coffebck · 1 month
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sapporo-division · 1 month
Day in the Life: Polar Knights’s Workplaces
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taito-division · 4 months
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Of course, we can’t forget about our lively hosts! Yes, you heard that correctly. We have two hosts for this event, the more, the merrier as they say! Truthfully, it was quite a challenge to choose who should host the event but after much consideration we have come to a decision, our hosts for the Mr. and Mrs. HypMic Couples' Pageant is…
Yoichi Shujo of Sapporo!
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And we can’t forget about his co-host, Ms. Nikki Yoshie of Akihabara!
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We look forward to their thoughts and commentary in the following rounds!
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fareasterncurlew · 4 months
My predictions for Komi's final 18 friends before 100. I feel we probably have already met all of them so far, so here who I think they'll be.
I don't think I have any wild predictions, but I'm posting this so I can see how wrong I was when the series eventually reaches it's conclusion.
Also, I started writing this before ch. 441 dropped, but the newest chapter has only made me more certain about my first guesses, which brings us to...
83: Maruko Tadano
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Considering the current arc, this one seems pretty likely. We still don't know if she's related to Tadano (though I assume she is), maybe we'll learn next chapter when they inevitably become friends. That is, if the next chapter is about them at the family restaurant along with the next four...
84: Setsuko Hatohori (Egypt); 85: Sakura Sankoichi; 86: Tsubaki Sankoichi; 87: Ajisai Sankoichi
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My theory is that Komi will befriend all the applicants from ch. 437 and we will continue to see them throughout the application process. I'm now even more sure of this after the recent ch. 441 and hopefully we see them again next chapter.
88: Nokoko Inaka
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It's bound to happen at some point, I feel it will happen soon after the current arc but that's just a guess. I believe she's one of the most likely on this list to become Komi's friend, though maybe she'll sign her name a little later on.
Inaka has been around since being in Komi's first-year class, similar to my next entry...
89: Toshio Seikimatsu; 90: Hana Soboku
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Seikimatsu has been around since the start of the manga and was the catalyst for Tadano starting conversation with Komi, that alone should be enough for him to be Komi's eventual friend. I hope he gets to take his girlfriend on a double date with Komi and Tadano like he wants, solidifying both as Komi's friends. They also both were with Komi, Tadano, and Kawai's group in ch. 403 & 402, and Soboku and Komi greeted each other in ch. 430.
91: Lily Sukida
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Another character who has been around for a while. Sukida has popped up a lot so I assume Oda is planning on doing something with her character. Given that she currently doesn't approve of Komi's relationship with Tadano, I assume that will have to be resolved before they become friends.
I wonder if Sukida would have reacted differently in ch. 423 if Komi had questioned her with Rumiko instead of Tadano (she was okay with Tadano pretend dating Rumiko in ch. 433, why not herself?) but I digress, seeing Miss Tadano / Tadano in the girls' uniform again was nice too and perhaps will be part of how they'll later become friends.
92: Goro Suteno; 93: Hajime Gokudo; 94: Yae Hamaki; 95: Makina Kusari
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These four have been in the story since the start of second year and have had an ongoing plotline focused on Katai.
My prediction is that upon realising Katai isn't Komi they'll assume Komi is some sort of delinquent mastermind controlling Katai from the shadows, or something silly like that, and choose to "work for her" (sign her book).
They're not the most talked about when considering possible friends, but I think they have a reasonable chance considering their current thing is, while being a misunderstanding, focused around "Komi." Speaking of characters I don't see often being brought up in these discussions...
96: Miwa Omojiri
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A little outside Komi's normal friendship age range, but she recently befriended Michita so we know Komi doesn't exclude older friends. She's been around awhile, I think she could make a good friend if she had another chapter or two.
She's also the only character (besides Shiina) yet to become a friend who has their name in ch. 416.
Also in ch. 416, in the background, you can see Inaka as well as the next entry...
97: Komorebi Hiki; 98: Susumi Shujo; 99: Aoi Netsuno
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Hiki and Susumi will undoubtably be a friend after ch. 436's last page. I presume Aoi will join them later and also become Komi's friend.
Considering how Oda likes to number the friends I think the order of these three will go "Hiki, Susumi, Aoi;" this is part of the reason why I don't think Hiki will be friend 100. Which leads us to...
100: Muzuka Shiina
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Who didn't see this one coming? I know other people also suspect Shiina will be friend 100, and I agree. I wonder what's holding Shiina back from considering Komi a friend, hopefully we'll see when she inevitably becomes one.
This is all the friends up to 100. If this is where the manga chooses to finish this is how I think the list will go. However, I have another theory...
101: Yo Fuki; 102: Teruyoshi Jimochi; 103: Maheto Haheto; 104: Luna Neguse; 105: Fukuyoka Muchi; 106: Kanchi Gai; 107: Yakugaku Komata; 108: Hamaru Tsubo; 109: Shota Kori; 110: Takaomo Fuechi; 111: Kaoru Fukitsu; 112: Marin Saotome
Yep, I think all the other class 3-1 students will be Komi's friend as well. My theory is that upon almost reaching her goal, Komi will become closer with her classmates and want to become friends with all of them, but can't because of her arbitrary goal. Perhaps Shiina will make her realise that making 100 be the limit is silly and prompt her to become friends with the rest similar to ch. 323.
There are some other characters that could be candidates if Komi made more than 100 friends, but this post is getting long already.
Anyway, that's my silly little theory on who the last Komi friends will be. Hope you enjoyed reading :).
Most of these are pretty safe bets. I wonder what differences other peoples lists have to mine.
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hypster-weebster · 6 months
Wild Shinu + Polar Knights as meme songs
Inspired by this vid
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chiyoda-division2 · 5 months
There was a sound of a doorbell ringing on the front door. Fusao went there to answer it and check who was the person who wanted to visit him. By opening the door, there were no one except a gift box that’s well wrapped with a silky red ribbon and from there was a note that was sticking out on his sight. He picks it up on his left hand and read the note on his right hand as it says:
“Merry Christmas Ise-san! As it turns out I’m your secret Santa from Sapporo. You know the guy with an eyepatch, pathetic loser me that who is not important in the team……you probably never heard of me at all……but anyways, I know we never interact but I heard you’re a big shot CEO still, I can’t figure it out what to give you……I asked Yuki-san and he suggested based on your age that if you’re interested a portable walking cane. A-actually! It’s also a chair too. Pretty nice invention, right? I hope you enjoy the gift and again, Merry Christmas Ise-san.
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“Haaaah?? I’m already that old???” Fusao chuckled to himself as he took a look at the cane sent by Yoichi. Time flies fast, that didn’t take the CEO long to notice such.
He inspected the cane to see what did he meant by it also being a chair only to surprise himself as the cane suddenly unfolded from his fiddling with it, pausing in silence at first then laughing by himself in surprise doing so.
By the time he sat down on the cane on its stool mode however, he seem to be pondering something…
“Yet in my head, I coulda sworn I was 44.”
Thanks for the gift!!
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bobafish · 2 months
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toyama-division · 2 years
Hi 😳 I heard u were doing a request for face meme uhhhh my oc Yoichi for F1
P.S. I’d just like want to see ur art style for him cuz ur art looks really cool 😭👍🏻💗✨
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I wanted to add more but I decided against it. There's the boy... What did he see? 👀
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okinawa-division · 2 years
Ace's Thoughts on Sapporo Division
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Yuki Kuraokami
"I haven't seen this guy much here in Okinawa. The few times I have seen him, Rashaad always welcomes him in. Apparently, he's an architect who helped Rashaad with some renovations to his bar. I don't know how well he helped, but you have to admire the man's eye for detail. He seemed like an alright guy, but I wonder why everyone appears so scared of him..."
Iwao Masuda
"I don't know who this guy is, and I'd like to keep it that way if it's all the same to you. No offense to him, but I have an intense disliking for street performers, especially the kind that wear make-up. Why exactly? Long story short, my family went on a trip to Paris, France once, and... while I was there, I had an encounter with a mime that left a very bad impression on me. That's all I'm saying about that, so don't bother asking for any more details."
Yoichi Shujo
"A reporter? Him? Seriously? ...Don't take this wrong way or anything, but... shouldn't reporters be a little bit more... I don't know, confident? This guy looks like the thought of even attempting to talk to people is enough to make him pass out on the street! No offense to him, but he should probably stick to just writing the stories instead of going out there looking for them."
Polar Knights
"From what I've read about these guys, apparently they're big on the Middle Ages, during the time of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, etc. Me, while I'll admit I found the legends interesting, everything else that went with it was boring. But that's just my opinion. I've heard a snippet of these guys' rhyming during the Collab Event. I... couldn't really make heads or tails of it, to be honest, but it rang a cord with the listeners, so it must be good. I look forward to seeing what else they rap about."
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cccovers · 1 year
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Milk! #42 (July 2004) cover by Kunislayer Shujo.
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froizetta · 6 months
WIP Wednesday: baby edition
This week I present my first attempt at writing DC fic for a pairing other than superbat - but, you know, only barely because this is for superbat mini, aka jondami. This is the start of a fic I'm planning out about Jon and Damian through the years (ignoring Bendis' timeskip because I can) in a coming of age story, in which Jon tries to deal with figuring out he's bi and having a crush on his cool(-ish) older best friend. Working title: Puberty Fucking Sucks because like. It just does.
It started when Jon was 12.
There wasn’t anything special about the day itself. In fact, it was pretty ordinary: a normal Thursday afternoon where he and Damian were passing the time between school and patrol in their base, as they did every week. Damian was sitting on the floor with his back to the couch, curled over his sketchbook, doing… Well, Jon didn’t know what Damian put in his sketchbook, since he’d made Jon promise not to look. Jon was nice and a good friend – and maybe a little scared of what Damian might consider fair retribution – so he always humored him.
Meanwhile, Jon was slumped on the couch, putting off doing his homework by half-reading a manga that Damian had recommended. A…shujo? Shogo? Some kind of romance thing. Whatever it was, it wasn’t really enough to capture Jon’s attention. So instead, he found himself watching Damian.
They’d been best friends for most of the last 2 years at this point, so Damian was very familiar to him at this point. But in his boredom, Jon found himself focusing on the details of his face in a way he hadn't before, looking at the parts and not the whole. His eyes were slanted and striking, piercingly and vividly green even hidden below the thick, dark sweep of his lashes. His nose had a little bump at the bridge, and his mouth was small and turned down at the corners, so he always looked a little grumpy even when he was in a good mood. His hair was dark and crazy thick (it was an Arab thing apparently, or so Damian had told him when he’d mentioned it one time) and it was surprisingly soft when he didn’t style it. Jon knew that from personal experience, because once Damian had let Jon hug him during a sleepover when he’d had a nightmare, and Jon couldn’t help but rub his face into it a little, like a cat. Damian had grumbled a little but hadn’t pulled away
Damian was really pretty, Jon thought. It wasn’t a new thought. Damian had always been pretty – though not pretty like girls were pretty, just…attractive. It was just a fact of life, in the way that most actors and pop stars and even Damian’s own parents were just obviously, objectively nice to look at.
But still, something about this Damian was different from the version that lived in Jon’s head. He was still shorter than Jon, although not by much. But even though Damian was smaller than him, he somehow looked…more. Older. His hands had always been long and kinda elegant, but now they looked as strong as Jon knew they were. And his jaw was no longer round and soft like Jon’s, but sharp and defined. Masculine. There was a breadth to his shoulders that felt new, even though logically it couldn’t be since he saw Damian most days, but…but somehow he hadn’t really noticed it before. It made his uniform blazer hang differently, in a way that felt weirdly distracting.
Damian wasn’t just pretty anymore, he realized. Damian was handsome. And Jon wasn’t sure why, but something about that thought got to him, made him feel weirdly hot and squirmy inside.
He quickly buried his face in the pages of the manga he wasn’t reading. He’d felt like this before, months ago. He was watching a commercial break with his parents and the pretty actress on screen had really enjoyed her branded yoghurt. Jon had gone very quiet and very red, and his dad had shot him a knowing look. Which was pretty much the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to anyone ever.
Jon had mumbled something about finishing his homework and fled upstairs. He spent most of that evening typing a bunch of awkward questions into google in private browsing mode. And then after that, he’d guiltily rewatched that yoghurt commercial a few dozen times – but on mute, so his dad couldn’t hear. His attempt at secrecy didn't really pay off, because a week later his dad had come into his room and sat him down for a Talk, as in the Talk, which had firmly pushed the yoghurt incident itself to second place in the ranking of Most Embarrassing Things.
But…but this didn’t make sense, Jon thought to himself. Why would Jon be having yoghurt commercial feelings about Damian? Damian was his best friend!
He chanced a peek at Damian over the top of his manga. It was still just Damian, familiar and sulky and way lamer than he liked to pretend he was. His best friend, Damian. He had his head bowed, pink tongue poking out between his lips like it did when he was intensely focused, and for some reason Jon couldn’t stop staring—
He forcibly ripped his gaze away, mortified. Oh no, this was weird. This was so weird. The yoghurt commercial was rapidly being pushed to third place in the rankings. He needed to leave right now.
He stood abruptly. “Hey, so I’m gonna go.”
Damian turned his head to look at him sharply. His habitual scowl was tinged with confusion. “What? Go where? We’re supposed to patrol in an hour.”
“Just training,” Jon said, false-bright. “I’m gonna work on some stuff. Training stuff.”
The confusion was very much still present. “Oookay?” Damian said. He flipped his sketchbook closed. “Did you want to spar? I could—”
“Nope,” Jon chirped, already edging towards the door. He was trying very hard to look at anything but Damian, which was probably super suspicious, but. Looking at Damian just felt like a lot, okay?
“It’s just some dumb superpower training my dad told me to do,” he continued. “It wouldn’t interest you, trust me. So you can just stay right here, while I go…away from here.” He winced. “Anyway, see you at patrol!”
He didn’t wait for Damian to respond before he turned and marched out of the room, well aware that he was acting absolutely insane but completely powerless to stop it. Thankfully, even though Jon knew Damian was incredibly suspicious of his behavior, he didn’t follow him.
Jon spent the rest of the time before patrol carefully carving patterns into wooden blocks with his heat vision and trying not to think about Damian’s opinions on Activia.
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uenodivision · 7 months
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 3 (Part 2) (Cont.)
7 Wonders of HypMic
Akihisa "Azrael" Mashiro
Maki "Professor Z-3" Umemoto
Shuu "Men-H" Edogawa
Rintaro "Ignis" Himura
Yoichi "Jekyll" Shujo
Ren "Vox" Nakashima
Kaiji "Jinx" Sano
We Do This (24/7)
Ghost Squad
Itsuki “Tsuki” Kamiko
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Lana "Facade" Alarie
Kanade “Spooky” Alarie
Criss “Paradox” Hiromi
Insane Party
Mine "E.R.O.S." Mizushima
Hana "Zanni" Izanami
Mitsuru "Odette" Tenjo
Umi "Doll.Me" Kobayashi
Kaori "WareD" Katou
Kanade "Spooky" Alarie
Throbbing in Our Hearts
Princess Ego
Ririko "2cute" Akihara
Miyazaki "FASHIONISTA" Aimi
Katsumi "Espada" Kenzaki
Ruling Isn't Easy
Petite Syndrome
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
Yorii "Sireen" Sakuma
Do I Like You? (...Or Not?)
The Gameaholics
Nikki "1-Up" Yoshie
Makina "Screen Shot" Setsukura
Life is Just a Video Game (...With Fewer Lives)
Stubborn Paradise
Ren "Vox" Nakashima
Yorii "Sireen" Sakuma
Aiko "Overdrive" Mayeda
Stubborn Paradise
Masa & His Disciples
Masa "The Father" Judice
Asato “AR Master” Rikiya
Yano “Y-STARR” Ietsuna
Come Into Our Light (The Sermon)
The Ones Left Behind
Ren "Vox" Nakashima
Yorii "Sireen" Sakuma
Takumi "GUTS" Wakaba
Saji "Street Dog" Buranka
Aoba "Guinevere" Yamamura
Where'd You Go?
Caliber of Men
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Natsume "Wanderer" Kurome
Ace "MC Patriot" Douglas
Elliot "MC Nanashi" Shimizu
Yeong "9-Dan" Hajoon
Fall Under Our Spell, Tonight
@katsushika-division @suginami-division @sapporo-division @kobedivision @kyoto-division @niigata-division @akihabaradivision @akihabara-division03 @odaibadivision @tokyo-division @nerima-division @nakanodivision @urayasu-division @edogawa-division @setagaya-division @takatsuki-division @ginza-division @toyama-division @sendaidivision @megurodivision @kumamoto-division @okinawa-division
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sapporo-division · 2 months
Relationship: Family - Yoichi Shujo
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Nobuo Shujo † — Yoichi’s father. He was a former baseball star player then retired to be a coach where he introduced baseball to Yoichi and started to take interest in it because of him. He’s a free-spirited and confident man as Yoichi remembers and they have a close bond as they spent time playing baseball together. His dad usually looks after him knowing his son is a scaredy wimp inside and out so he’s being emotional support to help him overcome his anxiety. He looks up to his dad as an inspiring idol at that time, wishing to be cool and brave as his dad but tragically, Nobuo died a hero when he got stabbed by a thief while defending innocent bystander when Yoichi was around 11 years old but he wouldn’t forget his time with him within a memory.
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Kiyoko Shujo (41 years old) — Yoichi’s mother. She's a kind and level-headed widow who works as a nurse. She’s always worked full-time tirelessly to support her family’s financial situation. She tends to make bad jokes of pushing herself hard even if it means weakening her health which Yoichi felt worried about and decided to find a job himself to support her. She adores her children and always being there for them however, there are times she gets anxiously overprotective of Yoichi the most and wouldn’t want any of her children getting themselves in danger like her late husband’s death which brings her to have a bad habit of feeling responsible as a mother. Even if she’s worried, she’s mostly calm and collected among the family although she couldn’t help but terrified about Scourger’s return recently.
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Jun Shujo (29 years old) — Yoichi’s older sister. She works as a senior photojournalist from Snowflake Sentinel News and the one who helps Yoichi by providing him a job to work in her workplace. Jun is described as a strong and assertive woman more than capable of handling herself and also with a quiet passion of picturing interesting events to seek the best scoop for the news but when she’s home, Jun is nothing but a caring older sister who loves her family and gets really worried about Yoichi’s weak mindset of things. On the other hand, he was grateful for her help, wanting to do his best to help and wouldn’t want to be a burden to her or his mom. Aside from her work, she was engrossed about “The Scourge” cases and quietly investigated herself for 5 years until now in hopes of revealing their identity. She has no idea about Yoichi’s alter ego nor his involvement with Scourger.
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Ayane Shujo (22 years old) — Yoichi’s second older sister. She works as a waitress from a nightclub and also a social media influencer as her fun hobby. Ayane is a sociable and undeniably very attractive woman. A lot of her customers were swayed by her looks and flirtatious words, attracting more people to get along well with and gossiping. She’s the type of person who loves partying all night and spending good times with friends, getting the name of being the “sexy waitress”. However all of her charms are just to gain easy cash to support her family home finance and is pretty much down-to-earth of her reputation at work. At home, she’s only an ordinary but loving big sister who prioritizes her family first and is a very sweet person. Although Yoichi was overwhelmed by Ayane teasing him affectionately with playful remarks, especially with their siblings, it shows how much she loves them. About the Scourger, she heard about the urban legend and was confused between liking or disliking towards the vigilante because one time, her ex-boyfriend was being attacked by them a few years ago but shockingly found out her ex was actually an illegal smuggler behind her back, yet she was thankful for revealing her ex’s crime.
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Miyata Shujo (13 years old) — Yoichi’s younger sister and a middle schooler. A lot of people from her school call her “voiceless doll” as Miyata has a cute face with her blank expression, describing her how silent she is who doesn’t like to talk a lot except wearing headphones while listening to music with no care in the world. The only things she wanted was minding her own business playing with her computer and not inclined to get involved with other people’s affairs. She may be distant but she does care a little bit about her family so she can bond with her family whenever she wants to and look out for them, as well. Yoichi and Miyata don't often talk to each other (as his little sister doesn’t want to) but he loves his sister no matter how distant she is, he wants to look after her and it’s fortunate both shared the same interests in video games so that’s how they can have brother-sister bonding with that. Miyata never saw or heard about Scourger…as such, she doesn’t care at all.
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evercries · 10 months
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 (城市的你)• Gojo Fanfiction Written Draft (P1).
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There was one thing you never thought you would do, and that was meeting a guy you knew online in person. You clutched your purse tightly as you scanned the street, waiting for his arrival. The sky was a gloomy shade of blue, and raindrops drizzled down on your shoulders. You ignored it as you tucked your luscious (h/c) hair behind your ears, causing your silver earring to sway in the wind. Just as you were about to give up, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see a tall man with white hair, his lips curved into a smile as he noticed your reaction. But what surprised you even more was the black cloth that covered his eyes, its fabric seeming slick as the textures swayed and connected as if they were glued together.
Despite the height difference between you, you adjusted yourself to face him, holding onto the string of your purse. You smiled at him with your eyes before pulling out your phone. "Shujo?" Your voice cracked as you spoke. Clearing your throat, you repeated the username on your screen before positioning your phone screen with the profile pulled up towards him. The man leaned forward, his hands stuck in his pants pockets, and hummed softly before smiling.
"I am him," the man spoke for the first time since you both had met, which was just seconds ago. His deep voice mixed with amusement sent shivers down your spine, which soon turned into pleasure. You both had been texting each other for a few weeks now, never having talked on the phone or seen each other, but you never guessed he would be this attractive that you couldn't keep your eyes off him. Your eyes roamed around him, taking in his muscles fighting to burst out of his shirt, his attire of a black tight short-sleeved shirt, and his grey pants. You couldn't help but wonder if he would also look good naked. Surprising even yourself, you quickly focused back on his face, his gaze remaining on you as his lips curved into a clear smirk.
"Are you daydreaming?" he asked, causing you to immediately shake your head, as if you weren't already suspicious. You then chuckled before saying, "I was, yes, but who can blame me?"
"Who said I was blaming you? What if I like that?" You placed your phone back into your purse, raising an eyebrow at him. "Good question, but shouldn't we introduce ourselves?" The sudden change in subjects definitely wasn't obvious, or so you thought.
"I want to call you Peach," he said, his hands reaching forward to brush some hair out of your eyes. Could he see even though he was wearing a blindfold, you wondered? But you didn't mind; in fact, it made him look even more attractive. "What should I call you?"
He nodded as he repeated his name. "Should we go ahead and continue this date?"
“Yeah, let’s go.” You eagerly agreed, excited to spend the day with Gojo. You both explored the city, taking in the sights and sounds before finally settling down at a park. As you spent more time with Gojo, you discovered that there was so much more to him than you initially thought. His strength was impressive, but his sense of humour was sometimes concerning.
Eventually, the clouds opened up, and it began to rain, cutting your date short. You both rushed to a nearby hotel for shelter. Inside the hotel room, you sat down on the bed and looked around for towels to dry off. You noticed that Gojo had gone to the bathroom and couldn't help but smile to yourself, feeling like a middle schooler who had just fallen in love.
As you walked over to the window, you heard the sound of the door opening and closing. You turned around to find Gojo approaching you, shirtless, revealing his muscular chest, powerful arms, and visible abs. You nervously rubbed your neck, trying to think of something to say. Gojo walked closer to you, his head tilted at your silence. When he was close enough, you could feel his breath on your face, your noses almost touching.
Your hands ran across his pecs, feeling your heart race as you two stood face to face, inches apart. Your breath was shaky, your mind almost going insane as you couldn’t hold your thoughts, wondering if he could read your thoughts. As you opened your mouth, Gojo pulled you close to him, his hand on your cheek and kissed your lips, his soft lips gently parted against yours, his hand came behind your back and lightly ran against your skin. Gojo pulled back, brought you even closer to him, kissed your cheek, and nibbled on your earlobe, sending tingles through your body. “Do you trust, peach?”
Nodding, Gojo wrapped his arms around your waist, held onto it as he practically carried you from the window area to the bed where he placed you down upon. You laid down head first, your eyes on him, his hands reached out towards your neck area, his question of did you trust him repeated with you answering yes before he added strength to the grasp he had on your neck, oddly enough, you liked it. Smiling at your reaction, he asked you to close your eyes in which you obeyed, some movements were heard, but soon you felt a fabric on your eyes, was he blindfolding you? He definitely was. 
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╾ end of part one of the draft. ╾ 100 notes for smut inculded in part two. =") ╾ giggled while writing this. <3
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scotchfairy · 5 months
Chuuya Devils done
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And with the shujo sparkles of doom.
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Now I get to move On and do Port Mafia versions of Dazai.
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cornus27florida · 2 years
June post: I am happy that during the same day as Goshi sensei birthday and Kaito KID..
There's revealed new summer merchs about ShuJo!! Enjoys the sweetness of them together!
Also, Shikimori sharing pose as Jodie!!
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