alrxiin · 4 months
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so... thanks for the idea @mokozroach , now that I'm done with my winter break, I have done it :3
(not proofread)
TW's : 'Cheating', fighting, mentions of character getting hurt, character death, su!cid3 mention.
Sam x Darlin' (GN reader) | angst
"I'm Losing Hope In Our Lives Apart."
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A week. It's been a week since the death of William, other Vamps speculate the cause was Demon Blood, but even after such long time there's nothing sure.
The death hit Sam hard, to say the least, especially after the Summit and the other murders... but Darlin' has been next to him every day, making sure he was fine and taking care of himself.
This day was different though, Sam had told them he's going on a walk, which isn't actually that unusual for him. What was unusual, is that when they went out to get him – since they had made food and didn't really like eating alone anymore – he wasn't in his usual spots that he would end the walk in.
Not in the small spot where tree's didn't grow and made a perfect place to watch the stars.
Not anywhere near the hills he would sit on and watch Dahlias lights shine at night.
Nowhere. He seemingly was nowhere.
Worried for their mate, they made sure the house door was locked before heading out to look for Samuel carefully sniffing around to catch his scent – which was fairly easy considering the time they had spent with him.
2 years, they have been together for 2 years, and they could recognize his scent anywhere.
Following his trail, they stumbled through the woods mindlessly, going into Vamp territory just like the first time they had met when they were after Quinn.
Close, they felt him so close now, looking around through the trees, and finally they saw a blonde tuft of hair.
Relief washes over them and they quicken their pace, going around the trees to him, only for shock to go through their body when they do.
There he was, Samuel Collins, sitting on a fallen tree, and on his lap, Alexis. A nightmare come true.
Since the very first time Sam has told them about her, they hated her for what she has done, and – to a point – feared that she would weasel her way into their lives. Exactly like she had now, and it took every ounce of self respect they have not to burst into tears, but it had brought them into being violent yet again.
Hitting something that would definitely hit back.
Walking out and up to them, hands balled up into fists, they spoke up finally.
- "You absolute bitch..." —
- "Alexis?.." — Sam's voice came through weakly, like he was disassociated, the hold Alexis has on him still strong.
- "What did you just call me?" — She scoffed, getting off of him to face them, irritation showing on her face.
- "I called you a bitch. What are you, deaf?" — And with that, she lunged at them.
They knew they stood almost no chance against her, they found that out so many times before while fighting off Vamp after Vamp, she overpowered them with ease. Yet they had no intention of stopping, putting up a fight like they had always done before.
Every bit of emotion getting out of them as they fought, taking hit after hit from the woman, and striking back when they had the chance, taking it as far as turning to try and get their chances up.
They knew that Sam wouldn't do something like this on his own, that she had to do something to get him to be with her.
They hated it so much.
Lost in thought, so many emotions going through their head – betrayal, anger, confusion, whatever the hell else there is – and before they knew it, Alexis struck again, landing a final blow.
They gasped, finally conscious yet again, and instead of giving her the satisfaction of looking at her, they instead looked at Samuel.
It's like something snapped in him, the invoking she had done going loose, and he was looking back at them again.
- "Wait... no." — His voice quivred, and he got up from the log, quickly jumping into action and running up to them as they fell back, already too dizzy to stay up.
- "Darlin'!.. shit, please don't do this!.." — He took their hand, shaking ever so slightly as he panicked. His powers had weakened from the sort of trance she had put on him, and he would have no way of healing the damage Alexis had done, not like this.
And in the end, it was too late, and Darlin' layed limp on the ground..hand so cold in his.
- "Awhh... poor little puppy. All bark, and yet, no bite." — She put on a pity face, only a giggle escaping from her as she stepped closer, putting a hand on Samuel's shoulder.. only to have it pushed off in a hurry, with anger on his face and tears in his eyes, he gazed up at her.
- "Why, why do you always do this?! Why do you always take everything I have away from me?.." — His voice broke at the end, unable to maintain the threatening tone, as a sob ripped through him.
- "Oh Sammy... you must realize they were a downgrade from me, do you not?" — Her voice, terrifyingly calm and collected. She put a hand under his chin, lifting it up to face her properly, with a touch so gentle...
- "They were just a lost puppy, that turned everyone away and clinged to the first person that showed a little care. But now, you don't have to worry.. you know well that we're a gorgeous match." — The smile, meant to pull him in, only made him come to his senses.
Sam pulled his face away, and his eyes turned a copper red in anger and disgust.
- "I would rather die, than be with someone like you, Alexis." — His voice came out muffled, gritting his teeth to try and keep his composure.
The woman, was left in a form of shock and he took that chance, picking up his mates limp and pale body into his arms, before speeding away back to their house.
Not even a week later, the Shaw Pack got worried from the lack of contact from Sam, knowing how heartbreaking it is to lose someone – a lover nonetheless – so tragically, without even as little as a goodbye. And it wasn't until Vincent had called, that they had gotten the news...
"Samuel took his life." — was what he said.
He couldn't have gone on without them, without the only true spark of light in his nocturnal life that he had.
He had no one.
And now, he hoped he would see them again in their next life... Together, in every universe, every form. Forever.
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alrxiin · 2 months
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❦ Samuel Collins ❦
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forever unfinished...
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alrxiin · 6 months
3 days of drawing, and I'm finally done. my back is KILLING ME.
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(not perfect, but still an improvement from my last try lmao...)
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alrxiin · 5 months
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☔︎︎ Rain Ghoul ☔︎︎
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bonus :
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alrxiin · 1 month
since the Ghovie is coming out, I'm coming back to life, to spread one very important information...
Impera/the logo we all know :
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current logo on their website :
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alrxiin · 4 months
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"And I thank you, for bringing me here.
For showing me home — For singing these tears.
Finally I've found...That I belong here." ~ Home — Depeche Mode
Gavin x Freelancer (GN reader) || angst/comfort/fluff
Summary : Takes place before/during Gavin's love confession, so it contains mentions of NSFW, I'm ofc also not copying the confession, it'll be different
"Showing me that I belong — with you."
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Gavin...Gavin, Gavin, Gavin – he was all that was on their mind right now, all senses overwhelmed by him, touch especially. The blindfold on their eyes made every other sense work harder, and the restraints on their wrists and ankles, made their body twitch and squirm under the Incubus' gentle touch.
Oh, how they loved him, if they had to... they'd say he might as well take their heart, because he was all that was in it now.
The sensations were getting almost unbearable, but in such a good way, and just then;
- "I...I think I need a minute." — Gavin's soft voice broke though the silence, and the restraints on their body had disappeared in a second.
Worry in their mind, they sat up almost instantly, taking a seat next to the anxiety filled Demon, that had always been so gentle with them.
- "Gavin? Are...Are you alright?" — Those words cut right through him, and he couldn't help but hide his face into his hands.
But instead of pressuring for more, they waited, looking at the man next to them with a million thoughts in their head. Little did they know, he was experiencing the same... so many thoughts, yet so little he could do.
- "No I... I don't think I'm okay, Freelancer." — His voice broke, and it sounded like he was about to cry within the next few seconds, yet he didn't.
- "I need to talk to you... but not as a dom or– or Incubus. As Gavin." — His tone suddenly got serious, and he tried to look at them, but the second he did, his feelings betrayed him.
Knowing just how stressful this is for him, even if not knowing what was on his mind, they took his hand... and God, did that make his heart flutter.
- "Please...talk to me." — Is all they spoke. But it was all he needed to start.
- "You..know sex is what I do, it's what I enjoy... it's what I love. The knowledge I'm giving people pleasure, and safety." — He paused, looking for the right words and the courage to say them.
- "Safety, that I always feel with you." —
There were tears in his eyes, and this was the first time he let himself be so... vulnerable around someone, and especially around Freelancer.
- "It took a while to even admit this to myself, for so long I couldn't accept that I could feel like this..." — Taking a deep breath, he lowered his head to hide his almost hurt expression.
- "I love you. I've always loved you. And I tried, I really tried to show it in ways I knew how, but it wasn't working. And I just feel like..like I used you, even if I didn't mean to and..." — The soft whimper that escaped his lips shot right through their heart. Sitting in silence, they took in the confession.
- "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." —
But before he could even finish the useless apology, they gently squeezed his hand and cupped his cheek, turning his head up to face them.
- "Oh, Gavin..." — Their voice barely above a whisper as they leaned into him, and pressed a loving kiss to his lips. It was like no other they had before, it was gentle and soft.
And when they pulled away, the confused look on the Incubus' face was priceless, making them giggle ever so slightly.
- "I love you too... I have since the beginning." —
He smiled, letting out a breath he didn't know he was even holding, and threw himself into their arms with a laugh.
- "Holy shit... I..I didn't think you could ever feel the same." —
- "And why wouldn't I? You really don't realize that you're the sweetest being on this planet, don't you?" — They laughed softly, holding the Demon close as they layed back down, bringing him down with them, onto their chest.
Both of them layed there for a second, embracing each other in a comfortable silence, no more words needed...
- "Hey... how about we celebrate this?" —
Well... maybe a little more than words.
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alrxiin · 5 months
give me requests to write anything Ghost (the band), Redacted Audio/Asmr, SirensSon ASMR or YuuriVoice related...
(moots, if you see this...please also help, I'm in need of writing and DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO)
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alrxiin · 4 months
could you give me your Finn headcanons?
I'm not that much of a Finn fan, but I still love my boy so ofc!! :33
hope you enjoy this mess of a headcanon post
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❀.ᐟ Lets you braid his hair however you want, this is in fact special since he's very careful with his hair around anyone.
❀.ᐟ He LOVES baking with you, especially if it involves music. Listen, he may not be much of a music guy, but he absolutely adores listening to some old love songs while baking anything – sweet or not – with you.
❀.ᐟ Connecting to the previous one, I can guarantee at least once your baking process turned into ;
1. A small slow dance with each other in the kitchen.
2. A 'fight' that covered both of you in flour, cocoa powder and anything else that was a dry ingredient you were gonna use.
❀.ᐟ Even if he's too shy to admit it, he loves when you kiss his freckles one by one. After getting more used to you guys' relationship, he just relaxes as you adore each of his freckles with a kiss.
❀.ᐟ Every anniversary, it became a kind of 'tradition' for you to come to the flower shop and buy a different flower arrangement each time, but every one meaning a confession of love and a great life.
❀.ᐟ He also doesn't tell you, that he keeps every arrangement in the glass house that's behind your house – you don't go there that often since you know he loves his privacy – and if they dry out, he makes them into a pretty boquet and hangs them there.
❀.ᐟ If you have long hair, he adores it so much and will be more than happy to style it for you if you let him, decorating it with live – or fake – flowers.
❀.ᐟ He doesn't enjoy dates that much, at least not the ones where you two go out, not a fan of fancy restaurants. He'd much rather stay in with you, and watching movies.
❀.ᐟ Hates horror movies, and I mean HORROR movies, slashers he can handle – though he still gets spooked once in a while – but watching real horror movies gives him an excuse to cuddle up with you, even if he doesn't need one anyways.
❀.ᐟ If you're into makeup, he'd let you try some looks on him for fun or even for practice, enjoying how relaxing it is to just sit or lay still as you work around his face carefully.
❀.ᐟ Also, bonus points if you're a metalhead or goth. Even if at first your looks surprised him, he enjoys the difference between you two a lot... opposites attract after all.
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alrxiin · 4 months
no idea if anyone would want this, but here is my Redacted character board I'm slowly putting together :3
(yes, a lot of characters are missing, but this is just for my drawing purposes, and I will 100% add someone later on)
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alrxiin · 4 months
very much not finished yet, but... creating a pinterest board for all my favs so I can FINALLY draw them exactly how I see them in my head!!
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(Vincent's face shape and features are so Mirco, change my mind)
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alrxiin · 5 months
back to writing after having a small writers block, because I was very into playing Minecraft with my friend...
off topic, us in the start of our server :3
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(going back to writing now though... little spoiler)
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alrxiin · 5 months
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I personally see Ash as a dirty blonde, babe helping him bleach his hair every time to be perfect. Apparently, very stupidly didn't this time.
Also, this is pretty short but that's probably because I don't listen to Asher's playlist...I believe I listened to it once and never got to another video if his again LOL. (sorry Asher lovers, he's cute but just doesn't speak to me).
Fry your hair off
Asher x Babe (GN reader) || fluff
- "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Oh my God, what am I gonna do?" —
There was the mumbling mess of a Werewolf, Asher, panicking while pacing around the bathroom.
Despite Babe telling him so many timed to not do his hair on his own, seeing as he had no clue on how to really do it, he decided it would be a good idea anyways...
Now here he was, bright yellow and orange hair, regretting his questionable life choices.
He had to make the call.
- "Baaabe!" — They heard the muffled scream come from the bathroom just as they were finishing baking something for the both of them.
Rushing in, they only stopped in their tracks at the door when they saw the highliter-like hair on the Shifers hair.
- "Oh my God, Ash..." — Shighing, they massaged their temples.
- "I didn't want to bother you aaand...y–yeah, you can see." — He chuckled, trying to ease the mood.
- "Please, not another word. Dumbass." — They laughed, finally breaking the tough act when they took a good look at him, the bright yellow and orange hair clashing with his slightly tanned skin.
- "Let's fix you up, big boy. Where did you put the gloves?" —
Carefully and with mind of his current hair situation, they picked out a soft brown dye along with a toner that would level out the hair just right.
Ash only watched in awe, if course confused on "why they would pick a purple bottle to give him blonde hair???".
To no one's surprise, they mixed up a bowl of dye and put it on his hair. Not even letting him keep it on for longer, since he would then turn out brown haired... also giving him the shampoo to tone the hair into the right colour.
And just like that, Asher's hair turned out just how it have been so many times before, the prettiest ditty blonde hair.
- "How did this happen? You put purple in my hair!" — He whined, completely unaware on how color theory works.
- "Doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't look like a damn highlighter anymore... you dummy." — They chuckled, taking a hold of the Shifters face and running their fingers through his fairly soft hair. Gently caressing his freckled face with their thumb.
He only leaned in, doing his pretty much iconic little laugh, and wrapping his arms around his love.
- "Yeah yeah... please don't let me do this again." —
- "You'll do it again anyways, sooner or later." —
- "I know." — Before they could scold him any more for agreeing, he only pulled them closer and pressed a sweet kiss to their lips, erasing any previous angry words from their mind.
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alrxiin · 5 months
Redacted Characters as songs (pt.2)
Geordi :
♪Sparks - Coldplay♪
"But I promise you this, I'll always look out for you.
Yeah, that's what I'll do. / My heart is yours. It's you that I hold on to.
Yeah, that's what I do."
Aaron :
♪Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros♪
"Oh, home, let me come home. Home is wherever I'm with you.
Oh, home, let me come home. Home is wherever I'm with you."
Ivan :
♪I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers ♪
"Kissed that first night...
And then the rain opened up the sky to get — One last kiss, I love you like an alcoholic.
One last kiss, I love you like a statuette.
One last kiss... I need you like I need a broken leg."
Porter :
♪Niech Pomyślą, Że To Ja - Grzegorz Hyży♪
"Tak, zanim krzykniesz będę tam. Tak, niech pomyślą że to ja.
Niech wypuszczą stado gończych psów. Wycelują broń w mój brzuch!
I tak będę twój."
John :
♪Don't You Want Me - The Human League♪
"It's much too late to find...When you think you've changed your mind.
You'd better change it back or we will both be sorry!
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me? Oh!"
Hush :
♪Love You To Death - Type O Negative♪
"Now close those eyes and let me love you to death.
Shall I prove I mean what I'm saying, begging...
I say the beast inside me is gonna get ya, get ya, get."
Cutie :
♪Napraw - LemON♪
"Czy dasz radę kochać mimo że ja...Nie umiem już sam bez Ciebie wstać?
Czy dasz radę kochać mimo Twych ran?
Nie umiem już sam bez Ciebie wstać.
Ostatni już raz sprawiłem że jej oczy płaczą."
Smartass :
♪Like Real People Do - Hozier♪
"Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips.
We should just kiss like real people do."
Baby :
♪Hypnotic - Zella Day♪
"Magnetic everything about you...You really got me, now.
You do it to me so well. Hypnotic taking over me.
Make me feel like someone else. You got me talking in my sleep.
I don't wanna come back down! I don't wanna touch the ground!"
Treasure :
♪Vermillion, Pt.2 - Slipknot♪
"She is everything to me...The unrequited dream.
A song that no one sings. The unattainable."
Sweetie :
♪Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell♪
"I always feel like somebody's watching me... And I have no privacy! / When I come home at night I bolt the door real tight.
People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid...
Well, can the people really see me or am I just paranoid?"
Doc :
♪Love Bites (So Do I) - Halestorm♪
"You've suffered in the darkness? Well, I'll suck the pain right out!
So come and taste the reason...I'm nothing like the rest.
I'll kiss you in a way — You'll never forget about me.
That chick can eat her heart out...
Love bites!
But so do I! So do I!.."
Translations :
♪Niech Pomyślą, Że To Ja - Grzegorz Hyży♪ : "Yes, before you call out, I'll be there.
Yes, let them think it's me.
Let them loose a pack of hounds
and point a weapon at my stomach.
No matter what, I'll be yours."
♪Napraw - LemON♪ : "Will you be able to love despite me...
Not being able to get up myself without you?
Will you be able to love despite your wounds?
I am not able to now get up without you...
For the last time I've caused her eyes to cry."
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alrxiin · 3 months
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alrxiin · 5 months
not me struggling to write a request for Asher... THIS IS HELL.
(tbh, I can't stand that man. listened to his playlist once in like 2022 and never went back until now to remind myself on why I DIDN'T RETURN.)
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