personinthepalace · 2 years
Kate Wetherall being absolutely iconic - The Mysterious Benedict Society
a video requested by the wonderful @shiningsagittarius - Happy Birthday!! I hope that you like this :) And I hope that you had a great day!!
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s1x-foot-deep · 2 years
🎵 and Kris?
first few desperate hours - the mountain goats
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Cleaning Up Some of the String
In summary of the last few days, I would like to list which accounts we have uncovered, just for everyone's clarity and peace of mind
@italianldcurtain Was Gert (@bi-demon-ium), who was also running @electroshockledroptha, @italianjeffers-headofsecurity, @italianjacksonandjillson, @italianmartinacrowe, @italiansq, @italiannicholasbenedict, @italian-nerissaeurusbenedict, @italiandrgarrison,@italianseymourtheorphanagecat, @italianthe-italian-benedictmafia, @italian-mvshortcut, and @italian-bi-demon-ium, as well as the regular @ccontraire, @mrbenedict, and @drgarrison (+ clones) accounts . This mystery has been resolved and explained here
@the-italian-benedictmafia was Truman (@beepbooptruman), who was also running @italian-jacksonandjillson. This mystery has been resolved and explained here
@thegreatkate-weathermachine is run by @shiningsagittarius
The remaining accounts of unknown origin (as of 4/26/2023) are:
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mvshortcut · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals.
Tagged by @trentcrimminallybeautiful thank you gert my beloved <3
Are you named after anyone? - Yes, but I don't really feel a connection to my birth name much, so I'd rather talk about my online chosen names! For the name Fallon, I just picked it because I liked the vibes honestly and also after an oc I made when I was really little. And as for the beloved name bestowed unto me, Milk. I made a typo introducing myself ("Gallon") and it stuck 😔<3
When was the last time you cried? - hm, probably a couple weeks ago? I cry when I get hungry lmao
Do you have kids? - This bear flowerpot thingy is my beloved son:
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But as for human children, no.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?- unsure if absurd threats of eating furniture in response to Cool Art/Fic count as sarcasm, but if so, yes
What's the first you notice about people? - if they have a Funky Outfit on I'll probably notice that first (and then get too intimidated to talk to them because they're CoolTM)
What's your eye colour? - brown
Scary movies or happy endings? - happy ending sorry I'm a coward
Any special talents? - I play violin, and I'm particularly adept at making typos
Where were you born? - hospital
What are your hobbies? - writing, reading, rug-hooking, cooking/baking, going on walks in nature
Have you got any pets? - yes, this is my beloved fool of a dog Clyde:
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What sports do you play/have you played? - none on a team, but I like playing tennis and roller skating
How tall are you? - 5'5" I think?
Favourite subject in school? - used to be English lit, but I'm a sociology/gender studies major now. but I also love Italian despite not being very good at it!
Dream job? - currently looking to go into academia! (scary!) but if I could have any job in the world, it might have to do with marine bio/conservation, or cooking, or writing, or an archivist of some sort, or a forensic entomologist, or someone who Sorts things all day, or-
Tagging (no pressure of course!) : @shiningsagittarius @never-wake-up @personinthepalace @xkurtwagner @hangrybluewhale @ae-jurumi @middle-class-trash @deeskip @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @papermillll @amysterywrappedinanenigma @nobody33333333 @sophieswundergarten @itsgoghtime @kneeslapworthy @oflightningandstars @rebecca-mbs-fan @phtalogreenpoison @crow-in-springtime @heyitsthatonesmolgay @lemondropletters
ok listen I know it said 15 but I got carried away-
that being said I definitely am forgetting people - if you see this, this is your open invitation to join (and I do mean that!)
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rrodgers · 1 year
@shiningsagittarius played Pl for me last night. For context, we named our bug friend “Gug,” (the beloved 🫶).
Here are some doodles I made while listening to Leo play!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖and huge Gug appreciation I love Gug so much
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Constance Discovers Capitalism
Scene: Constance’s smile at the very beginning of the trailer Suggested by: @shiningsagittarius
Suspected Context: I’m pretty sure this scene will occur at the beginning of the season (as it looks like she’s in Mr. Benedict’s house) and will be reflective of her arc during the season, which I’m guessing will have something to do with wanting to be more happy 
Summary: Constance goes the store, and encounters something rather unexpected. Warnings: None, really, except for a very detailed description of a mouth
Constance had power. Constance had a silver dollar coin, and to a child in a convenience store, the two were practically the same. It was a sluggish Saturday afternoon, a day when the sun hung heavy and hot in the sky, scorching the helpless Stonetown resident with merciless wrath. For children off of school, it was an awful morning for skipping rope, an abysmal afternoon to play tag, and a no-good day to do anything at all except sit inside and wait to go to bed.
Constance Contraire did not go to school and she did not like to skip rope or play tag. But it was still an awful, abysmal, no-good day for her. It had been almost two weeks since Mr. Benedict and Number Two had left the house to go prepare some great adventure for her and her friends: Reynie Muldoon, Kate Wetherall, and Sticky Washington. While Constance did a good deal of complaining about her fellow residents, she truly enjoyed their company and missed them dearly now that they were gone.
When Constance walked around Mr. Benedict’s large house, she was used to feeling anxious about running into him, anxious about him asking her questions and then wondering how she might respond to them. When she sat at the dinner table, she was accustomed to having Number Two fuss over her clothes and poor manners and go on about how she really must clean that room of hers. But with the two of them gone, none of this happened anymore.
When Mr. Benedict and Number Two were home, she felt awkward.  Awkward for taking up space, for living in their home, for accepting their generosity. Awkward in the way that, with Rhonda, the three of them acted like a family, and how they treated her like family too, despite her rejection of the adoption offered to her.
When Mr. Benedict and Number Two left, they took the awkwardness with them. But in its place, they left a breeding ground for loneliness and boredom. Constance would take all the awkwardness in the world over that.
Rhonda had been doing a wonderful job. Board games, baking, and excursions around Stonetown took up most of their first week alone together. But eventually, there was no more avoiding the work Rhonda had to do, so Constance’s last couple days had been spent filling the time with solitary activities and a great deal of moping around the house.
Rhonda had taken notice, so at lunch that day, she slid a singular silver coin across the table and told Constance that, if she wished, she could go down to the convenience store and buy anything she liked.
“Unsupervised?” Constance had asked.
Rhonda nodded. “But only to the convenience store, then come straight back. And take the main roads! And avoid people dressed in suits and…”
She went on like this for some time until she’d almost convinced herself not to let Constance go at all, but Constance reassured her that she would stay safe, and then left without putting her dishes away.
And so, Constance found herself in the local Dollar and Dime shop, clutching her token. The coin was thrilling. One small disc held great promises of freedom and responsibility.
“Buy whatever you like…” Rhonda had said. Whatever she liked. What a lovely concept to think about. Constance had never had money before. Not that she recalled, at least. She didn’t even know what she was supposed to want, but she was sure she would find it sitting on one of the long, metal shelves. What an amazing, new experience this was. She couldn’t wait to tell Mr. Benedict about it.
Mr. Benedict. Her heart dropped at the thought of him. Ever since he’d left, she’d felt sad whenever she was reminded of him. She didn’t like feeling sad, so she pushed past the thought and looked around her.
There weren’t many people in the store. One woman stood hunched over, examining the myriad of items in the Medicine and Health section. Her fingers jumped from a box claiming “Miracle Migraine Relief!” to a book titled “The Happiness Revolution”.
The only other person in the store was the cashier. He was a young man with thick curls that bounced as he rocked back and forth cheerfully. He was humming a song softly to himself, one that Constance had heard before yet could not recall the title of. When he saw her, his mouth split open in a toothy smile, saliva glistening on slightly yellowed enamel and fleshy gums.
“Hello there!” The cashier gave her a wave. “Looking to buy some candy, little girl?”
Candy, yes. She liked candy. She would buy some candy.
“Undoubtedly.” Constance shrugged. “Where might I find some?”
The man answered her question by reaching beneath the counter and pulling out a large, glass jar filled with rainbow colored confections. He beckoned her closer and Constance came forward to examine the treats.
“There are so many,” she whispered, mainly to herself. “How much can I get for this?” She handed her silver coin to the man who rubbed it against his shirt and laughed.
“Five pieces!” He exclaimed, tucking the money away.
“How am I ever to choose?”
“Take all the time you need.” He winked at her and left to assist the other woman, who had come forward to check out.
Constance reached into the jar and took out a handful of sweets. The sheer variety astounded her. Caramels, lollipops, hard candies, chewy candies, and everything in between lay spread out before her. She could only pick five? How unfortunate. She debated going back home and asking Rhonda for another coin, but quickly dismissed the thought.
As she set to the task of sorting through them, she listened to the conversation of the cashier and the sole other customer.
“Fine day today, isn’t it?” He chirped.
“Suppose so.”
“Say, I have this book!” The cashier paused his duties to hold up the book in question and flip through the pages tenderly. “The Happiness Revolution. Truly an amazing piece of literature. I can’t tell you enough how much it helped me. That Curtain fellow knows his stuff!”
Constance dropped the lemon drop she’d been holding. It clattered on the counter beneath her, but she hardly noticed as she turned to look at the pair.
The book he held was perfectly innocuous in appearance, except for the familiar person posed on its back cover. It was a man, a man with shocking resemblance to Constance’s beloved Mr. Benedict, but who was, at the exact same time, completely different. It was none other than Dr. Ledroptha Curtain.
“Excuse me,” Constance interrupted, ignoring the conversation that had continued between the two. “May I see that book?”
“Why, sure thing!” The cashier handed it over, ignoring the woman’s silent gesture of protest. “Looks like it would be worth a read for you, wearing a frown like that.”
“What’s it about?” Constance tried to keep her voice casual, but her heart was pounding in her throat and the world felt dizzy as she stared down at the wretched man grinning up at her from the page.
“It teaches you how to be happy!”
“And this book…it made you happy?”
“Extremely!” To prove his point, the man took his fingers and pulled the corners of his lips upwards, stretching his skin back in a horrible grin. “See?” he said, still in that awkward position, his words coming out muffled.
Constance nodded slowly and handed the book back to the woman, who’s sour expression demanded it be returned.
“Have you decided what candies you want?”
Constance shook her head.
“Well here, I’ll help you decide between—”
“That’s alright!” Constance spoke quickly. “I’m not hungry.”
The man titled his head as if regarding a wounded puppy. “You should smile more,” he said quietly. “You’d be happier that way.”
Constance swallowed. “I think I’m going to go home now.”
“But here! Your coin—”
“Keep it.”
Constance shoved out the door and began to retrace her steps. She wrapped her arms around herself, squeezing tightly. She needed to get home. Nothing felt safe. Her mind was racing, clinging to that image of Dr. Curtain, smiling, and of the cashier, also smiling. She saw the faces of people on the sidewalks next to her, grinning and laughing, their voices distorted into malicious, mocking chuckles. She began to run.
When the house finally came into view, she did not let herself relax until she collapsed through the front door. She should be safe now. But she was not. For Mr. Benedict wasn’t here, and the closest thing she had of him was that image of his brother, permanently ingrained in her memory.
What was the meaning of it all? Why had Curtain written a book? Why didn’t she know about it? Mr. Benedict would have the answers, if only he were here.
Constance dragged herself over to the mirror and looked at her reflection. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen herself smiling. How long had it been? A day? A week? Or perhaps, she hadn’t smiled since they’d left.
Constance smiled in the mirror, just to see if she still could. It was a weak smile. So she took her hands and pulled her lips up and open, revealing a mouth full of crooked teeth that had only seen a dentist twice in their life. She was doing all the right things, but it was not a smile. She let her hands drop. Her face settled back into a trademark scowl.
“Constance? Is that you?” Rhonda called as she descended the stairs into the foyer. Constance nearly wept at the sight of her, but she didn’t.
“Oh dear…” Rhonda murmured upon seeing the girl. She strided over, and Constance let herself be pulled into a hug.
“What happened?”
“I failed,” Constance admitted softly
“I…I didn’t buy anything. And I left the coin behind too.”
“Oh Constance,” Rhonda stroked her hair lovingly. “It was just a coin.”
No it wasn’t, Constance thought, it was so much more. But she didn’t say any of this.
Instead, she let Rhonda guide her upstairs into the study where she was working. Constance was allowed to sit by the window with a glass of cold lemonade that she held in her hands more than she drank. The cold from the ice cubes seeped into the pads of her fingers and spread throughout her, reminding her that even the sun and all its heat was only so powerful.
She sat there for many hours until it was time to make dinner, upon which her and Rhonda moved to the kitchen for a dinner of meatloaf washed down by tall glasses of chocolate milk. And then they cleaned the dishes and did their evening reading and both climbed into bed, exhausted.
And that night, as Constance lay beneath thick sheets, she was haunted by vicious laughter and the cruel, horrible smile of Dr. Ledroptha Curtain.
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floressr · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Thank you, @never-wake-up , for tagging me! I enjoy filling these out; it's like catching up with old friends :)
Currently reading: Nothing specific at the moment, just some things for school. I do want to re-read an Agatha Christie book for nostalgia ╯︿╰
Favorite color: Green! Specifically mossy/sage greens
Last song: Money, Money, Money by ABBA. If no one got me, I know ABBA got me
Last movie: The Mummy (1999) has recently been my go-to for background sound, but I'm also re-watching the X-Files
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory? Spicy! I kinda put homegrown chile flakes on everything...
Currently working on: A couple of commissioned art pieces, my studies, and trying to find the time to post art :)
No pressure tags: @hangrybluewhale @shiningsagittarius @cringebender @precambrianhottopic and anyone else who wants to!
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androgymagnus · 1 year
Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP (or post where you last left off in your art), and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don't reblog!
I was tagged by @rai-knightshade-art (my apologies, it will still only let me tag your sideblog and not your main, no idea why)
I don't think I really have any Malec/SH WIPs I'm actively working on rip but. here's what I do have!
She says it like a proclamation, an order, rather than a pronouncement of her intentions. Regardless, it is all three.
that's . TWENTY words holy shit. uhh. okay
@peachygos @mysteriouseggsbenedict @mvshortcut @bi-octavius @mollyhats @finger-lickin-fuckboy @thehouseofgrey @tothetrashwhereibelong @biconicfinn @poisonousquinzel @sqenthusiast @laniidae-passerine @shiningsagittarius @opinionatedoctopus ... okay i give up im DEFINITELY forgetting someone(s) and im sorry but listen im idiot okay
also as a bonus here's one piece i've been trying to sketch out and get the basic idea down for AAAGES and it's not cooperating and it's fine.
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i know its terrible shhh
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k1r0sl1mb0 · 2 years
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oh a few more things @bi-demon-ium @shiningsagittarius lmao i’m having fun now but you can ignore this if you’re tired ajlsdkfjkld
crunchy peanut butter = sensory HELL take it away
i like tuna and fish in general and also tartar sauce. blame it on my roots 😩
not oysters though because they’re too salty
don’t like cherries because of the pits. eating around the pit and/or spitting it out is Bad and Too Much Work
only the crispest of grapes. if the grape is at all soft that is gag material. that said, good crisp grapes can be amazing
soda makes my stomach hurt i’m sorry gert i’m a lemonade girlie at restaurants
cake is very hard to do well. many cakes are too dry, have insufficient filling, or too much frosting. i generally prefer other desserts over cake because it’s just hard to do cake well. THAT SAID if the cake is good i will enjoy the cake
brussel sprouts are so unbelievably disgusting i can’t believe there are people who like them
wine is also disgusting. i have gagged at that shit because i tried it because i wanted to be a sophisticated adult. turns out i’ll be sticking with my lemonade.
oh i can’t believe i didn’t think of this before but another food i just CAN’T do is raw carrots. I can have them if they’re cooked into a dish but the way people will eat raw carrot sticks???? NASTY. they trigger my gag reflex. almost threw up once as a child after trying to eat a carrot. i have never been able to eat them my entire life. coincidentally, i do wear glasses.
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personinthepalace · 2 years
The Best of Kristen Schaal as Number Two in The Mysterious Benedict Society
for @shiningsagittarius :)
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s1x-foot-deep · 2 years
I’d genuinely love to see your take on like. A Jack and Sally fankid
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well its only fair they r jack & sally fankids, they DID get together at the end of the movie<3 also. 2 for the price of 1
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sophieswundergarten · 7 months
The Little Princess AU but it's Reynie
I regret to say I haven't read this book yet (It's on my list), but you should definitely get @shiningsagittarius involved
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mvshortcut · 1 year
🦋 🐛 🦟 :)
🦋 Recommend one or three of your own fics!
One *or* three? Just to be contrary, I'm going to recommend two <3
(Actually you've already recommended a lot of mine! kissing you! doing the mental equivalent of sending you a Cool Rock as a gift!)
"Hurt/Comfort Snippets: Ch 1: 38 + Nicholas & Nathaniel" - in which I am very mean to them both. and also the sister is there. :)
"5PM Every Evening, On the Dot" - for any Kate/Martina fans, although it's pre-relationship, so it probably works as a friendship too! Post-Institute.
🐛 Recommend a great WIP / unfinished chapter fic everyone should leave a comment on!
"Float from Branch to Branch" by Clare_Hope (as well as the previous fic in the series, Good Things Ahead) - this is so sweet! I adore Reynie and SQ's friendship especially
"Third Island" by GreatKateZonkeyMachine - this one's actually on ff.net and it's from over a decade ago, but I read it when I was little and I still adore it. It's an AU of TPD where the kidnapping goes quite differently. I love the Ten Men shenanigans and Milligan being badass (<3)
🦟 Recommend a fic that makes you smile! Fluffy, sweet, light-hearted, that sort of thing. :)
"Constance's Cool and Epic Quest for Hot Cocoa" by @shiningsagittarius - I adore the relationship these four have <3
"home" by @bi-demon-ium - Mr. Benedict keeps adopting people! good for him.
"dear abby" by @bi-demon-ium - POV outsider my beloved
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rrodgers · 2 years
So to my very much regret, I stayed up till like 3 am drinking an entire can of monster within 2 hours and writing stories on my laptop
And then my not so very smart mind convinced myself to go to bed with the thought of "what if Mr. Smiley caught you staying up?"
So by this, how would you think Mr. Smiley would react if he sees someone he cares about stay up late working and chugging caffeine bc they're too focused on their work to sleep
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I think this is the perfect ask for quality daughter content. Primrose (named PERFECTLY by @//shiningsagittarius,, bro i even used the font you found for prim), is one who fits this description of overworking and staying up late perfectly. I’ve been following Leo’s sims escapades and she’s characterized the Smiley family so well 😭😭 this really reminded me of some of the family stuff they’d get up to in game so Leo this one’s for u 💖🫡
To answer your query good friend: Mr. Smiley is the exact same way. He’s a workaholic, getting to sleep is really hard for him and he doesn’t want to see anyone else fall into his habits. Im gonna say he’s a hypocrite who cares too much about everyone else and never gives himself the time of day. Seeing anyone especially close to him (like Prim) treat themselves like that just makes him go “sigh… u silly fool c’mere,,” immediately followed by “im going to stubbornly force you to bed and you cannot stop me.”
I love him and his goofy socks
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asoftersociety · 2 years
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I posted 103 times in 2022
That's 73 more posts than 2021!
98 posts created (95%)
5 posts reblogged (5%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 99 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#mysterious benedict society - 95 posts
#kate wetherall - 21 posts
#mr. curtain - 15 posts
#mr. benedict - 14 posts
#martina crowe - 12 posts
#sticky washington - 8 posts
#rhonda kazembe - 8 posts
#constance contraire - 7 posts
#milligan - 6 posts
#source comic: 721 - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#i'm waiting for the end of the season to get stills from s2 but those will likely start cropping up in the new year
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Well, Wetherall/It’s been a good run/overall more ups than downs/you made some good friends/and good memories
22 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
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It’s time to make yourself proud/and everyone else a little nervous.
23 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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It’s time to make yourself proud/and everyone else a little nervous.
23 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
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Everyone should have a contingency plan/for when the dead rise./Mine is to see my brother again.
24 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I figure you can bite one person/without it becoming your “thing”
28 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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