#shouldn't that make the house CHEAPER? not more expensive?!
koishikei · 5 months
i genuinely cannot understand why installing vinyl plank laminate flooring does not immediately knock $10,000 off the value of a house
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twstfanblog · 18 days
This is more of a worldbuidling question but what do the commoners live like in each district??? I'd there more of an emphasis on art in the west and everyone has like. Crazily painted houses or elaborate gardens, and do southern commoners have a higher cost of living because it's so expensive to shop there? In southern schools, is there a surplus of those kids that bring snacks to school and sell them because if how ingrained business practices are? Or is it just normal? I want to know more about the more middle class characters like Jack and Trey T_T. Speaking of which how did Ace and Deuce become Riddles servants 🤔?
Also what about the slums and Ruggie? Are there more slums in a certain district, I'd assume he'd be placed in the east... maybe the kingscholars like to cut costs and corners to make more profits, even though it leaves the general population poorer? Also do leona and ruggie ever meet in this au???
That's all my questions for now! I'm probably gonna have more but if you don't want to answer them that's totally fine! Hope you have a good day ^^!
*Cracks knuckles*
Ok, here we go. Long Answer coming!
The price of living increases the closer you get to the capital. So the slums of each area are around the edges of the district on the opposite side of where the palace sits.
Class-wise, the southern district is mostly populated by nobles since no matter where you go, it's considered prime real estate. So the South doesn't really have a slums, since its main population are rich commoners and business-owning nobles.
Oh the kids try...but the schools are already running school stores where you can purchase lunches, snacks, school supplies, small plots of land. You gotta be a very crafty school child to get your foot in the door starting a business while still in school.
Schooling is pretty standard across the empire, the southern district puts a heavier focus on math and reading though, just because most of the kids who do attend school normally end up working for their family business. East has a number of culture studies, the west has so many electives to pick from it's almost scary. Northern children basically get funneled into the military (The fuck are you feeding these kids? Why do they all grow up to be TANKS????)
Lord the West district is a nightmare to HOAs. So many houses all with different vibes and color palettes. The scholars who picked the middle ground and became architects building the most insane 'shouldn't be standing against a strong wind' kind of houses. The theming gets more uniform the closer to the capital, but that's just because that's the more tourist area, where all the big theaters and conference halls are.
Speaking in terms of just size, the East has the biggest slums of the empire. Since they are the main resting point for visiting diplomats, it became a culture hub and most of the immigrants moved their because it was more familiar to their homelands. in turn there's just A LOT of people there and sadly not enough work for everyone. at this point it's just cheaper to live on the edge of the empire than moving to the second cheapest housing; the West slums. The Northern slums are basically just living on a mountain and surviving off the land.
Ruggie and Leona do meet! As he gets older, Leona's fights with his dad get worse. One night it was bad enough that Leona just ran away and was missing for nearly a week. Ruggie finds who he assumed was a homeless man and helped him out a bit 'We've all been there man'. In his time in the slums, Leona finds a bit of purpose and wants to help the people he technically rules over.
Leona is found and leaves without saying goodbye to Ruggie. YEARS LATER, a servant of the Duke Kingscholar comes to the slums asking for Ruggie to come with him. Farena is slowly taking over the Duchy from their aging father and Leona listed Ruggie as a good choice for a consultant. Ruggie actually does pretty well in the role, just gotta give him a crash course in etiquette before every formal dinner he has to attend now.
Let me list where everyone is!
Jack lives with his family after his mother secured a tutor job for a noble child when they first came to the empire. Once in the north, his family of wolf beastmen flourished and lowkey are treated as untitled nobles.
Sebek's family has strong ties to the royal army since his grandfather served and is friends with THE LILIA VANROUGE. Sebek's dream is to join the army to continue his family's legacy (And maybe see the prince. HE RESPECTS HIM OKAY!? DON'T TEASE HIM ABOUT THE POEMS HE WRITES!)
Epel lives with his family on one of the many farms contracted to supply produce to the palace. As such they have very high standards of their produce and won't let you talk down to them even if they aren't nobles.
Ruggie moved to the empire with his 'grandma' in a big group of refugees when he was very young. He does odd jobs around the district to help support his community.
Rook was born and raised in the upper-middle-class East District. He only moves to the West District to further his art career once he comes of age. From there he meets Vil and they fall in artist love.
Azul's mother owns a very popular seafood restaurant. It's half in the water and displays the first shell coin her great-great-great grandmother made in the sea (For luck!). She married into nobility with Azul's stepfather who accepted Azul as his own.
The Tweels family aren't titled but with how many dirty dealings they've done with the various shady business owners, they might as well just buy a title. A very wealthy and dangerous commoner family
Trey's family owns a very nice bakery! With the high-quality baked goods and fair pricing, they're normally packed by commoners and noblemen alike.
Vil and his father live and breathe the theater. They've been living in the West since Vil's dad moved from the capital to help an old friend establish his theater.
Riddle lives with his mother and live-in attendants and is lowkey miserable but working hard to achieve in his studies. They use to live in the South, but his mother said he was distracted too easily there.
Deuce lives in fairly cheap housing with his mom and grandma. Deuce's mom travels from the West to the capital to work for a week then to come back for a week off.
Ace has a similar situation to Deuce with his mom AND older brother going off for work. It's why they take the jobs to be aids for Riddle. Also known as 'Riddle's mom had to buy him friends'.
The Capital
Cater's dad is a senior member of the imperial bank! He and his family live pretty cushy lives even though they don't have a title. Cater's looking to change that and has been studying how to bag a noble beau every social season since he was seven.
Silver lives in the palace with his father and Malleus since Lilia brought him home. His curse is slowly getting worse with age but he's still working hard so that he can try to pass the army entry exams.
I hope this answers everything! Let me tell you guys, world-building is much FUN!!!!
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theoceanoasis · 5 months
Soundrod mechpreg with rodimus being a surrogate for soundwave and they fall in love?
Rodimus needs the money for debt (he has severe anemia which leads to him having tons of medical debt & he’s fired from his job for being in the hospital so long because of the surgery he had)
Soundwave ends up learning about Rodimus severe anemia after he turns blue and passes out halfway through the pregnancy. ( they’re in love deeply by now but haven’t said it ) he rushes him to the hospital and finds out then.
Rodimus didn’t say anything because he thought the surgery worked but this new doctor reveals nothing can stop his severe anemia only help it.
Idk where to go from there but i’d love to hear your take on it
Someone write this.
Okay here me out. Instead of anemia Hot Rod has a problem with his outlier ability. Where he sometimes gets symptoms that mimic heat stroke. There's all kinds of reasons why it suddenly happens to Hot Rod but one reason is stress.
Having this problem has effected all aspects of his life and he desperately wants to change it. However the treatment for it is expensive but worth it.
He can't afford to see a proper medic who can do the job. So he goes to a shady back alleyway clinic that's cheaper.
There were complications that caused him to miss too much work and he ended up being fired. Then the clinic where he got the procedure done was sending people after him, to harass him about payment. Where he finds out they lied about how much it was going to cost and he'd have to pay more.
If he didn't get the money soon they'd kill him or worse sell him to someone who'd run all kinds of experiments on an outlier like him.
While filling out job applications. He overhears some of Soundwaves friends talking. Soundwave is a wealthy businessman who wanted to start his own family. He loved sparklings and desperately wanted to have his own. Unfortunately due to how rich he is everyone is trying to use him. Fed up with people faking interest. Not knowing he can read their minds. Soundwave finds the people around him disgusting, opportunists who will do anything to get richer. He decides to get a surrogate instead.
Hot Rod had never thought about getting sparked before. He'd always been struggling to survive. Especially because of his condition which made life harder. Coming from the slums of Nyon sparklings were a luxury and he wasn't sure about the idea of being a surrogate.
On his way home from looking for a job. He gets roughened up by the people at the clinic, who are demanding their money. Desperate he goes to the interview where he meets with Soundwave. Filling out paperwork for the position. He knew he wouldn't get chosen if they knew about his medical condition. Which is why he didn't mention it anywhere.
After all he'd gotten fixed, so it shouldn't be a problem anyway. Then he ended up getting the position. Which allowed him to pay off his medical expenses. He also got to live with Soundwave in his penthouse while he was carrying.
Soundwave able to read Hot Rods mind could tell there was something special about him. He's not like the other people around him and Soundwave wants to know more about Hot Rod. The two fall in love being in such close proximity with Hot Rod carrying. At first he was impregnated and given transfluid donations through special equipment, but later they'd do it the old fashioned way.
The two were very close and spent all their time together. They picked out things for the nursery and were both excited.
Then they found out Hot Rod was carrying twins. They'd hugged each other and someone made a comment about them being a cute couple which they didn't deny. Just looked at each other embarrassed.
At home they acted like they were a bonded couple. Without realizing it. Soundwave's penthouse had always been sort of cold. With Soundwave never actually decorating just hiring someone to make his house look good. It was now filled with Hot Rods touch which brought light and warmth into his penthouse. He usually stayed at work until really late and only came back to sleep. Because he never thought of the penthouse as his home. Not until Hot Rod showed up and brought out a better side of him.
Then one day when Hot Rod is out getting some fresh air. He's attacked. Everyone knows who he is and that he's carrying Soundwave's sparkling. Since he's one of the richest bots on Cybertron. They threaten him and demand money from Soundwave who is enraged.
He personally saves Hot Rod who'd been kidnapped. However the stress from it all made his disease act up and he ended up passing out.
Soundwave thought he was injured and rushed him to the hospital, where tests were done and his disease was revealed. Soundwave is both upset and worried because Hot Rod didn't tell him and put himself at risk when he decided to carry.
Hot Rod with tears in his optics explained everything. Desperate to stop Soundwave from leaving. The procedure he'd gotten didn't work and the doctors told him that he'd have the disease forever. However it could be managed with medicine.
He was already a high risk pregnancy when they found out he was having twins. Now he's so high risk that if Soundwave wants to take him home he's on bed rest. Which means he'll have to take care of him. Hot Rod doesn't think he will because he lied and is surprised when Soundwave does.
The two of them talk it out and Soundwave takes care of him because he can't move around and do things. He cries a little because no one had ever taken care of him before and it was really nice.
Then Hot Rod goes into labor and their both nervous because of complications that could happen. Luckily everything goes well and they have two beautiful sparklings. Hot Rod cries and then cries even more when Soundwave finally says.
"I love you."
The two of them spend the rest of their lives together raising their sparklings and just being in love.
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
It's a shame that Hollywood studios feel that now days if a movie doesn't make "x" amount of dollars at the theaters, then it shouldn't even be released
Pure economics. Average promo campaigns for studio films cost 50-100 mil, "Barbie" level marketing is 150 mil. It's not worth it if the movie isn't good enough (in a studio's opinion). It's actually cheaper to just drop it on streaming platforms (or not release it at all) and not increase the already huge budget. Like, it doesn't make any sense to do expensive renovations before trying to sell a small old house in a bad neighborhood next to a newly opened chemical plant. You just sell it as it is and hoping that someone will buy your crappy house at least for some price for you to break even. I agree with you: movie studios are spending just unprecedented amount of money on wrong stuff these days . And people blame CGI. Nah, often this is not the case. Yes, CGI isn't cheap but it's getting cheaper every year. High-quality practical effects, filming on real locations, hiring extras cost WAY MORE than CGI. It's all about salaries, location rent, street closures for filming etc. Real set requires a lot of workers, shooting days, and takes to make a practical scene perfect. And after the new SAG contract all of the above will cost even more. "Cheap practical is cheaper than cheap CGI but cheap CGI could be cheaper than high quality practical" — James Gunn. So, CGI is often cheaper and much faster and truly helpful... but it's being abused, that's the problem. Creators are getting lazy, and they're relying too much on post-production editing. And we end up with a whole 2 hours of low-quality CGI mess that looks completely fake as a result. Here's something that 100% should be blamed for the bloated budget: COVID, production mess and endless reshoots, big names and their enourmous salaries, the inflated costs of everything. CGI is just like another huge chunk on top of it all. Sorry for the movie marketing and budget essay lmao.
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smarterbathrooms · 2 months
Explore the Services Offered by About Kitchen Designer in Melbourne Leading Designers
A well-created kitchen is constantly adaptable, allowing for potential alterations, additions, and adaptations thanks to a kitchen designer in Melbourne. For example, if you decide you need to obtain a new dishwasher, you shouldn't be constrained by the amount of room you have when choosing the size. You may occasionally feel the need to add a casual eating area or desire an open kitchen layout; all of these should be achievable and the design should provide you the freedom to do so.
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You Can Save Money by Starting Over
Sometimes it is less expensive to do home renovation from the ground up than to modify an existing home. If significant changes are needed to make your home more liveable, it can be more cost-effective to pull down your present home and start again. The essential deconstruction, as well as correction work throughout renovations, can occasionally consume a significant amount of your cash before any new work begins.
It is frequently cheaper per square metre to build a new home from the foundation up than to modify or add on to an existing one. With a knockdown reconstruction project, you may have a brand-new, modern, energy-efficient house for less money than a makeover. It's growing a more and more popular choice for families looking to save costs on building a home that fully meets their requirements.
Improved Usability and Cosy Applicability
With renovations, you may improve comfort and practicality while tailoring your house to your lifestyle. You may improve your everyday life and cultivate a sense of happiness and contentment by setting up a separate home office, adding more space in the kitchen for cooking endeavours and social events, or building an opulent bathroom.
Renovations are necessary to maintain your property in optimal shape and go beyond aesthetic improvements. Proactively addressing maintenance concerns extends the life of your property and protects against future expensive repairs. You may preserve and improve your home's structural integrity with improvements, ensuring a secure and safe atmosphere for many years to come. Make sure, nonetheless, that your makeover will benefit your family's requirements and way of life in the long run. If not, you might still need to consider going a step further.
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voicesovermyshoulder · 3 months
I realised that I have a lot to say in regards of how people do clothing shopping, so I decided to make this post.
I get really annoyed when people buy unnecessary amounts of clothes from ultra fast fashion brands. I won't take the argument that's all they can afford. I don't have a lot of money. I'm disabled, I can't work, I'm on disability pension. Almost no one in western countries who buys those clothes really needs them. They buy it only because they want them. I'm not saying that in the case when your house burned down or flooded or you had to run away from dangerous situation you shouldn't do it. But also then there are secondhand sites that will be cheaper and if you have the time to check Shein or Temu, you have time to check those sites too. So yeah..
Most people buy way too much clothing. No one needs to buy stuff every 2 weeks of every month. Do you really wear those things more than 5 times? I'm pretty sure not. And I know, because I had big wardrobe full of stuff. I haven't worn 90% of it. I forgot most of what I had. So I gave away almost all of those clothes to local orphanage, some of them still had tags (I know it went straight to kids because my mum in law works with this orphanage. And I've seen girls from there wearing those clothes). Now I have half of this wardrobe and I share it with my husband. And you know what? At least I wear everything. Maybe not the two evening dresses that I have, but I wore them both to all the events for last 3 years. And shocking, people who realised it's the same dress complimented that I wore it again because it suits me so well. And I don't wear my wedding dress, only because I gained weight and it didn't fit me, but I lost most of it and I can wear it, just styling it so it doesn't look the same way as it did on my wedding. It's just a simple white midi dress with short sleeves and some lace that I bought thinking that I should wear it again to not be annoyed at myself.
My mum still buys so much clothing from cheap websites. And she doesn't wear most of it. She doesn't remember what she has too. The amount of times when she bought something 'because she needs it' and then realised that she already has it is shocking. And you know what her favourite clothes are? The ones I gave her as gifts that were more sustainable and better quality. And they weren't even expensive things, because to be honest, as long as you know what to look for you don't have to spend unreasonable amount. It won't be exactly as cheap as those sites because people have to be paid living wage, but it doesn't have to be expensive. And if you divide the amount you paid over the times you wear it, you can realise that better quality clothing is in reality less expensive. There are also secondhand sites where you can buy stuff with tags still on.
Oh and have I told that I gained 20 kilos AFTER I donated most of my clothes and haven't bought almost anything? I just had few t-shirts that were loose before, I sewn myself a skirt, and the things I bought were jeans and a pair of shorts (that to be honest was a mistake, I can't argue with it, because they were the only ones that fit but I didn't like them, so I almost never wore them. But it was one pair in 3 years). I wore all the cardigans from before. Most of clothing now is knit fabric, not woven, so it will mould to you. I survived, haven't looked bad or weird. And no one cared if I wore the same thing over and over again. Most of the arguments I hear about buying from those ultra fast fashion sites that exploit workers, environment (because yes, if the factory is putting dangerous stuff straight into rivers, sooner or later it will be in water everywhere in the world and you can't do anything about it, that's how it works, and don't get me started about air) are that they are for people that can't afford anything different - as we established they mostly don't need those clothes, they just want them and it's typical case of working capitalism. And buying better quality clothing is cheaper in the long run; they're accessible - if you have time to check those websites, you have time to check others too. I'm sorry but that's the truth; size inclusivity - okay, this is the thing I can stand by. But also you can find size inclusive things elsewhere, but you have to look for it. Or learn how to make it and before you eat me alive, I don't have much energy and live with chronic pain. It taught me to appreciate how much work it takes to make garments and that they're not single use because I need a lot of time to make one thing. If you've lost the strength in your hands or your sight is really bad, okay, I get it; but most of things I hear are excuses to me. It's capitalism in it's best form. Showing off that you can have a lot. That you have money to spend. And why bother? Do you think people think 'oh, they have a lot of clothes, I like them more?' and if someone thinks that way, they don't deserve to be your friend.
So okay, end if the tangent. I just think most arguments saying fast fashion is okay are bullshit.
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citymovesremovals · 4 months
5 Steps for Successful Cost Negotiation with a Housing Removal Company
Moving to a new location is an expensive and daunting task. Setting up the new place, bills, taxes all these eat up your budget. The cost of hiring a House Removal Company itself is pretty expensive. So to avoid the costs getting piled up beyond your comfort, let’s find out the steps you can take to negotiate the costs and save your budget.
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How to Negotiate with Cleaners and Movers?
Get Quotations from Multiple Firms
Having an approximate idea of the market cost is a smart and necessary move - not only does it ensure you are not overpaying for your services, but it also as a consumer provides you with bargaining power.
Try to find the prices and the services included by your local firms specifically, as you might have a greater chance to negotiate with the price as well. Search for multiple ‘Removal Companies near me' and keep them all as options until you find the perfect match.
Be Clear on Your Requirements
Sometimes we can get carried away and overwhelmed by the plethora of options that Cardiff Removal Companies provide. With the unparalleled amount of work that is involved in setting up a new place, it is almost impossible not to get carried away.
So be clear and concise with your requirements. Find tasks that can be completed by you or get alternate and cheaper sources to complete them for you. This might include cleaning, setting up electrical appliances, etc.
Highlight Mutual Advantages
An important step during negotiation is that the contract should satisfy both parties. It should help you as the customer in reducing the overall cost and also provide the cleaners and movers company to grow in their business. Be prepared for some compromises from your side as well, to get the better deal for your top priorities.
Compromise on Custom Needs for Best Costing
Anything custom-made costs more, and you shouldn't think ‘The movers near me provide so many custom options, so I should use them all to make the process convenient’. Instead, try to have a pick-and-choose approach and only select what you need.
If you are looking to save on your budget, the tasks that you get customized must be reduced. Customize the moving of precious and highly valued fragile items, but otherwise compromise on other such tasks which you can trust the company to do normally.
Flexibility with Moving Dates
The cost of moving during the off-season is significantly less than the peak season, try to schedule your move during the off-season.
Being flexible with your moving fates also provides you with greater bargaining and negotiating opportunities, you might also receive discounts and offers from the company to fill in the gaps of their schedule.
Final Conclusion
Moving to the USA to a new place is a significant step and a challenge, the new environment, procedures and the costs can drive you insane. Saving money whenever you can during the move helps you further along the way. If we are smart with money, we can save a big number!
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iicraft505 · 1 year
Gah, I just can't get over the group I had for a discussion
"I was under the impression pharmacies get the pills in large amounts and then count them out into the pill bottles" after I mentioned that glass pill bottles would require more packaging... like yeah but the pill bottles don't spawn in the pharmacy, they have to get them somehow. And "how many people are recycling their pill bottles" I hope everybody? It takes two seconds and you don't even have to rinse them or anything? Just take your sticker off? I get being concerned about pill bottle waste and medical waste in general but like. That Is Not the biggest problem by a long shot.
"Yeah but then that takes a lot of water" about rinsing out laundry detergent jugs....... like maybe it's just a me thing but given I live in the midwest water is not my principle concern? I'd rather everything that's perfectly recyclable that goes through my house goes into the recycling bin, and that I do my best to make sure it will actually be recyclable and won't ruin the "batch" of recycling? Not that water conservation isn't important to me but I guess at some level I still don't really understand. Like I understand intellectually how water can be a finite resource despite the water cycle and I understand the concept of depleted groundwater being permanent because the pockets the air was in condense, but at some level I'm like "but the water cycle...." Also detergent sheets are expensive (at least i think?) and Also Also how is a bag of detergent pods better than the big container? is it just less plastic? Okay fine I get it, but is said bag of plastic more readily recyclable? Also I swear I like this person but it reeked of trying to sell us something....
Also that from the same person that said stopping use of cars altogether isn't practical like. Car use is a way bigger problem than any of those because even electric cars have all the same road problems. But like yeah obviously it's not practical and I don't think we'll ever "get rid" of cars (at least not anytime soon) but still, as a goal?
And Maybe I got a little bit too opinionated and Maybe I shouldn't have suggested cars when my opinion on them is so out there in offline spaces but when I started getting too adventurous with what our goal for our group exit ticket should be the pill bottle person suggested washing hands??? like my guy, this is an environmental science/geoscience course, our goal should be environmental?
Also we know disincentives don't work for reducing car use and there was an example of that IN SOMETHING WE READ FOR THAT CLASS because either people find a way around it that makes things worse or you just make them really mad, you have to make alternative methods of transportation attractive!!!! Also why THE FUCK did we go for tolls instead of taxes? Like yeah the money was (in this hypothetical) going to making public transit cheaper (just busses though, since that's all my city has), but tolls? When I ranted about this on a discord the following was enjoyed: are you dumb or stupid?
Oh yeah. and then when I was walking back to my dorm already Pissed The Fuck Off or at least Wired in that way and worried because I respect at least one of those people and I didn't want to be seen as The Weirdo (I hate when people get too opinionated in class discussions) and also I felt like I was being laughed at? idk man. some asshole was fucking riding his moped in a way that made it unclear where I was safe to go and some people came out of one of the buildings and told this guy on a motorcycle to "hit it" and revved it super loudly? that shit hurted by ears also youre not cool bro pretty sure that's bad for the engine
Also I probably won't get over it any time soon since I'm still annoyed about the thing that happened last weekend so whomst knows.
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joviallovezombie · 1 year
20 Fun Facts About impact windows
The Best Resource for Aspiring Awning Windows Experts
Table of ContentsEntry Doors and Its Worldwide Reach: An Analysis How to Navigate the Challenges of Remote Double Hung Windows Work The Impact of Awning Windows on Market Trends The Science of Picture Windows: What You Need to Know A Look into the Future: The Next Big Thing in Impact Doors
At Kelly Window & Door, our team are actually glad to bring superior plastic substitute windows through Replacements. There are a restricted variety of suppliers that can easily give this brand name. This isn't to restrain your alternatives, but to make sure merely the most certified suppliers hold and also install it (replacement windows). Restorations is actually understood for taking vinyl windows past essential.
Dog, Challenging displays are actually crafted from a long lasting, vinyl-coated rayon. They withstand harm through your pets or even kitties while still being pet-friendly. With Sun, Blinds, you certainly never must clean up! They are actually modifiable mini-blinds that are actually secured in between the glass of glass. If you love type without the upkeep, these blinds are an excellent option.
Some windows include two layers of glass (dual glass) or even 3 levels (three-way glass). Air or argon gas, which has far better insulating residential or commercial properties, is sealed off between the glass as an insulator. If the unit is properly built, condensation shouldn't occur between the panes. A drying out agent, named a desiccant, might be actually made use of between the panes as incorporated security from condensation.
Windows might be actually classified as electricity superstar accredited for certain regions of the country. Check out at Residential Microsoft Window, Doors as well as Skylights to learn the perks of these windows.
Light weight aluminum home windows have been continuously shedding market portion to a lot better, cheaper options, like fiberglass and also vinyl fabric (picture windows). However, aluminum windows possess a lot of unique attributes that produce all of them attractive choices. Aluminum is extremely sturdy, indicating that home windows may be fabricated along with relatively thin frames as well as waistband elements. That provides more room in the window opening for glass and makes aluminum windows a preferred selection of designers - bay windows.
Top 10 Replacement Doors Hacks for Improved Productivity
There are a ton of factors to think about when buying brand-new home windows or replacing outdated ones, therefore follow this list to steer clear of overlooking anything vital Obtain quotes coming from around 3 pros! Enter into a zip listed below and also receive matched to premier pros near you. It may be stressful to purchase brand new windows or replacement home windows. bow windows.
The good news is, technology has happened a very long way in current years, delivering a larger stable of risk-free, elegant, as well as energy-efficient window possibilities. Energy performance is actually also a vital point to consider as you set your budget, since there are actually several components you could feature that could possibly contribute to the initial label rate. energy efficient windows. But ultimately, they conserve you loan by decreasing your electricity expense. window installation High Springs.
In components of the house that obtain even more straight sunlightsuch as west-facing roomsyou might intend to spring season for additional UV protection or even choose for a smaller sized window. For those areas with less-than-ideal views, or don't acquire a lot illumination in any way, it does not make good sense to spend for a sophisticated picture home window.
It is actually effortless to neglect that windows may present a variety of security risks. If you have little ones, or even are actually planning to possess some quickly, look at windows that carry out closed or even are actually double-hung and open simply from scratch, on the top floorings to prevent any sort of opportunity a person might topple out - double hung windows.
Having said that, the substantial cost guidelines out this possibility for the majority of residents without such needs. The choices do not end there certainly, nevertheless - awning windows. You may go for glass along with low-emissivity (Low-E) finish, which permits lighting in while lowering warmth conductivity, indicating a lot less chilly air escapes in the summertime as well as a lot less warm and comfortable sky in the winter months.
The Essential Impact Doors Techniques You Need to Master
Related Short article There is an almost unlimited assortment of specific home window styles to satisfy various functionalities as well as flavors if you go with individualized windowsbut some of the best typical feature: Double-hung: By far one of the most prevalent window design since the 1980s, double-hung home windows include 2 workable sashes, enabling you to tilt the home window open at both the bottom and leading - hurricane protection.
They possess one waistband to open all-time low one-half of the window, however the top continues to be inoperable - bow windows. Sliding home windows: Sliding home windows are composed of several panels that relocate horizontally. Receptacle home windows as well as awning windows: Popular in cellars, hopper home windows possess a joint at the base and also open downward and also inward.
If you're organizing a do it yourself job, ensure you know all the details of the product you're mounting as well as be straightforward along with on your own about your capacities. When choosing a contractor, perform thorough analysis as well as ask appropriate concerns - awning windows. If, for instance, you invested a great deal of cash to acquire windows along with pre-installation waterproofing, a contractor that considers to utilize broadening froth or sealants in the setup could possibly undermine the security you spent for.
How easy will it be to open up and also finalize that sophisticated concept as the climate adjustments? Do you reside in a temperature where your winter heating will cause your lumber structure to extend, creating it harder to change in various other months? Those gliding home windows may bring one of the most light into the home kitchen, however they're mosting likely to pose a complication when you need to have to aerate the room, given that they don't open all the method.
Substituting storm sash or even double-pane windows can save $27 to $197 each year. The amount of you will really save depends upon your regional weather, power costs, and also various other variables. replacement doors. If your existing frames and sills are still sound and also straight, you'll conserve amount of money on materials as well as work through making use of substitute systems.
The Regulatory Aspects of Window Installation High Springs: What You Need to Know
Lots of significant window producers train and approve installers for their particular label of home window. vinyl windows. Utilizing the very same specialist for acquisition and setup indicates that if a complication emerges eventually, there will be actually no hesitation who is responsible for correcting it; the window vendor can't condemn it on the installer, or the other way around.
Any type of quote you get must include specifics such as home window brand and model, amount of windows, dimension, and kind, plus any add-on functions. Installation particulars must be taken note, and also effort and component expenses burst out separately. While professionals typically have their preferred brand names, don't rely upon the contractor to pick your home windows for you.
Vinyl windows are offered in a variety of colors and types to team up with and enhance the character of your home. Today's substitute home windows are actually made to complement your residence and also way of life, with options in the amount of panes, just how the windows are pivoted, just how the windows function, and the quantity of air flow they use. casement windows.
They are actually available in solitary, dual, and also triple-paned configurations. Slider home windows could be swiftly opened and nearby relocating the sash or even sashes to the left or right. Single-Hung Microsoft Window: Featuring a stationary best waistband and a bottom sash that you may move backwards and forwards to open as well as shut the window, single-hung home windows are optimal for places where there are actually trees, shrubs, paths, or outdoor patios found only outside the home window. impact windows.
Garden Microsoft window: A garden, or green house, home window has a glass top, front and also sides, as well as tasks outward from the edge of your residence. Smaller sized than a bay or even bay window, a garden window can easily still offer your house with a significant quantity of all-natural light while providing you with a convenient location to cultivate plants or feature valuables.
A Roadmap to Vinyl Windows Success: Your Comprehensive Plan
High Springs Window Services
Address: 20 NW 186th Ave Unit #19, High Springs, FL 32643
Phone: (386) 388-2623
Invite to our total window purchasing resource! This manual provides an outline of every thing you need to have to recognize so as to bring in a well-informed window buying selection. From window products to tips for picking a professional, our experts cover it all in order that you can discover specifically what you need to have for your home. impact windows.
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qbuilders · 2 years
FAQ | Metal Roofs| Metal Roofing | Q Builders Roofing Contractor
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Is it cheaper to put a metal roof or shingles?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Not only do the metal panels themselves cost more than asphalt shingles but a metal roof also requires more skill and labor to install. You can actually expect the cost of a metal roof to be more than double or triple the cost of an asphalt shingle roof.Sep 24 2021" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is it cheaper to put a metal roof or shingles?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Not only do the metal panels themselves cost more than asphalt shingles but a metal roof also requires more skill and labor to install. You can actually expect the cost of a metal roof to be more than double or triple the cost of an asphalt shingle roof.Sep 24 2021" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Does a metal roof devalue a house?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Increased Home Resale Value A metal roof can improve a home's resale value by up to 6% compared to a home with an asphalt-shingle roof. Additionally a report by Remodeling magazine shows a metal roof has a 61% return on investment.Aug 3 2021" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is metal roof worth the money?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The results of the study showed that metal roofs renovated with standing seam metal roofing recoup 85% to 95% of the costs. These gains in resale value amount to 1% to 6% respectively over homes roofed with asphalt shingles.Jun 24 2020" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why are metal roofs not popular?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "They're Expensive (initially) The price for a regular asphalt shingle roof is approximately $1.75 per square foot. The cost to install a metal roof however can be anywhere between $3 and $14. The price varies widely based on which metal roofing material you choose of course." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Does a metal roof make a house hotter?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Metal roofs do not make a house hotter than any other kind of roofing material. In fact they can actually help to keep the home cooler during the summer months. Metal roofing is one of the most energy efficient materials available to homeowners and can help lower the energy used to cool off your house.Jul 23 2021" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is it OK to put a metal roof over shingles?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "In almost every case the answer is yes you can lay down a new metal roof over an existing shingle roof. This is one of the many reasons metal roofs keep growing in popularity – their installation doesn't require completely tearing off the existing roof which is a time-consuming and expensive job." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Are metal roofs noisy when raining?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "When a metal roof is installed it comes with strong sheathing that goes between the metal roof and your existing roofing surface. Because of this metal roofs can effectively reduce noises from rain hail windblown debris and other extreme weather conditions much better than other roofing materials.Oct 6 2014" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do metal roofs affect WIFI?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "To wrap it up metal roofing has no effect on Wi-Fi that is provided via a dish or satellite setup. If you live in an area with a great phone signal your roof shouldn't impact that either! However a metal roof may somewhat interfere with calls and messaging in a poor-signal area.Jun 28 2022" } }] }
Frequently Asked Questions about Metal Roofs
What is the biggest problem with metal roofs?
If water accumulates anywhere on the roof because of poor-quality installation or repair, it can eventually cause serious damage. Low-grade metals may also be thinner gauge and less durable. Some metals rust in certain climates or dent more easily than others during hailstorms or installation.
Is it cheaper to put a metal roof or shingles?
Not only do the metal panels themselves cost more than asphalt shingles, but a metal roof also requires more skill and labor to install. You can actually expect the cost of a metal roof to be more than double or triple the cost of an asphalt shingle roof.Sep 24, 2021
Does a metal roof devalue a house?
Increased Home Resale Value
A metal roof can improve a home's resale value by up to 6% compared to a home with an asphalt-shingle roof. Additionally, a report by Remodeling magazine shows a metal roof has a 61% return on investment.Aug 3, 2021
Is metal roof worth the money?
The results of the study showed that metal roofs renovated with standing seam metal roofing recoup 85% to 95% of the costs. These gains in resale value amount to 1% to 6%, respectively, over homes roofed with asphalt shingles.Jun 24, 2020
Why are metal roofs not popular?
They're Expensive (initially)
The price for a regular asphalt shingle roof is approximately $1.75 per square foot. The cost to install a metal roof, however, can be anywhere between $3 and $14. The price varies widely based on which metal roofing material you choose, of course.
Does a metal roof make a house hotter?
Metal roofs do not make a house hotter than any other kind of roofing material. In fact, they can actually help to keep the home cooler during the summer months. Metal roofing is one of the most energy efficient materials available to homeowners and can help lower the energy used to cool off your house.Jul 23, 2021
Is it OK to put a metal roof over shingles?
In almost every case, the answer is yes, you can lay down a new metal roof over an existing shingle roof. This is one of the many reasons metal roofs keep growing in popularity – their installation doesn't require completely tearing off the existing roof, which is a time-consuming and expensive job.
Are metal roofs noisy when raining?
When a metal roof is installed, it comes with strong sheathing that goes between the metal roof and your existing roofing surface. Because of this, metal roofs can effectively reduce noises from rain, hail, windblown debris, and other extreme weather conditions much better than other roofing materials.Oct 6, 2014
Do metal roofs affect WIFI?
To wrap it up, metal roofing has no effect on Wi-Fi that is provided via a dish or satellite setup. If you live in an area with a great phone signal, your roof shouldn't impact that, either! However, a metal roof may somewhat interfere with calls and messaging in a poor-signal area.Jun 28, 2022
Does a metal roof make your house colder in winter?
Metal Roofs Keep Your Home Warm in The Cold Weather
Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. According to a study completed by the US Department of Energy, the surface of your metal roof will stay within five degrees of the average asphalt shingle roof, even during the coldest weather.Mar 10, 2021
The post FAQ | Metal Roofs| Metal Roofing | Q Builders Roofing Contractor is republished from Q Builders Information
Originally published here: https://qbuilders.us/metal-roof/faq-metal-roofs-metal-roofing-q-builders-roofing-contractor/
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lntrealty00 · 2 years
5 Main Advantages of Buying Under-Construction Apartments
5 Main Advantages of Buying Under-Construction Apartments
Buyers appear to have become used to investing in projects that are ready for occupancy. If you do your research on the project, its location, pricing, developer, and other relevant variables, you'll find that under-construction projects have better appreciation potential than finished homes. You might choose either a ready-to-move-in home or one that is still being constructed, but many investors continue to choose under-construction properties. Real estate property that is still being built offers many more alternatives for homes than one that has already been finished. Although ready-to-move-in apartments also have their own advantages, you have a wider selection of homes to pick from in under-construction projects.
Below are 5 Perks of Buying Under-Construction Apartments:
Lower price
One of the most significant factors for a buyer is the cost of a home. A property that is still being built is cheaper than one that is ready for occupancy. Buyers get many options in under-construction properties. The cost is expensive, but it is always worth the wait. Developers are required to deliver on time under RERA, and if they don't, they must compensate customers. One shouldn't only purchase a house because it is less expensive; you must also select a good project and a dependable developer.
Payment flexibility
A buyer must pay the whole sum upfront when purchasing a finished house. Additionally, there are registration fees and other miscellaneous costs. When you buy under-construction apartments, you pay a certain booking fee. If the property is financed, you pay the banks in EMIs; if not, you pay according to the construction plan. You may purchase a flat that is still being built with flexibility in terms of payment and without having to set aside a significant chunk of money.
Higher Rate of Price Appreciation
A property's price rises as its construction continues, especially for apartments in Mumbai, and other major Indian cities. Additionally, throughout this time, improvements to the local infrastructure increase a property's worth. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase a property when it is still in its development. Usually, the price increases gradually over time, from the moment a reservation is made until the time a person takes possession of the unit, and beyond. For higher returns, it is also essential for buyers to check the location, upcoming infrastructure, and employment opportunities nearby.
Discounts and offers
Finding a ready-to-move-in house with any kind of discount or offer is difficult. You must pay the market price for the entire property, or possibly more depending on the amenities. However, there may sometimes be other discounts and incentives available, such as a foreign vacation, gold coin, parking, and other relevant deals, if you are purchasing a property that is still under development. As purchasers have several alternatives to choose from, you may also negotiate over the final price.
Options for customisation
Unlike a secondary or resale home, an under-construction property - whether it is a 1 BHK in Ghatkopar, Mulund or a home of any other configuration in any place - offers the buyer a wide range of options. One may select a higher or lower floor, a preferred view from their balcony or window, and any customisations or changes they may like for their home, such as tiling the kitchen walls, among other options.
Along with the advantages of being an early homebuyer, you must only purchase under-construction apartments from builders that have received state RERA approval and have a solid track record of completed projects.  
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opluffys · 3 years
i was so lazy i didn’t add the italics i’m so sorry. anyway i posted this to my archive first as always, luffys. this is meant to be multiple chapters, but the ending is open-ended so in case i drop it, i won’t leave y’all on a cliffhanger. pls let me know if there are errors or if it copied weird, it might happen sometimes. i hope you enjoy:)!!
-Michael Myers x Reader-
It was nearing Halloween, the green leaves transforming into beautiful auburn and golds. You figured you should go Halloween shopping sometime soon, even though there would be only a trickle of kids coming to your neighbourhood. You didn't live in a populated area, but you were still close enough to the town where basic grocery shopping wasn't too much of a hassle. It had made you a bit worried, moving into such a secluded area of town- but when you had gotten the opportunity to settle in, it was so peaceful. You did have neighbours, but they lived some ways away. Not like you cared, anyway. You enjoyed the quiet life.
Figuring a couple of days before Halloween was the perfect time to stock up on candy, you grabbed your keys and coat, making sure to lock your door on the way out.
You climbed into your relatively small car, it treated you nicely, not breaking down yet. You were too scared to look at the miles, though.
Turning the key into the ignition, you heard your cars engine sputter to life. About to reverse and be on your way, you couldn't help but feel that you shouldn't go out today. You shook it off, you needed to pick up some things, and besides, nothing has ever happened to you in while residing here- why would something happen now?
Following the large and festive orange signs, you finally found the shelf full of heart attacks and bliss. Grabbing a bag of rather expensive chocolates for you to snack on, and a cheaper bag of tacky sweets for the kids, you tossed them into your cart. You figured this year, you would finally decorate your house. You recently moved in, after all. And you certainly didn't want to be 'that house' where kids are too scared to go to. Maybe next year.
Hunting for the cheaper side of Halloween decorations were no easy feat- or maybe this store had tried to overcharge you at every turn. A plastic pumpkin nearly had you choking at its price tag. Still, Halloween comes once a year, and while you weren't too well off with funds, you decided you could splurge, just this once.
After deciding your feeble budget was well over the limit, you went into the line for checkout. Part of you had started to question if you really should've gotten half of this stuff, but you were already in the line, so it's obviously far too late.
While waiting in line, you had been playing a mind rotting game on your phone, but you couldn't help but overhear some teenagers conversations.
"Did you hear about last Halloween?" One with a shrill voice asked, tone slightly hushed- not low enough for you not to hear.
"Well, duh. Everyone knows about it, you'd have to be stupid not to know what happened. Do you think there'll be parties this year?! God, I hope so, I totally need to-"
You stopped listening after that. You slightly hoped that they'd go more into detail, since you are absolutely clueless about what happened last Halloween. Hell, your last Halloween consisted of you stuck at your previous office job, before you got a better job opportunity here.
Too lost in your thoughts, you missed the cashier signalling you over to her. Only after a loud, and extremely annoyed 'next' came from her, you realised you were holding up the line.
"Oh, shit. Sorry," You whispered, an embarrassed heat settling on your cheeks.
You placed all your items on the conveyor belt, the woman scanning all of your things with an incredible speed. It was impressive, considering the fact that she was quite an older woman.
"You're still celebrating this year?"
Staring at her dumbly for a moment, you figured she was talking about Halloween.
"Yeah, is there a reason I shouldn't?" You hoped your tone wasn't rude, you were just curious as to why everyone, so far, has been avoiding Halloween. Usually, the holidays aisle is packed full of people, you would have to fight for your life just to get a bag of candy. You did find it strange how you and a few others were the only ones in the aisle.
"Just a year ago we had this deranged son of a bitch- I forget his name," She turned towards the younger man who was bagging your items, who whispered something to her.
You found it odd how she would forget such a key part of the story, but you blamed her old age.
"yeah, yeah.. That Michael Myers guy. He went and killed some people, ain't his first time, neither."
You giggled, there's no way. If that were true, why haven't you heard more about him? A town as small as this, you were sure everyone would be talking about it.
Taking your card from the chip reader, (and not bothering to see the balance) you took your bags and rolled your eyes. If that was an attempt at a horror story, this lady needed some serious work.
"One good scare, right?" You smiled, grabbing your receipt from the woman. She didn't bother saying anything else to you.
Hurrying back to your car, the chill winds stinging what exposed skin they could as you walked. It felt nice, though. The cool air rushing through you, a small breath able to be visible into smoky wisps that dissipate instantly. You weren't a huge fan of shivering violently, but you did enjoy the scenery of autumn.
Shoving your bags into the backseat, you sighed as you sat down in your car. Placing your forehead on the steering wheel, you sighed shakily. You didn't want to actually think this woman's horror story could be true, and while you were thankful she spared the gruesome details of his murders, you at least wanted to know what he looked like. Well, a small part of you did...
Turning your key, you heard the engine make it's usual bursts of sounds. But you didn't hear the hum of the car spring to life, like it always did.
You weren't worried, your car did this on occasion. It was cold out, you probably should've warmed it up, so you put aside the thought that your car could be screwed.
Turning the key countless times, you nearly cheered once you heard the thrum of the engine. You knew your car wouldn't give up on you, at least for another few months...
Pulling into the small driveway, you kicked the car door shut. You grabbed as much bags as your hands and arms could handle, you didn't want to come back.
Miraculously placing all the bags hooks onto your arms, you went over to your door, pushing the key into the slot. You struggled with it for a moment, before realising that the door was already unlocked.
You did lock the door, right?
Classic case of 'I swear I locked the door', you thought nothing of it. Besides, you were too far away for anyone to rob you, and if someone did, you had decent insurance. And there weren't any obvious signs of a break-in, so you had no reason to think that someone could actually be in your house.
Practically throwing your bags onto the floor, you rubbed your arms, the weight of the bags making them sting. The plush of the coat did help a bit.
Kicking your shoes off and tossing your coat up on a chair in the kitchen, you threw yourself onto the comfortable confines of your couch. You could put the items away in a few minutes, you wanted to relax, just for a little while.
Scrolling through social media to find your friends accounts, you were happy they were doing well. You missed them all like crazy, but this job opportunity was too good to pass up. Plus, you got this house for a pretty cheap price, and you called them up from time to time.
Turning off your phone, you stretched your tired limbs. The tendons and muscles sighing in bliss. You looked at the dark screen of your phone, able to see your reflection. You cleaned some fingerprints and smudges off, and squinted at it. You must be seeing things, because it looked like someone was standing right behind you.
Taking a moment to turn around, you were surprised your neck didn't snap. You sighed, you needed some sleep. Now you're seeing imaginary people standing around you.
Haphazardly placing all your grocery items away, you groggily climbed up the stairs. You yawned as you entered your room, changing into baggy pyjama pants and a plain shirt. One of your favourite parts of being alone included your ditched bra on the ground. You smiled climbing underneath the comforter, ignoring the feeling of becoming too hot too quickly.
Also ignoring the feeling that someone was watching you.
You tried to succumb to the dire need for sleep, but your mind and body just didn't let you. Was it because of the coffee you drank earlier? Or maybe you were sleeping in a weird position... Whatever it was, it bothered you too much to a degree where you actually could not fall asleep.
Opening your eyes, your setting didn't change much, except for the stripe of light that poured in from under your door. But, you turned off that light, you surely remember that.
With what little light you had, you found your phone, the brightness making your eyes squint. The light from your phone alone was able to illuminate most of your room, and you finally connected the dots.
You did lock your door.
You did turn that light off.
Somebody was watching you.
And that somebody was looming over you, large kitchen knife, your kitchen knife in hand. You got up quickly, the man above you slashing your thigh. A scream died in your throat as you cried. You scrambled for the door, somehow prying it open and rushing down the stairs.
You questioned if that lady from the grocery store was actually telling you the truth. You felt stupid, throwing all caution to the wind. After noticing your door was, in fact, unlocked, you should've went over to your neighbours, or someone else. Alas, you made the mistake to not note multiple things wrong, and here you were, paying the price.
You held the cut on your thigh, it wasn't too deep, but it hurt like absolute hell. You sobbed quietly as you limped to your coat. If this notorious murderer wanted your house, it's his. You blamed the lack of decorations outside your house as a 'yeah, come on in' sort of message. He was most likely deterred by the other houses fully immersed in orange lights and jack-o-lanterns, that he chose your boring house instead.
Why he was even here is the question of the century. You were terrified, but you recognised the idea that freaking out as a serial killer is after you was not the best idea.
Pulling your jacket on, you had no idea where your keys were. You cried after checking all the usual spots, cursing your disorganised lifestyle.
Hearing a familiar jingle once you ruffled your jacket, you sighed. You put them in your damn coat pocket.
Not noticing he was right behind your clueless figure, you somehow dodged his grasp, your arm not being so lucky as it was a victim of another cut. You shouldn't have bought new knives.
You pried open the door and rushed to your car, slamming the door shut and fumbling with your keys. For a person who only walks to go after someone, this guy was quick.
You heard the engine, but it wasn't its usual array of sounds. No, this one was an 'I'm fucked, you should've gotten me checked by a mechanic.' kind of noise.
"Come on, please, please... Fuck, not now, come on!" You screamed, figuring turning the key harshly as fast as you could would do the trick.
The man easily caught up to you, unnecessarily breaking your cars window, and grabbing your hair and pulling it. The pain exploded throughout your entire scalp as you yelled in agony. You instinctively clawed at his hand, internally wincing after noticing he had a couple of fingers missing.
You pushed the car door open, causing him to back him up and loosen his grasp. You nearly fell out of the drivers seat, holding the excessively bleeding cut on your thigh tightly.
"Don't, p-please..! Please..." You whimpered, not even being able to run away. You felt pathetic, you should've been like a Final Girl in this situation- but you had no plot armour, instead you were cushioned with the bittersweet sense of reality.
He approached you, stumbling. You hadn't injured him, and, until now, you hadn't gotten a good look at him. He was huge, sculpted to absolute perfection. He nearly fell into you, missing his target with your knife. You pushed your hands onto his chest, feeling a warm substance stain your hands.
It was blood.
But it wasn't your blood.
You didn't realise it instantly, but you knew. It wasn't yours, it just didn't look the same. Maybe a shade darker, but it didn't come from you.
It was his.
You felt as it was impossible for such a man to actually be injured, but you figured that he just came from doing illicit things, things that you didn't want to know.
"Hey, hey, I can fix it. The," You gagged, the smell of copper and other grime flooding your nostrils, the scent of death. "the injuries. I can make it feel better- you, feel better..." You lied, not having the courage to look up at him. You thought if he saw the terror in your eyes, he could figure out your ulterior motives.
"Just, come follow me..." You grabbed his hand, his good hand, and led him into your house. You were amazed with the idea that you were letting a mass murderer into your home, and that you promised you were going to fix him up. You had zero knowledge about basic first aid, and his injuries looked anything but basic. Most of them looked like they could get infected if he didn't get the proper care, and that was what you could see on him.
"Okay, sit down here," You pointed to a wooden chair in your kitchen. It seemed like he preferred your newly purchased couch instead. You resisted the urge to scream at him and mourn at the loss of your couch, but you were more concerned with the potential loss of your life.
You climbed the stairs as quickly as you could, nearly forgetting where your bathroom was. You opened every cabinet, grabbing whatever resembled first aid. You didn't have much, an old bottle of hydrogen peroxide, petroleum jelly, and a dingy roll of bandages. Thankfully, it wasn't too old, as you remembered extremely aged hydrogen peroxide would lose its 'healing power'.
Carefully you made your decent down the stairs, walking into your laundry room to grab a hamper to put the items in. You didn't want him to get his bloody laundry all over your floor.
Trying your absolute best to appear calm, you sat on the edge of the couch, right next to him. Being in a well lit room, you finally noticed that his terrifying face, was in fact, not his face. He donned a white Halloween mask, which looked quite burned. You took note of how the latex used to mesh with his skin due to the melting. You reached out to touch the faint burn scar just shy of his Adam's apple. It looked mostly healed, now a ring of healed skin cells surrounded his neck. It could've healed better, no doubt. You didn't think he knew how to deal with such an injury of that magnitude on his own. You continued to absentmindedly caress the healed scar on his neck, only halting once you took note of what an embarrassing action you were engaging in. It seems he shockingly didn't mind, though.
He sat perfectly still, you thought for a second he actually passed away. But you noticed the soft rise and fall of his chest. He was still breathing, and you weren't going to get away so easily.
You saw your knife still in his impossibly tight grasp, there was no way you would get any closer to him if he still had that blade.
"Could you, ya know..." You motioned to the kitchen utensil, though it clearly was something else to him. "Please, I," You sighed, your breath shaky while your cheeks were stained with tears.
He loosened his grip on the smooth end of the handle. You, like anyone in this perfectly normal situation, thought that if he agreed with you, he'd move the knife on his own. But you quickly made the connection that he wanted you to take it from him- or maybe you were reading too deep into this.
You made a move closer to his relaxed hand, slowly outstretching your arm to not look like you'd do anything stupid. The last thing you needed was for him to think you were going to try something.
You figured it would be better to tend to him yourself, instead of asking him to help you. It already looked like he was quite stubborn, but the issue was that he was hurt pretty badly.
Unzipping his mechanics coveralls, you quietly gasped at the sight of him. He was surprisingly toned, and even more surprising to you, he was an older man. The bruised skin scattered with snowy chest hair. You unconsciously raked your fingernails through his taut chest gently, muttering out an apology once you noticed his stomach flex. You retracted your hand like you'd been caught by a flame. You blamed the loss of blood for your idiotic action.
Unzipping it further, you quickly stopped at his impressive v-line. You nearly started to drool, embarrassingly looking away at the very noticeable bulge in his coveralls. You traced the veins that led to his hardening cock with your eyes, desperately wanting to unzip the garment further.
You couldn't.
He had so many deep gashes on him, some of them being rather fresh, but the majority were older scars. You saw how many of those old scars were recovered bullet holes. You lost count too many times. Could he even be killed..? Not like you could be the one to do it, anyway.
You flipped the hydrogen peroxide lid open and placed a fluffy cotton ball under the steady stream. "It'll sting." You whispered, pressing the ball to an opened wound on his shoulder.
Not even having the chance to blink, you felt his hand tangle in your hair once more, slamming you against your coffee table. You wailed as you felt the pain radiating on one side of your skull.
"I'm sorry! I t-told you it would sting a bit! I'm sorry," You repeated yourself countless times, fearing that now was the moment he'd be fed up with you, and kill you.
It seemed like he wanted to do exactly that, but with the amount of injuries he had sustained, his aim wasn't the best. He flipped you over and grabbed your knife, but instead of cutting your clavicle, like you thought he had intended, he sliced your shirt right down the middle. Maybe he did it on purpose, too.
Your head was spinning, small black spots filling your vision. You tried your best not to pass out, since you had no idea what he'd do once you were unconscious. You didn't even know that your shirt was cut.
Until he touched you.
It wasn't a threatening touch, to your amazement. It was like how you'd touched him earlier, gently and somewhat uncoordinated. Pressing down your sternum, he fondled your breast a little harshly, a hitch in your breath that was painfully obvious to the both of you.
It was clear that he, at first, did not know what he was really doing. A somewhat clumsy squeeze here and there. But watching your many reactions just to the slight brush of his fingers against your nipple spurred him on.
You didn't want to let him know you slightly enjoyed this, it felt wrong. It was wrong. You were starting to want a man who had done evil things, a man who had no problem hurting you. Yet, here you were, laying under him, melting into his touch.
You couldn't bite back a mewl when he had accidentally, or so you thought, caught your nipple between his thick fingers. It shocked you how quickly he was learning how to play your body, strumming it perfectly in return to hear you sing.
Focused on the pleasurable feelings coming from the man above, you were utterly caught off guard when he had slashed just below your navel. You cried out, your mind not being able to handle the continuous onslaught of two radically different feelings.
Suddenly, you grabbed his hand, not showing any emotion to your unanticipated touch, he looked down at you expectantly. You stared into the dark eyeholes of his mask, almost able to see his eyes.
"Are you going to kill me?"
Your voice swayed, more tears escaping from your wide eyes. Your pupils were blown out of fear, your heart hammering in your chest. You wondered if he could hear it, but a small part of you knew he did.
He got off of you, returning to his spot on the couch. You had no idea where the sudden spur of arousal came from within him. You didn't want to acknowledge the uncomfortable heat that pooled in your abdomen.
You had some trouble of your own getting up, he had done some serious damage to you. You knew you couldn't tend to either of your injuries. But seeing his many healed wounds, you figured he would survive to see another day. While you on the other hand, needed medical attention. If he wasn't a seemingly invincible killer, you would most definitely suggest that he come with you.
You didn't want to sleep in this house, as long as he was here with you. You left the 'medical' supplies on the coffee table, trying to leave to your room. You felt a large hand wrap around your fragile wrist. You flinched at the feeling, looking at him with a terrified expression.
"I'm just going to be upstairs. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry, and," You lost your train of thought, feeling woozy and nauseous. "sorry, if you need to shower, bathroom is upstairs. If you need anything from me, you know where my room is." You prayed he didn't need anything.
Wobbling up the stairs, you nearly collapsed on your bed. You would buy new bedsheets and a comforter another day, since you bloodied everything below you already. You really needed to go to a hospital, you hadn't known how much blood you'd lost. You hoped you didn't have a concussion, either.
You figured you could leave after he fell asleep, so you lay perfectly still in your bed. You couldn't take your car, even if it would start, the process was way too loud. It would probably wake him up. You opened your phone, quickly downloading a generic ride service app. You scheduled a ride for a bit later, figuring he should be asleep by then.
Pushing your phone under your pillow, you turned to your side. Trying to ignore the cut on your thigh, being the deepest cut he made on you. Facing the wall, you heard your door open. You nearly stopped breathing, your heart beating rampantly against your rib cage.
Hearing his heavy footsteps nearing you, your eyes screwed shut, trying to appear as you were asleep. You felt his asymmetrical touch on your hip, lifting the comforter from you. You tried your best to lay still, attempting to slow your breathing.
Feeling his good hand run through the gash on your thigh, you nearly screamed at the burning sensation. He manipulated your blood into his hand, smearing it across your still exposed sternum. You felt him continue to paint your body with a beautiful shade of carmine, and all you could do was lay there, and try not to weep.
As abruptly as this situation had happened, it ended. He left without a single word, as you were used to. You didn't question why he was silent, not wanting to converse with a man who kills.
You desperately wanted to shower, ridding the mixture of blood on your body. Deciding it was a good idea, you grabbed a dark towel, not wanting to dirty it with your blood.
Grabbing your phone to check the time, you cursed, tossing your towel onto your dirtied bed when you saw a notification saying your driver was outside. There was no way he would be asleep, considering the fact that he was just in your room a few minutes ago. But you needed to go, and you could just sneak out the back, hopefully without him noticing.
Wiggling out of your bloodied clothing, you pulled on some loose clothes, as not to agitate your cuts. The bleeding on your arm and underneath your navel had slowed, or even stopped, but the cut on your thigh had crimson still flowing steadily. You could get it stitched relatively quickly, and be back before he realised you were even gone.
What were you thinking?
You had still wanted to come back to this home, with that man in it. Your only thoughts should be run, run as far as you possibly could. You should call the police the second you got in the car.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't believe how shitty you looked. Your blood was smudged all over your skin, painting yourself in a deep crimson. Your hair was disheveled, your cheeks stained with tears. Shades of indigo rung around your eyes, the whites of your sclera was now an angry red.
Pulling your shirt down to cover the mess, you fixed your hair as best as you could, and as quietly as possible, left your room.
Every creak of the door and floorboards had you fearing for your life. Was he around the corner? Holding your knife and ready to finally end you?
Bending and twisting your body to make your way across the hall as quietly as possible, you began to get giddy once you snatched your coat. Sneaking downstairs, turning to look at your couch, seeing two large legs hang off the armrest. You smiled, the tall man looking comical on your tiny settee. A bit of you actually found it kind of cute.
Leaving through the back door while craning your neck to check your back, you made it out to your driver. Pulling open the door and cringing at it's squeaking hinges, you sat in the backseat.
The driver was all too talkative, blabbing about his previous customers. While you would've been happy to falsely engage with him in conversation- you simply had no energy to do so. Only when he turned to see you all marked up did he shut his mouth and focus on the roads.
Your battered skin was surrounded by a hazy glow from your phone, your finger shaking on the last digit. If you called the police, all your problems- your problem, would disappear. Your lonesome digit continued to hover over the final 'one'. It would be so easy, just a shout of your address and it was over.
But you couldn't.
There was something holding you back, the thought that maybe- just maybe- he was a confused old man. A confused old man who killed some people.
The thought that he killed people was bothersome enough, but furthermore, he was after you. Or rather, the fact that he wasn't after you, was most concerning. And when he had touched you, God- it felt absolutely phenomenal. Even if he hadn't been the most harmonised with your body yet, he would fine tune his touches soon enough. You had no issue teaching him.
You lagged for a minute before noticing you wanted, actually wanted, him to touch you. Had you been that touch starved, that you wanted someone who murders others for no reason?!
Yes you have been.
Thanking the man and paying him a nice tip (and hopefully not bloodying his seats), you hobbled over to the front of the hospital, chatting with a woman who was clacking away on her computer.
"Hello." A flat greeting, her eyes not leaving whatever was on her computer screen.
You had no clue how you were even standing, no doubt thanks to the endorphins creating an analgesic feeling throughout you.
Thanks to you not saying a single thing to the woman, she tore her eyes off her computer and took a look at you. Judgement pierced your soul, her nose crinkled, typing something.
She asked for some insurance and basic patient information, to which you were barely able to give her. You just wanted to awake from this hell of a nightmare already.
Half-assing pretty much everything the woman had to do with you, she chirped out something that was too cheery for you to understand, while clasping a wristband around you.
Another woman came out, ushering you over to a room, offering water and other nice things with a soothing tone. You practically melted into her while she helped you onto the bed.
You didn't even feel the torturous invasive prick of the intravenous drip sticking out of your arm. The nurse began to question you- how you got your injuries and such.
She seemed rather concerned, and she had a right to feel such a way! You looked like quite the patient- all bloody and bruised.
You for sure could not say 'a mass murderer snuck into my house, and he almost killed me. But instead of killing me, he started feeling me up.' or else the nurse would look at you as if you were insane. You totally weren't, you were just having recurring sexual thoughts about a man who has been trying to kill you. The way he had touched you, it wasn't a complete oddity that you were having these thoughts.
You quickly racked your brain for any shitty excuse, "I think someone tried to rob me, I don't remember much... I'm sorry." You didn't have the capacity to become your inner actor.
"Oh, no sweetie! You don't have to be sorry 'bout a darn thing!" She took your hand, her smooth index finger rubbing over the gaps of your knuckles.
She offered you a dark hospital gown, leaving the room so you can change.
You hurled your old clothes on a spare seat in the cramped room, messily tying the back of the gown before laying on the bed. You hadn't even given reality a fair chance to settle in. You could've been dead, you should've been dead. You were starting to feel, actual emotions. The number one hard-hitter being absolute agony- both physically, and especially mentally.
You hadn't felt the tears that began their inevitable flow, streaming in steady rivulets down your cheeks. You embraced it, silently weeping, curling in on yourself on the uncomfortable hospital bed.
"You doin' alright?"
Not noticing the doctor and his assistant, you became extremely embarrassed. You wanted to scream no, to shake him back and forth and tell him everything that's happened. Inhaling shakily, you dug up some generic dialogue, "Sorry, just.. shaken up, I guess." You sniffed, rubbing the itchy corner of your eyes. The two began to comfort you, assuring you were safe.
The man began to explain what he was going to do, check your injuries, your body. He asked you if you were comfortable with it, and you told him everything was fine. You wanted him to fix you, and that's what he was going to do.
He asked you to show your injuries, you started with your worst one- right in the centre of your thigh. He showed true commiseration towards you, which had been slightly unwanted. His assistant handed you a cup of sweet juice and downed it quickly, your burning throat soothing instantly. You whispered your appreciation.
The doctor began to clean and stitch up your cut, simply bandaging the other slashes. He checked you out for a concussion, ordering some scans. He asked you if you were well off enough to walk on your own, you guaranteed him you were fine.
After getting a reassurance that you were somewhat healthy, and clearly very shaken up, the doctor left you to sleep. He told you to press the immensely sized red button that was labeled 'nurse', in capital white letters if you needed anything. Feeling a little uncomfortable to plainly summon somebody into your room, you wouldn't need to press the button anytime soon.
Before the doctor left, you quickly request nobody come into your room lest you press the button. He nodded, somewhat hesitantly.
You didn't want to go home, fear that he was still in your house. You were terrified of the medical bill of an overnight stay, but you hoped your insurance would assist heavily.
Nuzzling into the itchy linens and sheets, you easily drifted off to much needed rest, the blocky pillow not helping much...
Slowly but surely getting dragged from your sleep, you felt a stinging sensation on your thigh. No doubt the rawness of your stitches and the antiseptic that seeped into your sensitive cut.
You felt it.
Felt him.
Maybe it was the nurse, checking on your fatigued figure. You needed to stop making these scenarios in your head and accept what was truly going on.
"How did you.." You whispered, feeling the damned unbalanced touch of his heavy hand. You knew he came to finish the job, too disturbed to think of how he had found you- relatively quick, too.
Realising that, you were indeed, in a public place, you took a sharp inhale. He knew you were trying to scream, the flat of his blade pressing against your carotid artery. You shut up after that.
Moving slowly, you snaked your arm to the back of the hospital bed, grabbing the nurse call button. You felt it, the shiny exterior brush by your fingertips.
He took it from you, destroying it with impressive strength. The veins and tendons of his hand flexing. Your thighs squeezed together, feeling a surge of excitement blast throughout your body- you felt disgusting.
Your pupil devoured your irises, you were fucking terrified. Your breath quivered with every inhale, you couldn't think right. You looked him over, still wearing his dark coveralls. You noticed some bandages on him, feeling a bit sad that you couldn't put them on him yourself. Looking lower, then immediately higher after seeing something you shouldn't have, your face set aflame.
He was hard. He was enjoying this, instilling fear into you.
You couldn't help but start to drool at the evident print in his coveralls, growing excited seeing how large he was.
He tore the old blanket off of your shivering body, not because of the cold, no. He knew why.
Not bothering to use the knife, which was still yours, he ripped your cheap hospital gown, exposing your breasts once more.
Not taken aback by the slightest, he ran his thumbs over your pert nipples, feeling your breasts push flush against his hands- thanks to your body arching in response to his minuscule and fumbling touches.
You couldn't take anymore of his teasing, slithering your trembling hand lower and lower, feeling your sopping cunt. You didn't want to pay attention to how you were so wet so fast.
But you couldn't help but know that you hopelessly wanted him. You wanted him to absolutely ruin you.
Biting back a gasp once you slipped a finger inside your begging hole, you felt him continue to pinch and grope your breasts. Squishing them harshly, then swapping to an experimental knead. It all had you shuddering against him.
He stopped, watching your pleasureful expressions, even after he had quit touching you. He looked at your free hand, then the other that was occupied with your pussy. Seizing your hand quickly, he looked at the slick that covered your quivering digits.
"It's because of.. you." You whimpered, thighs clenching, attempting to slow the mess of your arousal on them. You assumed in such a situation, it'd be best to tell him what he wanted to hear.
Eyeing your dripping pussy, he spread your thighs further, wanting a better view. You gasped when his finger grazed against your slit, your warmth gaping over nothing. You needed him to fill you.
Accidentally bumping against your clit, you felt lightning strike through you, involuntarily jolting against his touch.
"Fuck, right there," You gasped, taking his hand and pushing it against your clit. He wrapped his free hand around your frail throat, cutting the steady flow of oxygen through your lungs. You quickly got the message that he did not like being told what to do, and you knew you had zero rights to give him orders.
Holding his hand against your throat, you looked down at his large hand against your pussy, cupping your hot sex. You bit your lip, rocking your hips against his hand, trying to get any kind of friction. He retracted his lower hand, using it to unzip his coveralls. You eyed the fabric until it gently flitted to the ground, revealing his large cock.
You silently gasped, your mouth open dumbly. Your abdomen tightened, the warm palpitation of your pussy becoming wildly uncomfortable.
He gave a few hard squeezes to your neck, causing your head to spin. You gazed to his large and dangerous hand, holding his heavy dick in hand. It was so thick, and his girth had you nearly begging for him.
Kneeling on the small cot and feeling him inch closer towards your needy being, you started to grow nervous that it couldn't support his massive frame. He grabbed his cock, lining his engorged tip to your cunt.
He slid his cock against your slit, coating his length with your slick. You hissed lowly, trying to encourage him to push into you by moving your hips.
The grip on your neck tightened as he shoved himself in quickly, causing you to scream out. A large hand over your loud mouth, you moaned and mewled against his palm. The stretch of his dick painful, but fuck, it felt so good. Being this full, his fat cock dragging against your gummy walls slowly. You were tight, too tight for him, to the point where you were uncomfortable. Your cunt hugging him as he tried to slam back into you.
He couldn't fit entirely, his cock already kissing your cervix. You cried out against his palm as you clawed the back of his hand. His cock breaking you open as he continued to pierce you with his length.
Your eyes rolled back, the pain blurred by the immense bliss he was giving you. His dick filling you to the brim as the lewd squelching sounds of your pussy sucking him back in filled the small room.
Muffled moans came from your mouth as he continued to stuff you full of him, his hips slamming against your own as you stared where the two of you were conjoined.
He leaned closer to you, all that was audible to you-that weren't your own noises, was his heavy breathing. It made you clench tighter around him, knowing that your body was impacting him. You whimpered feeling his cock swell deeper inside you.
Harshly flipping you around, his hand raked through your hair, gripping it tightly as he pushed you into the cot, fucking you deeper and deeper into the hospital bed.
You screamed into the linens as his cock pushed against that utterly magical part inside of you- making you see stars as you convulsed around him, finishing on his cock as you squealed as quietly as you could. The bliss quickly turned once he continued to slam into you, your overshot nerves begging for a break. You wailed against the sheets, your velvety walls squeezing his heavy cock inside of you.
You felt him silence you when he pushed your head against the cot further, his thrusts still relentless. You persisted with the sounds, the pleasure doubling once he memorised that bundle of nerves nestled inside of you, hitting it with unknown accuracy.
Turning you over once more, both of his huge hands on either side of your hips, biting marks into the soft and smooth flesh. He growled deeply, his thrusts slowing, but still powerful. You looked up into the empty eyeholes of his mask, the pale moonlight that snuck in from the curtains illuminating the black holes. You gasped, looking deeply into the mismatch of his eyes, beautiful blue, while the other iris had milky splotches, you couldn't quite tell if it was scarred, too.
His pupils were enlarged, irises swallowed whole. His eyes made you shake with want, whimpering against him. His eyes showed there was a beast harboured deep within, ready to pounce on you at any given time, sinking its teeth into you. You shivered and looked at his pectorals instead.
Keening in on you, he groaned under the mask, pumping his cock into your wanton pussy. Again and again, he pressed against your cervix, making your toes curl and back arch. You moaned and mewled, a symphony of sounds just for him.
"Oh, oh f-fuck..!" You sighed, anchoring onto the corner of the bed as he continued to rail into you at an unforgiving speed.
Your knuckles blanched as your grip on the bedsheets was ridiculously tight, your eyes screwed shut, wailing out as you felt your orgasm wash over you once more. It felt phenomenal as you cried against him, insides dragging him deeper while you hugged his cock tightly.
His thrusts stuttered, hands squeezing your hips harder, eliciting a whimper from you. He doubled over, body pushing into your own. Shoving himself deeply into you one last time, he finished deep inside of you with a groan.
He pulled out of you slowly, pearlescent cum leaking out of your abused cunt. He wasted no time in stuffing it back into you, hearing you gasp in surprise.
You lay on the hospital bed, chest rising and falling quickly, your tits moving with every breath. He squeezed your breasts and pinched your nipples to get another reaction out of you. Asshole.
Not wanting the realisation of having sexual intimacy with a serial killer set in, you curled into the bed, throwing the thin blanket over you.
You were absolutely exhausted, your mind only set on sleep. Snuggling against the uncomfortable bed once more, you painfully noticed once he had left. For your hairs were no longer bristled, your heart rate was calmed, the cold sweat had been absent.
You wanted him to stay.
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mistprints · 2 years
I was watching the news about how LA banned homeless encampments near schools, as well as how Nevada was demolishing tiny homes made for the homeless based on a technicality about square footage allowed..and like. People demonize the homeless and try to make other people see them as immoral and criminal. While the US needs to handle its homeless problem like every other developed nation, with housing and the opportunity to get employed again once back on their feet, demonizing them under the pretense of "think of the poor children" is not going to help anyone. "But why do they deserve to get free help? We are all struggling and it's their own fault they're homeless." So many homeless were veterans and people that had one bad month or one bad disaster that any one of us could have gone through. And to say they aren't deserving of help when we DO have the capacity to do so....well, we are constantly lied to that it would cost too much and that the everyday taxpayer would suffer. It costs us more in taxes when the city builds hostile architecture, and when these people get very sick from being outside and are taken to emergency rooms. We fund and throw money into programs that don't do anything to help people *out* of homelessness, just temporarily slap a bandaid on it. And while that isn't nothing, it is not what the end goal should be. It is a lie that people end up homeless only due to laziness. It's a lie that the majority of homeless people are homeless from laziness. In America, it is so damn expensive to live, that 70% of Americans are one disaster away from living on the streets. Some of these people had to choose between their house and live-saving medical treatment. The way we treat them is disgusting, like untouchables and we pretend they aren't there except when it comes to putting them out of sight. I've known people who were working 9 to 5 jobs while living out of homeless shelters still. The wages weren't enough to get them any sort of rent. The median rent right now is $2,000 here. $15 minimum wage isn't going to cut it. We are being conned and lied to about not getting more pay than that. This is a capitalist hellscape, hostile to working-class (everyone who is not the 1%) human life. It shouldn't and does not have to be like this. Higher taxes for free healthcare would cost less than a monthly premium we would no longer have to pay, but we don't talk about that. We keep getting gaslit by politicians whose motives are not in our best interest. They are bought out [read: bribed] to keep the status quo and make the rich richer while ignoring our crumbling infrastructure, a predatory housing crisis, flagging wages, environmental crisis for the future of humanity, and healthcare. We fail at everything except profits, which get directly funneled to this vague "rich" class and hoarded. And more people will become homeless while the rest have a worse and worse quality of life. This is not sustainable. There are several things that could be done to fix these issues in a decade at most; I could narrow it down to 5 broad ones:
Raising the minimum wage -honestly one of the most effective ways to give the working class more spending money. Wages have not grown with the rest of the economy in decades. We work harder for less.
Capping Rent universally -can be adjusted for the cost of living in each city, but cannot exceed 30% of the minimum paycheck. ideally for at least 3 years. We also should not allow companies to buy up homes for sale in mass so they can rent them out eternally.
Universal Healthcare -take out the insurance company middle man. it is cheaper for everyone even for those that don't have health insurance (because we pay with higher taxes for high-risk people such as the homeless when they are taken in for dire situations.)
Education Reform -The American school system is deeply flawed. The curriculum has not been updated since the 60s. We fall far behind much of the world. This would include language classes and equitable funding for all departments. Ideally, this would include daycare too.
Environmental Action -Probably the hardest one to tackle and with a time crunch. This goes hand in hand with infrastructure reform; the energy grid wastes a ton of power because of how old and crumbling it is. Water infrastructure is also in danger with the recent droughts part of the country is seeing and the floods in the other. Reducing carbon emissions, using the other better and available energy options...I could make a whole post about this alone because it is what I majored in, but requires a lot more than just switching the lights we use and saving energy. This is bigger than just a consumer-level problem, and the biggest polluters are a handful of companies that ruin the environment, reap the benefits and keep them, then put the environmental costs on all of us. They need to be strictly regulated and required to change wasteful and environmentally harmful practices; and not just with carbon offsets.
our issues are way more complicated and numerous, and I do have more ideas on smaller issues too. But I think handling these would significantly impact the others to raise the quality of life here. We have to divert from the path we are charging down, because not all Americans are the bigoted and ignorant people shown all over the news. A majority of us want the best for each other and to live our lives rather than just survive until we die. Many don't know what to do to begin to change things and can't afford to even leave while a handful of men in powerful offices toy with people's lives all over the world just because they can and have the guns to force the rest of us into thinking we are powerless against them. They keep us divided and uninformed and we often get to choose between a bad and horrible choice for who ends up in charge.
If anyone reads this and wonders what they can do, the biggest impact an individual can do is vote. Vote in people that will make these things happen and who aren't being paid on the side to work for corporate and stock and pharmaceutical and defense industry interests. Vote in your primaries so that when the big decision finally comes, we aren't left with the worst options. Don't let them scare you and don't let them destroy the shreds of democracy we have left.
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raleighliving · 4 years
Raleigh Apartment Culture
So I'm of the mind that Raleigh is a great place to live. It has my favorite things, my favorite people, and I'm too broke to move anywhere else.
Raleigh works for me, but I recognize it doesn't work for everyone. Some people had less than ideal childhoods and wanna escape the state ASAP, some just want to live closer to their dream jobs or have new opportunities. That's all fine, but what if this describes where you are now?
What if, for the sake of argument, you're outside of NC and wanna move in? Moving is expensive, time-consuming, and risky at the best of times; so you wanna make sure that wherever you're landing is at least as good as where you started 90% of the time
"But RL," I hear you say, "you make Raleigh sound like an idyllic dreamscape populated with parks and a diverse kumbayah of peoples living in harmony"
I do talk about Raleigh in a positive light but, like a life saving medicine flavored like ass, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.
So before you spend thousands of dollars on moving vans, boxes, and grits; here's a crash course on what it's like living in a Raleigh apartment, coming from someone whose majority of Raleigh Living (heh) has been in apartments.
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First off, location. Any realtor will tell you that location is 80% of the sale to sound profound, and as anyone who has lived in the middle of ass-backward nowhere can tell you: It sucks having to drive 30 minutes to go anywhere.
Good news: With the Raleigh Beltline and connecting roads, there are very few places in Raleigh where your trip will last longer than thirty minutes one-way. Bad News: where you set down still matters because cutting down on travel is important for car and mental health.
North Raleigh is different from south Raleigh is different from northwest Raleigh, and the locals aren't the only difference you'll find between locations. Each segment of Raleigh has something to offer, with easier access to some attractions than others and neighboring cities for when you need something outside the RDU area.
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Using downtown as the center of our wheel, people generally divide Raleigh into North and South Raleigh (with distinction given for NW, SE, NE, etc when needed). N.Raleigh is considered generally more upscale, a slice of suburban living interspersed with plenty of shopping centers for families and the moderately wealthy; but it's boring as all hell.
Want some fun? Excitement in the evenings and a more traditional urban experience with bars, night clubs, strip clubs, and more? South Raleigh is your best bet, at the cost of being the "sketchy" side of Raleigh. That kind of place where you'll see a bunch of auto shops that look abandoned but haven't been closed in the past 5 years and there's at least one customer from time to time.
Of course, this is a lot of generalizing but you'll find that it's still mostly accurate. The main exception in this is Capital Blvd, a highway cutting across north and south Raleigh on the eastern half of the city; a high crime corridor that's undergoing some changes in the northern half that have (somewhat) reduced crime but most people will still associate that area with the majority of Raleigh's crime and debauchery.
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More importantly, is the distinction Raleigh citizens put on inside the beltline versus outside the beltline. The I-440 and 540 highways that wrap around Downtown form the mythical beltline, and to a degree what you have access to. Inside the beltline is the majority of workplaces, stores, and shopping centers; while outside you'll still have these things just to a more... dispersed extent.
North Raleigh actually kinda exemplifies this perfectly. Living inside the beltline, you have access to places like North Hills, Crabtree Valley mall, and Triangle Town Center. Live outside the beltline, like I currently am, and you're looking at 10 to 15 minutes to the nearest sheetz for that late night double hot dog fix.
So for point one: How important is it that you're near things? The majority of apartments and rental properties are in or around the belt-line, but if you want to save some cash on rent checks the cheaper properties are gonna extend your trips a bit.
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Next, what can you expect in terms of neighbors? Does Raleigh have a hip party scene full of teens renting cheap apartments and blasting trap music at 3AM?
Depends on where you live
I swear not every point is going to be this, but there's an important distinction this time that affects the type of people your complex will likely have surrounding you; are you in North or South Raleigh?
North Raleigh has a ton of pre-schools, k-12 public schools (Leesville, Hillburn, Lead Mine, just to name a few), and office complexes that make up the job market. As a result the majority of apartment renters in north Raleigh tend to be families with a few small kids or so.
As a result, living off of Glenwood North and Edwards Mill I never had any noise problems from neighbors, the worst being kids playing outside at 3PM sounding like they were being murdered (which apparently is a common thing and I apologize to any neighbors I frightened with ghastly shrieks).
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What I did have a problem with, however, was the typical Karen's you hear people complain about online. Renting a property now, we have access to our neighborhood's NextDoor page and it's hilarious sometimes to go on and read the comments, but living at a certain property we had a sort of mini-Facebook for residents
That thing was always full of either people who were moving out looking to sell their furniture or people passive-aggressively challenging each other/the apartment managers with comments about things happening around the complex.
Once I logged in to see one man accuse another, without ever actually accusing someone specific ("I know who did it and they should be ashamed" type post) of putting glass beer bottles under the tires of his truck to try and puncture them. Everyone acts civil in public, but then online they'll stir the pot harder than a chef with a hand mixer.
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South Raleigh, you have the schools like Shaw University, Meredith, and NCSU; so the people renting down there are typically college kids. You'll see more apartments that cater towards them like University Village or University Woods, but sometimes these places will cater to both college kids and working adults
Avoid these places like the plague, because despite sometimes having a lower cost to live there the neighbors and their shenanigans will drive you up the wall (unless you're the type to join in, then go wild).
I've had friends stay at places like University Village and The Proper (formerly The Vie, formerly Wolf Creek) who've shared horror stories. 3AM parties ending in property damage or vomit in inconvenient places, drug deals not even trying to be subtle, and maintenance workers doing nothing because regardless of the apartment conditions; no school's gonna pull their contract with them unless news articles start getting written.
Otherwise, south Raleigh apartments are largely like north Raleigh apartments; except the crime rate tends to be a little higher and you'll run into more singles and people working full time.
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Otherwise, Raleigh apartment culture is like apartment culture anywhere else in the country. You have a mix of apartments catering to those just looking to live versus more ostentatious luxury apartments with fancy pools, exercise facilities, and tech packages to draw people in.
If you're renting in Raleigh, however, do try to get a roommate or two if you can manage. Even with a decent job paying 800+ on a one bedroom one bath apartment can be exhausting at best, but with even one other person that can functionally halve your expenses
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So if you're a young professional, or a student, or even if you have a small family, I can safely recommend renting in Raleigh. There's plenty of places that'll accommodate you, and cater towards your needs.
But what about everyone else? Are there people who shouldn't rent in Raleigh?
But there are groups who I'd seriously ask to consider their other choices before picking Raleigh as a destination for their new home.
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For instance, are you a member of the LGBT community? A trans or non-binary individual? Well then, first off, I want you to know that you're loved and valid. I'm accepting of who you are and appreciate everyone's right to identify how they choose, but I'm not everyone.
Raleigh's bluer than other parts of North Carolina, as I've stated in other blog write-ups, but it's still part of North Carolina unfortunately and as a result, you'll face some challenges.
I doubt anyone's gonna burn a cross in your yard or knock over your mailbox, but Raleigh doesn't offer LGBT protections for housing, jobs, or credit/lending discriminations according to the Movement Advancement Project's website.
We have support organizations for LGBT and NB individuals, plenty of high schools and colleges have Gay-Straight Alliance clubs, and there are numerous businesses downtown that cater specifically to those individuals... but we're also the state that got into a lot of hot water because of a stupid bathroom bill, and our politicians are trying to pass anti-trans sports legislation (because they now magically care about the integrity of womens sports).
By that measure, but to a lesser extent, if you fall outside the Liberal/Conservative political spectrum then be prepared to have no one to discuss your politics with outside of a few sparse networks like the DSA.
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Additionally, if you don't have someone to room with or a significant other to split costs with; you may want to try searching somewhere a little cheaper.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Raleigh housing prices aren't terrible for a major metropolitan city, but we're not the best prices in the world.
You can get prices on apartments and rentals lower than say, California or New York. However, compared to other parts of NC like Greensboro or Garner; rentals are still a bit much.
On average, a Raleigh apartment can run you about $900 for a single bedroom and a single bathroom. You can find cheaper, but often times there's some risk associated (Crime levels, quality of the room, quality of the property manager, etc.) Looking for a two bedroom? Then your average price is gonna jump up to around $1,200, and this is all before utilities and cable come into play.
It's true a lot of companies around here will pay more than the $7.25 minimum wage, but most low-skilled jobs will pay around 10-11 an hour.
I guess though, that's kind of an obvious statement. "Don't live in Raleigh if you can't afford to live in Raleigh."
I might expand on these thoughts at a later time, but hopefully for now I've given you some food for thought; or at the very least an entertaining read for a few minutes.
I love my city, and I love the friends I've made in it, but the sad truth is that nowhere is perfect for everyone; leastways Raleigh. If Raleigh sounds like the kind of place you'd like to live in, at least take a day trip to come visit and see how things go that way. Visit some stores, meet some locals, and form an opinion off of more than travel blogs and youtube videos.
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blackfox-thorn · 4 years
consideration on witchcraft supplies and ethics (expecially for newbies and broke witches).
caveat emptor: brace yourself, this is a LONG post, but please if you could find your time to read it, me and planet Earth will appreciate. x
we have all been there; we start our journey into witchcraft and all of a sudden we find ourselves with that compelling need to buy 15 billion candles, herbs, crystals and the more you name them, the more there are.
I usually find so many posts that state that you must go with what you have, and you shouldn't mortgage your home or sell a kidney to buy witchcraft supplies.
and by all means, I stand by this.
however, I always had my concerns when I see such advice.
it is that advisable to buy crystals on wish.com and use plastics container to pursuing cheapness?
I know this may upset some, but here's my view:
I usually can talk with 10 different witchcraft practitioners and have 15 different way to practice witchcraft as a result (the beauty of confronting ❤).
however, 98% of the time, there is one common ground where we all stand: a deep respect for the environment, nature, mother earth or whatever we are going to call it.
is hard to believe that such a variegated world can (basically always) come down to this simple, yet so important topic, in finding a common ground.
now more than ever, as witchcraft practitioner, our role in preserving the environment should be key to us, because you know, let's state the obvious: if the environment collapse so does we.
and it seems that the human race is doing its best to make it collapse.
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but what does this has to do with witchcraft supplies?
well, let's go state the obvious again, shall we? every single object and material we use in our craft come from somewhere (you may call me 'captain obvious') and "somewhere" means from the planet earth in a more or less direct way.
when this is quite a straightforward observation when it comes to herbs for example, it may not come straight to our mind when we go on more "complex" items, such as candles, paper, strings, containers, crystals, etc. etc.
the truth is that every single object we use in our life (thus in our witchcraft practice) come from a more or less processed version of a material that is being harvested from the Earth.
it is exciting and frustrating at the same time to confront ourselves with the endless amount of tools we can take advantage of in our practices and, especially for early doors practitioner, it can be overwhelming to think to how much they "need" to buy.
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the truth is another story.
starting from a very basic principle, which is "you are the tool" (aka the magick is firstly within you), the first thing we need to remember and eventually assimilate as deeply believe, is that we don't need any tools.
you can see tools like a bicycle; if you have to go from A to B, and you have a bicycle, you'll go there faster.
however, you can still go there by feet.
but, if you start to train, and you build up your muscles and resistance, you will eventually be able to run from A to B and by all means, you'll be exactly on the same speed of those who use a bicycle, and guess what? if you were to use a bicycle after you train that hard, you will be able to smash any other competitor.
but let's not forget one extremely important thing: either way, it is you, and you only, that finished the run.
it's not the bicycle alone that brought you to B, but your muscles that pedalled it.
the bicycle alone, without any input on your side, will stay there.
so here, tools simplify our practice, but ultimately, if we are not able to direct and use the energies we want to work with, not even the fanciest, most ancient, most expensive tool ever created will do the job for you.
but we still haven't talked about the "ethics" connected with our choices and the inevitable impact on the environment.
before I delve into it, let me tell you that I KNOW.
I know because I've been there. I've been in the craft for the last 11 years of my life and - no surprise - I've been so broke.
yes, now I can make better choices and afford higher quality, but that's only because I've worked fo f*cking hard for them, and usually adulthood comes with its perks (aka: a better job).
I've been an extremely underpaid waitress and a not·much·better·paid barista.
I had to live for months with a weekly food shop budget of £20/£25 for two people, and have the constant worry that I might not have been able to pay rent for that month.
so I hear you, I hear you when you're broke and you just don't have the money for it, I hear and I know how it feels. x
however, even when I was terribly broke, I never compromised on my witchcraft.
but yes, I did compromise in my everyday life on everything else, because you know: rent & bills > everything else.
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when it comes down to witchcraft supplies, I always ask myself a few questions:
· do I really need that?
· does it have to be new?
· can I buy it ethically?
· what material is it made of? it is sustainable?
· can I make it / harvest it / grow it / find it / etc. myself?
· do I know where it comes from?
do I really need that?:
this should be literally the first question popping in your mind.
I will not go over the boringly long point I just made about tools, so I'll bring you a new one.
while there is no such BS as universal crystals/herbs that can substitute any others (although yes, certain herbs/crystal posses a broader spectrum of properties and you can indenfy them as 'master crystal/herb'), is true that many different herbs and crystals domain over similar aspects.
also, when it comes to witchcraft, the neighbour's grass is NOT greener (translation: look for local herbs rather than 'across·the·boarders' one).
let us take as example this bunch of herbs: thyme, basil, artemisia and elder.
those are all herbs that preside over the art of purification, yet each one has a very specific way of express itself upon it.
for example, thyme offers a specific aid against physical pain and thus is more adapt to purifications concerning the body.
basil is deeply connected with prosperity and love, and it's usually kept within the household to ensure its protection.
artemisia is the excellence when it comes to purification of objects and ambients and its infusion is usually the one of choice when it comes to purifying magickal objects.
elder is a particularly sacred plant, and thus is mainly used in the crafting of talismans for personal protection and purification (yes, usually the two goes hand in hands).
what I'm trying to convey in this example is that a deep knowledge of the ingredients/tools/supplies you're looking for is not only beneficial in choosing the most appropriate match (thus enhancing your magickal performance), but it can also help you understand better what do you exactly need (IF you need it) and whether you may be better of looking for something else.
does it have to be new?:
before giving out a kidney for something shiny new, have you considered whether you can find it second·hand?
remember my blathering 15h ago in this post? each and every single thing that passes upon our hands come in a way or another from resources that have been extracted from mother Earth. yes, even a dagger or a jar was once a piece of our planet.
essentially, you need to question yourself where what you are going to do is more a 'waste of money' or an 'investment well placed' (think of it as a house. if you live and work in London, is it really the best choice for you to buy a house in Edinburgh that may be the coolest house you ever stumble across but is clearly going to be unhelpful for your situation?)
and you may get a piece that might have not been taken with all due environment respect.
that super cheap object you found on wish.com has the same environmental impact of a similar one sold by an ethical company that may be 3 times as much? no. just simply no.
only that, you might not always be in a position to buy from that super ethical company for that price.
but, still, do you really have no other choice but to buy it new?
is it really more important for you to have a shiny new thing than pursue the key role you have in defending the environment? (for me, there is no other answer than "no").
likely, we live in a society where is not too difficult to find alternatives for pretty much everything we need.
charity shops and thrift shops are your new best friends.
everything is sold cheap in there, and let me tell you, you may find goods in there that are as much breathtaking as the most expensive fanciness.
plus, you have a wonderful bonus when you buy second·hand: you can practise your skills in the purification art (after all, second hands also means you have no idea to which energies that object is been exposed to).
but you don't even need to leave your home to buy second·hands, in fact from eBay to Etsy, you have a plethora of tools to go second·hands and save the environment.
can I buy it ethically?:
let's get this straight: ethical is NOT equal to expensive.
in fact (and I can tell you from experience as I'm slowly switching to zero·waste and plastic·free and generally sustainable lifestyle), in the long run, it becomes cheaper and cheaper.
yes, I get it, beeswax candles usually cost from 3 to 5 times more to a regular candle, but between plastic and beeswax, there is an ocean of alternatives.
first, let's address a point: do you really need 7 candles for that spell?
maybe, if you deeply study your spell, and selectively chose your ingredients, your £5 budget for those cheap 7 candles, can be redirected to a single, ethically produces beeswax candle - as a result, you will have not only saved a tiny bit the environment but you will also have a much better quality ingredient for your spell.
second, ethical doesn't mean fancy.
buy your eggs from the local farm, usually is cheap AND ethical.
take a long walk in your countryside and harvest a reasonable and respectful amount of herbs and other natural material is cheap AND ethical.
make your own tools from natural materials and or local supplies can be cheap (depending what you making and with what - it's obvious that if you planning on making a 3 meters silk cloak in just not gonna be cheap) AND ethical.
you're getting the idea.
what material is it made of? it is sustainable?:
you want to make a jar spell, you don't have any jars, you end up using a plastic container.
do you see what's missing there?
you don't need a new shiny, fancy, expensive glass jar.
as a matter of fact, you may not always need a glass jar at all.
oftentimes, I find myself planning a jar spell which will end up buried in the ground.
you don't need to be a scientist to know glass ain't gonna recycle for the next thousands year. so do you really wanna put that thing in the ground?
wouldn't it be better, for example, reuse the core of a toilet roll, which is perfectly biodegradable?
of course, there are certain spells in which you'll have to retrieve your jar at some point, well, in that case, go ahead and use a glass one, but the bottom line is "think before you do".
as I mention earlier, I am in my slowly·but·surely journey on zero·waste and plastic·free. this means I'm a jar horny.
every time I see a jar, an inevitable orgasm pervade my body. a shameful truth.
and I also need lots of jars to fill all my goods (I use a wide variety of herbs, seeds, flours, and other grains, just to mention a few needs for jars).
do you know how much I've paid for all my jars (MY jars.. MY precious..)? £0.00
ok, this is not entirely true. but let me explain.
once, I had to buy some tomato passata for a dish I wanted to make.
I used the passata, washed and kept the jar. now, that very same jar is the home for my quinoa.
and OH MY, jars come in such a weird a wide variety!
just have a scroll down the asile, point the fanciest looking jar and see what it holds: mango chutney? that stuff will not set foot in my home nor even after I die. pickles? my goddess they are distasteful at THE least, but hey! my partner has them in his every day work lunch and he's running low, I will need them, I can take them. nocera olives? DID YOU SAY I NEED TO BUY 7000 OF THEM?
liquor and alcohol bottles, usually come in the prettiest shape.
choose a nice personal use bottle of liquor or wine, and you'll get yourself a perfectly fancy jar for you spell, virtually for free.
BONUS: yeah, you know it. you contribute to save the environment.
The bottom line is: THINK. do you know what material are you using for which purpose? if you don't know, is best follow the wise adage "better safe than sorry" and simply skip it!
can I make it / harvest it / grow it / find it / etc. myself?:
do I need to explain?
you want a wand your first thought is..
1· let me check some expensive holy·moly on esty, on which I'll then cry over because I knew before I started looking I can't afford it! :D
2· let me see which kinds of trees I have around my home, and what can I do to safely harvest some wood for my wand.
the right answer is.. 2! (what a surprise..)
can you even imagine the added values (without even considering how much more powerful) this object will be if done with your own hands?
but wait, I can already hear it.. "but I don't know how to carve a wand!".
(prepare yourself for some bitter irony) I'll share with you a secret, you live in the XXI century and there's a fantastic tool out there you can use to help you.. it's called the internet!
you can find instruction on how to make a bomb worthy of a terrorist, I'm sure you can find instruction on how to make a wand to!
(you can't afford an internet connection? then how are you reading this post? - end line for the bitter irony).
you can make better choices for your and the environment simply by investing time in what your doing (a very hard and difficult to come·by skill in the "all and now" society we live in..).
do I know where it comes from?:
least but not last.
OH MY, how tempting are those quartz point sold at £0.03 on wish.com
have you stopped to think where they come from?
crystals, more than anything else, is the clearest example that EVERYTHING comes from mommy Earth.
and it should come with no surprise that, unfortunately, not all crystals are harvested ethically.
so yes, when you pay for a crystal, you are also paying for the people who worked in the mines from which come from, for the machinery/electricity and so on that were needed to work on the mine and generally all the things that a business must cover.
and it should come with no surprise vol.2 that a company that harvest crystals in an ethical way, respecting the environment and paying a fair wage to their employees will be more pricey than a crystal that comes from a company that does not care about such thing.
you need to realise that crystals ARE luxury items and thus, they won't come for cheap.
so for that spell where you needed 7 different types of crystals, it may be worthed to:
· once again, carefully and in·depth study each ingredient to evaluate what do you actually need and thus restricting the choice to fewer ingredients with better quality.
· make wise investments. search for good companies. you'll find usually companies that adopt good ethics are pretty proud of it! and they will state loud and clear where they source their products and which other ethicalities they follow in offering your such products.
· compare the market. yes, of course, there will be companies that will be cheaper than other. your best shot is to research the market for the thing you need to establish which is the fair price you should look at.
· go to the source. you can do this two way, either by literally go to the source and do a nice trip to the location where you can find that crystal, or go to a wholesale where you'll find way cheaper items without compromising your quality.
don't gift money to those who overprices and check carefully before paying someone who underprices!
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you did it! you almost reached the end of this kilometric post.
I'm really proud of you.
go get yourself a nice apple and a glass of water. ❤
if you feel tired just by reading all this, well.. you're getting it right!
because it is tiring and time·consuming take the responsibility for your purchasing (and in general your actions).
it is hard, it is challenging, my goddess if sometimes is boring, and more, in general, is just a lot of time and effort!
so yeah, actually go through all this for your next glamour spell will make the planning of it last probably 10 times longer.
but hey!
you are walking the path of the wise, you are a practitioner of witchcraft, you are handling a BIG power, and with a big power, come some BIG responsibilities.
you know though, what you're are going to gain?
1· patience:
yep. the more time you'll have to invest in something, the less you'll be tempted to the "all and now" of modern society. after all, who does to wast a month of her/his life to make more ethical choices to then just give up everything?
2· knowledge:
you may be a slow learner, but even there, it will be impossible for you to not retain at least some of the information you so carefully had to investigate! and hey, who knows, you may also have fun!
3· critical evaluation:
when you spend so much time in searching and evaluating, you will eventually build up the tool kit that will allow you to make the same choices, with the same depth in less and less time.
be able to to make constructive criticism upon something, is a skill that not only enhances your craft but is also priceless in real life.
4· result:
probably the most important thing of all, and ultimately my first reason why I never compromise on my witchcraft supplies.
in real life there's nothing more true than "we are what we eat", and I believe that in witchcraft a similar statement hold; "we produce the energies we invest in".
what I do, it need to be a perfectly smooth line from my intention to my end result.
how can I achieve so, when the tools/resources/materials/etc. that I use are not in line with what I do?
how can a man constructed*, polluting, paraffine candle convey the same energies as a naturally produced beeswax candle? what energies and added values has to offer the paraffine candle compared to the beeswax one?
*(I don't mean that making something by hand is worng, if that would be the case, I'm the first sinner. what I mean is something that wasn't harvest and create from nature (like a cotton or linen dress), but something artificially produced in a laboratory, mix and matching chemicals.
and NO. buy all means I'm not a nonsense, I do "revire" science and scientifical progress, but yet I'd rather living in a more natural and less artificial world).
how much better will respond in my hands the wand I made myself, compared to the fancy one I had me shipped form a stranger, maybe from the other side of the world?
this humongous post, it is, as the title says, just a consideration at the end of the day. a consideration I hope will spark some reflection in your next action. let me know what you think ❤.
so, my dear newbies and broke witches out there, I hear you, I really do.
but I also urge you..
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this is it, you've reached it, the end.
I'm so proud of you, go to watch some cute kittens pictures. ❤
~ mem the fox
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