#shhh yes i am dragging that tag back out
loisinherlane · 1 year
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(Magneto (2023) #2)
lmaoooo warlock dragging doug
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kittykat-25 · 7 months
Golden Hour- Part 3
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Pairings: Park Seonghwa x OC! Katherine
Genre: Hogwarts AU, strangers to lovers(?), shy girl x popular boy
Summary: Park Seonghwa, the light of the Hufflepuff Common room, the Golden boy if you will. Popular, kind, handsome beyond belief. 1/8th of the rowdiest friend group to grace Hogwarts walls. And then there was Katherine, quiet, shy, a fly on the wall. Never seen or heard by anyone except Seonghwa. What happened when the popular golden boy falls for the quiet mouse of the school.
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Katherine walked down the corridor towards her charms class, everyone turning to stare as she went by. She knew they weren’t staring at her so much as who accompanied her. Seonghwa and Hongjoong beside her chatting about Sans upcoming quidditch match for Gryffindor. Wanting to support him but not wanting to go against their houses. Katherine had never really cared for quidditch, flying scarring her. Seonghwa nudged her arm jostling her out of her thoughts, “you alright there kitty Kat?” Hongjoong asked, using her now least favorite nickname. “Yeah sorry just stuck in my head.” She mumbled. Seonghwa went to ask when Vivian stopped them in their tracks. “Seonghwa, Hongjoong, how are you?” She purred, hand running down Seonghwa arm. Seonghwa took a subtle step back out of her reach, making Hongjoong snicker. “Couldn’t wait to corner him in the classroom Vivian?” Hongjoong asked making Katherine laugh. Trying to cover it up with a small cough Vivian whipped her head towards her. “And what do we have here? A new little tag along?” She said maliciously. She turned back towards Seonghwa who was staring at Katherine oblivious to the girl in front of him. Hongjoong saw the anger rise to Vivian’s face. “Alright let’s get to class. Never a pleasure Vivian.” He said and he walked around her dragging Seonghwa with him. Seonghwa reached back and grabbed Katherine’s hand and she suddenly found herself being pulled down the corridor by the boys. Vivian glaring at her back.
As they settled it class, Katherine went to the back desk with Danielle, “you did not just stroll in here with Park Seonghwa and Kim Hongjoong!” She exclaimed. “Shhh Dani keep your voice down!” Katherine said, trying to calm her friend down. Seonghwa looked back with a smile on his face making Katherine blush. “Kat you are falling for him!! Oh my gods!” Katherine slapped her hand over Dani’s mouth, “Danielle shut up please. I am not falling for Park Seonghwa.” She said quietly, rolling her eyes. Her friend’s demeanor saddened, pushing Kat’s hand away, “would it be so horrible Kat? He’s a nice guy and clearly he likes you.” She said quietly. “I am not trying to have everyone up my butt because of him, Vivian knowing I exist is bad enough Dani.” She said as she pulled out her textbook. Dani’s eyes grew wide, “Vivian said something to you?” She whisper yelled, “shhhhh Dani please!” Katherine pleaded, “she called me a Tagalong and ignored me to flirt with Seonghwa but yes she noticed my existence.” Katherine explained, “what did Seonghwa do? Did he say anything to her?” Dani asked quietly as the teacher strolled in. “No why would he?” Katherine responded.
The two girls so lost in conversation didn’t see the two boys staring at them, “they are definitely talking about us.” Hongjoong said with a smirk looking at his friend whose eyes were fixed on the pretty brunette. “You are so down bad Hwa.” He said shaking his head. “One day Joong you are going to meet someone and she’s going to wreck your world and hopefully your ego. And I will happily stand by and let her do it.” Seonghwa said turning back towards his friend. Hongjoong rolled his eyes but kept an eye on the girl in the back, not liking the way Vivian had looked at her earlier. The viper was brewing something. He could feel it and it involved Katherine. He turned his attention back to the lesson, noticing Seonghwa’s frequent glances back towards the girl. He chuckled to himself. His friend had completely fallen for this girl and didn’t even know it. He couldn’t wait to tell the six other friends about it.
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Katherine was sitting in her favorite chair in the library when she heard multiple footsteps walking towards her. Looking up she met eyes with Seonghwa, Hongjoong at his side per usual and the rest of Ateez behind them. “Look it’s our favorite KittyKat.” Hongjoong exclaimed as he sat down in front of her. Katherine looked at Seonghwa, she looked so cute with her head slightly cocked, a confused look across her face. “You looked lonely and Wooyoung wanted to meet you.” Seonghwa explained sitting down beside her. She nodded then looked at the rest of the guys, seeing them all in passing but ever actually speaking to them. “So you’re the pretty little huffle that entranced our Hwa.” One of the boys said with Cheshire Cat like grin on his face. “You don’t even know what entranced means Woo.” One of the others said moving him aside to sit beside Hongjoong.
Wooyoung as it seems had mock hurt on his face. He smacked the back of the boys head as he stepped over them to come stand on Katherine’s other side, leaning against the chair she was in. “I’m bullied constantly here kitty Kat.” He said looking down at her. She gave a tight lipped smile, “sounds tragic.” She turned back towards her book trying not to focus on the seven pairs of eyes on her. “If you’re going to stare at her and make her uncomfortable you guys can go.” Seonghwa said lowly. “It’s fine Seonghwa.” Kat started, “you’re a terrible lair Katherine. If they are bothering you they can leave.” He said noticing how tightly she was gripping her book, her knuckles almost white. “We can go. There’s a book I need to find and I have no idea where it’s at.” Hongjoong replied, “they can help me look.” Seonghwa gave him a grateful nod, knowing his best friend was lying. There wasn’t a book in the library the boy didn’t know. They all said their goodbyes and left Seonghwa alone with Katherine.
He smiled at her as he pulled out his Charms book and paper. “They mean well.” He said with a smile. “I know they could’ve stayed.” She answered not looking up from her book. Her grip had loosened on it slightly. “You’re about to snap your book in half Katherine.” He chuckled, “I can go if me being here stresses you out.” She looked up at him, eyes wide, “I don’t mind that you’re here, we can do our potions essay if you haven’t started it?” He nodded, just happy she wanted him to stay. “I haven’t yet.” They worked on their essays, side by side until Hongjoong came back, “Hwa we’re going to head out. Maybe go for a walk by the lake.” Seonghwa nodded, turning towards Katherine. “Do you want to join?” He asked, she looked up at him then at Hongjoong who lifted an eyebrow as if he was dating her to come. She emailed at him, “some fresh air might be nice.” She turned her eyes towards Seonghwa and his face lit up, Hongjoong chuckled, “KittyKat is growing some claws. Wooyoung is going to have field day with you.” And with that one statement all confidence Katherine thought she had vanished. Seonghwa noticed the shift in her eyes, “it’ll be okay, I’ll talk to him.” She gave him a grateful smile as she packed up her bag. Walking towards the entrance Hongjoong threw his arm around her shoulder, “it’ll be okay Katherine. I won’t let Wooyoung torture you.” She moved his arm off her, “he can’t be any worse than you.” Seonghwa laughed, as Hongjoong face turned to mock hurt.
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Katherine followed the two boys out of the library and towards the exit of the castle, she heard the rest of the friend group before she saw them, recognizing Mingi from the common room she felt a little better but stepped a tad closer to Seonghwa’s side. The boy noticed immediately, heart fluttering at the movement. Wooyoung seeing them approach yelled out towards them, “finally find the love birds Joong?” One of the other boys smacked him on the chest, saying something quietly to him. Walking down the moss covered steps Katherine hesitantly reached towards Seonghwa’s arm for balance. Reaching back towards her he took her hand, enveloping it in warmth that went all the way up her arm. Something settling in her chest. She came to a halt in front of the boys, not moving to remove her hand from Seonghwa, feeling it ground her. “Cute” one of the guys said looking at their intertwined hands. “San if you get snarky like Woo, I’ll make sure Angel knows.” Seonghwa said a small smile on his face. Sans face turned an ashen color and he nodded and turned around, leading over one to the lake. Katherine nudged Seonghwa, “who’s Angel?” She asked quietly, her curiosity taking over. Seonghwa leaned down closer to her, “his best friend, she’s in gryffindor as well. They grew up together. She’s the only one he truly listens too.” He explained. Katherine nodded, maybe she’d get to meet Angel and figure out how she has handled all eight of the boys for years on end.
And they walked Wooyoung kept looking back at Katherine, but a glare from Hongjoong or Seonghwa would have him turning back around. He turned once more and before he could get caught Katherine spoke up, “you turning around staring every five steps freaks me out more than whatever could possibly come out of your mouth. So please just say it.” All the boys stopped walking, Seonghwa staring down at her in amazement, not only for putting Wooyoung in his place but for speaking up for herself. Which is something he’s not sure he’s ever heard her do. She looked at Wooyoung, eyebrow raised waiting for him to speak, “Katherine or Kat? Which one do you prefer?” He asked first, Katherine was slightly taken aback by the simplicity of the question. “Anything but KittyKat.” She replied glancing at Hongjoong who smirked at her. “Okay.” Wooyoung continued, “why are you so quiet? What year are you in? What’s going on between you and Hwa because you’re still holding hands and I’m the only one that’s gonna call you out on it.” She should’ve been grateful for the simplicity because the next three questions came at rapid fire and she wasn’t sure he took a breath between sentences. She replayed it over in her head before processing and glancing down at her hand still resting in Seonghwa’s, he squeezed it once letting her know he noticed but made no move to let go. “I like to listen more than talk, I’m sixth year same as Seonghwa. And that’s none of your business.” She replied. Seonghwa squeezed her hand again, giving her a smile as she looked up at him. When she met Wooyoung’s eyes again he was grinning, “I like her.” Seonghwa laughed and tugged her forwards to continue the walk. The rest of the time was spent laughing and chit chatting about school and quidditch, Katherine glad to be included and away from all the prying eyes of the other students.
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As the group made their way back up to the castle Katherine detached herself, hanging back slightly. Hongjoong fell into step with her, “what’s wrong?” He asked, his tone not having any of the typical cockiness in it. “Nothing.” Katherine replied, Hongjoong turned his head and looked at her, “Katherine.” She looked at him, not used to hearing her name and not the awful nickname falling from his lips. Everyone else stopped and turned at the sound of their friends voice. With all eight of them staring solely at her she felt herself turning red. “Yall go ahead I’m gonna stay out here a while longer.” She said as she turned and raced back down the steps. The seven guys turned towards Seonghwa expecting him to go running after her, “are you going to go get her or not?” Yeosang asked gently. Seonghwa considered it, debating if she’d really want him to come or not, “I’ll see you guys later.” He said as he raced towards Katherine’s direction. “I told yall he was whipped for her.” Hongjoong said watching his best friend go. “She suits him, and I like her.” Jongho said as he turned and walked into the castle.
Seonghwa found you under a tree sitting down, head in your hands. “Katherine?” He asked crouching in front of you. “Are you okay?” She looked up at him, her eyes red. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to run off. It was just a lot and I got overwhelmed.” Seonghwa stories her, running his hands hesitantly up her back, “you don’t have to apologize if it was too much. I’m just glad you’re okay.” She leaned into him just an inch but Seonghwa knowing pulled her closer to his body. “Do we scare you that badly?” He asked quietly, a little amusement in his voice but when Katherine looked at him there was only concern. “No I just have bad experiences getting close with people and it’s scary trying to do it again.” She said quietly before adding, “I don’t like talking about it.” Seonghwa nodded, “okay let’s just sit here then.” “Thank you.” She said. Katherine leaned back against the tree, Seonghwa’s arm still around her feeling safer than she had in years.
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A/N: Hiiiiiii I hope you like this part!!!
@sundaybossanova @vampzity @skzline @sanslovesblog @scarfac3 @mingisbbokari @edenesth @amuromio @chngbnwf
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tenthousandyearsx · 2 years
Smut game
Thank you for tagging me, @maraudersaffair and @crazybutgood! I loved reading yours. ❤ I'm going to do 10 smutty dialogue quotes instead because I'm not feeling any of my first lines and I'm curious to see what you all choose.
Rules: pick any ten fics, select some smut or pre-smut dialogue, and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, feel free to share anyway!
These are all Drarry.
Keep your hands on me (E, 21k)
“They just… they want to satisfy an itch, Potter. It’s not… It’s not really the same.” Harry pressed a kiss on Malfoy’s lips. “They don’t want to wreck you like I do, you mean.” “Yes.” “Do you want to be wrecked, Draco?” “Fuck, yes,” Malfoy groaned. “By me? Or by anyone?” “By you.”
Just a trial run (E, 9k)
“You had a fantasy about paying to have sex with me?” Potter asked, frowning. Draco snorted. “No, just having sex with you in general. Potter’s eyes glazed over. “How – How old is this fantasy?” Draco took a sip of his drink. “Quite old.” “You wanted to fuck me at Hogwarts, Malfoy?” Draco’s eyes were on him, appraisingly. “Isn’t that what that was all about?”
Trouble with your tie, Potter? (E, 6.7k)
Harry’s face grew warmer, his heartbeat picking up. Malfoy reached out and put his hands on Harry’s hips, pressing against him, his front to Harry’s back. “I bet –” He kissed Harry’s neck. “I bet I could turn you around, tug your tie just slightly, and you’d fall on your knees for me.” Harry shut his eyes, not even bothering to hide the small noise that escaped him. “Yeah,” he said. It was true anyway. He tilted his head a bit, baring his neck for Malfoy, and Malfoy’s hands tightened on him. “I’d do that.”
Truth be told (E, 2.3k)
Malfoy smirked. “Really, Potter. I should have guessed you just wanted to be fucked.” He slid a hand under Harry’s shirt and a moan escaped Harry’s throat. “You do, don’t you?” “Yes,” Harry groaned. “I thought we’d already established that.” Harry was on bloody Veritaserum, had just spilled his guts in a room full of Slytherins, and it was all Hermione and her stupid inter-house parties’ fault.
At wand point (E, 2.8k)
Harry’s mind went hazy, sluggish. “Blackmailing me, Malfoy?” Malfoy smirked. “It’s not blackmailing if you offer, Potter.” He leaned in slightly, lips almost brushing Harry’s, and murmured, “You are offering, aren’t you?” Harry wanted to pull him into a kiss, wanted to drop to his knees and mouth him through his trousers right there and then. Instead, he said, “What if I am?”
Imperio (E, 3.8k)
Malfoy caught Harry’s hair and yanked it back hard, still panting against Nott’s cheek. “What is it? Tell me.” “I don’t like it when you kiss him,” Harry said obediently, because he didn’t, even though he was too turned on and blissed out to find it really upsetting. “Oh?” Malfoy said, sounding delighted, and then laughed and pulled Nott into a furious snog again, Nott’s cock brushing Harry’s parted lips. Harry swallowed at the sound of their moans. “Like this?”
Good (E, 300)
“So good,” Draco murmurs, stunned and a little breathless, lips dragging over Harry’s jaw. “Are you always this good, Potter?”
Why (E, 100)
“This is fucked up,” Draco says, and Harry bites down on his thigh. “Why?” “Fucking hell, Potter,” Draco whines. Harry adds another finger. “Yesterday, we weren’t even on speaking terms.”
Under the Invisibility Cloak (E, 100)
“Shhh.” Draco flicked his thumb. “You don’t want them to hear you, do you?”
You can, now (E, 100)
“Like that,” Ginny murmured. “Open your mouth. You’ve wanted this for so long.” Harry whimpered. He let Ginny guide his head forward, let Draco’s cock slide past his lips. “You’ve wanted him all along, haven’t you?”
Tagging @orange-peony, @magpiefngrlrl, @nv-md, @ladderofyears, @makeitp1nk, @sweet-s0rr0w, @roseharpermaxwell, @wolfpants and anyone who feels like sharing smutty goodness!
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Smut Tember day 28- semi-public sex with Greg Lestrade
Warnings: semi public / office sex, older man/younger woman (because Greg is a silver fox fight me!)
Gif creds to owner
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You were almost certainly going to be the death of him, Greg thought as he watched you lock the door, an amused smirk playing at his lips as he observed the sway in your hips.
“Just a quick one, yeah, love?” He reminded you.
“Still locking the door, Greg,” you said, throwing a smirk over your shoulder. “I’d never live it down if Anderson or someone walked in with you bending me over your desk,”
Greg gave a small laugh as he beckoned you over, moving back his chair slightly so you could hop up onto the desk. “Like this, eh?” He murmured, standing up, his hands moving to your thighs, stroking them gently before squeezing your skin, helping you wriggle your skirt up over your hips. Moaning softly, you pressed your lips to his as he massaged your thighs and buttocks, your fingernails scraping ever-so-slightly over his scalp. As you moved to loosen his tie, he stilled your scrabbling hands, looking at your flustered face with a smirk. “Leave it on,” he told you firmly. “Just a quickie, yeah? Can’t have anyone suspecting a thing,”
Fat chance, you thought, remembering that Sherlock was due any time. “Fine,” you mumbled, and let out a pleased sigh as his hand moved between your thighs, stroking your needy clit through your knickers and tights. Slowly, so as not to ladder your tights, Greg eased them down your legs, just enough that you could part your thighs to accommodate his hips. Instantly, you were working at his belt, button and fly, moaning softly when his hardening cock was released.
“Good girl,” he murmured, kissing your forehead gently. “Now, you gonna be nice and quiet while I fuck you?”
“Yes,” you moaned, watching as he eased his cock into you. Any other time, he would’ve slammed right in, but he hadn’t spent his usual twenty minutes licking and playing with your pussy. That could wait for when you got home, you thought wryly.
As he bottomed out, your head fell on his shoulder, your hands gripping his biceps. When he began thrusting into you, you bit back your moans, the noises coming in tiny little gasps and whimpers that drifted straight to his ears and clouded his mind with utter filth.
“When we get home,” he muttered into your ear, his hot, ragged breath skittering over your neck, “I am going to fuck you until you scream,”
“Please,” you whined out, head tipping back as the words spilling from his lips dragged you nearer the edge. As your noises grew louder, Greg clapped his hand over your mouth, his eyes fixed firmly on yours.
“Shhh- wouldn’t want anyone to catch us, would we?”
Tags: @pinkandblueblurbs @imareallygrumpyme @lazyotakujen @elenavampire21
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9tzuyu · 3 years
who you are
note: mostly made this for my own comfort, but i do hope it helps and/or comforts any fellow lesbians :]. i normally wouldn’t specify sexualities on any characters because obviously everyones going to feel differently about different characters, but like i said this started off for my own comfort bcs i was hashtag goin through it.
prompt: basically just reader struggling to accept themselves as a lesbian. sorry non lesbians :(
warnings: heavy heavy heavy on internalized lesbophobia. talks about comphet (trying to force oneself to like men) and wanting to be ‘normal’
thank u ally for proofreading <3
not tagging anyone just because i don’t want to trigger :[
. . .
you were wrestling with something, natasha could tell that much. your eyebrows were drawn together, eyes lost in a gaze. it wasn’t until the third time tony called your name when you snapped out of it.
“sorry,” you mumbled.
“well are you going to answer the question?”
natasha noted the tapping of your foot, knuckles cracking beneath the table. it was obvious you weren’t in the right state of mind to be answering any kind of question. foolishly, no one else picked up on that except for the redhead.
“what was the question?”
tony sighed, his patience growing thinner by the second.
“i asked if your report was done. it was supposed to be handed in three days ago, remember?”
your foot tapped faster.
“yeah- yeah, i’m almost finished.”
it wasn’t like you to be so late on things like this, you were usually on top of everything.
“you told me you would have it ready by today. this is the fourth time this month that you’ve done this. you’re dragging your ass and the rest of us are getting pretty tired of it.” a collective agreement could be heard from the team. all eyes were on you waiting for a reply.
if you hadn’t felt anxious before, you most definitely did now.
“it won’t happen again.” tony blew off your statement and rolled his eyes. you shifted uncomfortably, nauseous from all the negative attention.
you couldn’t help but wonder if they knew. maybe that’s why they were being so short. it made sense after all.
natasha tried making her way towards you, but she was stopped by steve’s hand on her shoulder. you were well past gone by the time she managed to scramble away from him.
your back pressed flatly against the wall, tears steadily falling down your face. hatred was all you felt. hatred towards yourself. 
why couldn’t you be like the rest of them? why didn’t you belong? 
granted, you knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. that was never the issue. the issue was the fact that it was yourself, that there was no possibility for you to ever be attracted to men. 
you were sure it would be a phase, that it would pass, that you would forget about it and never think about it again. you tried to go on dates, tried to form a relationship, tried to enjoy having sex with them. none of it worked, no matter how much you forced yourself to believe it would. 
all you could think about was how sick and disgusting you felt. and the shit representation didn’t help your case at all. the media hardly ever portrayed a good, well-rounded lesbian character that wasn’t problematic, over-sexualized or dead. 
the media only reiterated the fact that you were supposed to want men. you were supposed to find the right guy and fall in love with him, call him your husband and start a family. 
a knock on your door pulled you away from your thoughts. you shuffled your way back to your feet, drying your eyes for good measurement. 
natasha stood patiently, eyes drilled on your doorknob. if it were up to her she’d be picking your lock, but she knew that would be crossing a boundary. she went to knock again when your door swung open. 
“hi nat.”
“hey,” her voice was soft. “you’ve been crying...” she pressed her hand against your face, thumb rubbing the top of your cheekbone. 
you shrugged. it wasn’t like you could deny her, your red eyes had already given away the truth. “yeah.” 
she hummed, “may i come in?”
you hesitantly moved out of the way to let her through, cursing at yourself for finding her so attractive. 
“you know you can talk to me, you always do. why haven’t you said anything?” natasha moved to sit on the edge of your bed. “you’ve grown quiet these past few days, it’s not like you.”
“i’m just tired, worn out from work i suppose.”
she nodded, though she knew better than to believe such a lie. natasha could always tell when you were lying, something you both hated and loved at the same time. 
you sat next to her after a friendly tap on the bed. her gaze made you feel like a little kid in trouble. it was as if she already knew and was prepared to say the worse.
“i don’t believe you.” 
“well, i don’t know what you want me to tell you, nat.”
“how about the truth?” you scoffed purely out of defense. “and what good would that do?” 
“it might relieve whatever you’ve got on your heart.” you met natasha’s eyes and your lip immediately began to quiver.
“i’m afraid you won’t be able to look at me the same.” 
she softened, taking your hand in hers. “there’s nothing in the world that would change the way i see you.”
“you say that now, nat, but-”
“i wouldn’t say it if i didn’t mean it.” 
you thought about it further. natasha had never been one to judge someone based on the things they’ve been through, the things they’ve done or the things that make them who they are. she saw people the way they were, nothing more, nothing less. 
but what if she didn’t like you or see you the way you were? you weren’t sure you could handle the aftermath if that were to be the case. it was bad enough you struggled to accept yourself, natasha’s disapproval would only break you. 
“i’m a lesbian.” a lump in your throat began to form and you found yourself crying once more. “i tried so hard, i tried everything i could think of, but i can’t, i don’t like men.”
you coughed, choking on your words. 
“i don’t understand, nat! i don’t understand why i can’t be normal. why can’t i do it? if i just liked men i would be okay, i would be fine, i would be fucking accepted.” you paused for a breath of air. “i just want to be normal.” 
natasha was taken back by your confession. it was nothing near what she thought it would be. she expected you to tell her you’d been stressed or that you were scared for the next mission. 
“i’m sorry, i-”
the spy quickly cupped your face, tilting your chin upwards as a hint to meet her eyes again.
“look at me, c’mon, hey. you have nothing to be sorry for, don’t ever think that you do. i love you for who you are. there’s nothing wrong with being a lesbian. you’re normal, you’re who you are, who you’re supposed to be. you are real. i promise you are.” 
without thinking you leaned into natasha, clinging on to her for dear life. her arms found their way around your body, hands rubbing your back up and down. 
“you should be proud to be who you are, not ashamed. and if you’re not proud of yourself then please know that i am. i am so, so, incredibly proud of you, sweetheart.” she finger brushed your hair as you continued to cry. “shhh, you’re alright baby. i’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this alone.”
“it’s okay nat.” she gave your body a small squeeze, frowning at your response. “you shouldn’t have to feel like you need to force yourself to be someone or something you’re not. you don’t deserve to struggle so much for your own acceptance as a lesbian.” 
you nodded, though she could tell you weren’t fully convinced. “the only opinions you should care about are your own and the people you love and cherish. i know that’s easier said than done, but it’s true. besides, what you told me just gives me something more to love about you.” natasha finished off with a delicate kiss to your forehead. 
“this means a lot to me, nat. thank you, for everything really.” 
“oh sweetheart i should be thanking you for trusting me with such an important part of you are.” you shied away, a growing smile forming on your face as you leaned into her shoulder.
natahsa smirked, clearly aware of the effect she had on you. “who knew you could be so cute?” 
she rose her hands up in surrender, “alright, alright. i’ll stop on one condition.” 
“what’s that?” you mumbled. 
“would you let me take you out for dinner tonight? i’ll show you just how beautiful it is to be with a woman.” 
“yeah, yes- yes please, that’s fine.” natasha could’ve sworn she heard your heartbeat quicken and she had to refrain from letting out a small laugh at your flustered state. 
“we need to clear that little mind of yours. i’ll be back here at seven on the dot, okay?” a pat on the leg caught your senses as you watched her stand. the last thing natasha heard was the soft “okay” fall from your lips as she walked out the door.
you’d never been happier to be a lesbian in your life by the end of the night. 
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itsgottabeyoo-ngs · 3 years
Saturday Morning Sunshine (M)
Jung Hoseok Oneshot
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••☾ Author: @itsgottabeyoo-ngs
••☾Summary: Early mornings weren’t normally this fun. You found yourself thanking the heavens for his 6 am dance practices, if they meant you got to be on the receiving end of the expert control he had of his hips and his never-faltering stamina. ~Morning sex with sleepy, mischievous, Hobi~
••☾ Pairing(s): J-hope-Jung Hoseok/Reader
••☾ Word Count: 3.27k
••☾ Rating: 18+
••☾ A.N: A very special thank you to @pinknamjoon for beta-ing this for me, your thoughts and suggestions are so valuable to me (as are you hehe)! 💕
Happy early birthday to one of my babes, @junghoseokit, I hope this is as enjoyable for you to read as it was for me to write 😍
Thank you as always to my other loves, @dariangarcia and @ilikemesometaetaes, without you, I'd have little inspo and a lot more stress. I love you all so much, thank you for all your support and kindness. 💜☺️💜
••☾ Tags: Smut | Established Relationship!au | J-hope/Jung Hoseok!au | Lazy Morning!au | PWP
••☾ Warnings: unprotected sex, light breathplay, light overstimulation, oral (f receiving), fluff (it’s hobi how could i not), soft dom hoseok, fingering
☾. . . . . . . . . . . . . .☽
The sun danced across the room lazily, rays peeking through the blinds and finding their way onto the light grey sheets. Hobi stirred in bed, moving enough to wake you from your slumber.
Eyes still adjusting to the lighting coming through the window, you reached over him carefully to grab your phone and check the time.
It was still early for this particular Saturday morning. Normally, he’d have to be out of bed by six am for dance practice. However, today was one of their rare days off, and the two of you had planned on staying in and having a lazy day together-something that neither of you often got to do.
You stretched your legs and yawned as you set your phone next to you in bed, moving back under the covers and sinking back into the little spoon position, his arm naturally draping over you and pulling you in closer by your waist.
You closed your eyes and breathed in deeply, content and warm in his embrace. You shuddered involuntarily as his fingers fell onto your chest and grazed your nipple through your silk sleep dress.
You turned and threw your head back to see if he was awake, expecting to find him with a smirk plastered all over his face. Instead, you were met with eyes gently closed under wisps of light brown hair and plush lips parted, letting small breaths slip through as you watched with a smile on your face.
You settled back into your spot and closed your eyes again, planning on sleeping for another hour- or two.
Just as your thoughts began to wander and you felt yourself sinking heavier into dreamland, you were brought back to reality with a warm tickling sensation on the back of your neck.
“Hobi,” you whined, turning onto your back to look at him.
“Hmm,” He hummed in response, eyes still closed, his breaths coming out just as slowly and heavily as before.
He must still be asleep. You thought to yourself, watching his chest rise and fall at a steady pace.
Just as you were about to turn around and try falling asleep again, his hand found your waist again and pulled you back flush against him. He let out a low hum of satisfaction into your neck, you couldn’t help but shudder as the vibrations travelled through your body.
“Mmmm,” Hobi breathed into your shoulder, placing light kisses onto your exposed skin, “you’re so warm.”
You melted into his touch, pressing back and trying to make as much contact with him as possible, wanting to feel his warmth envelop you as well, but instead feeling a very prominent erection that couldn’t have just formed over the last minute.
“I knew you weren’t sleeping, you little trickster. Trying to seduce me and feign innocence,” You quipped, a sly smile forming over your lips as you spoke.
He let out a defeated sigh and chuckled, “Ah, so you figured out my evil plan all too early.”
God, how you loved his morning voice, deep and groggy, with a hint of mischief.
“So, does that mean it failed?” He asked innocently, pressing himself against you and tightening his hold on your waist.
“Failure would imply that I’m not equally affected, would it not?” You mused, wanting to tease him as he had teased you.
“So,” Hobi started, stopping his light as feather kisses on your skin and dragging his hand up your side, exposing your skin, “what you’re saying is, all it takes from me is a simple touch here or there,” He cupped your breast for a second before slowly dragging his hand up to your neck, “a light tickle behind your ear,” His hand pulled your neck closer to his mouth as he whispered the next part into your ear, “and you’re already dripping for me?” He ended his question with a nibble on your earlobe, making you shakily let out a breath you had been holding.
“Is what I’ve understood correct?” He purred into your ear. You felt yourself sinking into his touch, all cheeky remarks you had ready suddenly turned to mush as you struggled to form a response. You hadn’t expected him to turn it over on you so quickly.
“I’m going to need an answer, kitten, or I’ll just have to find out for myself.” You let out a small whimper at his words, unable to contain it, taken aback by his brazen words and actions. You felt a pool of warmth spreading between your legs as he moved his hand up and tightened his grip on your jaw ever so slightly, turning your face to meet his.
“What’ll it be?” His tone was rough, but his eyes were soft and lidded with the same sleepiness his voice couldn’t shake.
“Yes,” you managed to squeak out.
“Hmmm,” He considered your response, “Not as convincing as I’d like it to be. I think I’ll just have to investigate myself.” He said as he threw the light sheet in the air to slink farther down the bed, resting his hands on your thighs and laying his head on your lower stomach.
You couldn’t help but giggle as you looked down at him nuzzling against your skin, pretending to fall asleep again as the sheet fell gently back over him, leaving only his face visible.
“Shhh,” Hobi brought his left hand up to grab on to your hand resting beside you, “I’m trying to sleep, I just got this amazing, new pillow. It's so comfy.” He nuzzled his head lower, and you instinctively squeezed your thighs together at the sudden contact.
You felt him smile before you saw it, “Someone’s sensitive this morning,” He teased as he started tracing circles around the most sensitive parts of your inner thighs.
A whimper was dragged from your throat as you finally felt fingers where you needed them most, slipping under your sheer nightgown to rub gently, teasingly at your clit.
“No underwear, baby?” He questioned, obviously pleased with his discovery, “What a naughty girl.” Your thighs tensed against his chest, wanting to move so badly, but you couldn’t, not pinned under his weight like this.
“Please Hobi,” you whined, unable to take his teasing any longer, “Please.”
“You’re so polite in the morning kitten, I suppose I should give you what you want, huh?” He asked lazily, taking his fingers off your clit and moving down to collect some of your wetness from your folds, running his hand through them and placing light kisses on your thigh.
The feeling of his fingers finally entering you was unparalleled, the intrusion unyielding as your body moved on its own, hips rocking to meet him in time with his gentle thrusts. He started slowly, crooking them up inside you, rubbing at the spot that he knew made you tremble and focusing his attention there. You cried out and writhed, body twisting every way as he skillfully drew out your pleasure from you.
Seeing the effect his fingers had on you, he began to speed up and you couldn’t help but shiver, feeling your high approaching quickly, flooding your body with heat. “I-I’m close,” you breathed out, eyes shutting tight in pleasure as you continued to chase your high.
“Now tell me,” He purred, as he removed his fingers from inside of you, “Why would I have you cum on my fingers when I could have you cum around my cock instead?”
He sat up, pulling the sheet down, and bringing his fingers to his mouth, sucking and licking off your arousal without a single ounce of shame on his face, grinning down at you, taking note of how your eyes remained fixed on his fingers.
You moaned at the sight, shaken by his sudden change in demeanour from when he had started to tease you, even his comments becoming bolder and more authoritative.
“Now be a good girl and ride me, won’t you?” He asked sweetly, laying down next to you and pulling your face to his for a deep and sensual kiss. If you hadn’t heard his words correctly, you would have thought he was just asking for a simple favour, his tone of voice so chipper and innocent, but his actions proved otherwise as he pulled your leg over him so you were straddling him.
You broke away from the kiss and sat upright, putting your hands on his chest as you worked your hips down further until your entrance was right on top of his hardened cock.
You slowly moved your hips to grind against him, earning a moan as he threw his head back and reached his hands out to grip your ass tightly.
You shimmied out of his grip and pulled your nightdress off with ease, throwing it to the other side of the room as you looked back down to his face, fully taking control of the situation--or so you thought.
He looked up at you with a lustful gaze, all hints of playfulness gone-now replaced with calculated passion.
He brought his hand up, grabbing at your breast harshly, massaging the flesh, and taking your nipple between the pads of his fingers and working it to a hard point. Humming as if pleased at how quickly your body reacted to his touch, he moved on to the other one, repeating the same motions and earning a stream of quiet mewls from you, unable to hold them in. He used his other hand to grip your ass and keep you from squirming, though with only one hand it didn’t stop you much.
You couldn’t control your movements as you sunk onto him, grinding your hips against him again, feeling the head of his cock tease your entrance. You watched him with lidded eyes as he stared up at you, eyes glazed over in sleepiness and passion. Just when you thought you’d be setting the pace, his attention snaps back and his eyes darkened once more.
“Fuck-” You let slip out. With a grunt of effort, he let go of your breast and grabbed at your hips to lift you up while slotting himself against your folds and pushing himself inside.
“Baby, you feel so good stretched out for me like this,” He admitted, stilling inside as you sunk down onto him, breathing heavily as you grew accustomed to his length.
When you finally got used to the feeling, you experimentally swivelled your hips in a figure-eight motion, watching as his muscles contracted at the sudden sensation. Gaining confidence, you lifted yourself up and came back down onto him, leaning forward to claw at his chest, sending shivers throughout his whole body. He hissed at the contact and lifted his hips to meet yours.
Your hips moved in tandem, each pushing closer to the pleasure that you were both so desperately chasing. Finding a rhythm that felt so natural, the both of you lost in the feeling until he finally spoke up, breaking you out of your daze.
“Fuck, baby, just like that,” He watched you with eyes so intense it made you blush and falter in pace, hips stuttering as you moaned and clenched around him at his words.
You rocked your hips forward, leaning back as you continued to ride him, wanting to put on a show as you knew how much he loved watching your tits bounce from the force.
Your head fell back and your hair brushed at his thighs, the tickling sensation sending shivers throughout his body. Your breaths came out as pants, feeling him fill you up over and over again as you sank down onto him and shifted your hips back and forth.
“On your hands and knees, kitten,” He ordered, pulling you off of him and kneeling over you, his hungry gaze travelling up your body to land on your eyes-challenging you to disobey him.
You quickly obliged, turning around and letting him push into you, not needing time to adjust as you were already stretched out for him. With a satisfied growl, his hands reached out and found your shoulders, fingers digging in and using them to jerk you back onto his cock with every powerful thrust.
He continued with his relentless pace, forcing your arms to buckle and your front half to fall forward onto the bed. Instead of stopping, Hoseok grabbed your waist instead, the new angle and his lack of concern of your falling over made you let out a loud moan.
As he continued to pound into you, you found yourself thanking the heavens for his 6 am dance practices, if they meant you got to be on the receiving end of the expert control he had of his hips and his never-faltering stamina.
Just when you felt your release building inside you again, he changed positions, pulling you up by your shoulders, his body engulfing yours as he leaned down and licked a solid stripe up the side of your neck. In response you clenched, shaking from the sensation of cool air on your now wet neck as he breathed out onto you. His entire body was pressing against you, trailing his hand up your side to grip your chin between his fingers he pulled your head to the side to look you in the eyes.
“You’re so fucking tight for me baby, always feels so good. How do you do it, hmm?” He questioned, nipping at your exposed throat, causing you to hum in response, unable to keep yourself up with your own strength, relying completely on his grip to keep you upright.
Noticing your stance faltering, he brought one hand down to grab your hips, and the other wrapped loosely around the base of your neck, keeping you from falling forward.
You found yourself babbling unintelligibly, “more, please more, need more, don’t stop.” He laughed at this, releasing his grip from your waist and reaching around to trace the outside of your throbbing clit.
You couldn’t stop the harsh and strangled moan that tumbled out of your mouth as you arched your back and gave in to the delicious stimulation of his fingers on your clit as he fucked into you hard, his hand still holding you up by your throat.
Pushing your hips back to meet each of his hungry thrusts, feeling him slipping even deeper inside you with every one, you felt yourself becoming undone, not knowing how much longer you could hold on. As if he could hear your thoughts, he leaned back down and nibbled at the back of your neck, a rumbling sound in his chest forming as he started to talk.
“Cum for me. Now, kitten.” He growled into your ear, squeezing the sides of your throat, gently enough not to hurt, but enough for the pressure and lack of blood to make you dizzy.
At those words, you felt your release bubble up at a blinding rate. The familiar coil in your belly warning you that you wouldn’t be holding anything back this time. It travelled through your toes all the way to the top of your head, eyes rolling back as your words escaped you, only able to let out small contented moans as it worked through you. The orgasm was powerful enough to leave you shuddering on the bed before going fully slack, drained, and slumping over, ass barely propped up enough for Hoseok to continue seeking his own release.
Warm tingles settled in your fingers, toes and chest in the aftermath as he continued to fuck you through it, not taking long himself to spill inside you, cumming with a low groan, collapsing on to you and holding you close to him, chest heaving as his breaths came out in pants.
He stayed pressed up against you burying his face into the back of your head as he collected himself. The both of you stayed like this for some time, your breaths matching each other with a heavy rise and fall of your chests.
You felt his weight shift off of you as he picked himself off of your back, breaking the comfortable silence with a sudden moan as your walls clenched around him, pulling back slowly and watching as his cum trickled down the inside of your thighs.
You tried to shut them together, the feeling of it running out of you making you self-conscious. Noticing that you were getting shy and trying to hide it, he quickly flipped you over and grabbed your thighs, spreading them open.
Before you could react or ask what he was doing, his mouth latched onto you, his tongue darting into your folds, collecting the hot liquid that was trickling out. After concentrating on gathering what he could from inside you, he lifted his head and licked down your thighs, cleaning up the mess you had made.
Your head felt light and dizzy, giving in to the feeling, still reeling from your intense orgasm just minutes before. Not able to form coherent words, you let out soft moans and quiet yelps when he targeted your overly sensitive clit.
Your legs were shaking, both from the pleasure and the overstimulation as he continued to lap up your juices mixed with his cum, the lewd sounds he made as he swirled his tongue around your clit, dipping down to lick a thick stripe from the bottom back up and flattening his tongue to cover you completely.
“Hobi,” You managed, hands buried in his hair and twisting his dark locks between your fingers-both pushing and pulling him away simultaneously, seeking more yet unable to handle it.
Lifting his head up he looked up at you, his face glistening with your arousal, “You taste so good with my cum inside you, kitten. I could eat you out for days.” He dove back into you, making it a point to moan deeply, sending the vibrations coursing through your body.
Without warning, a second orgasm ripped through you, making your gip on his hair tighten, causing him to moan into you once again. The added sensation of his moan causing you to buck wildly into him. He grabbed your hips and pushed them down onto the bed, not letting his tongue leave your entrance, greedily devouring everything you had left to give.
As you calmed down and came back to your senses, he lifted his head and released you from his strong grip. He made a point of licking his lips and stretching, letting an exaggerated yawn slip past his lips.
Finally satisfied with his work, he reclaimed his side of the bed, huffing as his body settled back into the mattress a shit-eating grin plastered on his face and he watched you gather the covers and bring them over your naked forms.
“Mmm,” he breathed out, pulling you onto his chest and placing light kisses at the top of your head, “I love you so much, y/n.”
You smiled and nuzzled your head up against him, wanting to be as close to him as possible, craving his touch, a different kind from just moments ago, but still as intoxicating.
“I love you too, Hobi,” You admitted bashfully, your mind still in a haze from your second unexpected orgasm, focusing on your breathing and listening to his racing heartbeat as you made yourself comfortable in his hold.
You looked over at the clock once more, the morning rays now lighting up all corners of the room leaving nothing in the shadows.
Maybe one more hour of sleep. You thought to yourself as you slowly drifted off to sleep, warm and content in the arms of the man you loved.
☾. . . . . . . . . . . . . .☽
Greetings, I’ve had this idea at the back of my mind for quite some time now. I finally got around to writing it, I hope you enjoy!
Comments or feedback greatly appreciated, this is my first oneshot release ☺️💜
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waywardscorpio · 3 years
Chapter 4: You're Our Omega, And We're Your Alphas
Tag list: @callmekda @braunstrowmangirl @phoenixoffiretwo @luna-loo @scuzmunkie @fanfiction-san @omg-im-such-a-masochist
*Dean's POV*
Y/N's now six months along in the pregnancy. I was pacing the locker room lost in my thoughts, until Y/N, snaps me out of it. "Dean?" She calls out from the door of the locker room, with one hand on her belly and the other on her hip. "Yes, Baby Doll?" I replied looking at her. "I'm hungry. I want jalapeno cheetos and yogurt." She said waddling over to me carefully. "In my duffle bag is some cheetos you like, and the yogurt is in the fridge over there, Baby Girl." I replied to her as I held her hips and kiss her softly. She smiled kissing back. "Thank you, Daddy." She said softly to me so, only I hear it.
"You're welcome, Baby Doll." I replied. There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I called out. "Nia and Randy." Randy calls back. "Come in." I said to them. "Hey." They said as they walked into the room. "Hey. What's up?" I asked. "Nia and I, are coming to watch over Y/N." Randy said. "Okay. She is not to leave either of your sides." I said as I finished taping my wrists off for my match. Nia nods her head. "We know Dean. I will not let her out of my sight. Someone tries to hurt her I'll break the bones." Nia said. "Good." I replied as Y/N absentmindedly watched videos and ate her food. I kissed her forehead before I went to leave for my match tonight.
*Little time skip*
After my match with Baron, i walked to my locker room and seen Y/N, sleeping and Randy and Nia talking quietly. Y/N stirs in her sleep whimpering a little. Knowing the reason she is stirring I lay my hand softly on her belly humming to sooth the pups movements. After a minute the pups relax and Y/N stops stirring and whimpering. Her eyes flutter open as she looks at me "Thank you" she whispers softly before drifting back off to sleep. "You're welcome, Baby Doll." I whisper to her. I look over at Randy and Nia. "What are y'all talking about?" I asked them as I stood up and walked over to them. "Randy here is wanting to court a female but can't figure out how what to get her" Nia said to me as she looks at me." I looked at Randy "What is one thing that she loves more than anything?" I asked him as I sat down and talked with them. "She loves to draw, dance, take photographs" Randy replies to me. "Okay. Why don't you buy her one of them computers that will allow her to record videos, has the pen and apps to draw, a camera to take as many photo's her little heart desires." I offered. "Thank you, I just said that to him" Nia said. "You can also get it in her favorite color(s) too." Nia said. "It won't be cheesy will it?" Randy asked us. "No, it won't but, even if it is, it's the thought that counts." Nia said. "I agree with Nia. The courting gift that I picked out for Y/N, was a necklace with a little teddy bear and ice cream pendants on it. She loved it and wears it still to this day." I said to him.
"Thanks you too" Randy said to me. "You're welcome" Me and Nia said at the same time to Randy. "So, who's all coming to the baby's shower?" Nia asked me. "Well for a sure note so, far it is going to be, You and Randy, Lana, Rusev, Me, Roman, Seth, some of the other wrestlers and divas will be there as well. Y/N invited her family and friends outside of the wwe as did me and the guys did. Y/N wasn't leaving her friends that has been like family to her since she's been here." I said. Nia smiled as she nods. "You okay?" Randy asks. "Yeah just hoping I'll be a good father." i said to them as I turned my head to check on Y/N before I turned back to Randy and Nia. "You will be Dean" I heard a small voice say. I turn my head to the voice and it was Y/N, sitting up on the couch rubbing her eyes softly. "I'm sorry, Baby Doll. I didn't mean to wake you up." I said to her as I watched her get up and waddle over to me to sit on my lap. "No, Daddy it's okay." Y/N said to me as she snuggles into me.
Roman and Seth, walked into the room and looks at us. "Wrapped around her finger" Roman whispered to Seth. "I heard that. And I won't argue with the statement either. I don't care that I am wrapped around her finger." I said to them. Nia and Randy just chuckled as they stood up. "We're going shopping to get stuff for the Baby shower." Nia said. "Rusev, and a few of the others will meet us at the huge mall" Randy said to us. "What happened between him and Lana." Nia asked Randy. "Lana divorced him for another alpha."
I looked down at Y/N, as she was eating her food while looking at her Tumblr. I smiled seeing her happy and relaxed for once and not upset and scared. She went from lookin' at Tumblr to lookin' at Wish. I knew she wanted something by the fact she would pout at me and show me what she was looking at. I pulled out my wallet, an handed her my credit card. "Get whatever you want Baby Doll." I said to her. Triple H walked in and seen what I did and chuckles. "She definitely gets what she wants." Roman nods. "He doesn't tell her no" He said. Y/N, giggles softly. "Nope, I don't tell her no. If she wants something she gets it." I said to everyone. "Told you." Randy, said to Seth. Seth, grumbles and hands Randy, fifty dollars. "Alright Baby Doll, I have to go get ready for my match." I said as I softly set Y/N, down. She whines softly "Nooooo." I frown a little "I promise, I'm coming back as soon as I am done with my match."
"Okay." She said. I hated leaving her side but I still had a job to do. I give her a kiss on the lips before I walked to the gorilla pen. "Here is your number one contender for the Wwe world heavy weight championship. Dean Ambrose!!!!" Jillian announced. I walked out to the ring with a firm glare set on my face. I knew this was going to be a long match because I was going against, Matt Hardy. He is one hell of a fighter and neither one of us get along with the other all that great.
As the match went on me and Matt were both bloody. I was able to get him with Dirty Deeds. "1...2...3... and your new champion is Dean Ambrose." The ring announcer says threw the mic. I walk up the ramp backwards holding the title up in my hands smirking evily.
I walk behind the curtain and walk down the corridor to my assigned locker room. I hear shouting and stuff crashing. I ran into the room seeing Y/N, hiding and Rusev and Bobby Lashley going at it while Seth and Roman are protecting Y/N, by standing in between her and them. "What the fuck is going on?" I yelled. "Bobby started it with Rusev." Nia said. Nia and Randy are trying to break them up. Bobby throws a vase at Rusev who ducks and it hits the wall beside Y/N's head. Dean dropped his belt and grabs Bobby, and throws him. "Now you fucked up you son of a bitch" I scream heated as I swing on Bobby. Y/N was shaking and crying. Seth picked her up checking her. He seen her hand is cut from accidently setting her hand on it trying to push against the wall to hide from all the yelling, and she was bleeding on the cheek from the glass bouncing off the wall. "Roman she has glass in her hand and cheek" Seth said. Roman's eyes went wide and he growls and pulls me away and grabs, Bobby himself. "Your my next match next week. I'm gonna show you what pain feels like" He said throwing Bobby, out the room and drags him to Triple H where him and The Rock was talking. They look at him and he tells them what happened. The Rock, growled "Make that a tag team match." He didn't like Alphas messing with other Alphas ladies or them causing harm to females.
"I will go announce it tonight at the end of the show." Triple H, said to Roman. Roman nods walking back not seeing us because we had took Y/N, to the infirmary. Roman panicked and only got angrier. "Y/N!!!!" He said looking for Y/N, Seth and Dean up and down hallways and locker rooms. Y/N, jumps hearing Roman yell for her. "Roman's mad." She whimpers softly looking at Seth. "Shhh it's okay. I'll go get him and let him know you're safe." Seth said to her softly kissing her cheek that wasn't cut. I held Y/N's, hand while Seth, went to find Roman. "Hey, she is okay just a small little cut on the cheek and the palm of her hand." Seth told Roman. "No, one came and fucking told me she was being taken to the infirmary." He said enraged by the fact no, one told him that Y/N, was going to the infirmary. "Calm down, Roman. We just wanted to make sure she was okay and not seriously hurt." Seth said to Roman. "And I'm her mate I should know too." He yells. "Okay, next time we will tell you. Please calm down. Y/N, can feel your anger and it is upsetting her." Seth adds as he looks at Roman. Roman rubs his hand down his face sighing. "Okay. I am calm. Now can I go see her?" Roman asked. Seth steps out of his way to let him by. Roman walked into the infirmary where Y/N, was at sitting on the edge of the bed and I was between her legs comforting her. "Daddy Roman!" She said reaching for him. He looks at her and walked over kissing her lips resting his head on hers. "I'm sorry Princess, for upsetting you." Roman said apologizing to her. She snuggles into him. "It's okay. You were worried about us. I understand, Daddy." She said. "I love you, Daddy." She whispered to him. "I love you, Princess." Y/N, smiles softly at his words until she whimpers seeing someone walk in.
"Oh look the big dog has been tamed by the little bitch." Dolph said laughing as he looks at Roman. "What did you just say about them?" I said to him. "I called her a Little bitch." He repeated. Roman growls pulling away from Y/N, making her whimper and reach for Roman. "She isn't no, such thing. She is beautiful and smart." Roman said. His eyes changed to a fiery red. "What's wrong Big Dog? Your lesh being pulled to tame you some more." Dolph said. "You can say what you want about me. But, you leave Y/N, the fuck alone." He said punching him in the jaw hard. Y/N, watched what was happening. I picked up Y/N, and carried her out as Seth pulled Roman, off Dolph. "Come on Roman, stop before you get arrested." Seth said as he pushes Roman back. "I don't care. No, one calls Princess, a Little Bitch." He said to him as he looks at him. "But beating him almost to death isn't gonna do anything either. Roman roars and throws stuff starting to get everyone's attention. "Roman you need to calm down." Seth said, to him. I knew Roman would calm down if Y/N, was there to sooth his angry Alpha side. "Okay I wanna help him. Take me to Daddy Roman, please?" She said reading my mind. I nodded my head carrying her. "Okay Baby." I set her on her feet as she makes slow steps towards Roman. He felt her presents and swiftly turns to her, eyes still red. "Daddy, its me. Your Princess. Y/N" She said softly reaching her hand up to touch his cheek. He growls a little but not to scare her. He wraps his arms around her waist pulling her close to him. "Shhh relax. It's okay. I'm okay, and I am safe." She said soothing the angry Alpha. He placed his head on her shoulder nudging her neck softly with his nose which earned a small mewl from Y/n's, lips.
I watched relieved that he calmed down. I hated seeing my brothers upset. Me, Roman, and Seth were like brothers.
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winter-fox-queen · 3 years
Kisses Like Wine Part 7
Thank you, thank you for all the kind words, clever tags…I hope this ending is a good one for all of you. <3
Summary: We end where we begin…at a party. Will the Thief get everything he came for?
Warnings: Making out…I don’t know why, the man exudes pure sex, but I couldn’t fit the smut in. Stealing things. The reader is female, blank canvass, no y/n.
I stared at the card.  All that blackmail, clever managing to break into a warehouse, avoiding getting killed…and all I had to show for it was an empty chair and a card.
A King of Spades. What the hell did that even mean?  It’s been a few days, and I had no idea where he was, if he was alright, anything.
But I did have a bit of luck.  I learned that there was to be a ball…and it was tonight. The Heart of the Rhine would be on delicious display, around the neck of a lady who claimed to be one of the “Last Habsburg Princesses” — though people made fun of her for her grandiose claims.  But still.  She was going to the ball, wearing the Heart, and I was going to steal it.
I had a glass fake.  It wasn’t a very good glass fake, but it would do with the time I had.  I also had a beautiful dress, a soft, filmy green that clung where it should and sparkled like a thousand diamonds had been sewn into it.
I then tried to treat myself to dinner, but the card was declined…finally, my father had cut me off.  I laughed…I had bought everything from the skin out for the ball, made sure I was the most beautiful and elegant I could be, and it was the MCDonald’s cheeseburger that got declined.
I told myself I was dressing for the part, not for the man.  I hadn’t picked out the most beautiful lingerie to wear under the dress that I could just in case he would get to see it.
I’d give my soul to know his name, and it scared me, how far I’d gone.
How much I wanted him.
So, there I was.  At the entryway to the Great Ballroom (which I’d cleaned yesterday, and helped set up this morning before collecting my paycheck and canning my maid outfit and wig for good, thank you very much) I paused.  It was going to end the way it began.
I told myself I was ready.
“I thought you’d be in the corner, singing to yourself, angel.”  His voice was like a heavy velvet wrap around my heart.  I was suddenly so very aware.  Aware of the warmth of his body near my back, the feel of his hand as he moved to take mine, bending low and kissing the knuckles, the dark pools of his eyes never leaving mine.
“It’s not a masquerade, this time.”  I was proud that I almost sounded unaffected.  Almost.  He was wearing a jacket of silvery grey, it shimmered a little in the light.  “All masks are off.”
“Are they?”  He presented me with a little pouch.  Smiled down into my eyes, his eyes so deep and dark — but warm, like summer shadows.
“What’s this?”  I took it gently.
“A thank you present, for later…hide it in one of the pockets you had sewn into your gown.”  He caressed my cheek gently.  “Thank you for rescuing me.”
I tried to feel it through the velvet of the pouch as I stowed it…paper?  Around something hard?  His caress distracted me.  “I can’t believe you got caught.”
“Perhaps it is time for me to retire.”  He held out a hand.  “Shall we?  We did not get to dance properly last time, and tonight, we have time to kill.”
I let him lead me out on the floor.  His hand on the bare skin of my back was warm, intimate.  He’s held me close before but this is different…my breath still came faster, heat still pooled in my belly at his touch, feeling his body move against mine, but it felt like home just as much as it felt like lust.  Would he move this smoothly, if we were alone in his bed?  Would be be this gentle, but this firm as he lead me?
“How…”. I shut myself off.  I had been about to say, “How do you fall in love with a Thief?”
“How do I plan to take it?”  He tapped his forehead to mine gently.  “You know better than to ask.”
“Well.  She has four guards around her everywhere she goes.  She’s never alone — someone is always talking to her, always saying something.”
He turned me gently in his arms, and now I was back to his front, as they continued dancing to the music.  His cheek was pressed against mine, and I felt the bristle of his beard.  “They’re all men.”  I said softly.
“Good.  Good.  And see how much she drinks?”
I spin away, his hand gently guides me back and we are face to face again.  “That can’t be it.  That’s too easy.”
“Sometimes it is.”  His nose brushed mine.  “Enough talking.”  He kissed me.  I stopped right in the middle of the dance floor.  The world was spinning, but I was still, tucked up against him, his mouth exploring mine, his hands pulling me close.  When I opened my eyes I realized he’d guided us off to the side, in a shadow created by one of the pillars that lined either side of teh room.  He looked down at me, as if trying to say something, then sighed, closed his eyes and placed his forehead to mine, cupping my face with both of his hands.
“Will you ever tell me your name?”  I whispered.
He pressed his face against my neck, I felt him smile.  “Maybe,” he said softly.  “Or perhaps you should make one for me.”
“I’d rather know yours.”  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he started kissing my throat.  I was pretending to keep my eye on the mark, but failing.  “Stop distracting me…anyway…I am tired of calling you The Thief in my head all the time.”
He looked up.  “Really?  Is that all you call me?”
“Yes.”  I drew it out.
“Liar.”  He said, and kissed me on the nose.
“This is not what I expected.”
“And what did you expect?”
“Well.”  I played with the satin lapel of his jacket.  “I thought you’d drag me off to some quiet corner and have your way with me.”
His hands closed in on my waist, and squeezed.  “Is that you want, my darling?  To hide somewhere and taken so passionately that I need to keep my hand over your mouth to stifle your moans?”
I looked up at him.  “Sounds lovely.”
His mouth twisted into an oddly alluring smirk.  “Well.”  He said softly, leaning closer.  His eyes dashed a quick glance over my shoulder, and his frame sank.
“Is she heading for the restroom?  Already?”
He nodded.
I held up a finger.  “Hold that thought.”  I moved through the crowd, muttering about woman and their humming bird sized bladders.
I went in.  There was an attendant, the black cloth of the uniform shirt a little too snug around her arms and shoulders.  She was built like an amazon, and I thought, That is not coincidence.  I used the restroom, washed up, and was checking my makeup as my mark approached mirror.
My body was between the attendant and the mark.  Could I do it?  Dared I?  “Excuse me…the clasp of your necklace looks undone…”. I reached over to fix it, thankful that she had worn her hair upswept.  The fake was palmed in my hand.
“I’ll see to that,” the attendant said, pushing me aside gently.  “It looks alright.”  Her tone was less gentle this time, and she frowned at me.  The Hapsburgh Princess — the papers said her friends called her Norri — gave me a glare in the mirror, then kept fixing her face.
“Must have been a trick of the light.  I’d hate for you to lose your necklace, it’s really pretty!”  I backed to the door.  “See you around!”
He was leaning against the wall next to the door.  “Attendant?”
“How’d you know?”
He put an arm around my waist.  “You need work on your poker face, my love.  Which is a shame, because our next shot at the jewel is during the poker gamethey have set up for later.”
I let him lead me away.  “What?  You think to get her to add it to the pot?”
He shrugged elegantly.
“Oh, come on.  Tell me.”  He lead me to a balcony, overlooking the city.
“I have a plan.  You know how to play, right?”
“I do…I am adequate, but…”
He handed me a card.  “This is so you can join the game.  The chips have been purchased.  Just collect at the end and cash them in.”
“What happens if they figure out that I’m your accomplice?”
He reached over and tucked some hair behind my ear.  He looked very sad, in the golden light.  “They won’t.”
I cupped his face in my hands.  “Why are you so sad?  What are you going to do?”
He shook himself and gave me a blinding smile.  “Nothing!  Everything will go according to plan.  Now…”. He sat down in one of the wicker chairs on the balcony.  “Come, let me hold you for awhile.”  He unbuttoned his coat with careless flicks of his fingers, then looked up at me, held out a hand.
“Well.  We do have to kill an hour…” I sat down carefully.
“Shhh.  Give me your whole weight, my dove.  None of this awkward half sitting, eh?”  I shifted as his arm closed around me, and he traced my jaw with his knuckles, and kissed me.  His mouth was hotter and sweeter than sin, I shifted to get closer, pressing my chest to his.  I ached to be touched, as those soft lips met the skin of my neck, nipped and licked, burning a path that made me moan softly.
“That’s it, my beautiful girl.”  He whispers in my ear.
“What do I have to do to get you to tell me your name?  Just the first.  Lie.  It’s fine.  Just tell me…”
He’s playing with the strap of my gown, he’d been in the process of pushing it aside.  “I will not lie, not to you, not about that.  But I have promised myself — I will only tell my name to the woman I love.  The woman I want to…”. He cut himself off and looked at me.
“Alright,” I gave him a brave smile, trying to cover the hurt.  “Tell me something else.  Anything.”
He ran his hands up my arms.  “That you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
I let him pull me back, kissed him.  “I love you, but I know nothing about you, and I hate myself for it.”  I whispered in his ear.  His hands stilled and I slipped off his lap, made a point of looking through the glass door.  “Ah.  It looks like they are opening the poker tables.  See you there?”
The angle I was at, I couldn’t see his face.  I kissed the top of his head, enjoying the feel of his soft curls.  “It’s OK.  It really is.”
And I went inside.  I heard him follow, but like Orpheus, I did not dare look back for fear of losing everything.
In this case, everything was my sanity, my will not to start crying, not to berate myself…You know, no-strings screwing could be a ton of fun.  I felt a bit like Anne Boleyn, leading Henry the 8th of a merry dance to get what I wanted…knowing full well he could kill me if he felt like it.
I knew he wouldn’t kill me.  But I knew he’d probably leave me.  Maybe that was why he looked so sad.  Could the world’s greatest thief feel regret?
He across from me at the table.  There was another guest, then Norri, the mossy green diamond glowing.  I felt an unreasonable hatred for it, for her, for the whole place.  For diamonds worth millions but still not as unattainable as one Thief.  Hell, the moon would be easier to get.
Another man, me, the dealer.  I ran my hand over the tray that held my chips, the rough edges cool against my palm.  If I walked out with this tray I could get home.
We started playing.  I was surprised.  I expected silence, quiet desperation…but no.
The table wanted to talk about love.  LOVE.  I threw in some chips.
“I have been in love exactly three times in my life.”  The Thief said idly, accepting new cards and inspecting his hand.  The pile of chips in front of him was respectable, but not gross.  He was winning just a little more than he was losing.  Me?  I was annoyed and out for blood.  “The first one poisoned me.”
“Really?” Norri was fascinated.  So, of course, was I.  “Why?”
He nodded and threw some chips in.  “Difference in opinion about how to run the family business.”
“The second?”  I asked, despite myself.
His eyes flickered down to his cards.  “I made her sad.  She could not bear me, the way I am.”  He gave me the sweetest of smiles.  “It happens.”
“I’m calling.”  Norrie says.  “And you must tell me the third?”
We paused to show our cards, or not.  I had a full house, and won, scooping my chips in.
“She is the one I love most.”  The dealer was dealing cards again.  “I did not know how much I loved her, when I first met her I saw a beautiful woman, inside and out, underappreciated, stuck in a cage when she would be so much more.  I thought, I could give her a way out.”  He grinned.  “Vanity is one of my many, many vices.”
Everyone laughed.  Except me.  He reached over and took the cards from the dealer, despite the man’s protests.
“I wish I could start over,” he says, shuffling the cards.  He looked into my eyes.  “But it is almost midnight, Cinderella, and the fairy tale is over.”  I realized the backs of the cards were different…when had he changed them?  “I am so sorry,” he said, and raised his hands, and rained the cards over us.  The power went out, and the cards, as they flew into the air hissed and spat, flaring with fire for a second before becoming sparks and ash.  Norrie screamed next to me.  I felt a touch as light as feathers for the briefest of seconds.  A kiss on my temple.
And then the lights came up again, and the greatest thief was gone again.
I was searched…we all were.  The fake necklace was gone, but this time it was me who hid it in a small panel I’d found while cleaning.  The going away present he’d left me, the little pouch, was well hidden in my dress, so I was snot surprised that they did not find it. They also did not find the playing card.  I found it later, where the first card was.
The Queen of Hearts.  I never knew that looking at a playing card could feel like a kiss and a slap at the same time.
I traded in my chips.  I took my money.  I walked out the door, and thought, I am done with all of this.
There were no more diamonds.  No more clues to follow.  A black car was waiting outside.  I quickened my steps, wondering, hoping.  The door opened, and all hopes were dashed.  My brother came up to me, looking…relieved.
“Are you alright?”
“I am.  I failed.  So maybe not for long,” I joked.
“It’s time for you to come home.”  He looked so serious.  “No one’s mad…we just miss you, and this was good…you had fun, we tried to get the diamond back, but…enough is enough.”
“I hate to give up now…”
“It’s OK.  Just come back.”  He gave me a tentative smile.  “Where else are you going to go?  It’s your home.”
“I have options.”  I said.  I hugged him…it was as stiff and welcoming as I expected it to be, so it was short.  “I think…I think I’ll take a rain check.”
“Dad’s frozen your cards…”
“I know!”  I said cheerfully.
“What are you going to do?  I don’t understand…I…”
This time, I petted him, and my “I know” was far more serious.  I could never make him understand.  He was as much a prisoner as I was, but no one saw enough in him to show him a way out.  I started walking.
“Did he seduce you?  Is that what this is?”
“Sadly, no.”  I said over my shoulder.
As I walked, I took the pouch out.  Under a street lamp I looked at it.  A signet ring.  Heavy.  Old gold.  I held it up to the light, and etched in the blood red ruby was a little devil’s head.
I knew where he was.
And I knew his name.  I’d seen it — and the little sigil from the ring — enough times, researching the Midas’s Rainbow.
There is, if you know where to find it, a castle.  It overlooks a formidable bay that had been the bane of many a ship, in the old days.
It looks abandoned.  The land for a good distance around it is private, and it is very hard to get to.  People at the closest town will tell you it is haunted by a man who sold his soul to the devil, and that he has lived there for hundreds of years.  That his castle has a vault full of cursed treasure.
There are people there who will tell you the story with an almost mocking twist.  And you — and I — both know that these are the people who have been paid, and paid well.  To spread the legend.  To bring in supplies.  To try and dissuade lone women from walking the long, rutted path into the woods, to climb past rocks to the lonely castle over the ocean.  To approach it, the red painted drawbridge bound in black iron.
There’s a door, set in the drawbridge.  The knocker looks like the heraldic devil’s head in the ring I wear on a chain around my neck.  No one answers my knock.
It does look abandoned.  Quiet.  But I hear a song, sung softly, and I walk around until I am in a garden.
I call his name, and when he turns, he laughs, a sound of relief as much as pleasure.
I drop my bag, my purse, and throw my arms around him.  He crushes me to him, and I can barely whisper his name, over and over, and that I love him, I love him.
“Welcome to your home, my love,” he says, in a pause between kisses, “Thank you for coming to find me.”
The End.
(Unless the actual commercial gives me thots)
With extra, most loving thanks to the people who have been following this and loving it:
Thank you to you lovely people for being on my tag list, if you want added or dropped just let me know.  <3
@grogusmum @mishasminion360 @hnt-escape @littlemisspascal @pedro4ever @writteninthestars18 @fromthedeskoftheraven @sharkbait77
@quica-quica-quica @eri16 @the-blind-assassin @ayoungpascallover-readings @songsformonkeys
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
Obsession ||Yandere!Alec Volturi x Female Reader|| Part 1
Warnings: Yandere!Alec, obsessive behaviour, unhealthy relationships and implied non-con later on. This is possibly one of the darkest fics I have ever written so please be aware if controlling behaviour, gaslighting etc. If this is triggering to you, do not read this fic. This and posts like this one will be tagged under dark themes so please feel free to block that tag if you do not want to see content like this in the future. 
The following link will take you to a Citizen’s Advice Page that have resources regarding Domestic abuse and violence. They detail various organisations offering support, refuge and advice for both women and men in abusive situations, however these only apply to the UK. 
I am from the UK and therefore am not sure about what resources may be available internationally, however I know many of you are from places outwith the UK. If you have any resources you know of that would be useful or helpful to add here then please do! You can reblog this post with link in or message me a link to have me edit it into the original. I will post this link and any that get added in all three parts of this fic that I post. 
Words: 3116
Summary: A request for @tiger-khans-blog Savings your sister’s boyfriend was an act of kindness, something you had done out of the goodness of your heart, but hadn’t they always said the road to hell is paved with good intentions?  Alec is aged up to 16 in this fic.
Part 2: When You’re Lost I’ll Leave My Gaslight On 
Part 3: These Violent Delights 
It had been near constant since you’d entered the room.
His eyes were the most piercing ruby red – until they weren’t. The onyx colour had followed you ever since you’d set foot in the throne room, a sharp inhale being the extent of his communication with you. If he wasn’t so damn creepy he might have been handsome, with his shock of dark hair framing a pale face with all the sharp, angular cheekbones and jawline of a model. He was taller to, definitely taller than you by at least half a head, but his stare was piercing and completely at odds with his otherwise apathetic expression. He showed no emotion at all yet the way he looked at you…it was like the whole world revolved around you and only you. There was hunger and excitement and need and envy and a whole host of other emotions in his eyes. It had made you so uncomfortable you’d gravitated towards Alice as best you could, but the whole plan had gone out of the window when the hulking mass of muscle they called Felix started towards your sister.
Isabella Swan was two years older than yourself, but for most of your life she had been the one taking care of you. Renée hadn’t planned on having a second child but like so many other things in her life, you were a complete accident. As loving as your mother was, she wasn’t necessarily fit to take care of one child, never mind two. Bella was the one who had helped with homework, who had crawled into your bed with you when you had nightmares or were sick. To see Felix coming straight for her was like something straight out of a nightmare and you’d moved without thinking. One minute you were facing the taunting smirk of a mountain man and the next the room had blurred, and your vision was filled with the furious stare of the boy who had been watching you all day.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he hissed. His grip on the tops of your arms tight enough to bruise. You winced, wide eyes filling with tears, and in the next second the boy had released your arms and moved to tenderly cup your face. “Shhh, shhhh sh sh, it’ll all be over soon.” He promised, thumbs stroking your cheeks while you tried to squirm out of his grip. His eyes hardened, clearly unhappy with you trying to escape him. You could only see him, his face the only thing in your vision, but you could hear what sounded like rocks colliding, granite smashing. Your body trembled, anxiety filling you up. It wasn’t clear if the boy was more upset with your trying to get out of his grip than your interference with Bella’s execution, but those coal black eyes never lost their laser focus on you.
“Alec?” the petite blonde beside him sounded thoroughly confused while you fought off a shudder. You hated how his name sounded so appealing. Everything about him was enticing, even his scent, but he terrified you beyond belief with the way he was acting.
“Is it the noise? Would you prefer not to see? To hear?” he asked. In the next second it was all gone, like the world had fallen away around you. You couldn’t see, couldn’t hear; you were left screaming in your own head with absolutely no idea if you were still in that awful, awful room or if your soul had mercifully fled your body before you could feel any pain. There was simultaneously nothing and everything, an endless abyss of silence and the imprecise, ever-shifting image of what you thought you remembered the Volturi’s throne room to look like wavering in your head.
Being left alone with your imagination was somehow worse than seeing the actual thing. In your mind Bella was torn in half, one hand stretched towards you while the other remained in Felix’s grip. Alice was trapped by Demetri, Felix holding Edward by the throat. Then the scene would shift and Bella was limp in his arms with Felix’s mouth attached to her neck, both Cullen’s dead and Alec descending on you with that insane stare of his. There were too many ways to envision what mutilation might have occurred and you were beginning to drive yourself insane with them when suddenly the darkness faded.
You blinked rapidly, unsure if what you were seeing was real since it was so blurred. A gentle hand dabbed rough wool beneath your eye and you realised the world looked so watery because you had been crying. Alec used the sleeves of his jacket to dry your tears. Bella was watching you with horror filled eyes, your trembling body almost giving way as you fought the urge to run – you were sure Alec would just drag you back. You could feel his breath on the side of your face. He clearly didn’t understand the concept of personal space.
“Mesmerising, to see what you have seen before it has happened.” Aro murmured, stroking Alice’s hand before she pulled it back with a clearly forced smile.
“But what will.” She reminded him. He clapped his hands, looking so joyful you were left utterly paralysed with confusion. Did he not understand how terrifying this all was? Had he not seen the sheer crazy that was waiting to burst forth out of the boy holding you back? His behaviour was erratic, completely at odds with the rest of the refined and well disciplined Guard. How could Aro not see?
“Yes, yes it’s quite certain, you are free to leave.” Aro informed them. Your breath escaped you in a rush and you immediately tried to dash for your sister. Bella had opened her arms straight to you and the safe haven was so close, yet so far. Alec didn’t let you take a step, hauling you back against his chest and burying his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply.
“No you don’t, I’ve waited too long.” He grumbled. You struggled frantically, the tears springing to your eyes again as Caius tried to protest his brother’s decision. You had drawn the attention of most of the Guard and the man you knew to be Marcus by now though, the brunette king looking somewhat sympathetic towards you. For a man with no respect for human life to look at you like that could most certainly not be a good thing.  
“What are you doing brother? Let the foolish thing go.” Jane said, reaching for his arm. His head snapped up, a growl rumbling through his chest into your spine. If looks could kill, you had no doubt the petite blonde would have burst into flame then and there, bursting into a thousand pieces with the intensity of the danger in his glare.
“Bella!” you whimpered. His hold was like having an iron beam wrapped around your torso, two strong arms refusing to let you move so much as an inch from his chest. It didn’t make sense, none of it did, why was he so obsessed with keeping you near? Did he want you dead? He couldn’t, he’d had plenty of chance to do so by now and hadn’t taken a single opportunity to hurt you on purpose. So what was his problem with you?  
“Alec, dear one, is something the matter?” Aro asked, eyes glistening.
“Aro.” His brother held a hand out to him and the black haired leader flashed towards him while you continued to struggle, your frustration mounting.
“Let me go!” you cried, You stomped on his foot – nothing. You threw your elbow back into his ribs – nothing except a sore elbow for you. You tried to pry his arms away from your body – nothing.
“No.” he hissed. You squeezed your eyes shut.
“Let me go! Please! Let me go!” you begged.
“I said, no.” he repeated, his voice ice cold. Your heart rabbited in your chest, the nausea in your throat rising until you were sure you were on the verge of throwing up. You could barely breathe and it wasn’t just his tight grip that was the problem. There was a panic attack looming on the horizon for you if he kept this up.
“Please, let her go, she’s done nothing wrong. Aro said we were free to go.” Bella tried. She took a step towards you and with one swift jerk he had turned his back on her. You screamed, your limbs fatigued and losing strength with every hit.
“I’m afraid young Y/N will not be going home with you,” Aro’s voice was soft, “To separate them would clearly only cause harm. Alec cannot leave his mate.” You froze in his grip, fingers curling into the fabric of his jacket as you lip trembled. Mate? Mate? What the hell did that even mean? Animals mated, not humans! Was that what he was implying? The boy was so horny for you he wouldn’t let you leave? The fear that gripped you was utterly paralysing as you thought of a thousand different scenarios that made you want to be utterly sick with the horror of them; your choices taken from you, your voice inconsequential as he did things to you you never consented to.
“She’s my sister! Please, I’ve looked after her since she was born, you can’t just-“
“And from this day forth she’ll be looked after by me. She is mine.” Alec snarled quietly. He didn’t seem to notice you’d gone completely rigid in his grip.
“Alec her father will be devastated, she hasn’t even finished school, if you keep her here you’ll just make her unhappy.” Edward tried to reason with him, but he merely tightened his grip on you. You cried out, a sharp pain ripping through your midriff as he almost choked the life from you. The blonde-haired Guard appeared in your line of sight then, his expression somewhat concerned as you struggled to force air into your lungs. If Alec could hear you rasping for air he didn’t show it.
“Alec, old friend look at her,” he coaxed. Alec had done plenty of looking at you, you didn’t want him to look anymore. You shied away from his gaze, head ducking and hair falling between you. Shuddering gasps escaped you as your heart began to roar in your ears, a sure sign there wasn’t enough oxygen getting into your lungs. One arm moved from around your waist but you were too scared to move away from him now, his freezing cold fingers gently brushing your hair back. You flinched.
“She’s mine, Demetri.” He insisted, frowning like a petulant child who was being threatened with their favourite toy being taken from them. Demetri nodded his head.
“She is, and yet she flinches from you. You are scaring her Alec, and she will most definitely bruise if you keep holding her so tight, that’s I she doesn’t suffocate first. Do you want that for your mate? Do you wish to hurt her? To make her fear you?” he questioned. Alec gave a soft wince, immediately loosening his grip.
“I’ve hurt you?” he asked, looking a lot like a wounded puppy now. You swallowed past the lump in your throat, not trusting your voice to remain steady and simply nodding in response. His eyes were still wide with conflicting emotion, but Demetri seemed to be getting through to him at least. You were grateful, and pleaded with your eyes for the man to keep going.
“You cannot simply claim her Alec, she is so young still, would you not prefer her to live a full life and come to you willingly?” Demetri wondered. You felt your stomach drop as Alec’s expression hardened.
“You’re trying to take her from me to.” he growled.
“Alec you are-“
“She, is, not, leaving!” he snarled, a sea of black exploding around him. Your eyes widened, a cool mist swirling about your legs as you finally managed to stumble away from him. Only Bella was still standing, the others having crumpled to the floor until only he, you and Bella remained conscious.
“Y/N!” she cried out. He didn’t stop you running to her this time. You stumbled into her arms, sobbing and shaking. She held you tight to her, her fingers pressing harshly into her skin. It felt like butterfly wings caressing your flesh compared to Alec’s vice like grip. “It’s okay, we’ll figure this out, it’ll be okay, you just have to-“
“Make this quick, say goodbye to your sister. That’s what you want isn’t it? A proper goodbye?” Alec asked, mist still pouring from his hands as his black eyes followed your every move. You shook your head frantically.
“I don’t want to say goodbye, I want to go home! Let me go home!” you begged. Alec hissed.
“What don’t you understand? You are my mate! I’ve waited a thousand years for you, you are mine and you cannot walk away from me!” he snapped. Bella tried to hush you, stroking your hair gently as you collapsed into her.
“Please don’t let him keep me here.” You cried. Bella remained silent, horribly, startlingly silent. Her hands shook as she held you close. Alec approached you, the mist seemingly absorbing back into his body as he walked. The room was in an uproar as soon as everyone was on their feet again, Felix and Demetri forcing him to his knees with furious expressions. He still never took his eyes off of you, his expression devoid of any and all emotion suddenly.
“Are you insane Alec? Using your gift on us? We’re trying to help you!”
“How could you brother? You broke our promise and for a human no less!”
“What insolence is this? Need we remind you of your place boy!”
Alec didn’t respond to any of the accusations, his neck straining so he could keep his eyes on you. Aro only had to touch his hand to know his intentions for you, but you didn’t dare look anymore, choosing instead to bury your face in your sister’s neck as you struggled to calm your breathing and sobbing.
“I would advise you leave now.” Felix huffed.
“We can’t,” Edward’s voice was quiet, apologetic, “Y/N, if we take you, he’ll destroy us all.” Your chest constricted, you felt like you could barely breathe as a lead weight settled in your gut. Destroy them? Alec was a killer, if the red eyes hadn’t told you so then his actions just now had. It wasn’t difficult at all to believe he’d go so far as to kill anyone who stood between you both, but what hurt even more was that you didn’t trust him to be good to you if you stayed either. Why did it have to be you? You’d come to Volterra to do something good, to save someone’s life! So why were you losing yours?
“You ought think on your actions Alec, your mate will be here waiting for you, but for now you need some time to reflect on your position. I think two weeks in the dungeons ought to suffice.” Aro’s voice was ice cold, his fury obvious. Clearly, he had never thought one of his own guard would dare use his powers against him.
“You monster! You fucking monster! Edward I can’t leave her here, she’s my baby sister!” Bella protested. You tightened your grip on her shirt, eyes itchy red and cheeks wet as the terrible weight of hopelessness sank down on your chest. There was no way out. Even if they had tricked Alec and let you leave what then? Did you run from him for the rest of your life? Did you just wait for him to find you? Maybe the dungeon might mellow him out some? It was a bit of a relief really, when the stress just shut your brain and body down, even if the moment of relief was as brief as blinking.
You could almost pretend nothing had ever happened, that perhaps you were at home, as your consciousness dripped back into you. You were on soft sheets, your pillow cradling your head, and you wanted to just burrow away in them. The only thing was, you could feel sunlight warming your skin, and that addictive, woodsy smell was not the lavender your laundry usually came out smelling like. You felt awfully nauseous for a moment when you opened your eyes, your body readjusting to having your brain in control once more, but the red eyes that met yours were far kinder this time than Alec’s aggressively territorial stare. The chestnut brown hair and angular face was familiar to you, and you warily sat up to lean back against the headboard. Demetri let you put the distance between you with an aura of calm that tempted you to relax to. He was alone, no Felix or Jane by his side, but that didn’t mean he was any less dangerous.
“Where’s Bella?” you whispered. She had to be somewhere nearby. Maybe she was in the bathroom? Or had gone to find food and drink? How long had you even been out? Whose room was this?
“She and the Cullen’s departed for their return flight to America not an hour ago.” Demetri informed you. Your stomach dropped, your nausea rising and face paling.
“No…no she – she didn’t leave me here, she didn’t….you’re lying!” Knees curling to your chest, you gripped tightly at your jeans until your knuckles turned as white as your face.
“Not without protest,” he assured you, his voice softer now with sympathy, “But it seems Alec has become unpredictable. His reaction to the mate pull unnerved us all, you are not alone in your fear, though perhaps we fear different things.” His voice was soothing in a way not much else to you was right now. Thoughts swirled in your mind, the bitterness at your abandonment only outweighed by terror at being left behind.
“What is he going to do to me?” you asked, your voice barely more audible than a whisper. Demetri’s head tilted.
“And that is why I am afraid…I truly cannot tell you.” He murmured. He didn’t exactly comfort you when the tears came again, your eyes beyond irritated with all the crying you’d done today, but he didn’t stop you from letting your emotions run away from you instead. He remained close enough to remind you you weren’t alone, but Demetri didn’t hold you as Bella would, or stroke your hair or do anything remotely soothing. His greatest gift to you in that moment was to simply let you be human.
You didn’t know how long that would last.
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koreanmadeingreece · 4 years
Why, why, why (4)
University student!Yuta x reader
Genre: slight enemies to lovers au, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, and several mixups
Summary: You just got into uni and decided to move in with your childhood friend!Taeyong at the city where you are going to study. As you’re about to start your new, adult life, you meet his friends, and you realize that not everyone likes you. Nakamoto Yuta in particular almost seems like he hates you.
A/N: In this fic, Jonghyun from NU’EST appears for a while (just to avoid confusion). Also, wow I never thought I’d post this. I hope you guys like it. Also I thought I’d update every Sunday but I couldn’t restrain myself. Welp.
Warnings: n/a
Word count: 1.6K (I should let you know that I’ve finished writing it so I’ll update it every 3 or 4 days!)
Part 4/11 (I think) First / Previous / Next
Taglist: @melitadala @chxotickpoptrash @aiforyuu @fineapplehoe (please let me know if you’d like to be tagged!)
As soon as you told Chan what happened, after the other two left, he was speechless. He immediately offered to come home with you and help you choose what to wear, as he was the one person of those you had met that day that you were sure you reached your house, where you found Taeyong sitting with Yuta at the balcony. You let Chan in and Taeyong came to meet him in the speed of light.
“SO, you’re in her class, right? I’m Taeyong, oh and this is Yuta. We’re two years older. Do you like it here? Did you find a nice place? Oh, and let us know if you need anything…”
“Taeyong, just let the man breathe.” They both laughed at your comment and you went outside to find Yuta.
“Hey, how are you?”
“Great, thanks. You?” he asked, with a smile on his face.
“Awesome, honestly. My first day was amazing and I also met a lot of people, actually. I didn’t expect to be so lucky on my first day, so I’m kinda thrilled,” you said.
“And she’s got a date.”
“Chan, oh my god, it’s not a date!”
“Yet…” he smirked. Taeyong was looking at you in shock, and Yuta wasn’t even blinking for two seconds.
“Well, we went for a coffee with two other guys and the waiter kinda hit on me.”
“You hit on him first.”
“Fine. I hit on him first. The point is that I’ll see him again tomorrow and Chan came for emotional support.”
“Oh my god, my baby’s got a date!” Taeyong shouted in enthusiasm and ran to hug you.
“Did you say a waiter? Where?” Yuta asked.
“At that coffee shop close to our building. His name is Jonghyun. He’s a third-year student, so you might know him.”
“I do,” Yuta answered.
“And what?”
“Is he nice? Like, am I going to die if I’m alone with him? Is he a good guy?”
“I think so, yeah,” Yuta replied. “I don’t know him well enough to have more details though.”
“It’s okay. I guess I should be thankful for the fact that you’ll know who to blame when you find me murdered at the bottom of a cliff.” You made everyone laugh. Yuta laughed as well. It was a beautiful sight to watch. You thought of that every time you saw him, but quickly snapped out of it, when Chan started dragging you back inside the house and towards your room.
“So, what’s the deal with you and those guys?” Chan asked, as he was going through your closet.
“Well, Taeyong’s my best friend ever since we were little and now, he’s my roommate, and Yuta is a friend whom he met here. He’s a nice guy.”
“Kinda cold though.”
“Yeah, he is. Taeyong’s other friends told me he’s a sweetheart when he opens up to people though.”
“I sure hope so, because he barely said hello to me earlier.”
“I hope so too…” you mumbled and continued searching with Chan, until he thought he had found the perfect outfit for you to mesmerize your potential date.
A while later he had to go, leaving you alone in your room to sit, when you heard a knock on your door.
“Are you decent?”
“Yeah, come in,” you said, and Taeyong opened the door.
“Will you come sit with us?”
“Taeyong, I wanted to talk to you about this.”
“What? Sitting with us? Did anything happen with anyone?”
“Oh no, not at all. But it’s not necessary that they always want me around. I just moved here and stole their friend away. And I don’t want them to think that.”
“But Johnny would never… And V, no.” He paused. “Is Yuta acting weird?” You didn’t even have time to react and he was already making assumptions. “If he is, I’ll kill him for sure. He has nothing to worry about! Tell me. Has he said anything to you?”
“No, of course not. He was being a bit distant and I asked Johnny about it, is all. But, Taeyong, think about it. You used to be two, and now I’m here. It’s not irrational to feel like this. Now, please go. You’ve left him alone.”
“Fine. Come whenever you want though. I have other friends besides him, and he needs to know that.” Taeyong left your room, obviously irritated. You worried that something would happen with Yuta, but you didn’t hear them raising their voices. You feared that one day it would happen, but you were safe for now. Besides, you had already met enough people to hang out with and not become a load on Taeyong and his friends. You were already becoming independent.
The next day, you wore the outfit you had found with Chan and went to college, where you found him staring at you from afar, admiring the work he’d done.
“Oh my god, red suits you so much.”
“Come on, you’re making me blush,” you said and he laughed.
“Are you ready for five long hours of class and then for your date?”
“Shhh, don’t say that so loudly. Someone might hear it.”
“Someone might hear what?” you heard and turned around, only to find Yuta standing right beside you.
“Nothing. What are you doing here?” you asked in panic.
“What do you mean? I study here.”
“Oh, right.”
Chan didn’t hesitate to interfere, seeing you were in complete panic mode. “Don’t get her wrong, she’s just nervous for this afternoon.”
“Ah, right, the date.” Yuta smiled. “I hope everything goes well with that. But, that’s not why I wanted to talk to you. Can you come with me for a second?”
“Oh no, don’t bother. I’m going to class, alright? I’ll get you a seat next to the others,” Chan said and you thanked him.
Yuta waited a few seconds for Chan to leave before he started talking, which seemed like the longest seconds of your entire life. “So, since you’re new here, and you probably don’t know about this, our department hosts movie nights two times a month for people from different departments to get to know each other. And it’s this Saturday. We’re watching The Zodiac Killer. Would you like to come? I told the others already and they said yes.”
As shocked as you were from Yuta’s suggestion, you thought you wouldn’t dare to lose this opportunity, since it only happened once in a lifetime. “Yes, I’d love to!” you exclaimed, trying and not succeeding to hold back your enthusiasm.
“Okay, I’ll text you the details,” he smiled. “Well, I probably won’t have to, though, as I’ll be seeing you all the time from now on. Anyway, I have to get going. Bye,” he said and left soon after, leaving you speechless and unable to go to class. Yuta, who was colder than an ice cube, had invited you voluntarily. If that wasn’t progress, you didn’t know what could be.
You went at your class, sat next to Chan, who was mocking you for Jonghyun all day, and BamBam, who was practically sleeping on is desk, and that was how the day passed until you actually had to man up and go to the coffee place.
“Chan, please slap me in the face. I can’t go in.”
“No, I can’t slap you. We need you to be pretty for your date.”
“Ah, come on! This is not the way to give some strength to a friend.”
“Neither is slapping you before meeting a hot guy!”
“Fuck, you’re right. Okay, I’m going in.”
“You’ve got this! I believe in you.” He waved goodbye at you and left as you entered the coffee shop around 5:30. You spotted him on the counter, taking an order from an older lady. You hadn’t consciously noticed it, but you spent a few seconds looking at him, admiring his subtle but rather gentle smile that showed off his cheekbones and all the beautiful characteristics of his face.
You soon snapped out of it, as you heard his voice.
“Y/N, you came! Hi! What can I get you?”
You blinked a few times, trying to get it together and actually retain contact with the planet earth, and replied to him. “Oh, hi! Um, a double cappuccino with a lot of sugar please.”
“Sure. You can sit for a while until I finish my shift and then we can go for a tour around the city, since you’re new. I can show you a few places if you’d like and maybe we can sit somewhere…?” he said, smiling. You couldn’t take your eyes off his smile. He was incredibly handsome and seemed like an amazing guy. What could possibly go wrong?
“Yeah, sure! I’d love to,” you replied. Besides, it wasn’t really that hard to watch this guy work while enjoying a perfect cup of coffee.
After a few minutes, you noticed him going at the back of the shop. He returned moments later, wearing his normal clothes and not the shop’s uniform, finding you emerged in your thoughts.
“You look so good in red.”
“Oh my god thanks,” you were already blushing, three seconds into your date. That was when you realized he was wearing a dark gray shirt and black pants that made him twice more handsome than usual. In fact, you wished Chan hadn’t left the city center just to see him like this. You were sure your words would not even be close to how he really looked. “You don’t look bad yourself,” you teased.
He offered you his arm and you followed, watching him show you the basics in the city since you were new there. He knew all the best coffee shops, bars and stores you wouldn’t notice at first glance. After a while, you decided to sit at a place near the park for a beer, since there was the best view. The orange leaves falling off trees were the best setting for your date. Or, at least what was starting to look less than a get-to-know encounter and more like a date.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Secret Love Part 11 || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So I really struggled writing Chapter 10...Chapter 11 however...took me like two days. So yeah...uh characters are still in Iceland, Days 3 and 4 sightseeing will be posted following this. As always all posts for this series can be found by searching the tag ‘038’ on my blog. Let me know what you think. 
Gif Credit: @j-compher​
Warnings: cursing, oral sex, smut, unprotected (on birth control but no condom) smut
Word Count: 3,819
If you’d thought day two of your trip had involved a lot of driving, you were in for a rude awakening moving forward.
The morning of your third day in Iceland, you and Cale had slept in until around 8 am before getting up, heading down to breakfast, packing up and then checking out of the hotel. Before leaving Reykjavik, you stopped at a market to stock up on some drinks and snacks, then a gas station for a refill before finally hitting the road heading south.
After about an hour and 40 minute drive, you reached your first stop: Seljalandsfoss Waterfall. This waterfall was the perfect photo op because you could actually walk behind the falls. Taking some sillier but also sweet pictures, you continued on to another waterfall about a half hour away. From there, you stopped for lunch before Cale drove on to Dyrhólaey Nature Reserve.
The nature reserve was home to sea stacks and arches and the view from the upper trail was breathtaking. It had only been three days but already you were certain that Iceland was one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  After taking in the views from above, you headed to the lower trail and onto Reynisfjara beach.
There, black sand stretched in front of you as far as you could see. It was so different than any other beach you’d ever been on but it was honestly really, really cool. As cool as the sand was, the rock formations lining the beach were even cooler. After walking tucked into Cale’s side for a little bit you looked up at the cliffs to your left and immediately started freaking out. Jumping up and down, trying not to squeal, you tugged on Cale’s sleeve as if your previous actions hadn’t already gained his attention.
“What are you freaking out about?” Cale asked, mystified expression on his face.
“Puffins!” You squealed quietly, pure glee on your face. “They’re so cute!” The last thing you wanted to do was disturb the birds, but you were so excited to see them it was impossible to keep completely silent. Of course, you kept your distance, simply admiring them from afar.
Cale didn’t seem to know what to do with your reaction but he let you have your moment watching the birds, his lips pressed against the top of your head. As you headed back down the beach Cale rubbed his thumb against your side.
“I take you to see beautiful geological formations but it’s the birds you’re excited about.” He mused, shaking his head.
“Leave me alone.” You pouted. “You don’t just see puffins anywhere you know.” Lifting your chin, Cale kissed you softly.
“As long as you’re having fun and are excited about something I’m happy.” He insisted, his arm pulling you closer into his side.
It wasn’t a far drive to the village of Vik which Cale informed you was where you were staying for the night. Unlike yesterday where you had been going non-stop, not returning to your hotel until after 11pm, today you were already here and it was only late afternoon.
After checking into your hotel, you dropped off your bags and used the bathroom before heading into the village itself to park and walk around. Stopping into the tourist shop, you browsed around looking specifically at all of the locally made products. Eventually, you spotted a set of glass coasters made from the black sand of the beaches you’d just been on. Across the tops, various local scenes were painted. They were simple but beautiful and your fingers lingered across the tops of them.
“Those are nice.” Cale said, appearing over your shoulder suddenly.
“Yeah they are.” You agreed. Picking up two sets, Cale handed you one.
“We should get them. One for the house, one for my apartment.” Cale declared. “That way we both have something to remind us of this trip.”
“That’s really soft Cale.” You murmured.
“Don’t care.” He replied. Though you continued to look around, there wasn’t anything else that spoke to you as much as the set of coasters did and eventually you headed to the register to purchase them.
Walking around the village you took in how cute and quaint it was. Soon after your stomachs started complaining, you stumbled into a small restaurant. There you and Cale split a pizza with pesto for sauce, mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, parma ham, topped with a balsamic glaze and parmesan cheese. It was delicious and you left feeling completely stuffed.
You’d called it an early night back at the hotel, settling for a movie on Netflix as you curled up together in bed. A relaxing evening was exactly what you needed to recharge and be ready to continue on your journey.
Day four of your trip started by filling up the gas tank and then embarking on an hour long drive to Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon.
Just before you reached the canyon, you encountered a small turn off which led you to a viewpoint. Climbing out of the car you walked up the pathway until you reached a platform. As far as the eye could see were moss covered rocks and it truly felt like you had stepped onto another planet.
“Are you sure we’re still on planet earth?” You whispered to Cale. Your boyfriend chuckled quietly in response, his hand resting on your hip. It seemed like the more time you spent alone together, not worried about who you saw or who saw you, the more reliant on physical touches each of you became. You’d never felt so comfortable just being with someone and thinking back on the times you’d seen Cale with Sara, you had a feeling the same could be said for him.
With more pictures clogging up your phones, you continued on to the Canyon itself. It was only a two-minute walk to the start of the canyon from the car and the moment you reached it your jaw dropped.
“Cale…” You whispered. You didn’t even have words to describe how beautiful this place was.
“Woah...sweetheart.” Cale’s thumbs brushed against your cheeks as he spoke and it wasn’t until he pulled you into his chest that you realized you were crying. “Shhh..give your brain a minute to process.” Cale assured you. His patience with you seemed neverending as his hands stroked your back until you finally calmed down.
“Sorry…” You mumbled, wiping frantically at your eyes when you finally pulled away.
“Nothing to be sorry about.” Cale insisted. “You’re allowed to be emotionally effected by things. It’s normal. Especially when it’s something as amazing as this.” Cale’s lips pressed gently to your forehead and he dropped his hand from your back to lace your fingers together. “You good to go walk?” He questioned.
It took about 45 minutes to walk all the way up to the top of the canyon and back and you stopped for pictures at various points along the way. You still couldn’t put into words the way this place made you feel; it was all so overwhelming in the best way. As you stood off to the side of the first viewpoint, away from the majority of other tourists, you tugged Cale’s hand until he was close enough you could wrap your arms around his neck.
“Thank you.” You murmured, kissing him lightly. “You always know exactly what I need, you’re always putting me first and taking care of me. It doesn’t go unnoticed, and you don’t know how much I appreciate it. You mean the world to me Cale...I don’t know if I’m quite as good at showing it as you are, but I hope you know that.”
“I do...know that…” Cale responded, kissing you again gently before pulling away, a fondness in his eyes that nearly sent you reeling. Dragging your fingers along his lower back you made up your mind to show him just how important he was to you once you were actually alone.
Back in the car, you munched on some of the snacks you’d brought in lieu of trying to find somewhere to stop for lunch. It took almost two hours to get to your next stop, the Jökulsárlón Iceberg Lagoon.
There, the two of you hopped on a boat tour where you got to taste a piece of 1,000 year old ice as you toured the lagoon. It was incredible to see first hand just how much ice was breaking off of the glacier and it made you more cognizant of the consequences of global climate change.
Right across the highway from the lagoon was Breiðamerkursandur or the diamond beach where fragments of ice wash up after floating from the lagoon out into the ocean. You made Cale climb onto an iceberg so you could take a picture of him and you got some great shots of all of the ice scattered along the shore. Despite the fact that it wasn’t all that cold outside, having been surrounded by ice for the past hour or two left you feeling chilly even if you had dressed in layers.
As you climbed in the car, Cale turned the heat on and you squeezed his knee in thanks. It was just a short drive to your hotel for the night and once you’d checked in, you shed a few layers before heading to the bar for a drink before dinner.
You’d retreated to your room around 6:30pm and Cale hopped in the shower first to clean up. While you waited for him to finish, you dug in your bag trying to decide what to grab for after your own shower. Thinking back to how you had promised yourself you were going to show Cale just how important he was, you unzipped a small compartment where you’d hidden the lingerie you’d bought.
Buying lingerie had been a spur of the moment decision possibly fueled by a few glasses of wine, and the thought of actually wearing it made you nervous. Your sex life with Cale had been fairly tame so far, nothing too out of the box. It had also been completely spontaneous on every occasion. You honestly had no idea how he would react to lingerie and though both sets were fairly tame in comparison to some sets you’d seen online, this was still something new and therefore nerve wracking.
Hearing the shower turn off, you jumped, your heart racing as you grabbed the more modest of the two sets. If you were going to do this, you were going to ease into it. Collecting your cosmetic bag, you hid the lingerie close to your chest.
Slipping into the bathroom as soon as Cale exited, you stripped out of your clothes and stepped into the shower trying not to overthink this. Focusing on shaving your legs and cleaning up served as a bit of a distraction but as you toweled off, your eyes landed back on the lingerie you’d placed on the counter.
You were certain you’d talk yourself out of this if you had to stare at yourself wearing the lingerie in the mirror for too long, so you started with your makeup, doing just a little bit more than you had been lately in order to make yourself feel confident and sexy. Blow drying your hair, you brushed it out before finally reaching for the lace and silk fabric.
Burgundy colored silk sat low on your hips, edged by black lace along both of your thighs. The same black lace covered your chest, ending at the bottom of your ribcage leaving your stomach exposed. It was...sensual but not over the top and when you slid the burgundy silk robe over it, you felt like you might actually be able to pull this off.
Reminding yourself that Cale had nearly lost his shit at the sight of you in a bikini the other night, you took a deep breath before opening the bathroom door and stepping out into the bedroom. Cale was sprawled out on the bed with just a pair of shorts slung low on his hips.
“What do you want to watch tonight?” Cale’s question was asked before he ever looked up at you, but when he did he blinked slowly. “That’s uh...that’s not your usual pajama set…” He murmured.
Blood pounding through your veins, you moved across the room to climb onto the bed beside him. Grabbing the remote from his hand, you turned the tv off before setting the remote aside.
“I was thinking about a different form of entertainment tonight…” You stated, your own voice sounding foreign in your ears. Sliding over Cale’s lap until you were straddling him, your hands ran down along his arms as his eyes did a slow once over of your body. “I think it’s time I take care of you for once.” You husked, raising an eyebrow. Cale hadn’t even seen what was under the robe yet and already he was slack jawed. The power you held over him in that moment sent a rush of adrenaline through you and you slid down the bed, tugging his shorts and boxers down with you.
“You good handsome?” You teased, lightly stroking your fingers over the length of his rapidly hardening dick. Cale couldn’t seem to speak, but he nodded his head and for now that was enough consent. Flicking your tongue along the slit of his cock, you stroked the length of him in your hand until a soft grunt fell from his lips. Only then did you hollow your cheeks, sinking down around him, taking as much of his length as you could down your throat. Bobbing slowly, you felt him twitch and when you pulled back to breathe you ran your tongue along the veins on the underside of his cock.
Following your instincts, plus Cale’s body language and verbal clues, you settled into a rhythm blowing your boyfriend for the first time. You’d seen and felt Cale orgasm enough to know when he was getting close as his body strained beneath you.
“Fuck. Babe. Stop.” Cale gasped, but peeking up at him you knew he didn’t actually want you to stop.
“We’ve got all night handsome...plenty of time for you to recover after coming down my throat.” You murmured before flicking your tongue through his slit again collecting all of his precum. Returning to your efforts, you cupped his balls as you sunk down his length. After just a minute, Cale came with a moan as he spilled down your throat and after swallowing you pulled off of him, sliding your tongue along his skin to clean him up. Cale’s cheeks were flushed as he tried to catch his breath and you slid up his body, settling yourself back over his lap.
“Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?” Cale gasped, his head falling forward to land against your shoulder. Kissing his head, you ran your fingers through his hair waiting for him to become more coherent.
“Just trying to take care of my man.” You hummed. “But if you’re complaining...you don’t have to see what’s under the robe.” As you spoke, you drew his hands up to the tie at your waist, leaving it for him to undo.
The speed at which Cale undid the bow told you that he wasn’t complaining at all and you let him push the robe from your shoulders, his eyes landing on you once more. His cheeks flushed further to match the color of your shorts and his eyes were wider than you’d ever seen them. You let him stare, watching as his tongue ran over his lips leaving them wet and shiny in the dim lighting of the hotel room.
“Fuck…” Cale breathed harshly, drawing out the word. “I must be dreaming right now.” He added. “You’re a fucking dream sweetheart.” Cale’s eyes ran slowly up and down your body like he wanted to memorize every inch. “You bought this for me?”
“I take it you like it?” You assumed, letting out a soft sigh in relief at his reaction.
“What do you think?” Cale grunted, pulling your hips to roll down against his cock which was already hard again.
Laughter bubbled from your chest in reaction and you cupped his cheek as you leaned in to kiss him deeply.
“Good to know lingerie is a hit with you.” You admitted. Cale’s eyes flashed with concern for just a moment before his hand fell to your hips, his thumbs brushing against your bare stomach.
“I don’t know whether I want you to keep this on or take it off.” He declared. Clearly he knew better than he thought he did, because as he spoke his hands slid up your sides, gently gripping the fabric and drawing it up and over your head. Half nude on top of him, Cale’s hands cupped your breasts as he pulled you into a desperate kiss.
“Can’t believe you’re mine…” He mumbled, pulling back. There was something about seeing him like this, flushed red, swollen lips, blissed out from one orgasm already that lit every primal need inside of you. As much as you were his, he was yours and god did you need him inside you.
“Please Cale…” You whimpered, rolling your hips against his.
“Shh…” He soothed, hands gliding across your ass. Sensing that he was going to try and flip you, you kept your weight centered firmly above him.
“I wanna be on top.” You pleaded. “Just need out of these shorts…”
Cale wasn’t responding quickly enough, so you pushed the fabric of your shorts off of your own hips, shifting as little as possible while attempting to kick them off and onto the floor.
“Let me…” You cut off Cale’s statement by raising your hips and lowering yourself onto his dick, a gasp spilling from your throat as you felt him slipping deep inside you.
“Yes…” You hissed, the stretch of your body around him filling you with a warmth and ache that you had missed so much. As you started shallowly leveraging yourself up before dropping back down your eyes met Cale’s deep azure orbs, the look in them heightening your arousal.
“So wet.” Cale eventually groaned. “My girl doesn’t even need foreplay after blowing me to be this soaking wet. Fuck.”
Though one of Cale’s hands fell to your hips, you were the one putting in all of the effort to fuck yourself on his cock.
“You’re so needy...fucking yourself...just using my body for your pleasure. So much for wanting to take care of me tonight.” Sinking down on him again, you purposely tightened your vaginal walls against him, drawing another moan from his chest.
“Hmm...I think me doing all the work...letting you cum inside me while you just lay there is taking pretty good care of you…” You corrected. Your thighs were starting to burn from bouncing on top of him but your orgasm was within arm’s reach and there was no way you were stopping before ensuring you both got to climax.
“My girl is close.” Cale groaned. “Cum for me sweetheart...let me feel that tight heat clamp down on me.”
Cale’s words pushed you over the edge and you sunk down on him in exhaustion as your body shook with your orgasm. Spurts of Cale’s semen filled you from deep inside and you whimpered at the feeling, warm from head to toe. As you collapsed against him, still connected intimately, Cale’s fingers played with the ends of your hair.
“I can’t get enough of you.” Cale whispered a few minutes later, his cock starting to harden inside of you again.
“Again?” You inquired, a little bit in disbelief that his rebound time was this fast.
“Only if you want to.” He assured you. “But I’ll take over, you can relax and enjoy this time.” This time when Cale attempted to roll the two of you over, you went willingly, staring up at him. Before moving, Cale settled your legs up over his shoulders and when he thrust inside of you, you cried out softly at the feeling of him brushing against your g-spot.
“I got you sweetheart...just tell me what you need.” Cale sighed, pleasure lacing his tone.
The sound of your skin smacking together and the squelch of your mixed bodily fluids rang in your ears.
“Talk to me…” You pleaded. “Like before.” You weren’t afraid to admit that hearing Cale dirty talk had pushed you so much closer to orgasm than you would have been otherwise.
“Yeah?” Cale breathed, his cheeks turning bright red again as you nodded. “You feel so good like this sweetheart. You’re even wetter than before. So tight too.” Every movement he made brushed against your g-spot and you couldn’t help the litany of noises that fell from your lips at the feeling.
“You like it when I fuck you like this huh?” He continued. “Your pussy stretches around me so nicely, just welcoming me inside. Do you like being fucked nice and deep like this? Feeling each ridge of me against your walls...feeling me spill deep inside you?” Crying out again, your head tossed back and forth against the pillow, your orgasm creeping up on you quickly.
“You do like feeling me spill inside of you don’t you? That’s why you wanted to stop using condoms. You like being skin to skin with me, feeling me raw you bare. You like being filled with my warm sticky cum, the way it drips out of you if I let it…”
Your vision went black for a moment as your orgasm crashed down on you hard. The muscles in your thighs spasmed painfully, but you barely noticed through the waves of pleasure that rippled through you, leaving you panting. As your body clenched around him again, you felt Cale spill inside of you for the second time tonight.
Carefully he pulled out of you before kissing your lips lightly.
“Be right back.” He declared, disappearing into the bathroom. He returned with a washcloth and after wiping down your thighs, he offered you a hand so that you could go to the bathroom yourself. When you returned to the bedroom, Cale handed you a t-shirt to wear before guiding you under the covers.
“So dirty talk huh…?” He chirped, his nose brushing against the top of your head.
“Shut up and turn the tv on Cale.” You replied, feeling heat flood your cheeks. Chuckling, Cale complied, but as he handed you the remote to pick a show he couldn’t help but get in the last word.
“It’s hot. I enjoyed it.” Shaking your head, you snuggled against him just basking in what was left of the afterglow.
“And for the record...you can always surprise me with lingerie. I’m definitely into that as well.”
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hellhoundsprey · 3 years
Fic prompt: Lucifer!Sam/Jack noncon + forced breeding
Right to the point!
Warnings: rape, angelic grace play, mind control, father/son incest, unsafe sex
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The door to his room opens. Someone comes inside. They close the door again.
Jack remains face-down in his bed, his pillow hugged tight against his face. He should sleep. He has to sleep—no more grace. No more powers.
He peers at the person as the mattress dips with their weight—Sam, sitting down.
“Can’t sleep?”
Jack shakes his head.
“Me neither.” Sam smiles. Sam pets Jack’s leg over the blanket. “How you doin’, bud?”
Jack’s brow furrows.
“Weird, isn’t it? No juice. All sluggish. Screw the flu, am I right?”
Jack tenses. “You’re—”
“Shh-shh-shh.” ‘Sam’ puts his finger to his lips. “We don’t wanna wake up Dean-o.”
Jack’s body flashes hot and icy back-to-back; his pulse escalates. His throat ties up and he wants to scream, he does—can’t, too scared, how did, when did…?
Jack’s father curls Sam’s hand into a fist that tugs Jack’s blanket off him. Sam’s eyes watch the flex of Sam’s knuckles with fascination. Reverence.
Sam’s voice mumbles, “Man, I missed you, Sammy,” and Sam’s fist jerks, and Lucifer clasps it again, tight.
‘Sam’ smiles at Jack.
“I tried to be nice, Jack. You know I did.”
Jack’s stomach turns with the drag of Sam’s hand up his bare leg. He manages to scramble away, finally, towards the headboard. Sam follows, easily.
“What, still scared? Even with this pretty face? See, that’s the problem with your generation: you don’t appreciate anything.”
Jack gasps as his ankle gets grabbed and he gets yanked closer to ‘Sam’. Sam is strong. Jack knows that. With his powers, Jack was stronger, of course, but now—they sparred today, again, and Jack is still sore. He didn’t land a single point. He breathes so quickly it doesn’t even reach his lungs.
Jack’s head feels weird. Light and fuzzy.
“No, don’t you faint on me, buddy,” and Lucifer adds, “not yet,” with a smile, and snaps his finger.
Jack’s next inhale is so deep and satisfying his heart instantly slows down. Pumps low, steady, and he is naked. Frozen and on his back, on display—Sam rubs Jack’s thigh, and higher.
Sam scowls as he pinches Jack’s stomach. “At least I know they feed you.” Eyes up to Jack—Sam’s eyes. But nothing about them feels like Sam. “It’s hard, you know? For a dad? To know my kid’s out there, being raised by monkeys? And look what they did. My only son, and of course they screw thatup, too.”
‘Sam’ leans in, climbs fully onto the bed. He’s tall. Jack’s never seen him like—oh, he has. Sparring, helping Jack back up. Smiling, hair in his face, wrinkles around his eyes. Lucifer uses Sam’s face differently. Like there are other muscles for him to utilize.
Sam’s frown—like this, Sam never…he’d never look at Jack like this. Like he is disappointed.
“Still my blood, though. Still mine.” Lucifer drags Sam’s knuckles along Jack’s jaw. Jack is too mellow-heavy-calm to move, to push him away. He sweats, can’t tremble. His feet are cold. (Sam still smellslike Sam. Sounds like Sam.) “It’s okay if you’re just Clark Kent now. Flesh still got its uses, you know?”
Lucifer dents Jack’s bottom lip with Sam’s thumb. His other hand drags up high, cups the side of Jack’s throat—
Jack manages, “No,” but Lucifer kisses his forehead either way. His ear. Pets through his hair.
“Don’t be silly. What else do you think you’re good for in this form? Hey, I’m being nice.” Lucifer pulls back to pout and frown at Jack. “You know what these freaks do when they’re bored and notfornicating? Warfare. Torture. Stupid little humans. The orgies…! Hell, back when there was no internet and no, you know, culture? Nothing else on the TV.” Sam’s hand rubs over Jack’s chest. Sam’s thumb works one of his nipples. Jack’s stomach clenches with the unwanted sensations. Jack’s father talks low. Sweet. Forehead to forehead with Jack, nuzzling. “You would have loved it,” promises Lucifer. “Like father, like son, right?”
Jack tells him, “No,” again, and his whole body locks up in disgust as Lucifer pushes Sam’s mouth onto Jack’s. Sticks Sam’s tongue past Jack’s lips.
“Hey, be nice,” huffs Lucifer, right up against Jack’s mouth. “We’ve got time to make up for, you and I. And I’ve been waiting long enough.”
Lucifer kisses him again. Jack is gonna be sick. His body won’t go through with it, though, like something holds him back, forces him pliant. Archangel grace and Jack is just human, now, no match. Sam’s body, Lucifer’s powers…! Jack’s head spins. His eyes can tear up, at least.
“Awww.” Lucifer wipes the wet from one cheek, licks it off the other. “Hey, shhh. Pretend I’m Sammy. You like him, don’t you? I mean, who doesn’t.” Lucifer scoffs, adoring. Kisses behind Jack’s ear, grabs Jack’s wrist to shove Jack’s hand into the front of Sam’s pajama pants. “Here, buddy, c’mon. Make Daddy feel nice, okay? Daddy hasn’t felt nice in a looong time.”
Jack sobs. Lucifer shushes him, kisses him. Swirls Sam’s tongue against Jack’s and Jack doesn’t reciprocate but his body does, somehow. His hand moves—too. Up and down, firm grip. Sam’s body is warm, here; silken. Lucifer hums against Jack’s throat. Sucks on the skin, there.
“Hmmm. Yeah, Sammy’s been neglecting himself for sure. Look at you,” and more wet kisses down Jack’s throat, across his chest. “We know where you got your good looks from, huh?”
Sam’s penis is getting harder and hotter in Jack’s fist. Swelling, fattening—Jack trembles so hard even Lucifer’s spell can’t fully repress it anymore. Lucifer hums and shoves Sam’s pajamas down, crawls up between Jack’s legs. He keeps kissing and nuzzling Jack, blankets him, buries him—Jack can’t stop moving his hand just like he can’t stop crying.
He tries, “No,” again, weak with the weight of Lucifer’s grace.
“Yes,” hums Lucifer. Sucks at Jack’s tongue. Jack’s lip. “Yes, baby. It’s okay.”
Jack sobs. He can’t shake his head like he wants to. Can’t push Lucifer away like he wants to—his hand rises instead to curl around the back of Sam’s neck, to pull him closer. Lucifer coos, laughs. He rubs Sam’s penis between Jack’s ass cheeks. Sticky, hot—Jack tenses in fear. He doesn’t want—this. Any of this.
“Gonna let me in? Like your mom did?” Lucifer pushes Sam’s hips forward some more. Digs Sam’s penis stiff against Jack’s asshole and it burns, it’s uncomfortable—Jack feels in horror how his insides go wet, how they soften and—Lucifer pushes inside him with the next stroke. “Oh, good boy, Jack. Look at you. Obedient at last.”
Jack can’t speak can’t feel anything but—the pressure, the stretch down below. The heat of Sam’s body in the clutch of both of Jack’s arms, now, wrung tightly around Sam’s neck. Sam’s hair, brushing his cheek. Sam’s voice, groaning—Sam’s body, grinding against Jack’s.
This isn’t happening. It’s just—not.
“Oh, it sure is,” chuckles Lucifer.
Lucifer pushes the entire length of Sam’s penis into Jack and moves it back and forth, in and out. He says something about Sam being tall all over, huh, kiddo, but finally stops talking after that. Just grunts and moans against Jack’s ear, Jack’s cheek, as he rubs Sam’s penis inside Jack. It hurts. It doesn’t. It’s weird. Jack doesn’t like it.
Sam’s voice whispers, “Stop lying to yourself.” The bed creaks softly. Sam slaps into Jack so hard their skins smack against each other. It sounds wet. “He’s thought about this. About a lot, involving you. Trust me, this is one of the nice things.”
Jack’s body pools hot, inside. His thoughts are too blurry to hold onto. The world is reduced to—Sam, on top of him—no, his father, not Sam.
“Hmmm. You start feeling like her. Wanna pretend you’re Kelly, hm? Let’s play you’re Mommy, Jack.”
Sam thrusts harder; Jack’s teeth rattle, his tears keep coming. When it all crashes to a sudden stop, Jack doesn’t understand—Sam groans with clenched teeth and it’s all throbbing and sore, inside, but the next time Sam moves, it’s—warmer, wetter. Jack shudders, horrified. He doesn’t understand.
“Phew. We needed that.”
Lucifer chuckles. Lucifer pushes himself up on Sam’s hands and stretches Sam’s body like a cat, rolls Sam’s head on Sam’s shoulders. Sam’s throat glistens with sweat. His hair sticks to his forehead, his jaw.
Sam hums. Lucifer guides Jack’s hand below Sam’s t-shirt, the sweat-slick, tight skin of Sam’s stomach and chest. They tug Sam’s shirt off together. Sam leans in to kiss Jack and Jack moans as Sam rolls his hips, still deep inside, filling Jack out completely. Sam chuckles. Sam blankets Jack’s hands that cup and feel his hairy chest.
“Yeah. That’s the spirit.”
“Right here, baby.” Sam picks up a shallow rhythm once more. Presses deep into Jack, curls over him like a tree, a cave. Holds him. Kisses him. “Daddy’s right here.”
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twinkleallnight · 4 years
(Part-11) Happy Birthday!
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake x Hana, Liam x Riley
For previous chapters: catch up here
Prompt 1: This fic is my submission for this week’s #WackyDrabbles. The prompt is: I’m your [friend, spouse, partner, etc] of course I care. (appears in bold)
Prompt 2: This is a submission for @choicesweeklychallenge . The prompt is: 'What do you want me to do?’ (appears in bold)
Warnings: mention of cancer , loss of parent.
Tags: @ao719 @aloneautumn @bebepac @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordonianroyalty @daisydancer12385 @drakewalker04 @gardeningourmet @gkittylove99 @glaimtruelovealways @kat-tia801 @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @idontknowwhysblog-blog @islandcrow @jovialyouthmusic @jaxsmutsuo @kingliam2019 @lovablegranny @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @no-one-u-know @ntoraplayschoices @princessleac1 @ritachacha @speedyoperarascalparty @texaskitten30 @queenrileyrose @sanchita012 @shanzay44 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @wackydrabbles @xpandabeardontcarex @yourmajesty09
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“Let’s take a walk.” Liam says solemnly.
Its late in the evening, the sky is changing to darker shades and so are our lives. Liam is dealing with his own issues; I am handling mine. Both of us are on crossroads in our respective lives, unsure, where to go from here. He has been with his father for past two hours, and the meeting seems to have left him gloomy.
We start walking to the hedge maze, across the lawns of the palace. The maze, that held the carefree moments of our lives. The maze, where we hid as the royal palace hosted courtly affairs. The difference now is, there are no more carefree moments nor we are young enough to hide away from all our problems.
The pink trumpet tree stands tall in the centre. I slow down, as we round off, while Liam plods towards the tree. He hugs it and suddenly I see his shoulders shaking, tears streaming down his cheeks. It’s been years since I saw him this broken.
I take quick steps to be with him. “What’s the matter Liam?” I gently pat on his shoulder. He usually hugs this tree whenever he misses his mother. She planted this tree long back. Liam lost her when we were 9 years old.
King Constantine soon got a queen to rule besides him when he married Regina but Liam never got a replacement. He respects Queen Regina but misses the warmth in the relationship.
“Liam! You are killing me. What’s wrong?”
“He is… he is….”
Liam takes a deep breath and straightens up. “No, I should not burden you with all this.”
I pull him away from the tree and turn him to face me. “Liam, I’m your friend, of course I care. So, please you need to speak up.”
Liam props down reclining on the tree trunk. I follow and sit beside him. He starts with a deep sigh, “Father… he is suffering from lung cancer.” I give him a shocked look and he gives an agonizing stare “And he doesn’t have much time.”
My eyes are fixed on him as he fills me in with more information. When he concludes the details, I start with a heavy heart. ““Liam…I know there is no comparison but I want you to remember when I lost my dad.”
It was devastating incident for both of us. My father was head of the king's guard and died while defending the king, that is Liam’s father. We were kids then and Liam wouldn’t stop apologising. But that was not what I wanted him to recollect.
I turn to him and clasp his shoulders, shaking him to gain his attention. “I never got a chance to say goodbye, Liam! You have him right here. Do all you can for him while he is still here. And who knows the treatment may work wonders for him. These things are unpredictable.”
We both know that the last part of what I said, is a false hope but hope is all we have now.
We keep sitting there till the sky gets darker and our talks and thoughts get muddled up. Somewhere in between we get up and lumber off to our rooms. It’s decided that we won’t be talking about it to anyone. Liam plans to call up his elder brother Leo and ask him to come back to Cordonia soon.
Next few days are spent in preparation of the Apple blossom festival. The ‘Cordonian ruby' apples form the main revenue generating exports of the country. The royal family hosts the festival every year at their Applewood country manor. It has the largest apple orchard of Cordonia. The king makes sure to attend this one in person, to show his gratitude to the apple growers and the farmers, preserving the noble traditions.
Liam has got back into his stoic demeanour and court duties. No one realises his internal struggles. He has travelled with the suitors to Applewood, a day before the event, while I stay back at the palace.
I miss my dad more every year at this time of the year. We had a family tradition of attending the first day of the festival, and then camping away on higher altitude with him.
I get a call from Liam on the day of festival, at around noon. “Hey, can you come over to Applewood?”
“Anything urgent, Liam?”
“Yes, I need your help.”
“I will be there.” I don’t give it a second thought. I am worried about Liam since the last event. I pack quickly and drive down. As I am nearing my destination, I get another call from Liam. “I am almost there, Liam.” I answer hurriedly.
“I called you for that. I don’t want you to go to the manor. I am sending you my location. Meet me there.”
I set up my GPRS to the said location which strangely, seems to be some club. It’s quite unlikely to find Liam at some random club.
I reach the place in some time, park my truck and rush inside. But the scene inside is much different than my expectation. Max is sitting on a mechanical bull and Riley, Hana and Liam are all cheering up.
I am standing baffled, not realising that my mouth is hung open until Riley sashays towards me and pushes my chin up. “Welcome to the paaarrrty” she shouts over the music.
Liam follows her giving me a hug, and says in a hushed tone, in my ear. “ Happy birthday Bro!”
As he moves away, I give him a glare. He knows I never like talking about it, leave aside celebrating it! “You…told…?”
“No, not exactly. We just sneaked out to have some fun. What a coincidence!” He waves off.
Riley drags me to the bar. I perch myself on a stool next to her. She orders our drinks and as we say cheers she leans in, “Happy birthday!” My mouth remains open and no words form while I keep gazing at her, stupefied. She repeats her gesture and tugs my chin up. “ Don’t mention!” She winks. I shake my head, and close my eyes in disbelief.
“He told you, didn’t he?
“May be...” Riley shrugs. “ Relax and enjoy!”
She shimmies down to where Liam is standing. He throws his head back laughing out but starts moving with her. Max joins them while Hana extracts herself from the crazy dance.
I get up and slide down with her in the neighbouring booth. “You are not dancing?”
“ You call that freestyle, dancing?” Hana giggles.
“That is Max’s breakdance for you.” I grin back at her.
“I can’t dance like that. I just know the dances I am trained for. What about you?”
“Not my cup of tea.”
We both are looking at the trio on the dancefloor when Hana suddenly says, “Hey, Happy birthday to you!”
“ I can’t believe this!” I throw my hands in the air.
“Excuse me?”
“ Liam told all of you, when he knows how much I hate it.”
“But I see you are enjoying it.” Hana shrugs.
“I mean I find it odd, mentioning it, and then hese wishes… everyone wishing, I don’t know what to say.”
“Thank you.”
‘'You say thank you, Drake! They love you. Look at the brighter side. They are all here for you. I have never had such fun filled birthday.”
“I am sorry. Its just that this is all different, like a changed world for me.”
“ A good change.” She responds. She seems to have some plan up her sleeve. She stretches out a hand, “ Get up.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“I didn’t ask you last time. Now it’s my turn. Come with me.”
I place my hand in her tiny palm, and she steps out of the backdoor, and I follow. Its quaint out there as compared to the loud music inside the club. The backside of the countryside club seems to be facing a large grazing land. There is no building, no vehicle, no one around. Only the moonlight beaming down on us, making Hana's pink sequinned dress shimmer some more.
She places my one hand on her waist and holds up the other hand. She slides her slender fingers in my upheld hand. She closes the distance between us. She lifts her eyelids and I find loosing myself into the depth of her eyes.
“Hana…” I swallow a lump in my throat, “ I can’t… I have never done this.”
“Shhh…Follow me.”
I am clumsy at it but she gets a perfect grip of my movements. She sways, and without any effort, she moves me swiftly with her. I have no idea what form of dance we are doing. There is no music, just our breathing giving us a rhythm to follow.
The night seems to be melting into the honey almonds of her eyes. The breeze blows her dark brown tresses, ever so lightly. The chill in the air brings us closer. The soft touch of her hands, one in my hand and the other on my shoulder, relaxes not just my body but seems to be calming my soul. I lose the track of time once again when I embrace her warmth.
The ringtone of my phone brings us back to the present. I fumble with the device before swiping my finger to accept Liam's call “I... I am right outside the club, Liam.”
“We are outside the club too but we can’t find either you or Lady Hana.”
I slap my forehead and Hana widens her eyes and covers her mouth to hide her laugh “I mean I am on the other side. I will be there in a minute.”
“Do you know where Hana is?” Liam has a concern in his voice.
“She is with me.” I blurt out.
I hear Liam clearing his throat. “Oh, okay. We will wait.”
I hang up and find Hana staring at me with a smile playing on her lips. I roll my eyes and say, “Oh please! Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” she chuckles.
I avoid her gaze. “Let’s go. They are waiting for us.”
We walk to the parking to find the rest of the gang. I can feel their prying eyes and I rub the back of my neck nervously.
Max lets out a snort and Liam starts laughing. Riley grabs Liam’s arm and doubles up.
“What is it?” I look at each one of them totally confused only to find that Hana has also joined them, laughing.
Riley steps ahead and pinches my cheeks. “Marshmallow!”
“Who?” I am still looking at them puzzled.
“Look at your face Walker, red as a beetroot!”
I cover my face with my hands. “We need to head back kids.” Bastein’s serious tone stops all the chortling. A quick bye-bye, and they all bee line to the SUV. I quietly step towards the truck, my eyes fixed down as I try to ignore Bastein's knowing looks.
I get into the truck and let out a sigh of relief. I hide my face in my hands thinking of what just happened. I gleefully turn my keys but my action is cut short by a phone call.
A phone call that I was not expecting or maybe I was expecting but I forgot about it. I find my fingers shaking a bit as I receive the call.
“Hello?” says the sharp voice.
“Happy birthday…”
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waywardbeanie · 4 years
A Man of Letters - Chapter Ten
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader Summary: It started as a simple hunt for Sam and Dean Winchester. Dean didn’t realize that this single case would change his life forever. Now they are on the biggest mission of their lives, and without the use of cellphones, the only way he can communicate with the love of his life is through old fashioned letter writing. He has done everything in his power to keep her safe, but will it be enough? Word Count: 7212 (ish)
Series Warnings: Language, slow burn, angst, smut, alcohol consumption, fluff, SPN typical violence (individual chapters will contain relevant warnings) a little meta Chapter Warning: IT’S CHRISTMAS, humor (Is that really a warning?) and a little bit of sweet.(Always), angst, spicy (smut), unprotected (ish) sex
A/N:  Thank you to everyone who has read this series so far, I have loved writing it and watching the characters grow. I appreciate EVERY ONE OF YOU who are taking this journey with me. We are a little less than half way there so BUCKLE UP!
Thank you to my beta @winchest09 and my mind melder, idea bouncer and my cheerleader @whatareyousearchingfordean​ I would be lost without you both!
Thank you to @talesmaniac89​ she is the gif MASTER!
MASTERLIST A Man of Letters
If you’d like to be tagged, my list is open. Just send me an ask HERE: **Make sure you check out the playlist, it is updated every chapter and an essential part of the story**
Spotify Playlist : A Man of Letters
Catch up here >>>>>>> A Man of Letters Masterlist
This series is ongoing!
No Gif’s are mine
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                                      Y/F/N “Santa’s Little Helper” Y/L/N
                                                 127 Washington St
                                                 Lincoln, NE   68506
 I will tell you it took me a few minutes to read your letter because I just wanted to look at the pictures that you sent. You're right, one of us in bed being lazy is my new favorite. The way you smile in that picture is exactly how you smile at me when you wake up in the morning. I love it on the one hand, but it's sad too. If I close my eyes and it's quiet, I can almost imagine myself back there. I love the one at the bonfire. That hangover was awful, it's a great picture, and we look like we are having fun. How do you think I would forget the beach picture with my favorite bathing suit? I can tell you that you went to the edge of the water to wash your feet and legs off. I called your name, you looked at me over your shoulder and blew me a kiss, right before you laughed and I took the picture. 
Thank you for sending them, just like with all the photos you take they tell a story, I'm just lucky enough to be in your story. That first Thanksgiving together was awesome, we had so many people we care about there. Sam and I had a real Thanksgiving meal that wasn't from a gas station or TV dinner. Of course, thinking of that makes me think about Christmas. You went out of your way to make it memorable. I had never had a real tree that I remember, but cutting down my own? I didn't realize what I was missing. Christmas morning was still the best. I still can't figure out how you and Sam were able to pull it off.
We have gone on three raids since your last letter and have come up with a lot of nothing. They knew we were coming, that is the only thing I can think of. Sam and I talked about it, we have an idea that maybe someone around here is running their mouth, so we are locking shit down. Unless we need to go for supplies, everyone stays here; if they go out, it's in pairs now. We did find a couple of ledgers that were left behind. Charlie is putting them all into a computer and will try to make sense of them or decide if they were left there to throw us off the trail. We are still training; sometimes, I get so angry; it's what gets me through. 
I sat down with Sam the other day and finally told him my plan. I was going to wait until this job was over, but I honestly thought this job would have already been over. He blew my mind when he told me he was surprised I hadn't done it already. He said he knew by that first Christmas that it was just a matter of time, that I would leave this life behind within five years. He knew I couldn't walk away until we wrapped things up as neatly as possible, which, as you know, is why I'm on this job. I no longer feel like I'm walking away from my brother, but that I'm walking towards something, I'm just fucking ready. 
Before I sign off, I want to tell you how proud I am that you were chosen again as the official photographer! You are so good; there is no one else they could have picked! I hope I have better news next time, but unless something breaks soon, I won't be back  in time to help with the parade this year, but I know you will be great! Watch your back until I can.
I Love You,
2 ½ years ago
Tink: Sam, I need your help with something.
Sam: Are you okay?
Tink: Yes, I'm fine; it's about a present for Dean. Can you talk?
Sam: He is sitting right next to me.
Tink: Can you get up?
Sam: We are in the car
Tink: You didn't tell him it was me texting you, did you? I want it to be a surprise. 
Sam: No, but he is starting to give me weird looks.
Tink: Can you see the face I'm giving you right now, Sam? This is a SECRET
Sam: okay well stop saying shit that makes me laugh because he just asked me who I was texting like a schoolgirl
Tink: Ugh!. Can you call me when you guys get to the motel, but it should be before or after Dean calls. Please. Shhh a SECRET
Sam: I'll call before because you guys are on the phone half the night, and I'm not staying up that late.
Tink: I'm STILL giving you the face Sam
Sam: Okay, I'll call. I got to go. Dean just rolled down the window and is giving me a look. I'm not going to lose another one of my phones so ttyl.
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Standing side by side, arms crossing their chest in matching poses, they studied the tree that they put in the stand in the front living room window.
Y/N pressed her lips together in a line,  "I think it needs to go on the back porch; it's too big."
"What!" Dean cried, "It's perfect. I just might need to trim it a little."
She shook her head, disagreeing with him, "It's wider than I am tall at the bottom and-" she gestured to the ceiling laughing, "-it's all scrunched up at the top, like by a foot. We would have to put a dangly star ornament as a tree topper. The tree is actually bent over."
"Okay," he chuckled, "It might be a little bigger in this room than I thought it would be."
"Dean," she pointed to the tree, "there is actually a picture window behind that tree, but you can't tell because it's so…" she gestured her hands around.
"Fluffy?" Dean suggested.
Y/N giggled, "first of all, hearing you say the word fluffy, makes me laugh. Second, if we light a fire in the fireplace, that tree will go up in smoke."
"You know, Babe," Dean said, bumping her hip, wiggling his eyebrows, "fluffy could be our safe word."
"Really?" she questioned, rolling her eyes with a smile, "since when do we need a safe word? I don't need one. Do you need one?"
He pulled her into his arms, brushed her hair away from her face as he dragged his teeth along her jaw; he continued to kiss down her neck, his scruff marking her neck. 
"Codeword," was her breathless response.
"Huh?" he pulled away looking at her.
With a smirk, she focused on his face. "Fluffy should be the code word to why we can't ever get anything done when you are here."
"That sounds like you're complaining."
"Uh...no that is not complaining, it is an observation." She flashed him her brightest smile as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. "Complaining would be bitching that I could sit in the kitchen; and hang ornaments on the tree." Dean took that moment to look at her, to appreciate the woman in his life. She made his heart sing whenever she was near. Not wanting to waste another second, he hauled her body to his, crushing his mouth to hers, swallowing the gasp of shock; taking the opportunity of her open mouth to deepen the kiss. His tongue dancing with hers, he moved his hand up, pulling off her knit hat and entangling his fingers into the hair at the base of her skull, pulling her closer as a moan rumbled through his chest. With her hands fisted in his jacket, they broke away, catching their breath. Her lips quirked up in a smile as she looked up at him.
"See?" she pointed out, "you distract me with all of your flannel lumberjackness." 
He chucked, "Well, I did just chop down our first Christmas tree, even if we had to wait for Christmas Eve to do it."
"Hmm," she hummed, eyeing the tree out of the corner of her eye. "Do you need help with whatever we are doing with it?"
"Nah," he said, pulling his gloves out of his back pocket, "Sammy will be here soon, he can help me with it. I'm just going to drag it back outside".
"Hold on," she said, pulling her phone out of her back pocket, "let's take a picture in front of the tree first." They stood in front of the tree, as she snapped the selfie as they both wore matching cheesy grins.
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Sam got to Y/N's bungalow just as Dean finished bringing the tree out the front door. They worked together to cut it down, shaking all the snow off before bringing it back into the house. Y/N was in the kitchen, pulling out the cornbread she made to serve with the chili that had been cooking all day in the crockpot. After they ate, Dean helped her get the ornaments out of the attic. She had already decorated the rest of the house weeks earlier but wanted to wait for him to get the tree. After dinner, Y/N turned on the Christmas music as she made hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps; she brought it into the living room, standing back to watch Sam and Dean pass the lights back and forth, wrapping the tree with them.
"Hey Babe," Dean looked back at her, motioning to the tree, "what do you think? Pretty great, huh?"
"It's beautiful," she smiled. "I made some hot chocolate," she gestured, holding up the Santa Claus mugs, "to drink while we hang ornaments." They both looked at her with matching scrunched noses and raised eyebrows. 
Rolling her eyes, she held out the mugs, "Try it, before you start making those faces at me. "Have I ever made you anything you didn't like?”
"Butter beans," Dean mumbled. 
Y/N exhaled a long breath. "Does it look like I'm trying to give you a mug of butter beans? Whatever-" she set the mugs on the coffee table, "you guys are missing out." With that, she wrapped her hands around her cup and took a long drink. 
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"Y/N, don't be mad," Sam said, picking up the mug. "I'm sure it's good hot chocolate." Taking a sip, his eyes grew large. "Damn, Y/N, these taste like Girl Scout cookies."
"What?" Dean questioned, picking up his mug, "I love Girl Scout cookies."
"No kidding." Y/N deadpanned.
Taking a swig, he licked his lips, "It tastes like the Thin Mints."
"You don't say," she said looking over the rim of her mug as she took another drink.
"Well, you didn't say you made hot chocolate that tastes like cookies."
"Anyway," she set her mug down, "I got you both something, I want you to open before we hang up ornaments.” She walked over to the fireplace decorated with pine garland, multiple sized white candles scattered over the entire mantle. Tucked in the corner, were two small gifts wrapped in white tissue paper. She handed Dean the one with the red ribbon and Sam the one with the green ribbon. 
"Wait," Dean said, turning the small package in his hand, "Are we doing presents now?"
Y/N shook her head, "This is just a small thing I made for you guys, go on, open them."
She bit her lip as she watched them pull the ribbon and tear open the paper. Inside they each found an "S" and a "D," respectively made of thin wood with a ribbon attached at the top. On each was multiple pictures of themselves decoupaged on the letter.
"I forget how many pictures you take," Sam said, holding it up by the strip of cloth as he studied it, "it's an ornament, right?"
"It is," she smiled. "I wanted you each to have your very own ornament to hang on the tree too."
As Dean stared at the ornament, studying the pictures, he mumbled almost to himself, "I can't remember ever having my own ornament before."
Before she knew it, they had both engulfed her in a hug, squeezing her. "I. Can't. Breathe," came her muffled plea. 
Sam stepped back, his hand rubbing her upper arm. "Thank you, Tink, this means so much."
Dean took the opportunity to pull her against his chest, his lips brushing the shell of her ear squeezing her just a little tighter "Babe, you have no idea how special this is.”
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They turned the Christmas music up as they hung ornaments on the tree with a couple for refills of the spiked hot chocolate and the cookies she had made earlier. After they finished, Dean built a fire in the fireplace as Y/N put all of the presents under the tree. They sat around the living room, the only illumination from the tree and the fire. Dean settled in his "spot" on the couch, draping his arm over the back, Y/N lying next to him, with her toes tucked under his thigh. At this point, it was a habit; it's how they always sat there together. 
Sam sat across from them on one of the comfy chairs. She shared stories of when she was a kid at Christmas, and Sam and Dean shared some stories of how they spent their holidays. She made them tell her a couple of stories twice. Her favorite was of them bursting into this Rent-a-Santa trailer because they thought he was murdering someone, but he was just smoking pot, getting drunk, and watching porn, so they sang Silent Night to get out of it. 
Standing up, Sam stretched his arms over his head, yawning. "I'm going head to bed."
"Night Sammy," they said in unison.
Raising his eyebrows, he shook his head at them with a huff of laughter, "Yeah, see you two in the morning." 
He made this way to the second bedroom of Y/N's bungalow. It was her office, but she had also made it into a guest room for him. He quietly closed the door, pulled off his clothes, folded them, and placed them on the chair. He pulled on his flannel sleep pants and a clean t-shirt. He slipped into the crisp sheets of his bed; he laced his fingers behind his head and settled into his pillow with a smile. He could hear the hum of voices from the living room as he let his mind wander. 
Sam could see the changes in Dean since he met Y/N, especially when he was here. Dean was very tight-lipped about her unless it was just the two of them, but he could tell Dean was trying to put things in order. He knew he wasn't going to leave things unfinished. Now that Gabriel is back, it was just a matter of time before they could open the rift again to get Mom and Jack. After they were home safe, he knew Dean was going to walk away from hunting; his priorities had changed. It wasn't that Dean didn't want or think people needed saving; he was just tired. 
Dean talked more to Sam about how he felt since Y/N came into their lives than all of the years before. There were little snippets here and there, but Sam paid attention. It was the little things that he said and, maybe louder, were the things he didn't. Sam knew Dean had sacrificed so much, had saved him so many times, hell, they both had, but this time he knew it was going to be for good. Once Dean walked away, he would never come back. That didn't make him angry, it scared him, if Dean wasn't there he had some big shoes to fill, Sam wasn't sure that he was good or strong enough to do what Dean has done for all of these years, but Sam was willing to try because after everything his brother had done for him, this was the thing he could do for Dean. Closing his eyes with a smile, he listened to the murmur of their voices and the soft sound of Christmas music as he fell asleep.
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Standing up, Dean reached his hand out to Y/N, slipping her hand in his, he pulled her from the couch.
"Come on, Babe," he smiled as he led her in front of the fireplace, the twinkling lights from the tree bouncing around the room.
Dean pulled her to him, took her right hand in his and rested his hand at the small of Y/N's back. "Dancing with you, this is one of your favorite Christmas songs."
She tilted her head to listen, hearing Michael Bublé singing, "I'll Be Home For Christmas."
As he rubbed his thumb across the top of her hand, she smiled up at him as they moved around the living room.
"Dean, you hate dancing."
"But, you don't," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her lips, "besides, I don't hate dancing. How could I hate something that means I can have you right here in my arms."
It was in that moment that Y/N’s heart swelled, an overwhelming feeling of admiration and love for the man holding her flooded her soul. She pulled back slightly, capturing the look of his green eyes twinkling in the firelight. “I lo-” she began, her mouth snapping shut as her lips closed, heat creeping up her face as he raised his eyebrow. Her mouth hung agape for a second, as she tried to find the words to cover up her stumble. “I-I love this song, this time of year,” she stammered, lowering her eyes to fixate on the collar of his shirt. She reached up to start fixing it, “so, so much,” she finished in a mumble.
Dean slowed the dancing, his eyes not once moving from her face as she fumbled with the clothes he was wearing. He knew he needed to do something, they had been dancing around the ‘L’ word for months but this is the closest one of them had come to saying it. The silence in the air was palpable and Dean swallowed hard. Before he could even begin to take an action, Y/N cleared her throat. 
“Anyway, I think that’s the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard come out for your mouth,” she chuckled, her nerves engulfing her as she rested her forehead against his chest. 
He shrugged his shoulders, "Eh, I've had better lines, and worse," he chuckled, deciding to let the near slip up slide. 
"Come on Babe, you know it's not like that anymore, I flirt if I need information, but that's it."
She lifted her head to look at him, "I'm not worried, Dean. We talk pretty much every night, and you come here every chance you can, even when you are all banged up after a job. I mean, I never thought I would learn how to stitch a person up." Rubbing her hand up and down his back she smiled. "The women don't concern me, they can't help themselves. I mean, look how they act around here, and I'm with you.”
"They are just trying to be helpful."
"Hmm," she hummed. "Yeah, they want to help you do something."
"It doesn't matter; I usually don't notice until you start laughing." He smirked
"Exactly! That's what makes it so funny. They are falling all over you, and you don't even notice. Then I start laughing because it is so obvious and that's when you start looking around. That's one of the reasons I know I have nothing to worry about. Women aren't my concern; it's your job." She ran the back of her fingers along his scruffy jaw, looking into his deep green eyes. "I can't imagine anyone is as good as you are; it just scares me sometimes. I know you went to Hell and the Mark of Cain, what if something happens like that again?"
He stopped swaying to the music as he captured her hand and held it against his face. "Y/N, I would be lying if I didn't say what we do isn't dangerous, I'm not going to blow smoke, but it isn't like it used to be, I know I have Sam, but now I also have you. I know what is important." 
"Dean, what if you don't have a choice?"
"There is always a choice, Babe. Team Free Will and all, I'll be fine." 
"Just come back to me, please don't make Sam have to make that phone call."
Leaning down, he kissed her tenderly. "Always Babe. I will always come back to you."
"You better," she sniffed.
"Hey," he chuckled "No, crying, it's Christmas."
"I'm not crying," she smiled through her tears, "I have allergies."
He wiped her tears with his fingers, then wiped them on his jeans. "You know we have danced to like three songs by now."
"Well, I guess that will at least get you to New Year's Eve" she laughed
They blew out the candles and tapped down the fire, leaving the tree lights on and headed to bed. Dean stripped down to his boxers, and Y/N changed into a t-shirt with her boy shorts. Crawling under the covers, Dean turned off the bedside lamp and pulled her into his side, her head resting against his chest and listened to his heart's steady beat. 
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Dean blinked open his eyes as he found himself lying on his side, Y/N's back pressed against his chest, his arm draped around her waist. He breathed deep, his nose ghosting her exposed neck. Then she did it again, she began to push against him, and grind into him in her sleep, a soft moan escaping her lips as she felt his erection pressing against her, inflaming his need. He pulled her body tighter against him as he rubbed his hardness against her, eliciting another moan from Y/N. She woke up and turned her head to him with a sleepy smile before he captured her lips with a deep kiss. Rolling her on her back, he began to kiss down her neck, his shirt that she had claimed from him months ago in his way. Sitting back on his heels between her legs, he grabbed the hem of the t-shirt and unceremoniously yanked it off and threw it on the floor. She had gotten him so worked up that he was on a mission. Running his hands up her thigh, he settled his fingers in the crease of her legs, his thumbs brushing against the material of her boy shorts. A gasp escaped her lips as his thumbs continued to rub her through the cloth.
"It looks like I wasn't the only one getting worked up this morning," he grinned. Y/N tried to move closer, but he held her in place. He leaned down, ran his tongue alongside the band of her underwear, pulling a whimper from her as her hips involuntarily bucked.
"Dean," she whined, "stop teasing and get moving, I'm about to lose my damn mind here.”
 He pulled off her underwear in one swift move. As his eyes focused on her hip,  he stopped moving; an eerie growl rumbling through his chest. Mesmerized, his fingertips reached out, tracing the ink there. The tattoo is the size of his fist and is an anti possession matching the one on his chest; his eyes snapped to hers as he sees a vulnerability in her as she watches him, the need to protect her exploding inside of him.
"When did you do this?" he rasps. 
"Sam helped me two weeks ago," she whispered, now not so sure by the look on his face that she had done the right thing.
"Why?" he croaked.
"Because you were worried about me, and-" she stuttered, "-and I thought if I did this, you wouldn't be as stressed out." 
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His heart beat hard in his chest as his vision danced between her new ink and her eyes. Y/E/C orbs that  were clearly showing Dean her raw feelings for him. It was then that he questioned why it took him so long to tell her how he felt, always running away from others who tried to share their heart with him. Yet maybe it was because Dean was always running to her, even before he  even knew she existed. As he ran his thumb over her hip, he knew he needed to tell her; he had to, his chest ached at the thought he had kept those words to himself for so long. A slow, peaceful grin spread across his face he laid down next to her, pulling her into his arms. She slowly brushed her finger over the tattoo on his chest.
"Dean?" she questions with an anxious tone, her heart sinking, afraid that she had gotten it all wrong.
He swallows a lump in his throat as the words his heart demands that he speak, wage war within him. What if in telling Y/N, the forces outside his control tear her away from him? But, if he doesn't tell her soon, will she walk away with the belief that none of this was real?
He brushes her hair away from her face as he cups her cheek, lifting her head to meet his gaze. Her eyes are glassy as she blinks back at him; she feels lost. Usually, she is strong and fierce, but she feels on the verge of despair right now. Smiling softly, he tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. 
"I want you to be safe; I need you to be, you to know you can always count on me.”
"You can count on me too, Dean, always."
He nodded his head, his smile never wavering, pressing a kiss to her forehead before he pulled back.
"I love you, Y/N.” His words whispered against her skin, “I've loved you for so long that it's hard for me to remember when I didn't. You have changed my life in ways I didn't think were possible." He pulled in a shaky breath, feeling the weight lifting off his shoulders as he found the courage to tell her. "I want you to know that I am all in Babe, I want it all with you."
A sound between a sob and a laugh escapes her lips, tears roll down her face, but the smile she gives him is like the brightest sun in a clear blue sky. He looked down to notice  the pure joy radiating from her.
Bringing her hand to his cheek, she tries to speak, her throat clogged with emotion. "I love you too, Dean. Oh my God-" she laughs, “you have no idea” 
He rested his forehead against hers, voice cracking, "I love you so fucking much, Babe."
He pressed his lips softly to Y/N's before deepening the kiss. He urged her back onto the mattress, holding his weight above her on his elbows just as a loud banging sounded on the wooden bedroom door, shaking it in its frame. Breaking the kiss, he looks towards the door, "Sam; I swear to God-"
"-get your asses up," Sam calls through the door. "It's Christmas, and we have presents to open."
"Sam!" he barks, "Not now."
He can hear Sam's laughter through the door while Y/N is chuckling underneath him.
Turning back to her, a quirk to his lips, he whispered huskily, "We were having a moment here."
"He has radar remember," she giggles a little louder.
The pounding on the door begins again, "Let's go!"
“We will be out in a minute!" Dean snaps.
"I don't believe you," Sam continues to bang on the door with his fist. Consistent, not stopping.
Dean moves off the bed jerking his jeans up off the floor, tugging them on as Y/N scrambles to pull on her shorts and t-shirt. Storming over to the door, Dean grabs the doorknob and whips the door open.
"Dude," he snarls.
"Morning," Sam smiles, taking a drink of his mug of coffee, "you guys up?"
Dean looks incredulously at his brother, "You're kidding me right now?"
A burst of laughter comes from behind him as Y/N tries to squeeze her way through the doorway, pausing to plant a kiss between Dean's shoulder blades. "Come on, let's get some coffee and I'll put the cinnamon rolls in the oven," she says, speaking against his naked back. 
"Oh, good," Sam chuckles, stepping back, "I'm starving."
Walking back in the room, Dean grabs his shirt pulling it over his head, mumbling, "I hope you choke on them, Sammy, I hope you choke."
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Standing around the island, they each had their second mug of coffee in their hand, the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls drifting through the kitchen.
"Hmm," Y/N hummed, "You know what sounds good with cinnamon rolls."
"Bacon," Dean announced.
"Exactly," she smiled, setting down her coffee, making her way to the door, "I think I have some in the garage freezer. Let me go check."
Sam shook his head at Dean, "Dude; I think you broke Tink."
"I think you broke her. When we first met her, she made egg white omelets with spinach and mushrooms and now-" Sam gestured to the garage, "-she is making bacon and cinnamon rolls."
Making his way to the coffee machine, he points his mug at Sam. "First, I'd like to think that I helped her, but honestly, I think she still eats that crap when I'm not here."
"Oh, you mean healthy."
"Whatever," he visibly shivered.
"Maybe she will bring you over to the light side yet."
"Sammy, vegetables are the work of the devil, I'm not doing it."
Sipping his coffee, he smiled, "We'll see."
Glancing at the garage door, he looked back, catching Sam's eye. "Hey, I owe you one, man."
"What are you talking about?"
"Y/N, you helped her, you know with the-" he motioned to his hip, "anti-possession tat."
"You know, it was her idea," he shrugged. "She was a champ too, she barely flinched."
"Yeah," Dean smiled, "my girl is a lot tougher than she looks."
"Tink has to be," his brother smirked, "to put up with your shit."
"Really, Sam?"
"I'm just saying." He gestured to Dean
"Well, Sammy, that door swings both ways," he smirked, "speaking as someone who has been stuck in the car with you."
Sam opened his mouth to reply when Y/N burst through the door, waving a large package of bacon in her hand, the garage's frozen air following her.
"Found it," she announced, "and it's fucking cold out there."
Peering out the sliding glass door Dean took in the expanse of snow-covered tundra, "Damn, I think it snowed a foot last night."
"Just in time for Christmas," she smiled.
She put the bacon on a cookie sheet and slid it into the oven. Dean made her a fresh coffee, and she set the timer as they made their way to the living room to gather around the tree. Dean announced that he was going to be "Santa Claus" and hand out all the presents. The three of them sat on the floor as he began to hand them out. Y/N's heart felt very full as she watched the two brothers' faces light up with sheer delight. The anticipation of having a real Christmas with all of the festivities, to include presents under the tree that didn't come from the corner gas station. 
Sam was the first to open his gift from Y/N; wrapped in a Christmas paper of Santa and Rudolph taking selfies. Pulling the paper and red ribbon off, it revealed a laptop zipper sleeve printed with a multitude of pictures, flipping it over in his hand; there were pictures of him, Dean, Bobby, Cas, Jack, Mary, Jody, Donna, Claire, Alex, Patience, and Garth. 
"This is amazing, where did you get all of these pictures?" he asked in awe.
Y/N grinned, "Jody helped me with the pictures, then I put them all together and printed on the laptop cover." 
Pointing to the gift in Dean's lap she said, "open yours next." He pulled the green ribbon on the paper covered with muscle cars decorated with Christmas lights. He ripped the covering, and flipped open the box. Lifting the tissue paper he stared at the object inside.
"Babe," he choked, emotions clogging his throat. 
"What did you get?" Sam questioned as he attempted to peer over the box lid
"Do you like it?" she whispered.
He leaned over, sweetly kissed her, and sat back, he pulled the picture frame out of the tissue paper, turning to show it to his brother. It was the picture of Dean and Mary, she was standing behind him, with her arm around him. The photograph had been restored and framed in a black frame. Instead of putting it back in the box to take back to the bunker, he stood up and walked to the long entertainment stand where Y/N had lots of pictures of her and Dean displayed; he moved some other frames around placing the one of he and Mary among them. Y/N blinked back tears because she knew that if he set the frame up here, he must consider being here his home. Walking back to his seat on the floor, he pointed to one of the presents in Y/N's lap. 
"Babe, open the one from me next." 
She picked up the small one wrapped in brown kraft paper with a smiley face with a Santa hat drawn on it. She started to pick the tape, careful not to rip the paper.
"Y/N, just rip it open," Dean groaned
Squinting her eyes with a sly smile, she said, "I'm trying to save the paper."
"Well, just hurry up," he grumbled as Sam laughed at his impatience.
She pulled out the small box and opened the lid to reveal a plain black leather necklace with a silver clasp. Dean watched her closely as she pulled the jewelry out of the box; she saw a delicate metallic charm. Cupping it in her palm, she stared at it, the tears that she had blinked away moments ago quietly ran down her cheeks. It was a gorgeous pendant with her and Dean's initials intertwined.
"This is so beautiful, did you make this?" she breathed.
"I did," he announced proudly.
She stood up, holding the necklace out to him, "can you put it on me?"
He took the necklace from her as she turned around, lifting her hair. He placed the jewelry around her neck and clasped it; Dean kissing the skin where the clasp had settled. 
Turning around she wrapped her arms around him, “I love you,” she whispered against his lips. 
Dean groaned as he crushed her against him, capturing her lips with his, instantly deepening the kiss as she clung to him.
As Sam cleared his throat, Dean pressed her closer with one hand as he held a finger out to his brother, telling him to wait a minute. As they broke apart a little breathless, Dean cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing over her bottom lip, he looked into her eyes as she stared into his deepening green ones. 
"I love you, Babe." 
A crash came from the kitchen as they stepped away from each other. 
"Oops...Sorry!" Sam called, "the timer went off, and I was getting the bacon and cinnamon rolls, while you two were," he waved towards them, "you know."
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Y/N's face began to heat as she remembered that Sam was in the room, and she was so into the kiss she didn't even hear the timer. She quickly gathered the paper plates with poinsettias and started to serve the food. She handed Dean’s to him first, and he made his way back out into the living room. As she gave Sam his he held her hand so that she would look at him.
"Tink," he murmured, catching her eye. As she looked up at him, he smiled, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to my brother. You have shown him there is more to life than what he has ever had and you truly love him despite all of the shit in our lives, thank you."
The smile radiating from her face confirmed to Sam one of the many reasons his brother loved this girl so much.
"Come on!" Dean yelled from the other room, his mouth full of food. "Let's open the rest of these presents!"
Making their way back in, they began opening the rest. Sam got Y/N a new leather portfolio to display her photographs for presentations and when she opened it up, on the inside left corner was a little embroidered Tinkerbell with her magic wand. Two of the remaining presents were identical packages wrapped in Elvis wrapping paper for the brothers. Dean opened his gift to find a Led Zeppelin box set. Sam began to open his to find a Celine Dion box set.
"I don't understand," Sam shook his head brows knitted, "I don't even like-"
"-lies!" Dean cackled, Y/N's laughter joining his. 
"Fine," Sam's lips quirked. "Can we please keep it between the three of us now since Dean doesn't know how to keep a secret."
Y/N put her hand up, still giggling. "I swear if anyone asks me, I will say your favorite singer is Elvis."
"You two suck," he grimaced. "I mean I love it, but you still suck, you have the weirdest sense of humor."
His announcement was met with thundering laughter.
The rest of the day was followed by watching Christmas movies and eating a ham dinner with all the delicious sides. Y/N packed everything in containers to go after that had eaten because she knew that they were leaving early the next morning.  Sam went to bed first with the excuse that he knew they had a long day tomorrow. 
Dean sat on the corner of the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist lost in the thoughts of their next steps to open the rift to get out Mary and Jack.
Y/N walked in, closing the door behind her. The towel was gripped to her chest as damp hair cascaded down her back. She regarded him as he was staring at the floor, elbows resting on his knees. His hair was almost dry from the shower as she watched the muscles roll in his back. Tilting his head up to look at her she could see the sadness he had hidden from her all day in his eyes. Moving over to him, he sat up and pulled her between his knees. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head against her chest, taking comfort in her heart's steady beat. Drawing him closer, she ran her fingers through his hair in an effort to ease his burden.
Y/N broke the silence with a whisper, "Do you want to talk about it?"
Nuzzling into her, he shook his head slightly, "We have talked too much about it, tomorrow is when we put it all into action. I just want to enjoy tonight with you."
"Whatever you need, Dean."
He lifted his head, looking up at her, he had a way of seeing right into her soul with just a look that always took her breath away. 
"I need you," he rasped.
She bent to brush her lips to his; Dean swiftly took the lead. Hooking his finger at the edge of her towel, it dropped to the floor as he deepened the kiss. Dean flipped his towel open scooting back further on the bed, pulling Y/N with him, she straddled his hips. He pulled back, his eyes meeting hers in a silent question. She nodded her head once before he drove up into her, their moans muffled by their open mouth kisses. Her forearms rested on his shoulders as her hands fisted in his hair. Dean's hands were gripping her hips, one palm covering her new tattoo, fingertips digging in as they moved together at a reckless pace. 
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It wasn't about making love or marathon sessions; this was about dampening the fire in both of them. They were both worried about what tomorrow was going to bring, and this was the way they would connect without words. Quiet, fast, and hot is what was required. Dean could feel the tightening in his spine and knew he was close, but he knew Y/N needed a little more, sliding his hand between them he used his thumb to brush against the bundle of nerves and with a gasp she threw her head back. His lips moved along her neck, marking her at the spot between her neck and collarbone. 
She whined his name, letting him know she was close, he sucked a little harder on her throat as he used a bit more pressure with his thumb. She broke apart in his arms as he felt her flutter around him, he drove into her a few more times before he found his release. Still buried inside Y/N, he held her trembling body, his head resting against her shoulder as they caught their breath. 
"I didn't realize how much I needed that," she huffed, shakily.
"Yeah," Dean agreed, "I guess I didn't either." He helped her stand up before they both moved to each side of the bed and crawled between the sheets. Y/N lay on her back with closed eyes as Dean lay next to her, his head propped on his elbow looking down at the woman he loved. The necklace he made her settled against her skin, slightly past her collarbones. With his finger, he lightly traced the intertwined initials. Y/N didn't open her eyes, but a soft smile played on her lips. She sighed his name in her blissful state. Leaning down, he gave her a sweet kiss. 
"Thank you for everything today."
Cracking one eye open, she whispered, "This was the best Christmas I have ever had, we will be telling these stories forever."
"You're right," he agreed, as he laid his head on the pillow and pulled her against him as they fell into a peaceful sleep.
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Dean crawled out of bed, careful not to wake Y/N. It was still dark out, and he and Sam had to get on the road. He got dressed without the benefit of a light. Walking over to Y/N, curled up under the covers, he stood and watched her for a moment, emotions swirling through him. He brushed her hair back from her face. 
He bent and kissed her on the temple as he murmured, "I love you, Babe, always."
He made his way out to Baby, where Sam was waiting, throwing his bag in the back seat. He slid into the driver's side, placing his hands on the steering wheel, his mouth set in a firm line. Sam started to speak, but Dean shook his head.
"Sammy," he grumbled, "just give me until we get out of town, and then we can talk about whatever you want," he glanced at him and added, "within reason."
He cranked the ignition and slowly started to back out of the driveway. He stopped at the end and looked at the little bungalow. The Christmas lights that he had helped Y/N hang up after Thanksgiving twinkled in the dark, bouncing off the snow. He could see the sparkle of the tree through the front window. He pressed that picture in his memory; Dean didn't know when he would be back this time. This house and the memory of his girl looking at him pure love were the two things he would keep close to get him through until he could return. He pulled out onto the street and headed out of town to meet with Rowena and Gabriel. The only noise in the car was Baby's powerful engine growling through the early morning light.
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Chapter 11
Tags: @winchest09 @katehuntington @whatareyousearchingfordean @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva1@superfanficnatural @deanwanddamons @janicho88 @talesmaniac89 @anathewierdo @compresshischest09 @supernatural-bellawinchester @jensengirl83 @this-is-what-im-reduced-to @ellewritesfix05 @moron225 @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @unicornqu33n17 @swinchester27 @deans-baby-momma @squirrelnotsam @clumsy-nerd104 @sarahbaker2010 @supernatural-love14 @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @angelhearts1012 @nothinbuttrouble2​ @cookiechipdough​ @lady-pswrld​ @peachyafshawn​ @notan-applepielife​ @linki-locks11​ @atc74​ @divadinag​ @dvnmbabe​ @michellethetvaddict​ @stoneyggirl​ 
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Rockabye Royalty (One-Shot)
"I dont care! Just get out of my house! I'm not taking care of a stupid baby!" Virgil's head rang with the sound of his boyfriend's yells. He hadnt meant for this to happen. He'd been on the pill, there was hardly a time when he wasn't. Erin had promised to keep him safe, he'd promised that nothing was going to break them apart. Yet here he was with fury in his eyes, holding a stick with two lines on it.
"Erin you promised! You said you werent going to leave!" Tears were pouring from Virgil's eyes, his chest was tight, he could barely see straight.
"I never promised anything for a baby!." And then Virgil was on the sidewalk, leaning against the building with his head in his hands. He couldn't go back inside to get his things, that was for sure.
"I'm so sorry. . ." He whispered, holding a hand to his stomach. They were supposed to be a family, they were supposed to be happy together. He was only twenty, he couldnt take care of a baby.
Virgil waited for himself to calm down, staring up at the sky in the hopes that no one would look at him.
When he finally calmed down he made his way to the nearest hotel he could find, he supposed it was lucky he'd always remembered his friend's advice of keeping the large bills in bras, Erin had always hated looking at those. Virgil pulled out a few before walking inside, covering up with his hoodie so it didnt look strange.
"How many nights can this cover?" Virgil said to the woman at the desk, placing a few twenties on the counter. He bit his lip, not really expecting an answer.
The woman looked him up and down, a sympathetic look in her pale green eyes.
"Stay as long as you need sweetheart, I'll cover it for you," Virgil let out a sigh of relief, he felt like he was about to start crying.
"Thank you thank you thank you-" he stopped himself from adding anymore thank yous at the last minute.
"Do you need anything special in particular?" Asked the woman, Virgil scanned for her name tag, Mrs. Evans.
"I uh-" he paused, shuffling his feet. He wasnt sure this would count as special arrangements or get him turned away. Subconsciously he pulled his hoodie further over his stomach.
Mrs. Evans' eyes widened, a look of realization dawning on her face. She ducked under the counter and thrust a key into his hands.
"Here you go, room 13, and dont you worry about meals or anything, it's all free," she pushed a few magazines toward him, a quick scan of the covers showed him a few job opportunities. Virgil merely nodded, scooping up the magazines and rushing off to the room, he heard Mrs. Evan's making a call in the distance, she sounded worried, he felt a twinge of guilt in his chest.
The room was larger than he'd expected for only having one bed. There was a tv, multiple appliances, including a coffee machine, and of course, a bathroom. Virgil sat down in the couch at the corner of the room, opening the blinds slightly before holding his hands to his face.
"Oh gods what am I going to do for clothes? I cant go looking for jobs yet! I wouldnt even be able to stay that long!" He didnt really know who he was talking to, there was no one else in the room.
He got an answer to his question a few days later when what seemed to be a trash bag full of clothing showed up on his doorstep. He picked up the card attached to it, but all that was there was the image of a heart bursting into flames, with a crown around its middle. Virgil shrugged and dragged the clothes into the room. It was mostly hoodies and overly large t-shirts, but there were a few outfits in an appropriate size as well. He set to work on hanging them all up, ignoring the pain in his stomach.
The real problem started a few months later. He'd been laying on his bed watching the tv and flipping through a magazine when he felt it, the baby was coming.
He didn't think he'd have time to get to the hospital, but he remembered an offer Mrs. Evan's, or Cassira as he knew her now, had made a few days after he'd gotten there. He buzzed the front desk quickly and in a matter of minutes, there she was.
Virgil didnt remember much else, if he was being honest with himself he'd probably passed out. When he opened his eyes he was laying in the bath tub, a mess of towels and a pair of underwear and sweatpants discarded on the floor. He blinked a few times, and then he heard crying.
"Shhh, shhh, it's ok little one,look, daddy's awake, its ok," Cassira was holding something swaddled in Virgil's hoodie, she passed it over to him and he held the small child in his arms.
"Its a girl," Cassira said, not putting much emphasis on the last word.
"Hi," Virigl said softly, looking at the mini version of himself swaddled in the jacket. She had the same soft face, and the same purple and green heterochromia, though her hair was a more jet black color, like Erin's. She smiled as she looked at Virgil, letting out a laugh somewhat like wind chimes.
"You let me know if you need anything," said Cassira. Virgil nodded and watched her leave.
He sat there for a while, watching the bundle in his arms with a fond smile on his face.
"I think we'll call you, Olivia," Virgil said, holding her close.
It took him a few minutes to finally get out of the tub, clean up, and redress himself, all the while keeping Olivia safe.
About six years had passed, Virgil was working full time at a retail job, the only thing he could get while he was working on a degree in Education. When he wasnt working or studying, all of his time went to Olivia. While they were still living at the hotel, Virgil had finally started earning enough to pay for her clothes and schooling and at least a few toys. He was looking into houses as well, he couldn't live in Room 13 for the rest of his life, even if it was free.
Virgil watched Olivia play with a rubik's cube he'd bought her as he wandered the aisles of the shopping center, uncomfortably aware of the people around him.
"Remus I'm just saying! It's not that bad of an idea!" Virgil stopped the cart just moments before a tall man with dark crimson hair and green eyes walked out in front of it.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Virgil growled.
The man stopped "Remus I'm gonna have to call you back," he said, hanging up the phone.
"Sorry about that," he said.
"And who is this little princess," the man turned his attention to Olivia, who was sticking her tongue out in concentration over the colorful block in her hands.
"'m Olivia," she said quietly, giggling.
"And we were just leaving," Virgil said, anxious to get out of the aisle. Whoever this man was, he didnt want to be near him for to long.
The man opened his mouth to speak, but Virgil was already pushing past him.
But that wasnt the last time he'd meet the man. The two started seeing each other at nearly every store, on the way to the movies, and eventually, at the hotel itself.
"Ok, can you just admit you're stalking me like some freak or are you just going to act all innocent every time we bump into each other," Virgil said, covering Olivia's ears.
"I'm not doing it on purpose!" Said the man, Virgil took a step back.
"Wait- I didnt mean-" the man paused for a second, looking at his hands.
"Look, I'm not intentionally trying to meet up with you, though you seem like a nice guy, my name is Roman Prince-Duke, I run a modeling agency with my brother," Roman said, tapping his fingers together.
"Oh?" Virgil raised an eyebrow slightly.
"I wasnt taking pictures of you! I mean I'd like to- but like as a job! Not in a creepy way!" Virgil's face went red. This seemed to catch Olivia's attention, as she finally stopped fumbling with his hoodie strings to look over at Roman.
"Daddy's gonna marry a prince," she whispered, causing the blush on Virgil's face to grow even further. Roman let out a small chuckle, covering his mouth.
"Ollie that's not how it works sweetie," Virgil said with a laugh.
"So how much would I be paid? What are the requirements?" Virgil asked.
"Fifty dollars per photo, and you get to make the decision on outfits used and pose adjustments," Roman said.
"Alright, I'll bite," Virgil said, if he was honest, he'd do anything to get out of his current job.
It was about a week before he could finally make the shift. He'd decided to bring Olivia with him to the building. It was large and ornate, posters of attractive men and women were smiling down at him. But it was different, the people in the photos were dancing, singing, they were acting like people. Virgil pushed the door open, snatching Olivia out just before she started spinning it in circles.
"Daddy look!" Olivia pointed upwards towards a fountain at the center of the room.
"I see it Ollie," Virgil said, smiling. He walked to the front desk, where a short man with light brown hair and round glasses was typing away at a computer.
Virgil was about to open his mouth before the boy looked up, and noticed Olivia.
"Oh my gosh look at you! Arent you just the cutest thing!" Olivia giggled as the man ruffled her hair.
"You must be Virgil then? Roman's been absolutely raving about you," said the man.
"Did I hear my name Patton?" Roman said as he walked into the room, and then he noticed Virgil.
"Virgil! Lovely!" He clasped his hands together.
"Come with me, Patton can take care of Olivia while we're at our meeting," Roman said. Virgil stood there for a few seconds, looking between Patton and Olivia before finally letting go of her hand. She rushed behind the desk and stood on her tiptoes to stare at the computer.
Roman's office was covered in decorations of mythical creatures and outfit designs. In the center es a desk with two large and comfy looking chairs in front and behind it. Virgil sat down in the one in front, watching as Roman made his way to the opposite one.
"So, first things, you seem to be more into comfort yes? Overly large sweaters, t-shirts, sweatpants, that kind of thing?" Virgil nodded.
"Anything you absolutely wont do? Any aversions to skirts? Dresses?" Roman continued.
"As long as it's not form fitting and you cant see anything on my chest or below my waist I dont care," Virgil replied. Roman nodded and wrote something down.
Virgil had been at the job for about two months when he noticed the changes. He'd already known that he thought Roman was hot, but now Roman seemed to want to be around him more as well.
They went out for ice cream after photo shoots, Roman came with Virgil to pick out a new house, if Virgil needed a break Roman would let Patton watch Olivia so they two of them could have spa days.
Virgil had been suppressing it for a while, he didnt want to believe he was falling in love again, or that a boy was falling in love with him. He was afraid, afraid Roman would become the new Erin. But fate seemed to have other plans.
They were relaxing in a hot tub, Virgil's back pressed up against one of the jets, head resting on the outer rim.
"Virgil, I've been planning on this for a while, and I think now might be the best time to tell you," Roman spoke softly, but Virgil could still feel his limbs tense.
"You can say no if you want, I wont mind, but I think- I think I want to go on a date with you, like an official one," Virgil looked up, clutching the edge of the 'seat'.
"Well- I uh- I mean you're very nice but I-" Virgil could feel tears forming in his eyes.
"Oh no no Virgil- dont cry- I understand, you dont have to, we can just be friends," Roman pushed Virgil's hair out of his face, worried evident in his eyes.
"I-I do want to be more than friends- but I-" Roman's eyes widened suddenly, his hand instinctively moving to Virgil's side, his thumb brushing against Virgil's stomach.
"I wont, I swear, you have my permission to chuck me off a building if I do," Roman said, earning a laugh from Virgil.
Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's neck, pressing their foreheads together and smiling.
"Then yes, I will date you," and Roman pulled Virgil into a kiss that would only be rivaled by the one they shared ten years later, with Olivia by Virgil's side, and her girlfriend by Roman's, as Virgil finally realized he'd found the man who would keep him and his daughter safe for as long as the family lived.
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Dawn (6)
Loki x fem!Reader
Summary: A truce to end all wars leads to an alliance between Earth and Asgard in the form of Loki marrying a mortal. None of them what this. None except fate.
Word Count: I don’t know how many of you read this but oh Lords of whatever forces there are in this world, the things I hear. The girl my brother broke up with is have a lot of trouble letting go of him. To the point that she is dragging him through the mud in front of his friends one second and then begging his friends to make him talk to her another. it’s a roller coaster he wants to get off and is more than happy to admit all his faults and apologise for them as long as he gets some space to heal in his own. But nooooo. *sigh* Times like these when I think I was lucky to not be in a relationship in school and college.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
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Eyes closed. Candles lit. Incense burning. Body soaked.
Everything inside you wants to drown in this bliss after the nightmare. Everything does. The incense from the garden of healers is working its way through your lungs and into your bloodstream, latching onto that which does not belong there; forcing it to give up and be out of your system after eighteen hours. The cold water filled with the flowers from Yggdrasil to the brim is tingling every wound and bruise. Well, except the ones on your neck and around your shoulders.
It is relaxing. It should be relaxing. That is what your mind keeps running in a loop instead of enjoying the way Asgard is taking care of you right now. But the continuous throbbing of your brain for apparently no reason is not making anything work.
Why are you so on edge right now? Your inner voice would shake you till your brains feel off if it could.
I don’t know. Your heart keeps jumping now and then; that poor thing is not sure what it is running to or away from. I don’t know.
It is frustrating to keep looking at the night sky outside while unconsciously scratching your head for answers that it cannot give you. I don’t know.
“May I be of some help?”
The siren voice soaked completely in the purest honey in the world comes from the archway leading to your bedroom. Your body turns in the tub to watch the source, creating ripples where you sit. It is him, your heart says as Loki stands there, leaning on the wall in that black shirt and black pajamas.
Of course, it’s him, your inner voice lets out a tired sigh before going quiet for a minute only to come back with a whisper resonating inside your head, your husband.
“Hmm?” is all you can muster while trying to force this unforeseeable lump inside your throat down. Loki parts his lips and looks down at something on the floor. His feet are naked, that lump in your throat grows a little. Great observation, your inner voice replies with a hint of sarcasm. “You have been struggling with that itch for quite a while. How about I help you with that,” he breathes with a tilt of his head, and the candlelight hits the pupils just perfectly for you to see the glow in those gentle eyes.
It does take some time for your brain to process that you are not breathing. It takes a little longer to realise that he has been standing there watching you scratch your head like some wild animal for quite some time. Very smooth, Y/N.
“Uh, it’s fine. I’ll shampoo it and it’ll be aww-aahh-”
Your right arm disagrees the moment you try to lift it up. You weren’t even hit, you stupid limb!
Loki is already taking patient steps towards the tub while the embarrassment is heating up your body, and this wonderful cold water. “It never hurts to have a working hand,” he states and your brain instantly deep dives into the endless oceans for the lit-up notorious corners imagining what all those hands can do.
You scooch a little inside the tub. Can he read my thoughts? Oh, Gods, I hope not. While you are trying to hide the hot thoughts of your vibrating brain, your left hand is undoing the knot of your hair; a gesture that welcomes Loki to draw a stool behind you, grounding his feet on either side of the subsection of the tub storing water just for the purpose of washing those beaten up locks.
Cold hands gather those Y/H/C tresses and push them away from you and into the sink section of the tub. Those frosty fingers come back to gather whatever is left; brisking by your neck, teasing your shoulders, marking your forehead, tantalising your temples, taunting your ears. And you can do nothing but let the tiniest touch of his fingers fire up your nerve endings.
“Rest your head here,” his voice whispers. With that low pitch, your body is ready to do anything it asks of you. Anything.
You feel his hands steadily undoing the knots in your hair. Slow and patient with his movements, he has made sure he has got all of them before your ears hear him dunking something into the water and pouring the cold elixir on your head. His hand is steady; so is the trail of water that trickles down from your temples into your head, making its way through the marred strands, doing its best to take the muck down with it before another wave comes. And with every wave, Loki’s palm rests on your forehead to stop that water from going anywhere it is not supposed to; gently pressing back into your head, feeling like his palm is taking with it all the burdens and horrors of the night that are weighing upon your soul.
Once the weight is all in the wet tresses, Loki turns to grab the shampoo- that Sybll was kind enough to leave for you- but stops to reach for the concoction he uses. Taking a generous amount in his palms, he mixes enough drops of water for it to start forming a lather. Once he is satisfied, he comes for your hair, starting with your head, smearing the product in every nook and corner, around the ears and on the back of your neck. Once he feels he has covered everything, he gets ready to get to work, never even letting you sense the high you are about to ride.
The fingers dig past the hair to make contact with the scalp and start a symphony with the skin as they massage every micron of skin they touch. You can feel your eyes turn back into your head at the perfect pressure they are putting onto your mess of a head; pressing into the pain, hurt, anxiety, mixed feelings, and releasing them all with the release of these cold little magic wands. Every press and release is a gush of serotonin just washing all over your existence; every wiggle of those fingers is a newfound lightness you never thought you could feel. In the midst of floating in a clear blue ocean of release, you do not expect a moan to escape your parted lips. And just as it does, you feel your body falling headfirst, realising the cruelty of gravity and jerking awake just as your moan registers in your hypnotised brain cells. Your hands catch hold of the edge of the tub and the water ripples at the sudden jolt.
“Everything okay?” Loki’s voice comes from behind you just as his hands stop moving in your hair.
“Yeah-” you clear your throat and shush your heartbeat to slow down- “yes.”
Don’t stop, please.
Every single strand receives the love and care it deserves; to the point that they are sure to question if you actually ever cared for them. So tender are his movements that three questions run inside your mind.
The first question- how can someone so soft ever have the heart to hurt anyone? The past of your world speaks of evils this God had brought to earth. In fact, it speaks it louder than the time when the same God was the one to bring down the threats that would have ended your planet once and for all. We all have our reasons to be manipulated by the darkness at some point in our life. I am a living breathing example of one.
The second question- how utterly vivid your imagination had to be to imagine what those very tender movements of his hands feel like on your naked skin? The mystery that was his supple touch, chasing the goosebumps on your body. How enticing was the mere thought?
The third question…………what was the third question?
Washed with the same scrutiny as they were lathered, Loki pats the water off before leaving the room to give you privacy.
Clean and dried, you take one of the green bathrobes to wrap around yourself and walk out into the bedroom where Loki stands stirring something in a small bowl. “Oh,” you cannot keep the mild surprise in, mostly because every ounce of the insignificant has escaped your body now, “I thought you would be asleep by now.”
“Not yet,” he answers quite seriously, his eyes on the bowl for a few more moments till they rise to look at you; and get stuck on you. You do not know what those eyes are seeing. Of course, you cannot comprehend the image- of something beautiful right out of a textbook- that you are for Loki in this slowed-down moment. The glowing delicacy shining still from the pollen of the flowers working on your skin, the wet hair strands teasing him of the closeness he has yet to feel; all of it wrapped up in green with one single knot. Oh, the prayers he feels coming out of him to be permitted to unravel that knot and bow down to worship you.
“What is that?”
Your voice brings him back to the bowl in his hand. He has to let his eyes adjust to the reality he stands in so as to come up with a reply in time. “It’s for your wounds. Here, sit down.”
You do. The copper bowl contains a muddy mixture with a pasty consistency. The handy mixer that seems smaller than it is in Loki’s long pale fingers is kept aside on the side table and his fingers dig themselves into the concoction. His eyes turn to you. “Your shoulders,” he requests. With the brilliance his pupils reflect, you can swear you would have given him your heart if he asked just as sweetly. And so you turn to the other side to sit with your robe slipped just above your chest, giving him all the exposed wounds the water could not get to as much.
The fresh red bruises along with the open scars marred from Torbarik’s bad etiquettes sink Loki’s heart a little. Now, he wishes he had ended his life with his own hands. It itches his chest deep inside to know how much it must be hurting you right now; given your inability to heal as fast as the Asgardians or frost giants.
“Thank you, Loki-” you bring him out of the slow train of overthinking misery is about to step on inside his head- “for coming for me.”
Loki’s fingers tenderly dab the paste over the wounds, instantly bringing a soothing cold fire over the cuts. “You are my wife, love. You should expect anything less than coming to your aid from me.”
You are my wife, love.
Your throat can visibly be seen sucking in as much air as it can to make sure you heard him right. Once your mind settles that this is in fact what Loki just declared, your brain cannot help but run those soothing words in a loop inside your head till they seep into every cell in your body, making that truth a part of your existence. And soon enough, parts of you are getting heated from the sudden confession. Your cheeks and the back of your neck are doing a really bad job of hiding the flush from his words. And on top of that, those fingers are doing one hell of a job, soothingly rubbing themselves on your shoulders and neck.
“Just two minutes and then it will dry and fall off. The wounds will close but the bruises will take some time to go away as per my observation.”
He has barely finished the sentence and you are already shifting in your place to turn and face him. He can see you have something on your mind that you want to speak and so, he puts away everything and sits there patiently for you to take your time to gather your words.
“Loki-” he darts a quick look to your nails digging into your knees- “you don’t...you don’t have to do...umm…-” your voice lowers to a whisper- “how do I put this-” you straighten your back and close your hands into a fist before looking him into those beautiful hypnotising eyes- “you don’t have to do anything you don’t really...feel. What you do not want to...do? Uhh...it’s just that...okay. Ahem. Because I am...I...oh my God-”
“I like you too.”
The white noise humming through your eyes feels like you have lost your ability to hear. The sudden roller coaster rush that your heart feels makes it want to save you from whatever height you are falling right now. You do not see it but the mere dilation of those starry y/e/c eyes at those words washes away any doubts Loki has of you not reciprocating his feelings. The fresh flush of heat emanating from your cheeks and the surprise-filled blink adds to the euphoria. “...you do?” you hushed voice cannot rise beyond this or you might start crying.
His smile is the response. The love in filling his eyes to the brim; something you have never seen before, not even for Thor. His hand moves to let his fingers caress your cheek. And oh! The cold touch of the back of his fingers with your hot cheeks is nothing short of the blessed fountain satiating the thirst of a traveller looking for eternal youth. Your eyes close on his touch, your head tilting, giving into his brush. “I have always liked you, Y/N,” Loki asserts softly, his hand embracing you while his thumb grazed your cheek, “today you just resonated my feelings and made me fall in love with you.”
Your hand rises to engulf his into yours. Like a heavyweight lifted from your chest, you feel your body breathe again. Your foreheads meet, exchanging what feels like a lifetime of unspoken feelings. They were there for quite a while; it just took them a brush with danger to surface and show their colours- their strength and their weakness- all in one night.
This is the first time you are so close to him, being able to witness all the perfection that is Loki, the God, the strategist, the Silvertongue. Yours. All yours. His lips parted, his cold breath a verse teasing your lips. His dark lush eyelashes heavy with a newfound need, hiding it in those eyes gone dark. His tongue licking his lips, waiting for your approval even though you are right in his reach. Your fingers, with a mind of their own, touch his chin, wanting to travel to his lips, feel them, want them. The craving is making your stomach turn, your breaths shallow and length apart till it is unbearable. You close that inch of space to let your love-deprived lips land on his, hesitant at the gesture. But Loki welcomes it. The first sweet kiss bursting lights inside the both of you. And with the first, the urge for the second grows. His tongue tastes your lips, and you let it enter; you let it discover every edge needy for his touch. Your tongue plays with his, lets him know how much you want it; how much you want him. So do your hands. Running over his chest, they find their way to his neck and hair. His, on the other hand, draw you closer to him- one by the waist, the other supporting your neck- carefully so as not to hurt your still-healing wounds- while pulling you further into him.
There is a mellifluous clash of your bodies that night, hands discovering each other, heat siphoned by the cold, love pouring in tender kisses over the bare skin, fingers entangled in hairs, pleading for more. Hips crashing into each other like lazy tides under the pleasant moonlight on a deserted shore, moans filling the ears, satiating the hunger of giving the satisfaction to their lover, breaths both hot and cold creating such wondrous mist in the midst of that steaming love-making. The fulfilling rise to the high, the tides reaching the rocky shores, wanting more to come crashing with thunderous vibrations. And thunderous they are, making you see rainbows in the back of your head. The best part is that love does not stop at discovering the bodies. It continues, with the willingness to take care of you, with pulling the duvet over your body and gathering you in his surprisingly strong arms, with that sweet longing and deep kiss on your forehead, and then your nose and then your lips, telling you that he is yours. All yours. For eternity.
“What’s happening? Sybll handed me the sparkliest dress in whatever wardrobe this appeared from and said it was urgent. Is this another one of Odin’s tradition things?”
Loki is already walking towards you as fast as he can. And while he does, you notice a blue bruise on his neck which you are pretty you did not mark him with. We were so gentle! I couldn’t have. Could I? 
“What’s that on your neck?” you cannot help yourself.
“Yes,” Loki nods, “this is-”
“Y/N,” Thor calls for you from the halls, “you are here. Look who is here to meet you!”
Your eyes are wide and already turning to Loki for answers, who is drawing in a loooong breath. “Yes, this is what I was talking about. The bruise is also for...this. Come on, let’s go meet your self-declared father.”
You don’t even have to guess who Loki is talking about, for that very moment you enter the great hall, Tony walking with his arms open to embrace you.
“How are you doing, kid? These Asgardians treating you well?”
His hug is more than welcome and you throw yourself into it. Oh, and he smells like home. Tom Ford cologne and Quinnjet- just like you remember. “Tony, it is so good to see you.” Your lips cannot stop smiling and the smile turns even wider on seeing Rhodey and Carol standing behind him.
Rhodey’s bear hug still has the same power to cure your homesickness while Carol’s embrace just tells you she is here for you now and whenever.
They still greet each other the same way- a simple nod and...that’s it. Same goes for Rhodey. Carol, on the other hand, has a special fistbump for her partner in galactic crimes of justice. “You still owe me one artefact from your vault, Loco,” Carol mentions, making Loki chortle.
“You still owe me a decent fight.”
“Bullshit. I cleaned the floor with your face last time, you trickster.”
“I’m sorry, I cannot hear you over the sound of my undefeated title.”
“Oh, okay okay okay. It’s on, Loki boy. It is on!”
“Before anything is on,” you interrupt, “how about we go have a drink. Or two.”
“Yes, I love that,” Thor smacks you in the back, forcing you to swallow the grunt politely as you lead the way.
 Asgards finest wine and beer are being served and you cannot help but notice Thor eyeing you and Loki with certain veiled judgement while conversations are made around the table. You let it slide, hoping it’s Tony being Tony.
“Isn’t that right, Stark,” Thor laughs and looks at him.
“Yeah, yeah, all good,” Tony replies with disinterest, his eyes stuck on you, “I’m sorry, Y/N, I have to ask. What is that bruise on your neck?”
The whole table goes silent. Loki’s drink is paused right by his lips while Carol sips hers with peak interest while shifting her curious gaze between Loki and you.
“It’s nothing,” you respond lightly with a shake of your head, wanting the conversation to go back to whatever it was.
“We tried to get the same tattoos,” Loki adds, “it did not work so I removed it in my Asgardian ways. The bruises are nothing. They’ll vanish within two more days.”
You nod a liiiittle vigorously in agreement, making Tony narrow his eyes in suspicion. “I don’t buy it. Y/N, look at me. Tell me what happened. I need to know that you are safe.”
Thor looks at the two of you. You know it will be difficult to make Tony understand your safety concerns. Even if you are safe here now, he will see it as nothing else but an excuse to take you away from here. And even take Loki with you if that’s what it takes. Or worse, he might actually start a war with the enemies here. You know of at least five people who would agree to this and stand on the front lines of that very fight.
“Tony it’s nothing,” you try to convince him.
“Y/N. What. Happened.”
Thor is about to open his mouth when you do the most outrageous thing you could think of.
“Loki and I tried some stuff, okay!” you nearly yell.
At this point, everyone is looking at you with more questions in their eyes. Even Loki.
“We experimented with BDSM,” you finally blurt out, keeping your head high, “and I liked it.”
Carol’s silence is a victorious one; like she was waiting to hear this. Rhodey’s is more uncomfortable and you know he just wants to get up and go from there before hearing any more details about this. Loki’s silence is on the lines of appreciative surprise towards you. He is impressed. And at the same time getting some ideas.
And Tony?
His beer glass shatters in his hand. That pretty much answers it.
“W-what is beady-essum?” Thor is the only one sitting there in confusion while Carol is the only soul who guffaws through the thrilling silence.
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