#sidenote I'd love to hear them talk
I need to know more about Metis Cykes. I really do.
She's a psychologist working for NASA with her work (implied actual) partner to build robots who feel. Said partner has a brother whom Metis mentors in the field of psychology and they're both big nerds for Japanese culture. She and her daughter literally live in a NASA space station. Seriously. That's just where they live!
More importantly, she has a very obtuse form of love. She builds machines and headphones to help her daughter live a normal life but the two of them are so detatched from one another that Athena doesn't see it as anything more than an experiment. When Metis tries to explain what she's doing, she explains it at such a high level that Athena just can't digest the information. This is Metis' daughter, mind. A fairly high-maintainence one who was forced to spend a majority of time at home because of a disability. She couldn't explain to this girl - who by all rights should be the most familiar person in her life - that a pair of headphones can help make things quieter for her.
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I'm willing to believe Simon on this one; he is remarkably in-tune to people and what drives them forward (usually for the purpose of manipulating them into getting his way). Metis more than likely did love Athena and showed it through her dedication to researching her abnormal hearing. She used it to help the Space Centre of course, but also to help Athena live a relatively normal life.
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One of the last things she left for Athena before she died was Widget; a device whose primary function is to display/voice Athena's emotions and thoughts. Things that she probably struggled to communicate as a child, enough for it to be something Metis wanted to create a solution for.
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Widget doesn't go completely black when it's not reading any emotions - check when Phineas Filch stole it. It's grey when he wears it and lights back up when it's on Athena. It only goes black when Athena's in severe emotional distress and begins to shut down.
Metis knew Athena was in deep pain; she was in pain even before UR-1 scarred her. She loved her so much that she dedicated a good chunk of her research into trying to understand her condition and relieving her of some of the burden.
But that's not what stuck with Athena.
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Her tireless work meant that they didn't spend much - if any - time connecting with each other as mother and daughter. Perhaps she's troubled in her own way. Maybe her work with GYAXA really was that demanding. In either case, Metis failed to meet her daughters emotional needs while focusing on her practical problems.
I wonder why Athena never picked up on this... you know, Athena - someone who can hear subconscious tone of voice so well she may as well be telepathic? Did they just not talk that much? Was Metis emotionally challenged as well? Was she not nearly as emotional as other people, like the phantom was? Or maybe Athena simply didn't fully understand what the emotions she heard from her mother meant. It's hard for me to say.
I need to know more about this troubled, troubling person.
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Hmm... come to think, maybe that's why Aura fell for her? She's voiced her displeasure at how emotional and irrational humans are. Someone like Metis - someone who focused on practical problems and could seemingly invent a solution to anything through intelligence - would be a good change of pace in her eyes, I'd imagine. Then again, these lines come after UR-1 and 7 years of grief, so take that with a grain of salt.
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homestuckreplay · 1 month
when your friends don't invite you to the matching username party :(
Now that we've seen all of John's friends talk at least a little bit, I wanted to deep dive into their usernames, and see what they might be able to tell us about the characters we don't know yet. For sure I've seen some weird usernames in my time on sites like MSN Messenger, but these seem especially weird, and not like words most kids would use.
There's also a weird pattern - all three of John's friends only use words beginning with T and G in their screen names. We have TT, TG and GG, so if they were doing a bit together we'd expect John to be GT, but instead he's EB - not even close. Could this be a sign that he feels disconnected from the friend group, not fully part of things, doubting that they want him around? Is it possible that the other three are all each other's 'real life' friends while John only talks to them online? Did John not want to be GT, or did nobody ever tell him there was a theme? Was he GT before, but then got mad at his friends one day and change it to spite them? Or is there another GT we have yet to meet?
Discussion of all four known chumhandles under the cut - only ~1k words :)
ectoBiologist - As discussed in my in depth John thoughts, the strict definition of this is 'someone who studies outside/external biology', which could relate to a huge variety of very niche fields - but, knowing John, almost certainly refers to the biology of ectoplasm, slime, and ghosts, a field which doesn't exist in reality but which John might consider himself a pioneer of.
As a sidenote, if John was GT, he might go in a different direction with his username. We know from TT that John regularly wears disguises while talking to her / interacting with his dad / just in daily life, and that he's into comedy and pranks (NOT clowns). Reflecting those, I came up with guisecladTrouper as a chumhandle that would fit the modifierTypeofguy pattern, as well as the letters. If anyone has any other GT ideas for John, I'd love to hear them!
turntechGodhead - TurnTech is a Chinese company founded in 2001 that makes scientific and educational software. This probably isn't the reference, but you never know; this kid could be really into science, happen to own a piece of software from this company, and have liked the word. I also think it could be short for 'turntable technology', which can be a few different hobbies - records/DJing, railroads, or sculpture/ceramics/metalwork. DJing fits his vibe but I think it'd be so cool if he was a train guy. 'Turn' relates to shaping or forming as well as changing direction, so he could be someone who develops his own technology.
This also fits really well with 'godhead', which is the true or essential nature of God in several major world religions. So this could be a suggestion of a guy with delusions of grandeur and a massively inflated ego, or, it could be someone who takes on the role of a god himself - some kind of creator. I really think this kid is going to be into invention, metalworking, and engineering. Built his own computer from scratch type of guy. I bet he owns a soldering iron and uses it for fun.
tentacleTherapist - Lots of living things have tentacles, including snails, squid, jellyfish, coral, moss animals, caecilians, the star-nosed mole, some carnivorous plants, Squidward, and mind flayers. Tentacles are generally associated with sea creatures, horror media, or both. Therapist, meanwhile, is a person who helps to heal someone's physical or psychological problems. The words sound really good when said together, but don't have an obvious link.
One idea is that she's someone who either lives near water or owns weird pets - a tank of snails or jellyfish seems reasonable - perhaps caring for or rehabilitating them from the wild. But the idea of her being into cosmic horror creates a fascinating parallel between her username and John's. John is a biologist; he studies, analyzes and understands academically, while TT is a therapist; she rehabilitates and understands emotionally. John works with ghosts and slime, while TT works with aliens and deep sea horror. It's delightful to me that they might have bonded by nerding out over paranormal lore, an interest probably neither of them shares with many people around them.
gardenGnostic - I keep reading this as a shortening of 'common or garden gnostic' as in 'your average, everyday gnostic' which, out of all the four usernames, might be the wildest one for a 13 year old to be. Much like 'godhead', 'gnostic' carries a very strong religious theme, especially with the capital letter - I know it's the syntax, but the words could be this way round for a reason. I'm definitely going to do some background reading on Gnosticism as we get to know this character to see how well it fits.
The first word could also be referencing the Garden of Eden, the original sin and the tree of knowledge; the combination indicating a character with a drive for spiritual knowledge and self-understanding above all else. In a more literal sense, I'm imagining someone who spends a lot of time outdoors and who would think nothing of a few injuries from the Slimer pogo ride in the yard. This chumhandle is also only a few letters away from 'garden gnome', which makes me think of someone who enjoys the ornamental, decorative, and whimsical.
Just as John and TT's usernames are a pair with similar themes, TG and GG's handles also match up. (Sidenote: does this mean these are the pairs of 'best friends'? Feels weird considering TT is the only one of the three who didn't wish John a happy birthday). Both TG and GG have chumhandles strongly related to religion, creation, and origins, with TG representing the mechanical and technical side of things, and GG representing the natural and environmental side.
So, that's our four chums! The most interesting thing to me is how well these pairs of usernames work together, despite John being outside of the letter pattern. Both these things feel very intentional and not like I'm reaching; they definitely mean Something in the themes, but it's too soon to say what. I'm so impatient to see more of these characters and learn anything concrete about them at all.
If you've made it this far, here's a quick poll!
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joetamy · 4 months
I love Doma, so much- besides his character alone, imma post things I like about his design. Cause I can ùwú If you wanna see my simpus supremus post, read more under the cut! 🙌
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Ahem... LOOK AT THE SIZE OF HIS HANDS ! ! He's huge! This is a me thing maybe but that's very✨pleasant✨ Other than that, the design for his hands are so elegant.. yet strong- he has long nails as the upper two, which- slayyy~
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The blood-like pattern is visually appealing, honestly just such good design. If you want to make hands more interesting, have some kind of detail like this to draw your eyes to them. Gah... GAH 🔥
His range of expression! And just.... his face- For someone with no emotion, he sure has studied expressing whatever he wants accurately. Surprise, joy, sympathy, sadness, determination- you name it, he can fake it. And as is the point of his character to some extent, he has beautiful eyes. Both in shape and color. 🌈
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His eyebrows are wonderful, it's not often creators make a character this attractive and then give them a set of nice and thick eyebrows. I feel it's so common to think of it as unattractive but.. honestly- I disagree. I have had thick eyebrows my entire life, and I am extremely grateful for that. Anyway, this next one is just.. demons in general from Demon Slayer. But! Their teeth, they are so large. Every demon with these kind of teeth just... they seem so- idk- comfy looking. It's odd, but very appealing! (I checked in with some friends and they agree! Demon chompers are very nice to look at!
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HIS HAIR! For real, long long ago, when watching the hobbit and lord of the rings, something flipped in me in regard to what I find appealing on men. Long hair. There is a reason I love Tolkien's elves ahah. And it's just the same with Doma. 🥰 Regardless if it is beautiful, smooth and soft or jagged and wild- it does not matter. Men suit long hair so much more than they think, it makes me so happy whenever a character is given long hair. And I mean LONG, not that "barely touching the shoulders" bs. That's not long, that's medium.
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It actually pains me when someone draws a man who has long hair- with short hair. Like.. slay, live your dreams. But come oooon- let the 10% of men with long hair in fiction keep it, plz- I beg. (not actually that serious, do what makes you happy <3) With some help from two of my friends, I'd like to point out his build and how he visually reads vs. his behaviors! While Doma is quite a big guy, with broad shoulders and a very tall frame. He acts and is drawn very innocently! (Note: Slim waist alert 🔥)
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He is often drawn in a way that makes him seem quite harmless. He sits in a way that makes him seem smaller than he is (Especially during the upper moon meeting), he's often smiling, laughing and otherwise messing around. He also somewhat slumps his shoulders sometimes. All this really makes his behavior stand out, since it is such a contrast to how he makes himself appear. He talks down to people in such a casual way, he's creepy at times, intimidating- and that gets multiplied by 100 when he no longer acts all aloof and sweet.
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On top of all this- he is very muscular, but he wears a baggy turtleneck and very loose pants. Which is anotherfor him to seem far less intimidating visually.
This has all been manga so far, but here's an honorable mention to the anime. This scene was so well done. He is smiling softly through the entire scene, but does not express as much as he does while being upper two. His voice range moves but not along with his expression, which make it feel as if something is off and I love it.
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Sidenote, the voice actor they picked for him- chef kiss 💕 Some of this might be a reach, or personal conclusion of course. But when I have an interest, why not share it. Maybe some people will agree, maybe some won't. Either is fine! And feel free to tell me what you agree or disagree with, or just what you like about this guy. I am happy to hear 💖
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Hello again Brainrot !! I hope you’re doing well! :] (apologies in advance for the long ask !!)
This is may be a little out of left field, but I thought it might make for an interesting discussion, so !! Here I am again, hehe
I’ve been working on a (purely self-indulgent, not-yet public) project over the past year or so, literally called The Arcana Rewritten (it’s primarily a poly route/combination of Julian & Nadia’s routes, with a heavy emphasis on the world-building, character-building, a hell of a lot of magic shenanigans, & bits and pieces from the other routes since I find them interesting & fun to work with in the context of each other’s routes!) (additional sidenote, your headcanons have actually inspired a hell of a lot of the project & helped me get a better understanding of the cast, so I can’t thank you enough !!)— and to help me figure out/keep in mind the foundations of each of the main cast, I’ve been jotting down various character rankings both based on canon information (such as the official character rankings) *and* headcanons (including my own MC, because of course I would)
All of this to say !! I wanted to share the rankings I have so far & ask for your feedback/suggestions/critique (plus the feedback of whoever else sees this, should they choose), if it’s not too much trouble for me to ask! (Plus I just like hearing people’s personal thoughts on the cast, hehe)
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Anyhow !! Don’t feel pressured to respond to this any time soon—! I’m just tossing it out here for fun :P
Take care, Brainrot!
- Cadaver
@lurkingposting hi Cadaver! It's great to meet you!
I genuinely don't know what to do with such high praise, but thank you so much for the credit!! (I don't deserve it but I truly appreciate it :'))
I love these rankings - and to help out where I can, I have this post saved from forever ago where someone went through all the rankings/character stuff with the M6 and compiled them in one post. Here it is!!
I look forward to seeing what other people think, but reading through it I think these are awesome! I'd love to talk about them with you in depth if you're ever interested - my DMs are always open, and if you want a whole group of arcana fans analyzing your AU you can make a channel for it in the discord server (no pressure, of course) ^.^
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decepti-thots · 1 year
☕️ actually been meaning to ask you about this for ages bc you've mentioned before you have thoughts abt it; cdrw having less fic about them then you might expect for a canon couple?
I think there are a few reasons!
One is that the CDRW arc in the comics is not the kind of romantic arc that tends to appeal most to fandom. A lot of ship fic is "getting together" fic, because that's a way to make the ship the built-in plot of the fic. It provides a ready made beginning, middle and end that is near-guaranteed to be satisfying to anyone invested in the ship. But CDRW are introduced as a long-established couple, and their story is tied much more strongly to the overarching plot of the comic than it is to conventional romance beats.
Two is that it's actually kind of hard to find an obvious canon gap to write a story in during the events of the comic. Their arc is really... jam packed? So many of the big emotional moments of it just play out on page, is the thing. By contrast, look at, say, Dratchet. There is so much room to play with there. Even with Cygate, there was a period during the comic being published where you had room to write ahead and pre-empt the actual resolution we got, during the downtime. CDRW doesn't have as many options there to do that, and I feel like it might seem a less obvious choice for someone looking to write A Romance Fic.
Three is something I realised after talking to folks about the ship, which is that anecdotally I have discovered that a lot of people like CDRW but find it harder than expected to get a grip on. Chromedome in particular seems to stump people; I've written a little bit before about how I think the structure of his arc in the comic winds up catching people off guard because of how it doesn't follow the expected emotional trajectory post-Overlord. And I think between that and the fact that he's a character who people sometimes struggle to get a handle on the interior motivations of, he can be hard for some people to really find the voice of apparently. And Rewind, too, is deceptively tricky, because he is actually a very weird character. His motivations are weird, his intensity is weird, I find a lot of people who haven't revisited the source material recently tend to misremember him as a much more straightforwardly tropey character than canon Rewind actually is. A lot of the CDRW stuff out there I have seen tends to do this to both of them actually, slot them into a kind of m/m ship template that they vaguely resemble on the surface but is totally inadequate once you start paying attention. (Cygate also got this.)
When you put all of this together, I think CDRW grabbed people as fic fodder a lot less. And there's the built in sense of "canon gave us everything" that comes from them getting so much focus that I think smooths over that absence so it doesn't really seem obvious in fandom, where they just tend to hang around in fic as a background pairing.
anyway. people. we should write more cdrw fic i think. they are Insane and there are actually a bunch of things the comic brushes over tbh. and the AU potential! oh my god, there are so many opportunities for weird plot divergences!!! i am guilty bc i have a halfwritten longfic that i never managed to wrangle fully in google docs that i am sheepishly avoiding eye contact with (but will one day return to i swear) (look i'm in Big Bang mode right now folks but one day)
Sidenote: I'd love to hear other people's perspective on that third point... do people have opinions on this? I am going off stuff from a while ago and I know there's been a bunch of folks doing rereads lately. How are we feeling about CD and Rewind as characters these days.
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bardock1991 · 1 year
My thoughts about the Penny Revival Theory... & Why i don't see it happening.
Before i begin, I'd like to make one thing clear. This is not a personal attack on anyone who likes these theories & wishes them to be true, nor is this me telling any of them or some of you for that matter that you're wrong for thinking this way. I just wish to express my OWN thoughts in the matter & why they don't sit well with ME personally & why I don't see it happening in the canon story.
I'm begging you guys to keep the discussions in both the comments & reblogs civil, I'm not here to pick any fights. Moreover, do NOT go & attack people who follow this theory, i do NOT want them getting harassed for this. If i see any of you do that, I'm going to block you.
Also, a quick trigger warning: there's gonna be a few mentions about death in this post, including suicide. I tried my best to make sure there's not too many mentions of it, but i wanna make it clear since i know how sensitive that topic can be for people. Okay? Here we go!
So! RWBY Volume 9! My personal favorite RWBY volume to date & one of my favorite seasons of anime in recent memory. I'm serious, we're talking top 3 material here. With an amazing new world to explore, gorgeous animation, tons of great characterization (for the most part), incredible pay offs for stuff that was being set up for years at this point, all concluding in a (albeit a bit rushed) very satisfying conclusion that really resonated with me personally. Now with almost one week away from the finale, i can safely say that this volume is my personal favorite RWBY volume... So now i think it's time to discuss something that I've been neglecting to talk about since the Volume began... Heck, since V8 ENDED!... & That matter... Is Penny!
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As a huge Nuts N'Dolts shipper myself (although I'll admit i haven't truly appreciate the shit until somewhere around mid to late 2021 to early 2022), it's safe to say that i really love Penny. She's a really adorable character with a pretty interesting arc about choice & how she's not a thing others can just use. I don't think it was executed the best though, since if you wanna be technical, Penny DID made her own choices in the story. Like her choice to actually be honest with Ruby in V2, going with the heroes instead of Ironwood in the end of V7 & holding up Amity in V8 despite the risks just to name a few. So the whole idea of her only really having a choice when she committed assisted you know what (it wasn't a choice, it was an ultimatum) doesn't really hit as hard as the story wanted it to hit... THAT + the fact that the one who was there with her in the end wasn't Ruby... But Jaune... Yeah, I'm still not over that... But despite all of that, i still love this character & is tragic to see her go the way she did... Yet... Unlike most NND fans... I kinda want Penny to stay dead...
HEAR ME OUT!!! Now yes, Penny has indeed came back from the dead once, that is true... So most people think why couldn't that happen again & moreover, in the words of some people said it themselves on Tumblr put it "Why would the writers give such an unsatisfying & cruel fate if they weren't gonna do something with it? Like bring her back?" (Sidenote, if any of you attack these people, I'm gonna be VERY pissed because like i said earlier, I'm NOT here to start pointless flame wars & fights!)... But for both a LOGICAL standpoint, as well as a STORY & CHARACTER standpoint... Not only would this not make a lot of sense, but it'd also be rather... Disrespectful... Let me explain.
Why the Penny Revival theory wouldn't work from a LOGICAL standpoint
Option 1: Ascension/Ever After Loopholes.
So for those unaware, Penny died in V3 by being cut in half by Pyrrha, albeit because of Emerald's Semblance messing with their heads. But in V7, we learned that she was able to not ONLY come back to life, but also come back with her memories & experiences from her LAST life intact... Why?... Because her CORE wasn't all that damaged in Beacon. (Actually, IDT it was damaged at all cause Penny's core is essentially her heart & she wasn't cut in half from the chest, it was from the waist.) Keep this factor in mind cause it's gonna be the main factor as to why this theory cannot become a reality from a logical standpoint.
Now let's go to the end of Volume 8, where the heroes manage to save Penny... Until they didn't. They were able to save her from the virus by tricking Ambrosius into making her into a human without ACTUALLY asking him to do it. There's a great video explaining this in greater detail that was made by the amazing Murder of Birds, which I'll link over here: https://youtu.be/ovd_jcdvbL0
Anyways, Cinder catches everyone off guard, the writers take a dump on Ruby, Penny gets capped off & Solitas goes to shit!... Where does V9 take place? The Ever After, which we NOW know is the center of the entire RWBYverse. Think of the Ever After (more specifically, the TREE of Ever After) as the Tree of Yggdrassill in Norse Mythology.
In Ever After, when a person dies, they're essentially sent into The Tutorial Realm of Kingdom Hearts. But instead of picking your weapons & stats, you pick who you wanna become in the next life. In simpler terms, death in ever after works like reincarnation. You die & get the choice of either come back as yourself (which doesn't happen very often) or the choice of being erased from existence & be replaced by someone else who just so happen to look like your previous self... Oh & there's some bullshit about how "the heart always remembers", but that makes no fucking sense, so i don't count that.
So a lot of fans, especially as the Volume was reaching its conclusion where we learn more & more about Ever After began thinking "Oh, then that must mean Penny will come back"... So a few things why this doesn't really work... & It starts with easily the biggest counterpoint... Did Penny die in the Ever After?... No, she didn't... She died in The World of Void... Which is NOT the same thing! Meaning that Penny wouldn't be able to come back as either herself or as a "reincarnation" that replaces her very existence. That's not possible unless she specifically died in Ever After, which wasn't the case. So that's already off the table... & Those who said "Oh, when Little dies, they'll be reborn as Penny & they'll finally give Ruby hope again"...
2 problems with this... 1: Replacing a character that was introduced specifically for this season... & Then replace them with someone who just died on the season before this one... For arguably no reason other than fanservice... Do i need to explain the problem here?! Do i need to explain why this wouldn't have been a good writing decision?!... Not to mention how little sense it'd actually make sense Little doesn't know Penny, so WHY would they ascend as her?!
2: & This is more personal for ME specifically, but i really... REALLY do not like having someone's character arc be arbitrarily resolved because of someone else as a way to "cure them" or "help them"... In this context, it'd be Penny being the "cure" that Ruby needs to regain her hope again... Again, i ask you... Do i need to explain why this wouldn't have been a good thing?!
If that actually happened, Ruby wouldn't learn anything in the end! She wouldn't learn that being herself was good enough, she'd instead learn that in reality, there IS no consequence! People can die & come back if the world suddenly decides it had enough of you moping around all depressed, which is not only bad writing, but also VERY insulting to those who were/are in a similar position as Ruby did in V9!... That is not the lesson you wanna teach to your main character when she's in that state of depression, let alone your AUDIENCE!
While i will be the first to admit that they fucked over the way Ruby ascended in the first place by essentially mimicking you know what & then make such a jarring tone shift in the very next chapter (Jesus Christ, that was awful), the end result was beautiful! It wasn't perfect & it happened a bit too quickly for my taste, but it was STILL beautiful! Ruby eventually realizing that she doesn't HAVE to be someone else & moreover, she doesn't HAVE to be perfect... Just being herself is good enough & even if she doesn't know who she is deep down, she won't be able to find that out unless she CHOOSES to he herself, which was the POINT of Volume 9's finale from Ruby's PoV... Bringing Penny back in this instance would completely go against this message, cause Ruby wouldn't be able to fully appreciate herself as a person.
Option 2: Pietro creates a THIRD Body for Penny, just like he did for Penny 2.0.
Ok, now with THAT out of the way, let's talk about the SECOND possibility for Penny coming back... Pietro either MAKES a Penny 3.0 or has already MADE one by the time RWBYJ returned to Remnant... Remember when i said that the only reason Penny was able to come back in the first place was because her core/heart was intact, thus allowing Pietro to actually MAKE a second body for Penny while still letting her keep her memories?... Yeah, that's not possible here anymore. Why?... Because not only did Penny die in The World of Void... She died as a HUMAN!... Meaning that her core... Her HEART... Is gone for GOOD!
Nobody managed to retrieved Penny's body from the world of void before the portals closed, (nor did we ever see it in Ever After, which was a MASSIVE missopportunity if you ask me. Along with the fact that we never see the reactions of the others learning how Penny ACTUALLY died which... WHY didn't we get that in V9?...) So it wouldn't have been possible for Pietro or anyone for that matter to take her heart back, even IF Penny died as a robot again.
Moreover, Atlas is gone! Their TECHNOLOGY & MATERIALS are gone! Sure, Amity & some stuff from Argus are still around as we saw in the final shot of V9, but most of it is gone... Pietro wouldn't be able to create a THIRD Penny Robot with the resources he has. But even then, let's say that he did. Let's say that Pietro WAS able to create a THIRD Penny Robot... There's still a huge problem here, it WOULDN'T be the same Penny. Why?... Because the CORE would be different, the HEART would be different.
Pietro wouldn't be able to create a THIRD Penny Robot so he can add her core in there BECAUSE HER ORIGINAL CORE IS GONE! Pietro & the others managed to RETRIEVE the core after the events of V3, but that wasn't the case for V8. The Penny we grew to know & love is GONE! She will NEVER be able to come back in a way that doesn't make sense & doesn't feel like a total asspull, it's NOT gonna happen. If we ever get a THIRD Penny (& that's a REALLY BIG if), it's gonna be a completely different Penny instead of the one WE know, a completely different Penny from the one RUBY knows... & Loves... Let me ask you people... Would you WANT that? Would you want this "Penny 3.0" to essentially replace the Penny we grew to know & love?... Do you guys ACTUALLY want that?!... Personally, i DON'T!
If it were up to me between keeping her dead & essentially replacing her either through ascension or through a third model that's completely unrecognizable, I'd go with the FIRST option!
So yeah, those are the reason why Penny coming back wouldn't work from a LOGICAL standpoint, so now it's time for the one that's gonna be VERY controversial... Why Penny coming back wouldn't work from a STORY & CHARACTER standpoint...
Why the Penny Revival theory wouldn't work from a STORY & CHARACTER standpoint
Okay, this is where i have to put up some flame shields, cause this is the point of the discussion where I'm gonna make A LOT of people mad at me... Okay, here we go...
Reason 1: It'd undo Penny's sacrifice, which would be a very disrespectful thing to do.
Now even though the whole "only choice Penny had was how she chose her death" thing is actually bullshit because it wasn't a choice, nor was it her only one... It'd still feel very disrespectful for the heroes to just... UNDO the sacrifice she made to make sure Cinder doesn't get any stronger.
Think about this from Penny's perspective. You decide to ask one of your few remaining allies to essentially help you commit assisted you know what so you can make sure your inherited magical power doesn't fall into the wrong hands... Then a while later, those same allies undo your efforts by bringing you back to life...
That would feel like a slap to the face if you ask me. Regardless of intentions, they would essentially undo the hard work i did to make sure THEY got to live... I'd feel REALLY insulted if that happened to me & I'm pretty sure Penny would feel that way too. So right off the bat, there's a problem.
Not to mention, how did this entire story start again? How did this entire SERIES started again?... Let me think for a moment... Oh yeah, it's because a spiteful, self-righteous woman tried to play god & get her fallen fiancee back despite being told by LITERAL GOD that this was wrong & then pay the price for it by becoming immortal until she truly understands the meaning of life... (spoilers, she'll never do so willingly because it's Salem. She's the f-ing worst)
So why the FUCK would you want the heroes to do the exact damn thing?! Why the hell would you want them to essentially do the same thing the main villain did?! The same thing that put these kids in this mess in the first place?!... Why the hell would you want that?! It just makes no sense to me.
That's like if Byleth from Fire Emblem tried to bring back Jeralt by doing the exact same fucked up experiments Rhea did in the attempt to resurrect Sothis, all the while Byleth has complete understanding of the consequences her actions will have because she literally experienced the consequences of Rhea's actions when she did that to Byleth herself!...
Do you see where I'm going with here? By trying to play god in bringing Penny back, Ruby & co. would essentially be proving Salem & in a way, the Gods right in saying that mankind at its core is worthless & beyond salvation.
& Before i move on to my next point, let me bring up a scenario for you guys. Imagine if you were Ruby, imagine if you - as Ruby Rose - met up with Dr. Pietro Polendina in Vácuo & he tells you that he may (keyword: MAY!...) have found a way to bring Penny back... But in turn, it'd cost him his life. In Volume 7, we learn that Penny's soul isn't actually artificial, but actually a fragment of Pietro's soul... His life force.
While what I'm about to say isn't confirmed as of the writing of this essay, i wouldn't be surprised if this whole "taking away my soul & putting it on something else" thing Pietro did took a huge toll in his lifespan... IE: it might've made his life span much shorter & maybe even age faster. In that same scene, he also says that if Penny dies again, he doesn't know if he will have enough life force to bring her back a second time.
So with ALL of that in mind, would YOU - Ruby Rose - accept Pietro's offer? Better yet, would you let him actually DO IT?!... Personally, i wouldn't... I'm sorry, but I'm not the kind of person who could bring himself to bring someone back to life by either killing someone else or letting said someone else die. Especially if the person I'm trying to bring back is the daughter of the person I'm killing in exchange!
Imagine how devastated Penny would feel if that happened?! Imagine how she would feel of her own father died in order to bring her back to life again... Do you think she'd be able to live with that reality?! Do you think she'd be able to forgive herself for that?! Let alone forgive Ruby for either telling Pietro to do that or worse, letting him do that & not stop him?! Do you think Penny would want that?! Do you want this poor innocent girl to come back at the cost of her father's life?!...
How could Ruby ask that of Pietro, how could you ask that of him? How could I ask that of him?! What kind of person do you have to be in order to ask someone's parent to essentially sacrifice the remaining years of their life in order to bring THEIR child back?! Not YOUR child, THEIRS!... Do i need to go any further on how cruel & messed up this scenario would be?!...
I can't fucking believe some people actually say this unironically, but they freaking do! Like- guys!... You can't bring somebody back to life by having their parent literally exchange their life for them! You can't just DO that! That's like if i was asking the Mom of my best friend who just died to sacrifice her life to bring back my friend... How the hell am I supposed to ask that of somebody?!
Reason 2: Sometimes, people just die.
Okay, THIS is where I'm gonna sound very controversial. Cause what I'm about to say will make people very upset... So for those who somehow are still reading this, but don't feel like finishing it... Out... Now!...
This is the most overused talking point I've heard when i hear people talking about Penny's death in Volume 8. How it was needlessly cruel, unfair & unsatisfying, as well as asking themselves why the writers would do this if they didn't plan on bringing her back in the future?... Here's the problem with this line of thinking... Sometimes, bad things just happen...
There are times where bad things happen out of our control, there are times when even after being prepared for the worst, we still lose & most of all, there are times where people just... Die... & There's nothing we can really do about it... The point I'm trying to make here is this: People don't often die in order to make a big sacrifice for the greater good or to save their loved ones... People don't often die to achieve a greater purpose in life or to motivate someone else... Sometimes... People just die... & That's what happened to Penny...
Despite everyone's best efforts, she died... Despite everything Penny went through to get as far as she did, she died... Despite all the love, care & affection the people around her showed her & proving to the world that her life did indeed had meaning... She died... & There was nothing the heroes could do about it. Jaune wouldn't have been able to heal Penny in time before she either bled out or before Cinder finished the job herself, there's no Senzu Bean equivalent in RWBY for Penny to take for her to suddenly heal all of her fatal wounds, there's no legitimate healing spells in RWBY as far as we know... & Most important of all, there was nothing the heroes could do to stop Cinder.
Now before some of you say "Oh, but Emerald knew & could've told them!" & To that i say YES, you're right... Except not really... Thing is, Emerald didn't know Cinder would do what she did. She didn't know she'd ally with Watts & Neo, create this very elaborate scheme in order to kill everyone in The World of Void. There was no way in hell Emerald could ever find out about that, nobody could. Heck, they didn't even know who was holding the missing Lamp at the time! Making the heroes counter Cinder's plan even MORE unlikely.
Now is this death unfair?... Yes!... Is it very cruel? Yes!... Is it rather unsatisfying?... Very!... But that's the whole point! It's supposed to be a very cruel twist of fate, it's supposed to be this horrible, tragic ending to a character who deserved better & ya'know why? Because that's what death actually feels like to people!
Many people (myself included) don't see death as this great ending to a story or a final goodbye or anything like that. It's usually seen as this cruel, unfair & very painful thing people go through. Whether it be through an accident, a murder, an illness or just old age... Dealing with the death of loved ones suck! It's not supposed to be seen as something that could have benefits to the world or something that could/should be undone.
& That's essentially what happened to Penny. I don't know about you guys, but i am just so tired of people saying that she had to have died for a cause, there has to be a reason the writers killed her off the way they did & that it must be the story telling us that she'll come back somehow... Here's the problem with all of these takes... There IS no reason for her death, there IS no big cause for her death... She just died... That's it...
Like i said a few moments ago... Sometimes, bad things just happen that are out of our control & there's nothing we can do about it. There doesn't have to be a reason for everything, that's not how the world works. Penny's death is no different... Neither is Pyrrha's, neither is Summer's supposed death... That was the whole point of Volume 9. It wasn't about doing the impossible or undoing the past, it was about accepting what happened & trying to find a new reason to live, as well as accepting that the person you are now is good enough.
Does the world suck sometimes? Yes. Does the people in it ruin your reason to live sometimes? Yes. Can reality be the cruelest, sadistic & unforgiving asshole you've ever met in your life sometimes?... Absolutely!... All of what i just said is true, there's no ifs, ands or buts about it. Sometimes, life is one merciless & unforgiving bitch!... But ya'know what's also true?... Ya'know what's also reality?... You have a choice to make... You get to choose how you will properly deal with that reality.
You can either choose the path Salem, Cinder, Neo, Watts, Ironwood, Adam & all of the RWBY villains/antagonists took, where you're so spiteful & resentful towards the world that you wanna give the same pain you just went through back at the world. Because in your mind, it's justified. Why shouldn't the world suffer the same pain you've suffered. It's not fair for you to go through literal hell while everyone else is all happy & cheerful, living their lives without a care in the world... That doesn't sound fair to you, does it?...
If you make this choice, you're essentially letting your pain & suffering do the talking for you. You're letting it control your life & make all of the decisions for you... You could do that... But you can also choose to take a different path, one that's more benevolent & hopeful... The path that people like Ruby, like Summer, like Yang & the rest of the team good guys have chosen to take.
A path where instead of using your pain & suffering to make the world worse, you use it to make it better. You use your own painful experiences to help others, to make sure they don't go through the same pain you did. It might seem like it's too much for you to handle & sometimes, it might even feel like a waste of time. Hell! You might even get to a point where you ask yourself "Where's my help? Where's my source of comfort? Why can't someone pick me up for once?" But if you stick to your guts & if you don't lose sight of yourself, you'll eventually realize 2 things.
1: The person you are now is good enough. It's not perfect, this person makes many mistakes & has maybe done some terrible things in the past... But the good that person did can't be denied & maybe... Just maybe, that person you are right now is good enough, even if you don't realize it right away.
2: Your actions, no matter how small they may seem, CAN leave a positive impact on others. Eventually, you come to realize that despite your many failures in life, the good you did accomplish cannot be understated. Whether it be on a single person or maybe even a whole group of people, they're only where they are now because of you.
You were the one who gave them the drive to keep living despite the hardships the world can bring at them, you were the one who showed them that their lives actually mean something! & You should take pride in that, no matter how small it may seem to you.
So yes, the world can be very cruel... But it can also be very beautiful... & You can choose whether or not you embrace its cruelty, or show the people how beautiful the world can be... That's the entire point of not only Ruby's arc in volume 9, not only the entire point of Volume 9 as a whole... But the point of RWBY as a whole. It's a story about how the world can affect different people, a story where its cruelty can either make people very spiteful & resentful or make them empathetic & kind. Because that's how things are in our world too... & I'm really happy to see RWBY both understanding this theme... & Embracing it.
3: "If Penny's death is meant to be unfair & cruel... Then what was the point of it"?
& You might ask me "What, did Penny just die for nothing then?"... Well... Yes & no... While it is very cruel & unsatisfying - which again, was the point - i wouldn't say she died for "nothing." If Penny didn't do what she did, Winter would've died against Ironwood (remember, she was at death's door when Penny gave her the Winter Maiden Magic. Ironwood was this close to finishing her off.), Weiss would've died against Cinder, Jaune probably would've died against Cinder as well & worse of all, the Winter Maiden Magic would go to someone else random. Why is this a problem?... Oh, nothing much... It's nothing too serious, except for the part that all of the escapees are getting killed off in the desert & there was nobody powerful enough to complete subdue & protect them at the time! Are we seriously forgetting about that?!
It doesn't matter if it was either Penny or Winter, if neither of them went through that portal, i can guarantee you that everyone on the other side of that portal would've died by the Vacuan Grimm. (You can mostly thank Weiss [The Writers] for not being more specific about the exit of the portals, but i already wrote & sang that song many times in the past, so i don't wanna get too sidetracked here.) I can guarantee you that the only reason Ren, Nora, Oscar, Emerald, Klein, Willow, Whitley, the Happy Huntresses & everyone else who made it there didn't all fucking die in that desert is because of Winter coming when she did as a Maiden, which wouldn't have happened if Penny didn't do what she did.
So uh... Yeah, Penny making sure the Winter Maiden Powers went to someone she could trust was kind of a big deal. You can't call that "dying for nothing", because despite losing the 2 relics, Penny's death essentially gave the survivors of Solitas a chance to even make it through Vácuo alive & by extension, having an entire unified armada ready to go as we see in the final shot of V9. (Most of that is thanks to Ruby & her message, but i still need to give Penny some credit for this since i doubt there were enough people to properly lead this unified armada). Once again, sharing a great video from Murder of Birds that puts things into perspective better than i ever could: https://youtu.be/k3i8kS5i4qw
Final thoughts
So overall, i think these Penny Revival theories aren't really worth making it a reality. I think it'd be best to just let Penny rest in peace & let Ruby & co. carry on her memory & will, even if her actually death is very cruel & painful. By bringing Penny back, you don't just undo her sacrifice, but also go against the core themes of the show, in more ways than one... So as much as it pains me to say this both as a Penny fan & as a huge Nuts N'Dolts shipper... I think it'd be best for Penny NOT to come back for a second time.
I once again ask everyone to keep things civil in both the comments, as well as in the reblogs & to NOT attack anyone who follow these theories. I do not want that & if i see anybody do that, I'm going to block you... & I really don't wanna do that, especially since my block list is getting kinda full with these annoying as hell pornbots (hate those jerks.)
But that's it for me. This has been Remnant Bardock & until our next meeting, have a wonderful day, my friends!
@asm5129, @iamafanofcartoons, @tumblingxelian, @frisk863, thoughts?
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sushisocks · 7 months
so this is like two asks ig? but what is ur most unique sean headcanon, and what is ur sean headcanon that you will defend with your life (i really love ur headcanons lol)
OOOHHHHH ANON!!!!!! we're in it now lmfaoo THANK YOU first of all I'm honestly so glad people enjoy my headcanons/rants about these characters!! RDR2 is my first time really foray-ing into fandom space like this (previously having kept my writing & thoughts to closed circles of friends lol), and the reception here has overall been a lot more than I ever expected!! Especially since I've really picked my faves &lt;;- said while sideeyeing the 28 works in the macsummers tag on AO3.
ANYWAY these are some insanely good questions, anon, and I've been thinking about them ALL DAY, so I'll do my very best to answer you here in a way which does these questions justice.
It's hard for me to know which one of my Sean HCs is the most unique, as I have a LOT of HCs, and I've been posting a LOT of them over the course of the past few months. I've been told (as a compliment!!) that my overall take on him & the connections I make regarding him is unique, which I obviously am very flattered by! But I also don't think it's too hard to be unique when you're thinking & talking about a character who generally isn't given the same amount of genuine consideration and meta as other characters from the same franchise. Like, I could be talking at length about Arthur, or Charles, or John (and I HAVE!!! Not on tumblr, but still, I love those characters too!!) but my takes would probably not generate the same kind of attention by virtue of those characters being talked about a lot by a lot of other people too!! My posts about Sean stick out because there's not a whole lot of other people writing posts about Sean in the meta/HC style I do!
(Sidenote, while I don't fault the RDR2 fandom for not giving Sean his dues - he is a side character who dies very early on, and who is easy to stereotype, after all - I AM very glad and grateful that the stuff I've said & shared seems to have impacted some people's understandings of him, at least in the circles I run in. As of late I've been seeing a lot more thoughtful takes on him, reflecting how he has the capability of being just as nuanced as several of the other characters in the game. Maybe that's because I'm right in the middle of it though; most RDR2 circles I'm in KNOW me as the Sean stan, and engage with my takes on him, after all!!)
So like, is my most unique Sean headcanon among the ones that reflect canon & actually took off, impacting some people's view of him - like how he DOES mirror a younger Arthur, and how he fulfills a role in the gang, and how his death is necessary to set the tone for the rest of the game? Or is my most unique headcanon him being a gnc bi poly king in the messiest possible queerplatonic triad with Karen and Lenny? Is it that I think he prefers licorice to chocolate? That I think his favorite color is burgundy(not that he'd call it that)? I don't know! I both have so many HCs that picking one is extremely hard for my Libra-ass-self, and I don't have many others writing similar stuff to compare myself with, at all! I'd love to hear from others, though, if anyone else who's been reading my Sean posts have any takes regarding what of my stuff has stuck with them!!!
OKAY sorry for the rant mkjhbjj It's probably not what you were looking for asking me that but it's something that's on my mind, given that I think a fair amount of the uptick in my following over the past few months, if not from AO3, is very much from my RDR2 meta posts - which are in majority about Sean.
ANYYYWAYYY as for a Sean HC I will defend with my life - DEFINITELY the Sean learning disabilities ones - he is INCREDIBLY ADHD & dyslexia coded to me, it MASSIVELY influences how I write him in my fics, and I don't think anyone will ever argue me away from that one. Also, Sean siding with Arthur & John in the end, IS a hill I will die on - to the point that I've written several posts about/referring to it mjnhbnjbh Honestly though, I am a petty bitch who will die on most hills available to me, and I'm not afraid of confrontation, so I am a little bit of a menace when it comes to my Sean HCs and defending them lolol I'm overall very pleased they've gone over well with the rest of the Sean stan community here on tumblr though!! Yall are the best fr <3<3<3
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xplrvibes · 5 months
So new things are coming up from miss singer and other people, la girl is a pretty b to be honest..if some friend do that to me i would be so pissed..she ruined singers and colbys friendship or something they had just to bring her bestie m girl into it all. What a friend she is omg. If i was in love with some guy and my friend did this..i would be so goddamn ANGRY. And the fact that she dont want to talk about this says it all, shes hurt..
Ok, I have seen a lot of random shit being flung around about this entire situation and the players involved over the last few days. Like, I haven't seen such a wild day around these parts since malishkagate '22 lol.
Here's the thing - I actually caught Ms Singer live on tiktok by random chance the other day. I was just scrolling through watching Little House on the Prairie tiktoks (leave me alone) and there she was.
When I came upon her, she was being bombarded with questions about M, Sam and LA Girl, and, for some weird reason, Stas. The Stas question was actually what got to her and she proceeded to give out the following "purely hypothetical" synopsis of events:
She had a group of people she considered friends (M was not one of them from my understanding). A guy came into the mix of this friendgroup, and her friends did something "messed up" to her in relation to this guy. Whatever went down with her friends hurt her, but she doesn't want to give out details and she is sick of people coming in to her chats every day and mentioning the names of the people she doesn't consider friends anymore and asking her to expand on this.
Now, from what I understand, she did mention in a previous live that she had a crush on a guy and her friends knew it and worked behind her back to get her pushed out of the friendgroup this guy was in. I did not see that particular live, so I cannot 100% corroborate that statement, but that is the previous story going around. This story is similar enough to that one that I will give it some form of credence, with the understanding that what we are getting here is one side of the story told in a very vague manner, so there are still many gaps to be filled in.
Anyway, a little while later, she was asked how she met Sam and Colby and she gave this statement (and I transcribed this verbatim): "I knew of them because I knew Katrina. Katrina and I were signed to the same label, so I knew of them, but we never talked. And then, um...in Septemberish, uh...we all went to a like...I'm trying to think of how to like...I don't know. Colby and I became friends and we went to Universal Studios and that was that."
As a sidenote, I highlighted two important phrases out of that - Ms Singer herself claiming that she did not really know snc until September. That means anything pertaining to Ms Singer knowing or dating Colby in March is just categorically untrue, so that's at least one rumor cleared up right there.
But back to LA Girl: I know a lot of things have been said and alleged about her the last couple of days. I cannot 100% prove most of that stuff one way or another, so I'm not even going to speculate. The fans have gone into desperation mode and are now coming up with all kinds of off the wall stuff, some of which I do know is 100% false (Colby having been with Ms Singer since March being one of them), so I've gone into a "do not trust until you can verify" mode right now and that's that.
That being said, I did hear this information come directly from Ms Singer's mouth myself, and in the interest of making sure more misinformation doesn't spread, wanted to share.
It sounds messy, and it sounds very much like these aren't the kind of friends you'd want in your lives - but some of what is going around is just...whew. Pump the brakes.
Pallette cleanser: I'd cast Topher Grace to play Sam in the soap opera adaptation of all this.
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captaincassianandorr · 3 months
Survivor 46: E2
-Yanu tribe has very interesting dynamics. I like seeing them. -Not sure about Nami kind of isolating Venus. I feel sorry for her, being isolated like that. -Kenzie seems like she has the winner edit from what I can see. -I went from being unsure about Venus to rooting for her hard, after she said about feeling invisible like no one is seeing/heard you because my whole life it felt like nobody really saw me. From being neglected by my own mother as a kid/teenager to being always put last. So I see where she is coming from. And her tribe should not really be making her feel like that. If she makes the merge/tribe swap she's flipping lol. -Siga/Green tribe is the least interesting to me. At least we're hearing from them though. -Charlie and his angels and then his other alliance so he's the swing vote could be interesting. Him and Maria having some deciding power could be cool too because I think Maria is an interesting player. -Lol at all of Siga looking for an idol. And Randen finding the beware advantage. -Randen's "I have a useless car that I can't drive" analogy to losing his vote cracked me up. -Kenzie not wanting to work with Jess/Bhanu is interesting because she 'doesn't want to hold people's hands. And Jess saying it is the first time she talked strategy with Kenzie. I laughed at Kenzie walking away and Jess immediately "we should vote her out." -the dynamics of Yanu are way more interesting/exciting than the Siga tribe. I also like the Nami tribe though. But at least I know where the alliances/people are in the alliances. -I stopped listening temporarily during the music battle lol. -Liz talking is also annoying because she apparently already has money? the money "wouldn't change her life"? But it would for the others. -Also a sidenote. Liz is exactly who I would cast if I were making a babysitter's club thing. I'd cast her as an adult Mallory Pike. -Randen is trying to make an alliance with VENUS?? Who he previously had a feud with? Lol. At least the cast is changing dynamics. -And the two of them meeting in the middle of the night like spies was great. -One criticism I have of modern survivor is how similar the challenges are in the tribe ones. I get bored of seeing the same sort of obstacle course with puzzle. I'd like to see some new ones. I'd even take one of those balance beam ones over water people kept falling off. -Jeff just cutting the buff off the immunity idol lol. Poor Venus. -Is it just me or Moriah and Liz look a little bit alike? -Nooo not Yanu falling behind again. :( Well at least they're not super far behind. But I like Yanu. -Siga tribe just made me like them slightly more because someone made an X-men reference. -Laughing at all the blocks falling. And at Nami spelling persistence wrong. This challenge looks much more frustrating and annoying than I originally thought it would be. -I would be so annoyed at Liz yelling on the sidelines. -Oh poor Yanu. They were so close to coming 2nd. Yanu going back to tribal council. Please don't tell me there's yet another tribe that gets decimated premerge. I really should finish season 45 shouldn't I. I watched 2 episodes? -Bhanu seems like he is coming unhinged this episode. Which is great tv. -And of course I am here for Venus' meltdown/feud with Tevin and Soda. She's such a diva. Ohhh and she wants to work with Randen to work against Soda and Tevin. Now I love both of them as well so I'm not sure what to do but considering Nami keeps winning immunities well -Ohhh Tiffany. You lost your cool during a challenge and now you're worried about them perceiving you as a crazy person? I think I understand what she is saying though. I love Tiffany a lot. -And Kenzie is trying to make a fake idol now? Lol what a villain. I've missed actual villains on Survivor. -Clown school is really pushing it for me. I was rooting for Tiffany too but Kenzie and her are acting like mean girls (well it is Survivor) -Bhanu is unhinged. AND I AM SAD TO SEE JESS GO.
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m4gp13 · 3 months
What are you thoughts on the PJO show? (also sidenote your blog is one of the only things keeping me on this app, every word you type is gold esp your ethabaster stuff)
(I'm very faltered you think my posts are worth sticking around for <3)
Unfortunately, I haven't watched the show yet because I've made a rule for myself that I'm not allowed to watch or read any new instalments in the franchise until I don't have any more deadlines for the school year, which may take a while because I have an assignment, a dissertation, and two separate portfolios to work on :,)
I have heard a lot of second-hand opinions though, some of which make me excited to eventually watch the show and some of which make me dread the experience. The best thing I've heard about the show is the cast, and I'm genuinely very interested to see Charlie Bushnell's performance of Luke Castellan. I love what I'm hearing so far about this version of the character, such as the emphasis on his role as a brother figure to the younger campers, and the hints about his future in Kronos' army and his scheming nature that goes along with it.
tbh I've heard a lot more bad than good about the show and the things I'm most worried about are the more serious tone the show seems to be going for and the apparent lack of emphasis on disability. For me, the comedic aspects of the series are what made it, and leaving that out just sucks all the life and personality out of the story, as well as a good chunk of the enjoyment, which really doesn't make me eager to watch it. Another thing that was key to the original series was the disability representation, which I was initially so excited to see brought into the limelight after being brushed aside in most of the recent books, until I started hearing that the snubbing of this theme continued in the show. I got formally diagnosed with ADHD just over a year ago now after quite a while of suspecting and so I was very interested to see its portrayal in a big-budget adaptation of a book series written to represent people with ADHD and dyslexia. @aroaceleovaldez has a lot of good posts about this (that I definitely have NOT been reading to procrastinate my dissertation) so if you want some more in-depth and objective thoughts from someone who actually knows what they're talking about, I'd definitely check them out.
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moonjxsung · 5 months
It's good to hear you're feeling better enough to come back and honestly, I respect that you will enforce your boundaries. No one deserves to feel uncomfortable in any space (whether it be their own or otherwise) so props to you.
Also, I may have noted down some soft thoughts whilst you were gone - I'll send them when my brain is working properly enough to word them in a somewhat coherent manner.
Thought I'd reply here off anon so you have an account to match to my emoji in case anything like that ever happens again (though we really hope it doesn't) but also if you ever need/want to talk, vent, or send random words too, you'll be able to do that much more easily!! (sidenote: it feels a little weird coming off anon on skz side of tumblr when my acc is a lot of tbz 😅)
With that, take care, lovely!
Here's a cute Minho gif bc I am very much in my "Minho crush era" (but we don't need Seungmin to know that)
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Pookie!! Thank you so much for this kind message AND sending off anon just for me 🥹🫶 I love you so much and I’m so grateful for your support always! I am feeling much better and I’m in such good spirits purely because you guys, chatting with you all is the best part of my day and I love just hearing about everything going on in your lives and rooting for all of you on my little blog 🫶💓 ALSO soft Minho thoughts and Minho crush era is so real, I too am in my Minho crush era (maybe perpetually since I first began writing about him) and I can’t wait to go through your soft thoughts 😌🫶 sending you all my love as always and I hope you’re having a fantastic week !! I leave you with a cute Minho gif too hehe
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clemswinecorner · 2 years
Prompt list
Renewed promptlist! This consists mainly of comfort prompts. I mainly write/F1/F2/Drivers without a seat, just send a request!
You can do that here :) please include for who and which prompt list! I would also appreciate it if you could include wether Y/N or the requested driver/character/person says the prompt, but you don't have to! It's up to you wether you give me a full backstory :) Will most likely default to she/her pronouns, if you want any other pronouns used that’s fine too! Just make sure to let me know :)
Also, feel free to ask me for more than 1!! I also have an old prompt list, so please include from which one :) I have copied these from random Tumblr prompt posts, you can also send in your own prompt(s) if you want! Like I said, you can include context/storyline but you can also just leave it up to me, whatever you prefer!!
I also have a Taglist! Check it out to be added.
Sidenote: I don’t write smut (since i'm still a minor) :)
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"All this shit is new to me"
"You wanting me tonight, feels impossible"
"It's okay, we’re the best of friends anyways"
"I hear it in your voice"
"I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted"
"Do you wish you could still touch her"
"You did some bad things, but i'm the worst of them"
"Sometimes i wonder which one will be your last lie"
"I don't start shit but i could tell you how it ends"
"Putting someone first only works when they do the same"
"I'll be getting over you my whole life"
"Uh oh, im falling in love"
"Oh no, i'm falling in love"
"Oh, im falling in love"
"Karmas a relaxing thought?"
"Karma is Karma is the guy on the screen, coming straight home to me"
"All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing"
"What if i told you none of it was accidental?"
"That was the night i nearly lost you"
"I really thought i lost you"
"No i didn't see the news 'cause we were somewhere else"
"Do you really want to know where i was april 29th?"
"You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love. The slowest way is never loving them enough"
"We were supposed to be just friends"
"I thought we had no chance and that's romance"
"And the gods honest truth was that the pain was heaven"
"I wish you'd left me wondering"
"I regret you all the time"
"Never take advice from someone who's falling apart"
“you don’t feel safe here, do you?”
“i’m just tired.” “of what?” “everything.”
“were you crying?”
“it’s like i can’t breathe. i just want to breathe.”
“are you okay? that looked like it really spooked you.”
“it’s fine, i’m used to it.”
“i’m not trying to pry, but i want you to know i'd like to listen, if you want someone to talk to.”
“just… let me lay here for a while.”
"what can i do to help?”
“i’m usually stronger than this.”
“just pretend like i’m not here. what would you say to yourself if nobody was around?"
“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you earlier.”
“when was the last time you ate?”
“you stayed?” “of course i stayed. why wouldn’t i?”
“[name]? can you hear me?”
“i’m sorry, i’m not trying to be distant.”
“it’s okay. i promise you, i will be here when you wake up.”
“i have a lot going on right now.”
“whenever you get stressed, you do this thing with your hands. what is it?”
“you said i could stay with you if i needed a bed.”
“i won’t judge you.”
“i pick my skin/bite my nails when i feel panicky.”
“you don’t have to tell me. but if you do decide you want to, i’ll be here.”
“you’re being way too nice to me.”
“relax, i won’t hurt you.”
“are you okay?” “i’m just so tired… i just want to stop.”
“have you been crying?” “no.” “please don’t lie to me, i care about you.”
“i feel so stupid.” “don’t ever feel stupid for having a normal reaction to a situation that you couldn’t control.”
“am i upsetting you too?” “no, i just hate seeing you so upset. i wish i could make you feel better.”
“i didn’t mean to listen in but… i heard you crying.”
“honey what’s wrong? why are you so upset?”
“shh take a deep breath, you’re working yourself up too much.”
“please calm down, you’re going to make yourself sick.”
“i’ve got you, you’re okay. i promise.”
“here, drink some water. have a minute.”
“[name] said you were crying earlier. need to talk?”
“you look like you haven’t slept, are you alright?”
“i love you, okay? i know it’s hard right now but i’ll always be here for you.”
“take some deep breaths for me, you’re okay.”
“i could really do with a hug.”
“i really need you right now.”
“my head hurts so much but i can’t stop crying.”
“i just hurt so much.”
“i’m really not doing okay. i haven’t been for a while.”
“i just need a minute, i-i’m okay.”
“i need some air.”
“i’m sorry i ruined our evening.”
“hey, are you okay?”
“do you want to talk?”
“is there something you need to tell me?”
“it’s okay. don’t cry.”
“it’s okay to cry.”
“let it all out. take your time.”
“it’s alright. i’m here.”
“i’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.”
“what’s wrong?”
“everything will be fine. i promise.”
“i got you.”
“i care.”
“is there anything i can do for you? a snack? a hug?”
“i could never hate you.”
“you’re not a monster.”
“nothing is wrong with you.”
“i wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“you’re safe.”
“we’ll get through this together.”
“just relax.”
“you deserve better than x.”
“get your anger/sadness out.”
“i love you.”
“do you wanna cuddle?”
“want to watch a movie or play a game to take your mind off of it?”
“Are you sure everything’s okay?”
“I just wanted to remind you that I love you.”
“God, I missed this.”
“I remember the last time we were here.”
“When was the last time you just… let go?”
“I will always be there for you.”
“I’m not going to leave unless you want me to.”
“Do you remember when we were kids?”
"It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
"It's okay, I'm here, you're going to be okay."
"Hey, it's what I'm here for."
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here, by your side."
"Here, feel my heartbeat. Just focus on that."
"Breathe for me. Please, just breathe for me."
"Look at me. I'm here. I'm real."
"I'll stay right here, okay?"
"You don't have to be alone anymore. I'm here to stay."
"Are you okay? Do you need a hug?"
"No, no, no, don't cry, it's gonna be okay!"
"Please go back to bed, you can barely stand!"
"Hey, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself!"
"When's the last time you got some sleep?"
"Hold my hand. You are going to be fine."
"Have you eaten something today?"
"You, me, blanket fort."
"You're alright, I've got you."
"It's okay to cry, you know?"
"We don't have to do anything right now."
"We can stay here as long as you want."
"You don't have to be sorry for anything."
"It's okay, it's over now."
"Do you want to hold me or be held?"
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daybreakrising · 5 months
What’s a good way to start talking to you if people are scared to?
What’s a tip you would give to people trying to get to know you?
Do you dive into conversation easily?
How would you rate your conversation skills?
Do you feel awkward/nervous/etc trying to get to know people?
What is something you want people to know right away about yourself?
What are some things you worry about in terms of new people?
Stranger making small talk, yay or nay for you?
Introvert? Extrovert? Ambivert?
anxious munday meme | @ccaptain
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a good way to start talking to me has been answered here! but to summarise: talk about our muses. talk to me about your hcs. talk to me about plots/ideas you have. give me a topic and run with it!
a tip i'd give for people trying to get to know me is: be patient and understand that i don't always reply to messages immediately, and that i may come across as blunt or disinterested from the way i talk but i promise you, i am screeching behind the screen. i'm just not good at expressing that unless i know you well or we've been talking back and forth for a while & i know your humour / style of conversation.
i do not dive into conversation easily, generally. there are exceptions to this, of course, but in the context of newer interactions, it might take some warming up. once we've got to that stage? expect me to drop in your messages at all hours to ramble about something-
my conversation skills were rated here. basically... bad SBGFLKHFKNHKGH
i do feel awkward & anxious trying to get to know people. i always struggle in those early introductions, before i've got a measure of how the person communicates, their sense of humour, etc, bc my neurodivergent and anxiety-riddled brain cannot cope with the idea that the other person might find me annoying, boring, etc. early conversations might seem a bit stilted or awkward because of this but i promise i am not like this forever
something people should know right away about me is that i am ALWAYS down for plotting, for throwing our muses together and seeing what sticks. do you have that one slightly obscure idea that you haven't been able to play out yet? throw it at me - even if we don't end up going for it, i'm still interested to hear about it. i am also always down for shipping (with chemistry, ofc), so if there's a ship you've always wanted to write and i happen to have one of the muses for it? come at me, there's a chance i'm down for it (sidenote: i love rarepairs. give them to me.)
some things i worry about in terms of new people was answered here!
stranger making small talk, yay or nay - NAY. my autistic ass cannot cope with small talk. i can manage the 'how are you / how have you been doing / how's your day been' stuff, but if it's not immediately followed up with actual conversation i like... shrivel up and die inside. please give me something of substance to talk about otherwise i don't know what to say next. the more i know you, the more i can handle occasional small talk, but tbh if i know you that well i probably just ramble at you about stuff out of nowhere so it's not really an issue dlkfngflknhg
and i am undeniably, absolutely, for sure an introvert.
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i'd LOVE to hear your thoughts about the song twins.
anon ur everything thank u for fueling my song twins obsession mwah <3 here u go
sidenote: these are mostly about hair, friendship, and piercings....something that says a lot about me right now
okay first OFF idc tams shorter than linh!! they're both like decently tall but everyone thinks tam is short because linh is just like that type of tall where youre all limbs..like zendaya so everyone looks incredibly short compared to her
idk if he's the younger twin which drives him mad or if he's older AND still shorter but either way he gets made fun of <3
re my last post (that was supposed to go here but sleeby eesha cannot press buttons properly and apparently queue and draft are too close)
linh does NOT have her ears pierced but has an insane amount of piercings like she has a septum, both nostrils, AND a nose bridge piercing, she does NOT have snakebites (lip piercings) bc there's a LINE but she is considering eyebrow piercings to match her bridge one
tam has double lobe piercings on both sides, a helix on his right, a tragus on both sides, a daith on his left ear and he's planning to get an industrial whenever linh gets her eyebrow ones. he does NOT have guages bc like linh said, there's a LINE that shouldn't be crossed
like tam and linh have the same amount of piercings except linh has it everywhere but her ears and tam has it only on his ears
tam: how do u BREATHE linh: how do u HEAR (they're sooo 🤝)
both of them have dimples-linh's are incredibly easy to spot because she smiles all the time but tam only has one on his left side and he purposefully makes it so that when he's not scowling or anything his smirks go to the right so no one can tell (sophie is the first to discover it but no one believes that tam has a dimple so she purposefully tries to make him smile properly in front of everyone so they believe her!! she is only believed when at a sleepover keefe trips and falls flat on his face after boasting abt his balance and tam can't help but grin incredibly wide)
enough bangs tam let's talk about bangs linh, both song twins are diy hairdressers to each other, look me in the eye and tell me the two ppl who melted their registry pendants and decided to dye their hair with it are not...u cant!
so they decided to get bangs together, except tam went HARD and thankfully linh can make it so that it doesn't look so out of place. i can't describe his hair but know it looks good <3
linh in support of tam, decided to want lowkey with simply face framing "bangs" but unfortunately..instead of to the bottom of your nose/your chin which is where they're supposed to be cut, tam cuts them near the TOP of her nose, so linh has the world's tiniest face frame ever with parts of her hair that are just incredibly short. sometimes she can take them and spread them across her forehead into wispy bangs which are cute on some people! unfortunately for her, only tam can rock bangs so she has to wait MONTHS for them to grow out into true face frame bangs (source: me except i went to a hairdresser and when she asked me nose or chin, i said nose and she cut them like that...i loved them though <3 always missing them)
linh always has the urge to bleach her hair to dye it blonde but is talked down by tam every time, because in his words "there are too many blondes in our friend group do not leave me in black-haired superiority to be like every other bitch we know. including our significant others" (tam is dating keefe bc it's me and linh is dating whichever blonde makes you feel better) (sophie or marella bc i fully believe marella is naturally blonde but it's like a DARKK reddish strawberry blonde which counts !)
isn't it canon that it's hard for them to sleep without each other? if not WELL too bad it is now literally when they were little one of them could not sleep without the other next to them like literally impossible which was EVEN more amplified after they were away from home and it's gotten better now but they do find comfort in each other's presence and touch
little geniuses the both of them got their abilities YEARS before they're supposed to (im pretty sure i wrote in one of my fics that they got it when they were like 5?6? around there) ik it doesn't make sense bc oh but its weird that sophie got hers when she was five that's bc she's a telepath. telepaths are weird <3
tam's a NERDDDD i fully believe he's so interested in how everything works just like in general the nitty-gritty details of like lightleaping! and history of the animals and history of elves and astronomy all the things considered like boring or mundane and he bonds with sophie over wanting to know how everything works and they have hangouts with dex and fitz who explain to them what they want to know and sophie in turn tells them about how she learned it's supposed to happen with her human schooling (its me! you thought you wouldn't escape me making everyone friends? you're wrong!)
but like most nerds, he keeps his curiosity under lock and key hidden underneath his prickly attitude (something he and marella bond over because while marella loves to call him a nerd marella is literally THEE inner softie in the friend group like her and dex have a secret handshake tam is sworn to secrecy by the both of them not to say)
yes tam and linh are the first to know of each other's secrets but while tam can hide stuff from linh for YEARSS (his shove his feelings into a bottle mentality is showing) linh cannot keep anything a secret from tam and has ruined many surprise bday parties/gifts by this. the funny part is that it is ONLY with tam like u tell linh a secret involving pranking keefe and the only way you find out she knew is years after the prank happens
this is getting super long so i'll end it with this: they don't actually have a twin thing but they will say they have twin telepathy and have pre-rehearsed bits in their back pockets to freak people out
okay that's it im done i have more but ill save that for another day hope yall enjoyed this montrosity !!
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
[Person who only ever thinks ab Valkyrie voice] omg this literary period is reminding me of Valkyrie. Okay, hear me out for a moment, regarding Valkyrie and renaissance literature: as for that time period, I'd call Valkyrie more humanist than anything thematically (though there are other periods that I associate with them more), but thankfully, as it's close together, humanism and renaissance in general share some features (I think humanism is a category within renaissance actually? Tbh my textbook is a bit unclear :/). The key motifs that jump out are the return to ancient ideals! Writers and poets of the era often referenced ancient mythologies and writers, mostly Greek and Roman - which Valkyrie often do, too, with Pygmallion (mythological, Ovid's Metamorphoses) in Gaisenka, for example. There's a lot of religious motifs, too, but Valkyrie sort of put themselves as the centre of a "religion of art", I'd call it, in Raisanka and the like - tho putting themselves as the centre is also very renaissance of them. As in, though this is more of a sidenote, during the renaissance, there was the emphasis on the human and the individual, but this reminds me of Valkyrie more through the themes of their story and development than through the themes of their songs.
+ Shakespeare's sonnet CXXX. gives me Valkyrie vibes, but I think it might just be the deviation of the usual petrarcist rules for love poems of the time, and "deviations from the norms of the genre" is something I associate with Valkyrie as an idol unit, and probably the sort-of-grotesque way ole Willy described his lady + me associating (poetic) grotesque with Valkyrie (idk why tbh). That said, the petrarcist norms emphasising unattainable beauty and the perfect form of the poem itself, feel somehow Valkyrie-like, ignoring that the beauty is one associated with women in renaissance poetry. Beauty is beauty, no?
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You've connected those two dots so well, Korka. So well. I think you are truly worthy of your title as the expert of renaissance themes relating to Valkyrie~
Like I am not educated in this stuff but it is fascinating to me. The religious motifs! The ideas of deviating from the norm!! (Valkyrie as a unit really does; they're so driven by the ideas of art and beauty compared to so many of the other units being more focused on being fanservice-y and just generally more idol-esque, if that makes sense?)
Please come talk to me about it more if you ever so desire!! I'm not really educated in it (and I admit to having to google some stuff) but I'd love to learn more/hear more of your thoughts :o
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Pst any fellow Hunters! (Sorry if you go by or went by a different name!)
You're all amazing! Your pronouns(or lack thereof) are neat! I'd love to hear about anything your interested in, I remember having fixations and not being able to talk abt them much, but now we can! And that's neat! So do that, even if it's just a journal or somethin!
Sidenote, I do think the others care(d) about us very much, so make sure to take care of yourself for you, and for them!
Sincerely, #🔇📓/mute (Hunter kin)
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