nellarw95 · 30 days
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Happy Birthday Rupert 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint
August 24,1988
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
24 Agosto 1988
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ofcowardiceandkings · 5 months
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reason to bin the whole man number 47392
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lelibug · 5 months
British Government continues to go after the vulnerable & the voiceless...? Obviously, because they can't look at themselves in a mirror.
Now Sunak is going after "Sicknote Culture"..... (??)
Typically sick of them.
It's the government's Sick System that needs overhauling.
They said that "normal ups and downs were becoming" overly medicalised". A DANGEROUS road to go BACK Down....
The problem always WAS people labelling serious mental health conditions as "ups & downs of life".
This caused IMMENSE harm to those involved, their family & those surrounding them.
Presumably a broken leg and the odd heart attack and stroke could then be argues to be the same, no? They've always been the ups and downs of life, just had to "get on with it", right?
"Sicknote culture" wouldn't even be so bad if the NHS services were fit for purpose and ABLE TO HELP people with psychological health conditions, or medical problems that waiting lists make WORSE...
... which is precisely what happened to me.
I was disabled by a serious medical condition because it took 18 Months to get a diagnosis, by which time I was already severely disabled and even THEN got NO treatment for it 🤔🤬🙎🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤨🙄😒 I was shoved out the door with nothing but a goodbye because not only no treatment plan, I was sodding discharged.
Needless to say I'm now buggered, and seeing no end to the decline it keeps putting me through.
There are too many people like me. I had a good job. A good life. I took a 50%+ "paycut" after being left so long it was not only unfixable it was progressive, and I was left squandering because ESA & PIP SUCK. Even had to go to tribunal because the idiot I saw couldn't work out the person in a wheelchair Couldn't Walk. Like — No one sits in those things for f*ng Fun!
So instead of respecting the NHS screwed me and a million more over by their tactics, they're victimising, bullying, harassing, threatening & TERRIFYING sick, vulnerable and disabled people.
If you want to claw back MILLIONS in an easy swoop go after the PPE thieves with the same gusto you do that someone has been overpaid 89p of benefits, instead of going after people in pain or despair, or both... Eh, Sick Gov Sunak?
{Rant Over}
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ukmploymentlawnews · 5 months
Prime Minister announces plans to move responsibility for assessing fitness to work away from GP’s to “specialist work and health professionals"
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robotpussy · 5 months
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(alt text available)
this guy wants everybody to kill themselves....
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mythologeekwriter · 5 months
I'm just going to present all of these articles without commentary. Because I think this speaks for itself actually.
[date: 21st April 2024]
[date: 19th April 2024]
[date: 19th April 2024]
[date: 14th April 2024]
[date: 22nd March 2024]
[date: 10th February 2024]
[date: 1st October 2022]
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chronicallyuniconic · 5 months
you know we're part of a dystopian society, when the establishment wants to prevent medical professionals, doctors, from issuing sicknotes
totalitarianism is here, coming in hard & fast.
this is not a real democracy. we see them, with their authoritarian tendencies, their corruption, their oligarch ties and interests, their lack of accountability, their undermining of the law, their erosion of our civil liberties, but most of all, they have lost public trust.
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beeseverywhen · 5 months
Another week, another phantom menace for Rishi Sunak. The people he is talking about, regarding his benefit reforms, do not exist. The 1.35 million people who could work but just don’t want to, who have a label of depression or anxiety but are just a little bit sad, who could have their benefits replaced by vouchers and find that incentivising: these people do not exist.
People are not signed off work because we are all a little bit more comfortable talking about our moods. People are not on disability benefits because Prince Harry did a podcast. We don’t have a “sicknote culture” because it’s too easy to get a sicknote. The pressure on GPs will not be lifted by parcelling out sicknotes to private contractors. Those with depression and anxiety severe enough to claim a personal independence payment (Pip) are catastrophically unwell. If numbers have surged over the past 14 years, which they have, it is because Conservative governments make you catastrophically unwell.
Pushback on this new narrative of cruelty has so far been pathetic: at the most, you might hear a minister challenged on the scarcity of NHS mental health provision. All that is true: child and adolescent mental health services in particular are now so poor as to be almost nonexistent. There are areas of the country where a child can wait so long for help that by the time it arrives, four years later, they are no longer a child. In a grim, idiotic irony that is the trademark of a government that marries callousness to incompetence, the more severe your illness, the more labyrinthine and inaccessible the treatment: hospital trusts might meet the referral targets for psychotic episodes, but most then fail to meet the standard for providing treatment. Waiting times for severe mental illness besides psychosis aren’t recorded and people describe it as endless limbo.
But the problem starts further up the pipeline: our mental health is worse because our general health is worse. “Britain is objectively sicker than it was a decade ago,” the epidemiologist Michael Marmot wrote in January. Poverty is driving down life expectancy and driving up infant mortality – and, along the way, it’s destroying people’s sanity. Being chronically hungry – as the UN rapporteur noted in November, with some horror, that many people are in Britain – harms your state of mind, as does not being able to feed your children.
Debt, precarious housing, low wages, punitive benefit sanctions – any one of these factors might reasonably cause a person to fear for their existence. Successive Conservative governments have driven a large number of people to despair and now they want to engage us in a conversation about snowflakes. We shouldn’t dignify it.
If the premise is built on an untruth, it is not surprising that no single point is true, either. Mel Stride, the work and pensions secretary, is calling these ideas the “biggest welfare reforms in a generation”, but 14 years is much less than a generation and, in this time, welfare has been reformed significantly. Universal credit, introduced 11 years ago, was never benchmarked to a meaningful assessment of need, with the result that 90% of households claiming it, as of last summer, are unable to afford the essentials.
If that was the intention – to move low-income families on to the breadline – that is hands down the most successful reform the Tories have enacted. Pip, the benefit these reforms are coming for, was itself a reform of the disability living allowance. It is known for assessment criteria so harsh and nonsensical that, if anxiety isn’t one of your symptoms at the start of it, it generally is by the end.
The whole wheeze is underpinned by the fact that Sunak doesn’t have time to make meaningful changes to anything. Maybe he thinks he is laying a trap for Labour. Maybe he thinks the injection of fresh cruelty will boost his support in the local elections. If there is anything more disgusting than the sight of a half-billionaire rolling up his sleeves for a “benefits crackdown” in the middle of a cost of living crisis, the realities of which he wouldn’t be able to imagine even if it occurred to him to try, I can’t think of it.
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bulldogblues · 5 months
So our ~brilliant~ UK government insists that they want to prioritise getting long term sick and disabled people into work and will cut off benefits to that end... while simulatenously refusing to provide ANY meaningful support that might allow some of them to do this.
Why don't you just come out and say 'we don't like disabled people existing?'
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space-kittie · 4 months
Going to the doctors for a sicknote because of mental illness is so embarrassing lmao
"Yes hello, I'm here because I can't work properly because my brain no do. Everything is so much and I'm sad. I cannot adult for now. No, you can't really check that, you'll just have to believe me I'm sowwy 👉🏻👈🏻"
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karlkaos · 6 months
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mrslittletall · 7 months
I got a sicknote and some medicine. I am also airing out the flat because fresh air is good for me. I am currently waiting for some easy to stomach food to be finished which I will eat once I took the medicine.
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mythologeekwriter · 5 months
Genuinely fucking furious about this
Also begging people to read this.
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chronicallyuniconic · 5 months
Rishi Fucking Sunak the lil 3 foot troll.
Wants to now prevent GPs from giving out sicknotes as if people are lying, exploiting, bring lazy.
If he grew a backbone he might be fucking 5 foot.
The disgusting derogatory comments about legit disability has fucked me off so much. Why are people so horrible, they can't fathom the fact they could be this at any moment. They don't even care about that fact.
Remember when the Internet was fun
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johannestevans · 1 year
Hiya :) I’m from Wales and I want to ask my GP to write a doctors note to change my gender on my passport etc. Do you perhaps know the process for this? Like do I just ring the GP, ask for a doctors appointment and then request the note?
Hi, Anon,
If you see a private GP, you can probably email their contact email directly and ask for it to be done, where the receptionist will forward the email to your GP on staff, the GP will phone you to ask confirm (or not, depending on how efficient they are), and then they'll just fill it out.
This is a template for a Doctor's Letter from Gendered Intelligence.
Unfortunately, as far as I know with NHS surgeries they often make sure they're not contactable by the public, and NHS medical receptionists are generally as hostile to the idea of patient care as possible and take a PvP approach to the idea of patients making appointments and asking for resources. If your GP surgery DOES have a public email address, and especially if they mention that they do prescription requests over email, then they will likely do letters like this in response to emails as well.
I'd call up and if there's no public email address, ask if you can send an email or letter to request a letter from your GP regarding medical documentation, and say that you need a signed letter from your GP. The receptionist would hopefully be able to advise you with an email address, but again, most surgeries in the NHS try to keep their emails internal to healthcare professionals, so they might tell you that that's not possible and that you'd need to make an appointment.
It might be that they can write a request down and highlight it for the doctor rather than you having to get an appointment though!
If not and you do need an appointment, if your GP offers online or phone consultations those are probably better than going in-person. Just for speed purposes but also for avoiding contagion in the surgery waiting area, especially given that this is something you don't need to be examined for.
GP surgeries can be drastically different from practice to practice unfortunately, so these sort of things are never predictable, especially given that the NHS is under such considerable strain due not just to bad practice and unnecessary bureaucracy, but most of all to extreme understaffing and lack of pay and resources.
With that said, people require letters and pieces of documentation from their GPs for all sorts of things all the time, whether it's sicknotes, letters like this, documentation for private or specialist consultations, etc, so this is never an unreasonable thing to ask for and is a standard thing for a GP to give.
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sunnysynthsunshine · 2 years
I’ve been watching a good old itv drama called London’s Burning recently
Tumblr we need more good gifs/posts about this show, because it’s so great 
like some of the main lads have nicknames like “Vaseline”  “Charisma” “Bayleaf” and “Sicknote”
there’s also Josie, she’s awesome 
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