#sideblog and put a lot
Me seeing a new anime: wow can't wait to see all the fandom arts and creations!
Me checking tumblr: 3 art pieaces some text posts and the rest just manga pages images from show or gifs directly from the show mostly of ppl pointing out where it stand in their top 10
Wich valid if ppl aren't interested they are not and you can't make ppl interested in creating stuff if they are not
It's just a lil sad and lonely in some anime fandoms..
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icantalk710 · 4 months
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This semi-mild cold has been an annoying start to this week 🤧😪
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beatcroc · 8 months
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I have decided im just gonna post all the smaller stupid shit i do here individually under my own tag and then eventually when there's enough to be substantial I'll compile them and put them in the actual/main tags. Anyway heres everybodys favorite italian man and his saggy dog
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albatris · 5 months
thinkin of running an oc poll tournament. pit your ocs against each other. lemme know if you are inchrested <3 n reblog to spread da word
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falderaletcetera · 1 year
Arkady: So, the Carmen Gambit is Jeeter’s pretentious name for one of the easiest short-term cons of the modern age. Named for the novella, obviously. Violet: Sorry, what? Arkady: Carmen. It’s about this broke Roma con artist. There’s a scene where she’s about to be arrested for a street brawl, and then she realizes the officer’s from this tiny, remote part of Spain. Carmen plays on his sympathy by pretending she’s from there too. “Oh, I was only punching that dude because he insulted our glorious homeland” blah blah. Part of him knows she’s lying, but he’s so homesick-- That’s the thing, right? All of us living out here in space. Go back one, two generations and most of us are from someplace else. Another planet, another station. Earth. They raise you on stories of a place you’ve maybe never even seen, until it’s just an outgrowth of your imagination. So we fly around and we spread out farther and farther, and in the meantime, in the back of our minds, we’re constantly nostalgic for someone else’s memories. Violet: That’s beautiful. Arkady: Yeah, here’s the real beauty. It makes people stunningly easy to con.
— The Strange Case Of Starship Iris season 1 episode 5: The Carmen Gambit
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darkchocolatepot · 6 months
I was just thinking about BBU Romantics the other day and it occurred to me that it's a little odd that they're always described as youthful, slender, perfect to one particular beauty standard. The idea is that someone in the market to buy a person would of course want the sort of person generally seen as physical perfection ... but would they?
In reality, you'd have buyers with all kinds of tastes beyond, like, hair color - people who like a sexual partner with some body fat they can grab, people who like body hair, people who want a Romantic that reminds them of their tenth-grade English teacher, people who like a partner older than them, etc. You'd think the facilities would take in all sorts of people to train so that they can meet any fetish.
I have sooooo much writing of my own to do, I don't have time to explore this ...
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tomatoart · 1 year
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this year was very influential in terms of finding out more of what i want to go forward with and continue using and learning for my style, i went out of my comfort zone and tried to branch out in graphics, design, shading, composition, and sooo much more that i realized are so fun to play with !! background attempter era as well LOL finally💥  anyways jerma meal was my fave piece this year!
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scatterpatter · 6 months
Every time i cringe when old of mine gets notes again, I then get this kinda swell of pride
Like man I never would've thought that a silly doodle I did in the middle of a hyperfix in 2019 would over 4 years later bring a smile to someones face
Like how many times I've gone down internet rabbit holes and found fanart over a decade old but still managed to bring a smile to my face, how many abandoned fics and comics and art people dont really think abt anymore still bring me joy when I stumble upon them
And I might not be proud of my old work because I've improved and I get embarrassed because I know I could do so much better if I re-did it nowadays, but like thats not the point. When I made it way back when it made me happy, and while it's not up to my personal standards anymore, it still makes other ppl happy. Other ppl arent holding my old art to the standards i am.
My one lil moment of joy that sparked a doodle inspiration kinda went across time and brought a smile to someone else's face way down the line when im not even really in the fandom that doodle was for anymore
AUs I've since gone back and went "eugh" with because I know I couldve approached them with better designs and writing nowadays, even tho I don't think it's good enough, someone else does, and like. thats just. thats just nice.
Idk. I dont have a point to this. I just hope that stuff i make today makes ppl happy years down the road. That's a nice thought.
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dragongirlbunny · 1 year
also like, since it evidently needs to be said, when i post about biting, it's probably not a kink thing. im autistic as fuck, gnawing on things is a stim, and so i tend to gently gnaw on my partners as a way of showing affection. it's about as horny as a hug or a peck on the cheek.
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eridan-ampora · 8 months
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yo9urt · 30 days
my secret dream is that one day a beautiful man stumbles upon this blog perhaps through a network of mutuals perhaps through a search result perhaps through any other strange and mysterious but divinely ordained and timed manner and we become mutuals and then friends and talk all the time and he falls in love with me but doesn't say it but one day he DOES say it and i also fell in love without saying anything too and then we get together and then some time later we get married and live happily ever after et cetera
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creatediana · 2 months
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"Junho" - an exercise in willow charcoal done 4/22/2024 in about 20 minutes of Lee Junho from 2PM
#this month it will be a FULL decade since i started this blog. but we were just a few short days#of making it 10 years without my kpop obsession leaking onto this sideblog. i thought we'd make it#i thought we'd make it but we didn't#my drawing#junho#2024#2pm#lee junho#charcoal#willow charcoal#drawing exercise#i drew something else today but i'm saving it to post later#and i only wrote one poem today and it was crap. so here's an exercise#i like how most of the drawings i post to this blog are just beautiful men#it's overrepresented in my portfolio admittedly#im not exactly 'proud' of this but i do like posting my exercises now and then bc they are fun to look at#i find examining my rushed/practiced drawings to be a lot more helpful in spotting my own strengths and weaknesses#than finished drawings i put a lot of dedication in#with this one i can say that the nose is off-center and the skull doesn't go all the way around on the left#as much as it should. but since it's clearly not meant to be a fully 'good' drawing it's more forgivable#if i had slaved at this for four hours it would kill me to stare at that inaccuracy#also: this is yet another example of the 'diana likes to draw faces far more than clothes' style of portrait#it's not that i dislike drawing clothes but they are so much less fascinating to me#i could stare at faces forever. whereas fabric doesn't inspire me to craft every detail just so.#and it shouldn't. because fabric is far more forgiving than human anatomy anyway
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caruliaa · 1 year
okay going to be doing a poll for this bc im indecisive lol, what theme should i use for my blog? (the pic next to the theme is the pfp hehe :>) (current theme also included)
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hallowed-nebulae · 1 year
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@woltourney Okay I'm posting this from my phone so I can't ramble too too much and I don't actually remember how much I elaborated about K'pheli in the form I submitted (and won't find out till the B side polls get posted lol) BUT. If nothing else please appreciate these gpose images I grabbed of him hugging his lover because I spent probably too long making sure he was positioned just right so as to not clip through g'raha's shoulders.
I Will be making more K'pheli propaganda and posting it. Eventually at some point.
But for a quick tldr; god incarnates into a mortal form, does WoL stuff alongside his cousin, does crystal tower questline and falls in love with local dramatic history nerd G'raha. Plot shenanigans go from there but that can be saved for another day.
Also he learned how to use the bow because G'raha taught him and really, what's dedication if not learning an entire new job just for the person you love?
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girls-to-men · 4 months
if you see me reblog something to this account that looks like it shouldn't be there, no you didn't
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