#shouji drabble
frickingnerd · 7 months
i'm a mess without your love
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pairing: mezo shoji x gn!reader
summary: shoji comforts you after a bad day
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“ssshh, don't cry”
shoji held you close, his arms wrapped around gently, as you cried into his chest. despite his words, you couldn't stop crying. once you had started crying, you couldn't stop anymore.
you've had an awful day and everything seemed to be going wrong. and just when you had gotten home, hoping that eating dinner with your boyfriend could help you cheer up a little, you dropped a plate in the kitchen. that was the final straw, causing you to break into tears, as shoji quickly cleared up the mess, so you wouldn't get hurt, before comforting you.
“i-i'm such a mess…”
you cried, as shoji gently wiped away your tears, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. you were so much to deal with, yet he still remained calm. it was a miracle he hadn't gotten sick of you yet…
“that's not true!” shoji pulled away from you and cupped your cheeks, making you look at him. “you're not a mess, you're just a little tired. don't think about you so negatively, please… you're the greatest partner i could ask for and i'm so happy you're here with me. i wouldn't want anyone else!”
shoji's kind words only made you cry more. how did you deserve a guy like him? he was the kindest person you knew and you wish you could show him how grateful you were to have him as well. but for now, all you could do was cry as he held you close. perhaps once you cried so much that you had no more tears left, you could find the right words to thank him, for always being there for you like this…
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quitesins · 4 days
Deku’s Type!
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Tags: 18+, Sfw-ish, short drabble, fem!reader, aged up! characters, teacher! Deku, kinda vulgar and fucky, im gonna tag misogyny, reader is implied to be “fucked in the head” whatever you want that to mean ^0^!
The boys gather round for drinks and discuss the type of women Deku seems to be fond of, much to his dismay…
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“Sounds like Deku’s type,” Katsuki says, smirk in his voice.
Izuku frowns. “I do not have a type.”
Now that makes the table still for a second, not long enough for Izuku to predict the thoughts of his friends, but enough for the rest of the guys to come to the same conclusion.
Katsuki, Denki and Sero are the first to burst out in laughter. Katsuki’s cackle the loudest of them all.
“Are you fuckin’ serious?” Katsuki laughs so hard he doesn’t even care that Denki is half laid over him, “You don’t see that shit?”
“Come on…” Denki says, still slapping Katsuki’s thigh as he laughs, “you have such a type!”
Izuku frowns, sterner, deciding to ignore the immature three and turning to his other friends for support. Both Iida and Shouto look away, their expressions telling.
“I do not have a type,” Izuku reiterates, firmly.
Katsuki shakes his head, finally shoving Denki off him. “All those girls you’ve dated? Exact fuckin’ same.”
Even Tokoyami turns his head, eyes never leaving his drink but a twinkle of unfamiliar mirth evident within them.
“What does that even mean?!” Izuku exasperates, looking around for a single ally.
“It means,” Mineta chimes in, and although Izuku enjoys his company, he already knows he’s about to hear something deplorable, “you like them sick in the head!”
Shouto can’t hold in his sputter, finally contributing to the conversation— with a laugh. The rest of the table is hooting, a few groans at the wording but nothing at the sentiment. All while Izuku looks absolutely scandalised, clutching his chest, eyes wide open.
“That’s horrible!” Izuku cries, so stunned he can’t even trail off into one of his signature rambles in defence, “that’s- that’s. What?!”
“All the girls you’ve liked man…” Sero starts, “they’re not exactly little miss sunshines are they.” He stops, which Izuku almost takes reprieve in until he continues, “you seem to like them a little off putting.”
“Yeah so he can fucking fix them,” Katsuki snorts.
“It’s your saviour complex,” Denki adds, chin tilted up, trying to look profound.
Izuku is quick to interject, waving his hands around. “You’re the pro heroes.” The poor boy tries his best to convince. “We all have saviour complexes!”
“Not like you do, mon chéri,” Aoyama tuts, then winks before saying, “Hero of Japan.”
“Izuku, They do still call you an honorary pro.” Shouto is trying to be nice, Izuku thinks. “And I’m sure your students think the same.”
Izuku grimaces, he knows he’s always had a complex that encompassed so much more than just his dreams to be a hero, but he doesn’t need it sullied by… that.
“Don’t ruminate.” Katsuki presses a drink into Izuku’s hands. “You like women a little fucked up, so what.”
Katsuki’s words do nothing to comfort Izuku, instead it has Denki and Mineta laughing all over again while Kirishima attempts to calm them down. Iida scolds Katsuki a little, doing a half bow in apology to the passing waiter clearly peeved by all the noise. Deku pays no attention, beginning to spiral in his head.
It feels wrong to view you that way. To view the women he’s loved that way. But he’s not an idiot, maybe a little blind at times but now that the proof is there— oh god—
“Listen, Midoriya, I am sure there are many reasons you have loved the women you have.” Iida notices the growing dread upon Izuku’s face. “You also like to save people. There is nothing wrong with that.”
Tokoyami and Shouji nod in agreement, Ojiro giving his own sympathetic smile.
“Yeah bro.” Kirishima raises a fist in camaraderie, though it’s definitely out of pity. “It’s manly to want to care for others.”
“Think he more than cares for ‘em,” Katsuki slickly adds, in an artful voice that Izuku is more that familiar with, “the fucker get off on that shit.”
This time, it’s Shouto who scolds him, Katsuki’s implications clear enough for even him to catch on. They rest of the guys begin to bicker in the background, one half in defence of Izuku’s less than innocent tastes in women, the other intent on making fun of the golden boy for once.
Though the attention is finally off him, it does not help Izuku feel any better.
Because there’s a thought that lingers… it’s a sick thought, a terrible, horrible, awfully honest thought.
Shit, he does like them a bit fucked up.
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My truth is i still don’t know how to punctuate dialogue… pleek don’t look and none of dat…
Anyways I kind of wanna elaborate on Deku’s hero complex coming out in other ways in the 8 years of studying and becoming a teacher, like someone has to deal with it…
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vanishingstarrs · 4 months
eijiro kirishima x reader, secret admirer trope, soft vibes, sfw
( do u guys prefer these drabbles to be longer ? shorter ? split into multiple parts ?? pls feel free to let me know !! <3 )
For weeks all you could think about were the little notes folded up into hearts that you’d been finding in your locker every day.
The first one appeared over a month ago and stated: you look badass in your new costume.
You’d been pretty insecure when submitting in the new design for your hero suit and despite all your friends encouragement you still felt a bit out of place among the rest of your classmates, who always looked confident and powerful in theirs.
You weren’t expecting anything, but the next day another fell out when you went to grab a textbook in between classes and it said— that new move was impressive, your improvement and dedication amazes me each day.
And the next day.
have a great day, gorgeous
And the next.
you were awesome in that training exercise
And more.
that test was rough, hope you did better than i did— your concentrating face is cute btw <3
you kicked bakugo’s ass today (and looked hot doing it), it was great!
you’re so strong and pretty
They continued every day to the point where you had finally called an emergency meeting with your friends, you laid back on Momo’s luxurious bed with a sigh,“I have no clue, who could it be? It has got to be someone in our class with the way they know so much, but…”
“But…?” Kyoka urged you on.
Another sigh left your lips, and you couldn’t help scrunch up your face as you looked at your friends,“None of the boys in our class seem to give off secret admirer potential, what if it’s just some sick prank one of them is doing?”
“For that long?” Momo questioned before shaking her head,“I don’t know, not even our guys seem capable of something so cruel.”
“Maybe you just haven’t given the right one the chance to step up?” Ochaco offered up.
“I mean what are her options?” Mina snorted, she held a list of all the guys in their class.
You guys had gone through and already crossed off a couple that were definite no’s, people like Mineta, Sero, and Kaminari who were self proclaimed “ladies men”. You considered that it might be one of the quieter boys, maybe Kirishima or Todoroki, even Ojiro.
You had reassured Ochaco that Midoriya wasn’t even a possibility, considering the boy was loud and open about his admiration for others and could tell she was relieved when you did.
You shrugged, having gone over any interactions with the boys in your class multiple times. “I don’t know, I’m not really close with any of them… I mean I sit next to Kaminari and Kirishima so I guess they’re my friends? But Kaminari has eyes on a new girl every day and I could swear Kirishima had told me about…”
“Who?!” All four girls sat up impatiently.
“No one.” You smirked,“I don’t spill your guys’ private conversations.”
“Boooo!” Toru threw a crumbled up piece of paper at you.
You opened up your latest two notes.
golden hour looks breathtaking on you
you’ve officially taken up a permanent residence in my mind, i think of you all day long…
“Wait!” Jiro stood up suddenly, snatching one note along with her as she began digging around in her backpack.
“Hey!” You pouted, but she shushed you.
“I know how we’ll solve this mystery.” She pulled out a notebook from class.
“How?!” Ochaco asked excitedly.
You almost didn’t want to know, what if you confronted the person and it went awry?
“Okay, so last week I asked Shouji to borrow some notes for a lecture I wasn’t really listening to and look!”
All five of you leaned forward to look at the notebook and the messy scrawl on the page.
“His penmanship is quite poor.” Momo pointed out and you silently agreed.
Jiro rolled her eyes,“Not why I’m showing you guys this, what I’m getting at is that we can just ask all the boys to write something down and compare their handwriting to the notes!”
“Genius!” Mina shot up,“I was just thinking I was really hungry, we could tell them we’re ordering some takeout and have each individually write out if they want anything.”
“Perfect, we should split up and do it quick.” Ochaco agreed.
Your heartbeat picked up and you anxiously wrung your hands,“Okay, but also can we actually order food? I eat when I’m nervous and right now I’m a wreck. I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Girl, you got this!” Mina turned to you with a big, encouraging smile and you returned it, albeit not as bright as hers. “Let’s find this guy!”
The group quickly agreed and everyone split up to take the class’s requests for dinner.
By the time you all met up in Momo’s room again, you were tense. You each had a note and several options to compare from, a few were easy to immediately knock off. You continued going down your list until you gasped, unable to help yourself as you met the gazes of your friends.
“What?!” Mina’s eyes bulged.
You swallowed,“I know who it is.”
Your friends all eyed the pieces of paper with matching handwriting and by the next day had convinced you to go up to the boy. You could feel their stares on you as you called out his name and beckoned him into the hall during homeroom period, asking if you could get his advice on something. You took a deep breath as you led him to a secluded window further down the hallway, mentally preparing yourself for denial.
“So what’s up?” He didn’t hesitate to follow you and ask,“You okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” You shrugged,“I guess I’ve just been a little… anxious, I guess? Good anxious, but still anxious nonetheless. You see, I’ve been getting these notes in my locker ever since day but there’s no name attached to them so it’s just a little weird. I’ve been trying to figure out who it is, racking my brain like crazy.”
“Can I see one?” Kirishima asked.
“Sure, here’s today’s.” You handed him over the crisply folded sheet of notebook paper, one you could now recognize and knew was getting thinner by the pages being ripped out daily. The note read: i wish i could tell you who i am.
You could see him gulp and leaped to take your chance.
“To be honest, I’d just wanna thank the person. I’ve been struggling with some confidence issues lately and their notes every day have really been keeping my spirits up.” You turned toward the window and away from him with a sigh,“They must not think they’re brave enough to tell me, but they shouldn’t be scared of—”
You turned around immediately, eyes widening at the fact that he’d used your first name. Kirishima was standing pin straight, holding the note tight in one hand and you almost felt bad for pushing him… but you had to know if your suspicions were correct. Besides, you hadn’t been lying. You really did want to thank him for always making you smile every day.
“It’s… I wrote the notes, I’m the one who’s been sneaking them into your locker every day.” He bowed slightly,“I apologize for not being man enough to sign my name or just say all these things to your face, but I wasn’t sure of how you’d react or what you would think of me.”
Now it was his turn to be surprised, eyebrows raised as he straightened himself up.
You smiled,“I knew it was you.”
You shrugged, smiling slightly,“A lady never reveals her secrets.”
This made him laugh.
“I’m sorry that I pushed you to confess, I just wanted to know if I was right and I’m glad that I was, glad that you were the one, that is.” You smiled at him,“Your notes are very sweet and I’ve enjoyed having them every day.”
As the bell rung and your classmates started filing out of class you realized your time had run out, you smiled at your friends who were giving you questioning looks. You motioned with your hand for them to move along, smiling bigger when Kirishima turned around to find them gone.
You brought his attention back to you when you spoke again,“Anyway, thanks again. I should get going, I’ve got to get to math and start studying, I’ve got a makeup coming up since I didn’t do all that great on the last exam.”
He nodded, seemingly speechless.
You couldn’t really wait for a response regardless as you rushed to pack up your things and head to your next class before the final bell rung.
You did your best to focus on the extra lessons your teacher was nice enough to give for students who’d been confused about the last test, but all you could do with think about Kirishima and whether he’d stop leaving his notes now that you knew it was him. You somehow managed to avoid him for the rest of the day, and when your friends asked about it all you could do was shrug. Nothing happened, you would say, and it was true.
Nothing happened.
Until the next day, that was.
You were headed to your locker a little earlier than usual, eager to get back to your studies when several notes fell out of your locker. Your face heated up as you rushed to pick them all up, opening the first one carefully.
Only a single word was written on the sheet of paper and you worked quickly in order to unfold the remains slips, reading through it several times just to make sure you weren’t imagining it. It read:
— eijiro
You shut the locker, forgetting all about your textbook in favor of trying to find him instead. Which was made extremely easy because when you turned around, there he stood.
Eijiro Kirishima.
He held a bouquet of flowers in his arms, and you spotted a plushie of your favorite character in the center of the arrangement. You thought his eye might’ve twitched nervously as he gave you his best smile, you quickly returned it.
“I was just coming to find you.”
“You found me.” He chuckled as he took a few steps closer,“Y/N, would you please do me the honor of going out on a date with me?— it doesn’t have to be today, I know you signed up for the makeup exam in math tomorrow, and actually! If you’d like, that is, I can help you study. I think I know the material well now, and I guess what I’m trying to say is I’d love nothing more than to have the chance to be the man you deserve.”
“One condition.” You smiled, knowing there was no way you would’ve ever said no.
“Anything!” He agreed immediately.
You held up the unfolded hearts he always wrote his notes on,“I still get these every now and then, nonnegotiable, they really make my day.”
Eijiro’s cheeks went as red as his hair as he grinned big, nodding,“Every day.”
“Then yes, I would love to go on a date with you.” You accepted the bouquet he was holding out to you before leaning up slightly and placing a kiss on his cheek,“It’s beautiful, Eijiro, thank you.”
“Anything for you, princess.”
Now you were the one blushing, he’d used a nickname and you definitely liked it.
“You’re cute when you blush.” He complimented.
“Oh my god.” You tried to hide your face in the flowers, unable to stop the large smile from taking over your face.
He was quick to take them back out of your hands, as well as grabbing your book bag from you,“Better get used to it, princess, the notes were just a placeholder until I was able to man up enough to confess, but not a day will go by without a compliment from me, I can promise you that. And no more lugging around heavy textbooks when I’m here either.”
“Thank you, Eijiro.” You felt the blush move higher, your ears feeling warm now too.
“So, study date tonight?”
He’d never admit it, but he’d stayed up late last night going over the necessary chapters in order to be able to help you with your upcoming test. In truth, he had no clue how he passed over you, but he’d make sure it never happened again.
You took his hand, intertwining your fingers with his as you agreed,“Definitely.”
This time, he was the one to place a kiss onto your cheek as he led the way to homeroom, smiling— beautifully and unabashedly.
Princess treatment?
You could definitely get used to that.
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lady-of-endless · 3 days
- My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia Masterlist -
Author's Note: Here are some OLD bnha fics. I still have to add the requests so please, be patient, thank you so much! Some are incredibly out of character but those were written years ago so sorry about that.
Update: I need to make a part 2 because apparently I exceeded the limit? I'll try to fix it.
“How to Tie a Tie” (Aizawa Shouta x reader)
“Where’s the coffee?” (Aizawa Shouta x reader)
“Under My Skin” (Dabi x Reader)
“My Fear” (Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader) -Part 1
“My Fear”(Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader) -Part 2
“Defenseless” (Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader)
"With your permission" (Sinsou Hitoshi x Reader)
Relaxing bath with Shinsou Hitoshi drabble
Shinsou Hitoshi x reader romantic headcanons
Cuddles with Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki headcanons
Class 1-A playing Overwatch headcanons
Reader with a Plant-based Quirk headcanons (Izuku Midoriya, Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki)
Reader with a Water Quirk, childhood friend with Todorki Shoto headcanons
Anxious trans boyfriend headcanons with Shouji
Villain!Shoto Todoroki x Hero!reader headcanons
Jealous Kirishima Eijiro x reader headcanons
Reader with a powerful pro hero relative x Tokoyami Fumikage
Nervous reader with a Metal Quirk x Todoroki Shoto headcanons
Todoroki Shoto x reader who meets Dabi headcanons
Todoroki Shoto x sweetheart reader headcanons
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twinkinspector · 2 years
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bnha masterlist
☽ back to navi ☽
☽ anything marked with ❥ contains smut! ☽
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☽ kaminari denki ☽
☽ kirishima eijirou ☽
☽ monoma neito ☽
☽ shinsou hitoshi ☽
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leak levels
☽ aizawa shota (eraserhead) ❥
☽ bakugou katsuki ❥
☽ chisaki kai (overhaul) ❥
☽ iida tensei ❥
☽ iida tenya ❥
☽ kaminari denki ❥
☽ kirishima eijirou ❥
☽ midoriya izuku ❥
☽ mizushima masaki (manual) ❥
☽ sakamata kugo (gang orca) ❥
☽ sasaki mirai (sir nighteye) ❥
☽ selkie ❥
☽ sero hanta ❥
☽ shouji mezo ❥
☽ shinsou hitoshi ❥
☽ takami keigo (hawks) ❥
☽ tetsutetsu tetsutetsu ❥
☽ todoroki enji (endeavor) ❥
☽ todoroki natsuo ❥
☽ todoroki shoto ❥
☽ todoroki touya (dabi) ❥
☽ tokoyami fumikage ❥
☽ toyomitsu taishiro (fat gum) ❥
☽ yoarashi inasa ❥
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☽ not really my scene part 1 – denki x fem!reader ❥
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☽ threesomes – kiribaku x fem!reader ❥
☽ drug dealer – tw: druggies ☽
☽ riding – inexperienced!izuku x fem!reader ❥
☽ brainwashing – shinsou x fem!reader ❥
☽ stick and poke – denki x fem!reader ❥
☽ fucking a stranger – denki x fem!reader ❥
☽ smoking u up – scummy!denki x fem!reader ❥
☽ punishment – shinkami x fem!reader ❥
☽ letting his friends play with u – bakusquad x reader there’s no actual smut yet but it's ~suggestive~ ig ❥
☽ insatiable – denki x reader ❥
☽ pretty little slut – monoma x reader ❥
☽ lactation – denki x fem!reader ❥
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☽ comfort – kiri, denki, shinsou, izuku, bakugou, and shoto – tw: druggies as always ☽
☽ party dynamics – shinkami x reader – sfw but tw: druggies/alcohol you already know ☽
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☽ tag (<- ignore this, it's from current eve to future eve) ☽
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☽ tag (<- ignore this, it's from current eve to future eve) ☽
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☽ astrology masterlist / info ☽
click here to be added to the taglist!
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chierafied · 10 months
December Drabbles Day 6 - Under the First Snowfall
Read on AO3.
Banner fan art by the amazing @sayuri-liu
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For my darling @jafndaegur, my beloved Chaos Goblin. I adore you! 💖😘💕
Day 6 - Under the First Snowfall
The light had changed. It streamed into their room through the paper screens of the shouji partition brighter than it had the previous mornings. He caught the scent of it in the air; cold, clean and crystalline. Kagome’s warm breath puffed against his collarbone. Her tousled black hair tickled his chin as she slept on in his arms, oblivious. 
He did not want to disturb her sleep. The heart-shattering combination of peacefulness and vulnerability did him in. Each night, it was a visceral reminder of the trust she felt towards him, a precious emotion he treasured above everything else. Well, almost. 
And because love reigned victorious, Sesshoumaru gave his mate a gentle nudge. 
Kagome groaned and burrowed closer to him, with an incoherent mumble of “Five more minutes.” 
Sesshoumaru swallowed an amused laugh at his mate’s antics and bent to press a kiss on the top of her head. 
“You ought to rise, my miko,” he murmured into her hair. 
Her reply came out close to a whine. “Don’t wanna.” 
“Trust me, Kagome. You will want to go and have a look outside.” 
Bleary blue eyes glared at him for the briefest moment, before grumbling under her breath Kagome untangled herself from his embrace. She stole the blanket as she went, wearing it around her shoulders like a cape. She shuffled across the room and slid open the shouji screen. 
He heard her sharp gasp. Could imagine the surprised awe dawning on her face. For a moment she simply stood there, in the gap of the opened screen, haloed by the light streaming from outside, where great white flakes were silently falling. Then, the blanket slid from her shoulders as she darted outside. 
Sesshoumaru left the futon and followed his mate out into the garden. He stopped on the engawa, drinking in the sight of Kagome. Her face was tilted up towards the sky, glowing with the laughter that was filling the garden. Her eyes were closed, and her dark curls tumbled down her back as she twirled around, spinning like a giddy child. 
Snow dotted her hair and glistened on her eyelashes as he crossed over to her. He picked her up and gathered her close in her arms. 
“You ought to take more care, my miko. You were in such a hurry to greet the snow that you rushed out in bare feet.” 
Kagome wiggled her toes and snuggled into him, her smile bright enough to rival the sun. “Worth it,” she declared, her eyes laughing at him. “Now give us a spin.” 
Sesshoumaru obliged. Carrying her in his arms, they slowly spun around in the garden as the snowflakes danced all around them. 
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real-life-cloud · 1 year
18 and your choice of ship?
hiii sorry this took so long!! i decided to pick momojirou ♥ i listened exclusively to rain ambience mixes of animal crossing music and p5 music while writing this lol
you can real the drabble on ao3 -> here
you can see the prompt list -> here
Prompt 18: Walking Home wordcount: 1.4k
During their final period for the day, Kyouka started to hear raindrops on the roof of UA. She doubted the others heard it—aside maybe Shouji—but her sensitive ears certainly did.
Internally, she cursed. She didn't bother checking the weather that morning, and didn't have an umbrella. 'Hopefully,' she thought, 'if I'm lucky, the rain will pass quickly.'
Jirou Kyouka wasn't known for being lucky.
That rainy, gloomy Thursday afternoon was no different. By the time she was about to leave, it had turned into a full-on downpour.
She could ask a classmate to share, or see if anyone had a spare. But an anxious and uncomfortable feeling swirled around in her gut at the thought of doing so. It was the first week of school, she barely knew any of them. What if they thought she was being too familiar with them? She fidgeted with her audio jacks as she watched the rainfall.
'No one is going to hate me for forgetting an umbrella.' She mentally reassured herself. It did nothing to get rid of the feeling.
"Wow, it's really coming down…" A voice to her left startled her out of her thoughts.
She turned to see Yaoyorozu staring out into the rain as well. A folded umbrella lay in her hands, as she was a smart person who probably checked the weather every day.
She really was so smart. And beautiful, and competent, and tall. Not that that was all it took for her to get a crush. She did not have a crush. Probably. She barely knew the girl. They hadn’t properly talked outside of a brief introduction. Who knew if she even remembered Kyouka’s name.
Yaoyorozu cocked her head to the side, her pretty black hair swaying along with it. It looked so glossy, yet never greasy. "Did you not bring an umbrella, Jirou?" 
"Ah, well." Kyouka faltered, feeling embarrassed. That answered one question. "I forgot to check the weather this morning, heh." She laughed.
Yaoyorozu's brows knit together, "You're a highschooler now, you really should be remembering things like this!" She chided, sounding more like a teacher than a student.
Kyouka's eyes fell to the floor. Of course it was one of her most responsible—and gorgeous—classmates that found her like this. She felt her face heat up.
A beat of silence, then, "Sorry, I didn't mean to, um, what I meant was-" Yaoyorozu sighed, clearly flustered. "You… walk to the nearest station, don't you, Jirou?"
Kyouka nodded dumbly.
"I could walk you there; if you wanted, that is."
Kyouka nodded again, more enthusiastically. Then, she finally remembered to speak, "If you don't mind."
She smiled, "Not at all." Then she opened up the umbrella and they stepped into the downpour together.
She was so close to her. She even smelled nice—like fresh cotton. Kyouka inhaled sharply when their shoulders brushed. God, this was so stupid. Was this really all it took for her to get a crush?
Yaoyorozu closed her eyes and inhaled, "I do love the smell of rain, though. Don't you?" She suddenly asked with a smile.
Kyouka fumbled for a moment, but only a moment. "Uh, yeah! Yeah, though, I think it's even better in the fall 'cause it, like, the leaves-"
"It mixes with the smell of fallen leaves! I feel exactly the same." She cut in excitedly. She was so cute that Kyouka couldn't even be upset at being cut off.
Kyouka giggled. Giggled. In what world did she ever giggle? “Yeah.”
Okay, it was definitely a crush.
They walked slowly, and Kyouka was glad for it. In part because her legs were much shorter than Yaoyorozu's, but also because it gave them more time together. Students around them were walking home, too. Some slowly, others running without umbrellas with the hope that if they were fast enough, they wouldn’t get too wet. Kyouka was almost one of them, a few minutes prior.
Green leaves poked through the pink cherry blossom trees, it would be summer before they knew it. She much preferred spring. As she looked around, she noticed the rain getting lighter.
She looked up at Yaoyorozu only to find her already looking back. They both quickly looked away.
Was Yaoyorozu just as curious about her? She bit the inside of her cheek at the thought—no, she shouldn’t get her hopes up like that. ‘Seriously Kyouka, you just realized you even have a crush on her…’ She chastised herself.
The rain, much gentler than before, filled the silence between them.
Yaoyorozu spoke up first. She cleared her throat daintily, “I apologize for earlier, I didn’t mean to start scolding you like that. I’m not your mother, or even your upperclassman! Sorry about that.” She said, sounding formal even when she looked embarrassed.
She was still worried about that? God, she was cute. “Hey, it’s fine, dude. I mean, I should know better by now—this used to happen all the time in middle school!” Kyouka laughed and tried for a reassuring smile, but Yaoyorozu just looked even more troubled. Her pace slowed then stopped.
“Goodness, would you just run in the rain? Didn’t you get sick?” She asked with a hand clutched on her chest.
Kyouka’s laugh turned more awkward, “Yes and yes.”
Even Yaoyorozu’s appalled face was cute. Her brows scrunched together and her hand shot up to cover her mouth—like a worried little granny, except she was a pretty, teenage girl. “Well, I’m glad I ran into you, then.” She huffed, then began to walk again.
Kyouka hummed as she followed suit, “Me too.”
“If you ever forget in the future, I can walk you to the station again. We can’t have you getting sick—every day of training is important!” She scolded, sounding older than she was yet again.
Kyouka laughed, “You sound like a teacher.”
The taller girl blushed at her teasing, “I don’t mean to…”
Kyouka continued to giggle, and the tension between them softened.The rain was slowing down to a drizzle, but Kyouka silently, selfishly hoped they stayed under the umbrella anyway.
Yaoyorozu changed the subject to schoolwork, and Kyouka found that talking to her was actually pretty easy. Especially when none of her other classmates were there to make fun of how obviously infatuated she was with the girl.
The train station came into view, and Kyouka repressed a sigh. Had they really gotten there so soon? On any other day, she’d be thankful for the short trip. But she worried—what if this easy closeness was confined under their umbrella? What if Kyouka came to school the next day and suddenly she didn’t know how to talk to her anymore? She didn’t want it to end.
But eventually, they made it to the train station doors. The two of them ducked under the covered entrance, but Kyouka noticed Yaoyorozu lag behind her. She turned to give her a questioning look, “Aren’t you coming inside?”
“Oh, no.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “No, I get picked up by car, actually, so this is where we part ways.”
For a moment, she just stared. Then it set in.
“You didn’t have to walk me the whole way!” She blurted out, waving her hands in a flustered motion. Why didn’t she think of that? Everyone knew Yaoyorozu was a rich girl, of course she got picked up by car.
Kyouka was so busy in her own head that she didn’t notice the other girl step forward, and jolted in surprise when she grabbed her hand. Her hands were so soft, her nails perfectly manicured. Her fingertips were cold.
“I wanted to.” She said, oddly serious. Her expression melted into a smile that had Kyouka’s chest swirling. “I never get to walk home with friends, it was nice. So don’t worry about it, okay? I already texted my chauffeur to pick me up here instead.”
A sleek black car pulled up, perfectly on time. Yaoyorozu gestured to the vehicle as if to say, “See?”
A mustached man in a suit emerged from the driver’s side to open the backseat door for her with a bow. She was rich rich, huh? Yaoyorozu thanked the man politely, then turned back to Kyouka one last time. “It was nice talking to you, Jirou. I hope we can get to know each other better.”
Kyouka stammered out a, “Me too.” And then she was driving away.
She decided right then: she was never going to bring an umbrella to school again.
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adabird · 30 days
For that who fell first/harder, how about a drabble or short story for Shoji? He just had his big moment; plus I noticed he was just tagged in that last post so idk if you had meant to include him too. Have a good one!
Oh my gosh!! I’m so sorry I thought I had added him! I’ll fix that too, anyways I hope you liked this!
Shouji Mezou- Fell first and harder
When you had met Shouji, he was very quiet, and reserved. Well, until he met you. You two had met by entering UA, and were placed together during the War. After everything had ended, he was reflecting the way he felt about you and your relationship, and that’s when he realized he really liked you. He liked you even when you had pushed milk out of your nose when laughing too hard, and he liked you even when you went out on dates with other guys.. So when he finally told you he liked you, and you had said you liked him back, he only fell in love more. He treated you like a god, and you pushed him out of his comfort zone, to try new things (consensually). He also started to take off his mask more, and became more involved with his classmates and new soon to be colleagues. You two ended up being the power couple, and learned to be in a healthy relationship..
#Onie out
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
Class 1-Stoners
Class 1-Stoners by mutedcode
Class 1-A does weed, basically.
Words: 934, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Class 1-A's Horrific Weed Tales
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Bakugou Katsuki, Ojiro Mashirao, Shouji Mezou, Aoyama Yuuga, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Kouda Kouji, Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru, Asui Tsuyu, Satou Rikidou, Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Iida Tenya
Additional Tags: Weed, They're stoners your honor, Drabble, Short, Minor Violence, Light Angst, minor vomiting, pot, Slight BakuIida, Like rlly slight, Its there if you squint, How Do I Tag, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Weed Circle, Bongs
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45733144
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Class 1-Stoners
Class 1-Stoners by mutedcode
Class 1-A does weed, basically.
Words: 934, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Class 1-A's Horrific Weed Tales
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Bakugou Katsuki, Ojiro Mashirao, Shouji Mezou, Aoyama Yuuga, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Kouda Kouji, Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru, Asui Tsuyu, Satou Rikidou, Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Iida Tenya
Additional Tags: Weed, They're stoners your honor, Drabble, Short, Minor Violence, Light Angst, minor vomiting, pot, Slight BakuIida, Like rlly slight, Its there if you squint, How Do I Tag, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Weed Circle, Bongs
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45733144
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ao3feed-izch · 2 months
Mha omo drabbles
by FANGIRL13_15
Just a bunch of my hero academia omorashi stuff. No smutt zone ⚠��
Words: 297, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kaminari Denki, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka, Todoroki Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina, Hagakure Tooru, Asui Tsuyu, Aoyama Yuuga, Ojiro Mashirao, Kouda Kouji, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Mineta Minoru, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Mitsuki, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Masaru, Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Pro Heroes - Character, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Shigaraki, L.o.v, Mha charecters
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, One sided Toga Himiko/ Izuku midoriya
Additional Tags: Omorashi, Bedwetting, Nightmares, Trauma, piss mha, Holding, random omo
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57422476
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frickingnerd · 1 year
shouji confessing to you
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pairing: mezou shouji x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, reader & shouji are in class 3A, post gradutation!confession, shy & hesitant shouji
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shouji had waited until graduation to tell you he was in love with you!
he had loved you since your first year at UA, but he never had the courage to tell you how he felt about you
he had always used graduation as an excuse to keep postponing his confession
shouji always told himself he still had time to tell you about it later when you graduated, until graduation finally came along
a few days before graduation, he tried confessing to you for the first time. but when you stood in front of him, looking at him like that and smiling, he just couldn't get it out
so instead, he told you he wanted to tell you something important after graduation!
the day that the two of you graduated, he couldn't stop thinking about you
he knew this was his last chance!
so this time, when you stood in front of him, he finally pulled himself together and said out loud what he felt for you
he had waited three years to tell you he was in love with you, but now that it was finally off his chest, he felt so relieved!
what was even better was that you ended up feeling the same way about him!
you had planned to confess to him, if shouji hadn't done so right now
but luckily he made the first move and the two of you finally said out loud what you had felt for such a long time
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musutofu · 5 years
【 Round Trip 】 Drabble
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♡ pairing | ᵞᴬᴺᴰᴱᴿᴱ Shouji x ᶠᴱᴹ Reader ✑ word count | 1.7k ✎ genre | yandere ✗ warnings | kidnapping, mentions of pregnancy prompt | 33. “Do you really think you can get away from me?”
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Memories are a curious thing. Flimsy and finicky, unreliable with the finer details of things while still holding truth in the broader strokes. Trying to see into the past as it’s been recorded by your mind is like looking at an old photograph that’s been left in the sun for too long. It’s dried and cracked around the edges, brittle to the touch. The slightest prodding at the loose ends of a feeling or sound could lead to it crumbling to dust as you try to keep it in the palm of your hands. And like the dust of former memories you’re beginning to lose yourself in the passage of time. Sunlight has leached your colors into a pale rendition of your former glory, bleached out spots of detail completely until you’re not certain what had filled the space once upon a time. It feels like you’re still there–the old you–standing just at the edge of your periphery, out of focus and only slightly tangible but every time you try to look the wraith strays further from sight. Soon, if you sit idle and let yourself erode to dust, there’ll be nothing left to grasp at. You’ll be gone. And a new person that isn’t you will be left to fill the empty shell left behind. But, if there’s one thing you remember about your life from before, it’s that you were never one to take things lying down. You got up and you fought. In your currently degraded state it’s hard to imagine standing up for yourself at even the smallest grievance and such a large offense that looms behind you has made you turn tail and run. And, for better or worse, you have no choice but to keep going. The deed is done, the betrayal completed. There’s nothing but rage left in your wake and memories of past punishment ring clear in your mind. The sharp, metallic taste of blood floods your mouth at the thought and your jaw pops open to be certain you haven’t bitten a hole in your tongue. You haven’t. The only lingering pain that’s physically tangible are aged a few hours. Throbbing bruises decorate the skin of your thighs and hips, dark bruises across your neck and chest in the shape of half moons; the fruits of your laborious night. A joyous occasion that trumped any and all physical boundaries and left you battered and bruised. “Mommy,” you jump in your seat, so lost in the liberation of the journey that you’d forgotten you absconded with a passenger. “I have to use the bathroom.” In the backseat your daughter is squirming in her car seat, hands wringing her seatbelt as she rocks forward and back as if she’ll be able to fling herself out of it with enough momentum. “Sit back, Chie-chan. It says there’s a rest stop at the next exit. Can you hold it for a little longer?” She slumps back in her seat with a huff, scrunching her nose at you in the rear view mirror in a way that makes her look like an angry puppy. She’s inherited much of her father’s appearance, including his elongated face. For a moment you find yourself annoyed with her just for looking the way she does. Having the audacity to even remotely resemble him while in your presence, but you catch yourself before you can go further down that dark path of resentment. It’s never the child’s fault for being born and if not for your daughter, your life would be only darkness. All the light in recent memories are because of her and you find the heinous thoughts of hatred rescinding from where they intruded. As you wait outside the bathroom for Chie to come out you wonder if your absence has been noticed yet. Probably. Shouji’s schedule rarely changes and he’s been getting home around this time every day recently. It’ll be a few hours before he realizes you aren’t returning and, if you’re lucky, a few more until he’ll be able to find you. The plan is to be on a plane overseas by then. Just as you’re strapping Chie back into her car seat, your phone rings. You’d been certain to turn off all location services and log out of any SNS accounts you’d had open in the hopes of going incognito but without turning it off or, at the least, to do not disturb, Shouji can still try to contact you. And he has. A picture of him lights up your screen as you pull out of the parking lot going only a little over the speed limit. “Chie-chan,” she’s happier now, perking up at your sing-song tone. “Remember how I told you we’re playing hide and seek with Daddy?” She nods excitedly. “That means we can’t tell Daddy where we’re going, so when I pick up don’t mention it or we’ll lose, okay?” “Okay, Mommy!” You answer the call on the sixth ring, putting it on speaker and passing the phone back to Chie. As expected, Shouji isn’t happy with your disappearance. His voice is tight with repressed anger as he greets you. “Honey,” he’s trying his best to not sound upset, “where are you?” “Hi, Daddy!” Chie says before you can make up a lie. She starts babbling on about her day in that way all kids can. A constant stream of information that doesn’t stop for a breath and adds in the most minute details lest you not know what color her shoes are today. Shouji doesn’t interrupt her but you can hear him moving in the background, probably pacing at the thought of you slipping through his fingers after years of keeping you under lock and key. He trusted you not to run from him after all these years and it makes you wonder why you did. Beside the obvious kidnapping and forced lifestyle as a Hero’s housewife he’d been the perfect husband, but something inside you broke last night and the suffocation you’d felt in the beginning came back with full force, weighing heavier and heavier on your chest until you’d made it out the front door. The feeling of weightlessness has only gotten better as the miles fall away behind you. “Mommy!” The car jerks as you jump again, always so afraid of the slightest reproach, even from your child that’s so much like your husband. She’s looking at you in the mirror with those big, dark eyes as if you’ve missed something important. “Yes, baby?” “Daddy asked if you went to the doctors today.” Your hands tighten on the steering wheel at the memory. It was all feigned excitement and empty thanks as the doctors congratulated you on your pregnancy and healthy baby. It was the only reason Shouji had left you the car keys. When you were pregnant with Chie he took you to all the appointments himself, not wanting to give you a chance to run. Unfortunate for him that he thought you wouldn’t now. “I did!” The persona is back. The perfect wife that will surely become your permanent personality if you’re caught. She’s sweet and docile, answering everything with an innocent, coquettish tone. “It’s too early to know if it’s a boy or a girl, but they’re healthy. The doctor gave me some vitamins.” “Mommy, are you sick?” Chie is suddenly upset at the mention of medicine. “No, baby, Mommy is fine.” Shouji soothes her. “She just has to take special medicine so your new brother or sister can grow big and strong.” “I want to meet them.” She’s pacified by her father’s words and you’re glad for it as the airport comes into view. Your takeoff time isn’t for a few hours but you’d rather not start the wait with a distraught child. “Soon, baby. We’ll meet them soon.” It could be all in your head but it sounded like he put extra emphasis on “we” and you’re not sure you like that indirect promise. We means together and together means going back. You take the phone from Chie after pulling into the parking lot. Before Shouji can protest, Chie pouts her goodbyes and hangs up. You let her keep your phone to watch cartoons as you wait at the terminal. Somewhere between episodes five and six, you doze off. Wakefulness finds you much more comfortable than when you’d fallen asleep, the scratchy cushion of the plastic airport chairs doing little to cradle your body as you slept. The cushion beneath you now is decidedly more comfortable and you roll over to indulge in a few more moments of relaxation, though it drains away immediately as your nose catches on a scent that will be forever ingrained in your memory. It’s the distinctly masculine scent of Shouji and as you gain your bearings, suddenly fully awake, you realize it’s all around you. The walls of the cage you’d thought you’d escaped are looming up around you as Shouji’s arms lock you to your bed, hands trapped between your bodies now that you’ve rolled towards him. He knows you’re awake. His hand gently traces shapes up and down your spine as you try your best not to cry or scream and wake Chie from where she’s probably sleeping in her room down the hall. “I know you’re awake, honey. Can I see those pretty eyes?” You indulge him, but only because you fear what he’ll do if you don’t. He’s being kind now, but that can surely change after the stunt you’ve pulled today. “There she is.” He coos at your tearful eyes. “How did you find us?” “Do you really think I’d let you use the car with no way to track it. You running off was always a possibility. I didn’t want to take my chances no matter how good you’ve been as of late. Do you really think you can get away from me? Do you honestly think I’d let you run off with my children?” His hand caresses the skin of your stomach as he goes on. “I’m yours. You’re mine. You’re my wife and the mother of my children. I want you here,” he’s whispering now, cuddling you closer to his chest. “So don’t try to leave me again. If you do, I’ll chain you to our bed.”
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birinboom · 3 years
Earl grey tea for Shouji please 💖🍵
I am so sorry it took me this long to get out!
Earl grey tea - how did they court their s/o?
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Shouji Mezou x GN!Reader Fluff, romance, little bit of angst 🌸 409 words
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He was a nervous, self conscious wreck. He had liked you for what felt like forever, and yet he couldn’t get himself to say anything. The fear of getting friend-zoned was too strong. He knew that he wasn’t the standard pretty guy, he knew that some people found him scary or downright ugly. He wanted to tell you how he felt, he craved your acceptance of who he was, but… he didn’t want to risk being referred to as a ‘monster.’ Not again. And especially not by you.
So he’d decided to keep everything subtle. If he ever sensed that you needed help with something - be that schoolwork, training, or just having someone to talk to - he made sure to let you know that he would always be there for you. And he relished in your smile when you thanked him.
When he’d first met you, he’d quickly picked up on what your favourite snacks and treats were, as he had with all of his friends. He’d grown into liking most of them because they reminded him of time spent together with you. And he made sure to always keep some on hand, just in case you’d drop by.
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One day, everything came tumbling out. The two of you were in his room, studying. You let out an irritated groan, making Shouji look up from his book.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“It’s these stupid equations! I can’t make heads or tails of them!” you said, while cradling your head in your hands.
Shouji just stared at you. Despite your frustration, you looked so adorable. He wanted to do anything to cheer you up.
 “Willyougooutwithme?” The jumbled words were out before he really knew what he was saying.
“What was that?” you asked, your head now resting on your arms, crossed over your math book.
Shouji let out a small, frustrated noise. He hadn’t meant to ask you out like that. He hadn’t meant to ask you out at all. But now that the words had slipped, he might as well continue. Hopefully his feelings would die out once he was well established in the friend-zone.
Clearing his throat while looking away so he wouldn’t have to see your reaction, he said. “I like you. Will you go out with me?”
And because he was looking at anything but you, he didn’t see the bright, happy smile that blossomed on your face.
“Sure,” you replied, “and I like you, too.”
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks (on and off anon) are always greatly appreciated! If you like, you can check out my other works here. Love, Em  💖
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Tamaki, shoto and shoji with tall reader?
If you don't write for them u can change them out for people you do:)
Feel free to take your time I don't want to pressure you!
Shoto, Tamaki, and Shouji x Tall reader.
I wasn’t sure if you wanted a fanfic for each or some kind of bulletpoint, but I’ve never done the bullet one and really wanted to try. If you want me to make a fanfic for them instead just comment on it and I’ll try.
I don’t usually do Tamaki or Shoji so I hope I did them justice.
I threw in Shinsou because I wanted to.
I really hope you like this even tho it’s short.
Here are some people that inspire me! @alpha-bnha-boys and @random-mha-thoughts
Todoroki Shoto.
Let’s be honest, he doesn’t care about your height, just so long as he can chill with you.
He likes it when you ruffle his hair, it makes him feel nice.
He definitely likes being shorter then you cuz when you hug him his face goes in your chest.
Sometimes he stands on things to feel taller but you think it’s adorable.
When he can’t reach ingredients for his soba he loves it when you come up behind him and get it for him.
When cuddling he still likes being the big spoon but will switch if you want. Your legs usually get intertwined with his in the long end anyway.
He LOVES your legs. If someone ever asked him if he was a thighs or ass man, he would go for thighs immediately. He does like your cute butt tho.
Tamaki Amajiki
This boy is the shyest thing you’ll ever meet.
Before you started dating he would get one look at you and light up like a tomato.
He loves being the little spoon and will 100% switch if you wanted.
He would be the type of guy who would wait until marriage to do the dirty but would still cuddle or make out if you’re comfortable with it.
Titties man
Absolutely ADORES you in every way, not just your height.
He loves you to your cute little toes to the top of your gorgeous head. Though he’s really shy about it.
Mezou Shouji
Most protective out of this group. Someone says something about your height? Definitely makes them apologize after a long “talk”.
Let’s be honest, you’re not that much taller then this man. Maybe by a few inches but he can still look into your eyes no problem.
He loves wrapping all his limbs around you and cuddling you all the time.
Home? Cuddling. Bed? Cuddling. Trying to hide from the cuddling? Not gonna happen, he found you; cuddling.
This man is one of the best people to cry on and I’m telling you, he’s got tissues in one hand, a blanket in the other, and your favorite ice cream in another.
He also is huge on consent and will never do anything you ask him not to. Unless you ask him not to buy you a gift, he will be whipping out his debit card when your back is turned.
Shinsou Hitoshi
This guy honestly doesn’t give a shit so long as you love him.
When you told him he could be a hero he was stunned and followed you around everywhere until you asked him what his deal was.
He confessed and asked you on a date and you said “yes” which let him know that you really weren’t scared of him because you just answered a question.
If anyone asks, he likes all of you. He doesn’t have a preference. He will be the big spoon whether you like it or not. He will be little spoon anyway because he secretly likes it.
He definitely does like to curl up on your lap when he can’t sleep and have you play with his hair.
You guys listen to music all the time and he likes it when you give him little gifts.
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tojiswh0re · 4 years
Part to to MHA boys crying????? 🥺
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*this gif does not belong to me nor did i make it
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a/n your wish is my command also imma use this one to finish class 1a but if you want any of the villains, teachers or any other fandoms etc just send in an ask, also i think imma do like an organiser page with my masterlist etc :)
also spoilers in aoyama’s one about the forest training camp
characters: denki, shouji, sero, ojiro, aoyama and satou
warnings: angst
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denki - the frustrated cry
poor denki would be sad because he feels useless like he can’t even use his quirk for long until he becomes useless. he would just be sat there on his bed crying into his pillow to muffle out his sobs because he’s supposed to be the happy, lighthearted one :)
shouji - the cry of insecurity
he just feels weird. and ever since he scared that little girl, he just kind of hated his face and would sometimes feel that he shouldn’t be a hero if he looked like that or if someone would love him? i genuinly think he struggles to take off the mask when he’s alone and just sits facing the mirror poking at his face while gentle tears roll down his cheeks :(
sero - the tired cry
he’s just tired :/ yknow when you just feel so drained and before you know it tears are just rolling down your face and you don’t have the effort to wipe them away. i think sometimes he gets annoyed of his quirk like it’s nothing flashly or cool like bakugou’s explosions or denki’s electrical currents it’s just tape :/
ojiro - the spiraling cry
i can’t remember which episode it was but i remember someone saying he can’t really be a hero since he has a tail and i think ojiro gets quite upset about that. like what happens if he can’t be a hero? then he’s spiralling down a horrible pit like what’s his back up plans, do other people think this, is he wasting his time???
aoyama - the just sad cry
he’s said before that he feels lonely and no one relates to him :( i think he overcompensates for this by being so dazzily all the time but when he’s on his own he’s just sad. like in the forest training camp he was on his own during the attack and it seemed like no one cared that he was gone. like he just wants a friend...
satou - the quite sob
i think he just sits in a little ball with his knees tucked into his chest and cries for no apparent reason which is fine!! or sometimes he’d get frustrated baking ( i do a lot) and just slumps onto the counter and has a little sob.
i hoped you like these as some of the characters there isn’t much known about them so i tried my best!!
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