#side by side refrigerators
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The Cool Choice: Exploring the Benefits of 2-Door Refrigerators
Different foods require specific temperature and humidity levels for optimal preservation. 2-door refrigerators often come equipped with innovative technologies. Browse the website.
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loganslowdown4 · 1 day
Logan: Virgil! Get off the refrigerator now!
Patton: Aw Logan, he just needs a little love and kindness-
Patton: Kiddo, you wanna come down from there? Pretty please?
Virgil: *demonic hissing*
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rosepetalgold · 1 year
Absolutely dying over the fact that Remus not only canonically hangs out in dark closets for no apparent reason but also that Janus knows to look for him there
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 6 months
I'm alive (but just barely) and I swear I'm going to post that next chapter of The Hoax soon. 😭😭
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uselessness-incarnate · 6 months
Quick question, how does one convey to their snake - not interpretive dance, I already tried - that the refrigerator is not going to kill him?
Another thing to note: snakes do not have ears, so one cannot simply tell the snake that the refrigerator is not an enemy. All other suggestions are much appreciated.
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shoku-and-awe · 1 year
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This daikon and carrot namasu turned out very tasty! Very fresh and also pretty. It’s nice as a side to a Japanese meal and weirdly good on a toasted sandwich. With some cucumber, cilantro, and jalapeño, you’d basically have the banh mi slaw that’s so delicious. I’m glad I made a ton of this and that it keeps so long!
Oh and one unexpected benefit is that all the squeezing of salted vegetables got the fluorescent Cheetos-colored tandoori stains off my fingers, which nothing else had been able to do for a full day! Good and also useful veggie slaw.
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benbamboozled · 2 years
Not to mention that, since women are often side-characters, when someone at DC decides that it’s time to streamline the narrative and trim the “background lore” down to only the necessary details, guess who tends to end up getting dropped?
Women characters are always in disadvantage compare to the men. Whether dc decided to streamline, add, or change the lore; it's always the women that's cropped out of it. It's upsetting. Moreover when said women characters already have an established role to play and are important to the lore but they get replaced by dc with men characters instead
YEP! Because women and their place in narratives are seen as ultimately trivial/disposable compared to the REAL story and the REAL stars (aka whatever male character is farting about whatever nonsense at any given point in time).
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vatanbareshargh · 9 months
Guaranteed side-by-side refrigerator transportation in Watanbar Sharq
at vatanbarsharq autobar transportation of side-by-side refrigerator  is done with full guarantee. this relocation is done by skilled, experienced and strong forces and is fully guaranteed in vatanbarshargh autobar in hole of tehran city. It is also necessary to mention that for the basic and standard moving of the side refrigerator on the stairs and moving it to the upper floors of the apartment, there is a need for a group of three skilled and experienced people. therefore, vatanbarsharq autobar is ready to send a team of three skilled people for the guaranteed transportation of your refrigerator.
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->It was finally back to the store! Where once again they all had to wait outside while I fiddled with the layout. XD At least this time it wasn't thunderstorming! Let me take you through all the changes I made --
A. As you can see, the major change I made was to replace all of the double-sided shelves with single-sided ones on either side of a large half-wall (with a glass half-wall trim on top to stop Sims trying to put plates or other objects up there) -- I was having some trouble getting everything to face the right way on the double-sided shelves, and I genuinely do believe this looks better. More like what you might actually SEE in a grocery store.
B. I also reduced the number of shelves overall slightly by rearranging the first "produce" aisle -- now when you walk in, you have Brazen Lotus's produce stands on one side, and the more traditional Get To Work refrigerated displays on the other holding various oversized crops on the other! Fewer slots to fill, and it means all the fruit and veg aren't bunched up together right next to the door.
C. I also added another refrigerated display next to the meat section -- this one is for fish, with Brazen Lotus's "Iced Fish Retail Fridge" (which requires her mod to allow fish and herbs to be placed in a retail fridge) in the bottom section! (I tried putting it on a counter, but it looked kinda weird and wouldn't slot correctly -- and then I discovered it fit near-perfectly into the bottom of the regular refrigerated display and went with that! It doesn't fit so nicely into the top bit, so fresh fish will be placed there to be bought directly.)
D. Along with that, I added the fossil displays from @somecreativecc as "endcaps" for the aisles, as the perfume bottles Victor can make from Simsonian Library's "Perfumery" mod fit on them, and they were the best-looking shelves I had for the purpose. *shrug* If anyone can suggest anything better, please let me know!
E. I also started trying out some "color-coding" on the SrslySims consignment shelves to try and see at a glance what should go where -- like, the shelf with Smiler's synthetic food tablets and herbalism potions from Simsonian Library's "Apothecary" mod is white because that's the "pharmacy" section, and the shelf with the canned green beans and green peas is bright green to represent "veggies."
F. Oh, and you may notice that I've started spacing out the various items on each individual shelf a lot more, so I'm not trying to cram multiple products onto one single shelf in any particular display and wondering how I'm going to fill the others. . .now, one display can hold a shelf of canned green beans, a shelf of canned green peas, and the boxed versions of said products on the bottom. Makes my life easier and makes filling up this grocery store a hell of a lot faster!
-->Okay -- once THAT was all done, it was time for the gang to spread out and get to work! And everybody had their specific jobs:
Smiler: Since we now had a fish fridge, I sent Smiler down to the fishing spot behind the store to angle for some big catches to fill it up! They managed to land a pufferfish and a tilapia to display above the fridge, and a betta to put in it -- it's a start!
Alice: Her thing today was bulk food processing and canning -- specifically, I had her make some more canned green beans and green peas to fill in a couple of gaps on the shelves, then move onto making jars of meat substitute for the discerning vegetarians who may come by. Gotta have something for everyone, after all! :)
Victor: Victor started out making perfumes, in "Focused" (bluebell) and "Playful" (daisy) scents, which (along with another bottle of the deodorizing scent) got him to level 2 of the Perfumery skill and allowed him to make "Happy" and "Energizing" scents if he so wished. However, his REAL job was to head upstairs and start Copypastoing everything that could be Copypastoed. XD Because while I DO actually want them to make some of the stuff they sell themselves, I am not above using Victor's magic to make the process easier on them and me. Victor's such a skilled spellcaster now that he's basically in no danger of the spell failing, even when he gets to a pretty heavily charged state -- and hey, I found out during this Copypasto spree that he can in fact copy the plates of raw meat Alice brings back from her hunts! So THAT is going to be freaking handy! :D
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gutmeats · 2 years
things that seem like they should go in the fridge but actually do Not should say on the label big text on the fro nt
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householdappliances · 2 years
Tips to Maintain a Home Refrigerator
You can buy single door, double door, multi door refrigerators at lowest prices with free home delivery. Check the best home refrigerator online before buying to choose the best for your requirements. Watch the video for more info. 
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taviokapudding · 1 year
Me: I understand the basics of refrigeration - I can maintain this free mini fridge you don't want. No problem
My dad: I believe you, but what about that?
Me: To invoke divine assistance & protection when I'm not in my room
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Me: all hail the archons
My dad: all hail
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raycatz · 1 year
sjkhdfjd I can't remember what the building with the refrigerators is called at camp? It's just a building on a hill with a bunch of individual fridges. We have the artic room in the staff house, but this other one... it's called something mildly concerning I think? Like the fridge shed? We have the pot shed and the chemical shed but I can't remember if the fridge shed has a fun name or not
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that-pipette-girl · 1 year
Sometimes, I open freezer doors (at home, not in the lab) because I like how the inside of the freezer smells.
Mmm fresh crisp cold air yum.
I don't know why freezers smell so good, they just do.
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becca-alexa · 2 years
as someone who spent three years working a retail job if i ever hear someone complain about retail workers not smiling while working they are getting a punch to the throat
#becca.txt#i hate that comment so much#they're doing you a service my guy they absolutely do not get paid enough to smile while they deal with your sorry ass#don't ever complain to me about this you will find zero sympathy#and just don't complain about retail workers in general#it's not their fault there's no registers open or that the parking lot's full or that your item's out of stock#literally leave them alone and let them do their jobs#you couldn't pay them ENOUGH to make dealing with the general public bearable#i have horror stories of my time working at a wholesale store#literally part of the reason i hate goimg shopping now because the general public are all a bunch of menaces#i've been on the other side of the register and the counter and whatever and let me tell you people are vile#especially the 45+ crowd - obv not everyone but yeah the older they are generally the worse they get#i never had an issue with 20 year olds#once you get into 30s you get a few entitled assholes but those are here and there#the older crowd???should not be allowes to shop w/o supervision they will go for blood#and it's like they leave their brain in the car when they shop it's incredible#and that's not even talking about the amount of food waste they produce#people PLEASE you leaving refrigerated items anywhere because you don't want it anymore and you 'want to give the workers something to do'#is the WORST THING you can do#at the store i worked at the policy was if it's out it's trash - they took 0 risks w/food contamination#even if it's still cold to the touch if it's found out it's trashed#if you take something out PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT YOU ANIMALS#IS THAT SO HARD?WILL IT KILL YOU TO WALK 30 FEET AND PUT THE DAMN CHICKEN BACK INSTEAD OF LEAVING IT OUT ON THE TOWELS#god you couldn't pay me enough to go back to working retail#a million blessings to the brave souls still in the trenches i pray you all get jobs 1000 times better than what you have now
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abishekkadame · 18 days
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Haier Haier 598L 3 Door Convertible Side by Side Refrigerator with WIFI Enabled Smart Sense AI HRT-683KGU1 latest price, specifications, reviews, images & features in India.
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