#shool theatre
srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5519
Jalsa, Mumbai                Mar 27,  2023                Mon  11:58 PM
Birthday  EF - Ambar Nath Mukherjee .. Ef Pratik Vora .. Tuesday, 28 March.. all good wishes for this day and the well being of all from the Ef family ..
 🪔 .. March 28 ..  birthday wishes to Ef Ambar Nath Mukherjee from Dubai .. Ef Dr. Pratik Vora .. and Ef Sushmi Bhaduri from Kolkata .. love and 🙏🏻🚩
.. a quiet day of thoughts and verse .. of the multiple decisions to be taken and made .. nightmare for the Libran, who are astrologically challenged by the factor of making or taking decisions .. even ‘Ike’ Eisenhower , a Libran I am told, took quite a while before saying yes to the operations that marked D Day during the 2nd WW ..
we are in delightful and most supreme company .. 
but it needs to be agreed and admitted that management is a supreme art and one that the ‘moi’ has failed often enough for him to take an assist .. and the assist doth come in the form of the format of this great game the boxing of the kick .. which is very well when you watch , but in the ring it is just you and the other .. generally stronger and superior than yourself  ..
it is also well past the hour and the deliberations that have been practised for in the past few days has just flown out of the window .. the need to eat and sleep in time has defaulted tonight .. and for this there is only the ‘moi’ to blame ..
but .. the presence of the Ef in my life has eased the feelings of disappointment, with regard to management .. given the clarion call , several would readily come forward and  assist in the makings of a good manager or the special private assist .. of this I need not even consider .. it would be an honour anda delight to be in their company and see how they contribute to my living .. 
one day some day it shall happen .. 
dramatis personae .. yours truly in the  Sherwood magazine and the contribution from Ef of the winning of the Cup for best actor :
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the Kendal Cup, for best Actor , Sherwood 1957 .. for Nikolai Gogol’s ‘Government Inspector’ , where I played the Mayor .. and where Ma and Babuji had come for the Founder’s Week to witness it .. at the shool hall .. Milman Hall .. 
Hollywood made a film of the play calling it Inspector General .. and Danny Kaye, an exceptional talent ,  played the main role .. 
Also then was announced a best actor for the Hindi play , a cup donated by Babuji .. calling it the Bachchan Paatr .. paatr is cup .. in Hindi .. the first of its kind in Sherwood .. the play was the ‘Bishop’s Candlesticks’ ..
Kendal Cup was donated by Geoffrey Kendal, the leader of the theatre group called the Shakespearana .. they played, the bard’s plays all over the country .. he was the Father of Jennifer Kendal , wife to Shashi Kapoor .. 
So much so long ago and so much in remembrance ..
My love and the night of good rest ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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lu-vin-it · 2 years
i feel like tyler would be a band kid (i forgot if he actually goes to shool because the only time we've seen him is at the weathervane 😭) and he would play the trumpet (cuz like its a school band)
oh he totally would. As someone who’s entire friend group at public school was band kids (idek how i was a chorus/theatre kid) he gives hard trumpet vibes
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newtsmountainpeople · 6 years
Me: I don't get obsessed with anything, pfft
Also me: [1:45 in the morning at a Denny's with a mouth full of pancakes talking to my waiter]: So there's this show called Rise...
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💖🌸🍼 hello bestie
ćao, drugarice!
💖 have you ever been in love?
yes, I have :)
🌸 what is your favourite flower?
I'm not sure... I still don't know enough about flowers to answer that question. I like hyacinths a lot, though!
🍼 what's your favourite memory?
practically putting together a theatre company at recess (primary shool am i right)
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operafantomet · 5 years
Do you know if it's possible to go backstage at Phantom London? I more want to see the costumes and wasn't sure if I could email them or something but I can't find one. I don't mean to sound entitled btw, if i can't go then I can't go lol
POTO West End feels like the most closed-off production in terms of backstage visits. They don’t have any public events except the few scheduled shool visits etc, and cast/crew seldom initiate it. Exception is if you actually know someone in the production and they can take you backstage.
That said, I’ve experienced that it never hurts to actually ask. They will say no if they can’t won’t do it. But have some things in mind:
Like all others, performers and theatre workers doesn’t necessarily spend a lot more time than needed on work. Usually they will come in time (nothing more, nothing less) and run to catch the bus/train home, or maybe they have plans with family/friends. So be sure to ask in advance, so they can plan it. Also, be prepared that things might happen - an unscheduled rehearsal, sickness, whatnot - that may not make it happen even if someone has said yes. That’s life.
The leads are seldom the right persons to ask. Partly because the audience pressure is bigger on them than on others, and partly because they need longer time to prepare for the role (I.E. before the show is not a good idea), and tend to burn all their energy on stage (I.E. after the show is not a good idea). There are of course tons of exceptions - but that’s only because many performers are kind and generous, and want to give fans the little extra. It’s not a part of their work contract, in any way.
If you have never before interacted with the person you ask, it will probably feel a bit random/rude/scary to them to get the request. In such cases, at least be honest - honest about why you contact that specific person, and why going backstage is important to you. But here too: respect a no.
And please note: I don’t find your desire to see behind the curtain “entitled”, not in any way. There’s things to be curious about, and if a specific musical is dear to your heart it is probably a big part of your life. Wanting that unique look into how life is backstage is cool and understandable. Entitlement would be demanding special treatment. That’s different than asking politely.
(also, if you every go to Broadway or one of the international productions, they’re usually way more relaxed on it than in West End)
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answering questionss! 💫
tagged by @studylix thaanks! xx
1. What’s your favourite class of 2018 so far?
Ohh, I love English. Also, German.
2.Best study snack?
Chocolate or apple slices and peanut butter. I also love drinking tea or latte.☕️
3.What is the last book you have read, and what is next on you TBR?
The Spy by Paulo Coelho. On my TBR : The Time Machine by H.G.Wells
4.Latest music obsession?
Anything by Metronomy. And Harry Styles, always
5.Find the list of goals you made back in January: Have you achieved some of your 2018 goals?
Oh yeah, I have! I am less obsessed with romantic relationships, I say yes more often and I focus on myself a lot more.☀️🌻
6.What are some of your hobbies, outside of school?
I love making videos, going out with friends, designing and going to the theatre.
7.Would you rather teach a class in University or High Shool (or not teach at all)?
Well if I would teach, then it would be in High School but only in Denmark or Norway or Sweden.I like their school system
8.Do you have a morning or night routine?
I do have both, with slight changes every now and then.
9.Oral exams or written exams?
It depends on my mood, but probably oral.
10.Are you happy with your blog? The layout, the posts, etc?
Well I had another studyblr but deleted it and I was happier with that one. I love this blog because I really just post for myself, but I just can’t make as many connections as I did when I had my other blog.
11.What is the last message you sent, and to who?
It was for one of my best friends, about someone who annoys both of us..😅
I nominate @studywithinspo @motivatedstudy @studying-forever @universtudy @workhardlikegranger @ellebellestudyblr @greenteaandnotes and @studyblrlawblr
1. What is your biggest goal right now?
2.Who is the most important person in your life and why?
3.When did you start your blog and how has it helped you so far?
4.What’s your favourite way to take care of yourself?
5. If you could be any character from a book or a movie, which one would you like to be?
6.What place would you like to visit?
7.What motivates you the most when studying?
8.What is you biggest flaw?
9.And the best thing about you?
10.What is something unique about you that not many people know of?
11.If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
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acefruit · 6 years
Storytime about what happened to me today! So we had this 'english theatre' in our shool for our class (english is not my first language) and it was all about classical english literature. the actors got to that part when they were about to play a quick sketch about one of the autor's stories (The Wife of Bath's Tale) and shortly it was all about the question 'what do women desire the most?' so the actor, a man in his late 50s with great english, wanted to know our opinion before the sketch. he pointed at my classmate and repeated the question. he looked at him, a little bit distracted, and said "women?" confusedly and that was it, that was the answer.
the actor laughed (we all laughed) and said "yes! of course, women do like other women." which made me smile. he asked "what else do women desire?" and one girl raised her hand and said "equal rights."
So our final verdict was that the thing women desire the most is other women and equal rights.
And I swear to god if that situation doesn't scream "ME!!!" then idk what does. I couldn't relate more in that moment.
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setepenre-set · 7 years
Things Could Be Worse
song for a musical theatre version of Megamind
(Megamind’s parents, the Chorus, Young Megamind, and Megamind sing Things Could Be Worse after Megamind’s opening monologue begins and the flashback to his planet starts.)
MOTHER: We’ve only moments left until
FATHER the sun goes supernova, still—
BOTH: my son, at least you’ll have a chance to live
MOTHER: And as you go into the great unknown I promise you won’t be alone
Here is your minion. he will take care of you.
FATHER: And here is your binky
BOTH: Things could be worse Things could be so much worse Our son, at least will live Thank the mercy of the universe
We’ve only moments left, it’s true But at least we’re spending them with you
MOTHER: Oh, my love—shhh
Don’t you cry any more
FATHER: My son, you are destined for—
MEGAMIND: I didn’t hear that last part. But it sounded important. Destined for what?
CHORUS: Things could be worse Things could be so much worse You better remember that Say thank you to the universe
True a black hole has crushed everything you loved to dust but it could be worse Things could be worse
MEGAMIND: I set out to find my destiny!
CHORUS: Oh now darling don’t you cry Or you’ll get something to cry about Think of this as a chance to learn All the things that you can down without
It’s not the end of the world it’s just the end of the world things could be worse They’re gonna get worse
MEGAMIND: Turns out a kid from the Glaupunkt quadrant had the exact same idea as me.
(golden pod knocks Megamind’s pod around)
MEGAMIND: That was the day I met Mr. Goody-two-shoes. And our glorious rivalry was born!
(pods fly towards city, Metro Man’s is headed towards prison, Megamind’s is headed towards the Scott Mansion)
MEGAMIND: Was this what I was destined for? A dream life, filled with luxury?
(Metro Man’s pod collides with Megamind’s; they rebound and Metro Man lands in the Scott Mansion while Megamind lands in the Prison)
MEGAMIND: Apparently not! Even fate picks its favorites. No big deal.
CHORUS: It could be worse It could be so much worse Try to remember this When you feel you have been cursed
Oh now darling don’t you cry Or you’ll get something to cry about Think of this as a chance to learn All the things that you can down without
MEGAMIND: Mr. Goody-two-shoes had life handed to him on a silver platter. The power of flight, invulnerability, and great hair. But I had something far, far greater. My amazing intellect and the knack for building objects of mayhem!
(explosion offstage, young Megamind enters looking dazed, Warden looks angry.)
CHORUS: Things could be worse Things could be so much worse So just remember that And say thank you to the universe
You’ll grow up behind prison bars But you should thank your lucky stars Because things could be worse (Things are gonna get worse)
MEGAMIND: After a few years, and with some time off for good behavior, I was given an opportunity to better myself through learning at a strange place called shool. It was there that I once again ran into Mr. Goody Two-Shoes.
(Young Megamind steps into the classroom; there’s a sign; “Show And Tell”. Metro Boy is showing off his powers to the delight of the other kids.)
MEGAMIND: He had already amassed a gigantic army of soft-headed groupies. He bought their affections with showmanship and extravagant displays of his power. So I, too, would show off my special talents and win over those mindless drones!
(explosion. Metro Boy puts Young Megamind in the corner and receives a gold star.)
MEGAMIND: That’s when I learned a very hard lesson: Good receives all the praise and adulation, while evil is sent to quiet-time in the corner. So fitting in wasn’t really an option.
CHORUS: It could be worse It could be so much worse Try to remember this When you feel you have been cursed
MEGAMIND: Some days, it felt like it was just me and Minion against the world.
CHORUS: You have one friend in the world So it’s not the end of the world It could be worse It could be worse
MEGAMIND: While they were learning the Itsy Bitsy Spider, I learned how to dehydrate animate objects and rehydrate them at will!
(dehydration, rehydration)
MEGAMIND: But no matter how hard I tried, I was always the odd man out.
MEGAMIND: The last one picked, the screw-up, the black sheep…
KID 1: Freak!
KID 2: Weirdo!
METRO BOY: Get him!
MEGAMIND: The bad boy.
(The kids round on Young Megamind and go to throw their balls at him; he flinches, protecting the Minion Ball. The scene freezes.
Young Megamind pulls out the spike helmet and puts it on. The scene unfreezes and the other kids fly backwards, still holding their balls, and act as though they’re suspended in the air. Metro Boy flies forward and tears the helmet off, then throws it down and stomps on it. The other kids drop to the ground and cheer. The Teacher points to the corner and Metro Boy takes Young Megamind there.)
CHORUS: Oh now darling don’t you cry Or you’ll get something to cry about Think of this as a chance to learn All the things that you can down without
It’s not the end of the world You don’t fit in this world
MEGAMIND: Was this my destiny? Wait, maybe it was. Being bad is the one thing I'm good at. If I was the bad boy, then I was going to be the baddest boy of them all.
YOUNG MEGAMIND: I can be worse I can be so much worse I can be the baddest thing In the entire universe
MEGAMIND & YOUNG MEGAMIND: You think that I’m bad now I am gonna show you how I can be worse I’m gonna be worse
(paint bomb)
MEGAMIND: I was destined to be a supervillain and we were destined to be rivals. And so began an enduring, epic, lifelong career. And I loved it! Our battles quickly got more elaborate. He would win some. I would almost win others! He took the name Metro Man: Defender of Metrocity. I picked something a little more humble: Megamind! Incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy!
CHORUS: Things could be worse Things could be so much worse You better remember that Say thank you to the universe
Oh now darling don’t you cry Or you’ll get something to cry about Think of this as a chance to learn All the things that you can down without
You’ve finally found your place
MEGAMIND: True it’s getting punched in the face
CHORUS: but things could be worse Things could be worse.
MEGAMIND: Yes, things could certainly be a lot worse…oh, that’s right. I’m falling to my death. Guess they can’t.
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Literally no idea I want to finish shool first though I'd love to study theatre acting stuff you know Me too I love tea I basically take a can of black tea to school with me everyday. I hate coffee though
Finishing school is a good idea eheh- there's a lot of good places for drama in the U.K. and in the US, aren't there?Bahaha same! I take a thermos of tea with me to avoid falling asleep...- Shona
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© Foto: Thimo Kortmann 
Ringvorlesung // MITTWOCH // 11.12.19 18:00 Uhr // Aula FB Design# /
Thimo Kortmann | Thinking Light
Alles ist Bühne, überall ist Licht: Von Schnittstellen zwischen Theater und Architektur, Museum und Messe, Licht und Schatten, Digitalität und Handarbeit, Kontrolle und Macht, Unterhaltung und Information.
Thimo Kortmann is living in Dortmund and has been working as a lighting designer in theatres since his days of shool. The architectural view of lighting design was taught to him at HAWK Hildesheim. Since working in the shark tank of self-employed lighting designers, he is balancing on the border between architecture and theatre.
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