#side sp creek
humandyke · 4 months
Kenny was doing much better these days—he had a car, he had a job, both of his parents were long-term employed, and he got to see his best friends every Saturday night.
This whole Butters thing was really disrupting his equilibrium.
Sure, they’d known each other practically their whole lives, there were even points in time where they hung out with Butters more than they did with Cartman—and who could blame them? There had been days in their childhood where they would get stuck together for whatever reason, good or bad, and Kenny didn’t really remember ever thinking poorly of him or fondly of him, either.
That was a long time ago; memories were foggy and distant for someone like Kenny, who had dealt with much more in his nineteen years of life than most people did ever. He couldn’t help but wonder what Butters had dealt with in all these years, too.
(it’s a prequel, ya’ll ❤️)
OOP next part of the death cup series is UP 🫣 pls enjoy im very excited for you all
(i’m sorry in advance for the playlist)
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cupiowaffles · 9 months
I draw Dip all the time but surprise surprise I do actually ship other stuff
So here it is.
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sappy-detective · 8 months
“im not a crook adict.”
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viveela · 1 year
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Part two of my Stripe #3 comic...can anyone see where this is going
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creativity-deficient · 4 months
Not to be that guy but I actually need more creek scenes this season or else I will die.
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casart · 2 years
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Instead of doing most requested ships; I went w the ships only requested once that I also ship :P
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kaistarus · 1 year
Love that Craig's break up arc developments go from dumping some girl over Facebook via 'Thieves work alone-single'
To: my EX-boyfriend 😡; Passive aggressive subtweeting; dramatic fights over betrayal, petty letters to 'traitor dickbag' demanding his stuff back, and couples therapy (IF HE HAS TO 🙄)
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plugnuts · 2 years
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Give yourself to S̶̘̹͖͑̓̿́ȧ̸̟̚͠ĺ̸̺͐͘͠d̸̲̤̆͛ä̷̱̖́̈́̾m̴̘͙̀̌n̴͖̰͖̂v̸̙̮́ã̷̧̲ṫ̸̢̈́̄̕i̸̧̙̋͋o̵̤̣̽̐ǹ̷̡̥̏
Original wbf sketch under the cut
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mazojo · 2 years
We were doing so well without a Randy Marsh episode, SO well…………..
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folkling · 1 year
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Windbrook Save 2.0 (In collaboration with @cowboycid and @bobnewbie)- Feat. a family by @oshinsimss
DISCLAIMER: While this is a CC free save file, it is pack and kit heavy. To give more context, this save utilizes ALL EPs, GPs, and SPs (except My First Pets) as well as ALL KITS (except Bust The Dust and Poolside Splash) While you may not own every pack or kit that I used, the save file is still playable. Everything missing will be substituted.
What's new in 2.0
Willow Creek has new homes, rentals, and one new retail lot
Newcrest has been built (restaurant, gym, retail, and generic lots)
Magnolia Promenade has been built, while somewhat finished, still needs work
Every lot that's finished (including commercial) and families have descriptions, stories, jobs, etcetera
New townies from @simsontherope and @cowplant-snacks
Families from @bobnewbie
A special family, The Westfalls made exclusively by @oshinsimss
Special collaboration with @cowboycid
Other worlds are still empty, I do plan on building new worlds
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First and foremost I want to thank my good good friend @cowboycid for collaborating with me on this project. I'm so happy we met when we did because I was starting to lose light. You inspired me to keep going, and for that I appreciate you DOWN. You're a real one sis, no tea. Hugs and kisses for ever. I also want to thank @bobnewbie for coming through with families. You don't understand just how life saving they were. I didn't get a chance to use all of them, and my original concept for the save fell through due to time constraints, but I'm thankful to have had access to the diverse array of families you made for the save. A huge thank you to @oshinsimss for taking the time to create a beautiful family, The Westfalls, exclusively for Windbrook 2.0, I love them so much. Also a big thank you to @cowplant-snacks and @simsontherope for their townies. Without them, the townies would just be... ugh, you know. So, thank you for having them available on the gallery. I also want to thank @anthonydaydreamer for just showing up for me through this whole process. Like, you just get it boo! Hugs and kisses! Finally a quick apology to those I intended on sending preview copies of the save. Time was not on my side near the end, things took more time than I thought. Honestly, I needed to get this project off my computer ASAP. I really hope you guys understand. Big hugs and kisses. Thank you everyone for all the kind words and support over these past few months, your words kept me going, even if I didn't feel I had anymore left to give. This save is a love letter to you all, the simblr community.
Thank you, honestly, truly.
*terrain replacement in screenshots by K-hippie, you don’t need it, it’s just for screenshots + updated download link to include The Westfalls made by @oshinsimss for Windbrook 2.0 - please find more info here*
*updated download as of 10/11/23*
TOU: Don't upload any part of this save to any platform without explicit permission, thank you.
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humandyke · 8 months
This was what Saturday’s were for—competitive beer pong. They had a big hand-written House Rules poster stuck up on the wall that they sometimes added to. The most recent addition was written four years ago, in big bold marker, WINNERS DARE LOSERS, NO BACKING OUT. And no one ever has. In all four years that the rule has been enacted so far, not a single person has denied a dare, no matter how insane or dangerous. The list went on; vandalism, shoplifting, stealing traffic signs, slashing tires. Sure, not every dare was insane. But, about eight times out of ten, they were doing something a little less than legal.
“Understandably, Stan’s and Kyle’s futures seem the brightest of all. They’ll get out of South Park, that’s for sure. I think they’ll go to college together.”
In which Matt and Trey were right but Stan and Kyle are running a little behind schedule.
i did it folks i’m rly nervous so give it a read i promise it’s good. i think.
18+ obviously.
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viveela · 1 year
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Oh that's so unfortunate...who could've thunk it
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typhlonectes · 2 months
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A new species of the genus  Luciogobius Gill, 1859 (Teleostei, Oxudercidae) from Taiwan
Kuan-Hsun Chen, Te-Yu Liao
A new species, Luciogobius opisthoproctus sp. nov., is described based on 18 specimens collected from Daxi Creek (Yilan) and Babian Creek (Taitung) in Taiwan. The new species is characterized by having a yellowish body with scattered spots on the sides, a black blotch on the caudal fin, the absence of free pectoral-fin rays, and more than 40 vertebrae. The new species can be distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: AAA distance (anus to anal-fin origin) shorter than twice the body depth at anus, 4.2–7.2% of standard length (SL); pre-anus length 80.0–92.8% of pre-anal-fin length; snout length 39.7–62.7% of AAA distance; abdominal vertebrae 20–22; caudal vertebrae 20–22; first anal-fin pterygiophore usually inserted behind the second haemal spine.
Read the paper here:
A new species of the genus Luciogobius Gill, 1859 (Teleostei, Oxudercidae) from Taiwan (pensoft.net)
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t0rturedangel · 2 years
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parental alphabet
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I absolutely love creek it my favorite sp ship! Ive decided to write this out of sheer boredom and my love for creek. I hope you all enjoy !
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A - affection
How affectionate are they to their child?
I feel like, while they absolutely love you, they wont be took affectionate, they'll defiantly give you hugs and stuff but not too much
B - Bullying
How would they react to their child being bullied?
Oh boy, the kid who bullied you better get ready for the biggest ass whooping ever.
I feel like Both Tweek and craig will over dramatic things to make the kids punishment very bad.
After you've told them you were / are bullied, craig will be talking to the headteacher: very clearly pissed while Tweek will be hugging you and comforting you
C - clingy
How clingy are they to their child? And vise versa
Despite them not being too affectionate, Tweek is defiantly clingy to you, having you in his arms practically always, he will never let you go any where by yourself. Rarely, when you're not in Tweeks arms you're by Craigs side
Due to your father's clinginess towards you, you also turn clingy to surprisingly both of your dads
D - Dating
How would they react to their child dating?
They both set the rule of 'No dating until you're 18' but you broke it by having a boyfriend when you were little (around 7 or 8) and while they were upset you broke the rule they found you and your boyfriend's playdates to be so adorable.
You also broke the rule when you were in your teenage years, multiple times.
E - education
How well do they educate their child?
Oh you're very well educated, thats because they sent you to the best school they could, they want you to grow up to be extremely successful
F - Family
Do they want you to meet their families?
Tweek doesn't really want you to meet his, since they might make you drink their coffee, and well we all know what they put in there.
Craig doesnt really mind you meeting his family, you gotta meet at least one of your grandparents right?
G - Goodies
What nice things do they buy their child? (E.G. toys, games)
They'll buy you little goodies when you've done something really good, like get a high score on a test or something.
Usually they get you stuff you've talked about liking before, they always make sure they remember what you said you've liked.
H - hate
How do they react to their child saying they hate them?
The first time you've told them you hated them was most likely during an argument in your teenage years.
You wanted to go to a party that all your friends were going to and they didnt let you, since those friends of yours were 'bad influences' so mid argument you yelled out a 'I hate you both!'
Tweek's heart broke and Craig got angry, sending you to your room. They probably both shed a few tears since they care for you so much.
Later though, you apologized and all was forgiven
I - Internet
How much to they limit their child's access on the internet?
They put on safe search and lock it, also put on parental locks. Though its annoying, they dont want your little head to be ruined with 18+ stuff that a little kid like you shoulnt be watching / reading
J - Jokes
Do they joke around with their kids? How bad are their jokes?
I dont think Tweek jokes a lot but Craig defiantly tells stupid classic dad jokes, that are pretty shit but not even gonna lie you laughed at some of them
K - killjoy
How strict are they? Do they allow their kid to go to things like parties?
They are quite strict, yeah. They wont let you to o to parties that go over 10 pm and will not let you do multiple things you friends' parents would.
L - leaving
How do they react when their child needs to leave? (E.G. move out / die)
If you were to move out and or go to uni, they would be very reluctant to let you go, but will the promise of you visiting as much as you could they let you.
If you died, however, they would be heartbroken beyond belief, Tweek would never be able to get over your death even with his husband's help and support. You mattered the world to him. Craig would never get over your death either but he'll try to move on, whats done is done, you're never coming back, even though he really wants you to come back.
M - motherly
Who's the most 'motherly' to their child?
Oh Tweek is defiantly more motherly to you out of the two.
N - Nicknames
What nicknames do they give thier child? And vise versa
Tweeks nicknames for you are :: Sweetie (very rare that he calls you that though) , kiddo.
Craigs nicknames for you are :: Kid, little shit, mini me.
Your nicknames for the both of them are :: Dad, da, pops, papa (when you want something)
O - Overprotective
How protective are they of their child?
Oh yeah, they're quite overprotective, especially Tweek. Like this man will go mental if you're out of his sight for even a second, what if you get hurt!? what if someone takes you away!? what if-
P - Punishment
How would they punish their child?
They're very classical with their punishments, so you'd be grounded and be in time out for punishments.
Q - quality time
How much time do they spend with their child?
Thye try their best to spend good quality time with you but sometimes they simply dont have the time (which is actually surprising due to Tweeks practical need of being around you to keep you safe and happy and Craigs devoted love for his husband)
R - Rebel
How would they react if their child rebelled against them?
they'd try to catch you in the act of rebelling in whatever way you are and ground you on the spot, no 'buts' no arguments you're grounded go to your room .
S - swears
Do they let their kids swear?
Despite Tweek's thoughts against it, Craig teaches you to flip people off from a young age, thats just a necessity.
You usually get in trouble for flipping people off so much, you're truly Craigs kid
T - talk
How often do they have a meaningful conversation with their child?
again, they both try to have meaningful conversations with you but they (again) dont have the time sometimes
U - Uhmm
What do / did they find awkward when around their child?
The puberty talk and the sex talk.
Without a doubt they'll defiantly feel extremely awkward talking to you about these things
V - violence
Would they be violent to their child?
Absolutely not!
Never in a million years would they be violent to you. Sure they'll accidently hurt you when play fighting or giving you a smack round the head for screaming 'fuck' in public but they'd never hit you on purpose for no reason.
W - word
What was their child's first word
You first word was probably, most likely, ' Tweet '
You were trying your best to say your dad's name since you heard your other dad say it so many times
X - Xaroncharoo
How brilliant do they think their child is?
They know you're a brilliant child and will argue with mums and all that about it.
Y - Yelling
Would they yell at their child?
No, they absolutely refuse to yell at you, even when you're yelling at them for some thing.
Z - Zesty
Would they support their child if they were apart of the LGBTQ community?
I mean, they're part of the LGBTQ community, so it'd be really weird if they didn't support you.
I feel like they'd buy you a cake and have a little celebratory moment with you for coming out
They love you so much and want you to know it.
𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋 - 9/10, very good parents
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yiyi025 · 1 year
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fem creek!
btw i finally made a sp side account on twitter :> my @ is yiy_o_4000 :D here's the link!
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starrymako · 7 months
Honestly, I don't understand why people find adult Creek ugly. They're both attractive men 😍😍
Like, you've got tall, dark and handsome, and small, petit blonde
Craig's got them strong, sturdy shoulders. He actually doesn't look bad with balding hair plus the greying on his sides. And that defined chin. Whatta man
Tweek's hair is almost like a mullet, rolled up sleeves to reveal his arms (his arm hair looks so good on him), cheekbones and chiselled features. He's so pretty.
SO TRUE! I actually loved the adult designs for the sp characters! Tweek and Craig def got the "hot dad" vibes going on. I think the people who thought the designs were ugly are just afraid of aging LOL.
I think it's cool how the sp team kept Tweek and Craig's parents' features too. Like Tweek resembles his mom from the side and Craig kept his dad's chin and some of his mother's facial features. I kinda hope we see their young adult designs because I just know Tweek and Craig have superior genes. LOL Plus they looked so happy together in the special!!
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