#short hair keqing CALL ME BACK..
mango-jpeg · 2 years
After lunch, while the rest of the camp is lounging in front of oscillating fans indoors to escape the heat, the senior staff piles into the poorly ventilated living room of Varka’s house. It’s midsummer, and that means staff evaluations.
“Any final thoughts for Bennett?” Jean calls out, to generally positive mumblings. Above them, the ceiling fan creaks laboriously, stirring the hot air into a weak gasp against the sweat on Diluc’s brow.
Jean gets the only decent seat in the room, a moth-eaten armchair, while everyone else crams in around the coffee table and tries not to sweat on one another too much. Diluc could probably snag the chair, he’s the one taking notes after all, but he’s not a monster. Instead he’s shoved into the corner of the sagging loveseat while Keqing tries and fails not to slump into his side, the deflated cushions doing their best to deposit her in his lap. On her other side Ganyu is sitting half on the arm, half on the cushion while she works on a friendship bracelet safety-pinned to her shorts. Aether and Lumine are on the floor with their head counsellor binders open in their laps, Gorou’s perched on one of the rickety kitchen chairs braiding Kokomi’s hair, badly, who’s more occupied with her outtrip planning than the topic of their actual meeting. 
“Since he nearly burned down the teepee he’s been on his best behaviour,” Tighnari remarks, not looking up from the materials he’s spread on the floor in front of him; dried leaves and flowers he’s arranging on card stock. Cyno’s leaned up against his shoulder, watching his hands with the kind of luminous attention that makes it impossible to look directly at them. They’ve truly ascended to a new tier of PDA, where even the most innocent of contact looks embarrassingly intimate.
“I saw him with Timmy this morning,” Diluc says. “He seemed really good with him.”
“Oh and Timmy is a total nightmare,” Aether groans, his sister nodding vehemently in agreement. “I’ve never seen such a homesick, wet blanket of a camper. Bennett is working overtime with that kid.”
“Maybe we should rotate him off cabins next session, if it’s that bad,” Jean suggests. 
“Yeah, just gotta make sure he doesn’t think it’s a punishment,” Lumine says, wryly. 
“What if we—” Keqing begins to say, but is dramatically interrupted by the door slamming open. To be fair, the door is barely hanging on to its hinges so this happens every other time it’s opened, but when Diluc sees who’s in the doorway he can’t help a quiet groan.
Kaeya strolls in with an armload of candy, his stupid over-large aviators precariously balanced on the tip of his nose. “Stopped by the tuck shop,” he announces, unnecessarily, then dumps his spoils on the coffee table. Everyone dives for the candy—hardened gummy worms, dried fruits, knockoff sourpatch kids shaped like broccoli—as if they don’t gorge themselves on it everyday.
Kaeya’s changed since sailing into no-less scandalous jorts and a staff shirt from two summers ago that’s slightly too tight now that he’s apparently a gym rat. The sleeves cut into the flex of his biceps and Diluc looks back to his screen.
“Any other notes for Bennett?” He prompts, tired.
“What’ve you got?” Aether asks around a mouthful of banana chips. Diluc reads out his notes; attentive to campers’ needs, must build confidence in himself, continue to avoid eco activities, great involvement in programming.
“Sounds good to me,” Lumine says, serenely checking Bennett off the list in front of her and moving on to the next name. “What about Razor?”
There’s a momentary pause that feels excruciatingly long. Everyone chews or fans themselves, clearly trying to think of something productive to say.
“He’s a fucking mad lad,” Kaeya says eventually, which is so completely unhelpful Diluc doesn’t even pretend to write it down, just shoots him a dark look. Kaeya leans his hip against the kitchen table, apparently indifferent to its pained shriek and any concept of modesty as he folds his arms across his chest, muscles flexing. He grins like he thinks he just said something funny, which is one of his most insufferable grins by far.
“I caught him eating raw sumac leaves during Survival,” Tighnari says, thoughtfully.
“I’ve had to ask him to stop wrestling with his campers twice,” Aether says, half a sigh.
“Oh, yeah, and he has punch-Jordan in his cabin,” Kaeya says, pointing knowingly at Aether who mimes hanging himself with his braided hair.
“That kid sucks,” Lumine chimes in supportively.
“I heard Razor say he turns his underwear inside out so he can go longer between washes,” Kokomi says, absently, not looking up from the provincial park map spread out before her. Diluc resists the urge to put his head in his hands.
“What! Doesn’t he take his laundry in on his days off?” Jean demands, predictably distraught by this information.
“I’m pretty sure he does,” Aether says, his voice tipping up into a question. 
“Did you see his awesome costume for the leadership camp-wide, though?” Gorou interjects, clearly scrambling for something positive to say. But at the same time Ganyu tentatively replies to Aether; “Or is he still just jumping into the lake fully dressed?”
“Doesn’t he shower?” Jean exclaims, and everyone piles on from there. Diluc gives up and closes his laptop. Kaeya catches his eye and grins.
Twenty minutes later, when the bell rings for afternoon activities, the only thing Diluc has written down for Razor’s eval is: Energetic.
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a doodle
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genshinlover101 · 3 years
Hiii!! Hope your doing well! Can I request for Ganyu, Jean, Yanfei, and Eula with an S/O who calls them "wife" out of the blue leaving the girls flustered, but what they don't know is S/O will also propose on the spot lmao- take your time author and no pressure!!
Calling her Wife as a Joke, and then Proposing to Her
Characters: Ganyu, Jean, Yanfei, Eula x gn!reader
warnings: none
A/n: It’s been so long since I’ve written for Yanfei ^.^ I hope I still have a good grasp on her character
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• Ganyu was so soft and shy, it made you want to squeeze her forever like a little stuffed animal. Except she could probably kill you with just her right thumb. You could spend your entire life with her and still see her as wifey material. 
• When you called Ganyu your wife, she never imagined anyone would ever address her with such a title even for decades. She’d want to run and tell Cloud Retainer, Keqing, even Xiao immediately, someone to seek advice.
Ganyu and you rested atop the grassy mountain you both frequently went to clear your heads, a place that only you two knew. All you could hear was the soft sound of the winds and birds calling. It was often silent between you two, but occasionally Ganyu would talk up a storm.
“Do you still love me?” Ganyu asked out of the blue, making you choke on your own spit. What would possess her to ask such a question? Of course, you loved the qilin. It didn’t hit you that she was a normal girl who had insecurities like every other human. She looked at you with sad eyes.
“Of course, I love you Ganyu,” you reaffirmed. The question catching you so off guard you accidentally let the cat out of the bag. “You’re like my wife,” you said rubbing the hair on her head. Ganyu’s eyes widened, wife? nobody had ever called her wife. Scenarios of being your wife phasing in and out of her head at the speed of light. Having someone to come home to every day, to share her whole-grain meals with, take her afternoon naps with. 
“W-wife?” she reiterated. Your eyes followed her as you got on one knee. 
Clearing your throat, “Ganyu, will you marry me?” you asked her honestly.
Her eyes were so dizzy. Even though she fantasized about it so lustfully it was just a scenario in her head, she never imagined it would happen so quickly. She wanted to run, go somewhere to get advice, a second opinion. But her heart led her, “I accept your contract,” she said unknowingly of how to properly accept human traditions. Her hands held close to her head with a queasy smile.
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• Jean was strong-willed and exactly what you needed in a woman. She was as sturdy as a pillar and an idol in Mondstadt that everyone could admire. All mothers wanted their sons and daughters alike to marry her. 
• When you called Jean your wife she’d pretend she didn’t hear it, but she was frozen in place, making it very obvious that she did. She was so busy with her knightly work that she never imagined she could be anybody's wife, she was never raised with such fantasies.
Jean allowed you to join her on her short tea break, you were supposed to have a big dinner date tonight with her at this fancy steak house nearby. It’s where you’d pop the big question, as per code, she didn’t suspect a thing. That was until you had to jump the gun. A stream of tea dripped down your chin as you upturned your cup too high, causing a small spillage on your chin.
Jean noticing, took her handkerchief that she carried around at all times. Wiping your chin and lips before moving to the moisture absorbed in your lap. “Jeeze, you can be so clumsy sometimes, you’re just like Barbara when we were younger. She always has me clean up after her,” she commented trying to make light of your mistake.
Barbara? Did she viewed you like a younger sibling? the thought flashed through your head. “Haha- except you’re gonna be my wife right?” you joked around out of impulse. Mentally slapping yourself, sometimes you said things with no thought of holding back. Her wiping ceased as she froze up. She had never given any thought to be your wife, but the idea was rather nice. She had always been good with children, and having a family of her own was highly advised if she wanted to be more reputable. What better candidate than you?
“Wife- haha, you’re funny,” she said trying to switch the topic. As much as she adored the idea it was probably just a passing thought. However, your panic pressured you to ask the question now.
“No Jean, I’m serious. Will you marry me?” You asked. 
She dropped the handkerchief on the floor in shock, it was just a thought she had told herself. Reality was a different story, a blush spreading throughout her face. “Such an abrupt question,” she coughed into her hand as she grabbed her napkin, regaining her composure. “I suppose, take care of me well.” you had never seen such a flustered side of your girlfriend.
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• Yanfei wasn’t very well known in Liyue, she was however well-spoken and incredibly intelligent, not to mention an adepti. You’d need Madame Ping’s approval however, and none could impress her for the decades she’s looked over Yanfei.
• Marriage cases whether it was wedding two people together or the divorce was stressful for a legal advisor. So when you called Yanfei wife, she would be like ‘excuse me?’ Of course, it would leave her fantasizing about the scenario until you proposed.
Yanfei was running around all over Liyue all day to settle some disputes, she frequently said that a legal advisor’s job never rests even for the holidays. Today though, she’d have to give it a rest for your sake. She sat down as her knee fidgeted rapidly as she thought about all the cases that needed her assistance at this very moment.
You grabbed her hand to calm her down from across the table. “Yanfei if you’re going to be my wife one day you’ll need to learn to give yourself a break every now and then,” you urged her. Upon hearing your urges her leg stopped shaking as rapidly. Wife? was all she could hear reverberating throughout her brain, completely disregarding the message you were trying to send her.
“Excuse me? W-wife?” she howled at you, her hands gripping the armrests of her chair as she sat up in her seat out of disbelief. She was way too anxious and hyper off of two cups of coffee to remain calm. She had never thought of having a spouse, someone like herself who lives forever in what seemed like peace and harmony never had to rush such a thought. Her hand brushed against her chin in deep thought as you stared at her amused.
“You said wife right?” she tried to reaffirm herself after hearing no response from you.
“Mhm, Yanfei will you sign a contract with me of marriage?” you asked her with a massive grin. 
Even though you had called her wife, the question was a different story. Her jaw-dropping, so much already in her lap. She had to recompose herself, breathing in and out before placing her hands back in her lap and sitting up straight “like a lady” just as Madame Ping had enforced. She had only ever signed a contract with her father, thinking long and hard she nodded with a puff. “Please take care of me, I’ll be in your good hands okay?” she asked with an assertive face.
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• Eula was surely pretty and strong-willed, but because of her last name, many overlooked her potential, instead of seeing Jean or Lisa as better suited. That’s what made you special however, you full-heartedly accepted Eula for Eula.
• When you called Eula your wife, she thought it too good to be true. Of course, she wanted to wed someone, but not until she achieved her true potential of redeeming social status in Mondstadt. She’d actually be quite offended that you’d joke around like that.
Eula stood upright as she finished the last bite of her dinner properly, minimally wiping her mouth with the cloth napkin. Although she left the scene of aristocracy a long time ago, she still maintained the etiquette and habits that were drilled into her brain. You sat across from her, watching her with hearts in your eyes, today was the day. You’d propose to your lovely girlfriend. 
She tucked a hair behind her ear, averting her eyes uncomfortably from your stare that burned a hole through her head. “What’re you staring at dunce,” she insulted you. Her speech habits might’ve been harsh but by now you’ve gotten used to the verbal rejection. You’d simply hit her with your own quips. 
“I’m staring at my lovely wife,” you retorted. Her head turned to the side, she hmphed. Until it clicked with her.... wife? Did you just call her wife? Her eyes shot open, she couldn’t be anybody’s wife. You’d have to be insane to willingly marry into the Lawrence family without some sort of ransom or bribe.
“Watch your mouth- I’m not your wife,” she said harshly.
“So if I asked you right now if you’ll marry me...” you got on your knee beside her. “Would you say no?” revealing the giant diamond in the ring case.
Her face twisted in fear, even if you were crazy enough to marry into her family... was she herself ready for marriage? All these questions flying around her head, but all of them pointed to one solution. You- you’d be there for her every day, you’d eat all her baking, you’d take her out to dinner dates every week. You were perfect in her eyes. “Fine...” she folded her arms, “If you betray me however I will not hesitate to strike you down where you stand.”
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glazesunflower · 2 years
S/O who's sick but wants to go to work
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Characters: Ayaka, Yae Miko and Keqing x GN!Reader.
Warnings: Mentions of sickness. Other than that, it's plain fluff.
Notes: The request, “ Hello-could I request a gn reader who’s sick but wants to get out to work but Ayaka,Yae Miko and Keqing keeps them in bed and takes care of them?”
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“Here, I brought you some soup.” Ayaka says, sitting on the side of your bed. “I wanted to make it myself but, truthfully, I’m afraid it would’ve turned out to be less than acceptable, so I had Thoma help me with the recipe.”
“Thank you, my love.” You say. Your whole body burns, your mind feels foggy. “Oh, what time is it?”
“It’s ten in the morning, dear.” She tilts her head, a worried expression on her face. “Why do you ask?”
You sit up, your limbs aching to the movement. “I’m— Cough. I’m late to work. If I rush, maybe I can still—“
“Work?” Ayaka echoes, a hint of surprise in her voice. “My heart, you’re sick. You should lie down and rest for now. I’ve already had a messenger sent to explain that you will not be attending today, it’s okay.”
You shake your head, feeling dizzy. “Even still— Cough. What about your work? Shouldn’t you be at a meeting right now?”
Ayaka helps you lie on the bed again, her hands gentle as she guides your head on the pillow. You let out a soft sigh in relief.
“Please, don’t concern yourself with such matters, it’s all taken care of. I’ve cleared my schedule to care for you for the day.” She draws a soft smile, reassuring you. “You’re my first and most important priority. Now rest, my dear. I’ll stay here by your side.”
She leans to you, and you can barely register her fingers slowly caressing your hair before you feel the world around you grow hazy, your eyelids feeling surprisingly heavy. Ayaka keeps playing with your hair, and you hear a soft lullaby echoing in your ears as you slowly drift off to sleep.
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The alarm goes off in the morning, but you don’t have enough time to register the sound before you feel the weight on the bed shifting.
“Ugh, turn that devilish thing off, will you?” Miko groans, her voice husky from sleep.
“I’m sorry— Cough.” You say. Did your throat burn like this last night? You feel dizzy. “We have to get to— Cough, cough. To get to work.”
Miko eyes you, studying your face for a short second before her brain reaches a conclusion. “Call it a hunch, my dear, but something tells me you’re not exactly in quite the shape to go to work today, hm?”
You shake your head and you regret it as soon as you do, the edges of the world blurring around you. “No, no. There’s— Cough. There’s important things that need to be done, I can’t not go.”
“Ever the diligent one.” Miko sighs, stretching her arms above her head gracefully. “Say, isn’t this a wonderful opportunity to unbend the spirit and allow your body to recover nicely? I’ll make sure to keep you company, of course.”
“You?” You tilt your head, confused. Your mind feels foggy. “You’re not sick, Miko.”
“Ah, don’t bore me with such formalities. I’ll remain by your side and tend to you.” She says, drawing a sly smile. There’s the familiar mischievous glint behind her lilac eyes when she leans closer to you. “Show some gratitude, no mortal has ever had the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine nurse them back to health and has lived to tell the tale.”
“I’m not sure I like my odds, then.” You smile, feeling your cheeks warm. Is it because you’re feeling sick, or something else?
“Oh, shush, you.” Miko says, slapping your arm, but it doesn’t hurt. “Now, scooch. I was quite comfortable lying on your chest before that devilish alarm of yours started blowing up.”
You move, allowing her to rest on your chest again, breathing in slowly. Miko’s fluffy pink hair tickles your nose.
“Are we really not going to work today?” You ask quietly, double-checking the situation. You can’t say you felt regretful, with Miko comfortably lying on you.
“My dearest shrine maidens will be there, won’t they? They’re perfectly capable of handling the Shrine for a single day, I should hope.” Miko nuzzles your neck, her words sounding muffled by your skin. “Now rest, dear. You’ll be feeling better soon enough.”
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“I’m leaving for work now.” Keqing announces early in the morning, tying her hair up. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do while I’m gone, alright?”
“Wait for me, I’m— Cough. I’m going to the Pavilion with you.” You say, each word sending waves of heat and pain down your throat.
Keqing eyes you, her lilac eyes studying your posture, narrowed. You’re standing in the hallway, your body resting on the doorframe.
“You are, huh?” She crosses her arms above her chest, looking at you up and down. “You can’t even stand right, how are you going to make it to the Pavilion in the first place?”
“You’ll be there with me.” You say hesitantly, your fingers shaking.
Keqing shakes her head, locks of lilac hair framing her features. “I know what we said, In sickness and in health, but that doesn’t mean I’ll help you do something stupid and reckless.”
“I’m fine, I— Cough. I can still go to work.” You insist, your body shuddering.
“You’re sick. That’s why there are sick days, you’re allowed to miss work if you’re not feeling well.” Keqing walks up to you, places the back of her hand on your forehead. You feel her skin slightly cooler to your touch, and you feel a momentary relief. “Go to bed, alright? I’ll try to come home early today.”
You let out a long sigh, defeated. “You promise?”
“I promise.” Keqing reaches up, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, staying there a second longer than needed. You feel your chest full of warmth, this time not because you’re sick. Keqing’s voice sounds gentle to your ears, a tucked in affection you’ve learned to recognize. “Now get some rest, you big baby. I’ll be here before you notice.”
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If you enjoyed this, please consider liking or reblogging it <3!
You can check more of my writing on (this link!). Thank you!
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thedandelion-writer · 3 years
❝sleeping habbits, liyue edition❞
Pairings: Xiao x gn!reader, Ganyu x gn!reader, Zhongli x gn!reader, Keqing x gn!reader
<- Mondstadt edition
A/N: I just thought it'd be cute, okay?
P.s. This is a modern au just because
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He sleeps with a nightlight and you cannot tell me otherwise
Don't tease him about it! He will get all cold and snappy
You know why he keeps it on though, it helps with the nightmares
Xiao doesn't really like to sleep, so sometimes you have to coax him into bed
Even then, he's always up before you are
You rub your eyes awake, rolling over to his side of the bed. It was cold, evident that he'd been up for a while now. The window was open, letting in the cool morning air. Xiao always said it helped calm him when his head started getting too loud.
"Breakfast is getting cold," came a gruff voice.
He was leaning against the doorframe.
"It's not my fault you made it so damn early," you yawned and stretched, not bothering to even sit up.
"Come kiss me good morning, or else I'm going back to sleep."
You closed your eyes, offering him your cheek while still comfortably swaddled in blankets. It took some time for him to come over, the crossed arms and annoyed face did nothing to cover his red cheeks.
Briefly pressed his lips to your temple, muttering a "childish" before he walked out.
Sometimes, you'd even have to sing him to sleep
He won't ask you to do it, but when you do, he sleeps relatively better
Acts like he doesn't want you close but when you snuggle up to him, he never refuses
Lets you steal all the blankets because he'd give you the world if you asked for it
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The type of person to have a schedule of when to sleep and when to wake up
According to Ganyu, sunlight is nature's alarm clock
She keeps the curtains open to let natural moonlight in because for some reason, it makes her feel safe. And in the morning, she's up when the first rays of sunshine hit her face
Would love to sleep in if she could honestly, but duty calls (she'll just take an afternoon nap later)
Also snores lightly, not enough to disturb you, but enough for you to coo to yourself at how adorable she sounds
For some reason, it was still dark, and you were already awake.
"What time is it," you made sure to lower your voice, then propping up your body on your elbows to check the time on Ganyu's bedside table.
"4:32 am...what the hell..."
You looked over to your sleeping girlfriend, hair looking an even deeper hue of indigo due to the pre-sunrise sky. She whimpered, shifting about a little, and you were afraid she would wake up, so you caressed hair ever so gently.
"Shh, it's alright," you whispered. "That's it, don't wake up yet, you've got a busy day tomorrow."
You kept your hand on the side of her head, eventually falling asleep to her soft snores and the peacefulness of it all.
She gets cold feet, so one day you decided to buy her a bunch of cute socks and now she wears them everywhere. Even to work!
Ganyu also likes scented candles, preferably nature inspired fragrances like rain, grass, etc
You grew to like them as well, and now you both can't sleep without lighting one every night before bed
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This man sleeps like a rock
No pun intended, I'm being serious
If anyone remembers that scene in Mulan 2 when Mushu unsucessfully tries to wake Shang up by crashing his cymbals? Then yeah, like that
Minus the part where Shang eventually wakes up
I'm only half kidding
He doesn't move either. Like at all.
Zhongli would stay in the same position throughout the night, which is usually facing you
This makes for opportunities
"Lao gong~" you inched your face closer to his, testing if he was asleep before proceeding admiring him as if he were a marble statue at a museum.
You poked his cheek. No reaction. You brushed his bangs away from his forehead, kissing him there, down to his nose and then at the corner of his mouth. You'd have to save one more for later.
"Truly, how did I get so lucky?" You settled in between one arm, lying your head down on his chest.
If only we could stay like this forever. That would be enough.
The beating of his heart matched yours, the sheets intermingled your warmth with his, never have you felt this connected to another being. In the quiet moments of the night, you told him you loved him.
*lăo gōng (老公) a sweet way of calling one's husband
Whenever either of you have trouble sleeping, tea is always the answer (or just for those cold nights)
Therefore, a boiler, tea pots/cups, and a variety of tea bags could be found in the bedroom
Goodnight kisses are a must, almost always given from him to you.
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No matter when she sleeps, Keqing will always wake up at the same time every morning
And no matter where you both start out at the beginning of the night, she would always end up tangled with you
Not that you mind, but she got all huffy and embarrassed at first
Now she just accepts that it's her fault
Something was tickling your nose. In a bleary daze, you tried to lift your hand to swipe whatever annoyance was causing it--to no avail. Both your arms, and even your legs were locked down by a weight.
You blowed at it, scrunched up your face to hopefully get rid of the itch. Which backfired because your movements caused Keqing to stir, tilting her head up a bit and shoving hair into your already violated nostrils.
"Oh archons I'm gonna..." your eyes turned watery, shoulders rising as you tried to suppress it. And failed, yet again.
You lurched violently, waking your lover up in the process. But at least the itch went away, and your limbs were no longer constricted!
"Y/N, couldn't you have sneezed into a pillow?" Keqing grumbled (as you can tell, not a morning person).
"I'm sorry I'm sorry, it's just...your head was so close to my face and-"
She held up a palm as if to say 'I get it, please shut up', and laid back down, scooching to the end of her side of the mattress.
As if that would do anything! She'd likely invade your territory again before daybreak, you guarantee it.
"Uhh- tian xin, maybe if you tied your hair? You know you're just going to come to me again."
Keqing thought about it for a moment (or maybe drowsiness delayed her reaction time), so she reached into her bedside drawer, handing you a ribbon.
She spread out her locks onto the pillow and turned to face the other way, pointing for you to do it for her.
You chuckled, getting to work, even giving her a short scalp massage in the process. After tying the knot, she was back to being fast asleep.
Snaking an arm around her waist, you kissed her shoulder, wishing to join her once again in slumber.
*tián xīn (甜心) meaning sweetheart
**mom i'm finally using my sucky chinese for something useful, aren't you proud?
You can't tell me she doesn't have at least one Morax plushie
One time you got jealous because it was like that one meme
Ah yes, my girlfriend and her favourite thing to cuddle to sleep, her Rex Lapis doll
You find out that Keqing actually needs to hold something to sleep properly
Which is cute but she'd deny deny deny
Later on, she latches onto you (as shown above)
You're warm, she says
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When you say "Marry me" to them by accident (or was it?) Part 1
yall ever see an insanely hot person with an insanely hot personality and instantly go “marry me” without thinking? yeah yeah thats totally me when mona keqing albedo kazuha
i am currently stuck writing keqing's and mona's one so have kazuha and albedo's ones first
Characters: Kazuha, Albedo
Notes: fem! reader in kazuha’s one, gn reader in albedo's one, fluff drabbles, SO MUCH FLUFF, fluff again, did i say fluff?, super self-indulgent like super duper super, OH NO KAZUHA’S ONE IS TOO LONG UHH ITS FINE
a/n: la da dee is the BEST song to listen when writing this i swear the song is so pure and wholesome listen to it while you’re reading this holding yall at gunpoint rn /j
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“I told you not to run in the rain last night. Look, now you’ve got a cold,” Albedo sighs.
You stick your tongue out. “Shut up. Life is short,” You grumble, and attempt to get out of bed, only to stumble around like a toddler and fall into Albedo’s arms. He sighs again, and decides to princess carry you back to your bed despite your protests.
When you try to sit up again, insisting that you’re perfectly fine despite your spinning head, Albedo doesn’t believe you, and gently pushes you back down on the bed.
“Rest,” He whispers, his furrowed brows showing frustration and worry, “Go to sleep, I will take care of anything. Rest for me.”
You are about to protest again, but you feel your eyelids getting droopy, and you end up falling asleep in ten seconds. Albedo chuckles at the sight, and pulls the blanket over you while stroking your hair. He leaves to prepare soup for you, but not before leaving a tender kiss on your forehead.
When you wake up from your nap, the first thing you smell is the aroma of Calla Lily Seafood Soup that is placed on your nightstand. You try to turn around, but you realise Albedo’s arm is draped over your waist protectively.
You assume that Albedo had got into bed to cuddle with you after making the soup, and his eyes are closed, face peaceful and breathing even. You turn your head to see his face fully, and your breath hitches. Since when has he looked this beautiful?
Albedo definitely lives up to his title “Chalk Prince”, because if you could describe his current sleeping appearance right now, you would call it princely. His bangs framed his beautiful face perfectly, and his braids untied, tempting you to run your hands through it.
With your mind still fuzzy after just waking up, you don’t think properly when you mutter, “Archons, why are you so pretty? Marry me already.”
You feel yourself being lulled back to sleep again, and in your state of drowsiness, you don’t notice how red Albedo’s face turns, or how he nuzzles his face into your hair to press a kiss to it.
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The deck of The Alcor was empty, as all the other crew members were inside the cabin drinking their hearts out of Beidou. Which made it unusually quiet, but it gave you and Kazuha a chance to be alone for once without the crew members teasing you.
You smile when you see Kazuha walk out of the cabin towards you. “I thought you liked sake. Why’d you come out empty handed?”
Kazuha only squeezes your hand in reply. “Sake can wait, now that I can finally spend precious time with my beloved.”
Your smile becomes embarrassed, and you blush. Your boyfriend never fails to make you flustered every time. You let out a flustered chuckle, and look away from him to hide your reddened cheeks, despite the both of you knowing that Kazuha would see your bashfulness anyway.
Kazuha climbs and sits on the ledge of the ship next to you. He intentionally places his hand over yours, and the both of you look up to the sky. There is a comfortable silence between the both of you, save for the soft hummings Kazuha makes that makes you drowsy.
“Y/N,” He says out of nowhere, and you turn your attention from the stars to him, “Would you like me to read you a poem? I just made one up.”
You smile. “I’d listen to your poems all day if I wanted to, Kazu.”
“Alright. I hope you aren’t disappointed with this one, then.” He returns your smile, squeezing your hand again. Clearing his throat, he closes his eyes, and he begins.
“Under moonlit skies,” He starts saying slowly, his voice soft and sweet.
“Sits a maiden and her knight,” He opens his eyes to look at you, and his hand reaches out to cup your cheek. His face inches closer to yours, and your breath hitches. You can feel your face getting warmer, and when his lips are just barely grazing each other, you think you know what comes next.
Kazuha smiles, and finishes, “And so young love blooms.”
Before he can lean in, you blurt out, “Marry me.”
You don’t get the chance to register his reply fully, before he presses his lips to yours.
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The great unknown.
This a part two to that fic I recently posted!!
Hope you guys enjoy<3
Here's part one:
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Everything felt surreal.
It felt like I've skipped over so much and then reset myself. Sometimes things feel distantly familiar, like the rain. Mud as well. And the taste of metal cutlery. Or metal in general.
This man, uhm Jong Lee? He's reintroducing me to Liu yay, I think that was the name. The salty and humid air made me feel like a pirate captain.
"I like the smell of the harbor."
Jong Lee seemed pleased with what I said.
"You should get used to it then. Are you feeling hungry?"
Food tasted good whenever I was with Jong Lee. And I was a little hungry, so a bite would be nice.
"Yeah, where should we go today, Jong Lee?"
The graceful man faltered a bit at the mention of what I thought was his name. Guess I was wrong afterall.
"We should go to Chihue Rock since Xiangling is cooking. "
"And what about your name?"
"It is Zhongli."
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It seemed like Ha Tao knew the scariest places in all of Lee wei! Woo wang Hill was our favorite place to prank passers-by! Their faces were always super funny.
Until Chungyoon thought we were demons.
"Evil be purged!"
The sound of the talisman smacking my head resounded through the woods. My forehead stung.
Faster than an arrow, Chungyoon got in both hands and knees and started apologizing profusely.
"I thought you were a demon! My deepest apologies!"
Ha Tao bursted out laughing at the unusual situation and in turn i began giggling too.
"No problemo Chungyoon! That was actually hilarious!"
Ha Tao stopped laughing and Chungyoon froze up. I forgot their names again, I bet.
"Did I-"
Ha Tao interuppted me with a snort.
Did Chungyoon just LAUGH?
Ha Tao couldn't keep in her snorts and began tearing up from laughing so much. Chungyoon ended up laughing with us.
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Keqing and Ganyu invited me to shop today. I was super excited to tell them that my memory is getting better!
We would meet up near Second life. As I headed to them, I went over everything I remember so far.
After I died, I became a zombie. The same thing Qiqi is. I can't remember things well, I've forgotten how to use my weapon and I don't have a vision.
My friends keep in Liyue harbour to keep me safe. I know I can't leave, but I want to learn more of the world I've lived in. Maybe when I'm stronger I can become an adventurer!
As I run through the streets, I can hear my talisman flapping behind my back.
It was gifted to me by creatures called Adepti.
For some reason, one of them I saw when I first woke up looked familiar. A beautiful man with a green tattoo.
Skidding to a halt, I look around. Oh no.
"Uh, hi. Could you give me directions to Second life? I've forgotten the way."
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Hello there,
I put a reminder on a page to give you a gift.
Please meet me at Bubu Pharmacy.
From, Qiqi.
This time by asking for directions, I found Bubu Pharmacy sooner than expected. Qiqi and a tall man with green hair were waiting at the top of the stairs. Qiqi held a wrapped box in her hands.
"Hey Qiqi! Hello, uh, sir?"
The man standing next to Qiqi didn't seem like the nicest person. I moved closer to Qiqi and gave her a hug. The man side-eyed me with a relaxed smile on his face.
"I am Dr.Baizhu."
Qiqi gently tugged on my arm to get my attention. She's such a precious child.
"So Qiqi, what did you get me?"
She lightly pushed the box into my hands. Awww she was shy.
"I got one of every specialty in Liyue, so you learn to remember them. Then you can come with me to find herbs again."
I couldn't resist her cute hopeful gaze.
"I'll make sure to look at these everyday so we can look for herbs again. Sound like a plan?"
Qiqi nodded her head.
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I was finally allowed to leave Liyue harbour! Zhongli said he wants me to meet someone I knew before I died. He said we'll meet this person at Wangshuu Inn.
The walk to the Inn on top of the huge tree was nice. A clear pathway and on the sides of the road silk flowers had been growing.
Once we got to the inn, took the elevator and greeted the boss lady, Zhongli told me to go up to the highest balcony and wait for me there.
Odd of him, but I trust him nonetheless.
It was him! That guy that was there when I woke up!
"I remember you!"
"You do? Impossible. Zombies forget all about their past lives. Including the people in it."
Well, he was right. Almost.
"But I know what feels familiar. Sir, did I know you from my past life?"
His back faced me the whole time. Once he turned around he looked sad. A type of sadness only readable in someone's eyes.
"You made me like soup. You insisted that I try it."
Soup? Why would I have given an adeptus soup. Can't you get cursed for that?
"What? Why soup?"
He exhaled loudly, like a father would to a child when it didn't understand.
"You didn't want me to go back to eating snow, so you gave me the opposite. Warm soup."
"It sounds like I was a nice person."
"From what I've heard, you still are."
"What's your name?"
"It suits you."
It felt like it was time for me to leave. Our talk was so short but it felt like it was enough.
"Hey. Wait."
Xiao called me as I began to turn around.
"Thank you."
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Today I was taking things from my old room. I found my journal from before my death.
Everything I read about myself was untrue. Why did I ever think that I wasn't good enough?
My new life showed me that I should relearn myself. Everything I did was for someone else.
But I have been given a new shot at life. I'm going to help people without self sacrifice.
I'll live how I want to.
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Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please like comment and reblog if you had a good read!
Taglist: @mrpenguinpants
Send an ask if you'd like to be added to my (very short) taglist lmao.
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smallbluelotus · 3 years
“I Think Moto-Moto Likes You” Genshin Impact Comedic Fanfiction Childe x Reader (SFW)
warnings: mild cussing, pet names, flirting, and overall just childe being cringe and perverted lmao
enjoy! ❤️
• it’s summer and everyone is on break from their duties
• you’re hanging out with keqing and ganyu at qingxu pool near liyue in your swimwear
• you were reluctant about going to this event that was hosted by ningguang because you knew that childe would be there, and mind you, he was a BIG pervert. no cap though he will literally flirt with anyone that breathes near him
• you decided to go anyway because you didn’t want to disappoint lady ningguang
• so here you are, sitting down while tanning next to keqing and ganyu in front of the pool
You, Keqing, and Ganyu are sitting together at the edge of Qingxu Pool, your feet gently stirring the water, blurring your reflections. All is well and calm. Ganyu is chuckling at a joke you just made when all of a sudden, Keqing whispers in your ear, “(Y/N), look over there. Childe’s goggling at you.” You turn and he was in fact staring you up and down, a glint in his eye as he grazed his sight over your body outlined in swimwear. You gave him a searing look and turned back to Keqing.
“What a perv,” you murmur to Keqing. “As long as they’re alive and functioning, he’ll look ‘em up and down,” you huff as you sit back down. Keqing giggles, and Ganyu looks over questioningly at Childe. A moment later, she whips back around, face flushed.
“He—He winked at me!”
You burst out laughing, as does Keqing. Ganyu puffs up her cheeks and stubbornly grabs her horns and looks away. You pause laughing as you see Childe slowly rising up. He lifted an arm to point towards you, Ganyu, and Keqing, while his other hand ran through his ginger, slightly messy hair, glistening and dripping due to the water of the pool.
“Hey, Ojou-Chan! Nice outfit you’ve got there. Did you wear it exclusively for me?” He winked and licked his upper lip. You glared at him, bewildered, a disgusted expression creeping across your face. Was he talking to you? You turned your head away from him to look at Ganyu.
“I think Moto-Moto likes you,” Ganyu teased with a mischievous smirk on her face. You opened your mouth to reply to her and decided to pretend you didn’t hear Childe, but he didn’t buy it.
He pouted and stuck out his bottom lip, attempting to appear hurt by your actions. “Ignoring me now, girlie? Come on, get in the water with me! I’ve warmed it up for you,” he bit his bottom lip and raised his eyebrows.
You felt your face burn up as you scowled at him. “Sh-Shut up, idiot!” You yelled, sounding like the epitome of an angry toddler. Childe widened his eyes, play-acting as though you had called him a horrible insult. With a feigned, melodramatic gasp, he stood up fully, revealing his chest, six-pack, swim shorts (patterned with small Hydro symbols; after all, gotta promote the brand~!), and his long legs. Ganyu coughed and covered her eyes, unwilling to see this disgusting man’s bare front.
You raised your eyebrows, disgusted, and wondered if this was him trying to be intimidating. You shout, without thinking, “You think you’re so scary, eh? Come ‘ere, little man!”
Childe stops and grins smugly. He strides over, splashing water in his wake. The other pool-goers around him recoil in surprise as they are splashed by flecks of water.
Xinyan screeches, “Oi, you? You ain’t sittin’ there thinkin’ it’s all right to soak my guitar?! Come ‘ere, I’ll beat yo ass-“ Chongyun and Xingqiu, sitting together, shush Xinyan loudly. “Don’t shout at him!” “Shhh, be quiet!” Xinyan continued shouting muffled swears as Chongyun covered her mouth and Xingqiu looked on quietly.
Childe keeps walking over to you, and you immediately regret taunting him. Here, face-to-face, he was much taller than you. He could probably pick you up by the arm and punt you into Celestia, if he wanted.
You chuckle sheepishly, and Keqing calls out, “Oi, (Y/N)! Show him who’s boss!” You look up at Childe.
“Uhhh…” you spit out.
Childe leans over, grabs your chin with three, slender fingers, lifts your chin, and murmurs, “You know, I like ‘em big and small.”
Ganyu whispers, against her own will, “I like ‘em big, I like ‘em chunky…” Keqing nudges her lightly, shushing her while silently wheezing with laughter. You cough, swallowing your words, as Childe is distracted by the two girls in hysterics.
At this point, everyone around the pool is watching in silence and awe as you prepare to confront Childe. You inhaled deeply. “You... you... you think you’re s-so tough, huh, Mister-Eleventh-of-the-Fatui-Harbingers? You... umm... you d-don’t scare me! I’m not a-afraid to kick your b-behind again at the Golden House!” You shouted, visibly trembling under his tall figure. Everyone stared at you and Childe, and a dense silence filled the environment around you.
Childe stared at you in shock with his azure eyes, clearly appalled. It had felt like hours before he burst into loud laughter, practically crying. “Hah... Ahahaha!” He guffawed hysterically, his sides heaving. Once he had calmed down, he turned to you, and his ocean-eyes met your (E/C) ones as he lifted an arm to pinch your right cheek with two fingers. “You’re so cute. Y’know, kitten? You kind of remind me of already caught prey trying to flee its predator. Sometimes, I wonder what we’d be like cuddling with each other, fighting over the significant role. Of course, you’d have the audacity to try and win. You have nothing on me, girlie. Oh, and what happened at the Golden House was merely a sparring match. I went easy on you, so don’t get too excited. I may just be more rough next time, Ojou-Chan~”
Your face and ears burned with embarrassment at that last remark, and you’re sure you’re redder than a tomato by now. You choke, quickly rubbing your face to hide the flushing of your cheeks. Did this man seriously just call you “kitten”?! Yech, you think to yourself. Keqing is dying of laughter and Ganyu is trying her best to keep her composure, albeit not fully hiding it.“Ermmm… You better watch your mouth, big guy. I’ll pummel you!” You stretch your hands out, ready to call for your powerful friends to pummel this guy. Keqing shoots up, sword at the ready, while Ganyu is reluctantly stretching the string of her bow. In the background, Xinyan’s legs are flailing as she tries to kick Chongyun in the shins to run out at Childe, while Xingqiu is visibly trying hard to pretend he doesn’t know either of them. Yanfei is frantically scribbling down notes recording this scene with intense focus, while Hu Tao hastily prepares a coffin in case Childe is obliterated by you and your friends and needs to be buried. In the background, you can see a tall man with amber eyes and clothing—Zhongli—standing on subtle guard, hands glowing gold with the power of Geo.
Childe laughs, unaware of the surrounding scene. In his deep eyes that quite reflected those of the pool, it was just you and him. Just how he wanted. You glare at him as he subtly strokes his eyes over your body, and one hand on your shoulder with a tight grip. He leans in and bites his lower lip, winking lightly. He leans in, closing his eyes, and you shriek like a madlad. Thrashing, you kick and punch him away, resulting in both of you tumbling into the water. He immediately stands back up, while you keep splashing, losing your foothold on the flowy ground underneath. He steps closer until he’s standing pretty much over you. You’re sweating hard, worried that he’ll do all sorts of sinful things. After all, it IS Childe. Then, a flash of honey-gold light appears behind Childe, and you immediately recognize Zhongli’s ombré dark amber-to-gold rectangular pillar with small, glowing crystals rising from the pool behind Childe. Your eyes widen and your lips part. Childe barely has enough time to raise an eyebrow and give you a questioning look before the pillar knocks the every breath from his body and launches him to archons know where.
You stand there, shocked, forgetting to breathe. “(Y/N).exe has stopped working,” you manage to hear Keqing say while also in shock. You finally snapped back into existence when Zhongli gently poked your shoulder with a gloved finger.
“My sincerest and utmost apologies, ladies. You were all clearly bothered by that Fatui Harbinger, so I thought I would put him in his place,” Zhongli said and crossed his arms.
You looked up at him, confused about what in Teyvat had just happened. “Did... you just... yeet—I mean—launch Childe with your... pillar?!” You exclaim, allowing what just happened to sink in. Everyone around the pool bursted into laughter at this, especially Keqing and Ganyu, who were thanking the Lord of Geo that they met you. And so you were left there with a laughing audience and Zhongli looking confused by your colloquial demeanor.
⭐️ bonus scene with a hu tao pov!
Hu Tao was dipping her feet in Qingxu Pool, the cool water lapping gently on her ankles as she sighed deeply. “Ugh, how long has it been since I stepped out of Wangsheng’s backrooms,” she murmured to herself. Upon staring at her wavering reflection in the crystal-turquoise water, she heard commotion.
Turning around, she saw Childe standing out of the water, with groups of other people around. Among them, someone stood out. “Is- Is that... (Y/N)?” Hu Tao whispered loudly. She dashed over, and watched the scene play out. As the shouting got louder, she reached into her satchel flung around her waist and tugged out pieces of wood. “Gotta stay prepared~” she sang quietly.
As Zhongli stepped forward, she quickly slotted the wood pieces together in a slightly disorderly fashion. As Hu Tao saw Childe get thrown into the air from Zhongli’s pillar, she chuckled.
Hu Tao started dashing to the place where he was going to plummet, when he splashed down in front of her. The wind knocked out of him, he laid motionless. Hu Tao immediately sang, “Hehe, another customer!~” She hoisted Childe onto her shoulders, her small form sagging under the weight of Childe’s tall and muscular build. Panting slightly, she arrived at the makeshift coffin, kneeled down, and tossed him in. She dragged the battered wooden box back to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and began to strap the “body” of Childe into the box so it wouldn’t roll around.
At this moment, Childe woke up, and blearily looked around. When he noticed that he was tied down, he struggled and shouted, “HEY! What kind of… trickery is this?!”
Hu Tao smiled and said to herself, “Ah, the spirit’s trying to escape?~ No worries, let’s seal you right up!”
As she reached for the newly created lid, Childe broke out of the bindings he was tied up in and dashed out, shouting incoherent mutterings to himself.
Hu Tao stared for a moment, dumbfounded, then turned away, simply stating, “Hum. How interesting.”
hope you all enjoyed this :) my friend and i did our best!
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Well Deserved {Keqing, Barbara, Xiangling, and Venti}
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A/N: OKAY so @danibby totally threw me into brainrot with my team thanks to the lovely headcanons she made HERE and i needed to write something for them because,,, they’re my babies and i love them pls. hope yall like this one I had a lot of fun with it hehe
Summary: After the girls get sick of Venti messing with them, they decide to teach him a little lesson. 
Word Count: 1.5k (under the cut)
“And I said, ‘That’s what she said’! Hehe!” 
Keqing, Barbara, and Xiangling collectively groaned at Venti’s awful joke. The four of them had been traveling together, exploring Teyvat and working together. They all got along pretty well, if it weren’t for Venti’s incessantly playful and joking personality. Not a day went by that they weren’t met with a crude or dumb joke, and even though they all appreciated his musical ability, there was a time and place for it.
He also had gotten into the habit of blowing random gusts of wind at the girls, blowing their generally tied up hair in their faces. He minded not to do it in battle, but when it became a regular thing, it got really irritating. 
One day, they were all resting in the Guili Plains after finishing their commissions. Venti strummed his lyre quietly, Barbara singing along as Keqing and Xiangling listened intently. All was peaceful, they didn’t have a care in the world. That is, until Venti threw his legs into Keqing’s lap and sighed dramatically.
“I’m all out of creativity, oh well. Time for a nap~”
Keqing looked at Venti, a look of mock disgust on her face as she went to push his legs off, only for him to put them right back on. Keqing glared at Venti for real this time, and he only chuckled in amusement.
“Is it so wrong for me to want to rest, Keqing?”
“You’re an idiot,” Was all she said as she tried to push his legs off of her lap once more, Venti immediately putting them back in her lap.
“It’s my specialty~” He cooed. Keqing’s eye twitched in annoyance as Xiangling and Barbara looked at each other nervously from the side. They all knew what Keqing was like when she was mad, but Venti was the only one who ever dared push her to that limit.
“Venti, I think you should leave her alone-” Barbara started, but Xiangling stopped her, whispering in her ear.
“I wanna see where this goes,” She said, a small grin on her face. Barbara nodded, a bit nervously, and they continued to watch Venti egg on Keqing.
“Venti, if you don’t move your legs you’re gonna be seriously in for it,” Keqing said menacingly, and Venti only hummed, folding his legs over each other in Keqing’s lap and folding his hands behind his head.
“I’ll be in for it? In what way? Surely not in a dirty way, right Keqing?”
That was the last straw for Keqing. She glared at Venti darkly, making the bard’s expression change from confident to almost scared as she collected some electro energy in her hand, Venti’s eyes widening. 
She jabbed him in the stomach, and the electro energy scattered across Venti. She had expected him to scream in pain, despite her lowering the output so it wouldn’t hurt too much. She, along with Barbara and Xiangling, were surprised when, instead of a scream, Venti shrieked shrilly, followed by a quick stream of giggles.
He looked up at Keqing, his eyes wider than before as she looked at Venti in confusion. He chuckled nervously as Keqing poked him again, channeling a bit more electro in her finger as Venti shrieked again, swatting at her hand.
“Don’t!” He exclaimed, and Keqing looked at him with a small smirk on her face. Venti squeaked, realizing what Keqing was thinking, and went to scramble away only for Keqing to grab his ankles, holding him in place.
“Venti,” She started, her tone slightly playful as Barbara and Xiangling scooted closer to the two, Venti looking at the girls fearfully. “You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish, would you?”
Venti gulped, shaking his head frantically. “No! I’m not, really! I’m not- hehehe!”
Venti giggled suddenly when Xiangling squeezed his side, and Venti immediately swatted at the pyro user. She grinned widely, looking over at Keqing, who continued to smirk at the shorter boy. 
“Xiangling, would you mind taking care of his legs?” Keqing asked, and Venti immediately shrieked and tried to run away when Keqing let go of his legs for Xiangling to grab as she dove at him, Venti letting out a short cry as she grabbed his arms, pinning them above his head with her shin. 
“No!” He shrieked, but the girls didn’t listen. Xiangling sat on Venti’s shins, and Barbara looked at the two girls, looking a bit confused as she held her hands up.
“W-Wait, what are we doing?”
“Hmm… I guess we could call it revenge for Venti constantly messing with us. Give him a taste of his own medicine, right?” Keqing said, and Xiangling nodded.
“Think about all the times he wouldn’t stop singing when we were trying to sleep. And when he slipped a bunch of dirt into my super special slime dish I was making!” Xiangling said, and Barbara hummed in contemplation, one hand on her chin.
“B-Barbara! You know I was just kidding around, right?!” Venti whined, already giggling when Keqing wiggled her fingers at him. Barbara pouted.
“You might’ve been kidding around, but it was really annoying when we asked you to stop and you kept going! I agree, I think he deserves at least a little bit,” She said, folding her arms across her chest. Venti looked at her, utterly defeated as his last hope of getting out of this vanished. 
He looked up at Keqing, who smirked at him, making him squeak. Xiangling was already wiggling her fingers as Barbara scooted a bit closer to Venti, poking his tummy a few times, making him giggle and squirm. 
“Dohon’t!” He whined, and the girls only chuckled.
“Don’t worry, Venti, we’ll stop once we think you’ve had enough,” Keqing said sweetly, albeit threateningly. Venti squawked suddenly when Barbara’s hands were at his sides, squeezing softly as he squirmed already, giggling into his arm as he whined.
“B-Bahaharbara! Ehehe, wahahait! UWah, Keheheqing!” Venti’s laughter rose in pitch and volume when Keqing lightly scratched at his underarms with her nails, raking from the hollows up his arms slowly as he giggled hysterically, throwing his head from side to side as he squirmed frantically.
“KEheheqing! Nonono, not thahahat!” He wailed, throwing his head back as Barbara started pinching at Venti’s hips, making him rock back and forth trying to shake away from her. He shrieked again when Xiangling finally joined the party, squeezing above Venti’s knees as his laughter got even higher in pitch and volume.
“XIAHAHAhangling! Not thehehehere, anywhere but thehehehere! PlehEHEHEase!” Venti screeched, his face already pink from the sheer amount he was laughing and from the embarrassment of the situation. 
“What’s wrong Venti? Can’t take it?” Keqing teased, scratching her fingers in the hollows of his underarms as Venti arched his back, trying to squirm away. Keqing had a serious grip on Venti’s hands, he couldn’t do anything but scream and laugh as the girls ganged up on him. 
“This is for the time you put snow down my shirt on Dragonspine!” Xiangling chanted, scribbling under Venti’s knees as he tried to kick, screeching in mirth as Xiangling laughed at him. “Deserved~!”
Venti snorted, making the girls laugh. 
“You snort? I thought only Xiangling did that!” Keqing laughed.
Keqing only shrugged as they all continued to draw screeching laughter and snorts from Venti, whose face was bright red as tears of mirth started to form in his eyes. Barbara scribbled her nails across Venti’s tummy, making the poor boy shriek and squirm, unable to escape her fingers. Keqing started to claw at Venti’s ribs, Venti throwing his head back and screeching as Xiangling started slowly expanding her fingers on top of Venti’s knee. 
Venti was in complete hysterics, he was at the point where he couldn’t even formulate words because of the sheer ticklish agony he was in. Barbara seemed to pick up on his, noticing when his laughter started to go a bit quiet save for a few snorts and gasps.
“Do you think he’s had enough?”
Keqing looked up from his ribs at his face, noticing how red it was. She hummed.
“Are you gonna keep messing with us?”
Keqing hummed and got off of Venti’s arms, ceasing her tickling. Barbara pulled away as well, leaving Xiangling attacking his knees. She stopped after a few moments, Venti immediately curling up as she got off his knees, Venti still giggling softly and mumbling.
“All of you… evil,” Venti said, quickly squeaking when Keqing’s hands were on his ribs again, Venti rolling away as he giggled.
The girls laughed, watching the archer of their team slowly recover from the tickle attack he had just suffered from. Finally he sat up, letting out a long sigh as he glared at the girls. He opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly interrupted by Keqing.
“Don’t even say it, you deserved that and you know it.”
Venti pouted and turned away from the girls, crossing his arms in mock frustration as they laughed. He knew he deserved it, but he couldn’t bring himself to admit it, so he continued to pout as the girls talked with each other eagerly, Venti sulking in the corner before eventually joining back in, strumming his lyre and starting yet another song about their adventures.
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jayflrt · 2 years
yeah!!! my hs is like... one of the best advanced programs in the nation, i'm pretty sure? like we partner with 4 community colleges and you can graduate with associates if you get enough credits (i'll be like 12 short)
i woke up at 6 am since elementary school-10th grade but now??? gl getting me up before noon consistently LMAO
xiao my king <333 i saved for him for 5 months when i was f2p. i spend money now but... yeah... he also has like.. 160-180 er i think? like he can fully ult bot and live on his own w/o a battery, just needs a healer or the nre. i want to min max and get rid of his elemental mastery rolls on his artifacts and get him above 200 crit dmg SO bad
omg that's so fun. i started writing (fanfic, at least, i wanted to be an author when i was eight and wrote really bad original works) on quotev and i used to roleplay 🗿🗿🗿make harry potter and pjo ocs in ~exclusive~ groups you had to pass a test to get in.
that sounds so fun!!!! i wanted to make like... a discord of my moots but then i remembered only like... 3 of them know each other and i'm too introverted to link a bunch of people together HELP
taeyong fr has such a DROUGHT on this site like. where is my boy?? where is he?? can anyone find my boy and write fics for him (other than brooke (shout out to her for carrying tyongf on her back))???
i'm excited for taeil's too!! "there's a son of apollo named after the moon" where reader is a child of hecate and you exhaust yourself using the mist and he heals you and you slowly fall for him <3
there r two child of hermes (mark and hyuck 4lyfers), child of thanatos, etc. and i'm trying to make it so the reader is related to one of the members in each fic, so every y/n is like a different person that could stand on their own and interact !!!
like in taeyong's (i fall for a man who talks to plants), you're a child of ares and doyoung is your brother, and he has a crush on a child of aphrodite (who will be y/n in doie's fic)
i think the most my long fics get is like.. 100? maybe 200 if i'm lucky HELPPPP
but i enjoy writing them so. sorry to my following u're getting long fics anyways <3
omg that’s so cool !! i’m sure that’s rlly useful for when you start college too 🤧 mine was partnered with the community college in our area but i only took like 3-4 classes, though i do have friends that got their associate degrees during their senior year !! :’) i believe it was 60 credits for an associate (18 credits of major classes i think)
i don’t even remember when i woke up during elementary 😵‍💫 i don’t think i even woke up on my own until high school tho bc i didn’t have a smart phone until then and i used to be such a heavy sleeper LOL i lowkey still am but i think i’m just considerably easier to wake up than my roommate 🥲🥲
HAHAH i was f2p until childe’s banner and then i whaled a little for him 🤧 and ofc getting welkin but i don’t rlly consider that whaling. omg yeah i usually keep xiao in a second team with jean :’)) but i wanna build yanfei ganyu zhongli and keqing better before i focus on him 💗💗
PASS A TEST HAHAHH is it like facts from the books or something 😭😭 i don’t remember how old i was when i started writing but i kept my writing to myself for a long time and then started posting on wattpad when i was like 11 ?? and then i went through fandom phases LOLL
HAHAHA you still should !! tbh i don’t think everyone in my friend group knew each other well when it was first made :o i was in a group with cat, nikki, and ace initially and then we expanded by adding ppl we talked with often in our server LOL but i still knew of them bc some of them were/are pretty big on wattpad :o
AHH RIGHT 🤧🤧 brooke does write so many of the taeyong fics :oo it’s hard to find sfw taeyong ☹️ tho my friend manx wrote a taeyong fic called sic semper tyrannis a while ago which is soooo good 🤩 probably one of the best taeyong fics i’ve read !! 💗💗 and then “flowers in your hair” by @/solarune was also so cute !! 🌸
AHHH TAEIL ANOTHER MEMBER I BARELY SEE FICS FOR ☹️💗 but that’s so cute !! son of apollo definitely suits him <33 and i get what you mean !! i did smthn similar for my nct series — mc for jaemin’s installment was jaehyun’s younger sister, and that was alluded to in other installments as well + many of the members appear in each other’s fics (ex. mark being in jaehyun and johnny’s installments as well as getting his own) 🤧
100 notes is still so much !! just thinking ab it like :oo that’s 100 individuals leaving their love on your fic 🥰 it’s crazy to think about tbh 😵‍💫
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lucqing · 3 years
just for you,
pairing: diluc ragnvindr x keqing tags/cw: unabashed fluff, very soft, forehead kisths UvU!, teasing, smiles, i don’t know how to tag anything ao3 a/n: please enjoy it! ~o~ “You may call me ‘Mrs. Ragnvindr’ when you are positive you are completely, perfectly, and incandescently happy.” He paused, staring, before sending her the sweetest smile he had graced her with all day. “Then, how are you today, Mrs. Ragnvindr?” or, diluc and keqing spend time in the fields above the winery.
The sun played tricks on his hair and she found her attention glued to the bright strands rather than the words falling off his tongue.
They were sitting in the fields that overlooked the winery, having walked up the paths before resting here. The afternoon breeze was crisp, yet warm, welcoming as she hummed to show she was at least hearing what he was saying. It wasn’t something they did often, no, they had no time for leisurely strolls and impromptu picnics, spending most, if not all, of their time inside his manor where they could remain undisturbed until she had to leave.
She sighed, weary. She didn’t want to leave Mondstadt yet, for two weeks in her eyes seemed to have gone by too fast.
He must have sensed her upset because she jumped at the feeling of his hand sliding underneath her chin, turning her head so she was looking at him. His smile was so soft when she met his gaze, gloved fingers pushing lavender strands out of her eyes before falling into the space between them.
“What’s wrong, Keqing?” he asked, and she allowed her eyes to flutter shut as she indulged in the comfort of his voice.
“Nothing,” she lied, smiling gently when she heard him laugh, quiet as if he didn’t want to wake her from her thoughts. “I was just reminded that I must leave you soon,” she continued, and he gestured for her to continue. “I don’t want to leave you yet, Diluc,” she told him. “Two weeks is too short. I think I must ask the Tianquan for more time.”
He chuckled and she relished in it, watching as the sun made the sparse freckles on his cheeks darker in its light. “You shouldn’t worry about that now, Keqing,” he said, and she offered another non-committal hum as her head lolled to the side. Her chest tightened when he took her hand in his own, his thumb caressing her palm. “Besides, it is better to dwell on the time we have together now than what we don’t, my dear,” he teased, “my lovely, lovely wife,” he added, grin broadening at the flush that covered her face.
She pulled her hand away from him, glaring even as she struggled to fight the smile on her lips.
“I am not your wife yet,” she said flatly. “You may call me ‘Mrs. Ragnvindr’ when you are  positive  you are completely, perfectly, and incandescently happy.”
He paused, staring, before sending her the sweetest smile he had graced her with all day.
“Then, how are you today, Mrs. Ragnvindr?” he asked, and she gawked as she felt the blood rush to her cheeks, crawling down her neck and colouring her ears as he laughed again, a sweet sound she was so thankful he allowed her to hear. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head then, lingering for a moment before pulling back, eyes gentle as he cupped her jaw again. “I am always happy with you, Keqing.”
Her words. “Always?” She can’t find them.
“I can’t ever recall a time in which your presence made me sad,” he affirmed, and she blinked in surprise before mirroring his expression.
“Call me ‘Mrs. Ragnvindr’  after  we marry,” she said after a moment, gaze glued to the grassy patch in the distance. “For I am unsure if I will be able to handle any more of this if you call me that every day.”
He smiled again and she sunk into his embrace when he opened his arms for her.
“I’ll keep that in mind, my heart, my love,” he said quietly. “I’ll keep it in mind just for you.”
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thatringboy · 3 years
Aaaaaaaand here’s Maei’s wife: Yangyue!
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Generational Warrior
”My father was a fool for living life so vicariously. However, there is some beauty in living every day like it’s your last.”
A captain of the Millelith stationed in Liyue Harbor who’s family has a long history of service.
General Information
Name: Fa Yangyue
Age: 25
Affiliation: Millelith
Birthdate: February 23
Starsign: Pisces
Constellation: Fulgur Anguis
Weapon: Polearm
Vision: Electro
Voice Claims
CVA: Su Lin
JVA: Sayaka Ohara
EVA: Erin Ebers
Voice Lines
Good Morning: Ah, good day, Traveler
Good Afternoon: Have you seen Maei? I need to know if she ate lunch or not
Good Evening: Evening, Traveler, where do we set off to tomorrow?
Good Night: *Yawn* Goodnight, shall we reconvene in the morning?
When It Rains: Stay away from me, I don’t want to accidentally shock you
When It Snows: Someone once told me that we could eat the snow if it becomes thick enough. I don’t see the appeal, do you?
When It’s Sunny: Ah, feeling the sun on my face rejuvenates my spirit!
Favorite Food: I am always in the mood for some herbal tea and some sugar candies. Maei may have told you this, but I have a giant sweet tooth
Least Favorite Food: My food must have a certain level of spice. I will throw up any bland food I consume
About: Vision: Mine belonged to my father before it came to me. One day at work, my squad was pulled to help a caravan of travelers who were under attack. I only found out that my father was among them when I arrived to see him be impaled on the sword of a Treasure Hoarder… we only had a few minutes to whisper our apologies to each other before he passed and his Vision awoke for me in his wake. For my service during that fight, I was promoted to Captain. The title is a reminder of how I failed as a daughter to support my father’s dream
About: Interests: My interests? Uh… I… *Sigh* this is embarrassing but all of my free time is spent taking care of my mother and spending time with Maei. I don’t have any hobbies… well, I guess I enjoy singing from time to time. I also like traveling to foreign nations for work purposes as the Millelith’s foreign affairs captain
About Childe: Childe, the eleventh Fatui Harbinger. I have no personal quarrel with him - we even work together unofficially for some… recon missions. However, given Maei’s history with his organization, I keep my distance even when we work unprofessionally
About Hu Tao: Little Miss Hu, the Millelith has mixed feelings about her. I find her to be quite exciting to be around. You never know what she will say next
About Xingqiu: *Sigh* If I get another complaint from his father about the Millelith letting that boy run around the harbor without an escort, I’m quitting my job and becoming an adventurer full time with Maei. He’s a young man with a Vision, he doesn’t need a bodyguard. I am also a fan of a book series he recommended to me: A Legend of Sword. Sadly, I haven’t had the time to tell him my thoughts on the series
About Xiao: I met him while I was stationed in the Stone Gate a few years ago. I thought he was a regular adventurer who bit off more than he could chew, so I slew the monsters pursuing him and administered first aid. Only afterwards did he reveal his name to me and told me that if I was ever in need of assistance, to call out his name. That was seven years ago, before I met Maei… I wonder what he’s doing now…
About Diluc: He works with Maei, or did a few years ago. I’ve only met him through letters we’ve exchanged, but he seems completely different than his reputation among my peers. At first I thought he was a bloodthirsty monster who’s only goal was to purge the world of evil. Turns out he just has daddy issues like me
About Keqing: She’s nice outside of work. When I received my Vision, she’s the one that gave me pointers on how to control my new powers. I hold a lot of respect for her and her position
About Ningguang: I feel bad about the loss of the Jade Chamber, but she is remarkably resilient. I know Liyue is in good hands with her
About Ganyu: Keqing and Maei often compare me to Miss Ganyu. I don’t see it, but maybe she would know more?
About: Family: My mother currently lives in Qingce Village even though she is still on the younger side. I try to visit her with Maei whenever I can to keep her from being lonely. I have a few cousins in service as well, Kun and Fugui. I’ve even introduced Maei to the entire extended Fa Family! M-My father? … he was my hero. He was the only Fa who never joined the Millelith and instead was an adventurer. He would bring back stories of adventures he went on all across Teyvat and I wanted to be just like him! Until I turned sixteen and my eyes opened to how hard and unproviding that lifestyle was. I joined the ranks of the Millelith with my family and like them, ostracized my own father because I was too stubborn to see how much he loved his job. We had an argument that night and didn’t speak for five years until the night he died. I never got to show him my favorite posts or sing to him… I never introduced him to my wife… I never got to truly forgive him and myself… *sniff* sorry, Traveler, let me compose myself.
About: The Adepti: You know, I was a participant in the battle against Osial. It WAS supposed to be my day off, so I used my free time to explore the Jade Chamber as I had an invitation from Madam Keqing, but SOMEONE decided to raise an ancient god of the sea! I had to grab the nearest weapon and start fighting off the Fatui right there! To be honest, it was rather cathartic. Maei later asked me how many of the enemy I took out and her eyes lit up like I had never seen before. When the chamber went down, I simply hopped onto Cloud Retainer’s back and flew to safety. While I was on her back, she actually spoke to me. She thanked me for saving Alatus’ life that one time and then congratulated me on my anniversary with Maei… how did she know that?
About: The Qixing: It is my duty as a Millelith captain to serve the Qixing. I would gladly lay down my life for my government and my people… don’t tell Maei that. She gets uneasy when I make that vow
About: The Millelith: While the Millelith stands guard, evil shall never prevail!
About: Her Scar: My scar? It’s an embarrassing story to be completely honest… it was the one and only time I ever tried fishing. I tried to throw my line into the water and the wind picked up, snapping the hook back in my face. I was lucky to not lose my eye!
About: Timeline: Well, I joined the Millelith when I was sixteen, met Maei at nineteen, married her at twenty, got my Vision at twenty-one and now I’m twenty-five. Yeah… early adulthood for me was a bumpy ride…
About: Hair: I’m actually a pretty good hairstylist. I do Maei and I’s hair myself. Her hair is hard to brush and her scalp is sensitive, so I wake up early to do her hair before heading to work. If you couldn’t tell, my love language is acts of service. Before Maei, I had long hair I put into a top knot, but I cut it short so that I can spend all my time with her… that’s a little cheesy, huh?
About: Electro: Electro is the element of eternity. I suppose that fits me, coming from a family that has served Liyue for dozens of generations. Yet this Vision belonged to my father; the black sheep of my family. Perhaps his eternity was more living every day like it was his last than continuing a legacy. I wonder what my personal eternity will reveal itself to be…
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delvalentine · 3 years
draft dump
once upon a time i had a plot bunny for a school genshin au in which the adults were teachers in a modern setting, and mc/reader was a TA working with them
i won't be revisiting that but it would be a waste to send the first draft to the void so here that is!
“And that brings our little guided tour to an end.” Mr. Zhongli turned around once reaching the front door, smiling languidly. “I hope it wasn’t too much to take in at once.” “No, I think I got everything.” You shoved the notepad deeper into your purse, taking a steadying breath. “Thanks for showing me around before orientation. It was really helpful.” “It was nothing. I do hope you’ll like it at our school, Ms. [Surname]. If there’s anything you’re unsure about, feel free to ask me—and if I’m not around, seeking out the vice principal should suffice.”
He caught your soured expression and chuckled deeply. The VP—Mr. Xiao—was not quite as amiable as the headmaster before you. You had tried to make a good impression by being polite, but the slender man had merely scowled through you like you’d insulted his mother’s mother or something. The memory of his scathing glare made your cheeks burn.
“He may be temperamental, but he’s unmatched at his work. Just try to catch him in a good mood and you’ll be fine.” You weren’t sure Xiao would know what a good mood looked like if it hit him in the face, but you brushed it off. The infrastructure here was breathtaking—as you’d expect from a boarding school so deeply steeped in history and so well-funded. Royal Celestia School, aptly named after the heavens, for there was no other institution so highly regarded in all of Teyvat. Graduates that called RCS their alma mater went on to forge great paths of success. Only the best of the best got to attend. Its newest hire: yourself, of course. You had applied for their TA position amongst many others, not really thinking you’d get it fresh out of post-secondary or anything. It didn’t hurt to try. But when you got the callback, you had to wonder if you had died and gone to heaven yourself.
“Now forgive my memory, but I seem to have forgotten who you told me you’ll be working with.”
Zhongli wasn’t just the principal—he was the founder of the whole shebang. He was as top brass as you could get, here, and he looked the part. Despite his age, he was incredibly sharp in his copper-black suit, and those warm honey-gold eyes weren’t helping with the whole tall-dark-and-handsome thing. Attractive looks aside, he was the overseer of all administrative operations, though rumour has it he was quite… spacey at his job. If anybody needed an assistant, it’d be him.
Xiao, the second in command, left a far less sweet taste in your mouth. You noticed the dragons tattooed on his arm in an impressive sleeve first, and the deeply beautiful look of calm second. It was as soon as he opened his mouth that he ruined it all. He was snappy and peevish. If Zhongli hadn’t been with you, he might very well have eaten you alive.
Speaking of grumpy men—Dr. Ragnvinder. You’d never had entirely good experiences with math teachers, and he was the living embodiment of all those hauntingly long questions you’d cried over on long nights. According to Zhongli, Diluc Ragnvinder was the one of the youngest in the teaching department to hold a PhD. During your meeting, he was nothing but cold and brief despite his fiery red hair and eyes. You loathed to think of how he’d crack down on you for not grasping a topic.
In stark contrast, Mr. Alberich was far more easy-going, if not a tad bit… seductive. He had a certain way of phrasing things with innuendo that kept you second guessing yourself, and if you weren’t careful, he’d easily take you off your feet. No wonder he specialized in the arts of literature. How you would’ve liked him to read excerpts to you in that suggestive tone of his.
Ms. Lisa had seemed to be cut of the same cloth, leaning in so close to you that you could smell the perfume wafting off the skin of her neck. The librarian oversaw one of the outlandishly largest collections of books you had ever seen in your life. (It wasn’t the only big set you’d noticed.) She invited you back with a smile, though it seemed less an invitation and more a given task to see her again.
Zhongli had then taken you to the theatre, equally as massive and ornate. You could imagine full opera shows occurring rather than silly school plays. Private school kids were a different breed entirely. Inside, a pair of men were practicing something together. There, you met Venti, who insisted you call him by first name alone. Beside him was the taller, leaner man named Childe, who assured you it wasn’t his real name, but that was a secret of the trade. Venti had a voice of an angel and played a lyre so daintily you were almost moved to tears. It was no surprise he taught music. And Childe, whose mere presence made you feel like he was putting on some sort of show, oversaw drama.
Next door was the gymnasium, which, once again, wowed you with its size. Perhaps Zhongli was hoping to train generations of Olympic athletes-slash-artists-slash-geniuses? A hearty dark-haired woman took you in with great familiarity, shaking your hand and inviting you to drinks before you’d even managed to introduce yourself properly. With the force Beidou had exerted in a mere handshake, you were afraid to think about being under her training regime in physical education.
A far more sobering presence, Ms. Ningguang looked to have the same stable ethereality as Zhongli did. As an educator of finance, you’d heard that she had single-handledly changed the entire stock market just to prove a point in her lecture. You had made a note to ask her about your taxes.
Keqing next door taught geography. Her classroom had been lined with maps and globes, each marked with such numerous and precise points that you felt like you couldn’t even recognize what each place was. She spoke to you with succinctness, like everything she said was pre-determined and you had better understand what she meant <i>or else</i>. But she was fairly warm in comparison to the men of earlier, and you’d take what you could get.
A room with even more clutter was Dr. Mona’s. Contraptions like Newton’s cradles, plasma domes, lava lamps, and even a wall-to-wall Ruth Goldberg machine made your head spin. Her eccentricity was clue enough to her role as a science teacher. Somehow in your short conversation, she managed to boast about herself a total of six separate times, but Zhongli quietly assured you that her claims weren’t unfounded. She was confident and intelligent, her blue eyes sparkling with knowledge. Spending a day with her sounded exhausting but thrilling.
The last classroom Zhongli showed you to was Jean’s, who was a startling calm presence right after exiting Mona’s Wonderland. She was a history teacher, well versed in lore and social sciences, and you couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy just talking to her.
“Well?” Zhongli nudged as you thought back on your day. “Which professor were you to help out with?” You answered…
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