#sikh characters
rrcraft-and-lore · 5 months
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Grimdark Magazine Issue 38 is here!!
This issue deserves so much thanks, most of all to Beth Tabler and Adrian of GDM for making it happen, and personally, I want to thank them for choosing my story as inspiration for the cover and featuring Punjabi Sikhs - which is huge.
For those who don't know, my family background is Sikh, and it's a religious minority that doesn't often feature in fiction, and I've never seen Sikh coded characters on the cover of anything sff in the West personally. In Reed Lions you'll find a band of brothers on the march, Sikh coded by names like: Harpreet, Buppi (nickname for Bulpindher), Many(short for Maninder - a Sikh friend of mine I tuckerized), and others.
The story pays nods to the sacrifice of Sikh soldiers in history and wars - like those used as cannon fodder in Africa and other wars.
At it's core: it's a story of positive masculinity and male brotherhood, duty, sacrifice, PTSD/depression, and the tolls/tragedy of war.
I want thank the members of my discord for all their support and this one is dedicated to them, and to Boe Kelley for the gift of a gaming keyboard I specifically wrote this on.
I'd like to thank Mihir, Shazzie and all the others who've taken time out to read, review, and share this. And of course the deepest thanks as well to the contributors with whom I get to share this lovely TOC and for giving their BRILLIANT stories, which you can get here.
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mastersoftheair · 6 months
on the point of including black people in the show (or any period show), a lot of the outrage can sometimes come across as performative to me. it's one thing to feel upset about how little screentime black characters get compared to white characters (a valid criticism, believe me, I Know! give me an hour and i could talk your ear off about how this constantly annoys me as a black person who's damned to enjoy period pieces), but it's another to Only get upset while not actually creating content for said black characters, Especially when fandom (not just hbo war, but in general) is famous for taking Extremely minor characters and creating entire worlds with them, to the point where you wouldn't know they're minor characters at all until you check out the source yourself. richard macon, alexander jefferson, and robert daniels each have only 20 or less posts about them (at the time of publishing this post). in my own fandom experience (within fandoms both big and small and old and new, whatever), i've seen more content (posts, art pieces, analyses, fics, etc) made for minor white characters in less than a mere week's time (it's not a competiton lol i'm just giving a perspective here). so idk. obviously, there's nothing anyone here can do about a show that's already been filmed and released. we got what we got. thas it. at least in the great wide world of fandom, you can actually do something about it, turning the big into small. there's precedent for that. otherwise it just feels like complaining for the sake of complaining
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krowfaced · 2 months
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╢Personal work & characters╟
Dernee’verse oc of the barista Doe Eye, belonging to @niladhevan. He’s the most wholesome man, too good for the universe and somehow the only character Zlatomir hasn’t defaulted to dislike upon first impressions. SIGHS IN HOPELESS LOVE FOR HIM.
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comradesummers · 4 months
I used to think that throw-away lines from a Jewish or Muslim character about how not everyone celebrates Christmas were kind of annoying in-name-only representation, but god, watching 9-1-1, where literally every character celebrates Christmas and is up for praying to Jesus in a stressful situation makes me miss even that much. Why is this show so relentlessly Christian? It's genuinely getting on my nerves.
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Ok so i havent seen the actual movie yet but i just want to ask does anyone have a clear pictures of Inspector Singh cause from what i have seen he looks like a sikh man and if he were than that means that Gayatri would be named as Gayatri Kaur instead of Gayatri Singh
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theartofmany · 2 years
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Artist: Dave Rapoza Title: Sikh
"Imaginative work based off of the amazing design work within the Sikh culture" Great work...
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for all those people wondering why i'm talking about delhi and armand in such vivid detail and that too in hindi, good question. i am a delhi ka chhokra and ofc i'll not shut up about my desi girl.
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Peeks in.
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starkitten101 · 11 months
Okay I have no idea what state of decay is and just found this page while searching up something unrelated, but I find it funny that is character is basically named “Hymn”
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drustvar · 2 years
deciding that Amar and Poppy picked a new last name together to try and protect themselves and baby Rosie from being found by Forsythia
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Diverse Stardew Valley 4.0 is officially here!
DSV 4.0 is a pretty different beast than 3.0+, and it’s bigger & better than ever 😆 The biggest difference is that we’re back on NexusMods and we’ve returned to an all-in-one download: the changes we made for 3.0 was the best move for the DSV team at the time, but things have changed in the last couple of years and we’ve updated accordingly. 
DSV 4.0 also overhauls the interior of the mod with a shiny new C# engine, DSV Core, coded by the amazing KediDili. This should improve performance and make it much easier to configure DSV to your liking!
It’d take too long to list everything that 4.0 adds or changes, but here’s a quick summary:
Added over 250+ lines of variant-based dialogue
Added new additional variants which can be used alongside other variants:
Nonbinary Abigail, Sebastian, and Emily
Aro-Ace Gus
Jewish Mullners and Elliott
Hard-of-Hearing Haley
Added new small cultural map edits for modded variants
Re-added Marigold, Linus's service dog (this option requires Sprites in Detail, Custom NPC Exclusions, & Anti-Social NPCs) with improved higher-resolution sprites
Added new minor config options:
Mermaid Pendants - Rival Hearts & Canon Couples
Flower Queen's Crown Immersion Mode
Vanilla Beach Style
Enable Variant-Based Dialogue and individual dialogue toggles for each character
Abigail Goth Makeup
Elliott Helix Piercing & Ear Piercing
Penny & Pam Dynamic Outfits
Penny Freckles
Shane Punk Accessories
Marnie Dynamic Outfits
Clint Beard
Reworked character art for modded Pam, Black Haley & Emily, and modded Sikh and non-Sikh Harvey so that they have brighter, more accurate skintones
Clarified cultural backgrounds on the DSV website for several characters:
Romani Haley and Emily are of the Lovari vitsa
Black Haley and Emily have Ghanaian heritage
Indian Sandy is Deccani
Native Leah is of the Haida nation
Black Elliott has Jamaican heritage
Updated many outfits
Added compatibility with many mods
We also have a non-seasonal version for anyone who just wants the diversity edits (although it also contains some small tidbits for vanilla players such as improved beach art) and an add-on pack so that Always Raining in the Valley NPCs Sterling, Mia, and Henry can become Flower Queens through DSV’s Flower Queen’s Crown feature.
The DSV website has also been updated with visual guides to all of the new options, so please check it out! For any translators or mod authors interested in adding compatibility, there's also a new page with detailed instructions to help you out.
Thank you all for supporting DSV! 💖
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lamaery · 9 months
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100 Portraits Challenges - Part 8 and 9
Not real ambitions for character associations here. Just looking for interesting faces and a broader diversity of skin tones.
Part eight
49-50) American actress Julia Jones
51) American actor Ritesh Rajan
52 - 53) Sikh American designer and actor Waris Ahluwalia
54 - 55) Indian actor, martial artist and stuntman Vidyut Jammwal
Part nine
56) Harvey Guillén as Guillermo De la Cruz
57-58) Canadian/American/Gambian YouTuber Khadijah Mbowe
59) One of the portraits of the Humanae Series by photographer Angélica Dass
60) German rock musician Gil Ofarim
61) Ivorian model Aminata Sanogo
The Humane series by Angelica Dass is pretty neat. It shows both the broad variety and similarities across humans from all kinds of ethnicities.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1 – Start of the project Part 2 – Kaladin Part 3 & 4 – Adolin and Renarin Part 5 – Dalinar Part 6 & 7 – Shallan and Jasnah Part 10 – a little bit for The Lopen Part 11 & 12 - Wit and Navani Part 13 - ofmd und Dev Patel :) Part 14 more ofmd and Patel
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leikeliscomet · 5 months
Its funny how people talk about classism and working class rep in RTD1 but casually say they're happy Martha wasn't working class bc 'it would've been bad representation' in the same breath. Yh, there's a lot of damaging hood stereotypes out there but being working class whilst Black doesn't automatically make the character bad. We're not problematic just for existing. If anything, Martha being a working-class Black woman becoming a doctor would've been even more groundbreaking, especially bc the average Black Brit is working-class or below. Even Freema Agyeman herself grew up on a council estate. That could've been really inspirational. The idea that UK discrimination ignores race and only focuses on class is false especially if u look at how the Windrush were treated because they were working class AND Black/of colour (Tory party appealing to white working classes with anti-immigrant rhetoric, Sikh and Muslim workers making their own unions bc they were excluded, West Indians being denied rent etc.). RTD fans love to create a split where Rose's working class rep and Martha's Black rep exist in boxes that don't ever touch but they do. I've seen so many 'but Martha's middle class so I couldn't relate to her' which is funny bc apart from ignoring all the Black fans that couldn't relate to most characters in the show anyway, a lot of us still related to Rose. South and East London are have huge multiracial and multicultural working class communities. We deserve to be represented too. We exist. Working class isn't a synonym for white.
It just says a lot how much RTD and Rose are gassed for destigmatising working class characters but it would've been sooo bad if those characters were Black lol. 'Chav' and 'roadman' have become removed from their OG meanings and are now aesthetics and trends but the actual people living their lives are still living the stigma. You lot love 'chavs' as in cute y2k fits on a conventionally attractive white woman but lord forbid a hypothetical Black person that's unemployed, broke and speaking Black Brit Vernacular getting that doccy who screentime bc that's a bit too ghetto™ apparently. It also says u lot have limited imagination. Attack the Block and The Kitchen proved Black working-class characters can exist in sci-fi and if we're gonna go there... they're doing more for working-class rep rn than RTD1 almost 2 decades ago.
Martha could've walked around in a northface jacket with half a tub of eco styler on her head and she still would've been great idc!
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fanstuffrantings · 5 months
Since you’re doing a lot of side characters too, I’m curious about what you’d do for Laki and Vjeer!
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Thsse two have been ones I've been avoiding as I try to figure out how I'd do them, though this being the push to figure them out was nice.
I've known since 2022 I wanted to make Vijeetee more clearly influenced by Punjabi/Sikh visuals.
I might alter them later but for now I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
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house-of-mirrors · 8 months
"Roleplaying game that advertises diverse background options shouldn't assume the player is Christian" is not an equivalent statement to "We should ignore the historical context that England was a predominantly Christian nation during Mask of the Rose." Reacting as if people who criticize the game for the former have said the latter is... missing the point to say the least. I love strawmen arguments /s
Despite there being Jewish and Sikh NPCs, the game does really not allow you to RP a person of any other religion, which is the center of the actual criticism people have made. I'm Catholic and have studied history and mysticism, yet I was uncomfortable with the assumptions made about the player. Even if you want to roleplay a Christian character, your options are limited
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rawk-chikk · 2 months
A coffee and a bloody Mary. Gurl is Hung. Over.
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And then they got engaged 💍.
Which was sweet and everything, but hoo boy, it was all a bit of a mess this week. Felt like the writers are trying to force the characters into the required positions for the purposes of Nish's story. I need these two out from under his shadow NOW. Hurry up and die, little man.
And the week started so strong too. Suki getting some closure, reconnecting with a friend who understands where she's coming from, proving that you can be happy and out and a Sikh at the same time.
And then it spiralled into a plot driven mess. Nish dripping poison in Eve's ear, Eve freaking out and proposing, Suki forgetting Eve's triggers, Eve forgetting Suki's triggers, the general lack of communication. Just ugh. Nobody came off smelling of roses tbh. But we got a cute proposal out of it so...yay? I guess?
The writers need to give these two their depth back, rather than papering over the cracks with little moments designed to set the socials ablaze. All we wanted out of today's ep was a conversation following the first proposal. Now the gals are engaged and, while that's where we wanted this to go eventually, a convo is still all we really wanted today.
Not unhappy, just disappointed it wasn't handled better.
But anyway.
The Merry Wives of Walford were awesome as usual. And soon to be the Merry Ex-Wives, which makes me very sad even though Staceve are ride-or-die for life, sham marriage or no.
And if Suki's 'walking thru fire' line isn't foreshading I will eat my fucking hat.
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