#sieglinde's mother
abybweisse · 2 years
Due to my typo in the previous poll and the demand for a certain character to be in the list, here we go again:
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blondeaxolotl · 8 months
Since Sieglinde's is swapped with Layla, what type of relationship does she have with her dad?
She doesn't, I revoked her parental rights so she's an orphan
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midnight-in-town · 10 months
Ao no Exorcist is a Shonen series written by a woman and it shows
Since the latest chapter, I've been thinking about how several usual Shonen tropes are written rather differently under Kato-sensei's pen. No judgement or anything, it's just cool to observe. Some examples :
1) Rin's mentor is a woman
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2) Rin's secret, despite being the MC, was revealed in ch13 to the entire cast, meanwhile Shiemi, The Main Girl, who was introduced to be so helpless is only starting to be explained.
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3) Also, the Mysterious plot-relevant Shonen Parent is actually the twins' mother. (Of course Shiro is super plot-relevant too, but Satan is still angsting over Yuri and she's a huge part of the reason why he's the big bad)
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4) Rin also changed his view about his future throughout the story: from dropping out of school, passing by hoping to become the Order's Paladin (probably to cope with Shiro's death and also to antagonize Arthur), to finally showing way more interest and potential in the (less epic and heroic in appearance) field of talismanic cooking.
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5) When it comes to arcs, mental illness is a valid reason to build a character arc around...
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6) And so is making an arc about girls being "cursed" to basically "get married and have children before they hit 30, the age where their beauty fade thus they become useless" :
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7) ANE is a story about women becoming traitors to protect their loved ones, like Mamushi
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or becoming overwhelmed because men toyed with their feelings like Tamamo
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8) Older women can be absolute badasses like Shiemi's grandma
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or Lucy.
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9) Complicated mother-daughter relationship and girl friendships are given as much focus as complicated father-son relationships and sweet bro friendships (like Bon and his dad during the Kyoto arc, as well as the complicated but deep bond between the Kyoto Trio)
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10) And one of my favorites: full time single dad, asking for help to do the job as well as he can and finding his true purpose in life by doing so :D
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Hmm and now that I think about it, the only other Shonen series written by a woman I've been as invested in is Kuroshitsuji, by Yana Toboso, and similar examples can be found in it too, namely:
1) If Ciel ever finally admits needing a mentor, his aunt Frances will probably play that role
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2) Girls can be super strong & skilled (Elizabeth, Mey Rin) and clever (Sieglinde)
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3) (one part of) the Big Bad is a woman (Queen Victoria)
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4) maybe Ciel's entire revenge stems from a conflict between Queen Victoria and Ciel's maternal grandmother, Claudia.
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5) the Undertaker has been a continuously freaking pain in the ass because he probably fell in love with that same maternal grandmother and couldn't mourn properly
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TL;DR we love our boys and their spectacular growth and development under women's pens a.k.a shonen series written by ladies are hella fun to read. :D
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sidonisms · 1 month
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"Nobles are the bad but nobles from the empire are worse. And they crammed me in a house with a whole bunch of them... *sigh* It's the worst. Hey, do you think you could ask Seteth to let me swap houses? He won't let me talk about it anymore." 
The eldest child of Count Ahlgren, whose territory borders the Kingdom of Faerghus and is a vassal of Arundel. After the death of her mother as a child, Sieglinde took up permanent mourning. She blames the political scheming of the Adrestian Empire for her mother's death and has a strong dislike for most of her fellow Adrestians.
More info under the cut!!
Academy phase - 
Sieglinde is a crestless noble enrolled by her father into the Officers Academy to get rid of her. She's put into the Black Eagle's house, much to her dismay. Her attitude to her housemates is aggressive and standoffish, with very few exceptions. During her entire time at the monastery she petitioned to be transferred to the Blue Lions house with no success. Her requests were little more than a flurry of insults and demands.
Along with her standard uniform, Sieglinde dons a mourning veil that she refuses to take off. She can often be encountered praying for forgiveness, though will not tell Byleth what she's asking forgiveness for.
If Byleth is in charge of the Blue Lions house, Sieglinde can be recruited immediately.
War phase - 
During the five year timeskip and following Edelgard's war campaign Sieglinde escapes from the empire and into Faerghus. Finally being where she wants to be allows to experience some happiness though she never abandons her mourning blacks. During her time wandering as a mercenary she encounters Gilbert and joins up with him.
Her fate can vary depending on which path Byleth has taken. If on the Azure Moon route, Sieglinde will be an ally regardless of whether or not she was recruited during the academy phase. 
If unrecruited during Crimson Flower or Verdant Wind the player will find out she was assassinated by Hubert for her treason against the empire. Though if recruited during Crimson Flower route Sieglinde is miserable. She's devastated to be back in the empire after trying so long to escape and certain that Hubert or someone loyal to Edelgard is going to kill her. She's glad to at least spend time with Byleth before that happens, however.
If she fails to get an A support epilogue or an S support with Byleth after Crimson Flower, she will end up dying. It's unclear if it was Hubert, her father, or someone from Faerghus wanting revenge for her helping Edelgard.
Background - 
Sieglinde is a daughter born from political marriage between a noblewoman from Faerghus and a nobleman from Adrestia. Following shortly on the coattails of the Tragedy of Duscur, Count Ahlgren received an order from Arundel to kill her wife to loosen to the hold that Faerghus had in their territory. All too happy to do so but afraid of the consequences if he were to be caught he slowly poisoned her over time through her tea, that he had his daughter bring to her.
By the time that Sieglinde's mother had died, the story was that she had accidentally put honey in her mother's tea, triggering an allergic reaction but she knew better. Wracked by guilt that she had been complicit in the death of her own mother, Sieglinde grew to hate the empire for murdering her mother and using her to do it. 
Supports - 
Dimitri - C support: Dimitri is training when he's approached by Sieglinde who has a question. She asks him about Fhirdiad and what he thinks of it. He explains everything he loves about it and she grows wistful, wishing to see it for herself. Dimitri recalls that her mother is from Fhirdiad and asks if she had ever taken her when she was younger. She says no and that her mother was trapped in the empire until her death and could never see her home again. Dimitri is surprised but offers to show her around if she visits in the future. Sieglinde says she would like that, before departing.
B support: Dimitri is training once again when Sieglinde approaches him. She asks Dimitri if he believes in spirits or ghosts which causes him to pause before asking for clarification. She tells him that wants to know if there's a chance that if she offers prayers or "something else" to her mother if she would receive it. They go back and forth, toeing around what they would do to appease their late loved ones before Sieglinde is satisfied and swears that she will offer something her mother would love to see when she's able to visit Fhirdiad. The implication is her father's head.
A support: This time it's Dimitri who approaches Sieglinde while she trains. Dimitri asks if she was able to finally give her mother the present she'd hoped to. She replies that she's still working on that but the war is bringing her closer to her goal. She goes silent for a moment before asking if Dimitri can really hear the voices of all the people he's lost screaming at him, which he confirms. Sieglinde apologizes for how cruel it sounds but she can't help but envy him. She can't remember the sound of her mother's voice anymore and would give anything to be able to hear it, even if it was hateful words for not avenging her and atoning.
The two share a quiet moment, thinking on the horrors they've seen and vile things they've done glad that there's at least one person as wretched and understands.
Yuri - C support: A new member of Yuri's gang mistakes Sieglinde's room for Yuri's and leaves a letter there. The support begins with Sieglinde approaching Yuri to return it and him asking if she opened it. She didn't and says that she doesn't want to be wrapped up in whatever he has going on. A clever choice since it was from his mother and if she had read it he would have had no choice but to kill her. Sieglinde grows quiet at the mention of his mother and leaves but not before urging him to write back as soon as he can and be "a good son."
Yuri comments how odd she is and remarks that she had a wild look in her eye for a moment.
B support: Yuri has been trying to find information on Sieglinde's mother but keeps coming up to dead ends. He's in the middle of rising frustration when Sieglinde walks up and asks him what he's grumbling about. Yuri dodges the question and thanks her for bringing him the letter as his mother needed a little extra money for her treatment. Sieglinde once again starts acting odd at the mention of his mother and worse since finding out she's ill. Before Yuri can say anything about it, she forces him to take her entire satchel of gold and orders him to give it to his mother before leaving.
A support:  Yuri approaches Sieglinde while she's praying for forgiveness and tells her that he's figured out her secret. Sieglinde doesn't respond until Yuri expresses his sympathies at her being used in such a cruel way which finally gets her to stop praying and face him. She asks who he had to torture to get that information but he informs her that for a bit of gold, an old maid is willing to give up all kinds of secrets. Sieglinde expresses a deep desire to be forgiven by her mother wouldn't dare ask for it from her so she begs Sothis instead.
Yuri asks if she hates him for being as scheming as her father but Sieglinde denies it saying that for all the backstabbing Yuri does, she trusts him enough that if he wanted her gone he would give her the grace to look her in the eyes as he does it. Yuri remarks that he doesn't see him removing her from the board any time soon.
Hubert -C support: The two of them are locked in a stare-down with neither speaking. Hubert breaks it by calling her disrespect towards Lady Edelgard treasonous which Sieglinde responds to by saying it can't be treason if she was never loyal to her. The two snipe each other back and forth with thinly veiled threats and trying to gauge how much of a danger the other is. Eventually getting fed up, she urges him to return to his master's feet like a good dog before storming off. While alone Hubert comments that there's no way that attitude can be tamed out of her.
B support: Sieglinde calls out Hubert for following her for days and feeling sick that his eyes are on her. Hubert laments that if he had an ounce of loyalty to her homeland she could be a great asset for the future plans of the country. She gags at the idea and says she would rather die than be a part of the "Cult of Edie" which Hubert ominously says can be arranged. She points at him and says that's exactly what she can't stand about Adrestians before warning him that if he follows her again he'll get acquainted with her hammer.
A support: Hubert and Sieglinde can't reach support level A, even during the Crimson Flower path.
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mrsvnk · 1 month
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It’s inspired by this beautiful photo
Elizabeth's love of nature seems like a secret hidden from most eyes. She remembers the first time her mother took her on a leisurely walk through the dense, life-filled forest, teaching her the important things that keep Elizabeth alive even now.
She remembers her first, secret trip to the mountains, the nights in the tent and the cold water in the river. She remembers the first fish she caught, small and shivering. She remembers a deer in the forest, which with tears in her eyes she decided to let go. Elizabeth remembers how Sieglinde hugged her neck tightly, laughing at the sight of a snake slithering past, remembers how Edward made a fire with her and trembled in fear because of a scary story…
Elizabeth remembers and knows that Ciel hates it. The cold night is bad for your health, the tent seems too small, too unsafe, too uncomfortable. The river refuses to share its fish with the Earl, and all the creatures in the forest snort and ignore him. Ciel hates it, but on rare warm sunny days he finds the strength to go to the beach with Elizabeth and listen to his fiancée's endless stories.
Deep down, Ciel admits that these are the moments he loves and looks forward to, although he can never say exactly what the sun looks like on these days, because he looks at something completely different, but similar.
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sieglinde of catarina propaganda 1. she's an onion knight 2. she's cute and kind and wholesome and good in a fight 3. she ain't simping for anybody. she travelled to lordran to tell her father the last worda of her mother 4. she's so awesome that doesn't go hollow or insane at the end of her questline and just goes home. that's how cool she is. vote onion queen
i love her……….
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I made a random AU-
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Ran Mao doesn't have wings please ignore I messed up-
I've been watching W.I.T.C.H. out of much needed comfort and upon working on my recent Black Butler fanfic WIP (which is coming soon, I promise, I have an Invader Zim fanfic coming up the same time and been recovering from a bad cough) and thought if the girls were casted who would be who and it began in this lil AU idea!
In the magical world there were two kingdoms that ruled together in harmony
One day one king and queen of one side had two princes and disappeared instantly after, around this time the other queen disappeared alongside her child as well, breaking the world into chaos of finding out where their rulers went.
Around this brief moment of panic, someone tries to kidnap the princes and take them to Earth, but it was a fail and ended with the kidnapper to abandoned one of them in the escape as he was getting terribly injured
Fast-forward 13 years, that prince is now Prince Sirius, he is very powerful and wicked but also terribly sick due to the failed attempted kidnapping in his infancy. He would rule under the watchful eye of his father's adviser "Undertaker" who, under Sirius' orders, is searching for his brother and the other prince to have more power
In the city known as Torssun (FantasyNameGenerator helped with this name) there's five girls who live their lives as normal as can be
Ran-Mao lives in a apartment with her older brother and only known living family member Lau and they both run a restaurant downstairs called The Dragon's Den After a bad incident when she was little girl, Ran-Mao suffers with anxiety and can go mute at random times. Lau has taught her self defense to try and help her with her trauma.
Mey-Rin is a girl who moved to Torssun about a year ago due to her adopted father's, Baldroy's, work as a security personal for some rich kid named Ciel, and she lives with him and her younger brother Finny in a apartment in the city. Mey-Rin was saved and taken in by Baldroy after she was in a bad foster house after her parents died upon arriving to London after immigrating from China and it took her some years to fully trust Baldroy
Doll moved to Torssun around the same time Mey-Rin has and lives in the same apartment building just on the ground floor where barely anyone lives. She was left behind by her mother in a orphanage's steps when she was a little 4 year old and was taken in by some orphans who took her under their wings. They were fostered by this guy who later gets arrested due to some shady stuff after years of abuse on Doll and the others, by that point Joker, Beast, Jumbo, Peter, and Wendy were deemed old enough to live on their own but they took Doll, Dagger, and Snake in as they didn't want them to return to the orphanage. Doll helps out whenever she can and works hard
Elizabeth is one of the richest girls in school, her family owns a company, she lives in a villa in the heart of the city's beach area with her mother, father, and older brother Edward who's the school's top athletic champion. Elizabeth, also goes by Lizzie, is the embodiment of a "perfect girl", pretty, smart, graceful, athletic, gets along with everyone, loves her family, popular, etc. and has been best friends with a boy named Ciel since literal diapers.
Now Sieglinde is much later in the story, a whole year even, and recently moves to Torssun from a place called Wolfsstadt (literally "wolf town" in German") with her father Wolfram who is a ex solider who got injured on the line of duty and is now working as a normal salary man trying to have an honest and normal life with his daughter. After a accident when she was 8, Sieglinde suffers from mild-Paraplegia where she still suffers with issues walking on her own for a long period of time without her crutches or walker, mostly using a chair or scooter to help her move around if someone isn't. This leave her feeling smothered by Wolfram who blames himself for the accident and can be hot headed on decisions to try and seem "normal" to other.
Lizzy became friends with Ran-Mao instantly due to both taking martial art classes after school one summer, met Mey-Rin through her, and met Doll early in the new school semester. When Sieglinde came in they all welcomed her with open arms
Other casts:
Lau is 28 and was the one who gave Sieglinde The Heart since he was part of the last Guardians who helped the world in the past but left after a traumatic incident where he nearly lost his eye sight. He suffers with migraine, especially when a evil aura is near.
Baldroy, or Baldo, is 31 and was once married before to one of the old Guardians who tragically died five years before he took in Mey-Rin. He was in the military during that time and after but left after he took in Finny when he was 3. Baldroy is very hard working and loyal, finds Lau weird but still hangs out with him as Ran-Mao and Mey-Rin are fast friends.
Hannah is a floras shop owner who lives in a cute condo of the basement of her shop with her sons Luka(8) and Alois(14). She, however, isn't all she seems...
Alois Annefellows is a teen boy in the same school as the girls, he's a pretty popular kid with some bad records though. He often gets into trouble of some kind but doesn't tolerate bullying. Some even call him a Robin Hood type guy since he gives justice for those who can't stand up for themselves
Claude Faustus is a teacher at the school and is kind of strange fellow. . .
Ciel Michaelis is a boy, Lizzy's childhood best friend, and is pretty sickly since birth. Suffers from a bad eye on his left and asthma but nothing his meds can't fix. He's smart and serious and often talks about plans to own his own company. He's close friends with Alois even though they have a mild-rivals and enemies duo thing going on
Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel's father, a handsome mysterious man who owns a well know toy and candy company. Not only is he handsome, caring, and smart, he's also very well in combat. But that doesn't mean he'll always protect Ciel if he's not around, so he hires a well known ex-solider as security for his son to protect him when he has important meetings or trips
Maurice Cole, influencer, bully, really cute guy in school, second richest family along side Lizzy's and Ciel's.
Joker, Doll's primary guardian, owns a snack shop in town called "Circus Tent" where Doll works part-time
Charles Grey and Charles Phipps are two of Ciel's main body guards, weird fellows with a mysterious past, and are extra funny when it comes to the girls.
There's a group in the magical world just called "The Reapers" who help serve Prince Sirius on control.
Joanne Harcourt, a shy art club guy who often talks about fantasy worlds and magic. He's secretly part of a rebellion in the world Prince Sirius is currently ruling who came to Earth to protect the other princes if he can figure out who they are
Cheslock, a bard who's secretly aiding the rebellion to overthrow Sirius.
Angelina and Ash, two of Sirius most ruthless and powerful knights. Able to cute down any foe in quick movements.
Soma, a sweet boy who attends to the same school as the girls who lives with his guardian Agni
Mey Ron (Mey-Rin x Ronald, I blame @blondeaxolotl and @jaidenk-nox for this, now I have two AUs in which Mey Ron is a thing) They start as enemies by odds with Ronald being more flirty/kind of like Kish from Tokyo Mew Mew/Mew Mew Power minus kissing without permission bit. They would slowly work together to overthrow Sirius which would result in Ronald getting injured and stuck on Earth for a brief mo. where Mey-Rin nurses him back to health
Cheslock and Edward (Chesward???) During one incident Cheslock is on Earth and runs into Edward and well sparks flew. Cheslock: Little Air Guardian, who is this golden knight? Lizzy: He's my brother Edward Cheslock: Edward~ Lizzy: Stop it-
Maureckles/Dollrice (Maurice x Doll, again, blame @blondeaxolotl!) Both didn't get along for obvious reasons but Maurice would developed a crush on Doll who was oblivious of until later on.
Elizanne (Elizabeth x Joanne... Okay I can't even blame Mono for this anymore it's mostly @imviotrash) Joanne's first love. Like he legit feels terrible lying to Lizzy about who is is at first.
Ranaggers (Ran-Mao and Dagger. A VERY random crack ship I came up with early this year. Just pure bad-ass wife and goofy lil husband LOL) Dagger liked her from first sight. Ran-Mao is pretty cat like with him, in which I mean she leaves him things and stares at him a lot. When she does talk, it's very serious with them talking about their family worries and pasts
Cielois (Ciel and Alois) Very much a slow burn. Alois: I don't think I can picture a life if I never knew you... Ciel: ...I don't think I can live if I never met you... Lizzy is the biggest supporter of this ship lol
JokerGray (Charles Gray and Joker, kind of blame Mono for this after a little chat where I mentioned they accidentally caused me to ship them so hard) CG comes to Circus Tent once and a while to mostly check on Doll but also to flirt with the cute ginger on duty. Joker flirts back. Doll wants a barf bag.
SebaAgni (Sebastian and Agni) Have a secret romance going on in which no one knows due to unknown reasons but mostly cause they don't want their kids to worry. Hurt-Comfort lets fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-! Just two single fathers trying to live in the big city and be normal.
BardLau (Lau and Baldroy, I don't know if they have a legit ship name) Mostly began with Lau flirting with Baldroy and Baldroy not picking up the hints or at least acting on it. Starts lowkey kind of secret mostly cause Lau was scared how Ran-Mao would react if he dated, thinking she would feel abandoned, but they soon come out about it. Both talk and heal each other about their traumas.
So yeah, this wasn't really a big AU plan but a AU I came up with nonetheless
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fireemblemfancies · 9 months
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"Nobles are the bad but nobles from the empire are worse. And they crammed me in a house with a whole bunch of them... *sigh* It's the worst. Hey, do you think you could ask Seteth to let me swap houses? He won't let me talk about it anymore." 
The eldest child of Count Ahlgren, whose territory borders the Kingdom of Faerghus and is a vassal of Arundel. After the death of her mother as a child, Sieglinde took up permanent mourning. She blames the political scheming of the Adrestian Empire for her mother's death and has a strong dislike for most of her fellow Adrestians.
More info under the cut!!
Academy phase - 
Sieglinde is a crestless noble enrolled by her father into the Officers Academy to get rid of her. She's put into the Black Eagle's house, much to her dismay. Her attitude to her housemates is aggressive and standoffish, with very few exceptions. During her entire time at the monastery she petitioned to be transferred to the Blue Lions house with no success. Her requests were little more than a flurry of insults and demands.
Along with her standard uniform, Sieglinde dons a mourning veil that she refuses to take off. She can often be encountered praying for forgiveness, though will not tell Byleth what she's asking forgiveness for.
If Byleth is in charge of the Blue Lions house, Sieglinde can be recruited immediately.
War phase - 
During the five year timeskip and following Edelgard's war campaign Sieglinde escapes from the empire and into Faerghus. Finally being where she wants to be allows to experience some happiness though she never abandons her mourning blacks. During her time wandering as a mercenary she encounters Gilbert and joins up with him.
Her fate can vary depending on which path Byleth has taken. If on the Azure Moon route, Sieglinde will be an ally regardless of whether or not she was recruited during the academy phase. 
If unrecruited during Crimson Flower or Verdant Wind the player will find out she was assassinated by Hubert for her treason against the empire. Though if recruited during Crimson Flower route Sieglinde is miserable. She's devastated to be back in the empire after trying so long to escape and certain that Hubert or someone loyal to Edelgard is going to kill her. She's glad to at least spend time with Byleth before that happens, however.
If she fails to get an A support epilogue or an S support with Byleth after Crimson Flower, she will end up dying. It's unclear if it was Hubert, her father, or someone from Faerghus wanting revenge for her helping Edelgard.
Background - 
Sieglinde is a daughter born from political marriage between a noblewoman from Faerghus and a nobleman from Adrestia. Following shortly on the coattails of the Tragedy of Duscur, Count Ahlgren received an order from Arundel to kill her wife to loosen to the hold that Faerghus had in their territory. All too happy to do so but afraid of the consequences if he were to be caught he slowly poisoned her over time through her tea, that he had his daughter bring to her.
By the time that Sieglinde's mother had died, the story was that she had accidentally put honey in her mother's tea, triggering an allergic reaction but she knew better. Wracked by guilt that she had been complicit in the death of her own mother, Sieglinde grew to hate the empire for murdering her mother and using her to do it. 
Supports - 
Dimitri -C support: Dimitri is training when he's approached by Sieglinde who has a question for him. She asks him about Fhirdiad and what he thinks of it. He explains everything he loves about it and she grows wistful, wishing she could see it for herself. Dimitri recalls that her mother is from Fhirdiad and asks if she had ever taken her when she was younger. She says no and that her mother was trapped in the empire until her death and could never see her home again. Dimitri is taken by surprise but offers to show her around if she visits in the future. Sieglinde says she would like that, before departing.
B support: Dimitri is training once again when Sieglinde approaches him. She asks Dimitri if he believes in spirits or ghosts which causes him to pause before asking for clarification. She tells him that wants to know if there's a chance that if she offers prayers or "something else" to her mother if she would receive it. They go back forth, toeing around what they would do to appease their late loved ones before Sieglinde is satisfied and swears that she will offer something her mother would love too see when she's able to visit Fhirdiad. The implication being her father's head.
A support: This time it's Dimitri who approaches Sieglinde while she trains. Dimitri asks that if she was able to finally give her mother the present she'd hoped to. She replies that she's still working on that but the war is bringing her closer to her goal. She goes silent for a moment before asking if Dimitri can really hear the voices of all the people he's lost screaming at him, which he confirms. Sieglinde apologizes for how cruel it sounds but that she can't help but envy him. She can't remember the sound of her mother's voice anymore and would give anything to be able to hear it, even if it was hateful words for not avenging her and atoning.
The two share a quiet moment, thinking on the horrors they've seen and vile things they've done glad that there's at least one person as wretched and understands.
Yuri -C support: A new member of Yuri's gang mistakes Sieglinde's room for Yuri's and leaves a letter there. The support begins with Sieglinde approaching Yuri to return it and him asking if she opened it. She didn't and says that she doesn't want to be wrapped up in whatever he has going on. A clever choice since it was from his mother and if she had read it he would have had no choice but to kill her. Sieglinde grows quiet at the mention of his mother and leaves but not before urging him to write back as soon as he can and be "a good son."
Yuri comments how odd she is and remakes that she was a wild look in her eye for a moment.
B support: Yuri has been trying to find information on Sieglinde's mother but keeps coming up on dead ends. He's in the middle of rising frustration when Sieglinde walks up and asks him what he's grumbling about. Yuri dodges the question and thanks her for bringing him the letter as his mother needed a little extra money for her treatment. Sieglinde once again starts acting odd at the mention of his mother and worse since finding out she's ill. Before Yuri can say anything about it, she forces him to take her entire satchel of gold with the order to give it to his mother then leaves.
A support:  Yuri approaches Sieglinde while she's praying for forgiveness and tells her that he's figured out her secret. Sieglinde doesn't respond until Yuri expresses his sympathies at her being used in such a cruel way which finally gets her to stop praying and face him. She asks who he had to torture to get that information but he informs her that for a bit of gold an old maid is willing to give up all kinds of secrets. Sieglinde expresses a deep desire to be forgiven by her mother wouldn't dare ask for it from her so she begs Sothis instead.
Yuri asks if she hates him for being as scheming as her father but Sieglinde denies it saying that for all the backstabbing Yuri does, she trusts him enough that if he wanted her gone he would give her the grace to look her in the eyes as he does it. Yuri remarks that he doesn't see him removing her from the board any time soon.
Hubert -C support: The two of them are locked in a stare-down which neither speaking. Hubert breaks it by calling her disrespect towards Lady Edelgard treasonous which Sieglinde responds to by saying it can't be treason if she was never loyal to her. The two snipe each other back and forth with thinly veiled threats and trying to gauge how much of a threat the other is. Eventually getting fed up, she urges him to return to his master's feet like a good dog before storming off. While alone Hubert comments that there's no way that attitude can be tamed out of her.
B support: Sieglinde calls out Hubert for following her for days and feeling sick that his eyes on her. Hubert laments that if he had an ounce of loyalty to her homeland she could be a great asset for the future plans of the country. She gags at the idea and says she would rather die than be a part of the "Cult of Edie" which Hubert ominously says can be arranged. She points at him and says that's exactly what she can't stand about Adrestians before warning him that if he follows her again he'll get acquainted with her hammer.
A support: It's impossible for Hubert and Sieglinde to reach support level A, even during the Crimson Flower path.
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cangrellesteponme · 11 months
(read this on AO3 here)
dadbastian week day four let's go! this one's fun.
just modern au silliness with the most pathetic dadbastian ever, ft. some friends!
in which ciel goes on a school trip, as thirteen-year-olds sometimes do, and sebastian is being ridiculously grief-stricken about it. everyone wants to get involved. chaos ensues.
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Sebastian feels his whole heart collapse and rot and fully disintegrate in an instant as he watches the 6:24 a.m. train leave — and with it, his boy is gone.
He’s so little — the size of the smallest of kittens, of a single sugarcube, of a tiny grain of uncooked rice — and he is going to be so far away from home.
(Ciel is of course only a bit short for his age, and thirteen is more than old enough to go on a school trip under constant strict adult supervision. Not to mention the trip is to a town that is only four hours away. But Sebastian worries, still.)
Sebastian immediately calls. It is, of course, ignored.
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The moment Sebastian steps foot into the house, his phone rings. He knows from the ringtone that it isn’t his boy.
If things would just go his way for once, he would drape himself over the couch and weep into a handkerchief, letting himself mourn the devastating loss of his child so cruelly ripped out of his caring arms and whisked away where he can’t keep him safe and watch him at all times.
(Truly, the boy is safe and sound and does not need his parent watching over him day and night. Sebastian doesn’t even spend this much time with him. But distance makes the heart grow fonder, as they say, even if it has not even been a day, not even a handful of hours, really, and he is simply being ridiculous, approaching a measly five days of separation with the anguish of a mother experiencing the most severe of postpartum depressions.)
But of course, the universe simply won’t let Sebastian mope around, so someone has to call him. He ignores the call. It rings again.
Sebastian sighs, and looks at the caller ID. Sighs again.
Wolfram always calls for a reason, excessively serious as he is, so he has to answer. No moping around for now.
“…What is it? If no one died, I might not forgive you for calling.”
Wolfram immediately launches himself into an, again, excessively serious explanation of the dire situation he is in: little Sieglinde has suddenly decided to pick up sewing. Wolfram, who only has an observer’s appreciation for the more delicate arts, is desperate to find someone who will help her fulfil her curiosity without running every dress she owns in her attempts at improving them.
Sebastian thinks of his little handkerchief and truly considers saying no. His poor friend truly sounds out of his depth though, so he agrees.
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On the way there, he calls Ciel again. No answer.
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The entire morning is a bit of a disaster, but an entertaining one, at the very least.
It quickly becomes very clear that Sieglinde, little mastermind that she is, did not trust Wolfram to lie convincingly should she let her in on her machinations. Thus, she pretended to be terrible at sewing — not that she is any good, but she is nowhere near as terrible as she seemed to be — to get him to act according to plan. However, her true intentions behind getting Sebastian to come are uncharacteristically unclear, and she does not ask for anything more than company and occasional advice as she tries to fix up and resize an old skirt of hers.
Sebastian wonders what, or rather who made her come up with such a plan. He does not, however, get much time to figure that out, as he keeps having to patch up little Sieglinde’s fingers and watch out for more injuries — she keeps accidentally sinking the needle into her own skin and she won’t do much but stare at her hands. Sebastian thinks she is an odd child, being a creature of fascination more than hedonism, but he is aware of the irony of someone like him making such a judgement.
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The moment he’s out of the Gelzers’ home, his phone rings again.
“I swear, if the situation is not dire, I will make it that way by lethally injuring you. Now talk, Mr. Agni.”
Agni, forever unfazed by Sebastian’s moods, barely sounds threatened as he speaks. Apparently, young Soma is very ill, and Agni is very busy and must leave as soon as possible, hence the express need for Sebastian to come and be there for the boy, nursing him back to health.
Sebastian doesn’t buy it. He agrees anyway, because he might as well, while he’s at it.
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When Sebastian gets there, Soma’s acting is… lacking, to say the least. To his credit, he does seem to actually have a mild cold, so he clearly tried to come up with a believable half-truth. Unfortunately, he and Agni — who all but ran out the door the moment Sebastian arrived, quite suspiciously so, too — are absolutely terrible at selling any kind of lie.
Though Sebastian is somewhat irritated, he does stay by Soma’s side, even if he looks way too lively to be bedridden, talking his ear off for most of the afternoon, and well into the evening.
When the hour grows late and Sebastian moves to leave the boy’s room, Soma puts on his I Swear I Am Not Lying Why Would You Ever Think I am Lying face, and it is quite hard not to laugh at him.
“Ah, well, you have to read me a bedtime story,” he starts, sounding very uncertain, before hurriedly adding, “Agni always does.”
Sebastian knows for a fact Agni doesn’t. He knows that Soma, childish as he may sometimes be, does not get bedtime stories every night at the ripe age of seventeen. He also knows, however, that they both are well-aware it is something akin to a tradition in the Phantomhive household. Their poor attempts at deception would be quite infuriating if they weren’t also clearly just meant to comfort Sebastian, making them somewhat annoyingly endearing.
Pretending to be fooled, he reads the story, and even makes voices — Ciel has outgrown his love for such theatrics, but Sebastian is a performer at heart, still. Not to mention Soma seems to actually enjoy that part of the storytelling, and Sebastian almost feels like he is caring for a young child, even if the boy is significantly too attentive, and never asks for the meaning of a word, and is so tall as he sits in his — mildly elevated — bed that he looks down rather than up at Sebastian. Despite all that, it is… quite pleasant.
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Soma pretends to fall asleep eventually, Sebastian sees right through it but does not point it out, lest he burst into tears upon being told his attempts at helpful deceit are in vain. Not that he would — probably.
He’s about to send Agni a very unimpressed text — something along the lines of “How are YOU the better parent when you haven’t even taught Soma how to lie properly?” — when a string of notifications pop up. A photo, sent by Ciel, with four more text messages.
Little Blue Devil <3 here. now stop calling me. hope you had fun with sieglinde and soma. goodnight. world’s worst parent Sleep well. (:
Looking at the picture, a slightly blurry selfie of his son not even looking at the camera as he glares at Alois — his very luckily assigned roommate — and Elizabeth having a pillow fight — and how did she even get in their room? — Sebastian feels part of himself settle down.
He thinks he might survive four more days of multiple people trying to be his children while Ciel is away, as long as his boy is having fun out there.
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abybweisse · 8 months
Hello there, I find your theory about John Brown is a supernatural being in disguise is interesting me, because I don't believe that Undertaker will be the final antagonist but will face to face with Sebastian and Our!Ciel since his main goal is to restore the Phantomhive family and we still don't know who killed Rachel and Vincent, kidnapped the twins and burned their mansion. Also, in Season 1, John Brown was replaced with Ash/Angela who was a fallen angel and the one who cause the Phantomhve family's demise. If John Brown was indeed a supernatural being and was involved with the Phantonhive's death, I imagined him being a dangerous third party like how Ash/Angela became a very dangerous villain that made both demons which is Sebastian and reapers to join forces to stop the fallen angel. I don't know if the whole "snuff out the unclean, snuff out the unnecessary and snuff out the unwanted" will became canon, but let's just wait for another plot twist in thr climax.
Speaking of season 1, in the episode "His butler: Engaging the Servants", Finnian said that birds were his only friends, and since we probably get closer to Finny's past in the manga, could it be birds symbolizes his desire for freedom? Because I always heard this simile, " As free as a bird." What do you think of this?
Also, in the last episode of season 1, Sebastian said that his true form is unsighty, disgusting and repulsive. I personally think that he wasn't wrong that his true form is quite horrible for human eyes to see, i mean, having an eldritch like body with hundred of eyes is far from the word beautiful. Not to mention that Ash/Angela's reaction and how they were terrified implies that Sebastian can easily shred them in pieces which he actually did to that mad fallen angel (and also the cultist that killed R!Ciel in the manga)
(I'm completely aware that I often compared season 1 of the anime with the manga because some of them were nearly the same. Idk about season 2)
⚠️ long post ⚠️ and re-edited ❗️ ⚠️
Hello! Thanks for the asks!
John Brown as the biggest bad
I often compare John Brown (and Ash/Angela) to a Mother game character called Giygas, who is an extraterrestrial from a very distant world. In Mother, Giygas crash-lands on Earth and is cared for by George and Mary/Maria. I'm a little confused about the details, but they apparently go with Giygas to its home planet, where Mary/Maria stays. George steals technology from the alien race and returns to Earth, where he conducts more studies. George also somehow manages to pass alien abilities to his descendants. Fearing this technology will be used by Earthlings to destroy that alien race, Giygas is sent back to Earth to stop him. But by the time Giygas gets to Earth again, George has already died, and Giygas has gone kind of insane. Giygas decides to take revenge against humanity, particularly George's descendants, like Ninten. By the time you get to Mother 2 (EarthBound), Giygas is using all sorts of methods to control people, including this kid called Pokey Minch. Ness and his pals defeat Pokey and Giygas, but Pokey escapes, while Giygas is sort of... obliterated? In Mother 3, Pokey returns as King Porky. Though Giygas isn't seen anymore, some essence of evil left behind by Giygas still seems to influence King Porky. With help, Lucas manages to defeat King Porky (without killing him). Then Lucas still has to have a final showdown with his dead and reanimated older mirror twin brother, Claus.
George is one of the parallels to Undertaker, here, assuming he's Cedric, the paternal grandfather of the mirror twin brothers (real Ciel and our earl). Taking and researching technology from another race of creatures, passing abilities/traits onto his descendants. Does the technology come directly from reapers? I don't quite think so, at least not entirely. They keep mentioning their "superiors", and I suspect those are something truly superior to reapers, not simply reapers with higher authority. Angels, perhaps. That's what Ash/Angela is in s1, though apparently a fallen one. And both characters (John and Ash/Angela) have whips....
Perhaps the John Brown we have seen in the manga is one of these superiors? Possibly an angel of sorts.
An angel who has been sent to clean up this mess with Undertaker. I can imagine the superiors trying (at first) to take care of it themselves, not wanting the reapers to know whatever Undertaker has learned. But that's failed, and now active reapers are being pulled in to help.
And, in the process, John has made a contract with Queen Victoria, much like a demon might? The way he uses that puppet of Prince Albert suggests he's controlling the queen, and it might be a lot like the offer Sebastian originally offered to our earl (to make him believe his twin had returned). This makes Victoria the main parallel to King Porky. (I believe there's another one who specifically parallels Pokey Minch, before he returns as the self-proclaimed king.)
Perhaps John, like Ash/Angela, has a completely different side to him that we haven't seen just yet? Something polar opposite of what we've seen, so far. Something intense and crazed, much like Ash/Angela is. Much like Giygas becomes.
I seriously think that our earl (with help) must defeat John Brown as the "big bad", even more so than the queen, though she's probably the one who actually orders the attack, etc.
If the Mother game series parallels are close enough, John's (or the reaper superiors') main concern might be that Undertaker could make their roles obsolete. And that's kind of what Othello and Grelle discuss in ch149. And they haven't even discussed the possibility that this deserting reaper has been passing on reaper traits to human descendants. But they are already worried he might change the nature of life itself, making souls unnecessary. Making reapers unnecessary. It could destroy the entire system of the Afterlife. Much like Giygas' species fears humans stealing and using their own technology against them.
Finny and birds
Isn't there a scene in the manga that has Finny accidentally kill the first bird he tries to care for... or was that also just anime Finny? 🤔 Anyway, he definitely says he likes the outdoors and wide open spaces because of his previous confinement. It would make sense if he's also fond of anything else that symbolizes freedom, like the flight of birds. Makes it more poignant that there's so much caged bird imagery in his current situation at the orphanage... as well as the wren and myths/folklore associated with it.
Sebastian's demonic form
I quickly started to associate Sebastian with two characters in Mother 3: Boney, the loyal family dog who helps Lucas... and the Dark Dragon, the beast that follows your will... if you wake it up and give it your "heart". Lucas is the one to wake the Dark Dragon after his older mirror twin is "sacrificed".
We've actually seen glimpses of a form this demon can take, besides all the mouths and eyes, and besides the various animals (and furniture) it can conjure from itself. We see it reflected in a mirror on the cover art for ch88.
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We also see it in a couple panels in ch137. The image on the left is not as well defined, and it might be as the demon is changing forms. The head of the one on the right looks particularly similar to the reflection on ch88's cover.
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The Dark Dragon is a powerful creature that can be used for good or bad, depending on who wakes it back up. Lucas has a good heart, so the Dark Dragon does everything in its power to set things right again, after much upheaval. It cannot return the dead to life, just like Sebastian.
So... the Dark Dragon never goes up against Giygas... or even against King Porky. The biggest bads are defeated before Lucas even wakes the Dark Dragon. Giygas is defeated by prayer (of all things) in Mother 2. King Porky is captured inside an Absolute Safe Capsule, invented by Dr. Andonuts.
In Black Butler, we could see a break in that parallel, simply because our earl relies so heavily on Sebastian (and because Sebastian is already awake/under contract). However, we could also end up with our earl and Sebastian witnesses to John Brown and Queen Victoria being defeated by others who have been helping them.
One of Undertaker's other parallels in the Mother game series is Dr. Andonuts... but he's not the only Kuroshitsuji character to parallel the inventor: so is Sieglinde Sullivan. Dr. Andonuts is forced to work for King Porky, and his Fascinating Chimera technology is used/abused by King Porky's Pigmask Army, but he eventually manages to get revenge by keeping Porky alive but unable to cause anymore harm. We know Undertaker doesn't like the queen, so if he finds out she wants his Bizarre Dolls as "allies", he might confront her and John. Then we have Sieglinde, who is brought to England and introduced to the queen. Soon after, we find out the queen is sponsoring Sieglinde's new (mostly secret) projects... in a house and laboratory also provided by the queen. When Sieglinde figures out the queen is using her, much like her mother used her, she might also rise up against Victoria.
If we keep really close to the game, our earl and Sebastian (as Boney instead of the Dark Dragon role) might finally confront Queen Victoria and John Brown (and Double Charles?) just to watch as they are somehow defeated by Undertaker and/or Sieglinde. Extra points if it's Sieglinde using some contraption she invented while working for the queen.
Wouldn't it be wild if Sebastian isn't (directly) the one to defeat his master's main enemies... and then he has to apologize for failing the terms of the contract? Or maybe he covers his demon ass by helping in some roundabout way, so he can still claim the victory for his master? Either way, it could really decrease the sweetness of that revenge.
Sebastian might not even need the ability to shred John Brown. We shall see....
And I'm completely aware I often compare Black Butler to the Mother game series. 😆 S1 of the anime has some interesting AU parallels. For all of its off-the-rails qualities -- surprisingly -- so does s2. Heck, that joke OVA about making the anime even has a scene that parodies part of Dr. Andonuts' lab under King Porky's control.
Sorry for the long delay in responding. I hope you like the reply!
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funtomfactory · 11 months
So I was absolutely certain I did a casting post on my main a long time ago already, but apparently not, so here we go:
Cast for the Black Butler rendition of Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Clopin - Joker Quasimodo - Snake (with Dan) Victor - Doll (with Wordsworth) Hugo - Finny (with Oscar) Laverne - Grell (with Emily) Esmeralda - Beast Frollo - Sebastian Phoebus - Bard Archdeacon - Tanaka Guard 1 - Lau Guard 2 - Agni Quasimodo's mother / old church lady - Mey Rin Romani ensemble / Misc. - Dagger, Jumbo, Peter, Wendy, Prince Soma, Ran Mao, Undertaker, William, Ronald
Light and sound - Sieglinde Costumes and grime - Lizzy Set and curtains - Edward and Wolf
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Thinking of a modern AU of an 18-year-old Elizabeth Midford and Sieglinde “Siggy” Sullivan, who turns 17, going for a road trip, escaping from their horrible lives with rigid rules and whatnots. On the outside, Lizzie looks like the queen bee, and Siggy, a science prodigy, who doesn’t have friends. One fateful day they find themselves inside Lizzie’s car. She is manning the wheels and Lana del Rey’s music “This Is What Makes Us Girls” in the background playing repeatedly, their hands bloodied, fresh from a m u r d e r spree including Siggy’s opportunistic mother, who has treated her child so unkindly like an experiment “Heavenly Creatures” style.
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 1
Characters Chosen Undead | Anastacia of Astora | Knight Lautrec of Carim | Solaire of Astora | Blacksmith Andre | Oscar of Astora | Giant Blacksmith | Quelaan/Daughter of Chaos | Quelana of Izalith | Gwynevere Princess of Sunlight | Siegmeyer of Catarina | Sieglinde of Catarina | Kingseeker Frampt | Darkstalker Kaathe | Patches the Hyena | Lord's Blade Ciaran | Dusk of Oolacile | Darkmoon Knightess | Elizabeth | Furtive Pygmy | Witch of Izalith | Hawkeye Gough | Giant Crow | Shiva of the East | Black Iron Tarkus | Alvina of the Darkroot Wood | Big Hat Logan | Ingward the Guardian of the Seal | Female Undead Merchant
Bosses Asylum Demon | Taurus Demon | Capra Demon | Gaping Dragon | Bell Gargoyle | Chaos Witch Quelaag | Iron Golem | Moonlight Butterfly | Dragon Slayer Ornstein | Executioner Smough | Centipede Demon | Gravelord Nito | Seath the Scaleless | Four Kings | Great Grey Wolf Sif | Dark Sun Gwyndolin | Crossbreed Priscilla | Sanctuary Guardian | Artorias the Abysswalker | Manus Father of the Abyss | Black Dragon Kalameet | Gwyn Lord of Cinder
Enemies Silver Knight | Mushroom People | Havel the Rock | Black Knight | Wheel Skeleton | The Channeler | Black Hydra | Stone Guardian | Sunlight Maggot | Batwing Demon | Crow Demon | Ghost | Undead Attack Dog | Maneater Mildred | Crystal Golem | Skeleton Beast | Kirk Knight of Thorns | Undead Dragon
Dark Souls 2
Characters Bearer of the Curse | Emerald Herald/Shanalotte | Lucatiel of Mirrah | Aslatiel of Mirrah | Lonesome Gavlan | Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Vengarl of Forossa | Faraam, God of War | Alsanna the Silent Oracle | Nadalia Bride of Ash | Jester Thomas | Sweet Shalquoir | Benhart of Jugo | Weaponsmith Ornifex | Creighton the Wanderer
Bosses Old Dragonslayer | Ruin Sentinel | The Rotten | Executioner's Chariot | Covetous Demon | Mytha the Baneful Queen | Old Iron King | Throne Watcher | Throne Defender | Looking Glass Knight | Demon of Song | Velstadt the Royal Aegis | King Vendrick | Smelter Demon | Royal Rat Authority | Fume Knight | Sir Alonne | Elana the Squalid Queen | Sinh the Slumbering Dragon | Aava the King's Pet | Lud the King's Pet | Zallen the King's Pet | Burnt Ivory King | Darklurker | Nashandra
Enemies Aurous Knight | Heide Knight | Amana Priestess | Pursuer | Flame Salamander
Dark Souls 3
Characters Ashen One | Fire Keeper | Anri of Astora | Horace the Hushed | Yuria of Londor | Eygon of Carim | Irina of Carim | Orbeck of Vinheim | Sirris of the Sunless Realms | Unbreakable Patches | Greirat of the Undead Settlement | Siegward of Catarina | Princess Filianore | Company Captain Yorshka | Sir Vilhelm | Baby Ocelotte | Queen of Lothric | Painting Woman | Liliane of the Sable Church | Lord of Hollows | Karla | Cornyx of the Great Swamp | Ringfinger Leonhard | Rosaria Mother of Rebirth | Pygmy Lords | Yellowfinger Heysel | Old Wolf of Farron | Archdeacon Klimt | Archdeacon Mcdonnell | Archdeacon Royce | Shira Knight of Filianore | Pilgrim from Londor | Ludleth of Courland
Bosses Iudex Gundyr | Vordt of the Boreal Valley | Curse Rotted Greatwood | Crystal Sage | Deacons of the Deep | High Lord Wolnir | Old Demon King | Champion Gundyr | Pontiff Sulyvahn | Abyss Watchers | Yhorm the Giant | Aldrich Devourer of Gods | Dancer of the Boreal Valley | Dragonslayer Armour | Lothric Younger Prince | Lorian Elder Prince | Ancient Wyvern | Nameless King | Storm Drake | Oceiros the Consumed King | Champion's Gravetender | Gravetender Greatwolf | Sister Friede | Father Ariandel | Demon Prince | Darkeater Midir | Halflight Spear of the Church | Slave Knight Gael | Soul of Cinder
Enemies Pontiff Knight | Fire Witch | Sulyvahn's Beast | Grand Archives Scholar | Lothric Knight | Darkwraith | Carthus Swordsman Skeleton | Tree Woman | Ravenous Crystal Lizard | Corvian Settler | Corvian Knight | Ringed Knight | Desert Pyromancer Zoey | Londor Pale Shade | Holy Knight Hodrick | Angel | Outrider Knight | Jailer | Grand Archives Scholar | Monstrosity of Sin | Wolf | Grave Warden | Deep Accursed
Groups/Ships/All Games Twin Princes | Nkstein | Ciartorias | Eygon x Irina | Four Knights of Gwyn | Crystal Lizard | Patches | Basilisk | Mimic | Skeleton | Velka Goddess of Sin
Others Dubious Grandma | Maiden of the Moon | Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
DS Trivia
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The following is the lineup for the polls by date, made using a random number generator. New characters introduced in chapter 199 will automatically be added to the end of the roster.
April 19th - April 26th
Rian Stoker
Lord Ackroyd's son
FOL Orphanage staff
Claude Faustus
Baldroy / Bard / Baldo
Finnian / Finny
Sharpe Hanks
April 20th - April 27th
Soma's elephant
Sophie Smith
Finny's hat
Funtom Corporation's unicorn suit
Karl Woodley
Chris Heathfield
Sieglinde Sullivan
Fred Abberline
Stella Rose
Charles Phipps
the orphan that called Sebastian an old guy
April 21st - April 28th
Joanne Harcourt
Purple House dorm master
Agni / Arshad Satyendra Iyer
Yana Toboso
Grete Hilbard
the Mad Dog of Venice
Rachel Phantomhive
Charles Phipps's chicken
April 22nd - April 29th
Mrs. Mayell
the Rowdy Count
Georg von Siemens
Margaret Connor
Cedric Brandel
Mathilda Simmons
Sam / Old Man Sam
Grelle Sutcliff
Ellery Nixon
Eric Slingby
April 23rd - April 30th
Edward Midford
Luka Macken
Queen Victoria
Lord Ackroyd
the other children in the lab Finny was kept in
Reaper trainees
Green House dorm master
Vincent Phantomhive
Drossel Keinz
Lawrence Bluewer's sisters
Charles Grey
April 24th - May 1st
Margaret Turner
Edgar Redmond
Derrick Arden
Ronald Knox
Aurora Society member
Bloodbath Johnny
Soma Asman Kadar
Claude's birds
Sebastian's silverware
Chef Rickman
Susannah Connor
April 25th - May 2nd
John Brown
Saneatsu Nekoma
Lawrence Anderson / Pops
Chef Wollest
Chris Heathfield's maids
demon Crow
Nina's assistants
Prince Albert puppet
April 26th - May 3rd
Blavat Sky
Vicar Rathbone
Julius Pitt
walking stick shopkeeper
Grimsby Keane
Ciel's horse
Edward V
Jay the Undertaker
Gregory Violet
Jeremy Rathbone
the cat from the live action movie
Henry Barrymore
April 27th - May 4th
Lawrence Bluewer
Prince Albert
the Panzer
the train kidnapper
Chef Lach
Doll / Freckles
Sam's grandson
Bitter Rabbit
Japanese man with a katana
"Ciel" Phantomhive / Our Ciel / O!Ciel
April 28th - May 5th
Undertaker's mourning lockets
Purple House prefect from Vincent's year
Patrick the Grey Wizard
Johann Agares
the cultists
Baldroy Jr.
John Brown's horse
Sphere Music Hall staff
April 29th - May 6th
Jackknife Haywood
Nina Hopkins
William's death scythe
Angela Blanc
Wolfram Gelzer
Ronald's lawnmower
Arthur Randall
Aleister Chamber / Viscount of Druitt
April 30th - May 7th
Irene Diaz
beggar boy that Soma gives a necklace to, mother, and baby brother
kenpo master
Red House dorm master
Shiori Genpou
Cedric K. Ros
William T. Spears
Patrick Phelps
Japanese woman with a lunchbox
May 1st - May 8th
Arthur Conan Doyle
the bear
Grelle's chainsaw
Trancy / Former Head Trancy
Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred face
the archeologist
the cats Sebastian rescues from the rain
Hilde Dickhaut
Cloudia Phantomhive
May 2nd - May 9th
King's Bear prostitutes
Undertaker's death scythe
Sieglinde Sullivan's father
Charles Bennett Sato
demon Ciel
Arnold Trancy
Ciel Phantomhive bizarre doll / Real Ciel / R!Ciel
Arihito Genpou
Thomas Wallis
May 3rd - May 10th
Chef Tarpin
Queen Victoria (Season 1)
Lau's ladies
Harold West Jeb
Professor Sullivan / village crone
Anne Drewanz
CGI horses / driver
Margaret Connor's father
Ciel Phantomhive child / R!Ciel child
May 4th - May 11th
Maurice Cole
Alexis Leon Midford
bizarre dolls
the turnspit dog
the "werewolves"
O!Ciel's land renters
Sebastian the dog
Red House prefect from Vincent's year
the Sebastian Roomba
bizarre doll horses
Baldroy's cow
May 5th - May 12th
Hanae Wakatsuki
the iceberg
Alan Humphries
Ash Landers
Snake's unnamed snakes
Munemitsu Aoki
Alois Trancy / Jim Macken
Elizabeth Midford / Lizzy
Aurora Society purified water seller
Drossel's dolls
the timetable guy
Herman Greenhill
May 6th - May 13th
Azzurro Vanel
William's pigeons
Reaper managers
Countess Trancy and her baby
German countryman
Scotland Yard officers
Haku's henchman
Lorraine McDowell
demon "pet" (the xenomorph)
Hannah Annafellows
Angelina Dalles / Madam Red / Aunt An
May 7th - May 14th
Vincent Phantomhive's staff
Paul Jones
Francis Midford
Sebastian Michaelis
Phantomhive family ring
Edward Abberline
Baron Ridley
Sebastian's owl
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enchantedmirage · 9 months
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"When you wake up, do you simply let your dreams end?"
✦ Sieglinde Hofmann
✦ Pages of Phantasm
✦ Assistant Librarian
✦ Vision: None
– No idea what vision element suits her best, so for now she remains as a NPC (most likely one that takes up an entire sidequest), any thoughts on what could it be? I was thinking somewhere around Cryo or Electro but I can also consider Pyro as well..
Transcription under the cut:
Sieglinde Hofman (9)
— a young lass with not so noble aspirations
- Also called Signe
- Mondstadt
- Her father is a member of the Knights and has been raising her by himself.
- Loves reading
- Likes woodcarving and clay sculpting
- Her hat is a gift from her mother, as a souvenir from Fontaine.
- Wants to become a princess for the politics
- She also wants to find a prince
- Has remains of "otherworldy memories"
- She probably was supposed to be a protagonist in a feudal isekai story but her soul got lost/hj
•–––––––––––––––––––– •
Sieglinde "Signe" Hofmann
"Oh, you're what one may call a Named Character, aren't you? Please don't mind me, I'm merely a wisp in the wind."
Working as the Assistant Librarian of The Knights of Favonius, Sieglinde could find whatever information she needs in one afternoon. Curious, kind, and from her eyes still sparkling with wonder — a dreamer.
"There's not much fun involved with a simple life... " Oh, how she wishes to be a protagonist set out on a journey, making friends, defeating villains, and saving the world, wouldn't that be thrilling? While a young maiden like her dreams to be a princess, she is not one to sit still high up in a tower.
You musn't simply judge a book by its cover, as beneath her whimsy exterior lies hidden depths. Once upon a time, she thought everyone was destined for a happy ending, but now she simply wishes not to let her story end in a tragedy.
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overtsexting · 11 months
the way Xander and Leo's signature weapons are named for mythological couple Siegfried and Brynhildr JUST like Ephraim and Eirika's are named for mythological (incestuous) couple Siegmund and Sieglinde. and like, you just know Leo has studied his mythology (especially since it's so chock full of sibcest...). you KNOW he knows those are the names of a couple. and you know he has very complex feelings about it considering his feelings re: his big brother
Fun fact, Siegfried/Sigurd is Siegmund and Sieglinde’s son. I believe Siegfried and brunhild weren’t exactly a couple, but Siegfried disguised himself as another man to woo Brunhild on that man’s behalf. I believe in most versions he does consummate the marriage pretending to be that man (pretty much always non-consensually). She always has a role in killing him, though—usually out of honour.
Oh! Interesting: in trying to fact check that, apparently she IS his lover in the Wagner opera. I missed that when I read through a summary of it before and only remembered her attempting to save his parents and failing.
Hmmmm I think Leo would struggle to draw parallels to it at first because his weapon has the name of a woman, and he wouldn’t really be willing to cast himself in a woman’s role. Depending on which version of the myth he’s read though, I could see him having quite a bit of angst about the fact that Brunhild usually kills Siegfried—since that is probably something his mother wanted for him. And, maybe late at night while he’s pondering this, and Xander and he are playing the roles of their weapon’s mythical namesakes in his head, his mind sometimes wanders to the reason she kills him, and he blushes bright red. It doesn’t matter that the scenario wouldn’t make sense in context, and that Siegfried is in disguise there, it’s already playing out in his mind and he can’t shove the thoughts of being with his brother away.
I wish there were more fun parallels to draw here 😔 believe me, I’ve tried. Sieglinde and Siegmund are easier to parallel to Ephrika. But the various versions of Sigurd’s myth don’t really seem to have much to do with Xander and Leo.
I do actually wonder what Intsys was thinking when they picked these weapon names 🤔 how much did they intend for the myth to reflect in game? Or did they just want to pick funky names? Because sometimes in FE games the answer seems to be “just funky names” but Deirdre for example is ABSOLUTELY based on her namesake in Irish myth. So….. did they want to imply ephrika? Were they actually trying to imply something for Xander and Leo too, and I’ve just missed the parallel??
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