#shimura kotaru
jp---v · 1 month
Inverse who do you think had more Societal impact?
Stain or Shigaraki?
Oh? Oh. Oh!
That's cool to think about because part of Stain's impact was on Shigaraki. Stain's ideology gaining popularity was directly responsible for Shigarski's mall talk with Midoriya, which led Shigaraki to build up his own ideology of 'destroy everything.'
And we've kind of seen more of Stain' impact than Shigaraki's but that's partially because of when in the story their ideologies spread. Even Kaminari liked the idea of what Stain was trying to do, even if he disagreed with the methods.
Honestly, one of the most important things Shigaraki did, was die, but not as Shigaraki Tomura. As Shimura Tenko.
The mysterious disappearance of the entire Shimura family and the destruction of their family home it could've been considered a tragedy, at least within the city. Gran Torino should've been investigating because he knew of Kotaru. I don't remember if there were any remains, but if there were, there would be none for Tenko. The story should be massive, and then, years later it turns out that the little missing kid had been taken by a villain after his entire family die, which most people would assume the villain that took him also killed them, and it turns out that it wasn't just some random villain. It was an urban legend come to life. The Quirk Boogeyman. The Soulstealer. All for One. The first real supervillain.
People could've been much more willing to accept the idea of rehabilitation with that narrative behind it. A child who watched his family get killed, then got taken by the worst villain imaginable, and had the quirk that killed his family forced onto him.
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Eighth Nana AU:
What is Kotaru doing in this AU? Is he following in his mother’s footsteps or doing his own thing?
Actually how much spotlight would her family get if she’s the Symbol of Peace? Assuming she does that like Toshinori.
Also what’s Kotaru and Izuku’s relationship like? I assume they interact since Tenko and Hana look up to Izuku.
I feel like he'd be doing his own thing.
There's definitely a spotlight on them, but much like how Endeavor's family can have so many secrets, the Shimura family gets away with a lot of privacy
I think Kotaro would be like Izuku's weird uncle
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barid-bel-medar · 1 year
Who's a member of Bragleone?
Dr. Garaki and Shimura Kotaru
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eve-akemi · 2 years
This is a Hana and Spinner Au post
Aight I'm bullying myself to draw another concept thingy. But it's a long story, so I have to explain a couple hcs a friend and I made awhile back with Touya and Tenko:
-> Touya has a mix pheonix quirk-ice quirk, with a lot of drawbacks and quirk-block due to wanting to be like Endeavor and stuff so. Doesn't know he has it, doesn't really use it.
-> Kotaro met Touya one time (long story in of itself), and the Shimuras wound up being a second fam to him. Held Ten as a bb, and watched adventure time with Hana sometimes sorta deal.
-> but they diiieee- and he was going over with Fuyuki (*Fuyumi's first time meeting the shims probably). Demolished house. Neighbors everywhere and tryna call the ploice. Touya goes insiiide, sees all the corpseess.. boom, pheonix quirk thing tries to revive them.
-> doesn't really work. Straight up. Maybe for a dash of even more trauma, he just winds up making even more of a wreck by seeing a bunch of half dead corpses that barely look like people anymore.
-> ✨️ tramaroki touya ✨️
-> Sometimes in our rps different Himuras are alive bc of this (Usually Kotaru or Hana). But back on track, this is, in fact, abt Hana and lil lizard spin!
Hana would probably get put into witness protection, and I don't know what that would have in store for her. But maybe she bounces around familes in foster care for a bit, because no one seems very keen on keeping her (her story, especially- ppl probably dont want a kid who was attacked by someone with a violent quirk like that).
Enter Iguchis. Somehow, in some way, she tunnels their direction, and Shu's parents foster her because she's an outcast, too. But they don't want anyone like their son. In their part of the city, people hate mutants. Idk if that's canon, but for this, I'm willing to look past if it is or not.
Not only is she "normal-looking", but she's cute, and seems like a social butterfly. And she has a strong quirk (or a nice emitter quirk(?) ), so people might judge them, but would def find her interesting. Drag Shuichi around kinda thing.
It takes them awhile to notice this, but eventually they get her checked out for it (after she's adopted). Turns out, when the results come back. Hana hasn't been able to age since the accident at all. She's alive- her body works and functions as if she never died. But she can't age anymore. She's still seven years old.
Imagine how heartbroken Shuichi would be when he found out.
And they don't know Tenko is out there - or what's going on with him - either.
Maybe Shuichis' parent's plan was for Shu to take Hana with him when he moved out. But he turned into a total shut-in instead before he left home to follow stain instead. Also him not telling anyone about his older-little sister. Touchy subject for him maybe.
Idk how to end this, but I'm stopping here for now.
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wolfcrunch · 5 years
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"I hope you will be able to live with smiles" 
(in the aftermath of Tenkp’s quirk manifesting)
posted this one after cropping it but yeah!!! big warnings for this chapter!
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Stolen Dreams
Summary: A traumatic event in Yagi’s childhood shapes his will to become a Hero. All Might still exists to save people with a smile, but only as a last resort. The Broker is an extremely persuasive hero, able to dismantle hostage situations and calm rivalries with a well-placed word. Few people know that the Symbol of Peace and the Broker are one and the same. Fewer still know that he has anything resembling a personal life. That just might change soon.
Toshinori was always good at talking to people. When he was younger and had the looks to back up his words, he could practically get away with murder. Not that he wanted to, or that he would. Besides, it only lasted as long as nobody knew he was Quirkless. It was easy to hide and easier to pass off as a Strength mutation when necessary. Lying about having a Quirk wasn’t exactly illegal. No one could look at your paperwork unless it was required for a background check or some other random reason. Nana saw right through him, with her truth-sensing Quirk. Gran saw right through him because he saw himself in Toshinori. That didn’t make them go any easier on him. But all these things matter for a reason.
Stolen Dreams
The first time Toshinori is aware that someone is kidnapped, it’s him and some other kids from the foster home. He was seven years old and he should have gotten a Quirk by now, but he hadn’t. Nobody cared about him, it wasn’t like he had much to offer. The Quirks among the kids were Strength Enhancer, Speedster, Screech/Echolocation, Cat’s Eyes, and his main bully, Doomer. The kid was called Doomer because anyone he didn’t like got (quite literally) crushed under his large, furry heels, including adults. He was one of the only “long-term residents” of the foster home who wasn’t Quirkless.
The nabbers weren’t so keen on giving them up because it turns out they had quite the range of Quirks. And were easy pickings. The thing that really kept them quiet was the oldest, a woman with a scar that ran from her left eye to the right side of her cheek. She took out Doomer like it was nothing. The kid with the Strength Enhancer Quirk was knocked out immediately. Every time someone used a Quirk, they were punished. In the end, Toshinori managed to get out by asking to go for a walk and heading straight to the nearest police station. They were swamped, but one look at the battered, bleeding child babbling about five other kids being held against their will and two heroes nearby were called in to figure out the situation. In the end, he crept through a vent with a Knockout-Quirk-Suppressant gas and the police gathered everyone up. They attributed the catch to a rookie cop but Toshinori was fine with that. He didn’t need Doomer going after him any worse than usual.
Stolen Dreams
The second time Toshinori is aware that someone has been kidnapped, it was because of him. He was training with Nana and Gran had been called for hero work. Toshinori would learn later that he was helping to diffuse a tense robbery-turned-standoff between the police and the armed robbers. He’d been able to get civilians out before the robbers caught on and trapped him there too.
Toshinori had received a picture to his phone of Shimura’s young boy, Kotaro. The messenger said they would be returned home as soon as he agreed to stop training with the Interrogation Hero, Soothsayer. How these villains could be so cruel as to snatch children from their homes, he’d never know. They were so vulnerable. They relied on you for everything. How could adults take advantage of that and willingly lead them into or leave them in the midst of such danger?
(He knew. His parents had done it, so had millions of others before and many more after them. It was because they didn’t care.)
When Nana asked what had him so spooked, he didn’t bother lying about the situation. She panicked, predictably enough, and would have charged off had he not slammed her into a lamp-post.
“You don’t know how to talk to people when you’re stressed.” He informed her. “No one ever does. I’ll get your child back, Shimura, but this will be the last you see of me.”
Stolen Dreams
Nana wakes up in a hospital after what she assumes is a nasty spill down a flight of stairs. No one could tell her where she’d been before the hospital, only that a young man with bright hair and a solemn smile dropped her off, claiming to be a passerby who’d seen her fall and wanted to make sure she was alright. She could taste the lie as sure as if it had come from the boy himself, but when she was discharged and went home, Kotaro babbled about his day at school as if nothing were out of the ordinary.
“Did anything… strange happen to you today? Anything I should know about?”
Her son deliberated and, with a conviction that she surely lacked, shook his head. The worst part was that since truth-related Quirks ran in the family, she had no way of telling whether he was lying.
Stolen Dreams
Despite Yagi's words, that is not the last she saw of him. He appears on her deathbed, carrying her away from the wreckage she and the villain All For One had caused. He managed to get the raging jackass to leave them be with some line about letting him have the gods-forsaken Quirk when he got Shimura as far fucking away from this as possible. She had wanted to give him the Quirk anyway, and you certainly don’t know what happens when someone dies before they’ve passed on the Quirk, do you? He takes the bait, and when Toshinori sets Shimura down, she asks why he’d lied.
“Oh yes, I’m clearly going to give the most powerful Quirk in the world to the most destructive villain of our time. I manipulate people, sure, but what kind of asshole-.”
“Eat this.” She ordered, shoving a few strands of hair into his hands. He took them, wary of the idea that he was essentially ingesting someone’s DNA, but swallowed them anyhow.
Stolen Dreams
Toshinori keeps in touch, Nana’s last will be damned, which is when he knows that Kotaru has gone into the foster care system after Nana’s death. The boy never finds out how his parents died, and Toshinori doesn’t go looking for trouble where there is none. It’s bad enough he inherited the woman's Quirk, why does he need to unravel her life as well?
“You’re coming with me.” He informed the boy.
“I’m his cousin.” He informed the foster care, giving them his papers.
“Says here that you’re his brother.” The woman behind the counter corrects scathingly.
He looks at the papers. They were legit, Asahi made sure of it before he died. But he hadn’t bothered to look over what Asahi had him sign. They were adoption papers, yes, but he’d never thought himself to be anybody’s son.
“Huh.” Toshinori murmured, eyes wet. “I grew up with them.”
Nana basically shoved him through her front door for dinner every other night once she realized his parents weren’t around. But that was in middle school. And later on, in high school.
“I didn’t know they felt that way.”
He briefly wondered what Gran Torino would say. He never tries to find out.
Stolen Dreams
The first time he gets angry enough to consider burning the world and everyone in it, his coworker’s child goes missing. So does Fumikou, when she goes looking for the little girl.
He works at a bakery because while gaining the title Broker of Peace is immensely more satisfying than being All Might for three years in America, it doesn’t exactly rake in the cash. When he feels like exploring One For All, he takes the odd job involving construction. Or destruction. Whichever is offered, it doesn’t matter to him.
But the coworker’s daughter goes missing. She goes to the police, of course, but they can’t do much until someone is contacted for a ransom. It turns out that someone is him.
We know who you are, All Might.
Toshinori has done his best to keep under the radar. His Quirk works just fine, thank you, Shimura, for the extra societal boost. But his dreams of becoming a hero ended abruptly when he realized what his former mentor went through to keep her family. What being All Might would mean. A family was dangerous to heroes, but he already had one in the form of Kotaru, and now Tenko. People got hurt because of him. People were kidnapped. And when it came to being taken against your will, a Strength Quirk couldn’t do a damn thing.
So he goes looking. He calls in about maybe five favors from people who owe him a million times over. The rest was all him. He found the paltry group who thought to bring down the wrath of a “former hero.” They wanted All Might… they didn’t know what they were asking for.
“I AM HERE!” He roared, eyes gleaming bright blue in the dark labs this very public search led to. “And these… pitifully down-on-their-luck fools will not trouble your family any longer.”
“It’s a trap.” Fumikou hissed warily.
“Well of course.” Toshinori grinned ferally. “They are indeed trapped. Your coworkers will be looking forward to your return.”
Suffice to say that none of those villains was anywhere close to conscious when All Might was through with them, and when they did come to, Toshinori tracked them down and swore them to secrecy under threat of… a lot of things, really. Death would be an escape compared to the Hell that the (someway somehow, Toshinori would never know) Number One Hero could rain on them.
Stolen Dreams
“Fumikou-san, welcome back.” He offered calmly. “There’s a fresh pot of tea in the back room, all yours.”
“Bless you, Yagi-san, it’s been a hell of a week.”
“Was your daughter sick?”
Fumikou hesitated, likely wondering how much she should say about what happened to her.
“Yes, she was more than a bit under the weather.” The woman said at last.
“Well, I hope she recovers from such an ordeal.”
“Thank you, Yagi-san.” Fumikou sighed gratefully.
Stolen Dreams
It isn't often that anyone thinks to kidnap Toshinori himself. The opportunistic villain who sees him as an easy target will quickly come to regret that, one way or another. Not many believe that the mild-mannered stick-thin weed of a man has the ultimate strength Quirk at his disposal and knows how to use it. Word gets around when it comes to such situations, and eventually he is left alone entirely.
Or he would be, if the villain Nana had died fighting hadn't made a reappearance.
At any rate, when Toshinori wakes up one day, three decades after his "mentor" died, he knows this is not where he fell asleep. He checks to make sure that Kotaru and Tenko aren't with him. Easy enough, considering one of the Quirks this gods-forsaken juggernaut of a woman passed down to him was X-ray vision!
Regardless of how he felt when it came to Heroes, Shimura was a hell of an example to live up to.
There were thirty other people in similar positions to him, moving slowly and seemingly confined to the wall. Likely via chains, like his. This X-ray vision could detect heat signatures throughout the building, but not much else.
"Yagi Toshinori… such an average name for the man my master has determined to be such a threat."
The ghost before him wore a suit and apparently liked to taunt people about their situation. What villain didn't? This ghost also seemed to be taking orders from All For One, or whatever the hell this immortal creep went by. Toshinori just wanted to go home and make sure his brother and nephew were alive. Maybe he'd call Gran Torino after all this was over. But first, it had to be over.
"I'm not going to bother asking questions." Toshinori yawned. "Since this is likely the same man that killed Shimura Nana, this guy wants me dead, wants my Quirk, or both."
"Both would be nice." The ghost snorted. "If only life were always this easy. I despise the scared ones. Or worse yet, the chatterers."
"Well, I happen to like this Quirk and to my understanding, it is not gained so easily."
"You'll have to take that up with him. I'm just the guard."
"Fair enough." Toshinori grumbled. " What's your name, Guard Dog."
"Alright, Ghastly McGhoul, do I get to see the Big Guy anytime soon? If I remember correctly, he liked to monologue when he killed heroes."
Stolen Dreams
There were at least thirty people in these cells. There could be more, he didn't know what All For One was capable of.
(Untrue, he did. He was capable of many things including bathing in the blood of another. Destruction followed wherever he went and all the skills and Quirks in the world couldn't save Toshinori now. Once again, he was helpless.)
Some paced every day for hours on end. Some had gone silent long ago, and the only reason he knew they were still alive were his heightened senses ensuring their breathing. Some told stories of a past life. Some told stories of the future. He planned. There were many ways out of this chamber of a room. There was only one way out of the facilities that anyone knew of. There were so many people to coordinate with so everyone would be on the same page that if he were any less determined he'd pass on Shimura's Quirk and charge Ghastly the Guard Dog. He still might.
Quirks were a means to an end, in this society. If you were old enough you didn't need one. If you were strong or clever or smart enough you could never hope to match up to anyone who had all of that and a superpower.
But he thought back to the first time he'd ever witnessed a kidnapping and knew that it wasn't quite true.
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perditus-a · 3 years
Anyways, new muses 
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veroxin-a · 2 years
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dabihaul666 · 3 years
i know ppl r OBSESSED with painting characters has 100% all good or all bad or their fave villains as like. bad but good enough where u can morally like them? i don't get it. you deny huge facts and facets of ur favs and that's a post for a different time that i'm sure ive talked about before but.
kotaro shimura is not a monster? while it's debatable if he raised his hands to his children that once or more times (its kind of only implied to be that once *imo*), and the morality of hitting ur kid obviously lashing out at ur maladaptive personal trauma with ur own parents like. Dark grey at best. He's not a monster. He worked really hard to the point where he's obviously called a workaholic to make himself a life and a family and their house takes care of the grandparents too. Like they have a yard and a dog, and like. nice stuff. he's providing for his family the way he knows how, or arguably trying to do it better than he himself was raised.
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rotscends-a · 4 years
kotaru    is    a    businessman  ;    he   brings   home   nearly   $182,000   a   year,   earning   nearly   85$   an   hour,    also   being   one   of   the   few   selected   to   potentially   inherit   the   business   he   worked   at   from   the   old   couple   that   owned   it. 
he’s   not   home   often    (    thankfully    )    and   when   he   is,    he’s   still   working.    this   doesn’t   let   him   spend   too   much   time   with   hana   or   tenko,    except   for   a   few   planned   occasions   or   the   few   times   that   he’s   lashed   out   in   anger   towards   nao   or   the   kids.     he   simply   see’s   it   as   they   should   be   grateful   for   everything   that   he’s   done   for   them,    enough   that   they   follow   his   rules.
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nycmagi · 5 years
Guess we know why Horikoshi revealed Nana's son last
Because he's a piece of trash
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anime-to-the-t · 5 years
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honestsister · 5 years
The family is all here :')
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gintamayorozuya · 7 years
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Happy New Year everyone!!!
If you use/like these,please reblog it.
plєαsє dσ nσt rєpσst mч grαphícs
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wolfcrunch · 5 years
can I just say, I love how...realistic Horikoshi is able to write his characters - from the students to the villains to even heroes and characters who aren’t even alive in his work anymore.
Even characters we don’t see a lot of - for example, the Class B students, the Big Three and many heroes, we all see little tibits and quirks that each individual character has, and it really tends to make an impact. He makes it extremely hard to dislike any character.
Even characters who lash out and are horrible - such as Endeavor and Kotaru Shimura. Both of these men were abusive in a way towards their families, and before anyone says anything, I’m not saying I condone their actions because I dont.
Endeavor, for example, we see him attempting to make a change - he’s realised (a bit late) that he should’ve never treated his family the way he did, and he’s attempting to make amends with them. A quick reminder, the Pro Hero Arc IS NOT his redemption arc, at least not in its fullest! Yes, he’s changed and y’all might find that horrible of him...but its not like Horikoshi is pushing his previous actions aside. Horikoshi still shows flashbacks to the abuse Endeavor inflicted upon his family, and we have to realise that in the Pro Hero Arc...no one forgave him. It’s only him trying to start.
I feel like Endeavor doesn’t even expect to be forgiven, and he surely doesn’t deserve it, especially not from his wife or Shouto. But Rei and Fuyumi are willing to give him some sort of chance - they didn’t outright forgive him, however. I feel like their reactions are realistic - but so is how Shouto and Natsuo react. They all see Endeavor’s changes very differently, and thats realistic and adding more depth to characters we don’t see a lot of.
As for Kotaru, he was held back by his mothers betrayal to him - left as a child too young to really understand why his mother left him for the sake of others, much like Kota from the Training Camp. He wanted a happy family, but his view became warped when his two children wanted to become heroes. He likely felt as if heroes had practically ruined his life before, and he probably didn’t want his own children to suffer the same fate. No, he should’ve never raised a hand against Tenko...but we can see after the incident that he regrets his choices. We can see that he isn’t outright a horrible person, a man who had good intentions but tried to deal with it the worst way possible.
But he’s different to Endeavor due to the fact he never got redemption of any sort, he never got to apologize - because Tenko’s quirk activated, and as we know, it was too late.
Horikoshi adds such depth to characters like this that for me, personally, it becomes hard to outright hate them. Endeavor even happened to make it to my top ten characters because he’s such a complex and well-written character. 
Horikoshi doesn’t hold back and isn’t afraid to show that just as ‘bad’ characters can change and become good, characters we assume to be ‘good’ can also react badly. Everyone has their faults.
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