#sigh........ i need 2 sleep tho.... maybe they will be online next time <3
ive been playing. so much sky:cotl its so cute im in love w it
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hazard-queen · 4 years
When he can't sleep (Leona, idia, azul, malleus)
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Leona kingscholer
• "No way! Ruggie, you must be kidding me, right?" You said to ruggie in disbelief as your eyes widened
• "I really hope that i was kidding but nah" said ruggie rising his shoulders and his swaying his hands
• "If he continued like this no one will remain alive in savanaclaw!" Said jack rushing his hand on his hair
• What happened? I will tell you! Something abnormal happened and can be the end of the world if it continues like this! Leona didn't sleep in two days!!!! The guy who falls asleep before his head reaches the pillow, and this of course this left him in a bad mood! Picking fights with almost everyone and everything and even with the flys that lands on his face!
• "You have to do something about this (y/n)! " Said ruggie helpless
• "How much will you pay? why me tho?" You said worried
• "Ummmmm cause we are afraid to go speak to him he will kill us cause you are the most one close to him!" Said ruggie with worried smile
• "Yes! He won't get mad at you i mean get annoyed if you tried to talk to him!" Said jack worried
• "We count on you!" Said both ruggie and jack leaving you dumbfounded not even giving you a chance to reject! Oh well (y/n) the future of the humanity in your hands now!
• You stood there in front of the door not knowing if you have to knock or to just get in no one dies before their time so you just decided to knock the door and let what happen happens!
• "GET LOST!" you heard a loud growl from behind the door that makes scare runs in your spines
• "L leona....it's me....(y/n)!" You said worried ready to leave at any second, but what you didn't notice that both jack and ruggie and even some more students of savanaclaw were watching over you even worried more than you!
• The door opened and there stood leona all tired and you could see how bad he wants to sleep, "um...are you ok?" You asked
• "And why wouldn't i?" Said leona crossing his arm on his chest
• He reached his hand to his head to massage it, "tch...this headache" said leona annoyed
• "Maybe that's because the lack of sleep! Not sleeping well for two days of course will cause you headache!" You said innocently
• "Who told you i didn't sleep well in two days?" Said leona rising an eyebrow
• "Your eyes said that! It looks tired! Btw! I have a medicine for headache! Do you want to have it?" You asked with a smile
• "No! I like to have headache that makes me feel my head's exploding from time to time......GIVE IT TO ME!" said leona with a yellow smile oh my he's really moody!
• Leona took the medicine and finally the headache is gone! You felt happy for him! But suddenly he pulled your arm, "l leona ! What's wrong?" And as you were wondering what could it be leona restd his head in your embrace and placed your hand on his head, "you know what to do, right?" You nodded as you started brushing his hair with your hands then after some time you felt his breathe calm, you could even hear some faint snores, leona has finally fall asleep! Thank you (y/n)! The world is a safe place now because of you!
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Idia shroud
• It can't be he's online in the game all of this could it be? Since 3 am till the next day it's almost midnight! Could it be that the server broke down or something?
• You play the same game with idia and you won't deny he told you that he's waiting for this event like months ago since they announced it on another servers....did he even eat? Sleep? Go to class?
• You heard knocks on the door, opening it you saw ortho standing there worried
• "(Y/n) please help me!....ni-san!" If he could cry there would be waterfalls from his eyes
• "WHAT? did he get kidnapped again by ghosts?" This all could get in your mind right now cause nothing is dangerous can happen to someone who never gets out from his room
• "No! He's playing this game since yasterday! He didn't sleep or eat he looks all tired but he never leave his place! I'm worried about him!" Said ortho sadly
• You accepted to go help him as first! you could never refuse a request from ortho cause he's cute, second! You were also worried about idia, third and most importantly you don't want ortho to blow up your drom if you refuse!
• You didn't have time to knock cause ortho dashed into the room! " see?" Said ortho pointing his hand to his brother who didn't even move his eyes from the monitor
• He looked all tired and sleepy and even more pale!
• "IDIA!" You yelled at idia which made him jump from his place, " (y y/n)! When did you get here?"
• "Idia did you eat anything? Did you sleep?" You asked worried
• "7"
• "7 hours?" You tiled your head
• "7 minutes!" Said idia as he looked back to the monitor leaving you as if a shock hits you
• You didn't speak! You snatched the gaming console from his hand, idia gasped from the quick action
• "Nooo~ please give that back to me i need to complete this event!" Said idia reaching his hand to take it back but alas, you were dead serious
• "Eat something first!" You said crossing your arms to your chest and ortho did the same as you
• "No! Tch...look....why don't you feed me while i play?" Said idia with a plea
• "Fine!" You gave him the console as you brought some food and juice with you , you shoved the food into his mouth and placing the juice by his lips as he took some sips then went back to play! Hardly he could open his eyes! He's used to stay awakr for late times but not for two days! His eyes were closing but he kept on shaking his head it's 2 am now!
• "Idia! Why don't you take a rest and let me continue the event for you, you know, i also play this game" you said to idia and he didn't think much, he handed you the console and sat by you watching you play
• "You know, you're not bad!" Said idia weakly
• "Hehe i know!" You said with a grin, you felt a weight on your shoulder, you looked to your side to see idia's head leaned to you, he has finally fallen asleep, he looked so peaceful when he's like that
• "Isn't he cute?"
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Azul ashengrotto
• "Ugh we are swimming in work recently shrimp-chan!" Exhausted floyed sopke helplessly
• "I don't know when this all gonna end i really miss the feeling when i could sleep!" Said jade rising his arms and waving his hands also helplessly
• "Are you really that busy tho? Oh! How's azul doing?" You asked since you didn't see him any soon
• "Well he also isn't sleeping well or taking any rest i guess we've been really busy recently " said jade thinking
• "Can i go see him!" You asked with a plea and of course the twin couldn't say no since they know that azul missed you and all but didn't had any time to go out
• You poped up your head from the door happily, "azul I'm here!" You saw him, he was a mess, not even looking at you and flipping papers here and there talking to himself
• "When did you sleep last time?" You stood in front of his desk, he's doesn't even know you're here yet...i guess
• "Yasterday noon it was for an hour or so" said azul busy thinking about his work then he suddenly rised his face to meet yours, his eyes widened and also yours! His face was pale and his eyes were tired just like idia even more, his face was opened in "O" shape
• "(Y/n)! When did you get here? I didn't see you coming in!" Said azul fixing himself and paper on the table
• "Can i probably help you?" You asked looking at all those papers on the table as you reached your hand to hold one of the contracts
• "No! That's not concern you! The twins are doing it all!" Azul yelled at you snatching the paper from your hand which made you jump in your place
• It of course made you sad but you didn't say it, azul won't forgive himself if he knew you that it hurt you
• You went to the kitchen to make him some coffee! (My favourite) it's really good in regaining himself and focus
• Silently you placed the cup by him on the desk, he looked at it then looked at you in appreciation, he knew what he said isn't proper so he frowned
• " I'm sorry (y/n) i really didn't mean it but i have so many pressure on me, i didn't sleep in days and even if i put my head on the pillow i don't sleep, I'm really tired" said azul looking down sadly
• "Don't be! I understand everything, i just can't see you all this tired and can't do anything for you!" You said with worried expression
• Azul sigh giving up, " can you just stay here to watch the work while i rest on the sofa for a bit?" Said azul with a weak smile and you of course gave him a wide ones
• He layd himself in the sofa closing his eyes then everything went silent, you took some close steps to him seeing his breathe was steady and you could even hear him snoring lightly, you took off his glasses placing it on the table by him and covered him with a jacket
• You placed a small kiss on his forehead and he began sleeptalking, he muttered "i love you" but you managed to hear him, You giggled
• "I love you too"
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Malleus draconia
• Your dorm was under maintenance and you had nowhere to go! Of course dorm leaders offered you a stay in their dorms for a while but they didn't do anything when malleus came along grabbing your wrist dragging you to diasomania silently
• "Did you plan to stay anywhere else?" Asked malleus still dragging you not even making an eye contact with you
• "I i just thought you were busy so i didn't want to be a burden on you!" You said with a pout
• "A burden? (Y/n)! You should have came to diasomania the second you left the dorm, not waiting for others to offer you a stay!" Said malleus as he stopped and gave you a serious look
• And from this look you could tell how tired he was, you wanted to ask him when the last time did he sleep but you just didn't want to bother him
• Going to diasomania thay prepared you a separated room where you could stay and sleep, they even brought you dinner to your room! But of course the change of the place made it harder for you to sleep so you decided to go for a walk
• You saw malleus' room is still has light, shouldn't he be asleep now? Should you go ask about him? You finally decided to knock the door and see what's wrong with him
• "(Y/N)! What are you doing here in this late hour? Do you need something?" Said malleus surprised by your visit
• "Nothing! I saw the lights on so i was wondering if you can't sleep, are you alright?" You asked with a worried smile
• "Oh is that so? Oh Don't bother yourself, i don't want to be a burden on you!" Said malleus rising an eyebrow crossing an arm to his chest and swaying the other in the air
• You recognise that he's paying back the word to you
• "It doesn't feel good hearing it from your beloved ones is it?" Asked malleus with a smile holding his chin but he spoke again " sigh, i just can't sleep well recently"
• "What can i do for you? Do you want a glass of milk? Mint tea? coffee? anything?" You asked him but you know this won't help till an idea came to your mind
• You sat there patting on your lap offering malleus to put his head there with a wide smile, he chuckled on your childish action but he did as you wanted, he rested his head on your lap aware to not stap you with his horns and closed his eyes
• You run your hand on his head which made him half open his eyes then closing it again, you started humming your favourite song and playing with his hair till you noticed his chest is moving slowly and his breathe was steady, you didn't bother asking him, you knew he was already asleep
• Malleus felt safe in your existence by him,his only beloved ones
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timbertumbr · 4 years
Boneafide Gamer (A Reverse Harem Fic)
Chapter 2, Reality VS Fantasy
Previous Chapter
Quotev Link
Big thanks to my friend for making a caption for the picture and big thanks to another friend who took that meme worthy photo!
List of Usernames with Nicknames-
Blue (Underswap Sans): Magnificent Blueberry
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus): Carrot
Edge (Underfell Papyrus): Captain
Red (Underfell Sans): Red
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Maleficent 
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Rus
The next day arrives and you’re rudely awakened by your alarm clock, basically yelling at you to get up and get your butt moving. Groaning, you shut off the alarm and quite literally roll off your bed with a thud. 
You get up from the floor, abandoning your pile of blankets as you shuffle around your home doing your morning routine. Once done, you throw your blankets back onto your bed and grab your phone as you head out the door, lock it, and begin walking to work. To entertain yourself, you unlock your phone fully intent to play a phone game when you see messages from discord so you open that instead.
Cheesepuff: Good morning Fart. Or (Username) whichever you prefer. Whenever you have time, could we set up a time to introduce a few of my cousins to you and possibly the game itself. 
Cheesepuff: Also, I may have given Blue your discord. So expect lots of messages.
Raising a brow, you check your friend requests and see that a “Magnificent Blueberry” asked to be friends. Huffing in amusement, you add him as friends and type out your reply to Carrot.
(Username): I get off work at 5:00. So we could get online at around 5:30. Can’t wait to meet your cousins! 
You go to check other messages to see Totally not the writer left a message at 3 A.M. Not again…
Totally not the writer: So… I may have stayed up all night to think of how to use this meme so… you are my first test subject.
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You snort at it and shake your head amused.
(Username): Get some sleep you ADHD nutshell.
Totally not the writer: Will do.
Shaking your head again, you pocket your phone and enter your workplace. A GAME STORE! :D You quickly make your way to the counter and greet your co-worker Chris. 
“Sup dude,” They respond while you grab your employee clip on name and head to the back to restock shelves.
“You’re pretty peppy today,” They comment as you leave the back with a box of games, figurines, plushies, and other stuff. 
“I’ve had a good morning so far!” You respond as you start stocking shelves, they hum and fiddle with their phone.
“Didja get the game you’ve been waiting all year for?” They ask.
“Yup! I even met some new people there!” They raise a brow as you move to another shelf.
“Really? From what I’ve heard they had a bit of a server problem so not that many people were able to get on,” So THAT’S what happened.
“Then I’m one of the lucky ones!” They were very amused.
“Seems like it. Care to tell me about these new friends you met?” You raise a brow and turn to Chris.
“But I didn’t-”
“Totally told me,” They cut you off, showing the screen of their phone in your direction. You lean forward to see that Totally did indeed contact Chris through discord.
“Of course they did,” You comment before going back to stocking the new PS4 games. The electronic bell sounds when some customers enter the store. You peek from the shelf to see four skeletons. 2 tall skeletons, one of them slightly taller than the other and two short skeletons, one with a large crack in his skull.
Hey, they look familiar-
“Welcome to the Game Store, if you need any help let me or the one stocking shelves over there know,” Chris says in the ‘customer is here, act like you’ve been happy all your life!’ voice. One of the taller skeletons smiled.
“THANK YOU KIND HUMAN! I WILL COME TO YOU FOR ASSISTANCE IF NEED BE!” He says enthusiastically and quite thankful. Both you and Chris' smiles softened into a bit more genuine smiles as the similar looking skeletons split up and began looking around the small store. You sigh softly as you go back to stocking shelves. 
You soon finish the box and stand up to return the box and grab another one when someone taps your shoulder. You put on a smile and face a short skeleton in a blue hoodie.
“Oh hey! Need help looking for something?” You ask, the skeleton nods.
“Yeah, need help looking for a game called ‘Basic MMORPG VR edition,’” He says so casually you can’t help but relax around him.
“Oh yeah! I know where that is. Follow me please,” You say before walking toward the beloved game with the small skeleton in tow. 
“Here it is!” You exclaim, making little jazz hands at the case making the skeleton snicker.
“Thanks bud. I guess you could say you were... playing your role?” 
“PFT-” You burst out laughing. You could even hear Chris and a very deep voice snicker in the background.
“Oh my GOD that was terrible,” You say collecting yourself, the short skeleton shrugged.
“But I guess I don’t have enough EXP(erience) with good jokes!” You fire back and his eyelights twinkled. 
“Guess you’ll have to farm for some,” The same deep voice from earlier said, earning a snicker from you and the short skeleton by you.
“SANS PLEASE!” You hear an exasperated voice yell.
“Brother No…” Another voice chimes, somewhat similar to the first but somewhat softer. The short skeleton used blue magic to get the game and walked over to the counter still snickering. You smile as you begin walking to the back to replace your empty box. When you return to the store, all the skeletons are at the counter with one of the tall ones yelling.
“It’s alright, did you find everything you needed?” Chris says as you go to stock the shelves once again. Just as you were finishing up with this box, the skeletons had paid for their games and left. 
“That was… interesting,” Chris comments as you go to the back to get ANOTHER box.
“You’re telling me! They look like the avatars Carrot and Blue use!” Chris furrows their brows as you leave with another box and go to the shelves again.
“Isn’t… there custom avatars in Basic?” Chris asks as they type away on their phone.
“Um… Not that I can recall… considering the list is SUUUUPER long,” You respond as Chris nods their head.
“There is, just looked it up. Isn’t it strange that they looked practically identical except for some slight changes?” Chris asks, looking up from their phone. Now that you think about it…
“Yeah, that’s kinda odd…” You comment aloud as you toss the last box into the back.
“Maybe they were all born as twins or something?” You suggest, Chris shakes their head.
“I dunno… oh hey, it’s break time. Want a rematch in SMASH?” 
“OH HELL YEAH, I’M GONNA WIN THIS TIME!” Chris laughs at your enthusiasm as you both make your way to the employee break room, passing by Max and Alex, your other co-workers who you say ‘hi’ to. You and Chris began to duke it out in Smash.
The rest of the day went by quickly, only a few customers stopped by the Game Store, you lost to Chris is Smash… again. At the end of your shift you say goodbye to Chris and leave the store. While walking home, you check your messages and see that Blue and Carrot messaged.
You smiled at how professional yet caring Blue’s message was and began typing your response.
(Username): Aw man! I hope you can join us next time! Good luck with your important things!
You go to Carrot’s message next.
Cheesepuff: Okay, so the server’s are REALLY crowded today. I think we should set up a place to meet up as well.
(Username): That’s alright! How about the Creature Care Center? 
Cheesepuff: That works. See ya in 15.
You leave the personal conversations to see you were added to a group chat with Totally and Crispy Chris (You may have laughed at Chris’s username as soon as you saw it.)
Totally not the writer: Right, so I made this group chat so we could play games and just chat with one another.
Crispy Chris: Cool. 
(Username): Awesome! But I’m busy tonight, I’m going to be meeting Carrot’s cousins in game.
Totally not the writer: There’s more of them? Didn’t you and Chris just deal with two sets of doppelgangers that YOU said looked like Carrot’s and Blue’s avatars?
Ah, Chris must’ve told them about that.
(Username): Maybe, maybe not. I may be meeting those doppelgangers. Who knows?
Crispy Chris: Just don’t reveal your address or your full name. Or, like, any personal information that’ll hurt you.
(Username): I know, I know. This isn’t my first rodeo. Gtg tho. 
You shut off your phone and stuff in your pocket as you enter the home. Locking the door behind you, you check the clock. 5:15. Nodding to yourself, you begin setting up the game and once done with that, you put on the VR goggles and enter the Basic world.
When Carrot said it was crowded today, he was not kidding. There were a LOT of players in just the town square alone! Wincing to yourself, you pull up a map (Blue was kind enough to give you pointers with your exploration) and begin weaving your way through avatars and houses.
You eventually arrive on the street where the Creature Care Center, Merchant Stalls and many other interactive buildings lie. You look up from the map to see Carrot pacing back and forth in front of two sets of, you guessed, more doppelgangers. And they sure as hell didn’t look like the ones that visited the store, but they were similar. They looked terrifying, wearing red, black, or purple armor/robes/clothing.
You gulp and make the map disappear before approaching the group of skeletons. Carrot notices your approach and waves with a small smile.
“Hey, glad you could make it,” He says, earning an annoyed huff from a tall skeleton in red armor.
“FINALLY, I COULDN’T STAND WAITING ANY LONGER,” The short skeleton wearing purple armor nodded. Carrot sighed.
“Edge, Mal, please…” He muttered tiredly, you raised a brow and looked at the usernames above their avatars. The tall angry one in red was “Captain,” the short one in purple was “Maleficent,” the short one in red clothes with a hood was “Red,” and finally the tallone in dark purple robes was “Rus.”
“Interesting names,” You comment, Captain puffing out his chest and smiling proudly.
“OF COURSE IT IS! YOU’VE WITNESSED THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE EDGE AND HIS MAGNIFICENT NAMING SKILLS!” He states proudly, so he’s a narcissist. Good to know. Maleficent shakes his head with his arms crossed.
“BY ‘MAGNIFICENT’ YOU MEAN BASIC, CONSIDERING YOU WERE THE CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD,” Maleficent counters bluntly, Captain whips his head to face the short.
“WH- HOW DARE YOU?!” He screeched before the two got into an argument, the other two were snickering about something and Carrot looked dead inside. You place a virtual hand onto his shoulder.
“I am sorry you have to deal with this,” You say half serious half joking, earning a tired amused grin from Carrot.
“Trust me, it was harder to convince them to actually PLAY the game,” Carrot admits looking even more dead inside. Red approaches the two of you.
“He’ll get used to it, eventually,” Red comments before holding out his hand.
“Nice to officially meet you Fart, my name is Red,” He says with an amused smile. You shake his hand which opens a menu with his stats.
“Woah, a rouge! Nice,” You complement, Red smirks more.
“Thanks,” He says simply before you break apart the virtual handshake. Rus approaches the small gathering.
“Can I join the party?” He asks, holy shit his voice- Red starts snickering like a mad man while Carrot stares at you in disbelief. Rus blinks and looks away.
“Um… thank you?” He says with uncertainty and a tinge of amusement, CRAP YOU SAID THAT OUT LOUD! Red starts laughing harder and Rus chuckles. 
“You’re something else aren’t ya?” He asks with a smirk.
“Uh…” You intelligently reply, Carrot steps in.
“Okay, I think they need a bit to process everything,” You nod trying to unclog your brain to find words. Red finally calmed down and wrapped a virtual arm around your avatar’s neck.
“You’re a riot, Fart!” He exclaims, you smile.
“Th-Thank you,” You manage to respond before Captain's booming voice breaks the chill environment.
“He wanted to know what there is to this game so… another exploration adventure. Whooooo,” He says tiredly, jeez, he needs to sleep.
“INDEED. NOW QUIT YOUR LOLLYGAGGING AND LET’S GO,” Maleficent follows up, you swear, whenever those two talk, you feel like you’re losing brain cells. And off your party went to look around the areas Captain and Maleficent were interested in. And once they found a weapon stand, they were VERY dedicated to look for their perfect weapon so the rest of you went to the fields. 
Carrot collected herbs while Ruse tried to get a fox as his familiar which was pretty cute. You were slaying slimes and Red was practicing his aim with the bow. After slaying some slimes, you decided to join Red with practicing your aim. You stand by him and use your multiweapon to practice.
“Hey Fart,” He greets as he shoots an arrow into a tree.
“Hey,” You respond, shooting and missing the tree.
“How are you liking Basic so far?” You ask as Red shoots and hits the tree again.
“It’s alright,” He answers vaguely as he glances at you and does a double take.
“Woah, what the HELL are you holding?” Red asks genuinely curious, you show Red your multiweapon.
“Multiweapon, I… couldn’t decide on just one,” You admit, Red snorts.
“Yeah, I can tell. But it’s still impressive. Think there are anymore like this in Basic?” He asks, now that you think about it, there is weapon customization in this…
“Most likely but they’d probably use different weapons,” Red hums and you both fall into comfortable silence while continuing to practice your aims.
“How did you get into gaming?” Red asks suddenly, oh boy. He just set off a tidal wave. You tell him how and why you got into gaming and he listened intently, even telling YOU how he got into gaming. Then it moved to conversing about video games which you both were REALLY into.
“I shall name you… Butters,” Rus declares as he holds the golden fox in his hands. The fox yips and Rus aww’s from the fox.
“Butters huh? Neat name,” Stretch comments as he walks by Rus to pick some herbs.
“Thanks,” They fall into silence before Rus breaks it again.
“Hey, I know you introduced us to this game to socialize but… don’t you find the human a bit TO accepting?” Stretch mulls over the question and faces Rus.
“Well, to them they think we’re using avatars so there’s that,” Rus hums and pets Butters.
“True, should we go get Edge and Mal?” Rus asks.
“Nah, they’ll be fine. Besides, they can find us with the friend tracking system, remember?” Rus shakes his head.
“There’s so many features to keep track of…” Rus mutters, earning an amused smirk from Stretch.
“Eh, you get used to it. Eventually,” 
Hours went by and before you knew it, you had to log off. You got Red’s discord and planned to have a Smash match one day. While the others were interesting, they didn’t seem too keen to give you their discord just yet. Understandable, after all they just met. 
As you wind down for the night, you check your messages to see Red, Blue, Carrot and Chris messaged you.
Red: Can’t wait to kick your ass in Smash, when you have time that is.
(Username): Oh, you’re on hot topic! Saturday, noon.
Red: Deal. See ya then sweetheart. ;)
Your face totally didn’t erupt into a tomato, nooooo.
You couldn’t help but chuckle that Blue still used Fart. You send a quick “I did, thank you and goodnight!” Now onto Carrot.
Cheesepuff: Hey, thanks for being patient enough to meet them. I know they can be a bit of a… nuisance.  
(Username): It was no trouble! Plus, I got a new gaming buddy so it works out!
Cheesepuff: Huh, well I’m glad at least ONE of them made a friend. Or acquaintance. Whichever it is. I wish thee farewell, as I have to attend an important matter called Sleep. Till we meet again Fart!
You laughed at his goofiness and moved onto Crispy Chris. (God it’s so stupid yet so funny!)
Crispy Chris: Hey, we don’t have to go to work tomorrow. Boss found an announcement that anti monster protestors are targeting our store. 
(Username): Really? Why are they still at this? It’s been 3 YEARS since monsters came and STILL can’t see reason?
Crispy Chris: I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again. Humans are stupid.
(Username): Agreed. Thanks for telling me.
Crispy Chris: Np. Good night and sweet dreams.
With your socializing done for the day, you place your phone on your night stand and go to sleep.
I- don’t know why I keep writing long chapters but HERE WE ARE! That’s 3 sets of boys that got a “proper” introduction. Only 2 more too go and onto the plot! (Which I’m totally making up as I go along.)
Next Chapter
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sterling-starlight · 4 years
No Texting During Drama Club
Me: Alright! Week two of Vesuvian pride is all about the modern day AUs, I can do this!
*Eight pages later*
What happened? (Pen pals/online friends meeting in person for the first time. Not quite as adherent to the prompt, but I think it works well enough)
Unknown Sender
3:30 PM.  
“-heard u have a&p with prof valdemar. If you let me copy ur notes, I will owe u pizza for the rest of our lives.
-this is Julian, btw. from the theater club.
-in case u thought this was some, u know, random creep.”
3:35 PM
“-Fine. But only because no one deserves to be failed by Valdemar.  
-I’ll drop them off at the dressing room tomorrow. I like pineapple and olive pizza.”
Unknown Sender
3:37 PM
“-pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, u monster!
-sigh. but I'll let it slide since you’re saving my ass.”
3:41 PM
“-Did you really just type out ‘sigh’?”
Unknown Sender
3:43 PM
6:30 PM
“-So, hey. Congrats on getting to play Hamlet.”
6:34 PM
“-not the most original production we’ve done, but a role’s a role. seeing Lucio’s face when he realized he wasn’t the star was worth it.”
6:40 PM
“-Remind me who that is.
I’m seriously drawing a blank here.”
6:43 PM
“-blonde. rich. Insufferable. loud.
-he has that fancy prosthetic arm that somehow makes him better than everyone.”
6:50 PM
“-Oooooooooh. Him.
-He doesn’t really come to bother us production people unless he wants to bitch about costuming or the sets. Which is a lot.”
6:55 PM
“-i think I've heard you chew him out a few times. Ur the girl with the venterran accent, right?”
7:01 PM
-Surprised you could even understand me. Not a lot of people can when I get PO’d.”
7:10 PM
“-i understood enough to know you called him a prick.  
-my mom and dad took me to venterre once. it was almost as pretty as you.”
-That was horrible and you should feel horrible.”
“-I have no shame, and never will, my dear.”  
3:00 AM
“-hey, natalia.”
Julian 3:05 AM
“-how did people in the middle ages first think to start using leeches?
“-like, did they stick leeches on themselves and realize that pain and blood loss and disease was the medicine?”
3:06 AM
“Jules, it is 3 in the goddamn morning. Go to bed.”
3:07 AM
“I work the graveyard shift at supermarket.  it’s my lunchtime.”
3:08 AM
“-Then fuckin eat your lunch and let normal people sleep before I cram it up your ass.”
3:10 AM
“- I can think of much more fun things we can do.”
3:15 AM
“-Fuck you, I’m going back to sleep.”
2:30 PM
“-So you really had a pet ram as a kid?”
2:31 PM
“-Technically, I still do. I just couldn’t bring him with me.
“-my flat allows large dogs, but won’t allow rams? It’s bullshit.”
2:32 PM
“-rams aren’t really normal pets tho.”
2:33 PM
“-Says the guy who has a pet crow.”
2:34 PM
“-malak is a raven, number 1.  
-number 2, he is an absolute delight. how dare you say otherwise?
“-Rufus is better.
“-Behold the glory”
2:50 PM
“-oh, so it’s a pet off then? Fine! May the cutest animal win!”
3:00 PM
3:05 PM
“-Have at you!”  
When Natalia’s phone rang, she was actually shocked to see Julian’s caller id flash on the screen.   They had never actually... talked on the phone before.  
The worst-case scenarios instantly popped into her head. Was he hurt? Did something happen? What if this was the hospital calling her to say he was in critical condition. Why would he put her as an emergency medical contact without telling her?!
Her phone buzzed again, more insistently, and she pressed the answer button with a trembling finger.  
“Oh, hi~” The feminine voice from the other line was definitely not Julian, not even at his most dramatic falsetto. And she sounded too chipper to be the bearer of doom and death. Natalia let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she’d been holding. “This is... Tali? Right?”
“It’s Natalia, actually. Who is this?”
“My name is Portia! I’m Ilya’s- oh, sorry. One sec,” Portia put a hand over the speaker, muffling the commotion on her side of the line. There was thumping, shuffling, and her shouting “You have her listed as ‘My Dearest Tali’, Ilya! Come on!”  
A voice that sounded somewhat like Julian’s shouted back something, but Natalia couldn’t hear it clearly.  There was a sound like static or rushing wind, before a door slammed and Portia let out a triumphant laugh. Portia’s voice fully came back on the line. “Sorry. But, yeah. I’m Ilya’s little sister. I would have liked to meet you in person, but my brother is completely hopeless.”  Someone thumped against the door, and Portia lowered the phone again. “You know I’m right!”  She yelled at the door.
Back to normal. “Aaaanyway. He’s been lamenting, and sighing, and wallowing over whether or not he should ask you out. So! You wanna go on a date with him?”  
Natalia opened and closed her mouth a few times, wordless sounds escaping. She was sure her face was burning pink. She could feel the heat spreading from her cheeks to her neck.  “Take your time. I can be in here all day.” Portia said casually. Natalia could almost picture her reclining back casually on whatever it was she was sitting on.  
“Ah- Ah,” Natalia finally managed to choke out. She took in a deep breath, and let it out in a slow whistle.  “...if he really wants tae.” She finally said.  
“Oh, he does. Trust me, I know him better than anyone.” Natalia could hear Portia’s smile through the phone. Distantly, a lock clicked and a door swung open. “She said yes, Ilyushka. You can thank me later.”
“That wasn’t- you’re missing the-!” Julian stammered. He took a breath and lifted the phone to his ear. “Listen, whatever Pasha said, you can just forget it. Really. It’s nothing.”
For a moment, Natalia found herself stunned by the sound of his voice. It wasn’t anything new to her. She had heard it from behind thick velvet curtains and up on catwalks. She had heard him bellow for lost love mournfully, monologue passionately, and condemn his enemies. But those were all characters. Hamlet, and Romeo, and Othello. None of them had been Julian Devorak. Not really.  
“Natalia?” His voice broke her out of her stupor, and sent a shiver down her spine. The way his tongue curled around the syllables of her name, like he had never spoken anything more sacred, sent her heart aflame in the best possible way.  
“Julian.” She spoke his name barely above whisper.  Natalia leaned against her desk for support, head spinning. When had- how did- why didn’t he- she- they-? She took in a breath through her nose, just as Julian heaved a resigned sigh.
“Good night, Tali.”  
“No, wait, Julian! Don’t-!” The dial tone droning in her ear was all she got.  And when she tried calling him, all she got was his voice mail.  
Try again. Voice mail.
Try again. Voice mail.  
8:00 PM
“-Julian, you asshole! Pick up your phone!”
*Last Read by Jules at 8:05 PM.  
Natalia Valeth was not a quitter.
She hadn’t given up when she left her home country to become a pharmacist. She hadn’t lost hope when she didn’t make the cut to be on the acting team. She didn’t back down even as Professor Valdemar verbally tore the first draft of her thesis to shreds. So, when she drove to the community theater the very next weekend, she was a woman on a mission.  
She was hours early for once, but not so early that the doors to the theater weren’t already unlocked. The only person who would wake up at the ass crack of dawn for theater was Julian, and that was exactly what Natalia was betting on.  She threw open the auditorium doors with a resounding bang that echoed resoundingly all throughout the room. Sitting on the edge of the stage was Julian, who looked up at her when she made her entrance. The script he had been looking over listlessly fell from his grip, scattering like leaves in the wind. In such a quiet room, Natalia could hear him curse as if she were right at his side.  She steeled herself and marched down the steps of the auditorium, stopping less than an arm’s length away from were Julian sat on his haunches collecting the papers.  
“We need tae talk. Face tae face this time.”  
“Do we?” Julian finally collected the script and rose to his full height. Despite having a good foot on Natalia, he had never looked smaller gunmetal gray eyes looking everywhere but at her. He turned his back on her to tap the pages crisply against the stage.  
“You bet yer ass we dae! Whit th’ hell urr ye thinking’s? Whit, did ye think ignoring this wid mak’ it go away?”  
“...Maybe a little.”
“Och! Yer impossible!” Natalia threw her hands up with the exclamation. “Did ye think Ah juist said ‘aye’ tae fuck wi’ ye? A’m waantin’ tae gang oan a date wi’ ye! Mibbie even twa! If we feel really crazy, we’ll mak’ it three.”
It might not have been the three magical worlds that would have been most dramatic. If this were a stage production, this would be the part where the lights would dim, and the spotlight would narrow over the two lovers, giving the illusion that they were the only two people in the world.   With the theater as empty as it was, they might as well have been.  
“Do you... Do you mean that?”
Such vulnerability didn't seem like Julian.  Julian could throw out innuendos as easily as breathing. Julian was overly dramatic in everything he did, even when he wasn’t in front of an adoring audience. But it was the Julian who wanted to be a doctor. It was the Julian who looked at all the pandemics of the past, and wondered why so many people had to die.  The Julian who was wound up so tightly like he was bracing himself for ejection like it would come as a physical blow.  
Sarcasm felt like it would just add fuel to the fire, so Natalia opted for compassion instead. When she brushed her hand against Julian’s cheek, he leaned into it like he needed her touch the same way needed air.
“I’m willin tae huv a go at this.” She said gently, like everything would shatter around them if she was too abrasive. “Ye in?”  
“Absolutely.” Julian placed a hand over hers and tilted his head enough to plant a shy, fleeting kiss to her palm.  
Maybe this would end in a romance for the ages. Maybe this would end in tragedy. Whatever happened, it was better than not pursing it at all.  
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avaruussade · 7 years
Did the Hero of Kazakhstan kidnap the Russian Fairy’s heart after all?
written for @otayuriwriterscollective olympics week
sun feb 11: interviews/media coverage OR celebration/party
T-rated, 2.8K words
huge thanks to @bekasstar​ for being my second pair of eyes (and letting me use not only her real twitter handle but the sideblog url as well AND discussing this idea with me and just existing in general ♡)
Read on AO3
“Beka, look, you need to see this.” Otabek leaves his suitcase open on the floor and sits next to Yuri who’s lying on his stomach on the hotel bed. (He has been there the whole time Otabek has tried to unpack his suitcase and settle down in the room, his own suitcase abandoned near the door - Yuri said he would go and check his own room later even though they both know he isn’t going to spend too much time there.) Otabek leans in and reads over Yuri’s shoulder a Twitter thread the Russian skater has open on his phone.
Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・20 min Yuri was seen hugging Otabek Altin of Kazakhstan outside their hotel today. Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR) arrived to Pyeongchang yesterday evening, Team Kazakhstan early today. welcome to the madness @datyurifanboy・19 min @yurisangels_official such a shame Yuri can’t properly represent his country tho… but also @vilmahenriika look at this shit always sleepy @vilmahenriika・18 min @datyurifanboy @yurisangels_official holy fuck my Otayuri Senses™ are tingling it was like 5am in Korea when Otabek got there?? Maybe in next olympics Yuri’s gonna represent Kazakhstan ;)) jkjk Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・16 min @datyurifanboy @vilmahenriika I heard they hugged for a really long time outside the hotel, and then went inside together. And that Yuri was looking happy af. Also we haven’t seen Yuri in Team Kazakhstan jacket… yet. always sleepy @vilmahenriika・15 min @yurisangels_official i’d die if that happened also @smilejongdw you need to see this!! Chel @smilejongdw・14 min @vilmahenriika @yurisangels_official HOLY FUCK Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・14 min @smilejongdw @vilmahenriika There’s a week to go before the games start, we have our fingers crossed for Instagram updates! And reports from people who might see them around & in practice! WA @figureskating-guy・12 min @yurisangels_official @vilmahenriika @smilejongdw You guys need to chill. I mean, Yuri and Otabek are friends. They haven’t seen each other since the GPF. Ofc they’re happy. always sleepy @vilmahenriika・10 min @figureskating-guy let a girl have her fun lmao “Are you pissed you can’t represent Russia?” Yuri stares at Otabek for a couple of silent seconds, and then rolls his eyes. “Is that really the first thing that came to your mind after reading all that?” “I’m just curious,” Otabek shrugs, but he knows Yuri has noticed the hint of a smile trying to tug his lips upwards. “I’m pissed those doping assholes have the guts to call themselves athletes”, Yuri says, frowning in disgust. Then his face settles in something more serious. “All I care about is skating, really.” For some time it had looked like Yuri wouldn’t even be able to compete in Olympics despite getting silver in the Grand Prix final and winning Nationals less than two months before. When Yuri had gotten the permission to skate under OAR, he had called Otabek and cried tears of relief. After all, it’s their first Olympics, and going there together had been their dream. “So your fans looking for evidence of us dating isn’t something you care about?” Otabek is smirking now, but his smile falters when he sees the excited glint in Yuri’s eyes. “I want to talk about that.” “Yura, I told you - after Olympics.” The two of them had jumped from the friendship stage to something entirely different during Yuri’s exhibition skate in the Grand Prix final held in Barcelona, just three days after their reunion. (Otabek prefers to call it a meeting instead of a reunion because Yuri didn’t even remember him back then, but Yuri tells him reunion sounds better.) On most days they had been best friends, but then there had been moments when neither of them could say were they friends or something more. They openly cheered for each other during competitions despite being each other’s biggest rivals. When they met in and outside of competitions - skating, walking around in different cities, or having sleepovers at the other boy’s house during off-season - there had been long looks and lingering touches. Looks and touches the media and their fanbases had started to notice after a while, as well. After reading the third online article (titled Did the Hero of Kazakhstan kidnap the Russian Fairy’s heart after all?) scrutinizing every little detail in how long they had hugged after a medal ceremony, Otabek had grown tired of all the conspiracy theories: he had brought the topic up with Yuri in Skype. He didn’t expect their conversation to end with Yuri confessing he had feelings for Otabek; feelings Otabek shared. It’s been a year since that Skype conversation, and they had agreed on being just best friends in the public eye. If Otabek is being honest, he isn’t surprised Yuri wants everyone to know already - he’s impatient, has always been. “Don’t you think this would be a perfect opportunity to let the world know?” Yuri asks, sitting up. He puts his hands on Otabek’s shoulders, a happy grin on his face. “I think we should wait until the games are over. I don’t want it to affect the results.” “As if it would.” “You never know,” Otabek says with a shrug, and Yuri sighs in defeat. He picks his phone up, the Twitter thread still open on the screen. “Also I love reading the theories your fans come up with.” “Your fans contribute in them, too.” “What if,” Otabek says, holding his hands up in defence when Yuri’s eyes start to sparkle again, trying to keep the blond’s hopes from shooting too high up. “What if we just had fun now, and thought about this when the games are over.” *** The days before the opening ceremony are busy for both of them: they’re training on and off ice while trying to get used to the time difference and learning to navigate in the huge Olympic village. Their coaches are trying their best to keep them healthy and in good condition before the games start: they aren’t allowed on the ice too much, and staying up late to have a stroll around the city is strictly prohibited as well. Otabek wants the competition to start already, while Yuri can’t wait for everything to be over. “Let’s take a pic!” Yuri demands when they leave the hotel on the night of the opening ceremony. They are both dressed up in their respective uniforms: Yuri in grey and white, Otabek in the colors of Kazakhstan. He doesn’t feel comfortable in the bright colors, especially next to Yuri’s more neutral attire. It takes a moment before they find a spot with lighting good enough for Yuri’s standards. Yuri switches to the front camera of his phone and raises the device up, gesturing Otabek to come closer so they both fit in the frame. Otabek laughs and wraps an arm around Yuri’s waist, showing a thumbs up to the camera with his other hand. As always, Yuri snaps dozen pictures just in case (he’s really serious about his Instagram feed - a thing Otabek has never really understood, but he respects his boyfriend’s devotion). Otabek grows tired of posing after five shots, and in the last one he’s stealing a glance of a happily laughing Yuri, a soft smile and a gentle blush on his face. “I’m gonna upload this one, too,” Yuri says when he sees the last picture on his camera roll. “No, you are not.” “Yeah, I am. You look good in it.” “I look like I’m in love, Yuri.” “Exactly.” * Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・4 min Yuri updated his Instagram! “yuri-plisetsky: Ready for the opening ceremony! With @otabek-altin” [2 pictures attached] OLYMPICS HYPE @itsviktorwithak・3 min @yurisangels_official okay but does Otabek have an arm around Yuri’s waist?? Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・3 min @itsviktorwithak It seems so, yes! C; OLYMPICS HYPE @itsviktorwithak・2 min @yurisangels_official holy fuck OLYMPICS HYPE @itsviktorwithak・2 min @yurisangels_official ppl are going crazy in the comments omg Beka’s quad salchow @otabeks_devil・2 min @itsviktorwithak @yurisangels_official Well, the way Otabek looks at Yuri in that 2nd pic… my gf looks at me like that go team japan!! @loveonice・1 min @otabeks_devil @itsviktorwithak @yurisangels_official I wonder when’s the wedding lolol *** Neither of them takes part in the Team events, so after the opening ceremony is over, they have a week before they can hit the ice for real. They try to kill time in different ways: they go watch the Team events held in Gangneung Ice Arena, have a jog around the Olympic village when the sun sets behind the tall hotel buildings, and skate as much as their coaches let them. Otabek cherishes the mornings during that week. He often wakes up before Yuri and pulls him closer to his chest, listening to their hearts sharing a rhythm. It’s quiet and peaceful, something the two of them haven’t been given a chance to enjoy. Otabek knows that when their turns to skate in front of the judges come, Yuri wants to sleep in his own bed. He says it keeps him focused, and Otabek understands (but he’s still happy they will get their results after only two days on the ice, and that no matter what happens they will be sharing a bed again when they’re done with the free skating). So on the morning of the short program Otabek wakes up alone, his head hurting from lack of sleep. He’s feeling slightly disoriented, and scrolling through his Twitter mentions and Instagram comments doesn’t make his mood any better. People are cheering him on and sending messages of good luck, but all Otabek wants is to see Yuri. He still isn’t an asshole though: he likes some comments and tweets, and then types a short message thanking everyone for the support before getting out of bed. Both of them are scheduled to skate in the last group: Otabek starting the group, Yuri getting his turn right after him. It’s an honor to be part of the very last group, but it also means they have a lot of time in their hands after the first group finally gets on the ice. “Nervous?” Yuri asks when he sits next to Otabek in the warm-up area. He has already changed in his short program costume, an OAR jersey over it. Otabek shoots him a small smile, brushing his fingertips quickly against the back of Yuri’s hand when no one can see. “Not anymore,” he says, truthfully. He takes one earphone out and turns the volume of his music down. “You?” “A little. I couldn’t really sleep last night.” “Me neither.” Yuri sighs and rests his head on Otabek’s shoulder, closing his eyes. His long lashes create fans over his cheeks, dark with mascara. “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” “Are you sure? Free’s tomorrow.” “I’m sure,” Yuri whispers, raising his head to give a shy smile to Otabek. It takes all of Otabek’s willpower not to pull Yuri into a kiss, but the camera crew walking around shooting material to show in live coverages during ice maintenance stops him; so he just nods, and Yuri understands. * Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・2 min Yuri’s getting ready for his short program in the warm-up area! He can be seen in the background with Otabek Altin during Phichit Chulanont’s interview. [1 picture attached] Need me a man like Beka @otabekskitten・2 min @yurisangels_official is yuri’s head… on beka’s shoulder… Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・1 min @otabekskitten Yes!!! And then he raises his head and smiles, looking like an angel!! Need me a man like Beka @otabekskitten・1 min @yurisangels_official i’m not sure should i be screaming or crying Bless Chris @giacomettisbutt・1 min @otabekskitten @yurisangels_official WHY NOT BOTH *** Both of them are again in the last starting group for the free skate, but this time neither of them are tired or nervous. Yuri is third to last to skate, just before Otabek - their point difference is 0.08, and Otabek has already accepted the fact that Yuri will snatch silver from him. He isn’t angry about it. Otabek gets the front seat for Yuri’s free program, standing on the side of the rink. He barely hears the announcer over the deafening boom of cheers when Yuri makes his way to the center of the ice, his face serious. “Yuri! Davai!” Otabek yells over the commotion, loud enough for Yuri to raise his eyes and give him a thumbs up. When Yuri settles in his starting pose and lowers his gaze, there’s a small smile on his lips. Yuri’s skating is beautiful to watch, as always: most of his jumps are in the second part of his program, and the choreographic sequence he starts with is delicate, setting an eerie mood in the whole arena. Not many other skaters in men singles share his flexibility - his Biellmann position is deep, and his spins are fast. He jumps with both of his arms raised, and even though one of his landings ends up a little shaky, he finishes with a flawless program. A happy smile spreads on his face when the music stops, and he bows to the cheering audience shining brighter than the rhinestones in his black costume. Otabek watches how Yuri picks up a huge tiger plushie from the ice on his way out and accepts Yakov’s warm hug. Otabek’s own chest is almost bursting with pride when he takes his blade guards off and hands them to his own coach, giving him a confident nod. He’s about to step on the ice when there’s a weight against him, thin arms wrapped around his shoulders. “Davai, Beka,” Yuri whispers in his ear before letting go, Yakov’s cursing making him hurry to the Kiss & Cry. * Yuri’s Biellmann @otayuri3113・4 min DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT talk otayuri to me @yurabeka・4 min @otayuri3113 YURI JUST?? HUGGED OTABEK AND SAID SOMETHING TO HIM?? Yuri’s Biellmann @otayuri3113・3 min @yurabeka EXACTLY??? And Yakov looked so pissed oh my god I love Yuri talk otayuri to me @yurabeka・3 min @otayuri3113 And I know this one Kazakh skater who probably shares your feelings omfg Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・2 min Yuri’s scores for his Free are 222.18, and he’s currently in the first place! Two skaters to go: Kazakhstan’s Otabek Altin and Canada’s Jean-Jacques Leroy. *** Yuri’s unusual way of wishing Otabek good luck makes the headlines, but he doesn’t seem to mind as long as the articles remember to mention they are also the silver and bronze medalists. Otabek wants to lecture Yuri and remind him he promised to wait until the games are over before announcing his undying love for Otabek. But Otabek just can’t get angry at Yuri. That’s what he tells Mila when she asks him about it. They’re sitting in the audience of the ice arena, a day after men’s free program, halfway through short dance. It’s time for ice maintenance, people in the audience scrolling on their phones or huddling closer to each other to stay warm. The big screens over the ice are showing Korean adverts between recaps of yesterday’s free program. “You should, he could have ruined your concentration! There are already people saying he was trying to sabotage your skate.” “I would never try to do that,” Yuri defends himself from his seat on Otabek’s other side. “I dunno, you were behind Otabek after short…” “Yeah, 0.08 points.” “I’m just telling you what I’ve read,” Mila shrugs, getting an eye roll from her rinkmate. “Did I ruin your concentration yesterday?” Yuri turns to ask Otabek, challenge in his eyes. “You didn’t, but I’m not encouraging you to do that again.” “Yeah, only because you’re afraid I might give you a boner before you go-” “Yura, they have us on the screen.” Yuri looks up at the screens hanging on the ceiling and finds out Otabek wasn’t saying that just to get him distracted. People in the arena around them are already clapping, congratulating them both for their medals. Yuri blinks, taken aback by the attention he’s suddenly receiving, and Otabek placing his cool hands on each side of his face and kissing him doesn’t really help. Yuri kisses back without thinking, a slow smile spreading on his lips when he hears Mila gasping somewhere on Otabek’s right. “I thought-,” Yuri mumbles when they break the kiss, a violent blush climbing on his face as the members of the audience whistle and scream. “I thought you said after the games.” “Well, aren’t we technically done with them already?” * Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・5 min Yuri just tweeted and confirmed that the kiss seen during Ice Dance break wasn’t staged!! “@yuri-plisetsky: when your boyfriend kisses you in front of way too many people smh I’ve fallen for a total loser.” Yuri’s Angels @yurisangels_official・4 min Congratulations, @yuri-plisetsky and @otabek-altin!! Chel @smilejongdw・2 min @yurisangels_official i can now die happy always sleepy @vilmahenriika・2 min @yurisangels_official @smilejongdw TT<3
i don’t know what athletes really do during olympics when they aren’t competing and i’m fully aware the skaters probably aren’t allowed to interact with each other between their skates like that but let’s call this artistic freedom.
buy me a coffee?
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crystalsoul16 · 8 years
Answer all the questions, mwahaha >u
Get to Know Me
Oh geez
okay, challenge accepted, let’s do this!!
I’m putting this under a cut for length tho lol
1. What is you middle name?My middle name is Ryan c:
2. How old are you?I am 24, but definitely don’t feel like I am >->
3. When is your birthday?July 11th! Best way to remember is that it’s also free slurpee day at 7-Eleven lol
4. What is your zodiac sign?Cancer
5. What is your favorite color?various shades of blues and greens. Hard to pick just one ^^;
6. What’s your lucky number?16~
7. Do you have any pets?I have three dogs (two beagles at my mom’s, one undetermined breed (assumed belgian malinois?) at my dad’s), and three birds
8. Where are you from?I live in the state of Virginia, USA
9. How tall are you?5′2″, making me the shortest person in my family T^T
10. What shoe size are you?Depends on the brand, since I have 6 ½ boots that fit just fine, but also have a pair that’s a size 9. So it’s kinda hard to say ^^;;;
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?I have 8 pairs of shoes, but really only wear one ^^; I got a new pair of shoes for Christmas that I want to use tho!
12. What was your last dream about?…..crap, I don’t remember
13. What talents do you have?I feel like my drawing skills are pretty good, and one of my instructors at school told me I’m good at video editing. I really wanna play with that skillset more and get back into making AMVs one day, and of course continue improving my art skills
14. Are you psychic in any way?If I am, I’m not aware -shrugs-
15. Favorite song?oh gosh, I have so many it’s hard to pick one… At this current moment in time though, the one that is standing out in my mind is Strike Back by BACK-ON, which is the 16th opening for Fairy Tail
16. Favorite movie?Again it’s hard to pick one, but Brother Bear is jumping at me, so I’ll go with that for now lol
17. Who would be your ideal partner?Okay, um… Well, they definitely need to like animals, cuz I do not trust people who don’t like or respect animals. They also need to like video games. Considering I spend a lot of my time playing them, and really hope to one day be involved in video game production and/or design, I feel like my partner should also have an appreciation for video games. Plus ideal casual date is cuddling on the couch and playing games together, so a shared love of gaming kinda feels like a must ^^; Plus with online games we can still hang out even if we’re not together so yeah. Video games. Also liking anime would be great, since I love watching anime and going to cons and cosplaying (oh shit couple cosplaying tho yes plz~!!) so sharing an interest there would be great! Plus then if we’re not in the mood to game, we can just cuddle and watch anime. Also having a genuine kind and caring soul is a must. Those are probably the most important points, but I guess it’d be nice if they’re also in touch with their youthful side. I can be a wee bit childish at times myself, so I just wanna make sure I ain’t gonna be judged if I decide I want to eat dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets or cuddle with a plushie lolol Also, not a requirement, but willing to do stuff in the kitchen together would be nice~ And not judging me for watching cooking competition shows every so often would also be nice >->
……..or honestly, just be Yoosung >->;;;;;;;;;;; cuz it’s honestly startling to me how fuckin’ close that guy is to an ideal for me. And by close, I mean he is -hides face in hands- but of course, he’s fictional. So once again, fictional characters setting the bar high… -facepalms and sighs heavily-
18. Do you want children?At this current point in time, no. I’m still too much of a child in my own eyes to consider being a parent to anything that isn’t covered in fur or feathers. Maybe someday in the future, I will. 
19. Do you want a church wedding?Not sure, honestly. It would also depend on what my partner wants. All I know is that a fantasy theme would be rad!!
20. Are you religious?Not entirely. I mean, I do believe that there is some sort of higher power, but I don’t really do much beyond that. I know there’s a term for it, but I can’t remember what it is right now
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Once, when I was little. I think I was five? I think I blacked out though so I don’t remember much about it. Otherwise, I’ve only been to visit someone or sit in the waiting room while waiting for someone who was admitted.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Not yet, and I hope to keep it that way!!!
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?Do anime voice actors count? Cuz I’ve met a few at cons before, but I’m not sure if those count ^^;;;
24. Baths or showers?Personally I prefer showers
25. What color socks are you wearing?White
26. Have you ever been famous?Nope, and I’m totally fine with that. Too much attention makes me nervous lol
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?As said before, I’m good without that sort of attention.
28. What type of music do you like?I tend to listen to rock music a lot, but I’m open to listening a lot of stuff. Especially video game OSTs and Fantasy/Celtic stuff!
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?No I haven’t, and I think I’m too shy and don’t like my body enough to ever be comfy doing that ^^;;;;;;;
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Three
31. What position do you usually sleep in?I’m usually on my side or stomach, and I’m pretty much always hugging a pillow or plushie when I fall asleep
32. How big is your house?Well, my mom’s house is bigger than my dad’s. That said, neither are very large really… My mom and I keep saying how we wish this house had more closet and storage space… And at my dad’s, my room isn’t even attached to the house lol. My brother took my old room, so I now have the small mini-house thing right next to the pool. It’s got a bathroom, a counter for a microwave by the door, and a small bedroom. I like the privacy it has though!
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Sadly, I often skip breakfast because I rarely wake up before noon lol. When I do have breakfast though, it’s either a bowl of cereal or a bagel with cream cheese
34. Have you ever fired a gun?No I have not
35. Have you ever tried archery?No, but I want to so baaaaaaaaaaaad~!!
36. Favorite clean word?solely because of my bro saying it in a ridiculous voice, biscuit
37. Favorite swear word?Fuck, because it’s the one I use the most lol
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Over 48 hours. I had three final projects due, two of which I had to paint, so I stated up two days straight to finish them, and didn’t even fall asleep before going to school. That said, I don’t remember how late I stayed up including class, but due to class time, it was probably another five or seven hours… And it was misery. 0/10, would never recommend
39. Do you have any scars?I do have a small one next to my left eye from when I got bit by a dog when I was five, which was the cause of the hospital visit mentioned a while back
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?umm……not that I recall, no
41. Are you a good liar?It depends. Sometimes I can be, but sometimes it’s easy to catch me. That said, I don’t like doing it
42. Are you a good judge of character?Not sure, honestly -shrugs- I like to assume I am, tho
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I can try, but they probably sound horrible XD
44. Do you have a strong accent?I was once told that I had a southern accent, but I’m not exactly sure. Sometimes I may slip into an exaggerated one, tho
45. What is your favorite accent?I’m a fan of a lot of accents, but I’ve always had a weakness for Australian! Probably because I grew up watching Steve Irwin all the time so I developed an early fondness for it lol
46. What is your personality type?INFP
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I’m not sure, to be honest. I tend to be satisfied with “cheap” clothes, like at walmart or somethin’, so I’m not sure…. If I had to guess…it’s probably my Organization XIII coat
48. Can you curl your tongue?yurp
49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie
50. Left or right handed?Rightie
51. Are you scared of spiders?Hell yes >~unless they’re spiders in pokemon, which always tend to be my favorite bug types for some reason lolol
52. Favorite food?shit, I dunno, I like a lot of foods….. I’ll just say pasta and be general about it lol
53. Favorite foreign food?dude I fuckin’ love me some mochi~
54. Are you a clean or messy person?Very clean when it comes to organizing files. Very messy otherwise
55. Most used phrased?Lately for some reason I’ve been saying “Oh dear” a lot and I have no idea why XD
56. Most used word?probably fuck
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?On average, to get ready in the morning takes me about half an hour, and most of that time is spent waking up =_=
58. Do you have much of an ego?I have no ego whatsoever. I could honestly use more of one, even just a small one to give myself at least a little confidence lol
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?I try to just suck, but I tend to bite :/
60. Do you talk to yourself?always
61. Do you sing to yourself?sometimes, if no one is around to hear me >->
62. Are you a good singer?not at all lol
63. Biggest Fear?honestly, being disliked. I know I shouldn’t worry about what people think of me, but I do worry about people close to me finding me annoying or coming to dislike me for some reason.
64. Are you a gossip?nope
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?Either Gran Torino or Forrest Gump
66. Do you like long or short hair?On myself? I used to always keep my hair very long, and just recently decided to try shorter hair. And I actually really like it on myself! In general though, I’m good with anything~ You do you~
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?yup. I don’t feel like listing them all, if that’s what you’re asking, but I do know that one song that lists them in alphabetical order, so yup
68. Favorite school subject?hmmm…. In school, I tended to like math best, since I was pretty good at it
69. Extrovert or Introvert?I am without a doubt an Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?nope
71. What makes you nervous?everything. My anxiety has me in a nearly constant state of nervousness lol But especially being in social situations that involve talking to strangers!!
72. Are you scared of the dark?hmmm….. I mean, I can sleep in the dark if needed, but I prefer having some sort of background noise, usually a TV
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends on the mistake. If it’s a typo, then no. If it’s a pokemon type advantage or something like that, hell yes.
74. Are you ticklish?uhhhh;;;;;;;; yeah, I am, but I highly recommend against it, cuz I have kicked people in response before out of reflex >-> that and I’d just rather not be tickled plz >->;;;;;;
75. Have you ever started a rumor?nope
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?no, and I don’t want to be! I’d rather be a follower than a leader!!
77. Have you ever drank underage?nuh-uh
78. Have you ever done drugs?no
79. Who was your first real crush?umm………I cannot remember, honestly…
80. How many piercings do you have?none
81. Can you roll your Rs?no, but I tried so hard to before… and my family rubbed it in that they could and I can’t so fuck :c
82. How fast can you type?I just took a quick test and averaged at about 40 WPM. Not sure how fast that is lol
83. How fast can you run?not very
84. What color is your hair?Naturally dark brown, but I like coloring the ends! So far I’ve done green and a sort of minty aqua, and I’m thinking of doing a light violet next, but I’m not sure yet
85. What color is your eyes?Hazel
86. What are you allergic to?nothing that I’m aware of
87. Do you keep a journal?nope
88. What do your parents do?My mom is a middle school teacher, and my dad does some sort of IT work
89. Do you like your age?well, I have no qualms with being 24. I just don’t feel like I am is all, lol
90. What makes you angry?Cruelty and unfairness
91. Do you like your own name?Yup~
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I did at one point, but I’ve forgotten them by now lol I’ll give it more serious thought if the time comes around
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?I honestly have no preference
94. What are you strengths?I tend to be open-minded and empathetic, so I can understand others pretty well
95. What are your weaknesses?My anxiety and low self-esteem are not helpful lol
96. How did you get your name?……I honestly don’t know. I think my parents just liked the name lol
97. Were your ancestors royalty?not that I’m aware of
98. Do you have any scars?wasn’t this asked before…? -scrolls up- ….yup, number 39. Oh well, I’ll copy and paste it~ I do have a small one next to my left eye from when I got bit by a dog when I was five, which was the cause of the hospital visit mentioned a while back
99. Color of your bedspread?My sheets have a black and white pattern on the front, and a solid light green on the other side. Same for the pillows. The other sheets are white with a grey pattern
100. Color of your room? My walls are a beige color, and I have a hardwood floor
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