eric-sadahire · 7 months
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The Toilet, A Surprisingly Dangerous Place: On November 4, 1035, King Edmund Ironside was stabbed while defecating in a toilet.
The assailant, Jaromír, Duke of Bohemia, wielded a spear from under the toilet seat, catching King Edmund by surprise. It was a crappy way to die.
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jtsteiny · 2 years
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Big Pages At One Hundred And Thirty Four - ABAW Publishing House - jtsteiny.com #jtsteiny #wimpy #fewwords #goodwords #poetry #comicsareamess #goodcomics #newcomics #comicsthattalk #rightwords #moneycomics #moneywords #wordsforsale #stories #shittystories #fear #guilt #pigs #cows #dogs #love #truth #lovetruth #ok https://www.instagram.com/p/Cokfc14Jopz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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polarityblinds · 1 year
He sat down. The dim light of the bar was the only place he felt he belonged anymore. He liked the way the ambiguous lighting concealed him, the way he didn't stand out. Of course, he wasn't proud of that, it was just something he'd gotten used to. The barmaid waltzed over. It was easy for people like her. The deepest connection they had to form was the order they were taking, maybe a name if the person was interesting enough. Anything more thar that and she'd have to re-evaluate her profession. He envied the blissful ignorance. It sounded like heaven. It was his fault though. He was a fool. He knew that. The fact laughed him in the face every night he took the same seat at the same bar and ordered the same drink. He was drinking to forget, that's what he told himself anyway. It was almost pointless. with every sip everything became more vivid. Fate was mocking him, reminding him of the twisted hand he'd been dealt in a game he never agreed to play. It had dragged him in, kicking and screaming, and it was going to take double the fight for him to get out. Hell, it was going to take more than a fight, a full-blown war was in order, and he knew he didn't have it in him. He'd already lost once; he couldn't do it again.
Telling himself that was enough, he stood up, leaving more than enough to cover another three rounds. It was a lie, though. That's all he seemed to do anymore. The problem was that he was so good at it, he always had been. It was like he had been blessed with sin. Some people lie as a defense mechanism, but for him, it was much more real than that. It was an instinct; the only way he could survive in the life he'd been forced to live.
The harsh contrast between the street that had been submerged in darkness more and more as the hours ticked slowly by, and the radiant beams streaming down from the towering streetlights sickened him. He despised the way the light disrupted the somber aesthetics of the night, as if the angels themselves were piercing the blank sky with their omnibenevolence. More importantly, he despised the way he resonated with it. The faux peace of his mind was constantly disrupted by blinding lights, like the way the golden sun lets itself in through the gap in the curtains at 8am, but he couldn't bring himself to face it.Instead, shut the curtains and hid under the covers.
It wasn't a healthy thing to do. He'd tried speaking to friends, but a better conversation would look him in the eye and dare him not to do it. He'd tried speaking to professionals, but they'd tell him that he was caught in a Freudian nightmare, entangled in his upbringing and that's the way he'd have to live. He'd come this far, why stop now?
When he arrived home, he left the lights off. It was a big apartment, but that was just another word for empty. He was more than exhausted, but he knew he wasn't going to sleep. When his head hit the pillow there was no snoring, no heavy eyes but just blank thoughts bouncing around in his head. They didn't mean anything. He wouldn't let them mean anything. When he stared up at the ceiling, his mind finally silent, he wondered whether he'd find any comfort in his dreams, or if his conscious mind would find different ways to manifest and taunt him until his waking hour.
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nentonscreativespot · 2 years
Hello, everyone! My name is Nenton and in this blog, I post some of my written works! I may also post some drawings, too! My stories are not the best, but I wish to keep on writing no matter how badly until I get better at this. My works were previously uploaded to Wattpad as well as some old Facebook accounts of mine that are now defunct, and now I'm also posting them here! That's all I can say about this blog, for now.
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8-petaled-flower · 3 years
Men in Dirty Colours
White snow falls upon these ruined frozen wheat fields, becoming a white blanket for the buried silent bodies of the soldiers. Men in dirty colours that still stand, with frailing white cloths covering their dark bloody wounds, gaze in awe at the silence of the delicate darkness. Howling winds, previously fueling fury within these men, settle down into a mourning breeze.
Faces of these men are smothered in dirt and blood; their empty eyes express their clearest shame. A bright star stands alone above these men in the sky, only accompanied by the falling moon. The day of Christ’s birth had arrived yet these men were waging in their unholy war when darkness was still present. These men in Royal Blue and Prideful Orange were at opposite ends, now united under the weeping white. Their shadows, casted by the dim moonlight, extend into the darkness.
As the Sun rises to shine upon this land, a small and wrinkled man in a ragged brown coat carries a pine tree nearly the size of him, trekking heavily through the snow. The men in dirty colours turn their gaze at this frail old man dragging a pine tree towards them, who places it in front of the buried bodies. More elderly people begin to arrive, coming from a small village only a frozen field away, bringing small snacks or even steaming cups of coffee; offering them to these men in dirty colours.
These men in dirty colours sighed, breathing out their heavy burdens, and taking the gifts with grace. The dawning sun brings brightness to the scene, turning the eyes of these men from empty and weary to glimmering jewels worthy of a King’s crown. Dropping their weapons made of old wood and rusted metal, these men in dirty colours chatted away their sorrows.
Village children, not thoughtful of the dirty colours, approached these men with smiles and questions, like newborn puppies playing with humans for the first time. These men cheered welcome to these children as more and more came.
As wooden tables and stools were beginning to be set by these frozen fields, these men in dirty colours became jollier with the time passing; enjoying the freshly brewed beer and golden baked goods. These men in dirty colours, former fiends in Royal Blue and Prideful Orange, stand with each other in shared white and red. These men in dirty colours, though their friends in buried fields, are enjoying Christmas together.
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stephscanvic · 5 years
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Shitty weather, shitty thinking ! *proverbe moldave* J’aime beaucoup cette idée de ne rien jeter nulle part, plutôt que de figurer une poubelle sous les papiers... Mon côté fille positive sûrement. L’interdiction de la clope c’est un classique & si on est encore loin du zéro paille en plastique en Moldavie on a quand même déjà zéro clope dans les lieux publics (amis bosniaques, si vous parvenez à nous lire dans les volutes...). Mais de loin la plus intéressantes des interdictions réside dans ce « colacul » savoureux... Les moldaves seraient donc fans des WC à la turque, de fait réputés nous mettre en bien meilleure posture... #colacul #corazon #colargol #covoiturage #cocorico #shittystory #moldavie https://www.instagram.com/p/B45CUjHIjkx/?igshid=zlk8knvoyp58
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cabin23fandom · 3 years
Hey. We’re a group of friends. And when we aren’t planning world domination, we write shitty stories. We made this account so you can read said shitty stories. But first, heres some facts about your future world leaders.
B - they/them. Either writes about their OCs or writes smut. Secretly 12 ferrets in a trenchcoat
Stargirl - she/they. Is way too angsty for her own good. Will kill off ANY character. No one is safe. Not even you. Or her for that matter.
Slytherdor - she/her. Is in too many fandoms to count. Writes about pretty much anything and everything. Randomly ghosts everyone at times.
Anyways, we hope you enjoy our stories. If you have any suggestions, let us know. We’ll be posting some stories soon <3
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The strawberry Island quest of Greatness
ok, do you guys know the Wiiu? it has this thing called miiverse. its kinda like tumbler, except not really. its for the games on the wiiU. Anyways, i found these papers, and it had this weird strawberry story i wrote with this guy on miiverse and i just wanted yall to read it! (If yall even want to read it) We each wrote about a few sentences each before switching. And no, there are NO CHARACTER NAMES! NOR DO I KNOW THE AGES OF THE CHARACTERS! I'M SORRY!!! anyways, here it is!!!:
Him:Welcome!!!! May i take your order?
Her:Strawberrys please! And make it snappy!Him: as you with your strawberrynesss.
Him:your strawberrys are here, shall i feed you?
Her:No thanks, i can feed my self. Now shoo! before i call the strawberry administrators for strawberry bullying!
Him: Bullying? Thats it i quit!!!
Her: You cant quit! get back here!Her (To other person): Hello sir! can i speak to the manager?
him: No
Her: (Throws tempertantrum) I WILL SPEAK TO THE MANAGER SO HELP ME I WILL( Explosion of her brain)
Him: (Scared voice) Yes, right this way mam.
Him(Talks to boss): Sir, a lady is asking to speak 2 u
Boss:Bring her in then, and leave us alone.
Him: (Drags her into managers office, she struggles and balls up to cry in a heap on the floor)
boss:what do u seek here stranger? ur not a spy are u?
her; no! im here to talk buisness
boss; but I AM Buisness! How DARE u puenny little human challange me against my job!
her; *crys some more* i need ur help
boss;and why should i help u?
her; *Gets serious* i have 1 million$ u could have them if u help
boss;ok. but first, im afraid i must accept ur challange, we shall do a contest!!
her; what kind of contest?
boss; if u beat 4 of my men on checkers, then we will talk.
her; how does checkers help?
boss; its a test of ur intelegence, use the right stratagy to win.
*She wins, wins, wins, LOZES!*her; can i have a re-do?
boss; 3/4, fair enough, what can i help u with?
her; i need help taking over strawberry land, if u help me, then i will send u free strawberrys each week.
boss; but how manny strawberrys? *Raises eyebrow beyond belief*
her; 5 crates w/ 1000 strawberrys each
boss; u have a deal
boss; .....................sooooooooo.........how, and when do we start?
her; *Epic voice* we need garlic, and lots of it.
                                 TO BE CONTINUED................................ 
boss; so where do we get this garlick? what is it for?
......continues after with a hinting sound of defeat in her voice
her; for the potion. the potion is a liquid that makes any plant grow bigger untill it explodes.
boss; how will exploding a plant elp us?
her; we will have to sacrifice a strawberry for this to work. 
boss; such treachery!!!
her; then what do u sugest?
boss; first, i want to know why we need a sacrifice.
her; i dont know if uve been to strawberry land, but the only workers there are walking strawberrys, so if we blow up 1 strawberry, its jam would cover up the park scaring everyone away.
boss; and this would help how???
her;jam to them is blood to us, making them think that a blender is turnign strawberrys into strawberry jam
boss; i see....
her; so what was ur plan??
*Door slams open*
him; i belive I can help with that.
her; u? i thought u quit!!
him; i did, i work for my new boss...i see that u already met eachother.
boss;u 2 know eachother??
her;yes, unfortunately, its hwy i came to see u.
boss; oh, ok then whats ur plan?
her; if we blow up the strawberry at the tallest building, this it should be good enough to cover most of the park
him; not that bad...i see u still have the brains (Wink*Wink)
her;thankyou! Now lets get to work everyone! I WILL NOT HAVE THIS PLAN DELAYED BECAUSE OF UR LACKING SPEED!!!!!*Next she jsut watches and orders the men around*
him; arent u going to help?
her; this is why u walked out on us!!!!! *The 2 argue like crazy now*
him; never mind, got the garlic for the potion.
her;good, now go get the potion recipy at the counter. NOW! And make it while ur at it!
boss;the kids got a point, u should help out too.
her;I WILL MURDER ALL OF U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NO MONEY EATHER UNLESS U FOLLOW WHAT I SAY!!!!!!
boss; u do realize that we clearly outnumber u, *Points gun at her head*
her, scared voice: Yes, yes, ok then.
him; that’ll teach her a lesson!
her; how should i start?
boss; lets get this straight, first of all...call mr.big, and u could start by finding the perfect strawberry for the sacrifice.
boss; yes, mr.big. he’s-(Gets cut off by her)
Her; fat? *She says in snotty bratty voice*
boss; NO U INSOLENCE!!!!!!!!!*She crys and colaspes on the floor*
him; i know shes bratty and all, but did u have to be so crule?
boss; how elce will she learn her lesson?
him; ehh,
boss; lets just get back to work.
him; where were we?
boss; i dont remember! ask the girl!
him; she left...
boss;sooooooo..............you and her?
him;yeah, its kindof a long story
boss; i should have known...
him; dont think about it too much alright
boss; then what should we do to pass the time? we got enough for this story right?
him; welllllllll, ok, it all began,
him; it all began one day when i was on my way to work, when i spoted a young lady being chased by a criminal, so i ‘’*Punches air* punched the guy in the face, then i helped her out-
boss; shes back!
him; hey sunshine!! what progress have you made?
her; what the heck did u just call me sunshine for?!?!? *He blushes*
boss; ur progress..... 
SORRY THATS IT! whew! that was a lot of typeing! but yeah, that was all of the story i found written down. i think we wrote this a few years ago, im not realy shure, HOPE U ENJOYED ALL THE SPELLING ERRORS<,RUN-ON SENTENCES, AND BAD GRAMMOR!!!!!
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"Just be yourself! You got this!"
My mom shoved me out from behind the curtains onto the brightly lit stage. I blinked a few times under the spotlight, searching for any familiar face in the crowd. They all stared up at me expectantly. I took a deep breath in and walked towards the mic set up towards the edge. The room was spinning a little, and I tripped on my dress on the way in my nervousness. Some giggles floated through the air, along with gentle shushing.
I grabbed the mic and lifted it to my lips, ignoring the crowd and trying to pretend it was just me in my room singing to my cat. The track started, and I could hear more murmuring as it played. I opened my mouth, ready for the opening notes.
"Awh man, creeper!"
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shittyaus · 8 years
You have the idea to end them all. The ship will meet outside of a truck-stop bathroom. What a wonderful, shitty AU.
DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS NONNIE YOU ARE MY NEW FAVOURITE and the pun especially omfg it’s fantastic (mod karissa is a HUGE fan of puns fyi)
Is it bad I actually thought of a few prompts for this???
ugggghhhh my friend’s been peeing in the public bathroom FOREVER and wanted me to wait outside incase they get kidnapped i told them not to drink that much pop- oh, hey. you too?
FRIENDO HURRY UPPPP YOU TAKE FOREVER TO PEE ITS MY TURN hey buddy pal friend wait your turn i was here first
~Mod Karissa
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cresentisspeltwrong · 6 years
Hey, you guys should check out my mediocre in-progress sci-fi story about the testing of simulations on kids in an closed environment. Also symbiotes, apparently.
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ferunetto · 6 years
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Today I was drinking a coffee at my local 7-eleven, sit there for a while and for a few seconds I looked at this girl and I thought "I wish I could have a gf that look as good as this girl" then I realised I looked ugly af and I'm poor, so that wish disappeared. I took a pic just to remind myself how stupid I am. #ferunetto #asian #asiangirl #coffee #711 #7eleven #cafe #ugly #brokendreams #poor #shittytags #shittystory https://www.instagram.com/p/BpR-W5SnVoT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p2m7n1y6eo2l
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That moment when you think it’s so cute that your toddler is sitting down to read. Only to realize that said toddler doesn’t know how to read and in fact she’s just using the chair as a toilet and pooping in the store #proudparents #poopliterate #shittystory #toddlersaregross (at Finlandia, Quindio, Colombia)
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livestrongtonight · 10 years
Wala akong maalala.
Oo alam ko namang may short memory shit ako pero simula kagabi nung sinabi mo yun hanggang ngayon iniisip kong mabuti. wala ako maalala at alam ko din naman sa pag katao ko na di ko kayang sabihan ka ng ganun. wala akong sobrang deep na galit para makapag salita ng ganun. Meron ako tampo pero hindi kayang umabot sa ganung salita. Hindi na ako nag eexplain sayo malamang sa malamang wala ka ng pakikingan simpleng headset nga na di ko naibalik na may I swear pa di ko nagawa sa ganitong sitwasiyon pa kaya. realtalk. seryoso. wala akong maalala at alam kong di ko kayang sabihin yun sayo. yun lang. Ayoko na sayo mag pakita sa kahihiyan. Oo nahihiya ako dahil sa mga sinasabi mo na di ko naman nagawa. yun lang. yun. stress na lang ako sa buhay mo kaya tama na. Kaylangan na talaga siguro ng part ways. ikaw na wala ako at ako na wala ikaw. pero salamat parin sa mga kwento at words of wisdoms mo. I swear babaonin ko yun hanggang sa pag tanda ko. i love you goodbye ang kwento haaay
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shittyaus · 8 years
au: you see him out of the corner of your eye. shia labeouf
Nonnie. Dear sweet nonnie. I hope you’re proud of yourself.
You actually got me to legitimately laugh out loud while sitting at my computer XD honestly this should be our new description, it fits the best lol
~Mod Karissa
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shittyaus · 8 years
They stared at the cute barista from afar, utterly in love, despite not saying a word to them besides drink orders, but their soulmark was all they needed to do so. Their child tugged at their clothes, antsy to leave for the beach. They smiled at the child; soon they would be free for the first time to swim tail and all in the waves. (coffee shop au, parent au, soulmate au, and mermaid au, hope it was shitty enough)
This is so cool!! I love all of the different aus you incorporated into it!! also the kid wanting to leave the beach one could totally be an actual au list hmmm
I think you were supposed to do something funny with our url “shittyaus” though? But this is still wonderful I love it!!!! ~Mod Karissa
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