#shinsou hitoshi x female reader smut
bleach-your-panties · 11 months
⚡mind (and body) fuck 🛸- d.kaminari x fem reader x h.shinsou
⇰n/sfw 18+. mdni. MAJOR dark content warning.
⇰written for @bastardblvd's house of slimy horrors halloween collab.
⇰warnings: gullible reader, mentally ill reader, drug use (weed), electrostimulation, hypnosis, alien abduction, NON-CON, body horror, tummy bulge, use of surgical instruments, instrument insertion, egg retrieval, time-traveling (between present day and 1970's), alternate timelines, trippy shit, misogyny, sexism, sleazy men talk, threesome ig, excessive cursing, slimeball!denki being himself and slimeball!fake!landlord hitoshi, who claims he's a licensed hypnotist. this is degenerate, psychological filth; who wrote this?
⇰(i got the title idea from shinsou's hero name. i think it's mindbreak, but i always say mindfuck lol.)
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🛸inspired by the movie fire in the sky and betty and barney hill's accounts of their alien abduction in 1961.
🛸banner images from pinterest/pic collage
🛸banner/animated divider made by me with canva/pic collage.
🛸halloween divider by @/firefly-graphics
🛸4.8k words
▶️: e. t (remix). - katy perry ft. kanye west
▶️: phone home - lil wayne
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"You sure you don't want another hit, pretty?" Denki turned his head to ask you as he held the lit blunt, which was quickly becoming a roach, between his long fingers.
Hitoshi, who was sitting to your left, made a small sound of amusement.
"I think she's had enough. Just look at her fucking face."
You're Denki's new neighbor, having just moved down the hall into apartment 3E. After finally securing a day off from work, he decided to do the neighborly thing and invite you over. To get to know you better.
He met you as he was preparing to leave for work one morning.
You looked so lost and gullible, easy prey for him, but if he hadn't have left then, Katsuki would have most certainly put his ass on bathroom duty for being late. 
He'd have to put his quest of getting to know you on the back burner until he had more time.
And now, the day has finally come.
He wasn't very impressed when Hitoshi insisted on coming over the same day to 'work on some maintenance issues'.
Hitoshi is a bastard, a smooth bastard, that always seems to be in competition with him when it comes to nagging hot, unsuspecting chicks and taking them home, filling them up with weed, alcohol, and dick, then giving them the boot.
They even have a scoreboard, and Denki is currently just one point behind Hitoshi right now. Just one measly point.
And Denki planned to use little ole, naive you to even the score.
"What even is in that shit? It smells horrible." The violet-haired man waved his hand in front of his face to waft the weed smoke away from his "delicate" nose.
"You know, I've never seen someone who smokes cigarettes be so sensitive about a little weed. Pussy."
"Pussy? Oh, so now we're name-calling then? If I'm such a pussy, then how come I'm ahead of you right now on the board?"
He pointed a long, black-polished fingertip at the board situated across the room in plain sight. 
The girls that Denki brought back here either had to be dumb, lonely, desperate, or a sad mixture of all three. Not to mention the ones with daddy issues.
“Because you use fake status and promises of discounted rent to get pussy, while I, on the other hand, use my charm and good looks. Not to mention I actually know how to fuck.” Denki smirked and crossed his long arms over his chest.
Hitoshi just snorted and Denki knew that he had won that argument.
A soft moan and a feminine hand on his jean-clad thigh made Denki jump in surprise.
"Shit, I almost forgot you were here, baby girl. Scared the fuck out of me." Denki cooed at you and then snickered.
A steaming hot box of pizza was open on the small coffee table in front of you, along with opened cans of beer and soda.
"You still didn't answer my question, pisshead. What is in that weed and why does it stink so fucking badly?" 
Denki leaned forward to grab a slice of pizza out of the box: Hawaiian-style pizza.
"It's called Pineapple Express." 
 "Oh you just fucking made that up."
"I swear I didn't, but okay." Denki reached across your lap to ash the roach. Your small hand shakily reached out, grabbed his wrist, and rubbed it all the way down to the crease of his elbow, meeting the flannel of his rolled-up shirt.
“What’s wrong, baby? Are you tired?” Denki asked you in a thick, honey-laden voice.
What he doesn't know, though, is that he's given you a dangerous mixture. 
A toxin that would soon have you spouting fairytales and complete nonsense.
You looked up at the zig-zag blonde confused, as if you were really seeing him for the first time. 
"Wait, where am I? W-what…what year is it?"
Shinsou raised an eyebrow and shot Denki a concerned look. 
"You're in my apartment, babe, and the year is 2023." Denki answered without missing a beat.
You were clutching his arm now in a panicked state.
"N-no, that can't be right. The last thing that I remember was walking home and then there was this bright, green light and…"
Both males leaned into you mechanically, them wanting to give you their full attention as well as them being eager to hear what you have to say.
"It was like a fire in the sky; at first it was merely a spark against the soot of the night, when all of a sudden, it was surrounding me, a blazing hot inferno, as if I had stepped onto the Sun's surface." You explained with a shakiness to your voice.
"If you even attempted to touch the Sun, you'd vaporize before you could even reach the surface." Shinsou retorted smartly.
Denki seemed perturbed by the story that you're currently spouting, but he also couldn't deny that it had sparked his interest. 
"Leave it to Denki to bring home a crazy bitch and try to fuck…" Shinsou mumbled and reached into his jeans pocket for a Marlboro Menthol Black cigarette.
Said blonde swatted at Shinsou, a silent message for the lavender-haired man to shut the fuck up lest he scare away the barista's latest conquest.
"Hmm, what are you babbling about, sugar tits? There's no such thing as aliens and time travelers." He chuckled gleefully and cradled you closer to him.
How cute and funny you are.
His dick began to stir in his jeans from having you lie against him like this. Your tits spilled over the neckline of your top and brushed his chest.
Shinsou rolled his periwinkle eyes as he continued to smoke his cigarette and watch the wispy smoke curl up into the air. The minty, smoky odor mixed with the fruity one of Denki’s weed.
Those eyes then moved to the floor where your open purse was sitting by his feet. Inside, he could see a couple of pill bottles peeking out.
While you were busy whining to Denki about how you’d supposedly been abducted by aliens in your past life, Shinsou leaned down and scooped the three bottles up to read their white labels.
‘Haloperidol, chlorpromazine, and trifluoperazine. Antipsychotics?’
He rolled the bottles over in his hand then shot another look over to Denki, who seemed to have forgotten that Shinsou was even there.
The blonde's nimble fingers splayed across your back while his other hand rubbed up and down your shoulder.
Your breathing quickened and Denki took that as your arousal coming out, but your chest was constricting; you felt like you might be having a panic attack.
Shinsou stood up off the couch and moved Denki's hand off of your shoulder. Honey snapped up to meet periwinkle.
"What the fuck, dude?" 
The pill bottles shook in his face, making Denki squint as he tried to read the small black writing.
"What is this?"
"Antipsychotic medication! This chick is seriously screwed up! You shouldn't have given her that weed; it's likely the only reason she's falling all over you right now!"
Denki scoffed and rolled his eyes. In his mind, Shinsou is just envious that Denki got to you first, and the lavender-haired man was afraid for Denki to take the lead over him.
"Now when it's my chance to finally get ahead, you want to be a man of morals? Spare me the bullshit, please."
"Forget about the fucking board for a minute! You-"
Denki swiped the bottles out of Shinsou's hand and brought them in front of your face. His free hand moved from your back to your belly and down into the waistband of your skirt.
"Did you remember to take your medicine today, huh, pretty?" He asked with a teasing lilt in his voice. This revelation doesn't change anything for him; he's still hard and still wants to fuck you.
Your eyes refocus on him, only slightly, and you give a faraway nod.
"I did…I think.." 
He leaned forward to set the pill bottles on the coffee table. "Good girl…" He purred like a fat cat with a bowl full of fresh tuna.
Denki grabbed your exposed thigh and used it to pull your leg across his waist. Shinsou didn't miss how your cunt gripped the chartreuse lace of your panties as Denki exposed you to his sunken eyes. He bit his lip.
"You're really going to fuck her while she's like this?" His voice was thick with apprehension. 
Denki didn't falter; he even smirked.
"Sure am...not like I haven't done it before. You got a problem, you can leave. There's the door." He nodded his head behind him to the metal door that leads into the hallway.
Shinsou's jaw clenched; his pride wouldn't let him be outdone by a dumbass like Denki. Not by a long shot. 
Shinsou had to think of a plan and think of one fast before Denki would have your spaced-out ass bouncing on his dick in this very living room. 
"Hey…I've got an idea. If she claims she was abducted by aliens, I'll hypnotize her. That way, we'll know if she's really telling the truth or if she's just a nut."
Denki laughed at the double entendre. "She is just a nut, but I'm interested now. Do you really know how to hypnotize someone?" He asked, looking at Shinsou while standing up from the couch.
"Of course, I'm a licensed hypnotist." Shinsou lied, trying to save face. 
Denki positioned you in a supine position and crossed your arms over your chest.
"I'm going to hypnotize her, not put her in a fucking tomb." Shinsou rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, whatever. Just do it, before I get bored. Also, if you think you're going to trick me into giving her up, you've got another thing coming." Denki snapped.
His tone grew darker, possessive. He settled his long limbs onto the coffee table and pushed the cans and pizza boxes off to the side.
"Shut the fuck up." Shinsou mumbled. He walked over to the arm of the couch where your head is situated and stood over you.
Smoke-scented fingers caressed your cheek and jaw. You looked up into Shinsou's eyes and they turned dark like cold, jagged amethysts.
"I need you to relax for me, kitten. Breathe slow and easy, don't force them out. Just let them come slow and easy, just like that. Good girl." 
His hand moved to stroke your hair and your squinted eyes shut completely.
"Keep breathing and slowly begin to count backwards from fifty. Come on, do it for me, baby. I know you can." 
Denki's golden eyes watched with intent and arousal; watching you submit to Shinsou's whim so easily was making him even harder than he was previously.
Your arms slumped by your sides as you drifted off. 
The crickets' songs were melodious in your ears as you walked through your darkened college campus to get back to your dormitory.
The women's dorms were situated far from the main campus and the only way to get there was through a thick, wooded area.
"Silly me for not watching the time and ending up kicked out on my ass at 8pm at night. So not groovy." You chuckled.
Your platform sandals thumped against the ground, the material of your flared pants swishing over them with every calculated step that you took.
It was a bit of a chilly night, not unusual for your hometown, but tonight oddly seemed much colder.
The breeze ruffled your clothes and you looked up into the obsidian night sky. The moon was high and the stars swirled behind the dark gray clouds like a vortex, waiting to swallow up the wispy bits of condensation. 
"How beautiful…"
Suddenly, one of those stars began growing larger and larger. It seemed to be moving towards the Earth; a comet maybe?
It's much bigger and much wider than a comet would be and it's…spinning.
The heat was all around you at once and you were trapped. A mechanical whirring sound reverberated in your ears and drummed against your brain. 
Bright, green light emanated from the flying disk as it landed amongst the trees, crushing many of them under its massive weight. 
The sound of multiple tree trunks cracking and bending under it sounded like multiple whips cracking against flesh and the sound made you wince. You dropped your books and covered your ears. 
"What…this can't be happening right now…"
You whispered softly and clenched your eyes shut. The biting cold was now no match for the heat that had engulfed your entire being. 
You fainted.
We are not the same. I am a Martian..
We are not the same. I am a Martian..
(Greetings from Planet Weezy,
We will begin transmission in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…)
Phone home! (Weezy)
Phone home! (Weezy)
Phone home! (Weezy)
Phone home! (Weezy)
And if you feel like you're the best go 'head and do the Weezy-wee and
Phone home! (Weezy)
Phone home! (Weezy)
You awoke sometime later in a cold room with steel walls.
"What happened to me..I..what the hell?"
You tried to move your arms, but they were strapped down on either side of your head with thick leather straps.
"What the fuck?! Let me go! Let me out of here! Anybody! Somebody - help me!"
All of your racket must have alerted whoever else was on the ship with you, because the metal door opened, lifting up from the floor slowly.
Purple smoke filtered under the door and two white-robed figures walked in.
You looked at them and they looked back at you. Then they looked at each other and began speaking in a language that your puny human brain couldn't even begin to comprehend.
The two of them looked like regular humans, but you knew that they were anything but.
The shorter one of the two, a blonde with a black zig-zag stripe through one side of his hair, focused on you. 
He was wearing blue visor-like eyewear that shielded his honey-colored eyes from your vision. The man began to approach your bedside and only upon closer inspection did you realize that he was carrying a metal try with various surgical tools on it.
While the blonde situated himself on a stool beside your bed, the other, a much taller man with wild purple hair, matching eyes, and a black mouthpiece concealing the lower portion of his face sat down at the foot of your bed…table…examination table.
He said something else to the blonde, who nodded without looking up from the laptop that he was now typing on.
He moved a slim finger to press something on the screen - you couldn't read the text, it must be in whatever language they were speaking - and you noticed that his skin was a sickly-looking pale green color and his fingers ended in very sharp black talons.
Definitely not human.
We are not the same, I am a Martian
And I'm hotter than summer rain like Carl Thomas
Lock, load, ready to aim at any target 
I could get your brains for a bargain like I bought it from Target 
The purple-haired one seemed content with just watching you, but he began twisting the knobs on the sides of his mouthpiece.
Greetings, human.
The sound rang inside your head like a bell. It didn't seem to have come from his mouth, but since you couldn't see his lips, you really didn't know. 
"I-I…what do you plan to do with me? Please, just let me go home…!"
You pleaded to him, but your cries didn't seem to really affect him. He just continued staring at you, as if you were an insect under a microscope..
An insect that he could easily overpower and crush if you even tried to defy him or his partner. 
We plan to cause you no harm, if and only if you obey us and let us perform some examinations on you…
"W-What kind of examinations?"
The blonde, now finished with his computer work, rose from the stool and grabbed the metal tray.
He joined the purple one at the foot of your bed, having pulled the stool with him to sit back down on.
The purple one said no more, but the blonde reached for your feet and placed them into stirrups at the bottom of the bed.
This setup is one that you're quite familiar with…is he planning to… give you a feminine wellness exam?
Your thoughts on that were quickly diverted once you saw the tools that the blonde had actually picked up.
He wore thick blue gloves made of, what you assumed might be latex, but it had to be stronger or his claws would've ripped right through them.
"No…no no no no…please!" You pleaded, thrashing against the table widely.
In one hand he held what looked like a transvaginal ultrasound probe but on a much larger scale then what you'd find in any doctor's office on Earth.
The blonde spoke again to his companion, his tone coming across as annoyed. 
The purple-haired man slowly rose from his seat and walked over to you.
He placed his large hand atop your sweaty hair and began to gently stroke it in an effort to calm you down.
Hush now, if you don't lie still I'm going to have to sedate you.
Why couldn't you have just done that in the first damn place!?
You wanted to argue back, but thought it less than wise to do so.
The blonde continued on since you seemed to be distracted now. Deciding to not look at whatever he was about to do to you, you focused your attention on the purple-haired man.
He looked into your eyes and his own wrinkled at the corners, like he might be smiling at you. His sharp nails lightly skimmed over your scalp creating a tingling sensation.
Very good, pet. You're doing so well…
He reached behind his head and began to undo the contraption over his mouth.
The last thing that you saw was a wide mouth full of rows of razor-sharp teeth and a long, purple reptilian tongue.
We are not the same, I am an alien
Like Gonzales, young college 
Student, who done just flipped the game like Houston
I'm use to Promethazine and two cups, I'm screwed up
And you ain't shit if you ain't never been screwed up
Flow so sick, make you wanna throw your food up
The blonde man pushed the large instrument inside of you and watched from a screen situated above your bed to make sure that he was maneuvering it correctly. 
The large instrument stretched the skin of your stomach so lewdly and the purple-haired man watched it maneuver inside of you, intrigued.
Then, with a very long and very thin needle, the blonde penetrated your belly in order to get to your ovaries and retrieve some eggs.
When he finished, he removed his gloves and washed his hands in a wide, oval-shaped sink made of what looked like pure white marble.  
Your face was covered in sweat and you were breathing heavily, but both men were cooing over you now, stroking your arms and legs while speaking in their strange language.
You didn't exactly remember it, but you somehow ended up back in the forest where you started.
Five days later.
Your roommate, teachers, colleagues, and parents were all worried sick about you, and finally, you were found on the fifth day, curled up in a ball in the middle of the forest.
They were scared that you might have been drugged and assaulted or worse, had a delusional episode and had wandered off by yourself and gotten lost in the forest.
You had no clothes on when they found you; the only thing covering you was a thin blanket made of a shimmery-metallic colored fabric.
The story became a big sensation in your town, but many were skeptical of you because of your schizophrenia.
You went on to finish college and live a pretty successful life, but that one night all those years ago still haunted you..
I never had life and I never had fear
I rap like I done died and gone to heaven I swear
And yeah I'mma bear, like black and white hair, so I'm polar
And they can't get on my system cause my system is the Solar
I am so far from the othars, I meant others
I just eat them for supper, get in my spaceship and hover, hover
Present Day, 2023
"Damn, it really worked…" Denki said in awe as his eyes raked over your still body. "Isn't she supposed to like, talk, though? She hasn't said a word."
Currently, you haven't really said anything or moved much. Shinsou really had no idea what the hell he was doing, but he knew that he hadn't killed you, so all wasn't lost.
"She's so cute, I could give a damn about her stupid alien story." Denki got up from the coffee table and began unbuckling his jeans. 
"Whoa, you're really going to fuck an unconscious girl?" Shinsou asked, a bit taken aback.
The blonde scoffed, "Please, cut the nice guy act, will you? It really doesn't suit you. Besides, I saw her first, so I'm going to fuck her." He shrugged, uncaring. 
"Wait, stop. She just moved. She can probably hear us." Shinsou looked at your face, and sure enough your lips were moving and you were mumbling something.
"Please stop…hurts…let me go…help...someone…" Tumbled out of your Chapstick-coated lips.
"She's probably talking to the aliens, so she's not unconscious." Denki snickered. He elbowed Shinsou out of the way and straddled your legs over the couch. A zipper came down and he was now palming his hard cock in one hand while the other reached to pull your top down.
His hand then slapped your face and you jolted, but didn't open your eyes.
"With that weed, her psycho meds, and whatever the hell you just did, we just made her into the perfect little fuck doll for us to enjoy."
"Us? This is crazy…I can't…" Shinsou cut himself off as he looked at the board again.
If he didn't do this, he would be behind Denki.
He would lose to Denki.
He couldn't let that happen.
"Either we fuck her together or no one does and the board remains as is. So what'll it be, Hitoshi?"
I got a dirty mind
I got filthy ways
I'm tryna bathe my ape (ape) in your Milky Way (Way)
I'm a legend, I'm irreverent, I be reverend
I'll be so far u-u-u-p
We don't give a f-u-u-uck
Welcome to the danger zone, step into the fantasy 
You are not invited to the other side of sanity
They calling me an alien, a big-headed astronaut
Maybe it's because ya boy Yeezy get ass a lot
Shinsou situated himself back at the edge of the couch where your head was.
He pulled his own zipper down and let his dick flop right on out and rest against your soft cheek.
"So soft and warm…" His fingers curled into your hair as he began stroking himself. 
"Bet her mouth is much softer and much warmer." Denki sighed. He was jacking himself off with your pretty lace panties wrapped around his condom-covered cock.
You're so, hypnotizing
Could you be the devil? 
Could you be an angel?
Your touch, magnetizing 
Feels like I am floating
Leaves my body glowing 
They say "Be afraid"
You're not like the others
Futuristic lover
Different DNA
They don't understand you 
You're from a whole 'nother world
A different dimension 
You open my eyes 
And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light  
"Probably right…let's find out." Shinsou huffed breathlessly.
He leaned over you, parted your lips with two fingers, and spat into your mouth.
His cold, thin lips covered yours as he kissed you fully on the mouth, slipping his tongue inside.
Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your lovin', fill me with your poison 
Take me, t-t-take me
Wanna be a victim, ready for abduction
Boy, you're an alien 
Your touch, so foreign 
It's supernatural 
After releasing his warm cum all over your pussy, Denki reached for a small box underneath the couch.
Inside were two electric nipple clamps.
"These will really give her the shock of her life." He grinned and attached them to your erect nipples. 
"Wanna do the honors?" He tossed the small, black remote to Shinsou, who was rubbing his swollen cock over your wet lips.
Shinsou pressed a button on the remote and your body jerked from the electric shock, making Denki giggle.
You're so supersonic
Wanna feel your power
Stun me with your laser
Your kiss, is cosmic
Every move is magic
You're from a whole 'nother world
A different dimension 
You open my eyes 
And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light 
Both men moved in a rhythm; Denki thrusting into your cunt while Shinsou did the same action with your mouth.
"I'm going to…blow my fucking load..ahh shit, she's so tight for such a dumb slut." Denki groaned, his hips jerking faster and faster, making the couch scrape back and forth against the floor. 
"I'm close, too…fuck…so good…such a good kitten, take all of my cum, now. Drink it all up like a good bitch." 
Shinsou's head flopped forward and he grasped one of your tits while he orgasmed hard.
His cum flooded your mouth and spilled over the sides. The lavender-haired man tutted and used his thumb to push it back inside your mouth.
"Fuck!" Denki shouted and sunk his knees into the couch as he came hard into the condom. He had to catch his breath before he climbed off of you. Your panties were stuffed in his back pocket as he went to trash the condom and clean himself up.
Shinsou sank down onto the coffee table and pulled out another cigarette while he watched you.
It was now evening and the windows had darkened along with the changing sky.
Multiple stars littered the sky outside and the moon shone through the window where Denki had left the curtains open a smidgen.
When Denki came back, you were coming to with a shocked and confused look on your face. 
"It's you, again…it's you! You came back!" You cried. 
Without any care for how you might've looked, you sat upright urgently and wrapped your arms around yourself.
The blonde and purple-haired men just stared at you with bored expressions on their faces. 
They had gotten what they wanted and now had no use for you or any regard for your well-being whatsoever. 
That blonde and lavender hair, those sharp, cunning eyes…they were the same as those from all those years ago…how could you have not noticed it before?
"Stay away from me, you monsters!" 
You threw a pillow from the couch at Denki and he caught it. A smirk covered his lips as he watched you run out of the door with your skirt pushed up your hips, no shoes, no purse, and your hand haphazardly holding your breasts inside your top.
"Do you think she'll tell anyone?" Shinsou asked, smoke curling from his lips as he spoke.
Denki reached for another pre-rolled blunt that had been pushed off the side of the table during your activities. 
"Even if she did, who would believe a crazy bitch like her?"
You ran completely out of the building, into the night.
You didn't know exactly where you were running to, but you knew that you had to get away from there.
Ahh, there you are. We've finally found you, again.
Your head whipped around behind you, where you could see two, tall, robed figures standing there. The moonlight reflected off of that tell-tale visor, while long, skinny fingers clicked and turned the wheels on the sides of a black mouthpiece. 
Our little test subject…
You screamed. 
I know a bar out in Mars
Where they driving spaceships instead of cars
Cop a Prada space suit up out the stars
Getting stupid high straight up out the jars
Pockets on Shrek, rockets on deck
Tell me what's next? Alien sex?
I'ma disrobe you, then I'ma probe you
See, I abducted you, so I tell you what to do
(I tell you what to do, what to do, what to do)
Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
Infect me with your lovin', fill me with your poison 
Take me, t-t-take me
Wanna be a victim, ready for abduction
Boy, you're an alien 
Your touch, so foreign 
It's supernatural 
*ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ!
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elssero · 1 month
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having thoughts about general studies student shinso sneaking into hero student readers dorm at night.
talking about “hm your dorms are a little bigger that ours- i guess that’s what being in the hero course gets you.” he’s sighing dramatically and your shoving his arm- giggling while you tell him to shut up.
his list of excuses for finding himself in your dorm consists of him being unable to sleep- him insisting that he has to get used to place he’s eventually moving too!- it’s not like you’ve got anything better to do- and he’s right- because it’s nearly midnight and your too groggy to disagree with him.
“cmon we’re watching another movie-” you stop him before he climbs onto your bed- reminding him of your little ‘no outside clothes on the bed’ rule as you force him into the bathroom to change into the spare pair of pyjamas he left there. it’s definitely not a way of claiming his territory. it just means he doesn’t have to bring them everytime he comes over. he swears.
you force your skincare onto him- it’s not like he puts up much of a fight, taking the opportunity to have your hands brush over his face.
you watch movies- you share snacks- you talk incoherently about topics that definitely won’t matter in the morning. but his favorite is when you share long slow kisses- when you move yourself on top of him to straddle him- when you leave marks down his chest.
it’s unspoken, neither of you bringing it up when you stop after a while- sometimes he falls asleep with you. escaping in the early hours of the morning. you find yourself not enjoying waking up without him.
you share soft smiles in school as you walk by each other in the corridors- your friends asking who the cute purpled haired boy who keeps looking at you is.
he wonders how long he can keep it up, how long you will be able to keep sharing these hour long make-out sessions and not uttering a word about it.
shinso will inevitably join the hero course- the movements already in place- your giving it a month before he’s moving into his own dorm in your building.
he’s in your room again tonight, your sat comfortably in his lap as your mouth laps at his neck- he’s breathing heavy- you love it. forcing yourself to stop so you can look at him. he lets out a little whine at the loss of your contact before looking down at you- shocked to find you already looking up at him.
“what’s wrong?” he tries to conceal the worry in his voice- he knew this was coming, the fast approaching end of whatever arrangement you had with him. he’s joining your class soon- and that just complicates his stupid late night trips he takes to your room almost every night.
“is it wrong to want to stay like this forever?” your eyes haven’t faltered from his- your stare just as intense, your pleading with him. that’s when he realises your not ending this- if anything your doing this opposite, he knew it was never going to come easy with you- but he’s willing to wait- he’ll always wait.
“no. it’s not wrong.” he moves his lips down to yours, planting a short- soft kiss on your lips before continuing “i think it’s just right.”
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t0yac1d · 3 months
One More (H.Shinsou x Fem!Reader)
Request: Shinsou x Fem! reader (smut, p in v, stress sex, overstimulation - reader) oh and degradation towards the reader PLZ
Warnings: Smut, p in v, stress sex, overstimulation, degrading, after care
Word Count: 573
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You threw your hair back, hair sticking to your forehead and sweat trickling down your body. The room was hot and muggy, the sound of skin slapping, and your whines bounced off of the walls in Shinou's dorm room.
You tried pushing him away and getting off of him, but he held you down on his lap. His nails dug into the skin of your hips, crescent shapes forming from his grip.
"One more, just give me one more. This is what you wanted remember?"
He wasn't wrong. He was studying and very evidently stressed, but he wouldn't take breaks or even take care of himself. You could see it on his face, he needed a break, even if it was ten minutes, an hour, or more. You ended up "bothering" him about it all week.
"I- I gave you 'one m-more' a while ago.." you moaned, "You were practically throwing yourself on me all week, like a whore. I deserve more than one."
You bounced on his dick, and he thrusted up into you. His thrusts were pretty rough as were his words. You felt yourself close to another orgasm, you were so sensitive that even the slightest touch on your skin would make you whimper.
You rested your forehead on Shinsou's, the both of you panted and took a breather. Shinsou picked you up and gently placed you on his bed.
Your hands came up to your forehead and you wiped some sweat away. Shinsou rubbed light circles on your hips and you felt his dick grow inside you.
"Not again," you whined, putting your hand on his chest. "Yes again," he said, his tone was mocking and mean. "One more. Help me get rid of this stress."
He grabbed your hand and held it above your head. His strokes were slow and deep, you could feel him, like really feel him.
"Just let me use you. You'll let me, right?"
You nodded your head and let out a choked moan.
"Yeah, just let me use this slutty pussy of yours."
He looked down at where you guys met, all he could see was the way you squeezed his cock and your cum on his base from the many times he made you cum in one sitting.
Shinsou moaned in your ear, he sounded so pretty and he knew the affect it had on you.
He played with your very sensitive clit and honestly, he didn't need to do anything, you came almost immediately. Shinsou slowly pulled out and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing his purple locks out his face.
He put a pair of pants on and walked out of his room to get a warm wet rag, bottle of water, and a couple of snacks for you. He came back and cleaned you up, he was extra careful and gentle, he knew how sensitive you were because of him.
Shinsou sat down next to you and rubbed your back. "Thanks for your help. I feel better now," he said, giving you a soft smile. "You need to take care of yourself more." you muttered, ridiculing him. "I mean if I get to use you every time I'm stressed, I won't listen to you from now on."
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before Shinsou leaned closer to you and whispered in your ear, "How about giving me just one more?"
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 months
I See You pt 3
Hi I know this is a long time coming. This is also gonna be in 4 parts not three cause well this got long
Pairing: pirate!Shinsou Hitoshi x fem!princess!reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, fingering, vaginal penetration, alcohol, drinking, unprotected sex, pretty lore heavy
Word count: 5.4K
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
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The stuffy air of the palace dungeon smells extra pungent today. Despite being down there and held captive for years, his eyes have yet to adjust to the darkness of the rotting walls. The captive takes a deep breath and his lungs fill with smoke, mold, and the disgusting smell of his own excrement. He tries to keep the growing bile wanting to escape his mouth down as he hears pounding footsteps. Great, he thinks, what do they want to tell him now? The dimming light from the torch slowly approaching burns his eyes. He hisses as more light streams in and a few men come toward his cell, one figure he’s come to know against his own wishes. The gold that gleams from his crown does not match the wicked and sinister smile that lies underneath.
“Your disgrace of a daughter is dead.”
The booming voice of the king barely registers in the prisoner's mind. His daughter is dead? How? How can this be? He stumbles back farther into his cell, a series of mumbled words leaving his lips. A guard smacks the bars, shaking and startling the man inside. His jaded eyes meet the kings and there’s no sense of sadness or despair. There’s no love, just pure hatred and an unbridled desire for power. The man struggles to speak, feeling his voice rasp and scratch against his throat as empty tears try to fall. “You, you killed my family. My wife, my daughter… what more do,” he pants, “do ya want from me?”
In the midst of the darkness, the king is able to see weak and tired sky blue eyes and almost spits at the man behind bars. A sinister chuckle emits from the king's mouth that jolts the guards around him. The king bends down and reaches forward to grab an aggressive amount of hair on the prisoner’s head. “Let’s get one thing straight, pirate scum. Your daughter jumped into the open waters of the sea all on her own accord. I didn’t have to take in your hellspawn! I treated her with the utmost respect-”
“You hated ‘er. I heard ya was tryin’ to marry her off t’ the Todoroki’s. Guessin’ she didn’t like that. She was always a smart one.”
That earns the prisoner a harsh tug and smack against the bars. He groans in pain before chuckling. “What’s the matter? Ya upset you can’t control me?”
“Whatever that wench saw in you I will never know,” the king huffs with frustration. “How could she fall in love and bear the child of a pirate when I was second in line for the throne?! You gave all of that up!” The king starts to pull roughly on the prisoner so hard the guards had to pull him back. The bruised man behind bars continues to laugh at the struggles of the king, blood seeping from his nose and lips.
With a bloody and crooked smile, the prisoner responds: “I decided a pirate king was better suited fer a guy like me. And yer mad ma and dad lemme do it. And,” he coughs out, his bright blue eyes burning with a passion seldom felt…
“It’s not my fault she fell in love with me first.”
The starry nights on deck have started to feel different the longer you’ve been on your fathers ship. The sound of the waves crashing against the vessel have now come to calm you down as your mind races. You take a deep breath and welcome the salt and grime from the ocean and ship deck, smiling as the once unfamiliar sights and smells now bring you comfort. As you sit dangerously atop the gunwale, palms gripping the fortified wood as your legs sway above the depths of what could have been your grave. A part of you, hidden away still wonders what it would be like to be consumed by the waters that stole your father-
“Earth t’ princess? Ya not thinkin about jumping again are ya?”
Your stomach drops and fills with butterflies at the sound of a voice that has made you happier than you thought. Secure hands hold onto your hips and pull you off and into a firm chest. You feel a heat rise to your cheeks that you haven’t felt since that night with the prince. Shinsou looks down on you fondly before gently letting you go. A quick blush comes to his ears before he clears his throat and stands beside you. You both rest your elbows along the edge, letting your head rest against his arm. You suddenly find the courage to speak after letting your thoughts run wild.
“I hope,” you cough out, “I hope you get to be captain of this ship. I know it’s in my fathers name but, after our port stop a few days ago,I…” You trail off as you turn your head toward your companion and your voice is lost. There’s something about seeing Shinsou in the moonlight alone on the ship, his hair blowing in the wind, that has you believing in a future you never imagined. You never want to leave this ship. You don’t wanna leave his side. You want to stay with this crew and captain this ship with Shinsou by your side. Why has being on a pirate ship opened up a new side to you? It’s like this has been destined for you your whole life. If only your parents could see you now. If only.
Shinsou smirks and snaps in your face. “See somethin’ ya like? I know I do.” You blink quickly to catch his gaze, realizing you were just lost in your thoughts. Your chest heaves, you’ve never been this nervous ever in your life. Is it because you’re going back to your kingdom? It’s been weeks. “Hello? Princess? Ya alright?”
You shake your head on instinct and feel yourself wanting to close off. It’s like you’re back at the castle, being nervous in front of the king trying to get your voice heard. Your throat constricts and blocks your breathing as if the wrath of the king's commands are holding you back once again. It isn’t until you feel calloused hands grip and shake your shoulders that you take a deep inhale.
“Where’d ya go? Are ya really sure yer up for going to the kingdom?” Shinsou rubs your shoulders and walks you away from the edge. He walks you to his room, considerably smaller than the captain’s but well enough. The other crew members, specifically Midoriya and Bakugou, look on with concern. They both ask their quartermaster what’s going on but Shinsou waves them off. “Just some nerves, panicked a little. Keep up the night watch.” The duo salute him and the pair make their way to his private quarters.
There, he sits you on his bed as he grabs you something to drink. You take the cup from him and give a quick sniff, coughing from the strength of the alcohol. “Rum? Really?” Shinsou chuckles at your inquisition and shrugs his shoulders with a grin. “Imma pirate,” he chides, “‘ta be expected.” You couldn’t help but laugh with him, clinking your glass with his as you take a swig of the drink. You cough a bit, not used to the potency of the alcohol as your pallet has been adjusted to wine. It burns more than you would like but the taste is admirable. Shinsou watches you carefully as you drink, relaxing more into the situation.
It isn’t lost on him that the two of you are sitting on his bed as you share your drinks. The rum has you feeling more loose and relaxed, the most relaxed you’ve felt in years. And it might be the liquor, but you don’t want this night to end, this moment, this adventure… you never want it to stop. You fall back against his bed which causes Shinsou to laugh.
“You tryna choke? You gotta sit up when ya drink,” he chides with a small laugh. He tries to pick you up but you’re determined to bring him to where you are. The pirate finds himself falling under your pressure, his hand wrapping around your waist to try and get you up but you’re being a cute deadweight. He does his best to not squish you as you yelp from the surprise position. You find yourself now sharing breaths with the man on top of you. You suddenly realize his hand is on your waist, your chest is heaving up and down from the closeness and he doesn’t smell bad? Your head is swirling, but you’re not afraid of it. Your eyes travel from his own down to his lips which he keeps licking. Has he always been this alluring to you?
“Fuck, princess… can I kiss ya? I just, ya look…”
You gently whisper, “yes. Yes you ca-“
Shinsou doesn’t let you finish your sentence before he captures your lips in a long awaited kiss. His grip on your waist tightens and he shifts his legs to be straddling yours, almost naturally. Shinsou tilts his head and gently cups your face, feeling the callouses on his palms and fingertips caressing your cheek. You’re not sure where to put your hands as the kiss deepens, feelings of anxiety starting to rise within you. The only time you’ve ever been intimate in this way with anyone was before your supposed wedding, the night with the Todoroki prince. He had made you feel things you never thought were possible, sensations you’ve been wanting to relive again and again. And it’s starting to happen now as Shinsou began to grind his hips into yours. You find yourself placing your hands on his chest and matching his movements, spreading your legs wider instinctively. You want to be wrapped up in him, drowning in his touch and his scent.
Above you, Shinsou groans into your mouth as he repositions his arms to cage your head in. His eyes flutter open as the need for air becomes too great. Purple strands of hair start to press to his forehead as the heat in his room and between the two of you rises. He can already see the way your gorgeous pupils are becoming more and more dilated, similar to his own. He spots a bead of sweat trickle down your neck and he leans forward to suck on the warm skin. The way you moan and keen up into his chest goes straight to his cock and he sucks harder. Your fingers run through his soft tufts of hair, tugging as his lips go lower on your neck, nearing your collarbone. Your button up shirt is proving to be a hindrance and Shinsou sits up slightly. He takes a deep breath and makes certain eye contact with you. “May I?” His fingers play with the fabric of your top as he waits for your consent. The way he’s touching you with such care, such comfort, such possessiveness; where has he been your whole life? You almost want to tear up. No one in the kingdom will or had ever treated you this way and you doubt you ever will.
Your head drops in a nod and a whispered yes, while your hands fondle with his top eager to take it off. Shinsou nods back and rumbles out, “be patient, kitten. We’ll get t’ me.” You pout as he carefully undresses you, exhaling sharply through his nose at the sight of your naked body. Heat rushes to your cheeks but you don’t dare hide your expression. He smirks and sits up, the alcohol getting to him slightly. Shinsou struggles to take off his top and you find yourself giggling with him as he gets stuck. “Quit yer laughin’,” he chides. You can’t help but laugh harder as your hands touch the bottom of his top, which happens to be at his mid torso. Your jaw drops at how chiseled and rugged it is, your fingers running up and down the front of his body. His skin is littered in scars and you’re mesmerized by the potential stories each one has. You barely register that his top has hit the floor and Shinsou is openly staring at you ogling his body. He suddenly feels shy yet proud of himself at the same time.
Your fingernails brush against his skin and Shinsou shivers. Your eagerness to see him undress spurs him on to take your hands and force them to remove his top. The movement is intimate, and your hands end up pressing up his chest to finally feel him underneath you, his pecs making you keen. The heat is intense, your chest heaves as you pull him into another fiery kiss. This time there are no barriers barring you from truly feeling each other. His confident hand trails down your side and toward your front, diving lower to where you need him most. Your hands haphazardly reach for his pants to pull them down, then your own impatiently.
Shinsou steps out of his trousers with a horny chuckle as you kick your own away as well. He goes back to what he was doing before, his fingers travel toward your core. He curses at the heat and juices emanating from your now throbbing pussy. His breath gets heavy as he slowly rubs at your lower lips. A jolt shoots through you at how gentle yet possessive he is, making you moan loudly. A hand slaps over your lips as Shinsou continues to lubricate his fingers. “Princess,” he lulls out, “ya gotta be quiet. Do ya want the whole crew to hear ya?”
You shake your head with a whimper as he inserts a finger into your waiting cunt. Your hips move on their own against his hand, your own grabbing onto his shoulders. Your nails dig into the skin as he inserts a second finger, scissoring you open. The way your body moves and the sounds you emit go straight to his cock as he holds back a grumble of desire. A slimy warmth is felt in his palm and he realizes it’s your tongue. He hisses through his teeth as he gently removes his hand from your mouth. You pant with your tongue out, “I want more,” you whisper lustfully. “I wanna make you feel good.”
Shinsou clamps his hand over your mouth as he brushes and pushes the bottom of his other palm against your clit, earning him an almost silent whimper. Your body shakes at the increased pleasure. Shinsou’s cock twitches at the noise as beads of pre cum form at his flushed tip. Almost too quickly, he removes his hands from in and on you to place your hands above your head. Shinsou leans in close, the alcohol on his breath intoxicating you further. “Keep ya hands there, okay pretty girl?” You can feel his voice rumble in his chest as you nod at his request. He releases your wrists before sliding two fingers up your slit and coating his dick with it. Your throat strains to hold back the moan of ecstasy that wants to escape but you do as you are told (maybe you’ll find out what happens if you disobey him someday).
A calming hand rubs at your hip and inner thigh as he lines up with your entrance. The tip of his cock teases your lower lips and you keen against the bed. Shinsou takes a deep breath before calling out, “princess.” You gently meet his gaze and he continues in a low tone. “You can back out if ya want. There ain’t no pressure. Stop m’now before I get lost in all that y’are.”
The two of you may have started this under the influence of alcohol but there isn’t a sign of it at this moment. The two of you are drunk off of each other, slowly getting poisoned over the course of your relationship. You briefly disobey him and move your hands to cup his face, his stubble more present covered in sweat. Your legs widen as you hold his stare. “I want this. I want you.”
That was all he needed to hear before he slowly slid himself inside you. A whimper is caught in your throat as you hold onto him tightly. Your breath comes out labored as more and more of his length enters you. Shinsou shushes and coos at you, “I’ve got ya, ya doin so good f’me. Shit princess, my princess, ya feel so…”
He drops off as he bottoms out with a grunt. Sex with Shoto was great, but now you’re convinced your body was made for Hitoshi. Although he’s thicker and longer, the pain subsided easily as you adjusted to him. A ring of cream is already forming at the base of his cock and it takes everything in him to not fuck you senseless. The fucking can be saved for another day, he needs to make sure you know you’re loved.
“‘M gonna move.”
His hips slide out and then back in, meeting yours in a juicy squelch of skin against skin. Your toes curl and your jaw drops in an agonizing scream of pleasure that never comes. Shinsou slots his lips over yours to silence the two of you. The atmosphere is heavy with sweat and sex, nary a scent of rum from before. Almost naturally, you wrap your legs around his waist and he somehow goes in deeper. Both of you break the kiss to groan together at the new sensation. His body rolls and thrusts into you like a dance you never want to end or tire of. Your walls clench around him and he stutters slightly, his dick twitching inside of you. That coil inside has been wound up so tight and for so long that the spring is finally going to release. Your abs contract as you meet his hips with yours. You bury your head into his neck and whimper out, “I’m so close, baby. I wanna cum!” The way you beg for him to become undone almost makes him finish right then. He can feel how close you are with how you’re gripping his cock. He never wants to be without this feeling; a feeling he hadn’t realized he was looking for.
He takes one hand to cup your cheek as he pumps in and out of you faster, the other rubbing intense circles on your clit. Your toes curl and your muscles begin to shake from the intensity with Shinsou whispering in your ear. “That’s it baby, cum fer me. Want ya to cream all on my cock.” He pistons his hips faster, “fuck I’m gonna make ya all mine. Yer all mine.”
“Hnng, I’m cumming Hitoshi!”
“Kiss me.”
With your hair stuck to your forehead, you kiss him as your muscles twitch and contract. Your orgasm rocks you, screaming into his lips as you finally let the spring loose. Shinsou holds you tightly as he fucks you through both of your orgasms. Warmth fills you up as he releases inside you, spilling his seed into you. Your muscles finally relax as your legs flop onto the mattress, Shinsou gently following suit. He kisses your sweaty cheeks, forehead, nose, before reaching your soft lips. Your bodies are still connected as he presses his forehead against yours. His breathing finally calms down enough for him to gently pull out. You whimper from the loss of his touch. He chuckles and pecks your forehead. “I gotta clean ya up. I’ll be right back.”
Shinsou steadies himself before walking to the other side of the room to grab a rag and some water. He rakes a hand through his hair to get out more of the sweat. He’s about to ask you how it was when he sees you passed out, soundly asleep. His stomach jumps and his heart flutters at seeing you this peaceful. For the last couple of months of knowing you he’s never seen this expression on you. He must have really wore you out and that swells his pride. Shinsou gently brushes some hair back as he cleans you up just as softly. He slides into the bed next to you and wraps you in his arms.
Of course he hopes you won’t regret what happened, but he’s more worried about how you’ll feel being at the gates of your home that hates you so much.
Shoto Todoroki tries to hold back any malice that would show on his face as the ceremony proceeds on. It would be fitting that the day of your funeral would be cloudy. It’s not lost on him that it took months to assemble this ceremony when it took days to assemble his almost marriage.
It also isn’t lost on him the reception is considered more of a celebration.
The king didn’t even shed a tear as your empty casket was paraded through the land. The people there were more happy to see some of the royals up close, giving fake condolences as they slipped in “you can marry me or adopt my child,” as they all walked through. He was included as the fiancé that was robbed of a wedding and an heir. There were even some cheers and signs of relief. Was there no one in this kingdom who saw all the good that you are? The amazing princess and person that you were and could be? He wanted to yell at them, freeze them, burn them, anything to get them to stop sullying your name even in death.
Have they no respect for the dead?
The parade continued up to the palace’s cathedral steps where the funeral would take place. The prince lets his emotions show by crying at your portrait; at least they captured your beauty in a kind manner. The bells ring and the organ plays loudly, letting the kingdom know the funeral is about to begin.
Your casket is adorned with what he assumes are you favorite flowers as well as the flowers of the castle. From the one night he had with you, he knows you would hate all of this. Shoto whispers to his brother, who happened to show up, “this is bullshit. She would hate all of this.”
Natsuo sighs and places a hand on his shoulder. “I agree with you. Your letters barely touched the surface of how this kingdom views their fallen princess. It’s blasphemous. And their king is no better.”
“You two,” King Enji hisses, “watch it. We don’t know who is listening.
“But I concur.”
The king, your stepfather, approaches the podium and motions for his subjects to sit. He takes a deep breath to feign sadness before the bells go off for a second time. Shoto sighs as he’s now thankful for the interruption. However when he looks forward, the king’s eyes are full of dread. Some of the townspeople are unsure of what the bells are for and whispers flourish throughout the cathedral. “Father,” Shoto asks, “what are those bells?”
The king answers with a drop in his voice and confidence.
Your heart beats out of your chest as the alarm bells of your kingdom blare loudly. The last time you heard those bells was the last time you saw your father. You breathe deeply to calm and steal your nerves. On your right, Aizawa grips your shoulder and gives you a nod of approval. To your left, Shinsou holds your hand tightly and squeezes it firmly. You turn your head to Eraserhead and nod at him, standing along the beaches of your former home. Your eyes scan up the beachside cliff where atop sits the castle.
Pirate Queen Nemuri and Captain Yamada have already ascended into the kingdom, the screams of soldiers and citizens growing. They are to be the distraction as your faction enters the castle and ransacks it. No longer will you be resigned and be an observer of your own life. A sinister smile comes to your face as the future is yours for the taking, starting with your home. The pirate ship Yuuei crew follows you toward a secret entrance into the castle. Judging by the old maps, there was once a dungeon and you want to find it and see what secrets your stepfather had hidden. Covered in vines and moss, you use your new found weapon to slice away at the greenery that at one point was your escape to the waters below your room. The king then forbade you from using this way and you never knew why. You had assumed he hated you immensely as it was right after your mother had died.
The door squeaks open and a wave of dust and cobwebs hits your face, the rusting nails practically falling out of the hinges. Aizawa presses forward and takes a cautious step on the stone. He presses his foot into the material to assure its stability. Satisfied with his determination, he turns his head toward his crew proudly. He gives them a silent signal to tread behind him and they follow suit. However, Kaminari perks his ear and halts those behind him.
“Someone’s comin’,” he whispers.
The pounding of metal on gravel alerts you to two guards that have their swords drawn. They approach the group with fear and loathing as the pirates around you draw their own swords. With a stern pout, you pull out yours and step in between them. Shinsou attempts to stop you but Midoriya holds him back. The two guards slow their approach as their eyes widen in shock. “Y-your highness! We thought you dead, the kingdom is mourning you as we speak,” the first shakes out before kneeling in front of you. The second scoffs and pulls up his mate. “Ain’t no need to kneel to her,” he steps toward you with the tip of the sword about to graze your neck. Behind you Shinsou growls as he and the rest of the crew close in on the three of you. “This one has been declared dead by the castle. We never did like you.”
Your grip tightens on the sword as you try to control your breathing. “And why is that? Do you have no thoughts of your own?”
“Heh, the king didn’t like you. That’s good enough for me.”
The second guard lunges toward you aggressively with malice in his heart. You duck out of the way and avoid his attack as you come up behind him. With his guard lowered along with his head, the back of his neck is wide open as you start to dig the edge of your sword into his neck. The first guard drops his sword in surrender as a trickle of blood falls down the other’s back. The man underneath you grunts in frustration as you had bested him in quick combat. Your eyes narrow as the defeated guard drops his sword and stands up, your sword never leaving the nape of his neck. Aizawa steps forward and flashes an eerie smile of discontent.
With his hands on his hips, he snickers. “How’s it feel t’be bested by ya own princess? Yer gonna lead us inside the castle or she won’t hesitate t’kill ya.” You smirk behind the resistant guard as you walk towards the secret entrance. Sharp black eyes follow where the soldiers came from and hums to himself. “Aye, go back t’where they came from. Take Mind Jack with ya.”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, knowing full well you need to be the one leading the charge inside. You grumble to yourself and withdraw your weapon, only for it to be replaced by Bakugou’s own cutlass. “Get ta steppin’,” he chews out. You know better than to talk back to your captain so you turn your head and retrace the steps left in the gravel and sand from the guards. Shinsou trails behind you, giving you enough space to process and follow the footsteps. With the crew, the guard in opposition out front to lead them and whispers under his breath.
“No surprise you turned out to be a pirate, just like your father.”
You and Shinsou tread carefully along the sand to not disturb the trail. The silence is heavy as you think about what you’re going to find. For as long as you’ve lived at the castle, there were still parts you never explored. And whatever had your stepfather guarding this area this way means there’s something for you to find. Shinsou follows your lead and places a hand on your shoulder. The two of you stop as you see another hidden cavern with signs and smells of knights standing for long periods of time. If you hadn’t been surrounded by pirates for weeks and weeks, the smell of feces and urine would have made you vomit.
Hidden away is another door, similar to the secret entrance of the castle. You look back down to the map in your hands and realize this location isn’t on there. Your eyebrows furrow closely. “What is it?” Shinsou calmly asks. You turn your head to meet his serious expression, rolling up the map with a sigh.
“This entrance,” you start slowly, approaching the door. “Is not in my memories or any castle drawings. What is this?” With a confirmation nod from your, you assume, lover you turn the knob. The hinges squeak and another set of rotting stone leads upwards. You gulp and hold Shinsou’s hand as a new sense of anxiety overcomes you. What are you going to find at the end of the stairs? Your heart is beating a mile a minute when you reach another door. It looks to be in better shape and you keep a hand on the hilt of your sword as it opens. Your eyes are met with what looks like a dungeon. You relax your shoulders as confusion swells inside you. Beside you, Shinsou takes in his surroundings as he questions. “A dungeon?”
“I-I don’t understand. We’ve never had enemies,” you stammer. You look through the bars of the empty cells and see rotting wood, mold and moss, skeletal remains, and rusting metal. You step on gravel and twigs as your mind is a mess, until the sound of flesh against metal makes you yelp. Shinsou quickly rushes to your aid and pulls out his weapon, standing in front of you. The two of you see a hand on a faraway cell.
“The kingdom getting invaded by pirates again? Sheesh, it’s sure been a while.”
The voice is raspy, full of experience and loss. The two of you hesitantly head toward the farthest cell. The hand, covered in grime and calluses reaches out to you. Shinsou speaks up first. “Who are ya?” The man in the cell chuckles with a cough before pointing up and behind you. You turn and notice a set of keys. Without hesitation, you grab them and unlock the cell. It creaks open and the man inside falls to the ground. The chains that are attached to him shine in the light, and you unlock those too. There’s a ring of bruises around the prisoner's wrists and neck as he falls to the ground.
Hitoshi, still on guard, keeps his sword drawn and at the ready. The man in front of them seems to have matted and tangled hair that is entirely too familiar. It’s only when he lifts his head that you fall to the ground. A gasp escapes your lips as disbelief comes across your features. Your lip trembles as your mind goes to the picture Eraserhead had shown you. The man smiles as if his life has always been easy and foretold to him. He rubs at his wrists and sits on his knees in front of you. Shinsou lowers himself to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder. “It can’t be…” he whispers.
Although worn down by years of confinement, that unmistakable cloud like hair reminds you of your own. You blink furiously as realization dawns on you. Tears cascade freely down your cheeks as you shake your head in shock. His soft blue eyes affirm everything your brain is trying to conjure. The man in front of you meets your eyes and gives you a warm and welcoming smile as he starts to cry.
“So,” Oboro chokes back, “m’daughter became a pirate afta all. ‘M so relieved.”
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hitoshiyoshi · 2 years
brat | shinsou hitoshi
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synopsis ↬ shinso gets a bit jealous when you get close with one of his friends
warnings ↬ pseudocest, dub-con, swearing, manipulation, shinso is aizawa's son, you live with them but shinso sees you as his sister although you are NOT related, kaminari denki slander, your parents were heroes who passed, shinso and the reader play the doctor game, shinso and the reader are both about 20 but shinso is older, she/her pronouns for the reader, virgin kink, slight humiliation kink, use of 'girl' and 'doll' when addressing the reader, unprotected s*x, fingering, cr3ampie, slight overstimulation, 0ral (receiving), slut shaming, if you notice some things that don’t make sense it’s poor editing, I changed the story last minute and i’m sorry, let me know if i missed something
pairing ↬ shinsou hitoshi x fem!reader
word count ↬ 6.4k
kinktober week one
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Shinso’s eyes glanced over your frame, watching you twiddle the pads of your fingers. Standing by the kitchen counter with your mobile loosely hanging from your hands, a laugh echoed throughout the home every couple of minutes. The ticking of the analog clock furthered his frustration; he’d been counting every second. Time seemed to pass at a dreadfully slow pace and, for eons, he waited for you to finish.
He knew who was the keeper of your time, fucking Denki, his coworker at a hero agency they both worked for. It only took one encounter at the entrance of the agency's building for him to capture your attention. Shinso could not fathom why you had any interest in him with the blonde’s undying persistence to establish a friendship with you.
Sitting on the worn-out sofa of his father’s home, he waited as patiently as he could. The show on the large flat-screen TV had no longer sparked his interest. He couldn’t peel his eyes away from your back as his chest tightened and his heart swelled with jealousy. Resisting his urge to grip the phone from your hands, he waited. Questioning whether it was worth it to tell father about your latest interaction with Denki, knowing very well that he wouldn’t be happy. Shinsou could still remember the day his father, Aizawa Shouta, introduced you to him.
It was a long afternoon filled with Aizawa trying to convince you to live with him and his son. The sudden death of your parents only a few hours prior left the man feeling sympathetic for you. They were pro-heroes and two of his dearest friends; another loss he would have to cope with. Making a promise to himself that you wouldn’t have the same unfortunate outcome, he asked if you would move in with him. Although you were old enough to survive on your own, his persistence left you with few options. He never left your side until you agreed. 
The rest of the night was spent preparing his house for your comfort. Aizawa helped you move all your essentials from your previous home into the one he shared with Shinsou and even allowed you to sleep in his bedroom until he finished designing your own. He always doted on you in a loving manner, giving you extra attention while never being afraid to act as a parental figure when you needed him. You didn’t mind Shinsou’s overly affectionate demeanor, thinking he was excited about having a new little ‘sibling’ to fawn over. Soon, referring to each other as ‘brotherly’ or ‘sisterly’ names. This continued for months, concerning Aizawa who thought this would hinder your grieving. He was certain this was Shinsou’s doing.
Lost in his thoughts, Shinso failed to hear the endearing “goodbye” you said while ending the phone call. Clutching it to your chest and hiding the screen from Shinso’s view, you sauntered to a seat beside him on the couch, hardly noticing his gaze on your figure as you strode over. You placed your phone on the coffee table in front of him and focused your attention on the boring show, softly humming to the tune of your favorite song. Shinso briefly cleared his throat before engaging in a conversation with you.
“Who was that?” He asked as his ears peaked in your direction as he waited for a response. The attention given to him was lackluster compared to what he truly wanted.
“Just a friend.” A sigh escaped your pouty lips, and you prepared for another pestering. 
“I didn’t know you were friends with Denki.” Shinso scoffed before folding his arms and resting his back against the cushion.
“I can be friends with whoever I want to… besides, he’s a nice guy.” You played with the fabric of your skirt that rode more than halfway up your thighs. Secretly, you wanted him to continue; he could never know this, but each time his voice raised, a sharp chill traveled through your spine and tingled your pearl. Your head tilted backward on the couch, mirroring his position, you seemed too agitated to continue the conversation. 
He glanced at your body, thoughts of Denki’s devilish hands grasping onto the last bit of your innocence made his blood boil. You had to be a virgin, he was sure. Shinso always followed any male that managed to befriend you and basked in your depressive state when you revealed your new male friend had disappeared. Always giving them a strict warning, even using his quirk when necessary, just to preserve your purity. How could he live knowing that Denki was the lucky bastard to take his your virginity? Today was the day. He needed to do something.
“I know that… but you need to stop talking to him,” Shinso replied, eyeing you up and furrowing his eyebrows.
“And why should I do that?” You returned his gaze, trying to seem pitiful to lure the male’s attention away from you. However, Shinso was smart enough to see through your tricks.
“Because I said so…” He replied back to you, and before you had any more time to protest, he tried to end the conversation before another argument followed. “If I see you talking to him again, you won’t like it.” The weak threat flew over your ditzy head and you smirked up at him in an unfazed manner.
“Are you serious?” You scoffed. Shinso was not amused by your antics. 
“I wasn’t asking, I’m telling you.” You seemed to shrink as he continued to speak. His body loomed over yours, commanding your attention and seizing authority over you. His voice, deep and domineering, causes you to freeze on the couch for a few seconds as you feel blood rush to your core. Unfortunately, just as his aching heart consumed his entire spirit, your ego had grown in abundance, and you were no longer scared of the man sitting adjacent to you.
“You know,” You started as your index finger pressed into your jaw to tease the elder, your eyelashes innocently batting at the male. “I forgot to tell Denki something. Do you mind if I call him again?” Your hand reached for the shiny mobile, gripping the plastic case and unlocking the phone. Once opened, Shinso’s hand found its way to your wrists, grasping you tightly as a warning. You mewled at the sudden pressure on your weak bones as his fingernails left indents on your skin. “W- What are you doing?”
His hands, much larger than yours, pried the phone out of your hands as you watched on, too dazed to process his actions. Shinso held the phone away from you, watching as you continued protesting and grabbing at his hands. The screen, still open, showed Denki’s contact and phone number. He couldn’t help but grimace and felt a sudden churn in his stomach. The blonde’s annoying presence and dopey demeanor were not much of a prize. You clawed at his body until he gripped your shoulder and pushed your body away. 
“Delete his number or I’m telling Dad.” His voice was stern. You were no match to him. If you fought, you knew who the winner would be; so you succumbed to his wish. You weren't sure if he would do this, but he always threatened to use his quirk if you acted up – perhaps you should take his proposals more seriously.
“Fine. Give it back,” You extended your forearm towards him, patiently waiting for the elder to return it. Before the casing touched your hand, he remembered. Perhaps this was his last chance, otherwise, he would have to wait for an eternity. This was his chance to do something. When his hands didn’t faze and his eyes seemed lost in thought, you spoke. Shinso glanced between the phone and the impatient woman in front of him.
“Actually, I think I’ll hold onto this.” He slipped the phone inside his pocket before facing your visibly confused face. 
“But you just said you would give it back,” You tried reaching for the phone once more, but you failed. You relaxed on the couch and scowled at your his antics.
“I will, but you need to earn it back,” Shinso responded sternly, only worsening your anger. He wished he could feel any sense of remorse, but none would arise. For a few moments, his mind would linger on moral thoughts which were quickly diminished by his devilish desires. Shinso weakly gulped, trying to clear his head and the demons that convinced him to sin. Alas, it was too late as his weak mind succumbed to you. “Let’s play a game.”
“A game? Which game?” You almost couldn’t believe your ears. Of course, you weren't deterred by the idea.
“Don't worry, it's fun.” You fluttered your doll eyes towards your brother. You're so innocent. “Don’t tell Dad, though,” He couldn’t imagine the scrutiny Aizawa would give if he found out about his son’s perversion. 
“Fine, I’ll play. What is it?”
“Do you know that doctor game?” Shinso watched as you nodded to his question. He hesitated to continue. “Why don’t we play that game?” Once again, you agreed. You weren't familiar with it, but it was only a light-hearted game, right?
“Y- Yeah, we can play.” Your cheeks felt intense warmth, an act your body would do upon feeling nervousness. “Um, how should we start?”
“Well…” Shinso’s hands guided themselves to the hem of your shirt as he spoke. “Let’s start here first.” He lifted the material upwards and past your arms and head. He could feel himself twitching at your beige brassiere that cradled your ample breasts. As he discarded the shirt elsewhere in the room and inched his body closer to yours, you could feel his stare on your body and instinctively covered your chest. 
“Shinsou, don’t stare.” Your fragile voice caused Shinso to spur with uncontrollable desire. He adored it. 
“Don’t get shy in front of me. I won’t bite.” He pulled down at your arms and embraced your body briefly, unclasping your bra before tossing it in a pile with your shirt.
You quivered at the sudden sharp coldness of the air, desperately wanting to cover yourself. He tugged at your arms, pulling them to your side. You weren’t sure why he was doing this, wanting to stop and retreat to your bedroom. Lowering your head, you wrapped your arms around your waist, cowering in front of him with tears of humiliation threatening to spill from your eyes. The air of innocence was replaced by a noticeable lust. You watched his eyes examine the upper half of your body. 
His cold hands reached for your chest before massaging your mounds delicately. Shinso’s hands now engulfed your chest as his thumbs rubbed into the skin on your nipples. You let out a muffled yet loud moan at the foreign sensation unable to deny that your body loved his pleasant touches.
You sank your teeth into your bottom lip until a metallic taste touched your tongue. Watching you shiver on the couch, Shinso chucked to himself quietly — you submitted to him easier than he expected. At least put up a fight next time. One thing he didn’t enjoy, however, was your quiet demeanor; you made sure to stay silent during the whole ordeal. 
Lowering his head until his mouth hovered over your exposed chest, kissing the skin, biting and suckling to leave his mark. Your hands moved away from your waist to push against his chest, yet, he wouldn’t budge. Once satisfied, he wrapped his mouth around your hardening buds, making you shudder in his hold. Another whine escaped your lips, you tried to hold back, but as you felt his teeth sink into your perky nipples, a loud wince echoed through the room again.
“Mm~ Sh- Shinsou— what are you doing?” You could barely form the sentences from your mouth as moans managed to slip through your words. Grazing his teeth on your buds as they hardened under his warm tongue. Flicking the skin before sinking his mouth deeper, leaving marks his father would surely ask about. God, his mouth hungrily lapped the nub as wet sounds and high-pitched moans drowned out the noise of the television. 
Shinso ignored your question, too drunk on the feeling of your plush skin against his tongue. Alternating between each of your breasts until he was satisfied with the bites and marks on your skin, the squeals from your mouth only coaxed him to continue. His arms firmly wrapped around your waist and back, pulling you closer to his mouth. Your legs clenched firmly together with each pulse and wave of pleasure rocking your core repeatedly. Hands moving from your body to his shoulders pulled him closer, needing to feel his body — his warm and soft skin — against your own. Feeling his own orgasm approach embarrassingly fast as he gently rocked his hardened cock into your thigh, he pulled away. 
Panting, you had no time to calm your body as his lips collided with yours. Shinso’s tongue moved in the same way against your buds. Licking your lips and asking, no, pleading for your to allow him entrance, you eagerly complied. The feeling of his body against yours, pulling you deeper to him, almost as if he was too scared to have you run away.
This is wrong, and you knew it, but your arms refused to push him away — only accepting his embrace into yours. His kisses electrified a part of you that had been hidden for years. You did not want it, yet your body began enjoying it. Moaning into his mouth, you could feel his body tense up at the slight movements your body made. 
Pulling away briefly from the kiss as a string of your mixed saliva disconnected, his attacks moved to your neck and collar. This time his kisses were gentle; he didn’t want you to have to face his father and explain where the marks originated. Although he adored you, Aizawa sensed something was in the air between you two. It left an uneasy feeling as he watched his son’s behavior change around your presence. Shinsou dreaded the thought of you two separating. What would happen then? 
Inhaling and caressing your soft and supple skin, he realized that he needed more.  Firm hands digging at his shoulders broke him from the spell as you were also free from your drunken state. 
“S- Shinso… stop… this isn’t right,” His arms tightened around your body as he heard you speak. What do you mean this isn’t right? Always self-centered, you could not please him for once in your life. “Not like this…”
“Not like this, huh?” He said, inhaling your intoxicating scent as his face nestled in the crook of your shoulder. “Then what shall we do..?” Shinso finally removed himself from your body, although still holding on. “Look at these pretty marks I made. It would be a shame if they were wasted.” He traced the bruises and bites on your skin as your body trembled in fear. “Father wouldn’t be too pleased to see these. It would be unfortunate if he learned about your adventures with Denki.” Your eyes widened in fear. Although he was the one marking you, he would be the one to snitch on you.
“B- But you’re lying! I haven’t done anything with him…” Honestly, you weren’t sure about his reaction, or whether he would even care. You only knew that he was extremely overprotective and critical of any lover you brought home.
“Shall we call him and find out?” Shinso taunted as a sadistic smirk etched across his lips when he noticed you cowering underneath him.
“Then listen to your big brother. I can make you feel good.” He gently pulled you up and off the couch, guiding you to his bedroom. Your legs felt heavy as if they were too scared to move to your forbidden destination. His fingers soothed your trembling arms causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. Again, he let out a sickening chuckle.
His room, small yet tidy, seemed to feel like a prison. Shinso guides you to his bed as you inhale the faint scent of lavender coming from his clean bedsheets. You failed to notice your shirt and brassier in one of his hands as he chucks the materials away in a pile of clothes in his room — you won’t see that bra again. The cold air causes your nipples to harden almost instantly as he urges you to sit on his bed.
“W- Why do you want to do this, Shinso?” If only you knew about the twitch in his tight pants each time you said his name. Thank god you were too innocent to notice the bulge in his sweatpants.
“This is your fault. I wouldn’t do this if you behaved… you need to remember your place.” Your place? There was not enough time to think as you felt his hands tug down your denim skirt until it reached the ground and pooled around your ankles. His hands caressed your exposed thighs as he watched you shiver on his duvet. “Lay down on the bed. I’ll help you warm up.”
You listened, unconsciously spreading your legs as you lay on his comfy mattress. The aroma of his room seemed to cast away your anxiety, but only for a brief moment. Shinso’s eyes greedily examined the damp spot in your lace underwear, reminding you that your body was still on full display for him to see. His fingers reached down and danced around the lace whilst his body eased closer to your frame. Both of his knees caged your body as he lifted your thighs upwards. Finally, as he thumbed over your sensitive clit, a gasp escaped your mouth feeling him rub circles into your sex. Perhaps he was too eager, after a few seconds of teasing, he quickly tore off the clothing before placing it elsewhere in his room. 
“Look at you… look at how wet you are.” His fingers traced around your labia, collecting the clear essence from your slick and bringing it up to your eyes. Your face heated up fast. He was taunting you. “Hmm… What do we do about this, (Y/N)? My sister is a slut for her own brother’s cock. What a pity…”
“B- But… we aren’t related— and I’m not a s- slut…” Covering your face in the palm of your hands, you tried to cling to the last bit of denial you had. You two weren't even related by blood. Each time you reminded him, he would dismiss you.
“Oh? Then what’s this?” He brought the nectar from your slick up close and played with it along his fingers. Soon, he retracted his hands and suckled on his fingers as he savored the taste. Spreading your legs further apart, he examined the liquid that oozed out of your core, begging to be fucked. “Only sluts get excited when their brother does this.”
Soon, he presses his thumb onto the hood of your clit and gives the bud a few rubs. His index and middle finger graze against your folds, earning a suppressed gasp from your lips. Dancing around your opening, his fingers prodded around your tight hole. Eagerly quickening the pace of his fingers, he felt your wet opening ooze clear liquid and cover his thick fingers.
Your moans and his dampening skin urged him to breach your virgin walls; Shinso wanted to be patient, he really did, but it was wearing thin. Dipping into your core, you convulsed in pain as you felt one of his fingers explore. Watching you tremble, he caressed the smooth skin on your thighs to help you relax; see, he wasn’t heartless. 
A burning sensation in the pit of your stomach replaced the pleasure given to your clit. You couldn’t bite your tongue to stop the noises from echoing in his bedroom, loud moans and shaky breaths bounced off the thin walls. Secretly, he always dreamed of the day this room would be occupied with it. Another gasp escaped your mouth as you clenched tightly around a second digit entering you, stretching your walls, and prepping you. The sickening squelching sounds harmoniously played with your moans, music to Shinso’s ears. 
Pleasure finally began to cloud your foggy mind as you clenched harder around his two fingers and your pained mewls began to dissipate. He leaned down and kissed your thighs to coax your body into a release. Dancing around a spot that made you shudder, his fingers molded perfectly into your opening. A wave of intense bliss covered your lower half. You could feel him smirking against your skin; you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?
“It’s alright, babygirl… let it all out for me…” Shinso whispered into your skin. Your hands claw at his sheets, searching for something to grab, anything. Arching your back against the sheets while your eyelids clench shut, you can finally feel a sweet rush of pleasure.
“Mmph!~ Oh… No… S- Shinso…!” Your walls spasmed and convulsed around his fingers as somewhat pleasant-sounding moans erupted from your vocal cords. The warm feeling at the pit of your tummy finally releases as you feel his fingers coat in a hot sticky substance. Essence covering his digits, he could feel himself aching in his sweatpants.
“That’s it… such a good girl,” Pulling away from your thighs, he slowly removed his fingers. Leaving you empty for a few seconds, his head disappeared between your legs. Shinso’s warm tongue greedily licked your nectar as it trickled down your crevice and seeped into his bedsheets. 
“Mmmh~ Ah…! W- Wait..!” As your fingers pulled and ran through his thick locks of hair, he pinned your body tightly to the mattress. Shinso released a hum as his nails dug into your hips. It was too much, his tongue would graze over your sensitive bud as your moans became noisier. 
Once satisfied, he pulled his head away from your panting body. His lips were covered in the same essence that filled your slick. He licked them once more as he smirked down at you. Tugging at the hem of his shirt, he tore the fabric off his body before briefly moving off the bed to discard his sweatpants. You couldn't help but peer down at him and glance at his stiffened member.
Trimmed violet hair covered the base. What he lacked in girth was generously replaced by his length. The red tip oozed with clear pre-cum. He couldn't wait anymore. Another deep yet warm chuckle caused a tingle in your fragile core. Shinso watched as your hands covered your hot face. How cute!
"Just relax," He purred softly while wrapping his fingers around your wrists and gently moving your hands away. Shinso didn't know the sight of you being so vulnerable and untouched would excite him this much. He knew that by the end of this session, you would finally learn to obey. "Is Kitten scared? I told you I wouldn't bite." He leaned down until your faces were only inches apart and left a chaste but loving kiss on your lips. Remnants of your nectar managed to seep onto your tongue.
"'m not scared..." What a fucking liar. You aren't scared, but as his arm rests next to your head, you're trembling. You aren't scared, but as his other hand pumps his length and his sticky pre-cum leaks between your legs and mixes with yours, you're intoxicated. The lavender aroma of his room fills your lungs once more and makes your mind hazy.
He teasingly laughs at your demeanor as he pulls away from your body. Shinso didn't want you to be scared of him. He was already used to that feeling from his old classmates and civilians. It would've pained him if he frightened you. That wasn't the point of this. He could humiliate you endlessly for doing this, but he was worse than you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you watch as he positions himself at your entrance. 
"Don't worry, doll. This won't hurt too bad... as long as you obey..." Of course, he knew you had no choice but to obey. Rubbing the tip along your folds, he watched as he started to glisten in a clear mixture of your mess.
As you peered up at him, you were greeted with his indigo eyes staring down at you. They set your body in a trance, a warm and inviting gaze cast down upon you. Did it still feel wrong? Mesmerized by his beauty, you were too distracted to notice him gently pushing his length inside.
Filling you up inch by inch, sudden pressure and a burning sensation much worse than his fingers broke you. You sharply inhaled while your brother released a low grunt and muttered some curses under his breath. As his eyes fluttered and tightly closed with the sudden feeling of pleasure, you instinctively cupped his face while feeling tears swell up in your eyes.
"Shinso..." Gasping tightly as he finally sheathed deep inside your walls, you cradled his head in your hands. Your hold on his face tightened as you felt a sudden rush of foreign sensations. The lower half of your body became riddled with unbearable pain as you enveloped him. He must've noticed the furrowing of your eyebrows and the tears that threatened to spill because soon, he broke free from your hold and slipped into the crook of your shoulder.
Gently rocking his hips slowly, he tried to allow you to adjust and keep his composure. Shinso briefly wondered if he could succumb to his own satisfaction and release his frustrations on you. Bucking into you at a brutal pace until he finally reached the release he was desperately searching for. If it wasn't for your hushed whines, his patience would've run thin. God, he wished he would've done this sooner. If he knew it would be this easy to claim you for his own, he would've tamed you a long time ago.
As time passed and you eased into his touches, his thrusts became more energetic. Nuzzling his face into your shoulder, it was a shame to admit that his low grunts and heavy breaths against your face began to excite you. The once painful thrusts inside your wet cavern had become a warm smoldering feeling as his length massaged your gummy walls. Whispering sweet nothings and nipping at the skin on your shoulder, Shinso didn't care if you two were caught; he'd gone too far. There was no returning to the way things were.
Lifting himself up the mattress, one of his hands grasped your inner thigh and spread your legs further until you felt his cock brush against a sensitive region. He could feel you throbbing around him and relished in your sounds of pure ecstasy.
"Denki could never fuck you like this, right?" Shinso said as his eyes darkened, saying his name made him sick. Once he felt your pussy flutter against his shaft, he knew he couldn't say the same for you.
"I- I don't-" He wouldn't let you finish before you felt his thick fingers wrap around your throat and forced your eyes open as oxygen escaped your lungs.
"God, I bet you wish it was him fucking you... hmm?" His thrusts began to slowly come to a halt. He rolled his hips agonizingly slow as his tip grazed your spot continuously.
"Sh- Shinso... it hurts... I can't-" Immediately, his grip loosened as you huffed deep breaths. Still holding onto your neck, he tilted your head and locked your jaw in place to prevent you from moving. Your hands went to his wrist as you tried to scratch at him and pull him away, but he wouldn't budge.
"I've been waiting for so long, but I won't let that fucker touch you." He bit his tongue and held his hips back from pounding you into the mattress. Shinso just wanted to cum, and flood your walls with his seed — the most ungodly thing he could do. He edged against your spot more, coaxing you further into another orgasm. He watched as your back slightly arched into the mattress while you tugged at his duvet. With each roll of his hips, yours would press down against him, chasing a climax. "You're so pathetic, really."
"No... hnng~ I- I'm not..." You barely managed to choke those words out.
"Oh..? But you couldn't take your eyes off of him when you two met last week..." Shinso recalled your meeting with Denki in front of their agency only a few weeks ago. Like you, the words and his memory seemed stuck in his throat.
"Shinso-nii, I- I don't like him..." He tilted your face until you two were at eye level.
"Don't fucking call me that right now." He sighed and paused before continuing, "I saw it last night." His hips finally stilled as his nails left a stinging pain in your thigh and indents on your skin.
"W- What?" He watched you nervously gulp and stare fearfully at him. Don't act innocently when your face gives you away.
"You..." A headache erupted as he recalled the previous night. "You gave him a great show last night. Topless. Tell me, was it fun? I heard him, loud as a fucking dog." Fuck. He heard everything? Your mind was blank. You could remember video-calling Denki. He said he just wanted to see you, one thing led to another... and...
"Toshi... I'm so sorry..! I- I didn't mean to... he just said he wanted to see me... please don't tell him..!" Toshi, you only called him that whenever you apologized. Tears cascaded from your eyes. You were truly sorry. He succeeded in breaking you. You pulled him closer to you, almost making him tumble. The sudden friction reminded him of his aching cock nearly spilling inside you. He needed to hurry.
"Don't apologize to me. Father heard it too. You're a shame to our family." His words stung like daggers, piercing your fragile heart, but he was right. More water leaked from your reddening eyes, and he reached down and coddled you. "What if he shows those pictures to his friends? People already avoid me. Now they'll laugh at me for having a slutty sister. You want that to happen to your big brother?"
"No... I don't want that to happen to you, Hitoshi... I'm so sorry..." Your arms still wrapped around his shoulders tightly, too scared to let him go. He caressed your arm and cooed his words into your ear.
"I know you're sorry... but you need to prove it to me." Your ears perked up as you stared at him, excited yet confused. "I can protect you. Just submit to me, obey me." He kissed the underside of your jaw, expecting you to deny him again. "Only look at me, nobody else... Please, don't leave me. Let me take care of you. Let me love you... I can do it. Just give me a chance." The tone of his voice raised as he finished his sentence. He was pleading with you.
"O- Okay, Toshi... I'll listen, I promise..." He smiled into your skin, not a teasing smirk but genuine happiness. Overjoyed, he couldn't stop his hips from rutting into your pussy again, catching you off-guard.
His thrusts were much sloppier. He'd been drawing near this whole time but suppressed it. Shinso pulled your body closer as your legs wrapped around his waist. Nearly lifting you off his bed, you could feel him enter you with each thrust, quicker than before, and graze against your tender spot again.
The sounds of your mixed juices, smacking flesh, and the smell of sweaty bodies bounced off the walls in his room. The walls were so thin that anybody could hear; your loud and high-pitched moans were surely heard by passersby and neighbors. He guides one of his hands down to your clit, rubbing vigorous circles on your sex and coating his fingers.
"Hmmf~, oh my-... I- I'm so... close..." Your fingers intertwined with his thick indigo hair as your nails scratched his back. "k- keep going... gosh, you're so good... Toshi-nii..." Murmuring endless praises and words of affection into his ear, he could feel himself becoming undone with every twitch and throb of your soft walls. "I... f- fuck... I think... ah~!"
Convulsing in his arms as you clenched tightly around him, Shinso felt your warm liquid creaming around his shaft as he pounded into your dripping cunt. Your spasming walls drew him closer and closer to his own release. Patting his head and repeating countless affirmations of your love for him, you felt him twitch inside you a few times as his breathing heavied. "you feel so good in me, toshi-nii" "please cum inside me, my pussy wants it inside..."
What kind of brother would he be if he didn't oblige your wishes? Harshly gripping your hips and sinking his teeth into your neck, you felt him release another pained yet loud groan as he inhaled your scent. Sinking your hips down to bury deep inside your walls, you felt his body quiver above you. His essence painted your insides white, milking him of all his cum until he was empty. Huffing and puffing, his body fell forward on your chest while you continued to hold him tight.
"Fuck... you're so amazing, kitten..." Once he regained some strength, he caressed your warm cheeks before leaning down and capturing your lips in a deep kiss. Raising himself up, he slid out of your filled hole and watched as some of his cum oozed out. Shinso's tip still leaked thick drops of his creamy cum. "I love you so much, doll..."
"I love you too, Toshi..." You replied back to him. After catching your breath for a few seconds, you spoke again. "Won't I need to take medicine now?"
"Oh... you mean Plan B? I'll pick some up in the morning for you." This night was fun, but Shinso didn't want to imagine you pregnant. Aizawa wouldn’t let him live.
A sudden tap at the door broke Shinso from his long thoughts. Your eyes peered behind his frame in shock, catching a glimpse of his soul leaving his body as he soon followed suit and turned around.
"(Y/N)? Shinso...?" There he was, the very same man you owed a sincere apology to. Still in his hero attire, just returning from work and patrolling. His voice was quiet yet agitated, the same tone Shinso heard after your rendezvous with Denki.
You crawled towards Shinso's chest and hid your bare body away from Aizawa. It was too late. He saw everything he needed to see. Your naked body only confirmed his suspicions. This has to be a dream. It must be a dream. Aizawa blinked his eyes in an obnoxious pattern as if it would change any of the events in front of him. Father, I'm sorry, but this is real. He must've finally understood, his hand ran through his thick black hair as he sighed deeply and tried to repress the rage building up inside of him.
"Oh... you're home early." Shinso finally broke the silent tension in the air. He chuckles to himself before standing up from the mattress, not caring about his bare lower half. You scurried to cover yourself. It was already humiliating enough. "Can you pick up some Plan B tomorrow, Dad? We'll need a few."
He put on his sweatpants before reaching down to help you off the bed. Placing one of his old shirts on your body, he strode confidently to your father, who stood in disbelief.
"Shinso…" Aizawa began, but... what would he say? As the seconds passed at a dreadfully slow pace, he spoke. “You two fucked, didn’t you? Shit, I don’t even need to ask.”
“Yeah, we did…” He held onto you tightly, expecting his father to intervene and take you away, but his feet were still firm. He couldn't let that happen after he worked hard to claim you.
“Didn’t I tell you to wait for me first?” 
“You know I hate sharing,” Shinsou helped you up off his bed. A damp stain of his cum sullied his clean sheets, the image only irritating his father more. “Besides, you always get to fuck who you want before me.”
His shoulder barged into his father, nearly knocking him off balance as he tried to reach for you. You peered back at him, his hand was still extended, but you kept walking. Shinso dragged you to the bathroom to clean up. He whispers something about the walls being echoey and tells you to scream loud until his father and the neighbors could hear. Aizawa watches as you nod eagerly and fade down the hallway into the bathroom.
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h3artsforme · 8 days
I can just imagine Shinsou getting back from a long shift all frustrated and needing to let it out, but he lets it out on you ;) Word count: 1.5k Btw I was too lazy to spell check ;-;
TW: Smut, slight fluff, oral m!receiving and f!receiving, aggressive, degradation, pet names: kitty, little slut, whore, baby, kitten.
You were in the kitchen, cooking dinner for you and your husband, Shinsou. Shinsou had been having a bad week, but today was the worst.
You heard the front door to your apartment slam shut, the jiggling sound of keys in the background as you peeked over the wall, seeing your husband, his hero outfit a bit tattered and non to pleased look on his face. His indigo hair was slightly messed up and he looked exhausted. You frowned softly seeing the state your husband was in and spoke softly,
“Hey love, how was work..?” You asked in a hushed tone, watching how his indigo eyes shifted over to your frame peeking from the corner. His expression stayed the same as he let out a deep sigh, his gaze shifting to the clock that hung in the living room,
“Fucking frustrating.” He answered angrily, his tired eyes twitching a little as he looked back at you, his gaze running all over your body, pitching a slight tent in his pants. Your gaze shifting around the room a bit nervously for a moment, you hated seeing him like this but you never knew how to help,
“Do you-” Before you could finish your sentence your husband was already in front of you, tightly grabbing your waist and pulling you against him. A slight blush creeped up on your cheeks by his actions as you hesitantly wrapped your arms around his neck, slightly bringing his head down towards yours. His eyes were hungry as his hands moved to your ass, grabbing the soft flesh roughly, causing you to let out a small gasp. He let out a low growl, burying his face in the crook of your neck and biting roughly, sucking on your sensitive skin, leaving a mark. 
“Kitty..” He mumbled against your skin as his teeth parted from your neck, looking at the mark he made with a satisfied look. He started to gently kiss along your neck, making you whimper under his touch as his hands kept kneading the soft flesh of your ass, pulling you flush against him, with the tent in his pants more noticeable now as he pressed it against the small of your stomach. “I can’t any longer..” He murmured as he ground his erection against your stomach, letting out a soft sigh of relief. Your eyes gently fluttered shut as you mumbled,
“Shush.” He interrupted, not letting you finish your thought, as you felt his teeth sink into your neck again, making you moan softly,
“Shinsou…” You whimpered as you felt his hands cup under your ass and lift you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he kissed and sucked at your neck. He brought you to the shared bedroom where he roughly set you onto the bed, straddling your waist as he practically ripped your shirt, leaving you in your laced bra. You looked up at him, your face slightly red as you felt his hand roughly fondle your breast, his other hand going to your back and quickly unhooking your bra, pulling it off and throwing it somewhere in the room.
“My god..” You heard him mutter as he took a moment to look at the sweet curves of your body and breasts, watching how they bounced with any slightly movement, and before you knew it his mouth was latched onto one of your erect nipples, sucking roughly and running his tongue over your sensitive nub, making you whine and whimper. You moved your hands to his hair, grabbing handfuls and slightly tugging, earning a soft grunt from him. He let go of your nipple, now a dark-ish red as he took off his shirt and scarf, throwing the shirt away along with the scarf, “Get on your knees, now.” You heard him order, watching how he got off the bed and started to unbuckle his pants, letting them fall down his legs, leaving him in a pair of black boxers. You felt yourself getting hotter and hotter, feeling the need to obey and listen to him grow. You shifted to the edge of the bed, then slipping down and getting on your knees in front of him, your breasts bouncing with each move,
“S-Shinou..” You muttered quietly as you looked up at him, watching how he slightly pulled his boxers down, letting his cock spring free, his impressive girth and length making you shiver,
“Look at you.. Suck a good kitten..” He mumbled as one of his hands roughly grabbed your hair, pulling your head closer to his erect member, watching as his free hand grabbed the base of his cock and brought it right in front of your mouth, the tip already leaking pre-cum. He smirked as he watched you slowly open your mouth, tongue slightly peeking out, with half lidded eyes. He was quick to stuff your mouth full, forcing you all the way down as he gave a satisfied groan, gripping a handful of your hair tightly as he started to move your head, your throat clenching around his cock as your eyes squeezed shut, slightly gagging on him as you whimpered around his cock,
“M-Mfgh-” Your sounds were muffled as he continually bobbed your head up and down, watching as your hands lightly gripped his thighs and how small tears pricked your eyes, gently falling down your red cheeks, 
“Such a g-good little slut…” He whispered, his face contorting with pleasure, as he felt himself getting closer, forcing your head to move faster as he threw his head back. He let out a loud groan as he felt his balls tighten, white ropes of hot cum shooting down your throat by surprise as your eyes shot open, swallowing every drop that was given. As you swallowed every drop of his precious seed, he started to stroke your hair like a cat, mumbling dirty things under his breath. You gently pulled back from his semi-hard cock, with a satisfying pop sound, panting as you looked up at him, your tongue slightly peeking out of your mouth. Soon he tilted his head down to look at you, with a twisted smile and rosy cheeks, “You like swallowing my cum, hm? You dirty whore..” He half heartedly teased as he started to kneel. Once he was low enough he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder the best he could, standing up straight before tossing you onto the bed, making you squeak in surprise. You body gently recoiled on the soft mattress as you watched your husband grab you thighs and tug you to the end of the bed, 
“Ep! Shinou..!” You squeaked out, and before you could protest you found him practically tearing off your pants and panties, exposing you wet little pussy for him. He leaned down, taking in your scent as you couldn’t help but whine softly, your eyes fluttering shut at the pleasurable sensation. You felt his tongue glide along your wet folds, making your back arch as you whimpered, deep chuckle from him, the sound vibrating in his chest. After a few small licks and letting you get used to the new feeling Shinsou didn’t hold back, diving right into your little cunt as you lapped up every drop of your juices, making sure you bury his tongue inside your cunt a few times. You let out sweet little moans and whimpers as he ate you out, every lick and suck getting more aggressive, “M-Mmph…! S-Shinsou~” You whined as his motions were getting too much for you to handle, your hands tangling in his hair as your thighs practically crushed his skull. You hips bucked and wriggled like crazy, the stimulation to your pussy getting too much as you felt the tightness of that familiar knot in your stomach start to build up, ready to snap at any moment. Suddenly you felt his mouth depart from your pussy, a harsh slap of his palm instead, making you cry out as your back arched off the bed, hands clutching on his hair for dear life as you felt the knot snap. As you feel over the edge your legs quivered, body tensing as you came undone, letting the feeling completely take over your senses,
“Mhh…” You could hear the deep rumble of his voice, the voice that made you fall head over heels for, “Did that feel good baby..?” You could feel his gaze on your face as you came down from your high. You gave a small nod, before fluttering your eyes open, looking up at the ceiling with dazed eyes as you hear him get up. Too tired to look around your gaze stayed focused on the ceiling, listening as you heard the soft sprinkle of the shower, “C’mon baby.. Lets get cleaned up and ready for bed, I’m tired…”
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abs-2020 · 10 months
Chapter: 1
“Not a star in sight”
~Katsuki Bakugo x (Fem) reader~
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A/n:This is a revamp/repost/redo/continuation? of a story I did on wattpad a while back. And I’m here to make it better and keep it goin <3
Warnings: nothing for this chapter, but this series will have lots of triggers. And I mean lots. 😗✌️
Purple italicized stuff is you thinkin and talking to yourself. <3
“What a pretty view..”
You’d smile as you sat at the edge of your bed, looking out of the small and yellowish stained window and up into the night sky. Stars, It was a rare occurrence in the city part of Japan to get to see the stars at night. The lights from all the buildings made it almost impossible to even get a glimpse of the moon. But tonight? Tonight that just wasn’t the case, there was a big power outage about half an hour ago from a villian attack, and they still hadn’t gotten the lights up and working. Which to some is a curse, but to you? It was quite the blessing. You loved the moon, the night, and the stars. You loved the stars more than anything. The way the slightly twinkled, the way some burned brighter than others, and the way that even the small ones still burned just as brightly. They were beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
As you continued to lay at the edge of your bed and peer up at the sky in your favorite baggy hoodie and most comfy pair of Nike pro shorts dreaming about whatever a soft knock on your door would throw you back into reality, a small choke of surprise catching in your throat.
You’d sigh, grabbing your phone and quickly flipping it over to check the time.
Your brow would quirk.
“What an odd hour to be knocking on someone’s door.” ‘Or even my door..’ truth be told, you didn’t have visitors very often, or friends. Maybe friend singular.
With another sigh you’d scuffle off your bed, the old and worn down springs creaking from underneath you. Dragging your feet across the floor, towards your door. You were tired, exhausted from the day.
You’d rub your eyes as you reached your door, causally peering through the peep hole. Being met with two tiny pig tales.
"S-Shin-ae?” ‘What are you doing here so late girly?’
a small wave of annoyance would wash over you, a groan leaving your throat as you slowly unlocked the sliding lock, as you began to open the door an aggressive ‘thump’ would fill the air as you were sent flying back your arse hitting the floor with an even louder ‘THUMP’ pain shooting up your spine and coccyx.
"The Hell!?" You'd shout angrily your brows quickly furrowing as you shot your head up a small overly cheerful girl rushing into your apartment a small envelope in her hands as she ran around you in circles your door wide open.
“(YY/NNN)!! (YYY/NNNNNN!!!!) (Y/NN!)”
She’d call as she continued to cheerfully run around you, your arse still burning from your earlier fall.
Even tho she’d caused you to fall onto your arse and barged in so hectically a small smile would grace your face as you stood from the floor rubbing your arse from the fall.
As you stood from the floor Shin-ae would run up to you her hands grabbing at your baggy sweater causing you to jump back at little.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I got a letter for you....-“ Shin-ae would pause her eyes shooting to the floor hesitance and sadness gracing her features for a second. “It’s your dad..” she’d look away from you almost embarrassed.
Youd almost take a step back your hands coming up infront of you to shield yourself form her words. You'd shut your eyes, inhaling deeply. 'your dad’ her words rang through your head, your body tending and stomach filling with disgust. Your head would fall, a shadow covering the top half of your face.
Shin-ae would take a small step back envelope still in her hand. You’d take notice and exhale. Letting your body relax.
You’d fake a smile.
“Give it to me."
You’d almost demand, your tone blank as you held out your hand. Shin-ae would nod, her small arms reaching up to give you the envelope. Once the paper reached your hand you’d snatch it in an almost animalistic like way quickly tearing it open and reading.
Shin-ae would look up at you innocently.
"What's it say (Y/N)?" Shed ask with a tilt of her head.
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You’d sigh frustrated, wanting to scold the girl for being so nosy, she knew how you felt about your dad. And yet she still chose to ask such unneeded questions.
‘Be nice… she’s only a kid.’
"It says.." you stop "…it says something along the lines of ‘Dear (Y/N)! Here's a couple hundred dollars for rent and other necessities. Good luck and hope you get into UA!'"
You reply, Shin-ae’s grip on your sweater tightens her head falling slightly as she scooted closer to you.
"W-well the school years not over yet so...you're still going to stay in Japan and be my friend right?" Shin-ae’s voice was filled with a hint of fear and desperation her grip getting tighter by the second.
You’d sigh, a small smile gracing your lips as your hand went to oat the little girls head. “Yes Shin-ae I'll definitely be staying in Japan! And I’m definitely getting into UA!!" you reply with a lighthearted smile. “I’m not goin anywhere, so don’t you worry!” You’d grin.
Shin-ae’s head would shoot up her eyes almost as big as her face, a giant smile of excitement gracing her face as she excitedly jumped up and down, her tiny pigtails whipping her shoulders. Her excitement caused your smile to grow.
"YAAAAY!!!” Shed yell happily. “Well I have to go now!”shin-ae would jump as she let go of your sweater. “My mom said I could only stay for 5 minutes!” Shed smile before running off your mouth dropping when you realized your door had been open this whole time.
You’d wince. ‘Idiot..’ you’d slap your face ‘I can’t believe i left my door open the whole time…’
You watch her skip down the hall, making her way to her own apartment, running up the fleet of stairs and out of sight.
You’d sigh as you closed your door locking the sliding lock, slowly turning around to look at your small apartment. A kitchen connected to a small living room with one bedroom. yours. Sure it was old, and there were some weird stains you couldn’t get rid of even after multiple tries. But you liked it. You’d tap your foot twice before heading to the kitchen and opening the fridge. Nothing.
You’d purse your lips into a fine line. "I need to go grocery shopping after school tomorrow...."
You’d close the fridge and turn around, your eyes looking down to the money in your hand. You’d crumple it with a frustrated groan and slam it onto the kitchen table before making your way back to your room. ‘It's definitely small but it's a good size.’ But to be honest, you’re just happy you have a room. A room in Japan next to UA at that. You’d throw your Nike pro shorts off and jump into your bed. The springs creaking just like always. You’d shuffle towards your window only to sigh. The lights were back on. And there wasn’t a star in sight. Not a single one.
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miioouu · 2 years
14-Toys: Shinso Hitoshi
Your heart skipped a beat, your eyes fluttered and your legs pressed even tighter together. The look on his face was enough to make a grown man crawl back to his mother in fear, but for you, it created nothing but pure lust for this man. Maybe it was the way his hand ran through his hair as he approached you, or maybe it was the way his exhausted eyes scanned your entire existence. Whatever it is, it got you dripping wet and anticipating what’s coming next; your punishment.
It wasn’t like him to ever get that jealous; to the point it got him gritting his teeth and clenching his fist in an attempt to stop his violence. He’s always been a pacifist, there’s plenty of ways to deal with issues other than using violence, that was his motto… Unless it comes to what’s his, what he owns, and his most precious prize; you. Does it kind of sound possessive and obsessive to say he owns you? Maybe, but that was the truth. That’s why you got his initials around your neck, that’s why your body is always covered in his signature marks, that’s why his name is the only word you can mouth when you’re fucked stupid, and that’s why you’re begging him right now, like your whole life depends on his decisions.
But it’s not really a punishment if you get what you want, and you won’t really learn your lesson if you don't end up sobbing in forgiveness. And you’re being so dramatic, you’re seriously not going to die just because you can’t have a taste of him, you’re not going to die because it’s not his fingers up your cunt, you’re not going to die because it’s the purple vibrator rearranging your guts and not Hitoshi’s dick. The controller in his hand and a pure evil look on his face, but what did you expect? You should've known how mean he's going to be all night long the moment you saw his jaws locked and his eyes glazed with jealousy. You should've expected that the moment you thought it was a great idea to see just how far you could take it. Your hand running up and down another man's arm as you leaned closely to whisper something in his ear; it's not really your fault the music is so loud. You should've expected that the moment he dragged you to the bathroom, pressing your chest to the marble sink, making your short dress ride up and exposing a glimpse of your ass. Though he wanted to see more to access more, in a swift movement your dress was bunched up around your waist and your panties were in his pocket. “Does it turn you on so much, seeing me angry?” His voice barely above a whisper, reverberating through your body, making even more pleasure flow through your veins.
Did he know your plans for tonight? He must have, why else would he have the small vibrator with him? He didn’t hesitate, not even a second, before holding the device to your clit. The oscillations had you whimpering in need, you wanted more, he put it to the lowest setting. And to add to the whole pleasure, he languidly circled it around your bundle of nerves, making your body arch back into him. Slowly he started to increase the speed, the higher it got, the more difficult you found it to keep your legs from shaking, to prevent yourself from turning into a puddle on the floor, thanks to his strong hold around your waist, you didn’t fall face to the ground. One of your hands pressed against the cold tile of the wall, like your only grip to reality, and the other was wrapped around his wrist, trying your best to keep him where you wanted, but he loved to tease. Every time he saw you were close to your high, he ruined it. He lifted the vibrator away from you, chuckling at the sight of your tears, whole heartedly laughing when you begged him to just let you cum. But don't forget it's a punishment for riling him up, so it's only fair to make you suffer. "No baby, you hurt my feelings, flirting with that guy, so you're not getting what you wanted tonight. Stop crying and get up." And when you did, he was quick to put your panties back on for you, slipping the small vibrator between your folds, placing it just against your clit, before adjusting your dress."Let's see if you can flirt with other men now."
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piercidh34rts · 2 years
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♡Here are some anime Wattpad x female reader♡
★Shinsou x F reader★
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✦Armin x F reader ✦
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★Semi x F reader ★
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✧kenma x F reader ✧
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✦thank you ✦
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lounetteceo · 2 months
Hiera | 18+ (not specifying for personal reasons) | Non-Binary/Aroace | They/Them He/Him
⚠️Fem-Aligned/Fem-Oriented (She/Her, She/They, Transfemale, Cis Female, ESPECIALLY FUJOSHI) Do NOT Interact I CAN and WILL block you.⚠️
I allow genderfluid/non-binary folk to interact ^^
EVERYTHING I write is about homosexuals and you can't change that EVER. <333
- Fem-Aligned/Fem-Oriented
DNI List :
- Fujoshi
- Ageless Blogs
- Pronoun-Less Blogs
Introduction/Rules :
Name : Amy / Hiera
Pronouns : They/Them, He/Him
Gender/Sexuality : Non-Binary/Transmasc, Aroace
× Please atleast have your age (depends on post) + gender/pronouns when following or liking my post, Fem-Aligned will be blocked
× My posts will have trigger warnings/smut warning for my minor followers so they don't read it :>
× I take requests anytime, and if in busy you will still be put on the waiting list where I put all requests
× Tell me if you want to be tagged on any posts :))
× I only write for male reader, sometimes I might use they/them cause I write my mc as he/they
Fandoms/Characters I write for :
- Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba
X (Male) Reader -
× Tanjiro, Kanao, Inosuke, Genya | Strictly Fluff/Platonic
× Gyomei, Giyuu, Obani | Any Genre
Ships -
× ShinoMitsu | Fluff/Angst
× Obagiyuu | Fluff/Angst
- My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia
X (Male) Reader
× Monoma Neito | Fluff/Smut (Aged Up)
× Shinsou Hitoshi | Platonic
× Togachako
- Buddy Daddies
X (Male) Reader -
× Kyuutaro | Any Genre
Ships -
× Kazurei/Reikazu | Fluff/Smut
- Haikyuu (1st/2nd Yr | No Smut, 3rd Yr | All Genres)
X (Male) Reader
× Yaku Morisuke
× Sugawara Koshi
× Nishinoya Yuu
× Tsukishima Kei
× Tanaka Ryunosuke
- The Owl House
X (Male) Reader -
× Hunter Deamonne | Strictly Platonic
- Other
× Karmagisa / Karma x Nagisa (AC)
× Varigo (Rapunzel)
Themes/Genres I write :
Angst (D3ath, Murd3r, Suicid3, Breakup, ect.)
Platonic Relationship
Socials :
Tiktok : @Nilounetteceo
Twitter : Kokomi #1 Fan ^^!!
:3 ^-----^ !!
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gremlin-bear-boi · 2 years
→ ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕤 & 𝔹𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:
what I DON'T do:
I do NOT accept smut requests or anything that requires assault, rape, pedophilia, zoophilia, and anything that relates to these topics
I do NOT allow any arguments to arise in the comments and reblogs. If there is a certain ship request that you don't agree with, scroll away. I do not want to deal with any arguments dealing with whatever ship you don't like.
I do NOT allow anyone to fetishize my works. I don't care if you are not interacting but just reading you still are fetishizing my work if you think about it that way. Like I said, I won't write smut. I'm a minor, you dimwits.
I do NOT want any sexual comments, or interaction going on with my works. Sex jokes are fine, but if it is intended, I will report and block.
I do NOT write for problematic characters. If the character has committed sexual assault or is a pedophile (I'm lookin' at that one clown looking ass character from HxH) I will not write.
what I DO do:
I write fluff and angst. I will write dark stuff if it is only in the past.
I write male reader and non-binary reader only. No female readers, sorry gals.
I also write stuff like drabbles and headcannons, so stay tuned for that.
And as always, I just got into writing so if there are any spelling or confusing sentences that don't add up, please tell me. I would love to improve my writing skills so I can finally pass my fucking essay writings.
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬:
For requests and asks that wants to add a plot, please put the plot line in your ask before sending it so I will know your preferences. Simple requests and asks, for example:
Hitoshi Shinsou x punk!malereader pls
I will come up with my own plot or headcannons. If I use from other writers, I will credit them. So, when the request or ask is sent, please don't add pressure to me because I too am human and have a life outside this website. I also draw stuff so you guys can request me to draw stuff too whenever I have art block.
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ariiluvsyou · 2 years
scenario where shinsou and reader (fem) were having "fun" then they got caught by aizawa 🤭 [u dont have to write this lol!!] - v
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Authors Note: Hello V!! Omg, thank you for using a sign off your the first person to do that I really hope I see you regularly! Oh! And please feel free to use emoji sign off if you’d like too, \(≧▽≦)/
OFC I’D WRITE THIS FOR YOU! I made it into more of a short fic bc like you said its like a scenario but hope you like it my friend! Also thank you for requesting Shinso, I LOVE Bakugo but I felt kinda bad for him being the only one in my MHA/BNHA masterlist
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|♡| Red Handed |♡|
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Shinso Hitoshi x F!Reader
Description: After a very tiresome meeting with Aizawa, your pro hero boyfriend decided you were the perfect candidate to let off some steam. Not only was he enjoying himself, but he was also getting some much needed revenge by fucking over his mentor’s desk. Too bad Aizawa decided to enter his office at the wrong time. 
Rating: Smut
Disclaimer: Spanking, Light Choking, Exhibitionism,  Degration + Praise, Dirty Talk, Vaginal Sex, Getting Caught Doin The Nasty, Angry Sex
Word Count: 1222
 Links:  Masterlist,  Ask Me Anything, Tag List
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“Fucking slut,” Shinso growled out, his thrusts slapping hard against your ass with every syllable. He was pissed, since becoming a pro hero Aizawa had managed to be up his ass about every mistake for the past month, and it seemed today was the last straw for your boyfriend. 
This is what caused your current position, bent over his boss's desk, clothes haphazardly pulled down just enough so he had access to your aching cunt.  You whimpered, pushing your ass to meet his leaking cockhead halfway, scratching at the dark oak desk from the ecstasy Shinso provoked. 
"Toshi!" You cried when he hit a sensitive spot on your spongey walls, your pussy fluttering around him in a way that made his hips stutter before quickly working back into his rough pace. 
Shinso's hands moved from his place on your back to trail up your sides, making sure to give your breasts a sharp squeeze,  before placing two of his fingers on your pouty red lips. "Open," he commanded, a slight pant in his voice.
You whined once more but decided to obey since he already wasn't in the best of moods. You parted your lips, making sure to swipe your tongue along his fingers as two of his pale appendages into your mouth. 
"Suck 'em, you know what I like," your boyfriend used his other hand to slap your ass, creating another red mark on top of the many finger-print-sized bruises you adorned. Quickly you got to work, swirling your tongue and moaning around his digits. 
"Damn, had to shut you up with my fingers so we don't get caught," he laughed mockingly, although he himself was in no better shape than you. His usually flared-out purple hair was now starting to droop, sweat beading at his forehead as he stared at you with half-lidded eyes and the most adorable scrunch to his eyebrows as he focused on pushing himself as deep as possible in you. Fuck, why did he have to be so pretty?
You couldn't take it anymore, the way his dick stretched you out so deliciously, the way he moaned and grunted, the way he had a tight grip on your ass and tongue. "Toshi, Hitowshi bwaby, so gwood," you moaned, voice muffled by his fingers which were now stroking your tongue, thumb rubbing your cheek from the outside. 
Shinso pulls out of your warm heat till only the tip was left, laughing at the way you cried out. You attempted to rub yourself on him, searching for any type of friction but Shinso was quick to push on your back, your breasts smashing against some very important documents Aizawa had. 
"Look at you wiggle," he teased, watching at your cute little hole squeezed around nothing. "So fucking dirty, crying for my cock on my boss's desk," he paused to moan when you squeezed your cunt around his sensitive cockhead. His hand reached down to spread your lips, watching as he slammed his full length into you. 
"Hitoshi!" You screamed, voice not coming clear since his hand abandoned your drooling mouth and moved to grip on your neck. He squeezed gently, providing a delicious pressure on your throat as he fucked you silly, thrusts so hard they caused ripples on your ass. 
"Mmph, baby fuck! So fucking cute, do whatever I ask huh?" Shinso asked, spanking you once more. Your eyes closed as you let your tongue hand out of your mouth, completely drunk off the feeling your boyfriend provided you. 
"Yeah, that's it, think you deserve a little reward," his hand reached down to rub your clit, messaging small circles in a way that had your toes curling. "Go ahead and cum baby, cum all over his desk. 
There was just something so overwhelmingly hot about fucking on Aizawa's desk, the risk of being caught, the anger behind your boyfriend's movements, how Shinso mixed his degrading with sweet praises, so filthy to the point you couldn't keep quiet anymore despite your weak attempts. Shinso just felt too good, his long fingers lingering on your neck, your ass burning from his heavy hands, him toying with your clit, and of course, his large cock rubbing your sensitive walls in a way only he could.  Within seconds the combination of these aspects had you creaming around Shinso's dick. 
"C-Cumming! 'm cumming, Hitoshi please!" You begged, legs shaking from the intense feeling, surely you would have fallen if it wasn't for the desk beneath you. Your hands reached out to claw at whatever you could, knocking down some items in the process. "Toshi, please cum, wanna feel you so bad." Drool dribbles down your cheek you lean your head down onto the cool surface beneath you, withering in this intense feeling. 
"Fuck, fuck! Why do you have to be so fucking tight—fuck hahh!" Shinso had let go of his grip on your neck and clit, leaving red marks from where his hands had previously been, and used both his hands to grab your waist, pulling you to meet his heavy thrusts.
By now your pussy was sopping wet, a thick creamy ring forming around the base of hm and dripping to his balls. Your pussy fluttered around him, squeezing him tightly almost making it hard to pull out. You always milked him so fucking good. 
"Shit, why do you have to be like this? My perfect slut."
Shinso panted when he finally pumped one final time, reveling in the wet slapping sound that came from it before emptying his balls in your cavern. Even while he was cumming his thrusts never stopped, although now softer and more sparatic. In the end, you two were a mess, Shinso leaving over your body basking in the afterglow. 
It felt so nice, feeling his cum slosh around inside you, his hands petting your head and allowing you to catch your breath. While Shinso could be rough he never failed to treat you like a princess after, you knew when you got home you would be showered in praises, kisses, and massages. 
"You okay honey?" He rasped, humping you against the desk. Your cunt couldn't help but flutter around him despite being exhausted. You turned your head to meet his tired eyes, watching as his once angry face from earlier melted into a pretty smile. 
"'m okay, but what about you baby? You feel better from earlier?" He chuckled at your response, always so attentive was his girlfriend. With a grin plastered on his lips, he placed gentle kisses on your back, his thurst finally halting as he pulled his head back to watch his cum leak out of you and back onto his cock. 
"I'm fucking fantastic."
The intimate moment was halted by loud commotion coming from outside the office, angry stomps trailing down the hallway to the front of the door. 
"They fucking did it again! I swear to god these kids will kill me, they destroyed so much fucking property! In fucking ruins!" The voice of Aizawa growled out, most likely screaming at his assistant before slamming his office door open. 
Shinso was fast to react, quickly pulling out of your warm heat with a hiss before scrambling to pull his pants up and using his body to hide your naked body from the very angry pro hero. 
"Oh my fucking god!" If Shinso thought Aizawa was annoying before, he was in for a real treat. 
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Authors Note: OKAY OKAY YOU CAN IMAGINE THE REST! I think Shinso would attempt to use his quirk to make Aizawa forget this whole fiasco but idk if he’s quick enough (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) Also sorry this is shorter than usual! But I hope you enjoyed anyways <33 Please leave a comment, lemme know what you think! Don’t forget to check out my other works, and requests are currently open!! BYE BYE (ノ*°▽°*)
Links: Masterlist,  Ask Me Anything, Tag List 
Tag List: @katscki​, @libidinous-weeb
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pearl-blue-musings · 2 years
ShinBaku playing with their S/O in public with a remote control vibe and they’re not allowed to cum 👀
Your wish is my command
Warnings: 18+, mdni, edging, denial, exhibitionism, vibrator, afab, snarky little shits
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You knew your boyfriends were up to no good when they gave each other a sinister look while you were giving your briefing. Being a renowned quirk scientist, you were currently in a room full of heroes, healers, and other scientists you were giving a talk about the evolution and mutation of quirks. It’s some of your life long work and you were excited to finally present your work on a national scale.
So when your underwear began vibrating in the middle of an important section, you tried your best to ignore your boyfriends faces.
You go weak in the knees and stutter over your words. Some the onlookers give you a troubled expression as number one hero Deku raises concern. “Um, doctor? Are you alright?” You wobbly straighten your legs and cover your incoming moan with a cough. You nod and apologize before continuing. As you retain your senses, your memory takes you back to this morning where Shinsou had greeted you with a kiss of good luck while Bakugou was out on early morning patrol.
“We got a gift for you for your big day. We think you’ll like it.”
Those bastards.
You should’ve known they’d get you something like this. They were too calm this morning and you should’ve picked up on it. You give them a slight glare as you go on, nearing the end of your presentation. However, when you bend over slightly to point out a graph the underwear reignites and presses more firmly against your clit. You trip over yourself with a yelp and tightly hold onto the table in front of you. Your legs quiver as you stand back up with a smile. “Apologies all, I seemed to have tripped over my pen. A-and with this graph it ma-ah!-tches our findings about the c-current up trend of brain quirks being more common and the need for increased study and research for brain quirks and physical strength.”
While everyone applauds, you keep your legs together as the vibrations increase the closer you get to your lovers. You wonder which one of them has the remote as it’s turned up higher and you fall over. Bakugou catches you and holds you against him and you notice he’s hard. So it seems Shinsou has the remote. But why is Katsuki…?
His grip on you tightens as you hear a familiar buzzing coming from near you. Oh. Hitoshi is working the both of you. Judging by how red the tips of his ears are, he’s been suffering the same fate as you. The whispers of everyone else in the meeting as they switch topics and presenters. You briefly wonder how no one heard the buzzing; probably confused it with the air conditioning. You start to leave to try and relieve yourself until your loving boyfriend leans over from his chair in a hushed tone. “Don’t even think about leaving. We still have two other presentations to get through. Only then will the two of you get to cum.”
You both groan and take a seat, doing your best not to make any sudden movements or sounds lest the three of you get caught. You pray that your panties don’t soak through and that Bakugou doesnt cum in his uniform. That would just be extra punishment when you get home. And no one wants that right?
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th0tfairy · 3 years
🤍you wake your bf up with some head🤍
Shinsou stirs once, twice, three times before you realize he’s still asleep.
He’s a distressingly light sleeper, but after you two have sex, he’s out like a light.
You hate waking him up because you know how fitful his sleep is and how restless he becomes when he doesn’t get at least five hours a night, but he needs to get up. Aizawa would kill him and you if he was late again.
You gently move a lock of his dark hair off his forehead. Even in his sleep, he looks troubled. You can usually soothe the scowl out of his face with a soft kiss and a couple kind touches, but you don’t have time for that right now.
“Baby,” You mumble. “It’s time to get up.”
He doesn’t make any noises. Doesn’t even flinch. He must be in a deep sleep.
You start poking the skin of his stubbly jaw. “Baby, wake up.”
Still. Nothing.
You don’t have it in you to shake him any harder than softly patting his face, so you reach down for his morning wood.
You start to lick around your gums, trying to accumulate enough saliva to blow him. This should wake him up.
You momentarily wonder what he’s dreaming about as you wet the tip. He still tastes like you and his own nut from last night.
If he’s tired, you get it. You’re likely not going to be doing any walking today, not after the dicking he gave you last night. He twitches a little but, to your dismay, continues to softly snore.
You let your saliva slide down his cock before you sink him into your warm mouth.
You press your tongue down and slowly take him into your throat. Your muscles stretch as you slip him further down, but you keep going. He’s salty, sweaty, and oddly sweet as you reach down to the root of his dick.
His body jerks a little once your lips touch his balls, but he’s still snoring so you know he’s not up yet.
You swirl your tongue out and start licking up his dick, feeling his rising pulse through his vein and and lapping at the head. With one hand you crank his cock and with the other, you coddle his balls.
He starts breathing harder. You think he might have finally woken up, but you’re not sure because you’re so focused on getting him off.
A guttural moan is the only warning you have before your mouth gets pumped full of hot cum. You swallow the first few strings down and lap up the rest of it as his breathing regulates.
“You up?”
Shinsou smiles down at you, eyes still closed and threads his fingers into your hair. “Five more minutes.”
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coraskeeper · 4 years
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 ⤑ 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘴/𝘰
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⤑ ft: shinsou, tamaki, kirishima, denki, fem!r
⤑ warnings: facesitting, unprotected seggs (don’t try this at home), choking, oral(m&f receiving), dumbification, slight femdom themes (only for tamaki), mastrubation, crying, use of the word cock bc it makes me giggle
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⤑ file type: scenarios, smut
⤑ wc: 2.3k
⤑ an: def wanna write a whole shinsou smut now :’)
⤑ last edited: 1.25.21
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⤑ 𝘦𝘪𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢
his obsession with his best friends girlfriend started out innocent 
he wouldn’t say he was in love with you, more like a kiddie crush 
just wanting to be around you and that heart warming presence of yours all it took was for you to simply ask him how he was or, what he wanted to do saying that his opinion mattered just as much as anyone else 
it might’ve been then he fell for you, your interest in him was genuine, not many people cared much for his input on anything really 
not that he minded- it just felt nice, to know that someone had what he would think in mind
he liked you and if he ever got the chance he’d give you the world, but your world was bakugo and he respected that
but all it took was walking in on you and bakugo getting hot and heavy for his thoughts of you to become way less than innocent 
bakugos large hands splayed across your bare ass cheeks as he helped you move up and down along his shaft
your chest pressed into his as you released the most heavenly moans he’d even heard in his life 
your wavering whines telling his friend how you couldn’t take anymore but your hips still hopelessly bucking against his
now anytime the poor boy seen you his face flushed red and he’d cut your conversations short out of the guilt of have seen you naked without your knowledge
he felt bad that just the sound of your voice made him so hard it hurt and he’d have no other choice but to relieve himself 
thinking of you large hand palming himself through his boxers 
his head falling back in relief in his mind you tasted so sweet, he’d always wondered what you tasted like, or what you’d look like sitting on his face begging for him. he just knew you’d look ethereal.
his gripped your hips hard, helping you move your sopping cunt along his mouth, one of your hands threading themselves through his bright red locks giving them a tug.
tears falling from your eyes as you whine asking him to let you breathe just for a second, yet your body betrayed you, your hips rutting against his mouth with the little energy you had left, “ please kiri, i can’t “
his eyes coming to stare up at you lovingly, his lips releasing your clit, “ ‘cmon sweetheart, i know you’ve got one more left “
ruby eyes staring up at you as he flattened his tongue against your clit again, your face was sinful paired with your pretty moans falling from your lips as your hips rutted down harder against his mouth, body shaking before collapsing with a sweet whine of his name.
his hands rubbing soothing circles against your pelvic bone, “ what a good girl you are “.
knees weak, his muscular back arched off the cold wood of the head board as he cupped himself softly, spurts of hot cum soiling the inside of his boxers, “ i want.. to taste her “
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⤑ 𝘵𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘫𝘪
he was actually terrified of you for a while before you became friends
you intimidated him to say the least
you and your boyfriend were very like minded, which would explain your random relationship with mirio
your presence was warm, and you often jumped into things head first and took everything that came your way with nonchalant attitude
though, your temper seemed to be a lot shorter and you were a lot more, uh- assertive for sure
he hadn’t known when it was he fell in love with you but no can say he never tried to prevent it
maybe it was when you’d make sure he got home safe, putting his life before yours on missions and coming to save his ass even when you needed to be saved yourself
or it might’ve been something as trivial as telling a waiter they got his order wrong at a restaurant
he wasn’t sure, but he was in too deep now and he was okay with just being your friend because you and mirio loved each other
he did pretty well at hiding his feelings for a while, 
until he received a butt dial from his dear blond friend
at first there was silence and maybe some ruffling here and there, he’d contemplated hanging up until he heard mirio’s quiet whimpering from the other side of the cellphone
in a flustered haze he continued to listen, hearing your sultry voice loud and clear
low and stern, saying that if mirio wasn’t patient you wouldn’t let him cum at all, the blond boy begging for you and promising that he’d be good
he hadn’t mean to keep thinking about the phone call after that day but he couldn’t help but imagine what it be like underneath you and those attentive hands in the heat of the night
he tried not to touch himself at first- the guilt being too much, but your frequent visits to his dreams were becoming too much to deal with on top of his soiled sheets
so now- tamaki relieves himself of you the only way he knows how
your warm hand wrapped around his throbbing length trailing teasing kisses up his thighs, edging closer and closer to where he needed you, “you can cum again, can’t you tama? “
his lower half was starting to tingle almost painfully, the line between pain and pleasure was blurring, his eyes unfocused and body flushed in sweat, but he was so eager to take all that you were giving him, eager to be a good boy for you.
“ y-your mouth- bunny please “
he felt almost ashamed, yet the twitching of his ear and the lustful voice you used when you spoke was enough to spur him and the swirling heat in his stomach.
he wanted to be grateful and take all that you were offering to give him, anything to please you. anything to make you praise him.
the wetness of your mouth was all too surreal, he could almost feel your warm mouth sucking his cock into your throat, losing control bucking his hips up into your mouth with a whine, “ fuck, yes- ‘s good “
your pretty orbs staring up at him as he let out loud moans, his feet digging themselves into the bed sheets to fuck himself into your mouth at a harsh enough pace to give you a sore throat later.
his free hand slapping over his mouth, shaking body arching off the bed and knees clamping shut as he came with a tired scream of your name under his hand.
hot liquid dripping down his stomach and leaking from the tip of his softening length.licking the head of his already overstimulated cock, “ what a good boy you are, isn’t that right tama? “
his body falling limp with a whimper, “ i.. feel so dirty “
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⤑ 𝘩𝘪𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘰
you and his friend midoriya were polar opposites
you were smart mouthed and sarcastic, blunt and insensitive and you were always picking fights with him
though with time, he had begun to grow quite fond with you, a crush maybe
starting to indulge in petty arguments with you and push your buttons more often to see that cute face you made when you were frustrated
just when he came to terms that he developed a bit of attraction to you, you started to plague his mind in more ways than one
in all honesty- he did no more than merely acknowledge your current relationship with his friend
if he wanted you, he'd have you. it was as simple as that
he would never make passes at you simply because he liked you, he was fine with the distance between you both
but he’d figured his friend would have enough sense to know when and where was the right time to get hot and heavy with you
you sat between izuku’s legs, tongue lapping at his glistening cock pitifully, body shaking and tears streaming down your face
the way you could barely speak stunned him- you’d always had something to say
pleading the green haired boy to fuck you, give you some kind of stimulation
shinso watched you both shamelessly, retiring for the night with you and your submissiveness heavy on the brain
after the incident, he’d let you take control of his desires, taking cold showers to relieve himself of the stress you’d cause him from then on
he’d have his hand wrapped around your throat for sure, just barely cutting off your air circulation, hips snapping up into your ass in a pace that had your head spinning and spit dripping from the bottom of your chin.
desperately trying to turn your face away from the mirror in embarrassment, “ look at my pretty slut, drooling for me “, his fingernails digging into your cheeks and holding your head in place so you could watch how your body wreathed in pleasure from him and him alone.
he’d already made you cum with just his cock alone, not giving you time to collect yourself after each orgasm. his strokes deep and harsh, bruising the insides of your walls and his teeth leaving marks all over your neck- you had nowhere to run.
you were powerless and had no other choice but to take him whole, “ ‘nt t-take- no more “. your fingers grasping at the bathroom counter to prevent you from flopping face first into the sink.
“ he cant fuck you like this “, the loud wet smacking against your ass became impossibly louder, “ fucking yourself stupid on my dick- fuuck “
his teeth catching his bottom lip hard enough to break the skin, wet strands of purple hair sticking to his forehead.
thumb pressing down on the tip of his cock edging himself once again trying to control his moans of pure ecstasy at the thought of overstimulating you until you could no longer speak basic english, “ i wanna feel that pretty mouth of hers, too “
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⤑ 𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘪 𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪
he knew how wrong it was wrong but, it was his guilty pleasure
you were always so sweet to him, cradling his head to your chest when the others would pick on him and such
all of his friends took a liking to you as seros girlfriend and accepted you into their friend group
you grew especially close to denki, who happened to have a similar personality as you
the inevitable happened- of course, the classic love cliche
 he knew you loved sero and he’d never come between you two but he just couldn’t help himself
once sero had been trying to show him a couple of pictures on his phone, swiping too far 
accidentally showing denki a very vulgar photo of you
tears in your pretty eyes and your hands tied behind your back with your ass wiggling in the air
a godly arch and seros hand in the center of your back taunting him every time the image plagued his brain
the flash of the camera making your gorgeous cunt glisten 
so here he was, late into the night with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth and quiet groans heavy in his chest
sweats and boxers pulled down just low enough for his erection to leak precum against his stomach
shutting his eyes and tilting his head back to let his mind run wild, stroking himself slowly
you’d looked so pretty laid out beneath him legs pressed into your chest and tears of pleasure falling out of your eyes. his tongue catching each one before they could trail down and mix with the sheer layer of sweat on your sweet skin.
your pretty whines for him spurred him on, crying and moaning for him to ruin you in anyway he wanted, to take care of you because no one else could do it the way he did. he thought it was so mean of him to make you cry but you looked so angelic to him crying tears of joy all for his cock, all for him.
“ please, kaminari “, your pretty lips swollen as he leaned down to press another kiss to your mouth thrusting himself deeper into your fluttering cunt, “ don’t worry princess- gonna pump you full of cum “
his cock hitting the special spot inside your warmth, filling you up so good you could just scream, he might leave bruise on the back of your knees and an aching pain in your hips from how rough he was fucking into you.
your scorching insides sucking him back in each time, just imagining the pulse of your pussy was driving him crazy, “ look at this pretty pussy taking me so well- gonna take good care of her “
he could almost feel your arousal dripping down his lower abdomen, your hands pulling at his messy blond hair in ecstasy, your lovely voice calling out for him, “ please kami, take good care of me “
“ kami “
“ kami “
his hips jolting up into his hand harshly as he came, cum spilling over his fingertips, releasing a heavy pant wishlist brushing stray strands of his blond hair away from his face, “ fuuck, please “ 
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the-faceless-bride · 3 years
I'll be your angel!
⚠️ Very Strong themes and self-harm ⚠️
shinsou never believed in ghosts, angels, and demons. so when his bullies trapped him in a room with one lit candle, an Ouija board that looked recently touched he didn't understand. he tried the door but it was locked, just then the candle went out which concerned him for there was no wind or draft. but then he felt a hand grab him. he broke down the door and ran. he calmed down marking it up to those jerks messing with him. but when he woke up that night... it seems he was wrong.
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I was up all night, one coffee turned to two then three, then six, then ten. He was reading and studying so he could get into the heroes classes. And prove all those jerks wrong. I wasn't a villain, I wasn't just a suicidal, tired cutter that cried myself to sleep every night. I was gonna be more than that. And I was gonna show them.
I pushed myself up from my desk chair,
Making my way to the bathroom. I always had concealer and foundation in my bathroom. I use it to cover the scars on me and the rope burns. It's funny you would think I have this to cover the eyebags.
I finished fluffing up my hair before leaving my parents were out doing their own thing so I didn't bother saying goodbye to them. I walked down a secret route to the mouth breathers wouldn't bother me for a while. When I finally made it to school.
Going to my locker to change my shoes I got my books and let out a long tired sigh. Walking down the halls everyone just stared at me. Some with looks of fear, some of the pure disgust, and others amusement. Those looks came from the main jerk and the other goobers he kept to do most of the dirty work.
I walked into class walking up to my desk setting my books down. Taking out a purple and black bandana I always carried with me for this reason.
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I grabbed my water tipping it slightly letting the rag collect some before wiping down my desk.
All the while the jerks who did this watched me with disgust and amusement. I already wished for the day to be over.
I winced as my back hit the hard cold wall. Before I was pushed into a dark room with nothing but a candle and a board of some kind it's too dark to see what it was. I stumbled around in the darkness for a few seconds before reaching the door, but they locked me is great, I struggled with the handle for a bit hearing them laugh at my attempt. Then I heard a small breath and the candle went out. I whipped around but no one was there. I then felt a small hand grab my shoulder. I yelp and without thinking I slammed my body into the door-busting it wide open. Hitting one of the mouth breathers while I ran. They called out but I kept going.
I ran all the way home. And up to my room ignoring my parent's questions of just bursting in like that. I threw myself into my room slamming the door and pushing my back into it, panting as I slowly slid down it. I covered my face with my hands and I felt something touch me like a hand or something. But when I looked up nothing.
I climbed into my bed hair fluffed down and wet. The fresh cuts on my arms burning from the way I just threw myself on the bed. I passed out almost immediately due to the days without any sleep at all.
I feel kinda warm. Cold but warm at the same time and I feel something stroking my hair. I look at my clock it reading midnight. I huffed turning in my bed only to be met with boobs.
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