#sighs in sleepiness
dokitm-arch · 2 years
me: nah, i don’t really simp for anyone in tw/st. i like them all equally.  also me:
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killjoyous · 6 months
Around the Pomegranate
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This song really makes me think of him.
Seriously when I watched “so long nerds” 8 minutes after it came out, I was expecting him to pop in to say he’s joking. I was expecting a merch drop or an announcement that he was taking a break. It still doesn’t feel real,, I guess I can credit the community for keeping his memory alive so well 😅 Sometimes I find myself waiting for the next news from him or upload. This drawing is a lot of those feelings poured into visual medium. With some Greek myth imagery thrown in for good measure. I mean? What else are you to do when your hero passes away.
We all miss him.
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boytransmission · 1 month
feeling like a pathetic boy tonight i would love to make out and pant and moan and grind and fuck till i sleep
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petricorah · 6 months
Zuko teaching Sokka how to dance!!!!!!
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he's a fast learner [id in alt]
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arbitersart · 2 months
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He is lifted out of the rubble and into someone’s arms, as if he’s a weightless child, and held to the chest of a space marine’s bulky armor. Tommy doesn’t have the capacity to think or to vocalize with the pain screaming in his body. He does barely make out the sound of a rumbling, nearly familiar voice as he slips back into the deep. “....’s alright…. I’ve got you, kiddo….’ve got you…”
got inspired to draw the opening scene from my pride and joy bedrock bros fic, enterprising young men
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suntails · 8 months
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missing-sock-misto · 2 months
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Starry Night Cuddles
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abstract-hellbender · 12 days
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what if hey were cowboys,,, all im saying...
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unnatural-twenty · 11 months
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Me and this one acting pretty gay on the train ❤️
@dizzzypup there are no words. Your love is the greatest gift I've ever had the pleasure to receive. Until next time 🌀
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dailylagomorphs · 1 year
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venusbby · 1 year
be mine
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♡ characters/pairings: mikage reo x reader (bffs2lovers)
♡ warnings: everybody is an adult since this takes place in a club, cursing, reo is lowkey a flirt, mentions of drinking (not reader or reo), mentions of speeding, lmk if there's anything else. not proofread, sorry if there are typos! have a good day.
🍁 summary: when approached by others in a club, reo lies that he has a girlfriend— which backfires when you realise that you're the said girlfriend.
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reo wanted to go home.
he was the one who dragged you to this place and right now he really needed you to come back from the restroom and drag him back home.
'sorry, i have a girlfriend.'
he'd repeated this phrase about five times now, enough for him to make himself believe that he really does have a girlfriend when he actually came with you— his bestfriend.
and this is the first time tonight that a person hasn't backed off even after he repeated the phrase.
she was pretty, yes. high heels, silky hair, and long nails that threaded through his hair without his permission— that sort of thing. and reo wanted nothing to do with that sort of thing.
the club was loud and crowded and maybe, just maybe if he tried to get lost in the crowd and basically get away from this unknown woman it would work.
but you'd come back and reo wouldn't be there. and then you'd both search for each other. it was too much of a hassle. the only solution was to pray to anyone out there to send you to him as soon as possible.
of course, in the midst of this tipsy lady pressing up against him and the bar becoming more and more occupied, reo unfortunately hadn't thought it all through.
so when you finally did arrive, reo had zero control of the situation.
"sorry i took so long—" you paused in the middle of your loud sentence, watching the scene unfold in front of you with a deep frown. "what's.. going on?"
"finally," he nervously chuckled, hand awkwardly wriggling out of the other lady's grip as he stepped closer to you. his eyes quickly darted towards the person beside him and he looked at you again. damn it, why was he so bad at signals? "i was almost gonna come and find you, babe."
"so you're his girlfriend?"
the slurred words tumbling out of the girl's mouth and reo's response made you guffaw, and just then you felt his hand on your lower back. you whipped your head in his direction. he bit his lip. "what?"
he was thankful you spoke in a low voice that only he could hear. it also helped that he was closer to you, which made it easier for him to lean in and whisper loudly. "she's drunk. wouldn't leave me alone even when i lied to her that i had a girlfriend. the fuck could i have done?"
"you shouldn't leave your pretty boyfriend alone like that," she rolled her eyes, noticing the way reo was awkwardly staring between you and her, unable to speak in the middle. she only smiled at him and shook her head. "you deserve better, reo."
"repeat that?" you couldn't believe the audacity of this woman.
you weren't dumb. judging from the way she was staring at reo and how he was suddenly so close to you, it was quite obvious what was going on. reo might have just pulled the both of you into a deep pile of shit, and you would like to smack him in the head for that in the car, but you had to save him somehow in the moment.
you narrowed your eyes. "don't you think you should focus more on how much you've been drinking instead of trying to talk to my boyfriend? back off."
reo's eyes widened a bit as he heard your annoyed tone, and he resisted the urge to laugh when the girl couldn't even form a proper sentence.
you sighed while taking in her state, taking reo's arm that was around your waist and slipping your hand into his. "hope you get home safe."
there was nothing left to say, and you stormed off while simultaneously pulling your fake boyfriend with you, your hands tightly locked as you pushed through the sweaty crowd.
you couldn't help but send a glare his way when he opened the car door for you outside. "so sweet of you, babe."
reo's face reddened, and he tried to convince himself that his unusually fast heartbeat (one he mostly felt during games) was because of the rush inside the club, and not because that word sounded so good from your lips. (even when you said it sarcastically.)
"'m sorry," he shrugged when he sat beside you in the driver's seat, pulling his seatbelt. "i used that line on almost everyone tonight, but she was the only one who wouldn't go away."
offended, you turned to look at him. "are you flexing about how many girls asked you out? you cannot be serious."
he rested his hands on the steering wheel, raising an eyebrow. you noticed that his hair had gotten loose from the hairtie that held it together a few hours ago.
it was infuriating that he would use you as a fake girlfriend when you've been hiding your feelings for him the whole time— as if you were his last option. but this was reo.
staying mad at him was never a successful task. especially when he looked at you like that.
"oh, you're still acting like im your boyfriend," he spoke, finding it cute that you wouldn't look him in eye when he said that. "jealous much?"
"shut up, reo. get me home."
he grinned, starting the engine and placing his hand on your knee. "you should've known by now that i love it when you get mad."
you scoffed quietly, "you're annoying."
"and you're hot when you're angry."
reo purposely revved the engine once he said that, pulling out of the narrow lane— robbing you of your chance to react instantly.
while you tried to understand whether what you heard was correct, he licked his lips in an attempt to stop himself from smirking.
"did you just say what i heard you say?" you asked, baffled. the road was almost empty due to it being past midnight, and it made you feel like reo could probably hear how loud your heart was pounding against your ribs. thankfully it was dark enough on this side, because you were pretty sure that your face was warm.
reo whistled, joking, "nobody's out here. should i speed?"
"don't just fucking ignore me," you said, still shocked.
reo's thumb hovered in small circles over your knee. he shrugged. "you're so mean, that's probably why you should be my girlfriend, then nobody will bother me."
you were debating whether this man was drunk out of his mind too.
"very funny," you chuckled, staring out of the window to watch as the street lights fluttered by, hearing the car's satisfying sounds. god, this nervousness was making you sweaty. reo was never this smooth.
he stopped the car at a red light seconds later, taking the one minute granted and looking at you. "im serious. be mine."
"no, what— no!"
"no?" he repeated your answer.
"i mean," you took a breath, "that's not how this works."
"then let me take you out."
"i thought you were joking?"
"nah. i don't have a girlfriend because there's no one like you."
tonight was just full of surprises, huh?
"reo, are you for real?"
he nodded, "believe me or not. I wasn't planning on telling you tonight, but it just happened."
just as you opened your mouth to speak, the green light was on. reo brought his attention back to the road and left you quietly thinking.
it made no sense. but you were feeling this weird tightening in your stomach and reo's hand was still on your thigh and you weren't sure if you wanted to talk further because you might just end up looking like a fool.
"chill. you don't have to say anything right now." he assured, gaze traveling from you to the front of the car in the span of five seconds. he was almost in your building's parking lot. although he hoped for something more, he wasn't going to pressure you into replying. anything but that. maybe it was time to prepare to lose a good friend—
"day after tomorrow." you interrupted his thoughts, eyes still on the view outside the window. it wasn't a good choice to look at him and his stupid pretty smile right now.
but reo looked confused. "huh?"
"im free day after tomorrow. let me know what time you're coming." you said softly, tapping his hand to let him know that he can stop the car.
he stayed silent, staring hazily as you grabbed your purse and unlocked the door to leave.
once you closed the car door from the other side, you leaned against the window. "until then, you better keep telling the other women that you have a girlfriend, got it?"
the way reo grinned made your knees a little weak. "yes ma'am."
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tightjeansjavi · 3 months
oh how I long to be napping in the sun with Joel in the middle of a wildflower field, listening to his steady heartbeat—his soft breaths, and little nasally snores 🥺
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stardust-kitten · 1 year
mark me up and fuck me senseless so i don’t have the brain capacity to overthink and make myself sad <3
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heatherfield · 7 months
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@giftober 2023 | Day 22: yellow
[Brom] was always ready for either a fight or a frolic; but had more mischief than ill-will in his composition; and with all his overbearing roughness, there was a strong dash of waggish good humor at bottom. —The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt in Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story [x]
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curioscurio · 8 months
When the blood work comes back completely normal and you're relieved but still left with no answers
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 5 months
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quietly munching on the headcanon that they both have intensely bad nightmares and/or insomnia after the Wormhole Incident and are only at ease enough to get a good night's sleep when in each other's presence😭🤧
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