judahmaccabees · 2 months
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tarot-learning · 1 year
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via pinterest
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iuliana01 · 1 year
Immagina di incontrare qualcuno che vuole conoscere il tuo passato, non per criticarti o giudicarti, ma per capire come hai bisogno di essere amato
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my-liminalspace · 1 year
Altra parola Giapponese che trovo bellissima, rappresenta più che altro un concetto: vivere la vita senza rimpianti e rimorsi accettando tutto quello che non dipende da noi e che non possiamo controllare o evitare.
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thirdity · 10 months
To see human beings as signifying animals — even outside the practice of verbal language — and to see that their ability to produce and to interpret signs, as well as their ability to draw inferences, is rooted in the same cognitive structures, represent a way to give form to our experience.
Umberto Eco, Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language
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romyy999 · 4 months
Smettila di sentirti sbagliata, incapace, indietro rispetto agli altri,
smettila immediatamente perché non sei nulla di tutto ciò,
anzi sei tanto,
vali tanto,
devi solo avere la forza di riuscire a credere in te e vederlo.
- romyy999
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priceofreedom · 10 months
honestly one of my wishes for Rebirth is that Barret's date is taken a bit more seriously
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like i know the scene in the OG is very funny and iconic with Cloud going "hoo boy" and all that but i wish they'd take this opportunity to open up to each other a little. i hope they have a more meaningful/mature conversation this time around even if they still add the comedy bit
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theartofmadrid · 3 months
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Nient’altro da aggiungere
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vrroche · 18 days
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kairologia · 1 year
Planets in Hellenistic Astrology — Part 2 : the personal & social planets.
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Mercury ☿
Mercury represents the exchange and transfer of all things, which includes :
— communication and transferring one’s thoughts to others through speaking or writing.
— mental processes
— money & trade
— traveling
— intelligence
— sleight of hand
— psychopomp
— thievery
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Gemini, Virgo
— Exaltation: Virgo
— Detriment: Sagittarius, Pisces
— Fall: Pisces
— Mercury is never more than one sign away from the sun (previous and next). For example, an Aries sun person can only have Mercury in Aries, Pisces or Taurus.
— Quality: Cold and Dry (Melancholic).
— Neutral disposition, i.e. neither feminine nor masculine.
— Slightly Diurnal.
— Colors: patterns, multicolour, mixed colors, shades of gray.
— Places: Markets, shops, money-related places, schools.
— Day of the Week: Wednesday.
— Professions: messengers, agents, dealers, astrologers, clerks, accountants, scribes, media, physicians, researchers, scientists, lawyers, orators, musicians, bankers.
— Body Parts: Tongue, brain, arms, hands, fingers, auditory system, shoulders.
— Animals: small or clever animals, animals capable of “speech” (such as parrots).
— Minerals & Stones: Copper, brass, quicksilver.
Venus ♀
Venus represents relationships and social connections of all kinds, not just romantic. She also lords over the arts, beauty, harmony, peace, pleasure, diplomacy, fashion, hygiene & desire.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Taurus, Libra
— Exaltation: Pisces
— Detriment: Aries, Scorpio
— Fall: Virgo
— How her nature was perceived varied based on whether she appeared as Morning Star Venus (Phosphorus) or as the Evening Star (Hesperus).
— Quality : Cold and Moist (phlegmatic).
— Nocturnal.
— Feminine.
— Places: places that gives pleasure and entertainment, places depicting arts, fashion halls, gardens.
— Day of the Week: Friday.
— Body Parts: Kidney, smell, neck, hips, genitals.
— Colors: White, Green, Pink, Red.
— Professions: Musicians, artists, players, jewellers, actors, designers, perfumers, inventors, diplomats, cosmetologists.
— Minerals & stones: Copper & Emerald
— Animals: doves, soft & cuddly animals, swans
Mars ♂
Mars is a malefic, and thus represents things that are not pleasant, but usually necessary such as cutting, burning, (literal and metaphorical) severing. It also encompasses anger, aggression, the assertion of will, fire, danger, combat, war, violence, & power.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Aries, Scorpio
— Exaltation: Capricorn
— Detriment: Taurus, Libra
— Fall: Cancer
— Quality : Dry and Hot (choleric).
— Nocturnal.
— Masculine.
— Places: smithies, furnaces, slaughterhouses, sources of fire/burning, places of combat, hospitals, places related to the military.
— Colors: Red, vermillion, fiery colors.
— Parts: Head, gallbladder, genitals.
— Professions: professions that involve fire, butchers, conquerors, military professions, blacksmiths, surgeons, physicians, medical workers, chemists, pharmacists & herbalists.
— Day of the Week: Tuesday
— Minerals & stones: iron, sulfur, heliotrope
— Animals: dogs, foxes, canines, panther, tigers, animals that bite or sting
Jupiter ♃
Among its general significations we can list: dignity, abundance, knowledge, justice, high mindedness, expansion, generosity, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. Jupiter also governs religion & long distance travel (as opposed to Moon & Mercury which rule over short-distance travel).
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Sagittarius, Pisces
— Exaltation: Cancer
— Detriment: Gemini, Virgo
— Fall: Capricorn
— Quality : Warm and Moist (sanguine).
— Diurnal.
— Masculine.
— Colors: Blue, blue-greens, purple, light gray.
— Profession: Judges, professions relating to government, profession relating to religion (i.e. priests), lawyers, professors, teachers, gurus.
— Places: courts, colleges & universities, observatories, religious sites & places of prayer, altars, places that gathers large group of people.
— Day of the Week: Thursday.
— Minerals & Stones: sapphire, citrine, amethyst.
— Body Parts: Thighs, feet, liver, blood, semen.
— Animals: stag, ox, bees, eagle, dolphin, whale, sheep, deer.
Saturn ♄
Saturn embodies a sense of restriction, solitude, decay, and the passage of time. It brings with it a mix of constructive (or not) challenges and somber reflections. It's a planet that evokes emotions of sorrow, misery, and grief, and is thus often associated with death. Symbolically linked to the land and the elderly, it represents things that are enduring and long-lasting. It's also associated with locks, suggesting a sense of confinement or constraint.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Capricorn, Aquarius
— Exaltation: Libra
— Detriment: Cancer, Leo
— Fall: Aries
— Quality: Cold and Dry (melancholic).
— Diurnal.
— Colors: dark colors, shades of brown, nudes.
— Profession: farmers, laborers, miners, professions of construction, professions related to the dead.
— Places: deserts, prisons, ruins, graveyards, fields, abandoned places, mines, anything underground,
— Day of the Week: Saturday
— Body Parts: Bones, teeth, skin, joints
— Animals: Cats, scavengers, adders, asps, serpents, and cockatrices
— Minerals & stones: metal, lead, lapis lazuli.
PART 1 : sun/moon/rising.
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vkncgzxf · 2 years
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Your camera roll as Charles Leclerc’s s/o
Part 2
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iuliana01 · 1 year
Una persona che non si fida di nessuno ora, un tempo si fidava troppo di persone sbagliate.
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fipindustries · 17 days
this is probably way too early to stalk talking about progress reports and should wait until i have made more substantial advancements but...
the current jennyffer project is divided in 6 phases. each phase is divided in two sections, each section in 4 parts, each part in about 20 subsections more or less
as of right now i completed phase 2, section 1, part 3. im about to begin phase 2, section 1, part 4, subsection 1 (of 20).
i probably should refrain from further updates until i complete all of phase 2 or im going to go insane
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iamhereinthebg · 10 months
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I was today years old when I learned that Owl is a word about two fcking bird species in english
I want to explode because of course I looked at the signification in french of the wrong one for the clock keepers
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The babiiies
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hastalavistabyebye · 4 months
Just discovered that pookie has an entire different meaning in english than in french. Like completely opposite.
Pookie in english : endearment for something cute
Pookie in french : a traiter/snitch/something like that
Deux salles, deux ambiances xD
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