. then figure out if we want to do anything else from there? -ooh, I’m starving. Nanny’s it is then.  -great, I’ll be right over Glinda’s heart was racing. She knew that she had no right to be crushing on her best friend this hard.  But her mind would always wander to Elphaba’s emerald green skin, her dark, captivating eyes, her gentle smile that she usually kept hidden from the rest of the world, that sweet, sweet smile that she wanted nothing more than to kiss- no, she banished the thought.  Needing to refocus her mind, Glinda rolled out of bed and decided she’d better get ready. She checked the weather on her phone: 90 degrees with 55% humidity, basically ridiculously hot.  She switched out of her t-shirt to a pink tank top and shorts. She heard Elphaba’s truck pulling into the driveway, so she kicked on her sandals, grabbed her purse, and hurried out the door.  The heat outside was oppressive. Glinda didn’t realize how much she relied on air conditioning until the few seconds she was forced to go without it. 
And that was all I had written in the doc. This is from February of 2019 so the style and characterization is a little outdated by my current standards. But, there it is. What would have happened, had this played out more:
they get lunch at Nanny's
they drive around in Elphie's truck, stop somewhere for ice cream
drive to a lake, unrestrained summer fun ensues
a first kiss in the back of her truck in the night, surrounded by fireflies
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sweetyyhippyy · 2 years
Metal Head Princess. Dad!Eddie series. *FLUFF*
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(My header)
Summary: Baby Munson is… (yeah I know we already know based on the header 😅😅)
Word Count: 925
TW: *I know that gender is a social construct, and I 1000% support and believe that. But I did assign gender, I figured with it being a fictional, “oc” character it wouldn’t be a huge deal… I could be wrong.* Eddie being obnoxious (lovingly)
“I’m telling you, it’s going to be a boy 1000 percent.” Eddie chuckles, one hand on the steering wheel while the other is on her thigh.
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want a girl.” She teases, taking a sip of water. “I’m telling you, the books and the old wives tales I’ve read about, we’re having a girl. Plus I just feel it in my body.”
Eddie sighs dramatically. “You’re that convinced?”
“Yes! Plus, I see you having a little baby girl version of yourself. You making her listen to all the metal bands, being just like you but with little pigtails and chunky little cheeks.” She smiles, already thinking about how cute and sweet their future child was going to be.
“Yeah I guess I wouldn’t mind a little metal head princess. Next to you of course.”
“Care to make this interesting?” She asks, wiggling her eyebrows at him.
“Oh, I’m intrigued. Go on.”
“If it’s a boy, I will let you name the baby anything you want. I can’t say no to whatever name you pick.”
Eddie throws his head back and belly laughs. “Yeah, that’s good. Alright, and if it’s a girl?”
She sits silent and thinks for a while, before she laughs to herself. “You have to let me practice doing pigtails on your hair. Bows, headbands and all.”
“Okay, yeah you got a bet, babe.”
“Why am I so nervous? I haven’t been this nervous since our first date.”
“It’ll be fine! You’re just worried you’re gonna lose.” She teases, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Okay, I think I have a clear enough picture. Are you ready?” The doctor asks with a smile on her face.
“Yeah.” Eddie smiles, reaching for his wife’s hand to squeeze comfortingly. “Yeah we’re ready.”
They both look at the screen, watching the fuzzy black and white picture.
“Okay, so we are looking for a possible extra part right around here to indicate what you’re having… and I’m not seeing it, so I think it’s safe to assume you are expecting a baby girl, you two! Congratulations!”
She instantly bursts into tears, clasping her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god, really? Is it really a girl?” She sniffles.
“Yup, it looks like it! Congratulations you guys.” She smiles warmly.
“Babe, it’s a girl!” She looks up at Eddie, tears still filling her eyes. As she looks at him, she notices the tears in his eyes. “Eds?”
He clears his throat, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “I’m okay. Just… just really happy, is all.” He says to her, kissing her head. “I’m so happy.” He kisses her forehead twice, swiping his thumb through her tears. “Is the baby looking good, doc? She’s healthy and all that?”
“Yes, she's looking very healthy. Nothing concerning or anything I’m worried about. I'm going to print these pictures out for you guys to take home and then I’ll be sending you guys on your way.”
Eddie was getting a quick drink for both of them, deciding on a movie night for 2 to end the day. He looked to her through the kitchen, her body laid out on the couch, a book resting on her bump as she read the words on the page. He loved being able to look at her and just watch her without her knowing, even though it sounded creepy.
She always had her hand on her little belly along with a smile. He loved that she was embracing the “soon to be mom” role; reading all the pregnancy books she could find in her spare time (even trying to get him to read the books too so he knew what she was going through).
“Babe! Come here!” She calls from the room.
Eddie grabs their glasses and walks to her, handing her a cup as he rounds the couch. “What’s up, babe?”
“Did you know that right now she’s the size of a banana?” She says, putting the book down on her belly to look over at him with a smile on her face.
Eddie smiles back, placing his drink on the table in front of him before he lays between her legs, his head resting on her stomach. “Doc said that she could hear me now, right?”
She nods her head, lifting her shirt up a little bit.
“Hey in there. You’ll be hearing a lot from me now that I know you can hear me. I uh… I just wanted to tell you I love you a lot already and I can’t wait for you to get here.” Eddie smiles, rubbing both sides of his wife’s belly. “Actually, I can wait for you to get here. We don’t have anything ready for you yet, so don’t be in a hurry.”
She can’t help but laugh, making her belly jiggle. “Lay down the law with her dad.” She jokes.
“You know, I just realized something… probably going to have to stop calling me daddy in bed if that’s what the baby is going to call me.”
“Edward James Munson! You are disgusting!” She screeches and laughs, pushing his head away from her. “She heard you say that!”
“Sorry!” He laughs just as hard as her, kissing the bump. “Sorry to you too little girl. Damn, going to have to stop calling you that now too.”
“Eddie!” She draws out the “e” at the end of his name, pushing his head again. “You are such a perv.”
“I mean, this is how you got knocked up, babe.”
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Not Meant To Be- Chris Evans fan fic
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Summary: Chris and reader try to get pregnant but when reader goes to her doctor one day she finds out she may not be able to have a child…
⚠️Warnings: mentions of depression and overthinking, mentions of anxiety. & mentions of pregnancy issues I’m sorry I know this might be a sensitive topic. this is a sad fic this one won’t have a happy ending I’m so sorry⚠️
So it started with Chris and I talking one day while going on a walk with dodger, everything in our relationship has been wonderful we’ve been together for three years and we were thinking of having kids.
I was walking hand in hand with Chris and said “you sure you’re ready for us to maybe starting a family Chris? I know your life right now has you busy and I don’t wanna disrupt that.”
Chris said “baby I wanna do this with you more than anything. I love you and if you’re ready so am I.”
I smiled at him and felt so happy and said “I love you too Chris I just wanted to be sure you’re good with this I don’t wanna pressure you with anything.”
Chris gently put his hand on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me and leaned his forehead by mine and said “does that answer you doll?”
I nodded and said “yea it does baby I’m glad you wanna have kids it’s been on my mind for a little while honestly.”
———a month later———
Chris and I started trying for having a child every so often and I went to the doctor to have an exam done and see if things had moved along at all because it had been a little while now and I was starting to worry.
After the nurse checked me in the doctor came in and said “hey Y/N how are we today?”
I hoped they couldn’t tell how anxious I was about this appointment. I said “oh I’m ok doc thanks how about you?”
The doctor said “I’m well thank you, so I see here that you came in because you’ve been trying to get pregnant that right?”
I nodded feeling shaky and said “yes that’s right but so far nothing is happening and it’s been weighing on me..”
The doctor got me checked out and did tests and then I went home waiting on the results anxiously feeling worried this might not happen.
With Chris away on a work trip I was kinda relieved he wasn’t around to see how stressed and worried I was.
I hear my phone buzz and it’s Chris trying to FaceTime call me.
I answer it saying “hey baby!” secretly feeling like I’m gonna have a panic attack.
Chris smiled at me and said “hey doll I’m sorry I’m not there with you right now to wait on the results, has the doctor called yet?”
I shook my head saying “not yet Chris I know we really wanna have this happen.”
He saw my guilty face and said “hey no it’s ok baby they’ll let us know but whatever happens I love you we’ll figure it out ok?”
Just hearing Chris say that made me feel really relieved and I smiled and said “I love you Chris and I know we will should I let you go or can you stay on for a bit?”
Chris said “no I can stay on with you for a bit how’s Dodger doing by the way I miss my buddy!”
I whistled to dodger and said “dodger hey boy come here daddy wants to say hey!”
Dodger came running up to me and I turned the camera to face dodger and Chris said “hey buddy it’s daddy are you behaving for Y/N?”
Dodger licked the screen he’s always such a smart boy he knows who it is.
I said “yes he’s being a good boy he’s keeping me company.”
Chris said “good boy dodge, hey baby I gotta go but let me know when the doctor calls or sees you next ok? I’ll be home in a few days I love you.”
I waved and said “bye baby I love you too.”
A few days later the doctor called leaving a voicemail asking me to go in to see them and oh gosh I was so nervous about it.
I got there and sat down and the doctor comes in and says “hey Y/N so unfortunately the tests showed that you are unable to have children I’m so sorry Y/N but you could keep trying or adopt possibly, I’ll give you a minute.”
I sat there feeling upset and felt frozen I couldn’t move and oh god what was I gonna tell Chris?
That night I got home and Chris was sitting on the couch and he looked up and noticed the state I was in and walked over carefully hugging me.
Chris said “did you just come from the doctors office honey?”
I nodded and looked at Chris and said “Baby.. I’m.. I’m sorry, we’re not able to have kids on our own..”
Chris looked really sad and shocked and hugged me and I cried and said “I’m so sorry Chris I’m so sorry.”
Chris cried rubbing my back and said “me too honey.. I’m sorry too.. but we’ll umm we’ll figure it out ok?”
I wanted to believe it I really did but right now I didn’t know how to feel. I guess it was not meant to be.
So this was another requested fic I just worked on I’m so so sorry i know it’s a sad one 😭 but it was a request. I changed it up a bit but I hope the person that requested it enjoys it and I hope it’s alright. xx 🤍
Next fic story I promise will be a happy one 💜
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chloegong · 3 years
that semi-AU romajuliette + benmars fic
i need a permanent place to store this after dumping a random google doc on twitter so here it is, the author writing fic for her own book because people gave me headcanons and they were too good not to make use of
the one where juliette and marshall go out for a night out on the town and roma and ben have to go along to supervise because one time they accidentally committed arson —headcanon from twitter user @leonidasvaldz
a semi AU where Benedikt and Marshall were hanging out with Roma and Juliette in those happy months R&J had together in 1922 before everything went wrong (aka you can take this as canon because it will fit the timeline but the characters won’t have memory of this in the actual published books)
Disclaimer: i wrote this in one go inside a starbucks please expect ao3 user chloegong and not Author Chloe Gong who does multiple rounds of edits on her books
Second Disclaimer: nobody go putting this on goodreads before someone on my publishing team kicks my ass (rightfully so, i’m on deadline rn and i’m writing fanfic instead of my real contracted manuscript)
Mandatory reminder that Our Violent Ends is available for preorder with all links here :)
It wasn’t supposed to happen again. And yet, somehow, Benedikt was watching fire curl around the side of the building, the roof beams giving a loud groan before shuddering and caving in on itself.
He turned a look onto Roma. “Your girlfriend is a maniac.”
Five hours earlier...
Juliette climbed in through the window of Roma’s bedroom, careful to hug the burlap bag close to her chest as she landed on his carpet. The howling wind outside drowned out some of the clinking, but the glass bottles were still making a racket no matter how carefully she hugged the bag. She had gone full throttle for tonight; when no one was watching and her relatives were downstairs crowing over a game of cards, she had snuck around and robbed the liquor cabinets at the Scarlet mansion quite generously. Now she dropped the bag onto Roma’s floor with a huff, brushing a curl of hair out of her eyes.
“Where’s Marshall?”
Roma looked up from where he was reading, putting his book down and rising from the bed smoothly.
“Well, hello.” He strode toward her, stopping before her with his arms crossed. “Lovely to see you too. You do know it is my bedroom you just snuck into, right?”
Juliette pretended to jump in surprise, looking around wildly. “Do you jest? Oh, bother. Let me climb back out and go find my real lover. Marshall! Where are—”
With a huff that seemed to double as a laugh, Roma grabbed her wrist before she could turn around and leave through the window again.
“You’re hilarious,” he said dryly.
“I know.” Juliette reached up with her free hand, clasping her cold fingers right onto his neck. Though her palm was freezing from the bitter temperatures outside, Roma hardly flinched, he only shrugged his shoulder up to keep her hand there. He couldn’t fight back the grin. For several seconds, the two of them only stood there, looking like a pair of idiots smiling at each other.
Then his door opened.
“Are we interrupting something?”
Marshall bounded into the room, throwing the door wide open. With a horrified expression, Benedikt hurried in after him and closed the door quickly, listening for movement on the other side.
“Yes, leave the door wide open,” Benedikt said. “While any White Flower strolling the corridor can peer in and see the Scarlet heir standing there in a silly coat.”
Juliette stepped away from Roma, peering down at herself as if she had forgotten what she put on. “I didn’t think it was that silly. It’s my disguise.”
“You do look a little like a housewife,” Marshall said, considering the coat.
“A fifteen-year-old housewife?”
“I suppose that is exactly why you look a little silly.”
Juliette pulled a face, but refrained from arguing further. She was here tonight because Marshall wanted to see the new Scarlet club that opened along Thibet Road, and she had promised she could sneak him in. Unfortunately, Marshall was bad at keeping secrets, and the worst at keeping secrets from Benedikt. The moment that Benedikt heard Marshall was planning on entering Scarlet territory, he had decided that he would come in accompaniment.
Juliette supposed it was only fair. Benedikt didn’t entirely trust her, but he was nice enough. He tolerated her presence and always kept an eye over his shoulder to make sure she wasn’t spotted on their territory if she poked her head in to see Roma. While Juliette didn’t know much about Marshall either, he was far warmer than his best friend, and for the first time last week, they had even enjoyed an outing with just the two of them. Juliette Cai and Marshall Seo—out and about in the border territories on a quaint evening.
That outing had ended with accidental arson though, so it was rather possible that exacerbated Benedikt’s desire to play chaperone. And of course, if Benedikt was coming along, Roma wanted to tag along too.
The arson was hardly their fault, Juliette and Marshall had maintained when the Montagovs asked questions. What kind of person left a stack of hay out beside a bar? And what kind of hay was that easily flammable just from accidentally whacking one of the lanterns on the awning onto the stack?
“All right.” Juliette hauled the bag up again. “Are we ready to sneak onto Scarlet territory?”
“Absolutely not,” Benedikt muttered, strolling past her for Roma’s window. “But is that going to stop either of you?”
Before anyone could answer him, Benedikt had already hopped the small gap between windows, climbing into their neighboring building for their route out unspotted.
“Great!” Juliette said. She passed the bag to Roma so he could do the carrying. What was the point of converting a rival gang enemy into a lover if not to lug around her heavy things? “Glad we’re all so enthusiastic.”
Roma sighed, clambering onto his sill and making the climb too. “The things I do for you, dorogaya.”
Marshall hurried after him. “I would argue you’re actually doing this for me, dearest Roma!”
With a snort, Juliette climbed out last, and pulled the window after her.
The Scarlet club had been a bust. Of course, Benedikt had figured that would be the case from the get-go, especially if they were sneaking in at such a late hour to avoid being seen by anyone important in the Scarlet Gang. At least Juliette had provided good alcohol, and now he squinted at the label of the wine bottle under the street lamps while they walked, taking the smaller main roads along the periphery of the city.
Up ahead, Roma and Juliette were whispering to each other, though they didn’t sound like they were talking in full sentences. Those two always communicated in looks and gestures, swapping languages whenever they felt like it and ending up with some incoherent tangle of words that no one else could comprehend.
“Is there anything left in that?”
Benedikt glanced to his side, shaking the bottle to show Marshall. “One last swig. All yours.”
Marshall took the bottle. He put it to his lips and swung up, his head tipped to the sky and the line of his throat bared to the night. Benedikt shivered suddenly, a line of goosebumps rising at the back of his neck. The season had turned cold and the wind that blew onto his face was biting. He wrote off his shudder to the chill, to the temperature dropping with the longer they spent outside at such an hour.
Suddenly, Marshall was squinting into the distance. “Hey.” His call summoned Roma and Juliette’s attention from ahead, who both turned around to see what the matter was.
Marshall pointed to the dark shape off the end of the road. “Isn’t that the abandoned factory we lost to the Scarlets?”
“Is it?” Juliette asked, a sudden glee in her face.
“Why would you say that?” Roma bemoaned. He didn’t bother trying to stop her as Juliette hurried ahead, eager to explore the factory. “Look what you’ve done.”
But Marshall was wearing a similar expression, his eyes scanning the factory as they approached closer and closer. Wordlessly, he handed the bottle back to Benedikt, and though Benedikt’s head was spinning from the drink, he still recognized the exact face that Marshall made before he was going to get himself into trouble.
“I’ll keep an eye on her,” he insisted, tipping his chin forward. Juliette had disappeared into the factory. “You two be look-out. We wouldn’t want someone finding us here, right?”
Benedikt scarcely had a second to argue back. Marshall was already hurrying off.
Inside the factory, Juliette trailed her hands along the dark walls, her eyes wide. The machines looked strange in the moonlight, but stranger while sitting so idle. She was used to seeing rows and rows of workers in the daytime, trailing after her father as he ran inspections on the work of their trade partners. It might have been the wine in her system, but everything seemed to sway: sitting so inactive in movement that her eyes were imagining movement.
Juliette almost jumped out of her skin.
“Christ,” she muttered, whirling around with a hand on her heart. Marshall slunk out from the shadows, both his hands in his pockets. “You gave me a fright.”
“Me? Frightening?” Marshall picked up a strange object on the table, inspected it for several seconds, then set it back down. “I am the least frightening person on the planet.”
“Yes, well, when it’s so dark, even a cuddly teddy bear would be terrifying.” Juliette felt around her dress. She thought she had tucked her lighter in here somewhere. There were little pockets sewn around the sleeves and armholes that she kept all her weapons, though if anyone asked, she would say she had the ability to materialize them out of thin air.
“Do you scream often at teddy bears?”
“Only when they sneak up on me.”
“I don’t see you screaming at Roma.”
“He gets a special pass. He’s only a teddy bear on the inside.”
Marshall snorted. He leaned down, trying to read the paper taped down to the table. At last, Juliette found her lighter—it was actually in her sock—and she brought it close, thumbing down the sparkwheel for a flame.
“Do not touch—for demolishing,” Marshall read under the new light. “Are the Scarlets going to build something new here?”
“I wouldn’t know,” Juliette replied. “My father doesn’t include me in his business meetings yet.”
“Hmm.” The shadows of the factory danced. Juliette thought she saw someone darting in her periphery, and she whirled around, but it was only Marshall’s shadow. Unfortunately, she had scared Marshall with her movement, and he bumped into her, asking, “What? What is it?”
The lighter flew out of her hands, landing on the paper.
“Nothing, nothing!” Juliette assured. “I was seeing things.”
But Marshall wasn’t convinced. He swiveled around. Peered hard into a corner. “Was it ghosts? I know this city has ghosts. All that death creates so many ghosts.”
Juliette tried to look where he was looking. She couldn’t see anything except the dark.
“There is no such thing as ghosts.”
“Just last week, I felt something walk by me and then there was no one when I looked. I swear to you, if it wasn’t ghosts then I—” Marshall stopped suddenly, turning around to look at the table. “Uh… is that supposed to happen?”
Juliette whirled around too. The whole table was on fire. “Oh, God.”
With a sudden pop, the fire sprung up and licked up to the walls. There had to be something sprayed inside the factory already to prepare for demolition, or else the flames would not be traveling with such intensive speed.
“Marshall,” Juliette said simply.
She looked at him. “When the Montagovs ask, we blame the factory and say we have no idea what happened. Run!”
Benedikt and Roma kept watch in relative silence. Benedikt’s head was spinning, and his cousin looked like his head was doing the same if his swaying was any indication. Roma was humming softly under his breath, toeing the grass that grew around the abandoned factory.
Then, there was a sudden sound from inside, and the first tendrils of flames blew out from the topmost windows.
“Roma,” Benedikt said plainly. “I’m willing to bet my life savings that Juliette Cai just committed arson.”
Roma tilted his head up, his jaw dropping agape. At first, he could only stare at the growing fire, eating up the roof beams. Then, he said: “To be fair, it could have been Marshall.”
Benedikt threw his arms into the air. “Who looks more like the arson type, Juliette or Marshall?”
“Is that a trick question?”
“The answer was Juliette!”
Benedikt pinched the bridge of his nose. He was rapidly growing concerned, but before he could suggest they go in to search for the two, Juliette and Marshall ran out from the factory—laughing. The factory was burning down, and they were laughing, grasping at each other and spinning in circles right in front of the factory. They looked a sight: seconds away from collapsing atop of each other in utter delirium.
Benedikt turned to Roma. “Your girlfriend is a maniac.”
Roma was struggling to hold back his laugh watching her with Marshall. “I think she’s magnificent.”
Marshall stumbled, and Juliette squealed, reaching out to grab his arm before he could trip and land flat on his face. Benedikt almost—almost—let a smile slip. Before Roma could sight it and tease him for enjoying himself after all, he cleared his throat.
“What happened?” he bellowed.
“Faulty factory!” Marshall called back.
Benedikt shook his head, turning on his heel. They needed to get out of here before someone reported the fire.
“Come on!” he called back to the three. “Let’s go before the Municipal Police arrive.”
Upon Benedikt’s summons, Marshall left Juliette’s side and hurried to catch up. He slowed to a stroll once he was beside Benedikt, but Benedikt could feel Marshall watching him.
“What?” Benedikt asked. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure his cousin was following too. Thankfully he was, though it was mostly Juliette hauling him along, their hands clasped together and swinging while Roma kept looking at the fire.
“I think you enjoyed yourself,” Marshall replied smugly. “After all that complaining about sneaking into Scarlet territory.”
Benedikt reached out and rapped his knuckles on Marshall’s skull. With a shriek, Marshall darted ahead.
“You want me to enjoy myself?” Benedikt shouted after him, breaking into a run too. “Come back then! Let me throttle you!”
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prismarts · 2 years
I love seeing everyone's takes on Douxie being a dad (because we KNOW he'd be amazing) sooo Single Dad Douxie AU? Or Douxilly Family because I'm sure that's gonna be adorable too.
AAAHH thank you anon bab! YES Douxie being a dad is so fun to think about! tHIS ended up being pretty long but I hope you like reading it!
Okay so basic plot of the Single Dad Douxie AU is just a normal modern au so Douxie is a single dad with a one year old daughter, Sorina who meets Illy at her family's bookstore when he applies for a job there and they start being close friends and eventually start dating, that's the gist of it.
Douxie ADORES his little nugget, Sorina... she's his entire world and he'd do everything for her well being. He's even dropped out of college and stopped being involved with Ash Dispersal Pattern so he can focus full time taking care of his daughter and on getting jobs to support her.
Whenever he needs to, he has Merlin (his adoptive dad) babysit little Sorina but he does everything he can to make sure he still spends time with his little one, playing with her toys, cuddling with her, watching cartoons with her and even trying to teach her how to read and speak.
It's exhausting somedays but...it's always worth it seeing his little nugget happy.
Okay so, I was going to add some Douxilly Family au in here but I realized upon looking at the doc that its just notes about Merl (one of Douxie and Illy's twins) and how people assume his hamster, Biscuit is a familiar....when he's just a hamster.
But to answer, I think all the same Douxie just tries to be a very attentive and caring dad....he knows how hard it is to always be craving a parent figure's approval so he makes sure to tell his kids Rowan and the twins Merlin and Arthelia how proud he is of them....no matter how small their achievements are.
He tries his hardest to support whatever it is they do...whether it's trying to teach Merl how to control his gift for Shadowmancy, teaching Arthelia every new instrument she wants to learn or helping Rowan with his wood carving.. He makes sure he gets time with every member of his family, even if he's out on tour with ADP, he video calls every night just to ask the kids how their day has been and how much he misses them.
I think...for Douxie, it was just important that he supported them and be as attentive as he possibly could be...because he just adores his family and wants nothing but the best for them. Does he have his moments of scolding them or trying to lecture them when they make a mistake? Yes... the hard part about being a parent is the discipline but he also makes sure that they know...he loves them no matter what.
also bonus a bit of the notes about Merl and his lil hamster Biscuit:
The only people who knew that Biscuit wasn't a familiar are his parents, Archie, Aunt Nari and Arthelia......even then i wouldnt be surprised if Douxie didnt know at first either 
And was like "Merl, you didn't tell me you met your familiar! When did this happen??" 
Merl just looking up like a confused 5 year old like, "....Dad, Biscuit is a hamster.." 
Pfft imagine a 15 year old Rowan be sassing him like, "Yeah, Dad, Biscuit's just a hamster-"
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laryna6 · 3 years
More of the ‘alien attempts to convince human to become co-monarch of the dead and also defend humanity together in an eternal partnership, humans make assumption that someone pulling out all stops to convince human to ‘protect my kids with me’ is after a romantic partnership specifically’ ‘verse:
I was like ‘would there be angst when Sung Jin-Woo is wondering why Ashborn hasn’t set a date yet?’ and then I realize that his family thinks Ashborn is courting using Korea-specific traditions, so it makes sense that a being from another planet would not have a fortune-teller knowledgeable in the stars around this specific planet on tap.
Or actually, according to another source, the groom sends a doc with his astrological data and the bride’s family proposes the date since like, there’s extra stuff that has to be taken into consideration on their side.
So maybe it’s after the initial meet-the-parents and also have their first supervised meeting that Sung Jin-Woo’s going ‘hey I need the moment of your creation down to the hour in terms of both earth calendar and the seasons on your planet and like whatever info you can give me on what the movements and locations of local celestial bodies would have been at the time relative to that planet and images of where stars would have been as seen from the planetary surface - that sort of thing, as much as you can of that. Also have you got any constellations or significance attached to any of that.’ And there probably is given the ‘fragment of brilliant light’ thing and that the creator that is Ashborn’s parent came from the stars, so like, the approach vector??
And then obviously asking Jin-Ho to find the person to do the calculations, so like. Someone is going to get paid enough to be set for life for trying to figure out what is a good day for two spirits to be united with each other and also heaven and earth when there are two earths involved.
Research astrology, or actually research theology, since we’re dealing with one god of light and law-> god of the dead and one human -> god of the dead. Jin-Ho would absolutely manage to find someone happy to be working on that sort of problem.
Thankfully the fortune teller will be able to correct them that SJW needs to be the one wearing blue and Ashborn wearing red. SJW also asked Ms. Selner to help them out with it.
Traditional Korean marriages are very family-centered and Sung Jin-Woo is a very family-centered person and takes commitment seriously, so he’d probably dot the is and cross the ts for all the parts of traditional ceremonies insofar as that is possible rather than taking any cues from current Western/Christian marriage practices since on a ritual level those are committing to a relationship between three parties (individual + individual + god or government) rather than two people + their families (in the context of the worlds and spirits they’re connected to). Igris’ people probably have some eternal commitment/blood (sap) brotherhood ceremony he’d try to incorporate to cover Ashborn’s side of things since the rulers themselves don’t have a marriage tradition.
...since his understanding of ‘marriage’ is ‘2+ beings swearing eternal partnership where they share a domain and shelter and maybe create other beings together and also join together’ Ashborn would probably go ‘yeah that is absolutely the human word for what I am going for here.’
So Jin-Woo going ‘so is this a good day and time for us to get married and just to be sure is my apartment going to be okay to do it?’ and Ashborn is ‘well for you to become my equal and ascend to your power as a fellow death-god your soul will need to enter my shadow but there’s no reason you can’t do that from your apartment’
They work out that Jin-Woo does that, then Jin-Woo summons Ashborn as a shadow so his actual spiritual body isn’t there since it can’t survive on earth yet and they do the human ceremony of commitment and exchange of vows.
Next problem is wedding invites, and actually Il-Hwan is in communication with rulers in canon so he probably CAN ask them to come and WILL in case of any funny business. But there’s limited space in apartment, so two of them are going to have to attend from inside Go Gun-Hee and Thomas Andre, who is going to take up a ton of space as it is.
Wedding invites include a date for a meeting sometime in the previous two days so Jin-Woo can explain what’s going on so nobody freaks out, throws down, and wrecks the building. Mom goes ‘do you want me to come help explain’ and Jin-Woo is ‘ILU mom’
Homosexual marriage is not legal in SK, and although a marriage between a man and a genderless being is in fact a heterosexual marriage it’s probably still not legal, but Sung Jin-Woo’s only interest in laws and regs is ‘how do I keep them from getting in the way while I do whatever I want’ so he probably does not give a solitary damn what the government thinks of his marriage status, but GGH might be ‘oh heads up someone vital to this country’s survival is marrying a genderless person so you might want to recognize that as a thing to make sure you don’t piss him off’ and like, every country wants s-ranks so getting Ashborn docs is trivial. They’re probably even accurate.
So media is now blowing up because marriage of most powerful hunter is Big News and ofc they are pissed since it is actual canon that when when Sung Jin-Woo holds a press conference it is a sign of the end of the world. So they have to settle for AhJin guild’s press releases and whatever Go Gun-Hee and Thomas Andre feel like saying. And they are both benevolent bastards.
Ok, so... staying at bride’s house for three days after ceremony...
Couples are supposed to control their emotions and be somber and reserved during ceremony, fortunately for Sung Jin-Woo. It will be clear that they are both taking this as a Very Serious Commitment.
Korean weddings are two families becoming one as well as the two people, so like, the rulers are now Sung Jin-Woo’s Family, as well as him being grateful to them for saving his dad, so.
Ceremony is begun by entrance of The Moms. If Sung Jin-Woo gets informed re. Ms. Selner containing a piece of the creator, he absolutely will hit up the US to borrow her. She is a grandma, in the peaceful timeline at least, so presumably she is a mom.
Problem: since Ashborn has the yin element, does that mean ceremony needs to take place at his family’s place? Either way, after the ceremony at the bride’s family’s place, there’s a second ceremony at the groom’s family, so to an alien planet it is. Dates and chestnuts are supposed to be offered by the guest family at the second ceremony, and dates and chestnuts only grow on earth, so that works with the first ceremony being at SJW’s apartment. With pomegranate seeds added to cover adoption of undead children.
I was thinking SJW googling ‘marrying a god’ traditions to find things he might want to incorporate so make this ironclad? But like, a professional has been hired, so.
I was like, SJW planning a honeymoon since hosting Ashborn on earth? But like, SJW would absolutely go ‘best place on this planet is my apartment with my family’ so the fact that’s the traditional post wedding thing is just ‘yes perfect.’
‘Spend time with my family, spend time with Ashborn’s family, kill everything that poses a threat to our families‘ is optimum scheduling *nodsnods*
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mercy-burning · 4 years
High Time
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Spencer calls Reader to see if he can come over, but she’s already having her own fun and suggests something... out of the box. Category: Smut 18+ (oral- male receiving, unprotected penetrative sex, sex while high) Warnings: Smoking (marijuana), language, smut. (As always, if there’s anything I missed, let me know what I should include in warnings! I want to be as mindful as I can about what I post. Thank you!) Word Count: 4.1k
The prospect of seeing Spencer Reid again was something that always excited Y/N. They'd only been seeing each other for about two months, but she never really knew when she would get to see him because of his job, and that made their relationship all the more interesting. Though, she wasn't really sure if she could call it a relationship, considering they had only went on one date. And even then, it was barely considered a date because they ended up leaving the movie twenty minutes in and spent the rest of the night having sex in her car.
Recalling that night to herself, Y/N smiled and wondered about all the other things they could do together.
She daydreamed for a few more minutes, and in no time her legs had started to shift together, craving any form of friction. And since her partner wasn't there to help, Y/N figured she'd find it elsewhere.
After shuffling to her bedroom, she stripped herself of all her clothes except for a pair of thin scarlet panties and put on a hotel bathrobe she'd stolen, not bothering to tie it closed. Then she opted to reach towards something she didn't normally use, but had on hand in case the need ever presented itself.
In a small box under her nightstand was a lighter accompanied by some joints she'd gotten from a friend a few weeks ago. The only time she ever really smoked was when she was with said friend, but it wasn't something she was ever opposed to partaking in. It just rarely ever crossed her mind.
Minutes later and Y/N was on the couch again, windows shut, lights off, a few candles lit in an attempt to offset the strong scent, and her earbuds in. There was a glass of red wine and another glass of iced water on the table in front of her, and she was all set. Before she took the box out of the pocket of her robe, she took a sip of wine and leaned back against the arm of the couch, one leg hanging off and and the other pulled to her chest.
After turning on a lo-fi playlist and taking a joint and the lighter from the box, Y/N finally lit it, then set her things on the table before taking a long drag. When she pulled it from her lips and slowly exhaled, she closed her eyes and focused on the music blasting through her earbuds. It didn't take long, only a few 3-minute songs, to feel a little buzzed. She kept her breathing steady, only taking a few drags once in a while as her free hand drifted over the front of her body, tracing patterns down her stomach and occasionally her breasts.
She was completely and totally relaxed. But just as she was about to dip her hand past her panties, the music stopped and her phone rang.
Had she not been slightly buzzed, she would have been more annoyed, but instead she just sighed, more disappointed than anything that her plans would (maybe) have to wait, depending on who was calling.
So Y/N was more than happy to look at her phone and see the words 'SPENCER REID' across the screen.
Unplugging her earbuds and then taking one more drag from her joint, she answered the phone. "Hey, Doc, what's up?" she inquired, smoke falling off her lips. "I'm happy you called."
"Hi, Y/N. Sorry to call so late."
"Nah, that's alright. It's never too late to get a call from my favorite guy."
She heard him laugh a little from the other end of the line. "Good. Well, um... I just got back from work and I was wondering if... maybe I could come over? That's fine if you're too busy, but I could really use the company, and I... I've missed you."
The smile on Y/N's face was unavoidable. And maybe it was only the buzz talking, but God, if hearing his voice wasn't the best thing in the whole world. It was almost as intoxicating as the high she was slowly but surely achieving.
"Aw, I've missed you, too, Doc," she purred. "What did you have in mind?"
Would it be wrong of me to pick up where I left off, she wondered as she waited for him to answer, her hand hovering over the waistband of her underwear. She took another drag of the joint and decided against it, though it was still tempting.
"Well, we can do anything you want, really, I just... I just want to be with you, that's all."
"Hmm... Alright. Well, come on over, and I'll be waiting."
"Okay. Should I, uh, bring some overnight clothes?"
Y/N felt like that was his subtle way of asking if they were going to be sleeping together that night, and just in case it wasn't, she added extra emphasis on her answer to either confirm his inquiry or give him a hint. "Yes."
He cleared his throat on the other end of the line before saying goodbye, and it made her giddy. They hung up, and she put the joint out, sticking it back in the box before wafting away some of the smoke and tying her robe closed. Every move she made made her head swim a little, but if anything she figured the small high she's created will make the sex feel even better.
She ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, then spritzed on some perfume, hoping to mask some of the smell in case, for some reason, Spencer had a problem with it. She was sure he wouldn't, but she never wanted to make him uncomfortable with anything. Also, she just wanted to smell like the vanilla perfume she had that he once told her he loved anyway. Running back out to the living room, Y/N noticed that it still faintly smelled like marijuana. The candles masked it enough, though, and she figured it might dissipate by the time he got there.
Eventually she found herself on the couch again, before deciding to wait by the door. The thought of seeing Spencer again sent her body into a giddy, lovesick mess. She wanted to see him as soon as possible, and if that meant waiting by the front door like a puppy then so be it.
And then there was a knock at the door.
She wanted to wait. Really, she did. But she couldn't resist, and almost as soon as he'd stopped knocking, Y/N grabbed the doorknob and twisted, opening the door to reveal him standing there. He almost looked shocked, probably at the speed and ferocity with which she used to open the door, but once he saw her face, the shock melted into pure adoration, his lips forming a shy smile as he clutched his bag in his hands.
"Hi, Y/N," he said softly as she stepped aside and let him in.
"Hey'a, Doc," she chirped happily as she shut the door behind him.
He took his shoes off and set his bag on the ground before he spoke again. "You... lit candles," he observed, then turned around to fully take her in. His eyes drifted to her robe, which hung loosely closed, her underwear just barely peeking through. "And you look..."
His soft voice turned her insides into a quivering mess, and it took all of her strength not to jump him on the spot. She waited for him to finish his sentence, but it was clear that she'd rendered him speechless.
"Yeah, I was only going to have a relaxing night in," she explained, tilting her head up and exposing her neck. "You called at just the right time."
His head also tilted upwards, but he sniffed the air a few times. "Have... you been smoking?"
Y/N was a little panicked, but she tried not to let it show. "Oh. Yeah," she laughed, twirling a piece of her hair in between her fingers. "I was smoking a joint when you called, so I'm just a little buzzed right now. I hope that's okay. I thought maybe the candles would help offset the smell, but it's pretty strong I guess."
Spencer cleared his throat before speaking. "Oh, uh, no, that's okay. You know, actually, research related to using cannabis before and during sex isn't really conclusive, but it's theorized that depending on the person it could increase pleasure during orgasm, and even just touch in general."
"Is that so?" she responded, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. She could have listened to him talk all day. He nodded, a faint blush creeping up on his cheeks. It made her want him even more. "Well... I think we should test out that theory. Don't you, Dr. Reid? Wouldn't that be fun?"
Her hands played with the tie of her robe before she slowly undid the knot and pulled the soft fabric apart, running her fingers lightly across her bare stomach as she did. She took her hands away from the robe just before it exposed her breasts and dropped her hands to her side. Spencer's eyes raked over her once more, each of his breaths getting noticeably heavier.
"Well?" she encouraged, tilting her head to the side.
He took a step towards her, clearing his throat a little. "Are, um... Are you high enough to try do you think? Or do you want more?"
She smiled. "Well, I can definitely feel a little of the effects right now, but some more wouldn't hurt. Would you prefer I smoke beforehand or during?"
"Um... Either is fine, I suppose."
One more step and he was close enough to touch, so Y/N reached for his hand and laced their fingers together, already melting at the contact.
"Would you like to share?" she finally asked. "Of course I won't make you if you're not comfortable, I just thought I'd ask."
He smiled a little, squeezing her hand. "I appreciate that. And... I'd love to share."
Pulling herself away from the door, she kept her hand locked with Spencer's before leading him a few steps away into the living room.
"Have a seat," she offered, reluctantly letting him go as he made his way to sit on the couch. Y/N turned and cleared the coffee table, setting the drinks and candles on the side table instead, and then grabbed the small box as she turned to face Spencer.
Her eyes locked onto his as she swiftly opened the box and grabbed a new joint and her lighter. Setting the box on the side table, she made sure to keep her upper body somewhat covered by the robe. It left just enough exposed that Spencer's eyes briefly left hers and glanced down at her chest, checking to see if anything had slipped. Almost as quickly as he'd looked down, he looked back up, swallowing and slightly parting his lips.
Y/N took that moment to close their distance and promptly straddle his lap. He straightened and placed his hands tentatively on her waist, over her robe as she brought her hand up to his face, lightly tracing the end of the joint across his jawline.
"Have you ever smoked before, Doc," she asked softly as she brought the joint around to trace his lips.
He exhaled a little, and she could see his tongue dance behind his lips, trying to find words it seemed, before settling on, "A few times... I don't particularly care for the smell, but I manage."
She pulled the joint away from him and placed it between her lips, simultaneously holding out the lighter for him to take. He did, and she watched his hands as he flicked it on and lit it for her. She took the lighter from him and reached to the left to toss it on the table next to the box, her hips grinding softly in his lap. She could feel Spencer's breath hitch as she came back, this time leaning backwards a little and sliding the robe over her breasts, finally exposing them as she inhaled.
The pure longing in Spencer's eyes was just as exhilarating, if not better, than the feeling Y/N got when she removed the joint from her lips and slowly let go of her breath. She blew the smoke to the side, barely missing his face, and she noticed how he slightly chased it, tilting his head to inhale some of it.
With her free hand, Y/N dragged her fingers across her breasts and sighed longingly. "You said this could increase pleasure just by touching, right, Doctor?"
He nodded, his eyes drifting down to her chest as he softly bit the corner of his lip.
"Well, I can't tell if this feels better than it would normally, but it definitely feels pretty damn good," she remarked before taking another short drag. Her fingers pinched her nipple lightly, and she moaned as she exhaled, grinding her hips against his once more.
This time he breathed a little louder, nearly a whimper, and it urged Y/N forward. "Touch me, Doctor," she breathed, grinding her hips once more and taking her hand away from her breast.
Without hesitation, Spencer's hand replaced hers, his thumb rolling softly over her nipple. She sighed, holding onto his shoulder with her free hand before taking another drag. This time, when she exhaled, Y/N tilted her head upwards, exposing her neck and, again, grinding her hips. Her eyes closed as he continued to touch her, his other hand resting firmly on her bare waist, skin burning skin.
Every second of this is pure bliss, and they both still had a good amount of clothes on. It could have been the drug taking effect, or maybe it was the fact that they hadn't seen each other in a few weeks, but it was the best Y/N had felt in a while.
As she leaned into him, enveloping herself in every sensation, Spencer leaned his head forward and took her nipple into his mouth, lightly sucking on it and swirling is tongue over it, his other hand tightening its grip on her waist. She moaned again, grinding her hips even harder and feeling her stomach flutter at every touch. He moved along to her other breast, following the same motions with his tongue as before as she continued to rock into his hips.
She took one more drag and then exhaled before pulling herself away from him and forcing him to look her in the eye.
"As much as I love how this feels, Doctor, I think you have on a few too many clothes. Here." She handed him the joint. He took it and she climbed up off of him and knelt to the ground, taking him in as he brought it to his lips and inhaled. Y/N sighed, tilting her head and softly biting her bottom lip when he pulled the joint away and breathed out, smoke pooling around his face.
God, he's so hot, she thought to herself as she took him all in. He was wearing just a white button down dress shirt with a tie, black pants, and one sock that was purple, the other white with red polkadots. The sleeves of his shirt were pulled up just below his elbows, showing off small muscles and veins.
My God, those veins...
She pulled herself out of her trance, crawling up Spencer's legs and resting her hands on his belt. "Can I take these off for you, Doc?"
"Yes," he responded breathlessly.
Y/N looked up at him as she worked at his belt, unbuckling then sliding it out and tossing it on the floor. Then she deftly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants before sliding them down, also tossing them aside.
"I'm a little more high than you right now, Doctor, so you might want to catch up if you want this little experiment to be accurate," she purred as she palmed him through his underwear. Without hesitation he took another drag from the joint and closed his eyes, leaning his head back while she continued to tease.
"That's it, Doc, just relax. I'll take good care of you."
Spencer exhaled, groaning as he did so. Y/N's hands continued to trace his dick through the fabric, and she could feel him getting harder beneath her touch. Her head leaned down to kiss his inner thigh, and she trailed her tongue lightly upwards, eventually reaching and pressing a firm kiss to the tip of his dick through the fabric when he took another drag. Her mouth then travelled upwards to his lower stomach, undoing the bottom buttons of his shirt and slowly working her way up, pressing soft kisses and little licks to his skin after undoing each one. She took her time, lightly raking her nails up and down his torso in between buttons. By the time she reached the top, undoing his tie and tossing it aside, leaving his shirt on but completely open, he was in the middle of taking another drag.
Sliding off her robe and tossing it aside, Y/N waited until he exhaled, then straddled him again and firmly pressed her lips to his. Her hands glided up to the back of his neck and through his hair, tugging lightly, as she's learned over time he very much enjoyed. As if she'd needed confirmation, Spencer moaned into her mouth, using his free hand to lightly caress her back.
Now that there were less clothes between them, Y/N ground her hips against his again, and her lower stomach practically burst into butterflies, sending her into a mess of tremors. She moaned softly as she took his bottom lip between her teeth, and then before he could lean in and kiss her again, she pulled away, taking the joint from him and taking another long drag. Her other hand played with his hair as she leaned her head back and breathed out, smoke falling around her.
Spencer's hands gripped her waist firmly as he rocked her hips into his, leaning forward and kissing down the front of her neck.
"Fuck," she breathed, grinding harder and feeling her breathing pick up. She could probably cum from just this if they kept at it, but in the weeks since she'd seen him last, she'd craved him, and so she was willing to drag this out as long as possible in case he was somehow called away in the middle of the night.
Reluctantly she peeled herself away and handed him the joint. "You want me to suck you off while you get high, Doc?" she inquired, kneeling once more and tugging on the waistband of his underwear. "Would that feel good?"
"God, yes, Y/N," he breathed, throwing his head back.
"Well, then your wish is my command," she purred, pulling his underwear down and tossing them aside with the other clothes. His dick was even more perfect than she remembered, and her stomach erupted at the sight of it. Licking a line up the length of him, Y/N's eyes fluttered up to look at him through her eyelashes. He was taking another drag of the joint as she took him completely in her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down at a torturous pace. His other hand drifted down to her hair, and he combed it back, away from her face so he could see her.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so good," he groaned, smoke exhaling from his lips as he said it.
She moaned softly around his dick in response, gradually increasing her pace. The lack of breath through her mouth mixed with the cannabis in her system made her head start to spin, but in the best way possible.
Eventually she slowed her movements again, then removed her mouth from him completely, replacing it with her hand. "Would you say the cannabis is increasing you pleasure when I touch you, Dr. Reid?"
At the smooth, seductive tone in her voice, he leaned his head back and sighed as she continued stroking him with her hand. "Yes. You feel so good. You make me feel so fucking good, Y/N."
His words made her stomach coil in desire, and she decided promptly that she needed him right then and there. She peeled her hand away from him and got up, sliding her underwear down and looking him dead in the eye.
"Mmm, I love when you use your words, Doc," she purred, straddling him once more and taking the joint from him to take a drag herself. She took her sweet time, sinking down just a little so that the tip of his cock sat firmly at the base of her pussy, barely touching. She exhaled and used her other hand to comb his hair with her fingers. "Tell me what you want, baby. I'll give you anything you want." She meant it wholeheartedly.
His hands slid up her sides and over to her breasts just lightly, enough so that he wasn't touching them completely, but enough that she shivered. He ran them back down and firmly gripped her waist. "I want you to fuck me, Y/N," he said, completely entranced and desperate. "Ride me. Please, I want to feel you."
"Happy to," she breathed before completely sinking down onto him and rocking her hips forward. He groaned, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "Fuck..."
She set a steady pace, bouncing nicely on his cock as she took another long drag of the joint. Everything was dizzying and light around her, and every part of her body lit up with pleasure. As she exhaled, she let out a moan louder than she had all night, everything so overwhelmingly blissful and, well... high.
It wouldn't take long to come undone, she was sure of it, and she didn't want this to end so soon. So she slowed her pace, rocking against him ever so slowly, soaking in every inch of him, every touch of his hands as they roamed her body.
Spencer took the joint from her fingers and took another drag, locking eyes with her as he did it. When he blew the smoke out, it enveloped the both of them, and she breathed it in through her nose, taking a deep breath and gripping his shoulders as she worked her hips against his.
"Fuck," she breathed, leaning forward to kiss him. When their lips connected, that's when everything started to build. Y/N was pulled impossibly closer to him and her speed started to involuntarily increase. His tongue swiped out to meet with hers and his free hand reached down to her clit, circling it with his thumb. The extra sensation sent her into overdrive, and her orgasm crept up into her, threatening to explode. She groaned into Spencer's mouth, signaling how close she was to coming undone. Her lips parted from his and she rested their foreheads together, his hips bucking upwards to meet hers and plunging himself even deeper into her as his thumb worked her clit.
"That's it, fuck," she breathed, and in no time at all, release found her, blinding her so brightly it was like she was wasn't even on this plane of existence. She let out a long moan, her hips stopping and staying completely still as he fucked into her relentlessly. Her eyes screwed shut, seeing stars as her bliss increased, every thrust of his hips bringing her higher and higher until she was calling out his name.
His name falling off her lips was enough to push Spencer over the edge himself. He pulled her closer as he spilled over inside of her, and Y/N felt like she was on fire. They both hung on to every second until they were both slumped against each other, completely spent and also lightheaded.
Y/N was so unbelievably unbothered and comfortable in that moment that she didn't want to get up, but reluctantly she helped herself up off his lap and placed herself next to him, still hugging close to his side. Neither of them said anything for a while. Rather, they passed the joint between the themselves until it was finished, occasionally kissing each other in between passes.
She set the end of the joint on top of the box on the table before leaning back to Spencer and resting her head on his shoulder. She was completely aware of every glide of his hand up and down her arm as they sat in comfortable silence, until he broke it.
"Gotta say, that's not exactly what I had in mind when I called. But I'm happy about it anyway. We should do that more often."
Y/N snuggled up into his side and giggled. "Anytime, Doc."
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80s4life · 3 years
The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
Word Count: 4,438
Status: Not Requested
Fandom: Back To The Future 1985
Relationship: Biff Tannen x Female Reader
Summary: As time is altered for a total of 2 weeks (I extended it slightly), you and Marty struggle to get his parents under control, having problem after the next. But, when an unexpected solution occurs, you find yourself willingly okay with it, soon finding the exact reason as to why.
Warnings: language, fluff, Biff being a dick, slight angst, cute Biff
Masterlist Back To The Future Masterlist
Prompts: (from this list @youneedsomeprompts​)
Y/C/S= Your Choice of Sport/ Your Chosen Sport (you don’t have to honestly play one, just choose one you like or one that comes to mind)
{gif and prompts are not mine, gif credits go to @backtothefuturemovies and credits were given above for prompts!}
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No one ever said time travel was fun. No one ever said the job was easy. And no one sure as hell told you the consequences that come with it. Well, at least not before you, and your best friend, Marty McFly, had gone dead-on through a barn, sacred a neighboring family of ‘alien invasion,’ run into younger McFly parents, and altered time just enough to fuck you over for a few days.
I mean, who would’ve guessed right? Your mom just so happens to be romantically interested in you, their child. Well, that was at least in Marty’s case. For you, you had just managed to run into the biggest dickhead of the century, Biff Tannen. Or so you thought?
Making your way out of bed, you automatically go to where Marty was sleeping in the garage, waking him along with Doc up. The go-to plan for the day was to go undercover as usual students in the 50′s, secretly following Marty’s parents around, finding out where they lie in this part of time, and try to find ways into manipulating them together once more in time for Marty and you to get back home. Easy enough, right?
Groaning, Marty goes to slap your hands away weakly, mumbling something along the lines of ‘Just a few more minutes.’ You giggle slapping his hands back in an attempt to wake him up cheerily. Mornings weren’t really your forte either, so any upbeat wake-up is better than a pissy, tired, horrible morning. 
Doc, on the other hand, was happy to return the affection, getting out of bed to give a quick hug and kiss to the forehead. Then he makes his way over to the bed, going to tickle Marty’s feet as you go to tickle his sides. Finally, in a fit of laughter, Marty gets up and goes straight for the bathroom. You were going to argue him, having to use the bathroom first, but decide to just leave it be, heading for the makeshift kitchen instead.
You smile fondly as Doc and Marty play around a while later, wrestling about, cracking jokes. It was only just a few hours ago that you and Marty had witnessed the untimely death of the currently very lively man in the house. Witnessing the blood loss, the machine gun in action, and the bullets that whizzed pass with only one malicious intent: to kill. But he’s here now; he’s safe and sound, having many years until that date will arrive.
With the freshly cooked smell of eggs, toast, and pancakes, the boys straighten up, Doc clearing his throat in an attempt to organize himself, and Marty leaving his shirt ruffled as he follows the smell of deliciousness. You giggle as both men of different ages act exactly the same, piling their plates high and digging in, giving thanks through mouthfuls.
After breakfast had finished, you and Marty made your way to the school, not wanting to be late, and, quite frankly, not wanting to miss a second in the disaster we’re in, wanting to fix it as soon as possible. Upon entering, the building erupts in laughter, tears, screaming, perfume, cologne, aftershave, and lots and lots of both testosterone and estrogen. Fucking high school, you smile.
Going to “your locker” right besides “Marty’s,” you both place the books and supplies that are unneeded inside it and take only the things you need for the first two classes, somehow having those together. As Marty catches glimpse of his father, George McFly, he winks at you, moving to catch up to him. Rolling your eyes playfully, you turn back towards your locker, just barely missing a group of young men some ways down the hallway, locking eyes with a particularly taller man, towering almost everyone in the halls.
You pay no mind, however, being blindsided by three girls your age. Instantly, you recognize the one right in front as Lorraine, Marty’s mother. Smiling nervously, your cheeks tint only a little, being unprepared to see her so quickly, not yet having a plan made up on how you could help tackle the situation with Marty.
“Hiya! I’ve never seen you before, are you new here? I’m Lorraine Baines, and you are?” she asks cheerfully, her books clasped tightly to her chest.
Taking an obnoxiously long time staring dumbfounded, you finally realize you haven’t spoken, quickly recovering with newfound purpose and confidence, “Ah, yes! I am new here! Sorry, I’m just trying to get used to this place a tiny bit. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Well that’s quite alright, you can come with us!” she says once more in a cheery tone, taking you by the arm and lacing her arm around yours, locked elbows. You smiled, knowing exactly where Marty’s cheerful and people-person nature had come from. Walking down the halls, she had asked for my schedule, checking classes to see what we had together, “English, History, and Agriculture- Hey! You should try out for cheer leading!” 
Shaking your head lightly, “Nah, I’m more of a Y/C/S myself to be frank.”
“But...We don’t have that sport here? There are no girls sports at all actually...” Lorraine says confused. You go to cover it up, choosing to say it was a sport you play for fun at home, in the backyard. However, a beefy arm separates you momentarily from her, as the owner of the harm moves to pin her to the lockers.
You were going to walk away, figuring it was some sort of make-out session in the works, but upon looking at her before going, you notice that the man was absurdly unwanted. 
“Get your meathooks off me Biff!” she screams at the man, his huge form towering her much smaller one. Not taking the message, the pair continue to squabble, neither of them being successful in winning. The warning bell sounds over the halls and classrooms, alarming kids to get their asses moving, but it seems whoever this dick is, he feels he is greater than the school, and god forbid, knowledge.
“Hey, you do realize your not making a damn bit a difference, right? She’s not interested! And, quite frankly, it seems as if no one does! Now, if you don’t mind, could you please be kind enough to unhand her as some of us treasure a piece of mind and how to take a hint?” you finish, quite ticked off as the last bell warns, cursing under your breath as you already know your in for detention on the first day.
It finally seems that he’d caught a grip, thankfully, letting go of Lorraine’s arm and she quickly scurries out of his proximity, taking your hand to lead you to the class you both needed to be in. As you go to walk in, you are stopped by the teacher, scolding both you and Lorraine. Looking at her regrettably, she smiles defeated. So you decide to do what’s right, take the fall.
“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know where to go as I was trying to find where all of my classes were before I ended up lost every time classes switch. I caught up to Lorraine here at some point, and as she was hurrying to this class, she was kind enough to show me where I needed to be,” you finish, sighing guiltily.
“Well, as you’ve taken acknowledgment to your mistake, then you’d be just as happy with detention. After school, on Friday, as the first week is extremely busy. As for you, Miss Baines, thank you for your help. You are off the hook for now,” the older gentleman finishes, nodding to each of you personally before turning around and beginning just one of the classes you’d have today. This is going to be fun!
Finally, after grueling hours of just a few of your classes, lunchtime had came round, giving you a slight break. Catching sight of Lorraine, you smile and wave, going in the direction of Marty, or Calvin Klein, as you’d heard Lorraine go on and on about. You’d known it was him the second she’d said it, the brand not yet known to man yet; or at least in this timeline, it wasn’t.
As time had went on, it was only natural for the peace to be broken, as a newly familiar face was starting to appear more and more, Biff Tannen, as you’d known his name by now. But, instead of heading towards Lorraine, he makes his way over to the table you were residing with George and Marty, sitting himself right beside you. 
At first, you were trying to ignore him, knowing his presence was there, but keeping your eyes trained on either Marty or George, eyes dancing between the two. Biff, being the everlasting child he was, tried to catch you attention, trying stupid ass things after the other: kicking your shins, pulling your ears of hair, flicking your head, and even trying to tug on the 50′s style dress you’d been forced to wear to play your part. 
Only when he goes to tug your hair once more is when you finally snap, turning a furious glare to the hulking figure beside you, shoving his shoulder in a feeble attempt to create distance. He giggles at this, his body not moving an inch at all. “You can’t be serious right now! You don’t know when to quit it, do you?!” you scream, fed up with his shit.
“Well, if you’d give me the human decency of turning your head when I’m trying to talk to you, then I wouldn’t have to pester you, now would I?” he asks in a teasing tone, no doubt taunting you, but all you do is stare him down, getting lost in a staring contest, daring him to say something again. “Alls I wanted to say was that we have detention together. Just thought I’d let you know since you got me in all that trouble this morning.”  
“Why you-!” And with that, he gets up with a shit-eating grin plastered to his face, prancing out of view and back to the table he and his gang usually sit. Watching the whole interaction, George smirks at Marty, the pair giving an unspoken mutual agreement to whatever they had both caught on to, bursting into fits of laughter moments later. 
“You have a longer tolerance than I do, I-I-I’ll tell you that much,” George says, his usual slight stutter back in place, Marty laughing once more. As George joins in again, you couldn’t fight it either, giving into the childish antics.
To say your week had gotten any better than the first day was a lie. It hadn’t gotten any better, and your meetings with Biff at lunch had only gotten all the more common and all the more infuriating. He’d made it his duty to agitate you in any ways possible, even resulting in whispering something nagging in your ear when you weren’t paying attention, usually doing something in your locker.
Either way, he was on the countdown to Friday, it being constantly on his mind, mentally counting down the days, hours, minutes, and even seconds until the two of you were locked in a room alone.
Unfortunately, that day had seemed to come way faster than you’d like, Friday rolling around quite quickly. School had finished, and you were making your way to the front office, awaiting a tiring 2 hours with only yourself and Biff as company for the time being. You hadn’t known where the room was, and instead of spending time looking for it, you gave up and looked for the office instead, the nice front desk lady leading you where you needed to go.
Upon entering the room, there was Biff in his prime, casually spread across his chair, legs crossed atop his desk nearest the windows. Sighing, you ignore him, deciding to sit on the opposite side of him, the front desk lady giving you a sympathetic smile before she closes the door behind her. You look at the wall, head turned away from him like the plague.
You knew it’d only last so long until he’d speak, the time coming way faster than you pleased. Given it was Friday, you couldn’t even do homework or even study in order to block him out as he started to blabber, running his mouth over stupid shit once more. Inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth slowly, you straighten in your seat, hands clutching the desk so tight, your fists turned white. 
“Biff, Sweetheart, Baby, Doll Face, Hun. Please. PLEASE. Shut up for five god damn seconds. I know you truly have nothing to say, so why do you insist on speaking so much?” you finally say, hands prying off the desk to turn in his direction exasperated. 
“Well, if you’d just talk to me, Shortcake, I wouldn’t have much to say at random,” he answers, copying your actions and posture. With this change in childish demeanor, you give in, laughing at him in an unexpected rush, running your hands through your hair tiredly. 
Although you hadn’t seen it, he’d smiled in satisfaction upon seeing you laugh, the glitter in your eyes much more captivating than it ever was when he looked at Lorraine. He hadn’t barely pestered her since you’d barreled into his life. It was weird, but he welcomed it with open arms. And for the first time, he learned what it was like to have an actual, clammy-handed, closed throat, warm, cheek-tinted, teenage crush. A crush that left his heartbeat loud and fast, breathing ragged and uneven, and his behavior out of character and out of his control. Lorraine was way under whatever level he’d placed you on, holding you up on a pedestal like you were the sun or sky.
Of course, you hadn’t taken notice to his antics, just thinking he was annoying. Just Biff being his notorious self. But, as you finally calm your breathing down, the giggles fading, you decide to give him a chance, knowing that sitting in silence is just going bore you. Smiling warmly, you say, “So what do you want to talk about then?” 
Grabbing your bag, you get out of your seat, giggling at a story Biff had told you. He follows your lead as well, getting his own as he lets out a bark of laughter at a certain part. You guys looked like idiots as you shoved each other down the halls, making your way out of the school as your detention had came to a close. Sighing as the warm sun radiated on your skin with the light, spring breeze, you stretch out any kinks the classroom chairs and desks had left. Biff watched you intently, your small body easily swallowed by his shadow beside you.
The sun was setting and it was getting late, although you weren’t concerned. The boys knew you wouldn’t be home ‘til late due to the detention you had initially despised. Now, you and Biff were side by side, walking peacefully to his car in the school’s parking lot. For once, he was quiet, great company to have. It was something else for sure, but you enjoyed it. As you came up towards Doc’s place, you’d realized that Biff had drove you home like a gentleman, too lost in the conversation to notice earlier on. 
Sheepishly, you itch the back of your neck, realizing your mistake and feeling guilty for making him walk all this way to now have to walk all the way home. “Ah- Sorry...I didn’t realize I’d dragged you all the way out here. Now you have to drive all the way back.”
“It’s no problem, really. I liked it. It’s nice to talk to someone other than the guys every now and then. And to have A female speak to me instead of screaming,” he answers, now being the one who is a bit shy.
“You do know that you bring that on yourself right?” you say teasingly, now leaning your head on your hands, propped up on the passenger side door. “Not every girl would want to kick you in the groin if you showed a little more respect, “ you finish off with a smile.
“Yeah...Yeah I know. I’ll try harder, I swear.”
“That’s all I ask,” you say with a wink, drumming your hands on the door as you take a step back, waving as you start walking down Doc’s driveway.
“Hey!” Biff calls from the car, stopping you in your tracks to turn around, facing him with a smile. “Uhm- Well- The Enchantment Under the Sea Dance is coming up next week...Would you mind being my date?” he asks, stuttering as he feels his cheeks heat up, nervous as hell.
“I’d love to!” you answer, turning back around to walk into the house. Biff does a little fist bump as he puts the car back in gear, excited for what is to come.
Marty was a little less than amused with this newfound knowledge once entering the door and going over the events of the day. It was only when Doc had suggested that the date with Biff would keep him away from Lorraine, giving George the freeway to attract her long enough for their True Love’s Kiss. Then, and only then, did Marty give the okay, shaking his head, but liking the fact that it’ll give George some time, being the nerd that you know and love.
///Enchantment Under the Sea Dance///
Checking yourself over in the mirror for the final time, you let out a nervous yet satisfied sigh, feeling like an absolute princess. You never minded dresses too much, although you couldn’t deny the fact that normal pair of shorts, jeans, or even leggings were your first choice. All that mattered was that you liked the dress you were wearing, it fit you; it was your favorite color, length, and strap(less) type to hold everything in.
Walking out, you grab the pair of heels to match, knowing that you couldn’t get away with sneakers in this generation, painfully grimacing at the reminder. Finally standing, you recount when you had gotten the dress just a few days ago, having gone with Lorraine and the her two friends, Babs and Betty. They were very endearing and supportive the whole time, you not having to worry about being “to picky” as they were just the same. You ended up loving the dress given that you’d taken the time without pressure.
As you walked into the main room of the garage, you heard a low whistle of Marty, Doc slapping him on the back of the head for it. Giggling, you curtsy and spin in the dress. Doc, the gentleman he always was, compliments you, “You look amazing, my dear. Let’s hope this boy deserves it, hmm?” 
As an answer, you hug him tightly, knowing that, by the end of the night, he will be nothing but a dead man at home, in a lonely, dark parking lot. Your eyes tear up just at the mere thought of it, clutching him tighter. Marty seems to be on the same wavelength, going to interrupt the moment with great urgency, trying to pass him a piece of paper.
“Marty, if this has anything that involves my future, do not. And I repeat, DO NOT try to hand it to me. Whatever happens, happens young man. That’s how the world works,” he says in a warning tone. You wanted to disagree, but you knew the truth that was laced beneath it, as if it was a punishment. You whimper instead, pulling him in tighter; Marty looking down in defeat, soon switching to anger. In the midst of it, he storms out of the garage, getting in the car to go pick up who you’d hope was Lorraine for the dance.
“Just let him go...” you start, sadness evident, “He’s just not very happy with the outcome of what the future has in store for you. Quite frankly, neither am I.”
“I’m sure whatever the outcome is, that I wanted to go with it, dear. I assure you, I’m fine,” Doc answers in a consoling tone, wiping the tears that had slipped from your eyes. You knew it was just a mask, no one wants death, but you knew he needed to go no matter how much you hated it. So you nod, not having to say much more as a honk sounds from outside.
“That’s Biff...” 
“Have a great time! Make sure the McFlys kiss!” Doc screams, following out of the garage, scolding Biff from behind you.
“Yes sir!” you scream back, saluting him as you take a seat in the passenger.
“You look beautiful Y/N,” Biff says after a while, finally working up the courage to speak.
“Thank you Biff. And you look handsome yourself,” you giggle, the car pulling into the lot. 
He shuts the engine, grabbing his keys from the ignition and closing the door, making his way around to you as you let yourself out to straighten yourself out. He takes your hand as he leads you to the entrance of the dance, you sighing in relief as you catch a glimpse of Marty pulling up in a car with Lorraine. Finally, you relax, grasping on Biff a little lighter and with more meaning now as you have the night to yourselves. He smiles down at you as you wrap your arm within his, something Lorraine does with you quite often.
With the party in full blast, you let loose with the music, dancing and joking around with Biff. At some point, however, he says he needs a drink and will be right back. Although, he doesn’t seem to actually come back. You’d thought you’d seen him spiking the punch just as few moments ago.
Just as you were going to in the direction of the hallways to the rest of the school, you notice Match, one of Biff’s friends, storming out of the gym through an exit. Taking your bets, you follow behind him, soon being greeted by a huge commotion of screams, all of them from familiar people. Biff was in a car with Lorraine, her dress pulled and taken off in parts. He was no doubt about to do something stupid, the fact pissing you off, saddening you in some ways as well.
The others that were screaming were also George and Marty, the pair trying to get Biff to stop before he regrets it. He doesn’t listen, unfortunately, until your voice booms over the rest, “Biff!” 
His head snaps instantly in your direction, the situation dawning on him the instant he looks at your face. You hadn’t meant to portray your emotions so clearly, but your face had shown such distraught and hurt. He lied. He had gotten over Lorraine, yet the moment she was alone, he runs right back to her.
With his momentary change of focus, George finally steps in, “You get your filthy hands off of her!” finishing with a blow to the jaw that knocks Biff off balance. 
Marty looks to you sadly, but tries to smile in cheers as George and Lorraine leave together, motioning that he was going to follow them just in case. You nod, looking down now as your play with your fingers. You didn’t know what to do now as the only reason you were really here was for Biff. You weren’t needed for Lorraine and George, you knew Marty had it.
You decide to make your way home then, as there was nothing else you could do. Dances were just drags anyway, nothing worth while. “Your just going to leave? Just like that?” asks a deep voice, his body having gotten back off the pavement and stood by the car he was pinned against.
Without turning, you answer his question with another, “Why not? There’s nothing left here for me is there?”
“And why wouldn’t there be?” Biff asks once more, no doubt ticking you off at his usual teasing tone.
“Well, let’s see. You. You asked me to the dance as your plus one. I came here as your date. We have a good time, we dance, we talk, and then you come up with an ‘Oh I need a drink’ charade, not returning. Then, I come to find my date in the parking lot, about to get his licks in on a woman he was apparently over with! So tell me, what is left here for men here, Biff?” you finish, tears pooling your eyes over the time, although you don’t let the fall, keeping them there.
He looks guilty, you can see it, but you don’t care. Your not in the wrong this time. But, as your blood starts to cool down, you do notice the look in his eyes, the change in his demeanor, and the utter remorse that has overcome him. He has his head down, fists clenched at his sides, body stock still. He doesn’t know what to do, all he knows is that he’d fucked up.
“Or was this your fabulous way of telling me that you love me?” you finally ask, eyes moving to look up at him in a teasing manner.
He hadn’t expected you to speak, head snapping up to meet your gaze in confusion. Being as you’d looked at him with a glint in your eyes, he finally lets everything click together; you’d forgiven him. His face heats up in bashfulness however, as your words resonated within him as well, hand going to itch the back of his neck again.
You giggle, walking up to him now, hands going to his collar. Pulling him down, he gazes at you in amazement, his own hands falling to rest on your waist. Then, you crash your lips to his, pulling him ever closer. It takes him a moment to get the hang of it, soon pulling you closer to himself as well. Lifting you slightly, he sets you on the hood of his car, the height difference a definite stretch for him. But he wouldn’t have it any other way, you were perfect. Just the same as he was perfect for you.
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tobesobri · 4 years
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When the Lights Go Out (Halloween fic; 8k)
𝖆/𝖓: first off, happy Halloween yall! This is my second favorite holiday and so I really wanted to get something up in celebration of it! I’ve talked a lot on here about having trouble with writing recently and so I do what I normally do with writer’s block and I just leave what I’m stuck on and go off to write something random, which is what this ended up being. So, my writing style is definitely different and maybe not great, but this is just for fun so I don’t care! I still hope you enjoy! There’s spookiness (not too much), enemies (frenemies) to lovers, pumpkin carving, smut, alcohol consumption, and giant skeletons 💀 (oh and Harry dressed as Tarzan 🥵)
my masterlist  🎃 my askbox
𝕸ost people’s Halloween traditions weren’t too complicated; usually involving cult-favorite scary movies—ranging from Halloweentown to Nightmare on Elm Street—handing out Snickers and Kit-Kats to tiny trick-or-treaters, or just getting wasted at a friend’s haunted house party down the street. Their friend group, on the other hand, opted for a pumpkin carving contest every year on Halloween at Jason Hallow’s house, and, yes, his favorite holiday is Halloween because of his last name. And so, a few years ago when they were all undergrads together, he began hosting the annual carving contest at his house, in which they all paired up and, at the end of the night, whichever pair’s pumpkin came out the best—as judged by Jason, the resident Jack O’ Lantern expert—won whatever candy was leftover. That and marathons of R-rated horror flicks as well as occasional breaks to go out in the neighborhood and scare some of the kids while dressed in terrifying monster masks and slightly drunk off their asses from too much Tennessee whiskey.
Jason’s house was, hands down, the place to be in their neighborhood. Everyone who came by always wanted to join in on their festivities, and one year, they’d been just drunk enough to let a few of-age neighbors join in. This year, though, it was different. The stakes were higher. They were competing not only for the candy, but also for the much envied twelve-foot tall skeleton Jason had found at Home Depot which currently sat in his front yard amongst his other outrageous decorations. The skeleton was definitely the most noteworthy and had been the center of plenty group photos from just about every one of his neighbors since he had brought it home and especially tonight. In fact, every time the doorbell rang and he greeted another group of kids in his gory doctor costume—because Jason was in med school after all—every one of them squealed about how much they liked his skeleton. And so it almost pained him to have to give it to one of his friends after tonight, but if he’s being honest, he has nowhere to store it—he’d purchased it completely on a whim—and next year they will compete for it all over again anyway.
Tonight is also different because Harry and Y/N are not getting along. They all knew this beforehand, but simply brushed it off until they realized it was much worse than anyone had imagined. They had a horrible friendship—if one could even call it that—ever since they’d met as freshmen pre-law students six years ago. Sometimes they got along, but mostly, they bickered non-stop at each other, which all their friends took as misguided flirting. They got along for about six months once, after a drunken hookup, until, of course, Y/N hooked up with someone else and set off the volcano that was their relationship all over again. It had been calm recently with both of them needing each other’s help through their vigorous law school studies. So, a truce had been made and they tolerated each other at best. Tonight, though, the monsters had truly been unleashed and neither one of them had stopped picking at each other since they’d arrived.
It began on the street, when Harry took the spot Y/N had wanted to park in. Then at the door, when he asked her how her midterms were going and she felt like stepping on his toes until she crushed them. Which was perfectly logical since his was barefoot and mostly naked in his stupid Tarzan costume he’d recycled about four times now since they’d all known each other. He only wore it when the weather was warm, as he claimed, but they all had a suspicion he wore it so that he could watch Y/N drooling over him all night.
She wasn’t innocent either, in his defense, at least not this year when she came dressed in a sexy Beetlejuice costume, something none of them ever thought was possible. But she made it happen. She wore a too-short black and white vertical striped t-shirt dress—which had rips in all the right places, particularly across her chest—and a pair of neon green boots that were Doc Marten knock-offs she had found online. Other than that, she had spray painted the front bits of her hair a grey-green color and did her makeup to match the theme, dark purple smokey eyes and a green color used as contour. It looked good, she looked good, not that Harry would ever say that out loud.
Jason’s entire living room and dining room floors were covered with plastic tarps. He’d set up the usual fold-away tables and chairs for everyone. It was an easy clean-up job that wouldn’t leave pumpkin guts smudged into his hardwood floors or, even worse, the beige carpet in his living room. And, as always, he had a line up of various pumpkins on his kitchen counter—and the necessary kit of carving tools—ready to go. They usually didn’t start until nine-thirty or ten, once everyone arrived and had a few drinks in them and they had all agreed on what movies to watch. This year was a marathon of The Conjuring franchise, because Jason had spent way too much money on a box set and he would not be wasting them. Nobody objected anyway because the movies held a sentimental value to all of them. Every year since the beginning when a new movie came out, they all managed to go see it together, and also cause a horrible ruckus in the theater. Although they’d almost been kicked out a couple times, it was still some of the best memories together they’d ever had.
There was also that one year, when Annabelle Creation came out and Y/N and Harry were getting along on account of the LSATs, that they’d secretly gone home together. And then, of course, pretended it never happened.
That had been the second time they slept together, the second time she’d woken in his bed, with Harry’s annoyingly toned arm wrapped all the way around her, and the last as well because Harry got into a serious relationship their first year of law school and that had been the end of things.
Well… not completely the end. At least not until tonight.
“Okay we’re getting started!” Jason announced over both the music and the television, which someone turned down before Jason continued. He stood, wobbling, on one of the foldable chairs, for no other reason than the bottle of vodka in his hand. He was teetering on the edge sobriety and really didn’t give a fuck if he fell off. “Y’all know the drill! Isa’s handing out the cards. No whining. No trading. Or you’ll be disqualified.”
The cards in question were riddles that they had to match up with the answer. Half of them got the riddle card, the other half an answer card and that would determine who their partner was.
Y/N both wanted Harry as her partner and detested the idea at the same time. She was all for it because, well, he was hot dressed in nothing but his small piece of brown loincloth fabric hanging loosely on his hips. But at the same time, she knew they wouldn’t win together and she really wanted that skeleton.
The riddles were all hand-made by Jason on his computer and then laminated in his girlfriend’s school’s teacher lounge however many years ago. They all knew every answer to every riddle by now, but it was still a much more fun way to pair up than picking names out of a hat.
Y/N read her riddle twice, having absolutely no recollection of the answer to it, however—which was probably due to the alcohol she’d consumed herself within the past hour. She wasn’t all to blame, though, Harry had a lot to do with it too. She was still mad at him, for what she wasn’t sure, but she also could not stop herself from stealing glances at him and the only way to stop feeling so many confusing things about Harry was to drown it all away.
She read her riddle one last time: The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?
Her brain felt like mush after the third read and she hoped someone would find her first and give her the answer. She peeked around at people’s cards as they all tried to find their pair, some of them meeting up immediately and getting the prime pick of the pumpkins. It had dwindled down to just a few of them and she finally waltzed herself up to Harry, grabbed his card from his hand without his permission and read it.
In bold, 16-point Helvetica font, it read: A coffin.
Of course.
She rolled her eyes, shoving his card against his stupid bare chest and groaning audibly. “Figures I’m stuck with you.”
When she finally looked up at him, though, she wasn’t all that upset about her odds as she pretended to be. Not with the way his face set into a devilish, wicked, up-to-no-good look that made her want to rip him from the room and rip his useless Tarzan costume off too while she was at it.
He had also been drinking, which was made even more clear when he opened his mouth. “You’ll always be stuck with me.” And then he leaned in a little bit, his smirk widening and his eyes darkening and the sweet smell of vodka on his tongue strengthening, “Forever.”
She hated the buzzing in her stomach he caused, and hated that she liked knowing they probably would, at the very least, know each other for the rest of their lives. It had already been six years since they met and she still hadn’t managed to shake him off. And now they were finishing up law school together and getting offers to work at the same firm together. There would be no escaping him, not that she really wanted to.
The only time she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him was when he had a girlfriend. She hated seeing him in her classes, in her study groups, her circles, at her internship. He was always there, though, rubbing it in her face as she had once done to him. Hers was just a dumb hookup, partially just to spite him, and his was… well he dated the girl for entire year before they broke up and he seemed genuinely heartbroken over it. It had been serious, and Y/N had been seriously miserable the entire time. Even more so when she found out they’d split up and she just about threw a party while Harry moped around campus. She couldn’t help it, though, she’d liked him ever since they met, but then they just sort of… didn’t get along all the time.
She knew he liked her too, at least a little bit, or he’d never have slept with her twice. How much he actually liked her though was still up for debate, and so she chose keeping their weird hate-love relationship over ruining all of it by admitting her feelings for him. Plus, she liked working with him and getting his help on exams and papers too much to ruin that as well.
Y/N grabbed the third to last pumpkin, an unopened carving kit, and led the way to two lonesome chairs. They sat closest to the door, and farthest from the dining room and Jason, in their own little corner where they had enough room to stretch out given that no else had laid any claim on the other side of their table yet.
“So,” Harry began once they were settled and Y/N began opening the kit of tools, “what are we making?”
Before giving him an answer, she laid out all the tools on the table in front of them, next to their poor misshapen pumpkin, and then reached down into the side of her boot and pulled out a black sharpie; she’d learned a couple years back to start brining one. It might have been cheating, sketching her design beforehand, but Jason never outlawed it.
“I’m making Jason’s favorite Tim Burton character and you’re in charge of the guts.” She dictated confidently, slapping the sawing tool and the large orange plastic spoon in front of him so he could get started right away.
He eyed the tools for a moment, then the pumpkin, and then finally her. “Absolutely not. I’m not doing all the shit work while you do the fun stuff.”
“Thought you’d be used to that.” She half-mumbled, but he still heard her over the rest of the noise in the house. And, frankly, she was right. When they had interned together last year, she always handed off the demeaning tasks to him, like getting the coffee or making copies, while she did the much more interesting parts of the job. What she didn’t know was that she didn’t make him do anything. He always did it so she didn’t have to.  
He sat back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest, arms that her eyes—which were completely out of her control at that point—glued to immediately. He’d been working out ever since the break up and finally filled out the Tarzan costume a lot better. He’d always had a nice body, she knew that, but now… now he made her dizzy.
“I’m not doing it. Least not all by myself.”
She gave up then, mostly because she lost her will to argue against the pout of his lips and the flexing of his biceps—which weren’t ridiculously big, but they were subtle and modest and very much bigger than they had been this time last year when he’d dressed up as a shirtless baseball player. Most all of Harry’s costumes involved some level of nakedness and not much sense, but she didn’t complain too loudly. And his arms were definitely bigger now than they had been the last time she was in his bed and he was over her.
“Fine.” She groaned, grabbing the mini saw tool and then standing to begin carving a hole at the top of their pumpkin, around the stem. She made it big enough for them to be able to stick their hands inside, and then once she was finished, pulled the stem piece off and set it aside for later, chopping off some loose bits of pumpkin shreds first.
Despite his earlier protests, he was the first to dig into the pumpkin, standing as well and going hands first into the thing where he pulled out fistfuls and dumped it into a pile on the table. They went back and forth digging out the insides of the pumpkin until finally, Harry grabbed the spoon and really went in. And she didn’t even bother offering to help, and instead stared, again, at his stupid biceps and especially at his hands, which were slick from the pumpkin juice. She shuddered remembering where his hands had once been, and then pulled herself together remembering how long ago it had been and how very little interest he’d shown in picking up where they’d left off pre-girlfriend.
Once the pumpkin was fully gutted, they both sat again, and cleaned their hands off on the paper towels Jason had set up on each table.
She was the first to begin the process, sketching out the design with her sharpie of Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas. She’d carved the character before, but still needed a reference picture on her phone to get all the details right. And Harry watched her the entire time, memorizing her face for the millionth time while she concentrated, and sometimes he stared at her hands, too, hands he also found himself reminiscing over, to the point of needing to cross his legs so it wasn’t made visibly clear what he was thinking about. He was starting to regret recycling the Tarzan costume.
While they all worked, Jason answered the door and handed out candy about once every five minutes. The best part of their tradition wasn’t the pumpkin carving itself, but rather, the atmosphere. They loved the feeling, the adrenaline rush of it all. How messy everything would eventually get, how loud they all were. The anguished shouting when someone messed something up. The sounds of Thriller playing in the background mixed with the loud jump scares from the horror movies played all night long. It was heaven to any lover of Halloween (and they all loved Halloween).
She’d let Harry start the carving of the design, informing him what parts were staying and what parts needed to be cut away, before she ventured into the kitchen to grab them both a drink. On her way back, she paused for a moment, just watching Harry work over in their corner. The sight of him almost made her want to finally admit how she felt. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad if he rejected her, at least then she’d know.
But then Zoe plopped down into her empty chair next to Harry and crushed everything back down like an aluminum can being recycled. She tossed back about half of her Smirnoff after Zoe had scooted closer to Harry and grazed her fingertips across his arm—the one he wasn’t using the carve the pumpkin. And at first, he ignored it, but then he set down the tool, pushed his hair back with his clean wrist and offered Zoe one of his annoying little smirks that Y/N always thought he saved just for her. But now, seeing him use it to flirt with Zoe, she felt stupid and betrayed. And stupid again for feeling betrayed.
She had no claim to him. She just had her memories, as inconvenient as they were at times. But that was nothing and it’d been so long that he showed any interest in her, in anybody, that for her to be jealous now was just pure selfishness. As much as she hated Harry sometimes, she still wanted to see him happy again.
Y/N made her way back slowly, eying what others were doing, until finally joining Harry again just as Zoe went back to her own pumpkin.
She was quiet for a moment, sipping on her drink, watching him as he got back to carving, before cleaning her throat as she finally said something, “What did Zoe want?” And she tried not to sound anything other than curious, but the way Harry glanced at her, with a raised brow, she knew she needed to be so much more subtle.
He took the other cup from her that she hadn’t drunk from and replenished his blood alcohol level. “She just asked me what I was doing after this.”
Instead of opening her mouth and being obvious, she just set her drink down and grabbed both the carving tool and the pumpkin from Harry to take over. He’d already done way more work than she had, so it was about time they switched anyway.
He eyed her curiously still, even though he allowed her to continue where he left off as he leaned back in his chair and took a break, downing what was left in his cup as she worked.
“You’re not jealous are you?” He finally asked, after a few moments to let his brain marinate in the alcohol in order to brave that question in the first place.
“No.” It was sharp. A piercing rejection he felt dig its claws deep into his heart. He couldn’t tell if she was lying or not, but if not, it hurt. More than he was willing to admit, even to himself. He wanted her to be jealous. He always did. That was part of the reason he’d gotten a girlfriend. And of course she was also part of the reason they broke up, if not all of it.
He nodded, “So it wouldn’t bother you if I went home with Zoe?”
He noticed her brief hesitation, when her hand stopped moving and she took in a breath of air, but then she settled again. “Doesn’t bother me what you do, Harry.”
Again, he nodded, still watching her just to get a sense of her reactions. Of course he had no plans on going home with Zoe. He just wanted to know. Where they stood. How Y/N felt about him. Whether she thought about their nights together as often as he did. When they were studying together and she’d shift her hair behind her shoulder and he’d get a whiff of her shampoo and be taken right back to one of those nights, and the nights that came after that when he got lost in that scent on his pillows until it eventually dissipated and left him craving more.
He tried again. One last time. If he still didn’t get the response he was hoping for, then he’d give it up and leave her alone. So, he sat forward, crossing his arms on top of the table, close enough to her now that the buzzing in her stomach reappeared even though she never braved a single glance at him. He was close enough that the smell of his cologne overtook the odor from the pumpkin. Close enough that she felt his breath on the side of her face when he spoke.
“So, I’ve just been imagining the way you’ve been looking at me all night then?” His voice was just above a whisper, and soft, caressing her ears as the sound crept its way inside of her. As it seeped into all the places the alcohol had been, although Harry was always something way more potent than whiskey or tequila. He made her head spin, made her feel everything and nothing at the same time. Made her heart flutter so much at times it hurt.
His words sunk in and all her motions stopped as she froze in place. She stopped carving their pumpkin, stopped blinking, stopped breathing. Staring blankly at their half-finished design until he was wrung out from her system completely. That never really happened, though, because he was staring at her, watching her with those glinting, impatient eyes, waiting for an answer. There wasn’t even the familiar hint of a smirk or a bit of amusement on his face anymore, either, that might have calmed her nerves. Because at least if he seemed to just be messing with her, she could play that game with him, but this was different.
He leaned forward a bit, trying to get her to look at him, to say something, anything, really. He’d be satisfied enough with her lies at this point. But he also knew the absence of an answer alone was all he really needed. He didn’t feel like he was getting ahead of himself, seeing the way her body reacted to him, by assuming that she felt, at least somewhat, the same way he did about her. Because if she’d been the one to ask if she was imagining how he’d been staring at her all night, he wouldn’t deny it.
Just as she opened her mouth, just as she had gathered enough words to form a coherent sentence, the room went dark. Pitch black, actually. The lights all around them flickering off, the television going blank, the music cutting out. And once the startled gasps and dramatic, drunken yelling had subsided, they were left in a ringing silence, so completely opposite to what they had been moments ago that it was painful for their ears to adjust to.
“What the fuck?” They heard Jason’s voice in the darkness and then, finally, a bit of light as he turned his phone’s flashlight on.
“Did the power go out everywhere?” Someone else asked.
And while everyone panicked, all Harry cared and thought about was Y/N’s hand wrapped tightly around his own on his lap. He wasn’t exactly sure when she’d grabbed for him, but once he realized she was there, he didn’t really care too much about the lights anymore. What he did care about still, however, was whether she’d ever answer his question now. If he’d ever get to hear what she was about to say just before the darkness cut her off.
A few of them stumbled about, making plans to go outside and check on things while everyone else stayed inside and waited. The room went dark for a few more moments as Jason left, but then someone else turned their flashlight on, and shined them at the ceiling so that there was at least enough light so that they didn’t have to sit in complete darkness.
If it wasn’t Halloween, the power going out wouldn’t have bothered her so much. Outages happened happened all the time. But now, in the middle of the second Annabelle movie with all sorts of other spooky shit around them, she couldn’t help but be terrified and imagine the worst. Like… what if there was a killer on the loose who had cut their power. What if the killer was chopping up Jason and the others and then eventually heading inside to do the same to all of them?
“Hey,” Harry mumbled beside her, inching closer and rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand, realizing she’d grown tense when her grip on him had tightened. “You alright?”
Hearing his voice again, she let out a breath of air and tried to relax. She watched way too many scary movies and this was most definitely not one of them. Just a power outage, possibly due to everyone being home and using lots of extra electricity on their lights and decorations. She had no reason to panic. Although it could be blamed on Harry as well, if he hadn’t made her an astronomical amount of nervous just before.
She nodded until she realized Harry couldn’t even see her very well. “I’m fine.” She finally affirmed, and, to his dismay, took her hand away from his.
They sat in their own silence for a while, listening to the quiet conversations around them, particularly to Zoe and Julie who were trying to look up any information they could even though their phones were slow from the lack of Wi-Fi and service.
After a little while, she found his hand again in the dark, and this time, she wasn’t afraid from the power going out, but rather what she was about to say. Because if there was ever an opportunity to spill your guts to Harry Styles, it was in a dark room where his grassy green eyes weren’t all over you, sucking every ounce of courage from your bones.
Her voice was in a whisper, and she finally looked at him, or rather in his direction. To the outlines of his face, of his nose and his cheekbones. Even though she couldn’t find the green, she knew he was there, waiting, listening.
“You haven’t been imagining anything.”
She couldn’t quite see it, but his eyebrows had hit the ceiling and before he could question her further, she continued.
“I was miserable when you were seeing Liv and so fucking happy when you broke up.” Her voice shook, but she didn’t let that stop her, “And then miserable again because you didn’t want me. And maybe you still don’t, but it would really bother me if you went home with someone else.”
The quiet almost ate her alive for the next few seconds when he said nothing and she didn’t have his features to go off of. But then, she felt him getting closer until, finally, his lips were at her ear.
“I’ve always wanted you.”  
The buzzing was back but this time it was debilitating. Especially when he faced her and cupped his free hand along her jaw. And especially when he tilted her head back slightly to meet his lips, which had pretty good aim given their predicament. She missed the way he felt, she realized, once he was kissing her. Once he had scooted closer and released his hand from her grip on his lap. Once he grabbed up the other side of her face and pulled her closer. And then her hand was left to fend for itself on his thigh, and she, almost unconsciously, drifted her touch closer and closer and closer…
He moaned softly into her mouth when she toyed with the flimsy piece of fabric tied around his waist with her fingertips. And finally, she pulled apart from him, catching her breath before whispering, “Do you think they’d notice if we left?”
He shook his head, “Don’t think I care if they did.”
And so they were off. Trying not to draw too much attention to themselves even though she slightly tripped over the leg of the chair and he tried not to giggle too loudly while helping her. His hand fell into hers again as he led the way out of the living room, down the hall and into Jason’s guest room, closing them both off from any light source completely, not that they really cared too much about seeing each other; they just wanted to feel each other again.
And as soon as Harry had closed the door behind her, that’s exactly what they did. As she wrapped her arms around his neck; as he felt his way around her waist, he kissed her like he hadn’t kissed anyone in years. Like he was a dry, cracking desert and she was a vast river flowing through him.
He took brave steps towards the bed blindly, backing her up further into the dark room and managing to not trip over anything when he finally made it to the bed. They’d both, on separate occasions, spent the night in Jason’s guest room before, which helped when maneuvering around in the dark. For instance, Harry knew that Jason kept his secret stash of condoms in the bedside drawer. Harry had no idea why, but he was thankful for it right now, when, after laying her back on the bed, Y/N had already begun undoing his costume—with such quickness, he was sure she’d studied how the thing was connected to his body so that she knew exactly how to get if off if need be—and, within the next few seconds, tossed the flimsy Tarzan loincloth out of sight.
Which left him in just the black thong he wore underneath. If it were up to him, he wouldn’t have even bothered with it. But, when he had first gotten the costume and tried it on without anything, he imagined all the wardrobe slips and potential boners might not be in everyone’s best interests. So, he went out and bought the smallest pair of underwear he’d ever owned, tucked himself inside of them, and called it a day.
Those, too, were stripped from his body in a matter of seconds, or at least pushed down his thighs to where they no longer covered what they were intended to cover. But then she flipped them around, so that Harry was on his back this time, splayed across the bed and she was finally ridding him of the thong all together and not wasting any time getting her hands on him and he wondered, with how quick she was to get to this point, if she had been thinking about this all night. And if she had, then he would definitely have to whip out the Tarzan costume more often.
He seemed to sink into the mattress once he felt her mouth close on him, his eyes fluttering shut and his mouth hanging open involuntarily when he hit the back of her throat. He had no idea how he’d gone so long without her, or why either. Why had he been so stupid? Why did he let her think he didn’t want her? Why did he deprive the both of them of this? Of the way she felt circling her tongue around the tip of his cock, the way he knew she was looking at him even though he could physically not open his eyes or come down off his cloud long enough to tell her how good she felt. How much he missed it. How much he was probably in love with her, even if that might have been crossing some sort of line.
“Forgot how big you were,” she whispered, giggling almost shamefully after wiping her mouth on the back of her hand and giving him a break to actually breathe properly again.
“Think we both know that’s a lie.” He was out of breath already and he was right, although she wouldn’t feed his ego no matter what he said. Although she remembered his cock perfectly fine, she wasn’t exactly used to it. And maybe she had momentarily forgotten what he had hidden under his costume. It’d been two years since they slept together, and the first time it happened they’d been drunk.
She didn’t say anything else, just tried to hide the blush on her face—even though he couldn’t’ see it anyway—by taking a mouthful of him again. She didn’t let him come, though, of course, and he didn’t expect her to either. She never had before. She always led him get right to the edge, to where he was panting and writhing and digging his fingers into her hair, on the verge of screaming her name into the dark, and then she’d stop. Pull him from the back of her throat and leave him a sopping, moaning mess.
He’d somewhat recovered when she crawled on top of him and and sat on either side of his hips with her hands planted on his chest. And now that their eyes had adjusted to the darkness, she could see the curve of his lips as he smiled up at her and even the sinister little twist of his mouth just before he grabbed hold of the hem of her dress and ripped it off over her head, letting it fall onto the bed next to him. He wished they had just a little bit more light, but at the same time, it turned him on having to see with his hands instead. Having to reach up and cup her breasts in his palms and rely on his memories for a better visual than the one he currently had. And as she came down to kiss him again, there was one thing for sure he didn’t need any light or anything but his fingers to do.
He tossed her bra into the same vicinity as her dress and within seconds had his hands all over her again, and his tongue as well, wishing she was on her back so he could worship her in all the ways he desperately wanted to, but also aware that the power could flick on at any moment and he really didn’t have the time.
Not that she had asked, and maybe she just hadn’t thought of it yet, but he still, while continuing to make out with her, reached over, pulled the drawer open on the nightstand and reached inside to locate the box of condoms.
However, once he did, and he didn’t find what he was looking for, he sat up and pulled apart from her, twisting himself a bit in order to see inside the drawer. His other hand held onto her hips so she didn’t fall off of him as he searched the drawer. But, soon enough, he was laying back again, groaning as if he was in physical pain.
“There’s no condoms.” He muttered between his teeth and just that one little sentence ruined his entire night.
“It’s okay.” She assured, continuing to whisper just as he did so that no one would hear them through the thin walls. “I mean… we’re clean right? And I’m on birth control…”
He ran his fingers through his hair, looking up at her and trying to decide if it was a good idea or not. She was right, of course, but even so there was always a possibility. Even with condoms there was always that same possibility too. He knew one thing for certain. If he remembered correctly. There was absolutely no way in hell he’d be able to pull out, so that really wouldn’t even be an option either.
“If you don’t want to though, that’s fine.” She spoke again amongst his silence. It’s not like he would hate the potential consequences, and of course he would not hate feeling her without a stitch of anything in between them, he just needed to be reassured that’s what she wanted, truly.
“I do, just um… are you sure you’re okay with that?”
She nodded first and then, confidently, “Yes.” As she fell back into place over him, her lips came to his ear this time, “I want to feel you coming inside of me.”
His whole body shuddered, needing her more than he quite possibly ever had. And as she tucked her panties to the side and guided herself onto him, he would most definitely go outside and cut the lines himself if the power decided to come back on before they were finished.
“Forgot how wet you are…” He whispered, heart fluttering at the way she laughed while fucking him. He never forgot either, not quite. But feeling her again now, pooling around him, warm and snug, he again wondered why in the living hell he kept himself from her for so long. Sure, they didn’t like each other most of the time, but their first time together had been hot, drunk hate sex and ever since then he’d chased that feeling with other people, none of them ever quite adding up to her. He wondered if she thought the same. No one ever making her feel the way he did either. If, when she was with someone else, she thought of him instead.
He knew he wouldn’t last long the second she put her greedy hands on him, and so her being in control now was slightly dangerous. He wasn’t ready for it to be over, even if he was racing the clock, even if he could just take her home from here and do it all over again, properly. He didn’t want it to end as quickly as it started.
So, he flipped them back over, getting her on her back like he’d wanted to earlier. Slipping a pillow under her backside to get a better angle and letting her sink all the way through the mattress this time. He remained inside her the entire time, only making quick, shallow movements to avoid the sounds of their skin slapping against each other. But he gave up being careful about their noise level after she begged him to go faster, after he reached between them and rubbed his fingers over her clit to catch her up with him.
She tugged at his hair while he kissed her, breathlessly and without much of a second thought this time about how loud they were being. He assumed all their friends knew about them anyway, even if she chose to be ignorant to it. They all speculated about the secret hookups and the mindless flirting that was disguised as harmless bickering. So, he just stopped caring the closer and closer he got.
That was until he buried himself as far as he could inside of her, his hand wrapped around her throat the way he remembered her liking, and he felt the scream building beneath her skin, beneath his palm. Quickly, before her noises led to everyone barreling into the room to find out what was going on, he clasped his hand from her throat to her mouth instead. Holding tightly as she let it out, his eyes pouring into hers like a lake of shining emerald waters getting her to stay there in the room with him. So that she didn’t close her eyes and float away like he had before.
He titled her head to the side, kissed up her jaw to her ear. “Mm, I missed the way you sound.” He wanted to tell her how he thought about her pleads and her moans and her yells late at night when he was feeling particularly alone. When he wanted nothing but her, to either be inside of her, or to just have her there next to him. But all of that got caught in his throat, and instead, as he continued burying himself into her, he whispered like a growl in her ear, “Missed how well you take me.”
And although it made her moan, made her eyes cross and her fingernails scrape across his shoulder blades, he wanted to tell her that he missed how they fit together. How where he ended she began so seamlessly no one else could hardly compare. There had always been a seam with everyone else, with Liv, a visible divide between him and them, soldered together haphazardly. But with Y/N, it was smooth, flowing together as if they were the same person.
His hand slipped from her mouth as he began losing control, and soon she was the one having to cover the noises. Though, this time, she just simply pulled his lips to her own and felt all the vibrations escape from his throat against her skin, her teeth, her tongue. She breathed in nothing but the air from his lungs, and held onto his tightly as she began to unravel.
His moans quickened and quickened until she felt his release, warm and deep inside of her, just as her own gave way, until his body began to give out, until he was panting and no longer able to hold himself up over her. And so once they both descended from their cloud, once their wave had crashed onto the shore, he planted himself beside her, their chests in rhythm as they cough their breath.
And before either of them even managed to open their eyes or breathe steadily again, the surge of the power coming back on dimmed the haze. Their room was still dark, but light seeped under the door and the rest of their friends cheered from the other room as the music began again. And for a brief, stupid moment, Harry thought about fucking her again and letting her scream all she wanted, but that fantasy was cut short when he remembered their friends would soon realize they were missing.
“We should get back.” She mumbled. Although she made no sudden movements to get up. She even closed her eyes again, still off in another world.
And so Harry risked it, just for a few more moments, anyway, where he rolled closer to her and slid his hand up her jaw softly, pulling her attention toward him again as her eyes fluttered open, waiting.
“I was miserable when I was with Liv too. And we broke up because she knew I spent all my time thinking about someone else.” He swiped his thumb across her cheek, realizing for the first time that he’d probably royally fucked up all her makeup and then hoping she wouldn’t come to her senses and kill him for it.
“And who might that be?”
He smiled, sweetly this time unlike all his asshole smiles, and just as he glanced at her lips, ready to kiss her again, he was cut short.
“Yo, where are Harry and Y/N?” It was Jason, loud and clear and possibly headed their way to investigate his missing party guests who had snuck off together in the dark. Jason didn’t know that yet though, and as much as Harry would like none of their friends to find out, it wouldn’t exactly look great the two of them waltzing out of the guest room together. Harry’s curls in shambles, fresh scratches all across his back, and Y/N’s makeup smudged. There was simply no use in hiding what they’d been up to, it was written all over them.
Harry grabbed her clothes and handed them off while he went on a search for his own tiny pieces of costume. And just as they got decent again, there was a knock on the door.
“You guys in there? You better not be doing what I think you’re doing.�� Jason warned and Harry and Y/n looked at each other for a moment before busting out laughing.
Harry got to the door first, throwing it open to a very surprised Jason, who then narrowed his eyes when he saw Y/N come up behind Harry.
“God, not in my guest room!” He whined as Harry pushed pass Jason, a looking Y/N following shortly behind, “Now I have to clean the sheets again! I just did them yesterday.”
“Sorry, mate!” Harry called over his shoulder, glancing down at Y/N quickly to give her one of his cocky little winks. And once they had reached the main room again, as he fell back into his chair, she realized just how many scratch marks she’d left on him, and wished he’d worn a costume with a shirt to cover it up.
She drowned out all the whistling and the comments about how everyone knew she and Harry were up to something, about the bets won and lost. All she heard was Harry’s voice in her ear, telling her how much he missed her and she wondered if it was real. If he really did miss her, or he just missed fucking her. If, when it was no longer October 31st, they’d just go back to normal. Like the horse-drawn carriage turning back into a lumpy, ugly pumpkin.
Harry noticed this, of course, because he’s a law student and notices everything, but just as he leaned in to ask if she was okay, she pulled away.
“I just, uh, need some air.” And then she was gone before he could do or say anything. She used through the front door, abandoning their poor pumpkin and headed toward her car. She’d left the keys and her purse inside, but it didn’t matter. She just leaned against the passenger door and gazed up at the stars, thankful for the clear night and warm weather.  
And, of course, he was beside her not too long afterwards. She’d heard his footsteps against the pavement, knew he’d probably follow her out anyway.
He cleared his throat, half watching the same stars she was and half glancing at her. “Did I do something?”
“No, it’s um…” she faltered, her eyes falling to her feet. “Think I just had too much to drink.”
“Oh… I’m sorry. I—” she cut him off before he got too far in the wrong direction.
“No, I mean…” she pushed off her car then and faced him, “Are we just going to go back to how we always are after tonight? Because I don’t know if I can do that. But I never know what you’re thinking, Harry. Do you even like me or do you just like sleeping with me sometimes and arguing with me all the rest of the time?”
He continued to watch her for a moment, almost waiting for her to tell him she was kidding. But when she just ran a nervous hand through her colored hair, he realized she wasn’t.
He waited for a group of kids all dressed in various Star Wars outfits to pass by them before he began. “I guess I thought I was clear, but obviously not enough… I don’t just want to sleep with you every couple of years and pretend we don’t like each other in between. I think we’ve already wasted enough time, don’t you?”
She nodded once his words sunk in.
“Can we go finish our pumpkin now? And win the stupid skeleton. So I can take both it and you home with me?”
Again, she nodded, but this time it was matched with a smile. “Who says I want to go home with you?”
He rolled his eyes and threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close enough to kiss the top of her head as he steered them back toward the front door. “Guess it’ll just be me and the skeleton then.”
They both glanced over at the giant thing stuck in the middle of Jason’s front yard, still attracting every young person like it was a princess at Disneyland, and then she looked up at him again. “On second thought, I might like to see that.”
He shook his head, opening the front door for them, “M’sure you would.”
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Can you maybe write something where the reader meets spencer in prison and when they get out, they meet up and they have really rough and kinky sex like you can literally go as dirty and kinky as you want
Four Feet Apart
🎉150 follower celebration! Day 6
Spencer x fem reader
Content/Trigger Warnings: 18+ Smut, oral female receiving, anal play, blindfold/sensory play, and handcuff/restraint use, protected penetrative sex, mentions of murder, prison
The beginning is a little angst, little fluff, plenty of smut!
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“Alright inmates, listen up! There’s been some budget cuts. For the time being, the old west wing building will be taken by overflow from the women’s prison.”
The guard’s voice was overtaken by wolf whistles and hollers.
“That’s enough! Now you will not share a building with them. You will not see them during meals. However the courtyards do share a fence. If you are caught harassing them in any way, you will be punished accordingly!”
The announcement had caught the attention of just about every inmate, except one. Spencer Reid had bigger problems to worry about than women. He didn’t get them outside of prison, so why should he worry about them on the inside. He needed to worry about how to stay safe, stay alive until his name was cleared. That is, until he met you.
I sat on the bleachers, popping some bubble gum as I searched for some worthwhile eye candy. The sun was a bit hot so I shrugged my button down off my shoulders, opting to tie it around my waist, leaving me in a white tank. This of course leads to many wondering eyes and a few whistles from the men’s side of the fence. I’m not even sure what i’m looking for, but none of the men giving me the time of day have it. I finally notice a slender man sitting on the men’s bleachers, just a few feet away from the fence on his side. I scoot up , slipping my fingers through the women’s chain-link side. Of course I could never touch any of them, with each side having about four feet between their respective fences. But there were no rules against looking or talking even.
“Hey. Think too hard and you’re gonna mess up that pretty face of yours.”
He looks up a bit startled, but his posture changes once his gaze lands on me. He almost looks shy, which seems in direct contrast to his rugged look. But once I look in his eyes, I see depth and warmth and kindness that belongs far away from this place, and it hurts me for a moment, to think of what will happen to him here.
“I don’t bite. The name is Y/L/N. Got in for killing my ex husband. How about you?”
He blinked, speechless at first.
“Doc- I’m uh, Spencer Reid. They think I killed someone too…”
“Well, didn’t you?”
He shook his head. Based on the look in his eyes, I want to believe him I really do.
“Did you know that incarceration of women has been growing at twice the rate of men’s incarceration?”
“Now how in the world would you know that?���
He simply shrugged.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. Just looked like you could use some company is all.”
He looked like he wanted to respond, he really did. But before he got the chance, the women were called back inside.
I give a quick salute. “Nice meetin ya Spencer Reid. See ya when I see ya.”
The next time I saw him he looked different. Scared, fragile, and a bit bloodied up.
“Hey- what uh- I mean, are you okay?”
He refused to look up or give much of an answer. But he was sitting in the same spot, close enough for us to have another conversation so I have to believe he wanted to talk again.
“I’m guessing you’re relatively new. It happened to me too ya know. Especially when I wouldn’t just go along with everything they asked.”
That drew his attention, and I could see tears in his eyes.
“You can’t let them see they get to you, that you’re scared. I learned that long before I got here though. That’s why I killed him ya know- he hurt me and I couldn’t just take it anymore. Police wouldn’t listen. I just wanted it to stop.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“I shrugged it off. I’m paying my time but I’m safer in here than I ever felt with him.”
“Can you keep a secret?”
Now he has my attention. I nod, trying not to seem too excited to be sharing schoolyard secrets with the handsome stranger.
“I uh, was in the FBI. I was framed by a, well you can almost call her an arch nemesis of sorts.” He laughed to himself. It was a warm sort of laugh that filled me with butterflies. “I was just trying to get medicine for my mom. She has Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia. She was getting worse and I-“ his words are quickly cut off by the sounds of sniffles.
“Why are you telling me this?” I don’t mean it to be rude, but I had to know.
“I guess you could say I’m good at reading people and- you’re not a bad person. I trust you.”
In that moment, our eyes met again, but something new was there. Desire? Lust? Caring? Who knows. But that was the start of something. Of daily meetings, and quiet longing.
Day after day we would sit by our fences, sharing stories of our lives before prison. I learned that he was kind, hard-working, and actually quite funny. Spencer Reid was the best company I’d had in years, and not just within the prison walls.
He also told me about the rough time of it he was having on his own side. I gave him pointers where I could. How to get in with the right people, how to avoid the wrong ones, and how to get himself safe when necessary.
At one point, the politics on his side did endanger his life, and that’s when we came up with the plan together. A plan that would help take down the very man targeting him while getting Spencer somewhere safe for now. This meant I wouldn’t see him while he was in solitary, but we both knew it was necessary.
We never spoke about exactly what it was we wanted but- it was there. We devoured one another with our eyes. Biting and licking lips, drawn out breaths, and lingering gazes. We knew.
I watched him change overtime. His hair and beard grew yes, but so did this darkness in his eyes. The soft, Bambi-eyed boy was seemingly gone, replaced by a man who needed to hurt someone, anyone. And oh was I ready to let him hurt me.
I waited by the fence each day for his return, but it never came. I finally decided to ask around until I heard something that thrilled me but also left a huge gaping hole in me.
“He left.”
I couldn’t be happier for him. Had they cleared his name? From the sound of it, federal agents, friends of his had come to retrieve him. I could only hope that he was safe and happy.
Then one day I received a letter.
Dear Y/N,
I miss you. Just you. You made my time there worthwhile, worth missing. There’s so much more I wanted to say to you, and a letter just won’t do it justice. I have a feeling you’ll be out on parole sooner than you think. Come find me when you can. I’ll be in D.C..
Counting the days,
Parole? I had at least another year before that could even be a consideration. But I started counting too, which didn’t last long. Imagine my surprise when I got out on parole only two weeks after receiving the letter.
Did he- no he couldn’t, could he? Spencer had been gone for months. Clearly he had cleared his name, thank goodness. I knew I needed to see him as soon as possible.
I couldn’t leave the state, but luckily I didn’t need to. With what little I had, I made my way to D.C.. I figured I’d start out at the return address on the envelope, the one I clung to like my life depended on it.
With a bag slung over my shoulder, I raised my hand with the letter to hesitantly knock on the door, completely unsure of what to expect on the other side.
My mouth fell open at the sight before me. Spencer Reid in a cardigan, a tie? I had never seen him outside the prison. He looked so put together. And all I could think about was how much I wanted to tear him apart. I did my best to suppress my lust in hopes of a civil and normal greeting.
I don’t know what I expected. Tears, hugs maybe? We stood there staring at each other for who knows how long before I finally spoke. I’d had a well rehearsed speech in my head. One I’d had two whole weeks to work on since he sent the letter. But that all went out the window the second I saw his face again.
Who was I kidding? We could see it in eachother’s eyes, the same desire from before, but stronger somehow. Maybe because it was quite literally within reach. Months of daydreaming about what it would feel like to touch him, kiss him, get absolutely railed by him.
The man I had met initially was so gentle, timid. I watched him change in that prison. I had initially imagined ruining him, breaking him for my own pleasure. By the time he left I wanted something completely different. I wanted him to do the breaking. I wanted him to use me for his own personal pleasure. And he knew it.
He grabbed my face to pull me in for an all consuming kiss that quite literally took my breath away. I had to pull back, gasping for air before I could get any words out.
“Missed you too.” I smiled.
“Can we take this to my bedroom?” The words came out rushed, as though he might die if he couldn’t have me in that very moment.
I give an enthusiastic nod. A small squeal and uncharacteristic giggle leaves my lips as he scoops me up in his arms, whisking me away to his bedroom.
“I’ve been waiting so long for this,” he pants, frantically removing his clothes. “Can you get undressed and lay down on your stomach for me?”
I follow his orders without question. He leans down by my ear and asks one question. “Safe word?”
“Cherry blossom.”
“Anything off limits?”
I don’t even have to think. “No, I trust you.”
Next thing I know I feel soft silk over my eyes as he ties a blindfold in place. This allows me to focus on the sounds of whatever else he is preparing. I hear a distinctly familiar jingle of metal, which is confirmed as it touches the skin of my wrists. Handcuffs. I wiggle my hips in delight, which earns me a playful spank.
“Like what you see?”
“I definitely can’t complain.” I can almost hear his smirk.
His fingers dig into my hips before pulling them up in the air. I feel cold air hit my core immediately.
“Fucking beautiful.”
Without any warning I feel a finger coated in cool lubricant coating my other opening.
“Try and relax for me, beautiful.” His fingers run through some of my hair, dragging across the skin of my back and I feel my muscles immediately follow his command. I attempt to mentally and physically prepare for whatever could be coming next.
I feel him work in what feels to be a decent sized anal plug. I’ve tried them before but only by myself. I’m already enjoying the added stimulation. My hips jolt when he suddenly brings his head down to lick up through my slit and I can’t help but yell.
“Mmm you like that, dirty girl? You’re quite literally dripping for me.”
He says it so calmly, I can hardly wrap my head around how smooth he’s being.
“Yes sir, please!” I beg.
“Please what, hmmm? What do you need?”
“Need you to eat my pussy please sir!”
Damn I sound absolutely pathetic. To think I ever considered myself a feminist. So much for my leg up on domineering men. Here I am willingly let one take me, have me anyway he wants. And that’s just the way I want it too. For Spencer Reid, I would be anything he needed.
“Good girl.” The two words have me writhing in pleasure with the combined sensation of his tongue back on the place I need it most. He sucks and laps at me like I'm his favorite dessert . He reads my body like a book, every movement and moan. He knows just what I need, when to let up, when to push harder. It’s unfair just how talented his mouth is.
And then, I’m coming undone on that beautiful mouth of his. Too bad I can’t see it. But oh it’s all I can imagine as waves of pleasure wreck my body and he’s running his fingers down my back, squeezing my ass as he gets in his final victory licks.
There’s a distinct sound of a condom wrapper, and I appreciate the consideration. I feel him sit on the bed next to me, against the headboard perhaps?
“Come sit on my lap.” His voice is dark and commanding, and my body is already responding with a fresh dose of arousal.
“But I can’t see sir.”
“No excuses. Come sit on my lap or you won’t get to come again.”
Not only can I not see, but my hands are still handcuffed behind my back. Not to mention my knees are weak from my most recent orgasm. This oughta be interesting. I try to scoot on my knees towards where I had heard his voice, only to lose my balance once I bump into his legs. I fall face first into his lap. Not the worst position to be in. I hear a soft, dark chuckle above me.
“Poor pathetic thing, are you already too weak? Can you handle another one?”
I swear, I never knew I was into degradation and humiliation. I don’t even know if I truly am, it's just something about him, about Spencer, that turns me on with everything he does.
“Yes sir, please! Please I can handle it! Let me try!”
I feel his fingers grasp my jaw, pulling my face up till I’m sitting on my knees again. I can feel his breath on my face and I wish I could just lean in and feel his lips on mine. My wish is granted for just a second. I feel his plush lips brush against mine, but they’re gone just as quick.
“Pretty thing. Let me help you, hmm.”
His long fingers wrap around my hips and guide me till I’m sitting in his lap, one leg on either side.
“Do you think you can ride me without your hands for balance?
“Yes sir!” I nod with an embarrassing eagerness.
“Show me, baby.”
I raise up and with his guidance again, lower myself until he’s making sure my other hole is filled as well.
Each bounce against his lap is adding pressure against the plug, combined with the bump of his cock against my cervix. With no sight, I’m so in tune with every sensation, especially the way his fingers feel roaming every inch of my body. He’s pinch my nipples, grabbing my ass, tugging at my hair. I may have been the one begging but he was clearly just as desperate.
When he decided he needs more, Spencer grabs my hips and starts thrusting up into me at a completely
ridiculous pace.
“You look so pretty bouncing on my cock. See for yourself, little girl.”
Before I have time to realize what he means, his beautiful fingers are ripping the silk away from my eyes, only to be met with absolutely heavenly eyes. They’re golden, warm, filled with lust but also something kinder. They devour my body like I’m his goddess. I absolutely love watching him enjoy the view. He licks his lips hungrily as he watches my breasts bounce and the way he looks sliding in and out of me.
Spencer pulls me in so he can leave a trail of kisses along my shoulders and neck. I love the way my face feels buried in his soft curls, he smells of lavender shampoo and it’s intoxicating. When he pulls back he’s got a knowing smirk on his face.
In seemingly one move, I’m off his lap, on my back, with my hands pinned over my head.
“But the hand cuffs? How did you-“
Instead of answering he silenced me with an all consuming kiss. We’re biting, sucking, moaning, on one another like animals in heat. I can’t help but feel sorry for his poor neighbors.
He keeps my hands pinned above my head while realigning himself ready to pick back up where he left off. Before I can even register what’s happening he’s pounding into me like it’s his fucking job.
“You feel that? You feel how perfectly I fill you up? So pretty with my cock in you. Fuck- you take it so well!”
Words are gone from my mind. I’m left with moans, tears, and one name. Spencer.
He lets go of my arms and they instinctively wrap around his neck as I use my legs around his hips bringing him close.
“I’ve got you pretty girl. I’m here. Be a good little thing and come for me. Come on.”
I’m wrecked, shaking and moaning, unsure if I’ll ever be able to stop. He’s right there with me, filling me up in the best way. The pleasure is intensified by the extra pressure from the plug. I cling to him for dear life as I ride off my high, enjoying the way he looks above me. He’s angelic with the light sheen of sweat causing his skin to glisten in the low lighting, the natural sparkle of his eyes, the way his curls fall in his face, the pretty pink lips softly parted as he pants.
He’s dominant but also so soft and kind with me. It's clear tonight he cared about my pleasure just as much as his own. Maybe I don’t ever have to let him go. Maybe we can just stay here, twisted up in one another, blissfully unaware of all our troubles and the world around us.
I’m embarrassed at how much I whine as he gets off of me and slips away into the bathroom. I don’t know why I was surprised when he returns with a warm washcloth and lotion. He’s cleaning me up, tending to my wrists and any other spots sore from friction, and removing the plug. All the while he’s littering my skin with gentle kisses, all along my back and shoulders, my hips, my chest, my face. I’ve never been so pampered.
“Are you okay?” His voice is sweet and smooth like honey, leaving me tingling in the wake of its sweetness.
“Never better.” I leave kisses across his knuckles and he gives me that look again, like I’m the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
After some convincing, I get up to use the bathroom, returning to a very sweet looking boy waiting for me under the covers, looking up with puppy dog eyes. I see the man I first met in the courtyard months ago. The one that stole my heart. I slip into the spot next to him, and we tangle back together, skin against skin. It’s so warm, soft, inviting and I think I’ll stay forever.
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Abourt Rei Himura and BNHA Chapter 301
Now that I've read the official release of chapter 301 I can finally try to gather my thoughts. I think this time the particular rendition of dialogues and inflections provided by Caleb Cook is more crisp and clear than usual, especially in throwing "shade" upon Endeavor as a father figure. But let's do things in order...
Title: THE WRONG WAY TO PUT OUT A FIRE - a simple, but stark message that doesn't leave space for ambiguity. There was a fire, an imminent tragedy that could and should have been avoided, but whoever tried to fix it, did it all wrong and now we have to deal with a huge arson.
CARLESS HANDLING OF FIRE, on the other hand, doesn't quite cut it for me, because it seems like everything was caused by a foolish mistake. "I was carless and now I'm in a pinch"- type of situation, while it's perfectly clear that Endeavor and Rei decided purposefully which "strategy" to use with Touya. A BAD one to say it lightly. Rei's contribution and complicity is debatable, of course, and I'll touch on this later.
Let me get this clear though: I'm not trying in any way to critique the hard work of unofficial translators. I can't say anything relevant because I'm not a translator in the first place (I can barely understand English and my native language on a good day) and also because I am so grateful for everything they do in order to give us really good material FREE OF CHARGE basically a second after the release in Japan. I'm just interested about the different shades of subtext we can catch if we read the story through multiple filters. Every translation is unique because it carries the personal spin of the author even if the bias should be inexistent or ideally undetectable...
However, back to the chapter
The first scene opens on a luxurious classic Japanese villa, with Enji, Rei and her parents discussing the motivation behind Enji's proposal. Or at least we initially think that's what's going on... Because in reality Rei's family couldn't care less about the motivation. Everything these people see is a wealthy, famous guy the next number one hero ready to take their daughter in marriage. I guess the Himuras are pretty broke, thight on cash, their old prestige is definitely gone and all they can do to save themselves from shame and poverty is "to sell" their only remaining asset.
During the whole ordeal, Rei is standing still, silent, cold as ice. She knows she doesn't really have a choice. How mortifying and sad is this? An adult, capable woman has no agency whatsoever, she is used again and again and she stoically accepts this treatment from every single dominant figure in her life until she can't be stoic anymore. I really hope Horikoshi's going to give her a much more proactive role in saving her family and it seems the narrative wants us to expect this type of character development.
I'd like to point out 2 panels in particular:
First one
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In this scene the Todorokis are back from their trip to the doc, who clearly said they shouldn't try to conceive a child with a perfect quirk mix because it is dangerous (and morally questionable too). Rei understands this fact and tries to dissuade Enji, but he doesn't listen, because he's projecting all his pent-up resentment and frustration onto Touya. He knows how it feels to crush against an unbreakable wall, since he can't surpass All might and his son can't too. He had to learn this truth the hard way, so Touya needs to do the same. Enji is purposefully throwing upon his son years of failures, self consciousness and despair, just because the boy has to get it into his thick skull that he is a dud, just like his father. This is not a hopeless dad making a mistake bona fide, this is a broken man trying to destroy his self reflection by proxy, annihilating everything Touya is, swiping the kid's identity under the rug. He describes his son's dreams and sadness as something birthed from stubbornness. He is auto-convincing himself however (because Endeavor is not stupid). A little bit later he's basically saying: "Touya let's play make believe! We can go on like everything I had engulfed in your psyche never existed, you're a failed attempt so you don't exist. Your needs and wants are silly and useless, nothing worth dealing with now that I can't make you my prodigy. Why don't you go play with the other failures so that I don't have to look at myself while taking actually care of you. I don't want to see you, because it's too painful, because you're a remainder of my own inadequacy."
Note: If you want to read an incredibly well done analysis about Endeavor's motives and psyche, you can get it on @thyandrawrites , she's dwelt on everything extensively and way better than me.
I really want to talk about Rei though. In the panel I showed above, her expression is a bit tricky to analyse. At first she is very vocal about her position. She doesn't want to put Touya through useless suffering, especially since they have a scientific reason not to. They have no guarantee of success with other children, besides, they could possibly have to deal with other health related issues. However, all it takes to convince her in the end is Enji's half assed attempt at the "It's for Touya's sake" shtick. Is it really? Why doesn't she question her husband anymore?
Well... I think before Natsuo, she was probably hoping Touya would let go "naturally", with time and growth, maybe by taking interest in his other siblings. Rei said she wanted to have more children because in her mind they would have supported and loved each other. Maybe she was naive enough to think that a big family full of kids few years apart from each other was all Touya needed to distract himself from his purposes... BUT and here is the point I want to get across: She was deluding herself too, much like Enji. The ugly truth, in my opinion, is that Rei is a person prone to protect herself by going with everything other people want, especially if said people are capable of hurting her. Yes, she was hurt time and time again, but what would have happened if she really tried to stop Enji?
What I am trying to say is that Rei is the kind of person who endures to survive. She holds a "captive" mentality in which, by indulging her captor's desires, she can continue living with less possibile damage. If I stay still and silent, if I don't make a scene, I can go on, I can hold onto the few things I have that actually make me happy.
Let's think about it... Enji was so obsessed with his psychotic, power-hungry quest that he would have probably disown Rei. She would have been thrown away for a more compliant woman with an ice quirk, or something similar, this resulting in her probably losing everything, the respect and love of her family (the Himuras) and also her own children. Because we know Endeavor can definitely hold a grudge and is vendicative.
So, clarifying, Rei doesn't put up a fight because she is scared for herself in a way... She is scared to be hurt in the worst possible way (by losing her little bit of serenity), so her strategy is to endure and to keep up a facade of control and purpose.
Rei, ironically just like Touya and other characters in mha, doesn't really get what unconditional love is. Her family loves her until she can be useful to the Himura name and status, her husband loves her for her quirk. Her children, however, love her for who she is and she wants to stay with them... Only to be forced to leave them later anyway.
The few times Rei actually smiles are when she is with her babies. She is a deeply loving mother in her core, but her declining mental health makes her a very lacking caregiver.
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This panel, in my opinion, shows the point of no return for Rei. She can't keep the glacial facade forever...
After Natsuo's turn to be deemed a failure, Endeavor is crazier than ever, because All Might is as popular and loved as ever and he hasn't make any progress into his eugenetic games. The last two images of Rei are very telling. She is exhausted, but she knows what her husband wants from her this time too. She looks like a lifeless doll and honestly I can easily see Shouto's conception as... Non consensual and I will stop here.
Then Shouto is born, the last, perfect specimen... And Rei isn't doing much for Touya, we can see she's apparently blind towards her eldest son's distress already after Natsuo's birth... But why?
Because she is actively avoiding to face the Touya's problems too.
If Touya is still suffering, is still feeling stressed and worthless, then everything Rei has endured, everything she pretended not to feel for the sake of her family has been completely useless. What Rei cannot look at is her own parental failure, is the concrete proof that while protecting herself and her peace she did not protect her children too, because the two interests were never really aligned, even if she really believed so. She never had a functional family to preserve in the first place and everything she accepted to do was all for the sake of a false sense of belonging.
However is too easy to say she should've rebelled against Enji and dumped his sorry ass. Abuse traps you and your abuser too in a cage tricky to escape.
What I imagine will happen next chapter is one of two things:
Enji stops Touya by using brute force, probably also saying something really scarring to reinforce the notion that Shouto is the only child he cares about.
Rei stops Touya by using her quirk. This act could be considered by Touya another confirmation that even his mother actually does something by her own accord only when Shouto's safety is at risk
Necessary conclusions
I don't blame Rei for her actions too much. She is a victim turned abuser by circumstances, but more importantly she's actually taken mesures to prevent herself from hurting her children again. She's trying to heal for her family's sake, really this time. Ten years spent dealing with guilt and having actual therapy seem a good plan to me. And now she's the one ready to snap Enji back to reality.
Enji, on the other hand, is trying too. It's too little too late, but if he stops avoiding reality and hardly works on understanding his family's point of view I don't think he is completely unredeemable. I don't see him surviving his last confrontation with Touya, thought... But I could be totally wrong.
Obviously everything I've said it's my personal analysis on Rei's character, as I interpret her actions and words, so feel free to contradict me and/or to add anything you might see fit.
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